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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

9f3fa4  No.5451196

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 03.01.2019

>>5449539 ————————————–——– [-21][-20][-19][-18]………. (caps: >>5451109 )

Tuesday 02.26.2019

>>5408817 ————————————–——– Test 10

>>5408814 ————————————–——– Test 12

>>5408812 ————————————–——– Test 11

>>5408700 ————————————–——– Test 8

>>5408690 ————————————–——– Test 7

>>5408097 rt >>5407826 ————————— Test 6

>>5407223 rt >>5406506 ————————— Test 5

>>5402283 ————————————–——– The Armor of God

>>5402061 rt >>5401939 ————————— It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.

>>5399463 ————————————–——– Conformity and Behavior.

>>5399134 ————————————–——– THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND.

>>5398367 ————————————–——– Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.

>>5397816 ————————————–——– Puppet & Puppet Master.

Monday 02.25.2019

>>5387042 ————————————–——– Test 3

>>5386040 rt >>5385640 ————————— How can anyone support such EVIL?

>>5385001 ————————————–——– These people are SICK & EVIL.

>>5384552 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.

>>5384495 ————————————–——– Many more to come?

>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.

>>5380099 ————————————–——– Arrival team reporting light rain

>>5379762 rt >>5379729 ————————— Just another day at the office

>>5379626 rt >>5379582 ————————— You are on the right track

>>5379494 ————————————–——– Dear AG Barr, Advice from insiders (cap >>5379625 )

>>5377668 ————————————–——– Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?

Sunday 02.24.2019

Compiled here: >>5450225

Friday 02.22.2019

Compiled here: >>5383236

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

9f3fa4  No.5451200


are not endorsements


>>5389728 ; >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q

>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch

>>5387705 Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.


>>5451147 February's Q Calendar: False Flag Friday's?

>>5451092 Huckabee: The Top 5 Lies And Damning Discoveries From Cohen’s Testimony

>>5450943 Breaking: Canada has started extraditing Huawei's CFO to the US

>>5450920 , >>5450932, >>5451180 Released: Subpeona for Anthony Weiner's shared laptop

>>5450908 , >>5450968 Mike Huckabee: "I'm also making a list of those who don't"

>>5450813 New York: Qatar Royals Engaged In Human Trafficking To NYC Mansion

>>5450777 Trump to expel dozens of Maduro loyalists from the US

>>5450648 Do Members of Congress Take Too Many Private Trips to Israel With AIPAC?

>>5450623 Ex-Las Vegas illusionist faints as he's jailed for 20 years in federal porn case

>>5450607 John Solomon - Only 37 percent of Americans found Cohen testimony credible

>>5450602 Is Justice Clarence Thomas set to retire?

>>5450588 National security directive release: Establishment of the Space Force!

>>5450552 Tommy Robinson exposes Hope Not Hate and BBC's Panorama as Fake News

>>5450541 , >>5450566, >>5450574 Breaking: Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows letter to Barr

>>5450538 Update on further improvements to https://qresear.ch/

>>5451192 #6968


>>5450249 Globalists equating Qanon with election hacking to undermine democracy

>>5450195 , >>5450217 House Dems Suffer Embarrassing Loss On Gun Control Amendment Vote

>>5450109 Pedophiles are hunting children as young as 5 on Instagram as grooming triples on social media

>>5450076 Four Weeks After Blackface, Ralph Northam Still In Office

>>5449996 Does POTUS understand what's spoken in Korean?

>>5449893 , >>5450280 Call to dig on adult stem cells

>>5449884 "carpet" references in previous Q drops

>>5449867 Mueller says Roger Stone trial will take 5-8 days

>>5449863 Breaking News on India and Pakistan

>>5449847 AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

>>5449787 , >>5449855, >>5449920, >>5449936 Q Post theories

>>5449771 (pb) Q Post Decode

>>5449712 (pb) USAF Tweet we're 15% more ready than 2 years ago

>>5449392 (pb) GDP: Goldman, Atlanta and NY FRB see Q1 GDP Tumble below 1%

>>5450406 #6967


>>5449391 Q is Cool

>>5449387 Lynn Patton: Why Cohen flipped on POTUS

>>5449345 Today's CPAC schedule and live feed

>>5449205 Watch the water: Nestlé

>>5449200 Anon updates on twitter accounts on the hit list

>>5449135 NXIVM Hearing: Prosecution confirms there will be superseding indictment in March

>>5449132 New HRC tweet

>>5449105 , >>5449125 George Richard Moscone, Feinstien's predecessor who was shot

>>5449081 Couple rents 45 hotel rooms to get Oregon’s homeless out of cold

>>5449048 UC Davis Professor Said Cops "Need To Be Killed" - Still Teaching??

>>5449006 Video of Fienstein arguing with children

>>5448999 Letter to Cummings from Council to the President re security clearances

>>5448997 'OIG': A classic Master Troll by The President

>>5449642 #6966

Previously Collected Notables

>>5449213 #6964, >>5449225 #6965,

>>5445809 #6961, >>5448592 #6962, >>5447367 #6963

>>5443497 #6958, >>5444275 #6959, >>5445044 #6960

>>5441145 #6955, >>5443744 #6956, >>5442715 #6957

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

9f3fa4  No.5451205

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

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Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5093315 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #8: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>4861109 – Clockwork Qrange #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

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Q Graphics all in GMT #66-#68 >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>>/comms/3409

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

9f3fa4  No.5451209

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

*How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5341422 ; >>5391966

Meme Ammo

42 >>5427459, 41 >>5290716, 40 >>5057528

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654

9f3fa4  No.5451225

File: 693693626437b1d⋯.jpeg (291.81 KB, 1518x1237, 1518:1237, #MASSIVE.jpeg)

#6968 Dough


c99871  No.5451230

File: 9e433f774682908⋯.jpeg (614.71 KB, 1242x1411, 1242:1411, D9215F8A-412D-4A60-9935-8….jpeg)


Fuggen’ nodable.

c99871  No.5451265

File: 925999bba0df48c⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1242x2080, 621:1040, 3B19800F-8C2F-4C25-B3E5-D….jpeg)

File: 085b370719e6b60⋯.jpeg (964.28 KB, 1177x1654, 1177:1654, 0CC6E100-9425-4B96-AC68-3….jpeg)

File: 9cd6933c9a5e1e2⋯.jpeg (619.87 KB, 1818x1818, 1:1, A6E9CB4D-EE93-44A5-A409-6….jpeg)

Has anyone figured out this time stamp anomaly? The anon clearly ripped the pics from Bloomberg.

b163da  No.5451278

File: 36b04bf772e3f87⋯.jpg (72.14 KB, 564x847, 564:847, efe5a93547149c102e5bd2dae1….jpg)

Thank You Baker

a672cb  No.5451285

Who knows where all the bodies are buried? Very interesting (old) article on Trumps former bodyguard and WH Deputy Assistant. Military trained, church going, worked for the NYPD. Probably already researched but I found it interesting.



7064ca  No.5451294

File: 1ae7535afd1b1f3⋯.png (373.12 KB, 576x536, 72:67, KimUn..png)

>>5450817 pb

> Yesterday I read that potus referred to Kim as mecurial.

FYI- MERCURY rising also.

12 o'clock on or about April 10 / 11

(Anon believes we are 11 days ahead)

Would be a GREAT April Fools joke, eh?

da95a8  No.5451305

>>5451219 (pb)



52c469  No.5451306

File: 92b7ff51727129a⋯.png (121.75 KB, 445x256, 445:256, AOC BOSS.png)

adb825  No.5451307

( •ω• )σ ( . Y . )

ee9eb2  No.5451308

>>5451277 (LB)

>>5451297 (LB)

To clarify - Q as disclosed Day countdown. Hrs;Min;Sec countdown is still undisclosed.

0271c1  No.5451309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anybody got any ideas on this?

German Idealism, Thule, Atlantis, Schelling

4ed889  No.5451310

File: b7ff4f718be6df3⋯.jpg (70.01 KB, 500x501, 500:501, ug1s5hjl.JPG)

toilet boi

8cf322  No.5451311

File: c5b4e08917ff5be⋯.jpg (192.35 KB, 676x676, 1:1, Christ.jpg)

5bb7f8  No.5451312

File: 96b018edd0066ef⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 52694941_2559841640709834_….jpg)


TY Baker

7f2ad1  No.5451313


Henrik Svensmark

Nir Shaviv

Valentina Zharkova

"when they crawl out of the caves"


f9e020  No.5451314

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No.325580 📁

Feb 10 2018 05:46:19 (EST)

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



[44] targets.

Do we have a list of names yet?

8b1fad  No.5451315

File: 19fcc7b91f56d9a⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2000x1223, 2000:1223, Fukushima-Daiichi-From-Air.jpg)

>>5451276 (lb)


ff9161  No.5451316

File: b64be87f885b6f7⋯.jpg (102.03 KB, 1200x734, 600:367, 0b07403d28c59ee70ec0497b25….jpg)

>>5451269 (pb)

Fuck you lazyanon. Leave the baker alone.

Thank you baker

5b5b42  No.5451318

File: 854d5654c204dc7⋯.jpg (191.13 KB, 975x975, 1:1, Pepe kew news.jpg)




>>5450893 lb Canada PM speaks to Trump about tariffs, sources see little progress

>>5450946 lb US NAVY-New era for Aviaition

>>5451230 Canada PM speaks to Trump about tariffs, sources see little progress

just below doughtoo

ee9eb2  No.5451319


Kek, he said, "No"

a032e2  No.5451320

File: 783ccfd6a7fe45c⋯.png (823.55 KB, 813x498, 271:166, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f08b1966967120⋯.png (63.25 KB, 535x372, 535:372, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1efa86fd7a80af9⋯.png (52.09 KB, 767x808, 767:808, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7297ae1149ff1f⋯.png (21.47 KB, 785x285, 157:57, ClipboardImage.png)

North Korea Talks Breakdown – Trump Keeps The Empire Happy

Trump starts out ready to do this thing that will change the course of history and then John Bolton tells him to sit down.

Given the trajectory of President Trump’s foreign policy since last year there was little hope of significant movement at this year’s summit with North Korea.

Since that first, historic meeting last year in Singapore, Trump’s foreign policy team has become the exact opposite of what that meeting symbolized.

Belligerent, threatening, cocky, obnoxious and ignorant only partially cover the depths to which Mike Pompeo, John Bolton and Trump himself have taken U.S. diplomacy.

There are many who still think that Trump is working for peace in the world. But, even if he is, the reality is that he’s not in charge of anything anymore.

So the point is moot.

Since Trump announced the withdrawal from Syria in December 20th, he has been pushed further and further to the sidelines of his own administration.

Take two weeks ago in Europe for example. Two major international summits are held in Warsaw and Munich and Trump is at home tweeting about the evils of Socialism and Venezuela while the Triumverate of Evil – Bolton, Pence and Pompeo — failed to rally support for a world war against Iran.

Vice President Mike Pence is running the operation on Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela. Trump isn’t allowed anywhere near where the grown-ups are allowed to be.

It makes sense Trump wanted to go to Hanoi to achieve something substantial as was Kim but that was derailed in the end when John Bolton showed up and demanded chemical weapons be added at the last minute.


2ccaca  No.5451321

File: e7b53da5f692c69⋯.jpg (8.78 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 5c645555e6de385b077d35425c….jpg)

5f23b4  No.5451322

File: 76012940f65f3ca⋯.mp4 (13.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Satanists call forth the d….mp4)


Satanist celebration? what the fuck is going on

ee1fd6  No.5451323


>>5451036 pb

She was once a lesbian…kek

Can't make this shit up


This is an amazing flip-flop: Chirlane McCray, wife of likely Republican Democratic New York City mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio, was forced to release a statement yesterday admitting that, yes, she was a lesbian before she met her husband, currently the city's public advocate.

"[I] identified as a lesbian and wrote about it," she said after Hunter Walker at The Observer dug up a 1979 Essence magazine article Ms. McCray wrote called "I Am a Lesbian."

adb825  No.5451324



22cc3d  No.5451325

File: a055313d425495a⋯.png (4.07 KB, 255x144, 85:48, punifuse.png)


a56862  No.5451326


Extra "e" = 5 = Q on the clock = DJT

Q Proof?

cae4ac  No.5451327


I'm down with that. Just trying to digest significance of NASA inclusion from previous drops re: countdown holds.

d7b5de  No.5451328


"We are the news now" means that the MSM is coming here to rip off stuff from our beloved source, and pretend it's from theirs.

8c8e25  No.5451329

File: daccfe84fc56a66⋯.jpg (110.87 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 17795933_689548237894626_7….jpg)

File: c726df63be12ac7⋯.jpg (64.6 KB, 500x565, 100:113, 2uyzoq_1.jpg)

It's not not if MAGA riots are coming it's when.

A provision signed off by Trump bans ICE agents from deporting any illegal alien sponsor who takes in a UAC after the child has been trafficked across the U.S.-Mexico border. The spending bill now codifies into law, indefinitely, that federal immigration officials are not allowed to deport not only illegal alien sponsors of UACs, but also any illegal alien living in the household of a UAC or those who claim to be “potential sponsors” of UACs.

The measure provides a legal shield, or de facto amnesty, to any illegal alien claiming to be part of a household that is sponsoring a UAC, even those affiliated with the MS-13 gang.

Trump’s signing the bill into law also paralyzes ICE agents’ ability to readily detain and deport illegal aliens who have just arrived in the U.S. By 2,253 program, Trump’s law forces ICE agents to release more border crossers into the interior of the country, making it close to impossible to ever deport these foreign nationals in the future. About 99 percent of these illegal aliens are never deported.

The UAC program has resettled close to 13,000 young migrants across the U.S. in the last three months of 2018, alone. Assuming that each of these UACs was resettled in a household where at least two illegal aliens reside, this would account for a de facto amnesty for about 26,000 illegal aliens.

Nearly 35,000 UACs were resettled in the U.S. in Fiscal Year 2018, with the vast majority going to live with sponsors in California, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Tennessee, and Virginia.

adb825  No.5451330



46d63b  No.5451331

File: 5ae50c3f708aff7⋯.jpg (414.31 KB, 1314x1068, 219:178, hicksjones.jpg)

>>5451246 pb

Countdown goes through the 19th

20th is Full Moon and Equinox

a032e2  No.5451332

Why is there a statue of Vladimir Lenin in Seattle?

There’s a Vladimir Lenin Statue in Seattle, and Republican Lawmakers Want It Gone

In the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle (because, duh, it’s Seattle) stands a 16 foot tall statue of communist revolutionary and innovator of mass starvation and firing squads, Vladimir Lenin. Republican lawmakers in Washington have now introduced a bill “to study and make recommendations on an appropriate historical figure to replace the statue of Lenin, and to represent the state of Washington.”

While leftists across the country have been losing their minds over confederate monuments and statues, the wackjobs around Seattle have largely been silent on the statue of a man who conceived of the gulag prison camps for dissenters.

But this isn’t the first time politicians have called for the statue’s removal. In late 2017, then-mayor Ed Murray called for it to be taken away. Mayor Murray would soon resign in disgrace after numerous accusations of child sex abuse broke from numerous victims.

Anyways, KIRO7 reports:

A new bill proposed by a group of 14 Republicans in the state Legislature would look to convene a “work group” to find a suitable replacement for Seattle’s iconic Vladimir Lenin statue.

Seattle’s Lenin statue sits in the city’s Fremont neighborhood, having been there since 1995. It’s often found itself at the center of controversy, though, with opponents decrying Lenin’s role in the Red Terror, along with a variety of other human rights violations.

A bill proposed in the Washington State House of Representatives would form a work group “to study and make recommendations on an appropriate historical figure to replace the statue of Lenin, and to represent the state of Washington.”

“The legislature finds that under rigorous, objective review Vladimir Lenin does not meet the standards of being one of our state’s top honorees with a statue display in Seattle,” the bill reads.

The proposed work group be be comprised of the director of the state’s Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, the director of the Washington State Historical Society, four public representatives selected by Gov. Jay Inslee, and members of the state Legislature.

According to wikipedia, the statue was purchased by Lewis E. Carpenter out of a scrapyard in Slovakia in 1993, and he placed it on his property in Seattle. He soon died while trying to decide what to do with it.

Not to be outdone, Portland’s little brother syndrome has the city staking it’s claim to the communist dictator legacy by touting Joseph Stalin’s granddaughter, Chrese Evans, as a resident of the city. And big surprise, she’s a wacked out social justice feminist. Because it’s Portland, duh.


8cf322  No.5451333

Amber Tamblyn Is Calling Out James Woods as a 'Predator.' Here's What to Know

“James Woods tried to pick me and my friend up at a restaurant once,” Tamblyn tweeted. “He wanted to take us to Vegas. ‘I’m 16’ I said. ‘Even better’ he said.’”


adb825  No.5451335



4ed889  No.5451336

File: 87839416a080bd9⋯.png (396.89 KB, 895x641, 895:641, toiboi.png)


are you still a toilet ?

0271c1  No.5451337


Me too

3d3f2c  No.5451338

>>5450985 (pb)

Future proves past. Q posting 1010

4 Apr 2018 - 4:24:51 PM


f9e020  No.5451339


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d5b32a No.2847264 📁

Sep 2 2018 13:28:29 (EST)

Firewalls3&4.jpg ⬇

[3] Bill Priestap - Head of FBI Counterintelligence (Strzok's boss) - Cooperating witness [power removed]

[4] Peter Strzok - Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence [FBI] - Cooperating witness [FIRED]


156314  No.5451340

File: 0edb5e4c946ee8a⋯.jpg (163.72 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 0edb5e4c946ee8a7a23a333683….jpg)

File: d1355ce079520a8⋯.jpg (333.52 KB, 1200x1710, 40:57, 36be6e4c34d880d40f2411c408….jpg)

>>5451300 (lb)


It bring the house, (of cards), down.

>>5451196 Thank you baker!

d65dea  No.5451341


I'm not so into the conspiracy that I believe that.

d7b5de  No.5451342


The fuck is this bullshit?

210a57  No.5451343

File: e128fc530818fe5⋯.png (838.47 KB, 1193x2296, 1193:2296, ClipboardImage.png)

(repost, updated the graphic showing the [-17] should've been when [-21] was posted)

Anons, it looks like there were "holds" in the countdown

This is what a "hold" is in terms of a rocket launch:

A built-in hold is a period in a launch countdown where the countdown clock is stopped. The hold serves as a milestone in the countdown and may be of a fixed or variable duration.

For example, space shuttle launch countdowns included 7 holds at T-27 hours, T-19 hours, T-11 hours, T-6 hours, T-3 hours, T-20 minutes, and T-9 minutes.



Thinking logically, Q said [-30] on the 2/9/19.

Then, Q said [-21] on the 2/26/19.

The 26th SHOULD'VE been [-17] (kek)

But it was [-21]

Therefore, there were 4 DAYS THAT WERE HOLDS in the countdown.

The original [0] day of the countdown was 3/11/19.

