b77260 No.5616741
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Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 03.10.2019
>>5616382 ————————————–——– Do you have your [ ] filled in?
>>5602691 ————————————–——– Patriots have no skin color. (Cap: >>5609688)
Saturday 03.09.2019
>>5600601 ————————————–——– Attempts to DIVIDE will FAIL. Patriots have no skin color. (Cap: >>5600640)
>>5599583 ————————————–——– The real reason they want OPEN BORDERS. (Cap: >>5599914)
>>5597549 ————————————–——– How do you keep a secret? How do you prevent leaks? (Cap: >>5596901)
>>5596872 rt >>5596800 ————————— You have been prepared for what is about to take place.
>>5596777 ————————————–——– Exclusive? 1.5 years behind Anons. (Cap: >>5596837 )
>>5596682 ————————————–——– Patriots stand at the ready, and prepared, for what is about to come. (Cap: >>5596729)
>>5596292 ————————————–——– Sealed > Unsealed.Indictments coming
>>5595311 ————————————–——– IT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN. BE VIGILANT.
>>5595169 rt >>5594529 ————————— Zero Delta Q Proof graphic
>>5595092 rt >>5594428 ————————— Statistically impossible?
>>5594916 ————————————–——– Define 'Protection' (Cap: >>5594960)
>>5594813 ————————————–——– There are others within the FBI/DOJ linked to the C_A. What is that FEAR for MZ? (Cap: >>5600161)
>>5594421 ————————————–——– The President of the United States told you who authorized the targeting.
>>5594371 ————————————–——– Do you target your enemies or your allies? (Cap: >>5594381, >>5600301, >>5594388, >>5594396)
Thursday 03.07.2019
Compiled here: >>5610246
Wednesday 03.06.2019
Compiled here: >>5602792
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b77260 No.5616744
are not endorsements
>>5389728, >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5616081 Tomorrow is [-30]
>>5616160 Big deal for Boeing following Trump's Vietnam visit
>>5616192 Jeff Sessions followed Trump’s demand for investigations into Hillary Clinton
>>5616256 For Keks: Muslim leader says all muslims will leave the USA if POTUS bans Sharia
>>5616455, >>5616540 Anons' brackets
>>5616734 #7182
>>5615284, >>5615303, >>5615632, >>5615644, >>5615908 Active shooter is on the loose in a New York hospital
>>5615299 Fed chairman says Trump can't fire him
>>5615395 Schiff Acknowledges Mueller May Never Get Trump To Testify
>>5615483 Finland: Terror-linked Muslim wanted for stabbing his ex-wife and 3 children, in honor-related attack
>>5615449, >>5615479 Dark money group gave $2 million to the organization that hired Fusion GPS and Steele for the dossier (POTUS retweet)
>>5615555 Bret Baier calls out 'Fox derangement Syndrome' after DNC blocks Fox News from hosting debate
>>5615577 Another 90210 actor dead, Jed Allan
>>5615695, >>5615905 Tucker responds to Media Matters' hit piece
>>5615899 Yellow Vests ransack Masonic Lodge in French village as protest gets out of hand
>>5615953 March 11 Events Highlight NASA’s Moon to Mars Plans, FY 2020 Budget
>>5615978 #7181
>>5614550, >>5614740 Dig on Rockefeller Foundation and Anti-fertility Vaccines
>>5614597 Q crumbs from a year ago
>>5614601, >>5614661, >>5615142 China grounds its Boeing 737 MAX fleet after crash of Ethiopian Airlines’ brand new plane
>>5614627 Anon on Sealed > Unsealed
>>5614667 Example of "We are the News"
>>5614727 Hussein tweet on the Ethiopian plane crash
>>5614734, >>5614795 Ethiopian jet crash pilot's desperate move to save passengers and crew
>>5614640 Purported video of the Venezuelan blackout
>>5614924 Residents flee New York's high taxes
>>5615133 Guaido Calls for March on Caracas as Venezuela Blackout Drags On Three Nights
>>5615209 #7180
>>5613716 New POTUS Tweet
>>5613722 MSM lies failed
>>5613831 Anon on why the Sessions letter to Huber matters
>>5613964 Report of fire onboard forces plane to make emergency landing at Newark airport
>>5613857, >>5614049, >>5614117 USMC tweet
>>5614215 Moar on the "newly revealed" letter from Sessions to Huber
>>5614346 Syria Notifies Israel It Will Attack If IDF Doesn't Leave Golan Heights
>>5614409 US Embassy issued an alert for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the 8th due to protests
>>5614445 #7179
#7178 Baker Change
>>5613014 Donald Trump Jr. Asks “Who Is Investigating the Investigators?”
>>5613074, >>5613107 Moar on AOC owing taxes
>>5613099 19 staff members at UN-affiliated organizations are believed to have been among the victims in Ethiopian plane crash
>>5613185 Dig on the names of people in the Ethiopian plane crash
>>5613372 Pentagon may use $1 billion in leftover funds from military pay and pensions to help pay for border wall
>>5613492 Powell: Fed not in 'any hurry' to change rates amid global risks
>>5613680 #7178
Previously Collected Notables
>>5612121 #7176, >>5612886 #7177
>>5609725 #7173, >>5610501 #7174, >>5611326 #7175
>>5607479 #7170, >>5608198 #7171, >>5609001 #7172
>>5605111 #7167, >>5605927 #7168, >>5606739 #7169
>>5602771 #7164, >>5603591 #7165, >>5604360 #7166
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
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b77260 No.5616748
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b77260 No.5616751
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621
b77260 No.5616753
b77260 No.5616769
Ready for a handoff baker?
c2f863 No.5616813
Way to update the Q posts at the top of the bread faggot baker
8365df No.5616815
Thank you Baker!
e44cc0 No.5616816
Drudgecodes - Tiffany Blue = Secret information - parallel between the Golden King with golden orb and Zucker with nothing "unhinged" is a joke about how 1 year ago (to the day) CNN did a special on the Vatican as the "most powerful man" (back when they had gold) - As Q says - we got the gold and it was on 6/6/18 - I've written about it here if you are curious. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1083393111055773696
87abba No.5616819
Getting hot in the kitchen. Keep up the good work Baker
caae33 No.5616820
ca6af8 No.5616821
thanks for the bakery
ac31b0 No.5616823
Retweeted 16 times!
Sweet 16!
And 16 brackets on Patriots Fight!
e6562e No.5616824
Do you have your [ ] filled in?
tax return?
7d4af7 No.5616825
Lil early baker, but you are doing fantastic bread smells great
e52889 No.5616829
Q is not talking to us.
He is talking to Hussein.
Hussein releases his March Madness brackets on twitter every year.
Shall We Play A Game?
How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
Primary topic(s)?
March Madness.
Do you have your [ ] filled in?
9b62cc No.5616830
the madman can't keep getting away with it
b77260 No.5616832
Handoff Confirmed
had it in the dough, forgot to update the pasta I was using:
>>5616382 ————————————–——– Do you have your [ ] filled in?
will request the BO/BV to add it in
e1c2c4 No.5616833
all PB
Q Please Verify that we found why THEY have Vineyards
Adrenochrome is in the wine
it is in the WIKILEAKS DROP in an email to Kate Middleton and Angelina Jolie
91a76a No.5616834
Anons, which names has Q put in brackets before?
52d5f1 No.5616835
Shall We Play A Game?
How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
Primary topic(s)?
March Madness.
Do you have your [ ] filled in?
96f95c No.5616840
I see what you did there!
84a9ef No.5616841
Jews have to respond to this. They are predisposed.
8365df No.5616843
4574e6 No.5616844
5f8219 No.5616846
7d512a No.5616847
>>5616810 Lb.
Bracket Spacing
12696b No.5616849
9fdac7 No.5616851
Obama…and maybe Comey too. Better get those boys some crowbars. They are gonna need em to pry those tighty whiteys out tonight
654965 No.5616852
all this for iphones and ass feltching and fake jew cocaine that make's Dorothy fart after homo sex with negro cock
6553c2 No.5616853
Obama was arrested tonight.
The reference about brackets [ ] is because Obama fills out a bracket every year.
There WILL NOT BE A BRACKET on twitter this year.
Why is that?
Obama is locked up
55a919 No.5616855
714c1f No.5616856
In Qspeak how long is soon?
e3db9b No.5616858
>>5616382 Q lb
March 21 - 3/21
March Madness begins
Not sure what is going to happen on 3/21 but Congress will still be in recess until 3/26.
a350ed No.5616859
>>5616382 PB
Hey Q
You said this is not a game 19 times….
https://qanon.pub/?q=This is not a game
7b4c72 No.5616860
POTUS retweeted 10 times in last 12 hours.
8e4ff5 No.5616862
‘Sister Wives’ Spoilers: Kody Brown Leads Family In Bizarre Presentation in New Season
Sister Wives with Kody Brown returns to TLC on Sunday night with a brand new season. Kody is adamant he is leading this family. He gathers the sister wives together and he tells Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn Brown that they’re moving.
The head of this polygamous family seems to dismiss their concerns about this move. He calls together the sister wives and embarks on a meeting. This family meeting looks similar to the same kind of presentation that you might see in a boardroom. Basically, if they like it or not it looks like Kody insists this Sister Wives family is sticking together.
Kody Brown Offers Sister Wives Visuals At Family Meeting
Much like he’s running a business, Kody Brown puts up posters on an easel and he lays out the plan. He wants to leave Las Vegas and move to Arizona. While one wife appears onboard, Christine, the others are not as enthusiastic about the move to Flagstaff. Janelle and Kody’s son is a junior in high school and Janelle doesn’t want to rip him away from his friends and school.
Despite the friction, it looks like this Sister Wives clan eventually work together on moving day, which appears chaotic. Kody Brown, 49, has 18 kids with his four sister wives and while they’re still together after all these years, things don’t always run smoothly.
4a3d73 No.5616863
year from next friday
caae33 No.5616865
4188f0 No.5616866
Stole this from other anon but do you think it might be a count down? Or at the very least a way to freak THEM out? Maybe pushing them to make stupid fucking moves?
7968e8 No.5616867
No I thought we would be directed us to where to download what we need to fill the brackets?
the placeholders.
Maybe I don't understand the game.
First ones down for me would be Andy and Schiffy.
The Orhs.
Who's listed today by POTUS? Among those who would I pick?
he covered for 9/11, after all.
