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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

4ebad1  No.4787291

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Saturday 1.5.19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

4ebad1  No.4787316


are not endorsements


>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call

#6109 Baker change

>>4787194 BB re Rudy on CNN: Never said 'no collusion' said Trump didn't collude

>>4787128 Anon compiles big ole list of whitehouse petitions, incl to remove NP

>>4786760 Anon graphs Q drops per month (incomplete)

>>4787150 TGP: Ohr Warned Top FBI re: Steele Dossier B4 Initial FISA Warrant

>>4787054, >>4787088 Twat slam on Romney, the Animated Corpse of Republican Past

>>4787024 FFS, Mass. Rep(D) Paul McMurtry Accused of Groping Incoming Lawmaker

>>4786886 Q-clock type analysis on Pelosi's "Housecleaning"

>>4786984 2-days-ahead possible proof: Q's "Blunt and Direct," POTUS & Barr

>>4786726 NYT: Would-be WH attacker IDEN'd as Terrorist Hasher Jallal Taheb

>>4786700 Sarah Sanders's Based Dad Trolls I-Identify-As Nutjobs on Twatter

>>4786697 U.S. investigating Huawei for alleged trade secret theft: WSJ

>>4786643 Graphic: Updated Timing is Everying Q proof, another 9:45 connection

>>4786567 FINALLY MSM covers Yellow Vests. Who else would step up but Tucker?

>>4786567 BB: Feeling Replaced Yet? U.S. Anchor Babies 2X Wyoming's population

>>4787252 #6109


>>4785879, >>4785887, >>4785890 resignations in the news

>>4785838 Large Releases of Chaff Over Several States Seen on Radar (cryptogon.com)

>>4786104, >>4786094 Bid to keep U.S. sanctions on Russia's Rusal fails in Senate

>>4786054 DHS, Secret Service backhand Pelosi over ‘security concerns’

>>4786171 new court filing from Mueller - manafort, kilimnik

>>4785915 planefagging prime95 back ( >>4786383 prime95 speculatory/chatter bun)

>>4786013 (C17) Callsign ANON (this was prime95)

>>4786457 #6108


>>4785002 Benjamin Netanyahu received approval from Trump before a massive intelligence mission last year (breitbart)

>>4785017 Internal discussions from Google indicate that the search giant is “manually” curating blacklists

>>4785372 Tucker discussions re Google Blacklist for “controversial” YT queries

>>4785033 Claim: Rogue CIA Stages Terrorist Attack Killing 4 U.S. Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out

>>4785045 Paul Whelan update (RT)

>>4785065, >>4785186, >>4785229, >>4785424 Ocasio Cortez Mother Blanca - Rothschild shares a FL address

>>4785141 NK envoy to carry letter from KJU to DJT

>>4785115 Judge Postpones Nxivm Trial Until April 29th

>>4785095 Maggie RT nice pic, POTUS

>>4785321 Barr made some big promises to Lindsey Graham

>>4785318 Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway: NASA's Proposed Lunar Space Station

>>4785647, >>4785618 Cargo Plane crash, because pullout

>>4785200, >>4785216 summary of happenings pts 1 and 2

>>4785018, >>4785046, >>4785520, >>4785520 planefagging, callsign ANON >>4785018 --> PRIME95 >>4785580

>>4786088 #6107


>>4784213, >>4784207 Sara Carter Ohr testimony shocks lawmakers top doj officials knew about steele in 2016

>>4784392 Clockfag update for the night shift re-read crumbs

>>4784454, >>4784455, >>4784582 Sheila jackson lee retaliated against a staffer re black caucus news rape accusation

>>4784471, >>4784404 another Sperry: LG "Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office will "leak" final report ?

>>4784211, >>4784583, >>4784618 SOTU straight to you ?

>>4784711 Lara trump coming up on Hannity

>>4784679 Congress gettin paid right now, big bucks

>>4784412 planefagging

>>4784837 #6106

Previously Collected Notables

>>4782605 #6103, >>4783376 #6104, >>4784164 #6105

>>4780212 #6100, >>4781049 #6101, >>4781819 #6102

>>4777896 #6097, >>4779158 #6098, >>4779469 #6099

>>4775633 #6094, >>4776391 #6095, >>4777076 #6096

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

4ebad1  No.4787317

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

d7ac6a  No.4787318

>>4787244 (lb)

Hi, you must be just getting back from vacation. While you were gone, the office passed out a memo that the Flat Earth slides are no longer effective. The rest of your work group has been assigned to the Joo team.

b6b71e  No.4787319


kek…I used to post memes like that in the hopes that JC & JB would see them when they were lurking 8Chan.

I don’t think they currently have access to the internet so I’m just doing it for fun.

875993  No.4787320

New footage shows Dems at swanky 'cocktail reception' in Puerto Rico amid government shutdown

Reps. Gil Cisneros, Pete Aguilar, and Mike Levin were filmed at the party organized by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC and heavily attended by lobbyists. The evening event was billed as a “cocktail reception and dinner.”


ceb09a  No.4787321

File: a15a3eb353e2d10⋯.png (489.75 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 77B8ED5B-42AC-413C-B6E0-42….png)

b27fd7  No.4787322

>>4787262 (lb)

Every MGM-owned casino is a ghost town and a monument to darkness. It doesn't matter how many cabal trade events they host. They will never ever be loved or adored or respected. They just ride their shallow existence from one fixed sports event to the next.

It's almost as if visitors instinctively know and feel the murderous evil behind the company's recent years. It's such a thick taint you would need something like 5G to wipe their perception of it.

b15ba5  No.4787323

File: 0984f159e10b7db⋯.png (511.66 KB, 640x558, 320:279, ClipboardImage.png)

4ebad1  No.4787324

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MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

ccb80e  No.4787325

File: 305d0804cc957d4⋯.jpg (34.02 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 305d0804cc957d41ff52c3a2ee….jpg)

019bff  No.4787326

Jury trials start March 1st, 2019 in a Federal Courthouse near you. This is longer than a Costner movie, but way better. hoard popcorn for the final installment. I Love America!

ddfa6a  No.4787327

File: 2d60bf1ccf2a31d⋯.png (87.29 KB, 799x774, 799:774, ClipboardImage.png)

Papadopoulos Told Congress That FBI Asked Him To Spy On Mystery Professor At Center Of Collusion Probe

George Papadopoulos told Congress that the FBI offered to pay him to travel to London to conduct surveillance on Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor who allegedly claimed that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The former Trump aide said that he rejected the offer, which was made during a Jan. 31, 2017 meeting with an FBI agent in Chicago.

Papadopoulos has served a 14 day prison sentence for lying to the FBI about the extent of his contacts with Mifsud.

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told Congress in October that an FBI agent asked him to travel to London to spy on a mysterious Maltese professor who allegedly claimed that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

“The FBI agent said, we need you to wear a wire and we’ll pay you and you can go to London and you can kind of look behind the scenes of an FBI operation. It was very bizarre, very strange,” Papadopoulos told members of the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees in an interview on Oct. 25.

The request was allegedly made during a meeting in Chicago on Jan. 31, 2017, four days after Papadopoulos was first interviewed by the FBI about his tenure on the Trump campaign. In that first interview, Papadopoulos told FBI agents about encounters he had with the professor, Joseph Mifsud, during his time on the Trump campaign.

Papadopoulos told FBI agents in his initial interview that Mifsud told him during a meeting in London on April 26, 2016 that Russia had “thousands” of former presidential candidate Clinton’s emails. Though Papadopoulos shared that detail with the agents, he later admitted making false statements about the extent and full timeline of his contacts with Mifsud.

Papadopoulos suggested in his congressional interview that the request from the FBI came after he said that Mifsud had recently attempted to contact him through Facebook.

“I believe Mifsud was reaching out to me around that time, and I kept ignoring him,” he said. “And he was sending me messages on Facebook, trying to reach out to me.”

“We want you to wear a wire to go after Joseph Mifsud or to get some sort of information about him,” Papadopoulos said he was asked by the FBI, according to portions of his testimony published Wednesday by The Epoch Times.

“I rejected it,” he told lawmakers of the request.


2b0231  No.4787328

File: 0d0ed7861304000⋯.png (808.85 KB, 760x562, 380:281, Doom2-DrainTheSwamp2.png)

cbe275  No.4787329

File: 0557b3772360ae4⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 499x448, 499:448, 8bd9939c976d86b400b5ebd952….jpg)

Thank you Baker

0e4fe9  No.4787330

File: 35b68b08aea3480⋯.png (506.51 KB, 647x660, 647:660, DoD 1-16-19 9 01 pm PST.PNG)

File: bddb5c576128fea⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video DoD 1-16-19 9 01 pm ….mp4)

Together, we’re a team!

'He's the Orchestra, I'm the Conductor'


dc47f8  No.4787331

>>4787294 (LB)


industrial fire.

Cause unknown.

No real details yet.

6a720f  No.4787332

File: 65861e227e9dc46⋯.jpg (23.09 KB, 500x396, 125:99, d8b04fe7c6292cf6c05e46a11a….jpg)

>>4785623 (lb)

Nothing, I was using that as an example to point out his double standards. I'm starting to think I pissed off a socal "dreamer" shill.

d0304b  No.4787333

File: 5fa2a308a0d32e8⋯.png (500.24 KB, 1302x762, 217:127, caravan5.png)

ddfa6a  No.4787334

Trump Signs Bill Promising Back-Pay to Furloughed Federal Workers

Jan. 16 (UPI) — In a moment of rare bipartisanship, President Donald Trump signed a Democrat-sponsored bill Wednesday guaranteeing back-pay to workers furloughed by the ongoing partial government shutdown.

Since December 21, several government departments have been shut down due to an impasse between congressional Democrats and Trump over the president’s request of $5.7 billion to fund an expanded physical barrier at the U.S.-Mexico border. This stalemate has forced tens of thousands of federal employees to work without pay, with some 80,000 not receiving a paycheck for the first time last Friday.

However, the signing of the Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019, sponsored by Sen. Benjamin Cardin, D-Md., requires that all government employees be compensated for “wages lost, work performed, or leave used” during the shutdown, the Whitehouse announced in a news release.

“This is an important step toward providing our civil servants with some stability and hope. But it doesn’t help pay the bills *now.* To do that, we MUST reopen the government,” Sen. Cardin said in a tweet prior to the bill being signed.

Vice President Mike Pence informed U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents of the news, The Hill reported.

“Just moments ago the House or Representatives passed legislation that will ensure that all the dedicated professionals at Custom and Border Protection and all of the agencies affected by this shutdown will be paid in full,” he said from the agency’s Washington, D.C., headquarters.

The measure follows last week’s introduction of a bill that would protect furloughed federal workers from landlords and creditors filing legal action against them for failing to pay their bills during the shutdown, reported the Huffington Post.

Earlier Wednesday, President Trump had a “constructive” meeting with the bipartisan group of Congress members dubbed the Problem Solvers Caucus to negotiate during the shutdown, reported CNN.

And that same day, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., urged the president to delay his scheduled State of the Union later this month until the shutdown, which nears its fifth week, comes to an end.


784792  No.4787335


I just like the idea of those crooked fucks getting ass raped without the courtesy of getting to use their tears as lube.

f7ee6e  No.4787336

File: 57f3c6a252cfdf2⋯.jpeg (7.1 KB, 246x205, 6:5, flat sun.jpeg)



all above last year breads

OK, see you later.

(Q), get to business, you have work to do.

-i'm going to start a vodka-

-vive le russians, vive le yellow wests-

155829  No.4787338

File: 1f99ae2d6e29180⋯.mp4 (782.44 KB, 270x360, 3:4, American helicopter in Man….mp4)

American helicopter in #Manbeg

East of #Aleppo

News of 5 #American soldiers killed


2b0231  No.4787339

File: 8c88d5f43d6ff0e⋯.pdf (216.14 KB, Cooper, William - Behold a….pdf)

PDF – William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse, Chapter 12 - The Secret Government

4ebad1  No.4787340

current dough


baker requesting handoff

sorry for lag, had a browser/internet hiccup

cf639d  No.4787341

File: 2bfc160021aced8⋯.png (113.56 KB, 608x734, 304:367, 0BEC0D88-390A-445E-8B50-01….png)

Thanks for the fresh beanerbread, Baker.

Also, fuck that nigger who got offended about beaners.

d0304b  No.4787342

File: 82eea090d98da67⋯.png (368.84 KB, 1253x761, 1253:761, caravan1.png)

b6b71e  No.4787343

File: 4bf5195c76567b3⋯.jpeg (66.72 KB, 719x382, 719:382, 3E9F003E-8420-420B-B44C-5….jpeg)

e2e2b1  No.4787344


His story don’t add up

bc0682  No.4787345

Thank you baker 👨‍🍳

7eac25  No.4787346

File: 8dd727b08d01478⋯.jpeg (697.57 KB, 2226x1568, 159:112, 1D397843-01BA-484F-B9A7-4….jpeg)

7320f9  No.4787348

ddfa6a  No.4787349

File: 75281c523b5195a⋯.png (57.29 KB, 617x786, 617:786, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0765c2ea36e85b⋯.png (666.75 KB, 751x505, 751:505, ClipboardImage.png)

Coalition of Groups Puts Pressure on Schumer, Pelosi to Fund Border Wall

WASHINGTON—On a cold January morning outside the Capitol, a coalition of groups that support Trump had an even colder message for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) over their refusal to fund a border wall.

“Which one of your children would you be willing to sacrifice?” Amy Kremer, the co-founder of Women for Trump, rhetorically asked Pelosi. “This is not just a manufactured crisis … This is very real.”

With her were more than 20 other Trump supporters, many of them Angel Families who have lost a loved one at the hands of an illegal alien.

“Nancy Pelosi, you’ve got a nice wall around your home. Build that wall for the safety and security of the American people,” said Maureen Laquerre, an Angel sister whose brother was killed in 2009 by an illegal alien driving without a license.

They came to Congress on Jan. 15 to get a meeting with the recently elected speaker and minority leader, who have been in a stalemate with President Donald Trump over the $5.7 billion he wants for a wall on the border with Mexico. Trump has cited human trafficking, illegal immigration, terrorism, and the flow of illicit drugs through the southwest border as the reasons he wants a wall—all concerns shared by those attending the rally.

Also at the rally was former ICE Director Thomas Homan, who addressed speculation about the number of special-interest aliens (SIAs), people who have been flagged because of their travel patterns and behavior, coming through open parts of the southwest border. DHS said that last year, 3,000 were stopped at the southern border, but not how many of those were apprehended between ports of entry.

“As for terrorists coming across the southwest border, yes, I detained one as ICE director. The question isn’t how many have been arrested by Border Patrol, the question is how many did not get arrested by Border Patrol,” Homan said. “If anyone doesn’t think the southwestern border is a vulnerability to terrorism, then again, you’re not paying attention.”

Members of Congress, as well as families of those who died of drug overdoses, or while fighting in the Middle East, or in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks were also part of the coalition.

A common refrain throughout their speeches was the feeling that they have been put in the shadows, while illegal aliens have been welcomed with open arms, as evidenced by the number of sanctuary jurisdictions that protect them. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, there are about 300.

Illustrating their point, some joggers started heckling the group as they ran past.


d0304b  No.4787350

File: 4b6a2564be17d00⋯.png (402.44 KB, 1304x764, 326:191, caravan6.png)

5efdc5  No.4787351

File: bbd8b776ed5b0a3⋯.jpeg (41.29 KB, 300x300, 1:1, E7F5607E-AE2B-4FFF-B8AD-2….jpeg)

8007e2  No.4787352

>>4785200 (lb)

Sorry man, this is some shitty “research”.

>1.) THE FAKE DOSSIERE/FUSION GPS INVESTIGATION - It's been wrapped up in the House and is moving to the Senate. (Rumor has it Strozk, Yates, Rice and McCabe are already being tried in GITMO as of 1/2/19, but that's unverified). Regardless, it's a real investigation, rest assured of that: https://archive.fo/eJQiq

This article says they’re closing their investigation. It’s not “moving to the Senate” so much as “the future of the investigation will likely rest with Senate Republicans”. They’re shutting it down and it depends on whether someone else picks up the ball and runs with it. It WAS a real investigation, but the FBI obstructed it by refusing to hand over the requested documents.

>2.) THE BENGHAZI COVER-UP INVESTIGATION - This just in, Benghazi is now also being re-investigated. Some theories put a server full of nuke-technology in Amb. Stephen's possession, which was destined for Iran when ex-SOCOM contractors intervened and rescued it, bringing it back with them to the CIA annex. Regardless, there is now a team of prosecutors on it: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/just-in-federal-court-orders-discovery-to-begin-on-clinton-email-scandal-susan-rice-and-ben-rhodes-must-respond-under-oath/

Because Judicial Watch went after them, not because our fucking government actually did anything about it.

>5.) THE HRC SERVER(s) INVESTIGATION - Q said 'we have the server(s)'. We know Clinton's once lost e-mails and much more are in patriot hands and will re-appear at a pre-determined time. They hold proof of ALL crimes and ALL the DS players who took part: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-re-open-investigation-clinton-email-server-n674631

Article is from 2016.

>6.) THE FISA ABUSE INVESTIGATION - Q has said FISA will lead the way and it absolutely will play a major role in the criminal roll-up. Remember, (compromised) Justice Roberts is the one who appoints FISA judges. https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/12/28/house-republicans-justice-department-fbi-clinton-trump-probe-1076869

“Two senior House Republicans on Friday said they are closing their investigation into the FBI's handling of its probes into both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, issuing few new revelations but urging the continuation of their work when Democrats take the majority in January.”

They’re shutting the investigation down.

>7.) THE IMRAN AMAN SERVER INVESTIGATION - Let's not forget about Imran Awan and his data collection on (mostly Democrat) Congressional members. It's our understanding he took a plea, and is being held in reserve to testify at the appropriate time. https://heavy.com/news/2017/07/imran-awan-arrested-charges-bio-wasserman-schultz-hina-alvi-dnc-hacks/

Article is from 2017

39af11  No.4787353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EMERGENCY!! Threat On Donald Trump’s Life FOILED By Authorities! Breaking..

Can any anons help find more sauce for this?

4ebad1  No.4787354







You guys all posted b4 bread was baked. Sometimes bakers experience connectivity issues. It's bad form to shit the bread rather than just wait till all 4 OP posts are in. Also good to wait for dough, but that's not as big a deal. ty

21f85e  No.4787355

Jesus people do you know how to wait?

b49dae  No.4787356

Good day anons, I am probably considered a new fag still. Have been lurking for almost a year. Full time phone fag, this is probably my fifth or sixth post. I am thinking that Q would want us digging to link the clearly deep state bombing in Syria, the Pelosi warning President Trump over security, and the FBI inventing a new terrorist who planned to blow up the Whitehouse.

e2e2b1  No.4787357


I mean fucking wetback niggers be coming to Commiefornia and shitting everywhere. Expecting a free nigger phone and nigger hand out. Fucking niggers!

d0304b  No.4787358

File: 9f186e9dc06d814⋯.png (351.81 KB, 1302x766, 651:383, caravan2.png)

67f207  No.4787359

File: 289b7bce887e242⋯.jpeg (89.03 KB, 500x699, 500:699, C79C582D-60B1-46B8-A6DA-1….jpeg)

cf639d  No.4787360


What does this have to do with Christians?

