[–]▶ a909bd (6) No.5376282>>5376976 >>5377028 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Sunday 02.24.2019
>>5363071 ---———————————--——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?
>>5362299 ---———————————--——– Those who are the loudest…..
>>5362124 ---———————————--——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
Friday 02.22.2019
>>5340213 ---———————————--——– Nothing to See Here. You are the news now. (Cap: >>5340257)
>>5339881 ---———————————--——– Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?
>>5336480 rt >>5336224 ---———————— We have everything.
>>5336136 ---———————————--——– [Public Service Announcement] 1
>>5336143 ---———————————--——– [Public Service Announcement] 2
>>5334342 rt >>5333867 ---———————— Tools of prevention online.
>>5333636 rt >>5333408 ---———————— CROOKED [[[HILLARY]]]
>>5333421 rt >>5333408 ---———————— Disregard all spelling/other errors.
>>5333408 ---———————————--——– JUDGEMENT DAY COMING. (Cap: >>5333721)
>>5328866 ---———————————--——– One step closer. (Cap: >>5329024 )
>>5328649 ---———————————--——– How do you fill your admin if majority of those 'in politics' are corrupt? (Cap: >>5328694 )
>>5328390 ---———————————--——– FAKE NEWS ONLY DIVIDES.
>>5328186 rt >>5328018 ---———————— Crime Against Children.
>>5327931 rt >>5327889 ---———————— Sedition. Treason. Crimes against Humanity.
>>5327833 rt >>5327780 ---———————— https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sex%20Puppy (Cap: >>5327878 )
>>5327732 rt >>5327581 ---———————— Puppy (sex_urban dic)?
>>5327554 ---———————————--——– What happened re: Bernie's wife 'fraud' case? (Vid: >>5327583 )
>>5326450 ---———————————--——– The best is yet to come. (Vid: >>5326469 )
>>5326235 rt >>5325789 ---———————— Impossible to defend. Vietnam trip coming. Enjoy the show!
>>5325739 ---———————————--——– THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.
>>5325408 rt >>5325320 ---———————— There sure are a lot of ‘Q’ comments on that Tweet POTUS just referred to.
>>5325320 rt >>5325292 ---———————— Got popcorn? (Re: >>5318964 (see below))
>>5325224 ---———————————--——– Dead on. (Caps: >>5325267 )
>>5320727 rt >>5320696 ---———————— Just another coincidence we dropped [LL] was offered a SC seat
>>5320696 ---———————————--——– The Deal of a Lifetime?
>>5320205 ---———————————--——– Our reach is a direct threat to their control. (caps >>5320232)
>>5319456 ---———————————--——– Attacker = member of local ANTIFA chapter (joined April 2018).
>>5319191 ---———————————--——– Pepe is proud and has never been more popular.
>>5318964 ---———————————--——– [Soft Push of New Narrative - Example] (caps >>5319029)
Thursday 02.21.2019
Compiled here: >>5333466
Wednesday 02.20.2019
Compiled here: >>5320765
Tuesday 02.19.2019
Compiled here: >>5305779
Monday 02.18.2019
Compiled here: >>5277090
Sunday 02.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5246773
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
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▶ a909bd (6) No.5376285>>5376399
are not endorsements
>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING
>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
>>5341422 how to edit Hosts File (DNS)
>>5375569, >>5375654 DJT
>>5375667 Documents on Hoda
>>5375629 Interesting re: Americans in Haiti
>>5375720, >>5375699 Clintons on VZ
>>5375718 MS-13 gang killings in the US
>>5375858 AOC lives around the block?
>>5375902 Gillibrand's dad has ties to NXIVM
>>5375915, >>5375664 2017 article, Brits can be arrested for watching conservative content online
>>5375717 New SCOTUS decision regarding 9th circuit
>>5375961 Trump admin considering panel on changing the status of climate change
>>5375934, >>5375963 Caulkin going off today!
>>5375593, >>5375773 Trump accuser tied to Brazilian pedo slaver John of god
>>5376003 Planefags
>>5375993 Mueller left phone inside oval office after Trump meeting?
>>5376151 Cuomo, Pelosi, Gun control bill
>>5376259 #6871
>>5375193, >>5375380 Cuomo calls out AOC, negative impact on NY economy
>>5375274 Americans moving weapons in haiti to not face charges
>>5375214, >>5375239 Senator goes from Dem to Rep in 2012, Great Video
>>5375202, >>5375307 Tech Billionaire financing fake news
>>5375039 Chicago Police claim more evidence against Smollett
>>5375037 Dem Rush Gov't Grant fuckery
>>5375035 Media acknowledges human sex trafficking: "rampant"
>>5375032 Stockfagging
>>5375020 C-SPAN RR, House, Senate
>>5375015 Russia ready to deploy hypersonic nuclear missile system
>>5374932 F-35s armed to destroy ICBMs, CLAS-5.?
>>5374933, >>5374953, >>5374967 Macauley Culkin: Rami eats babies
>>5374928 FVEY related Dig
>>5374911 Trump re: Spike Lee at oscars
>>5374916, >>5374817 New DJT
Baker Change
>>5374809 Train derailed with flammable gas; dramatic rescue operation
>>5374810,>>5374813 Woman exposing pedo in Arg, old tweets?
>>5375528 #6870
Baker Change
>>5373967 Cardinal Admits Church destroyed files to hide sex abuse
>>5374007 SCOTUS to decide if War Cross violates Constitution
>>5374186 Reminder - Getzler (CNN)- What if PDJT is defeated in 2020 and refuses to leave?
>>5374222 Oscar Best Picture features Maggie Nixon
>>5374257 Krassentween backing off? Just wants the truth.
>>5374295 Greg Abbott tweets Alamo letter - Victory or Death
>>5374324 Vietnam deports KJU impersonator ahead of summit
>>5374434, >>5374558 New PDJTs
>>5374465 Hewlett-Packard's IP = P.A.I.N. (it supports both HRC and PP)
>>5374570 Trump slams Spike Lee: Calls his Oscar speech racist
>>5374622 MSNBC asks "can a sitting President be indicted?"
>>5374672 Mayor de Blasio trash talks Clinton, praises Trump in Iowa
>>5374676 Microsoft employees slam $480M military contract
>>5374693 Sarah Sanders Tweet
>>5374701 #6869
Previously Collected Notables
>>5372338 #6866, >>5373143 #6867, >>5373911 #6868
>>5370046 #6863, >>5370814 #6864, >>5371536 #6865
>>5367701 #6860, >>5368464 #6861, >>5369257 #6862
>>5364599 #6857, >>5366171 #6858, >>5366904 #6859
>>5362335 #6853, >>5363110 #6854, >>5363805 #6855
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)
▶ a909bd (6) No.5376288
=War Room==
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
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>>5066118 -- New World Order Research Thread
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▶ a909bd (6) No.5376290
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654
▶ a909bd (6) No.5376306>>5376336 >>5376349 >>5376357 >>5376368 >>5376370 >>5376936
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376318>>5376885 >>5377029
Coffee thoughts repost:
Just in case you doubt the continuity of Q
These pictures from while onboard AF1 were posted 6 months apart, the first
in November 2017 and the second in May 2018.
No doubt, there will be a third.
Meaning whoever posted in November has the same access to these pictures as the one who posted in May.
Or more simply put:
Q has remained the same public face for Americas Intelligentsia.
▶ 846f5c (4) No.5376322>>5376474 >>5376486
[Y] = Janus (Think Y head), think Roman God.
JANUS = Sees the past and the future. Define Projection.
To be covered in gold = Chemtrails covering us.
Chemtrails drop what? "Janus Gold NanoParticles"
▶ c12d28 (5) No.5376330>>5376348 >>5376364 >>5376394 >>5376548 >>5376618 >>5376881
I know this might piss a lot of people off, especially those who think that the Southern DEMOCRATS were the evil baddies in the Civil War.
Here's the deal. They were. Slavery is BAD.
But… like every war… both sides are probably the bad guys, with we anons in the middle holding the guns at each other.
This is so crazy, but Jefferson Davis was never hung for treason because he was never tried for treason because if he was tried he would have WON his case since he had the constitutional right to secede from the Union and in fact the Northern Aggression was ILLEGAL. How nuts is that?
Further, when the Yankees came south to "free the slaves" they threw all their food and milk in the river, hoping they died of starvation.
Exhibt A:
Nevermind Lincoln MANY TIMES saying he's a proud racist and doesn't care if slaves are freed or not.
▶ 062795 (7) No.5376348>>5376373
dont talk about the war between the states
without mentioning the bankers' interests
and jolly old england as arms merchant
the history you were not taught
▶ dbedcb (10) No.5376350>>5376365
I like your meme. Gets the point across and helps out the baker. Cool stuff.
▶ 5c0378 (7) No.5376355>>5376376 >>5376378
Got the BEE reference. Kamakazi & Bees.
They’re defending their hive. There’s a lot of info comparing to Japanese Pearl Harbor.
▶ 09be2e (1) No.5376356
The 'truth' is that the RCMP is being blackmailed by the Hells Angels and that this is really about missing and murdered indegenous women, but people can't come out and say that or anyone on two wheels will get their day of the rope early.
>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to offer an ‘alternative narrative’ on the SNC-Lavalin affair, backed up by fact and details, to take back control of the narrative, and if former justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould leaves unanswered questions, it will look like a cover-up, say political watchers.
There may be more developments Tuesday morning depending on what people's attitudes are.
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376357>>5376367
I got it, baker
Ty for the tasty breads, good job.
Confirming handoff?
▶ 062795 (7) No.5376358
blade runner 2049
not a job for humans
generational travel is daunting
▶ c62c0d (2) No.5376361>>5376362 >>5376517 >>5376547 >>5376550 >>5376558
Piece of the Puzzle 1A
→ Img2 → The timestamp is 8:55, we go to Q855 and the first lines read 1 of 5, then 2 of 5 and are separated by a number. Coincidence? The Maestro is saying he is going to post 5 tweets and this one and the next one, put together, should be considered as the first tweet. Hence the suspension points. Then, going to the nitty-gritty, there is a clear reference to America being sold out by their treasonous political leaders and that HRC’s victory would have been the nail in the coffin. In the simple Gematria system, the capital letters add up to IGGUSIAT=93=CYMATICS video. The principle behind cymatics is to alter matter geometrical shapes through frequencies. If you apply this at the biological cellular level, imagine all the things you may be able to do… Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed that the Jewish Gematria value of the capital letters is 558! This number is the timestamp 8:55 read from right to left which is exactly how Hebrew is read. With this clue, we are told we should use the Jewish Gematria system. We find: IGGUSIAT=558=THEY FAILED. We can now extract the decoded message for this particular piece. Read very carefully.
Piece of the Puzzle 1B
→ Img3 → The timestamp is 8:59, we go to Q859. The weak spec steel import model is confirmed with the Kobe Steel scandal but there is more: do you see this ‘people’ broken by numbers adding up to 34=32+2? This symbolizes the programming and control of people by secret societies like Skull and Bones through the use of frequencies as confirmed in Q772. The capital letters add up to IUSW=72=DISCORD. You got it, we are talking about mass zombification of America, persisting division and social unrest. Read the decoded message.
Piece of the Puzzle 2
As you can see, the picture shown about 5G is pretty somber right? Then why would the Maestro tweet he wants 5G and even 6G as soon as possible? Answer: because the wall is being built!!! America is now ready! Do you see it?! He tweeted about the wall R=18 minutes after talking about 5G. Why? Because it’s Related! BOOM! The bomb has just exploded: the wall is also about protecting America from the harm of 5G! So you thought the largest Military Spending Bill of our history was only about building a physical wall at the southern border? You thought everything we know and talk about regarding 5G and how it can harm humans was going to be overlooked by POTUS?
Q1106 Have faith. Trust POTUS. Q
The wall is about protecting us from ALL TYPES OF WEAPONS AND ARMIES FROM ALL DIMENSIONNS that were gathered by our former treasonous political leaders in order to weaken us, enslave us and invade us.
Q1009 The WALL means more than you know. The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more. Q
How do you protect the American People from a tangible threat without causing a mass panic? Regulation? You don’t have time:
==Q166 Bad actors gather metadata and targeting. Small example of the ongoing silent war. Options? Regulate? Problem: time to complete. Solution? Patriots, get the word out. Jason Bourne (Deep Dream). Q==
Since Trump’s election, hundreds of billions of dollars have been quietly invested in R&D in the most advanced fields in biology, technology and military warfare to protect America and correct its course. Under the Maestro’s command, our most brilliant minds have been working behind the scenes to build an integrated set of protections to shield us from the various types of threats that were identified. This integrated set of protections is what the Maestro generically called: THE WALL.
If you think about what I have just said, you will see the wall for the Fake News is QANON!
▶ c62c0d (2) No.5376362>>5376547 >>5376550
Now that I have revealed this amazing secret to you, the rest of the decoding becomes almost trivial. Let’s finish it. Try to get ahead of me this time.
→ Img4 → The timestamp brings in Q917 where, projected in this decoding context, a parent is worrying about the safety and health issues related to 5G networks. The answer is in the capital letters adding up to 456. A big load of Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed 456 is a multiple of 6 and is therefore eligible to the English Gematria system and that we should consider it. Why? Because this is why the Maestro said “and even 6G” in the first tweet: since G=7, 6G can be written 67. Take its mirror (76) and multiply it by 6. What do you get? Yes, 456. What does it mean? It means the Maestro is answering to this parent with 6 different matches for 76. Here they are: HIDDEN AGENDA, PAIN REAL, THE PLAN, LIBERATED, SAFETY, HEAL AMERICA. Notice the length of the wall construction video in the tweet: 23 seconds. This is the Trump/Q dynamics I told you about in previous posts and confirmed by the “revealed” password in Q1415. The Maestro puts it here to show the 322/32 Skull and Bones dynamics we saw in the previous message is reversed by THE WALL and neutralized.
Piece of the Puzzle 3 & 4
→ Img5 → The first tweet refers to the recent Jussie Smollett scandal. The capital letters of the first tweet add up to 73=BIPOLAR, which is confirmed by the capital letters of the second tweet adding up to 293 and equaling THE ACTOR IS LOST IN HIS ROLE=293. The timestamps bring in Q1109 and Q1510 where we learn this mass confusion illustrated by the Smollet example is engineered by the Dems and their puppet masters through technology, evil and corruption. We get the confirmation California/Hollywood is their HQ and experimenting platform. This allows us to extract the decoded message.
==Piece of the Puzzle 5==
→ Img6 → The timestamp is 7:27PM, which is 19:27 military time. We go to Q1927 where we find the lines about subversion and National Emergency. The capital letters add up to 124, value for REVERSE FATE. Read the decoded message.
