[–]▶ ff2267 (10) No.4617530>>4617605 >>4617632 >>4617798 >>4618306 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Q's Latest Posts
Saturday 01/05/19
>>4617497 ---———————————--——– Who audits where the money 'actually' goes?
>>4617146 ---———————————--——– How do you outmaneuver the obstructionists?
>>4616371 ---———————————--——– What if this was always the plan? ( Tweet Cap: >>4616518 )
>>4615394 rt >>4614558 ---———————— Will POTUS be @ CD tomorrow?
>>4611217 rt >>4610613 ---———————— Posse Comitatus Act
>>4610613 ---———————————--——– EO Active (Cap & Vid: >>4610687, >>4610715 )
>>4609878 ---———————————--——– (2 days ahead of schedule) (Cap: >>4609906)
>>4609173 ---———————————--——– The 'MUELLER' insurance policy has expired (Caps: >>4609289, >>4609263, >>4609331, >>4609545, >>4609565, >>4609595 )
Saturday 12/22/18
>>4433511 ---———————————--——– Research for yourself
>>4432768 ---———————————--——– TRUTH & FACTS MATTER.
Friday 12/21/18
>>4409412 ---———————————--——– What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?
>>4408964 ---———————————--——– Anons can play this game all day long.
Thursday 12/20/18
Compiled here: >>4609213
Wednesday 12/19/18
Compiled here: >>4451195
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ ff2267 (10) No.4617537
are not endorsements
>>4589958 Reminder of the /qresearch/ search tool (searches all breads for keywords)
>>4517617, >>4544243, >>4557547 BO Re: Censorship, Commitment, & /patriotsfight/
>>4617384, >>4617396 DJT Tweet: "Jobs up big, plugs 312,000. Record number working…"
>>4617300 Q: The WALL means more than you know.
>>4616999 UK doing better than predicted by the EU doom and glooms?
>>4616990, >>4616990 Arkansas = keystone?
>>4616940 Same desk between Q #481 and Q #2647?
>>4616927 Reminder: Unaware and compliant citizenry. (Podesta e-mail)
>>4616923 Arkansas planefag updates.
>>4616889 09:35 = 17? Numerologyfags correct twice in one night?
>>4616874 Three ex-credit Suisse bankers, ex-minister arrested over $2 billion loan fraud.
>>4616841, >>4616893, >>4617281 POTUS Schedule: Schedule for tomorrow 1/6/19.
>>4617418 #5890
>>4616734 POTUS_Schedule Tweets from a year ago.
>>4616455 Time on Kavanaugh's watch matches Q's. (image)
>>4616507 Q crumb 1515: List of compromised 'journalists'.
>>4616454 Q's watch featured on House of Cards?
>>4616421 Cap of the e-mail chain.
>>4616386 Anon: Shift everything 2 days?
>>4616125 Camp Delta double meaning?
>>4616216 USMC: Full Send.
>>4616107 Harold Brown, defense secretary who oversaw failed Iran hostage-rescue raid, dies at 91.
>>4616093 Side by side on the pen pics and the Camp David meetings.
>>4616085, >>4616166, >>4616253, >>4616537 Arkansas planefag update.
>>4616762 #5889
>>4615900 Both 3:14 and 3:15 Q posts.
>>4615723, >>4615826 3:14 = 15:14. Q crumbs with matching timestamps.
>>4615823 Ottawa man facing child pornography charges appears in court.
>>4615777 Watch in Q's photo IWS Switzerland, Portugieser Chronograph.
>>4615721 Press conference from Camp David (2018).
>>4615669 Camp David photos from last year.
>>4615588 Anon's awesome Khashoggi graphic. Failed Suadi coup? We have more than we know.
>>4615614 Q crumb #314.
>>4615344 (2 days ahead of schedule) Side-by-side.
>>4615525 CD = Camp David.
>>4615446 Military Moms seeking support event Sunday 6, 2019.
>>4615443 Army Reserves Tweets the changes to the UCMJ.
>>4615959 #5888
Previously Collected Notables
>>4615233 #5887,
>>4612890 #5884, >>4613671 #5885, >>4614428 #5886
>>4610721 #5881, >>4611719 #5882, >>4612113 #5883
>>4608336 #5878, >>4609057 #5879, >>4609847 #5880
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
▶ ff2267 (10) No.4617538
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Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
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Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
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>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 --– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>3979794 -- New World Order Research Thread
>>4320475 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5
>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>4024843 -- Clockwork Qrange #6
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Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
▶ ff2267 (10) No.4617541
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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file
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Meme Ammo
37 >>4359646, 36 >>4113363
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NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU
Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
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Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
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Germanarchiveanon ---————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Notable Posts Archive (searchable)
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4442486
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4431922
▶ ff2267 (10) No.4617567>>4617597 >>4617660 >>4617663
▶ df2181 (1) No.4617571>>4617982 >>4618178
Good: They study your meme. Better: They take a picture of your meme. Best-A: They share the photo and it becomes a viral text. Best-B: They take the meme(s) back to bluepiller home for study and redpill the whole family.
Prints to 8.5X11 inches
1. OPERATION POST ON BACK OF ELEVATOR DOORS: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: A. Cannot shadow ban or delete the Elevator. B. People stare at elevator doors.
2. OPERATION BLUEPILLERS GOTTA POTTY: An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Over 5 minutes of undivided attention.
For Elevator and Restroom Posting only: keep it clean -- G rated. Children in the audience; we fight for them. Example: “slave Cult”, not the fuller truth “sex slave Cult.”
Recommend against printing or posting at work -- too risky. World Patriots need an income. As long as they are asleep, the bosses are part of the Empire. Brainwashed their entire life, they think this is a “conspiracy theory” for now. FAKE NEWS traitors told them so as Q predicted.
Stay safe -- avoid unsafe or isolated areas; the gangs are not eradicated yet.
Elevator and Restroom Posting ideas:
Airplanes (no cell reception!), Bakeries -- Thank You Baker, Airports, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Convention Centers, Train Stations, Hotel Lobbies, Your Church, Your Synagogue, Your Temple, Your Mosque, Parties, near or far Restaurants, Stores, Malls, Movies, Health Clubs, Coffee Shops, Sporting Events, Car and Horse Races, Concerts, Libraries, Bookstores, City State Federal Parks, Beaches, City State Federal Buildings, Porta-Potties, Festivals, Street Fairs, Art Fairs, Renaissance Fairs, Air Shows, Fundraisers, ComicCons, Casinos, Grocery Stores, Vacation, Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Ferries, Museums, Tourist Attractions, Campgrounds, Cruise Ships, Golf Courses, Country Clubs, Playhouses, Opera-houses, Orchestras, etc.
3. OPERATION TEXT QProofs: Texts cannot be shadow banned.
4. OPERATION EMAIL QProofs: Emails cannot be shadow banned.
Then man your ships and may the Force be with you.
▶ 983556 (3) No.4617597>>4617638
Thank you baker!
Very cool!
▶ ff5bbd (8) No.4617598>>4617606 >>4617610 >>4617619 >>4617658 >>4617693 >>4617702
Q won't name the jew because he's a mossad faggot.
▶ 10bdd6 (8) No.4617601>>4617660
Someone just said that the watch is on Pacific Time…
Wasn't there a meeting with Schumer and the Potus (not the one with Pelosi just now) but earlier where Schumer wore a watch with a black band around the FACE of the watch…can someone grab a pic of that meeting and we can analyze it. please!!!
▶ 6b0ab6 (3) No.4617603
They send money to other countries while getting kickbacks. So for example they send 1 million and get 200,000 in their pockets. Some of those country’s leaders steal that money for their pockets themselves. Puerto Rico is an example of that.
▶ 503524 (5) No.4617604>>4617708
you'll be the coolest
anon at the FEMA
▶ f6d124 (4) No.4617605>>4617672
>>4617530 (OP)
Nice job getting in under the wire with a late Q post, baker (and getting in the bread too).
▶ 983556 (3) No.4617606
Would a mossad faggot go more than a year without asking for a shekel?
▶ 698cb3 (2) No.4617607>>4617685 >>4617748 >>4618197
>>4617497 (lb)
Q, I found the $5.7B in foreign aid in the House Bill 21 by the way. Is this why that specific number?
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617609
>Q won't name the jew because he's a mossad faggot.
shill example.
▶ be6e16 (2) No.4617611>>4617928
>>4617497 (pb)
Senator Paine.
"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"
Old story.
Many have known for years.
WE await (((their))) [reckoning day]
▶ 8f05f3 (6) No.4617612
knew a guy who worked as a personal assistant for a rich general in dc.
a very, very rich general.
seemed weird. how does a general become very, very rich?
how does the daughter of the (one time) rear admiral of the pacific fleet afford to live the high life in NYC?
▶ ad4e8e (8) No.4617613
>>4617488 (pb)
It helps… but it is not "synonymous with stopping pedo-rings".
You can't just put up a wall, then pretend no children are being harmed anymore. I live in NY. This wall does NOTHING for my abused-child.
▶ 038a21 (2) No.4617616
>>4616817 lb
>>4616817 lb
▶ cbf730 (2) No.4617618
>>4617497 (Q on PB)
This is why Dems focused on the house, not the senate.
▶ a21b35 (6) No.4617620>>4617645 >>4617814 >>4618056
It's 2019 and what are we still getting? Useless riddles. Funny how the topic has shifted away from mass arrests for treason / pizzagate etc.
Hope everyone is getting ready to fight, because that is the ONLY card left we have to play. Take your head out of the riddles for a moment and just look at what Q is: the info is more than enough for every patriot to expect war, and at the very very least a major, major cleansing of alphabet agencies and the military. So since we haven't gotten that, it's starting to looking like a challenge to patriots: "we're going to tell you of all these satanic ritual abuse crimes, human trafficking, pedophilia, treason here, treason there, treason everywhere, and what are you going to do about it??"
The answer appears to be nothing. Just curious, answer this poll: How long can Q/Trump go on without delivering?
1) 1 month
2) 2 months
3) 3 months
4) 4-11 months
5) 1-2 years
6) forever, I will never abandon qanon, he never promised mass arrests etc. etc.
▶ 429058 (11) No.4617621
Personally as I analyze it nothing Q has posted has really effected my life at all - nice theory yes. But me and min, since I am not a spout off, no. Evidence real steel. Without that I am in but on theory - I can do that. Steel is different.
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4617622>>4617691 >>4617810
Ald burke wife judge IL Supreme Court judge
Power = Protection
Follow the wives
IL constitution protects politicians retirements and people working for them… They are stealing all the money !!! Staying in control even up to retirement !!
▶ 8fef6d (3) No.4617623>>4617635 >>4617636
When will we find out who has been talking to us here?
▶ 771b25 (7) No.4617624>>4617673 >>4617703 >>4617995
>>4617497 (pbq)
looks like a lot went here
▶ 72b2ac (2) No.4617625
>>4617497 lb
PT Barnum would be so proud of our politicians and NGO operators…they listened…and now they run The Greatest Show on Earth - The Fleecing of America
▶ 84ef9c (2) No.4617627>>4617731
Q, please have POTUS Tweet the word "Gorillian" in the next tweet! That would be great! Thanks!
▶ c39f8c (9) No.4617629>>4617656
>>4617497 (PB)
Condoleezza Rice?
▶ 3908a1 (3) No.4617630>>4617734
>>4617497 (lb)
Yeah, we've been over this before. When you gonna start actually holding them accountable?
▶ e12795 (6) No.4617631
From tax payers , to gov,
From dems, to foreign , back to foundations, back to dems…….
