115efa No.4609853
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Q's Latest Posts
Saturday 01/05/19
>>4609173 ————————————–——– The 'MUELLER' insurance policy has expired (Caps: >>4609289, >>4609263, >>4609331, >>4609545, >>4609565, >>4609595 )
Saturday 12/22/18
>>4433511 ————————————–——– Research for yourself
>>4432768 ————————————–——– TRUTH & FACTS MATTER.
Friday 12/21/18
>>4409412 ————————————–——– What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?
>>4408964 ————————————–——– Anons can play this game all day long.
Thursday 12/20/18
Compiled here: >>4609213
Wednesday 12/19/18
Compiled here: >>4451195
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
115efa No.4609860
are not endorsements
>>4589958 Reminder of the /qresearch/ search tool (searches all breads for keywords)
>>4517617, >>4544243, >>4557547 BO Re: Censorship, Commitment, & /patriotsfight/
>>4609806 Previous drops with [Mueller] designed to:
>>4609784 Paris Protest Updates
>>4609581 Q Drop and POTUS tweet: -44 delta
>>4609580 New POTUS tweet re Jill Abramson, former NYT Editor
>>4609545 , >>4609565, >>4609595 Docs linked from Q Drop
>>4609488 Obama Admin Awarded Contracts Over $310m for Legal Representation of Unaccompanied Alien Minors
>>4609463 , >>4609588, >>4609640 Anons weigh in on lastest Q Drop
>>4609387 Requesting dig from lawfags
>>4609337 , >>4609502, >>4609559 What critical 'mission' did SESSIONS publicly announce re: leaks?
>>4609275 Abbas: "I won't end my life as a traitor"
>>4609267 Docs found involving Rashida Tlaib. Dig
>>4609218 , >>4609309 Relevant past Q Posts re Mueller & Schiff
>>4609136 Q Research Brazil up and running
>>4609847 #5880
>>4608801 New notable Bill in Congress re tax reform: HR25
>>4608761 , >>4608776, >>4608945 New POTUS tweet on Fake News and 'Tyler Q.Houlton'
>>4608731 Mum selling fake penises for kids under 5
>>4608662 , >>4608666 Was the mess in Syria sparked by Libia? - Fitton & Tucker Carlson 1/3/19
>>4608616 Pelosi: We Have ‘to Replace’ Individual Mandate
>>4608572 , >>4608579 Docs on Obama campaign fuggery
>>4608569 New POTUS tweet re Foreign Aid vs Border Spending
>>4608531 DiCaprio testifies in DC as part of US probe into Malaysian corruption
>>4608522 , >>4608567 POTUS and staff headed to Camp David & a past Q Post
>>4608504 Arriving in Israel, Bolton warns Syria not to use chemical weapons after pullout
>>4608489 Strange street poster: "Hold on President Macron. Jan 20"
>>4608463 Hartford Archdiocese to offer 'Masses of Reparation' for sexual abuse
>>4608443 Vatican said to have deemed McCarrick sex acts with 16yo boy as 'consensual'
>>4608420 Last POTUS tweet: '1.7' & '17'
>>4608416 Live Multistream of the Paris protest
>>4608414 Archdiocese in Houston searched after church hid documents about abuse
>>4608409 Anon reports series of clearnet CP sites found
>>4608633 , >>4608689, >>4608777, >>4608911 Paris Yellow Vest Protest: Habbenings Cont.
>>4608402 , >>4608403, >>4608431, >>4608441, >>4608528 Paris Yellow Vest Protest: Habbenings
>>4608399 , >>4608413, >>4608482, >>4608405, >>4608787, >>4608832 Planefag notes
>>4609057 #5879
#5878 Baker change
>>4608288 2018 Ends with Series of Mystery Booms across Midwest and into East Coast
>>4608267 New POTUS tweet re 'Human Trafficking'
>>4608156 New POTUS tweet re border security
>>4607939 Macron's strange Lourve Pyramid reply to the Yellow Vests
>>4607884 Whistleblower Act unconstitutional says AG nominee, Barr
>>4607883 Vid: Antifa Exposed: Nationwide Riots Planned For Week of Jan 20, 2019
>>4607866 Giuliani tweets about the Witch Hunt
>>4607832 , >>4608045 Orgs & charities thriving from the Immigration Trafficking Crisis. Dig & spread
>>4607751 Boy Scout leader accused of secretly filming boys in Sandusky is indicted
>>4607703 , >>4607864, >>4607901 Pulled report on terrorists entering the US: Archive offline
>>4607680 Huge Yellow Vest protest at the Hotel de Ville & Paris - watch live
>>4607676 The defense ministry issued docs Friday to counter Seoul's rebuttal of Tokyo's claim
>>4607671 , >>4607669, >>4607705, >>4607782, >>4608136 Macron Happy New Riot
>>4607659 Founder of SPLC, Moris Dees accused of child abuse
>>4607650 , >>4607838, >>4607869 Planefag notes
>>4607645 , >>4608233 New POTUS tweet re campaign violations
>>4608336 #5878
>>4606936, >>4606954, >>4607013, >>4607025, >>4607137 Vatican confirms investigation is underway
>>4606981 Coward of Broward’ Covered Up Sexual Assault Incident Involving Sheriff Scott Israel’s Son
>>4606963, >>4606998, >>4607123 France's Yellow Vest protesters began gathering in cities throughout the country
>>4607246, >>4607258 The wall could be paid for just in cost savings, but I s'pose we can't talk about that
>>4607361, >>4607295, >>4607208, >>4607225, >>4607458 Gilets Jaunes acte 8 & Q Screen cap from this feed
>>4607366 D5 will meet once a year with a rolling host nation who will chair the meeting
>>4607409 This is some #BlackMirror stuff!
>>4607496 Yen went from 112.xx to about 105 and they are in a panic.
>>4607552 #5877
Previously Collected Notables
>>4606121 #5875, >>4606764 #5876,
>>4603622 #5872, >>4604428 #5873, >>4605179 #5874
>>4601296 #5869, >>4602050 #5870, >>4602848 #5871
>>4598999 #5866, >>4600511 #5867, >>4600522 #5868
>>4596650 #5863, >>4597415 #5864, >>4598198 #5865
>>4594307 #5860, >>4595075 #5861, >>4595873 #5862
Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
115efa No.4609867
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Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967
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115efa No.4609871
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4442486
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4431922
f71f75 No.4609878
(2 days ahead of schedule)
115efa No.4609894
#5881 Dough
Paris Protest Update: Protestors locked out of Paris
Watch Live
Live from Montpellier, France
544dc4 No.4609906
50d2ec No.4609911
Government shutdown FTW
78512b No.4609915
Is Alexander Torshin part of the Cabal? He was high up at Russia's central bank. Why is Maria Butina in jail? Who is she working for? >>4609878
a63fe5 No.4609919
Q, you are posting before the DOUGH!
e404ab No.4609928
Happy New Year Q. Make 2019 Great!
Q = International Rescue
FAB = “Fully Acknowledged Broadcast”
d32a15 No.4609932
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. moonlight son OTO
wear protection the moons Ray's are harmful!
7de525 No.4609941
Q, does the clock run out after 210 days?
7da659 No.4609942
Happy New Years Q!
2019 will be even more GLORIOUS than '18!!
baa0a0 No.4609944
Q- We wish you a very happy new Year! Stay brave, stay save! Thank you for your service! Love, Germany :)
3d035e No.4609953
Then why didn't you post once on the third?
8ca029 No.4609957
Q everyone knows MSM are liars okay
a63fe5 No.4609958
What does that mean?
2 days b4 schedule?
cd57de No.4609959
so nothing new again eh q
d32a15 No.4609960
grepping past images piped thru /etc/wordlist crossword big little Indian style
f2d318 No.4609961
Q, Military Tribunals soon? Started?
768396 No.4609962
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. GEORGE SOROS Warns the EU is on the BRINK OF COLLAPSE!!!
cd57de No.4609966
e3d7df No.4609967
760be0 No.4609968
I can’t believe that GS is using tax payers money!! I feel sick Q They take advantage. NO MORE slush funds for the Satanic Pedophiles or the complicit who turn a blind eye to it.
abd7de No.4609969
Feed Schitthead known false intel. Schitthead leaks to Mueller. Mueller files.
52a9fc No.4609970
Hey Q Team,Happy NY & All The Best,
Thank you for yr sacrifice and God Bless you all at the 17 & POTUS!
Now GO and strike back for Bre Payton
and elaborate WTH happen with dead marine in barracks (assassination or not?
e1bcec No.4609971
Any words about Mattis?
03cf55 No.4609973
>>4609943 (pb)
God Bless you, patriot.
