e8507a No.5626840
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Monday 03.11.2019
>>5618750 ————————————–——– John Perry Barlow POST January 27, 2018, DEAD February 8, 2018.
>>5618461 ————————————–——– Banking on HRC to win? Banking on BRENNAN to bring you home? (Cap: >>5618485 )
>>5618056 rt >>5617930 ————————— Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016? [JB][JPB] How did we know (prior to)?
>>5617930 rt >>5617724 ————————— Connect the dots? Define 'Spook'. Define 'Shadow'.
>>5617724 ————————————–——– @Snowden Parades or Restraints?
>>5617565 ————————————–——– Why was the NSA targeted? Why was the Agency protected/sheltered? (Cap: >>>>5617740 )
Sunday 03.10.2019
>>5616382 ————————————–——– Do you have your [ ] filled in?
>>5602691 ————————————–——– Patriots have no skin color. (Cap: >>5609688)
Saturday 03.09.2019
>>5600601 ————————————–——– Attempts to DIVIDE will FAIL. Patriots have no skin color. (Cap: >>5600640)
>>5599583 ————————————–——– The real reason they want OPEN BORDERS. (Cap: >>5599914)
>>5597549 ————————————–——– How do you keep a secret? How do you prevent leaks? (Cap: >>5596901)
>>5596872 rt >>5596800 ————————— You have been prepared for what is about to take place.
>>5596777 ————————————–——– Exclusive? 1.5 years behind Anons. (Cap: >>5596837 )
>>5596682 ————————————–——– Patriots stand at the ready, and prepared, for what is about to come. (Cap: >>5596729)
>>5596292 ————————————–——– Sealed > Unsealed.Indictments coming
>>5595311 ————————————–——– IT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN. BE VIGILANT.
>>5595169 rt >>5594529 ————————— Zero Delta Q Proof graphic
>>5595092 rt >>5594428 ————————— Statistically impossible?
>>5594916 ————————————–——– Define 'Protection' (Cap: >>5594960)
>>5594813 ————————————–——– There are others within the FBI/DOJ linked to the C_A. What is that FEAR for MZ? (Cap: >>5600161)
>>5594421 ————————————–——– The President of the United States told you who authorized the targeting.
>>5594371 ————————————–——– Do you target your enemies or your allies? (Cap: >>5594381, >>5600301, >>5594388, >>5594396)
Thursday 03.07.2019
Compiled here: >>5610246
Wednesday 03.06.2019
Compiled here: >>5602792
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
e8507a No.5626853
are not endorsements
>>5389728, >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5626081 CNN’s 'The Situation Room' Is a Weeklong Promo for Dem Investigations
>>5626100 Jim Jordan Calling out Dems
>>5626103 Police Arrest Transgender Woman In Bronx Pepper Spray Attack, Links To More Hate Crimes Being Investigated
>>5626110 Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela More Serious than First Believed
>>5626128 Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Adam Schiff Over His Shady Contacts with Glenn Simpson, Michael Cohen
>>5626180 BuzzFeed CEO: Big Tech Companies Having ‘Huge Problem’ Controlling Content
>>5626225 Former Gillibrand Staffer Resigned Over Handling of Sexual Harrasment Claims
(Baker Change)
>>5626260 NVIDIA outbids Intel for Israeli chip designer Mellanox in order to boost data center & supercomputer business
>>5626152 Reminder that there also was "StratFor" (via wikileaks). Dig, dig, dig
>>5626165 Possible reasons & historic background regarding the ongoing black-out in Venezuela
>>5626392 According to eye witnesses, Ethopian Airlines plane was smoking & dropping "clothing" before crashed
>>5626410, >>5626476 Court of Appeals in New York to unseal documents in Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal
>>5626471 Criminal Charges against Venezuela's Minister for Industry for violating Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
>>5626566 1984 as "journalism": Anon summarizes playbook for propaganda & public disinformation
>>5626606 Ex-NXIVM member Bouchey to expose inside knowledge
>>5626654 Highest Levels of British Government Examined Over Failure to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse
>>5626735 #7195
>>5625287, >>5625757 Feds seize tens of millions of dollars’ worth of cocaine in the largest cocaine seizure in New York in a quarter century
>>5625288, >>5625696, >>5625964 3ud as postal code - GCHQ on map
>>5625326 FAA Investigating Houston Incident Involving Another Boeing 737
>>5625336 Iowa Supreme Court unanimously rules Medicaid must cover gender transition surgeries
>>5625343 Trump North Korea envoy says US won't agree to "incremental" denuclearization
>>5625490 Internet Collapses in Venezuela with 80% Offline; Twitter, YouTube, SoundCloud Blocked
>>5625572 Subversive Statecraft Scandal Exposes Bombshell German-Designed Brexit Plan
>>5625617 Appeals court moves toward unsealing in Jeffrey Epstein-related underage sex suit
>>5625628 The number-one mind-control program at U.S. colleges
>>5625697 There was a Russian banker on the crashed Ethiopian flight
>>5625813 Tesla's Former Head Of Global Security Ops & Investigations Is Now A Whistleblower
>>5625851 On SecureDrop and Wikileaks
>>5626025 #7194
#7193 Baker Change
>>5624568 US-backed fighters make ‘modest advances’ into last Islamic State enclave in Syria
>>5624571, >>5624585, >>5624608 Hearing on Mueller report today at 5 EST
>>5624673 Reminder of Soros' 60 minutes interview
>>5624668 NASA Is About To Test A Solar-Powered Drone That Broadcasts 5G
>>5624694 Inquiry by C.I.A. Affirms It Spied on Senate Panel
>>5624723 Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List
>>5624768 New Evidence Reveals Comey Exonerated Clinton Without Knowingly Obtaining Key Evidence Proving Her Innocence
>>5624783 Anon's timeline about Snowden from 2006 - 2018
>>5624799 1 year delta side by side
>>5624828, >>5624831 On AOC being a puppet
>>5624855, >>5625006 Fusion GPS ties to Venezuelan and Chavistas
>>5625073 Former Border Patrol Agent Sentenced to Prison For 9.5 Years For Giving Drug Traffickers Keys to Border Fences
>>5625242 #7193
>>5623820 76 Migrants Found in Refrigerated Trailer near Texas Border
>>5623842 Dems trying to "win" back Wisconsin? 2020 DNC to be held in Milwaukee
>>5623853 On the way to getting rid of time shifts? DJT is O.K with permanent DST
>>5624009 RAND Corp. talking WarGames: Simulation of U.S. vs. China & Russia results in win for "red"
>>5624053 U.S. urging allies to drop Huawei, might withhold intel from Germany
>>5624133 Cali-based Fund for a Better Future donated more than 2 million to Nonprofit Working on Steele Dossier
>>5624225 Body found in duffel bag in L.A. county identified as 9-year old girl
>>5624235 Taliban leader Mullah Omar lived out last days near US base in Afghanistan
>>5624319 Short break-down of proposed budget cuts by @MarkKnoller
>>5624405 Google getting in on the "Q-trend" with new "Android Q"
>>5624434 #7192
Previously Collected Notables
>>5623694 #7191
>>5621326 #7188, >>5622061 #7189, >>5623060 #7190
>>5619376 #7185, >>5620093 #7186, >>5620527 #7187
>>5616734 #7182, >>5617870 #7183, >>5618888 #7184
>>5614445 #7179, >>5615209 #7180, >>5615978 #7181
>>5612121 #7176, >>5612886 #7177, >>5613680 #7178
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e8507a No.5626856
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e8507a No.5626858
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e8507a No.5626861
e73ee3 No.5626863
>>5626795 (pb)
That isn’t a sauce for the emails being false. WL has never posted a false email. Perfect track record. You are 100% full of shit and can’t back it up.
Desperate, worn down Rupee earning shill who hopes to win a date with David. You know they aren’t going to pay you anymore after this week right? The Rupees are gone. How are you going to eat?
38f1fd No.5626864
>>5626826 lb
I member a yt vidya
Guy became a girl
And was bitching no guy wants to date him
Almost screaming its discrimination
Keked but than thought they are truly nuts thinking they change appearance and suddenly personal life becomes great
b5f599 No.5626867
CNN is not a news network, and its most prominent employees are not journalists.
It is a propaganda arm of the Democratic party, and the bulk of its on-air personalities are little more than left-wing political activists.
e73ee3 No.5626868
Ty Baker. You’re the greatest.
25935f No.5626873
nothing to see here…
411d1c No.5626874
And they are all married to politicians
de99c0 No.5626875
50 retards
50 retards
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97dc85 No.5626876
28ac68 No.5626878
I believe Q meant to say, "WELCOME HOME, COMRADE @SNOWDEN"
ca14f9 No.5626879
Weird bread title. I feel like i missed something.
25935f No.5626880
are you being dumb on purpose or is this just natural for you?
686314 No.5626881
Q let us know this was coming
e5f3b1 No.5626882
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Growing up is hard and navigating society is fraught with peril. Its a good thing we have Hollywood to help us normalize fucked up culture and make everything better, cause its funny! Right?
b377c2 No.5626883
209a6d No.5626884
All controlled by AI news bots! Isn't it obvious since they all spew the same garbage.
0ab4f5 No.5626885
A message being sent or training exercise
de99c0 No.5626886
I'm doing it on purpose
3c1db3 No.5626887
You know, he's got some good points…
Duterte Warns Women Against 'Stupid' Priests With 'God-Given' Penises
13:48 11.03.2019(updated 13:52 11.03.2019) Get short URL14489
The Filipino president regularly ends up in the media spotlight over his controversial remarks regarding women, rape, Catholic clergy, drug users, and producers. In one of his latest remarks he alleged that rape will continue to exist as a crime as long as beautiful women exist on Earth.
Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte advised women against approaching priests in church warning that they can't resist the call of basic human nature during a speech on 8 March. Duterte alleged that once a priest smells the "scent of [woman's] body" and corners her in the church, he will inevitably "court" this woman "because he is a man".
"God gave him a penis. What will they do with that? Will they slap it against the door every morning?" the president said.
Duterte also called all priests "stupid" noting that a smart man would never enter the priesthood because then he will be forced to "keep on looking at all the beautiful women that [he] can't court".
The leftist Filipino Gabriela Women's Party has slammed his statements wondering, "why would women take advice from a self-confessed womanizer and serial misogynist?"
"The macho-fascist president would be the last person who could give decent advice on how women can stay away from or fight abuse", the party statement said.
This is not the first time the Filipino president has gone after the Catholic Church accusing its clergymen of raping nuns and molesting young boys, labelling the clerics "sons of b***hes". He also suggested that the church, which he called "the most hypocritical institution", might go extinct in just 25 years over such problems.
97dc85 No.5626889
dbc5cf No.5626892
AOC creeps me out she is not easy on the eyes.
White women are my flavor.
eff332 No.5626894
Slovak MP calls on UK to present evidence in Skripal case
Slovak MP calls on UK to present evidence in Skripal case … Great Britain should present evidence proving Moscow’s involvement in the poisoning of former Russian military intelligence officer Sergei Skripal before bringing charges, Chairman of the Slovak Parliament’s Defense and Security Committee Anton Hrnko said at a meeting with Head …
this article is gone
wife and kids killed
asking to see evidence from british
20cfca No.5626895
Nolte: The Dark, Fascist Vision of Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Techno Futurism’
p. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) revealed a fascist vision for America at this weekend’s South by Southwest film festival.
Ocasio-Crazy’s own words:
We should not be haunted by the specter of being automated out of work. We should be nervous about the toll booth collector not having to collect tolls anymore. We should be excited by that. But the reason we’re not excited is because we live in a society where if you don’t have a job you are left to die, and that is at its core, our problem. And there are a lot of different solutions, a lot of different proposed ideas about how we go about that.
Bill Gates has talked about taxing robots at 90 percent. What he’s really talking about is taxing corporations at 90 percent, but it’s easier to say “tax a robot.”
Whether you want to call it “Democratic Socialism” or “Techno Futurism,” or like whatever it is, it is because our technological advancement as a society has outpaced our system for handling finite resources. Because now we are approaching infinite resources.
Much to unpack here, so let’s start with the overall aspect of this.
Basically, Ocasio-Crazy envisions a world where the government takes 90 percent from the rich and distributes it to hundreds of millions of American who no longer need to work due to automation.
