f62175 No.5615981
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Sunday 03.10.2019
>>5602691 ————————————–——– Patriots have no skin color. (Cap: >>5609688)
Saturday 03.09.2019
>>5600601 ————————————–——– Attempts to DIVIDE will FAIL. Patriots have no skin color. (Cap: >>5600640)
>>5599583 ————————————–——– The real reason they want OPEN BORDERS. (Cap: >>5599914)
>>5597549 ————————————–——– How do you keep a secret? How do you prevent leaks? (Cap: >>5596901)
>>5596872 rt >>5596800 ————————— You have been prepared for what is about to take place.
>>5596777 ————————————–——– Exclusive? 1.5 years behind Anons. (Cap: >>5596837 )
>>5596682 ————————————–——– Patriots stand at the ready, and prepared, for what is about to come. (Cap: >>5596729)
>>5596292 ————————————–——– Sealed > Unsealed.Indictments coming
>>5595311 ————————————–——– IT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN. BE VIGILANT.
>>5595169 rt >>5594529 ————————— Zero Delta Q Proof graphic
>>5595092 rt >>5594428 ————————— Statistically impossible?
>>5594916 ————————————–——– Define 'Protection' (Cap: >>5594960)
>>5594813 ————————————–——– There are others within the FBI/DOJ linked to the C_A. What is that FEAR for MZ? (Cap: >>5600161)
>>5594421 ————————————–——– The President of the United States told you who authorized the targeting.
>>5594371 ————————————–——– Do you target your enemies or your allies? (Cap: >>5594381, >>5600301, >>5594388, >>5594396)
Thursday 03.07.2019
Compiled here: >>5610246
Wednesday 03.06.2019
Compiled here: >>5602792
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f62175 No.5615984
are not endorsements
>>5389728, >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5615284, >>5615303, >>5615632, >>5615644, >>5615908 Active shooter is on the loose in a New York hospital
>>5615299 Fed chairman says Trump can't fire him
>>5615395 Schiff Acknowledges Mueller May Never Get Trump To Testify
>>5615483 Finland: Terror-linked Muslim wanted for stabbing his ex-wife and 3 children, in honor-related attack
>>5615449, >>5615479 Dark money group gave $2 million to the organization that hired Fusion GPS and Steele for the dossier (POTUS retweet)
>>5615555 Bret Baier calls out 'Fox derangement Syndrome' after DNC blocks Fox News from hosting debate
>>5615577 Another 90210 actor dead, Jed Allan
>>5615695, >>5615905 Tucker responds to Media Matters' hit piece
>>5615899 Yellow Vests ransack Masonic Lodge in French village as protest gets out of hand
>>5615953 March 11 Events Highlight NASA’s Moon to Mars Plans, FY 2020 Budget
>>5615978 #7181
>>5614550, >>5614740 Dig on Rockefeller Foundation and Anti-fertility Vaccines
>>5614597 Q crumbs from a year ago
>>5614601, >>5614661, >>5615142 China grounds its Boeing 737 MAX fleet after crash of Ethiopian Airlines’ brand new plane
>>5614627 Anon on Sealed > Unsealed
>>5614667 Example of "We are the News"
>>5614727 Hussein tweet on the Ethiopian plane crash
>>5614734, >>5614795 Ethiopian jet crash pilot's desperate move to save passengers and crew
>>5614640 Purported video of the Venezuelan blackout
>>5614924 Residents flee New York's high taxes
>>5615133 Guaido Calls for March on Caracas as Venezuela Blackout Drags On Three Nights
>>5615209 #7180
>>5613716 New POTUS Tweet
>>5613722 MSM lies failed
>>5613831 Anon on why the Sessions letter to Huber matters
>>5613964 Report of fire onboard forces plane to make emergency landing at Newark airport
>>5613857, >>5614049, >>5614117 USMC tweet
>>5614215 Moar on the "newly revealed" letter from Sessions to Huber
>>5614346 Syria Notifies Israel It Will Attack If IDF Doesn't Leave Golan Heights
>>5614409 US Embassy issued an alert for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the 8th due to protests
>>5614445 #7179
#7178 Baker Change
>>5613014 Donald Trump Jr. Asks “Who Is Investigating the Investigators?”
>>5613074, >>5613107 Moar on AOC owing taxes
>>5613099 19 staff members at UN-affiliated organizations are believed to have been among the victims in Ethiopian plane crash
>>5613185 Dig on the names of people in the Ethiopian plane crash
>>5613372 Pentagon may use $1 billion in leftover funds from military pay and pensions to help pay for border wall
>>5613492 Powell: Fed not in 'any hurry' to change rates amid global risks
>>5613680 #7178
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f62175 No.5615985
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f62175 No.5615989
f62175 No.5616004
Any bakers lurking?
can continue if needed
6dc8c4 No.5616048
Anon lb- well done. pic related
edf8a0 No.5616055
419825 No.5616059
Have Anons noticed…
…in the past 10 years, the amount of Doublethink that is occurring regarding our friends / enemies? This hit me today while I was pondering about Venezuela.
Lets take a brief mental tour around the planet:
-Russia - They hate us, they like us. Putin is in league with Trump, but Muh Russia Russia Russia.
-Turkey - Our staunch ally and supporter, along with Israel, to counterbalance the Middle East. But Erdogan WTF. Let's not sell them advanced military hardware coz we hate those guys.
-Germany - Frenemies till the end. You hold together Europe so we can have a nice counter-pole to Russia and an economic partner. Except that Russia has always been our friend and you want to decimate the white race with Muslim invasion. Oh fuck it, I don't know anymore.
-France - We don't really like you much, because what have you done for us lately. BUT YELLOW VESTS! Fuck yeah! We love the French.
-Brittania - All hail the Queen, we got each others' backs, we're gonna fight back against savagery and oppression till the bitter end. Except you also want to decimate the white race, and not allow your people to Brexit, so you are enemies of freedom. I think.
-China - we love you, we hate you, we love your cheap goods, but you spied on us, I think we hate you now unless Xi and Trump are partners.
-North Korea - Lets nuke you off the map, wait lets save you from the Cabal, lets reunite with SK and be frens okay. We need some help with Xi.
-Israel - Love you guys. But we know what you did. OK some of us hate you and some of us love you. Lets save it for later.
-Iran - We hate you so much and your treachery. But wait MIGA. Maybe we'll save you from the Cabal.
-Venezuela - Whats up dudes. We'll be your friends unless you want to pair up with China or Russia. Now we are enemies coz regime change. But we love your peeps. Got any gold?
-Cuba - We hate you coz Castro. But wait, maybe you are a good economic investment, maybe wesa being frens. Oh but wait, sonic weapons shit so fuck you.
-Mexico - Alamo 2019 motherfuckers. But after we kick the Cabal's ass we'll be friends. M'kay?
It's honestly getting comical how often we seem to flip-flop, and collectively sway toward our friends or enemies according to the MSM or internet groupthink 'political wind.'
8d7ce9 No.5616060
ill take it next bread since you say can keep going
a37f17 No.5616070
Only Generals will see. Then confirm validity. Maybe some screenshots will be shown but Patriots control that and its illegal to view if what is said to be on it is legitimate. Its not getting leaked, I conclude.
f62175 No.5616071
sounds like a plan, thanks baker
f8f86e No.5616072
Net taxpayers who believe in the Bill of Rights have a very specific skin color
c15534 No.5616079
2a6083 No.5616081
>>5615289 (/lb)
Tomorrow is [-30]
If the mueller report drops, Flynn is free.
Could be sleeve-rolly-uppy-worthy…
2/09/19 [-30] = 3/11/19
08292d No.5616082
edf8a0 No.5616083
Thank God for real boobs.
de3b95 No.5616084
>>5615407 lb
the Democrats are the Deep State front to overthrow America with Muslim insurgents and produce a global caliphate… pedophile Islam and women enslaving Sharia Law are in greatest alignment with the satanist pedophile global cabal, hence the 90,000 Muslim immigrants imported to Minnesota by Obama to start the destruction of America
c75dbf No.5616087
"Reports of" active shooter. Our bad, nothing here. Better safe than sorry. So fucking obvious
501067 No.5616092
b4e235 No.5616093
>>5615737 (pb retard)
You apparently do not know that fucking old book as well as you think you do…
1) Israel Is Not A Fulfillment Of Biblical Prophecy: The appellation “Israel” in the Bible primarily refers to the “faithful” who make up the “Church.”
The “Church” as described by St Paul in Chapter 9 of his Epistle To The Romans is made up of the “remnant” of the Jews and the “Gentiles” of the nations. Together, as St Paul writes in his Epistle To The Ephesians, are fused into being “one new man” known as “Christians.”