2b9c41 No.4609974
Text messages between Khashoggi and Maggie Mitchell Salem, an executive at Qatar Foundation International and a former Clinton State Department official,showed she “at times shaped the columns he submitted to The Washington Post, proposing topics, drafting material and prodding him to take a harder line against the Saudi government. Khashoggi also appears to have relied on a researcher and translator affiliated with the organization.”
a50cf0 No.4609975
AZAZ0909 Just took of from little rock, AR. I have also been following PAT624 from washington DC, wouldn't be surprised if it landed there. Well see though…
3952b1 No.4609976
Things are looking great, Q. POTUS is putting on one HELL of a show.
507297 No.4609977
Hot damn! Q's back!
Q, will we the public actually get to see the trials of the TOP TRAITORS?
de2f73 No.4609978
Dark to Light!! Not Dark to more dark, Arrest these MOFO's NOW!!! WTF are you waiting for? The Vote WAS NOT SAFE!! THEY ARE SWORN IN ALREADY!! Seriously…..W..T…F!!!
1b4a99 No.4609979
More than 10 years ago a huge pedophilia scandal broke in Portugal, "Casa Pia". Actors, Musicians, Politicians just like the cabal and nothing was done, if they had that power then We can only imagine now.
We Stand with Trump's Team
e3d7df No.4609980
Why did a judge give Mueller more time with GJ?
0f8563 No.4609982
The Wheel
Slush fund
49e636 No.4609983
I think we just got confirmation that "future proves past" refers to drops made one year in the past.
422aab No.4609984
happy new year! q-team
6e1979 No.4609986
POTUS’ latest temper tantrum is not about border security. Like a spoiled two year old holding his breath, he is holding our nation hostage—trying to force taxpayers to foot the bill for his vanity project he promised Mexico would fund. Meanwhile, the country suffers.
03cf55 No.4609987
I'm a grown man, a hulk of a man, ex military man who gave more than you want to know for his country, breaking down in tears, just because Q posted.
d3a09d No.4609988
>>4609878 Q Can we recover or do we have the Text messages Mueller deleted between PS and LP?
631873 No.4609989
God bless, and happy New Year!
9f6628 No.4609990
Has the excitement and interest of Q posts lost that loving feeling?
One major high profile arrest would reignite it for me.
038f03 No.4609991
d32a15 No.4609993
pizza french fries
f7d644 No.4609994
WINNING ahead of schedule ! Godspeed Anons
639fd0 No.4609996
I feel very sick that taxpayers have been paying for foreign countries abortions among many other dark things
15ecd2 No.4609998
It's sickening but more sickening is the fact that they have gotten away with it for so long. We The People want justice and we want our money returned to us with interest.
8f2938 No.4610001
Ahead of schedule and under budget. That's how President Trump rolls.
533d35 No.4610002
Sorry baker, meant this pic, ignore KYS,
e404ab No.4610003
Macron out of office?
May out of office? & BREXIT delivered?
Merkel out of office?
Thanks Q… FAB
8a94cc No.4610004
>>4609878 thanks for posting, o7.
760be0 No.4610005
Q when or if will the Declass of the FISA happen?
cea350 No.4610006
3952b1 No.4610007
He has the shills here worked up to an absolute frenzy!!!! The board has been overrun with shills begging you to post. You're a popular guy with those losers
31dc77 No.4610008
Dems want more money, SCAM
eb89a8 No.4610009
Get a grip soldier.
9de69b No.4610010
>I can’t believe that GS is using tax payers money!!
But it's NOT tax payer money.
Not really.
Where does our money really come from?
422aab No.4610013
kekekekekekekekekek and top-kek
1d86ea No.4610014
Don't embarrass yourself.
When you jump all over Q and piss yourself like an over-excited terrier, it makes POTUS cry a single, perfect, pearl-like tear.
d3a09d No.4610015
Q Can we recover or do we have the Text messages Mueller deleted between PS and LP?
115efa No.4610016
Kek, all good anon. Cheers
d791ef No.4610018
Q you’ll never walk alone
005673 No.4610019
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4609878
People like Warren also help the DNC lobbyist's financial fraudster steal from the poor and middle class
f7ff3c No.4610022
Q, when are we going to get some happenings. For every argument Trump makes, the NPCs have counters to that sound perfectly rational to them. For example, the foreign aid Trump mentioned. The NPC I was just debating kept saying that it was passed by bipartisan repubs and dems so Trump can't complain. There is nothing Trump can say that will sway the remaining masses, they need to see action cause WaPo and NYT will never honestly report anything and that is the only news sources these people rely on.
cd57de No.4610023
fuck a livestrong bracelet we got this
d32a15 No.4610024
the ducks are not what they seem to an old pr0
807262 No.4610025
2 days ahead of schedule
0f0721 No.4610026
Government reopens on Tuesday. After a 17 day shutdown.
cf74e6 No.4610027
Top kek fren. Beyond accurate
e7b819 No.4610029
So this validates the "posts are 1 year ahead" theory very much so. Very interesting.
I see the Q post with the Foreign Aid message on 7 Jan and I see Trump's tweet talking about Foreign aid. So if that holds true then we can kinda predict some of the verbiage of Trumps tweets based on this.
e3d7df No.4610030
a63fe5 No.4610031
Good job, Anon!
Now Baker has nekked their selves!
6e52bc No.4610032
>>4609878 Full control is nice. Patriots have your back.
1db190 No.4610034
My POTUS is on fire🔥 lately!! 😎👍
1d86ea No.4610035
PTSD sucks, I feel you. Have a drink, it's probably almost/past noon where you are.
4f4c8b No.4610036
He's projecting.
8c6d09 No.4610037
Billions and trillions, eating out the sustenance of our people.
d7505f No.4610039
thats coo When can we trust our states again in blue land>>4609878
5c08cb No.4610040
build that wall!
31dc77 No.4610041
Q, so is Mueller taking down AS or is Huber/Horo combo?
679707 No.4610043
EVIL Must be Expunged!
874d3f No.4610045
Can you feel the panic in Shill Town tonight?
It's glorious!
e404ab No.4610046
Were the Planes in Littlerock part of the take down?
Earth rung like a Bell, what was that all about?
d52418 No.4610047
Cut the cord POTUS.
2896d1 No.4610048
more diggs on teh Cleta McClatchy
this is good sourced article
also attached a few of the clicks/links
popcorn stats
d791ef No.4610049
3d035e No.4610051
Where is everybody this weekend?
abd7de No.4610052
I smell kickbacks.
ea9909 No.4610053
4864ff No.4610054
>(2 days ahead of schedule)
Ahead of schedule and under budget.
The Donald Trump Way.
f30c16 No.4610056
From: Saturday, December 22, 2018 at 9:36:43 pm
To: Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 9:57:15 am
13 days, 12 hours, 20 minutes, 32 seconds
78091d No.4610057
How does Soros recieve money from aid>
What aid?
6e18a5 No.4610058
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. They Live.
2acd07 No.4610059
So Deep State wants to give "foreign aid" because they can steal it/launder it and fund their operations. They also want open borders to profit from drugs and human trafficking. POTUS is bleeding them dry and they're getting hysterical about it.
31dc77 No.4610060
2 days ahead of schedule
The Q post is on 1/7 of last year
today is 2 days before 1 year clock
61bf49 No.4610061
if looks could kill
3952b1 No.4610062
Good catch!! Dont let that thought go. It will help us see what is coming
3d27a2 No.4610063
Checked! Looking thru a big beautiful STEEL slat wall!
2ea427 No.4610064
because my fucking digits rock, that's why.
1d86ea No.4610065
Maybe ask this again, but post a selfie where you're crying while you're at it. I don't think Q believes that you're all that sad about things.
853fcb No.4610067
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Trump' s remarks yesterday if you missed it… very informative
7da659 No.4610068
Q–we know thing ARE HAPPENING but much simply can't be seen yet. Manifestations incoming.
Thank you for taking us on this historic journey–you are not alone–prayers by millions surround you and our great POTUS!
3f9d88 No.4610069
e3d7df No.4610070
66ea94 No.4610071
Smells like pure unadulterated treason, Q
d791ef No.4610072
Q Bob Dole congressional medal ceremony who did potus see when the band played?
4b9545 No.4610073
>What does that mean?
>2 days b4 schedule?
The drop he referenced was from 1/7 last year
ClockFags should be going nuts now after this drop
4fb77c No.4610074
So everything is roughly a year out from orig drops? Well not everything but a lot?
50795f No.4610075
So basically what I said a bread or two back. Between the "foundations" and their actual accounted wealth combined, are we talking just tens of trillions or more?