3b919d No.5616868
Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows a Series of Radical Events – Is this where Q’s post and the term ‘’’Stay Vigilant’’’ came from?
“Bottom Line: No matter how you look at this fitfully evolving D.C. drama, things are about to get real ugly, real soon in D.C. Regarding that eventuality, there can be no doubt. Hence, patriots everywhere are best advised to ‘’’stay vigilant’’’…”
Something extremely significant occurred at the Bush funeral — special envelopes point to swift and sure justice on the way.
“By any standard what just went down during the Bush funeral is so HUGE it’s incomprehensible. First, the National Cathedral was in total lockdown with so many VIPs in attendance of the biggest funeral since Ronald Reagan’s. That means that no one got in or out unless given the green light by the Secret Service.
How, then, was the entire venue cased out so well in advance that videographers were in the perfect position to capture the extraordinary events that took place? This alone tells you that a massive set-up was, and still is, in the works. Not sure it gets any more serious than this. What is soon to follow “the envelope affair” will surely be the most incendiary series of events of the Third Millennium.” — Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Military Officer
At last count, at least 5 VIP families received the “special note” at the D.C. memorial service for George H.W. Bush.
That would be the Bush family (George W., Laura and Jeb), the Clintons (Hillary and Bill), the Obamas (Michelle and Barack), the Bidens (Joe and Jill) and the Pences (Mike and Karen).
Question # 1: Why did the sender make sure the wives also received the ominous message? Whoever is responsible for this psyop, it’s clear that every part of this drama was fastidiously choreographed for maximum effect.
Question #2: Why, specifically, did those 5 power families receive the secret message? Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden and Pence?
Such a plot to capture the attention of both husband and wife was quite well planned out. Handing the note to the Bush family at the exact time that the casket was passing by them also occurred with highly calculated significance.
There were many other Deep State dignitaries and VIP globalists at the same venue during that funeral service. There’s no indication, however, that anyone else present got the “special note”. Although this may not be correct.
The Extraordinary Context
Five U.S. presidents and vice presidents received a special envelope during the most MSM-hyped and misrepresentative memorial service in our lifetime. How does that happen except with extremely purposeful design?!
KEY POINT: President George H.W. Bush was neither “gentle” nor “kind” to his nation as the MSM eulogized him. Not only was he the pivotal rogue CIA operative in Dallas during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, he was also the prime mover behind the Oklahoma City Bombing because of the Savings and Loan scandal fallout. The Bush Crime Syndicate was also the key architect and ‘American’ co-conspirator that executed the state-sponsored, false flag terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, as well as the well-orchestrated CIA-coordinated cover-up.
In spite of the ongoing “funeral service of the century”, a videographer(s) was present at all the perfect locations to capture the videos of the very moment when the notes were being handled and opened.
The video footage was especially shot in such a manner so as to catch the reactions of each VIP and their spouses, whether they saw the contents or not.
Next, the various videos were then disseminated to various YouTube channels to make sure they were expeditiously uploaded and easily viewed on the Internet.
First of all, there’s no other event in U.S. history that even remotely comes close to this stunning series of envelope incidents RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EX-PRESIDENT’S FUNERAL.
Therefore, it can be stated with absolute certainty that something very BIG happened, and that something even BIGGER is in the offing.
Just how big?
9b9aff No.5616869
TYB / ThankQ new Baker. Here we go, kitchen heating up!
96f95c No.5616870
Barack, the magic negro
Lived by the sea…
507f51 No.5616871
8aec0d No.5616872
Q's link….
hmm, level: HARD
91fe1c No.5616873
6f2d57 No.5616874
That explains murder of thief of Rothschild vintage wines worth >$1 million.
6952a5 No.5616875
Fill in the placeholders.
4882af No.5616876
>>5616382 (lb) Dear Q, why me? Why wait to my post?
I know this probably random, but….
Are you waiting for us?
We set the time of the plan?
6a6964 No.5616878
>>5616382 lb
[James Comey]
ten spaces
ten letters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
j a m e s c o m e y
6f1112 No.5616879
>>5616382 lb
>>5616797 lb
11 Forwarded.
5eaffd No.5616880
5 of the retweets in the past 24 hours are Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch
Follow the WATCH
7d512a No.5616881
New Q not listed in this bread.
7968e8 No.5616882
5168c6 No.5616883
Place holder? Kek
e3db9b No.5616885
4188f0 No.5616886
3b919d No.5616888
Everything points to the high likelihood that President Trump put these political dynasties and crime families on notice during the Bush state funeral.
Whatever they saw, or when they heard about the contents of the envelope, each individual was floored in ways that were both obvious and veiled.
The Bush family reacted in horror, especially Jeb Bush. Laura was quite disgusted as well, although W. appeared to know it was coming.
Hillary Clinton was her usual defiant self; so was Michelle Obama. Barack couldn’t hide his fear (although he tried very hard to) as would be expected from the former Coward-in -Chief.
As for the Bidens, they were both visibly startled by the whole affair, reflecting a sincere disbelief that such a thing could even happen … … … during a presidential state funeral, no less!
As for the Pences, the camera never really caught them at the point of revelation so not much can be said about their reaction.
What’s of paramount importance here is that all of these political power-brokers represent the New World Order globalist cabal. None of them ever saw a war they didn’t like. Most significantly is that this happened to them in a highly symbolic venue in the nation’s capital. Deep State is supposed to have complete control over such power places as the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
In light of these unique circumstances, it’s fair to say that Trump threw down the gauntlet.
And, that he did so in a manner that the whole world could see it. This key point will profoundly inform the rest of the analysis.
The reaction will be fierce!
It’s only common sense that when powerful members of the psychopathocracy have been threatened, the reaction will be decisive and dangerous, destructive and deadly.
That’s exactly where we are today in America. The psychopaths who have led this nation over decades have all been found out. The Patriot Movement has completely exposed them for being the traitors that they truly are.
In fact, so many acts of high treason have been uncovered and detailed for all to see that the ruling cabal has these notorious crime families commit even more crimes to cover up their previous crime sprees. That’s just how deep this multi-decade criminal conspiracy going back to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy really is.
As a result, these psychopaths are exceedingly desperate. Hence, they are guaranteed to react like cornered rats. In the process of trying to escape from the jaws of death after their military tribunals, there is simply nothing that they will not do.
In point of fact, there is a window of time that is quickly closing for both sides of this fight to the death. However, neither side wants to act first for fear of being perceived as the aggressor. As a result, the thoroughly corrupt Mueller investigation proceeds forthwith as though indicting the POTUS will secure their victory.
The NWO criminal cabal has ignored the great probability that posing such a reckless threat will only embolden Trump to run again sure of a victory. He will never allow himself to be put in the position of being falsely prosecuted by a hardened gang of Deep State villains.
Because of their perilous deficit of understanding, the globalists are still working hard to set up Trump at every turn. By incorrectly assessing their true predicament, the agents of Deep State execute their schemes as though no one is watching and they still expect outcomes that might have occurred pre Internet.
Engineered California Firestorms and DEW Attacks
“The Envelope Affair” did take place immediately following the worst attack on U.S. soil since the state-sponsored, false flag terrorist attacks staged on 9/11/01. That would be the DEW attacks and pyro-terrorism perpetrated against the people of California throughout the month of November.
These geoengineered firestorms and Directed Energy Weapon attacks on the state of California not only devastated large swaths of territory, thousands were ruthlessly killed many of whose deaths have not even been acknowledged.
The distinguishing aspect of these cowardly attacks on innocent civilians is that they were carried out, by and large, in red counties and conservative strongholds. Heavily forested parts of northern California have been subjected to these manufactured wildfire seasons for years now. Only the past 2 years have seen 4 separate wildfire seasons that have been truly apocalyptic.
453a51 No.5616889
[The entire United States intelligence community, along wit the treasonous members of Congress and judiciary, as well as cabal members of the business community]
There wont be many people left in Washington, but hey,it's a start.
1a2648 No.5616890
March madness brackets
f9f4db No.5616891
Dark Money Org Gave $2 Million To Group Working With Fusion GPS, Steele
A dark money group based in California contributed $2 million to The Democracy Integrity Project, the organization that has contracted with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to investigate President Donald Trump.
The Democracy Integrity Project’s founder, a former staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, has acknowledged to the FBI that the group provides information to the press, lawmakers and investigators.
Fund for a Better Future is the second Democracy Integrity Project donor to have been identified. George Soros gave $1 million to the group.
A dark money group with links to several high-profile liberal activists contributed $2 million to The Democracy Integrity Project, an organization founded by a former Dianne Feinstein staffer that has contracted with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to investigate President Donald Trump.
Fund for a Better Future (FBF) donated $2,065,000 to The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) in 2017, according to IRS filings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
TDIP was founded on Jan. 31, 2017, by Daniel Jones, a consultant who worked for Feinstein, a California Democrat, when she controlled the Senate Intelligence Committee. Jones has disclosed to the FBI that he hired Fusion GPS and Steele, the author of the anti-Trump dossier, to continue an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
He also told an associate that TDIP operated as a “shadow media organization helping the government.” Jones suggested to the associate, Adam Waldman, that his TDIP team planted several anti-Trump articles.
Little is known about the donors behind both TDIP and FBF. Both of the organizations are 501(c)(4)s, the type of public advocacy group most closely associated with “dark money” contributions. FBF has contributed to a mix of environmental organizations and politically active groups, including Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Priorities USA — the political group that backs Democrats — and the League of Conservation Voters, a progressive dark money group.
Scott Walter, the president of Capital Research Center, a conservative watchdog that tracks liberal groups’ funding, said the arrangement is a prime example of “dark money.”
“You’ve found one ‘dark money’ outfit providing dark millions to another ‘dark money’ outfit and refusing to reveal anything to you. That’s ‘dark’ two or three times over,” Walter told TheDCNF.
“Ironically, ‘dark money’ is most often applied only to conservative funding,” said Walter, who noted that “the Left has a vast empire of ‘dark money’ groups, including the Fund for a Better Future and The Democracy Integrity Project.”
e52889 No.5616893
Nice! I missed that he did this too!
f326d1 No.5616894
That is the handwriting of a psychopath
c9680d No.5616895
>it is in the WIKILEAKS DROP in an email to Kate Middleton and Angelina Jolie
Did the leaks mention, who sent the email?