Her ignorance, at least on this specific point, comes from two places: 1) Ocasio-Crazy believes people fear automation because they fear starving to death, and 2) she believes the unemployed are left to die in America.
Sure, there are people out there who would love to have a robot take over their jobs, become wards of the State, and live happily ever after high on medical marijuana and cable TV — but those people are in the minority.
Most people fear automation because their work, even if it is in a tollbooth, offers a sense of purpose and pride. For most people, work is more than just the means to survive, it enriches the human spirit and fulfills those of us who provide for ourselves and our families.
f833e5 No.5626896
Thank You new Baker !
Semper Fidelis
af8361 No.5626898
>>5626854 lb
97dc85 No.5626900
2338e2 No.5626902
No id sure hope she gets a noose. She is an evil demon who somehow has wet the proper palm to get her unethical ass a liscense again. Im unsure how sje pulled it off. She has a history with several patents and a history of manipulating the laws regarding them. Id say her money is headed in that direction.
32f4ee No.5626904
You not a fan of bug eyes??
1c4fd8 No.5626905
If you want him by his lonesome.
51d911 No.5626907
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
(It's a video, click it.)
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
(((They))) reported the original video I would post:
1fea23 No.5626908
No problem they can leave and or we can send them to Alaskan Islands and they can live there without govt handouts.
b5f599 No.5626910
With my good friend, Senator @LindseyGrahamSC, today in the Golan Heights.
The Golan Heights will always be part of Israel.
It is important that the international community, especially our great friend the United States, recognizes this fact and accepts it.
>>5616382 [Q / pb]
51d911 No.5626912
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
1dc530 No.5626914
There is a horse named “justice”.
c2a0f8 No.5626915
NP is afraid of losing all power if a civil war is started. She knows this would start one and then any move she makes to impede POTUS would get her arrested by the military.
9c5dde No.5626916
32f4ee No.5626917
Maybe bc it's political suicide???
dfe569 No.5626918
Did I mess up conversing with JK?
At first I thought it was a good idea. Now, not so much. Not trying to get hit with the heart attack gun.
ee0adb No.5626919
>>5626708 (lb)
What are you smoking?
China lists “Atheism” as their official religion.
Quite the oxymoron, right?
If they don’t like what you’re practicing, saying, etc., they slap your ass in a re-education center.
1bbebc No.5626920
Secrect Service twitter pic
Pen pointing to 1929
Q post 1929
[Movie 1]
>>BO>>CS>>BO>>NO>>CS>>NO>>BO>>[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Who instructed the DOJ to release 'select' text messages?
When did [RR] learn of involvement [BO][NO]?
What happens if [RR] knew PRIOR TO signing CP FISA?
Why did [RR] under congressional testimony refuse to answer the question re: reading of FISA prior to execution?
Who signed pg 380?
Who signed pg 389?
Who signed pg 390?
Who signed pg 391?
Who signed pg 392?
Who is [1 of 4] FIREWALLS?
Who signed?
Who signed?
FISA [20]
MOVIE 1 [Full]: The 'START'
Coming SOON to a theater near you.
MOVIE 2 – Coming this FALL.
Enjoy the show.
f3c02c No.5626921
The Queen and Camilla both wore purple to a Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey today
209a6d No.5626922
Its her only move left to reign in the three little girls!
2d9daf No.5626923
How that PLAN is going for you goys?
32f4ee No.5626924
Tom Steyer is somewhere crying right now…😭😭😭
398dc7 No.5626925
Pelosi comes out against impeaching President Trump
da3603 No.5626927
I just don’t foresee how it plays out like this…
dbc5cf No.5626928
No I am not plus she is stupid…
1c4fd8 No.5626930
Shit I picked the wrong one. His hand wasn't finished but when you reduce him it doesn't matter much, but I'll fix it.
97dc85 No.5626931
7hrs ago
#UPDATE: This morning yet another substation overloaded and exploded due to unknown reasons, this time near Humbolt in Baruta, Caracas
d9ae58 No.5626932
Get the Mean Girls in check then, AngryGrandma
e73ee3 No.5626933
Spam … every bread. They hope to steal your time. It is valuable
Desperate, worn down Rupee earning shill who hopes to win a date with David. You know they aren’t going to pay you anymore after this week right? The Rupees are gone. How are you going to eat?
7abbbb No.5626934
By show of replies who else here is losing faith that POTUS and Q are actually /ourguys/?
925a0f No.5626935
>>5626218 (pb)
It appears to say "The Prophet of Humungous, Keeper of Slumberg" – but the calligraphy is very ornate, so it may conceal other messages also.
One guess, is that it is from whatever original image-source was used, by the shill who made the lousy meme, and they couldn't figure out how to erase it, so they flipped the image (etc.) to obfuscate it.
cde272 No.5626936
All of a sudden, huh? What changed your mindset Nancy? kek
97c678 No.5626938
Netanyahu: Israel is the state of 'Jewish people alone'
JERUSALEM – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is the homeland "only of the Jewish people," in a new jab at the country's Arab minority ahead of April's election. Netanyahu on Sunday addressed "slightly confused people" after an Israeli celebrity defended the rights of Israel's Arab population. Arabs comprise about 20 percent of Israel's 9 million residents. They have full citizenship rights but have faced decades of discrimination.
On Saturday, actress Rotem Sela denounced Netanyahu's frequent talking point that his political rival will form a government with Arab political parties. "When the hell will someone in this government tell the public that Israel is a country of all its citizens," Sela wrote on Instagram. Netanyahu responded: Israel "is the national state, not of all its citizens, but only of the Jewish people."
e73ee3 No.5626940
Desperate, worn down Rupee earning shill who hopes to win a date with David. You know they aren’t going to pay you anymore after this week right? The Rupees are gone. How are you going to eat?
42e028 No.5626941
Planefag update.
AZAZ09O9 (zero nine, letter O nine)
landed at Joint Base Andrews.
Eleven C130J were spotted over TN flying E.
They flew over Richmond VA and turned S over central VA. Now over southern VA, east of I95. They are still at 18,000' but dropping off the radar one by one.
8af84b No.5626942
"Dr Blaylock has voiced his concerns about nanoaluminum, neurodegenerative and the neurodevelopment effects of chemtrails(9). This article outlines some of the evidence regarding chemtrails aimed to illustrate that there is a reality behind this ‘conspiracy’. It is definitely something the public should be made aware of.
My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum (9).
It’s called geoengineering (0)(4)(5)(6), which are methods developed for the purpose of weather modification. Geoengineering programs have been put in place by multiple universities around the world (1) and as a result the techniques used to to combat climate change are being called into question by many. Geoengineering projects are now being backed the CIA as well as NASA, which means most methods and techniques for geoengineering will remain classified (2)(3) under the department of defense for the sake of ‘national security.’ "
36cfa0 No.5626943
>>5626855 (lb)
Found the stupid mother fucker with zero reading comprehension skills and who likes to jump to conclusions.
You dumb faggot, I said Q lost people when he started quoting the Bible then saying the earth isn't flat BECAUSE the Bible says the earth is placed on 4 pillars and is STATIONARY.
Therefore, as I said, you must believe flat earth if you're going to believe the Bible.
Also, the impenetrable firmament above the earth suggests we can't get to space yet we have Space Force.
That selective choosing shit is what turns people away.
Now piss off.
Never said I believed FE.
a9b309 No.5626945
51d911 No.5626946
deb5ad No.5626947
She knows they have no grounds for impeachment.
Trying to look like a saint in stead of a failure.
Mission failed
da3603 No.5626948
Quite the opposite.
5f1cc7 No.5626949
Diversity for thee, not for me.
7abbbb No.5626950
what the fuck are you even talking about. some of you are delusional.
dda783 No.5626951
Hence the 40%+ suicide rate.
925a0f No.5626952
Actually, according the the misc. heaadlines that have been posted to the Crudge Report the last month or so, it's not so sudden – she's apparently been dropping hints for some time.
dbc5cf No.5626953
Trump has been in office over two years.
*Verified and fact checked*
Andrew McCabe is on TV dragging down Paul Mannafort while he has committed treason, where's the Justice.
Anons I love Q but he's got to get something legit on the scoreboard soon.
I base the legitimacy of Q drops on the actual fruition of Q's drops, here are some examples of drops that fizzled out and some Hussein administration's Deep State crimes that have not been addressed.
Here is some good examples:
No arrests
No Hillary Clinton video
Bruce Ohr still at the DOJ
Nellie Ohr still on a Ham radio
Five Eyes still operating
Obama's secret deal with Iran
Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT scandal
No wall
Hillary Clinton didn't get locked up
No FISA declassification
No FBI texts
No dossier details
Q check your brackets [RR]
No Anthony Weiner laptop emails
No uranium one arrests
No Clinton emails
Nothing from Huber
Nothing from Horowitz
Nothing from Sessions
Podesta brothers are free
Susan Rice unmasked Americans
Samantha Power unmasked Americans
Comey leaked
Adam Schiff leaked
Brennan lied to Congress
Clapper lied to Congress
McCabe lied to Congress
Comey lied to Congress
Strzoks committed treason
Page committed treason
Mueller operating illegal special counsel
Maxine Waters covered up money transfers for the uranium one deal to Clinton
[RR] wanted to wear a wire - nothing done
Valerie Jarrett Spy - nothing done
Adam Schiff leaked to GPS
Jeff Sessions helped James Comey
∆~This list is only a fraction of shit wrong with America••√
*Obama's 7,000 Deep State appointments with no FBI background checks are still operating the government through the Senior Executive Service (SES) they run all 75 government agencies and Trump can't fire anyone in the (SES) thanks to Rand Paul in part.
e73ee3 No.5626955
You’re not a shill. Just retarded. You should go for disability.
16097b No.5626957
and he's just not worth it ? interesting .
398dc7 No.5626958
He has too much on her.
The NSA is providing evidence, me thinks!
860659 No.5626959
That is 100% correct. She has said this over and over again.
28ac68 No.5626960
yeah, OK, but what does AOC have to say about it? Does anyone really care what Nancy thinks now?
cde272 No.5626961
After 2 years its sudden enough.
dc40c5 No.5626963
moment of clarity?
27b628 No.5626964
Any fashy goys lurk /qresearch/ like myself?
b19242 No.5626965
Brain Wreck? Get a check.
860659 No.5626966
AOC is a trained clown. We know what she will say.
f3c02c No.5626971
The NY Democrat machine, labor unions, and mob are gonna kick AOC to the curb soon
If she's lucky, they'll let her keep her kneecaps
da3603 No.5626972
I base your posts on the fact you keep coming here with the same copy and paste and worse, your grammar is that of a 9 year old.
But yeah man…totally have people going…good work…
860659 No.5626973
Stop trying to make this a big deal. It never has been. She has said this before. Carry on.
e73ee3 No.5626975
36cfa0 No.5626977
Yea, another fucking pseudo intellectual dipshit with no rebuttal other than a leftist style insult.
Go back to gnawing your momma's tit, you're not ready.
There's documentation on it and even tests done.
Operation Fishbowl.
dd88bc No.5626978
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. All are welcome.
5a3f53 No.5626979
I heard in the radio that Southwest Airlines will Not refund passengers who don’t want to fly on the 737’s.
B.S. on them
0359a2 No.5626980
954f1d No.5626981
They already did
dd21a5 No.5626982
Tim Apple telling us to enjoy the show?
57116f No.5626983
“Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, and say to those who fabricate their own prophecies, ‘Hear the word of Jehovah. This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “Woe to the stupid prophets, who follow their own spirit, when they have seen nothing!"
Ezekiel 13:2,3
880617 No.5626984
>>5626824 PB
I took the liberty…
a7954d No.5626985
Good work!! Holy crap!
dd9f51 No.5626986
>>5626744 (lb larper)
>actually, quebecois are the only ones who can save the rest of canada.
that's alot of cock for such a small mouth
is that you turdoh?
27b628 No.5626987
I would join AOC to fuck up the rich.
ad319c No.5626988
<BECAUSE the Bible says the earth is placed on 4 pillars and is STATIONARY
16097b No.5626991
fuck the money , just run . kek
e73ee3 No.5626994
As long as we expose you, I don’t care what you have to say to me….
