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Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

0201ef  No.3966886

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs ->>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 11.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/467 ——————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/466 ——————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )

>>>/patriotsfight/465 ——————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ——————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ——————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/462 ——————————— Ratcliffe, Gowdy join list of potential AG picks ( Cap: >>3855856 )

>>>/patriotsfight/461 ——————————— [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/460 ——————————— [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/459 ——————————— [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/458 ——————————— [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/457 ——————————— [Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/456 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/455 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/454 ——————————— God Bless Veterans. (Cap: >>3853561 )

>>>/patriotsfight/453 ——————————— Who safeguards blank ballots? ( Cap: >>3854059 )

>>>/patriotsfight/452 ——————————— Let the unsealing begin. ( Cap: >>3852609 )

>>>/patriotsfight/451 ——————————— Enemy @ the Front Door. ( Cap: >>3851787 )

Saturday 11.10.18

Compiled here: >>3942214

Friday 11.09.18

Compiled here: >>3889516

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0201ef  No.3966896


are not endorsements


>>3966741 Twitter warning that links to Sara Carter’s website are unsafe

>>3966468 , >>3966726 Loop Capital, Freddie Mac News and Loop Capital Qposts

>>3966462 Ivanka’s spokesman posts blistering response re personal emails

>>3966431 Actress files restraining order against Avenatti

>>3966430 , >>3966450 Moar on RR's wife Lisa Barsoomian

>>3966417 Dig on LOOP Frontiers in Neuroscience

>>3966321 Twitter hides Tijuana Mayor's hat under 'potentially sensitive content'

>>3966300 , >>3966458 POTUS, Pakistan, China and Debt Diplomacy. Analysis

>>3966254 Bezos’ new ‘shadow’ adviser is a female executive of Chinese descent

>>3966245 Interesting perspective on 'Forest Fire' damage

>>3966241 , >>3966276 LA Sex Crime Investigator arrested on suspicion of raping minor

>>3966874 #5046

#5045 Baker change

>>3966021 FB donates 6 million-USD to fund local newspapers in UK

>>3965800 Newsweek: Is Kevin Spacey connected to the QAnon movement?

>>3965774 Tekashi 6ix 9ine and other gang members arrested

>>3965642 Eight parliaments demand Zuck answer scandal questions

>>3965492 , >>3965543 Deutsche Bank implicated in $150b money laundering scandal

>>3965462 Nissan chairman Ghosn arrested for financial misconduct

>>3965454 , >>3965876 WaPo: Ivanka used personal email acct to send gov emails

>>3965445 Visitor stats for qmap.pub & qanon.pub averaging 400,000 a day

>>3966109 #5045


>>3965200 Muslim activist Linda Sarsour asked to step down from Women's March.

>>3965285 Tennis injury prevent Fmr. Ukrainian Pres. from attending his treason hearing.

>>3965141 POTUS visited 'burned Paradise' 666 days after inauguration?

>>3965140 Planefag: 3 AWACS in TX/OK area 1 in NW Wa State.

>>3965121 USA v. Backpage forfeitures.

>>3965053 Multiple people shot in downtown Denver.

>>3965041 Reminder: Counter suit for DNC Server? (we have it all)

>>3964960 Pa. man who threatened to shoot up polling location headed to trial.

>>3964950 Democrats with military background offer support for Pelosi.

>>3964898 SEC names Kurt Gottschall Director of Denver Office (history of prosecuting pharma/chemical).

>>3964705 Police officer and 2 others in critical condition after shooting at Mercy Hospital in Chicago.

>>3965369 #5044

Previously Collected Notables

>>3963845 #5042, >>3964620 #5043

>>3961591 #5039, >>3962296 #5040, >>3963135 #5041

>>3959249 #5036, >>3960056 #5037, >>3960824 #5038

>>3957014 #5033, >>3957763 #5034, >>3958519 #5035

>>3954685 #5030, >>3955440 #5031, >>3956189 #5032

>>3952399 #5027, >>3953158 #5028, >>3953917 #5029

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

0201ef  No.3966897

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>93735 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2390914 - The Jewish Question

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>3882220

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

0201ef  No.3966900

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Helpful Hints For Phonefags: >>3960155

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

35 >>3863987 34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

0201ef  No.3966914

File: 8a6e0e44ab82dd2⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 400x267, 400:267, 8a6e0e44ab82dd2138e59555eb….jpg)

#5047 Dough


Baker requests handoff

453b8d  No.3966920

File: 3074a91439c5bc5⋯.jpg (545.04 KB, 2000x1648, 125:103, SCHITT-BDT_11.18.18.jpg)

Call me crazy, but I dont think @realDonaldTrump's tweet calling out "Liddle Adam Schitt" was an accident at all. Could the [F]orest [F]ires be [F]alse [F]lags? [T]ick [T]ock, #LiddleEvilSchitt

afa970  No.3966951

File: bb1c6c276a27452⋯.png (66.63 KB, 720x444, 60:37, Screenshot_20181119-205405….png)

File: b6b3457a439bd23⋯.png (50.37 KB, 720x565, 144:113, Screenshot_20181119-204713….png)

File: 99c531f7baeb399⋯.png (61.84 KB, 720x449, 720:449, Screenshot_20181119-205334….png)

File: 79746bc50f27dfd⋯.png (126.36 KB, 720x1281, 240:427, Screenshot_20181119-204835….png)

File: 3bc6208b900a252⋯.png (105.15 KB, 720x731, 720:731, Screenshot_20181119-205111….png)

573f5d  No.3966961

File: 26de47a4792fc63⋯.jpg (347.47 KB, 720x1007, 720:1007, 20181119_215746.jpg)


afa970  No.3966963

File: aa01d593ed4e6ad⋯.png (64.31 KB, 720x457, 720:457, Screenshot_20181119-205437….png)

File: 4786dfb94664323⋯.png (73.69 KB, 720x506, 360:253, Screenshot_20181119-205500….png)

File: 89acc5902b6bf40⋯.png (108.59 KB, 720x723, 240:241, Screenshot_20181119-205555….png)

9fc02f  No.3966979

File: 46dae0bf6636148⋯.jpeg (67.5 KB, 750x444, 125:74, 30158CBD-5956-4049-8DAC-3….jpeg)

96aa24  No.3966981

File: ba61df47bfda85b⋯.jpeg (94.24 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 92C12900-B280-4A36-9FE8-6….jpeg)

FLOTUS black boots, red soles. New fashion. Symbolism? Same color scheme at Paris.

2789c8  No.3966982

Operation Cold Muskrat


afa970  No.3966985

File: 6adae988762d2e2⋯.jpg (120.05 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, 1064441256.jpg)

File: 061cc015ecd70b4⋯.jpeg (144.29 KB, 900x570, 30:19, 1_1ZYO04w5OCWL8b_FlMCmAQ.jpeg)

File: a2199398797dd2b⋯.jpg (96.16 KB, 810x580, 81:58, trump-jared.jpg)

File: 0ad6c819ed4d953⋯.jpg (158.71 KB, 1706x1109, 1706:1109, donald-trump-jared-kushner….jpg)

File: 2a78ba0ace92f2d⋯.jpg (237.03 KB, 620x442, 310:221, 000_ON1H9_0.jpg)

61f895  No.3966991

File: c42e87f54265541⋯.jpg (206.07 KB, 1000x642, 500:321, 0 VvRgvrSt-po7-KAC.jpg)


35a5cb  No.3966998


best said at Twain Awards..

you are not only watching the show,

you are part of the show.


85a536  No.3966999

File: 82c2f20c358c8af⋯.jpg (80.22 KB, 750x500, 3:2, IMG_3665.JPG)



3065f2  No.3967000

File: f05b6a5e672da57⋯.jpg (107.49 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ApologizerInChief.jpg)

37e6d5  No.3967001

Gitty and pal "the rabbi from hell" in Katonah. Rambam fans.

e3ea1f  No.3967002

File: 067ba7546c4c886⋯.png (82.65 KB, 537x377, 537:377, 3B262.png)

>>3966960 LB

>>3966805 LB

That was first thought is that the circle was the boundary limit of the proton and all the spirals inside was the dance of quantum quark to energy and back inside, and that the outside was the deviation in space time caused by the proton.

a65727  No.3967003

File: bfee6ad46db5141⋯.jpeg (358.24 KB, 938x1811, 938:1811, 73B0BCFF-0F8C-4568-A384-7….jpeg)

Love ya clockfags

63bff1  No.3967004


Sauce or GTFO

3065f2  No.3967006

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

0ef236  No.3967007

ea17a6  No.3967008

File: e3a64164ed2a87d⋯.jpg (11.4 KB, 303x248, 303:248, cortez_mole.jpg)

James Woods gets it.

7ce3fa  No.3967009

>>3967000 Until I'm sucking dick!

85a536  No.3967010

File: b3ff63ff31b1c72⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 500x288, 125:72, IMG_3671.JPG)



f0b2e0  No.3967011

re-post from lb heel…

Whitaker appointment dispute reaches Supreme Court



…an unusual motion filed in the Supreme Court late on Friday afternoon….

The movant, Barry Michaels, moved the justices to “substitute” the appropriate successor to Sessions, who was one of the respondents to Michaels’ petition.

Barry Michaels, brought suit in March of 2016 against the attorney general and another senior government official seeking to challenge the constitutionality of the federal ban on possession of firearms by convicted felons. After losing in the lower courts, Michaels filed a petition for certiorari on June 27, in which the solicitor general’s response is currently due on December 17. But in a filing late Friday afternoon, Michaels—who is represented by Florida lawyer Michael Zapin and a team of lawyers from Goldstein & Russell, P.C., led by SCOTUSblog founder Tom Goldstein—moved the justices to “substitute” the appropriate successor to Sessions, who was one of the respondents to Michaels’ petition.

As the motion explains, the court’s rules usually provide for automatic succession of government-officer parties upon the prior officeholder’s departure. But “that practice is premised on the ability of this Court to identify the correct successor, so that any judgment or Order of the Court is directed to the correct individual.” Here, however, the dispute over the validity of Whitaker’s appointment means that “the identity of the successor is both contested and has important implications for the administration of justice nationally. This Motion seeks to resolve the dispute.” Michaels’ motion argues that the dispute ought to be resolved against the validity of Whitaker’s appointment—largely on the ground that the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 does not override or otherwise displace the mandatory order of succession set forth in the Department of Justice succession statute, codified at 28 U.S.C. § 508. And even if it did, the motion argues, the appointments clause of Article II of the Constitution does not allow for officials who have not been confirmed by the Senate to exercise the functions of a principal office, like the attorney general, on a temporary basis so long as no exigency precludes another, Senate-confirmed officer from doing so.

The motion concedes that “no characteristic of this case distinguishes it from any other in which Mr. Sessions was a named party” and that no lower court has yet addressed the issue. Nevertheless, the motion urges the justices to resolve the issue now because “[t]here is a significant national interest in avoiding the prospect that every district and immigration judge in the nation could, in relatively short order, be presented with the controversy over which person to substitute as Acting Attorney General.”

0d7d12  No.3967012

>>3966796 (lb)


>>3966983 also (lb)

Got screwed by clipboard, ended up somehow responding to myself and not you - as intended

Fuckin slides… Cant' tell ya how many times I've had solid responses typed up to another anon and by the time I click 'reply' the bread's full - then just don't bother posting it in the new bread…

Wonder how much info we've lost from 'aw fuck it, nobody woulda read it anyway' attitudes like this…

adad1e  No.3967013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3966437 (LB)

Esperanza Spalding

93a6ce  No.3967014

File: 8aabcaa5e23eb77⋯.png (160.68 KB, 643x510, 643:510, MsPointa--.png)

baker notable from LB


>>3966857 Motions to Dismiss by NXIVM Defendants – 10 separate filings

Was in the last 10 posts of the bread, most probably missed it.

01ddde  No.3967015



afa970  No.3967016

File: 583b0b0922e2667⋯.png (69.34 KB, 720x508, 180:127, Screenshot_20181119-210233….png)

File: 0f3615b12fa1724⋯.png (102.51 KB, 720x1018, 360:509, Screenshot_20181119-210521….png)

e3ea1f  No.3967017


My biggest question is if the very center is even in our 4D universe?

2e07f6  No.3967018


It's not too late.. Occasional-Cortex for speaker!

570faf  No.3967019



can take it, still finishing some shit up but good to bake

Handoff confirmed?

217226  No.3967020

File: c423f7730a9ea5e⋯.png (324.69 KB, 805x454, 805:454, Nov 19 antifi pussies.png)

c05666  No.3967021


They are Christian Louboutin shoes.


599890  No.3967022

File: e163e5acf569b06⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB, 400x224, 25:14, ORANGEMAN_BAD_NPC.mp4)


0201ef  No.3967023


Thanks anon. If you can repost in this bread I'll add.

fd5c63  No.3967024

File: a9a42e67fb87f91⋯.png (62.28 KB, 1536x497, 1536:497, ClipboardImage.png)

All About TRAITOR Retired Admiral William Henry McRaven Seal Team 6 MURDERER!!!

3 reasons why the Osama bin Laden assassination story stinks

Posted on July 31, 2013 by Dr. Eowyn | 46 comments

Something really really stinks about that Navy SEALS raid (and assassination) on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abottabad, Pakistan, on May 2, 2011.

Here are three big reasons why we can’t believe the story we’ve been told.

1. Obama regime’s story about the raid keeps changing:

(See “White House’s Osama Kill Story Keeps Changing,” May 5, 2011)

• Was bin Laden armed or not?

• Did he have a gun battle with the SEALS or not?

• Was one of bin Laden’s wives killed in the raid or not?

• Did Bin Laden use her as a human shield or not?

• Who made the final decision to kill Bin Laden: Obama or the SEALS?

• Was there a live video footage of the raid, or not? The most recent version from the White House was that there wasn’t. If there was no live feed, what were Obama and his White House team watching in this much-publicized Situation Room photo? (Not to mention the fact that graphic artist and author Mara Zebest had analyzed the image below and determined that it’s been “manipulated,” including the insertion of Obama into the image, which means he was never in that situation room!)

The White House captioned this “Situation Room of Osama bin Laden takedown”

2. The Pentagon said it had no records — not one photo, not one video, not even an e-mail — of bin Laden’s death:

(See “Pentagon has no records of Osama bin Laden’s death,” March 28, 2012.)

A year later, in March 2012, in response to repeated (more than 20!) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by the Associated Press for files about the raid, which the AP had submitted the day after bin Laden’s supposed assassination, the Pentagon told the AP:

• It could not locate any photographs or video taken during the raid or showing bin Laden’s body.

• It could not find any images of bin Laden’s body on the Navy aircraft carrier where the al-Qaida leader’s body was taken.

• It could not find any death certificate, autopsy report or results of DNA identification tests for bin Laden, or any pre-raid materials discussing how the government planned to dispose of bin Laden’s body if he were killed.

• It said it had searched files at the Pentagon, U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Fla., and the Navy command in San Diego that controls the USS Carl Vinson, the aircraft carrier used in the mission, but could not find any emails about the bin Laden mission or his “Geronimo” code name that were sent or received in the year before the raid by William McRaven, the three-star admiral at the Joint Special Operations Command who organized and oversaw the mission.

• The Pentagon said it also could not find any emails from other senior officers who would have been involved in the mission’s planning.

3. A year later, the Pentagon purged its computers of all files on the raid:

Given the Pentagon’s denial in March 2012 that it had NO, NOTHING, NADA, ZERO record of the bin Laden assassination, it is curious to say the least that on July 8, 2013, the AP reports that an order was given from a “top special operations commander” (Adm. William McRaven) to purge all military files about the Navy SEAL raid from Defense Department computers, and to send those files instead to the CIA, where they could be more easily shielded from ever being made public.

l to r: Admiral William McRaven; McRaven with POTUS

From the AP:

The secret move, described briefly in a draft report by the Pentagon’s inspector general, set off no alarms within the Obama administration even though it appears to have sidestepped federal rules and perhaps also the Freedom of Information Act.

An acknowledgement by Adm. William McRaven of his actions was quietly removed from the final version of an inspector general’s report published weeks ago. A spokesman for the admiral declined to comment.


0ef236  No.3967025


don't even want to know, anon…

3bba64  No.3967026

File: ea6acf9089ba443⋯.jpg (28.26 KB, 284x392, 71:98, 112018 Asia.JPG)

File: 2f1e188574a39c9⋯.jpg (147.67 KB, 1605x788, 1605:788, 112018 Oil Currency.JPG)

Asian Mkts down

Oil coming off it's gains from here earlier today

Bitcoin upper left of oil chart (in red)


a14bda  No.3967028


rent is not going to pay itself.

8b76a3  No.3967029

File: f1d480a8cb86536⋯.jpg (93.09 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, smiling-redhead-woman-show….jpg)

>>3966889 (lb)

>>3966889 (lb)

Socratic method is straightforward and honest. No magic balls, tarot cards, or predictive devices. If a Q drop doesnt make sense, it's because you havent gotten to the part of the script hes reading from, or that nugget of public knowledge hasn't been dug up, yet.

The clockfags have a nifty little visual, but it's essentially an allowed shill tactic that serves as a filter between anons in the know, and the rest. For instance, Q and POTUS back and forth a with misspellings has anons racking their brains over unneeded capitalizations where emphasis is the only implied meaning, and Chuck Grassleys shorthand being misinterpreted as something more than an a 101 year old dudes Twitter style.

Anons forget that were literally watching a movie. Patriots are, indeed, 100% in control; right down to thinking that child trafficking under the old mechanisms is still happening, when it isnt.

3065f2  No.3967030

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

7ee314  No.3967031

File: aa01d593ed4e6ad⋯.png (64.31 KB, 720x457, 720:457, Screenshot_20181119-205437….png)

File: 583b0b0922e2667⋯.png (69.34 KB, 720x508, 180:127, Screenshot_20181119-210233….png)

File: 4786dfb94664323⋯.png (73.69 KB, 720x506, 360:253, Screenshot_20181119-205500….png)

File: 0f3615b12fa1724⋯.png (102.51 KB, 720x1018, 360:509, Screenshot_20181119-210521….png)

File: 89acc5902b6bf40⋯.png (108.59 KB, 720x723, 240:241, Screenshot_20181119-205555….png)

961cd5  No.3967032

Got anything for us today Q?

f0b2e0  No.3967033


Hopefully this will apply pressure to <UNSEAL AND/OR DECLAS

0201ef  No.3967034


Absolutely Baker, appreciate it.

Handoff confirmed

Have a great one y'all.

fd5c63  No.3967035

Motions to Dismiss by NXIVM Defendants – 10 separate filings –

I haven’t reviewed all the filings in detail yet but I did come across a very interesting statement: i.e., if Judge Garaufis does not dismiss all of the charges against all the defendants, the (remaining) defendants plan to file motions for suppression and motions for severance. What that means is that they’ll be proposing that some/all of the government’s evidence be suppressed (i.e., it can not be introduced at trial) — and they’ll be looking for several individual trials rather than one all-inclusive trial.

Given the time of year – and the likelihood that most of the pending motions will be denied (I think the court will likely order the prosecution to turn over any Brady material – and may order it to file a Bill of Particulars on some of the charges – but that’s about it) – the chances of this trial starting in March are very slim. And they’ll get even slimmer if/when the prosecution files another superseding indictment.

In all, the attorneys for the current six defendants – Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, Clare Bronfman, Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, and hapless Kathy Russell – recently filed the following documents:

Motion to Dismiss by Lauren Salzman

Motion to Dismiss for Kathy Russell, Nancy Salzman & Clare Bronfman

Memorandum of Law in Support of Russell, N Salzman, & Bronfman

Declaration in Support of Motion to Dismiss by Cassidy [Bronfman atty]

Motion to Dismiss for Raniere

Agnifilo Affirmation in support of Raniere

Aginfilo Memo in Support of Raniere

Motion to Dismiss for Allison Mack

Memo of Law in Support of Mack

Summary Letter from Shapiro

From the summary letter of Shapiro, we further summarize the initial pretrial motions:

RE: Count One: RICO Conspiracy /All Defendants

Dismiss Count One

– For failure to allege a “pattern” of racketeering

– As impermissibly duplicitous

– As being unconstitutionally vague.

– For failure to allege a sufficient enterprise or a horizontally-related pattern of racketeering activity.

Dismiss the predicate acts for failure to specify the underlying offenses or allege essential elements:

– Racketeering Act 1-A: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere and Russell

– Racketeering Act 1-B: Identification Document Conspiracy / Raniere and Russell

– Racketeering Act 2-A: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere, Bronfman, Russell,

and Nancy Salzman

– Racketeering Act 2-B: Identity Theft / Raniere and Russell

– Racketeering Act 2-C: Identity Theft / Raniere and Bronfman

– Racketeering Act 4: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere

– Racketeering Act 5-A: Encouraging and Inducing Illegal Entry / Bronfman

– Racketeering Act 5-B: Money Laundering / Bronfman

– Racketeering Act 6-A: Labor Trafficking / Raniere and Lauren Salzman

– Racketeering Act 6-B: Document Servitude / Raniere and Lauren Salzman

– Racketeering Act 8.

