7f69b5 No.5325217
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Q's Latest Posts
Friday 02.22.2019
>>5320727 rt >>5320696 ————————— Just another coincidence we dropped [LL] was offered a SC seat
>>5320696 ————————————–——– The Deal of a Lifetime?
>>5320205 ————————————–——– Our reach is a direct threat to their control. (caps >>5320232)
>>5319456 ————————————–——– Attacker = member of local ANTIFA chapter (joined April 2018).
>>5319191 ————————————–——– Pepe is proud and has never been more popular.
>>5318964 ————————————–——– [Soft Push of New Narrative - Example] (caps >>5319029)
Thursday 02.21.2019
>>5311412 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Democrat Party.
>>5311089 ————————————–——– They know what's best for our Country?
>>5310417 ————————————–——– #WWG1WGA
>>5309759 ————————————–——– #Truth
>>5309085 ————————————–——– Why are memes so important?
>>5308930 rt >>5308748 ————————— THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING TO REGAIN POWER.
>>5308748 ————————————–——– Political forces @ work?
>>5308483 ————————————–——– Equal justice under the law or RIGGED SYS?
>>5305044 ————————————–——– You have more than you know.
>>5304336 ————————————–——– Be ready for the 'Q', Anon(s).
>>5304214 rt >>5303949 ————————— We are the news now (WW).
>>5303685 ————————————–——– What is the process to enter a SCIF?
Wednesday 02.20.2019
Compiled here: >>5320765
Tuesday 02.19.2019
Compiled here: >>5305779
Monday 02.18.2019
Compiled here: >>5277090
Sunday 02.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5246773
Saturday 02.16.19
Compiled here: >>5230898
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
7f69b5 No.5325222
are not endorsements
>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING
>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
>>5324537 On John McDonnell, the British MP in Q #2845
>>5324539 Venezuelan Nat’l Guard firing on civilians that are trying to keep aid corridors open
>>5324543 ; >>5324640 ; >>5324681 Re: Maya Harris, HRC lackey and sister to Kamala
>>5324548 Anon’s request to Q fulfilled?
>>5324591 ; >>5324664 On Terrence Walker, Lyft, Valerie Jarrett, and an unheeded warning from Q
>>5324624 https://qresear.ch Update: mass shootings catalog and performance optimizations
>>5324762 POTUS to use “nuclear option” to recover $2.5B from California
>>5324799 Smollett’s “Empire” character to be removed from this season’s final two episodes
>>5324806 Follow-up report on yesterday’s Houston rooftop shooting
>>5324834 Maduro moving air defense missile system 11 km from Brazilian border
>>5324852 On the Antifa dickhead and Q knowing an “unknown”
>>5324912 ; >>5325153 Times Up CEO resigns after son caught in sexual misconduct scandal
>>5324943 California AG sued over refusal to release police records
>>5324977 SpreadsheetAnon Update
>>5325130 Europe entering earnings recession
>>5325161 #6805
>>5324386 New DJT Twat
>>5324081 (Police raid home of former Goldman banker) IN NOTABLES AND LAST BREAD
>>5323976 Berkshire Hathaway : Kraft Heinz discloses SEC probe
>>5323960 Meme'ing For Dummies (like me) Kek!!
>>5323917 Jussie Smollett Recently Hosted Documentary on Lynching
>>5323912 Venezuela Opposition to Face Off With Maduro at Colombian Border.
>>5323896 New DJT Twat (GMT timestamp)
>>5323827 U.S.-Huawei Fight to Take Center Stage at Trade Show in Barcelona.
>>5323814, >>5324295 Looks like the Cabal tried to kill Terrence Williams with a Lyft Driver!!
>>5323796, >>5323832 Kamala Harris Grandmother Was A Plantation Slave Owner Founder of Brownstown Jamaica (sauce unverified)
>>5324410 #6804
>>5323573 Israel, not Iran, is a threat! (not sure of sauce - but too tasty to exclude)
>>5323469 Iranian President Rohani’s brother goes on trial
>>5323434 "Sea Of Green" Across World Markets As Trade Talk Optimism Storms Back
>>5323424 Cardinals are calling for a new culture of accountability in the Catholic Church to punish bishops and others when they fail to protect their flocks from predator priests
>>5323378 Horry Shit Valkyyrie Weater (Trans Child of film producer/director Rob Cohen) Twat regarding Sexual Abuse by Father
>>5323281 Rob Reiner Twat
>>5323175 Open Letter ToThe Presidents Of The Conferences Of Bishops
>>5323148, >>5323200 UN aid workers raped 60,000 people (in past decade) as it’s claimed organisation employs 3,300 paedophiles
>>5323129 Smollet's Atty Mark Garagos Dig on Previous Clients
>>5323089 Police raid home of former Goldman banker
>>5323081, >>5323082 Three malpractice lawsuits against Dr. Keith Ablow claim that he instilled feelings of distrust and “self-recrimination” while treating the women for depression
>>5323022 Scientists release genetically modified mosquitoes in Hi-Security lab
>>5323795 #6803
Previously Collected Notables
>>5322850 #6802
>>5320541 #6799, >>5321272 #6800, >>5322063 #6801
>>5318243 #6796, >>5319006 #6797, >>5319719 #6798
>>5315935 #6793, >>5316702 #6794, >>5317474 #6795
>>5313575 #6790, >>5314399 #6791, >>5315155 #6792
>>5311187 #6787, >>5311958 #6788, >>5312801 #6789
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
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7f69b5 No.5325225
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7f69b5 No.5325226
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4969266
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Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4968955
7f69b5 No.5325233
f493ed No.5325245
LATE Q, thanks baker:
>>5325224 ————————————–——– Dead on.
f493ed No.5325267
7f69b5 No.5325268
Added to dough.
Much thanks, Anon.
f493ed No.5325276
with caps:
>>5325224 ————————————–——– Dead on. ( Caps: >>5325267 )
24f0af No.5325285
I like the inclusion of Renteria. Not many people know that name.
0b6b28 No.5325290
March 13
March 14
1402b6 No.5325292
Why hasn’t this been noted yet???
Trump just tweeted the same link Q started with in post 2856 regarding new narrative.
b30beb No.5325293
f5ef5b No.5325295
Q Proof Alert
The proofs are getting really obvious, anons.
1d74ae No.5325297
Doesn't sit right with me. Started here.
8b1292 No.5325298
Soooooooo… wtf is up with this creepy pedo shit?
Two kids who get in trouble a lot for daydreaming in school have the same dream about the same imaginary friend, a Roman-themed superhero named Rem Lezar. The two meet, learn to get over their differences and discover what they have in common, and paint a mannequin like their dream hero. He comes to life and becomes fully human, and then takes them on a series of adventures, which involve a great deal of song and dance, as they try to find the Quixotic Medallion that will allow him to live longer than a day.
Pedo & Satanic as FUCK
24f0af No.5325300
2c2dac No.5325301
That mole right by the nose might be very helpful
db8111 No.5325302
Trump to Use ‘Nuclear Option’ to Recover $2.5 Bn More from California’s Failed High-Speed Rail Project
The Trump administration announced this week that it was canceling nearly $1 billion in grant money for California’s now-defunct high-speed rail project — and President Donald Trump is coming for the other $2.5 billion.