Now, I think the [0] day of the countdown is 3/19/19

2ccaca  No.5451344

File: 5bdbea7da0ab741⋯.jpeg (12.79 KB, 241x255, 241:255, 71f5ccc71237cf7ebe046fd69….jpeg)

adb825  No.5451345



bf8f7e  No.5451346

File: 454ec47a27f9fef⋯.png (67.54 KB, 818x666, 409:333, image005.png)

File: 543e622a582cc7e⋯.png (8.4 KB, 423x130, 423:130, image004.png)

File: 578b3c55bce09c9⋯.png (252.8 KB, 809x796, 809:796, image003.png)

File: 6321e7f742c0329⋯.png (133.34 KB, 746x659, 746:659, image002.png)

File: 6b17614d6107f54⋯.png (283.49 KB, 695x761, 695:761, image001.png)

I decided to look up WATCH acronyms and came across this:

Wide Angle Telescope for Cosmic Hard (WATCH) x-rays instrument. It was used for experiments on a satellite called the European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA mission) from 1992-1993 that was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis and returned on SS Endeavor. The telescope had an extremely wide field of view, capable of observing ¼ of the sky. It was supposedly used to monitor x-ray sources, and was also flown a 2nd time on a Russian Granat mission. Pics are screenshots of the links included.

I don't know if this has already been dug, but I felt this might be relevant given an anon’s recent speculation that nukes were somehow hidden on satellites.



4d8bf8  No.5451347

A tactical nuclear weapon (TNW) or non-strategic nuclear weapon is a nuclear weapon, generally smaller in its explosive power, which is designed to be used on a battlefield in military situations, mostly with friendly forces in proximity and perhaps even on contested friendly territory. This is in contrast to strategic nuclear weapons which are designed to be mostly targeted in the enemy interior away from the war front against military bases, cities, towns, arms industries, and other hardened or larger-area targets to damage the enemy's ability to wage war. Tactical nuclear weapons were a large part of the peak nuclear weapons stockpile levels during the Cold War.

Because of the risk that use of tactical nuclear weapons could unexpectedly lead to a rapid escalation of a war to full use of strategic weapons, proposals have been made within NATO and other organizations to place limitations on, and make more transparent, the stockpiling and use of these tactical weapons.

a56862  No.5451348


Who is #5?

46d63b  No.5451349


liar. prove it.

a032e2  No.5451350

File: 406df686aab4d04⋯.png (47.43 KB, 589x592, 589:592, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c45bb529b681815⋯.png (42.03 KB, 613x561, 613:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b811d46e04e537e⋯.png (25.46 KB, 611x319, 611:319, ClipboardImage.png)

UN rejects US move to recognize Golan annexation by Israel

UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir O. Pedersen has underlined Syria’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, rejecting a US congressional motion to recognize Israel's annexation of the occupied territory.

“Obviously the Security Council is very clear that the Golan is Syrian territory, and the first aspect of [Resolution] 2254 is of course the territorial integrity of Syria,” Pedersen told reporters at a Security Council briefing on Syria held on Thursday in New York.

He made the comments in response to a question regarding a bill introduced by Republican members of the US congress which seeks to recognize Syria’s Golan Heights as Israeli territory.

The measure, brought by Senators Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton as well as Representative Mike Gallagher, cites concerns about what the lawmakers call a “threat” posed by Iran.

“The United States has been committed for over 40 years to ensuring Israel’s security from attacks emanating from across the Golan Heights,” the bill’s sponsors said Wednesday.


5b5b42  No.5451351


or the one complaining about no fresh bread while on ebake in pb. fuggin spergs.

64d5dc  No.5451352

File: b2fcd8d7c89534e⋯.jpeg (233.18 KB, 1742x980, 871:490, EEAD7E75-2246-4247-8FAC-D….jpeg)

Carpet bombs are okay.

Tactical nukes are better.

[-21] [-20] [-19] [-18] …. …. ….


adb825  No.5451353


Cheap shitty bait

2e6890  No.5451354

Letter to AG Barr requesting information on two members of the Special Counsels office:

[Andrew Weissmann]

[Zainab Ahmad]

Both were part of a DOJ group communicating with Ohr about the dossier.


I remember seeing a mention of Whitaker cutting a couple guys loose from the Mueller investigation a few weeks ago but I can't find anything on it. I'm willing to bet these are the guys.

ee1fd6  No.5451355

File: 5d496674deb126d⋯.jpg (51.18 KB, 600x357, 200:119, trudeau pepe lives matter.jpg)

File: 6fb79bd619781b6⋯.jpg (34.3 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Trudeau star.jpg)


Trump replied. Resign as PM and I'll drop the Tariffs

49b64b  No.5451356


I say proudly keep it.

Use that site as one of the public execution sites. Make it historically parallel…

cae4ac  No.5451357

File: fc0a25492235119⋯.png (760.27 KB, 548x800, 137:200, ClipboardImage.png)

0f7dd2  No.5451358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Build the Wall, Crime will Fall

a032e2  No.5451359

Some alt media calling qresearch pro-Israel movement

8cf322  No.5451360



d17f46  No.5451361

File: 0d4db9c1e93511b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1948x1770, 974:885, F-35_alpha.png)

File: 7535e31d1f4e24a⋯.jpg (121.7 KB, 746x418, 373:209, Kennedy-truth.jpg)

File: 4f596d30cbb5e3c⋯.jpg (70.81 KB, 808x446, 404:223, MSM-bullshit.jpg)

File: cd5ddafe2c28038⋯.jpeg (88.87 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Globalists.jpeg)

File: 96145eae8c68ed5⋯.png (47.6 KB, 577x434, 577:434, RenegadeEvergreen.png)

Just a small collection, anon is still at work.

Where do I have that nuke…

when back home I'll play fireworks.

d7b5de  No.5451362


MK ultra whores unleased on Woods. Right after he beat down another whore in court.

9f6963  No.5451363

File: 712234a72a70793⋯.png (323.95 KB, 1007x819, 1007:819, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5456aba9b1e0dff⋯.png (42.64 KB, 684x674, 342:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Kimy brought the goods…

train travel maybe related to Maggie's post…

2ccaca  No.5451364

File: 49a2e92e8362dba⋯.jpg (64.33 KB, 750x710, 75:71, 1551326484471.jpg)

6a0d18  No.5451365

File: ebdc563e92c8f71⋯.png (42.34 KB, 761x293, 761:293, mueller created crimes.PNG)

1 Audit firm Arthur Andersen and its 80,000 plus employees –

Sydney Powell recently was on with Mark Levin on his show on FOX News and she described the actions taken by former FBI Head Robert Mueller during the Enron case in the early 2000’s. Powell wrote LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice after seeing a core group of federal prosecutors break all the rules, make up crimes, hide evidence, and send innocent people to prison in the Enron case. When she saw them promoted to the top of the US legal system at the DOJ and FBI she had had enough.

Powell discusses how Mueller hand picked Weissmann wanting this corrupt attorney on his team –

2. Four Merrill Lynch employees –

Next, according to Powell, Mueller and Weissmann created crimes to indict four Americans at Merrill Lynch. They put these four individuals through ten years of “unmitigated hell”. Putting at least one of the four in solitary confinement.

3. General Mike Flynn and his lies that never occurred –

Move forward more than a decade and Mueller and Weissmann joined hands again but this time in the corrupt and unconstitutional Mueller Special Counsel team. Because of this, none of the crimes or corrupt actions taken against the President and those closest to him are legal or just.

This is of no concern to Mueller and Weissmann however. The first person they targeted was President Trump’s former National Security Advisor. Flynn was set up by former FBI Agent Peter Strzok and another corrupt agent in the White House. The notes they took as a result of their interview with the General were altered and the final notes (form 302’s) have not yet been uncovered. General Flynn was set up.

4. Paul Manafort’s crimes that were not crimes just years prior –

Paul Manafort was indicted on a number of crimes by corrupt Mueller and his gang. The problem with their initial indictment was that the actions under indictment were reviewed by the FBI previously and not considered crimes. The FBI interviewed Manafort in 2014 for the same crimes they indicted him on a few years later but neglected to press charges then because Obama gang members were involved.

5. Made up crime against numerous Russians and Russian companies –

Four out of five of the made up indictments in the Mueller investigation are Russians. As of mid-October, the total number of individuals indicted was 37 individuals and three companies. We really don’t know and doubt that the Russians are even real. The individuals were indicted for posting stories on Facebook in Russian that Mueller says swayed the 2016 election towards Trump. The number of posts in Russian were less than a percent of a percent of posts recorded on Facebook during the period stated, part of which was after the 2016 election.


adb825  No.5451366


That's a lot of pedos in your post

4d8bf8  No.5451367

Tactical nuclear weapons include gravity bombs, short-range missiles, artillery shells, land mines, depth charges, and torpedoes which are equipped with nuclear warheads. Also in this category are nuclear armed ground-based or shipborne surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and air-to-air missiles.

Small, two-man portable, or truck-portable, tactical weapons (sometimes misleadingly referred to as suitcase nukes), such as the Special Atomic Demolition Munition and the Davy Crockett recoilless rifle (recoilless smoothbore gun), have been developed, although the difficulty of combining sufficient yield with portability could limit their military utility. In wartime, such explosives could be used for demolishing "choke-points" to enemy offensives, such as at tunnels, narrow mountain passes, and long viaducts.

0b04d1  No.5451368

File: 4283be298e25e9d⋯.jpg (651.34 KB, 1080x1827, 120:203, Screenshot_20190301-145232….jpg)

File: e2c28d55b679921⋯.jpg (280.08 KB, 1080x624, 45:26, Screenshot_20190301-145251….jpg)



b60d81  No.5451369



> yes, she was a lesbian before she met her husband, currently the city's public advocate.

Oh, okay. Kek.

I thought dykes got pissed if you suggested a dose of the big D would cure them.

adb825  No.5451370



179de0  No.5451371


Not the most credible person to choose, though.

f19b9c  No.5451372

File: 31c1464ecf0fdb4⋯.png (52.92 KB, 970x261, 970:261, 1-minute-off.png)

7177de  No.5451373

File: be256447e143934⋯.jpg (148.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ghost-kerrigan-wallpaper-1….jpg)


TY Baker!!!

Tactical nuke countdown time.

adb825  No.5451374

46d63b  No.5451375


but no one is saying launch is on 19th

Only that big things will happen between two dates.

Logic, please.

50f174  No.5451376

6969….AWE YEAH…

d7b5de  No.5451377


Looks good. Of course, going forward, there may be a need for additional "hold" days.

Trump is steam rolling them.

2ccaca  No.5451378

File: 6c8258c841b0751⋯.jpg (156.99 KB, 478x268, 239:134, c17cdd7b719ac8037acaf7000d….jpg)

7064ca  No.5451379

File: 85e3356db85fa99⋯.jpg (105.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pict.jpg)

File: 4ac7bda05f2fc95⋯.png (414.46 KB, 600x700, 6:7, hrc pict.png)

>>5451127 pb

>PICT were a legendary, perhaps mythological, early tribe of England.


Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict

Describes Armageddon.


08cff9  No.5451380

File: f1b760c5249ba92⋯.png (249.76 KB, 459x876, 153:292, 9f502a78589735102bae36f199….png)

File: f73bf860c171665⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, doll.jpg)

File: 69aae1348313543⋯.jpg (20.1 KB, 500x706, 250:353, 69aae134831354335664c1c00f….jpg)

File: e4c0d2320188b10⋯.png (1.02 MB, 868x1200, 217:300, ae6c8d0ea9f15f31cbf244832e….png)

File: 3409792fef36aff⋯.jpeg (420.64 KB, 1587x2109, 529:703, a137d336b3869b0bac7ea6bc4….jpeg)

bc3b85  No.5451381

File: 7d72b12a4de64ed⋯.png (250.92 KB, 852x646, 426:323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b651ae17c2b7d8⋯.png (143.08 KB, 436x415, 436:415, ClipboardImage.png)



46d63b  No.5451382


perfect couple since he's a pedo.

41d773  No.5451383


Baker Notable


adb825  No.5451384

Damn chimeras

b60d81  No.5451385

File: 4e94edba8b3dad1⋯.png (168.86 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, BoxOPepe.png)


Genius response.

7addac  No.5451386


HAHAHA! Yeah trudy, He'll get right now that!

ee9eb2  No.5451387



Common sense, and brilliant

1a1a5f  No.5451388

>>5450870 lb

Russia was not the endpoint of the Uranium, was it?

or was it Russia when it was under cabal control?

5c3ff9  No.5451389

File: 2b4a04411622c8a⋯.png (203.51 KB, 480x327, 160:109, ClipboardImage.png)


Whenever I see that "I'm the boss" I read it like this:

adb825  No.5451390


Go pull some weeds homo

bfbb38  No.5451391

File: 6d3c8b563a5a0a6⋯.png (305.45 KB, 392x396, 98:99, 2019-03-01_14-54-21.png)

File: 777834d491ad421⋯.png (246.18 KB, 426x304, 213:152, 2019-03-01_14-58-20.png)

>>5451240 lb

Didn't we learn anything from Killary and the Clinton crime machine?

The longer you go without doing anything…

70e781  No.5451392


Why do Canadian chicks like this dude? He's such a bitch-ass dork.

069176  No.5451393


Mercurial means he's lively, witty and not a boring stick in the mud. 'He's a character' means he's got a unique personality. He's fun to be with.

POTUS not dissing KIM at all, here. He's saying he enjoys him.

bb1381  No.5451394

File: 7789956df2e2c75⋯.jpeg (300.69 KB, 1242x851, 54:37, BBB86C74-A64E-410B-AF27-6….jpeg)


d7b5de  No.5451395



f9e020  No.5451396






2ccaca  No.5451397

File: 0456db5fd42da4d⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Anthony-Weiner-640x480.jpg)

7524c4  No.5451398


>>>5449539 →


>>"Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except [bye] Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen….."


>>"…and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. [Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed]. Republicans have been [abused long enough]. Must end now!"

>>Carpet bombs are ok.

>>Tactical nukes are better.




>[Before there was time + 1]


>6, 1, 2, 7, 1, 4, 7, 7, 3, 1, 9, 2, 5, 2, 8, 7, 8, 2


[The pulse of Allah]

74 68 65 20 70 75 6C 73 65 20 6F 66 20 41 6C 6C 61 68

bc3b85  No.5451399


Lived there and didn't understand - now my eyes will be wide open for such things, symbolism, etc.

0e2eef  No.5451400


good thinking, anon!

156314  No.5451401

File: c5bfce51abb99ab⋯.png (60.69 KB, 259x250, 259:250, c5bfce51abb99ab91a05ef4b33….png)

b5db5e  No.5451402

File: 3b03c2cf20efe3a⋯.png (335 KB, 1124x634, 562:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Planned Parenthood and the linked companies that donated to it. These are all linked to the I**uminati.


Follow the Money.

The foundations listed here are some of the most mainstream companies that people interface with everyday.

These people are sick.

Great Awakening

d65dea  No.5451403


Kek. Not the mama!

253624  No.5451404

File: 3cbc45475072116⋯.jpg (953.12 KB, 1077x1074, 359:358, Screenshot_20190228-080002….jpg)

Just heard my Crappy Governor entered the President race.. Tear him up President Trump!!

5b5b42  No.5451405


without doxxing I can tell you that this is 100% true. Posted the maxq pic. have had extensive experience with the countdown procedure- but not in an official nasa capacity. Once in the countdown sequence it can and will be held at times. The call-offs from the different functions of the launch program determines the ability of it to move forward . All handled at the LCC or Launch Control Center. It is then handed off to Houston upon lift-off

b60d81  No.5451406


JW acknowledges Q, shills REEEEEEEEEE!

All for a LARP.

adb825  No.5451407

File: 06b70fb4f154b74⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2435.PNG)

File: 5cd9519ab7a048d⋯.jpg (82.65 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_2437.JPG)

File: 6e2468b4221afba⋯.jpg (75.33 KB, 1024x627, 1024:627, IMG_2439.JPG)

File: a5d2b9e667e26dc⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 625x960, 125:192, IMG_2440.JPG)

010baa  No.5451408


yup tactical nuke means multiple targets taken out with little to no collateral damage to friendlies.. artillery units (M109 Howitzers) had shells designed to take out a WARSAW break through… 100's of tanks/infantry carriers taken out at one time… friendlies move in after

80c11e  No.5451409


>Trump isn’t allowed anywhere near where the grown-ups are allowed to be

Anyone that believes that bs, I've got some ocean front property in Colorado to sell you! lmao

210a57  No.5451410


exactly though, I'm not saying anything will happen ON the 19th

I'm saying that's when the countdown ends, simply

you're inferring things that I'm not presenting



because when the [-30] was posted, the [0] was one day, but with the holds, it got moved back

eyes on

21e0e8  No.5451412

File: 6aec8bcff953466⋯.png (455.21 KB, 609x456, 203:152, 6aec8bcff953466da6438214b0….png)

"Rush Limbaugh has said, If you're going to do this you're going to be hated. But you have to learn that being hated is a sign of respect. It's a sign that you're doing something right.

We're hated but the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice."

James O'Keefe

8f6ebf  No.5451413

Here’s a movie for ya:

Shadow Conspiracy

Charlie Sheen

Donald Sutherland

Sam Waterston

Cheesy White House thriller.

7 Days in May meets Wall Street

Worth a look if only for the cheese factor.

Saw it on YouTube


387cd2  No.5451414

>>5449006 Video of Fienstein arguing with children

We need top juxtapose this with the way POTUS speaks with children. Anyone got a good clip? Should have him talking about working for the kids, the kids being his boss, etc..

723819  No.5451415

File: 5df1cf017febd30⋯.jpg (148.04 KB, 775x320, 155:64, 3457hnkmh7h56565-5675jy.jpg)

https:// www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t_id=20640&t_ref=11722&lan=en

adb825  No.5451416


Tacos talking back

8cf322  No.5451417


I'm not a shill, please prove old dirty man, who is dating 21 year old, is not fake maga?

d65dea  No.5451418


That's not what it means at all, retard.

3a3a7d  No.5451419


A neutron bomb, officially defined as a type of enhanced radiation weapon (ERW), is a low yield thermonuclear weapon designed to maximize lethal neutron radiation in the immediate vicinity of the blast while minimizing the physical power of the blast itself. The neutron release generated by a nuclear fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape the weapon, rather than being absorbed by its other components.[3] The neutron burst, which is used as the primary destructive action of the warhead, is able to penetrate enemy armor more effectively than a conventional warhead, thus making it more lethal as a tactical weapon.


The question we should consider - is Q being literal or speaking in metaphor?

Does Q mean we are going to drop a bomb or does he mean that the BOMB that is going to be DROPPED will have the effect of a tactical nuke, a neutron bomb or the like in that it will decimate the amassed enemy whilst dealing the least amount of general collateral damage to those people and things in the proximity of the enemy forces?

cf2b3f  No.5451420


Dark to Light

John 3:19

And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.

6a0d18  No.5451421

File: 41faa9cd43bbd3c⋯.png (362.15 KB, 629x353, 629:353, deep state wwiii plan.PNG)

b5db5e  No.5451422

File: b18abafafbed865⋯.jpeg (867.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Untitled.030.jpeg)


Higher Res Pic.

210a57  No.5451423


thanks anon

I'll be watching the spacex launch tonight, kek

watched the other one last night

64d5dc  No.5451424

File: 71a0693a469c48e⋯.jpeg (87.73 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 9A5DFFB6-2F16-48EB-9A7F-B….jpeg)

8cf322  No.5451425

File: 16e9e41d1678fe8⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 960x539, 960:539, Vietnam_Summit_88110.jpg)


North Korea leader Kim Jong Un boards train to summit



0b04d1  No.5451426

File: 560ba59180cdcbb⋯.jpg (746.98 KB, 1080x1725, 72:115, Screenshot_20190301-145937….jpg)



d7b5de  No.5451427


You brought up neutron bombs, not Q. Tactical nukes are just tiny nukes with huge payloads, not neutron bombs.

