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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

9b7fe2  No.5805822

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 03.20.2019

>>5803571 ————————————–——– https://www.fbi.gov/tips

>>5803488 rt >>5803267 ————————— Who did Nicky Hilton (sister of Paris) marry? James Rothschild

>>5803214 ————————————–——– THE STANDARD HOTEL. RACHEL CHANDLER.

>>5802783 ————————————–——– Connection to Ray Chandler? Are you awake?

>>5802556 ————————————–——– Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100

>>5802177 rt >>5802087 ————————— Keep digging, Anons. RACHEL CHANDLER IS KEY.

>>5802122 rt >>5801797 ————————— @0HOUR1_

>>5802012 rt >>5801778 ————————— RC @parishilton xxxxxx

>>5801902 rt >>5801617 ————————— Prince Andrew is deeply connected.

>>5801868 rt >>5801615 ————————— Britney Spears

>>5801837 rt >>5801566 ————————— Matt Rothschild, Adam McEwen, Brianna Lance

>>5801813 rt >>5801561 ————————— An Olsen twin and who else??

>>5801639 rt >>5801344 ————————— RC IG st Barth nye

>>5801630 rt >>5801355 ————————— Epstein Island security cam pic RC instagram

>>5801608 rt >>5801368 ————————— w Peter Beard.

>>5801599 rt >>5801371 ————————— The royals are in there somewhere as well

>>5801537 rt >>5801385 ————————— Rachel Chandler's Tumblr is just on the edge of gross…

>>5801505 rt >>5801399 ————————— Wars Ahluwalla Commisioned for CF Anniversary

>>5801455 rt >>5801432 ————————— WHERE ARE THEY NOW?

>>5801421 rt >>5801384 ————————— Q inb4 POTUS

>>5801380 rt >>5801072 ————————— Epstein island dungeon. Sex & torture rooms. Openly flaunt across social media?

>>5801306 rt >>5801142 ————————— pic RC and Slick Willy

>>5801280 rt >>5801165 ————————— pics of stars and RC and em (update as id them)

>>5801230 rt >>5801159 ————————— This one case has the ability to bring down the (many) rich & powerful people.

>>5801158 rt >>5801100 ————————— If the records become unsealed much will be revealed.


>>5801012 rt >>5800988 ————————— WHO IS RACHEL CHANDLER?

>>5800988 rt >>5800566 ————————— http://www.rachelchandler.us, What does a 'handler' procure?

>>5796335 ————————————–——– NAT SEC.

>>5795457 ————————————–——– Sex_trafficking_is_real.

>>5794717 ————————————–——– "Q" Start A List.

>>5793286 rt >>5793235 ————————— THIS IS NOT A GAME. (Cap: >>5793320 , vid: >>5793326 )

>>5793235 ————————————–——– (51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)? (Cap: >>5793272 )

>>5792657 ————————————–——– Logical thinking.

>>5792112 ————————————–——– Did both of HUSSEIN’s parents learn “RUSSIAN”?

>>5791828 ————————————–——– “THE CLINTON FOUNDATION” (Cap: >>5791858 ; additional context: >>5792059 )

>>5791208 ————————————–——– Number(s) do not always equate to days. (Cap: >>5791384 )

Monday 03.18.2019

Compiled here: >>5802127

Sunday 03.17.2019

Compiled here: >>5791939

Friday 03.15.2019

Compiled here: >>5760619

Thursday 03.14.2019

Compiled here: >>5742578

Wednesday 03.13.2019

Compiled here: >>5703840

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

9b7fe2  No.5805836


are not endorsements


>>5639699 MEME WAR! Q requests a meme campaign on POTUS's historic accomplishments

>>5687134 Strzok Transcript: Research so far

>>5644463, >>5646510 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

#7426 baker change

>>5805115 Old pastebin from 2016 concerning Rachel Chandler and others

>>5805128 Rachel Chandler at Volkswagen, MoMA and MoMA PS1 Celebratory Dinner

>>5805380, >>5805178, >>5805254 RC unlocked her own account for anons ?

>>5805256 Miscellaneous pizzagate posts from 2016 (pastebin link)

>>5805200 RC, Dasha Zhukova, Roman Abromovich and his Yacht, David Geffen, St Barth

>>5805152 Peter Kadzik dig (re-dig)

>>5805471 CIA Announces New Deputy Chief Operating Officer

>>5805473 security cam photo after correcting the distortion.

>>5805543, >>5805215 more Casa de Campos & the Fanjul Brothers

>>5805386, >>5805276 instagram.com/corymkennedy/

>>5805575 Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill

>>5805739 How Many Chandlers - Rachel Chandler to Mariah Sunshine Coogan

>>5805792 #7426


>>5804360 Here is every availible hit for Rachel Chandler on v/pizzagate

>>5804377, >>5804832 Mossad Spy Robert Maxwell

>>5804385, >>5804661 On Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Natacha Jaitt, and Alison Mack

>>5804389, >>5804408 Disgusting page of Chandler's tumblr

>>5804564, >>5804600, >>5804701, >>5804977 Pics from Michal Chelbin

>>5804565 Rachel Chandler owns a modeling agency called Midland

>>5804502, >>5804703, >>5804849 Pics from Walter Pearce

>>5804524, >>5804665 On the Casa de Campo

>>5804537 Anon's thoughts and theory on Rachel Chandler

>>5804666 On 'white rabbit'

>>5804711 Possible theory on a Rachel Chandler picture connection to a 9th circuit judge

>>5804799 Midland Photo Agency "menu"

>>5804815 Chicago Cops Demand DOJ Probe Into Smollett Case Meddling After Ex-Obama Official Called In Favor

>>5804912 Connection between Michal Chelbin & Ray Chandler is through ACN Studios and Marie Tomanova

>>5804989, >>5805019 Lily McMenamy in ‘Moonburn’ by Rachel Chandler for SSAW SS 2014

>>5804994 Allison Mack is in 'active plea negotiations' to avoid trial for alleged involvement in NXIVM sex cult

>>5804999 Possible HRC and Rachel Chandler connection

>>5805046 #7425

#7424 Baker Change

>>5803652 Reps. Meadows and Jordan Send Letter to AG Barr Requesting Update on DOJ’s Investigation and Prosecution of McCabe

>>5803658, >>5803729, >>5803741, >>5803690 Purple Diary and Standard Hotel

>>5803708, >>5803775, >>5804141 Waris Ahluwalia pics

>>5803797 Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen Dance the Night Away at Katy Perry's Met Gala Afterparty

>>5803804, >>5803946 New Zealand Bans All Assault Weapons Immediately

>>5803900 NTY article on Chandler

>>5803969 Pics from Chandler's agency

>>5804024 Did Jeff Bezos Invent A Trump-Saudi Collusion Hoax To Deflect From His Dick-Pic Betrayal?

>>5803696, >>5804182 Michael Chelbin guy's photography

>>5804097 Casa de Campo Has a Yacht club

>>5804197 Jacinda Ardern calls for global fight against racism and right-wing extremism

>>5804146 Reminder Maggie Nixon is Wendy

>>5804289 #7424


>>5803055 At the Standard Hotel

>>5803011 Hi-Res of the Decurity Cams Ep Dungeon

>>5803371 Anna Wintour Child Psychiatrist

>>5803481 #7423

Previously Collected Notables

>>5803030 #7422

>>5800475 #7419, >>5801543 #7420, >>5803079 #7421

>>5798159 #7416, >>5798941 #7417, >>5799717 #7418

>>5795787 #7413, >>5796597 #7314, >>5797373 #7415

Notables Archive by BO (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

9b7fe2  No.5805842

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here — https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL — https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

>>5499240 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #7

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701

Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#70 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882, >>>/comms/3898

Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#75 >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>5797229

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

9b7fe2  No.5805845

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966 ; >>5697825

Meme Ammo

* 43 >>5639586, 42 >>5427459

* Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 40,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

* Memewar2020: prepare for the 2020 general election >>4731041

* NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

* Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

* Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621

dc0e36  No.5805856

Pedophile episode of American Dad just came on tonight [adult swim]


9b7fe2  No.5805859

File: 7aada53f54089e1⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1405x1552, 1405:1552, security cam.png)



7c0d92  No.5805864

File: dd850e44ebc8373⋯.png (5.9 MB, 1267x14619, 1267:14619, ClipboardImage.png)

Is there any doubt, the avalanche has begun?


0765d2  No.5805870

File: 5b165704e370d49⋯.jpg (112.37 KB, 555x370, 3:2, 4_634186728335293750143393….jpg)

File: 4227fd9ccb869b8⋯.png (3.63 MB, 2048x1534, 1024:767, 4227fd9ccb869b8e9744c40c99….png)

Didn't find much on her at NEW YORK SOCIAL DIARY, except these:

In June the Tate will open its new Herzog & Meuron building next to the Tate Modern. Sotheby’s Europe Chairman Oliver Barker raised over $100,000 during the live auction over dessert before the guests moved back for the After Party with DJ Rachel Chandler. Annie Plumb introduced me to artist Neil Jenney, whom I had never met, but whose work I first saw at the Whitney’s influential New Image Painting exhibition way back in 1978.

5f8891  No.5805871

File: 1f72382c1b0889b⋯.png (405.84 KB, 736x492, 184:123, IMG_734.png)

patriots remember!

1e06e1  No.5805873


Bishop to D5.

Just Arrived.

2016 ALL over agaIN.



f22270  No.5805876

“Sunlight is the single best way to dispel the darkness. The rays of the Sun are actually light-filled transmissions of cosmic information that facilitate the spiritual evolution of every human being. Each photon contains the power of supreme consciousness which contributes to the soul development of humanity. This is just one reason why the skies are being so heavily sprayed via chemtrails. TPTB are attempting to stunt the spiritual development of the human race. They also conspire to thwart the physical growth of every living thing as part of their long-term depopulation strategy. However, the Internet also functions because of light, which is a derivative of sunlight. The light of truth is now racing through fiberoptic cables criss-crossing the planet. This is how the forces of light will defeat the forces of darkness and terminate the New World Order agenda for good.”

249d2d  No.5805881


Check the tv guide. Would it show which episode was scheduled?

03154d  No.5805888

File: 68ff141e45dcb8e⋯.jpg (160.78 KB, 600x516, 50:43, wow.jpg)

249d2d  No.5805889

File: 051b620314cd905⋯.jpg (57.54 KB, 450x354, 75:59, ZCVcr.jpg)

File: 9a05df97621fffe⋯.jpg (421.37 KB, 1600x1181, 1600:1181, xxrN.jpg)

File: eb763d586f3acbf⋯.jpg (190.85 KB, 615x406, 615:406, 610.jpg)

File: 22574ccbe4ccb06⋯.jpg (441.15 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QNW2y.jpg)

Ty, baker

e53356  No.5805890

Mind-controlled slaves are created for different purposes: hierarchy or non-hierarchy purposes

The Illuminati create mind-controlled slaves who are to function within the Illuminati hierarchy. These

slaves will usually have their genealogies hidden, and will be created to have excellent cover lives to

insure that they are not detected. They will be given multifunctional programming, and will usually be

used to help program other slaves. The abuse will not be as physically visible as it will be on the bodies of

slaves who are not born to be part of the Illuminati elite. Members of Moriah’s (Moriah = the Illuminati)

Luciferian elite will have undergone as much trauma as other slaves, however the torture scars and the

control are better concealed. These children will often receive lavish experiences as well as talks to convince them that they are part of the elite. (By the way, body scars will show up better under black light, that is the same black light as used in clubs.)

The Illuminati and other organizations have also programmed individuals who are simply expendable.

These are sex slaves who are used up and killed very early in life, one-time use as saboteurs, breeders,

soldiers, drug couriers and so forth. The bodies of these people will often show visible torture scars. The

expendable are the children of parents who were blackmailed into turning their children over to the CIA.

This is all hidden by the power of the National Security Act


c7eb50  No.5805891

>>5805780 lb

Have you done a tineye search

ca577c  No.5805892

File: 917f12f03f6e49a⋯.jpg (224.39 KB, 640x473, 640:473, dtl.jpg)


76a5fa  No.5805893

File: 91558c526e74f12⋯.jpg (124.81 KB, 941x513, 941:513, ray-bradbury-quote.jpg)

Wow 66 years ago Ray Bradbury predicted big tech censorship perfectly in Fahrenheit 451.

49b274  No.5805894


Is this sufficient for the requested art bundle PB, Baker?

>>5805781 Weird & sicko art gallery


329682  No.5805895

File: 7f5fe5f5f16ac50⋯.jpg (26.13 KB, 407x612, 407:612, Alexandra Richards Theodor….jpg)

File: 207db3c4be36771⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 407x612, 407:612, Hanna Liden and Rachel Cha….jpg)

File: cc228e02b72dbf9⋯.jpg (95.17 KB, 820x550, 82:55, PETER BEARD and RACHEL CHA….jpg)

File: 9d6f84a773691cd⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 408x612, 2:3, Rachel Chandler and Jeffer….jpg)

File: 342fad9e417c725⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Rachel Chandler Clarissa D….jpg)

0765d2  No.5805896

File: dd4e32188eb142f⋯.jpg (296.12 KB, 735x544, 735:544, Spring ball kick-off.jpg)

..Social Diary, contd:

129125  No.5805898


nooooo she doesn't look sickly at aaaaall

050275  No.5805899

File: dfcd49eaeca5568⋯.png (540.58 KB, 839x634, 839:634, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 2b3c4fad7b67d5c⋯.png (170.75 KB, 319x316, 319:316, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: f084f07226e3b2a⋯.png (461.33 KB, 962x620, 481:310, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: fc1aa89aa319e62⋯.png (848.18 KB, 965x627, 965:627, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: e0c79398480a88c⋯.png (895.43 KB, 906x626, 453:313, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

So I looked around a few of the commenters from Chandlers IG

Are they using Ephemera Conferences to trade pis and vids. they popped up a few times as I was lurking. The color red and red shoes kept coming up. And hair…

329682  No.5805900

File: 8999db808595656⋯.png (250.21 KB, 965x605, 193:121, Rachel_Chandler_TACTICAL_N….png)

File: 15d1e78b2d9dd30⋯.png (488.45 KB, 1791x605, 1791:605, RachelChandler_ANKH.png)

File: 16657305b65e0d6⋯.jpg (50.68 KB, 663x580, 663:580, RC_STANDARD_HOTEL_BoomBoom….jpg)

File: 6c18beaf7358535⋯.jpg (71.65 KB, 820x550, 82:55, RC7.jpg)

49b274  No.5805901


How could it not? With drops like the ones tonight, there is really no going back. Kek.

1f5a6b  No.5805902

File: 8cd78678ad70c20⋯.jpeg (86 KB, 860x484, 215:121, 6549898m.jpeg)

329682  No.5805903

File: 21445254958154e⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 408x612, 2:3, RC1.jpg)

File: a7b67dc2e2e4b69⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 612x436, 153:109, RC2.jpg)

File: e5111d9d531cff4⋯.jpg (36.45 KB, 408x612, 2:3, RC3.jpg)

File: b07b7ed26a8f360⋯.jpg (33.82 KB, 408x612, 2:3, RC4.jpg)

File: c2d988dfcf37151⋯.jpg (15.24 KB, 257x180, 257:180, RC5.jpg)

1bc903  No.5805904

File: 1463176d3a359f1⋯.jpg (349.16 KB, 1323x554, 1323:554, contacts.jpg)

File: c324da993ef2015⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1786x1143, 1786:1143, rothchild handler.jpg)

File: 581c47319616fb0⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 970x413, 970:413, D0iMTp6VsAEy0eZ.jpg)

File: d6ce1d3d3ad6d75⋯.jpg (198.33 KB, 1200x796, 300:199, D0iMVKDU4AAHdSQ.jpg)

Q links the SUBMIT A TIP page with PHONE & EMAIL! DOJ is now clean(er) the courts are now clean(er) -Q appears to be asking for calls/e-mails "see something, say something" Time for a flood of new investigations from Qanons calling about Qresearch?

af40e9  No.5805905





Links for purple magazine.

a33fb3  No.5805906


Sick fuck on the bottom right

f68de0  No.5805907


Could channel 11 be Nancy Pelosi? Doesn’t look like Clinton.

329682  No.5805908

File: 3b730627e083f7f⋯.jpg (110.82 KB, 820x550, 82:55, RC6.jpg)

File: 100fab46e69483d⋯.jpg (72.04 KB, 805x538, 805:538, RC8.jpg)

File: 52d3cbf7483af6a⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 236x353, 236:353, RC9.jpg)

File: 2d4aa2c1b5de17d⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 395x594, 395:594, RC10.jpg)

File: 45bc0d60eb98ed3⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 820x550, 82:55, Tom Guinness and Rachel Ch….jpg)

67b9e1  No.5805909

Maria Marshall is Tony Podestas art manager. She has photo sets like Rachel Chandler.

626c9c  No.5805910

File: bf6b8fad161850b⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1180x1104, 295:276, krueger suicide.jpg)

File: de19a5ee1842db8⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 2076x1280, 519:320, krueger twitter.jpg)

File: 6b5d2e3eca30998⋯.jpg (856.78 KB, 1198x1370, 599:685, krueger youtube.jpg)

Could be something. Could be nothing.

Maybe NOTABLE. Maybe not.

Found it a little too "coincidental".

56f65d  No.5805911

>>5805726 (lb)

it is the hypnosis they have on the population.

329682  No.5805912


sauce, images, NOTABLE.

050275  No.5805913

File: c846327aa86b7f6⋯.png (658.26 KB, 966x627, 322:209, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 2b2827725805c20⋯.png (777.75 KB, 962x621, 962:621, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: ca9c5eb10f519ae⋯.png (744.48 KB, 973x620, 973:620, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 7c94194396afbff⋯.png (531.27 KB, 825x613, 825:613, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 675783959f5e911⋯.png (641.94 KB, 969x624, 323:208, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)


Additional creepiness

1c98ad  No.5805914

>>5805093 (pb)

Lookie here. Guy pictured wth ray chandler.

This is Feburary 2019 Waris Ahluwalia at this website. http://purple.fr/diary/purple-party-hosted-olivier-zahm-paul-sevigny-celebrate-purple-31-paris-issue-pauls-new-york/

8c0e74  No.5805915

File: d7243fc1d2ddd42⋯.png (738.17 KB, 544x726, 272:363, received_401895190355981.png)

remembAR this night anons… tis the night we told q no moAR!

1bc903  No.5805916

File: d3d0089f2ce2d25⋯.jpg (78.37 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)

File: d78bf75bf49e39d⋯.png (36.17 KB, 300x300, 1:1, download (2).png)

File: 138e71d2accf3cd⋯.jpg (250.66 KB, 900x675, 4:3, mars star 6.jpg)

File: ef0cc1d6336544c⋯.jpg (562.77 KB, 1000x826, 500:413, soviet space.jpg)

File: a632ab80d60c706⋯.jpg (114.84 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, cab3c1754774aa04b9f850ed6f….jpg)

I suppose I could call myself

ab2999  No.5805917

>>5805346 (lb)


ad6a14  No.5805918

File: 389e14c644771fd⋯.png (4.11 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DBB7BDB4-CCD0-411D-BEE7-1D….png)

File: 44fef4501e7d625⋯.png (350.36 KB, 531x379, 531:379, DDA90E88-818E-4747-B32B-F9….png)

Ok so if this is Mattie we can tie her to RC…

56f65d  No.5805919


that kate moss? I bet she is right up in there with them all, has to be

f68de0  No.5805920

File: bf0e485bb892868⋯.jpeg (53.69 KB, 753x488, 753:488, F3F21B5E-FBC8-41B7-9200-3….jpeg)

1c98ad  No.5805921

File: a94c2d0d3368c39⋯.jpg (85.44 KB, 820x550, 82:55, 1052837-820x550.jpg)

aa5b4e  No.5805922

I remember the night we found ray chandlers Instagram and tumblr..

What a rush.

We could smell we were onto something big

EYES WIDE SHUT we called it

Then to see the scrubbing and panic in real time.


And we had no one guiding us to these crumbs.

Just anons on /pol/ seeking the truth

Seeking to see the ugly twisted face of reality


Great times.. we are waiting for justice to be served

We are waiting for the games to be over

We took the pill

The Normies can too

The truth does truly set you free

Sheep no more

We want justice

We crave justice

We deserve justice.

ad6a14  No.5805923

Could not find any connections between her parents and Rachel chandler


4a0aea  No.5805924

File: 0102683b066161b⋯.jpg (808.22 KB, 2289x2289, 1:1, PicsArt_03-21-01.49.08.jpg)

File: 1a05445d6a0c3c4⋯.jpg (376.7 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, PicsArt_03-21-01.55.50.jpg)

File: 244a7250092f355⋯.jpg (467.71 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, PicsArt_03-21-01.51.06.jpg)

File: 446939bc648d6c9⋯.jpg (837.26 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, PicsArt_03-21-01.45.25.jpg)

Some ig compilations of ray.chandler hubby

3095ae  No.5805925

File: bda61b4ae09620a⋯.png (329.17 KB, 648x555, 216:185, bda61b4ae09620a212796da921….png)

Anons, these are juvenile female skulls, distinguishable by the lack of strong brow ridges. Notice the clearly visible seams on the right; not present in an adult skull.

c7eb50  No.5805926

>>5805780 lb

Where's the images from?

