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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, Q.jpg)

53efea  No.5808872

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 03.20.2019

>>5803571 ————————————–——– https://www.fbi.gov/tips

>>5803488 rt >>5803267 ————————— Who did Nicky Hilton (sister of Paris) marry? James Rothschild

>>5803214 ————————————–——– THE STANDARD HOTEL. RACHEL CHANDLER.

>>5802783 ————————————–——– Connection to Ray Chandler? Are you awake?

>>5802556 ————————————–——– Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100

>>5802177 rt >>5802087 ————————— Keep digging, Anons. RACHEL CHANDLER IS KEY.

>>5802122 rt >>5801797 ————————— @0HOUR1_

>>5802012 rt >>5801778 ————————— RC @parishilton xxxxxx

>>5801902 rt >>5801617 ————————— Prince Andrew is deeply connected.

>>5801868 rt >>5801615 ————————— Britney Spears

>>5801837 rt >>5801566 ————————— Matt Rothschild, Adam McEwen, Brianna Lance

>>5801813 rt >>5801561 ————————— An Olsen twin and who else??

>>5801639 rt >>5801344 ————————— RC IG st Barth nye

>>5801630 rt >>5801355 ————————— Epstein Island security cam pic RC instagram

>>5801608 rt >>5801368 ————————— w Peter Beard.

>>5801599 rt >>5801371 ————————— The royals are in there somewhere as well

>>5801537 rt >>5801385 ————————— Rachel Chandler's Tumblr is just on the edge of gross…

>>5801505 rt >>5801399 ————————— Wars Ahluwalla Commisioned for CF Anniversary

>>5801455 rt >>5801432 ————————— WHERE ARE THEY NOW?

>>5801421 rt >>5801384 ————————— Q inb4 POTUS

>>5801380 rt >>5801072 ————————— Epstein island dungeon. Sex & torture rooms. Openly flaunt across social media?

>>5801306 rt >>5801142 ————————— pic RC and Slick Willy

>>5801280 rt >>5801165 ————————— pics of stars and RC and em (update as id them)

>>5801230 rt >>5801159 ————————— This one case has the ability to bring down the (many) rich & powerful people.

>>5801158 rt >>5801100 ————————— If the records become unsealed much will be revealed.


>>5801012 rt >>5800988 ————————— WHO IS RACHEL CHANDLER?

>>5800988 rt >>5800566 ————————— http://www.rachelchandler.us, What does a 'handler' procure?

>>5796335 ————————————–——– NAT SEC.

>>5795457 ————————————–——– Sex_trafficking_is_real.

>>5794717 ————————————–——– "Q" Start A List.

>>5793286 rt >>5793235 ————————— THIS IS NOT A GAME. (Cap: >>5793320 , vid: >>5793326 )

>>5793235 ————————————–——– (51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)? (Cap: >>5793272 )

>>5792657 ————————————–——– Logical thinking.

>>5792112 ————————————–——– Did both of HUSSEIN’s parents learn “RUSSIAN”?

>>5791828 ————————————–——– “THE CLINTON FOUNDATION” (Cap: >>5791858 ; additional context: >>5792059 )

>>5791208 ————————————–——– Number(s) do not always equate to days. (Cap: >>5791384 )

Monday 03.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5802127

Sunday 03.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5791939

Friday 03.15.2019

Compiled here: >>5760619

Thursday 03.14.2019

Compiled here: >>5742578

Wednesday 03.13.2019

Compiled here: >>5703840

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

53efea  No.5808878


are not endorsements


>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments

>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far

>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q


>>5808247 Attacks on QAnon Intensify

>>5808282 Regarding anons post of DJT “Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges”

>>5808320 , >>5808340 Rachel Chandler Trending on Twitter for some users

>>5808442 Raymond Chandler mentioned in Michael Jackson subpoena

>>5808154 , >>5808494 Ray Chandler in the Boom Boom room at the Standard Hotel.

>>5808457 Old article RE: Mick Jagger connections to Royalty & MP

>>5808558 , >>5808577 Sister queen of Netherlands Dolores Zorregieta - Pizzagate style artwork

>>5808594 Israeli Soldiers unable to keep track of sensitive equipment

>>5808585 Venezuela loses gold RE: Citibank

>>5808576 Pentagon watchdog to investigate alleged ethics violations re: Shanahan/Mattis/India

>>5808660 Dig on Rita Ackermann - Red shoe wearing artist-friend of Ray Chandler

>>5808829 Britain's M15 on the Rising number of Islamist Terrorism incidents


>>5808063 MoveOn.org asks Dems to steer clear of AIPAC conference

>>5808034 Pentagon says it wants $300mil for direct energy weapon; does it or it this disinfo?

>>5808004 Continued Brexit woes; what will happen next?

>>5807961 Michael Jackson’s Settlement with the Chandlers

>>5807876 Time to widen the net on child rape: Canada's residential schools, Savile, the Royals

>>5807874 Minor quake reported near NK's nuke test site: KMA

>>5807797 Moar on Clinton & Australia Ross Cameron on Sky

>>5807739 Epstein DIGG, con't. (attended Chelsea's wedding)

>>5807632 Overcrowding causes hundreds of illegals to be released from detention into the US

>>5807518 St Barth Island & David Matthews (Eden Rock Hotel)

>>5807536 Illegal immigrant arrested after having sex with cow, say police (Is that what it takes now??)

>>5807514 DIGG on Clarke Gayford (Is the guy in the Clinton photo)?

>>5807429. >>5807420, >>5807442 Yacht digg, cont.

>>5807428 Reminder: POTUS tweet on Princess Eugenie: "She has been through so much"

>>5807637, >>5807648 Nicky Hilton Rothschild link w/Huma--and Alice??

>>5808053 Rachel Chandler Digg, con't.

>>5808082 #7429


>>5807261, >>5807277, >>5807286, >>5807289 Did a little-known safety rule doom the Titanic?

>>5807270 BOMBSHELL: Collusion Investigation Involving Hillary Clinton Has Opened

>>5807248 Nate Cain inspirational twitter thread

>>5807241 Pompeo to visit the Western Wall with Netanyahu

>>5807162 Russian fighter jet intercepts US B-52h bomber over Baltic

>>5807146 Analysis of POTUS Tweet on strangeness of Dems

>>5807130 Brighteon.com video platform under extreme threat from internet infrastructure providers, forced to delete all New Zealand shooting videos

>>5807120 Anon on SRIKE

>>5807083 POTUS Tweet T4884 w/Q Drops (1204, 666, 919, 84, 1147, 2860, 153, 3117 through 3122, etc)

>>5807067 Dutch populist wins provincial elections in Utrecht 9 (EU in a tizzy)

>>5807065, >>5807168, >>5807177, >>5807203 Epstein DIGG (includin Doug Band) con't.

>>5806816 How to spot a False Flag

>>5806611, >>5806658 US to close CIA division’s UK intelligence monitoring unit

>>5806850 Mechal Chelbin DIGG (from Hebrew sources)

>>5806690, >>5806737 Call to DIGG on Teen Vogue (now they cover anal sex & post-abortion help)

>>5806711 Alison Mack news >>> Q drops on Rachel Chandler?

>>5806679, >>5806705 Yacht research (PB)

>>5806666 Quads confirm: WE WIN.

>>5806652 POTUS drops hints about past business dealings with Mueller

>>5807282 Rachel Chandler Bun: Dig, anons, dig!!!

>>5807336 #7428

Previously Collected Notables

>>5805046 #7425, >>5806053 #7426, >>5806568 #7427

>>5803030 #7422, >>5803481 #7423, >>5804289 #7424

>>5800475 #7419, >>5801543 #7420, >>5803079 #7421

>>5798159 #7416, >>5798941 #7417, >>5799717 #7418

>>5795787 #7413, >>5796597 #7314, >>5797373 #7415

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

53efea  No.5808879

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#75 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>5797229

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

53efea  No.5808882

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621

53efea  No.5808890

File: 8de507d05a6ba4e⋯.png (289.54 KB, 466x443, 466:443, bread3.png)



21d752  No.5808917

File: 8b8a9d717034b1b⋯.jpg (413.31 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-070351….jpg)

File: 3f63222a94ab0e4⋯.jpg (418.94 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-070834….jpg)

File: 087405d1fc46642⋯.jpg (397.92 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-070513….jpg)

A few more archived pics from 2015 n shit on Rachel Chandler

Pics. Related

7b82ce  No.5808921

File: 681708b76308855⋯.png (115.93 KB, 1572x672, 131:56, chandler handler.png)

File: 7358ebe004105bf⋯.png (60.38 KB, 1040x649, 1040:649, comms.png)


Account accessed 10 days ago

Also has a forum, comms?

16ba44  No.5808922


>>>5808615 (You)

>we disseminate the info we dig based upon the crumbs that are dropped. we dig. we post. we meme. and then FB/TW/IG spread our findings/memes which eventually filter into the MSM. Eventually. You smell like an enemy of the USA. You and Richard Gere. Your ip is showing.


I am going to forgive you because you do not know who I am. If you did, you would know better than to threaten me, little one. What you are, in fact, doing is wasting your time playing games.

345528  No.5808925

File: 0a985d10da76ec1⋯.png (652.84 KB, 1472x862, 736:431, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 57274581c294a21⋯.png (511.28 KB, 1045x568, 1045:568, HRCRC.png)




21d752  No.5808931

File: 167fe92caa8742b⋯.jpg (346.34 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-070347….jpg)

File: a24da6d9bd51ede⋯.jpg (508.48 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-070357….jpg)

10445a  No.5808934

File: 206bb767fc502cf⋯.png (807.37 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 3A99A3F7-1716-42FC-9F1B-27….png)

Older article but relevant:

Prince Andrew/Epstein connection/ re Prince Andrew facing charges for sex with minor



Also, please add

Karl Lagerfield

To possible suicide list.. suspicious death. As he is connected to these players & “models”

213581  No.5808935

File: 71662de90a9b92f⋯.png (384.37 KB, 880x411, 880:411, ray.PNG)

5ab59e  No.5808937

File: 83df3dbc4695c21⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 320x580, 16:29, CQI8RxOv0zbvPSap.mp4)

213581  No.5808939

File: 0368c2c920c1fad⋯.png (830.93 KB, 1207x729, 1207:729, geffen.PNG)


2d636f  No.5808942

Anons are a DIRECT competitor to Fake News. Q and POTUS call out Fake News directly as the enemy of the people, but in addition to that, WE are reporting the news. We are the news now. They are LOSERS. Anons, meme makers, page admins, bloggers tweeters and video makers: Don't give anything to Fake News when asked, ie the Atlantic, for them to spin and twist. They will be polite and nice all the way up to the point they STAB you in the back because you are their COMPETITOR.

fef353  No.5808946

File: 2222fbcb8e0d223⋯.jpg (287.33 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.jpg)


great job new baker! keep going!

9080d4  No.5808949

File: 60485bac9c16dfa⋯.jpg (79.65 KB, 530x480, 53:48, 2wl579[1].jpg)



6a3179  No.5808951

File: 4e18968af3d9549⋯.png (57.89 KB, 1088x170, 32:5, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: fff327ee1453591⋯.png (434.17 KB, 897x488, 897:488, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

Q Rebutting the current clockfag situation? Seems this got a bit lost during the [RC] dig last night.

5ab59e  No.5808956

File: 6cd7979e01f19d9⋯.png (317.35 KB, 631x811, 631:811, Screenshot 2019-03-21_09-5….png)

File: 31cb4c644c063fe⋯.mp4 (807.02 KB, 224x400, 14:25, 3O7cBfr2t0rR7RFI.mp4)


53efea  No.5808965

Baker requesting handoff

need to walk the dogs and take some notes on what I learned

08ff47  No.5808966

File: 56118bbf9f4f15f⋯.jpg (11.62 KB, 198x255, 66:85, 9d24cb32a09988cc7c22097dc8….jpg)


Thank you baker!

345528  No.5808968

File: e1729ac2df966d2⋯.png (687.32 KB, 1478x976, 739:488, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)


picture shot by


another pedo photo

f90ce9  No.5808971

File: 945c0badcb59ca4⋯.jpg (136.57 KB, 920x699, 920:699, rachel_chandler.jpg)


"The Rachel Chandler Connection" (to Pizzagate)

Supposedly, posted by an Anon who personally knew Rachel.


1f4cdd  No.5808973

File: c128b0499a9507f⋯.png (303.21 KB, 800x534, 400:267, rothschilds.png)

7b82ce  No.5808978

So Rachel Handler is essentially informed and able to bring down all these different players like dominoes based on what she has recorded, photographed and simply knows from her own eyes.

And I'm assuming she's talking, which is why Q started the -21 and asked us to look her up again and see what a trail she can show.

4ae717  No.5808979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

55e0d8  No.5808980


go to frau.juliawagner scroll down, october 2017. chandler and her seem to share business?!

6a3179  No.5808981

File: 447887355e4819d⋯.png (103.39 KB, 610x462, 305:231, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: cdac009e5de581a⋯.png (163.19 KB, 610x538, 305:269, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 2bdd3679e76e799⋯.png (306.91 KB, 604x666, 302:333, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

Getting a little shilly in here, NR.

02c3a6  No.5808982


Whats that black streak under his left eye? Bruise?

Nice digs!

8fba35  No.5808983


Who is the old lady in that pic? I got lost for a bit last night thinking that was (C)handler

d37182  No.5808984

File: 15ecf1b836cae43⋯.jpg (153.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, beto.jpg)

53efea  No.5808985

File: 113bdbe67bf58f9⋯.jpg (94.51 KB, 473x504, 473:504, bread.jpg)



thanks frens

49d75e  No.5808986

File: 620ad499225f00a⋯.jpeg (10.59 KB, 254x255, 254:255, Pepecof.jpeg)

af6b1b  No.5808987


Not bad for a first time, New Baker.

Bit early on the Fresh Bread call; aim for 730 or 740 in the future.

Also, please add the Notables Bun link for Bread #7430 to the dough such that it's present for future bakes (and future Bakers don't have to go digging for it later).


Can bake.

Please confirm handoff.

Notifying BO/BV's.

9080d4  No.5808988





1c8b9a  No.5808989

File: c5c72a5e7e9e641⋯.jpg (83.69 KB, 1056x432, 22:9, BakerSeizesBreadSeesItHome.JPG)


Great job, new baker. It just gets easier (and more fun) from here. Welcome to the team.

You can copypasta this notable bundle at the bottom of your 7430 notes in the dough like so:

>>5808837 #7430

Spotting baker out.

Have a great day taking out Goliath, you glorious faggots.

d126ac  No.5808990


Not 'white power'…it's 'RICH POWER'

213581  No.5808991

File: 130300035bd3b62⋯.png (306.64 KB, 365x349, 365:349, rachel.PNG)

They could be BROTHER AND SISTER…..Look at that facial structure!!!

4ae717  No.5808992

File: 159b9533cf979d9⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 500x1143, 500:1143, 2c04ga.jpg)

c68e91  No.5808993

File: a8aacfd87142794⋯.png (1.83 MB, 989x1000, 989:1000, a8aabrothers.png)


Awesome, new baker! o7


YOU got this!

8e820b  No.5808994

>>5808457 Old article RE: Mick Jagger connections to Royalty & MP

Mick's the real deal. Bark on, but yer barking up the wrong tree.

43ce4a  No.5808995

File: 3fa8c3dd49ca283⋯.jpg (92.56 KB, 800x1155, 160:231, ophelia_by_avine_d8gzrdw-f….jpg)


TY Baker!!! Looking good!


As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges

3b68fd  No.5808997

>>5808554 (pb)

No sauce? It is well known that her father frequented Epstein Island. It is well accepted here that POTUS is well aware of Qanon and is likely Q+ himself. So, to say that POTUS / Q+ was using his twitter to provide some cognitive dissonance to the masses about her father is as logical as your reasoning. Your logic is flawed in that it ignores these facts.

You accuse people of jumping to conclusions. I suspect it is based on a desire to protect the Princess from innuendo. Possibly you are trying to keep anons, such as yourself, from looking foolish. Either way, I think you are overly conservative.

It is entirely logical and reasonable to ask whether POTUS was signaling. I know it struck me as a very personal statement to make over Twitter. It is logical to think he may have been raising awareness of her father.

Remember, we got into this mess by failing to use logic and by putting blinders on. If I had to guess, I'd say you were a boomer.

345528  No.5808998



16 yer old

46cbdf  No.5808999

>>5808988 (lb)


Look, if you're familiar with police procedure at all, you have to understand how an investigation like this works. Sure, they know . . . but if for some reason the evidence they have isn't admissible, which could be for all sorts of reasons, then they have to prove it another way. Anonymous tips are an excellent way around otherwise inadmissible evidence.

937af8  No.5809000

>>5808661 lb

Key word… LIFETIME.

42a56d  No.5809001


totally see it

08a83d  No.5809002

File: bfab0d2d24dcb3c⋯.png (343.47 KB, 684x532, 9:7, aajkhjhka.png)


masonic heroin front. Username from @ray.chandler screencap (try any username in the comments from her screencaps)

345528  No.5809003

53c019  No.5809004


come on anon can't you at least use the navy seal copy pasta?

4d5d3b  No.5809005

Thank you baker

3d00a3  No.5809006


They do look astonishingly similar.

53efea  No.5809008

File: a1565e054a517d1⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 640x640, 1:1, KEK.jpg)



Thanks for the advice fren. Got a little nervous there, not gonna lie.

Don't wanna let you guys down!!

I'll be back later for another shot if help is needed

b30137  No.5809009

File: 55c2e62cd2ea0bf⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1627x1319, 1627:1319, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

The Kellyanne side show is strange. Especially now that POTUS and her are teaming up on her husband. It was very weird before POTUS commentated, not it's taken on a whole other "WTF is going on in here" level.