The $2.5 billion has already been spent — but California has failed to deliver the high-speed rail (on time, or at all) as promised.
Therefore, the Trump administration argues, the state has to repay federal taxpayers.
The Los Angeles Times quoted Stanford law professor David Freeman Engstrom, a Stanford law professor, describing Trump’s effort as a “nuclear option.”
The practice of recovering money after a breach of contract, while common in the private sector, was virtually unheard of in government, he explained.
“There is a reluctance to penalize misspending by local government agencies. … Almost never do those violations result in terminations, in part because federal agencies are set up to distribute money, not take it back, and they also lack funding for strict grant enforcement,” the Times added.
On Tuesday, the Federal Railroad Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation wrote to California’s High-Speed Rail Authority, informing it that it had breached the terms of its contract with the federal government and that $928,620,000 would therefore no longer be available to the project.
Newsom objected, again: “This is California’s money.” He also claimed Trump was taking revenge for California’s leading role in filing a federal lawsuit against Trump’s national emergency declaration to build the “wall.”
But that may not matter.
The state had grown accustomed to leniency: the Obama administration modified the terms of the deal between the federal government and the state several times, because it was ideologically committed to high-speed rail.
Trump is somewhat indifferent to high-speed rail: he favors infrastructure spending, but wants to see the projects built.
And as a world-famous developer, he knows the rules of the game: deliver the project, or pay up.
Legally California may have no choice.
01aa97 No.5325303
TY Baker!!!
I love it when Q taunts Comey…
b2b280 No.5325305
98c270 No.5325306
John McDonnell MP (drop 2845) is in the Labour Party.
This website lists the Party's pedo scandals: https://labour25.com/labour25/
I don't think McDonnell himself is a pedo though, just an old-school leftist.
dbd267 No.5325307
What have you done?
65138a No.5325308
>>5325224 lb /Q
Really feelin' it this morning boss!
Anons are energized & pumped.
d37090 No.5325309
Fuck off with your over-taxation without representation.
All you cucks can say what you want but taxation is theft, plain and simple.
Q+ bragging about cutting taxes yesterday…
Pro tip: If Obama raised them and you just lowered them back to pre-Obama era %'s then you didn't cut jack shit.
10% off the mid class that promised a few weeks ago?
Fuck this plan, tbh, and I've fought for it for years.
bfa2b0 No.5325310
How about it, Q?
>>5324591 ; >>5324664 On Terrence Walker, Lyft, Valerie Jarrett, and an unheeded warning from Q
>>5323814, >>5324295 Looks like the Cabal tried to kill Terrence Williams with a Lyft Driver!!
Care to throw us a bone?
0196fa No.5325312
boss got in there late. you on it though as always
this late
>>5325190 lb Speculation Justice Thomas to retire
8b1292 No.5325313
Q 2018-02-22 00-47_21-39
36e576 No.5325314
A subscriber of RedLetterMedia by any chance?
They just did a episode of their show about this movie.
5b6572 No.5325315
>>5325278 (pb)
Since when does a simple assault and battery on a college campus have anything to do with NAT SEC?
969a7a No.5325316
I do wonder how far it is to the bottom (6) of the rabbit (6) hole.
a71581 No.5325317
Michael Hornsby, 27 Berkeley, California
0d1689 No.5325318
>>5319456 PB Q
Possible hint
Berkeley police have arrested more than a dozen anti-fascist activists and posted their names and photos on Twitter, raising concerns that the department was encouraging harassment and abuse.
892d36 No.5325319
Italian newspaper writes about Mifsud
bfa6f7 No.5325320
3b7c9b No.5325321
dd6bac No.5325322
Go build your temple
Don't bear false witness
9ddec9 No.5325324
>>5325224 (LB)
That local abc footage is a wee bit higher resolution than the distant security camera footage the rest of the country is [only] familiar with.
bc9a81 No.5325326
ade35e No.5325327
Its Friday after all
0b6b28 No.5325328
Probably goes without saying but…
870f2d No.5325329
3b7c9b No.5325330
dbd267 No.5325331
a5e0f1 No.5325332
889370 No.5325334
36c6e0 No.5325335
is it the younger him??
not saying it is..just asking..digging around..
note dot on left cheek, lacking in right pic..but theres some mark left..like from surgery?? takin it off??
127b6f No.5325337
Excellent, time to snack
e06736 No.5325338
Yes, as a matter of fact I do have some popcorn, now that you mention it, would make a lovely snack right now. Thanks Q!
1402b6 No.5325339
God bless you and your work. We are with you!
bc9a81 No.5325341
b84c7a No.5325343
Is Senator Harris Giving drugs to Jussie ?
Drugs on the set of Empire ?
db8111 No.5325346
Q mentioned this here: >>5318964 ————————————–——– [Soft Push of New Narrative - Example] (caps >>5319029)
206a88 No.5325347
Morning Q!
Thanks for the heads up!
01aa97 No.5325353
Trump is practically plagiarizing Q with Tweets
e5eaa7 No.5325354
Got lots of popcorn. Enjoying the show bigly!
2c2dac No.5325355
anybody able to recognize the other guys? Could lead to more pics w/ the main guy in them. Not sure if all of them were in on it
b2b280 No.5325356
5b09ea No.5325357
Just making some.
44c785 No.5325360
>>5325279 (lb)
HA! @KimStrassel labeling SCHITT a "Conspiracy Theorist"!!!!
519505 No.5325361
All systems GO!
0b6b28 No.5325362
Did we miss anything with Whitaker?
ed3d92 No.5325363
Good. Seize assets of those state and local officials as well.
3f1263 No.5325366
e2ae03 No.5325367
Punches like a pussy.
cfa98b No.5325368
Super fagooooooot
8b1292 No.5325369
yup, why i saw it… an anon called attention to the episode last night - about the Police video on satanist cults, actually, but the RL one is much creepier…
>Since when does a simple assault and battery on a college campus have anything to do with NAT SEC?
methods used to IDEN.
Qteam plays its part, we do ours, re-read crumbs
44eb84 No.5325370
Another proof would be if the convo between BC & LL matches the last Q drop. ( a phone was present )
f493ed No.5325371
Anything on the upcoming POTUS-KJU Summit?
The last one was legendary, I assume this one will be too.
66361a No.5325372
Q - What are the reasons for Cohen testifying on same day as Potus meeting with NK? Expect fireworks that day?
e3817e No.5325373
What do anons think about Field McConnell and Abel Danger? I know Youtube was censoring their material long before it was the norm. Trying to be careful about who I follow these days.
f0b4ce No.5325374
09033b No.5325377
So are you guy finally ready to reach the point of no return?
This would make our job a lot easier.
030776 No.5325378
>>5325231 (PB)
Can't name a kid "Dijon" and expect him not to slather millions of weiners.
24f0af No.5325381
bc9a81 No.5325383
nice but we've all known that for years.
d8f86d No.5325384
Twat had disabled my push notifications. I havent received POTUS notifications in 3 days and there is nothing I can do to change it. Anyone else having this problem
5a2fb8 No.5325385
Hi Q.
> Conservative Twitter Personality, Terrence Williams Breaks Neck on Way to White House | The Washington Pundit.
