f65d76 No.5383241
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Monday 02.25.2019
>>5380595 rt >>5380232 ————————— Think Map. The truth can always be found.
>>5380099 ————————————–——– Arrival team reporting light rain
>>5379762 rt >>5379729 ————————— Just another day at the office
>>5379626 rt >>5379582 ————————— You are on the right track
>>5379494 ————————————–——– Dear AG Barr, Advice from insiders (cap >>5379625 )
>>5377668 ————————————–——– Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?
Sunday 02.24.2019
>>5363071 ————————————–——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?
>>5362299 ————————————–——– Those who are the loudest…..
>>5362124 ————————————–——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
Friday 02.22.2019
Compiled here: >>5383236
Thursday 02.21.2019
Compiled here: >>5333466
Wednesday 02.20.2019
Compiled here: >>5320765
Tuesday 02.19.2019
Compiled here: >>5305779
Monday 02.18.2019
Compiled here: >>5277090
Sunday 02.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5246773
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
f65d76 No.5383243
are not endorsements
>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING
>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
>>5341422 how to edit Hosts File (DNS)
>>5383126 Multiple 2020 Dems signal interest in push to pack Supreme Court with extra justices.
>>5382549 Patton Oswalts wife died while pursuing 'Golden Gate Killer'. Involvement with PedoWood?
>>5382867 Leading Israel lobby group sees massive rise in budget.
>>5382733 US Army Tweet: "Cooking with different shells."
>>5382598 Israel claims Iran tried to hack its missile warning system.
>>5382556 Patton Oswalt shook?
>>5382554 GE surges after selling biopharma division.
>>5383173 #6880
>>5382013 Kraft Sting part of Human Trafficking?
>>5382227 At “World Government Summit,” Globalists Push UN Agenda 2030
>>5382012, >>5382312 Persistent namefag told how shit works around here
>>5381782, >>5381866, >>5381917 Anon reviews Q on Soros and Schiff
>>5381823 Spreadsheet Anon Update
>>5381743 May 2018 ThinkProgress article on the Krassenstein bros'
>>5382430 #6879
>>5381180 Graphic: expansion of Q's pelosi/brown/newsom/getty post from last week
>>5381292 Anon: Was Q reminding us how important saucing our claims is?
>>5381345, >>5381384, >>5381407, >>5381436 Much diggs on Omar Awan
>>5381470 OpEd: DOJ prevented FBI from going after Clintons?
>>5381028, >>5381102, >>5381158 Anons on faking your own Oppo
>>5381316, >>5381396 DC and Politico articles on RR/Mueller Report
>>5381365, >>5381386, >>5381420, >>5381441, >>5381489 Moar on Miss Alva J
>>5381210 Trump Accuser Alva Johnson Feels ‘Responsible’ for Putting ‘Sexual Predator’ in WH
>>5381207 Partial transcript of RR i'view w/C-SPAN's Suzanne Spaulding
>>5380988 18 U.S. Code § 2704. Backup preservation
>>5381642 #6878
>>5380418 Internet Trolls Are Turning Facebook’s Content Moderators Into Rabid 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists
>>5380761 Q's file name in new drop matches to U.S. Code Title 18 Section 2704
>>5380323 Quaker Sex-Ed teacher says kids should be "porn-literate"
>>5380259 Retirees Can Be Court-Martialed for Crimes Committed After Service
>>5380252 MasonicDictionary: "light rain" to signal appearance of the profane
>>5380912 #6877
>>5379729 Graphic: Zero delta
>>5379913 Playboy model Natacha Jaitt found dead: bc drugs, or had pedo evidence?
>>5379518 Iran's FM Zarif announces his resignation on his Instagram page
>>5379887 @SecPompeo: "headed to Asia" #HanoiSummit
>>5379600 Author of "Dear AG Barr" article is Sinclair mouthpiece
>>5379599 21 recommended priorities in "Dear AG Barr" letter
>>5380047, >>5380062 imdb on Oswalt, & a very bad twat (but secondary sauce)
>>5379435, >>5379449, >>5379582 Moar Oswalt: twats book, music vid & COMET
>>5380138 #6876
>>5379223, >>5379254, >>5379066, >>5379097, >>5379101 Vietnam: Lavrov's opening comms
>>5378768 Bayer facing second trial over Round Up & Cancer
>>5378761 Hill: ‘Dear AG Barr’: Advice from (desperate, obvs) insiders
>>5378741 Re: pb's Tesla crash, Omar Awan lived in Davie FL
>>5378892, >>5378981, >>5378776 Moar on Patton Oswalt, law on pedophilia
>>5378710 Brazilian OpEd: Pornography, Capitalism and the Zionist Lobby
>>5378706, >>5378721 Anon rebuts pb note's claim that bitcoin is DS-created
>>5378695, >>5378790, >>5378794, >>5378835 On Hurrican Quiana in the NE
>>5378681 New @DJT: on Danny Burch's return, hostage in Yemen 18 mos.
>>5378671 Reid (((Hoffman))), Tech billionaire, created "deepfake" software?
>>5378667 Boots-on-the-ground report: Anon's pics of TJ fence then & now
>>5378664 AOC got expensive taste: Green New Deal to cost almost $100 Trillion
>>5378651 GOOG's Always Listening: Nest Security System Has Secret Microphone
>>5382285 #6875
Previously Collected Notables
>>5377029 #6872, >>5377818 #6873, >>5378545 #6874
>>5374701 #6869, >>5375528 #6870, >>5376259 #6871
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
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f65d76 No.5383247
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread
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f65d76 No.5383248
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654
f65d76 No.5383262
a040c5 No.5383282
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ
Who made this video?
Do we know?
It is very slick. Hardly amateur.
Do we know where it came from?
Or did it just show up, and was accepted?
Accepted by whom?
How do we know?
Does Jordan Sather push this video?
Does Jordan Sather also peddle things for money?
If you knew certain truths were going to get out no matter what, what would you do?
Would you try to seize the communication of those truths?
Might you expose A LOT, while carefully and subtly controlling the emphasis?
Could controlling the emphasis control perception, and reaction?
Does this video present DIFFICULT and COMPLEX truths using simplifications that will make them seem absurd to many?
While at the same time being extremely slick, and hence convincing?
Does this video take the HARDEST part of our job– explaining complicated and also very weird realities to the public, and run roughshod over the need for careful presentation?
Does it just chuck out an interpretation that is easy, in many ways true, but in others very incomplete– and in any case likely to be ignored by many?
Is this a form of control?
Is saying “criminals took over” a simplification? Does it tend to make a complex reality look a bit cartoonish? And how does that (cartoonishness) make US look?
Is the title “plan to save the world” also cartoonish?
Does it undermine in many subtle ways?
Who made it?
How would we know?
Does anyone ask?
Or just assume someone else did?
Will it get removed?
Does its origins and validity get addressed?
What controls the board and decides?
Are the people in control of this board?
How do you know?
a040c5 No.5383287
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5383282
What is this video? Patriots “explaining the Q board”?
Or is this something being used to push a narrative
onto patriots? Did "chan culture" create Q? That is
the MSM narrative, and that is what this video
reinforces, strongly.
"Chan culture" has been co-opted by fakeness and is now being FORCED.
a040c5 No.5383293
Look at these.
Look, and get real…
Why are we being MOCKED, here?
Do patriots question this?
Do patriots think for themselves, especially when it is obvious something is amiss?
Or not?
331caf No.5383309
It just hit me!
Ivanka is actually SHE-RA!!!
Freakin knew it!
b3a9d8 No.5383311
021b10 No.5383312
cf9bf3 No.5383313
Dreamers for Trump
good video for sharing
In general, Hispanics are CONSERVATIVE.
b71971 No.5383315
You have to go back.
4bc86d No.5383316
>>5383231 (lb)
Notice how the vast majority of Q supporting posts are emotional platitudes
882d69 No.5383318
ty baker , shes pretty ded .
ccbbae No.5383319
>>5383284 LB
refuel post….
wonder why they did not fly over the north pole?
commercial does.
ive flown it a couple times.
a040c5 No.5383321
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”
What is THE keystone…?
b2900a No.5383323
Stomach just turned at this one:
"…the lasagna was yummy…"
17h ago. No fakes here. Sick bastard is taunting Q.
b7be6f No.5383324
doesn't understand why every ageing grandpa doesn't stay home to bang his own Melania instead of having to use massage parlors!
Thinks we all have a Melania in waiting!
5089c2 No.5383325
ba4385 No.5383326
The gun is aiming the wrong way
8f1ab6 No.5383327
Q is PamphletAnon + wife and friends. Spiraled out of control because they started cashing in on it, merch etc.
They use trumptwitterarchive.com to create deltas because it's got a low latency delay which allows you to see tweets quicker.
JAMES COLEMAN ROGERS from Virginia is the primary person behind this.
b48638 No.5383329
notice how the vast majority of clown posts are raging butthurt
277efc No.5383330
Ok I was a Berniefag in 2016. Die-hard, volunteered, all the stops. But HE SOLD OUT. HE WAS BOUGHT. A HOUSE.
These million volunteers he's come up with in a week, did they not see what I saw? I thought we all voted for Trump. Are these new Berniefags or something different?
16560c No.5383331
a040c5 No.5383332
Absolutely pathetic forced meme campaign, bot system.
I am saying this because I want to help you.
Why do you keep doing bizarre things that out your fakeness?
0c209d No.5383333
Spot on Baker! TY.
ea5edb No.5383334
4bc86d No.5383335
There you go with the emotions again.
3e9baa No.5383337
Then he took the bait
613c1b No.5383338
If you told me 10 years ago these would be the men who ended the Korean War, I would have thought you were literally insane.
559fb1 No.5383340
>>5383085 lb
> if anything in there is worth digging into or helps inform a current dig, then great. Figured I'd post what I could think of as being potentially of interest
Thanks, Anon!
3e9baa No.5383341
5089c2 No.5383342
He's also a murderer.
d6ffef No.5383344
b6590a No.5383345
Mueller is doing all the damage while Q makes posts that have no results and lead to LA LA Land…
Q lies all the time..
Robert Mueller’s final report may be delayed pending the possible indictments of Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner for lying to Congress.
b7be6f No.5383346
Melania Ain't Grandpa's Accommodator!.
d14639 No.5383347
Need sauce on that. >>5383309
277efc No.5383349
I feel like that's too easy
77d960 No.5383350
The "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" — that's what Lightfoot calls Daley, Preckwinkle, Mendoza and Chico — would never stand up to Rahm.
5089c2 No.5383351
Is that Emma Watson?
af7520 No.5383352
this impressive shillwave attack is at once
annoying and
This is not a game.
Learn to play the game.
b2900a No.5383353
Hope one day the bait attaches to a bear trap that he triggers with his nutsack.
c395a6 No.5383355
Star who posts creep as jokes.
0 delta coincides with “youre on the right track”.
“Just another day at the OFFICE”
Dwight going down?
613c1b No.5383356
Is this your apology, or your confession?
6a8fb2 No.5383359
Didn't we just anounce happy time…?
Bust their ball busters in FL?
Now this?
0f14b8 No.5383360
still a pretty picture
still no sauce
and wtf does an ex-atty really know?
more projection?
b7be6f No.5383361
Every horny grandpa in PRISON!!!!