– Racketeering Act 10: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere and Bronfman

Dismiss the following predicate acts on the grounds that they are unconstitutionally vague, fail to state an offense, are not alleged with adequate particularity, and/or are multiplicitous:

– Racketeering Act 7: State Law Extortion / Raniere, Mack, and Lauren Salzman

– Racketeering Act 9-A: Forced Labor / Lauren Salzman

– Racketeering Act 9-B: State Law Extortion / Lauren Salzman

RE: Count Two: Forced Labor Conspiracy / Raniere, Mack, and Lauren Salzman

Dismiss Count Two

– For failure to allege the offense with adequate particularity.

– For failure to state an offense.

RE: Count Four: Sex Trafficking Conspiracy/Raniere and Mack

RE: Count Five: Sex Trafficking / Raniere and Mack

RE: Count Six: Attempted Sex Trafficking / Raniere and Mack

Dismiss for:

– Failure to allege the offenses with adequate particularity.

– Failure to state an offense.

– For being unconstitutionally vague.

– Because the allegations are duplicitous and fail to set forth a factual violation of the sex trafficking statute.

RE: Count Seven: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere and Bronfman

Dismiss Count Seven

– For failure to allege essential elements.

– For lack of venue.

RE: Other Motions

– Move for a bill of particulars.

– Move for prompt disclosure of Brady materials.

– Move to obtain the trial testimony of foreign witnesses.


If the Court denies their motions to dismiss, Defendants anticipate filing motions for severance and suppression.

Stay tuned for further analysis regarding some of the motions…


ff6778  No.3967036

File: 8d3556c2f00a550⋯.jpg (657.69 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 23 and a half.jpg)


>>3966303 ALL (PB)












BO / BV a few of the (23+1) Archer shitter highlights

spamming like a broken record

7ee314  No.3967037

File: bb1c6c276a27452⋯.png (66.63 KB, 720x444, 60:37, Screenshot_20181119-205405….png)

File: 99c531f7baeb399⋯.png (61.84 KB, 720x449, 720:449, Screenshot_20181119-205334….png)

File: 3bc6208b900a252⋯.png (105.15 KB, 720x731, 720:731, Screenshot_20181119-205111….png)

fd5c63  No.3967038



Repost from late last notable af

448869  No.3967039

File: 7abc03908b14f11⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 255x144, 85:48, whitehatinaction SMALL SIZ….jpg)


hivemind, anon!

was just considering how in ages to come, people will be re-reading breads that we are speaking in, rn. every twist and turn, will matter again someday. we know all the plot twists and how they habbened. its like we get to watch normies minds be blown in our own time, as a reward for our Patriotism.

the greatest story ever told! the greatest story ever, EVER.

A Band of Anons. that I simply call my frens.

Exceptionally American, if I do say so myself, Q!


e98d58  No.3967040


Obama is a useless fuck. Ashamed he dirtied the Oval Office.

85a536  No.3967041

File: 242d659351b10fa⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 598x803, 598:803, IMG_0007.JPG)


a4e39f  No.3967042

File: 73e31c2de14a40c⋯.jpg (15.73 KB, 236x267, 236:267, 2639a27da1aa01aa0a8610d6fc….jpg)

7b3160  No.3967043

When Mexico becomes the wall…and they're paying for it.

a14bda  No.3967044


field has a few thoughts.

7ee314  No.3967045

File: 0ad6c819ed4d953⋯.jpg (158.71 KB, 1706x1109, 1706:1109, donald-trump-jared-kushner….jpg)

File: 061cc015ecd70b4⋯.jpeg (144.29 KB, 900x570, 30:19, 1_1ZYO04w5OCWL8b_FlMCmAQ.jpeg)

File: a2199398797dd2b⋯.jpg (96.16 KB, 810x580, 81:58, trump-jared.jpg)

File: 2a78ba0ace92f2d⋯.jpg (237.03 KB, 620x442, 310:221, 000_ON1H9_0.jpg)

File: dff216c23d548a9⋯.jpeg (62.97 KB, 898x628, 449:314, ShowImage.jpeg)

47eb18  No.3967046

>>3966857 lb lb lb

lawfag here

nice digs and summaries anon

well done

i have one comment to add

motions for severance mean they defense common defense wall has fallen

main ship sunk

every defendant on their own

they are screwed gud

all the other action is just lawyers making mass money on desperate rich fucks - "leave no stone unturned just in case we need to appeal"

all to no avail


279052  No.3967047

File: f9c6b20f83171cd⋯.jpg (85.51 KB, 959x600, 959:600, Cortez I Can Speaker?.jpg)

a990c9  No.3967049


I wondered why POTUS seemingly picked a fight out of nowhere with this admiral and now we find out. Just like mc no name.

694ac3  No.3967050



Suggesting that us free lancers who are getting nothing by cracking the deeper codes stand to benefit greatly enough from putting that much energy and time into it.

True I have nothing but sympathy for that statement. As I also fall into that bucket.

It's a great sacrifice.


Zero pay, recognition, or reward.

But yet, that's exactly what a Patriot is.

Perhaps that is the greater lesson to be learned in all of this.

Most of us don't want to do what it takes because very few if any of us are selfless enough. Very few can go fight the dragon and sacrifice our time and treasure for nothing.

We all want recognition and reward at some level. At least a name for ourselves to people will remember us. But…we get none of that.

In fact the opposite.

Yet, there remains the hint of deeper treasures here still yet hidden.

And none of us willing to be the unknown hero.

2789c8  No.3967051


Prove its true

599890  No.3967052

File: cd13379ca8c0894⋯.jpg (159.65 KB, 1102x1139, 1102:1139, IMG950147_1.jpg)

570faf  No.3967053


thanks again, great job

New Baker Confirmed

been busy, so been getting small shifts lately but this should be a nice one!


got it

87c080  No.3967054

File: 49ececfd21fb37a⋯.jpg (113.13 KB, 500x672, 125:168, tumblr_pi8rmqRnMe1rmnn70o1….jpg)

God Bless this beautiful patriot !

7ce3fa  No.3967055

>>3967021 Only a chicAanon or a fagAnon would know! TITSorGTFO or just go away!

6f7f82  No.3967056

File: 7ae54c9e00ef559⋯.png (678.49 KB, 595x983, 595:983, ocas_gavel.png)

fd5c63  No.3967057

3893c6  No.3967058

File: 6e9e57b13f49b3f⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 383x347, 383:347, schiff GGF.jpg)

Sorry Anons.

Earlier notable I made today on Schiff was inaccurate:

>>3962611 (PB)

>>3962789 (PB)

Adam's GREATgrandfather Jacob was actually born a ===Shiff===,

OR someone wants us to think he was. This is the only source on this. No other source I've found seems to know who his Grandfather Frank Ephraim Schiff's parents are.

2a117b  No.3967059

File: 57640012f6fbc44⋯.jpeg (208.83 KB, 1663x1374, 1663:1374, AAC0BF4D-5BEF-4BC1-A8B9-5….jpeg)

0d8c8d  No.3967060

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Best of Tom Day (Part 1)

- Tom Day (et. al.)

Night bread jam. Enjoy.

Needs it's own tab… 45m


7012e1  No.3967062

File: 1529cc61524c48e⋯.jpg (58.41 KB, 591x323, 591:323, PELOSI FLAG.jpg)


>James Woods gets it.

ab8731  No.3967063

File: 66306d0a45f8b87⋯.png (36.75 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 59D7C0EB-D0D0-4668-BED7-03….png)

Ivanka farts gold dust and sugar cookies.

She could email the U.S. nuclear launch codes to Al Bagdahdi himself and I wouldn’t give af.

So there’s that.

599890  No.3967064

File: a54efaa680ca640⋯.png (462.35 KB, 640x640, 1:1, image_16.png)

deee33  No.3967065

I just figured it out. Q said Trump would be aboard AF1 over international airspace when shit goes down. 10 days of silence started 11/13 ending 11/23. Thanksgiving is 11/22. Trump is going to visit troops abroad for Thanksgiving, and shit will hit the fan when he's flying home on 11/23.

3bba64  No.3967066

File: f33409a2426ceed⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 345x315, 23:21, BB10.gif)

961cd5 (1)


448869  No.3967067

File: 6a4008197cbf160⋯.png (495.39 KB, 633x494, 633:494, FLOTUSpepenewnew.png)

35a5cb  No.3967068


Post something you researched..make a quick point why it needs to be filed by a baker. WE are Q.ignore the scatter, lol thats a term for some that listen to alot, and after doing such repeitive sorta becomes scatter. be aware, that some here, listen to scatter…so post some data, please.

43eb90  No.3967069


>Socratic method is straightforward and honest.

Thank you for restating this; It's been a while.

e6412b  No.3967070



6 Dec 11 = 6 + 11 = 17

9:26 am = 9 + 2 + 6 = 17

f9f716  No.3967071

File: 28ebc634640ae3e⋯.png (642.07 KB, 1196x667, 52:29, 307 of 935 Fox News how da….png)

File: 699eac49adee192⋯.png (660.01 KB, 1185x562, 1185:562, Fox Nation clocks on skunt….png)

I posted a notable earlier (pics related) showcasing some of the YouTube Fox News (official) Channel timestamp "comms" going on. It's OFF THE CHARTS…

There are also a bunch of random non-official channels doing it. This video has like 30-50 timestamp "look at me" moments… they usually use a windows sound-effect tone, but also pause the image sometimes, or have the sound cut out for a second… something.

It's 100% by design… it's always at numbers like 25:52 or 17:17 or 23:35… you get the idea.

It's fascinating… and while I think I might understand it all… I'm really mostly at a loss as to the exact mindset, motivation, "plan." I guess that's the idea of not telegraphing your moves… while sorta telegraphing your moves… ugh.



5a4f59  No.3967072


Did I say [NEXT WEEK]? Silly me. I meant week after [NEXT WEEK]. Maybe.


5fd5de  No.3967073


Occasional Cortex

fe7320  No.3967074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Food for thought…

Headlines With A Voice

Published on Nov 19, 2018

Heads-Up: Focus About to Change

The parallels between the state-sponsored, operation conducted on September 11, and the multi-year-orchestrated environmental actions in California are profound and prevalent. …

57910c  No.3967075

File: 741f54711228a96⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 422x438, 211:219, GoyimI...ChanFuckersWasRig….JPG)

>>3966663 lb, >>3966394 lb, >>3966693 lb

I suspect one more of Leaf's altars is yet to be IDEN'd. Not all are obvious trolls. Symbols being (((their))) downfall, he/she/it can't resist using this:


And likes presenting as a woman.

>>3966993 lb

pic related

43eb90  No.3967076


is that why you have that sigil in your meme?

429c0b  No.3967077

Some evidence from the Tijuana side on what is happening with the caravan there, and the trail leads to China


a2668e  No.3967078

File: d6d3490bdebb7e7⋯.png (739.22 KB, 858x754, 33:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Probably already posted. Trump's Turkey Pardon 2018. Vote for one. Note Peas-Loves Popcorn, ICE Fishing, and Plane Watching???? Sourced from POTUS Schedule on Twitter. If you vote you have to give someones email.


8b1201  No.3967079


No you didn't, because you've already posted this. Update ur copy.

6173f7  No.3967080

File: 6ae06ba684a3f5a⋯.jpeg (83.44 KB, 313x512, 313:512, AFC7F162-0023-4831-9C66-5….jpeg)


What if RINOS were replaced by DEMS that POTUS can work with to bring more legislation that helps REAL AMERICANS? What would you call that type of movement?

47eb18  No.3967081

File: dfcaf48c762f84c⋯.jpg (3.96 KB, 103x139, 103:139, LAM.jpg)

File: b9fafad6498991d⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x197, 255:197, ocasiocortezLAM.png)



6f7f82  No.3967082

File: c049927ec0808ad⋯.png (341.58 KB, 609x424, 609:424, whowhowho.png)

93a6ce  No.3967083


Not my OC. Reposting from LB as requested by baker. Hope my formatting isn't screwed up too badly.

Motions to Dismiss by NXIVM Defendants – 10 separate filings

I haven’t reviewed all the filings in detail yet but I did come across a very interesting statement: i.e., if Judge Garaufis does not dismiss all of the charges against all the defendants, the (remaining) defendants plan to file motions for suppression and motions for severance. What that means is that they’ll be proposing that some/all of the government’s evidence be suppressed (i.e., it can not be introduced at trial) — and they’ll be looking for several individual trials rather than one all-inclusive trial.

Given the time of year – and the likelihood that most of the pending motions will be denied (I think the court will likely order the prosecution to turn over any Brady material – and may order it to file a Bill of Particulars on some of the charges – but that’s about it) – the chances of this trial starting in March are very slim. And they’ll get even slimmer if/when the prosecution files another superseding indictment.

In all, the attorneys for the current six defendants – Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, Clare Bronfman, Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, and hapless Kathy Russell – recently filed the following documents:

Motion to Dismiss by Lauren Salzman

Motion to Dismiss for Kathy Russell, Nancy Salzman & Clare Bronfman

Memorandum of Law in Support of Russell, N Salzman, & Bronfman

Declaration in Support of Motion to Dismiss by Cassidy [Bronfman atty]

Motion to Dismiss for Raniere

Agnifilo Affirmation in support of Raniere

Aginfilo Memo in Support of Raniere

Motion to Dismiss for Allison Mack

Memo of Law in Support of Mack

Summary Letter from Shapiro

From the summary letter of Shapiro, we further summarize the initial pretrial motions:

RE: Count One: RICO Conspiracy /All Defendants

Dismiss Count One

– For failure to allege a “pattern” of racketeering

– As impermissibly duplicitous

– As being unconstitutionally vague.

– For failure to allege a sufficient enterprise or a horizontally-related pattern of racketeering activity.

Dismiss the predicate acts for failure to specify the underlying offenses or allege essential elements:

– Racketeering Act 1-A: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere and Russell

– Racketeering Act 1-B: Identification Document Conspiracy / Raniere and Russell

– Racketeering Act 2-A: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere, Bronfman, Russell,

and Nancy Salzman

– Racketeering Act 2-B: Identity Theft / Raniere and Russell

– Racketeering Act 2-C: Identity Theft / Raniere and Bronfman

– Racketeering Act 4: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere

– Racketeering Act 5-A: Encouraging and Inducing Illegal Entry / Bronfman

– Racketeering Act 5-B: Money Laundering / Bronfman

– Racketeering Act 6-A: Labor Trafficking / Raniere and Lauren Salzman

– Racketeering Act 6-B: Document Servitude / Raniere and Lauren Salzman

– Racketeering Act 8.

– Racketeering Act 10: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere and Bronfman

Dismiss the following predicate acts on the grounds that they are unconstitutionally vague, fail to state an offense, are not alleged with adequate particularity, and/or are multiplicitous:

– Racketeering Act 7: State Law Extortion / Raniere, Mack, and Lauren Salzman

– Racketeering Act 9-A: Forced Labor / Lauren Salzman

– Racketeering Act 9-B: State Law Extortion / Lauren Salzman

RE: Count Two: Forced Labor Conspiracy / Raniere, Mack, and Lauren Salzman

Dismiss Count Two

– For failure to allege the offense with adequate particularity.

– For failure to state an offense.

RE: Count Four: Sex Trafficking Conspiracy/Raniere and Mack

RE: Count Five: Sex Trafficking / Raniere and Mack

RE: Count Six: Attempted Sex Trafficking / Raniere and Mack

Dismiss for:

– Failure to allege the offenses with adequate particularity.

– Failure to state an offense.

– For being unconstitutionally vague.

– Because the allegations are duplicitous and fail to set forth a factual violation of the sex trafficking statute.

RE: Count Seven: Identity Theft Conspiracy / Raniere and Bronfman

Dismiss Count Seven

– For failure to allege essential elements.

– For lack of venue.

RE: Other Motions

– Move for a bill of particulars.

– Move for prompt disclosure of Brady materials.

– Move to obtain the trial testimony of foreign witnesses.


If the Court denies their motions to dismiss, Defendants anticipate filing motions for severance and suppression.

Stay tuned for further analysis regarding some of the motions…




aae6cd  No.3967084

File: 9e23c2c5c78b894⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 580x368, 145:92, lazlo.jpg)

>>3966966 (LB)

>Maybe it's the drive and faith to keep digging in the old codes to see if we missed something.

Nice. The crumbs are flush with leads, and they seem to make more sense as time goes on and anons continue to make digs of faith.

Fun fact, did you know that the guy who played uncle Rico is the same guy that played Lazlo in Real genius?

fa7fc0  No.3967085


>Here are three big reasons why we can’t believe the story we’ve been told.

>1. Obama regime’s story about the raid keeps changing:

>2. The Pentagon said it had no records — not one photo, not one video, not even an e-mail — of bin Laden’s death:

>3. A year later, the Pentagon purged its computers of all files on the raid:

85a536  No.3967086

File: 977f346afc025d8⋯.jpg (142.59 KB, 900x600, 3:2, IMG_3660.JPG)

top secret navy experiment on Marilyn Manson

fd5c63  No.3967087

File: 9360743665086e6⋯.png (44.72 KB, 505x902, 505:902, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6c2e99c1e92723⋯.png (40.21 KB, 509x835, 509:835, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2caf5c71081f7ed⋯.png (45.59 KB, 525x914, 525:914, ClipboardImage.png)


The Crimes of SEAL Team 6

Matthew Cole, The Crimes of SEAL Team 6. The Intercept, 10 January 2017. “Officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 is today the most celebrated of the U.S. military’s special mission units. But hidden behind the heroic narratives is a darker, more troubling story of “revenge ops,” unjustified killings, mutilations, and other atrocities — a pattern of criminal violence that emerged soon after the Afghan war began and was tolerated and covered up by the command’s leadership.”

As the legend of SEAL Team 6 grew [in the early 2000s], a rogue culture arose that operated outside of the Navy’s established mechanisms for command and investigation. Parts of SEAL Team 6 began acting with an air of impunity that disturbed observers within the command. Senior members of SEAL Team 6 felt the pattern of brutality was not only illegal but rose to the level of war crimes….

No single military unit has come to represent American military success or heroism more than SEAL Team 6, officially designated as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group and known in military vernacular as DevGru, Team 6, the Command, and Task Force Blue. Its operators are part of an elite, clandestine cadre. The men who make it through the grueling training represent roughly the top 10 percent of all SEALs. They are taught to live and if necessary die for one another. The extreme risks they take forge extreme bonds….

When SEAL Team 6 first deployed to Afghanistan in January 2002, the command had three assault teams, Red, Blue, and Gold, each with a mascot. Red Team, known as the Redmen, employed a Native American warrior as a mascot; Blue Team, known as the Pirates, wore the Jolly Roger; and Gold Team, known as the Crusaders or Knights, wore a lion or a crusader’s cross.

The prevailing narrative about SEAL Team 6 in news coverage, bestselling books, and Hollywood movies is unambiguously heroic; it centers on the killing of Osama bin Laden and high-profile rescue missions. With few exceptions, a darker, more troubling story has been suppressed and ignored — a story replete with tactical brilliance on battlefields around the world coupled with a pattern of silence and deceit when “downrange” actions lead to episodes of criminal brutality. The unit’s elite stature has insulated its members from the scrutiny and military justice that lesser units would have faced for the same actions.



453b8d  No.3967088


I wonder if the missing [H] was meant to hone us in on the "SCIF"

Like liddle adam Sc[h]if… sorta thought…

279052  No.3967089


I like that

448869  No.3967090

File: 3e5c130c252f35f⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 247x255, 247:255, blindretard.jpg)

doubt BO? doubt Q? with all the great habbenings?

you may be a retard then

the cognitive dissonance has gone into overdrive, and there is nothing we can do to save you.

save yourself. trust the plan. do your best. be your best.


63edf1  No.3967091

File: e238a580a9bebbf⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 1896x2950, 948:1475, MareliMiniutti.jpg)


Thanks Baker. Here's a new favorite.

0ef236  No.3967092

File: b6c80b1200e461e⋯.png (823.34 KB, 1024x641, 1024:641, spirit.png)


Yes, they're targeting me.

It must be working.

Take my energy, anons!

2a117b  No.3967093

File: b86c66cdb8b4df7⋯.jpeg (78.22 KB, 606x811, 606:811, D44A6E7D-9BCF-4058-B469-5….jpeg)


So 6 years in Oakistan, obl killed 2011, so moved from where in 2005? …


43eb90  No.3967094


I wonder if leaf gets made fun of by the other ops for losing the mod gig?

deee33  No.3967095


Guess I had one too many with the boys. Thanks!

694ac3  No.3967096

570faf  No.3967097



I like this quote, even though I like to answer shit (kek):

“Question everything. Learn something. Answer nothing.” - Euripides

796cc4  No.3967098



They are a way to spot a very expensive shoe by a certain designer. That is the only symbolism going on here. See the link in this post. >>3967021

This comes up every. Single. Time.

85a536  No.3967099

In propositional logic, modus tollens (/ˈmoʊdəs ˈtɒlɛnz/; MT; also modus tollendo tollens (Latin for "mode that denies by denying")[1] or denying the consequent)[2] is a valid argument form and a rule of inference. It is an application of the general truth that if a statement is true, then so is its contra-positive.

The inference rule modus tollens validates the inference from


P implies


Q and the contradictory of


Q to the contradictory of



The modus tollens rule can be stated formally as:








{\frac {P\to Q,\neg Q}{\therefore \neg P}}




P\to Q stands for the statement "P implies Q".



