8ef419 No.5861035
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Q's Latest Posts
Saturday 03.23.2019
>>5854029 ————————————–——– Why are [they] attempting to re-write our history?
>>5853603 rt >>5853578 ————————— you may start your attack run
>>5853545 rt >>5853322 ————————— FIRE AT WILL, COMMANDER.
>>5853176 ————————————–——– Meme: MY TURN…
>>5853115 ————————————–——– Meme: D's haven't been this mad since R's freed the slaves
>>5853007 ————————————–——– MAYday MAYday MAYday (Cap: >>5853118 )
>>5842693 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned & coordinated propaganda event in modern day history
>>5842648 rt >>5842610 ————————— MSM: their only defense is to play 'dumb'
>>5842541 rt >>5842272 ————————— Q on Fox News commentary on tweet from Q-related account
Friday 03.22.2019
>>5838347 ————————————–——– Nunes: "Unraveling of the biggest political scandal in American history." (Cap: >>5838390 )
>>5837376 ————————————–——– [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent.
>>5836740 rt >>5836660 -————————– DECLAS is a comin'!
>>5836480 rt >>5836393 -————————– The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.
>>5836164 rt >>5836091 -————————– Sanctions lift? Anons know? (Cap: >>5836244 )
>>5836091 ————————————–——– BLOCKADE REMOVED.
Wednesday 03.20.2019
Compiled here: >>5852541
Monday 03.18.2019
Compiled here: >>5802127
Sunday 03.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5791939
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
8ef419 No.5861042
are not endorsements
>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments
>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5860953 Yucaipa Companies, LLC, Ron Burkle & Kevin Spacey are affiliated
>>5860474, >>5860549 Anon theory on upcoming DNC media tactics
>>5860876 Top 10 Propagandists Who Pushed Russia Collusion Hoax
>>5860874 Unicorn DIGG, cont. Focus on Darktrace, an AI cyber defense company
>>5860873 "The shot heard round the world" (Schumann Resonance manipulation on 11-11-18, 2-17-19 & 3-17-19 for 24 hours)
>>5860858 Call to MEME this: 'Speak softly and carry a big BARR!!'
>>5860708 (You), >>5860797, >>5860830 (You) Discussion on baking at 8chan
>>5860763 Strange disparities in NZ law: possessing prohibited weapons gets you fines or up to 3 years in jail VS mosque video (gets you 10 yrs, even more if you share)
>>5860720 Internal MoveOn doc: planning "rapid response events" to anything in Mueller report that gives them the excuse to raise hell
>>5860723 Federal prosecutor who led Michael Cohen case to step down
>>5860696 PapaD tweet with juicy leads
>>5860626 Graham jokingly asks Mar-A-Lago crowd if they're for Trey Gowdy on the SC; they applaud.
>>5860514, >>5860575 Any DIGGS on Tulsi Gabbard?
>>5860520 Fox attacks: Hannity > Tucker > T's top guests > Judge Jeanine
>>5860480, >>5860635 UK's Teresa May faces pressure to step down to save Brexit
>5860478, >>5860533, >>5860606, >>5860679, 5860654, >>5860549 Ex-criminal insider & musical entrepreneur Ron Newt dies at 69, cause is unknown / Friend claims Oprah tried to bribe him to lie about MJ week of death / Deadly Fillmore Shooting tonight was at his repast / his lawyer Peter Lopez "whacked"?
>>5860415, >>5860463, >>5860485 (You) Moar Fake News from WAPO: "8chan looks like a terrorist recruiting site after the New Zealand shootings. Should the government treat it like one?"
>>5860385, >>5860416, >>5860432, >>5860432, >>5860464, >>5860488 Anons on NZ shooting footage
>>5860377 Facebook kept millions of passwords unencrypted for years
>>5860331 Bill Maher's dumbest comment yet: "I don’t need the Mueller report to know Trump is a traitor. I have a TV."
>>5860378, >>5860384 Anon's "birds eye view" of Chandler links (lots of DIGGING IDEAS here)
>>5860451, >>5860596, >>5860638, >>5860847 Moar Chandler DIGG leads, pedos, survivors
>>5860347, >>5860364, >>5860487, >>5860498, >>5860963 American DS connections, some to Chandler? Schiff's Bronfman's, Loebs, Lehmans, Rothschilds, Astors
>>5861105 #7497
>>5854999 Is this the missing link between Ray Chandler and Michal Chelbin?
>>5855031 Robert Kraft Issues First Statement Since Solicitation Charge
>>5855059 Amazon Selling Child Sex Doll for Pedophiles
>>5855034,>>5855390 US Army Tweet-National Puppy day
>>5855121,>>5855567 Anon's history lesson on Q's meme picture
>>5855287 o7 Two fallen soldiers on March 22
>>5855448, >>5855513 THE FOUNDER OF MOSSAD HAS DIED
>>5855408 Political Editor, Sunday Times (UK) tweeting that full blown cabinet coup is under way tonight
>>5855592 #7490
>>5854192 Anon theory: DJT Groomed for this over 30 yrs (Repost)
>>5854353, >>5854498 Former head of Mossad Dies age 92 (Times of Israel)
>>5854312, >>5854499 Clockfag reports: Mispellings matter [RENEGADE]
>>5854529 Dank Lincoln meme
>>5854768 #7489
>>5853333, >>5853456 Anon original photo, RED_CASTLE flag: WRWY!
>>5853710 BetaMale O'Rourke crying about Mueller report (Breitbart)
>>5853730 Trump supporters rally in front of Trump Tower NYC (Circa)
>>5853813 Meme Typo corrected
>>5854141 Matt Taibbi says RussiaGate is this generation's WMDs
>>5853990 #7488
>>5852467 Tom /Fit/ton filed a FOIA against DOJ seeking RR records(@JudicialWatch)
>>5852488 Pegasus Spyware BS in Mexico (Borderland Beat)
>>5852495 Disneyland Guests being let back in (Breaking News Global)
>>5852585 K Collins Tweet-Barr has left Justice Dept.
>>5852787, >>5852848 Anon theory: Kid rock, Assange, Pamela?
>>5852986 Now a 2nd ship experiencing "engine problem" off Norway, same area as the cruise ship (KSL) (AP)
>>5853155 #7488
Previously Collected Notables
>>5851548 #7485, >>5852319 #7486
>>5849258 #7482, >>5850193 #7483, >>5850768 #7484
>>5847812 #7479, >>5848159 #7480, >>5848472 #7481
>>5844573 #7476, >>5855357 #7477, >>5855362 #7478
>>5842091 #7473, >>5842835 #7474, >>5843652 #7475
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
8ef419 No.5861044
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
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8ef419 No.5861045
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* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825
Meme Ammo
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* Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584
* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU
* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160
* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043
8ef419 No.5861050
8ef419 No.5861054
d73629 No.5861058
Morning, frenz. This may have been posted already but interesting that @PotusPress responded to Comey twat
70471e No.5861067
Cape Town - The co-author of controversial tell-all book The Lost Boys of Bird Island has hit back at naysayers, saying she will not apologise to the families of former apartheid cabinet ministers who were allegedly implicated in a paedophile ring.
Some media recently quoted former cabinet minister Barend du Plessis, and the family of late defence force head, General Magnus Malan, as demanding a public apology from Chris Steyn and book publishers Tafelberg following a leaked report on an investigation by private investigator Wouter de Swardt, which allegedly found no evidence that the two were involved in sex orgies with young coloured boys in the apartheid 1980s.
“I did not personally make the allegations in the book. I also did not make up the allegations in the book. I simply reported allegations made to me by various people I had spoken to. I did so accurately. I balanced those allegations with comment where available. So, there is no reason for me to apologise,” Said Steyn.
The Lost Boys of Bird Island contains chilling accounts of alleged sexual abuse of coloured teenagers by a ring including Malan, late businessman Dave Allen and late environmental affairs minister John Wiley.
816232 No.5861077
a12cf8 No.5861078
Will heads explode today?
27fe80 No.5861079
a10594 No.5861080
BREAKING: Belfast City Hospital on lockdown as police surround the grounds
2be085 No.5861081
Anyone know who/what is PotusPress? Official or unofficial?
c6dd45 No.5861082
You people still haven't figured out yet that Q is a nobody internet troll? He's just posting random rubbish you are the ones that attach meaning to it. He doesn't tell you anything or give you information he just post random shit and you fall all over yourselves looking for meaning that doesn't really exist. He's watching you dance for him. God, how long before you figure that out?
51b7e7 No.5861083
POTUS seems terribly worried about the Mueller report will reveal. Kek.
a10594 No.5861085
blfast city hospital
ba9eec No.5861086
>>5861016 (lb)
QAnon is attacking a random woman in a disturbing and dangerous way
(((Mike Rothschild)))— 2019-03-21 04:59 pm | Last updated 2019-03-22 12:30 pm
When anonymous conspiracy avatar QAnon blew another prediction, this time one that promised unspecified “PAIN” at the end of a 21-day countdown, the poster’s followers did what they always do: take it in stride.
But disturbingly, the QAnon poster refocused the subject of their cryptic posts away from the deep state and the ever-approaching Great Awakening and onto individual people. First came a series of portraits of Obama-era officials that followed posts referencing words like “kill” and “ammunition.” This came just days after the 8chan-driven massacre in Christchurch, New Zealand—and the posts were seen by many as a kind of hit list.
But after that, Q became hyperfocused on one particular person, and it’s someone that has no political footprint whatsoever: a photographer and casting director named Rachel Chandler, a member of the newspaper-dynasty Chandler family…
continued: https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/qanon-rachel-chandler/
a12cf8 No.5861087
759d64 No.5861088
Bob Kahn, Vint Cerf, Tim Berners
Lee, Bob Taylor, Marc Andreessen
8ef419 No.5861089
>>5860517 (on Mueller)
correction, above NOTABLE should be added to >>5860474, >>5860549 Anon theory on upcoming DNC media tactics
I'm trying to figure this one out….any help is appreciated
c8bff3 No.5861090
Tastiest bread!!
7a1e85 No.5861091
77bfa9 No.5861092
The Trump News Cycle:
1: EVERY HEADLINE accuses Trump of X
2: Trump calls it #FakeNews
3: The media claim Trump is attacking the 1st Amendment by criticizing them
4: Turns out Trump was right
5: Media pretend X never happened; accuse Trump of something else
6: Repeat 1-5
a10594 No.5861093
Body found it looks like.
41768c No.5861094
So what!!! we figured that out a long time ago, we just like to dance.
b49062 No.5861095
Tears of a CLOWN!
8ef419 No.5861096
Baker requests handoff.
Note taker, are you around if no baker responds?
27fe80 No.5861097
is that you, Krassenstein
ff5255 No.5861099
>>5861048 lb
I agree with you.
Of course, first it seems odd. To me, too! Maybe POTUS told them about the Mission (and Q is legit! trust me guys, we will win, togehter and some stuff) and gave them this sort of info, that they are on board fully, to clean the Mess!
NK - POTUS with China
EU - POTUS with Russia
World - best POTUS ever and Q team!
I try to figure out, for myself, how it will be possible, to safe Europe, when the Hammer finally drops! We are in a mess, like never before and without help… No chance!
26a01b No.5861103
Q drops: CLAS 1-99
This is not just about sex trafficking [1].
Will the rich & powerful influence the court to prevent the unsealing?
[1] - Sex Resort (non_temple_resort_only) > trafficked & drugged underage girls
[2] - Occult / Worship of Evil (temple) [CLAS 1-99]
Haiti >
Pray for the victims.
2) Barr to Mueller:
“Bob, show me the evidence and reasoning for why this investigation was started and still ongoing.”
Mueller to Bart:
“With regards to the President we have found no links or ties to any foreign entity etc”
Barr to Mueller:
“Mandate was clear - verify and investigate reports of possible foreign collusion between President & Russia.” “What justification existed to effectively launch a massive domestic / foreign surv campaign against the President (pres elect / president) and members of his transition / campaign team?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Steele dossier along w/ media corroboration of those findings.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was the Steele report a ‘trusted and verified’ report per Intel to continue especially considering the funding party was the opposition party?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Those facts were never taken into consideration.” “FISC granted auth to conduct based on conclusions presented.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was FISC made aware of all details surrounding the dossier?”
Mueller to Barr:
“No.” “We believe there was urgency placed on the auth given the gravity and timeline of events that those involved negated to populate fully.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Why were efforts made to continue investigating the President, interrupt his official capacity in governing, if the only doc presented was unsubstantiated and unverified?” “Why were questions and threat of subpoena communicated to the President if no factual foundation existed?”
“All charges thus far are unrelated to the original mandate - why are you still active and pursuing a crime if no verifiable evidence or evidence through discovery exists?”
Barr to RR:
“What justification did you have to effectively expand the mandate, not report that expansion to Congress, in order to seek a crime outside of R collusion?” “What specific reasoning and/or facts existed to justify the appointment of a SC to begin with per the law?” “Why did you recommend to Sessions that he should recuse?” “Why wasn’t the mandate / budget and regular updates provided to Congress upon request?” “Why is everything kept confidential and under inappropriate classification?” “Was the purpose of investigating to find a crime vs investigate evidence of a crime?”