If she leaves the WH, it looks like her husband drove her away.

If she leaves her husband, it looks like she choose politics over her marriage.

Why can't her husband just the fuck up?


60c852  No.5809010


He’s at the top of my “publicly shame then watch hang” list

9b92db  No.5809011

File: 812d60e9bc34b4b⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB, 480x270, 16:9, rachel_shoe_n.mp4)

f016ad  No.5809012

gov involvement in vac argument is dumb.

they say the government needs to vac you so you don't carry disease and spread to others. ummm. by my calculations the only people who would be at risk of contracting said disease would be other non-vac'd people. Dumb dumb fox.

7202f0  No.5809013

File: 81e26ac8e4b87c3⋯.jpg (290.68 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, WonderfulDayCovfefeFrens.jpg)

7b82ce  No.5809014




188a56  No.5809015

>>5808796 (lb)

I think I missed out on the whole armor of god memo - was it a post?

can someone explain to me

wouldnt mind some god armor pls :)

bf8dcc  No.5809017


Yes Q and all anons are Bernie Bros! You cracked the code congratulations. Now fuck off

b4f458  No.5809018

File: e3d88aff01a1b15⋯.jpg (22.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Enlightened.jpg)


Thank you for your service baker.

fef353  No.5809019


>>5808987 ''can bake

great first bake new baker. welcome back anytime. deferring to DB. Anons got the time. I am workfagging, but lurking.

Godspeed all.

9080d4  No.5809020








7b82ce  No.5809021


Ever think its a fake name based on these characters?

08a83d  No.5809022

File: 05c8965a17d0ebd⋯.png (397.95 KB, 1041x557, 1041:557, rc2.png)

didnt the @ray.chandler showcase cannibalism. Pretty telling from the half a fag masonic human trafficker walter

657c19  No.5809023

File: 82018e8fb4c332a⋯.png (514.13 KB, 528x720, 11:15, veto orourke.png)

34ea2a  No.5809024


that fucker.

we didn't know for sure…

<Epstein island dungeon (beneath the temple).

<Sex & torture rooms.

<Openly flaunt across social media?



is a YUGE confirm of some of our worst fears

653d27  No.5809025


What Q has done is much worse than waste our time.

He has utilized extremely powerful emotional manipulation in order to change the direction and tone of the board again.

And most of you fall for it every time.

Feverish digging begins. On the same old stuff. Turning up no new damning information, because it doesn't exist publicly where we can access it.

Q "has everything", but needs US to call the FBI for him.

Am I missing something here?

b9bd5e  No.5809026


TY new baker. Said a prayer for you.

c68e91  No.5809027


10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. 16In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; 17and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

7b82ce  No.5809028


No, my theory is it's already being handled…pardon the pun. We don't get to see things until they're basically wrapped up. The FBI number is for anything we want to report because anons feel useless here simply learning about horrific specifics and then sitting here

b42b5e  No.5809029


It's a distraction.

Bigger fish to fry right now.

46cbdf  No.5809030


You glow.

But to answer your question, there are legal reasons why a flood of anonymous tips would be helpful. That's reasonable. So your continued insistence otherwise means you're a shill.

dea05f  No.5809031



Good to go. Thank you Bakers.

53efea  No.5809032

File: 953b95f9f77f807⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, noice.jpg)


>Welcome back anytime

Thanks man really means a lot

08a83d  No.5809033

File: 98df3cbf419bcc0⋯.png (229.59 KB, 1048x554, 524:277, mark.png)

File: 514c7141fe4fff6⋯.png (433.85 KB, 914x497, 914:497, rc.png)

masonic mark they use to brand the npc heroin people

af6b1b  No.5809034


No worries, it's all good.

Everyone's first bake is a nervous one.

Feel free to volunteer as needed.

God bless, man.


Much appreciated, BO/BV.

Thanks for looking out, as always.

Assuming responsibilities.

2d636f  No.5809035


hi fren, question: >>>/comms/4323


653d27  No.5809037


But we have no evidence to introduce.

You think the FBI will open an investigation based on these pictures???

It is a huge crock of shit man.

7b82ce  No.5809039

Anons, concernfag here. Anyone still complaining is a shill. One day. Real concernfags bitch for one day, then go back to normalcy. One day.

Anything passed that isn't very organic.

0bc111  No.5809040

File: 1297d20c3d4611e⋯.png (660.63 KB, 902x501, 902:501, COMEY MEMO CONTRACT TO KIL….PNG)

>>5808969 lb

this is info I picked up just after his trip over there

6a3179  No.5809041


Correct. Famefags gunna Famefag. NR has some good work, like most Famefags do, but now he's acting like a post about ritualistic human sacrifice and rape is to boring to talk about more than once.

709040  No.5809042


The brainwashing obviously didn’t take on you. Can you smoke some weed and try again?

46cbdf  No.5809043


Yes. The bigger picture. A lot.

34ea2a  No.5809044


the Stormy laser show run its course.

need some laser pointers pointing somewhere

60c852  No.5809045


We’ve known about RC’s fukery for a year, if not longer, and Q says call the FBI? WTAF? Seriously, if they’re not already on this shit we’re all fuked.

5ab59e  No.5809046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0f3302  No.5809047

File: 7ad5c12d5aba6b5⋯.png (372.54 KB, 519x292, 519:292, Chicken Pox.PNG)

The media is making such a big deal over this. I did the same thing to my youngest who still never got it to this day and he's 35. My parents did it to me which I never got it either until my oldest turned 5 and I got it along with him. I have had the 3 days measles and the mumps as a kid also. My resistance is stronger then my youngest, his wife and my 5 yo granddaughter who all live with me. They are left and believe in any and all vaxx. So…who is sick again right now for the third time since last fall? They are while I am not. They won't listen that getting a flu shot each year does nothing but make you sick more often. Sucks to be them.

5ab59e  No.5809048

File: 881542a9bdfaa2c⋯.jpg (199.13 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, hailie-mathers-7.jpg)

73849b  No.5809049


maybe he be talking to and individual person that is scared to come forward and Q is saying look at all the people that will have your back.

nothing would have been done before but now they will be able to because they cleaned the system.

IDK just a thought

bfa3ca  No.5809050



He's known forever…

Andrew Breitbart, the now-deceased founder of the Breitbart news site, was a graduate (not sure when … 80s? 90s? way before my time).

5ec690  No.5809051

Watch Ca. Voter rolls drop 1.5million of deceased names.


0dc748  No.5809052

I think failing to consider that this "Ray.Chandler" was likely raised in the slavers environment, is folly. That she became an enslaver herself is not surprising. She will be viewed very sympathetically in this media environment as a victim of it all. It's the abusers, who began abusing her when she was a child, and the enslavers who are the targets. She's a waypoint.

4ae717  No.5809053


If several people call the FBI, they will have to investigate.

Yes they have it all.

But how do you legally enter evidence?

Several outcries from the public is one way.

ca29ec  No.5809054




Use fucking logic

08ff47  No.5809055

File: 9a129588b296892⋯.jpg (207.91 KB, 749x965, 749:965, 9a129588b2968927a21e9e7d9a….jpg)


And yet here (((you))) are. Gfy.

c68e91  No.5809056

1e03ba  No.5809057

File: ee0d775bbfe20da⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 474x314, 237:157, Mossad Island.jpg)

Epstein Island = [MOS] blackmail operation.

Did you think all that funding, military, intellectual, and security assistance was because of so much love? No, it's because through blackmail, AIPAC in-kind donations, dual-citizenship pols (embeds), and control of the media narrative…our [not fren] then bleeds us dry.

Remember to the ruling elite of our [not fren], we are the Goyim…the cattle…and can be used as cattle…for profit. Any acts which we consider sins, if committed by [them] are not considered sins because of twisted supremacist interpretations.

Is this anti-Semitic…NO It is anti-Supremacist. Very.

No one or group has the right to abuse and victimize another and no scholars warped intrepretations can change the basic nature of God. It is against God's nature to abuse another…and this charge is upon all those who think themselves above their fellow humans.

Beware the Samson Option when this wretched mess comes fully into the light of day. [They] would rather burn the whole world down than not be it's masters…remember that…goy.

1b2b94  No.5809059

File: 499b878ec631376⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 702x459, 26:17, w4tw34rq3r.jpg)

42a56d  No.5809060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

80fdb5  No.5809061


Very true. But there may be multiple additional reasons why Q posted that FBI Tips webpage.

1. He could be raising DS anxiety and increasing the likelihood for PANIC.

2. He could be signalling to the DS and the Anons here that PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL of the FBI command and control owing to the fact that Q is telling us that submitting FBI Tips online is safe for Anons.

3. He could genuinely be doing the obvious, soliciting tips and evidence to strengthen the FBI's prosecution efforts.

1ecf03  No.5809062


From 2 years ago but here's a primer on Rachel Chandler if you need one, the links in this post need to be archived ASAP

f52eb5  No.5809063

File: 112ebabbb0dd43f⋯.png (384.29 KB, 476x671, 476:671, whatstheemblem.PNG)


what is the emblem

278e84  No.5809064



7163bd  No.5809065


Maybe an Anon might see a missing kid in the pics and could help save a kid or at least give closure to a family.

8fba35  No.5809066



This is a good read. Understand what each part of the armor is. Wear it with pride!

06da6b  No.5809067


"Eminem's father, Marshall Bruce Mathers II started dating Debbie (Eminem's mother) when she was 15. He was 22. They got married. The relationship turned sour."

"We should probably start calling Eminem by his rather regal sounding real name: Marshall Bruce Mathers III.

That's because he's apparently related to 9th century Welsh King, Rhodri Mawr (the Great).

Records on a US genealogy site suggest he's Marshall III's 33rd great-grandfather."

6b0757  No.5809068

File: e5e3b09755a33f0⋯.jpg (57.15 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, waris01.jpg)

File: 9fa2e7ebdff45c8⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, waris02.jpg)


Pendant for WJC by Waris

5ec690  No.5809069

File: 3dc21a3782e94a9⋯.jpg (741.49 KB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-100236….jpg)


9a6173  No.5809070


IVANKA 2024!!!

46cbdf  No.5809071


Yeah, you glow.

But to answer for the rest of the doubters, yes, any anonymous tip with reasonable data can be acted upon by LEO. We don't have to introduce evidence. We have to introduce probable cause.

Go work in a criminal law office for a few years, and then you'd understand.

653d27  No.5809072


You are so right.

The bigger picture is that this problem is global, and nothing is changing.

But look at these old pictures again. And then call the FBI. Then get laughed at by an experienced agent who says you have NOTHING to go on.

b42b5e  No.5809073


But aren't all these Instagram photos / social media photos probable cause?

If the public submits the tip based on Chandler: known social circles + suspicious images, could it start an investigation?

8fba35  No.5809076


Q is telling survivors to contact FBI—-tell your story

d126ac  No.5809077

So what was all the talk about a fire on pedo island last year?

Did it turn up anything worth while?

6a3179  No.5809078

File: a8f3df8d9049565⋯.png (18.78 KB, 526x105, 526:105, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)


Parallel construction.

00d7c1  No.5809079

File: 0b68eb83237f91d⋯.png (508.12 KB, 890x1312, 445:656, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

A couple of points:

1. The timing of these unprecedented, global, extended “outages” of Twitter and FB, plus the announcement that MySpace has “lost” all customer data from before 2016 CANNOT be a coincidence. Clearly a lot of very damning evidence has been scrubbed. That said, we will only be able to dig so deep on this if most of the incriminating stuff has been cleared in advance of the expected unsealing of the Epstein court files. This threat of exposure has been on the radar for several weeks.

2. However, as Q says, they “have it all.” So the second point for us on this board is not to simply ask “why doesn’t Q just send it to the FBI?” THE POINT IS for us to educate ourselves and others as much as possible about this. We are not Junior G-men on the case. Our primary role on the team is AWARENESS. Our secondary role is PUBLIC OUTCRY so that the FBI and the judge in the Epstein case (and elsewhere) realize that this is already too big for them to try to ignore.





42a56d  No.5809080

File: 3ae0478e5d0830f⋯.png (986.55 KB, 1267x842, 1267:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f63c8485004df1⋯.png (884.26 KB, 800x599, 800:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2804b64859900e8⋯.png (783.96 KB, 800x599, 800:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38450f6778ff20f⋯.png (915.23 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f8b8a13aba8f7b⋯.png (693.85 KB, 939x604, 939:604, ClipboardImage.png)



0dc748  No.5809081


"See something, say something"

Give the FBI PC to begin investigating

b22a74  No.5809083

File: b7af05fa88bc767⋯.png (387.59 KB, 585x383, 585:383, 10:00:07_001.png)


Tools of the DS - Mind Control. Striped Shirts. Polka Dots.

36f1da  No.5809085

WOW - a lot to digest this morning

46cbdf  No.5809086


Two years ago, you might be right. For those of us paying attention to personnel shifts, we know things are different, now.

36bde4  No.5809087

5b931a  No.5809088

File: 5bbd7b6df586660⋯.png (310.15 KB, 468x409, 468:409, ClipboardImage.png)

I might be a bit late to the party but Ive just figured out who Ghislaine Maxwell is …. Her dad was Robert Maxwell . He was a British media proprietor and Member of Parliament (MP). Originally from Czechoslovakia, Maxwell rose from poverty to build an extensive publishing empire. After his death, huge discrepancies in his companies' finances were revealed, including his fraudulent misappropriation of the Mirror Group pension fund.[1][2] His death was questionable…. I remember it happening and thought it very strange and a lot of people thought he was killed off . After Maxwell's death triggered the collapse of his publishing empire as banks called in loans. His sons briefly attempted to keep the business together, but failed as the news emerged that the elder Maxwell had stolen hundreds of millions of pounds from his own companies' pension funds. The Maxwell companies applied for bankruptcy protection in 1992. Also Shortly before Maxwell's death, a former employee of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate, Ari Ben-Menashe, approached a number of news organisations in Britain and the U.S. with the allegation that Maxwell and the Daily Mirror's foreign editor, Nicholas Davies, were both long-time agents for Mossad. So his daughter is the girl named in the Jeffrey Epstein suit ..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Maxwell

2fec0b  No.5809089



That's a quote from Chandler several years ago

345528  No.5809090


I'll call the god damn FBI right now myself and I'm Canadian I dont give a fuck anymore

179c9c  No.5809091

File: 835c04126e2ce5c⋯.png (108.9 KB, 207x290, 207:290, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

File: 7eabb3798129005⋯.png (805.95 KB, 816x1124, 204:281, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

File: 8e628a5b69a32e1⋯.png (639.28 KB, 822x552, 137:92, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

File: b7d0ae979fa6aa4⋯.png (414.79 KB, 821x584, 821:584, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)

ca29ec  No.5809092


So we constructed in parallel for a year for nothing then?

2fd35a  No.5809093

File: e6949dd27b53111⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 497x480, 497:480, Chandler Guinness wedding ….jpg)


Sorry if already noted before

653d27  No.5809094


I fucking glow cause my brain works without someone having to guide it.

I recognize manipulation when I see it.

I recognize a dead end when I see it.

There is NO reasonable data here.

657c19  No.5809095

File: caaa5d393401dd1⋯.jpg (139.64 KB, 710x532, 355:266, the more you notice.jpg)


well state Anon

46cbdf  No.5809096


This, too. Witnesses willing to come forward and testify, en masse, would be impossible for them to counter.

1ecf03  No.5809097

File: 5cd144d0a19bde7⋯.jpg (83 KB, 600x260, 30:13, article05.jpg)

File: 836a24c9e85f43b⋯.jpg (63.12 KB, 600x225, 8:3, article07.jpg)

File: e9ff524a7a3b6b0⋯.jpg (69.73 KB, 600x225, 8:3, article08.jpg)

File: 330cf06b25636b1⋯.jpg (53.51 KB, 600x225, 8:3, article13.jpg)

File: 5320d36b53e4650⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 600x225, 8:3, article16.jpg)

42a56d  No.5809098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Mind Control. Striped Shirts. Polka Dots.



0df477  No.5809099


Better quetion…why doesn't Maria have Mr. KellyAnne on her show? None seem to want to ask him why he is embarrassing his wife.

42b885  No.5809100

File: bb98d401dac65b5⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5332CEE0-F47B-4E2C-A409-C5….png)

0bc111  No.5809101


the point idiot

if you can't trust the plan, you will miss the outcome and be left behind struggling as you do with life… for years to come



34ea2a  No.5809102

hey newfags

member the QEXIT kvetching?

notice how they completely changed their tune?

now it's "but this is old we know all this what's this for etc etc etc"…

learn to hear the songs of the shills.

+and why would Q point us to FBI?

think NAT SEC.

Q can only do so much, we have to play our part as well

46cbdf  No.5809103


We haven't hit the payoff yet. Patience.

I've been here for TWO years. I ain't tired.

74a3aa  No.5809104

>>5808913 (lb) Accumalate as much data as possible and filter out the bullshit. Trust you instinct's anon. Our instinct's know a hell of a lot more than us.

Also, what's the worst thing that can happen if it turns out Q is a larp (which I really don't believe btw.) We will be armed to the teeth with information/insight/connections we were once blind to. We would be hurt that Q conned us. We would feel stupid. We would then get angry. We would then actually try harder to expose the truth because we would know nobody is going to do it for us. Maybe that is the plan… That we learn to take the power back oureselves? Who knows. Just keep the faith bro. Love always wins, even in death.

2fec0b  No.5809105


No anon.

Everything has been worthwhile.

We are now read in to help those who aren't.

Are numbers are ready.

653d27  No.5809106


The answer is no, they are not.

No criminal activity.

They are WEIRD. That's it.

