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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

a8900c  No.4710208

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 01/11/19

>>4708257 ————————————–——– If a woman is selected as the nominee

>>4707306 ————————————–——– Public access to intel?

>>4707199 ————————————–——– What senior US official is arriving in China?

>>4707080 ————————————–——– BOOM!

Monday 01/07/19

>>4644164 rt >>4644100 ————————— First time in more than 25 years? Morning, Patriot.

>>4644084 ————————————–——– What a coincidence. (Cap: >>4644154)

>>4643565 rt >>4643371 ————————— However, this is incomplete and missing the 3rd Tweet.

>>4643496 ————————————–——– With all of the success that our Country is having

>>4639875 ————————————–——– The hole is deep

Sunday 01/06/19

>>4639347 ————————————–——– Huber Activated - treachery revealed requires accountability

>>4636767 ————————————–——– A stone sits idle. The choice is yours. (Caps: >>4637162 )

>>4635153 rt >>4616371 ————————— Handler (Conductor) (Caps: >>4635308, >>4635399 )

>>4634536 ————————————–——– Get in line.

>>4633937 ————————————–——–- Refusal to provide coverage of successes.

>>4630322 ————————————–——– Money buys POWER

>>4628679 ————————————–——– Anons knew? (Cap and Video: >>4628761)

>>4628579 ————————————–——– Germany losing stranglehold on EU?

>>4628060 ————————————–——– Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted

>>4627556 ————————————–——– [RBG] The clock is ticking

Saturday 01/05/19

Compiled here: >>4652145

Saturday 12/22/18

Compiled here: >>4628830

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

a8900c  No.4710213


are not endorsements


>>4687795 If you don't like it here there are plenty of other places to get Q's drops

>>4680938 , >>4681274 POTUS: "Call Congress, ask your reps to fund wall". Numbers. Call.

>>4668020 , >>4668026 8bit/BO executes an anniversary tripcode check


>>4710163 US Air Force Tweet: Green Castle?

>>4710094 12:34 comms? What's the message?

>>4709978 Liu He the identity of Chinese official from Q's post?

>>4710020 AT&T stopping sharing of customer's location info.

>>4710018 WH Statement: The Crisis at the Southern Border Is Too Urgent to Ignore.

>>4709906 US official says troop withdrawal from Syria has started.

>>4709814 Yellow vests protesters continue their roundabout fight.

>>4709645, >>4709676 Could ACB's adopted children be used to bring Haiti into the spot light?

>>4709799 SpaceX to deliver Iridium NEXT satellites to space in first launch of 2019.

>>4709774 California officer shot, killed; suspect found dead. o7

>>4709763 Gulfstream V headed overseas, call sign "SAM120". VIP on a mission?

>>4709757 US: China’s top trade negotiator to visit soon.

>>4709714 Bonkers. Hidden communication in plain sight? Off The Record - OIG Placeholder?

>>4709617 Q throwing a pump fake to ACB?

>>4709540 Possible explanation on Q's 4 BOOMS: 4 Justices?

>>4709609 Anon: Possible VIP flight delayed 96 minutes?

>>4709606 Help for government workers impacted by shutdown; AI technology developed to combat account sharing. (video)

>>4709535 SA is going to be giving a lot of charity.

>>4709526 Long-Time Nova Scotia MP resigns cabinet post, won't run for re-election.

>>4709537, >>4709546 U.S. Immigration enabling child marriages?

>>4710200 #6010


>>4708739 'Schoolboys Wanted': Former Australian Diplomat 'Posed As A 14-Year-Old

>>4708772, >>4709136, >>4709203 Poland Arrests Huawei Executive On Espionage Charges

>>4708786 [Band Aid]

>>4708800 Note The Mcallen Reference - And The Location Burger (6) King

>>4708827 The 2 Days Between Potus 11:11 Tweet And Q'S Booms

>>4708844, >>4708887, >>4709092, >>4709128 The Smear Against Barrett Already Began In July Last Year

>>4708862 Microsoft Wins $480m Hololens Ar Contract From The U.S. Army

>>4708865 Wikileaks’ Assange Should Surrender To Uk Rather Than Stay At Embassy Indefinitely

>>4708847, >>4708878, >>4708992, >>4709086 Matt Pottinger Is The Guy In The Picture?

>>4708864 From October 15, Trump Prediction He Would Get To Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices

>>4708978 National Autistic Society'S New, Branded Tee-Shirt Appears To Have The Letter "Q" On It

>>4709103 The Revelations About Uk Government-Funded Propaganda Outfit The Integrity Initiative Are A Real Scandal

>>4709189, >>4709200, >>4709108, >>4709238 The Real Intelligence Hero Is Sherlock Holmes, Not James Bond

>>4709190 Troop Pullout From Syria Has Started, Us Official Confirms

>>4709218 Egypt Deports German Citizen Over Alleged Terror Suspicions

>>4709256 Decided To Look Up Rashida Tlaib In The Fec Database. One Of Her Largest Contributors?

>>4709277 Pompeo Announces International Summit On Iran

>>4709323 The airport terminal image Q posted has been identified

>>4709333 Turkey orders arrest of more than 100 military suspects over suspected Gulen ties

>>4709401 U.S., China eye higher-level talks after discussing tech transfer

>>4709420 #6009

Previously Collected Notables

>>4707882 #6007, >>4708648 #6008,

>>4705547 #6004, >>4706343 #6005, >>4707115 #6006

>>4703195 #6001, >>4704008 #6002, >>4704782 #6003

Notables Archive by BO: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables Archive at /comms/: >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

a8900c  No.4710216

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Editable Calendar with Sauce —- https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>4686501 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #6: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>3979794 – New World Order Research Thread

>>4320475 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>4609136 - Q Research Brazil

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#60 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187

Q Graphics all in GMT #61 >>4654776

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529 , >>4493267

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

a8900c  No.4710220

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

New QMap v. X.V (10.5) release

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

38 >>4681853, 37 >>4359646

NPC Memes 2 >>3522113, 1 https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 37,000+ memes & infographs - 10.3 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

Meme Generators https://imgflip.com/memegenerator , http://kek.gg/draw/

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>4698336

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>4688627

a8900c  No.4710230

File: 8a97d28196f9195⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 320x179, 320:179, popcorn.gif)



7ec9ec  No.4710253

Negotiations in China for Apple products to be made in USA for US market maybe??

15e027  No.4710275


Is the mirror neuron important ?


0d3799  No.4710276

>>4710131 (lb)

how much does CALIFORNIA have in surplus funds?


Maybe some here

c8087c  No.4710277



edd31a  No.4710278

>>4707306 (pb)


>From 1961 to 1963, Ginsburg was a research associate and then an associate director of the Columbia Law School Project on International Procedure; she learned Swedish to co-author a book with Anders Bruzelius on civil procedure in Sweden.[23][24] Ginsburg conducted extensive research for her book at Lund University in Sweden.[25] Ginsburg's time in Sweden also influenced her thinking on gender equality. She was inspired when she observed the changes in Sweden, where women were 20 to 25 percent of all law students; one of the judges whom Ginsburg watched for her research was eight months pregnant and still working.[8]

>Rather than asking the court to end all gender discrimination at once, Ginsburg charted a strategic course, taking aim at specific discriminatory statutes and building on each successive victory. She chose plaintiffs carefully, at times picking male plaintiffs to demonstrate that gender discrimination was harmful to both men and women.[28][20] The laws Ginsburg targeted included those that on the surface appeared beneficial to women, but in fact reinforced the notion that women needed to be dependent on men.[20]

Her strategic advocacy extended to word choice, favoring the use of "gender" instead of "sex", after her secretary suggested the word "sex" would serve as a distraction to judges.[28] She attained a reputation as a skilled oral advocate and her work led directly to the end of gender discrimination in many areas of the law.[31]

tl;dr she was selected by the tranny-pushing cult.


>skilled oral advocate

But did she use kneepads?


3f2ae5  No.4710279


Prove yourself right first

4c99e5  No.4710280

ACB has 7 children, 5 biological and 2 adopted from Haiti. One biological has special needs.

4c1831  No.4710281

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.

The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exists for only one reason, to protect and enrich itself.

The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election.

For those who control the levers of power in Washington and for the global special interests, they partner with these people who don’t have your good in mind.

Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven’t seen before.

This is not simply another four year election.

This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we the people reclaim control over our government.

The political establishment that is trying to stop us is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.

The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries all around the world.

It is a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

This is a struggle for the survival of our Nation and this will be our last chance to save it.

This election will determine whether we are a free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system and our system is rigged.

This is reality. You know it. They know it. I know it and pretty much, the whole world knows it.

The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure. We’ve seen this first hand in the wikileaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors.

Honestly, she should be locked up.

The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons is the corporate media, the press.

Let's be clear on one thing. The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalisms. They are a political special interest no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with a total political agenda, and the agenda is not for you, it’s for themselves.

Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe.

They will lie, lie, lie and then again they will do worse than that. They will do what ever is necessary. The Clintons are criminals. Remember that. This is well documented.

And, the establishment that protects them is engaged in a massive cover up of widespread criminal activity at the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, in order to keep the Clintons in power.

They knew they would throw every lie they could at me and my family and my loved ones.

They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me.

Nevertheless, I take all these slings and arrows gladly for you.

I take them for our movement so that we can have our country back.

I knew this day would arrive. It’s only a question of when.

And, I knew that the American people would rise above it and vote for the future they deserve.

The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you.

The only force strong enough to save our country is us. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you the American People.

Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning.

I didn’t need to do this folks, believe me.

I built a great company and I had a wonderful life.

I could have enjoyed the fruits and benefits of years of successful business deals and businesses for myself and my family instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions, malicious attacks.

Who would’ve thought?

I’m doing it because this Country has given me so much and I feel so strongly that its my turn to give back to the country that I love.

I’m doing this for the People and for the Movement and we will take back this country for you and we will Make America Great Again.

Donald J. Trump, October, 2016


8239cc  No.4710282

File: 027686e63efdfab⋯.png (199.03 KB, 639x472, 639:472, ClipboardImage.png)


Kinda tired of feeling like I work in fucking Mumbai.

Enough with the Indians for fucks sake.

58d7a8  No.4710283


fight with the voices in your head

1a2984  No.4710284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DWilcock Predicts Great Movie Coming Up in 2019

0f9513  No.4710285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


06379f  No.4710286


(((shill))) is like a jew. Always going for the negative. KEK

nicely done, anon.

fef874  No.4710287

>>4710222 lb

Clarence Thomas went through the same shit

ffd806  No.4710288

File: ba53eaeda31ec32⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 2019-01-11 15.35.29.jpg)


That's why it needs digging! I think it's a huge clue as to why this is being dragged out in the first place

80a10c  No.4710289



8239cc  No.4710290

File: 7754f775c478f15⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 4.jpg)


4 for you. Prove me wrong.

0d3799  No.4710291


umm Laura Silsby ring a bell?

fef874  No.4710292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ca85cf  No.4710293

>>4708851 lb

Coz she's still alive.

>>4709025 lb

They're going to attack illegal adoption or something.

3f2ae5  No.4710294


Funds appropriation is a key

f728e2  No.4710295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone ever see this video with Matt Patten, the SWAT guy with the Q patch from the Pence tweet?

5a5ec0  No.4710296

File: da9d4479487c42b⋯.jpg (67.72 KB, 608x745, 608:745, zkf5y302gr921.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

268eea  No.4710297

File: 8c1edd79eb05182⋯.jpg (39.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, qual.jpg)

ec0d41  No.4710298

File: cc22c3d535410e1⋯.jpg (156.34 KB, 600x361, 600:361, nursediesel.jpg)


Thanks Baker

c8087c  No.4710299




f7fa0d  No.4710300


[12:34] = 12 months + 34 days

15-Feb-2018 + 12 months + 34 days = 18-Mar-2019…

Q said we are 2 days ahead of schedule and

POTUS moved it up 1 more day (5-Nov to 4-Nov) = March 15th

that date keeps coming up a lot recently


5db5db  No.4710301

File: f45bfe79d2587d9⋯.png (911.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Boeing VC-25A in the sky, VIP aboard.

e48647  No.4710302


6bcc57  No.4710303

File: e4e47ae17e2dab9⋯.png (260.58 KB, 421x592, 421:592, Screenshot_2019-01-11-08-4….png)

This kid deserves a whole post.

Community raises $35G for Walmart cashier who paid for woman's bill: 'Lord told me I had to help her'

A teenage cashier working at a Princeton, Texas, Walmart to pay for college was rewarded by his community for an act of kindness that went viral on Facebook.

John Lopez, Jr., 19, picked up a woman's $110 grocery bill when he noticed that she didn't have enough money ahead of Christmas.

“She started crying and I was like ‘OK, I got you – I got you’,” he told CBS 11. “I just felt in my heart that the Lord told me I had to help her.”

Another shopper, Laci Simms, snapped a photo of John and posted it on social media.

“I just witnessed this ‘kid’ pay for a cart of merchandise for a woman in obvious distress about her inability to pay,” Simms wrote. “She was a few people ahead of us and when she had trouble paying her bill, he stepped in and told her if she’d wait, he would pay her total. Ya’ll, it was $110 dollars!”

She said Lopez is always upbeat, courteous and efficient.

“He just renewed my faith in humanity and the generation we are raising! Everyone share this so the world knows what a blessing John is to our community!”

The post quickly went viral. Brandon Weddle, another customer who frequently interacted with Lopez, shared that he and his wife have talked about how kind he is and set up a GoFundMe page as a chance to give back to him.

"He touches a lot of lives on a daily basis," Weddle wrote. "I'd like to give back to him for constantly giving himself to our community. Any little bit would be much appreciated. He is also trying to save money to put himself into college. Let's come together as a community and pay John's tuition. He will do big things!"

Within hours, the Princeton community quickly surpassed the initial goal of $1,000. The fundraiser has collected more than $35,000.

Walmart held a special event to honor Lopez. The city's mayor and the police department presented him with a certificate and a medallion, and the funds were transferred to his account, which he said will go toward college.

"I am so glad everyone is seeing what a blessing John is to our community!" Simms told Fox News. "This is how humans should interact. With love and kindness and without judgment."


d70193  No.4710304

>>4709540 (lb)

Will Roberts get booted from the court after DECLAS since he was overseeing the FISA court/judges?

fef874  No.4710305


We were on this yesterday. 1.x billion appropriated and spent on up and up from what was found.

cadec6  No.4710306


You posted this on here days ago, why didnt you do any digging since then if it yuge?

28c73a  No.4710307

>>4710131 ob

https:// www.c-span.org/video/?c4589456/obama-sobre-secure-fence-act-2006

Senador Obama en debate sobre "Secure Fence Act" el 21 de septiembre de 2006.

https:// www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/109-2006/s262

Bill Passed. Simple Majority Required. Sep 29, 2006 at 9:30 p.m. ET. Source: senate.gov

https:// www.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-clinton-back-border-fence-law

"And so I will reverse that policy," Obama said. "As Senator Clinton indicated, there may be areas where it makes sense to have some fencing. But for the most part, having border patrolled, surveillance, deploying effective technology, that's going to be the better approach."

0f9513  No.4710308

File: b67529dfb4d594b⋯.png (9.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0 SMILE.png)



Watching a movie…

ffd806  No.4710309


I don't know, I just posted it here as I'm busy on another platform with stuff…so I dropped it here for the Anons to dig!

0d3799  No.4710310


Absolutly Beautiful

491b26  No.4710311

File: b1fb9699be9abf1⋯.png (414.29 KB, 727x525, 727:525, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

File: 45bb89fc5f1419f⋯.png (72.81 KB, 347x589, 347:589, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

Accenture CEO steps down due to health reasons

Accenture Plc’s Chief Executive Officer Pierre Nanterme is stepping down due to health reasons, the consulting and outsourcing company said on Friday.

Chief Financial Officer David Rowland will serve as the interim CEO, Accenture said in a statement.

Nanterme, who took the helm in January 2011, was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016.

Rowland will be replaced by KC McClure, who currently heads Accenture’s finance operations.


67a3c6  No.4710312

>>4708022 (notable from 6008)

Made me remember these articles.

However, the E-6’s sinister purpose is to maintain the communication link between the national command authority (starting with the president and secretary of defense) and U.S. nuclear forces, even if ground-based command centers are destroyed by an enemy first strike.

To use its Very Low Frequency radios, an E-6 has to fly in a continuous orbit at a high altitude, with its fuselage- and tail-mounted VLF radios trailing one- and five-mile-long wire antennas at a near-vertical attitude! The VLF signals can be received by Ohio-class nuclear ballistic-missile submarines hiding deep underwater, thousands of miles away. However, the VLF transmitters’ limited bandwidth means they can only send raw data at around thirty-five alphanumeric characters per second—making them a lot slower than even the old 14k internet modems of the 1990s. Still, it’s enough to transmit Emergency Action Messages, instructing the ballistic-missile subs to execute one of a diverse menu of preplanned nuclear attacks, ranging from limited to full-scale nuclear strikes.


The U.S. Navy has a total fleet of sixteen E-6B Mercury (TACAMO – “TAke Charge And Move Out”) that play an extremely important role for U.S. National Security: they are used to relay instructions to the fleet ballistic missile submarines in case of nuclear war but also act as back ups of the four E-4Bs NAOC (National Alternate Operations Center), working as ABNCP (Airborne Command Post) platforms (hence “Doomsday Plane“).

They are often trackable online, while performing various critical missions: the so-called Looking Glass mission (mirroring the ground-based C3 center at Offutt AFB and relaying orders); talking to submarines trailing a 26,000 ft wire antenna; launching commands to ICBMs (InterContinental Ballistic Missiles) via Airborne Launch Control System, and performing C3 (Command Control Communication) operations to forces operating in theater or to the U.S. strategic bombers flying Global Strike missions.

The Mercury is capable to communicate on virtually every radio frequency band, on commercial satellites and on the Internet, using also a secure VOIP system. This aircraft usually operates flying orbits/circles while trailing their antennas or to exploit a particular geostationary satellite for radio comms.

Noteworthy, on Aug. 27, the E-6B 163918 used the very same callsign Iron 99.

Interestingly, on Mar. 8, 2016 an E-6B 162784 used the callsign “Trump” for the first time.


057069  No.4710313

File: ef3ce3b97c42b03⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1848x817, 1848:817, conditioning john oliver.jpg)

updated this old but great John Oliver meme to the npc one

8239cc  No.4710314


Lets hope. RBGs successor is the REAL majority vote.

0f5093  No.4710316

File: 4fe64370af6306c⋯.jpg (46.89 KB, 448x536, 56:67, Feinstein Miss Chinese Guy.jpg)

>>4709609 lb

Maybe it was FEINSTEIN who went to China

362e09  No.4710317

Probably the most devastating element the Q movement has brought against the deep state cabal is this:

Patriots are bold again!

This is an absolute disaster for the cabal, as they have spent years trying, and succeeding, in taking the confidence from card carrying conservative patriots world wide, trying to make us believe we can't win.

Well, things have changed. We not only think we can win.

Now we know we will.

Fuck the cabal. Fuck satanism. Praise God and his goodness, and thank God for Trump and Q.

3f2ae5  No.4710318


Ok use logic

Russians refused US adoption cuz of trafficking

Are all kids adopted fromRussia trafficked?

The answer is NO

i personally know several couples who raised Russian kids and they are having a good life here

879ff3  No.4710319

>>4710044 (lb)

You are right. Normieville has no memory at all of any of the numerous scandalous things the clintons (or the cabal) have done. Were I to bring up TravelGate, where hillary tried to unceremoniously fire the entire WH travel office, to give their jobs to their friends, and fought to destroy (and falsely imprison the guy that fought against them), they would have NO clue what I’m talking about. This is one of the VERY FIRST public acts the clintons did after taking office and it perfectly illustrates how ruthless and lawless they are…yet it’s unknown.

Vince Foster. Ron Brown. The other dozens of people. Crickets. Muh first woman president. Muh orange man bad.

It gets old.

That said, at least there are those, like you, who know what’s really happened and it’s my hope that number is growing, however slowly.

For hillary to turn her $1,000 into $100,000.00 overnight, in a transaction even the most skilled say they don't understand, means there were people on the losing end, who got shaffted. She was litterly given stolen money.

But muh Trump filed bankruptcy and didn't pay his bills…..muh muh muh. Awful.

a595ac  No.4710320


Nice to read :). Good upbringing I bet!!

389554  No.4710321

File: f631229bbee597b⋯.png (585.76 KB, 692x388, 173:97, capture.PNG)

Poland arrests Chinese businessman and Pole on espionage allegations

A Chinese man who reportedly works for telecoms giant Huawei and a Polish national have been arrested on suspicion of spying. Huawei said it was aware of the situation and was looking into the case.

Poland's Internal Security Agency has arrested a Chinese businessman and a Polish citizen over espionage allegations, officials said on Friday.

Maciej Wasik, deputy head of Poland's special services, said that the Chinese suspect was a businessman working for a major electronics corporation and the Pole was "known in circles associated with cyberbusiness affairs."

Read more: Berlin's dilemma: My way or the Huawei?

Wasik said the arrest of the two suspects had been underway for a long time and was carefully planned.

Local media identified the Chinese man as a Huawei official but the company has not confirmed the claim.


0f9513  No.4710322

File: 0db199c1872b09a⋯.jpeg (25.68 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 6be72eb17f04afb5615c195f2….jpeg)


Nah man, that's just Buhwoooom and splat :D

a286ca  No.4710324

Apparently (still digging) it was never funded


92950d  No.4710325


Best reply!

865a8e  No.4710326

File: 6fec17b76b965ae⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1124x1296, 281:324, 1547204068870.png)

anudda shoah!

37f6fc  No.4710327

>>4709912 (lb)

somewhere years ago, I read a blurb suggesting that Haiti made a deal w/ the devil to gain independence from France. (No idea if true, and that could be a clever way to slander Haiti, so take w/ grain of salt…)

p.s. amy having 2 Haitian kids means she saved 2 from being slaughtered by HRC.

7ec9ec  No.4710328

File: a0c9e4743099833⋯.jpeg (817.27 KB, 1242x1258, 621:629, 5159B659-F557-4AE7-B0B6-C….jpeg)

File: 1e8dfbe72eecae8⋯.jpeg (694.27 KB, 1242x1500, 207:250, 8B896CE7-BCBB-4754-B1AC-1….jpeg)


ad9d08  No.4710329

File: 0a277306478f095⋯.gif (732.3 KB, 500x386, 250:193, gfrfiphy.gif)

>>4709946 (lb)

By George, you are dense; thick as two short.

ffd806  No.4710330


I didn't , I just found it on another platform and posted here for digging. Thought the Anons might want to dig further. I am super busy on another platform, but wanted to share it. If I missed the previous digging into this, I apologize!

