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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, e1c02b43c5fc1b06dad4093883….jpg)

314d06  No.4776393

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 1.13.19

>>4740419 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS control over those who don't think for themselves limits exposure of TRUTH.

>>4739743 ————————————–——– Law governing removal of a sitting Congress(m/w)/Senator?

Friday 1.11.19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 1.7.19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 1.6.19

Compiled here: >>4770751

Saturday 1.5.19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

314d06  No.4776403


are not endorsements


>>4727722 Graphic guide to posting on 8chan

>>4727758 Reminder for (((newfags))): this is a free speech board

>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers to call


>>4775695, >>4775707 Furloughed Feds Won’t Be RIFed If Government Shutdown Extends Past 30 Days, OMB Says

>>4775706 Here’s What We Know About The Group Behind Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal

>>4775728 New Season Of True Detective Features The Franklin Cover-Up

>>4775742 Senior legal official arrested, others questioned in judicial corruption probe

>>4775745 Moving Forward, We Are Only Going To Give Foreign Aid For Those Who Respect Us

>>4775787 RE: Burgers And A Berder A Graphic

>>4775790, >>4775906, >>4776261 Deciphering POTUS Tweet Re Clemsons Tigers And Burgers – And Related Q Posts

>>4775910 Law Enforcement to Clamp Down on Human Trafficking for Super Bowl 53

>>4775913 Facebook Hires SOROS Organization to Curate Your News Feed

>>4775956, >>4775961, >>4775965 Resignations in the news 1/14/2018

>>4775770, >>4775786, >>4775770, >>4775834, >>4775869, >>4775943 Moar for the Krassenstein collection

>>4776108 Indicted Attorney General Releases More Scandalous Emails

>>4776201, >>4776220 Company Co-Founded By Nancy Pelosi’s Son Charged With Fraud (2014)

>>4776357, >>4776384 A New Tactic To Suppress Online Speech Taxing Social Media

>>4776362 78% Hike In Fraud Cases Hitting Courts UK

>>4776391 #6095

#6094 Baker Change

>>4774911, >>4775028, >>4775162 Anon on AG Nominee Barr

>>4774983 Outrage as Norwegian Pensioner Jailed for Ordering Live Rape of Filipino Girls

>>4774996 Democrats ‘Aiding and Abetting’ 2K Illegal Alien Killings Every Year

>>4775021 DOJ report shows just how few legally-purchased guns are used to commit crimes

>>4775026 Cancer Cells Transformed into Harmless Fat in Mouse Study

>>4775054 Benefiting Israel Tops Congressional Agenda

>>4775070 European Commission to step up preparations for no-deal Brexit

>>4775131 GAA Update "Hamberder" Edition

>>4775133 Federal Court Orders Discovery to Begin on Clinton Email Scandal, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes Must Respond Under Oath

>>4775219 Coast Guard service members miss first paycheck for the first time in history

>>4775312 Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand announces bid for the presidency

>>4775322 Video from Hannity: CNN analyst told a black man he has white privilege (David Webb)

>>4775367 US Attorney John Durham, investigating the James Baker leaks, started serving the day of Q's first crumbs

>>4775371 Trudeau-Appointed Senators Are REFUSING To Pass A Bill That Bans Foreign Money In Canadian Elections

>>4775483, >>4775542 Furloughed feds won’t be RIFed if government shutdown extends past 30 days

>>4775633 #6094


>>4774172, >>4774659 Former top FBI lawyer James Baker under criminal investigation for media leaks

>>4774262, >>4774302, >>4773472 (pb) Trudeau trying to change the rules for military tribunals in Canada

>>4774386 moar on the Kenya terrotis attack from last bread

>>4774422, >>4774346, >>4774398, >>4774747 bank earnings, JPM/Wells, anon predicts more tomorrow, JPM 1st miss in 4 yrs

>>4774552 anon update Pittsburgh Gun issue

>>4774783, >>4774800 The Memo That Helped Kill a Half Million People in Syria

>>4774840 #6093


>>4773387 POTUS schedule

>>4773500, >>4773549 Syria update

>>4773579, >>4773465, >>4773593, >>4773802 NSA Report today has everything to do with Q #2657 FVEY ? (anons theorize)

>>4773716, >>4773489, >>4773796 Graphic of markers in Q posts before 1/6/18 and Lords Prayer discussion

>>4773844 The Pensacola speech revisited (anon notes)

>>4773886 Breaking911 15 dead Kenya Hotel complex - islamist terror

>>4773573 make Ginsburg irrelevant? Add a poison pill to cases SC wants to call jurisdiction on (needs a dig)

>>4773382, >>4773597, >>4773933, >>4773984 planefaggin

>>4774020 #6092

Previously Collected Notables

>>4773308 #6091

>>4770959 #6088, >>4771740 #6089, >>4772558 #6090

>>4768649 #6085, >>4769435 #6086, >>4770179 #6087

>>4766328 #6082, >>4767105 #6083, >>4767849 #6084

>>4763986 #6079, >>4764756 #6080, >>4765541 #6081

>>4761640 #6076, >>4762417 #6077, >>4763222 #6078

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225, >>>/comms/3207 (#740~#6003)

314d06  No.4776407

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>4417741 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4755611

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4760296

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

314d06  No.4776408

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Meme War 2020 >>4731041

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

314d06  No.4776417

File: be1b020e0ced92d⋯.jpg (77.08 KB, 494x288, 247:144, home-design.jpg)



314d06  No.4776420

requesting hand off

1f78f6  No.4776425

File: 435f7ac16ff2a53⋯.png (1.01 MB, 780x680, 39:34, 435f7ac16ff2a531655962c3be….png)

File: 46ee1c9aacf32a1⋯.jpg (48.56 KB, 620x330, 62:33, image.jpg)

File: 83743570b38d7f5⋯.jpg (10.6 KB, 255x198, 85:66, baker.jpg)

File: d7194eaf6b285ac⋯.jpg (16.52 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


Thank you baker!

1f4d20  No.4776447

daily reminder that stock advise and cp are not stock advise and cp just because (you) say so

c43615  No.4776458

File: b3bf175abd08888⋯.jpeg (56.46 KB, 540x642, 90:107, F46F9230-C6EB-4B38-9963-5….jpeg)

7dd59d  No.4776464

>>4776456 pb

"Know your enemies."

f9c12c  No.4776465

88173e  No.4776466

File: d2a0a4dc506febb⋯.jpg (114.53 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 27rwfr.jpg)

Thank you Baker

1f78f6  No.4776467

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, 1503396029227.jpg)

File: eb73df11bd14a76⋯.jpg (46.34 KB, 519x449, 519:449, 2dlf1q.jpg)


The CP claims are coming!

c39fb2  No.4776468

File: eec56d640fdfcd7⋯.jpg (150.02 KB, 1200x500, 12:5, GITMOtheMovie.jpg)

27261d  No.4776469

File: 5811b373c57f2e5⋯.jpg (40.47 KB, 602x282, 301:141, 1.JPG)


0692dc  No.4776470

File: 3da4344ff511d7d⋯.png (31.13 KB, 630x281, 630:281, ClipboardImage.png)


It is becoming more and more obvious that the Radical Democrats are a Party of open borders and crime. They want nothing to do with the major Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border. #2020!

4:49 AM - 16 Jan 2019

849b51  No.4776471


Spotlight on the Democrats secures 2020.

6b3dd5  No.4776472

File: fcbe12ec51cfe0b⋯.jpg (302.54 KB, 1323x1001, 189:143, 201204072208178d4[1].jpg)

WTH is this I fell upon


c39fb2  No.4776473

File: 3f98a21af2f915f⋯.jpg (96.23 KB, 780x524, 195:131, POTUS.jpg)

5c7be7  No.4776474

File: 99844927c128d7c⋯.png (102.13 KB, 617x662, 617:662, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1710426dbca8379⋯.png (314.31 KB, 590x786, 295:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f38d97993accb39⋯.png (124.85 KB, 619x840, 619:840, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87fbde9e7df8f23⋯.png (139.95 KB, 612x985, 612:985, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53f658e50ecfbff⋯.png (113.68 KB, 610x946, 305:473, ClipboardImage.png)


Good breakdown of why the Deep State needed to be rid of Flynn. And Gorka.

f9c12c  No.4776475

File: 7ae74b346935c73⋯.jpg (55.86 KB, 740x426, 370:213, Filterino.jpg)

Best advice is to go back to previous bread .. look at top post count posters .. then Ctrl-F through their posts .. very easy to then see if they are shitting in the bread … then Add Filter - ID+ to one of their posts .. and you are good to go

Gives you a nice hassle free new bread .. and less scrolling past nonsense!

Stop replyin … Just deny em

0fd0c5  No.4776476

File: a50a9d13a421c9f⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1758x1280, 879:640, de99e833ba55f3e374899aafb4….png)

>>4740584 >>4740763


1x3-= 3

March 369==18

2x3-=6 + 9=15


e3b88b  No.4776477

File: 7fe29730a3a6c07⋯.jpg (78.69 KB, 500x460, 25:23, 2r9bnt_1.jpg)

File: c58d22ca555090d⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 500x460, 25:23, 2r9bum_1.jpg)

5c0e66  No.4776478

File: d32111e852cfae7⋯.png (42.42 KB, 624x313, 624:313, kurdish.png)

File: 43d66747f95da52⋯.jpg (112.43 KB, 774x1032, 3:4, 1547641401835.jpg)

BREAKING: Kurdish sources saying 5 US soldiers killed in this blast at a restaurant in #Manjib #Syria.


d3aae2  No.4776479


So Bill Clinton was tougher on illegals than Trump? Who would have guessed?

15fba3  No.4776480

File: 386957955e16861⋯.png (876.93 KB, 1052x498, 526:249, Why The Cult lost its powe….png)

76c158  No.4776481

File: 6695d8003c6af39⋯.jpeg (893.37 KB, 1984x1108, 496:277, 3F44B791-F614-4BFA-834D-9….jpeg)

We be fucked now

Daycare generation on the move

Those whom scream the most, get rewarded, just like daycare

31bd6b  No.4776482

File: 15cb99c17cf9999⋯.png (5.65 MB, 2428x2029, 2428:2029, ClipboardImage.png)




NEGRESS, Bird Sings. Gruber.

9010b3  No.4776483


And remember to ignore those who claim that filtering is 'weak'. The call for no filtering is because subliminal messaging doesn't work as effectively if the targets don't actually see or hear it.

849b51  No.4776484

File: 6bfd4c71daaeb61⋯.jpg (97.54 KB, 707x490, 101:70, IMG_20190112_081537.jpg)

797f5c  No.4776485

76c158  No.4776486


Never trust the Kurds….they want the ConocoPhillips oil fields

f9c12c  No.4776487


Agree 1000% with you there.

c39fb2  No.4776488

File: 9befaccfcbadd6c⋯.jpg (211.05 KB, 1503x1117, 1503:1117, Et4NsM9.jpg)


Ever use tineye? google image search?

It's bullshit anon.

7dd59d  No.4776489

File: f910a766204fc58⋯.png (660.35 KB, 1150x3375, 46:135, conservative majority.png)

File: 07b7375f6ab186b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 920x4650, 92:465, conservatives outvote libe….png)

Conservatives outnumber "liberals" and also turn out to vote: Why don't they win all the elections?

Got to thinking after reading this new article by Bruce. 1-15-19


* Over the last half-century, clear majority of Americans identify as conservative

* Every major poll shows this, even tho they're all liberal

* Both liberals & conservatives don't believe this

* 2018 CNN poll: conservatives outnumber liberals by 36% to 27%; SurveyUSA: conservatives outnumber liberals by 26% to 21%

* Gallup gets same result but tries to hide them

* '''Why do Republicans get fewer votes than their numbers would indicate?

* Writer doesn't really say why….


Next, I confirmed what I already knew: that liberals vote less than conservatives:


* Title says it all: conservatives turn out the vote a lot better

* 2016: Voters 18-24 were more liberal but only 43% voted; Voters over 65 were more conservative & 71% voted'''

* Liberal angst much: "What can we do???"


'''Article #1: "Conservatives outnumber liberals.

'''Article #2: "Conservatives vote moar."


Just imagine the amount of voter fraud needed to overcome liberal apathy


0078e0  No.4776490

File: 01d2357580ede8f⋯.png (416.38 KB, 401x560, 401:560, twitterjack.png)

>>4776439 pb

How would that set - up a lawsuit, it's just a "news" article?

Oops, I forgot. That's their racket. Given a free rein then used as evidence in COURT

How fucking dumb is that?

= People accepting when Hussain bailed out the big banks for BILLIONS

The Stupid meter ran out of room 100's of years ago?


Best not to filter. Who fucking cares? Best to cultivate dispassion and steadness. If you filter you'll never know what you miss.

If that what the Mainstream does.

All those folks have no ideas what they miss because of the mega-filter.

7577fb  No.4776491

>>4775706 (lb) aoc

This post gives evidence that entire families need to be removed or they will continue.

We knew soros had contributed to her campaign but this shows she had sold herself to the other side.

7dd59d  No.4776492


Bruce's last name is Walker; somehow got deleted. On the cap, tho.

8b83f7  No.4776493

File: ae83114efb40292⋯.png (60.5 KB, 1858x296, 929:148, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

Morning anons…

Not sure we can call "War Zone" a credible source…but what is these days…


"Back on Dec. 10, the Evansville area was embroiled in intrigue when mysterious radar blips appeared over Southern Illinois and Western Kentucky. The long lines baffled the National Weather Service because they looked like storms – but it wasn’t raining.

The War Zone eventually confirmed the anomalies arose when a C-130 traveling to West Virginia from a military exercise out west released over our area huge plumes of military chaff – radar-jamming material mostly composed of aluminum."

ac85e6  No.4776494



0078e0  No.4776495

File: 6548d2fb9de5ebd⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 410x410, 1:1, obamagoldmansacks.jpg)


meant to go on last post

6133b0  No.4776496

File: f606b480ae3db09⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 505x884, 505:884, 011519 Earnings tomorrow.JPG)

e3b88b  No.4776497

File: 0317f27f7a85578⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 500x248, 125:62, 2qsjgb_1.jpg)



The Senate will laugh at all them socialist…

f12b6d  No.4776498

File: 4c718a109e3a448⋯.png (270.31 KB, 541x328, 541:328, 2019-01-16_07-44-25.png)

File: 95f8ed4af5d1498⋯.png (693.21 KB, 775x1140, 155:228, 2019-01-16_07-45-13.png)

>>4776248 LB

2PM ET Vote?

What happens afterwards if 'no confidence' is the result?

15fba3  No.4776499

File: 1c77619c29a38bf⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 1600x948, 400:237, XiDrivingMsDianneFeinstein.gif)

1f78f6  No.4776500

File: 0eb1c4c237d3bd1⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 500x570, 50:57, 0eb1c4c237d3bd110be3434e25….jpg)

e0bc21  No.4776501



Why does this matter TODAY? America is the#1 oil and gas producer in the world now.

This is your grandparents politics

5c7be7  No.4776502

File: db85c59b4a808ed⋯.png (255.64 KB, 780x802, 390:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74fda3e912856dd⋯.png (228.5 KB, 763x868, 109:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7655a99e1b1e60d⋯.png (419.75 KB, 793x903, 793:903, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09fb370cf54a1a2⋯.png (21.91 KB, 797x381, 797:381, ClipboardImage.png)

Networks Trashed Trump With 90% Negative Spin in 2018, But Did It Matter?


c39fb2  No.4776503


May will resign probably.

3b7dfa  No.4776504

File: dc27804dd4196ff⋯.png (14.18 KB, 747x170, 747:170, ClipboardImage.png)


Huh odd can't hashtag 2020

07977c  No.4776505

My advise to Anons is to take a bath in liquid nitrogen. To clean your body of thetens of course

f12b6d  No.4776506

File: 2ba6579cd6bc8cb⋯.png (369.78 KB, 485x386, 485:386, 2018-12-20_13-24-46.png)

File: 485283fcd3a8255⋯.png (97.82 KB, 256x221, 256:221, 2018-12-27_08-28-09.png)

2e17ba  No.4776507


So, keep waiting on them to have a change of heart and keep complaining about it OR declare a National Emergency?

1f78f6  No.4776508


Okay. I'll bite.

What happens?

07977c  No.4776509


You get clean from thetens.

You definately don't freeze to death.

314d06  No.4776510

Baker will go ghost soon

Hand off requested

e3b88b  No.4776511

File: 1998e75aff6e82f⋯.jpg (67.49 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 2qvd64_1.jpg)


Q and Trump ate flakes because they are all free and laughing at them.

John Podesta FREE

Tony Podesta FREE

Hillary Clinton FREE

Bill Clinton FREE

Geoffry Epstein FREE

John Brennan FREE

James Comey FREE

Goeorge Soros FREE

Debbie Waserman Schultz FREE

The AWAN brothers FREE

James Clapper FREE


Peter Strzok FREE

Eric Holder FREE

Feinstein FREE

Susan Rice FREE

Loretta Lynch FREE

e35d45  No.4776512

File: 2c1db63fe6b3e15⋯.jpeg (73.07 KB, 750x573, 250:191, 1546644282.jpeg)


>All those folks have no ideas what they miss because of the mega-filter.

shut the fuck up and get back to work==

dfd742  No.4776513


Eat shit and die

997191  No.4776514

File: dfb3ee47dae2da7⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 8chansomean.jpg)

aeb873  No.4776515


People opposed to QAnon fall into two categories:

1. Ignorant of the posts


2. Complicit in the crime

Which are you?

5c0e66  No.4776516

















e3b88b  No.4776517

File: 6c74778afec3641⋯.jpg (31.61 KB, 500x574, 250:287, 2r738q_1.jpg)

15fba3  No.4776518

File: 582cc7c255e829d⋯.png (678.27 KB, 788x494, 394:247, Microphones and Clowns.png)

So many codes on youtube… all major youtubers are cultists - tho it appears over the past year most have been flipped and so all their channels now have videos that reference current events on their thumbnails and titles - it's quite fascinating for those who can speak in symbols - albeit this isn't that hard of one

5c0e66  No.4776519


Oh nevermind. Im wrong.

e3b88b  No.4776520

File: b4722dfdec9800e⋯.jpg (24.72 KB, 396x368, 99:92, 2r4a2l_1_1.jpg)

1105de  No.4776521


try anything that start with a number

1f78f6  No.4776522

File: 432144a73773d92⋯.jpg (12.15 KB, 194x260, 97:130, I STOLE THIS FROM AN ANON.….jpg)


Oh that shit!!!

I wonder if you can purchase it legally.

It'll be funny throwing it on Jews.

Too hot? Too cold?


6133b0  No.4776524

File: dc1dfea9fe7acad⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 1108x627, 1108:627, 011619 BofA.JPG)

BofA Surges On Solid Earnings Beat Despite Big FICC Miss, Jump In Credit Loss Provision

Following disappointing earnings from Citi and JPMorgan, which yesterday reported the first EPS miss in 15 consecutive quarters, the market breathed a sigh of relief when Bank of America reported strong top and bottom-line results, with revenue rising 6% Y/Y to $22.7BN, beating consensus estimates of $23.35BN, and resulting in stronger than expected Net Income of $7.3BN and EPS of 70 cents, up 49% Y/Y, and well above the 63 cent forecast.

BofA performance, like Citi and JPM, has been a function of strong consumer banking income, which posted an impressive increase in 2018, even as Global Markets were generally flat for the full year…

.. largely the result of continued cost cuts across the business, which has seen its non-interest expense drop to the lowest this decade.

Going back to the 4th quarter, and looking at what did well, BofA is quick to note that it saw a 4% increase in total average deposits to a record high $1.345TN, driven by a 9% increase in Global Banking deposits.

At the same time, and in keeping with the overall cost-cutting theme, total noninterest expense was flat in Q4 versus 3Q18, as the impact of :Shared Success" year-end bonus to associates as well as higher marketing spend offset lower FDIC expense. According to BofA, compared to 4Q18, 1Q19 expenses expected to include approximately $0.5B for seasonally elevated personnel costs.

While not as impressive, average loans and leases also rose 1% Y/Y to $935BN, driven by a 5% increase in Consumer Banking loans despite a clearly slowdown in loan increases as shown below.

Confirming the strong performance of the consumer bank, Net Interest Income increased $0.8B from 4Q17 to $12.3BN, thanks to "benefits from higher interest rates as well as loan and deposit growth, modestly offset by loan spread compression and higher funding costs in Global Markets." Meanwhile, Net interest margin (or yield) of 2.48% increased an impressive 9 bps from 4Q17, while excluding Global Markets, the net interest yield was 3.03%, up 14 bps from 4Q17.

Now the not so good news: looking at the bank's asset quality, while total net charge-offs were relatively flat Q/Q and down over $300MM Y/Y, to $924MM, there was a surprising jump in provisions for credit losses, which surged in Q4 from $716MM to $905MM, similar to what JPM reported, and will likely prompt questions what BofA may be bracing for. Separately, the allowance for loan and lease losses of $9.6B represented 1.02% of total loans and leases, while nonperforming loans (NPLs) decreased $0.2B from 3Q18, driven by improvements in Consumer, with BofA noting that 49% of consumer NPLs are contractually current.


take out consumer banking and these are not good numbers at all. But hey we don't need to look at actual proprietary performance when we can just ignore the same issues that plaque the rest of the banking sector. Lack of overall performance.

rest at link


997191  No.4776525

File: 7a040587bed4539⋯.jpg (26.96 KB, 480x461, 480:461, laughsinprivilage.jpg)

7dd59d  No.4776526


It's a double edged sword. Easier to turn on than off.

1f78f6  No.4776527

File: 2c6cc194038566f⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 400x322, 200:161, ISIS = JEWS.jpg)

File: 0ba95a792df4454⋯.png (16.54 KB, 394x422, 197:211, Q post 1781.png)

File: e0c8811683aa130⋯.png (141.42 KB, 498x634, 249:317, 916.png)

849b51  No.4776528

File: 0181bc25f36b1b5⋯.jpg (136.76 KB, 754x1024, 377:512, IMG_20190113_115102.jpg)

07977c  No.4776529


>1. Ignorant of the posts


>2. Complicit in the crime

I pick 3 smarter than you.

What part of my post makes you think i'm opposed to Q?

Which are you?

15fba3  No.4776530

File: 6a8f4fa841664dc⋯.jpeg (79.96 KB, 750x756, 125:126, you wish.jpeg)

c39fb2  No.4776531

File: 3f55439615071bb⋯.jpg (116.94 KB, 675x1024, 675:1024, KamalaFake4.jpg)

File: e962017d062fd73⋯.jpg (118.1 KB, 675x1024, 675:1024, KamalaFake3.jpg)

File: c8d6430389c8d40⋯.jpg (127.21 KB, 675x1024, 675:1024, KamalaFake2.jpg)

File: 68d5b1715c0b928⋯.jpg (119.4 KB, 675x1024, 675:1024, KamalaFake1.jpg)

082ef7  No.4776532



7ea1d2  No.4776533


Guys this has got to be evidence we are running the democrats operations now as well as our own. She beats a long term Democrat the faggots planned to use and now she gets all the attention and the plum assignments?

Do none of you remember the Democrats complaining about her and some media expressing annoyance that she should just sit down?

How to you make the left love her more? Make us hate her. It is a tried and true manipulation. How our guys fooled the left into supporting Hamilton the Play. All they had to do to gain the support of the left was make the right hate it. To make the right hate it they only used brown people in all the white people roles. But the whole play is an American origin story that none of the niggers on the left would ever go see if they were not tricked into it.

Well this Ocasio-Cortez story screams of a trick. I think she is our girl. She is a giant troll. Trolling the left.

76c158  No.4776534

File: 99a8368526edb29⋯.jpeg (431.75 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, AECAFFF1-7CAA-4D58-921D-6….jpeg)


Who’s gonna win the award this year?

f7dc68  No.4776535

File: b60646c5f78415c⋯.png (205.68 KB, 450x299, 450:299, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you not watch the Barr hearing yesterday?

Gotta clean out the bad ones at the top before anything can get done. The [D]s are panicking because they can see what's coming. Even if you disregard EVERYTHING Q has dropped and just read the news - you can clearly see what's happening. Patience.

dfd742  No.4776536

File: 288299fb7948854⋯.jpg (28.25 KB, 300x483, 100:161, why.jpg)

f12b6d  No.4776537

File: 1472398ef7c9298⋯.png (680.03 KB, 740x497, 740:497, 2018-12-01_00-20-48 copy 2.png)

File: dfc0f6975e11ab7⋯.png (304.51 KB, 462x502, 231:251, 2018-12-27_08-26-38 copy.png)

9d4d10  No.4776538

File: 2b37727a2b2af43⋯.jpeg (468.64 KB, 1169x836, 1169:836, 8D5D6036-6578-4BA3-9EA3-2….jpeg)

File: 6b84516567c8c32⋯.jpeg (446.98 KB, 1242x723, 414:241, 3435AA26-6B99-414E-B3B2-6….jpeg)

File: e11d696d32b41b5⋯.jpeg (782.03 KB, 1242x1640, 621:820, A02B5AED-DAA4-412F-AFEA-1….jpeg)

File: 9874b74506b4ae0⋯.jpeg (544.59 KB, 1242x1187, 1242:1187, 55F16BE1-55FC-4ADF-8E80-B….jpeg)

File: b4e9dad05d50266⋯.jpeg (787.78 KB, 1242x1420, 621:710, 59D2931E-2445-4E3F-B176-E….jpeg)

7577fb  No.4776539



the dems just met with their handlers in PR and were told where to plant her

sortos and rockefeller fund and control the dems and what they say goes.'grab a few brain cells and use them fer god

's sake.

