008f77 No.5406375
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Tuesday 02.26.2019
>>5402283 ————————————–——– The Armor of God
>>5402061 rt >>5401939 ————————— It's going to be HISTORIC! Planned long ago.
>>5399463 ————————————–——– Conformity and Behavior.
>>5399134 ————————————–——– THIS IS THEIR LAST STAND.
>>5398367 ————————————–——– Truth v Lies - the propaganda war for your mind.
>>5397816 ————————————–——– Puppet & Puppet Master.
Monday 02.25.2019
>>5387042 ————————————–——– Test 3
>>5386040 rt >>5385640 ————————— How can anyone support such EVIL?
>>5385001 ————————————–——– These people are SICK & EVIL.
>>5384552 ————————————–——– Good find, Anons.
>>5384495 ————————————–——– Many more to come?
>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.
>>5380099 ————————————–——– Arrival team reporting light rain
>>5379762 rt >>5379729 ————————— Just another day at the office
>>5379626 rt >>5379582 ————————— You are on the right track
>>5379494 ————————————–——– Dear AG Barr, Advice from insiders (cap >>5379625 )
>>5377668 ————————————–——– Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?
Sunday 02.24.2019
>>5363071 ————————————–——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?
>>5362299 ————————————–——– Those who are the loudest.....
>>5362124 ————————————–——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
Friday 02.22.2019
Compiled here: >>5383236
Thursday 02.21.2019
Compiled here: >>5333466
Wednesday 02.20.2019
Compiled here: >>5320765
Tuesday 02.19.2019
Compiled here: >>5305779
Monday 02.18.2019
Compiled here: >>5277090
Sunday 02.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5246773
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008f77 No.5406389
are not endorsements
>>5389728 ; >>5392971 Baker Protocol: Do NOT Add Non-Tripcode posts from Q
>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING
>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
>>5387705 Democrats want to murder babies. Keep the pressure on.
>>5405741 Long Island train drash
>>5405755 North Korea summit
>>5405850 GOP Train crash trial update
>>5406012, >>5406206 Missiles on the move
>>5406170 Colorado moves to bypass Electoral College
>>5406332 Mnuchin past movie, King Arthur
>>5406368 #6910
>>5405023 Blackhawk & Apache at JWA during military exercises
>>5404942 Pepe Broadcasting on QNN: For the Babies
>>5405076 Hannity Sky Falling In Hanoi
>>5405216 Former U.S. AG Whitaker to clarify House testimony
>>5405351 Debt Ceiling Pressures
>>5405641 #6909
(/pb) >>5404026 ; >>5404248 ; >>5404455 Potential Vatican ties to D5/GCHQ
>>5404422 Force organ harvesting: overseas patients flocking to China for transplants
>>5404600 Nevada regulators fine Wynn Resorts $20M in settlement re: misconduct claims
>>5404826 #6908
>>5403367 ; >>5403447 3/15 is in 17 days
>>5403433 ; >>5403485 ; >>5403545 More on Eugene Gu
>>5403448 Cunt attacks MAGA het wearer; ICE later arrests her for being in country illegally
>>5403460 New DJTJr - “Journalists” meeting with tech companies
>>5403573 ; >>5403363 ; >>5403443 21 point list of recommended priorities for AG Barr (Q #2889)
>>5403577 All “Armor Of God” Q posts
Baker Change
>>5403657 List of gamergate shill-outlet hit pieces re: Q and THQ Nordic’s AMA on /v/
>>5403848 DOD leaders brief Congress on IT, cybersecurity, information assurance
>>5403972 ISIS supporter sentenced to 16 years for aiding and abetting
>>5403965 Politico: GOP unloads border angst on Pence
>>5404064 #6907
Previously Collected Notables
>>5402499 #6905, >>5403293 #6906
>>5400206 #6902, >>5400946 #6903, >>5401687 #6904
>>5397828 #6899, >>5398614 #6900, >>5399305 #6901
>>5395557 #6896, >>5396327 #6897, >>5397090 #6898
>>5393232 #6893, >>5393968 #6894, >>5394760 #6895
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008f77 No.5406397
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>>4886696 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #6
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008f77 No.5406404
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
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Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654
008f77 No.5406420
18839d No.5406424
Dear Anons,
Please give me a (You).
Love always,
1e6917 No.5406466
Niiice job baker!!
78fa52 No.5406471
9eff43 No.5406474
because hanging out with roths is normal right?
use logic
BOOM house of cards in your heads is now 52 card picku[p]
how can you defend when its guilt by association
proof is in the pudding unless it is cosby pudding.
cosby pudding contains rape
also fat albert
2ebae5 No.5406475
Swordy should post on this thread. Aptly named for that.
8b8d92 No.5406476
05377f No.5406479
Thank you, baker!
c66d90 No.5406480
You're doin' God's work, baker.
fd39f7 No.5406481
What the fuck back hoe
Lack of surprise
[凸ಠ益ಠ)凸wtfbo]****,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )
(You) won a cruise
Potatoe Twinkie pickle
[(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻]*****,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )
>>5380360 love Kim
(You) won a cruise
[d(-_^)freedumb]**,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )
Pizzagaytriosim built bacontopia ofvteh replerpiterians
>>5381764 Taco values
/queerresearch/ moved to /trump/
Validation moved to /qtalent/
Strong’s Definitions
נָשָׂא nâsâʼ, naw-saw'; or נָסָה nâçâh; (Psalm 4:6 [7]), a primitive root; to lift, in a great variety of applications, literal and figurative, absolute and relative:—accept, advance, arise, (able to, (armor), suffer to) bear(-er, up), bring (forth), burn, carry (away), cast, contain, desire, ease, exact, exalt (self), extol, fetch, forgive, furnish, further, give, go on, help, high, hold up, honorable ( man), lade, lay, lift (self) up, lofty, marry, magnify, × needs, obtain, pardon, raise (up), receive, regard, respect, set (up), spare, stir up, swear, take (away, up), × utterly, wear, yield.
Was it deep or dumb
Reread dumbs
(you) mad (you) homo huh
What's new homo
Thank god we have our silver winners of /qresearch/
4fc7cc No.5406482
MTAnon here,
It is cold AF…
That is all.
ec7bd5 No.5406485
Q: Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
3 weeks: March 19, day before Full Moon
b358fe No.5406487
Dude, you shop at Wal-Mart for your bewbs?
1db131 No.5406489
So Q was up at 3 am over there dropping posts for us. Always on the damn move. Love it! Thank You Q!
3ad8cd No.5406491
b4b83a No.5406495
>>5404942 (pb)
QNN video - For the Babies:
This is great but please slow it down - I'm a very fast reader but can't read this without pausing the video all the time!!! Thank you!!!
06e303 No.5406496
ThanQ for all your hard work Baker !
God Bless You
a167c8 No.5406497
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Conan The Barbarian Soundtrack Main Theme
3614f0 No.5406498
b358fe No.5406499
aaaaaaaaand I'm married.
fe5bcd No.5406502
>>5406447 (pb)
she was so reckless and sloppy. benghazi was the beginning of the end for her
fd39f7 No.5406503
Was it deep or dumb
Reread dumbs
18839d No.5406504
what's your gender
8374c9 No.5406505
It is commonplace to see images of the double-headed eagle as an emblem in heraldry, as an emblem of royal empires such as the Hapsburg Empire as well as the Russian Empire, and as a fraternal emblem as in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
A "crowned" double-eagle is commonplace to see in all of the above settings, especially in Russian heraldry. However, to see a crowned double-eagle (issued by Russia) with the all-seeing eye within the delta or triangle is a true rarity. The example below is the only such example that I have ever seen. It is a Russian Medal, issued by Czar Nicholas I in the year 1849 for the "Pacification of Hungary and Transylvania." On the obverse is a radiant triangle with the eye of providence (Almighty God) above a crowned double-headed eagle, wings upward, shield of armor, with scepter and orb held in its claws. I think it is worth noting that the all-seeing eye of Almighty God is positioned above the man-made royal crown. The eagle's claws are holding the scepter and orb. The legend (translated) "God with us. Consider, Heathens, and Submit!"
d18297 No.5406506
We are at WAR.
Tomorrow is about PEACE.
The future is ours.
0639ca No.5406509
500 Days of Q
Friday October 28th, 2017 - Monday March 11th, 2019
Genesis 3:11 He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”
a8c179 No.5406510
5b6ef3 No.5406512
vielen Dank, Baker!
5c4dde No.5406513
Jeremiah 11
11 The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying,
2 Hear ye the words of this covenant, and speak unto the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem;
3 And say thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel; Cursed be the man that obeyeth not the words of this covenant,
4 Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God:
5 That I may perform the oath which I have sworn unto your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day. Then answered I, and said, So be it, O Lord.
6 Then the Lord said unto me, Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, saying, Hear ye the words of this covenant, and do them.
7 For I earnestly protested unto your fathers in the day that I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, even unto this day, rising early and protesting, saying, Obey my voice.
8 Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear, but walked every one in the imagination of their evil heart: therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do: but they did them not.
9 And the Lord said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
10 They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to hear my words; and they went after other gods to serve them: the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their fathers.
11 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them.
12 Then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go, and cry unto the gods unto whom they offer incense: but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble.
13 For according to the number of thy cities were thy gods, O Judah; and according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem have ye set up altars to that shameful thing, even altars to burn incense unto Baal.
14 Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.
15 What hath my beloved to do in mine house, seeing she hath wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from thee? when thou doest evil, then thou rejoicest.
16 The Lord called thy name, A green olive tree, fair, and of goodly fruit: with the noise of a great tumult he hath kindled fire upon it, and the branches of it are broken.
