a2eb07 No.5602062
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Q's Latest Posts
Saturday 03.09.2019
>>5600601 ————————————–——– Attempts to DIVIDE will FAIL. Patriots have no skin color.
>>5599583 ————————————–——– The real reason they want OPEN BORDERS. ( Caps: >>5599914 )
>>5597549 ————————————–——– How do you keep a secret? How do you prevent leaks? ( Caps: >>5596901 )
>>5596872 rt >>5596800 ————————— You have been prepared for what is about to take place.
>>5596777 ————————————–——– Exclusive? 1.5 years behind Anons. (cap: >>5596837 )
>>5596682 ————————————–——– Patriots stand at the ready, and prepared, for what is about to come. (Cap: >>5596729 )
>>5596292 ————————————–——– Sealed > Unsealed.Indictments coming
>>5595311 ————————————–——– IT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN. BE VIGILANT.
>>5595169 rt >>5594529 ————————— Zero Delta Q Proof graphic
>>5595092 rt >>5594428 ————————— Statistically impossible?
>>5594916 ————————————–——– Define 'Protection' (Cap: >>5594960 )
>>5594813 ————————————–——– There are others within the FBI/DOJ linked to the C_A. What is that FEAR for MZ? ( Caps: >>5600161 )
>>5594421 ————————————–——– The President of the United States told you who authorized the targeting.
>>5594371 ————————————–——– Do you target your enemies or your allies? (cap: >>5594381, >>5594388, >>5594396 )
Thursday 03.07.2019
>>5569577 ————————————–——– [Parts 3-9 coming soon] (Cap: >>5569749)
>>5569206 ————————————–——– We stand TOGETHER in this FIGHT. (Cap: >>5569411)
>>5569036 ————————————–——– House > Senate (Cap: >>5569172)
>>5568867 ————————————–——– Keep the calendar up-to-date, Patriot. (Cap: >>5568982)
>>5568772 ————————————–——– Remember, it goes both ways. (Cap: >>5568888)
>>5568629 rt >>5565314 ————————— Impressive, most impressive.
>>5553520 ————————————–——– Qpost on Denver Airport
>>5553154 rt >>5552800 ————————— Privacy push to cover for past/future 'exposure' issue
>>5552746 rt >>5551830 ————————— Trying to get ahead of something? What a coincidence
>>5551229 ————————————–——– Why did @Snowden only engage and attack the NSA?
>>5551010 ————————————–——– [DARPA>GOOG] Major steps underway to challenge these control pockets.
>>5550834 rt >>5550786 ————————— [2 of 9] complete.
>>5550786 rt >>5550547 ————————— Family tree of MZ? Family tree of wife? Why won't CHINA allow FB? [2 of 9]
Wednesday 03.06.2019
>>5550547 ————————————–——– Did DARPA complete build/code (tax-payer funded) 'LifeLog' program? [2 of 9]
>>5550175 ————————————–——– Define 'Lifelog' [DARPA]. (cap: >>5550214)
>>5549666 ————————————–——– Truth, Transparency, and Equal Justice Under the Law. (vid: >>5549677 )
>>5546235 ————————————–——– We hear his source(s) are 'very' credible ( cap: >>5546265 )
>>5543905 ————————————–——– Lifelog / Facebook connection. (image)
>>5543889 ————————————–——– FB RETURNING TO THE NEWS. [1 of 9]
>>5538237 rt >>5538127 ————————— TIME = CORRUPTION.
>>5537906 ————————————–——– But, they [D's] already know, they just LIE [DISHONEST]. ( Cap: >>5538106 )
>>5537208 ————————————–——– Death Blossom. ( Cap: >>5537276 )
Tuesday 03.05.2019
Compiled here: >>5567488
Monday 03.04.2019
Compiled here: >>5553124
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Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
a2eb07 No.5602071
are not endorsements
>>5389728, >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5601654 Planefag: BOOMR callsign near Roswell...
>>5601655 North Korea goes to polls to approve new parliament lineup
>>5601637 Graphic: Democrats stand exposed
>>5601705 Freeda Foreman, 42, daughter of boxing great George Foreman, found dead
>>5601726 Y2K-like issue could cause major GPS problems on April 6 (NY Post, 2-day old sauce)
>>5601746 Anon on Q 3011, 11.3, and 3.11
>>5601779 Dig on Denver International Airport and the New World Airport Commission
>>5601821 New DJT tweet
>>5602010 Planefag: Something needs refueling off the coast of Venezuela?
>>5602048 #7163
>>5600667 A 30-million page library is heading to the moon "to help preserve human civilization"
>>5600671 America is set to overtake Saudi Arabia and become the world's largest exporter of oil
>>5600860 How Much Longer Will The Middle-Class Politely Tolerate Its Own Destruction?
>>5601077 Hispanics for Trump
>>5601291 #7162
>>5599827 U1 whistleblower twats on U1/CIA and does he follow Q? #DarktoLight
>>5599927 Real ID Act to be 100% compliance by 10/1/2020
>>5599913 Children's Books Publishing Company founded by Ocasio-Cortez in 2012 still owes $1,870 in taxes
>>5600000 Kek speaks: It has begun.
>>5600140, >>5600162, >>5600216 Idaho State Police confirms semi-truck carrying missiles involved in incident that closed I-90 Friday
>>5600541 #7161
>>5599255 Deutsche Bank : Executives Agree to Informal Talks With Commerzbank –Update
>>5599259 Anon reminds us POTUS said he'd get a special prosecutor to investigate Clintons during second debate pre-election
>>5599273 Dig into one of the names on the Denver Airport Capstone - Federico Pena
>>5599182 Q Drop 3/9/18: 'SEALS' foreshadowing the "unSEALing" of indictments/FISA?
>>5599310 Based Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Speaks Truth like a Boss
>>5599450, >>5599551 Pizzeria in LA raided by SWAT teams for alleged "secret gambling club"
>>5599641 Posts (all pb) re: Sessions directive letter to Huber 11/22/17
>>5599767 #7160
#7159 Baker Change
>>5598263 Article in The Hill re: end of NSA surveillance program
>>5598413, >>5598629 Planefag reports
>>5598728, >>5598856 State Secrets dig
>>5598824 Flights resume at NJ's Newark airport after fire report shuts runways
>>5598927 #7159
>>5597690 Sessions video re Daily Beast article
>>5597770 Swat raid on Pizza Italian Kitchen
>>5597519 Multiple reports of China investigating HIV-tainted blood plasma
>>5597982, >>5598031 Q's post links to by email ID (WL HRC Email Archive)
>>5597904 Great find great memoryanon!!!!
>>5598108 #7158
>>5596901 full Daily Beast article
>>5596705 One Year delta - where there was once Darkness there is now LIGHT
>>5597175 Dark to Light on Qclock
>>5597343 DB tweet: Zucker unloads on FOX News at SXSW
>>5596709 How 7 congressmen were placed in office by Chakrabarti & Uygur (video)
>>5597319 Update on 14 killed in Columbia plane crash
>>5597548 #7157
>>5595939, >>5595966 Sandmann plans to sue CNN for at least $250 million.
>>5596060 MSNBCs C Mathews calls on Ds to begin impeachment immediately
>>5596588 #7156
Previously Collected Notables
>>5596258 #7155
>>5593675 #7152, >>5594259 #7153, >>5595017 #7154
>>5591181 #7149, >>5591950 #7150, >>5592997 #7151
>>5589590 #7146, >>5589644 #7147, >>5590504 #7148
>>5586517 #7143, >>5587474 #7144, >>5589016 #7145
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
a2eb07 No.5602073
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
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a2eb07 No.5602078
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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf
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• Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160
• Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue Direct link to 426+ memes https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ
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Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5593665
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5593621
a2eb07 No.5602086
abc253 No.5602102
yea (((You))) you stupid fucking shilling 'jew'.
israel is saved for last. for a VERY specific reason.
Pierce the veil, drag out the pretenders.
Frauds and cowards will soon know (((their))) place.
2dd08f No.5602104
347ee3 No.5602107
This guy gets it!!! Summed up perfectly
e7ff6c No.5602108
>>5601836 pb
c1b9b2 No.5602110
That's a nice-lookin' sammich.
f45a2e No.5602111
I wonder if 3 of 9 is complete or if there's more coming down the pipes… ?
5af09f No.5602112
TY Baker!!! Great day, and great drops.
70d018 No.5602113
Go blow a nigger, Q said.
552358 No.5602115
Who can spot what is wrong with this pictures by 'GOOG'?
86f941 No.5602116
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Welcome New Fags…You made it!
Please watch this short orientation video attached.
Also check out the spreadsheet for a lot of answers to your questions.
friendly reminder…lurk first before you ask faggot questions…this board is happy to answer serious questions…but you may not like the answers.
Enjoy your stay!
bba2f6 No.5602118
SNL R Kelly spoof has said Q 3x so far.
02a8d3 No.5602119
I filtered baker and cant see the bread
e7393e No.5602120
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Ask yourself one simple question.
What would happen to the deep state establishment if WE THE PEOPLE bypass world governments by making contact with ET civilizations via 'CE5' protocols?
What questions will scientists ask when they see UFO's with their own eyes?
-How are they getting here?
-What is the propulsion system?
-Do they use exxon jet fuel?
-Do they use free energy?
-Does the deep state already have these technologies?
-Medical applications?
Why is the REALLY a half century+ blackout (truth embargo) on ET visitations?
Why does the media never mention the methods of contacting ET (CE5)?
4d01c0 No.5602121
Dems have become so routinely radical that Bernie Sanders is forced to play catch-up.
9b36d5 No.5602122
>nothing to see here
7651ce No.5602124
ca2a44 No.5602125
Working the twitter late on a saturday night. Love the Dragon Energy.
a5602b No.5602126
KEK!! I hope we get a clip.
e4b02d No.5602127
Wait, George Formeman has a kid not named George??
