9d01e3 No.4639762
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.
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Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 01/06/19
>>4639347 ————————————–——– Huber Activated - treachery revealed requires accountability
>>4636767 ————————————–——– A stone sits idle. The choice is yours. (|Caps: >>4637162 )
>>4635153 rt >>4616371 ————————— Handler (Conductor) (Caps: >>4635308, >>4635399 )
>>4634536 ————————————–——– Get in line.
>>4633937 ————————————–——–- Refusal to provide coverage of successes.
>>4630322 ————————————–——– Money buys POWER
>>4628679 ————————————–——– Anons knew? (Cap and Video: >>4628761)
>>4628579 ————————————–——– Germany losing stranglehold on EU?
>>4628060 ————————————–——– Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted
>>4627556 ————————————–——– [RBG] The clock is ticking
Saturday 01/05/19
>>4618020 rt >>4617970 ————————— 2.2 million attempted access within 1-2 minutes.
>>4617772 ————————————–——– The corruption (infiltration) at the top (WW) has spread like cancer.
>>4617497 rt >>4617213 ————————— Who audits where the money 'actually' goes?
>>4617146 ————————————–——– How do you outmaneuver the obstructionists?
>>4616371 ————————————–——– What if this was always the plan? ( Tweet Cap: >>4616518 )
>>4615394 rt >>4614558 ————————— Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?
>>4611217 rt >>4610613 ————————— Posse Comitatus Act
>>4610613 ————————————–——– EO Active (Cap & Vid: >>4610687, >>4610715 )
>>4609878 ————————————–——– (2 days ahead of schedule) (Cap: >>4609906)
>>4609173 ————————————–——– The 'MUELLER' insurance policy has expired (Caps: >>4609289, >>4609263, >>4609331, >>4609545, >>4609565, >>4609595 )
Saturday 12/22/18
Compiled here: >>4628830
Friday 12/21/18
Compiled here: >>4628808
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
9d01e3 No.4639769
are not endorsements
>>4589958 Reminder of the /qresearch/ search tool (searches all breads for keywords)
>>4517617, >>4544243, >>4557547 BO Re: Censorship, Commitment, & /patriotsfight/
#5919 baker change
>>4639103 POTUS on "Acting"
>>4639097 watch the water watch graphic (anon graphic)
>>4639424 Fox news article of Q post Treachery requires Accountability
>>4639319 Old DJT tweet Comey, Brennan, Clapper
>>4639040, >>4639337, >>4639292 Fiji Girl
>>4639583, >>4639621 couple of IDs didnt get Q tripcode (caps)
>>4639692 Maggie tweet storm bun
>>4639665 Shaffhausen coat of arms history
>>4639728 #5919
>>4638536 Q Happenings Calendar Update: Week of January 7th, 2019
>>4638392 Key Democrat Admits Trump Has Authority To Declare National Emergency To Build Wall
>>4638390, >>4638681 Christian Bale thanks satan at the Golden Globes, award was for playing Cheney
>>4638353 Graphic of all the "Q Things" at this year's Golden Globes
>>4638291 , >>4638312, >>4638351 Watch The Water: The Golden Globes 'Fiji Water Girl'
(Baker Change)
>>4638456, >>4638902 Fiji has been the official water brand of the Golden Globe Awards since 2015
>>4638709 RBG wants legalized prostitution and pedophilia
>>4638781 Bolton: 'Syria pullout won't harm Israeli security, war on ISIS'
>>4638874 Sir Murray Brennan was RBG's pancreatic cancer surgeon.
>>4638938 The origin of the Fiji water 'conspiracy'
>>4638979 #5918
>>4637881 Maggie Haberman features in the long list of media who colluded with DNC/HRC
>>4637878 New Leaks: Use Hollywood films to counter China & Russia
>>4637822 RGB's mother suffered with cancer for years and died young
>>4637807 , >>4637834, >>4637967 CBS News Chief David Rhodes steps down
>>4637773 , >>4637937 Twitter gives Maggie anxiety
>>4637682 , >>4637665, >>4637732, >>4637791, >>4637849 Clip of White Squall shown at The Golden Globes
>>4637659 , >>4638080 Maggie mentions 'Z' in her new tweet re David Rhodes
>>4637630 , >>4637637, >>4637896 New Habberman retweet re 'riding the subway'
>>4637580 , >>4637741 How is Corey Johnson connected to Habberman? Dig
4638186 #5917
#5916 Baker change
>>4637419 Maggie's mother apparently worked for DJT
>>4637374 The EO Maggie appears to be referencing in tweet
>>4637306, >>4637256 'New' Epstein Island Fire is fake news
>>4637192 Remove Tliab petition creeping up on 60,000 signatures
>>4637184 Does RBG have a rare disease? Writes note to child in hospital
>>4637149 , >>4637176, >>4637181 Moar decodes on the latest Q to Maggie posts
>>4636832 Did POTUS_Schedule reveal that POTUS left Camp David unexpectedly?
>>4637129 POTUS_Schedule for Monday
>>4637121 Ocasio-Cortez Calls Trump Racist in 60 Minutes Interview
>>4637105 Who really owns the NYT?
>>4637097 Q's past post on Maggie's 3 trust funds
4637526 #5916
Previously Collected Notables
>>4635939 #5914, >>4637021 #5915
>>4633667 #5911, >>4634387 #5912, >>4635186 #5913
>>4631303 #5908, >>4632049 #5909, >>4632894 #5910
>>4628973 #5905, >>4629746 #5906, >>4630495 #5907
>>4626717 #5902, >>4627511 #5903, >>4628124 #5904
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
9d01e3 No.4639779
War Room
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
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9d01e3 No.4639787
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>>93735 Side by Side Archive
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4442486
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
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Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4431922
9d01e3 No.4639800
Dough coming
post away ANONS
43d522 No.4639805
@ Maggie NYT
>202 456 1414, it's not too late.
9d01e3 No.4639806
Dat Dough
Bring Sauce
6ee98c No.4639808
ac047b No.4639809
86223b No.4639810
>>4638390, >>4638681 LB Notables
>Christian Bale thanks satan at the Golden Globes, award was for playing Cheney
Is it possible that Dick Cheney is the one running the @S8n twitter? Didn’t Q say it was someone important. Does Cheney have a Twitter? I’m not on there
793e1b No.4639811
Anyone else see the water?
adb773 No.4639812
Thank you, Baker! Nice job on timing the 751.
895777 No.4639815
Fresh Bread on 751! Now that right there is a Baker!
f32c7e No.4639816
can Q confirm that we are going to push back muslim and judaic subversion from our nations?
Really, this is all we are going for at the immediate moment. Unless people feel like they are 'winning', it just saps morale to see scum being allowed to run around and cause trouble scott free.
29ca9e No.4639817
>>4639645 (lb)
i missed the name of your picture, anon.
"and a beer"
47b00d No.4639819
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Listen carefully:
Comey didn't notify Whitehouse, DNI and Senior Congressional leadership about their 'illegal Counter Intelligence' treason until months after it had begun. This was a huge 'red flag' back in March of 2017
6 Jan 2019 - 8:51:54 PM
"The treachery revealed by Comey, Clapper, and Brennan requires accountability. That can only happen through a federal grand jury investigation headed by John W. Huber, the U.S. Attorney in Utah who has been appointed to investigate the FISA criminality by the Obama FBI and DOJ."
47f065 No.4639821
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Jam for your Bread
This little ditty goes out to…..Maggie
Who has probably urinated her self followed by a lot puking her guts out and crying.
89f772 No.4639824
kek…the WH. Maybe Trump will take your call Maggie.
b2e82c No.4639825
In re:
>>4628679 — Anons knew? (Cap and Video: >>4628761)
Anons who were paying attention knew at least as far back as March 25, 2018 bread #976
(because the 8chan archive doesn't save graphics)
d4d5ef No.4639828
b805ae No.4639830
Death Penalty is too light Q!
f32c7e No.4639831
damned straight (((they))) should fear.
Q must bring the hammer, or our children will suffer for our inaction.
Red line.
No compromise.
791d7b No.4639832
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Our Campain. really is We The People!
This is a crossroads in the History of our civilization.
Q said listen again!
5889e8 No.4639833
Looking at today's Q drops I'd say,
It's Happening.
be6253 No.4639834
How can you enjoy a day at the zoo?
Because walls work.
557916 No.4639835
e10bb8 No.4639836
Caged bird? When goes it sing?
74f966 No.4639837
David de Rothschild shows off the IWC Schaffhausen watches at the Plastiki Expidition
ac047b No.4639838
Pic related runs S8N twatter
365aa7 No.4639839
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Oh shit! We CANNOT let anyone see this. It would ruin too much for a lot of people. This must be what the liberals have been searching for.
29ca9e No.4639840
i never get tired of that pic. kek
7797d2 No.4639843
Headline should read " Anti-Gun and Open Border Hollywood"
c76f9b No.4639847
Damn fine bakin'!!!
Please accept this Q collector cup as a gift.
