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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qr.jpg)

10156d  No.5845312

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 03.23.2019

>>5842541 rt >>5842272 ————————— Q on Fox News commentary on tweet from Q-related account

>>5842648 rt >>5842610 ————————— MSM: their only defense is to play 'dumb'

>>5842693 ————————————–——– You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned & coordinated propaganda event in modern day history

Friday 03.22.2019

Friday 03.22.2019

>>5838347 ————————————–——– Nunes: "Unraveling of the biggest political scandal in American history." (Cap: >>5838390 )

>>5837376 ————————————–——– [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent.

>>5836740 rt >>5836660 -————————– DECLAS is a comin'!

>>5836480 rt >>5836393 -————————– The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.

>>5836164 rt >>5836091 -————————– Sanctions lift? Anons know? (Cap: >>5836244 )

>>5836091 ————————————–——– BLOCKADE REMOVED.

Wednesday 03.20.2019

>>5803571 ————————————–——– https://www.fbi.gov/tips

>>5803488 rt >>5803267 ————————— Who did Nicky Hilton (sister of Paris) marry? James Rothschild

>>5803214 ————————————–——– THE STANDARD HOTEL. RACHEL CHANDLER.

>>5802783 ————————————–——– Connection to Ray Chandler? Are you awake?

>>5802556 ————————————–——– Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100

>>5802177 rt >>5802087 ————————— Keep digging, Anons. RACHEL CHANDLER IS KEY.

>>5802122 rt >>5801797 ————————— @0HOUR1_

>>5802012 rt >>5801778 ————————— RC @parishilton xxxxxx

>>5801902 rt >>5801617 ————————— Prince Andrew is deeply connected.

>>5801868 rt >>5801615 ————————— Britney Spears

>>5801837 rt >>5801566 ————————— Matt Rothschild, Adam McEwen, Brianna Lance

>>5801813 rt >>5801561 ————————— An Olsen twin and who else??

>>5801639 rt >>5801344 ————————— RC IG st Barth nye

>>5801630 rt >>5801355 ————————— Epstein Island security cam pic RC instagram

>>5801608 rt >>5801368 ————————— w Peter Beard.

>>5801599 rt >>5801371 ————————— The royals are in there somewhere as well

>>5801537 rt >>5801385 ————————— Rachel Chandler's Tumblr is just on the edge of gross…

>>5801505 rt >>5801399 ————————— Wars Ahluwalla Commisioned for CF Anniversary (Cap: >>5821664 )

>>5801455 rt >>5801432 ————————— WHERE ARE THEY NOW?

>>5801421 rt >>5801384 ————————— Q inb4 POTUS

>>5801380 rt >>5801072 ————————— Epstein island dungeon. Sex & torture rooms. Openly flaunt across social media?

>>5801306 rt >>5801142 ————————— pic RC and Slick Willy

>>5801280 rt >>5801165 ————————— pics of stars and RC and eminem, Wars Ahluwalla, Johan Lindeberg, Pdiddy (Cap: >>5821656 )

>>5801230 rt >>5801159 ————————— This one case has the ability to bring down the (many) rich & powerful people. (Cap: >>5821649 )

>>5801158 rt >>5801100 ————————— If the records become unsealed much will be revealed.


>>5801012 rt >>5800988 ————————— WHO IS RACHEL CHANDLER?

>>5800988 rt >>5800566 ————————— http://www.rachelchandler.us, What does a 'handler' procure?

Wednesday 03.20.2019

Compiled here: >>5843015

Monday 03.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5802127

Sunday 03.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5791939

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

10156d  No.5845324


are not endorsements


>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments

>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far

>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q


>>5845241 They knew. The entire time. #MediaBias

>>5845198 Despite calling QAnon ‘legit,’ SC lawmaker says she no longer believes conspiracy theory

>>5845159 Federal indictment handed down for social media threat to schools

>>5845157 HANNITY: The Left's Favorite Conspiracy Theory is Dead

>>5845141 GAA Update "DECLAS is a comin'!" Edition

>>5845133 Italy signs deals with China worth 2.5 billion euros

>>5845073 #RussiaHoax currently trending on twatter

>>5845062 A chloral hydrate based aerosol paedo spray in a small hand held container

>>5845026 Robert Kraft’s lawyer ‘surprised’ after request to keep spa tapes private is denied

>>5844750 anon's thoughts on various troll / newfag interactions

>>5844960 NZ Cabal Stronghold Blocks 8ch access.

>>5844977 Chris Wallace Denies the President His Win After Mueller Report Released

>>5844837, >>5844847 Badge of Honor: How a toxic ‘fight club’ of internet trolls enabled the New Zealand mosque shooting

>>5844550 Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee wants to investigate Hillary Clinton ‘for the Dossier’

>>5844677 Industrial base considerations played role in F-15X decision

>>5845309 #7476


>>5843746 Paris Yellow Vest protests Week 19

>>5843036 (pb) List of MSM fails

>>5843078 (pb) Update on QMAP.PUB from owner

>>5843759 Ukraine to replace Russia Russia Russia?

>>5843078 (lb) Qmap owner explains user count changes

>>5843814 MSNBC poll - 62% say Mueller is fair and impartial.

>>5843916 UK bundle Thread bundle - Skripal poisoning

>>5843992 Tehran Times - NZ was FF event courtesy of MOSSAD

>>5844019 Politico spins - again

>>5844111 Sir James Woods, master troller

>>5844215 Long Ranger - Epstein Helichop exported to Venezuela

>>5844573 #7475

Previously Collected Notables

>>5842091 #7473, >>5842835 #7474

>>5840294 #7470, >>5840518 #7471, >>5841316 #7472

>>5837485 #7467, >>5838257 #7468, >>5839002 #7469

>>5835200 #7464, >>5835984 #7465, >>5836395 #7466

>>5832861 #7461, >>5833655 #7462, >>5834406 #7463

>>5830560 #7458, >>5831336 #7459, >>5832121 #7460

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

10156d  No.5845327

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#75 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335

Q Graphics all in GMT #76 >>5811410

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

10156d  No.5845331

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621

10156d  No.5845334

the dough


f13659  No.5845344

File: 62387e6e65d8e54⋯.png (137.53 KB, 304x602, 152:301, Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at ….png)

Muh collusion. Guess Hillary lost fair and square.

1bdde6  No.5845345

File: 10a8d20b038358a⋯.png (819.58 KB, 953x539, 953:539, Bewbage.png)


Good Mornin' Baker.

e6b613  No.5845346

>Chelsea Handler Says She’s ‘Very Sexually Attracted’ To Robert Mueller

>If I’m being completely honest, I am very sexually attracted to Robert Mueller. I know it’s not meant to be, but that doesn’t mean I won’t hang a poster of him above my bed.

uh oh Mueller



8727a9  No.5845348

Thank you, baker

68ceaf  No.5845353


f13659  No.5845355


yeah, that means he'd better get a food taster and hide the scarfs and doorknobs.

d24e96  No.5845356

went back and found this (1) post fren from friday pm…

>>5828806 (bread 7546)

<a26122 (1)post ID

<Anonymous 03/22/19 (Fri) 14:35:20

>Anons, a little birdie told me that all the

>NEXT WEEKS have run out on the Mueller report


>Stay frosty

c5411a  No.5845362

File: a0d8ebb02c4bfad⋯.jpg (9.32 KB, 275x201, 275:201, taarnamad.jpg)



c894ac  No.5845367

File: 48fa6caa4d641be⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 500x678, 250:339, fitton.vindicated.jpg)

d62fd4  No.5845368


Anon, are you cheesing again?

2f0c2f  No.5845370

File: dba4b4fc9f63988⋯.jpg (64.74 KB, 546x616, 39:44, sen jud investig cntn.JPG)

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee wants to investigate Hillary Clinton ‘for the Dossier’


465879  No.5845372

File: e81d7612c5792be⋯.jpg (245.49 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Custom-Canvas-Art-Candice-….jpg)

Thank You Baker

920181  No.5845373

File: f5194b7a7eec6aa⋯.jpg (65.69 KB, 540x700, 27:35, pepe_maga.jpg)

Today is almost as good as the day after the 2016 election!

f217f7  No.5845374

File: ee289bd672eab1a⋯.jpg (112.47 KB, 540x684, 15:19, none.jpg)

File: 2fb1841a666e1a0⋯.jpg (92.29 KB, 500x696, 125:174, SC Mueller.jpg)

File: 3887009f8a210c3⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 480x360, 4:3, sarge.jpg)



2:00 in, Mother Jones insists that there was collusion. #Mueller be damned.

560c0a  No.5845375

MSNBC live joy reid still pushing President Trump is a russian spy and

john Lewis from Georgia said that Trump is not a legitimate president that he had help by the Russians….

Amazing after mueller no more indictments MSNBC double down saying the President is not a legitimate president and is a Russian Spy Agent colluded with Russia to overthrow the election in Favor of Trump over Clinton

c5411a  No.5845377

File: 608d34d67dd3676⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 198x254, 99:127, surpkat.jpg)

d24e96  No.5845379


and this one from lb ain't too shabby either

>>5845342 (lb)

>The Mueller report includes indictments of intelligence officials (US/British/Israeli/Canadian/Aussie), reporters, political staffers, politicians, and diplomats.


>Sensitive deliberations are underway to attempt to preserve relationships with UK, Israel, and Australia to prevent massive public backlash when it is made public.

EVEN BETTER, particularly seeing that list...

>Canada will likely be left to burn for their role in the Saudi subversion, and general unwillingness to negotiate.

dayum... but, ok

>Mueller will become the most hated man in America to Dems, but they will be forced to swallow the pill they created.

time to whip out all the St-Mueller propaganga back from memoryholing

>Take the statement below to the BANK.

>Journalists will be handcuffed and imprisoned.

>At least a couple will be live on air.


Popcorn at ready

317362  No.5845380

#7475 (Original baker)

>>5843630 Anon on reason for Mueller sudden shutdown (news from Ukraine)

>>5843575 Children's Defense Fund: Worth a DIGG??

>>5843503, >>5843550, Call to DIGG on David Anthony Ruck (claims he planned Christchurch under direction of HRC)

>>5843413 Pastebin of comp'd reporters from 2016 election (Wikileaks)

>>5835495 From UK thread: the poisoning of Ex-KGB/MI6 agent Sergei Skripal & daughter

>>5843464 Yazidi sex slaves set fire to their burqas after liberation from ISIS

>>5843311 Obama is headed to Wash DC with his eyes on Freshman house Dems

>>5843178 Anon picking up on last night's Chandler-Chelbin diggs

>>5843065, >>5843154, >>5843191 Per Q, Qmap.pub having count problems (Site owner: working on it? This is a WIP)

>>5843061 US accusses Mike Lynch (UK's Bill Gates) of destroying docs & paying hush$ ahead of $5bn HP fraud trial

>>5843043 Anon: "Let the spin commence"

>>5843010 Pompeo urges Lebanon to move away from 'dark' Iran, Hezbollah

>>5843001 Netanyahu: says he's suing Gantz, Ya'alon for libel over 'treason' claims

>>5842971 China war drills: US commandos capture Japanese island to show Beijing they’re ‘not kidding around

>>5842958 DJT ignoring Fox WH correspondent John Roberts (unhappy with new changes)??

>>5843652 #7475

#7475 (This baker)

>>5843746 Paris Yellow Vest protests Week 19

>>5843036 (pb) List of MSM fails

>>5843078 (pb) Update on QMAP.PUB from owner

>>5843759 Ukraine to replace Russia Russia Russia?

>>5843078 (lb) Qmap owner explains user count changes

>>5843814 MSNBC poll - 62% say Mueller is fair and impartial.

>>5843916 UK bundle Thread bundle - Skripal poisoning

>>5843992 Tehran Times - NZ was FF event courtesy of MOSSAD

>>5844019 Politico spins - again

>>5844111 Sir James Woods, master troller

>>5844215 Long Ranger - Epstein Helichop exported to Venezuela

>>5844573 #7475

How come do different baker?

560c0a  No.5845381


MSNBC is colluding to overthrow an election

c59142  No.5845382

File: a050b3321eaeed6⋯.png (892.4 KB, 1052x529, 1052:529, COLLUSION!.png)

>>5845339 lb

049497  No.5845383

File: f2212f4719ce2e8⋯.jpeg (13.16 KB, 201x241, 201:241, 90660B41-C3E1-4363-AE0B-E….jpeg)

File: dd31f539c53d135⋯.jpeg (121.45 KB, 617x920, 617:920, B459CCFF-20A5-4A06-84D0-E….jpeg)

File: 8f2e602d18d8602⋯.jpeg (22.93 KB, 300x200, 3:2, 956B7411-2F54-4583-97AD-7….jpeg)

Night Shift in the house!

038733  No.5845384

File: 1a4ca7f758ea46a⋯.png (148.58 KB, 235x334, 235:334, 1a4ca7f758ea46a4ba8af2a11e….png)

Thank you baker…good job!

917085  No.5845385

File: 6aea25a4ad222d4⋯.jpg (118.59 KB, 937x395, 937:395, Atodaso-Dim-Version.JPG)

Bernie Loving Lefty Journo Kicks Off the Dim Fratricide Era

ATODASO is officially on the menu.


ae7cc6  No.5845386


Should have been more clear. Contains referrals to DOJ to indict.

686147  No.5845388

File: ff8381f298d9804⋯.jpeg (44.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 9D1E2ED2-AAE4-48C2-B4F9-6….jpeg)

File: 36e5d118bb09947⋯.jpeg (54.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3546251F-F08A-47A0-B0B5-B….jpeg)

File: 4d6f0a0be430dd4⋯.jpeg (46.88 KB, 468x380, 117:95, CF799DDA-0CC0-4E70-83DB-D….jpeg)

File: e1d631427541390⋯.jpeg (100.36 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 7879D55A-4A48-443C-9BFF-D….jpeg)

File: 305305fa572357a⋯.jpeg (73.19 KB, 603x414, 67:46, 57DA28B7-8232-4BE4-B4DE-6….jpeg)

465879  No.5845389

File: 36499ca2c69a2ff⋯.jpeg (322.8 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1551115812.jpeg)

111396  No.5845390

File: ea11ab4f632dda7⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 800x600, 4:3, pepe middle finger.gif)

Thank you baker!



It's a gif click it faggot

f13659  No.5845391


>#Mueller be damned.

the next stage of grief. it'll pass.

3c94d4  No.5845392

File: 291869591d52f59⋯.jpg (624.09 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190323-080329….jpg)

Wtf is [CERN] up too?


403efd  No.5845393




93aae3  No.5845394

File: 5a8752e720e3efa⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 474x363, 158:121, Mueller Star.jpg)

Well this one is aging nicely.

64a924  No.5845395

File: a335cf98638f056⋯.png (43.62 KB, 622x527, 622:527, brazile seth rich fox job.PNG)


317362  No.5845396

212102  No.5845397

File: ba189b5987434b7⋯.png (43.67 KB, 625x625, 1:1, exitfox.png)

Time to teach FOX a lesson too.

038733  No.5845398

File: dc91c47a51c0d15⋯.jpg (33.17 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, chickfilalogofb_hdv.jpg)

Texas City Council Votes Against New Chick-fil-A Concession

The San Antonio City Council voted Thursday against letting Chick-fil-A open a concession at the city's airport due to the company's stand against LGBTQ issues.

A Chick-fil-A concession stand was one of 10 proposed concepts made to the council by a company seeking to open a restaurant section located in Terminal A of the San Antonio airport, according to the San Antonio Current.

Members of the council voted 6-4 against the measure with one abstention.

"With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion," Councilman Roberto C. Treviño said in a statement to the paper. "San Antonio is a city full of compassion, and we don't have room in our public facilities for a business with a legacy of anti-LGBTQ behavior."

Chick-fil-A expressed its disappointment at the council's decision and sought to clarify misconceptions about the company.

"The press release issued by the council member was the first we heard of his motion and its approval by the San Antonio City Council," Chick-fil-A told The Hill website in a statement. 

"We wish we had the opportunity to clarify misperceptions about our company prior to the vote. We agree with the council member that everyone should feel welcome at Chick-fil-A. In fact, we have welcomed everyone in San Antonio into our 32 local stores for more than 40 years."

As CBN News has reported, the popular restaurant chain has been targeted by numerous groups for a number of years, citing concerns over Chick-fil-A's stance on gay marriage due to previous comments made by CEO Dan Cathy. Chick-fil-A's policies are not discriminatory since the company employs and serves LGBTQ individuals.

The continuous attacks against the restaurant chain have not kept the company from living up to its stated mission:

"To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."


70ef50  No.5845399

File: b30379827020c70⋯.gif (3.91 MB, 295x278, 295:278, 4F9F33BA-9FA3-44FE-AC3A-AD….gif)


ThanQ Baker

d62fd4  No.5845400


Trump Co. has found yet another huge vein of liberal tears salt to be mined.

c99743  No.5845401

File: eaf9e3e569eb4cd⋯.jpg (116.74 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, wakingup.jpg)

Mornin, anons

560c0a  No.5845402

Fox news cavuto also mentioning that 7 other lawsuits

on the President pushing the NYSD

Fox saying President raped an apprentice star ?

10156d  No.5845403


I don't know anon, I took the ghost after that baker, and used the notables provided.

231201  No.5845404

File: 905c022f4a1a1d9⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 666x500, 333:250, you lift bro.jpg)


tyb and good morning to you

c59142  No.5845405

File: 92e3cf9e943a61f⋯.png (968.3 KB, 1024x980, 256:245, Boom.png)

7d6e75  No.5845406

File: 26d7ae22fdcaade⋯.jpg (41.87 KB, 532x720, 133:180, baker girl.jpg)

File: 788bd525d615965⋯.jpg (98.96 KB, 458x685, 458:685, baker 3.jpg)


You make the best bread baker.

c5411a  No.5845407

File: ae5c567c8cd29cc⋯.jpg (103.37 KB, 800x337, 800:337, wtf3.jpg)

f13659  No.5845408

>>5843464 Yazidi sex slaves set fire to their burqas after liberation from ISIS

this needs to go viral. can't count on msm to do that.

c59142  No.5845409

File: 79a8a6c4d9c4343⋯.png (1.07 MB, 913x612, 913:612, IamNotYourPuppetBitch.png)

731ae1  No.5845410

BO / BV - you may be aware, but catalog is not refreshing - stuck on bread 7475 FYI

Tried a couple of browsers. Snuck in here by posting a few links to posts that I thought would be in here to get here.

17949c  No.5845411


muh catalog!!



sup baker senpai haws it going family?

1d70d2  No.5845413

File: 9c3af72501f2252⋯.png (30.07 KB, 1241x275, 1241:275, NW-Q.png)

File: 2115ec5ce3d2220⋯.png (15.78 KB, 859x166, 859:166, Qsweek2.png)

Step aside, Bitches


>>5842541 (pb-Q)

91bb23  No.5845415

038733  No.5845416

File: 9bf0d34a52e946a⋯.png (9.04 KB, 255x183, 85:61, ff1837b789d591c63dfc650784….png)

f13659  No.5845417


Add San Antone to the list of "Places to Avoid."

a52c94  No.5845418

File: 0b860b0e74d2924⋯.png (379.86 KB, 902x350, 451:175, MUH Catalog.PNG)

995cb7  No.5845421



70ef50  No.5845422

File: 1e5a3c0a45e9e49⋯.png (958.2 KB, 1064x884, 266:221, 436A1196-51DC-48D7-949D-47….png)


Welcome newfag

560c0a  No.5845423


MSNBC still saying russia overthrew the election

17 agencies said this is so ?

Undeniable proof ?

Where is the proof ?

c59142  No.5845424


Donna…you is a leavin' the plantation!