>>4617497 Q LB
▶ 5b624a (5) No.4617632>>4617672
>>4617530 (OP)
nice job baker
very nice
▶ f6d124 (4) No.4617633
If only the jobs # was 314,400
And the Dow was 751
▶ 7a0341 (1) No.4617634>>4617683 >>4618105
>>4617422 lb
the wall will do much to end the child sex trafficking occurring on US-Mexican border
deep state politicians and mockingbird media want the sex trafficking to continue, so they are fighting funding for the wall
▶ 715c30 (3) No.4617636
▶ 67f1a8 (5) No.4617637>>4617696
>>4617497 (pp)
>Why do D's always PUSH (force R's to include Spending Bills for approval) BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR FOREIGN AID?
Launder it back to themselves
>Who audits where the money 'actually' goes?
I'm guessing no one or the people who were given the money
>How do politicians become 'extremely' wealthy while in office on gov't salaries?
>How do xyz 'orgs' etc. remain funded?
sometimes they're "forced donations from taxpayers"
sounds dirty
>Why do D's only care about CONTROL/POWER?
Because the money is just a tool and they have everything else they could ever want.
Again, it's a tool.
Untouchables, but in reverse.
Goes round and round, round and round, round and round!
>Welcome to the CON.
Q Con 2019
▶ 5cdf9b (3) No.4617639>>4617704 >>4618197
Full Send
5 am PST
Light Show
5 pm PST
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617640>>4617654
▶ ab5a5f (3) No.4617641
>>4617192 last bread
It's all about the break
As in neck.
And the time it takes place.
spitballing here.
▶ f6d124 (4) No.4617642>>4617667
>>4617545 (lb)
>>4617497 (lb)
>Foreign aid back to the politicians
>>4617533 (lb)
>Foreign aid is laundered back to the political parties.
And donated back to their "foundations."
▶ b81444 (6) No.4617644>>4617657 >>4617678 >>4617681
▶ f5a2af (2) No.4617645>>4617671
more soap opera…. weak shit
▶ 80980f (1) No.4617646
>>4617421 (lb)
What race is this supposed to be?
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617647
Last post: How to CON America 101
Knowing this will help follow the money.
IDs more swamp creatures; who audits?
▶ d8649a (3) No.4617648>>4617666
>>4617540 lb
appreciate the answer. ty
comp issues today..sorting
fulltime marketfag and p/t pf.
▶ 517142 (7) No.4617649>>4617652
https://www.foreignassistance.gov/ no worky for me
▶ 10bdd6 (8) No.4617650
▶ f87c00 (2) No.4617651>>4617662 >>4617679 >>4617690 >>4617869 >>4618233
What if the pen position itself is related to the clock?
Has this already been proposed by ClockFags in the past? Have not collected all the pen photos.
▶ 9ceb4b (3) No.4617652>>4617841
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617653>>4617676 >>4617825
>>4617497 (lb)
Q post-
We know POTUS audited the DoD and the Treasury. We know money is missing/unaccounted for.
What else is being audited that we don't know about?
Remember 9/11? Naval intelligence wiped out at Pentagon, taking with it all information regarding missing trillions of dollars?
▶ aa6450 (5) No.4617655
>>4617497 (lb)
Q are we going to break another site?
I can't get it to change the information it shows to start.
▶ e12795 (6) No.4617656>>4617675
She’s as cooked as BHO and HRC
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617657>>4617792
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4617658
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617659>>4617668
Pathetic shill example.
▶ ff2267 (10) No.4617660
He had it on during the impromptu press conference I think.
▶ 038a21 (2) No.4617661
>>4617497 lb
Q, please tell POTUS to prioritize defunding PP
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617662
Pretty sure it's just a picture of POTUS' watch and pen, with todays date, and the time it was taken.
▶ 8f05f3 (6) No.4617664>>4617760
>>4616990 >>4616990 Arkansas = keystone?
▶ 064ad3 (4) No.4617665>>4617699
Foreign Aid is the money funnel to fund their Foundations
▶ 58594b (4) No.4617666
▶ 715c30 (3) No.4617668
Shrieks and howls are all they got left.
▶ 943aca (2) No.4617670
>>4617497 (pb)
Welcome to the CON
▶ a21b35 (6) No.4617671
No soap opera, just facts.
▶ ff2267 (10) No.4617672
▶ f6d124 (4) No.4617673>>4617817
Am I reading that correct?
$84.7 billion?
With a B?
▶ 34f2dd (4) No.4617674>>4617692 >>4617753 >>4617850
There are WHEELS and there are WALLS. Patriots are on the side of the walls. Clowns on the side of the wheel (actually use as a sysbol of theirs)
▶ c39f8c (9) No.4617675
▶ 5b624a (5) No.4617676>>4617764
lawfag here
unfortunately most of the bribes and kickbacks are done LEGALLY
the fuckery is deep
very deep
thank jesus we have a whole army of patriots working on the plan
yes that includes anons!
god bless
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617677
shills, thank for your ID.
Thanks for proving Q.
Why would u be here otherwise?
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4617678>>4617763
that's your fault
▶ 7d85b5 (4) No.4617679
▶ 429058 (11) No.4617680
can we get back to figuring out how the hopf fabrication actually works and the hyper-sphere so we can figure out that all observation that is local over C creates a boundary known as solid?
▶ a892d2 (4) No.4617681>>4617695
Since you post in red
I am not sure i can trust its true
And if its shitposting, you have crossed the line
However, if its true
First of my condolences
Second, why are you still here, honestly?
▶ a3056a (3) No.4617682>>4617706 >>4617730 >>4617816 >>4617843 >>4618023 >>4618067 >>4618197
The "foreign aid" is to buy protection… aka … to pay for others to keep their mouths shut.
▶ ad4e8e (8) No.4617683>>4617909
>deep state politicians and mockingbird media want the sex trafficking to continue, so they are fighting funding for the wall
The "deep state politicians" and "mockingbird media" are just Ashkenazi Jews. Why is this so hard for people to say?
Jews… They are Jews.
Jews, Jews, Jews.
You try it.
▶ 46a5a4 (2) No.4617684>>4617716 >>4617719
Hacker and serial entrepreneur Kim Dotcom is out with a new prediction for 2019:
"Get ready for the next round of leaks."
I smile every day watching the aftermath of preventing Hillary.
Deep State exposed.
Fake news exposed.
DOJ & FBI exposed.
I’m happy you are more informed than ever. 2019 will reveal so much more. Get ready for the next round of leaks. Monumental stuff 😎
--- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) January 5, 2019
Dotcom then tweeted "This year the criminals who run the Deep State will be exposed," adding "The shareholders profiting from war and chaos. The billionaires who turn democracy into an illusion. They own politicians, judges and all your data. They are the biggest pirates in history. Want to know who they are?"
This year the criminals who run the Deep State will be exposed. The shareholders profiting from war and chaos. The billionaires who turn democracy into an illusion. They own politicians, judges and all your data. They are the biggest pirates in history. Want to know who they are?
--- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) January 5, 2019
For those paying attention, Dotcom dropped massive breadcrumbs going all the way back to 2015 regarding the WikiLeaks release of Hillary Clinton's emails during the 2016 US election.
And while he's has made headlines for years, in February Dotcom boldly stated that the DNC "hack" which kicked off the Russian election interference narrative was bogus, tweeting: "Let me assure you, the DNC hack wasn't even a hack. It was an insider with a memory stick. I know this because I know who did it and why."
Dotcom says he offered to produce evidence to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, twice, and they never even replied to him.
Let me assure you, the DNC hack wasn’t even a hack. It was an insider with a memory stick. I know this because I know who did it and why. Special Counsel Mueller is not interested in my evidence. My lawyers wrote to him twice. He never replied. 360 pounds!https://t.co/AGRO0sFx7s https://t.co/epXtv0t1uN
--- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) February 18, 2018
Apparently Mueller is only interested in the chosen narrative, regardless of whether or not the glove fits.
▶ 938ee2 (1) No.4617685
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4617691>>4617810 >>4617946
King of Spain lease the bridge between Chicago and Indiana ?
Giving money to foreign countries using the assets of the unites states ?
▶ c39f8c (9) No.4617692>>4617747
Is this a redpill?
WTF is wrong with wheels?
Thought it was an important invention.
▶ bc4065 (9) No.4617694>>4617736
▶ b81444 (6) No.4617695>>4617725 >>4617762 >>4617771
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617696>>4617711 >>4618022
>>Why do D's only care about CONTROL/POWER?
>Because the money is just a tool and they have everything else they could ever want.
I'd also add - because once they no longer have the power, they can be EXPOSED
This is why they hate/fear POTUS to the point they are mentally ill.
▶ 3c6164 (5) No.4617697>>4617717 >>4617722 >>4617777
You guys do know Putin and Xi personally browse this board as do MANY other ..vipz
▶ 10bdd6 (8) No.4617698
I saw a Meme that said that "Donald Trump sold Rice to China"
got me thinking….hmm, was it Susan Rice???
▶ 4d2401 (7) No.4617699>>4617786
Foreign Aid
is Poor Americans subsidizing Rich Foreigners.
▶ a40d3d (4) No.4617700
We crashed https://www.foreignassistance.gov/
▶ 962a88 (4) No.4617701>>4617733 >>4617754
i like how Q just cant stop using that shitty laminated desk in his pictures. what a fat larping piece of human garbage
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4617702>>4617741
Soros, Rothschild, MOS, Israel, etc etc
▶ 1671d9 (8) No.4617704
KEK… did you check the head space and timing LT???
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617705
▶ 983556 (3) No.4617706>>4617732 >>4617779
▶ 72a967 (3) No.4617707
▶ d26853 (2) No.4617709>>4617880
These posts by Q today are going to be the ultimate Q proofs. There will be no denying Q if the wall is built using the military and under the banner of national security.
Expect a very interesting week ahead. The shills will be out in force.
▶ 0e4163 (4) No.4617710>>4617768
>>4617500 (pb)
>trust the plan
If there was a plan…the plan is screwed six ways to Sunday…sorry. it is what it is…and Q's continual reversals and UNETHICAL posts…whatever POTUS is…Q…isn't part of it…because there is no way POTUS would give you advice COUNTER to the latest DHS preparedness advice.
If you think that he would…then you must think he's a monster…because only a monster would tell you with a straight face…the grid is protected. IT'S NOT…and prepping isn't just for the grid…it's for ALL natural disasters like the one that is coming SOON…screen shot this…the fucking water…is coming. And it's gonna be UGLY!
▶ 09a35d (5) No.4617712>>4617999 >>4618026
If POTUS would mention the dual citizenship
of some politicians opposed to the wall..while they
support a wall for their other country..
▶ 651128 (1) No.4617713
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Reports from Manbij Syria is circulating that Foreign Intelligence agents have been captured by the Syrian military.
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617715
shill example.
Try harder.
▶ 6af40a (3) No.4617716
Bless Kim! Top 10 figure to fight back criminals.
▶ 7cbd00 (4) No.4617717
Then don't post any Winnie the Pooh photos, whatever you do!!
▶ 4691c7 (1) No.4617718
6-hour R. Kelly expose on
▶ 8f05f3 (6) No.4617719
kdc is fake and gay
and fat. he's actually gotten fatter in that villa full of Swedish chicks.
Looks happy, though, don't he?
▶ 2d464c (4) No.4617720>>4617744 >>4617746 >>4617875 >>4617902
Must be directly OVER THE TARGET!
Newbies--ask yourself WHY if Q is a LARP–do so many, clearly well-educated individuals spend their SATURDAY NIGHT SHILLING a LARP?
Who does that--really??
For a LARP?
DO NOT REPLY TO SHILLS--even a "FU!" is a win for them–as it takes your attention from TRUTH–FROM Q!