42e028 No.5626995
>>5626885 see >>5626941 AZAZ09O9 also
a9b309 No.5626996
The C-130 Hercules primarily performs the tactical portion of the airlift mission. The aircraft is capable of operating from rough, dirt strips and is the prime transport for airdropping troops and equipment into hostile areas. The C-130 operates throughout the U.S. Air Force, serving with Air Mobility Command, Air Force Special Operations Command, Air Combat Command, U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Pacific Air Forces, Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserve Command, fulfilling a wide range of operational missions in both peace and war situations. Basic and specialized versions of the aircraft airframe perform a diverse number of roles, including airlift support, Antarctic ice resupply, aeromedical missions, weather reconnaissance, aerial spray missions, firefighting duties for the U.S. Forest Service and natural disaster relief missions.
Using its aft loading ramp and door, the C-130 can accommodate a wide variety of oversized cargo, including everything from utility helicopters and six-wheeled armored vehicles to standard palletized cargo and military personnel. In an aerial delivery role, it can airdrop loads up to 42,000 pounds or use its high-flotation landing gear to land and deliver cargo on rough, dirt strips.
The flexible design of the Hercules enables it to be configured for many different missions, allowing one aircraft to perform the role of many. Much of the special mission equipment added to the Hercules is removable, allowing the aircraft to return to its cargo delivery role if desired. Additionally, the C-130 can be rapidly reconfigured for the various types of cargo such as palletized equipment, floor-loaded material, airdrop platforms, container delivery system bundles, vehicles and personnel or aeromedical evacuation.
The C-130J is the latest addition to the C-130 fleet and has replaced aging C-130Es and some of the high time C-130Hs. The C-130J incorporates state-of-the-art technology, which reduces manpower requirements, lowers operating and support costs, and provides life-cycle cost savings over earlier C-130 models. Compared to older C-130s, the J model climbs faster and higher, flies farther at a higher cruise speed, and takes off and lands in a shorter distance. The C-130J-30 is a stretch version, adding 15 feet to the fuselage, increasing usable space in the cargo compartment.
C-130J/J-30 major system improvements include advanced two-pilot flight station with fully integrated digital avionics, color multifunctional liquid crystal and head-up displays and state-of-the-art navigation that includes a dual inertial navigation system and GPS. The aircraft also features fully integrated defensive systems, low-power color radar, digital moving map display, new turboprop engines with six-bladed all-composite propellers and a digital auto pilot. The C-130J/J-30 also includes improved fuel, environmental and ice-protection and an enhanced cargo-handling system.
36cfa0 No.5626997
Great reading comprehension.
Gold star /s
860659 No.5626998
She would FUCK YOU UP first. She is the "Rich" plan you fool.
02e548 No.5626999
We do love our Batman posts, don't we frens?
Been some Time since a Q+…
>You are learning.
>How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
>Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.
087b39 No.5627000
Boeing (BA)
400.01-22.53 (-5.33%)
At close: 4:00PM EDT
Volume 34,512,220
Avg. Volume 4,260,375
161.14+10.50 (+6.97%)
Volume 21,139,853
Avg. Volume 16,439,143
290.92+6.78 (+2.39%)
Volume 7,335,743
Avg. Volume 8,254,636
this one is the WTF of the day with all the SEC crap going on with it.
c69bc5 No.5627001
>>5626361 rt >>5616382
The famed Snowden wittingly or unwittingly set the stage that betrays whistleblowers and resulted in the death of John Perry Barlow
"Hero" betrays the people he's supposed to support.
Never left agency?
out of 'moves'?
Assets are 'handled' sponsored, encouraged
dbc5cf No.5627003
What the hell is wrong with you?
Have you no decency?
a239ec No.5627004
Trudeau admires Chinese style leadership
a9f12a No.5627005
By GAWD Woman!
I want IMPEECH 45!
20cfca No.5627006
Me in 5, lol! Kek!
e73ee3 No.5627007
Just ask David if you’re still getting paid…seriously. Do you want to work for free?
398dc7 No.5627008
Until AOC is formally Selected Speaker, NP still has gravitas. How many challengers to that throne?
25935f No.5627009
look bro aint nobody worried bout muh grammar.
copypasta shill truly is annoying and i feel your irritation.
but lemme be real.. your selfish flesh is showing, and to be honest it is UGLY.
…next time try not to fall for the trigger.
in the end it is up to YOU to carry yourself with a spirit of Excellence.
>these people are stupid
ccd4fc No.5627011
Q Graphics all in GMT Update
Hi Baker, this post replaces >>5608164 Q Graphics all in GMT #72 seen here >>5626856
Please update the dough.
Godspeed Baker/s
bc73d9 No.5627013
Thanks! Is there a Pepe to address division fags?
2d9daf No.5627014
Don't forget goys!
Even if the Cabal is destroyed Jews and Gays will always exist.
a9b309 No.5627015
AOC pissed NY Governor Cuomo off when Amazon pulled the plug on its HQ2 planned for Queens.
His goons are gunning for her.
5a3f53 No.5627016
If you’re not a rockstar, don’t do this shit >>5627010
da3603 No.5627017
Sorry, I didn’t mean to give the impression I wanted your opinion or that it mattered to me.
bfae69 No.5627018
For 2 years they have been saying this.
Its too late, they are the party of "Impeach45"
253301 No.5627019
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4bebe1 No.545335 📁
Mar 4 2018 00:48:04 (EST)
Expand your thinking.
Who leaked Vault7 to WL?
Who returned fire?
OP Name: Fiddler
Mission 1: Infiltrate
Mission 2: Centralize
Mission 3: Secure
Mission 4: Expose to HARM
(WH interference)
(WH directive)
Mission 5: Russia LINK
(2013 timeline of events)
Mission 6: Fiddler > Ghost-PRIME
Mission 7: CLAS
Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k
Mission 9: Censorship
CLAS +relay
Timeline of the Barack Obama presidency (2014)
January 14 – President Obama announces a sprawling reform that would begin the process of change in the National Security Agency.[3]
January 17 – President Obama delivers a speech at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC, to announce the outcomes of a review of our intelligence programs and phone surveillance.[5][6]
dd9f51 No.5627023
IT is not "pretty"
ccd4fc No.5627024
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488
Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490
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Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071
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Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327
Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528
Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981
Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187
Q Graphics all in GMT #61-#65 >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472, >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701
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Q Graphics all in GMT #71-#72 >>>/comms/3920, >>5627011
Pastabin, in case one prefers: https://pastebin.com/vSBtcH80
Godspeed Baker/s
27b628 No.5627025
Quit defending the rich. They've looted this country and imported shitskin subhumans by the millions.
a239ec No.5627026
bc0c83 No.5627027
I think all transgendered are results of abuse.
Polyfragmentation D.I.D.
Competing alters within the system of personalities.
007f37 No.5627028
Was she one of ((them)) that was brought in and confessed before a video, then fitted with a kill-switch?
860659 No.5627029
Cuomos DS as they come but even him can't touch her.
943b1f No.5627030
Low-effort trannies are the Millennial generation in a nutshell
16097b No.5627031
time to put this trash back in the fucking closet .
2bdeb6 No.5627032
It's copy pasta been around a couple of days, probably a bot response…so much for AI
954f1d No.5627033
Yeah, I can't remember the details, but it had something to do with Pepe eating breakfast. Just google blue waffles and it should be one of the first results
27b628 No.5627034
0359a2 No.5627035
That pussh doesn't have any goons.
a239ec No.5627036
put away childish things and be a man
ad319c No.5627038
>Low-effort trannies are the Millennial generation in a nutshell
>Low-effort trannies are the Millennial generation in a nutshell
>Low-effort trannies are the Millennial generation in a nutshell
>Low-effort trannies are the Millennial generation in a nutshell
>Low-effort trannies are the Millennial generation in a nutshell
bc73d9 No.5627039
No. Regularly scheduled programming.
27b628 No.5627041
Get lost faggot jew.
7abbbb No.5627042
LMFAO might be time to #WalkAway from this shit
25935f No.5627043
theres a pepe for EVERYTHING.
…even the division fags.
148227 No.5627045
Hope the plan is really for the greater good of all mankind? Absolutely!
Trust the plan? Nope.
860659 No.5627046
Not defending them. Explaining that she is cabal all the way.
32f4ee No.5627047
Let's just go back to the good ole days when people were discouraged from being insane by having their ass kicked at school.
e73ee3 No.5627048
Desperate, worn down Rupee earning shill who hopes to win a date with David. You know they aren’t going to pay you anymore after this week right? The Rupees are gone. You have brought shame to the Royal Tiger and your family.
How are you going to eat?
8af84b No.5627049
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)
bfae69 No.5627050
House Rules Committee Hearing on Special Counsel Mueller Report
The House Rules Committee meets to discuss H.Con.Res.24, which calls for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to be made available to Congress and the public.
f3c02c No.5627051
Another pedo is gonna bite the dust.
I don't care what character he portrayed; to hell with him.
Blind Items Revealed #6
February 25, 2019
This foreign born permanent A- list mostly movie actor is old. He knows there is a time coming very soon where some of the boys he mentored in theatre are going to come forward and accuse him of molesting/assaulting them.
Sir Ian McKellen
Posted by ent lawyer at 11:15 AM
ad319c No.5627052
did you spend all day thinking of that with the top minds of reddit?
cb323e No.5627053
25935f No.5627055
oh no offense taken anon!
it wasn't as much for you as it was for the millions that read it.
943b1f No.5627057
For every Boomer shithead and Millennial doo-doo chaser, there's an X'er that hates you both
a239ec No.5627060
wake up, the fascists were the other side of the globalist commie coin – both created by globalists to justify WW
860659 No.5627061
Ian McCllelan…. GANDALF
dbc5cf No.5627062
Ok no more trolling it's time to get down to business.
320947 No.5627063
Ruth, is that you?
f833e5 No.5627065
Saw a TV show about the new J model. It was amazing. They have made a huge improvement in all the systems and capabilities of an already great airplane. What a workhorse.
27b628 No.5627066
What do you mean by cabal? That's quite vague. Are you referring to international jewery?
b34fd2 No.5627067
"Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi told NBC’s “Today” that Democrats will wait and see what comes out of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report before deciding whether to impeach President Donald Trump."
Maybe she's loosing faith in Muller?
38f1fd No.5627068
What could be political?
I dont care what you (adult) do with your body, i just do not want to pay for it
Lets say you are into women
You can find plenty crazy lub women who will find you interesting and will use your dick
Lets say you are into men, gay community has limited options, so you will find a partner
Scenario 3, you become a “woman” then your search group straight men, how many would actually go for you, prob 0. Also add you will not be able to have kids.
Do they even think rationally
d4672c No.5627069
probably. their minds are already broken, so they are ripe for pushing transgender on them as a 'solution' or a feel-good. or even as 'trendy'.
Masculinity bad
32f4ee No.5627070
We would like ALL immigration paused for a while.
05d8c6 No.5627071
She just may have just destroyed the impeachment card for the Dems. She popped the bubble.
148227 No.5627072
I did not, Sir. It’s all my own.
I trust no one but God.
I hope for the awakening.
925a0f No.5627073
According to Sun Tzu's chapter on spies, there is a special category of spy who is sent on a mission that is intended to fail, so that the enemy will misunderstand your plans, thinking it was a mission you intended rather than a spy (of this type) that you betrayed.
551b6b No.5627074
>>5626728 - lb
No. People who violate the law are put in to prison where they are prisoners and not supported by the society they committed crimes against and so, to be able to survive their punishment for violating the law they have to support themselves. In China, there are no cushy prisons where the prisoners are given more rights than the public and more benefits than law-abiding citizens.
China has the right to establish its own laws, by their own people, and sanctimonious self-righteous religious cultists fall under China law - and they know it.
There are churches and synagogues and mosques all over China and people attend these cult centers as they wish. But these cult centers are viewed as irrelevant as far as having any say in China law, China politics or China society.
Cult followers who don't wish to be part of the laws governing society place themselves in a position of criminal and thus face what other criminals in China face. Why should there be a double standard just because sub-intellect religious cultist puts their foreign cult over their nation and neighbors?
da3603 No.5627075
Whys your dumbass sitting here on a Monday afternoon if you don’t believe it?