2) The UN Partition Of *1947* Was Illegal: The UN awarded the Jews 55% of the land of Palestine even though their current holdings totaled only about 6% and their population was only about 35% (608,000) of all the Palestinians (1,237,000). The plan also gave the most fertile lands to the Jews but the mountainous regions to the Arabs.
In their War Of Aggression Of 1948 the Jews took additional Arab lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of Palestine which they kept and never gave back.
Even though this additional land was illegally gained in violation of the Hague Regulations (1907) and the UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force, these new boundaries soon became the “official” boundaries of the new State of Israel.
3) The State Of Israel Has Created Chaos From Its Inception: War crimes, International terrorism due to the illegal “rogue state of Israel,” political corruption by the Jewish Lobby, defamation of character to all critics of Israel, Jewish racist ideology, world wide instability due to Zionist hegemony, growing Western fascism, American debt & inflation for subsidizing Israel, are additional reasons why Israel should not exist.
THE only places in your stupid ass BIBLE where Israel "exists" (it never exists) is the OT aka Pentateuch and Septuagint which was written by the fucking jews…Evangelical xians have blood on their hands and this backwards religion …explain how did the obscure god of an even more obscure desert tribe come to rule the world?
Son you will NOT like the answer.
And YOU can consider ME divided from you because anyone that thinks genocide is OK …well I guess you would considering "god" told his "chosen" to "go here, kill all these people don't leave a man, woman or child alive" the vengeful,warathful, jealous angry god…I think I can do a bit better for a god…than one that acts like a fucking human.
AND I strongly caution you not to get into a bible argument with me.I had it memorized by the time I was 12. You simply cannot win. So take your pathetic fear-based religion (all three abrahamic are fear-based)…and fuck off.
75f99c No.5616094
Wade Robson, one of the two guys the new Mike Jackson documentary "Leaving Neverland" is about, accusing Mike Jack of shit.
Check out that shirt…
9709da No.5616097
It makes me puke to look at Hussein with that CIC patch on the jacket.
d60c32 No.5616098
Dog and cat meme is flawed. Cats don't give a fuck about anything.
Delete the cat. Kek
86356c No.5616100
f2e91b No.5616101
The Mueller Report will not exonerate Flynn. Flynn still has to go back to court and deal with Sullivan.
42addb No.5616102
>>5615967 (lb)
Well, you just post the link once it's out there!! Then we can add it to the notables.
937359 No.5616103
>>5616052 lb
Mark Levin Show, just a few moments ago:
CNN Libel lawsuit starts tomorrow 3/11/19.
L. Lin Wood attorney for Nicholas Sandman said on the Mark Levin show that the lawsuit starts tomorrow against CNN for attacking his client unjustly.
Heads are going to ROLL, Anons!
9a43bc No.5616104
Your kicking Ass Baker !
OORah !
9642bd No.5616105
Dark to Light
Daylight Savings Time
Tick Tock
3 21
a37f17 No.5616107
I thought the same exact thing seconds before you posted that. Sickening.
52991c No.5616108
That's a shitload of silicone.
13c1ff No.5616112
It's all going down in 15 mins.
Hold onto your butts.
f57b5d No.5616113
that's ebot's fap material
ffa2d0 No.5616114
This anon has been through the modern age, the post modern age, and now living in the age of deception. As far as this movement is concerned, we appear to be fighting fire with fire (deception with deception), but when the arrests all habben, hopefully the political bullshit, deception will be over. Transparency will reign supreme. If not, this shit will all have been for naught.
36c744 No.5616116
Don't confuse the actions of governments with the will of their people.
6f7ed9 No.5616120
…and grand canyon to go with it.
2a6083 No.5616121
It will prove his innocence though - and he’s had his time to inject his evidence. I do agree with what you’re saying tho…Sullivan is just a formality at this point.
08292d No.5616122
That's just what I believe was happening. She could have simply been casing the joint.
0cf126 No.5616124
Citizen American?
14c353 No.5616126
This is NOT a free speech board. Just look.
c15534 No.5616127
i pray you arent toying with us
d60c32 No.5616128
I have watched at least one interview. His body language says it all. Liar. Liar.
ad18b9 No.5616129
You could tell us that before the liquor store closes, anon.
9709da No.5616130
which podesta is that?
51349f No.5616131
Yeah it is. That ones a high milage number I believe.
14c353 No.5616133
What is the keystone?
In all aspects?
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
In this context, what is the keystone?
Why don't we answer?
The answer lies deeper.
Why don't we try to answer?
Some truths are difficult to accept.
Reality is stranger than we commonly think.
What keeps us from diving into this question?
Why do “anons” insist on more superficial answer, and get angry if the question is pushed deeper?
What is ULTIMATE keystone, underneath it all…?
What is the 'THOUGHT' of Satan? What does that mean?
What forms of manifestation are possible?
Consider concepts of 'transhumanism'– upload your 'self'…?
Apply that sort of concept more broadly…?
Think about ALL THE DATA OF HUMANITY– which we know is being guzzled and collected for some reason… and nothing we know gives us the reason…..
What is the 'thought' of humanity?
Could you call ALL THE DATA a thought, or image, of humanity as a whole?
And if you MIRROR that (INVERTING the value), then, perhaps, do you manifest PURE EVIL?
The THOUGHT of 'satan'?
b9c28f No.5616135
f57b5d No.5616136
fe31e6 No.5616138
so now it's march 21 ????????????????
then I saw the other day the clock calculated to the 14 of april.
hope they've got the next generation of autists lined up, I'm dying here literally as we all are
51349f No.5616139
36c744 No.5616140
The sooner this bitch swings, the better.
8d9da6 No.5616141
At this point, doesn't matter if he is innocent or not. He had the chance to change his plea. He chose not to, for whatever reason.
834a30 No.5616142
We have the meats.
9642bd No.5616143
Government should serve the People
The People should not serve Government
d1febe No.5616144
You don't get the picture .. one example Turkey has for years westernized itself . in hopes of joining the EU.. now they know that won't happen so their returning to their ottoman roots
ad18b9 No.5616145
ten days o' darkness, or ten days of havoc
b5a818 No.5616146
johnny corpsehead?
db4903 No.5616147
It appears that the Farm Aid Bill is aiding 'The Farm' in DC"
"Farmers" in Aspen, Colorado, got $278,000, while the fertile plots of New York City were fertilized with $2.8 million, according to a study from OpenTheBooks.
Congress is back at the drawing board, writing an update to the farm bill — though budget watchdogs say there is little chance that lawmakers will rein in the kinds of policies that shelled out $13.2 billion last year, with much of that going to "crop insurance" subsidies.
Top recipients get checks for millions of dollars, with almost 400 farmers hitting the $1 million mark. Pinicon Farms in Iowa topped the list by collecting $9.9 million, followed by the Heard Family Farm in Georgia with $8.9 million and the Harder Farms Partnership in Minnesota with $8.7 million.
At least those are areas Americans usually associate with farming. Not so for hundreds of millions of dollars that flow to urban areas including Chicago, New York and Washington. In 2017 alone, almost $5 million went to people living in America’s wealthiest ZIP codes, OpenTheBooks says.
A dozen members of Congress also end up getting cash from the legislation, the study found.
The top congressional recipient was Rep. Doug LaMalfa, a California Republican who has received $1.27 million in farm subsidies since 2015, and $637,059 in 2017 alone, OpenTheBooks reports. Rep. David G. Valadao, California Republican, took in $50,613 and Sen. Jon Tester, Montana Democrat, received $29,955.
Mr. LaMalfa, a millionaire, is a member of the House Agriculture Committee who has averaged some $87,000 in annual subsidies across two decades. Mr. Valadao is, along with his brothers, a part owner of a dairy farm in California that closed this year after failing to repay some $8.3 million in loans, according to local reports.
Mr. Coburn said it was unconscionable for lawmakers to get such handouts and that he believes it violates congressional ethics for members who set and approve departmental budgets to also get paid through them.
"I brought this up to the ethics committee when I was in Congress, and they just laughed at me," he said.
af0a51 No.5616148
palestine is not now and has never been a nation
it is now and always has been a geographic region
people that live there are these days referred to
as palestinians but it is still not a nation
it could be a nation if the palestinian "leaders" would agree
it is true that the jews were a minority pop. in palestine after WW1
and it is true that britain granted the land to a jewish state and (arguably) violated the spirit of the deal with the arabs who had joined us in WW1
but they got SA and jordan and parts of syria
its history now just like many indigenous peoples all over the world that got screwed by the cabal - too late
or you can take it up with lord rothschild and the queen
and you could remind the attackers in 1967 they fucked up bad
dccbf1 No.5616150
They are censoring me says the anon posting about being censored while clearly not being censored.
52991c No.5616151
LARP. 15 minutes of fame.
cdafa8 No.5616152
Frens, Anons, Faggots,
lend me your ears;
I come here to inspire you,
not to shill.