Deep state?
a38d9d No.5325387
>>5325048 (pb)
Janna (Little) Ryan's [PR]'s wife's uncle accused of sexual harrassment. Dude is bad news - "little" clan are ALL Oklahoma D party cabal
d4aae3 No.5325389
Let's be honest. Mad and psycho as the dems/lefties are…. they got balls. They are like the Terminator…… they will not stop until trump is dead. I hope Q turns out to be Sarah Connor.
505bbb No.5325390
I thought yes, maybe the nays are shills? Their super cunty! Kinda like the guy in the pic!
6df7eb No.5325391
Follow the watch.
Casio DW-290 sport watch
Casio DW-5600 used in the movie.
428271 No.5325392
I have noticed that when my follower count on Twitter gets to 459 it goes back down to 451. Week after week after week no matter how many followers I get.
4ae244 No.5325393
Nice division slide attempt faggot.
cfa98b No.5325394
Get back to work retard
a7911f No.5325395
I legit have a bag saved for the day…i hope i get to pop that shit soon (if of course the time is right)
0f159b No.5325396
Spouse (1)
Josiah Bell (24 October 2010 - present) ( 1 child)
Trivia (5)
Sister of Jojo Smollett, Jazz Smollett, Jussie Smollett, Jake Smollett, and Jocqui Smollett. They all starred together as siblings on the TV series On Our Own (1994).
207668 No.5325397
Where We Go 1 We Go All World Wide!
2823b5 No.5325398
969a7a No.5325399
the codes are everywhere. Every major youtuber with any kind of follower count is one of them - cause the cult controls the algorithm so while they will give anon's fake subscriber bots to make them think they are talking to real people - only word of mouth passes your video to anyone.
anyway, the point being shows of any shape or size of any place in media or internet - will have cult codes embedded into their thumbnails, titles, timecodes and so on.
6a1c31 No.5325400
Forgot to add a connecting line. My bad.
f493ed No.5325401
Q's job is to inform, retard
c070be No.5325404
So in reference to Q's post >>5318964, it looks like my guess was right… Mueller will exonerate POTUS, so the Dem excuse will be "muh he didn't investigate long enough, we need new investigations."
Can't wait for the hangings.
bfd3fc No.5325405
Fresh is best. If we pop now, will it still be good to go?
0f159b No.5325406
a5e0f1 No.5325407
We are ready. Patriots stand at attention. Our current orders are to eat popcorn and enjoy the show. Thank you POTUS. Thank you Q. Thank you bakers, Thank you anos, Thank you BO/BV, Thank you MIL, Thank you!
bfa6f7 No.5325408
There sure are a lot of 'Q' comments on that Tweet POTUS just referred to.
Happy Friday!
b2b280 No.5325409
Got popcorn?
1c8d83 No.5325410
Just bought some for the weekend Do I need mour?
f0b4ce No.5325411
It’s a hell of a feeling. A wise anon told me to save everything. He reloaded software and wiped his history clean
2c2dac No.5325412
7f69b5 No.5325413
Please see Bread #6724
9e6908 No.5325414
Already seen that, on american babies, end of 90's - 2000…
All had in common their father or mother was in Irak before conception.
Depleted Uranium Related.
Question is : Did they cover up some nuclear incident?
9ddec9 No.5325416
Twitter notified me of that one.
80d856 No.5325417
source? face doesn't match
701817 No.5325418
The guy in the blue was with the victim. The dude with the activated gray hoody was with asshole. Watch the whole video from Hannity. Hoody asshole was actually threatening the victim first.
a5e0f1 No.5325420
24f0af No.5325421
I love Trump Fridays!
a742b0 No.5325423
They faked @AOC!
AOC listed "202-225-39**" as "Riley.Roberts@mail.house.gov".
A search shows no Riley Roberts, however, that # comes back as "Kevin J Casey, 45, of DC.
HIS DAD IS WILLIAM CASEY frmr director of the CIA!
PLEASE Retweet!
7b5d0b No.5325425
When you’re done saving the world, will potus help tear down the mosque 🕌 and rebuild the temple?
0d1689 No.5325426
db8111 No.5325427
Trying to find out where the money goes in CA seems impossible. Of course that's the whole idea of money laundering.
d4aae3 No.5325429
Trump, damned wireless keyboard!
e5eaa7 No.5325430
Someone's gonna ask the Question soon.
f5d78f No.5325431
>>5325224 pb
WOW!! It happened!! ThanQ! Thank you all patriots!! Tears of joy #WWG1WGA #Qanon
How cool!
05e7e9 No.5325432
Q, you've never given out a Q post that just says Got Popcorn.
Also the timestamp is 11:11.
This better be good! (Going downstairs to pop some popcorn now…)
cfa98b No.5325433
Maybe he should do that then kek
344052 No.5325434
Behold the power of God in the Psalms!
The future proves the past.
Psalm 82:
A Plea for Justice
A Psalm of Asaph.
82 God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment:
2 “How long will you judge unjustly
and show partiality to the wicked? Selah
3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
5 They have neither knowledge nor understanding,
they walk about in darkness;
all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 I say, “You are gods,
sons of the Most High, all of you;
7 nevertheless, you shall die like men,
and fall like any prince.”
8 Arise, O God, judge the earth;
for to thee belong all the nations!
7fe4ab No.5325435
>>5325155 lb
Are they playing both sides?
What is going on down there?
Don't send the FBI, they are useless.
Need some serious intervention.
bc9a81 No.5325436
to this anon
8a8b32 No.5325438
Today I heard for the first time the word Cabal on tv.
The Godfathers, The Cabals
RT sauce: https://youtu.be/IFAcqaNzNSc
195d8a No.5325440
Give me original image.
Give me Q proof theme.
> making Q proofs images with all the dots we got as well. So taking suggestions for next weeks news cycle.
cfa98b No.5325441
The super faggot reigns supreme eat my ass with a spoon
870f2d No.5325442
and it's beautiful, breath of fresh air compared to all the hate that gets posted there.
f169b5 No.5325443
11:11 timestamp
5:5 boss
e5eaa7 No.5325444
Are you ready, Shill?
8f21b0 No.5325445
Hubby-anon says "Of Course Trump follows and quotes Q He's delusional too" Need a solid to wake him up!
b2b280 No.5325447
cfa98b No.5325448
Use red text its funnier
64d40b No.5325449
Lisa Borders and assc.
Anyone else thinking the timing of the FB allegations against her son are peculiar?
c042a9 No.5325450
first movie worth watching in Quite some time
fa6a29 No.5325451
Do I ever!! Talk about some Binge-Watching!!
f493ed No.5325452
The Founders would be proud of MAGA and the Great Awakening.
870f2d No.5325455
948bb3 No.5325456
Plenty….want some Q?
2823b5 No.5325457
We are bigger than we think.
Critical mass reached, Q?
8b1292 No.5325458
>Happy Friday!
Back atcha, fren
05ed38 No.5325460
b66713 No.5325462
80d856 No.5325463
enjoying this a bit too much Q :-)
505bbb No.5325465
kek it's true though, in reality they are deranged conspiracy theorists who survive by scamming NPCs to go along with their crap!
8fec4c No.5325466
Glad to see you back, Q-Team!
0196fa No.5325467
0c9df9 No.5325468
Got to be a crime to block your access to your POTUS?
57fe72 No.5325470
looks a bit like richard russel aka plane stealer
dbd267 No.5325471
I surrender, come and get me.