145af3  No.5809107

File: 248531f7e823c1f⋯.png (348.53 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af753a9bc529768⋯.jpg (26.81 KB, 231x272, 231:272, pedo o'rouke.jpg)


We know the photographer is [RC]

Robert Francis O'Dourke on the left?

b2d36e  No.5809108



06da6b  No.5809109

File: 7841f2fd01dc1e8⋯.jpg (13.87 KB, 419x176, 419:176, QMAP.jpg)


we got eyes on, our foundations are concrete and now our base is getting STRONG

0dc748  No.5809110


The FBI could file a brief to have the court records turned over to them for review and redaction or potential prosecution. They need evidence to present to the judge.

275bff  No.5809111

Rachel Chandler–reverse word search–might not be her real name–who knows??

A comprador or compradore (English: /kɒmprəˈdɔːr/) is a "person who acts as an agent for foreign organizations engaged in investment, trade, or economic or political exploitation"

213581  No.5809112

File: 211e8cbf2b9923f⋯.jpg (1008.8 KB, 1885x3335, 13:23, 1480967987342.jpg)

174caf  No.5809113

Dont anons remember when we did all this RC digging last year?

Called in tips to the FBI hotline and she changed her social media to private?

47ecb1  No.5809114

File: 708e47b046d1ee8⋯.png (3.72 MB, 2224x1954, 1112:977, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

Posted last bred about

The Hole Gallery in NYC

owned by Fabiloa Beracasa Beckman

Fabiola was at Boom Boom Room when Rachel Chandler was photog

The Hole seems to specialize in pedo pizzagate shit

one of the artists in an exibition there

(there are loads of images to review)

>booby trap

was named

Caroline Wells Chandler

her "art" seems to have loads of very young subjects

and looks pretty bad



art was so fucking comped

33164a  No.5809115


I kinda feelz the same way. All those drops last night and I wasn't excited like normal, it felt disheartening that I almost forgot the (Bad) feeling of this dig for almost a year and now its like it has to be poked at by a new group of anons. I'll sit this re-dig out.

9268f5  No.5809116


Secret Snow.

Madeleine McCann.

Look at the eyes.

You are the news now anons.

46cbdf  No.5809117


But you clearly don't have the context of a technical education on the subject of law enforcement and the legal system. Some of us do. Therefore, your continued bitching is ONLY because you're a glowing shill.

7163bd  No.5809118

File: def465b91ae8cc4⋯.png (34.45 KB, 362x601, 362:601, ClipboardImage.png)

d9f57c  No.5809119


Phone tapping scandal

b9bd5e  No.5809120

File: 3d5c8e2ab1b425c⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1dc7deb16fe951c7c4d908e780….jpg)

File: 9890cd09f38f947⋯.png (232.57 KB, 462x405, 154:135, wtf.png)


Good point but lawsuits would have killed "pedogate" pretty quickly.

653d27  No.5809121


Go suck on a crystal hippy. Your vibration bullshit helps nobody.

Trust the plan is the most open ended and dangerous statement Q ever made.



0d851c  No.5809122

File: ca7dee1c842fbc1⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1600x1150, 32:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca7dee1c842fbc1⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1600x1150, 32:23, ClipboardImage.png)


This shit is hilarious, who write this material.


00d7c1  No.5809123



The shills were COMPLETELY SILENT last night during the glorious Q drop frenzy. No idea how to respond.

Now it's either "old news" or "there is nothing illegal here."


ade623  No.5809124


we have most of their toys secured

-an h(on)orable agent of liberty

084a43  No.5809125

About Q providing FBI tip line:

Spouseanon brought up good point- what if his request to report to FBI is to root out any remaining black hats? We know they’d document/trace IPs reporting info and if black hats are still there, they’re probably giving identities to DS (if you seem a big enough threat).

1fe026  No.5809126

File: 2323b6865395f22⋯.png (70.39 KB, 504x484, 126:121, RGB.PNG)

>>5808822 (lb)

>Paul Farmer


Gonzalez-Bunster visited Haiti alongside his daughter, Dr Paul Farmer and Bill Clinton shortly after the 2010 earthquake. has served on the board of directors of the Clinton Foundation since 2013.

Gonzalez-Bunster was born circa 1949 in Argentina. He graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. in 1968. While he was in college, he was friends with Bill Clinton.

47ecb1  No.5809127

File: 12eff1e20b18c7a⋯.png (11.31 MB, 3348x1972, 837:493, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)



(forgot sauce)

also see:


188a56  No.5809128


Oooo I love it! Thank you <3


Will do! Thanks :)

bd3a76  No.5809129


wtf am I looking at?

213581  No.5809130

File: dd45750cc992156⋯.png (569.59 KB, 493x488, 493:488, caris.PNG)

ccd1c3  No.5809131

File: b46c6387fedd4c9⋯.jpg (176.41 KB, 940x548, 235:137, KushnerGroup.jpg)

File: 456fb29ee8b0817⋯.jpg (121.13 KB, 966x440, 483:220, KushnerJaredGeffner.JPG)

File: 723c8f5b51a96a6⋯.jpg (96.31 KB, 652x447, 652:447, KushnerJoshGeffen.JPG)

5ec690  No.5809132


80fdb5  No.5809133

File: 6f85bf5fff4acd1⋯.png (82.68 KB, 443x1080, 443:1080, Dead-People-are-Artifacts.png)


Exactly. Look no further that Q post 3133. Q uses the words hidden artifacts which is one should recognize as unusual in the context of Flight Logs. Q is asking us to comb thru those Epstein Island flight logs and look for DEAD PEOPLE, i.e. people no longer among the living and see what connections we might be able to find that might aid us, or the FBI, in the furtherance of bring JUSTICE down upon these scum.

0a5d7b  No.5809134

File: 2fbc6e7f5b582a7⋯.png (229.87 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20190321-100604.png)

Did we crash the fbi site?

ca29ec  No.5809135


Not true

Anons voiced concerns

0c8c28  No.5809136

File: d58dbc3849e334b⋯.gif (44.6 KB, 120x262, 60:131, sword-point_tiny.gif)


nice spouseanon… and scary! guess we're all on a list somewhere anyway!

6c22db  No.5809137

The "Lucky" Prince



Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, is a very lucky man. If it hadn't been for the appalling events in Paris last week, he would still be all over the front pages.

Perhaps you've already forgotten why. It's because of a lawsuit brought in Florida by a woman who alleges that she was forced to have sex with him while she was still, under Florida law, a minor. (She was 17 at the time of the alleged encounters – in Florida, the age of consent is set at 18. In the U.K., it's 16.)


January 2015 Île-de-France attacks

From 7 to 9 January 2015, terrorist attacks occurred across the Île-de-France region, particularly in Paris.

The attacks began on 7 January, when two gunmen attacked the headquarters of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people and wounding 12 others before escaping.



Buckingham Palace stepped up its denial that Prince Andrew had sex with an underage girl introduced to him by a disgraced U.S. financier, and named the alleged victim whose anonymity was preserved in court documents filed last week.

Buckingham Palace had already denied on Friday allegations made in Florida court documents by the woman, who said she was forced as a minor by financier Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with several people, including Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth.

05090b  No.5809138

Jessica Tarlov needs a good fucking

46cbdf  No.5809139


Concur. The tipping point has been reached, and real panic is starting to set in. If one witness or one case erupts, they could expend a lot of resources and threaten/kill/bribe their way out (see: Epstein case settlement). If thousands of legit claims come in at once, and enough are valid to justify search warrants, undoubtedly evidence will arise in their execution.

653d27  No.5809140


You have got to be kidding me.

Show me the one picture you think is damning enough to start an investigation on, and I'll explain it away as "artistically creative" and "innocent" just like they would.

There is nothing here, and you know it.

23307c  No.5809141

At least 40 people died as overloaded ferry sinks in Tigris river, Iraq

At least 40 people died when an overloaded ferry sank in the Tigris river near Mosul in Iraq on Thursday, Reuters said, citing police and medical sources. Most of the casualties on the ferry were women and children, according to the head of Mosul’s Civil Defense Authority, Husam Khalil. The rescue team is still retrieving survivors and has rescued 12 people so far, Khalil added.


9080d4  No.5809142


>Our primary role on the team is AWARENESS. Our secondary role is PUBLIC OUTCRY so that the FBI and the judge in the Epstein case (and elsewhere) realize that this is already too big for them to try to ignore.



b30137  No.5809143

File: 2f6701b934e3a91⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 470x313, 470:313, enjoy the show.jpg)


Agree anon.

Shit is changing. People are waking up.

Informed people make informed decisions.

Uninformed people could stumble blindly into a civil war if the media so convinced them POTUS was locking up people because he was muh bad and look our cameras found an "organic" army of rebels, ready to take back the WH.

For those stressed out about the technique, don't sweat it, and enjoy the show.

0df477  No.5809144


How do you make a red pill easier to swallow? By keeping it in the public eye and making connections, showing pics that aren't "normal" to normies.If it's just a conspiracy, why does it keep coming up? There are moar eyes on this board than ever before. The research done last year and before are being shown to new eyes. Not even a normie can look at these pics and think there isn't something very wrong here.

36f1da  No.5809145


I'll ask him first chance I see him - that's a fact

1b2b94  No.5809146

File: f83216bfe062c4f⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 774e4a233560d0f9d5798c385b….jpg)


WTF is going on?

7163bd  No.5809147

File: c314e81cec0aa61⋯.png (535.8 KB, 935x600, 187:120, ClipboardImage.png)

42a56d  No.5809148


The flight logs could reveal who the photographer is.

Find the date where all these guys arrived together.

145af3  No.5809149

never mind

I'm gonna say no


f11e17  No.5809150

Spitballing here, anons.

Earlier theory that NZ mosque video was a test run to see how well the cabal can erase a video from the internets. Got me thinking: why and why now? Especially because the the whole thing looks really spoopy.

Now think about the drops last night. Saw quite a few photos and mentions of members from House of Windsor. Interesting timing with Rule 50 for Brexit expiring next Friday 3/29.

What if Q team has threatened the Royals? Maybe told them to stand down on Brexit and tapes will not be released (for now). House of Windsor wants to call the bluff, quickly arranges to get a sensational video posted WW to see how well they can kill it. (May also explain why NZ mosque narrative is so full of holes, they ran the op with minimal planning.)

Then Q called their bluff last night. Seems only the Wizards and Warlocks know for sure. Like I said, spitballing…

7fae22  No.5809151

File: e152df92d6d6a7e⋯.jpeg (69.21 KB, 500x502, 250:251, 79379106-B921-4F45-8248-A….jpeg)

471c38  No.5809152


Why'd she marry PewDiePie tho?

46cbdf  No.5809153


Exactly. The Overton Window on this has shifted to the point where prosecutions and arrests can start to occur. The next few days will be critical.

34ea2a  No.5809154



1afa00  No.5809155

>>5808558 (LB)

some of the sickest "art" I have seen.>>5808558

d6bfeb  No.5809156

Major New Zealand Bookstore Bans Sale of Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules For Life

the book is “currently unavailable which is a decision that Whitcoulls has made in light of some extremely disturbing material being circulated prior, during and after the Christchurch attacks.”


12874b  No.5809157

File: fe9a1fff5c9378c⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1262x1903, 1262:1903, CC697611-C471-4492-861F-C….jpeg)

File: 2c272539c50281a⋯.jpeg (212.88 KB, 2055x859, 2055:859, 3C650DFF-BBBE-4D4F-B542-A….jpeg)

Crumb #3131

Who took the pic? … Ray Chandler

Who was located behind the camera? Dunno. Hussein? Epstein?

Crumb #3156

Ray Chandler = Alison Mack x100

I think this one meant for the Deep State

Q letting them know that Patriots have so much more evidence now they have Chandler singing just like Mack did

d126ac  No.5809158

File: 45e2e1aa58f3f61⋯.png (208.95 KB, 678x381, 226:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ Burns To The Ground


42a56d  No.5809159

File: ad983b98c62b168⋯.png (602.75 KB, 750x445, 150:89, ClipboardImage.png)

6a3179  No.5809160


I forget when redpilling people how far we have gone down the rabbit hole.

To a lot of people, tax fraud is a terrible crime that they can't comprehend a politician would be guilty of.

Now after the epstein digs, RC, NK etc. I scroll right past articles like "CF may have stollen 100,000,000$ in donations." because thats small potatoes relatively.

It's only been 2 years, we can't be getting jaded already.

To be honest, so many anons on here were celebrating like the war was over that a dose of reality was warranted. Maybe there were new happening with RC and they needed to bring new information into evidence? IDK.

Hang in there frens.

653d27  No.5809161


Didn't Q ask us to call the FBI tip line once before?

Can someone tell me how that worked out?

23307c  No.5809162

File: a5f4ff75d88aa82⋯.png (880.3 KB, 797x436, 797:436, Capture.PNG)

US candidates joke about their drug-use while thousands face life-changing arrests over weed (VIDEO)

Ahead of the 2020 election cycle, politicians are pulling out all the stops to seem relatable to voters, including joking about smoking weed. However, not everyone is laughing.

The millions of kids who had to complete the government-funded Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program might be surprised to learn that even former presidents and presidential hopefuls apparently think drugs can help you “fit in” after all. Even conservative candidate Jeb Bush tried to score some cool-points by saying he “openly admits” to smoking weed, although he immediately lost them by adding “my mom’s not happy that I did.”

Nonetheless, with nearly 700,000 marijuana-related arrests recorded in 2017, some feel these politicians are clearly demonstrating a two-tiered system of justice. While the rich and powerful can openly brag about using illegal drugs, many Americans’ lives and careers are ruined forever after being arrested for marijuana use. Watch RT’s report.


b22a74  No.5809163



Love Conquers All

6f232a  No.5809164

Is this a different Ray Chandler photography in Phoenix?


937af8  No.5809165

Oh I dunno. Maybe more like sisters really.

b9bd5e  No.5809166

File: cb32c7828a120ac⋯.png (713.31 KB, 768x776, 96:97, 5a9548a4ac7b41c7c456fb3fd4….png)

File: 23b5565fb796b0e⋯.png (507.47 KB, 859x799, 859:799, 990b5288c1e022893ce64fbb6d….png)

(((you))) want to talk about this?

1b2b94  No.5809167

File: 11d3f1615fc341d⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 1080x770, 108:77, 11d3f1615fc341d993efde5d4a….jpg)



1afa00  No.5809168


you are all so transparent! LMAO!!

0af41b  No.5809169

sure and let her Kike husband into the white house more…GTFO you faggot

42a56d  No.5809170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>WTF is going on?

46cbdf  No.5809171


Anyone familiar with artists and/or abnormal psych can determine where normal "weird" ends and "fucking godawful whatthefuckisamatterwithyou?" begins. These fall squarely in the latter category, and demonstrate deeper issues than "weird".

53bdab  No.5809172




Is that a submarine?

d28027  No.5809173

File: db4f7a873232195⋯.jpg (572.35 KB, 1150x769, 1150:769, OvrWin.jpg)

4ae717  No.5809175

File: 2af13a95cffd2f9⋯.jpg (114.6 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2v9vq2.jpg)

0ddefc  No.5809176

Have you guise seen this vid? Very Interdasting! He is showing proof that even Journalists and Fox news are hiding things from us we need to know. Take a minute to listen to him. He sauces everything.

I cant get it to embed, here is the link


8380fe  No.5809177

Tired of FISA-Gate after the 82,000 arrests.

Let's move back to Pedo-Gate for the next three days.


b42b5e  No.5809178


If your neighbor was posting provocative photos of their childrens friends and posting them on Facebook, and additionally socialized with known sexual offenders, would the FBI investigate if you alerted them?

67feb2  No.5809179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


for keks.

af1388  No.5809180

File: 7d8194bf0f44522⋯.png (646.61 KB, 689x592, 689:592, ClipboardImage.png)

Check out the caption to the Rachel Chandler wedding photo.

What the hell is a "shamanic wedding" and why would they have "corn flour thrown on us"?

00d7c1  No.5809181


No. We are NOT G-men on the case.

We are the NEWS now, shill. This is about exposing ugly truths so that when the indictments come down, this sick shit is actually believable.

86dac8  No.5809182

File: db9a3c1770d98c4⋯.jpg (102.85 KB, 1440x1852, 360:463, db9a3c1770d98c47c634a5dd7a….jpg)

AIM appears to be mounting another attack against us.

Not sure if their blowing up the opposition in our favor

or following the "I see your Revolution, now let me lead it" tactics.

Regardless, the Cabal is pissed. The Cabal is pissed at Q. The Cabal is pissed at us.

The Cabal can buttchugg a bag of razors.

Anybody else been seeing black trucks with Punisher Flag Skull

Decals lately? What is going on guys.

b933aa  No.5809183

Digging on space force and what the deeper meaning is. Obviously we aren't putting rocket launchers on spacemen… I believe it's referring to funding, and bestowing greater authority to DISA.

>Although the task force is physically at DISA headquarters, organizationally it is part of the Space Command, reporting to the commander-in-chief at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. The task force uses DISA's global network management capability to monitor and analyze problems on DOD systems and coordinate responses.

>'We don't fix the computers; we look at the operational side, said Army Col. Larry Frank, chief of operations. 'The other thing we bring to the table is command authority. DISA has no authority over any of the services.


>Through its appropriated budget, DISA is funded by Congress through the National Defense Authorization Act, the U.S. federal law specifying the budget and expenditures for DoD, and defense appropriations bills authorizing DoD to spend money. This budget enables the agency to implement the White House's national security strategy, the secretary's planning and programming guidance, and the initiatives of the DoD CIO.


>"Special Mission Areas" enables the agency to execute special missions to provide the communications support required by the president as commander-in-chief, including day-to-day management, fielding, operation, and maintenance of communications and information technology. The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) and the Communications Management Control Activity (CMCA) in the Network Services Directorate are budgeted out of this mission area.