4ebad1  No.4787361



ty baker. I'll stick around to make sure you're acting like you, kek. (Or until BO/BV gives you the okay). We're a little twitchy w/shill baker-angst lately

40ced1  No.4787363


BREAKING: Feds Foil ‘Jihad’ Attack on White House; Suspect Had Diagram of First Floor of West Wing


ccb80e  No.4787364

File: 9aa5a319ab5e53e⋯.jpeg (75.01 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 9aa5a319ab5e53ea654adcac8….jpeg)

2b0231  No.4787365

File: 6599e58de78f9ae⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, datNCISNOLAintroSONG.png)

File: 2ddad5583f45c1d⋯.png (52.73 KB, 636x476, 159:119, Donny-BIG-D-IN-D-HAUS.png)

File: 5b7e64176f44418⋯.png (494.68 KB, 957x536, 957:536, DrAmpShovelAdvert.png)

File: c33eab83e838c94⋯.jpg (193.96 KB, 735x489, 245:163, dream_mko6f2wtw7f.jpg)

File: 0bbe8a47402fe19⋯.png (214.13 KB, 323x447, 323:447, DNA-electrophoresis-why-wh….png)

e36cae  No.4787366

So all these federal workers are on a paid vacation ….We get no service from them but pay them anyway …What kind of shutdown is this ?

d0304b  No.4787367

File: 02147f9ce3ca90c⋯.png (535.58 KB, 1302x766, 651:383, caravan4.png)

e2e2b1  No.4787368


I don’t need your fucking resume. Just post gauldangit

c9a8fa  No.4787369

File: 77a45425ef9da64⋯.jpg (269.4 KB, 1080x933, 360:311, electiontwitterretweetover….jpg)

File: 3edd80b6d953240⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 1184x672, 37:21, 1077.mp4)

Digg on Camille Francois Analysis Director at Graphika

Camille Francois co-autherd a report to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

This report is based on data provided by social media firms to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).

And the analysis was done by New Knowledge.


I searched Qresearch and found only a few mentions

Here is a couple of profiles the first is older but no date is givin for ethier

Camille Francois was a fellow in New America’s Cybersecurity Initiative.

Francois’ research focuses on the notion of cyber peace, and the intersection of human rights, cybersecurity, and cyber operations.

Francois is also principal researcher at Jigsaw, a think tank and technology incubator within Google/Alphabet.

She leads an interdisciplinary research program to design and implement interventions focused on protecting users from state-sponsored cyber threats

against civil society, tackling violent extremism and new forms of political propaganda,

and embedding fairness in machine learning and algorithmic processes.


Camille Francois works on cyber conflict and digital rights online. She currently serves as the Research and Analysis Director at Graphika,

where she leads the company’s work to detect and mitigate disinformation,

media manipulation and harassment in partnership with major technology platforms,

human rights groups and universities around the world.

Francois was previously the Principal Researcher at Jigsaw, an innovation unit at Google that builds technology to address global security challenges

and protect vulnerable users. There, Camille led pioneering work on networked propaganda, patriotic trolling and algorithmic bias.

She also led and implemented Google’s strategy to counter violent extremist narratives online.

Francois has advised governments and parliamentary committees on both sides of the Atlantic on policy issues related to cybersecurity

and digital rights. She served as a special advisor to the Chief Technology Officer of France in the Prime Minister's office,

working on France’s first Open Government roadmap.

Francois is a Mozilla Fellow, a Berkman-Klein Center affiliate, and a Fulbright scholar.

She holds a masters degree in human rights from the French Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences-Po) and a masters degree in international security

from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.

Francois’ work has been featured in various publications,

including the New York Times, WIRED, Washington Post, Bloomberg Businessweek, Globo and Le Monde. Francois is based in New York City.


Here is an interesting article with graphic representations of online communities

This is what filter bubbles actually look like

Maps of Twitter activity show how political polarization manifests online and why divides are so hard to bridge.

by John Kelly and Camille François August 22, 2018

The first of the two maps in the GIF image below shows the US political spectrum on the eve of the 2016 election.

The second map highlights the followers of a 30-something American woman called Jenna Abrams,

a following gained with her viral tweets about slavery, segregation, Donald Trump, and Kim Kardashian.

Her far-right views endeared her to conservatives, and her entertaining shock tactics won her attention from several mainstream media outlets

and got her into public spats with prominent people on Twitter, including a former US ambassador to Russia.

Her following in the right-wing Twittersphere enabled her to influence the broader political conversation. In reality, she was one of many fake personas created by the infamous St.

Petersburg troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency.


key points

principal researcher at Jigsaw, a think tank and technology incubator within Google/Alphabet.

Camille led pioneering work on networked propaganda, patriotic trolling and algorithmic bias.

mitigate disinformation, media manipulation and harassment in partnership with major technology platforms

Francois’ work has been featured in various publications New York Times, WIRED, Washington Post, Bloomberg

Camille François's work at Google jigsaw has lead me to some very interesting conection's that will be the subject of my next digg

5356e0  No.4787370

File: ac3e9ae586bc4ce⋯.jpeg (497.39 KB, 805x811, 805:811, 2DF1CA99-B276-4B94-B72E-4….jpeg)

Baker is doing yeomans work

e826f9  No.4787371

File: 67404bc74b0db94⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 500x502, 250:251, Exactry.jpg)

b6bc96  No.4787372

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>4787115 lb

>>4787253 lb

Planned Parenthood = "synthetic meat"!!

21f85e  No.4787373


no it don't.

It DOESN'T add up.

b35454  No.4787374

Sometimes do you just watch the board scroll, and all the crazy shit that gets posted - all the Jew back and forth crap, and all the other stuff and it dawns on you all over again how absolutely brilliant it was to decide to tuck all of this real information into a place line this?

And then the info itself - cryptic, coded, some real, some not. And anons of literally every walk of life pounce on it and try to unravel it. Sometimes accurately, sometimes way off in left field, sometimes just downright stupid.

Bible verses posted, prayers, childish questions to Q…

This place is bedlam.

Now imagine being someone who is here from the DS or whatever, trying to figure out wtf happens next by getting information here.

It makes me laugh so hard every time I do that - just take a step back for a sec and think about all of it. It is brilliant, but it's also ficking hilarious.

e2e2b1  No.4787375


An RIF one!

1525bd  No.4787376

e8dc9a  No.4787377

File: e866051533646ea⋯.mp4 (10.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, kevinandbilloldfriends.mp4)

File: c3053e8a59dff2b⋯.png (922.25 KB, 1440x854, 720:427, Fake_page_curl_effect.png)

File: 0df624851263519⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1440x853, 1440:853, Praise satan.png)

File: 3ae64552b96a694⋯.jpg (914.36 KB, 2274x1080, 379:180, uncle.jpg)


Sheep dipped tranny porn watching COINTELPRO limited hangout piece of shit

ddfa6a  No.4787378

File: d90a4c7071ff1a5⋯.png (445.52 KB, 830x478, 415:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f1bb398dcee23a⋯.png (11.4 KB, 514x168, 257:84, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48562a2a9169baa⋯.png (515.4 KB, 519x628, 519:628, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dee07ed7290393e⋯.png (73.41 KB, 839x659, 839:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 295d5b95df9eb23⋯.png (26.73 KB, 828x254, 414:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Fake Washington Post copies announcing Trump's resignation handed out in Washington, DC

Taking the art of fake news to new heights, a non-profit has circulated mock Washington Post issues near White House, telling readers that President Donald Trump fled the office to Crimea on the back of women-led protests.

Activists giving out fake copies of the WaPo to commuters were spotted near the White House on Wednesday morning. Vigilant readers immediately alerted the newspaper, which said that the copies, dated May 1, 2019, were "not Post products" and that it was "looking into this."

The fake WaPo copies grab attention of a chance reader with an eye-catching headline for its lead story: "UNPRESIDENTED. Ending Crisis, Trump Hastily Departs White House" complete with a picture of a glum Trump on his way to "slip in a private car in the wee hours of the morning."

The paper "reports" that Trump abruptly left his office at 3:15 am on May 1, leaving a message on a napkin in the Oval Office, that blamed "crooked Hillary," the mysterious "Hfior" and "the Fake News Media" for his flight. The report, meticulously mimicking the WaPo's source-based reporting style, cites "four White House aides" speaking on condition of anonymity, that they found the napkin two days before the events took a dramatic turn.

Trump's fictional resignation and the subsequent swearing-in of Vice President Mike Pence, who instantly promises to keep as low a profile as possible, comes amidst "massive protests" staged by a grassroots movement with #MeToo as its backbone.


053528  No.4787379


I agree..missing something major in this, like he's covering for someone..

155829  No.4787380

File: 90b15568aee4807⋯.png (607.29 KB, 774x1032, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


US helicopters are evacuating wounded in Manbij blast

d0304b  No.4787381

File: 220cead56351948⋯.png (538.05 KB, 1300x766, 650:383, caravan3.png)

bc0682  No.4787382

8 hrs 30 minutes till I turn the HUGE 60! I hope the 17 th turns out to be a awesome day for POTUS and our side!

019bff  No.4787383

Didn't mean to shit the bread

Apologies to the Baker

a1bc2d  No.4787384

File: eb5e6c274190732⋯.jpeg (200.06 KB, 960x954, 160:159, bq-5c3e44f12bbd0.jpeg)

bf0540  No.4787386

Did ebut get furloughed? Its quiet in here

4969f7  No.4787387

>>4786593 PB

>The enemy is religiously compelled to "reveal the method" to the victim. Exactly like a Vampire is forced to ask to enter your house before he sucks all your blood and makes you a minion sex slave for ever and ever. Vampires are a myth based on reality. It is an easy way to think of why they do the "reveal the method".



>Man can also revoke permission given.

My son and I were talking about this just this morning. Biblically speaking, it appears that there is a law maybe set up by the Creator himself, given that even the Creator says that you need to accept the gift of salvation?

Meaning ask for it?

Invite the spirit of God?

Then, there is the whole thing where God says he will do nothing unless he tells his prophets, so they can tell us what he is going to do if he plans to take action….right?

Is this not an announcement of future action before it is carried out? And do not the evil ones have to live by the same rules?

I thought both the permission thing and the announcement thing set up in the bible were interesting daily observable facts of both good and evil actors.

We came to the conclusion that this law must have been made to protect mankind from unwanted spiritual destruction. The default is no permission for anyone.

6add54  No.4787388

>>4787237 LB

add to your list; inspiring other anons by example

ce23cd  No.4787389

File: deabd615328a683⋯.jpg (87.1 KB, 851x682, 851:682, truth_Dems.jpg)

b27fd7  No.4787390

File: 6628c15a801a289⋯.png (204.85 KB, 474x318, 79:53, ClipboardImage.png)


And with that, all of our righteous ambitions to use the shutdown to change the fundamental nature of our evil and wicked federal government go straight down the shitter.

ccb80e  No.4787391


Real shit fest!

d0304b  No.4787392

File: 2c7490b552aad03⋯.png (432.02 KB, 1298x766, 649:383, caravan8.png)

fd58fa  No.4787393


It's crap.

e8dc9a  No.4787394

File: 0b31d0727d26683⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, alex jones admits he is bi….mp4)

File: 657fc0fc3f06227⋯.jpg (6.84 MB, 8893x6548, 8893:6548, Alex Jones Bill Hicks Slid….jpg)


lucky dubs don't lie

7320f9  No.4787395


understood, all good

providing a pastebin in case they're afk:


cf639d  No.4787396

File: 32296e95dc48122⋯.jpeg (507.15 KB, 1323x2100, 63:100, 85BBC8EB-D733-42F5-B040-6….jpeg)


Saggy ball pics or GTFO.

4c3b48  No.4787397

File: 85a297637b2522b⋯.png (272.8 KB, 815x443, 815:443, 96076CE3-0FE0-4366-A55F-F9….png)

cd6692  No.4787398

6e3ffa  No.4787399

File: 4a127a6eb2b1ef1⋯.png (1.22 MB, 957x537, 319:179, Screenshot_344.png)

bee291  No.4787400


That's hilarious!!

1525bd  No.4787401

File: 6fb6c8427e9ac54⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rolls nom.jpg)


delish bread

suprised i got any though


hella niggers

d0304b  No.4787402

File: abf80c5c31157ce⋯.png (470.69 KB, 1304x764, 326:191, caravan7.png)

bc0682  No.4787403

Some anon was worried about the food supply since FDA was furloughed, USDA inspectors are still working through the shut down without pay.

e826f9  No.4787405

File: 3baaa1c37aaba16⋯.png (350.6 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepe birthday.png)


Happy birthday, you old fag (you).

29bde1  No.4787406


The knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil are one.

784792  No.4787407


Year's long enough. Post away. But instead of recommending we dig, how about you dig and report back something notable. Or at least put forth a theory.

bc0682  No.4787408

File: 4424f285ec1122e⋯.jpeg (97.73 KB, 1900x1261, 1900:1261, FFE0C36A-F82F-4BB3-A788-3….jpeg)


Here’s some tits for ya

b35454  No.4787409


I just think about the pace, and the stuff they scrolls by - quantum mechanics followed by the lyrics to jesus loves me and sometimes i just…it is so fucking funny. And I'm not even high

43efbd  No.4787410

File: c28d09f484c7a1f⋯.jpg (398.03 KB, 1024x655, 1024:655, NH69.jpg)

TY Baker!

cf639d  No.4787411

File: 319c12f564d2fc2⋯.jpeg (10.8 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 9D21BCFD-03BD-4082-925C-3….jpeg)


40,000 foot view.

f7ba55  No.4787412

File: ee895ccd8669661⋯.jpg (204.94 KB, 1218x867, 406:289, ros.jpg)

File: 86e2078870b1235⋯.png (164.35 KB, 1197x396, 133:44, 97.png)

Okay so a little moar digging on the pizza place, found this chic tagged in pic related 1.

@rae.of.sunshine.97 pic 2.

Caught attention for obv reason

>founder LU for MeToo

Digs on that open. Haven't started that one.

pc acting a fool, unusual

155829  No.4787413

File: c379f97a8bd1828⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ANHA released a video of t….mp4)

ddfa6a  No.4787414

File: 188787ffb7443b1⋯.png (70 KB, 913x570, 913:570, ClipboardImage.png)

Kikes making a meal this shit

From Nairobi to Manbij: Terror attacks loom large

Extremist groups have not been defeated and the road to a world after ISIS and in which terror has been reduced is still long and difficult.

Two deadly terror attacks rocked Syria and Kenya and show that extremist groups such as Islamic State and Al-Shabab have not been dented in their ability to strike at the most sensitive and important targets. On Wednesday, an attack claimed by ISIS struck Americans meeting with locals in the sensitive town of Manbij in northern Syria. Four Americans were reported killed. In Nairobi, Al-Shabab attacked a luxury hotel on Tuesday and murdered more than 20 people.

The Nairobi attack conjured up memories of the 2013 Westgate massacre when four Al-Shabab members murdered more than 60 in a mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack this week on the DusitD2 took place in the same Westlands suburb and was barely a kilometer away from the site of the former attack. Al-Shabab is based in Somalia but it has been in contact with Al-Qaeda in the past and has learned from the tactics used by ISIS. The attack on the luxury hotel comes in the context of its decade-long battle against the government in Somalia and its attempt to spread terror across east Africa. It has targeted Christian university students in Kenya, and struck at a World Cup match in Uganda in 2010.


118de6  No.4787415


Relevance of Twatter footage?

bc0682  No.4787416


Thanks anon!!! I’ll be spending it here with you all.. was digging on an Australian who died a couple of yrs ago and his weird huge mansion

e2e2b1  No.4787417


RIP Nikkey Hayden!

b49dae  No.4787418


The bombing gives Trump a reason to stay and not pull out.

The security warn from Pelosi is the warning of assassination if you don't comply.

The FBI terrorist shows Trump that even military weapons are at the ready to carry out the threat.

Seems like the shit they do, communicate through the news and events, right?

053528  No.4787419


You know after all of the mind twisting they have done for decades…It's well deserved that they should come here and get some of their just deserts..kek

ceb09a  No.4787420

File: 9ba764b188adad9⋯.jpeg (55.62 KB, 500x340, 25:17, AC0AE769-0A55-4C34-B657-0….jpeg)

e36cae  No.4787421

Let me get this right Trump,is shutting down the govt to fire these Workers …Reduction in Force ? Well I don’t think that would be a popular thing to do …. Scumbag move if you ask me

305f72  No.4787422

>>4787260 lb

Mario a POTUS man I believe. Put up the clip of him driving POTUS to a meeting from the apprentice show-not my cup of tea but that was good. Sad day when he departs for sure.

POTUS reaction at end is one of sheer enjoyment.

He is truly a man of the people.

29bde1  No.4787423


I, Wisdom, dwell with Prudence. - Proverbs

8bc118  No.4787424

File: fd9968d230ac240⋯.jpeg (240.88 KB, 750x515, 150:103, 10313FA6-2FC7-46E3-AFA5-D….jpeg)

329a86  No.4787425

File: dc60b46f2b01462⋯.jpg (239.6 KB, 1831x603, 1831:603, Telecom disruption Capitol….jpg)

File: c993f236405f4db⋯.png (59.01 KB, 1903x1715, 1903:1715, Capitola telecom disruptio….png)

Another Telecom disruption, S of San Fransisco in Capitola near Santa Cruz. Too early for detailed info.

It is California after all….

ccb80e  No.4787426

File: ece1da4bbdc2b9d⋯.jpg (134.5 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, bad-grandpa-e1437372097247.jpg)

6e3ffa  No.4787427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d7ac6a  No.4787428


Sorry baker, saw the other bread was full and didn't notice the new one was still in the oven

7320f9  No.4787429


>Q would want us digging to link the clearly deep state bombing in Syria, the Pelosi warning President Trump over security, and the FBI inventing a new terrorist who planned to blow up the Whitehouse

ISIS → C_A → Rogue black hats

f1cf76  No.4787430



I was going to send a notable request during last bread but was too late for this:

>>4786604, >> 4786678 Tucker on Yellow Vest Protests in France

Then I noticed something listed on Tucker & the yellow vests but the number doesn't correspond; take a look.

>>4786567 FINALLY MSM covers Yellow Vests. Who else would step up but Tucker?

I would repost if you want to pick up the Yellow Vest posts that are actually on that topic.

ddfa6a  No.4787431

File: 450eddecf2f676d⋯.png (300.05 KB, 631x460, 631:460, ClipboardImage.png)

bee291  No.4787432


Well said Anon.

561b1d  No.4787433


>Baker is doing yeomans work

Thank God someone still speaks English. TY.

2bf033  No.4787434

File: 2589c0e9a956eb3⋯.png (119.98 KB, 1242x572, 621:286, ClipboardImage.png)

Mitt is stuck in the past. Times have changed "mitt". You do not have the following on right that see the world as you do.

Mitt is a relic of the failed RNC under Bush/s

7320f9  No.4787435


sure, repost if you can

96304d  No.4787436

I think Q’s latest boom boom booms are clearly all these closed door transcripts leaking to epoch times … none of them are any good at all for the dems or obama admin / fbi holdovers

ecda20  No.4787437

File: a100dfa71ad2f1c⋯.png (718.16 KB, 920x568, 115:71, niteshift.png)

118de6  No.4787438


Happy Birthday anon!! Every year is a gift!

7aaab9  No.4787439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f1cf76  No.4787440


Will do

b35454  No.4787441



I love it - my brain is so addicted to the chaos of this board.

177224  No.4787442


haha wow i love human crypto now

bc0682  No.4787443


Why green?

bc0682  No.4787444


Yes it is!!! And I get the best potus in the world!

6e3ffa  No.4787445


Green Castle.

32577d  No.4787446

File: c8c8fbcbaf15c18⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 3857b5a8a85fc3e24f392f2832….jpg)

File: 813da5de66a2264⋯.jpg (233.89 KB, 1011x1350, 337:450, 9580926_1.jpg)

File: 2627350543cae28⋯.gif (826.61 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 1527142244573.gif)

File: 40f1bdd3acbd7dd⋯.jpg (15.74 KB, 222x255, 74:85, BushMurderJFK.png.jpg)

File: 8a005e2c6970533⋯.jpg (79.29 KB, 644x448, 23:16, screenshot-69.jpg)

9fc302  No.4787447


>Kikes making a meal this shit

English much?

7aaab9  No.4787448

fe2d85  No.4787449

File: c72f2485188a700⋯.png (192.91 KB, 659x442, 659:442, Night Shift 4.png)

5e9756  No.4787450


Lara Trump on Hannity says POTUS was disinvited for the SOTU. Did that happen?

305f72  No.4787451

633421  No.4787452


spouseanon came to bed and I'm here cracking up losing my shit because I had so much fun tonight. Showed the last bread. The McQueen photos, the memes giving shills shit.

Took me at least a month lurking before I even had a clue what was going on. Luckily found the FAQ's, the maps, the archives. So many layers.

love you, frens.

no homo

9602bc  No.4787453


Would be a nice pic but for the fact that the flag is about to be shredded in the chain.