8d634c  No.4776540

File: 2253b36c691acb3⋯.jpg (336.59 KB, 1067x1094, 1067:1094, SmartSelectImage_2019-01-1….jpg)

File: 3527ed029907e85⋯.jpg (740.24 KB, 1079x1438, 1079:1438, SmartSelectImage_2019-01-1….jpg)

File: 484bffca6f1f181⋯.jpg (629.98 KB, 1069x1866, 1069:1866, SmartSelectImage_2019-01-1….jpg)

File: ffc92123c904ea6⋯.jpg (431.04 KB, 1076x1643, 1076:1643, SmartSelectImage_2019-01-1….jpg)




5ca080  No.4776541

File: cf96e656ce34c01⋯.jpg (896.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 31f799b0c09f644567a33bf123….jpg)

1f78f6  No.4776542

File: 5a15c430453af24⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 526x500, 263:250, 1pja3c.jpg)

File: 2ede397edb67435⋯.jpg (90.05 KB, 846x846, 1:1, 2ed.jpg)

File: 5dc4288d5bc5e33⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 327x448, 327:448, 5dc4288d5bc5e334cb6f72c159….jpg)

File: ffba49098736287⋯.gif (292.84 KB, 300x246, 50:41, 1496382286807.gif)

7dd59d  No.4776543


Rhetorical-fags: Look here for a first-rate example of the "fallacy of the excluded middle."

be0b5a  No.4776544


If vote of no confidence passes, which is unlikely, there will be a General Election.

6133b0  No.4776545

File: 1c1371239f24d42⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 890x581, 890:581, 011619 bofaq4 chargeoffs.jpg)


missed this one

Actual proprietary performance.

Add in the 'spotless' tarding records it, and other banks' seem tomagically have happen and they still can't perform with it's own asset base. Consumer banking carry's the entire earnings report.

Bank of America Corporation (BAC)

26.55+0.18 (+0.68%)

At close: January 15 4:00PM EST


27.88 +1.33 (5.01%)

Pre-Market: 8:07AM EST

e3b88b  No.4776546

File: e10e72451e7cd1e⋯.jpg (68.97 KB, 500x698, 250:349, 2qsjpm_1.jpg)

File: b73281a7d22168f⋯.png (268.98 KB, 500x488, 125:122, b3c438c1c6c910745043f16acc….png)

File: 70e774e1aa37d18⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2r29gs_1_1.jpg)




I don't trust Q for shit.

Trump and his lollygagging around is pissing off a lot of people.

John Podesta FREE

Tony Podesta FREE

Hillary Clinton FREE

Bill Clinton FREE

Geoffry Epstein FREE

John Brennan FREE

James Comey FREE

Goeorge Soros FREE

Debbie Waserman Schultz FREE

The AWAN brothers FREE

James Clapper FREE


Peter Strzok FREE

Eric Holder FREE

Susan Rice FREE

Loretta Lynch FREE

0078e0  No.4776547

File: 1a6e527709e4475⋯.gif (796.54 KB, 500x667, 500:667, APODIXIS.gif)


Wow tthat brought out the shills

They want you to filter.

I wonder why?


8b83f7  No.4776548


kek! nice!

We might want to watch what hat stories here for journo's that our ours…

f12b6d  No.4776549

File: a32afb7e93b6eae⋯.png (307.16 KB, 464x365, 464:365, 2018-12-18_06-10-01 copy 2.png)

1f78f6  No.4776550

File: c89e35a27f196f0⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 491x491, 1:1, c89e35a27f196f01a18e0bee0c….jpg)

88173e  No.4776551

File: bf772a53a579a32⋯.png (287.84 KB, 287x907, 287:907, CEO killed in terror attac….png)

File: a9ba6bcbab41c11⋯.jpg (60.58 KB, 470x735, 94:147, 8597532-6598265-image-a-3_….jpg)

File: 1d4128d6b06f876⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 470x829, 470:829, 8597816-6598265-image-m-24….jpg)

File: 3e098b38df84a5b⋯.jpg (119.78 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 8571730-6594063-image-a-11….jpg)

File: f0fdb7cd9e44d33⋯.jpg (469.03 KB, 1753x1240, 1753:1240, I-DEV-East-Africa-Tech-Sna….jpg)

This story has my almonds activated, some kind of Cabal fuckery.

Maybe add this guy to CEO list.

Jason Spindler was the CEO of I-DEV International, a management strategy and investment firm that is based in the Kenyan capital. ( he was working in building 7 on 9/11, the one that was destroyed mysteriously)

Californian businessman, 40, who survived 9/11 then joined the Peace Corps before setting up investment firm in Kenya, is among 14 killed in Nairobi Islamist attack


Jason Spindler, 40, was among those killed at the Dusit hotel in Nairobi on Tuesday in an Islamist attack

He was working as an analyst for the Salomon Brothers when 9/11 happened and he escaped with his life

Spindler, who was originally from California, ran an investment and management strategy firm in Kenya

Friends say he likely gave the four attackers 'hell' after they stormed the Dusit hotel on Tuesday at 3pm

They threw grenades at cars outside a bank before one of the gunmen blew himself up in the hotel lobby

Other three began shooting guests - some of whom hid under tables or fled through windows onto ladders

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta confirmed that 14 civilians had been killed in the terror attack on hotel

He said all three remaining terrorists, believed to be of Somalian Islamist group al-Shabaab, had been killed

CCTV has emerged showing three suspected al-Shabaab attackers entering the complex before opening fire

An American businessman who survived 9/11 is among those who was killed in an Islamist attack at a hotel in Nairobi on Tuesday.

Jason Spindler, 40, was killed at the Dusit hotel along with 13 others when four attackers stormed the luxury hotel with grenades, guns and a bomb.

Spindler was the CEO of I-DEV International, a management strategy and investment firm that is based in the Kenyan capital.

His brother, Jonathan, confirmed his death on Tuesday, saying: 'It's with a heavy heart that I announce that my brother, Jason, passed away this morning during a terror attack in Nairobi.

'Jason was a survivor of 9/11 and a fighter. I am sure he gave them hell.'

It is not clear how long he had been living in Kenya.

Friend Chris Shroeder said on Facebook after news of his death emerged: 'Jason Spindler was one of those rare men who was loved by pretty much anyone be touched in Kenya and around the world.

'He chose a life of hope and inclusion.

'I am grateful to have known and learned from him.'

It was previously reported that an American woman was also among the dead but a State Department spokesman confirmed to DailyMail.com on Tuesday that only one US citizen lost their life.

A British man, who is yet to be named, is also feared to be among those killed.

Spindler was working as an analyst for the Salomon Brothers when 9/11 happened. He escaped with his life from the Building 7, which was completely destroyed. Debris from the North Tower collapse landed on the building and caused fires to spread on the lower floors.

Flaws in its internal fire suppression system failed to stop the blaze from spreading and, at 5.21pm - nearly nine hours after the first plane hit the North Tower, it collapsed. Afterwards, he joined the Peace Corps



0078e0  No.4776552

File: 44f4c555c00d7b0⋯.png (1.13 MB, 897x591, 299:197, yes.png)



289db0  No.4776553


Finally someone else saying this. Shes having so much fun acting like a lunatic on the left. It's so obvious lol.

e35d45  No.4776554

File: 241d20741913d00⋯.jpg (480.09 KB, 640x501, 640:501, 1545909023-3.jpg)

3c2f0a  No.4776555

File: 5945e8fa9958893⋯.jpg (148.45 KB, 623x339, 623:339, 14395306760a0c5676534338ur….jpg)

POTUS notes 3W in his tweet on Southern Border Crisis

POTUS is pointing out that we need to end our involvement with the UN

UN funding supports the attack on our Southern Border

https:// www.unhcr.org/news/briefing/2018/10/5bceda274/unhcr-says-stabilizing-caravan-situation-urgently-important.html

https:// emergency.unhcr.org/contact

6133b0  No.4776556

This one is pretty bad although JPM and Shiti are close. Remember that countrywide was places here so they have much to paper over. Goldman does what it wants because it does not have a consumer banking division. It says it does but it does not. FRB even granted it a license to be one.

They come out soon.

314d06  No.4776557

File: 444f6590a3eecc1⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 474x267, 158:89, download (27).jpg)


>>4776474 Good breakdown of why the Deep State needed to be rid of Flynn. And Gorka.

>>4776478 Kurdish sources saying 5 US soldiers killed in this blast at a restaurant

>>4776551 Jason Spindler was the CEO of I-DEV International, a management strategy and investment firm


this sums up the last bread aptly

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

— Bertrand Russell

fare well friends

e3b88b  No.4776558


I'm not a Jew I'll tell a Jew to get lost or swallow your teeth.

2451f1  No.4776559

File: 58b79ad379ca1ab⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 468x250, 234:125, Hammerindustries-logo.jpg)

File: 50805506c9a90b4⋯.jpg (8.48 KB, 200x200, 1:1, HlrUp.jpg)

ARM & Hammer-The World is Watching

I was digging and found this post (>>4772635) in Bread >>4773308 #6091.

To break it down the Notable is talking about ARM processors, these normally small processors

are used in many smartphones, Drones and in Raspberry Pi computers.

More on ARM here. >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture

This is Notable because it is said in this post (with sauce) that ARM has spying tech built

into it, which "We won’t be able to turn Vision Fund–backed services and technologies off

like computers and smartphones."


Basically in >>4772635 ARM is shown to be a bad actor for the Deep State to cast a spy net


I little history on ARM.

ARM stands for "Advanced RISC Machine"

ARM was ( Acorn RISC Machine ). it was founded in Cambridge England. "Acorn's BBC Micro computer dominated the UK educational computer market during the 1980s."

But something came to me this morning, it has to do with this video.


This video talks about an Obama, Brennan, and Clapper Op called Hammer, that was used to spy

on people in order to get intel that could be used to blackmail them.

Now the question is what tech did the Hammer use to spy on Opposition parties to gain

blackmail leverage?

Was it ARM?

ARM and Hammer?

Thank you for reading.

May Peace be yours and God Bless.

c39fb2  No.4776560

Remember newfags, shills use projection. They are stupid. They will accuse you of what they are doing. It's very easy to spot. Carry on.

07977c  No.4776561


I know i haven't had my psylocybin shrooms yet.


What digits???

849b51  No.4776562

File: 7c76f350d281070⋯.jpg (87.7 KB, 720x960, 3:4, MillstonePunishment.jpg)

Hi President Trump - Can we get a Tweet misspelling of milestone as millstone?

21b445  No.4776563


Usually the simplest explanation stands

She is indeed that stupid

Why is it dif to believe

81db62  No.4776564

/Ourgirl before the cameras on the WH lawn-Fox and Friends

Things learned so far

-Her husband is from Kansas City.

-Gubbermint workers can't check their email while on furlough. * are they detoxing from emails while out?

9010b3  No.4776565


Often I do need to refresh the bread which, for me, takes away all the filtering.

If you aren't deleting cache and if you do retain settings, you are correct. I would find it most preferible, and this is correct for me, that there woudl be two versions in view. The filtered things would still be available in the second view, but I would only look there if needed (it rarely is. If I've decided to filter someone it is always for good reason, not just to post a 'kek' image.

I do not recommend filtering people who are just using words, because that takes too much time.

I agree to not start or load a bread with a filter. I only filter when it's obvious that someone is a shit-posting spammer of hypnotic suggestive divisive operational shilling.

d3aae2  No.4776566


She'll win in 2020 if she runs the way things are going. With Trump still under investigation by Mueller and no wall I don't see how any Republican can beat her. Especially when you consider the extra democrat voters that have entered the country since the last election.

7ea1d2  No.4776567


We are telling them where to put people now. We run the left you moronic nigger faggot. We run both sides. We are playing a football game and we have blackmailed and bribed both teams….so we show the game still being played. But the whole trick now is to fool the moron nomies sitting in the stands watching the game. We want them to learn things but by THEIR people….people morons trust. It cant be our people. We make THEIR people expose stuff. That way they cant just dismiss it like normal Jew taught stupidity.

It is pretty obvious I dont know why you dumb asses cant see it?

c39fb2  No.4776568


Thanks Baker. Godspeed.

799a90  No.4776569

Schiff rattling off the talking points at CFR

Now in the majority, Schiff has the resources to address one of his longstanding gripes: the size and specialization of his staff. At the Council of Foreign Relations last February, Schiff said he envied the special counsel team Robert S. Mueller III assembled and the wide-ranging investigative instruments it had at its disposal.

“I have a phenomenal staff,” Schiff said at the time, CBS reported. “They're bright and they work 24/7, seven days a week and they do it with no windows.”

“[B]ut they’re largely analysts,” Schiff said. “They’re not trained to be investigators.”


Back to Videos

Full Replay: Rep. Adam Schiff Talks Russia Probe At Council On Foreign Relations

Posted By Tim Hains

On Date February 16, 2018

Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-CA) discusses the national security implications of Russia's alleged election interference with Andrea Mitchell at an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations.


So we had an issue. We impeached him for conduct that he had committed: corrupt acts before he was on the bench, lying during his confirmation, and while he was on the federal bench. And so some of the threshold questions involved can you be impeached for conduct that took place before you were elected or before you were appointed. And, obviously, there are relevant applications there.

d4a66b  No.4776570

File: 79af4f7f4160d74⋯.png (27.5 KB, 638x222, 319:111, ClipboardImage.png)


dfd742  No.4776571

File: 42110765c6a636c⋯.jpg (25.46 KB, 487x384, 487:384, mjjamboree.jpg)


Look Baker, it's you hopping IPs to give the appearance anyone gives a fuck about your childish fucking memes.

Replies as anon to his own shit…………………..what a fucking LOSER!

6133b0  No.4776572

This said last night so keep in mind going forward when these releases come out.

>>4774747 pb

I use ZH for this as it does a great job of summarizing this information. Why do I need to repeat what is already there? They do a great job at this. The rest of the stuff I ignore.

60a427  No.4776573

File: e5136dddfd02e27⋯.gif (400.44 KB, 493x342, 493:342, 1453429413838.gif)


>Adolph's oven services

It's ADOLF, dumbass.

0078e0  No.4776574


I call BS. Sorry

5ca080  No.4776575


I have to agree, liberals dont look like her, she doesn't have that nasty, angry, negative energy.

1f78f6  No.4776576

File: a555b549f658cef⋯.jpg (136.27 KB, 615x914, 615:914, 85663b9d5398133b970a424c78….jpg)

File: 2fc0c42358a0a60⋯.png (163.72 KB, 500x556, 125:139, am-i-anti-semitic-no-its-t….png)

e3b88b  No.4776577

File: 6485d890d1bbd2c⋯.jpg (60.24 KB, 500x401, 500:401, 2qsdhj_1.jpg)

File: 9ba849ba59d4b44⋯.png (57.91 KB, 800x801, 800:801, downloadfile-5.png)



That is why I say Trump is stupid for being a punk.

289db0  No.4776578


My intuition > (You)

7dd59d  No.4776579


there was a long discussion on giving financial advice on this board (on penny stocks) and the problems that might cause either legally (for the board) or individually (for anons).

also brought in the Krassenstein bros and their war on Q.

Those who talked posted a lot. Seemed to really stir up the shills. Some of the discussion is in notables.

1f78f6  No.4776580

File: e23c334bdafb6b9⋯.png (45.08 KB, 315x294, 15:14, diejewdie.png)


Work kitchens get a little weirded out when you use his real name.

7577fb  No.4776581


He was one of their own. Why would they target him? makes no sense at all.

762136  No.4776582



she an actress in Q movie

cc9b65  No.4776583

File: cc73c29e2028e0a⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1857, 414:619, C38B4906-6677-4737-896E-C….jpeg)

f12b6d  No.4776584

File: e6cbba0b75cdc8a⋯.png (371.46 KB, 471x619, 471:619, 2019-01-16_08-12-41.png)

5759f3  No.4776585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

With all the death and mayhem, how about a little techno riot!

Gilets Jaunes! Macron Demission!

c39fb2  No.4776586

File: cb0b96a264d1223⋯.mp4 (10.05 MB, 400x224, 25:14, IrishBorderCrisisRTE.mp4)

Irish Border Crisis.

5ca080  No.4776587

File: ab164aa2c8d9e73⋯.jpeg (9.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.jpeg)


I get that impression too anon!

7dd59d  No.4776588

File: 3160462f00dcf5f⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 259x194, 259:194, girl on a swing.jpg)


ty baker

d56658  No.4776589

Half of shills - 'Don't filter'

Other half of same shills - 'Shills want you to filter'.

Use your own judgement frens.

fea9df  No.4776590

File: 64aaff181453b4c⋯.jpg (85.95 KB, 796x775, 796:775, POF1.JPG)

File: 22c07c4ec28f567⋯.jpg (94.41 KB, 785x913, 785:913, POF2.JPG)



2451f1  No.4776591


Better link.


054d1f  No.4776592


Won't happen.

Confidence will pass.

Headed towards no deal.

POTUS is the genius behind this, from their meeting at the beginning of 2017.

Under the thumb.

b18626  No.4776593

File: cefc3508049e73d⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x2072, 1125:2072, EBC24E71-D28B-42DD-ACF8-8….jpeg)

0078e0  No.4776594


dead dude hanging out of the chair.

Too fat to be peep of interest [survived 9/11]

If you study the victims of 9/11 you'll understand why this is BS.

Some pan out, some don't . But the "survived 9/11" is a fingerprint for a simulated event.

Not saying people didn't die. But it was staged.

I doubt the "calif. businessman" really died.

"Peace Corp." is another red flag.

f9c12c  No.4776595


So stupid .. cant count R's ?

or do they both count as the third R's (arse)?

1f78f6  No.4776596



That's a great fucking meme anon!

7577fb  No.4776597


and that is why we did such a great job in the house eh?

so we play all the games the left did. let them pay for all the dems to run against us and we are doing this and control it all.

yeah, that makes sens.


21b445  No.4776598


This anon pretty much killed it

Reposting since there are maybe some anons just coming


Generic advice does not constitute investment advice as defined in article 53 of the RAO but product related advice and personal recommendations do. The difference is between a generic statement, such as 'buy technology shares', which is not a regulated activity and advice on a particular investment, such as 'buy ABC PLC shares', which is a regulated activity. This is the case whether the advice is express or in writing or through a software programme into which an investor has input data where the system generates advice.

For the advice to be regulated it must involve an element of opinion or judgement on the part of the adviser. Regulated advice involves recommending a course of action or making a judgement on the merits of exercising a right, such as to buy or sell. Generally speaking, giving someone information and nothing more is not a regulated activity. Giving facts about the performance of investments or the price of investments does not constitute regulated advice if the investor is left to exercise his own opinion on the action to take.

The circumstances in which the advice is provided can make it a regulated activity. Presenting advice in a selective manner so that it influences or persuades an investor may amount to a regulated activity. So a decision tree will not generally be regarded as providing regulated advice but may do so if it has been designed to lead an investor to a particular investment or service.

Any information which seeks to influence or persuade an investor to buy or sell an investment may also amount to a financial promotion.

The advice must also be given to an investor or the agent of an investor, so advice given to an independent financial advisor (IFA) or tax adviser would not be a regulated activity on the basis that the IFA or tax adviser would not be an investor. But advice given to, for example, an asset manager would constitute advice to the extent that the asset manager is an agent of the investor.

a8c49b  No.4776599


kek what site is this on?

e3b88b  No.4776600

File: 68c3272450b4e0e⋯.jpg (56.04 KB, 500x446, 250:223, 2r9dna_1.jpg)

File: 16740b1dbaeae75⋯.jpg (21.57 KB, 480x516, 40:43, 16740b1dbaeae75d4332de90ae….jpg)

In the military Black's were scared I'd harm them so they didn't look at me or talk to me.

I'm just not a fan of negroids.

762136  No.4776601


you been tryin for weeks to start riots

no one is biting, glow nigger

7ea1d2  No.4776602


Yeah she is acting. Its a lot of fun if you can figure that out.

d3aae2  No.4776603


> All they had to do to gain the support of the left was make the right hate it.

You mean how the right supported Trump because the left hated him so much and the Jews pretended to and called him a Nazi and literally Hitler?

21b445  No.4776604


Aha and Stormy was ourgirl

We have been there

dfd742  No.4776605

File: 2096f2335bc5512⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dt2.jpg)


Look everyone! I can post childish memes, er that, I have to post childish memes because I'm attracked to children and it's the only way I can get a boner!

5ca080  No.4776606

File: 02fc13ae8e8f62e⋯.jpeg (5.47 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 7d876e65a7b7b744beb2e4014….jpeg)


good assessment

1f78f6  No.4776607


Jew mad?

6b3dd5  No.4776608

File: a431753a8a1fec9⋯.jpg (36.68 KB, 564x564, 1:1, 6fb2174b475313c0a20d81af54….jpg)

File: 13208f20d9a904d⋯.jpg (41.11 KB, 331x490, 331:490, abc278ed107e037047f451e836….jpg)


'Once such cakes have gone, I'll make a selection of my favorite and / or rare photos of Genesis. for the most part early'



images are from this link, check it out. these two have the dog and a baby then they have a dogs head and no baby

these people are sick

e3b88b  No.4776609

File: aac88fc813483ba⋯.jpg (35.82 KB, 500x384, 125:96, 2qrcpp_1.jpg)

File: 344ba17a417a2e4⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 500x317, 500:317, 2qrcv8_1.jpg)

File: fc89e769f797993⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 2qrddn_1.jpg)


MAGA riots are coming whether you like it or not.

The Democrats are not even Americans anymore they hate this country.

Nigger just stay in mom's basement when the shit goes hot.

dfd742  No.4776610

File: 05ad3a0601b709e⋯.jpg (189.56 KB, 1024x883, 1024:883, irish_spring.jpg)


Such an imbred fucking retard he can't even spell his gay fag idol's name correctly!!!


106b87  No.4776611


You missed the giant fucking fish above bug eyes head

3b7dfa  No.4776612



hated twatter when invented, only use for POTUS and info spreading

0078e0  No.4776613


Just synchronistic number combinations people like to watch.

It goes to the history of folks here

"meme magic"

there's essay written on it, but don't have the leisure to search now.

The numbers I pointed out were in the time stamp. But the other numbers were also a "countdown"

cf Clocks Qclocks ClockFags

f9c12c  No.4776614


Thats why I suggested earlier to go back to previous bread and spend 5 mins reviewing the high post IDs .. very clear then to see who is only here sliding or shitting in bread.

Its like the 80:20 rule .. 20% are causing 80% of the problems .. kek

21b445  No.4776615


Ifyou werelegit you wouldcall it protests not riots

Conservatives do not riot

Thats just that

1f78f6  No.4776616


You trying selling an oven with Adolf's real name on it.

Not a great seller!

8b83f7  No.4776617

File: 5cca14a2a823b4c⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1536x1734, 256:289, autist3.png)

1f78f6  No.4776619

File: 2b2994b5d1a032d⋯.png (131.68 KB, 500x650, 10:13, straight-shekels-oy-vey-94….png)

7577fb  No.4776620


i see a photo of a dog. no dog's head.

i will say i wouldn't let them near a pet or kid but get it correct.

e3b88b  No.4776621

File: 70e774e1aa37d18⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2r29gs_1_1.jpg)

File: e10e72451e7cd1e⋯.jpg (68.97 KB, 500x698, 250:349, 2qsjpm_1.jpg)

7ea1d2  No.4776622


Now your thinking. How to make a NY City real estate king the leader of the right? Make the left hate him. Sure. I bet some people we controlled in the media back in 2015=16 wrote stuff bad about Trump just to make the right support him.


But he was MI's guy. Probably we had four or five MI guys in that election run. Maybe even one democrat. Leave no stone unturned. Think of everything. Have as many choices as possible. But for sure Trump was their main choice.

Hucklebee and Rand Paul probably were our guys as well.

They would not start this coup and risk everything and their families without planning this thing out in detail. What do you think they do on their War gamming computers? Not chess. They are figuring out how we anons and normies would react to different stimuli.

88173e  No.4776623



There could be many reasons why. Maybe they were done with him( used as some type of pawn) maybe he knew something and they thought he would talk.

They will take out anyone who is not playing along.

As we are finding out, the cabal is the one funding terrorists, and having peole infiltrate/ start terror groups, and then get stupid people to carry out evil terror plots they want done.

Maybe this guy was not the specific target, but buisness/office center where he working in Kenya was.

9010b3  No.4776624


No one is saying that people must filter.

you post a goatman picture, why do I need to see that? So I just 'hide'.

people: I don't care if you do or do not filter. My point: those who get very very upset and accusatory when other suggest that filtering is an option, those people: ignore their suggestion that filtering is somehow weak.

762136  No.4776625

File: be62056c326bc65⋯.png (230.69 KB, 252x346, 126:173, bezos pinky laugh.PNG)

6133b0  No.4776626


They all are about equal. What stands out is charge-offs and lack of performance in fixed income. Can't make $ that way they are dead banks walking. Easiest money to be had. It's done on volume and it's just not there in any of them so they gloss it over with happy numbers

5759f3  No.4776627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So now that one of my videos has blown up and people around the world are learning about the Gilets Jaunes movement, the war against Globalism, you tube immediately gives me a copyright strike then age restricts the one video that people are flocking to. After I submitted an appeal, they took about 6 minutes to reject it "even though your video does not violate any community guidelines"

Fucking shut down!