Is the US going to go after those funds?
f02950 No.4610076
that credit fraud dept they set up was designed to funnel money to their bullshit, Antifa, marches, protests, lawsuits, everything.
total parasites - using our own money against us.
that's why they screamed like stuck pigs when Mulvaney took over and started sorting shit out.
d32a15 No.4610077
how about a ree noir since you're baroque and all out of Monet
the dark arts homeboi
6754bb No.4610078
Q, are the prison barges really for Gitmo? Easy to red pill people with that info.
fdb13a No.4610079
0b14c1 No.4610080
Hold the Line on the Wall POTUS!!
722126 No.4610081
b71fcd No.4610083
It's Happy New Year not Years, you fucking mongoloid …..and 2018 was not fucking glorious
6e1979 No.4610085
Trump tweeted using letter Q
Sally Yater tweeted, she have middle letter in name Q
Q posted after long time
061558 No.4610086
fd192c No.4610087
Anons, what the fuck was in the notables about silicone dicks for kids?! I need to start cracking skulls myself. Q, your insurance policy of us sitting on our taint has expired. We're hanging pedos, faggot. Hope in.
056a51 No.4610088
>>4608409 Anon reports series of clearnet CP sites found
REPORTING: Possible pedo-pediatrician at Suburban Pediatrics in Clarence, NY. Name is Dr. McNally. Known for covering up abuse of children and protecting community pedophiles. They use the peso-logo and everything…
807262 No.4610089
I was on the same page anon
31dc77 No.4610090
Q is saying we should have had the DJT tweet proof just handed out on 1/7/2019… in 2 days
d52418 No.4610091
They already are → >>4610060
768396 No.4610092
Timeline got moved up, right?
5c08cb No.4610093
clockfags need to wind
e1bcec No.4610094
Q is back. Kitchen known to heat up during these times.
Godspeed baker.
0f0721 No.4610095
You must be on 75N
3952b1 No.4610096
Q just gave us a lil verification
f02950 No.4610097
and that's just one of the more glaring examples.
056a51 No.4610098
332e2a No.4610099
Q can you talk about Bre Payton? Was she taken out by the cabal? This is not a game?
2acd07 No.4610100
Hang in there! This is a long operation but we're getting there.
768396 No.4610104
Was originally supposed to be a year to the day.
Got it.
f7d644 No.4610105
muller just there to let the evidence BOOM up until go time.
f25f57 No.4610106
>>4609878 What does 2 days ahead of schedule mean?
fd192c No.4610107
Mac Miller
When will we stop using honeypot products by masonic faggots?
03cf55 No.4610108
0ac095 No.4610111
Anons - please take note of what a real shill looks like. Anons that are disappointed with nothing happening do not write like this.
Big difference in my book.
d32a15 No.4610112
I've got wall envy
3dbccb No.4610113
Hey Q!! You were posting earlier as an anon weren't you??? :) Who dis?
00e830 No.4610116
10d8ce No.4610117
Q is a bread shitter LMAO
8c6d09 No.4610118
Mueller is a stall for time, period.
98c118 No.4610120
Playtime's over for now
7da659 No.4610121
Happy New Years to you too, liddle bugsey!
f66a05 No.4610122
Truth and Transparency.
First time for everything I guess.
We'll Fucking See.
4b9545 No.4610123
Because the only other option by law was to make Mueller start over with a new GJ
Do you want Mueller to be able to drag his feet moar?
e7b819 No.4610124
Yeah so we can look through the Qposts from last year and watch for Trump's tweets from this year. Now its interesting because if you think about it this could line everything up to happen in 2019 based loosely on the 2018 schedule that has already been presented.
cd57de No.4610125
7136ab No.4610126
worth noting that all those settlements for fraud by the banks went into political slush funds
d791ef No.4610127
Q you’ll never walk alone , Pershing’s Own
8f63c1 No.4610128
507297 No.4610130
I feel no shame, anon.
Before ~Q~, I didn't give a fuck about patriotism.
~Q~ drops excite me. Puff me up like a mutherfucken peacock. So please use some cactus and shove it roughly up your pink commie asshole, eh fuckwad?
bfdc01 No.4610131
fd192c No.4610132
Oh fug they have account numbers. KEK. This is going to be worse than any overdraft fee we've ever seen. FUCK YEAH
061558 No.4610133
Q is probably more accurately seen as one who shits bread rather than one who shits IN bread…
056a51 No.4610134
Over my dead body, you shit-skinned, cunts.
2ea427 No.4610135
wth do you think's gonny impregnate them?
de2f73 No.4610136
Answer the Q… Let's not play games. Can we just get the straight truth and go from there?
98d0cb No.4610137
b9e94a No.4610138
> What does 2 days ahead of schedule mean?
That is the question we really should be asking instead of making assumptions and then getting frustrated that Q didn't come through.
9ea2a9 No.4610140
"Hacked" insurance files show how Bill Clinton in 1996 set up laws so that the US taxpayer would foot the bill for insurance payouts, etc, if we were ever attacked by Terrorists.
Insiders made loopholes for lawyers to go after like allowing up to 4" knives on planes, hence the box cutters….
Thing Red Cross. Where did the funds they collected on 9/11 go?
This thing is
a deep fucking rabbit hole
6e1979 No.4610141
Whate the fuck?
I put here tweet from Sally Yates, you must be braindead.
d8df83 No.4610142
Laurentiu Rebega: 2019 Will Be A Complicated Year for Europe, Change Is Coming Mr. Juncker
On the 1st of January 2019 the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union was taken over by Romania.
This seems to be a cause of concern for many Brussels officials and the liberal mainstream media because, since its accession in 2007, my country has been labelled the “black sheep” of the Union.
Those concerned, have, of course, some objective reasons to be concerned, including the poor state of the economy and the weak performance of the teams that have paraded through the government.
But the critical point is the bizarre political system in Romania, which has led to the fact that, since 2005, the President and Prime Minister belong to opposite political camps.
The effect has been a nearly permanent political blockage of any and everything.
The struggle between the two power poles in Romania on ways resembles the current situation in the United States, where the new Democrat majority in the House of Representatives seeks to block the Trump Administration, using absolutely any reason or pretext.
Romania is not a big and powerful country like the United States.
In the Romanian elections, the probability of foreign interference is very significant, but no one has ever dared to investigate it. We have no Special Council to assemble a grand jury.
For this reason, many Romanian politicians prefer to listen to suggestions coming from foreign distant chancelleries (Brussels, Berlin and Moscow) instead of listening to the wishes and dissatisfaction of their own citizens.
2019 is an electoral year in the European Union.
In May, Members of the European Parliament will be elected, and in autumn the new Commission, which is actually the EU executive, will be constituted.
In the past ten years, Brussels’s power has been the result of a tight agreement between the two major European parties: EPP (center-right) and S & D (center-left).
This “big coalition” followed, in fact, the pattern applied in Germany by Merkel’s own Chancellery. It is the German solution!
In other words, European problems and, above all, the nationalist reaction in many countries stem from imposing this rigid inflexible German model of hegemony in Europe.
These past days have been marked by Jean Claude Juncker’s remark – the President of the Commission, who suggested that Romania “would not be prepared to take over the presidency of the EU Council “
In fact, there was a diplomatic nuance to his insulting remark:
Romania would be well-prepared “technically” but would not be able to give a “political impetus” to the Union over the next six months when the all-important Brexit dossier has to be managed and the budget for the next financial term has to be adopted.
In fact, it was not Jean Claude Juncker who spoke, but the electoral interests behind him.
For whom will the Romanians actually vote in five months?
Obviously, with the one who will politically capitalize the presidency of the Council!
a10a90 No.4610143
Opened a bottle of champagne, didn't really think why, and then Q posted…
Hmmm, cheers to all!
115efa No.4610144
Kek, thanks for the cool down anon. All good.
e214b9 No.4610145
>>4609173 LB Q POST
61bf49 No.4610146
well alright - now we know!
thx Q this is yuge
1e89b9 No.4610147
You know its hard for us to stay back and watch all the crap thrown at POTUS. It has to be hard for you guise as well. God Bless you Q Team!!!
8805c6 No.4610148
Welcome back
Lots of people getting heated over tax refunds
Tax season the wake up alarm?
0ac095 No.4610149
My criteria is different - there are good people from all walks of life and then there are the criminal class.
Is there a word for someone who hates criminals?
615a48 No.4610150
>>4609267 (last bread)
In regards to Representative Tlaib (the one who told MoveOn (that fucking organization again) that they would “impeach the motherfucker”)).
amazing how people have forgotten that Tlaib and her ex-husband are at least, second cousins. At most, they are brother and sister:
Rashida Elabed Tlaib got married when she was 22 years old to Fayez Tlaib. They have since divorced, reportedly in 2015.