Thought it was worth it, though!

37f6fc  No.4710332


well said, anon. Godspeed and God Bless!

6c14f5  No.4710333

File: 13e9ee3deab46c8⋯.jpeg (246.76 KB, 1237x1005, 1237:1005, 52ED297E-1B5E-473F-96E9-8….jpeg)

File: 35d79efc55becb4⋯.jpeg (761.88 KB, 1242x921, 414:307, 6BDE79CD-6683-41D0-AB9E-B….jpeg)

Pray for our Military. These brave men and women struggle with problems civilians can’t imagine.

0d3799  No.4710334


Laura Silsby > Alert Sense > Amber Alert

re: haiti

b816eb  No.4710335


Good thought anon

a23871  No.4710336

File: 1b00f8910e457d5⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 200x300, 2:3, workingPicture.jpg)

268eea  No.4710337


With all this talk about recruitment why not throw some AA2 and AA3 servers up. It's just a thought for TRADOC.

Buhwooom and splat. Kek.

a595ac  No.4710338


Same here-3 different sets of friends. The Russian kids are now teens in stable families. All were from orphanages. One family adopted two brothers.

18678f  No.4710339


You can't always get what you want indeed

Will wait for the details as in some cases there are shortages

But, as anyone in IT can tell you, the H1Bs they see aren't the best and brightest

They're the worst and cheapest

Sadly the negative incentive feedback loop for Americans to get STEM degrees looks like it could continue its trip to zero

a5abb8  No.4710340

File: 3abf04bf70748b7⋯.png (104.6 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, naive.png)

I just noticed it- Evian spelled backward

6bcc57  No.4710341

A Local News Station Just Called Out CNN On Air for Their Border Narrative

Local news affiliate KUSI News in San Diego shared an interesting story Thursday night about an exchange they recently had with CNN. CNN called the station this week hoping the affiliate could provide a story or two about the border wall already in place in their community. When KUSI informed them that the barrier has actually been pretty effective, CNN hung up.

"CNN asked if KUSI would find a reporter to offer our local view of the debate," one of the anchors explained on air. "Especially if the wall works in San Diego."

When the affiliate offered CNN their reporter Dan Plante, who has previously reported how the wall "is not an issue" and is, in fact, "effective."

"Knowing this, CNN declined to have us on their programs, which often present the wall as not required," the anchor continued. "They didn’t like what they heard from us.”

In sum, the station believe that "CNN declined a report from KUSI because we informed them that most Border Patrol Agents we have spoken to told us the barrier does in fact work."


b753a8  No.4710342

>>4710181. lb


for looking at possible marine traffic under flight paths.

there are many sites that do this

5db5db  No.4710343

Fence Act

Although the 2006 law authorized construction of a fence, Congress initially did not fully appropriate funds for it (see authorization-appropriation process). "Congress put aside $1.4 billion for the fence, but the whole cost, including maintenance, was pegged at $50 billion over 25 years, according to analyses at the time.

A 2017 GAO report noted: "According to CBP, from fiscal year 2007 through 2015, it spent approximately $2.3 billion to deploy border fencing along the southwest border, and CBP will need to spend a substantial amount to sustain these investments over their lifetimes. CBP did not provide a current life-cycle costs estimate to maintain pedestrian and vehicle fencing, however, in 2009 CBP estimated that maintaining fencing would cost more than $1 billion over 20 years."

Moneys were never appropriated.

85ca22  No.4710344




The area i live in is quickly becoming halal approved.

120706  No.4710345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c8087c  No.4710346


ffd806  No.4710347


And was it reversed?

5db5db  No.4710349


ThanQ. o7

d4290d  No.4710350


WHAT agency did she use?

389554  No.4710351

File: 69aac4024bb03c0⋯.png (123.69 KB, 298x222, 149:111, capture.PNG)

New armoured vehicle to be unveiled at AAD

A joint venture between Saudi Groups and South Africa’s Industrial and Automotive Design (IAD) will unveil the Noyka Mk 2 armoured vehicle at the Africa Aerospace and Defence exhibition later this month.

The Nyoka Mk 2 mine-protected armoured personnel carrier (APC) will be marketed throughout Africa by the joint venture. It was first unveiled by Saudi Groups in 2011 as the Masmak, reports Janes.

The APC is a 4x4 vehicle powered by a 450 hp six-cylinder diesel, giving a top speed of 150 km/h and a cruising speed of 120 km/h. A more powerful 530 hp diesel engine can also be supplied. Standard range is 700 km.

b24fb3  No.4710353

>>4710181 lb

Look here.


c6fb9b  No.4710354



Kek, MemeFag, kek! I needed a laugh and you delivered. To hell with RBG. Keep an eye on the ABOVE THE LAW crowd (website and Twatter) because one of their columnists – a nomlawyer named Staci Zaretsky, who flunked the Bar and gave up trying – has been 5 feet up RBG's ass ever since inviting RBG to her wedding and getting a note of declination from RBG……

826016  No.4710355

-EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of Lisa Page’s Closed-Door Testimonies Provide New Revelations in Spygate Scandal-

'Page noted that she only traveled abroad once while she worked for McCabe, in December 2016, on official business in London. Strzok traveled with her, as did three other unnamed individuals. One individual that Page specified as not being part of the trip was Bill Priestap, the FBI’s head of counterintelligence. Page was prohibited by FBI counsel for detailing the purpose of her visit.'

verifying Q post#'s: 1720, 1721 and 1722


e8b8e8  No.4710356


Yeaahhh… random, eh? Who was the perp seeing for his medical care? Any psychiatrists? Any mind-affecting drugs?

a4eeb6  No.4710358

File: e1ce8abce5395b7⋯.jpg (61.57 KB, 618x412, 3:2, 2qw8s6.jpg)


If Trump appoints her, then he has a very good reason for doing so.

Anons are not going to start saying she is evil or bad because she has 2 adopted kids from Haiti.FFS

Maybe she was one of the few people who rescued a couple of kids( who otherwise would have been slaves)

Maybe she caught wind of what they were doing.

If you knew, could not sleep well, and there was nothing you could do about it, but you felt bad for the children suffering there, you might think, well atleast i can save a couple of kids from the Clintons.

1a466a  No.4710359

File: db36ec0e064dab2⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 633x772, 633:772, JNTJWK.jpg)

File: ed63d0f54a6c860⋯.jpg (97.34 KB, 1024x794, 512:397, DBr7qXCXYAA3Uqu.jpg)

File: 6e61cc3d62a1b3a⋯.png (10.74 KB, 180x180, 1:1, U1.png)

>>4709526 (pb)

Brian Gallant, who just lost the New Brunswick premiership, resigned as well.

Noticed it's mostly Liberal Party of Canada people resigning. Hmm… wonder why?

4cb551  No.4710360


Okay I guess no harm can come now.

Movie "FightClub" is a very cleverly made movie. Made by our guys as a way to communicate with everyone on their side in the open. They put out a piece of Art that they tell each other word of mouth "Watch this movie. It is an allegorical storyline that shows how the whole Revolution to the Full Spectrum Domination of ZOG"

FightClub is how our guys organized their groups. In small groups that never knew very much about WHO was in the group. Just like the French Communist teams in France in WW2 how they set up their cells. So if the Germans caught a couple they could not really spill the beans on very many people. Very clever. But if you want to tell your people how to organize you can not make a normal military training manual in paper and ink. It would give the game away and be too risky. So you make a movie. Showing the exact techniques of setting up a cellular revolutionary group. Never talk about the Great Awakening. They show how entrance in the group is hard to join. You will be intentionally frustrated and they want to see you stick it out. The movie is a basic military training manual to give to new recruits with the added joy that it is safe to put on your shelf. Next to all your other movies and no one would ever get suspicious.

They even use an MKultra victim with a fractured mind as the hero. A way to bring these concepts to the people. The goals of the group is "Ten Days Darkness" Debt forgiveness, Jubillee stuff. They blow up many banks in the climax.

FightClub is a tool. Probably other movies are doing similar things. Talking in plainsite but with plausible deniablity.

ec0d41  No.4710361

File: 5fb0f0cb8349130⋯.jpg (94.07 KB, 729x486, 3:2, justicebrett.jpg)

80a10c  No.4710362


What pisses me off the most is that I know several 30 somethings who are still looking for decent paying work in areas where these VISAs bring in hundreds of Indians.

The kids are bright.

They've been slammed so hard by their own government to deplete their jobs potential.

668f3b  No.4710363

File: 84cc9df679afa60⋯.pdf (39.54 KB, subliminal-seduction-by-wi….pdf)

File: 6edc1c7a80ad66f⋯.jpg (31.78 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 5a1abfa0e3430e2a9b0bfb2116….jpg)

Suggest anons dig subliminal embeds in advertising and media.

The effects are cumulative and global.

The damage to collective cognitive capacity acute.

The remediation of the damage high priority.

First step is understanding such techniques exist, are in universal use in MSM and in advertising.

057069  No.4710364

File: 8af0e07fba311de⋯.jpg (289.74 KB, 1848x817, 1848:817, 5m4v99njblxx.jpg)


the original - and actually thinking about this - I imagine this is an application of the MK ultra mind control experimentation's

0f9513  No.4710365

File: 5a05b1c662e272c⋯.png (340.55 KB, 700x463, 700:463, 5a05b1c662e272c0142befca40….png)


that game got a lot of play… I stayed in MoH like an idiot :D

e73a7a  No.4710366

File: a7c549e9f4795bb⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 4000x4185, 800:837, 1547190124.jpg)

60dd32  No.4710367

File: 2dae821d846b23a⋯.png (226.86 KB, 488x416, 61:52, ClipboardImage.png)

0d3799  No.4710368



The individual in question is one Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families.

Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.




Huma Abedin was constantly forwarding Hillary articles on this woman's organization:


One of the first things the Clintons did when they took over the scene in Haiti was to have Bill get Laura off the hook:


And the attorney who represented Laura Silsby? A man who was himself convicted as a sex trafficker:


Even more disturbing, we uncovered an email in Wikileaks where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children:


Again, this was the same group that got busted by Haitian Authorities trying to Traffic kids.


They're in the Clinton Emails;


Pitch for funding or something, super sketchy.


This looks like Mills & co are drafting statements following extradition.


Help me research!!! There are surely more emails to be found in Wikileaks on this! If we can connect the Clintons to a child abductor their campaign is DONE!!!

EDIT: Wanted to add this email showing HRC contacting a lawyer regarding the 10 people who were arrested for their roles in this kidnapping case, thanks /u/Look_See_Think for bringing me this:


EDIT 2: More info on this story:


713056  No.4710369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>4710098 (LB)

>No body cut steel with a saw

Maybe, just maybe, before you call people retarded, just check things out a little bit.

There's abrasive saws for steel, there's dry (cold) cut saws for steel, both circular and bandsaws

next post: video cutting steel with diamond blade saw

513979  No.4710370


I posted this a few breads ago. Got no traction.

713056  No.4710371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cut steel with diamond blade and abrasive blade saw

491b26  No.4710372

File: a5b1dfd4891143c⋯.png (488.24 KB, 692x560, 173:140, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

c8087c  No.4710373


>WHAT agency did she use?

Finally someone is asking the right questions. We really don't know anything about Amy.

We can't afford another Justice Kennedy

ad9d08  No.4710374

File: 813dd1a7ead14b9⋯.mp4 (11.7 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, ShumerLiar99b.mp4)


real fast to say he did NOT know Gooch. okay did Buschmann know OF him? MK hit connected with this Gooch's service? Member the attacker on Rand Paul? Alaska Airlines shooter? Texas Church shooter?

bbed9c  No.4710375

A dozen or more years ago I took my kids out of elementary school early one day, - Why? The local Masonic Lodge was photographing the children and making free Child ID cards.. No Fucking Way.

af575d  No.4710376



Kansas is in the Middle East.

Jared is the secret weapon to massage trade deals.

0d3799  No.4710377


Post it again son

a8900c  No.4710378


>>4710341 Local News Station snubbed by CNN when they declared the border wall 'effective'.

>>4710333 Pray for our Military. o7

>>4710311 Accenture CEO steps down due to health reasons.

>>4710301 Planefag: Boeing VC-25A in the sky, VIP aboard.

d4290d  No.4710379


what agency did BArrett use?

there are many legit adoption agencies

663137  No.4710380

File: a83fdda7b932340⋯.png (3.87 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FBBB5DC5-C299-45E6-9129-7C….png)

Red Castle twat

86b54e  No.4710381

File: 64d939441d71fd1⋯.jpeg (115.87 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1544287604.jpeg)

0ff07c  No.4710382

File: ae8dbfbd0d5fd6f⋯.jpg (278.7 KB, 1021x889, 1021:889, ed brias.jpg)

Just a flashback as to why these two have such a boner for Trump.


c8087c  No.4710383


>Maybe she caught wind of what they were doing

And maybe she got her kids from Hillary

We know nothing about her. I'm not willing to take a chance.

80a10c  No.4710384


This is one big resignation.

9881c8  No.4710385


How do we know the justices appointed by the bushes are white hats? Roberts has already turn coated several times.

0f9513  No.4710386

File: 0874c1f905ab911⋯.png (10.57 KB, 208x255, 208:255, 0 BAKER.png)


what you want to do is get some dirt on the target baker

you know find out what sort of gay jewish porn they like, threaten to expose them unless they post your shit to bread!

worked for me! :D

3f2ae5  No.4710387

There was also a young journalist who went to investigate to Haiti and was suicided

Patterson me thinks

823c42  No.4710388

File: 06ec55de404a7c2⋯.jpeg (38.51 KB, 375x375, 1:1, D99B0EA5-E44F-45B4-A269-B….jpeg)

Dis show is breddy gud ;DDD



11 Jan 2019 - 5:15:03 AM

If a woman is selected as the nominee does that eliminate the wrap up smear re: sexual assault?

What other tactics might be planned to block and/or force name removal?

Why is the Senate important?

Who controls the Senate?


Enjoy the show.


ad9d08  No.4710390

File: 9f722a2b52a196f⋯.jpeg (74.12 KB, 702x459, 26:17, 9f722a2b52a196fca00c028e6….jpeg)

bbed9c  No.4710391


Yep…cut the steel with a saw then break the concrete fill with blows from a sledge hammer

0f9513  No.4710392

File: 91317e4ccb39290⋯.png (14.61 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 0 POINT.png)


breddy! :D

d67e98  No.4710393

Don't know who the senior official is who is arriving in China.

Snowden is going to be extradited from China/HK as part of a more wide reaching deal?

389554  No.4710394

File: 38141cd640c2ceb⋯.png (369.12 KB, 697x397, 697:397, capture.PNG)

Hungary's Viktor Orban pushes for anti-migrant bloc to counter France and Germany

Hungary's Viktor Orban hopes a right-wing alliance can help gain an anti-migrant majority in the European Parliament. The alliance was pitched by Italy's Matteo Salvini, whom Orban described as a "hero."

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Thursday pledged his full support for an Italian-Polish initiative to form a right-wing alliance for European Parliament elections due in May.

Orban said Hungary's goal was to gain an anti-immigrant majority in the European Parliament that he hoped would spread to the European Commission, and later, as national elections change the EU's political landscape, the European Council.

Read more: Is Viktor Orban the EU's hard-line hero or villain?

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said during a visit to Warsaw on Wednesday that Italy and Poland should join forces in a euroskeptic alliance, expressing hopes that an "Italian-Polish axis" would replace the current "French-German axis."

"The Polish-Italian or Warsaw-Rome alliance is one of the greatest developments that this year could have started with," Orban said, describing Salvini as a "hero" for stopping migration on Italy's shores.


88b11e  No.4710395


This is probably who Q is talking about. considering the theme of the post is trade??? This is probably a generic photo just showing someone arrived at BeiJing Airport.

26d4c3  No.4710396



Where is the slag? The fence had torch slag and very rough cuts that make a saw difficult to reconcile.

ad9d08  No.4710397

File: 450b1ab5b2b239e⋯.gif (876.24 KB, 245x275, 49:55, gipeehy.gif)


Peterson, Monica.

72c8ad  No.4710398

File: 7e7cb3a36495837⋯.mp4 (15.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Obama Bill is tough on bor….mp4)

July 7, 2008

Obama, Clinton Back Off Border-Fence Law

(CNSNews.com) - In a CNN debate in Austin, Texas, Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton agreed Thursday night that the Secure Border Fence Act of 2006, which directs the secretary of Homeland Security to construct 700 miles of double border fencing along specific sections of the U.S.-Mexico border, should not be enforced as written.

On September 29, 2006, the Senate voted 80-19 for passage of H.R. 6061, the Secure Fence Act of 2006. (It passed the House on September 14, 2006, by a vote of 283-138). Clinton and Obama both voted for the act.

Obama indicated that he agreed with Clinton in this area. "Well, this is an area where Senator Clinton and I almost entirely agree," he said. "I think that the key is to consult with local communities, whether it's on the commercial interests or the environmental stakes of creating any kind of barrier. And the Bush administration is not real good at listening. That's not what they do well.

"And so I will reverse that policy," Obama said. "As Senator Clinton indicated, there may be areas where it makes sense to have some fencing. But for the most part, having border patrolled, surveillance, deploying effective technology, that's going to be the better approach."


Video Attached is from 2013

3f2ae5  No.4710399

cadec6  No.4710400


No construction person would cut the fence by dragging a generator and saw to the border when a torch and 2 tanks can strap on your back and cut silently.

ace135  No.4710401

File: 976d7e5093e7488⋯.jpg (117.37 KB, 654x1024, 327:512, gritty.jpg)

c8087c  No.4710402


You enjoy ass ending?

d4290d  No.4710403


we know that Trump already nominated and placed her in 2017.

Her husband is a federal prosecutor.


85ca22  No.4710404

File: 8f5bb13ec4955c4⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 800x672, 25:21, realorfake.jpg)


who you calling fivehead?!

5a5ec0  No.4710405

File: 193245029dce151⋯.jpg (193.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 193245029dce15102ea4b81a5a….jpg)

eb9181  No.4710406

File: c2863ff9a6ddeed⋯.png (113.28 KB, 197x252, 197:252, 2018-11-25_08-25-26.png)

>>4710179 LB

God bless you all as well swordanon.

1f5cad  No.4710407

File: 1a426f01216b3fe⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 364x500, 91:125, 72EE7FA1-84D4-4FC6-ACCE-FA….mp4)

+++incoming +++

268eea  No.4710408


From the outside looking in I think America's Army was a great success. The game would still be played today if they had kept the servers up – not everyone has a super computer to play the latest release. In any case there's no reason to throw away a game that has such good gameplay, is accessible, and is already finished. You're just out the server costs to keep them running.

I purchased MOH on the PC but hardly played it. There's still time though.

a286ca  No.4710409


Write a book and sell it to the mules

0d3799  No.4710410



a4eeb6  No.4710411


>We know nothing about her. I'm not willing to take a chance. ( like it;s up to you anon, who POTUS picks)


stop concernfagging, RGB has not retired or died yet, and POTUS has not made a pick.


0f5093  No.4710412

File: 14c9b9fbd6bdc6f⋯.png (164.66 KB, 1149x655, 1149:655, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

"POTUS should use assets forfeiture money……."

742565  No.4710413


yeah that was mentioned in one of the articles about the kids and their abilities to summon and what they could do during possession. the whole country celebrates that 'religion.'

that dot right there connects a lot, anon.

af5c70  No.4710414

Not just changing the world … but doing it without disruption or uphevel …Trump !

yesterday, trudeau introduced to the canadian public, a new idea….his own personal longing to "spend more time with family"

glorious and free!

37f143  No.4710415


big confirmation of Q

732d0e  No.4710416


It can be argued that Q has lit the spark Worldwide as well, anon. What an epic troll of the Globalist elite than to blow them off at Davos because Safeguarding National Sovereignty at our Southern Border is paramount. POTUS is like manna from Heaven for the WW Yellow Vest Movement or a massive pouring of fuel on the fire of anti-globalism spreading around the World. POTUS is absolutely masterful.

e73a7a  No.4710417


as a kid I was in a foreign country on a US army base and the "teachers" took us out of class to a salon where they put makeup on us (lipstick, blush) and painted our nails. First graders. My mother saw me and had a fucking FIT. She cut them a new one and we got out of there.

85ca22  No.4710418

File: 8335f6ef0f02d0b⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2088x1292, 522:323, wnb.jpg)



ace135  No.4710419


Woodrow Wilson was a cuck. We're ending this infestation in the name of Christ.

f3c202  No.4710420

>>4710182 (lb)

>Wouldnt the deception be sporadic or few and far between instead of systemic like we see in the finance industry for example?

Yes, it would be sporadic/few in a free-market. Is there any governmental meddling in the finance industry and the related monetary dynamics that can fuel further influence on said financial industry? If so, than the deception has been made regular and continuous by such meddling, not by the free exchange between voluntary parties.

c8087c  No.4710421


713056  No.4710422


Not saying it was cut with a saw, I responded to someone saying that "nobody cut steel with a saw" Capische?

We discussed last bread how the construction could be improved to be prevented from successfully being cut. -With a saw.

FFS read before you respond.. Geeezzzz!

86b54e  No.4710423

File: 60632288cc1b74b⋯.jpeg (321.98 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1544667560.jpeg)

File: fc178df4b48dd13⋯.jpeg (140.87 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1544966057.jpeg)

b1a744  No.4710424


Courts throughout Germany shut down after receiving bomb threats


German Minister Gerd Müller stranded in Zambia after plane breaks down [again! Member Merkel few weeks back, G20]


And the recent hacker attack on German politicians and high society members is known to anons.

f728e2  No.4710425

Here’s something I don’t enjoy telling my friends.

195ae5  No.4710426

>>4709647 (LB)

>>2821828 (#3566)

>FISA rules require a hearing

>>2824190 (#3569)

>Chief Justice Roberts oversees FISA court, which showed gross negligence by not even meeting to discuss Carter Page request before approval?

>>2440183 (#3076)

>John Deacon Bates was appointed by Chief Justice John Roberts to serve as a judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

site:qanon.news roberts fisa

28c73a  No.4710427


No funding in the bill just bullshit vague fuckery. exception of 10 percent grade


ace135  No.4710428


Sue the school board under RICO. You know that board members are in the lodge. This is how Wal-Mart operates, BTW.

f3c87b  No.4710429


Maybe she in nominated and exposed - tied to Hillary. This opens the whole kettle of fish. Then another nominee is seated.

06379f  No.4710430


WALL time.

Bear in mind, all these acts are done to showcase what DEMs are = traitors and LIARS who wants Americans DEAD, and foreigners to populate America.