507f51 No.5616896
FEB 9, 2019
3b919d No.5616897
Whereas the authorities say only 88 people died, direct evidence has shown that hundreds have died. The final death toll for November 2018 is certainly going to be in the thousands. Exactly how many good people were murdered we don’t know, but you can be sure that President Trump knows. He also saw the utter devastation himself upon his tour with Governor Jerry Brown—a highly compromised co-conspirator.
It appears that Trump cannot speak to this catastrophe the same way that he could not speak to the Mandalay Bay massacre staged in Las Vegas by the globalists. Therefore, it may be that the coming storm will be a direct result of this California mass murder and malicious destruction of property statewide.
The three Bush family members showing undisguised shock after viewing the note received at their father’s funeral.
Secret Notes at Bush Funeral Point to a Huge Happening
How and when exactly the secret notes were disseminated at the Bush funeral has been captured by video. Each video tells a story that is quite incredible. The reactions of each VIP after seeing the contents reflect something that is both shocking and compelling for each recipient.
What follows is a series of videos that tell the story much better than we can. It’s well worth watching each of them in order to grasp both the enormity and profundity of this unparalleled event. The first article below provides an excellent overview of the whole sequence of bewildering events.
What in the world really happened at the Bush funeral?
Why did Jeb Bush get so scared after he saw the note from the Secret Service agent? (Video)
Even Mike and Karen Pence received a special note at the D.C. Bush funeral
Just How Many VIPs Got the Strange Envelope in the Bush Funeral Brochure (Video)
George W. Bush Definitely Knew About the Message of the Secret Note at Father’s Funeral (Video)
Oh, and by the way, the Obamas received a special envelope at the Bush funeral, too. (Video)
What really happened?
Quite frankly, we don’ know what happened at the funeral. The content of those notes is anyone’s guess. What we do know is that each person who looked at the contents immediately knew what they saw was real and very disturbing.
With this critical understanding, it’s quite likely that all of the recipients received the very same note. And, that it was designed to have maximum impact, which it did.
Therefore, what can be said with utmost confidence is that the gauntlet has been thrown down by one side against the other. And, that what happened in that cathedral is perhaps the beginning of the end of life inside the Beltway as we — and THEY — know it.
In other words, these shared notes will prove to be the most highly consequential happening in American government as they have already triggered a chain reaction of cathartic events that cannot be stopped.
‘The writing is on the wall.’
There is no more apt expression to describe where the nation is at this critical moment in our history than: ‘The writing is on the wall’.
In the case of this “THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR”, the writing was on each note. This biblical saying is pregnant with meaning, especially where it concerns the current and very delicate state of affairs in Washington, D.C. As follows:
Rembrandt’s 1635 painting Het feestmaal van Belsazar (Belshazzar’s Feast), collection of the National Gallery, London, UK
From the Biblical story in Daniel 5, where, during a feast held by King Belshazzar, a hand suddenly appears and writes on a wall the following Aramaic words: מְנֵא מְנֵא תְּקֵל וּפַרְסִין (mənē mənē təqēl ūparsīn, “numbered, numbered, weighed, and they are divided”) (Daniel 5:25). Daniel interprets the words as pointing to the downfall of the Babylonian Empire.[1]
Since the United States of America is sometimes thought to be the modern-day “Mystery of Babylon” in the Book of Revelation within various religious circles, this particular metaphor may have great meaning beyond anyone’s imagination.
KEY POINT: The 3 well-known city states and power centers — the Vatican, London and Washington, D.C. — really represent the “Mystery of Babylon”. The United States just happens to be the current military arm of this New World Order triumvirate and, therefore, is falsely perceived to hold all the power.[2]
2fb1ae No.5616899
I counted 11. Another anon counted 16.
Hmmm… I don't trust my count.
6a3bed No.5616900
that's my count as well..
e52572 No.5616901
7d512a No.5616903
>>5616382 Q Lb.
So are we going to get 11 Losers Locked Up ?
Are the 11 Losers filling the March Madness brackets?
2feca8 No.5616904
Gonna let it ride, don't want to start editing the dough. It's no big deal though.
b77260 No.5616905
fuck off faggot
Bread is updated with new Q
I know, taken care of
didn't update the pasta I was using, in the dough though
7d4af7 No.5616906
Anon is right
714c1f No.5616907
b5fa66 No.5616908
11, right?
3b919d No.5616909
METAPHOR MESSAGE: The whole political order is about to change as the old way of doing business is no longer acceptable in Washington, D.C. It’s entirely true that the current order — marked by pervasive lawlessness, serial criminality and institutionalized corruption — is the very same as that established by Black Babylonian Brotherhood of ancient lore.
Martial Law, Military Tribunals or Both?
Because of the rapidly unfolding events in the nation’s capital, things are about to get very hairy indeed (as well as precarious) for the American people.
The “new normal” of today cannot go on much longer, particularly because it quickly morphs into an even newer normal by the month, which is all the more outrageous and unacceptable. “The whole place is coming apart at the seams” depicts the sense that everyone now has these days, and yet the tension just keeps intensifying.
Given this stark reality, the Republic will soon experience a house cleaning like none before. Whether this “changing of the guard” is carried out by military tribunals or martial law remains or both remains to be seen. However, there is great certainty about the absolute necessity of forming military tribunals that cannot be dismissed or ignored.
Military tribunals are especially required to prosecute the Deep State criminals, rogue Intel & SS agents and Shadow Government perps who are conducting a soft coup against the POTUS. But why military tribunals?
Because those traitors practically own and operate the U.S. Criminal Justice System, that’s why!
(Source: MILITARY TRIBUNALS: Why They Are Absolutely Necessary)
Given the true depth and breadth of the swamp “inside the Beltway”, it’s clear to the Patriot Movement that the only solution is a military one since the swamp creatures simply will not leave without a fight. That’s even after the swamp is drained, the perps will put up a fierce fight to save themselves and their satanic way of life.
As for martial law, it’s now evident that the Democrat Party can never again be permitted to hold the reins of power in the USA. Their collective acts of treason and individual acts of sedition are unprecedented in U.S. history. In point of fact, there are so many stone-cold traitors among them that the only way forward may be a declaration of martial law followed by military tribunals to successfully weed them out.
There is no denying that the American people are witnessing an epic fight to the finish.
There are two sides that have stacked up against each other to wage what is essentially the War of the Titans—the 3rd Millennium version, that is.
Whichever side loses will be consigned to the dustbin of history; perhaps never again to wield power.
Will the nationalists led by Trump prevail at this crucial moment; or will the all-powerful globalists triumph?
Trump knows that if he loses, the Democrat Deep State will make his life extremely miserable—forever. For that and other more serious reasons, he must run and win in 2020 or else Mueller’s mafia will prosecute him right into prison. However, it’s really Trump’s family (his true Achilles’ heel) that’s the most vulnerable to malicious prosecution as the following post points out. If Trump bails out of 2020, this will be the reason why … as it’s the central purpose of the Mueller witch hunt.
Does the highly unusual sentencing process of Gen. Mike Flynn reflect an ominous Deep State plot?
Bottom Line: No matter how you look at this fitfully evolving D.C. drama, things are about to get real ugly, real soon in D.C. Regarding that eventuality, there can be no doubt. Hence, patriots everywhere are best advised to stay vigilant…and locked and loaded. The bolsheviks on the Left are notorious for staging “shock and awe” events that can take their enemies completely by surprise. That’s precisely how Russia was plunged into the Bolshevik Revolution so unexpectedly … … … which was then followed by over 70 years of the totalitarian and brutal rule by the Soviet Union.
One last essential point is that, if the globalists don’t get their way with team Trump, they will certainly go ballistic as they always do when they are thwarted. See: NWO Globalist Cabal Closer to Exercising Nuclear Option
It’s quite significant that President Trump recently issued an Executive Order that extends the current national emergency powers of the POTUS. Here is the Text of a Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption.
Source: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=111147
caae33 No.5616910
efd360 No.5616911
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5616854
Not according to the Official Story as sold here
507f51 No.5616912
65c44b No.5616915
Those were invitations to the Comet Ping Pong after party. The Bushes were upset because they already made other plans.
e52889 No.5616916
cbc370 No.5616917
0e89e3 No.5616919
fixed www.dtic.mil links (an astute reader pointed out that the "dead" DoD dtic sites on the TEMPEST Sources page could be revived by changing the domain
e08240 No.5616920
507f51 No.5616921
b0ce88 No.5616922
got some rest? you see the ping at the end of pb
9b9aff No.5616924
damn nice great autism anon, makes sense
1b9d50 No.5616925
Use of forwarded is interesting. Especially in quotes. Retweet is norm.
8bb0e0 No.5616926
Comey The Cleaner
b77260 No.5616927
an anon noticed, and one was being a faggot
it's updated now
70676f No.5616929
Wow, is Kody Brown a Q follower or just a fan of White Squall or the Kennedy clan?
3b919d No.5616930
A lot has happened since then. What used to be covert operations are now being conducted in the open. Still there are some who are still looking for evidence that the Alliance has the upperhand.
Not to worry of course. There will be more coming.
6f1112 No.5616932
I left off Hamas
453a51 No.5616933
You really believe that shit?
I have a business proposal. Works everytime.
Give me 20k and your return will be 100x profit in one week.
16b23c No.5616934
I'd like to fucking see you bake, nigger. Oh wait you just post red text spam and naked bitches.
Bread edited.
9d1edd No.5616936
may be something.
POTUS RTs past 12 hours = 11
Q prior to >>5616382 (LB) asking "Shall We Play A Game?" = 11 (not including reposts)
8aec0d No.5616937
pics from Q's link…lots of them.
Do they mean anything?
7d4af7 No.5616938
e82e72 No.5616939
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Protocols of the Elders of Zion
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
2eeceb No.5616940
Q mentioned Past 12 Hours
9fdac7 No.5616941
e82e72 No.5616942
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
b77260 No.5616943
that's the BO ffs
60e535 No.5616945
GeorgeBush =10
GeorgeWBush =11
b95c38 No.5616946
The only winning move is not to play.
2247e8 No.5616947
So, basically, /ourguys/ dropped all of this vague "evidence" to a bunch of "conspiracy theorists" (autistic people), all along trying to coax someone in to referencing the phenomenon taking place in areas of the internet about which little is known, pretty much all with the intent of using some sort of judical process to prove in the most inarguable fashion that all of the things spoken of here are true, at least to some extent (accounting for tactical misinformation)?