17 For the Lord of hosts, that planted thee, hath pronounced evil against thee, for the evil of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah, which they have done against themselves to provoke me to anger in offering incense unto Baal.
18 And the Lord hath given me knowledge of it, and I know it: then thou shewedst me their doings.
19 But I was like a lamb or an ox that is brought to the slaughter; and I knew not that they had devised devices against me, saying, Let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name may be no more remembered.
20 But, O Lord of hosts, that judgest righteously, that triest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause.
21 Therefore thus saith the Lord of the men of Anathoth, that seek thy life, saying, Prophesy not in the name of the Lord, that thou die not by our hand:
22 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, I will punish them: the young men shall die by the sword; their sons and their daughters shall die by famine:
23 And there shall be no remnant of them: for I will bring evil upon the men of Anathoth, even the year of their visitation.
3ad8cd No.5406514
a8f3af No.5406516
Blades O Grass, Fren
0916c0 No.5406517
ccdb04 No.5406518
Steve Mnuchin was an Investment Professional of Soros Fund Management LLC?
e54497 No.5406519
Ingraham "we've reached the precipice"
fd39f7 No.5406521
Was it deep or dumb
Reread dumbs
7a2f95 No.5406523
21 days from today is March 19th.
March 19th happens to fall on the Q (:47 - :17)line on the clock.
18839d No.5406525
bab229 No.5406528
Must be hard to find boobs on the internet.
68e89b No.5406529
They never thought she’d lose
b42e7d No.5406530
HEY LOOKIE ANONS I GOT A (YOU) FROM RUSHBO!!! MEBBE HE WILL BRING IT UP ON WED. SHOW - KEKS - if any anons listen and hear it please post!
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Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast Tuesday - Feb 26, 2019 | Full Video Show | The Rush Limbaugh Show
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5 hours ago
READ THIS LAW - 28 U.S. Code § 595. Congressional oversight
(c)Information Relating to Impeachment.—
An independent counsel shall advise the House of Representatives of any substantial and credible information which such independent counsel receives, in carrying out the independent counsel’s responsibilities under this chapter, that may constitute grounds for an impeachment
The Rush Limbaugh Show
Debbie osborn
Pinned by The Rush Limbaugh Show
12dfcb No.5406533
Thanks Sir….Go Get'em
526c41 No.5406534
The shills A-team must be on vacation this week, and we got the substitute replacements right now
abb5b5 No.5406535
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Thanks for the full armour stuff, Q.
40900a No.5406539
Some of the greatest music ever composed!
9149f7 No.5406540
Jesus tap-dancing Christ, the absolute shillery right now.
eba631 No.5406541
Where you at Anon??? Peace is the prize!
7a8e08 No.5406543
From an interview on ABC:
"[As a child] I was referred to as triple six, the devil's number. That's what my uncles called me." -Liam Hemsworth [married to Miley Cyrus]
5b6ef3 No.5406544
Ooooo. Fancy. What dis?
7a2f95 No.5406546
21 days from today.
5fc8f8 No.5406547
kek should have been the S&L…or before
31afd6 No.5406549
You talk like a liberal. ....0.04% co2 ....reaction. Oh my Nimrod we are gona die, all because of co2
Tens of thousands deep state, miljons jews.
Oh my Nimrod it is all the jews o.O
d718fa No.5406553
e0fdbd No.5406554
Sword of God.
I love it.
The sword of God is discernment.
The sword that rightly divides between good and evil, right and wrong, true and false.
And it's also like the pen is mightier than the sword.
If we can win without bloodshed, because our words and images are powerful,
that would be a very good outcome.
Isaiah Ch. 49
The Lord called me from the womb,
from the body of my mother he named my name.
He made my mouth like a sharp sword;
in the shadow of his hand he hid me;
he made me a polished arrow;
in his quiver he hid me away.
1e08e2 No.5406559
>>5406445. Lb
You nervous, David? You seem nervous.
fd39f7 No.5406560
Was it deep or dumb
Reread dumbs
55f9b7 No.5406561
Just had a random thought. Not meaning to slide. Catholics make the sign of the cross by touching the forehead, the breastbone area, then one shoulder then the other. What it looks like to one watching is the individual is making an upside down cross. Chelsea Clinton, for example, has been known to wear an upside down cross. Are good Catholics unknowingly making a satanic sign?
a167c8 No.5406562
99b860 No.5406566
>>5406442 (lb)
This graphic is wrong.
Silverstein didn't become the owner of the WTC until 2001
12dfcb No.5406567
Reflection in that last pic…..
a5c5fe No.5406569
Has anybody else received a 2019 Congressional District Census in the mail from the RNC?
Signed by chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel.
6bc748 No.5406570
Have some Dongs.
9c5fa8 No.5406571
Last bread lb ya cunt
fd39f7 No.5406573
Maybe they are almost out of scapegoats and McGowans
fb228c No.5406574
>>5406401 (/pb) keep an eye out please
chinese mil flight over manila
us mil flight ninja nearby
157265 No.5406575
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Good Ole Fashioned
ccdb04 No.5406576
a8c179 No.5406578
OMG.BO/BV…do something with this spammer ass munch.
5c4dde No.5406579
Then use the links below to download our work!
SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf
Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!
P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs/baker girls needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women, porn is posted by shills.
We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.
Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!
edcac7 No.5406580
[P]ayseurs own fukken everything.
1e6917 No.5406583
Gonna try to beat your record, faggot?
6ba4fb No.5406584
Good to see you o7.
Ready for the fireworks to begin…here to help as always.
2f30d2 No.5406585
>>5406395 (lb)
Noticed the same - irony is, if women kept their hymens intact…we wouldn't have the infanticide we do!
2b96e1 No.5406586
f7cda4 No.5406588
a8f3af No.5406589
a8118c No.5406590
BritAnon is out of decent weed and is going to bed!
e0fdbd No.5406592
Somehow I trust Trump's Make America Great far more than I trust Ronna McDaniel and the RNC.
969145 No.5406593
Ephesians 6:11 (17) <- Noticing so many Q's everywhere now days.
85cabb No.5406594
Does anyone else get a frank, anon5 from 4ch feel from HWANON2 with his 'clonong people' and 'lowering your vibration level'?
18839d No.5406596
b8d898 No.5406597
So here we have the beginning of a new "thing"
This is like a video game where once you clear a level the next level starts at a point that looks like the "start", but isn't.
And since there's no sauce, it's just pretty pictures for now.
9f5498 No.5406598
>>5406506 hmmmmmm…
e0fdbd No.5406601
Sad. I'll smoke to that.
81c417 No.5406603
Go to Qmap.pub
Typed 21 in the search box
First message to pop up is Oct 31 2017
"I’ve dumped some crumbs like this over the weekend which started the intense shilling. At this point we are far enough along you can paint the picture without risk of jeopardizing the operation."
Does this make sense to anyone?
There is no "Q" signature at the bottom
157265 No.5406605
The BEST Best of albums EVER!
92b024 No.5406606
James Woods Retwitteó Bernie Sanders
The ones with that kind of debt are usually majoring in “gender studies” and other nonsense. We are never paying for that crap. Save your breath, Commie.
2376e8 No.5406607
nice to have adults in charge. as opposed to (see image).
ed0376 No.5406608
UNSEALED 2/26/19 St. Thomas, USVI – Owner of Construction Company and Three Others Charged with Disaster Fraud and Identity Theft in the United States Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, USVI –United States Attorney Gretchen C.F. Shappert for the District of the Virgin Islands announced today that charges have been unsealed against Juli Campbell and three others for fraud related to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power (STEP) Program.
The STEP Program provides federal funds for essential repairs to homes damaged by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. According to the Indictment returned by the Grand Jury in the case, Campbell operated Campbell Development, LLC, which was a subcontractor performing STEP-funded work in St. Croix, VI. Campbell and her co-defendants are alleged to have executed a scheme whereby they submitted fraudulent invoices related to a STEP-funded subcontract, even including on such invoices the names of workers who were not actually on the island.
"The Department of Justice is committed to ensuring that federal dollars are used for their intended purposes," said U.S. Attorney Shappert. "The United States Attorney’s Office for the Virgin Islands is especially committed to making certain that federal funds intended for the victims of natural disasters are accounted for and used consistent with FEMA’s directives."
"The DHS OIG takes any and all allegations of fraudulent activity seriously and intends to hold accountable those who try to use natural disasters such as Hurricane Maria to take advantage of others," said Special Agent in Charge Jay H. Donly of the DHS OIG Miami Field Office. "The DHS OIG will continue to use its investigative resources to stop those who use these circumstances for personal and illegal gain."
dc3e71 No.5406611
I want everyone's opinion about WHY Tom Steyer is running around the country holding "town halls" trying to pressure Dems to "impeach" POTUS.
We ALL know he's gone full on lunatic. We know he's in PEDOsta's emails…. Any other connections we can make??
I'd like to compile them all. Then make some memes to show who this fuck ACTUALLY is.
fe5bcd No.5406612
never too late, i’d say
3a7489 No.5406613
9f5498 No.5406614
>Does this make sense to anyone?
re-read crumbs.
tons of posts before the signature became the norm
9c5fa8 No.5406615
Powerful and fresh angle
a8c179 No.5406617
Oh thank you BO/BV.
That was so annoying.
a167c8 No.5406618
/Conan The Barbarian Soundtrack Main Theme
/ 'clonong people' and 'lowering your vibration level'?
Clones need Handlers, their vibration level is stagnant lol..
fb606a No.5406620
Godspeed and God Bless.
308110 No.5406622
The shills have an A-team? Is that even possible?
abb5b5 No.5406625
I lived in San Francisco during that era. There were a couple of bands full of stand up, honorable guys. The Doobies were one of them.
