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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, main.jpg)

7e8d19  No.4784927

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Saturday 1.5.19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7e8d19  No.4784936


are not endorsements


>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call

>>4784213, >>4784207 Sara Carter ohr testimony shocks lawmakers top doj officials knew about steele in 2016

>>4784392 Clockfag update for the night shift re-read crumbs

>>4784454, >>4784455, >>4784582 Sheila jackson lee retaliated against a staffer re black caucus news rape accusation

>>4784471, >>4784404 another Sperry: LG "Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office will "leak" final report ?

>>4784211, >>4784583, >>4784618 SOTU straight to you ?

>>4784711 Lara trump coming up on Hannity

>>4784679 Congress gettin paid right now, big bucks

>>4784412 planefagging

>>4784837 #6106

#6105 Baker Change

>>4783461 Was fbianon strzok or page because no texts from 06/18/-12/14/2016 (anons theory pb bun >>4783536)

>>4783478, >>4783497 Bongino on theory Simpson wrote the Steele Dossier

>>4783475, >>4783579 natural born requires 2 citizen parents (contd)

>>4783495 For The First Time Ever, Wall Street Banks Top $100 Billion In Profit

>>4783644, >>4784046 Flowchart on soros and the caravans (anon flowchart, moar sauce welcomed)

>>4783628 pic on mainstream media of DS pervertions

>>4783700 Fitton, >>4783701 Sperry - kek has spoken - happenings incoming

>>4783750 Another Sperry re: Barr

>>4783551 US Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Bills Targeting China’s Huawei

>>4783816, >>4783819 fresh Sara Carter&John Solomon - DOJ official warned Steele dossier was connected to Clinton

>>4784063, >>4784072 is US Attorney John Durham is the other prosecutor

>>4783811, >>4784000, >>4784001 planefagging including E4 doomsday

>>4784164 #6105


>>4782750 "Ambrosia" young-blood transfusion start-up now up and running

>>4783086 Video Lectures link to Berder Island Machine Learning Summer School

>>4783100 WaEx: Beto-male O'Rourke imagines he has higher T than our Constitution

>>4782727 Anon decode: 'erd'/hamberders & 'FF'/Fast Food --> Erdogan False Flag?

>>4782704, >>4782723, >>4782872, >>4782997 Anons on the value of dissemination

>>4782659, >>4782779, >>4783040 Anons on Kamala Harris's citizenship & Pres qualifications

>>4782650 Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard Grp & creator of the index fund, dies @89

>>4782647 Anon on Tlaib twat: Alex, I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $500..

>>4783376 #6104


>>4782411, >>4782575 Georgia man suspected of WH attack plot is arrested

>>4782489 Iranian PressTV’s Marzieh Hashemi arrested Sun @ St. Louis Airport

>>4782333 Purdue Evil? Said Oxy Rx "blizzard will be deep, dense & white"

>>4782187, >>4782362, >>4782441, >>4782530, >>4782556, >>4782633 LOBO203/weird call sign

>>4782244, >>4782268, >>4782282, >>4782314 Planefags' B-52's shadowin' each other

>>4782060 Re: shutdown, Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019

>>4782046 HRC twats shutdown puts domestic violence shelters on the nix list

>>4782005 TGP: (((RBG))) cancels Feb 6 I'view w/Carlisle Grp's (((David Rubenstein)))

>>4781977 Joe Manchin MSNBC I'view: Pelosi ‘Wrong’ to Disinvite POTUS fr SOTU

>>4781959 Graphic: Timing is Everything, 1 yr delta SOTU Q proof (2 days > schedge)

>>4781886 Poll: Americans OK Syria/Afghanistan Exit, widespread "war-weariness"

>>4781867 Noble Sen. Mendendez demand GEOTUS/Czar Vlad interpreter records

>>4782605 #6103


>>4781691 Israel Nukes: DOJ argues secrecy to cover up wrongdoing permissible

>>4781658 MX not sending their best, unless near $1mil in coke/meth counts

>>4781511 Steve Scalise calls out #ShutdownNancy

>>4781506 Further diggin' on pb's (#6099) Jason Spindler

>>4781168, >>4781375, >>4781499 Moar planfaggin' incl LOBO203 fr Little Rock

>>4781163, >>4781188, >>4781367 Updates on Syria and Turkey fuggery

>>4781159, >>4781166 MSM wants you to believe AG-Nom Barr will take your guns

>>4781148, >>4781164 The search for Berder leads continues

>>4781126 Fear the shutdown! Fear it we say! (FUD over food inspection)

>>4781103, >>4781121, >>4781293 OIG GSA: POTUS PO lease ignored Constitution

>>4781819 #6102

Previously Collected Notables

>>4780212 #6100, >>4781049 #6101

>>4777896 #6097, >>4779158 #6098, >>4779469 #6099

>>4775633 #6094, >>4776391 #6095, >>4777076 #6096

>>4773308 #6091, >>4774020 #6092, >>4774840 #6093

>>4770959 #6088, >>4771740 #6089, >>4772558 #6090

>>4768649 #6085, >>4769435 #6086, >>4770179 #6087

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

7e8d19  No.4784943

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

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>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

7e8d19  No.4784948

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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Tweet Tools

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* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

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Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

7e8d19  No.4784959


has corrected noatbles 6106


e507d2  No.4784961

File: 57aa2ccebf76977⋯.jpg (195.92 KB, 565x599, 565:599, IMG_526.jpg)

patriots remember!

7e8d19  No.4784968

File: fd0e91b591cf079⋯.png (86.73 KB, 408x380, 102:95, ClipboardImage.png)

6befad  No.4784970

All men in the recent Honduran caravan have new Chinese made American shoes…

62534c  No.4784975

File: 57b0066529f134d⋯.png (972.25 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 6FCDF677-0DF1-4DA6-9FE4-BE….png)

gazillions of normies will start to wake the fuck up in coming weeks..


b9cf25  No.4784982

Notable News


810204  No.4784983

Perhaps instead of POTUS reading his SOTU speech, Insp. Gen. Horowitz could give him his latest report to read to all of us.

Would love to see Chuck and Nancy's rebuttal to that

e995a4  No.4784988

Human Race

On Fox - one of the discussions was about Racism.

I went into Qresearch and found a few items about Racism.

01/13/2019 02:39:33 - Q Research General #6038: On Broadway Edition - #4731564


I just don't understand why people have to pick on anybody…let it go…

No one here is Racist…

Remember There is only one race!!!!


12/04/2018 19:16:18 - Q Research General #5282: Juncker's Growing Problem Edition - #4149015


I think what this Anon means is that you can't be a "Racist" if there is only one "Race".

I have seen this argument on twitter somewhere.

You can't be Racist if There is only one race.

Therefore you can be jealous, prejudice, envious. etc… of another group of people or sub-group of people.

I.e. all jews are money hungry.

I.e. all whites are superior.

I.e. all blacks are hung.

I think you got my drift. it got real heated back and forth. it had some great points.

But all in all I kinda like the point that if you think of it that way. one race thing. no body is considered racist and people will stop labeling everyone a "Racist".

11/22/2018 15:26:32 - Q Research General #5082 Daily Ebake - #3994722

>>3994681sorry wrong…. anthropologist anon here… anonthropologist if you prefer… there's only one race… the human race… there are cultural… ethnic… and religious distinctions which it is nice to celebrate and respect.

Providing your own culture is respected in return… not too much to ask

11/17/2018 14:51:23 - Q Research General #5010: Nancy, Nancy, Nancy Edition - #3938824


It “Satanic Blood Ritual” of the Jewish race may be a ritual but it has nothing to do with the RELIGION of the Jews. It is something that some people who are of Jewish heritage have been practicing just like some of Jewish

heritage in America have been practicing with people of other heritages that have turn to satanic rituals.

We must get something straight.

We are all of ONE race — the human race.

We come from different heritages or it was more commonly Nations or tribes of people.

It is still this way in some countries. I would say I am from a French and Scot Irish background but currently I am from a Southern background in USA graced with a New Orleans flavor (or maybe the other way around). But

most notably my true “tribe” we be Jesus followers.

Those people are openly Satan followers that is their tribe.

But RACE - we are human.

We are all born with an earthly bend away from God and highly influenced by the pleasures and lures of Satan. It is a choice to follow Jesus over Satan and any other gods under Satan.

2235b1  No.4784989

US' Middle East Plan: 90 Percent of West Bank for Palestine, Divided Jerusalem

TEL AVIV (Sputnik) – The plan for the peaceful settlement of the Middle Eastern crisis, which is being prepared by the administration of US President Donald Trump will be presented in the coming months, the Israeli Reshet 13 broadcaster reported, citing the source, who attended a closed briefing by a US official on the plan.

Under the plan, Palestine will receive twice more the territory they currently control. However, the historic center of Jerusalem, including its religious sites and nearby districts, and the western part of the city will remain under Israel’s sovereignty, according to the outlet.

Moreover, Israelis will be able to annex major settlement areas in the West Bank and keep isolated settlements under their control without being able to enlarge them. However, Israel will have to evacuate the so-called illegal settlement outposts.

The plan also suggested that the losses from the scheme should be compensated from the mechanism of territorial exchanges, the broadcaster noted. The outlet argued that the plan was the most suitable option of the Middle Eastern crisis settlement for Israel which had emerged over the past 20 years.

The United States reportedly expect Palestinians to abandon their claims for the whole territory of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including the historic part of the city. Moreover, Washington expects some concessions from Israel, which opposes the division of Jerusalem and Palestinian statehood.

The outlet noted that the US administration planned to roll out the paper several weeks ago but decided to put the move off until after the Israeli parliamentary elections, scheduled for 9 April.

The Trump administration has been working on its peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian settlement for months. However, Palestinians have rejected Washington’s involvement in the settlement of their conflict with Israelis after Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy City despite the condemnation of the Muslim world and the UN recommendations to refrain from establishing diplomatic missions in the city until its legal status is settled.

Israeli-Palestinian relations have been tense for decades, but tensions escalated in late March when Palestinians kicked off the Great Return March protests along the Gaza Strip, which dramatically evolved into violent clashes between Israeli security forces and demonstrators.


7e8d19  No.4784990



next baker/lurking bakers

gather recipes, prep tools

can handoff whenever

this bread, next bread, if im needed i can maybe go one after that but…

c3494f  No.4784996

File: 31ede09fb33791a⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 498x276, 83:46, ce0b02b1592e3e554fba8cd008….gif)

Pay no attention to me. I'm just screwing up the concernfag bot by posting it's gif.

c93dd0  No.4785000


I have a feeling that whatever happens, it's going to be epic.

8e1d25  No.4785001

File: 8a0ee759f2b1ebf⋯.jpg (415.53 KB, 1812x1182, 302:197, z1voyshh4ya.jpg)



6d5c04  No.4785002


TEL AVIV – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received approval from President Donald Trump before a massive intelligence mission last year in which some 100,000 documents on Iran’s nuclear program were smuggled out of a warehouse near Tehran by Mossad agents, Israeli television reported Tuesday.

In April, the Israeli premier gave a dramatic presentation of the stolen trove which he said proved that Iran had lied about its nuclear program. The operation, which took place over a single night in January, was one of the Israeli intelligence community’s “greatest achievements,” stated Netanyahu.

According to Hadashot news, Netanyahu had revealed his intentions to infiltrate Iran to Trump when the two met on the sidelines of the Davos World Economic Forum last January. The Israeli leader was said to have sought support from his American counterpart in case the operation went wrong and would need a rescue team to extract the agents, the report said.

The TV report also stated that the return of the agents that night was far more complex than originally reported, but it did not go into any details.

In April, the New York Times reported that the Mossad had been monitoring the warehouse since February 2016.

Iran “was on the cusp of mastering key bombmaking technologies when the research was ordered halted” in 2003, the Times said.

Other reports at the time released details on the Mossad‘s effort to seize the archive within six and a half hours, with one official comparing it to the heist from Ocean’s 11.

Netanyahu said the trove was discovered in what looked like a “dilapidated warehouse” in the Shorabad District in southern Tehran.

“This is where they kept the atomic archives. Right here. Few Iranians knew where it was, very few, and also a few Israelis,” Netanyahu stated.

“Now, from the outside, this was an innocent looking compound. It looks like a dilapidated warehouse. But from the inside, it contained Iran’s secret atomic archives locked in massive files,” he said.

Netanyahu stated that “half a ton of the material” on papers and CDs comprising “incriminating documents, incriminating charts, incriminating presentations, incriminating blueprints, incriminating photos, incriminating videos and more” had been brought back to Israel.

“We’ve shared this material with the United States, and the United States can vouch for its authenticity,” he said.


f1647a  No.4785004

File: 50ed33903c07ade⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, diY0EjvH.jpg)

cd38f7  No.4785005

File: 413addf5d49aa93⋯.jpg (216.77 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, GOT5.jpg)

File: bbf61568b0c5bf0⋯.jpg (162.8 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, GOT4.jpg)

File: 60c23bf03303a61⋯.jpg (140.99 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, GOT3.jpg)

File: c79d68833b695a4⋯.jpg (254.24 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, GOT2.jpg)

File: a579d823eab19a6⋯.jpg (192.77 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, GOT1.jpg)


Thank you Baker

fd7d2b  No.4785006

File: 6d08ac2b71cc0c2⋯.png (948.92 KB, 974x549, 974:549, ClipboardImage.png)

MannKind Corporation

Inhalable insulin <3

e26045  No.4785007

>>4784753 lb

an 'army' incapable of doing anything close to what we need to have done.

since 'patriots' can't pick anyone but our enemies to fill its ranks.

we see the picture.

the stream is moving too fast for them to catch up, and people are suffering for it.

It's not the highest denominator that matters, it's the lowest.

And boy does the 'high command' know how to throw the 'losers' to the dogs at their convenience. With as much contempt as our enemies have for them.

israel. jewry. mossad and their little helpers. muzzies, niggers, spics, shit skins, chinks, gooks, anything really.

Q is not doing much domestically, ignoring what is happening. People didn't just fucking insist on harsh measures early on for no reason.

They can keep their noses up and ignore reality as much as they can. It doesn't even fucking matter what 'truth' is so much as what is being done to people.

Killing and terrorizing is the only way to win. Removing our enemies lethally is the only solution.

Keep your fucking noses in the air for all you want. Nothing will change until our enemies are dead, and at present or future, the 'army' won't do jack shit.

People will have to fight it out themselves, and Q will just chalk it all up to numbers.

We are all just numbers in war

890ccc  No.4785008

File: b143de71ea7ffd8⋯.jpg (52.84 KB, 779x641, 779:641, fa92c2d5425130607b6da84187….jpg)

c93dd0  No.4785009


Does it work like that?

e507d2  No.4785010

File: 982f54900dac83f⋯.jpg (542.18 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_524.jpg)

patriots understand!!

56c1c8  No.4785011

File: 42e5f5b27d93354⋯.jpeg (506.59 KB, 1024x584, 128:73, 7E90445B-938F-40F5-911E-C….jpeg)

Anons should follow POTUS example and “be best”.

4975e5  No.4785012

File: da0ee3bf24a1254⋯.jpg (405.82 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, EnjoyFlagPatriot.jpg)

65e5a1  No.4785013

Kentucky anon checking in, military traffic picking up around here. Planefags seeing anything?

41c5cb  No.4785014


If you keep posting that, Im gonna get dehydrated.

e5342b  No.4785015


how is a web address notable news?

a5c462  No.4785016


buh buh..I loves that gif. Keks me every time.

890ccc  No.4785017

File: bde9a7d53bac33f⋯.jpg (92.53 KB, 1080x695, 216:139, goo.JPG)

Internal discussions from Google indicate that the search giant is “manually” curating blacklists of search terms – including Rep. Maxine Waters, anti-gun activist David Hogg, and abortion – on YouTube and other services.

The conservative news site Breitbart says it obtained an internal discussion thread from a Google employee showing the existence of a blacklist, as well as a partial list of blacklisted terms from another source within the company.

“We have tons of white- and blacklists that humans manually curate,” Breitbart quoted one Google employee. “Hopefully this isn’t surprising or particularly controversial.”



b8fcb3  No.4785018

File: 81c7f2b9aa9f5d0⋯.png (935.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4784958 (LB)

KEK Checkout the callsign.

b9cf25  No.4785020

File: 5f8eb3c1bc8e941⋯.png (199.73 KB, 530x298, 265:149, ClipboardImage.png)

fe3e96  No.4785021

File: c8977156137c2f6⋯.png (320.72 KB, 889x943, 889:943, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dee8ecb1dd41498⋯.png (325.63 KB, 926x721, 926:721, ClipboardImage.png)

Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job. It is all explained by Michael Roberts here (updated after the beginning of the partial shutdown):

A reduction in force is a thoughtful and systematic elimination of positions. For all practical purposes, a government RIF is the same thing as a layoff. …

Organizations must stick to predetermined criteria when sorting out what happens to each employee. They must communicate with employees how and why decisions are made. …

In deciding who stays and who goes, federal agencies must take four factors into account:

1. Tenure

2. Veteran status

3. Total federal civilian and military service

4. Performance

Agencies cannot use RIF procedures to fire bad employees.

Update: See also: OMB issues guidance on Reduction in Force layoffs due to partial shutdown

A lot of procedures must be followed, and merit ("performance") is the last consideration, but based on the criteria above, employees already furloughed can be laid off ("RIFed") once they have been furloughed for 30 days or 22 work days:

When agencies furlough employees for more than 30 calendar days or 22 discontinuous work days, they must use RIF procedures.

An employee can be terminated or moved into an available position[.]




c7a900  No.4785022

>>4784995 lb

Agreed but they are trying to make it so it so all weed is legal then they can control it through distribution. They strip the element out that stops the MK and leave the high!

c3494f  No.4785023


A pic can only be posted one time per bread, so pre-emptively posting their pics sends the bots an error.

563313  No.4785024


JIDF… I want your Shekels.

Talk about weed instead of Jews, its an easier slide. All you have to say is "Weed makes you stupid" and the weedfags go crazy.

Send me Shekels. Praise Bob Marley. Fuck Islam. Call me ok?

4fa2ed  No.4785025

Hello meme masters, can we get some

"Make Me a Salad" memes of erin burnett to post on the twatter?


e5342b  No.4785026

File: 230ae51a48a4281⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, POTUS disapproves.jpg)

cd38f7  No.4785027

File: 2319f350d23d6dc⋯.jpg (268.3 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, GOT10.jpg)

File: a4e837b135dabe1⋯.jpg (275.34 KB, 1024x570, 512:285, GOT9.jpg)

File: 96b4b5251bdf434⋯.jpg (364.18 KB, 1024x581, 1024:581, GOT8.jpg)

File: 979a5d8621eef46⋯.jpg (221.97 KB, 1024x651, 1024:651, GOT7.jpg)

File: 6710ee3fcf15cbb⋯.jpg (180.97 KB, 1024x523, 1024:523, GOT6.jpg)

b9cf25  No.4785028


well the notable news is on the website.

9c0f03  No.4785029

Project looking glass


News unlocks map. Think alternate meanings. If the map is fixed, certain events are locked in to happen. Or certain events are locked meant to not happen. But altering the past will unlock certain events on the positive time-line

a73977  No.4785030

Yes BO…

You knew the comicbookfagging would be adopted by the shitposting shills.

It was only a matter of Time.

Would I have changed my choices that lead to it?

Knowing what Eye know now?

Not in 14,000,605 timelines.

In Time, in the later years of your life, you may discover why I made these choices.

>Time reveals all.

73f658  No.4785031

>>4784227 (lb)

"Why are we here?" is asked multiple times.

We came here for a reason.

A (you) for Q is the reason why Q is here

aeccc2  No.4785032


I don't get that, in my state it's legal to grow your own, like 6 or less plants.

2235b1  No.4785033

File: 71762d9a980e7c6⋯.png (103.18 KB, 1009x902, 1009:902, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da78bced99901e6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 957x638, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae91155db83c39f⋯.png (16.31 KB, 396x319, 36:29, ClipboardImage.png)

PERFECT TIMING: Rogue CIA Stages Terrorist Attack Killing 4 U.S. Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out

IS group claims deadly suicide attack on US-led coalition patrol in Syria

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for an attack that killed 16 people in Syria’s Manbij, including at least four Americans.

Two U.S. service members and two American civilians were among those killed in an explosion while conducting a patrol in Syria on Wednesday, the U.S. military said, an attack that came less than a month after U.S. President Donald Trump announced his intention to withdraw troops from the war-torn country.

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the morning attack, which local groups said killed 16 people in the U.S.-patrolled town of Manbij.

The claim calls into question Trump’s claim that IS has been defeated in Syria – his stated reason for pulling 2,000 American troops out of the country.

