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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

f4af9a  No.4712566

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 01/11/19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 01/07/19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 01/06/19

>>4639347 ————————————–——– Huber Activated - treachery revealed requires accountability

>>4636767 ————————————–——– A stone sits idle. The choice is yours. (Caps: >>4637162 )

>>4635153 rt >>4616371 ————————— Handler (Conductor) (Caps: >>4635308, >>4635399 )

>>4634536 ————————————–——– Get in line.

>>4633937 ————————————–——–- Refusal to provide coverage of successes.

>>4630322 ————————————–——– Money buys POWER

>>4628679 ————————————–——– Anons knew? (Cap and Video: >>4628761)

>>4628579 ————————————–——– Germany losing stranglehold on EU?

>>4628060 ————————————–——– Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted

>>4627556 ————————————–——– [RBG] The clock is ticking

Saturday 01/05/19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Saturday 12/22/18

Compiled here: >>4628830

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f4af9a  No.4712568


are not endorsements


>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.

>>4668020 , >>4668026 8bit/BO executes an anniversary tripcode check


>>4712534 Planefag: AF1 is up over DC/VA area.

>>4712484 Marketanon: Markets overall on pace to be lower than avg. volume for the 5th straight day.

>>4712420 Google, Soros fund Facebook’s new fact checkers.

>>4712408 Sabotage at Yemen oil reservoir?

>>4712364 DJT Tweet: "The Fake News Media keeps saying we haven't built any NEW WALL…"

>>4712255 Planefag: Busy day at Gitmo.

>>4712271 Chinese authorities go after citizens for using VPNs, skirting online censorship.

>>4712305 Social reform in Iran?

>>4711968, >>4712108 Planefags: 8ch. shoutouts?

>>4712101 POTUS Schedule: DJT headed to Louisiana on Monday. Cop just killed there. Connection?

>>4712063 China broadcasts spacecraft pictures from moon’s far side.

>>4712049 Video of POTUS describing how Mexico would pay for the wall.

>>4712042 POTUS Schedule: White House House National Security Advisor announces senior staff appointment.

>>4712033 Obama officials come out in support of the effectiveness of a border wall.

>>4712016 CDC says it’s another severe flu season with up to 7.3 million people sick so far.

>>4711952 Feinstein is worried Ca.'s projected income will no longer include Federal 'wildfire' funds.

>>4711938 In 2018, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents seized 2,400lbs of fentanyl.

>>4711936 Reagan was theatrical and eager to please which led to an unexpectedly close relationship with Gorbachev.

>>4711899 Tits are bad for brains.

>>4711874 LS hinting at Mueller /ourguy/?

>>4711871 President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List. (magapill.com)

>>4712564 #6013


>>4711484 Bing refusing to add Kavanaugh's name to the roster of SCOTUS justices?

>>4711717 Bill Kristol launches new website with money from far left billionaire.

>>4711685 Dems. cracking on the border wall.

>>4711586 Pompeo meets with Bahrain's King Hamad.

>>4711466 Anon: Looks like it is in fact Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

>>4711470 Purges, resignations hit North Korea’s military, elites

>>4711242 Louisiana police officer killed. Some similar details to Natalie Corona.

>>4711346 Massive drug running corruption scandal in Hawaii is heating up.

>>4711189 Flashback 2016: Trump says Mexico Will pay for the Wall “through money we save on trade negotiations.”

>>4711276 New caravan gathers for a journey north.

>>4711136 Photo is from domestic arrivals/passenger services.

>>4711117 RIP Natalie Corona. o7

>>4711115 Missing text messages from Page/Strzok trip to London?

>>4711110 WH Tweet: "President Trump has appointed Charlie Kupperman as Deputy National Security Advisor…"

>>4711076, >>4711201 DJT Tweet: Trip to border wall, state of the border and a promise to build the Wall.

>>4711051 Obstruction of justice investigation before Comey firing? 1st reason too weak? Comey firing entrampment?

>>4711046 Video from the local news station snubbed by CNN. (video)

>>4711804 #6012


>>4710988 Ivanka Trump meets up with friend Wendi Deng Murdoch. (ex-Wife of Rupert Murdoch)

>>4710977 Hollywood throwing it in our face.

>>4710740 Ocasio-Cortez campaign fined for not providing worker's compensation.

>>4710733 Ex-Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn indicted for breach of trust.

>>4710594, >>4710537 Feinstein In China?

>>4710424 Germany happenings. Cure spreading WW?

>>4710442 Attack's on ACB's faith coming?

>>4710355 Transcripts of Lisa Page’s closed-door testimonies provide new revelations in Spygate scandal.

>>4710412 Mark Meadows: POTUS to use money seized from illegal activities?

>>4710394 Hungary's Viktor Orban pushes for anti-migrant bloc to counter France and Germany.

>>4710382 Filed under: Those the loudest.

>>4710380 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tweet: See Something Say Something.

>>4710341 Local News Station snubbed by CNN when they declared the border wall 'effective'.

>>4710333 Pray for our Military. o7

>>4710311 Accenture CEO steps down due to health reasons.

>>4710301 Planefag: Boeing VC-25A in the sky, VIP aboard.

>>4711006 #6011

Previously Collected Notables

>>4710200 #6010,

>>4707882 #6007, >>4708648 #6008, >>4709420 #6009

>>4705547 #6004, >>4706343 #6005, >>4707115 #6006

>>4703195 #6001, >>4704008 #6002, >>4704782 #6003

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

f4af9a  No.4712571

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4654776

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

f4af9a  No.4712573

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

f4af9a  No.4712582

File: 5662bb425a892f4⋯.jpg (123.21 KB, 1081x820, 1081:820, newwall.jpg)



5e6f8f  No.4712592

File: 42b1d9a6a6fffdb⋯.jpg (218.19 KB, 1440x1064, 180:133, Screenshot_20190111-130824.jpg)

Holy chit

Serial brain is gong down


9cb4b0  No.4712624

File: 891ee5ac6cd81e3⋯.png (68.15 KB, 721x923, 721:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53e8a6615b209ad⋯.png (70.38 KB, 723x855, 241:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a51ecf1fcaf9e4f⋯.png (36.8 KB, 721x644, 103:92, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 626cfd1c3d3226a⋯.png (49.55 KB, 723x808, 723:808, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3758fe3a179eb41⋯.png (28.12 KB, 722x904, 361:452, ClipboardImage.png)




Then use the links below to download our work!






Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs/baker girls needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women, porn is posted by shills.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal/shilly content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

998248  No.4712625

Would the GOP elites really run Romney again?


188232  No.4712626

File: 5f9c5e682ae35f6⋯.jpg (20.29 KB, 416x416, 1:1, download.jpg)

VA Affairs.

a01357  No.4712627

File: 1952dbeeb8d6397⋯.jpeg (49.2 KB, 640x638, 320:319, ohjew4.jpeg)

>>4712612 lb


>lazy ass (((shill))) syntax.

>last minute to try and get last word in.

KEK too easy. Try harder.

3963c6  No.4712629

File: 3f0625a400dcc44⋯.png (34.23 KB, 600x245, 120:49, AQ12.PNG)

First the TSA Union and now the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (Union)


f0cb52  No.4712630

File: 80854639a872ebc⋯.jpg (59.08 KB, 375x500, 3:4, Barrett1.jpg)

File: 8ef52df504eb180⋯.jpg (323.04 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Barrett2.jpg)

25383a  No.4712631

I really hope Q comes up with some Booms ….4 Booms … DdI Q learn not to jerk our chains ?

8b869d  No.4712632

File: 3c6fb269d670c8d⋯.png (632.21 KB, 742x596, 371:298, border.PNG)

76b0a3  No.4712633

Congrats Q and @POTUS for your wall Monday!

A big win for all, future does prove past…

188232  No.4712634


Been a lot of booms in random towns that no one can explain. Happening for months now.

9cb4b0  No.4712635

File: f62e2c181faf600⋯.png (451.71 KB, 537x683, 537:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2cac3efc2c5eff⋯.png (352.21 KB, 657x905, 657:905, ClipboardImage.png)

MI6 Boss and Army Field Marshal: May’s Brexit Deal ‘Places National Security in Foreign Hands’

A former Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS/MI6) and former Chief of the Defence Staff have taken the “unprecedented step” of warning against Theresa May’s “worst deal in history” with the EU, claiming it would “place control of aspects of our national security in foreign hands”.

Ex-spy boss Sir Richard Dearlove joined forces with Field Marshal Lord Guthrie, a former Chief of the Defence Staff, Chief of the General Staff, and Commander-in-Chief of the British Army of the Rhine, to pen a letter to every Tory constituency party chairman in the country, asking them to urge their MP to vote down the Prime Minister’s proposed Withdrawal Agreement.

The deal, “if not defeated, will threaten the national security of the country in fundamental ways,” the pair warned, before recommending a No Deal Brexit.

“The first duty of the state, above trade, is the security of its citizens. The Withdrawal Agreement abrogates this fundamental contract and would place control of aspects of our national security in foreign hands,” they claimed, citing a number of “EU-controlled” defence and security arrangements which the Prime Minister proposes to sign up to, which they believe will undermine Britain’s place in NATO and the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing programme with the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.


f31328  No.4712636

"Crossfire Hurricane is a legitimate operation."

t. Clown shill fuck

Per Q

[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].

[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.

[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.

[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.

[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..

[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.

[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.

[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].

[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].

What part of that looks "legitimate" to you, again, clowny fuck?

a01357  No.4712637


Breddy sure (((you))) fucking retards mouthed off about 'filter filter filter RED text' KEK

Weak shill bitch trying to set up ID for narrative direction.

>inb4 IP hop to 'rebut' and try to sock puppet "muh bigot"

Why so low energy today, (((shills)))?

f90978  No.4712638


War drummer is a sellout. He has no clue what hes talking about. Straight joke

767c29  No.4712639


As someone who has worked as screener, I’ll tell you what the job is really all about : theater.

188232  No.4712640

File: fd92b0bfbde2133⋯.jpg (312.63 KB, 744x1128, 31:47, download (1).jpg)

Same hand as potus in pic from LB

efcbe2  No.4712641


Crickets mating

998248  No.4712642

Why waste money to go to liberal universities to be taught by instructors who tell you that its ok to be an incompetent dumbass?

I've read articles show that many who graduate from college these days don't know how to write a simple paragraph or to do basic math. And these stupid fuckers wonder why foreigners are coming here and taking the jobs!!!!


57d160  No.4712643


Things are happening and have happened. BIG stuff. Most everything we think didn't happen yet…. already happened.

f31328  No.4712644


Like, banned from YT?

9cb4b0  No.4712645

File: 14c10ae5a9a89d9⋯.png (40.18 KB, 728x786, 364:393, ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ Report Reveals A Whopping Percentage Of Criminals' Firearms Obtained Through Underground Market

A new report issued by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics that examines where criminals get their guns offers a disturbing statistic: Data showed that a whopping 43% of the prisoners surveyed had obtained it off the street or from the underground market, while 7% had found it at the scene of the crime and 6% had stolen it. Additionally, 25% had obtained it from a family member or friend, or as a gift. The survey added, “Among prisoners who possessed a firearm during the offense for which they were imprisoned, 7% of state and 10% of federal prisoners serving a sentence in 2016 bought or traded for the firearm from a gun shop or gun store.”

Only 7% of state and 8% of federal prisoners who had a firearm during their crime bought their firearm under their own name from a licensed firearm dealer at a retail source; out of that number, the majority claimed there had been a background check.

The survey noted, “Among prisoners who possessed a gun during their offense, 90% did not obtain it from a retail source.” Only a miniscule 1.3% of prisoners obtained a gun from a retail source and used it during their offense.

The survey found that roughly 20% of state and federal prisoners who had a firearm during their offense had gotten it with the intent to use it during the crime. The survey stated, “Among state prisoners who possessed a gun during their offense, 27% killed someone with it.”

The survey stated that roughly “29% of state and 36% of federal prisoners serving a sentence for a violent offense in 2016 possessed a firearm during the crime. About a quarter of state (23%) and federal (25%) prisoners serving time for a violent offense used a firearm during the crime.”

According to the survey, the demographics of those who possessed a firearm during their offense broke down this way:


ee1550  No.4712646

Wait wait.. I get it now. THE WALL to them is equal to the Berlin Wall, for reasons neither I nor they probably understand. That's how it was framed for them during 'education', any wall built by the State (uncontrolled by ((them))) is a bad wall.

I'm surprised they haven't attempted to frame Trump as the East German Communists, but there's still time.

f31328  No.4712647


Not from Gitmo, no.

93e8c2  No.4712648


This keeps showing up


Citing information provided by activists with the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights



Syrian observatory for human rights is CIA?

Abdel Rahman is the “director” of the SOHR, though it is quite uncertain if he actually has anyone to “direct” as nobody else is known to work for/with him. He works from his two-bedroom Coventry home in the UK; this is why you keep seeing the Mainstream media call him a “London-based monitoring group“. It’s quite funny, really, calling this one man a “London-based monitoring group” in the same vein as The Red Cross.

32264f  No.4712650


Like his homies dropping him

8b3374  No.4712651

File: 434bc0e6dd4c8d6⋯.jpg (46.45 KB, 488x370, 244:185, martian.jpg)

f0cbca  No.4712652

File: 2c79e7679eae2ac⋯.png (47.84 KB, 282x375, 94:125, ix.png)


f0cb52  No.4712653


And this should, by extension, include: "No lack of religion test shall ever be required…"

a01357  No.4712654


We all know TSA union = muzzies and spics (illegals).

They have been flooding these vital jobs with foreigners now in control of our national air traffic safety, along with groping our children.

SICK shit.

f31328  No.4712655


Love when non-essential personnel prove how non-essential they really are, and then gasp with shock and horror when they're laid off.

998248  No.4712656

Sometimes even a Hollywood liberal admits that what's going on with the Left is fuckery.


57ea03  No.4712657

File: ec65eae3b3ac110⋯.jpg (37.18 KB, 1403x213, 1403:213, 011119 Mkt Snap.JPG)

File: b90e2a65bdac451⋯.jpg (79.5 KB, 863x726, 863:726, 011119 US Crude.JPG)

Market snapshot

Oil continue decline from it's support at$52. It went up too, far too fast and is being corrected. Current support looks to be low $50.xx however could be at $49.50. It has been pushed upwards quickly and has dropped just as quick.

b52d04  No.4712658

File: b94e17b2d58f169⋯.jpeg (400.84 KB, 750x1175, 30:47, 345DDD68-23BE-4C24-B5AB-B….jpeg)

File: 2888df369a081be⋯.jpeg (226.42 KB, 2304x1296, 16:9, A8CF3217-9B63-4572-BEB3-E….jpeg)

File: d548330232424d8⋯.jpeg (23.94 KB, 212x255, 212:255, 39A72709-DC42-4897-A56E-9….jpeg)

Love my President (no homo)

749037  No.4712659

Am I right in thinking that we are waiting for the Mueller report to drop to get this ball rolling?

76b0a3  No.4712660


Why don’t you just wait until [Monday], pal? Have you realized what Q actually has given us yet?

When you do, you have it all! When this happens I’ll go harder publicly fighting for Q in person, until next week it’s all on you, Mr. 17.

3 year plan to save America.

I believe phase after 3 year plan is to DESTROY THE FED/PAPACY JESUITS etc etc

a31b61  No.4712661


So don’t look at what you see? Rather make up your own reality and then find confirmation in random happenings proving what you thought actually happened, then future proves past?

e0cc18  No.4712662


Eh his publicist is just trying to gain him ground with the conservatives.

92ded0  No.4712663

File: a53fe7049ba7c8f⋯.png (47.38 KB, 332x736, 83:184, BOOMS.png)


Dark to light 1:7

RBG Dead on 1/7?

0bce43  No.4712664

need a good screencap of Q post 2670 in EST real quick for graphic

please help me out

9532cb  No.4712665

File: b2eeece4e05f694⋯.png (786.01 KB, 1048x651, 1048:651, ChuckShill.png)

3963c6  No.4712666


When it's the Government hijacking planes, you kinda don't need that much security except to have someone to blame and scapegoat. Sound about right?

efcbe2  No.4712667

File: bb7749dec85de21⋯.jpg (19.44 KB, 600x391, 600:391, Lovelorn Cricket.jpg)

The Sounds That Haunted U.S. Diplomats in Cuba? Lovelorn Crickets, Scientists Say

Diplomatic officials may have been targeted with an unknown weapon in Havana. But a recording of one “sonic attack” actually is the singing of a very loud cricket, a new analysis concludes.


9cb4b0  No.4712668

Guess Which Former Senator That Trump Disliked Is Reportedly Seeking A TV Job?

Guess which former senator is speaking with CBS News about a job at the network?

It’s Jeff Flake, former senator from Arizona, according to The Hollywood Reporter (THR). THR reports that Flake visited CBS’ Manhattan office, adding, “Flake could serve in the standard role for ex-politicians as an on-air contributor — or as something more, according to knowledgeable sources.”

Interestingly, earlier in the week President Trump speculated that Flake might now seek a television job, saying he would "probably go to work for CNN. That's my prediction."

In June, The Daily Beast reported, “Over the past several days, the Arizona Republican—who is not seeking re-election amid his public fights with President Donald Trump—has met with the heads of at least two major cable-news networks. On Monday, he met with MSNBC president Phil Griffin; and on Tuesday, he met with rival network CNN’s chief Jeff Zucker.”

When The Daily Beast queried as to whether he was seeking a job in cable news, Flake laughed, “That’s down the road—that’s six months.”

In October 2017, announcing his impending retirement from the Senate, Flake gave a speech in which he took a veiled shot at President Trump, saying:

Reckless, outrageous, and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as “telling it like it is,” when it is actually just reckless, outrageous, and undignified. And when such behavior emanates from the top of our government, it is something else: It is dangerous to a democracy. Such behavior does not project strength — because our strength comes from our values. It instead projects a corruption of the spirit, and weakness.

In January 2018, appearing on MSNBC’s “KasieDC,” Flake would not rule out challenging President Trump in 2020. Kasie Hunt asked Flake, “You say you should oppose him when you think he’s wrong. Do you think there’s a moral obligation or duty for someone else in your party to challenge him for the nomination in 2020?” Flake responded, “I don’t want to put it that way, but I think he will have a challenge.”

Hunt interrupted, “Is it going to come from you?”

Flake answered, He’ll certainly have a challenge from somebody as an independent. But I think he’ll likely have a challenge in the Republican Party as well. … I am not the only one — the only Republican who is saying, “You know, I’m not sure this is my party. We used to stand for limited government and free trade, free enterprise and not this kind of nationalist, protectionist kind of party.”

Later in the interview, Hunt persisted, “Would you completely rule out challenging the president for the nomination in 2020?”

Flake, pinned down, responded, “No, I won’t rule it out. It’s not in my plans. But I’m not ruling it out. I don’t think anybody should.”

Two months later, Flake reiterated that view more strongly, telling a “Politics and Eggs” group:

I, as you know, am retiring from the Senate at the end of this year. It has not been my plan to run for president, but I have not ruled it out. I hope that someone does run in the Republican primary – somebody to challenge the president. I think that the Republicans want to be reminded what it means to be a traditional, decent Republican, and what the Party stands for – limited government, economic freedom, free trade, embracing immigration. These are things that have made the Party what it is over the years, and I think that people are wanting to hear that reminder. So I don't know who it will be – I think the odds that I will are long, but I've not ruled it out.


b28d07  No.4712669

File: 2bbbd55c923c943⋯.png (522.12 KB, 825x590, 165:118, deepwater vampires.png)

i need one of you faggots to gimme a (You)

f127cb  No.4712670

File: 8e84aaaaaa4cbcb⋯.png (594.94 KB, 732x440, 183:110, capture.PNG)

EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of Lisa Page’s Closed-Door Testimonies Provide New Revelations in Spygate Scandal

Transcripts of two closed-door testimonies by Lisa Page, the former assistant general counsel at the FBI, have provided new insights into the actions of the FBI, DOJ, and others—including CIA Director John Brennan—regarding their investigation into Donald Trump.

Included in the transcripts provided to us is information suggesting Brennan was aware of the so-called Steele dossier in early August 2016, and that he included information regarding the dossier in a briefing given to then-Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.).


f31328  No.4712671


Meh. He'll survive. As brilliantly autistic as he is, I'm kind of surprised he had friends. No offense intended, of course.

a4947b  No.4712672

File: 9a0dc297e69a938⋯.gif (90.74 KB, 600x315, 40:21, obamagay.gif)


did anon say homo?

3c45f3  No.4712673

File: f3055c948139472⋯.jpg (6.25 KB, 222x181, 222:181, VERY.jpg)

039a33  No.4712674

you are not concerned with the lack of mail you have been receiving?

if you have a morgage its over they can't do shit you own it now, unless the Gov gets turned back on, but my mortgage company is sanctioned I can't pay them if i want, (I don't want) >>4712631

9cb4b0  No.4712675

File: 664ea128ecaa8b8⋯.png (911.08 KB, 953x644, 953:644, ClipboardImage.png)

998248  No.4712676

Remeber these: Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Susan Collins (R-ME), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)

All of them are snakes in the grass. They tried to revive DACA amnesty as a condition for getting the $5.7 billion that POTUS wants for the wall. They failed.


4336a0  No.4712677

File: de1f09a93bb8e8e⋯.png (346.61 KB, 632x736, 79:92, hrc-goldwyn2.png)

File: 661fb27381b190a⋯.png (491.58 KB, 685x939, 685:939, hrc-goldwyn.png)

Have a chardonnay with Hillsbag!

Thanks to @tonygoldwyn for helping me get the word out:

There's still time to join me for a Broadway show in New York City to support the work of @OnwardTogether.

Enter for your chance to win:


We need stealthy anons ala Project Veritas to win this one

62a169  No.4712678


nigga what?

59ce9a  No.4712679

File: 63a9a64200253ec⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 650x400, 13:8, migrants_posing.jpg)

Thought for the Day: What's missing at the southern border?

What powerful tool in the President's toolkit is designed to deal with an organized non-military invasion (of the US) by foreign actors on foreign soil? Clown agency

The clowns should have infiltrated and controlled every single 'migrant' headed toward the border.

The clown agency should have provided every migrant some type of swag with tracking and recording devices so they'd know exactly where they were, what they were thinking

The clowns should have been able to hinder/deflect/dissuade/demoralize/buy off every single migrant long before they got close to our border

…but clowns preventing insurgents/drugs/trafficking … would be like the fox watching the hen house, wouldn't it?

010a66  No.4712680

File: 3bf44892de821ad⋯.png (36.33 KB, 597x469, 597:469, muellercrimesblockextradic….png)

File: c0b6f8c7071c47f⋯.png (37.41 KB, 585x472, 585:472, muellerbribery3.png)

File: 17f54ca71f19843⋯.png (38.23 KB, 588x473, 588:473, muellermediabribery2.png)

File: dfd78ac8f7710b1⋯.png (28.02 KB, 596x486, 298:243, muellerpedocases.png)

File: 0a46d1d016a860e⋯.jpg (187.77 KB, 1023x936, 341:312, muellerdisqualified.jpg)

>>4712593 pb

Why do anons on this board love and protect Mueller?

Could it be you all are so brainwashed by the MSM since childhood that you can't imagine such a "hero" of the liars could really be digging his own grave.

Or : he's doing it to avoid what: the tortue and murder he doled out to others.

Y'all don't get it,

Dude covered for pedo crimes and for 9/11

He and RR are BOTh dirty as they come.

FBI has been the USA dirty secret police "Stazi" since they were pushed through by Executive Order over 100 years ago.

Maybe they can and will be dissolved by another Executive Order.

Will any true Patriot will feel clean until that is done?

>>4712559 pb

It's not him. Ur either blind or a shll

Probably both.