2f0c2f  No.5845425

f217f7  No.5845426

File: b6d233e01f7cd2c⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 640x635, 128:127, c hack.jpg)

File: f5634d2a18e617a⋯.jpg (25.3 KB, 530x298, 265:149, beautiful people.jpg)

File: bc369c5afc5c1e4⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 615x410, 3:2, donut lady and the nword.jpg)


the absolute state of the #resistance

64a924  No.5845427

File: def9b8c59547360⋯.png (655.98 KB, 842x603, 842:603, flashback brennan.PNG)


5305ae  No.5845428

File: 4b40e6c1511f2d3⋯.pdf (576.58 KB, DOL-OIG Investigations New….pdf)

Released 21 March 2019

OIG Investigations Newsletter

December 1, 2018–January 31, 2019

Volume XX

>New York Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Pleads Guilty to Defrauding

Health Care Benefit Programs of $5.8 Million

>California Farm Labor Contractor Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to

Exploit the H-2A Program and its Farmworkers

>Honduran Siblings Sentenced for Their Roles in a Scheme to Evade Over $6.5 Million in

Mandatory Federal Payroll Taxes

>Detroit Man Sentenced to 36 Months in Prison for Unemployment Insurance Fraud and Illegal

Gun Possession

>Las Vegas Woman Sentenced for Her Role in an Unemployment Insurance Fraud Scheme

>Former Los Angeles Dockworker Sentenced to Prison for Defrauding the ILWU Health Plan

>New York Union President and Benefit Plan Trustee Sentenced to 37 Months in Prison for

Decade Long Embezzlement and Kickback Scheme

>California Woman Pleads Guilty to Theft and Embezzlement from a Federally Funded Charity

>Senior Official of the UAW Chrysler Department Sentenced to Prison for Conspiracy to Violate

the Labor Management Relations Act

b857d6  No.5845429

>>5845342 (lb)


686147  No.5845430


Angry SAN ANTONIO native here

Watched mayoral debate where this was discussed contentiously

Inclusive attempt by exclusive activism is liberal hallmark


8f7713  No.5845431

File: f98d423bae5380f⋯.png (412.01 KB, 611x628, 611:628, CRoss re Brennan Predicted….PNG)

File: 65bac258d8ae0a3⋯.png (50.38 KB, 521x418, 521:418, 1 DC CRoss re Brennan Pred….PNG)

File: 33d4529569814b7⋯.png (385.15 KB, 531x685, 531:685, 2 DC CRoss re Brennan Pred….PNG)

File: 3f04a428fc526ad⋯.png (243.45 KB, 626x480, 313:240, Brennan Twitter Trending r….PNG)

File: 061a84e78b23d0f⋯.png (273.07 KB, 313x820, 313:820, 2 Brennan Twitter Trending….PNG)

FLASHBACK: John Brennan Predicted Additional Mueller Indictments Just Two Weeks Ago




Brennan Trending on Twitter

MSN_C with the 'top' story and the Chuck Ross article below

Slight of hand / Distract with NOKO Fake News


920181  No.5845432


Former California leftists have overrun the place years ago.

29566f  No.5845433


Baker, the "Q's Latest Posts" for Saturday are in reverse order. Usually newest to oldest, showing oldest to newest.

It's been that way for several breads. Much appreciate your efforts!

731ae1  No.5845434


working now

3c94d4  No.5845435

File: 4041d79a0700e30⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 212x238, 106:119, images(32).jpg)

17949c  No.5845436


shit catalog is bake up

231201  No.5845437

File: 5ef638f8ef8fe2b⋯.jpeg (12.14 KB, 255x162, 85:54, really nigga.jpeg)

f13659  No.5845438


Please do something, citizen.


686147  No.5845439


Voting AGAINST incumbent

f14508  No.5845440

File: ac2ff107db01046⋯.png (131.81 KB, 480x444, 40:37, Screenshot_2019-03-18-20-5….png)

Ty baker…

4e4cb4  No.5845441


Wake up saturday morning and it’s ebakes and catalog breaks…. on top of that, i got the shakes.

6f3885  No.5845443

"Watch for Finger"

As in a reach around or a bonus during a blowjob?

70ef50  No.5845444


Too much popcorn?

049497  No.5845445

File: fb2ef64ce12d1b9⋯.jpeg (640.02 KB, 2100x1574, 1050:787, 3989D522-3DA6-4B98-9972-D….jpeg)

File: 061e2a5637f7491⋯.jpeg (275.99 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, 363F5A99-9636-48DE-B560-F….jpeg)


It’s ok. Who is sapost to be here will be

Time to wake up Jordan breakfast is ready…

Night Shift in the house!

98fcfe  No.5845446

File: 499b878ec631376⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 702x459, 26:17, w4tw34rq3r.jpg)

a52c94  No.5845447

File: 5f59f150850edcd⋯.png (348.58 KB, 617x364, 617:364, There is no catalog neo.PNG)

115858  No.5845449


'Trump Supporters at Mar-a-Lago Shout ‘Lock Her Up’ as Mueller Investigation Ends


Tucker Carlson on Mueller Probe Conclusion: ‘The People on TV Have Been Lying to You’


British Govt Rules CHRISTIANITY Is Not a Religion of Peace, Rejects Convert

News bundle while Muh Covfefe brews.

c894ac  No.5845450

File: bfab2677b48f9de⋯.jpg (56.33 KB, 888x499, 888:499, fitton.2024.jpg)

f58ce3  No.5845451

917085  No.5845452

File: 3548243a61332af⋯.jpg (26.06 KB, 830x196, 415:98, Author.JPG)


Source Sauce:


231201  No.5845453




10156d  No.5845454


fixed in new dough, had already baked. thank you for eyes on, anon!

94e141  No.5845455

File: d173ffc04d18168⋯.png (47.97 KB, 623x219, 623:219, Screenshot 2019-03-23_10-5….png)

File: ef1b3ee025c6ab5⋯.png (72.56 KB, 637x335, 637:335, Screenshot 2019-03-23_11-0….png)

File: 9016995af84de89⋯.png (73.97 KB, 623x324, 623:324, Screenshot 2019-03-23_11-0….png)

File: 70612f23782859a⋯.png (83.19 KB, 620x401, 620:401, Screenshot 2019-03-23_11-1….png)

816e30  No.5845457

I really, really hope we have the parade.

I want to go see that before I die.

403efd  No.5845458

File: 09d2c854beaf6ab⋯.png (34.5 KB, 1341x609, 447:203, nz form.PNG)

File: 820c3198f060761⋯.png (418.71 KB, 1192x673, 1192:673, NZ SITE.PNG)




400f18  No.5845459


That tightened up some DS buttholes.

ded045  No.5845460


Quiet morning. Discussion of last evening news, etc. De-stress!

50ffe6  No.5845461

File: 2a0412eabed7257⋯.png (702.72 KB, 712x722, 356:361, ClipboardImage.png)

b52aae  No.5845462

@BO: Here is one I panicked earlier and tried to bake for the 1st time if you need to delete it. Oh, and besides screwing up the Bread #, is that how to do it (just the baking, I have no idea what the criteria for "Notables" is):


dc80be  No.5845463


Cavuto is a fucking globalist shill. Turn it off.

08d0d1  No.5845464


me too anon, me too

115858  No.5845465


Tucker Carlson on Mueller Probe Conclusion: ‘The People on TV Have Been Lying to You’

Tucker Carlson reacted to reports that Department of Justice special counsel Robert Mueller was submitting his the probe’s report to Attorney General William Barr, which signified the conclusion of the probe’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Given there were no indictments tied to alleged collusion between 2016 Trump campaign officials and the Russian government, Carlson concluded the many had been misled by some who have taken to television to make claims of Trump-Russia collusion.

“The people on TV have been lying to you,” Carlson said. “They will deny it now. They will tell you it was always about Trump’s taxes or some foreign real estate deal or hush money he paid to a girlfriend. That’s a crock. This investigation was always from day one about collusion with Russia. About betraying this country. They told us that for years.”

d62fd4  No.5845466


Not only Pro-Trump, but pro-vindictive justice, as well.

917085  No.5845467


>bake up

Watch the subliminal messaging pal

59e0f7  No.5845468

File: abe4fb820198b58⋯.png (33.36 KB, 414x422, 207:211, 1974c553-8dba-41f6-b2a4-27….png)

560c0a  No.5845469


Where is his proof that the President is not a legitimate president ?

He is running another investigation ?

Today he says POTUS is not legitimate and worked with the Russians to overthrow the election on joy reid msnbc

23f4c8  No.5845470

File: 27a473783639f0f⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 338x332, 169:166, 1422415904757.jpg)


Mueller gives report to AG Barr

3/22/19 = Q


2ba362  No.5845471

File: 331deed9b5f493e⋯.jpeg (110.17 KB, 823x810, 823:810, hillarytrump.jpeg)

>>5845354 pb

More great news. This should be NOTABLE Baker

Senator Lindsey Graham to investigate Hillary Clinton for her part in the "dossier" kerfuffle

>>5841819 pb

For those arguing "this is not the biggest scandal"?

For something to be a scandal,

people have to know about it.

A crime by itself is not a scandal; no matter how big the crime

A scandal is a social phenomenon;

9/11 Fraud is not the biggest scandal


Because few people know about it.

Tons of deniers, shills fake "scientists" on the payroll.

Only POTUS and his backers had the power to bring any of this [about the Criminal Cabal] forward.

First Step; Revealing those who tried to stop us.

That's a scandal; biggest ever.

But most people don't know why it's the biggest;

at this time.

c894ac  No.5845473

>>5845455 - Barr and RR working on Saturday. 5:5


2443a9  No.5845474

File: c3d477436de8911⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1656x883, 1656:883, TFPatriot.PNG)

17949c  No.5845475

File: 6fb6c8427e9ac54⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rolls nom.jpg)


you good to bake another, corrrect?

560c0a  No.5845476


Who are these clowns ?

a0d8b5  No.5845477

File: b6854a0ccc35f3b⋯.png (60.88 KB, 719x219, 719:219, Screenshot_20190323-120114….png)

File: ee5768a4b0602ae⋯.png (127.47 KB, 719x628, 719:628, Screenshot_20190323-120102….png)



not me!

400f18  No.5845478


5:5 my fren. Expecting a busy weekend of loser tears! 😭😭😭

40dbca  No.5845479

So coming up next we have


-OIG Horowitz report


-July 4 DC celebration

comfy comfy comfy

a7247c  No.5845480

File: 5126b903ebc026f⋯.jpg (215.96 KB, 700x990, 70:99, 17.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

I have the ebake (last bread) at #7477, which came after #7476 "Q is the News on FOX".

So in my count this should be #7478.

Do I have the wrong count?

91bb23  No.5845481


If Donna really did that, the potential for a very cold dish of revenge being served up to the witch is delightful to consider.

831fe8  No.5845482

File: d7ac7028ff13aac⋯.jpg (167.3 KB, 576x343, 576:343, maddow.jpg)

2fa467  No.5845483


Either rise up and take back your "county" San Antonio or give it back to Mexico so we can take care of this shit the correct way!

231201  No.5845484

File: e89fcfffcc1de70⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 450x388, 225:194, Blue chicken.jpg)


this triggered cg last fall pretty substantially

7d6e75  No.5845485


Got to get that report on the report out.

94e141  No.5845486

Barr presents PRIMARY conclusions to CONGRESS. He will then consult with RR/Mueller for additional revelations to be made…

Upcoming thereafter…

DEMS will SUBPOENA Mueller

Dems will subpoena AG Barr

70ef50  No.5845487

File: 82311c1aefd0082⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, E9EF3F7E-5358-4ECC-B8DD-AC….png)


No worries, we are at war, anon. Learn to bake if you can when it is slow.

e36974  No.5845488

File: 09ff67a61830106⋯.png (946.8 KB, 719x644, 719:644, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3f0a5dbfbc30f1⋯.png (48.94 KB, 371x733, 371:733, ClipboardImage.png)


baker girl is canuckanon!

(also thank you for bread, baker)

74bb97  No.5845489

File: 5a309a7de18bab5⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Democrat Bistro.jpg)

48d71f  No.5845491

File: b1bbec575adc3d9⋯.jpeg (19.16 KB, 244x207, 244:207, D6D48E0A-96B0-464A-A4F1-A….jpeg)

I just love ebake makes me feel so not human.

5be282  No.5845492


Fitton is awesome. He looks like a Simpsons character!

c894ac  No.5845493

File: 6693862d58cbd25⋯.jpeg (81.31 KB, 960x960, 1:1, meme.5.5.jpeg)

c99743  No.5845494

File: cf205429af7aa0e⋯.gif (3.62 MB, 360x210, 12:7, yoink.gif)


takin' that donut

50ffe6  No.5845495

File: dfa5311517661b1⋯.png (266.31 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

e83833  No.5845496


I luv the fact she was on vacation when news broke

214de3  No.5845497


NZ has no protections in their constitution to defend their citizens right to protect themselves.

I don't agree with their approach, however it's within their powers to do so.

NZ citizens need to regain power.

f6a154  No.5845498

File: 4cffb497f43b869⋯.jpeg (302.41 KB, 1125x817, 1125:817, E186F99B-B158-42C0-8DBD-7….jpeg)

Still waiting

JUST IN: Attorney General William Barr is at the Justice Department today reviewing the Mueller report, reports NPR's @johnson_carrie.


29566f  No.5845499


Da nada, Fren! Keep up the great work!

71ff86  No.5845501

The truth about stormy and the payoff would be the cherry on top right now.

70ef50  No.5845502

File: f23bfe247f6e4b8⋯.jpeg (99.91 KB, 1440x759, 480:253, 8A4C16F5-84AD-4677-8885-3….jpeg)

5025c0  No.5845503

File: cbc4357aa859b77⋯.png (288.3 KB, 896x619, 896:619, ClipboardImage.png)


98fcfe  No.5845504

File: e8560a75f025b9d⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 677x381, 677:381, DahJEWS.jpg)



049497  No.5845505


I remeber that day, and the faces behind it

973489  No.5845506

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)

File: 0898b6ef64e8eca⋯.jpg (81.84 KB, 989x556, 989:556, WhoDesignedMueller.jpg)

17949c  No.5845507




f4da79  No.5845509

File: a3684ddee4699fd⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 808x572, 202:143, a3684ddee4699fd59d9e62b405….jpg)



403efd  No.5845510



e36974  No.5845511


Who pissed in your corn flakes?

(jk, saw what you were doin there)

560c0a  No.5845512


Meltdown day 2 MSNBC and even Fox

POTUS not legitimate president → MSNBC

Fox pushing NYSD cases ?

Fox hired Donna Brazil to protect her because she rigged the presidential debates?

d66284  No.5845513

catalog numbers are screwed up at #7476 it's there twice this should be #7479

70ef50  No.5845514

File: ab385d4f4312553⋯.jpeg (576.35 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 5575EC28-1942-4554-B385-2….jpeg)

Patriots remember

831fe8  No.5845515

((( trout ))) wonder if it was young trout or old trout…hey at least its not cheese pizza

2f0c2f  No.5845516


(((THEY))) have been saying that since Nov 9, 2016.

It is the narrative they keep pushing believing if they say it often enough it will become true in the mind of the populace.

It worked in the past - with ease - the target would "resign" because they had skeletons they did not want exposed.

Not so this time - their playbook has failed them.

d6c25d  No.5845517

File: 058b8ebdd193570⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 570x717, 190:239, Yes.jpg)



Hit [Show All] beside sort menu on catalogue. This should be default setting.

038733  No.5845518

File: ab0653f5c7716a3⋯.jpg (12.47 KB, 737x491, 737:491, robert-mueller-report-coll….jpg)


Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has submitted his report on his investigation into Russian meddling into the 2016 election, but did so without bringing indictments against President Donald Trump or his family, some conservative media personalities are asking if critics of the current White House will have to change their tune.

Though Mueller's team has already brought indictments against 34 individuals, including some people close to Trump, including political operative Roger Stone and former Trump campaign head Paul Manafort, it does not appear that the special counsel's office will be bringing any additional charges.

On Saturday morning's Fox & Friends, a show President Trump has cited many times in the past, the Fox News show's co-hosts pondered how the president's critics would respond if the report includes no evidence that the administration colluded with Russia to impact the 2016 election.

“What happens when your savior becomes the absolver of your enemy?" co-host Pete Hegseth asked of Democrats in a segment flagged by Mediate.com. "That’s what’s happening for them right now. Bob Mueller was going to bring the heat on the man they hate the most. And what if this report says no, actually, guys, you’ve spent 675 days yelling about nonsense, which some of us have said from the beginning, and now this report comes out. There’s a few things in there. A couple bad business dealings in the past, but ultimately Trump actually just won the election. They’ll go nuts."

Similarly, Hegseth's co-host Katie Pavlich predicted that if Trump's detractors find nothing in the report that links the president to a crime, they will find another reason to attack the White House.

“The argument from the beginning is there was Russian collusion. This is why the special counsel needed to be appointed,” said Pavlich on Saturday. “It then moved to conspiracy and obstruction of justice and Democrats are now probably going to move to some other argument."

It may be a little premature to argue that the Mueller report could absolve Trump and his inner circle. While the special counsel's office may not be bringing any future indictments, there continue to be a number of ongoing investigations at both the federal and state level involving the administration.

“The Mueller investigation is but a fraction of the president’s troubles," Bradley Moss, a national security lawyer and former federal prosecutor, recently told Newsweek. "If anything, it’s just the beginning."

Though critics of the Mueller investigation have painted the special counsel's office has having too broad a focus of inquiry, other prosecutors have an even wider range of available areas to probe.

For example, in February, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York subpoenaed financial and donor records from Trump's inaugural committee, as part of an an investigation that covers everything from the committee’s spending to whether any donations came from illegal foreign entities.

Arguably the most high-profile case related to the White House — the conviction of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen on eight felony counts — also came out of the SDNY.

“The SDNY investigation, in the end, has to be far more concerning for the president,” Moss explained, noting that Trump is effectively “already an unindicted co-conspirator” in Cohen’s crimes. “With the investigation reaching into possible bank, loan and insurance fraud issues regarding which Cohen handed over documentation to federal prosecutors, that probe threatens the president, his family and his business empire.”


10156d  No.5845519


happy to hand off at the dough next bread

214de3  No.5845520


Before my time. What was it like living through that?

2902c1  No.5845521

>>5844067 (Pb)

Well if so, then it helps make sense out this Q post. #2861

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: acc52d No.5101092

Feb 9 2019 22:54:04 (EST)





-Blockade removal ['Scaramucci' model]

-[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]

-[Ohr] removal

-[1-4] removal

-Barr install

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] notes re: strong reservations to DECLAS due to sources & methods + Foreign CLAS (irreparable harm) > OIG review prior to executing order

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) pull DECLAS review assignment from OIG [cite: executive order from POTUS does not require special oversight - DOJ/FBI (Wray) fully capable in reviewing and commenting re: OP integrity (sources & methods) etc.]

-Barr executes order to DECLAS + provide members of H committee long requested supplemental documentation in C setting [scope memo + CLAS] as required by US Law.

-Whitaker remain DOJ senior staff

-Barr meeting Huber & OIG

-OIG report

-House D's threaten subpoena of Barr/Whitaker re: DECLAS, SC report, Huber, etc….

-House D's use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]

-Meeting w/ NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A, B food for people (aid)

UK/AUS narrative shift re: in_country spy campaign v. POTUS (hops 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to target)

-D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)

-Public Awakening

-Narrative damage control

-Placeholders active

-Wall discussion end (public awareness of D's)

-Red/Green Castle per orig plan

Dark to Light.



973489  No.5845522

File: 4c7eb3330949b23⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 850x569, 850:569, DeclasNowBoringAfterDelays.jpg)

File: 32311b26a612f11⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 768x512, 3:2, Declas.jpg)

File: a9db67f837ea24f⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 615x461, 615:461, FISA.jpg)

aef469  No.5845523

File: 876dfe720939691⋯.jpg (80.23 KB, 1125x791, 1125:791, walkaway2.jpg)


Thought that was next weekend.

Make a list.

38927b  No.5845524

File: 21c845710dee954⋯.png (135.1 KB, 295x372, 295:372, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b5ae65a08c7129⋯.jpg (106.42 KB, 500x663, 500:663, MuellerWhiteHat.jpg)

2443a9  No.5845525

File: baf36932b27b977⋯.png (1.76 MB, 744x1116, 2:3, CCW.PNG)

File: 122309327900d21⋯.png (80.93 KB, 1103x890, 1103:890, Qp.PNG)


A tool this anon has used to help nurture truth to normies. Let it be helpful to my fellow anons.