“We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency,” Trump tweeted in December in announcing his intention to bring back U.S. troops “NOW.”

Vice President Mike Pence repeated the claim Wednesday, saying the Islamic State “caliphate has crumbled” and the militant network “has been defeated.” His comments in a speech at the State Department came shortly after the U.S. military announced that American soldiers were among those killed in Manbij.

U.S. Central Command said one of the civilians was employed by the Defense Department and the other was a contractor. The names of the American victims were being withheld until their families could be notified.

Video released by local activists and news agencies showed a restaurant that suffered extensive damage and a street covered with debris and blood. Several cars were also damaged. Another video showed a helicopter flying over the area.

A security camera showed a busy street, and then a ball of fire engulfing people and others running for cover as the blast went off.

Trump’s shifting timetable for pulling U.S. troops out of Syria, a country he described as “sand and death,” has left allies and other players in the region confused and jockeying for influence over a withdrawal strategy that appeared to be a work in progress.

Critics have said a pullout was premature, that IS was still not defeated and a withdrawal could lead to a power vacuum that would fuel even more violence. It also led to the resignation of Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.

Since then, U.S. officials and Trump himself have suggested the withdrawal would be slower than initially believed. White House national security adviser John Bolton said two conditions would have to be met, including the protection of America’s local Kurdish allies in northern Syria, and the total defeat of IS.

Last week, the U.S. military began pulling out equipment from the northeast into neighboring Iraq. No troops are known to have withdrawn yet.


[1 year delta]

28db29  No.4785034

Fresh Bread indicators sure help a lot. TY Baker!

3d274a  No.4785035


as you can tell he wasn't woke then….but now more and more are and he's one of them….

563313  No.4785036


King of all outputs.

07c320  No.4785037

File: e56974040cbb8e0⋯.png (245.18 KB, 409x471, 409:471, jg1.PNG)

File: c6ca09f6438e195⋯.png (79.59 KB, 741x629, 741:629, jg2.PNG)

3c70c1  No.4785038

File: 61888085772aa8e⋯.jpeg (235.89 KB, 1452x1574, 726:787, 61888085772aa8e5e4ba8cb91….jpeg)

c3494f  No.4785039

File: 838f34f8bb13bc8⋯.png (84.58 KB, 245x192, 245:192, 838f34f8bb13bc8b62886793a1….png)

de5d58  No.4785040

File: 353cc94c83bb693⋯.png (878.2 KB, 1367x700, 1367:700, uhhhhwtf 11619.PNG)

File: 58b8449956934e7⋯.jpg (104.96 KB, 640x640, 1:1, pegasus mydearestjames.jpg)

File: e66776e4b0d9b21⋯.jpg (90.09 KB, 612x612, 1:1, pegasus3.jpg)

File: 6a67c546334c538⋯.jpg (117.26 KB, 1329x500, 1329:500, pegasus2vandypool.jpg)

File: 20a389785561527⋯.png (584.28 KB, 908x752, 227:188, pegasus1.PNG)

um guise ? a few breads back, no one rele noticed but an anon said it was Pegasus. are these pics copy pasta or a helper dropping a crumb?

6e4dfd  No.4785041



fd879e  No.4785042

File: 69918657f2cbefd⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 505x500, 101:100, 69918657f2cbefdab1b15f8580….jpg)



Soon…. We Ride!!


311252  No.4785043

>>4781977 pb

I don't know about ya'all but this smacks of the beginning of a soft coup. Freezing THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES out! Like he doesn't matter. Like the citizens don't matter. I can't seem to wrap my head around this blatant sedition. Like the House is now a special club and no one else is invited. This juvenile behavior in adults is beyond comprehension.

e5342b  No.4785044

File: 9f8c68c9fc4d0f0⋯.jpg (71.88 KB, 618x410, 309:205, CG in the house.jpg)

890ccc  No.4785045

File: a618bc9ea3547ca⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 1059x689, 1059:689, spy.JPG)

Moscow didn’t nab American citizen Paul Whelan with plans to swap him for Russian nationals being held overseas, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Whelan, who is an American, Canadian, British, and Irish national, was apprehended and detained in Moscow because he “was receiving certain materials he wasn’t supposed to receive,” Lavrov said at a press event on Wednesday.

The minister addressed the suggestions that the prospect of a prisoner exchange was the key motive behind Whelan’s arrest. Such notions are “completely untrue,” he stressed.

“We never do things like that. I’ll say it again: he was caught red-handed.”

Whelan, 48, was detained in late December, last year, while visiting Russia to attend a friend’s wedding. He is an Iraq War veteran and director of global security and investigations for BorgWarner, a Michigan-based car parts manufacturer.

The Federal Security Service (FSB) said that the man was apprehended while “committing an act of espionage.” He was subsequently charged with spying and faces 10 to 20 years in prison if convicted. The secret services didn’t provide details of the operation.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Lavrov noted that the investigation is still ongoing.

According to Russian media, Whelan tried to recruit a local acquaintance as a spy and received a USB drive containing classified information on various government agencies.

The man’s twin brother, David, called such a scenario “ridiculous.” He told RT’s video agency Ruptly that Whelan “wouldn’t have knowingly accepted” a USB drive with secure or confidential information on it. Whelan’s family earlier said that his innocence is “undoubted.”

Sergey Lavrov told reporters that David Whelan is currently in Russia and was “briefed” on the conditions of his brother’s detention and has no complaints about them.



4975e5  No.4785046

File: 656ff739eb15060⋯.jpg (298.6 KB, 1536x871, 1536:871, 2019-01-17 02:12:08Z.jpg)

File: 2374aa39d355c22⋯.jpg (330.48 KB, 1716x715, 12:5, 2019-01-17 02:10:46Z.jpg)


Hey. I haven't been watching but just checked for you. They aren't showing us much over KY.

Look at the SoCal coast near LA - San Diego though … lots!

747638  No.4785047



Barr made this comment yesterday in his testimony. Stated Mueller's report would be leaked before he would have a chance to write anything up on it.

e9488b  No.4785048

File: 33326ad0518e2a2⋯.jpg (123.57 KB, 704x684, 176:171, winkwink.jpg)


Top fucking kek! You rock.

73f658  No.4785049

48b867  No.4785050

File: ba2cfda113072c3⋯.png (543.88 KB, 634x547, 634:547, 1544330156.png)

4975e5  No.4785051

File: d62b6a26911c71a⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 650x520, 5:4, RidersOnTheStormREEEE.jpg)



13b78e  No.4785052


C [17 ANON]

e9488b  No.4785053


Last bread - sorry!

c507a2  No.4785054

File: c5b44d66224f38c⋯.jpg (52.06 KB, 491x543, 491:543, unhappy1.jpg)


Yes I am.

59b34f  No.4785055

2bbf41  No.4785056

File: 6ebb6ac689d1126⋯.png (322.88 KB, 451x384, 451:384, ethanol.png)


uh wait a second.

8e1d25  No.4785057

File: 29e06bf16e26607⋯.jpg (36.89 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1545924872450.jpg)


fuck its really ANON


41c5cb  No.4785058


A big green clit?

07c320  No.4785059

File: fcb374151d183ff⋯.png (22.49 KB, 582x288, 97:48, reas2.PNG)



i think this post specifically is very revealing.

d3cc41  No.4785060

File: 00b185625a8884a⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1668x2009, 1668:2009, A2063B2D-32A5-4EDF-85F1-9….jpeg)

563313  No.4785061

File: 97bf257a5e4f062⋯.png (158.2 KB, 514x641, 514:641, 0a9760f2b8219e7dc5b837b7ae….png)

f36936  No.4785062

File: 389c859cbe1e8b0⋯.jpg (47.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 389c859cbe1e8b0ff0b7a7c6e5….jpg)

c93dd0  No.4785064

File: 199ec06fd1ebb56⋯.jpg (4.19 KB, 255x141, 85:47, test.jpg)

fc1085  No.4785065

File: 39897dcc98a2c5f⋯.png (5.97 MB, 4476x4488, 373:374, OcasioRothschild.png)

I'm sure this is just a coincidence right anons?


So there's 49 records found for 55 pine st. No way an Ocasio Cortez or a Rothschild lives in that 55 Pine St Eustis FL shithole. Rothschild email addresses are "docmaster". Document Master? And of course there's a hot dog stand.




367e54  No.4785066


Can we please get some posts tonight?

How much longer on the shutdown?

92a02b  No.4785067


Seems like I recall seeing that loft in James Alefantis' art 'museum'

890ccc  No.4785068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Russian startup wants to place luminous ads in low-Earth orbit

8f39f4  No.4785069

Damn guise, it's happening! What used to be a drop of water (in the news cycle) here or there is turning into a steady stream….

When do you call a plumber, HA? That zerohedge piece re: assassination texts and the Solomon piece on Ohr….wew lads

05d7d1  No.4785070

File: 5a05b1c662e272c⋯.png (340.55 KB, 700x463, 700:463, cry_Q.png)

f1647a  No.4785071


Good for the financial and moral well being of the country.

Got feels for people losing a job though.

481bf2  No.4785072


I also noticed every one of them was carrying a new Jansport backpack

Muh pockets are empty for food but muh new backpack

3d71eb  No.4785073

Maybe, just maybe; you're right now having a peep to see what the anons are saying SHEILA… Yes you!

WORRIED? Is this a 'shot across your rather large bow?

WHAT ELSE will be revealed in the coming days SHEILA?

These people are evil AND stupid……

28db29  No.4785074


May Karma visit upon all the clowns involved in the death of our Brothers in arms. Condolences to the family and loved ones.

Whoever took over for NN needs to face lead poisoning upon adjudication!

6d5c04  No.4785075


I figured "done in 30" referred to the shutdown.

8e1d25  No.4785076

File: 39bd48bf6b60b4b⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 39bd48bf6b60b4b9f64bee12b7….gif)


we are not better, not worse, just different

62534c  No.4785077




f36936  No.4785079

File: 08e5b4e550ac167⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1440x950, 144:95, 08e5b4e550ac16792949a29de3….png)

941f0c  No.4785081

File: 8e6bc13b4befc25⋯.jpg (179.7 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, persia8e6bc13b4befc25ef5a9….jpg)


>>4784850 (lb)

I have the same deal with her….I'm waiting for the call that all 7 of her divorces are final and i'm out. Fingers crossed.

0cc321  No.4785082

File: d353f21717d8015⋯.png (577.97 KB, 910x400, 91:40, PelosiSF.png)

506ee6  No.4785083

File: 20cc7500e22ed5d⋯.jpg (140.53 KB, 1154x1547, 1154:1547, tesla.jpg)

056f06  No.4785084


Highest Ranking Anon in this case!

fd2510  No.4785085

File: ec16672d6a911c3⋯.pdf (714.78 KB, Jane doe V Sheila Jackson ….pdf)


> Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

Wasn't sure if anyone had posted this yet.If so…. Here it is again. hahaha


367e54  No.4785086


Add Asshole Anon to your meme too!

ec3caf  No.4785087


same, the D's are weak they already are loosing their own! comfy, im very comfy

b8fcb3  No.4785088

File: fcddbae2a687626⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


And meanwhile the pilot of MUSEL11 is obviously drunk. Either ADSB is getting screwed with or this puppy is flying at 300 feet toward the capitol. A drone maybe - any other planefags out there with an opinion? This is in restricted airspace right?

e5342b  No.4785089

File: 5fe87813628a177⋯.jpg (56.38 KB, 839x420, 839:420, Wall St of Worry.jpg)


not how it works here but thanks for playing

e59425  No.4785090

File: 59845dd11daa81d⋯.png (882.48 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)


>"Make Me a Salad"

72bb71  No.4785091

File: ed34729bb808871⋯.png (269.15 KB, 485x532, 485:532, nasimdelet.png)

e507d2  No.4785092

File: b0aa6ac68916680⋯.jpg (480.43 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_557.jpg)

patriots fight!!!

56c1c8  No.4785093



I am definitely better, worse, AND different!

05d7d1  No.4785094

File: c71ca8414833463⋯.jpg (7.63 KB, 300x269, 300:269, got_you.jpg)

505b8c  No.4785095

File: 36ca8e01f30ad01⋯.png (247.85 KB, 595x554, 595:554, ClipboardImage.png)

Maggie retweet.

What a lovely picture.

f36936  No.4785096

File: 16d407148ab1817⋯.jpg (49.38 KB, 626x800, 313:400, 3459227361-ryukzaki_sumki_….jpg)

File: 157fda9faf3efc0⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 430x455, 86:91, bhi_rpg_packs.jpg)

6d5c04  No.4785097



I admit I'm not. I'm ready for hell to break loose.

3d71eb  No.4785098


Prayers being said for the families and all hurt.

e5342b  No.4785099


some of that has to be glitches

e6f053  No.4785100

File: c97260fa01e864d⋯.jpg (122.09 KB, 1196x752, 299:188, This Shit needs to STOP NO….JPG)


Storm Google's fucking gates!

Shit needs to stop now.

68ba7b  No.4785101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

367e54  No.4785102


You may just be right anon. Thanks!

d55d6e  No.4785103

>>4784843 lb



Military Callsign List - get them from the inter-web-thingy

966e6e  No.4785104

File: d3d697b155c7bde⋯.png (1.26 MB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4784748 (lb)

>I think President Trump should give the State of the Union at Michigan Stadium, which is the largest stadium in The United States.

>According to Wikipedia, "[i]ts official capacity is 107,601,[8] but it has hosted crowds in excess of 115,000."

Nice idea, anon, but . . . if you're looking for a really YUGE venue:

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is quite a bit larger . . .

Opened – 1909

Capacity – 257,325 – with temporary infield seating the total capacity is approximately 400,000


According to Wikipedia -

" The LARGEST SPORTING VENUE IN THE WORLD, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, has a permanent seating capacity for more than 235,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity to an approximate 400,000"


215edf  No.4785105

ad0843  No.4785106

07c320  No.4785107

b9cf25  No.4785108



35770c  No.4785109


Faggot kike. Piss off.

68ba7b  No.4785110


Oh sheila. Ready for the world.

503cda  No.4785111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

563313  No.4785112


What a shout out!

d42bbb  No.4785113

File: 84c9f94c21f8eb8⋯.jpg (30.48 KB, 480x624, 10:13, somebodylook.jpg)



2bdbf1  No.4785114

File: ac374c78498f818⋯.png (48.79 KB, 890x195, 178:39, ClipboardImage.png)

Oy fucking vey shut it the fuck down…

>"specific synagogue"


2235b1  No.4785115

Judge Postpones Nxivm Trial Until April 29th; Previously Scheduled For Mid-March

The Hon. Nicholas G. Garaufis, the presiding judge in the NXIVM Numbskulls case, has decided to ignore the demands made by Marc Agnifilo, Keith Raniere’s lead attorney – and has pushed back the “Start Date” for the trial to April 29, 2019.

In his letter to Judge Garaufis just last Friday, Agnifilo demanded that the trial start, as previously scheduled, on March 18, 2019.

Although the “Order” that was issued earlier today by Judge Garaufis made no mention of Agnifilo’s demands, it did contain a revised schedule for all the events leading up the actual trial.

Per the new schedule, here’s when those events will take place:

The defendants and the prosecution must provide the court with their proposed jury questionnaires by no later than March 18th

All the potential jurors for the trial will be required to complete the approved questionnaire during the morning and afternoon of April 8th

The court will conduct juror interviews on April 15th – and, if/as necessary, on April 16th and April 17th

Opening statements in the trial will take place on April 29th.

In that same “Order”, Judge Garaufis denied the prosecution’s request to postpone the January 30th deadline to submit its “enterprise and other act evidence”. But he did so “without prejudice” – which means that if the circumstances warrant, the prosecution can resubmit that request.

Today’s “Order” did not address pending motions from four Raniere co-defendants – Clare Bronfman, Kathy Russell, Lauren Salzman, and Nancy Salzman – to have their trials severed from his (Lauren has also asked that her trial be separated from that of Allison Mack – and it is believed that Bronfman, Russell, and Nancy Salzman likely did the same). If any of those motions are granted, then it’s possible that the “Start Date” for Raniere’s trial will be pushed back even further.

Another event that could further delay the start of the trial is the issuance of another superseding indictment that adds more charges against the current defendants and/or adds new defendants. The prosecution has made it clear on several occasions that it is working on such an indictment.

So, when will Raniere and his cohorts actually end up going to trial?

Our analysis of the situation still suggests no trial will get started before sometime in September this year. We also believe it’s possible that no trial will get started for at least another year.


c3494f  No.4785116


One is animated gif, anon. You posted a jpg.

There are workarounds to the restriction, but they likely require operator intervention which defeats the purpose of bots.

6cc2f1  No.4785117


That also means StartPage is also filtering.

StartPage uses Google to provide search results to its users, but provides a proxy layer to prevent tracking and other stuffs.

I use DuckDuckGo for most stuff, only go to Bing and Google if DDG isn't coming through or I'm not satisfied with the texture of what I'm seeing.

08835b  No.4785118

Marijuana doesn't make you stupid. Edison, Einstien and Tesla all used it before it was illegal.


403a35  No.4785119

>4784960 lb

But it's not even 6:30 pm here in my high-value house here at the beach. What time is it at your run-down studio apt? Late?

>>4784924 lb

I smoked weed in h.s. and college and tested in top 3% of the nation on the GRE after college in verbal skills, top 24% in math, which was not part of my major.

3d71eb  No.4785120


Phew! If they ain't inspiration to fight, I don't know what will be! kek

3e514e  No.4785121


done in 30

55f574  No.4785122


gotta b a f'n drone or a transponder in a car. notice the clover leafs in the left of the map

35770c  No.4785123


In essence, Israel killing more Americans.

56c1c8  No.4785124


Fer sher!

Actually yes. I agree.

017ee2  No.4785125

File: 95dd0cfa0caade4⋯.png (898.45 KB, 936x741, 24:19, solomon.PNG)

File: f42b79195e31b14⋯.png (646.95 KB, 931x759, 931:759, carter.PNG)



de5d58  No.4785126

6aab58  No.4785127

File: 20d7c452133d9aa⋯.jpeg (541.88 KB, 1560x2161, 1560:2161, AddText_01-16-09.04.43.JPEG)

453f80  No.4785128

>>4784693 (lb)

This is the FBI’s MO: put out u/c agents to set up a sting; entrap some wannabe jihadi/s; act as handlers to advance the plot and line up the tools, weapons, etc; spring the trap and get bonuses for foiling terrorist plots (or not, in the case of the 1993 WTC bombing, which is otherwise the model for these ops).

6ac205  No.4785129


Only traveling at 75 knots?

08835b  No.4785130

File: ea9847f16f562d9⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 640x416, 20:13, $$$$$$$003.jpg)

01ddec  No.4785131

This is just a missive, but I wonder if a William Barr would name Whittaker as his deputy AG after Rosenstein leaves

c6815c  No.4785132

File: 2ab66dba53e5cb5⋯.jpg (146.63 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 49343042_2136373963092512_….jpg)


Owls everywhere……..

Watching Anons……….

423923  No.4785133

Let me guess , the Hannity " Bombshell " is a Ovaltine nothing burger , right ?

d135b1  No.4785134


Draining the swamp……..

3bced8  No.4785135


LMAO. You are in MKND at $2, KYS.

13b78e  No.4785136

Haha, sometimes I wonder if Gregg Jarrett is a recurring lawfag here.

72bb71  No.4785137

File: 97a9b17253bc4d2⋯.png (8.42 KB, 516x93, 172:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85b4e1c9a96fe11⋯.jpg (14.69 KB, 255x225, 17:15, pepeflummoxed.jpg)


THAT'S your first post?

No wonder no one likes you.

28db29  No.4785138


Perhaps Patriots should take up residency in their house, occupy every section of "the People's house"!

563313  No.4785139


Oy vey

2bbf41  No.4785140


it has 10,000 year history, zero OD's. Most food's can't make that claim.

d3cc41  No.4785141

File: 30b948c6f3fc751⋯.jpeg (984.04 KB, 1668x1898, 834:949, 3E502B01-6589-4D4C-8682-2….jpeg)

Im surprised content of letter hasn’t leaked to CNN yet.

Guarantee it’s a big envelope.


747638  No.4785142

1f377e  No.4785143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Deja Vu 2006 starring Denzel Washington

"After a ferry is bombed in New Orleans, an A.T.F. agent joins a unique investigation using experimental surveillance technology (Hello PROJECT LOOKING GLASS?) to find the bomber, but soon finds himself becoming obsessed with one of the victims."

