[–]▶ 60b870 (8) No.5858706[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Saturday 03.23.2019
>>5854029 ---———————————--——– Why are [they] attempting to re-write our history?
>>5853603 rt >>5853578 ---———————— you may start your attack run
>>5853545 rt >>5853322 ---———————— FIRE AT WILL, COMMANDER.
>>5853176 ---———————————--——– Meme: MY TURN...
>>5853115 ---———————————--——– Meme: D's haven't been this mad since R's freed the slaves
>>5853007 ---———————————--——– MAYday MAYday MAYday (Cap: >>5853118 )
>>5842693 ---———————————--——– You are witnessing the collapse of the largest pre-planned & coordinated propaganda event in modern day history
>>5842648 rt >>5842610 ---———————— MSM: their only defense is to play 'dumb'
>>5842541 rt >>5842272 ---———————— Q on Fox News commentary on tweet from Q-related account
Friday 03.22.2019
>>5838347 ---———————————--——– Nunes: "Unraveling of the biggest political scandal in American history." (Cap: >>5838390 )
>>5837376 ---———————————--——– [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent.
>>5836740 rt >>5836660 ----———————-- DECLAS is a comin'!
>>5836480 rt >>5836393 ----———————-- The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.
>>5836164 rt >>5836091 ----———————-- Sanctions lift? Anons know? (Cap: >>5836244 )
>>5836091 ---———————————--——– BLOCKADE REMOVED.
Wednesday 03.20.2019
Compiled here: >>5852541
Monday 03.18.2019
Compiled here: >>5802127
Sunday 03.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5791939
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 60b870 (8) No.5858712
are not endorsements
>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5857423 BO on global notables
>>5858251 Venezuela’s Maduro Announces Capture of Colombian Paramilitary Chief
>>5858343 Israel retaliates against Gaza after barrage of ‘300 explosives’ targets IDF troops
>>5858518 May getting kicked out, 'betrayed Brexit and destroyed the Tory Party'
>>5858689 #7494
>>5857256 Based James Wood tweet: It's Mueller Time - chug it down, bitches
>>5857475 Democrats debate Mueller strategy as findings loom
>>5857423, >>5857492 BO on global notables and "baker assists"
>>5857435, >>5857645 On "manufactured crimes of perjury" and "children used as shields"
>>5857810 Re: Theresa May pressure to step down
>>5857822 FEMA 'unnecessarily' shared data of 2.3 million disaster victims with contractor
>>5857944 #7493
>>5856453 Mayday: UK Coup Erupts, Theresa May Cabinet In Revolt, Plotting Her Imminent Overthrow
>>5856568 Apart from Champs-Elysees: Yellow Vests hold protests across France despite place bans
>>5856642 Jets, nukes & plasma rifles? New Zealand police flooded with fake gun surrender requests
>>5856702 Charlie Kirk: President Trump Recognizes the Importance of the Culture War
>>5856705 Vladimir Putin statement on US INF pullout
>>5857132 #7492
>>5855646 Rep. Mark Meadows tweet calling out Demonrats on hypocrisy re: transparency
>>5855733 Sanders campaign hit with complaint over illegal alien staffers
>>5855667, >>5855863 Edible Schoolyards dig
>>5855821 Kid Rock wearing Seth Rich pants?
>>5856077 At Least 11 UK Cabinet Minsters Plan to Confront PM May, Demand She Step Down
>>5856246, >>5856247, >>5856251 Resignations in the news 3/20/2019
>>5856178 Jesse Watters: 'There are a lot of potential felonies' from the Obama administration
>>5856357 #7491
#7490 Baker Change
>>5854999 Is this the missing link between Ray Chandler and Michal Chelbin?
>>5855031 Robert Kraft Issues First Statement Since Solicitation Charge
>>5855059 Amazon Selling Child Sex Doll for Pedophiles
>>5855034, >>5855390 US Army Tweet-National Puppy day
>>5855121, >>5855567 Anon's history lesson on Q's meme picture
>>5855287 o7 Two fallen soldiers on March 22
>>5855408 Political Editor, Sunday Times (UK) tweeting that full blown cabinet coup is under way tonight
>>5856116 #7490
>>5854192 Anon theory: DJT Groomed for this over 30 yrs (Repost)
>>5854353, >>5854498 Former head of Mossad Dies age 92 (Times of Israel)
>>5854312, >>5854499 Clockfag reports: Mispellings matter [RENEGADE]
>>5854529 Dank Lincoln meme
>>5854768 #7489
>>5853333, >>5853456 Anon original photo, RED_CASTLE flag: WRWY!
>>5853710 BetaMale O'Rourke crying about Mueller report (Breitbart)
>>5853730 Trump supporters rally in front of Trump Tower NYC (Circa)
>>5853813 Meme Typo corrected
>>5854141 Matt Taibbi says RussiaGate is this generation's WMDs
>>5853990 #7488
>>5852467 Tom /Fit/ton filed a FOIA against DOJ seeking RR records(@JudicialWatch)
>>5852488 Pegasus Spyware BS in Mexico (Borderland Beat)
>>5852495 Disneyland Guests being let back in (Breaking News Global)
>>5852585 K Collins Tweet-Barr has left Justice Dept.
>>5852787, >>5852848 Anon theory: Kid rock, Assange, Pamela?
>>5852986 Now a 2nd ship experiencing "engine problem" off Norway, same area as the cruise ship (KSL) (AP)
>>5853155 #7488
Previously Collected Notables
>>5851548 #7485, >>5852319 #7486
>>5849258 #7482, >>5850193 #7483, >>5850768 #7484
>>5847812 #7479, >>5848159 #7480, >>5848472 #7481
>>5844573 #7476, >>5855357 #7477, >>5855362 #7478
>>5842091 #7473, >>5842835 #7474, >>5843652 #7475
Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
▶ 60b870 (8) No.5858714
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Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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▶ 60b870 (8) No.5858716
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* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848606
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043
▶ 60b870 (8) No.5858719>>5858765 >>5858778 >>5858787 >>5858791 >>5858800 >>5858836 >>5858839
▶ 3376d2 (1) No.5858736
first suck my dick faggots
▶ 75fada (1) No.5858744>>5858771 >>5858810 >>5859118
The Origin Of “Out Of Left Field”
It’s believed that this phrase comes from baseball. However, its exact origin, how it came from baseball, is not clear. Let’s talk about this.
In baseball, there are three outfield positions---the right fielder, the center fielder, and the left fielder. If a ball is hit hard enough, the outfielders will either try to catch it, or they will attempt to retrieve the ball as quickly as possible and throw it back into the infield.
Obviously, the saying ‘out of left field’ is referring to the left side of a baseball field, and the thing coming ‘out’ of it would be a baseball, right? But why specifically the left field, what about the others?
▶ b047d5 (1) No.5858765
TY Baker!!!
Nice week, Mr. President. Wiped ISIS off the face of the earth and made Rachel Maddow whelp a goat… #LifeIsJoyous
▶ 97e055 (12) No.5858768>>5858827 >>5858908 >>5859476 >>5859501
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
(It's a video, click it.)
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
▶ 97e055 (12) No.5858769>>5858827
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
▶ 683aa2 (6) No.5858770>>5858779 >>5859049 >>5859051 >>5859477
This thing needs to go to jail
▶ 11d38b (1) No.5858771
Distance to 1st base.
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858774>>5858775
They call themselves Jews but do lie
▶ ab8715 (2) No.5858777>>5859075 >>5859123
Could D5avalanche or storm refer to swarm of victims and fence sitters that will start to vocalize once they see the US justice system has been repaired? There must be many victims of the twisted wealthy that get silenced or worse for coming forward with reports of abuse. Gonna sound homo but kind of similar to #me2 movement
▶ 755d58 (1) No.5858781
Man i cant even leave for two hours to watch a movie without the damn Long Nosed Tribe making notables again for something horrible.
Here they go bombing the gaza strip
What else would jews be doing on a saturday night???!?
▶ defdbd (3) No.5858784
To Anons!
Anything that is not research or free thinking is shill. Do not respond to them no matter how bad you want to!
▶ d616d0 (2) No.5858785>>5858814 >>5859424
Real men don't cry.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858786
>>5858755 (LB)
daytime is different, hard to get any traction alot of time during the day
▶ bb003a (3) No.5858788>>5858790
ok now this is the 4D set.
it is just a small defined set within the unified field.
▶ 0da52d (7) No.5858789>>5858796 >>5858802 >>5858809 >>5858811 >>5859007
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A magnitude 5.4 earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on Sunday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. The shallow quake was registered 30 kilometers (18.6 miles)…
I hear Geological?
▶ c72c7d (12) No.5858791
thank you baker!
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5858792>>5858803
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5858793>>5858806 >>5858821 >>5859260
>>5858742 (lb)
The Iluminati is a Matriarchy.
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5858794
CNN: You believe these is a 'deep state'? QANON mbr: Yes CNN: What does it do? Q: They used to run the country, but they're losing control. C: Who's in it? Q: The Clintons, Bush, Obamas… C: So Bush & Obama are running the country? Q: No., they're trying.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858796>>5858826 >>5858852
We just had a CME hit the Earth
▶ f2dabb (2) No.5858797>>5859046
Well this certainly brings a whole different perspective.
▶ c98981 (2) No.5858798
FEMA error exposes 2.3 million disaster survivors to fraud
▶ c1d979 (9) No.5858799
Rothchild? Brock? Weinstein? Clinton? Pocahontas? Lying ted? No name? Hussain? #41? Which one is next? #panicindc
▶ fc0e62 (1) No.5858801>>5858853
Air Force space command selects first-ever ‘Visionary Q-Prize’ challenge cash-prize winners
▶ 1435b8 (4) No.5858802
>Indonesian island of Sulawesi
▶ d82aba (7) No.5858804>>5858820 >>5858846 >>5858868 >>5858870 >>5858925 >>5858965 >>5859394 >>5859517
Looks like Comey may have been giving a hat tip to NZ shooting. Similar coast as NZ and Nike shoes look like NZ in pic. NZ rocks…
▶ 0cb6fb (6) No.5858806>>5858833
Jezibel prefers to inhabit women?
▶ d653a5 (2) No.5858807>>5858815
If this is the actual report to all the military anons out there, be mindful of the UCMJ. It's stamped secret.
▶ 9d3d3b (4) No.5858808>>5858822
Eagle four, fox five.
James Comey >
James:Comey >
12345:12345 >
Focus in short supply?
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5858809>>5858849 >>5858920 >>5859167 >>5859188 >>5859487
6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Colombia
▶ 99abd4 (1) No.5858810
Because most batters are right handed, and when right-handed hitters hit a baseball, it tends to go more often than not to the left, the left field home run line tends to be significantly further from home plate than center or right field. So a throw from deep left field is a very long throw, a Hail Mary, a bomb coming out of the sky, hard to see, hard to follow, hard to predict. Layers of meaning in this metaphor.
It's lonely being an Litfag.
▶ 0da52d (7) No.5858811
Brilliant afternoon at Jack’s Magazine for Jack’s Reloaded, a unique site-specific exhibition by Georgia Nowak & Eugene Perepletchikov exploring Victoria’s complex geological & social histories using moving image, sound & installation
More geological things
▶ daa21b (5) No.5858812>>5858828
Once, I had a dream and in it my skin became green. What could it mean?
▶ bb003a (3) No.5858813
Your set is defined within …..
at any point in the field you define the set.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5858814
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5858815>>5858835
Its a joke, and not that funny
▶ f0e128 (1) No.5858816>>5858825
>>5858097 lb
Which US senator follows the pedophile?
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858817>>5858866 >>5858924
Soros completed that thing quick it seemed
▶ 4cb814 (1) No.5858818
>>5857256 pb
This is hilarious.
▶ 625a1b (3) No.5858819>>5858824 >>5858834 >>5858841 >>5858847 >>5859108
>>5858734 lb
do your job and BAKE PROPERLY. Your mess is comical.
especially this one
>>5855821 Kid Rock wearing Seth Rich pants?
▶ 7f866a (4) No.5858821>>5858874 >>5858885 >>5858891 >>5858944
What about jesuits, catholic church. Patriarchy.