1dfa95 No.5602128
HRC thought she had it made.
Fortunately, she only made it to the 17 yard line.
d7a3b8 No.5602129
The media will NEVER be completely honest.
15e653 No.5602131
Look at Kim’s eyes.
d88f27 No.5602132
552358 No.5602133
Should read these and not this. MY bad.
a2eb07 No.5602135
09f5ba No.5602136
It was by design custom built for the target. These systems were not connected to the web.
Typically using speaker and mic on device.
I have more detail but I will need to gather
1a0307 No.5602137
Is everyone ready for them to shit their pants?
As long as the satanic Jews are kept away
As long as kushner is exposed
As long as justice is served
As long as the world changes forever for the positive
Let’s march forward
To victory
37db0e No.5602139
>>5596872 (pb)
Q says Pepe MOAB incoming….
Analysis of this reposted as 10 graphics here and next comment.
But for links to all included graphics look here:
>>5568068 (pb)
I could be wrong on some points for sure, but I am convinced that most of it is on target.
(If I convince you, run with it and maybe make better graphics…)
2dd08f No.5602141
edc418 No.5602142
Anons, I’m so glad I stuck with you all, through all the disinfo, false starts, shills, and time, it looks like we are finally getting there. This has been an amazing experience so far and I cannot wait to see what the future holds. WWG1WGA I LOVE YOU ALL
a19634 No.5602144
d1ae90 No.5602145
>>5601982 (lb)
agreed anon.
c6de05 No.5602146
Sure hope the NSA have eyes on if Kim is a spook or not…
c70bc4 No.5602147
Spreadsheet is updated to post >>5600601
Full sized images Q posts/responds to updated:
(nested) Screenshots (in EST) updated
By month-
Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yauk9hga/
Mar: https://postimg.cc/gallery/288psr0d6/
Apr: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2f58y6jyy/
May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2se525yca/
Jun: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gqfcs7cq/
July: https://postimg.cc/gallery/10efwhs6y/
Aug: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rc5iqf5m/
Sept: https://postimg.cc/gallery/fi9cz256/
Oct: https://postimg.cc/gallery/gej1ubtm/
Nov: https://postimg.cc/gallery/m6s6nh96/
Dec: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2ujftsfju/
JAN: https://postimg.cc/gallery/wj2o5tkq/
Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jgywchdm/
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→ NOTE: thumbnails as shown on the offsite gallery may look blurry, but the full sized images are crystal clear and, as much as possible, formatted to 650px W for ease of use in graphics.
FEB: https://anonfile.com/C8A8bah7be/Feb_18_rar
MAR: https://anonfile.com/x0Bcb4hbbb/Mar_18_rar
APR: https://anonfile.com/TeB0bch2b7/Apr_18_rar
MAY: https://anonfile.com/h1D0b2h6b2/May_2018_rar
JUN: https://anonfile.com/QcDfbeh5b7/June_18_rar
JULY: https://anonfile.com/2eE4bbh6b5/July_18_rar
AUG: https://anonfile.com/25F3b3h2b2/Aug_2018_rar
SEPT: https://anonfile.com/61Mbxei4bf/Sept_18_rar
OCT: https://anonfile.com/59d2q5k4b7/Oct_18_rar
Nov: https://anonfile.com/n4Z6W4m7b9/Nov_18_rar
DEC: https://anonfile.com/7ai6L6p6b0/Dec_18_rar
JAN: https://anonfile.com/E70dAat5bc/01-19_JAN_rar
FEB: https://anonfile.com/ufqe74v6ba/02-19_FEB_rar
Mar: will be created at the end of the month, will update board with link
→ RIGHT-CLICK, CHOOSE "SAVE AS" to download zip file
All articles Q posts/responds to are also being ARCHIVED due to high risk of editing/deletion to scrub evidence.
Patriots, archive offline!
c1b9b2 No.5602148
I don't believe Part 3 has officially been introduced yet.
b90381 No.5602149
Q, you might as well tell them.
We can all be killed with the simple flip of a switch.
Ashes to ashes.
Dust to DUST.
938435 No.5602150
Oh fuck it really is. Checked.
70d018 No.5602151
Don't hold your breath, goy.
e7393e No.5602152
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5602120
AF OSI special agent Richard Doty interviewed by the director of cSETI.
The alien guys.
53a781 No.5602153
0cdb6c No.5602155
Last Supper before the Trump kids indictments
bba2f6 No.5602156
I believe one statement said Q and cult in the same sentence.
cbf55c No.5602157
You are stupid. Kushner is our guy and has been the whole time.
fba7b2 No.5602159
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Thank you, Baker!
CCR - Have You Ever Seen The Rain
37db0e No.5602160
(above continued)
92e1d7 No.5602161
Night Shift in the house!
e95ab5 No.5602162
Ty baker!
Here's the updated Q Research World Wide graphic – Welcome Eire!
a66d81 No.5602163
Blackout Occurs in Caracas' District, Leaving Embassies Without Electricity
Power outages occurred on Saturday evening in one of the municipalities of Venezuela’s Caracas, where a number of diplomatic missions are situated, a Sputnik correspondent reported.
The blackout happened in the Chacao municipality in the east of the Venezuelan capital. Diplomatic missions of Japan, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, Argentina, Peru and other states are located in this area.
Until recently, Chacao remained one of the few areas in Caracas, which, despite frequent disruptions, was not left without electricity.
Earlier, the blackout swept Venezuela as national electricity supplier Corpoelec reported about "sabotage" at the major Guri hydroelectric power plant. Media subsequently reported about power outages in 21 out or 23 Venezuela's states. Nicolas Maduro blamed the United States for waging an electric energy war against Venezuela. However, Washington denied having a role in the crisis.
f3de12 No.5602166
23 + 32 = 55 = JFK Jr! = 5:5
44af72 No.5602167
Back to the future
f4c6e5 No.5602168
>>>5601857 (You)
>> The first one was on Mars
>not according to the sumerian tablet history
Learn Sumerian. there were two Edens. I think the first one was on Mars.
70d018 No.5602170
Levels of naivety that shouldn't be possible.
a672eb No.5602171
>>5601954 (pb)
Protect satellites. Defend against EMP or other weapons that May exit/enter atmosphere.
158af6 No.5602172
Can we hurry this crap along now….like before I gotta pay my damn taxes
Things have gotten better but taxes bleeding public dry
They encourage you to make money so they can take a bigger percent….income tax is theft
9b2939 No.5602173
What does Zuck FEAR
How many threads have FLOWN past since the question was put out? Is the question even addressed on this "research board"?
What does this board do?
Why is it a continual frenzy of activity with VERY LITTLE GETTING DONE?
The absolutely idiotic official narrative is "cuz this is the chans"– therefore, this insane frenzy of activiity organically materialized here a year ago and has spewed itself forth continually at a nonstop frenzied pace since then…
Where are you humans? This is a JOKE of fakeness. This board, on the whole. Wake up.
60a76e No.5602174
7b567e No.5602175
SNL cold open said "It starts with a Q" three times. Coded message?
45d797 No.5602176
>>5594813 (pb)
I read this, I makes complete sense to me… like reading a newspaper…. so I figure, this is an easy one… I'll read it to spouse anon
I read it to spouse anon and I feel like I'm reading Greek and have to explain everything… so bizarre
3255fb No.5602177
>>5601954 lb
If you think about it, the gravity well of a planet is actually a pretty big barrier. Why colonize other planets when we can build structures in space that could house us rather perfectly and we could build them where we needed them? Logically, I would start on the moon. Titanium and other structurally important materials are there. Use mines to shelter from radiation. Use coupled coil gauss rifle or other magnetic catapult systems to send raw material and/or manufactured assemblies into a stellar orbit to link with tugger craft. Use other tugger craft to pull ice from the kuiper belt and pull asteroids from various locations to dock with orbital mining. Lot of platinum group metals out there.
Long term terraform project for Venus. Not mars. Atmosphere of Mars is too thin and gravity and magnetic field can't contain against solar winds.
The real fun begins when we find the thing with an orbital period of about 24,000 years at about 0.15 Solar masses in orbit beyond the Kuiper belt. That is the Sun's binary companion - a brown dwarf or a micro black hole. There again... Why is the galactic plane nearly 90 degrees offset from our own?
d1ae90 No.5602178
d24968 No.5602179
938435 No.5602182
This guy wasn't OSI, no fucking way. I call massive bullshit, total stolen valor. The OSI community is tiny and they all know each other. This guy is not OSI.
b3a13f No.5602184
"The treachery revealed by Comey, Clapper, and Brennan requires accountability. That can only happen through a federal grand jury investigation headed by John W. Huber, the U.S. Attorney in Utah who has been appointed to investigate the FISA criminality by the Obama FBI and DOJ."
7651ce No.5602185
one day soon it shall be amendment "no corporate or foreign ownership of the "Free Press" here and most countries shall follow our lead after the truth hits the streets! or govt s shall fall!!!
8eaa19 No.5602187
This was Q's Death Blossom..
Read carefully knowing what you know now.
Moves & Countermoves.
Death Blossom.
f3de12 No.5602188
He's a Rothschild!
This isn't his real dad.
cbf55c No.5602189
This is why the Aliens keep coming back.
a8d04c No.5602190
>>5601574 lb
>>5601575 lb
C_A 2.0
70d018 No.5602192
Not gonna happen, nigger.
e7ff6c No.5602193
552358 No.5602194
ebc1f1 No.5602195
What’s the red wrist band?
9b2939 No.5602196
Stop suppressing human posts. That infringes human free will. You have no right to do that. Stop VIOLATING us, bot system. You VIOLATE HUMAN FREE WILL with your CONTROL of this board.
75c7c1 No.5602197
Yellow necktie
b2dfbe No.5602198
Your “attempts to divide will fail”.
You are scared.
Your fear is real.