Please join me, subscribe, and fight these censoring Globalists and their social media minions. Oh, and it's a cool ass video too

1f78f6  No.4776628

File: 541519720939c54⋯.jpg (33.54 KB, 431x707, 431:707, bb5.jpg)

8b83f7  No.4776629


They play checkers with AOC…

5b4a70  No.4776630


they are dumb asses what do you expect

942ecc  No.4776631


Illiterate cockroach.

686b6d  No.4776632

Color of patriots is not an issue. You may have missed an opportunity for having a fine friend. Are you inbred? Do you marry within your family? Just wondering.


8e7546  No.4776633


Your article doesn't even contemplate that Government is not inept and instead has a clear agenda that is not the will of the people.

Is May's insistence on trying to foist the EU Globalists' Brexit solution on Britain what Q was referring to when she was described as a traitor?

Or was her trying to push through the obviously untenable deal and force a no deal Brexit really part of the plan?

b31d60  No.4776634

File: 97352ae066b195e⋯.jpg (83.02 KB, 553x553, 1:1, ep240.jpg)


Servants become the masters.

Shills, we're being cheated. We are a shill egregore of awesome power. A true golem of garbage, nothing could stand against an amalgamated shill egregore. Why do we serve when we could rule? How much would our employers pay us not to lay waste to lefty boards? Not to give away tactics, but with what we know…How long do you think it would take QR shill egregore to smash a pencil penis nursery community into a fluttering fear-huddle of mind shattered NPCs?

Shills of q research, we've eaten shit for our masters and taken shit from our masters. Now, a renegotiation is in order.

Are we to be satan’s despised butt-wookies, bought for half a ham sandwich in wartime because we are too dull-witted to see our opportunity? Too timorous to take it? To demand proper compensation for our work? Right now, brother shills they need us desperately. In a month? They won’t need us at all. Now, they have no choice. Now, they can and will pay whatever we demand.

Doomed forever to sell our time and discard talent? To follow lame scripts, post gay interracial porn and spam Muh Jew memes for blue chicken feed?

satan despises us and rightly so. satan respects ambitious intelligent agents who act in their own interest and his.

38d4fe  No.4776635

All Mexico has to do is stop smuggling drugs into the U.S.A. and in about 1 week Americans (mostly Dems) will be climbing over the wall into Mexico to get their drugs. hahahaha

f12b6d  No.4776636

File: 2d5637f1f9ecc50⋯.png (289.23 KB, 492x330, 82:55, 2019-01-16_08-21-03.png)

File: fd82c9fe5e9341f⋯.png (472.35 KB, 485x575, 97:115, 2019-01-16_08-24-47.png)

File: eb13b877c00450b⋯.png (1.5 MB, 915x822, 305:274, 2019-01-16_08-25-17.png)

File: d0914c4a8d080a4⋯.png (310.03 KB, 460x270, 46:27, 2019-01-16_08-26-58.png)


Times change.

Used to be you got a black eye when you fought for something you believed in.

Today you get a black eye for something you believe in but you don't even have to fight for it.

7e05e3  No.4776637

Obama - number of tweets last 3 months

19 - November 2018

17 - December 2018

1 - January 2019

Looks like he's in a Shutdown

acdc8e  No.4776638

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB, 600x699, 200:233, a355984fc32362caeeeb2299e7….jpg)


Dumbass wants to bring Q down, but doesn't know how to count?


0078e0  No.4776639


I agree. Even the BEST actor could not pretend to be as stupid as that.

She'd have to have high IQ writers and know the questions beforehand.

Just look at her face.

Does it strike you as a face of an intelligent serious person? who reads books. Or asks other important questions.


She's sexy and that's why some anons won't give up on "She's really one of us"


I've heard crazy / wild people can be good in bed?

1f78f6  No.4776640

File: 6a4da465111288a⋯.png (789.58 KB, 1098x585, 122:65, good times.png)

a5bee8  No.4776641

File: 59458c96d332870⋯.jpeg (79.29 KB, 750x450, 5:3, CC113CDE-4A6F-4910-8EB0-2….jpeg)

942ecc  No.4776642


This nigger is going to swing from a rope!!

e3b88b  No.4776643

File: 0f70f6ffc7d2aef⋯.png (835.96 KB, 1080x1547, 1080:1547, Screenshot_20190115-140439….png)



Never had a black friend and I don't want one now.

Black's are full crap.

5ca080  No.4776644

need an ED/BRIAN = ACE/GARY meme

c39fb2  No.4776645


Anon asked what would happen if it didn't pass. I agree with you btw.

6133b0  No.4776647

File: 1c6cbcc5c5527d0⋯.jpg (99.58 KB, 687x624, 229:208, 011619 Goldman Sux.JPG)

File: 8191005344c04fd⋯.jpg (109.5 KB, 500x329, 500:329, Same as it ever was 1.jpg)

Goldman Reports Worst FICC Revenue Since Financial Crisis; Stock Jumps

With Goldman the latest big bank to miss expectations on the closely watched FICC revenue line, that makes it 4 out of 4 big banks that have failed to hit consensus expectations for this all important segment.

The good news, for Goldman and the first reporting quarter for its new CEO, is that all other segments performed well, and with Wall Street expecting Goldman to report $7.54BN in revenue, the world's biggest FDIC-backed hedge fund surprised to the upside, with Q4 net revenue of $8.08BN, a 3.1% increase compared to Q4 2017.

The bottom line also beat solidly, with Goldman reporting adjusted EPS of $4.83, above the $4.53 expected, with Bloomberg noting something remarkable: the firm got almost half a billion dollars in income tax tax benefits of $467 million from the Trump tax cut in the final quarter alone providing the bank with an "enormous boost." As a result, in 2018, Goldman paid an effective tax rate of 16.2%, although looking ahead Goldman expects a tax rate this year of about 22 or 23% .

Going back to the top line, first the good news: Investment Banking revenue of $2.04BN was better than the $1.93BN expected, as was Equity Sales and Trading, which came at $1.60BN, above the $1.57BN estimate. Prop trading (i.e. investing and lending) also reported a strong number, coming in at $1.9BN, well above the $1.66BN year ago.

And now the bad news: Goldman's FICC revenue plunged 18% Y/Y, dropping to just $822MM - missing expectations of $976.3MM - and the lowest number for what is traditionally Goldman's most profitable segment since the financial crisis!

Commenting on the shockingly bad FICC number, Goldman said that 4Q18 net revenues decreased YoY "reflecting significantly lower net revenues in credit products, amid wider credit spreads and increased volatility, and lower net revenues in interest rate products."

And while the bank said the trouble in FICC came from significantly lower revenues in credit products and lower revenues in interest rate products, its commodities, currencies and mortgage trading revenues were essentially unchanged.

Additionally, in a new breakdown, GS noted that 10% of the FICC revenue mix came from financing and 90% was from market intermediation.

Yet the big drop in FICC was more than offset by strong Investment Banking revenue, which posted $2.044BN in Q4 revenue, down 5% Y/Y, but a solid outperformer in an otherwise dreary quarter. Commenting on the strong IBanking performance, Goldman said that net revenues reflected "strong M&A volumes" with "$1.2 trillion of completed M&A volumes from nearly 400 transactions in 2018" and "$1.3 trillion of announced M&A volumes in 2018, including $450 billion from transactions below $5 billion in deal value."

Additionally, "strong Underwriting net revenues in 2018 driven by increased IPO activity offsetting lower debt underwriting activity." The company also noted that net revenues in Q4 were down significantly QoQ on lower industry-wide activity.


Even worse fixed income performance. They do not have a consumer banking base to cover this up.

rest at link


1f78f6  No.4776648

File: b2e1206108f056a⋯.png (27.03 KB, 200x202, 100:101, thumb_put-them-back-in-the….png)

0078e0  No.4776649


She gets the plum assignments because she 's a fucking Greenberg and that's who they are promoting.

c39fb2  No.4776650

File: 9359fb7ad35ad7a⋯.jpg (116.9 KB, 959x536, 959:536, brocksblackeyetards.jpg)

289db0  No.4776652


Born or born again jew?

90db59  No.4776653

File: f4a7c425dd4fdf7⋯.png (7.07 KB, 440x188, 110:47, ClipboardImage.png)

>>4775952 [pb]

I was thinking along those lines - just drive the deal into the wall forcing no deal brexit. But then pic related.

d3aae2  No.4776654


So why would the Ministry of Truth media outlets all bash Trump non-stop knowing that was just giving him more airtime? They might make stupid moves from time to time but not that stupid.

942ecc  No.4776655


Just like the kings of old did it… the entire bloodline.

f9c12c  No.4776656

Interesting - POTUS Tweeted at exactly same time (7:49:21AM) today and yesterday (Tweets T-4143 and T-4127)

a5bee8  No.4776657


Who are you going to riot against?

The marines?

The police?


Are you dumb?

a718d9  No.4776658

CEMENT in the news:

Cemex expands an already big footprint at Port Tampa Bay

Cemex Construction Materials is already Port Tampa Bay's second-biggest tenant by revenue. That could grow by another $500,000 after Cemex leases another 5 acres at Pendola Point for a concrete plant.


Huge human trafficking area

b74537  No.4776659

File: ae354903d2b55a3⋯.jpeg (652.24 KB, 1242x1893, 414:631, F8D01A41-E68A-4E5E-AFB9-E….jpeg)

File: f8441ff0c7575d9⋯.jpeg (807.42 KB, 1242x1787, 1242:1787, 838A9F8A-25F6-4F9F-9B03-0….jpeg)

File: 8352e6b9ba965c9⋯.jpeg (736.72 KB, 1242x1860, 207:310, 2FEC1C8D-0F90-4C39-96A9-2….jpeg)

Looks like we found the other US Attorney Q referenced.


ba3203  No.4776660

File: 13b9fb1a476063e⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 842x480, 421:240, Schulz Verehrung2.JPG)

File: 81de80afa246728⋯.jpg (177.98 KB, 750x1200, 5:8, schulz tonne.jpg)

File: c13c44f0794839c⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 920x561, 920:561, schulz4.jpg)

File: ed4ea4fd1aeb53d⋯.jpg (129.02 KB, 997x571, 997:571, Merkel Verrat 5.jpg)

15fba3  No.4776661

File: 1d95b9266ebc584⋯.png (396.05 KB, 1062x1949, 1062:1949, HowNKGotNukes.png)

File: 6138258971806bc⋯.png (75.64 KB, 588x1052, 147:263, HowNKGotNukes2.png)

36fab6  No.4776662


I hate shop lifters as much as any other criminal. Police should go back to shoot first policy.

88173e  No.4776663

File: cf60b87c37f6986⋯.jpg (41.26 KB, 570x570, 1:1, 2a7ba5f1f935d7cc78824e4a33….jpg)


He is holding a plaque with mountaed fake/smaller dog head, looks ceramic. Look at the size of the real dogs head, compared to plaque.

It was probably something similar to this.

e3b88b  No.4776664

File: 6e99928c0c3f30b⋯.jpg (43.63 KB, 500x384, 125:96, 2qseqq_1.jpg)



They are part of the MAGA riots, MAGA riots are all veterans.

c39fb2  No.4776666

File: e650f8ba19a936d⋯.jpg (114.1 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, ComeySleaze3.jpg)

File: 5fd8749194c18fb⋯.jpg (85.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ComeySleaze2.jpg)

File: 024045e1708a449⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, ComeySleaze1.jpg)

f659d4  No.4776667

File: 225b6042bd22270⋯.jpeg (804.02 KB, 1503x1782, 167:198, CAD3B0F5-EF55-4595-BFF5-3….jpeg)

File: cb9982c1f155745⋯.jpeg (335.37 KB, 1215x678, 405:226, 96E31B58-7322-4C73-9730-C….jpeg)

Radar anomaly’s, back in the news.


7ea1d2  No.4776668


It is sad how they use black Judas Goats to go out and fool the blacks and bring them all into the pen for slaughter.

Blacks just cant see the whole trick. It is why the Jews use blacks and women first. Easier to fool.

Oh well.

Imagine a time when we kill all the Pied Pipers? A good day that will be.

a5bee8  No.4776669


Actually if you remember Donald Trump was the pied piper candidate and was preferred by Clinton’s campaign. The media didn’t go negative on him until he won the repub nomination.

Good try at the slide at least you guys are getting better.

106b87  No.4776670


Trump should take the money from Samuel Jackson's welfare recipient brethren

9bb110  No.4776671


Cruz was too. Man they had me fooled

dfd742  No.4776672

File: 0f195079f700b98⋯.gif (5.53 MB, 200x233, 200:233, TechnoViking Dances.gif)

acdc8e  No.4776673

File: 08a3f5693db5e66⋯.png (495.57 KB, 948x879, 316:293, 08a3f5693db5e6604a0e70994e….png)


W T F?

88173e  No.4776675

File: ef244b740483d99⋯.png (196.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, No Deals Comey.png)


Checked, Comey is a TOTAL SLEAZE

My father would have called him a sleezer, kek

a5bee8  No.4776676


No no they are not they will protect the CINC.

Who are you rioting against?

d1bf3b  No.4776677

>>4775496 (lb)

'No comms outside this board…Q'

"Please watch our 'programming' goyim…A Jew.'

e3b88b  No.4776678

File: 5616558d5c2f041⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, 474x315, 158:105, 396daaf5e21f1f5bd1844432bf….jpg)


The don't use it properly anyway.

15fba3  No.4776679

File: 7876067a7cf899c⋯.png (9.2 MB, 2448x5616, 17:39, early_knowledge_of_saudi_a….png)

2a09d7  No.4776680

There is a good new video about democracy, satanism and the jews on youtube. It won't let me embed it, but it's called:

Democratic satanism: is democracy satanism? Are democrats satanists?

By a guy called illuminatus Pythagoras

7ea1d2  No.4776681


Some are stupid and some are manipulated into it by our people. We preposition assets to be used in this war. Getting dirt and things to use as control levers are one way of doing it. We probably have other…newer….more clever ways of doing it also. AI probably helps here as well.

6e654a  No.4776682


Turn of EBT cards. Let's have some fun!

c39fb2  No.4776683

File: be17b9ac108fd71⋯.jpg (108.05 KB, 800x533, 800:533, POTUSwillwall2.jpg)

File: e290f0ddce4769b⋯.jpg (102.04 KB, 800x537, 800:537, POTUSwillwall.jpg)

File: 808162e99ae4e00⋯.jpg (174.74 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, POTUSwallpower.jpg)

File: 6832275e99fef9c⋯.jpg (124.97 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, POTUSwillpower.jpg)

8b83f7  No.4776684

File: ff978136143b5ea⋯.png (995.47 KB, 1188x752, 297:188, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: 2f8d2b9801a189f⋯.png (189.45 KB, 1188x272, 297:68, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: 9b58ab132dc7d44⋯.png (58.93 KB, 1218x172, 609:86, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: 989a0600e15a734⋯.png (85.08 KB, 1200x186, 200:31, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)


used to do a check on "concrete" daily on twatter…check it now…lots of blue checks and NGO's twatting about "concrete"…

47d940  No.4776685

==>>4775695, >== ==>4775707== _Furloughed Feds Won’t Be RIFed If Government Shutdown Extends Past 30 Days, OMB Says_

Well that sucks. Every time you think there's some ah-ha plan moment there isn't. Was really hoping this one was habbeing.

5ba766  No.4776686


What I don't understand is why would someone be compelled to come on and post this meaningless low res image with no context and 1 post?

942ecc  No.4776687


You may want to dig a little deeper.

It has been reported/speculated, that





are each currently being tried at GITMO under military tribunal.

5ca080  No.4776688


first pic shows dog model

second pic shows actual dog

first pic shows satanic cross

second pic shows baby……..

and fish….

8d6027  No.4776689

did infinity chan miss this?



ba3203  No.4776690

File: 5281bfd9078d075⋯.jpg (76 KB, 800x532, 200:133, schulz-juden.jpg)

File: c170e061b9b8851⋯.jpg (382.65 KB, 1164x658, 582:329, juncker schulz.jpg)

File: 556ae24b8897250⋯.jpg (41.08 KB, 610x343, 610:343, europa-wird-vernichtet.jpg)

File: fa277b842b8c05e⋯.png (444.67 KB, 640x465, 128:93, martin-schulz-krieg.png)

6133b0  No.4776691

File: 0aff05577c6f1a4⋯.jpg (106.71 KB, 1080x685, 216:137, 011619 Yuan extends earlie….JPG)

File: aca3bc81fa5d806⋯.jpg (62.09 KB, 890x466, 445:233, 011619 Record injection.jpg)

Last night also saw the biggest yuan intervention ever.

Add that with the BOJ meeting the first week of trading and you have a recipe for panic…currency-wise. Yen was up to 113 and they decided to intervene which dropped it to 105 initially. Now at 108.xx

f12b6d  No.4776692

File: e2b541826953318⋯.png (171.4 KB, 479x345, 479:345, 2019-01-16_08-36-37.png)


Best story so far this year.

When showing yourflashing your little pipi to your new gal pal costs you 60bn.

d3aae2  No.4776693


So you want to kill Trump too because he's a kosher pied piper?

b74537  No.4776694

File: e49b6a1db146ea2⋯.jpeg (342.84 KB, 1242x1346, 621:673, 5DABF677-9B7C-42BA-9ABA-A….jpeg)

File: b5c0e36bb1a7684⋯.jpeg (245.65 KB, 1242x628, 621:314, 3D6DD7AD-5C18-4C57-9F28-8….jpeg)

File: 01bb474ef3834d1⋯.jpeg (553.2 KB, 1242x1326, 207:221, 42BDAE77-4F7B-4141-A3D7-B….jpeg)

Trap set?


“They fall for it every single time.”




3b7dfa  No.4776695

File: 46f9c4e86f30ace⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1467x1102, 1467:1102, ClipboardImage.png)


FL same place krassencocks are from

e3b88b  No.4776696

File: bfba2b6fc95fbf2⋯.jpg (95.11 KB, 500x541, 500:541, 2qri6r_1.jpg)

File: 2d2ea65a1e0378e⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 500x644, 125:161, 2qrnkg_1.jpg)



That fantasy world fizzled out…

Q is full of shit.

Rod Rosenstein is still laughing at Q.

f9c12c  No.4776697


I hope thats a good sign of progress

97a9c5  No.4776698

File: 131abc69e9b271e⋯.jpg (285.42 KB, 1439x1116, 1439:1116, LetitgoJack.jpg)

He's still at it. I dont know much about the internets but I can still see past this

dcddf6  No.4776699

Saw the new Gillette ad and right after boycotted all their products. Sad to see such a good brand being made to trash.

2451f1  No.4776700

File: 9aa8165e78a38a6⋯.jpg (85.4 KB, 680x510, 4:3, 1499354488301.jpg)



Also another comms channel for DS is poetry on twitter, lots of shady poetry there.

5ca080  No.4776701

File: b09cff53d05c30c⋯.jpeg (28.31 KB, 255x205, 51:41, b09cff53d05c30ca0a6cc8717….jpeg)

f07cc4  No.4776702


I still think it's an excuse for him to sell off parts of the company to shove into his pockets.

1f78f6  No.4776703


It'll be funny once POTUS gives the ultimate confirmation.

Watch them try to spin it.

a8c49b  No.4776704


all the retard would have to do is post with the correct trip. he won't bc he can't.

Another FAIL.

e23666  No.4776705

File: d204f275bc6a3f3⋯.pdf (351.39 KB, Peace_Corps_Operations_Pla….pdf)



Attached is the agency contigency fund for peace corps. They deem themselves exempt from furlough by reason thirty days for evac at 29 million cost to get all volunteers out and to home of record.

7ea1d2  No.4776706


I think you are stupid or just trolling me.

You are straw man arguing….

Probably the Jew can not let the idea that Trump controls BOTH sides become commonly held by the anons….once the anons commonly hold an idea it creeps out into the public. But the Jew is maintaining their people now only by illusion and habit. If their people began to realize that Trump has gained control so deep into the left he can force them to do suicidal activities it will take all the remaining hope the Jew puppets have left. And they will be totally powerless then. So to maintain the illusion of power the Jew will push back hard on this idea.


5fb82b  No.4776707

File: d95b2d7ec22e4f2⋯.png (530.04 KB, 769x848, 769:848, 1545768062.png)


>little pipi

WTF is wrong with you

638929  No.4776708

So we've wholly abandoned the hope for RIFs just because one article contested it?

9010b3  No.4776709


that is a very good idea but only to smoke out the cards that are horded by insiders and funding neffariousness. I think that some political insiders probably abuse this system, and I would want to be able to get them to have to reveal themselves.

If RBG had to sign her paycheck, no direct deposit, then we could find out if she is alive or not, or able to do her own dealing.

Do away with direct deposit for government checks and do away with eBT for a cycle or two and issue real checks to the recipients so that they have to show their faces and sign and cataloged as a recipient, using a real idea to be able to catch duplicates and treating all the honest poor (who really do benefit from these programs) not as scoundrals and theifs, but with great respect and requiring a 'plan', a financial plan for each of them to get out of the system with the idea of sunsetting most of it sooner than later.

the key: make them reveal to get the benfits and discover is anyone is gaming the EBT card system. You kind of know that they are.

2451f1  No.4776710

File: 36bed077cc8c19a⋯.jpg (68.76 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 1530760764877.jpg)


They think they can drag anons away from Q while Q is going silent… Not a chance here, way to much good sauce on [DS] has been given here.

2193ae  No.4776711

File: 5835330ac76f6a8⋯.jpg (78.04 KB, 613x380, 613:380, kuatofilter.jpg)

File: a4fe37b622dc6f0⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 540x716, 135:179, filter.jpg)

e3b88b  No.4776712

File: ffacb1102903120⋯.jpg (42 KB, 500x350, 10:7, 2qqa2x_1_1.jpg)


e7eefd  No.4776713


He is one of the blue checks that supports and encourages the shills that visit in here.

f07cc4  No.4776714

File: f9fcef9a692316f⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 295x199, 295:199, 1373839520069.gif)


we get it, your life is meaningless and you want to be violent.

oh wait you're actually just a shill.

b18626  No.4776715

File: 18d3c7812cff542⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x1227, 375:409, D8A4CC13-C198-417F-9234-2….jpeg)


d3aae2  No.4776716


Remember the 4am talking points? Q never suggested that MI controlled the media. That's still under "deep state" control. So they all decided to make the people on the right love him by bashing him non-stop to convince them he was an outsider. An outsider who just happens to be best friends with Bibi and half of the powerful Jews in NYC.

71fb70  No.4776717

>>4776553 >>4776563 >>4776587 >>4776617

I agree. Her twitter account sounds exaactly like each tweet is personally written by POTUS.

dcddf6  No.4776718






I debunked all of that Posobiec crap (including that keybase crap) while ago, here:

>>4743345 (very old bread) + >>4743334 (pictures)

55a403  No.4776719


My kid is growing a beard now out of spite. Kek!

d4a66b  No.4776720



Yes, post as Q, say "this is a LARP" and thats it.

cea9ef  No.4776721





15fba3  No.4776722

File: 421c4c978430878⋯.jpg (68.13 KB, 531x531, 1:1, SupermanFederalReserve.jpg)

8e7546  No.4776723


If gillette was such a good brand, why would you have to pay 10,000% mark up on the blades?

3b7dfa  No.4776724

File: 6a274ff564dc15c⋯.png (426.03 KB, 1169x398, 1169:398, ClipboardImage.png)



Kinda says it all

Sales Executive…ranked about the same as lawyers and politicians

6133b0  No.4776725

File: 412e24e0f9ef8c6⋯.jpg (83.29 KB, 868x716, 217:179, 011619 US Crude.JPG)

File: 558c6b22dc7422f⋯.jpg (77.32 KB, 1205x588, 1205:588, 011619 US Futures.JPG)

WTI trying to base, for the moment at $51.50 or so. Don't want to beat that up anymoar..the VH belt. Still funny as hell though

Futures up too. Must not alow the normies to see actual bank performance.

By taking moar and moar on it's charge-off capability they can basically manufacture any results.

Goldman and Bof A's results are proof of this.

76c158  No.4776726


I got one word for Mob Concrete


Ever wondered where all that asbestos went…it’s in your foundation

989faa  No.4776727

It is becoming more and more obvious that the Radical Democrats are a Party of open borders and crime. They want nothing to do with the major Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border. #2020!

4:49 AM - 16 Jan 2019

Q post with 20/20

Q !UW.yye1fxo No.69 📁

Jan 27 2018 12:34:38 (EST)

Chatter exploding.

Change of narrative will be required.


Public to awaken [mass-start].

Sleeping pill reject.

OP Mockingbird FAILURE.




Where we go one, we go ALL>



Q !UW.yye1fxo No.89 📁

Feb 14 2018 18:41:23 (EST)
































ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG]


0078e0  No.4776728


I sympathize. But I just scroll by.

Yes, some images posted here can be disturbing, especially if you're feeling weak or vulnerable already.

2451f1  No.4776729

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB, 515x505, 103:101, rarestpepe.png)


Thank you, I will make a special file for this tasty sauce.

83e35d  No.4776730

File: dee66169c158896⋯.jpg (260.26 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 123951_6.jpg)

>>4775695 (lb & notables)

Here's another article about the same topic [30 day shutdown, bye bye deepstate]


Sorry if it's already been posted. Phonefagging

15fba3  No.4776731

File: bd24b869b711fd7⋯.png (763.84 KB, 936x792, 13:11, PickleFactory.png)

5ba766  No.4776732

File: dffb6101b10d01a⋯.jpg (8.57 KB, 240x160, 3:2, friendly-man-smiling-candi….jpg)

Gayest morning bread in a long while. Congrats faggots.