This anon recently watched this movie as it's currently showing on hul u, and yes, I'd have say it's a soft disclosure of the Project Looking Glass technology. (Preview of Deja Vu included & relevant)

2093a3  No.4785145


At least 13 more days

3d71eb  No.4785146


Don't wind them birdy necks in coz they ain't No coincidences……

ca4b8a  No.4785147

File: a154cebee0eb310⋯.jpg (79.8 KB, 700x467, 700:467, baker.jpg)


87992a  No.4785148

File: 4f590976dcab30a⋯.jpeg (1.93 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 2F7240B0-3B34-4A8C-A606-7….jpeg)

>>4784812 lb

I’m not sure we’re anywhere near the end. It was the raping and eating bit that activated my almonds. When I read this all those years ago it was a boy who ran off a cliff killing himself that stayed with me.

Now it will definitely be raping and eating which I dismissed probably as far fetched. Now? After what we’ve learnt? Not so far fetched.

41c5cb  No.4785149

File: 8557d638a19b1c7⋯.jpeg (14.6 KB, 279x350, 279:350, 753606401_Eric_Holder_xla….jpeg)

7294b8  No.4785150

File: 89150dd024b180f⋯.png (504.21 KB, 799x534, 799:534, 89150dd024b180ffeeb02eb944….png)

07c320  No.4785151

35770c  No.4785152


More Jew cow whores.

Nice tits though.

4d8ecc  No.4785153

File: 317fcf469200066⋯.jpg (10.9 KB, 255x191, 255:191, IDDRINKTOTHATANYTHINGELSE.jpg)


Oh,, they are just messing with us now.

HI GUISE! <waves>

08835b  No.4785154

File: 6af8a98f9c194c7⋯.jpg (28.44 KB, 607x396, 607:396, $$$$$$$004.jpg)

73c7f7  No.4785155

File: 6c400d134843233⋯.jpeg (162.42 KB, 668x750, 334:375, E68FCD2F-74A8-488B-AC68-1….jpeg)

3d71eb  No.4785156



044787  No.4785157


"See Q ANON"

d62aa9  No.4785158


that's a RELATIVE of Ocasio

13ea63  No.4785160



>"See Q ANON"


Holy shit

08835b  No.4785161


After 30 days he can legally start firing people. You do the math.

b7abac  No.4785162

File: 2e147c5f9412669⋯.jpg (79.39 KB, 618x410, 309:205, grassley.jpg)



05a07f  No.4785163

Booms on Hannity now live

2bbf41  No.4785164

Ask that Tucker Fucker about 9/11, can't be questioned.

150 to 200 hundred people a year die from Peanuts, but zero from pot.

c93dd0  No.4785165


So…. hey baby. (I gots no game.)

6d5c04  No.4785166


OMB said he won't do that I thought.

35770c  No.4785167


Gonna be a bit chilly there in a few days.

9c8baf  No.4785168





if not let just share bread

fb0839  No.4785169


been my observation that only stupid people are stupid after smoking marijauna

d62aa9  No.4785170


and /ourgirl/ Sara looking beautiful

b9cf25  No.4785171



8343a9  No.4785172

File: 599f5b01a663e02⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1249x4302, 1249:4302, 1547675702891.png)

File: 5f5ecb9e4ae26bc⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 2608x2169, 2608:2169, 1547669765460.jpg)

File: a676e275ca68ba4⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1990x1656, 995:828, 1547669528078.png)

Comey thinks Israel is fucked.. Mueller is investigating Israel.. We know Israel is saved for last.. How scared are (((they))) ? It would certainly explain the increased jew shilling recently


“But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24


Amos 5

A Lament for Israel’s Sin

"Fallen, no more to rise,

is maiden Israel;

forsaken on her land,

with no one to raise her up."

890ccc  No.4785173

File: 3f796022d044bf8⋯.jpg (127.81 KB, 1170x844, 585:422, irantv.JPG)

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A prominent American anchorwoman on Iranian state television has been arrested by the FBI during a visit to the U.S., the broadcaster reported Wednesday, and her son said she was being held in a prison, apparently as a material witness.

Marzieh Hashemi, who worked for the network’s English-language service, was detained in St. Louis, where she had filmed a Black Lives Matter documentary after visiting relatives in the New Orleans area. She was then taken to Washington, according to her elder son, Hossein Hashemi.



05d7d1  No.4785174

File: 3bfa4227ba1b6f6⋯.png (536.36 KB, 588x429, 196:143, Boom.png)

0f5132  No.4785175

File: 7f228e0963cbeab⋯.png (135.72 KB, 1328x498, 8:3, ClipboardImage.png)

1c4250  No.4785176

File: fa171819a98de4d⋯.jpg (131.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, a290c2600667bcbaf77a17b341….jpg)

18eea3  No.4785177

File: 820a98172bdf0ff⋯.gif (3.76 MB, 411x227, 411:227, Trump Point.gif)

481bf2  No.4785178


No way Jose

c93dd0  No.4785179


Yeah I noticed. Gif gave me a flood error.

475176  No.4785180


Observe moar

14ef63  No.4785181

File: 241cd0f965be185⋯.jpg (856.32 KB, 1280x1624, 160:203, FDR-March-12-1933.jpg)

Fireside Chats

So, if FDR could give 'Fireside Chats' to explain his 'New Deal' to the public…

Why can't DJT do the same for The Plan?

He don't need no stinkin' permission!


3e514e  No.4785182


needles and feces?

317767  No.4785184

File: 336d1080ac58a4f⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 13ba06c549f40902857b61d106….jpg)


Astute observation, anon

08835b  No.4785185


Wait… why delete this young man? He's going to be president one day… of maybe more than just this country.

fc1085  No.4785186


>that's a RELATIVE of Ocasio

Correct anon. Meant to include

Ocasio Cortez Mother Blanca

2bdbf1  No.4785187


Tucker is a good goy. He wouldn't dare question the official version of 9/11. Neither will Hannity. They serve their masters well.

c507a2  No.4785188


Would love to!

d410c7  No.4785189

shits going down

Ohr news breaks

Barr is in place soon


b8fcb3  No.4785190


If that heads for Guantanamo ….. (out of Phoenix [mafia]). I am gonna watch this one.

2733bb  No.4785191

CongressAnon was legit

79491f  No.4785192


Things are not as they appear. Expand your thinking. If you assume Trump is trusted by MI to run this show. Imagine what his favorite child would be like. Imagine the closeness of John Trump and Donald and imagine Donald teaching Ivanka.

People are not going to come out and say it. And I wont either. But think fucker think. What could be going on?

2597cb  No.4785193

Charles, weren't you warned to stop?

ebdbd6  No.4785194

File: 4312642a6a67570⋯.jpg (308.52 KB, 1708x1904, 61:68, oh-canada.jpg)

Meanwhile in Canada's daily programmation

fb0839  No.4785195


5 decades is plenty thanx

01ddec  No.4785196


Plane flew over my house!! KEK

07c320  No.4785197



3420d8  No.4785198

Maxine W., Pelosi and those new reps need to go

367e54  No.4785199

Nobody seems to blame the FISA judges?? I feel like some fault falls on them too. Don't they need to verify any info?

3d71eb  No.4785200

Tired of hearing "things aren't progressing!"..?? Well that's because we haven't been keeping track of the wealth of information which (clearly demonstrates) what HUBER/HOROWITZ, and others are doing RIGHT NOW to take out the deep state. This evolving list should put that question to rest while also assisting you IN Red-Pilling normies. As this information is evolving please help me keep it updated with any/all feedback, (with supporting links if possible).


1.) THE FAKE DOSSIERE/FUSION GPS INVESTIGATION - It's been wrapped up in the House and is moving to the Senate. (Rumor has it Strozk, Yates, Rice and McCabe are already being tried in GITMO as of 1/2/19, but that's unverified). Regardless, it's a real investigation, rest assured of that: https://archive.fo/eJQiq

2.) THE BENGHAZI COVER-UP INVESTIGATION - This just in, Benghazi is now also being re-investigated. Some theories put a server full of nuke-technology in Amb. Stephen's possession, which was destined for Iran when ex-SOCOM contractors intervened and rescued it, bringing it back with them to the CIA annex. Regardless, there is now a team of prosecutors on it: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/just-in-federal-court-orders-discovery-to-begin-on-clinton-email-scandal-susan-rice-and-ben-rhodes-must-respond-under-oath/

3.) THE CLINTON FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION - We know a DOJ/FBI chartered 757 was loaded with boxes from the Clinton Foundation marked as 'evidence' over the summer in 2018. On 12/13/2018 the House Congressional Sub Committee held hearings that revealed 2.5 billion was transferred by foreign entities to the CF, …was misreported to the IRS, AND the Clinton's used CF money for their personal use: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/12/13/what-a-mess-the-congressional-hearing-with-clinton-foundation-investigators/ So, this confirms Huber/Horowitz are perusing this vector as it comes on the heels of (3) CF whistle-blowers who are also now primed to testify. THE AMAZING VIDEO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0ghNaBHedwik/ AND ANOTHER: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rlfx4KD2Rkde/ AND ANOTHER: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IPdqol1G7Wvc/

4.) THE URANIUM ONE & PAY-FOR-PLAY INVESTIGATIONS - There is a grand jury impaneled by Horowitz JUST for the Uranium One deal. Each pay-for-play event will get it's own GJ, as was revealed in D.C. hearings in Dec of 2018, and will include Isikoff, Steele, etc. testimonies. https://www.c-span.org/video/?455872-1/profit-organizations-politics and the 757 story: https://truepundit.com/clinton-investigators-doj-fbi-packed-757-jet-with-boxes-of-clinton-foundation-evidence-in-arkansas-video/

5.) THE HRC SERVER(s) INVESTIGATION - Q said 'we have the server(s)'. We know Clinton's once lost e-mails and much more are in patriot hands and will re-appear at a pre-determined time. They hold proof of ALL crimes and ALL the DS players who took part: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-re-open-investigation-clinton-email-server-n674631

6.) THE FISA ABUSE INVESTIGATION - Q has said FISA will lead the way and it absolutely will play a major role in the criminal roll-up. Remember, (compromised) Justice Roberts is the one who appoints FISA judges. https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/12/28/house-republicans-justice-department-fbi-clinton-trump-probe-1076869

7.) THE IMRAN AMAN SERVER INVESTIGATION - Let's not forget about Imran Awan and his data collection on (mostly Democrat) Congressional members. It's our understanding he took a plea, and is being held in reserve to testify at the appropriate time. https://heavy.com/news/2017/07/imran-awan-arrested-charges-bio-wasserman-schultz-hina-alvi-dnc-hacks/

98ff5f  No.4785201

File: f1bed108278bafb⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, M 445 - Copy.png)

File: 45b7e155934548c⋯.png (893.39 KB, 762x500, 381:250, M 447 - Copy.png)


d62aa9  No.4785202

>>4785065 A Rothschild shares an address with Ocasio-Cortez's mother



great find though

311252  No.4785203


Excellent Idea, a but FU to Congress, give the SOTU address directly to the people and televise it. They are irrelevant without the Senate and POTUS.

f51b50  No.4785204

Greg Jarrett just told Hannity that James Baker prepared the FISA application on Carter Page.

481bf2  No.4785205


You’re shitting us, right?

3c70c1  No.4785206

File: 958e3b66718c907⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 501x440, 501:440, BzY3UDcCQAAtkVY.jpg)

File: babf83c4bf54a9f⋯.png (136.83 KB, 500x424, 125:106, Trinity29290786.png)

9c8baf  No.4785207



56c1c8  No.4785208


Anons should smoke as much pot as POTUS does!

505b8c  No.4785209



of course its just a coincidence, kek.

941f0c  No.4785210

File: 08d466478fe43e1⋯.jpg (172.56 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, C 17 Globemaster III (10)9….jpg)


C '17


423923  No.4785211


Barr is an anti gun Bush asshole

68ba7b  No.4785212


Yes this movie has clues, the love interest is Paula Patton, Robin Thicke’s ex from blurred lines fame.

3e1fb2  No.4785213

File: ebb981e961f2002⋯.jpg (62.76 KB, 696x482, 348:241, Obama AlWaleed.jpg)


Fine but there was less travel and people lived in close-knit communities where everyone knew one another; or at least better than now. No air travel

So, the security issue around the ID of the President was not as pressing.

"Natural Born" means born of a woman..

Maybe not a Cesarean?

Can you prove the Father had to be USA citizen, per the actual definition rather than per the way it has been construed since then?

From a mid-18th c. English dictionary:

a "Natural Son" - a bastard, born "out of wedlock"

a "Natural" is a fool, a changeling [someone switched - out a birth]

So it would seem anybody born in the USA would be ELIGIBLE to be President

As far as the Father being the determinant; there's no way to prove Father before the days of genetic testing. And "natural born" doesn't describe where the parents were born.

The section of the Constitution I read said nothing about the parents. Is that written in there somewhere that I am missing?

The problem now is that the corrupt FBI did not and does not do their job and do basic, fair and reasonable background checks because they are part of the crime network.

There are probably very fine people who were not born here who would love our country and do a good job; but that wasn't Hussain.

He's a psycho and a liar and not because of where he was born but rather because of his background and training in general?

d3cc41  No.4785214

File: 27c00603265d1a6⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1668x1755, 556:585, 2F4D08E5-EDBF-4807-8656-D….jpeg)

Not unexpected. Great waste of taxpayers’ dollars.


e5133f  No.4785215

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)


Nice Focus!

3d71eb  No.4785216

8.) THE CLINTON (Criminal) EMAIL INVESTIGATION - The 'fake' investigation into HRC's emails by Comey and Strozk were the nexus of Obama/Brennan/DS criminal cover-up. With the prosecution phase beginning this scandal alone will expose the attempt by Obama's FBI/DOJ to cover crimes SO heinous that NO American will be able to defend it. See the public testimonies of: Lynch, Comey, Stzrok, Page, etc. for confirmation and following links: https://www.politico.com/amp/story/2018/12/28/house-republicans-justice-department-fbi-clinton-trump-probe-1076869 AND https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-re-open-investigation-clinton-email-server-n674631 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/just-in-federal-court-orders-discovery-to-begin-on-clinton-email-scandal-susan-rice-and-ben-rhodes-must-respond-under-oath/

9.) NXIVM CULT and HUMAN/PEDO TRAFFICKING INVESTIGATIONS - Have you seen the RECORD arrests of human traffickers and pedo's under Trump over the last two years? NXIVM was key to unveiling the larger networks. We already know Allison Mack and others took a plea and will link those rings to clients at the very top, and we suspect leader Keith Raniere will do the same. https://wnyt.com/news/trial-date-set-in-nxivm-sex-trafficking-case-keith-raniere-allison-mack/5110842/ AND https://qmap.pub/kids

10.) THE RE-OPENING OF THE 9/11 INVESTIGATION - The U.S. Attorney's Office has paneled a grand Jury to re-open the investigation in to 9/11, to specifically look at evidences brought by over 3,000 leading engineers and demolitions specialists. (POTUS himself has expressed doubts as to the original FEMA report:)

11.) THE WEINER/ABEDIN LAPTOP INVESTIGATION? - IF that device has on it the now infamous HRC 'Insurance Policy' folder NYPD sex crimes detectives found when they executed their 2016 warrant, then rest assure it is NOT sitting in some evidence locker in NYC. Huma knew the Clinton Body Count was real and tried to create a safety net by documenting most of HRC's crimes: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-30/fbi-scour-through-650000-emails-found-weiners-laptop

12.) AG SESSIONS' 27 (SEPARATE) 'LEAK' INVESTIGATIONS - Q always said 'trust Sessions', well do you think Whitaker may be following up on these?: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sessions-justice-department-has-27-investigations-into-epidemic-of-leaks

13.) GENERAL FLYNN's TESTIMONY IS THE KEY - Q told us Flynn "knows where the bodies are buried", and confessed to something he didn't do in order to dump all that information into evidence, which automatically becomes subject for disclosure by patriot prosecutors like Huber and Horowitz, -brilliant. I put this first because Lt. Gen Flynn's previous testimony is the universal key to all other prosecutorial vectors: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/421925-schiff-calls-on-flynn-to-testify-before-house-intel


1.) GITMO EXPANSION - ….by 100+ million dollars to many times its former capacity, and a new pier that just received (2) prison barges, all for 40 terrorists?? Q just confirmed Gitmo is only 1 of 3 designated facilities for THEM. http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/expanding-gitmo/

2.) POTUS changes UCMJ - regarding tribunals and the executive branch's ability to participate in tribunals! This is designed to maintain evidence safeguards among other advantages in a prosecutorial effort. REMEMBER what Q gave us: "2381- Treason 2382 - Misprison of Treason 2383 - Rebellion or Insurrection 2384 - Seditious Conspiracy 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government": https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2018-amendments-manual-courts-martial-united-states/

3.) SEALED INDICTMENTS OVER 73,000 - I've tracked it on Pacer.gov and there has certainly been an undeniable progression from less than 5,000 to 73,000 since Huber/Horowitz were tapped by Sessions in late Oct of 2017, AND, during that span I've seen up to 1,000 come off on any given day. You can assign your own value to this stat. https://legalbeagle.com/6790439-sealed-indictment.html

4.) MASS RESIGNATIONS - Since POTUS took office executive resignations (and other) have spiked (mostly by those in their prime) to nearly 6,323.., resulting in unprecedented turnover. This indirectly supports the supposition that many top DS players have been offered ultimatums and/or plea deals. The results are exponentially pro-patriot, especially in regard to legal vacancies now being filled by POTUS. 26 top level DOJ/FBI officials were sent packing which is unprecedented. This list spans to key global players, as does the globalist DS cabal: https://qmap.pub/resignations

08835b  No.4785218


What is wrong with this picture?

What am I missing?

Is there some sort of malicious intent that I am not detecting?

d410c7  No.4785219


fuck u dude u don't see the pattern

4975e5  No.4785220


My opinion: tThat is a fucking helicopter mis-IDd as a fixed wing plane

e5342b  No.4785221

File: c2a6b7a23e09f52⋯.png (264.79 KB, 1349x822, 1349:822, 111118 Homeward bound.png)

File: 9013058f4aba80c⋯.jpg (82.05 KB, 1076x818, 538:409, 111118 AF1 Right at Jr cra….jpg)

from 111118 we were tracking AF1 returning from Paris and everyone noticed the irregular patterns it was displaying so we got a little worried.

anon posted on this and we got one reply crumb that said "A little busy…trying to get on approach for AF1". anon replied and sai "what are you doing talking to us!"

So these glitches do exist and can tell a different story than actuals.

the second pic is a tweet we received during the flight. It was awesome to watch this and be a part of it at the time.

c507a2  No.4785222


Dinner would be nice.

35770c  No.4785223


Jew faggot.

Do you ever wash?

55f574  No.4785224


Sounds like PSB247 Aids

c6815c  No.4785225


The deep state is strong with the CBC….

f36936  No.4785226

File: 81dd7bc78053eb2⋯.png (6.43 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 81dd7bc78053eb27bccaf41610….png)

890ccc  No.4785227

File: efa555bba475bfd⋯.jpg (135.43 KB, 400x300, 4:3, news you can use.jpg)

810204  No.4785228

File: 494e63862032890⋯.png (405.88 KB, 1397x563, 1397:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Did someone lose something off the coast?!

fc1085  No.4785229


Meant to include Blanca Ocasio is Sandy's mom

>that's a RELATIVE of Ocasio


thanks anon

2bdbf1  No.4785230


this fuck face C_A bozo needs to be removed from office…as in right fucking now.

966e6e  No.4785231


No cars on the track in Jan, though. Imagine Marine One landing in the infield, and POTUS taking a victory lap in The Beast.


de5d58  No.4785232


cant figure out who that dude is in the pics with olsens and getting head. thinking its connected

e507d2  No.4785233

File: b77635344938863⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 640x824, 80:103, IMG_555.jpg)

patriots laugh!!!

8e1d25  No.4785234

File: f9e776e6621bbcc⋯.png (825.65 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, f9e776e6621bbccc2f6939a2ef….png)

890ccc  No.4785235

File: 10e70a30e1629fe⋯.jpg (109.49 KB, 1055x715, 211:143, train.JPG)

Boasting how she already defeated the Republicans after less than a week in office, newly minted Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) used a phrase for group sex to describe the Democrats’ plans until 2020.

An interview with the Washington Post, published on Wednesday, featured Ocasio-Cortez denouncing the Trump administration and the Republican party as racist, sexist relics of the past, losers in the political and cultural war.

“I also think it’s encouraging because this is my sixth day in Congress and they’re out of all their artillery,” she said at one point, saying the Republicans have been trying to manufacture outrage about her with dancing videos and fake nude photos.

“What have you got left? I’m six days into the term, and you already used all your ammo. So enjoy being exhausted for the next two years while we run train on the progressive agenda,” she added.