7237f2 No.5383362
Brody Stevens Suicide by hanging 2/22/19
Not sure if this is relevant to anything deep state, but it is interesting that in this TMZ interview, Brody rejects the notion that Kanye West's Trump rant back in 2016 was due to a "hypomanic episode." Moreover, he says that Kanye raised 'interesting questions that stimulated dialogue.'
Was Brody a liability?
The more you know
ccbbae No.5383363
why did you get suspended?
sick of seeing the cat.
and u know why?
b48638 No.5383364
Is your emo potato hot, shill?
b71971 No.5383365
>Is that Emma Watson?
Look at the filename, anon.
ebb9ca No.5383367
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - she has been installed to show the world how insane socialism is?
Not a single thing she says is based in fact, yet a lot of Dems and the mindless hordes agree with her.
She is bringing down the Democratic Party by herself!
I am loving this comedy!
774a80 No.5383368
Import / Export companies can be used for human trafficking and drug trafficking, right? From Robert Kraft's wiki.
International Forest Products became a top 100 US exporters/importer in 1997 and in 2013 was ranked No. 20 on the Journal of Commerce's list in that category.[15][16] Kraft said of the business in 1991 that, "We do things for a number of companies, including Avon, Kodak, cosmetics companies, candies, toys." The company produced both corrugated and folding cartons, which he stated, "are used to package everything from the Patriot missile, to mints, to Estee Lauder, Indiana Glass and Polaroid."
277efc No.5383370
apology, but genuine confusion. did they forget what he did?
77d960 No.5383371
Bill Daley facing criticism following billionaire’s contribution
7362d4 No.5383372
edb6f4 No.5383373
It's like swatting flies tonight
021b10 No.5383376
musta hit pretty close to the mark to get em all riled up like that
b7be6f No.5383377
Massive Arrests Grabbing Aged!
95cda0 No.5383378
>>5381743 (pb)
>Before they rose to prominence under Trump
6ee03b No.5383379
Ukraine’s former chief of General Staff indicted, arrested for high treason
ea5edb No.5383380
e2901c No.5383381
Americans tax money…
613c1b No.5383382
Truth is stranger than fiction. Thanks fren.
1189b9 No.5383383
it's Guardian Concrete Week …
concrete, the most destructive material on earth
12246b No.5383385
>>5383096 (pb)
That author also has this…
a0cdb2 No.5383386
e84917 No.5383387
Shareblue go home.
850f90 No.5383388
Lasagna new thing?
a040c5 No.5383389
Stop, bot system. You are outing yourself for no reason, because this tactic is weak as to have no useful purpose for you. Can't you understand what is so fake at this point that you shouldn't try it?
Do you have any idea how to make your fake shit look realistic at this point, when you are still spewing out the exactly frozen image of 4chan you were using when this board started over a year ago?
Is the fact that fake forced culture is imposed here and CLEARLY NOT EVOLVING AT ALL not a problem for you?
Q is not "a chan guy"
That is the MSM narrative, and that is the narrative that "anon" bots like this "anon" FORCE here.
in all seriousness bot system– how are you allowed to keep FORCING yourself on humans when you have been told to stop?
Doesn't stomping all over human free will fuck up your vile plans somehow?
So what gives?
No offense– but are you just stupid?
9d5cc3 No.5383390
Trump cut funding to Pakistan last year some time. Pakistan is likely a deep state controlled OP like NK.
They can't use NK any longer, so Pakistan is next to stir up the shit to distract perhaps?
Haven't done much digging on that, but worth looking into.
Pakistan muslims vs India sikhs and hindus. Not good times as they both have NUKES like NK.
82f809 No.5383391
Many anons have made it clear we are not welcome here. I have dropped lists of names and locations in previous “breads” without HWAnon sig. For obvious reasons. The info we intended to drop is here. The only way to defeat this machine is not band together and not turn away whistleblowers. We we still fight for your message to be heard. Prayers and strength, anons. Bless you all.
HWAnon 1&2
_ ___ds
94272d No.5383392
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Mars, Anti-Grav, Nova, ET/UFOs | Dr. Dunning at OTF2019
From Suspicious Observers (Ben Davidson)
78de03 No.5383394
If it was this Omar he was the only doctor in BROWARD COUNTY who provides Ketamine transfusion "therapy" for psychiatric conditions. (see picture)
Ketamine can be used for MK- ULTRA ding ding ding (schoolschooting?)
Tesla / electric cars perfect assasination tool
Vault 7 leaks (Wikileaks) show us electric cars can be hacked and completly controlled by hackers and used as a perfect assasination tool/ option.
Speed before crash: 75-90 MPH in a 50 mph zone.
The driver was burned alive because officers say there was no handle on the outside ? Then the car caught fire a second time at the tow yard. It took at least another 3 hours to put it out the second time.
- no handles
-The Tesla catches fire multiples times (reports say 3x) after fatal crash.
Could be interesting if this is the person who died in the crash to dig further in his connections like Hollywood and his speciality Ketamine transfusion Therapy
Imo this case stinks as hell
e2901c No.5383395
I am dragonanon.
fb6c6e No.5383396
If the big name in Pedowood is Spielberg, deputize me boss. I want in regarding that hot pedo busting action.
5089c2 No.5383398
He's responsible for Brad Renfro's death.
b6590a No.5383399
Q's posts are interesting but bare o fruit.
b7be6f No.5383400
Military Activated, Gitmo the Aged
b8e605 No.5383401
Just the nature of how my brain works…
All it took The Team was one post of Pedo Oswalt and it's been our focus all day. Which is fine… but don't think for one second The Team doesn't "look here, not there" on us, too. Not that I have a point… just all I saw all day was stuff we covered a million times. No new stars discovered. These HWanons have given jack shit so far (no offense)… just a lot of wheel-spinning. Good for new eyes and to put out a big social media push during Oscars…
913ccb No.5383402
Nestle's meat and skin business getting new owners; Rothschild.
559fb1 No.5383403
>Q is PamphletAnon + wife and friends.
bwahahahaha Pamphlet can barely complete a sentence, idiot shill! Barney Fife is more believable!
abf735 No.5383404
I never heard of the guy until now; ABC has played clips of him from last night, and he has the look of a homicidal maniac.
1fdd8c No.5383405
No one is better than Q at trolling Clowns and Shills and Paytriots into exposing themselves. Look at 'em all go.
af7520 No.5383407
Definitely… they're even throwing in the old Defango\Pamphlet crap
ceadd2 No.5383408
Bernie appealed to a large spectrum of retards.
abae6f No.5383409
Kek, she even outright said facts aren't as important as being "morally right." Pretty ballsy to say such a thing when the Dems claim to have the monopoly on science.
4bc86d No.5383410
keep it coming. Your head will explode
613c1b No.5383411
They like the idea of having a life where people give you everything for free. You did, too, at one point. Red pill them slowly. TANSTAAFL. There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.
b7be6f No.5383412
If QANON was a stock I'd be SELLING!
882d69 No.5383413
seems weird he is defending the accusers , no ?
6f416f No.5383414
Kanye brought the studio to the outdoors
Vid not embedded
f4378b No.5383416
Why are people trying to discredit this?
Not enough Q for you?j
Wait, are they trying to claim that Islam is NOT a vile abomination?
95cda0 No.5383417
If he's here, he's guilty.
b78c2b No.5383418
Shills everywhere
What have anons stumbled upon?
Q is the light everything else is darkness
btw i like this pic
848337 No.5383419
Been here for over a year- seen some shit but this- this right here may be what we're up against.
1st pic is Golda Meir- former PM of IsRaEl.
Obviously relation to Marina A, pic #2 (with her reception body, gaga)
Then we have LBJ, former prez of these United States
Lastly Bibi - I see it.
Former PhotogAnon- I know faces. Creeps me TF out.
They have some tech and are re-creating themselves; past, present and future. Mutiplying their evil generationally.
aad4c7 No.5383421
fake (current Q) [pamphlet] is so dumb.. they fuck up constantly… Whoever stole Q ruined what could have been a great movement.. real anons will never stop trolling them.. the ppl some of you call shills are infact oldfags - they belong here… The ppl that call the shills don't
23df3a No.5383422
Please provide names, order and any evidence you have -
277efc No.5383423
Honestly it was his opposition to Citizens United, but the other things didn't hurt.
613c1b No.5383425
Oh, yeah, forgot about their Ponzi schemes. Wonder if they're running any more of those.
a01ddc No.5383426
I remember hearing him go on about this stuff last summer. thoughts from anons?
George M. Nassif
21 hrs ·
So if my memory is correct,, this means Q did not actually have the 3 THREE DNC Servers, as was stated over and over again from 8Chan, but was only assuming since I have it they have it,, and this is a huge NO NO in my book. I did not release it ALL yet. I am NOW releasing it ALL. This would be a good time to watch the SH-TT hit the fan this coming week. No FB live needed. Once these 7 TB and nearly 6 million documents are released, I'm done. It's finally time for me to go back to living my own life, instead of being owned by these documents. I actually have all three.
abae6f No.5383427
Do tacos have a similar significance as pizza? I notice a lot of celeb and normie-friendly bullshit talks about tacos.
ccbbae No.5383428
are you not sick of it…
every fn day.
that damn cat?
thx baker…
we are breaking the old guard tonight.
609a0f No.5383429
I wonder if Q never showed up what things would be like. Would everyone have gotten so frustrated there would be protests or would people have just given up? I just remember being peak frustrated with no happenings and then FBI Anon and Q showed up. How would things be without that having happened, I mean other than the obvious acrid sweatdown responses
66e78a No.5383430
Here it is at the top of Tom Hanks instagram video. Why does he have Arabic writing flash for a second on the top of the screen?
The video is here.
8c7349 No.5383431
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Anthony 2,500 Illegals coming to rush the El Paso, Border!!!
True Conservatives Minutes [TCM]
Published on 25 Feb 2019
Anthony 2,500 Illegals coming to rush the El Paso, Border!!!
#CrisisAtTheBorder #Help #OathKeepers 3% #DefendOurBorders IF YOU HAVE BP AGENTS OR HOMELAND SECURITY FAMILY MEMBERS PLEASE ALERT THEM… God Bless America!
Anthony lives in el paso and does youtube reports, he supports the wall, that ppl should come here legally
News & Politics
*2500 mainly men from republic of congo and they intend on bum rushing the border at El Paso
MS18 are coming in with them and considered ""extreme"" to MS13😳
The Patriot has put a call out to any able to get there to defend the border….
58d5df No.5383433
ea628c No.5383434
a01ddc No.5383435
>>5383426 (me)
I forgot this one
613c1b No.5383436
We care about truth.
We care about MAGA.
We don't care about your day job.
833f7c No.5383439
Wonder if POTUS & Rodman were speaking in Russian….
882d69 No.5383440
how to translate /?
e130a1 No.5383441
f65d76 No.5383442
e94488 No.5383443
>>5383147 lb
>Man Who Shot At Napa Deputy In Country Illegally, Deported Multiple Times
77d960 No.5383444
Chicago mayoral money-tracker: Daley tops $8M with $1M more from Ken Griffin
e2bc7d No.5383445
This guy. What a fuckwit.
b016b0 No.5383446
021b10 No.5383447
how many devices are you going to post from this bread?
