a9b5d4 No.5373164
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Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 02.24.2019
>>5363071 ————————————–——– Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to 'attract' US/UK to join their cause?
>>5362299 ————————————–——– Those who are the loudest.....
>>5362124 ————————————–——– RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
Friday 02.22.2019
>>5340213 ————————————–——– Nothing to See Here. You are the news now. (Cap: >>5340257)
>>5339881 ————————————–——– Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?
>>5336480 rt >>5336224 ————————— We have everything.
>>5336136 ————————————–——– [Public Service Announcement] 1
>>5336143 ————————————–——– [Public Service Announcement] 2
>>5334342 rt >>5333867 ————————— Tools of prevention online.
>>5333636 rt >>5333408 ————————— CROOKED [[[HILLARY]]]
>>5333421 rt >>5333408 ————————— Disregard all spelling/other errors.
>>5333408 ————————————–——– JUDGEMENT DAY COMING. (Cap: >>5333721)
>>5328866 ————————————–——– One step closer. (Cap: >>5329024 )
>>5328649 ————————————–——– How do you fill your admin if majority of those 'in politics' are corrupt? (Cap: >>5328694 )
>>5328390 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS ONLY DIVIDES.
>>5328186 rt >>5328018 ————————— Crime Against Children.
>>5327931 rt >>5327889 ————————— Sedition. Treason. Crimes against Humanity.
>>5327833 rt >>5327780 ————————— https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sex%20Puppy (Cap: >>5327878 )
>>5327732 rt >>5327581 ————————— Puppy (sex_urban dic)?
>>5327554 ————————————–——– What happened re: Bernie's wife 'fraud' case? (Vid: >>5327583 )
>>5326450 ————————————–——– The best is yet to come. (Vid: >>5326469 )
>>5326235 rt >>5325789 ————————— Impossible to defend. Vietnam trip coming. Enjoy the show!
>>5325739 ————————————–——– THE TRUTH WILL ALWAYS WIN.
>>5325408 rt >>5325320 ————————— There sure are a lot of ‘Q’ comments on that Tweet POTUS just referred to.
>>5325320 rt >>5325292 ————————— Got popcorn? (Re: >>5318964 (see below))
>>5325224 ————————————–——– Dead on. (Caps: >>5325267 )
>>5320727 rt >>5320696 ————————— Just another coincidence we dropped [LL] was offered a SC seat
>>5320696 ————————————–——– The Deal of a Lifetime?
>>5320205 ————————————–——– Our reach is a direct threat to their control. (caps >>5320232)
>>5319456 ————————————–——– Attacker = member of local ANTIFA chapter (joined April 2018).
>>5319191 ————————————–——– Pepe is proud and has never been more popular.
>>5318964 ————————————–——– [Soft Push of New Narrative - Example] (caps >>5319029)
Thursday 02.21.2019
Compiled here: >>5333466
Wednesday 02.20.2019
Compiled here: >>5320765
Tuesday 02.19.2019
Compiled here: >>5305779
Monday 02.18.2019
Compiled here: >>5277090
Sunday 02.17.2019
Compiled here: >>5246773
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
a9b5d4 No.5373168
are not endorsements
>>5177229 MEMES ARE IMPORTANT: Memetic Warfare Division is RECRUITING
>>5251148 Board search got its own domain: https://qresear.ch
>>5341422 how to edit Hosts File (DNS)
#6867 Baker Change
>>5372502, >>5372572, >>5373053 one day delta - Bakers Pepe and Michael Anton
>>5372501 graphic of all the Q+ posts (open image in new tab)
>>5372522 the major executives who were caught in Florida's massage parlor prostitution sting
>>5372592 Trump announces delay of tariffs on Chinese goods due to 'substantial progress'
>>5372652 Deep State mapping project
>>5372615, >>5372710 AOC listed phone is/was same as Kevin J Casey
>>5372769 Bill Maher Bashes: Less ‘Affluent and Educated’ People Who ‘Want to Be Us'
>>5372817, >>5372810 twatter suppression to @GenFlynn followers and followed
>>5372723, >>5372768, >>5372809, >>5372948 Berkeley thug ID's plus priors
>>5373143 #6867
>>5372235 Pakistan’s ex-spy chief stripped of army pension for controversial book
>>5372112, >>5372199 @GeorgeMNassif's twat of HRC & Qatari 6yrs ago
>>5371853 DailyBeast: Trump Admin to shield VZ migrants from deport'n?
>>5371831, >>5371850, >>5371996 @WL: Red Cross says impersonated on VZ border
>>5371814, >>5371816, >>5371825 ResignationsAnon Update
>>5371890 @SebGorka: "leftists care more for the puppy than the baby"
>>5371779, >>5371789 Lookback: 2015 Gay US ambassador to Vietnam nods to RBG
>>5371652, >>5371701, >>5371723, >>5371867 @HRC: Muh Immigr/Wammins #Oscars
>>5371635 Side-by-side: Hong Kong, "Every single pic posted is ORIGINAL"
>>5372338 #6866
>>5370955 Cuban-presenting Anon expresses patriotism
>>5370913 Anon's #QNN spinning globe of storeez 'n memes GIF
>>5371206, >>5371270, >>5371315, >>5371300, >>5371370, >>5371547 Oscars sans SJW glasses
>>5371243, >>5371277 What?? Has "Sandy" not been entiiirely troof-ful?
>>5371079 TOI: Hijacking foiled on Bangladesh-Dubai flight, suspect killed
>>5370961 #OscarsSoDegenerate: Social commentary in pictures -- anon style
>>5370959 @JamesWoods trolls SmollDick, Hussein, and his (ahem) 'lady'
>>5371536 #6865
>>5370779 Florida mom discovers suicide instructions in childrens' YT vids
>>5370763 @Reuters: Pence to announce 'concrete steps' for Venezuela crisis Mon
>>5370697 Digg: Moar on Maduro's ex-VP Tereck El Aissami
>>5370642 Israel's AG to Announce This Week Whether He Will File Charges Against Netanyahu
>>5370580 Venezuela, Lima Group, @DanCohen and FF's
>>5370468, >>5370533 AOC claims recent move explains address questions
>>5370394 Over 70% of voters reject U.S. base transfer in Okinawa referendum
^^Baker change^^
>>5370270 Governor of NHS trust that runs England's only gender clinic for children quits amid claims youngsters are being rushed into transitioning.
>>5370232 Trump clashes with trade adviser over China talks.
>>5370158 Strange CIA Tweets.
>>5370814 #6864
>>5369992 Ex-pro golfer, LPGA star's boyfriend, ensnared in Florida prostitution scandal.
>>5369909 CA Democrats introduce LGBTQ Bill that would protect pedophiles who rape children.
>>5369757 Trump proposes a new way around birth control mandate: Religious exemptions and Title X.
>>5369720 Feinstein shilling for PP as well.
>>5369594 POTUS attends the Governors Ball.
>>5369503, >>5369562 Clintons continue to shill on Twitter. Re: Venezuela and abortion.
>>5369523 Trump says he has a 'special feeling' ahead of second summit with Kim Jong Un.
>>5369455 U.S. team lowers expectations for second summit with North Korea's Kim.
>>5369396, >>5369425 Military spending: 20 companies profiting the most from war.
>>5369381 Venezuela ex-spy chief reveals Maduro’s ties to Hezbollah, drugs and more evil.
>>5369332, >>5369369, >>5369352, >>5369343 Q Business card printables.
>>5369321 To catch government workers with ties to child porn, call the IRS.