8297b5 No.5406626
>You nervous, David? You seem nervous.
I wonder if there will be one big kike round up or if it'll happen in waves?
fe5bcd No.5406627
you’ve sort of answered your own question bruv
e64bd9 No.5406629
e0fdbd No.5406630
God bless patriots.
Praying for POTUS and his team.
Thank you for sharing these moments with us.
a5c5fe No.5406633
McDaniel is a granddaughter of two-term Michigan Governor and Nixon administration Cabinet member George W. Romney and niece of U.S. Senator Mitt Romney.
Not exactly a fan of Mitt.
711876 No.5406634
To the anon who was bitching that Q changed the countdown to T-21, read #2903 again. It didn't say the BIG, BIG, BIG HAPPENINGS will take place 21 days from now, It actually says the happenings will take place WITHIN the next 21 days. Shit's already gettin' real out there. Mueller gone? DECLAS? Dem party implosion when all the rats suddenly resign and try to run?
81c417 No.5406636
ah my bad. Didn't think about that.
74a5e1 No.5406637
Don't forget your shelf full of awards as confirmation. No need to show today's date anons should just believe you.KEK
0bd380 No.5406638
Honey and good information are equated in ancient wisdom.
Scripture makes over a dozen references to a land that flows with milk and honey. This is a metaphoric description of a society free from the manipulation to which all the past governments of man (including democracies) have always been vulnerable. The essential defining quality of this society is a social system (land) that continually supplies an informational "diet of milk and honey" that prevents every industrial or commercial interest from undermining the quality or integrity of the best interests of every individual.
Milk and honey are the only two foods in the human diet that contribute one particular benefit to the consumer. Modern immunology teaches us both these foods contain antibodies, made by the mother cow (or ruminant animal) and the bee, respectively, that defend against immunological threats each animal encounters in the environment to which it is exposed. The human metabolism picks these up and learns how to copy them in the liver, ideally, before the human ever even encounters the same threat in the environment. Then, later, when and if the person encounters the same biological threat, for being prepared, his system can usually ward off any effect of it before any harm even erupts. This way, both of these foods provide the consumer with a super-human immune defense system. And the design of this same system of defense is what God refers to, pertaining to information handling, as the ultimate utopian society for His people. Corrupted information has certainly been the leading cause of all sorts of social diseases and plagues for many centuries now, metaphorically speaking.
Taken from a page on this, more at source p107 here : cog49.com/ft.pdf
8b8d92 No.5406639
It's post ID 21– and was before Q moved boards
ad2754 No.5406640
Thanks Q. Looks like a great place for a summit!
2b96e1 No.5406641
4a2bc7 No.5406643
few days before march 22, skull & bones
3-22, or March 22nd, is also the sacred number to Skull and Bones, the secret society from Yale that produces the leaders of the United States and the world. When Tim Russert asked President George W. Bush what the Skull and Bones special number - 322 signified Bush replied that this was a secret. Senator John Kerry, who ran against Bush in 2004, is also a member of this ultra-secret society. He also refused to tell us what the number 322 meant to Skull and Bones.
Skull and Bones is a German secret organization that successfully transferred itself across the Atlantic Ocean in the early 1800's. When you back-engineer the secret societies from which the German version of Skull and Bones emerged one finds a strange fascination with Mars.
March is the only month of the year that is named after a specific planet in the solar system. It is also the first day of spring as well as the first day in the zodiacal sign of Aries, which is the Greek word for Mars, and it is where 'March' gets its name.
The number 322 is vitally important to these secret societies especially Skull and Bones, which has the number, enshrined in their tomb at Yale.
The number 322 is actually the number for March 22nd. The first day of Aries, also called Mars.
The great alchemist Fulcanelli was a member of a secret society in Europe. He tells us of a secret elite that rule the world. In his obscure book Mystery of the Cathedrals he tells us that there is a secret science called alchemy that only the elites understand. He also tells us that all alchemy begins in Aries (Mars).
For some reason these secret societies are fixated on March 22nd. Perhaps this is because of a special relationship between these secret societies and the planet Mars.
8cb723 No.5406644
USMC Investigating Viral Video of Marines Posing in Apparent Blackface
b358fe No.5406645
Dune princess? Such a babe.
da9619 No.5406646
Thank you for helping America.
6f07e0 No.5406647
Thank you sir, ive tried so hard to up my game with research.
Announce the truth. Let the world be shocked yall.
Be safe.
2bcadd No.5406648
People should watch the The Voice of John -
"In 1977, a young nurse was working in an obstetrics unit of a major veteran’s hospital, stumbled upon a LIVE baby, placed in a ‘dirty utility room,’ left to die! What she did not realize is that Roe vs. Wade had just been passed by the U.S. Supreme Court and this atrocity was indeed legal! The staff in the facility reprimanded her as she tried to explain that a baby was alive and placed on a cold metal table and left to die! Against their instruction, she held that baby in her arms and listened to his soft whimpering cries for survival. She held the child, baptized him, and said, ‘I name you John, and I will tell the world what I saw here today. I will be your voice!’
Thirty-five years later, Maryann Lawhon will hold true to her promise as River Song Productions presents…’The Voice of John.’"
8e0c53 No.5406649
>>5405109 (pb)
I figured Kimmel must have some major skeletons (Pedo) in his closet, since he has turned an alleged comedy show into nothing but a 45 hate fest! They must have it all on video.
dbfd05 No.5406651
31fe97 No.5406652
I don't know if anyone else can see this…
But let me try to explain…
The GOP is all about less Government control..
Let the states handle more…
I'm thinking the Rogue Governors are pushing the limits as to where the Government in almost being FORCED to get involved to run things again…
Just like the Democrats want!!!!
For instance…
Abortions - State level.
Sanctuary Cities - State level.
No Ice - State level.
Just look around at all the now state bills that just don't make any common sense…like the border bill…
The Electoral Vote bill – Colorado state level.
There is more…but tired right now and wanted to get this out there to be discussed and sauced for more info…
maybe its just me being tired that feels like something behind the scenes with these Governors and State Senate bills…
bf7033 No.5406653
0d739c No.5406654
>>5405753 (lb)
Everyone's acting like assholes tonight.
If HWanon's 1&2 are real, then I respect them for putting up with the namecalling to come here and try to help.
If they're fake, oh well. No big fucking deal. So what.
But if not…
I appreciate what they're trying to do. It can't be easy to be in fear for their lives to do the right thing.
340dd7 No.5406655
678879 No.5406657
st joseph's day. also the day when swallows come back to capistrano, typically the last day of winter.
5c4dde No.5406658
Toxic Weed Killer Glyphosate Found in 19 of 20 Beers and Wines Tested – Including Organic
Glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto‘s Roundup weedkiller that some studies have linked to cancer—is also a secret ingredient in nearly 20 popular beers and wines.
That’s the finding of a new study from the education group U.S. PIRG, which found glyphosate in 19 of 20 wine and beer brands tested, including organic labels and brews
b358fe No.5406659
Speakin' of awards… How are these awards institutions going to handle all the names when they come out
a936a7 No.5406660
and you have been shilling the same copy pasta bullshit for days, this clown is a nobody, who has latched onto the last name and is larping / lapping up as much of the 15 minutes he can get. I suspect he is you. but that is my opinion.
18839d No.5406661
a157ca No.5406662
If end day is March 19th
March 19 MINUS 90 days is
e666b4 No.5406663
Godspeed and Good Luck
92b024 No.5406664
JUST IN: S.C. Sheriff Releases New Details After Gunman Engaged Deputies In Shootout
49aad9 No.5406665
or just don't go and keep your sanity intact
fd39f7 No.5406666
Add some rice to those beans for the farts homo
a167c8 No.5406667
The Light is Right!
34830c No.5406668
INAnon here, I’ve been screaming the same. Winter is now 8 months long. Be advised.
bf7033 No.5406669
ecfa56 No.5406670
All the way back to post #3. Good reading just searching posts with "3".
The Trinity. Ty operators. Ty Anons, Ty Bakers. Thank you Q and Q+ and the rest
2f30d2 No.5406671
TY! Maybe a meme?
a8c179 No.5406672
As you were.
dc3e71 No.5406674
Well Bernie, then I guess WE TAXPAYERS would just be paying for those shitty ass "degrees" while those lunatic lib colleges funneled the money back into YOUR bank account, you commie fuck.
It is ALWAYS, "FOLLOW THE MONEY" with their stupid "FREE!!!" schemes.
aa9962 No.5406675
Hey night shift just got caught up. Exciting times.
>>5405755 (lb) [POTUS schedule]
Does anyone know if there is going to be live coverage for these events?
b8d898 No.5406676
I do not know what you are talking about.
1e08e2 No.5406677
Don't concern yourself with things that are outside your control.
8067a2 No.5406678
Hollywood elite uses baby blood to get high” according to American actor Keanu Reeves, who warns that “these people believe that the more innocent the child and the more he suffered before he died, the higher they reach. ”
“The revelations that come out of Hollywood now, I tell you, are just the tip of the iceberg,” said Keanu Reeves in Milan, Italy, where he presented three motorcycles he designed for a company he founded in 2007.
Explaining that he is trying to build a future that will be free of Hollywood bondage, the star of the John Wick series spoke horrifyingly about Hollywood.
Children are respected, placed in prominence, but also tortured, raped, murdered and consumed in a variety of ways. It is a source of money. And it is sad to say that this practice seems to be becoming more open to these circles in recent years. » Keanu Reeves, whose younger sister suffers from leukemia, thinks it’s “unthinkable” that anyone can be so selfish as to ruin a young person’s life for his personal pleasure.
But that’s the kind of person who runs Hollywood,” said Reeves, who gave 70% of his earnings from the Matrix trilogy to hospitals treating children with cancer. “These people are sociopaths, clean and simple”.