1d9645  No.4785237

File: 839a5f9c6c43cc8⋯.png (91.48 KB, 626x523, 626:523, ClipboardImage.png)


d55d6e  No.4785238

File: 522f75cfb0202de⋯.png (197.41 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Andrews-UH-1-16x20-1.png)

481bf2  No.4785239


Just a rule

No throwing Barron into the mix. No pics no mentions

27a2dd  No.4785240

3c70c1  No.4785241

File: daa64ef07f2e71c⋯.jpg (423.97 KB, 2048x1350, 1024:675, 35917d81d2fdc6bdb985a199c1….jpg)

65e5a1  No.4785242


We heard several choppers ,spouseanon said black hawks . So Cal is busy

599f50  No.4785243


thats a hoot


d62aa9  No.4785244

>>4785065, >>4785186, >>4785202 A Rothschild shares an address with Ocasio-Cortez's mother

make it this baker, NOTABLE

adds the anon's explanations

4d8ecc  No.4785245


MIddle America, middle of nowhere.

30 mins from me.

e5133f  No.4785246

File: 030be3bd07b6ec6⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 425x531, 425:531, 91PeaEdDpJL._SX425_.jpg)


Don't Point that Thing at the Boy!

047322  No.4785247

File: d3e0cffc0dc16d6⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1470x863, 1470:863, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll just say this…

Fuck FDR and the Fascist fucking satin horse he rode in on..

08835b  No.4785248


He sure has a lot of the Big Don in him too. No doubt who his daddy his. I hope I live long enough to see him become president, leader of a free world.

3e1fb2  No.4785249

File: 7deb394b54d2a08⋯.png (463.3 KB, 721x1069, 721:1069, manchurianobama.png)


forgot to list pb on that

>>4784976 pb

85a969  No.4785251

File: b861b52cba25d6b⋯.png (250.43 KB, 468x709, 468:709, NightShiftBaby.PNG)

9c8baf  No.4785252


just made some chops in mushroom soup

and perogies

can i make you a plate?

87992a  No.4785253


I think people are protective of Trump’s vulnerabilities. I understand that. He’s still a lad and not a player in this game. I’d prefer pics of him left out of it but if there are those that object, report your concern.

275549  No.4785254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unbelievable! Donald Trump Exposes NASA as Fraud…

Published on 12 Sep 2018

With the request to "return the Moon", and visit Mars, Donald Trump is setting NASA up to fail so as to expose them as fraud.

If you enjoy this video, please like and share with friends and family members on social media and elsewhere.

ce4997  No.4785255

File: d0af5b977b4a507⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 454x289, 454:289, acosta.JPG)

e995a4  No.4785257

File: ba1b47fe870f2e1⋯.jpg (165.68 KB, 980x846, 490:423, Direct link to Q.JPG)

File: ac8773e1ae60cf0⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 1056x528, 2:1, Q and Q .JPG)

I'm a old gamerfag…

For those of you that can remember "The hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". THE GAME (not the movie)

One of the first RPG's…

To move forward you have to answer the question correctly, move in the correct direction or chose the right weapon…etc…

I've noticed the same with "Q".

"Q" team is always on here…waiting for the right answer or the right question to be asked…

But then again it could be just a observation…

I could be wrong.

d62aa9  No.4785258

>>4785065, >>4785186, >>4785229 A Rothschild shares an address with Ocasio-Cortez's mother

KEK, sorry baker, this actually

put the wrong link as the third one last time

0cc321  No.4785259

File: 8fda2cd6fa5c739⋯.jpg (170.91 KB, 576x384, 3:2, vulturesoon.jpg)

e5133f  No.4785260

41c5cb  No.4785261


Let me know when the AOC Bukake vid hits the web.

fb76df  No.4785262


With all the pot talk, does any Lawfag know if it is legal to own a gun and be a POT Smoker ? I think this is why they are pushing so hard to make POT mainstream ? ATF has rules about POT. Federal ones ?

d410c7  No.4785263

File: d8ab07048c6e5f7⋯.jpg (47.54 KB, 368x392, 46:49, d8ab07048c6e5f79545feebb7a….jpg)

05d7d1  No.4785264

File: 59ebdb94854913a⋯.jpg (162.78 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, Classic-Buttered-Carrots-a….jpg)

6d5c04  No.4785265


Because this board is about maligning groups of people, not posting pics of Trump's kid, duh!!!

802058  No.4785266


Being stupid is a function of one's raising! If your parents were stupid, you are more than likely stupid. Only the very lucky ones who were born to stupid parents ever reach escape velocity to over come the folly.

3d71eb  No.4785267


Want REAL stuff.

How about the exciting and current GATEWAY PROJECT and the Moon?

Not this long ago debunked misleading poop.

d62aa9  No.4785268

File: 4f3c0a7c5800cc2⋯.jpg (6.34 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 4f3c0a7c5800cc27ad9d6e6b76….jpg)

72bb71  No.4785269

File: 13a5762759f1818⋯.png (387.45 KB, 458x627, 458:627, 102chairborne.png)



that's quite the larp. kek!

c507a2  No.4785270


With a glass of red wine. Goes well with mushrooms.

9c8baf  No.4785271


doh knew i forgot sumin

810204  No.4785273

File: 8918a4e7d077af2⋯.png (144.18 KB, 640x614, 320:307, ClipboardImage.png)

52d7ac  No.4785274


Given the depth of corruption, they should be assumed crooked. Otherwise, it would be a huge risk for these people to attempt a fraud on the court. Can't have them blowing the whistle.

fc1085  No.4785275

File: 4a2f39f1167afaf⋯.png (325.12 KB, 1264x3807, 1264:3807, BlancaOcasioFast55PineStEu….png)

File: 631e946790920c4⋯.png (345.47 KB, 1264x3929, 1264:3929, BlancaOcasioFast55PineStEu….png)

File: 55ed3d386f34e5b⋯.png (316.77 KB, 1264x3584, 79:224, BlancaOcasioFast55PineStEu….png)


the 3 other pages of 55 Pine St records. This looks like a flop house or something. Might be worth digging into Lucy ACOSTA for keks

505b8c  No.4785276


I guess Brit humour went over your head.

ebdbd6  No.4785278

8e1d25  No.4785279

File: 640d11ce66dd6b6⋯.jpg (73.31 KB, 640x629, 640:629, 640d11ce66dd6b64df80ed9ed0….jpg)


I wish, I would suck Trumps dick if the exposed the shit nasa is

55f574  No.4785280

File: aa160a0591fa458⋯.png (269.34 KB, 428x500, 107:125, cortezbuds.png)

e995a4  No.4785281

File: 66225b2e1574c16⋯.jpg (105.35 KB, 1122x510, 11:5, FISA Warrant.jpg)

453f80  No.4785282


They are justified in expecting that the DOJ/FBI have verified everything they submit in FISA Court. Only likely to question if real alarm bells ring - potentially should have been, but likely not until later FISA renewals. That’s why procedures exist (like Woods) to assure FISA judges of prior verification of all submitted matter.

e5133f  No.4785283

14ef63  No.4785284



I'm not conflating the message with the method…just saying we can coopt the method for a 'better' message and bypass Nancy's little gate closing parliamentary tricks to the curb and just go straight to the peeps like he does already by twatting..

0dcde0  No.4785285




So, this bitch walks around in $5000 pant-suits and mom lives in a shithole with a homo roth?

Top kek.

c3494f  No.4785286


It's been a slide tactic all day, anon. Responding just feeds them.

08835b  No.4785287


While I whole-heartedly agree, 100%, I saw no reply, no mix, nothing.. just a great patriotic picture of a young man who will one day be a great leader of men. We're the picture in reply to someone, or something, yes, I'd be quite angry and share in your empathy. I really don't see anything wrong with this one though. Let us hope it's just what it appears and nothing more….

62534c  No.4785288

File: ded683b0adb1597⋯.png (161.69 KB, 460x259, 460:259, 1547692438647.png)

f1647a  No.4785289


No malicious intent.

55f574  No.4785290


The fek, her middle inital is Q!!!!

361eef  No.4785291

File: 765ee05d5ded2fa⋯.png (511.27 KB, 578x546, 289:273, wheresmydoughnut.PNG)


In Let Me Finish: Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of In-Your-Face Politics, the ousted member of Trump's transition team lays into the president's associates.

He writes that Trump had a "revolving door of deeply flawed individuals … who were hustled into jobs they were never suited for, sometimes seemingly without so much as a background check via Google or Wikipedia," according to excerpts published in Axios.

Remaining relatively unscathed in the latest White House kiss-and-tell is the president himself, according to the Guardian, which also obtained text in advance of the book's January 29 release.

d410c7  No.4785292

File: 29c660023dc3562⋯.jpg (115.19 KB, 585x915, 39:61, 29c660023dc3562f5dd8ed213d….jpg)

File: 6d893325235380b⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 404x670, 202:335, 6d893325235380bbf514a67828….jpg)

File: 692dea56994072e⋯.jpg (130.91 KB, 519x872, 519:872, Screenshot 2019-01-16_21-3….jpg)

8e1d25  No.4785293


bump for Q

7e8d19  No.4785294


>>4785002 Benjamin Netanyahu received approval from Trump before a massive intelligence mission last year (breitbart)

>>4785017 Internal discussions from Google indicate that the search giant is “manually” curating blacklists

>>4785033 Claim: Rogue CIA Stages Terrorist Attack Killing 4 U.S. Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out

>>4785045 Paul Whelan update (RT)

>>4785065, >>4785186 Ocasio Cortez Mother Blanca - Rothschild shares a FL address

>>4785141 NK envoy to carry letter from KJU to DJT

>>4785115 Judge Postpones Nxivm Trial Until April 29th

>>4785018, >>4785046 planefagging, callsign ANON >>4785018

>>4785095 Maggie RT nice pic, POTUS

c507a2  No.4785295


Lots of butter for those.

26a8ed  No.4785296

File: ac56100dac5061c⋯.png (103.17 KB, 371x499, 371:499, ClipboardImage.png)

6befad  No.4785297


Please cut off the MSM and special interest groups from drugs.

810204  No.4785298

File: d636658a9cafc71⋯.png (152.24 KB, 640x618, 320:309, ClipboardImage.png)

856a67  No.4785299

>>4784775 (lb)

Buck's Fisting & Camping . . .

3bced8  No.4785301



Copy. Just fucking HATE FDR.

73c7f7  No.4785302

>>4785065 Ocasio Cortez and Rothschild share same address


55f574  No.4785303


Please for the love of KEK, can we tie this to PhampletAids former Florida residence????

a71287  No.4785304

File: cff64fca12a2c2e⋯.png (258.63 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Lick my Tootsie Pop.png)


how many licks does it take to reach the core of a tootsie pop?

1d9c37  No.4785305

File: d2b75033f9f7617⋯.jpg (343.87 KB, 1399x1185, 1399:1185, NetfucksSpaceForce.jpg)

File: 261f668ea7f2b1d⋯.png (280.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, proxy.duckduckgo.png)

Space Force, The Office Meets Outer Space in Upcoming Netflix Comedy

Some out of this world news for all you fans of The Office out there today, as Netflix has announced its brand new upcoming TV comedy series ‘Space Force’. Why should you be excited? Easy; the show will be co-created and star Michael Scott himself, Steve Carell, with the other creator being Greg Daniels, known for his work writing and producing The Office and Parks and Recreation.

Space Force will riff largely off of President Donald Trump’s recent announcement that the US government is seeking to establish a ‘space force’ as its sixth military branch, joining the likes of the Army and Navy. The Netflix Original series will follow Steve Carell and others as they are given the job to create the United State’s first ever military “Space Force”.

http:// flixandchillin.com/space-force-office-netflix-comedy/

08835b  No.4785306


Interesting. What name actually begins with Q? Queen? Quincy? Quasimodo?

105ee6  No.4785307

File: 1cad56fcc4ce36d⋯.jpg (98.9 KB, 799x776, 799:776, chaotic_good7.jpg)

Chaotic Good…aka: Q

9c8baf  No.4785308


those will have to wait till left over plate heat up

6e4dfd  No.4785309

File: 0608ca7f68f8166⋯.png (49.66 KB, 454x160, 227:80, ClipboardImage.png)

4975e5  No.4785310

File: f909aa69104c9cd⋯.jpeg (573.55 KB, 1250x1250, 1:1, Peas.jpeg)

File: b37c1bc07aafd0f⋯.jpg (746.88 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Peas and Carrots Q.jpg)

d3cc41  No.4785311

File: 4cea937ca6142bb⋯.jpeg (197.49 KB, 1668x521, 1668:521, 8D0B162F-EA41-4418-B824-C….jpeg)

THERE ARE BREACHES, and there are megabreaches, and there’s Equifax. But a newly revealed trove of leaked data tops them all for sheer volume: 772,904,991 unique email addresses, over 21 million unique passwords, all recently posted to a hacking forum.

The data set was first reported by security researcher Troy Hunt, who maintains Have I Been Pwned, a way to search whether your own email or password has been compromised by a breach at any point. (Trick question: It has.) The so-called Collection #1 is the largest breach in Hunt's menagerie, and it’s not particularly close.

The Hack

If anything, the above numbers belie the real volume of the breach, as they reflect Hunt’s effort to clean up the data set to account for duplicates and to strip out unusable bits. In raw form, it comprises 2.7 billion rows of email addresses and passwords, including over a billion unique combinations of email addresses and passwords.

The trove appeared briefly on MEGA, the cloud service, and persisted on what Hunt refers to as “a popular hacking forum.” It sat in a folder called Collection #1, which contained over 12,000 files that weigh in at over 87 gigabytes. While it’s difficult to confirm exactly where all that info came from, it appears to be something of a breach of breaches; that is to say, it claims to aggregate over 2,000 leaked databases that contain passwords whose protective hashing has been cracked.

“It just looks like a completely random collection of sites purely to maximize the number of credentials available to hackers,” Hunt tells WIRED. “There’s no obvious patterns, just maximum exposure.”

That sort of Voltron breach has happened before, but never on this scale. In fact, not only is this the largest breach to become public, it’s second only to Yahoo’s pair of incidents—which affected 1 billion and 3 billion users, respectively—in size. Fortunately, the stolen Yahoo data hasn’t surfaced. Yet.

Who’s Affected?

The accumulated lists seem designed for use in so-called credential-stuffing attacks, in which hackers throw email and password combinations at a given site or service. These are typically automated processes that prey especially on people who reuse passwords across the whole wide internet.

The silver lining in Collection #1 going public is that you can definitively find out if your email and password were among the impacted accounts. Hunt has already loaded them into Have I Been Pwned; just type in your email address and keep those fingers crossed. While you’re there you can also find out how many previous breaches you’ve been a victim of. Whatever password you’re using on those accounts, change it.

Have I Been Pwned also introduced a password-search feature a year and a half ago; you can just type in whatever passwords go with your most sensitive accounts to see if they’re out in the open. If they are, change them.

And while you’re at it, get a password manager. It’s well past time.

How Serious Is This?

Pretty darn serious! While it doesn't appear to include more sensitive information, like credit card or Social Security numbers, Collection #1 is historic for scale alone. A few elements also make it especially unnerving. First, around 140 million email accounts and over 10 million unique passwords in Collection #1 are new to Hunt’s database, meaning they’re not just duplicates from prior megabreaches.



Then there’s the way in which those passwords are saved in Collection #1. “These are all plain text passwords. If we take a breach like Dropbox, there may have been 68 million unique email addresses in there, but the passwords were cryptographically hashes making them very difficult to use,” says Hunt. Instead, the only technical prowess someone with access to the folders needs to break into your accounts is the ability to scroll and click.

And lastly, Hunt also notes that all of these records were sitting not in some dark web backwater, but on one of the most popular cloud storage sites—until it got taken down—and then on a public hacking site. They weren’t even for sale; they were just available for anyone to take.

The usual advice for protecting yourself applies. Never reuse passwords across multiple sites; it increases your exposure by orders of magnitude. Get a password manager. Have I Been Pwned integrates directly into 1Password—automatically checking all of your passwords against its database—but you’ve got no shortage of good options. Enable app-based two-factor authentication on as many accounts as you can, so that a password isn’t your only line of defense. And if you do find your email address or one of your passwords in Have I Been Pwned, at least know that you’re in good company.


Archived site


e5133f  No.4785312

File: c5be9e463445fe6⋯.jpg (18.84 KB, 550x530, 55:53, flat,550x550,075,f.jpg)


Freedom is What Reigns


No Bans!

No Filters!

No Censors!


Welcome To Reality!

367e54  No.4785313


Alarm bells should have went off when the judge read about Trump peeing on hookers in a hotel room. That's just crazy. I put blame on FISA judges too.

3c70c1  No.4785314

File: d9e9fcb7dca4efb⋯.jpg (94.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, d9e9fcb7dca4efbb2fd423c74c….jpg)

Good bye Schitt

ad0843  No.4785315


Not many care for the sigilized bitch being clowned into fame.


6d5c04  No.4785316


2 seconds on the internet would show it's Quinlan, as in her maiden name.

7294b8  No.4785317


Sally Quillian Yates

d62aa9  No.4785318

File: 4735ad1d0e883b6⋯.png (1.59 MB, 2488x1400, 311:175, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3409df58f4d6ef9⋯.png (476.04 KB, 1048x469, 1048:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 664e7b0abcd7b15⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1996x1125, 1996:1125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62cf6e74229c643⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1138x708, 569:354, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64e05a764372fc0⋯.png (303.5 KB, 480x365, 96:73, ClipboardImage.png)


Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway: NASA's Proposed Lunar Space Station


The Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway is a proposed NASA program that would bring astronauts to the moon to operate a lunar space station. The concept has generated a wealth of research and numerous political discussions since 2017, especially because NASA's stated goal under the Trump administration is to return to the moon before going to Mars.

The hardware and mission design are still in the early stages of development, but as of mid-2018, NASA envisions a lunar outpost (supplied by Space Launch System rockets) that would hold four people. Unlike the International Space Station, the outpost would not always have a crew on board and would have the capability to perform scientific experiments autonomously. The prime contractor for the first module should be announced in 2019.

In August 2018, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence announced that astronauts could fly to the lunar space station as early as 2024; however, it's likely that date will change as design and construction plans proceed.

In the same month as Pence's announcement, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine told reporters that the cost of the gateway won't be nearly as much as the cost of the crewed Apollo missions in the 1960s. NASA's current budget is now about 0.5 percent of annual federal funds, compared to its former height of 4.5 percent in the mid-1960s. The agency plans to begin the Gateway project without drawing on increased federal funding.

In 2012, NASA publicly discussed the idea of a lunar station on the moon's far side — called the Deep Space Habitat. A few years later, in 2014 and 2015, NASA began to consider the idea of "cislunar habitats" as a way to fly humans on longer missions in the 2020s. The agency envisioned a small shelter where astronauts could assemble telescopes, operate rovers and perform scientific research.

In March 2015, NASA awarded several contracts under its Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP) program to companies developing concepts for lunar modules. The goal was to build modules would attach to the Orion spacecraft (a deep-space vehicle under development by NASA) and allow for missions of about 60 days in duration. The agency also discussed cislunar habitats in a "Journey to Mars" report published in October 2015.

One of the earliest mentions of a lunar space station, then known as the Deep Space Gateway, was in an article published on NASA's website in March 2017. As NASA described it at the time: "The agency is … looking to build a crew tended spaceport in lunar orbit within the first few missions that would serve as a gateway to deep space and the lunar surface. This deep space gateway would have a power bus, a small habitat to extend crew time, docking capability, an airlock, and [would be] serviced by logistics modules to enable research."

The agency said the gateway would be useful not only for lunar orbiting missions, but also for increasing the breadth and depth of space exploration in general. "The area of space near the moon offers a true deep space environment to gain experience for human missions that push farther into the solar system, access the lunar surface for robotic missions but with the ability to return to Earth if needed in days rather than weeks or months."

In July 2017, NASA issued a competitive request for information about the Power and Propulsion Element, the module that is expected to supply electrical power and chemical and electrical propulsion to the gateway. As a result, five study contracts were issued in November 2017.

That September, NASA and Roscosmos (the Russian space agency) signed a joint cooperation agreement to explore the moon and deep space, which included use of the gateway.



56c1c8  No.4785319


This slide was 2000 loaves ago.

33dc40  No.4785320


Naw, just do it from the Oval office.

K.I.S.S. Simple.

810204  No.4785321

File: adc2100635b99a6⋯.png (133.92 KB, 640x529, 640:529, ClipboardImage.png)

During his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, U.S. Attorney General nominee William Barr made a series of promises to committee chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), including investigations that may be seen as politically motivated.

Graham began by asking, “Do you know Lisa Page and Peter Strzok?”

“I’ve heard their names,” Barr responded, smiling.