Simply hit blue arrow on post--scroll down to ADD FILTER–ID
▶ 330806 (1) No.4617721
AWAN BROTHERS? Debbie Wendy Wasserwoman Shultz? What about those overheard saying POTUS should be killed at the last SOTU?
▶ 6cf050 (1) No.4617723>>4617774 >>4617865 >>4618180
looking at the q pic…did unsharp mask …see a 1 pixel line on 1st line and last line of the colored pixel area…anything?…anyone smarter?
▶ 77aa5d (1) No.4617724
>>4617146 lb
So how much election fraud was there in the midterms ?
▶ a892d2 (4) No.4617725>>4617740
Not a boomer though its not relevant
Again, honest question
Why do you still come here?
▶ f895d3 (2) No.4617726
Only cause Q mentioned it again.
▶ 6ddc58 (5) No.4617727>>4617766 >>4617881
>>4616829 (lb)
good presentation anon.
substance looks good.
ignore the peanut gallery.
Rand - 125 - connected to this?
▶ 1e6066 (3) No.4617728>>4617790 >>4617884
Anons.. want to have some fun???
Reread crumbs starting at #314
▶ 0f2bec (2) No.4617729>>4617781
Q please settle this. Pence a pedo? Or Trust Pence? New anon faggs “but muh yutubes” are driving me crazy.
▶ 5e6ee0 (2) No.4617730>>4617767 >>4617779
▶ fde504 (1) No.4617731
If he tweets “Gorillian” I will shit myself kek >>4617627
▶ 429058 (11) No.4617732
are people really this local and stupid.
wow 1947.
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617733>>4617782
▶ cb06e4 (2) No.4617734>>4617931
I know Q tells us to enjoy the show.. that this is a movie… Patriots in control….
But I am sensing something new in today's posts…. is Q saying to Patriot Anons to step up to the plate? Should we be considering taking it to the streets?
▶ ca88fc (5) No.4617735>>4617750
FWIW, Antifa will be at BLEXIT in LA on 20th.
Should we go?
▶ 3c9252 (5) No.4617736>>4618143
memefarmer - OC all memeanons'
▶ 2334e1 (1) No.4617737
funny how that werx…
æı was just having this conversation with con today.
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4617738
also, foreign aid is one of their last sources of income, with their other scams getting shut down.
no wonder they were dumb enough to vote even bigger funds
▶ b81444 (6) No.4617740>>4617756 >>4617788
So I'll have an audience when I livestream
▶ 15b895 (4) No.4617741>>4617870
Adelson was Trump's biggest donor in his campaign for POTUS.
▶ 8fef6d (3) No.4617742
Q what about pic related.
▶ 82ae12 (2) No.4617743>>4617839
Denver Airport is rather notorious.
Conan is involved with the CF and Cabal (as laid out).
It was a chilling answer from him.
▶ 962a88 (4) No.4617744>>4617894 >>4617930
shills are thick tonight must be over the target lol what a fucking faggot you are
▶ a5e1c4 (2) No.4617745
Spaceba comrade!
▶ 5b624a (5) No.4617746
glowing too
their routine is wearingout fast
no moar ammo
▶ ad4e8e (8) No.4617747>>4617833
Nah… We're all putting octagon tires on our cars 'n shit now. If your tires are still circular, you're a pedo for sure.
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617748
And yet all that money- no cure for AIDS, TB, or malaria. Hmmm…
▶ 707e85 (2) No.4617749
Pennsylvania is the Keystone
▶ 1671d9 (8) No.4617750>>4617962
Locked and loaded anon!
▶ 57ef4e (2) No.4617751
Just fugging DECLAS already
▶ f87c00 (2) No.4617752
Exactly what I mean, yes…was there anything that came out of this? Pen angle seems rather precisely placed, and just the kind of autistic clue we should be looking for…
▶ 84ef9c (2) No.4617753>>4617791
What if we made a Wall Wheel?
It would be a Wall, at the same time a Giant Wheel!
So that if you came to close to The Wall…it would roll forward and push you back or crush you to death!
▶ 0ba4bc (1) No.4617755
I think we've seen enough of the fucking con game! Quit telling us what we already fucking know and DOITQ OR STFU! THIS HERE IS BEYOND THE PALE! SHUT THEM DOWN! QUIT EGGING US ON!
▶ f5a2af (2) No.4617756
▶ 34f2dd (4) No.4617757
Are the gatekeepers and plants going to be exposed soon?
▶ 6f8b3e (1) No.4617758>>4617784
The watch in Q’s photo is a IWC. After a 2 second google search I found that The Canadian prime minister wears them. Also Kevin Spacey is a friend of th brand according to this link https://www.luxurybazaar.com/wp/luxury-watches-house-cards-kevin-spacey-iwc/ I wonder how many other pedo, freak, globalists are tied to this brand?
▶ d382bc (12) No.4617760>>4617801
Wonderland Cave is the largest cave in northwestern Arkansas. It is located on Dartmoor Road in Bella Vista, northeast of Bella Vista Lake and east of United States Route 71. The cave was first developed in the 1920s, and transformed into a nightclub in the 1930s, finishing a cavernous space within it with a concrete floor, stage for musicians, and decorations reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland. Portions of the facility have also been used historically for the aging of locally produced wine, and at least one session of the Arkansas Legislature has been held in the cave.[2] A local organization is developing plans to reopen the site as a tourist attraction.
The cave was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1988.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonderland_Cave
▶ 771b25 (7) No.4617761
golden matrix group
brian anthony goodman
>bag man
where did the money go?
this does not look like a 275 trillion dollar company
▶ 4dcf5b (2) No.4617762
be mad at Ca liberals and P.G.E.
▶ ad4e8e (8) No.4617763>>4617870
Neck yourself, kike.
▶ 076450 (7) No.4617764>>4617847 >>4617892
yeah this is serious shit.
No joke, if none of this corruption existed, we would've been 2x - 3x wealthier and more tech advanced than we are right now.
And not just in America, World wide. And that is a very conservative estimate.
All of the things that have been suppressed
All of the assets that have been stolen and squandered of all kinds, not just the money system.
It's disgusting. It's what hardens my resolve.
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617765
Predictions are not helpful.
If your wrong, makes all look bad.
How many times are you right?
Be careful with predictions.
▶ 429058 (11) No.4617767
1947 - wow so long ago it started.
▶ db9e1d (4) No.4617768>>4618161
>plan is screwed six ways to Sunday
Is that you, cryin' Chuck?
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617769
▶ 5e6ee0 (2) No.4617770
Carlos Slim =Frontman Carlos Salinas (Payseur model)?
▶ cd33ae (2) No.4617771
Too bad it wasn`t 7
▶ c1fea8 (1) No.4617774
Time on the watch appears to be 3:14:00
▶ c39f8c (9) No.4617777>>4617819 >>4618262
>The world is watching
▶ 47cb0d (1) No.4617778
I see shillblue is out in damage control now. Sorry brock I don't think you can bullshit your way out of this one.
▶ a3056a (3) No.4617779
This is just like the Iran Deal… the reason (((they))) were fighting so hard to keep the deal in place was because Iran would flip without getting paid.
▶ 0c32ed (3) No.4617780
I get it. Q is telling us that the wall is getting built. It's already funded in the military budget. POTUS doesn't need the $5 billion that he is asking Dems for. He's asking because he know they'd rather sacrifice their first born to the devil rather than secure our borders and now their true character is in the spotlight. POTUS is going to let them eat themselves. What a damn show.
▶ 6ddc58 (5) No.4617781
I hope he's okay. I don't think he is.
▶ 962a88 (4) No.4617782
seriously though, am i right? like wtf its the same fucking shit ass cheap looking desk in every single pen picture. the guys a fucking LOSER
▶ b81444 (6) No.4617783
Lick my asshole faggot and then gas yourself
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617784
▶ 064ad3 (4) No.4617786
Not just Rich Foreigners, also kickback to the same corrupt pols, and who knows what else this money is used for, probably bribes, wars, weapons, drugs, organs, little kids,
▶ ad4e8e (8) No.4617788>>4617829 >>4617901
Livestream what???
▶ 0b3961 (2) No.4617789>>4617863 >>4617873
Oh Monica. You are completely obsessed anon…but I like it kek.
▶ 7cbd00 (4) No.4617790
Truly the wall could NOT have been built until the US steel plants were up and cranking -AFTER the MIL budget.
▶ 5b624a (5) No.4617791
reminds me of a hamster cage
▶ a8b7fd (1) No.4617792
Prepare, traitors.
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4617796
>The corruption (infiltration) at the top (WW) has spread like cancer.
such waste, such rage…
thank God there is fighting back
▶ 0abd05 (6) No.4617797>>4617935
Would be a real shame if these fliers started to pop up everywhere, wouldn't it?
Verify that the QR code link is safe here: https://webqr.com/
Or if you don't trust that link, use any web QR code scanner of your choice.
Also, can some phonefag test the QR link and tell me if it shows the video correctly? Thanks.
Video on QR code is that video on zionists always being traitors to their host Countries when outside of Israel. This is easy to see by the way democrats are acting in what regards Trump's wall and Israel's aid, but remember that zionist traitors are on both parties, the neocons are just as treasonous and Israel first as the zionist democrats.
If you want them to really lose their shit and get the communist zionist MSM to get pissed at us, spread that shit everywhere IRL, if it hurts Israel, it helps the Western world, and we have all the right reasons to want to hurt Israel as much as we can in every way shape and form possible.
Fuck Israel, America FIRST.
▶ 1671d9 (8) No.4617799>>4617844
Yawn. This is getting old.
▶ 7799e8 (10) No.4617801
>>4617760 Close to Bentonville Where
The WalMarter's Hide their wealth??
▶ 851ee0 (2) No.4617802
The road beside the Wall should be called Wall Street so the American people can have at least one that is For the People, By the People and Protects the People and NOT international bankers.
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617803
shill example.
▶ 75d23f (1) No.4617804
In 1999, Trump bought a watch that used to belong to Ronald Reagan.
(Not the particular watch Q posted though.)
▶ f83609 (1) No.4617805
Have congressmen been protected from IRS audits?
▶ 429058 (11) No.4617806
Bitch quit with the old shit or STFU
▶ 962a88 (4) No.4617807
▶ 4892bd (1) No.4617808>>4617846
"We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary." - Retired Col. Eric Byer USAF, Bourne Legacy
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4617810>>4618195
Loop → money to Foriegn powers
Loop Capital -> money back to Politicians in the Loop
Remember to keep loop capital front and center
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4617814>>4618196
You really do not belong here - but anyone can see that by your posts. What an absolutely stomped idiot
▶ 389937 (1) No.4617815
To support their racket
▶ c2ab71 (2) No.4617816>>4617848
Foreign aid is funneled back as donations from those govs to their dirty foundations. It’s the perfect money laundering scheme and how they become millionaires with OUR TAX MONEY.
▶ 771b25 (7) No.4617817
▶ 34f2dd (4) No.4617818
Thank God POTUS got us out of the TPP!
▶ 80c765 (2) No.4617820
If the Qlock is 2 days off like the whabbit says, it should be truth time, soon™
Not a Qlockfag so no magic pointers.
▶ 8e4726 (1) No.4617821
We are tired of being fleeced year after year!
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4617823
>Listen again, carefully.
▶ ff5bbd (8) No.4617824
name the jews, faggot.
▶ cd3079 (3) No.4617825>>4617856
Ben Carson audited HUD and Obama phones were audited as well by Aijit Pai
▶ 528b92 (3) No.4617826
We know it by heart.
Happy New Year Q.
Rip the band aid off and do it in pubic for the republic!