The evil that men do lives on and on
and their good is often buried with them
tucked away on a scrap of paper
in the inner breast pocket
of their Sunday best coat.
But we, unlike Caesar or Alexander or Patton,
We are Alive and on the edge of the Abyss.
We are blessed to be here
in a timeline that matters.
Together, we are STRONG.
We have fought side-by-side
in the great Meme War
through mockery and ridicule
and loss of family and friends…
old men forget
yet All shall be forgot;
however, he that lives past these days
shall lift his shirt
or roll his sleeves
and show his scars with pride
and honor…above all else:
Though some of us be lost
in the Chaos of this battle,
we that survive
shall share in the solace
of Freedom
in a Brave New World.
And we shall toast
in remembrance of the
brave souls that were lost
in this Battle of Evermore.
We few, we happy few, we band of Anons.
For we that have suffered for Truth,
in some cases, thirty years,
this is our moment.
The time is now.
The place is here.
We may not be the Anons
that we thought we might one day be:
Such is life.
And yet, we are here:
we shall sell out lives dearly.
We shall NEVER surrender.
We shall fight
and we shall meme
and we shall red-pill
and we shall meme some more.
We are WARRIORS in the battle for the Truth
in the WAR for the mind.
And long after we have
returned to dust as promised
and returned to Peace
in the arms of our Creator:
good men will teach tell their sons
good mothers will sing the songs
in the ears of their daughters
the ears of our sons
our heirs,
sad ballads
of our bravery
of our sacrifice
of our dogged strength
of our insistence
of our honorable and relentless,
and dogged perseverance
in the name of Truth
and of Justice
and the American Way.
Frens, Anons, Faggots:
Let us pledge our Lives
and our Fortunes
and our Sacred Honor.
The Final Battle is at hand.
We are at the cross-roads
of our Civilization
and the Universe
is holding its breath.
Don't fucking back out now, Faggots.
It's Habbening.
Here and Now.
Hold the Line.
We Will Not Be Defeated!
May God bless us
and our Potus
and all whom we hold dear;
deliver us
For Life,
For Love,
For Freedom,
Let us charge,
Memes at the ready.
For God and for Country…
Fire at Will.
God Bless Us, Everyone.
Lock & Load, bishes.
ca1534 No.5616153
Our founding fathers would be in tears if they knew how far we let it go
69cfff No.5616156
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Bill Cooper / HOTT presentation on vaccination theory, fraud and systematic abuse of State power to deceive and rob us.
There are 6 hours of audio here
Without further ado, Alex Loglia Presents: The Inconvenient Truth About Vaccinations
audio: http://www.hourofthetime.com/bcmp3/137.mp3
bdb697 No.5616157
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Protocols of the Elders of Zion
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
7a10a4 No.5616160
Big deal for Boeing following Trump's Vietnam visit. I wonder is someone didn't like the idea of this deal going through. The 737 max was a big part of this order. From the article:
Vietnam's Bamboo Airways and VietJet Aviation signed deals to buy 110 aircraft from Boeing Co. during President Donald Trump's visit to Hanoi for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un…VietJet's order is for 100 737 Max planes valued at $12.7 billion, Boeing said Wednesday.
Vietnam's airlines are expanding their fleets as rising incomes and the area’s growing economies are spurring many to fly for the first time, boosting demand in the Asia-Pacific region, whose air-travel market is projected to surpass that of North America and Europe combined. Demand in Vietnam is also expected to climb after U.S. regulators last month gave their approval to the nation's air-safety system, making its airlines eligible to begin direct flights to the U.S. and code-share with American carriers.
The Chicago-based plane-maker had been involved in the effort to get the safety rating, which would allow state-owned Vietnam Airlines to launch nonstop flights to Los Angeles and San Francisco, and proceed with a long-planned order for either Boeing 777-8 or Airbus A350-1000 aircraft.
Vietnam Airlines is considering purchasing as many as 100 737 Max planes this year to replace its aging fleet of Airbus SE single-aisle jets, with the new aircraft due for delivery between 2020 and 2030, Chief Executive Officer Duong Tri Thanh said in an interview last week. It may also buy long-range aircraft in preparation for flights to California.
Bamboo plans to order as many as 25 narrow- and wide-body Boeing aircraft this year, on top of the 10 Dreamliners it agreed to buy Wednesday, according to people familiar with the matter. The carrier has said it plans to fly to the U.S. later this year or early 2020, with possible routes to Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Separately, General Electric Co. signed a $5.3 billion deal with VietJet to service engines for 200 Boeing 737 Max aircraft on order.
d60c32 No.5616161
Anon, please. Cats are all about themselves.
You still gonna double down?
bdb697 No.5616162
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
8c4125 No.5616163
Maybe those faggots in the hospital should have voted better.
dccbf1 No.5616164
If you believe in literalism.
8c4125 No.5616165
517769 No.5616167
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5616158
'Working' together on other 'events'…
b9c28f No.5616168
LARP these nuts. Where's the fame faggot?
6904d6 No.5616170
Ever wonder if the France yellow vest riots are just staged bullshit for western eyes? Like all the staged shootings. I do.
4af00a No.5616171
The highest ranking Anon.
ed02ed No.5616172
I still think that’s Maggie under that mask. kek
b4e235 No.5616173
geffen is doing a "look over here" thing with neverland…I never got the pedo vibe…just broken, wounded…abused…pain…sad….love…confusion…but never pedo. that does NOT mean he didn't but his music…"they don't really care about us" and I'm guessing Speilburg and others used…well that's another story.
bdb697 No.5616174
I'd love to, trust me.
834a30 No.5616175
Yes, I’ll take my buns toasted please.
52991c No.5616176
In yer head, homo.
5fc9ab No.5616177
You won't get much argument here with that.
In reality, I wish you luck.
I just watched the most recent Blackpilled video. It sums up the plan and Trump pretty well.
You should probably check it out.
8c4125 No.5616180
d14887 No.5616183
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5616094
>Wade Robson
truly… that is interesting about his shirt.
2a6083 No.5616184
It’s fairly widely known that Sullivan already presumes he’s innocent and is astounded by his guilty plea…but if he was let off based on his innocence, he couldn’t inject more evidence as a witness in the case. He plead guilty to inject evidence against the DS. That’s common knowledge with anons.
937359 No.5616186
Oh, Zuzana! Oh Dontchyou cry for meme!
I come from Kekistana, with the Anons on my team!
7613df No.5616187
1 year delta coming up, this Friday!
1d7376 No.5616189
You have Serious Mental issues.
Drop some acid and you can Talk to Bots all you want and strike a peace deal until the Acid wears off.
Pathetic the amount of your time you waste with this nonsense not you mention ours and Shit every Bread
ad18b9 No.5616191
we trust the clam
9ad755 No.5616192
Jeff Sessions followed Trump’s demand for investigations into Hillary Clinton: documents show
American Oversight used the Freedom of Information Act to secure documents that revealed former Attorney General Jeff Sessions agreed to open an investigation into Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
According to the documents, the Republican-led Judiciary Committee and Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd consulted with Sessions on reviewing accusations against the Clinton. In a Nov. 13, 2017 letter to U.S. Attorney for the District of Utah John Huber, Sessions “requested that you review the matters referenced in the enclosed.”
“Your recommendations should include whether any matters not currently under investigation warrants the opening of an investigation, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources or further investigation, and whether any matters would merit the appointment of a Special Counsel,” the letter said.
It appears Huber never found anything that warranted an investigation, or presumably, the GOP would have hauled the Clintons back into another hearing.
Trump continues to attack Sessions for recusing himself from any investigations into the Trump campaign and the Clintons. Indeed, Sessions addressed the Clinton emails and “other matters from the Clinton Foundation” during his confirmation hearing before Congress. It’s for this reason Sessions sent the information to someone outside of his office.
“On November 13, 2017, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote to former House Judiciary Committee Chair Robert Goodlatte informing him that Sessions had directed ‘senior federal prosecutors’ to evaluate issues the congressman had raised in previous letters,” wrote American Oversight. “Goodlatte had written to Sessions calling for the appointment of a second special counsel to investigate Clinton, the Uranium One sale, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s handling of the inquiry into Clinton’s use of a private email server.”
Trump continues to rant against Clinton, saying that she conspired with Russia, though he hasn’t specifically cited the Uranium One sale. PolitFact rates the conspiracy theory surrounding the issue as “mostly false,” though that hasn’t stopped the president’s allies from pushing the conspiracy.
“In November 2018, DOJ filed a motion for summary judgment in the ongoing litigation, asserting that no records of any written directives existed,” the site said. “In support of that motion, DOJ submitted a sworn declaration claiming that officials with direct knowledge of the situation — including both Huber and Whitaker — had stated there were no written directives and that all instructions to Huber had been delivered orally in meetings or small discussions.”