According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Tlaib’s ex-husband was also from Beit Ur al-Fauqa in the West Bank. Her uncle shared that Fayez Tlaib was related to Rashida’s mother, which is why Rep. Tlaib’s married name is the same as her mother’s maiden name.
She has two sons from this marriage to her second cousin/brother.
Rashida Tlaib has two sons from her first marriage. Older son Adam is 13; he’s the one who told her that “bullies don’t win” after she was elected. Younger son Yousif is 7.
Seriously WTF. It’s not the kids fault, but what is wrong with these people? And democrats not only approved of this, but support it or is it just ignorance?
f25f57 No.4610151
But why a year to the date? It doesn't seem all that significant of a post. But I'm probably missing something.
ff168a No.4610153
Clearly, Q was saying there had only been one post so far that day before that post. Context.
cd7a63 No.4610155
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Dulcet tongues whisper fast
The future yearns
Right now’s the past
Rouse me soon, the end draws nigh
Who’s side are you on?
Your blood you cannot buy
107bec No.4610157
so is this confirmation
that there IS a schedule
a one year timetable of past (posts) proving future (a year later) events?
4b9545 No.4610159
Knew I might have been late with that call
fcf34d No.4610160
Morning there, boss
Being ahead of schedule is a good thing.
cd57de No.4610161
of course full autist for LARP!
3952b1 No.4610162
Exactly. And if that is so, it means there is no reason to obfuscate anymore. They can know what's coming now, because they cant stop it. Truth and transparency because it doesnt matter if they learn the comms at this point. 2019 is going to be glorious- just as we were told. This is a blast
ea9909 No.4610164
local government funding local antifa
/ \
local federal
d32a15 No.4610165
dogs bark ducks quack I'm the first to sig n your rarcrack
ae7b1d No.4610166
We just got confirmation we need to re-read drops from 1 year ago, they are relevant for today regarding timelines.
b71fcd No.4610167
impeach these motherfuckers!
6d64fd No.4610168
Did they murder Bre Payton for her discovery of deleted emails?
d3e35a No.4610169
I want our money back
0ec05f No.4610170
49a9af No.4610171
32749a No.4610172
We should prefab and mass produce the Border Wall to keep costs down and speed up the construction process, just as Liberty Ships were made during WWII. The Border Wall should be made of precast concrete and steel, and the Best Wall Design can be replicated in precast factories all over the USA and trucked to the border in Sections and installed quickly. Building the wall from scratch on site is the most expensive and least efficient approach. Prefab saves Taxpayer money and perhaps would allow for 2ea Border Walls to be built with a Security Zone.
Order can be put out with specific Best Design Specifications for Border Wall Sections that utilizes USA reinforced, precast concrete and steel bollard designs. Every State can participate in building the uniform Sections, because precast manufacturing companies already exist in every USA State.
US Citizens should be allowed to buy/donate individual Sections, so make it tax deductible so Allow the American People to participate in building The Border Wall if they want to.
Build Specs for Sections, size and weight, should allow for flatbed truck transport, even if oversized/overweight. Waive wide-load/heavy permit fees on USA Interstates.
Precast Sections should start hollow to reduce transport cost, then once installed be pumped full of concrete once at the site to further strengthen and permanently interlock the Sections together.
Sections should be uniform and by design should allow for following contours of the land, including rising and falling elevations.
Large Trenchers such as what are used to install natural gas pipe infrastructure can dig deep trenches quickly, and the Wall Sections can be lowered quickly by crane into the trench and be partially buried to discourage tunneling. For example a 55’ Wall Section could be buried 25’ deep and stand 30’ high.
Individual damaged Sections could then be repaired one at a time as needed, simplifying Border Wall maintenance and repair.
USA steel workers, USA precast concrete workers, USA truck drivers, USA trencher operators, USA crane operators, USA heavy equipment operators and USA construction workers all get jobs building the Border Wall, assisted and protected by the US Military.
Surveillance and security technologies can be accommodated in the Border Wall design.
Budget savings could allow for 2ea Border Walls to be built with a “Security Zone” that can be more easily patrolled that further discourages tunneling and trespassing.
If every individual prefab Section is 10’-12’ wide and manufactured to best uniform design, then America could achieve the greatest Border Wall for Taxpayer money invested. I am not in the precast or steel industry, but this approach just seems like common sense.
d791ef No.4610173
Q and the sweet silver song of a lark
7f1950 No.4610174
>>4609891 (lb)
>>4609387 (lb)
>>4609945 (lb)
Presidential Impeachment: The Legal Standard and Procedure
aa9a62 No.4610175
fd192c No.4610176
Calling it a hack brings the truth into LIGHT softly for the people to understand without getting BTFO. This is the year we get vindicated. Finally.
f4f020 No.4610177
Good afternoon, Q!
3d035e No.4610178
bdcdef No.4610179
35f3aa No.4610180
? - Indonesian cave gold being used to back dollar(new dollar?)
- Offset border spin w proof of Chinese & Israeli(Carlos Slim) infil of Mexico and our desire to make it a top investment priority in the very near fiuture if certain things can be corrected. Pound it into heads. Keep ball in Mexico's court in regards to their lack of action causing all unrest and poor economy.
de6ab6 No.4610181
/CBTS/ to /TheStorm/
1 year ago
f6c560 No.4610182
POTUS is going to get a deal on the wall from Pelosi in 2 days.
11f52e No.4610183
Thank you Q!! WRWY!!🇺🇸
d32a15 No.4610184
greppy grep grep
422aab No.4610185
here is where they get their "money", kill it
31dc77 No.4610187
i'd think we should start paying closer attention, one year back
cc5d0c No.4610188
Operators Active, Q? Arrests happening?
46b681 No.4610189
More bravado from Q?
Remember Goodbye Mr Rosenstein?
Yeah, me too
Go fuck yourself Q you larping fagget
78465f No.4610190
Lately he has been shitting up the bread, and honestly….shitting on Patriots.
So everything he posted last year, will be the timeline for this year.. I get that government moves slow. But this is getting a little ridiculous.
d52418 No.4610191
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. In honor of being ahead of schedule… a re-post
107bec No.4610192
my thoughts too
1d86ea No.4610193
I call AOC, you can have the one in the hijab. Freddy can jump on the rest of those grenades for the team.
bfdc01 No.4610194
056a51 No.4610196
Ha… You see all the insurance-scams that are being run out of Family Courts, DAILY.
d7f750 No.4610197
92854e No.4610198
Wisdom is power and power is wisdom,
one with each other, perfecting the whole.
f02950 No.4610200
>In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only fugly…
639fd0 No.4610202
Funeral for CA officer killed in line of duty
on Fox news live now
broadcasting the funeral services to the American public
Morning Son Brings Heat
2ee07b No.4610203
Great -thanks for link and png’s
cd42c8 No.4610204
>>4609848 (lb)
Hemp rope is made from a different plant halfwit.
Since you have nothing useful to offer go read and learn something.
3952b1 No.4610205
Not just yet — but very soon. Watch the Dims. When they are screaming for it - demanding it - then is when it will come. And it is coming for THEM. Watch the House. FISA brings down the House. But not until they beg.
85238a No.4610206
1 minute delta
1636ca No.4610208
Begging your pardon Q, but since Dragonfly has been operational in US for over 10 years, a two day shift isn't really awesome. You let Blasey-Ford, Big Pharma, Google, "Financial Crisis," et. al. seriously wound–if not outright kill–the patriots and their families. Also, please encourage the presidentfags to post sauce from now on.
6d64fd No.4610210
Plenty of shills on here today.
How pathetic!All for a LARP, right?
1d86ea No.4610212
46b681 No.4610213
And yet you still do nothing
061558 No.4610214
6a8605 No.4610217
Turns my stomach.
Our families could be enjoying the fruits of OUR hard work…
Instead we have been getting fucked.
1b4a99 No.4610219
Q Who do you want us to meme Sir?
Memes at the ready!
6316ea No.4610220
The hammer needs to drop.. The msm is winning the brainwashing battle on the normies.. Even the most level headed normies are starting to get upset about the shutdown..
aeb02b No.4610221
AS cover for Mueller 911 report
Mueller cover for AS and helping in the leaking to sway public for midterms
00e830 No.4610223
H1N1 AND meningitis AND dying. What are the odds?
0ec05f No.4610225
9ea2a9 No.4610226
The hacked insurance files are in layers….
16407a No.4610227
Hey, Q.
Insert stupid ingratiating comment followed by even stupider personal agenda question.