>DISA also operates a DWCF budget. Unlike the appropriated budget, which is provided through direct congressional appropriations, the working capital fund relies on revenue earned from providing IT and telecommunications services and capabilities to finance specific operations. Mission partners order capabilities or services from DISA and make payment to the working capital fund when the capabilities or services are received.

>A DWCF business unit is not profit-oriented and, therefore, only tries to break even, charging prices set using the full-cost-recovery principle, which accounts for all costs — both direct and indirect (or "overhead") costs. It is intended to generate adequate revenue to cover the full cost of its operations and to finance the fund's continuing operations without fiscal year limitation.

a3eaa4  No.5809184

>>5808247 (pb)

The fucking aborted fetal cells “in food” slide. Used in an Qanon hit piece. Imagine that.

e74138  No.5809185


Daddy’s little enabler? 1 Co 5:11

c68e91  No.5809186

File: cf6fd9caaf191f3⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 588x437, 588:437, FOGHORNWTF.jpg)

05090b  No.5809187


Good I hope the entire board goes down. You faggots need to be stopped before you hurt yourselves.

2c84bd  No.5809188


Nothing like “allahu akhbar” being shrieked first video you play in the morning. Really sets a nice tone for your day.

9c5bd7  No.5809189

File: 1ca5b71a17ef0c5⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1721x841, 1721:841, ClipboardImage.png)



ec91d6  No.5809190




906dc0  No.5809191


>About Q providing FBI tip line:


>Spouseanon brought up good point- what if his request to report to FBI is to root out any remaining black hats? We know they’d document/trace IPs reporting info and if black hats are still there, they’re probably giving identities to DS (if you seem a big enough threat).

Anons know that many, many crimes are know and covered up/passed by.

When enough people/citizens know too, and demand justice be done or those agencies to do their jobs, it will force their hand - it's harder to justify. It puts those saying "nothing to see" in the spotlight.

Think how Justice Watch works.

d126ac  No.5809192


For fake and gay it sure as hell made the rounds.






3d8c65  No.5809193


You should be more worried about yourself getting hurt.

23307c  No.5809194

File: 814c9e1085de265⋯.png (537.71 KB, 994x341, 994:341, Capture.PNG)

Dems Lobby Aims to Attract $50Mln to Lure Core Supporters From Trump - Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - American Bridge 21st Century, an influential Democratic political action committee, is launching a campaign to attract an additional $50 million from donors to lure core supporters of US President Donald Trump, blue collar individuals living in the Upper Midwest, away from him, the NBC News broadcaster reported on Thursday.

"We understand that we may not win these voters back entirely, but if we don't make inroads into these areas, we will win the popular vote, lose the Electoral College, and the Senate could be lost for a decade", American Bridge's memo to donors, obtained by the broadcaster, said.

The funding will be used for an advertising campaign focusing on the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and, possibly, Florida, in an attempt to persuade voters that Trump's policies have harmed their interest


12874b  No.5809195


I remember seeing this …

Have moar?

28d112  No.5809196

File: 83bb415eacbc5fa⋯.png (136.73 KB, 814x491, 814:491, 2018-06-14-16_02_13-Start.png)

File: 6e2e2d9a54350be⋯.png (141.49 KB, 794x528, 397:264, 2018-06-14-16_10_33-Start.png)

File: 37c06a5f00dd5c9⋯.png (129.22 KB, 805x503, 805:503, 2018-06-14-16_31_19-Start.png)

File: d2468a02535c74d⋯.png (202.64 KB, 830x526, 415:263, 2018-06-14-21_30_36-Start.png)

File: 5356f40e34d932e⋯.png (166.19 KB, 816x523, 816:523, 2018-06-14-21_52_49-Start.png)


Anthony Bourdains girlfriend was Asia Argento.

05090b  No.5809197


I'm more worried about getting my dick balls deep in Tarlovs brownhole

b22a74  No.5809198


"Inadmissible Evidence"

Define Oxymoron

85d1f9  No.5809199


I totally thought it would be [RC] taking that pic.

2bbd23  No.5809200


It´s just disinfo again, we already digged hard on her when she got first mentioned last year.

428b6f  No.5809201


Pedo does not mean full time pedo. It's almost like they can do regular shit too. Chances are they had no idea what Geffen does in his spare time. Also a possibility that Ivanka was exposed to this shit at a young age and she is a plant.

3f20a4  No.5809202

>>5803571 https://www.fbi.gov/tips

An example of Darpa Hidden….Why is Pokemon Go with GPS soooo similar in content to tracking children……why do they target children park locations? Wwhat other darpa programs exist? Think about it.

ef3e1f  No.5809203

Any Lawfags here?

How long could the John Doe's delay the Epstein case?

653d27  No.5809204


Are the photos showing nude children? Can they be considered "artistic"? Is there any proof of criminal activity?

How far do you think that investigation goes?

3c16bf  No.5809205

nit pick shills are here with the insistent "oh why oh why" of there neighsaying, sowing doubt. Please do not respond to them to note that this board is more than they imagine, etc.

42b885  No.5809206

File: 5f854ccf6e4faa6⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 352148F5-8600-406B-A2BD-0….jpeg)


8fba35  No.5809207


c68e91  No.5809208


You can always tell a twatter and soc. media user. Shits always about me me me.

Have you considered perhaps the FBI tipline was for victims or those in the "know"?

85d1f9  No.5809209


Upside down cross finger ring??? Yeah Satanic as fuck…

db4849  No.5809210

File: c3aa297df5d1040⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x2089, 1242:2089, 0B95095A-2602-43F5-AF41-9….jpeg)

File: 89f5e6a723a74c2⋯.jpeg (923.16 KB, 1242x2086, 621:1043, 3D305E81-C6EB-487C-A8AE-F….jpeg)

File: 244da970e89f38d⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1242x2085, 414:695, 31BC4E9F-4D8F-469F-A9A3-6….jpeg)

Ray Chandler & Walter Pearce friend - Gio Forbice


b30137  No.5809211

File: 2eea6a4df489c96⋯.png (365.02 KB, 602x751, 602:751, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 587d552c54ce124⋯.jpg (86.52 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DsDL5vvUUAAJnkQ.jpg)

File: 998940c11b566b8⋯.jpg (199.38 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, DsDL5v0VsAEZJAN.jpg)


Like the Broward county sub?


345528  No.5809213

Rachel Chandler took the photo of Bill?

b9bd5e  No.5809214

File: 8523cfc5c0dc5e0⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 72770ef33dbd40dade27b775f8….jpg)


Not mine. Taunts from last night.

36bde4  No.5809215


WTF is WRONG with these people?

b31c76  No.5809216

Here is where the real war is going on. It's a pretty much a given the cabal have been rigging elections all over the world. Looks like whitehats are changing to rules. Either our guys are intriguing elections or playing the election game better than the cabal. Recent national elections, Brazil, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, etc.., have all gone conservative and far right. EU might headed to collapse. EU is even back peddling on UK.

>>5807067 (ntbl) Dutch populist wins provincial elections in Utrecht 9 (EU in a tizzy

9080d4  No.5809217


"This is about exposing ugly truths so that when the indictments come down, this sick shit is actually believable."





9f8fdf  No.5809218


Agree. I tried to change that..but just one little voice

506887  No.5809219

File: 69d78ea9796f23f⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1212x1379, 1212:1379, 090982323423768.png)

First Cup of the Day!

ty baker

ac6bb2  No.5809220

RC is Jane Doe?

46cbdf  No.5809221


To a lawyer, in a court, without any additional evidence, no.

But if even one of those kids is discovered to be missing or dead, or even abused . . . that changes the context of the pictures.

There is everything here. Every connection is a valid line of investigation, once one crime is discovered. With QAnons dropping prob cause bombs left and right, dovetailing with existing investigations, this becomes a key point.

53f8e4  No.5809222

Countdowns and the panic they instill

Good morning Anons. Like many of you here this anon too has served. Semper Fidelis.

These countdowns are not for us: they are for (((them))). Remember back in boot camp when the drill instructors would “count-down” and near everyone would lose their wits; moving fast, but not thinking clearly, trying be first out of the D.I.’s wake when the countdown ended. 60, 59, 58, 57, 42, 34, 33, 32… 20, 18, 15, 10… NINE EIGHT SEVEN FIVE… THREE TWO ONE - FREEZE.

The count-downs were not real. They never were. They were ALWAYS to generate panic. Remember your training Anons.

6a5221  No.5809223

File: e4e555d384496e8⋯.jpg (547.29 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 05d1bcbc3d09b6981c53e62065….jpg)

File: adee310a11b0d2a⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 934x1024, 467:512, 5f88c6c8814a7a249e1cd62e0f….jpg)

File: b5cd62583685f5f⋯.jpg (918.74 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, A6_Intruder_Vietnam_Q.jpg)

File: aff5038acc9067d⋯.png (916.05 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Baker Q Black Alpha.png)


Fantastic job New Baker ! ThanQ so much for your efforts.

Semper Fi

1e4842  No.5809224

File: 350098f3cef6fa2⋯.png (10.29 KB, 481x303, 481:303, qrc.PNG)



As an anon theorized last night, that maybe that message was for new or old eyes on the board that have first hand knowledge or evidence to come forward. To me it makes sense, since we don't know who we have here.

Second theory, when we dug on her last year she had either her Instagram or Twatter set to private, the account was unlocked (pic related) was archived, then was locked again.

So either she is a honeypot for the feds, or someone from the outside unlocked that account, notice who's name is between open and close door.

5ec690  No.5809225

Looks like Roger Stone is getting his panties in a knot.


05090b  No.5809226


Fucking sad how dumb everyone here is

0df477  No.5809227


John Doe isn't asking for a delay. He's asking for his name to remain sealed.

49d75e  No.5809228

File: 73e45adf312148a⋯.jpg (80.65 KB, 840x420, 2:1, sage thera dump.jpg)

File: 3ef0b33b585ded7⋯.jpg (60.98 KB, 645x387, 5:3, gcp tech buy.jpg)

File: 3c298c9cf0618f1⋯.jpg (90.14 KB, 888x500, 222:125, sinclair broad dump.jpg)

Track ANY stock here


00d7c1  No.5809229


That Amicus motion and brief at the 11th hour is HIGHLY irregular. It's their LAST RESORT out of panic. In the end, it's in the judge's hands and we'll see if he's been comped. It should not delay things by very long IMO.

24360b  No.5809230

File: c0f6968715d6176⋯.jpeg (209.35 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, E7FC95F0-BEB7-4176-B121-5….jpeg)

File: 1c05a0473335e15⋯.jpeg (300.66 KB, 1498x1176, 107:84, 16B63789-8547-40FA-830D-E….jpeg)

File: d1db11e9d5d0383⋯.png (529.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, B96682C3-CC46-46E8-A5FF-C2….png)

File: 41811c82df380f7⋯.png (439.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 6A304C65-1F6B-4147-BBA9-12….png)

File: 6da6c4e7e2009ae⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 4708x2649, 4708:2649, DB5CE79F-337B-4465-9FFD-F….jpeg)

80fdb5  No.5809231


All good points, Anon. There is something very powerful and influential about these photos when it comes to redpilling the normies. At some point in the very near future I imagine will see a few of these appearing @realDonaldTrump. Now wouldn't that send shockwaves thru the FAKE NEWS and SJW enclaves… can't wait.

278e84  No.5809232

Lee Stranahan's Ukrainian guy who will take down DNC & HRC.


8be18a  No.5809233


I bet not knowing is literally killing you


3d8c65  No.5809234


Especially you.

a28390  No.5809235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5808640 (lb)

Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth

c90928  No.5809236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Last week with the vote re: border security and the national emergency, the corrupt in Congress once again sold out the American people.

I am a DACA and I have made a video exposing how broken/corrupt the immigration system is. In the video I also expose a sharia law Muslim group already well established in America. The video is 40 minutes long. The expose of the Sharia law Muslim group starts at 25:39.

If I fall, know that it has been an honor to serve with you Anons. I have given Q what they need for 2020.


I have made a Twitter account @FightForAmerica if you would like to share my video on social media. WWG1WGA

34ea2a  No.5809237

File: 40bbc2566d95bc5⋯.png (509.42 KB, 1271x537, 1271:537, Jordystraction.png)

File: 28f111fae7c25fd⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1903x931, 1903:931, JordySage.png)




Jordy's an infamous twatterlarp

3440f1  No.5809238


What’s wrong is that they are breathing. They shouldn’t be.

db4849  No.5809239

File: cd3735f91ef6586⋯.jpeg (1013.8 KB, 1242x1948, 621:974, 8B123BD1-EEAC-46EB-88F6-2….jpeg)

File: 41fe9922def1ff8⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1982, 621:991, 8CD5AF68-BBE6-4DE2-8796-7….jpeg)


Ray Chandler & Walter Pearce friend - Gio Forbice


Rihanna up next!

01f317  No.5809240

File: 372a42023c3318e⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 300x169, 300:169, bs-md-ci-srb-t-shirt-20181….jpg)

The new major is about to resign…. ethics fraud

New Baltimore police chief from new Orleans…nothing here to see

8914c3  No.5809241


it depends. Could be months. File enough motions and request oral arguments could push it over a year.

e39074  No.5809242

File: 2e8f012af5c7b49⋯.jpg (244.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, IMG_20190321_101626.jpg)

05090b  No.5809243


Ahuhu good one faggot. United 11 11 yet?

6e8f1a  No.5809244


Your post argument makes no sense at all.

Q is Mil Intel, The reason why it is communicated this way.

You are definitely a Shill/Clown, You make statements that Q has already addressed to the anons.

We can call FBI to investigate as we were pointed in the right direction but the research was done by US not Q,

You hate the fact that we found out this stuff and we want them to investigate.

I know you are scared and you should be.

0ddefc  No.5809245


I just posted his video for Anons , its very interesting

ccd1c3  No.5809246


You don't get invited onto the guy's yacht unless you are part of the club…

Jewish club/cult.

145af3  No.5809247




dumb asses. He's talking to 'girls' who are sex slaves or folks who might be in a situation that they see sex trafficking activity.

The Q world doesn't revolve around couch potatoes.

213581  No.5809248

File: d27c3bcd00ddac7⋯.png (336.55 KB, 607x400, 607:400, james.PNG)

a9fe83  No.5809249

FREE Speech Threat

Mike Adams and Brighteon.com video platform Threatened


Brighteon.com video platform under extreme threat from internet infrastructure providers, forced to delete all New Zealand shooting videos, essentially “at gunpoint” by the globalist controllers of the ‘net



1e03ba  No.5809250


I remember when the tens of thousands was a big deal…we're close to a tipping point where the knowledge curve starts going vertical. Praise God.

Darkness to Light.

4188aa  No.5809251

File: 4f962df548c34ef⋯.jpeg (335.12 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1551309059.jpeg)

13d041  No.5809252

File: 72b7b57bf7de31f⋯.png (814.7 KB, 1152x763, 1152:763, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: ec4ff600e6c91a0⋯.png (774.59 KB, 1139x791, 1139:791, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

>>5806850 (pb) Mechal Chelbin DIGG (from Hebrew sources)


→ Stumbled across this website digging - Michal Chelbin

It's where I found her bio.

(Looks Pedo, No Doubt)

*Website: (Pigtails In Paint) (pic related)


(I won't post the pics from this page. Little girl pics. Notice the one with [Horns]. Go look for yourself. Prolly should be reported. (((They))) call it "art".)

→ Another name to digg from this linked page.

* The Hyper-Realistic Art of [Annie Murphy-Robinson]

Her "art ain't right either.

Initial impression = Michal Chelbin:


[MOS] - Portion of the Global-Pedo-Elite-Network = Handler/Operator/Agent

* Classic background for recruitment. Similar to [C_A] recruitment backgrounds.

(Bio excerpt)

Michal Chelbin (מיכל חלבין) was born in Israel in 1974 and took a serious interest in photography at age 15, attending a high school for the arts. This was an unusual choice as no one from her family had any skills or ambitions in the fine arts, yet she was immediately drawn to it. After high school, she served her two compulsory years of military service and was assigned as a photographer for the Israeli Defense Force. There she gained experience in field photography and discovered she had no passion for pure documentary work. After her service, Chelbin worked briefly as a news photographer before enrolling in a four-year photography program at the WIZO (Women’s International Zionist Organization) Academy of Design in Haifa, which she completed in 2001. She has relocated to Brooklyn, NY in 2006 and then back to Israel in 2010. Her work has been exhibited throughout the world especially in Israel, the U.S., Canada and throughout Europe.

“…I remember already then I wanted to direct my subjects and I didn’t settle for just shooting it documentary style or watching from the side. I wanted to create my own image. After the army, I worked briefly as a news photographer in Israel and hated every minute of it. I couldn’t photograph people in their grief, crying in hospitals or in court rooms…”


60954d  No.5809253

Rachel Chandler again? Really?

Gotta touch on every topic 5 times before

white hats do anything?

This movie is super gay. Like walk into the theater straight walk out a gay man type of gay.

b31c76  No.5809254


God damn autocorrect!!!

unrigging elections - not intriguing

5ec690  No.5809255

What kind of fuckery is this.


b22a74  No.5809256

File: a92887230529035⋯.png (225.32 KB, 532x503, 532:503, 10:15:34_001.png)


Rainbow Flag exposing it's true colors.

Where have we seen the rainbow colors before?In history. Google and LGBT are to obvious.

0ddefc  No.5809257

42c741  No.5809258

Any lawfags available to answer what happens if 2nd Circuit rules to allow the Epstein documents unsealed and Epstein side appeals to SC? Would an automatic injunction take place to stop the unsealing?