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858822
free jew haircuts
(212) 490-0666
call now
▶ c98981 (2) No.5858823
Venezuelan intelligence agents raid homes of Juan Guaido's top aides, opposition says
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5858824
and here is the BA faggot again
▶ 7297de (3) No.5858826>>5858837
I think the CME may have missed Earth. At least that was the speculation on Space Weather, and the current aurora map shows little activity.
▶ c3574e (9) No.5858828>>5858843
It means you were channeling your Inner Kermit
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5858833>>5858851
Not quite sure what you are getting at?
▶ 9979bd (2) No.5858834>>5858933
You are making a very serious mistake but I'm gonna letchu finish.
Sun Tzu says to keep quiet and watch.
▶ d653a5 (2) No.5858835
find of mind clued me in just now lol
I just saw the secret and jumped ship
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858837
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858838
God bless our female league for takeing the silver
▶ c72c7d (12) No.5858841>>5858850
Good thing you know your place now you fucking piece of shit
▶ 9d3d3b (4) No.5858842
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858845>>5859177
free jew haircuts
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▶ 52acde (4) No.5858846>>5858973
New Balance.
I still have no clue wtf "geologic time" is. He's so stupid. Always trying to sound intelligent/deep while attempting comms.
He needs to be punched in the face. Hard.
▶ b2d46b (7) No.5858848
Been like, fuck James Woods. But lately. Fuck him, but not in the worst way, he’s alright. But fuck em. He’d know what that meant kek.
▶ 847645 (1) No.5858849
Hmm.. Legit, not tungsten….
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858850
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▶ 0cb6fb (6) No.5858851
while the demon Jezibel will inhabit women, she'll also inhabit men. And that is one of the spirits that is loose in the world, and very commonly incountered. So the cabal seems to be a matriarchy and my point is that Jezibel might prefer to be in demon possession of women, and not so much men.
that was my point.
She's in the wild and you meet her everywhere. You do know her, even if you don't think you do.
▶ 434f7b (3) No.5858852>>5858869
The Sun is a relatively quiet G-type star (G2V), but the key word is “relatively.” While it avoids the massive storms known to affect so-called flare stars, it occasionally releases both solar flares and coronal mass ejections. On March 20, NASA detected such a flare with an associated CME. The coronal mass ejection will hit Earth on March 23 and may push the northern lights far south, lighting up skies in the northern United States and southern Canada.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858853
well fuck. where did they post it to begin with?! damn.. would have loved to try, just for fun and to see how the process works.
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858854
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▶ 2f0870 (3) No.5858856>>5858873 >>5858896
>>5854063 PB
Exactly. Many southern Americans are wise to the fact
that Robert Lee freed his wife's inherited slaves and that Stonewall Jackson taught literacy and bible school to blacks. They also may know that Grant, though an excellent general, owned slaves.Many of us have rich, written family histories as American warriors going back our inception of the great nation we are. I have ancestors on both sides of the Civil War and with many non-slave owning Confederates that were in Missouri and subjected to similar fates as Bill Wilson, depicted as Josey Wales in Clint Eastwood's movie and Forrest Carter's novel. It was a horrible war and my ancestors there lost everything. There were many atrocities to southerners that have been erased from "Official" history books, no differently since time… the raid on Osceola, the killing of southern women in prison in Springfield, the raids, arson, theft and killing of elderly southerners by Red Legs and other non regular northern troops still reside in the memories of many southern Americans. Most southerners were not wealthy enough to have slaves, even if they had wanted. The truth can never be fully erased. There was good and bad on both sides and this is a division tactic- Alinsky 101 from Marxist shills to divide us.
▶ c1d979 (9) No.5858858>>5858876 >>5858879 >>5858881 >>5858917
Jesus we here? Keep working. We got this shit
▶ 59378f (7) No.5858859>>5858877 >>5858911 >>5858948
I have often wondered if this operation is using Dr David Lewis Andersons Time Control technology.
He went dark in 2009 and supposedly went to continue his research in India
Other World Global Network releases noted Time Travel scientist Dr. David Lewis Anderson Time Reactor Patent to the World for FREE!
February 19, 2017
by, Sandra D. Sabatini
In efforts to educate the public on the existence of Time Control Technologies and Methods Other World Global Network releases noted Time Travel scientist Dr. David Lewis Anderson Time Reactor Patent to the World for FREE in this exclusive Other World Global Magazine article. In addition, an organized effort to release this Time Reactor Patent was initiated on the world wide web via Facebook. Shortly thereafter the link to the patent was blocked by Facebook. In efforts to circumvent the suppression of this document the creation of this article was formulated.
▶ 6f81ea (7) No.5858860>>5858878 >>5859006 >>5859042 >>5859227 >>5859312
My theory is that Q’s trip code contains a musical theme and points to a musical cadence, [and that is the same as saying it points to a song]. Jumping Jack Flash the movie, and JJF the song, together MIRROR these elements: KEY + STONE + BRIDGE. And then there is [CROSSFIRE HURRICANE], clearly stated in the song lyrics.
it is also unfortunately true that DS OP Crossfire Hurricane is inextricably, by association, tied to the song Jumping Jack Flash, in essence the song was BRANDED BY THE [DS]. What I think is happening is that Q is pointing to another song with mirrored relevance, and through that song, and its reference to [CROSSFIRE HURRICANE], is pointing back at Jumping Jack Flash. It looks like ‘Smoke on the Water’ is that other song. The jazz cadence encoded within Q;s trip naturally moves the V7 chord moves back to the I chord. And I believe SMOKE ON THE WATER is the V7 chord in Q’s song.
The lyrics to the song ’Smoke on the Water’ reference GRAND HOTEL and that mirrors GRAND HOTEL on TRAFALGAR SQUARE - the area where the pics showing LP PS were taken, in London, during DS OP Crossfire Hurricane. The lyrics also reference the ROLLING STONES. These two facts (or keeping with the musical theme, chord tones) establish a V7 chord to move Q’s song back to JUMPING JACK FLASH, in effect REBRANDING the song, taking it away from the DS and establishing it as the root chord, the 1 major of Q’s Song,
On Dec. 4 1971 Deep Purple went to Montreux Switzerland to record an album in a mobile studio they rented from the Rolling Stones. The lyrics to the song SMOKE ON THE WATER are about that.
…..We ended up at the GRAND HOTEL
It was empty cold and bare
But with the ROLLING truck STONES thing just outside
….Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
>>>Anybody notice that Q’s TRIP is a JAZZ CADENCE? > iim V7 I / 2-5-1 Key of C
It is in key of C cause the V (5) chord is identified: G7. It breaks down like this: !!m = iim The exclamation points are really just the letter ‘i’ upside down twice - ‘iim’ is the symbol for the 2-minor chord in diatonic harmony >> G7 = the chord G7, the chord built off the 5th scale tone in key of C >> V = V (the symbol for the 5 chord) >> JxZN = JxZZ (rotate the ’N’ 90 degrees clockwise and you will see the Z >> ‘x’ is a variable in mathematics and seems safe to say it stands in for the letter ‘a’ - giving you the word JaZZ = JAZZ >> C = The I (1) chord, also called the tonic/root and it identifies the KEY center - it could also stand for the word ‘cadence’ - since the chord G7 has already clearly identified the KEY >> I = I (1) chord; this signifies the I (1) chord previously identified as C.
The full cadence is >>> Dm7 G7 C = iim V7 I <<<<
There is an embedded theme here that MIRRORS the Whoopi G movie JUMPING JACK FLASH. In that movie she is given the name of the song and needs to find the ‘KEY.’ In Q’s trip we are given the ‘KEY’ which seems to suggest: Find the song. The movie JUMPING JACK FLASH is about a British spy op stranded in E Europe looking for an exit contact. He hacks into Whoopi’s system and flashes ‘knock knock’ on her screen. She answers “who’s there” and he says “JUMPING JACK FLASH” and then invites her to enter a Key code to his secure server. Using the Jack Flash clue she attempts many combinations but fails repeatedly until suddenly the light goes on - at which time she says to herself “the key IS the key.” She looks up the key in which JUMPING JACK FLASH was written, and once she enters the key in which the song was written (Bb) the server opens. The spy’s name in the movie is JACK. The actor playing the spy is a guy named JONATHAN.
The song, ‘JUMPING JACK FLASH’ was written by the Rolling STONES and released in 1969 on the album ‘LIVE’R THAN YOU’LL EVER B.’ The lyrics go: “ I WAS BORN IN A CROSSFIRE HURRICANE….BUT IT’S ALL RIGHT NOW.”
TRIP CODE/MIRROR = FIND THE KEY = JUMPING JACK FLASH (key of Bb) = ROLLING STONES = KEY + STONE[s] >> KEYSTONE (key+stone - see q-post 269 )
The BRIDGE is critical when songwriting. The BRIDGE section connects the future of a song to it’s past - the beginning of the song to it’s destination - It allows one to cross into new territory and then come back again. The BRIDGE unifies the different sections within the structure while maintaining its harmonic integrity.
▶ 1daf4f (3) No.5858862
The name of this is "chair wall" by Richard Artchswager and Kevin Zucker.
placing Ray Chandler in town then
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5858863>>5858882 >>5858901
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Shep Smith Accuser Says Fox News Host Sexually Attacked Him, Kept Going After He Tried To Push Him Off - Big League Politics
▶ e541c3 (2) No.5858865
WOW … Comey has super powers …
He was able to cause and earthquake in Columbia
▶ 632daa (2) No.5858867>>5858875
▶ edb7c9 (1) No.5858868>>5859117
Just remember. If it turns out that Mueller has been working for POTUS the entire time, Comey was the one who made it all possible. Also, he's the one who sabotaged Hillary on the eve of the 2016 election. The only reason that leftists like Comey now is because POTUS talked bad about him and fired him.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858869>>5858930
Watched SO earlier and yeah, we can only speculate but the uptick in earthquakes is usually associated with CME's. Since it is all energy and we are apart of the solar plain.. I wonder if we just have to be grazed by the energy to have an uptick in Earthquakes?
▶ bd59f6 (6) No.5858870
Geologic -code for 18 & 35
timestamp: 07 -go code [FISA]
▶ d82aba (7) No.5858872
Kek…you get the point fashion queen
▶ 0cb6fb (6) No.5858873>>5859043
I read that Lee had to 'keep' the slaves he 'inherited' from his wife's father because eh didn't want to break up the families. The only way to pay off the debt, and keep the families together was to keep them as slaves, and he thus could not free them.
I have no sauce for that story except my memory.
▶ 43c1cc (2) No.5858874>>5859025
they worship mary
▶ 632daa (2) No.5858875>>5858916
“Howard said that is one of the best songs ever written. He said he didn’t kill himself either. He said no way. He said there’s no way someone who can sing like that and looks like that is going to kill themselves. He said it’s impossible. He said it had to be Fred who did it.“
▶ b2d46b (7) No.5858876>>5858918
It looks like he was photoshopped into a jungle from a birds view.
▶ 255e34 (7) No.5858878>>5859303 >>5859312
Not the first time this has been posted here. Little copy/pasta there anon?
▶ c1d979 (9) No.5858879
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5858858
His spell was weak. Have a strong feeling this will fail. God bless, don't fear. We search for the Same.
▶ 949b17 (1) No.5858880
there was a drop today "Trout fishing " = dykes that like to 'troll' for older women & perform oral sex on 'old dried up 'pussy' (gad it makes me sick to even write the words) but that was the explanation given….
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858881
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▶ fca8dd (5) No.5858882>>5858902
Like Trudeau, Shep will likely get a free pass and a raise after molesting someone.
▶ c2bfa6 (7) No.5858883>>5858893 >>5858897
///ourguy/// SABO strikes again
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5858885>>5859015
I am talking about the Bloodlines, not one of the systems of control.
▶ b2d46b (7) No.5858886
▶ 43c1cc (2) No.5858888>>5858906 >>5858921 >>5858922 >>5859055 >>5859247
banish these lame pastel memes
▶ cbcc00 (8) No.5858889
Most Syrians support Assad (2012)
but someone was in a big hurry -- hmmm
I think Israel wants some of their territory ???