5c801d No.4610228
looking more and more interdasting..
Jan 18 2018 23:54:12 (EST)
Jan 19 2018 00:45:08 (EST)
Timing is everything.
d32a15 No.4610229
yesh that darn cat auto correct
4a55f0 No.4610230
'TransKids' site sells fake penises for girls who identify as boys — and they're called 'packers'
Also for sale are prosthetic penises for girls who want to stand up while urinating
6cc369 No.4610231
Is this where the 29’trillion dollars went that is missing from the pentagon since 1998? If not, where is it and who took it?
11f52e No.4610232
1d86ea No.4610233
ayyyyyyyy lmaooooo :D:D:D:D
92854e No.4610234
e75c3f No.4610235
IMAGINE LIFE without us having to pay the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS for war, NGO scams… would we even need to be paying INCOME TAX???
a78b92 No.4610236
>that there IS a schedule
this is why clockfags are a thing yeknow
3952b1 No.4610237
Yes!!! And remember all those times Q said 2018 will be glorious??? GET READY because here we go!!!
e6bc57 No.4610238
No, I'm not sick, you have the power and ability to freeze those assets. I'm pretty sick about Mueller getting another 6 months playtime. Now you know why god chose the flood last time
07f16e No.4610239
The mother fucker ends up swinging from a rope.
50795f No.4610240
Mueller hasn't drug out Flynns sentencing for no reason.
Again, POTUS is baiting House Dems into going for impeachment proceedings. Impeachment in the house only requires a simple majority, and it is not a trial. When it hits the Senate floor is when the evidence will start coming out.
Muellers feet dragging wont matter, but I've suspected that he isn't investigating what we've been told.
0f8563 No.4610241
Right! Last weekend I saw a DoD Eager Lion tweet. Went to the clock. Damn near posted but then I saw it was ONE day off for one crumb and TWO days off for the other. Let it go. THEN we got the posters….Nov 4 became Nov 5.
Eager lion 4.29 and 4.30
4ce1fc No.4610242
My money is on Sally unhappy because that $5B was going to be split by her and……?
POTUS asks for an amount that makes no sense to them, to us….
What if that's the skim amount, that was to go directly into our 'publuc servants's pockets?
061558 No.4610243
Each post is one more exhibit into evidence. Do you feel lucky?
7de525 No.4610247
Q, is the Seth Rich clock going to run out on day 210? "Actors" time up? Death to the D Party now (then)? The full weight of the house on themselves? Declas incoming??
16bce6 No.4610248
You're still trying this? Fuck off fag.
2ea427 No.4610249
Lisa Page is one who lays, ie w/Peter Stroke.
Can't make this shit up.
6d64fd No.4610250
Some nasty shit about Pence coming out.
Is he compromised?
Especially time being Governor??
4fb77c No.4610253
We're ready Q. Trust us. I'm sure you know most of the shit on here is shilling and this place is still packed full with patriots. WRWY o7
8baaa4 No.4610256
She sounds a bit squeaky, must be in the scope and the trigger is about to be pulled on her.
92854e No.4610257
Imagine not having a bloated Government
e75c3f No.4610258
Thanks for the input Adam Schiff, but no thanks.
98d0cb No.4610259
It’s done, announced in two days I’m hoping?
3952b1 No.4610260
Especially read the '2018 will be glorious' drops.
6316ea No.4610261
Why are you here then?
73aa4e No.4610263
Whole new meaning to the ole saying Day late and a Dollar short,,, stop crying Freddy the Freeloader
e232b2 No.4610264
Been sick forever. Let's DO IT already!
d32a15 No.4610265
hey timelines change>./shutitdown
0ec05f No.4610266
2ea427 No.4610267
get used to it, anon. someday soon autocorrect will be running our lives.
53eda6 No.4610269
Can we have action on this?
> So, these same people who are such strong supporters of a Muslim Brotherhood Pal of Osama Bin Laden? They have run the American school system for the past decade.
Or this?
> Sanela Diane Jenkins/Room 23/Vatican City
Can we at least have some effort to verify and get the word out so that the information is not stuck on obscure conspiracy sites? Why can't Trump play the same declassify-and-leak game? How is it so hard to get allies and public support when we can prove that these people are literally Al Qaeda?
4ce1fc No.4610270
Love the clockfags
No homo
d791ef No.4610271
Q over the target?
071e6b No.4610273
That's been obvious for a couple of weeks. We got these drops for a year and they didn't seem to happen .. that's why Q said "you have it all" and now "enjoy the movie". We got it all a year ahead of time.
a88411 No.4610274
Was Bre Payton murdered?
de6ab6 No.4610276
CBTS >>> The Storm
1 year ago
16407a No.4610277
For the Q drops.
Not the dumbasses groupies.
8f63c1 No.4610278
They did I am positive of it. The Deep State operates that way.
e75c3f No.4610279
I'd like to pay for my own retirement, not those that work for the government…
6c10f8 No.4610281
Masonry Brick is soooo old…
Muh MDF new tech!
fd192c No.4610282
>You let Blasey-Ford, Big Pharma, Google, "Financial Crisis," et. al. seriously wound–if not outright kill–the patriots and their families.
You wizards & warlocks need to reconcile
aa9a85 No.4610283
Q: Will POTUS be impeached so that you can introduce the tsunami of evidence legally and publicly?
7da659 No.4610284
TIMES UP! [Liddle Bugsy Schiff]
7300a0 No.4610285
Happy New Year, Sir.
44d0e6 No.4610286
My eyes leak whenever I hear Taps on pipes.
2ea427 No.4610287
ummm by stupidity maybe.
b71fcd No.4610288
just sick of retarded cucks like you
3952b1 No.4610289
Too late for that. The wall is already a done deal with or without Pelosi
5f5513 No.4610292
Ahead of schedule, thats POTUS for you.
724b49 No.4610293
Q are PS and LP enemy combatants so NSA/Huber can use all of their missing texts against them?
44d412 No.4610294
Whoa…Winged foot
cc5d0c No.4610295
8c6d09 No.4610296
Just opened another bag.
d32a15 No.4610297
nanobots assemble
lil .elfs in yah LITERALLY auto correct
also cars are iot
08e16c No.4610298
Pamphlet must be done beating off since Q came back.
f82f0b No.4610299
50795f No.4610300
Fun fact, that is how a lot of the detention centers at GITMO were built. Vice did a tour there if you care to watch the video.
061558 No.4610301
0ec05f No.4610302
1b077d No.4610303
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>4610223
And a hit and a smear.
ae7b1d No.4610304
I aggree, was pointing out a direct confirmation from Q.
9de69b No.4610305
And 'under budget' to boot.
2ea427 No.4610306
…but not the "sweet silver song of a LARP."
1d86ea No.4610307
Aw, naw. I just like Freddy. He's way better as a bread slide than the muhjoo dildos.
He may actually just be an anarchist weirdo instead of a Jew-apologist stooge, which I can enjoy and get behind.
The muhjoo jagoffs need roped
9ea2a9 No.4610309
Comey was NY AG SDNY 1/2002 - 12/2003
He decided who to prosecute concerning 9/11
Pages/Strzoks boss.
fd192c No.4610310
66f9c5 No.4610311
i feel the shutdown will show the public the Gov is too bloated and should be cut back .
just an overgrown leech machine .
d45610 No.4610313
66945a No.4610318
2018 will be Glorious =2019 will be GLORIOUS
Anons be comfy
e75c3f No.4610319
Here fren, try these.
aa9a62 No.4610320
Q really triggered freddy
9de69b No.4610321
061558 No.4610322
Sauce or you're a subhuman mongoloid anal wart.
0f8563 No.4610323
Yeah. Much wrong in Tlaib's world. There was a board post earlier this week unsauced with her Dad claiming she didn't live in the district and she claimed she lived at his house. Was finding the actual sauce that she did not live in MI13 /at least as of 12.2017
73aa4e No.4610324
Who was it that said we have nothing to fear but fear itself… get a grip FKwit
7da659 No.4610325
Liddle [AS]
Try to go out like the REAL MAN you NEVER WERE.
1636ca No.4610326
That's my guess for a long time.
cb3ebc No.4610327
Trusting the plan
107bec No.4610328
Well, that's an interesting development. It says volumes about who killed her. That's a 1 Degree of separation.
4b9545 No.4610329
All of that is certainly possible
But the judge made the right call
Let him keep the same folks for 6 months more (if needed still)
Otherwise it's start over with a new one that needs to go over the same shit already done
d32a15 No.4610330
slides are fun except in the summer outside burning museums
f4f020 No.4610331
It's always more fun when Q is here. Nice and comfy winter weekend.