67f207  No.4787454

File: aa16739d99764e5⋯.jpeg (18.01 KB, 255x183, 85:61, F8ABE7E0-2C36-4136-91D8-D….jpeg)


For pepe nigga

bc0682  No.4787455

bc0682  No.4787456



012822  No.4787457

File: c187fa1bb4e8242⋯.jpg (77.19 KB, 650x856, 325:428, c7.jpg)


No. Here are some tits for You.

7aaab9  No.4787458

File: b9edeb21e84c4a3⋯.jpeg (15.13 KB, 173x252, 173:252, 75D3882C-8D49-4B02-984E-4….jpeg)

7eac25  No.4787459



I’m just saying , after “brain force” it’s Tgirls and eggs.

278f8a  No.4787460

>>4787390 The bill only says they will get paid for the time of the shutdown. It doesn't say anything about them not being permanently laid off as "redundant" after the 30 days are up. The hope is the same as before. 'Nil desperandum !"

6a720f  No.4787461

File: b573240368dcf84⋯.png (111.81 KB, 328x493, 328:493, b573240368dcf8492d10b79be7….png)

Pinche pendejo niggers better not be calling me a beaner again. You eses better watch cho backs.

7aaab9  No.4787462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0e4fe9  No.4787463

File: b2e8cd78726239b⋯.png (284.24 KB, 648x690, 108:115, Jr re DC PHasson re Googl….PNG)

File: 5327c7115f7548a⋯.png (117.1 KB, 532x843, 532:843, 1 DC PHasson re Google Fam….PNG)

File: e0424c4443a88f9⋯.png (462.82 KB, 530x772, 265:386, 2 DC PHasson re Google Fam….PNG)

File: 6d819e04ef49f83⋯.png (322.42 KB, 530x786, 265:393, 3 DC PHasson re Google Fam….PNG)

Exclusive: How The Word ‘Family’ Triggered A Meltdown At Google



118de6  No.4787464


Mitt needs to be truly exposed. I mean, he's doing a great job himself in accomplishing that, but we need some NSA level exposure for this fraud. Same with the rest of the Never Trumpers.

053528  No.4787465


Absolute truth there…good reads, for certain!

b1b835  No.4787466


Are you a legal resident?

bee291  No.4787467


I don't think he would lay off a ton of people.

Remember one of the first meetings that was televised and they had the heads of each dept?

In that meeting they discussed merging depts. So FDA may now fall under the Agriculture umbrella as opposed to being on it's own.

b49dae  No.4787468


Oh, and phone fag posting sucks horribly. Windows phone to make even more enjoyable. BTW, you bakers rock, just saying. Me, not so much.

fe7ae4  No.4787469

Hello friends, I send you love

Unconditional love can only ever be all there is because there is only ONE–one substance, one life, one reality, one law. Love is the energetic glue connecting everything within this Infinite ONE and those who ignorantly continue to believe in and live out from a consciousness of separation and duality create for themselves the illusory forms of these beliefs.

7320f9  No.4787471


the Lisa Page one was a yuge confirmation

the one on James Baker also could be if they say he flipped on comey

d4a721  No.4787472

File: efebe8fcbb1ba00⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 600x603, 200:201, efebe8fcbb1ba00b73b0f908c5….jpg)


>I love


> i love

318dba  No.4787473


Damn fine Pepette.

993197  No.4787474

Hey guys remember when Q said the missile fired at POTUS enroute to the North Korea meeting was shot down by a fighter?

And we didn't think a fighter could do that?

"The strategy would involve the possible use of stealthy F-35 jets if a conflict broke out with, say, North Korea or Iran. The warplanes would detect any missile launches and feed the coordinates to regional missile defense units for intercept – or shoot down the missiles themselves. The Air Force, however, has yet to establish such a system."



118de6  No.4787475


Because they've been working to destroy the family for 50+ years.

305f72  No.4787476


Not about being popular. He is not popular in perceptive terms. Too much waste at all levels and it needs to be cleaned out. People are going to lose jobs. Jobs that should not exist.

Needs to be done

900f09  No.4787477


the pain it must cause the deep state is what makes all the waiting bearable

633421  No.4787478

7aaab9  No.4787479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b35454  No.4787480



But can you just imagine? It is no fucking wonder reporters who have obviously been here wrote that we are crazies. We're used to it - so much so that we think it's the JFK Jr shit that makes us look crazy. It couldnt possibly be the walls of bible verse, talmud, and song lyrics sandwiched between tits, ass, huge black clocks, scat porn - nah. Because we filter all that out. But a JFK jr pic can cause a meltdown.

And Q knew - to hide in here. Fucking genius

993197  No.4787481


This article also talks about DEW (Directed Energy Weapons), looks like Space Force is the vehicle with which to mainstream this CLAS tech

2bf033  No.4787482

File: 09bd495e8425908⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1048x780, 262:195, ClipboardImage.png)


Good evening Louis "termite" Farrakan.

7540e3  No.4787483


so it is the sun that is flat?

67f207  No.4787484


Calmate carnal


561b1d  No.4787485

File: ed847136bd6e2f1⋯.jpeg (15.04 KB, 255x254, 255:254, Pepe Comfy 3.jpeg)


> It is brilliant, but it's also ficking hilarious.

Just like everytime they turn Ai loose in here they're jew hating nazi's in a few hours. It's also the demoralizing effect of seeing your fragile house of cards dismantled by unassailable logic every time you bring your cheap shit here. Comfy? yeah.

305f72  No.4787486


thats nice..take that from front end of last bread?

177224  No.4787487


wowwwwwwww hive mind

b1b835  No.4787488


UFO type fighter.

6e3ffa  No.4787489


Subatomically…we is all flat.

591714  No.4787490


>Scumbag move if you ask me

Not asking you, dipshit.

dc47f8  No.4787491


THAT photo screams "MUH DICK" don't it?

875993  No.4787492


Waiting one LL. Hoping she is tomorrow.

f83ab6  No.4787493


The check bounced.

4ebad1  No.4787494

>>4787341, >>4787345, >>4787401, >>4787410, >>4787370

ty anons

>>4787428, >>4787383

It's all good, just want to make sure everyone remembers to watch out for us bakesters when we get the hiccups – happens to all of us.


Pastebin confirms: It's a fair cop.

Enjoy your shift, fren.

Gonna wind down for bed I t'ink.

Tired baker.

Enjoy night shift anons!

c7aed6  No.4787495


Related to

>>4786866 (lb)?

21f85e  No.4787496


Enjoyed your post so much I am saving it and sharing it. I hope you write a book or perhaps even a movie of this all.

c12aa8  No.4787497




bd4176  No.4787498


No one is stopping them from going and getting Actual Jobs. You know, jobs that they actually have to work at. If you ok with them still drawing a paycheck, even though they've already been labeled "Non Essential" then you need to go back. All the way back to Facebook.

b35454  No.4787499



So it isnt the fact that now you're waiting instead of just enduring that makes the waiting bearable? because before this what were you doing?

20cdd6  No.4787500

File: 096481bb3bfd87e⋯.jpeg (339.31 KB, 1927x805, 1927:805, image.jpeg)

dc47f8  No.4787501


Except my wife. She is definitely not flat!

32577d  No.4787502

File: 4f9f927e5e49126⋯.webm (8.08 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Alex Jones Employee Laura….webm)


wanker wanker wanker

b49dae  No.4787503


But clowns are everywhere like Peter Strzok or whatever his name is spelled. Right?

053528  No.4787504


It is indeed and it always puts a smile on my face to see it happening!

d18ddb  No.4787505

File: ab97f5647d0f720⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1154x972, 577:486, ClipboardImage.png)

Louis and Hussein. Haters of humankind .

bc0682  No.4787506

Ok, since no one asked why I was checking out the Australian, he had a weird temple on his property along with a freak8ng zoo and amusement park! Lots of gold and even had a his and hers gold rolls Royce. Was into taxidermy

a1bc2d  No.4787507

File: bc1d6235d223e94⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 720x524, 180:131, bc1d6235d223e946cf7a074af7….jpg)

177224  No.4787508

File: 9feee0005e5b1c4⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, ebot1.jpg)

File: 1a0654e78df5c40⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, ebot2.jpg)

6add54  No.4787509


Happy Birthday kid :-)

6e3ffa  No.4787510

I need a CALENDAR!

b6bc96  No.4787511



And pixelated.

f1cf76  No.4787512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker on Yellow Vest Protests in France

1-16-19, https://youtu.be/32mz62Diqlk, ~31 mins

PAGE ! (video) of 2 (article)

"Our media haven't said very much about the Yellow Vests and that should not surprise you. This is a "revolt against a deeply selfish and stupid establishment, and that includes the media."

Next come remarks made by Chrisophe Guilluy, author of Twilight of the Elites: Prosperity, Periphery and the Future of France.


Guilluy summary:

15 years ago, he noticed that most working class people live outside the major cities. The cities have no need for working class outside the big cities. But you can't build a society around this…

The YV protesters are from more rural areas; they are working class, not intellectuals. The cultural establishment can't grasp what's going on; similar to the intellectual response to Brexit in the UK. The protesters use the yellow vests to remind them "we exist."…..

Cities need French professionals and immigrants to do the scut work. There's no place for the French working class.

The French Bourgeousie is very hip and progressive; they ostracize the working class (like deplorables here): "They are looked upon as though they are some kind of Amazonian tribe."

Protesters have been denounced in France as xenophobes, anti-Semites and homophobes. The elites used this to defend their class. Now they are afraid.

Now the working class wants to be integrated into the culture. "We need a cultural revolution."

[The intellectuals] need to stop insulting the working class, to stop thinking of them as imbeciles. Cultural respect is fundamental….We also need to think differently about the economy–beyond Paris, London & New York.

Tucker: "Imagine what it would look like if Republicans leaders understood what you just heard. They must just start winning elections."

815062  No.4787513

File: b31c18d76ea80bf⋯.png (69.53 KB, 590x340, 59:34, FE7E0768-7717-4081-B874-90….png)

b35454  No.4787514



Thanks, anon. I've always been more of a reader than a writer - even here. But maybe I just will write that book when this is done. I will have to find something to do with myself, wont I?

0e4fe9  No.4787515

File: e608ab5adfa75f1⋯.png (718.88 KB, 638x835, 638:835, sdot re gas shaming 1-16-1….PNG)

File: 128b7e2acb53620⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1031x771, 1031:771, Polar Bear.PNG)

First, I liked the bear pic / reminds me of the Lion posted here

But, second, liberal Seattle, don't offend anyone is publicly shaming someone who ran out of gas downtown



925109  No.4787516

None of this shit matters, America is over




7320f9  No.4787517


>And we didn't think a fighter could do that?

we did find evidence they could

but I'm adding that article to notables, great find

they talk about missile defense, dews, space assets, and moar

good shit


true, but the rogue ones are the most dangerous imo

dbc90a  No.4787518

File: 07efdc6aabd40f4⋯.png (211.06 KB, 478x541, 478:541, 07efdc6aabd40f4ce0dae6d741….png)


It's really the Greatest SOMETHING Ever. Maybe a few. And I laugh my ass off every time I'm here, thinking the same things. PErfect.

ccb80e  No.4787519

File: 913145b4fc2f867⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 440x298, 220:149, 913145b4fc2f8677561a6c9463….jpg)



9fc302  No.4787520


Have a great night Baker. Thank you.

591714  No.4787521


Enjoy it, because your 60s will fly like a mofo. I'm already into year six of my 60s!

561b1d  No.4787522


>And with that, all of our righteous ambitions to use the shutdown to change the fundamental nature of our evil and wicked federal government go straight down the shitter.

Nonononono. Gov't employees have long been paid back for time during a shutdown. In fact, when I was furloughed and applied for state unemployment benefits, it turned into a giant cluster fuck to return the unemployment.

No, it's no panacea, but it will save STATES lots of money. Not bad, just different. Get over it.

305f72  No.4787523

File: 09f91bdd3a6cd85⋯.jpeg (46.43 KB, 474x480, 79:80, STFU.jpeg)

7320f9  No.4787524

File: 5ce36a101af4638⋯.png (31.7 KB, 388x318, 194:159, 5ce36a101af463848581932169….png)

Notables so far


>>4787327 Papadopoulos Told Congress That FBI Asked Him To Spy On Mystery Professor At Center Of Collusion Probe

>>4787369 Dig on Camille Francois Analysis Director at Graphika

>>4787378 Fake Washington Post copies announcing Trump's resignation handed out in Washington, DC

>>4787474 Trump Prepares Case for Funding New Missile Defense Plan

>>4787512 Tucker on Yellow Vest Protests in France



thanks, have a good one baker

6a720f  No.4787525

File: e658b7a62097668⋯.png (42.23 KB, 226x258, 113:129, e658b7a62097668d45946768ce….png)


Who's asking? La migra?!

6dc887  No.4787526

File: dd3157ab0cc3eb0⋯.png (759.46 KB, 1208x1324, 302:331, ClipboardImage.png)


903850  No.4787527

Do you think Nancy will giveTrump his wall before the shutdown hits 30days to avoid the RIF

14460e  No.4787528


Camera white balance set for daylight. Appears to be sodium vapor lights that actually have the spectrum you see here.

7320f9  No.4787529


ha, #6110

caught it early

900f09  No.4787530


before this i lived outside the system little contact with real world in a bubble if you will

still do but much more awake as to why i am this way and passed about it and seeing the evidence and the sloiw walk is excruciating but if it pains me just imagein how it feals to them and all the 3 letters trying to follow it all

millions spent on counter Q ops

1525bd  No.4787531

File: 6f79c618817ec23⋯.png (6.97 KB, 531x122, 531:122, no shits in my ebake.png)

we filter breadshitters because we cant delete just one of your posts like BO can

>>4559819 (pb)

305f72  No.4787532


you jinxed it anon!!!!!

a1bc2d  No.4787533

File: 115bfab850a2f6c⋯.jpg (97.47 KB, 960x959, 960:959, dd9cdb42a1dc13bed8a56e39d0….jpg)

f1cf76  No.4787534

File: 6a9e52be2044e7f⋯.png (2.44 MB, 940x7080, 47:354, yellow vests christophe gu….png)


"Tucker on Yellow Vest Protests in France

1-16-19, https://youtu.be/32mz62Diqlk, ~31 mins

PAGE 2 of 2 (article)

Attached is the transcript of the interview with French author Christophe Guilluy from which Tucker read on his show tonight.

I was very excited to see this coverage on FOX, because there has been so little MSM coverage of any kind, despite the ongoing protests in France. To the point where populist opposition leader Marine Le Pen had to broadcast her speech in support of the French people on Facebook; no other media outlet would carry it.

But the persistence of the Yellow Vests seems to be slowly breaking through the media blackout.

Next step: FOX should SEND A NEWS CREW to France and other countries to cover the Yellow Vest movement and actually interview participants.

329a86  No.4787535


Possibly. too early to say as both are relatively new

Sauce: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php

318dba  No.4787536


It makes so much more sense when you spell it out that way.

b35454  No.4787537



I have seen some truly brilliant things posted here by anons I will never meet. I mean, things that were breathtaking in their depth and scope. Snd then….a filthy toilet, next post.

This place is like nothing else, that is for sure

b1b835  No.4787538

c7d5ef  No.4787539

if God is coming (and I think he is)

we will be judged by the laws we live by

where we go one we go all will mean we will all be judged together

stop killing babies now

9602bc  No.4787540


To be fair, they're cool with Muslims.

875993  No.4787541

Gillibrand Reverses Position on Drivers’ Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants

2020 Dem hopeful says 'we have to make it possible for people to provide for their families'

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) no longer opposes giving drivers' licenses to undocumented immigrants.

"I think we have to make it possible for people to provide for their families," Gillibrand told the New York Daily News on Wednesday outside a diner in Brunswick, New York. "We need comprehensive immigration reform. Without doing that, you’re not going to get the problem solved for the rest of the country."

Gillibrand formerly opposed then-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's controversial 2007 proposal to give drivers' licenses to undocumented immigrants.

"I do not support giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants," Gillibrand said in a 2007 statement, the Syracuse Post Star reported. At the time, Gillibrand said she supported legislation that required anyone seeking a drivers' license to show proof of citizenship first.


633421  No.4787542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Comey vs. McCabe. Rolling each other under the bus. Either McCabe leaked or Comey told him to.

Leak investigation is huge.

Federal Attorney from CT looking into James Baker.

Huber has everything and he has help.

00430e  No.4787543

File: 052f2277a95747b⋯.png (568.49 KB, 639x530, 639:530, HMMM?.png)

9d1d82  No.4787544

File: 596095c9ba69c5f⋯.jpeg (36.28 KB, 474x294, 79:49, 13F26DDD-D2BF-4164-B8CA-1….jpeg)

File: 77a47df783294cf⋯.jpeg (40.06 KB, 474x319, 474:319, 0CC60417-B7D6-4CF8-8934-F….jpeg)

Godspeed Patriots…

bb9d8b  No.4787545

File: a0ab201fe5d98af⋯.png (20.02 KB, 331x244, 331:244, Screenshot_2019-01-17 Abou….png)

File: 4715f3d3c8fdd45⋯.png (587.66 KB, 803x595, 803:595, OutsidersPizza.png)


I get Voodoo Donuts vibes from this company and their followers.

This instagram post mentions Al Gore. Check out the horn, the pentagrams, the scarab beetle, and the butterfly.

Don't know if it's anything solid but getting odd vibes.

0baa72  No.4787546

File: 29267b0822ab7ec⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 423x600, 141:200, 9ba05073eebf8264f07540633f….jpg)



Yes, on all points. I havent had this much fun since solotanking Golemagg with all Blue gear.

7320f9  No.4787547

File: a56f3e3ebda3b31⋯.png (11.19 MB, 7039x4483, 7039:4483, Durhamsidebyside.png)


>Leak investigation

John Durham

b6bc96  No.4787548

File: 785130859a4772b⋯.png (249.86 KB, 500x500, 1:1, wut.png)

6e3ffa  No.4787549

File: 7ed3e9effb150bc⋯.png (1.39 MB, 945x623, 135:89, Screenshot_345.png)

b44663  No.4787550

CHICAGO — "Building inspectors found multiple possible violations in R. Kelly's warehouse studio on the Near West Side Wednesday, according to officials, as the singer faces increased scrutiny over sexual abuse allegations.

"City inspectors observed building code violations including evidence of residential use which is non-compliant with the zoning code and work performed without approved plans or permits," the Department of Buildings said in a statement.

"They didn't find any evidence of criminal activity that hostages or sex slaves were kept there or any evidence that confirms the ridiculous allegations that seem to continue to be regurgitated," R. Kelly's attorney Steve Greenberg said.


2ff717  No.4787551

File: 10b7510f46f9dc7⋯.png (152.21 KB, 306x281, 306:281, Again w da shit.PNG)


Geezus anon, grab a vowel. Back pay is tradition with every shut down.

32577d  No.4787552


You think?

The only thing they have in-common is they both hate whites and yet they look as black as one of my regular shits.

The Jew hate gag is what (((they))) do.

Expect attacks on synagogues to intensify.

bc0682  No.4787553

File: 9e976b8f3cf5edb⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, D315552A-F031-410F-8CF4-DA….png)

File: d6df6395657b256⋯.png (4.71 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0AE658CF-1EA2-4F55-AE19-DF….png)

From the mansion in Australia, named the Notre Dame

Part 1

c7aed6  No.4787554


I got the impression the 30 day marker was more a point where layoffs could occur.

That is, at that point it becomes more like a restructuring or down sizing, so not as many legal protections for the employees.

329a86  No.4787555

File: 5c92d70e7e41083⋯.jpg (255.95 KB, 1858x620, 929:310, Los Altos Quake 1-16-2019.jpg)


An Earthquake nearby possible reason

478ddc  No.4787556

File: 20eebd3384bee5a⋯.jpg (73.24 KB, 433x577, 433:577, IMG480258785.jpg)

My schmekels!

925109  No.4787557

I have two folded US flags in the living room. You have no fucking clue what my family had been through

Have another McDonald's sewer burger and feel better.