58c33d No.4639849
Holy ish Q! Is Twitter the means of communication between MH and her mossad handlers?!?!(as other means of comm are surely under scrutiny)
I’m guess in her original post, she is saying:
‘I’m in trouble Q is coming for my azz’
And Q is telling the both of them:
‘We know this is how you communicate, are you sure you want to continue your deep state media blitz against Trump?’
Is this close or nahhhhhh?
557916 No.4639850
You’re on the list, who are you kidding?
12f69f No.4639851
>>4639700 PB lb
anagrams are important
371e01 No.4639852
>>4639703 LB
I wasn't posting last night. I don't care what people post here, but asking if she has done porn is indicative of a worse problem.
39c90f No.4639854
>>4637704 lb
>>>4637568The look on cheneys face when POTUS came in lasted at least 2 mins
that man is seriously evil. he deserves 2 bullets to the head and I want to watch that treasonous, murderous, MKULTRA handler, lowlife go down
f32c7e No.4639855
we know.
ee3ef4 No.4639858
And a week ago while we were comfy knowing, the shills were like; "Oh, where's your larp? He's not coming back, You are all fools, We told you" And we are still comfy…
04571b No.4639859
Question -
The Fiji water situation. Did that break on this board? Also, if it did, look at the Twatter followers…
The World IS Watching (this board)
f9deac No.4639860
>>4639540 LB
Was he 'shit' on purpose to let Obama in?
I think Bernie let Hillary win.
Even after busted for setting Bernie up to lose, no fuss?
>>4639669 LB
I was thinking that Maggie cooperating witness.
If they move without her, no deal.
Either way, Maggie down to hours?
I hope it was worth it.
9207e9 No.4639861
Maybe not for long…
12f69f No.4639862
art wood 1986
Jeffk something awful
the eval Jewish magic0n
0ebf5c No.4639863
Where is the proof that it is fake…that doesn't prove that it's fake.
Yes, this photo is the same as used in April of 2018…but that doesn't prove that it's false. Or that the first fire was false.
cef361 No.4639866
557916 No.4639867
You are. Want to wager on it?
c4595c No.4639868
Like two breads ago.
282b74 No.4639869
73d767 No.4639873
was notable in bread #5917
82bacc No.4639875
Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency?
Covert funding?
Animals > Humans
Humans 1988
71% avg success rate.
Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ].
Mental institutions & therapists > 'program-specialists'…..
Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ]
WIA military personnel targets of the program?
Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick)
Something out of a movie?
The hole is deep.
9d01e3 No.4639876
Lurking Bakers
graveyard has coverage, we just holdin it down,
im good to bake one more (5921), look for handoff next bread, should only be needed for a bread (5922) you should get graveyard chiming in
graveyard should be expected bakery #5923
1e46da No.4639877
Hey boss.
Please boss
Boss boss.
Bosses boss.
Bose headphones are boss.
Boss is boss.
Anyone who refers to Q as boss
ad94ee No.4639878
Do we allow this? Dox without justification of two different people who don't seem to be public figures. My vote is still no.
fa4b43 No.4639880
>>4639750 (lb)
>>4639770 (lb)
What is it about coincidences again.
f32c7e No.4639881
(((shilling))) gets you no where fast. Unlike you, we know you.
29ca9e No.4639882
9d01e3 No.4639883
2df7c7 No.4639885
Hole is deep, Anons can handle it
f4e870 No.4639886
God bless you Q+
3d8f34 No.4639890
And the nitwit that said the operation would be done by the 1st with Q's unmasking on the 3rd. Uh huh.
74f966 No.4639891
eb6c44 No.4639892
Too bad the NG didn't surround the place and arrest everyone. Here's hoping for the Oscars.
e78c3a No.4639893
a97a25 No.4639894
Watch the water so.. legit people vs +fakewood?
e51b4d No.4639896
>>4639695 pp
So maybe Comey is a Rothschild. It's just odd timing on the night that everybody's discussing the RED Carpet for the GOLDen Globes, DiGenova would write an article highlighting the cardinal moniker and that Q would share it. Joe has said before (and Judge Jeanine too) why they call him Cardinal Comey. Just expanding my thinking kek.
29ca9e No.4639897
and hence, why the push for foreign funding?
ee3ef4 No.4639898
One man is with God, nuff said.
31232a No.4639899
Time's up. Dig 'em up, Q. They need some LIGHT
47f065 No.4639900
who's house is it?
Stop being cryptic.
ff6964 No.4639901
Holy shit. The big stuff.
60ac74 No.4639903
your posts in this bread are creepy af
791d7b No.4639905
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. what an amazing speech every anon needs to listen too again. this is why we are here and this is why POTUS is here!
e6a7eb No.4639907
Transparency please.
e85209 No.4639908
Goes nicely with his city attire and ISIS beard
371e01 No.4639913
>>4639724 LB
I am a Christian. Why would I go to church?
364fde No.4639915
Good Lord, Q, it's all so crazy.
9d01e3 No.4639917
anons get baker these articles - caps pls
7fca2c No.4639918
JFK in Dallas
Multiple shooters, Kill shot by driver SS comped of POTUS Kennedy's car, Seen the video evidence. Left arm over right shoulder pulls trigger and Hits Potus in the head after be ing hit in the back of the neck.
73d767 No.4639919
Fuck them Q..they all need a good ole fashion hanging
bc25ea No.4639920
God Speed, we are all behind you and the Team
dec6f0 No.4639921
We want to know everything Q.
Transparency is key.
791d7b No.4639922
557916 No.4639923
Glow moar faggot.
a97a25 No.4639924
Was this the secret boars that google was operating ???
e10bb8 No.4639925
Welp. Here we go. Jumping into the deep end. Holy crap..
a02ddd No.4639926
Soo comfy….just throw the shills a hidden items page from highlights and their be good for another month….or 2? Kek
Bewbs for the Baker!
31232a No.4639928
It is a more appropriate place for you to preach
f32c7e No.4639930
Rampant medication usage to 'treat' youngsters, teens, starting heavily in early 90s - designed to mainstream MK ultra in the truest sense. pharmacological.
Whole swatch of population to be used as cattle and useful traits selected to be 'bred' for future usage.
38b37f No.4639931
Put a stick of dynamite in that hole and blow it up Q. Information = freedom
557916 No.4639933
I’m calling you out the entire bread. Q or not. IP hop MF.
793e1b No.4639934
Blessed to be here with you!
e68db7 No.4639935
We can talk through code or we can act through transparency. The choice is yours. However, the clock is ticking, and, at a select point in time, that option will be expired. Regular service appointments should be made in order to maintain functionality.
Translation: Access is a privilege, with an expiration date. Appointments must be kept to maintain the current protocols and agreements between both 'sides'.
This is not a game.
5a16dd No.4639937
God bless you fantastic people
35ce18 No.4639939
Nice grease stain on your pants leg, David. Classy.
b805ae No.4639940
the moment you realize Departed, Jason Bourne, etc was all real, they were laughing at our faces
bf9bb5 No.4639941
Q is it time? Are we ready to go deeper down that rabbit hole that you pulled back last April?
a97a25 No.4639942
Boats that google was operating?
I hear ear crushing frequencies sometimes.. not on any meds.. them or just texh interferrance/rfi?
c1683a No.4639943
There were a lot of digs on mku last year…
the answers to Q's Qs is in those digs.
e51b4d No.4639944
Tangent, you say?
cef361 No.4639945
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4639879
7797d2 No.4639947
Death is too good. Better justice is to keep them alive as they watch all their plans they've spent decades on fall to pieces.
57dc59 No.4639948
you fucking idiot
prove that i didn't suck these tits
you can't? well that means that i did then
29ca9e No.4639949
very bourne(ish)
d5dc82 No.4639950
how do we live in this shithole
5fe3dd No.4639951
Ryan Seacrest Shows Off Time's Up Bracelet One Year After Misconduct Claims Against Him
The TV host was previously accused of sexual misconduct during the #MeToo movement, a claim he has strenuously denied. Ryan Seacrest accessorized his velvet suit with a Time's Up bracelet at the 2019 Golden Globes on Sunday night.
Seacrest's E! red carpet co-host Giuliana Rancic first introduced the bracelet, letting viewers know they might be seeing it on the wrists of stars throughout the night and that the women's empowerment movement will continue to be a topic of discussion on the carpet. The camera then cut to Seacrest, who then showed off his own bracelet. "You'll see those bracelets on the carpet, I've got the black one here on my wrist," said Seacrest. The co-hosts said the bracelets are to celebrate the Time's Up accomplishments in the past year and to also talk about what's ahead for the fund that was founded in response to the mistreatment of women in Hollywood and other industries.
The TV host's accessory raised eyebrows on social media, as Seacrest was previously accused of sexual misconduct during the #MeToo movement. Seacrest has strenuously denied the accusation and a third-party investigator found the claim to be unsubstantiated. Former E! stylist Suzie Hardy came forward with her accusation against Seacrest last year in an interview with Variety, telling the outlet that the television personality routinely sexually harassed her and abused her during her tenure as a stylist at E! in the mid-2000s. She later filed a police report.