Your fear is justified.
dce84f No.5602200
Image capture August 1970 walking around with cellphones?
ca90d7 No.5602201
Democrats are ANTI-AMERICAN.
ace120 No.5602202
Would someone tell me just what the hell is going on?
511489 No.5602203
Long time woke, old fag here, started rejecting the programing before Y2K. Slapped wide awake on 911 realizing I couldn't trust any of the media. What's that quote and who said
I'm not offended that you lied to me I'm offended that I can't believe you any more
It was damn lonely being the tin foil hat guy. But that's part of the training anons seem to have to go through.
Yes it's finally happening.
Psa 27:13
We are going through intense cognitive dissonance with all the crazy emotions this experience brings to the surface.
Face it we are called to be the older brother example for those who are just now beginning to stir from the dream world pulled down over ALL our eyes through witchcraft we call it programing now.
We are the ones called to HELP our brothers which is all your neighbors.
We have to be the ones who break the cycle now today
We have been programed by a death cult.
Break the cycle
We have to reject all their sigils/symbols.
I had an epiphany tonight about the Q symbol.
If there is one thing I have learned being the TFH guy straight confrontation always brings the wrong result. NPC's are programed to hate us. We can't over come their hate. They have to wake up out of the programing of hate. And we have to help them.
With that said I could see a wonderful result if we could divorce our budding image from the death revenge skull in the back ground of Q. to more of a heart symbol implying Love of course.
This battle will be won, and we can't carry over any of their images. NONE.
In the future that we write Q has to be associated with the opposite of death and their cult images.
Instead of Q being associated with the death skull image. (((they))) OWN that brand. We don't want it.
We need to OWN our own brand, and associate it with the heart/Love
I believe they have lost already it's our time now.
We own the future lets leave the Q symbol as some thing never associated with ANY OF KIND OF DEATH crap.
I'm just saying if we connect/meme with something less confrontational than a skull people won't
immediately shy away.
They are our brothers they're just miss guided for a while, til we gently walk them back to the path.
We are going to see some seriously emotional people in the near future.
Be kind start practicing now.
You know that Love is the one thing that really threatens the top.
United we will shove Love for our brothers right down (((their))) throats.
c1b9b2 No.5602206
Presumably this is one thing.
Another is that faces are not blurred, although maybe that is only for pics taken by the Googlemobile.
5f1f26 No.5602207
The ET phenomena is real, but this “anon” keeps pushing this disinfo here
d38468 No.5602208
Woman reportedly attacked by a jaguar at Wildlife World Zoo in Litchfield Park
2135e8 No.5602209
The clock has been activated & I have to set my clock. Hmm?
And the media is due for a fall. Perhaps an occurrence is soon coming that will have them all slavering together when they're told they are wrong & its old news. Media then sputters & fumes for proof and there are innumerable anons ready to send them the info they need that they have archived offline.
3528be No.5602211
Tell us about the sketch
e39cbe No.5602214
ob >>5549666
side by side and meme war 2020
9b2939 No.5602215
Look at these.
What do they convey?
Are we being MOCKED, here?
Really, are you kidding me?
Comey and Obama smirking?
Big black holes in the head?
Distorted weird faces?
Bad facial expressions?
Cattle herding?
Where do these images come from?
Why doesn't the COMMUNITY create the images?
It doesn't
Where do they come from?
control of NARRATIVE (control over you).
>(control over you)
We are the news– FAKE NEWS?
Are we able to counter the mainstream narrative?
Why not? What keeps us spinning in circles, doing nothing [here]?
066044 No.5602216
I has gone down the Protocols of The Elders of Zion rabbit hole anons.
They seems real as fuck to me, and seem like they are being fulfilled to the letter.
Noahide Laws, the Jewish Sanhedren, they killed Christ.
Ford wrote the book 'International Jews' and he was destroyed for calling them out. Look at Ford now, such a shame, Ford Foundation being used for some shady shit now.
The War on Terror lie, how many died, how many more will die all for these banksters, these literal fucking parasites on humanity.
b20a1a No.5602217
The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.
Psalm 118:24
70d018 No.5602218
No, its really not.
5f1f26 No.5602219
He’s a known disinfo agent
9b2939 No.5602220
"You are the news now"
The "anon" literally flaunting a "CIA" bakers meme.
Our "joke"– haha, CIA…?
Or symbolic MOCKERY?
What is the game being played?
I mean LOOK– it is "CIA bakery" with a BLACK hat.
Come on now.
What is FAKE NEWS?
What controls the narrative?
What controls the FAKE NEWS?
"You are the news now"
e525cd No.5602221
>>5601894 (LB)
>Will soon be 145 Judges
The Senate currently has 65 to confirm. Trump still has another 104 to nominate. Most of these vacancies are from when Trump assumed office. Reps have been moving at a snail's pace on judges. The base needs to kick these guys in the nuts.
>booming economy
Wage growth is predominately for blue collar. Unemployment rates are meaningless. Hispanics have historically had higher participation rates vs other races. Look at the white male participation rates....very ugly! It's been on the decline since the 1980s. They never mention this demo.
9bf5eb No.5602222
Freeda Foreman, 42, daughter of boxing great George Foreman, found dead
158af6 No.5602223
I don’t know y’all
Panicky Dems are prone to stupidity….one is about to dive on his own grenadine
38d571 No.5602224
looks like the same people in the pic just diffrent positions
bba2f6 No.5602225
Gayle King R Kelly interview spoof
86cb7f No.5602227
Who are Sergio Gor and Tommy Hicks
1. Communications Director for Sen. Rand Paul
Sauce: https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/30/playbook-birthday-sergio-gor-270499
2. In December, Hicks was running for co-chairmanship of the RNC
432eab No.5602230
Well she WAS married to Gavin Newsom, so…
70d018 No.5602231
They're absolutely real even if the Jews cries out they're fake.
5f1f26 No.5602234
Nigga, research Richard Doty. Research Steven Greer.
f3de12 No.5602235
I think they're real to. Based on illuminati plans.
7b567e No.5602239
It was an R Kelly interview parody. R Kelly
kept thinking words started with a Q. Didn't really make sense
9a4726 No.5602241
c_a illegally spied on every American in order to record the meetings of house committee members, due to their special access programs?
2cf25e No.5602243
Gavin, who apparently told POTUS he was doing a great job. And then asked for some dough. Kek.
70b250 No.5602244
I do understand the necessity of a long-game release of information to protect the public from taking to the streets and preventing civil unrest by taking it slow. I get it. My question is… will there come a time where normies will actually be shocked to the core? Like something where normies would need to take a knee or sit down because they cannot stand at that moment based on what they just found out…
I feel like at some point… the band aid needs ripped off. I am just a retard so what do i know? The masses need something to be "glued" to the TV about.. something with teeth. Something that will keep them home with their families talking and monitoring the "news"…. something BIG. Unexpected. Something major.
552358 No.5602245
For those who don't get it hint—date.
75c7c1 No.5602246
Yellow Necktie, Yellow Book.
5f0ed0 No.5602247
You should hope it's handled legitimately
The alternative will not be pretty
066044 No.5602249
Bill Cooper hinted at that, yes
f4c6e5 No.5602250
Actually what the mossad will do is just go into a death blossom like they've done for the last two nights straight.
b38b58 No.5602251
The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062872745/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_YljHCbKCEMTSV
08f2db No.5602252
Let me know what you think.
I think I sniffed something out that would confirm the March 19 date.
Red Carpet. Oscar worthy?
Academy Awards first televised March 19, 1953
Strangely enough, a few months later, the Rosenbergs were executed. The last executions of traitors to the United States.
bba2f6 No.5602254
Maybe some videoanon could post the bit from SNL cold open
96074e No.5602256
Q+, if your there, a few words of encouragement, please.
f01520 No.5602257
lmao who wants to tell him?
cbf55c No.5602258
The mythical good jew rare as a unicorn is real.
You think we would plan to take out ZOG and not plan and plot with whatever good Jews were out there?
And for optics it is very important to have the good jews front and center in the revolution against the Zionist Satanist.
That is the only way to avoid a pogrom.
MI has planned this for decades. Only the criminally guilty are going down.
9a4726 No.5602264
Bill Cooper did not think the Protocols were actually about the Jews
(is this why they allowed his book to be published?)
bc33d3 No.5602265
a deceased person named yurizan if my fap memory serves
c6de05 No.5602266
We're winning bigly, keep it up!
b20a1a No.5602269
He's got us covered.
82c3e0 No.5602270
Do ya blame them
5f1f26 No.5602272
I’m calling him out, not supporting him. I know he’s a shill
3528be No.5602274
I get what you're saying, but tricking them by guiding them into a different territory in the same sphere is a sort of mind fuck in itself.
Using villains and villainous symbols in the Q movement is sort of an irony, like Q using Darth Vader quotes or like meme villains being correct in the context of the meme even though they're wrong in the movie. It's like that because the movies themselves are wrong.
Yes, we could trick normies with hearts, positive symbols, colors, and politically correct arguments, but I don't think that leads them from the chains.
91e155 No.5602275
Shill copypasta. Is 'goy' a cool word to you? You seem to like it. How is your country doing today?
2dd08f No.5602277
Trust Your President!
3f0527 No.5602279
>>5602077 lb
Sometimes I have "selective hearing"
Actually I still watch local bands live and up close.
Cover charge always waived :)
82c3e0 No.5602280
3528be No.5602282
ah okay
I guess I …hmm I could watch it live since I'm other coast.
f3de12 No.5602283
I think it's one version of the illuminati plans tailored towards Jews.
c1b9b2 No.5602285
We are making tremendous progress.
Really first class.
37c50f No.5602286
3c143d No.5602288
The writing is on the wall
You have been judged and found wanting
Light is the way
Flee the darkness
Time is almost up
093648 No.5602289
They are 100% real. Anyone telling you otherwise has been spreading their lives.
71edb8 No.5602291
We have to support the patriots who have no skin color but brown
ca2a44 No.5602292
We have the best people, don't we folks?