6dc887  No.4787558

File: d8b19310eab58ee⋯.png (207.85 KB, 1256x1038, 628:519, ClipboardImage.png)

Did Pelosi threaten our POTUS?

bc0682  No.4787559

File: 766f7ccb68a7c2c⋯.png (3.61 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 235BB1EF-B1D0-4ADC-8224-05….png)

File: 176701e23b0db6d⋯.png (3.52 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 9E38F6FB-69F7-4A0A-AC6B-8C….png)

File: 4ea88f0c74e665f⋯.png (3.79 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 86582DCB-B49E-4013-94EE-FE….png)


Part 2 the temple

6add54  No.4787560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes, but have you not heard?

e826f9  No.4787561

File: 187de33f6ea8744⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 397x400, 397:400, laughing dog.jpg)

a14825  No.4787562

File: 25f2a502881f5b6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 922x686, 461:343, ClipboardImage.png)


so comfy

39af11  No.4787563

Government shutdown began December 22,2018.. Full moon, super blood wolf moon January 21st = 30 days..

Done in 30? Undiscovered stars (actors) learned?

Full moon lights up the night..

Non essentials terminated after 30 days?

Bad actors exposed?

Done in 30.. Missions forward?

ecda20  No.4787564


yea I did, messing around with it..such a cool pic it is

633421  No.4787565

File: 94abeb916def22e⋯.jpeg (80.15 KB, 530x707, 530:707, comfy.dig.meme.pray.jpeg)

815062  No.4787566

File: afb2e2a2e5098dd⋯.png (74.59 KB, 590x340, 59:34, 6129B355-727D-49AC-8D77-EE….png)

bb9d8b  No.4787567

File: 08fa59a82ee6a30⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, golden.gif)

925109  No.4787570

305f72  No.4787571

File: d5a75001854cdce⋯.jpg (343.99 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, La Migra!.jpg)

6dc887  No.4787572

File: dad357852cf3aed⋯.png (806.43 KB, 1220x1084, 305:271, ClipboardImage.png)

NP does not look too bad for a 95 year old…


1525bd  No.4787573


ebot reveal


i see you buddy, kek

2ff717  No.4787574

File: 560df48496ade11⋯.jpg (163.85 KB, 960x712, 120:89, Gorilla Ballet.jpg)


Let's roll

bc0682  No.4787575


I will try

71feab  No.4787576


POTUS has the patience of a saint. I don't know how he does it.

45abca  No.4787577

File: a3648e19324dc59⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, COBdiagram-page-001.jpg)

File: 5237afcf5e88551⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, COBdiagram-page-002.jpg)

lurker here.

I noticed a few days ago that anons were still looking for who/what is “Y”.

I came across this website https:// deepstatemappingproject.com , that has a flyer on the timeline of the cult of baal. It has a “Y” in the bottom right hand corner, beside the legend. The thing that struck me, is the crown above it - the only crown that was placed on the flyer, here it is with better definition-> https:// drive.google.com/file/d/15GFmvNY9Fa2dAl-UZnSVjS65I7-u7j9E/view.

The “Owl” is also presented here. It’s at the 7 o’clock position of the USA 1776 (bottom circle) .

Not sure if it leads to the correct answer, but something to think about.

Keep up the stellar work!

a1bc2d  No.4787578

File: e353ab1529d5710⋯.jpeg (178.52 KB, 716x822, 358:411, bq-5c3947e74f1b1.jpeg)

1525bd  No.4787579


capped and saved

6c7661  No.4787580

File: cdcaee0964c9539⋯.png (280.27 KB, 630x500, 63:50, 6c3a94b6808a581081b0697ffe….png)


This CT Attorney looking into Comey's days at Bridgewater too, I wonder?

2f8f50  No.4787581


somebody has never watched the night sky

305f72  No.4787582


you guys do awesome work. All I do is find or take what is here.

815062  No.4787583

File: 396b1700a150164⋯.png (69.97 KB, 590x314, 295:157, D3B1554F-BD3A-4451-A8B9-1D….png)

ccb80e  No.4787584

File: 6d3c17b41ffcd02⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 480x720, 2:3, comfy.jpg)

305f72  No.4787585

File: ce90c24f1ee9f61⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 8ch greeting.jpg)

b6bc96  No.4787586

File: 2107260fb790643⋯.gif (2 MB, 386x264, 193:132, comfydog.gif)

ce23cd  No.4787587

File: b25107816d9b313⋯.png (253.87 KB, 463x500, 463:500, crazy.png)

1525bd  No.4787588


thats hella funny. i always thought you dude picture was a legit room photo

12eda4  No.4787589


What is sad is ,You could start trying to wake people up 20 yrs ago and still wouldn't come close to the millions Alex did. True story

da2c12  No.4787590

File: 8700fad6d2b8552⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 500x730, 50:73, 2msglj.jpg)

dcf3e6  No.4787591

File: 4a1d72f646aaf9e⋯.jpeg (770.43 KB, 1125x723, 375:241, D4CF2644-3628-455D-8697-5….jpeg)


I’m loving the flat sun theory.

Cuz flat is where it’s at.

f7ee6e  No.4787592

Baker here, i need someone to take this , I have an emergency.

Any baker around?

Fast please.

21f85e  No.4787593



we all will

633421  No.4787594

File: 0b2e6cc15a91e04⋯.png (118.28 KB, 637x458, 637:458, Screen Shot 2019-01-17 at ….png)


I'm not buying the whole firing of government workers. I think this is all about bringing PAIN to the dems and forcing them to concede that their narrative is shit.

Q Team knows what they're doing.

They're looking at the data and the longer this takes the more the dems are eroded.

If the data wasn't favorable the position would be adapted.

This is what winning looks like.

af571b  No.4787595

File: ea6f751ed3646c4⋯.jpg (19.48 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1002280_648294055200060_21….jpg)

File: 6bf6ee583f8094b⋯.jpg (64.69 KB, 620x563, 620:563, 12039706_10204881289767257….jpg)

File: 2d9158c61b7d553⋯.jpg (50.62 KB, 528x408, 22:17, 37075462_10211583337684599….jpg)

b35454  No.4787596



I was prompted to post by some schmuck who was trying to sound all cerebral, looking down on everyone here like we're the idiots.

I've known since the day I found this place (nope, not from the beginning) that this - Q - is the real deal. Something clicked, and it wont unclick.

But I couldnt coherently explain it outside this board, and I'm guessing many others couldn't either.

Just felt like I needed to type that all out because it is important to know that the craziness of this board is why it was chosen- or a big part of it. We are living camouflage

7320f9  No.4787597

bb9d8b  No.4787598

File: 39733a259fea3f6⋯.jpg (36.41 KB, 800x551, 800:551, nighthawks_full house.jpg)


Happy Birthday, Anon!! So glad to have you with us!

815062  No.4787599

File: 1f525f4d7c82683⋯.png (77.42 KB, 590x366, 295:183, 8B9FDCC6-208A-4732-829A-BE….png)

bc0682  No.4787600

Ok , am I the only one who reads notables???

Why are we Regurgitating the same notables thread after thread?

b44663  No.4787601

"We are bringing our troops home. The caliphate has crumbled, and ISIS is defeated." -Vice President Mike Pence

4ebad1  No.4787602


Are you on another IP? On your phone?

I'm still here (prev. baker)

Will monitor

bc0682  No.4787603


Thank you anon!

6dc887  No.4787604


Dirty cop cardinal comey is heading for a fall. Comey is so full of himself that he will not believe he is a bad guy until the bracelets are on his wrists.

dcf3e6  No.4787605


And … who egzactly took this pitcher?

6add54  No.4787606


This is why I stay up all night. Night shift rules

f1cf76  No.4787607


Here are the Yellow Vest posts under my old title, but I like the title the Baker used last bread better.

(The post with that title from LB should be either deleted or changed, anyway. Wrong topic.)

Suggested revision:

>>4787512, >>4787534 FINALLY MSM covers Yellow Vests. Who else would step up but Tucker?

561b1d  No.4787608


>This is what winning looks like.

Thanks Rush. We've got this.

e826f9  No.4787609



196b24  No.4787610




* FBI agents didn't know that Mifsud was really western intelligence

* FBI was testing him

* PapaD is lying

PapaD and his 'wife' glow, presumably Israel. But why wouldn't they just disappear instead of continue running the con?

7320f9  No.4787611


b35454  No.4787612



5:45 comes early, and I havent had more than 4 hours of sleep at a stretch in…I cant remember. I glance during the day. I live here at night

26553b  No.4787613

bb9d8b  No.4787614

File: 1ed43c3e86ea8b5⋯.gif (200.85 KB, 900x450, 2:1, NIGHT SHIFT.gif)

File: 01c50b274ec4f1b⋯.png (154 KB, 561x502, 561:502, NightShiftPepe5.png)

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB, 512x640, 4:5, niteshiftkek.gif)

6e3ffa  No.4787615

File: 825280bc7f9494c⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1059x736, 1059:736, Screenshot_236.png)


ebot cooks meth.

633421  No.4787616

File: 322520ca0b44b49⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 298x273, 298:273, seal.baker.war.jpg)


'night baker. ty

cf639d  No.4787617

File: f013684fae1031c⋯.jpeg (177.09 KB, 960x617, 960:617, 64608ADC-7ED7-47C3-8451-F….jpeg)


Shhhhhh…..Firing .gov workers is good psyop to panic the DS.

Imagine the drop in DCHousing prices if it habbened, tho.

815062  No.4787618


It's a frail cult demanding validation for eating babies huh

177224  No.4787619

hold steady anons and baker - shills are incoming and really going into hyper drive

12eda4  No.4787620


PapaD was a FBI plant trying to set Trump up. Guy is a weapons dealer

f7ee6e  No.4787621

af571b  No.4787622

File: dd380a500cbbe99⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 634x476, 317:238, 5055062-6277409-image-m-52….jpg)

815062  No.4787623

File: 51fd81f10848ee6⋯.png (72.72 KB, 590x340, 59:34, 2A71C88E-9854-43EA-BF20-65….png)

b1b835  No.4787624


Have you heard the military courts kick in one?

2ff717  No.4787625

File: fc2a658584dc572⋯.png (1.28 MB, 836x689, 836:689, Q Eagle over water.PNG)


Left: shame everyone who doesn't believe exactly as I do. Mistake #1

There are no polar bears in the Washington the state. Mistake #2

I'll steal that face palm though because there are polar bears in Alaska.

561b1d  No.4787626



Direct pressure on wound. Quick clot if you have it. Tourniquet if you have to. Dial 911 because I'm too far away to help you right now. Go!

155829  No.4787627

File: b6645e03e9d0c13⋯.png (287.29 KB, 696x392, 87:49, ClipboardImage.png)

Ohr Testimony Reveals Top DOJ Officials Briefed About Steele Before FISA


d7ac6a  No.4787628

File: b9ca120c4927d65⋯.jpg (343.01 KB, 1554x1054, 777:527, amir.jpg)



I guess this will trigger some of you shills. If Anons don't know who Amir is, you should. He is a jewish christian with a perspective on events in the middle east that you won't get anywhere else.

My notes on the video he just posted:

-Israel strike in damascus airport confirmed by govt.

-Daily cargo flights from Tehran to Damascus, can watch it like planefags. IDF waits until the warehouses are full, then strikes them.

-Amazing how can iranians be in a financial crisis yet afford to send all these weapons

-Syrians vowed to strike back on Israel but cannot

-Nuclear archive from tehran also included maps of 6 tunnels, which have been uncovered and or neutralized, Hezbollah huge embarrassment

-Tunnels were supposed to be a huge victory for Hezbollah

-Hassan Nusrallah rushed to hosp. either heart attack or cancer possibly, can’t confirm

-American iranian sanctions working well, china just pulled out of an oil field deal, iran only selling 1M barrels per day now

-poland will host anti-iran conference, angering Russia

-EU decided to impose sanctions on iran because Israel uncovered and thwarted terrorist attacks in Denm, Neth, Swed, France

-Trump said 1) we will protect the entrance to Syria, 2) he will crush turkish economy if Erdogan touches the Kurds

-Iran now attacking shiites who have converted to born again Christians. Thousands every month. Lord is actually doing a mighty work in Iran.

-We are on the verge of Ezekiel’s war (not armageddon war). 5 countries coming against israel for the sake of war and plunder. Russia / Turkey / Iran / Libya / Sudan

-Turkey was caught aiding Libya and providing weapons

-Israel will have early elections in May

-Mossad and Shabbach just warned a foreign country will try to intervene in favor of Netanyahu

-Russia released a statement saying "Keep our name out of your elections", because of the circus going on here in the US.

-Israelis are already saying Russia is about to intervene, so they have the same cabal problem we do with their media

-Obvious there is a concerted effort by Globalists against Trump and Netanyahu, both mired by false allegations

-If Netanyahu and Trump lose their respective elections, it would be a perfect storm for Ezekiel’s war, i.e. Globalists will seize the opportunity

-Word of God is still being preached and received in many places / but the progressive globalist efforts are being doubled up.

-You thought things are bad now, they will get a lot worse in the coming year.

-Europe falling apart, French clueless / criticizing israel yet attacking their own people with tear gas.

-Macron also attacking the poor by raising their gas taxes and installing new traffic cams everywhere, which the yellow vests are destroying.

-Foresee a German / French effort to bring about a ‘new EU’ which could be the empire from which the antichrist emerges

-new EU will be more radical, more militant, and project opposite values of the current EU

-the works of the enemy are so transparent to the believer when you know the spirit and word of God

-mystery of lawlessness, spirit of antichrist is easy to detect, exciting the believers. Our enemy is not from the outside, but from the inside.

-so many church movements that will bring about biblical illiteracy, not grounded in the Word

-be Bereans, check everything by the Scriptures, and don’t discard the old testament

-knowing OT is key to understanding NT, knowing both is key to understanding world events

-Read your Bible and confirm everything by the Word

4ebad1  No.4787629


Heard. Carry on.

(Fucking shills).


Hey I think this bread's bun should be #6110 yeah? (not 6111)

329a86  No.4787630

File: 7fe07ef2a8aceaf⋯.jpg (371.35 KB, 1834x597, 1834:597, Hobart Indiana fire.jpg)

File: 75af9fdeea5061e⋯.png (59.05 KB, 1903x1715, 1903:1715, Screenshot_2019-01-17 RSOE….png)

Fire in Hobart Indiana, 3 injured

4ea698  No.4787631

File: 9c3cc14d597b0f4⋯.png (99.79 KB, 254x408, 127:204, Screenshot 2018-09-12 at 9….png)


Are you sure?

b35454  No.4787632


Thank you, anon. I was just thinking out loud. I hope everyone else loves this place as much as I do

dcf3e6  No.4787633


Dem boobies is defying all sorts of laws if physics.

6e3ffa  No.4787634



For one of the worst addresses to the People, the Democratic response was even worse than the address!

67f207  No.4787635

File: 1ce54c00c5345b4⋯.jpeg (22.49 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 37905388-FB1F-44F5-B40B-B….jpeg)

94322e  No.4787636

Did Q say Gillibrand was NXIVM? Where did i read that last year?

e826f9  No.4787637

File: 0000f5dc42ca97a⋯.jpg (77.3 KB, 550x442, 275:221, bread.jpg)

0e4fe9  No.4787638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>POTUS has the patience of a saint. I don't know how he does it.

How would you feel if you knew you were saving your country / even WW

Donald Trump was always meant to be our President; the Proper President he spoke of in 1980

Every single thing about his personality, his brilliance, has led him to this moment in time

Video 4:23 mins / Worth Watching if you've not yet seen it


815062  No.4787639

File: 59dd28cfd04611e⋯.png (79.46 KB, 590x366, 295:183, 069C2442-0C7F-48DA-B620-0B….png)

Buy the yuge vibrator for (you)r oval

29bde1  No.4787640

Feeding them 1000 HAMBERDERS ?





Yeah, DO THAT ! Do THAT !

f3f0f6  No.4787641

File: e39440523e980d1⋯.jpg (56.75 KB, 449x624, 449:624, pic1422481.jpg)

ccb80e  No.4787642

File: 642a09595ee70b9⋯.jpg (100.52 KB, 625x869, 625:869, 642a09595ee70b9774ca4fc677….jpg)

7320f9  No.4787643


fucker said it was a "joke"

and yup, see: >>4787529

it's fixed

305f72  No.4787644


trips confirm that is or was a fairly spoopy place just west of hiway 1. Big money now. This is where Blassey-Ford spent time as a kid puking guts out in margaritaville. I've fed the fish there a few times in a previous life.

b1b835  No.4787645


Her father did something for them.

1525bd  No.4787646

File: f55b5af195231c8⋯.png (1.25 MB, 845x633, 845:633, miller time.png)

bd4176  No.4787647

I believe Nancy is worried about getting that big Coffin in there for ol' RBG. Maybe she knows that RBG won't be able to make it.


fa513d  No.4787648




b6b71e  No.4787649

The only thing the DS hates more than POTUS is us.

Let’s remind them why they hate us.

Memes, GIFs, and jokes.

We are smarter than them.

cf639d  No.4787650


Kek. I love it when muh memes come in handy.

12eda4  No.4787651


I seen that somewhere too. Was thinking about that yesterday

b35454  No.4787652



Took me a while too. My first many posts just got "Lurk moar" replies.

7320f9  No.4787653



Her father was a lobbyist for them, she was not in the cult


6e3ffa  No.4787654

File: fb6fde56f7c5e2c⋯.png (511.07 KB, 595x463, 595:463, Screenshot_346.png)


Is that a jar full of solidified bacon grease?

b1b835  No.4787655


Hi Freddy.

bee291  No.4787656


I like it!

b6b71e  No.4787657

File: 05b7ce1eec71c00⋯.gif (970.91 KB, 500x211, 500:211, E5087E01-D5E8-47CD-BD78-D1….gif)

18af52  No.4787658


Not how I read it. He may be shady elsewhere, but he was getting railroaded by team McCabe after Comey ousting. Get him to bite on anything to push the muh Russia narrative.

Can't wait to see if/when he gives the 10k cash over to the feds. He's still sitting on that gem (guessing for safety in case this all goes sideways).

f1cf76  No.4787659

File: 4438edf9283df36⋯.jpg (5.22 KB, 284x177, 284:177, mt.jpg)







Funny you posted this. LB I was just thinking how I spend my time here.

1. digging a. offline (long diggs, tedious but worth it) b. online (shorter diggs, more interactive/fun)

2. memeing (fun simple memes)

3. praying - all the time

4. exchanging ideas & doing group diggs together: exciting when it works

5. "sitting" with people with real troubles

6. giving & taking feedback (rewarding also hard sometimes)

7. coming up with quick memes in a conversation (I'm never fast enough)

8. adding sauce to "thin" pieces (could be a phone-fagger)

9. looking for notables (espec. ones that don't stand out)

10. opposing certain kinds of shill posts (eg, advocating violence; not often, just if it seems right)

11. encouraging anons with positive feedback; God knows we get enough of the other kind.

12. Rare: songs & poems

Try to avoid:

1. hostile exchanges that serve no purpose

2. no sauce, no text w/caps (too hard for others)

3. butting into private exchanges between others (you can tell)

4. criticizing anons for no damn good reason

5. criticizing Q

6. division-fagging (painful to behold)

7. concern-fagging (what a drag!)

8. responding to stale, old shill posts (what's the use?)

9. arguing with bakers (or whining about them)

10. Are-we-there-yet fagging

11. getting too attached to long projects (can be hard to keep perspective)

12. thinking I know more than others (ongoing project)

Crazy place but somehow it's home…..

4c3b48  No.4787660

File: de15d4c18268192⋯.jpeg (175.59 KB, 750x790, 75:79, E3A840FB-8E54-4167-9D0F-9….jpeg)

561b1d  No.4787661


>Are you sure?

Well, that's what Maja Rushi has said all along. He didn't say what it would look like exactly, but he never said it would be pretty. Yeah, I'm sure.

f83ab6  No.4787662


Why do we taxpayers have to pay for all those useless eaters who "can't be fired"?

If they're non-essential now, and not working now, why do we have to keep them?