>>5370046 #6863
Previously Collected Notables
>>5367701 #6860, >>5368464 #6861, >>5369257 #6862
>>5364599 #6857, >>5366171 #6858, >>5366820 #6859
>>5362335 #6853, >>5363110 #6854, >>5363805 #6855
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
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a9b5d4 No.5373169
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Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
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>>5066118 – New World Order Research Thread
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a9b5d4 No.5373174
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5342673
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5342654
a9b5d4 No.5373181
bbe20d No.5373195
Ty baker
89991f No.5373204
These Posts are all from past breads and relate:
>>5356262 (pb)
"(HighIQ) Anon theory about forcing the 'Q' & Michael Anton
Needs MOAR eyes on faggots!"
It may not even be important who Q is, in actuality. Having Q be anonymous, strengthens our resolve to fight. Being led by principle instead of being distracted by personalities, results in clarity of purpose and gives our war a spiritual foundation.
I want to add an interdasting phenomena associated with an Atlantic article as it relates to 'Michael Anton', (speculation on the boards that he may be Q or associated with Q). The article brought up by another anon, but I picked out a peculiar part of the article, quoting the Atlantic:
"To use a metaphor close to Anton’s heart: The Roman consul he chose for his pseudonym, Publius Decius Mus, sacrificed himself to inspire his army. Which army is ready to follow Anton?"
The Qanon digital Army!!!
Connect this to a specific battle in the Bible, Israelites vs. Moabites:
2 Kings 3:26 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
26 When the king of Moab saw that the battle was too fierce for him, he took with him 700 men who drew swords, to break through to the king of Edom; but they could not.
27 Then he took his oldest son who was to reign in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering on the wall. And there came great wrath against Israel, and they departed from him and returned to their own land.
The Israelites were at war with the Moabite King and his people, the Moabites were losing the battle, losing heart, so the Moabite King 'sacrificed' his first born son right in front of them to motivate his people and it did, so much so, the Israelites fled.
How does this correlate? The King sacrificed his son to motivate and rally his troops who were losing the war. The heart of our President is making great sacrifices to rally and motivate the Q army of patriots, who for years have been discouraged and losing the war against evil in this country and world wide. It makes sense POTUS would partner with a man such as Michael Anton, who has the inner drive (and pseudonym) of a warrior who sacrificed himself for his army.
0833e5 No.5373214
CNN is now actually reporting news since they know the Mueller charade collapsed..
9d6f5a No.5373220
Hollywood anon here - just got back from an after party at the Marriott in L.A. it was about an hour ago I saw a very famous Director take 3 young men up to a hotel room with several bottles of alchohol
This person is very well known and Married. Not long after security escorted me out of the area so I dont wanna say too much.
God bless anons
26eb75 No.5373224
Jeffery Epstein
went belonged to the Cooper Union in NY.
across the street is this.
07d222 No.5373227
some of these newfags are really retarded
0c551d No.5373229
>>5373161 (LB)
The things you find out…
Ephineferine turns into adrenochrome when it oxidizes….
Sauce: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/09/27/why-epipens-expire-so-quickly/?noredirect=on
464f3d No.5373231
Don't post [here] again.
7e00b4 No.5373232
>The Standard
they have my favorite mushrooms on the sign
9ceced No.5373234
Hey Night Shift! Whats shaken, other then this fortess!
6b165d No.5373235
You have to go back.
cb3ccc No.5373236
Name names or GTFO. It's no mystery that faggotry is the rule of the day in HW. "Oh, gee. Famous director buggering boys. That's unusual."
7e00b4 No.5373237
07d222 No.5373238
young men? so!! we know you fuckers are queers
0db27b No.5373240
52047e No.5373241
Global Gaslighting of Mankind
Let that sink in
The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
By John Hamer:
This book relates the current, insidious plight facing the human race as a direct result of a grand deception that has been imposed upon it for tens of thousands of years if not longer. This has been perpetrated by the systematic, ongoing falsification of history in much the same way as perpetrated by the powers that be in the suspiciously prophetic novel ‘1984’, by George Orwell.
We have all been deceived on a monumental scale by a tiny clique of people who by their own birthright and bloodlines absolutely believe that they have the divine right to rule over us by whatever method best suits their purposes. In order to achieve this they have lied, deceived, murdered and even committed genocide down the millennia in an attempt to bring their ultimate goal to fruition.
Find out about the use of drugs, vaccinations, micro-chipping, mind control, trans-humanism and 24/7 distractions such as non-stop sports, entertainments and the invasive ‘celebrity culture’ that attempts to pervade our whole lives.
0833e5 No.5373242
Anons never forget about our American babes.
07d222 No.5373244
influx of newfags trying to be cool, few shiils and a biblefag, snafu
decc41 No.5373245
9d6f5a No.5373246
I just work at the hotel dude, I dont wanna get fired
f0d633 No.5373248
1bf11e No.5373249
97cd65 No.5373250
All LB
>>5372615 Not Notable
>>5372710 Not Notable
Fake n Gay
see v v v v v
twitter post is fake and gay sorry for posting it here,
a lil digging shows -
Wm. Casey CIA had 1 child, Bernadette no Kevin.
The phone number is to the office phone, no matter who occupies that room at the house. It was Crowleys number and when AOC leaves it will be the next Dems number
07d222 No.5373251
you eat THOSE fuckers?
0833e5 No.5373254
CNN has totally collapsed…
6e40a4 No.5373255
I’d love to unload a full power right hook brought in from downtown square on this piece of shits cacsuker.
Make his teeth fly like popcorn.
A guy can dream right….?
ba9ca2 No.5373257
According to Twatter, the ANTIFA suspect at Berkley Q wanted ID'd is named Michael Hornsby, a CNN radicalized terrorist. 23 arrested
0c551d No.5373258
'Chilling the atmosphere': North Korea media condemns U.S. Democrats ahead of summit
HANOI (Reuters) - North Korea’s state media criticized U.S. Democrats and American intelligence officials on Sunday for “chilling the atmosphere” ahead of leader Kim Jong Un’s second summit with President Donald Trump this week.
After weeks of silence about the summit in Vietnam, North Korea’s state news agency KCNA on Sunday announced Kim’s departure by train, en route to talks in which the two leaders aim to build on a commitment to rid the Korean peninsula of nuclear weapons, reached at their first meeting in Singapore in June.
KCNA later issued a commentary arguing that if Trump listened to skeptics at home, he could face a “shattered dream” and “miss the rare historic opportunity” to improve relations with North Korea.
“The Democratic Party of the U.S. and other opponents to the negotiations move overtly and covertly to disrupt them as supported by scepticism backed by all sorts of groundless stories and misinformation even at such a crucial moment as now,” said the commentary, which was released under the name Jong Hyon.
Trump’s opponents would bear the responsibility if the summit failed to achieve results, which would leave the U.S. people exposed to “security threats”, it said.
In some parts, the article appeared to echo Trump’s own recent talking points, which have blamed former President Barack Obama for taking the two countries to the brink of war.
Obama’s “strategic patience” policy was “the worst blunder”, KCNA said, arguing that Democrats’ scepticism of Trump was driven by a desire to cover up their failures.
“The Democratic Party seems not realizing itself lurching toward conservative, being lost to its own ‘authenticity’ at the end of getting indulged in opposition just for the sake of opposition,” the article said.
One U.S. government Korea analyst, who spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to speak publicly, said the commentary appeared aimed at softening Trump up ahead of the summit.
“If Kim facilitates Trump using the talk for domestic political gain, he probably thinks Trump will offer him more favorable terms,” the analyst said.