CLAS 1-99
3) Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
1 of 22.
#Memo shifts narrative.
#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.
#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].
#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).
[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8]
Install rogue_ops
Leak C-intel/Mil assets
Cut funding to Mil
Command away from generals
Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)
SAP sell-off
Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)
Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Blind-eye NK [nuke build]
[Clas-1, 2, 3]
Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]
Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]
KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)
[CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install 'on team' SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)
Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]
Limit/remove funding of MIL
Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]
Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59
Pure EVIL.
Narrative intercept [4am].
Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.
Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].
Shutdown Primary Reasons.
Weaken military assets.
Inc illegal votes.
Black voters abandoning.
"Keep them starved"
"Keep them blind"
"Keep them stupid"
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].
The Great Awakening.
Fight, Fight, Fight.
a10594 No.5861104
YellowHammer to drop possibly..
bbf03a No.5861105
>>5861096 Here, Baker. You gonna collect notes until you go?
8ef419 No.5861106
sorry no PB previously, moving fast
>>5861089 pb
This looks right?
>>5860474, >>5860549, 5860517 Anon theory on upcoming DNC media tactics
8ef419 No.5861107
one last correction:
>>5860474, >>5860549, >>5860517 Anon theory on upcoming DNC media tactics
f24363 No.5861108
Do you not realize that they are literally hunting people who work like you at this exact moment? You may not believe in whatever we do but do you trust your own eyes and can you not see the recent "issues" befalling people who were randomly connected?
All I am saying is, if this is part of your job description my man… you may want to quit.
70471e No.5861109
Excuse me, patriots are in control now.
5c6b00 No.5861110
816232 No.5861112
Department of Energy behind Aurora Supercomputer?
41768c No.5861113
Just waiting for my check in the mail
70471e No.5861115
The way you conduct yourself on 8chan is fucking aggravating. Carry on anon.
ba9eec No.5861116
Cry some moar.
My cup needeth a refill of liberal tears.
8ef419 No.5861117
No I've got to do a little cleanup. So go for it! And thanks.
Anons, plz call out notables in RED with a brief sentence to help note taker
thanks much to all
f24363 No.5861119
Wouldn't that be amazing? Hah… how crazy would that be.
047387 No.5861121
Now I’m confused!?!
(Hungry too)
e0f6f6 No.5861126
Is the board lagging again for anyone else, pics not displaying?
630c28 No.5861128
I cleared history and refreshed and it fixed.
41768c No.5861129
Sorry I forgot I got direct deposit
4be9d5 No.5861130
Kek "if they hang…"
e0f6f6 No.5861132
70b859 No.5861133
Some pics are lagging to load for me, started about 5 min ago.
9613fb No.5861134
Hey Anons,
Someone clue me in quickly pls re qmap.pub and the number of people online bizzness
I understand that the figures shown pushing to the 300K were page visits or something or other, not exactly users/viewers inline at same time
Then the number dropped considerably, as it should, and was then noted as actual number of visitors inline …. now there’s nothing
I kinda figured why, don’t wish to elaborate in case I’m wrong, but perhaps someone smarter would clue me in … ?
5c6b00 No.5861136
27fe80 No.5861139
5f89c0 No.5861140
Mayday is May 1, just sayin
759d64 No.5861141
So we know about TikTok and their creepy child data issues, but one of the larger user groups in the US is young Service Men/Women.
Don't think I need to explain the importance of that.
Bytedance & AI (2018 most valuable startup in world-UNICORN)
AI lab was founded in 2016 and headed by Wei-Ying-Ma (former assistant managing director Microsoft Research Asia-15yrs)
*2016 a missing persons alert system was started on the TaoTiao platform (imagine that)
Post Facebook?
"ByteDance is building what comes after Facebook. Since Bytedance started from mobile and with AI, and since it’s located in China where the greatest number of consumers live, it has a distinct advantage over Facebook or Google."
d464c8 No.5861143
=BAKER, you missed the following Q Graphics all in GMT update LAST BREAD:==
>>5860971 and >>5860986 thus https://pastebin.com/zHixCGHe
Godspeed Baker
d84f26 No.5861145
f24363 No.5861146
Well I would settle for working for the NSA. Would be awesome.
d4ba7f No.5861149
5c6b00 No.5861151
What kinda Narnia shit is that gif
8ef419 No.5861152
3ff539 No.5861153
So, DECLAS and then finally arrests?
7a1e85 No.5861154
You describe our newfags perfectly (and we have a lot of newfags)
Many more people realize Q's story is still waiting for Act I to begin.
9b8eef No.5861155
Owner turned the counts off because of issues and the confusion it was causing (people claimed he was spiking the numbers but another anon had found an exploit bug and notified owner). That’s why it changed from 24 hour period to online only (when bug was discovered) and then removed completely.
f24363 No.5861156
Man I knew that cruiser issue was suspicious. The conditions in no way made it appear needing help due to conditions and, most of all, our old friend lookner was first to cover it and he fucking always covers false flags first. ALWAYS,
bbf03a No.5861159
>>5861152 (Haven't looked yet) did you get graphics anon's update?
cebe4e No.5861161
BAKER, where's 7491-7496?
6408a4 No.5861162
>>5860654 (PB)
if it is SF, and it is music industry, it connects to the Hallinan law firm.
Hallinan represented all the C_A shaped bands, coming out of SF in the 60s, making their record deals and springing them on various dope charges.
Mostly Hallinans were political, going way back, Hallinan was and is the law firm of choice for the lawless. Communists, Culties and narcotics traffickers. A controlled hangout almost certainly as the represent many SF area politicians, Mayors and Governess of CA.
Founded by Vincent Hallinan whose father Patrick was in Ireland a member of a terrorist outfit called the Irish National Invincible. Patrick cloaked criminal activity in patriotic costume.
Vincent a militant atheist educated by Jesuits founded the lawfirm..
Subversion has many branches and branches have different leaves, but the trunk runs down to the root and the root is the malignant, contagious materialist ideology of Marxism.
Marxism is a type of neural malware, a belief system the uses promises of quality, justice, merit based rationality to enmesh adherents in a "tar baby" belief system from which (like a cable contract) it is difficult to disengage.
41768c No.5861163
Whether you know it or not you are working for the NSA
6cbcac No.5861166
Seeing that he also golfs during hurricanes, fires, floods, earthquakes, pretty much all natural disasters and every weekend no matter what is going on, no matter how many people are suffering or dying, no matter what kind of important stuff is going on in his own country or abroad. Seeing that there is not much that can keep Donald Trump from golfing, I wouldn't read too much into it.
0e4e78 No.5861169
nobody is being arrested, stop being silly.
e54616 No.5861170
The lack of actual Medical expertise in this administration astounds me!
First we have the infamous quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, who has never been board certified or licensed to treat diseases that cause excruciating pain or pain management. In fact he's one of PROP's radical idiots on steroids. Why is this quack even on the CDC or writing guidelines defies any intelligence or logic. Especially when he profits from drug rehab centers and opioids rehab drugs that are more addictive, expensive and have worse tapering off side effects than other opioids. Which is why they're labeled the therapy drugs for life.
Then we Dr. Ben Carson, who I previously admired…giving exemptions for only terminally ill or cancer patients…but ignoring the most excruciating painful diseases…example, cluster headaches are not nick named 'suicide headaches' for nothing, what about Shingles, Kidney Stones, Brain Injuries, Multiple Skull Fractures & Concussions, Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Cluster Headaches, Severe Burns, Peritonitis, Dercum's Disease, Trigeminal Neuralgia, CPRS, Lupus, Gulf War Syndrome, A list of types of injuries & diseases of the spine, etc. etc. or a combo of multiple conditions,
etc, etc. And the fact that PAIN exacerbates these diseases. Besides multiple studies that link Pain & Stress to the development of Cancer.
There are an estimated 25 million of us and we have daily reminders of how insane this administrations' witch hunt on us and our physicians is and the suffering that we have been through.
Yes, we are or possibly were Trump supporters before he officially even ran and know this was created by the Obama Administration by knowingly letting the floods of illegal heroin and illegal fentanyl into the USA. Obama's administration's DEA were the first ones to target Physicians prescribing opioids to restrict the supply, while demanding Oxycontin makers reformulate Oxycontin so that it could no longer be injected or inhaled by recreational users. We also know that Obama's administration lacked enforcement of our borders, aiding in fast n furious "guns for drugs" with the Mexican Cartel, etc. etc. as if there were several agendas to their created opioid epidemic, one being Billions in profits by big pharma, rehab facilities, rehab drugs, drug testing, kick backs in campaign contributions with the taxpayers money, others organ harvesting, white genocide, suicide of the ill or elderly in pain, etc. etc..( similar to those playbook tactics by Hitler's genocide of the mentally ill, elderly, diseased, etc.of actual Germans, not just Jews).???
President Trump can end this witch hunt on chronic pain patients and their physicians immediately.
Prohibition never works…restrictions only aid in the explosion of more illegal drugs being manufactured and smuggled into the US by any means necessary.
Limiting the demand for illegal opioids will only work. And none of us want government in the room with our physicians at our appointments…our doctors know what is best for us…certainly not big pharma, not policy makers, not the Corrupt CDC, FDA, asset seizure profiting DEA, certainly not the quack Psychiatrist Dr. Andrew J. Kolodny, politicians, lobbyist, etc.
-When we voted for Trump, we did not vote for suffering of chronic pain patients or their Doctors to live in fear of writing any scripts for opioids,
-we did not vote for prohibition,
-we did not vote for nanny state medicine,
-we did not vote for invasion of our privacy,
-we did not vote for absurd contracts & erroneous false positive ridden drug testings,
-we did not vote for being be dropped by our doctors,
-we did not vote to worsen or exacerbate our medical conditions,
-we did not vote to be treated like drug addicts or our Doctors to be treated like Drug Dealers,
-we did not vote to be left alone to suffer in silence or forced to go to the black market for pain relief or commit suicide to end the constant pain.
We voted for Trump to end the obama created nightmare, not to perpetuate our suffering & the suffering of other patients in pain.
ps…I have never ever tried, asked for or have been on Oxycontin, nor do I want to…but I am not willing to limit or restrict it for those that it helps. Same with Med. Pot or even Big Pharmas' wish to peddle their own brands of Pot for billions. I will never use it but I neither want to limit it for those who it does help. Just note that the gun owning restrictions haven't even been lifted by Pres. Trump. Why not I wonder? I thought our guns were safe…so far, they are not.
361192 No.5861171
Modern cruise ships are designed so it's almost impossible for all engines to fail at once. To lose the whole lot so close to shore seems VERY dodgy.
317d85 No.5861172
Last 24hrs count vs last 30mins
Check notables for site owner explaining test/moves/motives
ff5255 No.5861173
From the article
Officials have been planning for No Deal for months and activated 320 other contingency plans before Christmas with 101 days to March 29. It included a public information campaign telling citizens to prepare their own families.
23 Mar 2019 - 10:29:30 AM
You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned and coordinated propaganda event in modern day history.
‘Projection’ 101
I don´t know?
f24363 No.5861174
Touche' but I mean in an official capacity.
6cbcac No.5861175
Wow. Whatever. I really hope you are joking.
8ef419 No.5861176
I'm an FNG baker, buddy. Been baking for less than a week. I'm pretty happy with how things are going. This work isn't about personalities, it's about our country and how we might be able to save it if we don't division-fag and work together. Recommend that you get yourself an attitude transplant.
1f7a85 No.5861177
6cbcac No.5861178
Idiot. Memes are not reality.
6408a4 No.5861179
They're working for us, shill.
2be085 No.5861180
Not new, just don't twat or even understand how it works. Thanks to anons who answered my question.
9b8eef No.5861181
You’re thinking of Obunghole and his golfing and vacations in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard…
5a6c5c No.5861182
To maintain their grip on power, aliens would be blackmailed from revealing themselves by the cabal surely? Reveal yourselves and we nuke it all.
ad3fe1 No.5861184
Night shits has been busy…thanks
8ef419 No.5861185
Thanks, I'll see what happened.
5b18e8 No.5861186
Thank you, baker!
9613fb No.5861187
Long overdue
She needs to be reminded that WE KNOW
Good post anon, nice to the ldr memes again
Ape hands always makes me kek
361192 No.5861189
If potus relaxes gun laws now, that will only offer them false flag shootings to use as a weapon against him, blaming it on the law changes
186c6c No.5861190
Was Barr supposed to act somehow by Sunday on Mueller report?
5200da No.5861191
Since it is Sunday, "Amen, brother".
Ty Baker for your service.
d84f26 No.5861192
Bronfman Rothschild
How’s the extradition relationship with US and CAN?
Anyone big recently transferred to US custody?
Who’s next?
Lynn you sleeping ok?
Your iphone sleep tracker seems to indicate restless nights
9613fb No.5861193
6ec32b No.5861194
aaand the pay, it sucks….
Like working for a just cause
Just ‘cause
de806d No.5861195
Defin reality. Who controls the narrative?
e54616 No.5861196
f24363 No.5861198
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Speaking of Lawrence, do you guys remember when his coms were… somehow.. jammed last year? LOL… he pisses off the anons and they gave him a gift or commercials and construction in his earpiece.
7a1e85 No.5861200
The hardest part of baking has always been dealing with the assholes here.