28d112  No.5809259

File: 26e395535abbe1c⋯.jpg (234.33 KB, 1023x767, 1023:767, pizap.com15459228008791.jpg)


More pics from that event, hosted by the high satanic priestess herself Marina Abramović

08ff47  No.5809260


Fuck off and eat a dick.

46cbdf  No.5809261


Yeah, your resistance to the reasonable idea that popular, public pressure and participation in the investigation, not to mention the blatant attempts to re-direct the narrative to outrage of Q "manipulating" us, make it clear what your intentions are.

You're defending pedos.

c11b42  No.5809262


welcome newfag

Q Clearance is from Dept of Energy.

653d27  No.5809263

I implore you all to really consider what is going on here.

Where did this sudden change of topic come from? For what purpose?

Everyone has stopped questioning. We are all far to accepting of everything Q drops and suggests, and the reasons behind it.

There better be some accountability if Rachel Chandler isn't in the news within weeks.

3d8c65  No.5809264


You know they will come for the shills too, right? You are guilty of treason. They will hang you by the neck until you are dead, dead, dead.

23307c  No.5809265

File: 6d57261bf59f24c⋯.png (317.5 KB, 620x397, 620:397, Capture.PNG)

Russian Air Force launches largest attack of the year over Idlib

BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 A.M.) – The Russian Air Force launched their largest attack of the year over the Idlib Governorate last night.

Led by six Sukhoi jets, the Russian Air Force unleashed a barrage of airstrikes over Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s positions inside the Jisr Al-Shuhour District and Al-Ghaab Plain region of southwestern Idlib.

A military in nearby Hama told Al-Masdar News that these airstrikes targeted a number of areas under the control of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, including Jisr Al-Shughour city and its nearby Sugar Factory.

The source said the Russian airstrikes lasted for a short while and resulted in heavy damage to the jihadist group’s positions.

Some rebel activists have taken to social media to accuse Russia of targeting civilians during the attack, as locals in a number of areas reported several casualties


9f8fdf  No.5809266

File: ce7a41c788e666d⋯.jpeg (223.95 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, asia.jpeg)


Creepy AF

She's satanic for sure.

5ab59e  No.5809267


Hailie, eminems daughter

8e820b  No.5809268

A friendly reminder to kiLlthEmaChinEs, anons.

Cuz they'll kill us if we don't.

2eaf48  No.5809269

File: 3dae04622b0dd3a⋯.png (61.19 KB, 255x165, 17:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09ae4465dbf9b04⋯.png (205.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)









Anon's you forget>>>>>>>

Even Q can change the narrative if he wants and it appears really easy to do with the hatred of 45 by the MSM

Great Actors




3 Jan 2018 - 11:54:28 PM

What makes a movie GOOD?

GREAT actors?


41ce45  No.5809270


Yes anon.

42a56d  No.5809271



46cbdf  No.5809272


Yet here you are. With us fucking sad dumb people.

What does that say about you?

848ca4  No.5809273


Are they seriously still here? It's called Qexit for a reason yet they are STILL here. Its like it was a shilling operation and a last act of desperation all along.

8914c3  No.5809274


most likely yep

58e421  No.5809275


473f58  No.5809276

File: f58c8cbf336a647⋯.png (32.52 KB, 1323x281, 1323:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo will sit down with President Trump for an interview that will air on Friday morning, the network announced.

Fox Business said the president will discuss the U.S. economy, the 2020 presidential election and international trade negotiations, among other topics.

Trump was interviewed last July by Bartiromo, a former longtime CNBC anchor who signed with Fox Business in 2014.

Since taking office, he has granted more than 40 interviews to Fox News and Fox Business.

The president has not appeared on rival CNN since he was a candidate for the White House, last appearing in August 2016 with Anderson Cooper. Trump also has not appeared on MSNBC since May 2016.

The commander-in-chief did appear on Fox Business rival CNBC for an interview with "Squawk Box" co-host Joe Kernen at the White House in July 2018.


b30137  No.5809277


Nice derrière.

e74138  No.5809278

File: 6aa0cdd4dc39600⋯.jpg (35.54 KB, 433x387, 433:387, With Daughters Like This W….jpg)

0ddefc  No.5809279


Dont forget the NBC logo, rainbow peacock

05090b  No.5809280


Shit like this is why I come here. You faggots actually believe this. Hilarious.

Now be a good little boy and do some digging on Pizzagate so you can help Q by sending tips to the FBI. LMAO.

ad87f6  No.5809281

File: d04216b666ee861⋯.png (190.75 KB, 498x349, 498:349, 2019-03-20_13-40-04.png)

b22a74  No.5809282


Stabbing the heart with a death grip.

1afa00  No.5809283


LMAO! Yes you are. sitting around calling others dumb!! HAHAHAHAAHA

5ec690  No.5809284

File: 04973ff92472548⋯.jpg (22.33 KB, 500x373, 500:373, fwd yields nomura.jpg)


Pic related

49d75e  No.5809285

File: 56f72a996bb16ad⋯.png (573.93 KB, 706x303, 706:303, chek'em.PNG)


#3 is still my fav fren

1e4842  No.5809286

File: b12d964392ae4be⋯.png (40.54 KB, 240x240, 1:1, glow.png)

File: f70e3a492630835⋯.png (65.49 KB, 1056x1033, 1056:1033, f70e3a492630835c3d57060f4f….png)


What is it with all these fucking shills and the Reddit spacing….Jesus H Christ, can you at least try not to glow so hard?

4188aa  No.5809287

File: 58c763963b8c126⋯.jpg (182.86 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 74252_v9_ba.jpg)

File: b5f9dd005c9f987⋯.jpg (10.25 KB, 255x156, 85:52, d90374ed04f531cec7f985e4d2….jpg)

bb9cc1  No.5809288


umm…no. go back to previous breads. we already doxd that guy. he's in the NK photo

d126ac  No.5809289

File: dd3286a1da13dec⋯.png (408.19 KB, 652x499, 652:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76ed7d937a56974⋯.png (260.52 KB, 569x380, 569:380, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ef34b61662ec3b⋯.png (310.1 KB, 640x635, 128:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Fire on Epstein Island Was it to destroy more evidence as found July 2005. . .dentist cart, disturbing photos


46cbdf  No.5809290


Key point: look at normal pictures of kids. They're almost always smiling.

Now, count the number of smiles in those pics.

a7c791  No.5809291


Ahhh tks

Much older than last night

Saw on here quite a while back

A lot of older stuff in the breads past few days

2e836f  No.5809292

File: 742c8974692cbdd⋯.png (206.37 KB, 634x529, 634:529, IMG_8855.PNG)

7163bd  No.5809293

File: 90f11c29ffd0503⋯.png (416.24 KB, 762x887, 762:887, ClipboardImage.png)


e8ef33  No.5809294


A lot of the people who were here a year ago when Rachel Chandler was the topic, are gone now, so Q is just re-doing it for the new people.

The new "digs" are finding the same stuff to a large extent.

05090b  No.5809295


It says I'm at working waiting for code to compile so I come here to laugh at stupid faggots on the internet. You know, like a zoo full of retards.

28d112  No.5809296

File: b5914f1774f7ccf⋯.png (112.67 KB, 806x495, 806:495, 2018-06-14-15_50_16-Start.png)

File: 24b04f76f89cb49⋯.png (200.88 KB, 828x524, 207:131, 2018-06-14-16_15_52-Start.png)

File: 9427a9a1e567da5⋯.png (202.73 KB, 821x492, 821:492, 2018-06-14-16_18_32-Start.png)

File: 912e78932826a80⋯.png (188.48 KB, 824x487, 824:487, 2018-06-14-21_37_46-Start.png)

File: 9a30ec126336cc3⋯.png (202.48 KB, 808x520, 101:65, 2018-06-14-21_47_49-Start.png)


More from Asia Agento, her dad was a famous occultist who directed Suspira.

42a56d  No.5809297

File: 10b2ef5c90974ee⋯.png (131.3 KB, 1900x1117, 1900:1117, ClipboardImage.png)

4622e1  No.5809298


We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.


b30137  No.5809299

File: d03ea73da5ff95c⋯.jpg (67.44 KB, 960x648, 40:27, MAaria money honey.jpg)


That will be a good one.

f26632  No.5809301


Now you are just beginning to wake up. Welcome to the real great awakening. It is not real, it's a troll, a LARP, a joke.

084a43  No.5809302


Chandler is tied to Epstein, EPstein back in the news.

Chandler tied to Clintons and now Ukraine/Clintons in recent news.

0df477  No.5809303


You're living in fantasyland. Do you really think there are enough investigators just sitting around without dozens of real cases to solve with real evidence of crimes instead of random pics of weird people online? There is no probably cause here. Connect just 1 missing person to one of those pics and you just might have someone go hunt down a missing persons report. But there is no evidence of a crime in any of those pics. None.

3e56ed  No.5809304


Bokhari: On Immigration, Guns, and Speech, Banks Act as a Shadow Government

JPMorgan Chase announced earlier this month that it would stop doing business with private prisons, following pressure from Democrats and progressive activists who know that the private prison sector provides key services to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The decision by JPMorgan is the latest in an increasingly popular tactic by the far left, which is to use the private sector to achieve policy objectives that would be politically or constitutionally impossible if attempted via government.

It also followed a similar decision by Wells Fargo in January, which said it would reduce its business relationships with private prisons as part of its “environmental and social risk management.”

Thanks to a craven corporate sector that allows itself to be led by a vocal minority of activists, the ability of ICE to do its job has suffered a significant blow, despite there being no democratic mandate for undermining the agency’s efforts to curb illegal immigration. Even a majority of Democrat voters oppose the far-left plot to abolish ICE – but if democracy mattered to the far-left, they wouldn’t be using unelected corporations to implement policy in the first place.

As Breitbart Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak wrote in a recent column, socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is trying to pull off a similar trick with environmental policy, using her political bully pulpit to pressure banks into abandoning investment in the Dakota Access Pipeline. Despite having support from the region’s elected representatives – including former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, a Democrat – far-left politicians representing districts hundreds of miles away from the pipeline once again want to use corporations to override democracy.

It’s a similar story with guns. Unable to rid America of its pesky second amendment, the left have instead heaped pressure on big banks to make it impossible for firearms businesses to operate. Last year saw a surge of crackdowns by financial services against the gun industry: Citibank said it would not do business with companies that sell “high capacity magazines,” while Bank of America said it would cut ties with gun stores that sell “AR-style” weapons. The online payment processor Stripe, already known for financially blacklisting right-wingers, doesn’t process payments for any kind of gun business. Only Wells Fargo has refused to join the trend, correctly stating that it is not a bank’s job to set U.S. firearms policy. 

Then, of course, there’s free speech. For independent and right-wing journalists and activists, financial blacklisting is on the rise. Not content with pressuring social media platforms to censor their opponents, progressives want banks, credit cards, online funding platforms and payment processors to cut off their livelihoods as well. Over the past two years, many of these companies have caved in — credit cards have withdrawn service from critics of Islam like Robert Spencer, while online funding platforms like Patreon have removed independent commentators like Carl Benjamin and journalists like Lauren Southern. More recently, Chase Bank was accused of withdrawing service from its customers for political reasons, although a company spokesman insisted its reasons were politically neutral.

Whether it’s gun policy, immigration, energy or censorship, the left has found a method of imposing its will that’s far more efficient than dealing with the American system of government, designed as it was to contain the worst impulses of political radicals. Sick of these constitutional inconveniences, the far-left now intend to enact tyranny through the politically-motivated harassment of the private sector — and the private sector is seeming only too happy to oblige. Can conservatives be awakened from their laissez-faire, free market stupor in time to stop it?


d37182  No.5809305

File: 3aeb08f67b83375⋯.png (1.54 MB, 994x1132, 497:566, 3aeb08f67b83375ba0ebf6b0be….png)

4188aa  No.5809307

File: e9207617bf851cd⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Photo Collage_20190314_093….jpg)

File: af714b350c106f6⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Photo Collage_20190314_093….jpg)

File: 937b4b2cadad438⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, jeffrey-epstein-mugshot-64….jpg)

File: d3c44d0ab04c5f7⋯.jpeg (86.96 KB, 1080x539, 1080:539, 1553038355.jpeg)

f11e17  No.5809308


Hope your red scarves are secure. Wouldn't want you to have an accident.

9080d4  No.5809309


"You're defending pedos."




188a56  No.5809310


It looks way too small to be a submarine to me, but hey I'm no submarine expert

653d27  No.5809311


I'm a regular dude who still uses his brain. There is no logic in what Q has asked us to do. Information is passed between agencies regularly.

But why would this not already be under heavy investigation if Epstein is under investigation?

And why call it in if they already have it?

You are right, I am scared.

I am scared that there are children in cells under Epstein island about to be raped, and we are calling in pics that will be brushed off as not leading to anything criminal.

46cbdf  No.5809312


It's also the FBI's counterintelligence division, genius.

3d8c65  No.5809313


I wonder what you will be saying as you stand at the gallows waiting for them to pull the lever. Will you beg for your life? Will you assert that you were just following orders?

7b82ce  No.5809314

What's up with digital content? If we are changing to glory days and taking down big tech, why do they still dictate what we purchase? For instance, on the apple store, you can purchase a game, and app, and at any moment (it's happened to me) the developer can decide they no longer want to support the software or even allow you access to it and pull it from the appstore and block it from running on your phone.

Now, this small issue seems like nothing but take it to the next step. Do you download all your movies and music? Or stream? What about news? Digital? They can take away what you paid for, with no refund or reason given, because it's all part of the agreements we never read and click the box to accept. And it's getting worse….like many other things going on for a supposed world rescue.

Rather annoying. Especially when you can't make this frustrating comments without being labeled something by everyone. Whatever happened to "talk the talk, walk the walk"? Lots of talking for two years.

f26632  No.5809315


All you have done is take the same Armageddon/good vs evil/good wins/paradise restored stories from old religions and placed it into a new religion.

9f8fdf  No.5809316


Is he implying they sedate people and traffic them as cadavers?

23307c  No.5809317

File: deb72987a09ecce⋯.png (53.49 KB, 773x388, 773:388, Capture.PNG)

More Than 130 European Businesses Tell the European Parliament: Reject the #CopyrightDirective

The EU’s Copyright Directive will be voted on in the week of March 25 (our sources suggest the vote will take place on March 27th, but that could change); the Directive has been controversial all along, but it took a turn for the catastrophic during the late stages of the negotiation, which yielded a final text that is alarming in its potential consequences for all internet activity in Europe and around the world.

More than 5,000,000 Europeans have signed a petition against Article 13 of the Directive, and there has been outcry from eminent technical experts, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on free expression, and many other quarters.

Now, a coalition of more than 130 EU businesses have entered the fray, led by file storage service NextCloud. Their letter to the European Parliament calls Article 13—which will lead to mass adoption of copyright filters for online services that will monitor and block user-submitted text, audio, video and images—a “dangerous experiment with the core foundation of the Internet’s ecosystem.” They also condemn Article 11, which will allow news publishers to decide who can quote and link to news stories and charge for the right to do so.


1e4842  No.5809318

File: 77f7f597c3f1a89⋯.jpg (113.92 KB, 702x459, 26:17, sath.jpg)

c11b42  No.5809319


and what part of that is military fuckboy??

46cbdf  No.5809320


Yeah, that says a lot about you, then. Filtered.

d28027  No.5809321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


< "a person is smart people are dumb, panicky, …"

49d75e  No.5809322

File: 8693fdc0618ec05⋯.png (734.09 KB, 960x612, 80:51, Abenomics for US.png)


having watched the yen being treated as toilet paper for almost as long as the dollar I have been amazed that it retained any value let alone used as a catalyst for growth here via the yen-carry trade.

653d27  No.5809323


Epstein has been in the news forever now.

We need more than that.

9a6173  No.5809324


ivanka 2024!!

f11e17  No.5809325

File: 2fa2c5d2821cb33⋯.jpg (82.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, wru34df34.jpg)


That, right there, is just strange.

00d7c1  No.5809326


Wrong. Q-Level Clearance INCLUDES top access at Dept. of Energy. Not limited to.

He's Miliary Intel. You some kinda newfag, shill?

9e254a  No.5809327


This babies are in jars of liquid. She's evil..so was Anthony Bourdain.look at his IG if its still up

cd76bb  No.5809328

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GAA Update


Hello Anons,

I added #7402 to #7430 and updated the checksums.



7402-7430.zip MD5: b7094ab90aa448a47c79fb7e5fd55bbc


7402-7430.html.zip MD5: e38330db402fd106184481909e3840a2

The archive now contains 7433 breads.


9080d4  No.5809329


"I'm at working waiting for code to compile"

Are you a former journalist? hehe

b31c76  No.5809330

File: 1c3ff512bfc5e58⋯.jpg (125.63 KB, 1374x976, 687:488, 1c3ff512bfc5e5826c5eafdc3c….jpg)

53bdab  No.5809331


Repeats necessary. –Q

For the new eyes, anon.

33164a  No.5809332


Not to mention all 3 letter agencies are supposedly here on the board 24/7 anyway.

46cbdf  No.5809333



Over the target.

Bomb bay doors opening.

1e03ba  No.5809334

File: 9af32bb75198c42⋯.png (1.33 MB, 927x743, 927:743, AA Castle Shadow.PNG)


We do not.

They are the hidden Black Hand behind the Red Shield and worked the shadows before the times of men. It is their home turf.

You are watching the advance of pawns upon the major pieces. We're moving into the mid-game. It's far, far from over. Desperation is an untidy thing.