==Piece of the Puzzle 6==
→ Img7 → Amazing re-tweet by POTUS. He re-tweets a tweet from FLOTUS. Look at the timestamp: 8:55PM. It therefore points to Q2055 which brings the general idea of outstanding expertise and competence that I told you about in piece of the puzzle 2. You thought everything I told you about our brightest minds quietly working to build THE WALL was me guessing? No. I took it from this re-tweet. But there is more. Remember, POTUS tweeted his first 5G tweet of the day at 08:55 AM. FLOTUS tweeted this uplifting message at 08:55PM. Coincidence? Do you see the Cosmic Dance I am seeing? Close your eyes… Expand your thinking… video. The Maestro is essentially saying: “the darkness they wanted to plunge America into has been reversed. With 5G, the Enemies of America wanted to kill us with our children but I put our brightest minds to work. I have built THE WALL and we are now safe. You wanted 5G? HAVE FUN!”
Do you now see THE WALL?
And for our digital warriors out there, here is the complete decoded message: Img8
==Q1106 Have faith. Trust POTUS. Q==
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376363>>5376386
They have access to all the DNA they need to recreate humanity?
▶ 5e85d3 (1) No.5376364
It was never about Slavery. It was about power and control.
▶ d35374 (25) No.5376365>>5376371 >>5376425
Thanks Anon…. here's some more Baker PSA's if they want to use them.
Sometimes breads move fast…
▶ a909bd (6) No.5376367>>5376374 >>5376425
ty good sir
▶ 2679e3 (3) No.5376368>>5376425
ThanQ for your time baker.
▶ dbedcb (10) No.5376371
Thanks anon.
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376372
Best supporting actress on GMA, something about this oscars being reflective. Jlo in mirror dress. WTF
▶ c12d28 (5) No.5376373>>5376398
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376374>>5376425
>ty good sir
kek, you bet baker
Have a good one.
▶ 5c0378 (7) No.5376376>>5376395
Kamikaze - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Kamikaze
Kamikaze officially Tokubetsu Kōgekitai were a part of the Japanese Special Attack ….. missions that he referred to them as a swarm of bees", explaining: "Bees die after they have stung.
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5376378>>5376415
that makes sense for the HRC tweet, but Oscars connection?
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376380
>>5376351 lb
>That's why we need this done by military tribunal, not people crying and shouting death! death! optics man, optics.
>They'll get whats coming to them.
Not mutually exclusive.
Expressing righteous indignation is a good thing.
Makes one feel alive.
I'll not stop doing it.
▶ 846f5c (4) No.5376381>>5376389 >>5376393 >>5376408 >>5376885 >>5377029
Amazon Plane Crashes Carried by ATLAS carriers.
Wikileaks just happens to have a leak called '''Amazon Atlas""
Coincident? Hmmm..
▶ 188464 (6) No.5376382>>5376404 >>5376570 >>5376885 >>5377029 >>5377047
This article appeared the day before Trumps inauguration. I think this is what Hillary's bee's tweet is about.
Over the past few years, the task of conceiving effective attacks to complex networks has arisen as an optimization problem. Attacks are modelled as the process of removing a number k of vertices, from the graph that represents the network, and the goal is to maximise or minimise the value of a predefined metric over the graph. In this work, we present an optimization problem that concerns the selection of nodes to be removed to minimise the maximum betweenness centrality value of the residual graph. This metric evaluates the participation of the nodes in the communications through the shortest paths of the network.
To address the problem we propose an artificial bee colony algorithm, which is a swarm intelligenceapproach inspired in the foraging behaviour of honeybees. In this framework, bees produce new candidate solutions for the problem by exploring the vicinity of previous ones, called food sources. The proposed method exploits useful problem knowledge in this neighbourhood exploration by considering the partial destruction and heuristic reconstruction of selected solutions. The performance of the method, with respect to other models from the literature that can be adapted to face this problem, such as sequential centrality-based attacks, module-based attacks, a genetic algorithm, a simulated annealing approach, and a variable neighbourhood search, is empirically shown.
▶ c12d28 (5) No.5376383
Have you noticed that Trump himself is now suddenly boldly calling Black people "RACIST"? I think Smollett was first, and now Spike Lee.
This is a big marker, I think.
▶ 5768a3 (6) No.5376384
Dig on the mini-series "Ascension".
▶ 2235c1 (5) No.5376386>>5376499
That would explain how they would have 1,000 Mozart's and Einsteins, do they have their DNA?
▶ c5131a (1) No.5376389
▶ 9f01ea (3) No.5376390
I screen capped >>5376324 /lb and will use it to FINALLY prove to my Korean Vet father you are real.
If and when something happens?
fingers crossed
▶ f94208 (3) No.5376391>>5376530
>>5376005 (from last bread)
anon has found a way to slip through the algorithms:
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376393
Noice dig, Anon!
▶ 5c0378 (7) No.5376395
PestBusters knows how to exploit Bees’ weaknesses to finish them off for good.
Bees are the kamikaze fighters of the insect world. Equipped with a stinger that can only be used once, their venom may trigger potentially fatal allergic reactions in humans. Depending on the species in question, they can range from placid to downright berserk. What is so devastating is their method of swarming in when they attack.
▶ bffb19 (1) No.5376396
Anon posted this last bread. A possible twitter workaround? Try it out:
Here’s mine:
▶ e04cbd (1) No.5376397
raging arguments here with dimwit invective are shills who stage multipart kayfabe dramas in which they take all sides -- "hot button" (to shills) arguments.
Anons do not abuse newfags or each other.
We're here to get a job done, and for most of us, that's about protecting children and the future of our families and this great nation.
It's not about labeling others as evil, or accusing people who think differently from us of stupidity.
Anons have learned all theories are provisional and most of us have learned to update our worldviews on receiving new information.
Anons do not hold ourselves superior because we know something someone else doesn’t. All knowledge is incomplete. There is a crack in everything as the mystics say.
Anons to not hate, nor do we despise those who differ or abuse and try to drive them away.
Anons are of many nationalities, faiths,
economic and educational backgrounds.
▶ 062795 (7) No.5376398>>5376568
yes… and then 1913
jefferson understood the evils of a central bank
fuck hamilton
▶ 13ad97 (2) No.5376399
Patriots are grateful
Tyb, thnq
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376401>>5376413
Bitch behind bars. (gif)
▶ 188464 (6) No.5376404
And here - http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20170418-bee-coloniesinspired-tool-to-help-dismantle-terrorist-cells-criminal-social-networks
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5376405
Son of Ex-Time’s Up CEO Hires Kevin Spacey’s Lawyer to Defend Sexual Assault Accusation
▶ 1a042d (1) No.5376409
>>5376210 (lb) asking if krassensteins got a q team visit
Mebbe, personally dont think so.
Its good to keep the nauseaously gaslighting shills up, cause when dem antitrump normies finally see the light they will get so sick looking back that theyll never turn back to crapeinsteins and co.
Pic mebbe kinda related kek.
▶ e6b8b4 (3) No.5376410
What is the USA version of SIS? is it SIS?
▶ 970752 (2) No.5376411>>5376477
Don't be on the wrong side of histerdasty.
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376412>>5376885 >>5377029 >>5377087
Repost: Homeland Security News Wire:
"Bee colonies-inspired tool to help dismantle terrorist cells, criminal social networks"
Published 18 April 2017
Researchers have designed an algorithm, inspired by the intelligent and social behavior of bee colonies, which allows law enforcement to attack and dismantle any type of social network that poses a threat, whether physical or virtual, such as social networks linked to organized crime and jihadist terrorism. The possible applications of this new bio-inspired algorithm, which helps to make optimal decisions in order to dismantle any type of social network, are many and varied: from dismantling a criminal network to facilitating the design of vaccination strategies capable of containing the spread of a pandemic.
Researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) have designed an algorithm, inspired by the intelligent and social behavior of bee colonies, which allows law enforcement to attack and dismantle any type of social network that poses a threat, whether physical or virtual, such as social networks linked to organized crime and jihadist terrorism.
The possible applications of this new bio-inspired algorithm, which helps to make optimal decisions in order to dismantle any type of social network, are many and varied: from dismantling a criminal network to facilitating the design of vaccination strategies capable of containing the spread of a pandemic.
UGR notes that the tool designed by the UGR researchers automatically detects and identifies the most dangerous actors or nodes within a given social network and the density of the interconnected relationships between them, which may help law enforcement authorities make their decisions and act in the most efficient way possible.
As explained by one of the authors of this paper, Manuel Lozano Márquez, from the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the UGR, “Bees form fairly well organized societies, in which each member has a specific role. There are three main types: scout bees, which are looking for food sources; worker bees, who collect food; and supervisor bees, who wait in the colony.”
Data exchange and communication processes are established between those three roles, which makes the overall performance of the colony very profitable. The UGR scientists have simulated this behavior using in silico bees in order to find effective and efficient strategies to dismantle networks. The results of the experiments indicate that the proposed technique significantly improves, from a statistical point of view, the classic strategy used for attacking and dismantling social networks.
Social networks
Many complex interaction systems linked to nature and related to mankind are structured in a complex network --- that is, they are made up of a series of interrelated actors. Social networks are a very recent example of this. Some networks are pernicious because of their potential to cause harm to people, critical
infrastructures and economic interests.
The classic (and also the most natural and intuitive) method for dismantling a network is to identify its main actors and take action on them. However, this strategy does not ensure that the resulting network is totally devoid of organizational and reconstructive power, and it may continue to cause harm.
“In order to find the most effective way of dismantling a network, it is necessary to develop and put into action an optimization process that analyzes a multitude of situations and selects the best option in the shortest time possible. It’s similar to what a chess program does when identifying, predicting and checking the possible steps or paths that may occur in a game of chess from a given moment and movement,” says Humberto Trujillo Mendoza from the Department of Methodology of Behavioral Sciences at the UGR and one of the authors of the paper.
As the authors explain, “The subtlety with which groups or colonies of relatively simple living beings (ants, termites, bees, etc.) are able to solve vital problems to survive is a proof of the effectiveness of evolution.” By means of certain interrelationships among the members of a colony, a collective behavior emerges from that colony, and it allows them to efficiently react to problematic environmental situations. That task, applied by the UGR to the field of artificial intelligence, would be impossible to carry out by individual members of the colony.
▶ 2679e3 (3) No.5376413>>5376423
>What makes a movie BAD?
▶ 3f93eb (8) No.5376414
Plan Accordingly…..Prepare to Defend Yourselves
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376415>>5376417
Star weaponizing SJWs?
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376417
As if it needs to be started.
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376418>>5376437 >>5376471 >>5376885 >>5377029
To President @jguaido of Venezuela, it is a great privilege to share this moment. I bring you and President of Colombia @IvanDuque a very simple message from @POTUS Trump & the United States of America: We are with you 100%.
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5376419
Karren Brady steps down as chairman of Sir Philip Green's holding company amid #MeToo scandal
▶ 704513 (3) No.5376423
Almost anon. "Bad actors".
▶ 13ad97 (2) No.5376425
>laughing my buns off over here
>top kek mates!
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376428>>5376567
Anybody got the Q drop on AOC? I can't remember any pertinent words to use for search. Thanks!
▶ 34da0b (3) No.5376429>>5376462 >>5376885 >>5377029
A former United States Attorney, Dennis K. Burke, who resigned in a weapons trafficking scandal involving Mexican cartels, is now working for a Mexican political family frequently accused in the media of weapons trafficking with cartels. Burke is also implicated by the government in a visa fraud scheme, together with his law partner, John Sandweg Esq. Sandweg was formerly a senior executive and Acting General Counsel for the government agencies in charge of foreign visas and immigration crimes at the Department of Homeland Security and ICE.
He is accused of attempting to invoke his old job title as a part of that visa fraud scheme -- all done with the apparent intent to get sham visas for Mexican nationals who are members of a Sex Cult accused of federal immigration crimes, and one of the beneficiaries of the scheme was the Vanguard’s baby mama.
Holy heck, you can’t make this stuff up.
You couldn’t write this script if you tried.
In the Nxivm case, real life is stranger than fiction.
So why isn’t this front page news across the USA?
Burke made national news when he resigned in Obama’s Fast and Furious scandal. For these new alleged deeds, he’ll probably be facing more than the oversight hearings he refused to attend in 2013.
▶ 1d9e86 (2) No.5376431>>5376445
Meme geniouses… I have a big favor to ask. My talents are not good enough for this request, please don't send me to imageflip….
Could one of you amazing, talented souls alter the soldoer reflection to have ww1, ww2, korea, and nam vets in the pool of water marching with these soldiers? I sm asking a lot, I know. But this image just gobsmacked me
▶ 02d80d (3) No.5376432
Watching the water
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376435
DeMoCrAtIc PlAnTaTiOn
DeMoCrAtIc PlAnTaTiOn
DeMoCrAtIc PlAnTaTiOn
▶ 0ce47e (4) No.5376437>>5377042
something…something…concrete steps.
▶ 03edd7 (1) No.5376438
baker from last night here
this was dropped on my last bread
Crumbs Make Bread
not sure WTF Crab People is, but other than than pretty nice graphic anon. appears to be done new.
anon said
>>5374165 (/pb)
Double check please
But am i connecting this right?
▶ d6a000 (1) No.5376439>>5376630 >>5376834
Anons see this yet?
They (Daily Beast) are targeting that pastry chef in Mar-A-Lago who posted Q cakes, signatures.
▶ 670038 (13) No.5376441>>5376449 >>5376473 >>5376506 >>5376527 >>5376644 >>5376649 >>5376918
Lady GaGa won an Oscar award last night.
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5376444>>5376476
Instead of Night Shift…
Night Edition!
Oh wait… we already use Edition for something…
▶ 2fd224 (8) No.5376445
Korean War memorial
but the artist is a jerk and you can't use images of it.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376446>>5376452 >>5376466 >>5376470 >>5376482 >>5376489 >>5376495 >>5376559 >>5376565 >>5376586 >>5376596 >>5376599 >>5376641 >>5376885 >>5377029
Time For Action: Chase Bank Denies Service to Conservatives
So, what happens when banks and credit card companies target people for their political views? Do we need to build our own banks, too?
▶ 91ad9f (2) No.5376449>>5376475
payment for her soul.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376450>>5376457 >>5376467 >>5376486 >>5376488 >>5376557 >>5376633 >>5376690 >>5377045
>>5376051 pb
Posted multiple times but Anons pass it by.
BEES = babies!
Bees make HONEY HONEY = adrenochrome
Just like the original Bible story about the Nephilim/fallen angels coming to earth and forcing man to mine for gold- the gold is HONEY- our HONEY, our blood serum.