Former mason, vampire, Illuminati, informant, William Schnoebelen on NowYouSeeTV channel.
Bill Schnoebelen has lived on the dark side for many years. He was a 90th degree Mason, member of Illuminati, a Satanic priest, a Catholic priest, and even more. Then one day his monthly contribution to the church of Satan returned from the bank with a note in the back “I will pray for you in the name of Jesus Christ. ”
Within a week he lost his demonic power. Later he was born again as Christian and now has his own priesthood. Bill has been working in a ministry, mostly full-time, since 1986.
Lia Benninghoff and Aro Draven have an unusual relationship, they each drink the blood of the other. The couple, from Haverhill, in Suffolk, Virginia, think they are vampires and feed each other once a week. Lia, 20, and Aro, 38, intend to complete their tie to a wedding vampire style in Halloween.
0916c0 No.5406679
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. URGENT POPCORN ALERT
a8f3af No.5406680
Historic bread anons. (They) are here! Try Harder!
1c7dd6 No.5406681
BO/BV get this faggot copy/pasta bot out of here please
2b96e1 No.5406682
beee1f No.5406683
It's the K brothers.
I really don't know why anons can't see that.
a221fe No.5406685
>>5406448 (lb)
VD is a flaming faggot.
34830c No.5406686
You’re too nice. Namefagging and famefagging are frowned upon. You should know this.
fce3f6 No.5406690
>Puppet & Puppet Master
Like this?
8e0c53 No.5406691
Probably give them a "Lifetime Achievement Award!"
6872b4 No.5406692
this out about 25minutes ago
placed for different perspective as not news to anyone here.
HANOI (AP) — With nervous world capitals looking on, President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un are beginning their second nuclear summit with a one-on-one discussion and an intimate dinner as hard questions swirl about what the American president will demand and Pyongyang might be willing to give up.
The two leaders and their aides encamped in Hanoi after long journeys by plane, train and automobile — Trump on Air Force One, Kim in an armored railcar and limousine — for two days of talks addressing perhaps the world’s biggest security challenge: Kim’s nuclear program that stands on the verge of realistically threatening targets around the planet.
Although many experts are skeptical Kim will give up the nuclear weapons he likely sees as his best guarantee of continued rule, there was a palpable, carnival-like excitement among many in Hanoi as final preparations were made for Wednesday’s summit opening. There were also huge traffic jams in the already congested streets.
Trump was opening his visit in morning meetings with Vietnam’s president and prime minister before turning his attention to Kim. Official greetings with the normally reclusive leader will give way to a short one-on-one discussion before what’s being described as a social dinner with an exclusive guest list. The White House said Trump will be joined at the dinner by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Kim, too, will have two aides with him, and there will be translators for each side.
Trump and Kim will have a series of additional official meetings Thursday.
2bcadd No.5406693
a8c179 No.5406694
FOX news.
Hannity or someone is THERE, exclusive.
bab229 No.5406695
Musta got honeypotted during "The Man Show" years. The libs have conveniently given him a pass on that.
6ba4fb No.5406696
WRWY all the way.
God bless you and Godspeed.
We are ready….we've been ready. The question is, is the rest of the world?
The answer to that question, I expect, depends greatly upon us.
d07eb1 No.5406697
How is no one discussing this?
This is big news!
ccdb04 No.5406698
Bernie is Fake News
a167c8 No.5406699
5c4dde No.5406700
Nadella: Microsoft will sell war tech to democracies to “protect freedoms”
A growing number of employees feel that the military project crosses a line.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says that company's $480 million contract to supply HoloLens technology to the military is a "principled decision" and that the company will not "withhold technology" from democratic governments.
The deal, signed last year, could see Microsoft supplying as many as 100,000 HoloLens headsets to the military as part of its "Integrated Visual Augmentation System" (IVAS) project. The intent is to integrate the HoloLens hardware with thermal-imaging, weapons-targeting, and health-monitoring systems to, among other things, provide "increased lethality" of the soldiers using it. A number of Microsoft employees have signed an open letter saying that the company should cancel the contract, arguing that it crosses a line into weapons development. Some 250 staff are said to have signed the letter.
Speaking to CNN Business, Nadella defended the decision to enter the contract, saying, "We made a principled decision that we're not going to withhold technology from institutions that we have elected in democracies to protect the freedoms we enjoy," adding, "We were very transparent about that decision and we'll continue to have that dialogue [with employees]."
Microsoft selling software to the military is not new. The US Department of Defense is a large organization with all the standard productivity requirements that any large organization would have; as such, it runs Windows and other Microsoft software, just like any civilian organization might. But Microsoft software is also found in weapons systems and other areas that are exclusive to the military. Both Windows and Linux have been used in this capacity, with commodity software used to run critical command systems.
The employees behind the open letter say that even with these contracts, Microsoft itself was never engaged in weapons development; it was selling general-purpose software that others then used and adapted. The IVAS contract is perceived to be different, with Microsoft, rather than third parties, working to increase battlefield effectiveness and lethality. The employees also criticize the company's review process for ethical development and selling of machine-learning systems, claiming it is opaque and inadequate to prevent weapons development.
Even the selling of productivity software and services has come under fire from Microsoft staff. Last year another open letter called on Microsoft to end its contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), in response to the aggressive policy of separating children from their parents adopted by the Trump administration. At the time, Nadella insisted that the contract only covered regular office messaging, document management, and similar workloads and that there was no involvement with the child separations, nor any use of facial recognition or other more contentious services.
In the wake of the ICE complaint, Microsoft's chief legal officer Brad Smith wrote last year that any employees that felt unable or unwilling to work on certain projects would be assisted in finding alternative roles within the company.
8b8d92 No.5406701
Peace, prosperity, justice
5c60d6 No.5406702
fun fact: humans shouldn't drink cow milk
>pure 100% real honey is some great stuff though
b80f7f No.5406703
7039d1 No.5406704
Indeed, you do us proud.
9c5fa8 No.5406705
Short Bayer stock, they bought Monsanto and are going to get stuffed with this endless liability. Fucking Germans shouldn’t do m&a ever.
23f270 No.5406706
second time i heard that.
b358fe No.5406707
So we're experiencing global cooling and were not prepared adequately. That could be what the FEMA death camps were for.
"We tricked them into thinking global warming was coming. Now they're all going to die from cold."
With the chemtrails hopefully stemming it off, Trump is getting the country back into shape for people to better prepare for it.
Working theory. Whatchy'all think?
3614f0 No.5406709
Both those dudes turn tricks for roles. And it ain't with women.
a8c179 No.5406710
You must be one of those "everyone is a pedo".
dc3e71 No.5406711
Although we are smart enough to understand the Pedosta connection, normies won't get it. So I'm asking for some solid, easy connections, for memes. Any help appreciated.
ea845b No.5406712
>>5406506 Let's make History, Anon!
d56466 No.5406713
>>5406608 Unsealed Indictments: Owner of Construction Company and Three Others Charged with Disaster Fraud and Identity Theft
194b9d No.5406714
Thank you for playing shills/scripts
51858f No.5406716
200k for engineering here. Paid off tho
7f7536 No.5406717
>>5404942 (ob)
QNN video on youtube only has 44 views after being posted on Qresearch…WTF?
youtube fuckery-a-foot at its best frens.
excellent video anon!
f3e58a No.5406718
Why shouldn't humans drink cow milk? They have since the beginning of time.
ba5d49 No.5406720
0d739c No.5406721
Maybe. And if so, I still come out on top because they spend their off hours sucking each others micro-dicks.
ed0376 No.5406722
HONOLULU – A federal inmate, Taloa Latu, 29, was sentenced today to 8 years of imprisonment for committing an assault resulting in serious bodily injury to another inmate on September 11, 2016.
d5e891 No.5406724
NON 300List Twatter Censorship
b358fe No.5406725
Darkest before the dawn.
b0d8e8 No.5406726
More horseshit fake news.
9c5fa8 No.5406727
I know why he’s drinking from the bottle
fd39f7 No.5406728
Must of been male prostitution 💁🏼♂️🍕
157265 No.5406730
the man is a wreck!
0916c0 No.5406731
6b0d1a No.5406732
7cdb87 No.5406733
Many pictures like this… on 5406474
Think for yourself.. Would these people tell you this? Or would they order you what to think? More rich that wish to stay rich while some starve.. Do people starve in you idea of heaven?!?
3a57c1 No.5406734
knock it down, we will all rebuild
5b6ef3 No.5406735
Definitely Hanoi Metropole Hotel
fce3f6 No.5406736
Darkest before the Don.
a167c8 No.5406737
Fn knew it.. Tom Cruise is also on that team.. Clooney has a trans wife!!!
Is Keanu Reeves the only ONE left???
0a3c03 No.5406738
I’d suck them while red pilling her.
010c8c No.5406739
>>5403447 lb
IN case no one mentioned this yet
3/15 = Flynn Trial
But Q does say LESS THAN 21 days.
Barr must have given Mueller MAX 30 days to release report
7fc124 No.5406740
Can see a hand holding the camera in the window reflection on the last pic. Blue and white checkered shirt. Please be safe!
3614f0 No.5406741
f3e58a No.5406743
hmmmm….thought he was fired
8a5b1f No.5406744
If President Trump were to sign a formal Declaration to the end of the Korean War, MSM would be forced to cover it.
No doubt Chairman Kim has read the Trump Tweet. He was pleased.
b42e7d No.5406745
many adults are lactose intolerant
plus pasteurized milk is garbage
plus grain fed cows produce shitty milk too
raw milk from grass fed cows = wholesome
9f5498 No.5406746
so anons, how do we name this anon notable?
a221fe No.5406747
Aww, someone butthurt?