0dc748  No.5809335

More Rachel Chandler pics here, in the Tumblr account.


af6b1b  No.5809336

Notables Dough


>>5808917 More Rachel Chandler archived pics

>>5808925 ; >>5808968 Rachel Chandler/HRC link and possible lead on cabal photographer

>>5808934 Karl Lagerfield: another suicide linked to “models”

>>5809062 /v/pizzagate primer on Rachel Chandler

>>5809093 ; >>5809180 ; >>5809189 On Rachel Chandler’s wedding and weird language/symbolism

>>5809114 ; >>5809127 On “The Hole Gallery” and a Caroline Chandler

>>5809132 Fitton: DS DOJ protecting HRC

>>5809210 ; >>5809239 On Ray Chandler and Walter Pierce (Instagram caps)

>>5809252 Moar digging on Mechal Chelbin and “Pigtails in Paint”

>>5809276 Fox News’ Bartiromo to interview POTUS on Friday

>>5809328 GAA Update


And that's an amazing thing.

One year ago, this effort didn't have nearly the kind of archiving power it does now.

The redundancy factor alone is enough to make sure this info sticks around forever.

Also, with more eyes on this material than ever before, it'll spread like a fucking wildfire.

Any retard telling you that re-hashing this material now is "disinfo" or "old news" is a demonstrable waterhead or a shitbag goatfucker being fed a script from his handlers.

Keep up the digs, Anons.


Grüß Gott, GAA.

Danke schön.

74b556  No.5809337

For anyone who is lost or confused about why these people do the things you're seeing in the pics posted last night and today, start here:


80fdb5  No.5809338


You're missing the fact that we are at war. This isn't the kind of war that our fathers and grandfathers fought a few decades ago. This is Forth Generation Warfare characterized by a blurring of the lines between war and politics, combatants and civilians. This isn't about you and your ability to make sense of what Q is attempting to accomplish with these posts. This is about something much bigger than you can possibly comprehend at your current stage of development and understanding. You become a casualty of 4GW when you fail to make assumptions that there is a bigger picture not visible to you and you make conclusions upon your lack of understanding. Just let go of your desire to make sense of the appearances and dig deeper. If this work challenges you so much that you begin to question Q or POTUS's intelligence or intents, maybe you're not cut out for this research.

b22a74  No.5809339


We been redpilled for years, but you ? still swallowing the long dong?

ccd1c3  No.5809340

File: 4965d2aa639b376⋯.jpg (134.35 KB, 657x593, 657:593, Unit 8200.jpg)

653d27  No.5809341


Thank YOU! Anons with brains unite!

34ea2a  No.5809342


>There is no logic

ok, one last bite for you.

you know nothing more about the plan and its logic than any one of us.

yet here you are, working hard (653d27 (12) , likely 13 by the time i post) to do… what exactly?

busying anons with wondering why to dig? why they should bother?

not sure if more sad or sick

428b6f  No.5809343

File: 477c9929f3bea78⋯.png (285.92 KB, 664x428, 166:107, pepe fiction.png)

00bed7  No.5809344

File: 16209ba704590cd⋯.png (554.93 KB, 946x1266, 473:633, ClipboardImage.png)




Hmmm diggin…

e74138  No.5809345

File: 731d7e5963544b1⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 810x667, 810:667, First Adulteress 209385092….jpg)


Ro 12:9-13

09d916  No.5809346

File: f3ccaa710d94673⋯.png (50.3 KB, 1052x312, 263:78, rachel chandler wedding.PNG)

File: a443dfb38a17108⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1550x588, 775:294, haider 1.PNG)

File: ffad07c86afbf0e⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1542x715, 1542:715, haider 2..PNG)




I also think some of the kids become models for HAIDER'S clothing line.

the look in their face is the same as the ones in pics

28ed12  No.5809347


I thought the very same thing the first time I saw this photo…. You could do a face swap on them and they would not look much different.

46cbdf  No.5809348


I have sources who suggest that investigations are already ongoing. Do you?

28d112  No.5809349

File: 6e0a42d2e215bcd⋯.jpg (168.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 08.jpg)

Look out for false flags tomorrow, March 22 is an important occult date, the start of the season of sacrifice.

Skull and bones 322.

5ec36b  No.5809350



What??? can you please elaborate a little bit?

0dc748  No.5809351


Even better, and archive page of her Tumblr pics. All the ones you seen and more are here.


21b4f2  No.5809352

File: 06ba266e854d051⋯.gif (767.17 KB, 500x282, 250:141, macaroni.gif)

The best part of these past couple days…

The absolute BOTTOM of the barrel shills.

They are running on empty.

Dey hoooongree.

Gobbling bread and scared shitless.

49d75e  No.5809353

>>5809304 Bokhari: On Immigration, Guns, and Speech, Banks Act as a Shadow Government


74b556  No.5809354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry, trying to embed the link:


43ce4a  No.5809355

I think the Ray Chandler is a "Repeats Necessary" scenario, right? I could've sworn anons were all over this already. Q getting anons to pester FBI so it goes mainstream in relation to current court cases, maybe?

6a5221  No.5809356

File: e027f499e02b838⋯.png (741.87 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Faith_Q_Alpha.png)

File: 9834500e40d67de⋯.jpg (667.51 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, HOOAH_Q.jpg)


The 51 year anniversary of Dad getting released and coming home passed a couple days ago. His first words on American Soil were about FAITH. Faith in God, Faith in Country and Faith in Family. Thank You for your kind words. Beer at the Parade my Fren !

41ce45  No.5809357

File: a24ac505c8368c2⋯.png (259.12 KB, 474x294, 79:49, ClipboardImage.png)

Old q on Ray Chandler

Look up Ray.Chandler.

None are safe.


Epstein’s plane.

Who is she?

Follow friends.

Friends lead to others.

Open source.


Why is E so vocal against POTUS?

Biggest connection missing.

Focus on friends (2).

(1) F

(1) M

(1) Presidential pardon.

(1) 187 MS_13



Report to FBI / DOJ.

Watch what happens.


Subject deviation.




We got to figure out this Eminem connection….

Why is E so vocal against POTUS?

Biggest connection missing.

Focus on friends (2).

(1) F

(1) M

(1) Presidential pardon.

(1) 187 MS_13



This one case has the ability to bring down the (many) rich & powerful people.

Those who scream the loudest….


cd76bb  No.5809358

42a56d  No.5809359

File: 50716d4f429c9a7⋯.jpg (402.18 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ray-chandler.jpg)

2950d6  No.5809360


I posted this last night but didn’t get much traction. Look for handle “visitingman” in AZ, there’s an artfolio with a lot of nudes, Julia in movies is the album of particular interest

510040  No.5809361

File: ae880cc396d864f⋯.jpg (74.44 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, conspiracy_theory.jpg)


ya bro, it's fucking maddening. If these people where 'normal non-powerful people' they'd all be in jail.

The entire government and judicial system is complicit in covering up massive rape, sex trafficking and pedophile rings - to this mother fucking day.

Fuck all of you who work to keep this shit 'sealed,' no one is willing to 'break the law' to show us the mother fucking truth.

0ddefc  No.5809362

db4849  No.5809363

File: a42e44a7224d6d5⋯.png (6.89 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, B063D605-8206-418F-B95F-72….png)

File: b96947ee34bb77e⋯.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1242x2076, 207:346, ACB56721-FBD3-4226-9DEA-F….jpeg)

File: ab7fc25bf205366⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1832, 621:916, 0CBC573F-3B2D-4178-B809-B….jpeg)



Rihanna loves wearing clothing made by Walter Pearce and Gio Forbice (RC friends!)

d126ac  No.5809364


>I have sources who suggest

Sounds like MSM fake news to me.

7f2858  No.5809365

>>5801617 (pb)

Looks like some pretty serious thrush there on Prince Andrew's gf's tongue.

He better be getting his penicillin shots in.

b42b5e  No.5809366


True, but as Q gains attention we need to dig again.

I have a feeling we will need to revisit NXIVM as well

a1a8ab  No.5809367


I think when Q says no one is safe he is talking about the DS taking out their own to prevent turning states evidence

46cbdf  No.5809368


Neither Beto or Bernie have even a remote chance of defeating POTUS. They are non-issues.

Your attempts at distraction are blatant.

People are getting arrested all the time. We've compiled lists of them. You should know that. Bottom, up.

824176  No.5809369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

810bb5  No.5809370

File: 36321b135fac088⋯.png (262.33 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190321-102349.png)

File: f8362169d5da869⋯.png (390.62 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190321-102408.png)

File: 0a9e350b69d5026⋯.png (410.61 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190321-102417.png)

File: 153456c9e605f3e⋯.png (895.95 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190321-102419.png)



510040  No.5809371


she looks like a fucking idiot

824176  No.5809372

File: 4459f0d251f048b⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 944x266, 472:133, nameless heroes.JPG)

File: 5d8913043c5e6c3⋯.jpg (8.7 KB, 196x190, 98:95, mckeating.JPG)

7d6308  No.5809373


she is a fucking idiot.

46cbdf  No.5809374


Epstein island has been defunct for over a decade. You should know that.

Your pearl clutching and desperation are obvious. We won't be distracted.

b31c76  No.5809375


Getting all newfags and those just woke to rub the sleep from their eyes and see for themselves and do their own research.

b9bd5e  No.5809376


‘They were dead BEFORE it crashed’ Shock claim about doomed flight MH17

FLIGHT MH17 which was shot down in the Ukraine was filled with dead bodies before the crash, it has been sensationally claimed.


b42b5e  No.5809377


Random video. What is your point?

db4849  No.5809378

File: 91c270ad6f2c0ce⋯.jpeg (923.56 KB, 1242x1973, 1242:1973, 6CFA8B93-5E92-46A0-BEFB-D….jpeg)



Rihanna and an important picture from Gio Forbice instagram.

pedo tree

5c7243  No.5809379

File: 31ffe85e9a07dbd⋯.png (501.3 KB, 1341x659, 1341:659, jee_01.png)

File: 2f06c3fae0cd2c9⋯.png (398.82 KB, 1351x633, 1351:633, jee_02.png)

File: 3a9612697feabd3⋯.png (403.63 KB, 1366x661, 1366:661, jee_03.png)

File: d36d7f7f57ed2b2⋯.png (411.86 KB, 1346x664, 673:332, jee_04.png)

File: 1c7fe818f60e88a⋯.png (413.36 KB, 1340x671, 1340:671, jee_05.png)

Jeffery Edward Epstein - Sex Offender Listing

Freed and out of the country.

Last known location somewhere in the Virgin Islands

2d636f  No.5809380


pls respond

9080d4  No.5809381


>This isn't the kind of war that our fathers and grandfathers fought a few decades ago.



5c7243  No.5809382



5fcf3e  No.5809383


That original rumor started right here back when everyone was researching epstein. Fake and gay articles resulted, which were all sourcing the same photo, which was shown to have come from California I believe. Anons have since visited the nearby vicinity of epstein island and confirmed it is still quite intact.

188a56  No.5809384


In the first picture you can see behind them on the wall is the Illuminati eye in the pyramid

36f1da  No.5809385

2d587b  No.5809386


did some digging, found this


note-[GENDER] rachel/ray??? search name on site and male icon is used, no family info listed on her either

46cbdf  No.5809387


It's coming. Q is right: this is a big net. If you want to get them all, you have to do it right.

10225b  No.5809388

File: f871acf5a2f960a⋯.jpg (65.84 KB, 992x742, 496:371, rfkpolkadotdress.jpg)

b67680  No.5809389


Q post #3155 made ref to >>5802087 PB with 5 pics

First pic has a comment by erinfalls - omg that babeee!!!!

This reminded me of HRC tweet awhile back saying

We need more bees

As in ba-bees

33164a  No.5809390


I think it may be a team building, confidence inspiring, light weight MK tactic to secure a new group of Anons into the Q corner. It worked on many of us the 1st time I would suspect it is working on all the eager beavers picking up their phones right now to call the F_I.

cb5637  No.5809391


Isn't that Brittney Spears?

e19bcd  No.5809392

File: 1ad321141c36255⋯.jpg (805.75 KB, 1374x1374, 1:1, 1ad321141c362559f157666b3a….jpg)

File: 0a72e03ba03de55⋯.png (138.28 KB, 474x367, 474:367, 0a72e03ba03de55ad8409aa764….png)

File: 1c0abbe3da681de⋯.jpg (57.12 KB, 532x612, 133:153, 1c0abbe3da681de422a1d6780c….jpg)

File: 6883807dd005caf⋯.png (508.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1f8f8d15dbbb904d4fb034d783….png)


>>Are these crumbs here just to piss us off?


>>The world is filled with corrupt people and we can't do anything to stop it.

Yes it is, we are winning.

>>And the only one who can, who has it all, is following a plan that requires lies to anons. I can't even let myself get hopeful anymore because it always turns out to be baiting the enemy.

Know your enemy and know yourself and you will always be victorious. ;)

42a56d  No.5809393

421f01  No.5809394


>from Bottom to TOP

Yet somehow, the shills managed to escape that…somehow… being at the bottom of the barrel and whatnot..


2bbd23  No.5809395

File: 4688ef7ad97c7e9⋯.png (151.61 KB, 1457x857, 1457:857, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Fore….png)

510040  No.5809396







c68e91  No.5809397


Being from Chicago, my first response would be:

"Who wants to know?"

1f4cdd  No.5809398

File: fd98767b2aa5f3a⋯.png (100.2 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)

9f8fdf  No.5809400


yes as soon as I wrote that, my next thought was cadavers disposed of in "accidents"

but I think my first thought could be a method of "departure" and this the method of "return" flight.

b98b1d  No.5809401

What if "we are the calm before the storm" was a literal statement?

What if they knew something BIG would happen?

What if they knew the fires would come?

What if they knew the floods would come?

Were they going to use the MSM to hype the loss?

Short the food markets?

Manufacture a food crisis in the US?

Was this the vehicle they would use?

What happens when the food runs out?

Farmers loss + not planting

Affects entire chain.

What do citizens do?

Venezuela but worse?

Bye bye constitution.

Bye bye capitalism.

Good bye freedom.

Logical thinking.

Flood US with immigrants -> stretch resources & limit effectiveness

Stretch military thin

> how many wars are ar fighting in?

> cut funding

> demoralize troops via bullshit ROE

> induce PTSD in returning soldiers by importing the same people they sent them to fight.

Manufacture media narrative attacking amendments to the constitution that pose the biggest threat.

> what happened to retail sales of certain items during the bho era?

> massive increase?

Manufacture divide among the population.

> divided by race

> divided by religion

> divided by gender

> divided by class

> divided by…….

Wait for the storms to arrive.

First it was California.

Now it's the mid west.

Soon it arrives in the heartland?

Then the east coast?

> look to twitter

What about the sudden outbreak of refinery fires?

Why was SA 1st?

> attack u.s. production

> opec shorts the market

> Venezuela collapse less production ability

> fuel prices skyrocket

Was the plan to collapse our economy?

Are (((they))) really this sick?

Were they to use all this to begin armageddon while they hid away inside the earth?


ba32c9  No.5809402

Can anyone get on


This is the court doing Epstein document release and everything seems to be blocked for me. I put up the oral arguments yesterday from Maxwell but now I can’t get crap to show up.

ad87f6  No.5809403

File: e0a7c99df38871b⋯.png (184.61 KB, 454x285, 454:285, 2019-03-21_10-21-38.png)

42a56d  No.5809404

File: f3f32b5863b1517⋯.png (115.8 KB, 339x480, 113:160, ClipboardImage.png)

0df477  No.5809405


>sources who suggest

hahaha…and what have we learned about anonymous sourcing?

If investigations are ongoing, then why would they need this board to post pics that are already online and have been for years, dumbass. You think those investigators are too dumb to investigate without this board? Ego much?

79d9ba  No.5809406

File: 61ef9c35bb2217c⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 255x170, 3:2, winning frens.jpg)



yeh no kidding.

these people forget how Q works..

Actually, i wouldnt be surpirised if the ones who are 'no big deal' or 'its old news' are actually the lil houseservant for the sickos. maybe its the girlfriend of the sicko.

maybe its just somebody extremely uneducated… idk.

watever it is, i know this..

MANY RICH AND WEALTHY woke up ith butterflies this morning.

CHANDLER IS KEY and MANY hollywood pervo's have testimonies about chandler that thought would never see the light of day.



Q is doing exactly was Q was designed to do


>Pain comes in many different forms


d37182  No.5809407

File: 74f4e6bc5107368⋯.jpg (10.87 KB, 255x244, 255:244, b932e069115a77eb36d0e30fb1….jpg)

0df477  No.5809408


It's in NY, not CA

653d27  No.5809409


If that is true, why does Q keep bringing it up?

You won't be distracted?

What did Q have us focused on yesterday?

Now today?

I am not the one doing the distracting, your brain is being batted around like a ping pong ball, and Q is holding the paddle.

Asking you to consider the reason behind the constant change of narrative, and the clear use of emotionally charged topics at strategic times should not be considered distraction.

Tow the line man, I don't care. Call the FBI, do whatever good you can.

But we have been through this circus before, and there was no outcome.

2bbd23  No.5809410

File: 10e6e321c25d0d5⋯.png (551.97 KB, 845x856, 845:856, Screenshot_2019-03-21 THE ….png)


ccd1c3  No.5809411

File: ee7260d9fa406b5⋯.png (515.5 KB, 634x446, 317:223, ClipboardImage.png)

The chic event brought out a select crowd to celebrate with publisher Jared Kushner and CEO Joseph Meyer, both of whom took turns addressing the crowd and acknowledging the New York Observer team for bringing the publication to fruition.