7addac  No.5451428


he is handsome but the very def of a beta non-male. He appears to be completely castrated…but he is pretty. That is all he has.

253624  No.5451429


Yeah I watched it live on YouTube last night. Was pretty rad

f3d631  No.5451430

The 21 day countdown was started on 2/26. Eyes open on or before March 19 anons.

e72594  No.5451431


Nothing wrong with dating a 21 year old. Get over it dude

f9e020  No.5451432

File: 8284738cd31083c⋯.jpg (518.8 KB, 2048x1594, 1024:797, 8284738cd31083c77115e345f8….jpg)

File: b8483759f9c2a08⋯.png (287.45 KB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_20190301-150033.png)


Why did select senior members of the D party [6] send a letter to Don McGahn in early Oct. outlining 'Hatch Act' violations re: Q?

FOIA works in this situation.


d7b5de  No.5451433


What a mook.

4d8bf8  No.5451434

File: c5cebc4493750bc⋯.jpg (115.57 KB, 1486x1023, 1486:1023, nuclear_artillery_test_gra….jpg)

File: addc92d6930627d⋯.jpg (23.26 KB, 370x226, 185:113, tnw_020610.jpg)

Tactical nukes:

Larger than a Happening.

Smaller than a MOAB.

Can be launched in multiple ways from multiple locations.

>When you want to turn a specific target into particles but want to reduce harm to innocents.

2b6529  No.5451435

File: 9212bb8c6936025⋯.jpg (53.4 KB, 500x607, 500:607, 2uymo3_1.jpg)

File: ca9566a8afc1c12⋯.jpg (65.35 KB, 500x621, 500:621, 2uynxr_1.jpg)

File: a72d55f310b57a7⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 500x453, 500:453, 2uynbp_1.jpg)

Trump's lack of will to take on the deep state and the democrat's anti American rhetoric is scaring the hell out of Millions of Americans… Some Americans you don't want to scare.

It's not if MAGA riots are coming it's when.

The second amendment is to protect the Republic.

I base my approval of Q predictions on the actual fruition of Q's predictions.

No wall

Hillary Clinton didn't get locked up

No FISA declassification

No FBI texts

No dossier details

Q check your brackets

No Anthony Weenie laptop emails

No uranium one arrests

No Clinton emails

Nothing from Huber

Nothing from Horowitz

Nothing from Sessions

Podesta brothers are free

Susan Rice unmasked Americans

Samantha Power unmasked Americans

Comey leaked

Adam Schiff leaked

Brennan lied to Congress

Clapper lied to Congress

McCabe lied to Congress

Comey lied to Congress

Strzoks committed treason

Page committed treason

Mueller operating illegal special counsel

Maxine Waters covered up money transfers for the uranium one deal to Clinton

*This list is only the beginning of shit that never happened.

789cac  No.5451436

File: d10b197a9d1c449⋯.jpg (45.6 KB, 546x165, 182:55, 123321.JPG)


Alpha - Omega - beginning/ ending [DC]

0abaea  No.5451437

File: 5ae54655951b58b⋯.gif (7.2 KB, 487x105, 487:105, 2019-Spring-Equinox.gif)


Interestingly, Winter also ends on the 19th.

5b5b42  No.5451438


marketfag has led a few different professional lives.


cae4ac  No.5451439


This bitch again?

8cf322  No.5451440


In your 60's?

Let me know how that goes if/when you have a daughter and @ 21, a 60+ comes to pick her up.

Also adds a bit of perversion and credibility to a pedo.

5c3ff9  No.5451441

File: e8dd89657698a21⋯.png (73.68 KB, 444x460, 111:115, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons, what happens or is supposed to happen before a nuclear strike?

adb825  No.5451442


Homo pedo auto responders of quasi nihilism

6a1c13  No.5451443

File: b48836ee010798f⋯.png (117.04 KB, 1336x465, 1336:465, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)


This is all based on the North Korean Foreign Minister saying Bolton fucked up the meeting. That accusation is coming from this article.


It is in Korean and google translate sucks (pic related). Can't verify this story.

6e9986  No.5451444

File: bfef5c9f99ae621⋯.png (86.29 KB, 600x400, 3:2, lafchinpoko.png)

4ed889  No.5451445

File: d6adad296ae11d8⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 859x783, 859:783, redditfag.JPG)

File: 94a2e8f94fbc324⋯.jpg (549.38 KB, 1462x1946, 731:973, 3fad8DFGERTH972bb4f8b540ec….jpg)

remember you dropped the pic of the gun saying it was your peice…and i owned your shitty toilet ass agian lol your the only 'riot' in here thx for being so funny and providing me with entertainment>>5451435

c99871  No.5451447


The time stamps don’t add up. The 8ch timestamp is 8:21 and the bloomberg timestamp is 7:51

a0deee  No.5451448


Mercurial means volatile, likely to change mood suddenly, unstable.

b60d81  No.5451449


Amber Tamblyn and her cuck husband are full blown DS satanists.

8cf322  No.5451450


You can't fight in the streets, you have too many future breads to post this copy pasta in!

9f3fa4  No.5451451

Early notes

Let me know of anything fam. TY.

>>5451394 Rothschild Bank pulled into 637m Watchstone asset dispute

>>5451368 New White House retweet re scholarships

>>5451350 UN rejects US move to recognize Golan annexation by Israel

>>5451343 Q Post countdown thoery

>>5451381 Are these the [2] "IDEN remaining coming"?

>>5451230 Canada PM speaks to Trump about tariffs, sources see little progress

4ed889  No.5451452

5b5b42  No.5451453

File: 278e8529bbb1d9f⋯.jpg (6.16 KB, 255x163, 255:163, chek'em 1.jpg)

6bf8b9  No.5451454

Partial Q Repost

How large is Mueller’s team?


Think 470.

The more you know.


d65dea  No.5451455


Yes, exactly.

adb825  No.5451456

Silence is golden

Duct tape is silver

8cf322  No.5451457



7addac  No.5451458


mercurial adjective

mer·​cu·​ri·​al | \ (ˌ)mər-ˈkyur-ē-əl \

Definition of mercurial (Entry 1 of 2)

1 : of, relating to, or born under the planet Mercury

2 : having qualities of eloquence, ingenuity, or thievishness attributed to the god Mercury or to the influence of the planet Mercury

3 : characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood

a mercurial temper

bb1381  No.5451459


Several meanings anon

2e6890  No.5451460

9f3fa4  No.5451461



>>5451343 Q Post countdown theory

9d0f88  No.5451462

File: 3ea8f08ea5bb32a⋯.png (483.09 KB, 1139x902, 1139:902, zainab.png)


zainab ahmad is a chick lawyer


41d773  No.5451463


obsess much?

53bebf  No.5451464


How about think Mirror?

11.3 -> 3.11 (March 11?)

Matches up with Q's [-30] from the other day?

d7b5de  No.5451465



GBU-43/B MOAB - Wikipedia


The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast is a large-yield bomb, developed for the United States military by Albert L. Weimorts, Jr. of the Air Force Research …

Blast yield‎: ‎11 tons TNT (46 GJ) Filling weight‎: ‎8,500 kg (18,700 lb)

Used by‎: ‎United States Air Force No. built‎: ‎15

What is the yield of a tactical nuke?

The response to these 1 kiloton nuclear artillery shells may be to retaliate by firing a tactical nuclear missile similar to a French Pluton (15 kiloton yield), Russian OTR-21 Tochka (100 kiloton yield) or the American MGM-52 Lance, fitted with a W70 variable yield warhead ranging between 1 and 100 kilotons.

254245  No.5451466

File: cb41dfd7e4e3fd0⋯.jpg (122.62 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2uvzcy.jpg)

a6fd4e  No.5451467

How many of you CPAC-Anons have seen Vincent Fusca walking around today.

If you entertain the idea that he is JFK jr who faked his death/R you are















59b3f9  No.5451468

I think we're getting a Presidential Alert from POTUS in less than 3 weeks. Or maybe we're not. Who knows! I relish in the fact that liberals will be contacted by their favorite president.

0b04d1  No.5451469

File: c6b7072e1ed639a⋯.jpg (547.41 KB, 1076x1486, 538:743, 20190301_150227.jpg)

National Guard - COBRA GOLD


bb1381  No.5451470

File: 8afde89ad3d1d4e⋯.jpeg (555.9 KB, 1242x1836, 23:34, 111D62D1-2A0E-4443-99F9-A….jpeg)


c23343  No.5451471


She is upset because of the gun background check expansion bill covers illegal immigrants.

(BTW, This bill is a danger. It should be defeated, but not on this reasoning)

e8df83  No.5451472

7177de  No.5451473

7addac  No.5451474


and our President said, but not in a bad way.

7064ca  No.5451475

File: d8144befcf21d78⋯.png (399.91 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, WWG1sk.png)


>POTUS not dissing KIM at all


FFS- THAT is why the post exists!


32a85d  No.5451476

File: 6762008989c978b⋯.png (532.69 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN POTUS IS IN FULL CONTR….png)

5c5e42  No.5451477

File: 3f5a0526633b548⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1200x857, 1200:857, drops.png)

76f9db  No.5451478


Is the conduit closing?

Are the binary crop circles genuine?

e8df83  No.5451479


The start

4ed889  No.5451480


ahaha do you understand what your saying shill

9f6963  No.5451481


after several test on anons behavior, its very clear to me that this board is no longer "anonymous".

d7b5de  No.5451482


Massive flash of light.

210a57  No.5451483


this one is the test of the capsule, we need this shit

we rely on the ruskies for this, and have been for years now



1a1a5f  No.5451484


so, this really makes Nancy Pelosi and NK selling Nukes makes come together.

8cf322  No.5451485

Anons, stop trying to guess dates. 2 fucking years, no one has predicted one fucking date. Why keep sliding bread with guesses? When shit happens, it happens.

575bf2  No.5451486

File: d5486d2c048a869⋯.jpeg (20.13 KB, 480x342, 80:57, 2115F0D8-A69F-4203-B943-D….jpeg)


Are you still here? Enough with your stupid shit already.

156314  No.5451487

File: 5942e5d22521da2⋯.jpg (11.23 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5942e5d22521da2925d52ea4d9….jpg)


Magariot guy is a reporter.

Setting up a STORY because they're too LAZY to go find ACTUAL NEWS TO REPORT!

7177de  No.5451488


Question anon,

Did you get one on the original test run? I did not.

adb825  No.5451489

File: a31d1d0092dfbfb⋯.jpg (453.49 KB, 600x1931, 600:1931, EF95D127-DD0A-411E-872F-BA….jpg)

File: 7e9585f3dea4958⋯.jpg (515.6 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, 0ABE9D5B-F4A8-44A0-86E5-67….jpg)

File: e3800a602085935⋯.jpg (291.21 KB, 640x492, 160:123, IMG_6262.JPG)

File: faa1c7356349a7a⋯.png (180.05 KB, 712x675, 712:675, 24FF65AE-CD65-4D00-974B-3E….png)

Never forget

It was the young lady memefags

That won the silver

In the great memes war

41500c  No.5451490

that actually has me really excited

I had an earlier graphic with proper dates

messed up new calc

regardless (2) dates overlap (countdowns) on 3/11.

Podesta and Huma already have their sealed indictments…possibility more action with them.

But what will this nuke be>?

any guesses>?

f9e020  No.5451491

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.47 📁

Jan 21 2018 14:06:20 (EST)

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?

1 of 22.

#Memo shifts narrative.

#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.

#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.

#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].

#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).


[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]

Hussein [8]

Install rogue_ops

Leak C-intel/Mil assets

Cut funding to Mil

Command away from generals

Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)

SAP sell-off

Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)

Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)

Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)

Blind-eye NK [nuke build]

[Clas-1, 2, 3]

Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]

Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]

Stage SC [AS [187]]

U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]

KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)

[CLAS 1-99]

HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]

Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL

KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]

Open borders

Revise Constitution

9ef630  No.5451492

192k now on qmap.

250k peak

3a3a7d  No.5451493


I did. I meant it as a metaphor.

c99871  No.5451494

File: 65b7cd87ad33866⋯.gif (114.09 KB, 500x556, 125:139, 2C93A5EE-55AB-419F-8D78-5E….gif)


Because weed, man.

f95921  No.5451495

File: 6df462d603e6b69⋯.jpg (32.75 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0-6.jpg)

6bf8b9  No.5451496


Is Mueller & Huber the crew of the Stealth Bomber??

1f3751  No.5451497

File: 9649e0cf77577b5⋯.png (326.57 KB, 592x611, 592:611, tspooky re TH re Cohen 3-1….PNG)

File: 43c47d53b19ec2d⋯.png (79.08 KB, 661x514, 661:514, 1 TH re Cohen 2-28-19.PNG)

File: 169ba5e37e10997⋯.png (153.49 KB, 662x865, 662:865, 2 TH re Cohen 2-28-19.PNG)

File: 119c212cec4cbd4⋯.png (88.89 KB, 534x662, 267:331, 3 TH re Cohen 2-28-19.PNG)

File: 9ba7cd12fabcf10⋯.png (316.23 KB, 608x545, 608:545, Solomon re Cohen TH Articl….PNG)

Great article from my @TheLCPR Fellow Senior Fellow @SidneyPowell1:

Michael Cohen’s Congressional Testimony Show His Irrepressibly Lying Ways



Bread 6956 [pb]



Interesting take on Cohen from decorated former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell


Michael Cohen’s Congressional Testimony Show His Irrepressibly Lying Ways


To any experienced lawyer, it’s obvious that the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York included those “campaign finance violations” against Cohen in his plea agreement simply to aid the Democrats and Mueller in smearing President Trump. The “campaign finance” charges

are not valid, and nothing about Cohen’s testimony today changes that analysis.

254245  No.5451498

Michael Cohen said during this ordeal his family has been threatened and he felt they were in danger. He is telling the truth. He/they were threatened by Hillary and the Dems

8cf322  No.5451499


I saw it personally hit 264 a week or so ago.

57ec07  No.5451500

File: 4dd5c30027499c5⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 271x367, 271:367, ffgf.jpg)

File: 9ad645f6b8c81a5⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 500x838, 250:419, 2uwi2t.jpg)

70e781  No.5451501


Can't believe she walked away with $1 million for that. What a world!

e8df83  No.5451502


Size of Huber’s team

254245  No.5451503

File: d8370229dd3b48b⋯.jpg (96.12 KB, 889x499, 889:499, 2uzhj2.jpg)

bc3b85  No.5451504


Was Q pointing us to the fact that Hanoi, Vietnam or Vietnam in general is raising children as crops?

Was that the real reason for the Trump/Kim meeting being held there?

4ed889  No.5451505


yes tell me somthing new

44a1eb  No.5451506

>>5450593 (LB)

is Q giving us a count down for breaks in the matrix aka fake news programming???

069176  No.5451507


adj. Having the characteristics of eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, and thievishness attributed to the god Mercury.

For those who never had Mythology in school.

6e9986  No.5451508

File: f952033c1002917⋯.jpg (332.58 KB, 724x547, 724:547, hilsnail.jpg)


too stupid to research, even with the internet, smdh

7177de  No.5451509


This also. Think.

41d773  No.5451510

File: 83b902f731ec163⋯.gif (766.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 83b902f731ec16394d3edc2e43….gif)

8cf322  No.5451511


I just have a feeling he's fake maga. But fuck it, anons say he's ok, I won't put too much into it.

44a1eb  No.5451512

File: 33ac1fb457ff0b4⋯.png (271.53 KB, 465x423, 155:141, trudeauLOL.png)


hahahahahah fuck you trudeau if you are reading this!!!!

47fb5a  No.5451513

File: 972985cd373683b⋯.jpg (332.29 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, Cohen.jpg)

9d0f88  No.5451514

File: 220bf8a5e1e5b8a⋯.png (704.24 KB, 1177x619, 1177:619, DJT-Kim2.png)

File: 33becff014effca⋯.png (767.6 KB, 1185x656, 1185:656, DJT-Kim1.png)

986052  No.5451515

File: 7425d0893400245⋯.png (156.72 KB, 603x614, 603:614, twitter_com_Ilhan_status_1….png)


1f3751  No.5451516

File: 60b5a6db62a2d5f⋯.png (477.21 KB, 586x581, 586:581, Bongino Tweet re Nunes Cal….PNG)

File: 7ad38017a1cf4cd⋯.png (458.16 KB, 836x716, 209:179, Bongino re Nunes Calls for….PNG)


Bread 6968 [lb]


Nunes Calls for "Everything" Mueller Did to be Made Public




9657e4  No.5451517


Anon, I think he was just putting emphasis on the word BYE…..As in Bye, Crooked Hillary.

adb825  No.5451518

File: c2dd0060d2b5513⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 474x266, 237:133, IMG_6318.JPG)


Lilly chin dues

77c36a  No.5451519

File: 2417fcaa8cac2d2⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 452x694, 226:347, 0f75eb59259c4f71713aff81bc….jpg)


So how many militia units have you been thrown out of so far? If we cut fence, it is by Vote. If you want to run off alone and get our potential enemies to expend ammo ventilating your carcass go ahead, alone.

d65dea  No.5451520


Are you fucking nuts?

Did djt look happy or light when he made the remark?

Stay in context.

59b3f9  No.5451521


I did, sig other did not. She took the steps to ensure she does next time.

46d63b  No.5451522

File: e5691e8cead34c9⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 640x690, 64:69, secretpizzadeblasio.jpg)


When shills mock, it motivates to bring the sauce.

6bef33  No.5451523


We have everything.

8cf322  No.5451524


Why does POTUS always keep his hands that way? ALWAYS.

b60d81  No.5451525

File: 6f30adec7a10828⋯.jpg (85.64 KB, 1429x1349, 1429:1349, pepeserved.jpg)

a3fc64  No.5451526

File: 71be6c7ff043222⋯.png (60.2 KB, 760x321, 760:321, ClipboardImage.png)

Michael Gaeta

1f3751  No.5451527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CPAC 2019 - A Conversation w/ Rep. Devin Nunes and Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch


5f86f7  No.5451529

File: 5c51df64b3005b4⋯.jpg (125.19 KB, 768x384, 2:1, Demoncrat Fraud.jpg)

c870bd  No.5451530


i don't know

d7b5de  No.5451531


Power. Plow.

22cc3d  No.5451532

File: 5af08c1958c24f4⋯.png (5.05 KB, 240x160, 3:2, base.png)


all of it

0abaea  No.5451533


Mercurial = Mad Hatter

Mad Hatter Day = October 6th

6e9986  No.5451534

File: 0b6f2c14a3c74b0⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 600x277, 600:277, tucopoint.jpg)

adb825  No.5451535

File: d1336e2997f46ea⋯.jpg (189.22 KB, 1472x1912, 184:239, 928885DB-ED23-4A52-9CC6-9C….jpg)

File: f81274afdb39464⋯.png (259.94 KB, 717x485, 717:485, 8545FB2D-6476-4694-BAC8-5B….png)

File: 361c829142958f5⋯.jpg (101.34 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, IMG_6215.JPG)

File: fe39e22070ec20a⋯.jpg (218.91 KB, 1182x788, 3:2, 7858DC74-B1F2-41A5-BA51-C6….jpg)

210a57  No.5451536


I'm just presenting the countdown itself

there are many theories on what it's counting down to

c3b3e6  No.5451537


That's just his style. That's all.

9657e4  No.5451539


That's the exact opposite of what Angela Merkle does with her hands ALL the time.