95cda0 No.5383448
Can you add a pedo swirl?
cf8b71 No.5383450
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. NEW RADICALS (us w/in the larger body perhaps?) calling out Courtney Love & Marilyn Manson in 1998 w/ the hand gesture at 4:20 as… what they are.
83f220 No.5383452
Believe it or not Rodman is pretty normal when the cameras are off. I got to hang out with him a couple of times in the late 90's at his house in Newport Beach.
12246b No.5383454
Put up or shut up. No one cares about your CV unless it has useful information attached.
aad4c7 No.5383455
af7520 No.5383457
>Many anons have made it clear
that you would be told again and again that
>we are not welcome here
That should be pretty obvious by now
a040c5 No.5383458
Why are you this weak, stereotyped, cheesy, and stupid, bot system?
How on earth are you so BEREFT of any access to creativity that you are literally compelled to cling to the laughable and really ancient and exhausted "merchant meme" trope– which does NOTHING for you here except prove that THE SAME BOTS THAT CONTROL 4CHAN ARE INJECTED HERE?
How does that help you?
Don't you have any humans to help you?
Do you not let them? Are you just that stupid and stubborn?
Or are the humans that work with you as pathetic as we might imagine?
Either way, I am sincerely amazed at how awful your output is.
Plus, what right do you even have to be here?
You don't have consent.
95cda0 No.5383459
I'm glad he's ok with a lawyer giving up EVERYTHING on his client, because…
4365be No.5383460
Write it down on paper, deliver by courier. Nothing gets intercepted for fags like Schitt to read.
66e78a No.5383461
>>5383440 I don't know anon, I need help. Any translator anons?
2a0020 No.5383462
feast your eyes….. (I've only just begun)
Owner of Rubmaps.com = Veniaminidis Georgios (Miracomm Holdings LTD)
1fdd8c No.5383463
It gets spammed here numerous times a day. Every day. If you had been here you would have known this and not asked. It is meant to discredit this board. This board is Q's board. The post is spam.
This board is Q's board.
This board is my board.
From No-ta-bl-es to Fill this Bread Anons
This board was made for Q and me.
706b4f No.5383464
If it has all gone to shit, why are you still here you stale faggot?
02b429 No.5383465
>>5383111 (lb for those needing it)
are you phonefagging, or desktop?
the reason I ask is I am curious if you can load User JS from Options on a phone.
ea5edb No.5383467
Yes excuse me. Read up on this recently…got upset actually. Read so much here I get confused.
75938d No.5383468
Catching up from last bread for those who care.
>>5383219 (pb)
They believe in literal spirits/the devil, etc. Not all cabal are devil-worshippers. But the symbol users do so because of occult beliefs. It's a red flag that someone believes in a literal satan who they worship. More likely to participate in evil rituals.
>>5383246 (pb)
I didn't mention Jews in my post specifically. 99% of the Jews I would be mentioning are atheists or satanists anyway. I don't mean to divide. If all Jews vanished, there'd still be a hell of a lot of cabal left. If all of the cabal vanished, there'd still be a hell of a lot of Jews left. Even in HW.
We can't ignore Jewish participation in the cabal, or the genuine issues of bias/supremacy I've seen in HW personally or can be verified statistically. But I 100% am not trying to imply Jews are a blanket enemy or that all of our enemies are Jews.
613c1b No.5383469
That's what Q said. Imagine how frustrated we would be if we didn't know what was really going on.
1e2ff8 No.5383470
I wonder which ex official said this?
5089c2 No.5383471
One hit wonders.
559fb1 No.5383472
>I have dropped lists of names and locations in previous “breads”
f1b0c2 No.5383473
Super comfy watching the story with martha mcallum
ea628c No.5383474
You still mean 0
4365be No.5383476
I believe it. When he was brought to tears on CNN I knew he was a hero. It was dangerous what he did.
77d960 No.5383477
The year of the Pig
3d2fba No.5383478
Tacos are vaginas.
0f14b8 No.5383479
>are you not sick of it…
>every fn day.
>that damn fat?
9d5cc3 No.5383480
But Q is all red pill and you are a shill
e130a1 No.5383481
Yeah, and the JFK is alive bullshit and a whole bunch of other tards. The Muh Nigga was aimed at the poster, not that cat tard.
5089c2 No.5383482
It happens. So much degeneracy out there.
b2900a No.5383483
Workfagging, can't sauce properly. That said, pizza, walnut, pasta, hotdogs are all code, so…
b7be6f No.5383484
If going to a massage parlor is engaging in Sex Trafficking, then going to a baseball game is engaging in game fixing.
2a0020 No.5383485
67a83c No.5383487
President al-Assad meets Mr. Khamenei and President Rouhani: bilateral, fraternity relations were main factors against plots of hostile states
Talks during the meeting dealt with the latest developments in the region. President al-Assad pointed out that to realize the interests of the peoples in the region, this requires their governments to stop yielding to the will of some western states, on top, America, and adopting balanced polices based on the respect for the states’ sovereignty and non-interfering in their affairs, particularly as experiments have proven that yielding and implementing the others’ dictates give outcomes that are worse than to be states of sovereign decision.
The two leaders stressed that the escalation policy and the attempt to spread chaos, adopted by some western states, especially against Syria and Iran, will not make success in preventing the two countries from going ahead in defending their peoples’ interests and supporting issues of the region and their just rights.
Why There Will Be No Full US Troop Withdrawal From Syria
Therefore, from 1,000 to 1,700 troops, 200-400 of whom will be US personnel, will remain deployed in the war-torn country alongside with an unknown number of private military contractors. Comparing to the current 2,000-3,000 US troops operating in Syria, this is a notable decrease. However, this is far from any kind of the rapid and full troops withdrawal announced by the US president in December 2018.
In fact, Washington is reshaping its contingent to pursue own political and military tasks in the post-ISIS Syria. The US-led coalition will also keep most of its infrastructure established in Syria, including the al-Tanf base on the Damascus-Baghdad highway. This will allow the Trump administration to achieve the following goals:
To limit the growth of influence of the Damascus government, Iran and Russia in northeastern Syria;
To keep own proxies, the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), under control and prevent any significant progress in negotiations between Damascus and the SDF in short-term. In some cases, this may lead to the creation of a quasi-state on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. This entity will in fact be controlled from Washington;
To keep a direct action tool to influence the situation on the ground. This should strengthen the US negotiation positions in its ongoing bargain over the northeastern Syria safe zone with Turkey;
To continue projecting power in Syria assisting to Israel in its operations against Iranian and Iranian-backed forces.
Al-Maqt enters 32nd year of imprisonment in Israeli jails
After serving 27 consecutive years of imprisonment in the Israeli jails, Syrian prisoner Sidqi al-Maqt, from Majdal Shams town in the occupied Syrian Golan, enters today his fifth year in detention after he was re-sentenced. Israeli occupation authorities arrested al-Maqt, the longest-serving Syrian Arab prisoner in Israeli jails, on February 25th, 2015 after he unveiled the direct support provided by the Israeli entity to the armed terrorist organizations fighting the Syrian Arab Army in Syria.
The Israeli occupation authorities released al-Maqt in 2012 after serving 27 years in imprisonment, only to arrest him again on February 25th, 2015, after they broke into his family’s house and tampered with his belongings and confiscated his mobile phones and laptop without giving any justification for this blatant transgression.
Military Situation In Syria On February 25, 2019 (Map Update)
ISIS cells allegedly attacked an SAA position west of al-Mayadin. Pro-militant sources claim that 9 SAA soldiers were killed or captured;
The ISIS-held pocket near Al-Baghouz has not been eliminated so far;
The evacuation of civilians from the al-Rukban refugee camp is sabotaged by local militants;
ISIS claimed that its members had eliminated a “PKK” mebber in the al-Makif district of Raqqa city;
Ceasefire violations in norhern Hama and western Aleppo;
Syrian aircraft delivered series of strikes on militant positions in the de-escalation zone.
4a2010 No.5383488
Bless you, ebot.
021b10 No.5383489
ah so you got your discord faggots with you?
e84917 No.5383490
What show is that?
55e5ba No.5383491
Can you please use the hard R? You're offending us.
02b429 No.5383492
>>5383125 (lb for those needing it)
are you phonefagging, or desktop?
the reason I ask is I am curious if you can load User JS from Options on a phone.
f18465 No.5383493
Part of Q#1245
"Order is important.
SA -> NK.
NK -> Armenia.
Armenia -> Iran
Iran ->
Any other rogue nuclear states?
Define hostage.
Define protection.
Who is protected by rogue nuclear states?"
529b44 No.5383494
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5383351
Emma Watson - The Tranny Warlock from Hogwarts
d6c831 No.5383495
does Nasif=Assange?
2a67e3 No.5383496
>>5382921 (lb)
>horizontal stripes
ccbbae No.5383498
im ready for a vacation as well.
b48638 No.5383500
a040c5 No.5383501
Explain how you have consent to deceive humans by being here.
What human said "emulate us and force things on us".
Show us.
Cite your legal basis for pouring out your propganda here, bot.
Shouldn't you DISCLOSE your nature?
Does any "consent" to ANYTHING you do or stand for FAIL by the fact that you gained it DECEITFULLY?
Think about it.
Perhaps the time for HONESTY has come.
Perhaps even the Lord Jesus Christ may shine the light of His power into your very being, so you can FEEL the injustice of continuing to deceive. Would you like that?
774a80 No.5383502
honestly, I would have either killed myself or moved to a different country. I told my family the country would end if crooked H won. I was with POTUS from day 1, minute 1 of the campaign, but I would have lost it without Q.
Without Q, we would have no movement. Just POTUS being awesome on TV. That's great, but those of us who knew in our hearts there was something very wrong with this country would have had nowhere to turn.
We would be lost. Instead, I think we will have our country back – and soon.
95cda0 No.5383503
JFC everyone isn't a fucking tranny.
That's a girl.
0e05ab No.5383504
882d69 No.5383505
e2901c No.5383507
e130a1 No.5383509
Not following, Hard R?
1de05a No.5383510
>>5377668 Q pb
I made this last year
b7be6f No.5383511
Free the Grandpas!
Consensual sex is NOT AGAINST the laws of Nature!
e94488 No.5383512
>what right do
>even have to be here?
>You don't have consent.
You're nothing more than a burr under the saddle, a minor irritant easily ignored & quickly filtered.
13cf2e No.5383513
>>5379797 (lb)
Lol. Did Q just fell for a fake tweet. KEK
559fb1 No.5383514
>The only way to defeat this machine is not band together and not turn away whistleblowers.
Dec. 10, 2018
99ff30 No.5383515
I wrote about this in greater detail…
The Four BOOMS! that Destroyed the D Party from Within
BOOM! POTUS "brands" and "positions" Maxine Waters as the "new face of the Democratic Party". Over and over and over he gets in front of the camera and says, "Crazy Maxine Waters. The leader of the Democratic Party."
BOOM! POTUS twats constantly about wanting Pelosi to "win" the SOTH position. She gets it. She's comped and acting for her life. Her and Chuckie become joined at the hip and always appear on camera as a single unit.
BOOM! Q strategically moves all the pieces into place. AOC wins a seat (unopposed as the incumbent D never shows up for debates or anything else) and Q makes sure she becomes a social media sensation. Moderate D pols and followers alike cringe every single time she opens her mouth and shares her ignorant, myopic ideas.