The information was an outright lie to the court, that has finally been uncovered, but not because of a ruling. Just two days before acting-Attorney General Matthew Whitaker left and Bill Barr took over, the documents were “found.”
“It strains credulity to believe that the Justice Department didn’t know about this letter when they swore under penalty of perjury that it didn’t exist — you don’t exactly forget about a formal directive to investigate Hillary Clinton signed by Jeff Sessions,” said American Oversight executive director Austin Evers. “The fact that they only ‘found’ it the same week Matthew Whitaker was heading for the exit makes it hard to see DOJ’s previous denial as anything but a deliberate attempt to conceal the extent to which President Trump’s authoritarian demands were being put into action.”
American Oversight was able to obtain the documents by suing the Department of Justice in 2017 and they were finally awarded them this week.
52991c No.5616193
Now you are ready for 1st Grade.
86356c No.5616194
China grounded its entire domestic fleet of Boeing Co. 737 Max planes after a model crashed in Africa on Sunday, a person familiar with the matter said, as scrutiny intensifies on the U.S. manufacturer’s best-selling jet.
a59021 No.5616195
>>5616152 boom shakalaka boom, sir
b4e235 No.5616199
damn guise they been posting the ugliest tits I've seen around this place…sum ting wong.
5df226 No.5616200
Confirmed. Tomorrow or Tuesday. For at least as much as the wapo suit.
8c4125 No.5616202
834a30 No.5616203
Also known as TimeGasm.
52991c No.5616207
5fc9ab No.5616208
Good for sessions
Nothing came out of it.
The show continues.
The clown movie.
Protect the elite class
9f3e98 No.5616210
[d(-_^)freedumb]**,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )
>>5508839 deep and dumb
>>5460552 join Illuminati now
>>5521544 twinkie dues
>>5520855 some strange rooster
>>5479200 potatoe with buthole lips twat
>>5479185 cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon
>>5479165 cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon
>>5479140 potatoe with buthole lips mens black shirt
>>5479139 the epistle Karl MArx
>>5479128 bacon
>>5479123 sickle
>>5479120 damn russian bots
>>5479117 lynn is a shitty jew
51349f No.5616211
You should be killed.
937359 No.5616212
Don't have any sauce yet, but it was just on the interview tonight.
I'm pretty excited about this!
52991c No.5616214
It sure as fuck won't be you, nigger.
8de485 No.5616215
To do not do so, is UN-AMERICAN!
25039d No.5616216
That's the "Red Scarfs" you probably mean.
Also I'd bet the "Red Scarfs" haven't heard about doorknobs much.
ca0f97 No.5616217
I'm honored to have contributed.
Meme on anon…
3005c4 No.5616218
I wonder if this is why [they] hit him so hard for CNN…? I wonder what went on after the cameras were turned off. I wonder if this was a last ditch effort of getting at Assange? If so, who knows what [they] would've done to try and get him to talk. Keep Roger Stone in your prayers!
c75dbf No.5616219
8d9da6 No.5616220
All of which changes nothing that I said.
501067 No.5616221
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: acc52d No.5101092 📁
Feb 9 2019 22:54:04 (EST)
615671 No.5616226
95656e No.5616227
>>5615899 pb's notable about yellow vests storming mason lodges
Are you guys sure it got out of hand? I'm pretty sure they got right in hand…
8c4125 No.5616230
52991c No.5616233
What are waiting for, fellow Americans?
Get humping!
2a6083 No.5616234
True - but that was the reason. So we’re good?
3b49dd No.5616236
HEADLINE: “Cruz's Dad: Trump 'Would Be Worse Than Hillary Clinton'”. [The Hill, 4/20/16<http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/276958-cruzs-dad-trump-would-be-worse-than-hillary-clinton>]
Rafael Cruz Said That Donald Trump Would Be Worse Than Hillary Clinton As President. “The father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz says party front-runner Donald Trump would be ‘worse than Hillary Clinton’ as president. ‘We've got to realize, Donald Trump is more of a Democrat than a Republican. … He has been funding Democrats like [New York Sen.] Chuck Schumer, like Sen. Harry Reid, like Anthony Weiner, like [New York Mayor Bill] de Blasio and many others,’ Rafael Cruz told Breitbart News Daily. ‘For forty years he has been supporting all these ultra-liberal politicians. He would be worse than Hillary Clinton, but he cannot beat Hillary Clinton.’ Cruz defended his comments, saying that poll after poll shows Trump losing to Clinton in a general election by double-digits. ‘Donald Trump cannot beat Hillary Clinton,’ he said. ‘That would be the dream ticket for Hillary Clinton, because all the polls show that Donald Trump would lose and would lose by a landslide.’”
f62175 No.5616238
Notables so far
>>5616081 Tomorrow is [-30]
>>5616160 Big deal for Boeing following Trump's Vietnam visit
>>5616192 Jeff Sessions followed Trump’s demand for investigations into Hillary Clinton
af0a51 No.5616239
mebbe you should go back to your muslim cuntry where you belong
here in the usa we are judeo christian
others religions are welcome unless they subvert us as you are attempting to do
f80b85 No.5616240
No maybe we can't fire his ass.
So instead we'll just start printing our own fucking money.
You slimy fuckers at the FED can print someone else' money if they want to continue to do it.
So long.
Normies have now clue who they are anyway.
They won't even know the Fed is gone.
8de485 No.5616242
Say "NO" to more migration… Say "YES" to increasing the CURRENT American's birth-rate.
937359 No.5616243
March 15th=Ides of March
April 2nd=National Autism Awareness Day
Get ready, Anons!
It's Habbening!
8d9da6 No.5616244
It's been all over twitterverse today the CNN being sued for $250 million. Suit will be filed tomorrow.
25039d No.5616245
No idea what you're talking about.
but pic relates.
b4e235 No.5616246
why the fuck would you waste your time getting excited over a case that will drag on for 5-10 years?
b898af No.5616247
>>5615906 (lb)
You mean "I ain't falling for the banana in the tailpipe again"…hahaha
52991c No.5616248
Ooga booga I gots shit on my shoe
And niggers to feed
c75dbf No.5616249
Lil' Marco's dad is obviously Rain Man smart
32ae03 No.5616251
Hey, thanks for telling us all that stuff no one else knows. You must really be a genius, memorizing it all at age 12. Let us know more, will ya?
82584b No.5616253
creation includes good and evil
never embrace evil AI bot or human
9753b7 No.5616255
Whoa, Bruce connected to Deripaska through Steele.
DNC and Deripaska were paying Steele.
What was Deripaska paying Steele to do?
DNC was paying for dossier.
12c1db No.5616256
Let's hope he is a man of his word.
45c9b5 No.5616257
615671 No.5616258
8c4125 No.5616260
69cfff No.5616261
Did anybody catch this yt? Posted 12 hours 4 minutes ago. Notice says the account has been terminated.
5df226 No.5616263
Lin Wood, Nicholas Sandmann’s attorney said he’ll be filing his lawsuit against cnn tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. For at least the same amount as the wapo one, perhaps moar.
dccbf1 No.5616264
DNC & Deripaska & FBI were paying Steele
cdafa8 No.5616265
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Xg9aQvjMS60" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
14dd7c No.5616266
Thought so. Anon from (pb) was right.
51349f No.5616267
How did that ugly kike ever get on TV? Never mind…
52991c No.5616268
Excuse me but I need to schlep some shit
5b4ce5 No.5616269
45c9b5 No.5616270
comparison would be better without the shades on Chester.
b4e235 No.5616271
I can promise you my people been in the USA for thousands of years before your white christian ass even knew the earth was round. fuck off with your superstitious sky fairy…back to wherever the fuck you came from.
c75dbf No.5616273
:::Starts petition on WH.GOV to ban Sharia Law:::
9709da No.5616274
what happened to carnegie's money and family
ca0f97 No.5616277
You've my attention.
f22d86 No.5616278
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. phil was talking to us…morans/morons…kek
3a2d44 No.5616279
you leaving already?
35829f No.5616280
ffa2d0 No.5616281
Everyone has an opinion on the Fed. Myself included. My opinion is that the Fed is dealing in fiat currency, so my goal is to get into phenomenal amounts of debt before (((it))) collapses, then all my debt will be based on useless currency and therefore null.
<Stares at new Lambo on the driveway>
b898af No.5616282
Love the part when he says.."I can have the agency crawl up your butt with a microscope…I've seen it done…it's not a pretty sight"…
ad2337 No.5616284
Always lurking. 8chan Autists are heroes.
6904d6 No.5616286
That would suck if they all left suddenly.