083420 No.5325474
>>5325224 (PB)
June 27, 2016 – Tarmac meeting happens.
July 5, 2016 – Comey announces the RIGGED findings.
July 11, 2016 – RBG calls POTUS a "faker" (article from July 13, comment made 7/11)
Why did she call him a "faker"?
SHE GOT NERVOUS because the tarmac meeting leaked?
206a88 No.5325475
"Happy Friday"….?
Meaning it's going to be? (forcasting?)
Or it already is? (done?)
1216fc No.5325476
a2c4c5 No.5325478
Twatters gonna suicide from all these qnn memes i juat carpet bombed them with! Thanq to all memers
God bleas anons!
c042a9 No.5325479
Not on the twatter but it almost sounds like it could be getting fun to join in the twatting
9ddec9 No.5325483
Q, "2 jumps downstream req." You don't use "required" for a reason, no doubt. Downstream ship req/wreck? As in "out of the berth/birth cert system? Maybe parents too, thus "2 jumps"? Something like this? Admiralty Law crap?
889370 No.5325485
Spam POTUS with Q ha ha
33627d No.5325486
Is the reason for Antifa not showing up with facial recognition, is that the people are our “missing”?
aa360d No.5325488
1402b6 No.5325489
Negative. You have to maintain the notifications though. I’ve had them swap settings on me as a “feature update” and had to manually turn back on notifications for Trumps account
36c6e0 No.5325490
poppin here in Germany too, sir. Any chance getting some uplift..time is really dragging everything out..Nato posted pic of combined exercise between US and Ger Navy today which gives me hope that they will get their act together and finally take traitors into custody and throw away the key..
Our country really needs a kick in the butt..especially the sleeping soft leftist mainstream sheeps could use some truth to get their thinking goin..
Will stay til the end anyways, sir.
until they come and maybe take patriots to camps..nothing left to loose but freedom.
b66713 No.5325491
Q, - where'd you go - will you confirm that Emily Rose Marshall/'Nauert' is the Hollywood nexus of Antifa?
7bebbc No.5325492
We are not mainstream…
The mainstream has come to us.
We are THERE, frens and Q!
(White)-hats off to ALL who have put in so much work, whether a lot or a little, to SAVE THE WORLD.
e49cc8 No.5325493
But a good point. The evolution of this is that it is just becoming an honest media outlet which is good.
d66022 No.5325494
Merging their overton windows at an accelerated pace.
892d36 No.5325496
>Michael Hornsby
He gets around
870f2d No.5325497
Found this in POTUS comments section.
re: Meme's
a596e2 No.5325498
I’ll ask the Q question!
f2f79d No.5325499
Is Prince Phillip the P, the chair? I’ve been digging for almost a year and he has that power. Please respond.
36e576 No.5325500
Is that pepe on his shirt?
401e9c No.5325502
>>5325320 will be using extra butter once the
fa6a29 No.5325504
Saint Peter's Chair Day today. Any relation to P=C? Pakistan? MB(13)?
f493ed No.5325506
Not the anon who posted it.
505bbb No.5325507
Richard doesn't look like a giant cunt though.
24f0af No.5325509
Maybe POTUS should RT a Q account.
Just saying. He doesn't have to make it blatantly obvious that he is pushing "Q" but lots of Q accounts make good points and praise Q in the comments.
faa862 No.5325510
Obvious shills prove Q, easy filter.
3f1263 No.5325511
TGIF- may the BOOMS be heard world wide!
f14bac No.5325512
When will the MSM ask the Q question
bc9a81 No.5325513
you give cunt a bad rap, anon.
e3817e No.5325514
What is your purpose? Do you think that you can/will achieve said purpose?
870f2d No.5325515
7b5d0b No.5325516
Yeah ,yeah, yeah, What about Zionism and the Zionist and our ZOG. What’s the end game here pal, the REAL end game?
c042a9 No.5325517
Very happy Friday Q !!
65f2e9 No.5325519
Looks like somebody is shitting their pants. And why the WaPo? LOL.
Q is dead-on. These people are stupid…and they are predictable.
de4e11 No.5325522
Going to need lots of it!
80d856 No.5325523
"Conspiracy theorist Adam Schiff"
oh how the turn tables~!~!~!!!!1!!
8b1292 No.5325524
68474a No.5325525
Post some screen caps.
3afb64 No.5325526
Thank you for all that you do, Q. Thank you for being a beacon of hope for the world. There are no words to express our gratitude.
I pray for PAIN for them, JUSTICE for their victims, STRENGTH for you and POTUS, LOVE PEACE AND JOY for the world.
We're going to need some more popcorn..
207668 No.5325527
Happy Friday Q & QTeam! Love y'all so very much! Thanks for the incoming FREEDOMZ!
db522a No.5325529
Moar on Hornsby…very odd connection to Riverside Hospice Va…the connection being nothing more than a last name and Riverside.
Just a coincidence in this case, I have no reason to believe they are connected.
>>5325246 (lb)
cfa98b No.5325532
The fourth will be magical. Get some fresh drawers.
b9cbe0 No.5325533
Not ever, namefag, and that's very telling
898a19 No.5325534
Q, what is up with these two homos?!
7280c8 No.5325537
When will Dem voter fraud be brought to light and eradicated?
948bb3 No.5325538
Geeez…….who are these Q people? Must be some conspiracy truthers or something. :D
5fa296 No.5325539
No I ran out of popcorn. :/
c2dbbd No.5325540
You suck. Only because I'm jealous.
e6f775 No.5325541
Is this the part of the movie where the "Schitt hits the fan?"
05660c No.5325542
0787e2 No.5325544
PLEASE bring the P-A-I-N
a38d9d No.5325545
1402b6 No.5325547
If that’s true they are filtering the hell out of the q comments. Have to scroll far down
4ae244 No.5325548
Good find anon, but it needs more saucing to be confirmed. I'm not doubting she's clown connected, but I think a Casey connection would need be nailed down better before it's notable. Keep digging and good work!
b2b280 No.5325549
f89d05 No.5325551
You're an ignorant goddamn cuck.
Domestic enemies should be put to death.
You're part of the reason our Country is so fucked up.
505bbb No.5325554
There's a big diff between pussy and cunt! She's the one giving cunts a bad name.
24f0af No.5325558
You know who is awesome.
Sean Duffy. Sean Duffy is awesome and doesn't get enough attn.
f493ed No.5325560
Thank you Q, as a baker, an anon, and a Patriot.
328881 No.5325561
Shills be like:
>Guise, is this the same person?
d66022 No.5325562
And precise.
Generally we look back a year, or to Q drops with similar words/themes to find out more.
b9cbe0 No.5325563
What is a smell?
Who smelt it, dealt it."
474216 No.5325564
Thank you! Maybe soon?
e27f4a No.5325565
Thought this was interesting. Mika Brzezinski tweeted this photo yesterday. Seems like signaling. A bit odd that she has sheep figurines next to her tv.
d8f86d No.5325566
I've had that happen before etoo but this is advanced . Even if I click on the bell in POTUS page it sends me directly to this pic. I can't even turn off notifications
b66713 No.5325567
Could be Bruce Hornsby's kid. Lots of Antifa have famous lefty parents/relatives.
da33cd No.5325568
>>5325063 /pb
Love how they jumped at the opportunity to throw in not 1 but 3 victims attached to this hoax.