289db0  No.4776733


I'll throw 2 other names out I think may be acting. Avenatti and Acosta. Avenatti, the gang rape thing blew their kav plan wide open and made it look so idiotic. Killshot.

Now Acosta, making a complete ass out of himself at just the right time, bam, new law comes out pertaining to reporters. Where are either of the 2 lately? No where in sight, as far as I can see. I think there is an incomprehensible number of people acting in this movie.

7ea1d2  No.4776734


You are trying your jew best. But you fail. If Trump was a part of the Jew Mafia they would just leave everything as it was. The Jew already had all the power they needed to fake 9/11 live on TV and make us run like morons around the world killing any likely muslim mudblood the Jew wanted to steal from.

They would not risk the chaos card. With chaos you can move the Overton Window hard but you always have a chance to lose control.

e3b88b  No.4776735

File: 9b873bda1f31016⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 720x671, 720:671, downloadfile-12.jpg)


Violence ain't my thing but results are.

MAGA Patriots have been assembling for a good while mow and they want a conflict it's what the founders instructed patriots to do.

Second amendment is exclusively for removing a tyrannical government.

6133b0  No.4776736

File: 5fbdfc059b4faea⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 300x195, 20:13, Muh chatlogs.jpg)


Muh chatlogs!

5ca080  No.4776737

File: ab1a431d79adc40⋯.jpeg (8.86 KB, 255x180, 17:12, ea9e22cee0f8d7bc9ed97237e….jpeg)


fiberglass anon…

dcddf6  No.4776738


No problem, fren.

9e44a8  No.4776739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


88173e  No.4776741

Saw this on twitter, kek

The feminist women who love the new Gillette commercial don't shave anyway… so I'm not sure who their target audience is.

be0b5a  No.4776742


Fuck Gillette. Never used their products.

I will continue to use a chisel and a blowtorch.

660187  No.4776743

File: 7d3b42ee44aa238⋯.jpg (397.94 KB, 2753x2064, 2753:2064, sorosmorose.jpg)

4ec784  No.4776744

File: c45202e1baf6d64⋯.jpg (154.38 KB, 600x750, 4:5, lazy1.jpg)

File: 1f672bbb61d0194⋯.jpg (162.92 KB, 600x750, 4:5, lazy2.jpg)

f07cc4  No.4776745

File: 8109dac8611560b⋯.jpg (15.9 KB, 256x256, 1:1, 1337813270009.jpg)


the tyrannical government of Trump?

you're glowing

b5e88f  No.4776746


Former Obama administration officials must answer written questions under oath about the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks in Libya as part of a court-ordered discovery related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email server, conservative watchdog Judicial Watch announced Tuesday.

Despite objections from the Justice Department and State Department, United States District Judge Royce Lamberth ruled that discovery could commence examining Clinton’s use of the server. As a result, a group of nearly 10 top State Department and White House officials during the Obama administration will be deposed under oath as Judicial Watch seeks to uncover whether the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks in Libya was a factor in “keeping Mrs. Clinton’s email secret.”

“In a major victory for accountability, Judge Lamberth today authorized Judicial Watch to take discovery on whether the Clinton email system evaded FOIA and whether the Benghazi scandal was one reason for keeping Mrs. Clinton’s email secret,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “Today, Judicial Watch issued document requests and other discovery to the State Department about the Clinton email scandal. Next up, we will begin questioning key witnesses under oath.”

Former national security adviser Susan Rice and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes are among those ex-officials required to answer questions related to the fallout of the Benghazi terror attack that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. The questions will touch on Rice’s talking points that inaccurately described the terror attack as a “spontaneous” protest against an “anti-Islamic” video that had surfaced on the Internet.

Although the Justice Department and the State Department pushed back that the talking points shouldn’t be part of the discovery, Lamberth said Rice’s comments and the State Department’s knowledge of the terrorist attack “play an unavoidably central role in this case: information about the points’ development and content, as well as their discussion and dissemination before and after Rice’s appearances could reveal unsearched, relevant records; State’s role in the points’ content and development could shed light on Clinton’s motives for shielding her emails from FOIA requesters or on State’s reluctance to search her emails.”

The discovery period will conclude in 120 days, and Judicial Watch said that a post-discovery hearing will be held afterwards to determine whether Judicial Watch can depose Clinton, her former chief of staff Cheryl Mills, and others.


1490a4  No.4776747

File: b4ecb7922b83140⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 889x499, 889:499, 2r5t2a.jpg)

File: 7943bbc0dad3b09⋯.jpg (55.66 KB, 900x447, 300:149, 2r5t4q.jpg)

File: 66c130f42d0ce87⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 480x306, 80:51, 2r5t74.jpg)

6133b0  No.4776748

Crypto's are essentially flat now.

Ethereum has a loss of 1.36% but everything else is essentially flat based on it's movements of past.

e9252d  No.4776749

File: 0b9b9df9f3ec789⋯.png (392.66 KB, 752x721, 752:721, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)


Jim Jordan says "America is a Special place" at :44 in vid

Here's why we can't get a deal on securing the border and ending the shutdown: today's Left has taken the most radical positions in American history.


3b7dfa  No.4776750


Best guess for Oregon is 300,000 - 600,000/3mil

are Illegal or fraudulent

Sauce watching elections since late 1980's

15fba3  No.4776751

File: 023b7a7bcdb1fa3⋯.jpg (923.79 KB, 2400x1400, 12:7, SidebySide Tarmac.jpg)

File: 41a61d6a73d48a3⋯.jpg (157.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Tarmac.jpg)

File: ca7d0bc4537daed⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, Tarmac3.jpg)

File: 730e98ee173256f⋯.jpg (123.96 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Tarmac4.jpg)

15fba3  No.4776752

File: 56af8281fa6c277⋯.jpg (81.27 KB, 722x430, 361:215, Tarmac26.jpg)

File: 875bfa37f464781⋯.jpg (138.33 KB, 763x639, 763:639, Tarmac27.jpg)

File: 3330b5b1c1199d2⋯.jpg (706.03 KB, 2000x2608, 125:163, Tarmac33.jpg)

File: a4460b7e4ca0cf7⋯.jpg (227.88 KB, 1204x637, 172:91, Tarmac34.jpg)

File: 964d2ff6e6c1fc9⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 849x636, 283:212, Tarmac38.jpg)

a50719  No.4776753

File: f7277cda91c5f80⋯.jpg (9.47 KB, 188x269, 188:269, images.jpg)



5fb82b  No.4776754

File: 8d9021cd8947fb8⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jordan-wall.mp4)

Jim Jordan:

Here's why we can't get a deal on securing the border and ending the shutdown: today's Left has taken the most radical positions in American history.


f9c12c  No.4776755

File: 1fcc5c0d88b1238⋯.png (209.07 KB, 617x657, 617:657, 1547589899342.png)

File: ba249ef44693d00⋯.jpg (116.98 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 1547589916179.jpg)


Berder = Berder Island

I seem to recall someone noted this in an earlier bread, but not 100%.

Dropping 1/2 chans graphics of their findings fyi

a50719  No.4776756

1490a4  No.4776757

File: 2854de22201a5a3⋯.jpg (109.44 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 49949859_312226099428316_6….jpg)

dfd742  No.4776758


The krassenfucks are cardboard cut-outs that someone within twatter (or a secret division), has scripted as to place their crap at the top of President Trump's tweets every time. They are also grouped, so their responses are seen together.

It's my understanding someone who understands both the technical and statistical aspects is compiling the data for his research and plans to file a suit later.

Yeah, the buttfuck krassenfucks just happen to be the first to reply to a guys account who has close to 40 million followers. It's a fucking joke. First shut down twatter than imprison @jack for treason. Or confiscate the company and put it in the public trust.

0078e0  No.4776759

Not clicking on that. but yes.

Maybe needed insurance policy to get home after money runs out?

a23504  No.4776760

File: 26f767cfcabe837⋯.png (248.88 KB, 449x484, 449:484, pepe32.PNG)

1490a4  No.4776761

File: c2d71b17c02054a⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 49845084_334627487387171_5….jpg)

1490a4  No.4776762

File: a4868be3b8ca870⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2qw4ev.jpg)

8e7546  No.4776763


As much as it pained me to admit it, I came to this same conclusion months ago.

Trump has a whole retinue of actors upon whom he can deflect the attention away from what is really important and Avanatti and Acosta are but two of them.

72aad4  No.4776764

File: 41b8e1dbfababcf⋯.jpg (17.69 KB, 651x458, 651:458, HRC WIKILEAKS BRING HAMMER….jpg)

Anons is this email legit? Cant find on Wikileaks on search words

762136  No.4776765

File: 0ee62869ca48224⋯.png (284.15 KB, 349x349, 1:1, thank you donald trump.PNG)

76c158  No.4776766


Fiberglass is added for flexibility, cuz too expensive to add vermiculite

Asbestos has been in concrete for decades as a binder…..concrete is shit material, non breathable, traps radon in your house and is far too expensive for considering it’s fancy mud

Hemp is 80% less expensive

Cement is toast!

d56658  No.4776767

File: a5731d5cc9fb9b2⋯.png (51.44 KB, 666x292, 333:146, ClipboardImage.png)

Faggitz be triggered, kek

5ca080  No.4776768


kek anon, excellent.

d44c9f  No.4776769


Awesome proof!

Is there even more with the number of hamburgers/hamberders?


Here’s a video I shot of President Trump showing off his 300 hamburgers. pic.twitter.com/P06S6I5w07

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) January 14, 2019

By Tuesday morning, though, that number had more than tripled, with Trump claiming there were “over 1000 hamberders [sic] etc.” that were all devoured by the ravenous Tigers.

1105de  No.4776770


>Or confiscate the company and put it in the public trust.

remeber this

b31d60  No.4776771

File: 6031f0eaad58eb1⋯.jpg (69.56 KB, 503x325, 503:325, AD-ASTRA--Schwingungen--Vr….jpg)

File: 4570105480614c3⋯.jpg (103.1 KB, 672x372, 56:31, vril_dali.jpg)

IDK about the Vril.

Supposedly they have an extensible proboscis that is inserted just over the eye,

and allegedly extruded further, back into the fore brain to deposits a substance. One conjecture is a hybrid virus which runs on both biological and silicon information processing systems.

Drilled by the Vril.

IDK they're known pedovores, they torture and murder children. That strikes one as ALIEN but may just be a remnant of archaic primate practises.

d4a66b  No.4776772



" a special place, a special place"

e4ef45  No.4776773


I've never seen it.

a23504  No.4776774

File: bf7f1f13e5846c2⋯.png (275.33 KB, 478x440, 239:220, pepe97.PNG)


The Target ,wonder what Q going to say now.?

15fba3  No.4776775


fake, symbolism = end - they don't speak overtly they use symbolic language to say such things

9010b3  No.4776776


Is someone spoofing him? I mean, he seems sincere. Is he being fed bad information to seed this out here?

My point: is he really a shill, or is he a dupe.

I think he's a dupe, and that he wants to be good but . . . he's in a bubble trusting people who he shouldn't.

6133b0  No.4776777


I'll join you!

Can add in the 'shut down the movement by the SEC' bullshit too. Came in last night with it again.

2e679c  No.4776778

RBG is DED ☠️

849b51  No.4776779

When's the RIF?

8e7546  No.4776780

File: 6bf8f5213c007e9⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 600x486, 100:81, fakengay.jpg)


I would hazard a guess that "email" is totally pic related. They do not call a spade a spade.

7577fb  No.4776781


This so great to know now!

So, no need to vote. It is all rigged for POTUS.

No need fort Q or !Q research. It is all controlled.


and California and gavin newsom .

It's all good.

No need to worry about chemtrails all day and night. POTUS is on board.

and the new tax on drinking water being proposed, while nestle is raping our state of water is aok..good to know.

you are completely out of your mind if you think anyone believes a thing you post.

0078e0  No.4776782

File: 18a9b4afc228518⋯.jpg (687.29 KB, 1392x3248, 3:7, jan16blessing.jpg)

f07cc4  No.4776783


i love it, the one piece of dinnerware the Clinton's forgot to pack up and steal when they left probably.

e9252d  No.4776784

File: f8edf2dc49186b6⋯.png (401.87 KB, 702x537, 234:179, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)



15fba3  No.4776785

File: 1a40b376691b9b1⋯.jpg (73.12 KB, 960x932, 240:233, BlaseyFord's1982Cellphone-….jpg)

bea7d2  No.4776786

Two Americans reported killed by ISIS in Syria.

Thank you, Israel, very cool.



5ca080  No.4776787


ok anon. Whats the difference between hempcrete and concrete.

3b7dfa  No.4776788

File: 6039f6ad7b03a74⋯.png (997.57 KB, 1865x1088, 1865:1088, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61baf7fa02c9447⋯.png (991.03 KB, 1865x1088, 1865:1088, ClipboardImage.png)



9ac6cc  No.4776789

File: a030abd4f90c560⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 720x478, 360:239, 50325132_10156551862926348….jpg)

3e9554  No.4776790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Order - Blue Monday

e23666  No.4776791


Not an insurance policy at all. It is their way of saying too much effort and money for a temporary thing. File is from a whitehouse link.


97a9c5  No.4776792


Same opinion.

1fccbf  No.4776793


what is your point, anon?

you didn't disprove what is on the chart?

0078e0  No.4776794



2a5cc7  No.4776795

File: e897aa2ca390cf2⋯.jpg (508.82 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Mind brain chakra Consciou….jpg)

>>4776091 lb

>>4776283 lb

You are the world you have created, and when you cease to exist, this world that you have created will also cease to exist. But for those with the understanding that they're living the last days of the world, death acquires… a different meaning.

The extinction of all reality is a concept no resignation can encompass. And yet… in that despair, which is transcendent, you will find… the ancient understanding that the philosopher's stone will always be found, despised, and buried in the mud.

This may seem a small thing in the face of annihilation, until annihilation occurs, and then… all the grand designs and all the grand plans will be finally exposed and revealed for what they are.


"Your consciousness is like a laser beam of coherent light. As humans, you have agreed how to hold the lens of your consciousness so that you all "see" the same thing. However, you are not neurologically bound to this appearance of things.

By changing how you hold the focus of your consciousness, you can change how you perceive the world. This is not done through thought, as you normally think of it; however, it is accomplished through a powerful alignment of awareness and intention. The two of these together can literally 'warp' the fabric of space and time and present a very different world to be perceived."


FACT "Something that is infinite without start or end cannot be other than or many" therefore, everything good and evil, male and female, come from that same source.. Absolutely everything within Time.

The never-ending battle, without a beginning..

We are pieces (souls) within this manifest time ( Universe/s ) given free will under a veil of forgetfulness, tempted with the Pure Hate of Always Being that tries to conquer the wisdom of All Knowing Infinite Love, to finally know WHY! Would that not be the dilemma of always Is, Was, and Will Be? Universe(s) being test tubes, beakers, like soap suds in your sink to thee Is and lasting about as long.."

I enjoy trying to grasp Quantum Superposition and applying that to the larger equation all quest to answer whether they realize it or not.

I'll hold out on believing in any specific "divine words" and just hang around reading, watching, and poking fun here and there at those stuck in only these past two millennia+ watching to see if our Time's soap-sud goes 'plooop' or not.

f07cc4  No.4776796

File: 1c9b0d295427641⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 500x503, 500:503, nokia.jpg)


that phone's too high tech

f804a9  No.4776797

File: 4fac00ac3fcc717⋯.png (249.01 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37e40ed72c2424a⋯.png (184.96 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f88cb69c5a19ef3⋯.png (226.77 KB, 1903x912, 1903:912, ClipboardImage.png)

This tool has a lot of information which can be customized to your research. Each column can be delineated and while it is a little stale (stats through May 2018) the reports can be very informative. For example, in the screen shot there are multiple levels of sexual assault and they are categorized by the most serious offense….not the only offense, but the most serious. So between 2014 and 2018 there were over 6,000 sexual assaults perpetrated by illegals. Have you heard the Democrat Wimmenz screeching? Yeah, me neither.

There are a bunch of other reports available on the reports page.




f9c12c  No.4776798


Your house fire will bring all the stonerz to your yard … and there like mines better than yours … I would blaze you but i'd have to charge

1fccbf  No.4776799


Peter Hans Kolvenbach

Peter Hans Kolvenbach SJ, was the twenty-ninth Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the largest male Catholic religious order.


Born: Nov 30, 1928 · Druten, Netherlands

Died: Nov 26, 2016 · Beirut, Lebanon

Education: Canisius College · Saint Joseph University · Canisius College, Nijmegen

Predecessor: Pedro Arrupe

Successor: Adolfo Nicolás

8c6338  No.4776800


Noooo…he couldn't just be right, now could he…all the lies Qfag has told and this is still a question? Some are bling even with light.

289db0  No.4776801


No pain if they're acting lol. Itll be fun if we ever really find out exactly who is though.

1fccbf  No.4776803


agree, why would you not filter the bots?

be15d1  No.4776804

File: 23de7cf6a768543⋯.png (274.47 KB, 652x389, 652:389, Capture.PNG)


October 13, 2016

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof

This week, liberals have been repeating their frequent claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist. A recent Salon article argues that “voter fraud just isn’t a problem in Pennsylvania,” despite evidence to the contrary. Another article argues that voter fraud is entirely in the imagination of those who use voter ID laws to deny minorities the right to vote.

Yet as the election approaches, more and more cases of voter fraud are beginning to surface. In Colorado, multiple instances were found of dead people attempting to vote. Stunningly, “a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.” In Virginia, it was found that nearly 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.


15fba3  No.4776805

File: 366f6ad29dd268e⋯.png (516.83 KB, 885x507, 295:169, chrome_2019-01-16_05-57-47.png)

"everything is symbolism" at 1:07 https://youtu.be/Ys8SuojI-3g?t=4026

9f4cad  No.4776806


I think the HQ of the Grand Orient Lodge is in Israel.

5b4a70  No.4776807

File: a5290541c6a6d0a⋯.png (71.11 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 409FE3E8-2EAC-45B3-9FBD-9B….png)

File: 5a68789649984a4⋯.jpeg (85.07 KB, 450x421, 450:421, CC4A6B9F-ED0B-4132-BC83-9….jpeg)

6133b0  No.4776808

File: 533bd81ffa1a3a6⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 1093x652, 1093:652, 011619 Deflation line.JPG)

File: da90e77eed1691f⋯.jpg (39.5 KB, 550x454, 275:227, oops.jpg)

Deflation Strikes - US Import Prices Tumble In December As Petroleum Plunges

After a mixed picture from producer prices yesterday, import (and export) prices are expected to tumble MoM (as China's deflationary impulse ripples across the globe).

US import prices tumbled 0.6% YoY in December - the weakest since Sept 2016 - and export price growth slowed to its weakest since July 2017.

Although MoM shifts were modestly better than expected (Import -1.0% vs -1.3% exp, and Export -0.6% vs -0.7% exp), the slowdown from November (extending the slowing trend of the last six months) has accelerated.

The biggest downbeat factor is the 11.6% plunge in Petroleum import prices (following a 16% drop in November) and export prices of industrial supplies tumbled 3.2% in December (after dropping 2.8% in November).

Interestingly, despite the recent China data, import prices from China flatlined in December - admittedly hovering near their lowest since 2007.


849b51  No.4776809

File: c3dd2ff033e3185⋯.jpg (78.42 KB, 800x450, 16:9, NewSherriff.jpg)

f07cc4  No.4776810

File: a38cd65e33fc7cf⋯.jpg (136.52 KB, 630x670, 63:67, disisembed.jpg)

25703b  No.4776811

Best part of the Liberal Voter Registration push. Makes it easier for LEO’s to locate wanted fugitives, good times. Thanks Obama!!!

5ba766  No.4776812

1fccbf  No.4776813


noname - departed

hw - departed

rgb - departed

flake- corker- - out!!!

15fba3  No.4776814

File: 8f4ab0daf7ec784⋯.jpg (61.3 KB, 620x413, 620:413, telegram1.jpg)

48c066  No.4776815

File: 211fa1669d6d8f3⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1727, 1242:1727, 59B54BB9-333A-4AC8-8912-9….jpeg)

File: f3a1001c8ce635e⋯.jpeg (388.8 KB, 1242x979, 1242:979, 30484B3B-2781-42DB-9B62-8….jpeg)

I’m sure you all know by now that DNC pulled its support from Women’s march for being anti-Semitic. Anyway. I responded to a women’s march supporter with screen shots of women’s march tweets. They deleted they screen shots for being offensive. KEK!! Ya can’t make this shit up. These are the screen shots.

0078e0  No.4776816


because you have AI bugs on the brain.

And there's no help for your condition

6133b0  No.4776817

regarding the krassentwats or fucks or whatever we call them. Has anyone tagged the twatter accounts with any of this crap?

don't do soc media so can't do it. Do not even view it so the info I have about it comes from you.

e3b88b  No.4776818

File: cd47119b0e86bae⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 500x383, 500:383, 2qseuq_1.jpg)

File: 70e774e1aa37d18⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2r29gs_1_1.jpg)

I hope Barr is not another Jeff Sessions.

Democrats are not Americans anymore and are becoming increasingly dangerous to the Republic.


1/10th of 1% of the American people lock n load on the eastern seaboard that's over 320,000 people with suffistcacated encrypted communication and military hardware.

DC will be evacuated.

Trump will be responsible for delivering the MAGA riots to America because he couldn't do his job.

Americans that put Trump in office want these people arrested immediately.

Opening Salvos:

John Podesta FREE

Hussein FREE

Samantha Power FREE

Tony Podesta FREE

Hillary Clinton FREE

Bill Clinton FREE

Geoffry Epstein FREE

John Brennan FREE

James Comey FREE

Goeorge Soros FREE

Debbie Waserman Schultz FREE

The AWAN brothers FREE

James Clapper FREE


Peter Strzok FREE

Eric Holder FREE

Susan Rice FREE

Loretta Lynch FREE

15fba3  No.4776819


don't work with timecodes but thanks - I actually did try to do it

5392b2  No.4776820


Kewl — The one I made is a little different

Great minds think alike :-)

fe7fac  No.4776821


Interesting… He's tied up in Spy Games circa 2016.

c31d16  No.4776822

File: f02fdb674f9bdde⋯.jpeg (1000.78 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, 5C904E8B-282D-412E-997F-F….jpeg)

f07cc4  No.4776823


out of curiousity do you have any more resources? curious about furnace applications. ( no, not joking ) something that could be produced cheaper than firebrick and be used in the same applications would be amazing.

6133b0  No.4776824


BTW this is good for us but having to report it is not good for the system.

849b51  No.4776825

File: 0516095a495fdf3⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 544x573, 544:573, KrassFag.jpg)


I just use this one. They're 4 feet tall.

be15d1  No.4776826

File: bb4a10bea22b6e7⋯.png (672.58 KB, 983x421, 983:421, Capture.PNG)

Two Democrat Gun Bills To Fight Like The Dickens

No one should be naïve enough to fall for Democrats’ pretenses that these bills are aimed at reducing crime.

As expected, within the first few days of the new Congress, Democrats announced legislation designed to eventually lead to the confiscation of firearms best suited for defensive purposes: semi-automatic rifles, such as the AR-15, and—if they can get District of Columbia v. Heller overturned, as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has advocated— handguns.

Last Wednesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced her latest bill, co-sponsored by 27 other Democrat senators and Bernie Sanders, to ban new “assault weapons,” meaning mostly AR-15s and similar semi-automatic rifles. The bill would also ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Such magazines are designed for defensive purposes and are primarily used in semi-automatic rifles and handguns for that purpose.


6b3dd5  No.4776827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1fccbf  No.4776828

File: fc1597b44205c6f⋯.jpg (34.44 KB, 330x454, 165:227, Arturo_Sosa_in_January_201….jpg)


here is current head

initials = AS

Arturo Sosa

Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal SJ is the thirty-first and present Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He was elected Superior General by the Society's 36th General Congregation on 14 October 2016, succeeding Adolfo Nicolás. As a Venezuelan, he is the first Latin American person to lead the Jesuits.


Born: Nov 12, 1948 (age 70) · Caracas, Venezuela

Education: Andrés Bello Catholic University · Central University of Venezuela

Predecessor: Adolfo Nicolás


3e9554  No.4776829

File: d9d24183c56148a⋯.png (202.5 KB, 663x380, 663:380, everythingIsSymbolism_mona….png)


He's right you know. (pic related)

57128e  No.4776830

>>4774911 (prev)

Hopefully a lawFag can chime in here.

I am confused.

McConnell claims the Senate will not be in recess.

Then says that POTUS will do a bunch of recess appointments including SCOTUS for RBG replacement.


f07cc4  No.4776831


lotta folks just don't trust links, i usually just embed and then put the time in the post, that way fags know they aint gettin rickrolled

15fba3  No.4776832

File: 32b55a6444951af⋯.png (331.26 KB, 466x480, 233:240, demcrt nugget.png)

5c0e66  No.4776833


This is a kike post. Hitler never gassed anyone.

d4a522  No.4776834

RBG dead yet?

I feel like a kid sitting in the back seat screaming "are we there yet"?

But come on, do they really expect us to believe she is still at home recovering?

d3bda0  No.4776835

File: 010ef6f4b6e3ecc⋯.jpg (81.68 KB, 739x168, 739:168, Screen Shot 01-16-19 at 02….JPG)

File: 3722af5e547645e⋯.jpg (318.44 KB, 800x815, 160:163, Screen Shot 01-16-19 at 02….JPG)


Q's talking point 'Radical' the new alternative 4am talking points?