>Winner of the Royal Historical Society’s Gladstone Memorial Prize, *the classic history of the CIA’s covert funding of cultural activities—from the Boston Symphony Orchestra to Abstract Expressionism—during the Cold War*


>Called “the most comprehensive account yet of the [CIA’s] activities between 1947 and 1967” by the New York Times, the book presents shocking evidence of the CIA’s undercover program of cultural interventions in Western Europe and at home, drawing together declassified documents and exclusive interviews to expose the CIA’s astonishing campaign to deploy the likes of Hannah Arendt, Isaiah Berlin, Leonard Bernstein, Robert Lowell, George Orwell, and Jackson Pollock as weapons in the Cold War." =="Translated into ten languages"==

Recent Q+this historical background = very convincing.

43276f  No.5845526


Sure it wasn't a phishing trip she left

50ffe6  No.5845527

File: ef89fbabc964a91⋯.png (398.09 KB, 750x400, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fox hired Donna Brazil to protect her because she rigged the presidential debates?

46479b  No.5845528

File: 5cc0f95e25b01d0⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1000x1297, 1000:1297, Why she lost.png)


Anon you have to understand how Powerful the Cabal use to be. Sometime even Good/neutral people where force/coerced into doing theirs bidding. Maybe, just Maybe Donna will be able to redeem herself.

a59bb5  No.5845529

File: 048bdbe09eec9ac⋯.png (23.51 KB, 883x97, 883:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Q…was russian invasion on Ukraine actually to take out the deep state that is tied to what DB is tweeting about?

17949c  No.5845530


NVs already fixed

refresh catalog

right as raIN

61251e  No.5845531

File: 3a060518a70972e⋯.jpg (209.69 KB, 878x683, 878:683, QCrumbsWorldChange5.jpg)

17949c  No.5845532

ae7cc6  No.5845533

Wait till you who and why Vegas happened…

Biggest “mass shooting” in American history, and the media always forgets to mention that one for their narrative

2902c1  No.5845534


sorry, forgot to point out the top of the post…the numbers..

917085  No.5845536


The origin source (via the article) is this:

"was being interviewed by video journalist Nicholas Ballasy "

Will need to look for Ballsy's vid.

899226  No.5845537

File: 916b3eb9789067a⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 384x272, 24:17, tenor.gif)



This is big.

91bb23  No.5845538


I think Donna really really hates Hillary and Podesta.

403efd  No.5845540


Rudy G makes such a good point.

You would think that anchors would be expressing GOOD NEWS FOR AMERICA….


6b6a8c  No.5845541

Prolly wanna change it to No-Name at this point >>5845488

17949c  No.5845542


ill be there for a wake and baker

thanks bakesy

a0d8b5  No.5845543


at least fake maga account.

i know bout the chabad thing, but i hope for a twist

26c157  No.5845544

File: 93efc8e04d7e0e1⋯.jpeg (121.17 KB, 1186x777, 1186:777, CA472C8D-9FF2-4A84-9B2C-9….jpeg)

72e594  No.5845545

File: 89454bea28e9dc9⋯.jpeg (52.13 KB, 495x458, 495:458, 443B1C71-C23C-413F-9DC9-5….jpeg)

File: 553f1989267cffa⋯.jpeg (147.89 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 36D58DCF-39DD-4A76-B3DD-3….jpeg)

ISIS declared DONE.

Same timing as Mueller completion.

Patriots Are In Control.

Ammunition Spent

94e141  No.5845546

the fact that 'there will be no further sealed indictments' was revealed yesterday as the Mueller report was presented…. could be a leak or just an inference from Mueller concluding.

The media weirdly revealed possibly 3 more indictments, correct? 3 more on top of 34 we already knew about.

Were those '3'… Kushner, Ivanka, Jr… which were pulled and possibly being reported to troll them further?

a4e049  No.5845547


Extremists attack Somalia govt office, minister among 5 dead==

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Gunmen set off a suicide car bombing and then stormed a government building in Somalia's capital Saturday, killing at least five people including the country's deputy labor minister, police said. It was the latest attack by Islamic extremists in the troubled Horn of Africa nation.

After an hours-long gunbattle, Somalia's security forces took back control of the building in Mogadishu on Saturday afternoon from at least five attackers who forced their way into the government building that houses the ministries of labor and public works, police Capt. Mohamed Hussein told The Associated Press.

Extremists attack Somalia govt office, minister among 5 dead

Abdi Guled, Associated Press Updated 9:40 am CDT, Saturday, March 23, 2019

A woman stands behind wreckage left from a suicide car bomb attack on a government building in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Saturday, March 23, 2019. Al-Shabab gunmen stormed into the government building following a suicide car bombing at the gates on Saturday, a police officer said, in the latest attack by Islamic extremist fighters in the Horn of Africa nation. Photo: Farah Abdi Warsameh, AP / Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Photo: Farah Abdi Warsameh, AP

Image 1 of 12

A woman stands behind wreckage left from a suicide car bomb attack on a government building in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Saturday, March 23, 2019. Al-Shabab gunmen stormed into the government building … more

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Gunmen set off a suicide car bombing and then stormed a government building in Somalia's capital Saturday, killing at least five people including the country's deputy labor minister, police said. It was the latest attack by Islamic extremists in the troubled Horn of Africa nation.

After an hours-long gunbattle, Somalia's security forces took back control of the building in Mogadishu on Saturday afternoon from at least five attackers who forced their way into the government building that houses the ministries of labor and public works, police Capt. Mohamed Hussein told The Associated Press.

Saqar Ibrahim Abdalla, Somalia's deputy minister of labor and social affairs, was killed in his ground-floor office shortly after gunmen entered the building, he said.

Hussein said at least 10 other people were wounded in the attack, which the al-Qaida-linked al-Shabab extremist group has claimed responsibility for.

Dozens of people were inside the building at the time since Saturday is a working day in Somalia. The building is not far from the headquarters of the Somali intelligence agency.

As the attack unfolded, gunfire could be heard from inside the building. White smoke billowed from the scene, according to witnesses.

A similar attack targeting a busy area in Mogadishu at the end of February killed at least 24 people.

Al-Shabab, Africa's most active Islamic extremist group, has been fighting for years to take power and create an Islamic state in Somalia. It frequently carries out suicide bombings targeting public places, hotels and government offices despite being pushed out of Mogadishu. It mostly operates from rural areas in the country's south.

African Union peacekeepers stationed in Mogadishu and elsewhere in the country have helped Somali forces to keep al-Shabab fighters at bay.

The extremist group has also carried out many deadly attacks in neighboring Kenya in retaliation over the country's deployment in 2011 of peacekeepers in Somalia.

The U.S. military has carried out a number of deadly airstrikes in recent months against al-Shabab.


2ba362  No.5845548

File: 39864d83a8f2c99⋯.jpeg (92.33 KB, 649x578, 649:578, rr2.jpeg)


Barr's breaking the news [in person] to the ringleader / biggest piece of illness, first.

523fe5  No.5845549

I'm out of popcorn

My sides hurt from laughing so hard

973489  No.5845550

File: 16f8c725230d553⋯.jpg (77.22 KB, 640x670, 64:67, IMG_20190307_062126.jpg)

File: 7bc98e9dbac5abd⋯.jpg (133.2 KB, 905x870, 181:174, IMG_20190306_071908.jpg)

24bbbe  No.5845551


Thank you for your excellent service, brother. Been here watching with you since the beginning.

231201  No.5845552


that was certainly a defining moment. and then what habbened after was….

d66284  No.5845553

twatter Bongino

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

50m50 minutes ago

Devon Archer

2 replies 10 retweets 18 likes

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

50m50 minutes ago


3 replies 9 retweets 17 likes

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

50m50 minutes ago

Hunter Biden

3 replies 6 retweets 10 likes

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

50m50 minutes ago

Joe Biden

3 replies 6 retweets 12 likes

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

50m50 minutes ago

Fusion GPS

2 replies 6 retweets 11 likes

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

50m50 minutes ago

Serhiy Leshchenko

2 replies 7 retweets 11 likes

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

50m50 minutes ago

Yuriy Lutsenko

2 replies 7 retweets 12 likes

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

50m50 minutes ago

George Kent

2 replies 5 retweets 12 likes

Dan Bongino

‏Verified account @dbongino

57m57 minutes ago

Marie Yovanovitch

f217f7  No.5845554


yeah right

1st time he's seen it

got it.

aef469  No.5845555

File: 4a04112635acadd⋯.png (593.71 KB, 1865x1467, 1865:1467, twitbots.png)



5a337f  No.5845556


Looking forward to jailing journalists, and everything else good.

Not sure we need to preserve relationships with Israel. A nuke would be fine.

e36974  No.5845557


Watch [them] get more aggressive with copyright claims when it helps [them] to get rid of an unfrenly narrative.

It's already happened on YT vids that have a snippet of copyrighted music in the bgd, even if it's there incidentally.

380ba6  No.5845558

I like when the catalog is borked.

70ef50  No.5845559

File: 2b43e1509a7a996⋯.jpeg (220.77 KB, 1786x874, 47:23, A0EB2493-0578-4638-ADEF-B….jpeg)

File: 1f94e755eeb626f⋯.jpeg (343.2 KB, 1159x533, 1159:533, 7732FBD2-4FFB-460C-8D41-8….jpeg)

049497  No.5845560


Not much difference than now till all the players held accountable.

403efd  No.5845561


>Barr's breaking the news [in person] to the ringleader / biggest piece of illness, first.


878f1b  No.5845562

File: d30b7de64d5a869⋯.jpeg (36.81 KB, 240x255, 16:17, D67E6865-EE53-4AC7-A306-4….jpeg)

3c94d4  No.5845563

File: 6f9b03867fdb35d⋯.png (11.65 KB, 198x254, 99:127, bd2a9b9616c1913bcbf474cfeb….png)


Trump still calling him Mr Magoo? Kek I wonder

8764ee  No.5845564

File: 83f423b07213c37⋯.png (456.04 KB, 564x564, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4462a0469766b74⋯.png (589.66 KB, 563x594, 563:594, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eea46f44e737c7c⋯.png (209.21 KB, 333x537, 111:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27c11256629e9d9⋯.png (578.52 KB, 564x705, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5845312 (pb)

The Great Awakening

a4e049  No.5845565


my bad, sorry for the bad format!

1d70d2  No.5845566

File: 75647531527185f⋯.png (444.67 KB, 1000x1158, 500:579, Screen-Shot-2019-03-20-at-….png)



920181  No.5845567


=Red Scarfs=

Selling like hotcakes this weekend.

9fe91b  No.5845568

Why were we down for so long BO? DDoS?

ae7cc6  No.5845569


Hello newfren, look who is actually running Ukraine. Also look at:

Who are the Russian oligarchs?

Are they dual-citizens?

Of which country?

Who are the movers and shakers in Ukraine?

Are they ethnically Ukrainian?

Are they dual citizens?

Of which country?

Do either make political/economic moves at the detriment of the ethnic populations in Russia/Ukraine?


d782c7  No.5845570


I think Donna is trying to save herself realising that its over for them

94e141  No.5845571


RR is the only other person who already has a copy of the Mueller Report

1a0d74  No.5845572

Where did the online in last 24 hr counter on qmap.pub go? I saw it kick up to over 500,000 yesterday, then it disappeared? Sorry if this has already been discussed.

882faa  No.5845573

File: fc86eaca83b92a4⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1058x845, 1058:845, 0098974650112653.png)

a52c94  No.5845574

File: 284828eaeeabb79⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 600x750, 4:5, daily-afternoon-randomness….jpg)

TY Baker!

38927b  No.5845575

File: 62e3ad00aae4b1d⋯.png (630.21 KB, 633x476, 633:476, 1317d184-24ca-d201-7178-77….png)

d62fd4  No.5845576


I'm glad Wyatt Earp from LA told everyone not to flood their site either

317362  No.5845577


>>5848312 Bread #7477 (this bread)

>>5844518 Bread #7477 (previous bread)

>>5845170 Bread #7476 (killed)

>>5842866 Bread #7475 (last ok)

On shitty device for hardcrawling the chan but double check it?

917085  No.5845579


No, because she's part of the plan to assist in red pill suppository surgeries.

d59adc  No.5845581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Politico tries to trash Q

2f0c2f  No.5845582


>trying to save herself

like Mueller

380ba6  No.5845583


Wasn't down

/catalog/ was not updating properly

038733  No.5845584

File: 1af373b4b3591da⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1518589772634.jpg)


wtf is going on with that neck???

look closely..

db764b  No.5845585



8f7f8c  No.5845586

File: 5c93b0cfc2d77e3⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 159x255, 53:85, 0a35b71b2c0e58a4a6bd044399….jpg)


ThankQ Baker/s

83deeb  No.5845587

File: 274279c8c1cb641⋯.png (949.99 KB, 1758x1288, 879:644, Screen Shot 2019-03-23 at ….png)

Great day today, it's national puppy day!

8a3084  No.5845588

(((They))) are really pushing the DEEPFAKE narrative. 2nd video I’ve seen in as many weeks of fake videos of the President

President’s face is put on character from “The Office” as a fun and friendly way to introduce this to the masses, just like cigarette advertisements in the 80’s


d29ca6  No.5845589

Anons, I feel we're actually at that point where we can start to bring up truthful subjects in most discussions now and inform other people more easily. I tried just letting down my "not the right time to speak about this subject" guard this morning and it just.. worked. I feel like it's because of the Mueller report.

We're closer to the truth being revealed.

46479b  No.5845590

File: 25909632247053e⋯.jpeg (337.42 KB, 1521x736, 1521:736, Ukraine Clusterfuck1.jpeg)

File: 101591bda18194f⋯.jpeg (144.32 KB, 1125x815, 225:163, Ukraine_Russia Nuke.jpeg)


I have been monitoring the Ukrainian situation for a long time anon. And thing are really not what they seem. At the time the "new" Ukrainian Gov where about to do some ethnic cleansing of theirs own is the most Russian populated part of Eastern Ukraine. Also that Government is Cabal true and true. Allied with the Like of Trudeau/ Brit and the rest of the European Cabal.

Pic related.

f40f07  No.5845591

Never mind

Is 8 chan / Q down?

3c94d4  No.5845592

File: 6704da129ae3476⋯.jpg (22.34 KB, 288x450, 16:25, cbe9ba1934aba5a2ffc6d4c219….jpg)


No looking back.

26c157  No.5845593

File: 94f72db87de5fde⋯.jpeg (307.49 KB, 1125x1497, 375:499, 87A31F03-D3AD-44BE-9ACC-D….jpeg)

File: 1bebfe7e4ae47d8⋯.jpeg (244.4 KB, 1108x1426, 554:713, D405CAA6-6447-4F5E-A980-E….jpeg)

File: 9f367a76c14ffc0⋯.jpeg (372.71 KB, 1124x1649, 1124:1649, F8438144-648A-4014-A306-8….jpeg)

File: 64cb994c23cb3b7⋯.jpeg (467.59 KB, 1125x1908, 125:212, 7233FDFA-1BF3-44BD-9D24-8….jpeg)

File: f5ddbcb1e05e3c2⋯.jpeg (83.91 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 500394EC-6B0A-449D-8936-5….jpeg)

George Conway Admits he is Confidential Source for Propagandists

As a conservative lawyer, who at one point considered taking a job in the administration and still has close ties to it said to one of us last night: “All this man [the source] wanted to do was to help our country. And this was a legitimate counterintelligence inquiry with more than an adequate foundation and a perfectly appropriate method. Trump and Nunes have defiled the oaths they took. It’s just obscene.”



91bb23  No.5845594


Yep. It's been obvious for a while now that RR and Mueller are gray hats.

973489  No.5845595

File: 55419ee32566270⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 670x377, 670:377, QPenPower.jpg)

6d6c57  No.5845596


KSA tried to kill Prince Mohammad

688eb4  No.5845597


Good stuff Anon

d24e96  No.5845599


>You should research moar


"Removed online user count (explanation)."


dda5db  No.5845600

Nice to see you all again

98fcfe  No.5845601

File: dd7088bfd0b9abf⋯.png (74.84 KB, 258x235, 258:235, dd7088bfd0b9abff352e80cffe….png)


>Is 8 chan / Q down?

c93e28  No.5845602

File: cb8ee73a257a54e⋯.jpeg (113.7 KB, 837x960, 279:320, image.jpeg)


You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned and coordinated propaganda event in modern day history.

‘Projection’ 101


We are watching a movie. The Great Awakining. The fight for our minds. You are more powerful than you think.

The world is a reflection of what we think, feel and believe. If this where not so why would the cabal expend so much money and energy propagandizing the masses?

" To find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Nikola Tesla

Where attention goes, energy flows, results show.

If our individual thoughts, ideas, imaginings change our world how much more the collective hive mind of millions of anons across the world.

Projection 101 what do we SEE within US, what do we believe and Imagine to be happening.

I see the collapse of the largest pre planned and coordinated propaganda event in modern day history.

Events must follow.

Thanks for the visual Q

4e4cb4  No.5845603

File: a1480e643bd9f07⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 58D7CB15-4656-4C7D-8A6C-7….jpeg)


Was reviewing this notable >>5845062 A chloral hydrate based aerosol paedo spray in a small hand held container

and noticed the god Ra temple in the doc... This is huge. Leads back to Q drops too.

Their symbolism will be their downfall

055721  No.5845604

Kellyanne's interview with Maria B the other day – I know this was discussed at the time, and I'm sorry I don't know how to embed, but I just watched the interview last night and have been thinking about it ever since.

What struck me most–beside's Kellyanne's incredible self-command and grace under fair pressure from Maria–was the precise way she spoke about George and about her priorities:

1) Her #1 priority is her "four school aged children" - all choices will ultimately be to protect them.

2) When pressed about DJT insulting GC publicly, she said, Well George attacked him. And then she said,

3) It was NOT LIKE GEORGE to do this, at least through the time when she took the WH job. She emphasized more than once that this was out of character for him. Sadly, Maria didn't pursue WHY George had begun acting out of character. But this is important!

4) She advertised his professional accomplishments (trying to debunk, without saying so, DJT's suggestions that he's a professional loser, bitter he can't compete).

Do you see what I see? According to Kellyanne, SOMETHING HAS CHANGED WITH GEORGE, and to me, husband-jealous-of-wife just doesn't quite cut it, at least not at this magnitude.

–Is he being blackmailed or leveraged?

–Is he having a mental health issue?

–Is he having a drug/addiction issue?

If he were merely an awful, bitter husband, I don't believe Kellyanne would have emphasized how his assholic conduct was so out of character. She would have stuck with the other deflections (which she also used, It's private, Ask him, I just focus on my kids and work).

What if we are not watching an asshole husband with TDS who can't stand his wife's success – but instead we are watching an attempt to weaken POTUS by leveraging the husband of one of his team? If this were true, then the Trump attacks on George (Don Jr, DJT, Erik) are an attempt to defang the leverage, by saying, This loser's attacks don't embarrass us, he's a putz. It's the only way they can help Kellyanne AND George–and Kellyanne's #1 priority, her children.

Go back and look carefully at her exact words.


Apologies if other anons have already pointed this out and I missed it.

831fe8  No.5845605

not sure…i think this entire where we go ONE thing ties into the the kikes ONE MOVEMENT under the NOAHIDE…they are hoping enough Q people fall in line with the fake christian doctrine …the jew angle must be explored

2ba362  No.5845606

File: 1cda3fc1596a509⋯.jpeg (63.67 KB, 744x483, 248:161, rrfired.jpeg)


The "stealth" move was the reveal of the text messages and interviews to the public.

Not crook RR

They never thought that would happen.

In the Dark.

They truly believe POTUS is stupid.

He played them.


"They Are Stupid"

d6c25d  No.5845607

File: 5bbd27bc98cded6⋯.png (177.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


there are 3 #7477s

628759  No.5845608

71ff86  No.5845609


The collective soul?

91bb23  No.5845610


Shut the fuck up

973489  No.5845611

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, TreasonsAndTraitorsBye.jpg)

db764b  No.5845612


Tejanos love that ChickFilA, that city councilman may have pinned the last nail in the coffin of his political career.

917085  No.5845614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


fbd21d  No.5845615


Jews in Kiev?