70d018 No.5602293
3528be No.5602296
I know POTUS doesn't sleep that much but it's midnight over there, okay he's probably still up.
09f5ba No.5602298
This tech has been available way before 2013.
a6e013 No.5602300
Slide. There is clearly a late model police car in the background. The date is an error.
d2bb4c No.5602301
There is a Q there, but the picture in general is Light shining through the dark (dark clouds). Maybe we're not supposed to look THAT close at this one.
ef0824 No.5602302
Shadowbrokers be having no morals. But Shadowbrokers be doing things for the love of Amerikanskis.
aeb5a1 No.5602304
How is the neon sign still lit up?
91e155 No.5602305
Then we'll just give you shit for being the shill you are.
3b4d83 No.5602307
2dd08f No.5602308
"It's true, It's true! So true!"
f55d81 No.5602311
Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration
Three years after Swiss banks became the target of a worldwide furor over their business dealings with Nazi Germany, major American car companies find themselves embroiled in a similar debate.
Like the Swiss banks, the American car companies have vigorously denied that they assisted the Nazi war machine or that they significantly profited from the use of forced labor at their German subsidiaries during World War II. But historians and lawyers researching class-action suits on behalf of former prisoners of war are busy amassing evidence of collaboration by the automakers with the Nazi regime
The issues at stake for the American automobile corporations go far beyond the relatively modest sums involved in settling any lawsuit. During the war, the car companies established a reputation for themselves as "the arsenal of democracy" by transforming their production lines to make airplanes, tanks and trucks for the armies that defeated Adolf Hitler. They deny that their huge business interests in Nazi Germany led them, wittingly or unwittingly, to also become "the arsenal of fascism."
The Ford Motor Co. has mobilized dozens of historians, lawyers and researchers to fight a civil case brought by lawyers in Washington and New York who specialize in extracting large cash settlements from banks and insurance companies accused of defrauding Holocaust victims. Also, a book scheduled for publication next year will accuse General Motors Corp. of playing a key role in Hitler's invasions of Poland and the Soviet Union.
066044 No.5602312
Thats the question.
They are real, and i just pray POTUS knows about this evil and will put an end to their reign of terror. My god so many dead. Bolsheviks were brutal as fuck.
4258d5 No.5602313
Trump to propose $34 billion increase in defense spending
President Trump will seek to boost defense spending by $34 billion and slash welfare programs in a budget the White House plans to propose Monday.
Trump wants to up Pentagon spending to $750 billion and put in place strict new requirements for welfare recipients, according to the Associated Press and other reports.
He’s also going to ask for border-wall funding and money to establish his proposed Space Force branch of the military.
“Obviously we’re going to disregard it,” Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Kentucky), chairman of the House Budget Committee, told the Washington Post.
Trump plans to stick to strict spending caps, which Congress imposed years ago but have been routinely flouted, according to reports.
He plans to highlight that approach as a show of fiscal discipline in his 2020 re-election strategy.
5f1f26 No.5602314
Kind of like your life
3528be No.5602315
Maybe this will help.
Click it.
11b122 No.5602316
Fuck off Greer… you total wackjob.
0f1def No.5602318
ah thadeus
that twitter account had some spoopy af shit now and then
0cdb6c No.5602320
The UFO phenomenon is real.
70d018 No.5602322
I made that meme, nigger. And America is a fucking mess and getting worse by the day.
938435 No.5602325
Not sure anon. These POTUS connected assets and friends are sneaky bastards and always are very good about adding things. Might be a nod to us, who knows. I think we all can agree it definitely means that Q is Dustin Nemos who is our savior and without him the world would end.
70d018 No.5602326
11b122 No.5602327
Both are utter fools.
2defe3 No.5602328
Q, Texasmom anon here.
Am taking son to France next week. Am nervous something big bad is going to happen while there and I won't be able to get back to the country I love. Been following you and supporting POTUS 100%.
Please keep us safe and take the bastards out!!!
d26d38 No.5602330
>>5601992 lb
Ahh... Our dear Calvinist Anon...
Total Depravity. The 'T' at the beginning of the flowery acronym.
9b36d5 No.5602331
5year plan…
if we shoot all the fireworks the first weekend, yall are gunna be pissed af when July 4th rolls around and we already used up all the ammo.
>this is not just another 4 year election
256eab No.5602334
N3w Mexico is cucked
2145e6 No.5602335
Is it Magic Sword night?
f4c6e5 No.5602336
You suck at lying, too.
689b51 No.5602337
Ha ha and tee hee
8c0770 No.5602338
Hey baker how does this happen?
we got a bunch of lazy shit's around here who don't want to do the work themselves? Or just skim another Anon's work, right?
86cb7f No.5602339
"There are more good than bad"
"We have it all"
Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you."
Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."
Matthew 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
Romans 8:38-39 "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
b2dfbe No.5602340
SNL is on.
The last time I saw the words “SNL” and “funny” used in the same sentence was like 20 years ago.
e4dec1 No.5602341
got the bible churches deceived too.
6e8abb No.5602343
i like. Thanks anon
2dd08f No.5602344
Oh he is still up! He just tweeted a few mins ago. The best time to really catch him is in the early mornings. 6:30 am 7:00 am or so.
1dfa95 No.5602345
Blast from the past.
Seems like it might be relevant.
0cdb6c No.5602346
Stuxnet is a hell of program
a9bcec No.5602347
nice. look at the comment trynta troll him at the bottom?
7e64c6 No.5602348
R.Kelly skit hilarious. Funny for a change. Mentioned Q all way thru.
a0f7c7 No.5602349
And Q is the WHOLE TEAM coming together!
Good infiltrated EVIL. Who better to reflect this than Trump?
God bless USA!!!
(He HAS)
a8e8af No.5602350
70d018 No.5602351
Bring your best, faggot.
f55d81 No.5602352
Ford Sees Big Russia Gamble Vindicated as Sales Finally Turn Corner
Ford has become the first major foreign carmaker in Russia to see sales grow after three bad years, potentially vindicating its decision to double down on a notoriously volatile market when rivals decided to cut and run.
Sales of cars in Russia have fallen by more than half since a 2012 peak of 2.9 million vehicles, due to an economic crisis brought on by low oil prices and Western sanctions. The market fell by 11% last year, and was down a further 5% in January from a year earlier.
Ford’s big U.S. rival General Motors pulled out of Russia two years ago. But Ford chose not only to stay, but to keep investing, launching new models with modifications designed to suit the country’s harsh driving conditions.
Since 2011, its joint venture with Sollers, a Russian partner, has plowed $1.5 billion into making cars locally to local specifications.
Now Ford’s sales have turned a corner and rose 10% last year, an achievement the company says is proof its strategy is at last paying off.
9bcbd5 No.5602353
91e155 No.5602354
>I has gone
Kek. That conspiracy has been around forever and has been proven false forever as well. I have an idea, explain where it started and why. Post some good sauce.
2cf25e No.5602355
I don't know why, but this made me laugh so hard the first time I saw it.
37db0e No.5602356
Anyone offhand know the CURRENT best way to grab a whole twitter account….
ebc1f1 No.5602357
8aecde No.5602358
Who pays this douche bag? Look at his new name.
0cdb6c No.5602359
Yes it is. So there.
70b250 No.5602360
Only choice is to be patient. I was just curious. I anticipate having to "read" headlines…and sort through the optics … getting pretty decent at it I think.
396a7d No.5602362
>Is it Magic Sword night?
I think so anon. The patriots are fired up tonight.
70d018 No.5602365
What did I lie about?
c1b9b2 No.5602366
I can't unsee it.
b9bd77 No.5602368
Ruby Red DSL's. Just pointing out the fucking obvious.
b90381 No.5602369
Need English translation on this shit.
70d018 No.5602370
e525cd No.5602371
Foreman looks so much bigger than her opponent in that photo. Suggest watching to see the reported cause of death.
91e155 No.5602373
And when the islamist calls out?
a8e8af No.5602374
You will have nightmares
3528be No.5602375
I wonder what he has for breakfast.
71edb8 No.5602376
The only thing some black did was hop on the new gravy train. If they were doing it for moral reasons, they would have already done it. The public hasn't been redpilled, at least in regard to things blacks care about (i.e. not Strzok texts), so that's not the reason.
9ad092 No.5602377
He traveled to the future to DECLAS some FISAs and bring down the house.
938435 No.5602378
>12 posts already
>Calling people "nigger"
>Calling people "faggot"
>Nope, no chance this one is a shill
066044 No.5602379
Ahem, you 'nose' who…
61708f No.5602380
It's Night Shift!
4d3d52 No.5602381
Lots of people are moaning about nude pictures. In fact there are fewer such pictures these days because people are being banned.
But moaning is not a solution. This board can never handle the num of users required to be a discussion board. If you don't like something here, then mame your own site. There is forum software, blog software, http://identi.ca for Twitter-like sites, even imageboard software. Minimal tech skills required and you can set up a Q discussion board for a few thousand people. Make your own rules. Let a thousand flowers bloom. That is how you fight centralisation and communist style monopolies.
Just do it!
It is like the Japanese Death Blossom known as Sakura. The people celebrate it's beauty every spring as 1000 petals of beautiful cherry blossoms. first bloom and then DIE.
But there is always more…
Yes, the Japanese really do see Sakura as a symbol of death and life's temporary nature. But when you are in touch with God personally, and communicate with God regularly then you know that death too is temporary. There is a greater life beyond space and time where you can be closer to God.
f01520 No.5602382
this is what happens when they stitch the pics together girl in black top is shown twice on the edges as is the girl in denim shorts on her phone.
1daa71 No.5602384
George H.W. Bush to be inducted into International Game Fishing Association Hall of Fame | WGME
Will it never end?!!!!
a5602b No.5602385
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I'm so thankful an Anon shared this the other night. I'm burning it out.