The yellow vests prove the sleeper has awakened. (Dune)
▶ 06e708 (3) No.4617827
▶ 0f2bec (2) No.4617828
Q please settle this. Pence a pedo? Or Trust Pence? New anon faggs “but muh yutubes” are driving me crazy
▶ b81444 (6) No.4617829
Use of a decapitation device
▶ 698cb3 (2) No.4617830
Um, Q. We kinda "slashdotted" the site. Can you unplug it and plug it back in? Kek!
▶ 4c2c57 (5) No.4617831
It won't load for me right now, will check it out soon as I can
▶ 43446c (2) No.4617832
How much is 0.7% of global gdp?
▶ c39f8c (9) No.4617833
▶ 99d34a (6) No.4617834
it's time to name the jew, Q
▶ 6b0ab6 (3) No.4617836
▶ db9e1d (4) No.4617837
> UN encouraged donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on foreign aid?
In 1958, discussions of official aid targets were based on total flow of both official and private resources going to developing countries. A target of 1% was first suggested by the World Council of Churches and during the 1960s all DAC members subscribed to it. But it had a major flaw: governments cannot control or predict private capital flows, nor can they adjust official flows to compensate for fluctuations in private flows.
Efforts to correct this concentrated on elaborating a sub-target for official flows.
A target of official flows of 0.75% of gross national product was proposed to be reached by 1972, based on work by Nobel-Prize winning Jan Tinbergen, who estimated the inflows required for developing economies to achieve desirable growth rates.
In 1969, the Pearson Commission -- in its report Partners in Development – proposed a target of 0.7% of donor GNP to be reached “by 1975 and in no case later than 1980.” This suggestion was taken up in a UN resolution on 24 October 1970. The target built on the DAC’s 1969 definition of ODA.
DAC members generally accepted the 0.7% target for ODA, at least as a long-term objective, with some notable exceptions: Switzerland -- not a member of the United Nations until 2002 – did not adopt the target, and the United States stated that it did not subscribe to specific targets or timetables, although it supported the more general aims of the Resolution.
With the revised System of National Accounts in 1993, gross national product was replaced by gross national income (GNI), an equivalent concept. DAC members’ performance against the 0.7% target is therefore now shown in terms of ODA/GNI ratios.
▶ 80407b (1) No.4617838>>4617874
I pulled up these pics of Schumer and his watch..Is there anyway to get a better look?
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617839>>4617878
I thought the airport was what you meant, I wasn't sure.
Spoopy C_A bunker underneath.
▶ e12795 (6) No.4617843
By George! I think anons got it!
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4617845>>4617886
NightShift !!!!
Its habbening !!!
▶ ba90e1 (4) No.4617846
▶ ad4e8e (8) No.4617847
I want justice so fucking bad, guys.
▶ a3056a (3) No.4617848
I am aware. I just simplified it. It also hides the sale of children.
▶ 67f1a8 (5) No.4617851
Because the UN has no populace to leech off directly?
▶ df5fe6 (2) No.4617853>>4617950 >>4618028
Check out @TrueEyeTheSpy’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/TrueEyeTheSpy/status/1081694473204191233?s=01
Tweeted One hour again in Oval Office. Does this watch belong to Potus?!
Full size photo so Patriots can see.
Details on the watch?
Timing, is everything.
😎 https://t.co/AY6h9LqmR1
▶ c39f8c (9) No.4617854
Sounds like extortion,
but I bet their pawns do it gladly.
▶ 554c23 (8) No.4617855
love ya man
no homo
finally for humanity
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617856
Yet the DoD just had it's very first audit- Defense Contractors? How much do you think gets funneled through them and back to shady pols?
The State Department has never been audited either, that I could find.
It's a disgrace.
▶ b9431b (3) No.4617857>>4618055
▶ c8831c (4) No.4617858>>4617910 >>4617953 >>4617959 >>4617966 >>4618034 >>4618090
I cant really talk to normies anymore…
I try.
Successfully red-pilled a staunch Trump supporter (golden gen and it took a few weeks of seeing thangz I was talking about show up in the news) and a few on FB recently, on the real “wall fight”, but even those agreeing were private in their agreement about it.
But leftyfags…. nope
Lost friends I’ve known for over a decade They quit talking to me over support for POTUS.
No big deal really but making a point.
Fug em.
I had an ex mil guy from the AF (served in late 80’s tho) try to tell me Benghazi habbened in syria when I was trying to talk about Killary today.
Also he didn’t know Gaddafi was dead.
People are asleep.
Thank you for being here Fams.
Only Frens I can talk to or listen to about deep shit are here.
▶ ec137b (6) No.4617859
The UN has fuck over the western countries from the start!
▶ 072b51 (3) No.4617860
exact timestamp, hivemind engaged
▶ 2b97c3 (2) No.4617861
To all the Patriots doing the heavy lifting.
It’s dark shit but tell me it’s not funny?
▶ 7af8c1 (5) No.4617862
Any goodies in this stack? Whe. Can we see images of the signed documents?
▶ a65135 (5) No.4617864
▶ 01f4c3 (7) No.4617865
Have we come up with why it was 3:14 or what 3:15 might mean??
▶ a892d2 (4) No.4617866
Q we know about corruption
We need to know that smth is actually done
If you ate here tonight to boost morale its not going to help this way
▶ a9711e (3) No.4617867
Q is on a roll tonight
▶ 635c34 (2) No.4617868
>>4617497 (lb)
We didn't agree back then…
and We don't agree now.
▶ e1d442 (1) No.4617869>>4618030 >>4618119
I'm thinking POTUS gave the DEMs an ultimatum. Reach a negotiated budget settlement for the wall to reopen the government or a National Emergency declaration will be made to shutdown the southern border and build the wall as a National Security military operation.
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4617870
what does that have to do with Q?
and POTUS paid for his campaign, donations were for extra shit
>shills sticking up for another shill
▶ 2d464c (4) No.4617871>>4617899
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4617874>>4617915 >>4618005 >>4618195
Give money to Israel
Israel gives back to Schumer
The loop
The capital
Loop Capital
▶ ca5c15 (2) No.4617875
No doubt. It’s almost sad. Oh well. Their loss.
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617876
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617877
What's happening in America is happening in other countries.
What happens if you don't 'donate' 0.7%?
Reminds of mob.
Is mob good for communities?
Does hwood make them look cool?
▶ 82ae12 (2) No.4617878>>4617908
With 'plenty of food.' Why would an airport have plenty of food?
▶ a21b35 (6) No.4617880>>4618000 >>4618054 >>4618320
Who cares if Q is real, and if Q is Trump if they can't deliver though? Where is the mass arrest of pedos over pizza gate and human trafficking? Where is the mass arrest of traitors in the military for chemtrails and literal assassinations of our patriots? Where is the mass arrest of treasonous politicians who sold our most classified intel and routinely take bribes to pass horrible laws that favor big corporations and bankrupt the middle class?
I hope you are spending as much time on preparing to fight as getting lost in Q because you have to just step back and look: it's been over 2 YEARS now that we've been lost in these riddles. Where has it gotten us? Name one major victory…you can't. Even if the wall is built, we don't know if that's just to placate us so they can amnesty 30 million illegals. There has been ZERO interior enforcement (i.e. deportation of spics) unless they are a literal fucking fingerprinted criminal.
Let me let you in on a secret about this world: There are very few to no "good" people in this world, at least not anyone with any real power. The ONLY thing that people respect is STRENGTH and LETHALITY. That is the ONLY, ONLY thing that gets anyone's attention. So if you want mass arrests, if you want the "Make America Great Again" / patriot / whatever movement to succeed, is has to be backed by FORCE. In other words millions of patriots polishing their guns and demanding a fight any day now. That's the only thing these assholes understand - which side is it going to hurt me more to fight? And right now that appears to be the Democrats, since our own military is a bunch of faggot pussies that should have done the COUP on the government a long time ago. Then we wouldn't be having these faggot pussy problems.
▶ ad4e8e (8) No.4617881
▶ 10bdd6 (8) No.4617882
Wasn't there something about Election Fraud Report due yesterday or now maybe…I think they had 45 days to expose/investigate Election Fraud and I think I read somewhere that the report is due!!!!
▶ 5cdf9b (3) No.4617883>>4618168
>>4611217 (Q)
Posse Comitatus Act and the US Military on the Border
▶ f895d3 (2) No.4617884>>4617978
Mirrors were interesting as well.
Did both 3:14 and 3:15 cause there was some disagreement on what time the watch was showing.
▶ 238c35 (1) No.4617885
Foreign donors to campaigns; another way to launder money. Just like CF and the McCain Foundation.
▶ 517142 (7) No.4617886
And I was gonna get some rest tonight
▶ d58367 (1) No.4617887
Did you want to include the rt for the last Q post?
>>4617497 rt >>4617213---——————————--——– Who audits where the money 'actually' goes?
▶ 771b25 (7) No.4617888
>great awakening
so nice
▶ 4d2401 (7) No.4617891>>4618189 >>4618255
Little less shit talkin and how bout a little action.
Talk is cheap.
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617892>>4617938
Plus, think of the diseases that would be eradicated if the money appropriated was actually spent curing them?
▶ 064ad3 (4) No.4617893
UN is super comped. End the UN. Stop funding fake peace keepers (aka terrorists, rapists and crooks)
▶ 643ef9 (4) No.4617894>>4617905
>over the target
Never dropped bomb.
America burns while jews laugh!
▶ 1cf068 (2) No.4617895>>4618173
Vid lines up on the clock…
▶ 46a5a4 (2) No.4617896
▶ 01840d (1) No.4617897>>4617926
Watching from Aus WWG1WGA
▶ 01f4c3 (7) No.4617898
Oh shit!!
▶ 554c23 (8) No.4617899
this is so obvious
stop making us look like buffoons
▶ 6af40a (3) No.4617901
Poking your wife and daughter
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4617902
I haven't seen an even marginally educated shill shrieking so far - are we reading the same board?
▶ 8db1ca (4) No.4617903>>4618012
▶ 2d464c (4) No.4617904
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4617905>>4618004
>America burns while jews laugh!
I think you're confusing the USA for Paris, redditnigger
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617906>>4618217
▶ 943aca (2) No.4617907
We are with you.
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617908
When he said "someplace with plenty of food" I honest to God thought he was going to say Haiti (children to eat).
No joke.
▶ 18d7f9 (1) No.4617909>>4617957
Many here are still afraid. They can't even type "Jew."
▶ ca5c15 (2) No.4617910
I can relate…. some days it’s hard but I know we are on the right side of history and that’s what matters.
▶ 76352b (2) No.4617911
I don't care about gdp numbers, I just wanna gas kikes, is that too much to ask?
▶ 3908a1 (3) No.4617912>>4617947
Around and around we go..
▶ 1a3e0c (2) No.4617913
"…the Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure…"
▶ 88d9f9 (2) No.4617914>>4617939 >>4617967 >>4618005 >>4618222
Currently taking meme requests. Give me your mind.
▶ c8831c (4) No.4617916>>4617941 >>4618011
She is amaaazing.
▶ ff5bbd (8) No.4617917>>4618116 >>4618146
filter all jewish porn posters like this kike right here.
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617918>>4618024
Pathetic, shill.
Try harder.
Cheap meme.
Cheap words.
▶ 528b92 (3) No.4617919
why? Crime Inc is larger than all the fortune 500 companies combined? These ppl do not care about caring, they care only about their own self enrichment. They are harvesters to the feeders.
▶ 88decf (2) No.4617920
Can't wait, almost literally, for a new government. I mean brand new.
▶ e578e5 (1) No.4617921>>4617963 >>4617977
Woah….From ZeroHedge:
"Get ready for the next round of leaks.
I smile every day watching the aftermath of preventing Hillary.
Deep State exposed.