▶ 9f01ea (3) No.5376451
>>5374912 /lb
Next, we'll see these images on CNN claiming we're Nazi
▶ 8bf6af (1) No.5376453
Have any anons realized that Q post 2888 breaks down to 17? Maybe “go post” once posted.
▶ f4f761 (3) No.5376454>>5376485 >>5376528 >>5376554 >>5376609 >>5376871
Been here since day one. Dont get offended much, but truly one of the most offensive things Ive seen here was yesterday when hollywood showed up. I know, I wasnt very cordial.
Here's for you hollywood anons: No one has to tell you the right thing to do. YOU KNOW. So put your money where your mouth is, think of someone other than yourself, and go do it if you are truly sincere. Until then, you have no credibility.
It is an insult to anons for you to come here and act as if you are one of us, with the same sense of outrage for the atrocities committed in the name of Hollywood, when you have turned a blind eye to it for years, for the sake of personal profit. You come here now, only because you know Hollywood is about to be exposed. It is highly offensive, and down right repulsive.
If you are the big name you say you are, then you should have no prob reaching out to POTUS. I'm sure he can, and would, connect you with those who can take your eyewitness/evidence and do something with it.
Dont voluntarily play in the pigpen and then come here and cry because you are dirty. Take steps to clean your ownself. Anons cant do it for you, and we certainly wont mitigate you to make you feel better about yourself. (((They))) arent in power anymore, so there is no excuse left.
Off the soapbox. Peace.
▶ 5768a3 (6) No.5376457
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376458
▶ f256e7 (5) No.5376460
1st and only take
▶ 846f5c (4) No.5376461
Solar Cell
Prison Cell
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
All Energy, right?
▶ 162be3 (4) No.5376462>>5376545 >>5376885 >>5377000 >>5377029
Possible notable there anon, good digs
▶ 7750bf (9) No.5376463>>5376648
Then there's this from twat dropped on the board last night
▶ c95a74 (5) No.5376465>>5376497 >>5376513
Can I get a badge drop anons, need to update my stash.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376466>>5376885 >>5377029
Enrique Tarrio, the black leader of the Proud Boys, a group that has laughably been branded a white supremacist organization by liberals, was also suspended by Chase. So was Martina Markota. And Joe Biggs, who made enough of a stink that Chase reluctantly gave him his account back.
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376467>>5376480 >>5376504
The BEES reference yesterday was about suicide bombers, today it's children?
▶ 632051 (1) No.5376468
>>5376167 (lb)
What's the protocol for visitors' electronic devices in the Oval Office? Do they have to be given to SS outside the office and retrieved when coming out?
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376470>>5376496 >>5376551 >>5376885 >>5377029
Banking is one of the most heavily regulated industries in America for a good reason -- and it’s not just because the bankers can steal your money. The idea that citizens could be cut off from using a bank because of their political views is extremely dangerous. Imagine going to your bank and being told to produce your voter registration before you’re allowed to open an account or get a credit card. If Chase is allowed to do this, we are taking a step into that world. A world where your political views could keep you from being able to get credit or run a business. Certainly, there are an awful lot of liberals who would love to see us enter a world like that. In fact, there was a column in the New York Times last year calling for weaponizing the financial industry in exactly this way to shut down the gun industry as part of an effort to deny Americans their Second Amendment rights
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376472
update of a classic
▶ 16acb8 (1) No.5376473
She looks like a virgin
▶ 0ebf0d (3) No.5376474>>5376491 >>5376500
Vatican was built on what used to be the temple of Janus.
Janus is a moon of Saturn along with Prometheus and Pandora. GAGA was a moon of Saturn before it became Pluto.
▶ 91f054 (1) No.5376479>>5376754
>>5376328 Great Article in Today’s Edition of The End Times
▶ 704513 (3) No.5376480>>5376508
What would suicide bombers have to do with the Oscars?
▶ c8e9a9 (1) No.5376481>>5376525
>>5376279 lb
I woke this morning thinking of the rabbit ears he wears and the tweets he made after the HW evil awards and thought he could be our guy in a big way. Then I remembered this very picture of that boy alone in a house, just the way pedos like kids, separated from parents.
Oh dear God protect this Brave man survivor and all the children and the children who have grown up in this cult named Hollywood.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376482>>5376885 >>5377029
Republicans in the Senate should demand that Chase executives come before them and answer some hard questions about targeting customers for their political views. Maybe we need to rewrite banking regulations to make sure this kind of discrimination can’t occur. I tell you what’s not a “maybe”: Republicans in Congress should at least let banks know that they are paying attention to this issue and that there could be rather severe consequences for Chase or, alternately, for the whole industry if this practice spreads.
▶ 760b28 (1) No.5376485
▶ 77688b (1) No.5376488>>5376509
How many slang words for Adrenochrome do they need.
At some point they must start to confuse themselves.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376489
You may have heard someone say, “the Constitution is not a suicide pact.” I would add to that “capitalism is not a suicide pact.” Breaking up monopolies is a conservative idea with a long track record. Protecting middle-class citizens from the abuses of corporations that are targeting them unfairly is not something conservatives have historically shied away from doing when it was needed.
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376492>>5376885 >>5376956 >>5377029
1) Full attack mode.
Washington Post leading?
[Sample Past 5hrs]
Who owns the Washington Post?
What ABC agency is heavily tied to Amazon?
2) When you can't discredit this movement using logic and facts, you resort to comparing it to ART?
How many articles has the WASH POST released attacking the 'Q' movement?
Why is the WASH POST dedicated to attacking this movement?
If we aren't a threat, or real, or simply just a conspiracy theory, why the [constant] heavy attacks?
[Information Warfare][IW]
[Destroy the Controlled Narrative]
3) What a coincidence.
Why is the WASH POST leading the attack re: Q?
How many articles have been written re: Q?
Who owns the WASH POST?
Who funds the WASH POST?
4) More importantly, why is the WASH POST leading the attack vs ‘Q’?
Who owns the WASH POST?
Who funds Amazon?
Who targeted NSA re: SURV expose/prevent pre U1 / IRAN?
Why are we attacked daily by the largest news co’s on the world?
Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove.
The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon
A $600 million computing cloud built by an outside company is a "radical departure" for the risk-averse intelligence community.
Frank Konkel
Jul 17, 2014
Who targeted NSA re: SURV expose/prevent pre U1 / IRAN?
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376495>>5376606 >>5376885 >>5377029
▶ 062795 (7) No.5376496
china essentially doing this already
using the "social score"
do you love big brother?
▶ 347a78 (19) No.5376498
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376499
Mozart skull/DNA
▶ 2fd224 (8) No.5376500
I hear it was built where St Paul was crucified on an upside down cross.
oh well, who really knows which is true without sauce.
▶ 9e4be7 (5) No.5376501>>5376522
>>5376424 (lb Macaulay Culkin)
▶ 71eb58 (2) No.5376502>>5376580
>>5376051 [pb]
>>5376195 [pb]
I thought bees (not necerssarily in this context - or maybe?) was a reference to us - the cattle. We work all day making honey, the bee keepers then come and take all of our work for themselves.
▶ f321ee (1) No.5376503>>5376544
>>5376186 (lb)
You don't really believe that Northerners weren't just as racist as the Southerners, do you?
Who do you think brought slaves to America in the first place?
Molasses to Rum to Slaves. North had shipping.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376504>>5376521 >>5376538
>reference yesterday
(You) obviously don't know how this works.
MULTIPLE meanings always.
And did ya happen to THINK that maybe the discussion yesterday was off the mark?
STFU and get back in line soldier.
▶ f4ae78 (1) No.5376506
Are you going to post the fake GaGa pic every bread, just to discredit QReseach?
▶ c1d4bc (1) No.5376507>>5376523 >>5376566
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376508>>5376516 >>5376536
You tell me?
The terrorist threat recently used BEES as a socially encrypted way of calling out for more suicide bombers.
It's likely to 'catch on' in their circles.
▶ 188464 (6) No.5376509
Shills came out when bee's were mentioned?
I think this is Trumps secret white hat weapon
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376511
Hebrew and Jewish and Israelite all have different meanings.
▶ d35374 (25) No.5376513>>5376546
What can I help you with today Anon?
Let me know which one's you want….
▶ da4bdd (2) No.5376515>>5376560
>>5374257 Krassentween backing off? Just wants the truth. (/pb)
couple days ago they thought they pulled this big GOTCHA moment on all of us
funny how pretty much no no one noticed your jewish asses an the victory train just kept on a rollin'
▶ 504a0c (1) No.5376516
Can someone explain this bees = suicide bombers link?
Work fagging…difficult to keep up
▶ 02cac0 (5) No.5376517>>5376979
Excellent decodes of POTUS' twats and Q drops.
▶ b70f4d (2) No.5376518
wish I knew how. would put it spinning on trump's finger like a basketball.
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376521>>5376562
11/10 glowing pickle.
Nice try one who claims to be in our /ourhivemind/
▶ 9e4be7 (5) No.5376522
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5376501
>>5376007 (lb Macaulay Culkin)
Macaulay Culkin for a short period was in a very odd music group called Pizza Underground. Apparently all their songs were pizza related.
Quite obviously, I couldn't help but take into consideration the thought of Pizzagate and that he was a very famous child actor.
Had no idea then and still don't if he was in a way embracing it or a sly way of exposing it.
I had a buddy who went to see them live at a very small place just because it was Macaulay Culkin and he was curious. He said it felt very weird and uncomfortable. He left early.
In the video he's all the way to the left.
▶ 02d80d (3) No.5376523
Racist but kissed a fugly black chick…ok… What a fucking world we live in.
Meanwhile Biden gropes children on camera….ignored
▶ 347a78 (19) No.5376526
▶ 9f01ea (3) No.5376528>>5376871
White Hats should get a msg to the victims.
Most prolly grew a conscious after participating in it for years thinking they have no out other than prison.
Take each case as it comes.
If they are sincere, they would not care what happened to them if it meant stopping it.
Until then. Hollywood anons can fuck off!
▶ 0ebf0d (3) No.5376529
Jesus was a handsome woman.
▶ 02cac0 (5) No.5376530>>5376657
▶ b90c18 (1) No.5376531>>5376535 >>5376555
Nah. More like An Inconvenient Truth.
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376534>>5376556
The whole culture of Hollywood and what they "provide" to America needs to die.
▶ d35374 (25) No.5376535
▶ 188464 (6) No.5376536
No I think they've worked out Trumps magic weapon - http://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20170418-bee-coloniesinspired-tool-to-help-dismantle-terrorist-cells-criminal-social-networks
Article from the day before Trumps inauguration!
▶ 790de2 (2) No.5376538
>MULTIPLE meanings always.
▶ c12d28 (5) No.5376539
Ah yes, the Democrats in the Media pulling the levers of Love and Hate with a brass knuckle
▶ e36d18 (5) No.5376542
Asgardia, Proposed Space-Based Nation Accepting Citizenship Applications
Leaders of a proposed space nation called Asgardia discussed the project at a news conference in Paris on Oct. 12, 2016. The team discussed the possibility of one day building a space station, like the one shown in this artist's rendition, which they released to media outlets.
PARIS ─ A proposed space nation called Asgardia is now accepting applications for future citizens.
Leaders of the Asgardia project discussed the prospective space nation at a news conference in Paris Wednesday (Oct. 12). The leaders aim to launch Asgardia's first satellite in 2017 and say they would like to eventually have a space station where some, but not all, of its planned 150 million (mostly Earth-dwelling) nationals would live and work.
Asgardia, named after the Norse gods' home of Asgard, will be a democracy with an emphasis on the freedom of the individual to develop space technologies, according to Igor Ashurbeyli, Asgardia project team leader and founder. People can now apply to be selected as one of the first 100,000 citizens through the nation’s website, asgardia.space. At the time of publication, the number of applicants has reached more than 84,000, according to the website. While Asgardia is not officially a nation (yet), prospective citizens must fulfil the legal requirements for Asgardia's United Nations application --- for example, they must be from nations that allow multiple citizenships. [Incredible Technology: How to Build a Space Station Colony]
▶ 12330e (6) No.5376543
Ex-soldier convicted of violating Swiss neutrality by fighting ISIS
A former Swiss soldier was found guilty of violating Swiss neutrality by fighting against the Islamic State in Syria.
Hanna Johannes Cosar was convicted Friday of breaking Switzerland’s law against fighting for another country without permission from the government, Reuters reported. He faced up to three years in prison, but was fined 500 Swiss francs for joining the Syriac Military Council.
The Syriac Military Council is a private army that sought to defend the Syriacs, one of the world’s oldest Christian communities, from ISIS.
Cosar previously served as a sergeant in the Swiss Army. His family moved to the European country from Syria three generations ago.
Cosar fought against ISIS for two years, then returned to Switzerland and was arrested in 2015.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376544
>Northerners weren't just as racist as the Southerners
You, Anon, are ignorant to history. Read, research, DIG.
The civil war was brought on by the joos. See Grants ORDER #11 where he evacuates joos from the country.
South was PRO humans- MANY blacks owned slaves. North was pro MONEY and that included KEEPING SLAVES. The south treated all equally, hence why blacks also kept slaves.
North was unable to compete with the labor and better weather (crops) in the south so they created this war and the joos backed it, as always.
BTW- southern Baptists are really joos.
▶ 34da0b (3) No.5376545>>5376885 >>5377029
There appears to be a tad bit more about Mexico and the women brought in from there for NXIVM "classes"..
The tie in with the BHO lawyers unknown to this anon until now…
▶ dbedcb (10) No.5376547>>5376634
You know how to format text but not attach a photo? That aside, looks like you put into some work into this. Good job. Attached your photo.
▶ 722548 (2) No.5376548>>5376564 >>5376573 >>5376662
You mean The States Rights War
▶ d7ba85 (2) No.5376550>>5376752 >>5376761
I must be a brainlet
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376551
>magine going to your bank and being told to produce your voter registration before you’re allowed to open an account
subtle attack on voter ID ?
▶ 5c0378 (7) No.5376552>>5376569
Still tweeting hatred.
▶ 7750bf (9) No.5376554>>5376572 >>5376713 >>5376744 >>5376754 >>5376871
With you on HW 1&2 but gafferanon is for real & searching for truth. He gave us info to dig on W hotel, ATL & more. We can't shut certain people out who want to be part of this movement or this would be an empty place.
▶ 71b878 (3) No.5376556
▶ 12e238 (4) No.5376557>>5376625
there's a reason anons pass it by
▶ ba460d (2) No.5376558
Are there some images missing? The last couple….