You are doing fine, baker, thank you.
047387 No.5861201
Similar to attitude transplant:
6cbcac No.5861202
I really wish I could believe that everyone who replied to this was joking. Unfortunately I know it's not. You have no idea how online conspiracy theory scams work and you haven't even looked it up to read about it because you're too afraid to realize that you have been scammed. I would suggest doing it before you waste any more of your life on this. Q is not even the same person that began this in fact he's not even the second. As one's dropped out another one's taking up the mantle. It's a nobody. He doesn't give you any information. He drops random rubbish and you make it mean whatever you want it to mean. None of this is real.
cd040c No.5861203
>>5860938 (LB)
This is fuckin awesome.
Glad we have other skywatcher and meterologyfags here. Hope this goes somewhere. Been posting about Schumann on and off, saw others post about spikes, not a deep discussion. Everything is frequency. Keep digging, frens!
5a6c5c No.5861204
They never thought she would lose.
Is that definitely Clinton or is Elizabeth 2?
I ask because clearly everything is run out of the UK, which is why POTUS and MP taking over the C_A didn't stop the Deep State.
aa2b48 No.5861205
Sounds exactly like at 90% of the relationships I've been. Looks like this Anon has a "type"…
That's cool - we can be friends.
2d3256 No.5861206
Author of South African Pedophile Ring Expose Book Under Attack
814133 No.5861207
GAA Update
"FIRE AT WILL!"Edition
Hello Anons,
I added #7476 to #7497 and updated the checksums.
7576-7497.zip MD5: b64681e6f088350e705b3114f2fb123e
7576-7497.html.zip MD5: d2ab155c02f4f74c4ecb6a7e7c8dc709
The archive now contains 7500 breads.
9613fb No.5861208
5a6c5c No.5861209
Cleary Elizabeth 2 is German and runs Germany.
The German influence spoken of by Q could be the British Royal family.
edcb2d No.5861210
Nah. My money's on Monday, anon. After the scripted Sunday talking head dolts have staked their claim.
ba9eec No.5861212
>the pay, it sucks
True dat. Still, the best damn job I've ever had.
996a3c No.5861214
Did you know the Sabbath was originally Saturday? Changed last century by Satans' Pope? Why is Sunday the first day of a week and not 7. They never did change that.
d84f26 No.5861215
Well where were you when the first @potus_schedule handle was taken down in February because someone leaked POTUS schedule?
We talked about the account for a year.
There seems to be a slide to discredit that account
Sorry anon logic dictates extreme vetting for all posts
cd040c No.5861216
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5860951
Video regarding StarGate.
Truly amazing, should watch fellow SchumannAnons.
e81b54 No.5861217
NAH Monday RBG “suddenly” passes away kek
ff6864 No.5861218
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. What could keep C-Handler, Prince Andrew, FISAGate off the front pages?
Secret Meghan Markle ‘Sex Tape’ Allegedly Offered For Sale (Video)
Vid: 17mins in
This smug dude,Kevin Blatt, is a Sex Tape Broker (Hilton, Trashians, JLo et al)
a12cf8 No.5861219
6408a4 No.5861220
We have effective non narcotic pain killers which have been suppressed. Probably not needed because curing the underlying complaint by bio rejuvenation is a much better solution.
We can do that too, publicly since 2010 but probably long before in covert programs.
MSM doesn't report it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen or that is not reported in specialist journals.
f6d453 No.5861221
>The archive now contains 7500 breads.
7a1e85 No.5861222
Please tell us more things.
361192 No.5861223
And you've come here just to help us out of the kindness of your heart?….aww bless.
6cbcac No.5861225
Why would someone who supposedly has a "security clearance" with access to probably more information than all of you put together…and, from what is said here, an entire "team" working for him, need to ask you all these questions? As if he needs help? Really?
It is not logical to think that somebody important is posting important information on a public Chan board and then throwing in disinformation to keep the enemy off the trail.
You can do the same thing by not posting stuff on a public board to begin with.
And if that's the only communication he supposedly has with his "team"….and you don't know which is real and which is false how would THEY know which is real and which is false? They wouldn't. It would be utter confusion. Now is that any way to run an operation?
There are many hundreds of ways to communicate with people other than a public shitposting Chan board. Try to think logically people. None of this is real. Internet conspiracy theory scams like this I've been around a long time this is just one in a long line of them.
eb2926 No.5861226
>Your efforts are appreciated here, baker. Thank you.
e81b54 No.5861230
Not sure if it’s been noted but Parkland survivor commits suicide
186c6c No.5861231
Wuestion to NZanons
Harsh vidya punishmentd
Which existing law exactly they applied?
6408a4 No.5861232
2d3256 No.5861234
Apparently nobody updated Rothschild that Rachel Chandler was investigated months ago. He's WAY behind the news cycle.
d464c8 No.5861235
"A total of 17 Americans took advantage of New Zealand’s Investor Plus Visa – which requires a $10 million investment over 36 months – last year."
e81b54 No.5861236
Forgot sauce
e54616 No.5861237
Why the Continued War on Chronic Pain Patients & Their Doctors when Physician Prescribed Opioids deaths: 17,029 (could even be lower)Per CDC…
Because it is an estimated Multi-Billion Profit Scam…funded mostly by the tax payers.
Just imagine the $$$ in kick backs to politicians
Call it what it really is!
STOP the Lies!
It is & always was an illegal heroin & illegal fentanyl flooding of the USA.
Not a Doctor prescribed opioid epidemic!
Follow the money, who profits by restricting Doctors from prescribing pain meds to their patients with chronic pain!
d84f26 No.5861239
How’s the GCHQ?
2aa778 No.5861241
Psychological projection 101
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually intolerant may constantly accuse other people of being intolerant. It incorporates blame shifting.
047387 No.5861243
I’m sure that everything on the internet is maybe true.
6ec32b No.5861244
work this mission like second job
family work QResearch
2f9455 No.5861246
>▶Anonymous 03/24/19 (Sun) 12:31:25 70471e (4) No.5861122>>5861130
>File (hide): 071fc840550de59⋯.jpeg (42.17 KB, 605x346, 605:346, 9F32F038-CF1E-42A6-82C7-E….jpeg) (h) (u)
>File (hide): f31e33ba3eee43f⋯.jpeg (64.66 KB, 720x405, 16:9, D34F867F-6D0A-496C-AE04-6….jpeg) (h) (u)
5fc665 No.5861247
>>5860487 lb
look at Liddle or Liddel Mathers for Marshall connection
5c6b00 No.5861248
YEAH… Q is a larp like 45 was going to impeached with the (unimaginable amount of evidence) kek you dont have shit scab
e54616 No.5861249
-Despite frequent robberies and burglaries of pharmacies, doctors' offices, and warehouses where prescription medications are stored and sold, the DEA has focused a troubling amount of time and resources on the prescriptions issued by practicing physicians. It's easy to see why. Doctors keep records. They pay taxes. They take notes. They're an easier target than common drug dealers. Doctors don't shoot back and Doctors also often aren't aware of asset forfeiture laws.
-A physician's considerable assets can be divided up among the various law enforcement agencies investigating him before he's ever brought to trial.
-Over the last several years, hundreds of physicians have been put on trial for charges ranging from health insurance fraud to drug distribution, even to manslaughter and murder for over-prescribing prescription narcotics. Many times, investigators seize a doctor's house, office, and bank account, leaving him no resources with which to defend himself.
-Even if criminal charges are never filed a police dept can still bring a civil action against a suspected medical professional to recover the cost of an investigation.
But The DEA & SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Give “Carte Blanche” & “Waivers to prescribe higher doses/limits of controlled substances” to Providers that prescribe “Addiction Therapy Drugs” that are more addictive, controlled substances, tagged the “lifetime therapy drug”, more severe withdrawal symptoms, more side effects and more expensive!
-Addiction Drug Therapy buprenorphine $115.00 per week or $5,980.00 per year. Suboxone sells for $560 at CVS and $553 at Target for a 30-day supply, according to GoodRx.
-Addiction Drug Therapy naltrexone ( Vivitrol ) – up to $1200 to $1,176.50 per injection $1,176.50 per month or $14,112.00 per year.
-Addiction Drug Therapy Methadone $126.00 per week or $6,552.00 per year.
cd040c No.5861250
Not even just saying it’s our tech. What I am saying is that is it a possibility it’s a genius Divenly planned design that Man cannot fuck with, and it is used to raise our consciousness. Think bigger, Anon. That’s all we are asking.
edcb2d No.5861252
Oh damn. Didn't see that coming. You may be right.
Once she's wheeled out, they'll need more corpses…
Let the bodies his the floor.
See ya!!
f8bd07 No.5861253
Interesting thread on Fox. I'm not familiar with @40_head, it was retweeted by @prayingmedic
5fc665 No.5861254
one of the founders of Golden Dawn
ba9eec No.5861255
Glad I don't speak Spanish, because if I did could never enjoy the many iterations of this. Same goes for the Hitler video and not speaking german.
Well done anon.
70471e No.5861256
>This work isn't about personalities
>I'm an FNG baker, buddy. Been baking for less than a week. I'm pretty happy with how things are going.
Oy vey! Then you should know to PB/LB, faggot. Baking doesn’t put you in an elevated position whatsoever. Nor does it give you carte Blanche to thumb your nose at other people. Don’t be a fucking shithead.
452630 No.5861257
Let's just say Q never existed.
Trump was deep into the swamp with every Democrat in his pocket. He's rubbed elbows with every twisted world power and undoubtedly participated in something nefarious - it's unavoidable.
What makes Democrats believe that Trump didn't have all of his asses covered prior to running for president?
Trump knows what the Democrats are capable of - he was one.
e7f5e7 No.5861258
Why are the Hatians targeted?
Low incidence of Hep C and Hep B?
16 times lower than Asia?
Asian hot spots at 8%?
Data on the seroprevalence of viral hepatitis are limited in Haiti; consequently, the epidemiology is poorly described. This study aims to provide a descriptive analysis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) seroprevalence of blood donations in Haiti.
Materials and Methods
Using Haiti's National Blood Safety Program and Haitian Red Cross reports from 2005 to 2014, we analysed the results of screening tests of donor serum samples to assess HBV and HCV seroprevalence among adults aged 17 to 65 years.
A total of 198 758 donor samples were screened from 2005 to 2014, of which 0·56% were positive for antibody to hepatitis C virus (anti‐HCV) and 3·80% were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen. Over the 10‐year study period, anti‐HCV seroprevalence among blood donors increased by 31% from 0·66% to 0·86% (95% CI: 1·01–1·70); however, this trend was not uniform over time, with a significant decrease from 0·66% in 2005 to 0·39% in 2009 (95% CI: 0·43–0·82) and 0·43% in 2012 (95% CI: 0·50–0·90). Conversely, HBV decreased significantly by 13% from 3·95% in 2005 to 3·42% in 2014 (95% CI: 0·77–0·97), a trend that was also observed in 2012 and 2013.
An estimated 143 million people (2%) worldwide are infected with hepatitis C as of 2015. In 2013 about 11 million new cases occurred. It occurs most commonly in Africa and Central and East Asia. About 167,000 deaths due to liver cancer and 326,000 deaths due to cirrhosis occurred in 2015 due to hepatitis C. The existence of hepatitis C – originally identifiable only as a type of non-A non-B hepatitis – was suggested in the 1970s and proven in 1989. Hepatitis C infects only humans and chimpanzees.
d609a5 No.5861259
April [A].
IG report.
Sessions public attack.
RR problems.
Seals broken.
Why was Huber made public?
Why now?
Everything has meaning.
Election Integrity.
Immigration Bill.
Military start.
BIG month.
8b28cf No.5861260
>Once she's wheeled out,
ff6864 No.5861261
Friday, March 22, 2019
Blind Item #3
I told you many months ago that the sex tape existed that has the alliterate former actress turned married celebrity. That has now been confirmed by an A list celebrity sex tape broker who has seen the video and is publicly speaking about it.
f24363 No.5861262
Red vein Kratom. 19.99, no side effects, no withdrawal issues during period of getting over opiates, and no danger to individual.
It's too bad people do not use it. It's fucking miracle shit.
7c593c No.5861263
dat boi q
he guud
e7f5e7 No.5861264
April showers bring really big Drops.
ed12e0 No.5861265
>dem orc rat
I'm kind of disappointed nobody trolled Q by telling them to expand their thinking as a retort to their (Q's) spelling error comment kekeke
047387 No.5861266
Keepin the fake shootings in the news. Gotta repeat that lie often so it becomes true.
e54616 No.5861267
Politicians Practicing Medicine Without A License For Profit!
Where is the war on "-Unintentional fall deaths: 34,673"
Where is the war on STDs " STD related bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of those infections”-CDC 2013
Where is the War on Alcoholic liver disease? Alcoholic liver disease deaths: 21,815
Why the Continued War on Chronic Pain Patients and Their Doctors when Physician Prescribed Opioids deaths: 17,029 (could even be lower )Per CDC…
Because it is an estimated Multi-Billion Profit Scam…funded mostly by the tax payers.
Would it surprise you to know that the market for the addiction recovery industry is well in excess of $35 billion a year?