0f5093  No.4710431


Q didn't say "senior official".

Q said VIP.

823c42  No.4710432


>Anons are not going to start saying she is evil or bad because she has 2 adopted kids from Haiti.FFS

Speak for yourself, kiddo.

I’m not behind some cuck tryhard raise 3rd world shithole niggerbabies.

She needs to adopt, adopt from the home team.

It’s sketchy

a4eeb6  No.4710434

File: f0ce2311438989f⋯.png (170.18 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Pepe notable checker.png)



0f9513  No.4710435

File: 2b52120e8c0b940⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 673x654, 673:654, 0 PEPE spice.jpg)


build that shit and they will kill

i assure you :D


mormon 15 girls and 1 cup? :D

26d4c3  No.4710437


Fuck off. Shitting up the place

e553d3  No.4710438

Urged king reference and chain link fence could be him telling them where to cross next

e553d3  No.4710439

Burger* king


7d60f4  No.4710440

File: 65c4c3e2508021b⋯.jpg (7.03 KB, 255x151, 255:151, 1a95098e2988ecb61833341ddf….jpg)


I recall that Prophet Mark Taylor said the Trump will name 5 SC Justices. I'll attempt to find it. I have found where others have also pointed it out.

This is one of them:

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lXVHXhIcYY

9ebf19  No.4710441


Change it by getting rid of it

No more jobs to foreign workers until all are filled by Americans

1ea581  No.4710442

File: 1d8fc71c4492f87⋯.jpeg (28.84 KB, 600x337, 600:337, imrs.jpeg)

You want to read the playbook on how they're going to try and smear Amy Barret well here it is already published in a WAPO article from July 2018.

Here are the kickers::

People of Praise is focused on community. Single members might choose to live in a house with a family, or live in a house with other single members. Each member has a spiritual guide, called a “head.” The regional female leaders were called “handmaids” before the Margaret Atwood novel and subsequent TV series made that word too charged, and are now called “women leaders,” said Craig Lent, People of Praise’s overall coordinator, a position akin to chairman of the board. The coordinator is elected by the board to a single, six-year term.

While one-to-one guidance is important in People of Praise, the group teaches individual prayer as well, he said. “She might go to [her spiritual leader] with respect to: ‘Should I take this position?’ ” if she’s nominated to the Supreme Court, Csordas said. “But with regard to making decisions on specific cases, a person in her position would be likely, I’m guessing, to say: ‘Well, I’m the expert on this, not my personal head.’”

The story behind potential Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s little-known Catholic group, People of Praise


bbed9c  No.4710443


Stick to something you know, butt plugs.

668f3b  No.4710444


They also used subsonics and subliminal embeds to augment the message - targets the unconscious

91dba2  No.4710445

>>4709600 (pb)

Am I the only one who thinks that image looks photoshopped?

1c40d5  No.4710446


you're preaching to the choir, bud.

18678f  No.4710447


Arthur Andersen 2.0 about to change the name again

Here's how they train the kids to be all work no play we get 80% of your bill rate drones:

1) You from Chicago? No openings there but plenty down in Houston.

2) You from Houston? No openings there but plenty up in Chicago

Sorry you're in a strange place where you don't know anyone. But, on the bright side, you won't have any distractions during your 12 hour work days.

ad9d08  No.4710448

File: c0186517f7c72f2⋯.gif (2.25 MB, 480x362, 240:181, giphy.gif)


Plan. Trump. Warsaw Speech. Pericles.


we need a new Pope St. Pius X. OLoF ora pro nobis do the consecration as ordered then shuffle off this mortal. the opposition to this is revealed as fully Luciferian. NOW we know.

Putin knows all about it.

b24fb3  No.4710449


Soros pays for the Wall.

Border Security = National Security.

FY 2019 Defense Spending Bill


>>Budget Overview

Budget Reconciliation


What if the House fails prior to majority change?

What vested auth does the Constitution grant a sitting President re: matters of NAT SEC?

Thank you, Mr. Soros.


f3c87b  No.4710451


Yes he did. He said both.

a286ca  No.4710452

Who fixed the ice rink?

a8900c  No.4710453


Dang, you guys found my "not pr0n" folder?

2e3e09  No.4710454

How does building a wall prevent drones and underground tunnels?

This whole wall shit is a silly attention grabber. No one wanted a wall until POTUS told you so.

362e09  No.4710455



ae2883  No.4710456

Boom week incoming?

a4eeb6  No.4710457

File: efe573ed35377b4⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 962x624, 37:24, 4699940-6231141-image-a-12….jpg)

File: cfa1ecbbf8fc53d⋯.jpg (164.34 KB, 962x1096, 481:548, 4699954-6231141-image-a-11….jpg)

File: bb320ec84cd3fe8⋯.jpg (39.61 KB, 470x412, 235:206, 4701982-6231141-image-a-15….jpg)

File: 9e16564b6fd160b⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 306x370, 153:185, 4789380-0-image-a-77_15388….jpg)


>shithole niggerbabies




0f9513  No.4710458

File: daab39cd72f13ef⋯.jpg (247.08 KB, 854x1070, 427:535, AANFAL.jpg)

File: 27b1424e25585b1⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 720x602, 360:301, 42120188_1075051745999281_….jpg)

File: a73361c59e5e501⋯.jpg (429.15 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, A1111A.jpg)

File: ef8918f76db4e19⋯.jpg (28.57 KB, 553x484, 553:484, alcath.jpg)

f728e2  No.4710459

What is SENOMYX?

They add it to many beverages and foods . . Lets NOT Consume This . . . .

2b3b35  No.4710460

>>4709478 pb

The evolution psyop, like most apparently, was designed to keep you looking outside yourself when, in fact, the only true evolution available for man is the evolution of Consciousness.

b24fb3  No.4710461

File: 20c45b386db2dfc⋯.jpg (106.7 KB, 660x495, 4:3, dear-leader-bread-factory.jpg)


I'd hit that!

3f2ae5  No.4710462


Foundation requires digging under

Will lead to tunnels

b1a744  No.4710463

48c83f  No.4710464

File: 8fb776b6c9ca8d7⋯.jpg (370.77 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, pagetranscriptsreveal.jpg)

New article in The Epoch Times of transcripts of Page's closed door testimony, is there a Q proof here?

8239cc  No.4710465


It's horrible. They live 2 families to an apartment and bring over half their village in a few years.

They are the cheapest people on the planet.

37f143  No.4710466


speak for yourself shill… I wanted one and I want it electric with 100,000 volts.. go kys

2d4296  No.4710467

File: c86ac1aee665311⋯.jpg (36.31 KB, 474x312, 79:52, shatner caps.jpg)

7b2ee5  No.4710468


really. This isnt MAGA. What about the massive offshoring of critical infrastructure jobs? Every quarter 3000 to 4000 US citizens are fired and their jobs offshored to Tech Mahindra. AT&T and Verizon, I am looking at you. SO blue collars get manufacturing jobs back, but white collare jobs bleed unabated to India. If I was a younger I would not go into tech.


86b54e  No.4710469

File: 9bb56b4ffad0987⋯.jpg (82.02 KB, 678x751, 678:751, Agreed.jpg)

2e3e09  No.4710470


Kill myself because I don't share your sentiment. Thanks.

3e4c8c  No.4710471

File: c779a803bd15ab6⋯.png (552.22 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, jiha.png)

668f3b  No.4710472

389554  No.4710473

File: fecd6f9434b1924⋯.png (888.77 KB, 836x506, 38:23, capture.PNG)

Head of Japan’s Olympic Committee denies corruption charges

The president of Japan’s Olympic Committee has been indicted in France on corruption allegations, a judicial source confirmed on Friday.

Tsunekazu Takeda was indicted last month by the national financial prosecutor’s office in Paris, the source said.

Takeda, a retired equestrian sportsman who is helping to organise Japan’s hosting of the 2020 Olympic Games, denied the report in a statement, saying on Friday he had cooperated with French authorities.


8239cc  No.4710474


MAGA hat on Roberts? U fucking joking?

94477e  No.4710475


I believe that will happen. If not for FISC for whatever they have on him or jail. Trump will have 4 appointments.

713056  No.4710476


There are gas powered saws and battery powered saws. You missed the technological evolution the latest 30 years?

0f9513  No.4710477

File: c7086d72942d549⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 643x381, 643:381, 0 01IT.jpg)


they always label it "not pr0n"! :D

fef874  No.4710478


Early 30's Anon here, I have several friends with college degrees still struggling to find a job in their field, and these aren't worthless degrees. Several have went back to school to kick the student loan can down the road. We're talking not being able to find work paying much better than $10-12 an hour. I feel for them.

After my service I grabbed associates in two trades, did oil and gas for a while, moved to pipeline, and now do commercial and industrial concrete - huge projects that require some travel. Brand new guys that know nothing about the trade that come in as laborers are making $20 an hour, yet some of my friends wont forget about their degree and grab a hard hat.

Our machine operators are making 25-35/hr and have an awesome setup (closed cabs, heat/ac, basically play a video game all day), but you have to work up to being trusted to run expensive machinery. I started off at $12 and as I demonstrated the ability to fix equipment, weld, frame, finish and even operate machinery I made my way up to $28.50 in just two years, I was making $25 on the pipeline when I left.

My buddy is a commercial electrician pulling down about $50 an hour with a company paid truck and fuel, company tools.

These kids need to wise up and forget their degrees. America is building again, and the wages have went up several dollars since POTUS got into office, at least in this Anons area.

955aa0  No.4710479

File: 1c469b484cf31d1⋯.jpg (658.07 KB, 1500x987, 500:329, 2qwahq.jpg)

37f143  No.4710480


no kys because you think you're speaking for everyone… shill

2b3b35  No.4710481


How dumb are you? The differences are orders of magnitude in difficulty and resources required to bypass the wall.

b1a744  No.4710482


Again an offered hand to masons and other comped ones imo.

No need for suicide.

Ask for help.


Be saved.

823c42  No.4710483


Gas yourself, Moshe.

The cabal wants you multicult

2e3e09  No.4710484


Putting a big net over our country to prevent drones too then? And after the wall is up that's it? Tunnels can never be dug out again?

731eae  No.4710485

A Force for Good: America Reinvigorated in the Middle East

"It is a truth that isn’t often spoken in this part of the world, but because I’m a military man by training, I’ll be very blunt and direct today: America is a force for good in the Middle East."


4c1831  No.4710486

File: be05cbdfdb8cdfe⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpg)



2d4296  No.4710487


That's Chris Christie's belt driven donut feeder prototype

e49f76  No.4710488

U.S. defense official says no U.S. troops have withdrawn from Syria


58d7a8  No.4710489


03f2d9  No.4710490


You want to make jooish history correct, dont ya?

af575d  No.4710491

>>4708257 (pb)

Of course they will go after a woman just as badly as they went after Justice K, but worse. Look at how Sarah Sanders, Melania, Ivanka, Kellyann are treated, and they are 1/1024th the threat that a young, pro-life female Supreme Court justice would be. Ask Candice Owens how much respect she gets as a conservative woman of color.

2e3e09  No.4710492


"How dumb are you…"

Excellent communication skills as always.

892d3a  No.4710493

The person we seek in China is a US OFFICIAL…. find the top US OFFICIAL

8239cc  No.4710494

File: fde2e912d2be00d⋯.jpg (52.93 KB, 497x500, 497:500, fde2e912d2be00d54af9651fc3….jpg)


Toots approved

0f5093  No.4710495


Q was thanking Soros for funding the caravans, which caused a border crisis.

7809a1  No.4710496

Anons arguing over saw blades and torches when the Cartels have easy access to shape-charges. Kek!!

a4b6f7  No.4710497

File: 5338881adc718a7⋯.png (426 KB, 618x301, 618:301, acostatestify.PNG)

389554  No.4710498

File: ebfaee22f50044f⋯.png (546.91 KB, 728x419, 728:419, capture.PNG)

File: 96514a8bd6730ff⋯.png (47.48 KB, 404x143, 404:143, MilitaryQ.PNG)

Friday Laughs

26d4c3  No.4710499


Thank you, what part of deterrent don't people get? Locks only keep honest people out.

3f2ae5  No.4710500


Drones can be shut down using technology

Once old tunnels are eliminated, ICE can work to prevent new ones build since will be relieved from daily operations to catch people

0ff07c  No.4710501


I think Q was telling her to cooperate because they already had the proof of her going to london, nice job, anon.

d67e98  No.4710502

File: 0773c7b96f2ebd5⋯.jpg (290.55 KB, 1208x808, 151:101, ComfyAlmonds.jpg)

195ae5  No.4710503

File: 7893cf1e09d5104⋯.png (225.82 KB, 475x307, 475:307, ClipboardImage.png)


Good to see ya Mike!

2e3e09  No.4710504


Sounds reasonable. Thanks for taking the time to communicate. You have solid answers that are appreciated.

d24cd7  No.4710505


Damn, I love Q Team!

Thank God we still had good righteous patriots working to keep our country from being systematically destroyed!

God Bless All who have fought and sacrificed in this decades long struggle!

37f143  No.4710506


in a military ambush what do you try to do… funnel the enemy into the kill zone… exactly what walls will do placed in key locations.. they will take the easy route and go where there are no walls… border patrol will be waiting… how far are your tunnels going to go? a mile, two miles?

742565  No.4710507


you'd think all the cartel houses lined up for miles along the natural gas lines in east texas would be considered a material national security threat, huh.

c6fb9b  No.4710508



This is awesome, Anon. Yesterday Lionel cracked me up by saying that by the time President Trump is through – in his first term – he will have appointed 4 new justices, leaving Sotomayor and Kagen to be the Laverne and Shirley if the Supreme Court.

8239cc  No.4710509




Fuck the H1-B scam. We aren't putting up with it. We don't want to work in offices that look like Hydrobad.

603098  No.4710510

File: 5767aef6130fd12⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 530x430, 53:43, Fordfake.jpg)

00dbad  No.4710511

File: bfd1abb7bce8a07⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1903x910, 1903:910, ClipboardImage.png)

Q4 Shoutout to the board?

6ecc88  No.4710512


Democrats in manacles starting with Feinstein ne Blum and the CA ZOG

cadec6  No.4710513


look, you said you were in construction when obviously you dont know anything about the tools & tech you are looking up online.

You are either a housewife or a child. Go ask a real man irl about ypur ideas and let him tell you how full of shit you are.

you dont want to learn, your just here to fantasy role play. good bye betty

f882fc  No.4710514


Lisa Page and Strzok went to London for McCabe a month after DJT was elected and a month before he was inaugurated.

Ya that’s notable af

057069  No.4710515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this was linked in the QMAP - I think they have experimented with what you say and area lways trying to - but I don't think the current manipulation has that going on in it.

879ff3  No.4710516

Interesting…this new wave of anti-Amy Barret shilling. Almost a clean substitute for the mindless repetitive moo jooing.

Another thing that stands out is this wasn't happening when her name was floated before Kavanaugh's nomination.

Almost feels like shillblue mediamouthpieces have invaded the board. Other than the occasional gutter-crawler still obsessed with muh brown skin, it just feels off. Almost by design. The next wave will focus on her Catholicism. That’s the primary avenue to try to torpedo her nomination, though I admit, this haiti angle caught me off guard.

Guess it's prelude to the wrap-up-smear. Dirty the waters before she even has a fair chance at being nominated. How cute.

Fake shills here pretending to support the President, but won't support his choice for her if he selects her? brock, you're not welcome here…go play with buttplugs with your butty ed brock.

0f9513  No.4710517

File: 0034ba0c5b8b46f⋯.jpg (107.91 KB, 436x310, 218:155, 0034ba0c5b8b46f9ea5d2be51d….jpg)

ok ok what part of MOVIE do you worthless pieces of slime not understand! :D


b1a744  No.4710518


Asking for


eadb59  No.4710519

File: 1ddf964f5b92647⋯.jpg (220.18 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190111-091554….jpg)

28c73a  No.4710520




The original 2006 act provided for "at least two layers of reinforced fencing" to be built. However, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) successfully argued to Congress "that different border terrains required different types of fencing, that a one-size-fits-all approach across the entire border didn't make sense."[6] An amendment introduced by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Republican of Texas, was passed, amending the law to read: "nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location."[6]

37f143  No.4710521


must be you even understood it

692875  No.4710522


They are going to say Amy Barret is part of an extreme religious cult where other members will influence her decisions. THIS IS THE PLAYBOOK

It's all in the wapo article.

Stupid fucks published back in July. I guess they never thought of not telegraphing your moves ahead.of time.

4f4fe2  No.4710523


I think tunnels would be a lot easier to find when people are actually looks for them as well.

18678f  No.4710524


>If I was a younger I would not go into tech.

Those that are younger hear you loud and clear

Which creates less American STEM majors

Which causes moar shortages of Americans

Which lets Silly Con Valley say atodaso

The race to the bottom marches on.

2b3b35  No.4710525


Hard to be Chief Justice from Gitmo.

ae28dc  No.4710526

Oil now below its recent attempt at basing. Equity mkts following. $51.77. $52 will now be overhead resistance. Support becomes resistance and vice-versa.

DOW -131.29

SP500 -9.99

NAS -9.64

Cryptos have gained back some earlier loss but not much.

Mkts are performing as If they are waiting for a big news item…just like the entire week

Morning dip on both gap up/down. Bounce and drifting up to sideways for rest of session. Absent any large news item it appears this us the same pattern as the mon-weds sessions.

Those ended with the biggest trading volumes of the day.

Painting the tape.

6ea669  No.4710527

File: 91cf497398ce8c6⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1009x2407, 1009:2407, Fox News - Breaking News U….png)

File: f1265298ad73f37⋯.png (455.39 KB, 1009x2300, 1009:2300, Jayme Closs fled captor an….png)

File: c17e92d6e5de0fc⋯.png (208.23 KB, 846x439, 846:439, JaymeCloss88Days.png)

File: 60f1c020f4b2411⋯.jpg (141.39 KB, 922x631, 922:631, 1111TrumpPOTUSMelania.jpg)

Fox News TOP Story (why? I mean… ok, but…?)

911 in headline on date: 1.11.19

Jayme Closs missing 88 Days starting on 10.15.18 (115), T+R+U+M+P=88

Barron County(23), WI

Dog Walker found her

Flashlight in the Dark at [1:07] Marker of their video.

There's weirdness all over this one. The numbers, Letters of names, etc. Anyone who notices numbers/patterns… this one screams.

fef874  No.4710528


Cutting steel with a diamond blade is less than ideal, it overheats and quickly becomes dangerous.

d9dd7e  No.4710529


GOD bless him.

362e09  No.4710530


High IQ post.

I too am an early 30's anon. I dropped out of business school my first year because I immediately recognized the joke that I was a part of.

I am now the Director of Operations of a Waste and Recycling company doing over 2 million dollars per year in business.

Unless you want to work in a specialized field, tell your children to FORGET the expensive degrees. Tell them to work their asses off, and stop being "too good" for the type of work that you get your hands dirty doing.

2e3e09  No.4710531


> muh ego needs to keep insulting. But god bless, and wwg1wga, even out insults.

120706  No.4710532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I love you Q but come on

"False, moon landings are real."


As you said

"[Nothing is ever truly deleted]."

The first step of mankind in space has its original footage deleted at nasa? come on Q

No more manned missions on the moon after "nine successful manned missions" made 40 years ago? With all the debunking and suspicion going around

You taught us to think logically

I believe you and the Trump wave to the betterment of all mankind, but please don't abandon the truth where it is convenient.

Nasa is a very expensive masonic larp

Come on Q

Telemetrics Camera Robotics System

aaced8  No.4710533

ad9d08  No.4710534

File: f0ba5ddec71bba4⋯.mp4 (747.43 KB, 320x180, 16:9, WATCH Joe Biden Flees Afte….mp4)


The reason they would have called themselves handmaids in the first place is probably because:

Dixit autem Maria: “Ecce ancilla Domini; fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum…"

Luke 1:38

I know nothing about this group but from that little snippet it sounds as harmless as the Legion of Mary or the 3rd Order Discalced Carmelites. You never know though these days.

I'd try to find out what their charism is supposed to be (if any) and who is TOP of their reading list. If it's someone like Leo XIII or Thomas Aquinas or Teresa of Avila it's prob okay. If it's some flakey novus ordo shill then things get dicey.

658342  No.4710535

File: a21252fcc425472⋯.jpeg (287.84 KB, 1078x675, 1078:675, ACB.jpeg)

eb9181  No.4710536

File: 251f22548e70ede⋯.png (488.22 KB, 495x496, 495:496, 2019-01-11_10-05-29.png)

d4d4ab  No.4710537

File: 47d9950bee6d8f6⋯.png (3.93 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, q china.png)


I think you are correct, Anon!

If you enlarge Q's pic and look in the far back - there is a woman that has Feinstein's unique hair style.

So why is she there???

cadec6  No.4710538


its already been dug


0f9513  No.4710539

File: 2a360c6f3a2c9a3⋯.jpg (11.97 KB, 255x158, 255:158, 2a360c6f3a2c9a31bfe7cf9695….jpg)

Amy will be attacked for being in a "CULT".

I don't care, I like cults but they know that (yous) are afraid of many things…

d24cd7  No.4710540


I'm sure there's a plan for that fag.

d4290d  No.4710541



is that why you are here?

6ea669  No.4710542


Sorry… sauce:


362e09  No.4710543


She's making a break for it!

1a8edd  No.4710544


He didn't say the ones you saw on TV are real. Expand thinking anon.

879ff3  No.4710545


sorry. your butty Ed Buck of pelosiville….just around the bend from schiffville.

a12dbd  No.4710546


funniest part is watching your neo nazi faggot club get its ass kicked. and your to crater headed to figure it out. go figure

102bcb  No.4710547

File: 92278cb146774d2⋯.png (121.06 KB, 744x474, 124:79, DHS-wearblueday.png)

>>4707719, >>4707732, >>4707838 (pb)

>Is there a COLOR LINK between RBG and Green-Red castle?

Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

Perhaps Q was pointing to the Blue Campaign and more importantly what it represents in this context?



74abe4  No.4710548


Hope they keep her.

f728e2  No.4710549


He didn’t say which moon landings are real.

0f9513  No.4710550


missions real

footage fake

expand thinking

2b3b35  No.4710551


I see your point. Can't fix stupid if you don't know you're stupid.

Wanna try a little critical thinking or just attack the messenger?

892d3a  No.4710552

File: 7459fd08b07c6dc⋯.jpg (123.66 KB, 581x803, 581:803, Screenshot 2019-01-11_10-1….jpg)

Mnuchin in Jordan yesterday

Possibly him

ec0d41  No.4710553

File: 2bad329d07d5548⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 193x245, 193:245, feinsteinsellout.jpg)

26d4c3  No.4710555


Frees up the Border patrol to patrol the border .