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376559
They have fired people working at the bank for not donating money to the politcal PAC before
▶ f256e7 (5) No.5376560
notice in his tweet, (((their))) plan is to now shift narrative away from Mueller and focus on the sdny new york state investigations… which are bs too.
all media will do same all week cus they know mueller nothing burger is plated and ready to be fed to the people.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376562
>glowing pickle.
Yes. Yes You Are.
have a pickle.
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376564
The War that killed the Constitution
They tear down the statues of our forefathers today because they feel the need to reiterate that they won.
The thing is, you won the war but you never won the PEACE.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376565
They have fired people at the bank for not getting a mortgage thru the bank they work for
▶ 062795 (7) No.5376566>>5376689
what does omarossa have to say?
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376567>>5376582 >>5376588
Still can't find it. Any anons got it?
▶ c12d28 (5) No.5376568
And now Hamilton is some sort of Black Icon
▶ 9e4be7 (5) No.5376569>>5376669
I'm sorry, but what bait? These 2 little faggots been bashing POTUS like a couple of mindless puppets for a while, haven't they?
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376570>>5376577
( >>5376327 lb)
ty anon>>5376397
Re: above newfags post:
>Anons to not hate, nor do we despise those who differ or abuse and try to drive them away.
A good amount of posts mentioning "joos" that also encourage a type of passivism are paid JIDF workers.
>nor do we despise those who differ or abuse and try to drive them away.
This is not an accurate description of the chans. We are straight-talkers and pull no punches in our criticism. If we think someone isn't contributing here or doesn't belong, we say so. It isn't "hate" for hate's sake, but just a healthy protection of one's borders. Bc w/o borders, you don't have a country.
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5376572
> We can't shut certain people out who want to be part of this movement
which is why there is pushback against those, to prevent more from stepping up.
we can handle ebot and Tiresias all night all day, fuck's sake we can handle some HWanons too
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376573>>5376585 >>5376590
What is the legal basis to declare war on your countrymen?
▶ 670038 (13) No.5376575
When Mueller is gone then Q will be more relevant.
▶ b6544d (9) No.5376576
Candace is back.
▶ da4bdd (2) No.5376577
>if we think someone isn't contributing here
fuck off kike
hows that for a contribution???
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376578
LONDON (Reuters) - Major banks are still not ready for a 'no-deal' Brexit as they grapple with delays in licenses for new European Union businesses, staffing problems and snags in redrafting contracts.
Despite thousands of staff working on preparations for more than two years, sources at five high street and global investment banks told Reuters they still face a number of mission critical hurdles if Britain leaves without a deal.
Sources at three investment banks said their efforts would not be completed by Brexit Day on March 29, potentially throwing the legal status of thousands of contracts into doubt.
"There will be people who aren't ready. There will be bumps in the road, if not more," one of the sources said.
Prime Minister Theresa May has pushed back a vote on her proposed EU exit deal to March 12, prompting lawmakers to step up efforts to stop a no-deal Brexit, but banks say only a vote in favor of May's deal or a delay to Brexit will reassure them that there will not be an abrupt no-deal exit.
For most major banks based in Britain, the timely legal transfer of their EU client business, including loans and deposit accounts, derivatives contracts, stocks and bonds, to EU subsidiaries to mitigate the loss of unfettered access and data flows to the single market is the biggest concern.
Customers whose contracts are not transferred could be left unable to respond to market events, or without access to funding or protection against swings in interest rates or currencies, risking wider market turbulence.
A source familiar with one investment bank's position said between 10-15 percent of contracts they had intended to transfer were still "work in progress", with some clients actively resisting the transfer, while others have held off paying for legal advice on the expectation a deal will still be struck
rest at link
▶ 0ce47e (4) No.5376580>>5376837
this… our super wealthy need more bodies to tax and sell goods to,so that they compete on the global level
>We work all day making honey, the bee keepers then come and take all of our work for themselves
▶ 9ad9ef (1) No.5376581>>5376593
POTUS new fake assed accuser is black
This means normies have a decision to make.
Is he moar racist or
moar sexual predator?
Decisions, decisions
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376582>>5376588
Maybe he never wrote one, and I could be mixing it up with what FBIanon said.
▶ 236919 (1) No.5376583>>5376670
>>5375902 (lb)
This will be a reminder to many, but might be news to a lot of the new eyes we have on the board.
Re: Gillibrand's ties to NXIVM….
sauce: https://artvoice.com/2018/06/23/nxivm-love-story-kirsten-gillibrands-father-and-stepmother-fell-in-love-because-of-sex-slaver-cult/
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY] has a well known and powerful political father from the state capitol, Albany, New York. His name is Doug Rutnik. What is not widely known is that Doug worked for the sex slaver cult of NXIVM --- about a dozen years ago.
A Match Made in NXIVM
Meantime, Doug discovered his cousin, Gwenn, was deeply immersed, spending lots of money on what some believe are nothing more than brainwashing courses. She was engaged to be married when she first started taking NXIVM courses.
Part of the NXIVM curriculum is for women to list all the advantages of having her partner suddenly die. Gwenn soon realized that her engagement was a sham. She belonged with NXIVM -- born to be free and single – so she could learn all they could teach. She ended her engagement and signed up for more classes.
A lifelong politico, Doug had decades of brokering backroom deals. He decided to work behind the scenes to get his cousin out of NXIVM. She did not want to leave. She loved NXIVM. They loved her. She declared Keith was wonderful and Nancy was like a second mother.
Doug was determined. He felt a flush of something new and noble inside him. His heart quickened; his pulse raced; his gate accelerated, as he contrived to meet Gwenn on any pretext -- to get her out of the cult.
He was dapper, a handsome older man --wise and urbane. Though she was an attorney, she was just putty in NXIVM’s hands……
sauce: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/kirsten-gillibrands-stepmother-was-in-child-trafficking-sex-cult-says-former-cult-employee/
A former top employee of the NXIVM sex cult tells Big League Politics that Democrat senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s stepmother was an active member of the cult while Gillibrand’s father actually worked for the cult.
NXIVM leaders Keith Raniere and Allison Mack are standing trial on human-trafficking and child sex trafficking charges. The cult’s benefactors donated lavishly to Hillary Clinton and even hacked Hillary Clinton’s non-secure emails.
Frank Parlato, former NXIVM publicist who has exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women, told Big League Politics that the cult is nothing less than a Satanic organization with ties to major Democratic politicians and an extremely disturbing record with children…..
NXIVM operated in the heart of Gillibrand's district.
And don't forget about NXIVM's ties to the Clintons….
sauce: https://www.fulcrumnews.com/blog/2018/3/29/nxivm-the-sex-slave-cult-linked-to-the-clintons
Keith Raniere, high-level NXIVM officials, President Nancy Salzman, Seagram Heiresses Clare, and Sara Bronfman, are now under FBI investigation. As details emerge, it is blatant this group has been well connected with many high power individuals including Senator Kristen Gillibrand and failed Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.
In 2007, the New York Post reported that top executives and associates of NXIVM and their family members donated $29,000 to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Each of them maxed out their donation limit at $2,300.
This was discovered following the arrest of Norman Hsu, a wealthy businessman who was able to raise $1.5 million in campaign contributions to Clinton and other Democrats. Hsu was charged with operating a $60 million Ponzi scheme and imprisoned. Many states also alleged Keith Raniere was running a Ponzi scheme called Consumer Buyline Inc. However, he was able to get away with only a few fines.
▶ d35374 (25) No.5376585
When there is no more "Legal" to base anything off of.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376586
They have fired or removed people at he bank for not performing the sacrifice ….
Think about interview of banker not joining church of Satan and performing the sacrafice
▶ 32bada (7) No.5376587>>5376652
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Pence is speaking, finally.
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5376588>>5376603
what part do you remember >>5376582
no clue what crumb you could be talking about
▶ ce71d5 (10) No.5376590>>5376619 >>5376815
we don't need no fucking legal basis
this is good vs evil
We are taking back our country
▶ 6951eb (2) No.5376591>>5376688
did HWAnon2, Gafferanon or any of the other larps from yesterday actually deliver? link to bun please
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376592>>5376639
YES! The GOLD is US!
Always has been!
When the 'fallen angels' mined gold, it wasn't the commodity- it was US. They mined the humans for their blood serum. GOLD.
▶ dbedcb (10) No.5376593
▶ 29668b (2) No.5376594>>5376632 >>5376635 >>5376651 >>5376707 >>5376735 >>5376738
Mack Tweets The Oscars, presented by QNN
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376595>>5376604 >>5376683
You can only be so obvious
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376599
Got your social credit score? Dragonfly is here.
▶ d0d000 (2) No.5376600>>5376621
Q , why did [they] murder Bill Cooper?
▶ 7a134e (2) No.5376601>>5376607 >>5376665
There will be NO indictments.
There will be NO justice.
The coup plotters will ,be excused
" for the good of the country"
"It's now time to heal and not divide"
Mark this post.
You will see.
▶ 670038 (13) No.5376602
Black history month is almost over so enjoy it while you can.
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376603
Anon, I am thinking maybe he never wrote one on AOC. I think I am confusing with a FBI anon post. So disregard.
▶ 02cac0 (5) No.5376605
Or, computer files/storage devices?
▶ 38786e (8) No.5376606
Stop The Bullshit and End The FED!
▶ 31b212 (1) No.5376608
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. "Keystone Cops"
@ 2:10
Aka Fake cops?
▶ d35374 (25) No.5376613>>5376622
Pizza box.
Follow the white rabbit.
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376614>>5376627 >>5376636 >>5376653
Sarah Sanders
Verified account @PressSec
1h1 hour ago
Wheels up shortly with @POTUS to Vietnam for US-North Korea summit. For updates and behind the scenes photos follow me here and on http://Instagram.com/Sarah_H_Sanders
▶ c95a74 (5) No.5376615
To President @jguaido of Venezuela, it is a great privilege to share this moment. I bring you and President of Colombia @IvanDuque a very simple message from @POTUS Trump & the United States of America: We are with you 100%.
▶ 5df09f (11) No.5376616
Includes a (((they))) and everything. Nice.
Imagine if this was written last April? Anons would be having multiple orgasms. But now? Just more smalls arms fire, 12 o’clock.
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376619>>5376671
First of all I was talking about the past and not the present. Second, if we do not operate within a legal frame all of our gains will be temporary. Personally, I believe that is why things are taking longer than many anons prefer, because we have to do things both properly and legally.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376625
>there's a reason anons pass it by
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376626>>5376637 >>5376714 >>5376874 >>5376886
I don't like qnn
just saying to much like cnn and the logo is a rip off
need to hit the reset button
▶ 5cccb6 (1) No.5376627
Planefags at the ready?
▶ 7deb8d (1) No.5376628>>5376697
I came across an article from Uganda celebrating Kenya born Obama's Senate run..
I'm phonefagging and Bing won't let me copypasta the link.
▶ 5df09f (11) No.5376632
I’m not on the twat. Are these tweets gaining traffick, or is it getting lost in the booms?
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376633>>5376682 >>5376696 >>5376726 >>5376798
BUZZING BEES cabal reference
In the House of Cards episode that exactly mirrored Bohemian Grove, they warned Kevin Spacey to leave the "Yellow Jackets" alone.
Kevin then says…
"Buzzing bees not welcome here"
Which was a direct inference to "Weaving spiders not welcome here".
Just saying.
▶ b6544d (9) No.5376634>>5377070
Reads like a SerialBrain copypasta.
▶ f256e7 (5) No.5376635>>5376805
Like we needed to ask.
▶ 55bb06 (9) No.5376638>>5376749 >>5376770
Blind Items Revealed #1
February 17, 2019
Don't forget that this political couple with the infamous husband who enjoys sexting with minor children and his drug lord friendly wife never actually got divorced. It will be interesting to see how they play their reconciliation now that he is free. It was easy to hide while he was in jail.
Anthony Weiner/Huma Abedin
drug lord????
▶ ce71d5 (10) No.5376639>>5376655 >>5376760
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5376592
"blood has a signal, a frequency"
they can smell us
Fee Fi fo Fum
I smell the blood of an englishman
at about 5:30
▶ b01a5d (4) No.5376640>>5376650
The shills have taken every bizarre conspiracy or nuttier than a squirrel tird tier garbage and are flooding us with it. No anons following Q would do so. It’s clearly meant to aid the negative smear press. Filter all whacky shit and don’t engage.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376641
They threaten you about your credit score not wanting the truth to come out
▶ f72f51 (1) No.5376643>>5376806 >>5376879
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Very Interesting!!
5G & the wall are related. Thought about this but now here’s a second opinion. Check it out.
▶ 1d9e86 (2) No.5376644
So much for her "respect yourself" bs talk
▶ 577d0a (7) No.5376645>>5376664 >>5376703
Hey Q are we supposed to just ignore the neocons and the deep state salivating over regime change in venezuela and iran
Cus from where im standing it either looks like A
Youre losing
Or B
Potus is one of them and has been and this is a goyim containment op
▶ 2c9959 (5) No.5376646>>5376895 >>5377107
FBI deputy director McCabe is ‘putting on an act’ like ‘a sociopath’
▶ 4e38d4 (3) No.5376647>>5376672
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play. Voat is full of idiots who believe the Holocaust actually happened the way history says it does!
They refuse to even watch a video about it! It is four hours but is full of legit questions based on the official narrative!
Who here has watched this? Is it just me or does the entire history on the Holocaust seem highly suspect?
▶ cf2a30 (3) No.5376648
It honestly seemed like a cry of despiration from (((them))) to try and invoke (((their))) master to save them from the bad orange man.
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376649>>5376667 >>5376668
Wtf, is that her?
▶ b01a5d (4) No.5376650
Brock has the Rupees flowing to the offshore shills….
▶ dbedcb (10) No.5376651>>5376677 >>5376738
I thought this guy was all about the pizza. Is he taking the piss or is he being serious?
▶ 649902 (2) No.5376652
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5376587
Thanks anon.
Fox alternative to WP:
▶ 79f0b7 (2) No.5376654>>5376718
Bloomberg is reporting that crispr announced it has treated the first human with its gene editing tech.
Shares jumped 24% on the news.
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376655
That is a crazy story. I listened to it a while back.
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376656>>5376708
The suit against POTUS:
New filing in Johnson v. Trump: Complaint
▶ 74e475 (2) No.5376657>>5376854
This just creates a graphic, so just about any graphic can subvert the algo correct?