Gay - Victim
Black - Victim
Jewish - Victim
This is a great example of the kind of shit, we the people have been having to eat for decades.
55689f No.5325569
Anons with baking experience, would like feedback on these baking instructions
Am learning about how to bake. when I learn something new, I usually document it in a way that makes sense to me. Would appreciate feedback on accuracy and anything else you have to offer.
(Plz disregard weird MS-Word glitch with DRAFT watermark)
5d1069 No.5325570
Request for 'HOT' in next POTUS tweet!!!!
3f1263 No.5325571
I think I need a stash from GFS Marketplace to keep up.
36e576 No.5325572
462d98 No.5325574
I put my hands on my hip.
When I dip you dip we dip.
d66022 No.5325576
Found the AIM pelican.
aa17d7 No.5325577
Bacon rinds and cracklins for this keto Anon…ready when you are Top..
db522a No.5325578
saved. am now opening lol
b9cbe0 No.5325580
They have an insatiable desire for cock?
Ask Q harder questions, this one was easy.
0196fa No.5325581
dbd267 No.5325584
I like this one.
a1708c No.5325585
Ed Krassenstein = Pedophile.
Serisously.. his propaganda is not even well forged.
65138a No.5325586
Does that mean censorship of conservative voices has been terminated?
44eb84 No.5325588
So, I’m the last week, Q’s been mentioned on multiple network TV shows, the proofs have been become so obvious, what’s next?
The storm will be upon us…
59ac77 No.5325592
>>5317305 (pb)
Attention anons!
This needs moar traction.
Time travel is REAL!
Hiding in the background in the movie 'Back to the Future' is secret inside information.
The director, Robert Zemeckis, is showing you exactly who created a time machine.
In the scene, Marty repeatedly looks at this sign which reads:
Ask Mr. Foster - Travel Service Since 1888
88 is a 'Time Loop' and is featured in many movies and stories where time is the subject. It's no accident that the Delorean travels through time when it hits 88 mph.
Check out:
He's hiding in plain sight!
Someone will take this information and claim to be the one who figured it out. It will be a lie, because I don't want fame or recognition.
It would be cool if there were some sort of reward discovering for this easter egg.
Ready Player One?
Shall We Play A Game?
Mr. Foster:
Please don't be upset with me for figuring this out. If Robert Zemeckis hadn't put this in the movie, it simply wouldn't have come out.
Can you Dig it?
e5eaa7 No.5325594
Way to go kid! Now don't get cocky.
6a794a No.5325595
If we are the news, shouldn’t we be asking the Q? Perhaps POTUS will have to address it because of us?
344052 No.5325597
Behold the power of God in the Psalms!
The future proves the past.
Psalm 23:
The Divine Shepherd
A Psalm of David.
23 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
2 he makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
3 he restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
thou anointest my head with oil,
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
for ever.
892d36 No.5325599
Looks like the guy on the right, no name, not the same as Michael Hornsby (same event, different clothes).
bc9a81 No.5325600
so would seem to be natural progression of things, grasshopperanon.
c5527e No.5325601
The release of this one will follow down the road.
faa862 No.5325602
Be careful predictions rumors, lying shills..
cb6f3b No.5325603
Twitter is censoring the Q comments on Kim Strassels post
7f69b5 No.5325604
Looks good overall.
Can nitpick later after current responsibilities are concluded.
db8111 No.5325605
POTUS surrounded by traitors in this picture…
cfa98b No.5325606
870f2d No.5325607
visit the link foo, don't be scurrrrd
68474a No.5325609
Did you notice the camera?
145479 No.5325611
Q feeling comfy lately. We been comfy AF.
462d98 No.5325615
My body is ready.
d66022 No.5325616
1568d8 No.5325617
Without America it all falls. Thank you Q&(You)
4396bd No.5325618
A better photo could confirm but the features are there. The assailent has an unmistakable pockmark on his left cheek that can't be confirmed on the Smith image.
468ea5 No.5325619
Popcorn again???? Too much WINNING!
f493ed No.5325622
36c6e0 No.5325623
in case Anons missed post..no responses yet..
please have a look.
aa17d7 No.5325624
You guys are the like watching a cat playing with a mouse…FOREVER…when are y'all going to get a fren reporter to Pop the Question? C'mon…everybody knows…just DO IT Q!
1568d8 No.5325625
5990d7 No.5325626
well, if he is a paid operative
I am sure he could disguise himself
207668 No.5325628
>5 Thou preparest a table before me
>in the presence of my enemies;
9e6908 No.5325631
Q, please tell us how much have we been bullshited about the nature of the universe?
Bet there's life everywhere actually…
55689f No.5325633
I take it you're baking. Thanks much.
145167 No.5325634
05ed38 No.5325635
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hi Q, I think there is a threat against Potus in this vidio, not by Icke, but the interviewer. Around 15:30
QAnon DESTROYED By David Icke - EXPOSING Faceless Movements & Distractions!
7f69b5 No.5325637
Notables Dough
(/pb) >>5325190 Speculation re: Justice Thomas retiring
>>5325292 ; >>5325295 New DJT and Q Proof
>>5325299 ; >>5325396 On the Smollett family ties to Hussein
>>5325321 Southwest Airlines suffers computer outage, grounding flights
e06736 No.5325638
"You have more than you know."
dbd267 No.5325641
It will happen when the time is right, and not before.
328881 No.5325645
Yep, you'd think the stupid cunt would realize that she's being monitored by white hats
d05872 No.5325646
This Friday and Saturday??? Like your early post? Q POST 16?!
401e9c No.5325650
What do bee sticks and nuts have in common?
Is she calling to stop POTUS from breathing?
5a0a51 No.5325651
Hey Boss, good morning!!! Love and hugs
36e576 No.5325652
30b897 No.5325653
Whoever (reporter) asks the question, will immediately put themselves into the history books.
When the story is told, that person will be mentioned by name for the next few hundred years.
It will be like Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward of Watergate day’s only bigger.
Who has the guts to do it and desire for fame?
e27f4a No.5325657
Yeah, thanks for pointing that out. There is a lot going on in this photo. Trying to figure who is in all the photos on her mantle.
f5d78f No.5325658
>Got popcorn?
f72fbc No.5325659
8365c5 No.5325660
Yes! Damn that's close…but white dudes all look alike…kek
a5e0f1 No.5325661
Feinstein is out on the prowl, watch your six anons
401e9c No.5325662
145167 No.5325663
Nazi ANTIFA Terrorists Terrorizing
24f0af No.5325664
Q, cant we air-drop aid into Venezuela?
f493ed No.5325665
no way
db8111 No.5325667
Thanks anon, saved.
083420 No.5325668
c6c22e No.5325670
you say that like Foster is a unique name when it's really quite common
can you clutch at more straws, please?
6b90bf No.5325671
Some Feeling Huh?
5990d7 No.5325672
ooga booga
twas the aliens
8bcb5f No.5325673
Popcorn on the Oscar's weekend?
Red carpet event?