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5858891>>5859535
In the Church, Christ is the bridegroom and the Church the bride. It's a sort of symbolically sexual thing, I'm having trouble putting it into words. Jesus emptied himself for us (us being the church), so it explains why there can be no women priests, it's just physically impossible for a woman father a child. So anyway matriarchal priestess religions would represent a subversion of God's creation.
I'm really not explaining this well, derp.
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5858892
nice try s8n
G0d and L0ve win always!
▶ fca8dd (5) No.5858893
▶ c3574e (9) No.5858895>>5858971
Here's the vessels currently near VIKING SKY. The "collision" listing looks like the other vessel is coming up to maybe try to take off passengers
▶ 7f866a (4) No.5858896>>5858912 >>5859080
Well said, anon. I am trying to understand why Q is using this tactic.
It's a lot more complicated than this meme and it seems like a swipe at white southerners.
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5858897
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5858899>>5858907
Cant wait for the Clinton Foundation investigation, the Bronfman sisters Nxivm and Allison Mack. Oh almost forgot Ray Chandler who is Allison Mack times 100. Jeffery Epstein plane logs will reveal alot. Tick Tock.
▶ b69ab5 (1) No.5858900>>5858913 >>5858931 >>5859035
I don't know how to link to a pb. ! (full time lurker but newfag poster)
but I HAS TO MAKE THIS ADDITION, to an anon;s pb. NOTABLE !
Seth RICH & Rob RITCHie. aka. KID ROCK
▶ c2809d (17) No.5858901>>5858929
Has Shep been suspended?
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858902
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▶ c036f9 (3) No.5858904
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. All of them are Judas.. I remember when this first came out thinking how bold these fuckers were being… thank God for Q & Potus…
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858905>>5858919 >>5858969
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5858855
no moar of this faggoty shit.
You want to play an 80's chick.. play an 80s chick who kicks some fucking ass
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5858906
i think you just did
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858907
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▶ 6f81ea (7) No.5858910>>5859006
just drilling down - not quite the same>>5858878
▶ 59378f (7) No.5858911
This man is also responsible for figuring out how to fix problems re: time differences in gps satellites effecting accuracy dues to frame dragging. He solved it using algebra.
▶ 9d3d3b (4) No.5858912
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858913
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▶ f6e61a (4) No.5858916
D Geffen had him rubbed out
CDAN short version
▶ 2ef650 (3) No.5858917
Comey in Ireland
▶ c1d979 (9) No.5858918>>5859086
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5858876
looks like they don't understand natural light to me. They have been living to long In The dark. Have forgotten what it is to be alive. #letskeepgoing
▶ c2809d (17) No.5858919>>5858935
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5858920>>5858936 >>5859077 >>5859167 >>5859487
COLOMBIA & VENEZUELA turn on each other
When Lorena Delgado approached the Venezuelan consulate in Colombia's capital on a recent afternoon hoping to extend the life of her expiring passport, she found the metal gates to the languishing building shuttered.
Days earlier, Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro had severed ties with the neighboring Andean nation where over a million of his compatriots have fled in recent years, recalling all his diplomats and leaving the consulate and embassy buildings closed.
The man challenging Maduro's claim to the presidency had appointed a new ambassador, but he was at a loss about how to help her. Despite the fact that Colombia recognizes Juan Guaido as Venezuela's legitimate president, the ambassador he sent does not have access to the consulate or the ability to issue passport extensions.
"You feel trapped," said Delgado, 32, who needs to travel abroad to apply for a work visa. "We're in limbo."
▶ 2f7ebe (9) No.5858924>>5858934
damn, did I miss the jew curl haircut thing, one ringlet?
▶ d82aba (7) No.5858925>>5858946 >>5858983 >>5858991
Same shoes as his odd Christmas tweet
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5858926>>5858941
I go away for work for the weekend and THIS is how you repay me???
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5858929>>5858964
>Has Shep been suspended?
Shep Smith should be suspended immediately like OReilly, Bolling, and Payne for sexual ACCUSATIONS made against them &Judge only bc you didn't like her comment, otherwise it proves just what wev e surmised all along, it's strictly political
▶ 434f7b (3) No.5858930>>5859019
There’s this and then the Schumann Resonance and Heliplots and the Hum and 11/11 for 17 seconds and VLF and ELF and somehow it all goes BOOM.
▶ 739c3a (1) No.5858931>>5858949
JA and kid rock connection - Pamela Anderson
▶ 625a1b (3) No.5858933
im done anon. merely giving back what was given to me.
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858934
free jew haircuts
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▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858935
kek.. no need for drugs.. the hairspray took away all the braincells.. kekekekek
▶ c72c7d (12) No.5858936
>>5858920 COLOMBIA & VENEZUELA turn on each other
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858937
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▶ d7b806 (25) No.5858939>>5858966
you're higher than me
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5858941
>I go away for work for the weekend and THIS is how you repay me???
Yep she's over at my place right now anon sorry :)
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858942
free jew haircuts
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▶ e541c3 (2) No.5858943
Magnitude 6.1 quake hits western Colombia: USGS
Match this to Comey Tweet ??? Strange
▶ fca8dd (5) No.5858944>>5858978 >>5859512
All the hype on the boards and on the net about the Jesuits is ridiculous. They are not the power brokers they are made out to be. There are satanic infiltrators that have hijacked positions of power in the Jesuits and the Vatican, but that is what has also happened in the US government. Because the Church is the faithful followers of Christ, and NOT the hierarchy, the Church remains a divine institution for the benefit of humanity and the salvation of souls. The ongoing attacks against the Catholic Church from within and without will not prevail as they are the last gasps of satan and his minions before his ultimate defeat.
▶ 9d3d3b (4) No.5858946
What TIME are they showing?
▶ 59378f (7) No.5858948
Why did Facebook censor this tech.
▶ dfdafd (3) No.5858949
There is a connection there.
▶ defdbd (3) No.5858951>>5858961 >>5858968 >>5859002 >>5859128 >>5859164
hey. you know they bleed necrotic 20 day old blood out of that thing EVERY month right?
▶ 9dadbd (2) No.5858952
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858953
free jew haircuts
(212) 490-0666
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▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858955>>5858981 >>5859008 >>5859045 >>5859085
Day and night different from last bread.. tits and kick ass music.. muffukin CME's and earthquakes..
fuck yeasss
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5858958>>5858976
Useless bread gobbler posting stupid memes 50 times a bread
▶ cf6b65 (22) No.5858959
free jew haircuts
(212) 490-0666
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▶ c8755a (5) No.5858961
Nothings perfect.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5858964
Certainly sounds like it.
▶ 0da52d (7) No.5858965>>5858970 >>5858972 >>5858985 >>5858986 >>5859034 >>5859098 >>5859107 >>5859167 >>5859175 >>5859231 >>5859322 >>5859487
Simple decode Attack/threat: "geological" "Perspective": Pacific NW "Offers": an attempt to negotiate "Time": 4:00PM, deadline for an answer? #QAnon
▶ fca8dd (5) No.5858968
and the monthly cycle was important to your being alive on the Earth today -- grow up
▶ 8b8cd0 (10) No.5858969>>5859016 >>5859225
Go fuck yourself, and the feminist you rode in on.
▶ 434f7b (3) No.5858971>>5859018
What is Viking Sky
▶ defdbd (3) No.5858972
▶ 7297de (3) No.5858973>>5859167 >>5859487
I've been thinking about the "geologic time" tweet. This may be obvious to everyone, but if not -- I see two possible interpretations, assuming that it's a coded message.
1) Threat - this is what people tend to focus on - a request for some action/attack that is geological and destructive in nature (such as triggering an earthquake, tsunami, volcano, or asteroid impact.) If this is the message, a matching event would be very destructive (well above the background noise of ordinary everyday earthquakes) The word "time" might have little significance (just a cover for the geological language) or be a way to say "now! time for the geology to happen!"
2) Order to other cabal stay low and quiet. This is based on the reference to *time*. Geologic time is significant because it's a perspective concerned with the *distant future* (beyond the scale of interest in ordinary everyday human life.) So the message could be "prepare for long-term eventual victory, don't focus on the short-term chaos." Likely by laying low, staying out of sight, waiting it out. Don't be reckless. Don't panic. (As a direct contrast to Q's messages that are obviously intended to make cabal members panic and turn state's evidence.)
These interpretations are so different that I thought it might be useful to set them out.
▶ 8fa658 (3) No.5858975>>5859040
POTUS Press Twat “Thunder” phonefagging, https://youtu.be/rRDk31sGMc0
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5858977>>5859011
▶ c0de65 (1) No.5858978
poor effort, Shlomo
it won't work
▶ 28968c (7) No.5858980
No they weren't you fucking lying faggot.
▶ 104aad (17) No.5858981>>5858988 >>5858989 >>5858992 >>5858996 >>5859005 >>5859023 >>5859152
▶ 299b86 (4) No.5858982>>5859001
▶ ea4302 (2) No.5858983
Shoes are New Balance, not Nike. More interdasting if you ask me.
▶ c72c7d (12) No.5858984>>5859050
God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5858985
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858986>>5858997
looks like 4:20 to me..
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5858987>>5859010 >>5859021
▶ c1d979 (9) No.5858991
Such an interesting man. #setup? This last 6 months have been such an learning experience. Never know who to try and turn for info. Maybe if they see? They scare easy.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5858994
2 legged deeer!!
▶ 52acde (4) No.5858995
Listening to Brennan thinking it was coming March 8th makes me giggle.
[[[They]]] thought they knew wtf was going on, went out all cocky, then got burned. Oopsie.
▶ c036f9 (3) No.5858997
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5858998
I remember seeing something about detroit and i dug a bit into kid rock in a pizzagate sticky on /pol/. Nothing much seems to be a patriot though he is doing the masonic hand sign
▶ 93b0a3 (3) No.5859000
Hamburg, Germany
The official name reflects Hamburg's history as a member of the medieval Hanseatic League and a free imperial city of the Holy Roman Empire. Before the 1871 Unification of Germany, it was a fully sovereign city state, and before 1919 formed a civic republic headed constitutionally by a class of hereditary grand burghers or Hanseaten. Beset by disasters such as the Great Fire of Hamburg, north Sea flood of 1962 and military conflicts including World War II bombing raids, the city has managed to recover and emerge wealthier after each catastrophe.
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5859001
It just keeps getting funnier, every time I see it Beetlejuice
▶ 255e34 (7) No.5859002>>5859017 >>5859020 >>5859026 >>5859037
There is more than one option….
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5859005
erry TYME! Love you fuckers.
▶ 6f81ea (7) No.5859006
▶ 1435b8 (4) No.5859007
James Comey mentioned Geological or Geo in his latest tweet didn't he?
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859008
can ya FEEL it!!!!!
▶ 85e5ac (1) No.5859009
"please clap cakes"
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859010>>5859024
Wait wut? Prince?
▶ a17939 (7) No.5859011>>5859126
▶ fca8dd (5) No.5859014
Illuminati Transgenders are EVERYWHERE! (harder to accept than Flat Earth?)
▶ 7f866a (4) No.5859015>>5859067
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859016>>5859172 >>5859248
You skeered? Sounds like you're afraid of strong independent women.
Btw, a feminist of the 80s is a different animal than these pussy hat freaks of today.
▶ c036f9 (3) No.5859017
▶ c3574e (9) No.5859018
Passenger ship been in trouble off Norway that keeps getting mentioned in the breads since this afternoon
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859019
All the normies around me are losing their shit for no reason, just going total postal at the drop of a hat, and moar pissed when there's no hat to drop
Jus sayin
Be vigilant, and pray, because you, me, us, were now the sanity and security in this maslstrom
I love this meme btw whichever Anon did it
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859020
▶ 299b86 (4) No.5859022>>5859031 >>5859041 >>5859153 >>5859472
Adios Shep. CNN might be hiring
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859024
>Wait wut? Prince?
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5859025>>5859066 >>5859466 >>5859508
Statues and paintings of Mary are actually occult representations of the vagina.
▶ ff3c5a (7) No.5859027>>5859047
Whoever brought Charles Bronson into the mix floated in on angels wings.