3952b1 No.4610332
Exactly this. It is almost too perfect
6d64fd No.4610333
WTF are you talking about?
Instead of acting like an idiot, look in to it!
Especially his time being the governor.
Really sick shit!
0ec05f No.4610334
cf546c No.4610337
French government spokesman evacuated in the afternoon
Government spokesman and Secretary of State Benjamin Griveaux was urgently evacuated from his offices […] According to Le Parisien, "about fifteen people", some dressed in black or with a yellow vest, broke down the door of the ministry with the help of a construction machine.
https://www. ledauphine.com/france-monde/2019/01/05/benjamin-griveaux-evacue-de-ses-bureaux-apres-une-violente-intrusion
04bb73 No.4610340
A LIDDLE weiner schitt beside a gigantic cock - Now that's a classic case of penis envy.
If he only had the balls to tell the truth once in a while…
44d0e6 No.4610342
Fuk Fred, do you sleep, work, entertain chicks?
Is this board your life? Sad.
But you do good work. Let us see the "Mona Toots"
67f1d3 No.4610343
How long will you allow this slavery to continue Q?
f41511 No.4610344
it is getting less like this each time
615a48 No.4610345
Doesn’t that make her ineligible to run for that seat?
9de69b No.4610346
Love (You)!
No homo.
2ea427 No.4610349
a scheme as diabolical as it is audacious, don't you think?
www >> echelon >> iPhone >> goog (etc)
0ec05f No.4610350
92904c No.4610351
JA needs to be unsealed!
cd42c8 No.4610355
61052e No.4610358
>The 'MUELLER' insurance policy has expired.
From what I can see, the grand jury his team is convening was given an extension….Looks like the Q-hog has seen its own shadow and scurried back into it's hole. No D5 or 'declas' for another 6 months.
Man, fuck this stupid shit. Q, just fuck yourself.
53eda6 No.4610360
> Text messages between Khashoggi and Maggie Mitchell Salem, an executive at Qatar Foundation International
see https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2933426/15749842
aa7be2 No.4610365
Master masons names are often lefts off offical roles
6b8b8b No.4610367
>The 'MUELLER' insurance policy has expired.
except Mueller works for Trump….
Q is implying that Flynn flipped on Trump, because hes cooperating with Mueller on dozens of other investigations. So if Mueller is not our guy, then Flynn is a traitor.
Which is it Q?
f02950 No.4610368
seems like shills get real active on the weekends.
when school is out.
807262 No.4610370
It's already in notables
44d412 No.4610371
Not meant as a slide, I think Trump is a Hermeticist among other things
c84d17 No.4610372
What do I do next
a78b92 No.4610373
>broke down the door of the ministry with the help of a construction machine
people are remembering how to play
b1e3ce No.4610374
welcome to 2002 retard
0ec05f No.4610375
Full weight of the House v. ARM.
Why are optics important?
How does DC work?
760be0 No.4610376
GOD BLESS you Sir. Nothing wrong with being happy hear from Q. I’m Thankful here’s in the UK for all that President Trump and Q team have done so far. Gives the world hope.
e75c3f No.4610378
Oh John Brennan, your dislike of sauce is so revealing.
16bce6 No.4610379
d32a15 No.4610380
yeah a series of unfortunate events no doubt
so much xkeyscore in this show and same actor as archer
more like a second generation
soon I'll be captain kirk of the enterprise if I hack my way out of the amazon
bdcdef No.4610381
Why don't you throw some sauce at those allegations, anon, instead of getting all defensive like a snowflake?
No one here is going to buy into bullshit, unless they're a noob.
73aa4e No.4610382
Gotta admit of the bullshit he posts gives me a chuckle ,, so I FK with him
aa7be2 No.4610385
nope sorry try again>>4610085
dfeac2 No.4610386
Thank god you are fine.
Happy new year Boss!
f7d644 No.4610387
greatest meme EVER
e7b819 No.4610388
Welll, looking forward 515 and 517 were when Q left "The Storm" here on 8ch. I remember that move as I was in That room more than CBTS. It was chock full of fame/name fags.
Post 520, 524 and 526 seem like the ones that are likely to apply to the near future. Chelsea's husband, Loop capitol and Uranium 1.
2ea427 No.4610389
0ec05f No.4610390
d8df83 No.4610391
"The Chair serves the master"
The Chair of Elijah and Welcoming the Baby
The tradition is to designate a chair for Elijah the Prophet, the “Angel of the Covenant,” at every circumcision.1 Many synagogues have an ornamental chair for this purpose.2 Some have the custom that the sandek, the one holding the child on his lap during the circumcision, sits on this chair.3 Others use a chair that is wide enough for both the sandek and Elijah.
The custom in most communities is for the chair to be positioned from east to west, with the sandek , the one holding the child on his lap during the circumcision, facing west.4
Confirmation of the Covenant
In Daniel 11:30-32, the Antichrist is described as having indignation against the holy covenant. In verse 31, it tells us that the Antichrist and his followers, “…shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.”
The “he” that confirms the covenant is the Antichrist.
Therefore, hear the word of the LORD, O scoffers, who rule this people who are in Jerusalem, because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we have made a pact. The overwhelming scourge will not reach us when it passes by, for we have made falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception. Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.’ … Your covenant with death will be canceled, and your pact with Sheol will not stand; When the overwhelming scourge passes through, then you become its trampling place.(Isaiah 28:14-16, 18)
a00263 No.4610393
>(2 days ahead of schedule)
:54 > :56
6b8b8b No.4610395
Mueller is exposing the insurance policy (which was set up by Israel, using communist Russian Jew FBI informants posing as Russians)
d32a15 No.4610397
freddy is toots alter ego
just a troll messenger
hands up dont shoot him
b57f42 No.4610398
More or less my take
cd57de No.4610399
768396 No.4610400
"win this is finished"???
ccee15 No.4610401
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The video that explains RR & Mueller's roles.
banned by BO
0ec05f No.4610403
61052e No.4610404
You know Q only keeps you on the line so that when you actually need to expose the Deep State, your claims will be washed away as being a part of an online conspiracy….right?
6d64fd No.4610405
3576c3 No.4610406
tally ho, Q! Happy New Year and Godspeed!
d32a15 No.4610408
that dolphin safe tuna dough…
44d0e6 No.4610410
If it wasn't for Fred and Toots, I'd just hang out in Notables.
Bewbs are cool, but they get old after a while.
73aa4e No.4610412
41f1c2 No.4610413
Need the media to ask the question. We are close to the tipping point where "normies" will get the big picture but, we need an absolute moment of clarity where it can't be simply ignored as a random "coincidence. The poster was a very good marker though.
e6bc57 No.4610414
I'ts called a judge
3dbccb No.4610415
No duh Georgie, isn't that what you want? He really thinks we don't know its him….
3952b1 No.4610417
You just nailed it. Fucking funny!! The Dims are in control and they will destroy themselves and it us going to be the greatest show!! Just watch - it has already begun. Impeach impeach impeach— watch them destroy themselves
5c08cb No.4610419
ahead of schedule and under budget too!
any news from the 7th floor today?
0ec05f No.4610420
061558 No.4610421
>"win this is finished"
Yep. They already knew the outcome in January. Many understood this.
aa7be2 No.4610422
we are out of time >>4610354
a1b8d5 No.4610423
Perhaps you feel you would do a better job. Stand down armchair general.
a2aa0a No.4610424
You just can’t stop losing dude. Here you are yet again wanting validation from Q. Who’s the LARP again?
11f52e No.4610426
OMG!!! Spewed my covfefe!
92904c No.4610427
POTUS stopped the bleeding! Now to arrest them all!
9a8e0f No.4610428
Welcome back "Q", Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
3417d2 No.4610429
bet you it correlates to bible prophecy as well.
that's how our best fren does it!! kek
0ec05f No.4610430
e7b819 No.4610431
This would make a good shirt or coffee cup.
49e636 No.4610432
bcf924 No.4610433
Hey yo mother is seeing how many onions she can make disappear on chaturbate again.
8bbc52 No.4610434
What’s with the wall clock? Can’t see it >>4610061
53eda6 No.4610435
Was it really the same two guys? Got proof?
5c08cb No.4610436
>need the media to ask the question
ask it Brit!
4b9545 No.4610437
Yet another TardSchill that doesn't know how the GJ process works
1d86ea No.4610438
You know this bitch goes until they shut that shit down
d32a15 No.4610439
you are a tetris master, meeting of the minds in otouer space
3952b1 No.4610440
Have to watch, but I do believe you are correct, anon. Q just gave us a huge clue
e6b15a No.4610441
National emergency on Monday?
25be45 No.4610442
Any Westworld fans here?