3faea1 No.5325674
Anons, I noticed in Q's post about the chemicals the First letters were FCL, which jumped out at me to dig. Came up with Fineotex Chemicals Limited out of India, which seems to have some questionable financials, with recent news of stock sales by the CEO. Also the all of the sudden very recent references to India make me think there could be a link. Is this looking in the right direction? Should we dig on this, Q?
8c1314 No.5325675
7b5d0b No.5325676
Your caveman thought processes are why this country is so fucked up along with your arrogant apathy
e1130f No.5325677
Break the illusion. Tear down the veil. Force the light upon the world.
dd1e41 No.5325678
Missing ‘o’. Just messing with you Q. WWG1WGA
083420 No.5325679
a7911f No.5325680
328881 No.5325682
Looks like resources are spread thin in Tel Aviv.
0b6b28 No.5325684
Imagine having this ego
64d40b No.5325687
Small aircraft crashes in Indiana, killing one.
05ed38 No.5325688
>twas the aliens
Better wake up quick, or you are gonna have a hard time…
cfa98b No.5325689
Slit your wrists lengthwise, it works better
083420 No.5325691
POTUS is departing White House circa 7pm tonight for GOP governors thing. could be nothing, but still…
c6c22e No.5325692
d8f86d No.5325695
ade35e No.5325696
Not that wicked witch
bc9a81 No.5325699
keks interdastingly
6946f5 No.5325700
I was digging that also yesterday.
24f0af No.5325701
becfca No.5325702
That news had been in the notables.
got popcorn, a lot of it.
64e500 No.5325708
All of [their] resources are spread thin.
I'm starting to get the impression that Jussie Smollet was the DNC's Rubicon.
5990d7 No.5325710
with guys like you
for sure
870f2d No.5325711
It is interesting..
bc9a81 No.5325712
moms calling. lunch is ready and she's gonny be pissed if yer late again.
dce296 No.5325713
Deep dreams by anon: Found myself locked in a mall, lord of the flies shit after a few hours, most people had joined makeshift tribes and were trying to figure out how to work the food machines. Those who knew how were being treated like gods. Got bored and found a security guard who had a key and was able to convince him I could breach the door if he didn't unlock it. Once outside I saw what had caused the panic, UFOs. A transport landed in the parking lot and brought me a really yummy black bean burger from future Chick-fil-A and then left.
072403 No.5325715
Anons would you hit it ??
6041af No.5325717
What is your favorite meme?
07377c No.5325720
FISA 3 hop rule
Only took 2 hops to identify this jerk.
Person A→ person B→ this jerk.
Who you been talking to jerk?
05ae13 No.5325722
Make California pay for the wall.
b2b280 No.5325725
28d79e No.5325726
Happy Friday to you, Sir/Ma'am/Team.
d4562e No.5325728
965cb5 No.5325729
This gets more exciting with each drop…
db522a No.5325730
plus FM3-05
d4562e No.5325731
6a794a No.5325732
You first. You seem worried. Why would that be?
05ed38 No.5325733
Q already confirmed aliens.So eat a dick.
f169b5 No.5325734
fukken kek, anon, i'm dyin over here
cfa98b No.5325736
328881 No.5325737
Found the boomer
bfa6f7 No.5325739
Memes, memes, and more memes!
1c8d83 No.5325740
Q post 2863 and POTUS tweet = 10 min delta
5990d7 No.5325742
but go ahead
u have our permission
870f2d No.5325744
4227c0 No.5325745
Sorry if you've added already. phone fagging.
59ac77 No.5325746
No Such Thing!
b2b280 No.5325747
cfa98b No.5325748
Your bifurcated penis looks like the Louvre
1566c8 No.5325749
We are the news.
bc9a81 No.5325750
wow someone give this little prick a participation award.
b6b469 No.5325751
I love Fridays.
I’m not even that mad I didn’t get tax return deposit today, as I am fully stocked on popcorn.
I’m not even mad it’s going to snow another 4in, as my blower is all fueled up.
Bring it Team Q.
I love me some enlightened Fridays.
Time to wake some sleepers!
5a1fd3 No.5325752
Best Show On Earth
c2dbbd No.5325753
This just got a little weird.
68474a No.5325754
c5527e No.5325755
Will be your biggest contribution to the boards all day!
24f0af No.5325758
bc9a81 No.5325759
030776 No.5325760
Hope your shill buddies reply - for harvest ti,e
db8111 No.5325761
Next POTUS tweet?
e06524 No.5325762
ATTN ANONS: Go here or other free online meme generators to pump out some material for Team Q. Warriors, the time has come and it our duty to serve the call of our fellow Countrymen and Leaders. Copy and paste these links to share on ALL PLATFORMS!!
f0b4ce No.5325763
[3] Delta between DJT and Q…is it a countdown?
c042a9 No.5325765
Two popcorn poppers
One for popcorn popping BOOM
One for roasting covfefe beans BOOM BOOM
6946f5 No.5325767
that witch is evil
cfa98b No.5325768
All of you are faggots. Except YOU.
bc57a4 No.5325769
When do we get more on
AWAN bros?
64e500 No.5325770
>nice meme you have there
5990d7 No.5325771
they are crossing the border
072403 No.5325773
becfca No.5325775
Powerful meme indeed.
cf7949 No.5325776
Remember the living aneurysm (pelosi) stating : Mark my word, HE'LL NEVER BE PRESIDENT ?
c89051 No.5325778
030776 No.5325779
206a88 No.5325781
or Channed? (KEK)
a2c4c5 No.5325782
Thanq DJT
We are Americans
And we love you!
God bless!
f5d78f No.5325783
>no way
What do you mean "no way"?
Today POTUS retweeted the same article that Q posted at 11:30pm last night!
4ae244 No.5325785
d4562e No.5325786
They control the narrative because they're able to control the news.
But they don't control the news anymore.
We control the news.
And the only news we are getting is coming from Q.
Without leaks.
So they don't have the news.
d9c6f6 No.5325787
who was the video blogger who was folllowing that story from the beginning. im blanking right now
505bbb No.5325788
Interesting stuff
becfca No.5325789
Memes and Hashtag.
Powerful weapons in the age of information War.
329538 No.5325790
e2c2c0 No.5325791
Can we trust the Shell Game pdf from Scott Bennett?
The Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection To Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command
428271 No.5325792
Make it look more like a movie poster and it would be golden
d8f86d No.5325793
Better shot of all Q posts with
b2b280 No.5325796
05ed38 No.5325797
f493ed No.5325798
is that the only proof you've seen??
KEK anon
13c795 No.5325800
Hi, Q. Confiscating all of Mockingbird's popcorn first, hopefully. TOO many people still blinded by some form of them.
3390e0 No.5325803
Don’t puke on Pepe. Keep it short n sweet.
195d8a No.5325805
You dropped this
fa6a29 No.5325806
I love our POTUS!
a4823f No.5325807
The Strassal piece in ths WSJ is such a moment of blessed relief. Won’t last, but comfy for now.
c5527e No.5325808
Good idea. It's a year old and needs updating.
4772a6 No.5325809
Any Q&A happening again?
If so, does NSA 8th floor Cyber Command include a communications department in charge of interstellar trade with extraterrestrials?
64d40b No.5325810
Is Illinois a “Surveillance State?”
bced04 No.5325812
Looks like the Gab frog, who may or may not be related to Pepe.