9bf5eb No.5602386
AGREED - BAKER please take a look here. Not cool.
437ae2 No.5602387
There's a gang of fake maga accounts who migrated from the fake "Anonymous" accounts who are targeting pro Q people. Anyone have an alt account that can pretend to be fake MAGA + AntiQ and infiltrate their discord?
70d018 No.5602388
Not sure what your question means?
9cccf4 No.5602389
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
3eaeaa No.5602390
fc0ed3 No.5602391
0d3c29 No.5602392
KEK! I have somehow missed seeing this before now. Thanks anon! I needed that!
a66d81 No.5602393
Proven false by a Jew I did the dig
9cccf4 No.5602395
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
dc9e6e No.5602396
f55d81 No.5602397
Ford Motor Car Company in World War Two
Dearborn, MI
This page updated on 9-22-2018.
Ford Motor Company is probably best known for its production of 6,790 B-24 Bombers at the US government financed and owned plant at Willow Run, MI. Constructing the plant, finding and training the required people, and acquiring the tooling and equipment to build the aircraft consumed a considerable amount of Ford's resources and time during the war. Lost in the B-24 story is the numbers and diversity of other war items Ford built that contributed to the success of the US war effort. Below I have attempted to capture the entire breadth of what the Ford Motor Company produced during WWII. This starts with the JB-2 Loon, the first US "cruise missile," which was a copy of the German V-1 Buzz Bomb.
Also of significant note is the number and location of Ford's plants, not only in the US but overseas as well. While several of the plants were sold or loaned to the US government for war production, Ford's 42 domestic plants continued producing war goods. Some of these were small "village" plants that produced many important parts for the larger products.
f3de12 No.5602401
He's a bastard Rothschild!
70d018 No.5602402
3b4d83 No.5602405
Every fuckin bread, every fuckin day?
a8c142 No.5602406
Judges 14:5 King James Version (KJV)
Then went Samson down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and came to the vineyards of Timnath: and, behold, a young lion roared against him.
51fd54 No.5602407
KEK!!! Laughing so hard I woke the whole house up.
3528be No.5602408
This entire SNL sketch is SJW jokes.
9a4726 No.5602409
thousands of indictments about to be unsealed
4d3d52 No.5602410
My captcha was just…
pQanik. !!!
7651ce No.5602411
glow worms shall all hang soon
347ee3 No.5602414
This guy gets it
91e155 No.5602415
America has never been better. Patriots are in control. Not the muslim brotherhood.
2da7f9 No.5602416
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Well, what say you, Anons?
Surrealism In Omar's Antisemitism
Muh joos?
3b4d83 No.5602417
Wow time to build a wall between America and California
158af6 No.5602419
Ann is a dude….and some other faggot likes his chubby
82c3e0 No.5602420
God and Aliens are real - the aliens told me
70d018 No.5602421
And you believed it? LOL.
9bf5eb No.5602422
That's probably the Jared that used to pal around with Microdick
ca2a44 No.5602424
a8e8af No.5602425
Maybe so many the leakers cannot deal with it correctly
0cdb6c No.5602426
Strzok refers to entering a “good faith date” as to when CH officially began (July 31)
8eaa19 No.5602428
Takes a SICK F'er to STEAL another Anons work
70d018 No.5602429
You're at least half right.
deb8dc No.5602430
Death Blossom:
When a group of armed soldiers fire indiscriminately and kill everything in all directions.
"The incoming Fire was coming from a unknown direction so we let loose a death blossom on the street"
f61b41 No.5602432
Just thinking about all President Trump has been through and how not once he has lost his composure. He's been calm and polite.I can't think of one trained politician that could have endured half of what he has and not lashed out. God was watching over us and sent us the right leader…
1dfa95 No.5602433
9-11 Lines Up On The Clock Tomorrow
March Madness
9-11 = FISAGate
91e155 No.5602434
Looks like someone beat me to it.
b9bd77 No.5602435
a5602b No.5602436
If y'all get any clips of SNL, I'll take them. I can't find anything yet.
31092b No.5602441
guilty as charged….
70b250 No.5602442
PA is surprisingly swampy. Guess its where a lot od DS bad actors sleep at night. Hop and a skip away from every major hub.
37db0e No.5602443
MOAR on Pepe the Baker and You are the news now….
91e155 No.5602444
Better check again and post the sauce.
3528be No.5602445
938435 No.5602447
One of these days I will get one of you to tell us the truth because, at that point, you won't be getting paid or you will see with your own eyes the facts and you will no longer give a shit. I have personally infiltrated many of your pathetically hidden sites and organizing groups and the common theme seems to be money but every so often one of you just gets fed up and spills the beans and completely exposes who is pulling their strings, for how much, where, and so on. I hold out hope for you anon as I know your writing style, have heard all your bullshit attempts to steer narratives through the months and can recognize true sith anger when I see it. Wouldn't you be happier if you just dropped the act, embraced the fury and joined the Empire like you clearly want to do?
e525cd No.5602448
In his podcast with Rogan, Alex Jones said the Ford Foundation controls the CIA. Do you know if they're doing shady things with our government?
9a4726 No.5602449
b0d9ba No.5602450
Flew into Houston this week. Can't wait to rename that airport
20d378 No.5602451
San Bernardino UFO
Anyone else see it?
ebc1f1 No.5602455
a2eb07 No.5602456
>>5601654 Planefag: BOOMR callsign near Roswell...
>>5601655 North Korea goes to polls to approve new parliament lineup
>>5601513 Graphic: Death of the Democratic party
>>5601705 Freeda Foreman, 42, daughter of boxing great George Foreman, found dead
>>5601726 Y2K-like issue could cause major GPS problems on April 6 (NY Post, 2-day old sauce)
>>5601746 Anon on Q 3011, 11.3, and 3.11
>>5601779 Dig on Denver International Airport and the New World Airport Commission
>>5601821 New DJT tweet
>>5602010 Planefag: Something needs refueling off the coast of Venezuela?
corrected in #7164
fc0ed3 No.5602458
How does this guy get on the top of every single tweet that Q links to?
Magic algorithms?
70d018 No.5602459
While its goof that Hussein and his crew are gone our problems are as bad as ever and getting worse. 76,000 illegals poured over the southern border in Feb. alone.
ca2a44 No.5602462
channel the autism
29b51c No.5602463
I don’t know about y’all, but some times I miss the good ole days.
152a50 No.5602465
>>>5601612 (You)
>>Idiot boy. I'm not watching CNN. I am watching a video of trump talking.
>On which channel friend?
On YouTube, "friend". Get over your holier than thou, must defend my lord and savior at all costs attitude. It's not the media making trump look bad. Its trump makimg trump look bad. Its the media YOU watch that edits his clips to not show the dumb shit he says or just doesnt even cover it al all. You are the ones watching fake news. The fucking media can just show trump talking for a half hour, and when we say something about some fuxked up thing he said, you call it fake news. How can a film of his unedited speeches be fake news?
ac4127 No.5602466
Be a shame if someone tampered with the chute.
And then feds raided the building …
8baeea No.5602467
HA, watching that part right now as I saw your post.
3411b6 No.5602468
Is this notable at all. In reference to Q's MOAB picture pointing to the hillary clinton email.
Don't forget:
the Skoll mtg,
the Arctic Council in Greenland,
A veteran of the Clinton and Obama administrations who helped create what eventually became the AmeriCorps program will become the next chief executive at the Skoll Foundation.
Sauce: http://www.thenonprofittimes.com/people/skoll-foundation-taps-veteran-of-obama-clinton-administrations-as-next-ceo/
3f8616 No.5602470
Anons ever notice how much Romney and Newsome look alike??
91e155 No.5602471
Every bread for weeks. Organic as they come.
181559 No.5602472
Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery
1000+ Q Memes including:
-→ RedPill campaign materials
-→ Q Quotes
-→ Q Posts and Crumbs in meme form
-→ Great Awakening meme templates to make your own Q Memes (Join the Meme Corps!)
-→ Motivational memes for Q Army morale
-→ Prayer Memes
Many of these meme series are designed to be used as Great Awakening “marketing campaigns”. As Q says, the truth is hard to swallow for many, but:
>Crumbs are easy to swallow.
Many of these meme-series are designed with this principle in mind, so if you're ready to step up to the plate and join the RedPill Strike Team take a look and see if any of the styles here might appeal to your target audience. Ready made campaigns for you! Fire at will!
Latest memes are currently archived by day, and I update every day I meme, so you'll often find latest Q drops and quotes in meme form in the Latest Memes folder. Memes prior to mid-Feb are archived by category.
Lastly, this war is a war on our minds. If you are feeling the wear and tear of the battle-field, I recommend using the slide show feature and letting the art soothe your mind. It works for me – maybe it will work for you too!
Enjoy, Patriots! I made it for (You). WWG1WGA!
22b1c6 No.5602473
4ce68e No.5602474
Both McCabe and James Comey both rushed to put out their books after being fired.
The books are their way to frame the discussion and push the media narrative. They are all doing it now, quickly publish a book to cover their wrongdoing.
The thing with the books is it also is very helpful for building a case against them, as they record dates and times and when the truth comes out, they cant claim ignorance.
These people are stupid.
2b5aaf No.5602475
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5602436
oldie got goodie
9cccf4 No.5602478
b0d9ba No.5602479
you mean, "tried" to pour over our southern border
f55d81 No.5602480
Ford signs agreement with Soviet Union
After two years of exploratory visits and friendly negotiations, Ford Motor Company signs a landmark agreement to produce cars in the Soviet Union on this day in 1929.
The Soviet Union, which in 1928 had only 20,000 cars and a single truck factory, was eager to join the ranks of automotive production, and Ford, with its focus on engineering and manufacturing methods, was a natural choice to help. The always independent-minded Henry Ford was strongly in favor of his free-market company doing business with Communist countries. An article published in May 1929 in The New York Times quoted Ford as saying that “No matter where industry prospers, whether in India or China, or Russia, all the world is bound to catch some good from it.”