8cf322  No.5451540

File: 5e910db27f19e4a⋯.jpg (24.49 KB, 293x60, 293:60, G logo w-tag 2018 JPG.jpg)



d61602  No.5451541

She's Not Leaving Either: Maryland House Delegate Censured For Dropping N-Word Refuses To Resign

Maryland House Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti is becoming famous, but not in a way that she would like. She’s was caught dropping the N-word. She was censured by the state legislature yesterday for using such language and faced calls to resign from voters, Legislative Black Caucus, and Gov. Larry Hogan. She’s pulling a Ralph Northam. She’s not leaving, but that’s not even the worst part; she thinks she didn’t use a term that’s offensive to black Americans (via Baltimore Sun):

The House of Delegates censured Harford County Del. Mary Ann Lisanti on Thursday for her use of a racial slur, which members said “brought dishonor to the entire General Assembly of Maryland.”

After the vote, the Democrat said she would not resign, despite calls for her to do so by House leaders, the governor, the Legislative Black Caucus and constituents.

She also said she did not believe she had used an offensive term to describe African-Americans, although she acknowledged earlier in the week that she had done so. A reporter asked if she had said it, and Lisanti responded: “I do not believe I did, but I am still accepting responsibility.”

Lisanti said resigning would be “an easy way out” and not the right thing to do.

“I recognize that some have rushed to judgment without information and freely jumped on the bandwagon of condemnation — likely for their own political expediency,” Lisanti told reporters.

Lisanti came under fire this week after The Washington Post reported she used the racial slur during an after-hours gathering in January at an Annapolis bar. Lisanti told a fellow lawmaker that when he helped a candidate in Prince George’s County, he was knocking on doors in a “n— — district,” according to the report.

Across the river, Virginia’s Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam was caught with a racist photo in his 1984 yearbook, when he attended Eastern Virginia Medical School. It featured two people; one wearing blackface and the other donning full KKK attire. Northam had apologized, admitted to being in the photo, and then retracted his apology, said that wasn’t him, but he did wear blackface for a dance competition where he dressed as Michael Jackson. He’s also refused to resign. So, the Democratic Party, historically the party of the KKK, seems to have returned to its roots. They wear blackface, they dress as Klansman, and they drop the N-word. Oh, and they don’t resign because they’re Democrats…they can do whatever they want. We’re getting to the point where Democrats can never discuss or comment about race ever again, not with this parade of horribles over the past month.


41d773  No.5451542


mocking the cabal and merkel specifically

44a1eb  No.5451543


hooooleeeeeee shit folks we are hitting levels of winning never before seen

d7b5de  No.5451544


Oooooh, great catch! The reason the Mad Hatter is mad, is because he handles mercury!

156314  No.5451545

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 7d1a7e8938ead43515e4174ded….jpg)

File: 4749b19535f8ff3⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 837x715, 837:715, 4749b19535f8ff31130cfdca6e….jpg)

File: 2cc300f5809b62f⋯.jpg (69.08 KB, 433x612, 433:612, 2cc300f5809b62f7955c28aa7c….jpg)

887b7e  No.5451546


Nunes “movie script”

adb825  No.5451547

File: 8bb995aa9c0336d⋯.png (57.16 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 7BA7F25A-4D99-4888-8990-23….png)

File: 3ae0b18cb0fc60d⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 1841x2020, 1841:2020, E177EF84-C4A3-49FC-9122-66….jpg)

File: 462e5ff552c6005⋯.jpg (185.56 KB, 1440x1095, 96:73, C7618454-1DE9-496F-9917-E3….jpg)

File: 51c8aa5a9052440⋯.png (1.01 MB, 769x640, 769:640, DF27300B-07FF-47EB-A74C-72….png)

7addac  No.5451548


the photo is Alex, not hicks. there is a clear difference.

74d003  No.5451549




c44523  No.5451550

Told spouseanon that if nothing happened before the 2020 election, I'd vote for Bernie with her

Not worried at all.


010baa  No.5451551


actually the article up says South Korean, whatever, I tend to believe it… also POTUS wouldn't just follow Bolton to follow Bolton..

57ec07  No.5451552

File: ff901b90726df0e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1392x729, 464:243, jjjj.png)

254245  No.5451553

File: 378ba4981ce060f⋯.png (32 KB, 788x280, 197:70, MichaelGaeta.png)

46d63b  No.5451554


it's not always so don't exaggerate

6e9986  No.5451555

File: 5210e871999c5a6⋯.jpg (56.66 KB, 771x445, 771:445, John-Wayne.jpg)

e5aa4a  No.5451556

Q….I live close to Ft. Stewart GA. Hunter AFB and there is massive A10 and other operations happening on a daily basis after months of 0 activity. Is Trump going to free Venezuela's or is something else happening? 50 or more planes buzzed my home yesterday low altitude….

ee073a  No.5451557

File: ff3919a49324c08⋯.jpg (165.07 KB, 1359x276, 453:92, SmartSelect_20190225-20522….jpg)

70e781  No.5451558


PapaD is stealing Huber's thunder.

dba837  No.5451559

File: 600d26007e7716e⋯.jpg (74.41 KB, 609x744, 203:248, Ash-Wednesday.jpg)

1st nuke Ash Wednesday?

6 March

d7b5de  No.5451560

File: 7a0fbfdb538b340⋯.png (627.4 KB, 500x692, 125:173, ClipboardImage.png)

868c55  No.5451561

File: d96ac255ece1d40⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 630x630, 1:1, tria.jpg)


Maybe because he's throwing their symbology back in their face?

Upside-down Pyramid.

Signaling their defeat.


5c3ff9  No.5451562



big bang



5b5b42  No.5451563

File: d24e2b57349a4d9⋯.jpg (130.87 KB, 874x500, 437:250, pepe breaking economic new….jpg)

File: e334d0ef521e3f5⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, chinese tariff.jpg)

U.S. companies adapt to 'endless' China tariffs

(Reuters) - U.S. manufacturers are accelerating their shift out of China, coming to terms with a new reality: the Trump administration's tariffs will not go away any time soon.

President Donald Trump’s lead trade negotiator, Robert Lighthizer, warned lawmakers on Wednesday that the United States would need to keep the threat of stiff tariffs on China in place for years, even if a trade deal is inked, as part of an enforcement mechanism that would include frequent reviews of whether China was abiding by any agreement.

That confirms what many companies have already concluded. Even if the hot phase of this trade war passes, tensions will linger and continue to reshape the economic relationship between the world’s two largest economies.

"As you look at the way these negotiations are shaping up, you must certainly think: not only will it take a while for the talks to reach their full conclusion, but there's going to be enforcement mechanisms," said Steve Lamar, executive vice president of the American Apparel and Footwear Association. "I would imagine punitive tariffs are going to be with us for a while."

Apparel and footwear manufacturers have been shifting their production mix to factories in other countries like Vietnam, Indonesia and Egypt for much of the past decade, but the push has intensified due to the trade war, Lamar said. The United States has not hit most finished apparel and footwear with punitive tariffs, but "even if the threat (of more tariffs) never materializes and it’s always out there, who wants to live with that threat?" he said.


7177de  No.5451564

adb825  No.5451565

File: 4e6c1540075a2b2⋯.png (184.96 KB, 438x379, 438:379, IMG_1182.PNG)

File: 4f69ec753506890⋯.jpg (406.05 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, IMG_1211.JPG)

File: 888584423d4e24a⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2588.PNG)

e8df83  No.5451566


Trump has already told FVEY folks DECLAS is coming based on news and resignations etc

8cf322  No.5451567


Was told it was a mason thing, but that doesn't make sense since it's the Don. Just wondered. Thanks anon(s)

32a85d  No.5451568

File: c1cfa398dc2736a⋯.jpg (447.9 KB, 2397x1385, 2397:1385, QNN Q Report 1.jpg)

0cde24  No.5451569

File: 8bbd89f32d9369c⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MoreYouKnow.jpg)


William "Bill DeBlasio" Wilhelm can actually lick his own eyebrows.

21e0e8  No.5451570

File: 1c5d6025d35a81d⋯.jpg (10.35 KB, 201x241, 201:241, 1c5d6025d35a81d22185a09e93….jpg)


Judas hangs long before the end of the story.


9657e4  No.5451571




Inverted pyramid

9d0f88  No.5451572


it's a fuck you to (((them)))

d7b5de  No.5451573



575bf2  No.5451574

File: be2a88474d7bc3b⋯.jpeg (19.5 KB, 255x178, 255:178, A7F053E5-8DD8-4CB4-A41B-B….jpeg)

32a85d  No.5451575

File: 03ac5ec5d49ac03⋯.jpg (223.95 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN Q1 REPORT.JPG)

8cf322  No.5451576

Guest Writer


Michael Gaeta, DAc, MS, CDN, LAc, Dipl Ac & ABT (NCCAOM)

Michael Gaeta, DAc, MS, CDN is a visionary educator, clinician and writer in the field of natural healthcare. Michael works with thousands of natural health professionals who want to improve their patient care and practice success, through his one-year mentoring program, live seminars and webinars, and distance learning programs.

He loves to debunk popular myths regarding food quality (critical), vaccines (bad), cholesterol (good), antioxidant supplements (bad), and chronic illness (preventable). More at michaelgaeta.com.


562648  No.5451577


Shut. Up.

6e9986  No.5451578

File: 537e118712cd591⋯.png (362.05 KB, 750x445, 150:89, yod3.png)


logical is this

5b5b42  No.5451579

a3fc64  No.5451580

File: 63e7eb6250e71d2⋯.png (65.17 KB, 644x280, 23:10, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05050ef2d8baefe⋯.png (133.21 KB, 677x565, 677:565, ClipboardImage.png)

Why did the FBI rush to return one of Hillary's hard drives in the days after Trump entered office?

New FBI vault dump today


972d5e  No.5451581


I think it means Cabal going down, but what do I know…

7064ca  No.5451582


>[The pulse of Allah]

Watching your work, Anon


d8e524  No.5451583


Youre so busy polishing your gun while posting firepower that you forgot SAUCE

Must be a Freudian slip

Stop with the gun shop adverts, you're a PAYtriot and namefag

d9d2a5  No.5451584

File: 3160492228d1c8e⋯.png (52.49 KB, 640x470, 64:47, Investigate them - DECLAS.png)


It's that time….

[-21] should be Tuesday, March 19, 2019


'bye Crooked Hillary'!

60108d  No.5451585

File: ae34d1a906858bc⋯.jpg (147.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, reckoning.jpg)

6a8ba6  No.5451586

>>5449893 PB





We count our cells and therefore know that we are harvesting extremely high quantities of stem cells – 200-300% more than average. If you consult with anyone else about stem cells, we would encourage you to ask them if they are counting their cells, and furthermore – if they are determining the cell viability and apoptotic counts.


In our advanced, BIOLOGIX lab, we concentrate and manually process your stem cells that have just been harvested. Many clinics advertise “amniotic stem cells” as live, viable cells when in fact, they are not. We ensure cells are alive and viable, formulating and customizing them for your treatment.

6bf162  No.5451587

File: 538fcc7ebd20f74⋯.jpeg (116.17 KB, 720x697, 720:697, E2506705-5996-45B8-9BF6-6….jpeg)

File: 93ead497741d9dd⋯.gif (4.87 KB, 475x260, 95:52, 76EF469E-34F2-4206-A95A-3C….gif)

Thank “cue” ball. Hook line and snooker.

986052  No.5451588

Wanted: (at least) One more senator willing to stand by the Constitution say Fuck You to POTUS


8cf322  No.5451589

Interview With FBI’s Gaeta, Central to Russiagate, Among 53 Transcripts Slated for Release


90cb96  No.5451590

Maxime Bernier


0dc6c8  No.5451591

File: a13e4f50a5b2a98⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 960x540, 16:9, de-blasio-bill-101817-gett….jpg)

64d5dc  No.5451592

File: 28a8b7f9cbe60bc⋯.jpeg (61.14 KB, 768x512, 3:2, 56479F7B-67E1-4C0A-93F7-C….jpeg)

5b5b42  No.5451593


got it anon ty

adb825  No.5451595

File: 297b55847732f8a⋯.jpg (157.15 KB, 680x960, 17:24, IMG_1187.JPG)

File: 0f7cdb7fa085290⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 500x400, 5:4, IMG_1194.JPG)

File: a14ab89ef6c73ff⋯.jpg (26.43 KB, 379x300, 379:300, IMG_1198.JPG)

File: 9c5a00a6d05206a⋯.jpg (291.58 KB, 514x800, 257:400, IMG_1199.JPG)

File: 453ea241083de93⋯.jpg (153.39 KB, 1364x1498, 682:749, IMG_1221.JPG)

793b29  No.5451596

File: cf4f8cce6176a6e⋯.png (940.15 KB, 580x576, 145:144, ClipboardImage.png)

ee1fd6  No.5451597


Drama teacher…pulls on the heatstrings.

Wamyn don't care about facts/justice (most)

d7b5de  No.5451598


So is Homeland Security.

b60d81  No.5451599

File: 7a962f81d02af08⋯.png (591.69 KB, 640x614, 320:307, ClipboardImage.png)

For twatters to share.

a56862  No.5451600

"There's a secret code Trump talks in that Cohen knows." - Nunes

e003dc  No.5451601

File: 723e9950c95dc2a⋯.gif (563.75 KB, 400x170, 40:17, giphy.gif)

File: 8149e68a49c6414⋯.jpg (65.27 KB, 500x487, 500:487, 2uykkj_1.jpg)

Democrats are scaring the crap out of Millions of Americans with their Trump hate and their anti American anti gun socialist rhetoric…. Millions of Americans know what's coming and are getting ready for it.

It's not if MAGA riots are coming it's when, anons don't forget the illegal alien contingent there is at least 30 million foreigners embedded in the united states that will go wild and lawless.

The reliable Stevens 320 pump security 12 ga. shotgun has everything you will need anons to hit the streets when the shit gets

hot in America—and it comes at an affordable price.

The effectiveness of the 12-gauge shotgun is beyond dispute. Sure, it is limited in range, but the majority of law enforcement and even armed citizen shootings occur within room-sized distances. As appealing as the AR-15 carbine may be, it does not hold a candle to the 12-gauge shotgun when it comes to target power. It is true that the shotgun is more punishing to the shooter, but the harsher it is to shoot, the harsher it will be for those on the business end of the muzzle. No, eight to nine .33-caliber pellets will not stay together for any great distance and .72-caliber slugs are only accurate to 75 or maybe 100 yards. But then, considering your real world of work, it is very unlikely you’ll have confrontations at such great distances.

254245  No.5451602


Anything PapaD says, we have to assume white hats told him to say it or allowed him to

6a0d18  No.5451603

File: 18e442221c24a82⋯.png (620.23 KB, 711x595, 711:595, china organ harvesting.PNG)

A bill to curb international organ trafficking has received unanimous support from a parliamentary committee in Canada.

Parliamentarians on the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development passed bill S-240 with amendments on Feb. 27. It will now go before MPs for final reading in the House of Commons.

It was 13 years ago, in 2006, that The Epoch Times first broke the news of systematic organ harvesting by Chinese authorities from Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. The report was based on witnesses who came forward and told harrowing accounts of doctors removing organs from victims while they were still breathing, and selling the body parts to fuel a lucrative state-sanctioned business.


d7b5de  No.5451604


CI = Confidential Informant?

18e802  No.5451605


Because socialism works so well everywhere it’s tried?

e62564  No.5451606

Dr. Phil: Medicare, Medicaid Force Doctors to ‘Throw Pills’ at Patients or Go Out of Business


4ed889  No.5451607

File: 17c1bd77f86b176⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 490x545, 98:109, 14x4vqit.jpg)

6e9986  No.5451608

File: 67ff8a6de74d82e⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 600x450, 4:3, retard-cartman.jpg)

d65dea  No.5451609


What an ass.

4dd163  No.5451610


Very nice. Added to my collection as soon as I saw it.

Thank you.

ee3f96  No.5451611


My guess is that Q primarily meant "think countdown" (the holds not being as important as the "example of countdown from a NASA webpage" context)

And secondarily the hold concept may have meant "don't take the apparent timing too literally, T-0 is not necessarily at the time you'd expect if you simply add the time on the countdown clock to the present time."

That is, NASA planned holds may = unspecified offset between visual clock and real events due to Q obfuscating the real T-0 (not giving away too many details)

Side thought - on classified DOD shuttle flights, we were told that a countdown had started, and the time it started from, but NOT the length of the planned holds, so as to obfuscate the planned launch time. The countdown clock was only revealed during the final countdown (like the last 9 minutes, iirc)

So there may be a connection between holds and not revealing in advance exactly when T-) will happen.

010baa  No.5451612


well if you live close you outa know it's Hunter Army Airfield… home of the 1st Ranger Bn.

14df29  No.5451613

File: a116df54a5d0d0f⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 700x455, 20:13, brainletcommies.jpg)

File: 33afb1059a5f839⋯.jpg (48.86 KB, 640x320, 2:1, democratic socialism.jpg)


but but but but it's DEMOCRATIC socialism!

8cf322  No.5451614

Little-Known FBI Unit Played Major Role in Disseminating Steele Dossier


b60d81  No.5451615


The Senate is Key

986052  No.5451616

Random drug tests for members of Congress?

Louisiana Republican Clay Higgins introduced a resolution this week that would subject all sitting members of the House and Senate to random drug testing.


210a57  No.5451617



this countdown [-30] is for Mueller's report


that's my theory on it

e5aa4a  No.5451618


I'm retired First Marine Devision the Mighty First. 8 years in and know when something isn't right.

da8b4e  No.5451619



adb825  No.5451620

File: 49e92cba634f5c7⋯.jpg (103.15 KB, 752x1063, 752:1063, 5D86A36F-36FD-4D24-88A2-74….jpg)

File: 17c335e78c128c1⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 600x462, 100:77, AE9E5185-E1DF-4544-9C49-23….jpg)

File: 818a5710458761b⋯.jpg (39.58 KB, 300x413, 300:413, F9CF437F-4A3D-4D76-866C-15….jpg)

File: c8b965a8414afcc⋯.png (180.29 KB, 500x581, 500:581, 96069496-B27B-4B5D-AFC2-D5….png)

File: 5bcf86812323f92⋯.png (11.91 KB, 422x387, 422:387, 7043CA3B-876D-4831-9290-B7….png)

9657e4  No.5451621


Thanks, anon….

Why did I think hers were tented upwards??

I'm losing my mind.

ee1fd6  No.5451622


wow…just wow. What a creepy photo.

Why is a fucking mayor reading to kid in the first place?

a56862  No.5451623


misunderstood - disregard.

60108d  No.5451624

File: 13cf97026d8e7fe⋯.png (44.04 KB, 848x473, 848:473, 163-one-pocket-reposition.png)

7bd89c  No.5451625

File: 0275e08f0df6a23⋯.jpg (72.47 KB, 647x428, 647:428, 777KAB1.jpg)


Looking straight at you bitch. You too Crokin.

156314  No.5451626

File: 8e0aa8e81edc68d⋯.png (638.5 KB, 1300x688, 325:172, 8e0aa8e81edc68ddb8e82709d7….png)

File: 6914c6f726d85ae⋯.jpg (161.65 KB, 1024x738, 512:369, The-war-that-we-wage-is-no….jpg)


Yep, POTUS made that 5:5 in his interview on Hannity last night.