Seacrest himself wrote a column for The Hollywood Reporter about being "wrongly" accused, writing, "To have my workplace conduct questioned was gut-wrenching." Viewers of the Globes red carpet were quick to call Seacrest out. “Ryan Seacrest is wearing? A Time’s Up bracelet? While everyone just kinda ignores that he was one of the accused men last year? SURE OK,” one wrote, while another added, "What gives Ryan Seacrest the ego to wear a #TimesUp bracelet? Does he think we forgot? My dude, the time for you is not today."
557916 No.4639952
Protecting your bestie are you?
c76f9b No.4639953
Well, well, well. Imagine dat!
eb6c44 No.4639954
Such a beautiful creation. Too bad she has rope around her waste… Looks to be some sort of post modern luciferian art installation.
7cfc89 No.4639955
is this how they control the majority of school shooters also?
a0332a No.4639956
Q, what should every day Americans be doing to help the fight?
Posting memes doesn't work without habbenings, we look retarded
91b245 No.4639958
Where are they and what are their names?
2c8492 No.4639960
Jesus fucking christ. Can we kill them with fire now please?
371e01 No.4639961
How am I preaching?
1b601c No.4639962
good to see we are getting to the filmed victims part.
207f33 No.4639963
"They knew where he was.. they couldn't get him." - POTUS .. Quote from Sgt Merl Conner's Medal of Honor ceremony…
Pretty sure… i was on their "menu"
fa4b43 No.4639964
So they can use brain implants to control paralyzed patients.
I actually had a MK victim contact me on another platform whose grandfather was involved with some very early stages of that shit. Won't give names or go into detail but it is very crazy and they are scared to go public with it.
Does this tie into nano technology?
What was with Assange's warning about "Intelligent Evil Dust"?
I know they've been cloning humans for at least 2 decades and only fear taking it public because of "ethics"
Sick shit.
ac047b No.4639966
I think we're going into some "Choice to know will be yours" territory here guise. This is 60-80 tier material here. I hope. I can't sleep anyway.
510874 No.4639967
Absolutely real.
282b74 No.4639968
ad94ee No.4639970
Generational curses that end now.
d4d5ef No.4639971
is the fed the keystone?
819e09 No.4639972
fc75fe No.4639973
53b6d4 No.4639975
3.15 pm = 1515 = 5151 = 30 / 102 = 3 / 3
8.45 pm = 2045 = 5402 = 65 / 56 = 11 / 11
3.15 = 33
8.45 = 11
>>4639133 (lb)
…a Kennedy cousin we don't know about?
c90dba No.4639976
>>4639703 (PB)
KEK!! I didn't post that Anon. You poor soul. All mixed up you are.
cebb01 No.4639977
Oh my God, Q.
I don't need the whole story to know this is wrong, wrong, WRONG.
This is not what America is about.
5889e8 No.4639978
I told you guy's,
It's Happening.
f32c7e No.4639979
very 'sensationalized' dissemination to inoculate the idea of such 'heroes'?
desensitization is real, current push for pedophilia (using live and fictional drawn mediums) aimed at younger demographic.
rape depicted. gang rape depicted. can't live action those yet, so use drawn fictional examples.
can't count the number of times I cringed at the ads below.
357f6a No.4639980
Thank you Q Team and Q + for all you're doing.
Many Prayers For You!
Pastor Chris
90fa52 No.4639982
reread crumbs FFS
aa5c25 No.4639983
I was born at Minot, ND AFB in 1965. FYI Relevant to latest Q drop.
e78c3a No.4639984
092e3c No.4639985
The skull and bones is the symbol of the knights templars. If Q posts the skull without the bones, is it a message?
f9deac No.4639986
Some of your fav villains might be in a cage or worse.
Is that a good ending to the movie?
Your hard work deserves that and more.
What else were we going to do?
Let the World burn?
Thank God for Trump and Anons.
The sleepy giant awakens.
What will it SEE?
A flag a tattered, bombarded for decades, at least.
Brave 470 and frens, working together.
Word spreads fast, hopefully.
Godspeed, PRAY, be safe.
7cfc89 No.4639987
ed23e7 No.4639988
Well, for one thing, the point on the map is nowhere near little St. James. Do you Google Earth?
3f2c0d No.4639989
1yr Delta.
Figi girl is awesome. Great placement to make them shit themselves
Anyone catch the woman that vowed to donated 1 million to each journalist and that hollyfake and the media are now hand in hand?
Then they went to a clip of the blackkkclansman
6e7f99 No.4639990
US Feds Raid Tech Hub for Unauthorized Crypto Trading
b2e82c No.4639991
Old POTUS tweet about building the wall through Military funding from March 2018
ac7f67 No.4639992
It's the cellphones. 5G coming…
a7364f No.4639993
>Something out of a movie?
I love how (((they))) make movies look all too good to make this stuff look fake. Looking at the mugshots of mass shooters, you know something else is going on.
74f966 No.4639994
bab81c No.4639996
NOW it's getting good! I was gonna go to bed but not now! WOOHOO
ba9b3d No.4639997
Was there a fire on Epstein Island today?
1e46da No.4639999
bab81c No.4640000
Shit wrong pic my bad hahaha
079468 No.4640001
an anon was mentioning learning about electricity, sound waves, etc. I came across this and it has lots of info for the beginner
A Beginners View of Our Electric Universe
Published on Jan 31, 2013
It is the Electric Force we already know that really does explain how our Universe works. The story we have been given through the mainstre…
frequencies, wave lengths, effects of changing direction of the sound, light wave
eb6c44 No.4640002
Cali ain't what it used to be.
e48f22 No.4640003
They are microchipping wounded vets
31c305 No.4640004
"Shockingly the swathes of information still missing or redacted in the records could mean the CIA is STILL carrying out the experiments to this day, according to experts."
To. This. Day.
e10bb8 No.4640005
It’s okay. I didn’t need any sleep this week, Q. Carry on o7
5bfe03 No.4640006
Like the Tuskegee expurament the US GOV has permitted the most heinous expiramebration on its citizens without permission. The abuse of the US MIL is particularly disgusting. Mandatory vaccines in Desert Storm, but Eli Lilly can’t be sued.
What are the odds Dr. Christine B. Ford can’t remember anything?
Is Scientology another mass experiment? When will it end? Does the C_A have a purpose that is not Evil?
8fccb3 No.4640007
Ive researched and seen so much on the net for this to be true. I pray for those souls.
8f3a37 No.4640008
We're through the looking glass now gents, no turning back
b79ae6 No.4640009
Fucking shit.
We all already knew…
But fuck, it’s still so disturbing.
This is not ok. Honestly, scary as hell. Literally.
a97a25 No.4640010
a7364f No.4640011
Always under the guise of more convenience
39c90f No.4640012
>>4639347 lb
> Q Huber Activated - treachery revealed requires accountability
Greetings. so happy to see your drops, don't be a stranger, we love you! declass still seems like the most public-friendly. POTUS doesn't need that for insurance, he's got tons of other stuff. sooo……. a really clean, transparent move by POTUS would definitely shut up disrespectful dims AND bring some really bad players to justice. just sayin'
89cc61 No.4640013
We are hunted, experimented upon, turned into zombies and killing machines, and fed to the masses?
9d0220 No.4640015
Do the DS still have active "torpedoes" ready in the tubes for launch?
f29d43 No.4640016
Loonnngggg shot but eye ain't calling. fucking spook shit.
7797d2 No.4640019
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4639951
Ryan Seacrest is also the host of the ball drop in Times Square for New Years
2c8492 No.4640020
Q what are side effects or permanent damage? Are these people recoverable?
1f27f3 No.4640021
How about Antarctica? We going there?
4ae248 No.4640022
so does this relate to super solider programs or just mind control
38b37f No.4640023
If that micro dust is real, they prob chipped us all through chemtrails
1faed7 No.4640024
The hole is deep.
8f3a37 No.4640025
i'll dial, fuck it
90fa52 No.4640027
I'm not going to be able to bake any moar tonight, it's probably just you until graveyard
maybe an anon step up or BO/BV can oversee ebakes
I'll be able to bake my normal shift tomorrow if needed, thanks baker
d37424 No.4640028
So many awful things…. and yet we can't even get the FISA declassed…….. Not even asking for perp walks….. Lots of POTUS supporters losing heart….. what to do?
e78c3a No.4640031
Send them all down my street please, I have lamp posts
a97a25 No.4640032
5811ef No.4640033
charge your phone
9d01e3 No.4640035
embed that shit nigga
anons help embed for newfag, baker is curious
53b6d4 No.4640036
kill them all.
film them being killed.
f32c7e No.4640037
'mutants' = heroes
'normal people' = bigots, losers, etc.
everything can be of use…
rampant misdiagnosis of 'ADD' 'ADHD' 'PTSD' 'OCD' for any perceived 'duress' = opportunity to drug populace.
Will we not fight?
27c50c No.4640038
They need to pay for doing this to our boys!
c0bb71 No.4640039
Wow. Now we are revving up to full throttle.
MK Uktra in da house
ThanQ so much Q
SO many people have suffered
And so much evil done and being done by MK
Australia heavily involved in MK Ultra
b79ae6 No.4640040
Can’t agree more.
Dark to LIGHT.