\neg Q stands for "it is not the case that Q" (or in brief "not Q"). Then, whenever "



P\to Q" and "



\neg Q" each appear by themselves as a line of a proof, then "



\neg P" can validly be placed on a subsequent line. The history of the inference rule modus tollens goes back to antiquity.[3]

Modus tollens is closely related to modus ponens. There are two similar, but invalid, forms of argument: affirming the consequent and denying the antecedent. See also contraposition and proof by contrapositive.

The first to explicitly describe the argument form modus tollens was Theophrastus.[4]

4526f7  No.3967100

Hey Q, Fuck U, people are hurting and children are dying. Any of you dipshits want to prove me wrong?

fd5c63  No.3967101

File: 2f78527127b4886⋯.png (51.1 KB, 978x619, 978:619, ClipboardImage.png)

Obama's SEAL Team 6 top secret mission coverup

On August 6, 2011, a military helicopter- Extortion 17- carrying thirty-eight men (including twenty-five of the elite SEAL Team 6, five National Guard and Army Reserve, and eight Afghan commandos) was shot down over Taliban-controlled territory in eastern Afghanistan. They had been on a top secret mission to take out a high-value target.

It was the worst loss of life in a single day since the war in Afghanistan began. Per a 1250-page military report, it was simply the result of a "lucky shot" by Taliban soldiers perched on top of a building. Per families of those killed and military experts at a press conference held on May 9, 2013, this is a lie among a host of other lies.

After the families attended a several hour military briefing about this "lucky shot," describing what happened and why their sons died, they smelled a rat and started digging around. Billy and Karen Vaughn, parents of Navy SEAL Aaron C. Vaughn, started poking around at the "official" story and found not a rat, but a stinking swamp, a coverup that went all the way to the top.

When the Vaughns began trying to drain the swamp, they received what the Obama administration is famous for: the shakedown. None other than one of the highest ranking officers in the nation-Admiral William McRaven, commander at U.S. Special Operations Command-paid the Vaughns a little visit, in essence telling them to keep their mouths shut.

What exactly happened on August 6, 2011? What went wrong-or in this case went right that has the Obama administration dispatching high-ranking officers as thugs? There are two possibilities, according to information revealed at the press conference:

1. The Obama administration sent American soldiers on a suicide mission, or

2. Someone set up our American heroes-that is, had them murdered-that may include the Afghan government-or shockingly may include Barack Hussein Obama himself.

We learned seven major facts at the press conference:

1. Thirty SEAL Team 6, National Guard, and Army Reserve were packed into a decrepit 1960s era CH-47 helicopter (something, according to military experts, that was unheard of.) Per military experts, special operations were always conducted with the state-of-the-art MH-47 helicopter-the helicopter SEAL Team 6 exclusively trained in. Further, never-ever-were that many special operations personnel packed into a single helicopter. They were always split up into small groups with multiple MH-47s.

2. Although the military could have easily taken out the Taliban positions with a drone strike prior to the operation, as the families were later told, this was not done because there were possible "friendlies" among the Taliban; the United States wanted to "win the minds and hearts of the enemy."

Billy Vaughn, father of Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn, speaking at the press conference with rage in his voice, blasted this ludicrousness:

Aaron did not become a Navy SEAL Team 6 Gold Squad to win the hearts and minds of the Islamic jihadists. He became a Navy SEAL to fight for this republic and defeat the enemy!


ab8731  No.3967102

File: 9a34fb992ea6fbe⋯.jpeg (26.38 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 34606591-B0A5-4B8E-BB80-7….jpeg)

File: 35df0c879da3762⋯.jpeg (25.68 KB, 255x233, 255:233, FF0669A0-EE2C-4319-8E91-1….jpeg)


Here we go with the rose shit again.

1. ur a faggot, go to bed already

2. I didn’t draw the pepe.

3. It’s a rose u dumfuq not a sigil.

4. You probably see sigils in sperg patterns.

6f0199  No.3967103

File: f3df2b85ebbe9ee⋯.png (183.02 KB, 300x294, 50:49, ClipboardImage.png)


FFS This clock makes more connections than the fucking shill clock we have to stomach day in and day out.

47eb18  No.3967104


guc post anon

the problem is we do not KNOW this to be true

i believe it is true

but i do not KNOW and neither do you

as for decodes its a game

NO WAY Q posted enough to ascertain the truth

that is why ONLY news unlocks EVERY time and is the only confirmation

2a117b  No.3967105



I could put up with the high maintenance for a few months.

0ef236  No.3967106


Oh.. it just seemed funny that you knew so much about shoes.

I guess I get it now.

570faf  No.3967107


> people are hurting and children are dying

that is happening, no idea why you're blaming Q

6f7f82  No.3967108

File: b648d4ee6ff7e4b⋯.jpeg (141.23 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, shawshank.jpeg)

2b423a  No.3967109


defiantly not a slide…bass slide that is.

nice to take a short break and appreciate the talent and beauty still in this world…reminds me of what I will fight for…tanks anon…

7d0630  No.3967110


Great work. Now get history to date. Friends. Education. Schools, etc.

f5f76b  No.3967111


Christian Louboutin shoes have the red soles. Pretty sure that is what she is wearing. She wears them often. Hot AF Femfag here. ;)

e3ea1f  No.3967112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is in a Proton

video - actually pretty good. Explaining quarks and energy patterns shift all the time in a proton

43eb90  No.3967113


nah that's a known pedo symbol, but you do you.

eb548c  No.3967114

File: 4740354e2586647⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 838x469, 838:469, IMG_20181111_085106_510.JPG)

0d7d12  No.3967115


You know the rule

47eb18  No.3967116



see also lawfag comments this bread on LB post


93a6ce  No.3967117


Rats in a sack.

If they sever the cases, doesn't that also mean Bronfman can't be paying for Salzman's lawyer, Raniere's lawyer, etc.?

I presume everybody is already represented by their own counsel?


a460ab  No.3967118

>>3966200 lb

>>3966994 lb

>genealogy of germanic people… seemed to suggest "Israel" was indeed the precursor to the ancient germanic people - God's chosen people.


Not just that, but it was Judahites most specifically, the tribe of David.

This is why Germany has since become the most psychologically and politically imprisoned nation of the free world.

They have always been (for being promised to eventually "rule the world") the greatest threat to Khazarean globalists.

85a536  No.3967119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

42e00b  No.3967120

>>3966970 (pb)_

WE only care about the INJUSTICE at this point. DON'T EVEN GO THERE MF"er

d6865c  No.3967121


so all the dead are just faking it?

and all the kids dying of contaminated polio vaccines are not dead.

and the kids stil being raped are not being raped.

"under the old mechanisms" what a 100% patriotic weasel you are.

47eb18  No.3967122


yes that is one major and likely effect

0ef236  No.3967123


the rose?

that's DSA… not sure I've seen the rose as a pedo symbol before.

00b5f3  No.3967124

File: c65b28fab73c251⋯.jpg (114.78 KB, 1004x865, 1004:865, 3.JPG)

File: 7a2481557280901⋯.jpg (138.24 KB, 772x869, 772:869, 4.JPG)

File: 75d77b6c73fc8f0⋯.jpg (57.82 KB, 742x307, 742:307, 5.JPG)

Regional EPA official resigns after being indicted


2e07f6  No.3967125

File: 5b715ceb35e2d70⋯.png (969.28 KB, 907x509, 907:509, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't forget to arrest all the snails for proudly displaying their pedo spirals.

e98d58  No.3967126


David, David, David, go easy on the weed, man.

570faf  No.3967127

Can anyone confirm that NXIVM post?

that frank report shit is sketchy to me

8709c9  No.3967128

File: 55745d28a1dcdbd⋯.jpg (12.19 KB, 225x225, 1:1, now_clock.jpg)


Now Now

7ce3fa  No.3967129

>>3967111 TITSorGTFO!

1b6264  No.3967130

File: dc004aea8623622⋯.jpeg (43.81 KB, 600x418, 300:209, therules.jpeg)



6c2903  No.3967131


Joe fucking Biden doxxed ST6!

203bdb  No.3967132


There really aren't that many companies that provide badges to LEOs, and most are base stock designs with customizable wording and seals. The only place I can (so far) locate a maker of a sheriff star with three sided spiral in the star points has been here:


80c5e6  No.3967133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dave has an interdasting theory on the marker, start video at 17:22

35a5cb  No.3967134

border at southern border was secured totally today, MSM did not point it out to thier audience, public must become aware of the sealing of the border…and the fear mongering MSM will blast at situ. PUBLIC must be aware of recent EO's, Martial Law,and that things will get better, but hunker down, going to be a wave of.???


if one was to ask,

"It's getting better everday!"

599890  No.3967135

File: d74ed58a2a73d05⋯.gif (1003.78 KB, 290x308, 145:154, 58029.gif)

File: aa42cdc053d0012⋯.png (172.1 KB, 474x375, 158:125, aa42cdc053d0012331402922f1….png)

a4e39f  No.3967136


frank's /ourguy

can confirm

448869  No.3967137

File: 834e13a70cf6a59⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 798x1071, 38:51, husseintraitorkenyan.jpg)


KEK!! fuken savd

85a536  No.3967138

File: e2ef742a7f4b262⋯.jpg (103.85 KB, 543x782, 543:782, IMG_3775.JPG)

<<There are two similar, but invalid, forms of argument: affirming the consequent and denying the antecedent

17d6f3  No.3967139

File: bb520fecc0527d5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1692x1692, 1:1, whywearehere.png)

File: 8fca80a924db591⋯.png (280.74 KB, 1212x790, 606:395, WWCFpng.png)

Delta of [:15]. This is an old clock. Just read the posts.

A copy/pasta of an Anon post in the main bread.

Trying to help those who don't "get it" to see the LIGHT.

6173f7  No.3967140

File: 2ae19b68d37f9ce⋯.jpeg (82.45 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 5086D424-264A-4698-84D1-6….jpeg)


Just ask Chris Wallace

ab8731  No.3967141

File: 68d3efbd3ab5431⋯.jpeg (975.88 KB, 2400x1800, 4:3, D90C20DC-0E9B-43E4-AB5A-0….jpeg)


Look at all those red shoes anon.

Pedos every one of em.

Hurry think you can really catch em.

7c8de5  No.3967142

Candace Owens just said CULTURAL MARXISM on FOX.

Oy vey!

599890  No.3967143

File: 31822146ffae5b6⋯.gif (801.16 KB, 300x209, 300:209, 19266593.gif)

fd5c63  No.3967144


Based off what???

2596c5  No.3967145


Can’t confirm, but agree with you Baker. Especially with the hard push.

d6865c  No.3967146


the dead are faking it anon.

we are not at war.

anons insist the dead are 100% controlled crisis actors. this is just a movie.

it's how they deal with conflict.

0ef236  No.3967147



did you see them targeting me for relaying this?

check it out: ff6778

448869  No.3967148

File: 6368ac1a38f32fd⋯.png (3.25 MB, 2222x1899, 2222:1899, TITSORGTFO.png)


welcome newfag!!! pic related :)

ba1f4d  No.3967149

Rex 84

Agenda 21

bf09ac  No.3967150

I didn't see this notables. Did anyone catch that POTUS twice misstated the name of the town he just visited? In his statement on the Malibu wildfires, he said he had just visited "Pleasure," but the name of the town is "Paradise." 11:33 and 11:39 marks

"We serve at the pleasure of the president. - Q"

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JFzaBSUOwc

7d0630  No.3967151


Proofs on you, bitch.

570faf  No.3967152


not the guy the info


see: >>3967145

its been getting spammed at night recently

to the point where some fuck had 80+ posts and got a short ban

a55d56  No.3967153

File: 1110104cf16fc34⋯.gif (803.05 KB, 250x264, 125:132, b2534fb2f685c275fc22383e4c….gif)

0fa57c  No.3967154


>and eight Afghan commandos)

these guys were strapped with explosive vests, they were not aware of it, very sophisticated mission to take out the seal team. there was barely anything left of the bodies according to their families. chopper was hit and going down and then a trigger man blew the Afghan commandos vests. very dad and dirty.

00b5f3  No.3967155

File: e25f9098085e098⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 615x869, 615:869, 3.JPG)

File: faf2a4a09cd2d0c⋯.jpg (133.89 KB, 557x880, 557:880, 4.JPG)

File: 9569e9ee76e050b⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 512x195, 512:195, 5.JPG)

Indicted Kuwaiti Sheikh Steps Aside From I.O.C.


ab8731  No.3967156


Um yeah thinkin you only did that cuz you wanna post ur hotness.

Do it.

bf09ac  No.3967157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

597bea  No.3967158

File: a86a1c27758e8f6⋯.jpg (25.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a86a1c27758e8f68ca35213423….jpg)


Well it's already trippier than hunter s.t. could get

Three times more addictive

Here's to the famous anons of the future!


aba1ad  No.3967159


Never leave out a good Ocasio(n) to "Cortez" the entire nation!

663636  No.3967160

I think that

Declass = Great Awakening (This is the message.)

And Anons are a part of it.

Do you really believe that we can go back to the somewhat normal good lives of law and order of the olden days? At this stage, I don't think that Satan will ever give up what he has gained.

Perhaps we need to be more patient because there are not enough people aware of what this means. Even believers don't want to believe that they could be living the end time prophecy. Read the Bible. As a suggestion, read the Bible as one book, without skipping around. Many priests, in order to get their message across, are cross referencing scriptures all throughout the Bible, which in my opinion, causes much misunderstanding and confusion about the Bible as a whole. If you read it as one book, you'll find a wonderful story that you never realized was there; and, much that many scholars have missed. Interestingly, I have asked many priests if they have ever read the Bible in this manner and nary a one said that they have. Reading the very first chapter of Genesis, slowly, concentrating on every word, is in itself, a great awakening.

Scripture says that all will be known in the end times. All darkness will be brought to light.

Now is the time to tell everyone you know about the option of God's gift of salvation.

One great thing that God gives us is choice, free will. Even after creating Lucifer/Satan with this gift, Satan chose to go against God. Satan is a spirit/evil angel. He and his evil group actually did breed with humans (in scripture). This is the bloodline. Man cannot defeat spirits without God. Scripture tells us that Satan becomes stronger and believers become stronger; yet, even the strongest believers cannot destroy Satan. This is why God sent his Son, Jesus Christ to die for us so that we may live again in a new story to tell.

Choose wisely…

God/Jesus Christ - a glorious Heaven, the purest of love, no death, no lies, no sickness, everything provided, a virtual Garden of Eden

Satan - a life of lies, deceit, greed, death, lust - a knowledge of good and evil (Thought we're trying to get rid of evil.)

Dirt - a life of dust, a poof of sheet in the wind

Allah - 72 virgins (with renewable vajajas supposedly) Whatever else, I don't know about

Or other - Come back as a worm or a cat or Mickey Mouse perhaps

Jesus is coming sooner than you may think. And my sauce on this is… I know this just because I know this through the Holy Spirit and a widdy biddy bit of God's gracious wisdom.

Thank God for this place, Anons, Q, DJT, Patriots, Military!


9d2ca4  No.3967161

File: 92818d83ed8cb84⋯.jpeg (74.49 KB, 738x500, 369:250, 038F5539-3885-4211-83BA-A….jpeg)

File: b6c7c97b6d87d2c⋯.jpeg (99.44 KB, 380x613, 380:613, 5D02BE14-FC5A-40FA-8B5F-5….jpeg)

File: 07be5148b64e7f1⋯.jpeg (75.05 KB, 636x499, 636:499, C7D6FEFA-12BC-4C2B-87BD-D….jpeg)

File: 7d463c4fb73f0b9⋯.jpeg (108.29 KB, 500x608, 125:152, 3A61BC19-DA67-434B-A687-2….jpeg)

File: ce3a848eb98ddf2⋯.jpeg (160.97 KB, 795x637, 795:637, F3A15752-A604-4B13-BE25-B….jpeg)

203bdb  No.3967162

File: cafc8d1b61f3ae3⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1628x1618, 814:809, Ginsberg-on-the-clock.png)


Im a meme fag so don't always see things on the clock, but this one is COAT

5a4f59  No.3967163

I heard Nunez wants to talk on tv again about FISA. Here’s an idea. Stop your yappin and make it happen.

0ef236  No.3967164

File: 2931442ebeb0844⋯.png (51.61 KB, 634x289, 634:289, ClipboardImage.png)


you must not know what anonymous means

learn more about the place.

you were indeed being helpful, but you also harmed yourself in the process

we're all anonymous here.

2b423a  No.3967165

File: e48af2a66d6bfb3⋯.jpg (12.02 KB, 240x300, 4:5, s-l300.jpg)


great shot of Raquel Welch….but that movie is about a guy who got a sex change.

Myra Breckinridge


47eb18  No.3967166


thought they wuz aryans?

wut habbened?

dont matter any way

jews are the master race

just look at the posts here the pruve it

a55d56  No.3967167

File: 26b68f1c9ca9c59⋯.jpg (65.16 KB, 590x462, 295:231, 26b68f1c9ca9c596c59fea8681….jpg)

2c3355  No.3967168


Lawfag here

If they are smart they absolutely have their own attorneys. When things really starting gettting dicey they will start blaming each other. One attorney could not represent several parties at the same time unless they signed waiver, which would be insane. Any smart attorney would never take that scenario in the first place. Even paying for another’s attorney could turn on you. If a losing party starts realizing he has lost, he could argue that the other party found an attorney and paid for this attorney, therefore, they are all against my best interest. You get the drift. PAIN

57910c  No.3967169


>I wonder if leaf gets made fun of

No shortage of material but if he wasn't always MOS/C_A he might be now.

85a536  No.3967170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6f7f82  No.3967171

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

42e00b  No.3967172

File: dd768b09487b4a1⋯.png (1.02 MB, 677x944, 677:944, ClipboardImage.png)


fd5c63  No.3967173


What a load of shit. Frank report has a long history of accurate reporting on the NXIVM case

2596c5  No.3967174

>>3967152 I agree. If good info, there will be other sources reporting.

01ddde  No.3967175

File: f4b329b600f3827⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 600x800, 3:4, cheesehead pepe.jpg)


You mean like Paul Ryan-o?

8dc944  No.3967176

File: 0d8cbbdef8046f8⋯.jpg (122.92 KB, 720x714, 120:119, Mrs RR.jpg)

File: 40f407938c93b75⋯.jpg (631.07 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, RR sister.jpg)

>>3966430 pb

Rod's Wife

And his sister!

7ce3fa  No.3967177

>>3967165 Ya think this was what Bruce Jenner was hoping for?

42e00b  No.3967178

File: f4e5d2f3e7478af⋯.png (990.05 KB, 697x934, 697:934, ClipboardImage.png)

or dis?

a55d56  No.3967179

File: c44da39ee06e367⋯.jpg (141.26 KB, 600x471, 200:157, c44da39ee06e3679eb0fba5d28….jpg)

9eb414  No.3967180

>>3966750 lb

In prison I would guess kek

d6865c  No.3967181

File: d8b7a6f8a002dd3⋯.png (2.19 MB, 919x5930, 919:5930, 01Screenshot_2018-11-18 Re….png)

File: 80d9d0930f0c89c⋯.png (379.94 KB, 850x3837, 850:3837, 02Screenshot_2018-11-18 Re….png)

File: 438f9d0586093d8⋯.png (204.13 KB, 821x2082, 821:2082, 03Screenshot_2018-11-18 Re….png)

File: 590ae5c2cf79fff⋯.png (845.16 KB, 690x1988, 345:994, Screenshot_2018-11-18 Deat….png)

File: 0fe2057f5230174⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 604x3961, 604:3961, Screenshot_2018-11-18 Hydr….jpg)

of course it was suicide.

b48d67  No.3967182


She also said that Trump is using social media, like FDR used radio, and JFK used television, and that made the liberal talking head on the panel burst…rofl

8b76a3  No.3967183


Yeah, and you are a pessimistic libcunt never trumper. See how far name calling gets you? You expect Trump and Patriots to be super human mutant world savers, and are disappointed to find out they are good human beings doing their best to fix a fucked up world. You should seriously adjust your perception of how reality works.

2b423a  No.3967184


he missed the ball

ab8731  No.3967185

File: 9aa6915a3bfc3b2⋯.jpeg (279.88 KB, 760x948, 190:237, BFBEC253-6465-4754-ACBF-C….jpeg)

93a6ce  No.3967186


The clockfag clocks don't do anything for me. I just skip em.

If they were able to state an algorithm, a system, a method, that is applied uniformly to derive their results, I might pay a little attention. I asked for an explanation long ago and never got one adequate to satisfy a software engineer's mind.

Instead, it seems that they jump around and make stuff up and use different techniques whenever they feel like it, and select associations apply to one "clock" but not to another.

I excused them for a while, thinking it might just be some kind of autism that has zero overlap with mine… but now there is a whole team of clockfags using the same non-methodology?… and surely among that group there must be a few of them who are verbal enough to explain what the hell they're doing?

This is inelegant and as unsatisfying AF.

I'm not calling them out as shills, but that may be an accurate term and I wouldn't dispute any anon that considers them shills.

Love your post, anon.