9753b7 No.5616287
All 3 paid for dossier or for different reasons?
b4e235 No.5616288
was I talking to you asshole? Cause i don't think I was talking to you..but thanks for your opinion..oh, and pic related.
b88d23 No.5616289
That is sick to even think about but is def possible knowing that all mankind sin in someway or another…
c75dbf No.5616290
It was too obvious. Especially when it says "Reports of" Not 3 shot gunman still on the loose. Just, "Reports of"
8d9da6 No.5616291
I said "for whatever reason" because we don't have proof, just suspicion he worked for DIA. We're good.
937359 No.5616292
Hah! Our Vigilance worked!
8c4125 No.5616293
648f1d No.5616294
I'm good with that.
d60c32 No.5616296
.kek. good one, but I dunno.
51349f No.5616297
We should send you drunk fucks back to Siberia. You're a bunch of losers.
08292d No.5616298
He would have came if I told him we have the cure.
f80b85 No.5616300
Mental Health
I question if being here for so long is good on anon's mental health.
I've been saying some crazy shit and sometimes I just can't keep my mouth shut about this bull shit here and I know I should.
Fear I'm turning into grumpy old man at 45
45c9b5 No.5616301
Even though he had the name tag. He doesn't look like a Commander in Chief. It looks like a leisure suit. Something one would wear going bowling.
It was healthy to ignore him for 8 years. Such a Fraud.
9753b7 No.5616302
WE are lucky to have you.
065481 No.5616303
Well he got to the bottom of Russian Collusion. Man HillandBill are doing the heavy liftin lately, they must be lookin real good.
52991c No.5616304
They call everything anal fishing.
edf8a0 No.5616305
SGT, you have a really good voice for what you do.
ca0f97 No.5616306
Feels like Aeons ago.
652c07 No.5616307
Beware the Ides of March (3-15)
7681e9 No.5616308
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5b7643 No.614101 📁
Mar 10 2018 14:06:48 (EST)
Guns are safe.
Stop falling for FAKE NEWS.
I hope someone in the hospital has a CCW and blows the gunman away
8de485 No.5616309
Say "NO" to more migration… Say "YES" to increasing the CURRENT American's BIRTH-RATE!
6467fb No.5616310
The thing about a meth head is they don't know when to shut up.
They can't help it.
All that misdirected energy has to go somewhere while they count the minutes to their next bump.
So they twitch and tweak and shit post with 'authority' while IRL they have none.
They have no sovereignty.
They have no 'authority.'
They are owned by a poison, dealt them by their enemies, that they willingly steal or sell or trade for.
It matters not who they steal from, sell to, or trade with.
What matters is that they get their next bump.
The meth head has no authenticity; self has been long replaced by self-loathing couched in seething anger prone to periodic explosion.
Meth heads have flammable personalities.
And they don't know when to just shut up.
They can't help it.
Their enemies own them.
Meth is their fren.
8c4125 No.5616312
f57b5d No.5616313
Exclusive - Saudi's Falih says no OPEC+ output policy change until June
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Saudi oil minister Khalid al-Falih said on Sunday it would be too early to change OPEC+ output policy at the group's meeting in April and that China and the U.S. would lead healthy global demand for oil this year.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies such as Russia – known as the OPEC+ alliance – will meet in Vienna on April 17-18, with another gathering scheduled for June 25-26.
Falih said the group was unlikely to change its output policy in April and if required would make adjustments in June.
"We will see what happens by April, if there is any unforeseen disruption somewhere else, but barring this I think we will just be kicking the can forward," Falih said.
"We will see where the market is by June and adjust appropriately," Falih said after a meeting with Indian oil minister Dharmendra Pradhan in New Delhi.
OPEC member United Arab Emirates (UAE) said on Sunday it would continue to meet its obligations to cut supply under the producer agreement.
"We will continue to deliver on the OPEC & Non-OPEC commitment for voluntary production adjustments until the global market is re-balanced," Minister of Energy and Industry Suhail al-Mazrouei said on Twitter.
On Jan. 1, OPEC+ began new production cuts to avoid a supply glut that threatened to soften prices. The group agreed to reduce supply by 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd) for six months.
Sources recently said the most likely scenario is that the current supply cuts will be extended in June but much depends on the extent of U.S. sanctions on OPEC members Iran and Venezuela.
OPEC's share of the cuts is 800,000 bpd, to be delivered by 11 members – all except Iran, Libya and Venezuela, which are exempt. The baseline for the reduction was in most cases their output in October 2018.
For Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter, Falih said output in April was expected to remain at this month's level of 9.8 million bpd.
"Aramco is finalising their April allocations today or tomorrow so we will know more on Monday. But my expectation is that April is going to be pretty much like March".
46c83d No.5616318
Speaking of kikes, someone should 'shop that little war monger Joe Lieberman into that . Perfect meme material there.
People seem to forget that he is chin deep in all of this fuckery.
a36dc7 No.5616319
I'm gonna assume some shits goin down tomorrow/this week since it's radio silence today. Gotta get prepped and ready to go.
af0a51 No.5616320
> had stated there were no written directives and that all instructions to Huber had been delivered orally in meetings or small discussions.”
>The information was an outright lie to the court
except is wasnt a lie - LOL
KEK! the DOJ answered truthfully with lawyerspeak -
here was the exact answer:
“when the Attorney General directed Mr. Huber to evaluate these matters, no written guidance or directives were issued to Mr. Huber in connection with this directive, either by the Attorney General, or by other senior leadership office staff.”
that is technically true - the letter contains no "written guidance or directives" - it does contain a REQUEST from Congress to Sessions which was then passed along to Huber - as the letter states:
"i have requested that you review the matter referenced in the enclosed letter…" and goes on to specify the scope of the REQUEST that he is PASSING ON to Huber to Huber without guidance or directives. So the answer was cagey and literal but NOT false.
LOL - shit works both ways folks - MSM spins - what goes around comes around - but if its not them it a LIE! KEK
sauce for FOIA quote - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/it-exists-doj-finds-letter-ordering-scrutiny-of-uranium-one-hillary-clinton/ar-BBUzHJZ?ocid=st
52991c No.5616322
Well explored territory.
b4e235 No.5616323
When the power goes out….ya'll fucked.
419825 No.5616324
Ooh, new screen shot. Same copy pasta
14dd7c No.5616325
"We heard from someone that something was happening somewhere, so we reported that something was happening somewhere"
Today's news "Journalists"
Never checked their Tweet responses…might be worth a Kek or two, be right back.
a4a162 No.5616326
Just a setup so anons will feel let down. Not gonna work.
edf8a0 No.5616327
14f58e No.5616328
Lookin' up military terms, Total Quality makes the most sense…
499573 No.5616330
Two versions, one without devil horns on his head and one with.
f80b85 No.5616332
32ae03 No.5616334
Yeah, that's you all over. Thanks for confirming.
8de485 No.5616335
Entire towns of whites are disappearing…
cdafa8 No.5616336
I've lurked moar and moar.
I've researched
and then some moar,
We're close to the end.
We shall defend our civilization
whatever the costs may be
we will fight on the beaches
we will fight on the landing grounds
we will fight on the fields
and in the streets
we will defeat these niggers
whatever the cost may be
we will fight in the skies
we will fight in the heavens
we will fight on the seas
\and in outer space
f9a080 No.5616337
DARPA things
Nothing to see here
dccbf1 No.5616338
We assume that BUT we shouldn't
51349f No.5616339
d60c32 No.5616340
Nice of you to drop in and share your homo porn with us. Now GTFO.
75f99c No.5616341
this place is better for your mental health than poppin pills..
1f1f9f No.5616342
They have no plans on doing that,
they are here for war, sleeper cells have been
waiting for the "go" call.
White hats are perfectly aware of their large
existence, I would like to know what they are doing about it.
6dc8c4 No.5616344
We've seen shome shit, Anon. Ain't ez, is it.
bb7d06 No.5616345
Odds AOC is actually a Muzzie herself?
32e6eb No.5616346
It's a video retard… Click it.
Holy fuck you are stupid.
8c4125 No.5616347
8d9da6 No.5616348
Deripaska paid Steele to lobby for him. He was trying to get back into the US. It should also be noted that Ohr's testimony said FBI was trying to get Deripaska into the country.
652c07 No.5616349
Apparently he only had one child, a daughter who married into the Miller family…
52991c No.5616350
>Entire towns of whites are disappearing…
Scary, eh?
45c9b5 No.5616351
It 's not even a closely plausible LARP
So some Russian spy paid to undermine Trump and Help Hillary.
517769 No.5616353
Was this a 'harvest' operation?
501067 No.5616356
af0a51 No.5616357
we were here first
f57b5d No.5616359
POTUS can fire the fed. This is just posturing by the FRB trying to make it look like he does not have the authority.
69ba65 No.5616361
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5616256
can you imagine a United States without Muslims?
c34c0c No.5616362
52991c No.5616363
Well, whatcha waiting for? Provide it.