2dab93  No.5805928

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, oldglory.png)

File: c68765384440836⋯.png (288.76 KB, 507x371, 507:371, DSBOOMDESTROYED.png)

File: 94fc38114d7a46c⋯.jpg (137.06 KB, 736x551, 736:551, e5a33fec19bf05171e00b6a9d2….jpg)

8c0e74  No.5805929

you will loosh the anons nevAR AGain

1f5a6b  No.5805930

File: ac004ae7c6bdd24⋯.jpg (184.32 KB, 982x652, 491:326, a752d67938d895a048ab4a5a20….jpg)

File: ed939aa4eef1da7⋯.jpg (36.51 KB, 435x219, 145:73, e643cb8ae63885533ef5e09e90….jpg)

fb24fa  No.5805931

Hey Q,

What the hell happened on the USCGC Munro last month?

Two kids "fell off a cliff?" After "trying something new?"

485c46  No.5805932


Yeah that night shift was legit. Her friend (blonde girl) had way more data but, overall, that was a big night.

329682  No.5805933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for newfags:


Qanon March 16 2019: Freedom - Justice


ad6a14  No.5805934


Can an anon do something to make the eyes clearer or see if she has that Q eye

aa5b4e  No.5805935



0c3f04  No.5805936

File: 1c66d4427a63b8a⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 570x450, 19:15, 2ia97ib.jpg)

050275  No.5805937

File: f3c954913fb08f8⋯.png (810.75 KB, 955x617, 955:617, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)


I swear this chic has blood on here neck and something splattered on the bottom of her shirt. and she looks tweeked af

56f65d  No.5805938


he has "photographed" SO MANY.. SOOOOOOOOOO MANNNNYYYY

0318e8  No.5805939

File: 6ce4121cadab27d⋯.jpeg (514.3 KB, 966x1759, 966:1759, AB4E7C43-8929-419F-8CA2-6….jpeg)

Re-reading crumbs:

“We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].”

I think we are getting to this point now. Buckle up. Pray.

329682  No.5805940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Qanon March 20 2019 - The Battle of Good vs Evil


03154d  No.5805941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


485c46  No.5805942

Since nobody is fucking posting them I will go dig them up. Just wait for the explosion of "holy shits" when they see those pictures if they think the Chandler shit is bad.

03154d  No.5805943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

c1daa8  No.5805944


Real men do not need reminders

03ef6f  No.5805945

File: 698f2d98a164796⋯.png (3.64 MB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2019-03-21-01-05-….png)

050275  No.5805946

File: 634ae9db85c972e⋯.png (368.56 KB, 967x622, 967:622, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 9163acc5029e649⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1232x685, 1232:685, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: c119ed93edaf430⋯.png (866.83 KB, 975x633, 325:211, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)


last ones. wtf

a33fb3  No.5805947


Kek, take a look at this article.


https://news.artnet. com/art-world/pizzagate-maria-marshall-1011377

8c0e74  No.5805948






eba703  No.5805949

File: cb45694e97bfb0c⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1772x1208, 443:302, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)



michael cohen?

bd36a5  No.5805950


Thank the Shiksa you've posted this again

9e7bcc  No.5805951

heard Branson shit is getting raided, know some ones parents who are on vacation and they mentioned they had mentioned that they had just got a call from there parents and there was tons armed dudes all over the place down there. and yes I developed a major shit eating grin as they were tellig me this. Need to figure out how to verify now

527ca9  No.5805952

File: 06df426b58125be⋯.jpeg (343.68 KB, 2224x1372, 556:343, D7AAF28D-86D1-4731-9222-2….jpeg)

File: 06df426b58125be⋯.jpeg (343.68 KB, 2224x1372, 556:343, 5BD29E1B-4FC1-4CDA-8A9B-B….jpeg)

Q posted a link to the photographer michal chelbin’s website. It is a thinly disguised documentation or catalogue for children.

Notice one book published by Michal: the black eye. Where have we seen a black eye (world leaders, celebs, and, I believe, protection the good guys have in place to stop EMP or the like)?

bd36a5  No.5805953


You tell em buddy

ad6a14  No.5805954


Looks like vampire marks

ab2999  No.5805955


this is a bit much. another night

e0290a  No.5805956

The FED likes to manipulate our currency.

c1daa8  No.5805957


Amen, Juan, We have to get rid of this evil.

249d2d  No.5805958



66d18e  No.5805959

File: 665628e0929dbc4⋯.png (1.06 MB, 883x809, 883:809, Screenshot_2019-03-21 U S ….png)

File: 6a4338be76f0a8d⋯.jpg (89.67 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Navy 1.jpg)

File: 7107b213299af32⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Navy 2.jpg)

File: 805f63f6200ccf5⋯.jpg (90.92 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Navy3.jpg)

File: 652d55933849d80⋯.jpg (69.36 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, Navy 4.jpg)


Interadsting color filters going on. Might be related I found them interesting Photos though


95fa9a  No.5805960

File: c260ea4e2a804b1⋯.jpg (192.78 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 14478306_1848577695361647_….jpg)

Thank you baker!

058f18  No.5805961

Luvs muh femfags

They know dis.

Appreciate all of you.

Truly humbling to be in the presence of greatness.

God Bless and Keep every one of you.

Excellent Night Shift.

bd36a5  No.5805962


0d501d  No.5805963

File: 9a8d423ff19d3cd⋯.jpg (8.61 KB, 236x190, 118:95, 6bb32eaebfdd1e90d45f504da7….jpg)


So you know richard branson?

f4c126  No.5805964


Looks like a person who has seen some shit

79f43d  No.5805965

Notable missed lb

Full dig on Rachel Chandler (Guinness)

She married Guiness heir, video and pictures of famous celebrities kids, pizzagate connection, Vogue magazine wedding article's, Epstein Island and Clinton mansion pictures with both Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein.

The Rachel Chandler Connection | pizzagate


Rachel Getting Married: The Photographer Weds Tom Guinness in the English Countryside - Vogue


Rachel Chandler Guinness - Zimbio


Family tree



67b9e1  No.5805966

Two mystery litigants citing privacy concerns are making a last-ditch bid to keep secret some details in a lawsuit stemming from wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein’s history of paying underage girls for sex.

Just prior to a court-imposed deadline Tuesday


03154d  No.5805967


>Thank the Shiksa you've posted this again

Anytime, fren. o7

56f65d  No.5805968


Stussy.. I AM GAY I remember 90/91 was huge

4a0aea  No.5805969

File: 446939bc648d6c9⋯.jpg (837.26 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, PicsArt_03-21-01.45.25.jpg)

File: 92da60690a4227b⋯.png (1010.07 KB, 900x1237, 900:1237, Screenshot_2019-03-21-01-2….png)

File: e98f7967cedd934⋯.jpg (671.28 KB, 1983x2643, 661:881, PicsArt_03-21-02.01.14.jpg)

File: 6b75cfd332d422c⋯.png (875.6 KB, 971x1397, 971:1397, Screenshot_2019-03-21-01-1….png)


A few more on Ray.Chandler hubby

ab2999  No.5805970

For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.

c7eb50  No.5805971


Um we should just report it to the tip line Q gave us. Just in case. Let the Feds sort it out and keep digging. That's her.

e53356  No.5805972

File: 30374d7b284826b⋯.png (1002.07 KB, 1096x616, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)


Madelaine Mccann Has a birthmark in her right eye. aka a nevus or choroid nevus

bd36a5  No.5805973

Where is the danielfaggot?

e0290a  No.5805974

Why didn't the FED decide no to raise rates today and for the rest of the year?

9b6724  No.5805975

Doe's Q want us to send the fb_ the digs on Rachael chandler?

9e7bcc  No.5805976


No a a guy I know has parents over there right now on vaction at ones of his places in virgin island

26d680  No.5805977

Timeline accepted

[-21] Keystone understood and accepted

[+21] Funding

[+2] Fun

[+4} dark to light

Smocking Gun pending-not tested, decissions, decisionns

Personal God is personal

1bc903  No.5805978


there we go, I'm glad to see people thinking this way. I may end up sending a few e-mails myself but I didn't want to be the only one.

49b274  No.5805979


Did you check qresear.ch? There's been at least one post (probably more) on him.

249d2d  No.5805980


I thought Danielfaggot was day shift

9cd3b8  No.5805981

>>5803571 (pb)

> https://www.fbi.gov/tips

We did this about a year ago

We sent tips into the FBI regarding Rachel "The Handler" Chandler about a year ago

I'm curious

Is this an exercise for new anons to catch up and wake up regarding all of the ugly Rachel stuff?

Is this an exercise to flood the FBI with tons of misc tips regarding Rachel?

Did we miss something significant last time?

Is there new information we didn't have last time?

Is there something _specific_ and _significant_ we should be submitting to the FBI regarding all this ugly Rachel stuff?

Also, Q, sincerely, thanks for saving the world

bc7fea  No.5805982



Thank you Q team.

Patriots ALL around the world are with you!

ad6a14  No.5805983


I know anon, I can get a clearer pic to see if same kid

ad6a14  No.5805984


I can’t *

3116cc  No.5805985


Its all open source

They know all of that and more.

bd36a5  No.5805986


Penis slicer?

aa5b4e  No.5805987


Of course we could’ve cataloged more but people couldn’t hold their excitement and started commenting like dumbasses. Thus triggering the scrub.


0c3f04  No.5805988

File: 183825631720d3c⋯.jpg (267.82 KB, 1280x649, 1280:649, IMG_20190202_144901_457.JPG)

File: 43019fc5cdb86ee⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 1081x717, 1081:717, IMG_20190202_151214_729.JPG)

File: 2f636dcfccc046e⋯.jpg (158.24 KB, 1091x714, 1091:714, IMG_20190202_151038_722.JPG)

Cooper in Brazil.

485c46  No.5805989

Q, gonna be honest with you here while I am digging up this old shit. I guarantee patriots are going to be concerned about sending data to the FBI given the past few years. Clarify exact meaning please.

f4c126  No.5805990


Raising rates hurts the economy. They are probably waiting for 2020 and double them to tank the economy making Trump look bad for the election.

e0290a  No.5805991

the FED controls the economy Q

c1daa8  No.5805992

File: 197828e43a999ef⋯.png (161.7 KB, 2488x274, 1244:137, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)


This is also true. It will not be me casting the first stone. Thanks for all you do.

2a3126  No.5805994


Do we have the sauce for this Maddie photo?

c7eb50  No.5805995

File: 2e1213ece72797a⋯.png (348.69 KB, 1345x440, 269:88, ClipboardImage.png)

249d2d  No.5805996


It's late for him too.

605167  No.5805997

File: 7994a109719b392⋯.jpg (105.91 KB, 755x913, 755:913, Screenshot_20190321-015522….jpg)

Something a bit strange, anons, and maybe another dig point.

The Tom Arnold picture also exists at patrickmacmullen.com with this metadata:

1bc903  No.5805998


courts are now more clean - and so is the DOJ (look at resignations list) check this thread https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1101285103815127040 now is the first moment when it'd work - time to see and say something!

9e7bcc  No.5805999

rachel handler stuff is making it out on tumblr there is also another place that was looking into years ago and managed to save a few of the stuff from twitter

58c1f7  No.5806000


I really hope so. Been waiting for it since November 2016.

bd36a5  No.5806001

File: a4f2090cae05cef⋯.png (90.83 KB, 234x288, 13:16, Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)

249d2d  No.5806002


My guess was it was for lurkers that know shit but won't say shit. People in and around the clique.

48fef8  No.5806003

File: 5d5cd09a7dc92b5⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 500x649, 500:649, 1495725534425.jpg)

4a0aea  No.5806004

File: e44e8a34c4e33ac⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1095x1747, 1095:1747, Screenshot_2019-03-21-01-1….png)

File: 41c5fd6d208802e⋯.png (895.77 KB, 900x1345, 180:269, Screenshot_2019-03-21-00-5….png)

File: 6887dc5e64a55ab⋯.png (795.63 KB, 952x1228, 238:307, Screenshot_2019-03-21-01-1….png)

File: 92da60690a4227b⋯.png (1010.07 KB, 900x1237, 900:1237, Screenshot_2019-03-21-01-2….png)


These seem most important.

e0290a  No.5806005

who controls the economy and who gets blamed.

a4f8db  No.5806006

17ecdd  No.5806007


colorful bird pics. I appreciate them.

4482de  No.5806008


It's been a long time coming. I'm really sick of waiting knowing what we know.

0d501d  No.5806009

File: 29f96777e5803e1⋯.png (223.14 KB, 600x450, 4:3, michael-flynn-600x450.png)


Exactly my thoughts

e0290a  No.5806010

who gets blamed frens.

1c98ad  No.5806011

File: ac180adf0118ba2⋯.jpg (95.05 KB, 820x550, 82:55, walterpearce.jpg)

File: 37d295db75ab1ac⋯.jpg (105.09 KB, 820x550, 82:55, warisnfren.jpg)

This purple website is gold.. Tons of pedos hangng out and you can see who they hobnob with. Walter pearce, 3/20/19.

Waris from feb 2019.

2dab93  No.5806012




577798  No.5806013

So what happens if anyone ever finds any actual proof of this Chandler shit? Obviously can’t post it here.

f655be  No.5806014


That and I think there are many more following Q now. From all around the world. They need to know. Everyone is watching now.

249d2d  No.5806015


Are those rain coats? Water resistant?

e0290a  No.5806016

manipulation is how they work.

0d501d  No.5806017



bc7fea  No.5806018


Australians: TIPS


626c9c  No.5806019


Post is re: KRUEGER song

Suicide is weakness

matching to Krueger's '"suicide".

aa5b4e  No.5806020


Most were born into the cult.

They follow because they know of its power

Evil has shown its face to them

To procure their addiction

Spanning generations

If you saw something supernatural, would you believe?

Would you worship?

Good vs Evil

Satan showed himself to Jesus too

Don’t be fooled

This is not a game

This is for the future of humanity

b77c86  No.5806021

File: 93b675543eb2f00⋯.jpg (234.25 KB, 987x1433, 987:1433, pizza-hillary.jpg)

577798  No.5806022

2daef3  No.5806023


Australia is *not* cleaned up.

4482de  No.5806024


The 2005 pic and comments are fuckin weird.

1bc903  No.5806025

File: e75d506191613f3⋯.png (9.42 KB, 1142x274, 571:137, Magic Crptography.png)


to understand the deeper game one must learn "magic" - but there is plenty below that level that anon's know that could be reported and probably now, for the first time, to great effect.

329682  No.5806026

File: c901f920957bdb0⋯.jpg (166.19 KB, 1604x928, 401:232, RC_NancySalzman.jpg)

File: 3fbb39d28b4fdb9⋯.jpg (608.18 KB, 864x1296, 2:3, nancy_salzman.jpg)

File: a49f0114a53e96e⋯.jpg (37.37 KB, 992x558, 16:9, NancySalzman.jpg)


Found this while digging, imo seems very well possible.

>Rachel Chandler's mom is Nancy Salzman, president of NXIVM?


b45fb7  No.5806027

File: 40725d8504253d7⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Kubrik tried to tell us…

e0290a  No.5806028

play their game against them.

fd86b5  No.5806029

File: 37949ec7252cea7⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 4016x4016, 1:1, Ada2e94c78cdb7e311db0ad3eb….jpg)

File: 7a5a704503180e0⋯.jpg (56.84 KB, 940x627, 940:627, PepeInTheCosmos.jpg)

File: eea6622e561d660⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 499x499, 1:1, Anoniverse.jpg)

File: 18646f986895d57⋯.jpeg (545.93 KB, 945x936, 105:104, 18646f986895d57cdc097b9c7….jpeg)

e0bbbc  No.5806030

File: 35fec4836574b64⋯.png (167.75 KB, 718x742, 359:371, ClipboardImage.png)

I'll just leave this here.

What are the odds (filthy rich guy, might be an IG model himself), reports the IG models plane crash of that night?

46fb98  No.5806031

the bridge

the island

8ac06a  No.5806032

Q came in

Dropped booms

out before midnight

c1daa8  No.5806033


Dropping a lot of truth tonight. How much will they be able to absorb? Nothing you're saying is not true and we have learned over a couple of years.

I think right now most are thinking yes this is true and how can they but at some point it could turn surreal all in one night. Praying for wisdom for on high.

17ecdd  No.5806034

File: 8523cfc5c0dc5e0⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 1.jpg)

03ef6f  No.5806035

File: bbfbd0a42a1a132⋯.png (3.05 MB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture _2019-03-21-01-15-….png)


Bite Marks???

d66469  No.5806036

File: ca375d5977e9072⋯.png (341.67 KB, 486x551, 486:551, KubricThrillOfDiscovery.png)



e0290a  No.5806037


4a0aea  No.5806038

File: 3028b6071b23400⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Screenshot_2019-03-21-00-3….png)


That reminds me, creepy pedo swirl in like all their writing.

577798  No.5806039


And look what happened to him. Be careful

1f5a6b  No.5806040

File: 933c20946ebdf03⋯.jpeg (224.52 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, 6546546549687m.jpeg)

edd347  No.5806041


its all about the epstein xase and the fight to keep it sealed RC is janedoe and if this gets unsealed then her involvement gets exposed and highlighted for investigation

ab2999  No.5806042

File: 00801498e0e4a0f⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, E004B85C-EA0D-4845-9D76-D6….jpg)

Enlightening evening.

Prayers and good night frens.

7cc536  No.5806043

File: e8e30a7fa17a3b7⋯.png (247.19 KB, 640x611, 640:611, dummylee.png)

383b3c  No.5806044

Look at these Instagrams:

all on Rachel Chandler Instagrams as commenters, weird shit from the first time we dug:

Walter Pearce







all connected to robert deniro

connected to robert deniro

SICK people:

Bbiancaa AKA Shadrinsky : she has many accounts



Robert De Niro you say? Why that takes us right back to Ray Chandler: https://twitter.com/TrueRussianBot/status/982872069191827456

CULT brand…in our faces


8c0e74  No.5806045

What if Q was a lARp but AR was real?


9e7bcc  No.5806046

File: 33edc3dee20aaf4⋯.jpg (676.87 KB, 1280x1916, 320:479, tumblr_mzqa6nNuky1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: ccfc765613e9bcb⋯.jpg (235.16 KB, 1189x917, 1189:917, tumblr_nekotwSL0e1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 683d8eb6a4dca62⋯.jpg (355.66 KB, 1280x845, 256:169, tumblr_nekr3mCPE01qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: e0f9c8b4cc7f4fe⋯.jpg (199.39 KB, 1081x809, 1081:809, tumblr_nekt4msu9I1qisyv1o1….jpg)

from raychel 2014

f655be  No.5806047

These people believing it's all conspiracy theories, man they need to wake up

e0290a  No.5806048

UK, May needs a delay.

67b9e1  No.5806049

Artist grandson, 19, of wealthy New York socialite and Clinton donor Denise Rich and her late 'King of Commodities' financier husband Marc dies in London after 'taking his own life'

Emerging artist Kai Schachter, 19, committed suicide in London last week

The 19-year-old is the grandson of New York socialite Denise Rich and her late 'King of Commodities' financier husband Marc Rich

Kai is the son of art dealer Kenny Schachter and artist Ilona Rich Schachter

Sources say Kai took his life after being left 'heartbroken' by a 'busted romance'

At the time of his death, Kai was living between London and New York

He shared an apartment in New York's Lower East Side with his brother Adrian and two other artists

He had also built up a close circle of prominent friends in London, including Jude Law's son Rafferty and socialite Lady Lola Crichton-Stuart

Kai's grandmother Denise, a well-known songwriter, donated more than $1 million to the Democrats while Bill Clinton was president

Hours before leaving office in January 2001, Clinton issued a presidential pardon to Denise's husband Marc, who was indicted on 65 criminal counts in 1983

Marc fled to Switzerland after learning about the indictment charges, which included tax evasion, fraud, and trade with Iran during the oil embargo


8c0e74  No.5806050


RA has spoken.

577798  No.5806051


That’s the “Stussy” brand font I think.

eba703  No.5806052

File: 7adbbfb598d97bd⋯.png (74 KB, 1412x382, 706:191, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 8f58697e2bc2ad1⋯.png (112.93 KB, 1306x616, 653:308, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: dfeeec4fa03e19e⋯.png (510.5 KB, 2084x1528, 521:382, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: de8d6647f7e0c32⋯.png (54.71 KB, 1294x218, 647:109, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)



weird…. kenneth starr defended epstein?

also this other guy seems swampy as hell




9b7fe2  No.5806053


#7426 posted in 7427

>>5805115 Old pastebin from 2016 concerning Rachel Chandler and others

>>5805128 Rachel Chandler at Volkswagen, MoMA and MoMA PS1 Celebratory Dinner

>>5805380, >>5805178, >>5805254 RC unlocked her own account for anons ?

>>5805256 Miscellaneous pizzagate posts from 2016 (pastebin link)

>>5805200 RC, Dasha Zhukova, Roman Abromovich and his Yacht, David Geffen, St Barth

>>5805152 Peter Kadzik dig (re-dig)

>>5805471 CIA Announces New Deputy Chief Operating Officer

>>5805473 security cam photo after correcting the distortion.

>>5805543, >>5805215 more Casa de Campos & the Fanjul Brothers

>>5805386, >>5805276 instagram.com/corymkennedy/

>>5805575 Missouri Senate Bans All Federal Gun Control Laws in Proposed Bill

>>5805739 How Many Chandlers - Rachel Chandler to Mariah Sunshine Coogan

>>5805781 Weird & sicko art gallery bun

383b3c  No.5806054

ALL from Ray Chandler digs way back:


Charles manson mentioned? California? Think Hugh Hefner, Now ray Chandler: manson…music connection

hugh everything connection, ray chandler model connection…….now this Pearce guy is being said he is masons kid?