5a4f59  No.3967187


If you want justice you’re gonna have to that yourself. Thought you learned that in Office Space.

a2d8ea  No.3967188

File: 8700fad6d2b8552⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 500x730, 50:73, 2msglj.jpg)

aae6cd  No.3967189

File: c3505324f2200d3⋯.png (40.54 KB, 242x259, 242:259, Selection_675.png)



7ee314  No.3967190

File: f8c1bdf550481d3⋯.jpeg (15.29 KB, 255x187, 15:11, f8c1bdf550481d31321a4624b….jpeg)


Love Nunes (No homo) but Seriously THIS ^^

85a536  No.3967191

File: 1c606e552882f48⋯.jpg (71.77 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_3786.JPG)

203bdb  No.3967192



don't de-anon yourself

The only value here is your mind. FREE yourself from the notion that the most important thing about you is your body parts.

Your MIND is the most important thing about you. Your thoughts are valued here. Your opinions. Your contributions. We know you have been trained that only your body parts count, but we hope you can de-brainwash yourself of that.

FREE your mind. The rest will follow.

no more point to your vag. Vag really has 0 value when we are all trying to save the world.

694ac3  No.3967193


When [THEY] get you your lawyer

It's precisely to make sure [THEY] won't do that and live to make it to court without slipping the the shower and hanging yourself on the door knob.

97e833  No.3967194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can see how Trump put military in Texas, funneling the invaders into Tijeujana to get the desired results.

4D Chess baby…

7ce3fa  No.3967195

>>3967184 And the LOOKS!

a55d56  No.3967196

File: d9667c82b1be55e⋯.jpg (13.8 KB, 176x255, 176:255, b0d5a8b6f6e7d96f10a26f5e4b….jpg)

597bea  No.3967197


== notable ==>>3967101

35a5cb  No.3967198


aye :)

0fa57c  No.3967199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You can't handle the truth!

42e00b  No.3967200

File: b2983e4418b499b⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1012x594, 46:27, ClipboardImage.png)

570faf  No.3967201

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3967011 Whitaker appointment dispute reaches Supreme Court

>>3967024, >>3967087, >>3967101 On SEAL Team 6

>>3967035 Motions to Dismiss by NXIVM Defendants, 10 separate filings

>>3967124 Regional EPA official resigns after being indicted

f5f76b  No.3967202


Fuck of shill

a55d56  No.3967203

File: 5c64b992d450f41⋯.gif (2.52 MB, 390x373, 390:373, b0b3ced27a1dd02d5fcd6ea9b4….gif)

e3ea1f  No.3967204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Explains Quarks and strong nuclear force.

All the other energy patterns ignored and that there are a near infinite number of paired quarks in the proton that do not affect the three unbalanced two up and one down quark in a proton

2b423a  No.3967205

File: 663193770a77064⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 239x255, 239:255, I Like Q Posts .jpg)

033f6c  No.3967206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Long Term Strategy

To sell his fake win, the cheater needs to control the narrative and what Q calls ‘optics’. With fake polls and fake news, he prepares public opinion to accept the election outcome he already deceitfully planned:

Q2490 FAKE NEWS > [optics] 'FALSE' majority > BLUE WAVE BLUE WAVE [optics] > No Voter Irregularities > Nothing to See Here FAKE NEWS > Voter Irregularities Challenge > CONSPIRACY Q

This is the very reason the Maestro repeats that the Fake News is the Enemy of the People: they are complicit in altering our electoral will. Trump’s Covfefe fight against the Fake News is therefore the first component of the long term strategy.

The second component is pure beauty. Are you familiar with this September 12 2018 Executive Order about Foreign Interference in a United States Election? It essentially says that not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the DNI and DHS should provide a detailed report on a possible foreign interference. This means we should expect to see their Midterm report by December 21st 2018. Watch this DNI/DHS report. My guess is it’s going to be Arizona salsa spicy…


After this report, the stage will be set for a voter ID law.

Q2463 Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a VOTER ID LAW? VOTER ID LAW = DEATH OF D PARTY. Boomerang Suicide? Q

Do you see it? The Arizona temporary sacrificed piece will be the Electoral Hero allowing the promulgation of a Voter ID Law and the setup of a special corrective election that will bring the Arizona Senate seat back to the GOP!

Q1690 You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. POWER WILL RETURN TO THE PEOPLE. Q



12 SEPT Presidential E.O.










c2f954  No.3967207


dude, it's just a scar from reduction.

0ef236  No.3967208


wrong answer, roastie

lurk moar

eb548c  No.3967209

File: 0f17f666a0c4267⋯.jpg (59.78 KB, 679x705, 679:705, IMG_20181119_174205_415.JPG)

File: a9bbaad8796c931⋯.jpg (112.89 KB, 869x564, 869:564, IMG_20181119_172308_209.JPG)

fa7fc0  No.3967210

File: 21bb6d30111197d⋯.jpeg (14.67 KB, 255x231, 85:77, pepe_media.jpeg)

This should get interesting!

White House correspondents group promises reporters will continue to ask follow-up questions

The president of the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) said Monday that the group "fully expect[s]" White House reporters to continue asking follow-up questions at presidential news conferences.

Earlier Monday, the White House announced new rules for reporters at news conferences that include limiting the ability of reporters to ask follow-up questions.

"The White House Correspondents' Association had no role in crafting any procedures for future press conferences. For as long as there have been White House press conferences, White House reporters have asked follow-up questions," WCHA President Olivier Knox wrote in a statement.

"We fully expect this tradition will continue. We will continue to make the case that a free and independent news media plays a vital role in the health of our republic," Knox continued.


63edf1  No.3967211

File: 6e734aa3f888850⋯.jpg (31.23 KB, 1352x446, 676:223, ANF.JPG)

File: 569f209467a0e40⋯.jpg (154.24 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, MareliMiniutti1.jpg)

File: caec5d46b7a731c⋯.jpg (205.82 KB, 1080x1164, 90:97, MareliMiniutti2.jpg)


Shit, was doing a um . . . dig on Mareli Miniutti and her account was deleted while I was collecting evidence.



42e00b  No.3967212

File: da4eed25843f79a⋯.png (805.37 KB, 535x773, 535:773, ClipboardImage.png)

maybe dis then?

c8ed28  No.3967213

File: 7dd8752e113074b⋯.png (923.4 KB, 719x480, 719:480, afsc.PNG)


The agreement calls for $925,000 to go to Legal Services of New Jersey and the American Friends Service Committee. Legal Services is a nonprofit that helps low-income residents. The Friends committee is a Quaker, immigrants-rights organization.


At the Guatemala-Mexico border:

We are supporting short-term humanitarian efforts to help weary migrants, for example with shelter and transportation, and a member of our team is monitoring human rights abuses at the Guatemala-Mexico border. Our staff and volunteers have testified to the generosity of community members along the migrants’ route and have joined with them and others in preparing shelters and food.

In Mexico:

A member of our Washington, D.C., policy advocacy team is currently accompanying one of the caravans in Chiapas and doing human rights monitoring to try to help prevent violence against migrants. Additional staff, including members of AFSC’s leadership team, are traveling to the region this weekend to meet with migrants and partners.

694ac3  No.3967214


Steins and Cohens

How many of them are in DC?

I mean what percentage are in the administration verses what percentage are in the population?

a9f48f  No.3967215

File: 90c56219d299e85⋯.jpeg (24.35 KB, 474x294, 79:49, GoodfellasLaugh.jpeg)

85a536  No.3967216

File: ed4a783d63940f1⋯.jpg (126.11 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_3787.JPG)

3b8629  No.3967217

File: a5df618456ead69⋯.png (931.37 KB, 1107x807, 369:269, Screenshot_2018-11-19 FBI ….png)

FBI classifies Proud Boys as an extremist organisation. WTF is Wray doing over there?

43eb90  No.3967218




that specific rose was on flannelboi. Socialism symbol.

We are learning that Socialists… Are pedophiles!

So yeah, I'm calling out that rose as a fucking pedo symbol.

And alllll you fags triggered on it :)

be7e20  No.3967219


Good catch. Yes some anons have been discussing it today. There may even be a few memes (pbs)

033f6c  No.3967220

File: aca5d655fe2bee4⋯.png (864.92 KB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, 3avatn.PNG)

File: 58bbd43f55763ed⋯.png (383.56 KB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, 9v77ck.PNG)

File: 616859a9ce11096⋯.png (940.15 KB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, fvaahj.PNG)

File: 9a749b731c6e7a2⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, l2oqmp.PNG)

6f7f82  No.3967221

File: b95b558fa6bb675⋯.jpeg (110.72 KB, 482x386, 241:193, info_quilt.jpeg)

00b5f3  No.3967222

File: 6536ab33945e745⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 707x628, 707:628, 3.JPG)

US charges Venezuelan tycoon tied to government for bribery


fc3a1c  No.3967223

Regime Change Coming in Iran




19 Jun 2018 - 12:55:48 AM

Free Iran!!!




Regime change.

People have the power.

We stand with you.


44c0c9  No.3967224

File: 9b3fff0d38d6160⋯.jpg (39.42 KB, 391x400, 391:400, parthenon_fs.jpg)

File: 4546af938eba7c5⋯.gif (53.87 KB, 349x483, 349:483, cube.gif)

File: d5ad58fff8e168e⋯.png (43.33 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 3-d-sacred-geometry-forms.png)

File: 89497d8997aa06a⋯.gif (4.68 KB, 360x434, 180:217, geometry_figures_copy.gif)

a892bb  No.3967225


U ain’t getting me today nigger, kek

570faf  No.3967226



I don't understand pic1 at all

what does the :15 second or minute delta mean or signify?

neither crumb has second or minute timestamp that matches the correlating timestamp so what is the connection between those crumbs?

couldn't you connect ANY two crumb in some way like that?

and why is 7/18 highlighted, am I missing something that connects to that?

I think I have moar questions, but those are some

448869  No.3967227

File: 49a16dfe6baaed3⋯.jpg (89.72 KB, 470x762, 235:381, punisher.jpg)


first round on me,


57910c  No.3967228

File: eff44c0c9e5a554⋯.jpg (13.35 KB, 255x232, 255:232, TitsOrGTFOSlapABitch.jpg)


>am I the only one who gives a shit about the rules?



pic related


>Fuck of shill

That's "off" Schlomo. Don't they give you manuals up there in JIDF HQ? Fuck.

01ddde  No.3967229

Things went so well for a couple of hours. What happened?

be7e20  No.3967230


Please arrest all the galaxies too.

fd5c63  No.3967231

File: e0d941d99ee3a8d⋯.png (74.05 KB, 769x781, 769:781, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3312911d595aeb⋯.png (68.45 KB, 755x776, 755:776, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4386b78687a213f⋯.png (73.02 KB, 758x780, 379:390, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c157d76c4df044d⋯.png (66.86 KB, 767x759, 767:759, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97cbc4053aa0fe6⋯.png (71.33 KB, 769x781, 769:781, ClipboardImage.png)

Beyond Neptune Spear: The Secret History of SEAL Team Six (Part 6)

At this point the classified existence of SEAL Team Six and its status as an apex counterterrorist force rank among the worst kept secrets in the history of secrets.

The unit first attracted widespread attention in 1993 with the release of Richard Marcinko’s book, Rogue Warrior, which detailed its origin. However, DEVGRU essentially remained hidden in plain sight for the next two decades until its role in Operation Neptune Spear was divulged and a spotlight of unheard-of intensity shone down on its activities.

The United States Navy has long recognized the power of public relations and controlling the message. From Top Gun to Act of Valor, the Navy has consistently managed to effectively showcase its more glamorous missions. Prospective recruits have been given reason to believe that joining the Navy is not only honorable but frankly cooler than signing on the dotted line for the Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps.i

And as such, the Navy was clever in simultaneously concealing and advertising SEAL Team Six’s triumphs. Even with the recent media blitz concerning the unit, there remains a great deal of confusion among the public at large in discerning ST6 from the non-JSOC, “white” SEAL teams. And prior to May 2, 2011, 99.9%+ of the general population had no idea that SEAL Team Six was appreciably different than, for example, SEAL Team Two or SEAL Team Ten.

For years, television documentaries and stories leaked to the press boasted of the remarkable accomplishments of generically-branded “U.S. Navy SEALs.” Doing so proved a recruiting boon but also successfully sidestepped crediting the operations to a classified unit.ii

That was a tactic the Army could not easily replicate, for example, to boost Ranger recruitment with tales of Delta Force exploits.

As a result, the Navy has either won or lost the battle in the press — depending on one’s viewpoint; DEVGRU and Delta have racked up a similarly expansive catalog of achievements since 9/11, but one unit far outstrips the other in terms of press clippings.

It has also been argued that the overall culture of the SEAL community is less resistant of such attention, further contributing to the imbalance.iii

Following the killing of Osama bin Laden, the lid has been blown off the unit’s cover, and a keen fascination on the part of the public has only perpetuated continued media attention.

Among a community that prides itself on its secrecy and operational security (OPSEC), the resultant acclaim has been widely considered a dangerous precedent, although exactly how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ the additional coverage turns out to be remains to be seen.

On the bright side, additional exposure of special operation forces — and SEAL Team Six in particular — not only drives recruitment but may also serve as a deterrent as potential kidnappers and the like are made aware of America’s SMU’s extraordinary capabilities.

It can also be argued that the American public has a right to be informed — at least in broader terms — regarding the actions of its military, especially those that rank among the most important events of modern times. And there’s the collective boost to national pride that can be provided by acknowledging victories such as bringing Osama bin Laden to justice.iv

However, it is feared that the increased attention and awareness may be putting these supposedly clandestine troops and their families at greater risk — both on deployment and at home.v

And some missions are so sensitive that their very outing could have serious national security implications.



fd5c63  No.3967232



month or even week of modern-day DEVGRU operations would have literally defined any number of highly-regarded CT units prior to September 11, 2001 (and even into today in many examples).

However, frequently a single mission is held up as a unit’s signature, sometimes even decades after the fact. For the British SAS that signature is the Iranian Embassy siege and for the Israeli Sayeret Matkal it is Entebbe.

Likewise, SEAL Team Six’s reputation has been forever cemented by their decisive role in Operation Neptune Spear, and it’s unlikely any SOF unit will boast a more obvious hallmark in the foreseeable future.

However, it’s better thought of as not just a single victory — and quite frankly, a relatively easy one for ST6 — but rather the culmination of thousands upon thousands of operations that helped shape the unit into a force for which the job of neutralizing Osama bin Laden was a tactically routine assignment.

And Operation Neptune Spear doesn’t come close to representing an ending to this story either. While the death of bin Laden may serve as a natural bookend to the attacks of 9/11, the operators inside the Abbottabad compound continued to work in a diligent manner even after the killing was done, collecting troves of intelligence materials that fueled a raft of follow-up operations.xlii

ST6 is the once-rogue organization that grew into a collection of lethally proficient professionals. While retaining its outlaw roots, that rough edge is now wielded expertly through an effective combination of leadership, discipline, talent, and dedication.

The unit is no longer simply a cog in a dusty contingency plan that rehearses the act of saving lives and eliminating terrorist threats more often than it actually performs those duties. Rather, it now stands on the vanguard of American foreign policy in a dangerous time — an instrument of choice called upon to protect the nation’s interests and its people’s freedoms on a daily basis.

Stepping up beyond any reasonable expectation when finally unleashed, DEVGRU has made the post-9/11 world its own.

bbdcb5  No.3967233


I always referred to Q drops to normies as fireside chats from the inner workings of the trump admin. His use of twitter is definitely comparable. Imagine if HUSSEIN had tried this. It would have worked with the way twitter is. Early bird gets the worm I suppose.

f9f716  No.3967234

2a117b  No.3967235


Where’s the tldr

fc3a1c  No.3967236


did Trump's tweet about someone who FOUGHT FOUGHT FOUGHT mean IRAN REGIME CHANGE IS OVER.

605996  No.3967237

File: e1818177a4eab10⋯.jpg (566.69 KB, 2500x1163, 2500:1163, 20181112_073532-1.jpg)

File: 5f9db44c305662e⋯.jpg (881.06 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20181031_025547_2.jpg)

File: 889682321dcbae3⋯.jpg (832.42 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, 20181031_025628.jpg)


Many of you guys probably saw the story about the lefty outrage pertaining to the cute picture the mom did of her daughter with the BB gun like in the old movie A Christmas Story. But look the other picture the suck fux put on TV. I was watching a 3 letter channel a couple weeks ago. A weekly show called FBI. Of course the politically correct pussies had to scare people about guns. So they shocked the audience by showing this little baby with a pistol on her lap and then a hostage note. ASSHOLES! But no lefty outrage about that?

5fd5de  No.3967238

File: aa3ad287068c5b0⋯.jpg (161 KB, 851x1024, 851:1024, HST.jpg)

0ef236  No.3967239



do you know what the compositional fallacy is, anon?

We aren't learning that socialists are pedos, we're actually learning that socialists are stupid for being duped in to bigger government which will eventually flow in to a one world government, hence our support of nationalism…

lurk moar

then post

7d0630  No.3967240

File: 9e0544474fc62e0⋯.jpeg (28.01 KB, 247x204, 247:204, 068106B9-3212-4EAB-BD82-E….jpeg)

448869  No.3967241

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, hugpepe.jpg)


tanks fren

d6865c  No.3967242


This is the start of many of us getting arrested now. Even though they are fake n actually gay.

I dunno anon. maybe those jews threatening us on here the last two weeks know something we dont.

wouldn't surprise me. i trust no one anymore. they6 all lie and they lie really well.

3f20a5  No.3967243


My thoughts exactly. To the letter.

fd5c63  No.3967244

ANON'S when Q isn't posting we need to take our digging Qs from POTUS

ab8731  No.3967245



For science an sheiit.

By all means share with class ur findings.

Course it’s not hard to get 10’s in OC, Ca.

still tippin my hat to CPL on that one.

b9a58c  No.3967246


Sub Rosa…

It’s a saying “under the rose” denotes secrecy or confidentiality. I would say a rose is forsure.

ccdbd0  No.3967247


They are agitprop financed by the same people as Antifa because they need Nazis for the narrative to work and there are no real ones in Portland.

694ac3  No.3967248

File: 4a667e7335c74c0⋯.png (921.12 KB, 974x673, 974:673, ClipboardImage.png)

a55d56  No.3967249

File: ce6f546b2e86f0c⋯.jpg (46.71 KB, 640x381, 640:381, 4b0f96e35000dcd3414b36fc8e….jpg)

a9300f  No.3967250

File: fa3989084040cf9⋯.png (331.16 KB, 389x485, 389:485, JEWBRAD.png)


was wondering how long that would take. kek

and fuck AFLB…that bitch made it personal with me…I'll say no more.

448869  No.3967251

File: d99328346bb8291⋯.jpg (74.05 KB, 800x597, 800:597, hesrightuknowww.jpg)

570faf  No.3967252

File: 6916bd5f211a0e1⋯.png (124.22 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ackchyually.png)

File: 77cb7be16d2d0ad⋯.png (168.23 KB, 698x380, 349:190, ClipboardImage.png)


Not all galaxies are spiral

but the cool looking ones are spirals, the elliptical are bigger in mass though

/astrofag rant over

0fa57c  No.3967253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Once I wanted to be the greatest

No wind or waterfall could stall me

And then came the rush of the flood

Stars at night turned deep to dust

Melt me down

Into big black armour

Leave no trace of grace

Just in your honor

Lower me down

To culprit south

Make 'em wash a space in town

For the lead

And the dregs of my bed

I've been sleeping

Lower me down

Pin me in

Secure the grounds

For the later parade

Once I wanted to be the greatest

Two fists of solid rock

With brains that could explain

Any feeling

Lower me down

Pin me in

Secure the grounds

For the lead

And the dregs of my bed

I've been sleeping

For the later parade

Once I wanted to be the greatest

No wind or waterfall could stall me

And then came the rush of the flood

The stars at night turned deep to dust

429c0b  No.3967254

File: 643001d76dff2a6⋯.png (465.29 KB, 400x498, 200:249, ClipboardImage.png)


Shiff is a Germanic word that means split as in a piece of wood split off from a tree trunk. When people built up their dugout boats with sides made of these split planks, they called the boat a Schiff' or "ship" and the dugout part eventually morphed into the keel.

So, the fundamental basic meaning of Shiff is split and is the kind of surname that you might give to a family that was split off from another larger, more important family. Like, say, the Bauer family of goldsmiths who lived in the house with the RED SHIELD.

The image is the coat of arms of the Rothschild family. Right in the center we see a RED SHIELD with a silver disc that seems to be like a spinning top, or a coin, or both. It is interesting that in German and in Slavic countries, the earliest silver coins were called splits. In German the name was scherf in medieval times, while the Russian word for split was ruble and was also used to refer to splitting wood.

So there is also the possibility, that this branch of the family split off because they moved some place like Northern Thuringia where there were silver mines, and they somehow controlled the silver and produced coinage. If you make a cylindrical bar and chop off disks, looking like the shield in the image, and then stamp that rough disk between two dies, you have a literal coin.

97d437  No.3967255



a460ab  No.3967256

>>3966994 lb

There is nothing of necessary value we can learn from aliens that the ancients have not already given us.

We have only yet to learn how to learn from them. That's what the post this was linked from is about.


We are the highest life form in the present realm of time/space.