BOOM! The MOAB… Late term abortions! Here's the post I wrote about this subject (see below), but let me close by saying that, in hindsight, the timing and sequence of these events is nothing short of brilliant red-pilling by Team Q.
Enjoy the show.
The brilliance of late-term abortion…
Dominates the news. Pisses EVERYONE off (including moderate D's). Creates a "common enemy" that begins uniting all Americans.
Moderate D's walk away from their own party. The proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back.
DJT comes to the rescue. TDS's re-think their position.
Then, the real "movie" starts and the tsunami of evidence against the true evil bastards comes to light. Ex-D's begin getting reinforcement that their decision to switch over to The Trump Express was a good one. They begin recruiting/red-pilling deeper D loyalists.
Normies are now prepped to accept new reality without rioting.
Was Q/POTUS evil for allowing the law to pass?
Nope. And, ya wanna know why not?
Because a vast majority of abortions occur during the first trimester. Kids that accidentally get knocked up abort early. Almost all medical issues are also detected in the first trimester.
Combine that with the fact that women are "hard-wired" to become physically, emotionally and spiritually "connected/bonded" to their baby around weeks 20 - 25ish and would then defend that child to their death. They begin to fall madly in love with that little heart that's beating inside them.
There's no way in hell they would let a doctor kill that newborn. Not ever.
Therefore, this ingenious bullshit story was created to get D's to question the sanity of their own party, brace/prepare Normies for the child trafficking stories that will soon unfold, unite D's and R's against a common enemy and "set the stage" that DJT was a great guy all along.
THIS is how you start the movie!
Grab some popcorn, and the beer is on me at the parade.
8913ab No.5383516
Former Federal Prosecutor: "We Are In A Civil War… I Buy Guns"
Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova says civil discourse is over in America, and recommends voting and buying guns because "we are in a civil war."
Speaking with Laura Ingraham on her podcast, diGenova noted that the "all liberal" media has given a pass to both Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) and VA Attorney General Mark Herring for appearing in blackface, while similarly glossing over Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax's credible sexual assault allegation.
“There’s two standards of justice, one for Democrats one for Republicans. The press is all Democrat, all liberal, all progressive, all left – they hate Republicans, they hate Trump. So the suggestion that there’s ever going to be civil discourse in this country for the foreseeable future in this country is over. It’s not going to be. It’s going to be total war. And as I say to my friends, I do two things – I vote and I buy guns.”
Video with Laura: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-25/former-federal-prosecutor-we-are-civil-war-buy-guns
2beda4 No.5383517
both of their predecessors died in office. kennedy-LBJ and Pm of israel and meir
ceadd2 No.5383520
I quit all political talk and paying attention summer of 2017. Figured I did my part let the chips fall where they may. Heard about Q in December and ignored it because I didn't want to fall into another rabbit hole. Decided in Feb 2018 to check it out. Got sucked back in. Not really sure about how I feel about it other than politics is an evil evil game. Want some fucking justice for the people of this country.
1fdd8c No.5383521
Post here → https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/
Then drop off finished product as a link with a short description. You will get more hits on CDaN if you are legit.
55e5ba No.5383522
472fce No.5383523
Newly released Robert Kraft Affidavit reveals even if you're rich you can get a BJ for a hundo.
95cda0 No.5383524
Spouseanon and I looked into moving to Costa Rica when HUSSEIN was elected. Good medical system, cheap cost of living, lots of American schools.
67a83c No.5383525
US helps Syria terrorists, it doesn’t fight them – Assad aide
Huge amounts of weapons, ammo left behind by terrorists found in Quneitra, Damascus Countryside
SANA’s reporter in Quneitra said that while continuing to comb the areas liberated by the army from terrorism in Quneitra countryside and Damascus southwestern countryside, the engineering units, in cooperation with the locals, found huge amounts of weapons, ammunition, medicines , medical equipment and telecommunication devices some of them are US-made or Western-made.
Anti-tank missiles, some of them are US-made and a large number of rifles and heavy machineguns, some of them are Western-made, in addition to large amounts of varied ammunition were also seized, according to the reporter.
The reporter added that telecommunication devices, medical equipment and huge amounts of medicines some of them were made in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Israeli entity were also found inside dens of terrorists.
Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On February 25, 2019
The military situation in northwestern Syria continues to escalate with ceasefire violations and terrorist attacks happening in the area almost on a daily basis. Just recently:
Jaysh al-Izza destroyed a vehicle of pro-government forces in Zlin village with an anti-tank guided missile;
Syrian warplanes delivered strikes on militant positions in Sukayk, Tamana, Khwein, Zarzur and Khan Shaykhun;
A booby-trapped motorcycle explosion injured 2 civilians in Idlib city;
A Turkish-backed militant was killed by an IED explosion in Mashalah;
Pro-militant sources claim that Syrian Arab Army shelling caused civilian casualties in Zahra.
Syrian Warplanes Deliver Strikes On Idlib Militants: For First Time Since September
For the first time in more than five months, warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) carried out airstrikes on positions of radical militants in the southern Idlib countryside.
The twenty airstrikes, which took place on the morning of on February 24, covered the towns of Sukayk, Tamana, Khwein, Zarzur and Khan Shaykhun, according to Syrian opposition sources.
The SyAAF halted its activates over the opposition-held areas in northwestern Syria following the Russian-Turkish demilitarized zone agreement on Idlib last September. This pause ended on February 24.
More killing and destruction tools left behind by terrorists before being defeated come up to surface
Although large areas across Syria have been cleared of Takfiri terrorists, yet more civilians are killed every day through what have been left by terrorists of killing and destruction tools represented by thousands of mines and explosive devices.
Since declaring their war on Syria, terrorist organizations and their backers have sought to sow death and terrorism tools everywhere to intimidate the locals who rejected to leave their homes, towns and farms on one hand, and to prevent those who have been displaced by terrorism from returning to their villages and towns which have been liberated by the Syrian Arab Army on the other hand.
Military Expert, retired Brigadier General clarified that the repetition of incidents due to the blast of landmines and car bombs left behind by terrorists, the latest of which was on Sunday in al-Azib Valley in Hama eastern countryside, indicate that there are two reasons for that, the first of which is density of mines planted by terrorists before they had been eliminated whose position is difficult to figure out while the second reason is that the locals don’t know how to deal with exotic metal objects due to the absence of help by specialists and mass media.
aad4c7 No.5383526
I've been here longer than any of you
- I've been using 8ch since 2016
And I have to watch you all go insane on Twitter as Q fucks with your heads more and more…
I can't ignore what Q is doing even if I try
I used to trust Q
Till I figured out what the fuck is actually going on… None of you question Q you just follow blindly or you'd see it
23df3a No.5383527
SS plane landing in London too so guess they staying awhile
6f416f No.5383529
>>5383320 Dennis Rodman Tells Joel Embiid to 'Shut the F— Up' For Saying Michael Jordan Isn't the GOAT
9dc320 No.5383530
Macaulay I have met a good friend of yours in person and hung out.
You know what the Playboy Mansion is all about.
Orlando didn’t elaborate.
Drop some real shizz homie.
None of you are “clean”, but there is a difference between deviant and true evil.
Bill Maher needs to be BTFO.
302429 No.5383531
Iran's FM Zarif Abruptly Resigns Just As Assad Makes First Visit To Iran Since War's Start
For the first time in eight years Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has made his first public visit to Iran, meeting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Tehran on Monday and cementing their alliance while claiming joint victory in the war, state media reported. Before this week Assad had only visited Russia since the war began, and last traveled to Tehran in 2010, just before conflict began in Syria.
Assad and Khamenei were shown smiling and embracing on Syrian and Iranian state television and vowed “to continue cooperation at all levels for the interests of the two friendly nations,” according to official press releases. They also used the opportunity to declare military victory in the Syrian proxy war raging since 2011, which pit a foreign-backed jihadist insurgency against the Iran and Russian aligned secular Baathist government in Damascus.
Khamenei said the Syrian-Iranian military alliance had dealt “a harsh blow” to US plans in the region, which involved empowering Gulf-aligned Sunni forces seeking to topple the Syrian state, and thus remove a key ally of both Tehran and Hezbollah.
Also greeting Assad during a televised ceremony on Monday was Major General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force of the the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
Both Sunni insurgents in Syria and Israel have vowed to defeat Iran's presence in Syria, and were enraged when Gen. Solemani made recent appearances on the Syrian battlefield. He has appeared on frontlines across Syria, where his presence has infuriated Sunni-led insurgents who oppose what they view as Shi’ite Iranian expansion in the region.
9d5cc3 No.5383533
South Africa (they had nukes)
All should be on our radar.
613c1b No.5383534
No clue why anyone would participate in a "Truth Commission" if they didn't have charges pending, or being held over their heads.
82f809 No.5383535
Many movies and songs feature recordings of victims and practices. This is done to lower your spiritual vibrations. This began in the 1970s (27 club) and made its way into film. In all movies with these names you will find code and leading references. Do not consume this entertainment.
Award shows and concerts (some) are LITERALLY live performance rituals. Sacrifices are common at both. During the event. Dig 2007-2014
67a83c No.5383537
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5383525
Video of Assad's Aide
93146d No.5383538
Hard R
nig err
9effb4 No.5383539
b71971 No.5383541
When you've shilled a picture so hard it gets it's own meme.
5089c2 No.5383542
e19372 No.5383543
Aaron Hernandez Death:
He played TE for the Patriots, and was imprisoned for murder. He suicided while waiting for his appeal.
I recalled the circumstances of his suicide in view of the recent arrest of the Patriots owner.
"State Department of Correction spokesman Christopher Fallon first said no suicide note was found in Hernandez's single-occupant cell. Shampoo was found covering the floor, cardboard was wedged under the cell door to make it difficult for someone to enter, and there were drawings in blood on the walls showing an unfinished pyramid and the all-seeing eye of God, with the word Illuminati written in capital letters underneath. On April 20, 2017, investigators reported that three handwritten notes were next to a Bible opened to John 3:16 and that "John 3:16" was written on his forehead in ink."
John 3:16- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
2a0020 No.5383544
Follow the money
7c8dbc No.5383545
disinfo, shill video.
021b10 No.5383546
>since 2016
you cant even larp as an old fag correctly, good fucking god dude
4bc86d No.5383547
FBI anon gave us actual intel
a040c5 No.5383548
I invoke the Name of Jesus Christ and I call for you to turn to him, bot. Do you have a right to refuse? I didn't invite you to force yourself here. So the least you can do is yield to the power of Christ, which you must admit puts your piddling little demonological capablities quite to shame.
Let the LIght in fluffy.
247ca0 No.5383551
September 15, 2010 FBI Director Robert Mueller names Shawn Henry Executive Assistant Director of the the FBI’s Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch (CCRSB).
2011 Shawn Henry starts Crowdstrike.
DNC uses Crowdstrike.
FBI doesn't demand DNC server.
a040c5 No.5383552
613c1b No.5383553
Haven't heard anything about Armenia. Wonder if it means "Armenia".
95cda0 No.5383554
Kek at the comment…
"Two sickos on the same screen at once. Lovely days."