6e9986  No.5451627

File: bd7a44b10bb3370⋯.png (361.6 KB, 750x445, 150:89, yod2.png)


like this much

do i

a2633c  No.5451628

File: 5b0b31e663c2a0f⋯.png (12.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 5b0b31e663c2a0f18e1ad367ec….png)

d65dea  No.5451629


Fuck Dr Phil. He's a psychologist (phd) not an MD.

d7b5de  No.5451630


This bread is getting carpet bombed with notables!

1f3751  No.5451631

File: 22fc8a6abc25fdb⋯.png (349.88 KB, 600x629, 600:629, Hannity Tweet re POTUS Int….PNG)

File: ee16d892e08e6c4⋯.png (518.1 KB, 557x782, 557:782, Hannity re POTUS Interview….PNG)

WATCH: “You have to be prepared to walk. This just wouldn’t have been good for our country.”


HANNITY EXCLUSIVE: President Trump Discusses Future of North Korea Nuclear Negotiations



b60d81  No.5451632

File: e5627fecdaee0ee⋯.jpg (110.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


4 you anon.

6a8ba6  No.5451633

Results For: "Human Fetal Stem Cell Therapy"

There are all kinds of products listed with pricing on this page


665607  No.5451634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's the Question that drives you, Anon. It's the Question that brought you here. You know the Question, just as I did…

What is The Matrix?

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very bread. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth…

…You are a slave, Anon. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

>Learn our comms.

>You have more than you know.

>Who are you taught to trust?

>Trust yourself.

>You didn't think this was simply about words, did you?

>Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

>Think mirror.

>What is a TRUST?

Treasury Snake Underworld Rome Treasury

>When is a Truth not a TRUTH?

Hierarchy Treasury Underworld Rome Treasury

>When is ENGLISH not English?

Hierarchy Snake I=(eye/one/you) Lucifer Governance N=(Mountain+Valley=Vatican) Equity

>When is a NATION not a Nation?

N=(Mountain+Valley=Vatican) Office I=(eye/one/you) Treasury Administration N=(Mountain+Valley=Vatican)

>When is JUSTICE not Justice?

Equity Creditor I=(eye/one/you) Treasury Snake Underworld Joker


Rome Equity Treasury Administration Water


Rome I=(eye/one/you) Administration


Plebeian Administration Mountain


Youth Equity Kill


Equity I=(eye/one/you) Vatican Office Mountain

Do you really know how to read the English language or have you been lied to your entire life?

Did you know that written word (law) must itself follow grammatical laws as found in a Manual Of Styles (MOS)?

Define Gloss.

Define Glossa.

Define Glamour.

Define False.

Define Tacit Consent.

Define Jurisdiction.

Define Dog Latin.

Define Maxim.

Define SIGN. (hint: the G is silent.)

Define Descriptive text.

Define SYMBOLIC text. (hint: how do the deaf/dumb communicate?)




How can a 'legally binding' document be written in two distinct languages and not be considered fraudulent?

What is Admiralty/Maritime Law?

What does water do? Does money do the same?

What if you didn't really know your own NAME?

Would you, by 'law', need to have your estate/affairs (equity) administered for you?

Did you know that the ASL interpreter seen at a press conference is really talking to You and not exclusively the deaf/dumb?

>Symbolism will be their downfall.

>Transparency is the only way forward.

>Read the Bible. God wins.

Why is the Bible also called a manual?

Is a manual a guide? A map?

Contract Law? Testament? New Testament? Old Testament?

Consider the Scripture Q has posted. This is not about religion or politics. This about SYMBOLISM.

Decode this:

>The BITE that has no CURE - NSA.


See the mirror?

Creditor vs Debtor?

One man born but given the free choice of two births in which to dock his equity, his birthright, the choice of the House of the Creditor or the House of the Debtor; Once you make that choice, you are bonded to it.

I'm trying to free your mind, Anon. But I can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk through it.

d7b5de  No.5451635


And he tried to vote in California when he was registered to vote in Texas. Just sayin'

ee1fd6  No.5451636


I doubt she's cured. She got an $850M pay check….she's got her priorities in order.

90dd7b  No.5451637

Guerneville 'is officially an island,' sheriff says; Russian River floods 2,000 buildings

Jeff Bridges didn't leave even though he said the water was 8 feet (2.44 meters) deep in some places. The co-owner of the R3 Hotel in Guerneville, said he and others who stayed behind were well-prepared to ride out the storm. He and employees moved computers, business records and furniture to second-floor room.



We have, water, we have bridge, we have Russia

6e9986  No.5451638

File: 5ad28ce44347b97⋯.jpg (97.79 KB, 242x418, 11:19, dayzee.jpg)


created by Oprah

'nuf said….

ee9eb2  No.5451639


Sure, Sean.

8cf322  No.5451640

CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired with Russia and Harry Reid to Frame Trump—PART F


64d5dc  No.5451641

File: d1ad4fa78825e96⋯.png (4.96 MB, 3600x2400, 3:2, 4EF3D804-1BBF-41FB-A661-FE….png)

e62564  No.5451642

File: 44f149299584914⋯.png (389.18 KB, 673x639, 673:639, ClipboardImage.png)


57ec07  No.5451643

File: 8491154937304c2⋯.jpg (194.95 KB, 720x481, 720:481, upper-pyramid.jpg)

6a1c13  No.5451644


Yeah, sorry, had NK on the brain. Didn't pick up on the minister being from SK.

adb825  No.5451645

File: 8baeab87df25a47⋯.jpg (272.43 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_1372.JPG)

File: b6ddc2dd5a0ff77⋯.jpg (125.52 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_1374.JPG)

File: ee1b85bdf10b066⋯.jpg (41.71 KB, 353x480, 353:480, IMG_1378.JPG)

File: 3adfeae0c3244dc⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 735x735, 1:1, IMG_1380.JPG)

File: 335f57bfa5fd4d6⋯.jpg (54.19 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1584.JPG)

b60d81  No.5451646


Booker's out.

ee9eb2  No.5451647


used to call them "Witch Doctor"s back in the day.

9f6963  No.5451648


Q outed NK as their "playground"…kymy brought the data for POTUS.

probably childs were "harvested" at NK and "educated" as sex slaves in Hanoi (educacional).

1f3751  No.5451649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Trump reveals why Hanoi summit ended without a deal


d65dea  No.5451650


Plus. Doctors have the option of not accepting Medicare patients. They're not forced to do anything.

09c638  No.5451651


9f3fa4  No.5451652

Notables so far

>>5451589 , >>5451526 Interview with FBI’s Gaeta: Transcript slated for release

>>5451580 New release: Why did the FBI rush to return one of HRC's hard drives?

>>5451516 , >>5451527 Nunes Calls for "Everything" Mueller did to be made public

>>5451497 Cohen’s Congressional Testimony Show His Irrepressibly Lying Ways

>>5451469 National Guard tweet: Cobra Gold

>>5451394 Rothschild Bank pulled into 637m Watchstone asset dispute

>>5451368 New White House retweet re scholarships

>>5451350 UN rejects US move to recognize Golan annexation by Israel

>>5451343 Q Post countdown theory

>>5451381 Are these the [2] "IDEN remaining coming"?

>>5451230 Canada PM speaks to Trump about tariffs, sources see little progress

18e802  No.5451653


Kek that’s the mentality

0dc6c8  No.5451654

File: a842551e45edd15⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 604x453, 4:3, treypartayyyy.jpg)

a581fc  No.5451655

File: e37d6d5af4d22a2⋯.gif (859.37 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20180725_120330.gif)

d7705b  No.5451656

File: 3dcbc29ef99d22b⋯.png (13.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3ae40861fdbbc44ce9c5cf9bdb….png)


shit i just realized the triangle is upside down.

all others are triangle upright , no ?

be1ef8  No.5451657

File: 9defdcc1cc62f1a⋯.jpg (102.89 KB, 952x500, 238:125, aswdaaasdxs.jpg)

de41f1  No.5451658

But he is right


8b14b3  No.5451659

File: e7a4b17893967ab⋯.png (40.46 KB, 1213x84, 1213:84, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

File: f98a85bfcc093ac⋯.png (52.71 KB, 673x276, 673:276, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

File: 109e27eeda4086c⋯.png (261.07 KB, 811x669, 811:669, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

File: 2ccbd838a2d0d6b⋯.png (473.16 KB, 695x672, 695:672, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

File: 1954bd0ddf1a734⋯.png (34.72 KB, 619x167, 619:167, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

65cc18  No.5451660


Fucking destroy him Trump. My people will be forever grateful.

668019  No.5451661


16 is legal here in the UK

7153ac  No.5451662

File: fde63804a2ad56a⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 650x259, 650:259, tu7e63he653.JPG)


a series of "Q DID IT" memes are now hatching.

8cf322  No.5451663

FBI's New York Office and Italian Officials Exchange Ideas on Asset Forfeiture and Continuing Coordination


d9d2a5  No.5451664


> CI = Confidential Informant?

Could be - but I'd make that plural. Informants most likely.

6a0d18  No.5451665

File: cab2c1e53d390c9⋯.png (15.65 KB, 981x206, 981:206, lepen tried 1.PNG)

File: 41ee50d377b7c79⋯.png (809.7 KB, 786x524, 3:2, lepen tried 2.PNG)

Prosecutors have called for French far-right leader Marine Le Pen to be tried for tweeting pictures of atrocities committed by the Islamic State group, judicial sources said Friday.

This could hike further pressure on Le Pen, 50, who already faces legal problems over alleged misuse of EU parliamentary funds.

Le Pen shared the gruesome images in December 2015, a few weeks after IS jihadists killed 130 people in attacks in Paris. Her move sparking widespread condemnation in France.

Prosecutors demanded that another member of her National Rally party, Gilbert Collard, also be tried on similar charges.

It will be up to an investigative magistrate to decide whether a trial takes place, with a conviction for "circulating violent pictures liable to be seen by children" carrying a maximum sentence of three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($85,000).

Le Pen, who lost to Emmanuel Macron in the 2017 presidential elections, was stripped of her parliamentary immunity over the pictures and charged with circulating violent messages.

Last year, she expressed outrage after the investigative magistrate called for her to undergo psychiatric tests in connection with her tweeting.

She has denounced the case against her as a violation of her freedom of expression.


5fd3fc  No.5451666


"Mercurial" could also be Trump codespeak

indicating that Kim is a messenger (e.g.

Roman god Mercury == Greek god Hermes,

messenger of the gods).

There's a old crumb saying that Kim is not the

person in charge of North Korea.

Don't know if that is still true after POTUS

"cut the strings".

Look for multiple meanings; don't settle on just one without considering as many possibilities as we can come up with.

868c55  No.5451667

File: c61590d71b8368e⋯.jpg (81.72 KB, 900x507, 300:169, envel.jpg)

File: 9d5a2cf8f22e115⋯.jpg (23.62 KB, 585x380, 117:76, 5-5.jpg)


He does it all the time.

[[[They]]] are very big on mockery, which is what he is doing to them.

29e946  No.5451668

File: 1feda8c9b48a4b4⋯.jpg (9.92 KB, 246x204, 41:34, baker2.jpg)


Thank you for your fairness on the TR post. I reposted per anon request, said a prayer, and went off to digg! I will research this whole Zionist thing as thoroughly as I can once my current project is done. Always good to have open discussions with other anons. Thanks for your thoughts. o7

8b14b3  No.5451669

File: 8b9caafe794d94f⋯.png (494.14 KB, 631x637, 631:637, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

File: 181f9682164af86⋯.png (137.92 KB, 614x399, 614:399, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

File: e87f6c082386522⋯.png (382.2 KB, 628x660, 157:165, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

46d63b  No.5451670

File: e41f7d517d8b6d3⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 1920x2560, 3:4, corsiknows.jpg)


yeah but they are the same guy

I'll do more research on that one image.

Most people who study it recognize Hicks replaced the original Alex Jones, who did exist and have a radio show.

793b29  No.5451671

File: 2dc32824ee0b949⋯.png (594.74 KB, 600x365, 120:73, ClipboardImage.png)


prob just getting it confused with these bozos

d7b5de  No.5451672


President Xi runs North Korea, so maybe.

eb7f10  No.5451673


just because it is legal

doesn't make it right~

5c3ff9  No.5451674

File: 7497c2c96aa4bdb⋯.png (108.88 KB, 469x361, 469:361, ClipboardImage.png)



Looks pretty much like a normal pyramid to me.

See graphic for further deductions:

0dc6c8  No.5451675

File: 6e12fa7a47a6454⋯.jpg (90.46 KB, 1200x871, 1200:871, Matteo-Salvini-e1535785599….jpg)

8b14b3  No.5451676

File: 7a840dc0b075c2f⋯.png (325.28 KB, 764x605, 764:605, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

File: 905f9b992c49dac⋯.png (287.36 KB, 813x667, 813:667, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: cb38a8610da84b6⋯.png (436.35 KB, 728x663, 56:51, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

5b5b42  No.5451677


this is different than the noted one. Specifically talks about US comapany's adapting to them

>>5451563 U.S. companies adapt to 'endless' China tariffs

986052  No.5451678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michelle Malkin torches John McCain in her CPAC speech

At 7:40 she slams Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, the Bush family and THE GHOST OF JOHN McCAIN!!

RINO's & Never Trumper's lose it


b81bc6  No.5451679

He lied re:911


72c529  No.5451680


He's 100% right. Thanks to the managed-care system, people in "crisis" can get between 5-8 sessions for "evidence-based psychotherapy". People on medication get an indefinite number of visits to see how their medication is working out for them.

What's wrong with this picture?

1b9e03  No.5451681

File: 7bfad1e429d0fc4⋯.png (8.55 KB, 387x159, 129:53, ClipboardImage.png)

1e01b0  No.5451682


Pretty sure the CIA have been running NK not Xi.

57ec07  No.5451683

File: cddfc7404a278af⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 540x394, 270:197, robert-kraft-roc-nation-06….jpg)

File: b593eac1e917e4b⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 640x400, 8:5, bob-kraft-jay-z-06182013.jpg)

6e9986  No.5451684

File: 444729d4c7e22ff⋯.jpg (49.35 KB, 480x306, 80:51, hail.jpg)


put your cock away Anon….

efca3b  No.5451685

File: 2b27fdb1de9dcb2⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 481x426, 481:426, yinyan.jpg)

>bread #6969

481c0a  No.5451686

File: ed34bb3ed5574f6⋯.jpg (29.73 KB, 540x292, 135:73, 355146782054167011.jpg)

f15122  No.5451688

File: 1caf77fe4f969eb⋯.jpg (87.1 KB, 692x960, 173:240, 15078508_607942836055167_7….jpg)

It's not if MAGA riots are coming it's when.

5fd3fc  No.5451690

>>5451672 I haven't seen any sauce indicating this; only speculation.

Actually we thought the (pre-housecleaning) C_A was running NK since the 1950s-1960s.

8cf322  No.5451691

File: 626a482b50deafd⋯.jpg (118.71 KB, 710x473, 710:473, bjlo.jpg)


Seems like it.

ee9eb2  No.5451692

78b1ba  No.5451693

so much noise…

so much agitation…

so many anons trying to figure out the countdown…

Future proves past

23fa10  No.5451694

File: 965fff14bd9c62f⋯.png (222.33 KB, 648x736, 81:92, steep.PNG)

d7b5de  No.5451695


Both, but the clowns are out. Now the Chicomms have to get the boot. Then Korea can be free. And apparently rich.

64d5dc  No.5451696

File: 899f7fe7ff808b5⋯.png (280.49 KB, 607x615, 607:615, 232DD56D-A49B-445C-B5B0-DA….png)

File: 0f5d6172a182a95⋯.png (179.91 KB, 569x569, 1:1, 05338E44-9F38-404F-A5B7-41….png)

e62564  No.5451697



6h6 hours ago





Acknowledged Trump for his policies on:


8b14b3  No.5451698

File: b9d2da93799dc29⋯.png (125.03 KB, 1085x560, 31:16, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 72fb911826d7f30⋯.png (498.78 KB, 772x639, 772:639, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 4f75803494d42dd⋯.jpeg (42.1 KB, 417x583, 417:583, oprah1.jpeg)

File: 17032dcd1d4f926⋯.png (432.68 KB, 1175x638, 1175:638, Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at ….png)

d65dea  No.5451699


This is potus playing Kim.


332cbb  No.5451700

>>4664721 very old post from 1/8/19

This was discussed back then. Marty Torrey was suggested to be a code name for the Mad Hatter, that being James Mattis. See digs from that day.

9657e4  No.5451701


ThankQ….that is what I was picturing in my mind.

POTUS has his pointing straight down; Merkle's are usually pointing forward-or towards the person taking the photo.

4ed889  No.5451702

File: b735b78aa2fe936⋯.jpg (57.9 KB, 480x446, 240:223, whoppietoilet.jpg)


thanks for the keks my liddle toiboi! go start a riot board you might make some friends…and you really owned my ass lelelel also you got my meme cannons working agin thank you

90dd7b  No.5451704




5b5b42  No.5451705

File: 82e68f50def6913⋯.jpg (99.62 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, DJ Warren.jpg)

1e01b0  No.5451706

File: d18e17c4e6f414c⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 696x501, 232:167, ClintonNK2009.jpg)


Pretty sure full cabal takeover of North Korea did not happen until 2009.

74d003  No.5451707


true but if they refuse the patients suffer not the md

my father was one who took for that reason

bb6a0e  No.5451708

File: 414b27d2c8b6617⋯.jpeg (89.17 KB, 541x500, 541:500, B131BB86-B8DB-416F-AA94-7….jpeg)

e62564  No.5451709

Dan Bongino

Verified account


1h1 hour ago


Nunes Calls for "Everything" Mueller Did to be Made Public

DID as in its finished

5e798a  No.5451710

File: b1503f99f693307⋯.png (51.3 KB, 640x566, 320:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77e7eba7581f008⋯.png (25.14 KB, 465x596, 465:596, ClipboardImage.png)

Ta-da.Show. Stage. Actors. Logic.


7064ca  No.5451711

File: 9886254c66885fe⋯.png (883.4 KB, 811x655, 811:655, omar E.png)



They will do a FF and RIOT in MAGA hats to get you to come down and join them, then ambush all that show up!

They did this last wkend in Milwaukee for that Moozlim.


010baa  No.5451712


KEK… Van Jones at CPAC… must be a different Van Jones

0cde24  No.5451713


Wait, so RR wore a wire _to that meeting_? That is why "we have everything"? He recorded their treasonous act?

Obama was given his old job as Harvard editor, so I am thinking he had no love for Barry or Hill.

5fd3fc  No.5451714

>>5451230 Sure that was what they talked about….sure it was.

DJT: Well, well, well, look at you now, Punky.

Punky: Muh, muh, muh.

POTUS: You & the rest tried to kill me. But look at you, just look at you, heh heh.

PUNKY: Uh, uh, uh, mmmmmmmfff.

POTUS: KYS, Punky, my army is eager for it. Do it now.

PUNKY: OK, you are my daddy.

4d8bf8  No.5451715

File: f4362b788a44816⋯.jpeg (26.28 KB, 465x334, 465:334, D0mM2R0WsAMxq2a.jpeg)

40b77d  No.5451716



>Perhaps no one in Trump’s inner circle, save for Michael Cohen, has the president’s trust more than Schiller.

fkn lol

fd8a15  No.5451717


What's this from? Huge if from an "official source"

1e01b0  No.5451718



Sounds about right to me.

80c11e  No.5451719

File: ce922dd32720cf0⋯.png (664.44 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Cohen is a liar.png)

254245  No.5451720


Now is this in relation to Mueller's probe, or in relation to stuff Mueller did like while FBI Director?