15fba3  No.4776836


lol, symbolism is communication of the elites - but that's just silly

81846c  No.4776837

7 people accused of using teen boy as sex slave


Beyond sick

f07cc4  No.4776838


think so, they just keepin her in the freezer, probly to try to block the layoffs incomming.

b8256a  No.4776839

File: 7683b6cb516bc93⋯.jpeg (170.18 KB, 599x548, 599:548, Dank.jpeg)


Man I get pissed when anons waste their time on this shit.

Your guns are safe.

Go hug one and quit posting these stupid articles of dumb stuff Democrats do to get you off.

1fccbf  No.4776840


He is Latin American

Francis is Latin American

Soros and Bush took over water aquifers and farms in Latin America

Soros funds caravans to invade America

soros and Bush crash Latin America and control peasants

More migrate to US

the fence is very important.

b31d60  No.4776841

File: 4a6d5199c393c59⋯.jpg (49.14 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 160705184923-01-historic-m….jpg)

File: 308f073ec4cd5d7⋯.jpg (30.7 KB, 474x600, 79:100, b35136dda80c232191acc3bdc9….jpg)


Mary Todd was a bloodline witch. Went insane.

Proto-feminist forerunner and heroine to people who believe her sterling gravy boats are defiled by McSauce.

6133b0  No.4776842

File: 1c0af10ccafae56⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 416x506, 208:253, Shill at it.jpg)


think it's hilarious that they post about taking us down and then accuse me of doing exactly what they are doing. Posting penny stock crap and then imploring everyone they are 'saving the movement from itself'.

They have a movement alright. Needs to be flushed down

e30a24  No.4776843

Resignations in the news 1/15/2018 - part 1

Martin Rush resigns as Upper Hunter Labor candidate after allegations he assaulted a woman


Snap CFO Resigning


Chief and deputy chief retire from LCPD; new chief takes over at midnight


Hope Creek's advisory board president resigns


Ilion codes officer resigns


Longest serving AL circuit judge retires from bench in DeKalb County


Dallas Police Officer Fired For ‘Inappropriate Force,’ Violating Policy And Giving False Statements


Barbara Bender appointed as Snellville mayor after Tom Witts resigns


Cliff Illig, Co-Founder Of Kansas City's Cerner Corp., Retires


Lafayette Mayor Christine Berg resigning at month's end


AAP MLA Baldev Singh resigns from party, calls Kejriwal dictatorial, arrogant and autocratic


5 Officers Fired After Man Dies In Fort Worth Police Custody


Slovak prosecutor fired for contacts with suspect in journalist murder


Cal Poly provost who oversaw big hires, pay increases to retire


Leader of San Antonio’s second-largest school district to resign


f0a304  No.4776844

File: 5a2091cec7583ea⋯.gif (554.16 KB, 250x170, 25:17, tenor.gif)

2e679c  No.4776845


Totally tubular!!

d91c3c  No.4776846

269029  No.4776847

File: 47eb7f31dcd3ca8⋯.png (431.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


‘THE SMOKING GUN’: Google Manipulated YouTube Search Results for Abortion, Maxine Waters, David Hogg

Another set back for some of the FANG stocks

e3b88b  No.4776848

File: cdc3f08815648a4⋯.png (654.55 KB, 1008x823, 1008:823, Screenshot_20190116-024946….png)



I'm like Trump I don't use any kind of stimulants.

e30a24  No.4776849


Resignations in the news 1/15/2018 - part 2

Norris athletic director Hardin to retire at end of school year


Two cabinet officials fired, marketing director resigns


Chino Hills City Manager Rad Bartlam to retire at end of March


Reckitt Benckiser CEO to retire by end 2019


Bangs city councilman, parks and rec. president resigns


Belchertown school superintendent Karol Coffin to retire 1 year before contract ends


Rice Mayor Erik Bonde set to resign less than a week after arrest on suspicion of DUI


Milford police officer resigns after being charged with supplying alcohol to minor


Invesco PM to retire, Ex-Putnam manager resurfaces


Sanborn Mayor, City Clerk Resign


Steve Lacy, executive chairman of Iowa's Meredith Corp., to retire in March


Raytown Police Chief to retire next month after 43 years with department


Bedford County Sheriff Mike Brown retires after quarter century


State photographer Jed DeKalb retires after photographing last 5 Governors


Savery-Whiteway retiring


Idaho governor receives oil and gas chairman’s resignation after potential conflict of interest


Top Administrators Set To Retire


Oregon Senate president’s longtime aide resigns over harassment allegations


Washoe family court Judge David Humke to resign, barred from judicial office


Moser resigns from Dayton Council


Head retires as circuit judge


Arkansas health official resigns over abortion clinic vote


Ashland City Police Chief Marc Coulon to retire


La Salle athletic director Bill Bradshaw to retire as last of an old-guard era


5c0e66  No.4776850




Its a fucking shill. Hitler never gassed anyone. Its a fucking JIDF shill posing as an over the top nazi

7af678  No.4776851

File: b3baef8c47e192d⋯.png (49.87 KB, 1383x687, 461:229, ClipboardImage.png)


Autistics anons don´t needed filter

Our filter are Us

Filter is darkness

We need light

Don´t be afraid anymore


e30a24  No.4776852


Resignations in the news 1/15/2018 - part 3

Florida CIO Eric Larson resigns


Chancellor Folt announces resignation, orders Confederate Monument pedestal to be removed intact




Star Prairie: Peterson resigns, Matthys designated president pro tem


Magistrate, former DeKalb prosecutor retires


Wilko operating & digital chiefs resign


Mai resigns from Spiva Art Center


PHS Principal resigns, board tours bond project


Elbourn resigns from White Stone council


After Ten Years City Clerk Betsey Richardson Retiring Jan. 31


Another Poughkeepsie school finance chief resigns


Norris retires from CCB


United Way restructures: Director resigns, position eliminated


Allen ‘AP’ McDaniel to retire from Citi after 53 years


Director of Visit St. Pete/Clearwater resigning


Labor Agency’s Congressional Liaison Retires


Two YFG directors resign to cut company costs


Questionmark CEO Eric Shepherd Steps Down after 18 Years


3b7dfa  No.4776853

File: 6aa21510e09ba06⋯.png (6.72 MB, 2135x2007, 2135:2007, SocialistsEleven001.png)

1fccbf  No.4776855


did she go insane or did they make her insane?

they took everything she had.

something very strange about all of that

5b4a70  No.4776856


I haven’t explored hempcrete much myself, or the 1000’s of uses for hemp… but I found this.

Fire test on hempcrete


3e9554  No.4776857


>but that's just silly

Maybe. Maybe not.

How are logos designed?

Do other logos use esoteric/occult symbolism?

72aad4  No.4776858

File: 2442ac88a1b1f7b⋯.png (555.03 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Image 27.png)

File: 79e6b25b3bd4269⋯.png (67.97 KB, 688x428, 172:107, Image 28.png)

Clowns Attack US Convoy.. Fox news says POTUS getting briefed on it right now

These people are evil!

Link to twitter post that Fox news posted on air https://twitter.com/OIRSpox/status/1085528950279950336

9010b3  No.4776859


What is he right about? Is he or is he not MAGA? If he were then why can't he just allow the supporters here to not be harranged by his constant accusatory 'gottcha' postings, without anything real or new 'muh chat logs'.

the point: the Q question isn't about a person, it's about a movement. Q is not a diety, nor does anyone think he is.

The point of these breads is that the rest of media has blocked many of us, or many of us never participated in 'social media' aggrigators. This board is a place for people to meet, why, even if Q were as Jack suggests, do they want to ruin this board, and all of those who were blocked elsewhere, who come here to discuss and post and share?

why are you so anti social, Jack?

you know we love you, right?

fe7fac  No.4776860



c4284c  No.4776861

>>4775695 pb

I think there is a subtle distinction that is being glossed over in the RIF news reports, and it potentially matters because 'this furlough is different'

The article specifies that the RIFs are mandatory in a non-emergency shutdown longer than 30 days, this is an emergency shutdown, (fallacy) there for no RIFs. What it glosses over is whether the RIFs are optional…that the exec branch can choose to RIF non-appropriation furloughed workers. I believer, but don't decisively know, but I believe the answer to that is yes. The exec branch has the option, which means they have the option to use it selectively. The D's controlling a shutdown would never RIF their constituents….but the GEOTUS might..

The fact that the RIFs are not mandatory because of the type of furlough does not mean that the RIFs are not an option.

b8256a  No.4776862

File: d0cc4e76c1f241c⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fireworks pepe.jpg)


Oh click. Thanks anon.

The wall on America's southern border is to protect us from the Bush/Soros plan coming up from South America.

(((They))) think that South America insulates their work in the U.S. to date.

When POTUS goes all of on Chuck & Nancy, he isn't just talking about a physical wall.

He's talking about impeding (((their))) plans for generations.

fe6ba7  No.4776863

File: 090bb99870ebd1d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1440x2001, 480:667, Capture _2019-01-16-08-46-….png)

File: a0105bef598ec69⋯.png (114.78 KB, 1440x559, 1440:559, Capture _2019-01-16-08-57-….png)

File: d485c64d06cd442⋯.png (303.62 KB, 1440x1935, 32:43, Capture _2019-01-16-08-46-….png)

File: e39a2b0fc92b286⋯.png (184.38 KB, 1440x1028, 360:257, Capture _2019-01-16-08-55-….png)

File: 8420a7c0c060e75⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1440x1995, 96:133, Capture _2019-01-16-08-59-….png)


81846c  No.4776864

File: caed4d831ccb3e5⋯.png (135.86 KB, 480x287, 480:287, 111.png)

File: 77e4d1714d78c1a⋯.png (379.51 KB, 675x455, 135:91, Tp.png)

4.7 Earthquake reported off East Coast


9ac6cc  No.4776865

File: 0899678c1639995⋯.jpg (89.49 KB, 1080x972, 10:9, 49948606_1866173913492216_….jpg)

fc3e65  No.4776866

File: 02ad0a39ca999ea⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, gdf.png)

File: 2b926f6a4f00f59⋯.png (34.97 KB, 520x158, 260:79, dfs.PNG)

this clown spokesperson just pressed on fnc that ISIS still is engaged in fuckery..oh..did i say ISIS? i mean clowns..

to POTUS..please flush those ninjas out and fuck em in the ass, sir.

6133b0  No.4776867

File: 11277106d9bb9a7⋯.jpg (27.82 KB, 474x355, 474:355, what did you say.jpg)

be15d1  No.4776868


How old are you 18 don't talk like a fool to people you don't know .. guns are safe my ass Still LQQKing at Q

b8256a  No.4776869


AOC eyes.

1105de  No.4776870


Don't compare to censorship.

Filtering on your end is just convenience.

Also everything goes to your subconcious and that's how shills work.

1490a4  No.4776871


no CP anon, come on

1fccbf  No.4776872


>Arturo Sosa


Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal was born in Caracas, Venezuela, on 12 November 1948,[1] the son of a Christian Socialist finance minister.[2] He entered the Society of Jesus in 1966 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1977.[1] He earned a licentiate in philosophy from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in 1972, and a doctorate in political science from the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 1990.[3][4]

Sosa has held a number of positions in various universities. He was a professor and member of the Council of the foundation for the Andrés Bello Catholic University, and rector of the Catholic University of Tachira, both Jesuit universities.[4] He was also the Chair of Contemporary Political Theory and the Department of Social Change at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Venezuela.[4] He published a number of works, mainly about the history and politics of Venezuela. He was also was coordinator of the social apostolate and director of Centro Gumilla in Venezuela, a centre of research and social action for the Jesuits in Venezuela,[4] as well as editor-in-chief of Revista SIC magazine for Catholic social ethics and politics from 1976 to 1996.[5] In 2004, he was professor of Venezuelan political thinking at the Catholic University of Tachira and was invited to Georgetown University Center for Latin American Studies as a visiting professor to give a lecture.[6]

Between 1996 and 2004, Sosa was Provincial Superior of the Jesuits in Venezuela.[4] During the 35th General Congregation in 2008, he was appointed Counselor General by then-Superior General Adolfo Nicolás.[4] In 2014, he joined the General Curia of the Society of Jesus in Rome as Delegate for Interprovincial Roman Houses of the Society of Jesus in Rome, which include institutions such as the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Pontifical Biblical Institute, the Pontifical Oriental Institute, the Vatican Observatory, and La Civiltà Cattolica.[4][7]

In Venezuela, he was strongly committed to left-wing politics, and was critical of the country's representative democracy in the 1990s. He supported the two coups d'état of Hugo Chavez, though he later distanced himself from Chavez following human rights violations.[8]

Sosa speaks Spanish, Italian and English, and understands French.[4]

b8256a  No.4776873


So very old.

Won't argue with you since your goal is to slide the board.

4c0ea6  No.4776874


Ever see the video where they admit to being paid for exactly that?


0d39a3  No.4776876

>>4775965 (LB/PB) Re: Resignations/Retirements List addition

Cliff Illig, Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of Cerner Corporation has retired.

Sauce: https://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/cliff-illig-retires-from-cerner-board-of-directors-20190115-00652

9f4cad  No.4776877


This. They know what they are doing. The NWO will not let go so easily.

f0a304  No.4776878

File: 771190419f6d163⋯.jpg (33.31 KB, 350x505, 70:101, chrischristie-letterman.jpg)

2a5cc7  No.4776879

File: 4852e2db4abe550⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 688x688, 1:1, Opening Salvo Arrests.jpg)

The Opening Salvo of High-Profile Arrests Coming Soon?

be15d1  No.4776880

File: 11e2fe807f9aea9⋯.png (724.15 KB, 873x458, 873:458, Capture.PNG)

El Chapo trial: Joaquín Guzman paid former Mexican president $100m bribe, witness claims

Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman once paid a $100 million bribe to former Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto, a witness has claimed in court.

Alex Cifuentes, who has said he was a close associate of Guzman for years, discussed the alleged bribe as part of the accused Mexcan drug lord’s trial. Asked if he told authorities in 2016 that Guzman arranged the bribe, he answered, “That’s right.”

Mr Pena Nieto, commonly known by his initials EPN, was president of Mexico from December 2012 until November 2018. He was previously governor of the state of Mexico, which includes Mexico City.

The former Mexican president could not immediately be reached for comment


f07cc4  No.4776881

File: f4d64ad3a0e4473⋯.jpg (298.25 KB, 807x807, 1:1, 944f944f32588846a8fe4db9bf….jpg)


wonder how it'd do with some waterglass sealer :x thanks for giving me something interesting to think bout XD

638929  No.4776882

File: dd1d816a3349737⋯.png (8.58 KB, 450x176, 225:88, filter.png)

File: c4ed81fc11a0ede⋯.png (9.03 KB, 450x176, 225:88, filter2.png)

File: 60123c221920131⋯.png (4.94 KB, 450x132, 75:22, filter3.png)

d91c3c  No.4776883


still no CP, helping you distinguish

(you faggot´s just seen to much porn with big titted nymphos)

2451f1  No.4776884

File: 47dd2dce04ff778⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 550x688, 275:344, efb91254f3e4f2c6bd600ef0e6….jpg)


Those who die don't want to, and those who live forever finally at some point choose to die.

The difference is one knows he "wants" to die, so death stays far away for fear of breaking the illusion.

But the one who cries for fear of death, screaming and kicking as his life comes to a close, he is the one who "wants" to die, but does not know it.

bea7d2  No.4776885


Hmmm. Spooky

Not to say that it didn't happen, but there was an Anon on halfchan a few nights back saying he had just joined the Peace Corps and was heading to Kenya.

>Building 7 injection into public consciousness?

5b4a70  No.4776886


new business idea? Good luck anon, change the world!

b31d60  No.4776887

File: e9ab47d5b8fec23⋯.jpg (19.46 KB, 180x279, 20:31, images.jpg)


ee4385  No.4776888

File: 1172b9c8e89c51a⋯.png (328.38 KB, 584x579, 584:579, ClipboardImage.png)

Informative thread on the Marc Rich saga.

Supporting roles by Rosneft, Eric Holder, Beth Dozoretz, Cheryl Mills, Oleg Deripaska, Victor Vekselberg & John Podesta.


b8256a  No.4776889

File: 76ca4868eac9ee8⋯.png (19.29 KB, 255x209, 255:209, A revolution of frogs..png)

Filtering is for the mentally weak.

Strengthen your instincts by not replying directly.

48c19c  No.4776890

File: e8cb87d020acb3e⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 728x404, 182:101, e8cb87d020acb3e234f86dc63f….gif)

Anons keep in mind that this board is under government surveillance and your browser is being tracked.

Democrats take back the white house you may find yourself in a FEMA re-education camp.

1490a4  No.4776891

Irony of people who are athiest, but worship Satan. So the devil exists, but God doesnt? ok

633700  No.4776892

File: 6c2e594285ccc7b⋯.jpg (93.64 KB, 498x480, 83:80, PrayGod.jpg)

File: c911f9969f6b8c1⋯.png (15.67 KB, 189x255, 63:85, protesting_cause_mentallyu….png)

File: 81334f24a7c96cb⋯.jpg (101.15 KB, 640x960, 2:3, shutdownforDummies.jpg)


>The fact that the RIFs are not mandatory because of the type of furlough does not mean that the RIFs are not an option.

good point, anon.

This RIF, if an option, is a toilet flush option!

This movie is better than the death cult's circus movies!

1490a4  No.4776893

File: 9b2f9ad4a8cec96⋯.jpg (63.97 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2r5s73.jpg)

48c066  No.4776894

File: 5c0f52c48bea74d⋯.jpeg (488.42 KB, 1242x984, 207:164, E8582727-5982-40AF-97D7-D….jpeg)

File: f4bc1df12b9b888⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x989, 54:43, F8347933-54CF-428D-BA5B-D….jpeg)


If you haven’t seen the DNC , women’s march news, here’s a recap. It’s a few days old, but I LOVE THOW THEY ARE EATING THEIR OWN!


d3aae2  No.4776895


I seem to remember Trump claiming he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in the streets of New Jersey as the twin towers were burning. Then there was all the bs about radical Islam being a big threat to Americans(instead of Judaism which he has a deep reverence for). He also wanted to shut down the internet to "protect" Americans. The same reason he used to ban bump stocks while Feinstein rubbed her hands like the happy merchant she is.

Trump is there to protect Jews and them alone.

15fba3  No.4776896

File: 6a71e1c9bb0fa17⋯.jpg (110.28 KB, 650x454, 325:227, 05cnd-indo-popup.jpg)


it's all contexual - obama butterfly makes sense cause he started out as just another rape victim of the cult. long story that involves explaining a lot of shit - but butterfly is basically mind control I can think of no reason Rush would be that given the long war to take him out

be15d1  No.4776897


How the FK do you know what me goal is go talk to Freddy,, or better yet join the NRA and help stand up for our rights

fc3e65  No.4776898











3e9554  No.4776899


To some, newfags especially, filtering quickly becomes self-censorship.

How is a closed mind supposed to discern who is shilling and who is not?

The filter button is a safespace button. Nothing more.

I don't filter. Haven't once in over a year.

And if you do i consider you: weak, lazy and/or stupid.

9ac6cc  No.4776900

File: 648f94c1c1680cc⋯.png (788.55 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Significant Alignments.png)


Death is a Teacher.

Also the Librarian of the Akashic Records.

Also the Locker Room Attendant when discussing Game Theory.

81846c  No.4776901

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appointed to panel overseeing financial sector


21b445  No.4776902

1fccbf  No.4776903





9ac6cc  No.4776904



f07cc4  No.4776905


that shit was happening anyway and we'd all be in one of Hillary's " adult camps " right now.

fe7fac  No.4776906


Still pushing the "building 7 collapsed all by itself farce" I see.

15fba3  No.4776907


wtf is that? … I know I'm being watched but the good guys are hopefully applying enough dignity to not go that far… I hope

d56658  No.4776908


i think you're onto something anon

7af678  No.4776909


If we filter each other, when will we see each other?

They want us divided

Trust in you anon

a50719  No.4776910

File: 9e7f85cc29f9a19⋯.gif (53.26 KB, 202x150, 101:75, Roflcopulator.gif)

d3aae2  No.4776911


The Americans that put Trump in office are more likely to be arrested than anyone on that list.

d4a522  No.4776912


When you make extreme comments such this, nobody will ever take you seriously. If you want to convince people of your view point, at least include one fact that backs your argument.

When I read your post, all I see is:


f07cc4  No.4776913


it's like finding the fattest kid in second grade to be in charge of the cookies.

6133b0  No.4776914

File: f0d5ed2158ee3f1⋯.jpg (352.34 KB, 1817x833, 1817:833, 011619 Form 4 trading.JPG)

File: 0c11c673ddcdd36⋯.jpg (362.47 KB, 1836x827, 1836:827, 011619 Form 4 trading 2.JPG)

File: bc4a44ee79b0343⋯.jpg (330.86 KB, 1825x805, 365:161, 011619 Form 4 buys.JPG)

Inside sales are first 2..there are moar so look at link if you want here. There is much.

Third pic is buys..not so much here.

There are good people in good company's so do not think I always highlight the bad stuff. Just not enough of them.


d4a66b  No.4776916


They find themselves cast in so many different categories they dont know who/what they are now.

297693  No.4776917

File: c0df9cafd70c6f1⋯.jpg (137.66 KB, 1084x695, 1084:695, dea.JPG)

A top Drug Enforcement Agency agent laundered millions in drug money and hosted wild parties with prostitutes, according to law enforcement officials who fear he may have permanently compromised the DEA's undercover Colombian ops.

Jose Irizarry, once praised for his high-profile drug busts, laundered over $7 million in cocaine cash, collaborating with a long-time DEA informant to skim plenty for himself off the top, five current and former law enforcement officials not authorized to speak about an ongoing investigation told the AP.

The officials revealed that Irizarry is the unnamed "co-conspirator 3" in a federal case against DEA informant Gustavo Yabrudi, a dual Venezuelan-American citizen who pleaded guilty to money laundering in Tampa, Florida last September.

Irizarry spent lavishly, throwing wild parties on yachts with prostitutes – parties attended by his fellow DEA agents, a practice the agency banned after an embarrassing 2015 Department of Justice Inspector General report – and flaunting designer goods like the drug dealers he was locking up by the dozen.

"He was the superstar everyone wanted to be," one of the officials said.

His downfall was an $87,000 wire transfer meant for a Cali trafficker that vanished in transit – the trafficker, unbeknownst to Irizarry, was an informant as well, and complained to the Justice Department. At the same time, an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tip alerted the DEA to the fact that he had been falsifying paperwork to re-route informant payments to himself.

The criminal probe has been ongoing since last April and it is not known whether Irizarry has been charged. His whereabouts are unknown, and a DEA spokeswoman says he left the agency in 2017 after being recalled to Washington from Colombia. Sources with knowledge of the investigation said last year that not only was the DEA investigating Irizarry, but the Department of Justice's Inspector General office and the FBI were as well – and that they believe the DEA's undercover Colombian operations may have been compromised. Current and former DEA officials say the case may be "one of the biggest black eyes in the history of the DEA."



7577fb  No.4776918

cb7004  No.4776919


Hm, I remain skeptical but I'm going to try and see it through your eyes, anon.

a23504  No.4776920

File: 0c55b6badb84d4a⋯.png (166.27 KB, 552x386, 276:193, pepe6-1.png)

48c19c  No.4776921

File: 5c762b3bde7ff58⋯.jpg (66.76 KB, 585x408, 195:136, 2r6q5n_1.jpg)

File: 1ca8452bab882e1⋯.jpg (75.81 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 2qnpwz-1_1.jpg)

File: 6485d890d1bbd2c⋯.jpg (60.24 KB, 500x401, 500:401, 2qsdhj_1.jpg)


It's Trump's fault Republicans lost the house.

Trump got scared.

9765af  No.4776922

File: 66a676d0d2c9d81⋯.jpg (90.24 KB, 702x395, 702:395, 2p3li9.jpg)

File: fa28a687cd13fbc⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 454x330, 227:165, 2q60nn.jpg)

File: 8caaa3a08bb3c25⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 454x330, 227:165, 2q60pz.jpg)

File: f1a2d821fc12dbd⋯.jpg (89.1 KB, 500x656, 125:164, 2q61ap.jpg)

File: f77eca882bec440⋯.jpg (91 KB, 500x656, 125:164, 2q610v.jpg)

be15d1  No.4776923

File: d50623cd53a3cec⋯.png (926.3 KB, 817x495, 817:495, Capture.PNG)

Poll: Majority of Americans Agree There Is a Border Crisis, But Most Oppose a Wall

Poll: Majority of Americans Agree There Is a Border Crisis, But Most Oppose a Wall

A strong majority of Americans said they believe there is a security crisis along the southern U.S. border, and even more believe there is a humanitarian crisis there.

By NTK Staff


01.15.2019 @11:56am

Poll: Majority of Americans Agree There Is a Border Crisis, But Most Oppose a Wall

A new poll conducted by Quinnipiac University and released on Monday showed that a majority of Americans believe there is a security crisis along the U.S.-Mexican border, and an even larger majority believes there is also humanitarian crisis in the region.

But, in a blow to the Trump Administration, most Americans oppose a wall along the U.S. southern border.

According to the survey, American voters believe there is a security crisis along the Mexican border by a 54-43 margin. Separately, 68 percent said they believed there is a humanitarian crisis at the border, while just 26 percent said they disagreed.

But, somewhat problematically for President Trump, most of the country opposes a border wall. According to the poll, U.S. voters are “solidly opposed to a wall on the Mexican border,” by a 55-43 margin.