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376659
Harlon Mackey (Nick Krause) has been tormented by visions since his alcoholic father (Sam Trammell) forced him to kill an innocent rabbit while hunting as a boy. Now that Harlon is a bullied high school teen, his undiagnosed mental illness is getting worse. He begins to hear voices, and his imagination encourages him to carry out violent acts. Things begin to look up when Julie (Britt Robertson), a rebellious young girl, moves to town and befriends Harlon. But when she betrays him, the line between reality and Harlon’s imagination begins to blur, and the rabbit along with other imaginary comic book characters taunt him into committing one final act of revenge. Alice-Denise Williamson
▶ 062795 (7) No.5376662
the war of Northern Aggression
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376663
Long flight coming up! Hope we get lots of crumbs!
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376664>>5376675
You are desperate, and both physically and emotionally incontinent. These may help.
▶ 577d0a (7) No.5376665
Why would we mark this post when thats exactly whats been happening
The best option is to just buy a gun and disengage
They want us all miserable and confused
Rather than actually sane and ready to fight back
▶ 649902 (2) No.5376667>>5376676 >>5376685
>Wtf, is that her?
No, it's fake.
▶ 670038 (13) No.5376668
Yep it is a older pic of her…
▶ 5c0378 (7) No.5376669>>5376722
I’ve read a few comments about them having a change of heart and sharing their post- even here. Hence I said it
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376670>>5376674
Gillibrand nickname: Tina
Maiden name: Rutnik
i sub thee Talky Tina
▶ ce71d5 (10) No.5376671>>5376723
If you would like your mind to be read, go see a psychic.
This is war. Get ready for your "legal basis" to go flying out the fucking window when the SHTF
▶ dbc86a (2) No.5376672
It's just you Commandant.
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376674
▶ 577d0a (7) No.5376675>>5376686
>>>5376645 (You)
>You are desperate, and both physically and emotionally incontinent. These may help.
Yeah thats why im running a psyop on 8 chan cuz the goyim are getting to woke
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376676
That's what I thought.
▶ 3fa44d (3) No.5376678>>5376725 >>5376731 >>5376829 >>5377009
Was thinking about this post.
Why would Q post about POTUS's relationship with JFK Jr.
POTUS was not POTUS when he was friends with JFK Jr. He was Trump.
Also if the person is dead, you do not say "his relationship," you say "his prior relationship"
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376680
LoveIt anon!! Save Travels!! We All Love You Guys!!
▶ 790de2 (2) No.5376681>>5376706
Will that Visa give me Access anywhere?
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376682>>5376712
>"Yellow Jackets"
A yellow jacket is NOT a bee. It's a wasp.
You're not using sauce- just personal impressions, Anon.
▶ 6951eb (2) No.5376683>>5376728
not sure if he is one of (((them))) or just trolling. the dude has fuck you money in the bank, houses in new york and france, and just does whatever the fuck he wants. he also spoke out against all the sick pedo shit that goes on in pedowood. seems weird to be this fucking obvious and not be a troll
▶ 4e38d4 (3) No.5376684
There you are!
Another person who refuses to ask the questions! 💤 🐑
▶ d35374 (25) No.5376685
Finally now that this shit is solved I can go back to sunnin and memein..
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376686
whatever flies your kite.
▶ 9b1182 (2) No.5376687>>5376705
Click to play - QNN on Spike speech
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376688
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376689
Omarosa" show me da money and I will say anything"
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376690>>5376701 >>5376730 >>5376763
The entire Scientology movie called Battlefield Earth (great book / horrible movie) by L Ron Hubbard was about Aliens that had to use humans to mine "GOLD" because they would die if near it. Probably nothing.
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376692
Pence is made of wood. Still confused by his selection as VP.
▶ 0b84b7 (4) No.5376693>>5376704 >>5376724
>>5375934 (LB)
what is a dj?
▶ 7a134e (2) No.5376694>>5376700 >>5376869
Schiff works for Trump!
His continuous investigations will ensure that Trump never has to actually have his DOJ indict anyone on the Left.
How convenient.
Moranons continue to believe THE PLAN even though it NEVER HAPPENS!
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376695
▶ 50db16 (7) No.5376696
The buzzing bees is symbolism used by the elite
we are the drone workers and they harvest our energy the honey we produce
▶ c168ae (4) No.5376697
▶ 577d0a (7) No.5376698
Oy vey goyim trust the plan n shit
Ignore business as usual
Ignore potus sucking off israel and big corporate
Ignore monsanto
Ignore sheldon adelson
Ignore every clown program going strong
▶ dbedcb (10) No.5376701
>Battlefield Earth (great book / horrible movie)
▶ 2613e4 (2) No.5376702>>5376709 >>5376768
Have any of you noticed the lack of discrepancies between these so called "conspiracy theories?" They all match up, and a lot of them are indirectly related to each other.
ESP the Great Awakening. This year, the tribunals have begun. This year is the last year of slavery for the "chosen people" in the Bible. This year is Trump's last full year of Presidency. Schumann resonances in the earth's crust have been spiking more and more frequently recently. Why is it that all of this is happening now?
2019 is the beginning of the Game End. We're reaching the climax. Be prepared.
Strange how it all lines up, right?
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376704
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376705
Let's do the right thing, AND READ FROM A SCRIPT HANDED TO ME
▶ e36d18 (5) No.5376706
Everywhere but you own bank account
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376707
Mack naming names kek
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376708>>5376716 >>5376779
The Mueller probe has netted nothing. The public is waking up from the mass hysteria. This is simply another way to delay, hinder and/or wound POTUS.
Taking matters away from politics and into the courtroom is how this ends. You cannot simply BELIEVE HER. If she is lying she needs to face charges.
That is how you put a stop to this shit.
▶ 577d0a (7) No.5376709
>Have any of you noticed the lack of discrepancies between these so called "conspiracy theories?" They all match up, and a lot of them are indirectly related to each other.
>ESP the Great Awakening. This year, the tribunals have begun. This year is the last year of slavery for the "chosen people" in the Bible. This year is Trump's last full year of Presidency. Schumann resonances in the earth's crust have been spiking more and more frequently recently. Why is it that all of this is happening now?
>2019 is the beginning of the Game End. We're reaching the climax. Be prepared.
>Strange how it all lines up, right?
Yeah cuz its all planned to usher in the nwo
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376710>>5376719
Matt Cohen and Macauley Calkin
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376712>>5376734 >>5376757 >>5377053
Not true. I am exactly quoting an obscure but related reference from a one minute scene in a TV show I saw years ago using my autistic skills to build patterns for lesser intellects like you.
▶ f4f761 (3) No.5376713>>5376871
dont want to shut anyone out, but if they are sincere, why come here? Because they want absolution from us. Why? Because they are searching for excuse to validate their wrongdoing. The first step to changing is looking in the mirror. If Gaffer is sincere, then why come here to anons who cant, in reality, make changes? Take it to those in authority who have the power to shut it down. Yet, they come to the very anons they disdain.
I have sympathy for someone who is truly repentant and show it by their actions. I dont have sympathy for someone who, if they werent about to be exposed, would still be truckin with gladness. In other words, they are sorry because they are being caught.
▶ 0ce47e (4) No.5376714
cause I says so
pic related
▶ 2613e4 (2) No.5376715
Any thoughts on how legit this is. Im digging into it and not entirely sure what to make of it. some seems legit connected but wondering what else may reaffirm the pdf here that I had to really dig for ..
connection between pope benedict xvi
the cia
bill Clinton
Arkansas and a few other states..
implications of misconduct.
ignore the xqxqs just needed more characters…
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376716
Truer word's ain't been spoken in a coon's age.
▶ 44e0ae (1) No.5376717>>5376727 >>5376759
Ariana Grande gets Bee tattoo to remember victims of Manchester UK
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376718>>5376853
Heavy volume as well
Biotech Stocks Pop After This Company Used CRISPR Drug In A Patient
Crispr Therapeutics (CRSP) stock popped Monday after the biotech announced it dosed a patient with its CRISPR gene-editing therapy --- making it the first company to use the technology in a clinical study.
▶ f6a324 (9) No.5376719
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376720>>5376732
it's fucking lame dude
▶ 9e4be7 (5) No.5376722>>5376758
Kek, fucking kidding me? What, are they trying to get Noble all of a sudden now?
If so, its only because they know they've been found out.
Being paid to to manipulate people into hating POTUS.
Jail time for those 2 faggots.
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376723>>5376736
You presume this is going hot. If it does you would be correct. Until then you are impatient and wrong.
▶ 0b84b7 (4) No.5376724>>5376742 >>5376762
it must have another meaning. Mac said "and 4 secret DJs"
▶ cf2a30 (3) No.5376725
Hi Shill
JFK Jr. is dead
Take your bullshit slide elsewhere.
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376726
And of course the bee hive and bees are a primary symbol of Utah and the Mormons. Is thew Bee reference a call out to their Mormon Masons?
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376727
"Do not fold, staple or mutilate."
▶ 2fd224 (8) No.5376728
I don't think you need to question that he wants things disclosed. But maybe he was put under a gage as a condition f a paymet but it doens' include not wearing bunny-boy ears.
▶ 577d0a (7) No.5376729>>5376748 >>5376797 >>5376858 >>5377013
Anons ive noticed something crucial
Theres no difference in anything that happens regardless of if i dig or get high and play videogames
Its almost like this is a psyop to drive people insane and waste their time
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376730
>"GOLD" because they would die if near it.
Like all else, partial truths. They die WITHOUT IT.
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5376731
>you do not say "his relationship," you say "his prior relationship"
except it just says
▶ c95a74 (5) No.5376733>>5376808 >>5376997
These dogs are no one-trick ponies! 🐕
Military working dogs can hold a variety of jobs, from evacuating casualties and finding dangerous explosives and chemicals to neutralizing threats in the water, all in the name of keeping people safe! #KnowYourMil
▶ b65c25 (1) No.5376734
Nice try professor
▶ ce71d5 (10) No.5376736>>5376765
not impatient at all.
never assume, since you have no idea who you're talking to.
▶ ff1ac5 (1) No.5376737
What is the point of posting it?
▶ 29668b (2) No.5376738
Critical thinking; put off the 'either or' simple logic.
Many have probably been sucked in and want out yet see no way out, other than death.
Think about Mack; he was sucked in as a kid, eaten alive by SICK and EVIL.
▶ f75c34 (1) No.5376739>>5376753 >>5376787
Lindsey Graham
Verified account
45m45 minutes ago
I hope talks bear fruit because they are our last, best chance to end the nuclear conflict with North Korea on peaceful terms.
President Trump is right to talk, but must be willing to walk.
The ball is in North Korea’s court.
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376740
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. 'Merican goes off on OccasionallyAwareCortex's newgreendumb…
▶ 12330e (6) No.5376741>>5376755 >>5376769
Kim Jong-un impersonator deported from Vietnam ahead of summit
▶ 0b84b7 (4) No.5376742
sorry he said "and 6 secret DJs"
▶ 797189 (1) No.5376744>>5376888
Does ATL refer to Atlanta? cuz I just came across this
▶ 090777 (2) No.5376745
interesting article discussing POTUS and cannabis
just legalize it!
▶ 25f277 (2) No.5376746
The Huntington MS13 stabbings had a beating later involving more teens at the same place.
Also, Huntington schools have some real issues with the gangs and illegals - Beanz had some good information in that video (I know, I know)
From what I've read, Obama imported and dumped a lot of third world crap all over New York.
▶ 55bb06 (9) No.5376748>>5376804
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376749
She hangs with Chapo's wifey who actually is a dual citizen of US
▶ 577d0a (7) No.5376750
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5376751>>5376773 >>5376791 >>5376892 >>5377029
German neofascists used Qanon to expand their reach
▶ 7750bf (9) No.5376752
Sometimes I don't get it either
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376753
>The ball is in North Korea’s court.
The game is over.
Has been over.
When the final score is publicly announced, it will be glorious.
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376754>>5376825
>fake & gay meme generator
One of the reasons we require sauce
>With you on HW 1&2 but gafferanon is for real & searching for truth.
Agreed. But we still need to maintain Anon culture. Namefag and expect to get BTFO'd. The info alone should suffice.
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376755
>>5376741 Kim Jong-un impersonator deported from Vietnam ahead of summit
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376756>>5376810
1978 When South America killer bees, corporately smuggled into the United States, mutates into intelligent insects and attacks helpless people, young scientist work desperately to end the threat as the menace swarms in on the city areas.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376757>>5376796
>related reference from a one minute scene in a TV show
Yellowjacket or Yellow jacket is the common name in North America for predatory social wasps
Turn off the fuking tv and LEARN faggot.
Sauce is from wiki- ez enough.
▶ 5c0378 (7) No.5376758
Yup. And people are buying their shit. When I saw it posted here, I about shit. I’m waiting for them to get busted.
▶ 188464 (6) No.5376759
Coded message to cabal members that beehive research is Trumps magic weapon. Turns the wicked into living memes. Black hats must have something similar but it doesn't work with evil intent? Because God has a sense of Humour and God Wins!
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376760>>5376766 >>5376767 >>5376771 >>5376793 >>5376814 >>5376833
There is a woman in England who can smell Alzheimers in a person's blood 100% of the time. No one can figure out why? Weird but true.
▶ 70a056 (3) No.5376761>>5376839
You aren't. We all have our talents, anon!
▶ 0b84b7 (4) No.5376762
could it be someone who puts events together to facilitate it happening? like a bryan singer who had pool parties?
▶ 5768a3 (6) No.5376763
It was the Uranium they couldn't get anywhere near.
Their breathe-gas expolded when near it.
The Psychlos had their home world taken over by a cabal of psychiatrists. (called Catrists).
They had the entire population of their planet under MK and sent them among the stars to mine for any and all resources via the Intergalactic Mining Company.
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376764>>5376780 >>5376801 >>5376824 >>5376908 >>5376933
anons can't have opinions?
I can't speak out?
no free speech here
tell me what to say then master
what should I think
it fucking sucks
let's brainstorm something else
stop with the jew shit nothing is further from the truth rev3.9
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376765>>5376784
If your conclusion is war you are impatient.
The good thing is that you are not anywhere near being in charge. Enjoy your war. Army of one
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376766>>5376774
Reminds me of the novel Matilda
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376767
Some dogs can do shit like this too.
▶ 6b61b7 (2) No.5376768
It is so easy to fall victims of our own confirmation Bias. Be careful….
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376770
▶ 55bb06 (9) No.5376771>>5376777
Alzheimer's is not in the blood
▶ 12e238 (4) No.5376772>>5376782 >>5376785
Voter ID is useless in CA. What do you need for an ID? A DL. What is CA giving out like candy to illegals? DL's.
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376773>>5376795 >>5376856
Qanon is becoming a kind of ideological signifier among far-right groups: members of the far-right who have adopted the yellow vest for street demonstrations in Canada and the UK have been spotted decorating the vests with Qanon memes and carrying Qanon-boosting signs. Qanon networks have also been used to boost the virality of racist videos.