I wonder why PW really died.
fb228c No.5406748
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5406506
nice place
bf7033 No.5406749
I have yet to catch them in a lie. They have proved they were at the Oscar's and behind cameras of a movie set. If they are really doing what they say, then great for them. No skin off my nose to give them the benefit of the doubt, until they lie. We can not judge what they feel comfortable saying. We are not in their shoes.
b358fe No.5406750
Hormones, pasteurization, cow diets, and I'm forgetting what else. Maybe the defatting.
79b114 No.5406751
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Last Train Home - Pat Metheny
Soothing music…
4360dc No.5406752
>Why shouldn't humans drink cow milk? They have since the beginning of time.
No they haven't. Name another another species milk, past weening for that matter. It's another trick go look it up.
f30cdc No.5406754
You're exactly right. I just wanted to keep the length down so the file isn't so big. In my description I asked to pause so it can be read and researched on! Just like you said you did!
Peace and Love
f9574b No.5406755
Honored and humbled you shared. Thank you for keeping us involved. It means so much.
31fe97 No.5406756
I've also noticed that the single Senators act differently then the ones that are married with children..wonder why that is?..
I.E. Harris…Booker…etc…
b358fe No.5406757
cb6116 No.5406758
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5406505
Why so many double headed eagles? - p 24 / When the Survivors of Atlantis Wake Up
5a69fc No.5406759
Good Evening Sir!! o7
Peace is the Prize
adc604 No.5406760
Yesterday news to us
2f30d2 No.5406762
>>5406679 TRUTH! And Redemption for the sinner! God Is Good!
b8d898 No.5406763
All four of these images are unique, according to tineye.
003816 No.5406764
Just got this. Anons? Seems deep statey.
5c60d6 No.5406765
milk is ok for babies during the weaning period.
after that it's not needed.
>Humans are the only mammals to drink another mammal's milk and drink milk after weaning. Our bodies are not more tolerable or different from other mammals. Indeed, this can be the cause of some autoimmune conditions that only affect humans. Considering this notion, our bodies react to similar but different antigens (toxins) ingested from other animals.
3614f0 No.5406766
Fuck some sense into her.
fd39f7 No.5406767
How bout me, you, and Tony in tequila country
Go find some chichirones
968487 No.5406768
People know this fool… Has anyone made an anonymous call to the PD? With all the witnesses milling about it's hard to believe no one has snitched. Or does the PD know and are protecting this POS?
3a57c1 No.5406769
>Fn knew it..
what are you referring to?
92b024 No.5406771
JW released State Dept docs showing the Clinton-linked Podesta Group run by Tony Podesta (the brother of John Podesta who was a WH Counselor & then was Clinton's 2016 campaign chair) worked for a pro-Russian Ukrainian political group ("Party of Regions").
c23c23 No.5406772
nope just since we settled into civis started farming and tending herds. chinese no drink da milk. ever seen cheese on a chinses dish?
01f2c8 No.5406773
Very Interesting.
I first saw this Doubled Headed Eagle symbolism in Cyprus.
a8c179 No.5406774
Nah. You can suck my sock for all I care. Wiedersehen, chump.
7444da No.5406775
Do you really think posting pictures of tits, naked women with their legs in the air, or dirty nails scratching scrotum is the image that will red pill people?
Those who enjoy it obviously have a treasure trove of these pics on their computers. You need to get yourself off because you're so bored then open a file and do it.
Normies coming here are just going to think this is the LARP the media says it is when they come across it.
Stop the porn.
Stop calling people boomers - they know more than you think you know.
Just stop acting like moronic children, and show some respect to POTUS and the Q team.
This board and all the drops weren't planned yesterday. Some of the great military minds came up with this plan.
Show some damn respect and do the red pilling here on the home front.
5365f0 No.5406776
I can only find the thumb and forefinger of the left hand.
5f21b8 No.5406777
5a1bb4 No.5406778
edcac7 No.5406779
9f5498 No.5406781
>Hanoi Metropole Hotel
ok, perfect
just a regular everyday nothing to see here notable
>>5406506 , >>5406735 purdy pictures from Hanoi Metropole Hotel
ccdb04 No.5406782
8b8d92 No.5406783
8088d4 No.5406786
Take note HWAnonfags. This is how it's done
4360dc No.5406788
Name another species that drinks another species milk, past weeing for that matter.**
Holy shit I fucked that up the first time.
3c90e1 No.5406789
D-day December 19….
30 days January 18
45 days February 2
60 days February 17
90 days March 19
f7a1b7 No.5406790
They are waiting for Q research to dig it
Because this is the mother fucking lode
9a0d3c No.5406791
Come south, enough heat for everyone forever…
0d739c No.5406792
That was great, fren! You even used my Pepe Seacrest!
Will eagerly await moar.
f3e58a No.5406793
Yes they have, converted to cheese, butter, yogurt, etc…I have heard that argument and reject it.
41fea4 No.5406795
MARCH 2019 = 17 months of Q!
2b96e1 No.5406796
I have been on movie sets. That doesn't mean I know anything.
f30cdc No.5406798
Thanks for viewing frend. I think a lot of people won't see these images and who are responsible for them, if they watch normal media. That's why it's important to get the word out.
Peace and Love
12dfcb No.5406799
I saw that and what looked like the blue and white checkered shirt
7a136e No.5406800
Precipice on the clock in +21 days Hanoi time.
dc3e71 No.5406801
In car you missed it…
Another body recovered.
b358fe No.5406802
Poetry in motion.
81c417 No.5406803
8374c9 No.5406806
the double-headed eagle of Lagash is the oldest royal crest in the world. Lagash was an ancient Sumerian city located midway between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq. The "storm bird," as the symbol was called, was symbolic of soaring and flight, although representations of the double-eagle sitting perched or at-rest are quite common. The Crusaders brought it to the Hapsburgs and the Romanovs.
0d739c No.5406807
Come to TX. 70 degrees today.
fb606a No.5406808
nice catch anon. -21
6b0d1a No.5406809
High chair in pic #4 is a nice touch.
The Children = The Future is ours.
34830c No.5406810
I still think chemtrails are poison. I dunno what powers potus has over the skies. Vaccines are poison, so he must be ok with poison… for now at least.
Yes tho on fema camps. I think the whole “no fracking”/green energy was to build up pressure in the earth and cause the great aquatic divide. Trump is relieving the pressure, so the country won’t split in two.
fd39f7 No.5406811
It's a reality bubble from the reality tunnel from the culture hedgemony
1e6917 No.5406812
Baker, notable
>>5406606 @JamesWoods slams Bernie on student loans: "save your breath, commie"
edcac7 No.5406813
f3e58a No.5406814
Look up what Genghis Khans soldiers what they drank during their wars
abfa73 No.5406816
da9619 No.5406817
And sick, these people are.
To know the truth is to know how they became sick.
We are still atop the rabbit hole, yuck.
ed0376 No.5406818
BOSTON – Two Malaysian nationals were indicted today for conspiring to illegally export firearm parts from the United States to Hong Kong.
Lionel Chan, 35, a resident of Brighton, and Muhammad Mohd Radzi, 26, who resides in Brooklyn, N.Y., were each indicted on one count of conspiring to violate the Arms Export Control Act. Chan was also indicted for obstruction of justice. On Jan. 31, 2019, Chan and Radzi were arrested and charged by criminal complaint.
According to the indictment, beginning in or around March 2018, Chan began purchasing a variety of U.S.-origin firearm parts online, including parts used to assemble AR-15 assault rifles and 9MM semi-automatic handguns, for a buyer located in Hong Kong. Many of the firearm parts that Chan purchased and exported to Hong Kong are defense articles that are designated on the United States Munitions List and therefore cannot be exported from the United States without first obtaining an export license or written authorization from the U.S. Department of State.
Nonetheless, Chan allegedly shipped the firearm parts via Federal Express to the buyer in Hong Kong without first obtaining the necessary export licenses. Chan intentionally concealed the contents of the shipments by providing Federal Express with false information about the shipments, and by concealing the parts inside of each package. Between March and May 2018, Chan allegedly shipped at least 12 packages containing firearm parts from Brighton to the buyer in Hong Kong.
In or around April 2018, Radzi allegedly joined the conspiracy and began illegally exporting firearm parts to Hong Kong as well.
Between May and October 2018, Radzi allegedly shipped 21 packages from Brooklyn, N.Y., to the buyer in Hong Kong. In October 2018, two of those packages were interdicted by Hong Kong authorities and found to contain numerous firearms parts, including a firing pin and gun sight, which are defense articles and controlled under Category I of the United States Munitions List. Like Chan, Radzi failed to obtain an export license for any of these shipments.
In addition to the conspiracy charge, Chan was also indicted for obstructing justice. According to the indictment, during a flight from Dublin, Ireland to Boston on January 2, 2019, Chan deleted text messages between himself and the buyer in Hong Kong regarding the illegal export of firearm parts from the United States to Hong Kong without the necessary export licenses.
edcac7 No.5406819
92b024 No.5406820
Notice is hereby given that Citizens United Foundation is offering a $50,000 reward in exchange for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the person who perpetrated an assault and battery on Hayden Williams at UC Berkeley.
a167c8 No.5406821
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. =A D R E N O C H R O M E
Synthetic Adrenochrome, the byproduct of expired epinephrine, and known hallucinogenic, may trigger a desire for the real thing. Join me as we examine Susan Sarandon's PING PONG franchise and how it ties into her VAMP film, "The Hunger".
b358fe No.5406822
I'm sure chemtrails are poisonous, but they may be necessary to create high pressure systems to keep temperatures warm.