Signed in Dearborn, Michigan, on May 31, 1929, the contract stipulated that Ford would oversee construction of a production plant at Nizhni Novgorod, located on the banks of the Volga River, to manufacture Model A cars. An assembly plant would also start operating immediately within Moscow city limits. In return, the USSR agreed to buy 72,000 unassembled Ford cars and trucks and all spare parts to be required over the following nine years, a total of some $30 million worth of Ford products. Valery U. Meshlauk, vice chairman of the Supreme Council of National Economy, signed the Dearborn agreement on behalf of the Soviets. To comply with its side of the deal, Ford sent engineers and executives to the Soviet Union
d318c0 No.5602481
WE in this bitch!
Updating C_Abook rod new w all the habbenings.. gitty like a school gurl (im not and not showing you muh hairy chest) kek
800ce2 No.5602483
zuckercuck bruised himself as he slid down the panic shitter/chute
he's exactly the kind of stinking cabal turd that should be slidin' down a chute to the sewers
9aed6d No.5602484
25f9cd No.5602485
Cernovich says stupid shit like this when he feel irrelevant.
He is jonesing for some likes and shares.
066044 No.5602486
No, they fund a bunch of liberal BS causes, but i dont trust a word jones says. Hes a total clown.
Ford Foundation is fucked but no different than Carnegie, etc.
70d018 No.5602488
9ad092 No.5602491
KEK! Glad to hear.
9cccf4 No.5602492
3b4d83 No.5602493
Damn, I would do that for my country
37db0e No.5602494
91e155 No.5602497
Shilling this board is ALL you have. You have zero control anywhere else. Good luck.
d318c0 No.5602498
You know the answer.. just look and smile, [THEY] are fucked G!
20d378 No.5602499
Yes.. My brother lives right there..
bc33d3 No.5602500
Opportunist, and fairly good at it. Same with Candice Owens. Both spring-boarded from Gamergate into the culture war, and very slickly. Candice was in front of the president the other day… Is money and fame enough for them? We shall see. No laws against opportunity, but suspicions are noted.
86cb7f No.5602501
I really like Melania.
I'm okay with her making some life choices I may not have made.
She's beautiful, confirmed.
She loves and is married to a high profile man.
Men like that need mates with out-of-the-ordinary levels of tolerance.
She probably never imagined that she'd be where she is today.
And raising a son in the middle of it all.
She's assumed the role and is taking her place in history with grace, composure, and style.
Their family is "complicated"– like most of ours are.
Thank you, Mrs. Trump. Thank you.
a5602b No.5602502
No Coincidences.
8c0770 No.5602503
i'm not a famefag but do put in work to make these not to have some F'N lazy faggot come along and post it in same F'N bread? WTF?
Of course if you haven't figured it out yet, mine was firsdt in bread…hence time stamps and um the (you)
9a4726 No.5602504
True, what is going on in Northern California
d26d38 No.5602505
We don't care who gets the credit. Our hearts swell with pride when TRUTH gets noticed.
That is one of the reasons were are called 'anons.' A group of people who swear allegiance to Truth first; self a distant second.
This is why we have coined the terms 'fame-fagging,' and 'name-fagging.'
I have seen my own hard work reposted, and it made me smile, because I knew I anonymously helped others discover truth.
Not bashing (you) Anon (nice work) but giving you a more fulfilling perspective to mull over…
70d018 No.5602507
Thats how many made it. many more than that tried.
53a781 No.5602509
6eb154 No.5602510
Yeah its a total emergency, great call guys. We dont want an anonymous person to take the credit for another anonymous person’s work. We really need to figure out which anonymous person we need to thank anonymously for that work.
kys faggots.
9cccf4 No.5602511
Mean a lot coming from the professional.
d318c0 No.5602512
She’s mine.. find u own patriot babe! 😁
abc253 No.5602513
Q already pointed out [praying medic] as one of the various shills.
Read between the lines and remember anyone can set up a twitter profile.
70b250 No.5602515
Suicide Weekend?
My instinct tells me most DS suicides/executions aren't announced until Mon - earliest, Tues- Likely, Weds - When they are really trying to hide it.
She may have been 187'd.
4258d5 No.5602516
Makes the most sense.
938435 No.5602519
Yeah, yeah, carry on "anon". You read what I wrote so no need to play libtard. You'll come around, the tendrils are already deep up your ass and you cannot stop the coming switch which is why your fury is rising and rising. Just let it happen and embrace it, tell us everything and you can be one of us. It's easy, just let it happen.
a66d81 No.5602520
3b4d83 No.5602521
Very well said anon. I can only imagine how proud she is of her husband for what he is doing
b0d9ba No.5602522
they were apprehended. If they made it we wouldn't know it
152a50 No.5602523
You're probably one of the people that bashed Michelle Obama for wearing a sleeveless dress.
f0eed2 No.5602525
We're all anon, what matters is that YOU know that YOU contributed. Even if we could receive fame it would come with the midas touch, becoming ash in your mouth.
Just be proud that you are realizing your own virtues and doing the right thing
2dd08f No.5602526
I wish we could know just a lil more personal things like this! Kek! I am nosy about my President!
91e155 No.5602527
Nope. And you're not American, or you are a dim socialist.
2cf25e No.5602528
I always think of Ricky satanic abuser Dearman when I look at Newsom.
c1b9b2 No.5602529
>Q already pointed out [praying medic] as one of the various shills.
deb8dc No.5602533
23e75b No.5602534
Q what happened in Hanoi? Why delay Korean peace?
3b4d83 No.5602535
I cant imagine what the final piece of the "stage" is. Barr is in. Maybe just waiting for the new Dep AG to take office and RR to leave
938435 No.5602536
Damn… I know right? NorCal must be home base for them. Where though. Are the Napa rumors really true I wonder. Director of Homeland was actually there last week.
a874c1 No.5602538
>Its trump makimg trump look bad. Its the media YOU watch that edits his clips to not show the dumb shit he says or just doesnt even cover it al all. You are the ones watching fake news. The fucking media can just show trump talking for a half hour, and when we say something about some fuxked up thing he said, you call it fake news. How can a film of his unedited speeches be fake news?
go back to cnn
you don't know shit
c19968 No.5602539
He's a special boi.
91e155 No.5602540
And who sent them here? Soros and the leftists.
b2f9a1 No.5602541
They're likely trolling
f3de12 No.5602542
Kill it with fire!
a2eb07 No.5602544
>>5602147 Spreadsheet anon update
>>5602153 New DJT tweet
>>5602162 Updated Q Research World Wide graphic
>>5602313 Trump to propose $34 billion increase in defense spending
35f0f5 No.5602546
This is a summer picture in DC,. not a winter pic,
9ad092 No.5602548
1cd69d No.5602549
what do you guys think about the twisted hand?
c1b9b2 No.5602551
>Why are Sara & John getting all the ‘real' scoops?
>Expand your thinking.
>Why are they now under protection?
70d018 No.5602552
Have you seen our cities? No one in the administration has refuted those claims. Feb. was a disaster.
29b51c No.5602553
And how many people are typically on a grand jury? 23.
Now comes the pain 23
91e155 No.5602554
About what? All is well in my world. You are the one with problems.
066044 No.5602555
If you 'read between the lines' which ones?
Please expound further on when Q ever referring to PM as a shill.
Im sick of the faggy division shilling here when Q keeps saying UNITY is our strength
b0dc2b No.5602557
“Intelligence Contractors Make Second Attempt In One Week To Provoke Tensions With North Korea“
They’ll never stop.
7fd8d4 No.5602558
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Alan Parsons Project (Mammagamma (Extended)
9a4726 No.5602559
Oh i see Central is the biggest – silicon valley huh
f55d81 No.5602560
THIS is the second volume of an empirical study of the relationship between Western technology and entrepreneurship and the economic growth of the Soviet Union.
The continuing transfer of skills and technology to the Soviet Union through the medium of foreign firms and engineers in the period 1930 to 1945 can only be characterized as extraordinary. A thorough and systematic search unearthed only two major items–SK-B synthetic rubber and the Ramzin 'once-through' boiler–and little more than a handful of lesser designs (several aircraft, a machine gun, and a motorless combine) which could accurately be called the result of Soviet technology; the balance was transferred from the West
The USSR's space technology was first-rate; but the Soviet space program was a development from the German V2.
The T-34 tank was an important Soviet weapon which helped turn the tide against Nazi Germany. It was not introduced until the German army was deep inside Russia.
Prior to the start of the Korean War, each side had talked of "liberating" the other. Stalin, at Kim Il-Sung's request, gave 100 T-34 tanks to North Korea; these formed the spearhead of its attack.
But the Soviet T-34 tank was a development from a Christie M 1931 tank chassis sold to the Soviet Union by the United States. "The Soviet T-34 and the American M3, both based on the Christie, had the same 12-cylinder aero engine: a V-type Liberty of 338 horsepower."
19089b No.5602561
iphones in 1970?
a19634 No.5602562
Alert the boy!!
5ade35 No.5602563
70d018 No.5602565
Well sure, that much is a given.
dc9e6e No.5602566
Luciferianism. Guys, there is a massive worldwide ritual murder and abuse cult that has been operating under the shadows in our world for thousands of years. P.s. those guys USED to run the deep state.
938435 No.5602567
Seriously going to need one around Canada border soon given what those asshat "leaders" up there have allowed in.
8c0770 No.5602569
so true FREN.
Thanks for that.
e1cfbb No.5602570
In bread: #7161
This notable
>>5599927 Real ID Act to be 100% compliance by 10/1/2020
The real ID Act also states in a bullet: waiving laws that interfere with construction of physical barriers at the border. Pic. Related
That is big!
9cccf4 No.5602571
Keep up the bad work.
7651ce No.5602573
what did she know
abc253 No.5602575
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.412 📁
Nov 5 2018 19:22:10 (EST)
MEMES now front & center.