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376774
The teacher was a witch or something that could smell kids when they showered, so Matilda wouldn't bathe to mask her scent.
▶ c95a74 (5) No.5376775
#MAGAphobia is trending on Twatter
▶ b01a5d (4) No.5376776>>5376901
What thrills me is to know that the opposition is spending so much time and money worrying about Qanon… and we will leave them broke before we give up. We work for free bitches. The math is not in your favor. More losing for you. Get used to it.
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376777
I know but she can smell it from blood samples. Makes no sense.
▶ ab2758 (1) No.5376778>>5376812
U.S. Dept of Defense
Verified account
5m5 minutes ago
These dogs are no one-trick ponies! 🐕
Military working dogs can hold a variety of jobs, from evacuating casualties and finding dangerous explosives and chemicals to neutralizing threats in the water, all in the name of keeping people safe! #KnowYourMil
▶ 2c9959 (5) No.5376779>>5376788
>The Mueller probe has netted nothing.
Mueller is going for the heart of muh Russia - which is why Manafort volunteered for the Trump campaign.
All roads lead back to Podesta and Deripaska.
▶ 8ae578 (2) No.5376781>>5376807 >>5376811 >>5376843 >>5376885 >>5377029
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376782>>5376846
Forget Venezuela, we need to invade CA.
▶ 5df09f (11) No.5376783>>5376830 >>5376844 >>5376899 >>5376985 >>5377029
▶ ce71d5 (10) No.5376784>>5376792
fucking clueless roastie
▶ 162be3 (4) No.5376785
▶ 67beea (1) No.5376786>>5376885 >>5377029
New Yorker fucks with Victor Davis Hanson, he calls them out.
Pic related call out
▶ 2372a8 (1) No.5376787
what he's really saying… America prepare for war with NK….
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376788
That is a great theory. KEK
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376791
sounds like an advertisement for my brothers in the motherland
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376792
▶ 50db16 (7) No.5376793>>5376813 >>5376814
You dont have to "smell it"
people who have Alzheimers are easily diagnosed by anyone with a brain
▶ e2ae88 (2) No.5376794>>5376948
With Sotomayor concuring this must serve the DS. It would also apply to SCOTUS cases being argued now while RBG is alive but decided after she dies.
[RBG] soon. What is being argued now that can’t pass an 8 judge SOTUS panel ?
▶ f6a324 (9) No.5376795
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376796>>5376836
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376797
Baloney. We change the internet every day. Eyes watching post stuff 'out there' whether you get replies or not. Changes consciousness worldwide (and to some degree forces additional reporting). Chin up, highfag.
▶ 24c41a (1) No.5376798
Is that why all the Bear references too?
▶ c95a74 (5) No.5376799
#Syrian President #BasharAssad visits #Tehran.
▶ 3fa44d (3) No.5376800>>5376828 >>5376865
Another HollywoodAnon Chimes in on Hollyweird
▶ d35374 (25) No.5376801>>5376832
> rev3.9
▶ eb91d2 (1) No.5376802
▶ f5c17e (4) No.5376803>>5377054
These dogs are no one-trick ponies! 🐕
▶ 74e475 (2) No.5376804
Currently on Step 2887
▶ 5a62b3 (4) No.5376806>>5376817 >>5376855
6 G is internet through light networks.
Faster, Cheaper, and much more safe because it doesnt't use radiowaves/radiation.
▶ dbedcb (10) No.5376807>>5376823 >>5376831 >>5376914
If they do that at the 9th circuit, why not at the Supreme Court. The gall of these criminals!
▶ 25f277 (2) No.5376808
US Army on the 10th. Marines on the 24th and DoD on the 25th.
▶ 188464 (6) No.5376810
First horror movie I remember seeing as a small child.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376811
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376812
neutralizing threats IN the water…..
▶ c81ef6 (13) No.5376813
Lot's of people don't have brains tho.
:: looking askance at AOC ::
▶ 3a11c3 (9) No.5376814
My mistake. It was Parkinson's she could smell. Just reads the article again.
▶ 38786e (8) No.5376815>>5376925
The Democrats are clearly operating outside of the LAW and are therefore Unconstitutional. Their only goal is the complete destruction of the country and the evidence is overwhelming.
Deem them Unconstitutional as a party and they are dissolved overnight.
▶ 5a62b3 (4) No.5376817
▶ 162be3 (4) No.5376818
▶ 5df09f (11) No.5376819>>5377010
▶ 9c4825 (1) No.5376820>>5376860
(all - lb) (provided for your evaluation - if interested)
>>5376199 (Previous posts of my Observations & Analysis)
>>5376337 (POTUS Negotiating Position & Optics)
>>5376221 (With KJU & Xi Jinping)
>>5375644 (USA + China + NK = Delicate Dance)
* My basic analysis: (Negotiations need to: "Save Face" for ALL Parties. Results need to be: "Win - Win" for ALL Parties.)
POTUS Negotiations = NK & China
Follow-Up Perspective: (Just read this Chinese article - Interesting confirmation of: "The Chinese Side")
(Xinhua Op-Ed Article - Feb 25, 2019) Natl. Chinese Paper
Commentary: Xi-Trump consensus loadstar for China, U.S. win-win trade agreement.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- China and the United States are inching ever closer to reaching a mutually beneficial and win-win agreement with substantial progress achieved on specific issues in their latest round of high-level economic and trade talks ending on Sunday in Washington.
While the Chinese delegation said the two countries have made substantial progress on specific issues in such areas as technology transfer, protection of intellectual property rights and non-tariff barriers, U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted he "will be delaying" the increase of tariffs on Chinese imports scheduled on March 1.
The past rounds of negotiations were powered by the implementation of the consensus reached by Chinese President Xi Jinping and Trump, who met in December last year after the closing of the G20 summit in Argentina.
During the three rounds of high-level talks in nearly one month, both Chinese and U.S. presidents met the two negotiating teams to offer guidelines and impetus for future engagements.
Bona fides and practical efforts, which have always been key to settling the disputes between China and the United States in economy and trade, have been fostering growing consensus, patching up differences and been well-received by both countries and the international community.
Frank exchanges have been a catalyst in settling the disputes. It is the best choice for both China and the United States to keep consultations on an equal footing and in the light of the consensus reached by the two presidents before a mutually beneficial and win-win agreement could be reached.
The extension of the latest round of negotiations and the delaying tariff increase on Chinese imports testify to the sincerity, high attention and sense of urgency of both the Chinese and U.S. sides. Yet they also indicate that there are still some differences that need more time to be ironed out.
For all its worth, the past week has been key for the world's two largest economies, as are their future actions. After nearly one year of painstaking negotiations, every step in the last-shot period counts, and any mutually beneficial breakthrough lies in the ability of both sides to keep engagement on an equal footing.
Even with tough nuts to crack in the future, the two sides have no better alternative but to work with each other for their own good and the interest of the whole world. In their efforts to hash out an agreement, China and the United States are better advised to work for the best results while preparing for the worst scenario.
China sees the trade frictions as both challenges and opportunities. To realize its long-term development goal, China needs to secure its core interests and push forward deeper reforms at the same time.
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376822
Didn't he just make a comment about Pie?
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376823>>5376827 >>5376872
the oscar goes to RBG
▶ 704513 (3) No.5376824>>5376826 >>5376842
How about John 8:44
▶ 7750bf (9) No.5376825>>5376844
I know. That was the problem yesterday with gafferanon. He didn't give himself that name, anons did so when a new bread started, he used what he was told to use "gafferanon". Then schitt hit the fan with some anons for namefagging & anons started arguing whether he should use or not. Honestly, I wonder if he will come back. I think maybe he will because he has anon piss & vinegar attitude when attacked & he was def attacked but stayed for several breads & had some great info.
▶ f6a324 (9) No.5376828>>5376835 >>5376863
I think this is notable..
▶ 764064 (2) No.5376829>>5376917 >>5376955 >>5377009
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5376678
Either Jr is working with Trump, or the Trump marketing team has gone above and beyond to float this.
"Don't Stop Believing" was not unintentional.
Let's just say I'm not supposed to back this up, but here's a fun video.
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376832>>5376849
It still sucks
I'm still not Jewish
Is this how you conversate?
▶ 0ce47e (4) No.5376833
does she happen to be a vampire?
▶ e0b47a (1) No.5376835>>5376850
eh.. why?
anyone could've said that. 0 evidence 0 sources.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376836
>ura shillfag
Damn tard- didn't get a gold star so you melt like a snowflake.
KYS a wiki definition and you're triggered.
▶ 71eb58 (2) No.5376837
Also something I just stumbled upon on a completely unrelated
▶ ef9a7e (9) No.5376838>>5376907 >>5376911 >>5376923
How were the pallets of cash divided?
How many planes were used to transport?
Who operated the planes?
What 'shadow' agency directed operations?
Why wasn't the money [simply] wire transferred?
US had AUTH to open bank-to-bank transfers.
How do you prevent financial T logs?
How were the cash withdrawals in EU categorized/labeled?
Where did the cash originate from?
What time of day did the withdrawals occur?
Who provided SECURITY?
Why wasn't Congress notified?
Why was the U.S. Gov't kept in the DARK?
US law broken?
Did ALL planes land in the same location (airport)?
Why did [1] particular plane land outside of Iran?
Why was a helicopter involved?
[WHO] did the money go to?
Did Rouhani keep 'unknown' comms as insurance?
What agency collects ALL FORMS OF DATA?
What agency did @Snowden work for orig?
Did he train on THE FARM?
When did @Snowden join No Such Agency?
Define 'Contractor'.
Define the 'PRISM' program.
What year did @Snowden release spec-details of PRISM?
Mid 2013?
IMPACT-LIMIT NSA's ability to utilize/collect?
FAKE NEWS push for Congressional restrictions?
When was the Joint Plan of Action (IRAN DEAL) executed?
Late 2013?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Nothing to See Here.
Re_read crumbs re: Iran.
It was never about WW safety & security.
It was never about Nuclear disarmament.
It was about opening a new untapped market.
It was about securing a black site.
The ‘Exchange’.
Risk the welfare of the world.
Organized/planned by BC/HRC.
Carried out by Hussein.
[remember HRC ran against Hussein]
U1 [donations to CF].
$1.7b in-cash transfer to Iran [4 routes][5 planes].
Did the total withdrawal actually depart EU?
Why EU?
Define bribe.
Define kickback.
Special Interest Groups (SIG).
What US/EU Co’s Immediately closed large deals in Iran post deal?
Cross check Co’s against political + foundation payments.
Define bribe.
Define kickback.
Why are people panicking about Iran deal pullout?
Truth coming.
How did NK obtain Uranium?
How did Iran obtain Uranium?
Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran?
Why the cash component?
Was the hostage component a cover?
For what?
Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people?
How many planes carried the cash into Iran?
Did all land in Iran?
Did all land in the same location?
Why is this relevant?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Don't think of a single person.
Think of a powerful entity.
Why is this important?
Why are wars so important?
Who benefits?
What does hostage refer to?
Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons?
Where is BO TODAY?
Where is VJ?
Alice & Wonderland
More importantly, why is the WASH POST leading the attack vs ‘Q’?
Who owns the WASH POST?
Who funds Amazon?
Who targeted NSA re: SURV expose/prevent pre U1 / IRAN?
Why are we attacked daily by the largest news co’s on the world?
Use caution - high follower count targeting to direct ‘deep in narrative’ mob as method to remove.
Repeat: Who targeted NSA re: SURV expose/prevent pre U1 / IRAN?
Amazon Bezos connects to U1/ IRAN
Do we know what kind of planes delivered the cash?? Amazon?
▶ d7ba85 (2) No.5376839>>5376857
>You aren't. We all have our talents, anon!
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376840>>5376845 >>5376897
"Former Senator Harry Reid (he got thrown out) is working hard to put a good spin on his failed career. He led through lies and deception, only to be replaced by another beauty, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer. Some things just never change!"
POTUS - 7:53 AM - EST - 25 Feb 2019
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5376841
From a website entitled "this is not porn"
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376842
>John 8:44
same author
it is good
▶ 162be3 (4) No.5376843
"That practice effectively allowed a deceased judge to exercise the judicial power of the United States after his death"
Top kek
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376844>>5376899
link not working
Agreed with all of that. He got hit harder (and by me too) bc we got him confused w/HWanon, and I didn't realize he didn't name himself that. But yeah, if he cares more about truth than ego, he'll be back. That's how we keep out the riff raff kek
▶ 12e238 (4) No.5376846
damn straight we do
▶ 20732b (1) No.5376847
shouldn't it say:
▶ cb9fe6 (2) No.5376848>>5376885 >>5377029
Schiff vows lawsuit and subpoena for Robert Mueller report if it's not released
He should be careful what he's wishing for…
▶ d35374 (25) No.5376849>>5376884
You will get a non stop immune response from this board as long as you continue to kevetch.
▶ f6a324 (9) No.5376850
That's true… It may be something to watch. Maybe more to come..
▶ f5c17e (4) No.5376851>>5377005
Don’t let Monday beat you down.
▶ 1821a8 (2) No.5376852>>5376935
▶ 79f0b7 (2) No.5376853>>5376875
By definition will it have a volume spike. The price spiked 25% on news of human engineering!
Stop with irrelevant detail.
▶ 02cac0 (5) No.5376854
I believe so, yes.
▶ ef3b88 (7) No.5376855>>5376880 >>5377018
▶ 970752 (2) No.5376857
Next time on Potato Trek: Deep Shit Now…
▶ 6b61b7 (2) No.5376858
Good observation….. What a colossal waist of time it is. The court are corrupt, Politician are just puppet. All the Safeguard that should be functional in our civil society are corrupted and co-opted. And those that could Clean this mess are an epic bunch of Faggot.
Great future for us ALL.
Sure a few are being caught. But in all honesty, do those people really matter in the grand scheme of thing. The Bloodline that Rule this world look still very functional. I wonder for which one Trump really work for.
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376860
>>5376820 POTUS Negotiations = NK & China
article/anon analysis-minibread
▶ 885e1c (10) No.5376861
Actress is acting. Memes are lame.
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5376863>>5376894
then you might want to go read his further posts and pics from last night… a few nuggets, but nothing yuge.
interesting if true to hear of a growing resistance in HW, but future will tell
at some point we had gafferanon, HWanon2, and even blacksheep anon popped up
▶ 12330e (6) No.5376864
▶ 7750bf (9) No.5376865
HW2. He left pics while there & posted here last night while show was going on
▶ 5c0378 (7) No.5376867
No shit. The idiocy is contagious- they’re fighting back hard. Kek!