Who was there: Guests included Jared Kushner, Joseph Meyer, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart, Roger Waters, Regis Philbin, Katie Couric, Matt Lauer, Derek Blasberg, Marina Abramovic, Wendi Deng, Rachelle Hruska, Sean MacPherson, Leigh Lezark, Randy Domico, Ray Kelly, Justin Tuck, Leandra Medine, Danielle Snyder, Jodi Snyder, Nicky Hilton, Scott Lipps, Todd Eberle, Mia Moretti, Beth Ostrosky Stern, Elettra Wiedemann, James Marshall, Nanette Lepore, Alicia Rountree, Charles Rockafeller, Josh Kushner, Amanda Ross, Ann Dexter Jones, Cleo Wade, Julie Henderson, Kate Foley, Yigal Azrouel, Alek Wek, Donald Trump Jr., John Oringer, Fiona Byrne, Jennifer Wright, Lauren Weiniger, James Huddleston, Max Osterweis, Emily Epstein, Michael Kennedy, Peggy Siegal, Wael Davis, and Sante D'Orazio.


5fcf3e  No.5809412


Attention Newfags, there was no fire on epstein island. Fake and gay, already gone over many times in the past.

6a5221  No.5809413


Gee, I wonder what caused the Zumi rocket to go off. Was it ……A WET START ?

cb5637  No.5809414


Could our mystery couple be Mr. & Mrs Hillary Cinton?

a51ef0  No.5809415

File: 2cdd88fbdbaad52⋯.jpeg (193.22 KB, 1200x826, 600:413, 674CC6E2-5B53-4035-A956-6….jpeg)


>compares flat earth to pizzagate


[C]heese [P]izza was the term given to CP by the “pedos” not anons, anons took their description

>Symbolism will be their downfall

And “pedogate” sounds as retarded as Beto O’rourke

d897cb  No.5809416


great bake SJ senpai

sweet studly porn name

def boobs for this baker

( . )( . )

b9bd5e  No.5809417

chandler = child handler

On the ping pong dude, i read james alefantis was not his real name (not sur if factual), but phonetically in french james alefantis = j'aime les enfants = i love kids

0dc748  No.5809418


I thought about tweeting this pic @Eminem jst straight up asking if he knew anything about this chick being a handler for JE's pedo sex trafficking ring.

9e254a  No.5809419


No, many of us are still here but I think you're correct that Q is bring new eyes up to speed.

I don't get why Q posted an FBI abuse #. No one trusts the FBI. I won't call. Most of these pics of kids are old & sadly I believe the kids are dead from being in this nightmare called Rachel Chandler aka Kid Pimp

824176  No.5809420


the pics are in the reply.

Keating 5 alone should have ended his career. The Forrestal disaster should have left him serving time.

His campaign to strand POW's in SouthEast Asia is unconscionable,

and his foreign policy actions ( by a Senator?) are still causing global level tension and escalations (F-16 sales to PAK & Ukraine).

Lets get Schumer to name the new Senate building

"the Forrestal"

4188aa  No.5809421

File: 3acdb79c112ea3e⋯.gif (948.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1501012425_tumblr_n4pl17YE….gif)

d126ac  No.5809422

File: a5c4fd43e45bde3⋯.png (435.93 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Top House Republican runs rogue op to publish explosive Russia probe files


5970ab  No.5809423


Um, no. It is the DoE equivalent of the DoD's TS/SCI, nothing more. Public information, anon.

ba32c9  No.5809424


I’m aware. Look it up. Not what it seems

42a56d  No.5809425

File: 482ecb7fe4949fb⋯.png (118.66 KB, 315x180, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c9311a6241f42f⋯.png (349.13 KB, 773x607, 773:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f568f90a5cec493⋯.png (217.35 KB, 640x357, 640:357, ClipboardImage.png)

Who is this guy?

2bbd23  No.5809426



cant believe we still have to tell that too so many people..

nobody does his own research…

2d636f  No.5809427



46cbdf  No.5809428


Yeah, I don't credit you with a lot of perception.

Those of us who have been here a few years have developed our own sources to confirm data. That was the purpose of bringing this to /pol in the first place. Weaponized autism.

2bbd23  No.5809429

be97b8  No.5809430

File: a897eeeb4f9339d⋯.jpg (154.73 KB, 652x443, 652:443, 20190321_093333.jpg)

473f58  No.5809431

File: 24c3ff78496bc68⋯.png (65.63 KB, 640x374, 320:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14245374aed0615⋯.png (68.03 KB, 640x374, 320:187, ClipboardImage.png)


125c68  No.5809432


NBC has had that logo since the beginning of color TV long before you were born, stupid.

ef3e1f  No.5809433


And that causes?


Other anon not agreeing with more sauce / think or couldn't?


Was afraid that would be the answer… hard to make it drag out even if judge want to end it and release?

How is the judge leaning?

9080d4  No.5809434







810bb5  No.5809435


John Doe and J.Doe?


09d916  No.5809436



the DJ at their wedding was Mark Ronson

see pic for his clients

miley cyrus

lady gaga

amy winehouse


cb5637  No.5809437


So, where the fuck is the new Pedo Island?

49d75e  No.5809438

File: a57d56cf8c5faa9⋯.jpg (28.78 KB, 255x250, 51:50, Pepe never give up DD.jpg)


My admiration for your work knows NO bounds and the devotion to your father and his service has been an inspiration throughout this ride- and the second panel is my second fave. You know me too well. Will have a bottle of whiskey for us both and whoever else would like to partake-as long as I can get it there!

13d041  No.5809439



→ Pigtails In Paint - Website = Is definitely a (Highly Suspect) website>

SICK PICS of little girls.

* The site owners couch the little girl theme in terms of "High Art".

imho = BS excuse to avoid prosecution.

(Site - About page)

About This Site

Pigtails in Paint has evolved into a kind of resource center for information about the portrayal of little girls. As a result, there are now a number of pages that serve as supplemental resources to this site. It can be difficult for the new or even established readers to know what is available here without looking through every menu. Therefore, this page is an outline of what is contained in these pages.

About This Site: That is this page which offers a kind of map to the resource pages found elsewhere.

Mission Statement: This evolving page was a reaction to associates in the academic world who believe—and I agree—that Pigtails in Paint’s purpose should be more explicitly stated. It is all too easy for casual readers to think we are only about the cavalier presentation of little girl imagery. This page will lend legitimacy to this site in the eyes of academic and high-art institutions interested in the potential of learning more about ourselves as human beings. It is a formidable task so I will be adding parts to the Mission Statement as they occur to me and time permits.

Messages from The Founder and Editor-in-Chief: As Pigtails in Paint gained in popularity, Pip (Founder) and Ron (Editor-in-Chief) recognized the need for a short statement offering the background and history of this site. These statements are a few years old and do not account for more recent developments.

RSS Feeds: Those desiring RSS Feeds for this site can get information here.

Archives: Pigtails in Paint has and continues to serve as a kind of repository for the topic of little girls. Even though a lot of this kind of information ought to be shared with the readers, it does not properly belong to a particular post or is too valuable to scatter or bury among the chronologically ordered posts.

The Pipeline: The influx of relevant documents and sources are too overwhelming to publish in a timely manner. Therefore, to avoid duplication of effort, a list of planned projects and leads will be offered so readers can know what we have on hand and what may still be needed to complete a post.

Legal: This is just a disclaimer about the most touchy aspects of this site, but it is also our hope that Pigtails in Paint can establish some standards and serve as an authority for legislatures, courts and law enforcement that will mitigate a rampant witch hunt mentality.


Again, imho, they have to post a legal disclaimer because they post sick pics of little girls.


79d9ba  No.5809440

File: 55fc84cb841d2f1⋯.png (540.17 KB, 730x782, 365:391, brazil.png)


22 post count?

why so nervous?

as if you are some TMZ shill hoping to get the world to say 'nothing to see here'

..your wrong, only a moron would sit here and say 'lolita express not real, epstien island debunked, pervos are just imaginary friends.. not real'

HI FAKE NEWS! you guys are starting to blend in with anons quite well

7d6308  No.5809441

File: 11f2850991ca2e6⋯.png (367.04 KB, 464x600, 58:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d432ee1aa57d140⋯.png (399.46 KB, 899x1031, 899:1031, zhazxhwlfncgw.png)

42a56d  No.5809442

File: 4246d7f1d0e8433⋯.png (479.2 KB, 962x541, 962:541, ClipboardImage.png)


Amid the frenzied anticipation over the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee has made a mission of publishing a slew of transcripts from closed-door interviews by the panel dating back to the GOP majority. Last week, Ranking Member Doug Collins, R-Ga., unilaterally published hundreds of pages from interviews with former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, containing juicy details about the anti-Trump so-called "insurance policy" (concerning the Russia probe), their affair and even the steps DOJ officials allegedly took to avoid serious charges for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 email investigation.

46cbdf  No.5809443


They're either paid or personally invested in the outcome. And yeah, the paid ones are finding their funding sources drying up about now.

And then you have plain old assholes.

34ea2a  No.5809444

File: d13e3026056fec9⋯.jpg (274.07 KB, 950x615, 190:123, SEA WORLD MAP.jpg)

File: ea0a059e1682ff6⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1273x1740, 1273:1740, SeaWorld Pedo Map.PNG)


he has a point, though, obviously the damage control plan post-Podesta leaks was to bring the focus on Pizza/Comet Ping Pong, to underline the more easily ridiculed elements of it all.

Just look at any MSM article about it, they always bring it back to "oh they say Podesta & Hillary personally run a child trafficking ring from Comet Ping Pong's basement", which was never the actual accusation.

also SeaWorld, remember sea world being caught?

5c0c39  No.5809445

Hey hey, who took the pictures?





05090b  No.5809446


Aw darn. Some random faggot on the internet blocked me.

9080d4  No.5809447




47ecb1  No.5809448

File: a0b90defb42977f⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1878x898, 939:449, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)



didn't mean to yell

has an art buddy

and seems to be a dude

her (his) buddy


Jennifer Coates

who insta'd this gem seemingly during their collaboration


ad2a2a  No.5809451


Not random.

Mcstain was responsible for the Forrestal 'accident'.

Hot shot a-hole pilot Mcstain doing a 'wetstart' on a deck full of fully armed aircraft.

Result lots of damage & dead people.

e19bcd  No.5809452


Yes, fascinating, NASA CGI? The cube on the North Pole of Saturn/SATAN?.

9a6173  No.5809453


>It´s just disinfo again

don't say it!!!! You want the DS to not be fooled????

Now the DS knows it is disinfo :(

Q will have to think of a new disinfo to fool them

42a56d  No.5809454


I remember asking about that as a kid, couldn't find it on the legend.

00bed7  No.5809455

File: 539793c03730d5a⋯.png (883.66 KB, 850x738, 425:369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb00e720fc3a333⋯.png (667.33 KB, 826x739, 826:739, ClipboardImage.png)

>>5809344 dubs say deeper!


Lot's of pics connecting persons!

be97b8  No.5809456




Yep. Congratulations on missing the whole point! Go you!

34882d  No.5809458


this is what needs to be dug.. some many anons missing the point here. we all know about RC and Epstien etc…

bfa3ca  No.5809459

File: 0bdc3f4be3f6f50⋯.png (346.54 KB, 630x591, 210:197, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)



a3eaa4  No.5809460


Because the “modeling agencies” still have their pics up and still active, meaning they are still at it. Which likely means this side of the story isn’t part of what was pursued, and they focused on the claims of a couple of victims. Likely because it ties to other powerful people. I can only presume Q is saying any new info found should be submitted to bring attention back to it since the FBI has been cleared of those blocking it ?

d126ac  No.5809461


>Those of us who have been here a few years

To bad your not one who has been here as long as you like to think.

If you think this is /pol/ your in the wrong place.

Instead of 8chan look up 4chan for /pol/

3d8c65  No.5809463


I wonder how itchy the rope will be.

05090b  No.5809464


I dunno, what part of your post is coherent? You write like faggots fuck.

667f19  No.5809465

Don't forget to dig into Rachel Handler's husband, Tom Guinness:


34ea2a  No.5809466


>asking about that as a kid


the VIP lounge?

a020a1  No.5809467

File: f41d30137f658c6⋯.png (769.31 KB, 843x569, 843:569, ClipboardImage.png)

6b0757  No.5809469


I don''t quite see their notion of love as the same.

fef353  No.5809470


you have nowhere to hide now. i would be scared too. be ready for your 0300 wake up call.

5ec36b  No.5809471



Good question? Why do those kid look like they are all in bad shape? Those are no model!

785e2a  No.5809472

File: 9bbd595c68608d8⋯.jpeg (52.67 KB, 483x475, 483:475, 1FF20A2E-9C36-4F64-8CA4-D….jpeg)

File: b409cf6f18c6933⋯.jpeg (39.43 KB, 500x374, 250:187, 5E0995C8-984E-4823-8DBF-8….jpeg)

File: 82414bebbdab139⋯.jpeg (33.25 KB, 500x350, 10:7, 57A4CDA0-007D-4342-A922-2….jpeg)

345528  No.5809473

brother and sister

34882d  No.5809474


dug into all night last night.. smh

b42b5e  No.5809475


Ah ok. Clear. NoName mistakes were covered because of who his father was.

66a2a4  No.5809476

Democrat fear porn.


46cbdf  No.5809477


I've made no claims on this board. I keep my data to myself unless I think it will be useful.

You clearly don't have access to much outside the internets. Nor have you been paying attention to the arrests that have happened, and the results therefrom.

I'm done talking to you, having made my points to everyone else.

33164a  No.5809479

File: 87b3d661eec7758⋯.jpg (2.36 KB, 125x101, 125:101, pepehmmm.jpg)

9080d4  No.5809480





05090b  No.5809481


I guess we will find out NEXT WEEK

7f8ea8  No.5809482


HUGE new lead discovered.

An Indonesian cult by the name of Subud with extensive ties to the CIA, Obama, HRC, and possibly the Phoenix Program.

Indirect ties to DAVID GEFFEN via the Byrds.

47ecb1  No.5809483

b67680  No.5809484


Beehive boutique

ad87f6  No.5809485

File: e321e8aea17beef⋯.png (164.39 KB, 352x268, 88:67, 2019-03-21_10-32-57.png)

b22a74  No.5809486


I made those jeans doing actual work.

01f317  No.5809487

A r r e s t s ? Anyday now

42a56d  No.5809488


There were a few versions. When I went, the symbol was there, but there was nothing on the legend, not even 'VIP lounge'. Just the symbol on the map there and no where else.

d543fa  No.5809489

Notable as freaking hell



08ff47  No.5809490

File: 9d97948c8b86d65⋯.png (170.32 KB, 1200x1045, 240:209, Screenshot_20190321-103533….png)


05090b  No.5809491


Next week

b4f458  No.5809492


So many that I once followed and 'trusted' have turned out to be 0's.

So many 0's.

So few 1's.

I used to be disgusted by people like Jordan, but being disgusted is a choice.

I simply accept now.

Who can we truly 'trust' covers Q?

01001110 01101111 00100000 00110001 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 01100101 01101100 01110110 01100101 01110011 00101110

bfa3ca  No.5809493

Who was located behind the camera?

The Children

653d27  No.5809494


Fill me in, what's the point.

Surely not actually saving the kids?

125c68  No.5809495


Don't forget to research Donald Trump's modeling agency and Donald Trump's Miss Teen USA pageant while you're looking for pedos. We wouldn't want people thinking that you really don't care about children at all and you're just trying to make up dirt on people you don't like in order to slander them and vent your hate.

79d9ba  No.5809496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




(mandatory reading for those claiming to be SPIRIT-filled believers)

>the magnitude of this operation is beyond any thing any one could possibly imagine

a4ab1c  No.5809497


Sorry, bit slow this morning. RC?

9e254a  No.5809498

File: dca71196b13e1c2⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 3bf120e8f378f5ba1ee3027ecd….jpg)

0bc111  No.5809499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



4:52 min


0df477  No.5809500



for some reason, your link is broken. I used the "search bing for this address" and it took me to the good link for it. Didn't see anything there about Maxwell. But see if this works or you have to go there thru a search engine.


5b1bd7  No.5809501






Meme it ffs

46cbdf  No.5809502


Q started posting on /pol, moron. I've been here since FBIAnon, so fuck right on off.

And I've logged boob shots from every bread I've been on to prove it.

b9bd5e  No.5809503

File: bdc497959ad8262⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 468x468, 1:1, cats.jpg)

Interesting. You have the same ID as me.

667f19  No.5809504


not every here pulls night shifts like we do.

so for you…

Do you remember when Q had us all call the FBI about Rachel Handler?

My name was John Q Publick, with a "ck".

824176  No.5809505


wow. our public hearings now have catchy titles, and both pre- and post- production.

from the legislative branch. kek.

34ea2a  No.5809506


> Just the symbol on the map there and no where else.

for those in the know…

it's always pissed me off how SeaWorld got off easy on that, all eyes on JimmyComet

4188aa  No.5809507

File: ae4c73a7381e7cb⋯.gif (927.72 KB, 476x253, 476:253, 577.gif)

188a56  No.5809508

What the? Is Youtube down for anyone else?

d126ac  No.5809510


As a shill, look at your post count, fuck-wit.

f52eb5  No.5809511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Casting by Rachel Chandler and Walter Pearce

symbolism anyone ?

ca29ec  No.5809512

28ed12  No.5809513


She's a man?

b42b5e  No.5809514


Not possible due to the depth of the water and the angle of the photo.

Person holding the camera was around the same height as BC.

4beada  No.5809515




3 people?

9080d4  No.5809516




c68e91  No.5809517


Nope, just you

3d8c65  No.5809518


You will find out when it is time. I hope it is itchy. I hope you spend the last minutes of your life wishing you could just scratch that itch on your neck. Of course your hands will be bound, but I hope they don't blindfold you all. I want you to see them hang one by one until it's your turn.