6efafa No.4640041
Q team: awhile back I made a request, that when the time comes to arrest Trudeau, that you bring him to me to serve him some western justice for Albertans. I've decided to rescind my request. Could you instead just swing by and pick me up when you airlift him to gitmo? I'd like a nice holiday in Cuba. Once we get there and the quick tribunal is over, I'd like to be the person to squeeze the syringe. Or activate the guillotine. Or pull the trigger. Whatever the method, I'd like to be appointed the executioner. Whatever you'd like in return, consider it done. Thanks a million.
90fa52 No.4640042
Any hints on what was discussed at CD?
ceff48 No.4640043
is this why so many of our military are suiciding?
62aad1 No.4640044
I'm simultaneously fascinated / enraged.
They truly view us as cattle.
Don't just hang 'em… string 'em up AND slit their throats.
cefe65 No.4640045
Still no trips for me? BO/BV?
a7364f No.4640046
That's the watch manufacture from the drop yesterday.
47f065 No.4640048
Carrey has ruined all of his own movives for me forever.
Congrats asshole.
89cc61 No.4640049
Are we all infected/infiltrated to some degree? Is that why 99% would end up in the hospital?
5fe3dd No.4640050
Converting Brain Signals into Action
fc75fe No.4640051
did u filter fake q?
a97a25 No.4640052
Kek on chargah!! 😁😁
415f4c No.4640053
Show the mothers of America proof that our children have been experimented on, Q. And we will tear the animals apart with our bare hands.
31232a No.4640054
It isnt TIME for FISA declas yet. When it is time, it will happen. Trust the plan. That's what to do.
90fa52 No.4640056
(not BO/BV)
try clearing your cached and restarting your browser
it seems to be only you
9d0220 No.4640057
God bless & keep Bill Cooper!
207f33 No.4640060
I don't even want to take my kids to the doctor…and don't give me and "safe" bologna because aint no way any of the Team is walking into any ol' doctors office.
39c90f No.4640062
89f772 No.4640063
wow. Shits going down this week.
57cc64 No.4640064
The group also is developing a second brain-interface technology, an intracortical microarray. This device enables the user to control movement with thoughts, but with a higher resolution and potentially greater control than the micro-ECoG because the tiny chip's 100 miniscule, spike-like electrode probes descend into the surface of the motor cortex. The probes read the signals coming from individual neurons. Because the arrays are embedded into the brain, this interface device could cause more scar tissue than the micro-ECoG. With support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Schwartz is leading research using the array in animals paired with a dexterous prosthetic arm engineered at Johns Hopkins University.
02a94d No.4640066
Q lets shitcan these monkeys. Hang em high for the world to see
2c9911 No.4640067
Using the Sun for sauce, for fuck sake Q you can do a lot better than that! Usual new year declass of documents and sensationalism by the SUN. This is shit man!!
d16d7f No.4640068
We have all been targeted.
Will the government redistribute foreign aid to domestic rehabilitation?
Doubt it.
Go fuck your self…
ee3ef4 No.4640070
79c7e7 No.4640071
>[ , ]
>[administered by ]
Is this the syntax used when referring to USAP?
5c2f22 No.4640073
So where should we start looking for this picture? Or will it show up here?
7f6da9 No.4640074
They were never given a chance to truly recover… The sick bastards saw them as a tool. Those responsible don't deserve to live.
f32c7e No.4640075
Do you know how many good men and women we lost in the last 70 years?
This is not the first 'deluge' (((they))) engaged in.
Q team predecessors put in REAGAN for a reason.
(((they))) managed to fend it off.
We cannot lose a third time. Our enemies are really going in for the kill this time.
For our future.
02c6d8 No.4640077
SPY SECRETS Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments – using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices- revealed in sensational new documents officials hid for decades
90fa52 No.4640079
that faggot legitimately ALWAYS posts that shit
BO/BV delete it
ab0e82 No.4640080
Holy shit - grab your COVFEFE coffee bois. Its going to be a long night.
61b816 No.4640083
>>4639337 (PB)
>>4639145 (PB)
>>4639040 (PB)
>>4639148 (PB)
Then there's this interesting tweet:
< pic related >
Link to search:
c4595c No.4640084
It's really nauseating the infiltration of evil to produce FAKE dramas (shootings) with REAL LIFE consequences.
This has got to be exposed to at large public ASAP.
Sick of being called "conspiracy theorists"!
d4d5ef No.4640085
this is some wolverine deadpool shit!!!
eb6c44 No.4640086
What better way to try out new methods than to test them on returning injured veterans under the guise of "experimental treatment"…
9207e9 No.4640088
It's an old Q drop.
02c6d8 No.4640090
SPY SECRETS Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments – using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices- revealed in sensational new documents officials hid for decades
5bfe03 No.4640092
Interdasting. How did you arrive at the #??
I have a feeling Maggie is NOT talking about the Trump Train.
e78c3a No.4640093
1680a0 No.4640094
Q, please say something about Canada too. Where do we stand? Trudeau has signed UN Migration Pact and bringing in ISIS and millions from Africa and Middle East. He is not only a threat to Canada but threat to US also by having jihadis all over Canada.
Why does Pres.Trump never rebuke him on how he is endangering Canada as well as US by importing terrorists and giving them millions.Please reply and bring this to the attention of Pres. Trump also.
38b37f No.4640096
who you doxxing?
ae5791 No.4640097
How is the cannibal club even a thing that is allowed to exist?
557916 No.4640098
cc07ef No.4640100
(((They))) are animals! Dear God in Heaven Help Us! Amen
b79ae6 No.4640101
Getting Comfy
Oh how I’ve missed that…
89cc61 No.4640103
Why just tonight the "stars" pulled a forced vaccination stunt on the audience at the Golden Globes
ef54a0 No.4640104
Is this permanent or does the programming fade as the chemicals/devices are removed?
2c72c4 No.4640105
Now we are being lead down the MK Ultra
rabbit trail…..I got an idea….can we just start
arresting people?
9d01e3 No.4640106
all good
lurking aspiring bakers
feel free to practice notables buns in this bread and next
47b00d No.4640107
1st half anon:
Converting Brain Signals into Action
Today, 8 million Americans are living with paralysis or have lost limbs. Many could benefit from technologies that would help them carry out daily activities, but high-tech prosthetics or other such devices are not always sufficient to meet these needs, particularly for those who are paralyzed. To improve the quality of life for these individuals, NCATS-supported investigators at Pitt are exploring two different computerized chips that convert brain signals into an action simply through the patient's thinking about the action.
"The problem has always been the control of the prosthetic by someone with limited ability to move," said Michael Boninger, M.D. (link is external), professor and chair of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Pitt School of Medicine. Boninger and Andrew Schwartz, Ph.D. (link is external), a professor of neurobiology at the medical school, have built a collaborative research program to develop brain-computer interface devices that interpret the brain's still-intact command abilities and convey them to high-tech prosthetics and assistive devices.
A team of NCATS-supported researchers at the University of Pittsburgh developed a micro-electrocorticography grid that may help paralyzed individuals move again. The device, which is implanted in the brain's movement-controlling motor cortex (see image inset), helps this study participant practice simple computer tasks using only her mind. A computer system interprets her brain's electrical impulses captured by the device then converts the signals into movement controls in virtual environments. (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Photo)
A team of NCATS-supported researchers at the University of Pittsburgh developed a micro-electrocorticography grid that may help paralyzed individuals move again. The device, which is implanted in the brain's movement-controlling motor cortex (see image inset), helps this study participant practice simple computer tasks using only her mind. A computer system interprets her brain's electrical impulses captured by the device then converts the signals into movement controls in virtual environments. (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Photo)
93aeb2 No.4640108
>>4639737 (PB or somethin)
Daym, thats some scary asf big ass cats. Not that I really worry, animals love me. I will make friends and teach them the good ways of my people and what to watch out for. In time we become great allies and I take them on my warfighting expeditions and journeys if they so wish.
This is the tale of Beastmaster…
5889e8 No.4640110
There is a glaring difference this time around.
We are on to them.
Information can't be hidden as easily and once something is dug up it can be transmitted around the entire planet in seconds. (((They))) are fucked.
39c90f No.4640112
3db515 No.4640113
c90dba No.4640114
This shit bothers me.
cefe65 No.4640115
No. Removal of stigma that kept men in check. Victim status. What men saw in WW1 and WW2 was far worse and they were our greatest generation. Veterans and many in general have forgotten how to internalize. - SOF anon
d41eb5 No.4640117
What the actual fuck is going on?
1e46da No.4640119
Signed on the line.
Property of the United States of America
They will dop what they please and call it a training accident
c56446 No.4640120
60ac74 No.4640121
"Curiously, often a classic manifestation of people who are afflicted with certain psychotic disorders is the irrational fear that the CIA and FBI is conspiring to harm them. In this case, the CIA involvement is real and the covert nature of the involvement is not contested."
Orlikow v. United States (1988)
e68db7 No.4640122
A stone sits idle while the world around it evolves. Evolution, depending on the stage, can be deadly.
Translation: Evolution provides a narrow window for organisms to adapt or change, else extinction becomes inevitable.