▶ eee9bb (1) No.5376869
If nothing happens on this trip I will disregard as a disinformation campaign to damage Patriots, destroyed my life so they were successful in there mission,I wonder how many others like me,POTUS fault for allowing it to continue if fake, but Q won't stop banks from taking my house,or give me a path to achieve Justice without money to hire attornies, Q was real enough to get people that work for the state to come after me and shut me down, I was the owner of a successful business, now I might have to eat a bullet 3 days we should know
▶ 1d17a2 (1) No.5376870
Pelosi has to go….
She must be voted out of office……asap
pic related
▶ 70a056 (3) No.5376871
Let the HWanons come, and expose the truth. They wont go full throttle, though, because of what it would cost them.
"The saying was a response to a young rich man who had asked Jesus what he needed to do in order to inherit eternal life. Jesus replied that he should keep the commandments, to which the man stated he had done. Jesus responded, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." The young man became sad and was unwilling to do this. Jesus then spoke this response, leaving his disciples astonished."
I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:23-26
▶ f4f761 (3) No.5376872
clever. really clever. kek, anon
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376875
preaching to the choir anon. You forget that many eyes here. Not just UID's
not everyone looking here knows that.
▶ 413853 (16) No.5376876>>5376947 >>5377029
Maybe he can tell us why he suggested wearing a wire to record the Commander in Chief and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office.
Where was the “Rule of Law” when he was busy plotting?
▶ e6b8b4 (3) No.5376878>>5376902
How about.
▶ da0d13 (1) No.5376879>>5376920 >>5376924
If you believe Q and Q+ why would he let 5g into the country?
On this I think Serialbrain2 is right.
▶ 5a62b3 (4) No.5376880
▶ 51e14d (1) No.5376881
Crazy? No, you are just a sick, ignorant egotist. Go back to school, kid. Keep your mouth shut and open your mind. Maybe someday you will be an adult.
And stop shitting up our bread. This is about Q research, not your personnel interests.
▶ 55bb06 (9) No.5376882
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376884>>5376887 >>5376893 >>5376900 >>5376905 >>5376912 >>5376942 >>5376970 >>5376992 >>5377056 >>5377081
I'm not Jewish so it doesn't other me.
I'm not stopping
brainstorm something original
I will not accept crap from anons we are better than that
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376885>>5376892 >>5376940 >>5377087
Notes so far
all 'notable' calls have been reviewed. ty anons!
#6862 Baker change
>>5376848 Stupid Liddle Schitt vows lawsuit/subpoena for Mueller report
>>5376781 Justices Chastise 9th Circuit for Counting Dead Judge in Majority
>>5376786 New Yorker fucks with Victor Davis Hanson, he calls them out
>>5376429, >>5376462, >>5376545 Sauced blog: Hussein's lawyers & NXIVM?
>>5376446, >>5376452, >>5376466, >>5376470, >>5376482, >>5376495 Give (((me))) control of a nation's money &… Banks targeting conservatives?
>>5376492 MSM vs. Q movement: WaPo sampling & relevant Q drops
>>5376418, >>5376471 @Pence's clasped hands w/ VZ's Guaido & Columbia's Duque
>>5376382, >>5376412 Bee colonies inspiration for terrorist cells?
>>5376352, >>5376381 Amazon's Bezos: Space Race Boasts & Oct. Plane Crash
>>5376318 Graphic: Anon on AF1 pics re: proof of continuity of Q
▶ caac2d (1) No.5376886>>5376900
The strong memes survive. Weak memes die. Deal with it
▶ 7750bf (9) No.5376888
▶ 9b1182 (2) No.5376890
If a typist is someone who types.
and a pianist is someone who plays the piano.
then isn't a racist someone who races?
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5376892
▶ 8d08ae (1) No.5376893>>5376906
absolutely no one cares what you will accept
your narcissism has gone full fucking retard
▶ f6a324 (9) No.5376894>>5376983
>>interesting if true to hear of a growing resistance in HW
I think we'd all like to see that happen..
▶ 40b2ab (5) No.5376895>>5377107
Good find, Anon
That was my read on his 60 minutes interview and subsequent interviews, good to have record of someone with personal experiences with McCabe
▶ e36d18 (5) No.5376897
Some people don't even get black eyes
U.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376898>>5376904 >>5376929 >>5376960 >>5376992
Non sequitur
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376899>>5376922 >>5376957 >>5377029
Original link gone here also. Below link working.
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5376900>>5377012
then fucking meme what you fucking want
herding is futile
▶ 32bada (7) No.5376902>>5376919
Meme it, or it didn't happen.
A professional art anon made the Q News Logos but I haven't seen anybody use them (yet). Pretty nice work.
▶ 2fd224 (8) No.5376905>>5376946 >>5376959
do your own thing.
come up with your own logo.
be brave.
this is a free speech board and not a group think board. that's why its so hard to subvert and kill.
so make up your own parady network name and meme away. no one is stopping you.
but don't trash everyone else's attempts.
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376906
not the first time
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376907>>5376923
Iran and North Korea, among other countries, are way stations. The global elite have produced the false narrative of their danger, over decades, in order to disallow normal trade. Sanctions are not only targeting these 'evil' countries but anybody who dares trade with them. All the while, selective enforcement of who IS NOT PROSECUTED for dealing with the evil regimes is the advantage that is gained. Iran, NK, Haiti, Venezuela and so on. These are all laundromat S worldwide through which you can wash your drug money, procure slaves, children, anything that the elite might desire.
Otherwise, why would the left, the phony right and the global elite fight POTUS for doing what is right?
▶ f256e7 (5) No.5376908>>5376921 >>5376939
wrong. Resd ur bible sometime. Jesus had much to say about the jews and how the Pharisees hijacked and subverted the religion of moses with their oral traditions (talmud) and gay blsck magic bs (kabbalah).
▶ 59d3e6 (9) No.5376909>>5376928
Trust every neocons who fucked you for the last 20 years
Trust mattis (lol)
Trust sessions(lol)
Trust kansas who shilled for gmos(lol)
Trust william barr cia drug runner (lol)
Q must really not think much of us
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376911
We are 1 sauce away from lasagna. Like your thinking
>Atlas Air….
Heard a wierd story on OAN over the weekend about uranium and toxins found on shoes of BP at the border. Watch the water.
▶ 71b878 (3) No.5376912>>5376954 >>5376992 >>5377072
Agreed…. QNN is a fucked up acronym…. So we want to be just like CNN but call it QNN… NOPE
▶ 670038 (13) No.5376915>>5376937 >>5376950
The democrat's are going to eliminate her district in 2020… AOC is pissing off the wrong people.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376916>>5376931
GTFO with this crap
(You) put a black eye on this movement with your fakeness.
(You) are not Anon
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5376919>>5376934
▶ cd0421 (1) No.5376920>>5376953
When they turn it on, all the reptilian elites can't handle the intense headaches from 5g, then flee from cities.
Suicide weekend!
▶ 59d3e6 (9) No.5376921
Also anons remeber to ignore that ivanka and jared are kabbalists
▶ 5df09f (11) No.5376922
▶ 437c50 (9) No.5376923
Nuclear world order hostages.
▶ 9f9d9a (4) No.5376924
When it comes to tech, everyone but Luddites want to be on the bleeding edge. Problem is, not all tech is good. Not all tech is safe. Not all tech will solve more problems than it causes.
Decision makers need the best and brightest nerds (I am a nerd, so this is a term of praise) to objectively evaluate the tech and make a reasoned recommendation to management (the decision makers).
That's what Trump needs - an honest and objective evaluation of the tech.
▶ ce71d5 (10) No.5376925>>5376949 >>5377059
>Deem them Unconstitutional as a party and they are dissolved overnight.
Well do it then! What are you waiting for?
Wow, look this one knows how to dissolve them overnight! Did you buy the new Giza sheets too?
Did you just fucking get here, simpleton?
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5376926
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Californians Can't Name the 45th President
▶ 40b2ab (5) No.5376929
STFU Comey
{It was his own dick}
▶ 12330e (6) No.5376930>>5376975
New poll finds "dramatic shift" on abortion attitudes
By the numbers: The poll found Americans are now as likely to identify as pro-life (47%) as they are pro-choice (47%). Last month, a similar Marist survey found that Americans were more likely to identify as pro-choice than pro-life 55% to 38%, a 17-point gap.
Between the lines: Marist has been polling Americans' attitudes on abortion for over a decade, and Carvalho told Axios this is the first time since 2009 that as many or more Americans have identified as pro-life as have identified as pro-choice.
▶ 9247ad (4) No.5376931>>5376989
it's an impersonator you retard
▶ 2fd224 (8) No.5376934>>5376972
lion news will be changed into
lying news
ya, no. I'm not going to use them.
▶ 7750bf (9) No.5376935>>5376968
Me too!
Pepe needs one too but I'm not a memefag or would do
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376936>>5377101
Baker the IDs are broken.
The thing which makes IDs unique is broken.
Nighshiftanon here. Last post around 7:11am. First post coming back was Mays Landing archive link https://archive.fo/thMe3
▶ 670038 (13) No.5376938
Valerie Jarrett is a lizard.
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376939
wrong? how
dont assume either, makes you look stupid
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376940>>5376965
nice bunduru on chase baker
▶ f5c17e (4) No.5376941
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.
▶ 32bada (7) No.5376942
We don't vote here
and we don't take
work assignments from others.
We work freely for what we believe is right
based on our individual interests and talents.
If there's something that interests you,
you meme it and post your work.
If others like it, they will pick up and run with your idea.
If they don't, you'll get pushback ranging from mild to profane.
▶ cb9fe6 (2) No.5376943>>5376961
Pentagon harbors culture of revenge against whistleblowers
▶ 127603 (1) No.5376944>>5376973 >>5376977 >>5376980 >>5377019
Nothing like a big dose of reality to cause PTSD ………..
▶ e36d18 (5) No.5376945>>5376982 >>5377039
Maybe this is where she gets the ideas
Licences to have babies incidentally is something that
I got in trouble for some years ago for suggesting
even in Canada that this might be necessary at some point,
at least some restriction on the right to have a child.
- Maurice Strong
After all, sustainability means running the global environment -
Earth Inc.
- like a corporation: with depreciation,
amortization and maintenance accounts.
In other words, keeping the asset whole,
rather than undermining your natural capital.
- Maurice Strong
Radical Socialist Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Tells People They Shouldn’t Reproduce Due to Climate Change (VIDEO)
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376947
Pepe would ask RR: How does your actions prepare for section four of the 25th amendment ?
RR: What do you think of section 4 of the 25th ?
▶ e2ae88 (2) No.5376948>>5376999
You know RBG is dying.
You know the court will be 6/3 or at least 5/1/3 soon.
You know arguments already heard can’t be ruled on by a newly appointed judge who wasn’t present for the arguments.
You want to lock in anything you can to a 4/4 or 4/1/3 court so DJT’s new pick can’t rule on it.
RBG is alive but dying. A short term installed roadblock against her replacement. What do they use it for?
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376950>>5376981 >>5376990 >>5377023
▶ c168ae (4) No.5376951
▶ 59d3e6 (9) No.5376953
Also trust 5g
By the time you anons realize it will be too late
▶ f503bd (16) No.5376954>>5376992
I am under heavy fire, keep your head down
▶ 090777 (2) No.5376955>>5377009
great video
that santa was awesome
▶ f66f6b (1) No.5376956
Amazon and Wash Post are C_A. We don't have a private industry. just like govs dont serve the people but work together behind the scenes (battles are real but the war is fake, you're watching a movie). just smoke and mirrors to keep the music going. (((They))) must maintain the slave gardens at all cost to keep control.
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376957>>5376984
Anons, pls advise baker
Archive site looks legit, but if no sign of original, is this sauced enough to include in notables?
▶ 433dbc (1) No.5376959>>5377017 >>5377022 >>5377037
the anon that had the lion design, that looked fucking awesome
and it was eating the democratic donkey and RINO elephant
I vote for that one
▶ 91b58a (2) No.5376961
hmm. seems like every other bureaucratic organization. color me surprised.
▶ e13200 (1) No.5376962
Taking blame whitey to a whole new level.
▶ 8af996 (1) No.5376964>>5376987
this kind of investment would not be made unless expected…
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376965
kekek. ty anon
▶ 38786e (8) No.5376966
yeah i just got here ridin my Giza sheets faggot
▶ 12e238 (4) No.5376967
This was the purpose of Potus tweet this morning. Congress is back from it's break today and they are starting to write legislation to block the EO. It's expected to be vote on this week.
▶ 1821a8 (2) No.5376968
gulag'd - trump kim peace shirt
found em
▶ a5bb4f (5) No.5376969
▶ 2fd224 (8) No.5376971
shills work in teams. so id 71b878 is paired with discouragement fag id f503bd
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5376972
Q Pride
Cuz we're all faggots.
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376973
Pros sent in from building 9 of China ?
▶ ab2f8e (1) No.5376974
The birthday for the Unconquerable Sun of God is December 25th.
The Church later changed it to the birthday of the Son of God.
Do you really want the truth?
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376977
Zucker is the John
▶ 59d3e6 (9) No.5376978>>5376991 >>5377008 >>5377032 >>5377043
Remember anons when i said these people are stupid i was talking about you guys
The amount of mental gymnastics you have to do to trust muh plan brings a new meaning to the term useful idiot
Even hitler didnt have anything on how easily you people are tricked
▶ 3ffdcb (1) No.5376979>>5376994
SB2 post's on redit here:
I've been following this cat since the beginning, number codefagging isn't my forte, but I find his gematria data analysis interdasting.
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5376980
▶ 91b58a (2) No.5376981
fuck you're dumb
▶ ef3b88 (7) No.5376982
>Maybe this is where she gets the ideas
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5376983>>5377021
>>5376894 yup
according to our HW2, it is happening, but not seeing that many signs or results yet…
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376984>>5377029
Here's the original link. I only helperanon on dis.
▶ b6544d (9) No.5376985>>5376998 >>5377029
Filthadelphia living up to it's name.
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5376987
>>5376520, >>5376964
Would need sauce to note. But even as a shoop, it's cool.
▶ 32bada (7) No.5376988>>5377022
Anons, just do it.
If there's a logo you like, you'll use it.
One you don't like, you won't use it.
There is no need for agreement or "majority rule".
Harvard Business School had a really good report, about 25 years ago. I forget the title but the concept was that when you have a product you want to put into the market, putting out lots and lots of variants is better than putting all your eggs into one basket and possibly getting it wrong. The market will choose the most desirable/successful variants. (The context was laptop design and the example was Toshiba shipping dozens adn dozens of variations on their laptop in the mid 1990s).