34882d  No.5809519

File: 19d324174b18060⋯.jpg (44.45 KB, 657x500, 657:500, 2tegqg.jpg)


hes fucking dead ..move on faggot

e56d11  No.5809520

ebs test… louder than usual

a56e23  No.5809521

File: af45270d2fdf1c3⋯.gif (2.52 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 287vgh.gif)

Well I see the shills got their orders. SLIDE AT ALL COSTS.

"old news"

"beto, beto, beto!"

More tendies Mom or I'll destroy you with my Real Ultimate Powwwwwer! Reeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

653d27  No.5809522


Oh man, internet tough guys are the best.

I have no interest in hiding. I call it like I see it, despite full on retards like yourself not liking what you hear.

Perhaps a country with more thought suppression fits your tastes better?

46cbdf  No.5809523


It was purposeful. About to go back to lurking, but had to make some points.

e74138  No.5809524

File: c0c96765680abe7⋯.jpg (122.51 KB, 800x582, 400:291, Better Class of Criminal 5….jpg)


For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: For one covereth violence with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts (Mal 2:16).  

db4849  No.5809525

File: 17b776eef855b23⋯.jpeg (595.05 KB, 1528x2162, 764:1081, F7F01A08-6D8A-46CD-AEC5-5….jpeg)

File: 5adbe9425874a36⋯.jpeg (147.73 KB, 736x986, 368:493, 43586B85-EDD8-4E5E-9A74-3….jpeg)

File: c0dd78aa4b174fa⋯.jpeg (243.9 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, 31DCDB9F-37E5-4062-B281-4….jpeg)

File: 36323179ce7ca70⋯.png (7.66 MB, 3508x2480, 877:620, 18CDE84E-1AEE-466E-89D8-68….png)


That was me!

Rita Ackermann! Red shoes wearing satanic/pedophelic artist. Sick shit!

0df477  No.5809526


hahaha…conflation on your part is extreme. Only point you made is you can't disprove anything I said but changed the subject of it. bye now

28ed12  No.5809527


Not even close…. Looks more like Ted Cruz

0bc111  No.5809528




d543fa  No.5809529

Missouri may have just made the most monumental step towards freedom and individual liberty since the signing of the Bill of Rights. In an upcoming vote by Missouri’s state senate, the state is expected to pass a bill that would nullify ALL Federal gun laws and regulations, and make enforcement of those laws by federal officers within the State of Missouri a criminal offense. Republicans control both U.S. Senate seats and more than two-thirds of the seats in both the Missouri House and Senate.


36bde4  No.5809530


Would it really surprise you at this point?

b67680  No.5809531


MKUltra shit?

824176  No.5809532


more beto files



9a6173  No.5809533

fagets be identifying "disinfo"

how will Q fool the DS then?

If you telegraph to the DS that it is disinfo, then the DS will not be fooled.

Don't make Q's job harder!!!!!!!

33164a  No.5809534


Rachel Chandler,….hurry call the FBI.

048957  No.5809535

File: 72563bdedd9fea1⋯.jpeg (259.42 KB, 1645x1242, 1645:1242, CECE932E-1DEE-4974-B404-0….jpeg)

File: 47520612fcd1518⋯.jpeg (99.72 KB, 800x603, 800:603, 9DD242B0-CFF0-463D-86AB-E….jpeg)

9080d4  No.5809536




2fe19d  No.5809537

File: 64a4a32f7c74e53⋯.gif (11.93 MB, 960x719, 960:719, 33FDF7BA-D4B5-4EBB-91D6-2A….gif)

b42b5e  No.5809538


Raymond was an author and died in 1959

Ray = Rachael = ray.chandler (instagram)

e74138  No.5809539


Daddy’s little enabler? 1 Co 5:11

cb5637  No.5809540

Soooo, our good buddy Jeffrey Epstien has ben residing in tempory address

ba32c9  No.5809541


Here is the link to Maxwell oral arguments. Trying to stop unsealing. It is under the audio files

53bdab  No.5809542


The modelling agency is the cover. These people were being trafficked, probably tortured. Chandler is the handler.

Where are they now? Most likely dead.

36f1da  No.5809543


Keep it up - you're in the park

4188aa  No.5809544

File: 595cce4660c56f7⋯.png (117.38 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1501178263890.png)

7202f0  No.5809545

File: 3d54ddc1c207fd6⋯.jpg (472.13 KB, 1200x764, 300:191, SolarTariffs2TrumpAccompli….jpg)

File: 2b5dbecff33ec47⋯.jpg (292.08 KB, 1200x686, 600:343, Agriculture1TrumpAccomplis….jpg)

File: 419ba69140eeb18⋯.jpg (451.56 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, SteelBetterTradeDeals1Trum….jpg)

File: 9f6482d6470e1de⋯.jpg (187.8 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, VeteransHousingTrumpAccomp….jpg)

File: eb34bcf14d324ae⋯.jpg (197.86 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, FederalJudgesTrumpAccompli….jpg)

d126ac  No.5809546


Remove a few years of age.

5fcf3e  No.5809547


Funny I know

"michael jackson"




9c2cd3  No.5809548

File: ca7b01beb52cec2⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1144x3400, 143:425, Screenshot_2019-03-21 TMZ(….jpg)


0c0ea3  No.5809549

File: f2565ba52b6a975⋯.jpg (132.97 KB, 948x632, 3:2, ssp.jpg)


And an eye on the south pole.

Nothing to see here.

428b6f  No.5809551


If he did anything illegal he would get a pardon and still win again in 2020 so you're fucked either way.

3beda1  No.5809552


>Am I missing something here?

The fact that there are many many more eyes here now than when you were digging before.

Y'know how disgusted we were to learn of these things? Imagine synchronous vomiting over half of the planet when this news breaks. We want everyone to know, and a certain mount of us that won't freak out to much.

db4849  No.5809554



Rita Ackermann has been featured in numerous museum and gallery exhibitions in the United States, Japan and Europe.[4][5][6][7]

Since the mid-1990s Ackermann has been adding to her knowledge of painting and her social comment. "from stained glass to the red ballpoint pen she’s applied to runway models’ faces in lieu of makeup. She has realized multiform shadow puppet theaters like The Deer Slayer (1997), performed as a band member of the art collaborative Angelblood, and curated exhibitions including The Perfect Man (2007) and The Kate Moss Show (2006, with Olivier Zahm)." [1]

"In both her drawings and collages Ackermann juxtaposes characters and narratives, as in Scorpionun (Man on My Breast/Man, Man between My Legs) (2006), which draws on the semiotics of fertility charms and pornography to create an Anthropomorphism like womanman- child. The superimposed images composing this life-size freestanding collage on plexiglass come from the artist’s own sketches—a row of her lithe women, wearing bowler hats and holding tennis rackets — as well as other sources, such as an illustration of the Madonna and Child positioned over the figure’s heart. As Scorpionun’s content suggests, Ackermann’s interest in constructions of gender and the fantasies that subtend and are sustained by them has survived her transformation of scale and material. Indeed, the oversize cruciform Nun/Skeleton/Cross (2006) and comparably large-scale Nun/Mother/Whore (2006) revolve around the bifurcated, simultaneously present identities of these objects of desire. The aggregation in these collages’ listlike titles is mirrored in the conspicuous overlay of their images: Ackermann does not negate tropes of womanhood but stages them as acts and processes of becoming to be set into dizzying and conflicting relief with and within one another. Few clear plots emerge despite her utilizations of fairy-tale themes, and irrespective of the ingratiatingly beautiful protagonists who inhabit them, neither are there storybook endings." [1]

Her work includes paintings, drawings, t-shirts, a line of underwear, and skateboard designs.[7] Her paintings in the early and mid 1990s featured nymphetish girls.[8]

In 2008 she participated in the Whitney Biennial [1]

0df477  No.5809555


It causes the Judge to determine whether to release the name or not. Doesn't cause a delay.

28ed12  No.5809556


Haiti is also in that vicinity…

8be18a  No.5809557


Mine is ok

ba32c9  No.5809558



b9bd5e  No.5809559


No 1 but ourselves.

I will never let you down.

298056  No.5809560



Sounds like, "Minion"

5c7243  No.5809561



As a federal prosecutor in South Florida, Alex Acosta, now the Secretary of Labor, gave pedophile Jeffrey Epstein the “deal of a lifetime.” A federal investigation had revealed dozens of underage victims of Epstein. Yet, through a plea agreement with then-U.S. Attorney Acosta, Epstein managed to plead to only two state prostitution charges, and only one involving a minor.

Consequently, Epstein served just 13 months in state prison. He was housed in a private wing at the Palm Beach County jail and allowed work release privileges. Epstein’s year of “incarceration” reportedly included trips to New York and the Virgin Islands.

Under the circumstances, this amounts to a sweetheart deal.

But now we learn that the deal was even sweeter than we thought. The Washington Post reports that Epstein benefited from an arrangement whereby the only minor Epstein was convicted of soliciting was 16 years old when the offense began.

Yet, the minor who initially notified the police about Epstein’s crimes was 14 years old.

Why was this beneficial to Epstein? Because, as one attorney with expertise in this area of the law told the Post:

Society in general is much more punitive and harsh if the victim was 14 versus 17. The collateral consequences, including [sex offender] registration, are much more serious with a younger victim.

In Epstein’s case, the fact that he was not convicted for soliciting the 14 year-old who blew the whistle on him means that he need not register as a sex offender in New Mexico, where he owns a ranch. That state, like most others, doesn’t require registration unless the victim was under 16.

According to the Post, Epstein spends most of his time on his estate in the Virgin Islands. He need not register as a sex offender there because he is classified as a low-risk offender. I wonder whether the Virgin Islands would have classified him as such if he had been prosecuted for multiple instances of pedophilia, including with children under the age of 16.

In defending his plea deal with Epstein during his confirmation hearing, Acosta testified:

[An agreement] that guarantees that someone goes to jail, that guarantees that someone register generally, and that guarantees other outcomes is a good thing.

This was always nonsense. If the jail sentence is grossly disproportionate to the offense, the agreement is not a good one.

But now we know the Epstein-Acosta deal didn’t guarantee that Epstein register as a sex offender in two of the jurisdictions in which he sometimes lives. I assume that’s why Acosta slipped the weasel word “generally” into his testimony.

It didn’t guarantee this outcome because the current Secretary of Labor sold out the 14 year-old victim who had the courage to report Epstein’s criminality.

a51ef0  No.5809562

File: 5c008f328e09ca3⋯.jpeg (957.31 KB, 1242x2080, 621:1040, D6570CA1-8B0E-4B8E-A3F0-7….jpeg)


I hear what you are saying, but they would attack any name we call it, even pedogate.

How fast until the media correlates Dennis Hastert —> GOP —> Trump —> trump supporters are the pedos

785e2a  No.5809563

File: db209991719208d⋯.jpeg (141.45 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 88CD0A7F-8646-4273-92CB-B….jpeg)

File: 3df34b37a7cb391⋯.jpeg (68.1 KB, 492x424, 123:106, 84342444-D41B-4381-A30E-6….jpeg)

File: a5dd26b73619be4⋯.jpeg (92.68 KB, 500x489, 500:489, 5817AA7D-E7C4-40AE-8BA9-3….jpeg)

File: 702ed2d48bc6217⋯.jpeg (167.43 KB, 1033x841, 1033:841, 4ACE673F-B02F-4FF5-AD0D-5….jpeg)

78d314  No.5809564

Some links you might find interesting:

Rachel is the primary photographer for an artist named Terence Koh, who frequently collaborates with Abramovic. Here, he's in a death pose on a piece of hers: http://purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-a-collectors-house-east/ Another photo of the same set: http://purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-the-collectors-house-east/

A video from a MoMA party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPPKj99ZV60YouTube List of attendees: "Those in attendance included Madonna, Mary-Kate Olsen, Yoko Ono, James Franco, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Chloe Sevigny, Penn Badgely, Padma Lakshmi, Rose Byrne, Kim Cattrall, Lucy Liu, Marina Abramovic, Daphne Guinness, Terence Koh, Andrej Pejic, Leelee Sobieski, Cindy Sherman, Agnes Gund, Katharina Sieverding, Rachel Chandler, Michelle Harper, David Rockefeller, Jr., MoMA's Director Glenn Lowry, Volkswagen's Martin Winterkorn, and Director of MoMA PS1 and MoMA's Chief Curator at Large Klaus Biesenbach."

Rachel was a photographer/attendee at Marina Abramovic's 2010 "The Artist is Present" performance at the MoMA http://www.patrickmcmullan.com/site/event_detail.aspx?eid=32454 (look for her name on the left-hand list of Featured People and use the filter function)

This is the one I think you might find the most interesting, and I'm surprised this hasn't been delved into before. Abramovic gave a very controversial performance at the LA MoCA that involved a kind of pseudo/ritualized cannibalism of a female body, and Rachel was present as well. https://www.artforum.com/diary/id=29517

LOTS more here on Chandler


79d9ba  No.5809565

File: 50e3ea99d0ee39a⋯.png (555.9 KB, 1447x730, 1447:730, pepe.png)


we're in the middle of digging hollywood sickos.

OFCOURSE the FAKENEWS shills are gunna come try to throw some nonsense around, hoping new eyes realize how STUPID all this sounds.


please gtfo with your flat earth reindeer games… nobody has time to be stupid. please do that on your own time, WITHOUT wasting time and space of ours.

aeee1b  No.5809566


Watch the water?

9080d4  No.5809567




298056  No.5809568


Now THERE's some patriotism I can get behind!

4c5daf  No.5809569

File: 0145043ff436898⋯.jpg (23.99 KB, 209x255, 209:255, 143020dbe70728584ac13cab12….jpg)

>>5803571 (/pb)

Anons, we need to call and publicly tip off the FBI to dig into Ray Chandler

ca29ec  No.5809570

File: 40d283745b9c1e9⋯.jpeg (75.98 KB, 1540x800, 77:40, 9CABACFE-EAAF-43AB-8EFA-B….jpeg)


Its Acosta

Was sayn it all day long yestetday

36f1da  No.5809571


Exactly fren

ad87f6  No.5809572

File: d9554806625a01e⋯.png (208.88 KB, 507x316, 507:316, 2019-03-21_10-40-34.png)


That would explain a lot.

b30137  No.5809573

File: 54269e4a4e73c44⋯.mp4 (7.45 MB, 416x234, 16:9, Senator Sasse Questions Ba….mp4)


Senator Sasse asked William Barr about Epstein during the confirmation hearing. Barr said he would recuse if confirmed, but will make sure the DOJ looks into how the Epstein case was handled.


41ce45  No.5809574

In the final push for presidential pardons by Obama, some big names failed to make the cut

By Hanna KozlowskaJanuary 20, 2017

Afeni Shakur Is Not Assata Shakur, But They Did Have A Connection

May 3, 2016

After the death of Afeni Shakur, 2Pac's mother, some internet users confused her with fugitive Assata Shakur. However, the two women had ties.

There might've been a bit of confusion after the death of Afeni Shakur, the mother of the late rapper Tupac Shakur.

Several Twitter users confused Afeni Shakur with Assata Shakur, a black political activist who is still the only woman on the FBI's list of most wanted terrorists.

Afeni Shakur is not Assata Shakur, but they were connected.

Assata Shakur, also known as JoAnne Chesimard, was the step-aunt and godmother of Tupac. She and Afeni Shakur were both members of the New York City Panthers. That's where several members of the organization took on the surname "Shakur."

Here's how Tupac described his step-aunt and godmother on his 1991 track "Words of Wisdom."

"Assata Shakur: America's Nightmare."

And the connection goes a little deeper: Assata Shakur's brother, Mutulu, was Tupac's stepfather.

Assata is known as the fugitive who broke out of prison after she was convicted of killing a New Jersey state trooper.

More recently, Assata has been a part of conversations with Cuba since the U.S. began thawing relations with the island country. New Jersey law enforcement has called for Assata to be extradited, but the White House hasn't publicly revealed any plans to do that.

This video includes clips from NBC, MTV, 2PacLegacy.Net and CBS images from Getty Images and music from Interscope Records / 2Pac.

Mutulu Shakur


Supporters of the former black nationalist Mutulu Shakur were galvanized after New York governor Andrew Cuomo recently commuted the sentence of Judith Clark, who was convicted in relation to the same 1981 crime as Shakur—an armed robbery that left a guard and two police officers dead. Shakur, the step-father of rapper Tupac Shakur, was reportedly the brains behind the operation, which was carried out by a group of radical leftist activists. He has served 30 years of his 60-year term and has been denied parole eight times.

4188aa  No.5809575


Pay no attention. Hey look the new Survivor series is on

653d27  No.5809576


I want the whole world to know.

But even more, it needs to be stopped. Q has revealed this over a year ago. Is it still ongoing? If so, that is a massive failure.

6e8f1a  No.5809577


You look at RC she looks like a nobody you could walk past down the street,

The scary part is this and so simple.

Look at who she hangs with, The kinds of scandals they have, Shes a young woman posing with Pervy Bill, Pedo Epstein.

She is at the center of a massive iceberg, If you take her down and she talks, Imagine what she knows.

She been corrupted to deepest depths of her soul.

85ffcb  No.5809578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Found the The[rapist]. Doctor Fox

2bff76  No.5809579

File: cd66dc2ebfc5af6⋯.jpg (77.09 KB, 699x857, 699:857, ice_cream_ad.jpg)

noticed the black eye… part of the 'club'

345528  No.5809580

Who gave True Pundit the photo?


If it wasn't RC?

What does that mean?

3d00a3  No.5809581

File: b24c6a56f4274cd⋯.png (387.46 KB, 401x402, 401:402, ClipboardImage.png)

>323,014 Online on Qmap.pub

80fdb5  No.5809582

File: e91cefbadd211cf⋯.png (165.24 KB, 670x1800, 67:180,