That is a 44% increase since 2009. By 2020, spending in estimated to reach $42 billion, representing a jump of another 20%. (my opinion, total profits from the fabricated profit created opioid scam is over $100 Billion…)
How much money can be made on a single patient?
-Professional intervention – $2500, plus expenses
-Residential drug detox – at least $500 per day, lasting anywhere from 3 to 14 days
-Inpatient drug rehab – between $6000 and $32,000, depending upon location and amenities. In fact high-end, “luxury” rehabs can cost over $100,000 for a 30-day stay.
-Intensive outpatient programs – up to $10,000 per month
-Partial hospitalization programs – between $350 and $450 per day
-Sober living facilities – up to $2500 per month
-Once-monthly administrations of Vivitrol – up to $1200 per injection
-Sober coaches – up to $1900 per day, plus expenses and travel, usually with a five-day minimum
In addition to “addiction therapy Drugs”, is the multi-Billion Frequent Drug Testing Industry with an absurd failure rate. Etc
End the War on Chronic Pain Patients and their Physicians…This was never the cause of the fake RX prescribed opioid crisis for profit.
We all know that it was illegal heroin & fentanyl brought in from Mexico and China by the previous administration.
To delay the end to this witch hunt defies logic and humane decency….unless there were never plans to end it.
Cruel and Inhumane Treatment & Unusual Punishment
Pharmaceuticals / Health Products: Money to Congress https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary.php?ind=H04&recipdetail=S&sortorder=A&cycle=All&fbclid=IwAR2JzYGASCA5iNtFbe2Wcic-lrdB-VLPRjwpsFoxdmFS7bxpEeosbpYwQRY
cd040c No.5861268
41768c No.5861269
Jack P. You really need to stop coming here, It's driving you crazy!!!
edcb2d No.5861270
This must be true. Because I
do not want it to be true…so it must be.
Or maybe it cannot be because I do not want it to be.
Or maybe it only could be, therefore is.
Ackchually…YOU GLOW.
That's what is absolutely certain here.
bbf03a No.5861271
Reminder - There is No Baker in the House
Anons, please volunteer
(Note taker will update prior to leaving while previous baker is fixing the dough.)
d84f26 No.5861273
The clowns are desperate
I heard the FVEY conference call yesterday they only talked about one thing:
Discredit Q
Oh and how the islands of UK AUS or NZ would withstand a US military invasion
Not well.
e54616 No.5861274
-The overall mortality rate for prescription opioids is comparable to the fatality risk of one year of daily aspirin use! (From SAMHSA own 2017 estimates )
-In 2017, illegal heroin & Fentanyl accounted for more than three-fourths of all opioid overdose deaths.
The non-opioid antipsychotic drug Clozapine was found to have a sudden death rate of 0.71 percent for those treated with the drug in the sample …more dangerous than RX opioids!
Joshua T. Cohen and Peter J. Neumann, “What’s More Dangerous, Your Aspirin or Your Car? Thinking Rationally about Drug Risks (and Benefits),” Health Affairs 26, no. 3 (2007): 636-46. The authors find that daily aspirin use has a fatality risk of 10.4 per 100,000 person years, which translates to a 0.000104 fatality risk per year.
Our goal in this paper is to add to the policy debate about drug risks by comparing the mortality risks of common drugs with other risks people confront related to work, transportation, and recreation. Comparing risks in this way can provide a more intuitive sense of the magnitude of drug risks than stand-alone estimates can not.
To the Editor: Recently, we examined our current files to determine the incidence of narcotic addiction in 39,946 hospitalized medical patients' who were monitored consecutively.
Although there were 11,882 patients who received at least one narcotic preparation, there were only four cases of reasonably well documented addiction in patients who had a history of addiction. The addiction was considered major in only one instance. The drugs implicated were meperidine in two patients, Percodan in one, and hydromorphone in one.
"We conclude that despite widespread use of narcotic drugs in hospitals, the development of addiction is rare in medical patients with no history of addiction."
JANE PORTER & HERSHEL JICK, M.D. Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program Boston University Medical Center
1986 paper on the "chronic use of opioid analgesics in non-malignant pain" by Dr. Russell Portenoy and Kathy Foley in Pain, the official journal of the American Pain Society.
"We conclude that opioid maintenance therapy can be a safe, salutary and more humane alternative to the options of surgery or no treatment in those patients with intractable non-malignant pain and no history of drug abuse," Portenoy and Foley wrote.
Long-Term Use and Addiction
The claim that long-term medical use generates addiction is the opposite of the consensus that began to emerge in the 1980s, which held that long-term medical use rarely generates addiction. Proponents of the standard explanation argue that, in coming to this more benign view of opioids, physicians and pharmaceutical companies relied excessively on a 1980 letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, which stated:
Although there were 11,882 patients who received at least one narcotic preparation, there were only four cases of reasonably well documented addiction in patients who had no history of addiction. . . . We conclude that despite widespread use of narcotic drugs in hospitals, the development of addiction is rare in medical patients with no history of addiction.
Advocates of the standard view argue that this letter provided insufficient grounds for the conclusion that long-term opioid use poses little risk of addiction, noting the letter’s brevity and limited peer review.
Studies since the 1980s, however, have consistently found only a modest risk of addiction or dependence from the medical use of opioids, in the range of 0 to 5 percent.
== A 2018 study of more than 568,000 patients receiving opioids between 2008 and 2016 found a “misuse” rate of 0.6 percent.
Reports of opioid abuse did not increase in the 1990s despite increased medical use. A substantial fraction of patients who exhibit addiction after medical use have a preexisting psychological disease or history of addiction According to the medical handbook Clinical Drug Data,
“addiction does not occur when these drugs are used for legitimate painful conditions.” ==
Part 1 of 2
996a3c No.5861275
All your wish are belong to us. Now run along and get shelter. There is a storm coming.
cde38d No.5861276
ff5255 No.5861278
>>5857073 in a bread, long long ago
e54616 No.5861279
The Sauce…
Jane Porter and Hershel Jick, “Addiction Rare in Patients Treated with Narcotics,” New England Journal of Medicine 302, no. 2 (January 10, 1980): 123.
David A. Fishbain et al., “What Percentage of Chronic Nonmalignant Pain Patients Exposed to Chronic Opioid Analgesic Therapy Develop Abuse/Addiction and/or Aberrant Drug-Related Behaviors? A Structured Evidence-Based Review,” Pain Medicine 9, no. 4 (2007): 444-59.
Ilan Modai et al., “Sudden Death in Patients Receiving Clozapine Treatment: A Preliminary Investigation,” Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 20, no. 3 (2000): 325-27.
G. A. Brat et al., “Postsurgical Prescriptions for Opioid Naïve Patients and Associations with Overdose and Misuse: Retrospective Cohort Study,” BMJ 360 (January 17, 2018).
David E. Joranson et al., “Trends in Medical Use and Abuse of Opioid Analgesics,” JAMA 283, no. 13 (2000): 1710-714.
David A. Fishbain et al., “What Percentage of Chronic Nonmalignant Pain Patients Exposed to Chronic Opioid Analgesic Therapy Develop Abuse/Addiction and/or Aberrant Drug-Related Behaviors? A Structured Evidence-Based Review,” Pain Medicine 9, no. 4 (2007): 444-59.
Part 2 of 2
8a037c No.5861280
d84f26 No.5861281
0a2279 No.5861282
Anyone else notice at the top of the hour, shill team 6 clocked in to work? Was a smooth last breads for hours. Like clockwork.
ba9eec No.5861283
A word like that tells you, this shill ain't around from these parts, and his sentiment tells you he has nothing to do with our UK bros.
8ef419 No.5861286
CORRECTED dough (see corrected notables below)
are not endorsements
>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5857423 BO on global notables
>>5860953 Yucaipa Companies, LLC, Ron Burkle & Kevin Spacey are affiliated
>>5860474, >>5860549, >>5860517 Anon theory on upcoming DNC media tactics
>>5860876 Top 10 Propagandists Who Pushed Russia Collusion Hoax
>>5860874 Unicorn DIGG, cont. Focus on Darktrace, an AI cyber defense company
>>5860873 "The shot heard round the world" (Schumann Resonance manipulation on 11-11-18, 2-17-19 & 3-17-19 for 24 hours)
>>5860858 Call to MEME this: 'Speak softly and carry a big BARR!!'
>>5860708 (You), >>5860797, >>5860830 (You) Discussion on baking at 8chan
>>5860763 Strange disparities in NZ law: possessing prohibited weapons gets you fines or up to 3 years in jail VS mosque video (gets you 10 yrs, even more if you share)
>>5860720 Internal MoveOn doc: planning "rapid response events" to anything in Mueller report that gives them the excuse to raise hell
>>5860723 Federal prosecutor who led Michael Cohen case to step down
>>5860696 PapaD tweet with juicy leads
>>5860626 Graham jokingly asks Mar-A-Lago crowd if they're for Trey Gowdy on the SC; they applaud.
>>5860514, >>5860575 Any DIGGS on Tulsi Gabbard?
>>5860520 Fox attacks: Hannity > Tucker > T's top guests > Judge Jeanine
>>5860480, >>5860635 UK's Teresa May faces pressure to step down to save Brexit
>5860478, >>5860533, >>5860606, >>5860679, 5860654, >>5860549 Ex-criminal insider & musical entrepreneur Ron Newt dies at 69, cause is unknown / Friend claims Oprah tried to bribe him to lie about MJ week of death / Deadly Fillmore Shooting tonight was at his repast / his lawyer Peter Lopez "whacked"?
>>5860415, >>5860463, >>5860485 (You) Moar Fake News from WAPO: "8chan looks like a terrorist recruiting site after the New Zealand shootings. Should the government treat it like one?"
>>5860385, >>5860416, >>5860432, >>5860432, >>5860464, >>5860488 Anons on NZ shooting footage
>>5860377 Facebook kept millions of passwords unencrypted for years
>>5860331 Bill Maher's dumbest comment yet: "I don’t need the Mueller report to know Trump is a traitor. I have a TV."
>>5860378, >>5860384 Anon's "birds eye view" of Chandler links (lots of DIGGING IDEAS here)
>>5860451, >>5860596, >>5860638, >>5860847 Moar Chandler DIGG leads, pedos, survivors
>>5860347, >>5860364, >>5860487, >>5860498, >>5860963 American DS connections, some to Chandler? Schiff's Bronfman's, Loebs, Lehmans, Rothschilds, Astors
>>5861105 #7497
>>5860012 Key lawmakers press Trump admin to revoke Iranian student visas
>>5859980 California Pulls National Guard from Border for Wildfire Protection
>>5860084, >>5860086, >>5860089 Resignations in the news 3/22
>>5859787, >>5859789, >>5859869 Resignations in the news 3/21
>>5859702, >>5859745, >>5860224 Reminder: (Adam) Schiff family close to Rothschilds
>>5859657 Marines seize an airfield and small island while testing tactics for fight against China
>>5859656 Denise DuBarry Hay dies of "rare malady" (involved with Olive Crest nonprofit for abused/at risk children)
>>5859612 Man who raped toddler walks free (Judge: There is "no real purpose" in imprisoning him)
>>5859604, >>5859864, >>5859696 Rep. Ilhan Omar meeting secretly with groups supporting terrorism in private fundraisers
>>5859581, >>5859875 Ilhan Omar faces hundreds of protesters outside CAIR fundraiser
>>5859593, >>5859750 Jacinda Ardern received a Freemason scholarship
>>5859571 CF DIGG: Clintons & Kissingers liked to vacation together in Punta Cana
>>5859570 Biden calls America an embarrassment
>>5859550 GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel slammed for saying MSNBC showed media bias for not covering the fall of ISIS after one crew member was killed in bomb attack
>>5859542 Copy & state atty jailed after fellow cops caught them raping a baby and filming it
>>5859690 Rachel Chandler DIGG, con't.
>>5859565, >>5859572, >>5859591 Look anons! Crafts stories now promote Q?
>>5859626 Hartford Police Chief David Rosado to resign after 14 mos on the job
>>5859580 Article on the speech that's the basis for "This video will get DJT elected"
Previously Collected Notables
>>5858689 #7494, >>5859487 #7495
>>5856357 #7491, >>5857132 #7492, >>5857944 #7493
>>5853990 #7488, >>5854768 #7489, >>5856116 #7490
>>5851548 #7485, >>5852319 #7486, >>5860193 #7487
>>5849258 #7482, >>5850193 #7483, >>5850768 #7484
>>5847812 #7479, >>5848159 #7480, >>5848472 #7481
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
f24363 No.5861288
Ohhhhhhh shit….. never before has he spoken like that. Ohhhh shit…
77bfa9 No.5861289
>Seals broken.
Sealed to unsealed indictments..
8a037c No.5861290
6cb481 No.5861291
PETITION : Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019.
UK anons - you know what you need to do.
996a3c No.5861292
ba9eec No.5861293
POTUS back to twatting!
186c6c No.5861294
I am not autistic enough to understand you POTUS
068517 No.5861296
Good Morning Mr. President! You have a great day! MAGA WWG1WGA
8ef419 No.5861297
will make one more pass for minor corrections
41768c No.5861298
since this has been planned well in advance I would call that Gathering Intel
0923bb No.5861299
7c593c No.5861300
gah is absoloot fackin rubbish m8
chuckit inna bin
fcf62a No.5861301
Morning anons (: I’m excited for today
f24363 No.5861302
Numerous buttholes across the libisphere just clenched so tight that you couldn't shoot a greased pea up there.