“If not offer more favorable terms, (Trump will) at least be less willing to walk away from the table. That would look like an admission that his critics were right all along.”
Rest here: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-usa-threats/chilling-the-atmosphere-north-korea-media-condemns-u-s-democrats-ahead-of-summit-idUSKCN1QD0AM
245e0d No.5373259
is your butt sore?
dc36aa No.5373260
ty anon
just help when i can. not an operating baker. if I baked I could not do the market stuff.
07d222 No.5373261
so we now have 3 hollywood anons???
0c551d No.5373263
Already in notables anon….
7e00b4 No.5373264
no i've actually never seen one
but the ones i do like have a little blue dust on them
like extra magic
ba9ca2 No.5373266
Ah shit, sorry. I did not see that!
20e722 No.5373267
Got em'
okay, this is the best quality render yet.
300 frames
12.6 mb though…
6b165d No.5373268
60f7b2 No.5373269
Few Breads back was about weird CIA tweets… just say this article and Trevor was smack talking Mel Gibson with lots of Black Panther references… I don’t watch Hollywood junk or the Oscars so I don’t know what the Hell Gibson has to do with Black Panthers but I’m wondering if the CIA sleeper cells and Noah were up to something here… thoughts??
33fd58 No.5373270
If you have been trying to redpill someone, tell them to watch True Detective Season 3. Hollywood showing their ways in plain sight. Episode 7 they talk about elite pedophile rings with higher ups in society and public officials. Even show the symbol they use that is on FBI website and says they take runaways and foster kids. These people are sick.
If you have HBO they explain the rings around 22 minutes into the 7th episode.
245e0d No.5373273
05571f No.5373274
Way cool!
there is only one thing missing. Right in the middle between the letters and the hashtag….
6e40a4 No.5373275
Now here is a little guy with some really Big Nuts…..fk
ab480c No.5373276
"Never Trust Your Enemy's"
56948b No.5373278
Any anons wanna recommend any q proofs that require better visual proofs?
I'm going to spend a few ours getting whatever I can simple as possible for libtards to start taking their pills
07d222 No.5373279
dust? you mean bruising
865adf No.5373281
You just wasted space on this board
Go fuck yourself
21b5ec No.5373284
>>5373143 (lb)
>5372615, >>5372710 AOC listed phone is/was same as Kevin J Casey
Was here digging that the last (first) time it was posted.
The number has been the same at AOC office since predecessor
Kevin Casey was a staffer then
a9b5d4 No.5373285
anyone wanna second this removal
6e40a4 No.5373286
a9b5d4 No.5373288
praise kek
dc36aa No.5373291
you would know all about that.
get a new picture ballsucker
9d6f5a No.5373292
a9b5d4 No.5373293
updated dat dough
c4c7a6 No.5373294
Q-size bewbs. TQB. I will try not to shitpost so much this bread.
97fc3c No.5373295
Click to Play - QNN Trey Gowdy talks accountability and tribunals
20e722 No.5373298
Slowing it down anymore makes it choppy. it's at the maximum frames already.
56948b No.5373299
Maher = Ass
Anon = Fox
MSM = Lion
954363 No.5373301
FYI, /pol/'s digging on Natacha Jaitt
Sports Club abuse of minors (exposed by Jaitt) 2018
Re:Natasha Jaitt Discusses Pedo Networks (Newell's Old Boys)
Jaitt accused Pope's friend Gustavo Vera of minor sex trafficking.
A coroner determined on Saturday that Jaitt died of multi-organ failure; her body showed no signs of violence.
Argentine media is following the case closely, given Jaitt’s record of controversy, which included work in prostitution, pornography, and television. Her credibility has often been questioned.
[regarding her appearance on the talk show (above)]
Martin M. Barillas Martin M. Barillas Follow Martin
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NEWSCATHOLIC CHURCHSat Feb 23, 2019 - 6:41 pm EST
Argentine prostitute who accused Pope’s friend of complicity in child sex trafficking found dead
Child Sex Abuse, Pope Francis, Sex Trafficking
BUENOS AIRES, February 23, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Natacha Jaitt, an Argentine media celebrity who had accused Gustavo Vera, a friend of Pope Francis, of sex crimes, was found dead during the pre-dawn hours on Saturday at a resort near Buenos Aires.
Jaitt tweeted in October that Vera was Pope Francis’ “accomplice.” She wrote: “Justo Gustavo Vera, is a pimp, sex-trafficker, and accomplice of the Pope and, as I predicted, was tried for misappropriation of funds at Alameda and other illegal acts. God will do what is just, someday. Amen.”
Justo Gustavo Vera , el proxeneta, tratante, cómplice del papa y como anticipé y pasó, procesado por apropiación de la Alameda y otras aotrocidades ilegales. Di/os en algún momento hará justicia, amén. ���� https://t.co/gip0DJuyU3
— Natacha Jaitt (@NatachaJaitt) October 1, 2018
Police arrived at the Xanadu event complex near the capital of Argentina, where Jaitt was found unresponsive in bed. After her death was confirmed, police began investigating. A coroner determined on Saturday that Jaitt died of multi-organ failure; her body showed no signs of violence. She was a widow and mother of two children.
Argentine media is following the case closely, given Jaitt’s record of controversy, which included work in prostitution, pornography, and television. Her credibility has often been questioned. Controversy has swirled around Jaitt, ever since she made startling claims about Pope Francis and his friend, Gustavo Vera – a former Peronist politician who operates the nonprofit Alamada human rights organization.
Vera has attended various conferences at the Vatican, including one that dealt with child sex trafficking.
Despite making claims against Vera and Pope Francis, Jaitt could not offer any proof during an appearance on the popular “Lunch with Mirtha Legrand” talk-show in April 2018. She accused Vera, who was frequently photographed with Pope Francis while he was still Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio, of involvement in a child sex-trafficking ring operating in junior division soccer clubs in the South American republic. Jaitt told a guest “[Vera] is also a pedophile. It is a case that they had me investigate; he managed brothels, and hung out with prostitutes.”
Jaitt clashed with the other guests on the talk show, two of whom were journalists, who disputed her claims. Mercedes Ninci, a journalist who said she is Vera’s friend, denied Jait’s accusation and said that Vera’s conduct is “impeccable” and that he has worked for years with his nonprofit Alameda to stop sex trafficking. Jaitt claimed that she investigated child sex trafficking and found evidence of impoverished boys being forced to commit sex acts by soccer club officials in exchange for cleats and uniforms.
Last year, after her appearance on Mirtha Legrand’s talk show and the resulting controversy over her accusations against Vera, Jaitt tweeted, “Notice: I will not commit suicide. I won’t be bought off or drown in a bath tub, nor will I shoot myself in the head. So, if that happens: I wasn’t me. Save this tweet.”
Ninci, a journalist, challenged Jaitt’s credibility and said, “People know who Natacha Jaitt is and who I am. People know what my work is but don’t know what her work is.” Jaitt replied, “I’m a prostitute. Do you have a problem with that?” adding, “You are a disaster and an imposter. Keep looking in the trash!” Jaitt then accused Pope Francis of having “saved” a clergyman from accusations of pedophilia and sending him to manage a shelter for disadvantaged boys “who can’t make complaints.”
d0c8d3 No.5373302
Hopefully they killed themselves
6e40a4 No.5373303
Brave enough to put them in my hand?
5e59d8 No.5373305
ab480c No.5373307
Is all the garbled static dominating the sound a special effect?