26ecbd  No.4712681

File: 05fdc9f78b46304⋯.gif (498.77 KB, 450x236, 225:118, 8759fb60-3d7a-0132-4118-0e….gif)

>>4712226 (lb)

why is the entire sky over Worcester Massachusetts covered again in chemical clouds anon?

third time this week. must be antidote spraying. sure obscures the sun. that's good because its just too warm here.

powerlessness? yup. of course the local weather cabal

will say nothing about how these clouds just keep popping up.

i expect precipitation in the next 24 hours as that follows each one of these sprayings. no one sees the jets anon. no one sees the fake clouds. no one sees anything here.

5e8352  No.4712682

File: 4dcf04693f68fc4⋯.jpeg (732.16 KB, 2367x1175, 2367:1175, 765486E2-5B26-4D38-958D-E….jpeg)

c8b2a5  No.4712683

File: 01c759d3334b81b⋯.jpeg (97.29 KB, 1020x692, 255:173, 1537537577.jpeg)

1db26b  No.4712684


Colleges are about teaching socialism and atheism.

5e6f8f  No.4712685


Kind of cuz he had to find a new mouthpiece. War drummer won't do his dirty work anymore. Watch the video. Me thinketh Serialbrains a plant to split the movement

32264f  No.4712686


Seems to have stemmed from the “Kate M” is an assassin thingy. Probably just paytriots making moves in the patreon wars

e97aec  No.4712687

File: e1df9c53d40118f⋯.jpeg (10.29 KB, 258x195, 86:65, images.jpeg)

File: 509c6b29dd966db⋯.png (11.89 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 805d709614f344a2213c5812fa….png)


Congartualtions. You just won the highest projecting shill award.

e52223  No.4712688

RBG to miss next weeks arguements


662b7c  No.4712689

File: df6ae4d52bb5916⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1411x1479, 83:87, NW4bhuDL3T.jpg)


Great meme magic

Also agree have always considered the right to include "no religious belief"

It is no specific group we are fighting based on the manufactured labels, it is evil itself

604a4b  No.4712690

File: 06db1d3de1dbb87⋯.jpeg (281.28 KB, 1536x1776, 32:37, 0731D0E9-94A4-4991-8BD1-7….jpeg)

Dateline February 2013… Yes, Two Thousand Thirteen.

Reagan got screwed by Democrat immigration promises.


b28d07  No.4712691

3963c6  No.4712692

File: 9deaf7a58c4dc47⋯.png (63.76 KB, 149x206, 149:206, AQ3.PNG)



Reagan had the Unions figured out long ago. Communist money laundering machine.

Now it's Trump's turn.

ef4396  No.4712693


new on wikipedia ?

A hearing on Barrett's nomination before the Senate Judiciary Committee was held on September 6, 2017.[18] During Barrett's hearing, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein questioned Barrett about whether her Catholic faith would influence her decision-making on the court. Feinstein, concerned about whether Barrett would uphold Roe v. Wade given her Catholic beliefs, followed Barrett's response by stating "the dogma lives loudly within you, and that is a concern".[19][20][13][21] In response to Feinstein's question, the conservative Judicial Crisis Network began to sell mugs with Barrett's photo on them and displaying the Feinstein "dogma" quote.[16][22] Senator Dick Durbin asked "Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic?" He was criticized by the editorial board at his alma mater, Georgetown, a Catholic university, for his requesting a clarification of Barrett, regarding her self-descriptive terminology, “orthodox Catholic.” He contended her definition might unfairly characterize Catholics who may not agree with the church's positions about abortion or the death penalty. She responded, “litigants and the general public are entitled to impartial justice, and that may be something that a judge who is heedful of ecclesiastical pronouncements cannot dispense.” Barrett further opined that judges aren't bound by precedent conflicting with the Constitution.[23] The subject of Feinstein and other Democrats' concern was a 1998 article by Barrett where she wrote that judges could recuse themselves from hearing matters if their faith conflicted with issues to be decided in cases they might otherwise hear.[16] Nan Aron, president of the liberal Alliance for Justice, said Barrett's law review article's contention that judges could simply recuse themselves from a case if they have a religious concern constitutes, “…the very definition of putting faith ahead of one’s duties as a judge.

An article in the conservative National Review asserted, "Senators must inquire about these issues when considering lifetime appointments because ensuring impartiality and fidelity to precedent are critical for the rule of law."[19][24][13] Feinstein's line of questioning was criticized by some observers and legal experts[25][26] while defended by others.[27] The issue prompted questions regarding the application of Article VI, Section 3 of the Constitution which mandates: “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”[28][23][25][26][27] During her hearing, Barrett said: "It is never appropriate for a judge to impose that judge's personal convictions, whether they arise from faith or anywhere else, on the law."[25]

On October 5, 2017, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted on a party-line basis of 11–9 to recommend Barrett and report her nomination to the full Senate.[29][30] On October 30, 2017, the Senate invoked cloture by a vote of 54–42.[31] The Senate confirmed her with a vote of 55–43 on October 31, 2017, with three Democrats – Joe Donnelly, Tim Kaine, and Joe Manchin – voting for her.[6] She received her commission on November 2, 2017.[2

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Coney_Barrett

57d160  No.4712694


Read old posts. Start playing around with clocks… the old posts line up with current happenings because it happened back then… and actors are forced to act to slowly release to the public as to save society.

f31328  No.4712695


Trump would sign off on that deal in a second.

8b3374  No.4712696

File: 8fcbb935b2f06f9⋯.jpg (101.62 KB, 586x345, 586:345, scifi.jpg)

a01357  No.4712697

File: 0d347403d911cd8⋯.png (162.68 KB, 500x654, 250:327, ohjew6.png)


Right on cue, the fucking retard actually re-uses its old (((shill))) pics.

MOS forgot to use the old (((bolshevik))) KGB tactics of executing incompetents.

8b6324  No.4712698

File: 9618de7464b2ef7⋯.jpg (265.62 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, GbergTree.jpg)


He's the head if the GREENBERG Family.

This group has brought moar pain to our country than any other (well, almost). Owners of BRAVO tv and many other media (including Schlolastic Books), Greenbergs are responsible for most FF.

Check the faces in the family tree. You'll see many of the FF actors there.

[MZ is a Greenberg, real name is KATZ. Zuckerberg is a combo of his grandparent's names; Zuckerman and Greenberg]

767c29  No.4712699


Yes. Worse yet, there’s rules to prevent TSA from doing an effective job, muzzies are allowed a pass based on religious freedom, meaning, the people most likely to commit these acts are given more leniency.

b52d04  No.4712700

File: d1ba9a790615958⋯.jpeg (44.28 KB, 304x280, 38:35, A55FB904-34B6-449F-8877-A….jpeg)


Holee fug

He is super hero gay af,


32264f  No.4712701


She should be staying away from alcohol

9cb4b0  No.4712702

File: c51063d98a5c536⋯.png (32.59 KB, 654x489, 218:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b04a4926f05d4e9⋯.png (294.6 KB, 663x841, 663:841, ClipboardImage.png)

UK Govt Failed to Deport 50,000 Rejected Asylum Seekers

The British government has failed to deport more than 50,000 rejected asylum seekers in a seven-year period, with most asylum claims being made by economic migrants rather than genuine refugees, a report has found.

A report has found that of the 80,813 asylum applications refused by the Home Office or withdrawn in the seven years to the end of 2016, only 29,659 individuals were removed. 51,154 remained.

Between 10,000 and 15,000 applications filed each year have no valid claim, and less than half of those have been removed, with removals falling from 15,000 per year in the early 2000s to fewer than 5,000 (2,541 enforced removals and 2,301 voluntary departures) last year.

The findings were published in a report by former UK Border Force chief David Wood for the think tank Civitas, which highlighted that “A large number of those claiming asylum here are not refugees but economic migrants with no legal claim to remain here, who exploit the asylum system to prolong their stay, often indefinitely.”

Mr Wood, who was also Director-General of Immigration Enforcement and a 31-year veteran of the Metropolitan Police’s organised crime and corruption units, recently weighed in on the sudden increase in the last two months of 2018 of Iranian boat migrants landing on Britain’s shores, warning that illegals and people-smugglers would use the UK Border Force cutters and rescue units as a “taxi service” to get them across the English Channel.


946767  No.4712703

File: d7579d6c2a75a30⋯.png (44.8 KB, 983x950, 983:950, ClipboardImage.png)

Red Color Code = #FF0000, 255,0,0 (RED,GREEN,BLUE)

Green Color Code = #00FF00, 0,255,0 (RED,GREEN,BLUE)

Blue Color Code = #0000FF, 0,0,255 (RED,GREEN,BLUE)


Cyan Color Code = #00FFFF, 0,255,255 (RED,GREEN,BLUE)

Magenta Color Code = #FF00FF, 255,0,255 (RED,GREEN,BLUE)

Yellow Color Code = #FFFF00, 255,255,0 (RED,GREEN,BLUE)

f31328  No.4712704


Their disdain for human suffering is on display here.

93e8c2  No.4712705


Boom mcstain

Boom ghwb

Boom rbg

Boom ??????

Bill? Hill? Mr peanut? Who next

ef4396  No.4712706


death penalty questions ?

Gitmo ?

efcbe2  No.4712707


She will stay as long as she can go “full steam,” she says

26ecbd  No.4712708

File: ee5c47e66d72950⋯.png (69.24 KB, 1244x712, 311:178, ProtestantAndJewlies1003.png)

why the cover up?

c8b2a5  No.4712709

File: 352cac6a7e5fdb2⋯.jpeg (92.84 KB, 1020x684, 85:57, 1546965437.jpeg)

File: fc2f19b6ccd955c⋯.jpeg (91.85 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, 1546993150.jpeg)

File: c94f0ef954677d8⋯.jpeg (241.92 KB, 1440x1065, 96:71, 1546717548.jpeg)

5b812a  No.4712710

File: 0c6a88734cc1746⋯.png (409.35 KB, 585x1280, 117:256, aysir.png)


wikipedia :)

e97aec  No.4712711

File: 2050bac6d48cab4⋯.jpg (50.09 KB, 596x447, 4:3, ozw9qua.jpg)

4336a0  No.4712712


Nah I think she should drink a lot

and mix it with bleach

db1490  No.4712713


Might trip the dead man switch?

57ea03  No.4712714

File: 1e30dc0c11c53b3⋯.jpg (29.34 KB, 152x580, 38:145, Post 2670.JPG)

8b3374  No.4712715

File: efc6dcfccd7791c⋯.jpg (134 KB, 933x596, 933:596, oAdream.jpg)

88757e  No.4712716

File: 2b1a3e265743bba⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 815x465, 163:93, Capture 26.JPG)

5505ff  No.4712717

File: b33959e802f8d0a⋯.jpeg (170.59 KB, 844x667, 844:667, 59B87DFA-A32F-4F63-B504-4….jpeg)


Anyone that has a problem with us discussing jews (the JQ) is also a shill or they need to lurq moar.

92ded0  No.4712718


my money is on Billy Boy

e97aec  No.4712719

File: 6f83c19271f51fe⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 683x500, 683:500, 6f83c19271f51fefe53a83ffbf….jpg)

File: 188cc012d672735⋯.gif (16.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 188cc012d67273559ca361b39c….gif)

File: 7c8c7f517480412⋯.jpg (12.28 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 8f69de802aadad16d16654f84d….jpg)


Thanks for playing.

62a169  No.4712721



b9195c  No.4712722

No one here mentions that most of these people are all lawyers. And how lawyers are the root problem.

They skirt the law and rape the constitution.

a61b69  No.4712723


>>4707199 (Q post)

>What senior US official is visiting China?

Deputy US Trade Rep Jeffrey Garrish and Treasury Undersecretary David Malpass


70f7a5  No.4712724

File: 23bae7dc9d5c629⋯.jpeg (328.71 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 45B945E3-4384-4ADD-881E-2….jpeg)

File: 3818098fb32c545⋯.png (1003.83 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A7ED424E-1FF5-474E-8026-E8….png)

File: aeb2fe605ad0b79⋯.jpeg (408.65 KB, 1536x1469, 1536:1469, C8C69171-BC55-4119-8971-5….jpeg)

File: 559bc6918d88584⋯.jpeg (90.33 KB, 634x702, 317:351, 899ECA6D-0954-490F-97BE-A….jpeg)


Any correlation Q?

c8b2a5  No.4712725

File: d66f71460daa598⋯.jpeg (137.93 KB, 1020x728, 255:182, 1547174381.jpeg)

File: 650cd59b6320b51⋯.jpeg (105.74 KB, 1020x1020, 1:1, 1546904805.jpeg)

File: 03d52e95be3f901⋯.jpeg (57.78 KB, 636x524, 159:131, 1546787328.jpeg)

360dcf  No.4712726


>>4711899 Tits are bad for brains.


84c4bc  No.4712727

File: a614872d9fcbe74⋯.png (111.9 KB, 1898x476, 949:238, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

Similar to how EVERY pundit had HRC winning the election in 2016, they're predicting a recession in 2020. Because, just like in 2016, they're PLANNING one in order to oust Trump from office.

The good economic news for 2019 is that the odds are still against the U.S. economy entering a recession. The bad news, according to many economists, is a series of economic forecasts that calls for growth to not only be slower in the U.S., but also globally.

2018 has been a banner year for economic growth, with the U.S. gross domestic product rising at an annual pace of 3.5% in the third quarter and at 4.2% in the second quarter, according to the Bureau of Economic Statistics. The economy has been firing on most of its cylinders, as consumers spent more, companies invested in inventories, and local governments maintained their spending, the BEA said.

As economists crunch the numbers for their 2019 forecasts, however, they are expecting a slowdown. Goldman drew some attention this week after it said U.S. GDP growth will slow to 1.8% in the third quarter of 2019 and to 1.6% during the fourth quarter. The positive impact of the tax cuts passed in late 2017 will fade while financial conditions will tighten, Goldman predicted.

That forecast, not exactly sunny but not dire either, prompted some pushback from Larry Kudlow, who is serving as president of the National Economic Council under President Trump. “In my personal view, our administration’s view, recession is so far in the distance I can’t see it,” Kudlow said. “The basic economy has reawakened and it’s gonna stay there… I mean, I’m reading some of the weirdest stuff, how a recession is around the corner. Nonsense.”

Some economists are taking a darker view than Goldman, which is not forecasting a recession before 2020. A survey of economists by Reuters this week shows that most expect the chance of a recession in the U.S. is still low, at 35%, although the survey also showed that the median probability of a recession has inched up from 30% in the past month. Last week, Larry Summers, a Harvard economist and former treasury secretary during the Clinton Administration, said there’s a nearly 50% chance of recession by 2020.

The timing of a downturn may be in dispute, but many economists agree that the headwinds facing the U.S. economy are growing stronger and more numerous: Interest rates keep rising, making borrowing costs more expensive for consumers and companies alike; trade tariffs are increasing, thanks in good part to Trump’s aggressive trade policies; and Wall Street analysts are growing concerned that earnings growth has peaked as the bull market enters its tenth year, especially in the overpriced tech sector.

Adding to those U.S. headwinds is an anticipated slowdown in the global economy. On Wednesday, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development lowered its forecast for global economic growth to 3.5% from its previous forecast of 3.7% growth. “Recent developments suggest that the global expansion has peaked and is likely to slow over the next two years,” the OECD said.

Separately, a survey of fund managers by Bank of America Merrill Lynch showed that 44% of respondents expect global growth to slow in 2019. Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, wrote in a note to clients that global growth could be zero in early 2020. “Gravity can’t be defied forever,” Shepherdson said.


76b0a3  No.4712728


Consider Q: total control, true intel high chief dropping crumbs that do not violate nat sec laws.

I refuse to spoil the surprise but this will be my only clue;


a01357  No.4712729


Great majority of government workers, especially foreign segment are DEM voters.

Assuming if they lose their job, can the white dem voters among them find non-hostile environment that can welcome in a potential convert, or will they have no options?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

POTUS need to either force this wide open, or tread very skillfully. This is an opportunity.

26ecbd  No.4712730


Whitey Bulger. Boston Mafia. Weld, Dukakis, Patrick, Mueller.

boston bombing planning and cover up

393ea5  No.4712731


That prohibition prohibits the People as well from administering a religious test.

9d0fa2  No.4712732


Justice Roberts.

80b91e  No.4712733

>>4711858 lb

Could this be a FF - signalling to POTUS not to replace RBG w/a conservative justice, and a female one at that?? A rookie!

84c4bc  No.4712734


No gray hair. Looks very similar though. Who is it?

ef4396  No.4712735


dems molding an argument with magic edits on wikipedia ?

wikipedia similar to molding like tv?

e97aec  No.4712736

File: b4112cbfb94fca9⋯.jpg (524.34 KB, 2000x1425, 80:57, b4112cbfb94fca97e829a4f525….jpg)

File: fb0d6179cf57d43⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a4d5490136326e45373d223f25….jpg)

File: a99a5dcb36721df⋯.png (9.92 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1d6649921ac790b4109806d9cc….png)

f31328  No.4712737



t. Not Q

93e8c2  No.4712738


Not sure they qualify as 'senior'

6b3501  No.4712739

File: a0680067ebecbde⋯.jpg (95.53 KB, 589x534, 589:534, Screenshot 2019-01-11_13-2….jpg)

DeSantis asks entire South Florida water management board to resign

Newly sworn-in Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Thursday asked the entire South Florida water management board to resign as part of his water policy reform.

In his second day in office, DeSantis thanked the board members for their service but said he had a “bold vision” for the board and asked the members for their immediate resignations.

“I thank you for your service to the State of Florida, but it is time for a clean reset of the leadership of the Board to focus appropriate attention on this bold vision," the governor wrote in a letter. "Therefore, I ask that each of you tender your resignation from the Board, effective immediately."

The South Florida Water Management District did not immediately respond to The Hill's request for comment on the governor's demand.

DeSantis began his restructuring of Florida management policy earlier Thursday when he signed an executive order to increase funding for Everglades restoration by $1 billion, establish an algae-specific task force, create an Office of Environmental Accountability and Transparency and appoint a chief science officer to coordinate and prioritize data.

“Our water and natural resources are the foundation of our economy and our way of life in Florida,” DeSantis said.

“The protection of water resources is one of the most pressing issues facing our state. That’s why today I’m taking immediate action to combat the threats which have devastated our local economies and threatened the health of our communities.”

The changes are at least partly driven by Florida's red algae tide crisis.

A widespread epidemic of toxic algae blooms off the coast of the state has lead to a number of closures of Gulf Coast beaches and a state of emergency being declared by former Gov. Rick Scott (R).

The blooms kill thousands of fish and make water dangerous for humans.

Scott was booed out of a restaurant during his Senate campaign by protesters concerned with the tide's effects on tourism and marine health.

Scientists say that climate change is a leading factor for the emergence of new, larger blooms near Florida due to warming waters.

DeSantis has previously been criticized by environmental groups, like the Sierra Club, for not mentioning climate change in his environmental platform during the campaign.

During a tour of the Everglades, the governor said he's not a "climate change denier," but also took the time to say that neither is he appreciative of the "climate change believer" label, according to the Orlando Weekly.


92ded0  No.4712740

2a1b1d  No.4712741

File: fc5e6aeb939bcee⋯.png (451.3 KB, 656x636, 164:159, Drudge re RBG re 2nd Week ….PNG)

File: 423f3616a7b0c78⋯.png (34.28 KB, 470x481, 470:481, CNBC 1 re RBG re 2nd Week ….PNG)

File: 0f19c76c458c2a7⋯.png (26.56 KB, 486x405, 6:5, CNBC 2 re RBG re 2nd Week ….PNG)

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss arguments for second week, but no further treatments planned



3963c6  No.4712742

File: 23f3d386a011161⋯.png (221.79 KB, 632x353, 632:353, Aq6.png)


Reagan had the Unions figured out long ago. Democrat/Communist money laundering machine.

Reagan shut them down temporarily

Now it's Trump's turn.

Anxious to see who gets Trumped next

a8ea2d  No.4712743

File: 50d3a248a21f4f5⋯.png (583.75 KB, 955x535, 191:107, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

0% chance this guy would have let Q become bigger than CNN unless it was all part of a plan.

a01357  No.4712744


Holy shit you actually got (((one))) stupid enough to do it KEK

>These 'people' are STUPID.


57ea03  No.4712745

File: 82d7f3675d52646⋯.jpg (12.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Buy muh peanuts.jpg)

2b2a6d  No.4712746

Q, is Majestic 12 on twitter legit?

f31328  No.4712747


When their trillionaire masters say they are going to cause a recession, they believe them unquestioningly.

84c4bc  No.4712748

File: 086624c56f7068f⋯.jpg (715.44 KB, 2678x1998, 1339:999, muellerPOS.jpg)


He's a POS.

c8b2a5  No.4712749

File: 636bb37d3ee54d2⋯.jpeg (41.43 KB, 630x900, 7:10, 1547054707.jpeg)

File: 50fb6b5a5f313c3⋯.jpeg (169.69 KB, 1440x951, 480:317, 1546781130.jpeg)

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

b004f7  No.4712750

File: 7cfc83ba5aa9806⋯.jpeg (278.23 KB, 1242x723, 414:241, 1C76EE1C-EC81-4EE4-B5CE-3….jpeg)


I see the jets, daily.

Pay attention, a pattern emerges.

f127cb  No.4712751

File: 9e33b1ea4fd5def⋯.png (74.65 KB, 453x356, 453:356, capture.PNG)


Maurice Strong, the Father of America’s Destruction

Rothschild, Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Goldman Sachs, Mayor Daley, William Ayers, Saul Alinsky, Saudi Arabia, China and the United Nations equals Barak Obama.

When we look at what has happened to the American dream, the American Constitution, the American economy in the past 12 months, it seems that there is a deliberate plan to completely destroy the entire American way of life and even the country as we know it.

When you look at the national debt, the bail outs of the banks, the fake stimulus bill, the health care bill, the coming cap and trade, the loss of jobs at the same time government workers have increased wages by 100% and more, and the exposed lies about Global Warming and Obama’s birth and mother, we can only conclude it is a master plan to destroy America.

But I have had a problem finding out who is behind all these obvious changes, which are against the will of the people. In order to trace “why” and “father” of these problems, I have had to go back 50 years and found the organization and man behind all this and the front man behind Barak Obama.

His name is Maurice Strong, born in Canada, lived in New York, and now exiled in China, but still the power behind Obama and the liberal House and Senate of America. To start to understand this man and his influence read his statement below to a group of reporters.

“In order to save the planet, the group [GIM] decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about? This group of world leaders [GIM] forms a secret society to bring about an economic collapse.”

Maurice Strong - regarding Generation Investment Management LLP

662b7c  No.4712752

File: 6e9a05a81d952e6⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1123x5138, 1123:5138, ClipboardImage.png)



Img form in part (1/2 of article)

92ded0  No.4712753


she ded Jim

e399fc  No.4712754


hitler was not bad

he knew of the bad zionist jews

5505ff  No.4712755

File: b3b8e20d14a5551⋯.jpeg (556.23 KB, 929x1895, 929:1895, BBA936F6-72D6-40FC-99DA-9….jpeg)


the anon u replied to is most certainly correct.

u are a shill.

and some of the Jew posting is also done by mossad shills, looking to subvert any real and genuine JQ discussion that might come up.

we see u faggots glowing.

b52d04  No.4712756

File: 6a48beee525b928⋯.jpeg (55 KB, 600x443, 600:443, D9333B35-0845-4CFD-86F3-E….jpeg)

c01cf1  No.4712757

File: 8435fb5688c176c⋯.jpg (608.3 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, !Awakening33.jpg)

998248  No.4712758

File: dc68ad20e854d8b⋯.jpg (47.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Howardsternwall1-640x480.jpg)

Yet another fug Jew pervert mocking POTUS and patriots.

How old is he…prob about 65? Yet he wears makeup and a Curly Sue wig. He'd better be careful. He's still on commercial radio. Sirius won't like it if half of their subscribers start dropping the service because of this aging asshole.

f31328  No.4712759


No Name formula: no more treatment, then the funeral.