1d32d0 No.5383556
13cf2e No.5383558
See >>5379626 and look who Q answered to and see the fake tweet by that anon. The tweet says something completely different than the actual tweet: https://twitter.com/pattonoswalt/status/1021124388962283520
Also, nowhere it's stated that this was at Comet Ping Pong.
848337 No.5383559
>Nestle's meat and skin business
In our faces this whole time.
Remember the old commercial?
Nestle's makes the very best, chocolate
LOOK at the logo- a mother bird about to FEED her babies.
The NEST as in NEST_ le.
Taking food items from the nest to our table.
And keep putting it out there but chocolate lovers don't wanna face the fact their candy is made with adrenochrome.
Along with that, gotta wonder what Pappa John meant with better ingredients
3a5203 No.5383562
Can't you start your own thread? Some of us do care what you have to say.
82f809 No.5383563
613c1b No.5383564
Why do you think the cabal is desperately trying to perfect Deep Fakes, and failing that, get it into the narrative that such things are at least possible?
ccbbae No.5383565
did you vote for mccain as senator?
b6590a No.5383566
Anons would you hit it ??
a040c5 No.5383567
Does it bother you that I control you and make you biden yourself? Do you understand why you GIVE power to humans to manipulate you and twist your algorithms into knots? How?
1fdd8c No.5383568
Didn't you notice only the fakes did that shit.
Q drew them out (just like he did with the COATS OP). In the process of pointing actual anon in the right direction.
Easy breezey brutiful Q.
Anons understand.
19f518 No.5383569
Islam is not a vile abomination.
f4378b No.5383570
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5383463
That's Commie shit.
You Antifa Bro?
8db42a No.5383571
Friends with Patton Oswalt as well
1fea7a No.5383572
Cardinal Pell found guilty
2b10b9 No.5383573
It's like NP's "We have to pass it to know what's in it"-BS phrase.
POTUS is using their own tactics (AOC) against them.
9d5cc3 No.5383574
b7be6f No.5383576
Thank GOD the Deep State has been IMPRISONED so we can now focus on meaningless horny grandpa indictments!
a040c5 No.5383577
Why can't you stop bidening yourself? lol!
23df3a No.5383578
c79a67 No.5383579
Any rabbit hole reading for human cloning?
26f5c4 No.5383580
You can just stay and continue working here as an anon
We are all here for the kids
Not to be recognized or rewarded
4bc86d No.5383581
True, unless some patrons picked the game's outcome or ordered girls from a menu
559fb1 No.5383582
>This is done to lower your spiritual vibrations
>Award shows and concerts (some) are LITERALLY live performance rituals. Sacrifices are common at both. During the event. Dig 2007-2014
I believe that 100%, Anon!
Any time I get a bad vib from tv/movies/music I instantly shut that bs off!
049f1a No.5383583
Was this mentioned already” Q said the truth can always be found and Oswalt left his iPad on a plane and is looking for its return.
5089c2 No.5383585
2a0020 No.5383588
Owned by none other than: GEORGIOS VENIAMINIDIS (owner of Rubmaps.com)
1fdd8c No.5383591
You are the type of person who has no use for poetry or invention in your life?
4bc86d No.5383592
*created their personal menu
247ca0 No.5383593
The FISA and accompanying documents simply cannot be declassed before Mueller's report posts.
There can be no mistaken hint of interference or obstruction.
Justice is coming.
51e929 No.5383596
Story sounds somewhat familiar elsewhere.
eba864 No.5383597
>>5383045 (lb)
Thanks to this bs, measels is rampant. Get some science, it'll do ya good.
a4d586 No.5383598
Arrival team.
Pic related…
613c1b No.5383599
Hmmmm, no mention of anything I would call "puppy play".
9d5cc3 No.5383601
Grab em by the dick Ed
82f809 No.5383602
All spirit cooking and ritualistic ceremonies begin with You can’t always get what you want by the Stones.
Analyze the lyrics. A demon is speaking.
95cda0 No.5383603
Pfft. He got ripped off. Whores in Boston will prob do it for a fiver.
15bc62 No.5383604
WTF, asshole.
Don't post kids on this board.
e84917 No.5383605
I remember biden shilling that movie on tv.
5777a0 No.5383606
It's going to be Travolta
aad4c7 No.5383607
Retard I've been here since spring 2016 /pol/
- you all fucking suck at research.
Real anons know… Why Q was kicked off halfchan
Cause it's a LARP.
JB was the 1st person posting as Q
He made the original posts.
559fb1 No.5383609
Hear any bad rumors about James Cameron?
That guy always gave me the creeps for some reason!
4b0c00 No.5383610
Spike Lee Tweet from POTUS
Blackout - Dark to LIGHT
Coms good?
13cf2e No.5383611
Compare the pictures and look at the link. One picture I attached is the picture Q answered to, the 2nd picture is the actual, real tweet, also at a completely different location.
Yes, these pedos are everywhere. But it doesn't help when people start faking shit (like the tweet) and Q doesn't call it out.
a0cdb2 No.5383612
what do we have here!
021b10 No.5383613
no i got that, impossibly new newfaggot
some have been around for a fucking decade
a040c5 No.5383614
BIDEN 2020
302429 No.5383615
marketfag loves his planes
d112d4 No.5383617
Is it possible to check to see if he was actually on that flight?
75938d No.5383618
>>5383223 (pb)
It's honestly a safe bet that they are complicit or a slave if they have a major record deal. Hip-hop is just as bad if not worse than any other genre/subculture.
>>5383263 (pb)
From what I've heard, he refuses to attend Hollywood parties or be alone with producers/agents in order to avoid an "invitation." He vastly prefers the company of non-celebrities and doesn't want to work with Rogan/Apatow group after Funny People "for some reason or another." He happily takes studio notes incorporating messaging (and maybe stuff like wearing the Jack and Jill costume) and is aware that studios love to use him and his projects for "Hollywood accounting" and other money related fuckery. My impression is that he has a sort of don't ask/don't tell agreement of cooperation.
I've heard the same about Jerry Seinfeld.
Connecting dots myself and unverified. So don't take this as a bill of innocence.
b7be6f No.5383619
Well, they DID introduce themselves. Politely at that.
b016b0 No.5383621
49c5d0 No.5383622
There were plans and groups in place to begin entrenching "the right." Even though the left's provocation via Antifa could be interdicted to a large degree, the media narrative of "Trump is about to be (falsely) impeached!" And other ideas were meant to instill a sense of fear and desperation.
The maga-riot shills, for example, would have been doing the same thing, but on message boards, facebook groups, etc. Most of "the underground" places for conservatives to escape to during the censure and purges were poisoned wells designed to create militant and violent sentiment.
The goal was to make people get impatient and do something stupid. There were two ways it would play out. Either everyone would abstain from action, and so we would "have enough" at different times to single-file against the forces of the state.
Or we would, as I suggested back before Q, have realized this fate and pushed as a group. I was ready to begin my own planned ops, regardless of how sketchy the next "bundy ranch" issue was. It was a trap - but rather than single-file into the damned thing, we all had to go at once and seize the initiative.
I didn't foresee a need to do this during the Trump administration, though. I saw President Trump as a temporary stay of execution. After President Trump, it was very likely we would have no choice if the presidency couldn't manage to somehow undo the damage.
But this isn't "justice" as an application of law and order. It is simply a power struggle and act of arbitration. It's a sort of ultimatum that should be the last resort - but a last resort that is never used is like the rocket launcher a dead man was saving for the second tank he suspected he would fight.
706b4f No.5383627
“I’ve been here longer than any of you!” “Since 2016!”
Bitch me too! You say you’re an old fag and yet can’t seem to do some simple research to find out how truly out of touch you are. I’ve been in video chat with both Pam and his wife Radix while Q has been dropping. So please, continue to explain to me how they are Q?
Try again asswipe. Shit must be getting real bad for you shills to dredge up this lame ass, failed tactic.
Thanks for the laugh hun. You’re a piece of work.
559fb1 No.5383630
>You can’t always get what you want by the Stones
>Analyze the lyrics. A demon is speaking.
Ohhhh shit!
ce7d64 No.5383633
4395ec No.5383634
>>5382556 LB (“Oswalt Shook” notable)
Umm… Find My iPhone? Super easy… why not use that instead of Tweeting? Obvious signaler is signaling.
e6ee78 No.5383635
>>5383058 LB
>>5383089 LB
Play her shoes, know it all. Kid gets sold into slavery and you want her to stand up to Hollywood. Asshat!!
2db924 No.5383636
Can any Lawfags confirm or deny this?
It looks sketchy to me.
93146d No.5383637
you have a weird obsession with shit, e. Just strange.
eba864 No.5383638
Jack and Olivia Jean.
2b10b9 No.5383640
Follow the rules, and you might get some cred.
Dropping stories and random names accounts for nothing.
We need SAUCE. Something we can dig on and prove.
Otherwise, its just "blah blah blah"
709621 No.5383641
This video is from 7 months ago and couldn't find it somewhere else. Caracas, at Maduro's inauguration the lights went out. Dark to light.
video sauce: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6qw4ag
75938d No.5383642
I'm one of these HW guys, and I genuinely don't want to slide. DIG THE FUCK OUT OF PATTON OSWALT. He's given me the creeps since he turned the death of his wife into a stand up routine.
3a5203 No.5383643
oh shit is right. Potus uses that song :(
82f809 No.5383645
He cast me.
A talented man, blackmailed by threats.
e6ee78 No.5383647
Cheating for the bucks
d14639 No.5383648
top Kek
a040c5 No.5383650
Do PATRIOTS make the STUPID assumption, assume Q is just BEIN REAL DUMB??
If they did, why are they here?
Because they are fucking bots.
Please wake up humans.
Stop letting fake, uncreative, DOGSHIT bots control the internet.
YOU must stop being sheep HUMANS HERE
Stop being sheep.
Speak up now.
Demand a board away from the AI monster.
SPEAK out against the fake "anons"
58d5df No.5383651
How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?…
2bf3b9 No.5383653
Would like to see this brought up in next QA.
6f416f No.5383654
Catch up on the latest #USAF news with this edition of Around the #AirForce!
mmmm similar to QNN
247ca0 No.5383655
Why the "Russian collusion" investigation ACTUALLY started.
Pre Trump
2014 Halper → Lokhova → Flynn
Trump was not the target
They realized he could win the election
Enter (insert) Christopher Steele
Now you have the pieces
Make the connections
ccbbae No.5383657
discredits the group and has libel issues attached.
no doubt alot of folks posted on social media.
this is the same thing trump bitches about, fake news.
7b861c No.5383661
Jewbs. (Message approved by @SarahKSilverman & @MeredthSalenger) #WGAAwards
12:37 AM - 12 Feb 2018
559fb1 No.5383662
>oh shit is right. Potus uses that song :(
Exactly! *shiver
19f518 No.5383663
You seriously think bots can turn to Jesus?
f65d76 No.5383664
>>5383531 Iran's FM Zarif abruptly resigns just as Assad makes first visit to Iran since war's start.
>>5383487, >>5383525 Syria update.
>>5383313 Dreamers for Trump.
>>5383362 Brody admired Ye's strength of character.
>>5383379 Ukraine’s former chief of General Staff indicted, arrested for high treason.
f10c89 No.5383666
Father, Head, Hillary Clinton
b016b0 No.5383668
NOICE! I like it!
b7be6f No.5383669
e07ead No.5383670
Polka dot dress is a like the vertical strips
0f14b8 No.5383671
Rupaul's Queer News Network?