The window is narrowing for 'some'.
efb2cb No.4640123
North Korea?
>Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency?
4ae248 No.4640124
Q can you tell us how many roughly have been effected by this???
7797d2 No.4640125
California is the answer
0e2daf No.4640126
WAit a minute Q, "How did CHINA locate primary C_A assets within CHINA [187]? Money buys POWER"?? HRC sold off the locations of our operatives?! That is incredibly disturbing
353e6f No.4640127
show us just how dark it goes
0d0a65 No.4640128
Jesus Mary and Joseph. Our military. Our families. My God I'm sick…just sick.
God please save us from this evil.
36e70c No.4640129
89cc61 No.4640131
My first thought too
ed23e7 No.4640132
89f772 No.4640133
Kevin Hart - Hwood anon - Target?
9d01e3 No.4640134
1680a0 No.4640135
Q, please say something about Canada too. Where do we stand? Trudeau has signed UN Migration Pact and bringing in ISIS and millions from Africa and Middle East. He is not only a threat to Canada but threat to US also by having jihadis all over Canada.
Why does Pres.Trump never rebuke him on how he is endangering Canada as well as US by importing terrorists and giving them millions.Please reply and bring this to the attention of Pres. Trump also.
f32c7e No.4640138
>Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency?
Fv eye?
isreali intelligence?
east asian?
>Animals > Humans
>Humans 1988
genuine human wide scale introduction to MKultra program began in earnest starting in 1988?
e51b4d No.4640140
Himself, he always does this.
Chaos kek.
ed1738 No.4640141
>>4639492 lb
No, anon. They want you to think they are joking, but they are not. Look at all the celebrities who say the same thing. Dig for all the rock stars who admit they sold their souls for fame. (Their words, not mine.)
I assure you, he was not joking.
f9deac No.4640142
Dam that's spoopy, nice work, thank you.
fa4b43 No.4640143
It's sicker than that. I just read the rest of that link, holy shit.
The group also is developing a second brain-interface technology, an intracortical microarray. This device enables the user to control movement with thoughts, but with a higher resolution and potentially greater control than the micro-ECoG because the tiny chip's 100 miniscule, spike-like electrode probes descend into the surface of the motor cortex. The probes read the signals coming from individual neurons. Because the arrays are embedded into the brain, this interface device could cause more scar tissue than the micro-ECoG. With support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Schwartz is leading research using the array in animals paired with a dexterous prosthetic arm engineered at Johns Hopkins University.
With coaching from CTSI and other university experts, the team received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to test the intracortical array in humans. Now supported by the U.S. Department of Defense, Schwartz is continuing his animal model work, and Boninger is leading its testing in volunteers with tetraplegia.
What the fuck is this? Why do they need FDA approval, is it going in our food? 99% affected?
Some goddamn heads better start rolling.
53b6d4 No.4640144
partly anon. perhaps.
do you have any idea what they put in you?
do you know what they put in condoms?
the pill?
tattoo ink?
makes me so upset. this is the
antithesis of brotherly love.
57cc64 No.4640146
This article on why veterans commit mass shootings at alarming rates. Awful that military personnel are targeted after their service.
75aa62 No.4640147
What was the MIL doing in the 60's and 70's? LSD, drugs, hypnosis, trauma?
What about the children?
726030 No.4640149
Couple breads ago an Anon posted saying he was in the Caribbean at this very moment, and was looking right at Epstein island. All was normal. No photo.
90fa52 No.4640152
>Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick)
8da30f No.4640153
A man who ran an international child porn ring was beaten to death in prison this week, but one of his victims predicted his fate long before his demise.
A judge sentenced Christian Maire, a married father-of-two from upstate New York, to 40 years in federal prison in December for running an online operation where he and eight of his accomplices posed as teenage boys on dating sites trying to convince young girls to perform sex acts via their webcams.
The men even tried to convince their victims to cut themselves while in front of their webcams.
e93a31 No.4640154
Fuckers must die.
1f27f3 No.4640155
Because GOD requires Worship and Church is where you do that.
35ce18 No.4640157
No, keystone was decoded last year. The presidency is the keystone. The key is information, or intelligence, provided by the NSA and MI. The stone is POTUS + the Patriots who support and protect him. The Patriots and MI have been carefully collecting the evidence of all the evil for years, but they needed the power of the Presidency to act on it. So they devised The Plan, and asked POTUS to run. The rest is history, or will be soon. The Presidency is the keystone, the essential element required to enact The Plan. President Donald J. Trump is the Keystone.
5fe3dd No.4640158
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. They Are Starting to GLITCH and MALFUNCTION (2018)
c90dba No.4640159
fcbdf9 No.4640161
Which is why I didn’t jump when Q wanted us to fire up the declass memes in the spring. “We” have no control. “Timing is everything”….they are in control. I’m just sitting back and watching the movie
fc75fe No.4640162
go buy a yellow jacket. Trump knows.
02c6d8 No.4640163
Converting Brain Signals into Action
60ac74 No.4640165
Orlikow v. United States, 682 F. Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988)
US District Court for the District of Columbia - 682 F. Supp. 77 (D.D.C. 1988)
January 19, 1988
adb773 No.4640169
Quiet on the shill front. Q must have fuckstarted their heads with the posts tonight.
c57786 No.4640171
Dear God, have mercy on us all !!
bab81c No.4640172
557916 No.4640173
Shill team working overtime.
7797d2 No.4640174
Well established and we've dug on this before
WASHINGTON — The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward.
Current and former American officials described the intelligence breach as one of the worst in decades. It set off a scramble in Washington’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies to contain the fallout, but investigators were bitterly divided over the cause. Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States. Others believed that the Chinese had hacked the covert system the C.I.A. used to communicate with its foreign sources. Years later, that debate remains unresolved.
But there was no disagreement about the damage. From the final weeks of 2010 through the end of 2012, according to former American officials, the Chinese killed at least a dozen of the C.I.A.’s sources. According to three of the officials, one was shot in front of his colleagues in the courtyard of a government building — a message to others who might have been working for the C.I.A.
e68db7 No.4640175
The 'Go-Between'…
it all makes sense now.
5fe3dd No.4640176
Time to shut it down..cia, fbi..shut them down!
f32c7e No.4640177
problem: the 'desensitization' angle is too fucking much right now.
average individual don't give a fuck anymore what is right and wrong - only and ONLY about what can gain them advantages.
to rape at will, to take advantage at will, etc.
No incentive to go the other way, media glorifying one side while denigrating and killing the other.
mass hypnosis. killing and destruction of civilization.
We need to fight back, HARD. Fucking hell this is one step away from total genocide.
2ab9e1 No.4640178
This is why I won't go to the VA.
207f33 No.4640179
Here is my "Q"…
In the heat of the moment.. in a Q&A… you never remember what to ask…
Topic-based… Can anyone be controlled remotely?
e48f22 No.4640180
Justice for them please Q
RIP for __
ed1738 No.4640181
Unless you are going to redpill normies on this, just wet-work the players and be done with it.
90fa52 No.4640182
>President Donald J. Trump is the Keystone.
no, Trump is part of the stone
likely, the Great Awakening/MAGA is the Keystone
17a056 No.4640183
lurking baker from earlier tonight still here.
will jump in if there is a need, no worries anons.
wanted to go offline to get some housework + rl stuff done.
holy shit…. gonna need to dig asap on this one!
07cbdd No.4640184
learn their comms
c76f9b No.4640185
>This shit bothers me
This shit "bothers" you? Any fukken clue this shit has been going on for decades? Any fukken clue how many people this has affected? Any clue whatsoever??? Anything? Hello?? Are you a citizen of Underarockistan? FFS
1b601c No.4640186
"Shockingly the swathes of information still missing or redacted in the records could mean the CIA is STILL carrying out the experiments to this day, according to experts."
ff6964 No.4640187
If this was possible via radio waves then Q would not have need to link to an article about surgical implants.
615e1c No.4640188
2c72c4 No.4640189
What's next Q? Project Blue Beam?
Can we get some arrests and deal with this later?
081dbd No.4640190
Maggie got MK’d!
c7a78c No.4640191
in options menu make sure forced anonymity is not checked
0e2daf No.4640194
Yo Q I may be tired from working today but you're on a roll today, post-MKU mind control experiments being done offshore in mental asylums? Every post tonight is a different case and crime altogether, DARK TO LIGHT
ae5791 No.4640196
It's Electric!
boogie woogie woogie!
90fa52 No.4640197
heard it's a shithole
d3e00e No.4640198
How do you know what God requires?
Is worship the bowing of the knee or the adoration of the child?
5889e8 No.4640199
No shill, fuckhead.
207f33 No.4640200
or does pharma, the second half of the "weapons system", need to be "in place"?