Who knew lol

6fb5da  No.5845616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We back!

d782c7  No.5845617


Nobody can make me believe RR or Mueller are white hats, They like you say know they are in the shit, Rats jumping shit

f4da79  No.5845618

File: 3bc67fe8ed4e91f⋯.png (100.92 KB, 909x790, 909:790, nz_kek.PNG)

"The attacks on the web site are a public act of civil disobedience by gun owners, most of whom in the United States judging by the entries above."


62fecc  No.5845619

File: 3209e9c6167a83d⋯.jpg (143.64 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ma35FG3 65HG6530HJ PTKBG[P….jpg)


Wait until you learn how much gold they found on the walls around parts of the super collider. Like enough that it makes one's cranium tingle about the destabilization effects of so much gold.




231201  No.5845620

File: 4d5fa7af5149199⋯.jpg (161.83 KB, 868x1085, 4:5, Mrs. Magoo.jpg)

File: c3b5c09e5631a76⋯.jpg (14.44 KB, 477x268, 477:268, Mr Magoo.jpg)


jeffy boy alright. just relaxing.

Now Mrs. Magoo a different story

7d6e75  No.5845621

File: 65b9d1e800afc7f⋯.jpg (148.18 KB, 802x573, 802:573, barr.jpg)


AG Barr after he finishes the Mueller report.

1a0d74  No.5845622


I didn't see that. But thank you!

f40f07  No.5845623

File: 8fadb0beb5d3afc⋯.jpg (110.77 KB, 888x500, 222:125, DoqS02UXgAAK-YN.jpg)

10156d  No.5845624

#7477 at 170ish

>>5845525 anon suggests redpill book: the classic history of the CIA’s covert funding of cultural activities

>>5845503 twit suspends account with viral twit of Rachel Maddow crying on air

>>5845455 - Barr and RR working on Saturday. 5:5

>>5845465 Tucker Carlson on Mueller Probe Conclusion: ‘The People on TV Have Been Lying to You’

>>5845395 Donna Brazile called SR family before taking Fox News job

>>5843464 (pb) Yazidi sex slaves set fire to their burqas after liberation from ISIS

8f7f8c  No.5845625


catalog() {
# . torsocks on
curl -sA '' https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/threads.json | jq ".[].page" | tail -n 2 | xargs -n 1 -I {} curl -sA '' https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/{}.json | jq '.threads[].posts[0] | .sub + " - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/" + (.no|tostring) + ".html"' -r
# . torsocks off

70ef50  No.5845626

File: d5a671793c21c26⋯.png (577.27 KB, 677x380, 677:380, 8FC33C9B-2D20-45BA-A6A3-0E….png)

831fe8  No.5845627

how about you kys first faggot maybe put a bag over your head and jerk it while you run out of breath ..while you dream of your kike overlords felching your dead corpse

995cb7  No.5845628


Noooo…she was hired becaue Fox has fully turned.

973489  No.5845629

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

560c0a  No.5845630

MSNBC Live → joy reid a coverup is taking place to hide the collusion

talking with Castro

CNN live -→ CNN You are questioning Mullers integrity to representative cohen ?

920181  No.5845631

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i cant belive this.jpg)


Yes, this is all just a dream…

212102  No.5845632

File: b02bf68c17413ef⋯.jpg (178.59 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Lachlan_Murdoch.jpg)


Actually NO…

REASON: New Fox CEO Lachlan Murdoch is a Radical Leftwing Democrat and is changing Fox to reflect his twisted views. Paul Ryan is coming onboard too.

Notice the difference in FOX News in the past couple weeks?

f495ae  No.5845633

https:// twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1109279942523662336?s=21

Possible Q Proof!!!

Video of Brennan from two weeks ago, saying they were going to indict Trumps kids.

049497  No.5845634

File: b3a0d2ace03e1e9⋯.jpeg (709.14 KB, 1576x2098, 788:1049, 3CEC21FD-D0EE-4E93-9A7B-A….jpeg)

6f3885  No.5845635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Complete Gravity Falls Timeline

71ff86  No.5845636


They are reluctant players. Trying to reduce their punishment.

38927b  No.5845637

Happy Pain Day!

61251e  No.5845638

File: b4ae90447cde9ed⋯.png (11.76 KB, 214x236, 107:118, Popcorn3.png)

File: ae1c3aeea676be1⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 750x725, 30:29, Popcorns.jpg)

File: 5c0c9fd6a036d34⋯.jpeg (135.38 KB, 720x645, 48:43, PopcornAlert.jpeg)

File: 92f96c6281f2507⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 554x421, 554:421, MOARPopcorn.jpg)

File: cd66df9369e2e74⋯.jpg (370.02 KB, 1030x844, 515:422, PopcornYeti.jpg)


Moar popcorn on its way

d6c25d  No.5845639


Is it a case of shill(s) gone wild

3c94d4  No.5845640

File: ae2ec6bd31a83ba⋯.jpg (946.22 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190204-064335….jpg)

9fe91b  No.5845641


True, good point, point stands though, outside issue? Odd timing considering all the MSM dopes all run attack articles on 8chan and Jena was en route at same time as well.

8f7f8c  No.5845642


user@host $ catalog
Q Research General #7184: Brackektology Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5617500.html
Q Research General #7183: March Madness Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5616741.html
Q Research General #7182: DARPA = FB Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5615981.html
Q Research General #7181: FB RETURNING TO THE NEWS Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5615217.html
Q Research General #7180: STAY STRONG, PATRIOTS Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5614459.html
Q Research General #7179: MSM Is 1.5 Years Behind Anons Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5613696.html
Q Research General #7178: The Uncuckening Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5612889.html
Q Research General #7177: Lucky Sevens Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5612117.html
Q Research General #7176: Sky is Falling Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5611334.html
Q Research General #7175: Laughs In [MOAB] Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5610512.html
Q Research General #7174: The Sunday Watch Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5609742.html
Q Research General #7173: Tom Fitton: The Guns Of Justice Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5609004.html
Q Research General #7172: -[9] Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5608250.html
Q Research General #7171: Plane Crashes Galore Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5607485.html
Q Research General #7170: Catching Up Again Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5606746.html
Q Research General #7169: Baker Assistant for the SCORE Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5605952.html
Q Research General #7168: Something Very Serious To FEAR Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5605195.html
Q Research General #7167: The Show Of All Shows Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5604368.html
Q Research General #7166: Stealth Bombers Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5603597.html
Q Research General #7165: Patriots Have No Skin Color Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5602800.html
Q Research General #7164: 145 Judges! Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5602062.html
Q Research General #7163: Stacey Dash Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5601308.html
Q Research General #7162: It Has Begun Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5600553.html
Q Research General #7161: Follow the MAPS Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5599788.html
Q Research General #7160: State Secrets Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5598938.html
Q Research General #7159: TODAY THEY ARE LEARNING THE TRUTH Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5598127.html
Q Research General #7158: Patriots Stand At The Ready Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5597339.html
Q Research General #7157: Sealed &gt; Unsealed. Indictments coming Edition - https:''//''8ch.net/qresearch/res/5596600.html

f495ae  No.5845643


Not sure how, can someone embed the twitter video.

8fd5de  No.5845644

File: 077baacf6cbd644⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 783x596, 783:596, seth..jpg)

560c0a  No.5845645


MSNBC its a coverup !!!!!

POTUS an agent of Russia !!!

POTUS not a legitmate President !!

day 2 PANIC at MSNBC CNN and FOX

2f0c2f  No.5845646


>>5845370 Graham - investigate Hillary Clinton ‘for the Dossier’

831fe8  No.5845647

not the collective soul…although that idea is satanic and leads back to the jews under the kabbalh and noahide using the brother hood of the white lodge angle….

6fb5da  No.5845648

Q map counter was messed with too recently.

23f4c8  No.5845649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Richard talks with Liddle Schitt!


212102  No.5845650

File: ba189b5987434b7⋯.png (43.67 KB, 625x625, 1:1, exitfox.png)

1d899a  No.5845651

File: 88fce7ee002df36⋯.png (127.58 KB, 720x914, 360:457, Screenshot_2019-03-23-11-2….png)



83deeb  No.5845652


Worth a dig.

03bd56  No.5845653


That’s terrifying but needs to be addressed. I got really weirded out by Q’s “beautiful brave new world” post. The Noahide movement has been quietly dominating Western institutions for some time now.

2b391d  No.5845654


As if he hasn't had it for weeks to review and determine how to release.

This is all a show.

It means they are ready to release.

973489  No.5845655

File: df8b451d99bc797⋯.png (293.25 KB, 500x281, 500:281, df8b451d99bc797af6b2dd7971….png)

Love this Huber MEME!

91bb23  No.5845656


Fox News has always been the most insidious of the Fake News.

3930fb  No.5845657

File: 49434de67be0c41⋯.png (712.46 KB, 811x843, 811:843, Prince art.PNG)

File: 6d1913b1f845295⋯.png (57.93 KB, 1017x833, 1017:833, sinner 1.PNG)

File: 8ddc7587392a1a3⋯.png (46.56 KB, 1019x812, 1019:812, sinner 2.PNG)

File: 4286d538d19031f⋯.png (50.63 KB, 1004x844, 251:211, sinner 3.PNG)

File: f3aab0444ae268a⋯.png (53.1 KB, 997x833, 997:833, sinner 4.PNG)


I've posted here a few times, I'm not a good digger, mainly a lurker but this is something that struck me as weird AF

An art page I follow with an article about Prince (about an artist who created a likeness, blah blah blah…) got 28 comments last night by someone who apparently has a need for some pych help - BAD

This person rattles off names, hospitals, numbers, ect.

Any diggers out there?



8ee3d4  No.5845658

MSM PATRIOT SCENARIO: If we had ONE MSM big league shill who flips and goes public, out of remorse/fear of prosecution…remember, if "inside" Dem sources in the sedition plot were "regularly" feeding bits to Maddow, and others…and N_A "has it all", and if they were ever recorded in banter about knowing the dossier was fake but running with it anyway, well then gentlemen we have a case to yank the broadcast licenses. FCC appointments have been/will be key.

403efd  No.5845659





317362  No.5845660



Baker, might be reason. To little screen area and slow device to be sure.

4e4cb4  No.5845661


Trips confirm… yep, it was the popcorn.

I def celebrated last night moar than usual. It’s been a great week for us. Imagine what the weeks to come will reveal.

… this is the greatest story ever told, unfolding in real time and we have front row seats and back stage passes.

523fe5  No.5845662

Anyone see the Wikileaks text from yesterday?

Looks like some code,like the one from several months ago.

231201  No.5845663

File: d4d6eb823c52de0⋯.jpg (57.08 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 21st cent dump.jpg)


don't mind if I take dis op anon


628759  No.5845664


Faux news never turned.

Controlled opposition adjusting tactics.

We need a MEME of Hail Marys falling short.

26c157  No.5845665

File: 072f4e6fb3d9400⋯.jpeg (20.05 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 64D48D74-1973-4C87-B999-C….jpeg)


Fuck, how did you find us?

973489  No.5845666


Cowardly snake.

72e594  No.5845667


Nice Timestamps.


87720d  No.5845668

File: 80a4a83b7e6b955⋯.jpg (89.25 KB, 635x931, 635:931, uuugh.JPG)

Joyous day but shouldn't distract

91bb23  No.5845669



Please respect their privacy as they grieve.

a7247c  No.5845670




This one is corrected (see above & reload page). #7476 went through to 751 (i.e. not killed). Just double-checked it at >>5843663 (pb)

63d90e  No.5845671

File: 264343a6a21a86d⋯.png (259.2 KB, 609x343, 87:49, ruth-pedo-ginsburg.png)

aef469  No.5845672

File: 035c4facd8a3fad⋯.png (1.01 MB, 992x656, 62:41, laughMit ___.png)

50ffe6  No.5845673


Don’t miss this video clip from my appearance this morning. Jim Comey is in a world of trouble right now. 👇🏻

fe62b6  No.5845674

File: 856c6e560d4b39e⋯.jpg (79.18 KB, 662x362, 331:181, maddowirrelevant.jpg)

038733  No.5845675

File: 88f1b847b924a61⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WP6iyNJWXgv8k1sw.mp4)


>https:// twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1109279942523662336?s=21


>https:// twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1109279942523662336?s=21

37a692  No.5845676


Unfortunately the catalog is back working again…

e378f8  No.5845677

File: d4f71b5d0ad3b18⋯.jpg (746.13 KB, 2000x3258, 1000:1629, panic1.jpg)

File: 3a78587d862fda0⋯.jpg (223.96 KB, 767x767, 1:1, panic1sleep.jpg)

File: 22da6a3b0ea9243⋯.jpg (173.85 KB, 744x767, 744:767, panic2.jpg)

File: a94ff58b9a59966⋯.jpg (117.01 KB, 463x767, 463:767, panic3.jpg)

File: 9db969364dfbf15⋯.jpg (141.65 KB, 750x822, 125:137, panic4.jpg)

560c0a  No.5845678

British Govt Rules CHRISTIANITY Is Not a Religion of Peace, Rejects Convert

The Home Office has rejected the asylum application of a Christian convert from Iran who said they had been drawn to the faith by its peaceful nature, due to a Government official ruling that Christianity is not peaceful.


3c94d4  No.5845679


Always thought this show was more of a guide more then anything else.

07e6f7  No.5845680

File: 9e04b5a8fa0aa0f⋯.png (142.24 KB, 233x350, 233:350, 2019-02-25_10-16-53.png)

809c35  No.5845681

File: 68594c3e3e2356a⋯.jpeg (394.37 KB, 663x728, 51:56, B9DAC442-ED9C-4657-B8A2-5….jpeg)


No blue checkmark any more….


23f4c8  No.5845682


Must be a Spic Rag!

06fa79  No.5845683



Nov 05 2017 01:55:46 Anonymous


Seth Rich only mentioned because it directly relates to SA.

Las Vegas.

What hotel did the ‘reported’ gunfire occur from?

What floors specifically?

Who owns the top floors?

Top floors only.

Why is that relevant?

What was the shooter’s name?

What was his net worth?

How do you identify a spook?

What can historical data collection reveal?

Was there any eye witnesses?


Was he registered as a security guard?

Why is MS13 important?

What doesn’t add up?

Was there only one shooter?

Why was JFK released?

What do the JFK files infer?

Was there only one shooter?

Who was in LV during this time?

What was the real mission?


Why are survivors dying randomly?

What do each of these survivors have in common?

Did they talk on social media?

What did they say?

Were they going to form a group?

Why is this relevant?

How did they die?

What CIA report was released by WK?

What can control a car?

How did the (2) of the survivors die?

Car crash?

How does this connect to SA?

What just happened in SA?

Who owns the top floors of the hotel?

What happened today in SA?

To who specifically?

Was POTUS in LV that night?


Why was he there?

Who did he have a classified meeting with?

Did AF1 land at McCarran?

What unmarked tail numbers flew into McCarren that night?

Trace AF1 that entire day.

What do you notice?



d6c25d  No.5845684

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

98fcfe  No.5845685

File: 15a4ccf7c09b972⋯.jpg (79.6 KB, 800x534, 400:267, 234te56e567e56.jpg)

af2ffa  No.5845686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for da diggers

7d6e75  No.5845687


At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.

995cb7  No.5845688

File: 732fecf0138e99f⋯.jpg (12 KB, 255x183, 85:61, there_it_is_the_stupidest.jpg)

f217f7  No.5845689


"You can't trust DOJ. You can't trust the executive. Congress is the only uncompromised branch of the U.S. government."

a97421  No.5845690

File: adb513852556dc8⋯.jpg (270.46 KB, 591x814, 591:814, adb513852556dc8e2adeb9df8f….jpg)

2ba362  No.5845691

File: 9b5d93ef41e7c80⋯.png (308.75 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, rosenstein.png)


He's an asshole.

called them all pieces of shit.

He's a total arrogant twit

The "anons" pushing the

"Oh their on the same team"

I couldn't figure it out. But Now I Got It.

They will use that to claim RR and Mueller were in cahoots with POTUS to shield him from consequences of crimes [which never happened]

Shills are moving forward with whatever usable they still have/

But not for long.

Notice all the Mainstream articles on "Q" misrepresented what we beleive and are doing; claiming we all thought Mueller worked for POTUS. [secretly]

See how that plays to their benefit now?

Anyone who bothered to look could see Mueller is/was as dirty as the come.

Now Congressman Nunes made it official

"dirty cops"

Good wishes and kudos to Nunes.

560c0a  No.5845692

File: ee129fe4ad1c48d⋯.jpg (20.63 KB, 420x315, 4:3, GettyImages-175158773-420x….jpg)

Hands Up !!!

4f6aa4  No.5845693

File: b3d2055a590e8db⋯.jpeg (63.96 KB, 863x395, 863:395, 5508BFAA-BAD8-4382-B649-6….jpeg)

Who else noticed that Mueller report dropped during first round of NCAA tourney?

‘’’March Madness’’’

fe62b6  No.5845694

File: d9ffe9cb4277c45⋯.jpg (109.05 KB, 859x483, 859:483, brennanfakenews.jpg)

b2c6ff  No.5845695

File: 88f1b847b924a61⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Brennan.mp4)


> Not sure how, can someone embed the twitter video.

Here you go…

e36974  No.5845696


And Pirro gone.

d782c7  No.5845697


I think you need to go back to FB, Don't come here and judge us because we didn't come and judge you, Respect, all i'll say on this

831fe8  No.5845698

agree there are some things i am still not sure about and while yes things are happening and yes israel is saved for last, many cucked christians want to save every jew they ever come across like a beat puppy…the noahide is real….and they need to be called out ((( wwg1wga ))) falls into that lie possibly …just be aware …and trust in Jesus …not ONE

380ba6  No.5845699



just something that happens randomly, from time to time

96e5e3  No.5845700


r u talking about the wg1wga.cum?

is it nigger or nah

d21525  No.5845701


snake trips confirm

491feb  No.5845702


Have only watched MSM twice in many years. Election night 2016 and today just to watch them all in complete shock!

Their freak out is a beautiful thing.

Enjoying the show.

dda5db  No.5845704

File: abfc1e70c86716b⋯.jpeg (79.87 KB, 814x556, 407:278, 4C362383-70E2-42FB-A46F-1….jpeg)


d8996a  No.5845705

>>5834132 (PB)

Screw you, Schiff. You can read it like the rest of us.

>>5833949 (PB)

First one looks like an actual corpse. Pretty certain that this is documentation of a crime.

>>5833976 (PB)

Homicide level.

>>5833928 (PB)

In my opinion, he's not the warm up. His show is what Hannity's should be – and useta wuz.

>>5833938 (PB)

I doubt if he gets very many days off. And I doubt if he's able to fully enjoy them. "The more you know …"

560c0a  No.5845706


Frenzy at CNN MSNBC and FOX


b7b44d  No.5845707


The Mueller report should be rejected by every American who cares about the concept of fairness, because it is the product of a process and a special counsel team that were both fatally flawed from the beginning.

d935d5  No.5845708

File: d9a1c4784b91a32⋯.png (582.15 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-03-23-11-2….png)

File: c476646c185b84d⋯.png (359.13 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-03-23-11-2….png)

File: 5a3cc50c4cc94d3⋯.png (178.14 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-03-23-11-2….png)


973489  No.5845709

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

1bb3ca  No.5845710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Collective Soul - Shine (Official Video)

995cb7  No.5845711


By controlled opposition, you mean axing Judge Jeanine?

b0f5b1  No.5845712


>Noooo…she was hired becaue Fox has fully turned.

Fox has always been Cabal, they hire based on how much money a personality can bring in

831fe8  No.5845713

how about you wake the fuck up you sack of faggot …not judging get the hell out of here with that nigger shit

bc4fa0  No.5845715

File: c6c10d119dd1f56⋯.jpg (20.6 KB, 296x222, 4:3, igotarock.jpg)

pretty much it.

c2494c  No.5845716





Donna Brazile..

Listening to her speak.. its like she is trying to convince us last week's chicken and ribs are made fresh that day…. still smells rotten and I dont like it.

a97421  No.5845717

IDF are terrorists.

03a070  No.5845718

which is the Q drop that speaks about what will happen now after the report was finished?