7a050d  No.5451721


Or Uranium 1

That thing everyone forgot about…

d8e524  No.5451722

File: bbbd349f740ad67⋯.png (304.75 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_2019-03-01-14-1….png)


NPR, PBS also have done exposes

The Chinese govt does what it wants, even with intl attention.

Outright lying to investigations from foriegn countries.

The latest push for halting the practice went to London in late 2018, re www.forbes.com

6e9986  No.5451723

File: 9382576f9b50589⋯.jpg (253.91 KB, 750x475, 30:19, tarp.jpg)

22cc3d  No.5451724



good catch

6bf162  No.5451725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e62564  No.5451726

Rashida Tlaib Paid Herself $45,500 From Campaign Funds

Made $17,550 in payments following election


d7b5de  No.5451727


Clowns are ass deep in all kinds of spoopy stuff, including whatever this is called, can't recall. Farsight?

32a85d  No.5451728

File: 91c7a59e215507d⋯.jpg (217.99 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN BILL DEBLASIO REPORT3.jpg)

b163da  No.5451729

File: c97ab96321881a0⋯.jpeg (129.75 KB, 1440x1064, 180:133, 1538831768.jpeg)

c27c6b  No.5451730


Thing about a stealth bomber is you never saw it coming (who was recused?) and when the payload hits, the bomber is long gone (who was asked to resign?)


5d78f9  No.5451731


Top 10 post

d7b5de  No.5451732


Remote viewing.

It's clearly a delusion on both testor and subject.

bfbb38  No.5451733

File: a190bfe95d4fd40⋯.png (147.9 KB, 364x466, 182:233, 2019-02-18_22-14-13.png)


She's cute.

57ec07  No.5451734

File: ae394c044396f2c⋯.jpg (6.7 KB, 192x263, 192:263, imagesJWTE3DGW.jpg)

8b14b3  No.5451735

File: 4c08d67d4eb8a8d⋯.png (276.25 KB, 898x620, 449:310, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)





Let me know when you make the connection…

Child sex traffickers…

Dirty Family Court Judges…

Dirty FBI Directors…

Where are the children coming from?


c3b3e6  No.5451736



Yeah, and the triangle is not a triangle. So there's that…

254245  No.5451737


So would this also make Lanny a good guy?

6a1c13  No.5451738


POTUS called Kim Mercurial in this interview:

adj. Roman Mythology Of or relating to the god Mercury.

adj. Astronomy Of or relating to the planet Mercury.

adj. Having the characteristics of eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, and thievishness attributed to the god Mercury.

9d0f88  No.5451739


fuck those are different merkels

74d003  No.5451740


anons gluten free this is a good alt to pizza crust but lot of work/messy too

grind lightly steamed CF in blender with egg and cheese

spead on pan and use as crust

its really good

ee073a  No.5451741

File: 4e0bb44d6ca58f1⋯.jpg (137.48 KB, 1080x744, 45:31, SmartSelect_20190119-15333….jpg)

6e9986  No.5451742

File: 912d1ea077d5ff5⋯.jpg (76.84 KB, 403x586, 403:586, beldrkek.jpg)

21e0e8  No.5451743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

James O'Keefe Questions Facebook Employees From Leaked Insider Documents

da8b4e  No.5451744

Michael Gaeta scoop from Papa D twat


d65dea  No.5451745


Good point, but did he throw or push pills on people? There is always a choice, anon.

0b04d1  No.5451746

File: aed20dbf200139b⋯.jpg (533.58 KB, 1080x1708, 270:427, 20190301_152218.jpg)




9ef630  No.5451747


sorry dad

e62564  No.5451748

I think today is the day

0546e9  No.5451749

File: 92324e92bbdb424⋯.jpg (98.61 KB, 829x960, 829:960, 15400324_623895711126546_7….jpg)



Numb nuts you got nothing probably don't even own a gun and haven't been in the military…. Try harder faggot.

4d8bf8  No.5451750

Lanny Davis is not a good guy. Michael Cohen os not a good guy.

d7b5de  No.5451751


Media defections are to be expected.

Everyone likes a winner; nobody likes a loser.

Success has many fathers; failure is an orphan.

32a85d  No.5451752

File: fa9d576adb7adee⋯.jpg (618.07 KB, 2367x1355, 2367:1355, QNN Q Report.jpg)

46d63b  No.5451753

File: 8c0a9bdb504477d⋯.jpg (942.26 KB, 1952x2610, 976:1305, worldbank.jpg)


a link to VOAT is not proof, fool

can yu summarize or you just like to smear over allegations.

Someone who's obviously a target for being an outspoken Trump supporter.

3336df  No.5451754

File: c11e9fb02007212⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 444x634, 222:317, seth rich murder.jpg)

b60d81  No.5451755

File: 803879340721840⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1266x1092, 211:182, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)

Some things never change.



21e0e8  No.5451756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FB Confirms "deboosting;" Calls Investigative Journalism a STUNT!

8babd0  No.5451757

File: 2f257f3c2b934be⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1236x982, 618:491, laughQ.png)

Tomorrow is -17

8cf322  No.5451759


Guess all you want. Just don't come here crying when the date comes and go's with no habbenings.

5b5b42  No.5451760

File: 912aecd8e6f6e9e⋯.jpg (128.77 KB, 874x500, 437:250, pepe insider trading.jpg)

File: 8f091cf5be380d3⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 888x499, 888:499, dolby dump.jpg)

File: 2ca40345645c54f⋯.jpg (128.23 KB, 952x500, 238:125, gic g dump.jpg)

File: 725569e59ac1252⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 800x400, 2:1, twilio dump.jpg)

File: a226d53355e3dfd⋯.jpg (238.13 KB, 890x500, 89:50, tradedesk dump.jpg)



8b14b3  No.5451761

File: a46d651e5fe40f4⋯.png (330.34 KB, 600x478, 300:239, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 0dcce42458db8e2⋯.png (541.16 KB, 860x417, 860:417, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: ab0affb275c738e⋯.png (455.31 KB, 606x454, 303:227, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: 1f389e579510248⋯.png (450.85 KB, 815x567, 815:567, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

File: f46632badfc02bb⋯.png (300.65 KB, 523x654, 523:654, Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at ….png)

08cff9  No.5451762


Just because some idiots prefer to out themselves does not change the nature of this forum. You have no idea who I am, right?

4ed889  No.5451763

File: 4df36547c7550cf⋯.jpg (27.12 KB, 359x340, 359:340, miller.jpg)


id use my hands to fuck you up boi

3336df  No.5451764

File: dd0f932b4191608⋯.jpg (107.22 KB, 854x854, 1:1, podestaseth rich.jpg)

9657e4  No.5451765


Indeed, I was.

Thanks, fren.

e62564  No.5451766

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Will Reportedly Raise the Royal Baby With a “Fluid Approach to Gender”


73ed83  No.5451767


>old dirty man

wtf does that even mean.

b9ffb2  No.5451768

File: a43f555d8acca5d⋯.png (181.67 KB, 490x337, 490:337, imthebossnow2.png)


Here you go…

fdefeb  No.5451769

File: 1b9fb5fb63f3fd6⋯.png (731.68 KB, 641x509, 641:509, Screenshot_2018-08-01 Q Re….png)

>>5450198 (PB)

Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press

Published Friday, March 1, 2019 1:58PM EST

Last Updated Friday, March 1, 2019 3:06PM EST

OTTAWA – The federal Justice Department gave the go-ahead Friday for an extradition case to proceed against Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, who is wanted in the United States on fraud allegations.


74d003  No.5451770


old school he was

his care and skill as an MD was his calling

patients and nurses luved him

but other than that curmudgeon

d7b5de  No.5451771


On Triple Opposite Day in Bizzaroworld, maybe.

80c11e  No.5451772

File: b9307c10c8787c5⋯.png (203.25 KB, 554x372, 277:186, John Jung Jr.png)

7f3f47  No.5451773


I think it happened during the Korean war.

CIA took over. Never ended war so they could always flair up a FF whenever needed to exploit money or action from targeted country.

77c36a  No.5451774

File: 6a016e006763228⋯.gif (8.31 KB, 530x250, 53:25, BugDetector(mini).gif)

There more you know…

915a91  No.5451775

File: 9ab9bda47f96a83⋯.png (53.97 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)


Wrong size

5b5b42  No.5451776


ya …no

6e9986  No.5451777

File: 63a09775c9bab97⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 304x600, 38:75, dayzy.jpg)


"Everyone likes a winner; nobody likes a loser."

thinking along that line, what 'tactical nuke' would best be suited to flipping our filthy MSM?

b60d81  No.5451778


I don't like him, but he's got balls to admit he likes something POTUS did.

8cf322  No.5451779


Kek. I proposed a conversation. Not gonna argue about some actor in pedowood. Don't care about him one way or the other honestly. Anyone involved in that shit can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. Hanging around demons rubs off.

21e0e8  No.5451780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FB Insider Leaks Docs; Explains "Deboosting" "Troll Report" & Political Targeting in Interview

254245  No.5451781

Liberals: Trump colluded with Russia

also LIberals: dont worry about Italy, UK, and Australia colluding with Obama to spy on Trump

3575b7  No.5451782


Cohen is just a flunky! Fodder for the Sheeple.

08cff9  No.5451783


Do you English much? WTF?

64d5dc  No.5451784

File: 4d9fb0ec42648b5⋯.png (13.26 MB, 3229x2153, 3229:2153, 88A49623-0F47-4A9E-8BC8-43….png)


Army of digital soldiers

a2633c  No.5451785

File: 61a5bb7f307aa82⋯.png (24.17 KB, 495x265, 99:53, ClipboardImage.png)

>On March 19, 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the start of the war on Iraq, declaring: “On my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war.''

>selected targets

d65dea  No.5451786


A lot of the old school doctors were. Kek.

cae4ac  No.5451787


That is 100% reasonable, anon. I like it.

8cf322  No.5451788


It's dyslexic for, dirty old man.

b60d81  No.5451789

File: 9018bfda172010a⋯.jpg (148.11 KB, 903x1253, 129:179, muhbrows.jpg)

347fc6  No.5451790


Recall that it was Weissman who leaked Stone's impending arrest to CNN.

46d63b  No.5451791


Story teaches children to lie and keep secrets from their parents. the hero is a thief.

It caused some backlash with parents.

d7b5de  No.5451792


That would be nice.

I would like to see Oprah get the Henry Weinstein treatment from the Boss.

6a1c13  No.5451793


What about Pepe?

Did they draw a Pepe?

aa2caf  No.5451794

>> 5449032



CDAN REVEAL……==.NXIVM and LIBYA == (pizzagate)

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 17, 2018

Someone had to do it. The first time was a couple decades ago. The female teens being brought over from the Middle East under the guise of a school being run by the husband of someone in this country extremely wealthy. He had ties back to his home country. There was always violence in the country. It just seemed to only happen to parents and siblings of people who had a very attractive female in the family. There was an agreement in place with the sons of the rulers of this country. They got first shot and then the teen was shipped to a cult here in the US.

Often, those teens once they had been here for some time needed to be disposed of for one reason or another. So, that task was at one point in the purview of one of the closest women to the throne so to speak. She would give them something in their tea at night and the teen would never wake up. Well, after doing this a half dozen times, the woman wanted to leave the cult. That was not going to happen and she was killed. Oh, they made it sound like a suicide and no one really paid too much attention to the story and they got away with it.

Well, she needed to be replaced with someone else who could do the dirty work and they found such a person. The thing is though, after about a dozen years doing it, she too was wanting to exit the cult. Nope. She was killed a couple years ago and the body cremated before her death was even reported to the authorities.

As more details start to emerge with people in the cult looking to cut deals, I think we are going to hear about things that are far worse and way more graphic than we are possibly expecting.

Libya/Sara Bronfman/Gina Hutchinson/Pamela Cafritz/NXIVM

Gina Hutchinson dead – and 4 months later Kristin Snyder disappears; lingering questions haunt some in Clifton Park https://frankreport.com/2017/08/12/gina-hutchinson-dead-4-months-later-kristin-snyder-disappears-lingering-questions-haunt-some-in-clifton-park/


Post on Sarah, her husband and Libya… https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2515395

d7b5de  No.5451795


Henry, Harvey, whatever.

d4e62c  No.5451796

File: 57763deefb3d716⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 1820x2776, 455:694, Q Kill a Mockingbird.jpg)

Enjoy the show!

7a050d  No.5451797


brows less

p0ast m0ar

668019  No.5451798


I don't like the edit on this, hannity isn't making eye contact with trump.. Why? I think two lots of footage have been merged.

b58b12  No.5451799

File: 81c885d37d3c091⋯.jpg (66.64 KB, 384x267, 128:89, PEPE reports on crybaby (2….jpg)

File: c682b6b54df1ed9⋯.jpg (70.35 KB, 397x278, 397:278, PEPE report on con ers (2).jpg)

90dd7b  No.5451800


if we was asleep for centuries, how long would it take for humanity to be awake as you would expect?

2be67a  No.5451801


I think he's just a straight up patriot. No reason to think otherwise.

7f3f47  No.5451802


Teddy Kennedy would match KJU in half and half.

9657e4  No.5451803


NIce find, anon…thanks for sharing that.

9d66fa  No.5451804


Yeah, too bad Oprah stole the idea. She was smart to market it because it’s great but a pain to make.

7a050d  No.5451805


558a0c  No.5451806

File: c3f28b088fec832⋯.png (148.43 KB, 300x400, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24c0390a9723b50⋯.png (100.18 KB, 220x329, 220:329, ClipboardImage.png)

254245  No.5451807

File: 25d2e0bbb9cc001⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 667x374, 667:374, 2uzk4b.jpg)

d7b5de  No.5451808




7064ca  No.5451809


>Look for multiple meanings; don't settle on just one without considering as many possibilities as we can come up with.

Anons being self-righteous faggots today.

No shit. Xactly what the post was about.



3575b7  No.5451810



NO! just a PeePee! KEK

22cc3d  No.5451811

File: 624df50db82c43c⋯.jpg (4.98 KB, 314x160, 157:80, min.jpg)

5eb3dc  No.5451812

File: 23600988d747c97⋯.jpg (135.67 KB, 680x960, 17:24, 15230774_617242825125168_1….jpg)

File: 8149e68a49c6414⋯.jpg (65.27 KB, 500x487, 500:487, 2uykkj_1.jpg)

Q fizzled out bigly last year.

It's not if MAGA riots are coming it's when, anons don't forget there is at least 30 million foreigners embedded in the united states that will become dangerous.

The reliable Stevens 320 pump security 12 ga. shotgun has everything you will need anons to hit the streets when the shit gets

hot in America—and it comes at an affordable price.

The effectiveness of the 12-gauge shotgun is beyond dispute. Sure, it is limited in range, but the majority of law enforcement and even armed citizen shootings occur within room-sized distances. As appealing as the AR-15 carbine may be, it does not hold a candle to the 12-gauge shotgun when it comes to target power. It is true that the shotgun is more punishing to the shooter, but the harsher it is to shoot, the harsher it will be for those on the business end of the muzzle. No, eight to nine .33-caliber pellets will not stay together for any great distance and .72-caliber slugs are only accurate to 75 or maybe 100 yards. But then, considering your real world of work, it is very unlikely you’ll have confrontations at such great distances.

179de0  No.5451813

Nothing happening?

This whole thing basically says any and all secret pardons are null and void.


77c36a  No.5451814

File: b0e2df1690f3175⋯.png (333.23 KB, 720x541, 720:541, 52258708_2398001753596422_….png)


oops, supposed to be "The more you know…"

Covfefe low-light, must refuel

d7705b  No.5451815

File: 271d450c887c701⋯.jpeg (52.18 KB, 715x457, 715:457, 1_FCAsiu79H2b2aUGLdD7mBw.jpeg)


have to disagree anon . but it is possible its just his thing .

07dc5a  No.5451816


Put his mug in lie#1 mild sad face and stretch it to lie #100 with his chin drooping down to the table, kek!

665607  No.5451817



You might be correct.

How tall is POTUS?

Is Hannity sitting?

7a050d  No.5451818


The Fake Sex Doctor Who Conned the Media Into Publicizing His Bizarre Research on Suicide, Butt-Fisting, and Bestiality

cae4ac  No.5451819


'Tactical nuke', indeed. If we see HRC fall in the [-21] window, we may be able to divine that we're back to our original Oct. 28, 2017 happenings.

9f3fa4  No.5451820

Updated Notes

>>5451746 USAF retweet: 21

>>5451589 , >>5451526 Interview with FBI’s Gaeta: Transcript slated for release

>>5451580 New release: Why did the FBI rush to return one of HRC's hard drives?

>>5451563 U.S. companies adapt to 'endless' China tariffs

>>5451516 , >>5451527 Nunes Calls for "Everything" Mueller did to be made public

>>5451497 Cohen’s Congressional Testimony Show His Irrepressibly Lying Ways

>>5451469 National Guard tweet: Cobra Gold

>>5451394 Rothschild Bank pulled into 637m Watchstone asset dispute

>>5451368 New White House retweet re scholarships

>>5451350 UN rejects US move to recognize Golan annexation by Israel

>>5451343 Q Post countdown theory

>>5451381 Are these the [2] "IDEN remaining coming"?

>>5451230 Canada PM speaks to Trump about tariffs, sources see little progress

b9b01b  No.5451821


boys and their toys

d8e524  No.5451822



5fd3fc  No.5451823

>>5451706 nope

>>5451773 yep

We did a dig on The Asia Foundation (TAF) quite a long time ago, that suggested to me that gobs of US moneys were being funnelled into SE Asia for nefarious purposes from at least the 1960s.

254245  No.5451824

File: dfbe9ebb7c8e06c⋯.jpg (71.62 KB, 1200x681, 400:227, DxcydXAWoAEjuK_.jpg)

a672cb  No.5451825

File: 9fb9f3505438f81⋯.jpg (117.78 KB, 360x500, 18:25, putin imp.jpg)


Word around town is they threatened to throw Cohens wife in prison for 30 years if Cohen didn't say that shit. He knows POTUS is insulated, it's a show man.

010baa  No.5451826


I have to apologize in no way shape or form did I ever expect Van Jones to be invited to CPAC… it was about the justice reform bill POTUS signed but he was there and he did praise conservatives

254245  No.5451827

File: 31f5add7b8014d4⋯.jpg (32.61 KB, 625x366, 625:366, 43057936_10217614418058479….jpg)

4ed889  No.5451828

File: 2953f2a0a687670⋯.jpg (96.48 KB, 600x360, 5:3, Untitled (4).jpg)


if you drop the same meme then the ip hop is no good shit for brains

80c11e  No.5451829

File: 199a1d86ad8ee22⋯.png (193.58 KB, 525x559, 525:559, ClipboardImage.png)


>KEK… Van Jones at CPAC… must be a different Van Jones



The CPAC crowd breaks out in boos after Van Jones says, "accurately," that "undocumented immigrants right now have a lower crime rate than the rest of us."

efca3b  No.5451830

File: ac9161b135fb7ca⋯.jpg (92.37 KB, 959x261, 959:261, mercurial.jpg)



>A variant in this sense was mercurious (1590s)

5f86f7  No.5451831


Zuckerburg repeatedly lied to Congress in regards to this very shadowbanning/deboosting directions.