51349f No.5616364
Idiot, I live on a hobby farm and my rifle doesn't take electricity.
c75dbf No.5616366
Kek! SAW belt as a garter
501067 No.5616368
ac15e4 No.5616369
what does that mean exactly?
446123 No.5616371
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Sister wife Omar admits she took terrorist classes.
45c9b5 No.5616372
she resembles huma's sister huta [?]
sorry HEBA
6dc8c4 No.5616373
>I would like to know what they are doing about it.
Pockets everywhere. Hancock, NY pic related
5fc9ab No.5616374
Just turned 48 and am doing the same.
But,i believe that this whole thing is probably bullshit.
Hope its not,but looking more and more like it is.
Back to the sheep farm. May as well. Ignorance is bliss.
No action by Trump on major promises. Lock her up was a good one.
Drain the swamp. Pisssshhhhhh. He hires Acosta,Epsteins savior.
Cant make this shit up.
Now,moar immigrants to replace American citizens and workers. Stop the ride. I'm getting off this cabal merry go round
9f3e98 No.5616376
fake jew cocaine gave ya the farts huh
652c07 No.5616377
Her ex-hubby died in 1983. A retired civil engineer…
501067 No.5616378
51349f No.5616381
Yikes I take it all back.
e86c0f No.5616382
Shall We Play A Game?
How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
Primary topic(s)?
March Madness.
Do you have your [ ] filled in?
e7bdbe No.5616384
0cf126 No.5616385
ffa2d0 No.5616386
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5616344
Yep. Here's a golden oldie for ya while ya lurk.
17f7c4 No.5616387
"Ransacked" ??
Looks more like Masons that want to pull a FF and didn't want to mess up their Satanic lodge too bad.
615671 No.5616388
af0a51 No.5616391
den u go to wait wachhers to swet if off
but it don wurk
399489 No.5616392
9753b7 No.5616393
Not an assuumption, a question.
Did all 3 pay for dossier?
Or did they pay for different reasons?
It is said DNC paid for dossier.
Haven't heard why other 2 paid. FBI, Russian lady.
So Steele is collecting checks over bad info?
b4e235 No.5616394
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
42addb No.5616395
We have 2 choices - Do "something" or Do nothing.
I choose "Something"
1a07d1 No.5616397
I imagine the Q Team is very busy tonight.
14dd7c No.5616399
And with that i'm outta here. Godspeed Night Crew.
8de485 No.5616400
If Trump truly cared about this nation and it's people, he wouldn't be pissing on their existence by encouraging their destruction through his support of mass-migration. Period.
446123 No.5616401
Skip to 16:30, she says it at 16:48
17f7c4 No.5616402
937359 No.5616403
513049 No.5616404
In the 'everybody has an opinion' heap
Rough times for Macron, Merkel, Siemens, Airbus, euro banks…. it is going to get bumpier
d1febe No.5616407
Psalms 137:5
“If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.”
8c4125 No.5616408
46c83d No.5616409
And so it begins.
Get 'em Q.
aad124 No.5616412
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5616114
Russia's laughing at how retarded our school system is. . .
Case in point. This fool thinks we came 'evolved' from a monkey…
C'mon Anon. . . Even the Bible will tell you better than that.
52991c No.5616414
e5c8c3 No.5616415
moar sauce:
07cf62 No.5616416
Oh…it's cozy now!
cdafa8 No.5616417
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Nothing, you cunts.
You don't even need to be brave now, bitches.
Just be Loyal.
You know what that is, right?
6dc8c4 No.5616420
>Mental Health
Lil assist for you, Anon:
When you've reached my age, you've earned the right to be grumpy.
c75dbf No.5616421
Is Declas the free center square?
501067 No.5616422
9a5e25 No.5616423
9709da No.5616424
I read that he donated most all of his money and left his daughter very little, relative to his fortune.
Somehow I aint buying that.
who really got his fortune?
51349f No.5616425
Shouldn't you be out arresting someone? The 19th will be here before you know it. Just sayin.
a1a489 No.5616426
c20082 No.5616427
edf8a0 No.5616428
e787bf No.5616429
The brackets represent who will got knocked out in each round!
[XX] - knocked out in first round of arrest/indictments.
[[XX]] - knocked out in 2nd round.
[[[XX]]] - 3rd round, etc..
It might be the reverse, however.
eff493 No.5616430
From the Federal Reserve Act:
"Each member so appointed shall serve for no more than ten years unless removed by the President for cause"
f57b5d No.5616431
>Thus the probability of a draw is (16 × 4! × 5!)/9! = 8/63.
aa2d0b No.5616432
The zionist puppet in Venezuela can't install himself
2c1f4a No.5616434
Last years bracket was …KANSAS
ee219e No.5616435
516b93 No.5616436
Many. I'm ready.
38fdd5 No.5616437
David Brock and shills - do you really think we don’t know about the transfer fees attached to money transfers between the various entities. You have the greatest money laundering operation ever conceived. It is known. It has already been before a grand jury. You know this. And yet you continue with your sedition. None of the shills are going to be paid after next week. We both know this is fact. Jamie, John, Tony et al can’t bail you out of this one. Game over.
8d9da6 No.5616438
May 15, 2018 —
Creator Challenge Difficulty Rating: Hard
This month's NSA Puzzle Periodical pays tribute to the 1983 motion picture "WarGames." In the movie a supercomputer is programmed to play Tic-Tac-Toe.
The computer plays itself with each X and O placed uniformly at random into any square (this means the computer plays without regard to strategy). What is the probability a game will end in a draw?
Assume perfect random number generation. The first X will be placed in any square with probability 1/9. The first O will go into any of the remaining squares with probability 1/8 and so on.
dd2635 No.5616439
3b49dd No.5616440
This Human Spambot is not worth your time. I think he might be mentally handicapped based on conversations ive had with him. Does not use logic or reason and has nothing to add to the convo…
b4e235 No.5616441
OH fuckitol…same shit as 2018 Ides of March approach…but wait..this year is different…and I'd say the same damn thing to your face.
1f1f9f No.5616442
[insurance] filled in?
f62175 No.5616444
Notables so far
>>5616081 Tomorrow is [-30]
>>5616160 Big deal for Boeing following Trump's Vietnam visit
>>5616192 Jeff Sessions followed Trump’s demand for investigations into Hillary Clinton
>>5616256 For Keks: Muslim leader says all muslims will leave the USA if POTUS bans Sharia
New Q so far:
>>5616382 ————————————–——– Do you have your [ ] filled in?
aac693 No.5616446
ad18b9 No.5616448
My brackets contain Brennan, Holder, Holder and Brennan. For now. Everything will resolve once these fucks are mowed down.
d46c52 No.5616449
9709da No.5616451
>Do you have your [ ] filled in?Q
Praise be to anon who figured out the connections of [ ] to NCAA tournament.
9753b7 No.5616452
>Do you have your [ ] filled in?
Do you have your brackets filled in? kek
c75dbf No.5616453
NCAA Men's basketball Tournament "March Madness" begins 3/19. Coincidence?
8c16c5 No.5616454
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Disinformation is necessary.
Who would have thought the most hated person would be the biggest Patriot among us?
We owe him so much gratitude for taking slings and arrows from us in the name of disinformation and deception.
Shills will hate this post
48b7de No.5616455
How am I doing so far Q?
7f8339 No.5616456
10spaces in kill bracket… what 10 characters?
d60c32 No.5616457
8c4125 No.5616458
d75349 No.5616460
399489 No.5616461
eaa05c No.5616463
You are presenting to us that you have the mental facilities of an NPC, what would you like us to do with this information?
dd1473 No.5616464
12 RT's in 12 hours
mostly dealing with high-level DC swamp stuff
b4e235 No.5616465
well it never hurts to dream..what were you dreaming about LAST year when the same damn shit was posted?
1e41cf No.5616466
Q, ty, for what you are doing for us. If possible, plz help us in Europe too!
516b93 No.5616467
for starters
188086 No.5616468
5fc9ab No.5616469
Hey Q. Say hi to Acosta for me.
Tell him to get some more child molesters off with a slap on the wrist.
My brackets are filled in. If this is all a game i only have one letter in it.
cdafa8 No.5616470
Only one charcter.
Your mom.
And her fat ass.
aad124 No.5616472
Q.., when can we sue the board of education for teaching kids lies? I'm seriously ticked off about this one. . .
edf8a0 No.5616473
Creator Challenge Difficulty Rating: Hard
This month's NSA Puzzle Periodical pays tribute to the 1983 motion picture "WarGames." In the movie a supercomputer is programmed to play Tic-Tac-Toe.
The computer plays itself with each X and O placed uniformly at random into any square (this means the computer plays without regard to strategy). What is the probability a game will end in a draw?