Fake news exposed.
DOJ & FBI exposed.
I’m happy you are more informed than ever. 2019 will reveal so much more. Get ready for the next round of leaks. Monumental stuff 😎
--- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) January 5, 2019"
▶ 4a0e6e (2) No.4617925
▶ 06e708 (3) No.4617926
God Bless Anon! Make Earth Great Again.
▶ 21c7e8 (2) No.4617927
Screw the "Red Enders" the commie Uncle Scams & Auntie Fahs
▶ be6e16 (2) No.4617928
>>>4617497 (pb)
>Senator Paine.
>"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"
>Old story.
>Many have known for years.
>WE await (((their))) [reckoning day]
Many know & understand.
It's → (A Feedback Loop)
* Foreign Aid to > Collaborating Pols in Foreign Country.
* Pols in Foreign Country [Kicks Back] a percentage and favors. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
It's a scratch my back I scratch yours.
It's one big Global Mafia CIRCLE.
Got it!
Take'em down!
▶ 1671d9 (8) No.4617929
Hey, Q… don't you have your own board? Why you shitting our bread with your nonsense?
▶ 4d2401 (7) No.4617930>>4617994
the delusion is strong in this one.
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4617931
No, dipshit. Nice try, though -
▶ 383fc9 (1) No.4617933
I need some help anons, some twitter autists, or someone who can dig into this.
The capture is the tweet this idiot sent back to me.
And yes, although it looks like some random fuck making a bold statement, it just felt really weird.
Really weird.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
I seen BS before, but this one struck me as wayyy off.
▶ 7b001a (4) No.4617934
god bless /ourgirl/
▶ 0abd05 (6) No.4617935>>4618006
When we redpill all Evangelicals in the World (and its coming, we WILL make it happen), Israel corrupt administration will collapse under the weight of its own lying, crime and terrorism.
Spread this everywhere:
Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about Israel being anti-Christ. Enjoy:
http://archive.is/UF27x - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1"
http://archive.is/8xnkU - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2"
The True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not in the earthly country we call Israel today.
▶ 300ca2 (5) No.4617936
(((They))) think of us as sheep.
That time has ended and we are sheep no more.
Pain coming.
▶ 3c9252 (5) No.4617937
…So the UN's recommended
>0.7% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on foreign aid
is for graft and corruption, to payoff politicians, in order to cause the NWO/elites'/UN's/hidden hand's agenda to be implemented WW.
Knew it. But shit. So ugly.
They've been siphoning the productivity and lifeblood (figuratively) of American workers for generations and generations.
Time for this evil cycle of corruption to end.
▶ 076450 (7) No.4617938
imo a good amount of disease is caused by intentional poisoning of the food chain, so there's also that.
▶ bc4065 (9) No.4617939
▶ c39f8c (9) No.4617940
Yellow Vest movement is lit af
▶ ff5bbd (8) No.4617941>>4618064 >>4618106
take your jewish broads, and fuck off, kike.
▶ ec137b (6) No.4617942
The UN is the cabals slush fund ready for the NWO..
▶ 67f1a8 (5) No.4617943
▶ 67dae7 (1) No.4617944
6 min delta with Q crumb
▶ 9489f7 (3) No.4617945
If pelosi wants to give money away so bad give it back to the tax payers. Oh yeah, not interested in helping those who work for a living
▶ cd3079 (3) No.4617946
Want to get really pissed? Check out which of our assets are owned by World Heritage Sites
▶ a65135 (5) No.4617949
Get US out of the UN! Bloodsucker leaches
▶ 517142 (7) No.4617950
>Tweeted One hour again in Oval Office. Does this watch belong to Potus?!
Meh, I think they just cropped out the letterbox
▶ 60a691 (1) No.4617951>>4617975
>>4616990, >>4616990 Arkansas = keystone?
key == No Such Agency
stone == military
▶ 517165 (1) No.4617952>>4617991
We know and have known. Enough is Enough! Out of the UN and lock those up stealing our hard earned money. We bust our asses for years knowing we've been stolen from.
▶ 4c2c57 (5) No.4617953
I feel yah there anon just had a big fight with my bestie of 30yrs because I switched over to pro-Trump this last year.
Derangement syndrome is real
▶ 83e836 (1) No.4617954
▶ 0abd05 (6) No.4617955>>4617983 >>4618220
>>4617497 (lb)
Thanks for the (you) boss.
▶ 90e66d (4) No.4617956
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. April LaJune Q rant 1/5/19
▶ 01f4c3 (7) No.4617958>>4618013
We GOTTA get OUT of the UN. Seize ALL of their assets here. The WHOLE world was corrupt.
Q, do YOU ever ask YOURSELF, "How is this even happening??" Are YOU ever blown away that we even made it this far??
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4617959
▶ f35250 (3) No.4617961
JAN 05
MAY 10
▶ ca88fc (5) No.4617962>>4617988
Candace O, needs to be protected, she's a patriot.
▶ 300ca2 (5) No.4617963
The flood is coming?
▶ 9f3833 (4) No.4617964
Is ist correct that "globalism" is in fact "corruptionism"…?
You steal tax money from the people and transfer it to some international organisations… telling the people that it's necessary and "good" to do….
But then of course the money is out of sight.
And people lose track of it.
Then the "organisations" are doing what they want with the money.
Of course nothing good….
▶ 427415 (3) No.4617965>>4618297
Nice: Former Canadian Prime Minister Proudly Calls President Trump a “Motherf*cker”
Freshman Democrat Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was sworn in with Thomas Jefferson’s Quran Thursday into the US US House of Representatives.
Shortly after Rashida Tlaib’s swearing-in ceremony, she went on a vulgar tirade and called for President Trump’s impeachment --- “We’re going to go in and impeach the motherf*cker!.”
Of course the left cheered with delight.
(Warning on Language)
▶ 9f0277 (4) No.4617966
I know what you mean, it's the same here. We have to kill the MSM and let patriots take control of it
▶ c2ab71 (2) No.4617967
Meme how they launder and keep our tax money for themselves. The billion to Iran didn’t go to one place. I bet BO and HRC plus others got their cut. Let’s blast twatr with this.
▶ 554c23 (8) No.4617968
Hey Q. NYC power outage doings of black hats?
▶ e59f72 (2) No.4617970>>4617992 >>4618020 >>4618037
Q, Couldn't get the page to load
▶ cf5da7 (1) No.4617972>>4618080
▶ 525a04 (2) No.4617973>>4618014 >>4618127 >>4618313
"Posse Comitatus Act”
Q, Are you suggesting the only way forward is under martial law conditions? Should US Citizens be preparing themselves for Martial Law?
▶ 2d464c (4) No.4617974>>4618089 >>4618110
Q--How many SHILLS attacking our board?
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4617975
not sure how that made notables to be honest
▶ 10bdd6 (8) No.4617976
wouldn't that be something!!!!
▶ 851ee0 (2) No.4617977
It'd be KEKful if Kim was Dark Overlord.
▶ 1e6066 (3) No.4617978
Booms both times
▶ 0c32ed (3) No.4617979
Hey Q.
ETA on Pain?
Are within [30] days?
▶ 6ddc58 (5) No.4617980>>4618038
we are an existential threat
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4617981>>4618017 >>4618183 >>4618195
Pelosi gave money for Foreign Abortions !!!
Abortions WW outside usa
What about the wall ?
the fed - outside foreign banks ?
the fed - immune to us laws ?
The Loop → money to foreigners
The Capital → money back to DC politicians the capital
Loop Capital
Can we have our country back !!!
fight fight fight
▶ 079ace (1) No.4617982
Dude these are too fucking complicated
I think you are a shill trying to get people to post nonsense.
▶ 4eacc6 (2) No.4617983
Congrats ANON!!i I love you (you) from Q.
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4617984
Why are we still part of the UN? And WHY have we not kicked those disgusting corrupt people out of our country?
▶ 2e0f59 (3) No.4617985
Unable to find pics of him wearing a watch.
▶ ab5a5f (3) No.4617986
BREAK from the UN and save all those gorillions!
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4617987>>4618019 >>4618282
▶ 1671d9 (8) No.4617988
Fire when ready anon.
▶ 554c23 (8) No.4617989
I ask because we were expecting another 10 shutdown with fires signaling if 1 year clock regarded
▶ 3c6164 (5) No.4617990>>4618104 >>4618142
Go to http://itanimulli.com (Illuminati spelled backwards.) It takes you to NSA website. Why?
▶ bc4065 (9) No.4617991>>4618101 >>4618265 >>4618295
Miss the Maddog memes.
▶ 43849b (6) No.4617992
Try later, anon. Q breaks stuff all the time.
▶ 8f05f3 (6) No.4617994
▶ 20486f (1) No.4617995
For last Q post dig
▶ bb515c (1) No.4617997
The great awakening is coming. I am due to speak at a rally on Monday in Pittsburgh.
I will be talking about a few things worth listening to. We need to keep waking up the normies,
Patriots in NJ refusing to turn in high cap mags.
Patriots in Colorado, not complying either.
We stand together or surely we hang separately..
Thank you Q.
▶ ad4e8e (8) No.4617999>>4618008
THIS… Fucking sick of these Israel-First TRAITOR bastards.
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4618000>>4618134
Keep trying, numbnuts. We see you
▶ 9ceb4b (3) No.4618002
look there or [here]
I believe! We love you
▶ d729a0 (1) No.4618003>>4618025 >>4618083
"OUR MOVEMENT" must now become known. Our awakening will guide the world into the future. The great awakening is at the precipace - WWG1WGA
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4618005>>4618195
>>4617915 , >>4617874
my mind just went to Loop Capital
>[1 year delta]:
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ab7ad6 No.248590
Jan 5 2018 17:12:23 (EST)
Follow the MONEY.
Loop Capital Markets.
Happy Hunting.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c9daa0 No.8091
Jan 6 2018 16:07:34 (EST)
▶ 0abd05 (6) No.4618006>>4618177
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4617935
An Israeli Jewish journalist telling people why supporting Israel is stupid.
▶ 429058 (11) No.4618007
I followed for a long time and was all in until it got so political and repetitive. Now an op.l
▶ ff5bbd (8) No.4618008
▶ cbf730 (2) No.4618009
I would marry her
▶ 8db1ca (4) No.4618012>>4618192
Neat how the richest country of them all gets the most foreign aid..
▶ aa6450 (5) No.4618013
we made it this far- we must be strong.. need to be stronger for what is coming up next I believe.
▶ 4d2401 (7) No.4618014
more like pussy comeuppance, sine nothing ever happens.
▶ 7d85b5 (4) No.4618015
>Why, for decades, has the UN encouraged donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on foreign aid?
Because it gets siphoned to them
▶ ec137b (6) No.4618016
Tony Blair was going to be tipped off for a UN top job
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4618017
the fed no audits
where does the money go ?
Who audits ?
Loop Capital
Queen thanks you for your taxes
▶ 7a5229 (4) No.4618018>>4618052
They don't care!!! Psychopaths. Power mad. Extremists. Criminals. Traitors. Parasites. Leeches. Vampires. Cannibals. Evil. They are the literal embodiment of every villain from every Bond flick, every superhero film, every bad guy from a film noir flick.
FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
▶ 1671d9 (8) No.4618019
It's funny cos it's true.
▶ 64feb8 (6) No.4618021
>Why, for decades, has the UN encouraged donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on foreign aid?
The top players. using nations as shields, have forsaken their oath and prostituted themselves to globalist agenda aimed at dissolution of national/group pride, heritage. and families.
These pawns spread like cancer, leeching money and ENERGY from every corner of the globe, then using people like cattle to initiate wars, create misery and conflict everywhere - because that provides more fodder for future changes they make according to their design. NWO.