4c4788 No.5861304
Thought the same thing, kek!
26a01b No.5861305
Good Morning Mr. President!! Hope you have an Awesome Sunday! Safe travels home! :)
47d570 No.5861306
actually, at the time (roughly 1500 bce) the "sabbath" became a commandment, they did not have names for the days of the week… days were calendar only (like 1st of Tishrei, 2nd of Tishrei, ect…)
cde38d No.5861307
996a3c No.5861309
Pssst. It's called preparation before SHTF. But stupid people need to ask stupid question when they are stupid.
f8bd07 No.5861310
And #2, with 1 minute delta.
2f9455 No.5861312
e54616 No.5861313
SICKENING: Taking Your Rights Away & Your Right To Defend Yourself, Even If You've Never Committed A Crime!
New Laws Force Drug Users Into Rehab Against Their Will~2017
Her only “crime,” Debra Hicks says, was having a bad reaction to her doctor-prescribed opioid medication. And a psychiatrist she’d never met involuntary committed her
Hicks claims she had been placed in five-point restraints and “forcibly and unwillingly subjected to the use of strong antipsychotic medications”
When Hicks attempted to leave the hospital—a full 24 hours after being released from the ER—she was chased down and brought back by local police and hospital security guards.
According to the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws, 37 states already have statutes that allow substance abusers who have not committed a crime to be briefly detained against their will. In most cases the legal bar is high. Passing a new measure that allows individuals with substance abuse problems to be held up to 90 days against their will. Some with just "reasonable cause".
Meanwhile, detaining a person who has committed no crime based on what they might do in the future has potentially severe long-term repercussions.
“Involuntary commitment gives someone a lifelong marker that interferes with their ability to get health care coverage or OWN A FIREARM, and it could prevent them from getting certain jobs, like federal employment,” said Mary Catherine Roper, of the the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.
Once a civil commitment is on a person’s record, Roper says, it’s nearly impossible to get it expunged.
"The Snake Pit", not just a fictitious movie anymore! Things just got scarier!
ed12e0 No.5861314
> gets the impression of a troll waking up on the good side of the bed.
And a Glorious Spring day to you as well Mr. President :D
Does morning sun bring heat?
ba9eec No.5861315
2d3256 No.5861316
Yeah, Aurora. Like where the DS world headquarters is settling in. Aurora, Colorado & environs.
f24363 No.5861317
Q+ should say "Off we go into the wild blue yonder". Do it…
ce8dfe No.5861319
Have a Great day to you too Mr. Trump, to your whole family and friends, and all the Anons. :)
d84f26 No.5861320
His sentiment to discredit Q/r?
Q was the first to explain the GCHQ worked with Renegade to spy on DJT.
British government has never been our friend.
Which makes me think what is your sentiment?
7a1e85 No.5861321
Read a book you fucken retard.
"Lord's Day" took place of Sabbath in the first century.
b63369 No.5861322
>>5858597 PB
Excellent guess.
4f965a No.5861323
>>5861011 (lb)
>The German influence spoken of by Q could be the British Royal family
I think this one goes back a ways in time. . .
7c593c No.5861326
decent benefits though right?
8ef419 No.5861327
Accuracy check for notables post
are not endorsements
>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5857423 BO on global notables
>>5860953 Yucaipa Companies, LLC, Ron Burkle & Kevin Spacey are affiliated
>>5860474, >>5860549, >>5860517 Anon theory on upcoming DNC media tactics
>>5860876 Top 10 Propagandists Who Pushed Russia Collusion Hoax
>>5860874 Unicorn DIGG, cont. Focus on Darktrace, an AI cyber defense company
>>5860873 "The shot heard round the world" (Schumann Resonance manipulation on 11-11-18, 2-17-19 & 3-17-19 for 24 hours)
>>5860858 Call to MEME this: 'Speak softly and carry a big BARR!!'
>>5860708, >>5860797, >>5860830 Discussion on baking at 8chan
>>5860763 Strange disparities in NZ law: possessing prohibited weapons gets you fines or up to 3 years in jail VS mosque video (gets you 10 yrs, even more if you share)
>>5860720 Internal MoveOn doc: planning "rapid response events" to anything in Mueller report that gives them the excuse to raise hell
>>5860723 Federal prosecutor who led Michael Cohen case to step down
>>5860696 PapaD tweet with juicy leads
>>5860626 Graham jokingly asks Mar-A-Lago crowd if they're for Trey Gowdy on the SC; they applaud.
>>5860514, >>5860575 Any DIGGS on Tulsi Gabbard?
>>5860520 Fox attacks: Hannity > Tucker > T's top guests > Judge Jeanine
>>5860480, >>5860635 UK's Teresa May faces pressure to step down to save Brexit
>>5860478, >>5860533, >>5860606, >>5860679, >>5860654, >>5860549 Ex-criminal insider & musical entrepreneur Ron Newt dies at 69, cause is unknown / Friend claims Oprah tried to bribe him to lie about MJ week of death / Deadly Fillmore Shooting tonight was at his repast / his lawyer Peter Lopez "whacked"?
>>5860415, >>5860463, >>5860485 (You) Moar Fake News from WAPO: "8chan looks like a terrorist recruiting site after the New Zealand shootings. Should the government treat it like one?"
>>5860385, >>5860416, >>5860432, >>5860432, >>5860464, >>5860488 Anons on NZ shooting footage
>>5860377 Facebook kept millions of passwords unencrypted for years
>>5860331 Bill Maher's dumbest comment yet: "I don’t need the Mueller report to know Trump is a traitor. I have a TV."
>>5860378, >>5860384 Anon's "birds eye view" of Chandler links (lots of DIGGING IDEAS here)
>>5860451, >>5860596, >>5860638, >>5860847 Moar Chandler DIGG leads, pedos, survivors
>>5860347, >>5860364, >>5860487, >>5860498, >>5860963 American DS connections, some to Chandler? Schiff's Bronfman's, Loebs, Lehmans, Rothschilds, Astors
>>5861105 #7497
>>5860012 Key lawmakers press Trump admin to revoke Iranian student visas
>>5859980 California Pulls National Guard from Border for Wildfire Protection
>>5860084, >>5860086, >>5860089 Resignations in the news 3/22
>>5859787, >>5859789, >>5859869 Resignations in the news 3/21
>>5859702, >>5859745, >>5860224 Reminder: (Adam) Schiff family close to Rothschilds
>>5859657 Marines seize an airfield and small island while testing tactics for fight against China
>>5859656 Denise DuBarry Hay dies of "rare malady" (involved with Olive Crest nonprofit for abused/at risk children)
>>5859612 Man who raped toddler walks free (Judge: There is "no real purpose" in imprisoning him)
>>5859604, >>5859864, >>5859696 Rep. Ilhan Omar meeting secretly with groups supporting terrorism in private fundraisers
>>5859581, >>5859875 Ilhan Omar faces hundreds of protesters outside CAIR fundraiser
>>5859593, >>5859750 Jacinda Ardern received a Freemason scholarship
>>5859571 CF DIGG: Clintons & Kissingers liked to vacation together in Punta Cana
>>5859570 Biden calls America an embarrassment
>>5859550 GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel slammed for saying MSNBC showed media bias for not covering the fall of ISIS after one crew member was killed in bomb attack
>>5859542 Copy & state atty jailed after fellow cops caught them raping a baby and filming it
>>5859690 Rachel Chandler DIGG, con't.
>>5859565, >>5859572, >>5859591 Look anons! Crafts stories now promote Q?
>>5859626 Hartford Police Chief David Rosado to resign after 14 mos on the job
>>5859580 Article on the speech that's the basis for "This video will get DJT elected"
9613fb No.5861328
Hey shills, you heard Potus
Have a great day!
90f98a No.5861329
Might be an interesting week…
ce8dfe No.5861330
worshipping ancient cult statues
cde38d No.5861331
>gah is absoloot fackin rubbish m8
>chuckit inna bin
996a3c No.5861332
Side note. Name one CT you know about you can say are not true that YOU researched all by yourself. 100% not true with sauce. And Muh cops said so is not sauce. Or muh mommy told me so. Zero faggot. Now go blow your dad. She's lonely.
bbf03a No.5861333
>>5861327 Did you get graphics anon's update into the dough?
6ec32b No.5861334
benefits are out of this world
bd02fa No.5861335
"When I commanded the northern command and saw, mainly in the southern sector of the Golan Heights, ISIS fighters walking along the border. So what? So they walk along the border, with their Kalashnikov on their shoulder. So what? They are primitive, relatively. Relatively limited capabilities. And yes, they have their own imagination, their own determination. And it's dangerous, I admit that, but I know how to cope with that."
-Yair Golan
f24363 No.5861336
Might be an intersting few hours given how it just began.
ba9eec No.5861337
I'm with you anon. Been here for more than minute, know who is who.
When I reference our UK bros, I'm talking about the anons from across the pond who meme, dig, and pray with us 24/7. The same anons that Q or Q+ goes to communicate with on their board.
Not trying to say GCHQ is /ourguys/
ed12e0 No.5861338
>DJT's autism
15c939 No.5861339
A great day for the rule of law?
Thank you President Trump
bbf03a No.5861340
Note taker will be leaving in <10 minutes and there is still no baker in the house.
Please volunteer to bake this Sunday Morning Bread!
8d0172 No.5861341
Let them spin that kek!
Love this nigga!
Even more than no name, Megan
047387 No.5861342
It’s off the charts laddies!
8ef419 No.5861343
I think I've got everything in there but an still doing housecleaning the dough
ad3fe1 No.5861347
The Western world considers itself a bastion of free thought – a marketplace of ideas. But some scholars who questioned prevailing liberal groupthink have quickly discovered that academic inquiry has tightly-controlled limits.
There are more Democrat than Republican supporters among scientists of almost every academic field in the US, voter registration studies have shown. In fields such as social studies and sociology, conservatives can be outnumbered a dozen or more to one. With such an overwhelming advantage in numbers, one might think that dissenting viewpoints in these fields would not pose a meaningful threat to prevailing orthodoxies. Unfortunately, a number of high-profile cases reveal that scholars and thinkers – some who do not even identify as conservative – risk their careers when they challenge the liberal majority.
Lisa Littman and 'rapid onset gender dysphoria'
James Watson alleges link between race and IQ
Larry Summers and female aptitude
cc62f8 No.5861348
When Anons post a picture we do it for a few reasons…
1) We post a picture and the text is in reference to the picture.
2) We write text and post a picture that goes with the text (joking, or direct)
3) We accidentally click the wrong picture and post without checking.
Did Comey post text to match his photo -or- did he post a photo and write text?
Obvious comms either way. Checking this last post… "run"
Comey message to try and flee? "Geologic"? Underground?
41768c No.5861349
The same reason a lawyer would ask you a question that he already knows the answer to.
2d3256 No.5861350
Does this "Tish" think so little of "Beto" that she doesn't like to see him being outed as an Irishman? How is this post "slamming the Irish"?
The joke wasn't about drunk driving, it was about an Irishman pretending to be latino because it's the "in" thing.
daee33 No.5861351
Make America Safe Again
Build the Wall
e54616 No.5861354
Shingles causes a painful rash that may appear as a stripe of blisters on the trunk of the body. Pain can persist even after the rash is gone (this is called postherapetic neuralgia).
af4d7c No.5861355
They really are running out of fables now
cc62f8 No.5861356
Just throwing shit against the wall… some sticks. some doesnt.
3f9d9d No.5861357
Might not have been Twain who said this, but we're all going to see how true this is soon.
cd769c No.5861358
ya mighta *missed* an AT&Titude
an attitude transplant. BakeHERkek
-> like a Scaramucci Model "baking for less than a week!"
aaand the pay, it sucks….
Like working for a just cause
Just ‘cause
>>5860996 /lb
>>5859945 /pb "I've got you covered" -the \s/ MOOCH
996a3c No.5861359
8d0172 No.5861360
I know a nice place you can go.
It’s called “back”
“Have A Great Day”!
826a81 No.5861361
1. Stargate
2. Alien ship during uncloaking/cloaking
3. Twickewy
d84f26 No.5861362
5:5, my bad, it’s been a long 17 months
Love our UK brethren in the fight with us
Brothers from another mother
The wilderness of mirrors is real and this board is the ultimate test.
f24363 No.5861365
They were looking for his fucking high school transcripts yesterday anon… high school… they are so fucked at this point. I legitimately would not be surprised if most of us were offered jobs once this was done in the new media research department given they are just so fucked
ba9eec No.5861366
Wow, they're really scraping the barrel now.
e47ef5 No.5861369
slow Pepe ramblings:
people being controlled via ‘’’fear’’’ or through ‘’’hope’’’,
the whole point of this Q thingy is
to think for yourself and
to stop being sheep,
in every aspect muh[ ] no matter how much it stings
452630 No.5861370
Do youtube content creators decide how often ads interrupt their clips? I ask because I've seen a very noticeable uptick in the frequency of ads played in conservative videos.