6c7c88 No.5627077
Smart and Beautiful woman edition
e6c3fb No.5627078
Isnt there an update coming regarding Mueller around 4-5 today?
b1c6b7 No.5627079
inb4 Q yesterday
rolled sweet timestamp here on the west siiide
raise kek
dig on this nig
67b3b5 No.5627080
4chan theory Ethiopia flight staged:
Do you see these people, they claim to be sad about the loss of their fellow members.
Stop moping around anons, stop reminiscing about our once gret U.S.A and jump into a conspiracy theory.
It seems possible that Ethiopia Flight 302 was staged. Heres what I found.
The flight took place on a Boeing 787 Max 8, a new aircraft that is being mass produced.
One crash precedes this one Lion 610 from indonesia. Both causes of the crashes remain unknown.
Passengers who previously flew the L610 plane complained of a very unstable flight. The plane was cleared after a short inspection.
ET302 was also a 737 Max 8. It just so happened to be filled with U.N. delegates heading to the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).
The agenda for the UNEP meeting is not available online, all I could find was that they were "deeply saddened" (cleary no one cares at UNEP).
UNEP has had complaints of nepotism, corruption and careless spending.
Because of the charges, 3 member countries backed out last year; Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden.
(3 swedes died in the crash).
Lion 610 goes down one month after the funding withdrawl.
The funding withdrawl was criticized by Norway. Norwegian minister Erik Solheim was a leading member of UNEP.
Solheim was ousted last year for corruption. He was also a leader of the Socialist Left Party in Norway.
I believe that UNEP doesnt give one one-thousandth of a crap about the environment, it seems like some do-gooder marxist bullshit council made to benefit high ranking members of the U.N. and their global agenda.
Can anyone find anymore information to link the crash to UNEP, this maybe a chance to do some good here.
Also, there is an israeli connection. (2 israelis on board) maybe they work in pairs.
Boeing is becoming a major fall guy in this as well.
5d76be No.5627081
Fukken rekt Baker
Really put the D in that one.
a6946e No.5627082
now you know why he fancied little hobbits
cb323e No.5627083
Pretty fucking gay and mentally ill
bc73d9 No.5627084
Oops! I had no idea I was responding to a shill. My bad… Filtered.
dd88bc No.5627085
Imagine if the information you get from the natural world through your eyes and ears and nose and skin could be tampered with?
Most of the information we receive today does not come to us from the natural world. It comes to us through our optic nerve to the brain, but the original source is digital media, displayed on a monitor screen.
Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input comes from the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world is second hand moderately processed descriptive level information derived from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR etc.
Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a SCREEN.
The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.
The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.
The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.
The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.
The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.
70% of Americans binge view.
With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" - obsolete.
Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nation
can be brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide" voluntarily.(See link below)
Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves. Infiltrating and subverting moral values. Gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment
to text books and historical records, introducing occult materials, historical frauds, self-destructive behaviors, normalizing mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia, creating "initiatives" like "common core"
to turn kids off learning. By capturing the news and entertainment industry and gradually, over decades, reducing the public vocabulary, promoting social division, keeping grievance alive, emphasizing inequities,
falsifying historical records. Destroying the story of a nation destroys the nation; the nation falls apart.
Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information
distribution infrastructure, entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals. in short, they're comp'd.
Thanks to Admiral Mike Rogers' NSA, POTUS and MI, the attempted genocide of the American people has been exposed.
It's a terrible thing to discover you have been betrayed by those you most trust. It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember the others. Our fellow citizens still trapped in the false matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control. Those people still trapped need to be rescued not blamed. They are NOT AT FAULT.
The Algebra of Conscience is the formal mathematical basis of IO. Vladimir Lefebvre proved that if you know you enemies belief system you can get them to voluntarily do anything, by providing prepared information.
Springer has thoughtfully put Lefebvre's "algebra" online in pdf for free. This is formal math - don't worry if you can't understand the formulas, the mathematics is sound, it's been repeatedly proven in practical, real world use. Look and think about what could be done if the enemy had complete control of almost all news and entertainment = because they do.
Imagine how things will be for us when this poisoning is stopped.
af2d9d No.5627086
kek, they all already know it's bs…just stalling is all now.
95a46f No.5627087
George Forman's daughter suicided by hanging.
398dc7 No.5627088
Federal court moves to unseal documents in Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal
A federal court of appeals in New York on Monday took the first step in unsealing documents that could reveal evidence of an international sex trafficking operation allegedly run by multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his former partner, British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell.
The three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit gave the parties until March 19 to establish good cause as to why they should remain sealed and, failing to do so, the summary judgment and supporting documents will be made public. The court reserved a ruling on the balance of the documents in the civil case, including discovery materials.
“We’re grateful that the court ruled the summary judgment papers are open and they are moving to expedite having them unsealed,’’ said Sanford Bohrer, the attorney representing the Miami Herald, which filed the motion last year to have the entire case file opened. The Herald’s appeal is supported by 32 other media companies, including the New York Times and Washington Post
89a6ce No.5627090
Man, you're a retard!
Repent and believe in the Gospel!
0d99ba No.5627091
Or it has been leaked that there's NO THERE THERE and she's just getting ahead of it.
943b1f No.5627095
No, someone told her stupid ass if they try to impeach Trump, he'll use it as a platform to introduce damning information about D's and the previous administration in a very public forum.
Unfortunately for her, she's not in control of her party, and nothing she says matters.
67504c No.5627096
de99c0 No.5627097
Must be new here
860659 No.5627098
3daff0 No.5627099
We'll be seeing repercussions of 'the letter' for some time to come, anon
27b628 No.5627100
Immigrants are bringing socialism to our country and you don't give a fuck. Are you a socialist?
97c678 No.5627102
Washington Post Journalists Outline Plan to Attack Trump
The Washington Post laid out its blueprint for how it plans to attack President Trump in the 2020 elections, serving up a lengthy speculative psychoanalysis of his CPAC speech, editorializing and calling him a “fabulist,” a “bully,” and a “polarizing cultural figure,” and accusing him of “fearmongering.”
“In one speech, President Trump showcased 10 distinct personas,” The Post wrote in a promotional email about the article and accompanying videos. “From fighter to victim, we cataloged them all.”
Even though the Post’s piece included four journalists from the newsroom (as opposed to the editorial page), the article was full of subjective opinion rather than mere reporting.
“Trump took the CPAC stage after a stretch of global failures: the collapse of nuclear talks with North Korea; record high trade deficits and signs of a slowing economy; a surge in illegal immigration; and an unbuilt border wall that is unfunded after a lost standoff with Democrats in Congress,” the Post editorialized. “The spectacle showcased Trump in his purest form, an unconventional politician who drives opponents to madness and acolytes to glee. The businessman-turned-reality-TV-star-turned-politician inhabited multiple personas in the space of a single speech — often intertwined and at a dizzying clip — from entertainer to fighter, from fabulist to bully.”
“He exaggerated and ballyhooed his record,” the Post further editorialized. “He riddled his remarks with contradictions, shoddy statistics and falsehoods. And he embroidered it all with a fake Southern accent, curse words and bouts of extravagant pantomime …Then, there was the fearmongering. The president who has made illegal immigration a centerpiece of his agenda painted a dangerous and harrowing portrait of life at the U.S.-Mexico border, claiming, for instance, that asylum-seeking mothers give their daughters ‘massive amounts of birth control pills’ because they know their daughters will get raped in transit.”
db4404 No.5627104
Before he boarded his flight, he downed a sw salad from McDonald's. Not too bad for fast food. And the grilled chicken was pretty tasty too. The flight was long and bumpy but they touched down without a hitch. Now the journey would take on a new meaning entirely. One that would, by necessity, require an astute mind of operational control. The jungle was dense. And his (inner) guide hinted of ruins deep within. Old stuff as far as time is concerned. Time really didn't concern his outcome. There was one stone in particular that he sought.
One more piece to a puzzle that was almost complete. In the deluge that followed the ring of retribution shone bright. Victory filled his lungs. Imagination grounded by Storks of Sacrifice. Action was carved into his blade of silver from another place and time. The smell of salty air reminded him of an ocean full of doubt, but nothing would get in the way, this time. Down the path too much can make one itch for the ivy that wrapped the ground and trees. In the stillness of the vegetation fireworks shot off in all directions.
As he came to the clearing where the pool was cool, many animals gathered nearby.
He remembered just then when he was in the womb of infinity. Forever bound to this merry-go-round.
Take a deep breathe and hold it as long as you can.
a239ec No.5627107
Why hasn't this child been taken away from clearly abusive parents?
954f1d No.5627108
What's wrong with blue waffles?
cc389d No.5627110
I Just Got Home From My Doctors With An antidepressant and a Sleeping Pill For The first time in my old life.
I have followed Q since October 28, 2017.
I have posted alot here but I have read almost every bread. And I have researched ALOT.
We are digital soldiers, but soldiers none the less
I have read the Anon posts about divorces, lost jobs, depression, homes, families, spouses and a couple have talked about suicide.
My biggest loss was my best friend.
The justice is almost here and most of us are carrying battle wounds
We have seen things no human should ever see
And learned of things that have been burned into our minds
And now we fight shills
We don't even know our battle buddies by names.
God talks about going to the byways and highways to gather the lame, the blind, the outcasts of society to bring into the Kings banquet
That's us Anons
The outcasts of society
We have done a very noble thing on this journey
I just want to tip my hat to everyone here for a mission accomplished
The justice is here
I pray for all of you, Q, and POTUS' family.
We have been changed forever.
It's been an honor to serve with you Anons
fc9dcb No.5627111
f9fb55 No.5627112
One eye sees some light, Maybe.
7f8760 No.5627113
Typical normy give-up-juice, "it's not worth it."
If it's legitimate, it's always worth it.
Normies will be like, "Yeah, fuck Trump. It's a waste of time to even go through an impeachment process. Let's stick it out and wait for the election." …when there's no more illegals voting.
eb4a3b No.5627115
TFW you were just told that the Epstein case was being re-opened.
27b628 No.5627116
I thought this was reddit.
af2d9d No.5627117
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5627090
You're a joke, kek.
Why don't you look into the Company called Exalt.
This is why you christcucks are hilarious.
Pickers and choosers.
I bet you support faggots too.
a239ec No.5627118
distraction porn #8,027
f13027 No.5627119
>>5626260 (#7195) NVIDIA outbids Intel for Israeli chip designer Mellanox in order to boost data center & supercomputer business
Nobody else looked at these Ampere Computing digs?
Ampere produces high performance processors for compute, storage and other cloud computing needs.
Funded by Carlyle Group.
From Q#303
>Renee James
Chairman and CEO of Ampere (ex Intel)
Chi Miller ex Director of Finance at Apple
Atiq Bajwa ex VP & GM Architecture at Intel
Rohit Vidwans ex Intel
Sean Mirkes ex engineer at Intel
Stephan Jourdan ex architect at Intel
Shiv Kaushik ex Intel CTO
Matt Taylor ex Qualcomm
Mauri Whalen ex Intel Open Source Tech Center
6c7c88 No.5627120
Yeah I guess the gun does have big 00nes
97dc85 No.5627121
dbc5cf No.5627124
Trump wants a massive budget so when the takedown happens the government will be able to keep on running…
Think about it.
fcbeff No.5627125
Q speaks about Snowden more than anyone else.
More than Obama
More than the Clintons
More than Comey, McCabe, & FBI traitors.
What's so special about Snowden?
Are his crimes worse than the Clintons, Obamas and Bush?
461c73 No.5627127
Thank you, seth. You can go back to sucking Silverman's box now.
da3603 No.5627129
860659 No.5627130
Perfect tits right there
c69bc5 No.5627131
that would follow in terms giving up a piece for position
if your goal was to hurt a rival agency in order to cover your tracks. multi-pronged attack.
when keyscore and programs were found out they could no longer be effective/ probably..
f6289d No.5627132
CSPAN-3 has a hearing on special councel Robert mueller III investigation at 5 pm EST today.
a239ec No.5627133
969bd5 No.5627134
>>5626280 pb
NO! We don't need Freddy back here shitting up the breads too!
dc40c5 No.5627136
They add color to life.
dff32d No.5627137
sather just came twice.
38f1fd No.5627138
148227 No.5627139
How do I Upvote this???