90f1ee  No.4712760

File: c37f089d5a5cba0⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cd48d322291976⋯.png (527.12 KB, 480x638, 240:319, ClipboardImage.png)

Mecca's Grand Mosque plagued by swarm of locusts…

ef4396  No.4712761


Shria law practiced in Michigan or Penn ?

80b91e  No.4712762


"3, 6, 9 ,or 12"

Isn't that what POTUS said?

I posted this at end of last bread…


998248  No.4712763


forgot the sauce.


7bb127  No.4712764


Evil digits speak truth of evil.

f0cb52  No.4712766

File: 92158eea6282fb6⋯.png (424.41 KB, 947x915, 947:915, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

c8b2a5  No.4712767

File: 2458ba62eff7b4c⋯.jpeg (149.53 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, download (4).jpeg)

ef06aa  No.4712768

File: fd8133a5a0c50f2⋯.jpg (47.65 KB, 618x386, 309:193, 1.JPG)

File: da96b96c0d4203f⋯.png (396.34 KB, 720x736, 45:46, ClipboardImage.png)

Anticipation is making me wait…….

aafe2d  No.4712769

File: 8c641842c991a8d⋯.jpeg (395.07 KB, 1242x2095, 1242:2095, 33676FFD-F4E6-4BBD-9F3C-0….jpeg)

File: d6b0ebbcdd4a5d8⋯.jpeg (120.02 KB, 1242x657, 138:73, A2912431-13E6-4FE3-BD62-C….jpeg)

So is there anything in particular with the layout- and the placing of the letters in « Boom » in Q’s posts ? The steps are different gradients any signification?

Also in Simple Gematria Boom equals : 45 though that’s prob known

3963c6  No.4712770


Let's put more eyes on it. At least more diggers can figure this out faster.

Need Eyes here


039a33  No.4712771


the panama papers, you didn't know ?

a01357  No.4712772


they might try to drag this out as far as possible to get some mileage out of the corpse. To delay until they are fully prepared to sabotage any potential nominees POTUS brings up.

460137  No.4712773

File: fb063092b0e63ca⋯.jpg (248.55 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, roadtrip.jpg)


FUCK the TSA, NATCA, and the Entire Airline


Let it All Rot!

Take a Road Trip!

See America!

Make No Mistake I Love to Fly but not Under the

FAGGOTS that Now Run the Skies!

8b3374  No.4712774


Same shit happens in my neck of the woods- something's going on above the "clouds" and drought is being manufactured

5a760c  No.4712775

File: 6b4c8d46c78c3e4⋯.jpg (178.83 KB, 1844x922, 2:1, 1 st alarm.jpg)

Just a thought

News proves past Q drop 2626 1st Alarm


033a0a  No.4712777

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, b49898739d26d5611676c94cec….jpg)

File: 877069a9fe6a1c9⋯.png (4.78 KB, 255x50, 51:10, d7e5bacd57e4851aeb778a164d….png)





Again the shilly tendency of thonking you represent anyone here other than your faggot self.



88757e  No.4712778

File: f658c9c83de64ad⋯.jpg (164.4 KB, 1506x788, 753:394, Capture 32.JPG)

9d0fa2  No.4712779


>Anticipation is making me wait…….

Anticipation is making me wet……

188232  No.4712781


Have any sauce on fuckery from this prick?

42a186  No.4712782

File: 28847df0e32767b⋯.jpg (555.24 KB, 1756x1296, 439:324, 28847df0e32767bfed6e7281fb….jpg)


Here's a bigger picture.

Because we know the FMSM and their pedo freinds love the close cropped images.

84c4bc  No.4712783

File: ee2ceef38e93f57⋯.jpg (323.09 KB, 1960x1718, 980:859, zuckerbergrothschild.jpg)


I thought MZ was a Rothschild.

7a74e8  No.4712784


That happens everh time the horde visits

b004f7  No.4712785


The ladies sure look at him.

aafe2d  No.4712786


No I think he’s already been & gone ( less senior official)

4336a0  No.4712787


ok now we KNOW they're homos

f31328  No.4712788


This is not the event in the bible, but still, funny to me.

And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

Soon. Very soon.

a01357  No.4712789

File: 3fb4d29796d62e4⋯.png (231.38 KB, 500x809, 500:809, ohjew2.png)


>bad zionist jews

Might have been more convincing if (((you))) starting kvetching about 'reformist jews' again.

FAILURE at all levels of (((shill))) operations today

8b3374  No.4712790

File: a29cdab1194214c⋯.jpg (222.25 KB, 968x585, 968:585, iu (2).jpg)

57ea03  No.4712791


A Lesson from Howard Stern: Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

April 23, 2012

A New York court has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Howard Stern against Sirius in which Stern claimed that the satellite radio broadcaster failed to pay him $300 million in stock awards. In doing so, the court’s decision serves as a cautionary tale for any person that enters into an agreement without fully understanding its terms, or believing it is okay for an agreement to say one thing, but mean something else.

When Howard Stern left traditional radio to join Sirius, Stern and Sirius entered into an agreement that provided, among other things, a “Performance Based Compensation” clause. This clause enabled Stern to receive up to five separate common stock awards valued at $75 million each, which would be triggered by certain Sirius subscriptions totals.

In 2006, Stern received $75 million in common stock based on Sirius subscribers for that year, but the number of Sirius subscribers in 2007 did not reach the total necessary to trigger any bonus. The dispute arose in 2008, when Sirius merged with XM Radio. If only Sirius subscribers were counted, the bonus would not be triggered. However, if the more than 9 million XM Radio subscribers were counted, the Performance Based Compensation clause would be triggered and Stern would receive an additional $300 million.

Sirius filed a motion for summary judgment, seeking dismissal of Stern’s lawsuit because the “Performance Based Compensation” clause did not include subscribers obtained through the XM merger. In an affidavit opposing Sirius’ motion, Stern stated that:

There was no doubt in my mind that all of these subscribers were supposed to be counted for the purpose of determining if the stock awards were payable. When we were negotiating the Agreement, it was clear to everyone that the stock award was based on all of the company’s subscribers. Sirius did not ask us to exclude any subscribers from these awards.

Stern further stated that he understood that Sirius was now saying that it did not have to pay because half of its subscribers came in through the acquisition of XM, rather than through the company’s own internal growth. According to Stern, this position made no sense because the parties “never discussed or agreed to any such distinction.” Stern stated:

Our Agreement is clear — the stock awards are based upon the total number of subscribers that the company has at the end of any given year. When we were negotiating the agreement, Don [Buchwald, Stern’s agent] raised with Sirius the possibility that Sirius and XM might combine. Sirius never said that if that happened, it would not count the new subscribers for purposes of the stock awards.

The court disagreed with Stern, noting that while it may be true that Stern hoped and expected to reap the benefits from any significant growth experienced by Sirius, such a subjective expectation did not override the clear, unambiguous language of the parties’ agreement.

Further, according to the court, the parties contemplated the relevance of new subscribers acquired by a merger in a separate section of the agreement entitled “XM Merger,” which provided specific compensation to Stern in the event of a merger with XM Radio. Thus, the court held that “the plain language of the agreement is inconsistent with any reading that the parties intended subscribers acquired by merger with XM to be considered when calculating plaintiffs’ ‘Performance Based Stock Compensation.’”

All too often, I meet with individuals that are facing the same dilemma as Howard Stern. Parties may verbally agree to certain terms intended to have certain results, but the terms of the agreement that they sign lead to an entirely different outcome. It is critically important that parties to an agreement understand the agreement’s terms and conditions. If the agreement is unclear, contains incomprehensible legalese, fails to convey the parties’ actual intentions, or says something different from what the parties verbally agreed to, then you must protect yourself and refuse to sign the document until it says what you mean.


70f7a5  No.4712792



If you watch the video, this guy has grays, hair color can take care of that. Trump has a convo with this guy while he is signing others hats. He even calls the guy by name and introduces his security to him.

92ded0  No.4712793


continues to participate from home….

sure she does. wonder who is pretending to be the old witch?

b96b0f  No.4712794

>>4712535 (lb)

Color of Law is never legit

84c4bc  No.4712795


>You'll see many of the FF actors there.

All the SH actors are part of this. I also remember an anon saying AOC was in this family.

9cb4b0  No.4712796

File: 9aa880c0799d4ed⋯.png (469.84 KB, 556x371, 556:371, ClipboardImage.png)

Austria is expected to face 10 feet, more than 3 metres of snow in the next few days as fierce winter weather continues to strike central Europe this week.

946767  No.4712797

File: 19bf43911d383df⋯.png (379.72 KB, 1704x650, 852:325, ClipboardImage.png)


I hovered over key and look:



6889e7  No.4712798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is the video where I am now sure WarDrummer sold out. He used SerialBrain 2 to get a name and here he talks about how he does not follow SB2 saying he doesn't need him anymore. He also talks about how Q Leaders as in he's calling himself a 'Q Leader'. There is NO Q leader. They are twisting the Kate episode with Trump's rally and how Q called her out etc etc etc. This is all a twist on all of this. Cordicon claims Kate is working with the Secret Service when she did this for personal fame first. I am disappointed with these two. These two are both sellouts along with Potter etc.

80b6f7  No.4712799



The Thermite acts and LOOKS very similar to

an Oxy-Acetylene Torch cutting through the

structural steel beams and THEN the beam failures CAUSE the building to collapse.


604a4b  No.4712800

File: 51eac1e4c9c30ab⋯.jpeg (89.43 KB, 515x499, 515:499, C4687529-9453-45A7-8FFB-0….jpeg)

5c67c4  No.4712801


Welcome to 3 breads ago

3963c6  No.4712802

File: 017324130796f62⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Question 2.jpg)


>This is an opportunity.

Agree completely. Especially now that we know the Democratic playbook recruits Latinos/Muslims as long term voters.

Trump has a play here related to the shutdown, perhaps?

ec7326  No.4712803


fucking notable

d9a537  No.4712804

Oh my God! Every step and phase of the coup against POTUS was set up and run by MCCABE!



8ae77e  No.4712805

File: 6e0461a7a7b1112⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 669x960, 223:320, 617h48p6zt921.jpg)

a31b61  No.4712806

You honestly believe these ducks would keep a secret not leak or make known what was going on in some way? If they all know already then why the slow walk…the public doesn’t give a shit!

90f1ee  No.4712807

File: 8900a567da2f262⋯.png (529.78 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, ClipboardImage.png)


b4d30c  No.4712808

File: 2364d534314d4b6⋯.jpeg (55.49 KB, 560x420, 4:3, joos.jpeg)

TY Baker

039a33  No.4712809





2609e7  No.4712810


178f4f  No.4712811

>>4712033 LB


It is Obama's border patrol chief's new business!

Another of Aguilar's DC business partners, NOAH KROLOFF: SES, HOMELAND SECURITY.

In 2012, Noah Kroloff was a Miscellaneous Administration And Program at the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters in Washington, District Of Columbia. Kroloff began working at the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters in 2009 with a starting salary of $170,000. Since then, Kroloff's salary has increased to $173,400 in 2012.

In 2012, Noah Kroloff was a ES-00 under the senior executive service payscale and is among the highest-paid ten percent of employees in the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters.



Scandal while director of the United States Secret Service

In April 2012, a scandal involving the President's security detail received international press attention. The scandal involved 11 agents and more military personnel from all four branches who allegedly engaged prostitutes while assigned to protect President Barack Obama at the 6th Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia. As of April 24, nine employees had resigned or retired.[4][5]

Starting June 30, 2011, agents on the Presidential Protection Detail were ordered to leave their posts and conduct surveillance on a neighbor of Lisa Chopey, Sullivan's assistant, in an operation named "Moonlighting". This continued for at least several days and according to some accounts, months. The neighbors eventually moved away, they said partly because of the intimidation.[6]



5505ff  No.4712812


Valid point indeed.

Same goes with Trump. If Q wasnt legit, he would have shut it down b4 he let this much of his base get caught up in something he wasn’t controlling.

f31328  No.4712813


Such a greedy fuck. It was a joke lawsuit that went too far and actually pretended to be a real boy. Just like him.

946767  No.4712814

File: 0c78807aa0c2568⋯.png (139.79 KB, 350x404, 175:202, ClipboardImage.png)


Why is that star in the lower right corner?

2609e7  No.4712815


84c4bc  No.4712816


Doubtful. He's the patsy. It was all set up by HUSSEIN.

37cf90  No.4712817


Solid point anon, the silence from the administration on the subject of Q is strong evidence of tacit approval / involvement.

8b869d  No.4712818

File: 97db30f97e6da27⋯.png (334.74 KB, 823x621, 823:621, rbgg.PNG)

WOW! Imagine that…..Q Posts about RBG and RIGHT ON CUE the MSM releases coordinated stories that she's Cancer Free and on track to return!!

998248  No.4712819

Governor DeSantis makes a big boo boo. He's appointing this dude as sheriff to replace the Jew, but he picked him only because he's black. Notice the news puts his race in the title of the article and not his name. This was an unfortunate decision. Broward county is an extremely corrupt place. I know this because I've lived there most of my life. Only corrupt token blacks are ever given positions of authority there, and they ALWAYS make bad situations worse yet get away with it because of their skin color. Think Brenda Snipes. This new guy is the male version.


188232  No.4712820


A jew wanting moar? Shocker! Kek.

b52d04  No.4712821

File: 4a1ead09e9b40e2⋯.jpeg (52.5 KB, 720x476, 180:119, 764BACD0-D5E6-4180-8ACD-B….jpeg)

a01357  No.4712822

File: 0a1d860dbbee611⋯.jpeg (161.96 KB, 500x413, 500:413, ohjew3.jpeg)







Literally demonstrating their own foil shit to control that argument kek.

5035f1  No.4712823


No. It's the hopper. Will fly no more than 5km. A test bed.

5e8352  No.4712824

File: b57667b780b81dc⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 866EDDF7-4963-4FE8-BC91-7C….png)


RefurbishedTwatUpdate of Michelle Obama.

She use to show her twat every day. Wonder what happened.

>keep reminding them she became “Michelle”.


42a186  No.4712825

File: 2516c1c28f619b5⋯.png (26.15 KB, 434x316, 217:158, moarfugly.png)

File: f04985e4c4257ba⋯.png (21.76 KB, 549x394, 549:394, chump_and_nonce.png)

File: 2191f62aea34a30⋯.png (133.23 KB, 434x316, 217:158, 2191f62aea34a30277dee1f9ff….png)

File: 6fd706845129c70⋯.jpg (162.54 KB, 1200x869, 1200:869, DwcGzwuU8AAVIG4.jpg)

Some time yesterday an anon asked me for material for a fruitbowl meme they were doing, kek.

Here's some moar "eyes are the window" meterial.

9d0fa2  No.4712826



f31328  No.4712827


If only someone would have warned us to watch out who we follow.

749037  No.4712828


How many sick days do Justices get?

033a0a  No.4712829



The zuckerberg greenberg crap is fake and gay until proven otherwise.

It has circulated the internet for a long time but no xredible proof was ever given.

59d6ba  No.4712830


No jews?


63db95  No.4712831


can corpses have cancer?

8b6324  No.4712832

File: bd19bfdba2ea3e8⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 250x250, 1:1, union.jpg)


UNIONS undercut profitability of corporations.

UNIONS take money from workers unnecessarily.

UNIONS are corrupt.

There's no need to have a union come in between a worker and his company. Laws are already in place that protect workers.

UNIONS actually cause unemployment of the very workers that are members! Since laws are already on the books protecting workers, unions aren't needed and with their departure goes the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) and biz need to hire an abundance of Personnel that monitor union claims and administration, lawyers and other aspects to protect their company. With that money not spent on these ridiculous and costly additions, an employer can hire many moar workers, re-invest in the company at a higher rate which results in company growth and expansion which leads to moar jobs.

The SEIU is a big union and is responsible for funding many protests and protesters and has been caught playing roles in some FF.


b96b0f  No.4712833


Those are old pics

e399fc  No.4712834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anonymous. UPDATE Jan 10, 2019. We Are the Storm. The Qllective

b4d30c  No.4712835

File: e268d6023fa71e4⋯.jpeg (247.49 KB, 1440x988, 360:247, 5468d4aa83f327a8918f3e7f1….jpeg)

da9344  No.4712836


I dont like this new format. Dropped him from subscribe when the new format started. I dont like the "live chats". Sticking with Janda, Hunter, X22 and SGT

9cb4b0  No.4712837

Israeli military forced to suspend Lebanese border operation after UN intervention

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were forced to suspend their Lebanese border operation for the second time in the last 24 hours, a military communique from Beirut read this evening.

According to the communique, the Israeli Defense Forces were required to halt their operation after the Lebanese Army informed the UNIFIL forces about the IDF troops crossing the UN “Blue Line”.

The Lebanese Army has now been placed on high alert, the communique added.

On Wednesday, the Lebanese Army made a similar complaint to the UNIFIL forces after the IDF was seen crossing the border fence.


2609e7  No.4712838


'[RBG] needs no further medical treatment'


6889e7  No.4712839


You know we do since we got him so fast.

f0cb52  No.4712840

File: f55b4eaa29e6813⋯.png (433.85 KB, 931x879, 931:879, Feinstein78.png)


Added [ ] for emphasis

63db95  No.4712841


> no credible proof was ever given

you mean names on a picture on the internet isn't proof?

well i'll be

e84e27  No.4712842


Uh…..so Harry Reid is not a republican…

he's also advocating for UFO research…

and terminally ill

cdfba7  No.4712843



he took R fagging to YouTube

bab17d  No.4712844

File: ecb31c4396390d5⋯.png (473.55 KB, 429x546, 11:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7143f5be8ab659d⋯.png (122.53 KB, 816x853, 816:853, ClipboardImage.png)

Republicans plotting to oppose Trump in 2020 waiting for Mueller and June before pulling trigger

Renegade Republicans intent on upending President Trump in 2020 are keeping their powder dry, waiting to see if legal and political controversies drive him from office first. Political operatives and potential candidates that inhabit the loose-knit community of Republicans who oppose Trump’s re-election are eyeing June as the approximate moment for deciding on a primary challenge or independent bid. It’s a strategic delay. Some Republicans think the weight of multiple investigations could motivate the president to exit the White House after one term — especially if special counsel Robert Mueller issues a politically damaging report.

"The scenario I think we could be heading toward is Trump hitting a Mueller-induced problem where there would suddenly be several people looking at running because of the odds increasing that he won’t run again," said Rob Stutzman, a veteran GOP consultant in Sacramento, Calif., who has had discussions with like-minded Republicans about how Trump 2020 might be derailed. The president begins the election cycle in a position to cruise to renomination, bolstered by the overwhelming support of grassroots Republicans. But a small-but-persistent group of Republicans unhappy with his leadership remains. Some are actively attempting to recruit a credible primary challenger; others are examining the viability of an independent bid.

The Republicans most often listed as possible Trump challengers are outgoing Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who ran in 2016; Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, who is up for re-election next year; Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah, the GOP presidential nominee in 2012 who was elected to his current post just last year; Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan; and former Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee and Jeff Flake of Arizona, who sources say are unlikely to run.

Depending on the circumstances, Kasich is perhaps the most immediately prepared to mount a credible challenge to Trump, notwithstanding his prickly relationship with loyal Republicans. But Kasich isn’t interested in waging a primary campaign that might hobble the president against the Democrats in the general election but falls short of the White House. That’s why he’s considering running as an independent. Any Kasich bid, independent or GOP, would likely rely quite a bit on New Hampshire. The governor finished second there in the 2016 primary, and his supporters in the state say he retains considerable backing for another run. "We would not run to be a Pat Buchanan-like spoiler. That's not anything that the governor or we are interested in," said John Weaver, a senior Kasich adviser. "We have an organization in place in New Hampshire that's grown since we finished second in 2016. We have consolidated, to some degree, the anti-Trump or disparate groups around the country who are opposed to the president within the party."


033a0a  No.4712845

File: da0f9b6201da6dd⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x230, 51:46, e928ba88929ea91a8fcc8680db….jpg)



Tag team spotted.

42a186  No.4712846

File: 073c5464304541c⋯.jpg (60.76 KB, 549x394, 549:394, 9948980be818a2b87514ade546….jpg)

File: f04985e4c4257ba⋯.png (21.76 KB, 549x394, 549:394, chump_and_nonce.png)


oops wrong source image, couldn't find the bigger one so, kek

96e7da  No.4712847


I thought these guys were going to expose Q

Never trust a maskfag

80b91e  No.4712848



937358  No.4712849


Wut? Anonymous were out to destroy Q and doxxed the whole Qanon movement. Something does not compute

65d83a  No.4712850

File: 8d00edc97e534d0⋯.png (163.3 KB, 2000x1713, 2000:1713, facebook-dislike.png)

>>4708800 PB

I am thinking this is why FB has 'My Story' They can find pretty much anyone who fits their criteria easily. Want to be a candidate for MKUltra? Pour out your story on FB so everyone can see. Right?

4336a0  No.4712851

File: a16cb2090551526⋯.png (460.67 KB, 693x500, 693:500, 1547068052.png)

File: 518272ee6abe3ba⋯.png (2.97 MB, 2656x1548, 664:387, 1547063605.png)

File: 4ade08f8f8c426c⋯.jpg (557.14 KB, 1024x726, 512:363, 1547004340.jpg)

File: 63ee05ea703afd0⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 1547006445.png)

File: c9958a57e4443a1⋯.jpg (166.97 KB, 1080x860, 54:43, 1547190076.jpg)

460137  No.4712852

File: 720bfffda855904⋯.jpg (27.68 KB, 400x411, 400:411, MI0003389043.jpg)


You are Correct anon!

9cb4b0  No.4712853

Opposition Takes Surprise Presidential Win in D.R. Congo, Prompting Fraud Claims

The Democratic Republic of the Congo announced the results of its presidential election on Thursday, declaring a surprise victory for opposition candidate Felix Tshisekedi.

Runner-up Martin Fayulu immediately proclaimed the results an “electoral coup.” The Catholic Church questioned the results, as did observers from France and Belgium.

Reuters described the election as “chaotic” and quoted the National Episcopal Conference of Congo disagreeing with the official results. According to the count maintained by the Catholic Church, which deployed 40,000 observers for the election, Fayulu should have won.

The election should mark the first peaceful transfer of power since the DRC became independent 59 years ago. However, Fayulu supporters suspect Tshisekedi made a power-sharing deal with outgoing President Joseph Kabila and was rewarded with a rigged election victory. The party of Kabila, who has held power for 18 years, had a candidate in the race named Emmanuel Shadary who came in third place.

According to the National Electoral Commission (CENI) tally, Tshisekedi won with 7 million votes to Fayulu’s 6.4 million, while Shadary took 4.4 million votes. Shadary went into the election as the favorite to win. Shadary’s prompt and graceful concession, coupled with Tshisekedi’s fulsome praise for Kabila in his victory declaration, fueled the Fayulu camp’s suspicions that a deal was made behind the scenes.

“The Congolese people will never accept such a fraud!” Fayulu thundered to the BBC on Thursday. “Felix Tshisekedi never got 7 million votes. Where did he get them from?”

According to the BBC, the Catholic Church is privately inclined to doubt the results but might not challenge them as strongly as Fayulu would like, because they are wary of “public demonstrations.” This is a delicate way of describing the apprehension over bloody violence in the streets, as occurred in the DRC’s 2006 and 2011 elections. The latest election was delayed due to fears of violence as U.S. military personnel were deployed in Central Africa to protect American assets.

The BBC also mentioned carefully-worded criticism of the outcome from France and Belgium.

“We must have clarity on these results, which are the opposite to what we expected,” French Foreign Minister Yves le Drian urged. His Belgian counterpart Didier Reynders said he could “understand the concerns already being expressed in several places.”

“We’re going to find out what’s going on, of course, and then decide what action to take, and notably around the table at the Security Council,” Reynders said.