If so, it could mean something significant: youtube is realizing that the narrative is changing and/or DS kickbacks have been cutoff.
a98341 No.5861371
He's trolling the left Anon, because…
No collision narrative has been destroyed
so for them literally worst day ever
e54616 No.5861372
At its peak, my shingles pain was off the charts,” says Iverson. “The skin along the path of my rash felt like there was a hot cast iron skillet on me. My bones ached, and the pain would have been unendurable without medication.” His doctors immediately prescribed antiviral and pain medications which helped treat and heal his rash and pain.
8d0172 No.5861373
I said good day sir, you can go back now.
f24363 No.5861374
I think he is legitimately serious this time. He has never been so direct about MAGA. I seriously think he basically just said "today you end".
c2df62 No.5861376
Is ANYONE baking using an iPad?
I tried and failed early last year, have asked several times since but no one has been able to say yes, and so no helpful tips
iPad is great in so many ways but shitty in others
af4d7c No.5861377
a204a6 No.5861378
Probably Emissions shut downs. I'd bet they are Scania V8's with all they new bells and whistles to keep them in compliance with the EU stage 5 enviro rules for maritime engines. High NOx levels for any sustained period and they shit themselves and won't run for shit. I bet they all run at Idle but there is no throttle response.
8ef419 No.5861379
#7497 posted in #7498
>>5860953 Yucaipa Companies, LLC, Ron Burkle & Kevin Spacey are affiliated
>>5860474, >>5860549, >>5860517 Anon theory on upcoming DNC media tactics
>>5860876 Top 10 Propagandists Who Pushed Russia Collusion Hoax
>>5860874 Unicorn DIGG, cont. Focus on Darktrace, an AI cyber defense company
>>5860873 "The shot heard round the world" (Schumann Resonance manipulation on 11-11-18, 2-17-19 & 3-17-19 for 24 hours)
>>5860858 Call to MEME this: 'Speak softly and carry a big BARR!!'
>>5860708, >>5860797, >>5860830 Discussion on baking at 8chan
>>5860763 Strange disparities in NZ law: possessing prohibited weapons gets you fines or up to 3 years in jail VS mosque video (gets you 10 yrs, even more if you share)
>>5860720 Internal MoveOn doc: planning "rapid response events" to anything in Mueller report that gives them the excuse to raise hell
>>5860723 Federal prosecutor who led Michael Cohen case to step down
>>5860696 PapaD tweet with juicy leads
>>5860626 Graham jokingly asks Mar-A-Lago crowd if they're for Trey Gowdy on the SC; they applaud.
>>5860514, >>5860575 Any DIGGS on Tulsi Gabbard?
>>5860520 Fox attacks: Hannity > Tucker > T's top guests > Judge Jeanine
>>5860480, >>5860635 UK's Teresa May faces pressure to step down to save Brexit
>>5860478, >>5860533, >>5860606, >>5860679, >>5860654, >>5860549 Ex-criminal insider & musical entrepreneur Ron Newt dies at 69, cause is unknown / Friend claims Oprah tried to bribe him to lie about MJ week of death / Deadly Fillmore Shooting tonight was at his repast / his lawyer Peter Lopez "whacked"?
>>5860415, >>5860463, >>5860485 Moar Fake News from WAPO: "8chan looks like a terrorist recruiting site after the New Zealand shootings. Should the government treat it like one?"
>>5860385, >>5860416, >>5860432, >>5860432, >>5860464, >>5860488 Anons on NZ shooting footage
>>5860377 Facebook kept millions of passwords unencrypted for years
>>5860331 Bill Maher's dumbest comment yet: "I don’t need the Mueller report to know Trump is a traitor. I have a TV."
>>5860378, >>5860384 Anon's "birds eye view" of Chandler links (lots of DIGGING IDEAS here)
>>5860451, >>5860596, >>5860638, >>5860847 Moar Chandler DIGG leads, pedos, survivors
>>5860347, >>5860364, >>5860487, >>5860498, >>5860963 American DS connections, some to Chandler? Schiff's Bronfman's, Loebs, Lehmans, Rothschilds, Astors
6b6dfe No.5861382
Never forget the People who started it all!
Let me introduce you to the Sackler family!
bd02fa No.5861383
452630 No.5861385
@DS, come get your trainee - it's not ready yet.
1dbdd4 No.5861388
Sounds like a racket
Get people addicted then sell them anti addiction drugs
Really sad part of this is docs won't prescribe pain killers to people who are actually in real pain bc they don't want to risk their profession that they worked so hard to get
Kind of a catch 22
People who are actually in pain have to suffer more bc of people who have abused the drugs
f24363 No.5861390
Did day shift work out where Comey was in that coast photo? I doubt it since they never work but, just by chance, did they this time?
ff6864 No.5861392
The Mooch and his Ben Garrison
Look at the pretty Q cloud. awwwwwwwwww
fe219d No.5861393
same logic used with the second amendment
8d0172 No.5861394
1f32cb No.5861395
Does it make it more or less dodgy if a cargo ship also lost it engines in the exact same area, 5 hours later?
Someone forget to disable their electroinic warfare equipment or what?
70471e No.5861396
Jerome Corsi going to be on Fox next.
Pete H said “he’s not staying silent anymore”.
cc62f8 No.5861397
WHOA! Thats sooo cool!
912ed0 No.5861398
Slightly different: It's easier to fool people than to convince them that thty have been fooled, especially when that someone is ones self.
ba9eec No.5861399
1386b4 No.5861400
Any Mathfags?
When Q is saying PAIN
does he mean [P/A,i,N] - the longer You wait with coming clean, the more severe the punishment ?
ba9970 No.5861401
5c6b00 No.5861402
I think this has been planned for decades former republican pres. tried to do something and it didnt work out and the JFK tried and was killed (RIP) and the MIL changed the strategy. Us MIl has insane tech at their disposal to sim. outcomes on events given variables thats why theyve always been ahead. and it's the art of war "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
45 will be the greatest President in US history if the rest follows on cue. but i think its a big testament to the US mil and other orgz also
ce3dfd No.5861404
Dig request, image attached. Avoiding saying the name as it will trigger some shit…
1dbdd4 No.5861405
Didn't think of it that way but you're right
The honest are punished for what the wicked have done
6ec32b No.5861406
how many HVT’s onboard two ships…?
6ec32b No.5861409
grade school lesson
f24363 No.5861412
Bomb loaded craft port collisions. It was a big considered threat back in the late 90s when I was in. They pulled it on the Cole and it is something China will likely employ if it even came to a conflict with the US. However, in this case, odd, although it DID leave right after JENA left so, fuck, you know what, perhaps it was to get into position to shoot the plane down? Odd location but two ships? No, something is up with that.
2d3256 No.5861413
Hallinan in SF harbors marxists, atheists and assorted undesirables
ad3fe1 No.5861414
…excerpt form Op-ed…
Another of the Tawba Jail survivors spoke to me in Adra Al Balad. Kidnapped on December 14, 2013, Yasser Ali Al-Hweish was held for one year inside Al Batoun where he was interrogated and tortured on a daily basis before being transferred to Tawba Jail.
Al-Hweish told me that the prisoners were regularly used to stage alleged attacks by the SAA. The White Helmets would bring them outside and make them act out an attack, they would be filmed and then taken back inside the prison.
Hweish also claimed they would be taken out and told to rescue dead bodies from under the rubble, the White Helmets would film them and then film themselves taking credit for the rescue.
He said: “For example if someone was dead under the rubble, we would dig and take him out, and after we finish, they (White Helmets) would film themselves as if it was them who have done the work, but in the end, we were doing it, not them.”
Al-Hweish believes that the White Helmets were “subordinate” to JAI and were responsible for the PR and media campaigns to secure further financial support for the terrorist group. This claim is made more plausible by the fact that the UK Foreign Office was reported to be funding the PR for JAI via an international communications consultancy called Incostrat.
The UK FCO and intelligence agencies were also involved in the creation of the White Helmets in 2013 and their continued funding via the same Conflict Stability and Security Fund that siphoned money to Incostrat. Therefore it is no great leap of logic to make the connection between the UK FCO, the White Helmets and the PR campaign for JAI to whitewash their murderous, extremist reputation in Syria.
It is worth noting that these testimonies were not isolated. I interviewed many civilians from Eastern Ghouta after liberation both in Ghouta and outside in the camps for the internally displaced in the Damascus suburbs. Most of them echoed much of what Hweish and Al-Othman told me regarding the White Helmets and their collaboration with the armed extremist groups.
ff6864 No.5861415
The colour version. The Q casts a pool of light!
Dark to Light.
OMG. I'm gonna cry. This moves me.
186c6c No.5861417
Thats Russian toy
af4d7c No.5861421
ed12e0 No.5861422
meh, not march.. april.. not fully awake… beter image too
930b6f No.5861423
Ahhh, that's nice.
edcb2d No.5861425
Wow. You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Read an actual old history book instead of just watching
failed utube vids. Geesh tard-boy.
8ef419 No.5861427
Friend note taker, I will bake this bread, so it's not confusing for someone else.
Assuming responsibility for the bake.
Please continue to take notes for a while, if you can. Just finishing the cleanup.
2d3256 No.5861428
NOT notable. No sauce; anon is entitled to his own opinions but opinions are NOT notables.
047387 No.5861430
The wicked scam free people with fake shootings.
bbf03a No.5861432
>>5861427 Godspeed, Baker.
Notes through 330-ish
>>5861067 Author of controversial book re: South African Pedo ring will not back down
>>5861079 Rob Reiner joins Soros backing anti-Trump skunkworks
>>5861080 Belfast City Hospital on Lockdown - police surround the grounds
>>5861207 GAA update - Fire At Will #7476-#7497 (may not need this reminder - check dough)
>>5861162 SF Hallinan - safe harbor for undesireables
>>5861235 Reminder: US billionaires shipping bunkers to NZ (2018)
>>5861280, >>5861290 New PDJT
>>5861355 Bottom of the Barrel POTUS hit piece - Golf cheat
0a2279 No.5861433
THAT was a fantastic recap, Anon. Well done.
452630 No.5861434
Trump supporter throws one in Stormy D!
1dbdd4 No.5861436
Exactly what I was thinking
The whole class is punished when one kid does something wrong
a10594 No.5861437
Revolution April 19th 1775
e1b056 No.5861438
Busted: Al Franken Cracks Jokes About Rob Reiner's Father Anally Raping His Own Son
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJOAGILeiAY
186c6c No.5861442
Remind me why are we still funding them?
996a3c No.5861443
Yes. They were every 7th day after Moses came down off the mountain. Pagan days replaced the Tishrei. SUN Day SATURN Day and so on. Still the correct day was the 7th day that was Saturday. Sunday was the Sun Gods and Sun was 1st most powerful God… on and on. MOON Day. Sun Moon together.
ed12e0 No.5861444
kek, there it is.
e7af33 No.5861446
Thanks anons, I'm assuming duties for this bread and maybe next.
Need to take off for a couple hours this morning.
bd02fa No.5861447
our 'blue wagon'
0ce844 No.5861449
>Let's just say Q never existed.
Let's just say you're a faggot.
af4d7c No.5861450
5f61e3 No.5861451
Fake news has been waiting for Trump to Tweet, and he gives them this, TOP KEK
2d3256 No.5861452
Baseless speculation. POTUS is unfortunately on record as supporting red-flag gun confiscation laws.
bd02fa No.5861454
Is Corsi Alex Jones' father?
f5d194 No.5861455
Was yesterday Trump's first zero tweet day of his presidency?
8b77a5 No.5861457
The Scrapbook was thrilled to learn that the U.S. Navy finally has a fully operational laser—and, no, not the kind we’ve been using for years with guidance systems, but rather an actual laser weapon.
According to USNI News, “The U.S. Navy has declared an experimental laser weapon on its Afloat Forward Staging Base (AFSB) in the Persian Gulf an operational asset, and U.S. Central Command has given permission for the commander of the ship to defend itself with the weapon, the head of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) told reporters on Wednesday.”
This 30-kilowatt “asset” is known simply as LaWS, which stands for Laser Weapon System (although we would have preferred to call it a blaster). ONR rear admiral Matthew Klunder explained to USNI News that the laser “was installed aboard USS Ponce this summer as part of a $40 million research and development effort from ONR and Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) to test the viability of directed energy weapons in an operational environment.”
e1b056 No.5861458
and the one posting videos of it on twitter is a self-proclaimed Tranny
https:// twitter.com/alexus309/status/1109537029912711168
8ef419 No.5861459
This pastebin should be good. Check it out.
0b3ec2 No.5861460
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rock around the stairway to Heaven.
You want to be me? Work harder.
ed12e0 No.5861461
No it's his boyfreind.
That's why his wife curbed him.
186c6c No.5861462
POTUS hinted mental health
So his take it now
Decide later
Relates to mental health
Head scratcher, imho
b80203 No.5861463
The DNC-media complex has been seeking a Trump-tweet to exploit, since Friday afternoon. He gave them thin gruel, but you watch, it will turn into stone soup by the time the media "talent" throws in speculation this and speculation that.
c69bfe No.5861465
>>5860696 lbs
If that is true about UK being ground zero for the attempted coup against POTUS, that is more than enough reason to declare war. However, Trump isn't about war or so it would seem. Instead you are seeing the awakening hit the UK, their own ppl will overthrow the existing powers of the UK. What a timeline.