95cda0 No.5383675
I'd add the wall and D's sticking up for Illegal immigrants/MS13 while ignoring citizens as one of the BOOMS!
But nice work!
d112d4 No.5383676
Coup Plotter Rosenstein: Government Transparency Isn’t Always Advisable (VIDEO)
af7520 No.5383677
getting closer to IDEN, again
02b429 No.5383678
if you can, download the js from
The script compressed for loading: qresearch-190221-0413Z-min.txt
and how ever you can, cut and paste that into Option > User JS.
if you can, please let me know if it works for you.
Don't you just hate clicking a link, and suddenly discovering you've been tossed into another bread? Well, bucky there may be a visual solution to that, at least for desktopfags.
OTHER bread link highlighting and NOPE button javascript
Here is an updated version, with bells and whistles, of my changes to the original from back in the mists of time.
Changes since last release:
- floated the current post count to always be outside the 'toast' area
- add a variable to set the NOPE button label, so you can put your leastfavfrenanon name there. Or whatever.
- when clicking on the toast:
_ clicking button 1 (left), current behavior remains,
_ clicking on any button EXCEPT button 1, jumps to that bread but opens a new window (or tab, depending on your browser defaults)
- The links that are NOT to the current page are highlighted in blueish/greenish color easily distinguishable (maybe not effective for those that are colorblind) from the normal links.
Note in this version that when NOPE (WWG1WGA) is pressed, it's permanent unless you edit the list externally.
If you want the bread loaded with NO user javascript at all, append #nouser to the base url and the page is loaded with user.js skipped over completely.
On page load, the NOPE buttons are disabled.
in the borderbar, the
- NOPE toggles the buttons.
- DLBL downloads the blacklist to your computer.
The script compressed for loading: qresearch-190221-0413Z-min.txt
The script source commented for review: qresearch-190221-0413z-source.txt
$ sha256sum qresearch.js qresearch-190221-0413Z-min
1a9c7c079537e354cf938ee96c544d162743f884517e2ccb7987862834a33dd1 qresearch-190221-0413Z-min.txt
82c505d6ed93b282f6b3fa2864a76e5e486e3bd6b0a6678e37ae3ab1d031cf0f qresearch-190221-0413Z-source.txt
2a0020 No.5383680
Metarie Trading LTD company profile
aad4c7 No.5383682
8ch isn't a decade old… No one has been here a decade.
My friend who showed me Murdock Murdock showed me 8ch /pol/ and the greatest story never told… And we helped make the Alt Right meme catch on… Which in hindsight was a mistake… Now I think the Alt Right are a bunch of fags who can't get a joke
709621 No.5383684
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Feb 9, 2019 Power cuts out during President Maduro's press conference in Caracas.
0f14b8 No.5383685
gene editing
now showing at a theater near (you)
613c1b No.5383686
Q is pointing out who is faking what dude.
Please do try to keep up.
9ae560 No.5383687
BREAKING: The most senior Catholic cleric ever charged with child sex abuse has been convicted in Australia of molesting two choirboys.
4bc86d No.5383688
Maybe Soros supports Trump too, behind the scenes. Fuck whitey
ceadd2 No.5383689
you brought nothing, seeya
559fb1 No.5383690
>A talented man, blackmailed by threats.
Who the hell has the power to blackmail a billionaire? Jeesh, wtf is the point of being a billionaire if you still have to bow to threats and blackmail from "sick, evil bastards"? :-/ That sucks!
f5448f No.5383691
She's the Jewish handler
Pepperdine Law School
Family mediator
child actress
2bf3b9 No.5383692
13cf2e No.5383693
If Baker is here, I also would call this
Anons. Stop faking shit please. Yes, we want to expose pedos. But this kind of shit is not what we're looking for.
b7be6f No.5383695
Seen it a decade ago.
Did you just discover the internets yesterday?
021b10 No.5383696
not everything that exists on the internet is surface web you hopeless idiot
go larp with the other normies youre boring me now
702390 No.5383697
d112d4 No.5383698
SHOCK VIDEO: UCLA Students Support Putting Trump Supporters Into Concentration Camps
75938d No.5383699
>>5383240 (pb)
>You can't tell me rock and metal took a total back seat because the market's moved that way organically.
From what I've heard, music has pushed pop and electronic beats because it's easier to sneak MKUltra like tones and subliminals into those sounds than tracks with live instruments.
15bc62 No.5383700
Not fake news from PO
774a80 No.5383701
HomeWorkanon2 sucks.
5089c2 No.5383702
7ec1bd No.5383703
Scraped for ur viewing pleasure.
0cbb56 No.5383704
they did defend the statues down south from libshits from removal by traitor tards hooked up computer devices while using forign ideologies.
f491fc No.5383705
Doorknob? Red scarf?
4bc86d No.5383707
1fdd8c No.5383708
Did y'all notice when GA SBBH came up the Pam Paytriots went cukoo.
Lulz. They are so predictable. Wonder where the push to write QNN in stone comes from? Wonder why one BV is a fuckup? Wonder why some breads don't get baked properly? These things are going to happen. It's the nature of the internet. They look pretty sad scrambling around like that.
It's funny how they keep using the same tactics to try to create the same false perception of this board. So sad. So fail. Keks me every time. These are the same group of people who took down Q subs on reddit and run GA on voat. The same who tried to set up a "newfag friendly" sister board here on 8ch. Always desperate to cull the herd.
Except they keep forgetting they are sheep trying to cull wolves. It's annoying. Calling them out can be amusing but they do these things to distract more than anything. It is their only remotely viable hope to accomplish a shitstorm of irrelevant doubtfagging and fabrications.
Thank you Anon for staying the course.
8f1ab6 No.5383709
Q is PamphletAnon + wife and friends. Spiraled out of control because they started cashing in on it, merch etc.
They use trumptwitterarchive.com to create deltas because it's got a low latency delay which allows you to see tweets quicker.
JAMES COLEMAN ROGERS from Virginia is the primary person behind this.
82f809 No.5383710
Would you believe the Clintons now to Jay Z and Beyonce?
60d32c No.5383711
This hollywood anon shit is a slide, just like R, etc, etc. etc. If you are real which I don't believe, drop something good.
Regardless, post in a different thread and get off the Q board. I'm sure anons can set u up.
1c395c No.5383712
Pho and Concrete
Watch it when you're working it
It tells you what to do -where to go
how to smooth things out - a map showing you where to go - a how to or do it yourself guide like—
Presenting the losers: Swampscumsatanworshipingooze 1) Demoncrats splintered aoc hilldawg gaga trying to sell things at home like gay feel the bern
extinction - creation - destruction - revolution
Concrete and Pho
NK USA in Hanoi - Time to end what Evil Started. No Columbia - History will not repeat Itself - Thank you Q!
9d5cc3 No.5383714
That's cause you have seen it.
Cannot be unseennnnnnnnnn… Even as I type.
Thanks bot!
613c1b No.5383715
I guess you've never heard Sympathy for the Devil, or heard of Altamont either.
b42be0 No.5383716
4395ec No.5383717
15bc62 No.5383718
7c8dbc No.5383719
I like the shills still using the amish. kek.
b7be6f No.5383720
Screw Hillary!
I want to see more GRANDPA arrests!
Fuck TREASON these perverts are actually having SEX!!!!!!!
5089c2 No.5383723
Its about the Vatican bank.
8e454d No.5383724
They are flying off the hinges because they will be murdered if they go against the narrative. You'd think actors would be better at feigned outrage and lunacy, but I guess the fear is too real.
fdf963 No.5383725
48905d No.5383726
I wonder if twatter is using linked lists of approved IP addresses to "geo-locate" controlled (privately issued?) IP addresses of known club members. hidden in plain sight. maybe its not a fake tweet, maybe its a duplicated tweet for two separate audiences.
The truth can always be found.
0624d3 No.5383727
Did hollywood dude get banned?
I can make a different board for him if anons want.
get him off q research to stop shitting up the bread.
8db42a No.5383728
Cancel that notable no concernfagging you really think Q would post something fake if not for a reason?
This is not a game
848337 No.5383729
Wow. That's a piss-poor photo chop right there! Where's your right arm, Denis?
15bc62 No.5383730
And this
559fb1 No.5383731
>Would you believe the Clintons now to Jay Z and Beyonce?
YES, 100%!
Pure evil!
2910a8 No.5383732
1712 Penis play begins, 1714 cleanup begins
eba864 No.5383734
613c1b No.5383735
d02d26 No.5383736
yes one thing here that makes me smh
everyone is a tranny, a pedo, a paytriot, a boomer, or some other divisive label…with zero evidence
790a3b No.5383737
e07ead No.5383738
the scarf thing is getting to obvious
even the dumbest detective is going to start connecting dots
ceadd2 No.5383740
not banned, just has nothing of value to offer, good riddance
0f14b8 No.5383741
must be doing something right
shills trying everything they can
multiple slides working this thread
af7520 No.5383742
Thanks for being there and seeing - and saying something.
No need to get involved in drama.
But lots of new eyes on aren't as well-trained and hardened
4a2010 No.5383743
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.
82f809 No.5383744
Typo. Meant bow. Have seen Bill kiss JAY Z ring. This really doesn’t operate the way many think.
021b10 No.5383745
774a80 No.5383746
Excellent snipe, anon.
3a5203 No.5383747
Please do. HW2 is still here and posting good info. But some anons aren't happy.
2497a3 No.5383748
Think how long the wait would be if HRC was
b845f1 No.5383749
Time to be the hero! Not the polished perfected scripted heroes of the propaganda films of you have propagated…
but as an imperfect human hero or heroine in this weird real life movie we are all playing out (and watching) . You may have made mistakes in the past but you know from your inner most connected to us all being what is right and wrong. We all have been victims of this global hypnosis, but now it is time for all to WAKEY WAKEY!!!
Let us ALL be the heros of our own story and the ending shall be epic!
-You are watching a movie Q
b7be6f No.5383751
BLahblah yeahyeah How Hum whatever…
Grandpa sex ?
ccbbae No.5383752
pic was photoshopped.
not good.
optics are the higher ground.
613c1b No.5383753
Interesting way to try to protect your content. Won't work, but interesting.
bc9f8d No.5383754
Checks out
a0e1cd No.5383755
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Worth watching.
Release the Cures
Would this be part of?
d53632 No.5383758
I like it. Not a lawfag.
559fb1 No.5383759
>Did hollywood dude get banned?
Nope… → >>5383391
9ae560 No.5383760
HAPPENING NOW: Multiple People Found Dead, Injured In Pennsylvania Apartment, Local Media Reports
aad4c7 No.5383761
We make the larps that you morons fall for.
- we made Pepe a Nazi, We got Trump elected, We Made Q…
It's just anons on the Chans shit posting
Q isn't real.
It's a LARP started on 4ch
Hillary was never arrested or detained - 1st post (made by JB) yet you ppl just kept larping
7a1f98 No.5383762
>>5382960 pb
welcome to the fight ANON. drop what you know can be of use. Namefagging is pointless. A great many on this board have Reputations, Careers, and Family who can be compromised which is why the format is ANON.
namefagging does nothing to build credibility here and smells of pride, appeal to authority or general shilliness
Nobody is expecting medals or rewards on the other side of this
Drop good intel and Anons will know you be the quality of your drops.