DNA blood, cloning? I don't know……….but he does look eerily like Manson….and he is one of the head guys in this MODEL ring????

grandmagaoth is the MOM?

All of the people linked came of the from the Ray chandler instagram acct comments , her most recent pic, the art pic, giant black and white thing.

ray chandler direct friends





this is real shit. not just a "ad"


7a1a6c  No.5806055

File: e8eb5163c196c36⋯.jpg (58.34 KB, 474x595, 474:595, armour4.jpg)

File: 77fe0a2f1d12a77⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 450x450, 1:1, armour3.jpg)

File: 8276485bb980c89⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 262x371, 262:371, armor2.jpg)

After thenight's drop storm. Anon feels like:

8c0e74  No.5806056


numbARs nevAR lie frens….

49b274  No.5806057


Thx for clarification, anon.

c7eb50  No.5806058

File: ecba6ad956f8a96⋯.png (493.65 KB, 598x1118, 23:43, ClipboardImage.png)



Look harder.

Here's your connection.

Epstein Island and Ghislaine.

Also URL if you would.

Thanks Anon

9b7fe2  No.5806059

where's my practice bakers at

gotta keep going training the new crop of young bloods for the bakery

e0290a  No.5806060

Not Gonna Work May!!

8c0e74  No.5806061


light - 11


306e5c  No.5806062

>>5805436 pb

Amen to that

9e7bcc  No.5806063

File: fe78653fb29f3cd⋯.jpg (489.17 KB, 1183x915, 1183:915, tumblr_nekstwKlvI1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 90964183fb78d1f⋯.jpg (104.45 KB, 729x970, 729:970, tumblr_neksraNX641qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 7f341b8dd600564⋯.jpg (165.33 KB, 1185x915, 79:61, tumblr_nekr7dnJVx1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 3a2d516a0e7d72f⋯.jpg (141.14 KB, 1184x914, 592:457, tumblr_nekqy85Klc1qisyv1o1….jpg)


moar ratch post from 2014

383b3c  No.5806064

More from Ray chanldr Instagram from back in the day:


walterpearceHow lucky are we that this February 14th we get to both celebrate love and repent


oh_yeaahh_sacrifice season, pax 2 u both

oh_yeaahh_Oh, Yeaahh ‼️


0marcel0🖤 the ashes



humanitycrossTwin souls

buildabratVery nice

lauralupinporterI love you guys so much!

krisp.77Oh joy 🤗🤗🤗

oraculoLove u babies <3



mrhellbentfthis is the son of Charlie Manson





pedramkarimi_happy love day you twos@walterpearce




walterpearce@malcolmraeradboy hot

saracattini740Your wife is absolutely gorgeous!! She is a natural beauty.



lottavolkovaLove you guys 💕


yungnrichclothingAmazing post

frantzuahWhat u giving up for lent?

youcantakeitwithyouEaster Sunday April Fool's


markoknows@walterpearce what?


b45fb7  No.5806065



I believe he also confessed to faking the Apollo missions for NASA

they killed him but his conscience was clean

329682  No.5806066

File: 7cd75747268774e⋯.png (967.34 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, PUNISHER_1776_REVOLUTION.png)

File: 34361e0ff89bdbc⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 438x225, 146:75, 33mason_albert_pike_lucife….jpg)

File: d24dac286922be2⋯.png (210.74 KB, 400x266, 200:133, d24dac286922be245c4b2ad70e….png)

File: 506e1e7236e5de2⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 460x307, 460:307, order3.jpg)

c1daa8  No.5806067

File: 7cd28e157fdd5c1⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 7cd28e157fdd5c1369fc34fd31….jpg)

8c0e74  No.5806068




game theARy?

4482de  No.5806069


Worthless (((Starr))) gets paid 5mill at Baylor to look the other way when rapes are alleged.

67b9e1  No.5806070

Pay attention.

Q just asked all victims of child abuse to come forward and write to the FBI. GET THE WORD OUT.

This is a call to unite and secure victory against the worst of society. THIS IS THE TIME TO SPEAK UP.

Rally the victims. This is what the Great Awakening is for. We need the public's support, and so we shall go to the public for their support. This is the pill most easily swallowed, one that occurs naturally from anonymous, online individuals.

Godspeed, let's change the world together for the better.


2daef3  No.5806071

File: b311a1005c58142⋯.jpg (139.75 KB, 1067x598, 1067:598, handkerchief.jpg)

File: 1735ed9ed9c3398⋯.jpg (209.17 KB, 1600x907, 1600:907, rainbow 2.jpg)


He was so fucking with us in that scene. I rewatched it so many times, the women in circle change places every time the camera changes, and the whole thing changes in respect to the organ depending on who's position we're looking at it from…

That movie was definitely telling us stuff.

When stuff about Podesta's handkerchief dropped, this thought came to mind immediately. This is why Bill wasn't *in* the inner circle… clean handkerchief. These two were going to lead him to where the rainbow ends… which was where?

cf0584  No.5806072

File: dcfd74ffeda29b6⋯.jpg (122.98 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1551025199613m.jpg)

File: 7faea0aabfa6964⋯.jpg (616.42 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20190310-091623….jpg)


Vault 7. They think they own the sky's. I thought we proved (((them))) wrong.

debfa5  No.5806073

“The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska” by Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp.

Published in 1992. The Nebraska Repub party had a steady stream of children (from of all places ‘Boys Town’). Boys and girls who were orphaned and / or abused at homes or foster homes. Allegedly taken to a nearby State Park for party favors.

The Franklin portion was a credit union that “lost” $40,000,000.

Once the corner of the tarp was lifted on the monetary lossinvestigation, the pedo story followed.

An investigator (and his son) died in a single engine aircraft “accident” travelling back to Omaha from Chicago. Pilot wasn’t expert but was experienced and the plane dropped out of a clear blue sky.

Get a chance, read the book.



aa5b4e  No.5806074


That’s not Tom Arnold you dip shit

626c9c  No.5806075


Yup. Probably should have just written out that expl.

d66469  No.5806076

File: 12dae28bb77a5a1⋯.jpg (113.52 KB, 1074x856, 537:428, G7WU4Dp.jpg)


Oh yeah, outright control.

That'll work 'milts.

8c0e74  No.5806077

remembAR this day anons….

powAR to the people.

bfc6cc  No.5806078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Play the Game Tonight

edd347  No.5806079

epstein case were did he get the girls/kids

RC handeled that for him and others

we need that case unsealed

d66469  No.5806080


Only because we were warned off..

8c0e74  No.5806081



1eebac  No.5806082

File: fb85dcc223368f1⋯.png (339.06 KB, 2301x756, 767:252, sdgf.png)

Frau Merkel on Chandlers Instagram


7cc536  No.5806083


who is it?

79f43d  No.5806084


missed lb

Full dig on Rachel Chandler (Guinness)

She married Guiness heir, video and pictures of famous celebrities kids, pizzagate connection, Vogue magazine wedding article's, Epstein Island and Clinton mansion pictures with both Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein.

The Rachel Chandler Connection | pizzagate


Rachel Getting Married: The Photographer Weds Tom Guinness in the English Countryside - Vogue


Rachel Chandler Guinness - Zimbio


Family tree



d66469  No.5806085



4482de  No.5806086

The "panda eye" kids freak me out.

8c0e74  No.5806087


holy cow, timestamp SMASH

0f0b31  No.5806088



cf0584  No.5806089

File: f6f90c22644de3e⋯.jpg (8.98 KB, 255x148, 255:148, f83a4e38e6fc8edbe1338fa74b….jpg)

f68de0  No.5806090


How about a nice condum necklace

8c0e74  No.5806091



383b3c  No.5806092

More connected to Ray Chandler Instagram and Twitter:







debbie "spirit cooker" harry and iggy pop younger


this guy again cyber69 friend of rache, gioforbice,etc….










03154d  No.5806093

File: 44f9a9a03a7f90d⋯.jpg (41.36 KB, 500x375, 4:3, TOM-ARNOLD.jpg)

9cd3b8  No.5806094


>RC is janedoe


329682  No.5806095

File: 86c4ebe6b0c6d73⋯.jpg (302.94 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, STRONG_TOGETHER.jpg)

File: 5414e900ce91431⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, Unity_notDivision.jpg)


Anons are attacked by muh jew shills again.

Since Q called them out yesterday they PANIC.

There are two kinds of muh jew shills.

1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.

2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.

<DS wants the people divided

Don´t fall for it.


Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

If it is that simple like

<muh jooos

why do we even have a research board?

9b7fe2  No.5806096

>>5805881 whats a TV guide

ca577c  No.5806097


spot on anon, who the fucks gonna send data to those tits? stupidity test imo.

8c0e74  No.5806098

35 is with ME

d66469  No.5806099

File: 04eb4c6f9a8d3ef⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 200x200, 1:1, not bad.gif)

67b9e1  No.5806100


James Rothschild is from one of the highly wealthy families in the world. He is a British banker who came to light after getting married to Nicky Hilton on July 10, 2015.

The British banker and the heir of the Rothschild family, James Rothschild has assets worth of $60 million (not considering the family’s worth).

Marriage to Nicky Hilton

James and Nicky got hitched in possibly one of the most expensive weddings in history; all thanks to the Hilton’s family staggering wealth of $900 million and of Rothschilds’ $700 trillion tied up in their property, banking business, art, wine, and charities.

aa5b4e  No.5806101


Epstein island.

Under the temple


c7eb50  No.5806102

File: ecba6ad956f8a96⋯.png (493.65 KB, 598x1118, 23:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 509ce45e1752ade⋯.png (234.7 KB, 921x629, 921:629, ClipboardImage.png)




Rachel Chandler

Not sauced but damn near.

8c0e74  No.5806103


5:5 and 17?



e0a8db  No.5806104


Regarding the R. Chandler dig—maybe check out the Management Artists and www.maworldgroup.com I got to go to bed.

129125  No.5806105


Artist grandson, 19, of wealthy New York socialite and Clinton donor Denise Rich and her late 'King of Commodities' financier husband Marc dies in London after 'taking his own life'

b45fb7  No.5806106


>where the rainbow ends… which was where?

Oz = MK programming

26d3cb  No.5806107

There will need to be so many brought down

how many executed?

I'm guessing thousands NEED to be

d66469  No.5806108



Don't just copy.

9b6724  No.5806109

File: 7b62ce579fc83d2⋯.gif (716.73 KB, 1226x815, 1226:815, 7b62ce579fc83d2b2548b7d5ac….gif)


knowing what you know now you can see with new eyes.

also Newanons can catch up!

329682  No.5806110

File: 2fb5b4c6e9d6425⋯.png (326.42 KB, 587x505, 587:505, Patton_Oswalt_PEDO.png)

File: 8f3997e062d36fa⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1800x1786, 900:893, PattonOswalt_PEDO1.jpg)

File: d6c9a65d7f3e812⋯.jpg (346.82 KB, 1200x1432, 150:179, PattonOswalt_PEDO2.jpg)

File: cab352ac8c2aeb9⋯.jpg (31.94 KB, 392x522, 196:261, RABBIT.jpg)

380fb3  No.5806111


Interesting. Looks like her.

d66469  No.5806112


FFS you have this ONE LAST FIGHT

485c46  No.5806113


Alright, during the original Handler night shift one group came across all the Handler shit you see today. However, a second group was looking into her friend and we found a total shit load of bad crap down this route which never saw the light of day.

Handle: @albahodsoll

Remember this one anons? Yeah….

383b3c  No.5806114

more from Rachel Chandler Instagram friends:







abb9ff  No.5806115


And what brings you to this conclusion? And yes I know who Mendax is.

0581da  No.5806116

File: 5e73ade016650b4⋯.jpeg (1.92 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4027876A-86BC-4A09-9FF2-6….jpeg)

Q 3151 Britney Spears, Richard Gear connection to Child Handler Chandler.

fb24fa  No.5806117

So the artist Peter Beard (commonly mistaken for the most interesting man on earth) was associated with the cannibalism of a Rockefeller.


>In November 1961, the 23-year-old Michael Rockefeller, son of the then-Governor of New York Nelson Rockefeller and member of one of the wealthiest families in the United States, disappeared in Asmat when his boat overturned while on an art collecting expedition. His disappearance, followed by an intensive and ultimately unsuccessful search by the Dutch authorities, was the source of much speculation as to Mr. Rockefeller's fate. Recently, author Carl Hoffman in his book "Savage Harvest," presented evidence that Rockefeller was killed and eaten by people from Otsjanep village.[8]


626c9c  No.5806118

File: af2d65bcc370b2f⋯.jpg (593.42 KB, 620x892, 155:223, lohan failed kidnapping.jpg)

And let's not forget Lohan's attempted kidnapping of kids in Russia.

8c0e74  No.5806119

those who pray on the weak anons will pay gRAve consequences….

eba703  No.5806120

File: 8f58697e2bc2ad1⋯.png (112.93 KB, 1306x616, 653:308, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: dda63b3fcbd595f⋯.png (110.64 KB, 1430x558, 715:279, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 0882a06274ac57d⋯.png (276.43 KB, 1518x930, 253:155, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)



lilly ann sanchez is interesting too



money laundering


fa0bff  No.5806121

File: 7ddceaada0e2379⋯.png (32.56 KB, 609x227, 609:227, ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: New Zealand police say they inadvertently charged mosque terror suspect with murder of person who is still alive

And the planted clip

The disappearing shells

The auto glass anomalies

The moments of missing audio.

The not releasing the bodies on time.

And now this.

f22270  No.5806122

File: a003b0444a032b8⋯.png (454.35 KB, 639x429, 213:143, ClipboardImage.png)

249d2d  No.5806123


Well there was certainly a fake vid of "him" doing it. It was fake though.

8c0e74  No.5806124


5:5 again?


b45fb7  No.5806125

File: 69da70e7c80f974⋯.png (238.61 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

e11a22  No.5806126

File: 6429f47d966e27e⋯.png (454.32 KB, 1076x946, 538:473, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e81239618476780⋯.png (13.5 KB, 1106x617, 1106:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d7c9fa290e5b90⋯.png (16.07 KB, 1096x848, 137:106, ClipboardImage.png)

TANK Magazine / The Food Issue, Autumn 2016


Concrete orchard Beneath the paving stones lies the beach. Photography by Rachel Chandler, styling by Eugenie Dalland


Not Sure if is anything to this but:

This reads like a coded message, focus one the highlighted only words to read it.


329682  No.5806127

File: ed5aad58a9a0217⋯.jpg (96.78 KB, 634x731, 634:731, Mason_Pedo_Savile.jpg)

File: daab86e92dd3962⋯.jpg (381.91 KB, 797x1024, 797:1024, masonCross.jpg)

File: 02978815b765386⋯.jpg (112.12 KB, 634x521, 634:521, MasonCross4.jpg)

File: 3ff05f1394dcb8d⋯.jpg (87.4 KB, 660x553, 660:553, Savile.jpg)

e0290a  No.5806128

EU just wants the may (UK deal in LIMBO)…

BITCH may!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

383b3c  No.5806129

Nasty man connected to Ray Chandler, it gets really dark and creepy:

Just a hunch..??? all connected?

Think McDonalds/Qanon Cargill models snuff films


school bus: crime:



b/w follow the white rabbit


THESE Three connect everybody:











cargo truck, school bus, McDonalds: MEAT

jvilcaMoschino. https://www.instagram.com/jvilca/


daniellealcarazHaha 👆👌






49b274  No.5806130

>>5806092 Ray Chandler Instagram and Twitter links


4482de  No.5806131


Let's not forget the rumor from CDAN that one of her workers at her stupid club got silenced.

592e36  No.5806132

File: f0755bc3d316487⋯.jpg (192.19 KB, 1013x678, 1013:678, 20190320_231238.jpg)

Partial list of Presidential Pardons and Commutations by Bill Clinton:


Right Direction Q?

Rachel Chandler (F)

Bill Clinton (M)

Presidential Pardon = ??? MS-13 Member?

MS-13 187 of ???

c1daa8  No.5806133


You don't???

8c0e74  No.5806134

RA is for ameRicA….

rembAR that anons….

0c3f04  No.5806135

File: 83c6d6ae020d8b4⋯.jpg (67.38 KB, 666x666, 1:1, 1550565319.jpg)


Fuck your spam.

5c2b44  No.5806136

File: b02aee324f6ca9d⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 369x480, 123:160, b02aee324f6ca9d4926aa03dad….jpg)


Joker face WTF

8c0e74  No.5806137


RA is in control.

b45fb7  No.5806138


>It was fake though

like the Apollo missions

full circle

9e7bcc  No.5806139

File: 9f27e93fdf93588⋯.jpg (511.89 KB, 881x1341, 881:1341, tumblr_moazhl4EH91qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 94733a63f4f54a6⋯.jpg (526.55 KB, 1280x835, 256:167, tumblr_mi6qx5fCJU1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: fcb606fd858e305⋯.jpg (260.95 KB, 1181x1575, 1181:1575, tumblr_mkyi2k03vc1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 0c2037773998f3e⋯.jpg (366.02 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, tumblr_msh2c31n9h1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: bed5b56a709690c⋯.jpg (214.98 KB, 1280x849, 1280:849, tumblr_mupx26OAgG1qisyv1o1….jpg)


how about 2014 look at green box close

58c1f7  No.5806140

File: 58bcaa7d463b3ba⋯.png (704 KB, 625x625, 1:1, Screenshot_2019-03-20 MICH….png)

File: 820641faf68fe49⋯.png (714.32 KB, 625x657, 625:657, Screenshot_2019-03-20 MICH….png)

File: 27fb50bbc2d7989⋯.png (855.59 KB, 625x620, 125:124, Screenshot_2019-03-20 MICH….png)



Q, is Israeli photographer Michal Chelbin a handler like Rachel Chandler? Was she the one who took the picture at the boat-in resort with the kids back on the boat?

Some of her photos:

8c0e74  No.5806141


check all digits

329682  No.5806142

File: 0eda9fbe13c5a10⋯.jpg (79.89 KB, 1274x713, 1274:713, masonCross2.jpg)

File: 63a6af0823f36d9⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 387x457, 387:457, masonCross3.jpg)

File: ee565ca6364f97b⋯.png (261.18 KB, 2667x1500, 889:500, studzinski3.png)

File: 426f508d1734293⋯.png (44.19 KB, 590x442, 295:221, studzinski4.png)

485c46  No.5806143


This is the account where we found Dr. Dre, Eminem, Rothschild, Jennifer Lawrence, etc

03154d  No.5806144

File: 13774209710b604⋯.png (340.7 KB, 477x387, 53:43, ClipboardImage.png)

edd347  No.5806145


its a complete fuckup from the get go

they dropped the false flag in a big way

ce378e  No.5806146



"Court documents filed by Jane Doe 3 - now known to be Virginia Roberts - say that Ms Maxwell ‘facilitated Prince Andrew’s acts of sexual abuse by acting as a madame for Epstein’."

383b3c  No.5806147

MORE Ray Chandler friend GIO:

The yacht Carinthia VII was built in the Lürssen Yachts yard in 2002 and refurbished in the same yard three years later. One of the largest motor yachts in the world, it is owned by Heidi Horten, widow of the German entrepreneur Helmut Horten. Wikipedia








gioforbicebro i tell u i can't brathe

woveninredKitten in a bag is the best game!! Whether by knife or whether by gun, losing ur life can sometimes b fun






they hunt people up trees in fields: https://www.instagram.com/p/kA-lvQONae/?taken-by=gioforbice



bubble wrap for packing:


bfc6cc  No.5806148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8c0e74  No.5806149

RA = 18+1


577798  No.5806150

File: d2432add5af3965⋯.jpeg (945.42 KB, 1125x1894, 1125:1894, 8472991F-6D1F-4551-9601-6….jpeg)

1bc903  No.5806151

File: 811c56b0d127e21⋯.jpg (295.64 KB, 640x437, 640:437, lights camera action.jpg)


there is so much symbolism in that picture… it's hard to even unpack it for people - but this has to do with child sacrifice…

9b9d25  No.5806152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e0290a  No.5806153

May how many times have you been rejected


e2b999  No.5806155

He also developed real estate and erected the famous Hollywood sign (which originally read "Hollywoodland")


c42f4b  No.5806156

File: 260f1bab83f2a39⋯.jpeg (309.21 KB, 1421x1335, 1421:1335, ahluvalia rachel chandler.jpeg)

Rachel Chandler with Waris Ahluvalia

485c46  No.5806157


Yep, that's the account. Looks like she did a lot of clean up since last year but we have it all

9e7bcc  No.5806158

I dont think the filters are working right because alot of really creepy shit is no longer blocked some places

69cf49  No.5806159

File: 57a1f81001ce9aa⋯.png (299.62 KB, 496x330, 248:165, Screenshot_2019-03-21 mexi….png)

File: f6eedf9cdaaca59⋯.png (366.89 KB, 1022x652, 511:326, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Mexi….png)

File: 90bcb3d32209650⋯.png (657 KB, 571x379, 571:379, Screenshot_2019-03-21 mexi….png)

Anons on FIRE!

Keep up the Good Work!!!

dd5672  No.5806160

File: da3948c7830c717⋯.jpg (23.38 KB, 160x160, 1:1, 01_.jpg)

File: 7accd26140de357⋯.png (20.01 KB, 779x153, 779:153, Capture.PNG)

File: 70fc01b9f000ceb⋯.jpg (34.6 KB, 325x222, 325:222, 325px-Pence_posing_with_QA….jpg)

Digging pic 01_.jpg and what do I find on the image page kek

8587a2  No.5806161

Pizzagate article from back in the day.