07d222 No.5373308
very nice, yes psilocin oxidized turns blue, very healthy,potent
4bd10e No.5373309
it was time for their mothers to lock them in the basement, safe for the night.
dc36aa No.5373310
WW markets
Live Gold Price
(Will close in 14 hrs. 33 mins.)
Feb 25, 2019 02:26 NY Time
US Dollar
High: 1,332.30Low: 1,328.40
+0.60 +0.05%
f00553 No.5373312
>Natacha Jaitt
Funny her info hasn't been updated
dc36aa No.5373313
this should be cap 3
217136 No.5373314
I wonder what info Q has on bitcoin . Was it organic or another form of monetary control by the usual suspects
8681bd No.5373315
07d222 No.5373317
97fc3c No.5373318
I don't hear garbled?
464f3d No.5373319
Learn how to play.
Might want to get a new device now.
8e51b9 No.5373320
which part of the movie are we watching now?
f00553 No.5373322
ab480c No.5373323
Her death here pretty much nail's the journalist pedo pawn and motive for it's slithering attack on her revelations. This journalist should be tarred and feathered.
108c94 No.5373327
The part where all the retards talk trash right before they get Q'd!
56948b No.5373328
The creator of bitcoin is surrounded by mystery… No one can 100% say it was created by Satoshi Nakamoto alone. Again we gotta look at the facts, so far the old world has always attacked it, now they try to copy it, next they'll want to ban it. My spider senses tell me it's organic but I have no facts
217136 No.5373329
i bet he knows some dark shit
f00553 No.5373330
108c94 No.5373332
Old world attacked central banks too even though they were behind it.
7e00b4 No.5373333
he'd make a good white rabbit
9ceced No.5373334
Someone didn't get their clown payout
459aea No.5373335
Be careful who you make an alliance with,
they serve their own interests, not yours.
20e722 No.5373336
kek, this is great watching it in video form…
265364 No.5373337
7e00b4 No.5373338
it's SANyo, TOshiba, NAKAmichi, MOTOrola
pretty simple and right in our faces
ab480c No.5373339
108c94 No.5373341
This part! Soon the next part
56948b No.5373342
Yeah this is their mo… If it was organic they'd be quick to adopt/control/corrupt it….
07d222 No.5373343
0833e5 No.5373344
Anons would you hit it ??
7e00b4 No.5373345
broke the first name
f26270 No.5373346
>2 Kings 3:26
That would be a great analogy, but you are incorrect. the Israelites actually defeated the Moabites, and went home. It was Moab's allies that "fled."
Here is the context, (Amplified Version)
24 But when they came to the camp of Israel, the Israelites rose up and smote the Moabites, so that they fled before them. And they went forward, slaying the Moabites as they went.
25 They beat down the cities [walls], and on every good piece of land every man cast a stone, covering it [with stones]. And they stopped all the springs of water and felled all the good trees, until only the stones [of the walls of Moab’s capital city] of Kir-hareseth were left standing, and the slingers surrounded and took it.
26 And when the king of Moab saw that the battle was against him, he took with him 700 swordsmen to break through to the king of Edom, but they could not.
27 Then he [Moab’s king] took his eldest son, who was to reign in his stead, and offered him for a burnt offering on the wall [in full view of the horrified enemy kings]. And there was great indignation, wrath, and bitterness against Israel; and they [Moab's allies Judah and Edom] withdrew from [Joram] and returned to their own land.
c4c7a6 No.5373347
"and a blow to our reputation of being 'open for business,'"
217136 No.5373348
yeah ive been following it for a while, I hear pretty much silicone valley manipulates tf out of it, not to mention the shady buisness going on with censorship and the core developers the tech behind it has a lot of potential .
i wonder if anyone has thought to post Q drops, info on a blockchain to preserve it forever incase bad actors try to wipe it .
0db27b No.5373349
Think MYRR0R
hurt goy
assorted flavors
217136 No.5373351
89991f No.5373352
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5373275
Which reminds me of this my fren:
20e722 No.5373353
Just adding a few things to it.
Original work is from another anon.
I was just trying to make it smoother.
With that success, this may or may not be better.
07d222 No.5373355
so why is potus schedule twitter gone?
56948b No.5373357
I would have absolutely no idea how to help do that.
285a7f No.5373358
>>5372652 (pb)
It's good, but still very manual. The maps of qmap.pub produce some interesting results but I don't find them totally coherent.
What is really needed I think is some kind of learning system that can collect (public domain) events on a large scale and then correlate them, flagging events that might otherwise seem unrelated, such as tweets, FB posts and news articles.
(pic related to use with your libtard alter-ego)
6e40a4 No.5373359
Got the red text out of your system for a while now Freddie?
Feel better?
0833e5 No.5373361
Why are you suicidal?
dc36aa No.5373362
can't speak to what boss knows-and they know it all but imo it started out as a control tool. It was monetized just before the executive orders were signed in dec 2017. It was then able to be traded as a commodity on the COMES via the options market. It never saw the highs it had shortly after that habbened.
I think it started out bad but then control was taken from those bad actors.
It has been planned for many decades. This magazine cover from 1988 sort of tells the tale. It is owned by the rothy family.
My theory is that Satoshi Nakamoto is actually Alana Greenspan under a pseudonym. Just speculation. Look into what transpired with the original exchange called Mt. Gox0it was a shit-show. Lots of coins 'lost' when it folded.
07d222 No.5373363
much better than the one I saw earlier
c4c7a6 No.5373364
Some on holochain has been posted but it hasn't caught Anon's attention much yet. Holochain is the foundation for applying what is essentially the D-wave version of Blockchain.
245e0d No.5373365
fyi you could probably do that with 1/2 the jap names out there against their companies and get a match
e3c084 No.5373367
Vid @0:04
>"..59 governors, think of that…
>but we actually have, we added a few from the islands so we broke it down to 49.
>But we love to exaggerate just a little bit."
Q drop 59: SA, MSM, Twitter censorship.
>"We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring)."
d0c8d3 No.5373368
I'd run out of dick before I got in either hole
07d222 No.5373369
because I'm crazy but that doesn't answer the question! or maybe because I get stupid answers like yours. Is it working for you?
dc4932 No.5373371
6e40a4 No.5373373
How does she wipe?
Doubt she has the reach…..UGH
7e00b4 No.5373374
it is a common practice in japan
ab480c No.5373375
Your right. I just played a YT and it's experiencing the same problem. Looks like my sound system is the problem. Now why would a brand new puter's sound system go haywire like this?
2b9717 No.5373376
Spike Lee
Sidney Lanfield
Sergio Leone
Shawn Levy
Sidney Lumet
464f3d No.5373380
MC knows.
He went from victim to handler.
7e00b4 No.5373381
yes, satoshi nakamoto
97fc3c No.5373382
maybe you just need a restart
c3df45 No.5373383
Just a reminder for you anons-
Remember the garbage truck on train tracks incident January 2018? Well the 3 day trial starts February 25 (TODAY).
07d222 No.5373385
wiggle the wire with the green plug
217136 No.5373386
hes on fire tonight
cb3ccc No.5373388
Hardware tech guy 101. Hard boot. Kek!
192e40 No.5373390
7e00b4 No.5373394
she doesnt
she's the real cheesecake factory
87e1bc No.5373395
pic from@interior had an Emergency alert link on their page..unusual? haven't seen this before..
97cd65 No.5373397
> bitcoin
4 Reasons to Believe the Deep State (or the NSA) Created Bitcoin
SHA-256 is the secure hashing algorithm which is an essential part of Bitcoin’s architecture. It is an NSA hash function algorithm first published in 2001.