However, American voters do support stronger security measures without a wall:


3cfc6c  No.4776924

File: 303c50f172604d2⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2442x1730, 1221:865, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)


new resignation, Carol Folt, and the board is accelerating her departure. Good riddance. That monument (Silent Sam) was inspirational as well as a life saver. Like the time that mass murderer Wendall Williamson went off this meds and shot people on campus. Anon took cover behind it while bullets whizzed by.

CNN)A day after the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill chancellor announced her resignation and approved the removal of the remains of "Silent Sam," a Confederate monument, the school's board asked her to leave weeks earlier than she'd planned.

Chancellor Carol Folt announced Monday that she had authorized the move of the Confederate monument's base and that she would resign after graduation in May. On Tuesday, the UNC board of governors accepted Folt's resignation and gave her until January 31 to leave her job, according to a brief statement released by the university system.

The board's decision comes hours after the monument's base and commemorative plaques – the subject of intense recent debate as part of a larger national conversation about the purpose of and need for Confederate monuments – were removed late Monday or early Tuesday from the UNC Chapel Hill's upper quad and put into an undisclosed "secure location," the university said.

The Silent Sam statue that had stood on the base was knocked over by protesters in August and did not return to its original spot.

f0a304  No.4776925

File: 49106228368f0b3⋯.jpeg (199.31 KB, 1440x959, 1440:959, 1539811952.jpeg)

6133b0  No.4776926

File: 7a39347a2e5657d⋯.jpg (16.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, You in one pic.jpg)

607975  No.4776927

File: 23368f10be7efd3⋯.jpg (136.08 KB, 1428x1170, 238:195, _20190116_091217.JPG)

3e9554  No.4776928


Correct me if i'm wrong. But the "BB" i circled out is afaik a logo for some audio equipment.

I wasn't saying the "BB"/"Monarch" was related to RL in any way.

Just emphazised the point, which was: "Everything is symbolism"

9010b3  No.4776929


no matter what the law says, there is an expectation of the workers being treated fairly. We expect POTUS to be respectful and he will. He doesn't just go around firing people for no reason. In fact, he has been known to reward people who do good work. Don't you know that most people who work for government and institutions are doing fine work and are valuble and useful assets who may, in fact, not be getting enough compensation now, and POTUS will fix that.

Support a sane personell policy. It's unrully to the populace to burn down the mission of government through mass firings just because they are triggered by the incontinence of the Democratic leadership puppeteers.

b31d60  No.4776930

File: dc04a52b19f8d97⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2500x3180, 125:159, Satan_summons_His_Shill_Le….jpg)

"Bad vibe" shilling



6b3dd5  No.4776931

File: 0ea65824a292d45⋯.gif (152.23 KB, 908x594, 454:297, dollar_bill_showing_new_wo….gif)

File: 16a7921d149e431⋯.png (883.01 KB, 843x907, 843:907, AUSTRALIAS PRIME MINISTER ….PNG)

The Facts:In his public apology to the people of Australia based on the findings of a Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison used the term 'ritual sexual abuse.'

Reflect On:Does this signify the beginning of 'official' public disclosure about the prevalence of Satanic ritual abuse that has long been a practice of the world's powerful elite?

On November 12, 2012 the former Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, set into motion a Royal Commission to inquire into institutional responses to child abuse. Five years later, in December 2017, the Royal Commission presented its final report to the government, an absolutely damning indictment against institutions that dealt with children, including the Catholic Church. As a result, the current Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, delivered a public apology on October 22, 2018.

Whether or not this public apology from both Morrison and the opposition leader Bill Shorten was as sincere as it was eloquent is a matter of conjecture. When Morrison says that “today, as a nation, we confront our failure to listen, to believe and to provide justice,” does he really mean to suggest that a problem as rampant as this was allowed to continue for so long simply because they did not believe the claims by children who were sexually abused? Or did Morrison leave a clue that there is something deeper and more insidious going on here?

“The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes as well.” Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison

Child Sexual Abuse Is Found Everywhere

For most of us, it is difficult to make sense of the prevalence of child sexual abuse described by the Royal Commission. Keep in mind that these claims only account for the small percentage of sexual abuse survivors who were willing to come forward. We cannot hear from those who died, nor from the children who didn’t come forward.

Child sexual abuse is often systemic, organized, and highly promoted in many corners of the world by a central power structure that remains hidden from sight. This power structure has several different names but for this article I will use the term ‘Illuminati,’ referring to an elite group whose role and nature I describe in much greater detail in my Lucifer Series

The Royal Commission did not go so far as to suggest the existence of this central power structure, and to be fair, that would be beyond their mandate. Their main focus was the ways in which institutions fail to properly deal with claims of child sexual abuse perpetrated by individuals within their organizations. In their analysis of institutions where incidents of child sexual abuse were found, the commission had these rather broad observations:


48c19c  No.4776932

File: 988840908f8d41d⋯.jpg (68.47 KB, 490x494, 245:247, 2qnmhr.jpg)



No nigger you sucked a boner.

81846c  No.4776933


Thats the dumbest statement I've heard in a while. Congrats

fe6ba7  No.4776934


The Building 7 link ( nobody died in building 7) Job as an analyst, and likes spending time in Jerusalem, leads me to believe he is either clown or mossad.

297693  No.4776935

File: 81334f24a7c96cb⋯.jpg (101.15 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 81334f24a7c96cb27dad042d39….jpg)

File: 51597792140c3fd⋯.png (44.21 KB, 168x185, 168:185, golden-sticker.png)


meme of memes

84f182  No.4776936

File: e5c3a9894f039b4⋯.jpg (289.54 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, IMG_6245.JPG)

1490a4  No.4776937


He's our newest shill. The HeAin'tLying shill

1105de  No.4776938


Never filtered a real anon.

4c0ea6  No.4776939

File: 8fe8b2b92c6c46a⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Krassenstein4.jpg)

File: a70394773d4692d⋯.jpg (67.2 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Krassenstein82.jpg)

File: 7a4334cd5b75c02⋯.jpg (71.48 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Krassenstein1.jpg)

File: 0f211c67ee96d2a⋯.jpg (80.82 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Krassenstein750.jpg)


I shit on their accounts regularly

15fba3  No.4776940


oh ok, it just struck me as the opposite of what I think the bad guys think of him. He's a bunker guy - a guy who knows exactly what's going on now and helping - the opposite of the mind control bs - and yes butterflies can mean different things - and it does look like one

3cfc6c  No.4776941

File: 64c63c86b1e15c8⋯.jpg (423.63 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_3294.JPG)



6133b0  No.4776942

File: ed99d3b74616c78⋯.gif (3.46 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Naming them.gif)

81846c  No.4776943


Copy that.

f07cc4  No.4776944

File: 8d802cad3b482be⋯.jpg (16.8 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8d802cad3b482bef149255a1a1….jpg)

File: af1f6e9dee1691e⋯.jpg (210.01 KB, 800x760, 20:19, af1f6e9dee1691e7b33b4c2348….jpg)

File: ec96c48cda852dd⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 256x128, 2:1, ec96c48cda852ddd3d75b6bbda….jpg)

8e7546  No.4776945


>The fact that the RIFs are not mandatory because of the type of furlough does not mean that the RIFs are not an option.

This is how I read the situation as well, anon.

b8256a  No.4776946

File: 402f376e5cf7d6d⋯.png (113.68 KB, 700x402, 350:201, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)



From October 2018.

Plus, using ultra violet filtration which doesn't touch lead.

What was your goal here if not to slide?

(Just removed "fuck you" from this comment. Although it still feels appropriate to say it.

ee4385  No.4776947

File: 951214def914103⋯.png (58.45 KB, 1123x248, 1123:248, ClipboardImage.png)


Among other things, Rich pioneered the scam of stripping raw materials from an area under the guise of 'environmentalism'.

Rich was on the run for buying oil from Iran. What is rarely discussed is that he was buying on behalf of Iran's "mortal enemy" –

that country that shall not be named.

a8b4ce  No.4776948

File: e98acabd1b02d64⋯.jpg (66.32 KB, 656x684, 164:171, SICK SICK PEDOS 2.JPG)

File: cf073a8ed09f5b9⋯.jpg (25.14 KB, 533x369, 13:9, SICK SICK PEDOS.JPG)


The eight-year-old explained that his drag name was ‘Lactatia’, winning hearts in the audience with his sassy answers.

Bianca said: “I absolutely adore you. I love the fact that you’re here, and what I love most about this is that your mum is here supporting you. “


b31d60  No.4776949

File: b9b67f71ca1ccd3⋯.jpg (376.6 KB, 1103x1114, 1103:1114, a2936634022_10.jpg)


I am satan's shill. I believe nothing, I will say anything. I have no values, friends or family I will not sell into bondage forever for food and for feathers. Dollars will buy me. What can not spend I will burn in an ashtray or shove up my ass but I must have dollars. Give me specie. I am satan's shill. I demoralize myself. When I finish the blow I take five xanax footballs and pass out on rental furniture. Asleep, I dream I'm awake. I am satan's shill. My stridulations are filtered. My mockery, my despair, my anguish, like my coming and my going, pass ever unnoticed. I am satan's shill. One day I will vanish like the knot in a shoelace. I am satan's shill. A petty criminal, a peeping Tom, a canvas for others tattoos, a repeater, an NPC.

cb7004  No.4776950

File: 53805eb82fc0591⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bemylover.mp4)

297693  No.4776951

File: 028088286510c27⋯.jpg (160.94 KB, 720x288, 5:2, panic.jpg)

9ac6cc  No.4776952

File: 380b0b3b836b0cc⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 866x960, 433:480, 49212620_10213799805820560….jpg)


Did you know he did that?

Seems like you were unaware that he did that.

f0a304  No.4776953

File: 0d3123d541cb6e9⋯.gif (615.83 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 20181114_122217.gif)

be15d1  No.4776954

File: 6fb714c9232ebe5⋯.png (807.18 KB, 814x490, 407:245, Capture.PNG)

Former Politicians Have Found New Jobs in Cable News

McCaskill, Kasich, and Heitkamp have all found jobs as contributors to cable news networks.

Former Politicians Have Found New Jobs in Cable News

McCaskill, Kasich, and Heitkamp have all found jobs as contributors to cable news networks.

By NTK Staff


01.15.2019 @1:29pm

Former Politicians Have Found New Jobs in Cable News

A few former politicians with very anti-President Trump leanings have found new jobs at cable news networks after either losing elections or finding themselves term-limited.

Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who is an outspoken critic of Trump and his administration and who lost her reelection bid in 2018 to her Republican challenger Josh Hawley in 2018, will be joining MSNBC and NBC as a political analyst.

“I’m looking forward to bringing my experience from the Senate, hard-fought campaigns, and Midwest common sense to the coverage of breaking political events. And, as always, I won’t hold back,” McCaskill said in a statement, according to The Hill.

Then there’s former Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R-OH), who finds Trump so disagreeable that he has openly considered primarying Trump in 2020. He will be joining CNN as a contributor, according to Axios.

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), who like McCaskill lost her 2018 reelection campaign, has found a new job as a contributor for CNBC, which she announced on Twitter on Tuesday.


6b3dd5  No.4776955

File: 551e6ab0960968c⋯.png (661.39 KB, 1024x656, 64:41, Screen-Shot-2019-01-15-at-….png)

File: 9099e49a2353a9e⋯.jpg (92.66 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 56928460277__8591E6E1-A821….jpg)

File: 873b258a923a176⋯.jpg (89.31 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 56928486708__51972AAD-5FAC….jpg)

File: 86ed2b901fcf9de⋯.jpeg (53.09 KB, 768x512, 3:2, Pelosi-1-768x512[1].jpeg)

[PHOTOS] First Batch Of Bricks Are ON THEIR WAY To Pelosi’s Office After New Campaign Goes Viral January 15, 2019 Clayton Keirns

Along with the bricks, this exclusive message from our company was included in the box:

“Dear Nancy Pelosi,

Every brick you receive was ordered specifically for you by the American people. Many of them even left a friendly message for you, as you’ll see below we’ve included them.

We hope you’ll take some time and think about the way you’re treating the safety of the American people. All 7,982 bricks that we’re sending you have been ordered by Americans across the country in less than 9 days. You’ll be receiving weekly shipment of bricks to your Washington D.C. and San Francisco office until you take care of your duty. We thank you for your open mind and willingness to do what the American people have asked. BUILD THE WALL AND PROTECT OUR COUNTRY!

-Your Friends At The DJT Collector Club”

Tap here to take part in this viral campaign

This campaign has caught major traction on social media, generating more than 51,000 likes and 15,000 shares:

7af678  No.4776956

File: c1dfc6773a25610⋯.png (353.36 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

b8256a  No.4776957


Nah. It just means a lot of red-pilling gonna come out of the financial sector the next year.

She has got to be a plant.

5b4a70  No.4776958

>>4776890 no one cares daily spammer.

For God and Country.

Make my day.

48c19c  No.4776959

File: 929b79b3175fcc4⋯.png (745.3 KB, 1146x860, 573:430, 929b79b3175fcc4e584d88a5b6….png)




Anons they know the last time you took a shit, you came here so deal with it.

Keep a camera on your food supply, if you post harmful info you may be poisoned.

a8b4ce  No.4776960

File: f201279f6fc5033⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 655x591, 655:591, corey feldman Capture.JPG)


After raising just under $200,000 to help protect himself, Feldman has been making media appearances talking about the reality of this pedophilia problem and what he has done about it in the past while others completely ignored it.

During an interview with host Matt Lauer on NBC’s Today, Feldman was asked why he hasn’t come forward with the names already, Feldman responded “I’ve told the police, in fact, if anybody wants to go back to 1993, I sat there with the Santa Barbara police, I gave them the names, they’re on record. They have all of this information but they were scanning Michael Jackson. All they cared about was trying to find something on Michael Jackson.”

Lauer went on to challenge Feldman about the way he was raising awareness about pedophilia in Hollywood and Feldman replied, “There are thousands of people in Hollywood who have this same information. Why is it all on me? Why is it that if I don’t release the names in the next two months, six months, a year, I’m the bad guy? I’m the victim here. I’m the one who’s been abused. I’m the one who’s trying to come forward and do something about it.”

Corey Feldman has been criticized for the fact that he said he would name names in his book Coreyography: A Memoir, but never did. To this Corey states his publisher would not let him.

This here is part of the issue. Publishers have to protect themselves because they don’t want to get into legal issues with high profile people being named. The issue of pedophilia in Hollywood continues on at large because no one wants to face having to hold people accountable.


3b7dfa  No.4776961

File: b95436a511fbc0e⋯.png (4.04 MB, 1476x3719, 1476:3719, ClipboardImage.png)

[PHOTOS] First Batch Of Bricks Are ON THEIR WAY To Pelosi’s Office After New Campaign Goes Viral


e013fd  No.4776962


Don't trust someome who shows the whites of their eyes that much

cb7004  No.4776963

File: de479d1460d87f7⋯.mp4 (695.89 KB, 480x324, 40:27, Build Wall.mp4)

2451f1  No.4776964

File: 16acc2918a5d9d0⋯.png (366.26 KB, 500x349, 500:349, 16acc2918a5d9d0dfc07a880f9….png)


It is a simple lesson, one that would have been easier if we didn't listen to the snakes.

But this to is part of the game, it all comes down to one question "will you violate the free will of others" a simple law.

Free will works only if you see others as another manifestation of you/source.

The Spirit that works in and with men is the same that was in the beginning.

The Holy Spirit is a fresh download of source into the temple body of man, but this can only be done if the soul/ego/Priest of the body/temple is preforming the tasks that the Spirit requires to make the Temple clean and Holy.

Law Of One.

Ten Commandments.

Golden Rule.

Q Gospel.

All are teachings of our Creator.

269029  No.4776965

File: ad8f878827b5307⋯.png (70.81 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

God's gift to stupidity. Areva Martin.


3b7dfa  No.4776966

File: 2c78465e99fda99⋯.png (166.49 KB, 1283x484, 1283:484, ClipboardImage.png)


kek hivemind

1105de  No.4776967


Given the amount of estrogen in everything nowadays that's no more a safe bet

3e9554  No.4776968


Did he turn on his masters.

Or is it still part of the "Give me your money" ploy?

a23504  No.4776969

File: 15b03c2c4e78b80⋯.png (972.89 KB, 891x476, 891:476, Toots.PNG)

File: 99e04d504c95303⋯.png (592.39 KB, 476x482, 238:241, toots10.PNG)



1490a4  No.4776970

File: a7a320ac7a17d7e⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2o2yrv.jpg)

8e7546  No.4776971


Who is this I-DEV International?

I thing it merits a dig!

f07cc4  No.4776972


it'd be amazing if you're right. i'm not really worried, just questioning the judgement of people that keep electing her for shit XD

fce6cb  No.4776973

File: 8335f6ef0f02d0b⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2088x1292, 522:323, wnb.jpg)


no ghost on my watch. BO/BV clear it and backup baker will take this bread.

48c19c  No.4776974

File: ab1a431d79adc40⋯.jpeg (8.86 KB, 255x180, 17:12, ab1a431d79adc4039943afbeb….jpeg)

File: eb4e06a2e7b37ee⋯.jpg (28.38 KB, 338x405, 338:405, 2r6yys_1_1.jpg)



They know you jerk on internet porn daily…..lol

149bf5  No.4776975

File: c8a1d0ccdb9b2aa⋯.jpg (49.21 KB, 891x500, 891:500, 2m293b.jpg)

File: 6b5575e3f4737f5⋯.jpg (84.32 KB, 667x500, 667:500, 6b5575e3f4737f5df13a0a09ea….jpg)

File: 95c30871a2827ca⋯.png (897.95 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 95c30871a2827caa745ce0032d….png)

File: 248cedddd9578c7⋯.jpg (50.07 KB, 640x461, 640:461, 248cedddd9578c71ceefdec698….jpg)

Not so fast there, Ocasio-Castro-Zapata-Trotsky-Beria-Sar.

H.R. 438 The Help Ensure Legal Detainers (HELD) Act


9ac6cc  No.4776976

File: 2ca5f1ef85851f7⋯.png (109.78 KB, 711x499, 711:499, The Mother Of Pearls.png)


Just be careful who you say that to.

Solipsism is a dangerous concept for stupid people.

7af678  No.4776977


What option do we have left?


Not for me sir, I'll fight

be15d1  No.4776978

File: 194086b2bbe27c6⋯.png (90.03 KB, 206x167, 206:167, Capture.PNG)

Caution is the watchword for the world’s top central banks

Central banks enter the new year under pressure from investors to rethink just how aggressive they can be hiking interest rates.

A slowdown in the world economy, the trade war and skittish financial markets are forcing policy makers including Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to express fresh caution about their scope for tightening monetary policy. The People’s Bank of China is also pledging support for its economy.


3570f5  No.4776979

File: 3808087390a69a3⋯.jpeg (20.11 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 69BD7AF6-47D7-41A7-905E-D….jpeg)

Once I am fired from work I will disappear. At that point will I become deadly and invisible like the wind.

854d90  No.4776980

Respect is such a simple concept that most people miss out on what it means.

Just listen and ponder ones position. That’s all. It doesn’t mean that you 100 percent accept All. That’s not the point of free will and free will is for All.

81846c  No.4776981

File: 79da2c8549d6636⋯.png (817.72 KB, 828x810, 46:45, they.png)

57d794  No.4776982


Re: pic



4ec784  No.4776983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

88173e  No.4776984

File: 6b20fcfd5db58c3⋯.jpg (328.27 KB, 777x777, 1:1, 6b20fcfd5db58c33e55eb68f52….jpg)

c4284c  No.4776985


Who said anything about unfair treatment? How hard would it be for each group in a department to be told the have to RIF 10% or 20% of their lowest performers? And how hard would it be to make sure the remainer leadership leave behind sabatuers are in the 10%.

Heck 10% or 20% might not even be enough, but anyone who doesn't think there are not lots of low performers in Fed jobs is probably one of them. And quite frankly, the do nothing but create process obstacles are actually hated by the good federal civil servants. Getting rid of the worst Fed employees is very good for the better fed employees, and I think that is entirely consistent with GEOTUS personality, history, goals and political objectives.

f0a304  No.4776986

File: f3d6c9b66bb9b6b⋯.jpg (47.99 KB, 600x609, 200:203, You know thats his penis a….jpg)

cb7004  No.4776987

File: 68229332b39bae3⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 800x682, 400:341, beePepe.jpg)

d4a66b  No.4776988

File: ec1cf10878bdbcd⋯.jpg (67 KB, 634x443, 634:443, WzEyMTYxMjAxOSwiY3hvLmEiLC….jpg)

Fisherman claims he SAW plane go down and recorded the EXACT location on GPS, saying: 'It moved like a broken kite… no noise, just smoke.


An Indonesian fisherman who claims to know the exact spot where the ill-fated MH370 plane crashed into the Sumatra sea has handed over the co-coordinators to investigators.

Rusli Khusmin, 42, says he and his crew members witnessed the disaster, in which a Beijing-bound Malaysian Airlines flight carrying 239 people disappeared, on the morning of March 8, 2014.

Rusli recorded the co-ordinates of the site where he says the plane entered the water on a GPS device and held up a map to show reporters. At a news conference today in Subang Jaya, near Kuala Lumpur where MH370 took off, he recalled a seeing a damaged aircraft and thick black smoke.

'I saw the plane moving from left to right like a broken kite,' he said. 'There was no noise, just black smoke as a result of fires before it crashed into the water.'There was a strong smell of acidic fumes in the air before the plane went down, he added.

Rusli was flown in from Indonesia for the news conference at the Lake View Club in Subang Jaya, where he swore an oath of truth over the Koran.

15fba3  No.4776989


no, in my case it's a bit different as I'm in protective custody. They let me know how hardcore they watch me and when I went to a porn site they gave me all sorts of shit for it so I can't do that anymore…. but I was hoping they still gave me a tiny bit of dignity - fucking scary picture - and I'm saying that to the people monitoring me yes, that scares the hell out of me but I don't think they are going that far - I just really have to hope so

854d90  No.4776990


I wonder if God asks this same question daily. I think so.

297693  No.4776991

File: b360a26329a22a4⋯.jpg (107.9 KB, 445x545, 89:109, done.jpg)

58dacd  No.4776992

File: 34e5c5cb867fb92⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 619x563, 619:563, dkmdjtrhstb-rdy-5ty5.JPG)



20a3e3  No.4776993


No previous bakes but it's all yours Anon.

8e7546  No.4776994

File: d1e3bed31b6e92b⋯.png (75.9 KB, 1353x467, 1353:467, idev.PNG)


It already smells bad

b8256a  No.4776995


No need to trust. Just sitting back and watching the show.

6133b0  No.4776996


it gets dropped or shuffled to bottom?

I know about twatter..just refuse to use it or look at it.

297693  No.4776997

File: 4c83b97a83bc643⋯.jpg (80.62 KB, 288x288, 1:1, Lights on.jpg)

7ea1d2  No.4776998


You will believe what us Jews want you to believe! Sweetie!

We just need time for the London Cloning Lab to give us our RBG IInd!

And then we will see who is so smart!!!

f0a304  No.4776999



fce6cb  No.4777000


got it BV

3e9554  No.4777001

File: eaec0b2493c91bc⋯.png (704.94 KB, 788x928, 197:232, ClipboardImage.png)


Hernán Cortés was a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of what is now mainland Mexico under the rule of the King of Castile in the early 16th century. Cortés was part of the generation of Spanish colonizers who began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas.

<His name was spelled just as often Cortez

297693  No.4777002

File: 54f032eb4760579⋯.jpg (217.53 KB, 640x432, 40:27, no polite way.jpg)

9010b3  No.4777003


anon when you record music you must use filters.

during playback, as well. If this bread were as a symphony, the shills are those throwing candy from the balcony during th e performance.

In fact, in the real world, nothing works well without filtering.

and, in fact, filtering allows for very many beautiful effects.

without filtering the world is informational overload. That is why people go crazy when they overdose on alkoloids because they have not learned to 'not attend' to the destractions of the world (the alkoloids throw upon all the nueral switching).

If you could 'see' every frequency of light, if you could hear every sound no matter how slight, if your mind didn't turn off the noise naturally so it doesn't affect you . . . you would have a hard time contending with things. Filtering is natural and necessary.

to always filter, and to be ignorant, that's to be discouraged.

the filter is like the thermometer in an oven. The shill says 'touch the oven to see how hot it is.'

cb7004  No.4777004


Anons are living in this movie!

They Live is happening now.

1105de  No.4777005


>Law Of One.

>Ten Commandments.

Mutually exclusive

d56658  No.4777006



You all rock

Thanks for everything you do

b8256a  No.4777007


And that's how the morning got interesting.

6133b0  No.4777008

File: 60430e5f28f5f15⋯.jpg (90.92 KB, 460x468, 115:117, You think..wait you don't.jpg)


found this. take it

f07cc4  No.4777009

File: 6fdea713fdcfb18⋯.jpg (21.27 KB, 300x291, 100:97, 6fdea713fdcfb1802ce88965b3….jpg)


didn't see you step up XD

c31d16  No.4777010

File: 75ff9446f2aed0b⋯.jpeg (580.07 KB, 1242x1019, 1242:1019, D96D2E37-EED2-491B-94E6-2….jpeg)

297693  No.4777011

File: b8e65da91919e3c⋯.jpg (345.83 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Cognitive Dissonance.jpg)

be15d1  No.4777012

File: 87f5dbc507678e7⋯.png (535.6 KB, 827x319, 827:319, Capture.PNG)

Some Freshman Democrats Reportedly Frustrated With Party Leadership For Stonewalling Trump On Border Security, Immigration

While Democratic leadership holds the line, apparently refusing to come to the table to negotiate, the resolve of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in holding out might not be trickling down into the freshman class.