5b5b42  No.5451832

File: ac09f940dec1df9⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 600x400, 3:2, TARP.jpg)

File: bc4d2660afd95bf⋯.jpg (206.76 KB, 1248x1052, 312:263, tarp 2.jpg)

File: ca368cdaece8943⋯.jpg (53.18 KB, 474x328, 237:164, jahn mack vikram pandit.jpg)

File: 152b5cacfd0edc2⋯.jpg (172.58 KB, 500x727, 500:727, hank paulsen 1.jpg)

File: 45de5d3f0aff548⋯.jpg (132.01 KB, 650x500, 13:10, john thain 1.jpg)

71df11  No.5451833


Carving dicks, not a job one would expect to get. Silly esoteric mitrhan pagans.

1f3751  No.5451834

File: 099ae7c452d5832⋯.png (216.7 KB, 402x390, 67:65, Q 2846 Handle with Care.PNG)

File: 5cdf7401a61721b⋯.png (493.92 KB, 806x603, 806:603, Handle with Care Meme.PNG)


This is nothing against the Baker who is doing a great job; just an observation and comment

Regarding Notables and "you are the news now"

I am watching in real time [and have for days], that when something is added to the Notables and if it is of value I see people tweet the information almost instantly, including articles that are linked

…And I mean other "news" or conservative twitter accounts, not simply random twitter accounts or other anons, although they probably share the information too.

I am not going to dox and say who / there are actually MANY accounts I see that repeat information from the Notables

Be ready for the 'Q', Anon(s).

Eyes on increasing +each day.

You are the news now.

Handle w/ care.


7064ca  No.5451835

File: eb88c1ed1058181⋯.jpg (12.87 KB, 255x212, 255:212, TruDOH.jpg)

7a050d  No.5451836



83f715  No.5451837


You can't dispute that he actually made billions, though - can you?

Billions in Inslee's world equate to a minor reduction in the population to decrease the surplus of the same population.

aa6ea3  No.5451838

File: e77f2d3905028c8⋯.png (501.59 KB, 529x567, 529:567, AQ11.PNG)


Soros Foundation Demands Brussels Step Up War on Poland ‘Or EU Won’t Survive’

Soros’s Stefan Batory Foundation has demanded Brussels step up its war on patriotic Poland, asserting that the EU’s survival rests on “the progressive battle” to force globalism on the central European nation.

A paper by the NGO, founded by the open borders-backing billionaire in 1988 with the goal of turning then-Communist Poland into an “open society”, praised the European Commission for taking action against Polish efforts to reform what the government argues is a corrupt judicial system lacking in accountability.

Despite EU undermining of national sovereignty fueling widespread, growing anger at the bloc in Poland, lawyers at the foundation called on Brussels to step up its attacks on the central European nation, alleging that the fight for supposed judicial “independence” was vital for protecting “human rights” throughout the union.

1800e4  No.5451839

File: 9b8894dc40de776⋯.jpeg (269.37 KB, 640x694, 320:347, EC859CC6-5742-41BA-B00D-0….jpeg)

aa2caf  No.5451840


swordfish69 19 points (+19|-0) 8 months ago (pizzagate voat commentto Blind Item April 17, 2018)

Just plugging this article I wrote a little while back. The Cafritz name has also been linked to James Alefantis and most remarkably Charles Manson. Charlene Cafritz (with money from the Cafritz fortune) bought a Cadillac for Manson and helped him recruit people for his cult.

All three cults (Manson Family, NXIVM, Comet/Panda Head) are tied to the same major Jewish financiers (Bronfman/Rothschild/Cafritz) and all seemed to have engaged in practices involving dissociative identity disorder. I'll have to continue repeating myself to drive this point home because if all three are linked then it may provide some of the best evidence of a global sex abuse cabal existing in the highest rungs of power in the United States.

41500c  No.5451841

File: 1555a78acf01065⋯.png (31.55 KB, 321x232, 321:232, Screenshot 2019-03-01_15-2….png)

(1) Fired and removed from DOJ …. shortly

(2) was already completed

5fd3fc  No.5451842

File: cc0c5cfa5f74500⋯.jpg (124.03 KB, 852x480, 71:40, EmotionsCloudLogic3.jpg)


>self-righteous faggots

Negative - just speaking to the entire crowd reading here including newfags, was not "aimed" at you particularly. Don't take offense where none was intended.

d2c8e5  No.5451843

File: 3280252c9d5b295⋯.jpg (79.39 KB, 490x609, 70:87, 3280252c9d5b2959d54adf42c1….jpg)



You're a Toilet


5b5b42  No.5451845

File: 88ae8ee7ea2b861⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 474x248, 237:124, zuckerdouche.jpg)

71df11  No.5451846



they broke into the country, everyone of them, statistically is 100% a criminal.

d7b5de  No.5451847


Nazis invading Poland. Where have I seen this before.

46d63b  No.5451848


"Asia Foundation" is the Rockefeller family. oil

527280  No.5451849


Was talking to a guy in the military….. Someone should ask trudeau did he ever do anything sexual with a dude on an official plane ride? And did military guys that saw it, did they have to sign non-disclosure agreements? Were mil guys told not to make eye contact and to speak only when spoken to? hummmmmmm

b60d81  No.5451850

File: d9d6d9834aeb534⋯.jpg (101.39 KB, 960x544, 30:17, twins.jpg)

d46987  No.5451851

File: e0e331f6fbd0b71⋯.jpg (140.4 KB, 795x997, 795:997, patton oswalt.JPG)

254245  No.5451852

File: 8b2360637ee0b5c⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 2swvj0.jpg)

b9b01b  No.5451853



59932b  No.5451854

File: 13a2d34e45327e1⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x211, 255:211, thinking.jpg)


Yes its amazing how the Lord has gotten us ready for this, years before it ever started.

c3234a  No.5451855


She's 8 years older now.

281940  No.5451856

File: 0aef5fba0329254⋯.jpg (286.56 KB, 900x1492, 225:373, IMG_20190301_152618.jpg)

File: 3e5cf224eac48ff⋯.jpg (572.48 KB, 1070x1303, 1070:1303, IMG_20190301_152639.jpg)


d2c8e5  No.5451857

File: a950b89e599f185⋯.jpg (75.55 KB, 741x337, 741:337, 2ux8w3.jpg)

cae4ac  No.5451858


DECLAS + complicity in other big news events.

59932b  No.5451859


Sorry forgot the lb, my bad

64d5dc  No.5451860

File: 5b02daccf8a90e3⋯.jpeg (88.92 KB, 618x417, 206:139, 56C9AB2C-109B-47FD-A562-A….jpeg)

File: 53f48e38199c82d⋯.jpeg (83.45 KB, 352x549, 352:549, 18BE1542-2C09-48F6-BB6E-4….jpeg)

File: 1c69118c3e8513f⋯.png (179.54 KB, 866x567, 866:567, 05538A68-63BB-4C21-9A3B-D8….png)

File: d9cd5baf6229179⋯.png (774.31 KB, 1620x2098, 810:1049, 42A5ED3F-5181-4F4B-A9B9-88….png)

aa6ea3  No.5451861


I know, seems familiar.

d7b5de  No.5451862


Odd, I explained Raniere as a kind of Manson Family cult just the other day. Just goes to show 'ya.

21e0e8  No.5451863

File: 39bd48bf6b60b4b⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 39bd48bf6b60b4b9f64bee12b7….gif)

File: 1a27a6cf43a548b⋯.jpg (101.22 KB, 500x664, 125:166, 1a27a6cf43a548b7bb15a491ed….jpg)

b9b01b  No.5451864


monkey = code for Patton and friends

8cf322  No.5451865

Was Richard Pryor Really Gay? The Comedian’s Widow Makes a Shocking Confession

Remember this? Makes moar sense now that we know how fucked up (((they))) are?

Threw my godfather framed picture out after I read this. Wife laughed at me and thought I was a homophone…nope, just anti-satan.

Richard Pryor, the iconic comedian, famously had a slew of marriages and remarriages, as well as famous relationships. And now, his wife, who he was married to at the time of his death, admitted that Richard Pryor and Marlon Brando had a sexual relationship. Was Richard Pryor gay?


46d63b  No.5451866


not really

Hi de Faggo.

883883  No.5451867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Faggot you need to try harder.

41500c  No.5451868

File: ea6559202636571⋯.png (165.84 KB, 487x889, 487:889, Screenshot 2019-03-01_15-3….png)

Bruce Ohr is lining up for departure

6a8ba6  No.5451869


Stem cell classification

Stem cells are unspecialized cells of the human body.

They are able to differentiate into any cell of an organism and have the ability of self-renewal. Stem cells exist

both in embryos and adult cells.

Stem cells also act as internal repair systems of the

body. The replenishment and formation of new cells are

unlimited as long as an organism is alive. Stem cell activity depends on the organ in which they are in; for example, in bone marrow, their division is constant,

although in organs such as the pancreas, division only

occurs under special physiological conditions.

The turning point in stem cell therapy appeared in 2006,

when scientists Shinya Yamanaka, together with Kazutoshi

Takahashi, discovered that it is possible to reprogram multipotent adult stem cells to the pluripotent state

Multipotent haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation is currently the most popular stem cell therapy. Target cells are usually derived from the bone

marrow, peripheral blood, or umbilical cord blood.

With stem cell therapy and all its regenerative

benefits, we are better able to prolong human life than

at any time in history.

7a050d  No.5451870

File: af327084929555d⋯.jpg (66.78 KB, 620x900, 31:45, 52887058_2476552872417003_….jpg)

5b5b42  No.5451871

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 255x176, 255:176, pepe love you back.jpg)

d2c8e5  No.5451872

File: fc0bbd442180354⋯.jpeg (71.95 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, bf0bdfc337e6dbd67ce363d78….jpeg)

b60d81  No.5451873


Of course, since the Dems won't let us count how many of them are here, his statistic is bullshit.

4d8bf8  No.5451874

Its too quiet. There should be an end of the day dump coming still.

a3fc64  No.5451875

File: a311b2df93fdd26⋯.png (204.86 KB, 668x757, 668:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8487daccb17c06f⋯.png (220.96 KB, 628x754, 314:377, ClipboardImage.png)

Pulse Nightclub Ballistics Report

55 pages quietly dropped in the FBI Vault yesterday.


59932b  No.5451876


KEK yep

9f3fa4  No.5451877

File: 778bb3ea6af977f⋯.jpg (89.63 KB, 419x563, 419:563, 778bb3ea6af977f2320651871c….jpg)


Interesting, highly encouraging and very much noted.

210a57  No.5451878


yea no shit, KEK

ee1fd6  No.5451879


She also lied about living in the district she ran in. Used Daddys address.

8b14b3  No.5451880


>>>5451497 Cohen’s Congressional Testimony Show His Irrepressibly Lying Ways

Well… He's Jewish, so. What did you expect?

07dc5a  No.5451881


Do you know the story about a guy trying to hide his flag and the Autists Anons finding it every single time?

0dbb6b  No.5451882

File: eee6e0ac78d67ea⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 640x374, 320:187, titel-macrmerk010319.jpg)

File: 5d312c4267b33d6⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 680x385, 136:77, merkel-bedankte-sich-bei.jpg)

File: 8b20215b4984bf5⋯.jpg (93.44 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, Merkel-in-Paris-zwischen-T….jpg)

File: 6794fd4001235c8⋯.jpg (116.41 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, Politischer-Gillamoos.jpg)

EU: The perfidious Merkel-Macron plan behind the Brexit shift

https://www.pravda-tv.com/2019/03/eu-der-perfide-merkel-macron-plan- after -the-shift-des- United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum /

5fd3fc  No.5451883


yes my point exactly. Here >>5451666.

Don't know why >>5451809 got all riled up over it.


efca3b  No.5451884

File: daf415e21525b03⋯.jpg (95.28 KB, 533x639, 533:639, Tesla369.jpg)

>bread #6969

a272f4  No.5451885

Remember Andrew Weissman was head of the fraud section of the DOJ that let Milkerin off with a sweetheart plea deal that sparred the Obama admin shame. Also involving Mueller/rosenstein.

Also involved in Enron Task force kek

Could it be that they are shining the light on Weissman in order to expose the connections between the SC and its obvious conflicts of interest regarding past relationships ie Clinton foundation, U1, Mueller RR

179de0  No.5451886


There was a whole thing in the news a while back where Quincy Jones said that Prior had had an affair with Marlon Brando.

80c11e  No.5451887


>in no way shape or form did I ever expect Van Jones to be invited to CPAC


ed53fc  No.5451888

File: 9acf88b32a6ce60⋯.jpeg (264.81 KB, 935x935, 1:1, 43E0E89F-7034-43EB-A887-7….jpeg)

0cde24  No.5451889

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Right you know.jpg)

21e0e8  No.5451890


Struggling to stay relevant. FAIL

5dd7e8  No.5451891

File: 630617c15092d4a⋯.jpeg (83.65 KB, 471x411, 157:137, 95196B8D-2B1C-439E-BDD6-3….jpeg)

File: 08d9bccefa89e99⋯.jpeg (923.97 KB, 2358x1572, 3:2, 4EDEC618-9A07-4BEA-8EC6-D….jpeg)


Wmm what’s with the hand?

9657e4  No.5451892


Good question-where did that come from?

40cfc2  No.5451893


Woah. That's pretty notable imo.

71d624  No.5451894

File: 2d373ad3231a094⋯.jpeg (165.25 KB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, skypenis.jpeg)

c39787  No.5451895



3a3a7d  No.5451896


Damn she is fine

6a1c13  No.5451897

File: bb0938afaf2f304⋯.jpg (128.87 KB, 780x439, 780:439, trudeau trump.jpg)

254245  No.5451898


Im confused about this one. It hurts Muellers exoneration of Trump if it looks like his SC is comped

cae4ac  No.5451899


Premise is flawed. Assumption that anons care who you are is incorrect.

b9ffb2  No.5451900

File: 11764b1d8330b95⋯.jpg (196.62 KB, 956x1200, 239:300, endofdaydump.jpg)

8cf322  No.5451901


Magic 8-ball shake says :All signs point to "yes".

fdefeb  No.5451902


Kip has got it habbening!

5c3ff9  No.5451903


Ah, thanks graphics anon. you do nice work & quick too

4ed889  No.5451904

File: 3fd5aee4e68a7bf⋯.jpg (237.57 KB, 1281x488, 21:8, vVgjjkjugdgrt46nur68k3s258.JPG)


here low quality bait poof

0b04d1  No.5451905

File: 09b34f36b941dbe⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190301_145712.jpg)

File: 7b550618534c53c⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 3024x1963, 3024:1963, 20190301_151630.jpg)

Blast from the past - found old Newsweek magazines. Hussian on the cover & the other Hussain with Pakistani President at the White House. The caption reads…

Obama, here with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, has a chance to

remind voters that he did in two years what Bush failed to do in eight.


8464b6  No.5451906


Calls out Van Jones too as well as deplatforming

8464b6  No.5451907



7064ca  No.5451908

File: eb4174eb4b2baf6⋯.jpg (245.13 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, moozX2.jpg)

179de0  No.5451909


Index and pinky up and thumb out is also the Sign Language symbol for "I love you" (combines I, L, and Y signs)

44c37e  No.5451910

File: 8b087660a7fffb8⋯.jpg (13.58 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 8b087660a7fffb8e032c5a5a71….jpg)



8b14b3  No.5451911


Nazis didn't seek to impose DIE-versity… Get your history straight, kid.

d2c8e5  No.5451912

File: aad615793c98bcb⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 288x240, 6:5, 1971 Ty D Bol Commercial.mp4)



Lets agree to disagree

Outing you as a shill

isn't hard at all Sven

fa6f14  No.5451913

File: d0ed6d73c16f8f0⋯.png (965.88 KB, 567x776, 567:776, ClipboardImage.png)

ee9eb2  No.5451914



But it's also NOT fucking accurate. The stats they cite show / per 100,000.

Well, those stats are not a 50/50 representation.

In ACTUALITY, illegals are 4 times more crime ridden than citizens.

4ed889  No.5451915

File: b324aaa185f6388⋯.jpg (148.63 KB, 1238x612, 619:306, suspectsmoke.jpg)

0a302f  No.5451917

File: c380e71212c240a⋯.jpg (140.08 KB, 624x280, 78:35, 15510414623135657809620010….jpg)

File: a9034eaf2ac7b75⋯.jpg (206.24 KB, 800x1104, 50:69, Trump-Rides-the-Bomb--1319….jpg)

T-17 (((Seventeen!!!))) and counting!!!

Notable March 17th's…

1905: Albert Einstein finishes his scientific paper detailing his (((Quantum Theory of Light))), one of the foundations of modern physics.

0461 - Bishop Patrick, St. Patrick, died in Saul. Ireland celebrates this day in his honor

1756 - St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in New York City for the first time. The event took place at the Crown and Thistle Tavern.

1942 - Douglas MacArthur became the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in the Southwestern Pacific.

2be67a  No.5451918


There's no way that's accurate. Also, why is that nigger at CPAC?

347fc6  No.5451919


iirc he was not even under oath, so his testimony is meaningless except to prove he is programmed to lie.

83f715  No.5451920


Why, becuz she luv'z her bro to the max - she so sexy in her jihab - might be bro - hood, as in foreign known racist religion of the rising sword or Islam

fb52bd  No.5451921

File: afc56b58ddc4e82⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x852, 320:213, 03-01-03.34.00.PNG)

a2633c  No.5451922


How is that even supposed to be funny?

4856d8  No.5451924


Where are the holds in the countdown?

07dc5a  No.5451925


Need Admiral Pepe on that wall!

0f6ab3  No.5451926

File: 2057535e665c175⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 640x427, 640:427, downloadfile-19.jpg)

File: f08331fb899c0a9⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 18011013_687904961392287_8….jpg)

Some anons on this board hate the military but that's not my problem…

Trump and Q can't get the job done so real men will.

6e9b5e  No.5451927


>can someone show which sections and explain?

6a1c13  No.5451928

File: e27b7a3a0daf94e⋯.jpg (154.66 KB, 808x768, 101:96, romney mccain.jpg)



71d624  No.5451929


Is it even their child?

IVF is a thing.

425ed0  No.5451930

File: 078b98c3a0439a5⋯.gif (159.18 KB, 335x444, 335:444, iaea.gif)

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

Is this a good introduction to Q?

Is it "the basics"?

Will it help the public to understand what is going on, or make it more confusing, more intimidating, and less appealing?

What qualities would a good introduction have?

How do we know?

Did this get discussed?

Did the COMMUNITY make this?

Or did some "anon" just put it up and say "here it is".

And then there it was at the top of the board, claming to be "the basics"– when in fact it is very CONVOLUTED.

And it our "the basics" docs are CONVOLUTED, does THAT fact play into any MSM narratives about "Qanon"?

About "the chans"?

About weird, confusing, obscure things that normies flee from?

How do you control this movement?

CO-OPT everything, and SUBTLY undermine every place you can?

While maintaining a degree of plausibility?

WHO made "the basics" of Q?

How do we know?

It was NOT made by the community.

The videos the board pushes were NOT made by the community.

The images that appear as banners were NOT made by the community.

The community had no input in the creative process.

And we have no idea who or what the "anons" that produce content and push it out to us are.

We just passively accept that "anons" do all this stuff here.

But is organic?

It is ALL subtly undermining.

And not-so-subtly controlling narrative…

47fb5a  No.5451931

File: a421be9e35cbce4⋯.jpg (431.96 KB, 903x1253, 129:179, MuhStache.jpg)

9ef630  No.5451932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ed53fc  No.5451933


Wasn’t it “a lone gunman” not named Rambo at the Pulse Night club?