Maybe worth a read / re-read.


383b3c  No.5806162

Still more re Ray Chandler aand Gio : and Shadrinsky

again with the meat trucks:






womans purse, smans hands, police……funny:










gistaI'm Lovin It 〽️

buttertoothMc. E . deez Nutz



shadrinskyR I C H





tomrich007@shadrinsky See you soon in Paris:)














shadrinsky🍗 @donovanalxs @clementmbt


vidunjaмне нравится этот тип справа!

shadrinsky@vidunja 🍕😌



geenaraeeeso dope



lourenardLily depp? (johnny depp owns an island)




edd347  No.5806163


not that case, a motion by lawyer unamed client thats afraid of embarassement if unsealed

227fc6  No.5806164



Also think of it this way. The nsa cant reveal they were spying on their phones ("phones were allowed in" "these people are stupid" - q). So anons do a parallel investigation, guided by q, and submit the results to a much cleaner fbi.

And then during the evidence collection process, the nsa are requested to bring up their data and what do you know? Now they can legally insert it woth no nat sec issues or bad optics.

7a1a6c  No.5806165

File: e8eb5163c196c36⋯.jpg (58.34 KB, 474x595, 474:595, armour4.jpg)

File: 77fe0a2f1d12a77⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 450x450, 1:1, armour3.jpg)

File: 8276485bb980c89⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 262x371, 262:371, armor2.jpg)

File: 7a4872a5005bb5c⋯.jpg (87.01 KB, 474x648, 79:108, armor1.jpg)

After the night's drop storm. Anon feels like:

e11a22  No.5806166


The other 2 images with the rest of the article, strange won't show up.., please excuse and go directly here to read


cf0584  No.5806167


That poor child my heart aches for her soul… Take these fucks down. They are truely evil. His wife died so young too. What was her age/cause of death again?

577798  No.5806168

File: c498a046991f911⋯.jpeg (685.1 KB, 1125x1981, 1125:1981, 68ECCA8F-6417-447B-8E98-9….jpeg)

67b9e1  No.5806170

File: f5bf09184534a96⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 1022x542, 511:271, D2KVZDFXcAA6_xX.jpg)

8c0e74  No.5806171

R might be ReAl…

q might be a lARp….

edd347  No.5806172


just read thru the Q drops check the links youll see what im saying

f621b3  No.5806173


How do you mean? The mirrors?

577798  No.5806174

File: 46c5f3c5fbf81d7⋯.jpeg (915.18 KB, 1104x1894, 552:947, B741DE39-604A-4CF0-8515-D….jpeg)

0494f3  No.5806175

Does any autist have a list of people connected to RC as per Q's endorsements/drops tonight? Might be a good notable.

debfa5  No.5806176

File: d0d98862d3b5781⋯.png (142.15 KB, 500x329, 500:329, tumblr_ow68xh0qcT1qisyv1o1….png)

These "people" are SICK!

But They should all still HANG!!!

383b3c  No.5806177

Ray Chandler Shadrinsky and Gio all tied together, still more crap:

Just a hunch..??? all connected? The imagery? maybe someone else can put it all together?

notice a SCHOOL BUS and McDonalds…….now think Epstein Island and meat!


gioforbice@fotine_paura 🔪🌾

fotine_pauraMiss u already



weed_slut_420Miss u


cannibal reference


Now think Cargill in Maps from Qanon

Now connect this scum bag Gioforbice and his sketchy video comapnau he photographs/AXES/the woods/forest/kids/knife image I am right behind you/hahahahahahahahaha McDonalds/models in blood/lured into thinking they are making art films/blaqckmail?

/"is this a film or reality" tee shirt on a girl/

Just a hunch…???

..I think this Gioforbice that is connected to Shadrinsky who is connected bbiankaa and to all the models. Are they luring these models in with MOVIE rolls, making snuff films perhaps, or are the models doing killlings and then blackmailed with the evidence, later a baby breeder?

What do they do with the "meat" of the murdered? The models are used to recruit other models to "come be in a film I made films with this guy, it's great, come BE IN ONE". Also, The pictures of all the models one eye, every one of them??? Is that a sign they all have done something?, Notice the pic where a bottle is used to put drops on tongue?

The McDonalds thing is going to make the USA fucking murderous them selves……….Hahahahahaa he writes? Are they causing 99% of the planet to have not knowingly eaten HUMAN MEAT?






THESE Three connect everybody:






getmunihMiss you(





8c0e74  No.5806178


time stamp confiRAms yet again.

82fe29  No.5806179


No WHEY, BRAH….AIM has a network of geniuses…

49b274  No.5806180


posted 9 times; prob. notablized at least once


0c3f04  No.5806181

File: 021ee0297404455⋯.jpg (92.63 KB, 718x711, 718:711, IMG_20190321_023404_991.JPG)

485c46  No.5806182

Twitter zapped it all, look at this. We have to reupload because we have the literal advertisements from the hotel.


8c0e74  No.5806183

File: 3c135ee5013de94⋯.png (367.85 KB, 1045x588, 1045:588, longliveRA.png)



e0290a  No.5806184

File: b578ecf5f91cd2a⋯.jpg (115.07 KB, 1072x1072, 1:1, 3.jpg)

Talk about it, WHAT. We don't need to talk about anything more….we WILL BE free from your corrupt system…EVIL

4a0aea  No.5806185




c1daa8  No.5806186


do you not feel understanding, is apart from crypto magic. Just write the story that is being told in Magic for people to read.

773f03  No.5806187

File: 5dbca7a25025c27⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 600x883, 600:883, mcdan.jpg)

File: d4428811b0f6427⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 1034x650, 517:325, mcjp.jpg)

File: 787b1bc05176d66⋯.jpg (80.33 KB, 800x1059, 800:1059, cpie.jpg)

aa5b4e  No.5806188


Spot on

2daef3  No.5806189

File: 73cb082c88c36c0⋯.jpg (193.07 KB, 500x552, 125:138, royals wide shut.jpg)

File: 6a49b2516f76cbb⋯.jpg (25 KB, 644x363, 644:363, illuminati-symbol-eyes-wid….jpg)



I don't think this was Wizard of Oz linked. If it was, Mandy wouldn't have been able to redeem Bill, that was a free will act.

This movie is about control, blackmail, coercion. Sure, there's some mind control going on with the toys over the rainbow, but we all know about that.

This is about high society, engaging in debauchery, because they know that can get away with it, and rub it in our faces. In support of this argument, you will note Kubrick deliberately put them *under* the rainbow, not over it.

383b3c  No.5806190

More to look at Ray Chandler friend Gio:




gioforbiceI am behind you 🔪




knife, gun, chains, butcher: https://www.instagram.com/p/BRgu3UFhgah/?taken-by=shadrinsky





youngcalifornia97stLike ur photo sooo much






8c0e74  No.5806191



329682  No.5806192



2d6716  No.5806193

>>5804524 (pb)

>>5804665 (pb)

>>5805543 (lb)

>>5805215 (lb)

Clarification on Casa de Campo and Punta Cana

elitefag here

CdC is a big place for many elites. Some are likely involved in all sorts of criminal activity, and many are white hats.

And when I say white hats, I'm talking about SOCOM govcon players responsible for ensuring missiles don't hit AF1.

Everyone who's anyone in that circle vacations there at some point.

Many of the names I've seen listed implying corrupt use of children or prostitution are inaccurate. Good people are being implicated.

We need to be careful with associating the resort itself with criminal behavior because that's simply not the case. It's divided, and often times, complex.

The people who run the show and the former officials have always avoided criminal behavior.

That said, the same A-List celebrities (some named) that show up, may as well be involved in some of the darker stuff. But this is no different from them doing this in their Georgica Pond Mansions in the Hamptons.

That said, the resort on the island with the (rumored) more ritutalistic NYE fuckery is actually in punta cana. Private resort from what I understand.

I would stick to digging on the people implicated in the photos, and the attorney Q referenced. We all know slick willy is slick willy but not everyone around him is involved in the alleged crimes against children implied by a lot of these posts.

That said, most on the island are keenly aware of the entire situation and most are very pro-trump, including 70% of the inhabitants of CdC.

Don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch.


1bc903  No.5806194


the colours, the mirrors, the lights, the pattern on the shirts. (striped shirt = Closed eye = part of a cul family but unaware of it - the yellow wrist band probably means the one girl is going to be raped. - the lights indicate there will be filming - some kids are in on it - the ones in the stripes are definitely not - probably those two kids are dead. - long story on how I know that one.

947477  No.5806195

File: b8f895a52b4b59b⋯.jpg (777.52 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-022748….jpg)

Tom Guinness, Rachel Chandler's husband I guess

Insta page.

That pic. Is weird.


9e7bcc  No.5806196

File: 50716d4f429c9a7⋯.jpg (402.18 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, tumblr_m0ndgbdfUG1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 146b128d85c03e2⋯.jpg (281.58 KB, 1280x855, 256:171, tumblr_m4gco669cb1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 48a731af2803c80⋯.jpg (409.4 KB, 1280x848, 80:53, tumblr_m4iatbXD2m1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 2151cab477c5025⋯.jpg (339.55 KB, 1280x835, 256:167, tumblr_me7v0zFxme1qisyv1o1….jpg)

here from 2012>>5806063

485c46  No.5806197

Hold on I will upload it all since I doubt anyone on right now has it.

8c0e74  No.5806198

who took the pic?


14adb1  No.5806199

File: a72e6defbfbe709⋯.jpg (101.12 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, hickenlooper_nixon.jpg)

Back when nobody was paying attention to Hickenlooper, I saved this picture from Maggie Nixon's mother's IG. Something in the back of my mind told me he might run.

9bd6bd  No.5806201

File: 1fb6b456d2fbec9⋯.jpg (89.77 KB, 800x600, 4:3, maponline.jpg)

File: 258cedc437ba8b7⋯.jpg (77.06 KB, 460x562, 230:281, the ride.jpg)

aaaeb7  No.5806202

File: fa8a0227b6c9a24⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 686x1048, 343:524, 52753346_2655345981148668_….jpg)

82fe29  No.5806203




aa5b4e  No.5806204


Don’t know, but it’s not Tom Arnold.

Get a better pic and you will clearly see that.

Don’t slide

c1daa8  No.5806205

383b3c  No.5806206

Almsit done withThe Ray Chandler and Gio Instagram stuff:

all these "stars"at Marina cake cutting party kim, gwen, pamela : https://www.instagram.com/skoot_apparel/


right after the party? https://www.instagram.com/p/BLQl_NTheY0/?taken-by=shadrinsky

shadrinskyWhen you decide to go to Italian countryside right after the party . 🔪@darkdron_com @cyber69_ @bbiankaa@giovannigiacomoforbice @maritagurcciani

bbiankaa💦💦💦💦💦💦❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ missing youuuuu



thethingsofficialThis is awesome

connected to Paris Hilton/Nicky Holton-ROTHSCHILD, this is drug induced FAME lure? Be like Paris famous?:


"Rug" shipper perhaps?


Entire Instagram page is an ADVERTISEMENT for model sex and / or shipment of desired "merchandise" for sale or baby maker or use in MOVIES?


This I have no idea?


it is connected to this ART? torture? Model as "muses?"


Just like Lindsey before Lohan before she became a high priced Saudi sex slave?


c7eb50  No.5806207


Can you paste the url for this image so I can copy without searching the page. I'm on a slow device.

Thanks anon.

67b9e1  No.5806208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jeff Epstein like any Son of Satan is a good jew in the modern sense of the word, he fully supports the Zionists.

Everything was recorded on his properties, he had very strong dirt on everyone. That dirt is very effective leverage.

He had State level dirt.

He entertained everyone!

Who is guilty? Who needs to be brought to justice?

8c0e74  No.5806209


then why RAspond?

e0290a  No.5806210

File: 6704da129ae3476⋯.jpg (22.34 KB, 288x450, 16:25, cbe9ba1934aba5a2ffc6d4c219….jpg)

the EU will not change anything…they want what they want and will never change the deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8c0e74  No.5806211


check all muh digits.


129125  No.5806212

File: 9ad6706ffe10641⋯.png (422.16 KB, 650x390, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Kid who suicided was an "emerging artist", and I guess his real name was Adrian.


Son of art dealer Kenny Schachter:



Ilona Rich Schachter

(pic related)

Who is the daughter of Marc Rich


Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big

383b3c  No.5806213

Ray chandler friend Gio and Shadrinsky:

notice the chains


shot by





Models one eye tip off all the way down the page many have drugged rolled eyes



marked w/triangles




(shes got that desired eye( chicken girl)


shadrinskyHappy to contribute to the first issue of @numeroart Congratulations @thibautvw

this Art is a religious artifact to them?





b45fb7  No.5806214


>In support of this argument, you will note Kubrick deliberately put them *under* the rainbow, not over it.

tbh i haven't analyzed it that much

could be related to the "visible spectrum" and what lies beyond - dark, occult, secret, etc

947477  No.5806215

File: 00f29bdb44d14d7⋯.jpg (502.58 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-022648….jpg)

File: 68a94c530cd4360⋯.jpg (548.54 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-022655….jpg)

File: eb4d08ac5095a24⋯.jpg (557.7 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-022908….jpg)


More pics. Related

f68de0  No.5806216


Was this before or after Bourdain’s “suicide”?

d66469  No.5806217

File: 449eafae9562719⋯.gif (166.42 KB, 800x400, 2:1, ra_ra_rasputin_gif_by_konn….gif)



e2b999  No.5806218

Though the General loved attention, his son-in-law preferred anonymity. He, too, would use The Times to punish his enemies and pursue his financial interests, but he would remain behind the scenes. For more than 30 years, Harry Chandler would hold more power than anyone else in Los Angeles, more power, it's fair to say, than anyone else has ever held in the city's history. Newsweek once described him as the "Midas of California." In addition to his role in the Owens Valley affair, Harry Chandler was directly or indirectly involved with the creation of the Coliseum, Olvera Street, the Salton Sea, the Biltmore Hotel, Douglas Aircraft, Chinatown, the Hollywood Bowl, the Ambassador Hotel, Hollywoodland (and therefore the Hollywood sign), Caltech, the Auto Club of Southern California and Santa Anita Race Track. Ruthless and strait-laced, he assured the Chandler's family wealth for generations to come. When he died in 1944, he had accumulated more than 1.5 million acres, and The Times was one of the most profitable newspapers in the country.



82fe29  No.5806219

File: 8f7c5ce1e25f0f7⋯.png (351.08 KB, 600x316, 150:79, ClipboardImage.png)

8c0e74  No.5806220


7ef6d9  No.5806221

File: 38b71b419d78cc2⋯.png (689.79 KB, 822x575, 822:575, wtfffff.png)


b9187b  No.5806222

File: fe1731f7bac8452⋯.png (1.09 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 9C8D2F45-1BC9-4A8F-A205-24….png)


Let’s not forget about ANTHONY WEINER as well! This is the dig prior to Q for me…hits home! ThanQ Anons for all yer hard werk! WWG1WGA!

2859e2  No.5806223

Q exposes the blackmail, setting the innocents free.

But what about the guilty, how will they be punished?

The Russians wrote the book on sexual blackmail, they know the weakest links are always ourselves.

When all is said and done, Hollywood will burn.

773f03  No.5806224

File: 596c1c4c2d74084⋯.jpg (317.91 KB, 1194x835, 1194:835, streets.jpg)

aa5b4e  No.5806225


Ammunition is hard to come by

cf0584  No.5806226

File: 01a019d1f5f28bb⋯.jpg (554.04 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190320-233255….jpg)


Oh Jimmy. Hope your burning in hell, you twisted fuck.


600e3e  No.5806227


Oldfag here, remembering how often Ken Starr's name was kicked around back in the bad old Clinton days.

Look at the history, anons.

Arkansas and Washington.

129125  No.5806228


anyone actually dig, tho?


88924d  No.5806229

Dragon flies?

Who fact checks a fact checker?

Who will control the data to be analyzed for fact & dimension tables?

Would google outsource a ‘fact check’ company?

Would they hand over they keys?

Has this ‘tool’ been tested on youtuube?


9e7bcc  No.5806230

File: c531f3f15bc4770⋯.jpg (277.46 KB, 1260x945, 4:3, tumblr_limu2qjxIZ1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: c70b542f24f26c2⋯.jpg (356.35 KB, 1280x849, 1280:849, tumblr_limu3arBNQ1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 782a258ddbc90bb⋯.jpg (238.36 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, tumblr_lk0nzzKEAr1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 5005de6e13abf2a⋯.jpg (231.51 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, tumblr_lv2wcvwPak1qisyv1o1….jpg)

5c2b44  No.5806231

File: 38b742364c425d3⋯.jpg (94.25 KB, 700x453, 700:453, bourdain.jpg)

98b2f5  No.5806232

File: a632ab80d60c706⋯.jpg (114.84 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, KidzY.jpg)

File: 3f5afa8593eddd4⋯.jpg (15.29 KB, 280x168, 5:3, 4040.jpg)

File: 97eb79781b6ec90⋯.png (142.95 KB, 342x292, 171:146, viva.png)

Memory Reeeee

Back around May of 2018, a thread appeared in the catalog. It featured a pic of Jay Z and 3 kids backstage at a concert (stage passes said VIVA).

Seemed like Ye had made the post and it stated :"this will become relevant soon."

It slipped off the board and nothing since.

[can't find that pic in my files]

Tonight a pic of these same kids was posted but in the Ray Chandler drops.

Same kids.

Know in my gut these kids were taken backstage and never seen again. Showing up in RC land to be abused and worse.


b45fb7  No.5806233


>Hollywood will burn

and rightfully so

329682  No.5806234

File: 5627aa1cae91f3f⋯.png (1.19 MB, 2915x1876, 2915:1876, 5627aa1cae91f3f8fbd77a2bb3….png)


trust the plan.


f621b3  No.5806235


I thought the stripes were probably symbolic.

e53356  No.5806236


We are being guided, through prayers or otherwise, that is without question.

56f65d  No.5806237


feck.. thanks anon. It all just jelled.

c7eb50  No.5806238

File: 92415b4ac56f748⋯.png (257.44 KB, 1337x478, 1337:478, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone know what the BOOM BOOM ROOM is?

0f0b31  No.5806239

File: 6a4d7bd50363ef1⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2052x1314, 114:73, ClipboardImage.png)



dc638b  No.5806240

"UC Berkeley’s athletic department has referred an allegation of sexual harassment involving the football team to the campus’ Office for Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination.

A former student made the allegation Wednesday, posting detailed accusations on her public Facebook page. The woman, who said she worked last season for the football team’s sports medicine unit, opened her post with an alleged quote from an unnamed coach: “I will get you fired if you do not have sex with me.”


9b7fe2  No.5806241



>>5805864 all of tonights posts capped

>>5805909, >>5805947 Maria Marshall, Tony Podestas art manager, has photo sets like RC

>>5806002 was it for lurkers that know shit but won't say shit. People in and around the clique?

>>5806084 RC family tree

>>5806092 list of connected to RC Instagram and Twitter

same as last bread

for the most part, ill grab other notables

you guys gather a gallery bun at the end of bread for next bread post

383b3c  No.5806242

ray chandler friend more GIO and Shadrinsky:

shadrinskyLast day showroom @darkdron_com @sitabellan










A McDonald’s pilot project in Canada has successfully tracked nearly 9,000 head of cattle from birth to beef through a fully verified supply chain.


56f65d  No.5806243


never made the connection.

aaaeb7  No.5806244

File: 098a980403b28a6⋯.png (558.46 KB, 834x1236, 139:206, ClipboardImage.png)

fb24fa  No.5806245

>that dump steel, it's sand steel, it's mud steel, it's crap steel.

the kind that jet fuel can melt?

1f5a6b  No.5806246

File: 85c78fd688105fe⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 512x274, 256:137, 1203SH.JPG)

00198b  No.5806247



Clarification on white hats vs black jays at Casa de Campo, including SOCOM AF1 Savior

e8cb38  No.5806248


All this stuff is tame compared to what these monsters really do.

329682  No.5806249


his look is telling.


Those people all deserve to [ ].

0c3f04  No.5806250

File: 3b91d62e6a02840⋯.jpg (28.62 KB, 493x298, 493:298, IMG_20190312_131256_463.JPG)


Fuck off to twatter.

edd347  No.5806251

nite anons

love you all

c1daa8  No.5806252


>numbARs nevAR lie frens….

When do we go back to morse?

8c0e74  No.5806253

File: f015c13860e576f⋯.png (609.87 KB, 513x716, 513:716, RAINComing.png)

cabd50  No.5806254


Chandler will be 100x

e0290a  No.5806255

so why dump soo much notes into financials..??

why buy soo much real gold/silver the last few years POTUS is in office…a reckoning?

you don't trust your notes backed by what?

67b9e1  No.5806256



1bc903  No.5806257

File: 897b14ec95cc98d⋯.jpg (307.06 KB, 620x620, 1:1, stripes Michelle Obama.jpg)

File: 9dd58e359f41924⋯.jpg (159.3 KB, 916x614, 458:307, stripes.jpg)

File: c1f8e8d1eb3db0e⋯.jpg (569.52 KB, 785x987, 785:987, CarisJames Taped Sex Play ….jpg)

File: 7c9490e6148f058⋯.png (566.81 KB, 1122x837, 374:279, stripes jimmy pingpong com….png)

File: 581caa6f7f4843a⋯.jpg (121.31 KB, 753x1200, 251:400, biden.jpg)


all cult kids start as closed eyes - usually around age 6 they get in. Colours also work with stripes

Colour Coding System

Orange/Sunset = End

Red/Fire = Punish

Blue/Water = Info

Tiffany Blue = Secret Info

Green/Trees = Ally

Yellow/Sunshine = Reward

Brown Dirt = Nourish

Purple = Communication

Pink = Weak

Dark = Hidden

Light = Visible

e.g. Dark to Light = To Make Visible.

a55d8e  No.5806258


You might be right, anon. But how do you truly know that "Good people are being implicated"? I would venture to say that if they were doing these type of things, you wouldn't know about it. They for sure wouldn't tell you, or leave enough evidence for you to find to make such a statement.