▶ f156ca (2) No.5859029>>5859033
Comey pic. One of my land. Two if by sea. He was on land in the pic and now the sea. Paul Revere. The British. Signal to the British.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859030
I'm sorry I keep bringing this up.. But is there another Anon who has seen even the first 30 minutes of the first episode of the OA Part II?
It's just, I waited like almost three years or something for the second season and it is CREEPING ME OUT. The whole thing starts with this detective searching for a girl who has gone missing whilst pkaying a game called "Q Symphony." players are called "Q kids." Ah, but he is told by a "Q kid, "It's not a game. It's a puzzle.A game is one side against the other. No loser in a puzzle… The designer wants the player to figure it out. It's not a WAR. It's a mystery. Symphony DOESN'T like people working together..At certain point puzzle goes IRL." THEN: "Puzzle maker is teaching you a new language. New thinking to see things that weren't there before."
Guy says, "Sounds like God." "Q Kid" says "Yeah except it's real."
Detective thinks girl was "recruited"/kidnapped by game maker… Then considers that it is crowd-sourcing.
So far, seems like negative subliminal messaging about Q…
BUT WTF? Is that not crazy?
Messing with my head.
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859031
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859032>>5859048
>Prince knew.
So ((([they]))) killed him too like MJ
▶ f156ca (2) No.5859033
▶ ba50a3 (2) No.5859036>>5859071 >>5859460
I just read your explanation for user counts, a solution to your problem is to create a uuid based of the MAC address of the NICs that are being sent then each user can have many sessions open but only map to a single uuid. Your numbers will be fairly accurate minus some edge cases (I.e. virtual machines, etc)
Figured I’d share in case you’re still looking for a solution.
▶ f11c24 (1) No.5859039>>5859068 >>5859167 >>5859487
Marine found dead at Camp Pendleton guard post from gunshot wound to head
▶ ceb2e6 (5) No.5859040>>5859163 >>5859254
Any mentions of a "Flash" somewhere?
>The US airborne used a clicker device during Operation Overlord (D-day) to distinguish friend from foe, this had the nickname of cricket (a cricket). When the clicker was heard, response was verbal "flash" which was to be followed by verbal "thunder" by the other soldier.
▶ 0cb6fb (6) No.5859042>>5859227
the circle of fifths isn't magic, and it's simple. Anyone, after shown the circle of fifths, and a run down on modulation, can come up with a reasonable and complex chord sequence that works well.
the idea that muscians are special is a crock to anyone with the ability to play. They know that it takes practice and musical ear. Many people have the ear. Only those who go to music teachers are promoted.
don't you understand by now that music 'teaching' is one of the things that produces the cabal children?
nothing special about being musical
Many people have the skills.
song writing is easy, it's just that people don't bother to learn the circle of fifths or what 'scales' are, or how to modulate.
also music is easy, not hard. That is why it is called 'playing', because if you do it right it is fun!
so that being said why is it that some become very successful and others don't?
we know why now.
they compromise and give favors for success.
so whatever, a song. Big whoop.
who cares. It's simple to write music. Musical people never stop doing it. But if you are not on their play list they won't ever play you. How do you think all those 'stars' got on the playlists?
how do you think that junkie muscians got famous so damn quickly? Could it be that their real deal was selling drugs and that they laundered the money through record sales?
humm . . .
▶ 2f0870 (3) No.5859043
I'm pretty sure that he freed them five years after Custis (Marys father) died. It was provided for in the will. Lee was horrified that turning them out was cruel, but he did it none the less. He was not in favor of slavery. The southern plantation oligarchs were little different than the robber barons from the north that relied on disproportion taxation to the south through the Morrill tarif of 1861. Rich man's war, poor man's fight… Slavery was a horrible blotch on our history. My ancestors from Missouri became very prosperous after the war, in Texas. My great great grandfather was actually a Confederate and an abolitionist. They had little love for plantation owners but had to fight to defend their homes and families. Missouri was a nasty place then and is relegated to nothingness in history books…
▶ 59378f (7) No.5859046
Fish makes sense. Smells like tuna.
▶ 683aa2 (6) No.5859047>>5859053
Glad to be a part of it all.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859048
I can't stop thinking about MJ's speech where he said the history books aren't real!!!
▶ 046db5 (3) No.5859049
well for one thing, the tax return thing was illegal. but they were all essentially conspiring with the clinton campaign or at least knew it was going on. so that is either "conspiracy to commit treason" or "misprision of treason" not to mention any releases of classified information is also illegal.
▶ cbcc00 (8) No.5859051
look at that BIG SUCKER she caught
▶ ddacb6 (1) No.5859052>>5859138
who went to the party.. who arranged the party?
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859053>>5859073
>Whoever brought Charles Bronson into the mix floated in on angels wings.
>Glad to be a part of it all.
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859057
now that is FUCKING
no words
▶ c72c7d (12) No.5859058>>5859072 >>5859101
Timestamp and /qresearch/ please.
▶ 1637a5 (2) No.5859059>>5859103
DO we have a haabbening…. or another rumor of a habbening. All I see in the bred are tits azz n puzzy. Fooking Post summit useful.
▶ bb0de9 (2) No.5859060>>5859144
Is that a Murphy Chair?
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859061
▶ bd59f6 (6) No.5859063>>5859202 >>5859250
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 'FLYNN' is safe
We protect our Patriots.
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5859067>>5859110 >>5859124
They control the rh negative wombs. They call those created outside of the Garden "monkey bloods". They know full well that their Bloodline goes back to the Garden.
▶ 2eaaf8 (1) No.5859068>>5859076 >>5859167 >>5859396 >>5859487
Marine found dead at Camp Pendleton guard post from gunshot wound to head
In the early morning hours of March 15, Riley Schultz, a 19-year-old Marine from Longmont, California, was found at his guard post in Camp Pendleton, San Diego with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. Less than 30 minutes later he was pronounced dead.
With an ongoing investigation into Schultz's death, the Marine Corps would not release any additional information regarding the incident. It did say, however, there will be a memorial for the fallen marine April 3 at Camp Pendleton.
Schultz, then 17, joined the Marine Corps in 2017, just before graduating from Roosevelt High School in Johnstown. With both of his grandfathers serving in the Navy during the Vietnam War, Schultz had long dreamed of becoming a Marine. Even as a 3-year-old his grandmother, Kathleen Schultz, remembers him practicing his army crawl with his dad and playing with toy tanks and trucks.
"He just loved the whole idea of being a Marine," his mom, Misty Schultz-McCoy, said. "That was his only plan for after high school. I was worried, but that's what he wanted to do. He was so dedicated to it. It never occurred to me that he could die before he left for deployment."
During training, Schultz's dedication to his craft was clear, earning a medal for his marksmanship, being invited to join the Marine Corps' competitive shooting team and eventually being promoted to lance corporal in the Marine Expeditionary Force at just 19.
"He absolutely loved it," Kathleen Schultz said. "When he was here just after Christmas, that is all he could talk about. He wanted to serve his country and help people. He was really looking forward to being deployed."
Those close to him said Schultz's passion for service first formed in 2003 after his father, David Schultz, died in a tragic car accident. Though David Schultz never served in the armed forces, he had thought about it prior to having kids and always respected his father's service, Kathleen Schultz said.
▶ 449fde (1) No.5859071>>5859136
▶ 683aa2 (6) No.5859073
Right on.
Keep on kekkin
▶ 6a054e (8) No.5859074>>5859139
▶ 15e43a (2) No.5859075
I honestly think #metoo was started to get in the way of the pedo investigations. Women are beautiful and wonderful, they're not predators, so when they're about to be outed as baby eating cunts, what better story to go with than men are bastards.
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859076
>Marine found dead at Camp Pendleton guard post from gunshot wound to head
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5859077>>5859293
The ABC Islands
He pointed to the case of the Netherlands, which despite backing Guaido, has pledged to keep the Maduro consular staff intact in the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao, which stands about 40 miles from Venezuela's coast.
The Netherlands has joint ventures with Venezuela's giant state-run oil company at stake.
▶ c72c7d (12) No.5859079
why are you still here faggot?
▶ 2f0870 (3) No.5859080>>5859489
It nearly got me and then I realized this is what he/they is/are saying. You are exactly correct, IMHO.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859082>>5859089 >>5859100 >>5859495
Fuck you. Go away
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859084
▶ f7d22c (4) No.5859085
5:5 Night shift ROCKS
▶ 8e01e1 (2) No.5859086
hello my fellow esoteribrah on The Mutual Quest for The Same.
Blessings be to you, i pray your weekend is filled with strength and righteous anger and that your Being is surrounded by Peace and Serenity, and that your actions are carried out with The Utmost Grace.
This prayer is also for All anons here questing for Truth.
i was doing some pondering today and hit something.
We Are, a collective of mind's, from all around the globe, with a shared Intention/Will. In any discipline of magick/alchemy, Intention/Will are the keystone prior to any sort of practice.
We Are, Aligned, not only with each other, but with Truth, which is that Balanced and Composed Force that sustains Being, and We Are, aligned with Love, which is made up of True Hope that The Greatest Possible Outcome is possible, even plausible in any given situation, and of True Faith, which is a sincere Trust in The Unseen, Unknown/Unknowable.
Essentially, our spirits have collectively created a collective Merkaba, enveloping the planet, through which we shall guide each other to The Greatest Possible Outcome within Infinity, where we Truly Harmonize the chaos of our local sphere, and expand outwards as we journey deeper into Inner/Outerspace and learn more about OurSelf.
…..what a time to be alive.
Blessings my friends.
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859089>>5859093 >>5859099 >>5859122
>Fuck you. Go away
▶ b2d46b (7) No.5859091>>5859095
What a quick 180 by this show.
Attacks will only intensify.
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5859092
Yep. And for fun, post a woman's reproductive system, should look vaguely familiar…
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859093>>5859169
You don't do english very well, do you?
▶ f6e61a (4) No.5859095>>5859222
They’ll find out
▶ c1d979 (9) No.5859096
This is too accurate. So demonetization will occur.
God bless,
- Anon community.
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859097
wait what habbened
▶ 046db5 (3) No.5859098
could perhaps also be AM.
▶ e3dadb (5) No.5859101
Do we have a real one anons. Yes timestamp. Highest skanking anon.
▶ 104aad (17) No.5859102>>5859113
What’s the deep state’s next false flag, Anons?
▶ c3574e (9) No.5859103
We gots dis here boatfag been watching da water for almost ten hours now. Nuttin much really but was kinda hoping the anon from da udder board las night that wanted info on a boat would come backs and confirm was tracking da right one
▶ c2bfa6 (7) No.5859104>>5859129 >>5859244 >>5859346
See this CUNT Barbra Streisand saying Michael Jackson's victims were thrilled to be there, it didn't kill them and his sexual needs was his sexual needs! WHAT A CUNT!!!!
We need to MEME one of their LIBERAL GODS into the hole!
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859106
Actually red pilled some parentals tonight, actually read Q posts. 142 is a hit
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859107
The angel that strides land and sea will not even turn it's gaze downward…..
They no longer have power here on Earth, OUR home
Victory has been won
▶ fabcec (7) No.5859108>>5859111
>do your job and BAKE PROPERLY
Can you take over next bread and show us how it's done, BakerAssRASH?
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859110>>5859168 >>5859174 >>5859243
One of, if not the, my first dig(s) led me to RH Negative content… I hardly remember how, except that Sergey Brin, google co-founder, immigrated with Professor Dad and NASA employee mom to Maryland the year after Project Stargate purportedly began, and Project Stargate was conducted in Maryland.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859112
Jesus, you ugly!
▶ 7ac76a (4) No.5859113
i suspect they’ll leak the mueller report but it’ll just be some stupid smashmouth lyrics or some shit like that
▶ c45e7d (3) No.5859115>>5859328
fx these post in the right order
▶ 9895b7 (1) No.5859117
I'm not sure I like to admit it but, these are good points. I guess we won't know until everything comes out, if it ever does.
▶ 8f1f6e (3) No.5859118
>The Origin Of “Out Of Left Field”
Runner going home can't see ball thrown from left.