Because they vote Democrat?

Bite me.

b27fd7  No.4787663

File: 115b56be7b1c5c4⋯.jpg (134.73 KB, 831x1024, 831:1024, 115b56be7b1c5c45c313ddbbd6….jpg)

File: 2e8a95f290dc007⋯.jpg (69.8 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1510773338326.jpg)

>>4786567 (notable)

We have Ex Post Facto. Meaning that you can't be penalized for an action that happened before the action was made an illegal offense.

What we need is Ex Post Fuxxored. Meaning that if you stuff your pockets through a law that never existed or never had constitutional authorization, those goodies get confiscated. Even citizenship. ESPECIALLY citizenship.

b35454  No.4787664



Theres no way they could ever unravel it. Q is literally a genius

c47b2c  No.4787665


Fuckin KEK!

Thanks for that.

fa513d  No.4787666

File: 18156cea26f603e⋯.png (63.28 KB, 582x478, 291:239, ClipboardImage.png)


815062  No.4787667


Friends are worthless

Use enemies and their backs

Make them huff peanut butter from each other's assholes for a thule cocaine wash through the Vatican

df1e3c  No.4787668

File: 7c1548f3778937b⋯.jpg (988.68 KB, 3456x2020, 864:505, IMG_20190113_153934__01__0….jpg)


If it weren't for this place and you guys, I'd probably go insane.

bb9d8b  No.4787669

File: d3bbe008b5953c5⋯.jpg (77.05 KB, 669x500, 669:500, trust the plan.jpg)



Agreed, anons. The Plan was loooooooooong in the making…

67f207  No.4787670

File: 8cf9ebe2e605159⋯.jpeg (18.63 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 9023F617-7842-4D78-AC2D-B….jpeg)


I get giddy sometimes when an opportunity presents itself to use a meme I’ve been saving.

It’s as if all is right in the world for a moment….


305f72  No.4787671


I remember that baker. Left us all hanging because he was hungry.

18af52  No.4787672


If the House floor is ADA compliant the casket should fit. If not we all got screwed out of more taxes for fluffy legislation. Kek!

29bde1  No.4787674


This is the SHUT DOWN food everybody needs.

766232  No.4787675



b35454  No.4787676


Ditto, anon

fa513d  No.4787677



4ebad1  No.4787678

e2e2b1  No.4787679

What does Q mean by 11:11. It’s not a date.

It’s a plan!

11.1 Q said the house will be clean.

11.2 ?

11.3 Podesta Indicted

11.4 confirm 11.3 to public

11.5 ?

11.6 Huma indicted

11.7 Ecclesiastes 11:7 Light is sweet, and it please the eyes

11.8 ?

11.9 IDEN_reconf <identity reconnaissance?> maybe q confirms who he is?

11.10 ?

11.11 Strategic Marker

815062  No.4787680

File: 0b36837b151b3c5⋯.png (67.02 KB, 590x314, 295:157, 24E831D7-76CE-4AAF-888B-8C….png)

b1b835  No.4787681


Bye Freddy.

6e3ffa  No.4787682

File: 3ca0e9583de0217⋯.png (169.2 KB, 1017x550, 1017:550, Screenshot_347.png)


BERDERS is a Jewish surname from Argentina.

Don't know what that means, but it is what it is.


b279f1  No.4787683

File: b5c0e56af1da5be⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 300x424, 75:106, b5c0e56af1da5be1e6af22541d….gif)

9/9/1999 Never Forget!

6add54  No.4787684


wanker lube, you know, for those scoring posts

633421  No.4787685

File: cc99527103e7451⋯.jpg (17.39 KB, 736x210, 368:105, cheaper.to.buy.oil.jpg)


I'm sorry for your loss, anon. POTUS is bringing them home. No longer will America continue asking for the ultimate sacrifice in exchange for corporate interest. May you find peace and here's to the dawn of a new America.

9fc302  No.4787686



Low rent shill team. DSA agents don’t have to go to work tomorrow since the bigly beautiful shutdown is still ongoing.

9321a3  No.4787687


Kind of a nothing burger. One does not just attack the White House. I expect this guy is just mental. Chances of him having anyone funding or backing him and that being the plan is pretty much zero.

bb9d8b  No.4787688


Kek… #metoo

6add54  No.4787689


yeah yeah yeah goodbye

977283  No.4787690

File: bd83f960e2a331b⋯.jpg (304.94 KB, 672x960, 7:10, bd83f960e2a331bcc3fca90c59….jpg)


I have had similar thoughts as well. This place is like a Bangkok bar on Saturday night. Can you imagine Ivy Leaguer Clown analysts trying to make heads or tails of the flow? It was a stroke of high level strategery to park us all here.

2ff717  No.4787691

File: f211c4d0e7ccd1b⋯.png (758.09 KB, 1036x709, 1036:709, Feinstein Blank.PNG)


A rich, californian has major access to plastic surgery and every treatment short of plastic surgery designed to improve your physical appearance.

Nancy Pelosi has been outed by the Kardasans, imo. Enough plastic surgery,aggressive non-surgical treatments to reduce aging are in full force.

12eda4  No.4787692


Stayed at Holiday Inn 2 weeks ago, Complete genius

af571b  No.4787693


It's a fucking push up bra, dude

b35454  No.4787694


Exactly this

67f207  No.4787695


If your the the anon that made it.

Top Kek

bee291  No.4787696


What is this website Anon?

305f72  No.4787697

File: 429eeb41f54c444⋯.png (349.95 KB, 675x479, 675:479, POTUS points it out.png)

196b24  No.4787698


>PapaD was a FBI plant trying to set Trump up.

A plant possibly, but probably not FBI.

The play here was to use people from DoD, CIA, and MI6 to feed breadcrumbs into the system for FBI to pick up 'evidence' freshly laundered through unwitting patsies.

More likely he was a patsy.

318dba  No.4787699


I think you found the main nerve man. Probably many of us feel that way.

Just weren't sure how to say it.

Takes its toll sometimes though. Usually can't stay away for more than a couple of days.

Side effects are: TV seems really stupid, family thinks you are a conspiracy theorist, may try making sense out of random numbers and capitalized letters, sometimes saying KEK out loud instead of laughing, etc.

633421  No.4787700


Anon, why are you here?

815062  No.4787701


b279f1  No.4787702

Pelosi has a nose like Michael Jackson

8f80f5  No.4787703

File: ac85784a371cd42⋯.jpeg (48.6 KB, 504x282, 84:47, 4B720D29-D63F-4257-A13F-F….jpeg)

File: db8ad2f38fddb0c⋯.jpeg (152.6 KB, 647x648, 647:648, 55CC8343-190F-4617-B493-8….jpeg)

File: 10a560ec8c44a9f⋯.jpeg (68.41 KB, 750x495, 50:33, E4044E1D-6AFC-4238-9904-0….jpeg)

File: bb1ff1e59bb0825⋯.jpeg (63.84 KB, 610x564, 305:282, D1AA842D-999B-4420-947A-9….jpeg)

dcf3e6  No.4787704


Muh First Laff tonight. Thanks!

b35454  No.4787705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

900f09  No.4787706


even when can eat steak and lobster every day

u gotta have a big mac now and again

6e3ffa  No.4787707

File: d6636edce7e4714⋯.png (725.05 KB, 1273x657, 1273:657, fugginANON.png)


You missed cap Anon in background peeking and smiling behind her ashen visage!

29bde1  No.4787708


Only the E and the D were out of place though.

f1cf76  No.4787709


Usually it's more like I see a great meme, want to reply, and have to create something–which takes a little time. ("So there I was–45 minutes later–replying FINALLY.") Only works on night shift.

305f72  No.4787711


top kek!

118de6  No.4787712


Def. patsy. He didn't have the imagination to even fathom what he was up against. Too young with zero experience. Wanted to make money and a name for himself. They played off his ego and he went with it believing his own self importance. Not the sharpest tool when it comes to discerning situations.

766232  No.4787713

I sprinkle that shit on everything. All day long. Kek

I'm hungry, #metoo… I want to go home, #metoo… I feel like crap, #metoo… All their #metoo are belong to me! Kek


b35454  No.4787714



It's like crack for the brain

fa513d  No.4787715


e2e2b1  No.4787716


Those same family members will need YOU to understand this fucked up shit once it’s revealed

925109  No.4787717

File: cb8a2ff65c328a7⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 1260x1456, 45:52, Keulemans_Laughing_Owl.jpg)

Laughing owls are an extinct species..

You just let that sink in..good and hard

815062  No.4787718

File: b65598981bf4268⋯.png (73.2 KB, 590x340, 59:34, 9D5C0FF3-70FA-4E32-97D5-59….png)

472e9e  No.4787719

File: 7dabac4f55c131e⋯.png (982.04 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, MAGA Patriot Fire Q Alpha.png)

File: 4a19af2673bbd4e⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, MAGA Patriot Fire Q.jpg)

MAGA Patriot Fire Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files

e826f9  No.4787720

File: e5915d2c632896e⋯.png (10.45 KB, 255x196, 255:196, ? pepe.png)


IDK but could this be why so many anons have reported seeing 11:11. We started calling it the 11:11 club at one point.

5eff5c  No.4787722

File: a90313ab22f9584⋯.jpg (9.59 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)


link error in:

>>4787150 (PB notable)

incorrect link-




7320f9  No.4787723

Notables so far


>>4787327 Papadopoulos Told Congress That FBI Asked Him To Spy On Mystery Professor At Center Of Collusion Probe

>>4787369 Dig on Camille Francois Analysis Director at Graphika

>>4787378 Fake Washington Post copies announcing Trump's resignation handed out in Washington, DC

>>4787474 Trump Prepares Case for Funding New Missile Defense Plan

>>4787512, >>4787534 FINALLY MSM covers Yellow Vests. Who else would step up but Tucker?

>>4787541 Gillibrand Reverses Position on Drivers’ Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants

bb9d8b  No.4787724

File: b6a190cf0998560⋯.jpg (19.86 KB, 474x474, 1:1, have a seat.jpg)


Kek! Pull up a chair.

6e3ffa  No.4787726

File: 1d194e324b6d107⋯.png (822.87 KB, 1180x989, 1180:989, Screenshot_348.png)

Another South Dakota Plane Crash.


b279f1  No.4787727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump just keeps winning!


12eda4  No.4787728


And yet you're here for that larp. Even more genius

ccb80e  No.4787729

File: de7107feb5660be⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 615x923, 615:923, 429953_francis-morris.jpg)

bee291  No.4787730


Months ago an Anon did a dig on this and came up with an IP address for a naval base I believe.


815062  No.4787731

File: a1cecc00b448d92⋯.png (51.98 KB, 590x262, 295:131, 6082ED1F-654D-46A5-B829-EF….png)

925109  No.4787732

Like I said..none of this is going to matter




027c56  No.4787733



Man in Georgia wanted to attack the White House, federal officials say



329a86  No.4787734


Wait Shutdown.. House out, Senate ours… Free shot to declass FISA and other docs WITHOUT interference or obstruction… maybe?

fa513d  No.4787735



4a2f23  No.4787736

File: f43a1a4d29e7295⋯.png (288.21 KB, 1366x728, 683:364, ClipboardImage.png)

maggie/wendy deep dive

9fc302  No.4787737


Part time FF here, thank you! They look great. Saved.

bee291  No.4787738



b10794  No.4787739

File: 396d28409b1d3a5⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 480x640, 3:4, qanon_will_stop_the_human_….jpg)

cf639d  No.4787740


Been there. Gotta save and post on day shift so the good ones don’t get lost.

633421  No.4787741



I'm all for firing all of them. Dept of Education, Dept of Agriculture, etc. etc.

I just don't think it's part of the plan.

Will have no issues with it.

Would love military courts to kick in.

Mueller has to exonerate first.

Just my opinion. My concern is that we always set expectations that happenings will happen now and the plan is an exercise in timing.

c7aed6  No.4787742

File: 03b7b192fd98678⋯.jpg (112.15 KB, 800x830, 80:83, IMG_20190117_173732.jpg)


It fits anon. Let's see if it gets worn.

b6b71e  No.4787743

Do you think Comey and Brennan are getting taunted at GITMO?

It’s like the Hannibal Lector prison cell.

Comey and Brennan are throwing their semen at passers by.

b35454  No.4787744



I catch myself almost putting kek in texts.

I do not tell family about this - not yet. It isnt quite time. But one day…

I have one son who knows and gets it - but he cant even navigate this place

6e3ffa  No.4787745

File: 06bc25cd1f50631⋯.png (294.2 KB, 1409x894, 1409:894, Screenshot_349.png)



29bde1  No.4787746


Many are leaning there.

e826f9  No.4787747


No. I just fucked up and jumped the gun w/o checking. Have to be at work in six hours, actually.

b279f1  No.4787748



5eff5c  No.4787749

File: cc505f083d9761b⋯.png (573.01 KB, 796x799, 796:799, 50dbc37.png)




18af52  No.4787750


11.11.x.x points back to DOD in Arlington if memory serves…can't peek in arcives to verify this second.

e2e2b1  No.4787751


Mueller report won’t see light of day. It’s as thin as the sheet of paper it’s printed on

58c53d  No.4787752

Has anyone started a fund raising campaign to help our necessary government workers during the shutdown? Afterall they work for us.

6e3ffa  No.4787753


Haraldson was an attorney at Woods Fuller Shultz and Smith, according to the company's website. He was a member of the firm since 1980.

fa513d  No.4787754


815062  No.4787755

File: 9163fc18faede8c⋯.png (72.76 KB, 590x340, 59:34, 82342B5F-50FA-4796-A8E3-CE….png)

2ea102  No.4787756

Any autists here that have taken stem cells?

633421  No.4787758

File: fc48e2e65147608⋯.jpg (171.82 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, rush.jpg)

b35454  No.4787759



Oh this is interesting. Did you post about this earlier?

472e9e  No.4787760

File: c516d7b3a96028e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Patriots WWG1WGA Q Alpha.png)


Always a pleasure Anon. Thank you for your service

e2e2b1  No.4787761


Drop #34

bb9d8b  No.4787762

File: 796d69f5ff21bae⋯.jpg (97.45 KB, 640x594, 320:297, wine-pepe.jpg)


It's heroic work, anon. I salute you.

f7ee6e  No.4787763

You know that my family came and put over 50 emotions into my heart, that connects with the brain, 53 if I remember good, and at some point I said, make me laugh, and in next second i was laughing like crazy for about 2 minutes? And at the end, it was love, and i was feeling so much love, that my entire room was so worm……

67f207  No.4787764


Im just a farmer tending to my dank meme and pepe catalog you fags have blessed me with this last year+.

Since I don’t make em I can be quick on the trigger.

Hopefully anons get a kick out of seeing a meme they made get used.

I do bring you fags blank images to play with tho.

Ginger mound for example…

Luv u fags!

(no homo)


815062  No.4787765

File: eece8ac3e96cf28⋯.png (74.47 KB, 590x340, 59:34, BE7025D9-5DE3-48D2-A72C-BE….png)

329a86  No.4787766

File: 1de3c874bc14aeb⋯.png (64.43 KB, 1744x1713, 1744:1713, Screenshot_2019-01-17 RSOE….png)

File: 1c3d796640ae633⋯.jpg (294.97 KB, 1856x620, 464:155, SF Bay flood 1-16-2019.jpg)


Flood in Bay Area 5 Dead

6add54  No.4787767


I want more! I want more!

fa513d  No.4787768


f83ab6  No.4787769


I have no expectations. None.

I just can't wait to see what happens.

Every day a new adventure.

God's will in all things.

12eda4  No.4787770

File: 84d3afb37b3e84b⋯.png (324.92 KB, 1126x896, 563:448, popehigh.png)

ccb80e  No.4787772

File: d6d0af4a6cee256⋯.jpg (143.35 KB, 1100x620, 55:31, skin-cells-cropped.jpg)

5e9756  No.4787773

Nancy sure is pushing to cancel the SOTU. Why is she so against it happening?

Here's my vote for SOTU .. do it on twitter .. start with "My Fellow Americans ….."

f7ee6e  No.4787774


I know, sounds crazy, but i didn't tell you the crazy stuff.

I'm honest, very honest.

9fc302  No.4787775

>>4787747 You still claiming you’re the Baker when >>4787629 handed off to >>4787348 here?

12eda4  No.4787776

File: cc0b5929e8cfc84⋯.png (417.78 KB, 500x666, 250:333, longass.png)

b35454  No.4787777

313b8c  No.4787778

File: ae060cfa2980645⋯.jpg (99.98 KB, 715x881, 715:881, 1538254620144.jpg)

>>4786276 (pb)

for curiosity's sake, has the Q team ever weighed in on Bill Cooper one way or the other?

951f5b  No.4787779

Can Nancy Pelosi cancel the State Of The Union Address?

She invites President Trump to SOTU

Then says he should wait,

Then says he should write letter instead,

Then allegedly uninvites President Trump to SOTU.

305f72  No.4787780

File: 2bfa65f92625c03⋯.jpg (89.78 KB, 1089x648, 121:72, 011719 Chinese dreaming.JPG)

File: 5112f465f4ec7de⋯.gif (565.74 KB, 480x270, 16:9, F-35b Jump up.gif)

Upgraded Chinese Stealth Jet "Overwhelmingly Superior" To US F-35 Jet: Claims Beijing Analyst

As Lockheed Martin plans to deliver the next batch of F-35A stealth fighter jets to South Korea in March, Chinese military observers have stated that an upgraded Chinese J-20 stealth fighter will achieve "overwhelming superiority" over the F-35 in the future and that the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAF) can defend China against the "US F-35 friends circle" in the Asia-Pacific region.

Yonhap News Agency reported the fighters would arrive by the end of March. The shipment of new stealth fighters is part of South Korea's procurement of 40 F-35As in 2014 at the cost of more than $100 million per plane.

South Korea is not the only Western ally in the Asia-Pacific region that has procured the stealth aircraft. Japan has deployed 10 F-35As, with 32 expected to arrive in the coming year. The Japan Air Self-Defense Force has ordered an additional 100 F-35s, which includes a variant of the aircraft called the F-35Bs, known for short takeoffs and vertical landing.

Australia received its two F-35As in December. The country is expected to receive more than 100 jets in the coming years.

Washington has surrounded China with stealth fighter jets, in other words, they are building an "F-35 friend circle," Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Wei said the US, Japan, and South Korea are gearing up for more joint exercises near China using the F-35.

The stealth jets are outfitted with an advanced weapon system and capable of cruising at supersonic speeds without being detected by radar. The F-35 is considered the world's most advanced fifth-generation fighter.

Global Times said China "is no sitting duck in a potential clash with the US fighter jet." The PLAF recently deployed a fifth-generation fighter of their own, dubbed the J-20.

"China's fifth-generation fighter jet J-20, which has been in service under the People's Liberation Army Air Force since early 2018, is endowed with state-of-the-art aviation and electronic technologies. Its range and weapons payload are widely considered to be better than the F-35's, enabling it to achieve its main mission of gaining aerial superiority in a 21st Century battlefield," Global Times said in a report.


can hardly contain laughter at this.

And flown by whom??? kek!

Saw it earlier but ZH has it up now

rest at link


766232  No.4787781


I say it in public. To my family and kids. Coworkers,strangers… And I've never gotten a bad reaction. Most people laugh….. Cuz that shit is funny… Kek

c7aed6  No.4787782


At the quantum level we look more like data.

28568b  No.4787784


They want to cancel SOTU because it will be obvious that RBG is not there with the rest of the SC members.

b6bc96  No.4787785

File: 735fb0630abfcb3⋯.png (5.23 MB, 5389x3598, 5389:3598, 0596477c19ce5c12031772d846….png)

633421  No.4787786

File: 35fb61004af185f⋯.jpg (402.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, night.shift.trump.jpg)

9fc302  No.4787787


Thank you Anon, yours as well. Love your work.

12eda4  No.4787788

File: 8d73c9cb5a45555⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 559x432, 559:432, fecalmatter.jpg)

67f207  No.4787789

d58f57  No.4787790

File: 7ba4565f6864eab⋯.jpg (42.41 KB, 401x225, 401:225, 3040611.jpg)


Not the way you are talking about.