The Deep State would want cryptocurrency to exist. As Bitcoin’s critics like to say, it’s something perfect for organizations that have clandestine operations (like the CIA is known to have).
It’s a way for the Deep State to have a financial infrastructure outside the watchful gaze and control of institutional finance on Wall Street or any other banks on the planet.
Crypto makes it easier for the Deep State to hide what it’s doing, but it also makes it easier for them to see what criminals are doing.
cb3ccc No.5373398
But, anon, if he inadvertently connects it against the black wire, the grounding will trigger the Mothenstein Effect, creating a wormhole and swallowing half the planet!
70c024 No.5373399
Kim Jong Un’s bodyguards arrive in Hanoi on Air Koryo IL-76 cargo plane
c4c7a6 No.5373404
S t r a n g e is what the ppl at Sodom were in trouble for going after. Gettin some that you shouldn't know still called strange to this day.
Jude 1:7
8e51b9 No.5373405
Focus Anon, focus… dig, meme pray… dont lose focus at any time
459aea No.5373410
John 8:44 Jesus said to them:
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
07d222 No.5373412
but that's not a proper push up
2e27b0 No.5373414
There is too big of a learning curve for some anons.
#1 Israel and Judah were two separate nations at the time of this war.
#2 Israel totally kicked Moab's hind end
#3 Moab's king did a horrific and blasphemous thing (offering his son as a sacrifice,)
#4 His allies forsook him (and the 700 soldiers he had left.)
#5 Judah was one of his allies, and they were horrified at the King of
Moab's barbaric act, forsook him, and fled (because they weren't about to be allied with anyone who did such despicable things.)
#6 Even Edom (descendant's of Jacob's brother Esau) though pagans themselves, were sickened by the sacrifice of the king's son, and took off.
This guy must have just read a Bible for the first time today…
Read Moar, Lurk Moar.
0f69a2 No.5373415
Redwoods, Northern Cal
Bohemian Grove maybe. A subtle connecting the dots…
8e51b9 No.5373416
Holy shit anons, it's totally happening here. If anyone watched Eyes Wide Shut, this is almost straight from the movie.
VIP prostitute goes to parties and fucks important people
she turns on them and exposes their PEDOPHILE rings
politicians, artists and the media all involved
turns out they bought young children from sports clubs
set to testify against them in the trial
she tweets a year ago that she will not kill herself, so if she appears dead, it was (((them)))
(TODAY) she appears dead, "drug overdose"
her naked-dead pictures are leaked by the people she accused
journalists involved literally posting how happy they are
This is some satanic masonic shit right here. What the fuck do we do?
The day she blew the lid:
The pedophile ring she exposed:
Her tweet:
The people she also accused (incl. politicians, artists, the media, the church)
Pope Francis involved:
Jewish media involved:
Journalist celebrating her death:
People she accused leaked her dead pictures:
"What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. This is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face." - Former CIA director and Cercle member William Colby giving advice to his friend senator John DeCamp, urging to quit his investigations into the Franklin child abuse affair and to write a book about his experiences (The Franklin Coverup, 2nd edition, foreword).
The thread (NSFW):
Archives translated to English via google chrome
The day she blew the lid
The pedophile ring she exposed
The people she accused
Pope Francis being involved
Jewish Media Involved
Journalist celebrating her death
People she accused leaked her dead pictures
8chan thread (NSFW):
d7dfc2 No.5373419
Metadubs Status: Chekt
87e1bc No.5373421
Alert says "Be Prepared" I don't remember seeing it on their before
7e00b4 No.5373422
seems interesting but all the articles are in some strange moon language
cb3ccc No.5373423
You know, this is smokin hot. I really liked it the first time I saw it and my appreciation for the… um… artistry of it just grows and grows. My. Oh. My.
a9b5d4 No.5373426
>>5373295 Q News Network broadcast on Trey Gowdy 'Tribunals'
>>5373325 P&L tshirts of POTUS and KJU
>>5373383 garbage truck on train tracks incident 3 day trial starts today
>>5373253, >>5373367 POTUS at Governor's Ball (video), possible crumbs
dc36aa No.5373427
after the bullshit with Mt Gox would not touch it.
21m coins 'lost'. No thanks.
BC tech has a place for sure just not in it's present form.
dc36aa No.5373431
cb3ccc No.5373432
Some people saw it 5 years ago. I did not. Just like earlier today for the first time.
0833e5 No.5373433
Love you President Trump…. Hardest working president in US history.
5f2f2c No.5373437
re:#3 Black ops do not need something like crypto.
They just use hawala banking, especially Saudi money. No trace of money movement outside of "need to know" context.
70c024 No.5373438
Viasat and Facebook expand rural internet in Mexico
2e27b0 No.5373440
Not if he has a quintuple-core, superHD, audio graphics card…
The Mothenstein Effect would be counteracted by the controlled implosion of his RedTooth earphones.
I see only a small crater resulting.
888566 No.5373441
Why does Trump want more immigrants if they all vote democrat? Are we fucked?
c4c7a6 No.5373442
Member when it came out they called it Libre?
So the Libre algorithm is set up exactly the way human-based SSN values (the global irreplaceable values of live births the DTCC trade on) and this is also the way holochain is set up, and exactly the way holochain is set up - users serving users. In combination with the digital representations each live birth human has (D-wave's Kindred program) the cabal is able to prognosticate the live human value markets. Decision-making on the markets can be driven then (and no doubt are driven) by manipulating the value of human lives by altering circumstances, preconditioning towards outcomes, etc. I really get the sense this all ties together to form an integral part of the web for the Nephilim/Nimrod World Order. Satan has to have a fake omniscience and omnipresence and these (along with Cern projects and Space projects) would be a way to erect those constructs.
0833e5 No.5373443
Diablo Slider…..epic
840bc7 No.5373444
If Bill Maher is still on tv post 2020 election I’m #walkingaway
b95d7c No.5373445
Does it talk about the 13k years cycles?
9fbae5 No.5373447
Polanski almost looks like George W Bush, kek
with Alfred E Newman( mad magazine) type hair, kek
f027d8 No.5373448
9afebd No.5373449
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. "They are on their to Rome
Countless slaves to go to war
And they are fighting not alone
On their way so confident
They are carrying missile and spear
The desperation disappeared
And victory is near
In the sea of blood and bones
Sands of time stand still
Dying on the dirty road
Spartacus has come to kill"
2cad52 No.5373450
I know, I love that pic. The very epitome of style and class.
a9b5d4 No.5373451
baker here
slow bread
lets speed it up
we've been doing 'dig into your stash and post old school dank memes, potus', pepe's' you havent posted in a while
maybe add some music, DJ this bread, post some tunes
dc36aa No.5373452
Watch Deep-Sea Iranian Sub Carry Out First Cruise Missile Test-Launch
Yesterday, we published some commentary written by author Steven Metz where he argued that a US-orchestrated military
As RT reported Sunday, an Iranian submarine successfully carried out its first cruise missile deep-sea launch during a naval drill in the waters south of Iran. The drill was interpreted as a warning to the US following the return of US aircraft carriers to the region after a long absence, but it also took place within the context of wider Iranian naval drills in the Gulf, Strait of Hormuz and Sea of Oman.
Iranian Navy commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi told local media on Sunday that a Ghadir-class sub fired an anti-ship cruise missile from underwater for the first time earlier in the day.
Clips of the launch were circulated to Iranian television. Intervention in Iran would be "one of the worst blunders in American history."