First Cubs field (before Wrigley) said to have had an insane asylum along left field line.
▶ 8b8cd0 (10) No.5859119>>5859183
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5859003
Watch from 20-30 sec time stamp.
Suzy doesn’t compare…
▶ 6a054e (8) No.5859122>>5859151
Don't let 'lightening' get your ass.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859124
And I know someone with RH neg who was abused by Dad as a child… which is extremely disturbing.
▶ 68c83d (2) No.5859125
Fascinating article on RH - and links to Enoch and ET intervention possibly.
“Rh-negative blood is also not able to be duplicated or cloned.”
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859126
all these hot women on here
can't reach hot match
must not look
▶ f9a511 (1) No.5859127>>5859215
What is a ships distress call?
Seismographic man made event…
▶ e3dadb (5) No.5859128
Earning Red Wingssex
Also to define practicing
cunnilinguswhile the female is menstruating, because of the blood stains left on her thighs and the partner's face.
I told her that I wouldn't mind earning my red wings, after she told me that she was on the rag. You should have seen the look on her face when she realized I meant oral sex.
▶ c2bfa6 (7) No.5859129>>5859131
put this bitches quotes on the worst people in our society.
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859130>>5859187
Got one of the torus ship by chance?
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859131>>5859147
▶ ea4302 (2) No.5859132
This one has potential
▶ 7d2a00 (2) No.5859133>>5859337
Mitch Taylor
Real Genius
▶ ba50a3 (2) No.5859136>>5859141
i don’t think u understand how hard I will flex muh nuts on u bro
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859138>>5859155
>you'd be gutted
very good.
Just came across another really sick one https://www.instagram.com/deaddollbutch/
The original curator https://www.instagram.com/bobthecleanerhateshumankind/ posted like 20 posts in a few hours and one of them was @deaddollbitch
https://www.instagram.com/bobthecleanerhateshumankind/ is who linked to @death_book
▶ e54bec (2) No.5859139>>5859364
When Intersectionality and Oppression Olympics collide..
▶ fabcec (7) No.5859141
▶ a3985e (2) No.5859143>>5859157 >>5859159 >>5859166 >>5859171 >>5859329
Want to keep track of all the worst sexual predators in Hollywood?
Want to see how they all connect? An organization has done just that. http://theblindangels.com/
Use this link to see the connection map:
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859144
▶ 5b1fa4 (1) No.5859145
What day was that posted originally?
▶ 0cb6fb (6) No.5859146>>5859185
still lots of shills with their bullshit images in bulk
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859147>>5859181 >>5859194 >>5859216 >>5859379
Streisand is a tranny?
(Papa can you hear me…..?)
▶ b2d46b (7) No.5859148
▶ 3d3fd0 (1) No.5859150
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Cheers! To the fellow lurkers.
"Now is the time for retribution"
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859151>>5859405
>Don't let 'lightening' get your ass.
GAY IS your LAST NAME gtfo
▶ 93b0a3 (3) No.5859153>>5859199
The first of many Fake MSM reporters going away?
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859155>>5859160 >>5859182 >>5859214
▶ 52acde (4) No.5859157>>5859180 >>5859197
Tried link and it didn't work.
▶ 93b0a3 (3) No.5859159>>5859173
Is Kevin Bacon involved?
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859160
notice the fashon connection prada gucci louis vtton
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5859161
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859162>>5859187
▶ 8fa658 (3) No.5859163
Did not hear flash, but all throughout the song is “lightening and the thunder”. Lightening is a flash.
▶ e7de91 (1) No.5859164
Never trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die.
▶ ceb2e6 (5) No.5859166>>5859235
This seems like a notable?
▶ 60b870 (8) No.5859167
>>5858809 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Colombia
>>5858920 COLOMBIA & VENEZUELA turn on each other
>>5858973, >>5858965 Anons on Comey's "geologic time" tweet
>>5859039, >>5859068 Marine found dead at Camp Pendleton guard post from gunshot wound to head
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5859168>>5859178 >>5859192 >>5859229 >>5859243 >>5859330
The Reality is that Hybrids are living amongst us. David Icke thinks they are reptillians from another dimension. Christ called them the offspring of serpents. Either way, they are here.
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859169
>You don't do english very well, do you?
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859171
This is the worst attempt at a map I have seen.
▶ 8b8cd0 (10) No.5859172>>5859198 >>5859224 >>5859241
Feminism has always been cancer, retard.
▶ 1c7a04 (4) No.5859173
within six degrees, he is involved in everything that happens on earth.
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859174>>5859243 >>5859330
Ooh, RH-anon here. Please clue me in!
▶ 0da52d (7) No.5859175
>>5858965 Perspective:
Washington natives are about to get a day that honors them. It’s a start.
▶ cbcc00 (8) No.5859176
casablanca = white house ?
▶ 733649 (6) No.5859177
>(212) 490-0666
why does Siversteins phone end in 666
and what is it doing in ebots phonebook?
212-490-0666 | Silverstein Properties Inc - New York, NY
▶ da5335 (2) No.5859178
>Either way, they are here.
You said it.
That settles it.
I believe it.
▶ f7d22c (4) No.5859179
The No Collusion Conclusion
▶ 0cb6fb (6) No.5859180
of course it didn't work. It's a honey trap
▶ 6cddd5 (1) No.5859182>>5859191
▶ c3574e (9) No.5859183
I R too tired to gets yous some Wendy
▶ c45e7d (3) No.5859184
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Mayday mayday, this is an emergency….
▶ 615a9d (5) No.5859185
Mar 23, 2015
Germanwings flight on route between Barcelona and Düsseldorf crashes in the French Alps killing all 150 on board.
▶ 2e6bfc (1) No.5859186
The other 7 Channs must be very jealous
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859188
What the shit, wasn't Comey tweeting about geology speed?
▶ 05c725 (3) No.5859190>>5859200 >>5859205 >>5859206 >>5859213 >>5859221 >>5859239 >>5859306 >>5859372
NZ…. this is next level.. why are they wearing Hijabs… this is a full on mind control psyop.
Of course noble peace prize award for taking peoples guns and free speech restrictions.
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859191
See something. Say something.
▶ e6fcd5 (5) No.5859193
The bot is skipping. Someone nudge the turntable please.
▶ 0da52d (7) No.5859195
>>5858782 Just coincidence…Kek
▶ a3985e (2) No.5859197
The direct link crashed, try this link: http://web.archive.org/web/20190324020356/http://theblindangels.com/
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859198>>5859219 >>5859224
No. It has not, cave man.
▶ 2f7ebe (9) No.5859199>>5859208 >>5859210 >>5859309
Shep was a good anchor till he came out of the closet and then he went down the tubes, he was one of the few that showed no bias until that time
▶ c72c7d (12) No.5859203>>5859236 >>5859487
Side by Side on Theresa May
With her gone, UKanons can FINALLY get brexit, with or without a deal.
They can also distance themselves from the cabal EU and hopefully get a based, populist, and nationalist PM to lead them going forward.
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859205
NZ is lost. Look at that mind control oozing from the idiot box
▶ b2d46b (7) No.5859206
This is fucked up
▶ 8e01e1 (2) No.5859207>>5859256
put pepe on mt rushmore.
▶ da5335 (2) No.5859208
Never trust a homo.
▶ ff3c5a (7) No.5859209>>5859362
Alpha and Omega?
The garden. The original garden of Eden was Earth. Before the cataclysm.
The serpent is the same dragon from revelation 12.
The forbidden fruit was the Apple..the big Apple. The red kachina.
They use to call it "the ball of redemption."
That's too stupid. That's not ok.
This is a recurring event. An age ends and a new one begins.
It ended Dec 21 2012. And the new age can't start til the "crossing."
Before the shooting in new Zealand had you ever seen the black sun logo on tv before?
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859210
That is exactly what I think. He flipped quickly.
▶ c2bfa6 (7) No.5859211
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5859213
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859214>>5859240 >>5859427
Its only a hundred or so posts if you want to dig go to https://www.instagram.com/bobthecleanerhateshumankind/ the guy who has 10000 posts curating different cultists
▶ c3574e (9) No.5859215
It's called a majorly bad fukken storm at sea, I've been in a few of 'em. See the pic? Yeah, wore that Rating Badge for ten years. Mother Nature can be a real bitch sometimes
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859216
>Streisand is a tranny
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859220>>5859234 >>5859245
No Adams apple
And you need to remember women tend to be rubinesque
Media skews the view of all real body shapes
At best she's atypical feminine versus the twiggy swing during the heyday of their concurrent relativity
▶ 8f1f6e (3) No.5859222>>5859233 >>5859251
>They’ll find out
POWs. Anyone who spoke up for no name will look like an asshole; worse if they knew and still spouted off.
Going back, POWs were the reason Perot hated poppy Bush, so not the first time in public for this issue. Perot had classified info to work with. Trump in Vietnam big here, I think.
▶ 58e10f (3) No.5859223
This isn't a political argument anymore, it is a civilizational argument about where we are going. Im not going to be governed by negroes. Sorry!
▶ 8b8cd0 (10) No.5859224
Tits or GTFO, redditfatty.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859225>>5859238 >>5859255 >>5859302 >>5859311
Feminist of the 1980's does not = BAD.
So stupid. DO you know what the generalized definition of feminism was in even 1992? Not the same as feminism is regarded today.
Feminism per the sane = valuing femininity as highly as masculinity is valued.
Don't be a hateful fool.
$100 says you'll retort with some seriously nasty remarks. It's clear, to me at least, per your aggression, that you are most LIKELY messed up in the heart/body/soul/mind.
▶ 6f81ea (7) No.5859227
Right but we are really just talking about the cycle of FOUR
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859228>>5859249
You're hopeless, cavevman. Kek
▶ e6fcd5 (5) No.5859229>>5859330
Thanks for clearing that up.
Maybe I’ll sleep better now.
▶ f6e61a (4) No.5859230>>5859246
Josh Brolins stepmom
I gather he ain’t thrilled about it
▶ 363d93 (1) No.5859231
we had this in the news few weeks ago
▶ 7799eb (1) No.5859234>>5859245
It's getting a bit out of hand indeed, one could think.
Time to make a new meme?
"Every Girl I don't like is a Tranny."
▶ ceb2e6 (5) No.5859235>>5859261
Lightning…. thanks for the reminder!
Did a quick search, these came up from (pb) in the past few days….
>>5824761 (pb)
F-35A Lightning IIs
>>5824082 (pb)
F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859236
Oh shit.
620 Q post explains why The newly wed royals want to form their own house which was denied by the Queen.
▶ 1daf4f (3) No.5859237>>5859487
▶ 0b037a (2) No.5859238>>5859252 >>5859278
Feminist = boomer creation = trash
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859239>>5859263
Her 5 Eyes connection with the attempted coup against POTUS needs to come out before she gets her Sainthood anointed.
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859240
his other account has this as its first post and the @ meantion is to a deleted account. Hmmmmm
▶ b20eb3 (2) No.5859241>>5859367
green is really more her colour
▶ 00b75e (3) No.5859243>>5859279 >>5859291 >>5859314 >>5859320 >>5859330
most in my family are rh- except mom and me (that I know of).
several et/ufo experiences both mom and me.
am I a fucking hybrid? if so what are the fucking implications?
▶ c2bfa6 (7) No.5859244>>5859258
Her attitude EXPOSES who they really are and have always have been. She is so high profiled and so worshiped by them. She has to be destroyed and the normies red-pilled.
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859245
Some trannies they condition from birth with hormones and whatnot.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859246
She had a son with Elliot Gould. Jason.
▶ fabcec (7) No.5859248>>5859287
>You skeered? Sounds like you're afraid of strong independent women. Marxist indoctrinated entitled genderfags
FIFY. Yeah we don't want it here cuz it's cancer. Go ahead and pathologize it as "fear" if you must, but nothing worth having ever came without defended boundaries. And we don't femfag here.
> Btw, a feminist of the 80s is a different animal than these pussy hat freaks of today.
Take your distinction-without-a-difference lecture somewhere else.
We don't care.