Graham then read a text message from 2016 that said, “Trump’s not ever going to become president, right? Right.” That one was from FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Then FBI agent Peter Strzok, who worked on the Hillary Clinton email investigation, responded by saying, “No, no. We’ll stop it.”

After that, Graham asked Barr if he would “look into what happened in 2016,” and Barr simply replied, “Yes, Mr. Chairman.” Barr would add that he was “shocked” when he saw these texts for the first time.

Strzok and Page have, of course, became frequent targets of President Donald Trump‘s ire.

Wow, 19,000 Texts between Lisa Page and her lover, Peter S of the FBI, in charge of the Russia Hoax, were just reported as being wiped clean and gone. Such a big story that will never be covered by the Fake News. Witch Hunt!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2018

From there, Graham shifted to the subject of “Michael Steele” (he meant Christopher Steele, after whom the “Steele Dossier” was named). Graham asked Barr to look into Fusion GPS, the Carter Page FISA warrant, and the use of the unverified Steele Dossier to surveil Page. Graham said that the Dossier was deemed “reliable” on four occasions as a main source to monitor Page.

“Would you look into whether that was an accurate statement and hold people accountable if it was not?” Graham asked.

Again Barr answered, “Yes, Mr. Chairman.”

Barr otherwise admitted that he knows Special Counsel Robert Mueller personally, believes he will do the best thing for the country, and is not conducting a “witch hunt.”


a8dbfb  No.4785322


KEK, hi Military guys monitoring this board. Have a good one.

d30eb2  No.4785323

>>4784241 lb

>It is also noted that that inside this project building there's a statue of a big white rabbit over the doorway (FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT)

sauce this statement?

317767  No.4785324

File: 89cba6e70ea8f19⋯.jpg (72.03 KB, 413x551, 413:551, carrot.jpg)

File: e66f1da1dfb3f4d⋯.jpg (119.77 KB, 640x640, 1:1, iu (1).jpg)


Nice carrots

45dbe3  No.4785325

e5133f  No.4785326

6d5c04  No.4785328



d62aa9  No.4785329


it's her mom, OP confirmed

913c47  No.4785330

File: 1c18a09cd7b5058⋯.jpeg (106.85 KB, 665x484, 665:484, 82A90DAA-F9FE-4645-BB1A-A….jpeg)


Made for anon lb but I’ll use it now!

35770c  No.4785331


Faggot Shekelstein, isn't it time to go suck a bloody baby dick?

7338b3  No.4785332


Clearly someone wanted our attention. Maybe we should keep an eye on that C-17.

8e1d25  No.4785333

File: 26e0e2e7edad51c⋯.gif (5.62 MB, 320x240, 4:3, giphy.gif)

4d386c  No.4785334


I could tell you were female by the way you write. Good luck to you.

017ee2  No.4785335

File: b7969deb4d41257⋯.png (29.54 KB, 651x314, 651:314, Parscale re George Conway ….PNG)

File: 1b8424c791ef31c⋯.png (35.54 KB, 638x348, 11:6, George Conway re Burger Ki….PNG)

File: 82c50773d3beeca⋯.png (47.86 KB, 631x345, 631:345, Burger King re hamberders ….PNG)

Seriously, why is Kellyanne's husband like this?

The whole matter of him constantly bashing POTUS, yet her being in the WH is just bizarre




9c8baf  No.4785337


top kek

pepe and carrots with my perogies and chops in soup sauce

453f80  No.4785338


Many Establishment fucks hold a low view of Donald Trump, fren. They’ll believe anything, no matter how ludicrous.

55f574  No.4785339


FEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BullShit flag thrown.

1c4250  No.4785340

File: 39686ed86cac14d⋯.png (230.66 KB, 640x580, 32:29, bie6ez05xoa21.png)

6db45d  No.4785341

>>4784782 lb

Stop injecting our children with measles!

4d8956  No.4785342

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) hit with RICO lawsuit over hate group claims


92a02b  No.4785343


Read up on 'Woods Procedures'




053393  No.4785344

We need another board for us who know what has been going on over the last decade plus since this one has become a newbie forum. Is there one or would you have to kill me if you told me? Kek, like that's going to happen…. No insult intended but it is wut it is. Q only verifies what we already knew in our visual math thoughts and hearts. Some have this ability, some don't. Hannity's 'bomb shell' was for newbies and only pissed me off even moar than I already am. Sick of this BS.

913c47  No.4785345


That was juicy. Nothing anons didn’t know but a huge red pill for others

b9cf25  No.4785346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Biggest Secret About DNA

9c0f03  No.4785347

File: b1dd8c936723ef8⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x2028, 90:169, 20190116_213534.jpg)

56c1c8  No.4785348


You can’t fucking tell someone’s gender by writing style.

fc1085  No.4785349


Top kek indeed anon. Now to find Blanca's real address in Florida. She's living with Alexandria's grandmother. Last name Rivera I think

d62aa9  No.4785350


before you realize what reality is like, our country will have a station around the Moon and a colony on Mars.

6fd55c  No.4785351

>>4785004 Dumb ass! We DON'T post Barron!

68ba7b  No.4785352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Awful quality but worth it.


Ingvar Gustafsson was eating a bowl of figs and prunes,

and spilling the juice on his clothes,

when he inhaled Miss Hansen's perfume,

which singed the inside of his seventy-year-old nose.

An electric shock went through his torso,

hot as a bakery oven's doors,

so hot, in fact, that it melted the elastic,

in the waistband of his drawers.

The veins in his neck was like stalks of rhubarb,

his breath was as hot as the smoke from a Luger,

and he let out a loud romantic yelp,

like the mating call of a cougar.

Miss Hansen ran out of the place so fast,

her stocking tore loose from her garter.

Behind her she heard Ingvar's dentures clacking,

like the castanets of an elevator starter.

Ingvar caught Miss Hansen in half a block,

he was glassy-eyed from the perfume's lure.

He popped the question, and Miss Hansen swooned,

but not before she shouted, "Yah, sure!"

Tujour La Smooch Perfume can do this for you too, lover-girl.

And now, farewell, sweety-puss, and remember, if you're a lonely single girl,

or an unfortunate married lady with an inattentive slob of a husband,

you always got a rendezvous,

with Lonesome Loverboy Yorgesson

Your lonesome loverboy

is crazy-nuts for you-hoo-hoo..

0dcde0  No.4785353


Stop letting the doctors do it.

fe3e96  No.4785354


I hear you..different kind of war..different kind of casualties.

c507a2  No.4785355



Weird. But appealing peas.

39192b  No.4785356

Hannity was talking about the FISA warrant and how they knew it was because of the knowingly false steele dossier. It's slowly happening!

41c5cb  No.4785357


chicks write little hearts above the i

2597cb  No.4785358


He was warned all day. He's attracting a lot of attention it would probably be better not to have.

14ef63  No.4785359

File: 43ffd6f9154d01f⋯.jpg (89.3 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 43ffd6f9154d01f68202d3c1a3….jpg)

fb76df  No.4785360


What about states make it legal, Fed doesn't. They take our Firearms ?

e6f053  No.4785361

File: e1601a7d6143c10⋯.jpg (91.42 KB, 688x438, 344:219, Salad Sexism Tucker Carlso….JPG)

56c1c8  No.4785362

8e1d25  No.4785363


I hope so my friend, but for real this time ok? or you still believe in the moon landings?

481bf2  No.4785364


Bongino’s podcast was pretty interesting today on this topic

0479ad  No.4785365


Kek, and he found out while on The View.

913c47  No.4785366

File: ecafc8632a1f124⋯.jpeg (68.67 KB, 749x485, 749:485, 475A8C10-29E8-41CB-9B9F-D….jpeg)



Obvious botniggers are obvious

35770c  No.4785367


TPTB are just making rules up as they go.

As far as I know, no legislation exists to that effect.

Even if it did, it would violate the 2nd A, as so many of them already do.

c3494f  No.4785368


Time to fire BK's marketing department. They missed a golden opportunity to have a hamberder special offer.

2bdbf1  No.4785369


pisses me off anon. she should divorce his fat fucking ass or POTUS should show her the door if she can't muzzle her douchebag husband.

2f41de  No.4785370


Unfortunately you’re a fucking shit eating faggot for not labeling (lb) or (pb)

Inconsiderate fuck

5a1563  No.4785371

File: 2cc8dc5ff2d5338⋯.png (451.51 KB, 560x594, 280:297, ClipboardImage.png)


Like this?

17547d  No.4785372

File: da5d66e570e2ddd⋯.png (1.09 MB, 620x3358, 310:1679, google blacklist 1.png)

File: 354b5fd20f85c14⋯.png (1021.35 KB, 885x4550, 177:910, google blacklist 2a.png)

File: a449276081ae992⋯.png (1.02 MB, 880x5323, 880:5323, google blacklist 2b.png)

File: db4f11299de209f⋯.jpg (126.33 KB, 734x641, 734:641, google blacklist 0.jpg)

Tucker on Tech Tyranny: How Google Helped the Dems Flip the 2018 Election in a Way No One Can Trace

1-16-19, ~22:15 min, https://youtu.be/32mz62Diqlk

A new report on Breitbart exposes the existence of a Google Blacklist for “controversial” YT queries. The most flagrant abuse concerns abortion. Google intervened to bury pro-life videos and replace them with pro-abortion videos. YT denied any wrongdoing and blamed it on their “algorithms.”

Guest: Robert Epstein, research psychologist (studied how Google Searches affect human behavior)

Tucker: What kind of effect could this sort of distortion have on an election?

RE: It would have a devastating effect. As you know, I’m not a conservative but I love America… We think we should all be rising above our politics here and realize the extreme danger we’re facing when a company like Google can…censor anything it wants…This new set of leaks is extraordinary because it confirms… that individual employees…have the power to manually remove material…. and they often do so with political ends. This tells us that Sundar Pichai… committed perjury…when he testified before Congress….because he said quite specifically that Google never does this.

Tucker:…The why isn’t he being recalled back to Congress to explain himself or face charges?…Can any of us trust that the next electron won’t be swayed dramatically…from interference from the tech companies?

RE: I’ll guarantee you that this last election WAS affected; I’ll be releasing some data I hope in early March that will make the point without any doubt.

[Just published a piece showing how Google’s GO VOTE reminder on election day: Says it shifted between 800,000 and 4.6 million votes to Democrats in 2018. See CAP]

Tucker:…How can you have a democracy under these circumstances?

RE: Well, democracy is a kind of an illusion at this point because we have let…these companies….go completely wild….The more one looks at what… they’re actually doing,… the more outraged one should become. We should all be outraged, not just conservatives….

Tucker: (as an afterthought): Why is nobody covering this??


https://www.theepochtimes.com/another-way-google-manipulates-votes-without-us-knowing-a-go-vote-reminder-is-not-what-you-think-it-is_2754073.html (1-2-19)


a34068  No.4785373

File: b53a46237b63f05⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 650x650, 1:1, asnders.jpg)


@presssec ends comms with ### seems awfully similar to +++

b9cf25  No.4785374

Big Things Coming Folks


1d9645  No.4785375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9c8baf  No.4785376

79491f  No.4785378


More Barney Rubble faggotry. More offerings to their trannie god Baphomet.

daecd0  No.4785379

File: 63507c7d0bf52e9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 917x681, 917:681, Screen Shot 2019-01-14 at ….png)

File: 31abe328053e745⋯.png (669.24 KB, 913x512, 913:512, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at ….png)

File: ff72b0f6fe4e961⋯.png (305.57 KB, 904x605, 904:605, Screen Shot 2018-12-29 at ….png)

b8fcb3  No.4785380


It offed its transponder just East of Dallas, cruising at 35000 ft. Maybe someone noticed that we noticed. I'm looking to see if it pops up again.

f1647a  No.4785381


Not even trying to slide.

I find it disturbing that people get triggered by this photo, and equally disturbing the replies that are made.

The sick pictures of kids that get posted here all the time, the imagination of pedophiles around very corner, but mostly that people still think they can sound angry and get their way on an anonymous image board, all too much.

Its a picture of what looks like a well adjusted intelligent kid, being such its good to have posted to remember what this is about.

Those who don't approve of such a thing have no respect from me.

It won't stop until extinction of negative reactions.

9aecf4  No.4785382



41c5cb  No.4785383

File: 7c61db98144a2ac⋯.jpg (146.45 KB, 815x392, 815:392, 4473-marijuana.jpg)

fb76df  No.4785384


States legalize, Feds don't ! They take our firearms ?

0dcde0  No.4785385

File: 3aff2db8f3e1161⋯.png (37.09 KB, 500x502, 250:251, howtoembed101.png)


Like you learning how to embed?

a720a5  No.4785386


Is that you, Owen?

07c320  No.4785387


high iq spotted.

0c7e13  No.4785388

File: e6bcf75b93f2c20⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 640x360, 16:9, pentagon_defense_042315get….jpg)

Pentagon crafting plan to scrutinize potential military recruits with foreign ties, green cards: report

The Pentagon is crafting a plan to scrutinize potential military recruits with green cards or other foreign ties, The Washington Post reported, citing internal memos.

The process likely would include screening recruits whom the Pentagon deems "foreign nexus" risks, according to the Post. That would include Americans who have spouses from other countries and Americans who have family members with dual citizenship.

The Post reported that the new system, which is still being developed, will be shared with military services by Feb. 15.

The memos reviewed by the Post reportedly cited "counterintelligence or terrorism risks" as the Pentagon's reasoning behind the new vetting system.


91adbd  No.4785389


He's jealous because without a doubt Kelly Anne is in love with POTUS. She won't settle for less of a man

1d9645  No.4785391


David Wilcock Predicts

e720ed  No.4785392


I heard that anyone who downloads the FLIR watching you gif is added to the spook anon's target list. This gif supposedly emits a specific digital flicker that is picked up by your cell phone camera and transmitted to your local spook fag agency for targeting. (Same with certain bewb gifs)


6faae2  No.4785393

File: 788620662abcc57⋯.png (132.93 KB, 254x255, 254:255, HOLYQUEENMOTHERF.png)

Q–It would be a great evening for a Q&A!

How 'bout it–got the engergy?


9cdd53  No.4785394


>Agencies cannot use RIF procedures to fire bad employees.

That's why I don't believe this hype. It would be a truly stupid move for POTUS and we all know he isn't stupid. It would get rid of all the people hired under his administration and leave the ones that were hired under the previous ones.

2b3c82  No.4785395

File: 5fcbacfd99dddbf⋯.jpeg (103.11 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 108BFC10-5872-4202-B1D5-4….jpeg)

6db45d  No.4785396


Hopefully permanent. We don't need those psychos!

fe3e96  No.4785397


Is it because you snore or burn tortillas on the stove???

72bb71  No.4785398

File: 82ee83d6d3d95cd⋯.png (897.74 KB, 795x527, 795:527, ClipboardImage.png)



f5ba20  No.4785399


Q should learn how to do this too.

Fucking faggot.

0239fb  No.4785400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


c93dd0  No.4785401

Hey Q, are any of the naked ladies posted here trafficked?

657b5e  No.4785402


It is…odd. I wonder see if he asks her how her day went? What do they talk about? I’d totally lose respect for my spouse if they acted like that.

8e1d25  No.4785403

File: 0408c67dd84ad3b⋯.jpg (135.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefaul.jpg)


father? are you in spaaaaace?

5a1563  No.4785404

File: 871afd006283a0b⋯.png (60.23 KB, 778x297, 778:297, ClipboardImage.png)


It's an old thing, goes back decades, long before Q. See pic related, or this url for more info.

https:// www.thehalogroup.com/what-does-mean-at-the-end-of-a-press-release/

102346  No.4785405

Look at this dumb shit…..


3c70c1  No.4785406

File: eca5e12b131c7c2⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 240x210, 8:7, images.jpg)

File: d65ae48d527d688⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 493x369, 493:369, ic8vxoxbf2511.jpg)

File: a4217f7bb6bdea1⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB, 320x240, 4:3, a4217f7bb6bdea1d7afd6c9591….mp4)

File: c65a818912e266f⋯.png (576.16 KB, 916x681, 916:681, ba32a44b555b0375a6721d04be….png)

daecd0  No.4785407


screenshots anon.

41c5cb  No.4785408


No, they're all just nice girls working their way thru college.

044787  No.4785409


Yeah, every time one is posted.

9047c0  No.4785410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e1d25  No.4785411


holy shit

856a67  No.4785412

>>4784878 (lb)

What's with logo behind them "FALL to GRACE" with pumped-up "t" to form Christian cross? Go figure.

fb76df  No.4785413


States legalize, Fed doesn't ! Bye Bye Firearms !

856a67  No.4785415

>>4784882 (lb)

Face Shifter.

361eef  No.4785416

File: f86d3db03837e26⋯.png (630.93 KB, 653x497, 653:497, mel.PNG)


Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi told state TV the arrest of Hashemi, a black Muslim woman, is an example of the "apartheid and racist policy" of U.S. President Donald Trump's administration.

Press TV quotes Hashemi as saying prison officials have not allowed her to wear a hijab, a head covering worn in public by some Muslim women, and was only giving her pork to eat, which is prohibited by Islam. These accounts of her treatment have not been independently verified.

Hashemi is a native of the southern city of New Orleans. Her birth name is Melanie Franklin. Several Iranian media outlets reported Hashemi has lived in Iran for more than a decade. She has reported on discrimination against women, Muslims and African-Americans in the U.S.

Could she be tied to Nation of Islam ?

1841f0  No.4785417


kek. Poor Q.

It's not easy to love autists.

but he does love us

14ef63  No.4785418


It's a cops and robbers and Anons rule…but we only apply it to the kids. Keep the kids out of all live fire ranges…and this is a 2-way range to be sure. They aren't mentally and emotionally ready for grinder yet…respect.

01ddec  No.4785419

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


"Why are we here? Because we're here. Roll the bones; roll the bones.

Why does it happen? Because it happens. Roll the bones; roll the bones…"

79491f  No.4785420


If we are all human is actually debatable. Some souls came from some other place and they dont belong here at all.

fe3e96  No.4785421


You think bad apples give themselves bad reviews?

923641  No.4785422

File: 06b68b0962b6447⋯.png (499.82 KB, 1440x2263, 1440:2263, Screenshot_20190116-200834….png)

File: 946113ee219e8d4⋯.png (321.93 KB, 1440x2225, 288:445, Screenshot_20190116-202300….png)

>Re 3, 6, 9, 12

Recalled seeing a video that I thought was produced by "3-6-9". After searching, it really is "When 6 is 9". Kek.

Interesting story of the ==Red Orchestra (Rote Kapelle)==, a Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 based Nazi resistance group. Both Gestapo and later Allied Forces believed them to be communist subversives. I'm seeing similar connections to our own fight against the deep state.

Not so much directly, but more like history repeating itself. No deep state love for this brave band of artists.

>Stefan Roloff (born 1953 Berlin) is a painter, video artist and filmmaker, living and working in New York and Berlin. He is a pioneer of digital video and photography.[1]


>In 1984, Stefan Roloff was invited to experiment on prototypes of digital video and imaging computers at the New York Institute of Technology, where he pioneered the blending of painting with digital media. On their Images 2 system he created Big Fire, the first digital video done by an artist. An updated version of that video from 1986 was shown at the Bronx Museum of the Arts [2] in 1987. Also at NYIT, he developed Moving Painting, a process in which a painting is set in motion by filming each stage that it passes through during its creation. He received international recognition for this concept and collaborated with musicians Suicide, Martin Rev,[3] Andrew Cyrille and Peter Gabriel, with whom he produced FACE, the prototype for his video Sledgehammer, as well as the video ZAAR, for Gabriel's album Passion.[4] [5] In 1989, Roloff received a Fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts[6] for his digital work.