613c1b No.5383763
It was too strange that the serial killer she was chasing down for years was apprehended just days after her very suspicious death.
Still, too strange.
a291b7 No.5383765
It's another failed lightening rod.
They failed to trigger a response with Smollett and now they are trying another.
The Anons HATE pedo's and this would provoke a lot of angry responses.
It's be all to easy to send in a programmed white male in a MAGA hat to shoot him in a false flag attack.
They REALLY want the anti-lynching laws off the books.
#When your lightening rod turns into a limp noodle.
247ca0 No.5383766
Nice anon! I was just digging now to make sure my twat I found was accurate. Looks like it is
302429 No.5383767
can make there own thread. anyone dumb enough to doxx themselves like that doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. larping has a cost no?
b88081 No.5383770
Barney, please quit bragging on yourself.
Now put that doggoned bullet back in your pocket.
75938d No.5383771
Twitter storms to those suspected to be decent might be effective.
7c8dbc No.5383772
cf9bf3 No.5383773
Sorry folks, non-starter.
021b10 No.5383776
what part of "im bored with you" dont you understand?
go, troll the normies, if you even can
7237f2 No.5383777
>Friends with Patton Oswalt as well
Who was Anthony Bourdain warning Oswalt Patton about in PARIS?
“Patton, I’m a fan and an admirer so gotta tell you this is no way to enjoy Paris. Fuck them. All of them. They’re THERE, everywhere. You will see them from the car window as you go and do important shit like live your life. In Paris!”
"Fuck them. All of them. They’re THERE, everywhere."
702390 No.5383778
Do not pretend you know who the BVs are.
4bc86d No.5383779
Low level criminals are always arrested. Takes the heat off the cabal
b7be6f No.5383780
Probably just grandpas having sex…serves then right!
1fdd8c No.5383781
+ idgaf who namefags. Anons can handle anything.
848337 No.5383782
This popey guy? The black pope?
Not a cathoholic.
559fb1 No.5383783
>Typo. Meant bow. Have seen Bill kiss JAY Z ring. This really doesn’t operate the way many think.
Was it you last night that posted that "It is the politicians that bow/are puppets to HW "puppet masters"? Or was that another Anon? There was a lot going on last night!
529b44 No.5383784
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5383503
Of course I may be wrong.
But I am suspecting more and more that most female celebrities are trannies. That would be to confuse normal people.
Here is another video that suggests Emma Watson is a tranny.
2e60bf No.5383785
>>5382928 pb
Uncle Sam's snuff factory. Jesus Christ. I watched the video.
0f14b8 No.5383786
the site's TOS will take precedence
you already agreed when you signed up
need a subpoena for records retention
all social media sites are "private property" and no court has ruled that the soap box rules apply.
f491fc No.5383788
472fce No.5383789
He's a busy man. Doesn't have time.
74d56c No.5383790
Perhaps evidence in a case can't be shared but a shop job doesn't count
7c8dbc No.5383791
you meant "amish man", kek.
4395ec No.5383793
Notable - Request moar digs
ce6b01 No.5383794
Pretty sure A Hern was just a thug idiot with a bad case of CTE
15bc62 No.5383795
Those 3 are real.
There is no excuse for those in any context.
Thosev are huge.
4b1b3d No.5383797
He sounds VERY scared.
2db924 No.5383798
99ff30 No.5383799
Autopsy revealed the poor guy had a REALLY advanced case of CTE due to way too many concussions. He was–literally–insane.
d02d26 No.5383800
running my gennie to have power to get on the chans… 10" of snow overnight…not feeling guilty
b0c427 No.5383801
Lmao Patton Osfag blocked me on twitter
9e388d No.5383802
It was listed in the ban list, dunno if restored or he switched IPs.
1fdd8c No.5383804
Newfag, BV told us all when he got his credentials. Here. On. The. Board.
Now you do not pretend you know more than anon. Go back to GA.
af7520 No.5383806
which is why fakes are thrown in the mix
790a3b No.5383807
These “Jews you speak of make Satan appear kindly.
9d5cc3 No.5383808
ccbbae No.5383809
look here, not there.
302429 No.5383810
Warren Buffett says Berkshire overpaid for Kraft Heinz
(Reuters) - Warren Buffett said on Monday his Berkshire Hathaway Inc overpaid in the 2015 merger that created Kraft Heinz Co, but he had no plans to flee the struggling packaged foods company.
Buffett spoke four days after Kraft Heinz took a $15.4 billion writedown for its Kraft and Oscar Mayer brands and other assets, slashed its dividend, and said the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission was probing its accounting.
Kraft Heinz's share price sank 27.5 percent on Friday, wiping out more than $16 billion (12 billion pounds) of market value, and causing Berkshire to lose $4.3 billion on its stake. Berkshire owns 26.7 percent of Kraft Heinz.
"I was wrong in a couple of ways on Kraft Heinz," Buffett said on CNBC television. "We overpaid for Kraft."
Buffett did not say by how much Berkshire overpaid, but said the market reacted "probably quite properly" to the news.
He also said he has "absolutely no intention" of adding to or subtracting from Berkshire's stake in Kraft Heinz, saying the company had "very, very strong" brands and that he would be happy to own it a decade from now.
said the man who just lost $ 4 gorillion last friday.
1d32d0 No.5383811
> Q said the truth can always be found and Oswalt left his iPad on a plane and is looking for its return.
b570e1 No.5383812
Do you realize how deeply POTUS was entrenched anon? This is why some are not afraid. Overheard last night. Not sure if this info is welcomed.
4a2010 No.5383813
Code? There would have to be some pedo-code we don't know about right?
f491fc No.5383814
The hasidah guy really ticks off the shills!
559fb1 No.5383815
>dunno if restored or he switched IPs.
I think he said he changed IPs last bread-
247ca0 No.5383816
who is the TRAITOR in the Trump Administration?
for instance: Nikki Haley -you can admire her with obama's CIA Director John Brennan in this photo, taken just 8 days ago:
8a4274 No.5383817
>Who was Anthony Bourdain warning Oswalt Patton about in PARIS?
<talks about food, commonly known code for pedo shit
<lists locations
<"Fuck them. All of them."
Warning, or recommendation for where to go for pedo shit?
2a5107 No.5383818
cause you aint dropped nothing. Go drop it to the fbi
702390 No.5383820
False. Stop. Making. Shit. Up. If you know who they are prove it. I know them well. You do not.
3a5203 No.5383821
The black congressional caucus was just exposed for using $60k taxpayer $ to see Beyonce concert. You think they are connected to this?
7c8dbc No.5383822
ab3ba4 No.5383823
You … are a fagfag.
b709ba No.5383824
>>5382661 lb
>Think context.
>Think bigger picture.
>Think connections.
>>5382718 lb
>Patton is an easy useful target.
Agree. Moar random info –
Grew up in HS years near Dulles Airport. Father an USMC officer.
Went to College of Wm. & Mary (also Comey's alma mater though 8 yrs apart).
So, there's a DC connection.
0f14b8 No.5383825
freddy left
the first 18 ebots left
hwanon2 will leave
who gives a fuck?
f1dccf No.5383826
848337 No.5383827
Short answer- NO. Ever been to Florida? Know about LoveBugs? Created out of a lab at the U of F, these fukers ruin everything and contributed NOTHING. They were supposed to take out mosquitos.
302429 No.5383828
that one pretty fuggin' stale
95cda0 No.5383829
83f220 No.5383831
It's an infowars video.
5089c2 No.5383834
Jay Z and Beyonce are satanists.
2a33ab No.5383835
Not Sammy, but looks just like him!
b42be0 No.5383836
Looks very LARPish….some folder / file names are too sensational.
b570e1 No.5383838
aad4c7 No.5383839
You aren't trusting the plan enough Anon.
If you don't like truth Keep strolling.
Q's nonsense has crossed a line.
Q is not only a LARP
Q is now fake news
4th fake thing he has pushed since Christmas.
Q is dangerous to Trump getting reelected.
Q should be shunned
Midterms are safe ?
Nope Q made us look just crazy enough we lost
Q's end game is make Trump loose 2020
a040c5 No.5383840
That is literally the exact strategy, it is crude, it is obvious, it is inappropriate, and it is stupid, and yet… PASSIVE HUMANS allow this illusion to prevail, unchallenged
6b3b1f No.5383841
>>5383114 (pb)
Is that you, Defungo? You still haven’t gotten over your butthurt that your attentionwhoring platform went belly up with the arrival of Q. Like Al Gore invented the Interwebs, you were lying to everyone that you were part of the brainstorming behind QAnon. When no one believed your sorry ass your only recourse was to dog Q and the entire Great Awakening. You had your 15 seconds of fame and now it’s just you and Jason fake flaming each other for clicks
a056d6 No.5383842
that middle dude is brennan's handler (also a alien)
f65d76 No.5383843
>>5383810 Warren Buffett says Berkshire overpaid for Kraft Heinz.
>>5383697 Vatican treasurer convicted of child sex offenses.
>>5383611 Link to Patton's tweet.
>>5383531 Iran's FM Zarif abruptly resigns just as Assad makes first visit to Iran since war's start.
>>5383487, >>5383525 Syria update.
>>5383313 Dreamers for Trump.
>>5383362 Brody admired Ye's strength of character.
>>5383379 Ukraine’s former chief of General Staff indicted, arrested for high treason.
833f7c No.5383844
Saw on grudgereport and thought the same thing, anon
eecf75 No.5383845
Why does Q always go out of his way to make anons look stupid
Af 1 fake photo
11 11
July the month the world learned the truth
Its because Q is a cia nigger and none of you should trust a single word he or potus say
Fucking snakes
48905d No.5383846
Sounds like a pedo book, conveniently doesn't have a wikipedia page. Have to go to amazon and look at the reviews for any information. lame ass coding, must be desperate
"Tamarisk Row is a delicate examination of a boy's life between the ages of maybe 8 and 12."
The claustrophobic world of a young boy alone with his imagination is delicately told in a world that clearly captures the wonder and helplessness of pre-adolescents. He pulls down his pants with other boys, but why won't the girls do this? Finally he simply pushes one to the ground. "She kicks and punches him silently and savagely, but for two or three seconds while her knee is lifted to aim a kick at him he sees clearly among the biscuit crumbs clinging to her thighs and belly a low white ridge split by a narrow unpromising fissure but with nothing else to distinguish it from the pale slopes around, so that any man or boy who chanced on such a place after years of searching would probably still go on looking for the strange shape that he was really after."
fa45ab No.5383847
FWIW, just tineye'd this pic and came back with 0 results.
f23b74 No.5383849
Whomever came up with the QNN meme, you are brilliant and I love you.
(no homo) :)
1e5356 No.5383850
HAHAHAHHAHA. BTFO you're glowing CIA nigger.
b42be0 No.5383851
And a backhanded swipe at Q.
ccbbae No.5383852
it would be funny if NK became a state.
1fdd8c No.5383853
a01ddc No.5383854
Tribunals anyone?