Post about crimes and connections of the cabal or GTFO.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859249>>5859287
I don't think caveman is perfectly suitable to describe an "anon" with behavior like this…
Would have to be the equal of an outcast caveman. Loser.
▶ 460d42 (1) No.5859250>>5859281 >>5859295
Holy cow, the memetics is strong with this movie.
▶ f6e61a (4) No.5859251
I recall seeing vid of NoName completely ripping into POW MIA groups when they attempted to get him to help him.
▶ 15e43a (2) No.5859252
Suffragettes were not a boomer creation you nonce
▶ 9dfcf5 (4) No.5859253>>5859347
Q, was this the 40k feet? Were we supposed to be capturing all this info and mapping it in thebrain?
If there are any anons that have one please drop the .brainzip, please.
▶ 8fa658 (3) No.5859254>>5859261
The possible verbal response was the end of the video with Potus’ closing remarks at State of The Union.
▶ 8b8cd0 (10) No.5859255>>5859265 >>5859270 >>5859274
Go suck on Gloria Steinem’s tampon some moar. Feminism has always equaled cancer.
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859256>>5859299
>put pepe on mt rushmore.
▶ e6fcd5 (5) No.5859257>>5859499
What a fucked up thing to do to anice bike.
▶ 104aad (17) No.5859258
Trying to normalize degeneracy, she is.
▶ d82aba (7) No.5859259>>5859267 >>5859293 >>5859319
New Balance, NZ, New Zealand.
Looks like the NZ coast…NZ rocks.
Geologic (rock) time
▶ cbcc00 (8) No.5859260>>5859283 >>5859317 >>5859351
This book witten in 1802 tells the history of the Illuminati.
It is old english and begins with a background of explanation but once it begins the tale, you discover how Masonic lodges were used to promote a LIBERAL idea of government and society.
Before the French revolution these "Illumined Masons" were gradually trained to commit violence and murders against even their friends. It is the real cause of the bloody revolution that offends all humankind.
It even tell how in America the Illumined lodges were critical of the northerners and considered them the bougouisie
a must read for those interested in the "Illuminati"
▶ ceb2e6 (5) No.5859261
oops, meant this for you….
▶ c15265 (1) No.5859262
POTUS Schedule interesting WH called for a lid. -- this afternoon.
▶ 05c725 (3) No.5859263>>5859355
I know Obama is very friendly with Aus and NZ, but this event in NZ just feels like Brotherhood thing from Obama side but that would be to obvious?
I cant believe the lengths they're going now.
▶ 68c83d (2) No.5859264
We need to dig on Haitian blood and Haition Voo Doo.
I found this as a start.
- after i was possessed in ritual, or as they say in haitian voodoo ”Mounted by the loa”. I Suggest that the entity was still in my auric body and just as ghost orbs and gohstly apparitions appear on film, but we cannot see them with our naked eye, camera catches interdimensional realities we cannot normally see unless we are clairovoyant.
You u know who else has eyes like that, with a slit in one of them? Madeleine McCann.
Here’s one thing I came up with while considering all this stuff. See, we humans -- Descartes demonstrated this – can know nothing for certain barring our own individual existence. (I don’t know you exist, but I do know I exist – cognito ergo sum)
In other words, we rely on presumption in our daily lives. I presume the outside world is real or I wouldn’t compile information on Rh- blood types for your consideration. Courts of law demand proof ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, because if they said ‘beyond all doubt’ their conviction rates would be 0 per cent. The laws of physics only exist 100% certainly in the minds of humans, based on many observations of what appears to happen in the outside world. Reality is subjective.
See what I’m saying here? I am describing humans as creatures who do not have access to absolute truth. In other words, if truth does really exist, we can’t get to it. This inevitably poses the question: If we cannot access truth, then what can? Nobody? Divinity? The bloody Astral Plane? Your guess is as good as mine. The can of worms is open. Anything is possible.
▶ f7dfb7 (1) No.5859265>>5859475
In an emergency, no one ever called a feminist. Ever.
▶ 58e10f (3) No.5859266
Cave man vs the black man, Im siding with the caveman.
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859267>>5859316
I thought California.
▶ dfdafd (3) No.5859269>>5859275 >>5859487
Shooting in SF
▶ 65b148 (1) No.5859270
>suck on Gloria Steinem’s tampon
Digits confirm.
▶ 675096 (1) No.5859272
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. MUSIC FOR THE END OF THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION
▶ 433684 (2) No.5859273>>5859285 >>5859288 >>5859292 >>5859304 >>5859359 >>5859371
Moar from bobthecleanerhateshumankind
▶ e3dadb (5) No.5859274
momanon was in league of women voters. Love her but she is still indoctrinated leftist. Feminism and no fault divorce destroyed the country…….almost
▶ 52acde (4) No.5859275
Oh brother.
Gonna be an active week.
▶ 8b8cd0 (10) No.5859278
Don’t be a Moran. Feminism was created to give the vote to people who don’t work. It has evolved to provide favoritism to people who don’t want to work.
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859279>>5859296 >>5859320
From the little I've read, it's been theorized that we didn't have the resistance to the plague that the +'s had, and that's why there are so few of us, and our origins are like the outermost edges of Britain and Iberia. Like those populations were the only ones left post-plague.
▶ ac80b6 (1) No.5859280>>5859378
If Mueller is dirty then RR is dirty. If they are dirty, why would [THEY] expend any ammunition? [THEY] would know when the report was coming out because [THEY] would have the inside scoop. Ergo, Mueller and RR are not dirty. Since the report is complete can we get a confirmation of this?
▶ bd59f6 (6) No.5859281
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5859217
Indeed… The Force Is With You Anon.
▶ bb0de9 (2) No.5859282
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Pattern Recognition - Geoff Lawton
For the fractalanons, and any other paternanons.
▶ 204514 (3) No.5859284
feels gud man
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859285>>5859318
All of those are from seperate artists and what gets me is each artist is full of more disturbing shit
▶ e1a1ea (8) No.5859286
Theresa May is a fucking muppet.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859287>>5859297 >>5859409
It is what it is, anons.
I happen to like strong, independent women. I don't need someone hanging over me all day.
But, you do you and I'll do me.
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859288>>5859331
I don't think I'm gonna click anymore thumbnails tonight.
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859289>>5859301
i love night shift
▶ 2f83cc (1) No.5859290
What is the shape of that bubble?
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859291>>5859320
I mostly just noticed some obvious connections, but I don't have a hard theory… To me, it seems like RH Negs are "special"… to someone… I don't know. I've heard of the theory that ((they)) track people with RH-negative blood. There might have been a theory that Project Stargate used RH people specfically, because they apparently have/had better psychic abilities than others.
Anon who tallked about the Garden tending Jesuits seemed to know a lot.
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859292
>Moar from bobthecleanerhateshumankind
Report Threats and Crime to the FBI
20 Mar 2019 - 8:57:51 PM
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5859293
The ABC Island is owned by the
Amsterdam, Netherlands
▶ bd59f6 (6) No.5859295
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5859202
Indeed… The Force Is With You Anon.
▶ 00b75e (3) No.5859296>>5859307
well that's interdasting, may I know where did you read that?
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859297
Sounds like you'd do me, too, kek.
▶ d60bd0 (8) No.5859298
Well played anon
dubb slevins
▶ 204514 (3) No.5859299>>5859327
awshucks, your TOO kind.
we gotta have a reason to be there first.
…when the hammer drops and the planet is comfy, we'll talk about it…
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859301
>i love night shift
▶ 433684 (2) No.5859302
GTFOH with feminist fakebook twatter instashut garbage talk
Go elsewhere
▶ 6f81ea (7) No.5859303>>5859308 >>5859313 >>5859393
I would think that Q's trip code might be a worthwhile point of discussion if there is clearly embedded within it a JAZZ CADENCE
▶ 58e10f (3) No.5859304
Ok so who is bob the cleaner?, let the people decide his ultimate fate. Dont be a faggot, tell us his name.
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859306>>5859389
Well doesn't this just inspire an qresearch dig, into just why the NOBEL peace prize, oh and dare Anon mention all the other nobel prize awards, go to corrupt nominees?
How does the peace prize tie into money laundering?
Because, in all due reality, our current winners are doing what fuck all with their prizes, and what happened to better the world?
(Omfg Mandela and Obama but seriously)
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859307
Somewhere on Free Republic, years back, so it could be anywhere really. Sorry. Lots of ancient history/geneology threads on there.
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859308
An anon brought that up once before and broke it down in a way too complicated manner for me to understand.
▶ 8f1f6e (3) No.5859309>>5859349 >>5859395
During the Bush/Gore FL recount coverage Smith supposedly ran his car into a woman who was standing in a parking space to hold it for someone.
The incident made the news by itself, but I think he skated on any charges, so not sure of the rest of the story.
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859310>>5859321 >>5859325
America eyes NZ as sweeping changes to gun laws enforced
If this happens
Its the end of trump and Q
▶ a17939 (7) No.5859311>>5859315 >>5859334 >>5859336 >>5859353
Gloria Steinem was a C_A Operative. Feminism was an OP to destabilize the Family Unit
▶ 6f81ea (7) No.5859312
▶ 14458d (1) No.5859313>>5859326
yall be tryin' too hard.
idk if we need to be puttin' nugs in the blend, just roll the blunt anon, it aint that difficult.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859314>>5859374
I would not jump to the conclusion that you're a hybrid, obviously. But what do I know.
What UFO experiences have you guys had? I have a lot of weird shit in my family, too. Like, weird shit that makes me wonder about my own past. But no RH neg. Dad is a scientist, really brilliant, household name inventions, obsessed w UFOs. but he's never even seen any. Interviewed abductees through MUFON. Though I have had some "exoeriences." for sure.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859315>>5859336
▶ d82aba (7) No.5859316>>5859338
Most likely, it just is just similar geologic scenery.
Geologic time could be learned as you get pushed over the cliff and see the fossil layers as you fall
▶ cbcc00 (8) No.5859317
see if this works
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5859318
Copy Cat Killers daring each other
▶ cd833b (1) No.5859319>>5859333 >>5859340 >>5859350 >>5859425
Geologic time offers useful perspective.
▶ 733649 (6) No.5859320
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5859291
Ring Of Power 2 Monkey Blood
starts at 3:30mins
▶ c3574e (9) No.5859321>>5859373 >>5859443
If this happens, it's winner take all civil war. Militias are already talking about it being unavoidable now
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859322>>5859357 >>5859470 >>5859480
Um… So California is under threat of nuke
▶ c45e7d (3) No.5859324>>5859352 >>5859356
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859325>>5859335
it will never happen without a war
▶ 2511ff (1) No.5859326
nugs in the blender*
wut i mean is, i doubt Q wants us ORGANIZING the garbage by color and type..
pretty sure Q just wants us to bag it up and through it in the dumpster out back
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859327
>awshucks, your TOO kind.
>we gotta have a reason to be there first.
>…when the hammer drops and the planet is comfy, we'll talk about it…
▶ 255e34 (7) No.5859329
509 Bandwidth exceeded….
Anons crashed the server KEKEKEKEKEKEK
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5859330
Those outside the Garden were told to procreate. They were created by Elohym, translated "God". But the word is plural of Eloah. Those outside of Eden had the rhesus monkey antigen. The "Lord God" created those inside the Garden, and they were not told to procreate. The RH negative bloodlines come from the Garden. But part of the bloodline got mixed with Heleyl, and became Hybrid. POTUS is rh negative, as are most presidents.
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859331
Don't reply to that poo
Retrain to the comfy, fren
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859332>>5859341
possible Q is saying firing blanks?
▶ 0a3f47 (2) No.5859333
New Balance. Balance on a beam. Blue beam. There I said it. Kek.
▶ dfdafd (3) No.5859334
People Divided and Categorized into individual labeled groups is easier to control and manipulate.
Keep them distracted with minutia,
While Corruption flows unseen.
▶ 635d84 (8) No.5859335>>5859344 >>5859348 >>5859387
Cracks me up they think they can pull tha shit in the US. Fucking morons. They clearly have no idea about how actual Americans think and act.
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859337
▶ 104aad (17) No.5859338
I take it to mean “in the long run, we’re all dead”. When you look at things through geologic time, our lives are but a spark.