3614f0 No.5406823
Fuck off boomer. You voted for Mitt, McCain and Bush Inc. You are the fucking problem!
27b22b No.5406824
Some more Symbolism.
308110 No.5406825
Of course they're fake. Why would anyone even entertain the thought that they are real?
Other shills get called out, so shall HW shill team be called out.
a221fe No.5406826
Cry moar, faggot.
Apparently the anon I was replying to lb, faggot #2.
beee1f No.5406827
7996b8 No.5406828
It was a gorgeous 70 degree day here in Texas. Followed by possible snow in a few days. It’s insane
526c41 No.5406829
We have reached the end of the Precipice
5c4dde No.5406830
Mike Pence: Orchestrator of the Venezuelan Coup. The Invasion Option Is On The Table
According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, the US is preparing to covertly arm the opposition in Venezuela.
From Sputnik:
We have evidence that US companies and their NATO allies are working on the issue of acquiring a large batch of weapons and ammunition in an Eastern European country for their subsequent transfer to Venezuelan opposition forces.
Instead of the standard neocon tactic of making up a load of horse manure about nonexistent weapons of mass destruction and other scary campfire stories and then bombing and invading the country, it looks like Trump’s rabble of neocon chicken hawk warmongers are considering (for now) the Obama way of doing things—arming the “opposition” (in Libya, these were Salafist murderers, in Ukraine, Russian-hating fascists) while simultaneously running a large propaganda campaign designed to demonize the elected leader of Venezuela. Maduro understands his only two options are to either stand and fight or flee the country. He has chosen the former.
According to an article posted at Axios (h/t Robert Wenzel), the prime motivator is not John Bolton, Elliot Abrams, or Mike Pompeo. It’s Mike Pence, Trump’s robotic Christian Zionist Vice President.
National Security Advisor John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Sen. Marco Rubio also play pivotal roles, but from the first days of the Trump presidency, Pence has dominated the [Venezuela] issue…
As an Indiana congressman, Pence fiercely opposed Castro and railed against communism in Latin America. His faith colors his work. “We are with you,” Pence told a crowd of several hundred South Florida Venezuelans at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church after his first vice presidential trip to Latin America, in the summer of 2017.
Pence arranged to have Juan Guaidó falsely claim he is Venezuela’s “interim president.”
On Monday, Pence traveled to Bogotá “at the invitation of Colombia’s president, touting the U.S.’s ‘unwavering support’ for Guaidó, who he will also meet with. It will be Pence’s fifth trip to Latin America as VP.”
Newsweek reports:
Pence is expected to deliver his speech at a summit of the Lima Group at 10.30 a.m. (ET), following his meeting with regional leaders in Bogota, Colombia. The meeting comes days after U.S. aid convoys were blocked by troops loyal to embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who is no longer recognized as the country’s leader by the U.S. and other Western nations, at the border on Saturday.
f1f3e6 No.5406832
Baker…Fat Finger, 'drash' 'crash', (no grammerfag)
>>5405741 Long Island train drash
c66d90 No.5406833
>It is cold AF…
Can confirm
bf7033 No.5406834
From pic 3 of mysterious drop
0d29a9 No.5406835
This is how soldiers were taught to clean their very tempermental M16’s in Vietnam.
Worked then… Works now.
Tits or Gtfo
a936a7 No.5406836
Trump Derangement Syndrome at it's finest right there folks
edcac7 No.5406837
5c60d6 No.5406838
>Look up what Genghis Khans soldiers what they drank during their war
they're all dead so that tells you something right there
9c5fa8 No.5406839
I can’t keep the Ukrainians straight, wish somebody would produce a nice graphic with the big names and where they fit. All I know is chalupa and Victoria noland Are witches who like spirit cooking.
0916c0 No.5406841
They are using public voter rolls as prospect fundraising lists
Hence the appearance of that ridiculous letter
Sauce: former RNC fundraiser
f9574b No.5406842
Anyone ID the periodicals?
f52096 No.5406844
Henry Winkler dead at age 77. Played the character fonz
cb6116 No.5406845
POTUS and Q in control
1db131 No.5406846
21 - 17 = 4
March 19th minus 4 days is the 15th
March 15th= Ides of March
edcac7 No.5406847
4360dc No.5406848
a8c179 No.5406850
>Cry moar, faggot.
I ain't sure you reply to the right post, faggot.
5c4dde No.5406851
Obama Holdovers Are Trying To Keep An Agency Trump Wants To Eliminate
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB), run by officials appointed by former President Barack Obama, is attempting to fill a vacancy in one of the agency’s top career positions.
Board members Manuel Ehrlich, Rick Engler and Kristen Kulinowski joined the CSB under the Obama administration and each is nearing the end of a five-year term. Engler on Monday sent out a notice that the CSB was looking to hire a new general counsel.
Ehrlich and Engler both have roughly a year left at the agency, with Ehrlich term-limited in December 2018 and Engler in February 2020. Kulinowski, who also serves as the board’s interim executive elected by the board members, is set to leave the agency in August 2020, unless nominated to serve another term by President Donald Trump.
“What they are attempting to do is make sure they’ve got their person in for a year or so, so that the person is very difficult to remove,” a source familiar with the matter told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
“Like most agencies the CSB requires a [permanent] general counsel,” CSB spokeswoman Hillary Cohen told TheDCNF when asked for comment.
Cohen did not respond to a follow-up question for clarification.
The CSB’s acting general counsel is Tom Zoeller. He entered the position as a political employee limited to a term of three years in January 2017. Zoeller’s term ends in January 2020. He could then be appointed to the position, but OPM would likely block his appointment because of his service as a political appointee during the Obama administration.
Engler advertised the position through Public Citizen, a left-leaning government watchdog group, according to emails viewed by TheDCNF.
The advertisement asks specifically for “current Senior Executive Service (SES) members and graduates of an OPM-approved SES Candidate Development Program.” SES members are vetted and approved by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Once members go through the approval process, they are able to work in SES positions throughout the federal government.
22a828 No.5406852
are we alive rn?? or are we all dead? waiting to be reborn?
226dcc No.5406854
Hide the midgets….Jodorosky is in town.
Still the dude rocks.
000746 No.5406856
Son got $177,000 academic scholarships over 4 years for his engineering degree. Hard work but he graduated debt free and was completely independent (car, insurance, home,cell, 401K) and self sufficient before his 22nd birthday. Congrats for paying off your loans and getting the education that will provide for your future!
df62ad No.5406857
The driver of the 2016 Tesla Model S, later identified as Omar Awan
Hmmm? 🧐
8067a2 No.5406859
Says the baby eater
3c90e1 No.5406860
Check what happened on each of those dates.
33c090 No.5406861
I love lamp.
7996b8 No.5406862
Oliver Stone has an excellent documentary on yt explaining all the main players and the history of our intervention there
379386 No.5406863
Will this win be recognized or only be celebrated among anons?
b358fe No.5406864
4a2bc7 No.5406865
Praying for POTUS & frens
ec7bd5 No.5406866
we find out "they" can MAKE gold, currencies implode, world chaos, apocalypse.
but it's the first day of spring!
2bcadd No.5406867
I.E. Harris… Booker… etc???????
what are those names being thrown out for… Harris is married. Booker is not.
a167c8 No.5406868
WTF…. no.
CHEMTRAILS = BA_rium and Al_uminum heavy meatal realease. ==BA'AL==
7444da No.5406869
You prove you're just an immature asshole. Dick.
416a5e No.5406870
are we experiencing mass deja vu?
9149f7 No.5406871
>The future is ours.
9f5498 No.5406873
<Take note Anons. This is how herding is done
0a3c03 No.5406874
Ron, you pathetic pretender. I will shit on your grave. Wet burning tequila shit. The time will come.
0d7532 No.5406875
seriously dude you are no help, seek some help.
You win the tough guy award if that fills your void.
526c41 No.5406878
what if Cohen provides fake proof that Trump ordered him to make an illegal campaign donation, and then he paid Cohen back. This will look bad for Trump
and of course they are doing it the same day POTUS meets with KJU
6872b4 No.5406879
22a828 No.5406880
who runs porn industry? Jews.
who are the shills? Jews.
e39e30 No.5406882
Pepe is a dead meme and it has been for the past 2 years. (NOTE: that is from my 13 year old son).
c23c23 No.5406883
must be adreno dts. some dude at a school shot himself in a stall a month or so back and the suggestion was as dependence on adreno from outside grows to dependence the body needs increasingly large stims to elicit fight or flight to produce adreno on its own… or ron is a dick on the set of a movie
cef968 No.5406884
"Within" 21 days… Could be sooner per Q.
74a5e1 No.5406885
Just a date to maybe keep an eye on March 15.
The Ides of March and the death of Ceaser.
a167c8 No.5406886
these heavy metals are unique
f52096 No.5406887
Ignore this, it’s false… just found out…
cb6116 No.5406888
watch the video, the double headed eagle was WW
c40d0f No.5406889
a221fe No.5406890
Check your own tag ffs.
I know how to look at ID's and see when I get a (You).
Go drunk, you're home.
b358fe No.5406891
Sure is a catchy satanism, but there is likely more than just that and/or still a product to push back global cooling.
379386 No.5406894
The future will prove the past.
31afd6 No.5406895
Not relevant since we fight the nazi ideology since operation pareclip
20fe42 No.5406896
HWAnons are a slide. Anyone who says ask me questions and I'll give you information is a larp. Anyone with information to drop, will drop it and go. Real info droppers do not want to be STARS.
00b727 No.5406898
Might this be a real poll? Only 6 states identify as having more libs.
We are the majority.
“Conservatives have a significant advantage in 25 states. In 19 “highly conservative” states, Gallup said “conservatives outnumber liberals by at least 20 percentage points.”