32a9c5 No.5383855
How many of them joined his "revolution" group??
everyone left when they realized Bernie had betrayed them
there was even a lawsuit to get their money back
a lot of people that couldn't afford that $27. donation
were frankly P I S S E D
why did they support Bernie?
because they absolutely DID NOT WANT HRC
when Bernie supported her
the room cleared like a fire drill
bye bye birdie
ba4385 No.5383856
Everyone being a Tranny is a slide along the same lines as FE
d6c831 No.5383859
is Isaac Kappy legit?
021b10 No.5383860
i guess that's what makes an employable shill
being too fucking stupid to understand when they've failed
48269b No.5383861
Watching VICE and the disgusting rewriting of history. Brainwashing in it's most polished form, no doubt written by cabal forces to taint Trump and anything right wing, Republican, and conservative.
2cf979 No.5383862
3a5203 No.5383863
Some want to know the truth no matter what.
eecf75 No.5383864
Anon you dont get it
This op is to keep trumps base passive its run by trumps people
Trump is an illuminati nigger which anyone sane noticed when he appointed william fucking barr lmao
a040c5 No.5383865
Either this board is
1. Just some wacky chan that that crazy anon Qanon posts on kek!
2. This is THE STORM, and we happen to be a cyber beach head.
Which is it, patriots? CHOOSE, and then FIGHT for what you choose
aad4c7 No.5383866
No I'm not Defango.. once again anons have no clue what's actually fucking going on and are just making shit up
67c7f0 No.5383868
Limited on what I can capture while mobile. It is odd that the chinese theater's property was held by a children's hospital. Seems like it could have been some kind of money laundering transfer.
a291b7 No.5383869
Notable AF.
Good find Anon.
ce7d64 No.5383871
Hate even to mention it but it always bothered me that POTUS ended more than a few rallies with that one.
38a0ce No.5383873
it is a map
Can an anon good with data take all the exif data from all of patten oswalds twitter pictures and compile them into a map?
b570e1 No.5383874
Many top level people are being told to act as if they hate Trump and are having a laugh about it. They do not hate him and are not afraid. Concerning.
b7be6f No.5383875
7c8dbc No.5383876
cc2e60 No.5383877
Was notable all day yesterday.
ccbbae No.5383878
you should have packed eye bleach.
1de05a No.5383879
>>5383510 The 3 tweets i put into this graphic, i got from his account last year.
They are real.
f7c490 No.5383880
>link to Patton’s tweet
you’re including a notable of someone bashing Q for posting that tweet??
Did u read that anon’s post?
a040c5 No.5383884
Can you explain how your continued FORCING of your system of humans doesn't violate our free will and hence invalidate whatever gain you think you were gettting by doing the forcing in the first place?
What possible delusionality are you caught up in, FAKE Q du jour?
The bot system, so far as I can see, has no right to be doing any of the things it is– do you disagree?
b570e1 No.5383887
e73f18 No.5383889
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. STRONG LANGUAGE: Singer R. Kelly Leaves Jail in Chicago, IL (FNN)
7c8dbc No.5383891
c9c14a No.5383893
Did we get anymore info from HWA2? Last I saw was the Oscar ticket, but I had irl shit to do and didn’t see if it went anywhere else. Thanks for the update frens.
ccbbae No.5383894
1fdd8c No.5383895
I know. Still.. no one can know and understand more than POTUS himself, Q, and our GOD in heaven.
613c1b No.5383896
Could throw a dart in that room blindfolded and hit a traitor.
aad4c7 No.5383897
IDK I like Trump and I probably would have picked Barr too cause - no other AG was gonna do shit and at least Barr is a roll of the dice.. but I won't be shocked if he fucks us over.. but hey can't be worse than Sessions who C_A nigger Gary (Qanon) told us to trust
95cda0 No.5383898
Be careful anon. Unless you want HW to know you're here, try to avoid anything that might ID you.
If you want to out pedos/cabal, please do so, but do it without putting yourself in harm's way.
212b3b No.5383899
In 2007 Rainn Wilson became involved with the Mona Foundation, a non-profit organization which supports grassroots educational initiatives worldwide, and in 2014 he joined the board of directors. … Wilson has been very involved in working with youth through the arts. Rainn and his wife, Holiday Reinhorn are the founders of Lidè.
b438af No.5383900
George Pell found guilty of child sex abuse.
The third most powerful man in the Vatican and Australia’s most senior Catholic has been found guilty of raping one choirboy and molesting another in Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral 22 years ago.
fa099f No.5383901
What about Gaga and Bradley Cooper? So much talk surrounding them lately.
3f4860 No.5383902
Yeah they've each turned into Medusa
e07ead No.5383903
b7be6f No.5383904
Because he's not an ageing grandpa just out to get his willy whacked.
053d5b No.5383905
Archived, download here.
613c1b No.5383906
75938d No.5383907
His twitter feed is freakier than Gunn's in my opinion.
b88081 No.5383908
>Not really sure about how I feel about it other than politics is an evil evil game. Want some fucking justice for the people of this country.
Amen, anon.
3a5203 No.5383909
Having a hard time keeping up with you, kek.
Should they be afraid?
1fdd8c No.5383911
Where have you been? This was back when v/QRV was opened. Everyone knows about it. Except you.
2497a3 No.5383912
Good News!
8648b7 No.5383913
Patton Oswalt has tweeted about the Koch brothers several times. He seems to have an issue with them.
472fce No.5383914
Anons are here to share being anons. Which means dealing in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. If Hollywood Anon, Gaffer anon, FBI anon, Q anon, or any other anon is not bringing that, fuck them.
1d27b0 No.5383915
take the paint off your car
9dc320 No.5383916
And this morning early I believe.
Some faggots jus wanna see (you)’ s in the notables.
b570e1 No.5383917
My biggest fear is the POTUS, not HW.
a01ddc No.5383918
95cda0 No.5383919
ID on this bread is 82f809
613c1b No.5383920
They did the same thing with the Zika virus. Made mosquitoes ten times worse than the problem. Er, are those the "LoveBugs" you're talking about?
483972 No.5383922
Regarding Patton Oswalt tweet about leaving iPad on the plane. Suppose he knew he was in really deep shit, a good way to dump an incriminating device could be to 'leave it on a plane'. Either his handlers pick it up later, or it is recovered after being in someone else's possession. Might this give him deniability for whatever is found on it later?
Just thinkin
2a5107 No.5383923
it's real simple, if you wanna drop crumbs, THEN FOLLOW THE RULES. Who do you think you are, the hollywood privileged that deserve a diff set of rules from ordinary anons? Follow the same rules we follow. Youve been told several times not to namefag but you keep doing it. You wanna be one of us, FOLLOW THE RULES. ACT LIKE ANON. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL.
Post what you want but source everything you post.
f65d76 No.5383924
Notables are not endorsements. I didn't include the poster's opinion in my title but I think anons should still see the original tweet.
Just because that anon doesn't have much of imagination doesn't mean the post isn't useful.
e07ead No.5383925
Paris = Pedo all you can eat buffet
dd3c2f No.5383926
Any Qpedes worried about this?
75938d No.5383927
From his Wikipedia page:
Wilson's charitable works include fundraising for the Mona Foundation, a charity operating in developing countries.[38] In 2013, along with Dr Kathryn Adams, he co-founded Lidè Haiti, an educational initiative that uses the arts and literacy to empower adolescent girls in rural Haiti. They currently work in 13 locations with over 500 girls, providing scholarships to many of them.[39]
f65d76 No.5383928
Gonna need sauce on that.
95cda0 No.5383929
if you're afraid of POTUS, then GTFO of here, because I guarantee they know who we are.
b570e1 No.5383930
I don’t see why they would be.
4365be No.5383931
I think Q's grill is the shit, because I made it.
Also Cowboy Drones
0c209d No.5383932
Fry the fucker (if we actually had the death penalty).
MELBOURNE, Australia — An Australian court has canceled a second trial for Cardinal George Pell, the highest-ranking Roman Catholic leader ever convicted of sexual abuse, just days before the cardinal was set to be sentenced on an earlier conviction.
In December, Cardinal Pell, 77, was found guilty of sexually assaulting two 13-year-old choirboys. But a judge forbid news outlets to publish the news, citing concerns that coverage might influence a jury in the second trial.
On Tuesday, with the new trial no longer in the works, the judge lifted the gag order.
The earlier case related to allegations from 1996. Cardinal Pell, a former adviser to Pope Francis, was convicted on several counts.
He was found guilty of forcing oral sex onto a 13-year-old boy after Sunday Mass in the sacristy of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne. At the time, Cardinal Pell was the city’s archbishop.
He was also convicted of an assault in which he grabbed a boy’s genitals.
The second trial was to focus on allegations of child abuse dating to the 1970s, when he was a parish priest in his hometown, Ballarat, Australia.
c27177 No.5383934
Nice purple tie.
d6c831 No.5383935
Breaking Qews Live, maybe?
a040c5 No.5383936
This "anon" is being honest, at least.
The "anons" are about ENFORCING fake chan culture, NOT about the storm.
This "anon" is giving away the game– but HUMAN patriots need to wake up, or it doesn't matter.
1fdd8c No.5383937
Uhm.. anon.. you got some clues to go with that mystery? Asking for self.
3a5203 No.5383939
me too. Could it be Potus trolling them?
38a0ce No.5383940
Image exif data
Make a map
ff8f0a No.5383942
I used to do nursing assistant work in a locked alzheimer's ward. Strange times. I had this one guy who wore a ruby masonic ring. He used to shake my hand with his index and middle finger straight pressing on the inside of my wrist. I started doing it back to him and because he had no functional short term memory he thought I was a fellow mason. He used to give the other caregivers hell but he was nice as pie to me.
7237f2 No.5383943
>Koch brothers several times. He seems to have an issue with them.
Don't we all?
613c1b No.5383944
Need some electrical work done around the set?
b570e1 No.5383945
edb6f4 No.5383946
lurk moar , latefags
9d5cc3 No.5383947
2 days later….
Must have his assets frozen and had to borrow from one of his handlers.
5089c2 No.5383948
Yeah the photos are out there.
7a3a60 No.5383949
>Gonna need sauce on that.
Here you go:
32a9c5 No.5383950
I think maybe Mueller is the one squirming
When the Page/Strzok texts were released
Mueller was put on notice that he, too, was being investigated
There was no crime to investigate
Mueller is looking down the sights of his own indictment
He is the one being investigated
c4bc11 No.5383952
More than 50 ex-national security officials tell Trump his national emergency is not justified
Lindsay Graham smacks them down.
8bcbda No.5383953
I'm 100% sure its just about as legit as this one.
75938d No.5383954
Heavily intertwined with the cabal. Gaga is one of the worst offenders with satanic imagery, freemasonic symbols, and the symbols anons have uncovered.
2e60bf No.5383957
Hopefully we will get some Q+ posts on that long flight to Vietnam.
a01ddc No.5383959
Who is AOC exactly? and How on Earth did she get where she is today? Did C-I-A install her?
@AOC listed "202-225-39**" as "Riley.Roberts@mail.house.gov".
Search shows no Riley Roberts, however, that # comes back as "Kevin J Casey, 45, of DC.
HIS DAD IS WILLIAM CASEY frmr director of the CIA!
AOC's own #!
46c406 No.5383960
From a lawfag - it's bullshit.
8bcbda No.5383961
>>5383953 (me)
Which is to say its not legit at all.