80a10c  No.4710557

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused pepe.jpg)


If it's China, wouldn't it by default be the Li family?





Boom, boom, boom, boom.

Are they related?

a4eeb6  No.4710558


Culture is different than race.

Nothing wrong with getting along with other cultures, like japenese.

The world is multi cultural.

And if done right( not the cabal way, it is a good thing)

Like we have foods which belonged to other cultures, and we gave them our own american twist.

Without different cultures you would not have Italian , hispanic, german, polish, swedish, restaurants.

They are the ones that try to ruin things with words like cultural appropriation.

Also traditions that have been intergrated from other cultures.

America was the melting pot of the word.

Irish were once looked upon badly here in the past.

28c73a  No.4710559


>Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

https:// www.investors.com/politics/editorials/congress-prevented-border-fence-law-implementation/

42dca4  No.4710560

File: b618267afa1c0b9⋯.png (121.17 KB, 783x1143, 87:127, gerrish_china.PNG)


2e3e09  No.4710561

No cures

No arrests

Kids still being sold

Hollywood still influencing the world

All the same "I know moar than you" anons won't admit they're wrong. Keep pushing dates with Q.

"Shut up and KYS faggot, the date is 11/11, wait or leave"

2 months later…

"Shut up or KYS faggot, the date is when POTUS address the country later in Janurary"

When that also does nothing…

"Shut up or KYS shill, faggot, mossad faggot, nothing can happen until 2020 after reelection and I've known that this whole time"

ae28dc  No.4710562

File: 74083a4c73dd3f1⋯.jpg (9.73 KB, 255x162, 85:54, Canklestan.jpg)



742565  No.4710563


wasn't all bad being a kid on a military base in a foreign country. we had beer trucks come to our high school between classes in west germany kek legal drinking age there at the time, 12.

shades of rbg and 12 year old age of consent. yikes.

389554  No.4710564

File: 7b4d1032b64184a⋯.png (593.74 KB, 930x357, 310:119, capture.PNG)


Use to make really good money here.. FK U Obama and Clinton dirty FKing traitors

120706  No.4710565


no my friend, i'm here to watch the great awakening, I just don't want it to stop at the world corruption. Tell us the whole truth. why has nasa lied so much and continues to lie

d67e98  No.4710566

File: c003b28e1970b38⋯.jpg (119.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Front_Row_Seat_Enjoy_the_s….jpg)

File: 5d69f51860f689c⋯.jpg (218.32 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, MoviesEnjoyTheShow.jpg)

File: ce119d8b437b838⋯.jpg (241.48 KB, 600x431, 600:431, PopcornEnjoyTheShow.jpg)

File: a9f6a6a1ee4fdfc⋯.jpeg (239.91 KB, 1024x1025, 1024:1025, PopcornBaker.jpeg)

File: 92f96c6281f2507⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 554x421, 554:421, MOARPopcorn.jpg)


Kek. Love that one.

Tossing out some popcorn here for anons.

It will be needed.

732d0e  No.4710567


This is why I’m not bothered by a “fence” instead of a solid wall. Build a VERY DEEP solid poured concrete foundation wall which would have sensors built in to detect tunneling. More humans and contraband move through the tunnels than above ground.

120706  No.4710568



what evidence do you have of that

57c6b2  No.4710569


Immigration reform and the Border wall will put huge momentum behind gaining our country back. Add to that a TRUMP SCOTUS Justice or two during his term(s).

The Cabal's only real move is to orchestrate 'Pearl Harbor' type false flags to unify the Country and other countries respectively against a "common enemy" that will effectively derail or postpone the progress this Administration and foreign administrations are making. That scale and possible scope of a major war may be necessary for the Cabal to curtail and turn around the anti-Globalist anti-Central bank momentum.

We can expect further progress at this pace to lead to fierce FF that target blame on Sovereign nations that are an NWO threat (especially Russia, China, Iran, Syria, SA, etc.)

The Cabal will go as far as they can with economic means of domination, but if that doesn't succeed or they begin to lose their grip by economic or limited uprisings via NGOs, MSM, and subversive counter intelligence agencies, we can expect atrocities and orchestrated terror on a massive scale that puts the target on creating international conflict. WWII methods will be repeated exactly.

65d0f0  No.4710570

File: dc02b9e3a5602b4⋯.jpeg (97.94 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 716C7C40-065A-4978-BDBA-7….jpeg)

Boom, boom, boom, boom

I'm gonna shoot you right down

Knock you off of your feet

And take you home with me

Put you in my house

Boom, boom, boom, boom

Ow ow ow ow ow

Hmm hmm hmm

Hmm hmm hmm hmm

I love to see you strut

Up and down the floor

When you're talking to me

That baby talk

I like it like that

Oh yeah

Talk that talk

Walk that walk

Won't you walk that walk?

And talk that talk

And whisper in my ear

Tell me that you love me

I love that talk

When you talk like that

You knock me out

Right off my feet

Ho ho ho ho

Well, talk that talk

And walk that walk

Oh yeah

Oh yeah

Talk that talk, babe

713056  No.4710571


>>obviously you dont know anything about the tools…


You must be the one calling an oxy-acetylene torch a "blow torch".

Projection at it's finest.

86b54e  No.4710572

File: 41a859b293bb8d9⋯.jpg (289.16 KB, 1440x1668, 120:139, IMG_20190111_092000.jpg)


The closest I ever got. I like to think Q team has a sense of humor.

892d3a  No.4710573

File: b8fdbac065db904⋯.jpg (89.71 KB, 648x1024, 81:128, Dwo3mjvWoAEV2ba.jpg)



663137  No.4710574

0f9513  No.4710575

File: e04d47060e4c7d6⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0 TRUMP PEPE1.jpg)


one day soon

all will be comfy

d61c4d  No.4710576

File: f677120768477c4⋯.jpg (104.64 KB, 750x1124, 375:562, redheads-brian-dowling-4.jpg)


Prove God doesnt exist.

8501d2  No.4710577


Technically she works for Israel - so I wouldn't say she is selling out "her" country… She is selling out our country

7b2ee5  No.4710578


I had to work in Hyderabad/Secunderbad as a contractor because my job got offshored. =(

Made me sick to see the help wanteds in the Hyderabad Times 6 pages deep with every coumpany in my industry with GW fuckign Bushes US Changer of commerce workign with India to import more Indians are export more American jobs- lets just fuck the citizens in the ass even more. I spent years dodging the bullet by I hit 55 and bam. Once a muslim gets a boss positions, they only let other muslims work for them. So I had to kiss my job good bye.

0f9513  No.4710579

File: 6942c10f0f2129c⋯.png (9.41 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0 MEPEPE.png)


amazing powers of observation and intuition

ae28dc  No.4710580

File: 39d51434b2a5388⋯.png (869.5 KB, 911x609, 911:609, RR Drinks on me one day.png)

94477e  No.4710581


Agreed, H1-B and offshoring tech jobs is a scam. Many good paying tech jobs shouldn't require a college degree (although the position will ask for one). A good 12-18 month apprenticeship would be sufficient.

823c42  No.4710582


Keep telling yourself that, cuck.

Can’t wait until your daughter squirts out a half dozen shitskins for you to raise.

85ca22  No.4710583

25ac44  No.4710584

>>4708558 pb

Maybe explain a bit more?

The delta between postings (2:30) contains 23 - got it

contains 23 signalling NowComesTheP@IN - huh?

And the Delta since 1st Tweet of the day (04:52:31) contains both 45 (POTUS) and 132 (ACB) - where does meaning come from?

So they are both contained in it. How does that convey meaning?

37f143  No.4710585


of course the shills are coming in like the locusts at mecca… we are over the target and things are moving fast now… yes it will be her faith… it's already leading up to it with the current nomination… which is a testing of the water so-to-speak.. they want to see how much back fire they get… and they are getting some from with in their party.. when it comes to the SC and is televised ALL Christians will drop their animosity for each other and rally.. once again they will fail and expose themselves for the anti-Christians they are

a8900c  No.4710586


Well said anon. We owe them everything.

d4290d  No.4710588


And Soros most likely will have his assets confiscated

a4b6f7  No.4710589

File: bd4b7fad47e63df⋯.png (436.57 KB, 621x304, 621:304, acostasmuggle.PNG)


c8087c  No.4710590


Poor little things. They are forced to make $75-100k a year to work 12 hour days for a few years. Modern day slavery.

f728e2  No.4710591


Personally I haven’t looked into it much, but I’m thinking they didn’t use rockets

fef874  No.4710592


lol you're the one suggesting to use the diamond blade to cut steel and a hammer to bust through concrete. The diamond blade is make for concrete, not steel.

I've only posted about 20 times in the last few breads about how you are wrong. It will work, but it isn't going to be this quick chop and go that you make it sound like.

823c42  No.4710593


Hillary still breathes free air.

cadec6  No.4710594

File: 4579298b8bcdc74⋯.png (304.19 KB, 694x500, 347:250, ebbf181a2260ffed35f534a446….png)

073847  No.4710595


God Wins! Love will win!

3f2ae5  No.4710596


H visas are reevaluated every year

The can control which field has demand and allow certain number. Advantage is flexibility

1c40d5  No.4710597


beer at 12? same fucking thing.

exposing little kids to moar fuckery.

How many of those kids are now alcoholics?

879ff3  No.4710598


Nice post anon. That would, indeed, be a glorious site to behold. Let blue-pilled America see what's really going on with their so called 'leaders' - who fight for each and every unAmerican thing they can.

c8087c  No.4710599


How did having a brain prevent you from becoming a leftist moron?

46646e  No.4710600

File: d282f3627c23249⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 1560x2340, 2:3, CHUCK AND NANCY DUMMER.jpg)

Truly dumb and dumber

af2e96  No.4710601

Awaiting VIP arrival.


What senior US official is arriving in China?

>IDK, someone to meet Snowden




2b3b35  No.4710602


Sauce for that?

Something about knowing you are about to go away for a long time seems to have that effect on these self-appointed "leaders".

d67e98  No.4710603


A thought.

POTUS is working the MSM trying to flip them.

Q made it apparent with the coded talking to Maggie H.

Now, POTUS is creating media opportunities to tell true stories, with the Oval Office speech, trip to the border, etc.

They are given every chance to get it right and start doing a real journalism job.

Just like when POTUS negotiated with the Dems and they had every chance to throw support behind the right ideas.

No one can say he isn't being reasonable.

Do you think the MSM will flip?

I don't.

If they do, great.

If they don't, POTUS is making it very obviously to the public what side they are really on.



6da101  No.4710604

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, pain.png)

Since Q has posted the punisher logo on numerous occasions, I found the following article relevant:


Also, just noticed that the comic book character's name is Frank CASTLE. Maybe another meaning to CASTLE drops?

f3c87b  No.4710605


That one is going to need a Q confirm. Because no one else in the world wears their hair like that.

668f3b  No.4710606

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 01/11/19 (Fri) 00:19:34 467fd2 (1) No.4707080






7b2ee5  No.4710607



2d4296  No.4710608

File: 0e1b1e74b936c28⋯.jpg (99.79 KB, 575x861, 575:861, marion k 2.jpg)


Fukken saved

Take one, leave one

403fad  No.4710609


Working on your smears?

edcb7e  No.4710610

Just had a thought… what if the DS is planning to have China "kidnap" a senior US official and hold them hostage as part of the trade talk negotiations? Using their own as bait to force the US to bend to China's wishes on trade.

Would create a national narrative and they could attempt to force POTUS to relent on the tariffs in exchange for the DS asset's safe return (except the normies wouldn't know the official is in on it and part of the DS).

i.e. Feinstein.

389554  No.4710611

File: 559b3a8170ba37c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 846x485, 846:485, capture.PNG)

Man who died in Democratic donor Ed Buck’s home worked at Saks Fifth Avenue

The Los Angeles County coroner’s office on Thursday identified the man who died this week in the home of Ed Buck, long-time Democratic donor, as 55-year-old Timothy Dean of West Hollywood.

Dean worked at the department store Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills and was active in a religious group, according to law enforcement sources. He also once worked in the adult film industry, one law enforcement source said.

Buck’s West Hollywood flat has been the scene of the apparent overdose deaths of two black men in the last two years, authorities said


5fb5ac  No.4710612

>>4708257 lb

> Q If a woman is selected as the nominee

Greetings. ty for your service. Respectfullly, should we get into a private currency exchange now?

3befd2  No.4710613



i likethe 11:11 interpretation

2e3e09  No.4710614

File: 5a579934b0af11d⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 600x450, 4:3, download (3).jpg)

File: a71086666836f74⋯.jpg (90.57 KB, 992x744, 4:3, download (2).jpg)

File: df6c24cbd603c4a⋯.jpg (5.13 MB, 2747x1789, 2747:1789, download.jpg)

File: 8908a117e14c406⋯.jpg (36.28 KB, 393x400, 393:400, download (4).jpg)

File: aa417b20b84c3b6⋯.jpg (122.98 KB, 590x393, 590:393, download (5).jpg)

What the world looks like outside this board of illusion.

c8087c  No.4710615



88b11e  No.4710616

The posts were filled with concrete. That would eat abrasive saw blades in seconds. You need the demolition blade with water. nothing else lasts more than a few seconds. been there cut that.


a79728  No.4710617

File: 35492242eccc40d⋯.jpeg (106.64 KB, 800x526, 400:263, B74C631C-7891-4F24-94C2-8….jpeg)

3eb5ae  No.4710618


Very easy to detect tunnel action. Medival technology figured it out. It's called - listening.

1c40d5  No.4710619

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1547155299.png)

I say we build a huge fucking impervious wall around the entire fucking country. keep em all out until we get this shit straight. Put down/out all the muzzies and foreign interlopers, including the fucking italian mafia.

925c92  No.4710620


You speak truth, Anon. I run an electrical apprenticeship program, and while a green apprentice won’t make a whole lot, their wages increase twice a year and when they finish they have zero debt for their education. It’s not just the kids’ fault that they shy away from trades, though. Parents, teachers, and high school counselors need to do their part to remove the stigma of blue collar work, and quit pushing them to earn a degree that may or may not land them a good job, but will almost certainly start them off in life with heavy debt. People in the trades make a damn good living and will always be in demand.

0f9513  No.4710621

File: 78a9700c95f79ee⋯.jpg (239.19 KB, 1118x2005, 1118:2005, REMEMBER SPYGATE TREASON.jpg)

File: 50b0a87118ac2dc⋯.jpg (171.46 KB, 962x603, 962:603, REMEMBER REMEMBER JPG.jpg)

File: 9be7e5a49954bb2⋯.png (620.19 KB, 1730x1472, 865:736, rereredo.png)

8c8b6f  No.4710622


It couldn't happen to a better group of people.

120706  No.4710623


why don't they tell us

even china and russia joining in the scam

great master neil strauss says the earth is pear shaped, then all the composed photos from nasa, details a perfectly round planet?

why so much iss today's footage with clear harnesses and cables?

it's such a big scam taking in billions and billions of dollars, and I'm just sad that Q wants the great awakening but still this matter will just stay the same, clows cgi greenscreens and harnesses "astronauts"

45f3e5  No.4710624


Think of love, my friends. Think only of love, for this is the catalyst throughout all creation. Seek this love and you will be amply rewarded. Light and love will come and drive away all darkness.

72c8ad  No.4710625

File: f49a618b04bad09⋯.jpg (4.68 KB, 300x168, 25:14, KimUn.jpg)


Jan 9, 2019

N Korea’s Kim arrives in China for talks

Beijing denies using him as bargaining chip with US amid trade war with Washington


2bad55  No.4710626

File: 28bb251ff746191⋯.jpeg (64.41 KB, 522x500, 261:250, bq-5c2d46fcbf733.jpeg)


I don't think it's Feinstein, but regardless:

f1ad76  No.4710627


She better accept the nomination knowing there are skeletons in her closets…Just saying!

32fdf8  No.4710628


What's the wooden doors aspect?

e1d986  No.4710629


She's shi'ite Catholic, so probably a Catholic one. Doubt she'd go through Hillarys buds from madeupchurch.com

608893  No.4710630

I'm confused about the Red/Green Castle in context of RBG, could this actually be about something else that Q talked about that happened the very next day? I always thought the Red/Green was about the Wall

2e3e09  No.4710631


But, but, muh this isn't L vs. R

Nothing but L bashing and R loving.

Both on the same team. Woke! Woke! As long as you share our collective opinion, so woke! Opposing opinions not welcome. Too woke for more information!

d67e98  No.4710632

File: 7b5ebd524ddb59d⋯.png (24.13 KB, 157x194, 157:194, Weep.png)

File: ae1c3aeea676be1⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 750x725, 30:29, Popcorns.jpg)

File: 0c41f3ce3416a87⋯.jpg (62.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 3Dpopcorn.jpg)

File: 60cd76cd13d4902⋯.jpg (133.54 KB, 919x656, 919:656, TrumpPopcorn.jpg)

File: d5a85a47c3e2d10⋯.jpg (194.33 KB, 1200x963, 400:321, PopcornTime.jpg)


Awesome to be participating in this historic habbening.

Here, have some more popcorn.


a4eeb6  No.4710633


you a really horrible, cruel person.

So if you by chance had a mixed grandchild, you would call it a shitskin?

Would you lock the kid up in the shed, and make the child work in your garden?

not feed it much, because hey it's a shitskin and a worthless human being in your eyes.

Would you beat that little child everyday, take out all your pent up anger( probably because viagra no longer works for you)

To classify another human being in the terms you are using is FUCKING SICK, AND WRONG AND AGAINST EVERYTHING q STANDS FOR.

ae28dc  No.4710634


In late 80's up to 2000 in bay area I can say that most places never re-evaluated them. They were just replaced with new ones. Cypress semi was a large benefactor of this strategy among others

d9dd7e  No.4710635

>>4710594 >>4710537 Feinstein In China?

Baker Notable

c44472  No.4710636

File: db926122a2d6ee4⋯.png (112.91 KB, 449x382, 449:382, ClipboardImage.png)



I can't believe this even exists. bahahaa

BAKER - pic for you.


cb18e1  No.4710637

File: 411615c838786a6⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 630x315, 2:1, Trudeau Kamloops.jpg)

Trudeau Called 'A Liar And A Weak Leader' At Chaotic B.C. Town Hall

KAMLOOPS, B.C. — Indigenous people voiced their anger and frustration with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday at a chaotic town hall in Kamloops, B.C., loudly interrupting him to condemn the arrests of protesters at a pipeline blockade.

While Trudeau was answering a question on accountability for the oil and gas industry, a man who identified himself as Will George stood up and began to yell that the prime minister had lied about wanting reconciliation with First Nations.

You're getting people arrested," George said. "You're a liar and a weak leader. What do you tell your children?"‎

Trudeau calmly asked George, several times, to sit down and allow him to finish answering the question. After several minutes, the man apologized and sat down, to applause from the crowd.

RCMP arrested 14 people Monday at a pipeline blockade in northwestern B.C., sparking protests across the country. Demonstrators on both sides of the pipeline debate appeared at Trudeau's events in Kamloops on Wednesday.

Trudeau fielded a variety of questions at the town hall, but his fiery exchanges with Indigenous people dominated the event. When he called on a First Nations woman in the crowd, she asked him what he would do to stop oppressing her people.

"When are you going to give us our rights back?" she asked, to cheers and applause.

The prime minister replied that Canada has a "long and terrible history" with regards to First Nations, but his government is working toward reconciliation and met with Indigenous leaders to discuss self-governance on Tuesday.‎

'I am ready to walk in partnership,' Trudeau says‎

"It will take time to improve (the relationship), but we are making significant progress," he said.

"You are afraid to lose everything you benefit from our oppression and our suffering. You are afraid to lose your comfort," the woman yelled.

"No, I'm not," Trudeau replied. "I am ready to walk in partnership with you and building the future and that is what we've been doing … I understand the anger and the passion that you have about protecting your land."

Later, a man who identified himself as Arnie Jack from the Shuswap Nation said Canada does not have a deed to its territory and has no right to build the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion through its lands.

Jack described the arrests in northern B.C. as a "national disgrace."

"Do you have a deed to Shuswap territory? Have you brought one here tonight to impose your jurisdiction on us?" Jack asked.

"No, I did not," Trudeau said, adding that having a "deed" is an old way of doing things and instead he wants to move forward in partnership with Indigenous Peoples.‎

Several audience members raised concerns about climate change, including a 65-year-old woman concerned about her grandson's future. She said she had spoken with environmentalist David Suzuki, who was critical of the Liberal government's handling of the climate.

"There is no question we're in a time of difficult change," Trudeau replied, but he added that his government is moving forward with a price on carbon and there are tremendous causes for optimism, and that's where he disagrees with Suzuki.

"I'm just a little more optimistic than he is," Trudeau said.

Speaking to supporters at an earlier Kamloops event, Trudeau touted the benefits of the $40-billion liquefied natural gas project at the centre of the impasse with First Nations.

In a campaign-style speech at the Liberal fundraiser, Trudeau did not address Monday's arrests at a protest against construction of a natural gas pipeline by Coastal GasLink, which is a key part of the LNG Canada project. He instead heralded the massive project as one of his government's top achievements.

"We moved forward on the LNG Canada project, which is the largest private sector investment in Canada's history, $40 billion, which is going to produce Canadian LNG that will supplant coal in Asia as a power source and do much for the environment," he said.

The RCMP enforced a B.C. Supreme Court injunction on Monday that ordered the removal of any obstructions to the pipeline project in and around the Morice River Bridge on a remote forest service road southwest of Houston.

The pipeline company says it has signed agreements with all First Nations along the route but demonstrators say Wet'suwet'en house chiefs, who are hereditary rather than elected, have not given their consent.‎

…Demonstrators wearing yellow vests carried signs that read "Carbon Tax Cash Grab" and "Trudeau for Treason" while taking part in a chant opposing a United Nations pact on migration signed by Canada. Conservative critics argue it threatens Canada's sovereignty…

‎https://huffingtonpost .ca/2019/01/10/trudeau-bc-town-hall_a_23639307/?ec_carp=7635725311722584928


Full Town Hall 

‎https://youtube .com/watch?v=U14nrNIrgGk

0f9513  No.4710638

File: f6bae81855f4c4a⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1485x1000, 297:200, SB1.png)

File: 10286acd759c13f⋯.png (2.45 MB, 2000x1330, 200:133, QZ1.png)

File: 79db5ce905ec079⋯.png (484.4 KB, 750x902, 375:451, 00001eq2.png)

File: e69cc221c3627ce⋯.png (5.14 MB, 2378x1190, 1189:595, I SEE Q PEOPLE EVERYWHERE ….png)


good one

59f543  No.4710639


Booms and boobs help.

ad9d08  No.4710640


Yes. Absolutely.


triggered puritan yank

2b3b35  No.4710641


>>>More humans and contraband move through the tunnels than above ground.