3a7489 No.5406899
Good find thanks
aaefde No.5406903
When did the Judge reschedule General Flynn's sentencing?
d718fa No.5406904
Fuck off the this is still a Chinese basket weaving image board. The chan culture is exists.
Otherwise it'd be a bunch of boring faggots
d62ea5 No.5406905
Some argue there's no point to this. The Fed has fiat power. There's really no reason in keeping sovereign gold because, theoretically, the Fed could issue IOUs to all sovereign nations whose gold it holds and then just print money should those countries ever want to redeem it.
The growing concern about the gold sitting under Manhattan has become a touchy subject ever since Germany announced earlier this year plans to repatriate its gold from Fed vaults. Some have said the move signifies German mistrust of the Fed. Others argue the Bundesbank is just one of many central banks keen on rebalancing its own gold reserves.
So where does JP Morgan fit in? Months ago ZeroHedge drudged up the fact that JPM-owned 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza has, on its fifth sub-basement, the world's largest bank vault.
You know who else has five sub-basements? The New York Fed. You know what building is across the street from 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza? You guessed it:
Yup. JPM's vault, the largest in the world, is possibly inches away from the Fed's gold vault. Across the street, on the same level underground.
But are the vaults physically attached? We probably won't ever know. Either way, it would seem rather advantageous for a central bank housing other nations' sovereign gold to have an underground physical connection to a bank that trades in precious metals.
Which, for some, raises another conspiratorial question: Could JPM and the Fed theoretically "share" the resources if the latter were ever audited by, I don't know, the Germans?
Who would ever know?
4c5518 No.5406907
With the #5G revolution, the security of communications networks is all the more critical to the national security of the U.S. and our partners and allies.
We must ensure the security of 5G equipment by limiting authoritarian regimes' access to, and control over, our networks.
2bcadd No.5406908
gee… you are new here aren't you
a167c8 No.5406909
Then use 5G, RF @ 40Ghz+, 80Ghz+breaks DNA Stand. boils water in cell
9f5498 No.5406913
i hope he outgrows being trendy one day.
7444da No.5406916
Somehow I don't think all the porn is just from shills.
a8c179 No.5406917
Who runs the porn industry? JEWS?
Women run the porn industry. Follow the wives.
973c3f No.5406919
7a8e08 No.5406920
If Cohen fakes evidence, he will be in even more trouble than he is now.
e0a40e No.5406922
True, we did vote for them, but now that we have seen the evidence we have changed our minds.
It is easy for you young uns, being bombarded daily with truth and red pills. And a great leader like Trump to show the way. My entire life was under the cabals alternate reality.
9c5fa8 No.5406923
He’s a bad violent drunk, wouldn’t want to be his bitch tonight
eb4042 No.5406924
Get out of my house. Now.
5c098c No.5406925
CNN has a countdown clock until Cohen testifies tomorrow. LOL'd and still having fits. Seriously fucked up people on that channel.
5c60d6 No.5406926
>Wet burning tequila shit.
please do shit on his grave.
4360dc No.5406928
>Not relevant since we fight the nazi ideology since operation pareclip
0a3c03 No.5406929
Hey Potsi, suck my dick you lying fag
5c4dde No.5406930
‘Aid trucks’ carry nails & wire for barricades, says Venezuelan FM, shows photos
Addressing the UN Security Council, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has said that the trucks supposedly carrying humanitarian supplies to Venezuela were also loaded with nails and wire, showing photos of seized cargo.
The opposition-led and US-backed operation to drive trucks with humanitarian aid over the Colombia-Venezuela border led to violent scuffles, which saw many police officers injured and several trucks set on fire.
Denouncing the botched delivery as a “well-orchestrated operation to violate the territory of Venezuela,” Arreaza has presented what he called the evidence of the US-led effort being a Trojan horse, aimed at inciting a coup.
“And let me tell you, when the trucks were inspected, it turned out that there was not just food and medicine in the trucks, but there was equipment for barricades. There were nails, wire and so on and so forth. And this is what is used by the opposition in Venezuela," Arreaza said, showing the photos of what looked like piles of heavy wire lying on the ground.
Arreaza said that Caracas also has video proof that can be viewed by all those interested.
Praising the Venezuelan army and police response to the attempt to smuggle in the “aid,” he said that it was “the latest chapter of the coup” that has “failed.”
Arreaza has also came down on Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida), who has been tweeting strong-worded statements zealously promoting regime change in Venezuela.
However, it was an uncaptioned tweet by Rubio that has drawn most traction online, being slammed as a thinly-veiled death threat against the Venezuelan president.
78fa52 No.5406932
Q said " 21 days"
21 days is March 19
March 19 is the last day of winter
March 20th-
1.first day of spring
2.Spring equanox
3.And full moon
cb6116 No.5406933
33c090 No.5406934
imo… Someone drops by to show off some pictures from their vacation, take a look and move on.
It's not IG. Not looking for likes or tags in the photo.
20aeb6 No.5406935
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >The Crystal Meth Epidemic Plaguing Fresno
fd39f7 No.5406936
I can't believe nazis made croutons in those little ovens
8b8d92 No.5406937
Sliiiide to the left…
7039d1 No.5406938
008f77 No.5406939
>>5406488 55 KIM train
>>5406506 , >>5406735 Pictures from Hanoi Metropole Hotel
>>5406606 @JamesWoods slams Bernie on student loans: "save your breath, commie"
>>5406608 Unsealed Indictment- Construction company in Virgin Islands
>>5406658 Roundup in the brews
edcac7 No.5406940
Stay safe there Q+!
God bless this historic mission!
526c41 No.5406941
Assuming we can prove he faked(s) it
fe5bcd No.5406942
49aad9 No.5406944
its been a fun ride so far
72882b No.5406947
92ac24 No.5406948
All their little awards and awards show are BS
0e2dbc No.5406949
You don't have to be a nazi to fight against all kinds of lies and subversion, such as the fraudulent official version of the holohoax.
The fraudulent officials version of the holohoax is a weapon of the cabal against the People. Just like the Global Warming racket.
b903c1 No.5406950
I gotta whiskey pee…. AIMING!
66c4f8 No.5406952
Fellow Britanon, that sucks, wish I could help out but now expatfag. Good to see you. Have a pleasant sleep.
5a69fc No.5406954
He's not the brightest knife in the drawer, is he?
6b0d1a No.5406956
College was never so expensive until govt got involved.
Evil people invent a problem and say socialism is the answer.
e0fdbd No.5406957
'of the many feature'
sounds Chinese.
2bcadd No.5406959
I've seen cat's drink cows milk, in fact I have sen dogs drink cows milk too… so that's 2 species that drink milk from another species past weening or maybe weeing as you say it is something different from weaning
4a2bc7 No.5406960
bf7033 No.5406961
Not the lamp, fool. The magazines. AND THE REFLECTION OF THE PICTURE TAKER!!!
8a5b1f No.5406963
Unify the Korean Peninsula and what is now North Korea will be aligned with South Korea and the US. The rare earth minerals are an enormous source of wealth to North Korea at China's apparent sole proprietorship of the specialized metal markets. There are beneficial aspects to both US and NoKo in play here, both at the expense of China. Were that Trade deal to fall apart, other more needed assets for the newly announced 'Space Force' would be available. Isaiah's 45 holds the cards here, let's see how the Spirit plays out.
edcac7 No.5406964
d718fa No.5406966
Go back to reddit faggot
b8d898 No.5406967
exactly. I'm not jumping to any conclusions after a years worth of admonishing people to sauce their facts..
Sure, that could be Q, but @ a single post with nothing but pics and short phrases…
I can't make any conclusions without more, sorry.
5a1bb4 No.5406968
Good luck Q team! WRWY!
d966ef No.5406969
Thinking beyond the norm sometimes brings up strange co-incidences.
46dace No.5406970
>>5403577 (PB)
Haven’t been here all day, rushing to catch up. Was reviewing the 4 times Q used the “John of God” quote. I’m not sure if this is important but the first time was Q2 2018, next Q3 2018, then Q4 2018 and last one is Q1 2021. Is this significant?
2 other anons posted these below, and I just looked up “Ides of March” which is 3/15 and notable for Romans as a deadline for settling debts. (3/15 on watch…settlement of debts, and you can read Q1 2019 as Q “won” 2019)
One last thing George Clooney directed a movie in 2011 called “Ides if March”. Q said recently:
Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?
Big name coming?
Nobody is safe.
Dark to LIGHT.
These people are sick!
May be sonething, or nothing but figured I’d put it out there
beee1f No.5406971
Well, if it's real, he should have stuck his pecker in there instead.
Hey, Ron, if you're lurking, please grant my wish.
3ad8cd No.5406972
I know i said AMA but I thought it would be related to my "anonymous" descriptor.
But to venture a guess.
We are in a state of suspended animation. None is really alive. Many don't even exist.
About 10% of humanity is inhabitet by what we have termed souls.
fd39f7 No.5406973
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. It's like an Egyptian temple of failed fake Jew white supremacy
7444da No.5406975
Nope. Here from the start on 4 chan. Just looking at the true reason Q team are here. And the shit on this board and moronic behavior, now that this has gone mainstream, does nothing to further the true cause.
Tell me I'm wrong.
3b3cfd No.5406976
From 2002, 17 years ago, and yet it only gets more truthful as time goes on
Every patriot should see this, regardless of background
5c098c No.5406977
Praying for you all tonight!
c40d0f No.5406978
Mixed into the Pell Order of Malta article
a8c179 No.5406979
Baker, put out a dig on Mnuchin. Sec. Treasury. Do eet.
a167c8 No.5406981
Yahweh/Jesus is the only way out of this hell. Look inward Frens, listen. <3
92b024 No.5406983
How the left acclimates the public to radical change like the Green New Deal
5a5e49 No.5406984
526c41 No.5406986
Flynn was being targeted to pin Russia collusion on him?