>He has since produced and directed numerous videos and two documentary films. Each film is accompanied by an art installation, providing a three-dimensional space which the viewers can enter for a direct experience of the subject matter. From 1989 to 1999, he worked on his first documentary film “Seeds”. Traveling through remote areas of West Virginia, he followed the story of a 22- year old woman who committed suicide in 1981 in an isolation cell at the State Prison for Women. The film was combined with an installation, “Pence Springs Resort”, a life-size three-dimensional photographic rendering of the isolation cell which the viewers could physically enter. It was shown at Threadwaxing Space in New York in 1995.[7] In 1997 he began to work on his second documentary film The Red Orchestra,[8] a portrait of his late father, Helmut Roloff, a resistance fighter against the Nazis. It was nominated for best foreign film 2005 by the US Women Critics Circle. For the first time it told the true story of the “Red Orchestra”, a resistance group that was slandered during the cold war by secret services and historians as a Communist spy network. For this film, Stefan Roloff received a 2002 New York City Media Arts grant from the Jerome Foundation.[9] He also wrote a book in German, “Die Rote Kapelle”, published by Ullstein in 2002. In 2015, through an initiative by Stefan Roloff, Gustin Reichbach and Ellen Meyers, The Red Orchestra was incorporated into the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's permanent exhibition. In addition, Roloff's source interviews with members of the Red Orchestra are accessible on the HMM's database.[10]


e5133f  No.4785423

File: 921ad9205bb5027⋯.jpg (122.17 KB, 980x551, 980:551, trump.donald12143.jpg)


77,744 electoral votes in three states for the


fc1085  No.4785424

File: ed234f221493645⋯.png (105.18 KB, 587x344, 587:344, Screenshot from 2019-01-16….png)

File: 3b877e1d2167829⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1044x3724, 261:931, aocLovesPuertoRico.png)

File: 8d363bcb8609219⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3687, 333:1229, blancaArticle.png)



Puerto Rican newspaper run through Gulag translator screen caps of the articles that lead me to Florida. Blanca "resides with" AOC's grandmother Clotilde Rivera

d30eb2  No.4785425

File: ba108fe8f3e0d5e⋯.png (977.16 KB, 1135x639, 1135:639, kotft 6.PNG)

File: c9bfe86b69dfbff⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1131x634, 1131:634, kotft 5.PNG)

File: 028bf7ea7ebc2a9⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1140x645, 76:43, kotft 4.PNG)

File: 5abc4a507093e05⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1143x655, 1143:655, kotft 10.PNG)

File: 64aff9aca744ad1⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1152x663, 384:221, kotft 9.PNG)




db307c  No.4785426

File: 48da3cbba88d83a⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 400x294, 200:147, Marx's dermatitis.JPG)

>>4784937 (lb)

Anon…yes, but have you tested

the hypothesis? try disprove it.

Have you tried to log every single

positive or hopeful thing they say?

It can't ALL be negative judgement.

2597cb  No.4785427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3420d8  No.4785428

>>4785373. She is a beaut

d114c7  No.4785429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Google Manipulation shifted 800,000 to 4.6 million votes in 2018 Election

102346  No.4785430

File: 5011d0ad07dbaff⋯.png (90.93 KB, 500x347, 500:347, redshoes.png)


My husband took a flight with her leaving out of Houston. He tried to get a picture of her, because she was wearing RED SHOES. We all know what that means.

c93dd0  No.4785431

9e7f93  No.4785432


Neil can write

eda285  No.4785433


You are an asshole whoever keeps posting these pics….agitatorshill, BO please delete….

Keep the kids out of it…..POS

84bec5  No.4785434

File: 1cbbb4a4d956609⋯.jpg (54.38 KB, 720x812, 180:203, 49949046_2279047612114724_….jpg)

317767  No.4785435

File: 425184d3caa8e84⋯.jpg (156.59 KB, 766x1158, 383:579, iur (1).jpg)

File: c565a048f48d48a⋯.jpg (134.55 KB, 633x654, 211:218, iur (2).jpg)

105ee6  No.4785436


Yes, but I'd say most of the souls from out there are here for a good purpose. Takes a lot of nudging to change the course of a timeline.

6db45d  No.4785437


GTFO Wilcock!

2f41de  No.4785438


Did Q not embed the music with the sword?

And Dank?

Are y’all fucking stupid as fuck or what?>>4785399

891b9f  No.4785439


P-8/P-3's look for subs

505b8c  No.4785440

File: 15703b03eb761b5⋯.png (313.93 KB, 631x720, 631:720, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d08d6a098ff6c02⋯.mp4 (7.82 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hmmm.mp4)


This what youre looking at ?


941f0c  No.4785441


RH neg? Same race as RH+? How if not compatible?

e995a4  No.4785442


o7 yep.

af3c14  No.4785443

File: e5eed90d5be6706⋯.png (201.31 KB, 414x514, 207:257, ClipboardImage.png)

56c1c8  No.4785444



Fits a pattern. The nation wants legal weed, states grant that prize, and more rights taken away. Win/win for government when they tax the shit out of it.

565280  No.4785445

File: 10a3d52c7ae4b5f⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 98269614-FC9E-458C-9DA4-5….jpeg)

“It’s more than a wall…it’s about the FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY”. - Laura Trump on Hannnity.

Sound Familiar?

97b406  No.4785446


you know what saying your husband means

01ddec  No.4785447


Yeah , he can; lot of truth to his lyrics

14ef63  No.4785448


They've probably got a call into Base Ops to print out your post just for keks… "here sirs, the printout you wanted''.

27a2dd  No.4785450


This list is fantastic. Would be a great graphic!

(not a shopfag, srry)

2f41de  No.4785451

File: 42ec7bc36e0cd11⋯.jpeg (50.85 KB, 435x443, 435:443, 557ADCF6-EC26-4C04-B3F9-F….jpeg)

bb7f25  No.4785452

File: b64e7a074b98370⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1339x866, 1339:866, 354874307754371376465.png)

913c47  No.4785453


10/10, even with pic rotated

02ebdc  No.4785454

This is from a year ago 362 days ago.

Schumer withdraws offer for border wall


Washington (CNN)Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer withdrew funding for President Donald Trump's border in negotiations over immigration issues with the White House, according to a Democratic aide.

A staffer who works for Schumer called the White House on Monday and said the proposal, which Schumer put on the table during a Friday meeting with Trump, was no longer operative, the aide said.

c3494f  No.4785455

File: a74b90818c39c25⋯.jpg (34.45 KB, 400x400, 1:1, a74b90818c39c25642ba982189….jpg)


I feel sorry for the spooks that have to watch my cell phone streams.

d30eb2  No.4785456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



657b5e  No.4785457


Maybe anon is gay?

4d386c  No.4785458


Maybe you can't, but some of us can. Not always.

b9cf25  No.4785459


i posted that way to avoid shills' replies.

0dcde0  No.4785460

File: b49ff3db9591942⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 828x828, 1:1, reeee.gif)


Did you just assume that Anon's gender?!

315563  No.4785461

File: 69beb0f1376390b⋯.jpg (67.75 KB, 760x846, 380:423, drcdl33.jpg)

97b406  No.4785463


forgot about that, we live in a brave new world

5d09d9  No.4785464


Fat fuckin jealous backstabbing bitch.

51c491  No.4785465

Have not seen this posted anywhere yet.


Stricken with Pneumonia, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Cancels Event Set for January 29, 2019

35770c  No.4785466


As I said.

Who gave an agency the power to infringe the 2A?

Patriots need to wake the fuck up and get some backbone.

Either we overthrow this tyranny, or it will crush us.

8e1d25  No.4785467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


stfu satan

9c2015  No.4785468

File: 8ef58c9e95f619b⋯.jpg (162.39 KB, 1078x1162, 77:83, IMG_20190117_075310.jpg)

Nice decoding

1841f0  No.4785469


>Did Q not embed the music with the sword?

Did he? Don't remember whether was an embed or just a link. And we're just playin' anyway, anon. It's self-deprecating more than a diss on Q. Making fun of our own selves for getting so caught up in the rules, autist-style.

d62aa9  No.4785470



this is a orbiting Moon Base, not on the Moon

plans for a Moon Base physically on the Moon are later

I understand how it was possible to get to the Moon, it's physically possible.

That's how I look at it.

1d9645  No.4785471



9aecf4  No.4785472



Beautiful summary- Love it! Anon!

317767  No.4785473

File: 6ef770f840758a1⋯.jpg (223.82 KB, 648x974, 324:487, eyes.jpg)

4c4554  No.4785474

File: 537733d07faa78e⋯.png (436.13 KB, 1942x849, 1942:849, ExposedEmpire.png)

This is a very interesting article on how the British Empire never really collapsed and how it can tie into the over scheming of the Deep State.

I don't know if this was already passed around the breads or not, but if so here it is again.

7e8d19  No.4785475


>>4785002 Benjamin Netanyahu received approval from Trump before a massive intelligence mission last year (breitbart)

>>4785017 Internal discussions from Google indicate that the search giant is “manually” curating blacklists

>>4785372 Tuxker discussions re Google Blacklist for “controversial” YT queries

>>4785033 Claim: Rogue CIA Stages Terrorist Attack Killing 4 U.S. Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out

>>4785045 Paul Whelan update (RT)

>>4785065, >>4785186, >>4785229, >>4785424 Ocasio Cortez Mother Blanca - Rothschild shares a FL address

>>4785141 NK envoy to carry letter from KJU to DJT

>>4785115 Judge Postpones Nxivm Trial Until April 29th

>>4785095 Maggie RT nice pic, POTUS

>>4785321 Barr made some big promises to Lindsey Graham

>>4785018, >>4785046 planefagging, callsign ANON >>4785018

657b5e  No.4785476


Kek ya just never know. :)

05042e  No.4785477

File: b6db1db31786834⋯.jpeg (19.97 KB, 180x321, 60:107, BC27FD5E-5A35-45D8-86FE-E….jpeg)

File: 34228698db773f4⋯.jpeg (416.37 KB, 1242x1340, 621:670, 2D668F6D-E91D-4225-8B02-5….jpeg)

Anons, This looks like the same guy that everyone was saying gave Bush the note at the funeral, or that was he was SS & was watching Bush?? If this is him, Why is he there with Pelosi?

49a209  No.4785478


i am thinking those survelling might send me some money after listening to my life! LOL

4c4554  No.4785479


Forgot to post the link, sorry!


41c5cb  No.4785480


Or you know… just check "no".

565280  No.4785481


Did the pic post rotated? Asking bc using iPad & wondering if using it rotates the photo posts.

105ee6  No.4785482


Subs are their primary purpose, but especially P-3s can be repurposed to be a forward CnC platform. And with the magnetic anomaly detection array, can have some major utility if you want to find metallic stuff underground.

Shallow underground facilities come to mind, as well as providing the light air support for ground forces moving in on them. There's a lot of good reasons a sub hunter would be over the US…and most of them only we autists would get.

c3494f  No.4785483


Need some Midol?

317767  No.4785484


Yes I remember reading somewhere that Lincoln was ultimately workin to overthrow the Brits

ab01e8  No.4785485

File: baca00ae8de7392⋯.png (245.07 KB, 400x340, 20:17, OBAMA HORNS.png)

73eb53  No.4785486

Imagine that every hugely successful actor, musician, writer, politician, religious leader, athlete, scientist, and anyone else of significant prominence had sold their souls to the devil to achieve their talent and success. Their successes in their prospective fields created phenomenal movies, music, books, governance, belief systems, atheltic achievements and scientific discoveries. Satan delivered their success. Jesus is the only way to heaven and offers nothing of meaning in regards to Satan's offerings within this world. Is it any wonder how easily many have been blinded?

f5ba20  No.4785487

File: 42f6376f8ea111b⋯.png (424.76 KB, 474x628, 237:314, ClipboardImage.png)


RIP my man

that how my main man

Kicked it

I aint scared of you motherfuckers!

3c9a1c  No.4785488

File: db07f74bf4d2167⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1230x615, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee51669cb456947⋯.png (77.2 KB, 689x657, 689:657, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a7f000bd8f53f2⋯.png (137.25 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 835d38004128f11⋯.png (184.27 KB, 652x831, 652:831, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8cb6540a929370⋯.png (221.62 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas man allegedly paid for deep-tissue massages and nightclub dances using campaign donations meant for Trump, Clinton, and Bernie Sanders

Kyle Prall, from Austin, Texas, has been indicted for allegedly spending campaign contributions reportedly meant to support then-presidential candidates Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Sen. Bernie Sanders on things like massages and nightclub "entertainers." In 2015, Prall began soliciting contributions through political committees with names like "Feel Bern," "Trump Victory," and "HC4President." The political committees claimed the funds would be spent in ways to support the candidates — including transporting voters to the polls, training costs for volunteers, and direct contributions to the candidates themselves. Prall allegedly used the funds on personal indulgences from hotel room service to international flights.

A Texas man who allegedly devised a scheme to collect over $500,000 in campaign contributions for then-presidential candidates Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Sen. Bernie Sanders funneled the funds to his personal bank accounts according to court filings released by the US District Court of Western Texas on Tuesday. In 2015, Kyle Prall allegedly began soliciting contributions through political committees with names like "Feel Bern," "Trump Victory," and "HC4President." The political committees claimed that the funds would be spent in ways that supported the candidates — including costs to transport voters to the polls, training costs for volunteers at phone banks, and direct contributions to the candidates themselves. Prall allegedly used the funds to pay for his salary and used debit cards registered by the political committees' bank accounts to pay for numerous personal expenses, including: $1,167: Two-night stay at a hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, $3,101: Food, bottle service, and hookah at a Miami nightclub, $1,470: Nightclub dances "performed by entertainers", $1,073: Three-night stay at Texas resort, $728: Room service, mini-bar charges, deep-tissue massage, and pet cleaning fees at the Texas resort, $952: Flights in Florida for Prall and his girlfriend, $812: Flight to Belize in Central America.

Through online advertisements on social-networking websites and search engines, Prall intentionally made an effort to "make them appear legitimate" in order to deceive donors, the Justice Department said. The websites, such as "www.feelbern.org" and "hcforpresident.org" now appear to be defunct.

"We are volunteers helping [Bernie Sanders] win the US Presidential election and usher in a new government for the people by helping raise awareness with voters," Prall's website said. "The donations will be used primarily to charter buses for transportation to voting polls … This money will go directly to chartering buses and paying for fuel to transport voters …," the website pledged. Over $300,000 was raised in the alleged campaign for Sanders between December 2015 and July 2016. Less than $4,000 went toward "political causes," none of which were used for transportation costs, according to the Justice Department.


USA v Prall - Indictment


890ccc  No.4785489

File: ee67be251474042⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 600x451, 600:451, p17i1t7vc01th81fhv13pp1sk1….jpg)


shills don't kek

eaad87  No.4785490


Guessing the Roth owns the flophouse and lets non-citizens or C_A clowns use as an address.

72bb71  No.4785491

File: 9b44cd88a479ad5⋯.jpg (130.83 KB, 700x700, 1:1, mazie2RIZARD.jpg)

35770c  No.4785492


About time for war!!

79491f  No.4785493

File: 15453f247b8ac38⋯.jpeg (6.77 KB, 274x184, 137:92, download.jpeg)


Defeating evil and doing it Gangham Style

d62aa9  No.4785494


only if you think so, it's a new article published today with new details:

>>4785318 Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway: NASA's Proposed Lunar Space Station

e9488b  No.4785495



Seconds later…



56c1c8  No.4785496



Not that time of month for me?

7e8d19  No.4785497


lurking bakers

handoff next bread

if you;re just filling in/helping out

feel free to tak handoff and offer handoff very next bread, if no one takes ill take back

a5c462  No.4785498

File: d7eef45a264fd7d⋯.png (212.85 KB, 675x449, 675:449, prezangel.png)

d62aa9  No.4785499

File: c99f94eb6b37c1c⋯.png (344.34 KB, 500x488, 125:122, raciss2.png)

0dcde0  No.4785500


No, you posted that way to hide the fact that YOU'RE the fucking shill.

KYS, homo.

cd38f7  No.4785501

File: 162ea0f7f41bebe⋯.jpg (145.03 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Gillibranded1.jpg)

File: c92ea2152ae9bfd⋯.jpg (238.62 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, Gillibranded2.jpg)

File: 2b1f6ecd19f4e64⋯.jpg (163.04 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, Gillibranded3.jpg)

File: 0855fa6a37a06c0⋯.jpg (137.03 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, Gillibranded4.jpg)

1841f0  No.4785502


Anons here are right, anon. We say either the gender-neutral "spouse" or default-male "wife." You don't have to like it, but dem's da rules, and we have good reasons for 'em.

>>4785446, >>4785457, >>4785460

99d1f2  No.4785503

File: e77c9fcf7e4de42⋯.png (756.13 KB, 982x576, 491:288, WM loses sponsors.png)

File: 2e410ad615587ee⋯.png (686.96 KB, 795x481, 795:481, UnderFire.png)

ABC Wakes Up to Women’s March’s Connection to Anti-Jewish Hate: 'The Fallout Continues'


Pelosi and Schumer Blasted for Refusing to Condemn Anti-Semitic Democrat


Left eats Left

e5342b  No.4785504


ty for the info have civ experience but not mil


db307c  No.4785505

File: 2c53ff04683664f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1040x1684, 260:421, 924cd73acc55056bc3fc2b2650….png)


back again are ya?

did you not get the point earlier today?

now you're doing it for one purpose only, for sure.

see this image? you see that? people like you

are responsible for this. have a great life.


you just outed yourself


as did you

ab01e8  No.4785506

File: 422ff1a891d363b⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 313x219, 313:219, obama horn 2.jpg)

7294b8  No.4785507


speaker of the house gets

their own Secret Service detail

>ps Paul Ryan recently lost his if you want to get in his face, you can now

4c4554  No.4785508


Some of it I kinda knew, but the article really pieced it together well.

e5133f  No.4785509

File: 0a26269403cfd60⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 2nsw5i.jpg)



First Time?

cd38f7  No.4785510

File: 8c952f6a6dd1fdc⋯.jpg (188.54 KB, 1024x686, 512:343, Gillibranded5.jpg)

File: 65ca465756140b0⋯.jpg (154.58 KB, 1024x591, 1024:591, Gillibranded6.jpg)

File: 8ea1ab190261944⋯.jpg (128.01 KB, 1024x548, 256:137, Gillibranded7.jpg)

File: e4a249ec0ebc774⋯.jpg (160.69 KB, 1030x577, 1030:577, Gillibranded8.jpg)

2f41de  No.4785511


Muh autist… fake and gay.

Autists post information that normies dont.

Your post were bullshite!

044787  No.4785512


Peace Revolution episode 082: The British Elephant in the American Living Room / The Empire Always Listens, and Never Forgets


fb76df  No.4785513


Correct, But if States Legalize and Fed doesn't recognize ? Bye Bye Guns. It's the leftie states taking them !

fd879e  No.4785514


some of us can tell … no one should assume anything on this board. ever

ab01e8  No.4785515


i know.

big difference!

367e54  No.4785516

The Hill

‏Verified account @thehill

10m10 minutes ago

#BREAKING: Giuliani: "I never said there was no collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia http://hill.cm/wKtyQQq

HaHa Giuliani loves to stir the shit.

ad0843  No.4785517


That's one of their main socially encrypted IDENs.

41c5cb  No.4785518


Lets see her debate Trump live. I would love to see that.

1841f0  No.4785519


I'm back from errands baker. I can take it nb if no one else is available. Ty for baking.

54a57d  No.4785520

File: 674f9f327c0a250⋯.jpeg (957.55 KB, 2730x1837, 2730:1837, 98694D0C-AE8D-4621-B376-F….jpeg)

Saudi military jet at 45k feet heading over scotlnd now

7e8d19  No.4785522

>>4785494 added, thats actually the news i was looking for (fresh article)

>>4785318 Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway: NASA's Proposed Lunar Space Station

913c47  No.4785523


Can confirm

c93dd0  No.4785524


There's been worldwide white hat collusion.

abfb29  No.4785525



No timelines. Reality is first and foremost a psychological phenomenon.

Souls, like enlightenment, aren't automatic. They have to be grown with individual effort. Requires knowledge and help.

0c7e13  No.4785526


Has POTUS responded to her letter yet?

2f41de  No.4785527


Die faggot

No one want your inconsiderate bullshit here.

Cry to your mommy loser

b8fcb3  No.4785528

File: 8be91800f931476⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


It is back - Renamed PRIME95 Callsign - BUT check registration numbers 07-7180 They deliberately reprogrammed their callsign for the transponder…. tracking PRIME95 now… cruising still at 35000

856a67  No.4785529

File: 242007c02b7fc64⋯.jpg (37.67 KB, 470x336, 235:168, suchasweetgirl.jpg)

2b3c82  No.4785530

“She good people. She good people, though!”

RIP Bernie


d114c7  No.4785531

File: c22a1c5f6d44d5e⋯.jpg (103.47 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DxDhhJoUcAEIE5u.jpg)

File: 084185a542ad6f8⋯.jpg (124.32 KB, 882x960, 147:160, DxFIjUfU8AA5NZO.jpg)

317767  No.4785532

File: dd9526a706a25ab⋯.jpg (185.7 KB, 747x515, 747:515, permit.jpg)


Time for a Re-Declaration of Independence

6df711  No.4785533

A Master of the Universe died today … or got renditioned to GITMO?

https:// www.cnbc.com/2018/12/14/jack-bogle-founder-of-vanguard-group-and-creator-of-the-index-fund-dies-at-age-89.html

Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard Group and creator of the index fund, dies at age 89

Jack Bogle, who preached buy and hold investing, was considered one of the world's greatest investors.