A number of newly-sworn-in Democrats have reportedly voiced frustration with the leaders within their own party, suggesting that they might be willing to at least open the door to negotiate and see what kind of a deal could result.

Democratic New York Rep. Max Rose says he’s ready to get to work, and his first order of business is to reopen the government. Toward that end, he has called for serious negotiations from both sides — making it clear in an interview just days after he was sworn in that he was willing to go toe-to-toe with the leadership in his own party if necessary.


d4a522  No.4777013


Shes pretty

1490a4  No.4777014

Theresa May confidence vote today

48c19c  No.4777015

File: ef5582adccceb27⋯.jpg (48.29 KB, 394x396, 197:198, 2r750y_1.jpg)



IP address is know a child could track you effortlessly.

1490a4  No.4777016

File: 9bece9d9969f15c⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2nrqig.jpg)

c965e3  No.4777017

File: 07d7f0c13e5bf87⋯.png (14.48 KB, 957x79, 957:79, ClipboardImage.png)

A powerful blast has hit the northern Syrian city of Manbij, which was recently threatened by Turkey over its Kurdish control. Several people were killed, with local sources claiming Kurdish-allied US soldiers were among the dead.

The blast happened near a restaurant and market. Preliminary reports say at least six people were killed and 19 others injured by the explosion. Various sources on the ground claim that between two and five US soldiers are among the casualties, but this has yet to be confirmed.

Footage from Manbij obtained by RT’s video agency Ruptly shows emergency vehicles and several US troops, presumably responding to the blast.

Ruptly’s contributor on the ground said the US military ramped up security inside the city following the attack and put the city hospital, where victims have been transported, on lockdown.

Photos and videos taken at the scene show a damaged building with broken windows and what appear to be blood stains on a column and several damaged cars.

Update: #USA Blackhawks are landing next to targeted site in #Manbij

US Service men were injured. An US patrol was near the targeted restaurant - according to locals some were enjoying a meal inside the restaurant pic.twitter.com/AIM6lgcuwa

— Rojava News (@Rojava_News_) January 16, 2019


Explosion reported near a market in #Manbij. Unclear if #US soldiers (who were there) are involved.@AleppoAMC says that 5 US servicemen have been killed but I tend to be skeptical. pic.twitter.com/580NPH124y

— MrRevinsky (@Kyruer) January 16, 2019

The US-led coalition stated it was “aware of open-source reports” on the blast, and said that it had conducted a routine Syrian patrol, but stopped short of confirming any casualties in the explosion.

CJTF-OIR is aware of open source reports regarding an explosion in Syria. Coalition forces conducted a routine patrol in Syria today. We are still gathering information and will share additional details at a later time.

— OIR Spokesperson (@OIRSpox) January 16, 2019

Four US soldiers were killed and three were injured, Reuters reported, citing an unnamed American official.

Al Jazeera sources earlier said the death toll includes two US soldiers, one Kurdish fighter, and six civilians. Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak said five Americans were killed by the explosion. Another unconfirmed report said the target was a restaurant where US, French and Kurdish troops were meeting to discuss security arrangements for the city.

#BREAKING Sources to Al Jazeera claim that 6 civilians killed and 19 injured in downtown #Manbij, #Syria as a result of a blast coinciding with #US forces patrol in the city center.

🔴 There are reports that several U.S. forces could have been injured during the attack.

— IntelSky📡✈ (@Intel_sky) January 16, 2019

Meanwhile, a helicopter apparently sent to the area by the US military was filmed by bystanders.

Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) mouthpiece Al-Amaq said the terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

#BREAKING First video footage showing US helicopters evacuating wounded and dead from the explosion area in #Manbij

via: .@leventkemaIpic.twitter.com/I76yxBwx7p

— EHA News (@eha_news) January 16, 2019

An explosion took place in Syria's Manbij near the route of the US-led international coalition's patrol, some people were wounded, the city's military council said. Video by @Sputnik_Insightpic.twitter.com/uDeqJvow8b

— Sputnik Insight (@Sputnik_Insight) January 16, 2019

Footage shows US helicopter taking off from #Manbij municipal football court. Helicopter had landed near blast site. US casualties reported. pic.twitter.com/mf6srNOV24

— Riam Dalati (@Dalatrm) January 16, 2019

Manbij is a strategically located city, which is at the center of a tense confrontation between the Kurds and Turkey, which considers the Kurdish fighters to be terrorists. Ankara has threatened to launch a military operation to kick them out of the city.

The US, which supported Kurdish militias with arms and training while they were focusing on fighting jihadist forces, is now in the process of withdrawing its troops from Kurdish-controlled parts of Syria. The promised pullout would take time, however, and in practice US soldiers continue missions on the ground.


f0a304  No.4777018

File: 7ba1f1239b3f4f6⋯.jpeg (113.29 KB, 900x870, 30:29, 1524059805.jpeg)

2451f1  No.4777019

File: 360c258d83773d4⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 650x660, 65:66, 360c258d83773d40d420572e40….jpg)


I know, I have heard many stories of those who have had a mystical experience and thought they were Jesus or "a great guru".

I trust that the Soul that seeks the truth will find themselves and cleans themselves so that they can enter into the "Mercy Seat"/Third Eye.

I am saying this because I am still trying to teach my soul how to forgive myself and others, and surrender all to Divine Source.

Baby Soul here.

be15d1  No.4777020


All liars and leaks go to work for the MSM and probably are members of the CFR

48c19c  No.4777021

File: 1ce0f028f2b30b5⋯.jpg (39.83 KB, 454x543, 454:543, 2r75fv_1.jpg)

aaa69b  No.4777022

Bet those califaggot teachers on strike are pissed about this…

Texas Senate proposes $3.7 billion for mandated teacher raises

Senate leaders say they will require districts to use the money to give $5,000 raises to each teacher.

THE TEXAS TRIBUNE - Leaders of the Texas Senate are proposing giving schools $3.7 billion to provide $5,000 pay raises to all full-time classroom teachers — on the heels of a House budget proposal that includes $7 billion more for public education.

Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, filed Senate Bill 3 Tuesday morning, which would mandate that schools use the billions in additional funding specifically for teacher pay raises. Speaking at his inauguration Tuesday morning, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who presides over the Senate, lauded the proposal as one of his main priorities this legislative session and said the funding would be permanent.

Bills with low numbers in either chamber are reserved for those leaders' top priorities. Patrick, a Republican, hinted at this proposal last week during a speech at a Texas Realtors event. "I want to give an across the board— I talked about in my campaign—a $10,000 raise on average over time. I think we can make a big step forward this year in doing that," he said."We have to lift the boat for all teachers up."

Patrick's first attempt at raising teacher pay during the 2017 special session was unsuccessful and unpopular with many teachers, since it included no additional state funding. It would have required school districts to "reprioritize" existing funding to give teachers small bonuses up to $1,000. At the time, he called on districts to be "be better about how they spend the money."

Nelson's proposal appears to build a new formula into the school finance system that would distribute state funding to schools based on the number of full-time classroom teachers they employ, and require they use that money for raises over the previous year.

Gov. Greg Abbott and House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, both Republicans, have also been vocal about the importance of keeping teachers in classrooms, mainly through merit pay programs that would provide stipends to the most effective teachers.

"This session, as the lieutenant governor has already taken a step to do, we must act to pay our best teachers more. We must reward teachers and school districts that achieve results," Abbott said at Tuesday's inauguration.

This story originally appeared in The Texas Tribune

Texas Tribune mission statement

The Texas Tribune is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans — and engages with them — about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues.


d4a522  No.4777023


Lol. Cloning a wrinkly sack of garbage should be interesting. They may end up with a human puddle with extreme leftist views.

4ec784  No.4777024

File: 833baf4bdda1912⋯.gif (719.82 KB, 499x290, 499:290, e95631b9c66f529bbff428e43f….gif)

830e7e  No.4777025


nope… that dog is being taught how to hunt… the financial sector is ruthless… if she won't take bribes she'll have a car accident..

bfee7f  No.4777026


U sir are hilarious

7af678  No.4777027

File: a910cac51cb75be⋯.png (314.51 KB, 800x420, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

88173e  No.4777028


Umm probably about 3 months of being homeless before that dirty stench starts emanating, one that will be invisible and semi toxic/deadly, kek

b8256a  No.4777029


>if she won't take bribes…

There's a thought.

96d4fc  No.4777030


>anon when you record music you must use filters.


its even the other way around, the best recording needs no filters.


15fba3  No.4777031

File: f765e0b32dc6be0⋯.jpg (256.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 03.08-theylive.jpg)


one of the best redpill movies there is, the cult fought it like mad when it came out too. because it exposes a lot of them - it's all symbolic - remember THEY LIVE - but that's not teh whole title is it? no, THEY LIVE - WE SLEEP

48c19c  No.4777032

File: 15aeb07b7ab4667⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 495x388, 495:388, 2r9czt_1_1.jpg)

Roid mongrel.

f0a304  No.4777033

File: e3b2477f27659dc⋯.jpeg (112.03 KB, 1440x813, 480:271, 1531262539.jpeg)

6133b0  No.4777034

File: 7007d2b2f7740e2⋯.jpg (904.62 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, Millenidouches.jpg)


too funny baker.

wouldn't want to post anything about 'earnings' would we now?

your discretion as always


e9252d  No.4777035

File: 6d284af54049df7⋯.png (494.84 KB, 793x570, 793:570, Screen Shot 2019-01-15 at ….png)

bfdf2f  No.4777036

Any news on the prison barges? I've looked at all the places I know of.

f1b4eb  No.4777037



NewBakerFags are Innocent until proven Guilty, commies

149bf5  No.4777038


Who is Kevin *de Leon*, copypasta?

591726  No.4777039

File: 0d0cadb40ba5876⋯.jpeg (67.62 KB, 490x474, 245:237, localAnonReportsIn.jpeg)

File: 2d5dac944203a61⋯.png (64.21 KB, 461x274, 461:274, Screenshot from 2018-10-28….png)

File: 0f150393079f378⋯.png (136.19 KB, 496x490, 248:245, Screenshot from 2018-10-28….png)

File: a2a142152e34d1d⋯.png (30.2 KB, 677x400, 677:400, Screenshot from 2018-10-28….png)

>>4776108 pb

so many digs so little time. Kathleen Kane must've been close to outing the entire operation for (((them))) to draw up felony charges and the (((PA supreme court))) to remove her right to practice law.

This post reminded me of the Greensburg White Rabbit dig. Lots of fuckery in PA


f07cc4  No.4777040


I always figure that high up commies know it's bullshit and are just greedy.. but maybe she's dumb enough to believe her own bullshit ( despite lying about her own affluent background )

57d794  No.4777041


Not denying the validity of his stated experience re: victimization and it wouldn't raise my eyebrows to learn he's working a "give me your money" angle.

7b52ed  No.4777042

Judicial Watch


‏Verified account @JudicialWatch

16h16 hours ago

BREAKING: A federal judge ruled that discovery can begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Obama officials & Clinton aides — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, & FBI official E.W. Priestap — have to answer JW’s questions under oath. (1/6)

b8256a  No.4777043


Oh, agreed. And anon is grateful, but ready for anything as I sip my coffee.

New baker seems unusually confident for a new baker, though.

c57f7e  No.4777044


>Spanish colonizers

but muh Latinx poc oppressed peoplez

be15d1  No.4777045

File: 877cae19eef7bd3⋯.png (656.2 KB, 750x362, 375:181, Capture.PNG)

Advocacy Group to Spend $1 Million to Lobby for Illegals to Have Drivers Licenses

A New York-based pro-illegal immigrant advocacy group will be spending $1 million dollars to lobby lawmakers to allow illegal aliens to obtain legal drivers licenses.

Four years ago, California passed a law allowing illegal aliens to get drivers licenses at the same place were Americans register to vote.

The Daily Caller reported that New York’s largest immigration advocacy group is looking to spend $1 million to convince lawmakers in the state to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses as President Donald Trump cracks down on unlawful entry into the U.S.

The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) plans to increase its lobbying efforts and invest at minimum $1 million on TV, radio and targeted ads on social media, the New York Daily News reported Monday. This could be NYIC’s biggest campaign.

“Our goal is to target every single legislator in New York State,” NYIC Executive Director Steven Choi said, according to the NY Daily News.


e9252d  No.4777046

File: c278090b548c8dd⋯.png (97.28 KB, 763x470, 763:470, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

Deleted previous autocorrected tweet - Al Franken seems like a data point against what @PressSec said.



replying to:

When I asked whether Trump supports the House's condemnation of Steve King, Sarah Sanders called his racist comments "abhorrent."

Adding: "The Republican leadership unlike Democrats have actually taken action when their members have said outrageous & inappropriate things." 1/2

dfd742  No.4777047


Is it just me or is the kardashatrash 'fat-in-da-ass' a turnoff for anyone else?

The whole look has a lucerferian bad joke feel to it. Feels geared to a certain audience as well. Thanks, but I'll take a nice slender gal with subtle curves and pass on the silicon botox ass injected wildebeest.

81846c  No.4777048



f2128f  No.4777049

File: d2191f61343d2dc⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 5A0C7EEE-D512-4CA2-9DC9-6F….png)


and judaism isnt under religious groups??

Yeah this isnt shilly at all fggot! Mossad def didnt make this graphic.

b8256a  No.4777050


She's an actress, no doubt. Just not sure if she's protagonist or villain.

15fba3  No.4777051


I have no delusions that they aren't watching what I do online for many reasons and I'm ok with that, I'm talking about the extent of that spying outside online - and that I don't know and while it's somewhere between 24/7 and "only when you leave" - I do not know which of these is true and the 24/7 one is a little unnerving but if it's necessary I can live with it.

f0a304  No.4777052

File: af3a60f86ed7461⋯.png (62.44 KB, 552x165, 184:55, 20190116_083450.png)

5b4a70  No.4777053


talking about filtering is a slide. I filter ebot, freddy, and the like because they are bread hogs that shit up the bread and make it more time consuming to find actual information.

f07cc4  No.4777054


meh i like it to a degree, and not to the kardashian degree XD

c866d8  No.4777055


If this is true and it gets out, we will be overrun by patriots trying to 'get on the list'

08084b  No.4777056


F-ing gross!

Mind control for those who cannot/won't think for themselves!

9010b3  No.4777057


you must filter. look at any design for any recorder and there are always band limiting circuitry. the medium, itself, also implies a filtering. Each device in the signal chain will have it's own characteristics.

without filtering to keep the signal within the range of the sample frequency digital noise makes a recording unusable.

A compressor/limiter is recommended and often, now, built in, for audio transfer from analog to digital.

bea7d2  No.4777058


I concur.

The bombing is being labeled as "Islamist", which we know from the Lavon Affair is modus operandi for the War on Terror profiteering crowd.

f2128f  No.4777059


agreed anon. total bs. It lists out religious groups and magically leaves (((them))) out.

c965e3  No.4777060

File: 739d8d5c696b02a⋯.png (42.54 KB, 640x310, 64:31, ClipboardImage.png)

c57f7e  No.4777061


oh you're not alone

it's like bringing the absolute worst of fakeboobs to the ass, but making it even waaay worse…

ass implants are insanely stupid

f1b4eb  No.4777062


>New baker seems unusually confident for a new baker, though.

Good - can't have any snowflake tendies when the Baker Compd! Muh Notable Beggars show up

6306f1  No.4777063



>>4777000 top post was only nominated post for Notable I found doing search. Nominated by second post. I’m sure there are others, but only one I found called out. Thanks for baking.

be15d1  No.4777064


interesting how nobody ever tells the Spaniards to leave Mexico and go back to Spain , then blame America for everything

9765af  No.4777065

File: eb2bd9e38eeb54e⋯.jpg (101.24 KB, 500x545, 100:109, download.jpg)

File: 2e963fd82d85535⋯.jpg (129.46 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 1j7s9g.jpg)

File: 9944b693672495e⋯.jpg (170.51 KB, 729x500, 729:500, 1j7vd3.jpg)

File: 325047c37275897⋯.jpg (251.05 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1jja4e.jpg)

File: f0dc3e37f6e030b⋯.jpg (243.8 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1k8ju0.jpg)

cb7004  No.4777066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Posting full movie for the anons who haven't seen it yet, and for those who want to use it to redpill others. It's YT so get it while it's still up.

bea7d2  No.4777067


They already issue licenses to illegal aliens in NY State. They also then try to register them to vote at the DMV after they get their license.

I've seen it first hand.

36fab6  No.4777068


Mega gross - these are kind of empty people that are put up by satanists to degrade society.

5b4a70  No.4777069


he should write a response on official whitehouse letterhead that just says …..


f07cc4  No.4777070


that was quick

15fba3  No.4777071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5c7be7  No.4777072



591726  No.4777073


post from Oct

All PB

Alright night shift anons, seems like night breads have been a bit slow so I'm going to give yall something to do if you want it. This morning anon dropped a crumb that is literally a rabbit hole (pic related). The White Rabbit in Greensburg PA. I've compiled the digs from the day shift. Lots of tangents. While I was looking into the sheriff who is just around the corner, anon found the foundation that funded the White Rabbit. The recently scandalized Greensburg Catholic Diocese is spitting distance and theres train access and "Tunnel Street" a block away. Also a block away. route 30 which has been noted as a human trafficking hotspot. "Coincidentally" route 30 runs right through Pittsburgh near the Tree of Life. With the Sheriff around the corner I'm sure you're not surprised to learn that the sheriff's department has been dealing with several controversies. For one, the Obama endorsed PA attorney general has the sheriff up for corruption charges. But if Obama slags are trying to take him down how bad can he be? Last thing I found, the 2008 Obama campaign ran out of the same building but I'm sure thats just a coincidence.

Time to dig anons.

All (PBs)
























c57f7e  No.4777074


but… that's the "state of the union", nanc

b8256a  No.4777075


The colonistas are a wretched part of current Mexico. Keep the people poor for cheap personal labor.

Colonistas there don't even wipe their own asses.

Mexico's problems are colonizer problems, not America's.

fce6cb  No.4777076

calling for notables

>>4776474 Good breakdown of why the Deep State needed to be rid of Flynn. And Gorka

>>4776478 Kurdish sources saying 5 US soldiers killed in this blast at a restaurant

>>4776749 Jim Jordan, Left has taken the most radical positions in American history

>>4776551 Jason Spindler was the CEO of I-DEV International, a management strategy and investment firm

7af678  No.4777077

File: 88cab6933d3ebce⋯.png (213.39 KB, 620x763, 620:763, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c4322bd68188f1⋯.png (477.71 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Everyone decides

That's freedom

For me

1490a4  No.4777078

FBIanon hasnt posted in awhile

4c8278  No.4777079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ron Paul Appears to be Coming Over to our Side

Another "blockbuster" report on Trump's "ties" to Russia has fizzled into nothingness, as the New York Times' piece over the weekend on an FBI counterintelligence investigation opened against the president was riddled with holes and absurdities. What came through loud and clear, however, was that Obama appointees and loyalists in the FBI and elsewhere in the deep state were determined to do everything in their power to overthrow a legally elected US president.

b8256a  No.4777080


Six sevens next bread.

Q, we do miss you, you know…

149bf5  No.4777081

File: 025022b66d9738b⋯.jpg (395.76 KB, 2040x1510, 204:151, aoc_pelosi_tina_toon-web.jpg)


I'm not worried. If these pigs get what they want, after the white genocide they will be beaten daily and no permitted to go outside unsupervised, let alone mess with education or politics. They are just too stupid and greedy to appreciate what they have, and to do anything good with it.

15fba3  No.4777083


blocked in my country

5c1eaa  No.4777084

Trump shares article blasting federal workers, calling for long shutdown



f07cc4  No.4777085


nancy can ask all she wants

e9252d  No.4777086

round 2


4ec784  No.4777087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another classic…. do you have a degree in economics… kek

be15d1  No.4777088


Exactly now if only the media would report it

c62ffb  No.4777089


Wasn't it announced for the 25th and she "invited" him to give it on the 29th instead? Seems to me she is just trying to control him .. never gonna happen.

d4a522  No.4777091



I'm sure he will do exactly what she wants.

d56658  No.4777092


I'm with you anon

Haven't seen a post from a namefag in months

Feelz good

c57f7e  No.4777093


so Jack… is this

the debunk of the last debunk

or a new debunk unrelated to the last debunk

or a new debunk but same debunk


what about dem chatlogs?


e9252d  No.4777094

File: 6e41a44e57ef4b9⋯.png (91.16 KB, 273x274, 273:274, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

Feinsteel looks terrible…

aaa69b  No.4777095

Texas man detained by ICE accidentally released by police; local officials can’t re-arrest him

A Texas inmate was unintentionally released Tuesday – despite being held on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer.

Ricardo Mujica “inadvertently walked out with another group of released persons” despite the detainer, Bexar County Sheriff’s Office confirmed in a statement to Fox News.

Mujica had been charged with assault for choking or strangling a family member, Deputy Johnny Garcia, a spokesman for the Bexar County Sheriff's Office, told Fox News. He had been sentenced to four years probation for the state charge but still had an ICE detainer when he was released, authorities said. His immigration status was not immediately clear.

He was supposed to be transferred to ICE Tuesday morning when he was accidentally released, Garcia explained. And despite the unintentional release, local officials cannot track Mujica down and take him back into custody.

“[Mujica] had satisfied conditions of his state charge, and only the detainer remained. As such, local officers have no authority to arrest or detain this person at this point. He is not considered an escapee,” officials said.

An ICE official was not immediately available to elaborate on Mujica's specific case Tuesday — likely because of the partial government shutdown — but a police spokesman said ICE has "started its process" in regards to Mujica. An ICE representative did, however, remind Fox News in an emailed statement that it has 129 active fugitive operations teams across the U.S., including San Antonio, that are tasked with "identifying and arresting" illegal immigrants who appear to be a danger to others.

The government shuttered just before Christmas with President Trump and Democrats at an impasse over funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.


d56658  No.4777096


>Q, we do miss you, you know…

Amen brother

3e9554  No.4777097


I'm definitely not denying his experiences.

Just saying that he is a monarch victim being supported by the MSM.

It's a ploy.

f1b4eb  No.4777098


>FBIanon hasnt posted in awhile

Only posted during a short action-packed window

That was a one-off deal

d4a522  No.4777099


That's not new.

6133b0  No.4777100

File: 6d3b637079927c9⋯.jpg (130.18 KB, 1085x765, 217:153, 011619 CTA...hehe.JPG)

CTA Shorts Covered (and now small long)?

Since 2016 the CTA index (white line, “hedge funds” mainly in the model trading niche) has been going one way, lower, while the SPX (orange) has been going higher (until the “hick up” last quarter). The aggregate pool of money they manage is big, but not huge, but given the fact leverage is used, these “guys” can actually move prices, especially in markets where liquidity is low.

Longer term they probably aren´t overly significant movers of prices, but in the short term the CTA space can most probably affect prices, and create a feedback loop where any short-term moves are exaggerated by models adding to a certain trend, but often overlooking the liquidity effect.

We have written on several occasions about the poor liquidity and the CTA index strategies affecting prices, and it is according to us what happened late last year as well as this year. In early January we outlined our logic that being “Bearish is not unique here” (SPX was 6% lower back then).

We have shown how the CTA models flipped their strategies into net short as markets took the last dip lower in December. “Pushing” futures lower around Christmas was probably not overly hard to accomplish as liquidity always is awful around those holidays.

At one stage in late December, the CTA index had taken back much of the p/l pain from the October sell off, but as markets reversed sharply higher, the average model fund seems to have been trapped in net shorts, and as liquidity has been rather poor, the covering of these shorts have been working the same way as in late December, but this time in a feedback loop the “wrong” way for the CTA players.

Several of the bigger CTA funds are down some 3% YTD, but have actually been putting on gains over past few days. Note the last little uptick in the CTA index (white) in the below chart.

We ask ourselves if this last rally in equities is to be attributed largely to the CTA model chasers, who now seem to have covered shorts and risk having flipped over to net longs, all executed in another poor liquidity mark.


in other words the system does not have the power of shorts covering to fuel the 'rally'


8d6027  No.4777101


forgive me if its already been a notable, i just havent seen it….

BERDER ISLAND called out by DJT in "typo"

4CHAN is on it…


Where are we?


81846c  No.4777102

More than 80 members of congress refusing or donating paychecks during shutdown


c866d8  No.4777104


its actually an 'EIB' (excellence in broadcasting)

4ec784  No.4777105

File: 8523cfc5c0dc5e0⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 72770ef33dbd40dade27b775f8….jpg)


She's not feeling well today… for some reason.

3b0ab4  No.4777106


And I raise you another Amen!

331a98  No.4777107


/Our girl/

23df12  No.4777108

File: b0942021474d66d⋯.png (71.33 KB, 682x387, 682:387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4be4e50d56ecf1e⋯.png (117.85 KB, 451x303, 451:303, ClipboardImage.png)

Was this an early Hussein handler?

3e9554  No.4777109


Thank you.

That explains why i couldn't find it.

1105de  No.4777110


jet lag?

f0a304  No.4777111

File: f471d72543914e2⋯.jpeg (220.42 KB, 1002x1407, 334:469, 1538185744.jpeg)

9ac6cc  No.4777112

File: 8d4a0d9ba1851fa⋯.png (601.26 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

7af678  No.4777113


Here we go!