None other is needed. It is only the deceivers that want us to think that.

2a117b  No.3967257

File: 50f8abae411b4b8⋯.jpeg (415.87 KB, 1668x2185, 1668:2185, B8092583-4635-4A33-88FA-D….jpeg)


Necessity is the mother of invention…. obama has the msm wrapped around his mulatto cock, he never needed an unconventional avenue to get his message out

279052  No.3967258

File: f5f9b8afe7e6ecc⋯.png (166.85 KB, 988x697, 988:697, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)

This was shitty to send SC

43eb90  No.3967259


>muh lerk.

>muh weh, sniffle.

>muh womp womp

take your own advice, your personal attacks are laughable.

47eb18  No.3967260


those are scumbags

not anons

01ddde  No.3967261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Back to the Future?

We know someone likes movies…

e3ea1f  No.3967262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

More complex standard model / quantum dynamics. Explains the Chromodymaics that is the dance of the quark back into it's energy wave.

6d5f9e  No.3967263

File: 06191eb032b1f61⋯.png (4.54 MB, 2424x984, 101:41, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)

what would a keyboard look like if it were numbers in a circle like a clock.

9 21 25 25 26 32

e6412b  No.3967264

File: a854ecef4c57592⋯.png (485.65 KB, 634x432, 317:216, uk conducting search and s….png)

01ddde  No.3967265

File: cbdd221db2a90da⋯.png (81.47 KB, 672x203, 96:29, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)

a55d56  No.3967266

File: 1467e8d23699750⋯.jpeg (64.88 KB, 640x259, 640:259, 1467e8d23699750141fe57b3d….jpeg)

046118  No.3967267


Patriot needs help, prayers!


Follow Follow @SaraCarterDC


Sara A. Carter Retweeted a

Follow me back… if you need to talk then let me be the stranger to help you through this… I’m praying for you — I have a veteran husband at home. Please don’t let this be your last night - there is nothing we all can’t get through togetherSara A. Carter added,



I’m on Twitter every day, I retweet all the time but this is the first tweet I’ve ever written. I’m good guy, I’m a veteran, I love America. I’m gonna kill my self tonight. I’ve lost everything I have nobody, nobody cares. Im in a parking lot with my dog and everything I own. Bye

7:13 PM - 19 Nov 2018


a9f48f  No.3967268


Those we trust the most.

f26376  No.3967269

Spygate: Nunes Calls for Declassification of Emails that Prove Information Withheld from FISA Court


5c191a  No.3967270

So here’s the deal…the Mexicans marching against the horde and calling them “an invasion” and saying “Trump is right” are just paid activists to create “legitimate” persecution for them to escape. It’s a pretty brilliant judo move in dirty tricks. Expect things to get real nasty at the border…God help us.

033f6c  No.3967271

File: 88fce9e9f2746ea⋯.jpg (51.02 KB, 543x471, 181:157, hillary-fbi-treason.jpg)

File: 07b5ac9799dba78⋯.png (239.26 KB, 1351x1021, 1351:1021, US06965816-20051115-D00001.png)

File: a8ba5fc6d807bdb⋯.jpg (538.56 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 8rcnul6gdxo01.jpg)

Hillary holds the keys to PRISON PLANET

Federal Common Policy Certification Authority Committee

Hillary Clinton Controls 50,000 FBI Encryption Keys – Proves Mueller’s Witch Hunt is Treasonous

With these encryption keys, nothing in our digital lives is off limits to the Clinton’s and their conspirators. President Trump’s new executive order can be sabotaged with these keys; alternatively, he can use the order to prosecute these criminals Many foreign powers have conspired with the SES and their Queen’s Privy Council overlords since before 1993.

Hillary Clinton has all of our encryption keys, including the FBI’s. “Encryption keys” is a general reference to several encryption functions hijacked by Hillary and her surrogate ENTRUST. They include hash functions (used to indicate whether the contents have been altered in transit), PKI public/private key infrastructure, SSL (secure socket layer), TLS (transport layer security), the Dual_EC_DRBG NSA algorithm and certificate authorities. [4]

The convoluted structure managed by the “Federal Common Policy” group has ceded to companies like ENTRUST INC the ability to sublicense their authority to third parties who in turn manage entire other networks in a Gordian knot of relationships clearly designed to fool the public to hide their devilish criminality. All roads lead back to Hillary and the Rose Law Firm.

Click here to read a list of just some of the “more than 2000 organizations in 60 different countries” that Hillary can control. Source: ENTRUST 10-K Annual Reports (1998-2009). SEC Edgar. Return in a few days for links to each of the ENTRUST annual reports from 1998 to 2009. [1]

AFI (Nov. 06, 2015). Complicit encryption geeks enable the American spy state. Americans for Innovation.[2]

AFI (Nov. 25, 2015). Dell and Lenovo (IBM) ship computers with spy state backdoors.[3]

[1]: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2018-09-13-ENTRUST-ENTU-10-K-1998-to-2009-Material-Disclosed-Customers-Partners-Directors-Officers-Dependents-Subsidiaries-SEC-Edgar-compiled-Sep-13-2018

[2]: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2015/11/complicit-encryption-geeks-enable.html

[3]: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2015/11/dell-and-lenovo-ibm-ship-computers-with.html

[4]: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2015/11/complicit-encryption-geeks-enable.html

Source Article


9949e4  No.3967272

Holy shit!

Dog curled up with me and I passed the fuck out for a little bit. Wake up and you all have already gone through 3 breads! Damn!

Good job bakers!

2b423a  No.3967273

File: a2bc3ee68b83a7e⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Am I a Robot.jpg)

e6412b  No.3967274


McInnis had a movie on Netflix…

d8a0e3  No.3967275


Sub Rosa is Latin for

"under the table"


under the rose


fc3a1c  No.3967276

Schiff Pissed Nunes Got Intel on HRC's Emails from FBI




18 Jun 2018 - 12:22:24 PM


Did you know?


570faf  No.3967277


if you post moar and I miss one just let me know



its still in notables, just looking for confirmation or something that debunks that story

nothing personal to Frank, blame the person that posted sentences for 80 posts

fd5c63  No.3967278

File: 6e2d128f7a20004⋯.png (470.85 KB, 594x391, 594:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d44bdf403c22f1⋯.png (217.29 KB, 507x384, 169:128, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1aaf8af7b8d7715⋯.png (7.3 KB, 491x143, 491:143, ClipboardImage.png)

Rapper "Tekashi 6ix9ine" Indicted On Racketeering And Firearms Charges

The young hip-hop artist who goes by the name "Tekashi 6ix9ine" keeps finding himself in court. Monday, Tekashi 6ix9ine and three of his associates were arrested and taken into federal custody. The New York Police Department and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York both confirmed the young rapper's arrest.

Tekashi 6ix9ine is the rapper's stage name, his real name is Daniel Hernandez and he is 22-years-old. Hernandez was indicted on federal racketeering and firearms charges. Federal agents also arrested associates of the rapper named Kifano "Shotti" Jordan, Jensel "Ish" Butler, and Faheem "Crippy" Walter. Having a ridiculous name is apparently a prerequisite for being affiliated with the 22-year-old.

According to Pitchfork, the rapper was handed down an eight-count indictment which was viewed by the media outlet. The federal indictment claims Hernandez and his co-defendants "participated in the operation and management of" of Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods which is considered an illegal gang.

Just a few of the charges listed in the indictment include murder, robbery, assault, and the sale of drugs. The 22-year-old rapper and his cohorts will most likely never step foot outside of a correctional institution ever again. Out of the charges against him, just two of them alone would carry a maximum penalty of life in prison.

Hernandez was already on four years of probation for a child sexual assault case in 2015.

He was required to complete 1,000 hours of community service and was ordered to stay away from any gang-affiliated individuals or groups. At a concert in the UK where rapper "Lil Pump" was performing Monday, he shouted "Free 69".

It is going to take a little more than a "Free 69" campaign to get Hernandez out of jail, it's likely going to take a full team of the best lawyers money can buy just to avoid a life sentence.


e98d58  No.3967279


Has Nunes ever had any of his requests for info/declass fulfilled? He's always asking for stuff from Trump's DOJ, but nothing ever gets delivered.

85a536  No.3967280

File: 320128524943a1e⋯.jpg (319.61 KB, 1406x1127, 1406:1127, IMG_2342.JPG)

File: 927d1b4c6f9f2c9⋯.jpg (236.96 KB, 755x1059, 755:1059, IMG_2945.JPG)

File: 30812d01e6e6624⋯.jpg (341.08 KB, 1024x1233, 1024:1233, IMG_2981.JPG)

File: e0f6bb6dea34ae0⋯.jpg (334.62 KB, 896x1411, 896:1411, IMG_2985.JPG)

2596c5  No.3967281


While the Seal Team 6 articles are ‘articles’, there isn’t a bit of sauce in them other than the written words. While McRaven was called out by Trump, for good reason I’m sure, is there any other public sauce?

a2d8ea  No.3967282

File: 27f39b5a0298402⋯.jpg (77.46 KB, 500x751, 500:751, 2jkrqp.jpg)

3bfaab  No.3967283


red sole shoes have long been a marker for Satanists. wish she would move away from the "prestige" of owning them (expensive) and set her fashion standard. hope she really doesn't know the real meaning of red soles….. person at human sacrifice/blood drinking ritual where blood/red would get on bottom of shoes……red soles makes it all disappear

033f6c  No.3967284

File: c29de4267aaaefc⋯.png (474.22 KB, 1003x938, 1003:938, CFR BRT DSAC.PNG)

File: 730958ab1b81c58⋯.png (99.08 KB, 840x1205, 168:241, United States Patent 69658….png)





6965816 B2 WOJACK Patent Office Application and Description


Deciphering Hillary’s Encryption Keys That Have Kept Her One Step Ahead of the Sheriff


ebe621  No.3967285

File: a3985bfbd4d9c1a⋯.jpg (64.94 KB, 800x450, 16:9, wearedoomed.jpg)

97e833  No.3967286

File: 8805e7a475af2c5⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 464x303, 464:303, 1.JPG)

Things getting heavy… just now on James Woods twat

Send prayer to this vet

a55d56  No.3967287

File: 335c998dac0d891⋯.jpg (48.51 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 2384798f7ba294fc08406e1ff3….jpg)

951635  No.3967288

File: ef2f32021bcf554⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1242x2299, 1242:2299, IMG_0133.PNG)

File: 2c17f019285e9d3⋯.png (473.16 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, IMG_0134.PNG)

Attacks will only intensify.

b9a58c  No.3967289


Potato/patato, tomato/tamato

aba1ad  No.3967290


"Software engineer" myself.

Yes, that's what I think too (in most parts), but at least they try to figure out a consistent pattern. – and I haven't seen a better one yet, than connecting dates to timestamps via markers (i.e. minutes/seconds on a clock).

Please don't forget that not al anons posting their "trials"/ideas on the clock are original clockfags. Following the clockthread from when it was started, there are about 5( to max. 10) original "clockfags". Many have jumped on the train with "weird" ideas, and also "agents" (as of recently, say 2 months or so even increased) post "clocks" that might generally not be recognized/endorsed by the few original clockfags.

As for a (logically) consistent pattern – I am not sure if it's not on Q and their coding (or their crypticity) that this logically consistent pattern doesn't exist or hasn't been found yet …. after all: "We will not communicate our move to the enemy".

2a117b  No.3967291

File: 35088e65a5a3b1c⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1620x900, 9:5, 92F32E05-DE83-4248-9CBB-8….jpeg)


We can clean them up like we did with the jihadis in Afghanistan. Plus, Migrants are arsonists, there’s your justification for taking a hard line and protecting the national interest.

872ef5  No.3967292

File: 4e99ea08dd10e2a⋯.png (351 KB, 1279x608, 1279:608, adsb111918aw2.PNG)

1 Awac currently up, looks like she's landing

17d6f3  No.3967293

File: f179784466a7203⋯.png (16.5 KB, 416x582, 208:291, ClipboardImage.png)


The posts are arranged by the dates around the clock.

The :15 is the delta [difference] between those two dates on the Q clock. Not the time stamps.

7/18 was the date that clock was made.

Pic related to :15 delta explanation.

Dates on the pic are :01 on either side of today's mirror marker of :17.

e3ea1f  No.3967294

File: 0287a1efeb23fe5⋯.jpg (8.81 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 43b9cd246a5fefdb2f837cfc1b….jpg)


The neat part of this video is when she says electric and magnetic forces do not exist and says they are the sharing of either a photon or gluon.

fd5c63  No.3967295

File: 6a205d67d551c7e⋯.png (823.2 KB, 853x510, 853:510, ClipboardImage.png)


Meghan McCain: I’d be ‘screaming bloody murder’ if Obama treated military like Trump

Meghan McCain, a co-host on “The View,” said if former President Barack Obama had treated the military the way President Donald Trump has in recent weeks, Republicans would be outraged, according to The Hill.

On Monday’s show, McCain admitted that there is a double standard involved in how conservatives have reacted to Trump’s criticism of the retired Navy admiral who led the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, as well as Trump missing some ceremonial appearances around Veterans Day.

“We can’t be gaslit into thinking this is normal, especially as conservatives,” McCain said. “Had President Obama done this, I 100 percent would be screaming bloody murder right here on this show.”

What else did she say?

“We should be intellectually honest here at this table that if President Obama had missed Veterans Day or missed the Armistice ceremony in France for the 100th anniversary of World War I, my head would have exploded right here on this table in front of you all,” McCain said.

McCain also addressed Trump’s criticism toward retired Navy Adm. William McRaven, a former SEAL who commanded the mission that resulted in the death of bin Laden. Trump said of McRaven during a Fox News interview that aired Sunday: “He’s a Hillary Clinton backer and an Obama backer. Frankly, wouldn’t it have been nice if we got Osama bin Laden a lot sooner than that?”

“I think there’s this whole collection of sort of disrespect towards the military and towards our veterans and towards our history that I don’t know if [Trump is] aware how intense it is for those of us who still respect our legacy, who still respect the military,” McCain said.

Trump doubles down

Responding to the backlash about his Fox News comments toward McRaven, Trump took to Twitter.

“Of course we should have captured Osama bin Laden long before we did,” Trump wrote Monday. “I pointed out in my book just BEFORE the attack on the World Trade Center. President Clinton famously missed his shot. We paid Pakistan Billions of Dollars & they never told us he was living there. Fools!”


fa7fc0  No.3967296

File: 9fb6ab31afcb9e5⋯.png (20.46 KB, 255x253, 255:253, pepe_wallalpha.png)


Interdasting theory but….

←–meme related

8dc944  No.3967297

File: ccc00fa903e6e3f⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, WWG.jpg)


Well said, Anon. Concur! o7

a14bda  No.3967298


how many days since this drop?

35a5cb  No.3967299



day to day.

ignore liars on MSM

WWG1WGA! cares.

POTUS cares.

Let US help you.

d6865c  No.3967300


yeah, he likes kids.


i know - and the tag - white nationalist?

8b76a3  No.3967301


Ad Hominem. And seriously? Do you even know where you are right now?

f1e0f3  No.3967302

File: c9055c613a75414⋯.jpg (97.26 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 23596136_1709393192438962_….jpg)

File: 2ef7f73ff696d65⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 750x579, 250:193, 44474211_204644853667940_4….jpg)

File: e0710a7300648c3⋯.jpg (91.72 KB, 750x581, 750:581, 43259904_255096161848773_8….jpg)

f26376  No.3967303

File: 9952dd2195b07fc⋯.jpg (35.5 KB, 324x422, 162:211, 9952dd2195b07fca73a998569e….jpg)

0ef236  No.3967304


>and that they have secrets about the origins of human consciousness

So, let me get this straight: you're saying that kantbot insisting that aliens are trying to communicate secrets about the origins of our individual consciousness with us is futile because people that lived before us that also harbored secrets about the origins of human consciousness know more/as much as these aliens?

that hardly makes sense.

why are you really here? why wouldn't we accept assistance from alien life with technologies very apparently far beyond our own (considering they've been to thank for many technologies humans have reverse engineered)?

Do you want to try that again, you arrogant novice?

2b423a  No.3967305

File: 51597792140c3fd⋯.png (44.21 KB, 168x185, 168:185, golden-sticker.png)

6d5f9e  No.3967306


praying for this guy if this is sincere

453b8d  No.3967307


maximus kekkioius.

He called paradise pleasure a bunch of times…

2b423a  No.3967308

File: 7e468a991306856⋯.jpg (188.5 KB, 637x364, 7:4, not a game.jpg)

35a5cb  No.3967309


Never Give Up.


85a536  No.3967310

Larp that potus Gaylord

7ce3fa  No.3967311

>>3967285 Where you keep the Tip Jar?

d70b37  No.3967312

File: 6108b003edd9799⋯.jpg (202.9 KB, 640x640, 1:1, PRAY for ALL Military.jpg)

b9a58c  No.3967313

Leafs are having another nation wide emergency systems test on Nov. 28th as per the CBC today.

279052  No.3967314


I would like to know what the fuck WrAY is doing too.

97e833  No.3967315

File: b53e521e50d4fb4⋯.jpg (28.41 KB, 465x309, 155:103, 1.JPG)


Prayers please anons

03f99c  No.3967316

>>3966889 (lb)

Kinda wondered since I stumbled in here if the whole thing is far above the scope most think.

Been meaning to take time off and just go through everything from start to finish, meticulously

Didn't GEOTUS delay full declassification of JFK docs until 2021?

Thought maybe that might also signify part of the timeline.

May be here until 2024…or longer.

Question everything is always a good plan

Be Vigilant

046118  No.3967317



This is not me. I just saw on Sara Carter twitter. James Woods has also responded.

528aba  No.3967318


Guy is in a parking lot in Orlando, Florida. Need local anons to search

221e09  No.3967319

File: 14d179f65e7edc9⋯.jpg (166.45 KB, 455x744, 455:744, AIDS.jpg)

List of jazz genres

Acid jazz

Afro-Cuban jazz

Asian-American jazz

Avant-garde jazz


n-1 bop

Bossa nova

872ef5  No.3967320


I wonder if that turkey would fit up his ass? Now there's a video I would watch

8dc944  No.3967321

File: 65e565d201d6a80⋯.png (67.63 KB, 637x565, 637:565, TV msm.png)


Even easier if you turn off the tv completly!

If you're gonna ignore them, stop sending the cable company money every month!


By paying them, you support the enemy!

$100 cable/mo = 1 OZ of gold/yr.

28e49c  No.3967322

File: a4f36d7eed748a4⋯.jpeg (520.51 KB, 750x1290, 25:43, BC3BC7BA-E5B9-481D-97D9-D….jpeg)

File: 8af132f14dd3e38⋯.jpeg (649.96 KB, 750x1298, 375:649, B0DF6723-70F2-47E6-8F81-F….jpeg)

File: 80c4a83bd90c806⋯.jpeg (40.48 KB, 750x131, 750:131, 52C90CF2-9BF8-416A-891B-C….jpeg)

Interesting read re:

Bin Laden, the Bushes, CIA asset, death in 2001, etc.


82aaf4  No.3967323


Wonder if McInnes is controlled op aswell.

0ef236  No.3967324


oh, you're the one that didn't know the red rose is a DSA symbol, then backpedaled when told that it's used for such, by insisting that all socialists are pedos

what a fucking retard you are…

be7e20  No.3967325

File: 330901c31942f79⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 525x250, 21:10, galactic_w22.jpg)



thanks astrofag

570faf  No.3967326


the links are at the bottom, I don't know much about them

and there likely is other sauce, can't do any digging right now personally, in a little bit I will be able to


>The :15 is the delta [difference] between those two dates on the Q clock. Not the time stamps.

what does that signify?

and what does the overall graphic mean/signify?

47eb18  No.3967327


>white nationalist?

no just all around scumbags run by a paid DS traitor to make trubble for real patriots

labels irrelevant

hang em all

e3ea1f  No.3967328

File: 4d7337424dda716⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 298x169, 298:169, sa2.jpg)

File: c57c19532d00cc6⋯.jpg (7.61 KB, 300x168, 25:14, sa4.jpg)

So basically an electrical charge is the sharing of a photon that is actually a wave particle duality. Thus the electrical charge would be the redefinition of the wave pattern into a different wave pattern.

033f6c  No.3967329

File: a52f0b803ac0fcc⋯.png (71.84 KB, 957x333, 319:111, InfraGard.png)

File: ae757e4144cf57e⋯.png (114.88 KB, 1125x316, 1125:316, Internet Crime Complaint C….png)

File: 8832ba935baa00e⋯.png (123.11 KB, 1134x353, 1134:353, NCFTA.png)

File: 14cae4e9aa3a9b1⋯.png (77.19 KB, 1131x374, 1131:374, Overseas Security Advisory….png)

File: 8ba9a9088283df5⋯.png (78.34 KB, 1135x269, 1135:269, US CERT.png)




e98d58  No.3967331


Thank you, Mr. Woods, for reaching out to this veteran. As a veteran myself, I'm in tears for this guy.

d6865c  No.3967332


anon - the whole election was a stunt.

if its a movie, its all a stunt, except people die.

fd5c63  No.3967333

File: 94b0a37d29f6774⋯.png (767.37 KB, 662x857, 662:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c3ef9d105338ea⋯.png (1.01 MB, 659x870, 659:870, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 991dda3a0772a73⋯.png (729.48 KB, 675x863, 675:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c809a9abf063425⋯.png (67.9 KB, 662x729, 662:729, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 393d1c497fc5b98⋯.png (45.91 KB, 660x502, 330:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Victoria Police charge three people over allegedly planning terror attack in Melbourne

Two men have been charged with planning a terror attack to allegedly kill “as many people as possible” but their dad insists they’re innocent.