▶ 7fb2c7 (2) No.5859339
▶ d82aba (7) No.5859340
Maybe someone found out about the geologic time perspective as Comey tossed them over the cliff…saw the fossil layers as the fell
▶ 635d84 (8) No.5859341
No, he is saying THEY spent their ammo due to the fake out.
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859342>>5859390
Very interesting. Got bullied a lot as a kid, gifted classes, the whole nine yards. Never could fathom the normies. Still struggle a little but I've mostly made peace with it. Live and let live.
As for "special"….well here I am with you all, aren't I?
▶ c1d979 (9) No.5859343
Just grabbed another seal indictment… What does that bring is too?
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859344>>5859380 >>5859399
Molon Labe muthafukas!
▶ 1daf4f (3) No.5859345>>5859358
He is power lvl 5000, look at him glow.
▶ c2bfa6 (7) No.5859346
Streisand's comments about a serial rapist proves to the normies who the HW/music gods are
▶ 9dfcf5 (4) No.5859347
Was THAT the map? Building it in thebrain? Mind M A P P I N G?
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859348>>5859361 >>5859363 >>5859365
Thats also what i thought
until last week in NZ
guns gone!
▶ 2f7ebe (9) No.5859349
memory piqued, I thought is was an ongoing battle for parking in NYC, I'll see if I can find the article
▶ 204514 (3) No.5859350>>5859391
do a flip, Comey… don't think twice
▶ cbcc00 (8) No.5859351>>5859370
here it is:
download and save
▶ fabcec (7) No.5859352
>8ch never sleeps.
And it is glorious
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859353>>5859439
Listen, I hear you. Really.
And I believe it.
And you have given me good info there, anon, thank you.
I do already understand that feminism has been used to break up the family unit. I think it's obvious, but I'm not a normie.
I just also believe in a version of feminism that I guess maybe doesn't even exist on a mass objective level… ah.
I just think that ((they)) can sometimes use and even create means that are good on some level, maybe on an idealistic level, to serve their evil ends, but that doesn't mean the thing itself is bad…… You catch my drift?
▶ 2ef650 (3) No.5859354>>5859366 >>5859375 >>5859428
March 2016
▶ 615a9d (5) No.5859355>>5859423 >>5859537
Obama is buds with NZ former PM John Key, so a Jacinda DS connection isn't really logical. Maybe NZ is like NK, clowns (still) in full control?
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859356
>8ch never sleeps.
▶ 0da52d (7) No.5859357
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5859322
Superman & Lex Luthor
▶ 104aad (17) No.5859358
He’s fapping to this.
▶ 733649 (6) No.5859361>>5859381 >>5859398 >>5859436
guns are not gone
making a law and enforcing it are 2 different things
▶ e1a1ea (8) No.5859362
You see the black Sun on Hitler docus on History Channel.
▶ c3574e (9) No.5859363
You forgot the tradition
▶ 6a054e (8) No.5859364
▶ 635d84 (8) No.5859365>>5859413
The US is not NZ. We are a violent people by nature. Don't believe what the TV shows you about some fatass hillbillys and skinny hippy doofus bastards. We like to fight and we like to kill our enemies and will string up any SOB who fucks with us.
▶ 4d4330 (2) No.5859368
Reading this article in the New Yorker about Adam Schiff..
Adam Schiff’s Plans to Obliterate Trump’s Red Line
Interesting to note, is that he is a screenwriter on the side. Apparently he is writing a Spy Drama I wonder is this, what he is really after and then I also wonder if he has a book deal he's needs to full fill……hmm.
Another article here.
Amateur Screenwriter Adam Schiff Should Abandon His Phony ‘Collusion’ Probe, Focus on Becoming the Scorcese de la Résistance
I included this because of the George Clooney Poster…..look a the date that appears
Second one…includes the this:
Schiff Acosta Krassenstein Joint
▶ c61b0b (1) No.5859369
hey gang I found this tonight. pic related names names… apparently old Springmeier work. have we ever talked about Robert Byrd being a founding partner in the temple of set? as always with Springmeier grain of salt to taste as the list names POTUS as member as well
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859371>>5859397
they hide behind ART
make better art
▶ e1a1ea (8) No.5859372
She’s a fucking mope.
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859373
What part of the Constitution does not rule in the United States?
Get comfy, don't get poked by the sheep panicking
▶ 00b75e (3) No.5859374
just to make long stories short:
-several UFO sightings
-recurrent dreams where "friends" visit me, although I think they're actually not my friends but other unknown beings dressed in "edgar" suites (pic related) and pretending to be my friends
-waking up with strange marks in my hands
according to momAnon:
-she has been literally visited when she was young by these so-called gray types,
-also lots of ufo sightings
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859376>>5859527
wow she's so thin
▶ 615a9d (5) No.5859378>>5859383 >>5859392
Why no new indictments? If Mueller was slyly investigating DS fuggery, why wouldn't indictments be forthcoming?
▶ a92fcb (2) No.5859379>>5859402 >>5859419 >>5859432 >>5859454
Eminem is a Woman!
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859380>>5859447
>Molon Labe muthafukas!
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859381>>5859414 >>5859543
What? Oh, those old rifles? Yeah they fell into the lake when we were boating to get to the other side to go hunting. Was pissed. Lost a lot of money that day.
▶ 1435b8 (4) No.5859382>>5859416 >>5859461 >>5859479
Chicago's Finest
Mar 22
#Warning viewers discretion is advised. Strong language
Any info pls contact #NewYorkFinest. Let put this #Offender behind bars!
👇Link to story
https://abc7.com/disturbing-video-shows-man-kicking-elderly-woman-on-subway/5212016 …
Video included!
▶ 7fb2c7 (2) No.5859383
>Why no new indictments? If Mueller was slyly investigating DS fuggery, why wouldn't indictments be forthcoming?
coming via special prosecutor, not special counsel
▶ c1d979 (9) No.5859384
When will they admit she's dead????
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859385>>5859446
Seriously though Pelosi is like one more facelift away from this.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859386
My kek was regarding the notion that she partivipated in a plan to destroy families.
▶ daa21b (5) No.5859387
Bolt action.
Lever action.
Quick reload.
Deadly accurate at comfy range.
Fuck ‘em.
▶ a4a5a7 (3) No.5859388
This already been posted?
may be stale but still LMAO
▶ 7297de (3) No.5859389
A nobel peace prize nomination means just about nothing, because the pool of people who can submit a nomination is so vast.
I think there's something off with the peace prize, but for that I'd look at the selection process, not the nomination process. (And I think it's not about getting the prize money to the recipient, but conferring an aura of saintliness on someone they choose)
From the Nobel website, the pool of people authorized to submit nominations for the peace prize:
According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, a nomination is considered valid if it is submitted by a person who falls within one of the following categories:
Members of national assemblies and national governments (cabinet members/ministers) of sovereign states as well as current heads of states
Members of The International Court of Justice in The Hague and The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague
Members of l’Institut de Droit International
Members of the Executive Committee of the international board of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
University professors, professors emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, and religion; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes
Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Members of the main board of directors or its equivalent of organizations that have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Current and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (proposals by current members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after 1 February)
Former advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Committee
Unless otherwise stated the term members shall be understood as current (sitting) members.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859390>>5859411 >>5859418
Ah, see I was in the "gifted" program as a kid, super smart and also physically strong.. But also weird. Had precognitive dreams and then when I was bullied a lot, I had weird psychic stuff on a personal level like knowing weird things about who was at school on a given day.
One of my first memories are of being on a staircase and stepping down and then back up repeatedly and wondering if repeating the action could stop or slow time.
Also have red hair.
▶ 1637a5 (2) No.5859391
▶ 7f866a (4) No.5859392
There are many secret Grand Juries impaneled. Soon we will see the indictments.
▶ 4b5dfb (4) No.5859393
IS there clearly embedded within it a jazz cadence?
I know what you are doing kikey.
▶ f2fd37 (1) No.5859394
"On a long enough time line, the survival rate of everyone drops to zero." - Fight Club , also ZeroHedge's (Tyler Durden) tag line
▶ 2f7ebe (9) No.5859395>>5859407 >>5859422 >>5859430
found it, lord, 2001, charges were dropped, happened in Fla, maybe he has an ego/temper issue, pompassity
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5859396>>5859406
Rest In Peace Marine.
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859397>>5859404
True art shall no longer be ignored or taken for granted
It is vital that we hold sacred the beautiful life and world around us
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859398>>5859408 >>5859468
To be honest
I am expecting another FF in NZ
attack by Muslims in order to reverse the change!
we will see
▶ ff3c5a (7) No.5859400>>5859438
Moloch on the left and the red dragon on the right. 8 spokes of Ezekiels Wheel just like Cern. The swirl on the boat. The Saturn bael horns crescent moons etc. It's all there.
None of these "gods" are gods. Celestial bodies. Planets stars comets etc. It's why Jesus always has the Yellow Sun halo.
Pagan gods have the crescent moon or different things above their heads.
This is because people back in those days didn't have shit to do. So all day they would look out at the "heavens" and talk about planets and stars as if they were gods and Kings. The war in heaven wasn't a bunch of Mary's floating around in the sky stabbing each other.
It was a cataclysm.
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859402
>Eminem is a Woman!
fucking EPIC anons!!!!!
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859404
when i go outside i see wonderful art all around me
and I thank the artist every day
▶ 6a054e (8) No.5859405>>5859415
>GAY IS your're LAST NAME gtfo
FIFY. No it's moar like you wrote it rather than your master who is moar proficient in English.
▶ 635d84 (8) No.5859406>>5859426
This happened a few months ago in DC as well. Someone wants to play it seems.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5859407>>5859490
he has ALWAYS reminded me of
▶ 104aad (17) No.5859408
Canada is ripe for a narrative change.
▶ fabcec (7) No.5859409>>5859429
Great, happy for you. But how is this relevant to a political research group?
My point is we don't chat about inane off-topic bullshit like what kind of feminism suits your personal tastes.
All your posts are just inane chatter.
When's the last time you've posted actual content? Something beyond a one-liner comment?
Dig. Meme. Pray.
▶ 6f81ea (7) No.5859410
yep, you're prob right - I never liked recycling anyway. >5859326
▶ e6fcd5 (5) No.5859411>>5859420 >>5859421
you forgot to mention you have tiny dick also.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859412
>Those outside the Garden were told to procreate. They were created by Elohym, translated "God". But the word is plural of Eloah. Those outside of Eden had the rhesus monkey antigen. The "Lord God" created those inside the Garden, and they were not told to procreate. The RH negative bloodlines come from the Garden. But part of the bloodline got mixed with Heleyl, and became Hybrid. POTUS is rh negative, as are most presidents.
So if we are not RH neg?
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859413>>5859434 >>5859441
you clearly dont know NZ
▶ d60bd0 (8) No.5859414>>5859463
Holy shit same thing
happened to me.
What are the odds?
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859415>>5859435
>your master
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859416
Death is the only answer for this
▶ 5a6943 (2) No.5859417
Monarch Mind Control victim.
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859418>>5859431
I have, um, some red hair. Ahem.
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5859419
I thought I was going to bed, but damn I'm scared
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859421>>5859440
More like nonexistent.
▶ 733649 (6) No.5859422
▶ e3dadb (5) No.5859423>>5859448
John Key daughter Stephanie. MK Ultra beta sex kitten.
▶ a1d820 (1) No.5859424
▶ 7515f6 (1) No.5859425>>5859457
Muh Geologic Time…
Comey learns the world is bigger than he thought.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5859426>>5859451
well definitely fuckery. What is it? Testing? Or just picking?
This shit has got to stop. I feel so bad for the dude. Patriot all the way.
▶ 3b5e45 (1) No.5859427>>5859467
whats with the bizzaro user names and and equally bizzaro language? I mean every site like this that's posted..bizarre user name and comments that make no sense.
▶ 2ef650 (3) No.5859428
Posted for FVEY pre-election spying on POTUS not for NZ shooting you faggots…. smdh
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859429>>5859465 >>5859469
I did not start the discussion. Slmeone made a stupid statement and I countered.