He was founder and retired CEO of Vanguard Group, which now has $5.1 trillion in assets under management.

He also created the world's first index mutual fund, enabling investors to achieve high returns but at lower costs than for actively managed funds.

d62aa9  No.4785534


those pics are fake and gay by the way

it's just a meme

72bb71  No.4785535

File: 35ccd8def3f3ea4⋯.png (796.66 KB, 669x1024, 669:1024, sarahjeong.png)

File: 21074097430061d⋯.png (258.12 KB, 379x510, 379:510, ROOKRIEKRACISS.png)

8e1d25  No.4785536




ca4b8a  No.4785537

File: 22b3bf074e0cfe0⋯.png (105.24 KB, 633x483, 211:161, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

Jews on suicide watch.



Read it and weep, Schlomo.

e8ad5a  No.4785538

File: 71807f1ff52359b⋯.jpg (269.48 KB, 815x645, 163:129, 1546963470700.jpg)

Did Q ever ask where witches perform magic?

Because they perform magic in groves.

0d327d  No.4785539


800,000? Same number as furloughed. Interesting coincidence.

41c5cb  No.4785540


Don't be stupid and get a weed card. Get it like everyone else from Pedro on the corner.

e995a4  No.4785541

Found this from a earlier bake.

12/16/2018 04:33:25 - Q Research General #5517: Define 'Witness' Edition - #4329498

Ok. with every MOVIE. you have good guys and bad guys right?

I'm guessing we are watching NOT one but a alot of movies combined into one big blockbuster.

17 seconds sound waves – stargate goes with the ancient ruins finds the last few months

or the Fifth Element combo.

we have some type of time traveler movie..whether it being H.G Wells or some other movie.

Little mini movies like "The Accountant" Mick Mulvaney.

burned out can't think of any more..

but i believe we are going to be seeing some disaster movies like 2012 or Earthquake. something like that (hopefully not Armageddon)

Maybe a little MIB. or soon Independence Day.

Can't think of anymore. need some help guys.

eaad87  No.4785542


Muh Collusion???

481bf2  No.4785543

File: 037f0225b5bf21d⋯.jpeg (287.51 KB, 1242x1626, 207:271, A0EDBD10-81D2-4AB0-9B3D-0….jpeg)


Lol. The first comment

3bced8  No.4785544


Harry Reid had two while majority leader.

35770c  No.4785545


Feds already know I smoke de weed.

Veteran… VA medical… told doc I use it for pain management … truth.

But it will be a very bad day for them, should they show up at my door to take my guns.

A very bad day indeed.

fb76df  No.4785546


States are taking them ! How do we get them back ? Better yet, Stop them before the can ?

4c89e5  No.4785547

File: cb72f4766edf2bb⋯.jpg (7.93 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Wipe.jpg)

4975e5  No.4785548


Um sure. I'm going to go to some "security" website and type in my own email addresses and passwords and other credentials, just to see if it's been stolen?

Nice way to augment the collection, eh?

I do NOT recommend doing this.

If you are concerned, change passwords. Never use the same password for different logons. At least that approach will limit the exposure if/when something gets compromised.

There are a lot of things one can do about security online (none of them effective against determined hackers) but they will at least reduce the attackable surface.

The ONE thing I WOULD NOT DO is go to some dodgy website and type in my passwords just to see if they have been stolen. Doh!

56c1c8  No.4785549

File: 2d05600935c461d⋯.jpeg (637.87 KB, 2334x1521, 778:507, C74EE4ED-80A9-4423-BADD-E….jpeg)


Q has said, “This is not a game.” And “operators in harms way”. Real people risk lives for freedom in a silent war raging away as the sheep graze peacefully.

505b8c  No.4785550


too far away for me tae look oot ma windae.

4c4554  No.4785551


Oh, this is good stuff, thank you. I'll hear this for quite some time haha

14ef63  No.4785552

File: 611b01de9c69d21⋯.jpg (760.77 KB, 1864x1398, 4:3, Daenerys-Targaryen-Game-of….jpg)


Ran into the cute little blond from G.o.T. while she running after that day's shooting in N. Ireland…sweaty, fit, and super cute. The chick with her was cute too…had my gf with me, so I didn't get to run any game. Then some creepy assed dude came up and started talking IRA shit and I remembered where I was exited the convo pronto…weird place up north. Down southin the Republic, much more laid back. Got to be on your toes on the UK side.

e5342b  No.4785553

File: a8f483f890c62d9⋯.jpg (14.76 KB, 400x300, 4:3, hirono 2.jpg)

610b7a  No.4785554


POTUS 2045

e995a4  No.4785555



Sorry , meant to attach it to these.

12/16/2018 04:33:25 - Q Research General #5517: Define 'Witness' Edition - #4329498

Ok. with every MOVIE. you have good guys and bad guys right?

I'm guessing we are watching NOT one but a alot of movies combined into one big blockbuster.

17 seconds sound waves – stargate goes with the ancient ruins finds the last few months

or the Fifth Element combo.

we have some type of time traveler movie..whether it being H.G Wells or some other movie.

Little mini movies like "The Accountant" Mick Mulvaney.

burned out can't think of any more..

but i believe we are going to be seeing some disaster movies like 2012 or Earthquake. something like that (hopefully not Armageddon)

Maybe a little MIB. or soon Independence Day.

Can't think of anymore. need some help guys.

1d9645  No.4785556


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 15:18-25 New International Version (NIV)

The World Hates the Disciples

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.

19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[a] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.

21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.

22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.

23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well.

24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father.

25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’[b]

9aecf4  No.4785557


"Am I going to GITMO too?

1841f0  No.4785558


Well I'm a confirmed autist on many fronts, pretty much every metric they measure that shit on, including here on the chans.

But I yield to the sophistication of your redditspaced argument kek.

eaad87  No.4785559


She ded.

d62aa9  No.4785560


yup, pic2 is the original

e9488b  No.4785561

File: fa1c81cc47192c7⋯.jpg (107.39 KB, 640x478, 320:239, fa1c81cc47192c776e86b6c226….jpg)


Wow. You're a fucking loser.

0c7e13  No.4785562

ad0843  No.4785563


The pulse of a magnetic field comes before the firing of a neuron.

Interesting eh?

4975e5  No.4785564

File: 14ddbe8395889b9⋯.jpg (244.26 KB, 800x800, 1:1, MilitaryOperatorsActive.jpg)

File: 80b9a636eeed23c⋯.jpg (417.78 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, QCrumbsOperatorsActivePray.jpg)

File: 8b235a2580322ca⋯.jpg (306.68 KB, 1263x1051, 1263:1051, QCrumbsOperatorsDiedForOur….jpg)

File: 47d3267d479ef10⋯.jpg (107.45 KB, 586x545, 586:545, QCrumbsOperatorsActive.jpg)

d62aa9  No.4785565


>Have not seen this posted anywhere yet.

that's because you haven't been where when it was posted

ab01e8  No.4785566

File: 46ee4c2e6ae9439⋯.png (515.4 KB, 931x502, 931:502, obama horns 3.PNG)

860d0d  No.4785567


Because they don't have, or know about the RIF plan. Once a plan is in place, the RIFs may begin.

a720a5  No.4785568

File: 307853116ffb3b6⋯.jpg (238 KB, 1280x1110, 128:111, 1525350325115.jpg)




481bf2  No.4785569


Kek. Laughing my ass off at this for some reason

ca4b8a  No.4785570

File: 3a97ef14ef3a7de⋯.png (521.95 KB, 1635x957, 545:319, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

Cry moar, jews.

35770c  No.4785571


I have been where few others have ever walked.

Ever hear of "No Lone Zone"?

56c1c8  No.4785572


I can’t tell for sure. One of many flaws. Oh well.

35ef19  No.4785573

File: 55b2ac272b44251⋯.jpeg (669.52 KB, 1242x1648, 621:824, 98FFAF3C-E0AC-4360-BB60-C….jpeg)

File: 42f1bf44b1b0711⋯.jpeg (650.05 KB, 1242x1661, 1242:1661, 6A33192F-740F-43A0-8399-9….jpeg)

ANONS! Hell hath frozen over. Spouse anon, who is ADAMANTLY AGAINST OUR POTUS AND ALL THINGS Q, has either been redpilled or has had a body take over experience Kek. Pinch me! Please, for the love of everything, halp. I am blanking now that I finally have spouse anon’s attention. Where do I start? Spouse anon is as normie as they come.

f5ba20  No.4785574


wasted digits

db307c  No.4785575

File: 963f7c4f6240236⋯.jpg (10.44 KB, 259x194, 259:194, iwndex.jpg)


At this point one hopes they are plain clothes MPs and she is under some sort of open arrest.

Their behavior and the media is stirring up opposition to POTUS even moar. I'm talking

about white ignorant democrat boomers hardening their opposition 39 miles from Brookline. Sad state of affairs.


left eye. yet another.

856a67  No.4785576


Nah. this guy looks older.

fe3e96  No.4785577


3e1fb2  No.4785578

File: 8b3515a75366932⋯.png (192.02 KB, 552x310, 276:155, isithuma.png)


It leads to Roberts.

Seems Anons knew all this months, if not a year ago. It's been a blur, but isn't this old news?

So much news coming out now is old news; hope we don't have to wait another year.

5a1563  No.4785579

File: bc0fe170e08a9f2⋯.png (112.92 KB, 235x294, 235:294, ClipboardImage.png)

b8fcb3  No.4785580

File: aac8f9f825fb5be⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry wrong graphic last post - the C(Q) ANON flight is now showing callsign PRIME95 - however the registration number matches the flight that was previously showing callsign anon. 07-7180. Still a C17 and still cruising East at 35,000

1c4250  No.4785581

File: e99bb777dcbfbe1⋯.jpg (20.76 KB, 486x320, 243:160, to-make-a-great-film-need-….jpg)

eaad87  No.4785582


Big Brother is watching?

Maybe sent by POTUS.

56c1c8  No.4785583



What’s that?

7ea5b1  No.4785584


Trafficking house???

e995a4  No.4785585


Yea, I know. sorry bout that.

4c89e5  No.4785586



39abc0  No.4785587


Did Trump and Putin work out something before the election?

A sting?

35770c  No.4785588


My brothers.

14ef63  No.4785589

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, JFK 55.jpg)

File: 86e8761623b8b27⋯.png (495.06 KB, 829x663, 829:663, Quads confirm.png)


Theory strong with digits..

49a209  No.4785590

fd879e  No.4785591

File: f16c823091200e0⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 779x700, 779:700, for the shills.jpg)


hahaha.. my texts. pathetic and boring.

I put new TP in the shills toilet btw…

73c7f7  No.4785592

File: 01d7d2640db5a95⋯.jpeg (161.92 KB, 668x750, 334:375, A0DA9487-7612-49FE-B31F-C….jpeg)

91238d  No.4785593

Why would Hannity's son be calling him while he is on air. Interestingly odd?!?

b4808b  No.4785594


I like to say hi and make funny faces. Give em the crazy eyes

3e1fb2  No.4785595


No. The other man had a different shaped head and a different face.

Only thing the same is the bald head.

c93dd0  No.4785596


Go slow.

73c7f7  No.4785597

File: bc47a461ceba319⋯.jpeg (156.35 KB, 668x750, 334:375, 1549B633-48BB-4EAF-BEC0-7….jpeg)

d522dd  No.4785598

Yay. (((Baker))) change!

eaad87  No.4785599

File: 07f2af5b06eb6b2⋯.png (458.32 KB, 600x497, 600:497, ClipboardImage.png)

5d09d9  No.4785600


She needs to check that motherfucker. He's a massive POS and if you're married to someone who doesn't support what you do for a living, GTFO. She's literally helping save the damn country and he's shitting all over her.

72bb71  No.4785601

File: 1bf9285f33922aa⋯.jpg (73.13 KB, 750x499, 750:499, MEME_moby-conspiracy.jpg)


>pic2 is the original

I know. kek…it's a joy to me to see them come back from the wild.

<my first ever meme less than a year ago

317767  No.4785602


Yes I thought so too

b4808b  No.4785603



that gif is so worth it

35770c  No.4785604


An area in a facility devoted to nuclear warfare, where you cannot be found alone.

You will be shot on sight if found that way.

bb7f25  No.4785605

File: a3704bd0ab3751d⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1136x849, 1136:849, 24087654327612876543278.png)

File: 5217579015a54b6⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1231x1130, 1231:1130, 3437560897237892186534.png)

ea6ccb  No.4785606


That would be a different type of collusion, now wouldn't it? Would be illegal and extremely stupid.

So, no.

fc1085  No.4785607


That was one thought I had. Or a flop house for docmaster to get clowns some new papers

044787  No.4785608


But, wait! There's more!


You're gonna be busy for a while.

00aeaa  No.4785609


I’m trying but I’m stupid. I have no idea what you are saying

105ee6  No.4785610


I'm not mil, sadly. Would love to serve my country, but when you're in your mid 30s and dont have a degree, you're pretty much screwed out of the chance.

I've done a lot of digging on the P-3, simply because their presence over the states is pretty glaring. Awesome aircraft, frankly. Glad they're ours.

This is a good sauce on them actually:


6df711  No.4785611

File: 55d2dda340deab0⋯.png (946.48 KB, 1159x2048, 1159:2048, Screenshot_20190116-215005.png)

File: 6b93950950ee461⋯.png (850.89 KB, 1413x2048, 1413:2048, Screenshot_20190116-215723.png)

File: 0534b18371fc6c4⋯.png (849.37 KB, 1141x2048, 1141:2048, Screenshot_20190116-215744.png)

File: a2c8fdc873b64b5⋯.png (846.08 KB, 1126x2048, 563:1024, Screenshot_20190116-215821.png)


Forgot pics

3e1fb2  No.4785612


I believe this but I don't trust the source.

510a0b  No.4785613

hi, thanks!



91adbd  No.4785614


That's encouraging. My old lady is fully red pilled and chose willful ignorance. Sometimes I admire her.

cd38f7  No.4785615

File: 1b150b0dd2f6745⋯.png (684.28 KB, 739x960, 739:960, IrishPepeAnon.png)


Ha funny you say that, I live right beside where it's shot kek!

1c4250  No.4785616

File: b940d296702de9a⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, 2qur3t.jpg)

c93dd0  No.4785617


I think something was arranged. A plan putin to play. (Sorry, I had to.)

90bfac  No.4785618

File: 01248b8b6aad68c⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1306x1305, 1306:1305, Screenshot 2019-01-16 18.5….png)

File: 93dafcce287a4b4⋯.png (205.15 KB, 1225x1357, 1225:1357, Screenshot 2019-01-16 18.5….png)

Fake NYT tries to make POTUS responsible for this crash in Iran kek


07c320  No.4785619

File: 967d6061d1c13cb⋯.jpeg (95.83 KB, 880x486, 440:243, 967d6061d1c13cb9e875db875….jpeg)

e5342b  No.4785620

File: 7b880323576867f⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 574x589, 574:589, 011719 Wells Fartgo plane.JPG)

File: 3367c8cc46d9186⋯.jpg (109.81 KB, 633x815, 633:815, 011619 Wells No call sign.JPG)

Spotted this just out of Orange County. No call-sign registered to Wells Fargo heading to SLC it appears. Normally not a big deal but I'm sure it has a load of bankers on-board.

excuse messiness of caps..working on it

eaad87  No.4785621


Are you saying she knows about the Matrix and chose to eat the steak?

ad0843  No.4785622


Plus plus!

094480  No.4785623

File: d49c752bf647b14⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20190116_170845.jpg)

I saw this coming through Brooklyn tonight. And thought about you crazy faggots..

Thanks for the hard work Anons, you keep this #truckerfag in the know!


3e1fb2  No.4785624


That means it's points to the Cabal.

1841f0  No.4785625


Former horse-trainer here.

Aligns to humans 100% of the time kek.

Best training sessions:

Start with an easy review of past win.

Challenge with something new/difficult.

End with easy win.

7e8d19  No.4785626


>>4785002 Benjamin Netanyahu received approval from Trump before a massive intelligence mission last year (breitbart)

>>4785017 Internal discussions from Google indicate that the search giant is “manually” curating blacklists

>>4785372 Tuxker discussions re Google Blacklist for “controversial” YT queries

>>4785033 Claim: Rogue CIA Stages Terrorist Attack Killing 4 U.S. Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out

>>4785045 Paul Whelan update (RT)

>>4785065, >>4785186, >>4785229, >>4785424 Ocasio Cortez Mother Blanca - Rothschild shares a FL address

>>4785141 NK envoy to carry letter from KJU to DJT

>>4785115 Judge Postpones Nxivm Trial Until April 29th

>>4785095 Maggie RT nice pic, POTUS

>>4785321 Barr made some big promises to Lindsey Graham

>>4785318 Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway: NASA's Proposed Lunar Space Station

>>4785018, >>4785046, >>4785520, >>4785528 planefagging, callsign ANON >>4785018 → PRIME95 >>4785580

182822  No.4785627


>KEK Checkout the callsign.

There are messages in these callsigns, if someone were to look, and string them together.

2b3c82  No.4785628

File: 188afdd48b13b66⋯.jpeg (519.25 KB, 1920x1036, 480:259, 25CBC0BA-CCE6-42B7-9EC3-A….jpeg)

File: 31239e68e543ce7⋯.jpeg (78.48 KB, 532x399, 4:3, 6583B7BA-DAA7-4770-B475-1….jpeg)

File: 2535000f60ba2f0⋯.jpeg (56.12 KB, 480x268, 120:67, E38E8FE8-7048-457C-8132-8….jpeg)

File: f957f91157e9fec⋯.jpeg (26.31 KB, 255x144, 85:48, BCFFE6D8-845F-41A3-AB9F-D….jpeg)

File: 5b498635da6e0e7⋯.jpeg (81.52 KB, 849x527, 849:527, 8BCA2C49-802B-4508-A63D-5….jpeg)

b2a1a6  No.4785629

Nancy Pelosi is uber wealthy.

Lawrence Jones just showed us that San Fran is rife with "feces" and paid clean up crews pressure walk sidewalks throughout each day. Human adults are dumping feces ON SIDEWALKS all throughout San Francisco.


You anons that have said Pelosi is /ourguy/ have lost your minds. Thankfully haven't seen that talk in a couple of months on here.

Any GOOD person that's UBER WEALTHY, especially OFF THE BACKS OF THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER… would minimally pay for and donate an affordable housing complex or homeless shelter or something (hey, big tax write off, why not) to help the situation that plagues THEIR CONSTITUENCY. But NOTHING. ZERO. NADA. Not from Pelosi OR Feinstein OR Waters… all three uber wealthy ONLY BECAUSE OF their roles working within the US Govt.

She's fucking evil. To live in that mega mansion as she does, seeing these poor people with no hope, no place to sleep at night, no human dignity left - and/or hooked on drugs with no helping hand up? NANCY PELOSI IS FUCKING EVIL.






6d5c04  No.4785630


I've read this multiple times. Saw nothing to do with Jews.

ca4b8a  No.4785631

File: 313cbf35d28503e⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 626x471, 626:471, 1547693158549.jpg)

Based Luther.

d522dd  No.4785632


(((BAKER))), is that you copy pasta?

2597cb  No.4785633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Last week. Seen across the mid-atlantic states.

fe3e96  No.4785634


I think the alien invasion card may be a final card..Possible..very emotional subject…definitely distracting. Not all UFO heads(old and new) to much into Q..why? Maka me suspicious.

a8bdb9  No.4785635


I died already, the graveyard is glitched though.

2f41de  No.4785636


Said your mother after you cried to her lol

ca4b8a  No.4785637

File: b3b3891392508dd⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 500x375, 4:3, oventown.jpg)

cd38f7  No.4785638

File: 8c7dc052f83cfb4⋯.jpeg (645.47 KB, 1920x1036, 480:259, AlwaysDead.jpeg)

db307c  No.4785639

File: 408c8b530a453b3⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 44293960_404951643584492_1….jpg)


so cool

they should actually name a new nimbly navigating fast attack sub after everyone

USS Anon.

has anyone ever dug on Bird Island?

1d9645  No.4785640


Thanks Big Brother for having my 6

56c1c8  No.4785641


Is that something even okay to talk about?

91adbd  No.4785642



de5d58  No.4785643

File: 41574a8acb0023c⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 236x251, 236:251, pepeglam.jpg)

599f50  No.4785644



39abc0  No.4785645


Brennan went to Moscow in Mar 2016…met with FSB

3c70c1  No.4785646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Divide and Rule.