Just saying.

56f65d  No.5806259


he was beyond evil that man.

9b7fe2  No.5806260

Graveyard bread next bread

ill be on for a bit but i wont be around for the bake

please prep for handoff request

57ae4e  No.5806261

>>5805543 lb casa de Campos Banjul brothers and central romana corporation..

>>5798131 lb

the second one I dropped earlier this evening below is the copypasta from that post to save field trip to lb. pic is streetview. look real close. it's the spot.


this company is into perishables, video (remember when porn used to have a preface about it being educational materials? long time ago) and media, and energy (subsidies) on Woodrow Wilson st. no less

485c46  No.5806262



383b3c  No.5806263

this dirtbag is everywhere: and connected to model(s)

GIO friend of RayChandler:









once the lights go down series







2e8471  No.5806264

File: 82414bebbdab139⋯.jpeg (33.25 KB, 500x350, 10:7, CA51CE6E-B7DC-4DA2-80F3-7….jpeg)

57ae4e  No.5806265

File: b06a56eb281e13a⋯.jpg (324.71 KB, 720x841, 720:841, Screenshot_20190320-180223….jpg)


forgot pic

49b274  No.5806266


Hard to know. Moar people post than dig. I'd start with Qresear.ch and go from there.

95e1f6  No.5806267

File: 57ccc67cd2d13cf⋯.jpg (240.5 KB, 464x600, 58:75, plasticsheeting.jpg)

plastic sheeting? kill room?

8c0e74  No.5806268


0c3f04  No.5806269

File: 4dd129bb66e8aec⋯.jpg (33.01 KB, 300x359, 300:359, 309691.jpg)

fb24fa  No.5806270

I don't care what y'all say, when POTUS says "stupid people" in a speech, he say's it with the inflection that in another time, could just as easily be "niggers"

b45fb7  No.5806271


perhaps the only creature more evil than Henry Kissinger

82fe29  No.5806272


spiler that shit.

485c46  No.5806273

File: 0442d562b75b9a0⋯.png (437.94 KB, 921x591, 307:197, Screenshot (3667a).png)

File: cd0f42102dbe584⋯.png (448.16 KB, 923x589, 923:589, Screenshot (3668).png)

File: 495003fbac3587e⋯.png (423.19 KB, 917x581, 131:83, Screenshot (3675).png)

File: a3563fece1fe5da⋯.png (478.09 KB, 927x585, 103:65, Screenshot (3663).png)

File: 3d486aa26c7103c⋯.png (441.96 KB, 915x595, 183:119, Screenshot (3660).png)

Let's get this party started for the newfags shall we?

2859e2  No.5806274


Nuke it from Orbit.

It's the only way to be sure.

e0290a  No.5806275

actions of those that fear anons.


49b274  No.5806276


I'm practice baking, grabbed a bunch if you want to take a look. Yes, there is overlap but also new stuff.

82fe29  No.5806277



8c0e74  No.5806278


5c26ea  No.5806279

If the majority of the people involved in all of this evil were taken at a young age

and repeatedly drugged, spent most of their formative years addicted to drugs and knew nothing else but this life, what chance did they ever have to choose otherwise?

Are any of these people redeemable?

It seems to me what many have lived through was intended to destroy their conscience leaving them like slave-zombies. Are they really fully culpable? Have they ever known real love?

I'm deeply disturbed by all of this…it's like they were born and sent straight to hell and took many with them.

5f8891  No.5806280

File: 8c62486dd4f5bd3⋯.jpg (140.88 KB, 500x748, 125:187, IMG_569.jpg)

patriots remember!

67b9e1  No.5806281

Anon, do we have text file of Epstein logs?

af40e9  No.5806282

File: 75612072bb9e029⋯.png (35.38 KB, 753x686, 753:686, fbi.PNG)

We will see if they take this serious.

1f5a6b  No.5806283

File: d1694d17d09b43d⋯.jpg (31.74 KB, 655x430, 131:86, 000_1BA0JW.jpg)


Sweet dreams anon

129125  No.5806284


O_o dafuq?

c1daa8  No.5806285


Numbers is how cabal communicates.

Three spins or taps or repeats is maximum power in their belief.



Area 51 is where they keep their most powerful stuff.

03154d  No.5806286

File: 5da1f5d99ad9327⋯.jpg (46.32 KB, 613x666, 613:666, walter.jpg)

aa5b4e  No.5806287


A rainbow is what?

The visual representation of LIGHT


Yes it is about blackmail

Yes it is about ritualistic sex and murder

It is all of those things

And so much more

9e7bcc  No.5806288

File: 27373d345455ee0⋯.jpg (634.51 KB, 1280x1591, 1280:1591, tumblr_n63kt75cnd1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: ddf84a401931267⋯.jpg (479.6 KB, 1280x1684, 320:421, tumblr_n63l8d7iGj1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: 1673a99e9f6960a⋯.jpg (251 KB, 844x1132, 211:283, tumblr_nekt6u2kNM1qisyv1o1….jpg)

File: a001dae52f68720⋯.png (203.68 KB, 491x659, 491:659, tumblr_nekugsfLCO1qisyv1o1….png)

485c46  No.5806289

File: 4b9b17e1bae1fc4⋯.png (668.07 KB, 921x577, 921:577, Screenshot (3659).png)

File: 46e28ee9df92cd0⋯.png (554.8 KB, 929x585, 929:585, Screenshot (3662).png)

File: 54ae36e1396aac8⋯.png (444.88 KB, 927x589, 927:589, Screenshot (3666).png)

File: ca978741dc0a03f⋯.png (723.47 KB, 925x589, 925:589, Screenshot (3672).png)

File: 284c08f26c46e19⋯.png (546.46 KB, 925x589, 925:589, Screenshot (3676).png)

cf0584  No.5806290

File: f7d399e4e014ce2⋯.jpg (641.11 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190320-214129….jpg)


Yes he truly was. They all are.

0581da  No.5806291

This is some sick Schitt. Thanks for sharing it, moar needs to be exposed to out these devils. >>5806147

9b9d25  No.5806292



5390a0  No.5806293

File: 1b17812ca52cc32⋯.jpg (11.21 KB, 390x263, 390:263, pepe barfing 2.jpg)

Supermodel, author and TV host Chrissy Teigen took to social media this week to laud the skills of an Israeli photographer.

On Tuesday, Teigen posted three photos of herself on Instagram that photographer Tal Abudi shot recently.

“It’s been such a long time since I had a shoot just to shoot,” Teigen wrote to her 23.4 million followers. “Like 12 years. But I saw some of @tal_abudi’s incredible photos of some of my friends (@ninaagdal!) and I had to meet him! And it was a wonderful, easy, beautiful day with some of the greatest people ever.”


05d380  No.5806294

These fucking idiot shill polluting our breads.

RC is a pimp and procurer of children for the sickos. She's not an informant ffs.

She was bred for this purpose.

56f65d  No.5806295


I could just imagine a young child's absolute worst horrors coming true at the hands of him.. it makes me so angry

e8cb38  No.5806296

82fe29  No.5806297


>I'm deeply disturbed by all of this…it's like they were born and sent straight to hell and took many with them.

The conundrum is even more severe with monarch slaves. They don't even know they're slaves. They do the most heinous things and don't even know it.

b45fb7  No.5806298


>I'm deeply disturbed by all of this

as were we, those who have long known

try being exposed to / diggin on all this 2.5 years ago

then come here and get called a shill and nowfag for demanding action

329682  No.5806299

File: d1cd49b1852cda8⋯.png (95.64 KB, 590x370, 59:37, SHILLS_go_to_JAIL.png)

File: 6a8b2c4c1307d92⋯.png (58.34 KB, 890x156, 445:78, SHILLS_go_to_JAIL2.png)

485c46  No.5806300

File: d98359a2e351a43⋯.png (687.43 KB, 929x583, 929:583, Screenshot (3673).png)

File: 1a9bfde1b2db1e0⋯.png (522.52 KB, 923x595, 923:595, Screenshot (3695).png)

File: 6c5d4ea4bca4a64⋯.png (918.55 KB, 1039x561, 1039:561, Screenshot (3692).png)

2d6716  No.5806301


I know enough. You're going to have to trust me on this one. Evidence must be used to prosecute. Otherwise we're no different than the fake news propogating russia conspiracy theories.

Everyone down there knows who's doing that kind of stuff. It's not hidden. There are simply measures in place to ensure nobody rats, which is why I won't confirm specific names of A-Listers and politicians.

All I can say is that some of the names mentioned are clean and actually fighting hard to crack down on that stuff.

Some of the prostitutes don't even have escorts anymore and pose as massage therapists or, believe it or not, security.

fb24fa  No.5806302

So you guys think there was any symbolic significance to POTUS speaking at a tank plant today?

First thing that comes to mind is Patton…

anyone else?

fd86b5  No.5806303


Do we just take you on your word?

383b3c  No.5806304

friend of rachel: or slave? Friends of Ray Chandler


connected to: this creep

before ice






Q told us MODELS



they did this with LINDSEY LOHAN remember?


this dirtbag is everywhere: https://www.instagram.com/p/BhESri9lgrH/?taken-by=bbiankaa

miley cyrus:






telling us the cops and courtsare involved?
















kia gerber


bella hadid? https://www.instagram.com/p/BS_2KMUhmCD/?taken-by=shadrinsky

sophia richie? lionels daughter? https://www.instagram.com/p/BS_2KMUhmCD/?taken-by=shadrinsky

jenner baby daddy? ???? https://www.instagram.com/p/BV79Wf8Bka6/?taken-by=shadrinsky

and kardashian/jenner

one eye every where MODELS: https://www.instagram.com/shadrinsky/







this guy knows…look for his videowhere he says I will see all of you in hell to the officers and court, like he know thay all know too



https://www.instagram.com/p/rk8gQVExiL/?taken-by=cyber69 (sister nicky-hilton rothschild)











0c3f04  No.5806305

File: e0999f3c0ed7c55⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 5973da4d34f3670bc3a7f26356….jpg)

0f0b31  No.5806306


This guys a fucking Trump hating pedo nutcase.



>>5804711 Possible theory on a Rachel Chandler picture connection to a 9th circuit judge

aa5b4e  No.5806307


Ivanka was on Epstein Isalnd as well

Ran in the same circles as Ray Chandler

I’m sure Jared did as well

But what makes them so special?

Not apart of the club?

God I hope not

I pray

d66469  No.5806308

File: 2e43142e9b062df⋯.jpg (206.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, GodBlessAmericasMilitary.jpg)

File: a532d1202850128⋯.jpg (508.53 KB, 1280x992, 40:31, DeepQ.jpg)

'Night frens.

4a0aea  No.5806309


I hear you. Those poor children. They had no chance.

740a72  No.5806310

File: 8e3eadbf55fa4ce⋯.jpg (7.13 KB, 246x205, 6:5, PEPE - Oh.jpg)

Anons, I just wanna say I love you all and this movement and Q team and Potus and Jesus and this is just the best thing ever. Run-on sentence galore and all! SO thankful to see all that I have researched and SO MUCH MOAR being presented and dealt with. What an honor, anons, to have this front row seat. I am so beyond humbled. Have been for over a year now. Juts simply amazing. God Bless America!

485c46  No.5806311

File: 0f7fe00c4d9435a⋯.png (644.26 KB, 927x587, 927:587, Screenshot (3677).png)

Oh hi there Larry David….

7bdf37  No.5806312

File: c11dd29348ec8ab⋯.jpg (513.9 KB, 4000x2250, 16:9, where are they now 2.jpg)

>>5802556 (Q 3156)

>Ray Chandler

>>5801432 (pb)

>>5801455 (Q 3142)


Graphic to help grow 'public' awareness of our Movement.

#WakeUpAmerica #WWG1WGA #TheGreatAwakening

e53356  No.5806313


MS 13 murdered his best friend Proof (DeShaun Dupree Holton) in 2006


2d6716  No.5806314


We can dig, we can theorize, but hard evidence is needed to prosecute. We're not Steele/McStain/Buzzfeed.

We are anons that use facts.

Many of the names mentioned in anons dig efforts are fighting hard to crack down on this stuff.

5525b4  No.5806315

File: 75e15ff4740d822⋯.png (34.43 KB, 588x374, 294:187, Buskirk to McSally re No N….PNG)

File: 0c8be7f31876e4d⋯.png (34.17 KB, 609x281, 609:281, McSally re No Name 3-20-19.PNG)

Citizens of all stations - including the president - are allowed to criticize our elected representatives regardless of their biographies.



c1daa8  No.5806316


>Timeline accepted

>[-21] Keystone understood and accepted

>[+21] Funding

>[+2] Fun

>[+4} dark to light

>Smocking Gun pending-not tested, decissions, decisionns

>Personal God is personal

Who has the light of the truth and hides it under a basket, no he puts it on a lamp stand for all to see.

That is our call and our work. If you deny Christ before men, He will deny you.

0c3f04  No.5806317

File: 2255f815656de64⋯.jpeg (338.39 KB, 1136x745, 1136:745, 1552362733.jpeg)

82fe29  No.5806318


>Do we just take you on your word?


57ae4e  No.5806319

>>5805535 lb

Original investors in the Hollywood hotel were Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Benicio del Toro, D'arcy Wretzky and James Iha.

d'arcy and iha, isn't that half a smashing pumpkin? anyone see where Morgan confessed to having a personal David ickes reptoid moment while in the industry?


56f65d  No.5806320



So the public is going to find out.. how crazy its all going to be.

They are here reading what we are talking about. They must be absolutely shitting themselves.

485c46  No.5806321

File: ba34088c5d1ca0e⋯.png (453.13 KB, 923x573, 923:573, Screenshot (3671).png)

50 Cent, what you up to buddy?

cf0584  No.5806322

File: 2f4bcc826a4bda5⋯.jpg (593.14 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190320-234137….jpg)


How the fuck is this ugly bitch so famous? I mean really.

3913e8  No.5806323

Have just been PERMANENTLY SUSPENDED for posting PRO Q and TRUMP posts on a Political forum within Australian Stock site.


No reason given



Current suspensions

Suspension Date Issued Expires Reason

Permanent Suspension Today, 11:29 Never

Censorship being used to HIDE the NZ DS connections

249d2d  No.5806324


Talent for leading normies?

a55d8e  No.5806325


Well, the way I see it is that since there is no way to prove what you say, it is unverifiable. Hearsay. Maybe a piece of the puzzle, maybe not.

Disinfo. is everywhere, anon.

485c46  No.5806326

Anyhow, I have a lot more but you get the point, I did the dig last year and am tired so you newfags pick it up from here.

a27585  No.5806327


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

329682  No.5806328

File: de615b5c7e080ea⋯.png (392.66 KB, 917x581, 131:83, SICKandEVIL.png)

98b2f5  No.5806329


THIS! ^^^

These were the kids Jay Z had backstage. Do you remember the thread last year? This will become important soon.

Thought it might have been Ye posting the thread.

Same kids- from backstage to this hell hole.

Anyone remember?

383b3c  No.5806330


Not the time for this considering all the abuse these pictures may come from.

5c26ea  No.5806331


Who has real knowledge of the evil they are committing? The handlers? Or were the handlers of these victims also raised in this way? How far back does this go- who, besides Satan himself, has knowledge and chose to do this to people?

Do you get what I'm trying to ask? I don't even know how to ask this!

249d2d  No.5806332


Wow, one instagram page, whoopty fuckin' do

c2026c  No.5806333


chitty chit

9b7fe2  No.5806334


go for it

T3 or another practice bakerfren?

485c46  No.5806335


You got it buddy….

0f0b31  No.5806336

File: 5f41003d34c338d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 2050x962, 1025:481, Screenshot 2019-03-21 at 0….png)

1041c6  No.5806337

File: 593a6b1498f32ca⋯.jpeg (167.63 KB, 1119x631, 1119:631, image.jpeg)

File: 6c8a45e508617c2⋯.png (3.53 MB, 4505x3726, 4505:3726, image.png)

File: 71847ce10749f9f⋯.jpeg (79.19 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, image.jpeg)

File: 20df211e7a66a3c⋯.jpeg (61.01 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, image.jpeg)





Handle: @albahodsoll


White Rabbits is the Name for the Human Traffickers




31 Aug 2018 - 8:33:08 PM


HRC = Alice

SA = Wonderland


Re_read drops re: SA

Have faith.

For God & Country.



Past drops important to frame context.

These people need to ALL be ELIMINATED.

Those who know cannot sleep.



Alex Podesta's Portrayal of White Rabbits Kidnapping, Torturing and Consuming Kids




31 Aug 2018 - 9:13:08 PM


31 Aug 2018 - 9:09:12 PM




reread these crumbs (or the graphic

485c46  No.5806338


One page that links an international prostitution ring to various big names. Yeah… no big deal right?

249d2d  No.5806339

So GEOTUS was behind enemy lines his entire adult life?

383b3c  No.5806340




249d2d  No.5806341


Just fuckin' with ya, pal.

2d6716  No.5806342


We can and should dig. And I will likely hop IPs and help guide when people are going in the right direction.

Just be careful associating any of the thousands of powerhouses that vacation/live/run that resort with criminal behavior.

There are many whitehats, some are criminals. Most are pro-trump, many are Q fans.

Hard evidence must be used to prosecute, and as Q says, they have it all.

dc638b  No.5806343


Could be for live murder pay-per-view.

1f5a6b  No.5806344

File: 0bcf33c0682e2f8⋯.jpg (11.44 KB, 297x83, 297:83, 987654654e.JPG)


Did she sing?

56d233  No.5806345


Any other Anons see the pattern in intl pop-up art shows and Ray Chandlers travel? Tony Podesta? High-price sub-culture? Marina Abramovic, Artist???

485c46  No.5806346


Yeah like I said, her page was a goldmine. Did you see the picture above where she is literally pimping at Standard?

329682  No.5806347



They say


(More authoriary regulations)

But I don´t buy it, not a coinkidink!

Not after those Q drops!!

5362e6  No.5806348

File: 980826b73006938⋯.jpg (370.34 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v7.jpg)

File: 950d27acd122cb6⋯.jpg (370.16 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v6.jpg)

File: fa003fc0438f2f3⋯.jpg (369.04 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v5.jpg)

File: c7d9044b6e15204⋯.jpg (369.1 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v4.jpg)

File: a45bef3f50e847e⋯.jpeg (361.85 KB, 800x474, 400:237, this-is-not-s-game-v3.jpeg)

49b274  No.5806349

d134bb  No.5806350


Comfy, you are.

249d2d  No.5806351


Would be a good red pill to normies, being an acquaintance/friend of Paris Hilton. Everybody knows that bitch.

a55d8e  No.5806352


Q has it all. I don't. Not sure I trust what you are saying is all.

0c3f04  No.5806353

File: a3736ab2ff78180⋯.jpeg (283.3 KB, 995x909, 995:909, 1538848470.jpeg)

2e8471  No.5806354

File: e27891ee228243d⋯.jpeg (214.64 KB, 983x759, 983:759, FD35272C-9C9B-4640-8A50-2….jpeg)

File: 797c1f4cef25f91⋯.jpeg (148.29 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 0EC5BFAB-7E83-48E1-830E-2….jpeg)

File: cd89126a0a4a432⋯.jpeg (227.53 KB, 1491x741, 497:247, 46EF2720-6B80-463C-9305-F….jpeg)

c1daa8  No.5806355


R has been real from day one!!!

329682  No.5806356


Dear visitor,

why can not you use wikipedia as usual? The authors of Wikipedia have decided to turn off Wikipedia today in protest against parts of the planned EU copyright reform. This law is due to be passed by the European Parliament on 27th March.

The proposed reform could severely restrict the free Internet. Even the smallest internet platforms would have to preemptively prevent copyright infringement of their users (Article 13 of the planned law), which in practice would only be possible by means of error-prone and abuse-prone upload filters. In addition, all web pages for short text extracts from press products would have to acquire licenses in order to comply with a new publisher right (Article 11). Both together could significantly affect the freedom of opinion, art and the press.

Although at least Wikipedia is explicitly exempt from Article 13 of the new Copyright Directive (but not Article 11), Free Knowledge will suffer even if Wikipedia remains an oasis in the filtered desert of the Internet.

Around five million people protest in a petition, 145 civil rights and human rights organizations, business and IT associations (including Bitkom, the German start-up association or the Chaos Computer Club), Internet against the reform in its current version Pioneers such as Tim Berners-Lee, journalists' associations and creatives.

We therefore request that you contact the Members of the European Parliament and inform them of your position on the planned reform.

Thank you.