I dig all the fucking time, asshole. I don't feel the need to pound my chest over it.
▶ 4d4330 (2) No.5859430
He always struck me as a vile spiteful bastard…and there it is. proof!
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859431
▶ 443db5 (13) No.5859432
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5859379
take that bad dream maker
▶ daa21b (5) No.5859434
FAF if the Kiwis said FU to the man and revolted.
▶ 6a054e (8) No.5859435>>5859445
▶ 2f7ebe (9) No.5859436
article said NZers were buying guns before the laws took effect, sounds like a compliant bunch, kek
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859437
▶ c2bfa6 (7) No.5859438
get out from behind the computer and confront a demon possessed person. Why do these pedovores risk everything to feed and destroy? Because they believe in astrology?
▶ 8b8cd0 (10) No.5859439
The word you’re looking for is individualism.
Promoting one group’s interests above another never turns out well.
▶ e6fcd5 (5) No.5859440
Rules, follow them.
▶ 635d84 (8) No.5859441>>5859464
I know what I see and I see a country literally catering to another culture from their own by wearing a symbol of oppression to women, removing freedom of thought, removing freedom to defend oneself and making a complete embarrassment out of their country due to a few pencil neck moron "leaders" who I doubt even were elected legally but rather were handed the job after some scam that went unnoticed.
▶ d7e62c (4) No.5859442
Grand evening anons! May your path be steady and strong and may GOD bless you all!
▶ 873e8c (1) No.5859443>>5859471 >>5859525
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5859321
stop fear mongering.
"if muh this happens" your all fckkd.
only the big cities who are well nit and organized to function TOGETHER (and ONLY places with the most guns and money will have a spittin' chance) to survive.
I aint sweatin'.. ATLVIBEZ is comfy af. know that.
Wakanda BEEN PREPARED ready for yall goldfish to get froggy…catch up. kek
but I think we are at a point as a species that we can USE the technology to our advantage and really create GLOBAL PEACE, where there is no terror, there is no fear, when fear is gone there will be no reason to HATE, when we remove hate from the equation… you get ATLANTIS.
thats the goal bro. WW peace.
you dont even wanna CONSIDER the alternative. know that.
▶ 6a054e (8) No.5859444>>5859450 >>5859459 >>5859488 >>5859510
▶ 46fdc0 (38) No.5859445>>5859455
▶ a4a5a7 (3) No.5859446
Fresh hell from cuckchan
In the AOC comic universe all female politicians are trannies
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859447
not on my fucking watch!
▶ 615a9d (5) No.5859448
Kek. Spoiler that shit anon!
▶ f911d1 (1) No.5859449
No pity
▶ 635d84 (8) No.5859451
I don't know. Could be a sniper to kill soldiers, could be to plant something in the guardhouse, no idea.
▶ ec0cab (1) No.5859452
Cabal has fucked Boeing, immediately post Vietnam summit. 40 billion wiped
▶ 59378f (7) No.5859453>>5859500
Certainly seems to be a "type"
Order request.
▶ a92fcb (2) No.5859454
She really is. That is why the beard looks weird. Hairline etc. Nose
▶ 6a054e (8) No.5859455
I stole your trips faggot. Suck it.
▶ 1435b8 (4) No.5859456>>5859520
8h8 hours ago
🥓 Retweeted Bill Kristol
You had absolutely ZERO part in anything related whatsoever to the Mueller investigation as to if it continued or @realDonaldTrump shut it down. Moreover, only in your little mind did @realDonaldTrump try to interfere. You were played and ended up looking like the fool you are.
▶ e1a1ea (8) No.5859460
The previous format was better imo.
▶ 6da452 (2) No.5859461
I liked the way they all helped her.
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859463>>5859473
boating accidents are expensive
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859464>>5859506
do you get its only just started
and its soooooo over the top its BS
i think its part of the plan
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859465
Serious asshole. Can't stand anons preaching that my comments are not worthy on this board when the anon taking the time time to post such a thing is literally making them a hypocrite.
JerkAnon, you should go pray. Pray that you stop causing unnecessary contention among honest and good people.
▶ e1a1ea (8) No.5859466
This has always been known. She’s the Madonna. Duh!
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859467>>5859483
That i noticed aswell its something particular to that account.
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859468>>5859474
And just like that
▶ fabcec (7) No.5859469
Yet you felt the need to pound your chest calling anons "cavemen" for defending the long-standing stance on the chans that we no feminism.
Whether boomer or shill, anons call out shit that subverts our culture.
Feminism is cancer, and it's in our welcome statement that we don't promote it. If you disagree, np, just do it somewhere else.
▶ 8b8cd0 (10) No.5859470>>5859496 >>5859504 >>5859509 >>5859532
Is that a bad thing?
Cold War nuke maps always seemed like they’d wipe out blue states.
▶ 733649 (6) No.5859471
your obviously a shill or an ignorant child.
big cities offer ZERO chance of survival moran.
Cities are easily closed in and quarantined, water & elect & food shut off.
▶ e1a1ea (8) No.5859472
▶ 63c780 (1) No.5859473>>5859492
AND guns can't swim
▶ a342f5 (14) No.5859474
and her arrest happens in 3…2…
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859475
An entire movement devoted to bitching, just because
Using the false virtues of genuine malfeasances as the paint to charge all men with wrong doing, simply because they are men……
And poisoning the true women with the distrust that they would never have feigned…
So tragic
The first bond in the universe, corrupted with lies and nonexistent perils
The only bond that truly saves
God our Father
Heal us all
▶ 5a2602 (1) No.5859476>>5859482 >>5859485
I mostly just lurk, but you should be given an award for the most pathetic shit spammer. It used to be Freddy / Toots.
▶ 74b433 (2) No.5859477
this cunt needs to be fucked into oblivion
▶ d82aba (7) No.5859478
Comey also wore his New balance when in Iowa (now flooding)
▶ 5a6943 (2) No.5859479
▶ e3dadb (5) No.5859480
Some think this connects to Getty Museum. But it would definitely be the spot for max damage.
▶ 97e055 (12) No.5859482
>I mostly just lurk, but you should be given an award for the most pathetic shit spammer
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859483
as for the usernames. its another part of the symbolism. I remember an account called ""part pf the problem". Strange self awareness suggests a cult. there was before pizzagate an individual named @bliss_god who had cultists using a variation of 8080 and 88888 and 80 8 and 0 in the usernames.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5859485
kek. it has to be bot because it is EVERY bread.. there isn't a bread the last what? 3 weeks or month that hasn't been posted in.
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859486>>5859502 >>5859513 >>5859541
Fire at will
As in William
As in BILL
The commander BClinton?
▶ 60b870 (8) No.5859487>>5859498
>>5858809 6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Colombia
>>5858920 COLOMBIA & VENEZUELA turn on each other
>>5858973, >>5858965 Anons on Comey's "geologic time" tweet
>>5859039, >>5859068 Marine found dead at Camp Pendleton guard post from gunshot wound to head
>>5859203 Side by Side on Theresa May
>>5859237 Earthquake of 6.3 magnitude strikes off Moluccas Islands, Indonesia-USGS
>>5859269 1 killed, 3 wounded in SF shooting
▶ 4b5dfb (4) No.5859489
what are they saying anon?
so regular folks can understand because to regular folks it looks like moar of the same jew tricks
dont you think?
▶ 2f7ebe (9) No.5859490
it's gotta be the gay guy playing straight in public, stiff, he had a sense of humor once, he just changed and quit playing straight, bias started and non too subtly, liquid terminator huh, evil dude
▶ eb86b4 (3) No.5859491
Will we ever get confirmation of this?
▶ d60bd0 (8) No.5859492
Daymm shame
Poor little guns
never had a chance.
▶ 4b5dfb (4) No.5859495
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859496
▶ d7e62c (4) No.5859498
Man made earthquakes?
▶ d7b806 (25) No.5859499
i felt most bad for the bike too
this fuckin world
▶ 10a5a3 (1) No.5859500
someone likes 'em fugly.
▶ e5b3a1 (11) No.5859501>>5859505
what gets me is it shows a masonic parade implying its jews
▶ b1bee7 (12) No.5859502
On May the Fourth.
Dang, I knew it.
▶ 45c7ea (14) No.5859504
Do you realize how many people would starve to death in the US alone?
▶ 97e055 (12) No.5859505
>what gets me is it shows a masonic parade implying its jews
Oh it don't just imply it retard.
▶ 635d84 (8) No.5859506
Yeah it is, by the DS. They are going to slink to NZ and use the people of NZ as cover to protect themselves while the people cannot defend themselves there and their government LITERALLY is acting like Nazis by looking to gain information on all online posters. What do you think they plan to do with that data? They literally have completely shut down all normal freedoms and the fucking media calls it heroic. I am shocked that the cops and military in NZ haven't yet said "fuck no" because they just got put into the United States crosshairs if they are harboring those people.
▶ 373fe2 (9) No.5859507>>5859521
Devin Nunes
Verified account
58m58 minutes ago
More Devin Nunes Retweeted Le Borgne
No idea who the “one eyed king” is but this is really funny!
▶ 4b5dfb (4) No.5859508>>5859522
no, you're a jew is the issue
another disgusting carnal kike that needs fucking baking real good
▶ d7e62c (4) No.5859509
Look up maps of our silos …KEK!
▶ d60bd0 (8) No.5859510
Yup tripps
of truth
▶ 60b870 (8) No.5859511
requesting handoff at dough post
any bakers lurking?
▶ e1a1ea (8) No.5859512
Agree. The Church has seen worse times and Popes and will endure.
▶ 733649 (6) No.5859513
Fire at will
▶ 74b433 (2) No.5859517
Those are New Balance shoes. Trail Runners if I'm not mistaken…Excellent treads for snow and ice just sayin'.
▶ eb86b4 (3) No.5859518>>5859526 >>5859536
LQQK What was spotted out and about today!
QArmy is busy! Nice work!
▶ a4a5a7 (3) No.5859520
BIll Kristol, one of the grandchildren of the many jewish bolsheviks operating out of our country who funded the communist revolution in Russia and all the death and terror that followed.
▶ 46b9bd (9) No.5859522
Calling me a Jew doesn't hide the fact that you are obviously offended and probably Catholic.
▶ 20da78 (1) No.5859525
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5859443
Yo Gotti looks like Big Tymer in “Gator Boots with a pimped out Gucci suit” and lil baby is trying to look like Chance.
That being said. Are you ready for your blessings?
▶ 97e055 (12) No.5859526>>5859540
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5859518
This is awesome.
▶ b1865f (15) No.5859527
▶ f2dabb (2) No.5859528
apply opsec.
observe/archive only.
▶ 422078 (12) No.5859532
That is how the enemy thinks, plans, acts
WWG1WGA is not just a fancy hashtag, or phrase
We do this for EVERYONE
no one discounted
No one left behind
LOVE conquers all, and by God love saves every single person……
Fuck off if you think that someone needs to die to save the rest
▶ e1a1ea (8) No.5859535
It’s explained in Ephesians 5:20 years seq.
▶ c2809d (17) No.5859536
Yea, nice work so people can't easily find what they are looking for.
Mildly amusing, but inconsiderate. Musta been a millennial.
▶ 05c725 (3) No.5859537
Well she is a Freo for sure… so yeah definitely under full control.
▶ 6a054e (8) No.5859540
That's a bunch of crap.
▶ 2a4261 (17) No.5859541
so what Q was saying is that President Trumps kids were used as shields, the manufactured crimes of perjury have been removed, the calm before the storm is upon us.. they are setting up the shots.. fire at will… (time is now)
▶ 615a9d (5) No.5859543
It's only MSSA that are going anon. AR-15 type weapons with large capacity magazines, and semi auto shot guns.
As far as I know a .22 semi auto with up to five rounds is still OK. And it will be illegal to modify anything to do anything different from what is meant to be (you can tell I'm not a gunfag, kek).
Of course what that means is that all the law abiding gun owners will turn in their MSSAs. The criminals, well…
Here's an article about it.
USfags can BTFO any comparison with NZ gun law changes, NZ has never had a constitutional amendment mandating a general level of gun ownership.
NZ doesn't have a constitution, kek.