So just throw a whole lot of seeds out there, and see which ones sprout and flourish, and which ones wither and die.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5376989>>5376996
>it's an impersonator
XACTLY, retard
FAKE NEWS does NOT belong here.
WTF do you think this movement is about?
▶ 670038 (13) No.5376990>>5377026
It sure does look like her.
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5376991
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5376993>>5377004
And that is why the black face gate and Jussie SMOLLETT happened. They were FALSE FLAGS to extinguish the momentum. I am pleased to see the public had already begun to change their mind.
Late term abortion is what needs to be hung around the neck of every tyrant who runs for Congress.
▶ 59d3e6 (9) No.5376994
▶ d23272 (1) No.5376995>>5377030
Bees can't fly in the rain.
Their fuzzy little bee bodies get too heavy to fly.
Rain drops can stun them.
Frogs are waterproof.
"We love our memes, don't we folks".
▶ 9247ad (4) No.5376996>>5377062
it's a fucking joke you stupid fuck
stop smoking the meth and chill out
▶ dc1f02 (17) No.5376998
Camera every where like vegas and chicago ?
▶ 2679e3 (3) No.5376999
>You know RBG is dying.
She's next on my list.
▶ 34da0b (3) No.5377000
Part of the Arizona Mafia? I wonder
Jeffrey Peterson, former democratic darling appears to have some knowledge on this AZ mafia…he even had a tweet about undrstanding Pelosi but it's gone. Apparently lived close by by no name
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5377001>>5377041
QNN came from reddit/GA mods. Sauce has been in multiple previous breads. But anons can do what anons want to do.
▶ 12330e (6) No.5377002
How Britain forcefully depopulated a whole archipelago
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the British government of Harold Wilson expelled the population of the Chagos Islands, a British colony in the Indian Ocean, to make way for an American military base on Diego Garcia, the largest island. In high secrecy, the Americans offered the British payment for the islands in the form of a discount on the Polaris nuclear submarine system.
The truth of this conspiracy did not emerge for another 20 years when secret official files were unearthed at the Public Record Office in London by lawyers acting for the former inhabitants of the coral archipelago. Historian Mark Curtis described the enforced depopulation in Web of Deceit, his 2003 book about Britain's post-war foreign policy.
The British media all but ignored it; the Washington Post called it a "mass kidnapping".
▶ cd97aa (1) No.5377003
Someone slap Tarlov with an indecent exposure fine - and she should pay for the expense of all the eye bleach needed.
▶ b675d3 (2) No.5377004>>5377046
▶ 9e4be7 (5) No.5377005
That beat is fire. Any idea what it is?
I'd lyrically lop mf's heads off over this.
▶ 2c9959 (5) No.5377007
Check out the whole thing.
▶ b6544d (9) No.5377010
fakehatecrimes.org is down. How convenient.
▶ 26d0e9 (1) No.5377011
FYI - July 2018 Starts Tomorrow On The Clock.
▶ 84dbd4 (2) No.5377012
▶ a8a155 (1) No.5377013
Are you in the military? Do you hold a clearance? Do you work for Trump? If the answer is no, then what you do with your life pertaining to the plan is irrelevant.
▶ 9247ad (4) No.5377014>>5377035
▶ f503bd (16) No.5377015>>5377027
not worried just want something good, not a copy of our god damned enemy
▶ a5bb4f (5) No.5377016>>5377104
▶ 2fd224 (8) No.5377017
It's a great logo.
putting it next to news will def make people say 'lion news' as well as 'Q news' after that some will say 'lying news' and it will stick.
Same reason the name Nova wasn't good for a vehicle name in Spanish countries:
Nova is 'No va' which means 'it doens't go' or work. 'la machina no va'
▶ 5a62b3 (4) No.5377018>>5377040
LIFI is one aplication for using light to transfer internet data. There are many more posibilities in servers, networks, long distance data transfers, etc.
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5377019
this is why they hope to have algorithms do it for them
even deep-controlled humans get their conditioning broken…
▶ 59d3e6 (9) No.5377020
▶ f6a324 (9) No.5377021
ripples start a wave…
▶ 32bada (7) No.5377022>>5377037
We don't vote, but here's that graphic you liked. If I can find the one with the 3 symbols (donkey, elephant, lion) I'll post it in a little while. Hard to find stuff anymore, the database is too huge.
▶ 5deeb4 (1) No.5377023>>5377092
Who are the rest of the kids? Bet they are also rising stars.
▶ d35374 (25) No.5377024
Once the "Q" is asked……
▶ a5bb4f (5) No.5377025
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5377026>>5377067
>It sure does look like her.
Greenberg CLAN is responsible for most of our FF.
AOC's mama was their maid- Chi Chi her name.
▶ f94208 (3) No.5377027
CNN is not our enemy.
We own them now.
▶ 7750bf (9) No.5377028>>5377051
>>5376282 (OP)
POTUS boarded AF1 in a hot second with a wave & that was it
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5377029>>5377061
#6862 Baker change
>>5376783, >>5376899, >>5376985 (archived news site only): Trafficking in Philly
>>5376751 MSM WW maligning QAnon: Link Germany's AfD to Q & Muh Nazis
>>5376876 @RepJimJordan on RR, CSPAN vid of Speech on Rule of Law at CSIS
>>5376848 Stupid Liddle Schitt vows lawsuit/subpoena for Mueller report
>>5376781 Justices Chastise 9th Circuit for Counting Dead Judge in Majority
>>5376786 New Yorker fucks with Victor Davis Hanson, he calls them out
>>5376429, >>5376462, >>5376545 Sauced blog: Hussein's lawyers & NXIVM?
>>5376446, >>5376452, >>5376466, >>5376470, >>5376482, >>5376495 Give (((me))) control of a nation's money &… Banks targeting conservatives?
>>5376492 MSM vs. Q movement: WaPo sampling & relevant Q drops
>>5376418, >>5376471 @Pence's clasped hands w/ VZ's Guaido & Columbia's Duque
>>5376382, >>5376412 Bee colonies inspiration for terrorist cells?
>>5376352, >>5376381 Amazon's Bezos: Space Race Boasts & Oct. Plane Crash
>>5376318 Graphic: Anon on AF1 pics re: proof of continuity of Q
baking soon, last call
>I only helperanon on dis.
T'anks, but dat one not contain article either. Still, it verifies the source as a real org anyway.
▶ a5bb4f (5) No.5377031
what a bunch of fucking losers
▶ 84dbd4 (2) No.5377032
Too lazy to even put the fake trip in?
KYS faggot
▶ 03f51b (16) No.5377033>>5377065
What was this all about, Kanye
▶ d5dea8 (1) No.5377034>>5377084 >>5377093
What does Macaulay Culkin mean by 6 secret DJs?
▶ 12330e (6) No.5377038>>5377055
▶ 40b2ab (5) No.5377039
The first commandment was to be fruitful and multiply.
The second was to replenish the earth.
Cart before horse/ death before life
What happens when those who produce drop the leeches and theives to survive on their own? That would reduce a lot of waste.
▶ ef3b88 (7) No.5377040>>5377096
I prefer it, difficult to hack, non toxic.
▶ f503bd (16) No.5377041>>5377091
fucking really???
beanz and whats his fucking face
▶ bc78df (1) No.5377043>>5377049
if anons are so stupid then let us…. be you snaggletoothed cum drenched goat blower
▶ f3e147 (12) No.5377044>>5377063
he's so fucking cringeworthy -_-
▶ e4ed18 (1) No.5377045
Anons passed it by because autists know it's another garbage, plebbit level theory made with low iq wordplay connections. OP probably thinks it's brilliant and can't believe that they may have simply missed the mark. Thus OP will strike at anyone who disagrees with anger, arrogance, and vitriol.
▶ 265c7c (15) No.5377046
▶ 9d7f3f (3) No.5377047>>5377068
This is my thoughts…
Bees, gathering those they need together for a purpose…
Concrete. Produce or create proofs
Wake sleepers or sleeper cells..
▶ 59d3e6 (9) No.5377049>>5377057
Id rather make fun of you cuz it makes me feel better about being a targeted individual
▶ e45960 (1) No.5377050
what's w/all the interest in weather….in general….everyone is so concerned w/the damn weather…at work….that's all I hear….well, the sun's out….is it raining…well, they're callin for rain the next few days…..look out the fucking window for pete's sake….weather this weather that! Watch the news….analyzing high pressure systems low pressure ones the texture of this and that…..weather weather weather…….Jesus…….enough w/the damn weather forecasts! Right now this guy I work with is talking about the weather….rain comin out of the South, etc…..who gives a flying fuck?! I'm slowly but surely losin it…..sigh….somethiing punking me…for real…..all of it…..everything….all of this bullshit I witness every day….gotta be a cruel cruel joke! Where da fuck am I? And who are the other 'life' forms that I am subjected to?! No way this is real…no way! Fucking buy this buy that look this way not that way….eat this eat that…..oh you have to have this…..look at me and my status……look at my ride…..check out my house…..my clothes…..my perfume….oh and then let's throw in God….you know cuz he's my co-pilot….I've the bumper sticker to prove…..you know the one right beside my boss is a jewish carpenter……gtfo of my face! fucking drug commercials, car commercials, all commercials….and then the gd phone bs! 5g 6g……fuck your g! Everyone walking around with their head down lookin at that phone……standing in line….d'oh goota check that phone might miss something! scroll through them pages……I work w/this person who actually sleeps w/her phone under her pillow….wtf?
And how about alexa, etc…..google home assistant….etc….fucking nuts man! Nothing is real anymore…..artificial and synthetic gods! lemme bury you in the soil for a bit let you feel the real dirt….from Mother Earth…..fuckin A…..money money money….need that cash to feed that jones…..
▶ a5bb4f (5) No.5377052
▶ 73d68e (1) No.5377053
Its like the AOC dancing hoax twatter
If we throw out enough buzzwords they have to believe us
▶ f5c17e (4) No.5377054>>5377089
Non patriotic baker forgot the doggies
▶ 116c82 (2) No.5377055
▶ d35374 (25) No.5377058
Ready to rock and roll !
▶ 38786e (8) No.5377059>>5377080
They're a fucking cancer. It's going to require at some point getting down into the streets. Which side will you be standing on?
▶ b08c2f (1) No.5377060
I had a dream about an attempt on POTUS life…
I ask everyone to pray for his safety today.
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5377061
2 hrs sleep. My bad, Baker. Here is actual link to actual article.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5377062>>5377090
>it's a fucking joke
And t's not funny. You make a mockery of the TRUTH and the work Anons do with this bullshit. STOP. How fuking hard is that? Will continue to ride your ass- 2 days now. Your choice.
▶ ef3b88 (7) No.5377063
Has always exuded major "creep factor"!
▶ 9423b7 (1) No.5377064>>5377079
Makes you feel better about being a useless Gutterslut? We know.. KYS
▶ 2c9959 (5) No.5377065
Wasn't that right before he started dropping truth bombs?
Did he finally realize what they were pushing him to do?
▶ 670038 (13) No.5377067
Fucken light-em up….
▶ 9d7f3f (3) No.5377068
Bees could also mean scouting out info…
▶ dbedcb (10) No.5377070
Yeah, as I delved into it deeper, that is the feeling i got.
▶ d15d95 (1) No.5377076>>5377088
My town is juuust above the small circle next to NXIVM
Local reporters want nothing to do with this story>5376583
▶ 062795 (7) No.5377077
daily beast is a known cia op
▶ f503bd (16) No.5377078
▶ ce71d5 (10) No.5377080
fuck off, idiot.
▶ 9d7f3f (3) No.5377081
Free research central?
▶ 413853 (16) No.5377083>>5377104
BREAKING: Syria's Assad meets Iran supreme leader in Tehran - AFP
▶ fd7eea (10) No.5377084
>6 secret DJs?
for once ebot could be useful
▶ 116c82 (2) No.5377086
No one's slick as Trump is
No one's quick as Trump is
▶ 5154db (1) No.5377087>>5377107
Well done, Baker, though please revise caption for the following notable:
This references the algorithm developed to eliminate terror cells and other social networks. The algo was inspired by bee colonies and may be what HRC was alluding to in her twat about needing "more bees."
▶ 25367d (1) No.5377088
I can imagine they have a natural fear of heart attacks, car accidents and doorknobs.
▶ 5779dd (19) No.5377089
did you nominate them?
don't bitch at baker
▶ 9247ad (4) No.5377090>>5377098 >>5377101
check my ID you dumb faggot
not even the one who posted it, just calling out your blatant stupidity
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5377091>>5377103
Yup. All dem cats. Theymade it up. Then went out trolling for support on the board. Now they revived it this past week when anon's status as being the news was underscored.
▶ d88d12 (17) No.5377092
>Who are the rest of the kids? Bet they are also rising stars.
▶ 59d3e6 (9) No.5377093
>What does Macaulay Culkin mean by 6 secret DJs?
What secret rapists they do it openly
And nobody cares
▶ 2c9959 (5) No.5377096
>I prefer it, difficult to hack, non toxic.
I see how it could handle the download portion, just using the phone's camera..
Trickier to do the upload piece (getting data from the phone to a light receiver within the room).
Or maybe you just use wifi for that.
▶ 413853 (16) No.5377099
I wonder if the same "exercise machine" reps have any connection with @SenSchumer. Would be fun to see the reaction if DOJ would look into that "exercise machine" malfunction that ended Reid's career. Just a thought
▶ 2437e5 (13) No.5377101
IDs are broken right now.
▶ 70a056 (3) No.5377104
Iran is on a last resort for a lifeline. I think it's about to heat up in the ME…
▶ f75e7d (12) No.5377107
fresh bread
fresh bread
already baked, but revise how?
>>5376646, >>5376895
baker just saw this, need moar time to look, may need to repost nb please?
▶ 6c35c1 (1) No.5377108
Very quick dig on krassentwins public web presence:
Slight DNS variation in webserver resource records; seems brian has a catchall setup for subdomains as well:
briankrassenstein.com. 60 IN A
edkrassenstein.com. 60 IN A
www.briankrassenstein.com. 60 IN A
www.edkrassenstein.com. 60 IN A
www.edkrassenstein.com. 60 IN A
abc123.briankrassenstein.com. 60 IN A
If you believe the HTML returned, both sites run an out-dated version of word-press; latest wordpress is v5.1.x:
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 4.9.9">
WP-JSON API endpoint public availability is turned on:
Wordpress theme is out-dated Radiate theme, Version 1.2.7 2018-03-22; current Radiate is v1.3.0:
Note: the sites use the free version and not the paid pro edition; confirmed due to version number differences between editions.
Sauce: https://themegrill.com/changelogs/radiate-changelog/