And while Venezuela has continued to attract most of the media attention and speculation that the US could launch a full-scale proxy civil war in that country as it seeks to oust the Maduro regime (using any tools necessary, including a false flag attack, to justify the incursion), thousands of miles away in the Persian Gulf, tensions between the US and Iran are quietly escalating.
Clips of the launch were circulated to Iranian television.
Persian Gulf War Games: Iran Successfully Fires Missile from Submarine for First Time pic.twitter.com/XQipaMvWuy
— Fars News Agency (@EnglishFars) February 24, 2019
Iranian Navy Drills in High Seas pic.twitter.com/Obcy08lxt0
— Fars News Agency (@EnglishFars) February 24, 2019
The launch was part of Iran's "Veleyat-97" naval exercises, a series of war games that are taking place in the area around the Gulf.
Here's more from RT:
It happened during the ongoing large-scale naval drill, ‘Veleyat-97.’ The war games are taking place in the area from the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz to the Sea of Oman and the northern parts of the Indian Ocean. The navy fired numerous cruise missiles from ships and coastal ground-based systems during the exercise. Tehran used the drill to showcase its newest frigate, ‘Sahand,’ and its Fateh-class submarines that military officials say can also carry cruise missiles.
The massive naval maneuvers are being staged amid heightened tensions between Iran and the US. In December, the Pentagon deployed its nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS ‘John C. Stennis’ to the Persian Gulf. It became the first American warship of its type to cross the Strait of Hormuz since US President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled the nation out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program last year.
As we said on Saturday, expect tensions between the two countries to continue to escalate as the US nears a decision on whether to extend, or end, the waivers on Iranian crude sanctions.
87e1bc No.5373453
If you click on link in pic, takes you to the main site. History is given, Endor Star of moon, return of the Jedi was filmed there, says you might see an Ewok, looked real quick on wiki, too tired..gotta sleep. interesting
0833e5 No.5373454
Smithsonian institute has hidden past history.
ab480c No.5373455
Your right. Reboot ed… sound is back to normal.
a9b5d4 No.5373458
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. this is where i wanna be
right here with my anons
888566 No.5373459
I hope Iran wipes Israel off the face of the earth.
07d222 No.5373460
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5373451
whatever, dont bitch about my post count then
Shadilay Metal Cover (English)
c4c7a6 No.5373461
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>5373451
For listening pleasures.
5597e2 No.5373463
The ENFORCER /\ mandatOR of "This GREED SYSTEM,"
->will prove "FUTURE Proves PAST!"
noticed MSM indicates (((this))) is SO GOOD.
cb3ccc No.5373464
(sigh) It's just. So. Risky. So very risky, anon. But… dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor not a theoretical physicist. Just tell (op) to be careful and that the fate of humanity may rest in his sweaty little hands.
97fc3c No.5373468
cool. reboot seems to fix problems about 80% of the time
dc36aa No.5373474
have a good rest of your day baker
cb3ccc No.5373475
Yay! Now you're 45% of the way toward an exciting and rewarding career in tech support! The world is your oyster, anon.
459aea No.5373479
0ce9b4 No.5373480
Dear Q,
Please help, A direct message from (you) might be the only way to awaken my dear Q friend. She’s avidly followed you since day one, she’s a brilliant autist, but has put the movement before her 8 yr old son, she’s a human trafficking survivor, majorly PTSD, but is NOT living in reality, it’s literally between Life & death right now . I know that THIS IS NOT A GAME, but I’m seriously at a loss as to further help her, I’ve done all I can . Any words of wisdom would be life changing.
c4c7a6 No.5373482
Those Nephilim before the Flood were really tall weren't they.
1c2e35 No.5373483
She likes the baker
21b5ec No.5373487
Spanish or Portuguese
2e27b0 No.5373490
>cool. reboot seems to fix problems about 80% of the time
We were all pulling for ya, man.
Some of us more optimistic than others…
3690dd No.5373493
Watch the water?
459aea No.5373494
Nephilim, pre flood, were about 30 feet tall (hence an arm span of 30 feet as well)
cb3ccc No.5373495
Prayers for your patriot friend. God bless her and deliver her from evil.
d7dfc2 No.5373498
honestly, there are only 30-40 of us actually doing this.
Be more like Baker.
Look for the fancy ones.
I can't tell you how many dubs, trips, quads, quints, etc I've had over the gorillian internet/Q æons.
07d222 No.5373506
old you say?
remember this, kek
a9b5d4 No.5373507
that was a fun night
i love those nights when a meme gets passed around
remember the night Kapernick Kneel image was put on everything, anyone still have any of those
5597e2 No.5373510
d7dfc2 No.5373511
good, cuz i was put off by the lack of anti-aliasing on a static image.
dc4932 No.5373518
how bout this one
1c2e35 No.5373520
Well I guess that one is too old…
ed741e No.5373523
The second amendment effectively means all are Americans (minor) nobility. That *really* grates on (((their))) nerves.
20e722 No.5373525
kek.. yeah
very low res
It's amazing how these gifs eat up room
Should I make a complete news type intro thing?
f4a595 No.5373528
c4c7a6 No.5373529
Enoch is a must read for Anon of all ages.
0ce9b4 No.5373530
Thank you Anon. Yes & amen
This has been one of the hardest things to deal with but I’m standing in the gap with her. #WWG1WGA
a9b5d4 No.5373533
>>5373295 Q News Network broadcast on Trey Gowdy 'Tribunals'
>>5373325 P&L tshirts of POTUS and KJU
>>5373383 garbage truck on train tracks incident 3 day trial starts today
>>5373253, >>5373367 POTUS at Governor's Ball (video), possible crumbs
>>5373416, >>5373301 anons compilations on the Natacha Jaitt story
>>5373399 KJU’s bodyguards arrive in Hanoi on Air Koryo cargo plane
>>5373397, >>5373463 4 Reasons to Believe the Deep State (or the NSA) Created Bitcoin
dc4932 No.5373535
this was the starter and i was the one riffin memes wit anons
c4c7a6 No.5373537
What kind of person puts something other than God before their kid? I have to ask.
2e27b0 No.5373542
That war will be one of the most exciting 3 days ever….
7e00b4 No.5373543
typically it's someone who has had the same done to them
0833e5 No.5373544
Q… Hillary Clinton never got charged.
308b40 No.5373549
Would make sense. Trevor Noah is given their top propaganda job after Stewart/Colbert leave and he's from South Africa.
With what we know about Elon Musk and his father being an Antony Kidman level psycho it's likely he was chosen because of some sort of South Africa MKUltra breeding ground.
f4a595 No.5373550
How serious is the neglect?
f027d8 No.5373551
0c4e40 No.5373553
Here's where AOC comes from:
http s://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=47&v=rsObPEj9ZAY
A sort of political Pop Idol!
She's as mad as a box of frogs!
07d222 No.5373555
9afebd No.5373556
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. WWG1WGA "Fanfare for the Common Man"
We are of the Host that serves the Lord of Hosts.
We cannot be defeated, for even in death, we are victorious.
Who can stand against the Lord and His Host? No one can.
No one. They will fall and we will prevail. WWG1WGA
c4c7a6 No.5373557
Let me rephrase. What kind of person puts Q before their kid? Follows Q who says Read the Bible. God Wins. John 3:16. But then neglects their kid to the point of life or death? Are you fuckin serious?
265364 No.5373560
Q's quest to Make America Great Again includes raising good families, valuing motherhood and children for the treasures that they are. Your dear Q friend can help the Q movement by being the loving mother that God has called her to be. This helps America. We need good mothers. We need good children. We need good leaders for the future.