The African Union Commission refused to either congratulate or openly challenge Tshisekedi on Thursday, instead urging Congolese to reach a “genuine national consensus.” The AU’s mission to observe the election deemed the process “satisfactory,” but Western nations were not allowed to send observers because the DRC government felt their presence would constitute “meddling.”

South Africa urged the DRC to quickly certify the results and move past the election, while the European Union seems nervous about either endorsing or challenging the outcome.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged all parties to refrain from violence on Thursday, asking them to “channel any eventual electoral disputes through the established institutional mechanisms in line with the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Constitution and relevant electoral laws.”


18f3e6  No.4712854

>>4712517 (lb)




-23 is [Robert Mueller]

3963c6  No.4712855


If you want a good image to meme that, Psycho 4; the beginning has a color version of a courpse you could use.

f31328  No.4712856


Settings symbol, no?

772cef  No.4712857

Proverbs 24:20

for the evil man has no future;

the lamp of the wicked will be put out.

37cf90  No.4712858


Um, we need to shift power back to native workers and against corporate profits, immigration controls help on the labor supply side, but unions must play a bigger role in that shift.

43e8f6  No.4712859

File: 8e4943fcbddd50f⋯.png (535.13 KB, 853x514, 853:514, Q RUTH BADER.PNG)

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s recovery from a lung cancer operation is proceeding apace and there are no signs of further disease, the Supreme Court announced Friday afternoon.

Ginsburg had two cancerous nodules removed from her lungs at the Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center on Dec. 21. The procedure is called a pulmonary lobectomy.

“Justice Ginsburg will continue to work from home next week and will participate in the consideration and decision of the cases on the basis of the briefs and the transcripts of oral arguments,” Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said in a statement. “Her recovery from surgery is on track. Post-surgery evaluations indicate no evidence of remaining disease, and no further treatment is required.”

The statement comes amid reports the Trump administration was quietly mobilizing in anticipation of another vacancy on the Supreme Court. The Daily Caller reported Monday that gingerly preparations were underway at the White House and among its allies in the conservative legal movement for a new nomination to the high court.

59d6ba  No.4712860


JIDF asshole spotted, soon Kike, soon

7f5894  No.4712861


why not? now the demonrats are on record of not caring about the DACA folks… look past the obvious anon

7ac58b  No.4712862


re: debt wipeout

Nooooo, this board doesn't claim that.

A few "anons" certainly seem convinced (or are working on convincing) that will happen. And they're losers.

84c4bc  No.4712863


Napolitano was Governor of AZ. You can't tell me she wasn't in on all the illegal activities.

63db95  No.4712864



the whole point of Anonymous Inc.

is that any fucker can play the part

for any fecking agenda/psyop

d5469f  No.4712865

>>4712018 lb

I was five seconds from all out nuclear war on their behalf in 1973, as a member of SAC.

93e8c2  No.4712866


Anons, please dig.

This is how C_A gets propaganda into news…

Syrian observatory for human rights

please dig

0bce43  No.4712867


second that..he even did say he's one of the leaders in the Q movement…and they wanna build a chapter of the Qarmy..

with this fuckin matrixxx faggot..

a01357  No.4712868



the nature of government jobs and public sector work lends itself to such subversion easily. VERY easy.


Been easy today.


>shills for msm and tries to 'denounce'.

Over the target, maurice strong, zucker bitch etc.

Be careful of deliberate false info drops to sucker in anons also. ((they))) do that regular.

43e8f6  No.4712869




84c4bc  No.4712870



Unions bankrupt companies.

37cf90  No.4712871

File: af7e567e6098cd5⋯.jpeg (2.16 MB, 2224x1491, 2224:1491, 87639939-077C-4B28-90F6-6….jpeg)


Chimp out in 3,2,1…

f31328  No.4712872


As many as they want; Rheinquist was at home for a long ass time.

998248  No.4712873


A lesbian affair from 20 years ago will come up. She accuser will say that she was coerced and raped. It has been established can a woman can rape. Watch for it. They are already planning it since Q made that post.

ef4396  No.4712874


Shria Law allows marriage and sex with minors?

RBG wanted to change the age of consent ?

why ? for the influx of muslims crossing the border?

Does shria law exist in usa ?

c8b2a5  No.4712875

File: c9a0151bf5ea76f⋯.jpeg (113.6 KB, 1440x547, 1440:547, 1546739689.jpeg)

7ac58b  No.4712877


What have YOU dug and found and are able to present?

Start with that.

638e94  No.4712878

File: 9fd6f10ab21bb41⋯.jpeg (821.26 KB, 1242x1275, 414:425, 53E1CBA5-FEDE-489D-AE01-3….jpeg)

8b6324  No.4712879


[I know! Spent many years in college studying them and they gave me a piece of paper for my wall to prove it!]

ThanQ for saying that Anon.


1920b4  No.4712880

File: c7748df39cd5b4b⋯.png (153.04 KB, 704x630, 352:315, anonymous.png)

033a0a  No.4712881


You forgot to add "rabbi goy pilpul schlomo moshe". Oh and some ((())).

Thanks for playing.

a42afa  No.4712882


When are people going to realize that the "rich White men" in tech are just cabal operators.

188232  No.4712883


Back in July they claimed they would Dox Q, you are 100% correct.

42a186  No.4712884

File: c56bd287a477e29⋯.png (117.75 KB, 434x316, 217:158, fuglycreepyrep.png)

File: e87b53492bae878⋯.png (126.27 KB, 434x316, 217:158, fuck muh yerabotshillls.png)

efcbe2  No.4712885


She will stay as long as she can go “full steam,” she says

f31328  No.4712886


"Hyenas circling to see if alpha lion is mortally wounded."

e1931e  No.4712887

File: 98419fc0ef5bd89⋯.jpg (62.47 KB, 720x715, 144:143, IMG-1132-198039.jpg)


No unions.

9cb4b0  No.4712888



OLD news the front is a guy in an apartment in London. I never use any reports from SOHR

62a169  No.4712889


Looked at all the previous "2018 will be glorious" posts on qmap Where do you get monday or are you just wasting anons time

178f4f  No.4712890


I posted the link last bread; she was head of the az mafia. Dennis Burke, Clare Bronfman's lawyer, is a business partner with this outfit.

Bronfman = NXIVM, Seagrams


7ac58b  No.4712891


Worst. Day. Ever.

a6e8de  No.4712892

File: c8eb61ce67caef1⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1313x869, 1313:869, 8F3F3628-5150-4C2C-A29F-0….jpeg)

We gonna start pumping these traitors full of fentanyl or what?

5e6f8f  No.4712893


I'm disappointed I ever fell for Serial brains number hogwash. That girl kate ain't in jail. If he was right she would be just like that dude she turned in

57ea03  No.4712894


The stock-based comp was insane! How he ever thought he could collect on that when the numbers were obviously phoney to start with.

f127cb  No.4712895


Thanks that gave me a chuckle,, if they can't dox then co-opt shades of AJ and Corsi

767c29  No.4712896


If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em?

be48c3  No.4712897

Watching a weird youtube video about the Simpsons and their coded messages and now im looking up turpentine for intestinal parasites

feel like I've lost my mind or waking up…not sure

ef4396  No.4712898


What religion do the dems practice ?

a01357  No.4712899


(((they))) are ready to blow up the world to serve their masters. useful idiots.

they played up the race mixing angle in US, it came back to bite them HARD in the ass in israel with arabs fucking their women left and right despite all the propaganda to the contrary.

They will kike again here. They will not stop lying until they are dead.

907978  No.4712900

File: 5663f25d75fd1db⋯.jpg (4.12 MB, 7370x5235, 1474:1047, LondonPics.jpg)

(repost from early today)



An article was just written saying, or CONFIRMING, Lisa Page (LP) was in London, England in DECEMBER OF 2016 (Q says to note the time, and it's cold outside).

It's already been reported, and we already knew, that Peter Strzok (PS) was there in the summer and fall of 2016, BUT NOT that LP and PS were there TOGETHER in December.


Only ~2 months (give or take) after they went there using what appear to be surveillance cameras in London (see the filenames, some have NSA in them)

In the article, LP confirms she was there with PS, and THREE OTHERS, meaning a total of 5


It's unknown who that target is, but it could be Alexander Downer, who PS interview in the summer/fall (this will likely come out at a later point).


I could've missed a pic so let me know, but I tried to include each pic in order

And, this means the people in the pic walking across the street are the six targets (5 FBI including PS and LP) and the person they went to interview (possibly Downer but unclear); and the two together are PS and LP

Added some context with the other two articles.

Open in a new tab and zoom as needed

e84e27  No.4712901


so you would prefer that we call the catholic scandal

"homosexual rapists of adolescent boys"

rather than

"pedophile perverts"

would that be better?

seems like semantics but…ok

84c4bc  No.4712902


We had several earlier this month. 3-4 per night 2 nights in a row.

Almost sounded like the tailgate of a massive dump truck was let down to slam into the ground.

d5469f  No.4712903


Deeper than that.

Conditioning is the goal.

dcdc44  No.4712904

Blue Castle digging, anons tink it references the book?

f4af9a  No.4712905

File: 0d0e0898c6d92cf⋯.jpg (10.1 KB, 512x220, 128:55, ironic.jpg)

5b812a  No.4712906

File: 4924a352ae718bd⋯.png (192.27 KB, 726x500, 363:250, wearemorons.png)



37cf90  No.4712908


You’re living in 1986.

American workers have been subject to global competition by neoliberal free trade give always thst only benefit shareholders, we need fairer playing field (see new nafta) where race to the bottom in terms of labor cost is not the dynamic.

efa1e9  No.4712909


If Q really wanted to fuck up their day, he/she would post a pic of RBG corpse taken from someone's cell phone or a security camera. He keeps doing shit like that for other targets. Why not go for gold and really have some fun with this?

>>Post pic of dead RBG taken from cell phone, either by whitehat or "stolen" from blackhat using NSA tech

>>Force DS to produce the body, so to speak, to prove she is indeed alive

>>Or, get caught with a dead body and have to admit her death


9cb4b0  No.4712910

File: ea3c35aee07c3ca⋯.png (311.52 KB, 379x467, 379:467, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Texas judge sentenced to six years in prison for creating fake sex-for-hire ads for women he dated

A former Galveston County, Texas, judge was sentenced Wednesday to six years in prison after he was convicted of online impersonation for posting fake online sex-for-hire ads for two women he dated, the Houston Chronicle reported.

Why did he do this?

Christopher Dupuy, 47, reportedly used the pseudonym Don Tequila to post the ads, which included their photos and phone numbers.

Investigators built their case by using a search warrant to gain access to Dupuy's computer and cellphone, according to prosecutor Adam Poole.

Simone Bray, Dupuy's attorney, previously criticized investigators for focusing only on her client. She also called the evidence against him “circumstantial," the report states.

"I did believe there was some reasonable doubt here," she reportedly said.

But on Wednesday, Bray said she accepted the outcome, the report states. Poole said Dupuy appeared humbled after he heard the sentence.

The sentence marked the end to one chapter of Dupuy's saga, which reflects a pattern of harassing women, according to the news outlet.

Anything else?

"All along the way there have been new offenses," Poole said. "It's just been a really long time in coming, but hopefully he is done with Galveston County now."

Authorities arrested Dupuy in 2015 on the impersonation charges. He spent nearly a year in jail, where he was held in solitary confinement for his own safety. He was released in 2016 after a visiting county judge found the state's online impersonation statute unconstitutional, according to the report. An appellate court later overturned that decision.

In May, a warrant for Dupuy's arrest was issued after a woman in Harris County filed a complaint that stated Dupuy called her 200 times one night and threatened to kill her. Police arrested him at a home near Austin, Texas, in August, where they found him hiding in an attic. The case is still pending, the report states.


Former Galveston County Judge Christopher Dupuy convicted in online 'revenge' case


cdfba7  No.4712911


they wanted to put this in notables last night..

fucking newfags and cia niggers

66acba  No.4712912


>He used SerialBrain 2

SB2 is a pathetic namefag who spews 95% incoherent bullshit.

You anons continually embarrass yourselves by tracking all of these famefags so closely.

They are quite literally only relevant to retards looking for their version of the kardashians

7f5894  No.4712913


except two days ago the FED said no recession in sight.. throw shit at the walls and see what sticks

ae6adf  No.4712914



Obama's border patrol chief Aguilar is GSIS

also, he is part of the International Summit on Borders in Jun 2019, held in DC


other speakers


who is putting on this program?

Clarion Defence, a UK-based thinktank


305497  No.4712915


There are no crickets in the middle of winter. I hear things now.

59ce9a  No.4712916


I think you forgot Mueller's most important failures:

Failed to investigate AA Flight 11 / WTC terrorist attack

Failed to investigate UAL Flight 175/ WTC terrorist attack

Failed to investigate AA Flight 77 / Pentagon terrorist attack

Failed to investigate UAL Flight 93 Hijacking

Failed to investigate WTC 7 as possible terrorist attack

Failed to investigate Israeli involvement in 9/11 attacks

Failed to investigate Bush administration potential involvement in 9/11 attacks

I saw the FBI investigate all the terrorist attacks and potential terrorist attacks prior to 9/11 and their actions/behavior for 9/11 were shockingly in-congruent with past investigations … they were comp'ed!

033a0a  No.4712917

File: aeb1dc15d37bd88⋯.jpg (11.55 KB, 231x244, 231:244, eb4e1a92847cdf0cec11fe71c5….jpg)

df1b26  No.4712918


Best explanation to date

ef4396  No.4712919


A religious test for Satan ? their god ?

what did putin say about what god they worshipped?

Adoptions used for their religion ?

3963c6  No.4712920


Tariffs Still Aren’t Raising Consumer Prices

In the October through December period alone, the U.S. Treasury collected $8 billion in tariffs, 83 percent more than it did a year earlier. But consumer prices have barely budged. The Department of Labor’s consumer price index was just 1.9 percent higher in December than it was a year ago and on a month-t0-month basis, prices actually fell.

907978  No.4712921

File: 0b361117c831597⋯.png (430.8 KB, 599x534, 599:534, anonyfag.png)


>The Qllective

CIAniggers trying to infiltrate

collective = communism

fuck anonyfaggots

f31328  No.4712922


Better idea. Don't play into bullshit identity politics and put the best person on the SCOTUS, for the good of the nation, whether or not the best person has a fucking vagina.

a01357  No.4712923


soon they might show additional pics or vids of her 'walking' and claim she is in GREAT CONDITION.

(((shills))) go on overdrive to push "muh Q FAILED' etc.

57ea03  No.4712924


The student debt will have to be addressed as will unsecured debt i.e. credit cards. Mortgages will not be wiped out as others have suggested

f4af9a  No.4712925

File: 91b0bf1587596a8⋯.png (323.64 KB, 600x443, 600:443, kungfugrip.png)

f33ea4  No.4712926

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

42a186  No.4712927

File: efdfec97d743601⋯.png (123.99 KB, 434x316, 217:158, fuck muh yerabotshillls_mo….png)


Here's a moar ethnic neutral one…

59d6ba  No.4712928

File: 99a112230101161⋯.jpg (117.2 KB, 525x700, 3:4, mercheditor.jpg)

File: 5f33deab378cc38⋯.png (11.21 KB, 255x146, 255:146, merchgassed.png)

File: 5b51f23ebf595b8⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 323x277, 323:277, merchkike2.jpg)

>> 4712881

"rabbi goy pilpul schlomo moshe". Oh and some ((())).

==thanks SuperKike you did it for me, you learn quick, kike now get back to work on your shit tier shilling kikeboi

6889e7  No.4712929



I have no opinion of SB2. I am talking about War Drummer.

d9a537  No.4712930


Absolute not. It was McCane and a lot of "help" from Brennan. Read the article. MCCABE was even working in the EURASIA FBI post prior to working at FBI HQ in the US. He had to have friends there that he called up to help set this up.

McCabe becomes the common denominator in all of this.

5505ff  No.4712932


this post really helped bring out the shills. good work anon.

watching them kvetching is quite amusing and very telling.

When will they learn?? by shouting down any JQ disxussion, theyre just letting us know we are over the target.

aafe2d  No.4712933

File: 2d1ff7311d3101e⋯.jpeg (214.22 KB, 1242x625, 1242:625, 8E6DB83D-4BE4-48DA-B360-E….jpeg)

File: 4645d1c242ea1a9⋯.jpeg (561.91 KB, 1242x1866, 207:311, 3537C484-F4FE-4FEA-AD78-0….jpeg)


7c3f02  No.4712934

File: b71ae4d3a5873db⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 480x360, 4:3, shesdeadjim.jpg)

e62339  No.4712935

File: beb999ddaffab6e⋯.png (8.49 KB, 380x170, 38:17, ClipboardImage.png)

84c4bc  No.4712936



Graphic on Strzok & Page in London and Q Proof.

88757e  No.4712937


Stern should have gotten a good Jewish lawyer to write/review the initial contract. Shame on him for cheaping out.

946767  No.4712938


Correct. I never knew it existed.

7f5894  No.4712939


saw that interview… very interdasting in deed

9cb4b0  No.4712940






fcfec6  No.4712941

File: a337b5ffc7c0ba2⋯.jpg (549.67 KB, 1608x1182, 268:197, StPetersCrossThorsHammerJu….jpg)

File: b97bfe4780cc07a⋯.jpg (181.73 KB, 764x766, 382:383, SZstockexchangeart.jpg)

File: 75404453072d6b8⋯.jpg (52.18 KB, 666x822, 111:137, Screen Shot 2018-12-31 at ….jpg)

File: 2092c51dc55e183⋯.jpg (62.35 KB, 1520x764, 380:191, procession front.jpg)

File: b03aa40c4afb5a0⋯.jpg (110.21 KB, 1516x754, 758:377, PhoenixPeacock.jpg)

>>4712614 (lb)

The Chinese zodiac is based on the 12-year cycle of Jupiter; Jupiter spends approximately one year in each of the 12 signs.

Chinese new year coming up

f31328  No.4712942


If you're calling a 1 year old a minor, yes, that is acceptable in islam under sharia law, because it is not expressly forbidden in the quran, and because their 'holy man' was a pedophile who married a 6 years old at 54 years of age himself.

a01357  No.4712943



MAURICE STRONG, cabal climate change operative, and zuckerberg connections.

033a0a  No.4712944


All fingers of the same hand, and they dont represent we the global people.

They represent we the global rulers.

907978  No.4712945

File: 7d856530aed1c2a⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1251x968, 1251:968, trumpdisgusting2.png)

<muh YT and twatter faggots

why do some anons like to STILL be told what to think by random faggots?

it's fucking disgusting, and always makes me cringe at that shit

43e8f6  No.4712946

File: 55a9cc17b2e457a⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1964x1022, 982:511, Margaret-Workman[1].png)

File: 2d1e2761987fb19⋯.png (568.73 KB, 831x382, 831:382, Q SUPREME COURT BUILDING.PNG)


10:39 AM 01/11/2019 | POLITICS

Kevin Daley | Supreme Court Reporter

The West Virginia state legislature is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a decision halting impeachment of several state Supreme Court justices.

The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals was roiled by a public corruption scandal resulting in a slew of resignations and indictments.

The justices will probably be reluctant to get involved, however.

The West Virginia state legislature has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a decision that halted the impeachment trials of several members of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals.

State lawmakers said they are not aiming to restart removal proceedings against the state Supreme Court justices. Rather, they believe the ruling at issue essentially dismantles their impeachment power.

“We have said since October that a strict reading of that opinion removes virtually all of the constitutional checks and balances we have on the judicial branch of government,” House of Delegates Speaker Roger Hanshaw said in a statement. “Our action today is not an effort to resume the impeachment proceedings against any individual, but rather an effort to restore the proper legal and constitutional authority granted to the legislature with regard to impeachment proceedings.”

The case arose after the legislature moved to impeach Chief Justice Margaret Workman for violations of the state judicial ethics code in connection with a spending and ethics scandal.

Workman then sued the legislature in state court, arguing it had exceeded its authority and violated her due process rights. A specially-composed panel of the West Virginia Supreme Court heard the case and ruled for Workman. The decision said the legislature violated separation of powers principles by impeaching Workman for ethics code infractions, since state law gives the judiciary exclusive power to enforce the code.

Now the legislature is asking the Supreme Court to overturn that decision, arguing it violates the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of a Republican form of government. The so-called “guarantee clause” provides that “the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government.” (RELATED: At Trump’s Request, Supreme Court May Soon Decide On Repealing DACA)

“The subject decision of the Supreme Court of West Virginia eviscerates the state’s right to a republican form of government by elevating the judicial branch to a supreme branch of government with the power to adjudicate and restrain the legislative branch in the exercise of its obligations regarding impeachment proceedings,” the House of Delegates wrote in its petition to the Supreme Court.

The legislature may have a difficult time convincing the justices to take their case, however. The Supreme Court has generally held that federal courts do not have power to hear guarantee clause cases. What’s more, the justices generally gives state courts the final word on matters of state law.

The West Virginia Supreme Court was beset with instability throughout 2018, after local news investigations and an attendant federal investigation revealed fraudulent activities, dereliction of official duties, and lavish spending on office renovations on the part of the justices.

Two members of the court, Justices Menis Ketchum and Allen Loughry, have since pleaded guilty to public corruption indictments in federal court. Sentencing in both cases is expected later in January. A third justice, Robin Jean Davis, resigned to avoid the prospect of impeachment.

The House of Delegates adopted articles of impeachment against all five members of the panel. Ultimately only one impeachment trial was held in the state Senate, which resulted in an acquittal. Further impeachment proceedings ended after West Virginia’s high court issued its decision barring Workman’s impeachment.

Workman’s response to the legislature’s petition is due by Feb. 11.


592e76  No.4712947

File: 93488bd99775654⋯.png (268.72 KB, 604x724, 151:181, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

How it is in New York.

df772e  No.4712948

Obama, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Chicago Climate Exchange

Judi McLeod Canadian Free Press

“While on the board of a Chicago-based charity, Barack Obama helped fund a carbon trading exchange that will likely play a critical role in the cap-and-trade carbon reduction program he is now trying to push through Congress as president.”

The charity was the Joyce Foundation on whose board of directors Obama served and which gave nearly $1.1 million in two separate grants that were “instrumental in developing and launching the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange, which now calls itself “North America’s only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.”

The “privately-owned” Chicago Climate Exchange is heavily influenced by Obama cohorts Al Gore and Maurice Strong.

For years now Strong and Gore have been cashing in on that lucrative cottage industry known as man-made global warming.

Strong is on the board of directors of the Chicago Climate Exchange. Gore, self-proclaimed Patron Saint of the Environment, buys his carbon off-sets from himself–the Generation Investment Management LLP, “an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 with offices in London and Washington, D.C., of which he is both chairman and founding partner. The Generation Investment Management business has considerable influence over the major carbon credit trading firms that currently exist, including the Chicago Climate Exchange.

Strong, the silent partner, is a man whose name often draws a blank on the Washington cocktail circuit. Even though a former Secretary General of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the much hyped Rio Earth Summit) and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations in the days of an Oil-for-Food beleaguered Kofi Annan, the Canadian born Strong is little known in the United States. That’s because he spends most of his time in China where he has been working to make the communist country the world’s next superpower. The nondescript Strong, nonetheless is the big cheese in the underworld of climate change and is one of the main architects of the failing Kyoto Protocol.

Full credit for the expose on the business partnership of Strong and Gore in the cap-and-trade reduction scheme should go to the investigative acumen of the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR).