71ff86  No.5845719


Also a coincidence, trump was in Ohio at the same time where March Madness kicks off.

523fe5  No.5845720



I should turn it on. I also haven't watched since the inauguration.

038733  No.5845721

File: 47c9a54612b8d77⋯.jpg (12.7 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 47c9a54612b8d77eebe6ba630c….jpg)


I wonder why?

917085  No.5845722


Donna B interview talked about Seth at the end very interdasting.

f4b59e  No.5845723


there will be…. his and McCabe, and others. those will be the indictments he is referring to…

7d9382  No.5845724


first day on the job?

or are you referring to every single poster in the bread?

212102  No.5845725


Yes, and they're trying to take out Tucker via mediamatters.org where all MSM gets their fake news stories at 4am every morning.

Q drop 56 warned that MediaMatters was the surrogate for HRC. She's been running the show from behind the scenes all along.

59c076  No.5845726


Please do not reproduce.

f495ae  No.5845727


Thank you! This dude knew what they were trying to do! Q fuckin told us.

831fe8  No.5845728

it might be nig….i am not sure anymore

86b7d2  No.5845729


I watched more CNN last night than I have in the past 5 years. It was glorious. Kek

f702e7  No.5845730

File: c7778dd3e70003f⋯.jpeg (68.05 KB, 618x480, 103:80, A97C0666-BD42-4214-8540-D….jpeg)

ee1bd8  No.5845731

>>5845359 lb

Actually they are calling it the biggest POLITICAL scandal. Obviously there are much bigger CRIMINAL scandals.

aef469  No.5845732

File: 3721a18fe6cb89f⋯.jpeg (466.91 KB, 1188x891, 4:3, trumpfinger.jpeg)

995cb7  No.5845733


Go read why I made that comment. Some are pushing Donna is a white hat and that's why Fox hired her.

37a692  No.5845734

File: b09a3c9aa11a22e⋯.jpg (61.96 KB, 760x526, 380:263, POTUS back at ya.jpg)

560c0a  No.5845735


Snowflakes are melting


LOL !!!

its like the election night all over again

madcow crying and now day 2 of panic !!!!

f54a6d  No.5845736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

38927b  No.5845737


"Seth Rich" is an anagram for Hitchers…

23f4c8  No.5845738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Richard Trying Desperately to make Sense of His Life!

Losing the Battle!

Poor Richard!

a4e049  No.5845739


The food that the world consumes thus constitutes great open doors for satan to ruin humanity. Satan’s agents put in all their efforts to carry out abominable practices on the food that we consume. So we need to be very careful with what we eat, and there is a wide range of foods that we need to avoid as much as we can.

It is about all the food or products that are sold already ground (chopped, mixed), or transformed (canned food, ready-made meal), because satan and his agents make sure that real abominations are ground and sold on the markets. Do not be surprised therefore that there are many sicknesses today, including those whose names are unknown. You often hear of food poisoning, arising from normal foods that are supposed to do good to man.

When the Lord led us to carry out some research on the practices of satan on the food we consume, we discovered to what extent the world consumes rubbish, that is, things that cannot be named. Satanists often make sure they mix the food on the market with all the possible dirt.

Minced meats and mixed food

A lot of minced meats or mixed food are mixed with some human flesh, aimed at initiating those who eat them into witchcraft. Many products that you buy already ground or crushed, like corned-beef, cooked ham, pâtés, sausages, and others, are usually mixed with all forms of rottenness. It’s the same with ready to eat babies’ meals in small jars: All these abominations full of terrible incantations, aim at soiling the whole world, and at inflicting many diseases or demonic possessions on those who consume them.

Canned food

Many types of canned food that you buy on the markets are made of human and animal dead bodies, and foetus. In some Asian countries, many agents of satan have embarked on the business of foetus and other dead bodies. Aborted babies are transformed into canned foods, and flood all the markets of the whole world, and people are crazy about it. Be careful with canned food! A large portion of these aborted babies are served as food in Asian restaurants wherever they are based all over the world. If only people could know what they eat every time!

It’s the same thing with some sardines. You find tinned sardines and/or tuna on which it is written “queen of the coast”. Do not think that this is just a simple advertisement. Most of these sardines are not sardines at all. Pay attention to what you buy. Be careful! Now that you have been warned, take your precautions.

Ready-made meal, sauces and seasonings

Be careful with roasted or fried or well prepared meat that you buy, all ready made. Some of these meats are far from being what is being presented before you. Be careful with the food they serve you in hotels and restaurants, be careful with foods served in your work place canteens, in school canteens and the foods sold in colleges, high schools, and primary schools. Be careful with all ready-made food.

Other products such as ketchups, jams, aromas, salad dressings, spices, and other seasonings, are most often mixed with human blood, powders of human flesh, and other rottenness. Magi cubes, stock cubes, and many other ground ingredients are subject to the same treatment. All this with the goal of soiling the world, and initiating into witchcraft people not covered with the blood of Jesus, and all those who are negligent.

917085  No.5845740


Muh Threatening DMs!

Krassasses setting up victimhood play

831fe8  No.5845741

how about you just mind you biz and go back to sucking dick …ok

60dc4e  No.5845742


3162 has it.

809c35  No.5845743

File: 4e7149f35c0bdd1⋯.jpeg (130.1 KB, 657x500, 657:500, D19C7D52-E3A7-42A9-A1F7-A….jpeg)

File: 396e1ba019e9bc6⋯.jpeg (184.37 KB, 750x747, 250:249, 3BFB4E93-98C7-4CEE-907B-D….jpeg)

c894ac  No.5845744


The Countdown Has Begun




9 Feb 2019 - 10:54:04 PM





-Blockade removal ['Scaramucci' model]

-[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]

-[Ohr] removal

-[1-4] removal

-Barr install

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] notes re: strong reservations to DECLAS due to sources & methods + Foreign CLAS (irreparable harm) > OIG review prior to executing order

-Barr (w/ Whitaker) pull DECLAS review assignment from OIG [cite: executive order from POTUS does not require special oversight - DOJ/FBI (Wray) fully capable in reviewing and commenting re: OP integrity (sources & methods) etc.]

-Barr executes order to DECLAS + provide members of H committee long requested supplemental documentation in C setting [scope memo + CLAS] as required by US Law.

-Whitaker remain DOJ senior staff

-Barr meeting Huber & OIG

-OIG report

-House D's threaten subpoena of Barr/Whitaker re: DECLAS, SC report, Huber, etc….

-House D's use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]

-Meeting w/ NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A, B food for people (aid)

UK/AUS narrative shift re: in_country spy campaign v. POTUS (hops 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to target)

-D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)

-Public Awakening

-Narrative damage control

-Placeholders active

-Wall discussion end (public awareness of D's)

-Red/Green Castle per orig plan

Dark to Light.



c59142  No.5845745

File: b2e8410486b9e13⋯.png (547.1 KB, 962x530, 481:265, PorkChopsGood.png)


These breads are filling extremely fast!

db764b  No.5845746


I wept when this happened.

It looked like they were about to be free. Reading Jefferson. Building their own Lady Liberty. Cops going off shift and joining the protests (France much?).

It is said they pulled in troops from the hinterlands jacked them up on PCP and let them go beast mode on their fellow Chinese. 30 years ago, 70 since Mao. We are still waiting for China to come free again.

07e6f7  No.5845747

File: 36c014d1214aca3⋯.png (264.33 KB, 393x418, 393:418, 2019-03-23_09-37-39.png)

917085  No.5845748


Ratings crash so sad

995cb7  No.5845749


DId she explain why she was at the hospital the night Seth died?

231201  No.5845750


they are so easy to pick out of here. boring now

ca6759  No.5845751



We knew Krass was a lying piece of dog shit to begin with!

2fa467  No.5845752


I encourage all anons to keep an eye on CNN/MSNBC and others today. Just watched both ( know what the enemy is up to) and they are calling it a coverup, then walking it back. then they say since a POTUS cant be indicted Mueller didn't indict for THAT reason. They are off the rails. So fun to watch them implode into oblivion. In a couple weeks, NOBODY will listen to them…at all!

Sauce: television at cnn/MSNBC check it out for yourself, have a laugh!

98fcfe  No.5845753

File: f83216bfe062c4f⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 774e4a233560d0f9d5798c385b….jpg)


You must be jew here!

899226  No.5845754

File: d4880dc6e4a5d8b⋯.png (93.1 KB, 400x355, 80:71, redhead-with-freckles.png)


I get it, but think about it this way. Donna got squeezed a while back, then she ran to the right folks and came clean as quickly as possible. Turning your enemy's acolytes against them is optics. Just pinch your nose. This is all good stuff!

3c94d4  No.5845755


Anyone able to make out the markings on the walls? I have seen those painted before. Demonic

71ff86  No.5845756


The collective soul is the belief that the shekinah, the feminine aspect of god, was exiled to earth. The shekinah is comprised of only the original jewish souls, the ones that were at the base of mount Sana’a when the law was given. These souls reinhabit true Jews until the shekinah prforms enough mitzvahs (good works) to reunite with god. IOW, only jews have souls, and these souls are reincarnated.

d6c25d  No.5845757

File: 58464a3ce634c82⋯.jpg (157.7 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, SR_WL.jpg)


“I did not discuss this with anybody,” she said. “I discussed this with just two people, and the first of course I called the Rich family. Because Seth is very important to me, and his life and his memory matter to me and so I discussed it with the Rich family and I discussed it with my best, best friend … who happens to also be a lawyer.”

7fc3db  No.5845758


Pete Hegsuth this am on Fox referred to Ginsburger as RGB. Are you here Pete?

688eb4  No.5845759

File: 74e221e2bfa47bf⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1279x9991, 1279:9991, ClipboardImage.png)



Searching that book found this pdf by James Petras from 1999

317362  No.5845760


>>5848312 Bread #7477 (this bread)

>>5844518 Bread #7477 (previous bread)

>>5843663 Bread #7476

>>5842866 Bread #7475

Correct no?

8ee3d4  No.5845761

>>5845722 here in bizarro world, maybe her deal was she has to turn on D's and pry open the SR can of worms on tv in a legit forum, she's a channel for white hat leaks, unavoidable. she can't get pulled from tv (female, black, liberal) so normistan will have to face the info dump on SR

231201  No.5845762


anon please rename that or add a character to title


f495ae  No.5845763


Thank you! This dude brought up Trumps family out of no where.

ccb71f  No.5845764

File: ef1d5706fbe928a⋯.jpg (129.49 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, liberal-tears-mug.jpg)

GM Frens Saturday morn covfefe is always better made with liberal tears.

731ae1  No.5845765


So what went down in the UK or what panes transferred passengers planefags / britfags?

d62fd4  No.5845766


Seriously, what a fag. "I deleted my old email account" That is not what you stated you would do you Dwarf

f217f7  No.5845767



email account. kek.

915a7f  No.5845768

File: 7d8972918486c1b⋯.png (118.72 KB, 584x609, 584:609, ClipboardImage.png)

Good thread on post-Mueller possibilities


831fe8  No.5845769

that collective soul shit is pure demonology …all that feminine spirit and shikana energy blah blah…its all demon shit …lying babylon demon kike magic

c2494c  No.5845770


I agree, Anon. Just commnicating … that we know her hands are dirty.The first night she was on Hannity I even said it was her "soft release" to bridge the gap between CNN-watchers and Fox coverage when docs go public.. but… she may have had no choice. Thats why it still smells rotten.. but i will plug my nose because I "get it". Cheers, mate.

672c68  No.5845771

File: 09c179e7fc0ac7b⋯.png (507.26 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 4C8BBA01-E614-4C92-BE8D-73….png)

Off-duty Chicago cop shot dead while sitting in parked vehicle, another man critically injured


Most chi-town fuckery

378e97  No.5845772


Yeah, I get the instagram sluts but don't get putting yourself out in public like this. I might have some big guns, but I don't walk through the mall with them slung across my back. Being outrageous just for the sake of being outrageous?

c894ac  No.5845773


>POTUS cant be indicted Mueller didn't indict for THAT reason

That narrative will not last. Barr is working today to release the report to Congress. That narrative calls for impeachable offenses to be exposed to Congress. That's not happening. In fact, he will DECLAS Mueller report which will exonerate POTUS.

37a692  No.5845774


Shit… Sorry phone fagging post. Didn't realize the name of the file. It was supposed to be a point of approval for the aforementioned comment. kek

c59142  No.5845775

File: 811e8fe00165b96⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, KrassBrothers.mp4)

86b7d2  No.5845776

File: b697133d50b75a8⋯.jpeg (398.25 KB, 750x441, 250:147, C8D81A1E-A2DB-48F7-BB6B-0….jpeg)

“There is indeed a cancer upon the Trump White House”

They’re still holding out breathless hope. Kek. I almost feel bad………almost. Heh

4e04b4  No.5845777

Who would ya'll say, has been the best actor so far in the movie?

3c94d4  No.5845778


Music is always appreciated here.

64a924  No.5845779


she said her repub sister is smart

she said she called seth rich's family about taking fox job

very interdasting that she would call the family of seth rich

thanks for posting, anon

b0f5b1  No.5845780


Don’t think her hat is but Her underbunders sure ain’t white.

049497  No.5845781


Have you researched all the JFK files President Trump released? The real people behind this event.

f4b59e  No.5845782


there are massive food safety practices in place in every plant in America and there are tons of employees who manage that. I don't think that would be true of every single food source nor fair without actual proof. you would need to sauce all this you are saying with actual proof. there are Rumors and "whistleblowers" for McDonalds and there "might" be some truth to it but PROOF is what is needed, not innuendo

8f7713  No.5845783

File: 4a507be65fe35e8⋯.png (128.44 KB, 739x911, 739:911, Archive BKrassenstein re d….PNG)



>No blue checkmark any more….




a97421  No.5845784

672c68  No.5845785


Saving her own skin. Though she did reveal the fuckery at the DNC a long time ago. Maybe she’s had enough.

917085  No.5845786


Astute take.

Donna B is the MSM version of YT's Blexiteers.

She's there to lend assistance in how to plausibly describe being BTFd and still keep your pride.

72e594  No.5845787

File: b951cf8b327e548⋯.jpeg (17.35 KB, 255x208, 255:208, A556B744-82DE-4ADD-96FD-E….jpeg)

File: 50fdeece0ab289f⋯.jpeg (16.04 KB, 255x231, 85:77, 22DE3C22-AD41-437A-A0F9-8….jpeg)

2184aa  No.5845788

File: d02f906698717c2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 833x576, 833:576, EF77B1C0-BC89-434A-B0F5-62….png)

c428d2  No.5845789

File: 2bc2a41f47d96f9⋯.jpg (98.17 KB, 888x499, 888:499, danang -.jpg)

317362  No.5845790



>>5848312 Bread #7478 (this bread)

>>5844518 Bread #7477 (previous bread)

>>5843663 Bread #7476

>>5842866 Bread #7475

Corrected now. Bad device, and family home. taking a break.

71ff86  No.5845791


Don’t tell john hagee, or most of modern day Xians

98fcfe  No.5845792

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, 984d753cb9fe30d1c52f3b966b….jpg)

2 years

40 milions

No collusion

1bb3ca  No.5845793


Fox News’ Donna Brazile: Don’t let the ‘white-boys’ win

We already knew Donna Brazile is a nasty witch, who in 1988 was forced off the Dukakis campaign for lies she spread about George H.W. Bush. Let’s go back now to 1999. The Washington Post, before their paywall and being bought out by penis picture spreader Jeff Bezos was still a leftist propaganda fish wrap. But they still have na article in which Donna Brazile, Fox News’ latest hire after suspending Judge Jeanine as saying don’t let those ‘white boys’ win. Of course, Brazil never paid a price for her racism them either. This is the type of trash Fox News hired:


9fe91b  No.5845794

These Olbermann tweets are messages in a bottle.

e378f8  No.5845795

Spaceflight activates herpes virus in astronauts, study finds

March 22, 2019 at 11:21 AM EST

(CNN) - Have you ever developed a cold sore after a stressful time at work or home?

That’s herpes virus re-activating and the same thing happens to astronauts.

New NASA research shows more than half the astronauts who return from space come home with re-activated herpes viruses.

They think it’s because of all the stress they undergo like zero gravity, cosmic radiation and being separation from loved ones.

The longer they are in space, the more likely the viruses are to re-activate.

There are many different herpes viruses and they cause things like chicken pox, shingles, genital herpes and cold sores.


b748ed  No.5845796


995cb7  No.5845797



790f41  No.5845798

whitehat: hay rach, we got a deal for you

rach: I'll never snitch

rach: o shit, picts from my phone are showing up in the chans

blackhat: ray, did you double cross us

rach: no!!!

blackhat: you the one who had this picture, not it on 8chan

rach: it wasn't me.

rach (to whitehat): bird ready to sing, sir.

212102  No.5845799


Krassenflucker probably attempting to hide the evidence that he willingly and knowingly harassed the President of the United States for 2 years +. These people are stupid. Lawsuit coming much Krassenflucker?

a1f389  No.5845800


Pete's napping, was up early. He checks the board before work at 3am

7d9382  No.5845801


I don't. At all.

They deserve their come-uppance.

672c68  No.5845802


He hasn’t had a blue check mark in a long time. He’s supposed to delete twitter , not some stupid email.


37a692  No.5845803

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1249a7f12c1245a821c75ef278….jpg)

86b7d2  No.5845804


Flotation devices

2ba362  No.5845805

File: 75887608a0d8a28⋯.jpeg (122.38 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, rr6.jpeg)

f4da79  No.5845806

File: d6a87ad1e4b1887⋯.jpg (10.52 KB, 183x178, 183:178, right.jpg)

a4e049  No.5845807


True, however pushing this into consciousness is part of the process.

628759  No.5845808


Follow the Money.

ever listen to Tony Cats? (sp)

Right wing radio, good points, sounds like lunatic.

All public channels are comped.

Some white hats in their midst, moving carefully.

They are infiltrated.

Fox deserves the worst of what's to come.

e81bf3  No.5845809

File: 38ae97ae1388b3c⋯.png (9.02 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 77B84537-BE41-452F-B1C7-86….png)

Watch this CNN panel with Laura Jarret, no more indictments but the most anazing moment is when Jeffrey Toobin said “let’s be specific, this is really good news for a lot of people around Donald Trump…let’s be fair here there’s been a lot of suspicion around certain people in Trump admin…”. One guy said, “the Democrats want to keep this alive until Malia Obama runs for president”

Whoa I’m shocked the panel is overall balanced in discussion except Wolf Blitzer who acts as desperate as he did on election night. Wolf is a term I made up for the tear ridden libs “dejected goblins”


db764b  No.5845810


Nice quads!

So, what if the Dems on Twitter are the bots? Is that how Krassenstein Bros get their posts up so quickly after POTUS?

4e04b4  No.5845811


Agree 100%. How he has not slipped up (with all he knows), is beyond me. He has been excellent.

f4b59e  No.5845812


Indicted "IN MY OPINION" Kek. and it was his AOL account. Is that still around?

214de3  No.5845813


"I did not discuss this with anybody,” she said. “I discussed this with just two people, and the first of course I called the Rich family. Because Seth is very important to me, and his life and his memory matter to me and so I discussed it with the Rich family and I discussed it with my best, best friend … "

d6c25d  No.5845814

File: 49685ab01b159fd⋯.png (376.06 KB, 474x374, 237:187, nope.png)



c894ac  No.5845815

File: 45f32cc0884f782⋯.jpeg (45.31 KB, 777x580, 777:580, meme.sessions.due.process.jpeg)


Hardest role to play.

d24e96  No.5845816


he shouldn't get to run away anyway

better to stay for the humiliation and eating of crows

61251e  No.5845817

File: 72f4348ef615f2f⋯.jpg (313.16 KB, 1086x724, 3:2, BillClintonEpsteinHaitianC….jpg)

File: fdc83f399525f00⋯.jpg (361.45 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, BillClintonEpsteinHaitianC….jpg)

File: 18e56f846f828d4⋯.jpg (269.24 KB, 1152x758, 576:379, BillClintonEpsteinHaitianC….jpg)

File: 0e13883eb4fcce0⋯.jpg (455.83 KB, 1600x1131, 1600:1131, HillarySexTortureDungeon2.jpg)

File: 98b073cd494ebb9⋯.jpg (454.16 KB, 1600x1080, 40:27, HillaryHaitianChildrenDung….jpg)

917085  No.5845818


Yep nigga she confessed watch the vid

26503a  No.5845819

File: cc01c694c43ba66⋯.png (817.27 KB, 1111x642, 1111:642, twintower.png)

d782c7  No.5845820


Need to see if has anything to do with Smollett

831fe8  No.5845821

most modern christians are being lied to and have been indoctrinated into demon churches….hagge and all that happy clap church…is all about this KIke influence into the churches going back tot he scofield bible…its tragic….its another line of JIDF tactics..get the christians they hate to protect them from the ones who are awake….devilish bastards

2902c1  No.5845823


Well that would explain why Hannity welcomed her with open arms

ce7ba1  No.5845824


<NO TESTING only Q test here

672c68  No.5845825


I want a refund.