2dbb74 No.5627141
Yeah i thought she had but kinda forgot and keked then started trolling her feed :)
25935f No.5627142
why you asking such dumb questions today?
I'm sorry your monday isn't going as exciting as mine… but I'm not sure what your trying to accomplish coming here sharing your negativity with the world?
a9f12a No.5627143
Even though (((they))) try to Hide The Truth
Moar Keeps Seeping Out!
Groomed Operative!
Disrupter, Radical, Forced Ideology, MOCKINGBIRD Early in Life!
Look Deeper!
27faf1 No.5627144
OK, this may sound like a dumb question, but I am attempting to use my critical thinkings skills here.
What exactly is a transgender woman? A person who appears to be female, but has a dick?
How would the police know the transgender woman is a transgender? Why wouldn't they assume she is a woman? Or is this more fake news?
737e3d No.5627145
Is that a scar on her right cheek?
7f8760 No.5627147
"This time, it's personal."
b0153a No.5627148
>and accepts it.
9c5dde No.5627149
Jeffrey Epstein’s Attorneys: A Fair Plea Deal
The attorneys for a man accused of sexual abuse of young women defend the prosecutors’ decision to drop federal charges against him.
1dc530 No.5627150
Beautiful animal.
Needs to stop with that one eye Illuminati crap though.
fcbeff No.5627151
Trump wants a massive budget because he is a big government Republicrat like the rest of them.
89a6ce No.5627152
Like I said, you're a retard. You haven't a clue. Enjoy hell, because unless you repent, that's where you're headed.
Jesus is Lord!
ea4936 No.5627153
yeah and notice once again its trump's fault
cuz he is not worth it
a17a91 No.5627154
I saw that as well..
f608ee No.5627155
Thank you and God Bless You.
6934ee No.5627156
Federal court moves to unseal documents in Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal…
253301 No.5627157
May 15 – Senator John McCain has a private strategy meeting with the President.[44]
July 11 – President Obama meets with Senator John McCain and Senator Charles Schumer to discuss commonsense immigration reform.[65]
August 1 – The President meets with bipartisan members of Congress to discuss the National Security Agency.[73]
August 31 – President Obama speaks on the recent chemical attacks in Syria and asks Congress to authorize military action.[86]
September 4 – The President has a bilateral meeting and holds a press conference in Stockholm with Prime Minister Reinfeldt of Sweden.[87] President Obama also meets with King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden to discuss the Syrian air strike plan.[88]
September 5 – President Obama arrives in St. Petersburg, Russia for the G-20 summit. The President conducts a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Shinzō Abe of Japan to discuss the Syria air strike plan.[89]
September 6 – The President holds a bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss the Syrian air strike plan.[90] and, later in the day, holds a bilateral meeting with French President François Hollande to also discuss the Syrian air strike plan.[91]
bc73d9 No.5627160
Just in case you misunderstood me, I wasn’t calling you a division fag, I was genuinely asking. My wording was careless. I apologize.
25935f No.5627161
23b5cd No.5627162
US Airstrikes Kill 13 Civilians, Including Children, in Afghanistan
Attacks killed a village doctor and his family
On Saturday, US airstrikes against the village of Naser Khil in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar Province destroyed two houses. The houses belonged to the village’s only doctor, and his brother, and killed both of them along with their families.
That was 13 civilians in all: two men, their wives, and nine children. The provincial government had claimed a Taliban commander was also slain, but there appears to be no confirmation that this is actually the case.
NATO confirmed that the airstrikes took place, but did not comment on the civilian deaths that were already confirmed, saying only that they were looking into the matter, and emphasizing the attacks were “self-defense.”
How blowing up a doctor’s house counts as self defense isn’t entirely clear, though a NATO spokesman claimed that the attack meant to target a Taliban operations center. Clearly, it did not.
dda783 No.5627164
Pelosi predicts Trump will 'self-impeach'
By HEATHER CAYGLE and JOHN BRESNAHAN 06/13/2017 10:29 AM EDT Updated 06/13/2017 12:20 PM EDT
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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi believes President Donald Trump will “self-impeach” and that Democrats should wait for the Russia investigations — especially special counsel Robert Mueller's probe — to play out before pushing to remove him from the Oval Office.
Pelosi also believes that if Trump fired Mueller — which some Trump allies are encouraging the president to do — it would be enough to push Republicans to begin seriously considering acting against the president on their own.
The California Democrat made the comments during a closed-door meeting Tuesday as part of a broader effort to discourage rank-and-file lawmakers from continuing to talk publicly about impeaching the president right now.
"It's a big deal to talk about impeachment," Pelosi told her colleagues, according to multiple Democratic sources. "I think he's going to self-impeach."
e73ee3 No.5627165
It doesn’t matter. If you meet a democrat, always encourage it though.
a239ec No.5627166
A man who dresses like a woman with or without surgery = transgender. They usually look like linebackers in a dress.
ea4936 No.5627168
THE MUHJOO shitposters are USELESS BREAD GOBBLERS and traitors to all Americans, to POTUS, and to MAGA patriots
they should be condemned, shunned and cast out. they blaspheme in Jesus name, and in the name of God Almighty, against all reason and virtue.
They are worthy of the name and fate by which history of the BOARD, all KEK, and all good BREADS shall be written in digital stone - THOU ART USELESS BREAD GOBBLERS!
dc40c5 No.5627169
He'll be "The eyeopener"
27b628 No.5627170
That's not even close to being true. The National Socialist ideology is one of the most beautiful ideologies ever conceived. The jews started WWII
dc56fb No.5627171
>Do they even think rationally
Pretty sure that is the issue.
It's a mental disease like anorexia masking as a lifestyle choice.
320947 No.5627173
horrible child abuse… so sad
7abbbb No.5627174
That literally makes no sense and sounds like a way to excuse him for being on pace to outspend Bush and Obama when he said he wouldn’t cut the deficit in half. Remember the last omnibus when Q said they had to for military and it wouldn’t happen again? You probably don’t because we like to forget when Q lies to us.
9f1083 No.5627175
Wikileaks Amazon GHOST
On Jul 22, 2008, at 11:45 AM, Aroff, Deborah R via RT wrote:
<URL: https://rt.stratfor.com:443/Ticket/Display.html?id=2589 >
Hi Aaric,
You have to get set up with the Connects program on Amazon first-
I pulled this out from the attached document re: RSS
RSS Feeds
Adding an RSS feed is simple. On your Profile, find the links next to the
"Post a Message" button at the top of the page. The third of these links
"Add an RSS feed." Clicking this takes you to a place where you can easily
add the URL for your blog's feed. Preview the feed to make sure it is
then add it, and you're done! From now on, you can blog from your other
and have those posts show up on Amazon.
Let me know if you have any other questions!
Link: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/12/1252798_re-stratfor-com-2589-fw-amazon-connects-.html
What is Amazon GHOST Seems the general pubic has no clue
25935f No.5627176
89a6ce No.5627177
She looks possessed in this photo. I've encountered possessed people, and they all have this look in their eyes.
The power of Christ compels you!
73c2c4 No.5627178
4172f2 No.5627179
No control of her party; no deal from POTUS
0359a2 No.5627180
Except for Manning. He was a pussy from the get go.
36cfa0 No.5627181
Oh, thank you so much for that post.
Further showing the tolerance of you fake xstians.
>man, you're a retard….for not following the same indoctrinational, mass suppressing, rule through fear ideology as I do!!
67504c No.5627183
a7954d No.5627184
77482c No.5627185
Have fun with it, memefags.
23b5cd No.5627186
Arms Sales to Middle East Have Increased Dramatically: US Top Exporter
Arms flows to the Middle East have increased by 87 percent over the past five years and now account for more than a third of the global trade, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said in a report on Sunday.
The defense think-tank’s annual survey showed that Saudi Arabia became the world’s top arms importer in 2014-18, with an increase of 192 percent over the preceding five years. Egypt, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates and Iraq also ranked in the top 10 list of global arms buyers. Sipri measures the volume of deliveries of arms, not the dollar value of deals. The volume of deliveries to each country tends to fluctuate, so it presents data in five-year periods that offer a more stable indication of trends.
The new report shows how the United States and European nations sell jets, jeeps and other gear that is used in controversial wars in Yemen and beyond, SIPRI researcher Pieter Wezeman told Middle East Eye.
“Weapons from the US, the UK and France are in high demand in the Gulf, where conflicts and tensions are rife. Russia, France and Germany dramatically increased their arms sales to Egypt in the past five years,” Wezeman said.
The growth in Middle Eastern imports was in part driven by the need to replace military gear that was deployed and destroyed in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Libya, he said, adding that it was also driven by political tensions and a regional arms race.
The UAE, Saudi Arabia and ‘Israel’ are readying for a potential conflict with Iran, the 12-page report said. Also, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and others have been involved in a diplomatic crisis with Qatar since 2017.
In 2014-18, Saudi Arabia received 94 combat jets fitted with cruise missiles and other guided weapons from the US and Britain.
Over the next five years, it is set to get 98 more jets, 83 tanks and defensive missile systems from the US, 737 armored vehicles from Canada, five frigates from Spain, and Ukrainian short-range ballistic missiles.
In 2014-18, the UAE received missile defense systems, short-range ballistic missiles and about 1,700 armored personnel carriers from the US as well as three Corvettes from France, the report says.
Qatari weapons imports increased by 225 percent over the period, including German tanks, French combat aircraft and Chinese short-range ballistic missiles. It is set to receive 93 combat aircraft from the US, France and Britain and four frigates from Italy.
Iran, which is under a UN arms embargo, accounted for just 0.9 percent of Middle Eastern imports.
For Wezeman, “the gap is widening” between Iran and its foes across the Gulf, which have obtained more advanced weapons.
fcad9e No.5627187
Jessica Hyba had been working for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Geneva, Switzerland, for years and was recently reassigned to Somalia's capital of Mogadishu, according to the agency.
Wonder what she knew?
7/10 Plane crashes.
dbc5cf No.5627188
Pelosi and Schumer will go down so the government will be crippled if no funds already appropriated. , Use your brain.
dd88bc No.5627189
God bless you anon.
a6946e No.5627192
sorry the demonrats are running a socialist… it will be a disaster for them in the general..
af2d9d No.5627193
Yet you didn't even watch the video, kek.
So judgmental too.
You're weak spirited, which is why you believe in such a weak ideology.
27b628 No.5627194
That's not good enough. Millions need to be deported and citizenry should be by blood only.
a3ccf2 No.5627195
Won’t happen.
Cancelled appearance -
“despite attending her documentary red carpet premiere earlier in the day”
She’s a paid actress, plain and simple.
fcbeff No.5627197
Did they pay when the USS Liberty was attacked? I don't think so.
b5f599 No.5627198
Chuck Grassley Pressed Mueller Over ‘Selective Use’ Of Emails In Papadopoulos Court Filing
7abbbb No.5627199
Because Q is teaching us to hate whistleblowers and honest journalists like Snowden and Wikileaks. He wants us to follow the puppets on Fox.
bdbe59 No.5627200
thats not how ANY of this works.. thats NOT how it works
a17a91 No.5627201
7e132b No.5627202
Rape trafficking harvesting slavery
Really not secret
860659 No.5627203
Second that. God bless. We will fight till the end as should u,
9ebef7 No.5627204
So… Snowden was a CIA spook designed to blind the NSA so that U1/Iran Deal could be accomplished unseen. He was in Russia but as Putin is our ally he moved to China and the CIA now view him as a liability which puts his life in danger.
9f1083 No.5627205
From: Michael Mooney via RT [mailto:it@stratfor.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 2:35 PM
To: eisenstein@stratfor.com
Subject: Re: [stratfor.com #2589] FW: Amazon Connects
This has been done for the "Stratfor" profile on Amazon. I've added
"Ghost" to the titles associated with the Stratfor amazon account and
added the Terrorism weekly blog to the profile. This action must be
verified by a publisher or agent and I've added Deborah as the the
verification contact. Amazon claims 1-5 day time frame on the
Please let me know if there is some other action I need to take.
On Jul 22, 2008, at 11:45 AM, Aroff, Deborah R via RT wrote:
<URL: https://rt.stratfor.com:443/Ticket/Display.html?id=2589 >
Hi Aaric,
You have to get set up with the Connects program on Amazon first-
I pulled this out from the attached document re: RSS
RSS Feeds
Adding an RSS feed is simple. On your Profile, find the links next to
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"Add an RSS feed." Clicking this takes you to a place where you can
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Let me know if you have any other questions!