45c169  No.4712949

With 2020 presidential election approaching, are there any anons interested in starting a separate thread for oppo research against Trump opponents? Already have quite a bit of dirt on Joe Biden, including a MeToo allegation from a former intern that will likely go public within days of his announcement. Have gathered a decent amount of information on Kamala Harris background. Oppo research moves much quicker when you have numerous people digging on the same person/same topic. Need help.

e62339  No.4712950

File: 93a6ecb6689348a⋯.png (383.39 KB, 1607x754, 1607:754, ClipboardImage.png)

fcfec6  No.4712951

File: 18b579fd837a80e⋯.jpg (90.32 KB, 1520x756, 380:189, PeacockPhoenix.jpg)

File: 13b7c98f41b02e9⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1400x658, 100:47, marsvenusdragon.jpg)

File: 9d8a8a9632c77aa⋯.jpg (48.08 KB, 1114x418, 557:209, Ancient Chinese Sun.jpg)

b96b0f  No.4712952

File: 7b15a0aed5b6d84⋯.png (350.33 KB, 669x476, 669:476, NPD sanpaku felon in the h….png)

File: 87b290e15c78450⋯.png (267.89 KB, 836x513, 44:27, Rabid entitled NPD klepto ….png)

File: b27fcffea62f6fe⋯.png (205.79 KB, 682x483, 682:483, Snarling entitledNPD beta ….png)


Sanpaku eyes

7c3f02  No.4712953

File: 7fe46a4d97c03ff⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 960x540, 16:9, SaggyTU.jpg)

2609e7  No.4712954

dems will use national emergency to confiscate guns, and silence/arrest conservatives

b97359  No.4712955

File: 892135b17a8a3e8⋯.png (460.17 KB, 890x839, 890:839, Screenshot_20190111-044327….png)

37cf90  No.4712956


McCabe is small beer. This was Brennan, Hussein and of course Hillary

26ecbd  No.4712957

File: 57367351a711bab⋯.png (89.47 KB, 615x589, 615:589, Screenshot_2019-01-11 Our ….png)

File: 54a9bd81cede142⋯.png (109.57 KB, 867x1009, 867:1009, Screenshot_2019-01-11 2018….png)

178f4f  No.4712958



I heard you can make a lotta money with sex slaves at ball games. Just sayin…

So you have sports; border patrol; INS; NXIVM; Homeland Security; Secret Service, so far …


Jerry M. Reinsdorf (born February 25, 1936) is a CPA, lawyer and an owner of the NBA's Chicago Bulls and the MLB's Chicago White Sox. He started his professional life as a tax attorney with the Internal Revenue Service. He has been the head of the White Sox and Bulls for over 25 years.

He made his initial fortune in real estate, taking advantage of the Frank Lyon Co. v. United States decision by the United States Supreme Court which allowed economic owners of realty to sell property and lease it back, while transferring the tax deduction for depreciation to the title owner.

As the owner and chairman of the Chicago Bulls since 1985, he has turned the franchise into a lucrative business that won six NBA Championships in the 1990s (1991–1993 and 1996–1998). He is controversial for his involvement (along with Jerry Krause) in breaking up the championship team by not hiring back key personnel such as Phil Jackson and Michael Jordan. He hired Jordan as a baseball player during his sabbatical from basketball. He also moved the Bulls from Chicago Stadium to the United Center.



8b6324  No.4712959


>government jobs and public sector work

TRUE! This is why public unions and government unions make no sense! Recall the air traffic controllers strike back in the day (was that on Reagan's watch?). Empowered by unionization, the ATC believed they could hold the country hostage and get their way with as many wage increases and benefits they were otherwise not entitled to.

In the process of this attempted power grab, they threatened our very economy! Unions should NOT have this kind of power to bring a country to its knees!

500793  No.4712960


This didn't work out so well for them when they did this under Reagan.


>To the chagrin of the strikers, the FAA’s contingency plans worked. Some 3,000 supervisors joined 2,000 nonstriking controllers and 900 military controllers in manning airport towers. Before long, about 80 percent of flights were operating normally. Air freight remained virtually unaffected.

f31328  No.4712962


Statement 1.

Statement 2.

Have no relationship to each other.

5505ff  No.4712963


we have a disclaimer for posting bewbs in global notables.

Our disclaimer for posting JQ content shohld be in global notables too.

only shills shout down people who post JQ info…

and some mossad shills post stupid JQ memes to make us all look like ignorant racists…

its all very telling…. just like ur glowing reaction faggot.

84c4bc  No.4712964


Maybe he's doing it to piss off the MOS agents in Broward and make them show their true colors.

3963c6  No.4712965

File: 7839faacd6040d8⋯.png (303.25 KB, 522x559, 522:559, AQ13.PNG)


Dwayne Johnson Slams ‘Snowflake Generation’: Always ‘Looking for a Reason to Be Offended’

He'd better watch, they might kick him out of the club….

033a0a  No.4712966

File: 0153166840a8259⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 903x516, 7:4, 0153166840a8259d99fdd166e2….jpg)

File: 29bd18b8aa6401a⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 740x531, 740:531, 29bd18b8aa6401a3b9dfeeb7b2….jpg)


Hey look. A panicking clown got triggered.

907978  No.4712967


how cool is that shit?

anons instantly recognized the significance of LP being in London

59d6ba  No.4712968


Amazing innit?

Completely blissfully unaware of the Streisand Effect, in 2019, celebrate the shills Anons, they do half the work for us unwittingly..

37cf90  No.4712969

File: 961fc1158e6cecb⋯.jpeg (783.44 KB, 1155x1172, 1155:1172, 0B4AA6C9-FD70-40E7-8C60-8….jpeg)


Don’t cherry pick the ugly pics, she’s a doll

f31328  No.4712971



c156ed  No.4712972

File: 4687b15fdb59781⋯.png (62.44 KB, 606x542, 303:271, vip adm meets with china.PNG)

File: 6a31a87ba0b0766⋯.png (83.79 KB, 633x602, 633:602, vip admirable.PNG)

Awaiting VIP arrival

What senior US official is arriving in China?


Adm. John Richardson scheduled to meet with Central Military Commission leadership and People's Liberation Army (Navy) (PLA(N)) commander Vice Adm. Shen Jinlong


80b91e  No.4712973


How is working from home for a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court even allowed????

Don't they hear cases?

Don't they take part in witness testimony?

What other people or pieces of information is she getting/using to come up with her decisions while working from home that she wouldn't have gotten had she been at her bench?

305497  No.4712974



I really don't care if they were kids or adolescents, adults getting gay with kids is damaging to them and needs to be severely punished. I call bullshit on this "teen mentoring" the rectal relationship recruiters talk about.

cf61f6  No.4712975

File: fbb3357f211bbf2⋯.jpg (184.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3-6-9.jpg)






3db817  No.4712976


Romney looks sick. He has that gaunt sunken look these days. Something is wrong with him physically.

a01357  No.4712977


Here's the last (((shill))) team type: complete 180 anti spam type whose only goal is to subsume the 'anti' role that anons would do.

In order to tire out 'anon' side of the conversation and assume control, make it look bothersome instead of appealing, and ultimately control THAT side of the conversation too.


d6a4a9  No.4712979

Seriously..Notorious RIP

188232  No.4712980


2003 - 2007

df1b26  No.4712981


Just trying to get viewers for his new gay show

d441c3  No.4712982

File: b5722c3ef404213⋯.png (583.77 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 4F53EEEE-57FE-46AB-9762-2B….png)

File: 4c0bfe83fdb8a35⋯.jpeg (27.33 KB, 453x382, 453:382, 58D2488B-AAD7-4EEF-B508-1….jpeg)

Q Proof: Lisa Page in London


2609e7  No.4712983



be48c3  No.4712984

She's a bunny boiler


f31328  No.4712985


Need to find out if they met with Steele at that time.

592e76  No.4712986


>Don’t cherry pick the ugly pics, she’s a doll

Don't cherry pick headshots, she's a freak.

76bbd7  No.4712987


I worked in companies with unions a couple different times - the stories I could tell ;)

They are corrupt to the core and they ALL tell their members to vote straight Democrat.

3963c6  No.4712988


After lunch i might dig on Hoffa and earlier Union type stuff, unless i find something else.

460137  No.4712989

File: c2e05d722dded85⋯.jpg (512.56 KB, 3576x2492, 894:623, 74002780.jpg)


16 Yrs in the Studio biz

Local 728 Electrician

Union dues back in the 90's

Were $3,500 a year to not be guaranteed a Gig!

When I worked Yes Money was good but that work

Came in small bits!

19 Yrs in Post Production!

Non Union

Made Moar $$$

Unions = EVIL!

b96b0f  No.4712990


She's a sick pig.


8b6324  No.4712991


>unions must play a bigger role in that shift.

I'd be interested in what you mean with this statement.



2a1b1d  No.4712992

File: af294766d5ffef9⋯.png (818.9 KB, 632x784, 79:98, Gov H re AD on TBN Show 1-….PNG)


f0cb52  No.4712993

File: 3e23b95b9b37f16⋯.png (418.93 KB, 879x839, 879:839, Feinstein79.png)

03c036  No.4712994


! vs . as well

This always reminded me of napalm…

Anyway, first booms are 3 soft booms with one loud boom..

Second set is 4 quiet booms

Third is three soft booms

and finally Todays is 4 very loud booms

9d0fa2  No.4712995


Why would anyone care about some guy's opinion? Oh…because acting? That should immediately disqualify him; he's paid to deceive.

6b33ec  No.4712996



Ocasio's "handler"


f31328  No.4712997


He's a MAGA Anon, and you're a division shill. In case you had no self-awareness.

2cd212  No.4712998

Another victory coming soon!


b97359  No.4712999

File: 2475989cc25d230⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 500x455, 100:91, 2qssns_1.jpg)


That pic is old.

80b91e  No.4713000

File: c63d81ab87166df⋯.png (12.89 KB, 486x221, 486:221, ClipboardImage.png)


They worship the evil one!

37cf90  No.4713001


RBG thought the age of consent should be 12 years, perhaps you should get with the common era and loosen up a bit to be on the right side of history, paleobigot.

efcbe2  No.4713002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

She's a two face

188232  No.4713003

File: ced1d5cf6362c68⋯.jpg (152.08 KB, 1400x932, 350:233, RLS74RXBZZBIZIHE7UJAC47PPM.JPG)

It's fucking PIZZA…..

Two years later, cafe owner’s disappearance haunts the ‘Pizza Capital of the World


033a0a  No.4713004


This is what the global rulers fear the most.

That global sheep will unite against them.

This is why they try so hard to divide and rule. "It is never them, it os always some other group of sheep.

946767  No.4713005

File: 140996942af5866⋯.png (507.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, I was just about to post it.

592e76  No.4713006


this is probably


f31328  No.4713007


Easily can substitute "Buried the investigation" for "Failed to investigate".

57ea03  No.4713008

File: b236068d6ae6c79⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 580x384, 145:96, YOU glow.jpg)

9cb4b0  No.4713009

File: 719ee5fbd2c55fc⋯.png (41.87 KB, 763x887, 763:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1675ba6516e384c⋯.png (30.69 KB, 725x574, 725:574, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1291a0c8f81d48d⋯.png (19.02 KB, 734x587, 734:587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d955ac992017030⋯.png (32.54 KB, 748x912, 187:228, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f8d91019763248⋯.png (46.61 KB, 723x726, 241:242, ClipboardImage.png)

The Fed Paid Banks $38.5 Billion in Interest on “Reserves” in 2018, Slickest Annual Wealth-Transfer from Taxpayers to Banks

Normally, this would be ironic: The Fed doesn’t need to borrow; it creates money when it needs some. So it wouldn’t pay interest. But these are not normal times.

The Fed reported its preliminary results this morning for the year 2018. The headline is that it sent $65.4 billion of its profits to the US Treasury Department in 2018, and that this amount had plunged by 18.5% from the remittances, as they’re called, in 2017, and by 44.1% from the peak of $117 billion in 2015.

The Fed earns interest income on the huge pile of securities it holds. After covering operating expenses, interest expenses, and some other items, it is required to remit the rest to the Treasury Department – to the taxpayer.

Therefore, the amounts in interest expense the Fed pays the banks on their “Excess Reserves” and “Required Reserves” comes out of the taxpayer’s pocket and its transferred to the banks to become bank profits, and thereby bank executive bonuses and stock holder dividends, funded by the dear taxpayers. And this amount was huge in 2018: $38.5 billion!

Here is what the Fed reported:

Interest income: $112.3 billion. This is the amount the Fed received in interest payments on the securities it holds, including those acquired as part of QE: Treasury securities, mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) debt securities (the latter is now almost nothing in the grander scheme of things, just $2.4 billion, and down from $169 billion peak in 2010).

The chart below shows the Fed’s combined holdings of Treasury securities, MBS, and GSE debt securities. The QE unwind (which started in October 2017) whittled down the balance of those three types of securities by $392 billion.

The Fed also disclosed:

The payments include two lump-sum payments totaling approximately $3.2 billion, necessary to reduce aggregate Reserve Bank capital surplus to $6.825 billion as required by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Budget Act) and the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (Economic Growth Act).

These are preliminary results, the Fed said. Final results will be released in March after the annual audit of the Fed’s financial statements.



d424ef  No.4713010

File: f239f4c3ae38cac⋯.png (786.13 KB, 1093x1085, 1093:1085, ClipboardImage.png)


ok, this anonfag clearly is up to no good.

How dare they replace Pepe….evil fuckers. Every Qanon knows we will never wear that Mask…..

Consider this comped…waste of space on the hard drive……

ef4396  No.4713011


can the 25th amendment be applite to RBG

or judges ?

b52d04  No.4713012

File: 4b528c778464b55⋯.jpeg (19.78 KB, 255x198, 85:66, D27DB283-66BC-45EC-913C-7….jpeg)


Many that tried to shut Q down have said

Damn this shits legit lemme gets in on it.

8b6324  No.4713013


> tell their members to vote straight Democrat.

They FORCE their members to vote D!

YUGE difference!

df4b6d  No.4713014

File: c904be95acb4891⋯.png (427.19 KB, 601x467, 601:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05365be97e96e90⋯.png (45.88 KB, 624x263, 624:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b66c6d3fe2f9ed9⋯.png (306.08 KB, 593x626, 593:626, ClipboardImage.png)

Who is Donald Trump's 'brilliant genius' nuclear Uncle John?

13 June 2018

While wrapping up his summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-un in Singapore, US President Donald Trump answered a question on denuclearisation by citing a deceased relative.

Mr Trump said denuclearisation would take a "long time", adding that he used to discuss the "complex subject" with his uncle, who was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor.

It is not the first time the president has cited his late uncle to back up his arguments.

The uncle in question, Prof John Trump, passed away in 1985 - but who was he?

What did Trump say?

Mr Trump fielded reporters' questions on Tuesday afternoon in Singapore after his meeting with Mr Kim.

When asked how long it would take to denuclearise the Korean peninsula, the president referred to Prof John Trump.

"Well, I don't know, when you say a long time," the president said. "I think we will do it as fast as it can be done scientifically, as fast as it can be done mechanically.

"It's a 15-year process. Assuming you wanted to do it quickly, I don't believe that.

"I had an uncle who was a great professor for, I believe, 40 years at MIT. And I used to discuss nuclear with him all the time.

"He was a great expert. He was a great, brilliant genius. Dr John Trump at MIT.

"I think he was there 40 years, I was told. In fact, the head of MIT sent me a book on my uncle. But we used to talk about nuclear.

"You're talking about a very complex subject. It's not just like, 'Oh, gee. Let's get rid of the nukes.'"

Image caption Prof Trump was a pioneer in the use of high-voltage energy

Who was Uncle John?

Physicist John Trump was the younger brother of Mr Trump's father, Fred.

John passed away in 1985 at the age of 78, according to an obituary in the New York Times.

He was a professor of engineering at the elite Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 44 years.

According to MIT, Prof Trump focused on high voltage phenomena, electron acceleration and the interaction of radiation with living and non-living matter. He also designed X-ray generators for cancer therapy.

During World War Two, Prof Trump researched radars for the Allies. When legendary physicist Nikola Tesla died in 1943, Prof Trump was asked by the FBI to examine Tesla's papers and equipment.

Prof Trump co-founded a company making generators for use in nuclear research, according to MIT archives.

Image copyright Courtesy of MIT Museum Image caption Prof Trump taught at MIT for 44 years and had been a research associate at the university

His knowledge in the subject has been vaunted by his nephew many times over the years.

During a campaign speech in July 2016, Mr Trump said his uncle "was a great professor and scientist and engineer".

"Nuclear is powerful, my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago," he said.

For the president, Prof Trump also serves as proof of his family's "good genes".

"Dr John Trump at MIT, good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart," Mr Trump said in that same campaign speech.

"If I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world."

A 2016 New Yorker article pointed out at least five instances where Mr Trump referenced his family's gene pool via Uncle John.

Mr Trump has also talked up his genes on Twitter.


9d0fa2  No.4713015

File: 1d06b67e7e1408c⋯.png (1.35 MB, 2800x1483, 2800:1483, ClipboardImage.png)








4ad8c1  No.4713016



Washing post bashes YouTube

Mentions qanon conspiracy theories

aa0fa6  No.4713017

LAanon here. One of my co-workers brother in law was training the rookie cop who got killed. I'm not sure what is being reported and won't have time to dig til later but he says it was domestic abuse. She was gonna leave ol dude so he killed her. He gave some bullshit story about a drive by. It didn't activate my almonds. We are about 5 hours from N.O., so I doubt POTUS visit is related.

188232  No.4713018



Robert Baron, the owner of Ghigiarelli’s — the pioneer of the Old Forge style of pizza — has not been seen since January 2017. Signs point to an early morning struggle with robbers in the shop

5505ff  No.4713019


whatever happened to them doxxing Q amd destroying the movement??

CIAnonymous is retarded. fake and gay. Rather watch infowars.

3c45f3  No.4713020


Sandy before, AOC after

36d37a  No.4713021

Q is so much like a drug deal

hurry up and wait

ef4396  No.4713022


can the 25th amendment be applied to RBG

or judges ?

f127cb  No.4713023

File: 88feb71106c2361⋯.png (764.78 KB, 777x433, 777:433, capture.PNG)

Amazon Ring Security Cameras Present Oxymoron

Your unencrypted and unprotected Ring video stream is openly available to Ring staffers in Ukraine, and to others who can discover your email address. Technocrats have no ethical boundaries or concern for the rights of others when it comes to data. ⁃ TN Editor

The “Smart Home” of the 21st century isn’t just supposed to be a monument to convenience, we’re told, but also to protection, a Tony Stark-like bubble of vigilant algorithms and internet-connected sensors working ceaselessly to watch over us. But for some who’ve welcomed in Amazon’s Ring security cameras, there have been more than just algorithms watching through the lens, according to sources alarmed by Ring’s dismal privacy practices.


26ecbd  No.4713024


oh yeah sure he is.

lets see what he does about Rick Scott's jew sponsored gun grab.

5e8352  No.4713025

File: 477545a1b3750cf⋯.jpeg (911.71 KB, 2376x1558, 1188:779, B40712A3-9750-416D-B2F4-0….jpeg)

9d0fa2  No.4713026


Nah, she's safe and sound in one of those new geriatric rooms at GITMO.

c8b2a5  No.4713027

File: 933e19d44a971aa⋯.jpeg (432.46 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, 1539179589.jpeg)

efcbe2  No.4713028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bugger that was for >>4712969

b4d30c  No.4713029

Robotic dildo barred from top tech showcase, prompting sexism claims



d9a537  No.4713030

Wow, it is pretty clear that Mueller has an obstruction of justice case going on Trump.


3963c6  No.4713031


I'm clueless on the guy, enlighten me.

8b6324  No.4713032


ThanQ Anon!


2a1b1d  No.4713033

File: ab39a34f420f441⋯.png (36.66 KB, 639x338, 639:338, LG re Wall 1-11-19 10 42 ….PNG)

Just met with President @realDonaldTrump and his team.

It’s clear to both of us that Democrats don’t want to make a deal and will never support border wall/barriers.


d5469f  No.4713034


If you're pretty, I can help with that. Kek.

2a3990  No.4713035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4712049 (LB)

>>4712117 (LB)

Here's the YT vid which contains your clip.

Go to 5:47.

95a24f  No.4713036

File: ced10f75a8fcaf0⋯.png (607.89 KB, 500x625, 4:5, jewsreallydo.png)

1445ca  No.4713037

File: b9efbef592ec2b1⋯.jpg (194.15 KB, 800x600, 4:3, shit post.jpg)

59d6ba  No.4713038

File: db1deb611fd5329⋯.png (580.47 KB, 1724x482, 862:241, jews2.PNG)

File: 88a1e855c7030cf⋯.png (612.51 KB, 801x380, 801:380, jewsoyvey'd2.PNG)

File: ee1a13303ae65ef⋯.png (12.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, jewpepe.png)

File: 1cf7e7067878a5d⋯.jpeg (15.97 KB, 166x255, 166:255, jewscalp.jpeg)

File: ae07735ccc518e4⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 893x884, 893:884, jewfinch.jpg)

>> 4712966

Lame pre-kindergarten tier memes aside, we owe you homokikepedoshills a sincere thank you for shedding even more light on the JQ thru your constant Oy Vey'ing & Kvetching on the board, you've redpilled thousands of newfags on jewish subversion & supremacy & most now will pressure govt to remove dual citizen kikes from Senate & Congress.

(((You))) are done, gas & ovens coming

2d0e60  No.4713039

File: df8f2284575e05c⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CNNsnubsKUSI.mp4)

CNN snubs KUSI over wall. Nothing negative to say about the wall there.

79ddf9  No.4713040


I was just thinking about that scene a few minutes ago. Haven't seen it in years. It just popped into my head.

95b247  No.4713041

File: c9060c47587f644⋯.png (39.77 KB, 599x177, 599:177, ClipboardImage.png)


5505ff  No.4713042


we make useful idiots out of them.

The few people I’ve brought over to this board instantly noticed the shilling whenever (((they))) came up and it i stantly red pilled them to the JQ.

(((They))) really are stupid.

749037  No.4713043


How is that fair to people who have paid their student debt off and their credit cards?

That's not happening. Noone forced you to sign the dotted line. Noone forced you to live past your means.

87f5e1  No.4713044

>>4712270 (lb)

We need #ProofOfLife. How do we know it's really her making rulings?

e5ca72  No.4713045


So ground all civilian aircraft and we will have fresh air again

Like we did when they didn’t fly after 9-11

b4d30c  No.4713046

File: add8048ffc2288e⋯.jpg (186.5 KB, 634x418, 317:209, shpost.jpg)

3963c6  No.4713047


Really i was just posting it for the shitposters.

188232  No.4713048


If you research, you'll see Dwayne fell out of the spotlight between 2003 and 2007. He left wrestling for Hollywood and fell off after several B movies. He transformed himself and became a celebrity shortly after the 4 year dip. Some think he's brain washed, clone, I think he's just comped and spend those years ding whatever it is these satan ball lickers do to get into the cuck..I mean club.

90f1ee  No.4713049


What are the odds that every 1950's sci-fi movie producer had the exact same rocket design. What a foretelling, lol.

80b91e  No.4713050

File: 123d27f8ff7a4b1⋯.png (35.94 KB, 716x387, 716:387, ClipboardImage.png)

My money is on REID next after RBG, maybe even before.

9d0fa2  No.4713051


>How do we know it's really her making rulings?

You don't and it ain't.

946767  No.4713052

File: 1dbf400033e1097⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

df4b6d  No.4713053

File: 1e7bffb41129efb⋯.png (455.83 KB, 556x576, 139:144, ClipboardImage.png)

6b33ec  No.4713054


Apparently they found Q's UID & it changed their minds.

b96b0f  No.4713055

>>4711952 (lb)

What does this vampire have to show for 50 years at our necks? She's just pissed because DJT is ending her crime spree. Thank You, President Trump!

178f4f  No.4713056


all last bread

DAVID V AGUILAR from Sperry twat;

look at the players!


swamp creature all the way, still active:


>>4712621 PART 1






2609e7  No.4713057


hmmm I don't want any of that. I just want to keep Socialists away from my family.

b97359  No.4713058

File: ffacb1102903120⋯.jpg (42 KB, 500x350, 10:7, 2qqa2x_1_1.jpg)

Don't be surprised.