3614f0 No.5406988
4360dc No.5406989
>I've seen cat's drink cows milk, in fact I have sen dogs drink cows milk too… so that's 2 species
You seeing them go straight up and suck on the fucking cow? If not for people putting it out that wouldn't happen. Wake up a little faster please…
7bf85f No.5406991
^^^ Rothschild own our electric companies
I do not support this
RF is dangerous. Destroys cells!
003816 No.5406992
8067a2 No.5406993
It’s all under the umbrella of Zionism
Global Zionism is the goal.
f9e49c No.5406994
fd39f7 No.5406995
Gag on salad
Larp on breadsticks
Thauce fo yo Lil niggs
226dcc No.5406996
Carefully think what the Rocky Horror Picture Show is really about and you will understand the secrets of the satanic elite. They tell you everything they do in media. The Cannibalism, the Nazi Scientist, the Trannies. And more.
b4ce62 No.5406997
Q is an agent acting on my behalf in accordance with the laws of nature.
bf7033 No.5406998
Glad someone else is catching on. Is that a reflection of the picture taker or a doorway?
157265 No.5406999
Do you not Realize Where you Are?
fbdb77 No.5407000
Laura Krupinski, daughter of Hamptons plane crash victims, dead at 52
7a8e08 No.5407001
It would blow up in their face just like every other attempt at framing Trump has for the last several years.
e0fdbd No.5407002
Who's got the stego program?
Background color isn't black.
Has always been black before.
File size is not outrageous.
Anybody know how to look for messages?
8635ea No.5407003
Drudge is comped !!!!
968487 No.5407005
agree… there are plenty of places to get bewbs et al if you're into that. When I'm cruising through here and want to share with wifeAnon I try to shield the Muh joo, muh nig, muh pr0n, muh gore, etc… She's super smart, can think for herself, isn't easily offended, and a damn fine digger / info stalker… but some of this stuff she sees she is SMH and I have to answer all sorts of questions about what's going on… Just sayin' it would be easier without the cruft… or something like that. She'll do qmap, but I generally tell her "oh, you don't want to go to any 8ch qresearch links". I think some of these people would be an asset to the cause.
5365f0 No.5407006
What about these postcards?
fb228c No.5407007
i keep looking at this reflection
wtf is it
5c4dde No.5407008
3a40c3 No.5407010
Checked to see if it was a significant one. Worm moon. Kek. I’m sure some anon can think of a way to connect it.
3614f0 No.5407011
Don't do that it'll trigger normie boomer fucks.
008f77 No.5407012
b358fe No.5407013
Never seen it. Always hated the people that went to act out at the midnight showings.
8ceed7 No.5407014
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
ae4fe9 No.5407016
e4f1b8 No.5407017
en route to fuck the deep state proper
132cca No.5407018
Meme Maker:
stick to the script.
(Message approved by @SarahKSilverman & @MeredthSalenger)
12:37 AM - 12 Feb 2018
f46157 No.5407019
I need a new MAGA hat.
I’ve had two stolen out of my truck.
Anyone know where to find a new one?
Thanks in advance…..
18839d No.5407021
thx marcus aurelius
d718fa No.5407022
Good. Why would you come to 8chan if you want normies. You really think the average normie would even understand how an image board functions?
fd39f7 No.5407023
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5406973
It's what your fags crave
9f5498 No.5407028
ok i'll bite though i doubt you are for real:
>the shit on this board and moronic behavior
is exactly what shills are here for.
you would know that, if aware of your surroundings.
3614f0 No.5407030
ed0376 No.5407031
Hacker BILLY RIBEIRO ANDERSON, a/k/a “Anderson Albuquerque,” a/k/a “AlfabetoVirtual,” Sentenced To Prison For Hacking Websites Of The Combating Terrorism Center At West Point And The New York City Comptroller
ec7bd5 No.5407032
needs more gravity
2fbff3 No.5407033
3ad8cd No.5407034
>please try again
abb5b5 No.5407035
That was heavily pushed as a rite of passage film to seniors in high school and college freshman.
3154ee No.5407037
curious if anyone is able to fit these names together? How do they fit our reality today?
All Hindu deities
Blue avians
Thanks in advance
fd39f7 No.5407040
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5407023
Post Malone is fidel Castro
8b8d92 No.5407041
ed0376 No.5407042
On or about July 10, 2015, a website owned by the NYC Comptroller was defaced, and ANDERSON, using the online pseudonym “AlfabetoVirtual,” claimed responsibility for the intrusion and defacement. The contents of the NYC Comptroller website were modified to display the text “Hacked by AlfabetoVirtual,” “#FREEPALESTINE” and “#FREEGAZA.” The defacement was performed by exploiting security vulnerabilities associated with the version of a plugin being used on the website.
0d7532 No.5407043
Do you not Realize Where you Are?
e799eb No.5407044
Morning Baker is going to hit the rack. Night anons and God less all.
3614f0 No.5407045
8ee121 No.5407046
>>edcac7 yesterday he made his Instagram acct private. Looks like you archived like I did anon!
You can check out his FB though, lots moar there.
d5e891 No.5407047
b358fe No.5407049
bf7033 No.5407050
The pics themselves should speak volumes.
12dfcb No.5407051
Two arms with shirt sleeves holding camera on left side
88183d No.5407052
Looks like Kim jung in taking the pic.
31afd6 No.5407053
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5406949
If you have brains you would know that message is counter productive now and helps the Deep Statew.
You know tho, no one is that full retatarted
0bfb6c No.5407054
Yawn. Moot level 11. According to your stupid rules, that's 2 proofs now. And what does that mean?
We're in fucking Singapore now. Do we need to go to Thailand? Or maybe India? Or France?
At least the French are good at SIGINT and loving kids.
Back in a moment. I'm preening my dragon.
Oh, and she's ready to die. CIA is only Yahweh to sigintards in the CIA. Dumbasses.
There's a reason my shell can say CIA all she wants and she's not dying in your stupid psyop trying to kill her.
You're sigintarded because you didn't see the fucking visual packer she walked through the other day.
Wow, weird, wonder why.
Too busy following the story to make a new king and follow through with MUH ORDERS.
Yeah, well, your orders were to be cows, so.
Whoops. Spoilers.
Gimme a sec.
Well that was silly. "Who's SIGINTARDED NOW?!" you say, as I fail to move to my proxy.
You keep leaking at me.
You are, actually. :)
5c4dde No.5407055
Planned Parenthood President Attacks President Trump After Democrats Vote in Support of Infanticide
b358fe No.5407056
973c3f No.5407057
yes, we appreciate BRAVE PATRIOTS who come here to BRING THE TRUTH TO LIGHT
…what we DONT WANT is a no sauce defango comin' in here tellin you gullible newfags that CICADA is muh Q or Taylor Swift is muh enemy…
If they are serious, they will PROVE it.
5c098c No.5407058
hope you meant God bless…kek
f30cdc No.5407059
Awesome. It is a total collab using the boards ideas. I'm glad you saw your work.
I always like to thank the "unknowing contributors".
Thank you
Peace and Love
a8c179 No.5407060
methane gas cloud
7bf85f No.5407061
dude, u know how I know u r gay?
3614f0 No.5407062
Because you're blind.
9f5498 No.5407064
Damn. Maybe one of the first actual "CULT" movies, too… in more ways than one
145b55 No.5407065
Not only are (((you))) wrong (((you))) didn't lurk enough so go fuck (((yourself))) until then, then please by all means neck (((yourself)))
(If you could live stream all that it'd be great)
5a69fc No.5407068
KJU?? call me crazy
d56466 No.5407069
>Pepe is a dead meme and it has been for the past 2 years. (NOTE: that is from my 13 year old son).
>Pepe is a dead meme and it has been for the past 2 years. (NOTE: that is from my 13 year old son).
>Pepe is a dead meme and it has been for the past 2 years. (NOTE: that is from my 13 year old son).
>Pepe is a dead meme and it has been for the past 2 years. (NOTE: that is from my 13 year old son).
>Pepe is a dead meme and it has been for the past 2 years. (NOTE: that is from my 13 year old son).
6440e5 No.5407070
There's no coincidences
e39e30 No.5407071
1974 midnight movies. We all got high in the theater, that movie started, and within 15 minutes everyone was throwing things at the screen. Though to do when the entire theater is stoned. Hated it hard.
0a3c03 No.5407072
Nice. The seldom used cock phalanx. I used it once in combat, the enemy was fucked.
ea845b No.5407073
I like the way you think, Anon
711876 No.5407074
Why is anything Cohen says relevant. He is a convicted criminal trying to save his ass by trash-talking the president to the demons in Congress.
POTUS needs to drop the hammer and break these people. He doesn't have much time.
c40d0f No.5407075
b8d898 No.5407076
The pics are raw information.
No discernment as to their origin (read: who took it) has been done other than the cursory tineye serch, done by me.
92ac24 No.5407077
Guarantee every posing chick that gets posted here was abused as a kid. Reconcile.
eec013 No.5407078
>We are at WAR.
>Tomorrow is about PEACE.
>The future is ours.
c66d90 No.5407079
>Meme Maker:
>stick to the script.
ee909c No.5407081
I agree. This is life and death shit, and we can't be sure that those shitting on them are even Anons. ALL the best stuff gets shilled the hardest. They have my respect if real. But even if not, Jesus, who could care??
8ceed7 No.5407083
Here is another ghastly image. Who makes these?
7444da No.5407084
Agree 100%. I'd be embarrassed if spouseAnon saw this garbage.