Don't believe it. Sauce for that?

18678f  No.4710642


>They are forced to make $75-100k a year to work 12 hour days for a few years

You obviously don't know the real numbers

The 12 hour day is a constant for all levels in their organization

But, yes, they volunteered for it so can't whine about it

197f09  No.4710643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Doctor called into Marfoogle News to tell them about a Meascles and TP outbreak in CA. That the CDC should be putting this info out in a few weeks but right now if you live in CA don't go to the emergency room unless you really really have too.

120706  No.4710644


that is a logo that a Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle used on his vest, when he was cowardly killed in civilian life, his unit and more navy seals started to use that logo

210647  No.4710645


I mentioned this last bread. No one cared.

0f5093  No.4710646

File: 5896f378f0ef0e3⋯.png (42.21 KB, 1166x259, 1166:259, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

742565  No.4710647


dunno about the german nationals but a lot of the mil brats struggled with it later on.

fdd9bf  No.4710648


feel the fear

Trudeau's time is ticking

362e09  No.4710649


I truly love our meme warriors. You have no idea how much joy you bring me.

a4b6f7  No.4710650

Welcome to Alexandria Cortez's Paradise


668f3b  No.4710651


That's why we are here anon.

Perhaps you'll realize that and join us. All are welcome.

806670  No.4710652

ill be here when you want my help… whatever saves the world the best is the choice. Tho im biased i think id be good at helping

86b54e  No.4710653

File: 6ebcad19a4a1759⋯.jpeg (84.84 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1547053457.jpeg)

2e3e09  No.4710654


Most misleading statement of all time lmfao

6dbf17  No.4710655

The Economist Cover 2017.

Interesting card THE HERMIT…yellow vests predicted by THE ECONOMIST in 2017..

Who are these people…THE ECONOMIST…I mean, how can they predict the future? Or are they controlling it?

I read …prolly on the chans…that the cabal had planned the yellow vests to foment a civil war, but that Steve Bannon got underneath the movement and moved it in a different direction.

389554  No.4710656

File: 67b42fd091c2678⋯.png (573.13 KB, 626x419, 626:419, capture.PNG)

Texas Republican keeps leadership post after Muslim controversy

Jan. 11 (UPI) – Texas politician Shahid Shafi will retain his seat as vice chairman of the Tarrant County Republican Party, after a controversial push to remove him from office.

Shafi, a trauma surgeon and city council member for the affluent Fort Worth suburb of Southake, has attracted national attention for pressing American ideals amid what some say have been racially-motivated attacks.

Tarrant County Republicans voted 139-49 late Thursday to keep the Muslim Shafi in his leadership post.

Shafi, who immigrated the United States in 1990 and became a naturalized citizen in 2009, was appointed to the position in July. The move drew outrage from some residents in Tarrant County, one of the United States' most conservative areas.


85ca22  No.4710657


its in my bakery now. :)

a50a26  No.4710658


Fake news example #834239432984


Conservative Legal Expert's sentence: "it would be a brutal confirmation."

https:// www.newsweek.com/ruth-bader-ginsburg-illness-if-trump-appointee-replaces-supreme-court-justice-1287940

ad9d08  No.4710660

File: c8c8fbcbaf15c18⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 3857b5a8a85fc3e24f392f2832….jpg)

2796fd  No.4710661


How about the only letters you can see are A & C… or mirrored CA confirms

195ae5  No.4710662

File: b9907a3357f6c55⋯.png (55.59 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>The Bush Compound in Kennebunkport Maine has a blue castle icon next to it in google maps.


I couldn't get that to work.

I did find this

School of Politics & International Relations, University of Nottingham



site:qanon.news blue castle

3eb5ae  No.4710663


They know damn well how it works. Docfag back. First, its Gamma hydroxy butyrate, then they shoot with heroin, followed by meth = sex slave. Cared for many in Houston.

aaced8  No.4710664

I think the 4 booms relates to 4 yrs of the presidency.

7b2ee5  No.4710665



The federal H-1B program is intended to allow foreign workers into the US to do high-skill jobs for which employers can’t find qualified domestic workers. In reality, it’s a way for US employers to lower their labor costs, ignoring the large pool of fully qualified (but more expensive) US workers in favor of cheap foreign labor.

This isn’t a small program, either; in 2014 there were 124,326 new applications approved and 191,531 renewed. Since this is a three-year program with one possible renewal, the total number of H-1B foreign workers in the US is triple that, or close to a million lower-wage workers in positions that should otherwise go to US workers at much higher wages.

eb9181  No.4710666

File: e9e90be12ce2a1d⋯.png (302.44 KB, 432x573, 144:191, 2019-01-11_10-29-53.png)


Abilio feeling a lady-stiffy?

a2644e  No.4710667

File: 2571f009300d973⋯.jpg (529.49 KB, 2560x2556, 640:639, rbg-2019-wall-calendar.jpg)


How about a 2019 RBG wall calendar?


dcddf0  No.4710668

Autistic picture analysis slide.

45f3e5  No.4710669


Logical thinking, traitors looking for Refuge

9b9127  No.4710670


It's funny because it's true.

1c40d5  No.4710671


you're a fucking idiot.

892d3a  No.4710672

File: 26a3afbfe3e20b1⋯.jpg (76.87 KB, 578x534, 289:267, Screenshot 2019-01-11_10-3….jpg)

File: 44826f1ae35ac2e⋯.jpg (176.79 KB, 593x950, 593:950, Screenshot 2019-01-11_10-3….jpg)

Trump to H1B visa holders: 'Path to citizenship' could be coming soon


889ead  No.4710673

File: a45ea6f7d5229cb⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 255x190, 51:38, rtyno.jpg)

d67e98  No.4710674

File: 621c2519033ec3f⋯.jpg (343.65 KB, 1083x768, 361:256, 911Punisher.jpg)

File: 4f682a02c4f4006⋯.jpg (76.73 KB, 691x522, 691:522, PunisherWWG1WGA.jpg)

File: be9e50695cc411c⋯.jpg (160.44 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Hillarywpunisherh.jpg)

File: 2cc3045be3be034⋯.jpg (703.67 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, FlynnAsPunisher.jpg)

File: bd8afa81c175978⋯.jpg (29.35 KB, 480x717, 160:239, MAGAEvilFearPunish.jpg)

3f2ae5  No.4710675


Docfag ty

Can you explain how each chemical and a combination works?

82fa25  No.4710676

>>4707080 (PB)






3, 6, 9 spaces b4 each

Maybe days?

33b243  No.4710677


Wouldn't life be wonderful if we all loved our neighbour as ourself? Everyone looking after another and hundreds of others looking after oneself. Such a beautiful concept.

3e4c8c  No.4710678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ruslan ostashko's take on the artic and ice-breakers, of all things. russia's got forty of them, the us one, in need of repair, im sure the us will get some in due course

2bad55  No.4710679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't know about that plane, but this Muse music video sure is a shout out to the "digging" boards:

>Rebuilds her right leg with tech

>Sees 666 in the hypnotizing fake news

>Fights suits with blinders over their eyes

389554  No.4710680

File: dea6fbe29dbb3ef⋯.png (56.3 KB, 197x267, 197:267, Capture.PNG)

File: 03edcb4ea42a0f7⋯.jpg (998.49 KB, 1000x1294, 500:647, cashless.jpg)

786c57  No.4710681

File: d6faed484c391a3⋯.png (778.92 KB, 1024x638, 512:319, ClipboardImage.png)

0f9513  No.4710682

File: 7620cc01f01de60⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 566cd2dfbead809a3c3095e3e0….jpg)


indeed a most excellent timeline!

now, if we can just keep the sun from exploding :D

dd0132  No.4710683


No matter who's on the reading list or quotes from past/present members or leaders they will spin and lie lie lie. I'd rather have Amy as SCOTUS than some cabal witch.

515085  No.4710684

>>4710163 US Air Force Tweet: Green Castle?

not as comp'd as the Clowns but still.

c8087c  No.4710685





ace135  No.4710686

File: 85ef7ee0b6a649f⋯.png (211.58 KB, 609x448, 87:64, kept alive.png)

d67e98  No.4710687

File: a6be783a9a3a836⋯.jpg (169.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, beautifulKEK.jpg)


>keep the sun from

Think beautiful thoughts. It's up to you, kek.

265a01  No.4710688


>I think you are correct, Anon!


>If you enlarge Q's pic and look in the far back - there is a woman that has Feinstein's unique hair style.


>So why is she there???

What about Dan Patrick? Tall white dude with the weird haircut?

515085  No.4710689

anons, the medical industrial complex has an AM Radio wing, in case you didn't notice.

2b3b35  No.4710690


You are assuming that they still have the same resources. Take-downs have apparently been occurring steadily since 12/20. I'm guessing that's why this US Marshals Service Joint Prisoner Air transport 737 has been so busy since then.


a286ca  No.4710691


4 booms!

823c42  No.4710692


Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

edd9db  No.4710693

File: 47ae83ca4a7ffba⋯.png (258.68 KB, 560x297, 560:297, q.PNG)

Steven Tyler partners with Youth Villages to create haven for abused girls - http://www.kait8.com/2019/01/11/steven-tyler-partners-with-youth-villages-create-haven-abused-girls/

210647  No.4710694


They paid her a lot of money in expectation of something that she is suddenly no longer able to deliver. She is there to beg for mercy so they won't suicide her.

There is a whole lot more about her than we will ever know. I think she is one of the victims of Q's "pain". I'm expecting her to either retire and disappear soon or be retired with some type of illness or accident. She is most definitely on The Clock too.

fef874  No.4710695


There is money in the trades right now.


I bet you are a lot like we are, too. Can't find enough people to stick around and do shit work for a while to earn the bigger bucks, not that starting at $20 isn't a fair shake for how much you actually end up standing around on any given day.

Some of the walls we do are the Redi-Rock and when a new guy comes on he's like "oh this is awesome, machines do all the work" and he makes great pay for doing hardly shit.

Do a Keystone wall where it makes more sense to carry block and mother fuckers drop like flies.

74a9aa  No.4710696



Actually, KEK!!

a2644e  No.4710697

File: 97671089ad947d7⋯.jpg (259.68 KB, 1051x1360, 1051:1360, rbg-2019-wall-calendar-v2-….jpg)

File: 73a51436b9231f0⋯.jpg (176.45 KB, 1051x1360, 1051:1360, rbg-2019-wall-calendar-v2-….jpg)


And this one, too.


7b2ee5  No.4710699


NO. This issue hits home. Kill H1-B. Seriously. STOP THE OFFSHORING OF US JOBS TO INDIA

The federal H-1B program is intended to allow foreign workers into the US to do high-skill jobs for which employers can’t find qualified domestic workers. In reality, it’s a way for US employers to lower their labor costs, ignoring the large pool of fully qualified (but more expensive) US workers in favor of cheap foreign labor.

This isn’t a small program, either; in 2014 there were 124,326 new applications approved and 191,531 renewed. Since this is a three-year program with one possible renewal, the total number of H-1B foreign workers in the US is triple that, or close to a million lower-wage workers in positions that should otherwise go to US workers at much higher wages.

658342  No.4710700

File: ccaf0428633a1c5⋯.jpg (250.19 KB, 856x642, 4:3, ACB.jpg)

6272cb  No.4710701

File: 7d1de7f75f9e8e3⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 400x568, 50:71, pepe matrix harvester.jpg)

File: fb714741c28af41⋯.jpg (54.15 KB, 849x473, 849:473, snowden mail.jpg)

File: 168fc09ba1d3e38⋯.png (840.79 KB, 600x800, 3:4, pepe matrix redpill.png)

File: b4173b035024495⋯.jpg (29.83 KB, 325x209, 325:209, jews the goym know.jpg)



>Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/khashoggi-friend-sues-israeli-firm-over-hacking-he-says-contributed-to-the-journalists-murder/2018/12/03/ddcb28ee-f708-11e8-8642-c9718a256cbd_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.7eb112815ff1

<Khashoggi's Whatsapp messages with other Saudi Arabian dissidents were being monitored by Saudi Arabia using (((PEGASUS))) a surveillance system supplied by Israel's NSO GROUP.


>Source: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20181107-edward-snowden-saudi-used-israel-spyware-to-target-khashoggi/

The position of NSO Group is that they supply states with the technology without monitoring its use afterwards.

I call bullshit, I am sure ISRAEL is gathering a trove of state secrets from every client they serve.

Now, the supposed rationale behind these technologies, violating of Universal Human Rights and International Law, is that it serves to deter terrorism or drug trafficking.

Do you see the fucking irony, or rather sheer cynicism, in supplying these "terrorism deterring technologies" to one of the most notorious funders of terrorism in the world?

>Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-sponsored_terrorism#Saudi_Arabia



Mexico is the most dangerous country in which to exercise journalism, we study Communication to be Journalists, not martyrs!! SOS

>Source: https://ipi.media/mexico-most-deadly-country-for-journalists-in-2017/

(((PEGASUS))) is the same technology abused in Mexico during the notorious scandal of 2017 in which many prominent politicians, Human Rights activists, and journalists such as Carmen Aristegui -and even her minor son- were the object of infections and surveillance by the government of Enrique Peña Nieto, which was extensively covered by research by Citizen Lab. The technology is still used to this day in Mexico, regardless of the "measures" the government took in 2017 after the first reports by Citizen Lab and persistent public and journalistic outcry demanding answers.

>Source: https://citizenlab.ca/2018/11/mexican-journalists-investigating-cartels-targeted-nso-spyware-following-assassination-colleague/

Do you see the bloody irony, or rather sheer cynicism, in supplying these "drug trafficking deterring technologies" to one of the most notorious narco-states of the world? Not to leave "narco-terrorism" out of the Mexican picture.

What do you expect for these countries to do with the technology? Well of course, to find, track, and blackmail/neutralize journalists, dissidents, and Human Rights activists. They are such a pain in the ass when you are a corrupt criminal government.

<But seriously, what did the Mexican government need naked pictures of Aristegui's son and his girlfriend for? They are using this technology even on minors, to get what beyond sexting materials? keep in mind infections are limited per contract.


By the way, at least in Mexico, the cost per infection of targeted individuals was 77,000 dollars.

>Source: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/spanish/2017/06/20/cnnee-pkg-alis-espionaje-gobierno-mexico-activistas-periodistas-spyware-pegasus-nyt-pena-nieto.cnn



(((E V E R Y F U C K I N G T I M E)))







d9dd7e  No.4710702


Nope. Way too early. She is there for something else.

2796fd  No.4710703

File: 3643e98ca11e2b0⋯.png (322.34 KB, 918x392, 459:196, ClipboardImage.png)

In a onesie and shark attack.

0f9513  No.4710704

File: fbd8fea88634471⋯.jpg (199.62 KB, 1102x1160, 19:20, AAARCHST.jpg)

File: 5355e9fa50d31a1⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 3832x5056, 479:632, ATD.jpg)

File: dbbf0cf65c6eabf⋯.jpeg (18.64 KB, 252x255, 84:85, cde4b06f2c44c97332a96b606….jpeg)

File: b91580ca251b0df⋯.jpg (106.42 KB, 900x900, 1:1, DmbkNWcV4AA8rl3.jpg)


faggot motherfuckers!

true faggots

proper faggots :D

892d3a  No.4710705


why is he doing it?

e7246b  No.4710706

File: a2842443b1da722⋯.png (376.3 KB, 624x447, 208:149, ClipboardImage.png)

dcddf0  No.4710707


Plus, curry stinks up the place.

72c8ad  No.4710708

File: 70f921894360b9a⋯.jpg (21.74 KB, 620x355, 124:71, ArrivalAtBeijing.jpg)


January 11 2019

S Korea, China urge concessions to break US-N Korea impasse

China and South Korea called for concessions from the United States as well as North Korea, ahead of a possible second summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump, suggesting a US pressure campaign aimed at the North’s denuclearisation may be slipping.


6da101  No.4710709



I understand anon.

You don't find it notable that the creator of that logo is trying to shine a negative light on those that do wear it in law enforcement?

I think it is akin to the pepe creator being upset that it was taken under the grace of kek.

9ac6e9  No.4710710

File: 63f2648f347eae4⋯.jpg (19.43 KB, 203x249, 203:249, ccb.jpg)


as ridiculous as the HC Coloring book, bought at the Bill Clinton "museum" in Hope(less) ark

2b3b35  No.4710711


Why would the Sun explode? It's just a transformer.

Expecting a power surge from the other side?

ba1c6b  No.4710712


Earlier, an anon said this flight had been delayed.

Sorry, can't find which bread this was on.

If delayed, are they prepping for the arrival - arrest?

823c42  No.4710713


Haven. Yeah.

Or is that Harem?

6c1875  No.4710714

File: 859ed134e972690⋯.jpeg (163.28 KB, 1242x1842, 207:307, D4D314B8-9481-4D69-9B85-C….jpeg)

File: e66c7a23c67592d⋯.jpeg (164.66 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 72E76C13-6BC8-4560-9B85-3….jpeg)

File: 431dba04cc98e9b⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1242x2165, 1242:2165, C2FD4AF3-FF4F-4191-AE5D-D….jpeg)

File: 1bc1c703f6efc10⋯.jpeg (67.82 KB, 1242x857, 1242:857, A99C2CF4-99D1-4567-9980-5….jpeg)

File: 50c1bc0e7983f92⋯.jpeg (877.54 KB, 1242x2145, 414:715, 0A21654B-5FCE-4266-BEB5-B….jpeg)


this was the best notable I’ve seen in awhile. How didnwe not connect these dots b4?

Now the drops regarding eye of Ra make an abundance of sense… saving isRAel for last indeed.

Now I know why we have all these obelisks everywhere in the world too.

and also makes sense why entertainers do the eye of ra… who owns the entertainment biz??

>>4706578 IsRAel → Ra?

d9dd7e  No.4710715


Fucker uses his daughter as a sex object in his videos. Doesn't get much sicker than that!

60dd32  No.4710716


Boom boom boom boom

I want you in my room

Let's spend the night together

6ecc88  No.4710717


Seriously. It's just another pay to play imperialist LZ. College seats to Americans first. Hire Americans first.

0f9513  No.4710718

File: e8f4f36137c09b4⋯.jpg (22.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0 2.jpg)



we have to time masheen scro's!

fef874  No.4710721


My take, that is a round about way of saying that H1B will not be an option, become a citizen or GFYS

6c1875  No.4710722

File: eaee91c87fbe75c⋯.jpeg (273.49 KB, 1242x1893, 414:631, 12F830DA-29DD-471E-9428-F….jpeg)

File: 90ff848b5f3c4eb⋯.jpeg (96.51 KB, 1242x642, 207:107, 34E77BD9-9F84-4FC3-A71E-5….jpeg)

File: 1636940197d63a5⋯.jpeg (93.27 KB, 1242x669, 414:223, F5AE04AD-0C87-43A0-8DCA-F….jpeg)

File: f163caf10cd8b49⋯.jpeg (89.93 KB, 1242x795, 414:265, BE799920-99FA-443D-A840-A….jpeg)


These obelisks… (((babylonian)))

668f3b  No.4710723


The Economist is own by the Rothschilds, the economist building in SW 1 is abutting Hyde park and the palace.

If you like to watch Pedovores it's ideal locale.

40050e  No.4710724

>>4710706 Could be Conan O'brien too..

edcb7e  No.4710725


This argument is nonsense. I work in the tech industry and there is absolutely no pay discrepancy between H1-B holders and US citizens in the same positions.

It's fine if you take that stance on H1-B visas, but make sure you get the facts straight.

e1d986  No.4710726


This is what I am concerned with when QTeam says 90+% will go to hospital.

I mean: from being nuked by cabal, or to find out everything is Soylent Green?

6c44be  No.4710727


I dug last night too. What more can be dug on? If the money disappeared, I suspect it will be very hard to trace (like trying to trace the money Soros donates). As Q said, "slush funds everywhere.

925c92  No.4710728


Does Feinstein wear glasses? That person looks to be wearing glasses to me.

6bcc57  No.4710729


they forgot the orange jumpsuit

ace135  No.4710731

File: 2b1af63b4d6723a⋯.png (269.79 KB, 602x433, 602:433, BDS is okay when we do it.png)


The "gas chambers" were never airtight and had wooden doors. The overreaction to any WWII revisionism is, as you discover if you ignore the shills and read the books, a coverup of a giant lie. Hitler did nothing wrong… except print his own currency. That's a no-no to world jewry.

6dbf17  No.4710732

The one with the tarot cards on front cover…imma looking for it>>4710680

389554  No.4710733

File: 5118159e4b92d0e⋯.png (523.92 KB, 628x422, 314:211, capture.PNG)

Ex-Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn indicted for breach of trust

Jan. 11 (UPI) – Former Nissan Motors Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn was indicted on new financial charges Friday in a Tokyo court.

Ghosn, 64, was charged with aggravated breach of trust for allegedly transferring $17 million in personal investment losses to Nissan in 2008 as well understating his compensation by $37 million for three years through March 2018, the Nikkei Asian Review reported.

Last month, he was indicted for underreporting his pay by around $46 million between 2010 and 2015.


6c1875  No.4710734

File: c0fbc9beb415c78⋯.jpeg (86.91 KB, 356x447, 356:447, 8582A317-86B3-4C41-B03C-C….jpeg)

File: 67c59f462491550⋯.jpeg (46.09 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 50BB6C49-D256-4461-9C28-0….jpeg)

File: 8ba6f1c11b1cf56⋯.jpeg (36.73 KB, 236x187, 236:187, 73D8AE6F-79D5-46E5-8834-6….jpeg)

File: 3baa1c189c24f13⋯.jpeg (1.96 MB, 1797x2100, 599:700, FCEE3A40-A930-4F89-938B-1….jpeg)

94477e  No.4710735


Agreed, but I still have a problem with the shortage of domestic tech workers. How is relying on foreign tech workers any different than importing steel? Bring steel jobs back (security) bring tech back (security).

ae28dc  No.4710736


In Bavaria it was common practice that if you could grab the beer off the bar you were old enough to drink it.

Our culture makes 21 the age and the years leading up to that age is where the problems come from. If it is a taboo thing and have to wait to do it legally it just makes kids moar prone to wanting it.