8fccb3 No.4640202
not anyone.. but some people yes
eab057 No.4640203
>8 Bit
hello there
2c9911 No.4640204
11c310 No.4640205
615e1c No.4640206
wrong sauce before
40cd8e No.4640207
CERN is hardcore cabal
CERN protects many core assets
CERN started from post-war cabal secrets, paperclip era
CERN 666
CERN and many other institutions work outside of the standard model; non-Einstein gravity, soliton Schrodinger eq/solutions, Bohm potential relevant…
CERN connected to Antarctica and SSPs
CERN helped to hide and justify massive tunnel-boring projects
many tunnel workers died
d3e00e No.4640208
Edit: bending of the knee
953a02 No.4640209
2cf794 No.4640210
May God deliver us from evil.
fc7a05 No.4640212
ae5791 No.4640214
"intelligent evil dust everywhere"
c4595c No.4640215
You must be new?
It's called SAP sell-offs that were coordinated by Crowd Strike.
a97a25 No.4640217
Distributed by therapists
1b601c No.4640218
everyone is a victim to some extent of the methods devised from the experiments… some of us however that were directly experimented on are much more fucked up tho they don't often live long
1f27f3 No.4640219
He's into the occult, so don't feel too bad.
47f065 No.4640220
Hey Q - What's your favorite shampoo?
6efafa No.4640221
Yellow vests and jackets ain't going to do shit. Canadians are too polite and well behaved to wreck shit. Trudeau just laughs and the media just calls us racists. It's going to take drastic measures to fix the great white north.
17a056 No.4640222
Did Q just post + delete really fast?
Q alert JS sounded off (ribbit!), showed 2 Q posts, then went back down to one post in a matter of ~2 seconds.
02c6d8 No.4640223
>Maggie got MK’d!
Will that be a defense?
7dbcee No.4640225
Wounded in action is my guess.
58c33d No.4640226
Holy ish Q! Is Twitter the means of communication between MH and her mossad handlers?!?!(as other means of comm are surely under scrutiny)
I’m guess in her original post, she is saying:
‘I’m in trouble Q is coming for my azz’
And Q is telling the both of them:
‘We know this is how you communicate, are you sure you want to continue your deep state media blitz against Trump?’
Is this close or nahhhhhh?
081dbd No.4640227
Wounded in action.
Sick fucks!
45882d No.4640228
9d01e3 No.4640229
>>4639969, >>4640071 Q post articles mk ultra
>>4639911, >>4640050 Q post articles converting brain signals into action
>>4640146 Vets commit mass shootings at alarming rate (related article)
Q's Latest Posts
Sunday 01/06/19
>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep
71044d No.4640230
Do you really want to know?
90fa52 No.4640231
it's nice to see newfrens learn though
60f044 No.4640232
644dbb No.4640233
Wounded in action
a97a25 No.4640234
f9deac No.4640235
Just when I was feeling comfortable with what I've learned, Q posts with mind control success rate.
71% of how many?
Stuff of nightmares.
Stop it Anons, how?
Work together.
Anons LIGHT?
The darkness is all around.
Anons are cool, the don't be afraid of nothing.
f3a9f4 No.4640236
Am I correct in assuming they are attempting to do this on a nation-wide scale via mass media? The numbers of children and adults being prescribed "brain meds" is staggering. 8-year-olds are being diagnosed with who knows what and put on all types of meds. These people are being made crazy. What gives?
0e2daf No.4640237
I already knew that our boys were murdered while the Chinese have spies here, it's a sick double standard, tonight was just the first time I truly realized that Americans benefited from that
c90dba No.4640238
No. It's because I'm 99% sure I was chipped by either white or black hats in a military holding facility way back in the day. I always wanted to deny it, but it is what it is. Fucking Kek. What a world.
51c4bf No.4640240
The thing that joins the information to the actions is martial law.
Martial law is the keystones.
06d676 No.4640241
WIA = Wounded In Action
472b67 No.4640242
How very ISIS sounding. Bloodlust is probably not what God wants from us.
d6a45d No.4640243
Control and use puppets, hypnotism, mk ultra. Mind fucks
4b3f5c No.4640245
That leopard pic suddenly made ancient Chinese and artists far more believable to this anon.
948dac No.4640246
anon did you archive these links
because I can't see any of them, removed.
>Inside NXIVM financier Clare Bronfman's $47 million Fijian island …
>Jul 25, 2018 - This is the stunning Fijian island paradise that Seagram's liquor heiress …. NXIVM's founder and leader, Keith Raniere, control members of the …
>Inside Nxivm, the 'Sex Cult' That Preached Empowerment - The New …
>May 30, 2018 - Why did female members follow a guru named Keith Raniere, who … in the group when they were on vacation on an island she owns in Fiji, …
>Nxivm: Seagram liquor heiress arrested in alleged sex cult case | US …
>Jul 24, 2018 - Smallville's Allison Mack was allegedly a 'top member' of cult that … owns a private island in Fiji, would finance his escape if she were released.
Archive before posting please
ThanQew all
5811ef No.4640248
Get that bitch!!!!
57dc59 No.4640249
90fa52 No.4640250
you fucking faggot, stop posting this shit
557916 No.4640251
Of course not. (((You))) are genuine.
fc75fe No.4640252
once we get rid of the fed… ]WW[
7797d2 No.4640253
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 35a7f2 No.2771818 ??
Aug 28 2018 17:05:08 (EST)
DWu23teW0AAQy8g.jpg ?
Trending Non-MSM…
China hacked HRC server?
Access was granted.
You have more than you know.
Aug 28 2018 17:24:08 (EST)
Richard -
Pro TIP: Look @ CrowdStrike
CrowdStrike managed the infiltration program based on payments to CF.
The More You Know…
953a02 No.4640254
A secret facility, the Dollhouse, erases the personalities of Echo and her fellow "actives" so they can assume any relevant personas they may be assigned in engagements that cater to the wealthy, powerful and well-connected. After each assignment, the actives are subjected to another personality wipe so they can enter the next scenario with no memory of an earlier one. At least, that's the plan – but as the series unfolds, Echo's memory begins to return, and she slowly starts piecing together her true identity.
3db515 No.4640255
>the kids dont know…
itll be fire this time●
99% æı hear might not makeit…
<damnt shame
cogdiss kills… firever
d56a17 No.4640256
More info about the crimes you knew about a couple years ago. Watch Hannity. Muh FoxNews articles and stuff. Midterms are safe. ~ Q
ae5791 No.4640258
pretty much.
but we are also,
fractals of One true Creator God that is LOVE
in a Free Will Universe
that get to choose this moment
and when we realize how powerful that actually is
we WIN
Its ahabbenin.
fc7a05 No.4640259
Ty anon
Fucked up doesn’t even begin to describe that
32b407 No.4640260
And for all of that, we are asked to remain calm and trust the plan. Well, the plan had damn well better work, because We the People WILL have justice!! Even if it means the destruction of D.C.
f32c7e No.4640262
What happened in the last 200 years, at least, should NEVER have happened.
This is not the first 'cycle'.
remember 'matrix'?
"This would have been the sixth time we destroyed zion…and we have gotten VERY efficient at it."
These (((fuckers))) mock us to our faces. subliminal messaging in that movie was against us also. "white men in suits working for government bad, rise up and create anarchy and overthrow civilization"
aimed at disaffected white male/white demographic and further destroying/destabilizing civlization and last vestiages of security and Patriot line of defense…by the very people we are trying to wake up and protect.
white is black, black is white.
nigga is da hero and 'morpheus' (aka dream god kek).
all established stuff = bad and oppressive
when (((they))) corrupted it that way.
dooms day distraction - useful.
4eed66 No.4640264
I still don't understand why Comey destroyed HRC's campaign, when he knew doing so would thrust him into a shit storm. Is the Huber investigation his opportunity to present all the evidence to take down the DS… Or is he truly a black hat
948dac No.4640266
sorry (lb)
half asleep
Pray for Potus and Q, and family.
5889e8 No.4640267
Thought I saw something too.
5fe3dd No.4640268
>>4640158 Here's the embed of the video you asked for:
They Are Starting to GLITCH and MALFUNCTION (2018)
cf9c7d No.4640269
Do the tangent agencies operate in Antarctica?
811f75 No.4640270
Self-righteous loud mouth ego
89cc61 No.4640271
TY anon- I was lazy
47f065 No.4640275
e78c3a No.4640277
Kill every rank and file clown who partook in activities against American Citizens
17a056 No.4640278
Just happened for a second time.
Has never done that before, had this script for 8+ months.
d4d5ef No.4640279
She was sharing the entirety of her personal email! why do you think she hammer bleached it???
9d01e3 No.4640281
go offline, now
i got all the next brread too
e10bb8 No.4640283
Wtf ssn is right there. Chilling in the most watched open source message board on the internet. Real smart.
75aa62 No.4640284
That's why we are going after all sources of funding.
Think foreign aid and black market.
23f68f No.4640285
I swear some of the PTSD Vets I meet are fucking programmed by their Shrinks.
214dd1 No.4640286
God Bless You!
This Xs 100000→> >>4640084
Trying to convince people on the Human Trafficking, alone, gets one completely alienated.
Something needs to be done about Mockingbird before anything else. Swore something was "in the water" in current location years ago. Water's, apparently, mere tip on iceberg (?)!
fc3c2f No.4640287
Here comes a new EQ / WAVE / Vibration WW event.