God bless your Q fren.
c4c7a6 No.5373563
Be a clown
Try to float idea
Q is a cult
Children being neglected
People losing jobs and families
7e00b4 No.5373566
i dont need to rephrase
re-read what i already typed if you want more
217136 No.5373567
copied and pasted directly from https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/aubqs7/from_4chan_holy_shit_anons_its_totally_happening/?st=JSK2XG3P&sh=2dd393a3
fuck off reddit fag
97cd65 No.5373569
we were as locusts unto them
c4c7a6 No.5373571
I rephrased. Can you read English? The please do.
a9b5d4 No.5373572
9db925 No.5373575
slow it down and add an anti-alias filter if possible
c4c7a6 No.5373580
And as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end.
07d222 No.5373582
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Kekistani Woman Dances To Kekistan National Anthem - KEKFEST 2018
0ce9b4 No.5373587
>>f4a595 so serious as that CPS Is about to be involved.
d7dfc2 No.5373588
with a cut out to place things.
Interview set up
even if it's just a static image with the logo spinning…
nibbaz can run with it from there, just give 'em boxes to fill.
autists love filling boxes.
888566 No.5373589
Do any Qpedes here support going into Venezuela?
a9b5d4 No.5373600
fuck me in the SJW hole you glorious autistic shitposting fucks
0ce9b4 No.5373602
>>c4c7a6 unfortunately I am serious. She’s lucky to be alive, but she lives in an imaginary world. She makes noteables often, smart as a whip but is NOT what this movement is about, I’m sad and sick about it.
07d222 No.5373603
I gotvcalled newfag 20 times this week and this is not my first post
c4c7a6 No.5373604
For the Extra Tall people.
02f2d6 No.5373605
a person who has suffered and felt betrayed by mankind. I am not condoning, but I do "get it"
Q offers hope, hope is addictive to the ones betrayed by societies evil.
My advice is, baby steps. Try set time limits and slowly increase the off time.
It's important to keep the FACT that we survived the worst of it with no Q. Q is the turning point and shit's already getting better, but it's going to take time, WWG1WGA does not mean we need to sacrifice everything, it means we are together and we can take off some time and TRUST in others to help.
a346b0 No.5373606
Do any /pol/acks not support the crusade against worldwide marxism and bolshevism Hortler?
b95d7c No.5373607
I suspect there is something that working in IT does to you..
9db925 No.5373608
is that a software issue then?
c4c7a6 No.5373612
You said life and death. Meaning the person has slipped into murderous psychosis. FUCK YOU DAVID BROCK.
63b964 No.5373619
look at what i felt on my twitter feed :
>Rami Malek eats babies. There, I said it. #MackTweetsTheOscars
840bc7 No.5373623
QAnon is the name of a group of conspiracy theorists who follow a mysterious leader named "Q."
A conspiracy theory described as "one part Pizzagate, one part X-Files" hit the headlines this week, emerging from the underbelly of the internet into the mainstream.
242ea2 No.5373624
Seems interesting, there are a few connections to this twitter and im sure there are hidden messages in some of those dog tweets
We have any dig on this in past?
07d222 No.5373625
888566 No.5373626
No, I don't because our country is being flooded with third world socialist spics. Who cares about Venezuela when our country is falling apart.
8ee1b2 No.5373627
Build THE WALL through M!
- G6 Information Management funded by M! for 6G Wireless [THE WALL]
a019ea No.5373630
Could you play that graph like music?
14df39 No.5373632
DECODED: Hillary wants more Women and Kids to join the caravan. She wants the Caravan to keep moving forward.
In the last caravan run what was the ratio of men to women/kids?
They screwed up last time and media exposure of the caravan was not containable.
201dda No.5373634
I’m wondering who won’t survive the after parties? 187’s, “suicides” “over doses”, hopefully some arrests.
7e00b4 No.5373635
every dog has his day
puppy show
459aea No.5373637
Pre flood nephilim about 30 feet
Post flood (watered downd version, pun intended)
Only about half as tall
b95d7c No.5373640
I guess that settle the 'muh mr robot is white hat' thing
1e3c2b No.5373643
Is that you, and has anyone taken the time to explain the rules to you? Titties or beat it…
5597e2 No.5373645
covfefe and <pic related
top o'morning morning Night Shift
7ddcc1 No.5373646
Last night one of you guys in here got me started on AOC. Baker no need to noteable this, im sure nothing new in here,
mostly posting to get thoughts on some of this.
"Ocasio-Cortez attended Yorktown High School, graduating in 2007. She won second prize in the Microbiology category in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with a microbiology research project on the effect of antioxidants on the lifespan of the nematode C. elegans". HUH? Say that again?!!
was LDZ Secretary of State while she attended Boston University.
LDZ = Lorenzo de Zavala (LDZ). If she is not a deepstate manch Cadidate, this guy would likely be her political MO.
Served as an intern in the immigration office during the final year of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy's tenure.
This seems to be correct. Didnt dig on this too much.
She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international
relations and economics. Alright fair enough. Ill go with it.
After college, Ocasio-Cortez moved back to the Bronx, while she worked as a bartender in Manhattan and as a waitress
in a taqueria. At which point she launches a Publishing Company? WHAT!!!? There is really not much evidence that this company even existed other than a locked up Twitter account. https://twitter.com/brookavepress
At any rate doesn't look like the publishing company worked out so good. It happens, we all go through a starting a publishing
company phase after those college years that drove you into poverty. It happens.
c4c7a6 No.5373647
How long do you think before Anon links the Bloodlines all the way back to the Nephilim kings?
7ddcc1 No.5373648
So then Trump is elected and she mounts her "rightous" campaign against an almost 20 year incumbent Congressman out of a brown paper bag. hmmm
In fucking New York?!!! Yea right.
At some point she joins the Justice Democrats. (they were formed the day after Trump was elected so I assume it was
at this point she joined?) Maybe even sooner? hint hint? Im not really sure how much has been dug on this organization, but aside from other digs im working on I think this so called PAC should get the pepe magnifying glass. Not only is she a member but so is the insest Jihad cunt in Minnesota Illhad or whatever her name is. Looks like this PAC successfully "helped" get something like 23 out of 79 candidates elected. wiki has a list of politicians they endorsed and I am at this point assuming they are all members of this organization.
Justice Democrats was founded by these two famefags.
Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk, and Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks. Ive come accross these idiots before and just passed them off as famefags. However Cenk Uyger catches the eye. He used to be a starch conservative religious Republican, then out of the blue (based on my short dig on his ass) he becomes a starch progressive athiest and even winds up with a highly popular progressive talk show. 7 million followers or something. Not to mention he is another god damned lawyer I believe.
They (JD) literally state on their website that they intend to take over the DNC.
Either this organization really is just an organization trying to stop corporate corruptive political donations. Spurred on by the great socialist Bernie Sanders. Or this is a split off of some kind where (((They))) are trying to establish a new version the same wolf with new sheeps clothing. In order to get their endorsement you cant receive political donations from any large coporation, however in AOC's case, they are willing to overlook donations from JPMorgan Chase. Ive seen discussions about how AOC is one of /ourguys, but she feels like a Manchurian to me.
Out of nowhere these fuckers are populating our Congress pretty successfully. And rapidly right out of the gates too!!
All the people that started and run this org, seem to be about the same age (rather fucking young Id say) and from damn near the same area of New York other than Cenk Uygur which is why he is suspect. Is he the sugar daddy of this little teenage pot party? He had to resign publicly because of some press release about something he wrote, back in the day but yea, he didnt resign.
Think we've seen just the beginning of Justice Democrats.