4a2f23  No.4787791

File: 95249e18d675579⋯.jpg (918.97 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, Awaken1.jpg)




329a86  No.4787792

File: 4b1cc446b305a96⋯.png (61.71 KB, 1744x1713, 1744:1713, RSOE EDIS - Landslide even….png)


Landslide Encino CA. 50 people evac'd

027c56  No.4787793


Moar Sauce

Secret Service Official: Pelosi Never Contacted Us For Security Plan Before Canceling Trump Speech


897a46  No.4787794

File: 6a6dffbea4dff31⋯.jpeg (43.18 KB, 640x427, 640:427, received_2578979248785836.jpeg)

5e9756  No.4787795


She thinks she is in charge of the President. Can't wait for him to take her down a lot of pegs.

b6bc96  No.4787796


That's because that is PRECISELY the case.

e826f9  No.4787797

File: f8d37b00291b276⋯.png (230.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, fingerpepe.png)


That ain't me. IDK WTF you are talking about.

8f80f5  No.4787798

File: 1f9efeb59f8ddd9⋯.png (593.31 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, ABD0875A-B9D4-4874-B8E2-76….png)

File: 2fc22be4002c250⋯.jpeg (83.82 KB, 750x532, 375:266, D91C92DC-3AEC-41BD-A133-2….jpeg)

File: 8d4a9c6470410b1⋯.jpeg (197.55 KB, 714x626, 357:313, 25DDA419-5466-46C8-AFDE-C….jpeg)



12eda4  No.4787799

File: dfbc0a807a798d0⋯.jpeg (51.43 KB, 506x900, 253:450, 288ad1d5ca0e61da523d9ba71….jpeg)

61192a  No.4787800

File: 6ae79e46e1377a4⋯.jpeg (304.24 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, 1 YtsGt5rrzWf32bneiwXfgQ.jpeg)

What are the chances that LG mistakenly mentioned Michael Steele(ref >>4785321 ) and this letter use the same name?

5ade4d  No.4787801

File: d4ceb95b6f5460b⋯.png (159.37 KB, 312x755, 312:755, ClipboardImage.png)

15e790  No.4787802

File: 726261a2691ad2e⋯.jpeg (167.8 KB, 668x750, 334:375, 2A19B8B6-0EEF-4FAB-BF20-0….jpeg)

For whoevers first will be last, and vice versa

f7ee6e  No.4787803


So this is why I can tell you that Q is real, very real.

I honestly don't know who Q is, but I know for sure who (Q) is.

And they are not from this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!

f83ab6  No.4787804


I would imagine, being POTUS, Trump can do what he wants.

Even without being POTUS, Trump will do what he wants.

I love this man. So glad he's my President. Follow him to the gates of Hell to challenge the devil himself…

bb9d8b  No.4787806

File: 9cbd612c9f81428⋯.jpg (16.39 KB, 255x170, 3:2, frens.jpg)


Anons, never stop anon-ing.

d396ad  No.4787807

True story- My Great Grandpa and his sister helped take a load of Tobacco into town with their Father by wagon. When they got to the Tobacco Warehouse they started to unload, they had never seen a Black Toddler before but a man that worked there had his 2yr old son with him. My Great Grandfather caught him and put him in a grass sack and hid him under the seat of the wagon. On their way home the black kid started to cry and was discovered by my Great Great Grandfather. He commenced a proper ass whipping and returned the child.

925109  No.4787808

File: 20f4d67d7e8f3e6⋯.png (657.66 KB, 1457x1447, 1457:1447, A_1-48_HoneyBadgers_6-1-20….png)

Badger, the only know natural predators of Owls.

I know you are here..I can smell you

ccb80e  No.4787809

File: 6bf8f5213c007e9⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 600x486, 100:81, 6bf8f5213c007e96d021a229ae….jpg)

561b1d  No.4787810


>Crazy place but somehow it's home…..

Quality well thought out post. Thanks for including me. The rest, well, meh. (kidding)

f51b9d  No.4787811

File: 361cee21e5dc9d5⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1200x1920, 5:8, 445fefa38ac742f80bfaab0e18….png)


Pretty brilliant, but it demonstrates something I've known for a while : finding and believing the truth is a matter of the individual heart and mind.

Collective consciousness isn't about group think amalgamated socialism.

Is about a transformation, one on one, without anyone holding your hand.

This is literally the place where that is seen on display, day after day.

Is the most beautiful thing going on in the world. That's why tits.

12eda4  No.4787812

File: 808b0853d6ecc75⋯.png (280.25 KB, 501x628, 501:628, BEHNocG.png)

fa513d  No.4787813


329a86  No.4787814

File: 902a7892157648d⋯.jpg (316.48 KB, 1857x618, 619:206, Encino CA landslide.jpg)


Encino landslide report showed up before the indicator on the map

6e73d3  No.4787815


good digging

9fc302  No.4787816

>>4787609 this isn’t you? >>4787797

Hmm, interdasting. I don’t need a meme to say fuck you. Fuck You.

4c3b48  No.4787817

File: 4feba8377d196df⋯.png (119.8 KB, 399x533, 399:533, A5D7560A-66FB-4A43-93D7-30….png)

File: ec8c3b5f6d03685⋯.jpeg (55.54 KB, 400x568, 50:71, 1F3CF653-F379-4BF3-B17E-4….jpeg)


A Machine learned qresearch board Ai personality would certainly not have appropriate behaviour.

ccb80e  No.4787818

File: 0e617bf9f0215b3⋯.jpeg (727.91 KB, 2323x1423, 2323:1423, e6587c3729e6477a29c818fd1….jpeg)

8007e2  No.4787819

File: e2cb3cf93f7ec6e⋯.png (211.06 KB, 1052x842, 526:421, shutdown trap 1.png)

File: 60f96d6697b7f2f⋯.png (217.04 KB, 1130x908, 565:454, shutdown trap 2.png)


Nah, they need to go.


633421  No.4787820

File: d3e7086e4f6f5ed⋯.jpg (156.1 KB, 1584x771, 528:257, jfk_cia.jpg)

File: cdfa881dc05e449⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 720x633, 240:211, jfk.change.mind.jpg)

File: 46d54d69573b23a⋯.jpeg (42.52 KB, 333x499, 333:499, jfk.unspeakable.jpeg)

File: ca74531e7f70d19⋯.jpeg (61.55 KB, 798x600, 133:100, meme.jfk.cia.jpeg)

ead68b  No.4787821


What you want to know?

7aaab9  No.4787822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



12eda4  No.4787823

File: 00ca1c3932f5199⋯.gif (376.53 KB, 369x297, 41:33, giphyv.gif)

c47b2c  No.4787824


Good theory.

9fc302  No.4787825



fa513d  No.4787826

File: 27589976aa5f022⋯.png (24.88 KB, 587x185, 587:185, ClipboardImage.png)


925109  No.4787827

respectfully, you have no idea what your talking about 3 KIA today..looks like maybe five total

goddam owls




b35454  No.4787828



I'm sure you've posted much that I have enjoyed. I dont list a whole lot unless I want to kick shills around - unless there's a really good dig and I don't have work the next day - those 3am weekend digs are tasty

f83ab6  No.4787829


They need to go. What we save in annual salaries and perks alone would fund walls and infrastructure and debt free living.

2ea102  No.4787831


If you'd recommend it! $3,500 bucks a wack! Is it worth it?

bb9d8b  No.4787832


So when you say it do you say "hashtag me too"?

Kekekekek, it is funny. Get at them thru their funny bones. Secret redpill pressure point very few know about

561b1d  No.4787833


> folded US flags in the living room.

Moar of us than you could possibly know also have them. I wake to salute them every morning, as I expect my children to do when I am gone.

c7fbca  No.4787834

File: eea6622e561d660⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 499x499, 1:1, kek.jpg)


The real reason why Q approached us is because Q needs our chaos for this operation to succeed.

633421  No.4787835

File: cf1563712de2a64⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 441x300, 147:100, ask_seek_knock.jpg)


Spirituality = Searching for truth.

You can't spoon feed spirituality, let alone force feed.

b35454  No.4787836


Funny - you just helped prove my point.

fa513d  No.4787837



28568b  No.4787838

File: 60593c72381cf28⋯.png (189.87 KB, 1102x659, 1102:659, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: 6fcbb76bca94e1e⋯.png (148 KB, 1311x691, 1311:691, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: eb2eb2f7fc0f4c2⋯.png (152.2 KB, 771x700, 771:700, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

bee291  No.4787839


That would make sense why POTUS's rallies were so much damn fun, even if you weren't there, you still felt it.

We're a wild crowd, but smart!

550005  No.4787840


The Big Money

Big money goes around the world

Big money underground

Big money got a mighty voice

Big money make no sound

Big money pull a million strings

Big money hold the prize

Big money weave a mighty web

Big money draw the flies

Sometimes pushing people around

Sometimes pulling out the rug

Sometimes pushing all the buttons

Sometimes pulling out the plug

It's the power and the glory

It's a war in paradise

A Cinderella story

On a tumble of the dice

Big money goes around the world

Big money take a cruise

Big money leave a mighty wake

Big money leave a bruise

Big money make a million dreams

Big money spin big deals

Big money make a mighty head

Big money spin big wheels

Sometimes building ivory towers

Sometimes knocking castles down

Sometimes building you a stairway

Lock you underground

It's that old-time religion

It's the kingdom they would rule

It's the fool on television

Getting paid to play the fool

It's the power and the glory

It's a war in paradise

A Cinderella story

On a tumble of the dice

Big money goes around the world

Big money give and take

Big money done a power of good

Big money make mistakes

Big money got a heavy hand

Big money take control

Big money got a mean streak

Big money got no soul

Rush knows what’s up ‘eh

12eda4  No.4787841

File: 6f11df565301d5a⋯.jpg (63.25 KB, 800x711, 800:711, 40e544484035d8e3167a68c6db….jpg)

b6bc96  No.4787842

File: 285fbcc30acc8a1⋯.png (175.96 KB, 360x244, 90:61, ClipboardImage.png)



8007e2  No.4787843


Calm down, Dr. Bronner

313b8c  No.4787844

977283  No.4787845

File: d9a725b5b9d2744⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 714x387, 238:129, 2rc6z7.jpg)


Kek! Comfy with frenz!

f1cf76  No.4787846


Glad someone's pressuring Chuck & Nancy.

But asking

"Which of your children would you be willing to sacrifice?"

Meant to evoke empathy.

Maybe not the best approach?


fa513d  No.4787847



951f5b  No.4787848


The Senate passed a resolution from GOP Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska presuming that it is unlawful to bar a nominee from office because of his membership in the Knights of Columbus.

The move came after Democratic lawmakers pressed a judicial nominee called Brian Buescher about his affiliation with the knights, a fraternal Catholic charity.

Sasse cast the episode as the latest iteration of faith-based hostility Democrats have shown certain nominees.

9f1030  No.4787849

File: e93e3455135dd43⋯.jpg (385.33 KB, 1024x813, 1024:813, anarchycookies.jpg)

Been reading through some of Maj12 stuff and keeping an open mind, at least, until they talked about Darpa and vaccines. Seems a great loss of humanity there and a 100,000ft view. I realize we are way behind in tech, us peons but the way they "disclose" things has me whigged. Anyone else or just ignore?

bb9d8b  No.4787850


Well, wow, anon.

329a86  No.4787851

File: 6f1f62ad749bf3e⋯.png (89.79 KB, 1744x2142, 872:1071, Measles outbreak Denver.png)

File: 7c7b5a1c8a9730a⋯.jpg (400.54 KB, 1851x619, 1851:619, Measles outbreak CO -17-20….jpg)

Measles outbreak Denver CO.

No reported deaths or injuries as of yet

b35454  No.4787852



Agreed. I love when they come in here and get all pompous. The board itself keeps them from even trying to research anything at all. Maybe - maybe they read some anons' takes on things, but more than half the time that will just lead them in circles. And bless the clock fags. Man does that clock stir shit up

18af52  No.4787853

File: e85acffd2ee7a21⋯.png (5.72 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 34330CB5-F847-497B-B4AB-F7….png)


The (land)slide report is sauced. Hmm. Any anons have ears on fire/ems comms handy? Phonefagging here…


951f5b  No.4787854


Killer poetry

f83ab6  No.4787855


Wow, never thought of it before, but that's so true.

Maybe Trump'll throw a SOTU rally and the whole country is invited.

f1cf76  No.4787856

File: f56706f0f0acb4a⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 284x177, 284:177, night forest.jpg)


It's true. High tolerance for chaos is necessary for this place. Chaos very powerful, like your meme.

925109  No.4787857

File: a55f125b17698bd⋯.jpg (15.28 KB, 185x255, 37:51, campnpa.jpg)

we see what you did to our country

and now, you will pay dearly

6e3ffa  No.4787858



Woods Fuller Shultz and Smith seems to work a lot with patents, intellectual property, also defending lobbyists.


329a86  No.4787860


TY anon. You covered my 6.

053528  No.4787861

File: 26892d907c425ff⋯.png (521.69 KB, 696x415, 696:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f296b37269547b8⋯.png (93.61 KB, 742x2443, 106:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03a8d613593b4c6⋯.png (116.69 KB, 750x2123, 750:2123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a74faba84123ddf⋯.png (119.94 KB, 762x2192, 381:1096, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 492938751942e58⋯.png (152.82 KB, 785x2602, 785:2602, ClipboardImage.png)

The Secret Logistics of America’s Global Deep State

Why is America’s Baghdad Embassy the world’s largest embassy — and the largest by far? “It’s as if the U.S. Embassy is there not only to protect American interests, but to manage the entire world from the heart of the capital, Baghdad.” — Iraqi Sheikh Qassim Al Ta’ee, as quoted on 27 December 2011 in Al Iraq News and translated by Ibrahim Zaidan from the original Arabic by Nicholas Dagher.

Zaidan’s article went on to say: The world’s largest embassy is situated in the Green Zone and fortified by three walls, another barrier of concrete slabs, followed by barbed wire fences and a wall of sandbags. It covers an area of 104 acres, six times larger than U.N. headquarters in New York and ten times larger than the new embassy Washington is building in Beijing – which is just 10 acres. So, America’s largest diplomatic mission is surrounded by high concrete walls, is painted in black, brown and grey and is completely isolated from its environment. … The United States announced several months ago that between diplomats and employees, its embassy would include 16,000 people after the pullout of U.S. forces.

[Editor’s’ Note: The ten-acre U.S. Embassy in Beijing is the second largest overseas construction project in the history of the Department of State — and the 104-acre U.S. Embassy in Iraq is the largest.]

On January 1st, Will Sillitoe headlined at the Helsinki Times, “What does the US embassy in Baghdad export to Finland and dozens of other countries?” and he reported that: More than a million kilograms of cargo were shipped from Baghdad to different parts of the world, reveals US embassies procurement documents. Mysterious cargo shipments from the US Embassy in Baghdad to other American embassies and consulates around the world have been revealed on a Wikileaks’ database. Procurement orders of US embassies are public documents, but Wikileaks put them in a searchable database making it easier to analyse. The database displaying worldwide US embassy orders of goods and services reveals Baghdad as a postal and shipping centre for tonnes of freight.

Though military freight might be expected between the US and Iraq, records show that embassies across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas and Africa are all receiving deliveries from Baghdad too. According to Wikileaks’ database, orders to ship more than 540 tonnes of cargo to the US were made in May 2018. The same document shows other main delivery destinations included 120 tonnes of freight to Europe, and 24 tonnes to South Africa, South America and Central Africa respectively.


ead68b  No.4787862


In general, the stem cells currently on the market are sketchy. Except for cord blood, the serious stuff is mostly still in development.

0e4fe9  No.4787863

File: 98f3ef52856a063⋯.png (34.03 KB, 657x397, 657:397, Haberman re Pelosi 1-16-19.PNG)



d7ac6a  No.4787864


Overwhelmingly huh?


12eda4  No.4787865

File: f8db766190ff73f⋯.png (9.38 KB, 255x195, 17:13, 5a919a0ad6018673d76d2aeb47….png)

6bec05  No.4787866

File: 2b9a69e851b327e⋯.jpg (392.63 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Chaotic_Beauty_in_Constell….jpg)


Chaotic Beauty

ccb80e  No.4787867

File: 984c8113157c352⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 480x480, 1:1, vogon.jpg)

8a8886  No.4787868

File: 05c957f44ac39e3⋯.png (505.23 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190117-011604.png)



fa513d  No.4787869


329a86  No.4787870



Sauce: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/database/index.php?pageid=event_summary&edis_id=EH-20190117-66284-USA

313b8c  No.4787871


what gets me is no one (libtards, progs, even normies) has a problem with the obvious efforts to stifle and control information.

They go on and on, publicly about how POTUS shouldn't be allowed to speak unfiltered, and that's not even factoring in the blatant censorship the tech mafia engages in on a daily basis.

the public should be sharpening pitchforks

d58f57  No.4787872


Muh Bronner's

815062  No.4787873

File: 98666725d7a4357⋯.png (47.88 KB, 590x262, 295:131, D7D825B9-7DC9-4750-905A-AC….png)

6e73d3  No.4787874

File: 2dbbde67a5d5f30⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1173x785, 1173:785, ClipboardImage.png)

633421  No.4787875


Timetables change.

bb9d8b  No.4787876

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, trump_thumb_gif.gif)

d58f57  No.4787877


You are going to wish you hadn't spoken so much when you figure it out.

e1e638  No.4787878


There was and article from May-Nov 17 that highlighted 408 FBI agents had been arrested and I would presume placed on administrative leave, bond, or house arrest. Does anyone have a copy of it?

313b8c  No.4787879


back then we bid, but I knew we would never get the contract to build that.

not connected enough. not dirty enough.

810925  No.4787880

>>4787212 j(previous)

The original tip about this perp was to local law enforcement, NOT the FBI. The FBI eventually took over the case and charged this guy, who planned to assassinate the President – with attempting to wreck a government owned building.

If the tip had gone to the FBI originally, without local law enforcement knowing about it, they probably would have just lost it down the rathole.

67f207  No.4787881

File: 7b0e88f91771613⋯.jpeg (270.49 KB, 627x557, 627:557, 73890514-0D01-460E-8AD0-6….jpeg)

900f09  No.4787882



4ea698  No.4787883

File: 279f0a8c1ce0c52⋯.png (352.53 KB, 636x413, 636:413, Screenshot 2018-09-03 at 1….png)


I'm convinced they were warning us about

Google in Temples of Syrinx

cab56f  No.4787884

File: 2379b7d128dc83e⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1229x1424, 1229:1424, Screenshot 2019-01-16 22.1….png)

File: dd222976a26d215⋯.png (694.22 KB, 2869x1251, 2869:1251, Screenshot 2019-01-16 22.1….png)

MIT article on Jesse Karmazin's Ambrosia


Plus initial influential paper in Cell magazine.


Fuckin vampires.

916c77  No.4787885

>Remember when Q said what do you want for Christmas ?

Then nothing happened ?

11df2f  No.4787886


over 17 years of research

fa513d  No.4787887



f1cf76  No.4787888


The info is always hard to sit with. About disclosure, they don't disclose it in a useful way–maybe useful to them, not us. Yes, it's creepy–like the time Gregg Braden hired a mgr born on the same day who told him with a smile, "I'm your evil twin." Ripped him off big-time. Surprise??

4faa74  No.4787889

File: b6efc5a0aa208d3⋯.jpg (6.66 KB, 474x291, 158:97, RedPills.jpg)


Go back to the and see the Doc- you need another 45 day prescription of RedPillin'.

fa513d  No.4787890



29bde1  No.4787891

File: b2b71e1f6c4fd57⋯.jpg (196.02 KB, 571x528, 571:528, Elmo.jpg)


Being one step ahead is genius

Being two steps… lunatic

That's a real problem these days. People have great info on this or that, but no audience they can keep.

e826f9  No.4787892

File: af069071d5d24a7⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 500x483, 500:483, FuqUPepe.jpg)


Yes, that was me:


I thought it was real, but for which quickly I acknowledged said error:



Then (YOU) said this:


In which you accused me of being part of a shill. To which I responded:


To which you responded:


In which you said:

>You still claiming you’re the Baker when >>4787629 handed off to >>4787348 here?