038733  No.5845826

File: 13ef1554db4cc4b⋯.jpg (48 KB, 880x495, 16:9, 880x495_cmsv2_1ac6ebc8-2e3….jpg)

Cruise ship to 'evacuate its 1,300 passengers after sending mayday signal off the coast of Norway'.

A cruise ship will evacuate its 1,300 passengers after suffering engine failure in windy weather off the coast of Norway, said police.

The Viking Sky was drifting towards land and had sent out a mayday signal, said the country's maritime rescue service.

The Norwegian rescue services said on Twitter they have sent several helicopters and vessels to the site to help rescue the passengers.

The Norwegian Red Cross tweeted it was sending 60 volunteers to help the rescue services.

The cruise ship belongs to the Viking Ocean Cruises company, which was founded by Norwegian billionaire businessman Torstein Hagen.


79ec27  No.5845827

File: d46efc7fa8990ba⋯.png (220.79 KB, 970x624, 485:312, Screenshot from 2019-03-23….png)

File: 879ee72536bdff5⋯.png (94.06 KB, 803x597, 803:597, Screenshot from 2019-03-23….png)

File: 66a8b3c95fb0d8d⋯.png (36.17 KB, 838x592, 419:296, Screenshot from 2019-03-23….png)

File: f9cc61879bc366a⋯.png (45.95 KB, 793x563, 793:563, Screenshot from 2019-03-23….png)

Vice article about Chandler's "modeling agency" mentions Chandler working with Eckhaus Latta. These fuckers need a dig.

Eckhaus Latta is a bi-coastal American fashion brand. Founded by Zoe Latta and Mike Eckhaus in 2011, Eckhaus Latta is a young label recognized across the spectrums of the fashion, entertainment, and arts industries.[1] The brand is known for their use of unexpected materials, exploring texture and tactility in their designs, and for incorporating writing, performance, and video into their practice.[2] In 2018, Eckhaus Latta opened a show, Possessed, at the Whitney Museum, the first fashion-related exhibition at the museum in 21 years.[3] The label previously exhibited their work, a sculptural collage of fashion, fine art, and video, in group shows at the Hammer Museum, (2016) and MoMA PS1, (2015).[4][5] Additionally, Eckhaus Latta was nominated for the 2018 Edition of the LVMH Prize.[6] They often collaborate with other artists.

Unconventional models

Eckhaus Latta often uses non-professional or unconventional models in their advertising campaigns and runway shows.[10][11] The label courted controversy with its first large-scale ad campaign when it showed adult models having real sex in the spring 2017 collection.

7d9382  No.5845828


>"I did not discuss this with anybody,”

>. “I discussed this with just two people

Wait, whoa.

You cannot have both statements be true at the same time.

07e6f7  No.5845829

File: e28d5dcd9d6461a⋯.png (226.19 KB, 471x264, 157:88, 2019-03-23_11-34-39.png)

2ecb83  No.5845830


MSNBC is saying the report will be full or retractions so we won't learn a thing.

2b391d  No.5845831



Russians are the good guys in Ukraine, saving the ethnic Russians from being cleansed by the deep state owned puppet govt of Ukraine.

Sort of like Syria.

Putin came to the defense of Assad… we were ISIS.

a97421  No.5845832


He's the one who has been planning his entire life to take down the illuminati.

Double agents are the best.

d6c25d  No.5845833


Hello Satan.

3e0df7  No.5845834

File: 72b1762550b4c03⋯.jpg (946.94 KB, 1200x760, 30:19, NOTHINGBURGER.jpg)

995cb7  No.5845835


She;s there because Fox has getting rid of the conservative voices and bringing in moar lefties by the day. 3 major leftist joined last week. GTFO with your "she's there to help red pill".

231201  No.5845836


i understand completely. some of us oldfags find things in folder's by title. Not that I want to put the same pic in a bread but use those to identify other's ifykwim

2184aa  No.5845837

File: 2837707812ae10a⋯.jpeg (317.51 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 317291D5-40E0-4BE0-9C0E-6….jpeg)


Most likely setup by Dorsey to allow them to constantly be first.

aabcb3  No.5845838

Sickos. What are they trying to get to? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/first-cousins-in-love-with-each-other-petition-to-get-legally-married-in-utah/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6a&linkId=64461776

50a91b  No.5845839

File: dad8015005e85d6⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1358x679, 2:1, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

672c68  No.5845840



72e594  No.5845841

Masks Off Today.

Some have noticed the ship has started taking on water…

Lines will be defined.

Pain brings on desperation or courage.

Choose Wisely

9fe91b  No.5845842


No, they have been granted access by Twitter so they literally have remote sight to see what is posted as it is being posted to prep responses and get an auto like bump.

214de3  No.5845843


Do you have a link of the interview?

f217f7  No.5845844

File: 9f19178cbb81f0d⋯.jpg (370.55 KB, 894x712, 447:356, jewsnews.jpg)

File: 22a1beb35fc2dfa⋯.jpg (61.23 KB, 685x304, 685:304, sean n bibi.jpg)




the great awakening of ppl

who just thought they were woke anons.

just what part of MOCKINGBIRD do you not yet understand?

98fcfe  No.5845845

File: 1d9bc5bd7bb07ce⋯.jpg (20.94 KB, 304x385, 304:385, 1yzyfq.jpg)



86b7d2  No.5845846


My folks church went to a local mosque and had q and a muslim talks. So my parents quit and took their money with them.

d6c25d  No.5845847

File: c31b9faa11d5500⋯.jpg (34.64 KB, 579x411, 193:137, Yes Yes.jpg)


That's right.

0ecf94  No.5845848

File: d99bcbbeb8214cf⋯.png (525.92 KB, 861x1080, 287:360, MuellerMemes.png)

Mueller memes take over social media: Report compared to Fyre Festival, Beyonce album drop

Jokes and memes were abundant on social media after the surprise announcement that Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted the long-awaited report on suspected Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Attorney General William Barr notified key congressional leaders in a letter Friday evening that Mueller finished his investigation, adding that a summary of the probe’s findings may be provided to lawmakers as soon as this weekend. The report didn’t recommend any new indictments.

But the Internet went wild after the announcement that the special counsel had ended his two-year investigation that netted some convictions, like former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, though appears to have come up short of proving a vast conspiracy to collude with a foreign power.

Many social media users shared edited photos of Mueller finally taking time off and joked about the process of writing the report.

“Robert Mueller at 5:15 today,” wrote one Twitter user, referencing the news that Mueller submitted the report around 5 p.m and superimposing his head on to the infamous picture of Barack Obama relaxing on Richard Branson's boat shortly after stepping down as president.

Some jumped on the announcement that the special counsel isn’t recommending new indictments, comparing it to the Fyre Festival that notoriously didn’t live up to its hype.

“Libs, for the past two years: ‘Lemme tell y’all - the Mueller Report gonna be the biggest, dopest, flyest Report on planet earth. You best not miss this Report. Get ready - we gonna blow yo minds,’” joked Benny Johnson.

Other tweets poked fun at Mueller procrastinating.

“Robert Mueller sweating in front of his laptop, staring at a Word doc containing only the words ‘The Mueller Report’ and a blinking cursor,” wrote one user. "Mueller is currently up-sizing all the periods from 12 to 14 font," wrote Vann Newkirk, a journalist for the Atlantic.

“I've been in Robert Mueller's position before and let me tell you, he has not written s—,” journalist Tim Murphy wrote, joking that Mueller was scrambling to write the report at the last minute.

Many followed the joke, offering their own suggestions on how the special counsel procrastinated amid the looming deadline.

“Mueller's just gonna take a quick nap and then work on the report when he gets up,” wrote a Twitter user. “Mueller‘s gonna take himself out to lunch cause he can’t think in his own place and going outside will get the juices flowing,” another added.

“The Daily Show” compared Mueller’s report to Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” album, which was unexpectedly released in 2016. The comedy show mashed Mueller with the artist, coming up with “Kremlinade” and captioning the picture with “Oooh Mueller report just dropped!”

Others, meanwhile, speculated on the content of the report. “What if the Mueller Report is just a comparison/contrast essay about regional BBQ styles?” asked comedian Todd Barry.

“Mueller got confused, he just wrote a 3 page book report on SUPERFUDGE. Upside, he really really really liked it,” another Twitter user joked.


b34805  No.5845850

File: 452c436c9e2d156⋯.png (86.46 KB, 588x542, 294:271, Screenshot_2019-03-23 Bria….png)


I hate these faggots'

64a924  No.5845852


let (((them))) double down, triple down

all of (((their))) sunday morning propaganda shows will be crying and gnashing of teeth

very entertaining movie President Trump and Q!!!

48c010  No.5845853

Is it just me or do we need more hot women in politics?

That would make up for the lack of intelligence on display.

Just look at AOC she's doing fine despite the IQ of a toddler.

917085  No.5845854


Yeah, she puts out a creepy vibe when talking about the family - always has.

c9ecc8  No.5845855


Do you believe Weismann et al were relieved of their position with SC because the job was complete or, rather, to prevent the report from leaking?

fe62b6  No.5845856

File: 024a9f6229e4623⋯.jpg (75 KB, 701x487, 701:487, holderdesperate.jpg)


Famous line from John Dean during Watergate hearings. They are actually digging that shit up? Pic related

f4b59e  No.5845857


NO. she is probably relieved to be able to have a place to turn finally. I would almost bet that is the case. Hillary was abusive towards her. She knew she had to do her part her job or end up dead like Seth Rich. Maybe she knew when she was approached she would finally have a chance for justice. I bet there are quite a few who feel this way. and are happy to have it all end.

672c68  No.5845858


Now they know how we feel about the text messages and emails.

db764b  No.5845859


John Solomon: "The End Is Near (Mueller Investigation) and There Will Be No Charges Against POTUS"




20 Feb 2019 - 8:57:03 PM

>>5294864 (/pb)

But, you knew that already.

Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW] are attempting to keep the ‘insurance’ scheme ongoing post Mueller.


The fun begins directly after.

Will make the Super Bowl look like a '"puppy'" show.


07e6f7  No.5845860

File: 25e9eecfe313dcc⋯.png (183.98 KB, 293x439, 293:439, 2019-01-31_05-58-41.png)

cacef0  No.5845861

File: 8a7f22c1688d466⋯.jpg (6.45 MB, 7176x4432, 897:554, Q Map Graphic 76.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post replaces >>5811410 Q Graphics all in GMT #76 seen here >>5845327

Please update the dough.

Godspeed Baker/s

d9af8a  No.5845862

File: fefc5c9b47895c8⋯.jpeg (816.12 KB, 1242x2013, 414:671, 0B7B85C8-FC84-40E8-8D34-6….jpeg)


Where we go one we troll all

523fe5  No.5845863

For everyone trying to make heads or tails about Mueller and RR and their allegiance, i will say that i am not sure yet,but i imagine we will all find out soon enough.

917085  No.5845864


Another astute take - she gets to do the Seth DECLAS.

d6c25d  No.5845866


That projection. Hussein probly tryin to book a trip to Keenya rn

f217f7  No.5845867


what enquiring minds REALLY want to know:

when will Wassername-Schitz start guest hosting Vannity?

b29471  No.5845868

File: 2ca5cd8bb9fab68⋯.png (124.21 KB, 342x377, 342:377, brokenNOSES.PNG)


all my JQ / Pharisee woke niggas know why they broke the noses off these statues


915a7f  No.5845869


How to twist the truth and deflect the conversation by making yourself out to be the victim in one tweet, example #124080.

7272cd  No.5845870

File: 4a3c89137a7a217⋯.jpg (22.92 KB, 504x504, 1:1, whathappened.jpg)

What Happened?

995cb7  No.5845871


>she's a channel for white hat leaks


8f7713  No.5845872

File: 57cafb9302d7bcb⋯.png (40.92 KB, 600x384, 25:16, tspooky re Human Maggot Br….PNG)


.@JohnBrennan simply is the equivalent of a human maggot - he lives by feeding on the dead flesh of the @DNC and the left - he is the "domestic enemy" the founding fathers warned us about..


628759  No.5845873


All "bambilance chasing" attorneys should screenshot this.

c595f4  No.5845875

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 56FDDF12-51EE-4D11-8992-4F….gif)


Chek't Quads faggots

ae7cc6  No.5845876


I understand the apostasy and liberalization of modern churches is abhorrent. But literally talking to Muslims and having a Q&A is where they draw the line? They can’t talk with people they disagree with? Are they liberals?

7d9382  No.5845877


hahahaha you guys LOST..

And you''re still shit selling your FEtard assening spanker busted [mos] memes..

hahaha good job… /s

1bb3ca  No.5845878


Trump effect strikes again

f4da79  No.5845879


Well unless RR or Mueller come out as spies I would say yes.

And this was probably why Whitaker was the gatekeeper.

Try getting past that guy.

b7b44d  No.5845880


Ava Arpaio, the wife of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio (R), is recovering after being bitten by a rattlesnake on Friday, Joe Arpaio told The Arizona Republic.

Ava Arpaio was reportedly bitten while working in her office Friday morning.

"She's tough," the former sheriff told the newspaper. "If she can put up with me for 60 years, then she can handle a snake bite."

Carlo Oddo, a friend of the Arpaios, said Ava Arpaio thought the snake got into her office when some people were working on their garage and cut holes in the structure

"Must've been a Democrat," Joe Arpaio quipped to the paper.

3f5f2a  No.5845881

File: 0cf27fbc6e90c01⋯.jpeg (82.13 KB, 611x404, 611:404, 0cf27fbc6e90c014bc37bc7b8….jpeg)

File: 33bc14f310ba956⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2089x1533, 2089:1533, 33bc14f310ba95686f79f7b3b8….png)

File: ae3e93d89247d91⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 0811ab1ea634dc339d49b709be….jpg)

File: d679efea02f0e29⋯.png (26.15 KB, 569x220, 569:220, eevil2.PNG)

1de136  No.5845882



You two idiots are so obvious you might as well have pictures of yourselves - you're not anonymous at all…

I agree…. bwaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa

Let me help cuz your creative skills SUCK BIG TIME NIGGER ASS // Your Avatar Title:

"2Tel Aviv Morans"

71ff86  No.5845883


Freed hostages?

Perhaps. I think it’s more like mueller and rr, trying to reduce their sentences

049497  No.5845884


Are they Marines?

831fe8  No.5845885

i actually feel bad for the muslims, they are being lied to the most i think and are being the most weaponized by the jews …start wars with christians lying about that they are not the children of the book…which is sorta true because the kikes changed the Septuagint…..its confusing and people are being hurt physically and spiritually because of their deception

3c94d4  No.5845886

File: 0b6d7b903f0c792⋯.jpg (9.7 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images(33).jpg)


Love this keebler elf

cacef0  No.5845887




Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#75 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335

Q Graphics all in GMT #76 >>5845861

N.B. Please use this pastabin, instead of copy & pasta of the post, for accuracy: https://pastebin.com/R2ZgQxfA

Godspeed Baker/s

8e0210  No.5845888

File: 500a35b52377451⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 435x294, 145:98, 2016-10-24-syria-4.jpg)

Regarding Iran sanctions and the pallets of cash from Hussein, I believe it had something to do with this (pic related). Anons remember this?

9fe91b  No.5845889


She has completely lost it. Nice picture code by the way.

672c68  No.5845890


Most twitter bullshit. JW only gets 10k likes and faggotboy gets 6K?

37a692  No.5845891

File: e29ae6798329db9⋯.png (535.83 KB, 2048x1198, 1024:599, Screenshot_20190323-080814.png)


I hope so!

214de3  No.5845892

Cavuto just mentioned notes from Barr could come tonight!


2902c1  No.5845893


Welcome newfag….ok, let's get started on your test:

Question #1: Did you visit the page highlighted below first…before posting ??

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

7d9382  No.5845894



>you're not anonymous at all

What's my name?

825e06  No.5845895


2b1927  No.5845896


They don't tweet that shit themselves. They are paid actors (just a face). I suspect a foreign intelligence agency controls those accounts.

If it were some Chinese guys living in China doing it would you then pick up on it?

899226  No.5845898



Manafort's seized assets alone were 40 million. Mueller operated at a net gain.


185458  No.5845899



961e84  No.5845900

File: 5633f6487a2694b⋯.jpg (286.27 KB, 972x1216, 243:304, 5633f6487a2694b6aaad9be0d8….jpg)

some of us anons are fairly young and will give our lives to the meme war with no regrets WWG1WGA LOVE (YOU) GUYS

d6c25d  No.5845901


Someone called Q newfag on a post like this once.

e36974  No.5845902


You can extend that farther.

>"I did not discuss this with anybody”

>“I discussed this with just two people”

>“I called the Rich family and my best best best friend who also just conveniently happens to be a lawyer”

Unless "the Rich family" is one person…?

And yes we noticed potential for attorney-client privilege. Just like HRC and Cheryl Mills.

995cb7  No.5845903


You think she will explain why she was at the hospital the night Seth died? Really? I don't. She's a nasty bitch. Always has been. Always will be.

a4e049  No.5845904

File: 0f5c99d036c6b54⋯.jpg (131.97 KB, 955x714, 955:714, meat.JPG)

3f5f2a  No.5845905

File: ea51ea4c95bb730⋯.jpeg (378.76 KB, 745x747, 745:747, ea51ea4c95bb7302ebf90e3d8….jpeg)

File: 67eb667a9cac88a⋯.png (26.42 KB, 570x237, 190:79, eevil3.PNG)

File: 55f99609c692154⋯.png (17.87 KB, 570x197, 570:197, evil.PNG)

1cdddd  No.5845906


$2 Mama?

61251e  No.5845907

File: 604ad29b1f0ccc5⋯.jpeg (71.81 KB, 750x590, 75:59, BrennanHang.jpeg)

File: 1b64729b83f6c03⋯.jpg (53.25 KB, 500x625, 4:5, BrennanTreason2wderj.jpg)

File: e21860f04c8e247⋯.jpg (81.32 KB, 445x576, 445:576, QNN:Brennan.jpg)

File: 2b07d6ea5fb1c0c⋯.jpg (274.25 KB, 1417x828, 1417:828, Lights on brennan.jpg)

File: fe617bcebec1119⋯.jpg (59.75 KB, 673x505, 673:505, BrennanLIGHTS_ON_JOHN.jpg)


Worm brennan.

50a91b  No.5845908

File: 406beb85ecaf6f3⋯.png (719 KB, 1120x697, 1120:697, ba1cf54ee389347dad1d856e71….png)

3d4714  No.5845909

>>5843311 pb

They should arrest him for illegal voting, since he's not a US citizen

Gen X rocks, but sad at the same time



Skimmed it....funny how her humor changes over generations. Pussies today.

Johnny Carson must have some skeletons. He was a recluse and sounds ruthlessly vengeful if he got her banned


There's no cure for what he's got

ded045  No.5845910


Somebody has to prosecute the cases started by SC. Flynn hasn't been sentenced yet, Stone hasn't been put to trial, the 23 Russian trolls are active in that case. Could be years before the cases wrap up. Courts have a different view of time than humans do. 10 years is speedy trial.>>5845768

a659b2  No.5845911


Cleaning out their desks?

edc558  No.5845912

#7477 notables at 500ish

>>5845771 Off-duty Chicago cop shot dead while sitting in parked vehicle, another man critically injured

>>5845768 Good thread on post-Mueller possibilities

>>5845651 B. Krassenstein deletes email account, no blue check mark on twat now?