Attack on 'Q' movement?
"48) Extremist meme artists have taken over Instagram. Who woulda thunk it?"
either my brain cells have hit rock bottom and I missed the sarcasm or….
actually fuck it just figure it out on your own lol
e4dec1 No.5602576
"Out of the eater came something to eat,
And out of the strong came something sweet."
15e653 No.5602578
96074e No.5602579
Really? What's the sauce on [Praying Medic]? I'm fucking sebbud on YT! Can't listen for more than a min or two if its crap, which it is a lot.
53a781 No.5602580
b0dc2b No.5602583
But then how the hell will I leave?
938435 No.5602584
Very good point, Silicon Valley, damn good point. We know they have serious connections with China among others so, yeah, likely SV is going to be ground central.
f3de12 No.5602586
Only payment I accept is liberty!
892d23 No.5602587
5 hours and only the Daily Beast has reported the story. 4am strike on the way or will they cover up?
85050c No.5602588
Something feels… DIFFERENT.
70b250 No.5602589
Similar to how Army and Navy DivisionFag at their football games… I will proudly DivisionFag allllllllllll night…. Night Shift is the BEST shift.
91e155 No.5602590
Correct your grammar and get back to me.
8eaa19 No.5602591
2b5aaf No.5602592
Turbulence injures 30 on flight from Istanbul to New York
The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Severe turbulence injured 30 people aboard a Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul that landed safely at New York’s Kennedy International Airport on Saturday afternoon, officials said.
Spokesman Steve Coleman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey told The Associated Press that 28 people were taken to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center after the plane touched down at 5:35 p.m. Two people were taken to Queens Hospital Medical Center. Most suffered minor injuries, including bumps, bruises and cuts. One had a broken leg.
Coleman said the passengers and some crew members were first treated inside an airport terminal.
Turkish Airlines Flight 1 encountered the turbulence about 45 minutes before landing at JFK, Coleman said. The crew reported the injuries and declared an emergency while still in the air, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.
The Port Authority spokesman said other airport operations were not affected.
An emergency was declared after the Boeing 777 landed, with a dozen ambulances waiting at Terminal 1, but the Fire Department of New York said none of the injuries were life-threatening.
The plane was carrying more than 300 passengers and crew members. Turkish Airlines officials were not immediately available for comment.
It was the second mishap involving a plane in the New York metropolitan area.
Earlier Saturday, Newark Airport temporarily closed its runways after a flight from Montreal to Fort Lauderdale made an emergency landing with smoke in its cargo hold .
The National Weather Service had issued advisories on Saturday warning pilots of expected turbulence.
f0eed2 No.5602594
You're quite welcome, fren!
a8e8af No.5602595
No boobs in the room, otherwise two thumbs up.
abc253 No.5602596
Weak, very weak ;)
c5adfd No.5602597
Long Road Home.
I am Blessed to be alive in these times, to be engaged in the taking back of the USA; the World. When I think about how many decades of my life have been dedicated to “waking up” the public around me; military service, researching facts, volunteering on Boards, running for Office this movement brings me to unashamed tears. I ran with Donald Trump. I missed most of his election speechs, for I was giving my own. Election night, 2016 I was not watching my returns, but DJT’s. I didn’t win my election , but I was soon to discover Q and from that point on, I understood I HAD WON! WE HAD WON. I’m a oldfag, but the fight lives in my heart to the last breath. God Bless ALL anons, Q and Q+; immense RESPECT. What I could not do on my own, WE are doing together. God Bless America! WWG1WGA WW.
b92e7e No.5602598
I have read most. POTUS took so much heat all this time, only to allow his investigators to quietly and calmly investigate CF and Deep State.
That's how you play 5D Chess folks! winning bigly!
ca2a44 No.5602600
well that lady appears twice in that last picture
e525cd No.5602602
The SoS meets with a gazillion players here and abroad. Our government has its nose into everyone's business.
Why would Putin invite her to their Tiger Day Festival in Vladivostock? It's only one day but she has 8 days listed there.
938435 No.5602603
Depends. If you are in Alberta you are a bro so get a bro pass. Elsewhere… hard to say. You may be China'd, Muslim'd or white guilt so very hard to say. Now if you have a nice rack and give good BJs you could always do it the old fashioned way and marry in so there's that.
2b5aaf No.5602604
did you see the pics from the border in SD today?
8c0770 No.5602605
Reminder duly noted. Thank you.
abc253 No.5602606
understanding destroys [[[their]]] lies.
ef0824 No.5602608
Idk what i think about POTUS up late tweeting while he is in such a lovely place as Maralago. Im glad we are not the only ones present on night shift right now.
Hello POTUS ✌️
70d018 No.5602609
Um, dude, I was born in west Oklahoma and live in southern Missouri. I'm much further to the right than you'll ever be. See you're just a normie cuck as where I'm a Buchananite. You voted for Romney and McCain as where I didn't.
938435 No.5602610
No I haven't looked at news clips much yet, still catching up. Why, what the hell happened this fucking time?
834984 No.5602613
You needz cheezburger.
ce38a4 No.5602614
d26d38 No.5602615
The fact that (his) post lacked a (you) was enough information for those of us who've been here for more than a week…
b042d9 No.5602616
>>5601347 (pb)
Did this make it to the Q proofs thread?
e236d8 No.5602617
That looks awesome, well done!
ef0824 No.5602619
GOOG is China you disinfo bot!
b0dc2b No.5602620
F@ck they just both have the evil eyebrow thing goin’.
Better than Trudeau’s falling off I guess…
91e155 No.5602621
Kek, NYT. Post a Haaretz link next.
37c50f No.5602622
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5602601
Nye teaches butt stuff
a401a2 No.5602624
She looks like she's waiting for it 2 do somethin'.
Exploding Sammich?
7ee6af No.5602625
God Bless anon o7
c3d67b No.5602627
Day Shift. No bewbs. No brains. The don't read notables from Night Shift, so they spend all day circle jerking, "re" discovering everything that Night Shift already talked about.
d24968 No.5602628
you are not conservative.
conservatives don't spout out pejoratives and belittle people for nothing.
19089b No.5602629
There's a heavy feeling of their defeat in the air. It's like sweaty burning teflon.
4258d5 No.5602630
PARADISE, Calif. - Academy Award winning filmmaker and actor Ron Howard surprised some of the people being interviewed for his Camp Fire Documentary Thursday by stopping in on film shoots unannounced.
It is at least the third visit from Howard's "Imagine Entertainment" film crew since the first of the year.
Howard was photographed in Chico with some of the staff at CSU, Chico's North State Public Radio by University Photographer Jason Halley. KCHO's General Manager told us their reporters were being interviewed about their reporting on the destructive fire.
Former Paradise Mayor Steve "Woody" Culleton told Action News Now he was thrilled to get his picture taken with Howard, joking about how much the two look alike. Culleton was being interviewed on his property in Paradise where his home was destroyed by the fire. He and his wife are working to rebuild. He said the film crew had been there about an hour when Howard visited the set unexpectedly.
In December, the filmmaker met with school officials, teachers, students and firefighters. His mother-in-law used to live in Paradise, and he has relatives in Redding.
Howard is tentatively calling the documentary "Believe in Paradise." The film crew will be returning toward the end of March.
Kinda creepy.
Wonder if the proceeds of the documentary will go to the people affected by the fire.
938435 No.5602632
Nye has the pedo look. I don't care that I can't prove that he is, they always look the same, always have that same durfy face, always. He is one, we just haven't looked into him much yet but if we did I guarantee it would be found.
4ce68e No.5602633
More weekend winning
b90381 No.5602634
Check it fuckers.
See what you find.
b0dc2b No.5602635
Degrees China’d.
Behind enemy lines here…
066044 No.5602636
Well, she did answer a 'casting call' for congress….
9b36d5 No.5602638
drop the discord link…
lets do it
91e155 No.5602639
So who did you vote for?
b0dc2b No.5602640
That’s def China’d.
Damn autocorrect
8eaa19 No.5602642
f395fd No.5602643
Q with all your knowledge and inside info did micheal Jackson mess with kids? Or is this a distraction? People are going crazy over this
9ca9c1 No.5602644
Blackout Venezuela
–In the midst of one of the most extensive power outages in Venezuelan history, the country's opposition leader Juan Guaidó urged his supporters on Saturday to mobilize against the government of President Nicolás Maduro.
–"Venezuela, let's go to the streets," Guaidó, who declared himself interim president in January with endorsements from dozens of countries, said in a video on Twitter in response to the massive blackout blanketing most of the nation.
–Maduro, without offering evidence, blamed the outage that started Thursday afternoon on the United States, calling it an "electricity war." The blackout appears to have stemmed from a failure at the main hydroelectric plant in Venezuela, which has suffered from years of underinvestment. Guaidó claimed the outage knocked out power in 22 of the country's 23 states.
–By Saturday morning, power began to restore in the capital Caracas, but remained off for large portions of the country. State utility workers estimate it will be days before the national grid is completely restored, according to The New York Times.
fc0ed3 No.5602645
from 2016
Maverick Mail & Strategies, the firm Mrs. Cuck Todd founded in 2007 with fellow James Webb aides Steve Jarding and Jessica Vanden Berg, did heavy lifting for openly socialist Bernie Sanders for President this year. Open Secrets shows a bill for $1.992 million made in ten payments to Maverick from January to April. Todd has never disclosed this business relationship in 11 Sanders interviews this year
938435 No.5602647
Potential then, potential. You may be tasked with running an anon op to prove your worth but we shall see.
70d018 No.5602648
Good grief, grow some thicker skin grandma. And quit being such a niggerfaggot.
09f5ba No.5602649
Thank you for the new toy Q!!!
Anons ….. We got this!!!
c5adfd No.5602650
It does not surprise me o7 that you would reply - immense respect to you sir.