The hum is off the charts too
1b601c No.4640288
I assume the 6th time refernce is basically saying that a few times people wake up and good people get in power - but then they crush them. It happened with Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln, a few times in Japan and Russia and now here, but this time we are winning.
cef361 No.4640289
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4640261
365aa7 No.4640290
She had all her shyt easily hackable. Nearly every nation had access. This is exactly why what she did was so very dangerous for National Security. HRC in big trouble.
b74e10 No.4640292
ae5791 No.4640293
yes, but believe it or not
your mind is more powerful.
(and the secret is to believe it)
cc07ef No.4640294
How the hell are we going to clean this up & then there's the rest of the Schitt! No wonder POTUS doesn't sleep! And you QTeam!
53b6d4 No.4640295
anon do you member the Alaska Airlines shooter?
eb6c44 No.4640296
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client did not kill that man, his prosthetic arm did."
Shit's out of a bad scifi movie… or bad scifi movies are just unrevealed realities…? Best get the popcorn, 2019 is going to be interesting.
e68db7 No.4640297
Any connection with those Neuro drinks marketed by Diana Jenkins?
90fa52 No.4640298
They launder money by giving foreign aid to random countries..
29ca9e No.4640299
95aeb3 No.4640301
if you are on psychiatric meds, and want to remove them from daily intake, do it slowly, gradually decreasing dosage(s) over weeks ~ abruptly stopping can have many diff side effects including death in extreme cases.
Prepared ~ PRAYING!
a7364f No.4640302
Seriously, wtf
ff6964 No.4640303
You don't have to demonstrate that an idea really works to get a patent on it.
2c72c4 No.4640304
We said that 2 years ago
89f772 No.4640305
If you think about it, he protected himself regardless of who would have won. If HRC had won, the GOP would have called for his head. That he did act in some way to hurt her campaign, he makes himself look unbiased.
4b3f5c No.4640307
The cat knows the game is rigged.
But can it refrain from the blinky shiny bait?
417cbc No.4640309
and address , and physical profile . Seriously …. Dangerous
f84ad9 No.4640310
This is the thing that will put 99% in the hospital!
This is scary stuff!
f32c7e No.4640311
notice the trends in drawn fictional mediums originating from japan and elsewhere specifically sexualizing blonde girls, and depicting their degradation and rape/gang rape?
'must take down those arrogant westerners'?
Sick fucking scum. Great deal of useful idiots came out of japan, china, korea etc.
Meanwhile, globalists elements of course traffick a great number of east asiatic women to world brothels. All covered up. hush hush.
racial 'impulses' prevent dissemination of necessary information in those societies.
We need to start fighting back. The west coast corruption especially hurts our women and children.
0ac246 No.4640314
>>4627556 (pb, Q)
>Called for the sex-integration of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts because they “perpetuate stereotyped sex roles.” (Page 145)
Most of us know that this has effectively happened,
1b601c No.4640316
I don't get it. Sorry, I do like the twitter search engine
f9deac No.4640317
Personal theory.
Hillary knew she was going to lose.
Tells Comey to throw her under the bus, but not jail.
Now, Hillary can always blame Comey.
081dbd No.4640318
Now we know the importance of the VA Accountability Act!
d6a45d No.4640319
The good this could do. Unimaginable yet they always use it for evil. Q you know how this could help …. damnit why do these maniacs always have to go to the dark side
557916 No.4640320
You know that while “last” part is for you, right? Halfpol is calling your name.
d16d7f No.4640322
You must still be expecting something to happen ‘organically’…
644e98 No.4640323
Humans 1988? Wonder what this means. Checking events that happened in 1988
ee3ef4 No.4640325
Yeah he did thank Satan… Click the GIF
4f1983 No.4640327
57aad9 No.4640328
Why you doxxing yourself, Christian, you must have something you are wanting to tell us.
f32c7e No.4640329
lincoln no. useful idiot.
nothing from japan, not openly at least.
(((they))) fucking hate russia for hard resistance that was offered there pre-1918.
e6a7eb No.4640330
A phone call and a phrase. Remember Charles Bronson’s movie?
The woods are lovely dark and deep, Burbank I have promises to keep…
8dc1f6 No.4640331
Yes fire this time.
Loss of earth’s magnetic shield?
Pole Shift?
Good to see you fren.
47f065 No.4640332
As of Today
Q has successfully tied together every known conspiracy theory on planet earth into one big theory.
Congrats! We have won the internets!
3e4b5e No.4640333
Wake up your sheep
90fa52 No.4640334
I've always thought he did because she never thought she'd lose
even with comey doing that
tried to play it off like it was done correctly, but NO one bought it
1faed7 No.4640335
5G roll out nation wide! Not Fiction!
0ac246 No.4640336
they're all under kill switch control, have been since before the election; it explains why they make such stupid ass gaffs
51c4bf No.4640337
The thing that lets POTUS and MILITARY work together inside the U.S. is martial law.
Let the tribunals commence.
Q, am I close?
df6c8c No.4640338
Who knows how deep the hole is? How many people truly know ?
89cc61 No.4640339
I believe this! It can be good to be arrogant- kek
f9deac No.4640340
Might be when they switched from animals to Humans.
36fed0 No.4640341
Manchurian candidate, source code and on and on and on.
9d01e3 No.4640343
>>4639969, >>4640071 Q post articles mk ultra
>>4639911, >>4640050 Q post articles converting brain signals into action
>>4640186 cap - could mean the CIA is STILL carrying out the experiments to this day
>>4640146 Vets commit mass shootings at alarming rate (related article)
ID 9c12c5 - BO has mentioned before that you anons GLOBAL REPORT for doxxing
fa4b43 No.4640344
Looks like the momentum is picking up for sure. Deep ass drops like that at almost 1 am EST.
Yea, Movie 3 is getting close.
Me thinks Q has been listening to Anons' requests for deeper shit.
75aa62 No.4640345
That's what it looks like. To these programs and politicians.
2c72c4 No.4640346
Q's theory of everything……except arrests
6efafa No.4640347
I hear you, my only question is, how do you remove so many corrupt politicians? The muskeg is deep in Ottawa. Scheer, who stands to take over for Trudeau, is comped as fuck, chosen to lead the Conservatives, not elected. Bernier is hard to trust too. We the people are going to need major guidance on how to reform and move forward.
1b601c No.4640348
it's a long story….
4f1983 No.4640349
3db515 No.4640350
>git them before they git you
<amirite cap¿
4a39bd No.4640351
>Covert funding?
>Animals > Humans
>Humans 1988
>71% avg success rate.
>Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ].
>Mental institutions & therapists > 'program-specialists'…..
>Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ]
>WIA military personnel targets of the program?
>Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick)
>Something out of a movie?
>The hole is deep.
39c90f No.4640352
Greetings Q. this MKULTRA is pure child sexual, physical, mental abuse with spiritual death. tell it like it is. ALL involved should be before tribunal, per POTUS EO.
89f772 No.4640353
90fa52 No.4640354
>As of Today
not really, been happening prior to "today"
it's called the 'Cabal'
5c014a No.4640355
Crime is crime, doesn't matter what Comey did or didnt do, he has no authority to pardon her.
7d63fe No.4640358
>>4639875This is the deepest cut (for me).
57cc64 No.4640360
How long have had the ability to do this? Since 1963? Oswald was an ex-marine…
b67ace No.4640361
I'm beyond ready for the ET shit personally.
57aad9 No.4640362
Wow, was BC an MK puppet, Q?
f3a9f4 No.4640363
Wow this just hit me. We have mind-controlled military and they are everywhere. I assuming these are the guys that could kill us with their thumb. Imagine putting 500 of these guys in a major city with a stockade of weapons. Activate. Wow the damage they could do.
5889e8 No.4640364
Come on Q, cough up whatever it was you were going to post.
c37517 No.4640365
Moved on from animals to humans in 1988?
7797d2 No.4640366
If that were only true that 5Gs would roll out of the wifi kek
ab0e82 No.4640367
MAGA dark roast brewing intensifies
9207e9 No.4640368
With the MKUKTRA are we at 40000 feet, or is there more?
d4d5ef No.4640369
and he didn't work alone…
57aad9 No.4640370
e32fbc No.4640371
WIA Wounded in Action
f3a9f4 No.4640372
Daddy Bush takes over. Well…early 89 but we have to assume he was "in the know"
31232a No.4640373
He isnt stable. He usually posts about wanting to marry Henry Cavill
5c014a No.4640374
Come on faggot, cough up the cum you just swallowed.
then KYS
47f065 No.4640375
This shit don't happen by election time or well before then. This will backfire bigly.
ff6964 No.4640377
Q, you have to be careful about what information to give to the public.
But please at some point post a list of the common conspiracy theories that are NOT true? It would help a lot.
353e6f No.4640378
light roast has more caffiene
im guessing oama was one of those 71% successes
5ecb2d No.4640379
Water landing.
Prepare for a deep dive.
a7364f No.4640380
Real scary stuff
It's like jet technology. Are we really supposed to believe that shit peaked in the 60's?