>>5845759 pdf by James Petras from 1999

>>5845707 Fox News opines that the Mueller report should be rejected

>>5845678 British Govt Rules CHRISTIANITY Is Not a Religion of Peace, Rejects Convert

>>5845657 names, hospitals, numbers wrt Prince, anon asks for help digging

>>5845370 Graham - investigate Hillary Clinton ‘for the Dossier’

>>5845593 George Conway Admits he is Confidential Source for Propagandists

>>5845525 anon suggests redpill book: the classic history of the CIA’s covert funding of cultural activities

>>5845503 twit suspends account with viral twit of Rachel Maddow crying on air

>>5845455 - Barr and RR working on Saturday. 5:5

>>5845465 Tucker Carlson on Mueller Probe Conclusion: ‘The People on TV Have Been Lying to You’

>>5845395 Donna Brazile called SR family before taking Fox News job

>>5843464 (pb) Yazidi sex slaves set fire to their burqas after liberation from ISIS

c894ac  No.5845913


no homo?

917085  No.5845914


Sneaky old lady sent in to do sneaky things.

Future popcorn consumption upcoming.

628759  No.5845915


They ain't done yet… Will be there with lies any time someone asks.

523fe5  No.5845916


Mueller is,and not sure about RR.

Marines can be corrupted.

2b391d  No.5845917


Still holding documents back, however.

I want them ALL released.

Especially the ones about Poppy Bush.

d6c25d  No.5845918


Jan 13 2018 22:59:16 (EST)




98fcfe  No.5845919

File: 56ab450981c6508⋯.jpg (105.9 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, avatars-000471975993-f3058….jpg)

68ceaf  No.5845920

File: 705e703d8f22925⋯.png (804.1 KB, 861x699, 287:233, ClipboardImage.png)



1de136  No.5845921



9cbcae  No.5845922


Thank you, young anons, from an old anon who lacks the skills to produce memes. I appreciate your sacrifice.

ae7cc6  No.5845923


You have no idea.

Wait till all the referrals to the DOJ are actionable. We are talking billions. In black budget assets, and international bank stockpiles.

686147  No.5845924

File: 36e5d118bb09947⋯.jpeg (54.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7D3A754E-548E-401A-936A-2….jpeg)

File: 4d6f0a0be430dd4⋯.jpeg (46.88 KB, 468x380, 117:95, CA8D6191-8B17-4540-9F5F-9….jpeg)

File: ff8381f298d9804⋯.jpeg (44.17 KB, 500x500, 1:1, EA9F82C0-C054-4CAB-BEAC-E….jpeg)

File: e1d631427541390⋯.jpeg (100.36 KB, 852x480, 71:40, DB41D654-CB71-4148-AE1A-E….jpeg)

File: 305305fa572357a⋯.jpeg (73.19 KB, 603x414, 67:46, AD655FA4-124B-496D-9ABA-3….jpeg)

b34805  No.5845925


>If it were some Chinese guys living in China doing it would you then pick up on it?

Pickup on what?, all I said was I hated them.

c2494c  No.5845926


We have called very one of our heroes a faggot, asshole, cunt, newbie, shill, …tits or GTFO, etc a million times .. they post as anon all the time.

2902c1  No.5845927


yep, saw it happen…rather funny. However; I will give credit to the anon, Q did not use the tripcode

61251e  No.5845928


And she made up a story about her whereabouts, right? That she flew to Seattle or sumpthin'? Then it was proven wrong by phone records? IIRC.

438df8  No.5845929

File: b9a158fa45afb43⋯.jpg (175.96 KB, 653x758, 653:758, undercoverpepelol.jpg)


guys, Trump can still be indicted and Hillary can become president!

679012  No.5845930

File: d41ce0055e39c8c⋯.png (29.89 KB, 439x192, 439:192, ClipboardImage.png)

Today is National Puppy Day

7d9382  No.5845931


Oh. So your shit talking is… Shitty.


07e6f7  No.5845932

File: 0d9c49f41f67147⋯.png (551.74 KB, 750x466, 375:233, 2019-03-23_11-44-04.png)


Desperate false flag to divert attention?

038733  No.5845933

File: 148d688a3369df1⋯.png (172.73 KB, 500x733, 500:733, person-of-the-year-time-ro….png)


they are so fucking retarded

42f7bc  No.5845934


So "space" is actually the bunny ranch?

115858  No.5845935

File: 5608c578d7a1a0e⋯.png (43.43 KB, 599x339, 599:339, AQ88.PNG)

File: 4fadf1c1c508a8c⋯.png (41.75 KB, 601x324, 601:324, AQ89.PNG)


Brennan must be in collusion with Hollyweird

29b4b8  No.5845936

File: 86bb9e5cac422c0⋯.jpg (185.83 KB, 1112x542, 556:271, RussiaCollusionFailed (1).jpg)

1cdddd  No.5845937


$3 Sucka?

831fe8  No.5845938

File: dd725c0244e54fa⋯.jpg (101 KB, 583x447, 583:447, DONLEMONSBLACKHOLES.jpg)

f217f7  No.5845939

File: 3bfd3787d88d8fa⋯.jpg (33.56 KB, 513x504, 57:56, Saving Private Mueller.JPG)


i believe that the pit bull et al were also engaging in cya.

keep your enemies closer, and make them squal.

a97421  No.5845940



Puppy show on pain day(23).

2b1927  No.5845941


Pick up on the fact that they are not the real faggots tweeting and controlling the accounts.

This is Psychological Warfare.

ae7cc6  No.5845942



The real Super Bowl is tonight.

4e4cb4  No.5845943

File: d25372968dedc52⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, C6D65C77-A70C-4800-B5D8-A….jpeg)


Its so fucking glorifying to watch too. So much salt for this popcorn fren.

b748ed  No.5845944

>>584562 - Thanks WebAnon

Looks Like That Catalogue has been fixed.

86b7d2  No.5845945


? This is a screenshot of MSNBC meltdown just now. I’m not on their side. I’m pro Trump.

4f6aa4  No.5845946

File: 703e852c823db34⋯.jpeg (699.35 KB, 1201x993, 1201:993, 5A5CD9E1-D47A-4DF2-9484-9….jpeg)

Be careful what you wish for Shifty.

8e0210  No.5845947


>"With this decision, the City Council reaffirmed the work our city has done to become a champion of equality and inclusion," Councilman Roberto C. Treviño said in a statement to the paper.

By becoming a champion of inequality and exclusion by not allowing Chick-fil-a's position to be just as valid.

3f5f2a  No.5845948

File: 86de569d631eb96⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 86de569d631eb96855658f9bc0….jpg)

File: c2eef24ab039428⋯.png (7.16 KB, 159x131, 159:131, c2eef24ab039428f05cf39fecd….png)

File: 70faf4c18f041ac⋯.png (26.46 KB, 576x238, 288:119, eevil4.PNG)

e36974  No.5845949

File: c6a2efda19ac038⋯.png (718.49 KB, 720x486, 40:27, ClipboardImage.png)


She was just testing out her Linda Richman impersonation.

f13659  No.5845950


omg where the meme that shows some little kid's pocket being picked?

you go ahead and trust Donna Brazille, anon.

7d9382  No.5845952


yeah, because you're not really anonymous either.

And the NSA know who we both are :D

c595f4  No.5845953

File: 8fbdfb132ca7fbd⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 207x255, 69:85, trump.jpg)

115858  No.5845954

File: 0c52980c38909fd⋯.png (178.7 KB, 508x424, 127:106, AQ3.PNG)

f217f7  No.5845955



111396  No.5845956


it was me

8d3a09  No.5845957

File: d41ce0055e39c8c⋯.png (29.89 KB, 439x192, 439:192, ClipboardImage.png)


Now its SDNY

Wider breadth to investigate.

Not to messed with.


Congressional Committees

5ab1e1  No.5845958

File: c35e8d4c0b58b46⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1024x669, 1024:669, ClipboardImage.png)

899226  No.5845959



POTUS and MI running US Govt like a business!!! Perot would be proud.

995cb7  No.5845960


yup…exactly. Can't believe are falling for the "I'm so innocent" shit.

98fcfe  No.5845961


Wait till they find out Mueller was our guy this entire time.

64a924  No.5845962

File: fbedc7c9ec6f654⋯.png (277.97 KB, 321x348, 107:116, hillary what happened 2.PNG)


maybe she can explain it?

b34805  No.5845963

File: 2c59d6ba32cce7a⋯.jpg (136.45 KB, 480x713, 480:713, Sofa-King-vanjguyt76e65esi….jpg)

48c010  No.5845964

When is it national anonymous day?

Seems like we need a day to celebrate anonymity on the internet.

3c94d4  No.5845965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

917085  No.5845966


Fox is all about Tucker/Talker.

Those 2 leave Fox is dead.

The rest is just Kabuki theater for ConcernFags like you.

9fe91b  No.5845967


Which means (mirror) the puppy day is the SB. It's obvious, coms are odd as fuck today. New Yorker ran an article about "17" better chicken choices, Maddow talking about FISH, Olberman trying to save JENA and constantly bringing up MIAMI. I count twelve others.

Something is seriously going on.

2443a9  No.5845968

File: 08a5db50cb807bc⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1487x1468, 1487:1468, USMCPopcornResupply.png)


c894ac  No.5845969

File: 201fe1181a54452⋯.jpeg (269.11 KB, 1440x1136, 90:71, movie.warriors.jpeg)


This drop to me was a game changer. I read it as Mueller was being used and had become a tool which allowed the trap to be set.

[RR] and Mueller are dirty, but they were used for a purpose.

db764b  No.5845970


It is still pretty early, Anon.

15a512  No.5845971


Clearly you are not a sailor.

The lighthouse at night disappears under the horizon.


72e594  No.5845973

File: e6bc9b1f35df770⋯.jpeg (94.8 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 36D5152F-B6CF-458E-A643-1….jpeg)

111396  No.5845974


February 30th

0ecf94  No.5845975


I've refrained from meme-ing him because of this.

f4b59e  No.5845976


most people do not understand where the RADICAL muslim came from… funded Madrasas by SA in the middle east to push radical ideology for the very purpose of this holocaust of Christians throughout the world (part of the DS long term plan). Most people don't know because they are too young, that the middle east was very metropolitan and modern in the 60's. In Iran women wore bathing suits to the beach, never covered their hair, wore mini skirts that were the style then, under the Shah of Iran. He was deposed to put in Mullahs. Saddam and Musharef and Quadafi, while despots, kept that radical shit mostly tamped down.

7d9382  No.5845977

File: caa8e3066ba4de6⋯.png (27.36 KB, 255x199, 255:199, j00_very_triggered.png)

ca6759  No.5845978

Judge tosses Chicago suburb's assault weapons ban


61251e  No.5845979

File: e019f49315685b3⋯.jpg (100.58 KB, 749x500, 749:500, SuperbowlPuppyShow.jpg)

File: e78db3e042f25b4⋯.jpg (243.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QRN-MuellerPuppyShow.jpg)

File: 7b532335f72347e⋯.jpg (351.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, QCrumbsthe-fun-begins-dire….jpg)

File: bd6c5f2f755bbc5⋯.jpg (202.47 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, QRN-PuppyShow.jpg)

File: a0a298c9f79ce27⋯.jpg (144.05 KB, 900x600, 3:2, March-23-National-Puppy-Da….jpg)

>>5845930 Then I must repost the puppy day memes. Thank you USSS for pointing out yesterday that today is 3/23 National Puppy Day

809c35  No.5845980

File: d84df24eee82188⋯.jpeg (24.36 KB, 255x210, 17:14, EDD59BD9-0537-4C7A-ABC2-D….jpeg)

7f7979  No.5845981

>>5842541 (PB)

Definitely fuckery afoot! Thank you for everything! Prayers for Q Team and Q+ and fam! Please Lord let us eradicate this EVIL…..

8d3a09  No.5845982


Liberals need SPIN

1. Mueller didn't do a good job. Must be compromised.

2. Barr and POTUS someone got to report and only reported what they thought - more damaging information in redacted portions.

3. Still hysterical on POTUS is a criminal look at the investigations going on, sweeping witch hunts

231201  No.5845983


and you owned it bro. Much respect for that. most would have run away.


4e04b4  No.5845984



Interesting anons. I can see that!

b748ed  No.5845985

>>5845625 - Thanks WebAnon

Looks Like That Catalogue has been fixed.

bc4fa0  No.5845986

File: 281754148f72f85⋯.jpg (14.55 KB, 349x150, 349:150, BucketsOheads.jpg)

096f77  No.5845987


>implying 40% of the richest 1% arent' jews

Oy vey we are just like you fellow white people!

1de136  No.5845988


KOOL DICKORASS - as long as we're on first name basis, Just make sure you say MR ANON


917085  No.5845989


Search bread for Donna B

ae7cc6  No.5845990


Lol they won’t. There are still retards on this board that have been here for 1+ years who don’t realize that. I still email Bongino every week to tell him Mueller is a “white hat” so he gets pissed and addresses it on his show.

Hell learn with the rest of them.

5ab1e1  No.5845991

File: 2e03dc7e2248b07⋯.png (652.14 KB, 500x509, 500:509, ClipboardImage.png)

42f7bc  No.5845992

File: 6c634a2d08f2750⋯.png (727.23 KB, 720x748, 180:187, Screenshot_20190223-084148….png)

688eb4  No.5845993

File: ec828cfd0dbab42⋯.png (21.06 KB, 649x253, 59:23, ClipboardImage.png)


If discussed on a phone

pic related

920181  No.5845994


They lied, plain and simple.

995cb7  No.5845995


(((They))) want to know why/how the kids indictments were pulled. FOrtunately, the law forbides Mueller and Barr from discussing allegations that did not lead to indictments.

f13659  No.5845996




notable anon analysis

e4dcf6  No.5845997


Interesting red scarf piece


b34805  No.5845998


So you're saying not to hate them but to hate the Chinese guy living in China?

07e6f7  No.5845999

File: f59fe0cf0f204c7⋯.png (301.86 KB, 387x491, 387:491, 2019-03-23_11-46-59.png)

48d71f  No.5846000


Moariarty Shecklestein

f217f7  No.5846001

File: 9171bcb85f47bcf⋯.jpg (115.01 KB, 500x538, 250:269, fark U.jpg)

f4da79  No.5846002

File: 21c50c953b3a4ef⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 250x250, 1:1, bestjob.jpg)


Some of us are old and worn out from fighting this evil cabal for so long. You are the treasure, the key, and the future. My hope for the future it restored by the courage, dedication, and intellect of the new generation of Patriots. May you inherit a world of peace and prosperity unseen in modern history.

7d9382  No.5846004

File: 5bc2b4029fc80db⋯.png (28.16 KB, 255x199, 255:199, j00_very_very_triggered.png)

96e5e3  No.5846005

File: 05991c9f47bf344⋯.jpg (61.78 KB, 610x409, 610:409, mueller-report-anyday-meow.jpg)

4fecb3  No.5846006

File: 20f610da97e9828⋯.jpg (279.53 KB, 1498x1012, 749:506, QNN GenX.jpg)

I remember! Clearer then ever before!

What a fuckn timeline! We are witnessing really and for real the end of the cabal! FRONT ROW SEAT!!!

967711  No.5846007

File: f4a4263d7a30435⋯.png (246.69 KB, 689x502, 689:502, Screenshot 2019-03-23 at 1….png)

File: a8780556247158a⋯.png (78.05 KB, 687x497, 687:497, Screenshot 2019-03-23 at 1….png)

Yahoo and USA Today already pivoting to SDNY

and expecting indictments


049497  No.5846008


Bingo anon. Def last night was very active & tonight could be a bizzy one.

Night Shift in the house!

ded2fe  No.5846009


That image with the tree in half, half thriving, half dying.

Whether it is a positive or negative thing depends ON YOUR LANGUAGE.

If you read left-to-right, like in English. It looks ominous.

If you read right-to-left, like in Hebrew, it looks promising.

d6c25d  No.5846010



i member. skepticalanon here, over-zealously shilled him just a lil bit about it kek.

b52aae  No.5846011


Understood – That was when the Index was not updating. I thought we were completely Bakerless for a few minutes.

915a7f  No.5846012


>they are calling it a coverup, then walking it back.

Interesting strategy. Implant seeds of doubt in the legitmacy of the process itself after 2 years of supporting it nonstop.

Not sure if that's gonna work outside the 4-6% without hard evidence to back it up.

a97421  No.5846013


I think about this all the time, kek.

Imagining how many times we've called Q team faggots, etc because they're posting as anon.

Hopefully when Q announces who we've been talking to, they show some "highlights" of their anon posting.

Thinking Napa anon was one.

f4b59e  No.5846014


Nobody ever read Faust apparently….

awesome meme

672c68  No.5846016


Two words


c5f8d1  No.5846017

>>5844977 lb

he is a newsreader only because of nepotism, his father. no other reason. had zero respect for a very long time. new generation doesn't know he has been mind fucked for a very long time

2ba362  No.5846018

File: 599c5bd103e7d07⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 800x432, 50:27, brennanwalls5.jpg)



No . last person to sign off is Barr.


I'm still failing to communicate the distinction I'm pointing to.

9/11 was political. A political crime

It's free from the label "scandal" because most people have no idea of the facts, the reality of it.

It would be a huge POLITICAL scandal if people knew about it; but they don't.

So it can just be named a massive secret crime.

But it's not a scandal of any kind.


To be a scandal an event has to break into the public consciousness



Doesn't look like Brennan

Too young.

Face peal does that well.

I'm calling double. cheeks are wrong.

Maybe I'm wrong; never seen him in person.

But …. vry odd.


No way.

Then why is Nunes calling them all "bad cops??"

Someone's gotta really twist their head a bit to believe that BS

Try harder, Langley

e378f8  No.5846019

Woman builds infrastructure of support for sex trafficking victims

By: Phil Prazan

Posted: Mar 15, 2019 05:12 PM EDT

Updated: Mar 15, 2019 05:18 PM EDT

Helping victims recover, not just arresting traffickers

Sparks says the only way to replace a bad relationship — like a sex trafficker and their victim — is to replace it with a good relationship. That idea drives the focus on wrap-around service.

"We know that healthy relationships, mentors, protective factors like that for vulnerable youth make a difference," Sparks said.

The Refuge in Central Texas is one of those organizations that are cogs in the infrastructure. The Governor's teams granted several hundred thousand dollars to help them grow to 48 beds for survivors with wrap-around services, including a UT charter school.


edc558  No.5846020


in the dough now, thank you for pastebin, makes it easy, shadilay

b7b44d  No.5846021

File: c6f52576d8b6629⋯.png (44.86 KB, 623x477, 623:477, payupbutplug.PNG)


Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the mouth. For the Left, their allies in the media, and the Democratic Party, the drumming has been relentless, so severe that dental records might have to be used to identify their bashed in political personas. For two years, these anti-Trump forces said President Trump, his campaign, and the Kremlin colluded to tilt the 2016 election. They thought he was a Putin asset—all of this unadulterated crap that was backed up with zero evidence. Half the country knew this claim was trash. Half didn’t in a pathetic way to cope with the fact that Hillary Clinton will never be president.

CNN said Trump has been vindicated by the Mueller probe. Yes, there was no collusion. And yes, MSNBC had a total meltdown over this fact. Chris Matthews asked how could Trump get off the hook, Chuck Todd worried that we’re heading for a banana republic, and Rachel Maddow…apparently cried.

83deeb  No.5846022

File: 99d3b784f63a169⋯.jpg (291.75 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 6AQVMZE2YLKRTPF4T5.jpg)

File: 62446ea6cde63bb⋯.jpg (346.92 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Kooikerhondje-Puppy.jpg)

File: 7440fa4ad265d4c⋯.jpg (442 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Rottweiler_Puppy_27389.jpg)

File: bb4a58fb3dd6cba⋯.jpg (590.86 KB, 1834x1713, 1834:1713, shiba-pups1-1.jpg)

So cute!

2902c1  No.5846023


Why is it I can somehow hear your guilt/shame come through on that post ?? Way to take one for the team anon…carry-on

2b391d  No.5846024


John Dean - whistleblowing hero, or deep state traitor helping activate the coup?