Assume perfect random number generation. The first X will be placed in any square with probability 1/9. The first O will go into any of the remaining squares with probability 1/8 and so on.
f57b5d No.5616475
From the Federal Reserve Act:
"Each member so appointed shall serve for no more than ten years unless removed by the President for cause"
this is what most people do not understand.
1ff452 No.5616477
will you share yours?
d60c32 No.5616478
42addb No.5616479
Evening Sir!! Let the Madness begin!!
0253f3 No.5616480
>How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
3:16 anyone?
e7bdbe No.5616481
11 DJT RT's in last 12 hrs, correct?
Is that significant because of the quantity?
Or bc it means he's someplace secure perhaps?
8de485 No.5616483
Mark my words… If/when whites become a minority, they will leave America in droves. And it will become exactly like the shit-hole the third-worlders we allowed in came from.
And don't forget this, white people… This is an assault on you and your people. If you cannot recognize that, you are retarded or need to pull your head out of your ass.
ac15e4 No.5616485
weapon or hostage situation.. REALLY stop fn around
bb7d06 No.5616486
Pic related…literally.
YES…did a WTF when I saw that a while back. Doubt it's her, but it made me wonder if AOC's got the Arab genes in her.
b4e235 No.5616489
do you have a fucking yellow vest? well putting it on and hitting the streets will do more for YOU than an invisible letter on the Internet.
48b7de No.5616490
Who's reflection is in the silver pen? https://qanonpress.wordpress.com/2019/01/05/the-great-awakening/
7ceadd No.5616491
I just love it when you show up
9709da No.5616493
>The brackets represent who will got knocked out in each round![XX] - knocked out in first round of arrest/indictments.[[XX]] - knocked out in 2nd round.[[[XX]]] - 3rd round, etc..It might be the reverse, however.
brackets to see who final 4 are?
Hussein, HRC, WJC, ??
c15534 No.5616494
46c83d No.5616495
It's going to take a while to get to her. Too many minions in line first.
8d9da6 No.5616496
Looks like Potus retweeted 11 times in last 12 hrs.
8c4125 No.5616497
a37f17 No.5616498
Was probably cover/optics for an apprehension (capture)
14dd7c No.5616499
What is the probability a game will end in a draw?
Answer: The probability of a draw is 8/63.
df956d No.5616503
> [ ]
Ten spaces…
Or intended to fill with word space.
[ ]
501067 No.5616504
FEB 9, 2019
ad18b9 No.5616505
Yep. But he quit, so big deal.
399489 No.5616507
She is the minion
eadb5e No.5616508
Sorry anon, but you do not understand the bible that well either.
1) Israel Is Not A Fulfillment Of Biblical Prophecy: The appellation “Israel” in the Bible primarily refers to the “faithful” who make up the “Church.”
[[In the OT God divorced Israel. The new Israel is a spiritual creation as you say, but it refers to those who were resurrected by their works and who make up the "Assembly" (Ecclesia) not a church (Circe). Paul did not start a church. He started assemblies.]]
The “Church” as described by St Paul in Chapter 9 of his Epistle To The Romans is made up of the “remnant” of the Jews and the “Gentiles” of the nations. Together, as St Paul writes in his Epistle To The Ephesians, are fused into being “one new man” known as “Christians.”
[[Again, churches are for pagans. Go google the word. And Paul had nothing to do with Christianity. It was formed 250 years after he died. Paul taught the WRITTEN LAW of God as he said in Acts 24:14. The reason you see the word Christian in the NT is that the King James people bastardized the bible. The changed MANY Words to make people think this story about Israel - it's rise, fall, and final rise - is now about some Lawless religions called Christianity. KJ bible changed many words such as Acts 12:4 changing the word Passover to Easter! They changed Holy Spirit to Holy Ghost. Assembly to church. Messianitie or "The way" to Christian, and many more such skewing.
2) The UN Partition Of *1947* Was Illegal: The UN awarded the Jews 55% of the land of Palestine even though their current holdings totaled only about 6% and their population was only about 35% (608,000) of all the Palestinians (1,237,000). The plan also gave the most fertile lands to the Jews but the mountainous regions to the Arabs.
In their War Of Aggression Of 1948 the Jews took additional Arab lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of Palestine which they kept and never gave back.
Even though this additional land was illegally gained in violation of the Hague Regulations (1907) and the UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force, these new boundaries soon became the “official” boundaries of the new State of Israel.
[[The UN in 47 or 48 made Jerusalem a "world heritage" city, or something like that in the same league as the Vatican, thus claiming jurisdiction over Jerusalem to 1 day usher in thior Anti-christ.]]
3) The State Of Israel Has Created Chaos From Its Inception: War crimes, International terrorism due to the illegal “rogue state of Israel,” political corruption by the Jewish Lobby, defamation of character to all critics of Israel, Jewish racist ideology, world wide instability due to Zionist hegemony, growing Western fascism, American debt & inflation for subsidizing Israel, are additional reasons why Israel should not exist.
THE only places in your stupid ass BIBLE where Israel "exists" (it never exists) is the OT aka Pentateuch and Septuagint which was written by the fucking jews…Evangelical xians have blood on their hands and this backwards religion …explain how did the obscure god of an even more obscure desert tribe come to rule the world?
[[The problem you have here is that you do not seem to understand that the Jews are NOT the tribes of Israel. It is Jews that are the problem not Israel itself. God's promises were to Israel not Jews and upon Jesus 2nd coming he will setup Israel and Jerusalem his way not the ways if men. I leave you with 2 snippets of scripture…
2Pe 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
2Pe 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
Isa 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
Isa 2:3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Isa 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
8c4125 No.5616509
065481 No.5616510
Alot more brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttt
for the kids, sir, for the children — please
eaa05c No.5616511
Send your kids to private school you fucking litigious idiot
4af00a No.5616512
Finally! Glad to see you sir!
f9a080 No.5616513
>>5616382 Loud and clear Sir
>>5615995 (lb) (me)
b4e235 No.5616514
right between the eyes…before you got your last K out….
bce141 No.5616516
Forwarded? As in Retweets of other peoples tweets or his own? or both?
9e0543 No.5616517
I have ideas, just waiting to hear back on the over/under
f62175 No.5616518
GOOD TO GO FOR [-30] ?
b88d23 No.5616519
51349f No.5616520
Oh yeah, small towns all across the midwest are dying. What Walmart didn't do to them the loss of small industry has. And now small family farms are being squeezed out by corporate farming. And literally no one in DC gives a fuck.
7306b7 No.5616521
March Madness
"Brackets" filled in.
7f25d7 No.5616522
OK ANONS LISTEN UP (as if I have any authority)
Q has told us SIX TIMES to BE LOUD / BE HEARD
Seems to me the only ones paying attention are the PATRIOT Yellow Vests.
Time to take it OUTSIDE Anons
POTUS, Q and Team have been doing the heavy lifting here!
(not to disparage the amazing effort of Anons)
No organization required to start…JUST SHOW UP at your local seat of government every Saturday at 2:00 p.m.,
or the highest level of government if more than one. Or an obvious public square.
BOOM before you know it Q ARMY shows up.
Starts with a one hour a week commitment!
Anons don't ask for justice, we DEMAND it.
Sing the anthem, meet each other, say a prayer…we are already friends.
It's not a party Anons….that comes later.
25039d No.5616524
Ten spaces b/w the brackets. Not sure if on purpose.
1a07d1 No.5616525
[8] out of [63] going down?
aeb4dc No.5616529
kicking chairs over huh, who gives a fuck
188086 No.5616530
ae00d9 No.5616531
maybe they are queerbaitin themselves
e787bf No.5616533
March Madness.
[ ] = playoff bracket chosen by gamblers
Q is asking Anons if they've made their guesses on who will get knocked out in the DS March Madness arrests/indictments and who will last until the finals.
Layers of brackets on previous posts likely represent how far they will go in the DS "playoffs."
[xx] = likely arrested/indicted first
[[xx]] = indicted in second round
[[[xx]]] = finals
Could be the reverse order.
cd3144 No.5616534
I count 4 RT's in the last 12hr's, Bossman.
81e2f8 No.5616535
brackets like march madness ppl do those gay bets
52991c No.5616537
You'll have to figger that on out on yer own, Mr. Flintstone.
38fdd5 No.5616539
6dc8c4 No.5616540
The brackets are ingenious.
768aaa No.5616541
c75dbf No.5616542
Operators are standing by. Payload is armed and ready. Awaiting sequence for carpet bombs…..
7ceadd No.5616543
edf8a0 No.5616545
d60c32 No.5616546
Doesnt mean he cant be indicted.
14dd7c No.5616547
14f58e No.5616551
These brackets?:
8de485 No.5616552
Well, I always thought they would revolt and take a stand against DIE-versity. But my countrymen are cucked, for the most-part.
As far as where they will go, it would likely vary… Besides, why would we tell a kike like you?