Global plantation. Slavery of the mind under the watchful 'eye'.
We know that NK was the one end of the silk road trafficking routes.
israel should be the other end.
Both port locations.
saving israel (roth created state) for last due to HEAVY NWO inspired demographic (jewry) and being heart of darkness?
Iran to be defused (completely) beforehand?
▶ cd3079 (3) No.4618022
Because they are actually a very small minority in this country but use fraud/MSM to inflate their status?
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4618023
We'll rape your children and sell them into sexual slavery, use your home soil for fake war to funnel money through it, and in exchange here's a bunch of taxpayer $$.
▶ ca88fc (5) No.4618025>>4618098
Let's go, WATCH CA, 01/20
▶ 9a6b97 (1) No.4618026
A wall for me but not for thee
▶ 778dc6 (2) No.4618027>>4618092 >>4618128 >>4618339
omfg not this video again. So tired of seeing it, I'm not even going to watch it again.
Q, everyone's losing interest. Everyone grows more frustrated each time you repeat something we already know.
I honestly can't blame them. People are walking away, because it's always more promises, more pointless rehashing, and more kicking the can down the road.
▶ df5fe6 (2) No.4618028
Image. Watch re: tweet. …timing is everything
▶ ff5bbd (8) No.4618029
▶ f6a22f (1) No.4618030
We're already under A National Emergency. That's what the Media is just now figuring out.
This EO was on Dec. 21, 2017
▶ 30280e (1) No.4618031
I remember thinking this was something (the DARK and LIGHT Fox Nation watches) back in Nov. Posting it just in case it triggers something for any of you.
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4618033
▶ 6114a9 (2) No.4618034
I'm with you fren.
btw I think that the AF guy might've been a navigator. kek
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4618035
Damn! We have arrived - shills are LOSING it
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4618036
no worries Patriots archive !!!
▶ 96cd3c (2) No.4618037
Archive link dating 12-28-18 working
▶ 528b92 (3) No.4618038>>4618291
THIS. WE THE PEOPLE are the threat. They will fight us with the mockingbird, a political special interests with a total political agenda. for themselves, its TIME TO MAKE PROPAGANDA ILLEGAL AGAIN
▶ 72a967 (3) No.4618039
TIME FOR ANOTHER PATRIOTIC TEA PARTY…instead of dumping tea overboard, time to…
Completely DEFUND TAXPAYER FUNDED ORGANIZATIONS THAT SPEND ANY MONEY On Elections, Politicians and cap all salaries.
▶ 88decf (2) No.4618040
Could be worse than Texas.
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4618042
Arrests surge under Trump.
▶ 635c34 (2) No.4618043
Fuck your Arabic.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
▶ 31763e (1) No.4618045
▶ 300ca2 (5) No.4618046
Mind your business nigga!
▶ 43849b (6) No.4618047
Awesome numbers!
▶ 64feb8 (6) No.4618049>>4618140
noticed this. Fucking hell are we sure it was just anons?
What are the numbers since the 350mm WW last year?
Are we up to 1 billion + mark now?
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4618051>>4618340
>2.2 million attempted access within 1-2 minutes.
and yet
< 192 UIDs
▶ 7a5229 (4) No.4618052
Forgot this in my angry haste.
▶ c39f8c (9) No.4618053
▶ d9a3d0 (1) No.4618054>>4618151
We remember this copy pasta, faggot.
▶ 7cbd00 (4) No.4618055>>4618151
Yeah, copypasta shill I had filtered. Processing that.
▶ 90e66d (4) No.4618056
1/31/19 is my drop Trump date. After that, Good luck, Trump, hope the tweets against CNN work out for ya!
▶ 28f0cf (1) No.4618059
The rot is everywhere the UN touches
▶ d1df38 (2) No.4618060
Two days ahead of schedule
January 7th
ruh roh shaggy this shit finna boom
▶ f35250 (3) No.4618061
Well Why not have STRESS TEST right quick?
People are ITCHING!!!!!
Fav Movie? ;)
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4618062
▶ 1a3e0c (2) No.4618065>>4618096
So Q & Co was monitoring this…
▶ aa6450 (5) No.4618066
kek- we broke another site-
or put it down for a bit
▶ 0cf0d1 (1) No.4618067
Yes they take the bait into the bite that has no cure.
▶ 517142 (7) No.4618068>>4618108 >>4618114 >>4618150
Term limits introduced by Cruz
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4618071
2.2 million, thank you Anons.
▶ 612856 (1) No.4618072>>4618150
Wow, 2.2M!
I'd say we've reached the tipping point.
▶ 58594b (4) No.4618073
2.2 Million? That was fast.
The world is watching
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4618074
The pepe army is ready !!!
memes at the ready !!!!
fight fight fight
▶ 23871f (2) No.4618075>>4618162
Q--how many SHILLS are attacking?
▶ e387d1 (3) No.4618076
maybe they need codemonkey to help
▶ f2dff4 (1) No.4618078
Q any photos from the secret trip to Iraq to share? X-mas present?
▶ 9dff25 (5) No.4618079
▶ 8907a1 (1) No.4618080
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4618081
I had it queuing up on another tab…
▶ 1671d9 (8) No.4618083
You must be new here kiddo. Welcome!
▶ ec137b (6) No.4618085
▶ a40d3d (4) No.4618086>>4618347
From https://factly.in/united-nations-budget-contributions-by-member-countries/
▶ 8b17e3 (1) No.4618087
Btw, check out the trolling on Maggie Habermann’s tweet. WWG1WGA
▶ 076450 (7) No.4618089
I still personally think that the shill teams are 5-12 individuals with multiple ip/UID's, depending on what they think they need for any given push.
Because they work in sorties as well as in shifts if they know something bigs coming.
For the shills, it's all about the push; They do no real research on their own, and get marching orders.
▶ 9f3833 (4) No.4618090
Just had some exhauting discussions at christmas….
then I tried to avoid those topics.
My best friend is a total lefty and Trump hater.
What shall I do…?
I really hope the day is coming he calls me on the phone, asking me the "Q-Question"..!!!
▶ 7b001a (4) No.4618091>>4618164
rarely is a server prepared for our kind of attention.
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4618092
You get that just because YOU can't see how many people are here doesn't mean that Q cant, right? God you people are stupid
▶ 34f2dd (4) No.4618094
The world is watching or DDOS?
▶ 43446c (2) No.4618095
>2.2 million attempted access within 1-2 minutes.
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4618096
>So Q & Co was monitoring this…
Wizards gonna Warlock
▶ 06e708 (3) No.4618097
When is DECLAS coming, Q?
▶ 3c6164 (5) No.4618099
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Time for the brotherhood of the snake to get stomped?
▶ e12795 (6) No.4618100
▶ 03b202 (2) No.4618104
Lots of names for the same website. Don't look here.
Coincidence no more
▶ 90e66d (4) No.4618105
Plus arms, drugs, voters.
▶ c8831c (4) No.4618106>>4618353
Bellucci is Jewish…
▶ 6b0ab6 (3) No.4618107
Y’all talk about the GREAT AWAKENING!!! Wow!!
▶ 3e4d83 (2) No.4618108>>4618181
Do you think CONgress is really going to vote to impose restrictions on itself so easily?
▶ e59f72 (2) No.4618109
▶ 9f0277 (4) No.4618110
why does that matter? Is that truly a question? Thats all you can think to ask?
▶ d75fbc (1) No.4618111
U.N. chief warns staff, member states: We're running out of cash
▶ 427415 (3) No.4618112
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4618113
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4618114
PLEASE let this pass.
▶ 9489f7 (3) No.4618115
▶ 503524 (5) No.4618116
Good one shill
Nightshift anons
hate bewbs
Thanks for the heads
up schlomo
▶ 429058 (11) No.4618117>>4618226 >>4618258
I was here since Vegas basically so before.
but now it has changed and not buy just the political shit.
I am me and will not follow.
I will stay and be me.
▶ 1e6066 (3) No.4618118
▶ 64feb8 (6) No.4618119
▶ 9f3833 (4) No.4618120
and no one showing up for HRC and EW..
Anons rule! :D
▶ 76352b (2) No.4618121
How many were kike shills outta the 2.2 million?
▶ 3908a1 (3) No.4618122
So how bout that FISA and declas?
▶ 427415 (3) No.4618126
Can you cap it for us?
▶ 2dcbf7 (1) No.4618127
>"Posse Comitatus Act”
Migrants arriving at the border will now see a sizable U.S. military presence even though their mission will be largely a support role.
That's because the military is bound by the Posse Comitatus Act, a 19th-century federal law that restricts military participation in law enforcement activities. Unless Congress specifically authorizes it, military personnel can't have direct contact with civilians, including immigrants
▶ a9711e (3) No.4618128>>4618247
You forgot the part about being a longtime lurker and this is your one and only post and your not going to be here anymore … move along the big boys are working
▶ 0a359b (1) No.4618129
We do that on occasion. ;)
▶ a5e1c4 (2) No.4618130
Tax and spend and tax and spend and tax and spend and tax and….oh cool, think we'll keep this! Tax and keep and tax and keep and build a big friggin' house and tax and set up a foundation and tax and slip some into the foundation and tax and keep and tax and slip some more into foundation and oh, look, another NGO that thinks like we do and tax and funnel into foundation and tax and keep and tax and slip some more into foundation and tax and funnel into NGO and tax and on and on and on and on…………………………..WTF IS UP WITH THESE GILLETS JAUNE?!?!?! DON"T THEY KNOW WE DO THIS ALL FOR THEM?????
▶ cb06e4 (2) No.4618131
Q… How much to Anons "get" that you want us to get? 50% more or less?
▶ 53c405 (2) No.4618132
143. anyone else getting 143? how did that pop into my head?
▶ 893f70 (7) No.4618133
>>4617587 (pb)
>Cut off the clowns funding by building the wall. Watch them fall apart and have no explanation. Can't tell people they no longer having funding because they can't sell drugs, weapons, humans, etc.
▶ a21b35 (6) No.4618134>>4618194
Yeah, please point what I said was wrong? You must be that faggot pussy military I was talking about.
▶ eb76ca (1) No.4618135
▶ 554c23 (8) No.4618136
▶ 525a04 (2) No.4618138
Q, Why has POTUS not frozen the accounts of DS already?
When will Martial Law become effective?
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4618139
I pray for the safety of all these brave patriots.
▶ 4d2401 (7) No.4618140
I think you are down to `100 of thousands, Anon's dropping every day.
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4618141
FISA up to Rod.
Buy time.
Meanwhile, time is not on their))) side.
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4618142
because anyone can easily program a redirect
▶ 10bdd6 (8) No.4618143
The shoes of a CON MAN…or CLOWN?
Senator of NY around the time of 911…
What did/does he know?
▶ 1671d9 (8) No.4618144
So, there's way moar of them than us huh?
Thanks for the good news Q
▶ 7e130a (1) No.4618145
Well… says it ALL…. Doesn't it shills!!!
Shills be scared. I smell FEAR!!
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4618146
>larping this hard
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4618147
▶ 0c32ed (3) No.4618148
Anons, let's crash cnn.com
▶ 3a00b4 (1) No.4618149
“Economic & foreign policy that has bled our country dry.” = Foreign Aid Slush funds.
The CON.
So why the hell are my taxes STILL being taken out of my check?
When do I get to keep my money?
▶ 517142 (7) No.4618150
Imagine once the other sites catch on.
2.2M is a lot more than I thought too!
▶ 7a5229 (4) No.4618151>>4618279
▶ 6114a9 (2) No.4618152
This movement is bigger than people think. o7
▶ 9dff25 (5) No.4618154
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
▶ 1b2585 (1) No.4618155
The patina on her teeth---
Odors and gluons of
Plaque mellowed in the jacuzzi
Of cigarettes, whiskey, and star-
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4618156>>4618246
can you post a cap of the sauce?