Shoulder tap anyone?

bcf50e  No.4710737


Well, she is a senior, over 65…lol

Q is known to be funny, kek

eb9181  No.4710738

File: f9fab88c4c4adbc⋯.png (111.48 KB, 464x320, 29:20, 2019-01-11_10-32-30.png)

25ac44  No.4710739


NASA was as much aPR firm as a Space Exploration mission. They did not leave the film footage to chance. The Astronauts practiced repeatedly in order to get good shots when they finally did land on the moon.

They did this on a stage, so that the results could be checked. Much of the film we see, which are claimed to be fake, are such practice runs.

They were also useful for the PR if the transmission from the moon was not successful, the practice shots could be shown on TV. If tey ran them as such, it is a shame that someone chose not to include the disclaimer "A simulation".

17599e  No.4710740

File: a6bea65092c73ef⋯.png (25.75 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)


Ocasio-Cortez campaign fined for not providing worker's compensation: report


4e6e1c  No.4710741

8a70f9  No.4710742

BREAKING: Lisa Page had no idea that the Intelligence Community IG referred the Clinton-email server case to the FBI because of evidence of a foreign intrusion. This suggests the people briefed (Strzok?) did not communicate it to the team.


210647  No.4710743


Ignorant bigots in Texas want to remove him because of his race. Him being conservative and a muslim is far more acceptable than retarded Caucasians like Beto and the many white Texas liberals who voted for him.

37f143  No.4710744

fdd9bf  No.4710745

File: b5734639b6899b1⋯.jpg (144.77 KB, 798x501, 266:167, frypepe.jpg)



can't even tell if parody or real

2d4296  No.4710746

File: af212e21b821976⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 550x367, 550:367, shatner kahn.jpg)

File: 8eed3783cfb7635⋯.jpg (43.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, laughing cheetas.jpg)

File: 2b4507bba77c4c6⋯.jpg (31.55 KB, 500x333, 500:333, laughing nigel.jpg)

67a3c6  No.4710747

>>4710316 - DiFi in China

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross expressed optimism on Monday, telling CNBC that “there’s a very good chance that we’ll get a reasonable settlement.” Vice Premier Liu He made an appearance at the talks on Monday in a sign the Chinese were also pushing for a positive outcome.


Cause for concern?

Deep State in 2 countries effected

Feinstein is a deep state link

2e3e09  No.4710748

File: 7fabba863e71b8d⋯.jpg (189.1 KB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, download (7).jpg)

File: 83775fc6bfda32b⋯.jpg (37.45 KB, 300x411, 100:137, Tizian_094.jpg)

File: 0b3ccbf821311fd⋯.jpg (78.75 KB, 800x758, 400:379, download (6).jpg)


Fight for a wall!!!! Stay preoccupied on a 85 year old dying fossil! Don't pay attention to real life outside!

0f9513  No.4710749

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 0 LAUGH.png)




its bad dude real bad but this is a lovely distraction :D

Have faith! even if sun explodes :D

9b9127  No.4710750

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpg (41.87 KB, 570x587, 570:587, you.jpg)


That was your comeback for what he said to you? That's the one you went with?

da45c8  No.4710751


I applaud how Clarence Thomas.

Kav acted like a pussy bitch.

Many have suffered more and cried less.

d9674d  No.4710753


yes agreed they are scared of her for some reason

a5abb8  No.4710754

File: 5deb1cb5d82e475⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 319x331, 319:331, Hillary con la senadora de….jpg)

d61c4d  No.4710755



I'm usually in the middle of something else when they post, and I come back and see breads have flown off the shelf, then I have to play catch up. Funny, too, because I distinctly remember an anon getting a (you) from a browser screenshot, and the bookmarks to gingers/redheads was pretty fucking awesome.

f4fb4f  No.4710756

File: 4852312c0900e59⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 4552x3424, 569:428, nwochart.jpg)

>>4709446 pb

"Introductory Graphs to the cabal triangle"

Notable BAKER

Great Chart which outlines part of the NWO movement.

PLUS don't forget!

I United Nations

Institute for Global Policy

Co - Founder Cord Meyers implicated in the CIA murder and cover-up of President John F. Kennedy.

Secretive Children's writer E.B. White - a prominent & dominant writer in the stable of "The New Yorker" magazine [founded by CIA money fronted by Fleishmann [bio-connection to present day "blood scammer" featured in "The Plan" video]

White also decided what writing conformed to "STYLE" parameters which influenced millions of would-be intellectuals [people who read and write a lot]

Strunk & White.

Our Funders

Institute for Global Policy

World Federalist Society


The Ford Foundation

Humanity United

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

The Sigrid Rausing Trust

Open Society Foundation

The Planethood Foundation

Home Rule Globally

Paul D. Schurgot Foundation

Samuel Rubin Foundation

The Herman Goldman Foundation

Thomas A. Todd Foundation

World Service Meditation Group Fund for Justice, Peace & Democracy

United World of the Universe Foundation

The Commonwealth of Australia

The European Union

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Irish Aid

The Kingdom of Belgium

The Kingdom of Denmark

The Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Kingdom of Norway

The Kingdom of Sweden

The New Zealand Government

The Principality of Liechtenstein

The Republic of Austria

The Republic of Finland

The Swiss Confederation

dcaa17  No.4710757


wouldn't that make her more of a rescuer of these kids? knowing what would happen to them if not adopted

shills are getting dumber by the minute

668f3b  No.4710758

File: 605369621108ebf⋯.jpg (31.3 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 489030894fbc515319dd535b29….jpg)

HILLDAWG is a VVitch AND a priestess.

She deserves FAR BETTER from you phone-it-in, low IQ, low-energy NPC shills.

Start putting some effort and energy into your work because HILLDAWG is WATCHING.

Representations were made to HILLDAWG.

“We will disrupt the board with sophisticated psyops, handcrafted by the best cognitive scientists to exploit zero-day defects in human neural processing.”

Does that mean posting the same MUH JEW meme over and over? Does it mean Furry spamming do you think? Does it mean gay interracial spamming?

You think HILLDAWG's going to tolerate (you) shills fucking her in front of anons?

HILLDAWG was promised the BEST shills.

You single use skidmarks can't even handle basic Kayfabe, or even just blend in without being called out not just as shills but as low IQ defective shills

Much safer to QUIT now if this is "high level operation" to you because HILLDAWG is not happy and she is NOT paying for this if you don’t up your game right now.

HILLDAWG didn't quit when she lost an election; despite spending a billion dollars, rigging returns in 12 states and having the entire mainstream media on her side 'cause HILLDAWGS NEVER QUIT.

You standing desk seat sniffers had better be worthy of HILLDAWGS trust and you'd better deliver on the “devastating and disruptive” psyops HILLDAWG was promised or (you) will discover what it's like to be eaten from the inside out by a VVitch AND a Priestess

fef874  No.4710759


They voted for the $50b but only appropriated 1.4b. That means the other 48.6b wasn't allocated or spent.

3e4c8c  No.4710760

File: a36b708c414669e⋯.png (1.11 MB, 838x847, 838:847, econo.png)

File: 338d5f34cdc9c28⋯.png (550.88 KB, 645x884, 645:884, econom.png)


120706  No.4710761


i'm sorry, to me that is bullshit

1355b2  No.4710762

File: 1b8d84e24699981⋯.png (306.13 KB, 500x302, 250:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79bb8a283b8829d⋯.png (9.84 KB, 757x75, 757:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4160fdd568a2c6e⋯.png (22.57 KB, 800x167, 800:167, ClipboardImage.png)

We Don't Take Orders From Bolton": US Withdrawal From Syria Begins

Contrary to assurances from Trump's National Security Advisor, neocon John Bolton, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who suggested earlier this week that US troops would remain in Syria for at least a little while longer, the Associated Press reported on Friday that the US has begun the process of removing the 2,000 soldiers based in northeastern Syria. Citing information provided by activists with the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the withdrawal officially began Thursday night local time. A convoy of about 10 armored vehicles and some trucks left the town of Rmeilan into drove into Iraq. Col. Sean Ryan, spokesman for the coalition fighting the Islamic State group, later confirmed that the US has started "the process of our deliberate withdrawal from Syria."

Trump's abrupt decision last month to order US troops out of Syria angered former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who resigned over the decision, and stoked fears that Trump was abandoning the Kurds to a massacre by Turkish forces, who have vowed to pick up the slack in Syria when it comes to fighting ISIS. After launching a campaign of airstrikes against ISIS in 2014, President Obama deployed troops on the ground the following year to combat ISIS, which at the time controlled large swaths of northeastern Syria. Since then, the group has been beaten back, and now control only 1% of their former territory.

nitially, Trump had said the pullout would be complete within a matter of weeks, but plans became murky after the Pentagon requested four months to complete the withdrawal. Last night, the Wall Street Journal reported that the withdrawal would begin immediately. After expressing his immense displeasure with the US's walk-back of its withdrawal plans, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan - who recently resorted to threatening the US over their plans to linger in Syria - will no doubt be glad to hear about this.


e1d986  No.4710763


She can make me squee, I swear!

c6bbea  No.4710764

File: c154ad29cbb1d3a⋯.png (160.92 KB, 340x257, 340:257, ClipboardImage.png)

cadec6  No.4710765


thats ok but you should use a pic where she is ipositioned the same to show the similarity in hair/face

9ac6e9  No.4710766





de3b73  No.4710767


If ACB's sdopted kids become an issue, Roberts will be caught up in the turbulence because of his adopted kids. Could be a pretty ticklish situation for both Roberts and the dems if they want to go there.

ACB appears to be a nominee that embodies the positive aspects of issues that will backfire badly on the dems if they attack them.

If Roberts adoption is squeaky clean, no problem. If not, and he was comped because of it, it's gonna go pear-shaped fast.

With the heightened tension and focus on the wall battle now, any evidence that all the screaming and squawking is only to hinder people from discovering criminal activity will bring the scam down fast. ACB is a lightning rod.

892d3a  No.4710768

File: 1fa54f4f1bb7d96⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 591x474, 197:158, Screenshot 2019-01-11_10-3….jpg)

b0ddcd  No.4710769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9b9127  No.4710771


The burden of proof is on the party making the assertion. Catch up.

608893  No.4710772

File: e1adb4753c40f43⋯.jpg (7.75 KB, 288x288, 1:1, 2278[1].jpg)

Uses the Transgender Flag color scheme

a6c617  No.4710773


Hello Jim!

2e3e09  No.4710774

Why is there so much attention to RGB dying? Great, she dies. Then she's dead. Now what did all that searching do? Buy time? Next search, new SCOTUS by POTUS, moar digging, moar buying time. Moar illusions. Get another Kav to keep abortion going. Then POTUS can blame them, as always, nothing ever his fault. Always someone elses. Art of the deal.

a8900c  No.4710775


>>4710740 Ocasio-Cortez campaign fined for not providing worker's compensation.

>>4710733 Ex-Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn indicted for breach of trust.

>>4710594, >>4710537 Feinstein In China?

>>4710424 Germany happenings. Cure spreading WW?

>>4710442 Attack's on ACB's faith coming?

>>4710355 Transcripts of Lisa Page’s closed-door testimonies provide new revelations in Spygate scandal.

>>4710412 Mark Meadows: POTUS to use money seized from illegal activities?

>>4710394 Hungary's Viktor Orban pushes for anti-migrant bloc to counter France and Germany.

>>4710382 Filed under: Those the loudest.

>>4710380 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tweet: See Something Say Something.

>>4710341 Local News Station snubbed by CNN when they declared the border wall 'effective'.

>>4710333 Pray for our Military. o7

>>4710311 Accenture CEO steps down due to health reasons.

>>4710301 Planefag: Boeing VC-25A in the sky, VIP aboard.

fef874  No.4710776



You miss the point.

18678f  No.4710777


>close to a million lower-wage workers in positions that should otherwise go to US workers at much higher wages.

This is one of the things that will need to be looked at when the details come out.

How do you remove the ability for them to use wage-arbitrage as the primary reason for using H1B

Without creating a government determined planned economy style minimum wage stipulation

0b9b2f  No.4710778

File: 33b1166d965b1a5⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 296x199, 296:199, stihl.JPG)


for the concrete filled steel

retired construction anon

515085  No.4710779

clearly the left cares more about Sarsour's right to wear a headscarf than it does about Kate Steinley's right to life.


as you were

161cc4  No.4710780

File: e9febb7f4b7db64⋯.png (633.68 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 657011546a1fa63⋯.png (408.68 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

any luck on china? found this and took some searching

The meeting between the US delegation — led by Deputy US Trade Representative Jeffrey Gerrish and including officials from the Treasury, Commerce, Agriculture and Energy Departments — and the Chinese side ran late into Tuesday night.

Trump says US-China trade talks going 'very well'


668f3b  No.4710781

File: 59e508e5f3aa483⋯.gif (3.17 MB, 365x600, 73:120, 3552b3a42a15162ee9596ba70b….gif)

9b9127  No.4710782


At OP, not you, Anon. My bad. I'm clearly retarded today.

389554  No.4710783

File: a9636adfc484162⋯.png (19.95 KB, 448x232, 56:29, capture.PNG)


Hope that's true because this will have to be done but I know it won't. Because to many liberals and SJW and progressives running our colleges and government now

72c8ad  No.4710784

File: 12b039b96fd70a3⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB, 480x320, 3:2, BorderWallPrice.mp4)


Complains about spending 10's of millions of dollars for a wall

Meanwhile, still spending 10's of millions of dollars in foreign aid

608893  No.4710785


meant for


Uses the transgender flag

0f9513  No.4710786

File: 077b57f838dca97⋯.jpg (676.41 KB, 1858x926, 929:463, 0 q sees pepe j.jpg)

7d4e62  No.4710787

File: 9f56f96bacccbd6⋯.png (771.92 KB, 856x570, 428:285, 758477634001299.png)

515085  No.4710788

>>4709535 SA is going to be giving a lot of charity.

can't make this up.

17599e  No.4710789


I have to agree with you.

Just because there are fuck-wits out there that can't get their head around the fact that we did do this, so they have to try and smear it some how.

All because of their own mental disability.

03a9cf  No.4710790

File: 0153166840a8259⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 903x516, 7:4, 0153166840a8259d99fdd166e2….jpg)



Lame fake and gay shill kayfabe wars spotted.

72c8ad  No.4710791


Sorry that's Billions

6c44be  No.4710792


Yes, I remember. But how to trace it? I'll bet it's well-hidden. Or was. Did they ever find the money that went "missing" the day before 9/11?

2b3b35  No.4710793


No one really knows what the Sun is, it's unknowable. It's somehow tapping counterspace to transform energy from one dimension to another.


6ecc88  No.4710794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0f9513  No.4710795

File: 8bf638732bfec8e⋯.png (358.53 KB, 544x533, 544:533, alex anon.png)

2796fd  No.4710796

How weird is this -

The dude from RBG's movie is Armie Hammer who is also known for The Social Network FB movie and Mirror Mirror - a weird adaptation of Snow White

ba1c6b  No.4710797


A neighbor who is a local professor told me that the best high-tech schools are no longer in this country. If you want the best ed and job, you go to India. We can't begin to compete.

Most univs here are horribly inadequate when it comes to providing lab facilities to students for their work.

And the quality of the students going into higher ed? You kidding! Beyond stupid, undisciplined.

Total NPCs, all fully indoctrinated.

Folks coming here from India are all that major corps will hire.

It starts with the education of our idiot kids. Our only edge is with the smarter ones from overseas.

e954b3  No.4710798

File: 4a13a36875cef8f⋯.png (962.67 KB, 800x600, 4:3, comepancho.png)


I said similar things several times yesterday, and made this shitty meme.

I'll get general now, not talking to (you):

Cutting wall talk is either anon boredom or stupidity that can be made irrelevant by 3 minutes of logical thought.

The real focus of the wall is the drug and human trafficking.

EVEN IF someone cuts 2 bollards and makes a small hole…

EVEN IF the border patrol wouldn't notice pancho cutting the wall for 4 hours, and a bus of tamales standing in line to climb through…

That's not the point.

This is now, and has been, a full on war.

Agencies founded by our government have taken over the drug trade, have BECOME the drug trade.

They have insiders everywhere, of course that would include CBP.

Right now comp'd insiders at CBP feed patrol intel to cartels, who drives full fucking convoys of shit across the border.

That won't happen with a wall in place… no where to drive across.

Flow will slow. They'll have to try to send more through ports of entry, which will also be under scrutiny.

This is the real reason top dems won't go for the wall.

8ca596  No.4710799

File: aa1205c32903aca⋯.jpg (237.38 KB, 1024x1021, 1024:1021, aa1205c32903aca979a0728176….jpg)

Dont ever let anyone downplay it, anons. No matter how much they virtue signal. Speak the (((truth)))

59f543  No.4710800

Shills are out in force, but incredibly boring.

Repeat tactics but definitely more one-on-one engagement today.

I sense desperation, the wall is coming, RBG is out, the winning is live and happening.

Mostly, Trump is in control.


2e3e09  No.4710801

Did you guys watch Hannity at 9pm last night?

cb18e1  No.4710802

Full Town Hall 

Regina SK

‎https://youtube .com/watch?v=U14nrNIrgGk

Kamloops BC

https://youtube .com/watch?v=B_nl9CUd75E

f1ad76  No.4710803

File: 1bdd8abe9168933⋯.png (227.39 KB, 585x445, 117:89, ClipboardImage.png)

0f9513  No.4710804

File: 392da7b2a929fce⋯.jpg (443.31 KB, 1499x919, 1499:919, VBOMB2.jpg)

925c92  No.4710805


>Can't find enough people to stick around and do shit work for a while to earn the bigger bucks

So true. Unless they’ve been raised with the right ethics, they’re fuckin’ allergic to hard work. I like to hit up the small town high schools recruiting for apprentices. Give me a kid raised on a farm any day over someone from the city.

6da101  No.4710806

File: e19249e64f367bc⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1274x1560, 49:60, pain.png)



693db4  No.4710807


Barron County, WI — Teenager Jayme Closs has been found alive in the Town of Gordon, an hour north of her home.

7b2ee5  No.4710808


I dont know. I can' mind read. I suspect it's corporate leader ear's not teh workers getting laid off at rates of 3000 to 4000 per quarter from AT&T and their jobs going to Tech Mahindra.

This is no secret. Maybe Trump doesn't know.

I am willing to tell my sob story. Just go to www.thelayoff.com and pick a company.

Now I'm 57 and I haven't had an interview in 2 years. I was laid off and my job given to an offshore contractor. At this rate I am going to have to apply for benefits because I can't flip burgers, or speak spanish. I have a damn degree in Engineering and business and I can't get an interview. Fuck H1-bs and offshoring. Fuck our fucking anti-citizen government that sells out to India and Pakistan as they cannot possible speed up the selling off of American jobs and enriching every one else with opportunity but those at home. Turn 55 kick your ass to the curb bu then the libs are saying 50 is the new 30 in some scam to up the age of retirement benefits. Well I wish someone would tell the liberal arts decreed millennial in HR that 50 is the new 30.

515085  No.4710809


armie hammer? he took the name of Armand Hammer as a stage name?


and then there's the fag who named himself after two actresses: "Chaning Tatum". So ghey.

98ed99  No.4710810

File: e3c9eaf35bfafec⋯.jpeg (17.68 KB, 278x437, 278:437, 1BEDEA7B-04B3-4C21-8305-2….jpeg)


The lady walking away has the hair style

403fad  No.4710811


Yep Maybe ends up shining more light on NXIVM

37f143  No.4710812


exactly… this is being brought up now during the current confirmation.. the demonrat from HI (the rep) came down hard on the demonrat senators bringing it up, she even quoted the article 6… test run anon.. getting ready for the SC nomination… it's going to fail hugely

2e2910  No.4710813


That's not 'Hilldawg'….moran!

a50a26  No.4710814


Crazy world we live in, anon.

210e0b  No.4710815


keep your enemies guessing

06379f  No.4710816


>the fucking absolute state of this board

Q….we need to fix this shit.


102bcb  No.4710817


How many more times are you going to post that today?

0f9513  No.4710818

File: e76581fce75d39d⋯.jpg (152.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q 911 BUSH 1.jpg)

File: 08ddd6762487f83⋯.jpg (396.57 KB, 1549x828, 1549:828, 911 PNAC.jpg)

File: 359bb7bdf311995⋯.jpg (325.23 KB, 913x817, 913:817, Q 911 SWIRL.jpg)


fucking hilarious

e'erbody knows it was SA and NEOCONS


17599e  No.4710819


Watched him interview POTUS.

Noticed POTUS told him FoxNews is trustworthy in his opinion, but there are some things I have to wonder about at times.

6c44be  No.4710820


They're not stupid, they're just not taught. On purpose. Who has time for teaching facts when you're so focused on indoctrination? Needs to change yesterday…..

b0ddcd  No.4710821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d9dd7e  No.4710822


Why do you Jews post so much anti-Jew shit?

e51552  No.4710823


Yes, dumbass, they can tunnel under it. They can also fly over it with choppers and launch themselves over with catapults.

0f9513  No.4710824


totally worth the 10 minutes

40c239  No.4710825


So what is El? You cropped it off in both of your pictures. Is it something like Elohim?

e3a991  No.4710826

File: b6a6a09618aebdf⋯.jpg (18.16 KB, 1276x851, 1276:851, bloodmoon.jpg)

File: 8523cfc5c0dc5e0⋯.jpg (47 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 72770ef33dbd40dade27b775f8….jpg)

Waiting for this? Why? Your black magic doesn't work anymore. Anons know.

e4a865  No.4710827

File: baa1c55daba87b2⋯.jpeg (62.78 KB, 448x536, 56:67, 6511A266-2E93-41A3-8A65-A….jpeg)

72c8ad  No.4710828


I do wish Q would post higher resolution images

67a3c6  No.4710829


Doubt she'll get it from Xi

If it was Jiangzemin or hujintao no doubt

2012ef  No.4710830

File: 42f78f9a5fbe6ad⋯.jpeg (233.59 KB, 1500x999, 500:333, 36051B02-E0D3-4FFD-AEE2-A….jpeg)

Graphics anons can I get Captain Pepe manning this vessel?

2796fd  No.4710831


That is SO weird. Made me think of Thor.

aaced8  No.4710832

File: d93084a1c4efc06⋯.png (222.53 KB, 549x295, 549:295, ClipboardImage.png)



Ra Ra oo la la

d848b0  No.4710833


Red Castle

Green Castle

Blue Castle (inferred)

"The Blue Castle" by L.M. Montgomery.

Montgomery, the CIA whistleblower?

Montgomery, the guy with boatloads of harddrives of intel?

Montgomery, the guy that Comey & Baker ignored?