212102  No.5846025

038733  No.5846026

File: 36f0cab2aa5a6c4⋯.jpg (199.49 KB, 700x467, 700:467, Osborne_Bichon_6.jpg)


did somebody say Puppy Day?

a4e049  No.5846027


Honour to Gen.X

With Love from Gen.Y

731ae1  No.5846028


HUGE if true. KEK

3c94d4  No.5846029

File: edaf7ac5114f476⋯.png (645.21 KB, 840x671, 840:671, wtc-7-crowley-aiwass.png)


Which demon possess her? They have names you know.

f4b59e  No.5846030


OAN also will start to shine as well. There will be new outlets and it will all be okay!

e8d646  No.5846031

File: b754ec5dc536c08⋯.png (1.06 MB, 846x631, 846:631, between heaven and hell.PNG)

File: 52be440c9a88e71⋯.jpg (25.7 KB, 480x480, 1:1, DwQKBmdU0AEKws7.jpg)

e97f06  No.5846032


together we form one mighty faggot

4e4cb4  No.5846033


Desperate much mossad? Just let one JQ post ever slip by without crying reeeeee… I dare u.

7d9382  No.5846034

File: 519737eb6897f83⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 650x357, 650:357, kekandjesusdo.jpg)


except you're projecting because the script you were given is about a year and a half old here.

995cb7  No.5846035


kek….that's true, but I seriously doubt anyone can top that.

672c68  No.5846036


And when the full report comes out they’ll cry breach of national security for not redacting their names. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

🎁🎁🎁🎁🎄🎄🎄🎄Christmas has come early.

c595f4  No.5846037

File: 4130d65e96df555⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepelaugh.jpg)

a97421  No.5846038

ae7cc6  No.5846039


Most people are retarded, and the ones you are talking about are on the right. They would have no problem going to a service at a Synagogue and donating to Christian Zionist movements, but they’ve been so brainwashed they actually think Arabs defending their countries is terrorism.

1c72d0  No.5846040


All sounds good. I would love to see guilty journalists arrested live on air but that is quite the escalation from where we're at now.

096f77  No.5846041


Right?! I mean thank god our generation supported globalization and financial deregulation.

Where would we be with out all the debt and interest payments to the concealed shareholders of the federal reserve and bank of england!

a4e049  No.5846042


No clue, I know about Yamah, one of the demon kings.

98fcfe  No.5846044

File: 81ac096ced7567a⋯.png (298.54 KB, 499x641, 499:641, 81ac096ced7567a346a886b0ba….png)

f13659  No.5846045


obviously you're a fucking shill so GO BACK TO REDDIT ALREADY!

7272cd  No.5846046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Henry Rollins has a message for the MSM

920181  No.5846047

File: 24237cc4fcebaad⋯.png (554.7 KB, 1500x1113, 500:371, you_dont_say.png)

b29471  No.5846048

File: 4509a032b09e95c⋯.png (152.24 KB, 943x754, 943:754, (((SACKLER))).PNG)

from JQ thread


Coalition Of 500 Cities, Counties And Tribes Sues Pharma Billionaire Family For Racketeering

A coalition of 500 cities, counties and Native American tribes is suing OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma and some members of the billionaire family that controls it over the country’s deadly opioid crisis.

The suit against Purdue Pharma and at least eight members of the Sackler family was filed earlier in March in a southern New York federal court, reported The Guardian Friday.

“This nation is facing an unprecedented opioid addiction epidemic that was initiated and perpetuated by the Sackler defendants for their own financial gain,” attorneys representing the communities wrote in the filing, according to CBS News. (RELATED: Prestigious London Art Museum Says It Won’t Be Taking Donation Linked To Purdue Pharma’s Sackler Family)

The suit is being brought by communities in 26 states and eight tribes, CBS reported. It accuses the parties of racketeering.

The suit alleges that while the Sackler family has an estimated net worth of $13 billion, the opioid crisis cost the U.S. over $504 billion as of 2015. The suit also links the opioid crisis to allegedly aggressive and even deceptive marketing of prescription opioids by Purdue Pharma and members of the Sackler family.

917085  No.5846049


Maybe she's the keystone (one of many of those thingies) that connects Podesta directly in return for commuted sentence blackmailed victimhood status reasons???

23f4c8  No.5846050




Brazil should make some pancakes & Poor Syrup!

0ecf94  No.5846051


I don't know anything about Fyre Festival or Beyonce Lemonade memes.

You'd think they could have picked better examples to compare to.

d6c25d  No.5846052

File: 8f5e387ce0c0e1d⋯.jpg (108.2 KB, 1200x1161, 400:387, preach it.jpg)


it's a brutiful timelines

ccb71f  No.5846053

File: 02db931e5cebfed⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 960x594, 160:99, brrrrt.jpg)

e36974  No.5846054


Characterizing "Russian collusion" as a "dead end"??

Not even hiding the intent.

"OK, so we can't get him on Russian collusion. What else can we get him on?"

831fe8  No.5846055

alot of americans are taken in along with the idea of judeo christian values….pretty sure jesus said fuck about banging 3 year olds and sucking baby dicks …

26503a  No.5846056

File: 2da015532b32b5e⋯.png (631.75 KB, 2960x1668, 740:417, viking sky.png)



a3250f  No.5846057

File: eaf7bc947792fed⋯.png (307.11 KB, 720x1279, 720:1279, Screenshot_20190323-164721….png)

File: aa20f22cc49c506⋯.png (605.65 KB, 720x1317, 240:439, Screenshot_20190322-115323….png)

f217f7  No.5846058


"here shilly shilly shill!"

who's a good boy? answering when called, you're a good boy! yes you are!>>5845881

ded045  No.5846059


Gang-of-8 revelations will hit Schiff [AS] and Warner [MW]. SDNY can be muzzled directly, by Barr. Narrative is shifting already, to foreign and domestic interference in the election, to the detriment of Trump.

995cb7  No.5846060


I'm not a concernfag idiot. Learn some reading comprehension.

db764b  No.5846061


Some people are trying to heal those poor kids.

e9778c  No.5846062

I know the Southern District of New York is horribly corrupt, but Dan Abrams [ABC] has repeatedly said that anything they do must go through Attorney General Barr.

5ab1e1  No.5846063

File: 09dac386024629d⋯.png (212.86 KB, 400x304, 25:19, ClipboardImage.png)

dc3baa  No.5846065

File: 1e7672cf0fea396⋯.jpg (106.92 KB, 620x412, 155:103, hillarypanic.jpg)

File: 39a93e60fa0469b⋯.jpg (8.74 KB, 300x168, 25:14, poe.jpg)

79ec27  No.5846066


these artfags need a major smackdown

e97f06  No.5846067


nobody gives a fuck you faggot

3d4714  No.5846068

File: 8e1cc16b98e73bf⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 560x366, 280:183, pepe list 53.jpg)

File: 667fd6ce7289e0c⋯.png (238.72 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe winner.png)



This is just the beginning bitch. Wait til the next shoes drop

b748ed  No.5846069

>>5845985 >>5846045

646278  No.5846070

98fcfe  No.5846071

ANONS! This is not something I usually say…TUNE YOUR TV TO MSNBC!

They are losing their minds.

It's hilarious!

f4b59e  No.5846072


Young Anon, bring it on, Youth is needed. we are here from the beginning, some of us are weary but cannot leave, we need fresh eyes, brighter brains, etc. MEME til you drop! WWG1WGA. Carry on.

e4dcf6  No.5846074


Worth pullinf the thread. There was a post the other day with a piece about FBI blackmail and my trainwreck of a brain is tingling but not enough to cough up the almond.

61251e  No.5846075

This anon votes that Brazile is not doing a good turn to expose things. Hillary was right for once….Brazile is a brain dead buffalo. She has got some splainin' to do

about the hospital & the quickly disproved story about her whereabouts at that time. No, like all of the Zero/Cankles inner circle, she is a gibbering idiot who was unjustly given a small part of the stage. No deals.

9cf883  No.5846076

File: 8a4e054c77b4076⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 510x500, 51:50, 2wr9dp.jpg)

646278  No.5846077

File: c436d2404cfbafe⋯.png (17.69 KB, 163x227, 163:227, 666 just now kek.PNG)

7d9382  No.5846078


kek.. it was like that last night too

72087e  No.5846079

File: c9a722a913e0c73⋯.jpeg (257.74 KB, 1262x1668, 631:834, A6525150-2D7F-4325-9034-0….jpeg)

b34805  No.5846080

File: e642bc684a5fd2b⋯.jpg (103.83 KB, 500x750, 2:3, rmeyhe56y2skg7k.jpg)

591875  No.5846081

Its projection. Their favorite tool. Obama was NOT legit.


61251e  No.5846082

File: 4447b747ac8b8de⋯.jpg (10.47 KB, 241x197, 241:197, Pepe glasses.jpg)

fe62b6  No.5846083


I may be wrong but Im still of the belief that Nixon was setup because he wanted to get his hands on the "bay of pigs thing" that he instructed Haldeman to get from Hoover. If that was the scenario then Dean was DS. Nixon was no saint but he may have shot to far and it boomeranged on him. Spitball

7942ca  No.5846084


steisand is defending pedos who have "sexual needs"

“His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has,” Streisand claimed. “You can say ‘molested,’ but those children, as you heard say, they were thrilled to be there,” she said in the interview, published Friday.

So far, the Twitterverse has roundly condemned Streisand for her comments. A sample:

2c0b08  No.5846085

File: c646530646c9014⋯.jpg (13.99 KB, 304x400, 19:25, 6yearoldsexwdad.jpg)



This guy…..

e97f06  No.5846086


id rather pound sand in my ass

809c35  No.5846087

File: fbb82069c5a50c0⋯.jpeg (27.97 KB, 218x231, 218:231, E5A9E1AD-BEC1-4415-B6B4-9….jpeg)

File: 778084e4ec73bd7⋯.jpeg (27.12 KB, 255x191, 255:191, E77527B1-8F08-49C4-8808-F….jpeg)

File: d9859f8520e260f⋯.jpeg (135.73 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 60C91917-8858-4ED2-811F-9….jpeg)

U fags are the best.

GodBless Patriots!

ce7ba1  No.5846088

File: 8dda46acb19151e⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1415x406, 1415:406, nocollusion.PNG)

c99743  No.5846089


Did he have a stroke at some point?

03a070  No.5846090

so the D sky is falling comes soon

917085  No.5846091


Barr has to move fast.

Kills the narrative of he took time to take out the good stuff.

1b215e  No.5846092

This is the only way I can see The Plan working……

Mueller meets with POTUS

POTUS shows Mueller the dirt they have on him

Mueller agrees to work to take down the Deep State and testify against Hillary and the Deep State

Mueller goes to trial for the crimes he has committed

POTUS pardons Mueller for his cooperation

f13659  No.5846093



Anon is Aware.

ded045  No.5846094


One would expect the state of NY to go after Trump. Will be interesting to see what sort of dirt he has on those folks. He loves this hardball game.

c595f4  No.5846095

File: c4a65ed54b31000⋯.png (559.56 KB, 610x597, 610:597, 29cf25ad3e7d3da66bd8f3eec0….png)


Top kek.

61251e  No.5846096


>A sample:


c2494c  No.5846097







Posting as Anon… "No one person is above another"…

They know the rules.. I dont feel bad.

e378f8  No.5846098

who are we digging on today?

33349d  No.5846099

File: 3dcded783b114e1⋯.jpeg (137.38 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 9E61F918-C702-4AA1-9710-E….jpeg)

The MSM has been lying to our families about Trump for two years making them nuts, depressed etc. How much pain and suffering have they caused in the name of covering up their life of depraved buggery?

Those furry pedo fuckers should be charged.

The media outlets sued to nonexistent.

4e04b4  No.5846100


Can't wait anon!

9fe91b  No.5846101


We exposed his fucking ass last night. Sack of shit.. That was a priority expose for the private chans. Unreal

3113fd  No.5846102


Same guy who shot this video….

also shot first season of Stranger Things

9f27a5  No.5846103


>very interdasting that she would call the family of seth rich

I remember the Rich family being 'given' a press coordinator from the DNC. Looking like DNC shut all family response down.

I hope this call was an all clear signal from DB that the Rich family can ditch the DNC and will be welcome on FOX.

68ceaf  No.5846104

File: aafbd9112d617bf⋯.png (177.09 KB, 980x534, 490:267, ClipboardImage.png)

917085  No.5846105


Farkus could have been Lisa Page ugly hot

f13659  No.5846106


yubba dubba doo

292365  No.5846107

>>5842956 (lb)

>>5843177 (lb)

God is love… ," I AM the LIGHT of the world" said Yeshua….

What do you see right now? What do you really see? Does the answer make you realize that the Incarnation and cross and resurrection must have been so since the foundation of the world? He never left us alone. Only since the first fall the first symmetry was broken by the Pfft "god particle" rejecting the light has all matter seen the cross… XYZT.

WAKE UP. In the name of Jesus, may you eyes be opened. Don't spend your whole life wasting oxygen.

3c94d4  No.5846108

File: 8d8084b5cb088cf⋯.jpg (541.68 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190323-085554….jpg)


Sounds like we found out where all the gold in fort Knox went….


9cf883  No.5846109

File: 5288a374a91f643⋯.jpeg (229.88 KB, 951x972, 317:324, bq-5c.jpeg)

2c0b08  No.5846110

File: 7030b92b2c24561⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB, 304x400, 19:25, 6YrOldSexwDad.mp4)



I forgot it first post

096f77  No.5846111

File: 81aacf26cbcabc3⋯.png (4.06 MB, 2724x5151, 908:1717, trump kshner.png)

4671a6  No.5846112

File: 6a42ed815eb5fe4⋯.jpeg (125.45 KB, 750x709, 750:709, B8513077-5BF4-4064-8610-1….jpeg)

995cb7  No.5846113


I don't think so. Not after all this time. This happened within a week of Fox being ousted for Dem debates. Then they bring in Biden's guy as a 2020 Lobbyist? WTF is that? ALso done same week Jeanine was taken off air and RINO Paul Ryan joined the BOD. Nope, has nothing to do that Q drop. Also, read some stories from Fox this past week. Even today going all in discounting the Mueller report. Lachlin has made his move.

edc558  No.5846114

#7477 notables bundle

>>5846007 Yahoo and USA Today already pivoting to SDNY and expecting indictments

>>5845604 anon's analysis called as notable

>>5845978 Judge tosses Chicago suburb's assault weapons ban

>>5845891 Bill Barr and [RR] seen entering DOJ bldg.

>>5845827 Vice article about Chandler's "modeling agency" mentions Chandler working with Eckhaus Latta

>>5845826 Cruise ship to 'evacuate its 1,300 passengers after sending mayday signal off the coast of Norway'.

>>5845771 Off-duty Chicago cop shot dead while sitting in parked vehicle, another man critically injured

>>5845768 Good thread on post-Mueller possibilities

>>5845651 B. Krassenstein deletes email account, no blue check mark on twat now?

>>5845759 pdf by James Petras from 1999

>>5845707 Fox News opines that the Mueller report should be rejected

>>5845678 British Govt Rules CHRISTIANITY Is Not a Religion of Peace, Rejects Convert

>>5845657 names, hospitals, numbers wrt Prince, anon asks for help digging

>>5845370 Graham - investigate Hillary Clinton ‘for the Dossier’

>>5845593 George Conway Admits he is Confidential Source for Propagandists

>>5845525 anon suggests redpill book: the classic history of the CIA’s covert funding of cultural activities

>>5845503 twit suspends account with viral twit of Rachel Maddow crying on air

>>5845455 - Barr and RR working on Saturday. 5:5

>>5845465 Tucker Carlson on Mueller Probe Conclusion: ‘The People on TV Have Been Lying to You’

>>5845395 Donna Brazile called SR family before taking Fox News job

>>5843464 (pb) Yazidi sex slaves set fire to their burqas after liberation from ISIS

bakering bring it forward please

ec0ba8  No.5846115

File: 7d62fc9e2e25e7f⋯.jpg (497.11 KB, 1287x1691, 1287:1691, 7d62fc9e2e25e7fa24663de1c0….jpg)


This! dont give them clicks.

4fecb3  No.5846116

File: 6ec6209d8861f96⋯.png (9.22 KB, 255x97, 255:97, Frens.png)

2b391d  No.5846117


Or, he's playing a part.

And was getting pressured to increase the tenor.

Before it's time to reveal all.

66b3c8  No.5846118


Could be Mueller wants to make things right, the best he can, anyway. This way he was less likely to be arkancided.

26503a  No.5846119

File: b370df3d461e9ef⋯.png (825.68 KB, 1266x1516, 633:758, vikingsky2.png)



9cf883  No.5846121

File: d4e4682ead8e8d3⋯.jpg (56.27 KB, 664x500, 166:125, fhfy6t.jpg)

f4b59e  No.5846122


No anon, they really don't. These are mostly young kids who's entire movie and television genre is horror, witch craft, zombies etc. This has been mind control programming from their birth. This is what young artists churn out. I am small non elitist gallery owner who deals with young artists. I tell them simply, this does not sell, however, there are some who do want to buy it. They do this for the scary aspect, they think they are satanists yet they know really nothing of the actual depths of depravity because most only scratch the surface. Its cool, its shocking, its trendy. They will wake, but don't be so harsh on some of them. They are also very sensitive and gentle souls most of the time. Artists are the most sensitive because the seem to be the most MK Ultra victims. no lie. They tend to pick the artistic ones to torture.

7272cd  No.5846123

File: f4d68ba73111be2⋯.gif (596.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, PepeRuns.gif)


Click to see Pepe run!!!

831fe8  No.5846125

shut up muh joo shill get gassed faggot

d6c25d  No.5846126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

50a91b  No.5846127

File: aef5c37a1d085de⋯.png (1.06 MB, 727x1153, 727:1153, Screen Shot 2018-12-01 at ….png)

ae7cc6  No.5846128


Just wow.

“Judas sold one man, but did Donald Trump sell 340 million…to Russia?”

8d3a09  No.5846129


This shit is the most entertaining thing I've seen in my life. Now they want Congress to investigate, Mueller is getting thrown RIGHT UNDER THE BUS

64a924  No.5846130


streisand just proved that she is twisted fuck

no walking back her statement condoning pedophilia

looks like Q right again, it will not be safe for (((them))) to walk the streets

best of luck, babs

2e1a0e  No.5846131

Bread nearly dead

e97f06  No.5846133


wheres the sound towards the end?

f217f7  No.5846135

File: 5212553a6d4ddd0⋯.png (515.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, wiener.png)

File: f391d4da7b87caa⋯.jpg (197.02 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, laptop.jpg)

File: 1693d1a028829b5⋯.jpg (73.85 KB, 640x427, 640:427, wiz.jpg)


msm now focusing normie's gaze on SDNY -


a97421  No.5846137

File: dcfc67c5dc65589⋯.jpg (48.31 KB, 634x339, 634:339, ofc.jpg)

d7f16f  No.5846138


make toast

d47f29  No.5846139

File: 50c244787823123⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 1000x525, 40:21, 4B6F0EED-798A-4434-AFBE-79….gif)

917085  No.5846140


Well, he has a weak hand if Tucker/Talker keep pounding away unimpeded.

ec0ba8  No.5846141

File: e1ceeb7e4a513c5⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 74eee16b3e293acabbae29913….jpeg)


Wrong. I want both of them turned to glass. You are both on the same team.

8ee3d4  No.5846143

>>5845871 yes, bizarro world. other option she is going down hard, perp walked off set live tv, either one works for me


2c0b08  No.5846145

File: 67aa1443cce9dee⋯.png (51.7 KB, 220x293, 220:293, punisher logo.png)


Ok sorry Anon, I missed those breads but he got so angry I was fit for the chair within 2 minutes of watching this fucking creep.

efb30f  No.5846146

File: d57826916d20b0f⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2007x1340, 2007:1340, FlotusTrustPlan.png)

love u frens

995cb7  No.5846147



511e73  No.5846148


what moar do you need to know?

This is 100% Sanhedrin.

edc558  No.5846149

freash bread


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