NEITHER of which 4787629 or 4787348 is ME, so I responded:


To which you responded:


To which I responded


Yes, that was me:

Get it?

Have another Fuq U from me, fren.

b35454  No.4787893



Where did you find that?

40c4e3  No.4787894

File: 586617f9187581b⋯.png (245.44 KB, 1115x418, 1115:418, "Super Blood Wolf Moon"!.png)

Cabal will probably be crazy this weekend!

Stay aware

4ea698  No.4787895

File: d210cb4957c1c30⋯.png (265.09 KB, 875x285, 175:57, Screenshot 2019-01-17 at 1….png)

No one tries as hard as Yahoo

50ccef  No.4787896

Hi, so I haven't seen this talked about over here (apologies if it has); SNAP (Food Stamps) and Section 8 Housing Benefits are going to be running out in March; and both USDA and HUD are not going to be able to further supply government funding, unless those particular sections of the government are funded individually outside the shutdown.



While some anons may be want to celebrate the end of government excess, unless you want unrest, touching these programs shouldn't happen without a major cultural shift, which would take decades.

> 43 million people get SNAP benefits

> USDA already approved a double spend to cover shutdown concerns. Many states are sending out next months benefit early due to shutdown funding, and nothing is approved for march.

> 80% of SNAP benefits disbursed are used up in the first 2 weeks

Due to socio-economic factors like the poverty mindset - windfalls received by low income persons in particular tend to evaporate fast; easy out, easy in. This is a generalization sure, but generalizations tend to apply when you talk about millions of people.

I did some research of my own, the Food Bank / Charity systems currently extant handle only 3-4 million people a month, and can NOT handle a 10x+ surge of 34 million or more (Assuming 80% of people receiving SNAP budget badly and hit them up for aid, which is entirely possible in a worst-case scenario). And this is just backhand math.

Section 8 subsidies I'm admittedly less knowledgeable about, but history has plenty of examples of what happens when hungry, poor people get kicked out of their homes, and suddenly have no support and nothing to lose. Congress is playing a dangerous game, and this is NOT a train we as a country should ride, unless the goal is to accelerate chaos. If the shutdown continues indefinitely we will have no choice, however.

6e3ffa  No.4787897

File: d93e440250687e1⋯.png (191.97 KB, 1190x820, 119:82, Screenshot_350.png)


Haraldson had expertise in Worker's Compensation.


67f207  No.4787898


Behold muh Pale Penis.


6c7661  No.4787899


If he wasn't still terrified of getting ass-raped in prison for the rest of his life, he wouldn't be here right now. But he is. Go figure kek.

2ea102  No.4787900


Thank You! Yeah, that's what I'm looking at, cord blood.

b279f1  No.4787901


You're ai!

e1e638  No.4787902


huge egg on face when actual facts come out

305f72  No.4787903


Spoke to an old neighbor that still lives in the area just northwest of the yellow market. They live in the 'mountains' and it's been a gully washer all evening. When storms approach there they stall and dump much moar rain there. The rain has nowhere to go but downhill into the canyons and feeds down in to Santa Cruz, Capitola, etc. If yu live higher up the mtn it's better but the people who live at the bottom

will be having quite the evening and into tomorrow. The major road from San Jose to Santa Cruz highway 17 will most likely be closed if not heavily restricted. It's a winding steep 2 lane B road at best.

Big mess by the morning

f51b9d  No.4787904

File: fbb82069c5a50c0⋯.jpg (27.97 KB, 218x231, 218:231, fbb82069c5a50c07c56e1fb389….jpg)



2d0aea  No.4787905

File: 96cb3102de8f489⋯.png (532.75 KB, 828x881, 828:881, R kelly raided.png)

File: a9d1a4a1069fd9a⋯.jpg (29.4 KB, 306x526, 153:263, 8624620-6600527-image-a-29….jpg)

File: aa5cc76782afb0b⋯.jpg (20.31 KB, 306x526, 153:263, 8624628-6600527-image-m-28….jpg)

R Kelly raided: Chicago inspectors raid singer's studio and cite him for 'housing people in non-residential property' - but who was the mystery man hauling away computer hard drive and boxes hours BEFORE?

Members of the Chicago Fire Department and building inspectors raided R Kelly's recording studio on Wednesday afternoon

Hours earlier, a CBS reporter filmed a mystery man leaving the property with boxes and a computer hard drive around 5am

Kelly was ultimately cited for multiple building code violations, including evidence of individuals living in the non-residential building

It is believed that he may have been housing some of his alleged victims in the studio

On the outside of the building were the words 'rapist pedophile' written in chalk

The recording studio where R Kelly allegedly kept some of the women he is accused of abusing was raided on Wednesday by members of the Chicago Fire Department and building inspectors with the city.

CBS 2 was on the scene as a group of over 10 city workers descended upon the building, where someone had written 'rapist pedophile' under one of the windows with chalk.

The station's reporter Mike Puccinelli was also there just after 5am on Wednesday when an unidentified man was seen taking boxes and a computer out of the building, loading them into his trunk and driving off.

It is not known who the man works for or why he was so eager to remove the property from the warehouse, which is under 24-hour police surveillance.

Kelly was ultimately cited for multiple building code violations, including evidence of individuals living in the non-residential building


925109  No.4787906

File: 0984123a7ad3cf6⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 424x238, 212:119, 19956914_BG1.jpg)

hanging to good

but I know It will never happen

f7ee6e  No.4787907

I'll continue w/ my posts, cos I have many things to say.

So, in my country, we have a tradition that from time to time, we go to the cemetery and give away some food and stuff for the dead people that are family.

And last time, was about 2 years ago, I was there w. my father and some family, and at some point I've said "this world is rulled by satan" in my language, all the people froze up, looking at me.I gave a fuck, turned around and continue my business, to give away some food. Even priest was frozen, like, what the real fuck is this huy talking about in a church????????????????

916c77  No.4787908


>Oh I was ready

But they didn't happen

977283  No.4787909

File: ce9b14f6721b399⋯.jpg (8.82 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 8c4e17e60074d6d209492dff9e….jpg)

File: 23f9f096712db0c⋯.jpg (126.43 KB, 500x566, 250:283, 111e4f496a206ab09e8e21141f….jpg)

815062  No.4787910

File: a43286997a4591d⋯.png (50.46 KB, 590x288, 295:144, EE237127-AA26-4024-91E8-C2….png)

f1cf76  No.4787911


So many stories on young blood and so little hard data. If it really has real power to rejuvenate, the elite won't want to share that info.

10599b  No.4787912

File: ed72bf72c92dfd4⋯.png (191.03 KB, 409x409, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

hello anons! just got done watching John Solomon and Carter on Hannity. In regards to the Ohr testimony. God, I love that we get the news months in advance. I've been trying to tell people!!! but nooo orange man bad..orange man bad…

oh, you gotta love it. it's all coming to a head boys. it really is. how did they under estimate the peoples ability to focus and stick together? ESPECIALLY when it comes to our future and our childrens future. Never though I would be on an image board trying to subtly save the world with people I have never and probably never will meet. I love you all, no homo.

f15820  No.4787913


Just the opposite, Haberdog. Only POTUS can sign a law.

b279f1  No.4787914


He had a piss dungeon

8f80f5  No.4787915

File: 8b14eb73b03206a⋯.jpeg (109.73 KB, 620x867, 620:867, 3F0EF56F-6B70-40DA-A89C-B….jpeg)

79f0b2  No.4787916


Like Page he was acting on behalf of the FBI. simple as that.

You live in a damn Banana republic. lets get that straight.

right here and now.

815062  No.4787917

a85565  No.4787918

File: e177369fa9ad040⋯.jpg (106.96 KB, 670x591, 670:591, bruceohrback.jpg)

329a86  No.4787919

File: 3dcd45d10f0f9f5⋯.jpg (305.34 KB, 1836x675, 68:25, Fire SF 1-16-17-2019.jpg)

File: cb01dc127565f4b⋯.png (61.59 KB, 1744x1713, 1744:1713, Screenshot_2019-01-17 RSOE….png)

Fire in San Fransisco

20 evac'd

6 injured

Sauce: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/database/index.php?pageid=event_summary&edis_id=FR-20190117-66285-USA

2f8f50  No.4787920


strike when they least expect it

313b8c  No.4787921


archive doesn't go back that far from what I can see.

was that the original post of the graphic anon saved?

d58f57  No.4787922


Misses the D5 reference

Doesn't know shit bout muh dwarves

Spent July masturbating

fa513d  No.4787923



b279f1  No.4787924




>So many stories on young blood and so little hard data. If it really has real power to rejuvenate, the elite won't want to share that info.


It dejuvinates the person loosing the blood no matter their age

6e3ffa  No.4787925

File: 92e3cf9e943a61f⋯.png (968.3 KB, 1024x980, 256:245, Screenshot_329.png)

fa513d  No.4787927



633421  No.4787928


Local news covered a story about a doctor that takes blood and processes it into a cosmetic creme. Cost = $1200 for little jar.

af571b  No.4787929

File: c91b60e0925041e⋯.jpg (25.77 KB, 450x700, 9:14, 18221910_10208607341206547….jpg)

File: 9349f00b99de776⋯.jpg (24.95 KB, 720x403, 720:403, 19113960_1430752970304740_….jpg)

File: 25e7c1c7b3523b9⋯.jpg (186.78 KB, 408x528, 17:22, ThankQ PlaneFags & USAF.JPG)

b35454  No.4787930

File: 50e81f90cbd3fec⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20181215_151124.jpg)


Browser crashed the first time I tried to reply, but

f7ee6e  No.4787931


There is no satan.

There is not heaven or hell.

There is evil ETs, that rulle this world.

Using our negative energy, in their personal interest.

61192a  No.4787932


It was some doc passed around last year but found to be fake. I just find it strange that LG would say Michael instead of Chris, surely he would know Chris is his name and not Michael. Why would he make such a simple mistake unless it's not a mistake…

900f09  No.4787933


was a drop of free pdf on a pale horse cant remember if was a Q drop or just a friend

felt special thou

053528  No.4787934


There is more than you realize in here..long but worth the read..quite an orchestrated plan here..it took quite a bit of research to follow this through..to the conclusion here..

ead68b  No.4787935


Cord blood stem cells are good for reconstituting the bone marrow and therefore blood cell supply, but uses outside of that are more experimental.

b279f1  No.4787936

File: b0861054809d49c⋯.png (232.85 KB, 340x506, 170:253, 2019-01-10_10-36-34.png)



>There is no satan.

>There is not heaven or hell.

>There is evil ETs, that rulle this world.

>Using our negative energy, in their personal interest.


11df2f  No.4787938




7320f9  No.4787939



>>4787327 Papadopoulos Told Congress That FBI Asked Him To Spy On Mystery Professor At Center Of Collusion Probe

>>4787369 Dig on Camille Francois Analysis Director at Graphika

>>4787378 Fake Washington Post copies announcing Trump's resignation handed out in Washington, DC

>>4787474 Trump Prepares Case for Funding New Missile Defense Plan

>>4787512, >>4787534 FINALLY MSM covers Yellow Vests. Who else would step up but Tucker?

>>4787541 Gillibrand Reverses Position on Drivers’ Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants

>>4787726 Another South Dakota Plane Crash

>>4787780 Chinese claim their stealth jet is "overwhelmingly superior" to the F35

>>4787793 Pelosi Never Contacted the USSS For Security Plan Before Canceling Trump Speech

>>4787861 The Secret Logistics of America’s Global Deep State

>>4787905 R Kelly's studio was raided

d58f57  No.4787940


17 cycles per second world wide. Wanna play a game?

6e3ffa  No.4787941

File: 6cc9cfb1fe25562⋯.png (781.55 KB, 808x628, 202:157, ETI.png)

810925  No.4787942


I think Jews and (other) white people and maybe also blacks are not threatened by this disease. It's a week out of school, uncomfortable, then you're better. And with lifetime immunity to getting it again. That's how it was for everyone in my neighborhood, for measles, mumps and chicken pox. Girls would have "mumps parties" when one of them got it and make sure they all got it, so they would not have it later when they were pregnant because it could harm a pregnancy.

But newer immigrant groups esp. hispanics seem to be at risk from it, I saw some report of them dying from it.

So the reason that we started vaccinating against it for people born in 1957 and later, was not to protect them, but to protect the new immigrant groups we were bringing in under the 1968 immigration law, which opened our borders to the third world.

bb9d8b  No.4787943

File: f1679f855a3f067⋯.png (197.54 KB, 494x482, 247:241, pepe_HRMMMMMMMMMMMMM.png)


I've been craving garlic these days. Maybe this is why.

305f72  No.4787944

File: 7f93dcdd81b174a⋯.jpg (93.27 KB, 576x576, 1:1, Pepe WW1 Red Baron.jpg)

ae46d3  No.4787945

File: 4f040c0f04d52f5⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, comfy2.png)

6c7661  No.4787946


Maybe the good guys leaked the story as a way to condition the masses.

a85565  No.4787947


god bless

28568b  No.4787948

File: 63d1662dc4a587a⋯.png (306.97 KB, 637x699, 637:699, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: 158de48837116d7⋯.jpeg (25.95 KB, 353x448, 353:448, DxF6BQ9UYAA0Qrg.jpg-large.jpeg)

fa513d  No.4787949



67f207  No.4787950

File: 18aa27606e5d67b⋯.jpeg (14.84 KB, 202x255, 202:255, 90119D6A-4068-43AB-BC54-C….jpeg)

f1cf76  No.4787951


Some people donate blood regularly. I wonder if there are unrecognized effects from that. There is so much we don't know.

9f1030  No.4787952

File: 5db768696ca5d15⋯.png (530.77 KB, 751x636, 751:636, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.png)

I sometimes think they are saying we are working with the good aliens to fight the bad aliens and somewhere in there the humanity is lost. All the great tech, at what cost? I'm happy to pay an electric bill, I like hot water and heat but fighting aliens and satanists for free energy? At what benefit to me? Do I live longer? Do I want to? Humanity. They want something different for us.



f7ee6e  No.4787953



Posting that gay shit, suppose to tell me something?

I was insulting him, corey goode and jiimy church for promoting them, since you never heard about ETs…..

c12aa8  No.4787954


How foolish of me to think that after 2 years it would actually be Trump's administration. But instead, his own DOJ is still defending Clinton cartel.

b279f1  No.4787955


Nice tits!

329a86  No.4787956


AWESOME! stolen!

fa513d  No.4787957


11df2f  No.4787958


Here’s the live feed for San Fernando Valley dispatch


313b8c  No.4787959


oh ok, I've got that one then.


bb9d8b  No.4787960

File: d742408c1f55981⋯.jpg (50.98 KB, 327x377, 327:377, cozykek.jpg)

9656fa  No.4787961

File: c475c3615f9a379⋯.jpg (42.79 KB, 338x499, 338:499, beholdapalehorse.jpg)



cab56f  No.4787962

File: c00f82485f1b4ad⋯.png (1.92 MB, 2831x1481, 2831:1481, Screenshot 2019-01-16 20.4….png)

File: 0c5be4ad0c0e4e2⋯.png (554.76 KB, 2029x1409, 2029:1409, Screenshot 2019-01-16 20.5….png)




29bde1  No.4787963


There are no aliens.

We are the highest life form.

Guess who does not want you to know that.

5e9756  No.4787964


This is what the shutdown is about. If I understand corrrectly, he can fire all the Obama holdovers after 30 days shutdown.

9da81c  No.4787965

I've been reading Cathy O'Brian's Transformation of America. Eye opening, to say the least.

If true, Ronald Reagan was no great President, and played fully into the New World Order and drug trafficking/gun running. I think Trump must be using his speeches, simply for the words of the speechwriter, not the man. Same goes for 'I'm Proud to Be an American' by Lee Greenwood. According to Cathy, Lee was a CIA operative and fully involved with mind control/sex conditioning. I guess Trump is only using the song, for the words and effect, cause the man singing it was a pervert, cokehead and wholly CIA. After reading the book, it will change your perspective entirely.


67f207  No.4787966


That is muh bubbles.

2ea102  No.4787967


Didn't a bunch of Germans say the same thing at the Hague?

12eda4  No.4787968


The animals?

d58f57  No.4787969


Might have missed that. Are you complaining that Q gave him an education first?

4905b0  No.4787970

File: b095a3aa0b2acd1⋯.jpeg (889.36 KB, 1178x1113, 1178:1113, D06D0CD2-8B4B-455A-AE43-3….jpeg)

b279f1  No.4787971




Remember that time batman saved everyone from illuminati rape vampires and you squealed like a little bitch the whole time?

b35454  No.4787972

fa513d  No.4787973


702bca  No.4787974

File: ad7863ea49e70e0⋯.jpg (93.34 KB, 960x720, 4:3, TelePsy23.jpg)


seen you post this a few times. Obviously you are quite excited (and apparently some sort of existential experience) about the fortune cookie msg you got from chinese takeout last week. But may I suggest you consider…

1. It was the hot n sour soup that gave you that feeling and not the insight of the dimestore philosophy

2. I know Philosophy 101 is exciting, but you're not even close yet

3. Turn off the David Wilcox YTs for a few days

4. Chakra this

5. Double your DMT dose to really get in touch with that cosmic love connection

6. See #4

29bde1  No.4787975



ef7c4e  No.4787976

>>4787563 >>4787586 >>4787656 >>4787742

>Government shutdown began December 22, 2018..

>Full moon, super blood wolf moon January 21st = 30 days..

>Done in 30? Undiscovered stars (actors) learned?

>Full moon lights up the night..

>Non essentials terminated after 30 days?

>Bad actors exposed?

>Done in 30.. Missions forward?

21st January 2019 is Thaipusam, a Tamil festival.

The word Thaipusam is a combination of the name of the month, Thai, and the name of a star, Pusam.

This particular star is at its highest point during the festival.

The festival commemorates the occasion when Parvati gave Murugan a Vel "spear" so he could vanquish the evil demon Soorapadman.

12eda4  No.4787977

File: bb07b25cac6bc30⋯.png (470.26 KB, 633x390, 211:130, b84ed6e31ee52f371d3624260c….png)

9da81c  No.4787978


The book shows how sick and depraved this government has become.

d58f57  No.4787979


Yeah, wasn't her passport flagged was it?

4905b0  No.4787980

File: d704b5a27aa4ffa⋯.jpeg (880.44 KB, 1242x762, 207:127, 84783886-CF46-4043-822C-7….jpeg)

12eda4  No.4787981

File: c3a172d1eaac3a4⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 620x438, 310:219, eat.jpg)

29f289  No.4787982


Behold a Pale Horse book is like putting on the sunglasses in the movie " They Live ".

Things will never be the same.

bd73cf  No.4787983

January 20 was JFK inauguration and will be 30th day of shutdown anything to this?

053528  No.4787984

On Papadopoulos, We know the pieces in the latest story don't add up, didn't he have a whorl wind romance with his wife..as in they meet and a few short months or weeks later they were married…Handler maybe?

11df2f  No.4787985


saved! KEK

9656fa  No.4787986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

053528  No.4787987


Q drop mentions the 19 of January..day to remember..

af571b  No.4787988

File: 4e6d87271344aa6⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 564x951, 188:317, 50cc1f841d9ccbd27bebcc1f74….jpg)

File: a9a241a4c189eca⋯.png (620.13 KB, 720x846, 40:47, a9a241a4c189eca35ba741e926….png)

File: c6ecbd8e754c6ea⋯.png (126.18 KB, 596x324, 149:81, 46b1a05b-dd7a-49b7-bdec-2f….png)


Or is she afraid of public arrests or arrests after the State of The Union, like hers, perhaps? You should be afraid Nancy…be very afraid

702bca  No.4787989

File: 1f2bfeea0f3a6ab⋯.jpg (61.64 KB, 960x720, 4:3, CrankTheRedTxt-07.jpg)


quite the suave communicator you are

f1cf76  No.4787990


If you ask how people got here, everyone's got a story–me, too. No one came by accident. I never even heard of an image board a year ago and didn't use social media (except FB to follow one group). Impossible to imagine this entire scenario. Kek.