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49b274  No.5806357


Just a sec, organizing stuff

8ac06a  No.5806358

File: 6a4ed6d8a7bbd21⋯.png (739.95 KB, 908x599, 908:599, Screenshot 2019-03-21_02-4….png)


b29ded  No.5806359

Nvidia unveils incredible 'smart paintbrush' software that uses AI to turn simple doodles into photo-realistic works of art

Topic of discussion from last night


c014e7  No.5806360

File: 87136a945490211⋯.jpg (46.3 KB, 500x751, 500:751, 573447-500w.jpg)

File: cba9463689d7894⋯.png (352.86 KB, 440x666, 220:333, BRITT-MUSE.png)

Q asked where are they now, they all seem to be doing random "shows" or "shoots", but a couple fell off the model scene last year or so, would you say this is the same girl?



329682  No.5806361


fuck, disregard the bs that was attached after the translation…

56f65d  No.5806362

File: 7d5cf12862da273⋯.jpg (95.65 KB, 634x1038, 317:519, IMG_5517.JPG)

49b274  No.5806363

Chandler bun:

>>5805895, >>5805900, 5805903, 5805908, >>5805924 Moar Rachel Chandler & "frens" pics

>>5805969, >>5806004, >>5806195 Chandler's hubby-related pics

>5806084, >>5806104 Rachel Chandler details & leads

>>5806092 Ray Chandler Instagram and Twitter links

>>5806213 Chandler's friends Gio & Shadrinsky links

>>5806126 Concrete orchard Beneath the paving stones lies the beach. Photography by Rachel Chandler, styling by Eugenie Dalland

77db15  No.5806364

File: 2c08752e6f31d5f⋯.png (450.92 KB, 386x648, 193:324, 5bc5fec5-cde3-405f-9bfa-d3….png)

File: 1202aa83e484405⋯.jpg (9.72 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpg)

File: 7b139edc2ca6e09⋯.png (621.34 KB, 636x960, 53:80, image.png)

File: e01ec23e8f2eb92⋯.jpg (236.92 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, DniBHxQX0AAsZJP.jpg)

File: 8229d7c7608156f⋯.jpg (129.08 KB, 635x640, 127:128, planned parenthood sacrifi….jpg)

-Who owns Instagram? #Facebook does. So now facebook is not on only liable for hosting #ChildPornography but also for #HumanTrafficking.

Jared Leto tied to Haiti (heroin dealer?) Sarah Hoover and Tom Sachs

Mission Blue…Directed and Produced by Robert Nixon/Maggie Nixon

#NeckerIsland, which Mr. Branson owns (also owns Mosquito island), is part of what is known as the Virgin Islands. A bunch of little islands between the Caribbean and North Atlantic sea.

Right next to #Haiti, Dom. Republic, Puerto Rico & Venezuela on the south. #QAnon… t.co/2CsqhA312L"

9e7bcc  No.5806365


a couple disappeared while I am getting them on tubr there is a ton of notes but can not see from archeive

82fe29  No.5806366


Relax, expand your thinking. Be calm. It is difficult to get your head around and accept.

I don't know how far it goes back. Different people claim different things based on their research. Sadly, the bad guys are in the fray throwing out mountains of misinformation to discredit everyone who is on the right track and to send everyone possible down the wrong tracks.

I personally think it has been going on for hundreds of years; perhaps thousands. This is the big trick of the elite - they figured out how to create slaves out of their own children. This gives them an enormous (secret) advantage against everyone else. It makes perfect sense how the whole system fits together. What they do and what they require of those in the inner circles is so repugnant that nobody involved dares say anything because they'd be ridiculed/destroyed/incarcerated by the population.

Fun stuff, eh? Take a deep breath. Thank heavens Q exists. Let's give Q all the help it needs to succeed. If it doesn't succeed, that's when shit will get bad. Until then, be optimistic and ALERT.

773f03  No.5806367


Maybe they're not paying for the artwork- they're paying for the subject depicted in the photograph or fecal painting or whatever they call art

242bd4  No.5806368

3/22 coming up on Friday

322 = Skull and Bones

05d57a  No.5806369

File: 2ad793b9f277f85⋯.jpg (505.6 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-013951….jpg)

File: 8d4cad38549e6bd⋯.jpg (895.05 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190321-013758….jpg)

9e7bcc  No.5806370




0c3f04  No.5806371

File: fde946a3af76235⋯.jpg (22.3 KB, 282x426, 47:71, 6b14e37026a92f95387a778556….jpg)

2d6716  No.5806372


I totally get it. I have many friends down there. Some are SOCOM operators likely working with Q.

Some are murderous druglords that smash prostitutes and show off youtube conspiracy videos about themselves.

It's a diverse place and all I'm saying is we should associate anyone who's ever involved themselves with the place with criminal activity without good probable cause.

82fe29  No.5806373


You leave my mom out of this.

Seriously, though, guise…the shill tactics just reverted 9 months. Q hit a nerve with the RC drops and the shills have pivoted.

485c46  No.5806374



Add the shots from Alba this time around for newfags so they don't have to look at last years shit please.

c014e7  No.5806375

File: 86083cd6cf068ef⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, Screenshot (572).png)


forgot rest, https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl6hV0AAncN/

this was last month?

49b274  No.5806376

Chandler bun CORRECTED:

>>5805895, >>5805900, >>5805903, >>5805908, >>5805924 Moar Rachel Chandler & "frens" pics

>>5805969, >>5806004, >>5806195 Chandler's hubby-related pics

>>5806084, >>5806104 Rachel Chandler details & leads

>>5806092 Ray Chandler Instagram and Twitter links

>>5806213 Chandler's friends Gio & Shadrinsky links

>>5806126 Concrete orchard Beneath the paving stones lies the beach. Photography by Rachel Chandler, styling by Eugenie Dalland

0118b5  No.5806377


how can such absolute fucking mutants have ever gained so much power over us?

0f4846  No.5806378


Idk I posted the link to the Instagram page on the post before this one

0c3f04  No.5806379

File: e619b81fae35259⋯.jpg (62.97 KB, 615x923, 615:923, hips.jpg)

7ecc7c  No.5806380

File: a4667fff361372e⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 3252x1324, 813:331, 20190321_014252.jpg)

File: 413f811502c8dc6⋯.jpg (537.69 KB, 2804x1080, 701:270, 20190313_082807.jpg)

File: 0e62b020737a40f⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 5805x2048, 5805:2048, CombinedMeme 0803201919542….jpg)

Fuckin pedos everywhere

5c2b44  No.5806381


How does "art" move globally? Different processes for customs/entry?

740a72  No.5806382

329682  No.5806383

File: 4fdd98cc015a18c⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 499x350, 499:350, gloria-steinem.jpg)

File: 76937098b301207⋯.png (448.05 KB, 650x465, 130:93, 20120415-onc-gloria-steine….png)

File: 8d8da7736e74a50⋯.jpg (152.2 KB, 640x480, 4:3, es_steinem_playboy_081011.jpg)

File: 18f35711965a92e⋯.jpg (47.74 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Terry_Richardson.jpg)

File: 0c077a49fda3ee8⋯.jpg (69.35 KB, 570x378, 95:63, Terry_Richardson2.jpg)

0c3f04  No.5806384

File: 2831bbd8e2f06d6⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, tumblr_m0mn88iiaZ1qa42jro1….jpg)

cf0584  No.5806385

File: a69a3ea845e9e54⋯.jpg (758.68 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180913-224030….jpg)

File: 9f25227c5ce9a7c⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1200x975, 16:13, d7a47fcd4311c8cfc1e6e2a014….png)


That's what keeps me going… Knowing they are here watching. It's the best punishment. I hope they can't sleep. (((they))) slowly go insane. What they have subjected on so many levels comes back to haunt them. We have an old saying around here. Karma is a bitch, then you die. Looks like it's time for judgment.

a55d8e  No.5806386


I disagree. Reasonable suspicion should be enough for us to investigate them. Probable cause is for arrest, anon.

129125  No.5806387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hidden Camera: Jim Jefferies EXPOSED

605167  No.5806388


Fine, does that change anything? Two more names to dig.

1c98ad  No.5806389

File: 4d6e687db01cb0b⋯.jpg (147.18 KB, 856x1200, 107:150, dimplomaticpouches.jpg)

a15a6c  No.5806390

File: 58300f10e4ca6ec⋯.png (65.22 KB, 450x968, 225:484, ClipboardImage.png)

485c46  No.5806391


Read underlined

329682  No.5806392


you think that kind of shilling is gonna change anything?


56f65d  No.5806393


yessir. Judgement and fuck yes.. the card. LOVE IT.

0118b5  No.5806394


i … didn't think it had bewbs

figured that would be too normal for the vampiretards

5c2b44  No.5806395

File: 071b5e63106029c⋯.png (192.18 KB, 490x245, 2:1, orpah.png)

a15a6c  No.5806396

File: 5ee4095706901ca⋯.png (9.89 KB, 453x181, 453:181, ClipboardImage.png)

b9187b  No.5806397

File: 149e7a610579e51⋯.jpeg (134.21 KB, 800x506, 400:253, FEBA9AD5-D341-444F-9857-B….jpeg)

d756e3  No.5806398

File: 2f42a0771e7fb3c⋯.png (5.88 MB, 2671x1278, 2671:1278, ClipboardImage.png)


Symbols are not owned by pedos.

Even if they try.

Free the symbols, free the world.

2d6716  No.5806399


Fair. Plenty of investigation is done. By everyone. They hand out spyware (FinFisher / Pegasus) like candy down there.

I'm tracked closely as well.

All I'm saying is many good players and patriots down there, some named (I won't say which are good and bad).

542753  No.5806400

Jimmy Kimmel had a spot dedicated to the crazy conspiracy QAnon tonight in his opening monologue. I've searched youtube for it but it doesnt come up. Happened to catch it live – after the 10 Oclock local news.

1041c6  No.5806401

File: 8a1e25a9162f106⋯.jpeg (106.79 KB, 704x528, 4:3, image.jpeg)


How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?

It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).

We are the majority (growing).


Sheep no more.




Keep digging, Anons.



No Coincidences: These People Are Sick & Evil




15 Mar 2019 - 10:10:46 AM

These people are sick & evil.

It is not a coincidence.

It never is.


This Evil Must Be Destroyed




1 Oct 2018 - 4:43:03 PM


1 Oct 2018 - 4:32:05 PM



Me and mine stand behind you to the end. Say the word…we've been preparing a long time, and we're ready. We're here to help you however we can…you know who this is!!!

God bless you. And God bless POTUS!


Darkest days.

Amen, brother.

This evil must be destroyed.


We are the Majority and Growing Exponentially (Worldwide)!




28 Jun 2018 - 9:59:18 PM


28 Jun 2018 - 9:25:43 PM


I almost hope they don't ask. It would be fun to watch them try to manage the spin when 90% of the country is aware of you and all that you've been shining a light on, while the MSM still can acknowledge it.

I can see them squirming now..


It must happen.

Conspiracy no more.

Think of every post made.

It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?

What do they fear the most?

Public awakening.

If they ask.

They self destruct.

They know this is real.

See attacks.

The build is near complete.

Growing exponentially.

You are the frame.

You are the support.

People will be lost.

People will be terrified.

People will reject.

People will need to be guided.

Do not be afraid.

We will succeed.

Timing is everything.

Think Huber.

Think DOJ/FBI reorg.

Think sex/child arrests / news.

Think resignations (loss of control).

How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?

It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).

We are the majority (growing).


Sheep no more.



b45fb7  No.5806402


> Judgement and fuck yes.. the card. LOVE IT.

who prints those cards

is it from the Economist?

49b274  No.5806403



practice baker notes

>>5806376 Chandler bun

>>5806212 Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big

>>5806193 Clarification on Casa de Campo and Punta Cana

>>5806226 Reminder: Pedogate is everywhere & ongoing (Jimmy Savile timeline)

>>5806121 Possible anomalies in the NZ investigation

>>5806113 Remember the Handler digg? Lots moar to look at here

>>5806100 James Rothschild (husband of Nicky Hilton) has net worth of $60mil apart from family

>>5805910 Krueger "Suicide is a Weakness" song; coincidence??

>>5805952 Michal Chelbin's website (looks like a catalog for children)

>>5805930 Meaning of "chandler"

>>5805913 Moar creepy pics & comments

>>5805909 Maria Marshall is Tony Podestas art manager (has photo sets like Rachel Chandler)

>>5805905 Links for Purple magazine

>>5805904 Moar on FBI tip line & field offices

>>5805781 Weird & pedo art bundle per Baker's request (PB)>>5806334


cd0de5  No.5806404


So much for all the faggots that were cheerleading her on….

a15a6c  No.5806405

File: 3b559017ed0b299⋯.png (77.27 KB, 478x1269, 478:1269, ClipboardImage.png)

485c46  No.5806406



9b7fe2  No.5806407


can someone Tin Eye this

(1) post anon

always gotta check for drops

329682  No.5806408


explain the book please.

49b274  No.5806409


disregard bottom liink, always get caught on the "hidden links," KEK

9e7bcc  No.5806410

File: 396a2f0e0cbfd98⋯.jpg (504.62 KB, 1280x1684, 320:421, tumblr_o9zcqvsfQr1qisyv1o1….jpg)

I find this on actually pretty creepy considering the album it was in

95e1f6  No.5806411



a15a6c  No.5806412

File: 8925d5be159f954⋯.png (46.07 KB, 442x609, 442:609, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10aecba0bc2a4cd⋯.png (42.37 KB, 451x701, 451:701, ClipboardImage.png)

5baaa1  No.5806413


Fucking this!

These pictures have been re-released most of them.

NSA has released it all from the looks of things.

I did this dig a long time ago. They removed everything when comet ping pong hit.

Now the fun really begins.


773f03  No.5806414

File: 2593533c609263b⋯.jpg (47.38 KB, 697x664, 697:664, rabbitkey.jpg)

bfc6cc  No.5806415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There is no elite

Just take your place in the driver's seat

349a3f  No.5806416

>>5806400 curious why you watch that? Research or entertainment?

56f65d  No.5806417


yeah that was from the economist magazine cover. They are owned by Roths IIRC

c1daa8  No.5806418


Of course it goes to the beginning, and as hard as Q fights it will not be totally stopped. It will go deeper underground if Q wins and less open. It will never end until the end.

a15a6c  No.5806419

File: 1b9c6ebf49b2893⋯.png (61.32 KB, 461x1029, 461:1029, ClipboardImage.png)

cfa045  No.5806420





Johan Lindeberg


aaaeb7  No.5806421

File: 66095de07b6764d⋯.png (885.08 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

5c2b44  No.5806422

File: 54f74c2ae200b1e⋯.jpg (89.57 KB, 220x322, 110:161, Monsters_Inc.jpg)

File: bed33512cff08c9⋯.png (70.92 KB, 1159x180, 1159:180, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at ….png)


FEAR induced.

Disney told us…

0c3f04  No.5806423

File: d8ad6983b1da80a⋯.jpg (35 KB, 495x351, 55:39, IMG_20190312_131330_468.JPG)


Maybe twatter would make you more famous.

8c0e74  No.5806424

Holy 5

95e1f6  No.5806425



3e5b39  No.5806427



b45fb7  No.5806428


>yeah that was from the economist magazine cover. They are owned by Roths IIRC


curious as to why they would make a seemingly flattering card of POTUS

ec9886  No.5806429


They're mocking us, hiding in plain sight. I'm willing to bet Disney is run by and employs the worst of them

cfa045  No.5806430



a15a6c  No.5806431

File: d242ef4d9c21493⋯.png (122.68 KB, 461x1105, 461:1105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae7935d6b18c2de⋯.png (40.45 KB, 445x770, 89:154, ClipboardImage.png)

9b7fe2  No.5806432


its all over the net, nvm

542753  No.5806433


Daughter is a truck driver I watch Usnewslive.tv when she is in northern states (NY, Chicago) local weather updates.

485c46  No.5806434



Add this to dig notable

Standard Connection, Dr. Dre, Eminem, look at that plane? Look familiar? Walnut sauce reference.


Jennifer Lawrence (polaroid - remember?), prostitution in NYC contact


Duke in England, Dental connection, girls school


Larry David (she is clearly underage here)


50 cent


8c0e74  No.5806435

Ally me.

tRAst me

a15a6c  No.5806436

File: 6c4d98efb824590⋯.png (26.4 KB, 427x329, 61:47, ClipboardImage.png)

052288  No.5806437

File: ab905ccae0b1e02⋯.pdf (4.66 MB, RC.pdf)


Rachel Chandler isn’t just the handler. She’s the KEY.

I cross referenced some of Q’s older posts and his new RC drops with excerpts from Monarch Mind Control by Fritz Springmeier.

As the slave handler, she holds all the maps, legends, keys and sequences for accessing the slaves programming.

Hell, she may even know the programming of the abusers themselves. Like Bill and Hillary.

The cult is all mind-controlled to a certain degree. And because of this and the nature of RC’s role…



0f0b31  No.5806438


>Jim Jefferies

No idea, but looks like good content for kiwizards.

aa5b4e  No.5806439

File: 73092fc72c55197⋯.png (576.35 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Screenshot_20170718-174739.png)

They were so desperate to shut it down.

We still wont.

b9187b  No.5806440

File: a70036ed1d90c87⋯.png (5.39 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4DE4216C-69D7-4FE6-88EB-E5….png)


It’s just something I grew up with and knowing what I know now makes me wanna puke in mouth….farming babies….like wtf…my childhood has been ruined. These people are SICK!

773f03  No.5806441

File: 4b37bd2da897a8d⋯.jpg (136.46 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, gwendolinechristie.jpg)


56f65d  No.5806442


yeah gaygrunge.com kek and shit

329682  No.5806443

File: 61f69a807d1e20f⋯.jpg (25.21 KB, 318x480, 53:80, duke_of_kent.jpg)

File: 81ed0c160ac254f⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 300x420, 5:7, dukeofkent.jpg)

File: 78abe417b97439a⋯.jpg (37.47 KB, 405x607, 405:607, mason_royal2.jpg)

File: 3ff05f1394dcb8d⋯.jpg (87.4 KB, 660x553, 660:553, Savile.jpg)

2d6417  No.5806444

Thank you Q

Thank you Anons

Thank you President Trump

Thank you Patriots

Thank you to all the brave men and women of the US Military

And thank you to everyone around the world united to end this nightmare once and for all…

My prayers are with all of us!

God bless us all.

a55d8e  No.5806445


Assumptions ya know. But don't be surprised if some of the ones you are defending turn out to have skeletons in their closet.

9e7bcc  No.5806446

File: 696492e6e16a667⋯.jpg (221.12 KB, 1280x842, 640:421, tumblr_ow68xh0qcT1qisyv1o1….jpg)

cfa045  No.5806447


Patrick McMullan

d134bb  No.5806448


MANY know, and have not nor will ever and would sooner die. More good than bad. It's the core, not the name.

329682  No.5806449


nice one!

post in memes thread too please!

485c46  No.5806450


I am glad this shit is being looked at finally.

052288  No.5806451

File: a963f2d59bad797⋯.png (2.34 MB, 2000x3975, 80:159, RC.png)


Fuck. Meant to save it as a png. Here ya go.

95e1f6  No.5806452



"The discussion of puberty is particularly apparent in her images of adolescent girls on the verge of sexual consciousness. Torn between innocence and experience, their bodies are still childlike while their confrontational gazes can imply something very different. Ultimately, Chelbin's photographs are just the beginning of a story that the viewers are left to unravel for themselves."



82fe29  No.5806453


Thanks for this, anon. I knew JJ was a fraud when I saw him stateside. He launched on a good set of stuff and then pivoted against guns HARD. It made perfect sense - he is a puppet. Mockinbird media.

9e7bcc  No.5806454


some imagefag took at label on box

03154d  No.5806455

File: 35485ed580a03b6⋯.jpg (144.47 KB, 661x585, 661:585, bron_jew.jpg)

56f65d  No.5806456


not sure, and I wonder if they knew that they would indeed be judged. Or are they saying it was judgment day for [THEM]?

1c6ae1  No.5806457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seattle city council is made up of something dumbest fucking idiots this side of the Mississippi. They continue to fuel the problem and think they're solving it. I say let the city die. They deserve it for how the people have voted for the last couple of decades.

82fe29  No.5806458


>It will never end until the end.

I believe you are incorrect about this but discussing it in this venue is pointless.

329682  No.5806459


oh, got it, thanks anon.


d134bb  No.5806460


Wow mis-tagged.

I'm a wee bit medically stoned atm.

But I think the gist comes across. Wow. How shitposty of me ahaha.

1c6ae1  No.5806461


*some of

2d6716  No.5806462


After having a murderous druglord brag to me about youtube videos about them, nothing surprises me.

And hope comes in the form of the SOCOM govcon verifying 6/10 and essentially the level of Q's op.

c64686  No.5806463

File: 53a061c21f322f2⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 01A56201-DF07-4877-94EA-C0….png)

File: ff5792dcaeecac7⋯.jpeg (365.94 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 45FF0D47-BBF9-4699-BAFE-5….jpeg)

File: 8e5380c29b0258f⋯.jpeg (202.06 KB, 1125x738, 125:82, 78876EEA-7A17-484D-BD9C-B….jpeg)

File: 8086fe26b5d3677⋯.jpeg (164.39 KB, 1089x648, 121:72, AE14485E-F6F9-4B7D-97C0-4….jpeg)

Rachel Chandler

Oliver Zahm

Patrick Demarchelier

a316fc  No.5806464


First we [pedos]

e0e14b  No.5806465



This is the story of how the CIA uses "war zones" to garner kids for the sex slave business.