889370 No.5325813
Anons I'm not on twatter all that are make sure your spamming POTUS with Q's
cfa98b No.5325814
Who gives a fuck he's still a nigger fag
bc9a81 No.5325817
anons quit jerking each other off bad shit is habbening in Venezuela.
64e500 No.5325818
TFW when Q's meme's are good enough to steal
becfca No.5325819
What name should we give to "You Are the News Now" channel?
0c9df9 No.5325820
Truth, justice and righteousness will prevail!
207668 No.5325821
RE: Puppy Show
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e7ef6b No.5295136
Feb 20 2019 21:57:03 (EST)
But, you knew that already.
Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW] are attempting to keep the ‘insurance’ scheme ongoing post Mueller.
The fun begins directly after.
Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.
selection of the most perfect specimen, bloodlines, etc.
Puppy Show = dimmPresCandidates?
01e29b No.5325824
Truth and love will win the day
Anons dig and Anons pray!
55689f No.5325825
A couple of questions. A couple of things in the instructions are taken from the instructions posted at >>>/comms/154
(So they are not from my experience)
1. Is there actually a reason to rename the General image? When I practice bake, I just grab it the way I grab every other image. No new name needed.
2. Re pastebin vs ghostbin.
What's that about? I just use pastebin. When would you use ghostbin? Baker didn't have pastebin link two breads ago (other baker left a bit suddenly), and he just added notes and (I think) went to pastebin to do the rest.
Don't really understand the thing about losing formatting if ghosted, either. If reconstructed from an earlier paste, is this still relevant?
5990d7 No.5325826
what ever
very vague
f6dc1e No.5325827
Don't forget
Comey: Lynch asked for Clinton investigation to be called a 'matter
Washington (CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey said Thursday that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch requested he call the Clinton investigation a "matter," partially leading to his decision to make his now-famous statement about the results of that investigation.
Comey said what "capped" his decision to make his public remarks about the conclusion was a publicly reported meeting by Lynch and former President Bill Clinton as their planes were on the same tarmac. He said he decided he had to "protect the credibility of the investigation."
c90488 No.5325829
PB >>5324837 (previous bread )
He's closer to a Native American then that guy ! Ooh wait….
24f0af No.5325830
Sorry, but this will always be the longest holding biggest Q proof.
79a01d No.5325831
In addition to Q / 17….etc
Q is also a magnifying glass on the truth! Clues to look more into. BINGO
3f7fe7 No.5325833
70df17 No.5325834
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. TARMAC TARMAC TARMAC!
f37ac6 No.5325835
I just figured out how to save it rotated. Won't happen again.
d4562e No.5325836
They make up the news and embellish it with video and special effects and lighting and fancy studios paid for by criminal enterprises. That's called studying the people and figuring out how to manipulate them in private research. Mockingbirds all around them with 8-9 people who appear to have credibility saying the exact same thing. That's enough to convince most people of anything. Fancy studio with multiple "credible" sources debating it ultimately ending with the narrative they want you to take away as if you just went through the issues. But you didn't. They made it look like a debate and then convinced you what they wanted.
f89d05 No.5325838
>caveman thought processes
You stupid fucking kike. If it weren't for "caveman thought processes" then we would have never had America founded and told the Brits to fuck themselves with their tyranny and over taxing.
Read the Constitution you piece of shit.
Know what a Standing Army is you piece of shit.
Then you can KYS after.
e5eaa7 No.5325840
The truth about tax-exempt foundations and how they are used by the wealthy elite to advance their globalist agenda needs to come out when the time is right. Clinton Foundation is one of many that are funding billions into front groups to take down America and have been for decades.
0d1689 No.5325841
I like the one I made.
1de595 No.5325842
Didn't need Q to tell me we are not alone. Simple logic does wonders
68474a No.5325843
You tryin’ to tell me Berkeley bully is barrel roll guy?
No fuggin way
a04e88 No.5325845
It's no wonder that the European Union's trying to ban memes here and United States.
cfa98b No.5325847
You're too new for this website. Fuck off before you get a bullet.
f493ed No.5325848
>1. Is there actually a reason to rename the General image? When I practice bake, I just grab it the way I grab every other image. No new name needed.
no not really
>2. Re pastebin vs ghostbin.
we always use pastebin, literally never used anything else while baking
>Don't really understand the thing about losing formatting if ghosted, either. If reconstructed from an earlier paste, is this still relevant?
not sure what you mean
277ba9 No.5325849
>>5324624 lb
>https://qresear.ch Update: mass shootings catalog and performance optimizations
Thanks anon. Everything's working well and looks fantastic. Great job.
6946f5 No.5325851
These 3 are the same
4227c0 No.5325853
Boomer Patriots were battling Poppy's Cabal when your daddy was in diapers, greenhorn.
5990d7 No.5325855
any one who disagrees
is a jew and a kike
0196fa No.5325856
24f0af No.5325857
(OCT 31, 2017)
Military Intelligence.
What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?
What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
What must occur to allow for civilian trials?
Why is this relevant?
What was Flynn's background?
Why is this relevant?
Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?
Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?
Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?
Was TRUMP asked to run for President?
By Who?
Was HRC next in line?
Was the election suppose to be rigged?
Did good people prevent the rigging?
Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
What is POTUS in control of?
What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?
Why does the military play such a vital role?
Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?
Who guards former Presidents?
Why is that relevant?
Who guards HRC?
Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?
Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?
What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?
What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?
What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller's background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?
c042a9 No.5325858
The truth ALWAYS feels right.
a4823f No.5325860
THat would be so like Q.
b84c7a No.5325861
Conspiracy theorist Adam Schiff
memes please - use their weapons against them
meme war WW
4819b2 No.5325865
That's not sauce.
Good source of info but not sauce.
Assange may have a checkered past of Helping to cover HRC Onion crimes, but Assange has been too helpful in TGA to be best buds with GS unless he flipped, or was taken out and replaced with pro TGA clone.
05ed38 No.5325866
>Didn't need Q to tell me we are not alone.
Well good for you, who's a smart fella?
e06524 No.5325868
Saw your Q shout out on 8ch and thought I would email you the scoop. Feel free to contact me for more info. but I will remain anonymous for your article. -QAnon+ https://wp.me/paAyui-a
I will give you a brief run down of Q. Q is a group of Military Persons, less than 10 that work with POTUS. In a nutshell a plan was put into place years ago. I believe that General Flynn is on Team Q.
Q Began posting on what is called an 8chan board last October 28. People caught on and started making Youtube videos about it… I saw them last November and decided there was something to the info, what with me having prior Military background. I did my own research and became an ANON or a QAnon. My posts have been used by Q. I have been following for over 1 year and it is not a conspiracy theory. The info that is being put out on the board is enough for people like me to figure out, but still staying within the walls of National Security as far as handling of information is concerned. If you have any additional questions please let me know.
https://youtu.be/V2MgTd3LgB0 Here is my take on THE PLAN or THE STORM and how GEN MIKE FLYNN'S role may play out. First you have to know the background on The Plan [Q Post 36]. We know that our Military Commanders together with Military Intelligence (Gen. Flynn was former Dir of the Defense Intel Agency) planned to stage a coup against Hussein and his Admin). We also know that Hussein purged the Military Commanders whom would not swear allegiance to him as well as those who would not agree to order their Soldiers, Airmen and Marines to fire on U.S. Citizens if so ordered. All these Commanders refused and were purged. I think the number is around 200+ [Hussein fired Flynn (and Mad Dog Mattis) because they took a stand against “Radical Islamism,” and claimed Al-Qaeda was expanding its ranks around the globe]
The planned coup was not far off from the next election when the Q Team decided to approach and recruit DJT to run for the Presidency. DJT agreed to run under the condition that it would be assured that the election rigging would not be successful.