2d4296  No.4710834



He also played the Lone Ranger….which nobody saw…if that means anything Keemo Sabe

c6f906  No.4710835

6" mild steel 1/4" sidewall box tubing filled with dirt would take me about 10 minutes to cut 4 times. I could get through that steel barrier before anyone would know I did it. Just need a torch, a 00 cutting tip and a BFH. Not bragging I just know what the fuck I'm doing. Been in the steel and related industries for about 35 years.

40050e  No.4710836


Live video surveillance of the entire wall must be part of the border security package. Coupled with a shoot to kill warning posted every 100 feet for anyone caught attempting to cut into the wall.

2e3e09  No.4710837


FoxNews has proven to be comped. Feel free to look up Trump's idolization of Murdoch his entire life, owner of Fox.

120706  No.4710838


how many I feel like it

does it bother you? why?

ae28dc  No.4710839






03a9cf  No.4710840

File: a9c083d1546b7dd⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x171, 85:57, a9c083d1546b7ddc8a085371a5….jpg)


If you think this reform sjw "jew" follows torah and talmud, you are a ratard.

Those who respect the talmud are trumps modern orthodox jews who sit in his cabinet and fight for the US.

But i guess shills are not paid to dig on reform sjw "jews".

Then again, your automatic behavior glows.

f7fa0d  No.4710841

File: 9b85a26a64f3e15⋯.png (27.84 KB, 255x77, 255:77, ClipboardImage.png)



[12:34] = 12 months + 34 days

15-Feb-2018 + 12 months + 34 days = 18-Mar-2019…

Q said we are 2 days ahead of schedule and POTUS moved it up 1 more day (5-Nov to 4-Nov) = March 15th

that date keeps coming up a lot recently


0f9513  No.4710842

File: 852f8ce7748c09d⋯.gif (916.79 KB, 500x200, 5:2, original.gif)

3f2ae5  No.4710843


Half of colleges have to be closed, half of useless majors eliminated

Also why do we need physics, chem, math major at every university. Stay with MIT, whatevar tech and supply enough. Local profesdor told me they accept everybody into physics major, otherwise dept will be closed. THen these students cant pass qualification exams. International students can, us students almost none

b1a744  No.4710844


Yawn, muh jew shill.

057069  No.4710845


SA yes… Bush? no… you are going to be surprised when you learn the rest of the story.

2e2910  No.4710846


100% traitor

c76e04  No.4710847

File: 040a89f8af0b9fd⋯.png (174.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

e7246b  No.4710848

File: de0e7a64ea8e780⋯.png (394.24 KB, 619x447, 619:447, ClipboardImage.png)

2796fd  No.4710849



17599e  No.4710850


May be so, but if POTUS trusts them, then so fucking be it.

389554  No.4710851

File: a4982013e282c74⋯.png (148.96 KB, 366x242, 183:121, capture.PNG)

This is the ignorance in our colleges today and you wonder why we have these problems

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)

UC Berkeley to remove historic name associated with law school, citing racism

School still plans to honor figure’s wife

The dean of UC Berkeley School of Law has decided to strip the name of an early benefactor of the school off one of its buildings and stop its use with organizations and student activities because of anti-Chinese immigration beliefs the benefactor held in the 1800s.

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky recently made the decision to officially stop using the Boalt name in connection with the law school, but still plans to honor Boalt’s wife’s legacy in some fashion.


9ac6e9  No.4710852


You need to master the language you shill under.

5e963b  No.4710853

It would be awesome if they pulled the wrap up smear against Kyrstan Sinema, she needs to go down, that chick is bad news.

8c8b6f  No.4710854

File: b56e8a06ef0c525⋯.jpg (85.08 KB, 620x413, 620:413, spyjob.jpg)

0f9513  No.4710855

File: ac7b4b666368571⋯.png (584.18 KB, 1280x939, 1280:939, 1280px-Quaterionenadler_Da….png)


bwahahah oh please tell us wise one! :D

6c44be  No.4710856

I slept for awhile. Was there any discussion about why Q was posting in the middle of the night? Maybe it wasn't the middle of the night for him. In Australia, our middle of the night is sometime around late afternoon or early evening. China should be similar. (And the last middle of the night drop of which I'm aware was also on China.)

668f3b  No.4710857

File: f18c1b747406a23⋯.jpg (97.28 KB, 1125x750, 3:2, Frank-Giustra-with-Dalai-L….jpg)

Frank "spitting toad" Guistra, handles gold, money laundering and psyops. The Toad controls Lionsgate Studios which gave us the Academy Award winning subversive psyop CRASH.

839ade  No.4710858


There was a post Tuesday about us losing an anon also. Not sure if we ever heard who. Hard to keep up the past few days.

892d3a  No.4710859

File: 495b030368abcc9⋯.jpg (1012.7 KB, 1124x5432, 281:1358, screencapture-militarytime….jpg)

‘Fort Trump’: US considers permanent base in Poland


a286ca  No.4710860


Is Feinstien a lady now- kek

cfb211  No.4710861

Don’t be asinine. Bipartisan support, including funding and calls for the need for a wall to combat illegal immigration are recent history. You must be very young, very ignorant or live under a rock with only CNN piping in information.

5f87dc  No.4710862


So who are you Bernie Sanders at a commune? Talking a lot of shit and letting others dig?

b1a744  No.4710863


Do not namefag.

120706  No.4710864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

57c6b2  No.4710865


Good observation. I don't mean necessarily an attack by air. Any limited FF will steadily progress the narrative against a "common enemy" (an NWO threat). A grand scale "Pearl Harboring" against the U.S. would later be used to get the Neocons fomenting and on board and lead the public sentiment in favor of using war powers to get engaged in a war (just like 9/11/2001 and 12/7/1941).

By the way. I travel by plane two times this week. Once on Sunday, and returned on Thursday. The difference in security was substantial in just a few days. Also as a TSA Precheck I haven't gotten flagged for extra security pat-down or bag check in all of 2018 (over 40 round trips) and now my first round trip of 2019 I was flagged 2 times by TSA once each way (and I saw several others). Something's up BIGLY.

ad9d08  No.4710866

File: 50435a83045583d⋯.jpeg (27.68 KB, 218x255, 218:255, 50435a83045583d03a460990f….jpeg)

3e4c8c  No.4710867

File: 48e416d97dce928⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1200x789, 400:263, msambassador.png)

File: ae66f544901b002⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1524x1002, 254:167, dianna.png)

135ecd  No.4710868

File: 051665101f1511a⋯.jpg (437.13 KB, 2048x1210, 1024:605, Du-h6TZXcAAMCdv.jpg large.jpg)

so what ever happened with this huge ass stack of paperwork that was on the Presidents desk over 20 days ago?

was it just more disinformation necessary bullshit?

6e6cb5  No.4710869


If it's going really well but there are still some logjams to deal with, Bob Lighthizer may have flown over to join the discussions.

b4ea7a  No.4710870



it says GLORK

6c44be  No.4710871


The Cultural Revolution–coming to a community near you.

6694d5  No.4710872



668f3b  No.4710873

File: 04158dea63fedac⋯.jpeg (530.22 KB, 2028x1352, 3:2, 04158dea63fedacf0ccb59924….jpeg)

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 01/11/19 (Fri) 00:19:34 467fd2 (1) No.4707080






f4a9a1  No.4710874

File: 120b8e8fd366b08⋯.png (47.95 KB, 225x137, 225:137, ClipboardImage.png)


Q even gave us an arrow pointing to that person, if indeed is the person that is the one referenced….

120706  No.4710875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yes english is not my main language, you tought logically for the first time congratulations

now, why does it calling fake moon landings and fake iss footage bother you so much shill?

2d4296  No.4710876


meme poster ideas

The woman who sold the world

They Spy who drove me

Big Trouble in little China

7b2ee5  No.4710877


you must work specialty. H1-b isn't my problem directly, it's OFFSHORING. OFFSHORING has no immigration impact like H1-Bs.

I refuse to buy that on the majority because there are so many unemployed Americans that would kill for those jobs, and they are qualified. So why hire foreigners? My only answer to why hire foreigners is bias or cost.

c76e04  No.4710878

File: 1f2bcd506873ae0⋯.jpg (3.84 MB, 1650x2199, 550:733, THE ISRAELI MSM.jpg)

8c8b6f  No.4710879


It was for you.

03a9cf  No.4710880


It isnt notable. It is a fake and gay garbage pasta posted ad infinitum by the propafanda spambot.

No mention of saud, payseur and the vatican. Very low iq pasta.

ae28dc  No.4710881


Where is the name?

Nice try

fef874  No.4710882


Not arguing that. I argue how feasible that is in the more remote areas of the border that are currently open. Then, on top of that, Marine Sensor Platoons jobs just became that much easier.

Layered security.

72c8ad  No.4710883


I've scoured the internet for any mention of American dignitaries going to China and not one news article mentions which Americans are there other than a few articles talking about Kim Un being there.

e39223  No.4710884

Q… did you release emails to Bezos' wife?

d67e98  No.4710885

>>4710797 Watched the transitional collapse of American education happen in real time. FORTY YEARS AGO, administered a reading test to 150 HS students (public school) to establish reading levels. Unbelievably, the HIGHEST reading level was SEVENTH GRADE. Old style that is. The new world we all see around us. Even at that time, those kids had NO IDEA of where they really were academically. Thought they were world beaters.

ad9d08  No.4710886

File: 698879373a39559⋯.jpg (56.72 KB, 640x479, 640:479, 33764317_1529029087207366_….jpg)


Who owns the media?


Fake news is the number one enemy of the American people.

Therefore ZOG is the number one enemy of the American people.

892d3a  No.4710887

File: 23e788472a29a3d⋯.jpg (122.8 KB, 599x774, 599:774, Screenshot 2019-01-11_10-4….jpg)

power of the purse talk ensues

06379f  No.4710888



jew traitor.

chi-com spy.

End her, end (((albright))), (((schumer))), ALL.

Plus all the (((shills))) on and off this board.


aaced8  No.4710889

File: 81ae69e21c6a53d⋯.png (321.93 KB, 705x623, 705:623, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm starting to think public access to intel is about the Dark Overlord files.

They are loaded with references to law firms out of Kansas, and then yesterday, all the Wichita references…

Trust Kansas does not equal Pompeo.

18678f  No.4710890


>there is absolutely no pay discrepancy between H1-B holders and US citizens in the same positions

Nigga get real

Are there some unicorms like you out there?

Of course.

But, GTFO if you think that's more than a small minority.

6e6cb5  No.4710891


Most of the stack was renaming of post offices.

03a9cf  No.4710892

File: 25cf426cac4d855⋯.png (8.3 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 0b05a4d6ec3113bae188303b8c….png)

File: 73a9799bc86e35e⋯.jpeg (10.48 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ea81ee38f50db207412846056….jpeg)

2e3e09  No.4710893


== Rupert Murdoch's Trump support pays off

Disney deal, FCC action will make the conservative mogul an even more potent force in U.S. media ==


Always good to research WHY Trump does every move he does. And it ain't for fucking "US". Every friend he has is in some position to gain or has gained large amounts of cash. Kushner has a blind eye turned to him, Anons ignore anything they can't explain with, "trust the plan". Yet anyone who can't explain something to anons is automatically a shill and divisionfag.

Sheldon Adelson, Rupert Murdoch, and just about any of billionaire jew friend of POTUS are getting alot of business deals and whatever they want.

How much money did Ike Perlmutter donate to Trump for the VA, and who is now "unofficially" overseeing it? All friends.

You're witness the old guard go down, yes, but it's just a new guard being brought in. Everyone knows whats best for us without us. Anons are being mislead. But at this point, due to such ignorance and attacking, whatever. Place is a joke.

925c92  No.4710894


During Strzok’s testimony, he said he didn’t remember that IG briefing. I think it was while being questioned by Louis Gohmert. Sounds like it was purposely ignored.

8ca596  No.4710895


OG BV from meta, is that you??? Lol

Watered down kikery. Top of the morning you black hearted, demonic little faggoteer. Tel aviv is the mecca for dudes who eat other dudes asses. Israel pioneered ass to mouth.

In fact that may be the only genuine jewish invention like… ever. Strange race of people you are.

889ead  No.4710896


Bad thing about that saw is you can't fit it between the slats to cut all 4 sides

ef2840  No.4710897


>Her strategic advocacy extended to word choice, favoring the use of "gender" instead of "sex", after her secretary suggested the word "sex" would serve as a distraction to judges.[28] She attained a reputation as a skilled oral advocate and her work led directly to the end of gender discrimination in many areas of the law.[31]

I have always wondered where the lunacy that replaced the word sex with gender originated.

67a3c6  No.4710898


Gold is a very good conductor of electricity. It is often used as plating for connectors because it does not tarnish or corrode easily. Even though copper and silver are better conductors than gold, gold retains its conductivity longest because it does not tarnish or corrode easily.

humans are a wet circuit

the universe is electric

af2e96  No.4710899


move then

17599e  No.4710900


They don't like POTUS stepping on their toes one bit, do they. KEK!

57c6b2  No.4710901


Probably because its a slide.

9ac6e9  No.4710902


I like to tought. What else does it call?

120706  No.4710903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


but if they put neil strauss shilling away, you all believe it? nice, think logically

c76e04  No.4710904

File: a934a45d89d5420⋯.png (834.53 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

a79728  No.4710905

File: 649809c678980a8⋯.jpeg (227.02 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, B4FB09E3-2A37-48D7-A8B0-4….jpeg)

8c8b6f  No.4710906


>Gold is a very good conductor of electricity.

The very best.

74abe4  No.4710907


Perfect meme.

6dbf17  No.4710908


What if Satan knew that in the end God wins?

What would he try to do?

Extend his time perhaps via a portal accessed througgh CERN.

2e4aa6  No.4710909

who is going to china? these guys…..

"The decision to hold this week’s talks at a deputy minister level reflects the need to work out technical details before higher-level officials make “hard political decisions on major issues,” said Tu Xinquan, director of the China Institute for World Trade Organization Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.

The U.S. team will include Deputy U.S. Trade Rep. Jeffrey Gerrish; the top U.S. trade negotiator on agricultural issues, Gregg Doud; Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs David Malpass; Commerce Under Secretary for International Trade Gilbert Kaplan; the U.S. Agriculture Department’s undersecretary for trade and foreign affairs, Ted McKinney; the U.S. Department of Energy’s assistant secretary for fossil energy, Steven Winberg; and other senior officials.

The makeup of the U.S. team was announced Friday by the trade representative’s office."


The U.S. team will include…

- Deputy U.S. Trade Rep. Jeffrey Gerrish;

- the top U.S. trade negotiator on agricultural issues, Gregg Doud;

- Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs David Malpass;

- Commerce Under Secretary for International Trade Gilbert Kaplan;

- the U.S. Agriculture Department’s undersecretary for trade and foreign affairs,

- Ted McKinney; the U.S. Department of Energy’s assistant secretary for fossil energy,

- Steven Winberg; and other senior officials.

740bb8  No.4710910

File: 3b88d3509f96d39⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 548x378, 274:189, Capture.JPG)

A possible way to get Mexico to pay for The Wall after all!

ba1c6b  No.4710911


The modern univ/college has only one duty: indoctrinate. That’s how they maintain control. I would stress bringing back the humanities, too. That’s the only discipline that expands thinking and literally humanizes kids.

Chinese students adore Mozart because they understand the superiority of western music. US kids – what are they listening to? You know. And all science are infused with relativity. What’s your opinion, Johnny, of 2+2?

668f3b  No.4710912

File: cbe48cd16251c10⋯.jpeg (131.86 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, e1bb239d28ee663ec7077cf8c….jpeg)

File: d5045549d0e1ce3⋯.pdf (254.65 KB, Lucis_Trust_Esoteric_Train….pdf)

Newfags may read the "new age" programming here from Lucis, formerly Lucifer Trust.

98ed99  No.4710913


Yes, Q said waiting for arrival- maybe the person isn’t in the photo. Need confirmation

6694d5  No.4710914

>>4710896 who's gonna bring the power supply?

cbd425  No.4710915

0ff07c  No.4710916

File: 64d59658a8b2fc8⋯.jpg (39.85 KB, 352x468, 88:117, china.jpg)

Is it Nikki Haley?

ee2736  No.4710917

File: b29f453aaec5534⋯.png (1022.54 KB, 1200x1551, 400:517, RBG - SEX BIAS - MEME.png)

File: 828866b67a97676⋯.png (10.84 KB, 317x94, 317:94, ClipboardImage.png)


>badum tsssssss

I bet she got false teeth by now, too. snom snom snom

e18b0d  No.4710918

File: 56e514e70d81c58⋯.png (1.86 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, B934D307-F3F3-49C2-AE63-ED….png)

Schumer and Soros’ Son

389554  No.4710919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For a pocketful of mumbles

Such are promises

All lies and jest

Still, a man hears what he wants to hear

And disregards the rest

Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer (Audio)

a286ca  No.4710920


No they don't as they hide billions in boxes in the basement

102bcb  No.4710921

File: 4cf3fe1039d0e99⋯.png (219.41 KB, 629x470, 629:470, ClipboardImage.png)



kek, both have mad meme potential


interdasting. lots of strange stuff in Nottingham.


055355  No.4710922



Thank you two! My father worked for NASA building capsules & then shuttles. Been hard listening to people trash what my dad & many others did everyday as proud he was of his work

788a18  No.4710923

File: f17a020a43cba44⋯.jpg (22.22 KB, 530x298, 265:149, 105668129-1547037010447get….jpg)


Sweet, I was on the right track last night. Then got side tracked by shiny eyes. Those are not good men.

2e3e09  No.4710924


Anons dont have a real answer so expect insults.

06379f  No.4710925

File: 3ad972cc05cb22c⋯.png (175.95 KB, 400x266, 200:133, fuckingkikes.png)


KEK this (((bitch)))

Gas em again, mossad massacre 2.0.

5c4ab8  No.4710926

File: ca180c7cf9e5a9f⋯.jpg (4.78 KB, 256x168, 32:21, ge.jpg)


This Anon gets it

889ead  No.4710927


Not to mention if you turn that saw on it's side it won't run properly Red Iron worker here

8c8b6f  No.4710928


Nikki don't lose that number.

a42f02  No.4710929

195ae5  No.4710930

File: 97f56e91343867a⋯.png (29.92 KB, 269x216, 269:216, ClipboardImage.png)


You got sauce on that?

Company is using the new DNA property security technology


120706  No.4710931

File: 17a2e6820d6a7a9⋯.png (2.6 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, yU2ix14.png)


it's honest question to Q

I've posted many times here about the Jew question, the corruption and the drops. today I'm about this. Its related to the Great Awakening in my opinion, is it not?

7b0b7f  No.4710932

File: d1b63c1cb906554⋯.jpg (231.24 KB, 700x1139, 700:1139, 6.jpg)

057069  No.4710933


well I could get into the EO's and compare them from BO and GWB and Eagle…. how they each sort of countered each other - making the CIA bigger and smaller - or I could get into the mentions of the QMAP of "who is good" after mentioning Bush - but really rather than do all of that I think i'll just say that Bush killed Hussein 1 and Hussein 2 (literally that's obama's name) was to take revenge - the super watergate - but then patriot act + red cross anthrax attack got the drop on the cult

and then about 20,000 other things I'd need to say but it's a complex story-

I just gave you a taste of parts of it - but you'll learn the rest in due time :P there is a reason shills used to push the anti bush stuff and even now still occasionally throw in one - they really thought our side was going to elevate the Bush's early - they had no idea the real plan haha

7b2ee5  No.4710934


sounds like my job in tech. I recall I once worked 12 and 14 hours days for 8 weeks to get the job done. This has always been the issue in many corp us jobs. h1-B isn't a requirement.

925c92  No.4710935


We can’t say it wasn’t allocated until we’ve looked at every allocation since the $50b was approved.

a2644e  No.4710936


Indeed. They keep pushing the mentality that everybody needs to go to college. So much time and money is wasted on complete bullshit, from useless degrees to students who do not belong there. My wife teaches 8th grade "honors" students, and the vast majority of them are incredibly lazy and not very bright.

Yes, taking a variety of college classes can help you become a more well rounded person (in respect to education), but so many students would be much better off in a one to two-year technical school rather than four years (or more) in a university.

ce4614  No.4710937



Kek, I do not post much so sorry if dumb Question. In this software can I send something to you personally just not in Chan for you to look at?

a5abb8  No.4710939

File: b32f75c1a1e0299⋯.jpg (49.03 KB, 533x304, 533:304, bidentrain.jpg)


Biden's state

823c42  No.4710940


National Security, Chuck. We tried it your way. Congress failed.

15e027  No.4710941


Was that

WW winter wonderland

Hyde park London anons ?

6c44be  No.4710942


thx, enjoyed

ad9d08  No.4710943

File: f6135eaf942e5ca⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 202x249, 202:249, images.jpg)

97372c  No.4710944

File: 4d796a313cdcd0b⋯.jpg (110.48 KB, 477x392, 477:392, gsychberg.jpg)

135ecd  No.4710945

File: c0ba737f686430a⋯.jpg (34.23 KB, 620x387, 620:387, hrarhrjhrjartjtarj.jpg)


that is what i get for asking a question I already new the answer….

2e3e09  No.4710946


Question everything. Trust no one.

892d3a  No.4710947

File: 73854ab48cf311c⋯.jpg (75.86 KB, 593x596, 593:596, Screenshot 2019-01-11_10-5….jpg)

File: cb57c48ff93340b⋯.jpg (690.31 KB, 1124x4035, 1124:4035, screencapture-itv-news-201….jpg)

'Seven dead and 33 injured as bus carrying tourists crashes in Cuba'


80a10c  No.4710948


That's a really big file to be a simple photo.

ba1c6b  No.4710949


And they can’t even keep their pants from falling down!

Cool supplants intelligence, common sense, kindness.

18678f  No.4710950


>move then


Cause Shangri-La next door isn't the same way

f511a7  No.4710951


My dad worked at Nintendo….he gets mad

when people say Donkey Kong wasn't real

d67e98  No.4710952

File: 3643a4155e87d2c⋯.jpg (352.67 KB, 1075x558, 1075:558, 518b1fed4610118682200605e9….jpg)


I've been wondering how to use this dream ever since I made it.

733262  No.4710953

File: c9e99f3400709e2⋯.jpg (132.2 KB, 500x329, 500:329, the20sting.jpg)

3f2ae5  No.4710954

Hailey in China?

Possible by look but what for?

8c8b6f  No.4710956


I averaged 16 hour days when I was at sea in the Navy. Don't know how I did.

788a18  No.4710957

But Q said arriving not already there.