8fccb3 No.4640381
canadian here too.. i trust the plan
673535 No.4640384
Right, I saw that photo months ago.
eab057 No.4640385
ed003f No.4640386
cmon Q, you know they don't need hardware
07d4a7 No.4640387
My guess, Eastern California think: Bishop CA along US395
207f33 No.4640389
I hope "the phrase" is… "you just won $1700"
f3fdc6 No.4640390
i didnt see what you show here at that site
5c2f22 No.4640391
Anons will be sorry they went to bed early tonight!
fa4b43 No.4640392
Bring it on..I could fly at 40,000ft all day long. Kek.
35ce18 No.4640393
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7cfe10 No.38467 📁
Dec 5 2017 16:01:30 (EST)
Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)
Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info
32b407 No.4640394
He didn't work alone at what, stacking school books?
02c6d8 No.4640396
Damage Control
57aad9 No.4640397
tell us what you have that you want us to know?
1680a0 No.4640398
Yellow vest protests are already happening all over Canada. Trudeau thinks himself some sort of dictator to whom no rule applies. President Trump has always been very good and nice to him instead of warning him what he is doing as a threat to US by importing the same ISIS President Trump has vowed to eliminate.
Some warning needs to be given to him by President Trump before the Somalian immigration Minister floods millions of Jihadis over here.
d56a17 No.4640399
The nwo really ramped things up during Bush I.
6956ad No.4640401
Switched to human trials. Maybe the WW frequency 11.11 interrupted the signals?
74f966 No.4640402
c1683a No.4640403
there was a lot of digs on the cbts board..
mkultra will show you just how thin the veil of what you think is reality… is.
there's a reason why some anons chose to run offense in the psychological war ;p
8fccb3 No.4640404
lee and me is a good book.. as is doctor marys monkey
60bfcf No.4640406
Q - how far does the MKultra brainwashing extend to? Politicians? Celebrities? Musicians? public via FAKE NEWS?? Everyone?
9d01e3 No.4640407
anyone interest in shitposting
looks like some deletions made previous bread
please go fill prevus breadz
57cc64 No.4640408
Humans 1988 could mean that they experimented on animals until then and started using humans in 1988…
615e1c No.4640410
I thought I was the only one here who knows that.
The key is faith. If you know with absolutely no doubt it will be.
f9deac No.4640411
imo, It's all of us combined.
POTUS, Patriots, Anons, NSA, MI combined.
Working together, what a force.
If you need to be LOUD, the Anons can help.
If you need intelligence talk to NSA, MI.
If you need an EO, POTUS.
Working together, we can go far.
Patriots all over, with all kinds of skills.
ed003f No.4640412
least not on the client end
2c72c4 No.4640413
Next year is the election!! I wouldn't be surprised
at all if we get jerked around until the 2nd term
092e3c No.4640414
MK Ultra is just a modern form of the ancient order of assassins as related by Marco Polo
Drugs, hypnosis and torture
e48f22 No.4640415
Are the black eyes related to demon possession
6efafa No.4640416
We've been trying. Trust me when I say that our liberals are 10 times worse than your liberals. Even those considered normies will not listen to reason. Things are bad here. very bad.
bfcddc No.4640417
17 Inches
57aad9 No.4640420
we should allow it, this guy is writing checks to Glenn Greenwald, who is on our radar right?
0d0a65 No.4640421
My nephew went into the Air Force healthy as can be.
In 2 years he was diagnosed with Crones disease.
Give me a fucking break! What the fuck did they do to him?????
ceff48 No.4640422
also mixing animal and human dna
super soldiers
271320 No.4640423
Everyone. Come on anon. All fakewood is predictive programming.
89cc61 No.4640425
Very center- Illuminati Card Game
You are playing a game. This is not a game.
b8afdc No.4640427
I believe you. Dr. Katherine Horton & Melanie Vritchan (Alfred Labremont Webre), Michael Prince
8fccb3 No.4640428
where there is smoke there is fire.
74f966 No.4640429
Alters and Triggers
Another way of examining this convoluted victimization of body and soul is by looking at it as a complex computer program: A file (alter) is created through trauma, repetition and reinforcement. In order to activate (trigger) the file, a specific access code or password (cue or command) is required.
The victim/survivor is called a "slave" by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived as "master" or "god." About 75% are female, since they possess a higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate easier than males. Subjects are used mainly for cover operations, prostitution and pornography; involvement in the entertainment industry is notable.
A former military officer connected to the DIA, told this writer,
"In the ’big picture’ these people [MONARCH victims] are in all walks of life, from the bum on the street to the white-collar guy".
In corroboration, a retired CIA agent vaguely discussed the use of such personnel to be used as "plants" or "chameleons" for the purpose of infiltrating a designated group, gathering information and/or injecting an ulterior agenda.
There are an inordinate amount of alters in the victim/survivor with numerous back-up programs, mirrors and shadows. A division of light-side (good) and dark-side (bad) alters are interwoven in the mind and rotate on an axis. One of the main internal structures, (of which their are many) within the system is shaped like a double-helix, consisting of seven levels. Each system has an internal programmer which oversees the "gatekeeper" (demons?) who grant or deny entry into the different rooms.
A few of the internal images predominately seen by victims/survivors are:
the Cabalistic "Tree of Life," with adjoining root systems
infinity loops
ancient symbols and letters
spider webs
mirrors or glass shattering
sea shells
hour glasses
chain-of-command diagrams
schematics of computer circuitry boards
f32c7e No.4640430
the fucking key is 'incentive'.
(((msm))) driving hard to make sure there is no 'immediate incentive' for anyone to wake up.
too painful.
too fearful.
too delicious (the opposite poison designed to rape their kids and women).
Sick fucking scum.
d56a17 No.4640432
I've been under the impression that the Bourne movies are basically realistic. This is our crooked govt.
5c014a No.4640433
It wouldn't surprise me if you both didn't suck each other's faggot dick, grow a sack faggot
da25c3 No.4640434
Solid advice anon. I would add - don’t go it alone. Make sure someone you trust is aware of your desire to make the change & can help you navigate the process.
efb2cb No.4640436
Was Jan 19, 1989 about when GHWB took office?
5811ef No.4640437
That's what I think to. Was a great compliment to last post I thought
4d0be0 No.4640438
This sounds a lot like the Amazon show "Homecoming"
e10bb8 No.4640439
Wow. Lies. Best they got? Kek
bb27d7 No.4640440
How widespread is the targeting Q? Citizens, Research Board, Vets?
7fca2c No.4640443
Want to get totally freaked out. Watch some of the Super Soldier videos on YT especially the one from a Captain that did a 20 and back. And the females, vicious disgusting stuff.
c73e69 No.4640444
I assume operatives still active from FF, terrorists etc. Is there research in deactivating these people or are they gone?
Is it M*6? Brits or AU have to be involved or Germans….or all.
441074 No.4640445
Dox has been deleted.
a97a25 No.4640446
He was VP during reagan so go back a bit.. and Ford put him as Liason to China back in 1974.. so he could have started the chinese data steal/deepstate weapons program at any time feom late 70’s-?
9d01e3 No.4640448
005a14 No.4640449
Q, Will you address non 3d disclosure (cosmic / spiritual)? Or is the focus purely on this reality for your team?
2c72c4 No.4640450
oh …ok….do you have an expected time frame, Einstein?
f3a9f4 No.4640451
Next day the 20th
05eec6 No.4640452
Didn't Q post something about modern physics and what we think we know?
Our idea of black holes is from the standpoint of a 2d world. Its just a hole in space. But we live in a 3d world. What does a black hole look like in 3d? A sphere. Our Sun is just one end of a black hole. It's a gateway / portal to another dimension. shits bout to get real weird.
Also the illustration looks like a dick which makes it weirder. Good times a comin.
cc07ef No.4640453
Back in the 70's postal workers going postal were always military, snipers on water towers.. never de-programed after service… just the tip of the iceberg I'm sure. Now seems like (((they're))) going after white males to extinction.
fc3c2f No.4640454
Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ].
742299 No.4640457
Nice find, nice dubs. Thanks anon.
07cbdd No.4640459
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4640365
RUMOR that original Poppy Bush was poisoned during this incident and replaced with Clone Poppy
eab057 No.4640460
you sound lazy
most are pretty easy to figure out on ones own
you just have to dig
now getting justice for them
thats something POTUS needs to step up to the plate on big time
starting with 9/11 imo
ff6964 No.4640461
>where there is smoke there is fire.
This wisdom doesn't help when there are those who blow smoke to deliberately obscure the true fires.
214dd1 No.4640463
The word at the time was because NYPD who saw The Weiner's laptop threatened to speak up, they were so sickened. Officer Familia's murder??
d11ed2 No.4640464
Aussie Anon here … first time attempting Q-clock
Golden Globes / Satan / White Squall WWG1WGA
f32c7e No.4640466
quran, talmud, etc.
same shit.
5c014a No.4640467
No because i didnt plan this and YOU and I dont know ANY of the intimate details fucktard.
e75af2 No.4640468
Thank you. The hole really is deep. We are ready for more if it is safe. Extraterrestrials?
29ca9e No.4640471
he will be exposed.
too many connections to the bronfmans, power corp, maurice strong, UN.