Police have swooped in on three Victorian men after they were caught allegedly preparing an Islamic State-inspired terrorist attack in Melbourne, which officers say was being planned to “kill as many people as possible”.

Victoria Police, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) and other agencies worked together to foil the group’s alleged plans, arresting the men this morning. They have since been charged.

Hanifi Halis, 21, of Greenvale; Ertunc Eriklioglu, 30, from Dallas and Samed Eriklioglu, 26, of Campbellfield have all been charged with planning a terrorist attack.

Samad and Ertunc’s father Armagan Eriklioglu fronted the media today and said his sons were “good men”.

“They don’t even know how to use a weapon,” Mr Eriklioglu said, according to The Age .


f1e0f3  No.3967334

File: a5f08a274e201e7⋯.jpg (79.96 KB, 750x579, 250:193, 44850372_325954501289903_3….jpg)

File: f5b23e8f0fb6d07⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1316x618, 658:309, Screenshot_2018-11-19 Brow….png)

File: 90bfa3f5be3d668⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1316x618, 658:309, Screenshot_2018-11-19 Brow….png)

File: d296af586fbec3a⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 750x509, 750:509, 44227279_335930160288383_5….jpg)





bf09ac  No.3967335


time travel movie oh shit.

01ddde  No.3967336

File: d1f8e6f472ca36d⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 963x1016, 963:1016, concernfag is in.jpg)


HFS. Mr. Woods must play the part. It's a terrible trap he made for himself. But for me:

2b423a  No.3967337

File: 8bba42c91173879⋯.jpg (29.38 KB, 640x480, 4:3, thank you.jpg)

ebe621  No.3967338


Your backhole, where it has always been…

90f144  No.3967339

File: 399ebae05d41e4e⋯.jpg (101.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 88ault.jpg)

85a536  No.3967340


Choke on that shit bitch 2020

2e07f6  No.3967341

File: 522172ac96269d5⋯.jpg (155 KB, 500x559, 500:559, AIDS.jpg)


Thanks for a… nearly useless post?

36a62b  No.3967342

Is the board owner available?

e6412b  No.3967343

File: 7fd036e4aafbeb9⋯.jpg (122.62 KB, 620x820, 31:41, james woods when theres tr….jpg)

ef8bc9  No.3967344


your choice - feet or tits

1004be  No.3967345

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

France be like…(vid related)

adad1e  No.3967346



Same. The implications of the clockfag theory being correct is pretty big. Like time travel big, or massive AI power that is being wielded for…? I want to believe, but I'm just not sure I get it.

bf09ac  No.3967347


We know our president

39c80e  No.3967348

File: 43b1004e2fc522d⋯.jpg (28.75 KB, 430x322, 215:161, 35328870_10213471034310346….jpg)

3893c6  No.3967349


What degree?

570faf  No.3967351


I didn't get checked in, so not sure right now

post in meta: >>1667382 (off bread) and keep an eye out if the BO comes around

9d2ca4  No.3967352

File: 9a3c6f80290309a⋯.jpeg (211.26 KB, 1205x500, 241:100, 1C4FE0CD-6934-49C2-A6DF-4….jpeg)

File: d66b53b0a4c11cc⋯.jpeg (109.14 KB, 500x519, 500:519, 511244FB-E119-4E28-94A3-5….jpeg)

File: 0674c148daf8e0a⋯.jpeg (392 KB, 1100x1149, 1100:1149, 710B1BD2-462D-4C1F-A222-D….jpeg)

d8a0e3  No.3967353


Uh, no.


Future proves past and news unlocks map.

I take that to mean (among other things) that when a news event happens, the relevant passage in the crumbs will become obvious to anons who are familiar with the crumbs. Then we can use what Q said about that news to understand that Q knew about it well in advance…that it was part of a long-term plan. It does not mean we can interpret all of the crumbs in advance of the relevant happenings. Some but not all.

There may in fact be encoded information in the crumbs, that nobody has figured out how to decode yet. I am open to that possibility. What I take issue with is that some of the clockfags assert that their way of decoding the crumbs is the right way and the only way.

e081c0  No.3967354


What do you wanna bet McRaven would have been chosen as CIA Director in a Hillary Presidency?

7ce3fa  No.3967355

>>3967338 I am gonna say that jar is very Empty!

43eb90  No.3967356



I've been tracking you this bread. I figured I'd leave your UID in the past buffer on purpose.

Good day.

8dc944  No.3967357

File: ec94dd2a16aa590⋯.png (449.79 KB, 1066x1719, 1066:1719, Joo kills.png)


You see the problem here then.

They own the positions of power and influence and our 'entertainment industry'.

How entertaining is it, then?

01ddde  No.3967358


I wish I could get a long weekend at Camp David. Just stay up 48 hours and ask questions.


279052  No.3967359


Ok again Nunes is asking for Declass - and Whitaker, Wray & Potus are in charge.


c48cbe  No.3967360

File: e148d392e91cf59⋯.jpg (186.85 KB, 609x500, 609:500, Camp-Fire-Circle.jpg)

>>3966245 l.b.

>Interesting perspective on 'Forest Fire' damage

Well, ain't that sum schitt.

Who came up with the name "Camp Fire" anyhow?

Why that name?


36a62b  No.3967361


Are you a "baker"?

2a117b  No.3967362

File: 52bd41adf56425f⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1286x1024, 643:512, 1D3B536E-07E7-4A01-A01C-8….jpeg)


This is going to create hundreds of copycats, most of them bullshitters, there’s simply too many attention thirsty twatters out there

a2d8ea  No.3967363

File: ec39781ea212eab⋯.jpg (115.35 KB, 500x730, 50:73, 2mshuz.jpg)

221e09  No.3967364

File: 69849d4de6879e0⋯.jpg (89.87 KB, 475x768, 475:768, IMG_4331.jpg)

File: 69849d4de6879e0⋯.jpg (89.87 KB, 475x768, 475:768, IMG_4331.jpg)


track me cia-sama

a9300f  No.3967365



>I wish I could get a long weekend at Camp David. Just stay up 48 hours and ask questions.

Prolly not the first coke binge there, o_O

4a2731  No.3967366


Anon im dying laughing

8dc944  No.3967367


No excuses. It's all about OPTICS and leverage.


43eb90  No.3967368

570faf  No.3967369


Before I answer that, please post your press credentials

fc3a1c  No.3967370


JUNE 18 TO NOV 19 = ??


01ddde  No.3967371

Maybe Pleas ure Par adise is a wa y to sa y

"Y ou r wat ch ing a mo vie."

3065f2  No.3967372

File: 43fea90dfd6f06b⋯.jpg (157.4 KB, 1024x757, 1024:757, IMG_20181002_104734.jpg)

File: 4163c206c0adb6d⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 300x268, 75:67, IMG_20181002_104729.jpg)

dd2997  No.3967373

Whatever happened to the Bernie Bros? He had a pretty good movement going. Disappeared mostly.

We could get on board with some of their issues.. BDS, monopoly corporate power, predatory banking, anti-war.

The battlefield needs reorienting.

01ddde  No.3967374


Kek'd right out loud on that one.

39c80e  No.3967375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

85a536  No.3967376


memo that oval some more homotus

448869  No.3967377

File: 508e1f1eb82f4a1⋯.jpg (24.46 KB, 499x445, 499:445, underestimatedkek.jpg)

4a2731  No.3967378


>No excuses. It's all about OPTICS and leverage.


What the fuck are we waiting for at this point then?

fd5c63  No.3967379


Thank God that didn't happen

d6865c  No.3967380


My ancestors would weep if they

knew I was ruled by these people.

What do they bring to the table?

Sweet. Fuck. All.

5d7150  No.3967381



a14bda  No.3967382

09f135  No.3967383


Shaq went public and said he believed in a Flat Earth …no surprise that he is a mason.

4a2731  No.3967384

File: 709d47b8e9a104b⋯.jpg (205.49 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, b8b8313a521f75ec86403955a2….jpg)

0ef236  No.3967385


they really aren't sending their best, are they?

track me all you want.

5f979f  No.3967386


>They don’t even know how to use a weapon

Um. Yeah. They couldn't possibly drive a car down the footpath, like a less year ago, or last week.

Fuck, I hate living in (((this))) city. Melbourne has become a leftist-socialist shithole

00b5f3  No.3967387

File: 866d12465a8ec26⋯.jpg (90.59 KB, 679x827, 679:827, 3.JPG)

File: 1da50608a463cfb⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 651x170, 651:170, 4.JPG)

Phelps County attorney indicted for sexual assault


ab8731  No.3967388

File: 0cd9fdcbf721802⋯.jpeg (620.33 KB, 741x757, 741:757, 87567036-CDB0-45DD-A1C1-C….jpeg)

570faf  No.3967389

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3967011 Whitaker appointment dispute reaches Supreme Court

>>3967024, >>3967087, >>3967101, >>3967231, >>3967232 On SEAL Team 6

>>3967035 Motions to Dismiss by NXIVM Defendants, 10 separate filings

>>3967124 Regional EPA official resigns after being indicted

>>3967210 White House correspondents group promises reporters will continue to ask follow-up questions (despite new rules)

>>3967222 US charges Venezuelan tycoon tied to government for bribery

>>3967333 Victoria Police charge three people over allegedly planning terror attack in Melbourne

ebe621  No.3967390


Hey!, no stealing.

fa7fc0  No.3967391

File: 3d61d932f10b918⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 640x453, 640:453, venezuelan-president-nicol….jpg)

Venezuela: Maduro Regimes Continues Military Purge as Arrests Reach Record High

Politically motivated arrests of soldiers and military personnel in Venezuela reached an all-time high in 2018, according to a report from grassroots Venezuelan site Crónica Uno published Monday.

According to the latest figures, 197 members of the military are facing charges on crimes such as incitement to rebellion, treason to the fatherland, and breach of military etiquette, charges meant to target any dissent within the ranks of dictator Nicolás Maduro’s military. The number now surpasses that arrested former Venezuelan dictators Hugo Chávez and Marcos Pérez Jiménez.

As part of their effort to guarantee loyalty, the regime recently began purging high-rankings members of the military who they suspect of disloyalty. In March, Maduro issued a presidential decree announcing that 24 soldiers had been demoted or dismissed from the military over their supposed attempts “to damage the Republic by violent means.”

Some of the individuals dismissed from their military positions included the exiled General Antonio Rivero of the Voluntad Popular party, Hugo Chávez’s former defense minister and imprisoned government critic General Raúl Isaías Badue, and Captain Juan Caguaripano, who last year stormed a barracks and called on the military to overthrow the regime.

Yet there is growing evidence of widespread discontent among lower military ranks, as thousands of soldiers choose to jump ship amid devastatingly low morale caused in large part by a drastic fall in wages that has left many of them unable to access enough food or living essentials.


36a62b  No.3967392


I'm not press. I'm just a student.

5c191a  No.3967393


Yeah…not saying whether or not they gonna get through, but when the news is leading with Mexican protestors saying Trump is right, my almonds tingle. How much you think it costs to get a few Mexicans to get real violent on these scrubs? Their “persecution” may be realized in an artificially triggered self fulfilling prophecy.

0d8c8d  No.3967394

File: 9f0b583937f104f⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3da29a99af75acc6f0d33f79cb….jpg)

7ee314  No.3967395



43eb90  No.3967396


No, they aren't. You're here.

221e09  No.3967397

File: cc7f712c00f5567⋯.jpg (235.07 KB, 960x640, 3:2, IMG_4332.jpg)

anons, one of these milfs screamed "polite numbers" when i corked her 2 nights ago.

e98d58  No.3967398


It has to be a Walmart parking lot. Busy enough to not draw too much attention.

01ddde  No.3967399


Your ancestors would weep if they really knew the people who ruled them.

45639a  No.3967400

File: 1134331e65bce45⋯.jpg (252.68 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, MelanivankaQ2.jpg)


3065f2  No.3967401

File: 6fdaa2e43586412⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 542x398, 271:199, IMG_20180928_131819.jpg)

85a536  No.3967402


homotus couldn't find the twat with a map

57910c  No.3967403

File: 55ebacead60bd3f⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 403x505, 403:505, POTUScaliSOON.JPG)


>that bitch made it personal with me

Breddy sure I was there for that. Pissed me off more than anything these low-level shills put us thru. Fuck with my guys I'll be on your ass till they retire mine. Stubborn has its upside.

(and kek dat meme)

63b6ca  No.3967404

File: fc958597ec179ff⋯.png (171.81 KB, 528x734, 264:367, corruption3.png)

35a5cb  No.3967405


aye , sir, just to hang out with POTUS for a day, albiet when the day is only 12 hours long…This guy sleeps in between descions, and wife probably happy he is so busy. LOL.

66d2fa  No.3967406

a460ab  No.3967407


One word : heuretics.

The problem with what you are advocating is it opens the minds of very lazy people (people already dying from inactivity) to the idea they can just lay around and expect some foreign intervention to save them.

This is exactly what they're own enemy would most love them to believe. Which are you?

279052  No.3967408


Fuck off. I've been fighting for declass, exposure of corruption, red pilling, memeing hours a day, researching hours a day, etc. for the past year here.

Enough is enough.

3065f2  No.3967409

File: 430085b71395a98⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 728x408, 91:51, TheCourier.jpg)

d6865c  No.3967410

File: 7ee4a2095fe0e3f⋯.jpg (338.11 KB, 1653x1107, 551:369, AbUnOCl.jpg)


Trust the planners.

Based on their characters

and actions to date.

Sod the plan. Trust the planners.

d36aad  No.3967411


So Q points to '4' for countdown….

Who is after Merkel, May? Macron?


f3255e  No.3967412


you sound like a pig.

44c0c9  No.3967413

File: 8d5f79c8f58acbb⋯.jpg (679.53 KB, 2446x3262, 1223:1631, 7ee253da3c33acb0ae520bdc3e….jpg)

6c58ec  No.3967414


I'd let every single one of the interviewees in to the USA. And that's it.

0a1892  No.3967415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Operation Hot Musket in Texas

d8a0e3  No.3967416


It will happen when Huber and other US Attorneys who are preparing the possibly 61,000+ cases are ready for the info to be released. It can't happen while grand juries are working. The cases that are related to the to-be-DECLAS-info have got to reach a stage where information release would not provide defendants with a handy defense that they can't get an unprejudiced jury.

I'm sure that's why POTUS kicked the declas over to IG Horowitz. He provides the interlock between the pending cases and the declas.

I'm not worried. It will happen in due course, at the proper time.

2596c5  No.3967417


>the links are at the bottom

That was my point. Just because there are links, it doesn’t make the content accurate. The articles make assumptions and claims with no sauce. If we hold ‘them’ to sauce, we need to hold our ‘own’ to sauce. No need to reply. Your bread, your notes. Just giving my opinion. Headed to bed. Thanks for baking fren, night.

fd5c63  No.3967418


>>3967024, >>3967087, >>3967101 , >>3967231 , >>3967232 On SEAL Team 6

Can you add 'William McRaven' to the title please

as POTUS mentioned him today

fc3a1c  No.3967419

759f8e  No.3967420


I think the bot has a good point, we have all been way off base here. Don’t come across sauce this good very often.

221e09  No.3967421

File: 8eedbc1b9995a9b⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 640x541, 640:541, IMG_4333.jpg)

File: 02998208fbe3366⋯.jpg (286.33 KB, 985x876, 985:876, IMG_4334.jpg)

3ce58a  No.3967422

File: 2c431758bbaba1e⋯.png (228.88 KB, 234x346, 117:173, Finger-Kermit Smoking.PNG)

6d6161  No.3967423




5d7150  No.3967424

File: a7d481bdc26a5ab⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, anontooshill.jpg)

4a2731  No.3967425

Imagine if you will a US President, and the top of the military possessing all the proof and evidence to put so many evil horrible people away, but you sit on it and dont do anything with it….

a9f48f  No.3967426


Playing politics as usual. Nothing has changed in DC.

85a536  No.3967427


what's that fart smell homotus

be0a72  No.3967428

File: 9cedd7d8d6fb562⋯.png (686.22 KB, 502x672, 251:336, ClipboardImage.png)

Finally got my mitts on a Mnuchin dollar bill…owl is still there, anons.

0a1892  No.3967429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Operation Hot Musket

military deployment to Air Force Base in Texas. (Reese technology center).

e3ea1f  No.3967430

File: 5af414edb5480ee⋯.jpg (4.76 KB, 262x192, 131:96, sa5.jpg)

Thus when you can figure out the wave patterns of our system (proton) and how the 'particle' that 'donates' to another pattern to create electro and magnetic and mass; then you can learn to manipulate all the forces of our universe in any way you want.

d8a0e3  No.3967432

279052  No.3967433


You can wait for your pipe dream savior - some of us are getting fed up and frustrated.

Voicing it and coming up with other options to get things moving is the answer,

not just sitting on your fucking ass "trusting the plan".

c48cbe  No.3967434


Jerry looks completely cucked in that video.

429c0b  No.3967435


53-47 could not have been Kavanaugh related because everyone knew Steve Daines would miss the vote.

7ce3fa  No.3967436

>>3967398 We Got 6 Walmarts here - where to start?

b0addc  No.3967437

File: 1784e7eda0db5e6⋯.png (39.14 KB, 637x471, 637:471, ClipboardImage.png)

aba1ad  No.3967438


>Like time travel big

Naw, that's not true, from what I understand/see: If you're governing (and a billionaire w/ (let's say) strong military connections and some "plan"), then you will always find a way to create "news" (i.e. to make things "happen" and to have news outlets report on them, even with the keywords you want – any news outlet (imagine you were e.g. "drudge", and you'd support Q/POTUS), then you'd be inclined to do that).

So news "unlocks" the map – but little to do with "foresight" in terms of, say, time-travel …. just the "power" to "make" things happen…..

dd3be5  No.3967439

File: d16b64a782878b3⋯.jpeg (182.3 KB, 1242x1359, 138:151, 3FA2095B-3122-431B-922A-C….jpeg)


I hear carrots likes M&M's

4a2731  No.3967440



351fe3  No.3967441

File: 4d6f02e16a44c87⋯.jpg (221 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, surprised.jpg)

97e833  No.3967442

File: 4af19c19484fec9⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 465x321, 155:107, 1.JPG)



Getting lots of attention which is good, other well known twatters reaching out..


unfortunately a good possibility….given the BS cons we saw this past couple weeks with the bum and couple 400k…and the black hoe with the parents kicking me out b/c i support trump getting 140k go fund me

d29cbc  No.3967443

How new are you people?!

If you still think OBL has any major or even medium role in 9/11, you’re still brainwashed. I get POTUS mentioned him, my personal opinion is that was a veiled shot at the Awan debacle, but either way you sound like a bunch of newfags.

ee6d65  No.3967444


Imagine you risk your life, family, and happiness to do something about it but faggots on the internet bitch incessantly because you aren't livestreaming it on twitch.

0a1892  No.3967445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lubbock Air Base Texas call

3065f2  No.3967446

File: c4528f2bd4b1b13⋯.jpg (159.58 KB, 748x484, 17:11, 2aa097cf7beab7fee7792959df….jpg)

fa7fc0  No.3967447


Then there's this:

Trump admin to designate Venezuela as state sponsor of terrorism

The Washington Post (barf), citing U.S. officials and internal government emails, reported on Monday that the Trump administration is preparing to give Venezuela the designation.

The move would place Venezuela, a nation ruled by socialist leader Nicolas Maduro, on a list reserved for governments repeatedly accused of supporting "acts of international terrorism."

The list consists of Iran, North Korea, Syria and Sudan.

The newspaper noted that U.S. officials would not say if a final decision had been made. But the Department of State has asked for feedback from various agencies about taking the step.

Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services reportedly assessed the impact that a terrorism designation could have on “HHS or [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] programming of funding being carried out by a third party in that country."

A State Department spokesperson declined to comment to The Post.


45639a  No.3967448

File: b7c7a568cee1299⋯.jpg (232.57 KB, 820x410, 2:1, WeMUSTPardonPeasLower.jpg)

fd9096  No.3967449


>Fuck off. I've been fighting for declass, exposure of corruption, red pilling, memeing hours a day, researching hours a day, etc. for the past year here.

>Enough is enough.

Obviously you are not very good at your job.

8638c0  No.3967450


He was in Iran.


2a117b  No.3967451


Are you familiar with John Hutchison ? Whaddya think?

bf09ac  No.3967452


Jumpy and scared

6d5f9e  No.3967453


because you know it will have 10% of the impact it could have if you wait.

e6412b  No.3967454


And every time he opened his mouth he said "we are gonna need lots of money to fix this"

7ce3fa  No.3967455

>>3967412 TITSorGTFO!