As much as I don't want it to be true, sounds pretty interesting.
Hopefully the finale doesn't take that much longer.
f9f4db No.5616948
41d0d7 No.5616949
In firfox at least, you can mark part of the text you want to count, then right-click & "View Selection Source".
That gives the HTML source, where it's easier to mark & count.
12696b No.5616950
7d4af7 No.5616951
967252 No.5616953
Rejected by
bcadec No.5616955
MAP = Management Action Plan
4a3d73 No.5616956
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5616892
Black Ops
They Might Be Giants
Black ops
Black ops
A holiday for secret cops
Black ops
Black ops
Dropping presents from the helicopter
It's been a long year
We've been so far from home
Too many people here
Here come the drones
We take the best of it
And make a mess of it
Ripping up some lawn
And then we're gone
Black sites Black sites
A thousand miles from day or night
Black sites Black sites
The story will remain unwritten
Before we make you gone
You'd best be running on
Stick to the music, child Don't get us riled
Hey, there's a spot we missed I see a
And there's another one
And his dumb son
Black ops
Black ops
Little vials filled with knock-out drops
Black ops Black ops
Maybe leave you in your old gym locker
A thousand miles from day or night
A story told before rewriting
There's a passport here
But it could disappear
Tarmac to landing pad
Don't look so sad We fly to
Amsterdam And in a little bit
We'll sing our special song And this is it
He'll be standing when the music stops
We're not worrying about the optics
af842b No.5616957
7968e8 No.5616958
Thats not Soros.
768125 No.5616959
>>5616382 (pb)
Omg, they made me do that shit at one job. I put french toilet humor in it and nobody noticed.
e44cc0 No.5616960
Colour Coding System
Orange/Sunset = End
Red/Fire = Punish
Blue/Water = Info
Tiffany Blue = Secret Info
Green/Trees = Ally
Yellow/Sunshine = Reward
Brown Dirt = Nourish
Purple = Communication
Pink = Weak
Dark = Hidden
Light = Visible
e.g. Dark to Light = To Make Visible.
6586a2 No.5616961
>>5616804 (all pbs)
If they've been watching here for as long as we have…I bet they yawned and went back to their poker game. because despite the hype on here..I've not noticed anyone…from Chucky to Shiff..to Hillary or Obama…and big mike…act the teeniest bit nervous.
why did you assume I am an atheist because i think Jehovah is an asshole monster mass murdering son of a bitch? KEK understand the mind of an invisible sky fairy….well, I could pretend like you do..but..the bible is pretty clear…jehovah self describes as "angry, wrathful, vengeful, jealous….I think I can probably find a better god than one that acts like a human. Thanks.
e82e72 No.5616965
Cry louder faggot.
eb3c4c No.5616966
>>5616810 lb
Nice autism, anon
36c5c2 No.5616968
Which names are in POTUS' retweets? –→ HRC, Schiff, Cohen, Steele, Mueller …etc…
f2a4bd No.5616970
>>5616078 pb
is that TP in GTMO
f1579f No.5616974
efd360 No.5616975
Go figure - dem digits…
4906ba No.5616976
2feca8 No.5616978
Don't forget the sauce.
5648e6 No.5616979
how many times have we been at the precipice only to pull ourselves back and be told to hold on
I don't think actual confirmed arrests will happen until 2020. IMO 2019 is going to be an entire year of painfully slow leaks. It will start out with the Mueller report being released, and Barr not immediately releasing it until it can be properly redacted which is a convenient excuse to slowburn the effect and make people be foaming at the mouth for it.
I predict Barr will be holding it hostage throughout the summer while narratives develop and more traps are laid. Once the nation is sweltering and tensions are high, the flood gates will be opened and all hell will break lose into the fall.
Final convictions imo will come Spring 2020. Not because of election timing, but because Spring is the season of rebirth and obviously this is going to be the worlds highest profile tribunals we've ever witnessed, so naturally it will take at least a full year
also I predict there will be a twist that not 99% of this board will see coming when it comes to 'the end' and what 'happens after' in terms of who and what gets exposed.
5f8219 No.5616980
b1ecca No.5616981
>>5614924 PB Residents flee New York's high taxes
Yeah, the Yankee shitlibs will flee high taxes in NY and…wait for it…do the SAME EXACT shit where ever they chose to flee to and thus infect.
Every. Damn. Time.
Pure cancer
bf16d5 No.5616982
c2f863 No.5616983
You couldn't handle my expert baking. Make your dick fall off.
e44cc0 No.5616984
symbolism cabbal coding
Dolphin = masturbation/sexual gratification/ejaculation
507f51 No.5616986
e3db9b No.5616987
7b4c72 No.5616988
I'm still getting 10. idk. 12 hour period.
e6f1ec No.5616989
Fitton, Tom (2014). The Corruption Chronicles: Obama's Big Secrecy, Big Corruption, and Big Government. New York: Threshold Editions. ISBN 978-1-4767-6705-5.
Fitton, Tom Clean House: Exposing Our Government's Secrets and Lies (New York: Threshold Editions, 2016). ISBN 978-1-5011-3704-4
93a0b2 No.5616990
Yeah, well, voters do and so do crime statistics. Try again.
e52889 No.5616994
ca6af8 No.5616995
almost took handoff last bread
took handoff yesterday from NB and Q posted
ill double check dough etc
since Q just posted, id like to look at the march madness anons like you
please help with OTHER notables and nominate so i can do searches for NOTABLE
4d2449 No.5616996
b77260 No.5616997
try shilling on facebook nigger
6586a2 No.5616998
KEk but they'll keep you tards busy and forgetting about Venezuela for a few days while we bomb the fuck out of it.
2e0479 No.5616999
Other times Q used 10 spaces between brackets. I said Comey then, I still agree now.
72c0d7 No.5617000
Can some computer fag group POTUS last 11 retweets
4d8b8f No.5617002
planefags here to protect flying bread
2247e8 No.5617003
You're quite the enigma, anon.
You see through the "it's just free speech" libido dominandi, but you take muh joo distraction bait…
Well, whatever. Keep it up, I guess.
654965 No.5617004
book of dorothy;s faggot ass fill his void with trannys and fake jew cocaine that made his bitch ass fart everywhere
caae33 No.5617005
take it back
12 tweets of which 11 are retweets
12 hours, count from Q timestamp
fd6b4b No.5617006
All about the dossier and "investigation". Declass?
990292 No.5617007
3-21 is also the Jewish holiday of Purim. It's from the book of Esther, where the bad guys are hanged from their own gallows. Fitting.
7b4c72 No.5617009
and four of them in the last 12 hours.
507f51 No.5617010
eb3c4c No.5617011
>>5616810 lb
Anon posted all Q 10-letter square brackets
6f1112 No.5617012
>[James Comey]
>1 space
>ten letters
Equals 11 (number of forwarded tweets)
>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
>j a m e s _ c o m e y
fd6512 No.5617013
[DECLASSIFY] = 10 letters
2fb1ae No.5617015
Yasssss. BO kickem some booty.
6586a2 No.5617016
are you stupid? or baiting…or trolling?
(please be bait)…
cbb33a No.5617017
Thinking about your Trivia question(s).
The Mummers' Dance is on "The Book of Secrets" CD…arguably Loreena McKennitt's best.
Personal favorite is Dante's Prayer which incorporates "Alleluia, Behold the Bridegroom“ composed by Anon. circa XVIII century - Performed by the St. Petersburg Chamber Choir (Russians have the deepest bass baritones I have ever heard) Usually sung during the beginning of Holy Week in the Russian Orthodox Churches.
The score of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons brings to life the sonnets he wrote to describe each season. Perhaps you were highlighting the Autumn movement “…hunters set out…the quarry flees…trying to escape but is caught and dies.”
Spirited Away by Inochi No Namae is play on No Name.
6c59a3 No.5617018
Do you have your [ ] filled in?
4882af No.5617019
4574e6 No.5617021
put down the thesaurus T.
9b9aff No.5617022
>got some rest? you see the ping at the end of pb
much better now, danks. love when the kitchen gets hot hot hot, o7. Peeking end of /pb now
13588f No.5617023
11 tweets forwarded
tomorrow is the 11th~
8aec0d No.5617025
not me bc I have a JOB, so save the tard bullshit
654965 No.5617026
7b4c72 No.5617027
Also, Tom Fitton has his sleeves up. Reminds me of the Marines tweet. Think there's any correlation? (I've never seen his bare arms before)
9d1edd No.5617028
last 12 hours (PDT Timestamps)
Sauce http://www.trumptwitterarchive.com/archive
11d3e2 No.5617030
Autism intensifies. Nice job, anon.
2247e8 No.5617031
Hell, that actually makes a surprising amount of sense all of a sudden.
So… does that make "watch the water" = Blackwater?…
714c1f No.5617033
Holding you to it.
453a51 No.5617034
Well goodnight Q.
Have fun storming the castle.
Same time tomorrow.
Soon maybe we will see some good stuff.
be32d4 No.5617036
I think hes saying dark money was provided by him
507f51 No.5617037
e08240 No.5617038
4188f0 No.5617039
Numbers are important aren't they
6586a2 No.5617042
at least on the surface of things…but if you think running whiskey, mob connections, murder, affairs and….well..you get the picture…
654965 No.5617044
cc167c No.5617045
Probability of DECLAS is going up each day that passes
Today was [-9]
Tomorrow is [-8]
Just like that tic tac toe nsa game link
b95c38 No.5617047
NK was key to this whole operation.
Wonder if the official narrative of the last meeting was not entirely accurate.
fe1304 No.5617048
I keep wondering why none of the deniers
ever remark on DJT's use of "pizza-gate" back in 2011.
caae33 No.5617049
Do you have your CHARACTERS filled in?
3e0636 No.5617051
>>5616382 pb
yes Q… ready for the show..
16d3f6 No.5617052
The drop re: pineal gland in the wine Tannins is way fucked up.
58f7a7 No.5617054
I don't care if Tom loves posting pics of himself and his guns. He's doing God's/Trump's/Q's work.
e3db9b No.5617055
Very fitting indeed. If only…
majority of rt's were about the witch hunt. I gave up trying to predict dates long ago. We'll see what happens. Keep in mind Congress is not in sessions so don't know about declas.
23bf53 No.5617056
An interesting link with a different David McCullar…
Floatation therapy w/ brain science? Sounds a little MKULTRA-y
52d5f1 No.5617057
placeholders = brackets?