The Pure EVIL of 911 & Yes They DID BET ON IT (part 1 of 7)


b45fb7  No.5806466


notsure, but its something to contemplate

0118b5  No.5806467

hey anons

i'm not sure how i feel about horror films these days, but my mind was slightly boggled by the 2018 remake of Suspiria. it seems to tie into what we have been researching in so many ways, down to the argento original, asia argento, bourdain, etc.. some of the ritualistic stuff is fairly disturbing, and, i suspect, authentic. it does cross over into gleeful insanity in a few parts, tho. in the end, the witches don't quite get what they expect. truly something else, only watch if you can handle arty occult horror.

49b274  No.5806468


Agreed. We who live here know. Finally, normies are waking up too. God help us vote them OUT!!!

1c98ad  No.5806469

File: 83e7dfed2f7b9ef⋯.jpg (373.04 KB, 798x1000, 399:500, hanging.jpg)


If this exposes the network of mason hospitals where these kids get patched up, ill be very happy. It is a large part for the sick shit they induldge in. Saville seemed to use hospitals alot. Probably same thing here in the US.

773f03  No.5806470


ha, me too

c7eb50  No.5806471


Can't find this image so im gonna guess it's fake. Atleast the Maddie image.

No url.


dc0e36  No.5806472


more like high af in every pic

a15a6c  No.5806473

File: b1d21bd09df7ede⋯.png (135.08 KB, 469x1103, 469:1103, ClipboardImage.png)

56f65d  No.5806474


I tell you what.. if that is the case, just look at all the people who have been black eyed.

We have to figure this out, has to be out there if that isn't it.

5baaa1  No.5806475

File: 00175ea5a5e414a⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, CFC564A0-4C2C-4348-BC14-4F….png)

File: 0d2bf039c31368f⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 3F215E6E-919B-4039-AE52-0E….png)

File: 7e8d49a72915122⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 30905564-601B-4F68-B5E3-36….png)

File: 330e04179d1d77d⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, EA6DD2E2-98EB-482A-89DD-1C….png)

File: 6c72d733d98d022⋯.jpeg (99.21 KB, 1000x540, 50:27, D3EDF6D6-B0E9-4D41-B5A0-B….jpeg)



Archive all of what you find offline immediately, this will be scrubbed tomorrow.

God speed.

1d1a8a  No.5806476

File: 08bd7d5f44aaba3⋯.png (557.69 KB, 944x615, 944:615, ClipboardImage.png)

PB - Chandler pics

Another mr ricky clifton comment on young boy

329682  No.5806477


there was a dig on a shriners hostipal, making much money, having focus on spine, brain stuff

56f65d  No.5806478


Shriner's hospital comes to mind

82fe29  No.5806479


Interesting how Tim Minchin was the template for what happened to JJ, but Tim went silent. I think he got the offer and turned it down. Thus, he now has no gigs. Worth it.

b45fb7  No.5806480



now you can see why some of us were not impressed with Gina and her "white hat" print shirt

dc0e36  No.5806481


What's funny is shills don't even know what to do with this topic

329682  No.5806482



hive mind, fren!

you member the name??

got an image?

aaaeb7  No.5806483

File: c98a8ed116d2dd7⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

49b274  No.5806484

Baker, if you're using the CHANDLER BUN

Chandler bun UPDATE at 600

from practice baker

>>5805895, >>5805900, 5805903, 5805908, >>5805924 Moar Rachel Chandler & "frens" pics

>>5805969, >>5806004, >>5806195 Chandler's hubby-related pics

>>5806084, >>5806104 Rachel Chandler details & leads

>>5806092 Ray Chandler Instagram and Twitter links

>>5806213 Chandler's friends Gio & Shadrinsky links

>>5806126 Concrete orchard Beneath the paving stones lies the beach. Photography by Rachel Chandler, styling by Eugenie Dalland

>>5806437 Rachel Chandler isn’t just the handler. She’s the KEY.

>>5806463 Rachel Chandler, Oliver Zahm, Patrick Demarchelier

9b7fe2  No.5806485

File: 8deeb82bd92fe77⋯.jpg (43.33 KB, 500x635, 100:127, wrM.jpg)


looks good

go live next bread

take the handoff request!

3bd1c4  No.5806486

File: 3e81fd61b21c4f4⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 453x439, 453:439, absolute_halal.jpg)

The mass removal of the NZ shooter video was a trial run to test social media's ability to purge the upcoming video dumps of the pedo elite.

c1daa8  No.5806487


by your works shall you be judged if not by man then by God

49b274  No.5806488

>>5806484 Chandler Bun Update

0c3f04  No.5806489

File: 2fc074ad5550350⋯.jpg (114.8 KB, 1032x725, 1032:725, IMG_20190102_202607_222.JPG)

9b7fe2  No.5806490



>>5805864 all of tonights posts capped

>>5805909, >>5805947 Maria Marshall, Tony Podestas art manager, has photo sets like RC

>>5806002 was it for lurkers that know shit but won't say shit. People in and around the clique?

>>5806084 RC family tree

>>5806092, >>5806304, >>5806263 lists of connected to RC Instagram and Twitter

>>5806193 Clarification on white hats vs black jays at Casa de Campo, including SOCOM AF1 Savior

>>5806376 Chandler bun

>>5806212 Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big

>>5806121 Possible anomalies in the NZ investigation

>>5806113 Handle: @albahodsoll

>>5806100 James Rothschild (husband of Nicky Hilton) has net worth of $60mil apart from family

>>5805910 Krueger "Suicide is a Weakness" song; coincidence??

>>5805952 Michal Chelbin's website (looks like a catalog for children)

>>5805905 Links for Purple magazine

2daef3  No.5806491

File: f873c0e9180b44c⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 679x749, 97:107, jeff goldblum and friends.jpg)

Who are these two Jeff is playing daddy to? Not sure if related.

329682  No.5806492


what am I looking at?

matthis? where? restaurant?

49b274  No.5806493


Ok, can do it for a bread

95e1f6  No.5806494

File: 8f6cbf444c18cd9⋯.jpg (867.81 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, scottishritechildcan'tcomm.jpg)

This has to be in the mix somewhere….

e53356  No.5806495


I don;t know how to archive. where can I find the instructions?

d134bb  No.5806496


HEY guys guard in background has a SECURITY FIRM of his own now.

Dammit trying to go off memory I'll have to look it up but I'm a little high. If someone beats me to it i won't cry.

ec9886  No.5806497


We're never going to see those videos. Distributing them would be a crime. They will be seen behind closed doors as evidence in legal proceedings. Get a grip

9b7fe2  No.5806498



>>5806376, >>5806484 Chandler buns

>>5805864 all of tonights posts capped

>>5805909, >>5805947 Maria Marshall, Tony Podestas art manager, has photo sets like RC

>>5806002 was it for lurkers that know shit but won't say shit. People in and around the clique?

>>5806084 RC family tree

>>5806092, >>5806304, >>5806263 lists of connected to RC Instagram and Twitter

>>5806193 Clarification on white hats vs black jays at Casa de Campo, including SOCOM AF1 Savior

>>5806212 Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big

>>5806121 Possible anomalies in the NZ investigation

>>5806113 Handle: @albahodsoll

>>5806100 James Rothschild (husband of Nicky Hilton) has net worth of $60mil apart from family

>>5805910 Krueger "Suicide is a Weakness" song; coincidence??

>>5805952 Michal Chelbin's website (looks like a catalog for children)

>>5805905 Links for Purple magazine

b45fb7  No.5806499


>The mass removal of the NZ shooter video was a trial run to test social media's ability to purge the upcoming video dumps of the pedo elite.

a theory with some merit

485c46  No.5806500



Baker please add this responded to post and this here for this link:


To the Alba notable.

be0776  No.5806501



combined with all the media 'normalization' of rape. gang rape, rape jokes, depictions in drawn medium as well as increasingly live action medium serves to decrease mass public unrest.

World wide public is being 'groomed' to accept their own rape and destruction of each respective civilizations, races, and peoples. The very way of life.


aaaeb7  No.5806502

File: 863975be9949c0a⋯.png (637.65 KB, 960x482, 480:241, ClipboardImage.png)

9b7fe2  No.5806503


o7 m8

look for handoff request after the dough

gotta a special pic for ya

56f65d  No.5806504


no, just that the Shriners are Mason's, granddad was apart of a lodge, some grand pubah with a big ole' hat and they had swords and shit.. all that knight bullshit. I known now from my older sister, she found out some seriously disturbing shit having to do with my aunts and "family friends" of the lodge and all. Some molestation happened and now w Q it all makes sense.

49b274  No.5806505


second bun includes all of the first bun plus moar

b45fb7  No.5806506


> Distributing them would be a crime

would it? who gives a shit

the public deserves to know

a55d8e  No.5806507


Who knows what will happen that way. Hard to say. I just know that some "rabbit holes" contain more that rabbits.

I been around the block more than a few times.

d134bb  No.5806508



Ed Majcina. Praetorian Group

He's the dapper looking guy with the spooped look. Seen him in person, guy does NOT fuck around. Ex Navy….Intel officer I think.

49b274  No.5806509

3bd1c4  No.5806510


Controlled leaks will happen here to drive public awareness to counter narrative.

Videos of politicians raping kids is illegal to share.

Videos of politicians killing and eating kids isn't illegal to share.

329682  No.5806511



Found this while digging, imo seems very well possible.

>Rachel Chandler's mom is Nancy Salzman, president of NXIVM?


043465  No.5806512

File: 4bfbfd626df5a96⋯.png (22.68 KB, 555x320, 111:64, clip.png)




ec9886  No.5806513


The public will get transcripts and descriptions of what happens in the videos, but not hte videos themselves, what kind of sick fuck wants to see that shit voluntarily anyway

a27585  No.5806514

Who is Phillip Masters 616?

352221  No.5806515

>>5802536 (/pb)

Sanela Diane (nee Catic) Jenkins, has been called "the Rosetta Stone of every scandal and perversion from Hwood all over the globe." Has Clinton Foundation connections and partnered with Sean Penn re Haiti. see link


0c3f04  No.5806516

File: 5aaa5dacca318fe⋯.jpg (149.49 KB, 1033x714, 1033:714, IMG_20190102_202633_716.JPG)


Get it girl.

9e7bcc  No.5806517

I just had that moment while archiving all the raychel stuff that I am looking on the back of milk cartoons

49b274  No.5806518


Is this a question or a statement? Got any sauce?

bfc6cc  No.5806519


censored versions, maybe?

b45fb7  No.5806520


>The public will get transcripts and descriptions of what happens in the videos

oh really, and you know this how

95e1f6  No.5806521

File: 8b321b9bd91c1b4⋯.jpg (9.43 KB, 300x168, 25:14, mea culpa).jpg)

File: 5463c7b09c179eb⋯.jpg (96.74 KB, 600x478, 300:239, deaf.jpg)


Not the first time, abusers go after deaf/mute children (runaways/orphans)


0c3f04  No.5806522

File: 520180f92085672⋯.jpg (80.93 KB, 783x599, 783:599, IMG_20190102_003531_960.JPG)

07c6fe  No.5806523


Secret Service

38313e  No.5806525


Jeff Goldblum. They don't come anymore homosexual…

ec9886  No.5806526


I meant that's what they will get at most as opposed to the actual videos.

b45fb7  No.5806527


>censored versions, maybe?

whatever sure

the NYPD was prepared to release the contents of Weiner's laptop if the FBI didn't so something

I wonder what assurences they were give

9e7bcc  No.5806528

They did not hide from the spiders very well. Just the connections once you put all the faces together without the videos is enough.

0f0b31  No.5806529

I say we extend an offer to all New Zealanders that oppose the new gun ban and don't want to follow the exact path that Brazil went down about 15+ ago with their gun ban, that they come to the US and renounce the communist New Zealand government. English-speakers, hard working, freedom loving people. And we have so many jobs to fill!

4936c0  No.5806530



Peado yacht!

Other hot ticket events included My Yacht Group and Bvlgari hosting the ultimate New Years weekend Charity Superyacht event with Tradewind Aviation & SiBarth, to benefit the Association Saint-Barth Handicap. The super-exclusive after party was aboard Roy Carroll’s yacht SKYFALL.

2ca2b1  No.5806531


Same thing happened the first time all of this came out in 2018.

a316fc  No.5806532


This is the level of seriousness of which this war between good and evil is at. You will have the majority incapable of accepting truth, so transcripts are the way to go but the evidence must be public to give no quarter to evil.

79cea3  No.5806533



Alan D?

c42f4b  No.5806534


chandler with Ahluvalia


2daef3  No.5806535


They don't care what you are. You want in the inner circle, you do what you're told. They love fucking straight guys in the ass… so if he is gay, then he's be made to eat the pussy no doubt.

Doesn't change the fact he's out in public theater choking out young blondes.

349a3f  No.5806536

Interesting Q drops this on first day of spring. Wonder what kind of ceremony he interrupted?

dda088  No.5806537

File: 8c93b77e8dc8f2b⋯.jpg (74.03 KB, 618x410, 309:205, goldblum.jpg)

b45fb7  No.5806538


>I meant that's what they will get at most as opposed to the actual videos

maybe so

but don't go sounding like CNN there

"it's illegal to look at WikiLeaks"

d134bb  No.5806539

File: 650ad8d495f848a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, EDMAJCINA.png)

Ed Majcina. Praetorian Group

Just thought it was worth mentioning one of Gaga's old guards at least at some point did run this security group. Not sure if just for celebs or otherwise. Isn't it all kind of the same and bleeding over these days anyway?

He's the dapper light haired man with the 'wtf' look on his face.

bde6a6  No.5806540

File: 9a7ab625a9a1b78⋯.png (113.76 KB, 1202x910, 601:455, Guinness family 1.png)

File: e4122518aa5d0c0⋯.png (105.38 KB, 1206x950, 603:475, Guinness family 2.png)

File: a7f46b51e28d862⋯.png (70.83 KB, 1173x699, 391:233, Guinness family 3.png)

File: 04be9f5eff2a77d⋯.png (127.99 KB, 2358x548, 1179:274, Guinness family info.png)

File: d4d872cbebedbb6⋯.png (13.21 KB, 421x311, 421:311, Guinness family.png)

I was digging a little into the Guinness family.

Quite a few interesting people in that family.

Also they are connected to the Rothschilds by marriage.

Tom Guinness is the guy that married Rachel Chandler.

2334a2  No.5806541



c1daa8  No.5806542


The down stairs bar and dance room was the Boom room. That was LA Standard Hotel.

9b7fe2  No.5806543


broken links though

bde6a6  No.5806544

File: 17519dd28bb5e9b⋯.png (46.53 KB, 1046x284, 523:142, Guinness Sabrina.png)

File: 71a20f6c1280d05⋯.png (40.74 KB, 1061x212, 1061:212, Guinness Walter.png)



f43486  No.5806545

Applying autism powers:

I have to say that Ray/Rachel Chandler looks to me as though she would be a relative of Bill Clinton. Just a hunch. RA- CHEL-C HANDLER

Could be nothing - could be coincidence.

850712  No.5806546


Goldblum is a deviant. Watch the “hot ones” YouTube show, he was a total creep the whole time.

7d7b37  No.5806547

File: 875b45e34b6aebe⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2730x1741, 2730:1741, 42AAA84E-A947-43D7-A886-E….jpeg)

The connections keep coming…

95e1f6  No.5806548


notice the hand around the neck, middle finger really digging in…

9b7fe2  No.5806549

>>5806534 same pic as Q post fam

a15a6c  No.5806550










the "Owl"

Find the spider




Jeremiah 29:11


Fly High

HRC/BC flying under the radar

(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world


Stealth Bombers fly undetected


When does a BIRD sing?








Said the spider to the fly …

2ca2b1  No.5806551


This is the one I want to see go down. Guaranteed she's a Grande Dame of the Black Hollywood Satanists. Total MK Ultra from waaaaay back. "Course in Miracles" was created by CIA (Helen Shucmann and Bill Thetford). Marianne Williamson (CIM guru) is also major MK Ultra (and is running for President we hear). Oprah must go down for her part in getting Obama in office.

ce378e  No.5806552

File: 7af1816e308165a⋯.png (412.8 KB, 991x641, 991:641, Screenshot_2019-03-21 SY Q….png)

Here she is: the S/Y (sail yacht) Q

33e456  No.5806553

To the cabal and ALL minions.

It is over, there are people with orders and helicopters coming for you.

They are on their way, they know your every move , they have been following you for years, they know alll of your possible actions, AI predictability algorithms have been run for every possible situation and time.

There is no future.

There will be no Paridise super live forever fuck anything you want world for you.


Tell authorities what you know.

You have an hour.

Kill yourselves

You have an hour.

Or face a punishment beyond your imagination.

Download consciousness tech?

Imagine being stuck in a torturous hell for eternity.

One hour.

38313e  No.5806554


The two girls name are Paige Elkington (@myfriendpaige) actress/model and Kate Parfet (Kate parfet) model. Souce pic came from Paige Elkington instagram page. Pic is taken on Daniel Johnston - Silversun Pickups concert at Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, US November 2, 2017. The pic was random encounter and totally staged

aaaeb7  No.5806555

File: 1de34422ac0bf7b⋯.png (83.07 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

773f03  No.5806556

File: f143aaa8018dca3⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

Last night, The Standard and Olivier Rousteing celebrated the 2018 Met Gala with The Boom Boom Afterparty at Top of The Standard in NYC. Notable attendees included Alicia Vikander, Emma Stone, Evan Rachel Wood, Jared Leto, Paris Jackson, Trevor Noah and Yara Shahidi. Check out pics from the party below. Looks like quite the rager, no?


9e7bcc  No.5806557

Anyways taken in all the shit i just archived, I also heard some shit went down at Bransons, anyone know?

c014e7  No.5806558

File: 0b052093c480fa4⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 900x696, 75:58, 261420719-Jeffrey-Epstein-….jpg)

File: cf5a87a05e091da⋯.jpg (38.66 KB, 900x696, 75:58, 261420719-Jeffrey-Epstein-….jpg)

clinton spacey & roberts flight logs

2daef3  No.5806559


Awesome… knew someone would know.

bfc6cc  No.5806560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

485c46  No.5806561


Need to figure out what Q meant by artifacts. That was very out of place.

9bd6bd  No.5806562

File: ec3327352c3c7cd⋯.jpg (110.38 KB, 1044x514, 522:257, qmap_exponential.jpg)

File: 0d02467b18e2139⋯.png (49.83 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, Qnews.png)

review night for the 240000(ish) newfags

that weren't here for this last time

b45fb7  No.5806563


>Paris Jackson

didnt she have a recent meltdown

3a4bcd  No.5806564

PART 1 of 3

Interesting thread here about Rachel Chandler and her connections.


Archived The Rachel Chandler Connection (pizzagate)

submitted 2.3 years ago by [deleted]

Hey /Pizzagate,

I became aware of the Pizzagate theory several weeks ago, not long before the election. I'll admit I didn't pay a ton of attention to the controversy at the outset. I was pretty shocked when, a few days ago, a friend e-mailed me a photo of Rachel Chandler posing with Bill Clinton that was being circulated by Pizzagate theorists. The photo I'm talking about is this one: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CwhYDVHVEAAIpe4.jpgJPG

I know Rachel IRL and have some information that I think ya'll might find interesting.

Rachel graduated in June 2005 from Brentwood School, a pretty elite prep school on the Westside of LA. I attended the school with her. There were/are a lot of kids from prominent Hollywood/media families in attendance there. Jordan McGraw, Dr. Phil's son, was also Class of '05. Jimmy Iovine's son was Class of '06 (Jimmy is the founder of Interscope Records, hebrought Eminem and 50 Cent to prominence and is the brains behind the Beats headphones empire that Dr. Dre is the public face of). Arnold Schwarzenegger's kids were there too (can't remember which year, they were several years younger than Rachel). Andrew Breitbart, the now-deceased founder of the Breitbart news site, was a graduate (not sure when … 80s? 90s? way before my time).

Rachel herself comes from a very prominent, elite family. She's one of many descendants of the Chandler family, which owned the Los Angeles Times for decades. Look up Otis Chandler on Wikipedia. The family is divested of the paper today and not as powerful/prominent in LA high society today as they used to be, but up through the 80s they were super powerful.

So, Rachel is definitely a part of the LA-based Hollywood/media elite. She's not some runaway or kidnapped kid or anything like that like some have theorized. She's probably the most powerful scion of one of the most powerful families in Southern California.

Let me start off by saying that I know absolutely nothing about the photo with Bill Clinton. It seems like Gawker posted that photo way back in 2006 (http://gawker.com/166540/air-burkle-something-special-in-the-air)) but I saw it for the first time yesterday.

However, some of you have found photos of her with P. Diddy and Paris Hilton. I know more about those. Rachel has been a friend of Paris Hilton for a LONG time. I think they've been friends since Rachel was about 13 or 14. When we were all high-school aged, Rachel was known for frequently going clubbing with Paris, hitting up movie/TV "industry parties", going to fashion events, and presented herself as an aspiring model. I have no idea what was going on during those events, but people alternatively admired/resented her for frequently partying with famous celebrities and rolling everywhere with Paris and Nicky Hilton. She was rumored to be a big drinker/drug user and struggled academically. During high school (2001-2005), there was an incident where Paris Hilton's phone was hacked and her contacts were posted online. It was one of the first major "celebrity hackings" that I remember ever becoming a big news story. Rachel was, I dunno, 15 or 16 at the time (?), and her phone number was one of the ones that was leaked because she was in Paris's contacts list. I have no idea if all the crazy stuff you guys are pegging her (being a "child handler") with has any validity, but I can tell you that during her teenage years she knew A LOT of celebrities, media industry insiders, and was going to a lot of parties that most kids at her school and in our social circles (who were pretty well-connected and very wealthy themselves) could never gain access to. She's definitely someone who "matured quickly", if you will. I know that at age 18 she had a boyfriend who was considerably older than her (late 20s or early 30s, I believe) but, to be fair, she was 18 by then.