570faf  No.3967456


understood, anons could use them to then dig further, I'm going to keep them but reflect your thoughts, thanks anon


got it

a9300f  No.3967457

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45⋯.gif (209.21 KB, 250x263, 250:263, PEPEDIGITAL.gif)


>Stubborn has its upside.

That it does, anon. That it does.

b08fae  No.3967458

File: ed9db4ce05bc15a⋯.jpeg (166.54 KB, 872x628, 218:157, B2F9567A-4F13-4142-897D-1….jpeg)

File: b64d2b6c26d874a⋯.jpeg (496.76 KB, 1584x1744, 99:109, C6EFA8E6-9853-420E-8581-E….jpeg)

File: 650c7cd55955a80⋯.png (492.03 KB, 800x416, 25:13, 8A7627C7-6E57-4739-BC35-43….png)

File: 7ace4545f44f98c⋯.png (20.55 KB, 773x358, 773:358, C2030527-28E7-4107-A1A7-CE….png)


Don’t see these in notables from previous breads.

2e07f6  No.3967459


Last I checked, munchkin was still a part of that boy's club known as skull and bones.

221e09  No.3967461

File: ae158eef989977f⋯.jpg (384.1 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, IMG_4335.jpg)

paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle

01ddde  No.3967462

File: f57afd7fe0a0264⋯.png (20.24 KB, 645x69, 215:23, Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at ….png)


Hussein doesn't like M&Ms?


3b22ed  No.3967463


Great meme

85a536  No.3967464


homotus stepped in the peanut butter glory hole and dragged it on the rug

3ce58a  No.3967465

File: 25ee8ede612ce0a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1371x906, 457:302, Laughing in Trump.PNG)

63edf1  No.3967466

File: 2225c86dfc71cd2⋯.jpg (118.38 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, MareliMiniutti3.jpg)

File: ccd07e09eb3d541⋯.jpg (261.78 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, MareliMiniutti4.jpg)

File: 28d08806866d135⋯.jpg (302.22 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, MareliMiniutti5.jpg)

File: 567cf10b1b605a1⋯.jpg (68.82 KB, 653x720, 653:720, MareliMiniutti6.jpg)

File: 215a1547b4e3392⋯.jpg (99.59 KB, 720x488, 90:61, MareliMiniutti7.jpg)


Working on it.

b08fae  No.3967467

File: 7ace4545f44f98c⋯.png (20.55 KB, 773x358, 773:358, 43B034D7-502C-4C81-A851-EC….png)

File: 501024a297f82e3⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1967, 1125:1967, 1A9151CE-586E-4B1E-84C6-0….jpeg)

File: 9ef6f8bf07f97ea⋯.png (61.66 KB, 600x533, 600:533, 02F701A3-76D7-4008-A14F-F3….png)

File: 9096ddf990bd6eb⋯.png (21.75 KB, 523x341, 523:341, 3957D8BD-70A5-46CD-BE46-5D….png)

597bea  No.3967468

File: 9a3d7c879826815⋯.jpg (123.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 818fa2dd1722b56f70e33235ab….jpg)


Then you weren't doing her right

45639a  No.3967469


Meh, she could eat.

d36aad  No.3967470




WTF i was only kidding, how did we get Carrots / M&M's from my comment???

++Timing is strangely weird++

6ca96a  No.3967471

File: f5ce7fc2757b6b0⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 640x633, 640:633, 33be166131943ac15761b6109b….jpg)

File: 5e361eef60d0d22⋯.jpg (8.36 KB, 316x160, 79:40, images.jpg)


Probably a 3rd or 32nd degree. He has the square and compass tattooed on his hand

Actually maybe only an entered apprentice. But that is more suspicious because some anon told me the entered apprentices are sometimes initiated at different stakes and stay at that level as a cultist.

d8a0e3  No.3967472


Um, these are old memes that memeanon reposted yesterday when we were all thinking of Haiti. The info has long been known here. Baker can decide if it should be reposted as notable. I think not.

1004be  No.3967473


the "etc" bit is really rich

43eb90  No.3967474


made it personal for a bunch of us.

-t. mistakenly stuck up for it twice. July was the last straw for this anon.

221e09  No.3967475

File: 54c6af15cae45c7⋯.jpg (38.61 KB, 457x469, 457:469, IMG_4336.jpg)

israeli palestinians doing the soup with a salty tornado

0fa57c  No.3967476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Shaq is an MK Ultra slave.

b08fae  No.3967477

File: 9416f2fe0e1e37f⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 62EA8ACB-F3C4-46C7-803F-56….png)

File: 6485609b93aa323⋯.jpeg (126.27 KB, 500x860, 25:43, 320EFACE-61DB-44DF-8117-2….jpeg)

2a117b  No.3967478

File: 1e9f564be349836⋯.jpeg (173.54 KB, 946x1668, 473:834, A668CE5B-759E-4B04-949B-5….jpeg)


I agree, apparently it was something of an open secret in DC that he was in Iran, but TP claims OBL was moved to Pakistan only months before he was killed.

7ce3fa  No.3967479

>>3967466 She needs a SAMICH!!

d42a20  No.3967480

Michael Moates @freedom_moates


OH SHIT IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN - Over on Facebook, Linda Sarsour calls Women's March founder @TeresaShookWM "a white woman who wants to take credit for women of color labor".

85a536  No.3967481

File: 4f08fdd01f29190⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 213.37 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, IMG_3235.JPG)



e3ea1f  No.3967482


No I may take a look this week. I am just going from standard model, and geometry.

b08fae  No.3967483


My fault. Did not look hard enough.

a2d8ea  No.3967484

eb27c3  No.3967485

File: 65cec9c33f6c6b1⋯.png (171.16 KB, 1066x373, 1066:373, 498dde6588797a319b7cb18955….png)

35a5cb  No.3967486


to "know something" is much different than "proving something".

This is why jury duty is as important as military or government service.

duty is more important than service.

this is why the tiotal failure of the VA system is not being reported by the perpertraitors of the event. We have many vets without, we have many on GI bills losing everything because of months with no promised pay.

Fuck, I am MAD!

221e09  No.3967487

File: 87f4fb7126392ab⋯.png (690.32 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, IMG_4337.png)

fa7fc0  No.3967488

File: bf287145c338c38⋯.jpg (59.91 KB, 640x439, 640:439, paulryan.jpg)

Paul Ryan defends Navy admiral after Trump's criticism

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Monday defended retired Navy admiral William McRaven amid the criticism he's received from President Trump.

“Admiral McRaven and all members of our military who have served in harm’s way have put country before self, and we are grateful for their service," Ryan's spokeswoman, AshLee Strong, said in a statement.

"Speaker Ryan has traveled to Afghanistan multiple times, most recently in October, and has seen our military’s service and dedication firsthand. As the holidays approach, we are especially grateful for our troops’ sacrifice."


bf09ac  No.3967489


Both sides have him by the balls, he's fucked no matter what he does now.

872ef5  No.3967490


When catching the bigger fish, don't set the hook to early or you'll go home hungry. Time for everything anon, better to wait and trap all the rats at once rather than get just a few fat ones that couldn't run away

45639a  No.3967491

my dog fuckin' loves that stuff…

extra nutty.

8ebd4e  No.3967492


Naaaa….she's just fine.

8dc944  No.3967493

File: 5aa7799f8730fc6⋯.png (686.16 KB, 945x732, 315:244, leb beads.png)

File: 0ca5dbeed9eb7c1⋯.jpg (11.2 KB, 139x255, 139:255, leb crotch.jpg)

File: d9d1c8f4e296f59⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 750x458, 375:229, Leb parte.jpg)

File: 1aa65a537301488⋯.png (800.1 KB, 1709x1182, 1709:1182, LeB proof.png)

File: 7a8af6da0270461⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 560x420, 4:3, LeBjoo.jpg)


They're all dirty

d70b37  No.3967494


Sad. You might be right. Nice thinking.

Copycats with gofundmez. Should we shut

down gofundme for awhile? Seems like money

laundering and scams. Petition?

7ce3fa  No.3967495

>>3967488 His Handler!

dd3be5  No.3967496


Not gonna tineye that but if recent, Jenni-O had a turkey recall for salmonella in the last week.

63edf1  No.3967497

File: 5dbd40ea42f7266⋯.jpg (80.69 KB, 576x720, 4:5, MareliMiniutti8.jpg)

File: b93dcc2f57c9308⋯.jpg (139.86 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, MareliMiniutti9.jpg)

File: 01c71f2ab80f76a⋯.jpg (83.81 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, MareliMiniutti10.jpg)


I luv her.

Only found a couple of un flattering nudes that looked more like photo shop. Didn't bother with those.

But hey, she took down Avenatti. That's one powerful snapper.

be0a72  No.3967498

File: 7bdcae4906e030a⋯.jpg (190.4 KB, 962x1725, 962:1725, 7bdcae4906e030a8be0a3a3a65….jpg)


There's your confirmation then kek.

2a117b  No.3967499


Hard 10, new respect for avenatti, May yet be /ourguy/

3bba64  No.3967500


love that one

46b7b4  No.3967501


Thank you anon. Start with the closest one

9949e4  No.3967502

File: 2a29b1fc27a71d4⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1242x1925, 1242:1925, CC4CF748-982A-490E-A907-5….jpeg)

Wow! No shit?


fd5c63  No.3967503




>got it


0ef236  No.3967504


See, you say that, but we're here, right now, actively participating in a world famous cult which insists members should both think for oneself and better oneself.

But, maybe you're saying if humans in general intend to communicate or cooperate with ETs, that could spoil people even further who are lazy and hardly capable of thinking for themselves.

To that, I say: sure, we should all welcome that. The normies haven't really been pulling their weight anyway. Even still, we've done a lot to try and re-engineer them already. Why wouldn't we be able to do it again or increase the effectiveness? Besides, the MIL and highest clearance personnel would be the ones conducting such meetings. Hell, we've probably already made meaningful contact, but we're able to contain it. Why are you assuming that if we make contact, every single person on Earth with instantly be fully cognizant of all of the intimate details which we discuss here or the ET and said personnel are discussing wherever they are?

Have you just not thought this through at all? Survival of the fittest is necessary, but we must take pragmatic action in the way of saving all that we can. We wouldn't cycle them in to it before they're ready, hence letting the normies come to terms with things RIGHT NOW and not just dumping our pill folders on their heads.

Take a step back and think this through, anon.

ab8731  No.3967505

File: ca48fc10b4a7ea4⋯.jpeg (71.71 KB, 490x500, 49:50, 6DBB6868-B752-4D17-AFDC-9….jpeg)


You know I’m still in recovery over blondes….

But woweee.

Excellent work anon.

221e09  No.3967506

File: 1f6fd3b0ca5ce28⋯.jpg (16.18 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_4338.jpg)


where's the part where they accuse them of rewiring brain cells for mass resources

85a536  No.3967507

File: 0d918f8924f1991⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 116.87 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, IMG_3238.JPG)


ancient fake Jew bait

fc3a1c  No.3967508

POTUS does not speculate.




24 Jul 2018 - 10:45:27 AM

From Sea to Shining Sea.

Who does Huber report to [directly]?

Define evidence.

Who has the server?

Why does POTUS continually refer to the server?

POTUS does not speculate.

Future proves past.

Who has it all?

Topics stated in past.

Future BIG meaning?

Repeats important.

Think Twitter.

Those awake see.

Those asleep blind.

Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing.


Silence is golden.


a5b0c1  No.3967509


All you need is a Ferrari and this could be yours

ee6d65  No.3967510


Skinny blondes with a cute face and fake tits do not a 10 make.

3ce58a  No.3967511

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Loki.gif)


It's true. I hate it but it's true. Our society has grown a great crop of attention whores and other unsundries that don't follow rules of civility and ethics that a lot of us were raised by.

I hate it most of all because people are going to be rewarded for scamming and penalized for reaching out.

They will not be the same people.

8ebd4e  No.3967512

File: 48efbb85bd1d2da⋯.png (94.08 KB, 360x188, 90:47, ClipboardImage.png)

Honduran Migrant Complains About Free Meals Provided by Mexico – Calls it ‘Pig Food’ (VIDEO)


033f6c  No.3967513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4a2d1a  No.3967514

File: 6c96dcddbaa472a⋯.png (13.03 KB, 145x52, 145:52, bfhjkhkhv.png)

File: 28043dea8307f6c⋯.png (16.35 KB, 173x42, 173:42, bornready.png)

File: 320d47d5554a92d⋯.png (41.98 KB, 327x61, 327:61, brainhack.png)

File: 4483dab90b15f80⋯.png (37.98 KB, 416x42, 208:21, buildingblocks.png)

File: e173240849162b9⋯.png (6.03 KB, 115x24, 115:24, calmdown.png)

0ef236  No.3967515


super soldier programming?

7ce3fa  No.3967516

>>3967501 Yeah sure! Send all the Anons

to a walmart parking lot for a false flag!

961cd5  No.3967517


Are they fake? I've seen worse fakies.

448869  No.3967518

File: de72f5e9176918d⋯.jpg (39.81 KB, 540x960, 9:16, smilebrightanon.jpg)

wtf is florida doing to our fellow patriots jesus

fc3a1c  No.3967519


>Think Twitter.


8b76a3  No.3967520


New bread name suggestion:

Pray For Our Vets Edition

f49a06  No.3967521




What country did Trump say would be interfering with midterms at UN?



d6865c  No.3967522


do they know their Jewish masters

are laughing at them? Do blacks have souls?


only 294 for the other Carolina. 279 for Georgia (IIRC north Georgia was at zero for months). 19 for Wyoming. 163 for Delaware?

f5f76b  No.3967523

they don't in hollyweird. the thinner the better.

85a536  No.3967524

File: c31ca89a72d6c81⋯.jpg (161.01 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_3789.JPG)


2b423a  No.3967525

File: eb36ea9d27b8de1⋯.jpeg (76.14 KB, 900x514, 450:257, 5bf3713fdda4c809318b4615.jpeg)

The biggest bang: Record-breaking mega-orgy planned for Denver

Published time: 20 Nov, 2018 02:37

A Colorado events planner is plotting the world's biggest orgy in her home city of Denver after a previous attempt failed to get off the ground. Pearl Derriere hopes to entice 1,000 participants, twice the existing world record.

A group-sex enthusiast since her teen years, Derriere hopes the event will lead to a "sex positive revolution," complaining that the "sex-positive community" currently remains hidden and afraid of being "outed." To make sure participants are comfortable, she bans phones and recording devices and mandates guests come with a partner or friend – so someone else can take responsibility for them if they make trouble or pass out. Condoms are mandatory – Derriere gets tested for STIs every six months "and the results are always clear," she told the Mirror…..more in article…..


b74041  No.3967526

File: 74f3fcc320754aa⋯.jpg (232.1 KB, 1280x700, 64:35, declas.jpg)

a460ab  No.3967527

File: 5063ffe623c7c0f⋯.jpg (13.34 KB, 320x251, 320:251, CopyCat (2).jpg)




Did somebody say …

6d6161  No.3967528


She should be happy she is not eating her kids

221e09  No.3967530

File: 0bb22101b7872fd⋯.png (480.32 KB, 785x960, 157:192, IMG_4339.png)


can you hear the meth rips too

01ddde  No.3967531


Anyone notice the Peas is a hen and Carrots is a well - not hen.

fd5c63  No.3967532

File: 9c0a7a629ca8a90⋯.png (423.92 KB, 844x874, 422:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dd1c428682be02⋯.png (381.82 KB, 830x924, 415:462, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9844143715acac5⋯.png (338.36 KB, 852x910, 426:455, ClipboardImage.png)

Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Reynolds to POTUS TRUMP: Break Up Tech Monopolies – Or Lose in 2020

Conservative author and radio host Rush Limbaugh promoted the latest article by conservative law professor and writer Glenn Reynolds in USA Today on Monday.

Glenn Reynolds called on Trump on Monday to breakup the tech monopolies like his predecessor Teddy Roosevelt did back in the early 1900s.

Donald Trump must bust Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google monopolies like Teddy Roosevelt.

Rush discussed this article on Monday:

RUSH: Glenn Harlan Reynolds, who’s a friend and a law professor at the University of Tennessee, has a column out today in USA Today saying that Trump has got… Forget prison or anything else. If Trump doesn’t get a handle on the monopolies that exist now — Facebook, Google, Netflix, and (What’s the other one?) Amazon, the social media titans — that if this not gotten handle on, we don’t have a prayer because they have monopolized social media, and in the process of monopolizing it and mass media, they are excluding anything and everybody conservative.

So Glenn’s piece today is suggesting that Trump needs to do his own version of Teddy Roosevelt and bust ’em up. Teddy Roosevelt busted up the trusts, among them Standard Oil, the Rockefeller family, and J. P. Morgan, who was on the verge (chuckles) of owning the United States financial markets. Do you know back in the late 1800s, early 1900s, when the federal government needed money, they went to J. P. Morgan to borrow it? Before there was a tax code, before there was a tax system, they went to J. P. Morgan to get money. Well, J. P. Morgan was one of the trusts that Teddy Roosevelt busted up.

I’ll tell you, Glenn Reynolds makes a pervasive case in this — and even if he hadn’t made it, it’s a scary thing. You know, I don’t like monopolies, and I really hate government intervention, but this social media stuff is getting totally out of hand, especially, folks… There’s now polling data. I forget where a term. I’ll find it just a second. It’s a credible polling unit. Do you know that 42% of the American people believe that the Russians meddled with votes in 2016? This has been one of the most successful hoaxes that has ever been run in politics.

This has been one of the most successful disinformation campaigns ever, the fact that the Russians and Trump colluded to steal the election. There isn’t any evidence! In fact, in announcing the latest series of indictments, Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, made it clear that in none of the indictment that Mueller has announced is there any allegation or evidence that a single vote was tampered with! Yet you read newspaper accounts of this or watch cable news accounts, they don’t even mention that that has been acknowledged and admitted by the government.

They continue with the myth that not only did Trump and the Russians collude, but the Russians tampered with vote totals. It did not happen, and yet 42% of the American people believe it largely because of the media — and social media, which is one of the biggest promotional groundswells for that point of view. You talk about misinformation and disinformation? This is profound. There is no evidence that any of this happened!

Read the rest here.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier…..

On Tuesday night, after the votes were counted, Democrats took control of the US House of Representatives.

Wealthy suburban voters and women are being credited for the win.

At least 35 Republican lawmakers lost their seats last Tuesday night.

Democrats have a huge advantage over Republicans with their partners in the media complex, Hollywood, and academia.

And, unlike 2016, this year Democrats can also can give a huge amount of credit to Tech giants Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Suburban voters and women no longer were reading conservative articles on Facebook. Facebook eliminated at least 1.5 billion links to conservative articles since 2017. If you add additional websites like The Gateway Pundit, Infowars, Young Cons, Right Wing News, etc. the number tops 2 billion easy. And it likely made a difference on Tuesday night. 80% of women age 18-49 have Facebook accounts. These are the women who get their news from Facebook. Facebook knows this and eliminated conservative content on their platform so there would be no repeat of 2016.


8dc944  No.3967533



09f135  No.3967534

FLASHBACK: Here Are All the Journalists That Obama Banned w/ video


35a5cb  No.3967535




7cc7d2  No.3967536

>>3966462 (LB)

Again nothing.. NOTHING is done without purpose. (((THEY))) are being drawn in.

Yes.. yeeeeesssss…

2a117b  No.3967537


Dem coalition of the fringes is inherently unstable. Trump is trying to peel off more of the black vote with an appeal to citizens > immigrants and keeping blacks first in the gibs line.

397c9e  No.3967538


I would laugh at your pict

if I hadnt seen that kind of shit with my own eyes.

2b423a  No.3967539

File: 5c4447b7248d9d0⋯.jpg (130.68 KB, 1000x1080, 25:27, vintage-frame-quality-seal….jpg)


Memes of Memes

99ef8c  No.3967540



eb27c3  No.3967541



Evidence archived!


Go back to reddit, fatty.

8dedd5  No.3967542



This is actual MILINT SHTF planning.

a9300f  No.3967543

File: e0e3a3bb261c694⋯.png (141.08 KB, 617x521, 617:521, ClipboardImage.png)

05fc5b  No.3967544

Just heard this advertisement for Generac generators on regular tv yesterday fearmongering "cyber-terrorism"/attacks on power grid to sell generators.

Sign of the times I guess.


97e833  No.3967545

File: 4cd9471a3b226a2⋯.jpg (40.02 KB, 467x378, 467:378, 1.JPG)

File: b3beea52c5c8cec⋯.jpg (39.05 KB, 464x383, 464:383, 2.JPG)

File: 2856fa2c2c05d04⋯.jpg (42.61 KB, 465x411, 155:137, 3.JPG)

File: a5d834c3e59e1d6⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 468x378, 26:21, 4.JPG)

File: b9d69f1982c1774⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 461x261, 461:261, 5.JPG)






Don't see any on the left reaching out…

Tells alot…even if isn't sincere it does show who actually gives a shit about vets and people in general well being

This needs to be pointed out and sure will be…even if turns to be BS

even better if POTUS is the one who points it out

221e09  No.3967546

File: da650878e4112ce⋯.jpg (47.15 KB, 750x674, 375:337, IMG_4340.jpg)



43eb90  No.3967547


>Carrots is a well - not hen

Do you mean….

A COCK?????