3daff0 No.5627207
I really dig how you've 'transcended' punctuation.
148227 No.5627208
No he wants us to follow a rebranded new world order
25935f No.5627209
your hate is unnecessary.
consider this a reprimand.
2e05b8 No.5627210
Read the Bible. We are the news now. We are the frogs of war. Get your memes and tongues ready.
2dbb74 No.5627211
Nov 2 2017 13:39:41 (EST)
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
You're dead now. So shut up.
e73ee3 No.5627212
Clinton approved them. Obama did an insane amount right before leaving office. Both are traitors.
eaa83b No.5627215
Look [here] not [there]
7abbbb No.5627216
25f6dd No.5627217
I don't believe in anti depressants, i think they are not good for people.
Are you in a state that has medical cannabis?
That could help you with both issues, and it is alot more natural.
( recently they found prozac causes brain cancer)
My mom used that for years, and she died horribly in her mid 50's from brain cancer.
Also had a niece who started using them as a teen and now as an adult, she is feels like they ruined and stole her youth, and regrets ever taking them.
I personally tried one for 3 days, made me feel like i was going to have a heart attack or brain anorism, i did not like how it made me feel at all.
It was actually pretty scary.
Maybe you can see about finding something else before you resort to taking those.
23b5cd No.5627218
US Government Has Gone Rogue - Criminal In Fact
a9f12a No.5627219
By Merit!
By Patriotism!
01569d No.5627220
Q asks if our BRACKETS are filled in?
Q uses BRACKETS for bad actors involved in SPY OP
Q posts BIG HAPPENINGS in 21 days.
Q Confirms Anon's MARCH MADNESS
bce01d No.5627226
>>5626177 (lb #7195)
I do not think that word means what you think it means
183a65 No.5627227
South Africa Khoi San planned Genocide
Khazarian Mafia 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
Urgent pls Anons. Can we get a message to Q. Please? ☺️
fcb405 No.5627228
Going pretty well. How you doin?
dda783 No.5627231
These are the times that try men's souls.
b5f599 No.5627232
>Because Q is teaching us to hate whistleblowers and honest journalists like Snowden and Wikileaks.
Cassandra Fairbanks [eg Posobiecs gal pal] is that you?
25935f No.5627233
cool ID.
lookin' spooky.
muh new world order REEEEE
2dbb74 No.5627234
Great way to (weaken?) the rest of the world.. send all their smart people to the US.
0e348c No.5627235
it is liberating
77482c No.5627236
>I really dig how you've 'transcended' punctuation.
Yep, I screwed the pooch on that one.
36cfa0 No.5627238
Moar judgment and assumptions.
Low energy.
If you think I'm mad, maybe you should check that projection, kek.
5672c9 No.5627239
There are an awful lot of news articles on Asteroids, Rogue Planets and Planet 9 lately. I see no one here is paying attention yet.
dda783 No.5627240
Snowden was a weapon aimed and fired at Q.
a1df12 No.5627241
Whitaker to return behind closed doors?
Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker is slated to return to the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday
eff332 No.5627243
Slovakia: Insubstantial accusations are insufficient to …
Unsubstantiated accusations against Russia over the so-called Skripal case are insufficient for Bratislava to break long-term ties with Moscow, Anton Hrnko, the chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the National Council of Slovakia, told Sputnik on Friday.. Following the poisoning of former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK town of Salisbury, a …
Family of MP Anton Hrnko among Victims of Ethiopian …
Mar 10, 2019 · Bratislava/Addis Ababa, March 10 (TASR) – The wife, son and daughter of Slovak MP Anton Hrnko (Slovak National Party/SNS) were among the victims of an accident involving an Ethiopian aircraft that crashed on Sunday morning shortly after taking off from Addis Ababa, Hrnko has posted on a …
4f0e94 No.5627245
No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.
Gideon Tucker
fcbeff No.5627246
Hey Q
George HW Bush was 10x the traitor that Snowden will ever be. You should have done something about him.
551b6b No.5627247
And then, after shutting down all legitimate access, they will be able to track the illegitimate programs trying to get out…and they will have the addresses those illegitimate programs are trying to get to.
Several birds with one stone.
f833e5 No.5627248
f3c02c No.5627249
Pass the popcorn
Catholic Church vs. Saturday Night Live
320947 No.5627250
> "I think he's going to self-impeach."
89a6ce No.5627253
You tolerance of Christians (including Q) is truly awe inspiring (sarcasm!).
Go shill somewhere else!
dc56fb No.5627254
Not clear what is going on here, because it also looks like she DID appear.
Maybe this was from earlier?
97dc85 No.5627256
af8361 No.5627257
Not only can the left not meme but freshman shills can't troll.
I figured it was something crappy so I left it out of my snip.
Thanks Anon.
7abbbb No.5627258
No. I’m talking about Snowden and Wikileaks shill.
9540ee No.5627259
She deserves to be Speaker. She earned it. POTUS knew what was coming her way. (pic related)
97c678 No.5627261
Google Manager Said Company Must Stop ‘Fake News’ Because ‘That’s How Trump Won
A manager at Google allegedly cautioned a lower-level employee for questioning the company’s stance on “fake news,” telling him that the company had to stop fake news and “hate speech,” because “that’s how Trump won,” according to a post aired publicly by another Google employee on social media.
Mike Wacker, a software engineer at Google, published on social media a redacted email he claims he received from a fellow employee in 2017, which alleged political bias at the company. According to Wacker’s post, his colleague at Google wrote: Also, I posted a comment on a meme regarding fake news on Search and someone reported it to [Human Resources]. I didn’t say I was in favor or against, just cautioned that we need to be car[e]ful. My manager brought it up in our 1:1 last week. Made me feel very uncomfortable for having an opposing view. He said we need to stop hate [speech] and fake news because that’s how Trump won the election. [emphasis ours] I obviously didn’t say anything and just wanted it to end. I [redacted] would like to see all managers be required to take political bias training.
The employee also alleged the existence of official training courses at Google dedicated to “bashing conservatives and Trump supporters.” Also, have you taken the bias busting course lately? The entire thing is bashing conservatives and Trump supporters. So many false accusations and sob stories. My friend took the course and said he was told he didn’t know how it felt to be a minority because he was a male. This came from the speaker themselves!
Wacker published the email on Twitter, stating that “multiple incidents, multiple concerns, and many conversations have driven my decision to publish this email.” On the topic of political bias at Google, I have decided to publish the following email I received from another Google employee in July of 2017. (For privacy reasons, parts have been redacted, including the employee's identity.) The contents of this email speak for itself. pic.twitter.com/X5nze8rsF4 — Mike Wacker (@m_wacker) March 11, 2019
“This incident serves as a good representative example. It is certainly not an isolated incident, and others have had similar experiences. The software engineer said that he believed all people should make a “reasonable attempt to resolve such matters internally,” and that he had made a “good faith attempt to do that.”
In these situations, one should first make a reasonable attempt to resolve such matters internally. In both this case and other cases, I have made a good faith attempt to do that. However, those attempts did not resolve my concerns, which led me to my current course of action. — Mike Wacker (@m_wacker) March 11, 2019. He went on to say that his attempts to address the matter did not resolve his concerns. “Bluntly, I do not trust Google’s ability to properly prevent and handle these sorts of incidents,” said Wacker. “The distrust extends to its leadership, its management, and especially to its HR department.
35f24e No.5627262
89d48a No.5627263
Missouri Inmate with Eye of Providence Tattoo Escapes Prison.
Hope this doesn't mean they're trying to silence people in Missoui.
9378c7 No.5627264
dda783 No.5627265
Yup. An integral part to the cabal's plan to have 3 nations go nuclear in WWIII.
bc73d9 No.5627266
Snowflake, uh Snowden is that you?
69f757 No.5627267
>>5626890 You think Sean and Tucker are owned as well?
83d31f No.5627269
Grassley Press Release - March 8, 2019
Grassley Press Release page is worth checking, in general. News is slow to notice what appears there, if news notices at all.
737e3d No.5627270
They also claim to have seen clothes in the air .. before the crash. An explosion that ripped a hole in the aircraft?
27b628 No.5627272
>By Merit!
What cucked mentality.
bcae8f No.5627273
I said basically the same thing days ago, no traction ……………
4130fe No.5627274
lying sack of shit…bring forth the proof
7f8760 No.5627275
Must Q check every box with every single post every time?
25935f No.5627277
im not stickin' up for your fake xtians..
i don't see any reason why doing that would help Q+
never been given a reason to hate them either tho…
either way, when we point our selfish judgemental finger at others,
it makes the entire GROUP look stupid.
I love you anon, but your childish remarks must go back.
77482c No.5627278
>I really dig how you've 'transcended' punctuation.
860659 No.5627279
Partially. They are told what to say.
2eaecb No.5627280
Are you making excuses for Trump opening the immigration flood gates?
All those pajeets tech companies want aren't smarter or better than Americans, they're just much cheaper.
This argument is a loser, especially for American workers.
461c73 No.5627282
Anon is right. If you haven't yet figured out who the fascists were, you've not been paying attention. You should probably check the latest from Langan in that if you are interested in more straightforward explanations.
Hitlerian metaphysics operated from some essentially fundamental truths, but led to the wrong conclusion. There is no argument or debate to be had over this; just look at history. In an attempt to dominate and be aggressive with the powers that would see Germany destroyed, Germany was destroyed by the powers that be. The master race was conquered and subdued, likely never to rise again, and the enemy which Nazism held as penultimate now reigns across the entirety of earth, largely due to its ability to demonize anyone who opposes it as being Nazi.
eda2c8 No.5627283
Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned
27faf1 No.5627284
I think you mean POTUS and I agree with you. I was not too thrilled to see the budget go so high, but my thinking is that the Central Banks are about to implode, so spending the money only hurts the deep state. It like why I don't pay my student loans every month… when they call I give them a date I will pay it and tell them the loan is going to be forgiven anyway… kek
bcd7bb No.5627285
954f1d No.5627286
I like this analysis, anon
e8507a No.5627287
Mid-Bread Notables
Let me know if I missed anything.
>>5626910 Be careful what you
>>5626925, >>5626968 Pelosi playing the "reasonable"? Tweets POTUS "is just not worth" an impeachment
>>5627011, >>5627024 Updated Q Graphics in GMT via /comms/
>>5627050 Reminder of the House Rules Committee's Hearing on Special Counsel Mueller Report (5 p.m. ET)
>>5627186 Dramatic increase of arms imports by Middle-Eastern region averaging around 90% growth over last 5 yrs
1d62be No.5627288
It wasnt until the Chinese and Russians started going there that they "look at these samples"
Why tell everyone the moon is made of gold and silver until you have too??
d7212a No.5627289
God Bless you Anon.
320947 No.5627290
it was the salmon mousse
ea4936 No.5627291
hey look the muhjoo shitposters stole another meme
these faggots cannot even keep up with my amateur meme efforts
the extreme left (nazi) cant meme any better than the libtard left
cuz lies dont meme well
b87f59 No.5627292
148227 No.5627293
He did! He let him get old and die with a hero’s farewell
737e3d No.5627294
I think you're wrong. Sean in particular is very adamant about that.
dda783 No.5627295
We're gonna keep sayin' it 'til everyone knows it.
7abbbb No.5627296
Yes. That’s why Q wants us to follow them. They’re all in the same club at Trump and the rest
cc389d No.5627297
Thank you Anon. I appreciate your comments
I do smoke weed
I haven't taken them yet. Maybe I'll take your advice. Much love Anon
48e098 No.5627298
Why is Jordan Sather such a pathological liar? He claims to have managed a health food business when in fact he worked for a private medical company like Meddata Inc. His Mom works for a medical company too.
7405cc No.5627299
Her boyfriend got his money's worth on those twin torps.
860659 No.5627301
I hope I am wrong.
c98a59 No.5627303
Another TWO bite the dust!
a239ec No.5627304
Read Albert Pike who planned WWI, II and III in late 1800s.
1dc530 No.5627305
If the sedative hypnotic is ambien, throw it away.