03a9cf  No.4710958


(((Feinstein))) (((is))) (((jewish))) (((on))) (((her))) (((fathers))) (((side))) (((her))) (((mother))) (((is))) (((catholic)))

(((Muhjews))) (((such))) (((as))) (((jared))) (((ivanka))) (((horowitz))) (((mnuchin))) (((and))) (((others))) (((are))) (((working))) (((on))) (((fulfilling))) (((america))) (((first)))

892d3a  No.4710959


no i was showing the 'assumed possible' feinstein haircut left side

94731b  No.4710960



It doesn't look as though that person is the one they are waiting to see. No one hovering around her.

389554  No.4710961

File: 1568cea6c231589⋯.png (342.03 KB, 620x529, 620:529, capture.PNG)

Hollywood Bit Player Had Curious Walk-On Role in Manafort Loan

Joey Rappa has spent decades on the fringes of Hollywood. He was a production associate on “The Nutty Professor’’ and an assistant to Keanu Reeves.

Recently he played an unlikely bit part – front man for a company seeking to collect the $1 million it lent to the family of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Rappa’s name appeared in a November federal filing after Special Counsel Robert Mueller moved to seize several Manafort properties. He was identified as the “managing member’’ of a Nevada company that had made the loan and is now making a claim against a Manhattan condominium that the Manaforts pledged as collateral


cae646  No.4710962

LB >>4708257

Regarding the question "If a woman is selected as the nominee does that eliminate the wrap up smear re: sexual assault?"

In all seriousness, the answer is "no". Emphatically "NO". The leftists will smear regardless. Look at the ridiculous position Schumer and Pelosi have framed regarding the border : "Walls don't work". Are you kidding me!?!

They are going to smear regardless. So rather than trying to avoid the smear, embrace the suck instead. Offer them a target that when they smear it (and they will), the smearing will make them look just as stupid as they do with "Walls don't work."

ie. Nominate an Evangelical Protestant.

At the end of the day, with a 53 / 47 Senate, it does not matter who is nominated with respect to the vote — so just be sure the best God-fearing Constitutional Conservative hitter is put to the plate and We the People win regardless of their smear campaign. In fact, their smearing can be used to aid us further in the 2020 elections.

72c8ad  No.4710963


Did you know that that sound that was giving everyone a headache were crickets according to the current expert report kek

c6f906  No.4710964


Two guys with Harbor Freight backpack torches with the biggest tips they could find and maybe half an hour could breach that with a man sized hole.Logistics issue solved. Hell give me a couple of weeks and I could get through it with a mill file. I want Concrete reinforced with embedded thick assed chain link.

09dd93  No.4710965

File: c81366fce46b779⋯.png (624.51 KB, 1019x547, 1019:547, feinspylowe.png)

ad9d08  No.4710966


always here aren't you Rabbi. always telling us what to think?

you killed Jesus. right? so fuck off.

119900  No.4710967


Why is there no retinue or security detail? Even one?

668f3b  No.4710968

File: 0efc25243556154⋯.jpg (531.4 KB, 1581x3100, 51:100, 7351053ddfb7ed584a862156f0….jpg)

File: 8f65d5fc9122e2c⋯.pdf (2.25 MB, Media Sexploitation - The ….pdf)

Occult embeds saturate mainstream US media and advertising (you) really should open your eyes.

9e201b  No.4710969




eaf65c  No.4710970


Has anyone done a reverse image search on this pic?

Or have time stamp / meta data?

06379f  No.4710971

File: 5094da7b030941a⋯.jpeg (47.01 KB, 474x621, 158:207, fuckouttahere.jpeg)



This jewish bitch LOL

Whole world now knows of jewish stupidity, and here they are STILL trying to lie their ass off.

39e7f7  No.4710972

File: dd443e97681728a⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, C04EE051-BA16-4C39-8C23-A7….png)

File: 07b4010db93f053⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, B7FC80DE-CA39-4142-A557-08….png)

File: cb2465d182bcede⋯.png (5.73 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, D06AFF58-F2FA-49F9-9617-8E….png)

That would be Elon Musk in China.


a8900c  No.4710973


>>4710740 Ocasio-Cortez campaign fined for not providing worker's compensation.

>>4710733 Ex-Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn indicted for breach of trust.

>>4710594, >>4710537 Feinstein In China?

>>4710424 Germany happenings. Cure spreading WW?

>>4710442 Attack's on ACB's faith coming?

>>4710355 Transcripts of Lisa Page’s closed-door testimonies provide new revelations in Spygate scandal.

>>4710412 Mark Meadows: POTUS to use money seized from illegal activities?

>>4710394 Hungary's Viktor Orban pushes for anti-migrant bloc to counter France and Germany.

>>4710382 Filed under: Those the loudest.

>>4710380 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tweet: See Something Say Something.

>>4710341 Local News Station snubbed by CNN when they declared the border wall 'effective'.

>>4710333 Pray for our Military. o7

>>4710311 Accenture CEO steps down due to health reasons.

>>4710301 Planefag: Boeing VC-25A in the sky, VIP aboard.


102bcb  No.4710974


have fun figuring which word i used so i don't have to see your copypasta again.

668f3b  No.4710975

File: 58da52efc8b7165⋯.jpg (107.03 KB, 350x374, 175:187, scorpion_locusts.jpg)

74abe4  No.4710976


He went to Korea. Was actually quite entertaining, I was shocked he didn't bash our President at all.

a79728  No.4710977

File: 35228b32c0f7137⋯.jpeg (237.44 KB, 1125x1032, 375:344, 0AABDE9F-77C2-48CD-818F-D….jpeg)

File: f987d0aa4de4bb1⋯.jpeg (302.72 KB, 1125x1004, 1125:1004, 6C6917BE-DEE6-418F-A183-2….jpeg)

File: b73aaa73c59a1ef⋯.jpeg (293.04 KB, 1125x736, 1125:736, 198179D9-4048-4E52-BC78-3….jpeg)




892d3a  No.4710978

File: b19be8a1ac7b5cd⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1124x5493, 1124:5493, screencapture-rt-news-4485….jpg)

Secret Nazi symbol appears on logo of German far-right party set up by ex-AfD chief


6da4a3  No.4710979


Check your


839ade  No.4710980


Also dig into Chelseas alias. Goods are there as well.

b24fb3  No.4710982


What senior US official is arriving in China?

Should be U.S. official.

Intentional mistake?

6bcc57  No.4710983

File: e98d2dbab667544⋯.png (579.86 KB, 759x971, 759:971, Screenshot_2019-01-11-09-4….png)

33b243  No.4710984

Stumbled acrross the following E-book on my internet travels.


I think it was written around 2006/8 which makes it even more interesting as those things the author observed at the time have accelerated and become more and more entrenched. And there's so much in it that Q has been showing anons and that anons have been discovering. Worth reading if you can find the time. Here's the first few paras.


INTRODUCTION: Connecting current events to Biblical "end times" scenarios…in a way you've never seen before.

This is the "Introduction" and "Index" page for an "online" book I am publishing here, which is mainly directed at Bible-believing people…although anyone is welcome to read along.

To summarize what this is about– In recent years I have stumbled across evidence of hidden Luciferians who have deceptively inserted themselves into the conservative Christian community all across America. I have since discovered these occultists have also infiltrated a wide array of other areas– academia, Hollywood, business and finance, politics and government.

Initially, this had left me in something of a state of shock and then set me on a quest to understand what exactly this was about.

I have come to see the only way to make sense of this bizarre and startling scenario is to look at it through a biblical matrix. The evidence collected and put forth in this book-length report can really only be understood in the context of Bible prophecy. Lucifer, indeed, has a master plan to gain world domination….just as the prophecies have precisely predicted, thousands of years ago. The thing that will be surprising here is the exact methods and strategies Satan is using to achieve his goals."

e86f13  No.4710985

Who’s been faggin my comms and why?

Chinese people?

Found a sophisticated exploit for which and what for – shall go undisclosed.

Reported to ‘tech support’ already so soon will be irrelevant.

0ff07c  No.4710986


I was thinking that at first, but Huma is an aide not a senior official.

17599e  No.4710987


That's Di-Fi.

Can recognize that square head anywhere.

2e3e09  No.4710988

Powerful ladies on tour! Ivanka Trump meets up with friend Wendi Deng Murdoch as she vacations with husband Jared Kushner in Croatia


94731b  No.4710989


To keep the new "EU-military" from invading Poland. Message sent.

119900  No.4710990

File: 3732cbc99b29e72⋯.png (379.46 KB, 540x455, 108:91, ClipboardImage.png)

de3b73  No.4710991


He's not saying no wall, he's saying the people the voters elected should authorize it. Kind of a sneaky bitchslap on the dems, I think.

Polling might be showing the dems are getting killed on the wall issue.

fdd9bf  No.4710992


so… flowers are nazi.


6c44be  No.4710993


Seemed to indicate someone was yet to arrive. Anyone figure out who?

120706  No.4710994


cya, have fun

40c239  No.4710995

File: 7aa5e2cc9362f25⋯.jpeg (106.98 KB, 500x432, 125:108, fullsizeoutput_bb1.jpeg)

72c8ad  No.4710996


>>>4710594, >>4710537 Feinstein In China?

Quite possible but she would have made it in Chinese news one would think or other foreign news.

a4eeb6  No.4710997

File: 706ce7da4aa33ca⋯.jpeg (68.35 KB, 500x922, 250:461, yhst137970348157658_2421_….jpeg)


A couple of years ago as a gift i got the paperdoll books. ( 2016 Trump, Clinton and Bernie)

If you compare the Trump book to the Clinton book, it is completely BIASED.

They make fun of Trump( had a miss universe drag costume)

Had a carnival Barker outfit.

Had a picture of Trump in a Tux holding 3 wedding ring boxes( Married to Melania Knauss since 2005, perhaps wife #3 is Donalds lucky charm. then goes on to talk about his first 2 wives)

Then they have a costume of Trumps university ( Donald displays a "Diploma" from his now defunct online educational site, Trump University.

The unnaccredited educational business was not a university in an legal sense, and the school, which promised to share secrets to real estate success, stopped operating.

Another costume is Trump covered in Ties, like a tie rack.

Another out fit is statue of liberty( another veiled attempt at putting Trump in a drag dress)

So his paper doll book was anti Trump.

As you can imagine Hillary's was completly different.

Hillary as a astronaut, girl scout,cool 60's college kid, making cookies, her purple dress, her gold dress, as a 1920's women protesting to allow women to vote,Hillary getting a Grammy, Hillary as a doctor. Hillary as a senator, her grilling with hot sauce, her writing a book, her being a grandparent.

Not one insulting outfit, all were building her up, like astronaut, doctor( to push her as pro women)

57c6b2  No.4710998


It very well may be. What we see (5-10%), compared to what we are presented with is vast and complex. While some issues may be valid, they can still be slides because they have less criticality than other contemporary issues. I get trying to dig to red pill folks on potential valid false narratives might be noble, it may at the same time be a distraction from more pressing matters at hand. Most anons are going to recognize theories on moon landings as a slide regardless of its possible merits. Its not personal. Its a consensus.

03a9cf  No.4711000

File: b49898739d26d56⋯.jpg (905.51 KB, 2544x4000, 159:250, b49898739d26d5611676c94cec….jpg)

File: f3f6c9f7fec83b3⋯.png (9.55 KB, 255x167, 255:167, bf4e5c7bac04cdd99955f03a0d….png)



You mean the royal ass kicking you clown faggots got yesterday after ypur little "lets turn qresearch to stormfront for optics" failed muserably and all spambots were scrapped after 3 breads of spamming.

Yup MOS/shareblue/c_a got royally destroyed.




826016  No.4711001

File: b86f71594afc624⋯.jpg (44.08 KB, 653x303, 653:303, SURVEILLANCE-PHOTO-LONDON-….jpg)

File: 12d57a5523bba93⋯.jpg (45.33 KB, 514x445, 514:445, TARGET-IN-SURVEILLANCE-PHO….jpg)

925c92  No.4711002



6bcc57  No.4711003

60d231  No.4711004

File: ec36a48e354df36⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 245x180, 49:36, WH8G.gif)

This nigga Q is back with more booms…fucking hell

a8900c  No.4711006


>>4710988 Ivanka Trump meets up with friend Wendi Deng Murdoch. (ex-Wife of Rupert Murdoch)

>>4710977 Hollywood throwing it in our face.

>>4710740 Ocasio-Cortez campaign fined for not providing worker's compensation.

>>4710733 Ex-Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn indicted for breach of trust.

>>4710594, >>4710537 Feinstein In China?

>>4710424 Germany happenings. Cure spreading WW?

>>4710442 Attack's on ACB's faith coming?

>>4710355 Transcripts of Lisa Page’s closed-door testimonies provide new revelations in Spygate scandal.

>>4710412 Mark Meadows: POTUS to use money seized from illegal activities?

>>4710394 Hungary's Viktor Orban pushes for anti-migrant bloc to counter France and Germany.

>>4710382 Filed under: Those the loudest.

>>4710380 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tweet: See Something Say Something.

>>4710341 Local News Station snubbed by CNN when they declared the border wall 'effective'.

>>4710333 Pray for our Military. o7

>>4710311 Accenture CEO steps down due to health reasons.

>>4710301 Planefag: Boeing VC-25A in the sky, VIP aboard.

826016  No.4711007


Ugh, my bad 1721

668f3b  No.4711008

File: cb4297d18e4c078⋯.jpg (231.02 KB, 728x850, 364:425, a-days-past-abaddon.jpg)

>>4707961 (PB)

I am pedowood anon and I approve this meme.

5880fa  No.4711011


I would agree with you, but Q said “arriving”.

So good idea, but I don’t believe it’s him. Unless he was elsewhere in the country and just arrived in shanghai.

7428cb  No.4711014

File: 3ce5dfd5b92d83b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1030x632, 515:316, Screen Shot 2019-01-11 at ….png)

c6fb9b  No.4711015

File: 9d0768aa5277f9c⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20190111-105212.png)


This reminds me of the dumbass libtards attempts to strip the name of Jeffrey Amherst from things, recently.

Yet nobody is changing the name of the Town of Amherst or Amherst College.

These people are stupid.

Sauce -


AMHERST – Two years after dropping Lord Jeffery Amherst as its unofficial mascot, Amherst College is changing the name of the Lord Jeffery Inn.

The college-owned downtown hotel will become the Inn on Boltwood at the start of 2019. The college's board voted to remove Lord Jeffery's name from the inn and from official communications as well.

The new name highlights the century-old inn's location on Boltwood Avenue, according to a press release.

The choice also follows the college's efforts to manage the controversy over its namesake's role in warfare against Native Americans.

Amherst was a British general who, according to historical documents, advocated for distributing blankets infected with smallpox in an effort to wipe out the Native American population.

"The name is changing, but its beauty and impeccable level of service will remain the same," Kevin Weinman, chief financial and administrative officer of Amherst College and President of the Amherst Inn Company, said in a press release.

The property underwent a major renovation in 2012.

"This Inn has played an important role in the community over the years and will continue to do so," Weinman said.

Students pushed the school to drop "Lord Jeff" as its unofficial mascot, which had been in use since 1920. In November of 2015, 83 percent of 1,600 students said they were against using the name as a representative of the school. A poll of alumni found a majority were against it.

"Amherst College finds itself in a position where a mascot – which, when you think about it, has only one real job, which is to unify – is driving people apart because of what it symbolizes to many in our community," the board wrote in a statement in 2016 after announcing its decision.

The school voted on adopting the mammoth as its official mascot last year.

8849d8  No.4711016

File: e163e5acf569b06⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB, 400x224, 25:14, e163e5acf569b068547710fa7e….mp4)

a2644e  No.4711017


Missing periods. A woman who is no longer on her menstrual cycle?

efbc0e  No.4711018

>>4710375 lb

They put the picture into binders to show to "customers" who then select the children they want. The Finders then go and kidnap them.

94be1d  No.4711019

File: 9f736444c316516⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1307x865, 1307:865, 1290766489412766894.png)


Don't use Pepe to perpetuate a lie!

135ecd  No.4711021


what one?

all my accounts are full of bullshit and fake spam robot messages.

My new years resolution is try harder to ignore it this year. but sometimes i have my moments.

389554  No.4711022

File: 7b907db4a901fcd⋯.png (674.67 KB, 615x395, 123:79, capture.PNG)

then all these FKwits running around and crying the muh Jew bullshit all day long idiots

Top Iranian commander says Israel ‘must be annihilated’

Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Deputy Commander for Cultural and Social Affairs, said in an interview that Iran could easily defeat Saudi Arabia, and threatened to overrun American military bases in the Middle East.

In an interview that was originally conducted on 28 December by the Iraqi television network Al-Nujab, but translated only Wednesday by the Middle East Media Research Institute, Naqdi said that the “Islamic revolution in Iran will not back down” from the goal of bringing defeat to Israel.

Naqdi, a former head of the Basij militia, said that there is no doubt that Israel must be “annihilated and destroyed” while adding that neither Russia nor any other country could intermediate.

“We were, we are, and we will continue to be the soldiers of Imam Khamenei until our last breath and until the last drop of our blood. I myself will hoist the flag of the Islamic Revolution in Jerusalem, Allah willing,” the general said.


3f2ae5  No.4711023


Top kek

06379f  No.4711025

File: 603e041f9fe3871⋯.jpeg (161.81 KB, 430x538, 215:269, fuckouttaherejew.jpeg)


>trying this hard to convince itself it won after resorting to "shut it downn"

>pussied out like a BITCH when krassenstein boy got scared


Weak. Weak bitches.

Very bad mistake, jew. Everyone saw your weakness that day.

e8b8e8  No.4711026


Meant for this:


120706  No.4711027

File: 77c3f0c118ff5cb⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 640x493, 640:493, p8qgt27i1p921.jpg)


you are right mate, each thing in its own time

i just hope we have a chance for this topic later

1b9ae5  No.4711029

File: 29ab1dec9464fba⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1300x956, 325:239, ClipboardImage.png)


Possibly confirmation of (Pudong) Airport - Shanghai location = According to signage format comparison.

Look at the 2A and 2C. Small 2, Large A &C.

Compare to this stock photo of Pudong Arrival area signage.

Small 2, Large A.

5880fa  No.4711030


Re-reading article

appears to be plausible if he is arriving to check out the groundbreaking on the new factory.


f882fc  No.4711031


Keep in mind that Dec 2016 is when the missing Page-Strzok texts started. Same timeframe as their trip to London

b24fb3  No.4711032

File: d29631f745a3b87⋯.jpg (67.42 KB, 992x744, 4:3, james-comey-testifies-ap-j….jpg)

cbaeee  No.4711033


Gas powered, although cutting both sides would be hard.

c76e04  No.4711034


The campaign of new U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.,

has been fined by the state for not providing workers’ compensation

coverage for a month last year.

The failure to provide the coverage to campaign staff is particularly

awkward for Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic socialist who rose to

stardom after unseating top Democratic Rep. Joe Crowley with a

campaign theme of improving conditions for the working class.


210647  No.4711035


I know that we are all supposed to be hating on Chuck and Nancy with the groupthink, but Chuck and Nancy did what Chuck and Nancy were always going to do. They pass pro-Israel bills in both chambers because its what the US government (D or R) has always done for decades since the pseudo nation of Israel came into being. Chuck and Nancy also voted for a wall when Hussein was president—knowing full well that Hussein would never have built such a wall. And it goes further back, many years ago the D's tricked Reagan into passing a massive amnesty in exchange for a promise that there would be no future amnesties and that money would be allocated to build a wall (yes, as far back as then). They ever intended to give Reagan the money to build the wall then either. Reagan had to have known that the wall would not have been built, but he was a Hollywood actor…nice man, but vain and wanted to be popular. The illegals got their amnesty—it permanently destroyed states like California and New Mexico. The USA got nothing.

What's different this time is that Trump (unlike the others) actually wants to build the wall. What's also true is that many of our politicians, the Clowns, and extremely wealthy elites depend of that southern border being wide open because it is how they make big money from people trafficking, drugs, and all sorts of contraband. Don't for a minute believe the fake new nonsense about the Mexican cartels. Those cartels are in business with both Mexican and American politicians. Anybody who finds out too much or starts talking too much ends up dead on the Mexican side and are simply forgotten. NoName was one of the biggest players in this. A wall would create a lot of problems for the flow of all things illegal into the USA. We can't have that. How would people like Maxine, Paul Ryan, et al pay the mortgage on their multimillion dollar mansions? Good Lord, how would our many Congressfolk survive on their measely 6-figure salaries without that little extra black money on the side?

6c44be  No.4711036


All symbolism no substance.

And not inspiring symbolism, at that.

They name places after politically-connected people.

2012ef  No.4711037



Ty anon, love this place.

17599e  No.4711039


Re-read whats written.

"I thinnk it's a bad precedent and it contravenes the "power of the purse" that comes from "the elected representatives" of the people."

All in that one statement he's saying that POTUS should not exercise his right to that purse for national emergencies like it has been used for before, but instead a congress should determine how to use it.

He just showed his true colors.

09dd93  No.4711040

File: 1605d577ec92b0b⋯.png (359.31 KB, 1021x557, 1021:557, haiti.png)


Lets pray they do "go there". Roberts (if true) would be just the beginning.

f1ad76  No.4711041


A winter coat?

0d5961  No.4711043


Not to mention that we’re also expected to respond to emails/phone calls 24/7. And then lose our jobs from outsourcing to Asia.

60d231  No.4711045


You know damn well they're BOTH (((33))). What are the odds they're BOTH 34 in this (((random))) act of violence. See how you're being mocked over and over? We mention popcorn on here all the time…

Masonic story. Not interested.

b1a744  No.4711047

788a18  No.4711048


Let's hope they succeed.

256385  No.4711049


You're deluded if you think the Clintons control every adoption coming out of Haiti. Need to up your game.

a5abb8  No.4711050

File: 2b9a69e851b327e⋯.jpg (392.63 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Chaotic_Beauty_in_Constell….jpg)


Lisa Page?

d4290d  No.4711052

File: eed983e5092de7a⋯.png (47.32 KB, 710x631, 710:631, boom boom boom boom.PNG)

4 booms

1. rgb gone

2 red castle

3. green castle

4. intel release

what could be red castle and green castle individually?

78b0e6  No.4711053

File: 29bd18b8aa6401a⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 740x531, 740:531, 29bd18b8aa6401a3b9dfeeb7b2….jpg)


Too bad you fake retards got exposed only now. i didnt got the chance to filter your ass.

94731b  No.4711054


It's a Chinese girl

7b2ee5  No.4711055


This dude is a white Muslim. But the sharia law issue here is huge. The muslims tried to get sharia law established in Carrolton TX, and there was a pushing Rockwall TX School district to make Arabic MANDATORY. Islam is 1% but they sure act like they are 50%, because they have money and over representation in political power. Not bigoted.

a8900c  No.4711056

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread


279492  No.4711057


It does. I misquoted. My bad.

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