The DNC owns the most thorough, extensive database of political demographics with a Dbase front end called votebuilder. Im sure many veteran anons are aware of this. But for those who arent and looking for something to do, and need a break from shitposting, Id say Justice Democratcs and votebuilder would be some fun projects. There is much more in Votebuilder than meets the eye ;)
Justice for Democrats feels like a manchurian candidate incubater too me. ((They)) snatched her (AOC) young little ass up and put her ass in Congress as quick
and easy as changing underwear. And against an almost 2 decades long incumbant no doubt. And within their own party??! "Joe Crowley, who was rumored to potentially be the Democrats’ next Speaker of House". Maybe they are literally changing their underwear? Only time will tell. We start seeing bags around AOC's eyes, we will likely know.
At some point in my dig last night I wind up coming across a movie called The Adjustment Bureau. So I finished the night off watching that movie.
WOW talk about projection. The main character becomes "the youngest elected Congressman in New York". yea? and the movie is about how this character
accidentally discovers that there are these "beings" that guide people along their path of life according to the "chairmans" "master plan". uhhuh ok.
And so he falls in love with a girl, but ((they)) dont want the two together blah blah blah (insert emotional content), so hes at odds with his "handlers". This movie is a projection of AOC or similar IMHO. Looks like it was released in 2011. Bout the time she was graduating from college.
0ce9b4 No.5373651
>>02f2d6 so very true, wise words anon. She has had blood rituals performed on her, kidnapped by one of the red shoes pedos in the famous Tony podesta pic, she has a well known twitter acct but severly needs help. She’s always on the board so this is my outlet to hopefully wake her up.
07d222 No.5373652
3690dd No.5373653
Was thinking the dogs are the actors, on a lead with handlers.
242ea2 No.5373657
Ah, right i guess i never realized the Clowns twitter page was communicating at the same times, thx
a346b0 No.5373659
>third world socialist spics
So we need to clean up the socialist govts then? Dont worry uncle Bolton will trigger the war soon. Venezuela will be cleansed in a month or two.
893be8 No.5373660
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Incredible Candace Owens.
0833e5 No.5373664
Great move for the women in Saudi Arabia…
c0afe1 No.5373670
Wikipedo has a page on Chris Hasson now:
Very little new information, but his public defender's name is Julie Stelzig, who according to the Maryland public defender website used to be called Julie Johnson.
c4c7a6 No.5373671
Let me ask you something, Anon.
History books.
This story - is it being written the same way the Bible was, in terms of information being compiled below the establishment radar then later compiled.
a019ea No.5373674
Did anybody ever figure out what that means? Started looking, then saw this. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. Information inception.
a4438d No.5373679
No way would President Trump allow AOC’s mouth on hims pecker.. no way. She is like a 5 on his woman meter.
Feck I tried to sleep and couldnt.
c4c7a6 No.5373682
Why are you posting illuminati 3rd eye with no context. That's fucked up you know.
a9b5d4 No.5373683
anons remember this night of memery
c4c7a6 No.5373689
She would be a good target for de-programming. Her weight and skin health fluctuate in extremes, she shows all the signs of someone whose programming is fracturing.
201792 No.5373691
>Why are you posting illuminati 3rd eye with no context. That's fucked up you know.
Oh shut up, the triangle is upside down. And is only a dumb ass meme.
a4438d No.5373692
Only wiff a Hanx
0833e5 No.5373694
Tiffany is a outcast in the Trump family…
a4438d No.5373696
888566 No.5373697
You're a neocon retard. It would be fitting if you came home in a coffin draped in an American flag. Bolton would probably laugh at the thought of your death. And so would I.
c0afe1 No.5373700
>not posting the spaghetti skull
028f8e No.5373701
c4c7a6 No.5373702
Isn't it how blockchain sets are used as data mules? Sounds kinda self-explanatory.
108c94 No.5373705
20e722 No.5373707
I meant something more like this.
maybe a breaking news one…
other types of news.
c4c7a6 No.5373708
You can't justify it.
459aea No.5373712
It sound like she might be obsessive compulsive. Moderation is not something that comes easily to OCD people. A little distraction might be in order. Perhaps suggest an outing that includes her 8 yr old, to get her distracted for awhile. Maybe suggest that she limit her Q time until after her child has gone to bed. Just brainstorming here.
201792 No.5373713
>You can't justify it.
Justify deez nuts kike.
f85c8d No.5373714
7ddcc1 No.5373716
I assume your aware of this…
d7dfc2 No.5373718
Look up trance inducing techniques
https://vigilantcitizen.com/ style :D
ab480c No.5373720
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>5373475
It's been mine since 66
c4c7a6 No.5373721
Hope your early morning shift is terrible today. You certainly earned it.
245e0d No.5373724
201792 No.5373726
>Hope your early morning shift is terrible today. You certainly earned it.
888566 No.5373728
Doesn't bother Qpedes that Trump and Bolton are now doing McCain's bidding?
a346b0 No.5373729
No im just anti communist.
07d222 No.5373731
70449b No.5373732
Jeez guize. Ilaid down and took a nap and when I come beck the sheet is really flowing.
Who turned over the shitcan?
c4c7a6 No.5373733
There's no such thing as Qpedes.
0d77a5 No.5373735
Now that would be something neat to have inscribed on the rotating circles
>This is a trance-inducing technique
so meta.
0833e5 No.5373736
Melania burned Marla Maples..
f027d8 No.5373739
What if Potus makes an EO that gives voter ID for free..
70c024 No.5373740
Vietnam train station on lockdown ahead of Kim's expected arrival
895756 No.5373741
Stop being withholding … just spit it the fuck out. Your shit stinks
c4c7a6 No.5373742
After Totes bot left they sent the "help Q is ruining my life" Clown backed up by the pointless post spam shills.
dfc472 No.5373745
Bohemian Grove is on private property, not Public land!
b95d7c No.5373746
2e27b0 No.5373747
If a baseball bat was handy…
201792 No.5373750
a9b5d4 No.5373751
7ddcc1 No.5373753
"Hasson, who identifies as a white nationalist"
THis is why shills constantly bitch about Jews as much and as often as they can. Its effectively painting the Q movement as nazis.
cb3ccc No.5373754
Entertaining and thought provoking.
c4c7a6 No.5373757
It's not effective, nibba.
7e00b4 No.5373763
sourced and cited
notable imo
0833e5 No.5373765
Anons would you hit it ??
Trump hit..
7ddcc1 No.5373766
I wonder if thats actually a message zuckerberg is sending. Maybe his handler doesnt notice.
888566 No.5373767
I'm anti-jew. Almost the same thing.
87aaa3 No.5373770
Idk if you guys know this.. but i'm digging into this iwr.ai/voterfraud and its interesting that Amazon.com is directly involved
07d222 No.5373771
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Trump Dance: Shadilay - P.E.P.E
7ddcc1 No.5373775
you guys can if you want. I know a lot of that has been covered. And I took some time off from this board (highly recommend it), so not sure how much has been covered on Justice Democrats organization.
f027d8 No.5373776
Bannon Predicts 2019 Will Be "Most Vitriolic Year In American Politics Since Before The Civil War"
9e1cfc No.5373777
I love you guys (no homo)
888566 No.5373782
Qpedes do exist, and I'm looking at them right now.
0ce9b4 No.5373783
>>459aea thank you anon, I’ve tried this so many times with her, she’s not only obsessive compulsive but autistic, adhd & ptsd, 27 yrs old, doesn’t work, lives at home,& only researches Q all day. NOT healthy nor what Q movement is about.