If you use it, DO NOT mix with alcohol.
a9f12a No.5627306
We, Knew He Wasn't Finished!
Still has moar plays in the Gamebook!
36cfa0 No.5627308
JFC, you people sure do assume alot!
I was raised xstian for moar than 15 years until I broke out of the bubble.
If you believe thay fairytale, you should question the whole reason you're even here.
Just saying, you can't have your cake and eat it too. I could list the contradictions all day but I chose the major one and other than refute it, you bunch who aren't supposed to judge, have done nothing but that to me the whole time.
Says moar about your character than mine.
Don't let the fucking profanities fool you either, that's just my style.
Move along.
3daff0 No.5627309
…..who's a good boy?…..
(whomever has that pug meme, kekmao)
253301 No.5627310
Back to 2014
January 14 – President Obama announces a sprawling reform that would begin the process of change in the National Security Agency.[3]
January 17 – President Obama delivers a speech at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC, to announce the outcomes of a review of our intelligence programs and phone surveillance.[5][6
February 21 – President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin hold an hour-long telephone conversation regarding the Ukrainian revolution among other topics.[16]
February 25 – President Obama meets with House Speaker John Boehner in a private conversation in the Oval Office.[17]
March 1 – President Obama speaks by telephone with Russian President Vladimir Putin about Russia's military movements in Ukraine.[18]
March 6 – The President announces financial sanctions against "'individuals and entities' responsible for the Russian intervention in Crimea or for 'stealing the assets of the Ukrainian people.'" He also condemns the scheduled Crimean referendum on joining Russia and speaks with Russian President Vladimir Putin by telephone.[22]
March 27 – The President meets with Pope Francis in the Vatican[30] and visits the ancient Roman Colosseum [31]
March 28 – President Obama arrives in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for a brief visit to the kingdom.[32]
March 28 – Russian President Vladimir Putin telephones President Obama to discuss a proposed diplomatic solution to the ongoing Crimea/Ukraine situation.[33]
August 3 − S. 517, Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act, is signed into law by President Obama.
August 7 – The President signs H.R. 3230, the Veterans' Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. President Obama announces the authorization of targeted airstrikes against the Islamic State near Erbil, Iraq.[65]
August 15 − The President meets with members of the National Security Council to receive an update on Iraq. Following the meeting, the President delivers a statement regarding Iraq and the situation in Ferguson, Missouri.
September 4–5 – President Obama and more than 60 other world leaders attend a NATO summit in Newport, Wales to discuss Afghanistan.[66] The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.
September 10 – The President delivers a speech outlining his plan to fight the Islamic State.[67]
October 14 − President Obama attends a meeting at Andrews Air Force Base hosted by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey with more than 20 foreign chiefs of defense to discuss the coalition efforts in the ongoing campaign against ISIL. Gen. Lloyd Austin, commander U.S. Central Command also participates.[73]
October 15 – The President participates in a video conference with British, French, German and Italian counterparts to discuss the international response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, efforts to combat ISIL, and international efforts to encourage Russia to fulfill its obligations under the Minsk agreements.[74]
October 17 − The President and the Vice President meet with members of the National Security Council to discuss coordinating the whole-of-government response to Ebola.[75]
October 22 − Obama holds a meeting with Ebola Response Coordinator Ron Klain to coordinate the government's Ebola response.[76]
November 7 – President Obama announces he will send 1,500 troops to Iraq to train Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight ISIS.[81]
November 8 – Obama nominates Loretta Lynch for Office of Attorney General.[82]
December 17 – President Obama announces U.S. to restore full relations with Cuba.[104]
2dbb74 No.5627313
>Q speaks about Snowden more than anyone else.
Fake News.
@Snowden - 60
HRC - 172
Hussein - 177
dd88bc No.5627314
we have to remove the DS before we deal with fireballs.
d1bb4b No.5627315
>>5626576 (pb)
It's amazing how much of California's water is being bottled. For a state with a water shortage they are pretty lenient with their water rights.
Ben going on for years, California is a fucked up place.
a7954d No.5627317
Sending you prayers!!
Be well.
f9fb55 No.5627319
Limited and Immature Thinking comes to mind.
860659 No.5627320
His BS dogma…please
dda783 No.5627321
A way above my head, I see the strangest sight! A fiddler on the roof, who fiddles day and night. He fiddles when it rains, he fiddles when it snows. I've never seen him stop, but on and on he goes.
What can it mean, this fiddler on the roof who fiddles every night and fiddles every noon; what can it be so curious a place to play his little fiddler's tune?
97dc85 No.5627322
watch out in the first few weeks of starting an antidepressant without a benzo taper..
you increase energy and if you are sad enough it might go the wrong way
f17da9 No.5627323
honor and glory…God and Country.
25935f No.5627324
idk anon. dont pay any attention to him.
i saw Q (you)'d him though.. interesting af.
…why you so dead set to give the kid a bad day?
you must be mean and bored and confused all at once…
c98a59 No.5627325
SHILL! Stop harassing good Christian Patriots! Remember Q is a Christian!
ccd4fc No.5627326
The Q Graphics in GMT bit is unnecessary.
I posted the update for Baker to amend the dough.
It never goes in Notables.
17ae63 No.5627327
b5f599 No.5627329
>Grassley Press Release - March 8, 2019
a17a91 No.5627330
Could this be a the "10 days"?
fcbeff No.5627331
If its really righteous indignation that drives him, and Snowden's betrayal of the NSA is the cause it looks like we are playing small ball here.
So yes, how about go after the real traitors, the big fish. Get Snowden fine, he's guilty, but stop making suck a big deal out of a small time player.
cc389d No.5627332
'Have NOT posted here much' missing word
17ae63 No.5627333
Each of you are mini creators, each of you have been endowed with the gifts of the Great Creator and Source of All… never underestimate the power of your thoughts and consciousness… remember always that you came here to help with the planet during this time from dark to light. Raise your thoughts up in harmony, cohesion, and love to witness as this tidal wave of transformation completely and rapidly changes the entire vibrational structure of your beautiful planet.
ea4936 No.5627334
>pathological liar
question answers itself anon
880617 No.5627335
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Panel Discussion: A New American Way of War
The 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS) declared that the central problem facing the U.S. military was an erosion of its advantage against China and Russia. While not entirely novel—previous work inside and outside the Department of Defense (DoD) had cited this issue—it was the first official DoD document to declare it central to our overarching strategy….
RAND Corporation Provides Objective Research Services and Public …
The US military ‘gets its ass handed to it’ in World War 3 simulation – researchers
Military wargames carried out by RAND Corporation show that the US’ advantage is slipping. In a simulated ‘World War 3’ scenario, the world’s greatest military power loses decisively to Russia and China.
RAND’s wargames pit the United States – depicted in blue on maps – against an imaginary aggressor, this time Russia and China. In these simulated scenarios, taking place in either the Baltic region or Taiwan, things don’t go well for the United States.
Of course, the US is not fightingon its own turf here. Neither do the RAND team explain exactly how America ended up fighting a hypothetical war thousands of miles from home. But defense money is defense money, and the researchers were keen to paint an apocalyptic picture, no doubt timed to coincide with the 2020 military budget, released on Monday.
a0a8bc No.5627337
Anons are attacked by muh jew shills.
Since Q called them out again they PANIC.
There are two kinds of muh jew shills.
1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.
2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.
<DS wants the people divided
Don´t fall for it.
Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo
Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …
If it is that simple like
<muh jooo
why do we even have a research board?
860659 No.5627338
TIred of this crap already.
f5a6ae No.5627339
I call this a
Tuck & Save. You never know.
Who's actually on the Team?
#WWG1WGA is all I care about. Time will tell.
67de5b No.5627340
That would be something
no wonder ben shapiro is shilling gold
also I think there is a shit ton of gold in antarctica
dda783 No.5627341
Australian Antigen Hepatitis virus = Au Ag
7abbbb No.5627342
Q is a luciferian. Stupid boomer.
f9fb55 No.5627343
415aa8 No.5627344
860659 No.5627346
17df45 No.5627347
Unequal air: Pollution from whites disproportionately affects blacks, Hispanics
69f757 No.5627348
>>5627279 Gotta agree! Seems like Sean is on a much tighter leash than Tucker! But neither of them will consistently pound on Treason / Sedition and Coup! "Corruption" all day long…but not on the coup attempt!
5f0233 No.5627349
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5626840
Venezuela Blackout Day 5 - LIVE COVERAGE
ab6471 No.5627350
God bless you , Anon!
e8507a No.5627352
Thanks. Found it. Fixed.
23b5cd No.5627353
US Sanctions Russia-Based Bank for Aiding Venezuela’s State-Run Oil Firm
The U.S. Treasury Department on March 11 sanctioned a Russia-based bank for attempting to circumvent restrictions previously placed against Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, PDVSA.
The bank “Evrofinance Mosnarbank,” which is jointly owned by Russian and Venezuelan state-owned companies, was sanctioned for its support of PDVSA. Evrofinance’s net assets grew over 50 percent during 2018 as the Treasury continued to escalate the use of sanctions.
PDVSA is itself an entity that has long been a “vehicle for corruption, embezzlement, and money laundering by Maduro and his cronies,” the Treasury Department noted.
“The illegitimate Maduro regime has profited off of the suffering of the Venezuelan people,” said Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin in a statement.
“This action demonstrates that the United States will take action against foreign financial institutions that sustain the illegitimate Maduro regime and contribute to the economic collapse and humanitarian crisis plaguing the people of Venezuela.”
A ‘Lifeline’ For Maduro
The Treasury Department noted that Maduro is feeling “increasing isolated” and desperate for “lifelines from Russia” as the United States and over 50 countries now recognize Venezuela’s interim president, Juan Guaidó, as the legitimate leader of the country.
Russia, in particular, is known for being a longtime ally of Venezuela, dating back to Maduro’s predecessor, Hugo Chavez. Chavez bought a 49 percent stake in Evrofinance through the Venezuelan National Development Fund in 2011. At that time, Russia’s Gazprombank and Russia’s state bank, VTB Bank—the country’s second-largest bank—each owned a 25 percent stake in Evrofinance.
Evrofinance was created as a “bi-national bank to fund joint Russia-Venezuela oil and infrastructure projects,” according to the Treasury Department.
Only psychopaths act without any conscientious of their own actions
2176d7 No.5627354
Thank you, don't do the drugs.
7e1c50 No.5627355
Again, she already did this.
551b6b No.5627356
And why should China be saddled with foreign laws within her country? If religious proselytizing is illegal in China, if religious cults have no political rights other than acceptance by China that those sub-intellects easily brainwashed by a foreign cult exist, they are irrelevant and only become relevant when their foreign masters tell them to get themselves into the news or to protest the laws…which is another crime in China. I feel sorry for the intellectually challenged who fall into the clutches of evil cults but when they break the law they need to be punished and as far as the China government is concerned, the foreign "press" is insignificant and nothing any globalist propaganda media organization vomits has any relevance.
China is a sovereign nation. China has laws. Break the law in a country that doesn't revere prisoners as is done in N. America and you will find how irrelevant is your little cult.
dda783 No.5627358
"I used to be a butterfly!" swore the caterpillar, when nobody believed him.
f6289d No.5627359
b28bcb No.5627360
Different Jordan Sather maybe?
fcad9e No.5627361
WE know that.
Maybe she had the proof. Maybe she would have made an excellent witness. Maybe she had already talked.
Lots of UN people on the play.
Suggesting she would be a possible target. Along with how many others? Names?
Start Jessica her own clock. RIP.
253301 No.5627362
The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon
A $600 million computing cloud built by an outside company is a "radical departure" for the risk-averse intelligence community.
Frank Konkel
Jul 17, 2014
749790 No.5627363
that's ascending … you're welcome
86161f No.5627364
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 🚨LIVE: State Department URGENT Mike Pompeo Press Briefing on Conflicts Around the World
on now
954f1d No.5627365
Once they start focusing on the pedophilia blackmail rings, then I'll start watching them and taking them seriously
f833e5 No.5627366
Love you Anon, no homo.
Take care of yourself, we need you.
01569d No.5627368
am i on the right track anons?
a3ccf2 No.5627369
What does this tell you?
83ca1f No.5627370
Good thing you dont get paid to think then, isnt it?