9b9aff No.5617058
Meme mix up, kek. That one was supposed to go to BOs pwnage post. Have this one instead.
cdd9a9 No.5617059
>>5616382 (lb)
4882af No.5617060
>>5616993 #3019 March 2019
6c59a3 No.5617061
It's March Madness hence Brackets.
e08240 No.5617062
How many moves are there in Tic Tac Toe? 9
714c1f No.5617063
Check your history, anon.
13588f No.5617064
6a3bed No.5617066
f1579f No.5617067
Marshall Masters on Leak Project live stream (Toutube) discussing Q and the connection to planet Niburu).
4d2449 No.5617068
5a9f50 No.5617069
[Clapper] vs. [Brennan] in East Regional Final might be worth a few bags of popcorn…
'Crowd rushing' the court will take on a whole new meaning.
ca6af8 No.5617070
should be 16
look for 16 and confirm for baker
46d8f0 No.5617071
APPREHENDS = 10 letters
APPREHENDED = 11 letters
2247e8 No.5617072
Hey, anon. I think you tagged the wrong person.
ee40a0 No.5617073
Read it to the bottom. It was some kid talking shit.
add4e1 No.5617074
Just some positivity for Anons
And trolling for any MSM and/or Clowns
On this Sunday Night
96f95c No.5617075
Unless is was disinfo designed to make the DS force its hand.
65c44b No.5617076
Also, the JQ was on a roll here. Now anons are playing March madness
714c1f No.5617077
That's what I go, too. We shall see.
1b9d50 No.5617078
Obviously you don’t.
5c43e0 No.5617079
My buddy says it was a revocation of their security clearances.
Me, I do not know.
41d0d7 No.5617081
There was
"[HERD SHEEP]" as well. Not sure I caught all of them, esp. w/ other chars than only letters & numbers.
T'was a quick regExp search.
9f7c43 No.5617082
Q 3019:
Shall We Play A Game?
How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
Primary topic(s)?
March Madness.
Do you have your [ ] filled in?
10 spaces in the brackets and 10 Potus retweets in 12 hours.
Here’s the tweets:
NEW: Dark money group gave $2 Million DEMOCRACY INTEGRITY PROJECT, the org that hired Fusion GPS and Chris Steele to bolster the dossier and Trump-Russia narrative. dailycaller.com/2019/03/10/dar… @dailycaller
BIG:@JudicialWatch Uncovers DOJ Docs Showing Numerous Bruce Ohr Communications with Clinton/DNC's Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele & Glenn Simpson; House Dems Harass @RealDonaldTrump; and @JudicialWatch sues to expose FISA abuse cover-up. Our latest Update! youtu.be/MxtjXdRvtjQ
With @LindseyGrahamSC today touring a Gaza terror tunnel. Cost of tunnel = cost of 2 new schools = cost of 30 new homes. #Hamas consistently makes the wrong choices for the people of #Gaza. Heartbreaking.
Executive Business meeting this morning on judicial nominees in the @senjudiciary committee.
WATCH: https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/03/07/2019/executive-business-meeting
H.R.1 is a blatant power grab to give Washington bureaucrats control over what American citizens can say about politics, how we can say it, and how we cast our ballots.
BREAKING: US Border Patrol says that after physical barriers were erected in San Diego and El Paso sectors, as well as Yuma and Tucson, they saw reductions in illegal border crossings of 95-99%, but that those barriers need to be expanded and extended to really secure the border
BREAKING: Even Mueller's case against Russia itself, for interfering in the 2016 election, is breaking down
The real collusion scandal… why haven't Hillary Clinton and her lawyers been questioned about their collusion with Fusion GPS/Russia/DOJ/FBI to get @realDonaldTrump. Great interview with @MariaBartiromo this am. youtu.be/Wct0CZ8vKPI
Top House Dem says Cohen likely to face DOJ perjury probe fxn.ws/2JdehZU #FoxNews
.@RepAdamSchiff has another ethics scandal as a result of his and his staff colluding with Cohen on his testimony, which was littered with lies, about @RealDonaldTrump. youtu.be/Wct0CZ8vKPI
6586a2 No.5617083
how many times have you people gotten excited over the brackets and kill boxes?
All of you are gonna end up on a list…easy to program….it's like…you cant remember this shit has …oh why bother. At least it will keep you busy and off the streets for a bit longer.
ece41e No.5617085
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Some inspiring Nigh Shift music anons.
7b4c72 No.5617086
Tom Fitton tweeted this 2 hours ago. I've seen it before. Good video. "The Clintons, President Trump, and the scandal of our generation".
f4f014 No.5617087
Here's the possible indictment/arrest window. (3/19-4/8)
And don't forget… APRIL SHOWERS
e3db9b No.5617088
Maybe you can show where Q asked how he rt'ed the most? I can't seem to find it. I see Q asking what subject was mostly rt'ed.
e08240 No.5617089
was definitely the theme in Retweets
36cf87 No.5617091
Is that how BHO picks his brackets?
52d5f1 No.5617092
Bruce Ohr lied to Congress??
7d4af7 No.5617093
Having fun at BO expense I do know anon
93dd69 No.5617094
Mark Zuckerberg's real name is Jacob Greenberg. He is the grandson of David Rockeller.
9b9aff No.5617096
morning/evening to u fam, o7
e3db9b No.5617098
f326d1 No.5617100
This is the game that made the computer realized mutually assured destruction was unwinnable. Then the computer stopped the launch sequence on the nukes.
692c4d No.5617101
Your name and email
39a678 No.5617102
I start work soon. 10hr
ill look it over.
realized after hypothesis forward Active Op cannot be referenced, conf, or denied IF it were happening in Venezuela and IF it were related to Any drops…
If a man is sufficiently dumb in the right places he ceases to be harmful
TY for what you all do…
Tic tac.
[_ ]Marks the spot.
e52889 No.5617103
Chuck Ross
3 hours ago
NEW: Dark money group gave $2 Million DEMOCRACY INTEGRITY PROJECT, the org that hired Fusion GPS and Chris Steele to bolster the dossier and Trump-Russia narrative.
Tom Fitton
Verified account
Mar 8
BIG:@JudicialWatch Uncovers DOJ Docs Showing Numerous Bruce Ohr Communications with Clinton/DNC's Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele & Glenn Simpson; House Dems Harass @RealDonaldTrump; and @JudicialWatch sues to expose FISA abuse cover-up. Our latest Update!
David M. Friedman
Verified account
15 hours ago
With @LindseyGrahamSC today touring a Gaza terror tunnel. Cost of tunnel = cost of 2 new schools = cost of 30 new homes. #Hamas consistently makes the wrong choices for the people of #Gaza.
Lindsey Graham
Verified account
Mar 7
Executive Business meeting this morning on judicial nominees in the @senjudiciary committee.
Leader McConnell
Verified account
Feb 26
H.R.1 is a blatant power grab to give Washington bureaucrats control over what American citizens can say about politics, how we can say it, and how we cast our ballots.
Paul Sperry
Mar 9
BREAKING: US Border Patrol says that after physical barriers were erected in San Diego and El Paso sectors, as well as Yuma and Tucson, they saw reductions in illegal border crossings of 95-99%, but that those barriers need to be expanded and extended to really secure the border
7) Paul Sperry
Mar 9
BREAKING: Even Mueller's case against Russia itself, for interfering in the 2016 election, is breaking down
Tom Fitton
Verified account
8 hours ago
The real collusion scandal… why haven't Hillary Clinton and her lawyers been questioned about their collusion with Fusion GPS/Russia/DOJ/FBI to get @realDonaldTrump. Great interview with @MariaBartiromo this am.
Tom Fitton
Verified account
11 hours ago
Top House Dem says Cohen likely to face DOJ perjury probe https://fxn.ws/2JdehZU #FoxNews
Tom Fitton
Verified account
5 hours ago
.@RepAdamSchiff has another ethics scandal as a result of his and his staff colluding with Cohen on his testimony, which was littered with lies, about @RealDonaldTrump. https://youtu.be/Wct0CZ8vKPI
ITS 10.
e988fc No.5617104
12 retweets and various topics; wall, fisa, corruption and waste.
fe1304 No.5617105
he's (((Serbian)))
ac31b0 No.5617106
Q wants us to fill out our picks for the placeholders on patriots fight!
4d8b8f No.5617108
967252 No.5617109
do the drop dates on patriotsfight have significance?
seven on the 11th
one on the 12th
f326d1 No.5617110
Q posted @ 20.09.20
c2f863 No.5617111
cdd9a9 No.5617112
Ten tweets
Ten spaces
Do you have your [Rosenstein] filled in?
085a25 No.5617113
f9f4db No.5617114
Taliban leader lived out last days near US base in Afghanistan as CIA looked elsewhere, book reveals
The Taliban’s one-eyed leader and co-founder Mullah Omar – who’d had a $10 million bounty on his head – lived out his final days in relative peace and within walking distance of a US base, a Dutch journalist claims.
Omar’s rise to power began when he joined the Afghan Mujahideen to fight the Soviet army in the 1980s. He co-founded the Taliban in 1994 and within two years had captured large swathes of territory, including the capital, Kabul. Accused of harboring Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 attacks, Omar became a prized US target during the invasion of Afghanistan, but eluded his pursuers until his death in 2013.
In the twelve years between the invasion and Omar’s death, US officials and the CIA believed him to be hiding out in Pakistan. In reality, Dutch journalist Bette Dam claims in a forthcoming book, all along he was right under their noses.
Omar’s former bodyguard and a host of Afghan officials told Dam that Omar had spent the first four years of the insurgency living in a modest house in Zabul province, an hour’s walk from the US military’s Forward Operating Base (FOB) Lagman, the journalist told Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant last month.
US forces occasionally swept the area, at one point searching Omar’s safehouse while the Taliban chief hid behind a secret door. When the US began building another FOB a few hundred feet from his hideout, Omar packed up and moved on.
019c31 No.5617115
Fitton… STILL doing all the heavy-lifting. Guy is a BOSS.
b1ecca No.5617116
>>5616888 Checkum & did.not.read.one.fuckin.word. Spacing alone triggers me.
8ae72d No.5617117
7d4af7 No.5617118
Eat a bad of dicks or God bless you too
4d2449 No.5617119
The computer plays itself with each X and O placed uniformly at random into any square (this means the computer plays without regard to strategy).