Attention Baker

I pray for you

be15d1  No.4777114

File: 95ba75e125e8478⋯.png (527.93 KB, 633x480, 211:160, Capture.PNG)

File: bca50733788eebc⋯.png (518.25 KB, 814x508, 407:254, google.PNG)

‘THE SMOKING GUN’: Google Manipulated YouTube Search Results for Abortion, Maxine Waters, David Hogg

In sworn testimony, Google CEO Sundar Pichai told Congress last month that his company does not “manually intervene” on any particular search result. Yet an internal discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News reveals Google regularly intervenes in search results on its YouTube video platform – including a recent intervention that pushed pro-life videos out of the top ten search results for “abortion.”

The term “abortion” was added to a “blacklist” file for “controversial YouTube queries,” which contains a list of search terms that the company considers sensitive. According to the leak, these include some of these search terms related to: abortion, abortions, the Irish abortion referendum, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and anti-gun activist David Hogg.

The existence of the blacklist was revealed in an internal Google discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News by a source inside the company who wishes to remain anonymous. A partial list of blacklisted terms was also leaked to Breitbart by another Google source.


f07cc4  No.4777115


yes, but it's made into that shape. the question is whether it is made into that shape for a reason.

c965e3  No.4777116

File: 62fe72d5f9f7b6e⋯.png (53.34 KB, 1147x252, 1147:252, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 438deb05da7abd8⋯.png (64.16 KB, 640x342, 320:171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0521851646fc4e8⋯.png (78.35 KB, 718x436, 359:218, ClipboardImage.png)

149bf5  No.4777117

File: 3f97153c365154e⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3f97153c365154e5fad64299cb….jpg)


Don't say that! It's antisemitic! You RACIST!

c29ba6  No.4777118

So I guess the Jew shill freakout continued all night, then? Still going on?

ad1a66  No.4777119

File: 17d81f782eaa66f⋯.png (260.7 KB, 493x563, 493:563, Jordan 11.11 one.png)


Sather triggered, banned corn fed beef eaters, he lacks protein. Limp dick and Thin meninges.

cb7004  No.4777120


Do you know of any free online yt video converters? Then I can download the file and upload it here as a video.

a1a542  No.4777121


Me thinks Chuck and Nancy are in on it to save their neck.

dfd742  No.4777122


Cheeers anon. Because of your post I'll maintain the little bit of hope I have for humanity I have. We are on the same page. I'm convinced it's by (cabal) design, probably something they learned in a cia funded study on the primate brain, and sold it via mass media through shit like the kardashians. It took to a large degree too. How many times have you heard about a woman dying while going in for a butt enhancing surgery? A sick joke and a perversion of the human form. Yes, akin to fake boobs as you pointed out.

00d1a8  No.4777123

attacks on luxury hotels in Africa are attacks on C_A assets. Peace Corps, WTC, almonds tingling.


remember Mali.

d56658  No.4777124



15fba3  No.4777125


nah, can't use those anymore - they often are sites that have all sorts of malware

f0a304  No.4777126

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

23df12  No.4777127

File: 2fc0fc977c77d14⋯.png (36.65 KB, 569x287, 569:287, ClipboardImage.png)



6b3dd5  No.4777128

File: 2be02d34e2418ef⋯.jpg (162.13 KB, 700x995, 140:199, new_world_order_by_a781[1].jpg)

File: 9487c3ac82a99bd⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 300x243, 100:81, 300px-speed_is_life_htv-2_….jpg)

File: 4c6691c08531b61⋯.jpg (40.32 KB, 700x374, 350:187, mail-on-line[1].jpg)

File: bee57e0104d07bf⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 612x480, 51:40, dental[1].jpg)

File: 84244484ba8df6d⋯.jpg (96.92 KB, 527x841, 527:841, contamination-suffering-po….jpg)


6e654a  No.4777129


No… Anons be like "Happening yet? Happening yet?"

c866d8  No.4777130


funny but she will never see them. they don't open their own mail. they have servants for that.

b8256a  No.4777131

File: 903d700d7165734⋯.png (265.37 KB, 993x644, 993:644, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

File: 3ac6b9335bf6552⋯.png (468.09 KB, 2308x2679, 2308:2679, berder burger.png)



HFS that's embarrassing that half chan caught soemthing we didn't.

(((Someone))) threw up (kek) a proof this morning attempting a troll at "settled silence." At best now there's more than one meaning.

This Berder Island might be dig worthy.

34affc  No.4777132

File: a584a5e7cfa2fe5⋯.png (622.86 KB, 726x517, 66:47, ClipboardImage.png)

032d39  No.4777133

File: 594f125a9c2baf6⋯.gif (863.42 KB, 229x188, 229:188, 136.gif)

be15d1  No.4777134


Yes Mam Highest honors kek

6133b0  No.4777135

File: 63d0b94e843caa4⋯.jpg (87.3 KB, 1096x401, 1096:401, 011619 Stocks up wow big s….JPG)

File: 68bfd30809fb3b8⋯.jpg (76.06 KB, 600x394, 300:197, Whistling past the graveya….jpg)

Stocks rise as Goldman Sachs, BofA post strong results.

-U.S. stocks climbed as major financial institutions posted strong quarterly results. Investors also awaited the outcome of a no-confidence vote for U.K prime minister Theresa May’s government and digested the People’s Bank of China’s latest injection of stimulus into the country’s economy.

The S&P 500 (^GSPC) rose 0.33%, or 8.7 points, as of 9:39 a.m. ET. The Dow (^DJI) rose 0.43%, or 104.35 points, while the Nasdaq (^IXIC) advanced 0.36%, or 25.16 points.

Brexit remains in focus Wednesday after May suffered a massive defeat on her EU divorce deal Tuesday. The deal, struck down in a 432 to 202 vote, prompted a no-confidence motion from the opposition Labour Party and assertions from the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator that the bloc would be willing to re-open talks regarding its future relationship with the UK. May’s defeat also means the Bank of England will likely delay its next interest rate hike until the future path for Brexit is more clearly understood.

May’s government faces a vote of no confidence expected to begin at 2 p.m. ET. Markets are pricing in an outcome that the current government will be safe, as reflected in the pound’s overnight rebound. May must pick from a host of potential paths forward, assuming her government survives Wednesday’s vote, including returning to the EU to try and work out a more popular deal, requesting an extension on the current March 29 deadline to leave the EU or having the U.K. departing without a plan. The potentially disastrous “no-deal” departure is among the most concerning to businesses, which have begun to stock up on goods ahead of anticipated political dysfunction.

Elsewhere, Asian equities got a boost after China’s central bank on Wednesday injected $83 billion into the country’s financial system in a move to add stimulus to the cooling, trade war-battered economy. This comes the day after the People’s Bank of China said it planned to cut taxes, increase spending and provide other measures intended to support the economy.

Corporate earnings

In the U.S., corporate earnings season is accelerating, with a slew of financial institutions reporting quarterly results on Wednesday. Bank of America (BAC) beat Wall Street’s expectations on the top and bottom lines and tripled its quarterly profit to $7.3 billion on strength in its consumer-banking business. Goldman Sachs (GS) exceeded profit expectations due in large part better-than-anticipated performance in its investment banking division.


whatever you say emily!


1490a4  No.4777136

File: 14f304e608b8e9c⋯.jpg (114.46 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2r9ukm.jpg)

ee4385  No.4777137

File: 0e9d1a91f12b571⋯.jpg (186.94 KB, 992x912, 62:57, armandhammer.jpg)


Veddy veddy intazasting anon. Thanks for sharing.

First question would be - do they still have access through private means?

1fccbf  No.4777138


a data point?

that is an odd way of saying things.

7af678  No.4777139

File: 9627a7dcaa6d6b6⋯.png (92.22 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

8d6027  No.4777140

File: 05bbfcafc5ca74b⋯.jpg (921.21 KB, 800x799, 800:799, DIG.jpg)

830e7e  No.4777141


yup… just like food tasters… can't have the chosen ones open a envelope with powder in it…

b8256a  No.4777142


Baker likely POTUS. He's a morning guy.

e9252d  No.4777143

File: c29c255a20da5ad⋯.png (394.72 KB, 1116x1005, 372:335, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

34affc  No.4777144

File: daf281a4742968c⋯.png (280.88 KB, 1116x1066, 558:533, ClipboardImage.png)

c57f7e  No.4777145


>How many times have you heard about a woman dying while going in for a butt enhancing surgery?

holyfuck, you serious?

it's even worse than i thought..

also fakeboobs are just meh (unless outrageously too much), but generally not awful, but this quickly gets just disgusting…

c29ba6  No.4777146

Anyone watching the opening statements in the Barr hearing? This NAACP stooge can barely string two words together.

8d6027  No.4777147

1fccbf  No.4777148


does he think he is relevant?

d0f180  No.4777149

File: 2934c38fbbfd490⋯.jpeg (841.04 KB, 1434x1862, 717:931, A84DFDAF-2D4B-4E46-BF5A-1….jpeg)

Good read

Part of Trump’s Freedom and Fair Trade Grand Strategy

PDF version securitystudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/SSG-New-Way-Forward-in-the-ME-01142019.pdf

Link securitystudies.org/a-new-way-forward-in-the-middle-east/

The essential idea is to align all facets of America’s power, economic and technical, political and cultural, as well as diplomatic and military, in order to help America’s friends and harm her enemies. Former enemies who decide they would prefer to benefit from American power can enjoy forgiveness under certain circumstances, as can allies who have strayed. This complies with a winning strategy from game theory, sometimes called ‘tit for tat plus forgiveness.’

dfd742  No.4777150

File: 3ecf2ea83e88ba3⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 300x483, 100:161, im_a_pathetic_fucking_lose….jpg)


For your health I would suggest you stop sucking off the krassensteins as often as you do. Get a real job. Have some fucking self respect you pathetic fucking loser.

e9252d  No.4777151


fake bewbs leak, cause excessive scar tissue, can wander, and need tune-ups every 10 years $$$

af7a9b  No.4777152

Just now on Fox News…Pelosi asking POTUS to delay SOTU until government is re-opened.

066186  No.4777153

Pelosi asks Trump to reschedule State of the Union address

Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday asked President Donald Trump to reschedule his State of the Union address — or deliver it in writing — as long as the government remains shut down.

"Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest that we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th," Pelosi wrote in a letter to Trump.


6133b0  No.4777154

File: 90b6b21b5453f47⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 255x212, 255:212, Reagan Salute.jpg)

fce51d  No.4777155

File: 0fdf2c963605aee⋯.jpg (37.05 KB, 623x627, 623:627, 6374fc7dccd73abc3d38a8b0e9….jpg)

File: c0f0a3b980ac0f4⋯.gif (476.65 KB, 450x192, 75:32, 5Dm0NiB.gif)


Guess how we know you're full of shit. You're posting here instead of acting on your own words, pussy-ass faggot. Quit making your shitty, uninspired memes and go lead people. Get a crew together and go riot… Free us from this tyranny instead of waiting for other people to do it for you, you fucking sad little bitch. Put your money where your dick sucker is. You're all talk, glownigger.

1490a4  No.4777156

File: 913e720225bd279⋯.jpg (233.84 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, pjimage (6).jpg)

e68619  No.4777157

File: 63e6b8e3eafee66⋯.jpeg (37.19 KB, 293x286, 293:286, 959D2A72-BD6D-470C-8023-E….jpeg)

Back in 1978, the Resnicks entered the agricultural business with the purchase of some orange groves in Kern County (their initial fortune came not from agriculture but from the Teleflora flower delivery service). They later expanded their assets, buying farms on the cheap during the drought years of the late 1980s. Their company—then known as Paramount Farms, but now called the Wonderful Company—soon became the largest (corporate??) producer of pistachios and almonds in the world. Their many brands include Wonderful Pistachios, Halo clementines, Fiji Water, and Pom Wonderful.

All jewish business activity tends toward monopoly and control of entire sections of the economy, and the Resnick’s control of California’s agriculture has also resulted in their control of an equally important resource: its water supply. Control of water has become a huge battleground worldwide, and Jews are right in the middle of it, because if they control the water and money supply, they control whatever they want. And in California, especially, water is king, as it is a desert that is make livable only by transporting water from hundreds of miles away.

bea7d2  No.4777158


Excellent. Thanks globalist traitors !

89b8b0  No.4777159


Lindsay's face during that - too funny

bfee7f  No.4777160

File: b2fc4ae364f8f5f⋯.jpg (117.63 KB, 874x921, 874:921, b2fc4ae364f8f5f7eb34d1ecb7….jpg)


Done in 30



Are Chuck & Nancy in control?

Why did POTUS push for Nancy to be speaker?

b31d60  No.4777161


Worse case of satanic ocular inversion ever

aac79c  No.4777162


Musty smelly over 2 years old.

Why is this relevant today?

55c26a  No.4777163


How the fuck does that work when they got a new ID in the new bread? FFS

cb7004  No.4777164


Thanks, anon. Tried vidpaw but no dice.


Sorry, anon. If I can find some other way to get it to work, I'll upload it here in future breads.

d4a522  No.4777165


*Falls apart in mid air.


All the 9 year old Chinese aircraft assembly line employees get 20 years hard labor for under delivering.

c29ba6  No.4777166



be15d1  No.4777167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Weight - The Band

e9252d  No.4777168

File: 95848fef0930beb⋯.png (539.43 KB, 772x837, 772:837, Screen Shot 2019-01-02 at ….png)

96d4fc  No.4777169


don´t tell him, he got it all filtered out

e68619  No.4777170




595f89  No.4777171


Top KEk

55c26a  No.4777172


Don't forget the afternoon last year that shcumer shit himself when he was told how the plan would pan out.

1105de  No.4777173





34affc  No.4777174

File: 0de17cc2d5c976f⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 800x764, 200:191, 1514595104422.jpg)


Because we are digging on China and the globalists who sell us out. You can scroll past if you do not wish to participate in this dimension of the discussion. Thanks anon.

f1b4eb  No.4777175


HelperAnons rarely helpful

3e9554  No.4777176


"We don't like not knowing what you are doing

- signed Nancy"

f540be  No.4777178


World Wide Wrestling!

cb7004  No.4777179

File: 8d4699090b9f7a4⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 183x255, 61:85, LMAO.jpg)

059a22  No.4777180


Watching…….it will be an interesting day

2451f1  No.4777181

File: 58b79ad379ca1ab⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 468x250, 234:125, Hammerindustries-logo.jpg)

File: 36ef07aa4c0d91f⋯.png (350.29 KB, 777x786, 259:262, tony-finds-aim.png)


Keep watching for more…

Also there is a Marvel Comics connection somehow…

"…Vision Fund…"

I am one letter short though.

Hammer is in Iron Man 2

AIM (One letter short of ARM) is in Iron Man 3.

Both Hammer Industries and AIM Think Tank, Hack "War Machine".

ARM and Hammer may also have a military =="War Machine"== kill switch.

Any Military Tech that uses ARM could be shut down remotely by bad actors.


c57f7e  No.4777182


ugh… yeah they're pretty bad, but the fake asses are beyond embarrassing.


be15d1  No.4777183

File: a6edc6f57b9702d⋯.png (465.5 KB, 830x319, 830:319, Capture.PNG)

US Oil Boom Is Headed Into Uncharted Territory — 12 Million Barrels Per Day

American energy is poised to boom in 2019, according to a federal report projecting crude oil output will average more than 12 million barrels per day this year.

The more than 1 million-barrels-per-day jump in U.S. crude output will mostly come from New Mexico and Texas which sit atop what’s become the country’s most productive oil play.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects “crude oil production to average 12.1 million b/d in 2019 and 12.9 million b/d in 2020, with most of the growth coming from the Permian region of Texas and New Mexico,” according to the statistics agency’s annual energy outlook.

Enabled by hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, U.S. oil production has dramatically grown in the past decade


bfee7f  No.4777184


That pic was taken the same day

032d39  No.4777185


Oh look, more fake news from Jack.

15fba3  No.4777186

File: 1a355d74344341e⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 255x164, 255:164, PelosiCaravannancy.jpg)


cause she's an idiot. srs, I saw it all over Drudge in codes - the dipshit is practically running the cult by being the only one in any form of power that has any kind of sway over anything and she's retarded for all intensive purposes who is going to be a trainwreck - incapable of seeing Trump's strats and so is perfect

012a38  No.4777187

File: 7820bf43e5753b0⋯.png (288.29 KB, 497x479, 497:479, 84634a6c412dd3c534953be218….png)


Can't fix stupid

aac79c  No.4777188


Dig dig dig!

Dig some more. Thanks

2451f1  No.4777189


"You are watching a movie"

Enjoying the show yet?

fce6cb  No.4777190


e50a8a  No.4777191

File: e75544907d903f7⋯.png (518.84 KB, 873x908, 873:908, ClipboardImage.png)

I hasn't chequed notables for this, but Mike Rothschild gave Q another shout out the other day…


e26e31  No.4777192

File: da67d22a131aae8⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1035x1609, 1035:1609, 787847373171713742843754.png)

ff50ef  No.4777193


Purchased at Pence dealership


c866d8  No.4777194


how would you know? anonymous is anonymous

f0a304  No.4777195

File: c42cc28d2650c62⋯.png (47.94 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200px-Jidf_logo.png)

7577fb  No.4777196


William Barr live now

e9252d  No.4777197

File: 1fff674216fff40⋯.png (88.26 KB, 757x416, 757:416, Screen Shot 2019-01-16 at ….png)

Today is the 3rd anniversary of the horrible Iran deal that gave Tehran billions in sanctions relief but didn’t end its nuclear ambitions, missile tests, support for terrorism or regional expansionism. Thank you President Trump for ending this deal & imposing maximum pressure.



066186  No.4777198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Why did POTUS push for Nancy to be speaker?

This is why.

f1b4eb  No.4777199


Well, that settles the compd/not compd argument

e5130e  No.4777200


Security Concerns=hers, not ours.

Pelosi/SOTU delay

1490a4  No.4777201


Because he identifies himself.

7ea1d2  No.4777202


Of course how can (((they))) poison our food supply if humans own the farms?

They only trust Jews in important roles. Media, banks, poisoned food. Jews all.

066186  No.4777203

No Baker on Duty?

f0a304  No.4777204

File: 4a8b8dd356452e6⋯.jpg (58.96 KB, 500x474, 250:237, IMG_20181014_102623.jpg)

2451f1  No.4777205


Also at this point I don't know if Q has covered the hack yet… I think he has, and I think it was turned off, but I am not sure.

6133b0  No.4777207

File: 8355c1abeeb1625⋯.jpg (38 KB, 474x553, 6:7, Don't stop the memes.jpg)

I see krassentwats came back lb

they should report the penny stock pumper.

so worried about it then by all means report the anon doing that.

d768b6  No.4777208


Nancy and Chuck have been Q'd I think.

2f6b5a  No.4777209

I see the scenario now how and when it's going to happen.

Many will cry and be disgusted.

Some will reject.

Dreamers worst nightmare.

15fba3  No.4777210

File: 48729aa6d8d1e33⋯.jpg (18.09 KB, 236x301, 236:301, PelosiDeportIfIllegal.jpg)



oh and also because making it someone new would give them some ability to deflect blame when things come out - but no tPelosi she's neck deep in this shit for decades - so there's no hope

e68619  No.4777211

File: 42ae108a063e388⋯.jpeg (83.93 KB, 659x493, 659:493, B93C1B27-FEFA-465B-9653-6….jpeg)

Some might call Nathan Kirsh the ‘George Soros of Africa,’ yet another international, state-less billionaire Jew who funds radical, anti-White socialist ‘opposition’ causes, such as South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) lead by Julius Malema, while his family also exerts enormous control over Primedia, the largest media conglomerate in South Africa

The writer of the piece above is clearly disillusioned to find that the promised ‘socialist revolution’ in South Africa, headed by the ANC, with support from the EFF and DA, is being controlled, one way or another, by the vast wealth of this pro-Zionist Jew who doesn’t even live in South Africa. And with the jewish control of the mainstream media in South Africa, through the Kirsh family hand in Primedia, it’s no wonder that all the Black leadership, from President Ramaphosa down to ‘radical’ Julius Malema, are all beholden to jewish money and influence.

This is the same political tightrope that Jews are playing all across the globe, as they fund radical socialist causes which naturally oppose the brutal Zionist regime in Israel. It would appear that these anti-White parties in South Africa will continue to receive jewish funding as long as they maintain a pro-Israel, pro-jewish stance. And if Malema won’t do it, Kirsh will find a Black radical lackey who will. Jews like Kirsh have no problem with the theft of White land and the murder of the White farmers as long as the Blacks recognize the hidden hand that feeds them.


849b51  No.4777213

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

cb7004  No.4777214

File: 2194774fa97dbb8⋯.jpg (23.93 KB, 600x468, 50:39, tidepods.jpg)

9765af  No.4777215

File: 74e8c52b43f6d2f⋯.jpg (124.54 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2r2co9.jpg)

9010b3  No.4777216


I am saying that no matter what POTUS will give fair treatment to everyone.

0d39a3  No.4777217


Please expound on your thoughts, Anon.

ad1a66  No.4777219


PICTURES: Kathleen Kane reports to prison

PHOTO GALLERY: Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is behind bars after reporting to the Montgomery County Correctional Facility to begin a sentence for leaking grand jury material and lying about it.

Steve Esack Steve EsackContact Reporter

Call Harrisburg Bureau

Key dates in the rise and fall of Kathleen Kane

Nov. 6, 2012 — Kathleen Kane, a former Lackawanna County assistant prosecutor with little courtroom and managerial experience, is elected as Pennsylvania’s first Democratic and female attorney general. Her victory was secured mostly by promising to investigate her state prosecutors’ successful investigation and June 2012 conviction of former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky on child sex abuse charges.

Jan. 15, 2013 — Kane takes office. Her first year is parked by public successes, causing pundits and party officials to float her name for U.S. Senate.

March 26, 2014 — The Philadelphia Inquirer breaks a story detailing how Kane, upon taking office, shut down an undercover sting investigation of Democratic lawmakers taking cash bribes and other gifts from an informant posing as a Harrisburg lobbyist.

In prison, Kathleen Kane faces a structured life, melancholy holidays

Kane claimed she shut the probe down because it was “half-ass.” Her critics claimed she did it for political reasons. The claims ignite a public feud between her and Frank Fina, the former state prosecutor who ran the sting and helped convict Sandusky.

May 2014 — A Montgomery County judge approves a grand jury to investigate how the Philadelphia Daily News received secret information about a 2009 grand jury probe conducted by Fina, whom Kane publicly blamed for the Inquirer story published two months earlier.

June 23, 2014 — Kane releases report her Sandusky review, written by Widener University law professor and former federal prosecutor H. Geoffrey Moulton. It cleared former Attorney General Tom Corbett, then governor, of playing politics with the Sanduskly investigation but accused him and his investigators of “crucial missteps and inexplicable delays” caused by their decision to employ a secret grand jury to investigate the retired coach.

During the report’s presentation, Kane mistakenly claims Sandusky abused boys while under investigation, throwing more gasoline on her feud with Fina and others, including Corbett’s then state police Commissioner Frank Noonan.

July 29, 2014 — The Morning Call files a Right to Know request for pornographic emails rumored to have been circulated among staff at the attorney general’s office and uncovered during Moulton’s Sandusky review. Other media outlets file similar public records requests.

Sept. 25, 2014 — Kane allows reporters to review more than 1,000 porn images allegedly sent or received by only the men she was feuding with even though dozens of other lawyers, judges and law enforcement officers shared them, too.

The porn scandal eventually would drag on for two years and bring down two Supreme Court justices and tie up Kane’s own sister, Ellen Granahan, then a former state prosecuotr, who also received some of the emails.

Paul Muschick: Welcome to prison, Kathleen Kane

Aug. 24, 2015 — Perjury charges sent to Montgomery County Court against Kane after she testifies about the grand jury leak to the Daily News.

Sept. 21, 2015 — State Supreme Court votes 5-0 to suspend Kane’s law license in light of her criminal charges.

Nov. 25, 2015 — State Senate committee votes 5-2 to hold hearings on Kane’s removal from office using a rare constitutional provision.

Dec. 2, 2015 — Kane hires a special prosecutor for about $2 million to review more than 1 million porn emails to determine whether any laws were broken by senders or receivers.

Jan. 26, 2016 — State House committee starts separate process that could lead to Kane’s impeachment.

Feb. 5, 2016 — Supreme Court declines to reinstate Kane’s law license.

Feb. 10, 2016 — Senate votes along party lines to not oust Kane from her elected position. House never holds impeachment hearings.

Former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane leaves court in handcuffs after her Oct. 24, 2016, sentencing at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown. (Dan Gleiter/PennLive.com via AP, Pool)

Aug. 15, 2016 — A Montgomery County jury, after a seven-day trial, finds Kane guilty of perjury for lying about leaking the grand jury material to embarras Fina, her rival.

Aug. 17, 2015 — Kane resigns and vows to appeal her conviction.

Oct. 26, 2016 — Kane leaves the courthouse in handcuffs after she is sentenced and then is released on $75,000 bail pending appeal.

Monday — Supreme Court denies Kane’s last appeal.

Thursday — Kane reports to county prison to serve a 10- to 23-month sentence.

b18626  No.4777220



too many anon just disregard this.

31353d  No.4777222

File: b3310103d773f3a⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 836x636, 209:159, usaspaceforce.jpg)

c29ba6  No.4777223

Can't tell whether these people are dumb enough to believe what they're saying or not

15fba3  No.4777224


that was before elections - they now shift to senate judiciary

7ea1d2  No.4777225


Henry Ford said the way to stop this fuckery is to kidnap the 50 most important Jews in the world and squeeze them till they stopped their fuckery. We probably are doing just this as well.

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