7590e1 No.5627371
Why are shilling for Snowden
ccd4fc No.5627372
Great stuff.
Thanks again, Baker.
a0a8bc No.5627373
Q is fighting the worldwide ruling class, the global illuminati/masonic Deep State - including governments, agencies, organizations, thinktanks, companies, …
Q is fighting what was hidden a long time by the word "conspiracy" and by a lot of effort of MSM and 'stars.'
Shills want to slow down (they can´t possibly think they could stop anons.) the Q movement by "divide and rule" and by giving fake news media a reason to blame Q followers nazis.
This is what MSM is doing right now with POTUS and followers and begins to do it with Q now.
Don´t let shills divide you.
Good vs. evil.
We the people vs golbal DS Eilte.
8528a9 No.5627374
Mueller is Marine, he receive a Purple Heart and five battle commendations. He never bragged about them.
This is pretty impressive.
224f3f No.5627377
Maybe for Q the betrayal by Snowden is more personal.
Think about what that would mean.
25935f No.5627378
oh man your right. i forgot about the mirror.
the mirror added to the equation equals…
just another catalyst to confusion, and awareness to the pimple on your nose.
wut abouta mirror, anon? what about it?
087b39 No.5627379
Up to date selling as of right now
ea4936 No.5627380
you missed the kek
think before you mock anon
5672c9 No.5627382
This would make a great Twitter banner.
c7ddbe No.5627383
What are owls doing at CERN?
5f1cc7 No.5627385
No Name got the same, as will Bill and Hillary.
Yaaaaas, trust muh plan
e866cb No.5627386
(((ASSender))) detected
6eb2c4 No.5627387
dear Q:
something needs to happen soon. this is fucking boring, stupid, and wrong. good people are suffering while traitors walk around and commit their crimes.
880617 No.5627388
The Anne Frank Center has waded into the debate around ISIS terrorists returning to Germany with an unlikely take, seemingly implying that they deserve the same rights as Jews persecuted by the Nazis. A tweetstorm ensued.
The German government announced plans to strip some Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS or ISIL) fighters returning to Germany of their citizenship last week. More than 1,000 Germans left to take up arms for the Caliphate since 2013, and around a third have returned. Another third are believed to be dead, with the rest in hiding or captivity in Iraq and Syria.
The decision will apply to adult German nationals with dual citizenship who join the terror group in the future. The Frankfurt-based Anne Frank Center – a human rights nonprofit founded by Frank’s father Otto – jumped into the discussion with an unlikely defense of the Islamist militants.
“A lot of protest has broken out against” the government’s decision, the center tweeted, “with reference to the Third Reich.”
“In fact, the Nazis made generous use of the means of naturalization. In several waves, a total of more than 39,000 people were expelled – especially Jews. As of Nov. in 1941, they automatically lost their citizenship when they crossed the borders of the Reich regardless of whether 'voluntarily' emigrated or deported.”
9ebef7 No.5627389
Q mentions the charter of the NSA - and I imagine it's the Air Force/Navy/Army presence on the board (thus anything the NSA knows the military knows) that'd be the biggest problem for them. Remember that Q said it's NSA VS CIA - but Q also said it's NSA/CIA/FBI VS MI #Qanon
749790 No.5627392
you missed my kek read before replying
2eaecb No.5627393
Those blacks and hispanics should flee the country then for their own health.
f17da9 No.5627394
The left has a Q group just like us.
They think that the pain is coming for us with the Mueller report.
its like they mirrored us.
look at #muellerreport
its kinda funny
0e348c No.5627395
who's ready for the assenshin!
all rise
dda783 No.5627396
a239ec No.5627397
natural help for depression – turkey, sunshine, light exercise, probiotics (e.g. acidophilus), anti-inflammatory diet (avoid wheat, grains, dairy or whatever you are allergic to discoverable through elimination diet), omega-3 (fish oils), vitamin D and supportive counselling. Limiting electronics time is also helpful and spending time in nature (pine trees).
673be0 No.5627398
We have these people dead to rights. Is anything going to happen to them?
7e132b No.5627399
Not meant pejoratively
SICk of ww sweeping under the rug all these evildoers and their deeds
1e10ae No.5627400
maybe she's just figuring out they planned for the DS to go apeshit and battle Trump constantly and they're prepared for that… or maybe they are just out of ammo and she wants to save some face?
40ad6a No.5627403
Nice post, anon. God Bless you.
2176d7 No.5627404
more than likely no
925a0f No.5627405
I agree with your first sentence. It is not clear to me if you meant, that Snowden was such a ("Doomed") spy.
My reading of Q's relevant crumbs (the ones directed, apparently, at Snowden, – but what do we Anons really know, about the way this Board is used as a "number station" for whoever), is that he was C_A, infiltrated NSA to pose as an NSA leaker for the purpose of damaging the NSA in the minds of the public and the legislators, so no one would see the extent to which the C_A had usurped the NSA's mandate, and how far they (C_A) had gone beyond it, into massive illegal surveillance of the whole population (LifeLog under the name FB, all the stuff in Vault 7, crap like that). So, IMHO, Snowden was not intednded by his (C_A) masters to be a Doomed Spy in the Sun Tzu sense – the C_A didn't, so far as it looks to us, anyway, set him up *as their goal* to fail. But their plan hasn't worked out as they intended, and so Snowden is out there, somewhere, hanging, and Q is (apparently) offering him [true] asylum in exchange for joining the winning team (team POTUS), and apparently reminding him that from the C_A's point of view, he's a spent asset, a liability, and likely on their kill list. Also, it would be a time-limited offer, even if the C_A didn't [Snowden], because all assets have a best-before date, and The Plan undoubtedly is at least semi-timetabled (think GANTT).
However, it's all just one set of moves and countermoves b/w Q+ & DS. For example, IIUC, the Reality is China-China-China (HuaWei, Fat Leonard, a dozen other ploys), but Snowden stopped of in HK "on the way to Russia", b/c China was the actual final destination of the leaking mission, but whoever was running Snowden at the time was also using him as a pawn in the Russia-Russia-Russia illusion psyop (whether Snowden knew this or not at the time).
Games within games, wheels within wheels – at the end of the day, it's Cabal vs. Human Species. Q seems to have hinted that there is something non-human behind the Cabal (an AI? Something biblically demonic? Space Aliens? Transdimensional Aliens? Or is "it would end 90% of the population to the hospital" more a metaphorical allusion? I have no idea.)
My opinion is certainly no better than (and probably worse informed than) any other Anon's, here.
f608ee No.5627406
Snowden CIA spook infiltrated NSA, stole NSA codes, gave them to Russia, who then passed them on to Shadow brokers, CIA under Brennan. Muelller and Comey ran the FBI during this time period. It is reported that Mueller delivered the uranium sample to Russia which is why he is trying to save himself with the SC collusion bullsh*t. This was all done to blind NSA from HRC Uranium One deal and Iran. Wash Post owned by Bezo of Amazon, the biggest attackers of QAnon which is funded by bad elements in the 3 letter agencies.
Snowden -> CIA -> Brennan -> Russia -> HRC -> Uranium One -> Iran
415aa8 No.5627407
c7015c No.5627409
This a big one anons.
A big cash cow op for the ds.
97c678 No.5627410
Georgetown Law student among 8 Americans killed in Ethiopian Airlines crash
Cedric Asiavugwa, a third-year student at Georgetown Law, was killed in the crash, school officials say
WASHINGTON — A Georgetown student has been identified as one of the eight Americans victims in the deadly Ethiopian Airlines flight, school officials said Sunday evening.
Cedric Asiavugwa, a third-year student at Georgetown Law, was killed in the crash, school officials said.
The 157 people aboard the jetliner crashed shortly after takeoff from the Ethiopian capital Sunday, killing everyone aboard, officials said. Kenyan-born and raised in Monbasa (a small island along the East African Coast), Asiavugwa graduated from the University of Zimbabwe with a B.A. in Philosophy (first class), according to Georgetown Law's website. He was committed, "to issues of social justice especially for refugees and other marginalized groups has seen him work in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania among other countries," the website bio said. School officials said a mass would be held at Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart for Asiavugwa. They released the following statement Sunday:
With a heavy heart, we write to share the terrible news that Cedric Asiavugwa, a third-year student at Georgetown Law, a member of Georgetown University’s Campus Ministry and Residential Minister on the second floor of New South, died in the tragic crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 near Addis Ababa. Cedric was on his way home to Nairobi, Kenya, following the death of his fiancé’s mother. With his passing, the Georgetown family has lost a stellar student, a great friend to many, and a dedicated champion for social justice across East Africa and the world. Cedric was born and raised in Mombasa, Kenya and graduated from the University of Zimbabwe with a B.A. in Philosophy, with highest honors. His commitment to issues of social justice, especially serving refugees and other marginalized groups, led him to Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania before coming to Georgetown. Among his many accomplishments, he helped found a community-based organization that addresses the protection of vulnerable women and children fleeing the war in Somalia, researched issues ranging from international conflicts to food security across East Africa, served as the Editor-in-Chief of the philosophy journal Chiedza, and directed a television series on peace and reconciliation.
Deeply committed to Catholic and Jesuit education, Cedric also spent eight years here and in Africa discerning a religious vocation as a Jesuit Scholastic. He was a beloved member of Georgetown’s Campus Ministry offices, tending to a group of first-year undergraduates for the last three years as a Residential Minister in the New South residence hall on the Hilltop and also interning in the Law Center’s Campus Ministry office. Consistently dedicated to the underprivileged in his home country, Cedric also served as the Assistant Director of Advancement for St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School, a free high school for orphans with HIV/AIDS in Nairobi. Cedric’s deep commitment to social justice informed his many pursuits at the law school. A Blume Public Interest Law Scholar, a Global Law Scholar and a Pedro Arrupe, S.J. Scholar, Cedric was studying toward a joint J.D.-LL.M. degree in International Business and Economic Law. This semester, he was enrolled in the Center for Applied Legal Studies clinic, assisting refugee clients seeking asylum in the United States. Last year, he participated in the International Women’s Human Rights Clinic. Cedric’s goal was to return to Kenya after his studies to pursue a career promoting the rights of refugees in East Africa and beyond. Beyond his many commitments and contributions, Cedric’s friends and faculty in this community remember him as a kind, compassionate and gentle soul, known for his beautifully warm and infectious smile. This is a tragic loss for Cedric’s family and loved ones, for Georgetown and for the broader social justice community that benefited every day from his passion, compassion and dedication. We hope you will keep his many loved ones here and abroad in your thoughts and prayers as we grieve his passing. We realize how difficult this news is for members of our community. Georgetown University Campus Ministry is in touch with Cedric's family and are offering any support we can provide at this difficult time. The Office of Campus Ministry is available to students during business hours by calling 202-687-5259 (Main Campus). In addition, chaplains in residence may be reached after hours by calling 202-677-0361. Georgetown Law Campus Ministry staff may be reached at this link: https://www.law.georgetown.edu/your-life-career/spiritual-life/chaplains-staff/
aac1b5 No.5627411
Thank you Anon. We are the last stand. If we don't win it's over. If we weren't Anon many of us wouldn't be here, myself included. God Bless Everyone. Keep up the good fight
9c5dde No.5627414
FEC has levied its biggest fine since Citizens United & 3rd largest in history after investigation found pro-Jeb Bush super PAC Right to Rise illegally took $1.3 million donation from Chinese-owned corporation—breaking federal law barring foreign interference in elections
bcd7bb No.5627415
dd9f51 No.5627416
we see you
f3dbee No.5627418
Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to
Its Core
Every barrel has a bad apple.
But, in this case, bad apples do not spoil the bunch.
The core is what counts.
Parades or Restraints?
9378c7 No.5627420
never forget how much W loves Johnny Gosch/Jeff Gannon
b4d034 No.5627421
Just remembered the numbers from lost.
4 8 15 16 23 42
Dharma = 45
954f1d No.5627423
Just kidding, it was all a lie
ea2df0 No.5627424
Nice wholesome looking lass.
6d38db No.5627425
Transgender; A relatively new mental health phenomenon where you can wake up any day of the week and declare yourself a man or a woman.
In this deluded state your gender has nothing to do with your biology.
Transgender; It's the new Mad.
bcae8f No.5627426
God Bless you fren. We will get there!!! WWG1WGA