There's a tangential Rothschilds connection here, by the way, because Nicky Hilton ended up marrying James Rothschild and Rachel used to party with all of them.

One thing you guys have missed is that she has a much deeper connection to the occult artist Marina Abramovic than I've seen documented so far.

Some links you might find interesting:

a15a6c  No.5806565


ART [podesta]

FACTS [crumbs]

I [am]

f79e14  No.5806566


Dead and gone would be artifacts, no?

38494c  No.5806567


What are we looking for exactly with all these images?

9b7fe2  No.5806568



>>5806376, >>5806484 Chandler buns

>>5805864 all of tonights posts capped

>>5805909, >>5805947 Maria Marshall, Tony Podestas art manager, has photo sets like RC

>>5806002 was it for lurkers that know shit but won't say shit. People in and around the clique?

>>5806084 RC family tree

>>5806092, >>5806304, >>5806263 lists of connected to RC Instagram and Twitter

>>5806193 Clarification on white hats vs black jays at Casa de Campo, including SOCOM AF1 Savior

>>5806212 Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big

>>5806121 Possible anomalies in the NZ investigation

>>5806113 Handle: @albahodsoll

>>5806100 James Rothschild (husband of Nicky Hilton) has net worth of $60mil apart from family

>>5805910 Krueger "Suicide is a Weakness" song; coincidence??

>>5805952 Michal Chelbin's website (looks like a catalog for children)

>>5805905 Links for Purple magazine

>>5806434 Standard Connection, Dr. Dre, Eminem, and moar (bun)

>>5806486 trial run to test social media's ability to purge the upcoming video dumps of the elite?

76c558  No.5806569

File: 317938300f13844⋯.jpeg (53.94 KB, 390x612, 65:102, 6545B07E-9F38-4452-95A5-8….jpeg)


Look who we got there

329682  No.5806570

38313e  No.5806571

File: c6afd0d98577941⋯.gif (181.72 KB, 220x304, 55:76, kissykissy.gif)

3a4bcd  No.5806572


PART 2 of 3

Interesting thread here about Rachel Chandler and her connections.


Rachel is the primary photographer for an artist named Terence Koh, who frequently collaborates with Abramovic. Here, he's in a death pose on a piece of hers: http://purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-a-collectors-house-east/ Another photo of the same set: http://purple.fr/diary/terence-kohon-a-work-by-marina-abramovic-at-the-collectors-house-east/

A video from a MoMA party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPPKj99ZV60YouTube List of attendees: "Those in attendance included Madonna, Mary-Kate Olsen, Yoko Ono, James Franco, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Chloe Sevigny, Penn Badgely, Padma Lakshmi, Rose Byrne, Kim Cattrall, Lucy Liu, Marina Abramovic, Daphne Guinness, Terence Koh, Andrej Pejic, Leelee Sobieski, Cindy Sherman, Agnes Gund, Katharina Sieverding, Rachel Chandler, Michelle Harper, David Rockefeller, Jr., MoMA's Director Glenn Lowry, Volkswagen's Martin Winterkorn, and Director of MoMA PS1 and MoMA's Chief Curator at Large Klaus Biesenbach."

Rachel was a photographer/attendee at Marina Abramovic's 2010 "The Artist is Present" performance at the MoMA http://www.patrickmcmullan.com/site/event_detail.aspx?eid=32454 (look for her name on the left-hand list of Featured People and use the filter function)

This is the one I think you might find the most interesting, and I'm surprised this hasn't been delved into before. Abramovic gave a very controversial performance at the LA MoCA that involved a kind of pseudo/ritualized cannibalism of a female body, and Rachel was present as well. https://www.artforum.com/diary/id=29517

The prospect of this “grotesque spectacle,” the outraged Rainer wrote, reminded her not of Abramović’s The Artist Is Present, the performance empress’s three-month-long sit at the Museum of Modern Art last year, or of her Nude with Skeleton from 2002, but of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s 1975 film Salò, where fascist sadists sexually abuse beautiful youths. “Subjecting her performers to public humiliation at the hands of a bunch of frolicking donors is yet another example of the Museum’s callousness and greed, and Ms Abramović’s obliviousness to differences in context and to some of the implications of transposing her own powerful performances to the bodies of others,” Rainer wrote, suggesting that MoCA rename itself “MODFR, or the Museum of Degenerate Fund Raising.”

Inside, all thought of exploitation quickly faded, as the 769 guests, who included California governor Jerry Brown and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa as well as Beecroft, took their seats before the rotating heads and nudes-with-skeletons and dug into their food unfazed. (It was delicious.) Some people did hold the gaze of the heads; others winked and elicited forbidden giggles.

John Baldessari and Meg Cranston seemed pleased to be seated ringside, where half-naked and very buff pallbearers periodically mounted the catwalk-like stage carrying a shrouded body on a bier. After her final number, two more shrouded bodies were brought onstage. Under them was dessert: two eerily lifelike cakes fashioned to look like Abramović and Harry by LA’s Rosebud Cakes and Raphael Castoriano’s Kreëmart organization. Wielding lethal-looking knives, Abramović joined Harry to cut out the hearts of each of their cakes to a shouting, astonished crowd.

Chaos followed, as guests fought over pieces cut by the bare-chested pallbearers. “I want the breast! Give me the vagina!” they screamed, hardly noticing that Tilda Swinton had arrived for photo ops, looking very much like David Bowie in his Thin White Duke phase. When it was all over, the cut-up cakes resembled mutilated bodies that made for a ghoulish sight.

A man I didn’t know accosted me. “Is it me or was this all about violence against women?” he asked. “It’s you,” I said. “Look at that cake!” he exclaimed. “It’s a horribly mutilated woman with knives in her chest. Doesn’t that bother you?” “It’s a cake,” I said. “It represents all the indignities women have suffered at the hands of men. It is women telling their own history.” Apparently, the point was lost on him. “It’s disgusting,” he replied. I asked his name, which he declined to give. “I’m in the social register!” he growled, brushing past me to let Deitch know that this violence against women would result in the withdrawal of funding from the museum.

a15a6c  No.5806573


CLASS of 99

3a4bcd  No.5806574



PART 3 of 3

Interesting thread here about Rachel Chandler and her connections.


– Abramovic cutting the fake female dead body: https://www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article07.jpgJPG – A Black woman's head lying in front of dinner eaters: https://www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article08.jpgJPG – A body being eaten: https://www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article16.jpgJPG – Body after many parts being eaten: https://www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article05.jpgJPG – Rachel Chandler posing at the party with Dasha Zhukova, who is the wife of Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich: https://www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article13.jpgJPG

There's a lot more of a connection between these two (Chandler and Abramovic) but that's all I could find with Google. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more photos of her with celebs while she was a teenager, cause she used to circulate in those celeb circles a lot. Also, I think that photo with Clinton is not from Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express but rather from Ron Burkle's private jet. You may want to look into the connections between the Chandler family and Burkle. At one point, Burkle and the Chandlers were in competition to buy out the Tribune Media Co. that owned the Times: http://www.editorandpublisher.com/news/burkle-and-broad-join-chandlers-in-making-tribune-bid/ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/18/AR2007011800684_pf.html

edit: fixed spacing


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[–] chickyrogue 2 points (+2|-0) 2.3 years ago

great connecting of dots

[–] vector3rector 1 points (+1|-0) 2.2 years ago

Why was this deleted? I think this has quite some significant relevance.

[–] FreeAmerican 1 points (+1|-0) 2.3 years ago

Thanks for the post, I had already gotten most of this info but from a different direction… Rachel's contact with Waris Ahluwalia led me to the same circles

[–] DystopianDaze 1 points (+1|-0) 2.3 years ago

Wow, thanks.

[–] Cascading-Light 0 points (+0|-0) 2.1 years ago

This should have been allowed to stay, for sure. Maybe mods can reverse?

[–] Jackreader 0 points (+0|-0) 2.2 years ago

I'm new here, and not sure how to post pic - so here's what I found…Google "party at comit ping pong" click pics and scroll down. There is an instagram post from 2015 of Rachel eating pizza and an the comment "Happy B-Day Rachel - now stop shame eating pizza" looks like her.

[–] Petethepet01 0 points (+0|-0) 2.3 years ago

one of the guests i noticed, was kenneth anger, a student of crowley's, made lucifer rising

[–] crazimal 0 points (+0|-0) 2.1 years ago (edited 2.1 years ago)

"Scorpio Rising" actually. BTW Anger's first film "fireworks" made when he was a young teen featured fireworks and boys having sex. Probably no IMDb infos on that one…

[–] derram 0 points (+0|-0) 2.3 years ago

https://archive.is/1gzM0 :

Air Burkle: Something Special in the Air

https://archive.is/jQCOd :

Chandlers, L.A. billionaires vie for Tribune - washingtonpost.com

485c46  No.5806575


Possible. To me artifacts means item additional to passenger. But we need a pilot type to be able to help decipher that manifest additional notes unless we want to look into it. That would make it easier but I DO suppose it is going to be a long night so might as well. Fuck it, addarrel incoming.

c64686  No.5806576

File: dddba4a1996076e⋯.png (753.5 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 758D20B4-9B71-48F6-95AC-BF….png)

File: a28f424e1856e06⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 80910867-A824-488A-925E-57….png)

File: 8f26d9714a09727⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 32B1BE97-F413-4415-BCFF-7D….png)

File: bce51ed45752eae⋯.png (934.28 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 67079650-6927-4446-8DC8-F2….png)

Rachel Chandler

Oliver Zahm

image search Duck Duck Go, ‘purple.fr’ - their photo ‘agency’

9b7fe2  No.5806577

baking soon

shitpost naow

anything missed or fresh repost next bread

99fbe8  No.5806578

Check this out, if you haven't found it yet. Ray Chandler's old Instagram images. Probably old news to those who've been here a long time, but convenient for those who need to catch up.



d63a17  No.5806579

>>5805407 lb #7426

in defense of spouseanon….. the hardest thing for me as I entered this realm of perversion, was sensing there just had to be a group of powerful women at a the core somehow supporting this….. now I understand that the Illuminati's recorded history of evil; child sacrifice etc. are these women..

…thats pretty hard to fathom as momfag that loves her kids to pieces…


very disturbing as "REAL"momfag to think about 'that' particular flavor of depravity… shakes our instinctive and taught roles as nurturers to the core.



as a femfag whose been in this war room for many years…my suggestion hold her when she lest expects it, when you can see her thoughts paining her, tell her you can understand why it is so hard for her…

It is in accepting her very real 'woman' human reaction that will help her rise above the denial & negative vibrations of the evil to fight back at higher vibrations where we are protected from exactly this….being human and feeling the powerlessness & despair and being dragged back down into their swamp

She is having the reaction of exactly the kind of fem-warriors needed on these front lines, so there is nothing wrong with her thinking, she has it right but cannot win the fight 'the despair' alone in her own thoughts

9b6724  No.5806580

What date was HWAnon2 saying they were going to expose Hollywood?

485c46  No.5806581


Thanks Baker, well done tonight you SOB you.

0c3f04  No.5806582

File: 1fd9719c5ca1242⋯.jpg (119.82 KB, 800x1028, 200:257, IMG_20190130_120815_400.JPG)

5525b4  No.5806583

File: 35aab11cd0866bd⋯.png (11.17 KB, 303x412, 303:412, Rachel Chandler Twitter Tr….PNG)

File: f4e2ccd151f7f45⋯.png (374.75 KB, 405x836, 405:836, 1 Rachel Chandler Twitter ….PNG)

Rachel Chandler Trending on Twitter



b383d4  No.5806584

>>5801206 (pb)

Hey faggot, this isn't the snowflake fucking chat room! Check your fweeings at the door. Who gives a fuck about what happened to her? What about the underage girls/boys she's pimping? She is responsible for her own actions, and now she will pay the price for them.

aaaeb7  No.5806585

File: 19e02ac98f3aa57⋯.png (837.03 KB, 736x575, 32:25, ClipboardImage.png)

e8a9c9  No.5806586


Born and raised there. Used to be the most livable city but now it's just another left coast shithole.

ad5e39  No.5806587

Chan access is back in Australia.

I wonder who was behind this.

It's good to be back.

4936c0  No.5806588


Here's a link anon .


b45fb7  No.5806589


>submitted 2.3 years ago


knowing about all this stuff for this long

5ee08a  No.5806590

File: 88840cf8aa01881⋯.png (372.61 KB, 1065x414, 355:138, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 55e074f6013166a⋯.png (326.83 KB, 842x550, 421:275, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

Notable? Who's behind the camera? Epstein Island? Secret Service playing in the water with Bill???

9b7fe2  No.5806591


we are pedo larping breh

485c46  No.5806592

And by the way Q, please make sure to fucking obliterate the bastard who destroyed the grey lightning, my favorite computer after I dropped those last year on Chandler night one. Those bastards owe me a new computer. BUT… their destruction will sit well with me so nail them.

ce378e  No.5806594

File: b01cc0df1b836b3⋯.png (1.34 MB, 991x5421, 991:5421, Screenshot_2019-03-21 SKYF….png)


This SKYFALL? Currently moored in Palm Beach, FL

9bd6bd  No.5806595

File: 3375e500ff57910⋯.jpg (78.8 KB, 432x924, 36:77, STAY_SHARP.jpg)

File: b09add6fa3b5874⋯.png (62.61 KB, 411x552, 137:184, stay alert.PNG)

a15a6c  No.5806596


Artifacts are hand-made, made by man, human remains (not necessarily biological) of the day, that day, contemporaneous.

What remains.

These are facts of what remains.

e8a9c9  No.5806597


Good to have you back.

38313e  No.5806599

File: 03fbe4cc1df2115⋯.jpg (69 KB, 468x696, 39:58, Paige Elkington.jpg)

File: 44b6a1eec6728fb⋯.jpg (75.54 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Kate Parfet.jpg)


These two.

485c46  No.5806601


True, very true. Good point. I was thinking ceremonial knives or some shit for their sick island crap.

9e7bcc  No.5806603

File: 8d6336f162eef1a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1349x1596, 71:84, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Rach….png)

File: c11da15649fae73⋯.png (1013.89 KB, 1349x1596, 71:84, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Rach….png)

File: 346fbae35b48ddc⋯.png (616 KB, 1349x1733, 1349:1733, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Rach….png)

File: a565e8e65c56eab⋯.png (1008.31 KB, 1349x1733, 1349:1733, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Rach….png)

File: c3e2252f338b824⋯.png (387.87 KB, 1349x1733, 1349:1733, Screenshot_2019-03-21 Rach….png)

Here is all of Rachel Chandlers Tumblr archive. Broken up so easier to see also got all the hi res of them none of the notes though.

Just the expressions on some of the peoples faces makes me so sad>>5806230

76c558  No.5806604

What are the bets, suicide weekend incoming?

adec16  No.5806607


Welcome back AusAnon. WRWY WWG1WGA

4936c0  No.5806608


All the peado yachts are here !


9e7bcc  No.5806609


I think know the dates is important also thats why I kept the overall snapshot for dates

3a4bcd  No.5806610

File: d5451140c710c05⋯.png (541.96 KB, 580x482, 290:241, ClipboardImage.png)

2daef3  No.5806613


And the movies she works are all fucked up and twisted.

This is just a selection. She's definitely a program.

Leelee Sobieski



Acts of Violence

Night Train

Finding Bliss

Walk All Over Me


The Elder Son (Lolita)


The Wicker Man

Sister Honey

In a Dark Place

My First Mister

Eyes Wide Shut

Never Been Kissed

b45fb7  No.5806616


>What are the bets, suicide weekend incoming?

high chance of suicides with a sprinkling of arkancides

07c6fe  No.5806617

File: 8ca50e556f77d71⋯.jpg (80.93 KB, 700x525, 4:3, bill.jpg)


Anthony Weiner?

9b7fe2  No.5806618

Fresh So Fresh





fresh bread nagros

early bake

shitpost speed round


5c2b44  No.5806620

File: 10d4c6a576cbcb3⋯.png (114.7 KB, 794x569, 794:569, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 798ce05dccd7589⋯.png (236.4 KB, 1248x661, 1248:661, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 0ba34147c513cc3⋯.jpg (54.34 KB, 295x426, 295:426, ad.jpg)

File: 12029ca4dec908a⋯.png (553.28 KB, 1109x402, 1109:402, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 937158f122ccf51⋯.jpg (751.01 KB, 1898x1566, 949:783, 03_1_Caprarola_palazzo_Far….jpg)

Farnese - yes those look like missile bays in the lawns…



(((Ignatius Loyola)))

Crown of Spain

Alhambra Decree


76c558  No.5806621


By the looks she could be Eminem’s sister

3a4bcd  No.5806622

File: 3a82f14053ae5fd⋯.png (396.8 KB, 498x376, 249:188, ClipboardImage.png)

485c46  No.5806624

This might be the funniest meme I have seen all day (potential wise). Sorry Harry Potter fans.. but Ginny hangs out with a Madam from an international hooker ring while making "art" o eating babies:


Don't ask me how I find this shit.

b45fb7  No.5806625


are we there yet

9b7fe2  No.5806626

Meme Dump

sprinkle the rest of the bread with daqnk memes!!

7ef6d9  No.5806627

Its something to do with the Russian/Jewish secret society you can bank on it

95fa9a  No.5806628


Such a great movie. Kubrick was definitely sending us all a strong warning about what these people are really up to. Tom Cruise's character was probably based on Kubrick himself. He had just enough money and status to attend the same parties as the elites…but he was never truly part of their club. Kinda like President Trump.

56f65d  No.5806629

File: 2675ebdae2e18a3⋯.png (659.32 KB, 1316x1438, 658:719, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 956099eeede2f8a⋯.png (431.77 KB, 1330x1438, 665:719, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: 2691e195d80df1c⋯.png (385.67 KB, 1334x1496, 667:748, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

File: c96a173ba655006⋯.png (237.12 KB, 1326x856, 663:428, Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at ….png)

Taking it back to Epstein Island, Alan Dershowitz was implicated in having sex w one Virginia Roberts Giuffre.


c014e7  No.5806630


FF points the fake news and the feds at the board.

Q points the board right at this fucked up chandler shit.

timing is everything.

5c26ea  No.5806631


Maybe this anon is seeing what I am

It's like an infectious evil that keeps going down the generations.

The kids she's pimping ,if they survive it, will carry it on…or so it seems from what I see.

38313e  No.5806632


Not with Optus it isn't, Anon.

49b274  No.5806633


Still haven't posted new bread on comms. pretty slow here….

95e1f6  No.5806634

File: 675668d49c88196⋯.jpg (705.57 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, clintonchildsextrafficking.jpg)

b45fb7  No.5806636

File: 2e3efc5bff7b4b6⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 1080x1098, 60:61, 1549668133539.jpg)

0494f3  No.5806638

File: f8946172c5ca22d⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 620x370, 62:37, 9nqeao83qgy01.jpg)


Lived there over a decade and bailed. It's not even a shadow of the city it used to be. It'll take a whole generation of change to turn things around but the city is nowhere near the end of its descent. They keep voting for the same people who are responsible for the insane escalation into a shithole town.

95e1f6  No.5806639

File: 7ec15e8c2742f1a⋯.gif (7.15 MB, 500x304, 125:76, theyliveadrenochrome1.gif)

a15a6c  No.5806642


Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.

A defect of human agency. Cached. A flight log entails what datam behind which such a defect might be obscured?

Point of departure.

Time of departure.


Weather particulars.

Roster, crew.

Roster, passengers.

Roster, non-crew, non-passengers.

Point of arrival/ destination.

Points enroute.

Time of arrival/deboardment.

Maintenance particulars.

Refuel particulars.

Flight ID.



773f03  No.5806643

File: 434019424a68686⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 950x534, 475:267, pain.jpg)

9e7bcc  No.5806644


my memes a broke for abit have sad face

9bd6bd  No.5806646

File: dcf7bed839f7e41⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 474x467, 474:467, .1..JPG)

6d2860  No.5806647

File: d0d8e01462be78b⋯.png (228.76 KB, 790x837, 790:837, FRENS.png)

Thank You Baker!

bde6a6  No.5806648


speaking of which, i went to ihop a couple of weeks ago, and they had the charity drive going on in connection to Shriners hospital.

I did not see it was shriners before i donated.

The reason i did was you get to fill out the donation card and put a name on it, and i wanted to make a Q Anon one and a Donald J Trump( especially because there was a good spot on the wall, at eye level that everyone going into that ihop would see.)

When i saw it was for shriners, i was like yikes, that's not good, kek

Also Ihop pulled their advertising from Tucker, which made me not want to visit them.

Pancakes are one of my favorites, and i used to go often to ihop.

I cut it way down, and have only gone 2 times since they pulled Tucker, in which one visit happened to be while they were doing their kids charity with the cards all over the walls.

I used to go once a week or every 2 weeks.

So they have lost atleast 80% of my business.

d63a17  No.5806649


help me…. which bridge which island….

asking as an idea from other tidbits has been forming in my thoughts about bridges, islands, (tunnels)

b45fb7  No.5806650

File: b0f5b1014af7ced⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1300x1109, 1300:1109, ClipboardImage.png)

773f03  No.5806651

File: 8b3463650c0936c⋯.png (221.17 KB, 494x334, 247:167, iu.png)

a15a6c  No.5806654


And cargo on/off.

Customs protocols official and un.

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