7c3f02  No.4713059


Sounds so…socialistic.

3dcbf7  No.4713060

File: 1538ea1f8a7eb9e⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1536x1620, 128:135, Compassion and Mercy.jpg)

“In Me is the compassion that blooms from intimacy with Me, for as time is spent with the One who loves you, I am able to pour water from My wells of compassion into your well even as I give increase to your understanding in Me.

In My Presence is great joy, for it is in My Presence where I am able to reveal facets of Love that are life to you and are life changing. I am your Life, and I bring increase to your understanding concerning your life in Me and of the greatness of My love and My mercy. There's a place in Me, a place so to speak, where closeness, you and Me, is so sure and where the roots run deep so that I can easily stir you to compassion, enabling My mercy to touch the lives of many. Many will cry out for this mercy in the days ahead, and I desire a people whose time spent with Me turns into fervent effectual prayer that avails much for those whom your hearts burn for and for whom I use you in prayer.

The more compassion you allow Me to work in you, the more fervent and effectual your prayer is. Those times of pouring your love out to Me are times when the roots go deeper and where vision increases so that your seeing is more like Mine, and your heart is fine-tuned to Mine.

When you are moved with compassion, it is because I am. When your heart resounds with mercy, it is because Mine does. When your heart stirs with faith, it is because Mine does, and so it is with love as we become more like minded about Heavenly things, and your flow with My Spirit becomes more natural. These are the things that are being increased in times of intimacy with Me - hearts being knit with Mine in compassion, being increased in My love and My mercy. It is My mercy that makes the blind to see, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the maimed to be made whole. You will see a great reach of My mercy and great moves of My Spirit for you to walk in, in the days ahead.

With all my Love,”


59d6ba  No.4713061

File: 641da8ae1d1f108⋯.png (719.19 KB, 594x687, 198:229, ClipboardImage.png)

188232  No.4713062


I'd of sworn I wrote that, I agree with it so much.

8b6324  No.4713063

File: d8746d1aa349254⋯.png (71.44 KB, 214x159, 214:159, Zbro.png)


(pls. disregard the originator of the graphic)

Faces don't lie!

Pictured is MZ's lil bro and his REAL dad.

COMPARE to Greenberg tree above.


c5c96d  No.4713064


Notice the sagging one eye. They are everywhere.

5366bf  No.4713065


26ecbd  No.4713066


but he's a good guy


cf61f6  No.4713067

File: 0b2119757b1b888⋯.png (3.53 MB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, 9qq72va8rskz.png)





>plus ultra

>future belongs to us

not aware of this?

2d0e60  No.4713068


Name one.

c8da3c  No.4713069


Arab countries operate all of America's ports and traffick WMD and children through them.


No Federal Reserve, no problem.

662b7c  No.4713070

File: 6d39522c475a64b⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



And ties back to…

Alex Jones

Such a wicked web we weave…

They are backpedaling from statements made after threat of a lawsuit

SB2 decodes were mental oatmeal

f127cb  No.4713071

File: 116b21b7ced9f95⋯.png (471.89 KB, 615x442, 615:442, capture.PNG)


Farewell to the man who invented 'climate change’

To this day, global climate policy is still shaped by the agenda of Maurice Strong, a Canadian multimillionaire

A very odd thing happened last weekend. The death was announced of the man who, in the past 40 years, has arguably been more influential on global politics than any other single individual. Yet the world scarcely noticed.

Had it not been for this man, we would not last week have seen 150 heads of government joining 40,000 delegates in Paris for that mammoth climate conference: the 21st such get-together since, in 1992, he masterminded the Rio “Earth Summit”, the largest political gathering in history. Yet few people even know his name.


907978  No.4713072



unclear who they met with, could've been Steele, Downer, or others

e84e27  No.4713073









Good try.

80b91e  No.4713074


Just playing devil's advocate here…

Could LG be pushing POTUS into a possible trap??

c8b2a5  No.4713075

File: d143ddefcabcfc5⋯.jpeg (149.19 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1533338883.jpeg)

2a1b1d  No.4713076

File: 6de8d751d56a088⋯.png (64.16 KB, 652x619, 652:619, LG re Wall 1-11-19 10 45 ….PNG)


Mr. President, Declare a national emergency NOW.

Build a wall NOW.


638e94  No.4713077


Keep eyes on Sherrod Brown if you do. It's the non-clickbait names with stealth maneuvers.

b4d30c  No.4713078

File: a00669b5dabedd0⋯.jpg (61.32 KB, 648x434, 324:217, GreenburgFamily.jpg)

88757e  No.4713079

File: 6f5bb3b74f2e632⋯.jpg (176.74 KB, 1504x1140, 376:285, Capture 33.JPG)


RGB to be in next season's Dancing with the Stars!

f0cb52  No.4713080


There will be a lot of Roe v. Wade questions – but they will have to be very careful not to openly discriminate on the basis of religion. They will try to walk the line that her protected religious beliefs have in the past and will in the future unduly influence her judicial rulings and therefore she is unfit. Of course, they will fail.

5b812a  No.4713081

File: 2929f8f65ad734d⋯.png (929.25 KB, 1600x577, 1600:577, jppe.png)

9cb4b0  No.4713082

File: f55944216f5429e⋯.png (73.16 KB, 733x822, 733:822, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83620e084435e89⋯.png (52.56 KB, 735x598, 735:598, ClipboardImage.png)

Couple Convicted of Forcing Young, West African Girl to Labor in Their Southlake, Texas, Home for 16 Years


d67a48  No.4713083


You have to be smarter than the profs and know what you are doing. Frankly, most people are not college material and most of these colleges should be eliminated along with the federal student loan program, which causes massive tuition inflation, enables libtard schools, and indentures the student borrowers - after taxes.

460137  No.4713084

File: db961aa61265fcf⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 517x326, 517:326, e2b7abc8-9126-4775-831c-aa….jpg)



Let U.S. Send Sandy Cortez a Nice "Bon Voyage"

For her 15 minutes are running!

Has Nothing to bring to Society!

Cute Face & No Substance is in no way a basis

for Leading!

Let Sandy Fade into the Sunset!

bab17d  No.4713085

File: cf6a1958360748c⋯.png (974.12 KB, 1039x546, 1039:546, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0bd8578ad2c9e0⋯.png (48.68 KB, 652x844, 163:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Immigration loophole OK’d 8,686 child marriages, some children just 14

Washington Secrets

Report: Immigration loophole OK’d 8,686 child marriages, some children just 14

by Paul Bedard

| January 11, 2019 09:15 AM

Print this article


Sign up for Washington Secrets

A huge loophole in Washington’s messy immigration laws has paved the way for over 8,000 child marriages, mostly to girls brought in from outside the country, including 14-year-olds, according to a new Senate report released Friday morning. In one case, a 71-year-old won a visa for a 17-year-old from Guatemala, according to the bipartisan report from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Reform Committee chaired by Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson.

The report, the product of a year-long investigation, puts attention on a quirk in policies that promote child marriages and trafficking in the U.S. at a time when the State Department is fighting child marriages overseas. It also shines a light on the complicated and sometimes contradictory web of immigration laws that President Trump and some in Congress are trying to rewrite and reform. “U.S. law and U.S. Department of State policy aim to prevent and reduce the risks of child marriages occurring around the world, yet major loopholes in U.S. law have allowed thousands of minors to be subjected to child marriages,” the committee’s report said. “Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, a U.S. child may petition for a visa for a spouse or fiance living in another country, and a U.S. adult may petition for a visa for a minor spouse or fiance living abroad,” it stated.

In total, the committee estimated that over the past 11 years, mostly under the Obama era, 8,686 visas for child spouses or fiances were approved. “In 95 percent of the cases, the younger person was a girl,” said the report. Many were from Latin America. And overall, more than 3 million of the spousal and fiance visas were OK'd over that time.

The report has shocked many. Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton tweeted, "Horrifying: 'US approved thousands of child bride requests.' Yet, not surprising that our immigration system is complicit in supporting #childmarriage." In 48 states, this abhorrent practice is legal. #GirlsNotBrides ⁦@UnchainedAtLast⁩ https://t.co/jHAxMIxYxd

Some of those seeking visas were older citizens, others were to very young citizens seeking to bring their spouses into the U.S., including those who were forced into marriage overseas and encouraged to bring their spouses to America. Said the report, “USCIS awarded petitions to people with significant age differences, including a 71-year-old U.S. citizen’s petition for a 17-year-old spouse from Guatemala and a 14-year-old’s petition for a 48-year-old spouse from Jamaica. USCIS approved 149 petitions involving a minor with an adult spouse or fiance who was more than 40 years old.” In one case, the committee spoke with a U.S. citizen forced to marry her first cousin during a family vacation to Pakistan. “USCIS approved her petition for a spousal immigration benefit for her cousin when she was 13-years-old after she returned to the United States. She is just one of the thousands of U.S. women and girls forced into a child marriage involving the U.S. immigration system,” said the report, titled, “How the U.S. Immigration System Encourages Child Marriages.” Getting a visa for a spouse or fiance requires an approval from State and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The government does not require parental consent even if the petition for a visa is made by a minor.

According to the report, “Over the last eleven years (FY2007 to FY2017), USCIS approved 3,595,447 petitions for spousal or fiance entry into the United States. Of those, 8,686 involved a minor. Two minors whose petitions were approved were 13 years old (and later rejected), 38 were 14 years old, 269 were 15 years old, 1,768 were 16 years old, and the remaining 6,609 were 17 years old.”


How the U.S. Immigration System Encourages Child Marriages

ttps://www.hsgac.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Child Marriage staff report 1 9 2019 EMBARGOED.pdf

b52d04  No.4713086

File: a283f20e48ab505⋯.jpeg (105.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 691B5642-A0D3-49C8-8154-3….jpeg)


She’s very animated and expressive when she talks too.

Bet she’s a screamer and wild in the sac!


e84e27  No.4713087


Watcha doin rabbi?

For Fucks sake - get a new topic.

95a24f  No.4713088

File: 0c8ac9fae4214c1⋯.png (1 MB, 473x826, 473:826, gtfoshillbusyjew.png)

1445ca  No.4713089

File: 6c58d9d6f488bb1⋯.jpg (83.33 KB, 288x360, 4:5, That's Neat!.jpg)


you clever bastard…that my meme…now used against me…me tinks I'm being tracked

174710  No.4713090


I wonder if hes behind the Georgia Guidestones

3963c6  No.4713091


Yeah, that's the obvious parts, i thought you may have had something more to him. Alluded to this in my post. Thanks, though

28277b  No.4713092

File: 07ccf0289525094⋯.jpg (139.21 KB, 1000x952, 125:119, 1545969877.jpg)


Is that the first blue castle q drop?

Seen blue metal before…..

7c3f02  No.4713093


More like Dancing with the Demons!

4ac718  No.4713094

File: 2961672dffe324f⋯.jpg (266.82 KB, 1055x282, 1055:282, Screen Shot 01-11-19 at 06….JPG)

11:25 GMT

EU’s army chiefs work to boost bloc’s military capabilities – official

The European Union’s top military official has said work is continuing with EU army chiefs to come up with proposals aimed at enhancing the bloc’s military capabilities. EU Military Committee Chairman Claudio Graziano said there’s “a lot of expectation” about what the EU can do in defense matters. He says projects like military mobility can connect the far reaches of Europe, to counter common threats, AP reports. Graziano was speaking on Friday after talks with Cyprus’ National Guard Chief Ilias Leontaris in Nicosia. Graziano acknowledged the challenges the east Mediterranean island nation faces with migrant inflows. Leontaris said strengthened cooperation is essential because remnants of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) may take advantage of the migration crisis to infiltrate terrorists into Europe.


The last sentence is priceless. The CIA created ISIS as a weapon for regime change, and lionised their PR department by giving the white helmets an oscar. But these are monsters who were never going to stay under control, just like the mujahadin, taliban and al qaeda, they will turn on their masters. They have said repeatedly that they are using migrants as cover to infiltrate Europe. As for the 'migrant crisis', when will NATO/eu boneheads admit that thei unjustified, unprovoked and illegal destruction of country after country are the cause of this tsunami?

d9a537  No.4713095

Wow, did POTUS know that when he fired Comey he was opening up an opportunity for mcabe to open an obstruction of justice case since he was interim acting director?

04448c  No.4713096

File: c4ee65a1c3c1d9e⋯.png (192.5 KB, 512x384, 4:3, c4ee65a1c3c1d9ef91216d1435….png)



Does anyone here remember JFK getting questioned about being Catholic and running for President?


a01357  No.4713097


human trafficking has DEEP roots in middle east.

1445ca  No.4713098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boom Boom (Out Go The Lights)

77199a  No.4713099


Just a dash of of Blue and you get White …

038e02  No.4713100

File: 47a6c85c5ba2efd⋯.jpg (71.58 KB, 864x884, 216:221, 292eeb4a9f0f610d7aa46a232d….jpg)

Some of you guise might remember this Mendocino County, California story shared here back in March 2018. Here's an update, and it seems even stranger than I remember it being before. Was this a cult? How many mothers were there? Why did it take months for the biological mother to find out? This sounds fucked up on so many levels. I think my brain melted a little while trying to follow this story.



Hannah Hart was one of six children presumed dead after the Hart family SUV went over a cliff in >>>March 2018<<< in the area of Juan Creek and North Highway 1, just north of Westport.

In >>>October of 2018<<<, a woman who identified herself as the mother of Markis, Abigail, and Hannah Hart contacted the MCSO and indicated she had heard of this incident via a family member.

The traffic collision in March initially resulted in authorities declaring >>>parents Jennifer and Sarah Hart<<<, both 38, and children Markis Hart, 19, Jeremiah Hart, 14, and Abigail Hart, 14, dead.

6b33ec  No.4713101



3db817  No.4713102


These stories play with words. She had a Lobectomy to remove an entire part of her lung - not just “two nodules”. This is done when nodules are too large, cancerous, and can’t be resected or just cut out. There are state of the art less invasive procedures like EBUS or DaVinci robotics to just remove nodules on frail 85 year olds.


59d6ba  No.4713103


Chuck Schumer

35f564  No.4713104

Any updates on Satan, ooops, I mean that feckless cunt named RBG?

ef4396  No.4713105


timing of death -> Newtons law of Cooling

This can be determined. So they will probably

cremate her fast ? Like [AS] ?

To hide her timing of death and PRETEND she is alive ready to make a decision on the wall or some other decision.

033a0a  No.4713106

File: c90b53b494a5e4c⋯.jpeg (185.36 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, c90b53b494a5e4c4a1c100835….jpeg)


Yep. Jews like jared, ivanka, horowitz and mnuchin who are digging a grave for your cabal paymasters.

495b2c  No.4713107


Don't think so, Anon.

That little shit has come around a lot since NoName left.

95a24f  No.4713108

File: 313167aaa4b7524⋯.png (207.98 KB, 336x411, 112:137, goyimslaves.png)

8b6324  No.4713109

File: 95d44e23e2d980a⋯.jpg (144.75 KB, 1051x788, 1051:788, Gberg kids 2.jpg)

File: a420b7adf56237c⋯.jpg (51.46 KB, 680x526, 340:263, OcCortz.jpg)


Correct! AOC's mom was/is their maid- name ChiChi.

Check the family tree to place her in the family

b4d30c  No.4713110

File: 53da675f442f2e4⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 410x307, 410:307, 66988bdd7e447a890699b5321e….jpg)

df4b6d  No.4713111

File: 19824c149ded2e6⋯.png (92.03 KB, 793x651, 793:651, ClipboardImage.png)


trange Looking ‘Tesla Tower’ In Texas Aims To Transmute Electricity Wirelessly

The Facts:Viziv Technologies have erected a tower in Milford, Texas that bears a striking resemblance to Tesla’s Wardenclyffe tower. The new tower aims to send wireless electricity across the world for all.

Reflect On:Have we already had the technologies to change our energy systems for centuries? Is their a coverup? What is holding it back now? Are we ready as a society to truly accept collaborative and peaceful technologies?

Is it possible to transmit electricity wirelessly? Some claim yes, that this type of technology was not only utilized in ancient times, like in Egypt for example but also by 19th-century scientists and mystic Nikola Tesla.


a1da44  No.4713112


It is disgusting what you have to go through each time to fly and the inconsistencies with each airport across the USA and internationally is pure bullshit. I am so TIRED of being touched by one of them even after a full body scan. STOP treating average innocent AMERICANS trying to take trips like criminals and lock the m-f'in real ones up.

ef4396  No.4713113


[AS] no autopsy

b96b0f  No.4713114


Criminal all the way through and too dumb to keep it up.

b97359  No.4713115


Cute face you must have low expectations.

Bitch is ugly.

d9a537  No.4713116

File: 9533f13d0d8ca2b⋯.png (57.84 KB, 720x407, 720:407, Screenshot_20190111-124723….png)

Wow, did POTUS know that when he fired Comey he was opening up an opportunity for mcabe to open an obstruction of justice case since he was interim acting director?

92ded0  No.4713117


and they never found the little boy….

95a24f  No.4713118

File: a40e5427e6abb86⋯.png (431.94 KB, 750x500, 3:2, goyimknow0033.png)

033a0a  No.4713119

File: f3f6c9f7fec83b3⋯.png (9.55 KB, 255x167, 255:167, bf4e5c7bac04cdd99955f03a0d….png)

2a1b1d  No.4713120


>She’s very animated and expressive when she talks too.

>Bet she’s a screamer and wild in the sac!


We know you are on the libtard payroll trying to make it seem like anons support this socialist dunce

10a587  No.4713121

26ecbd  No.4713122


>visiting county judge found the state's online impersonation statute unconstitutional,

now that would be interesting to see who that was.

sniff. sniff.

the headline of course is written by a jew, or a lawyer, or both: what is worse, "creating fake sex-for-hire adds" or "calling someone 200 times in a night and threatening to kill them"?

right. rape is sexual assault. member that.

9d0fa2  No.4713123

File: 739137e5b84697c⋯.png (153.2 KB, 300x233, 300:233, ClipboardImage.png)


She's not dead, she's sleeping.

638e94  No.4713124

File: be672c330152b7e⋯.jpeg (485.46 KB, 1242x1788, 207:298, 559BA30E-6D04-4DF5-AD85-5….jpeg)


Don't forget this Barry sports conference that was hush hush hush


8f18da  No.4713125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b4d30c  No.4713126

File: 206d6ede0fec183⋯.png (206.59 KB, 591x578, 591:578, 206d6ede0fec183fb728ec05c6….png)

0e5519  No.4713127

Shifting north magnetic pole forces unprecedented navigation fix

Rapid shifts in the Earth's north magnetic pole are forcing researchers to make an unprecedented early update to a model that helps navigation by ships, planes and submarines in the Arctic, scientists said.

Compass needles point towards the north magnetic pole, a point which has crept unpredictably from the coast of northern Canada a century ago to the middle of the Arctic Ocean, moving towards Russia.

"It's moving at about 50 km (30 miles) a year. It didn't move much between 1900 and 1980 but it's really accelerated in the past 40 years," Ciaran Beggan, of the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh, told Reuters on Friday.


a4947b  No.4713128


f'ing kek! that's my Governor baby.

c8b2a5  No.4713129

File: b6e99fd1e6bac20⋯.jpeg (134.94 KB, 1440x847, 1440:847, 1528513076.jpeg)

d441c3  No.4713130

File: abe0740a8a203c9⋯.jpeg (589.93 KB, 750x1293, 250:431, A34AD6A5-33BE-4E23-9484-8….jpeg)

File: 0cfd58c159dc374⋯.jpeg (397.13 KB, 750x1294, 375:647, 9D63A04E-BCB5-4C7D-90F5-7….jpeg)

fomer senior Australian diplomat has found himself penniless, struggling to find work and charged with grooming a child for sex after allegedly posting a 'schoolboys wanted' advertisement.

John Cornelius Finnin, 63, is facing six charges stemming from the post on Craiglist in April 2018, including using a carriage service to procure and groom a child under 16 for sex, and possession of child abuse material.


ef4396  No.4713131



timing of death -> Newtons law of Cooling

This can be determined. So they will probably

cremate her fast ? Like [AS] ?

To hide her timing of death and PRETEND she is alive ready to make a decision on the wall or some other decision.

37cf90  No.4713132


There’s not much chance of Being able to pretend she’s alive until end of 2020, so buying a month or two with a “weekend at Bernie’s op” isn’t going to matter.

95a24f  No.4713133

File: 1b288983d7bbb08⋯.png (579.1 KB, 702x395, 702:395, expel 010.png)

fde3ff  No.4713134

File: 6716bc0cdbb8f3e⋯.jpg (498.59 KB, 1080x1072, 135:134, 2019-01-11_13.39.40.jpg)



It's not just War drummer tho. Both of the people who read SB2 post about Kate Mazz retracted & won't read for him now. He's got some low energy slouch named "And we know" reading his hokis pokis on YT. I watched the latest one and he's getting killed in the comments. He's got no one to blame but himself. He ruined that woman's life after she saved GEOTUS. Face Palm times infinity

Weeping angel project came out hard. Everyone's jumping ship


660c4d  No.4713135


did she do a porno under the stage name "Ruby Ridge" ?

2b1233  No.4713136

File: 79b8854c91f1d64⋯.png (403.38 KB, 708x524, 177:131, 20190111_135036.png)

The left doesn't want a physical wall. Fine.

Can we place permanent versions of these every so often on the border with motion detectors?

5b812a  No.4713137

File: 895588ad370e1c6⋯.png (423.24 KB, 917x642, 917:642, return.png)

033a0a  No.4713138

File: f17bd51dec3c7f4⋯.jpeg (237.81 KB, 1200x1121, 1200:1121, f17bd51dec3c7f454ced06969….jpeg)

File: 25cf426cac4d855⋯.png (8.3 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 0b05a4d6ec3113bae188303b8c….png)





Muhjew keyword usage intensifies.

134d97  No.4713139


Wall being built - hell or high water will be announced soon.

Trade deal US-CHINA


Human trafficking law recently passed. (Couldn’t think of a fourth upcoming event except maybe Mueller poof).

10a587  No.4713140


should shop a lil pepe in the ash hanging on the end there

a01357  No.4713141


racially motivated. The point in it partially is breaking down the 'barrier' and giving these shits ideas about pushing 'overtone' window.

combine with DISGUSTING amount of anti-white propaganda and pornography flooding the net?


These fuckers need to be dragged out in the streets and shot in the back of the head.

human traffickers. LIARS. SCUM.

a590a3  No.4713142

File: e2eca83a9370ddc⋯.png (319.05 KB, 838x478, 419:239, Crispr 2.PNG)

I think RBG is the Senior US Official on her way to China.


CRISPR Technology (Gene editing) which includes the CRISPR casTLE- pic related- where the DNA is represented as going from green to red.

RBG is attempting to MUTATE IN ORDER TO STAY on the SC just to spite POTUS.

9b8e98  No.4713143


Thank you.. i was trying so hard to remember who it was. I saw that twat and thought it was strange. Good find, anon. I was trying to remember..


8f18da  No.4713144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

95a24f  No.4713145

File: aa10e627befd267⋯.png (100.85 KB, 361x406, 361:406, guy.png)

3963c6  No.4713146

Stacey Abrams met yesterday with Chuck Schumer and DSCC chair Catherine Cortez Masto to discuss a possible U.S. Senate run in 2020


043084  No.4713147


Why is that surprising and why would that implicate Reid?

Don't get me wrong, Reid is a crook.

But its easy for him to claim he was duped by Brennan.

b4d30c  No.4713148


Think it was Booty Ridge

8b6324  No.4713149



bab17d  No.4713150


They are in for a rude awakening, imho.

723beb  No.4713151

The job of any justice of the SC is to make decisions based upon the U.S. Constitution, not personal religious beliefs.

f0cb52  No.4713152


BabyBoomerAnon here… No questions I remember from TV or newspapers (and I did read newspapers back then, but everyone I heard discussing the Presidential election that year talked about (1) JFK being Catholic and (2) his father made his fortune running illegal booze.