▶ 3de202 (1) No.4618157
Hot dayum, Q now a DDoS gun!
▶ e12795 (6) No.4618158>>4618170
Declas???? When??? Soon??.
▶ 38c699 (1) No.4618159
▶ 0e4163 (4) No.4618161
wow Haime…you're come backs are getting better and better…not very intelligent or fact filled…but…no son, I'm in the back room fucking your wife's boyfriend.
>>4612238 (pb)
>My background is in the research of the mind and I have serious doubts that Q/Q team/Potus understand that aspect of things - the mental/spiritual.
>I am seeing that they are violating natural law in the area of Ethics and I do wonder if they understand the consequences of that. Thanks for the post Anon.
There are so many ethical violations at this point..that I sincerely hope POTUS knows nothing of this…or knows something but not…what they're doing…and KEK you don't want to know my background…but I recognize an OP when I see it….what has stunned me..is how easy it's been.
Grant it…not with /pol/ the brains of the world…it didn't last long there…kek..herding cats…but I'm watching this and all I can think is that they've learned how to replace a population, how to stop critical thinking…how to manipulate and get people to agree to anything….
I wanted to believe but after Q's post telling people not to prep…my already hinking hinky meters went into overdrive…talk about fucking unethical…I do not believe POTUS would tell people that.
I'm going back to /pol/ tho…kek…I miss those glorious basturds!
▶ 64feb8 (6) No.4618162
THIS. Was going for asking this.
are israeli intelligence and muzzies interfering badly still?
▶ a91184 (7) No.4618163
Q really dumbing it down for folks to get.
▶ aa6450 (5) No.4618164
I just said that to alternate Anon here.. we got on, saw the page and then it wouldn't move
▶ ab5a5f (3) No.4618165
Our movement is about replacing
A failed and corrupt political establishment
With a new government controlled by you, the American people.
The Washington establishment
And the financial and media corporations that fund it,
Exist for only one reason,
To protect and enrich itself.
The establishment has trillions of dollars
At stake in this election.
For those who control
The levers of power in Washington
And for the global special interests,
They partner with these people who don’t have your good in mind.
Our campaign represents a true existential threat
Like they haven’t seen before.
This is not simply another 4 year election;
This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization
That will determine whether or not,
We the people reclaim control over our government.
The political establishment that is trying to stop us,
Is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals,
Massive illegal immigration,
And economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.
The political establishment has brought about
The destruction of our factories
And our jobs
As they flee to Mexico, China
And other countries all around the world.
It’s a global power structure
That is responsible for the economic decisions
That have robbed our working class,
Stripped our country of its wealth,
And put that money into the pockets
Of a handful of large corporations and political entities.
This is a struggle for the survival of our nation
And this will be our last chance to save it.
This election will determine whether we are free nation
Or whether we have only the illusion of democracy,
But are in fact controlled by a small handful
Of globalist special interests rigging the system,
And our system is rigged. This is reality;
You know it, they know it, I know it,
And pretty much the whole world knows it.
The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure.
We’ve seen this first hand in the Wikileaks documents,
In which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks
To plot the destruction of US sovereignty
In order to enrich these global financial powers,
Her special interest friends, and her donors.
Honestly, she should be locked up.
The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons
Is the corporate media; the press.
Let’s be clear on one thing- the corporate media in our country
Is no longer involved in journalism.
They’re a political special interest,
No different than any lobbyist or other financial entity,
With a total political agenda,
And the agenda is not for you, it’s for themselves.
Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist.
A racist. A xenophobe. They will lie, lie, lie,
And then again, they will do worse than that.
They will do whatever is necessary.
The Clintons are criminals, remember that.
This is well-documented.
And the establishment that protects them
Has engaged in a massive cover-up of widespread criminal activity
At the state department and the Clinton Foundation
In order to keep the Clintons in power.
They knew they would throw every lie they could at me
And my family and my loved ones.
They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me.
Nevertheless, I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you.
I take them for our movement,
So that we could have our country back.
I knew this day would arrive;
It was only a question of when.
And I knew the American people would rise above it
And vote for the future they deserve.
The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you.
The only force strong enough to save our country is us.
The only people brave enough
To vote out this corrupt establishment is you,
The American people.
Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning.
I didn’t need to do this folks, believe me.
I built a great company and I had a wonderful life.
I could have enjoyed the fruits and benefits
Of years of successful business deals and businesses
For myself and my family instead of going through
This absolute horror show of lies, deceptions,
Malicious attacks; who would have thought.
I’m doing it because this country has given me so much,
And I feel, so strongly, that it’s my turn to give back
To the country that I love.
I’m doing this for the people and for the Movement,
And we will take back this country for you,
And we will Make America Great Again.
▶ 643ef9 (4) No.4618166
>2.2 million
What monetary value does this represent for you?
Are you going to share with Anons?
▶ 5cdf9b (3) No.4618168
The Posse Comitatus Act was originally enacted due to the feeling of many members of Congress at the time that President Abraham Lincoln had exceeded his authority during the Civil War by suspending habeas corpus and creating military courts with jurisdiction over civilians.
It should be noted that the Posse Comitatus Act greatly limits, but does not eliminate the power of the President of the United States to declare "martial law," the assumption of all civilian police powers by the military.
The president, under his or her constitutional powers to put down insurrection, rebellion, or invasion, may declare martial law when local law enforcement and court systems have ceased to function. For example, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, President Roosevelt declared martial law in Hawaii at the request of the territorial governor.
▶ 076450 (7) No.4618169
I'm inferring that many of those 2.2 mil came from here.
and that there's more than that here, because I did not go to the site.
sound about right?
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4618170
when POTUS wants to
▶ 4a0e6e (2) No.4618172
We're enjoying the show!
Thank you for saving the world!
▶ 1cf068 (2) No.4618173
Pen also points to 1/23 bring the pain!
▶ 67f1a8 (5) No.4618175
yeah, it was down for me, also
▶ a65135 (5) No.4618176
There's a lot of us Sir!
▶ 0abd05 (6) No.4618177>>4618260
Reminder that the first KKK was packed with Jews.
▶ 6ddc58 (5) No.4618178
saved saved saved good stuff
▶ a40d3d (4) No.4618179
Where the most US foreign aid was to be spent in 2016
▶ b9431b (3) No.4618180
That means something…photo fags, dig!
▶ 517142 (7) No.4618181
It would really show who the patriots are and who the paytriots really are.
▶ 2b8ebe (1) No.4618182
2.2mm? that many? how come this is not reflected on qmap.pub?
▶ 7799e8 (10) No.4618183
>>4617981 The Cabal in other countries need
get to eat children too!!
▶ f35250 (3) No.4618184
▶ 01f4c3 (7) No.4618185>>4618209 >>4618234 >>4618238
This Q Bread Needs a FLOTUS.
Q….Trust FLOTUS??
▶ d1df38 (2) No.4618186>>4618222
President Trump, tweet about how there are over 60 countries that already have border walls
▶ 771b25 (7) No.4618187
listening carefully.
▶ 9507ec (2) No.4618188
"This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected"
Who are "these people" that don't have out good in mind that partner with the globalist? What is does "existential threat" really mean?
▶ 64feb8 (6) No.4618189
sure thing schlomo.
▶ 8fef6d (3) No.4618190>>4618223
Was HRC one of them?
▶ 67718a (1) No.4618192
Why do you think they have dual citizenship?
▶ 8f05f3 (6) No.4618193>>4618214 >>4618256
Why has it been allowed to go on for so long?
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4618194>>4618242
Just keep posting your tired shit - it is clearly all you're able to do and it doesn't really affect anything - I will scroll past like everyone else from now on
▶ 7b001a (4) No.4618195
▶ a21b35 (6) No.4618196>>4618271
Yeah I already know I don't belong here WASTING MY TIME. I figured that out a long time ago. Lot of people here though unfortunately wasting their time as well, when they should be training and prepping for war.
▶ ff2267 (10) No.4618197
>>4617682 Anon: Foreign aid used for corruption purposes worldwide?
>>4617607 State Dept. gets $5.7B in foreign for 'control and research of HIV/AIDS'?
>>4617639 USMC Tweets: Full Send / Light Show.
▶ 9f3833 (4) No.4618199
▶ 492c7c (1) No.4618200
How many are tracking daily now, Q?
All for a LARP?
▶ d8649a (3) No.4618201>>4618239 >>4618259
wow! the numbers are impressive.
▶ b411d4 (1) No.4618202>>4618249
This is Hitler's speech against the zionist controlled media - the international clique
▶ 6d57ba (13) No.4618203
▶ 7d85b5 (4) No.4618204>>4618343
Are we a DDOS net now?
▶ 21c7e8 (2) No.4618206
Go! Go! Go! Wake Up The World!
▶ 9dff25 (5) No.4618210
AM I OVER THE TARGET ?? Y=+ N++ -QAnon+ https://qanonpress.wordpress.com/2019/01/05/the-great-awakening-enjoy-the-show-national-popcorn-day-is-1-19/
▶ 9507ec (2) No.4618214
Are "these people" even human?
▶ a91184 (7) No.4618215
FUck yeah! Kek. Quite a difference from 88k that to start the Great Awakening.
▶ 2ca1ca (2) No.4618216
All for a LARP
▶ b81444 (6) No.4618217
Old news Freddy they all happened in October
▶ 9c2acb (2) No.4618218
▶ 04b607 (2) No.4618219
Anyone notice how all these foundations seem to circulate the same money? Gates Foundation gives to Clinton Foundation……maybe a bad example……CF is probably the end of the road into Clinton's pocket. But all these Billionaires seem to give to each others foundations. When is the money ever getting to the victims/charities????
▶ 0e4163 (4) No.4618220>>4618240
SRSLY? egofag…Q never answers important shit…ever. Like who is funding this op…and lying to you about prepping…but suck that dick there Jr…hope it tastes good.
▶ 072b51 (3) No.4618221>>4618275 >>4618330
there is your estimate of numbers of NEWFAGS anons
i recognise that youtube link on site, and i assume many of you do too. consequently i didn't go there, i will assume many oldfags didn't go either.
Therefore 2.2 million lurkers (not just here mind you) who have not seen that vidya before, or didn't recognise the link.
much bigger than we think
▶ 6ac1e6 (11) No.4618222
>countries that already have border walls
oh, here's an idea: that Nancy Pelosi quote about immoral walls, with images of Israel's wall(s)
▶ 8f05f3 (6) No.4618223
▶ ad38c8 (1) No.4618224>>4618288 >>4618315
Q, forgive me if this has been answered but did the GHWB funeral letter to Karen Pence have negative meaning?
▶ 69a2af (1) No.4618225
Foreign Aid? As in an excuse for human trafficking and kickbacks to CF?
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4618226>>4618258 >>4618316
Dam, that graphic.
Reminds me awhile back.
The trick is to become a cat leader, kek.
▶ a9711e (3) No.4618227
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4618020
Jeff Beck - Freeway Jam
▶ 064ad3 (4) No.4618228
▶ 429058 (11) No.4618230
basically modulate the fields
▶ 8db1ca (4) No.4618231>>4618286
▶ cf6f24 (1) No.4618232
Add AOC's face and Anon's will shoot their wads!
▶ 526aab (1) No.4618233
pen on watch would be 1 to 7 (17)
▶ 3c6164 (5) No.4618235>>4618298 >>4618318
This time the stress test is not /fail
▶ bc23cd (2) No.4618237>>4618274
Q: Will public ever be told the truth(details) about dozens of Deep State False Flag attacks?