90bfac  No.4785647

File: 1517b438e5b5394⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1981x1457, 1981:1457, Screenshot 2019-01-16 19.0….png)

File: 0472232a1a09fdb⋯.png (215.05 KB, 1397x1456, 1397:1456, Screenshot 2019-01-16 19.0….png)


Washington Post too


07c320  No.4785648

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB, 859x784, 859:784, c1fde26162d168c2fa2cb953f….jpeg)

f36936  No.4785649

File: c1057195ffbfea5⋯.jpg (12.5 KB, 218x255, 218:255, 4e88ca903a2f5c30c88bd78465….jpg)

a61b47  No.4785650

File: b6224a6085907ee⋯.png (622.4 KB, 710x664, 355:332, b6224a6085907ee8aeeac4279f….png)

f5ba20  No.4785651

File: fae8f7e0be9ef1e⋯.png (188.01 KB, 474x318, 79:53, ClipboardImage.png)


keep on trucking, nigger faggot

4d386c  No.4785653

File: 82d1f9d324bd73a⋯.png (1006.06 KB, 1131x835, 1131:835, clipboardimage.png)

fe3e96  No.4785654



ca4b8a  No.4785655

File: 5d8baf28f5bef3f⋯.jpg (110.38 KB, 700x520, 35:26, Ovensareback.jpg)


You need to go back.

8e1d25  No.4785656

File: cfd9c0a3f28762d⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 413x293, 413:293, cfd9c0a3f28762da0382383380….gif)


muuuuuuh ufooooos

4c4554  No.4785657


oh jeeze haha thanks!

f36936  No.4785658

File: ac13bdd0c81a457⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 275x206, 275:206, d574f431fcc75a8c2bb0e54c4e….gif)

cd38f7  No.4785659

File: eec56d640fdfcd7⋯.jpg (150.02 KB, 1200x500, 12:5, GITMOtheMovie.jpg)

File: 2a0a856630ef880⋯.jpg (127.07 KB, 1200x500, 12:5, MovieBlank.jpg)

ea6ccb  No.4785661


You are a vile excuse for a human being.

856a67  No.4785662

Hi Hillary,

Been trying to call you - signal keeps dropping out.

Must be bad reception where you are?.

Anyways, hope you're having a wonderful holiday - can't wait to hear about your awesome adventures! (The way you tell them is exhilliaryating - like when you landed under gunfire that time).

Will listen out with baited breathe.

2f41de  No.4785663

File: 85c4f2af628c276⋯.jpeg (499.21 KB, 878x599, 878:599, 814A4208-A861-4BD3-9087-1….jpeg)


Fucking kike loser

e5342b  No.4785664


you have the knowledge and passing it on is what counts. I'm a bit older but do not have a 5 in front of my age…just.

Have seen many of those out there in last 6 months doing the racetrack pattern.

like this much moar than the finance stuff.

0cfd7b  No.4785665


there's no header on last bread's not ables.

just doin' my part, anons.


35770c  No.4785666


Not classified that it exists.

Now, talking about what is there is a totally different matter.

506ee6  No.4785667

File: 6e313609d2a30fc⋯.png (584.9 KB, 1096x872, 137:109, ThereItIs.png)

41c5cb  No.4785668


Actually, I find it quite creative.

91adbd  No.4785669


Hard to blame her having survived multiple tragedies including vaccine caused cancer. She just don't give a fuck anymore.

ca4b8a  No.4785670

File: 1e80ce32615af6b⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 479x365, 479:365, 1e80ce32615af6bfd8b0ecb5d0….jpg)


Jews think that about all goy.

2597cb  No.4785671


Did I say UFO, anon? Did the link? Why are you attacking something YOU brought up?

856a67  No.4785672


What a nice chappy.

3c70c1  No.4785673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e1d25  No.4785674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

56c1c8  No.4785675

f36936  No.4785676

File: cee94b3da6d4112⋯.png (228.89 KB, 453x720, 151:240, cee94b3da6d4112f45d55dac89….png)

e5342b  No.4785677

File: dfad4f4e8b5f125⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2047x1365, 2047:1365, Pepe on Airpatrol.jpg)

85b952  No.4785678

File: a3128f75e5b9a46⋯.jpeg (433.01 KB, 1125x1178, 1125:1178, 1BB48911-5983-4616-AE7B-8….jpeg)

File: 3fbccc11bc7c623⋯.jpeg (571.18 KB, 1125x1390, 225:278, 14BDD79D-241C-4049-9143-C….jpeg)

File: d388bdb423ce89d⋯.jpeg (747.21 KB, 1125x1128, 375:376, DB2B3327-6F56-41DB-BF92-8….jpeg)


QDrop #16 is revelant!

Reread Drops!


2f41de  No.4785679

File: 284a7e38fa5241c⋯.jpeg (126.1 KB, 986x1080, 493:540, 252E2B6A-B7E6-4A60-95E0-4….jpeg)


Carry on baker..

1d9645  No.4785680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd38f7  No.4785681

File: c6cc5c5a52dcd2c⋯.jpg (88.29 KB, 1031x683, 1031:683, rottenchild1.jpg)

File: 744e45777a8027d⋯.jpg (125.41 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, rottenchild2.jpg)

File: afc8aa12b3d1136⋯.jpg (93.48 KB, 994x740, 497:370, rottenchild3.jpg)

File: 1aa2b9974b90671⋯.jpg (141.09 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, rottenchild4.jpg)

File: de1768d1a4c6637⋯.jpg (131.84 KB, 1024x529, 1024:529, rottenchild5.jpg)

5d09d9  No.4785682


If he understands coding then he'd probably quickly catch on to the methods Q/PORUS have used for confirms. So you could start with explaining those with the time/tweets/Q posts/ misspellings.

c507a2  No.4785683



I believe maybe you can, but I wrote my post with no gender indicators.

7ea5b1  No.4785684

Anyone have the Link for the nope button User JS?

11104b  No.4785685

File: bfa09f0301025ba⋯.jpeg (2.01 MB, 1853x1233, 1853:1233, 4B657D10-7BED-4615-BCC0-0….jpeg)

File: c3f2f5a971ad28f⋯.jpeg (130.98 KB, 2048x169, 2048:169, 26CFDC5B-CA5C-45F4-B4A2-F….jpeg)

File: d150c3d46b31797⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2048x2283, 2048:2283, 69D6F910-2796-4951-B9E6-6….jpeg)

Oy vey [they] didn’t shut it down and now [they] will be shut down during our shut down cuz they tried to shut it down but were retarded buttplvgs that couldn’t shut it down.

2ad39f  No.4785686

File: a8017917c283215⋯.png (712.28 KB, 978x987, 326:329, qproofkekapche.png)

File: cb36b3be73f619c⋯.png (545.22 KB, 1566x1034, 783:517, qproofkekk.png)

File: b8959e67e3b4c78⋯.png (100.5 KB, 1001x712, 1001:712, QPROOFLAWSUITS.png)

File: 6741d4610423e6a⋯.png (642.6 KB, 2272x446, 1136:223, QPROOFNOV14.png)

File: 3f36258d7377a4d⋯.png (472.65 KB, 1170x1134, 65:63, FOLLOWTHEPEN.png)

b5e071  No.4785687


meh. any lie will do.

the crew mistook a ~3,500 runway for the ~11,000 they were supposed to be landing on. If done right, the landing would have taken ~6,000 ft. they blew past the end of the runway and smashed houses and businesses.


86f6a1  No.4785688

05d7d1  No.4785689

File: 0bb67b0aac30f5c⋯.jpg (57.85 KB, 552x547, 552:547, trumpin.jpg)

07c320  No.4785690

File: 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1024x646, 512:323, 1dd61ed3f6ccb9b3b1a6d2944a….png)

ad0843  No.4785691


Don't touch the clown aids

3bced8  No.4785692

File: 898a59699fe4f29⋯.png (51.59 KB, 1054x354, 527:177, ClipboardImage.png)


FuckfaceFag, fix you fucking meme…

Stop glorifying the Fascist JFK.

Two sources. 

1. Source: Dinesh D'Sousa, The Big Lie, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing),  27-28. 

 2. Source: John Toland, Adolf Hitler (New York: Anchor Books, 1992), 224-225. 

 <snip from The Big Lie>

JFK toured Nazi Germany in the 1930s and came back effusive with praise of Hitler and his theory of Nordic superiority, "I have come to the conclusion" JFK wrote in his diary, "that Fascism is right for Germany and Italy." Touring the Rhineland, JFK echoed Nazi propaganda at the time. "The Nordic races appear to be definitely superior to the Romans." Hostility toward Hitler, JFK insisted, stems largely from jealousy. "The Germans are really too good - that's why people conspire against them." Even though JFK fought in World War II, he retained a soft spot for Hitler as late as 1945, when he described him as the "stuff of legends… Hitler will emerge from the hate that now surrounds him and come to be regarded as one of the most significant figures to have lived."

2b3c82  No.4785693

File: f4806707118c6bd⋯.jpeg (107.7 KB, 859x784, 859:784, 50A40E46-20DE-4A3C-A2DB-6….jpeg)

d522dd  No.4785694


I grin from ear to ear knowing this faggot is in hell. Kek.

May he be tortured for all eternity,

In Jesus mighty name,


fd879e  No.4785695


baby steps anon… this is not a "go big or go home" moment.

6cc2f1  No.4785697

File: 1a38466fb1f3e02⋯.jpg (194.13 KB, 1415x970, 283:194, olsen family.jpg)

>>4782972 (pb)

Olsen family image search turns up this.

Also: Pot stirring device…LittleDeer.ca

0dcde0  No.4785698

File: 9a79ab60e70c154⋯.png (44.85 KB, 553x484, 553:484, humans.png)


UFO /= ayylmao.

Fuck right off.

1f377e  No.4785699


THANK YOU for posting this!

I was telling some anons that they allowing their emotions and their personal expectations to override their logic. So many anons are completely missing the actual habbenings b/c they're still thinking there's gonna be something along the lines of highly publicized or televised arrests en masse… that's NOT exactly how this is going to go. Some of these pieces of shit will "suddenly" die from 'natural" causes, or disappear into a black site. So, when those evil doers are finally gone just be happy you know what really habbened to them, and not freely perpetrating crimes against US and our children anymore.

ea6ccb  No.4785700


…..and……………..what are you trying to imply?

2235b1  No.4785701

File: dbae86097700568⋯.png (440.56 KB, 471x428, 471:428, ClipboardImage.png)

35770c  No.4785702


Ah, the Jew cow whore with the overly large udders makes another appearance.

317767  No.4785703


Like Trump and the fast food?

fc1085  No.4785704

File: f2afa052e4943f4⋯.png (928.29 KB, 1081x686, 1081:686, Screenshot from 2019-01-16….png)

File: 68d1154788469d5⋯.png (595.94 KB, 614x457, 614:457, Screenshot from 2019-01-16….png)


Glad you reminded me anon. I was actually leaning towards the Lakeshore Address for the trafficking but I haven't examined the Pine st address surroundings yet.

Lakeshore very close to an industrial park on a rail line pic related

7e8d19  No.4785705


>>4785002 Benjamin Netanyahu received approval from Trump before a massive intelligence mission last year (breitbart)

>>4785017 Internal discussions from Google indicate that the search giant is “manually” curating blacklists

>>4785372 Tuxker discussions re Google Blacklist for “controversial” YT queries

>>4785033 Claim: Rogue CIA Stages Terrorist Attack Killing 4 U.S. Soldiers in Syria to Prevent Pull-out

>>4785045 Paul Whelan update (RT)

>>4785065, >>4785186, >>4785229, >>4785424 Ocasio Cortez Mother Blanca - Rothschild shares a FL address

>>4785141 NK envoy to carry letter from KJU to DJT

>>4785115 Judge Postpones Nxivm Trial Until April 29th

>>4785095 Maggie RT nice pic, POTUS

>>4785321 Barr made some big promises to Lindsey Graham

>>4785318 Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway: NASA's Proposed Lunar Space Station

>>4785647, >>4785618 Cargo Plane crash, because pullout

>>4785018, >>4785046, >>4785520, >>4785520 planefagging, callsign ANON >>4785018 → PRIME95 >>4785580

72bb71  No.4785706

File: 82399ce191ae7c5⋯.jpeg (100.33 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, stealmeem.jpeg)

e5342b  No.4785707

File: b686537850b508e⋯.jpg (25.2 KB, 500x400, 5:4, Alien Abduction.jpg)

07c320  No.4785708

File: 67bf8ef71596077⋯.png (42.72 KB, 582x357, 194:119, h1.PNG)

File: 9314fa03d200d6e⋯.png (19.34 KB, 618x248, 309:124, h2.PNG)

File: 48ad0cb8cf7962e⋯.png (32.29 KB, 590x220, 59:22, n1.PNG)

File: 9ca5a4dd354ea53⋯.png (16.49 KB, 579x234, 193:78, n2.PNG)

File: dc3e0124d3dc9e5⋯.png (689.27 KB, 621x817, 621:817, n4.PNG)




these pesky q crumbs again…

5d09d9  No.4785709


Kek! Now it's POTUS fault for plane crashed in Iran! These people are insane!!

41c5cb  No.4785710

File: 3d778f93bfd7166⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 676x380, 169:95, hammerhead-shark-3d-model-….jpg)

2ad39f  No.4785711

File: 636d0a52aadc04f⋯.pdf (1.88 MB, culture of critique .pdf)

7338b3  No.4785712


AOC crumbs. She is not what you guys think. she is the fith column killing the Party from the iside. Same goes with the "Hamilton" guy, pay antention anons.

db307c  No.4785713

File: 79c0ed4eb39f292⋯.gif (2.62 MB, 540x300, 9:5, tumblr_ooqtn1518h1qfeaoyo1….gif)


well I am glad I found that out.

makes me happy to know.

absolute loyalty. not for one nano-second

do you even consider anything else.

you'd rather chop your own dick off and eat it.

i'll bet they run personality tests on folks to make sure

they get people for whom it is a psychological impossibility for them to act the traitor.

brilliant stuff.

1d9645  No.4785714


"We can neither confirm nor deny the existence of the information requested but, hypothetically, if such data were to exist, the subject matter would be classified, and could not be disclosed."

f36936  No.4785715

File: 826bd2feee29610⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 263x317, 263:317, 826bd2feee2961081720f6e09b….jpg)

abfb29  No.4785716


Requires food of impressions and proper conditions as well.

35770c  No.4785717


How do we ID the malignant ones?

ca4b8a  No.4785718

File: 2ede397edb67435⋯.jpg (90.05 KB, 846x846, 1:1, 2ede397edb674353697f7b911f….jpg)


Q said that disinfo is necessary.

Of course he has to pretend to hate Hitler.

c507a2  No.4785719


So, find me. Peas and all.

72bb71  No.4785720


suits the shit outta me.

I hate my phone.

2235b1  No.4785721


Kikes need to push Trump into war with Iran badly

b8fcb3  No.4785722


I searched QMAP for PRIME 95 and variants, nothing of note jumped out

8e1d25  No.4785723

File: 588614a680bf52a⋯.jpg (142.54 KB, 651x500, 651:500, 2qzfke.jpg)


that would actually prove satellites don't exist

361eef  No.4785724

File: 120e4f69577e23a⋯.png (90.43 KB, 934x547, 934:547, mel1.PNG)


07c320  No.4785725

File: b62fb49085afc11⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 399x385, 57:55, b62fb49085afc11bb678782c9f….jpg)


Very gay though probably fake.

1e4777  No.4785726

File: 28fa0355dda929f⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 300x169, 300:169, oyveygoyimknow.jpg)

2597cb  No.4785727


Weird reaction to something not claimed to be alien/ufo. It's labeled as a meteor. Weird that this link triggered shills to bring up ufos.

e5342b  No.4785728

File: 1782385b3ea265a⋯.jpg (37.48 KB, 564x376, 3:2, Troll captured.jpg)


still trying that I see

d30eb2  No.4785729


we are collectively writing the movie as we watch it. there is no time, everything is happening at once, the eternal now. that now encompasses every possibility no matter how strange and unlikely, but we all get to choose which of the infinite we will manifest together NOW. Don't abdicate your throne to those who choose to manifest evil. Believe in love with absolutely no doubt.

f36936  No.4785731

1018da  No.4785732


Read these faggot posts everyday & it’s just like a liberal femanazi twat post. “Humans have no gender..we’re all bi-gender….” fag fag fag blah blah blah

This bullshit is division. This is liberal agenda.

abfb29  No.4785733


The awareness of one's hands, at rest or in motion, even more so.

11bd2e  No.4785735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Iran fails to launch satellite into orbit amid US warnings - TV7 Israel News 16.01.19

07c320  No.4785736

File: 4283c86760d6bb7⋯.png (25.93 KB, 611x245, 611:245, qq.PNG)


Congratulations. You just won the retarded shill award.

890ccc  No.4785737

File: eef10c3d24f7395⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 300x168, 25:14, goodjob.jpg)





c3494f  No.4785738


Does 95 have anything to do with Bezos?

856a67  No.4785740


Georgie Loser.

05d7d1  No.4785742

File: bc7d601a07a37c6⋯.jpeg (77.96 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, steal.jpeg)

56c1c8  No.4785744

File: 54e7daac0ef004f⋯.jpeg (150.57 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 43B32CC1-6C6F-4291-9F29-F….jpeg)

082059  No.4785745


Ed Buck…

0909a4  No.4785746

File: d64c74bf8b794c7⋯.jpeg (57.59 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 5a7721db0c5ea.jpeg)

d522dd  No.4785747

Nexr bread, its time to filter the muhjewshills…FFS, who kicked that bucket of copy pasta over?

890ccc  No.4785748

File: 569083f9519a5bc⋯.jpg (37.55 KB, 578x522, 289:261, seeker1.JPG)

File: 93431735741d867⋯.jpg (141.42 KB, 854x736, 427:368, seeker.JPG)


73c7f7  No.4785749

File: 4c6872623ad4ce5⋯.png (7.54 MB, 3185x6617, 245:509, 53A02C7C-D6DA-421D-9690-6D….png)

File: ae9778b58e779e3⋯.jpeg (629.15 KB, 1242x1311, 18:19, 7D22FC88-0083-41E5-93B3-F….jpeg)

File: 053194ff84c24a8⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5D1FA22B-DA76-4101-984A-C….jpeg)

File: 7abc9bd135fa515⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A283F698-C776-4B35-9C6C-04….png)


same shit from same shill last night.

what do u think bothers this faggot so much?

f087da  No.4785750


If that's true, she's struggling. Pneumonia was the big post-op risk and could be a rough ordeal at her age.

913c47  No.4785751


I pray you are correct.

Wifeanon lives in normie land but she listened to AOC for 45 seconds before saying “she sounds like she has no idea what she’s talking about”

317767  No.4785752

File: 83d41fa97a4640a⋯.jpg (43.81 KB, 349x458, 349:458, P1010185 (1).jpg)


It might be the weed talking anon, but that is quite eloquently stated.

0dcde0  No.4785753

File: 18a7e567f18d74c⋯.png (613.31 KB, 600x700, 6:7, f016ba81a509a436c8953763ac….png)


They're ALL malignant.

7e8d19  No.4785754

913c47  No.4785755


She’s dead Jim

35770c  No.4785756


Salute sir.

Much respect.

be1191  No.4785757


41c5cb  No.4785758


You know what you just did…

044787  No.4785759


PRIME 95 is a computer program. Often used for stress testing.

79491f  No.4785760


Stop crying. The Marines must want us to learn something Wilcock has to say. If you know your stuff you can logically destroy what he has to say. But likely all you will do is insult and mock in an attempt to scare anons into not investigating. The same tactics used on a school playground to isolate the weakest kids.

You will fail.

ca4b8a  No.4785761

File: c2ff14ed4bdc3e8⋯.png (516.95 KB, 500x557, 500:557, jewwritenow.png)

85b952  No.4785762



I searched my QDrops app. There’s prime is in 732, 836 ghost prime & 1232

a34068  No.4785763

File: 5e6373881376d2e⋯.png (67.05 KB, 960x205, 192:41, logo.png)

>>4782997 pb

www.Qnotables.com feedback? exactly what I'm attempting to do bridge 8ch to normies

a8dbfb  No.4785765


So Military is allowed to respond on this board? Guessing you guys work in 2 shifts, and laugh your asses off at all the shills and slides. Good look with your serious business that we can only infer.

2f41de  No.4785766

File: e49fe8d99396f4f⋯.png (117.18 KB, 1025x150, 41:6, 5E69A296-EF03-4AB1-9FEF-AF….png)


You don’t recognize your mother?

You fucking turd eating, shit worshipping kikefag

2b3c82  No.4785769



That witch’s tit is frigid. Ded.

1e4777  No.4785770

File: 292cb23e1b51c1f⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 489x679, 489:679, hope hicks.jpg)


> Believe in love

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