What is the probability a game will end in a draw?
All told there are 16 × 4! × 5! games that will end in a draw. Thus the probability of a draw is (16 × 4! × 5!)/9! = 8/63.
7b4c72 No.5617120
That's what I counted. Many times. 10
1e9472 No.5617121
There is absolutely no way we would ever let them touch Trump'a family. Even if somehow he was unable to drain the swamp, and lose in 2020, there's no way we'd let him be prosecuted by Mueller, or anything happen to his family. How? Because it would be war.
653dc6 No.5617122
Hilariously, every time I visit my 95 yr old grandparents, like today, my grandpa gives me his latest copy of Judicial Watch and I fill him in on Q.
eb3105 No.5617123
Parents in the United States have no "authority" to parent according to the State, which has usurped the rights of parents. Doctors expect you to take their "orders" or else CPS will be called. Not breastfeeding according to "schedule" when your baby is born in the hospital? "Social Services" will be called. More examples of the police state we are currently living in. Why is the birth rate in the United States falling? It wouldn't be high levels of miscarriage following vaccines during pregnancy would it? It wouldn't be sterility caused by Gardasil injections, would it? It wouldn't be the stress of having your first child regress into autism after those damned "well baby" checks (after which your baby is never "well" again), would it? Why inject a known toxic dose of aluminum into a newborn baby on the first day of life to "protect" against a disease transmitted by unprotected sex and intravenous drug abuse? Why has America lost its edge in scientific research? Chinese researchers have duplicated the changes present in human children with autism by using injections equivalent to the amount of aluminum found in a Hep B vaccine given on the first day of life. Why inject babies with vaccines when the immune system is not developed? Why would any nation not protect its citizens from the effects of mass vaccination campaigns which if not safe doom an ENTIRE population to disability or death? Why is US life expectancy falling? (Hint: It's not just opioids. Many US infants die on the first day of life and then at repeated intervals corresponding to the ages at which "well baby" checks are given. What is SIDS? (Do you really want to know?) Humira can cost roughly $60,000 per year to suppress a deranged immune system. What "deranges" a human immune system? How is the infant immune system trained naturally? Why do pharmaceutical companies want to "train" your baby's immune system "differently"? Why has CPS, the police forces and family courts been hijacked to give control of your children to pharmaceutical companies. Who was Liam Scheff? Why did he die?
caae33 No.5617125
is PapaG doin' da pepe?
238e51 No.5617127
Not saying anyone will hang that day literally, but it's likely that something big will happen related to the witch hunt. It seems like dates are more symbolic in nature of meaning with biblical or numerical/gematria, not always literally when something we expect occurs, like mass arrests.
b95c38 No.5617128
Last Q post was not for anons.
Message for DS watching the boards.
4032f5 No.5617130
I'm betting the Champion will be the team of Justice, Team Captain: President Trump. First Brackets loss: JP and HA
e3db9b No.5617131
That's what I think as well.
507f51 No.5617132
d1df3e No.5617133
Leafy, dat you?
Hang loose buddy.
c2f863 No.5617134
96f95c No.5617137
Those fuckers are jumpy
cdd9a9 No.5617139
>>5616382 (lb)
shit, why not go for the whole ball of wax!
[Deep State]
6952a5 No.5617140
Love it. Stollen.
abe3a6 No.5617141
Without a plan one will continue in a set pattern
To end the insanity, bring order into chaos and chaos is over come by order.
c2f863 No.5617142
7b12f1 No.5617143
you are anonymous now too.. line up for the box car
e3db9b No.5617145
Yes, I agree. I said "if only" because I don't think this country has the stomach for it anymoar.
b3c7be No.5617147
653dc6 No.5617148
Don't tell that to Larry Klayman. Crazy man hates Fitton. Klayman founded JW.
b87eca No.5617149
Democracy Integrity Project, Soros, Fusion GPS, Kaufmann, Venezuela
There's lots of links here:
>A mysterious nonprofit group backed in part by George Soros and linked to Fusion GPS has investigated President Donald Trump and possible Russian interference.
>The Democracy Integrity Project has largely remained a mystery, but The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned new details about the group’s board of directors.
>Jones provided the most insight into Democracy Integrity Project’s activities during an interview with the FBI in late March 2017. He also revealed some of his group’s secrets that same month to Adam Waldman, a lawyer who has links to several players in the Russia saga, including Steele, Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Mark Warner, and Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
>Jones, who also operates a consulting firm called Penn Quarter Group, told the FBI that he hired Fusion GPS and Steele with the goal of “exposing foreign influence in Western elections.”
>He claimed he had received $50 million in funding from a consortium of between seven and 10 wealthy philanthropists.
>Jones sent text messages to Waldman suggesting that his organization was behind several anti-Trump news stories. In a text message introducing himself as being with the Democracy Integrity Project, Jones told Waldman that “Chris wanted us to connect,” seemingly referring to Steele.
>“Our team helped with this,” Jones wrote in a text that linked to a March 17, 2017, article from Reuters about Russian investments in Trump’s Florida real estate properties.
>One board member is an attorney who has worked closely with Fusion GPS in the past. The lawyer, Adam Kaufmann, has worked for Derwick Associates, a Venezuelan power company accused of bribery and money laundering.
6f1112 No.5617151
Missed a Sperry one…
ac31b0 No.5617152
[Placeholder - Branch termination(s)]
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – FIRED
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
Michael Steinbach - Head of NAT SEC Div - FIRED
John Glacalone – (Predecessor to Steinbach) – Head of NAT SEC Div - FIRED
James Turgal – Assistant Director - FIRED
Greg Bower – Top Congressional Liaison - FIRED
Trisha Anderson – Principle Deputy General Counsel - FIRED
Randy Coleman - Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Div – REMOVED
[Placeholder - Leak(s)]
Adam Schiff
ca6af8 No.5617154
can someone get baker a count of the placehoders in PF
2247e8 No.5617155
But, anon, WE are chaos.
7541a2 No.5617156
== OK, here is the answer to the [ ] puzzle…
Trump tweeted/retweeted 11 times..right?
11 spaces in between brackets…right?
Find the one thing from each of the retweets or his tweets that is wrong, missing or out of place…add them together to get your answer…
but i could be crazy…or just totally wrong!!!!
Good Luck!!!!
13f54a No.5617158
Can you do one with Hillary hanging in the mirror?
13588f No.5617159
4574e6 No.5617160
4188f0 No.5617161
The evil of it all. Makes me sick
96f95c No.5617162
We certainly are chaotic.
87abba No.5617163
Chaos Strategy is well known in the Army
1b9d50 No.5617165
2c3f4b No.5617166
I don't trust QNN's coverage now that QNN is colluding with ebot…
9d1edd No.5617167
POTUS only RT'd 11 times in the last 12 hours…
also, if "[ ]" is meaning PLACEHOLDER, there are 20. (Others have floated the idea)
13588f No.5617168
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/11/18 (Sun) 13:40:15 No.458
[Placeholder - Branch termination(s)]
[Placeholder - Leak(s)]
▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/11/18 (Sun) 13:40:57 No.459
[Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles]
[Placeholder - Foreign Acts_pub]
▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/11/18 (Sun) 13:41:25 No.460
[Placeholder - FVEY_pub]
[Placeholder - FISA_pub]
▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/11/18 (Sun) 13:41:55 No.461
[Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub]
[Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub]
▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/12/18 (Mon) 11:30:42 No.463
[Placeholder - OIG Report & Findings]
[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Exe B_ABCs & Media Coll]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign_Insert(s)_ORec & Info Diss]
[Placeholder - OIG report > FISA Abuse DIR_INDIR_Source_DIS]
[Placeholder - OIG report > Umbrella SPY & Targeting]
[Placeholder - OIG report > OTR_C_]
6586a2 No.5617169
every. single. time. I was expecting it. In fact…may have tested it…cause last time I did it…same thing happened…
those tweets are stupid…illegal immigration is still rolling in like a dangerous red tide…catch and release..still on fire
Venezuelans are being murdered by Israel and US gov when they cut the power so they can tweet OMERG but babbiees are dying…yeah assholes..that's on you.
red pills about Israel…pouring out every where…one tweet OMG hamas murder tunnels…
the shit is endless….diversion, distraction..midterms are safe..trust sessions…
it's disappointing…sad…demoralizing…but at least the stupid people are happy with their popcorn…until 15 march passes….again..:( I feel sorry for people what's coming…but honestly…you all deserve it.
4a3d73 No.5617170
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. is it weird that genesoke ohr has no history prior to 1991?
oleg tho, comes up a lot,
"in 2014–2016, Bruce Ohr was involved in a wide–ranging clandestine effort by the U.S. government to recruit Russia's richest men close to Vladimir Putin, such as Oleg Deripaska, as informants for the U.S. government"
ac31b0 No.5617171
[Placeholder - OIG report > Foreign ASST_D1]
714c1f No.5617172
We know that's not gonna happen. Kek
e1c2c4 No.5617173
as in Stratfor the global leader in GEOPOLITICAL INTELLIGENCE aka BLACK MAIL
aka CIA
aka White Rabbit
aka Sex/Drugs/Adrenochrome/DMT/Rape/Sacrifice
967252 No.5617174
looking forward to this one - breaking the birds:
>[Placeholder - OIG report > FBI, DOJ, & Media Coll]
6a3bed No.5617177
3b919d No.5617178
73370c No.5617179
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. THIS IS THE MESSAGE: After this I am done posting and logging off. DON'T WWG1WGA or you fail.
CLICK THIS SHIT WATCH LEARN. There are no winners in this only losers.
eb3105 No.5617180
https://healthimpactnews.com/2011/cia-vaccinated-poor-children-with-fake-vaccination-program-in-war-against-bin-laden/ The CIA also used a "fake" vaccine program to find Bin Laden.
e52889 No.5617181
54a634 No.5617182
Obviously Q knows what a re-tweet is.
4d2449 No.5617184
NSA game release link dated May 15, 2018.
Many Q posts that day and her is one with "game"
2 NYC Detectives Murdered Who Saw the Insurance File
15 May 2018 - 12:41:09 AM
15 May 2018 - 12:31:36 AM
The stuff about the NYPD isn't just coming out. I'd heard about that during the campaign. But maybe the public wasn't ready for it yet? No one wanted to believe it then.
Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017.
Did they view the insurance file?
Threats are real.