45c9b5 No.5616553
12 ? A lot of the topics are around the falling apart of the Russian collusion case they are trying to make against POTUS.
Schiff, Cohen, Mueller; names mentioned
ec248b No.5616554
Can we sue the media (and the pharmaceutical companies who control the media by purchasing 70% or so of their advertising) for lying about the safety and efficacy of vaccines leading to the development of autoimmunity, life threatening allergy, epilepsy, type 1 diabetes cancer, sterility, while STILL allowing the spread of mumps ( BTW,Merck is currently being sued BY ITS OWN SCIENTISTS who claim effectiveness of its mumps vaccine was faked by spiking human blood samples with rabbit blood), shingles, and pertussis. When the media lies about the safety and efficacy of vaccines PEOPLE DIE OR DEVELOP LIFE-ALTERING CHRONIC DISEASES. Can Trump declare a national emergency over vaccine damage? Due to the levels of autism and other disability our nation will not be able to field an army. What is the real reason we need a constant stream of new immigrants?!
9753b7 No.5616556
cdafa8 No.5616559
I have no micro tools. Sorry, Fren.
7306b7 No.5616560
9753b7 No.5616565
>How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
2df897 No.5616566
11 retweets, cohen clinton russia fusion gps
e01c39 No.5616567
cf5f02 No.5616568
Do it, Q!
Acts 10:13
a96b3c No.5616569
95656e No.5616570
>Make sure you have your brackets filled in.
b4e235 No.5616571
You're babbling. just stop. There is no excuse for supporting a genocidal state that absolutely hates you…and with a passion you haven't a stupid clue about. Your sky fairy is responsible for more death, destruction, and suffering at his ORDERS than anything else on earth.
143ba2 No.5616572
No brackets filled in but would love to see [HRC]
8c4125 No.5616573
3b49dd No.5616574
Faggot Dick Signature
ad18b9 No.5616575
True, and that would necessitate a Mueller indictment, since they parallel each other.
9eac3a No.5616576
Q…..first of all, thank you and POTUS for everything. You guys are ALWAYS in my prayers. Next….is there something you can do about the cost of college? My son is in his way to being a medical doctor because he has a heart for helping people. But we shouldn’t have to go broke trying to send him and his two brothers to college. Lastly…I hope when the cures are released there is a cure for chronic pain. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is just about to kill me. Especially since my medication has been cut back. Please help.
6467fb No.5616577
Hi Q~ yep we have a bingo card going here.
Ready when you are. Thanks for the help. God bless. Safe travels.
ee219e No.5616578
I feel how feel when POTUS leaves the country…
where in the world is our President Q?
516b93 No.5616581
a96b3c No.5616583
16 brackets on Patriots Fight
51349f No.5616584
LMAO! Nicely done.
79648a No.5616585
my final winner is Q/Trump for my bracket
d213d5 No.5616586
We are ready for sweet justice Q! We are ready for arrests and perp walks!
e72949 No.5616587
I'm gonna have to pass on any math games, Q
Love ya'll anyway!
48b7de No.5616588
Darkness to Light. How about a shout out Q? https://twitter.com/lheinlein/status/1104944413673959424
b5a818 No.5616589
is the answer 10 [x]?
dd1473 No.5616590
69cfff No.5616591
I think the clock starts 2-27.
The post is on 2-26 says "within the next 21 days". So day 1 within the next 21 is 2-27. Q might also have been in Vietnam when they posted this so it could have been 2-27 where they were when they posted this. I am assuming they intended USA time zones, otherwise were this the case it would even be 2-28.
2-27 If I am wrong, may Q strike you dead.
b4e235 No.5616593
this year's or last year's…cause…here we are again…distraction….
937359 No.5616596
3c284a No.5616597
John Owen Brennan
ca0f97 No.5616599
Will dig Q
Meme war
8de485 No.5616602
513049 No.5616604
meme of the day
meme of the day
meme of the day
f57b5d No.5616605
saw it earlier and saved. seal copy pasta fag been around for long time-he was supposed to come to my house last june.
4caba8 No.5616606
e7bdbe No.5616607
42addb No.5616608
He deleted one, did he not?
2df897 No.5616609
aad124 No.5616610
>Send your kids to private school you fucking litigious idiot
Wow… I can see how much good it did you.
I don't have any kids because of self-entitled pricks like yourself who have their heads so far up their asses chasing fake ass paper, screwing the rest of humanity over in your ignorance.
ae00d9 No.5616612
>>5479117 lynn is a shitty jew
652c07 No.5616613
That paved the way for Andrew to endow 200 libraries, the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) and the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Carnegie created the bought and paid for education system in this country.
d60c32 No.5616615
Like everything else, we will have to wait and see.
8c4125 No.5616616
ffcb52 No.5616617
The Swing Bot - 1939 (Original Mix) #NowPlaying on Electro Swing Radio,
3a6f56 No.5616618
8 [ ] to fill in on OIG section of /PF. Do it Q!!!
c34c0c No.5616620
2019 March Madness Bracket Predictions?
48b7de No.5616621
PAIN is coming to DC.
9e0543 No.5616622
If that's real, I know what a few bottoms are getting for their birthday from me.
8d5206 No.5616624
This is not a game
Learn to play the game
c2b057 No.5616625
Barry's signature reminds me of a serial killer
d67cc8 No.5616626
Well I guess we will see if something actually happen this month or not. Are you guy ready to reach the point of no return yet?
42addb No.5616629
I see 12
b4e235 No.5616630
Why yes, my government…aka the Trump administration and everything attached to it…is fucking watching all of us…watching, steering, socially experimenting, controlling…
oh….hai Q.
68e619 No.5616632
0e5b8f No.5616633
This recent crash wouldn't be someone trying to undermine a Trump Trade Deal would it????
VietJet 100 x 737s ordered. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-27/boeing-wins-15-7-billion-vietnam-orders-on-trump-s-hanoi-visit>>5616194
8de485 No.5616634
"Give me HRC or give me death." - Some patriotic dude
3a2d44 No.5616636
look for NSA's Puzzle Periodical on the third Tuesday of every month on www.nsa.gov.
c75dbf No.5616637
3fe3cc No.5616638
a75623 No.5616639
10 spaces in the kill box.
John Brennan = 10
>Shall We Play A Game?
>How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
>Primary topic(s)?
>March Madness.
>Do you have your [10] filled in?
646608 No.5616640
695382 No.5616641
it's all in the wikileaks drops
Big names and emails
Adrenochrome, DMT, Pineal Glands, Rape, White House Ops
Kate Middleton Angelina Jolie MOAR
Search Wikileaks PINEAL
Pics related
cdafa8 No.5616642
No thanks but your mamma walks around the town with her mouth all open and shit.
afedb7 No.5616644
db39cd No.5616646
Screw Tony Podestas whereabouts…how come nobody lookin’ for me?
02aa2f No.5616647
Highly approved fren.
e72949 No.5616648
All the best for what's coming, Q team.
Rootin' for ya, home team!
aa2d0b No.5616649
Wow, Q has you playing March Madness now. This should keep the Qudaists distracted for another 3 months. I can't wait to read all the analytical posts about players who dribbled 17 times before they took a shot
95656e No.5616650
Hey, anon.
If that's you, from now on when you make pictures, try not to include the section of the image featuring your browser and at least what extensions you're using.
14dd7c No.5616651
At first i counted 3, clicked on POTUS"s Twitter and recounted, 11.
3f58bb No.5616652
The solution
Probability of the draw is 8/63 = 17
5df226 No.5616653
Russia, lack there of, collusion seems to be the majority of the RT’s. Several regarding Cohen as well.
84f89d No.5616654
Oh crap I always sucked at filling in the brackets, but are going to be far more fun.BINGO!!!
cac4cc No.5616655
Q what did you want us to find at DIA?
94964f No.5616656
I fucking hope so
5fc9ab No.5616657
[Deep State]
Or if we dont get that soon
5930b2 No.5616661
March Madness.
Pick your ponies!!!
8d5206 No.5616663
Shall we play a game?
How about a nice game of chess?
Double meaning.
Fake incoming missile alert [Defcon 1].
We know all.
615671 No.5616666
Q&POTUS defeating the WOPR
f47ab7 No.5616667
This is brilliant. Thanks.
1f1f9f No.5616669
Shall We Play A Game
sacrifices = as in pieces on the chess board
78d7f8 No.5616671
[EC] work with [RR] Help? :)
aac693 No.5616673
What's that Q doing in the corner?
ec248b No.5616674
https://www.cchrint.org/issues/maryanne-godboldo/ Does anyone remember this story? Is the United States under democrat rule essentially a police state? Do you have freedom to govern your own body?! Do you have the freedom to make medical care decisions on behalf of your minor children? Do you have the freedom to get a second opinion or choose alternative treatments?
9709da No.5616675