Election day was kept under the close eye of the NSA and our MI, including the [dem] rigging of various voting machines in Democratic dominated states such as CA and NY and others. After poll results were in HRC refused to concede and Hussein received a call from someone or a group within our Military Command. He was told in no uncertain terms that the DEMS attempt to rig and assure HRC a win was collected, observed and the warning of exposure together with the order for Hussein to have HRC concede and acknowledge the election win by DJT.
October 5th, 2017 President Trump announces the Calm Before The Storm. The Storm is the systematic dismantling of The Old Guard and the restoration of Power back to the Great People of the United States as is written in the Constitution. Their are currently over 57K sealed indictments in the U.S. and upon POTUS' order a Mil Op will be activated so stand by for the next "Presidential Alert".
Q Team tells us that "Questions Reveal Answers"
Excerpt from Q POST 97 NOV 5, 2017
What is Flynn’s background?
What was his rank?
Was he involved in intel ops?
What access or special priv?
Why is this relevant?
Set up.
Who wins?
Who becomes exposed?
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
Who has access?
What is MI?
Who was part of MI during BO term?
Who was fired during BO term (MI)? FLYNN.
In a Nutshell, Flynn is a witness because he knows where the bodies are buried, or in other words, he has all the information on the bad actors due to his background as Military Intel Officer and by him taking a rubber bullet for the good guys, we are able to get all of his testimony in the court
and "On the Record" to be used as evidence against the Deep State [Q Post 1370]. IMHO Flynn will also be a witness for future Military Tribunals. Think for yourself. Do your own research. Trust yourself. Trust The Plan.
I WATCH X22 Report alot and if you want to know more I suggest watching some of his videos:
6b90bf No.5325870
c6c22e No.5325871
fa6a29 No.5325873
You Are the News Now Op
Ya know?
f37ac6 No.5325874
7b5d0b No.5325875
Thank you for confirming
Lowest common denominator
becfca No.5325876
recent deltas - D3.. D4…
D5 coming?
64e500 No.5325877
You spelled satanic pedophile wrong. Those lie about everyone.
4ae244 No.5325878
5291aa No.5325879
Anons would you hit it ??
f493ed No.5325880
e2c2c0 No.5325881
…and a mere 3 days after [Comey] wrote his letters to the FBI and Congress. IMO so much leads back to Wieners laptop and the 700k [golden] emails.
8bcb5f No.5325882
Important moment in time.
The picture will be the signifier.
The signifier will 'force' the Q.
The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).
So is POTUS going to tweet a chan's MEME to force the Q?
6b9126 No.5325883
Anons - because Benghazi won't go away, here are two articles that are old but play into the who knew.
Hacked Documents From Pelosi’s Laptop Links Her to Benghazi Scandal
The Benghazi scandal is back in the headlines. This time, some unlikely players were added to the fray. One of the players, Nancy Pelosi, was added to the scandal due to a hack leak released by Guccifer 2.0.
The hacker or hackers known as Guccifer 2.0 publicly released documents claiming to come from the computer of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). As you may recall, the Original Guccifer, Marcel Lazăr Lehel, is a Romanian hacker responsible for high-level computer security breaches in the U.S. and Romania. Lehel targeted celebrities, Romanian and U.S. government officials, and other prominent persons. (RELATED: Margaret Hoover Grills Democrat Eric Swalwell Over Russia Obsession)
Lehel was jailed in January 2014 in Romania, then later transferred to the US. Lehal’s arrest was the beginning of his predecessor, Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0’s identity is still unidentified.
Guccifer 2.0, who allegedly breached the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and Democratic National Committee (DNC), released the documents to the WordPress blog used in other public releases. The information includes a cache of documents on congressional races in Florida and Pennsylvania.
According to The Daily Caller, The documents show the Democrat party trying to call the Benghazi scandal “conspiracy theory.”
The Daily Caller wrote:
“The document casts the controversy surrounding Benghazi as “Legitimate outrage over the deaths of American diplomats mixed with partisanship.” The document also admits that then Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice “gave incorrect information on television” in the immediate aftermath of the attack.
The document’s central talking points revolve around ignoring the facts revealed by congressional investigations, and instead on rhetorical flourishes that emphasize patriotism.”
Interestingly, the Democrats were trying to paint the Benghazi incident as a “right-wing conspiracy theory.” This would fit with all the other things that the Democrats do to hide information. By having all the Democrats on the same page, if the Benghazi scandal was ever investigated again, they would all claim the scandal was a “right-wing conspiracy to use against Hillary Clinton and Suzan Rice.” (RELATED: Exclusive: Roger Stone Interview on Legal Battle With Bob Mueller)
In the leaked document, the following information is available.
“This tragedy highlights the challenges our diplomats face when they serve as frontline civilians, representing our nation in harm’s way. Isolating America and sequestering these professionals in fortress embassies is not a solution. We must value and support their important work, as well as protecting their physical security.”
The second section highlights the many attempts at calling for accountability as “pandering to conspiracy theorists.”
“Benghazi is a tragedy, not a scandal. At this point, most public discussion is pandering to conspiracy theorists or harping on the death of an American ambassador to score political points.”
Finally, the third section denigrates the Republican-led Congress for investigating the specific circumstances involving the events of Benghazi.
“These tragic events have been investigated more than the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Reports ordered by a Republican-led Congress have repeatedly debunked conspiracy theories of criminal negligence or cover-ups, and media coverage has exhausted the issue from every angle. Even incoming House Speaker McCarthy admitted the investigations were more about hurting Hillary Clinton than finding truth. We should remember the sacrifice of these Americans, not reduce their names to political talking points.”
This document, if it was truly taken from Nancy Pelosi’s laptop, leaves more room for additional questions about the tragedy. No more information is available. We will inform you as this story develops. (RELATED: Voluminous Amount of Dems Beginning to Support Border Wall)
936a2c No.5325884
Q, If schools aren't teaching our children to read/write in cursive, how are they ever going to be able to have a signature, read the Constitution of the United States, or the Declaration of Indpendance? They will have to read it in print. Therefore never knowing if it has been altered. Grave consequences for our Children and the future of America.
4926f3 No.5325885
ff856e No.5325886
Fridays are usually special days around here!
5d1069 No.5325887
That antifa dude looks like Pamphlet
05ed38 No.5325888
>any one who disagrees
You didn't disagree. Dumb fucking kike.
e1130f No.5325889
Break the system.
e6f775 No.5325890
Nancy Pel"Nazi" keeps beating that dead horse.
55689f No.5325892
just another wrinkle involving ghostbin from the earlier instructions, you answered the question. I'll drop the ghostbin stuff, just more distraction if not needed. Thanks much.
cfa98b No.5325896
Ahuhuhuhu faggot
f493ed No.5325897
Q has yet to confirm though
f37ac6 No.5325899
Come with a bullet. You'll get a pen, bitch.