This is not a game.
e1c2c4 No.5617185
Please verify if we are correct here
57483c No.5617186
11 tweets + 10 spaces = 21
8ae72d No.5617187
Negative Speed Racer.
Telling anons shit is about to go down.
Kill box fits in empty brackets.
Do you have your [Kill Boxes] filled in?
Purposely left blank because it's redundant to fill it in.
755299 No.5617189
60e535 No.5617190
3b919d No.5617191
7d512a No.5617192
Cap of RTs in chronological order
8c736d No.5617194
Those are “brackets” as in March Madness….
ca6af8 No.5617195
af842b No.5617197
080ff3 No.5617199
Boring. But fine…Tom rocks.
I hope it is revealed as someone other than Tom though…this reeks of Vince McMahons "Higher Power" letdown.
I need it to be someone that will drop my jaw. Like Bill Murray or something
2247e8 No.5617202
It goes deeper than that, anons.
Evolution = entropy.
Disorder is necessary. This is why the jungle is important and why its laws cannot be ignored.
4d2449 No.5617203
Will we get to find out who murdered the NY officers?
7a02e5 No.5617204
I've been seeing 66 everywhere for a year or so now. Numerology and gematria never held any weight with me and idk enough about them to call it straight up gahbich but I'll admit I've looked everywhere I could think of for the meaning of the number 66
e3db9b No.5617208
It's 11. Apparently moar fuckery with twitter.
6f1112 No.5617209
Plus 1
c9680d No.5617210
Ty, for this reply, Anon!
Reading now…
1bb1cc No.5617211
17 retweets, all about Q stuff. Might as well use a bunch of Q words in a tweet Q+.
cdd9a9 No.5617212
3ba941 No.5617213
You have moar to learn.
Post less. Research moar.
61e68c No.5617214
Answer 8/63. 8+6+3 = 17.
3b919d No.5617215
Anons, how do I check my history?
26bd87 No.5617216
This should have got more attention
850dbc No.5617217
Jewbot, I see you are posting with two different IDs now. Why is that?
efa122 No.5617218
Q posted 1st by far, which kind a points to that account being a (((shill))). It would have been moar fitting if [it] would have tweeted "Games R FUN!"
1ac6ec No.5617219
2eeceb No.5617220
Q is talking to (((them)))
>Shall we play a game?
>How about a nice game of CHESS?
16d3f6 No.5617222
Noice // More
13588f No.5617226
and #462 was deleted
96f95c No.5617232
Entropy inexorably increases.
Disorder increases.
e52889 No.5617233
My bad, I didnt click to open the whole thread.
5f8219 No.5617234
The Only Way To Win is not to play…To late for that !!
e1c2c4 No.5617235
9f7c43 No.5617236
You mean this one?
If Schiff wasn't coaching Cohen on how to go after Trump before his testimony and was just going over procedural issues, why didn't he invite GOP staff to sit in on these secret meetings? Schiff must be recused from future hearings while Ethics investigates his witness tampering
I couldn’t verify if it was within the last 12 hours…it’s dated 3/9 and between a 4hr and a 15hr Potus tweet spread, so I skipped it… it’s here for the record now ;)
4574e6 No.5617237
it is currently 20, mine doesnt have 462 either
52d5f1 No.5617238
How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
Primary topic(s)?
a235a0 No.5617239
Some people say he was closer to 14”’s
cdd9a9 No.5617240
indeed, however it's the thought that counts fren.
e3db9b No.5617241
ca6af8 No.5617242
>>5616880 5 RT of Fitton (Judicial WATCH)
>>5616868, >>5616888, >>5616897, >>5616909 Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows Series of Radical Events (anon)
>>5617152 16 names (possible theory, no endorsement)
>>5617109 full cap of PF placeholders
>>5617090 this anon has 11 RT and [16] total tweets (good graphic)
11d3e2 No.5617243
93a0b2 No.5617244
Whats official about that shit?
This is more believable since it can be verified by multiple sources. One of them being Fox News.
1e9472 No.5617245
Chuck Hagel and Stanley McChrystal sure do sound like a couple of faggots to me.
e1c2c4 No.5617246
755299 No.5617247
how many times has potus retweeted "old" past tweets relevant to the now?
653dc6 No.5617248
Wonder how many people have died (both good and bad) just so the DS can try to coverup their own crimes? Too many to count of course, but it'd be nice to one day have some degree of clarity.
a3203b No.5617249
It helps to grab your ID, then filter that plus all replies. Pulls it all right up for you.
4a3d73 No.5617252
peace is the prize, all sides cease fire [draw] is peace
we all win when nobody dies
e52889 No.5617253
e93a89 No.5617254
If not already posted. Here a link off the puzzle link from the last Q post. I haven't seen these pictures before now. Probably worth a dig for those who are better with faces and names than myself.
e1c2c4 No.5617255
375716 No.5617256
Missing the first three, need to 'click to expand'.
84a9ef No.5617259
He hasn't asked us for a shekel.
caae33 No.5617260
just count… its 11 retweets
12 total
12 hrs from Q timestamp
96f95c No.5617261
Probably half the size of the US debt.
4d8b8f No.5617262
that would mean HRC goes free that cant be
13588f No.5617263
ty, I don't know how to internet well
3b919d No.5617264
I didn't see the new Q post before I saw JFK Jr.'s post, so I thought how great it would be for him to have posted first. Yes, and "Game R FUN" would have been perfect.
An anon told me to check my history - how do I do that?
65c44b No.5617266
Patriots have no skin color, but Israel is only for kikes
3d58e2 No.5617267
In the movie wargames, the launch code is:
Q Post 1704:
25 Jul 2018 - 7:20:30 PM
25 Jul 2018 - 7:17:03 PM
>If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.
>If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.
I think the bracket is Rosenstein.
4e9f3a No.5617270
Michael Gaeta out of Rome might fit into this category even though overseas?
87abba No.5617271
Considering Mueller full team meeting on Friday, what are the odds Mueller announces the end of the SC investigation tomorrow and then we wait for Barr to release it, coupled with full Declas?
12696b No.5617272
Cuba’s new president meets with US senator, Google exec
"Cuba now uses a cable that runs under the Caribbean to Venezuela."
Wonder how it works with no electricity?
bfc7f6 No.5617273
sealed to unsealed…forward?
54601c No.5617274
>Make your dick fall off.
You'd know a lot about that woundn'cha?
>Oh wait you just post red text spam and naked bitches.
b95c38 No.5617276
Here you go anons
1b9d50 No.5617279
I know, why I find it interesting. For whatever reason, the 8/63 on the NSA link stood out to me, as well as Q’a recent use of X used to watch… and then a link to tic-tac-toe. Forwarded=foreshadowing?
080ff3 No.5617280
Ah hell what a letdown. Somebody has to win.
3b08ad No.5617282
see (((them))) trying to refute this lol
11d3e2 No.5617283
#4 has two moles that need checked out.
5d77ab No.5617284
11 retweets = march 11
2247e8 No.5617286
While we really shouldn't get caught up on this, evolution should increase inexorably… that's kinda the whole point.
Disorder is more sensible of an explanation when we talk about "the jungle" because it has its limitations. Evolution, however, continues beyond humans, as it began before humans. In this analogy, humans developed socialization unlike other creatures, and therefore the analogy fits a little bit better.
Thanks, though.
ebdefb No.5617287
Funny how Brennan mentioned the Ides of March on CNN the other day
666aa0 No.5617288
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills.
Be careful fame.
8bb0e0 No.5617289
The only winning move is not to play
e3db9b No.5617290
Slim and none. Mueller still has an active grand jury going.
5c43e0 No.5617291
I have recently turned off my wifi.
I feel better and my animals are acting different too.
3f5acf No.5617292
i found the wording interesting too. Q knows what a retweet is and used the word "forwarding" on purpose.
4882af No.5617293
>>5617178 Q used my post!
You are the only ones I can tell you anons
see >>5616876
4188f0 No.5617295
Mine is 34. I don't quite get it but I have been doing heavy research into it.
4a3d73 No.5617296
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5617224
in america you can be whoever you want
3b919d No.5617297
Does he mean history on Q Research or my reg history? My reg shows "0". How can that be - been online all day?
b3c7be No.5617299
503363 No.5617300
[Those who wish to deceive us]
[Thos who wish to control us]
[Those who would enslave us]
[Those who would take our liberty]
Sheep no more!
b0ce88 No.5617302
39a678 No.5617303
quick, and good work anon i like it.
march 15th…
is THIS why those numbers are ommitted…
They have to correspond to dates.
96f95c No.5617304
Entropy = disorder.
b3c7be No.5617305
e6562e No.5617306
22ca50 No.5617307
3+1+1+2+0+1+9 = 17
4574e6 No.5617308
654965 No.5617309
remember when the Ai was working with the russian bots
e52889 No.5617312
5f8219 No.5617313
We are Patriots…Nothing More…Nothing Less !!
eb87f0 No.5617314
Net Will Be Paused
The internet in Venezuela is collapsed right on Q.
One year delta (3-10) on Q post #943.
The minute marker (:22) of Q post #1044 mirrors onto todays marker (:38).
4a3d73 No.5617315
and it worked out super great for mike
60e535 No.5617316
Why did Q type 'forwarded'?
Why not retweet?
If both are not synonymous then the answer is 0.
f63937 No.5617317
Next Sunday is selection Sunday …St Patrick's Day …3-17-2019 !
3b08ad No.5617320
Swolle BO is swolle.
Thank you for always staying the course.
e9164e No.5617321
Does the NSA really do puzzles like in the movie Mercury Rising? Thank God for the autists. Love you all.
11d3e2 No.5617322
If nipples shot laser beams, #4 would need to watch where she steps.
755299 No.5617325
remember when your slide was fresh?
b3c7be No.5617326
bfc7f6 No.5617327
Yea thats the part we need to figure out. Stands out like a sore thumb
8ae72d No.5617328
Find some pretty dasting drops if you simply search an apostrophe in qmap.
The show must go on.
87abba No.5617329
sauce on active Grand jury still open for SC? Just because there is a grand jury doesn't mean the investigation isn't over. It just means the GJ is there to follow up on its findings
2247e8 No.5617330
I'm confused why you'd point out nuanced differences, then suggest they're synonymous terms once we discuss them further…
7cd0a5 No.5617332
Tic-toc-toe 11 spaces
It's X vs O
We have X on Qteam
O is Obama.