It just hit me that the Q posts might be weaving 2 or even 3 timelines together. It's not a Movie, but multiple movies… just a spitball, but going to reread with that frame of reference.
f334e1 No.4610443
Mueller probe extended 6 mos..
"July 2018 the month the world learned the truth"
delta -1 year
adding up yet anons?
the panic will build as we approach muellers report.
1540ef No.4610444
Gateway Pundit just used that pic on an Article.
0a94da No.4610446
aeb02b No.4610447
Money for the dems in Mid Terms
2ea427 No.4610448
insert quarter for real goodies.
34e20d No.4610449
This proves what I’ve suspected all a long. Q’s drops are a road map to what will happen in 2019. Trumps tweet is 2 days ahead of schedule 1/5/19 which means that when Q made drop 489 Trump was supposed to address the subject matter on 1/7/19. I think Q and Trump did this ahead of schedule to confirm the map.
d791ef No.4610451
Schedule twitter timestamp
61052e No.4610452
Yet another simpleton who can't even form an argument outside of nay-saying.
8f2938 No.4610454
Yes, and I'm concerned for Sheryl Attkinson's safety if she runs with that vaccine story. I hope she's aware of the danger.
92904c No.4610455
>(2 days ahead of schedule)
So re-read crumbs and 1/6/17 = tomorrow?
8c6d09 No.4610456
29d89c No.4610457
Nice meme.
Anyone have a larger version?
aa7be2 No.4610458
d32a15 No.4610459
I sit deep in the west wing and cry when I think about america
49e636 No.4610460
(this time with pic related, kek!!)
50795f No.4610461
The policy expires with the House impeaching POTUS, which only requires a simple majority vote. When the articles of impeachment hit the Senate floor is when the trial starts and evidence becomes public. Mueller could be a witness during trial, but his investigation will become irrelevant in regards to POTUS declassifying information in defense of impeachment.
e404ab No.4610462
SERCO shall we keep digging on this one?
fd192c No.4610463
Can some anon post the Q clock and a few confirmations? My brother is finally getting on the Q train after busing it for so long. More allies!
2acd07 No.4610465
Nice catch anon!
0ec05f No.4610469
85238a No.4610470
It's time to take the tide pod out of your mouth, Nancy.
eaea4b No.4610471
This shit is most likely just a deterrent my bros. Powers at the top don't want millions of armed citizens punching and shooting the Democrat elected official traitor scum (and some GOP) as well as punching the shit out of the citizenry that supports those traitors.
Trust the Plan == Don't rise up and take matters into your own hands.
Keep working like cattle and buying crap.
3dbccb No.4610472
OMG shill, this isn't twatter or fakebook, your choice of linquistic expression betrays your loyalties….you need to go back….douchebag.
aa14c6 No.4610474
def something to keep an eye on!
722126 No.4610476
that was fast
they must be lurking here
bcf924 No.4610479
Move to Tanzania.
1ddc2c No.4610480
>>4609173 (Q - LB)
We're seeing evidence of journalists who are refusing to perpetuate the false narrative.
Reporter Quits NBC Citing Network’s Support For Endless War
41a009 No.4610481
>Queen Mother
not the Queen
d32a15 No.4610482
c6fef9 No.4610483
Q hasnt confirmed shit.
Until theres anactual habbening this should be viewed as it is…another way to spinup anonsand further the larp.
Mueller gets shutdown, liddke as gets rolled, ir theres a fucking declass then you get excited.
Time for habbenings, not more hope porn.
3952b1 No.4610484
You're cute. You only post here and never read here….right? This is hilarious, thank you
a2aa0a No.4610485
Not what was stated. You’re literally retarded.
1e89b9 No.4610487
Agreed, cant wait for school to start back, get all these childish shits out of here
fd192c No.4610488
Dubs confirm…
Dare I say…The Storm is finally HERE.
da4412 No.4610489
d8df83 No.4610490
France Ablaze Again; Yellow Vests Rage After Founder Arrested; Cops Punched, Tear Gas Deployed
More violence has erupted across France just days after French authorities arrested a key organizer of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement.
After the protests began peacefully, Paris police deployed teargas and batons as protesters began to riot during the so-called 'Act VIII" Day of Rage, while marches were underway in several other cities across France and London. Protesters in Paris hurled objects at riot police manning bridge barricades over the Seine river, while garbage bins were torched along the upscale Boulevard Saint Germain.
c14d85 No.4610491
Spoopy home in McClown, VA
cd57de No.4610494
break out the pinewood derby track and air duster we gonna have a race
598f41 No.4610495
Remember when your punk ass made a call in the markets?
Neither do I.
Grow a pair Fuckers..you know where i am every day on the open. You are NEVER there.
Why is that?
58fe36 No.4610497
FYI. Antifa Riots planned Jan 20, 2019.
These videos Include organizations infiltrated by Antifa.
Seems legit.
Antifa Exposed: Nationwide Riots Planned for Week of Jan 20, 2019 (Part 1/5)
Antifa Exposed: Identification & Tactics (Part 2/5)
Antifa Exposed: Astroturf Activism & Infiltration of Silicon Valley, DOJ, & White House (Part 3/5)
Red Pill Germany
Antifa is Merkel's personal hit squad, in Germany. Here, they are free to attack without consequences.
Spread the word.
0ec05f No.4610498
2ea427 No.4610500
remember when this common, lying whore told Americans, "we have to pass it to see what's in it"?
6e1979 No.4610501
LowLife cockroach.
cf546c No.4610504
Live from Champs Élysées (3)
https:// www.facebook.com/100010791781951/videos/747609322275454/?fref=nf
People are disrupting some interviews from BFM and CNews for the lulz. (literally our equivalent of CNN/MSNBC in France).
078e98 No.4610505
anons, we have had plenty of future proves pasts that are not one year, think before you post
bdcdef No.4610506
>Some nasty shit about Pence coming out.
>Is he compromised?
(sauces with a youtube video)
98637b No.4610507
Shut the fuck up pussy.
e7b819 No.4610508
This idea has been batted around since November of this year but I haven't really picked up on anything. I have kept an eye open though. I thought I had one last night but I couldn't find the pieces/parts.
d8df83 No.4610509
Assaults against Border Patrol agents soar 300 percent since caravan arrival
Figure contrasts percentage from last year at San Diego crossing
Assaults on U.S. Border Patrol agents have increased 300 percent over last year at the San Diego border crossing, according to figures released by San Diego Border Sector Chief Rodney Scott.
When did this start?
Violence against agents began rising when the migrant caravan first arrived in Tijuana in late November, KGTV-TV reported.
One of the latest incidents happened on New Year's Eve, when a migrant threw a rock and hit a border agent in the face.
"These incursions are organized they are bringing people down there for the express purpose of provoking a confrontation," Border Patrol agent Joshua Wilson told the news outlet. He also said the incidents offer enough proof for why a border wall is needed.
"Having that barrier helps prevent many assaults on agents and that's something the public really needs to understand," Wilson added. "It's not just a border security measure it's a measure for agents safety as well."
Enrique Morones, founder of the pro-migrant group Border Angels, told KGTV that his organization condemns the violence. He also placed the blame on border patrol guards.
"If you're going to be going across the border to seek asylum, why in the world would you be throwing rocks at the border patrol?" Morones said. "The people… have been reacting to the Border Patrol violence of tear gassing and shooting rubber bullets at migrants."
Border Patrol told the TV station that it does not release actual numbers of border incidents, just a percentages of the increase or decline.
What is at stake?
The government is partly shutdown because President Donald Trump and House Democrats cannot agree on funding for border security. Trump wants a $5 billion wall, while Democrats are advocating for drones and other tech for border security.
Multiple published reports have indicated that migrants are arriving at the border in poor health and some are carrying multiple infectious diseases. Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security has warned there are as many as 500 criminals in the caravan.
Adding to the issue is a federal court that ruled it is unconstitutional to deny refugee hearings for asylum.
92854e No.4610510
How many people have made a living
with servicing government contracts
and then complain about welfare
35f3aa No.4610511
Always a worthy dig, not referred to enough here.
fce3d0 No.4610513
2 days ahead of schedule
eaea4b No.4610514
Clearly the French Yellow Jackets didn't have Q tellin em to sit on their biscuits and not try to risk it cause everything is under control. Finally someone getting some real work done.
061558 No.4610515
Think ahead. Military tribunals, videotaped in secret. POTUS chooses which to release (with help from psyop analysts.)
If the MSM has any credibility at all, this serves at least two very important (poignant) purposes.
1) If the MSM doesn't flip and become 100% transparent and truthful, it will absolutely crush them dead. No media outline will survive fighting the open release of ALL of the evidence (which is not subject to inadmissibility due to technicalities.)