1f0edc No.5861466
Sloppy job mossad!
bbf03a No.5861467
>>5861446 TYVM, Baker. You put the 'great' in Bake. Notetaker out.
cc62f8 No.5861468
e7af33 No.5861469
Thank you anon, I'll take a look.
Have a good Sunday.
26a01b No.5861470
Brand New World!
cd6384 No.5861471
I plan to dig some on this as well, will see if it leads anywhere. (In your face symbolism in Providence)
8ef419 No.5861472
I'm still here if you have questions. This got complicated for several reasons I won't try to explain but I think it is straightened out now.
c15f36 No.5861473
>>5842693 (Q, pb)
apologies for coming in late, but speaking of propaganda, when can we expect to see this garbage taken out to the bin that allowed propaganda to be broadcast to american audiences?
wouldn't reinstating the propaganda ban go a long way towards US citizens actually consuming news, instead of the mockingbird bullshit?
0923bb No.5861474
I'll guess they hold off until Thursday. Nothing ever seems to drop on Mondays.
70471e No.5861475
What part don’t you understand?
b80203 No.5861477
I suspect his remarks and thoughts on that subject have a foundation in the naive belief that the legal system is basically honest and self-correcting. it is neither.
65bcec No.5861478
Possible car attack today in London.
(Read comms 14 forward + 1 year delta)
6408a4 No.5861479
Children's Defense Fund is a huge worldwide pedovore overt child trafficking exploitation operation. They have branches all over the US and everyone has creep meter reading off scale.
If you interested in ANY public figure, be sure to search NAME Children's Defense Fund
Also - LOOK at these people? There's something unreal / uncanny valley - about them. Or perhaps it's subjective, but they look like fucking monsters.
186c6c No.5861480
Guys still processing, hilfe
NZ vidya related arrests
Did they have a law these people violated?
Was there an existing law?
Or there is no law these arrests are based on ?
2d3256 No.5861481
British Royal Family = BRF = barf
189444 No.5861483
I hate to point this out, but where I come from you can't just use a seal of office (even superficially similar) unofficially and not get punished for it.
So either it's flying under the radar, or is it official in some way.
Replying to James Comey isn't very under the radar.
bd02fa No.5861485
ed12e0 No.5861486
I agree with another ano this bread: A reference to The battles of Concord and Lexington was just made by the President.
→ >>5861437
ba9eec No.5861489
Barr said this weekend. MSM will try to spin it negatively if they don't get it this weekend. Ignoring the fact we've never seen a gov agency move this fast on informing the public of gov findings, I can already hear the MSM spin doctors saying, "it's not normal its taking this long," if they don't get it by midnight tonight.
1dbdd4 No.5861490
I remember this show from the 70s
Medical Center
It's one of the reasons why my sister decided to become a nurse.
ce3dfd No.5861491
Notable, we need an all-hands dig. These fuckers are BLATANT
bbf03a No.5861492
>>5861446 Geeze o flip. I'm sure you saw it but the notes were misnumbered.
b80203 No.5861493
That all fine until you realize that the 2nd amendment is interpreted by goons with guns who object to non-goons having guns. see decades of bogus jurisprudence on the subject. How many decades was it illegal to own a handgun in DC? Carry a gun in NYC? NJ? 2nd amendment? Piffle. It's half dead already.
26a01b No.5861494
How large is Mueller’s team?
Think 470.
The more you know.
Interesting I was just going to post a partial q drop with 470 in it. Re-read!
189444 No.5861495
Censorship classification. The video was immediately classified (no brainer), the manifesto some days later after review.
ad3fe1 No.5861496
I just stole that…
ed12e0 No.5861497
ie– Trump;s trolling and he knows we're watching..
He's laughing his ass off right now.
e7af33 No.5861498
Thank you anon for the kind words and awesome notes. Have a great day.
70adc0 No.5861502
Just got here….still drinking coffee so sorry if this has already been discussed…
Anyone think JC is sending a message with this odd tweet?
2d3256 No.5861503
Another SSRI patient bites the dust. And another one down; and another one down; another one bites the dust. Why are these drugs still legal?
8ef419 No.5861504
I'm not leaving until you get back to let me know the status of the dough, want feedback if any is necessary.
a12cf8 No.5861506
70471e No.5861507
“POTUS” + wearing a white hat.
Kid Rock confirmed Q follower
cbd175 No.5861508
MOVIE 1 [Full]: The 'START'
Coming SOON to a theater near you.
MOVIE 2 – Coming this FALL.
186c6c No.5861510
How can you clasdify event that occured in public domain?
How can you classify manifesto which was publically available?
I am not a lawyer but it doesnt fit in my brain
e53232 No.5861511
She's kinda gross, really.
5f8f54 No.5861512
9fd6eb No.5861514
The master is a Trantaloid.
d4ba7f No.5861515
Ahh if only I could be 19 again…
I would set up a tent in her front yard.
a5a340 No.5861516
2d3256 No.5861517
Total of "17," eh? There's a message in there somewhere.
1dbdd4 No.5861518
The problem is all of the loop hole laws
Like limiting how much ammo
Or what kind of mags can be used, etc
And I just don't get how states and cities can't make laws that contradict federal laws and get away with it.
7864ac No.5861519
So worried about us. Awwwww
e17aae No.5861520
I would set up a tent every time I saw her
b80203 No.5861521
Corsi is an example of "the process is the punishment." The "Russian collusion witch hunt" is an example of "the process is the punishment," writ large. A substantial fraction of the legal system is punishment by process. Sociopaths gravitate to and obtain those positions, and not only does it pay well, they have unfettered power. There is rarely penalty for abuse of process.
See Weissman and Mueller for examples of successful power abusers.
d4ba7f No.5861522
9fd6eb No.5861523
I shoot my air guns illegally in NJ. Bolt-action, enough power to knock down a squirrel, and I do so at my own risk.
7a1e85 No.5861525
Brilliant, Sherlock.
So go find their official office at the White House and tell them of your concerns.
70adc0 No.5861529
Clintons Shipwrecked on Ten Islands Part IV: EXPOSED
March 23, 2019
New information has come to light in regard to the Clintons and Branson’s affairs with the Caribbean Islands. Several more players have boarded this ship, including Bill Gates, The World Bank, Virgin Unite, Digicel, The Nature Conservancy, Tides, and numerous others. Generating millions in funds to erect small solar farms, was just the appetizer. These folks have a 5-course meal planned, and the potential for dessert is concerning.
Having locked in negotiations with 26 governments along the drug and child trafficking transits, after fashioning all of their government buildings in solar panels as a “freebee,” it would seem full-scale tourism, smart cities, even underwater fiber optics connecting all of the islands for a hefty communications kickback to Digicel and friends, are next on the agenda – but to what end, and how did it get this far?
In Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Branson parts 1-3, their entire operation on these island nations is dissected with maps, financial details, a breakdown of each company involved, and a timeline beginning in 2012, that shows the Obama administration’s ties to boosting this island adventure in 2015, and bringing it current to 2018 when they broke ground on Saint Lucia. It is important to read parts 1-3 to understand the full backstory on their involvement with these islands. It also breaks down many other companies involved, including shipping companies, as well as Norway and an arm of the World Bank’s involvement in funding this extravaganza. (Read more at)
826a81 No.5861530
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5861355
POTUS told us…
Trump: "I Take All Of These Slings And Arrows Gladly For You," "So We Can Have Our Country Back" @4:00
Love the POTUS (no homo)
a204a6 No.5861531
I am now standing by my emissions comment from earlier more so. Bad fuel. Modern diesels need really clean fuel, filtered down to 2 microns which is difficult enough to do but even smaller particles of shit will burn and create emissions that the DOC cannot handle and could contaminate the CAT.
cc62f8 No.5861532
The odd tweets from Comey this entire time have been comms. He used to use software to hide messages within the pictures (pixelKnot or other)… Think about it.. (((they))) have been forced to pass notes at fake funerals… (((they))) have no easy way of communicating except mysterious pictures and words … which is hilarious.
e7af33 No.5861533
Dough should be fine but I won't know until I inspect it on next bake.
There were a couple errors including 7496 bun and some broken notable links but other than that it looks top notch.
Saved me a lot of work!
I'm still on my first cup of covfefe so I really appreciate it, kek.
70471e No.5861535
My apologies: are you unable to purchase a firearm at this time? If so, that’s on you because where I come from people rarely ever leave home without one.
If you are a US citizen, try reading moar. If not, stay the fuck out of our amendments.
e54616 No.5861536
PS…one should trust today's vaccines, like they trust politicians.
996a3c No.5861537
How long? More than 2 years and some change that's for sure. Fucking A man. He goes hard core after a normie breakdown He loses confidence in at least some. Beside Faux news reporting people all over were saying take the guns and nobody did. It's a Dem con. If my family says take them take them. These people want anybody like teacher, faggot down the street, cunt upstairs, to say take them. That won't fly long. Give him some time to work around the con job.
b80203 No.5861539
Could be bad fuel, but those are "stationary engines," a completely different can of worms compared with transportation engines. Freighters are designed to change fuel during voyage, and generally burn (really dirty) bunker oil when at sea.
cd769c No.5861540
-> methinks it was nodda typo, budda reference marker to the cinema, movie of our lives.
"As The World Turns"
-> in this instance noting from /pb below:
The Hobbit - Battle 5 {FVEYS} Armies w/ORCs to defeat Sauron (@realDonaldTrump)
>>5751035 /pb
STACY BRADFORD Executive Director at 6 degrees of seperation, [K.BACON] style
I only hope that the dems can unite the five armies in 2020
>(@SenSanders, @SenKamalaHarris, @CoryBooker, @SenWarren, @BetoORourke)
[to defeat Sauron (@realDonaldTrump) like the end of the Hobbit.]
#TheHobbit #2020election 6:11 PM - 14 Feb 2019
70adc0 No.5861541
Yes, I understand that…but what is he saying? I’m looking at other accounts for similar or related messages….nothing yet.
930b6f No.5861542
If only. Bet the bars were busy last night.Drowning sorrows…
2d3256 No.5861543
Let's just say you're sowing division.
Then let's say you should review old recordings of Trump from 20 or more years ago. He was saying the same things then as he's saying now.
Yes, Trump WAS a Democrat. Then his party betrayed him by turning into a communist front group. Then he left the party.
ff6864 No.5861544
>>5860996 /lb
>>5859945 /pb "I've got you covered" -the \s/ MOOCH
+ the Q cloud please
1dbdd4 No.5861545
That great I suppose if you are ever attacked by squirrels!
But what you're saying is part of the problem
These stupid laws that cities make don't stop gun violence, thay stop honest people, or make law breakers out of otherwise honest people
Criminals aren't going to obey theses laws
That's what makes them criminals
b80203 No.5861546
I'm in fine shape, compared with people in NJ, Chicago, NYC, etc. I carry.
Your apology is rejected. You are an asshole.
615a11 No.5861547
Really you got sucked in that many times , THAT everyone is larp.
And low and behold, the real truth comes along and .
Take the tin foil off your head .
Than put your thinking cap on.
Q never directly tells us !
He shows us , than you dig into it and make your own mind up.
a204a6 No.5861548
I have a 14 meter air pistol range in my garage. My neighbors come by for competitions… and beer.
e53232 No.5861549
Remember, she chose him, Cruz and Carson to "back" thinking they were the easiest to beat. It is in the wiki letters. Military intel chose Trump to overthrow the cabal.
POTUS is human and has his foibles, but he does love America (I recall saying this during the primary season). He and his family have to take a personal beating from the press, but he is standing for us.
70471e No.5861550
Ah….I see…
You’re one of the “Mueller’s still a black hat” laggards.
1386b4 No.5861551
You're insulting the kid…
eb2b97 No.5861553
The gnome is reference to dmt gnomes, just look up vids of hippies describing trips. Same as comey’s other embedded tweet pic, showing mayan looking weird faces n shit.
Not sure if we allowed to go there though.
2d3256 No.5861554
Likely a deep fake tape.
1dbdd4 No.5861555
5d15b3 No.5861556
CNN wouldn't have any ratings if they weren't the default for public TVs
Hilton Hampton Inn in DC defaults to CNN. When you turn it off and then on, it's on CNN. I wonder if this practice started after HILTON bought out Hampton Inn.
a7401e No.5861557
Can confirm.
Wake up to, what I would call, hypersensitivity. Every slight brush against a hair feels like brushing across pins stuck in your skin. Not excessively painful but not comfortable. The next day wake up to some blisters and about the same discomfort level. I dislike taking pain meds so i turn down the doctors prescription and go on my fishing trip. The following day, i'm calling the doctor back and asking for the perscription to be filled at the closest pharmacy and buying the baggiest sweatpants i can find. I was fortunate and do not have any long term pain. A slight numbness in the affected area and mild discomfort but minor compared to what could have happened. If you have had chicken pox you could potentially get shingles. It can happen at any age as well, not just older people.
Moral to the story:
Don't go fishing when you get shingles.