8/63 8+6+3 =17
Q win.
4906ba No.5617333
Entropy = increasing complexity
f326d1 No.5617334
Thanks to the anon that posted White Sqall
3b919d No.5617335
Don't see any "history" selection under General Tab. Is it somewhere else?
e75720 No.5617336
That's what I was thinking too - placeholders on /pf.
714c1f No.5617337
What do you mean how?
Papa Joe was a booze runner. Canada to US durinv prohibition.
Papa went to Hollywood to produce movies and rape starlets
Had his daughter lobotimized without mothers knowledge or consent.
Any goodness this family possessed was via mommy Rose.
a3203b No.5617338
Oh look at me posting borderline legal twat to trigger Motherfuckers……
4882af No.5617340
>>5617321 hi Mr honda
Please BV/BO delete this?
7d512a No.5617341
654965 No.5617342
commie benis says
"don;t forget to shoot those trillionaires"
b0ce88 No.5617343
>>5617314 Net Will Be Paused
96f95c No.5617344
Because entropy is a measure of disorder.
fe1304 No.5617345
be015d No.5617346
Patriots may have no skin colour but Nations do. Countries without true National identity are not long for this world, nothing thus far in the plan indicates they have a solution for this, but we will see.
fefb8d No.5617347
Don't see Pamplet Aids getting blocked
e3db9b No.5617348
Anon…that last one from Paul Sperry was from 15hrs ago so does not count.
Makes it 11 in the last 12 hrs.
1ac6ec No.5617349
Might not be a "tweet".. may be something else POTUS forwarded
c939fb No.5617352
9dd678 No.5617353
Maybe times POTUS tweeted could be linked back to clock or Q drops
666aa0 No.5617356
He's right, you know.
I feel safer if brave F16 can shoot missile out of the sky.
Missiles getting faster everyday.
Opponents growing stronger everyday.
America was getting weaker everyday.
Anons caught the bread in time.
Q Q+ precision fire.
Anons know the message and wait for moar.
Focus fire, and the World knows next.
Real time, we PRAY.
Godspeed Anons, Q+, Q.
b65319 No.5617357
Agreed, thanks for mentioning
654965 No.5617358
remember when we was cooking souls on the ol nebbercadnezzer
2247e8 No.5617359
Sure, but can't they both simultaneously be used as nouns in the same analogy used to convey a particular idea?
Are you always this pedantic?
080ff3 No.5617360
96f95c No.5617361
2b80c5 No.5617362
I dont have all the answers, yet
But I am pretty sure war games was in referrence to the war games in Korea.
Also [adanschiff] in square 1.
9a79b5 No.5617364
>We have to go back
3b08ad No.5617365
instead Q and Q+ GIVES OUT shekelz to Americans.
That's fucking hell no to kikery right there.
b3c7be No.5617367
the color of freedom? Light of God…
ff2e86 No.5617368
[game board]
What in march madness do you make? A bracket?
96f95c No.5617369
b65319 No.5617370
4eab9a No.5617371
cdd9a9 No.5617372
65c44b No.5617375
this is true. Q wants to have a member of Congress who represents every major world ethnic, racial, and religious group who will be imported into the US en masse. Let's see how productive and efficient this country becomes.
91a76a No.5617378
That’s not true. They announced they’re gonna accept 200,000 refugees from France.
What’s that? They’re only accepting Jewish refugees? Welp, that’s what I call getting jewed
efd360 No.5617379
So James Woods is lying?
e9164e No.5617380
Mom of 5 anon. Do not drive Honda.
507f51 No.5617381
7abea4 No.5617382
Possible double meaning to "primary"?
>Watch those announcing 2020 P running.
>"You cannot attack a political opponent"
a3203b No.5617383
It's a concerted effort….fuck all y'all.
4a3d73 No.5617384
what's it say?
the end won't be for everyone
17c4ad No.5617386
Kinda Qwestioning QNN's veracity, when ebot endorses their channel, amirite?
666aa0 No.5617388
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Pride before the fall.
Newbies, check your ego.
Humbleness will get you far.
755299 No.5617389
That's the point.
America, is for Americans.
IF individuals don't want to be an American, and follow our laws and customs, then they should move do a country that has laws and customs that suit them, instead of breaking our laws and customs. :)
3b919d No.5617393
Oh, I thought you were sending a secret message (like maybe your were Q). So I tried the Options button, put in my ID and nothing came up.
Obvi not secret message.
2fb1ae No.5617394
e3db9b No.5617395
hahaha…you apparently have no clue what a grand jury is. I don't have the sauce since my pc closed all my tabs a few hours ago. It was just unsealed info about a Russian owned bussiness operating here in the US. Feel free to look it up.
74bc87 No.5617397
March Madness: Barack Obama's 2018 NCAA brackets and all his past picks
4882af No.5617399
>>5617380 Don´t put personal info here
Mrs. Rhonda
3b919d No.5617400
Misunderstood, now I get it.
6586a2 No.5617402
yeah no fucking sale…and when you wonder why this country can't change…you fucking look in the mirror and own your shit…for being so easily manipulated…anyone dies in Venezuela…it's on YOU…for being so malleable.
f2a4bd No.5617403
>>5616382 pb
How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
The four words are…
A Total Witch Hunt
(pic rel)
70676f No.5617404
TDIP is prominent in the Alabama DIGG–and they've got a lot more cash than $2mil:
According to a report released by the House Intelligence Committee in April 2018, Jones told the FBI in March 2017 that his group would receive $50 million in funding from seven to 10 wealthy donors from New York and California. TDIP’s tax filings in 2017 show that the group received far less: $9,036,836.
DC has been following this group for almost a year but new info is hard to come by. It's head is Daniel Jones–the same guy who worked for SSCI on Torture Report. Referred to in recent Q drops: 2293, 2657.
TDIP seems to be a sort of pass thru for money funnelled to FusionGPS. Donors are private and anonymous.
See info at Information Warfare thread for moar on TDIP.
39a678 No.5617405
layered message
bracket refers directly to…
and then to a date.
date is march 15th
probably through the 20th
GW to anon finding Judicial [[WATCH]]
holy …
I think we underestimate whats required to comm like this … Its practically an art.
9cb785 No.5617406
Here you go anons! A 63 team FILLABLE PDF bracket.
ca6af8 No.5617407
are thes lb
breads flyin
i dont wanna go off bread
87abba No.5617408
your smugness and promptitude is amusing
4d2449 No.5617409
how many spaces in the brackets q posted?
does [traitor] fit?
10 Mar 2019 - 10:09:20 PM
Shall We Play A Game?
How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
Primary topic(s)?
March Madness.
Do you have your [ ] filled in?
6b1223 No.5617410
Ad-Free Vero Takes on Social Media: CEO Ayman Hariri—
While researching Sean Parker of FAKEBOOK
Ran into 'strange' connection to Hariri Family of SA
In the link below, a bio of Sean Parker, it mentions FULL NAME
See link- https://networthpost.org/sean-parker-net-worth/#tab-content-0
Former PM Rafik Hariri (assasinated in car bomb 2005)
)>King Fahd-Funded construction company Saudi Oger, Rafik Hariri CEO
>Oger (shutdown in September 2017)
>Saudi Purge
>Nov 4 2017 reported in news
>>PM Lebanon, son of Rafik, Saad Hariri, disappears in SA at the same time
>Prince Abdulazziz bin Fahd reportedly dies in fall-out, fleeing arrest
The Prince is good friends with PM Saad Hariri
Getting back to the Hariri Family
After looking into the MISTAKE on Sean Parker's BIO
I dug on the Hariri Family
Most interesting is the son, Hassoum
Rafik had three sons from 1st marriage to, Nidal Bustani,an Iraqi mother of Bahaa, Saad & Houssam
His second marriage to Nazik Audi is mother of sons, Ayman, Fahd and Hind and a daughter, Joumana
Reported in the MIT newspaper THE TECH
>Son, Houssam R Hariri, died in auto accident Oct 1990 (posted in MIT Newspaper
There isn't a report that I could find in the Boston Newspapers or otherwise. The Boston area statistics don't show an accident occurring on specified date http://www.city-data.com/accidents/acc-Boston-Massachusetts.html
No accident w/fatalities reported for Oct 17, 1990 (only one on Oct 21 1990)
Couldn't find report on the Memorial Service or a funeral held for this son, Roussam in SA…..smh
Family pictures found on net are ONLY w/2nd wife and children
1990 Death of Roussam (car accident, racing brother, Bahaa)
5d77ab No.5617411
4188f0 No.5617412
4574e6 No.5617413
may i have a sip
of your delicious beverage
this down
af842b No.5617414
Father of 5 anon. Keep it safe.
714c1f No.5617415
Np….happens all the time.
2247e8 No.5617416
The two of you do realize that the term has a definition beyond the term as it stands as a physics concept, correct?
good god tuck your aspie back in, anon.
fd6512 No.5617417
When you post leave the name and email boxes blank. No need to give away your ID or email address.
7655ae No.5617418
It didn't work for me - kept opening up a new [spam] window. WTF did you do?
be015d No.5617419
"American" means nothing anymore, its a massive shopping mall for the world. Only the West plays the Globalist no-identity experiment. They use the same rhetoric in Europe/UK => e.g. anyone can be 'British". No other group is dumb enough to fall for this, only white peoples.
436ba6 No.5617420
[HRC] brackets filled in ?
0b524f No.5617421
DJT is Billy Jack
And he’s about to kick ass!
b0ce88 No.5617422
they just sperg out and miss everything glad you saw it too.
e52889 No.5617423
Tue, Mar 19, 2019 – Mon, Apr 8, 2019
019c31 No.5617425
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Was watching Jay Leno on Joe Rogan, from 2 years ago…
Noticed that regarding hard-core mob-guys, Leno says, "They're not Italians anymore… They've moved on to other ethnic-groups."
"Russian?", Rogan asks.
"Eh… there's other ethnic-groups… I'm not gonna say anything."
It's at 31:40 in…
65c44b No.5617426
They're also accepting the Venezuelan jews who destroyed the country with socialism. The French ones probably brought in the Africans and now it's time to get back to the safety of their ethnostate
768125 No.5617427
They keep you on a short leash don't they?
755299 No.5617428
You know… There's no coincidences.
Good day.
343f75 No.5617429
3rd Tuesday of every month….
Funny the 3rd Tuesday happens to be the 19th this month…