2) Those media outlets who do reform and start reporting 100% truthfully are cleaned up and regain new trust from the populous. This means we don't lose all of the existing media infrastructure. I believe most MSM outlets will flip (at a point Q has accurately predicted.)
This plan is simply a work of fucking art that all people of the world should respect until the end of time. This is brillance at a level which is difficult to fathom.
3cd3b3 No.4610516
January 6th, 2018
2ea427 No.4610517
bc0664 No.4610518
It's worse then you think! >>4609878
472122 No.4610519
NYT reporter calling out former employer too.
c6fef9 No.4610520
Kill yourself shill faggot.
98d0cb No.4610521
Nah nigga we here
fdb13a No.4610523
Where's our meme , Shit it hit'n the fan ?
I need one to spread on fucbook !!
3952b1 No.4610524
And we thought the shill storm was bad before. We havent seen anything yet
ccee15 No.4610526
>>4610448 thx for confirming the importance of this video
639fd0 No.4610528
how the hell many are being arrested??
602db5 No.4610529
How does this happen?
>>4609955 pic 1 - last post from bread 5880
>>4609878 pic 2 - first post from bread 5881
This is not the only one… it looks like many posts were "moved" to this bread from 5880.
98637b No.4610530
You first, pussy.
0ec05f No.4610531
6e1979 No.4610532
Q can you tell us truth about this?
Fatally shot Marine in Washington identified amid investigation into shooting as an accident, official says
dc4d1a No.4610535
Hey anons get your tax checks ready for April so we can continue to fund these people. At least Q is posting about it. That really fucking helps.
5dc3be No.4610536
When is something actually gonna happen? At least throw a Q proof
f02950 No.4610538
How does one introduce evidence?
White Squall
What if POTUS himself is the one who will introduce evidence and that was the plan all along.
b71fcd No.4610539
Billy, it's Saturday, your boyfriend wants you off the puter
aa7be2 No.4610542
679707 No.4610543
For Example!
6b8b8b No.4610544
Not an argument, kike.
You keep believing your Mossad psyop thats trying to persuade you into pushing for regime change in Iran, as well as Mueller's firing (which we all know the Deep State wants so bad)
Mueller is exposing Israel's frame job of Trump, with the help of Flynn. He is going to expose that Israel larped as Russia using their communist Russian Jew FBI informants to frame Trump in order to create an insurance policy to remove him in case he were to get elected.
Problem is, Trump knew about this insurance policy and interviewed Mueller for several hours the day before Mueller was appointed special counsel because Mueller was pardoned and Comey's firing was staged.
(((They))) think their insurance policy is in effect, but really they dont know that Trump turned their insurance policy around on them and is using the investigation to show Israel's crimes. Doing it by deception. You think Trump would've been allowed to create a special prosecutor to investigate the cabal and they wouldn't have done all they can to shut it down? They have been baiting Trump to fire Mueller for ages, and Rosenstein told everyone not to trust any anonymous sources last year.
The media has been lying about the Mueller investigation and what hes really doing.
a1b8d5 No.4610546
Point out the new Washington comPost article. Where they owned up that the Dossier was HRC's back up plan.
11f52e No.4610547
Looks like some of the journalists are waking up
3d035e No.4610548
More of an inconclusive question and answer, really.
3dbccb No.4610549
Shill you have confused your platform, when you respond with namecalling it confirms your shillery…carry on, anons will take care it.
98c118 No.4610550
Both viruses have been weaponized and not by the Russians. Follow the trail Ft Dietrich-→ The Farm–→ Foggy Bottom–→ CF
3952b1 No.4610551
Agree. And remember this gem: news unlocks map
We have front row tickets and we know the plot.
0ec05f No.4610552
61052e No.4610554
I'm cute? You merely cause me pity.
Q's manipulated you into eating his trickles of koala pap, and anons like you act like you're somehow the arbiters of truth despite none of the claims that would break the deep state coming true…
I want to wake you up. You want to remain sold on this illusion…it's sad to witness.
b71fcd No.4610556
ffb108 No.4610558
Every bread is created before the last is fully filled. It's always been like that…
239625 No.4610559
If this twitter post by POTUS is 2 days ahead, the remaining ones could possibly be ahead as well. Things happening faster than anticipated.
78091d No.4610560
16bce6 No.4610561
639fd0 No.4610563
54cdfa No.4610564
Thank you Q and happy new year.
d32a15 No.4610566
4d8e7a No.4610568
Game of Thrones poster in front of POTUS 1 day ahead of schedule (pic related)
New Q “2 days ahead of schedule.”
cea350 No.4610569
Future proves past.
Stage 2: JUSTICE.
6d64fd No.4610570
You wont be laughing like a jackass if the allegations are true, moronfag.
They talking about his involvement before Trump.
Child trafficking, satanic rituals, rape & murder of kids.
Thats funny to you?
76540f No.4610571
Jeff Sessions is the biggest jerk off of all times he was a total flake.
4ce1fc No.4610572
44d0e6 No.4610574
Oh Toots, RIP
Lil fighter gitmas hero adorable drunk cat.
ca6a63 No.4610575
Q, potus first appearance in the briefing room. Setup for the questions about Q?
d8df83 No.4610577
Jeremiah 11:9-10
9 Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to listen to my words. They have followed other gods to serve them. Both Israel and Judah have broken the covenant I made with their ancestors.
Why do you think (((they))) want to change it?
Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages
6b8b8b No.4610578
more non arguments from low IQ losers
0ec05f No.4610579
2b9c41 No.4610580
M Brotherhood seems to be everywhere, deep pockets
6e1979 No.4610581
I read your posts, very good and clever you must be cockroach.
3952b1 No.4610582
From here on out it will be impossible to miss
aa7be2 No.4610583
boats been in NY harbor for two years…fake larp faggot >>4610499
bcc41a No.4610584
There was an anon request on a bread yesterday for POTUS to "tweet something with Q."
29d89c No.4610585
Added some timestamp fun.
From (You)r frens, the ClockFags.
8baaa4 No.4610586
Probably drank a 1/2 gallon of bleach as a chaser.
21bd72 No.4610587
“Judeo-Islam” needs to become a phrase.
Far more accurate than the “Judeo-Christian” fiction.
3e87f6 No.4610588
Fuck off MOS agent your yellow jacket diversion is fake and gay
read the list of demands from yellow jackets
its fucking retarded
41a009 No.4610589
I still trust the plan but the amount of Tyranny and treason at work really fills me with a patriotic fiery rage …
The amount of shills and censorship on social media….
We are at war and on the internet battlefield it looks as though we are losing even though its a deception. Internet Bill of Rights coming soon??
aa9a85 No.4610590
Thank you, Patriot!
d32a15 No.4610592
you know it sir, I hope that's you guys following me everywhere
1540ef No.4610594
The Pope will have a Terrible May
38a794 No.4610595
So you’re saying you want to protest on the streets against the US President ?
9ebf7b No.4610596
Without knowledge of this, people have been programmed, by beings without the ability to maintain their own biological core in this reality, to recreate these beings in an pseudospiritual afterlife that is the result of a life spent living with the artificial, chemical, elemental, paradoxical, insulting, spiritually dead, non self aware and dualized (insane, limited, flat, non extra dimensional ‘living’, in the real) consciousness aspects (input and output) of undead, materialistic, physically defined, egotistical, desire based, illusory and ultimately self annihilating principles of the physical world lived for all the wrong reasons (which becomes a trap for that consciousness).
The ability to jump off the merry go round is a survival tactic for interdimensionally aware beings who would otherwise be trapped within a revolving door that would use their energy for the generation of power in another system.
f334e1 No.4610597
Funny how the shills are hardcore now because muh 2018 wasnt spectacular…
"An enemy who is comfortable…."
True Kekistonian drama come to life!
16bce6 No.4610600
b1e3ce No.4610601
so 2 days ahead of schedule would put
kekmate on friday 11th
203e65 No.4610602
Fight, Fight, Fight…
a78b92 No.4610603
okthen, it's Time…
48b0db No.4610604
anyone have a cap of that?
d32a15 No.4610607
begging for validation intensifies
a1b8d5 No.4610609
No, we totally are indebted to Q team and POTUS. Thank you just isn't saying enough. Please know that we love you and appreciate so much what you're doing.
3545b4 No.4610610
Crash the stock market so gold/silver go back to real value before starting to print US Treasury .gold backed money
f2a582 No.4610612
Stahp promoting it.
f71f75 No.4610613
Ask yourself, why?
Are they afraid of U.S. Patriots engaging in the same tactics?