▶ 7d85b5 (4) No.4618239>>4618309
Pareto rule. Watching live is probably less than 20%
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4618240
you've been shilling all day you stupid faggot, fuck off back to reddit already
▶ a21b35 (6) No.4618242>>4618324
Well it got you all riled up. Maybe that's because you're an impotent fuck who's accomplished nothing over the past 2 years?
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4618244>>4618267 >>4618276
Enemey at the front door
2.2 million in 1-2 min
Welcome to night Shift
no worries its Nightshift
▶ 3e4d83 (2) No.4618246>>4618263
good luck finding a sauce for that metric…
▶ 778dc6 (2) No.4618247
I'm not a long-time lurker. LOL. Q should already knows who this is, in fact, given my posts from last night.
▶ 9dff25 (5) No.4618250
I am so happy that we have front row seats. 1/19 NATL POPCORN DAY - https://qanonpress.wordpress.com/2019/01/05/the-great-awakening-enjoy-the-show-national-popcorn-day-is-1-19/
▶ ab519d (1) No.4618252
Whoa! Now that's some amazing work anon!
▶ c9bc78 (1) No.4618253
▶ a60421 (1) No.4618254
What first?
Lock her up, or build the wall???
▶ e387d1 (3) No.4618256
good book to read
▶ 9c2acb (2) No.4618257
David Wilcock[Will we see disclosure soon?]
▶ 643ef9 (4) No.4618259
Q will make bank!
▶ 0abd05 (6) No.4618260
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4618177
Dr Tony Martin, a Black Professor, denounced Jewish subversion in the 90's.
<Some thoughts on the importance of redpilling the Black population of the US on the issue of Jewish supremacism:
The reason why Jews fear a truly informed Black population (13% of the US population) is because they have been accusing Whites of what they did to Blacks (slavery), and using that as a tool for inciting Blacks to hate on Whites for it. When Blacks learn real history, the hate turns back at the Jews, for good reason, and even bigger. Blacks don't give a fuck about the holohoax, they didn't had shit to do with WW2, so the Jews can't play that card against Blacks.
And educated Black community united in the fight against Jewish injustice along with Whites, Latinos, non-subversive Jews and Asians puts tremendous fear in the hearts of the subversive Jews.
Also, a key aspect about Blacks redpilling each other is that Blacks have the ears of the Democrats in a way Republicans and Whites don’t (many White Democrats see all Whites as racists, they were taught to hate Whites for being White and won’t listen to Whites), which means that a redpilled Black is the perfect vessel for redpilling Democrats (almost half of the US population).
If Blacks get redpilled on the JQ, both the Democrats and the zionists are fucked.
▶ 076450 (7) No.4618261
Wew anons, we went over 65 posts per min just now..
average ~30 - 35 ppm.
▶ 503524 (5) No.4618262
sweet sweet sevens
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4618263
worth a try, didn't expect anything
▶ 4c2c57 (5) No.4618264
2.2 MILLION yowzah!
▶ a91184 (7) No.4618266>>4618290 >>4618329
DOEs she EVER have a bad pic.. totally jelly of POTUS!!!
▶ ff5bbd (8) No.4618268
wow, get a load of the shekels in this kike fund.
▶ 10bdd6 (8) No.4618270
I've seen individuals before office / after office net worths…
But I've not seen a total of all Senators / House members yet!!
Just curious if anyone else has seen anyone do that spreadsheet yet?
Also just curious as to who made more money while in office -? House vs Senate vs President.
Update able as information comes in…
Senators/House/Presidents Name……Elected Date…..Net Worth Start…..Years in S/H/P…..Net Worth Now…..Still in (Yes/No)….Valid/Non-Valid reasons why ( +/-)….Total Difference….
If someone can find a spreadsheet like that…maybe it can be sorted by who/date/worth/years….etc….
Thank you
Maybe we can have a spot on the Global Bread where we can make adjustment as public information comes in…maybe one of these Austistfags will be able to see a trend/problem and we can go digging from there….it could help…I don't see why we shouldn't at least have something flushing out the Deep State….Might shed some light…who knows….Right?
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4618271
Then what the fuck is your excuse? You're really just that stupid? Yeah I know, silly question. What are you, the time police? Fuck off
▶ 53c405 (2) No.4618272
Well, there aren't 2.2 million anons on here at any given time
▶ 3c6164 (5) No.4618274>>4618305
Every single person will know the truth. All things hidden will be revealed because God said so.
▶ 5b624a (5) No.4618275
the % of lurkers to posters makes NO sense unless we assume posters are limited in some way by THE PLAN
▶ aa6450 (5) No.4618276
▶ 8a685d (2) No.4618277>>4618308
How soon will corrupt countries have their heads on the block?
▶ 7cbd00 (4) No.4618279
Cowards, lol -you may wanna see that same stuff day in and day out but no thank you. Total waste of time. Seen it once….
▶ d26853 (2) No.4618281
Have any good names for the wall been proposed?
▶ cd33ae (2) No.4618282
Have You Ever Watched It?
▶ 533212 (1) No.4618283
Q, i still wonder though, given that the tax money goes to "foreign aid", which in turn gets laundered to funds and ngos. Who pays all the millions to the corrupt politicians (dems)? Shouldnt their incime be audited? What are the bodies that pay them back "for their service"?
▶ 8db1ca (4) No.4618286
I'd bet every dime goes into her pockets.
▶ 0134ee (1) No.4618287>>4618342
2.2 Million.
8Chan is the primordial soup of the new, real internet.
▶ 04b607 (2) No.4618288
I don't think it was a party invitation.
▶ 58594b (4) No.4618290>>4618311
She is a beautiful woman, no doubt. The Donald is a lucky man.
▶ 72a967 (3) No.4618291
I couldn't agree more and would add….and add warnings that this is not real news, but opinion, commentary. Actual facts per news cast is only about 15% if that.
▶ 3b8296 (20) No.4618292
How does Q collect our numbers?
Q just did it.
Thank you, Aons; it is an honor.
▶ 9dff25 (5) No.4618293
What if The Wall and the arrests of many Deep State traitors are parallel Plans coordinated to play out simultaneously?… The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more. Coming soon to a theater near you.
▶ c8831c (4) No.4618295
These aren’t aging well.
▶ 03b202 (2) No.4618297
Remember Anons they want us. POTUS is in their way. He is taking on the cabal for us. Pray diligently for He and his family and his team.
▶ a892d2 (4) No.4618298>>4618318
We had 350 UIDs before
▶ b9431b (3) No.4618300
weird glitches her tonight like I aint seen before
▶ 9533f7 (2) No.4618301
▶ 771b25 (7) No.4618302
kek, happened to me
2.2 million!
holy sheet
▶ f56360 (1) No.4618306
>>4617530 (OP)
It seems that They are stepping up their shill funding. The shills are getting more intelligent.
▶ 2ca1ca (2) No.4618308
There would be no more countries
▶ d8649a (3) No.4618309
roger. Still damn good though.
▶ a91184 (7) No.4618311
▶ 0b3961 (2) No.4618313
Possibly. A local store in my hometown was bought out recently. Everything was for sale half off. People were buying tons of items that they did not need. So, while everyone had their hands full with unnecessary products, I loaded up on $100 dollars worth of canned food for $50 dollars. A few of my friends laughed. If there is Martial law, at least I have my 3 weeks of food so I won't have to leave home.
▶ 7799e8 (10) No.4618314
>>4618058 MI doesn't have to share in time of WAR!!
▶ 64feb8 (6) No.4618315
would be great to clear this up too.
▶ 429058 (11) No.4618316
Cats have no leaders.
They walk through walls.
▶ 72b2ac (2) No.4618317
Well this board will be buzzing for a while…it had got a little stale in here after the holidays without any adult supervision, so glad you're back.
We do need to start skinning some pelts because we've got a morale problem with some of our more impatient Anons…the rest of us are comfy and have a shoulder to the load.
▶ d4ac01 (11) No.4618318
I think you mean 450 anon
I think it was ~460
▶ 7a5229 (4) No.4618320
>Let me let you in on a secret about this world: There are very few to no "good" people in this world, at least not anyone with any real power. The ONLY thing that people respect is STRENGTH and LETHALITY. That is the ONLY, ONLY thing that gets anyone's attention. So if you want mass arrests, if you want the "Make America Great Again" / patriot / whatever movement to succeed, is has to be backed by FORCE. In other words millions of patriots polishing their guns and demanding a fight any day now. That's the only thing these assholes understand - which side is it going to hurt me more to fight? And right now that appears to be the Democrats, since our own military is a bunch of faggot pussies that should have done the COUP on the government a long time ago. Then we wouldn't be having these faggot pussy problems.
Truth hurts the cowards here. Cowards love the Matrix. They love how the fake steaks taste.
▶ 8a685d (2) No.4618322
Does POTUS plan to pull out of UN soon?
▶ bc23cd (2) No.4618323
Q: Will confiscated ill-gotten Deep State wealth be used to pay down U.S. debt?
▶ 62e21f (9) No.4618324
Nope, I have accomplished much - but thank you for your concern. Cushy as fuck over here, so worry about someone else
▶ 1dc956 (1) No.4618327
Many lurkers here respect the bakers and anons and don't use the bread like a chat room, but we are here in our millions it seems
▶ 01f4c3 (7) No.4618329>>4618337 >>4618348
No. She doesn't. I don't like her early modeling photos, but that's taste. I actually think she is becoming MORE beautiful as she ages. What a Timeline.
▶ 1fc977 (15) No.4618330
Q is talking about the foreign aid site posted.
▶ ff5bbd (8) No.4618333
14 84(x2) = 1488
▶ 9489f7 (3) No.4618334
▶ 9c3871 (11) No.4618336
The Loop - politicians give money to foreign
The Capital → Politicins get the money back
Loop Capital
Politicians send money to Iran
Iran send money back to Politicians
Loop Capital
remember to focus on the Loop Capital
▶ a91184 (7) No.4618337
Freakin A RIGHT! A fine wine she is!!!
▶ 249709 (1) No.4618339
It's been nothing but bullsuit since q started referencing twatter an yt.
Fake and gay.
▶ 7b001a (4) No.4618340
don't be stupid.
the drop is posted worldwide… not everyone can handle /qresearch
▶ 4d2401 (7) No.4618341
▶ b406ed (1) No.4618343
You just got on to something, if we don't like a site because they are connected to (((them))), we can shut that site down in 2 minutes,kek We are a DDOS NET
▶ 0e4163 (4) No.4618345
>>4617497 (pbQtard)
>How do politicians become 'extremely' wealthy while in office on gov't salaries?
fucktard…why not DO something about that?
or do you get off circle jerking to shit we already know….we already know this shit..the power of the fucking purse..are you poking FUN at me for asking..WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS website and upgrades?
Power of the fucking purse…infuckingdeed…did jew give me a sideways hint?
FORCE Rs…waaaa…well if you hadn't dropped the ball post 2016 election fraud, hadn't dropped the ball on Roy Moore fraud..and hadn't dropped the fucking ball on voter ID and midterms….maybe no one would have to be fucking forced…like I was forced to vote for a fucking RINO to give POTUS another R…when …oh fucking never fucking mind.
N O respect…you told these retards NOT to prep to ignore DHS prep recommendations and you told them the grid was safe…WHO the actual fuck LIES to people like that?
▶ ec137b (6) No.4618347
All the western world being fucked over by our own governments
▶ 15b895 (4) No.4618348
▶ e12795 (6) No.4618349
Q can they make arrests of house or congress during a time when we are under national emergency?
▶ 10bdd6 (8) No.4618350
▶ ff2267 (10) No.4618351