305f72  No.4787991



it was posted here months ago so not made by me. enjoy

f6aece  No.4787992

File: aa3deac3e18ae15⋯.jpeg (9.26 KB, 200x252, 50:63, images.jpeg)

9656fa  No.4787994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5e9756  No.4787995


maybe .. she is an attorney .. perhaps she is HIS attorney.

bb9d8b  No.4787996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cf639d  No.4787997

File: cb248f945372023⋯.jpeg (372.24 KB, 800x721, 800:721, F10662D2-E8C3-4B86-A1C5-6….jpeg)


Reagan was controlled, duh.

What about the assasination attempt tells ou otherwise?

fa513d  No.4787998

File: 46e1112c01aca53⋯.png (24.3 KB, 588x190, 294:95, ClipboardImage.png)


12eda4  No.4787999


He is still buddies with Tom Arnold

815062  No.4788000

If (you) burned everything inside the federal reserve nothing happened

af571b  No.4788001

File: 584c086a378bd95⋯.png (24.54 KB, 503x474, 503:474, abc32f89-b180-4900-a729-56….png)

8f362c  No.4788002


I thought she was a honey pot.

To spy on him.

0511af  No.4788003


January 20 is every Inauguration lol

bee291  No.4788005


We're 2 days ahead of schedule.

15e790  No.4788006

Here’s a poem I just read, written by I. P. Freeley

In a world, where a man is forbidden to plant certain seeds…

In a world, where a man needs a state to certify his marriage and register his kin…

In a world, where a man is tempted by the devil at every turn…

In a world, where a man is told that his masculinity is toxic…

In a world, where a man, who’s free of thought, is called a criminal…

In a world, where a man is unwillingly turned a slave…

Is not a world God is happy about.

The end is near.


a14825  No.4788007

File: 6ed11583394839f⋯.png (236.45 KB, 582x483, 194:161, ClipboardImage.png)

79f0b2  No.4788008


you know for the past 30 years. the cabal has had there hand in swaying elections. and when Seth Rich was murdered. and Trump p was elected. that was a deviation from the cabals control. like what's happening in the U.K with Brexit. you see what would be equivalent to what there trying to do to Trump. reverse something the government could not control. the will of the people.

5e9756  No.4788009


Jan 20th was Trump's inauguration as well.

900f09  No.4788010


sometime Ebot is on the money

9da81c  No.4788011


Try Transformation of America by Cathy O'Brian

It will do the same.


20df74  No.4788012


I have conspiracy theory friends. A group who know about Q for a year. Just now I am invited to fully share Q. Unfortunately, I am interrupted a lot. We are all in diff stages of waking. Still a few follow Jewish messianics, some follow AJ. Some are fully aware of the joo connection truth. Funny to see it all coming together after a full year of full time Q following.

I have been emailing info to about three, now I have four more requests. I drive them mostly crazy with how many emails of Q info I send every day. Total only less than 15. One posts stuff on a blog. One works hard to discredit trump. She is a trip. I think she is tiresia.kek

d8ae82  No.4788013

File: 28471e2cd7a17e4⋯.jpeg (273.33 KB, 800x1113, 800:1113, 1331821C-DB6B-48DB-8786-1….jpeg)

fa513d  No.4788014



f6aece  No.4788015

File: 94728583aae38fa⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 564x564, 1:1, 94728583aae38fa30c75bb5771….jpg)

It's gonna be ok frens!!!!

Fuck the shills

2ea102  No.4788016

>>4787978 Reagan paved the way for all our debt! Bad guy! Check out Gorbachev's perestroika speech: "….perestroika must take place in order for the west to fall asleep" ! It was all a show! Pics of him at bohemian grove floating around out there!

e1e638  No.4788017


these people don't get what is happening because they never learned how Gov't works and are incapable of thinking without a handler packed up their ass…

318dba  No.4788018


I know people in this situation and it will be hard for everyone.

Kind of like quitting cigarettes, there is no good time to do it. Stressful situations will undoubtedly tempt you to start again, but don't do it.

No gum, no patches, no vape pens, just quit. USA needs off of welfare programs.

Welfare causes more harm then good. It teaches people to be dependent on the government, it even contributes to the destruction of families by being the provider instead of the father, who would otherwise still be needed. That is if illegal aliens weren't doing the jobs that he could be doing instead.

This has to happen. Though it will suck having to help lazy and ungrateful family members that don't have a clue what's good for them.

a14825  No.4788019

File: 01d259f1a9be2ae⋯.png (724.53 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, 8d4a409502ff6ed23309f5bf97….png)

ae46d3  No.4788020

File: 1e5a2daeb0cb9ec⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 136774dbede41842a3f1bbbacb….jpg)


right on brother. We know this stuff largely because Q pointed us in the right direction or flat out tipped us off. Big reveals to the public and anons think "yeah we knew that a long time ago". But sometimes we forget that the only reason we knew anything in advance was because Q gave us the heads up.

AND 2018 legit was GLORIOUS! I haven't seen such an amazing ass kicking year since…well since never. I mean can you remember ANY other year when you had so much hope and seen so much promise for the future of this country . We need a year in review to remind us of all the amazing stuff that went down this year. 2 supreme court noms and the removal of No Name and daddy Bush was Amazing. And the letter at the funeral was priceless.

c931fe  No.4788021

File: 2c2544ae252d152⋯.gif (6.04 MB, 640x272, 40:17, gb2.gif)

9f1030  No.4788022

File: af678134f869854⋯.png (345.7 KB, 604x531, 604:531, 1.21jkeks.png)

Another stab at humanity and spiritual programming. Everyone want to be God and rule the word. Maybe not ebo.


815062  No.4788023

Funny how all the stalkers are flattering each other's farts huh

29f289  No.4788024


Brave New World = conform to the collective, its for your own good.

7320f9  No.4788025


>>4787327 Papadopoulos Told Congress That FBI Asked Him To Spy On Mystery Professor At Center Of Collusion Probe

>>4787369 Dig on Camille Francois Analysis Director at Graphika

>>4787378 Fake Washington Post copies announcing Trump's resignation handed out in Washington, DC

>>4787474 Trump Prepares Case for Funding New Missile Defense Plan

>>4787512, >>4787534 FINALLY MSM covers Yellow Vests. Who else would step up but Tucker?

>>4787541 Gillibrand Reverses Position on Drivers’ Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants

>>4787726 Another South Dakota Plane Crash

>>4787780 Chinese claim their stealth jet is "overwhelmingly superior" to the F35

>>4787793 Pelosi Never Contacted the USSS For Security Plan Before Canceling Trump Speech

>>4787861 The Secret Logistics of America’s Global Deep State

>>4787905 R Kelly's studio was raided

edbcc7  No.4788026

File: 75a3e2d200c26f6⋯.jpg (11.23 KB, 227x222, 227:222, pepemilk.jpg)


ahyehh this looks like muh QUEEN!


where do i meet you to sign the bill of sale?


5d52a8  No.4788027


>Let me get this right Trump,is shutting down the govt to fire these Workers. Whose on workers side?

He shutdown the gov to get a paltry 5.7 bil (1/1000 of total budget) for border security/wall.

Pelosi said no to paltry 5.7 bil repeatedly. Once on a surprise live video where she was hailed as "standing up" to Trump, again in a SCIF meeting where she rejected "Nielsen's Facts" and again the other day when Trump asked her what happens in 30 days and if I open gov will you give me wall? Pelosi said no, Trump said bye-bye. Schumer runs out and tells press Trump slammed table (a lie even dem staffers admitted).

Tuesday we find out maybe furloughed workers could be RIFd. "Coincidentally" appearing that day is a post by a anonymous Trump official that says he/she is working with no pay and it's great to be able to get something done because the 85% of the furloughed are fucks ups who don't do anything, can't be fired, and spend their time rolling stones in Trump's path so nothing ever gets done.

Seems nobody knew the RIF story was coming, and it could be true, who knows? OPM not saying anything for sure, i.e. they don't know either (they should). Pelosi writes Trump letter next day saying open up gov this week or no SOTU. Why this week? 30 day window before possible RIF closes Sunday. Could that be it? Then a report 'coincidentally' appears saying Trump signs bill to pay furloughed workers.

So Pelosi is the one on the hook for jeopardizing gov workers for a paltry 5.7 bil in order to allow unfettered illegal access (job competitors to the RIF'd) across border? Nice optics, Nan

So no fed money because, "Nancy says no to wall", workers RIFd. Newer hires (Obama flunkies) go first (tenure) and RIFd workers are pushed into an American economy that for the first time in many years is looking for workers. Private jobs, so income taxes taken go to general fund rather than to paying them.

I'd take my odds on that. If information surfaces showing pols enriched themselves via criminal activities on border and people put 2 + 2 together and realize that those pols allowed people to be fired in order to keep their cash cow alive, they really won't be able to walk down the street, as someone we know has said.

900f09  No.4788028


i was barely a teen when Reagan was prez

i liked him

iran contra was a shit show

f15820  No.4788029


Aw, my meme liveth!

8f362c  No.4788030

File: e361cf67f6b9a98⋯.png (351.75 KB, 622x702, 311:351, pagegreenberg.png)



sounds all good.

It will be nice to see Lisa Page's smirk quit already. All these smirkers need to cut it out already.

053528  No.4788031




There is a missing link in his story…and I just wonder if she is it.

6e73d3  No.4788032

File: 47f2cb53dfda0d3⋯.gif (7.6 MB, 277x456, 277:456, Pizza_satan_instagram.gif)

Just search "Pizza Satan" on instagram and what do you get?

6e3ffa  No.4788033

File: 44c4bc8e77be58b⋯.png (14.88 KB, 1609x169, 1609:169, Screenshot_352.png)

File: 477b09bcfe1776b⋯.png (66.56 KB, 443x238, 443:238, Screenshot_351.png)


Nice timestamp!

6d6f70  No.4788034

File: d97cf18f757a081⋯.png (73.87 KB, 1790x636, 895:318, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4787160, >>4775787, >>4776391 OB

Moar deciphering for leads for digging on hamberders / hamburgers. Almonds activated by previous No Table Anons. Hive Mind.

f7ee6e  No.4788035

I can breake the heaven and hell tells in 5 seconds.


Use logik, killary had a husband that was president, if hell was tru, she and he will never comited crimes.

fa513d  No.4788036

File: a05a4af1f8112be⋯.png (31.08 KB, 394x428, 197:214, Opera Snapshot_2018-12-31_….png)



810925  No.4788038


"Just off a winding highway along the Pacific coast in Monterey, California, is a private clinic where people can pay $8,000 to have their veins pumped with blood plasma from teenagers and young adults. …"

Teenagers and young adults!? If this works, children would work better, babies better still.

I betcha there are third world countries where someone would gladly bring in their one-year-old and give you a half pint of their blood in exchange for $100, and figure they ripped off the stupid rich American.

And tbqh I am not even too upset with that idea. It's' not like they're torturing the kid. It's not like they're removing an organ. The kid can replace the blood within a day.

815062  No.4788039

File: 8d74c2ce16d3893⋯.png (52.42 KB, 590x262, 295:131, 4FCAB303-33A8-4F3A-A4D7-79….png)

cf639d  No.4788043

File: 0286273d86892fc⋯.jpeg (47.43 KB, 540x281, 540:281, 9A415958-D7C5-4D3A-B0FB-A….jpeg)


Ebot isn’t always bad.

b604e8  No.4788044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

o7 & Godspeed, Anons

053528  No.4788046


Indeed we are..so does that make..Friday the day to remember, then?

2f8f50  No.4788047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lets goooooooo!!

f15820  No.4788048

File: 613e7adbacef9f6⋯.jpg (26.3 KB, 400x186, 200:93, eldorado59.jpg)


Congrats '59!

f986dd  No.4788049

File: 1ff552eb7fa7360⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 1207x236, 1207:236, H3r.n4m3.w4s.tr4c3r@love.u.jpg)


Tracey still don't care.

e1e638  No.4788050


Mick Mullvaney has the Govt restructure plan as approved by POTUS and it is coming and they will not understand what happened… for years

d5b411  No.4788051


Its like America, triple distilled with double DILLIGAF in here. Lurking has been the most entertaining thing I've ever done.

28568b  No.4788052

I'm buying my son a truck tomorrow - what is the best truck.

He needs it to pull a utility trailer (with 4,000 lbs of sound equipment).


Gas or diesel?

I am only giving him $8,000. How much mileage is too much for a truck?

Thanks anons

2ea102  No.4788053


Reagan was just as much a puppet as the rest of them! Iran contra…Ollie gave the finger…and "that was that"! That wasn't a good thing!

8a8886  No.4788054

File: eebaa032887483e⋯.png (547 B, 109x199, 109:199, AddText_01-17-01.36.55.PNG)

bd73cf  No.4788055

Any info on letters at funeral

01b9c3  No.4788056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9c9add  No.4788057

File: 87714f573d2a62d⋯.gif (283.35 KB, 256x256, 1:1, ball pat 3.gif)

815062  No.4788058

File: 6b2a2932f4a41a9⋯.jpg (171.4 KB, 650x483, 650:483, IMG_3410.JPG)

File: 56b3a9aff3c007b⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 639x524, 639:524, IMG_4065.JPG)

File: d629976a8d38d77⋯.jpg (328.88 KB, 1568x784, 2:1, IMG_4174.JPG)

File: 151684977adf444⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, IMG_4184.JPG)


It's like they name their farts after serial killers and then keep kissing each other buttholes huh

e9b735  No.4788059


Sounds about right.

2ea102  No.4788060


Yeeesh! Gets down right creepy in here sometimes!

67f207  No.4788061

File: 67b5277c92d584f⋯.jpeg (26.83 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 485FFB48-2255-496D-98F6-6….jpeg)

40c4e3  No.4788062

If she does, there will be something in the Bill she tries to sneak in and Trump WILL NOT sign and RIF happens perhaps

e1e638  No.4788063



481f48  No.4788064


>He shutdown the gov to get a paltry 5.7 bil (1/1000 of total budget) for border security/wall.

Remember that it was Schumer who originally shut it down.

This is as much about showing the Dems who is still boss as it is about The Wall or cleaning out unnecessary bureaucrats. If the Dems succeed in blocking the wall then they will be complexity recalcitrant for the next two years.

cf639d  No.4788065


Not enough data, faggot. Need to know location at the very least.

900f09  No.4788066

if they thought it was happening yesterday

and were 2 days ahead of scheduale does that mean it happened 3 days ago

dam shifting timelines

9f1030  No.4788067

Definitely looks like a PBR kinda guy.


29f289  No.4788068


Replace embassy " Freight " with drug tonnage. makes perfect sense

40c4e3  No.4788069



forgot to link

28568b  No.4788070


Northern CA

9fc302  No.4788071


>Reagan was just as much a puppet as the rest of them!

Keep trying to repeat the lies to rewrite history, leftist. Your shite doesn’t fly here.

6add54  No.4788072


Now the rest of the world will start to see what we've known for so long, I'm going to love watching MSM try to explain truth after truth away. As they do, people will wake and see MSM for the rats they really are, and it will destroy them. Yes, I'm very comfy.

6e3ffa  No.4788073

File: 296f054139db8d2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1029x564, 343:188, Screenshot_353.png)


Spoopy shit when talking 'bout da dead!


cf639d  No.4788074


Kek. Another meme spotted out in the wild.

f7ee6e  No.4788075

Imagine pope

they will continue to be pedos???


6d6f70  No.4788076


Moar leads::

Mueller, Comey, and the Deep State Rescue of Sandy Berger


The FBI Director in 2005 was Robert Mueller. His role in the Berger case might have paralleled Comey’s role in the Hillary Clinton email affair, but it did not. Comey served as the public face in both the Berger and the Clinton cases, the former as Deputy AG, the latter as head of the FBI. Comey likes the limelight.

During his eight years in the Clinton White House, Berger had done worse than steal documents. Like Pulp Fiction’s Winston Wolf, his job was to “solve problems.” In April 2002, the former president had a problem to solve. Someone had to review intelligence documents in advance of the various hearings on 9/11. As made clear in a 2007 report by the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform – a primer on deep state treachery – Berger did not welcome the assignment.

According to the archivists, Berger “indicated some disgust with the burden and responsibility of conducting the document review.” I have a suspicion of what those documents were. Suffice it for now to say they had to contain information damaging to both Clinton and Berger sufficient for Berger to risk his livelihood, his reputation, and his very freedom.

815062  No.4788080

File: 356e0d16fa2f33f⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 570x553, 570:553, E4B3243C-B29C-4F76-9BA2-D0….jpg)

File: 80bcef59233af13⋯.jpg (118.75 KB, 650x497, 650:497, AFC2E9AB-0176-4225-8397-95….jpg)

File: 40c4acd3c953c94⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 255x152, 255:152, C078B93C-2F32-4236-9C13-A6….jpg)

File: 6b76f5af3a18115⋯.jpg (416.1 KB, 1504x810, 752:405, IMG_5046.JPG)

File: d6a5fdb395534b9⋯.jpg (784.77 KB, 1440x1074, 240:179, IMG_5313.JPG)

053528  No.4788081


Bingo…Now take a look at where it is shipped to and compare the High drug rates in those area's ..and you will see where this goes from there.

67f207  No.4788082


Its kinda my thing…


305f72  No.4788083

File: 2f548b5b8603ff4⋯.jpg (33.72 KB, 640x640, 1:1, KW layin' it down.jpg)

ebot has it's moments

313b8c  No.4788084


damnable Swedes

f15820  No.4788085


That was Bush I fuckery.

7320f9  No.4788086

File: 1a1c85b4bd741be⋯.jpg (9.42 KB, 218x231, 218:231, 1a1c85b4bd741be39ba29de32e….jpg)

f1cf76  No.4788087


What is it with that couple. Mr. and Mrs. Papdapolous? They are like something out of an Edward Lear poem:

(subbed out "Papadopoulas" for "Discobbolos")

Mr. & Mrs. Papadopoulas

Climbed to the top of a wall,

And they sate to watch the sunset sky

And to hear the Nupiter Piffkin cry

And the biscuit Buffalo call.

They took a roll and some Camomile tea,

And both were as happy, as happy can be,

Till Mrs. Papadopolous said,—

"Oh! X! Y! Z!

It has just come into my head—

Suppose we should happen to fall!!!!

Darling Mr. Papadopolous."


edbcc7  No.4788088

File: ea3c05eb03bd13d⋯.png (1.26 MB, 889x696, 889:696, theyunderestimate.png)


sheeeesh your words brought an overflow of joy as i read them.

(YOU) are the mind I have been looking for!


i have been trying to write a few things down as we go…

as you know things get overwhelming at times,

and i end up having to remind my self to brush my teeth and sleep.

i would LOVE to share a few thoughts with you!


f6aece  No.4788089

File: fc29d2114c097d8⋯.jpg (21.23 KB, 320x320, 1:1, MAGA_Kitten.jpg)



Maybe it's the weed, what does RIF mean?

6d6f70  No.4788090


If Mueller, back then, played a part for Bill that's similar to Comey's role for Hussein, who played the role of Berger for Hussein?

6442a8  No.4788091


And French chefs say that French cooking is better than American cooking.

6add54  No.4788093


So does a blind dog

f83ab6  No.4788094


A question was presented to me a few years back where if the world was truly to end, that ending was inevitable, would I choose Man or God to end the world.

Of course, I chose God, but Man is hell bent on ending himself it seems, so God may indeed have no choice.

Still, with God's end there's the slimmest of chances that some species will survive. He's good like that. With Man's endings in all their scenarios, earth cannot survive.

815062  No.4788096





Cycle of fart larping cia gendered judas fehgels

9656fa  No.4788097

File: e146efce6a2e1f5⋯.jpg (47.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, e146efce6a2e1f5c5c4dca90ee….jpg)


Daddy's Carlysle group mafia cocksuckers aren't in the loop. This will probably be handled precisely and discretely, as 911 should have been. Pelosi and Schumer were in on that too.

bb9d8b  No.4788098

File: 311d6239b52104f⋯.jpeg (16.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepe pope.jpeg)

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