Looks like a day out on the range for a rap video shooting or …

fd6259  No.5451934



Winter Darkest time of year

Spring Lightest time of year

Dark <> Light

23fa10  No.5451935


Good luck with that, we'll keep an eye out for your obit

5bb7f8  No.5451936

File: 500fa84409c66bd⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1902x916, 951:458, Oprah Beast Emiliano Salin….png)


Oprah by NXIVM insider Emiliano Selinas…ring ..ring..ding ..ding

4ed889  No.5451937


hahahah you aint no man

e7f37d  No.5451938


Fuck right off FLQP

8cf322  No.5451939


Let me know what paper you work for. I'll watch for your fake and gay piece.

156314  No.5451940

File: 52ce072ebee54f8⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1128x1536, 47:64, 52ce072ebee54f865ce777f570….jpg)

That man is my spirit animal!

08cff9  No.5451941


>Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]

What does this mean?

70e781  No.5451942


Everyone should watch this; excellent speech.

6bf162  No.5451943

File: a2e682f6944868a⋯.png (346.88 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4739DCAC-54BC-44D0-85CC-D2….png)


b9ffb2  No.5451944

File: 9e01cd0db5ebb4d⋯.png (356 KB, 561x568, 561:568, dank.png)

ee9eb2  No.5451945



c228d6  No.5451946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>5449539 PB

Hillary in the video that Q frequently points us to. At 3:14 to 3:21 KEK

179de0  No.5451947


Need a lawfag.

Notible if true, I think, though.

32a85d  No.5451948

File: b47c040dad73963⋯.jpg (232.35 KB, 1284x690, 214:115, QNN THINK FOR YOURSELF REP….jpg)

9f6963  No.5451949

its very clear that the IP is not,if I use old tricks to post "from" Peru,then thing change…it's pretty obvious.

5f86f7  No.5451950


filtered, shill

7f2ad1  No.5451951


running from your past crimes MUST feel really good….MAGA

21e0e8  No.5451952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hang him with his cronies.

4dd281  No.5451953


How can undocumented immigrants have a lower crime rate than the rest of us when 100% are here illegally, a crime?

6a0d18  No.5451954


poor lil girl standing in front of that beast

6a1c13  No.5451955


This is pathetic.

46d63b  No.5451956


It's possible Manson was a psy-op on the public. And that it was a psychological FF

Lots of evidence to that end.

So dude probably never actually was in jail.

He was allowed too many privileges to actually be serving time as they claimed.

I don't think Raniere will be the same.

I think times have changed and now they really are busted.

If you have time on your hands [kek]

Take a gander at this article, It's really good


I won't vouch for what he does recently

Gone downhill massive - typical gatekeeper

"The Tate Murders were a False Flagand the Greatest Unknown Success Story of Project CHAOS"

0a302f  No.5451957

File: 2bfbb18606418ad⋯.jpg (84.18 KB, 451x640, 451:640, 4f00cd68a01f84b8f658d6a1db….jpg)

e7f37d  No.5451958


For real the only thing Q has been proved at is constant flops and taking the L

a163ca  No.5451959


So why did potus hire him and keep him on for so long? Why does potus give jared all those important jobs?

0cde24  No.5451960


Hey we're all going to want to write a book when its over! KEK!

aa2681  No.5451961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Admiral McRaven Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivational Speeches


a48385  No.5451962


where's Norman Casiano, total fraud.

7a050d  No.5451963

File: b910c7f1d78fb45⋯.png (334.16 KB, 541x720, 541:720, 53034509_2217741025152764_….png)

9f6963  No.5451964


its very clear that the IP is not,if I use old tricks to post "from" Peru,then thing change…it's pretty obvious.

9f3fa4  No.5451965

File: 0de70809670d526⋯.png (732.59 KB, 571x572, 571:572, 0de70809670d526150297a6539….png)


>Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

There was a thread up for weeks and it was a group project and effort.

71d624  No.5451966

>>5451838 Soros Foundation Demands Brussels Step Up War on Poland ‘Or EU Won’t Survive’


347fc6  No.5451967


Mercury periodic symbol - Hg

Any connections?

78b1ba  No.5451968


aaaaaaaaaaand who the fuck would know

since they are undocumented ?

9f3fa4  No.5451969


>>5451875 Released: Pulse Nightclub Ballistics Report

>>5451838 Soros Foundation Demands Brussels Step Up War on Poland ‘Or EU Won’t Survive’

>>5451746 USAF retweet: 21

>>5451726 Rashida Tlaib paid herself $45,500 from campaign funds

>>5451678 Michelle Malkin torches John McCain in her CPAC speech

>>5451589 , >>5451526 Interview with FBI’s Gaeta: Transcript slated for release

>>5451580 New release: Why did the FBI rush to return one of HRC's hard drives?

>>5451563 U.S. companies adapt to 'endless' China tariffs

>>5451516 , >>5451527 Nunes Calls for "Everything" Mueller did to be made public

>>5451497 Cohen’s Congressional Testimony Show His Irrepressibly Lying Ways

>>5451469 National Guard tweet: Cobra Gold

>>5451394 Rothschild Bank pulled into 637m Watchstone asset dispute

>>5451368 New White House retweet re scholarships

>>5451350 UN rejects US move to recognize Golan annexation by Israel

>>5451343 Q Post countdown theory

>>5451381 Are these the [2] "IDEN remaining coming"?

>>5451230 Canada PM speaks to Trump about tariffs, sources see little progress

5fd3fc  No.5451970


Checked twitter account @t193931 to find a cleaner copy of this


and discovered twitter had suspended that account.

>>5451754 IS NOTABLE

FISA memo appears to demonstrate that Brennan, Clapper, Obama, Hillary, all had knowledge that the so-called DNC "hack" was done by Seth Rich exfiltrating the data and sending it to Wikileaks and was NOT done by any Russians. Also suggests that Brennan "had" a "department" at Google. And that Obama's admin had continuous monitoring on Wikileaks secure drop box at that time.


e7f37d  No.5451971


If we lose we win


7064ca  No.5451972

File: d9582b959304b40⋯.jpg (5.29 KB, 153x105, 51:35, Qsign.jpg)


>Index and pinky up and thumb out is also the Sign Language symbol for "I love you"

They've corrupted it all, Anon.

Amen = Amun- Egyptian god.

Bless You = Be less You

Could go on, but the flashing of signs is theirs, not ours. Current sign language is NOT the original sign language btw.

8b14b3  No.5451973


POTUS is Jew-cucked… Where have you been?

f72ca4  No.5451975


File this under: Soros, Crimes Against Humanity.

Prosecutions start when?

156314  No.5451976

File: 0411766f3a37e25⋯.jpg (108.84 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, magical pepe.jpg)




2be67a  No.5451977


In summary: cures out the ass.

0cde24  No.5451978


Muchos gracias!

425ed0  No.5451980

File: a198b482ea43ae2⋯.png (64.68 KB, 425x156, 425:156, wutevennow.png)

File: afa631b4d0a4e54⋯.png (21.2 KB, 438x156, 73:26, vvNHt.png)

File: 40cd67f2724be2e⋯.png (68.7 KB, 432x168, 18:7, wuttt.png)

File: af0461ec780e2c5⋯.png (65.55 KB, 427x154, 61:22, cute.png)

File: 3e7c1aa2af1ca34⋯.png (74.88 KB, 432x153, 48:17, httc.png)


Look at these.

What do they convey?

Are we being MOCKED, here?

Really, are you kidding me?


Where do they come from?

Why doesn't the COMMUNITY create the images?

Where do they come from?

Do patriots question this?

Do patriots think for themselves, especially when it is obvious something is amiss?

Or not?


control of NARRATIVE (control over you).

>(control over you)



8cf322  No.5451981


Shill logic

Even as we lose our asses off, keep trying to claim the opposite.

aa2caf  No.5451982


See the CDAN post - NXIVM also allegedly murdered girls who were no longer useful to the cult.

3cc939  No.5451983


McRaven is evil and corrupt

347fc6  No.5451984


Also, Mercury was Messenger of the gods.

0f6ab3  No.5451986






Stay hiding in the gay bars toilet and maybe you will survive…. Scumbag

73ed83  No.5451987


>dirty old man.

Yeah yeah. The expression itself ignores obvious reality, on several levels.

f53576  No.5451988

Cohen either decided that he had to tell a little truth to sell the lies, or he’s holding on to hope he can later cry Mueller coerced his lies and beg Trump for a pardon.

Don’t think Trump will save him, though.

0b04d1  No.5451989

File: 42409a44293bc49⋯.jpg (544.38 KB, 810x1440, 9:16, 20190301_153743.jpg)




a163ca  No.5451990


Becauss trump isnt doing what you say hes doing and Q isn't real, it's just a troll. You're being trolled.

5fd3fc  No.5451991


It is wrong to say "bless you".

If you are giving credit to Almighty God you should say "God bless you"; who else has the power to bless someone?

Your "be less" is ridiculous, by the way.

ebb457  No.5451992



User suspended

9bd5da  No.5451994




b60d81  No.5451995




How did he carry that much ammo?

210a57  No.5451996


do you mean the specific days that were a hold?

I implied there are holds because the timeline is off by 4 days

46d63b  No.5451998

File: 27469fec0ab8126⋯.jpg (99.08 KB, 345x636, 115:212, epictetus.jpg)

6e9986  No.5451999

File: 4738580a58ce5b1⋯.jpg (525.47 KB, 1024x693, 1024:693, dazyhy.jpg)

big booms in Canada and Australia - part of the plan that our MSM doesn't cover much?

332cbb  No.5452001


Just cited some digging on Mattis being the Mad Hatter.

On the same day as that digging was done, 1/8/19, McRaven was outed as thoroughly DS.

Sounds like CPAC is just one big DS gig.

e7f37d  No.5452002



Go back to putting screws in on a line, fucking nonce

a48385  No.5452003


Tang like the fake astronotts

98be6d  No.5452004

File: e271398897993c0⋯.jpg (80.42 KB, 621x420, 207:140, STFU John.jpg)

36ee13  No.5452005

"The Cook County Board voted to destroy the county’s gang database Thursday, setting legal steps and guidelines to make sure the database can’t be restarted.

The vote was the death knell for the contentious database, also called the Regional Gang Intelligence Database. Last month, the Cook County Sheriff’s Office announced it had “terminated” the database, a decision that came after no other law enforcement agency agreed to host it.

The ordinance, which takes effect immediately, prohibits the Cook County Sheriff’s Office from maintaining, re-creating or sharing information on the database. It also mandates the sheriff’s office to “enact the final destruction” of the tool."


78b1ba  No.5452006


> Was Richard Pryor gay?

his own dick had a coke habit at some point, so…

bc246a  No.5452007


Just read it.

The dialogs.

Seriously… you ask if this is real?

c1a426  No.5452008

File: ba0870bf7432327⋯.png (95.66 KB, 565x460, 113:92, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ee2da73d120123⋯.png (64.38 KB, 523x310, 523:310, ClipboardImage.png)

SHE JUST deleted the tweet….!!!

Mrs. Christine Assange


6m6 minutes ago

More Mrs. Christine Assange Retweeted 👁‍🗨Qelly 🌐

Julian needs ALL hands on deck to save his life right now from a brutal political persecution.

THIS is the REAL conspiracy!

Please dont get distracted away from joining in ACTIONS to protect & free him!


e1dc3d  No.5452009


Don’t forget that ended with …….

Makes tomorrow [-17] or as I like to call it [Q day]

He said WITHIN 21 days, not necessarily at end of 21 days, BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS! Maybe Q day starts the Habbenings!

0cde24  No.5452010


I'll take 'How to eliminate your political opponent' for $500 Alex.

5bb7f8  No.5452011

File: fa2d7c00cce40e0⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 36506525_432045363945030_4….mp4)



5b5b42  No.5452012

8b14b3  No.5452013


Yeah, all the Abrahamic shit is stolen from Kemet… It's the Horus story retold. Same with MANY others. It's an allegorical solar-theology. Cool… But, an ALLEGORY. Hence, FAKE and kinda GAY.

80c11e  No.5452014


>In ACTUALITY, illegals are 4 times more crime ridden than citizens.

EXACTLY why I added the " " around "accurately"!

347fc6  No.5452015


He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld

8cf322  No.5452016


Least you stopped using, "Dolt".

4856d8  No.5452018


Meant… where are the designated holds in the T-#

2be67a  No.5452019

b60d81  No.5452021

File: 9f101f135d43331⋯.png (64.82 KB, 1850x852, 925:426, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at ….png)



d4148c  No.5452022


wtf- you let isis leaders buy their lives with 50t of gold loot?

That’s a real kick in the nuts to those we’ve lost…

ee9eb2  No.5452023

5b5b42  No.5452024

File: 2a51b90d41565a7⋯.jpg (14.8 KB, 191x255, 191:255, jamie dimon dickhead.jpg)


try that again


32a85d  No.5452025

File: 34382ca9a14a813⋯.jpg (226.01 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN CANDICE OWENS REPORT.JPG)

11e89c  No.5452026


She just doesn't realize it will be hers.

7064ca  No.5452027

File: da94f088c10e095⋯.jpg (227.99 KB, 1196x1600, 299:400, sqeeky.jpg)

File: 02c5283dd5fb45b⋯.jpg (131.39 KB, 2048x1845, 2048:1845, medea.jpg)


FF all the way

a2dda0  No.5452028


In this casecountdown will end with nothing

Then there will be no excuses

5df282  No.5452029

File: 071738b83a17ab3⋯.png (270.28 KB, 467x470, 467:470, Screenshot_2019-03-01-14-3….png)

e7f37d  No.5452030


Take an L like Q and Trumpy do on the daily and move on

a48385  No.5452031

File: 0b9fcb1327e6c0e⋯.png (225.32 KB, 600x359, 600:359, NGG.png)

d2c8e5  No.5452033

File: bb0cf06dde4c061⋯.jpg (123.54 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2skte1.jpg)

b58ba0  No.5452034


T193931 was suspended.

1e01b0  No.5452035


I could believe it but it clear that the spooks were up to no good there since at least 2009, but frankly I would not be surprised if the spooks were calling the shots there during BushJr admin too.

0f6ab3  No.5452037

File: 1c7e3c51075064d⋯.jpg (100.3 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 18342473_698872160295567_3….jpg)

File: be240ebbc8d2d09⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 500x412, 125:103, 2uz199_1.jpg)

Trump is not getting the job done over 2 years and he won't do what's right for America.

MAGA riots will not be FFs because MAGA riots are not traditional negro riots that harm people and destroy public and private property.

MAGA riots are highly intelligent and trained Americans that will conduct precision targeted attacks on the known criminal deep state.

Stay safe.

23fa10  No.5452038


I suggest two deer slug, double barrel, just in case you miss, then call me in the morning let me know how you feel

8cf322  No.5452039


Train again.

75b907  No.5452040


Q mentioned "1 of 22" Is this it?

b163da  No.5452041


Good one

70e781  No.5452042

"Diversity is not our strength…unity is." - Michelle Malkin.

Her speech was kick ass.

332cbb  No.5452043


Go to this NASA website and read about it already:


5b5b42  No.5452044

File: 576ce9fe2f4ebf0⋯.jpg (344.99 KB, 1592x1040, 199:130, Gold in CB vault.jpg)

c50df7  No.5452045


That is 100% wrong.

36ee13  No.5452046

"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the latest New York law expressing the state’s hostility to the Second Amendment Monday.

The “Red Flag” law will take effect in 180 days.

The legislation allows the court system to seize legally owned firearms without a criminal conviction. Private individuals, law enforcement and school administration can request that judges impose gun confiscation on those they personally deem a threat to themselves or others.

The bill lays out a process through which a judge can issue an order preventing individuals deemed to be a security risk from either possessing or buying a gun for six days.

During that period, a hearing would be held in which the judge could extend the gun ownership ban for up to a year- all without any form of criminal conviction, and merely at the request on an individual who deems another to be a dangerous threat."


6a0d18  No.5452047

File: 1580e5e637ce39a⋯.png (470.15 KB, 742x552, 371:276, fine penis shaped outline ….PNG)



b9ffb2  No.5452048

File: e7914bf661e6ff3⋯.jpg (74.77 KB, 395x380, 79:76, roncountdownonyourmomshill.jpg)

08cff9  No.5452049

5fd3fc  No.5452050

File: b7812bbee64c86b⋯.jpg (178.6 KB, 723x807, 241:269, NoForce1.jpg)


Anons do not endorse your "MAGA riots" concept.

We are doing information warfare here at Q Research.

9f3fa4  No.5452051

File: 871bde2335e9a5b⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 883x684, 883:684, 871bde2335e9a5bf98b8657a91….jpg)







Bring it over anon?

210a57  No.5452052


I'm not sure it's exactly like a NASA countdown in those terms

for example, there's no T-30 anyway

0f6ab3  No.5452053

File: c726df63be12ac7⋯.jpg (64.6 KB, 500x565, 100:113, 2uyzoq_1.jpg)

c1a426  No.5452054

File: 205f6630f369bff⋯.png (234.82 KB, 558x1037, 558:1037, ClipboardImage.png)


she answered the Q (@QellyAnon) account instead


e547db  No.5452055


March, 1st!!!

d7b5de  No.5452056


Daily Reminder HOAs do not have any power to enforce their fines.

Also, hot car parked on snow.

Also, kind of funny.

65673f  No.5452057


>So why did potus hire him and keep him on for so long? Why does potus give jared all those important jobs?

Besides Ivanka and the boys he knows best how POTUS ticks and what info is relevant enough to bring back. No wasted time with other's personal agendas. Opposing parties also know they are getting as close to POTUS's take without POTUS himself being there.

ee9eb2  No.5452058

File: 056a54763cfdb73⋯.png (341.87 KB, 625x467, 625:467, ClipboardImage.png)


And you are 100% faggot

4ed889  No.5452059

File: e6a9576f2b8f50b⋯.jpg (79.25 KB, 928x523, 928:523, fs7am56pdu.jpg)

ah my liddle toi boi your such a fag im begining to like you hope you got some lube ready


32a85d  No.5452060

File: 7c8ef2cdd31ab5d⋯.jpg (225.98 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN CANDICE OWENS REPORT.JPG)

d2c8e5  No.5452063



Send us your location

And we will

7064ca  No.5452065



It's a SPELL Anon

If you don't believe our language has been corrupted to be used against us, you haven't been paying attention


4856d8  No.5452066


Search wasn't working…

Found it… putting something together for NB

a672cb  No.5452067



f9e020  No.5452068

File: a87c5faad80e72c⋯.jpg (26.65 KB, 721x486, 721:486, FB_IMG_1551473122891.jpg)

41500c  No.5452069

File: 23dea206757d116⋯.png (50.09 KB, 927x555, 309:185, Screenshot 2019-02-26_19-1….png)


0f6ab3  No.5452071

File: b719a95301ab2bc⋯.jpg (70.81 KB, 610x457, 610:457, 2uw9if_1.jpg)

File: 231920896f96bbb⋯.jpg (74.09 KB, 533x800, 533:800, downloadfile-7.jpg)

For all the anti gun anons.

8b14b3  No.5452072


Well, explain to these fuck-tards here that UNITY does not mean holding hands and singing Kumbaya with third-world migrants and/or third-world kikes.

They mistake "Unity" for an acceptance of multiculturalism.

DIE-versity is the DEATH of the white race. Period. Germanic people need to unite. We are all we can trust.

b82849  No.5452073


Yeah, and gold rush airs fridays..

Whats your point?

8cf322  No.5452074

An eternity is not one. When you have faith.

God wins.

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