Catholic priests in the area were giving homilies supporting JFK.

8f18da  No.4713154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


pepperoni nipples

7c3f02  No.4713155


If not exact, looks pretty damn close.

998248  No.4713156


LG is a pussified beta. Dudes like him NEED strong masculine men to push them around and tell them what to do. NoName is gone. Lindsey is now free to flap his gums but he has no power of influence over POTUS.

POTUS is baiting the D's with these meetings and negotiations. He knows they won't agree to the wall. They can't. He's simply setting up the context for declaring the national security emergency. Its coming. Then he will be able to say that he tried to negotiate with them but they were unreasonable, and he gets to blame them for it.

26ecbd  No.4713157

File: c8c8fbcbaf15c18⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 3857b5a8a85fc3e24f392f2832….jpg)

e5ca72  No.4713158


Magnetic N is off by a few degrees

Not in the middle of the Atlantic….buy a compass

662b7c  No.4713160



Should get out ahead of their narrative

2b2a6d  No.4713161


that highlighted girl does not look like AOC

188232  No.4713162



a42afa  No.4713163


Realize taht the rapiscans at the airport are also mm wave tech.

9cb4b0  No.4713164

File: 3fdf9f0a67d5709⋯.png (650.14 KB, 600x449, 600:449, ClipboardImage.png)

California church draws backlash for sign: ‘Bruce Jenner is still a man’

A Northern California church sparked outrage over a sign that read: “Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still sin. The culture may change. The Bible does not."

Caitlyn Jenner is formerly known as Bruce and revealed in 2015 that she is transgender and has become a woman.

The church, Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church, is located in Lake Shastina, Calif., which is about an hours’ drive from the Oregon border.

Protesters gathered in front of the church on Sunday to denounce what they called “hate and slander” and to “show our love and support for the LGBT community,” according to a Facebook page that organized the event.


Justin Hoke, the church’s pastor, wrote on Facebook Wednesday that the sign’s Plexiglass had been destroyed and the letters had been stolen.

The protesters denied having destroyed the sign, The Sacramento Bee reported. Hoke posted a picture on his Facebook Thursday of the sign back up with plaster covering the letters, writing: “It’s not pretty, but it’s back up.”

Hoke later wrote on Facebook: “If a conservative mountain farming community is no longer a safe place to call sin, sin, then is anywhere in this country still safe for real Christians?” according to The Siskiyou Daily News.

Another protest against the church’s sign is planned for this Sunday, according to the organizer’s Facebook page.


f127cb  No.4713165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Notice the part where he says you will have to have a license to have kids

Maurice Strong Interview (BBC, 1972)

88ff93  No.4713166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7801a9  No.4713167

File: 37b07b268069ae9⋯.png (198.48 KB, 546x669, 182:223, downloadfile-4.png)

d34ed4  No.4713169

File: 7d45be817db2e6d⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 500x488, 125:122, stacey abrams.jpg)

ef4396  No.4713170


RBG and 25th Amendment ?

Is there a live tv link up to the supreme court ?

there should be. How do you know she is making these decisions ?

2cfd90  No.4713171



Q didn’t drop Blue Castle. He said Red Castle and Green Castle in the drop that reposted the RBG drop. Anons pulled Blue Castle from RBG initials.

e5ca72  No.4713172


Artic…..fukken auto correct

946767  No.4713173

File: 586f388582cc4c8⋯.png (35.07 KB, 579x528, 193:176, ClipboardImage.png)



At what point is it mathematically impossible?

The very next day.

Red Castle.

Green Castle.

Public access to intel?



74b0ea  No.4713174


lawsuits inbound

df4b6d  No.4713175

File: 5140cbaabd280e6⋯.png (270.48 KB, 628x464, 157:116, ClipboardImage.png)

9d0fa2  No.4713176



Seriously, though, I think she's in GITMO (or comparable facility.)


The good guys don't have to reveal this. They get more time by having it not revealed.

The bad guys would try to hide it lest the population suddenly know Trump gets a new judge - always bad for them. So, they make up stories about RBG - broken ribs, semi-lung-ectomy, cancer fine, etc.

So I think we're seeing a strategic game of poker going on. White hats hold all the cards in multiple dimensions. Bad guys clawing for dear life.

Best movie ever.

8b6324  No.4713177


ThanQ shill!


You are a blind man, aren't you. <rhetorical

c8b2a5  No.4713178

File: f2d1bb4b2e7cba1⋯.jpeg (74.86 KB, 1065x807, 355:269, 1547232182.jpeg)

9b8e98  No.4713179

File: 6ef3614801d7cc5⋯.jpg (841.35 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190111-125516….jpg)


Also, isn't kim jong un there??


d424ef  No.4713180

File: c67f978fd14e5d4⋯.png (481.29 KB, 699x902, 699:902, ClipboardImage.png)


SEATTLE – A Seattle TV station has fired an editor after airing video footage of President Donald Trump's Oval Office address on immigration that appears to be altered.

FOX affiliate Q13 broadcast video from the Tuesday night speech that showed a more orange-toned Trump with his tongue hanging out languidly from his mouth after making a statement.

033a0a  No.4713181

File: b52dd2634f52eb9⋯.png (12.35 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 0fb82c3205fd14ce2e9c245394….png)



>prove it

Your claim - your proof.

63db95  No.4713182


> “hate and slander”

what about people who think they're Napoleon?

or Jesus?

is it bigotted hate and slander not to believe them?

7c3f02  No.4713183


>How do you know she is making these decisions ?

We DON'T know, that's the problem.

Call it faith-based government.

b577d9  No.4713184

File: ca91ef298510170⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1010x702, 505:351, Jan11 Storm coming.png)

File: dab6237c62892ce⋯.png (95.57 KB, 553x249, 553:249, Q Nov2 TT storm.png)

Storm is coming.


Announcement tonight?

d9a537  No.4713185

File: 41e67a30a293751⋯.png (150.31 KB, 720x644, 180:161, Screenshot_20190111-125433….png)

Sam is on the Hill testifying right now. Look at his Twitter header.

2f72de  No.4713186


Deep fake

b1781e  No.4713187


HRC always wanted a good role to play.

a42afa  No.4713188



Home of the pharaohs.

Claiming the pharaohs (rothschilds, etc.) are Israelites.

Sounds like more pharonic bullshit. Or maybe he doesn't realize how deep the rabbit hole goes..

dcdc44  No.4713189


Q didn't specifically state "Blue Castle", but anons in past breads are speculating and I have a feeling we are onto something.

Haven't read the book, but its on project Gutenberg free so I will. From what I understand so far, Q could be be signaling a Blue Castle is no longer needed (in book I think it was a sort of a place to escape to from society and be at peace) as in the world will soon be freed from the repression of info via MSM?

d441c3  No.4713190


Big if true, I’d say notable

90f1ee  No.4713191

File: b2038d851f6a957⋯.png (344.29 KB, 350x468, 175:234, ClipboardImage.png)

c8da3c  No.4713192


Is RBG a smoker? Why would she have lung cancer?

da9344  No.4713193


This!! Please Q.


Dick deserves it


She will be announced dead in Feb.


didn't fail to. Govt wanted them and ignored…

95a24f  No.4713194

File: dc1471a8df54a9f⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1763x815, 1763:815, dc1471a8df54a9fa34959dc99b….png)

63db95  No.4713195


> that appears to be altered

yeah careful there

it's not like anyone can fucking see it was altered

fucking fakenews wording

69c610  No.4713196

8b6324  No.4713197


Provided proof via the family tree faggot.

Now prove your claim

efcbe2  No.4713198


It's probably herself. From public comments she's made. I'm quite sure she lurks here.

99a5e9  No.4713199


I don’t always appear dancing in music videos, but when I do I pull my bra down under my tits instead of taking it off.

Gayest picture ever.

0e5519  No.4713200

File: aa529ac83ec84e3⋯.gif (54.02 KB, 683x601, 683:601, pole_ns.gif)

10a587  No.4713201

File: 46f4eca54f576ec⋯.jpg (15.54 KB, 255x193, 255:193, vomit.jpg)

30d49f  No.4713202

File: 7ea1f472559b562⋯.jpg (55.55 KB, 480x317, 480:317, downloadfile-11_1.jpg)

b4d30c  No.4713203

File: d48c65f27ce256c⋯.jpg (14.82 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 09068e5b8167aa54ef719cd981….jpg)

37cf90  No.4713204


We’re getting ready to flip poles…


New Study Shows How Rapidly Earth's Magnetic Field Is Changing


New research has shown in the most detail yet how rapidly Earth's magnetic field - which acts like a shield to protect us from harsh solar winds and cosmic radiation - is changing, getting weaker over some parts of the world, and strengthening over others.

Although invisible, these changes can have big impacts - the fluctuation is already shifting the location of the magnetic North Pole, and could determine how space events such as solar storms affect us in the future. But thanks to the new study, scientists now think they know what's causing them, and how to predict them going forward.

This isn't the first research to show that Earth's magnetic field is changing. Our magnetic field has always been in flux, and over the past few years it's become clear that the invisible bubble that protects our planet from the harsh conditions of outer space has been getting weaker and weaker.

According to scientists' best estimates, the field is now weakening around 10 times faster than initially thought, losing approximately 5 percent of its strength every decade. But they don't really know why, or what that means for our planet.

One of the most likely explanations for what we're seeing is that our magnetic poles are getting ready to flip - something that happens once every 100,000 years or so, and that sounds a lot scarier than it really is. There's no evidence that life on Earth suffered when this happened in the past - the most likely impact is that our compasses would eventually point south instead of north.

"Such a flip is not instantaneous, but would take many hundred if not a few thousand years," Rune Floberghagen from the European Space Agency (ESA) told LiveScience back in 2014. "They have happened many times in the past."

7c3f02  No.4713205


The guy/gal that did this should be charged with a felony.

ef4396  No.4713206


did BO give 50 million or more to mkutra pgm ?

3963c6  No.4713207


My guess, old age related cancer. Happens.

3cfcd8  No.4713208

File: a75dbb58e5648ad⋯.png (326.12 KB, 512x563, 512:563, ClipboardImage.png)

There's fuking money all over the place to fund the wall.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration confirmed that Additional Child Tax Credits for ITIN (the tax classification that illegal immigrants use) reached $4.2 billion in the year 2010, noting: “The payment of Federal funds through this tax benefit appears to provide an additional incentive for aliens to enter, reside, and work in the United States without authorization, which contradicts Federal law and policy to remove such incentives.”

Interesting. The number has almost certainly grown larger than $4.2 billion since 2010. Why? Because the IRS actively ignores warnings from the Social Security administration about illegal aliens using fake Social Security numbers.


2ece20  No.4713209

File: d318a79d49d939e⋯.png (66 KB, 283x225, 283:225, 2018-11-13_23-31-40.png)

95b247  No.4713210

File: b5ed95c92e7c1bd⋯.png (92.87 KB, 996x560, 249:140, ClipboardImage.png)

52a86c  No.4713211

File: 511c01982cd98dc⋯.jpg (66.75 KB, 631x374, 631:374, IMG_20190109_161125_919.JPG)

d67a48  No.4713212


California has been unusually cold and wet for 2 years.

5b812a  No.4713213

File: 5ac5b850e4453c8⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x640, 2:1, havefaith.png)

69c610  No.4713214


Some people are predisposed to it. Plus this cancer is probably just an offshoot of the other cancers she had.

032700  No.4713215


Obstruction of justice vs Human Trafficking

Let that play out in the court of public opinion

9d0fa2  No.4713216


>Is RBG a smoker? Why would she have lung cancer?

Plutonium or cesium in the air from above ground nuclear testing. Chemical industry. You know…why most people get lung cancer. (Hint: It ain't from smokin'.)

662b7c  No.4713217

File: e8186f75215cda2⋯.png (263.61 KB, 749x376, 749:376, ClipboardImage.png)



Dug on Kate the first night and chatted with her briefly

Tried to stop the bullshit several times

Most of these YT idiots are just that

Couple out there are tolerable

74b0ea  No.4713218


idk, people have been saying this forever

7c3f02  No.4713219


My mother died of lung cancer almost 10 years ago.

She was not a smoker.

It happens.

1445ca  No.4713220

File: eef10c3d24f7395⋯.jpg (24.7 KB, 300x168, 25:14, goodjob.jpg)

033a0a  No.4713221

File: df8dc07aaf654dd⋯.jpeg (159.23 KB, 972x798, 162:133, df8dc07aaf654ddd9eac7a143….jpeg)



An internet pasta != proof.

Try harder.

f0cb52  No.4713222


Of course this was before Madeline Murray O'Hare tried to take prayer out of schools and there was an unspoken religious qualification (you needed to have some) to be trusted to hold high office.

fd5a15  No.4713223

File: 754f5b360704c0e⋯.png (305.24 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd93c44e7bd9694⋯.png (167.98 KB, 367x483, 367:483, ClipboardImage.png)

80b91e  No.4713224


Our whole nation is praying for you POTUS!

In fact, the entire God worshipping World!

You are under God's perfect hedge of protection!

"Nothing can stop what is coming


0e5519  No.4713225


Oxygen escape from the Earth during geomagnetic reversals: Implications to mass extinction

The evolution of life is affected by variations of atmospheric oxygen level and geomagnetic field intensity. Oxygen can escape into interplanetary space as ions after gaining momentum from solar wind, but Earth's strong dipole field reduces the momentum transfer efficiency and the ion outflow rate, except for the time of geomagnetic polarity reversals when the field is significantly weakened in strength and becomes Mars-like in morphology. The newest databases available for the Phanerozoic era illustrate that the reversal rate increased and the atmospheric oxygen level decreased when the marine diversity showed a gradual pattern of mass extinctions lasting millions of years. We propose that accumulated oxygen escape during an interval of increased reversal rate could have led to the catastrophic drop of oxygen level, which is known to be a cause of mass extinction. We simulated the oxygen ion escape rate for the Triassic–Jurassic event, using a modified Martian ion escape model with an input of quiet solar wind inferred from Sun-like stars. The results show that geomagnetic reversal could enhance the oxygen escape rate by 3–4 orders only if the magnetic field was extremely weak, even without consideration of space weather effects. This suggests that our hypothesis could be a possible explanation of a correlation between geomagnetic reversals and mass extinction. Therefore, if this causal relation indeed exists, it should be a “many-to-one” scenario rather the previously considered “one-to-one”, and planetary magnetic field should be much more important than previously thought for planetary habitability.


Earth’s magnetic field could flip within a human lifetime


9cb4b0  No.4713226

File: d6ba69e9fc6412b⋯.png (285.44 KB, 315x427, 45:61, ClipboardImage.png)

Anthony Migchels (left) writes:

And you can slice and dice it any way you like, but if people want to take the New World Order by the balls, taking their money out of the Bank is obviously the most direct approach. The System cannot exist without our cooperation. And only a small percentage of the people have to do it. says 1% should be enough to deliver a huge blow to the confidence in the System.

Demonstrations are fine to blow off some steam and to expose the true face of the State and its violent clampdowns.

Non-cooperation, and of course ultimately providing and promoting the superior alternatives (in the case of Banking using the power of money creation to serve the People with interest-free credit, instead of exploiting them with Usury) are the key issues. We must heed Jacques Attali's warning, that the NWO expects to win because they don't believe the people can provide an alternative.

It's fantastic to hear that the Gilets Jaunes getting down to business. Of course, we'll have to see how far it all goes, but there is also this interview with one of them, this guy on Facebook is pretty succinct in his analysis. 23 million views (!!!)

I did get one myself by the way. There have not been demonstrations in my town yet, but I just wear it when walking around town.

By the way: I also liked Tucker Carlson's recent rant, in which he called the Right out for its obsession with Capitalism, and how what we currently have is obviously atrocious for the People.

Anyway, the Bankers are far from done, but it is refreshing, to see some actual resistance, and people slowly but surely.

2a1b1d  No.4713227

File: 28e0c852daa2c1b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 50.91 KB, 642x512, 321:256, LG re Judiciary 1-9-19.PNG)


>Senate Judiciary Committee

Do anons know who the new Chairman of the Judiciary Committee is?

d424ef  No.4713228


did you catch the "Q" reference? very odd….

95b247  No.4713229



Missing the point.

d34ed4  No.4713230


This looks like the U.S. official i question in reference to Q's post.

4948fe  No.4713231



Yea i figured that one out when i asked him on twitter why he was monetizing videos simply reading SB2s content and he lost his shit, went off on me with a tweetstorm then blocked me. Kek

907978  No.4713232

File: 57732ac96567ed1⋯.png (10.71 MB, 5084x3230, 2542:1615, LondonLP.png)


smaller version focusing on LP

5b812a  No.4713233

File: a12cc6a5427c572⋯.png (769.53 KB, 1180x647, 1180:647, gimme.png)

500793  No.4713234

Has anyone else noticed that there are rarely movie references in Q's posts anymore?

Must be a reason..

f21795  No.4713235


I admit. She would be a good fuck for sure. But nothing more than that.

d67a48  No.4713236


McCabe is a typical pos cop.

b52d04  No.4713237

File: 76995049da909a3⋯.gif (591.38 KB, 480x270, 16:9, FE4114B0-734D-408F-A1AD-A9….gif)

File: 369465082f1203c⋯.jpeg (60.67 KB, 268x263, 268:263, 54BFE935-F5AF-4B06-932A-1….jpeg)

File: 15d3fa11f75abf7⋯.jpeg (74.64 KB, 693x800, 693:800, 24C39B66-A79F-4E87-A44F-5….jpeg)


AOC can touch me where I pee!


Batshit cray cray is sexy sometimes.

5fa367  No.4713238

Why did Trump exempt his homes then push 5g on the rest of us? Treason.

662b7c  No.4713239




326079  No.4713240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3c45f3  No.4713241

File: 9746fa4e9998d98⋯.jpg (37.75 KB, 925x518, 25:14, 032mark.jpg)


Looks like this

7c3f02  No.4713242


Then whatever the fuck your point is, make it more succinct and clear.

17e0db  No.4713243

Navy SEAL facing murder charge is denied release from confinement ahead of Feb. 19 court-martial trail


A Navy SEAL arrested at Camp Pendleton and held in confinement at the Miramar brig, will not be released before he goes to trial on a murder charge.

In a court-martial ruling on Thursday, Jan. 10, a judge denied a request by Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher to be released from pretrial confinement, said Brian O’Rourke, spokesman for Navy Region Southwest, the court-martial’s convening authority.

Gallagher has been in confinement in San Diego since his Sept. 11 arrest at the Intrepid Spirit Center, a Camp Pendleton facility that helps service members recovering from traumatic brain injury.

On Jan 4, Gallagher, 39, was arraigned on charges of premeditated murder and assault with a deadly weapon in an incident on May 3, 2017. Gallagher, who has served in the Navy for 19 years, is accused of premeditated murder in the fatal stabbing of a teen ISIS fighter. He also is accused of posing with the corpse while taping a reenlistment video. At the time, he was serving as a medic with Naval Special Warfare Group One based out of San Diego.

Gallagher pleaded “not guilty” to all war crime charges he is accused of committing during the 2017 deployment in Iraq.

e399fc  No.4713244

File: 1a58a8ef8a42dad⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 340x340, 1:1, arbeitskreis 7-1.jpg)




working circle


the rights

at germany

we the people

f127cb  No.4713245

File: 463c8fcb7bbfa98⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 474x335, 474:335, Bullshit.jpg)

d67a48  No.4713246


If she stays in office a few years, libtardism will destroy her looks and she'll have a huge beaner butt by age 35.

a01357  No.4713247


few billion here, few billion there, pretty soon we're talking some real money.

If sheldon is serious, have that fucking 'patriotic' kike fund the damned wall himself. 10 billion my ass.

e9b564  No.4713248


no doubt… didn't get the job for her brains.

28277b  No.4713249

File: 788429635ed2c72⋯.jpg (145.11 KB, 804x461, 804:461, def838588cd28320912830a972….jpg)



Do you think that 1000 moar JQ posts will finally do it?

Autists have fantastic memories, and (((you))) repeat ad nauseum

You must be paid per post to spam and then trigger your detractio bot then your defense Cascade so I guess you don't care what a fucking joke you come off as

(?siht out daer nac)

df4b6d  No.4713250

File: 95245c73f4ccf06⋯.png (401.08 KB, 585x585, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

dcdc44  No.4713251

File: fbc3f92ee9ea90d⋯.png (203.68 KB, 1767x511, 1767:511, q post 1519 re red castle ….PNG)

File: 99c25f86c4ba374⋯.jpg (138.17 KB, 551x1187, 551:1187, q post 1519 red castle gre….jpg)

033a0a  No.4713252


Thanks for glowing and making it easy to spot you.

188232  No.4713253

Fusion GPS-Linked Group Funded by Soros Worked with Tech Firm Behind Russian False Flag Against Roy Moore


26ecbd  No.4713254

File: 8c05d4cc901559e⋯.jpg (104.55 KB, 644x486, 322:243, 8c05d4cc901559e796de877670….jpg)

4137b3  No.4713255

File: e72b808a445cdd0⋯.jpeg (734.2 KB, 1038x1151, 1038:1151, 9AAFC5DA-A9F0-49EE-81F1-3….jpeg)

File: d3e53d00cf470fd⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1770, 207:295, 51B7E5B9-2637-459B-8E75-5….jpeg)


Fake and gay. This has been going around for years. A retard can even see the ears are not the same

da9344  No.4713256


call the church a mosque,then your views on homosexuality will be accepted.

5d056b  No.4713257

File: 9fbb778ce2aea0e⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 800x533, 800:533, pop19.jpg)

8 days and counting

be ready

be prepared

be one with your popcorn

0a16e1  No.4713258


Everything is a lie. Cancer is believable. They can't come out and say she got a new liver and a new pancreas in super secret operations in Vietnam, donated by orphans

5c67c4  No.4713259

File: 2055ffb11c16a72⋯.jpg (70.87 KB, 580x648, 145:162, 1_aP5dSxpq817R1a9LRJ68Pw.jpg)

ef4396  No.4713260


kept alive because of the movie ?

she is not at her movie premiere ?

Hollywood pushing RBG movie and Sex ?

Who is speaking for RGB ?


HRC making her decisions on the Supreme Court ?

f307cc  No.4713261

Q, are we not angry enough for you? Don’t forget Alinksy rule 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” I’m giving up hope and can’t stop thinking about suicide.

40f926  No.4713262

File: 9d3a61131b7dfb3⋯.jpg (130.6 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 1067723161.jpg)

These cucks still supporting Obama


b38cf5  No.4713263


H1-B's are killing my industry with low wages and mediocrity. Fuck you Federal government for doing any of this.

7c3f02  No.4713264


Both they both look fucked up.

946767  No.4713265

File: 1d596174373d41d⋯.png (180.38 KB, 745x531, 745:531, ClipboardImage.png)


I tried to go to this link and got this (pic)

d9a537  No.4713266


>Obstruction of justice vs Human Trafficking

Unfortunately this is not a realistic view of how the Justice system works.

17e0db  No.4713267

Report: Microsoft's Bing Serves Up, Recommends Child Porn


Microsoft's Bing search engine suggests keywords and images that could help pedophiles find abusive images of children online.

5d056b  No.4713268


zuckfag is still a swamp dweller

d34ed4  No.4713269

File: 2859340ee8313d4⋯.png (546.55 KB, 794x686, 397:343, ocasio cortez.png)


I like her.

c8da3c  No.4713270


I would love to show this picture to a room full of 7th graders and record their responses. What a great lesson.

f21795  No.4713272


Dems cannot use/declare national emergency, smart fag. They don't have the majority in the senate.

POTUS will use National Emergency to build the wall and a few other surprises.

80b91e  No.4713273


True that!

I moved to N.Ca about four years ago.

It was a drought year for where I was.