8fc873 No.5861559
modern CAT power plants do require a MIN grade of fuel. I experienced this with a fuel company knowing selling fuel that wasn't as advertised. we had to send fuel to be tested. was a bait and switch.
70471e No.5861561
Slander is the tool of the loser. Bad form.
d72ba6 No.5861562
Hmm clowns look like their face was cut off…
26a01b No.5861563
1) Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.
You will understand why in the coming weeks.
2) [They] thought it was coming last Friday.
Ammunition spent.
3) Barr to Mueller:
“Mandate was clear - verify and investigate reports of possible foreign collusion between President & Russia.” “What justification existed to effectively launch a massive domestic / foreign surv campaign against the President (pres elect / president) and members of his transition / campaign team?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Steele dossier along w/ media corroboration of those findings.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was the Steele report a ‘trusted and verified’ report per Intel to continue especially considering the funding party was the opposition party?”
Mueller to Barr:
“Those facts were never taken into consideration.” “FISC granted auth to conduct based on conclusions presented.”
Barr to Mueller:
“Was FISC made aware of all details surrounding the dossier?”
Mueller to Barr:
“No.” “We believe there was urgency placed on the auth given the gravity and timeline of events that those involved negated to populate fully.”
Mueller could be Huge!! Is Huber/Horowitz under Mueller?? I've said it for awhile, and I know it sounds crazy! We will see!
Why would they expend all their ammunition for Mueller Report Release???
15c939 No.5861564
yeah steganography explains why he posts these photos
ff6864 No.5861566
Weinstein gal. Likely real.
9fd6eb No.5861567
Sounds like a good time! The fact that there are laws against this in some places just shows that the left will stop at NOTHING to disarm us. In Canada, UK and other places, air guns have power limits that makes them incapable of even killing squirrels without a perfect head shot.
b80203 No.5861571
Understood. I was just pointing out that the huge stationary diesels are "different," to the extent they are designed to consume bunker oil.
aa2b48 No.5861572
I would not have put that together, anon.
Interesting theory.
615a11 No.5861573
Isn't it the only station in airports as well ?
Just makes up there viewing figures ,
8ef419 No.5861577
Thanks for the feedback
I waited a little too long to bake, got hung up, then was short of time, got "body too long" on Notes page, try to fix it quickly and somehow "disappeared" a block of notes, had to reconstruct some.
Green text should now be gone.
All buns should be accurate.
An older problem with #7487 should be fixed (look at it and you'll see what I mean).
Thanks for taking the bread, I would have taken it back, didn't want to saddle anyone else with a confusing situation. But it should be ok now.
bd02fa No.5861578
Who are Johan Lindeberg and Waris Ahluwalia?
e57b73 No.5861579
Your asshole is showing again. And it's still faggot.
a204a6 No.5861581
Depends on who is flagging it. If it's Dutch I'll bet it doesn't do the bunker oil thing. Some countries are actually putting their money where their mouth is when it comes to the environment. I think most the open sea tankers are flagged Greek (Onassis family owned) but if it is just ferrying from oil rigs then I wouldn't think it is capable. I'm digging right now this is sort of my area of C+ student semi expertise.
8f59c4 No.5861583
>>5861494 470th Military Intelligence Brigade
United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
The 470th Military Intelligence Brigade is a unit of the United States Army and subordinate to the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command. Its mission is to provide tailored, multi-disciplined intelligence and counter-intelligence in support of United States Army South and United States Southern Command
31c7d7 No.5861585
You know your job will be to ultimately send hundreds of public figures to hang for treason. Would you not want to know 100% with absolute certainty that everything told to you was true and see as much of it with your own eyes as possible?
b80203 No.5861586
as more a remark about the legal system as a whole, than about Mueller.
But yeah, reading the Mueller indictments, his team didn't follow the ethical standards the legal procession claims to have - sort of like the ethical standards the press claims to have, which is no ethical standards.
It is not ethical to press an innocent person to enter a criminal plea agreement.
9fd6eb No.5861587
It shows that not only do they want to disarm us, but they want total control over our food supply. The notion that we could shoot a rabbit and eat it without buying the meat from a corporate giant scares the shit out of them.
5d15b3 No.5861588
You're insulting the downs guy. I would rather have more people with downs than more leftists. They're with US and are trying to stop people from killing their babies for having downs.
1dbdd4 No.5861589
It's a good one isn't it
I stole it from someone else
Spread the memes!
996a3c No.5861591
And you need sauce on the white hat. You sound just like MSNBC and CNN. Stay in Britain pols… We got this here, you need help there.
6408a4 No.5861592
For lazy lurking ecrivers
"One of the biggest charities enjoying broad support in the Entertainment Industry fell under as shadow when an alleged "pedowood insider" began dropping a series of post which demonstrated unlikely connections between popular and beloved show business figure and evidence of their participation in the most atrocious crimes imaginable against childen and the vulnerable youth the sham charity claimed to be protecting."
Then you can pick and choose from a mountain of celebs and their documented cult activities. We gathered this evidence in hopes that journalist would pay attention, and begin to write about it.
Even bought out NYT shills draw the line at this. Only complicit pedovores have an interest in NOT reporting this story and many, many others.
This is your press relase, now you'll search " Children's Defense Fund " and you have all kinds of options for a story that's real, true important and which will generate expo growth in traffic to your site or channel.
search all Q research archives here
186c6c No.5861593
What about POTUS family indictements stopped by Barr is not clear
Whitehat, brrrrr
b80203 No.5861595
IIRC, chatting with a fellow who was engineer on freighters, each country has a "clean zone," US is 100 miles or so offshore, bunker violates emissions limits. Part of his job was fuel switching. None of those engines requires 2 micron clean fuel, probably 100 micron would run without fouling injectors - no cat to plug on exhaust either.
7a1e85 No.5861596
True, but until we have a better meme graphic for retards they are the best we've got for calling out retards.
The chans are not for everyone.
ba9970 No.5861598
e7af33 No.5861599
Perfect, I'm seeing your updated pastebin.
1dbdd4 No.5861602
cca975 No.5861603
Didn't see this in past bread
EU drops ban on Huawei
Looks like they enjoy spying on their people and then having that info sent of to China
I wonder if there are a few DiFi types in Brussels?
70471e No.5861604
>It is not ethical to press an innocent person to enter a criminal plea agreement.
Who was innocent? Flynn? Corsi? Where’s their sentencing??????????????
Optics, anon, clearly have worked given your perspective.
8ef419 No.5861605
Good, did not want to go before making sure it checked out. Kinda flying without a net here in graveyard but at least there's enough time to figure things out.
996a3c No.5861606
Muley and Barr are the same person? Sauce that can you? Are you reading your posts?
ba9970 No.5861607
Disinfo is real and necessary
615a11 No.5861608
Isn't RBG these last headline grabber ?
Also I do believe the investigation was never about trump and Russia.
It was the can of worms to open
That will lead to when this has been used before.
By whom ?
Why ?
Who gave the order ?
Q had all that intel .
From the start of the Internet.
Maybe North Korea was harvesting the data for the CIA .
North turned and game them it all via china .
a204a6 No.5861609
Who know what it will be like here in Nevada after this current crop of retards in our legislature and the telemarketer in the Gov's office get through with this session. Fuck. I may be illegal when they get done.
2f9455 No.5861611
ef2527 No.5861614
So this Q is just a letter, right ?
2be085 No.5861615
Thank you, anon, from a UK anon. Believe it or not, I have been here from the beginning although God only knows how I managed to stumble across this site. It was so far from any site I'd ever visited before that it must have been divine guidance. I'd never even heard of the chans before October 2017, never mind visited. I was more likely to be found on John Macarthur's Grace to You site, or listening to Paul Washer sermons on Youtube. But something or someone led me here and kept me coming back in spite of being so put off by the porn and gore etc. I sometimes wonder whether it was akin to the way Jesus sought out the "Publicans and sinners" and the prostitutes and outcasts and tax cxollectors of his day, and ignored the Pharisees (self-righteous moralisers) when he was on earth. Whatever it was that brought me here and kept me here, I have learned to love my fellow truth-seekers from whatever part of the globe they originate. We have one thing in common above all else - we desire truth above personal safety or reward, above life itself, sometimes. I pray every day that my fellow anons will know WHO is the truth so that HE may set them free.
e54616 No.5861617
Sorry that you had to experience that…it can be really nasty. But my point is that chronic pain patients feel that way every day…and either they have had their pain meds dropped to a third, or their doctors have dropped them all together out of fear (which is real…doctors are going to prison for treating chronic pain patients.) and chronic pain patients have 2 choices…buy illegal drugs on the black market and risk a lethal dose of fentanyl or commit suicide to end the pain.
There is no doctor prescribed opioid epidemic, the CDC lied, Politicians lied …it is and always was an illegal heroin & illegal fentanyl flooding of the USA…
1dbdd4 No.5861619
Copied and saved
Good diagram
cc2bc0 No.5861621
Amen. A blessed day to you, UKAnon.
ba9970 No.5861622
e7af33 No.5861623
I'm the same way. Hate to leave a jacked up bread.
That's one of the advantages of graveyard. You just have to put up with long, slow breads/shifts.
6408a4 No.5861624
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Ayahuasca shaman consults the little doctors.
00a0e7 No.5861625
Like (((they))) respected the Rule of Law, Due Process during the Law 2 decades plus. No worries, concernfag, the Justice to be delivered will be SWIFT and properly respectful of due process.
8b77a5 No.5861627
>>5859565, >>5859572, >>5859591
So this is suppose to be a Notable.
Arranging store items to fit the narrative is really a new low. We are the news!
26a01b No.5861628
You are probably right anon. FISA and FVEY is included.
The more I am thinking about it, Huber started his work before Mueller, so he wouldn't be under Mueller. Still something strange about that 470. Q implies for us to think of Huber 470, but I think he may be trying to tell us something different.
e53232 No.5861629
Oprah used to be a hype show. "Gay nuns on dope, on the next Oprah"!
ced21a No.5861630
Mornin' Anons, does anybody have that meme of POTUS feeding crying Megan No Name spaghetti handy? I didn't save that one and it would be much appreciated.
1f0edc No.5861631
You’re either glowing or an idiot. Sackler knew EXACTLY what they were doing, read the internals. Doctors have already been convi Ted for running “pill mills.”
8ef419 No.5861632
Thanks for your inspiring words, UKanon. I never expected to end up on a board like this, either, a lot of us didn't. It's very intense but also both humbling and freeing. Grateful for the presence of friends who care so much about liberty the world around. By the way, I lived in London for a while and it has a special place in my heart. Praying a lot now about Brexit. It was such an inspiration for us in the USA. Blessings, friend from across the pond.
bd74b3 No.5861634
There is. My doc tried to give me Vicodin for siatica. This happened to many patients in my area spouseanon is RN. Docs known as candy man and such. We knew which ones to stay away from. You cannot say that doctors didn’t contribute to this. I have chronic pain. Not severe. Had to overhaul my diet and change many synthetic products to natural ones. I still have pain, but it I don’t need prescription meds for it.
bcca6f No.5861635
did somebody say handoff requested?
7c593c No.5861637
b5dbf1 No.5861640
Building a memetic wave for normies to surf.
If A is true, B might be true, if B might be true, C could be true. I used to think A was false, B was false and C was false. Now I see all possibilities that accompany my new facts. I trust the MSM.
bd02fa No.5861641
ac0884 No.5861642
Trudeau Eyebrow
Nadler on CNN right now and has Trudeau Eyebrow Syndrome! LMAO
e54616 No.5861643
Exactly…no gun rights have been protected…in fact they made it easier to confiscate them. No rights have been restored, period.
0923bb No.5861644
Are you talking about online scams like the Assensteins' are running?
a2f49c No.5861645
Well, at least he’s verifying her family connection, the scumbag, lying fool.
4056fb No.5861646
For all Q’s posts which cite that optics must be right for “the plan” to succeed, optics seem to be irrelevant elsewhere. A President who campaigned of America First does not seem to consider optics important when he does more for a foreign nation than for his own. Apparently optics do not matter when the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, dispenses to that state billions in “aid,” and demands that the U.S. must recognize the Golan Heights as belonging to the pariah state. The entire optics canard is simply a means of justifying Trump’s lack of action in draining the swamp and compelling his private social media army to battle.For all Q’s posts which cite that optics must be right for “the plan” to succeed, optics seem to be irrelevant elsewhere. A President who campaigned of America First does not seem to consider optics important when he does more for a foreign nation than for his own. Apparently optics do not matter when the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, dispenses to that state billions in “aid,” and demands that the U.S. must recognize the Golan Heights as belonging to the pariah state. The entire optics canard is simply a means of justifying Trump’s lack of action in draining the swamp and compelling his private social media army to battle.
2d3256 No.5861647
That's my bag, baby! Convince them they've been fooled.
8ef419 No.5861648
>>5861627 I take responsibility for adding that. Partly for fun, but also gives anons ideas for ways to get the word out. What could be simpler than arranging block letters in a store? Not destructive, either.
e2c743 No.5861650
That article is a bit creepy, I think. Do elites use this as an excuse to do some kind of "blood doping" with "younger blood"?
e7af33 No.5861651
Hey baker, I was going to get the next one but was going to ask for a handoff if you're interested.