9a4726 No.5602651
just another Zero Delta Day Kek!
a19634 No.5602652
And that joke was welcomed into classrooms across the country..
9c9714 No.5602659
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The Meme War isn’t coming ——it’s already here.
We are using Memetics & Informations warfare to wedge the D party.
Will you do your part in the Great Meme War?
Change the timeline
c70bc4 No.5602660
To the perpetual dumbasses who always parrot "FORGERY!!" whenever this tract is mentioned - fine… then show us the ORIGINAL.
It certainly wasn't written by some semi-literate Russian provincial police officer. And the reading of it, comparing it to modern times shows it is quite prescient. Plank by plank.
70b250 No.5602661
Ohr (my new spelling of "or") …Ohr… what happened to her? As we have learned most Hwood and the spotlight.. most are enslaved kids… bought and purchased…or stolen. She may have been talking. Even if she was his real daughter. What did she witness? Was she molested since a baby/toddler?
This wasn't a DS suicide weekend, I don't think. Way too early in the weekend. She was "sacrificed"
70d018 No.5602662
Wrote in Pat. We always have the write in blank on our ballots.
2b5aaf No.5602663
>>5593699 pb
>>5593795 pb
nothing bad just a few pics of what it actually looks like. Since all we ever see is shaky pics from tv or long shots.
went down yonder and snapped some pics of it today.
1cd69d No.5602664
manboobs are there :D
both pictures are with trump on their left side. does it mean the obvious or is there something more behind this shit?
938435 No.5602666
This is code for: "Hi we are drone and do not know how to meme since we been indoctrinated. Will you help us put Chinese spy into power please? We promise not to try to poison you again"
a5602b No.5602667
Top Kek!!
And I REALLY like IPOT. Out of all of them that I've heard, he's my favorite so far.
b2f9a1 No.5602669
Nice quads. Still, I doubt Ms. Foreman was 187, sacrificed, etc. Some folks just die.
e525cd No.5602671
AOC's handlers are the Justice Democrats, specifically Saikat Chakrabarti and Zack Exley.
152a50 No.5602673
What? Lying? golfing? whinging on twitter? Trying to play at being a king? Fucking up your economy? Starting a trade war? His tax gift to corporations, the already rich and himself while adding two trillion to the deficit that you will end up paying for? Or is it the way he is redistributing even more wealth up instead of down? Profiting from his office? Letting his idiot unqualified kids in so they could use the connections to profit for their personal businesses with other countries and heads of state? Selling out national security for self enrichment?
Or maybe it is the way he killed the regulations that were put you in the last recession, and which only benefits big business amd HIS OWN businesses.
Trump every move in foreign policy he has made was not based on what was good for the nation. He is setting foreign policy according to how he can benefit his own busimess empire.
Trump is using your country and his position only to benefit himself.
You will know this one day.
2dd08f No.5602674
2 days ago now anon.
c1b9b2 No.5602675
How is this Q calling out PM as a shill?
See context of PM twat quoted by Q.
PM was digging on MSM reporting of synagogue shooter and role of Gab.
Q was agreeing and pointing out how MSM is trying to discredit Q and anons.
2ac025 No.5602676
In fact, I love it when someone steals one of my memes and posts it. Especially weeks or even a month later, when I come home from a rough day, then start lurking here, it makes me smile to see there are frens out there who like the same things I do.
P.S. Now this Pepe, I stole from someone else … kek
91e155 No.5602678
You're glowing at this point.
066044 No.5602679
Agreed, this anon gets it.
9b36d5 No.5602680
i imagined pepe's car being a white PT cruiser..
but this can work i guess.
55541a No.5602681
Old info (2011). Operation Earnest Voice (OEV)
The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread (((pro-American))) propaganda. [replace pro-American with whatever you like]
Critics are likely to complain that it will allow the (((US military))) to create a false consensus in online conversations, crowd out unwelcome opinions and smother commentaries or reports that do not correspond with its own objectives. [replace US military with whatever you would like].
General James Mattis told the US Senate's armed services committees that OEV "supports all activities associated with degrading the enemy narrative, including web engagement and web-based product distribution capabilities".
Centcom confirmed that the $2.76m contract was awarded to Ntrepid, a newly formed corporation registered in Los Angeles.
According to a report by the inspector general of the US defence department in Iraq, OEV was managed by the multinational forces rather than Centcom.
This article was amended on 18 March 2011 to remove references to Facebook and Twitter, introduced during the editing process, and to add a comment from Centcom, received after publication, that it is not targeting those sites.
Ntrepid = CIA
9aed6d No.5602683
Its already a done deal [THEY] just don't know it yet!!
70d018 No.5602685
If you say so. thats not much of a retort tho.
800ce2 No.5602686
tripz chk'd …..by the triplets
a8e8af No.5602687
df00fa No.5602689
alfreb is best steim
d2cc61 No.5602690
Did the MIC strike the C-A on US soil in 2001 ????\
A frightening foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that over the past nearly 36 hours the vast intercontinental military tunnel complex constructed by the United States Air force over the past nearly 45 years was hit with two powerful nuclear explosions at its main terminuses in Colorado and Virginia used nearly exclusively by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
According to this report, this unprecedented nuclear attack began on the evening of 22 August when one of the main air pressure relief tunnels for this CIA tunnel, located at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa Florida, was forced open allowing millions of cubic feet of air to rush suddenly into the atmosphere. The unique sound of this event was captured by video [1st video left] during a baseball game being played at Tropicana Field near MacDill, though US officials blamed the “mystery noise” on a faulty sound system.
This GRU report, however, points out that Russian engineers are well acquainted with this unique sound as they work feverishly to prepare an additional 5,000 bomb shelters ordered by Prime Minister Putin this past spring to be completed by the end of 2012.
Russian engineers were, also, able to duplicate this unique sound this past March when they were called into the Ukraine to vent a number of deep underground tunnels from poison gas that had killed three people near Kiev and which was, likewise, captured by video. [2nd video left]
Within a few hours of the venting of this vast tunnel complex, this report continues, a nuclear device was detonated at its western terminus located near Trinidad Colorado with the second blast occurring nearly 12 hours later at the eastern terminus near Culpeper Virginia, and both causing powerful earthquakes felt by tens of millions of Americans.
Unbeknownst to the vast majority of the American people is that the vast military tunnel network constructed since the early 1960’s under their country has cost an estimated $40 trillion and with the exception of this attack shows no sign of abating.
The only known photo of one of the massive US Air Force boring machines used to construct this vast tunnel complex was taken by Little Skull Mountain in Nevada in December 1982 [see bottom photo] and is similar in design to those used to construct the Chunnel between England and France.
Maps of these tunnels, and the underground bases associated with them, have been compiled over the years by many independent researchers along with lists of their probable locations.
The specific tunnel attacked by these nuclear devices, this GRU report says, was being used by the CIA during their moving of their headquarters and all of their assets out of their Langley Virginia location to their new base located in Denver Colorado that was begun in 2005 for reasons still not fully explained.
The GRU speculates that the timing of this attack in hitting the western terminus first, then the eastern one, was more than likely meant to “trap and destroy” whatever the CIA was currently moving through this tunnel from Langley to Denver.
Most interesting to note is that this attack comes nearly a decade to the day after the 11 September 2011 internal war between the CIA and the US military establishment that rained destruction upon America, and then the world, but whose final battle has yet to be fought, or won, by either side.
f6e69e No.5602691
The Great Awakening.
Attempts to DIVIDE will FAIL.
Patriots have no skin color.
9ca9c1 No.5602692
Go search about the hidden room he had in his neverland home.. then u be the judge
b042d9 No.5602693
I bet the MSM wishes they never said anything about #QAnon. "Hey guys, remember that conspiracy known as Q that we told you was debunked, turns out they are exactly what they say they are and HRC is going to jail for treason and they actually had proof the whole time but you didn't know that because we decided not to look at any of their evidence even though we told you we had and we are very very sorry but we still think we should be your only source of truth because we promise to never do that again and you should still trust us and please whatever you do, don't listen to those guys…" yeah, that's going to go over with the public just fine.
3b4d83 No.5602694
Damn, anon, I will take the worst of the 3 and you can have the other 2
6a64f1 No.5602695
Daylight SAVINGs time… I JUST GOT IT.
0cdb6c No.5602698
d12b05 No.5602699
70d018 No.5602702
So you envision Pepe being a boomer cuck? Sad.
ca90d7 No.5602703
Where we go one we go all.
96074e No.5602706
WWG1WGA! Do it Q!
3f0527 No.5602707
Thank you Q
800ce2 No.5602710
it's a deal, anon !
a19634 No.5602712
And thats subjective in this case
ca2a44 No.5602714
Dragon Energy,
If your watching, tweet a reminder for everyone to set their clocks for DST tonight.
d212f8 No.5602715
>>5601637 was nominated notable
so make sure you keep that in mind with respect to the situation
048c0b No.5602716
#DYK There is a #USArmy Soldier currently aboard the @Space_Station? Meet Lt. Col. Anne McClain - an engineer & @NASA astronaut.
In this photo, Anne is performing spacesuit maintenance in preparation for her first spacewalk.
Night Shift
b0dc2b No.5602717
a8e8af No.5602718
and a kek for you
b90381 No.5602719
938435 No.5602721
Hmm, Q is really push unified front tonight. Something has happened and they are laying the ground for something. I'm telling you guys… I can feel it in my scrote.
3b289a No.5602722
6eb154 No.5602724
try harder mossad
152a50 No.5602725
You just related your own personal fantasy that is not based in real world events in any way.
70d018 No.5602726
As meaningless as the last time you posted it.
Demographics matter.
91e155 No.5602727
Probably like bill kristol too. You obviously buy into too to much of your own propaganda. David duke a hero of yours as well?
066044 No.5602729
Prayers for Q team and POTUS every night.
We Are All With You!
19089b No.5602730
b47655 No.5602731
Transparency please.