I live off of a spring water system which is shared in our small community - about 10 properties or so. By Nov. we ran out of water literally. We couldn't shower, flush, etc for like a week. Then finally we had some rain.

But since then we've had plenty of rain and snow, keeping us good throughout the year.

The only problem we've had is from weed growers that try and steal our water supply!

2ff1fe  No.4713274


needs the buscemi treatment

998248  No.4713275


Whatever happened to her and her lawsuit? LOL

8b6324  No.4713276



907978  No.4713277



no sense of humor?

df4b6d  No.4713278

File: 0ead79f8da6b857⋯.png (172.18 KB, 1157x668, 1157:668, ClipboardImage.png)



188232  No.4713279


What time does Bill's watch say. Q showed us a watch

c765c6  No.4713280


I drove by that not to long ago. It is freaking YUGE.

7f5894  No.4713281


yup… he did one last try including DACA wanted to prove it to all Americans they not interested

946767  No.4713282


good to know.

f307cc  No.4713283


Lefties and normies will believe she’s alive as long as there’s no reason to believe otherwise.

f4af9a  No.4713284

2a3990  No.4713285

It's GITMO's 17th Anniversary!

6b3501  No.4713286

File: 3830ab95f956555⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 585x238, 585:238, Screenshot 2019-01-11_14-0….jpg)

3db817  No.4713287


In my opinion (medicalfag), she has metastatic disease from her previous cancers. The pancreas is on the left side and her nodules were left lower lobe lung. It can be unrelated, but given her history she has recurring cancers.

0e92d7  No.4713288


looks like a balloon

f4af9a  No.4713289


>>4713253 Fusion GPS continued to research Dossier on behest of Dan Jones, a former Feinstein staffer?

>>4713204, >>4713225 Earth's magnetic field to flip within our lifetime?

>>4713180 Seattle TV station fired the editor who edited POTUS National Address.

>>4713146 Stacey Abrams met yesterday with Chuck Schumer and DSCC chair Catherine Cortez Masto to discuss a possible U.S. Senate run in 2020.

>>4713023 Amazon ring security cameras present oxymoron.

>>4712900, >>4712982 Q Proof: LP visited London.

>>4712992 Huckabee hosting Dershowitz this saturday.

>>4712723 Deputy US Trade Rep Jeffrey Garrish and Treasury Undersecretary David Malpass. Senior official visiting China?

>>4712844 Romney and others looking to capitalize on the Mueller report in a bid for a primary?

>>4712853 Opposition takes surprise presidential win in D.R. Congo, prompting fraud claims by the Catholic church and others.

>>4712910 Former Texas judge sentenced to six years in prison for creating fake sex-for-hire ads for women he dated.

>>4712920 Tariffs still aren’t raising consumer prices.

>>4712739 DeSantis asks entire South Florida water management board to resign.

>>4712702 UK Govt failed to deport 50,000 rejected asylum seekers.

>>4712688, >>4712741 RBG to miss next weeks arguments? No further treatment planned? Hospice care?

>>4712635 MI6 boss and Army Field Marshal: May’s Brexit deal ‘places national security in foreign hands’.

>>4712629 National Air Traffic Controllers Association files lawsuit against Trump admin over lost wages.

Last call / Baking in 50

59b59b  No.4713290

File: ffe2ac4a4df8e78⋯.png (27.67 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Government shutdown has lost ALL it's bite now.

House, Senate pass measure to ensure workers are paid post-shutdown


b52d04  No.4713291


Fuck off Kate.

You set that dude up and you know it.

5e8352  No.4713293

File: 6c0fa9bf575b90d⋯.jpeg (459.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1349D5CD-EE13-4A00-A201-0….jpeg)


What do you all think of Moma Crazy Eyes?

Let That Sauce Mature:


c8b2a5  No.4713294

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1535943976.jpeg)

ae816f  No.4713295


Don’t forget the Billions of $$$ federal workers owe in back taxes.

188232  No.4713296


Dont get some anons. She worships satan and does whatever is asked to be evil. But I'm attracted to her physically, so I'll ignore all that and talk about her favorably.

f21795  No.4713297


benis is


da9344  No.4713298


Lung transplant? Is that possible?

2ff1fe  No.4713299


if Q is all thats keeping you going you need to do some work. go help anyone IRL. doesn't matter who. help someone any way you can.

907978  No.4713300


if you'd like, made a smaller version focused on LP: >>4713232

can add to that notable

592e76  No.4713301


omg this is notable and you know it.

9d0fa2  No.4713302


Trump keeps gov't. shut down to demonstrate that we don't need it. Easiest way to justify nuking 30% of the federal budget.

d67a48  No.4713303


Get rid of the unions that ruined American manufacturing and airlines, many many other industries. Police, fire, govt unions, completely out of control. The entire govt structure needs to be reduced by 50-75%.

460137  No.4713304

File: 1716199f5720f0e⋯.jpg (42.93 KB, 400x400, 1:1, kool-good-menthol-400x400.jpg)

2a1b1d  No.4713305


>no sense of humor?

I support POTUS not some socialist bitch set out to destroy the Unitied States

5fa367  No.4713307


And the booms are 14 months overdue.

bab17d  No.4713308

File: d7aa5a6e9b493c9⋯.png (246.71 KB, 655x195, 131:39, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia threatens retaliation if UK builds bases

Russia could take “retaliatory” actions if the United Kingdom builds new military installations around the world, a top diplomat warned. “The intention to build up military presence in third countries are of counter-productive, destabilizing and frequently provocative nature," Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Friday.

Zakharova’s rebuke followed a forecast from British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson, who revealed that the United Kingdom intends to play a more prominent national security role following the exit from the European Union. He has a goal of “creating a deterrent but also taking a British presence,” as he told British media two weeks ago. “This is our moment to be that true global player once more – and I think the armed forces play a really important role as part of that,” Williamson said. “We are looking at those opportunities not just in the Far East but also in the Caribbean as well.”

The expansion would reverse the 1968 decision to withdraw U.K. forces previously deployed “east of Suez,” which marked the effective end of the British Empire. "The pronouncements by the U.K. defense secretary in favor of further militarizing the British policy cause at least bewilderment,” Zakharova replied. "Naturally, if any measures that create a threat to the security of Russia and its allies are implemented, our country reserves the right to adequate retaliatory actions.”

Williamson predicted a greater role for the United Kingdom to provide “moral leadership, the military leadership and the global leadership,” following the exit from the EU. “This is our biggest moment as a nation since the end of the Second World War, when we can recast ourselves in a different way, we can actually play the role on the world stage that the world expects us to play,” he said.


37cf90  No.4713309

So who’s following this China moon lander probe? Everything on the up and up?

cd29a9  No.4713310

Despite the tremendous bloodlettings of the people of Shem during the twentieth century, in 1983,

Robert Lacey, in his book, "The Aristocrats," noted that the nations which he called "white" but

which are predominantly Shemite nations, continued to lead the world in per capita income. He lists

(1) the Arab Emirates; (2) Kuwait; (3) Lichtenstein; (4) Switzerland; (5) Monaco; (6) Luxembourg;

(7) Denmark; (8) Germany; (9) Sweden; (10) Jersey; (11) Belgium; (12) Quatar; (13) United States.

We note that no Asian or African country made the list; also, that the United States, probably the

most thoroughly dominated country in the world, groaning under the heel of the Canaanite

parasites, occupies the Masonic number of thirteen on the list. The United States also ranks well

down the list in such primary concerns as infant mortality, quality of medical care, education, and

other important indicators. The principal cause of the United States' precipitous drop in world

rankings is the continuous looting and raping of the nation by the Masonic Canaanite conspirators.

For instance, of a defense budget of $248 billion in our peacetime economy, some $140 billion is

paid directly to the NATO nations of Europe, our "allies" in the struggle against world Communism.

The United States dispenses some additional $200 billion annual1y in "aid" to other countries such

as the State of Israel, of which some $50 billion is channeled to the Soviet Union and her satellites

through food subsidies and monetary manipulations. The Soviet central bank, Gosplan, routinely

sends officials to Switzerland to meet with the representatives of the Federal Reserve System at the

Bank for International Settlements, where they plan new raids on the Treasury of the United States.

A network of European banks regularly transfers funds to the Soviet Union which are routed to

them from a number of United States government agencies.

5035f1  No.4713311


Need these on the wall.

e1861b  No.4713312


Hey, isin't this the guy that shot the little girl in Texas?

907978  No.4713313


>no sense of humor?

I'll take that as a no

9294f0  No.4713314

File: ff0c446a910fb43⋯.png (204.97 KB, 636x617, 636:617, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)


946767  No.4713315


"The pole is now believed to be heading towards Siberia at about 37 miles each year."


43e8f6  No.4713316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

End the Fiat Monopoly Toilet Paper Ponzi Scam !



(VIDEO 7: minute video on the start of the fed reserve

in 1907 54 banks outside the fed reserve cabal collapsed … wow thats a lot of banks

592e76  No.4713317


im literally shaking

9d0fa2  No.4713318


That IS the little girl in Texas.

19308b  No.4713320


Fuck you! A nigger shot that little girl!

907978  No.4713321


been somewhat following it

it's fine so far I guess, not much on the moon anyway

f4af9a  No.4713322


Bang up job anon, got it in.


Yeah but benis is always notable.

592e76  No.4713323

d67a48  No.4713324


Kasich is fucking delusional. What an assclown.

78d7e0  No.4713325


She is Bernie Sanders with tits.

f90978  No.4713326


He's trying to put anons in classes and decide who the "generals" are. War dummy is no general. Plus isnt the point of Q to return power to THE PEOPLE. Guy gets a following and all the sudden hes all for ranks. Fuck that shit

9cb4b0  No.4713327


Seems that way

662b7c  No.4713328

File: 27641b755dfc0e5⋯.png (1.8 MB, 3101x1220, 3101:1220, ClipboardImage.png)



Interesting that it is not found on his feed

Not a real apology redaction unless publicized at the same level as accusation

This is why fake news will die

59b59b  No.4713329


No…think about it again.

They will weaponize a government shutdown to effect "We the People" more often now and not do shit to the ones it IS suppose to effect.

Obama proved they weaponized it against the people of the US.

8b6324  No.4713330


NONE of it was pasta faggot- my misspelling kinda gives that away.

But thanQ again for providing your shillage and letting us know how much this bothers you.


d6a4a9  No.4713331

File: c363e7dc58a2040⋯.jpeg (396.54 KB, 626x1245, 626:1245, 2AF75C5E-A5B7-438A-BEBE-7….jpeg)

HASPEL was CIA Station Chief in…you guessed it, LONDON

c8b2a5  No.4713332

File: f7ba8bf4631e9f9⋯.jpeg (329.21 KB, 1440x1368, 20:19, 1546829154.jpeg)


More to it than we know of course.

188232  No.4713333


Suicide won't solve any problems. Get off the board. Help a neighbor. Say a prayer. This place is stressful to the mentally inept. I'm in that as well.

0ca349  No.4713334

f21795  No.4713335


Why the fuck isn't this in



Didn't even know this happened today.

f127cb  No.4713336


As long as she makes breakfast for me in the morning , Thats part of the weekend find em ,feel em FK em and feed em code

7facdd  No.4713337

Superman II

Any Given Sunday

The Lawnmower Man

The Never Ending Story

My Name is Bill W

b542e0  No.4713338

File: bba36c329ac81df⋯.png (255.85 KB, 988x490, 494:245, ClipboardImage.png)

didn't know you guys were having a problem finding this.. Posted it on my discord hours ago.


393ea5  No.4713339

324dd6  No.4713340


whoa ~ really ~ veiled threats?

592e76  No.4713341


fake news, like disease, will never die. it only mutates.

f4af9a  No.4713342


>>4713253 Fusion GPS continued to research Dossier on behest of Dan Jones, a former Feinstein staffer?

>>4713204, >>4713225 Earth's magnetic field to flip within our lifetime?

>>4713180 Seattle TV station fired the editor who edited POTUS National Address.

>>4713146 Stacey Abrams met yesterday with Chuck Schumer and DSCC chair Catherine Cortez Masto to discuss a possible U.S. Senate run in 2020.

>>4713023 Amazon ring security cameras present oxymoron.

>>4713232, >>4712982 Q Proof: LP visited London.

>>4712992 Huckabee hosting Dershowitz this saturday.

>>4712723 Deputy US Trade Rep Jeffrey Garrish and Treasury Undersecretary David Malpass. Senior official visiting China?

>>4712844 Romney and others looking to capitalize on the Mueller report in a bid for a primary?

>>4712853 Opposition takes surprise presidential win in D.R. Congo, prompting fraud claims by the Catholic church and others.

>>4712910 Former Texas judge sentenced to six years in prison for creating fake sex-for-hire ads for women he dated.

>>4712920 Tariffs still aren’t raising consumer prices.

>>4712739 DeSantis asks entire South Florida water management board to resign.

>>4712702 UK Govt failed to deport 50,000 rejected asylum seekers.

>>4712688, >>4712741 RBG to miss next weeks arguments? No further treatment planned? Hospice care?

>>4712635 MI6 boss and Army Field Marshal: May’s Brexit deal ‘places national security in foreign hands’.

>>4712629 National Air Traffic Controllers Association files lawsuit against Trump admin over lost wages.


9e0abe  No.4713343

>>4708364. (PB…)

Engineerfag here…

Misleading info graphic regarding “impossible” speeds at Apollo parachute deployment. Several distortions in the graphic. There are two sets of parachutes, the drogue chutes, which are smaller, as appropriate for the higher velocities in the upper segments of reentry, and the Mains, which are deployed later in the sequence after velocity has been reduced by the drogues.

Additional facts glossed over by the graphic maker, the chutes are deployed by altitude switches, and initial deployment of each set of chutes is in “reefed” condition, which means the opening is tied (partially or fully) closed. This is a feature designed specifically to address the issue of very high velocity and prevent overstress of the chute. After the reefed chutes have been deployed for a specific amount of time, slowing the craft, the reefing lines are released, allowing the chute to open fully, creating a greater decelerating force. After the much smaller drogue chutes have done their work, the mains are deployed, also reefed, once again, to avoid overstress and destruction at the still high velocity. After a specific additional time at reduced area / force in the reefed condition, the Mains are “disreefed” and open to their full extent for maximum braking force for the terminal phase of the landing.

For a detailed Engineering explanation, with supporting data and calculations, see the following link for sauce.


I don’t trust everything the government puts out, but the reentry is not impossible.

06ff7d  No.4713344

File: 557415b175c1a0f⋯.jpg (177.58 KB, 1114x692, 557:346, BowChumpFentanyl.jpg)

2a1b1d  No.4713346


>I'll take that as a no

Are you a traitor to the United States?

I'll take that as a yes

da9344  No.4713348



f4af9a  No.4713349


>>4713290 House, Senate pass measure to ensure workers are paid post-shutdown.

>>4713253 Fusion GPS continued to research Dossier on behest of Dan Jones, a former Feinstein staffer?

>>4713204, >>4713225 Earth's magnetic field to flip within our lifetime?

>>4713180 Seattle TV station fired the editor who edited POTUS National Address.

>>4713146 Stacey Abrams met yesterday with Chuck Schumer and DSCC chair Catherine Cortez Masto to discuss a possible U.S. Senate run in 2020.

>>4713023 Amazon ring security cameras present oxymoron.

>>4713232, >>4712982 Q Proof: LP visited London.

>>4712992 Huckabee hosting Dershowitz this saturday.

>>4712723 Deputy US Trade Rep Jeffrey Garrish and Treasury Undersecretary David Malpass. Senior official visiting China?

>>4712844 Romney and others looking to capitalize on the Mueller report in a bid for a primary?

>>4712853 Opposition takes surprise presidential win in D.R. Congo, prompting fraud claims by the Catholic church and others.

>>4712910 Former Texas judge sentenced to six years in prison for creating fake sex-for-hire ads for women he dated.

>>4712920 Tariffs still aren’t raising consumer prices.

>>4712739 DeSantis asks entire South Florida water management board to resign.

>>4712702 UK Govt failed to deport 50,000 rejected asylum seekers.

>>4712688, >>4712741 RBG to miss next weeks arguments? No further treatment planned? Hospice care?

>>4712635 MI6 boss and Army Field Marshal: May’s Brexit deal ‘places national security in foreign hands’.

>>4712629 National Air Traffic Controllers Association files lawsuit against Trump admin over lost wages.

7c3f02  No.4713350


>Everything on the up and up?

Everything's always on the up and up.

Isn't it?

9d0fa2  No.4713351


I believe you are both wrong and hopelessly confused.

f90978  No.4713352



Dont get me started on Alexandria Occassional Cortex

907978  No.4713353

File: 8fa77f0f995b15b⋯.png (26.22 KB, 550x404, 275:202, ClipboardImage.png)

bab17d  No.4713354

File: 3fe5d64103e3fe1⋯.png (705.46 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Indeed, he's just being his usual slobbering self

63db95  No.4713355

File: 57cb9d629c7f561⋯.jpg (70.54 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ewarrenbeer-1748280-640x36….jpg)

662b7c  No.4713356


All for trying fire

or from orbit…only way to be sure

dcdc44  No.4713357

File: edd868cbfe0f058⋯.png (67.53 KB, 1582x211, 1582:211, blue castle misspelling ke….PNG)

one letter was the difference between life and death for main character in Blue Castle. her finding out she was never really dying is how it ends, and only becase she thought she was dying did she really start living…….mirror spoopiness or goose chase?

d9a537  No.4713358


Reread crumbs. Look at the exact time she was stationed there vs when we know Strzok and Page +3 were there.

f21795  No.4713359

26ecbd  No.4713360

File: 6de24ab8c3a77c5⋯.jpg (131.65 KB, 592x896, 37:56, h1b01.jpg)

File: a21abd64c1e9f36⋯.jpg (139.14 KB, 594x870, 99:145, h1b02.jpg)

File: bea4968c6bfda12⋯.jpg (119.52 KB, 594x894, 99:149, h1b03.jpg)

File: dfa917b8a1b3091⋯.jpg (114.85 KB, 598x746, 299:373, h1b04.jpg)



alas anon, the truth is, over the last 50 years

we have become stuck with yet another insular diaspora that will NEVER assimilate but will require constant policing and attention.

Wikileaks clearly revealed the corruption and graft emanating from so-called asian diaspora groups. it's one huge loop and none of it for our benefit.


a4947b  No.4713361

File: 8f5bb13ec4955c4⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 800x672, 25:21, realorfake.jpg)


looks real to me

d67a48  No.4713362


Fuck DACA and fuck the 800,000 laid off federal workers. All these people are demoncrats who should be deported and permanently laid off.

78d7e0  No.4713364


Maybe her herpes seep all over you. Seepage is forever.

8b6324  No.4713365



1/2 the bread in regards to unions and M Greenberg, yet not a Notable for either?

907978  No.4713366


You have no sense of humor idiot, because I have one I'm a traitor?

You're a fucking dumbass

2ece20  No.4713367

File: 31b66fb7f5e88d4⋯.png (204.3 KB, 492x402, 82:67, 2019-01-11_12-47-41.png)

592e76  No.4713368


the kavanaugh effect

84c4bc  No.4713369

File: 630833bdae2cbaa⋯.jpg (256.51 KB, 1200x869, 1200:869, gaaak.jpg)

946767  No.4713370

When rereading crumbs key could mean black.

59b59b  No.4713372


Go look at what Obama did during a government shutdown, stopped paying SSI, SSD, the military…they'll do it again.

92ded0  No.4713374

Pelosi going to Puerto Rico tonight……..

998248  No.4713375

More backstory behind the DeSantis decision.


ec7326  No.4713377


You are correct. My father had prostatectomy after a cancer diagnosis. 10 years later my he was getting out of breath easily. Some. cancer cells from his prostrate metastasized in his lung. He died two weeks later. He was 75.

b577d9  No.4713378


Winter Storm Gia forecast: Monster snowstorm to span half the US

A powerful winter storm, which is being dubbed "Winter Storm Gia" by The Weather Channel, is expected to wallop parts of the U.S. this weekend with snow and ice. Snow is expected to travel along a narrow 1,500-mile-long path that stretches from the Midwest to the East Coast — impacting millions of people.

Northern Missouri and central Illinois will be hit the hardest, potentially seeing more than 8 inches of snow by Sunday, the National Weather Service (NWS) reported Friday morning. The Colorado Rockies and northern Mexico should also anticipate heavy snow, the organization warned.

"In much of swath from Missouri to southern Ohio, this will heavy and wet and a strain to shovel," AccuWeather meteorologist Bill Deger said in a blog post. "The snow will be wet and clinging in nature. Weak tree limbs may give way under the weight of the snow and lead to sporadic power outages."



65d83a  No.4713379


sick fukkers wanted to separate me from my then 2 year old child in a wheelchair to be pat down. I told them to fuck off, no way in hell you are taking my child out of my sight, they backed off but many don't stick up for themselves or get harassed for it. Groppy mcfaggots were not very nice about it

63db95  No.4713380



78d7e0  No.4713381


The cup of the whore overfloweth with the filth of her fornications.

7c3f02  No.4713382


Key could mean key too.

c8b2a5  No.4713383

3db817  No.4713384


They are possible but not for what she has/had.

8b6324  No.4713385



Correction: Maurice STRONG

5505ff  No.4713386

File: b71793de59a106b⋯.jpeg (610.63 KB, 1000x2891, 1000:2891, FE9D605A-D353-4A03-9F8B-1….jpeg)

File: 556bfbb69ac344a⋯.jpeg (72.35 KB, 440x683, 440:683, CC029639-D0AB-4213-AD8C-0….jpeg)


just stop already mossad.

30 posts every bread, all shouting down any JQ post made??

its just gay.

998248  No.4713387


Hope the plane crashes and everyone survives unharmed except her.

592e76  No.4713388

Trump heals.

This is what's so amazing about him: he confronts, but constructively. He's not the least bit vindictive. He's constructive and, as a result, even his enemies are made better off because of him.

26ecbd  No.4713389

File: 407364af44d7351⋯.jpg (28.8 KB, 544x720, 34:45, 18887dd246b7f4d46508f28243….jpg)


800,000 enemy combatants with padded resumes and imperial attitudes.

048621  No.4713390

Wtf, Q?!

Trying to kill us?

ZERO strategic benefit to Gardasil.

Read the Slate Article


Mass Hysteria???


This shot gives people cancer if they already have the covered strain.

This shot is making SCORES of women infertile: Early onset menopause in 20's!

Army of Warrior Moms(1 in 36 or more with ASD) looking for a reason to join the cause. This was a step backward.

If they don't matter, why were holistic pages some of the first to go???

Help me help you, Q.

f21795  No.4713391


I'm fucking dead. KEK

f127cb  No.4713393

File: f8a17c54d489cee⋯.png (475.6 KB, 680x405, 136:81, capture.PNG)

Minneapolis: Muslim refugee brutally rapes 10-year-old girl, media hides facts

A 34-year-old Muslim immigrant has been arrested and charged with brutally raping a 10-year-old girl in Minnesota and the local media in Minneapolis has refused to identify the man as a refugee from Somalia.

KSTP 5, an ABC affiliate in Minneapolis, referred to the suspect, Ahmed Hersi Abdi as “A Minneapolis man.” CBS affiliate WCCO 4 used the same description, giving no mention of the man’s background or how he arrived in the U.S.

The attack occurred Sunday evening in an apartment complex in the city’s Cedar Riverside neighborhood, also known as “Little Mogadishu” for its high concentration of Somali refugees imported from United Nations refugee camps in Africa.

Abdi allegedly followed the girl out of an elevator. He asked for her name and offered his hand to her. She shook his hand and Abdi refused to let go. Police said he proceeded to rape the girl in the hallway of the apartment building.


2a1b1d  No.4713394


>RBG to miss next weeks arguments? No further treatment planned? Hospice care?

Hospice care is NOT even mentioned in the article

Why make shit up and add it in with the notable?

592e76  No.4713395

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