872ef5  No.3967548

File: 297c99c83583657⋯.png (405.49 KB, 1295x697, 1295:697, adsb111918OSawac.PNG)

Another Sentry up, had an Osprey shadowing it but went off grid

85a536  No.3967549

File: 9a25188b28ee186⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_3788.JPG)

ab8731  No.3967550

File: 55d77f242cc947f⋯.jpeg (250.42 KB, 750x555, 50:37, BA220E56-C2B0-4B2F-B6AD-9….jpeg)

448869  No.3967551

File: 3963ab5721bad40⋯.png (251.53 KB, 1858x1035, 1858:1035, doesntexistanymorewtf.PNG)


not trying to concernfag, sorry frens. but worried about this guy ….. now his twatter is deleted?


fc3a1c  No.3967552


Rush is bringing along the normies slowly but surely

0ef236  No.3967553


care to give us a synopsis, anon?

35a5cb  No.3967554


let us know, stream is fast, post a few times?

a460ab  No.3967555


I have thought it through.

One word : Heuretics.

46b7b4  No.3967556


I don't know where they got that, was just concernfagging for the gentleman. Yeah gotta always be cautious and suspect "in this day and age"

2e07f6  No.3967557


Well, you gotta keep that presidential pardoned turkey genes goin' somehow.

43eb90  No.3967558

a7641c  No.3967559

>>3966462 LB

opens the door for hildogs emails?

fd5c63  No.3967560



He's so fucking corrupt!


Baker it's two parts

45639a  No.3967561


Murder/suicide filter.

They don't like that stuff on social media.

4a2731  No.3967562


Im so anxious to see how many bad guys flip and tell all and sing…. i bet its going to be so many more than we can even imagine

17d6f3  No.3967563

File: ebb021494b33f18⋯.png (83.23 KB, 749x439, 749:439, Screen Shot 2018-08-01 at ….png)


Anon, that is what we are working on still. There are only about a dozen of us working on this regularly and we are all just Anons (extra autistic maybe, but Anons just like you).

The news reveals "coincidences" in all the markers (post numbers, dates, hours, minutes, seconds) and the differences between them.

How many coincidences until it becomes impossible? Well we are documenting them.


Ever try to herd cats?

We are all independent of one another, with our own ideas and preferences.

Q has used the clock analogy enough to confirm it for me.

Understand it isn't for everyone.

As software engineers you should have the clockfag app (all Anons should be using it, whether they clockfag or not).

221e09  No.3967564

File: bf4b488ab480353⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 612x792, 17:22, pika__jew_by_pyro7.jpg)


I know right

7267b5  No.3967565


Because nothing says power to the people like government forcing private businesses out of business.

a14bda  No.3967566


they're hoping for a slip-up so they can criticize.

6c58ec  No.3967567







>>3967339 etc. etc. etc.

Prayers are awesome. Prayers are great. I've had prayers answered that would curl your hair.

BUT - this is manipulative nonsense, and I wouldn't accept this kind of behavior from my best friend. Sure, if I was James Woods, I'd find out where the guy is, and I'd call THE COPS. And then the guy would get pissed at me. And then I'd tell him, "Dude, threatening suicide is a SERIOUS matter. Don't get pissed at me. I'll do it every time to save your life."

But, seriously, this is psychological manipulation. If you haven't known someone who would do this, then you can't know. Pray, yes, good. But don't fall for this kind of narcissism.

And, I KNOW, you're all gonna chew me out (so I will stop reading until this bread is long gone), and the dude deserves love and prayers. Just don't be enableranons. Rant over.

3bba64  No.3967568

fd5c63  No.3967569


so much stage setting going on

09f135  No.3967570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well my frens

the time has come

Night Shift

dd3be5  No.3967571



Was pointing out the actress Avenatti has a restraining order from had initals MM. Read moar.

0d7d12  No.3967572

File: d503c6845dc3971⋯.png (62.71 KB, 773x319, 773:319, ClipboardImage.png)

hopefully he decided to reach out to someone

d70b37  No.3967573

File: 17572ded06016b0⋯.jpg (53.65 KB, 402x526, 201:263, from Q.jpg)

File: b5e5890958ec45b⋯.jpg (312.56 KB, 1024x990, 512:495, bad day question 6000 mile….jpg)

cc470f  No.3967574

Isaiah 40 King James Version (KJV)

40 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.

2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins.

3 The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:

5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

6 The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:

7 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass.

8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!

10 Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

12 Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?

13 Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught him?

14 With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?

15 Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.

16 And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.

17 All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.

18 To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?

19 The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains.

20 He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved.

21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?

22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

24 Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown: yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.

25 To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.

26 Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

27 Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest, O Israel, My way is hid from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God?

28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

97e833  No.3967575

File: d40213e5e1cfba6⋯.jpg (67.38 KB, 465x720, 31:48, 1.JPG)

221e09  No.3967576

File: 9012dd3af91ce67⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1532x1600, 383:400, my-wallpape.png)

c48cbe  No.3967577


"G87 Opie" for one

d6865c  No.3967578


oh oh!

146728  No.3967579

File: d585cbf380d238b⋯.jpg (66.78 KB, 540x635, 108:127, 1d28fa295e9666102a865a5e0a….jpg)


872ef5  No.3967580


Had him on another tab, refreshed, he gone, shit f'd up if they shut him down and that was his only means of comms, f'n Jack

2b423a  No.3967581

Russian cosmonauts will walk on the moon in early 2030s


a290b4  No.3967582


This makes me both sad and happy. That's a confusing feeling.

448869  No.3967583

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, hesrightuknoww.jpg)

b0addc  No.3967584


If he is legit, then Twitter should be forced to answer for closing down his account for asking for help.

628c69  No.3967585

File: 7d8e547c7b6239c⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2006x1352, 1003:676, Dayyum.png)


Now with audio…Bill Clinton is a rapist.

85a536  No.3967586

File: febe83cca2410c6⋯.jpg (25.54 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_3790.JPG)

4a2731  No.3967587

File: cecb8abc4866feb⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 577x285, 577:285, 577x285-food-factory-night….jpg)

File: 21b8d46e7463324⋯.jpg (71.83 KB, 717x600, 239:200, Fotolia_139560718.jpg)

File: ab773ee74674115⋯.jpg (5.98 KB, 299x168, 299:168, images.jpg)

File: 2571a7cde997797⋯.jpg (18.28 KB, 767x453, 767:453, night-shift.jpg)

File: b2aa7205b22887f⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 400x400, 1:1, uw1wPokl_400x400.jpg)

39c80e  No.3967588

File: 5d0f85f06fce3af⋯.gif (380 KB, 300x165, 20:11, 19973378.gif)

221e09  No.3967589

File: 109b398496babf2⋯.png (270.3 KB, 427x474, 427:474, IMG_4341.png)

0ef236  No.3967590

File: 8330e88e7f2eaf4⋯.jpg (255.05 KB, 1298x915, 1298:915, space.jpg)


sure, but that's why MIL just takes care of it and doesn't tell CIVs until necessary… like exactly the fucking thing that's happening right now.

I figured you wouldn't respond.

e6412b  No.3967591


Or its an all out trap

b1b622  No.3967592

Hi Anons, want to do a little light reading. What is the best book on Firebombing of Dresden and Tokyo?

be0a72  No.3967593


Careful: https://patriots4truth.org = AIM.

628c69  No.3967594

File: 25a51c158de53a3⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1634x1384, 817:692, Schitt.png)

Look deeply into his eyes, describe him with only one word = _____

fa7fc0  No.3967595

File: faebe4c73988525⋯.jpg (111.13 KB, 782x500, 391:250, pepefrens_chemtrail.jpg)

570faf  No.3967596

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3966961 OpEd on CONPLAN 8888-11, a detailed plan for “counter-zombie dominance”

>>3967011 Whitaker appointment dispute reaches Supreme Court

>>3967024, >>3967087, >>3967101, >>3967231, >>3967232 On SEAL Team 6, POTUS mention Adm McRaven in tweets today

>>3967035 Motions to Dismiss by NXIVM Defendants, 10 separate filings

>>3967124 Regional EPA official resigns after being indicted

>>3967210 White House correspondents group promises reporters will continue to ask follow-up questions (despite new rules)

>>3967222 US charges Venezuelan tycoon tied to government for bribery

>>3967333 Victoria Police charge three people over allegedly planning terror attack in Melbourne

>>3967391 Maduro Regimes Continues Military Purge as Arrests Reach Record High

>>3967447 Trump admin to designate Venezuela as state sponsor of terrorism

>>3967581 New Space Race?: Russian cosmonauts will walk on the moon in early 2030s




628c69  No.3967597



3bba64  No.3967598

File: e6aade65cbda937⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 2018 Study Hard Shill Filt….jpg)

aba1ad  No.3967599


>Then we can use what Q said about that news to understand that Q knew about it well in advance

Yeah, from what I understand, just like that.

And like you say, there might be things encoded in the crumbs that we still don't know – depending what coding scheme was used (if any). There had been efforts by the clockfags to figure out just that (clockbread 2 & 3).

But there's also the "map" – i.e. the attempt to connect all crumbs correctly, such that a (maybe deeper) story emerges containing more information than just the posts/crumbs individually by themselves.

8dedd5  No.3967600


Painful. Phonefagging. But here…

Military’s Actual Real Zombie Invasion Plan Applicable to General SHTF Plans

dd3be5  No.3967601


Fiugggg. She's a Mariah Sunshine Coogan yacht girl cutout. I am REMINDED yet again that Avesnotty's offices were breddy breddy close to that helo crash. Hmmmmm

f718a4  No.3967602

>>3967471 I sat with this man at his kitchen table years ago and implored him to choose Jesus Christ over the masons…he listened, even talked about how his mom was sold out for Jesus, but, we know which way he decided to go!

45639a  No.3967603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Twitter would have to answer…. oh that's rich.

Watch this instead.


d70b37  No.3967604

File: caedbf600361f89⋯.jpg (244.94 KB, 1112x790, 556:395, james comey oct 28 2018 le….jpg)

File: 2d01a29d7d637ef⋯.jpg (265.76 KB, 628x833, 628:833, after gov.jpg)

File: e0a7f633a4fb77b⋯.jpg (114.38 KB, 747x737, 747:737, special counsel.jpg)

File: 0564760cab0d8b6⋯.jpg (191.41 KB, 1246x888, 623:444, Hope.jpg)

File: 845f2842033373a⋯.jpg (136.7 KB, 655x898, 655:898, naname institute.jpg)


Nice connection.

85a536  No.3967605

File: 103c3303748f9b1⋯.jpg (636.23 KB, 751x564, 751:564, IMG_3785.JPG)

7f4d26  No.3967606

File: 14631658967ad49⋯.png (94.26 KB, 720x713, 720:713, Screenshot_20181119-220053….png)

a4e39f  No.3967607

a9f48f  No.3967608


Agreed. The amount of attention this one tweet generated from a random nobody, in such a short period of time, makes me suspicious.

0d8c8d  No.3967609

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Best of Tom Day (Part 2)

- Tom Day (et.al.)

The second half for those that just finished Part 1. Musicfag anon is heading to bed… God bless you all and peace to you.

Needs it's own tab…50m


4a2731  No.3967610

Where are we on the OBL raid? Per Q drops, it can be taken that OBL wasnt killed on the raid, or that he was killed on the raid but that it was so we could keep giving aid to Pakistan

628c69  No.3967611

File: afd47edb0524f80⋯.png (694.07 KB, 1636x1100, 409:275, Walls.png)

Yeah Hollywood, Mark Zuckerberg, all you looney lefties, leave your gated communities and your bodyguards if you really believe in what you preach

0ef236  No.3967612


thinking it's just the shills anon they've been on this all night at least

714232  No.3967613


Mistborn books

aae6cd  No.3967614


Good eye anon.

Glad to have this put to rest after the BS last year with the sheet of bills photo.

fc3a1c  No.3967615



45639a  No.3967616



2b423a  No.3967617




Record-breaking mega-orgy planned for Denver

4a2731  No.3967618

File: b0f64133775ffcb⋯.jpg (67.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2cqbls.jpg)

628c69  No.3967619

File: 460ba1a6650f7e8⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1126x702, 563:351, Fascists.png)

Not much diversity in the Antifa arrestees

221e09  No.3967620

File: 66cf469a6f0d432⋯.png (465.04 KB, 1403x1050, 1403:1050, Screenshot from 2017-12-18….png)

more bullshit

3bba64  No.3967621



0d7d12  No.3967622


I kinda feel like the James Woods/Vet suicide threat thing should get some notable love

453b8d  No.3967623



see Qpost #666

2a117b  No.3967624

File: ed3a12b2030a853⋯.jpeg (347.95 KB, 901x599, 901:599, A1CE894B-F5B8-4855-8148-2….jpeg)

File: ec838f33ad9f4e5⋯.jpeg (340.65 KB, 2224x1158, 1112:579, 3215EEDB-02F1-4CAC-BFED-7….jpeg)

File: 0413eb1f3dae266⋯.jpeg (790 KB, 1205x802, 1205:802, 3B5F276F-6DAF-447A-817D-A….jpeg)

File: be3f3635a4ee794⋯.jpeg (395.78 KB, 2224x1480, 278:185, 7EF49BB3-2208-4BC3-BE7C-5….jpeg)

File: 75ce5d98ff848eb⋯.jpeg (706.26 KB, 1209x816, 403:272, 7A50630F-FC0A-498F-B841-E….jpeg)

Not sure which will prevail, death dance between autism and alcoholism,

628c69  No.3967625

File: 752e089230eee03⋯.png (2.09 MB, 994x1396, 497:698, Abiysnte.png)

45639a  No.3967626


Hellooooooo nurse…

35a5cb  No.3967627

could Mueller just have found out he fucked up royally and wants to help to make it right? expect many opionons, and anons might also post to a sorce that represents thier thoughts?

can we do that?

ab8731  No.3967628

File: 7b074ac7120dcda⋯.jpeg (27.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 52E0D921-9531-4A98-A52B-1….jpeg)

Operation Hot Musket

That kinda sounds like some 70’s porn tiltle with a Revolutionary War screenplay.

Ohhh fug yeah

give me that 50 caliber ramrod.

803eb3  No.3967629



who the fuck says OBL except this board last 2 days

cc470f  No.3967630

1I waited patiently for the Lord;

And He inclined to me,

And heard my cry.

2He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,

Out of the miry clay,

And set my feet upon a rock,

And established my steps.

3He has put a new song in my mouth—

Praise to our God;

Many will see it and fear,

And will trust in the Lord.

4Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust,

And does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.

5Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works

Which You have done;

And Your thoughts toward us

Cannot be recounted to You in order;

If I would declare and speak of them,

They are more than can be numbered.

6Sacrifice and offering You did not desire;

My ears You have opened.

Burnt offering and sin offering You did not require.

7Then I said, “Behold, I come;

In the scroll of the book it is written of me.

8I delight to do Your will, O my God,

And Your law is within my heart.”

9I have proclaimed the good news of righteousness

In the great assembly;

Indeed, I do not restrain my lips,

O Lord, You Yourself know.

10I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart;

I have declared Your faithfulness and Your salvation;

I have not concealed Your lovingkindness and Your truth

From the great assembly.

11Do not withhold Your tender mercies from me, O Lord;

Let Your lovingkindness and Your truth continually preserve me.

12For innumerable evils have surrounded me;

My iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up;

They are more than the hairs of my head;

Therefore my heart fails me.

13Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me;

O Lord, make haste to help me!

14Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion

Who seek to destroy my life;

Let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor

Who wish me evil.

15Let them be confounded because of their shame,

Who say to me, “Aha, aha!”

16Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;

Let such as love Your salvation say continually,

“The Lord be magnified!”

17But I am poor and needy;

Yet the Lord thinks upon me.

You are my help and my deliverer;

Do not delay, O my God.

4a2731  No.3967632

File: 71a5db16897fcab⋯.jpg (132.85 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2j27uh.jpg)

279052  No.3967633


I agree. Probably realized it was getting too much attention and he deleted his account.

I think it was b.s.

628c69  No.3967634

File: 5ba900e3dcb4c24⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1342x1340, 671:670, Timetraveller.png)


#TimeTraveller #Tesla

fd5c63  No.3967635


Time to tap out endorsing AIM.

43eb90  No.3967636


I don't, but I'm not the baker, so whatevs

6d5f9e  No.3967637

bdf6a6  No.3967638

File: 112088bf93c23ba⋯.png (671.79 KB, 1077x611, 1077:611, Screenshot 2018-11-19 at 9….png)


Uses AP article…

Politico and others have the exact same info


872ef5  No.3967639


Imagine the fights between them all in prison with their egos. Oh wait, don't think you can fight in Gitmo ,kek

221e09  No.3967640

File: ad4a7fb27d7c83c⋯.png (582.4 KB, 1405x1050, 281:210, Screenshot from 2017-12-18….png)


i believe in God

ee6d65  No.3967641


>Q has used the clock analogy enough to confirm it for me.

I think you misunderstand.

We are all aware of the mechanics that are in play surrounding clocks, calendar deltas, minute deltas, etc.

These are combined in very inconsistent, unrepeatable ways to create hindsight graphics that produce no value.

Traditional side by side or simple timeline graphics are infinitely more effective to communicate the same idea, and Q specifically asked for them as well.

I'm not saying the clock layout may never bear fruit, but no one respects it because it is a mostly failed theory that remains propped up by the valid methodology it does contain, which was merely borrowed from other existing analysis.

In other words, it muddies the waters of the simple and easy to understand proofs, creating an avenue for confusion, shilling, and disinfo while never offering anything of real value that couldn't be done better in another format.

3c3c4c  No.3967642

File: d8e5e940b6f30c2⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 660x330, 2:1, stop-digging.jpg)

3bba64  No.3967643

File: c3aa79a9e4af036⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 920x1045, 184:209, Operation Hot Musket.jpg)

0b3a5e  No.3967644

2a117b  No.3967645



803eb3  No.3967646


yes newfag


your post is stupid and hella newfag

Q506 and Q477


279052  No.3967647


I think I need a break. Getting frustrated and pissed.

3ce58a  No.3967648

File: 8ad32447bffe6bd⋯.png (379.19 KB, 405x400, 81:80, (you).PNG)


Not the Baker but I'm going to go out on a limb here. I saw this headline from a news source, not twatter, earlier in the day while being a work fag. Did you even check prior breads?

Do you really think anons wouldn't be all over reporting a publicized planned orgy, let alone the biggest ever?

429c0b  No.3967649


Just imagine…

You make a 911 call because you need help

An accident or a house fire. And in the middle of the call, the phone company CUTS OFF YOUR PHONE LINE!!!!


Because you violated policy by talking about an event that could lead to loss of human life.

This should make America MAD AS HELL about twitter.

ee6d65  No.3967650

File: 9a63930ccab96a2⋯.jpg (253.3 KB, 1723x1720, 1723:1720, 990c73ca7e10dd5e730948b554….jpg)

570faf  No.3967651


I really don't think it is anon

just a bunch of naked people in public


its good for feelz, but not sure its got much info in it

221e09  No.3967652

File: 8ccc7bf233ac3aa⋯.png (1.14 MB, 979x1242, 979:1242, IMG_4342.png)


it's an addiction

8b76a3  No.3967653


It took you that long to take a Q quote out of context? Congrats.

43eb90  No.3967654


you're butthurt like you just got assfucked by aflb

609a24  No.3967655



45639a  No.3967656



Walk me through it…

Step by step.

a14bda  No.3967657

aba1ad  No.3967658


>Ever try to herd cats?

I won't try, and instead laugh. Have given up living in the "society" I've been observing and living in long enough ….

But there is a intention to have us united – so I'll explain to anyone who's willing to listen, and I'll listen to anyone who has a constructive idea.

0ef236  No.3967659


those two seem to be one in the same, anon

I would do my best to ignore them if I were you

fc3a1c  No.3967660



a9300f  No.3967661


pissed me right the fuck off, too…11 times I counted…3 while baking iirc…

<"baking"…which I can probably do whenever I choose…unlike ALFB or that faggot Tiresha…kekekek


and yet here we all are. KEK!

this is the best psyop EVAR!1!!11!!


we ain't goin' nowhere.

03f99c  No.3967662

File: e7098d3471db91e⋯.png (369.29 KB, 1983x1444, 1983:1444, ClipboardImage.png)

2b423a  No.3967663

File: e2a33ae76f8c9e9⋯.jpg (212.77 KB, 920x1264, 115:158, 1.jpg)


thanks for the pro tip

73af99  No.3967664






17d6f3  No.3967665

File: 08f40cd6f3b6042⋯.png (244.12 KB, 530x390, 53:39, hr.png)


Yes Anon.

Everything planned and controlled.

You are watching a movie.

Remember that.

221e09  No.3967666

File: 31a0bbfe65b042b⋯.png (165.39 KB, 826x1144, 413:572, IMG_4343.png)


while i was making the tree she kept saying some bullshit about smooth numbers in e,1 but i was like


3ce58a  No.3967667

File: fb0448a4a9e426d⋯.png (654.31 KB, 632x412, 158:103, BLANK-DJT Reaching Out.PNG)

73af99  No.3967668








d70b37  No.3967669

File: 06283f66f9f3faf⋯.jpg (121.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, mueller wife ann caballe.jpg)

35a5cb  No.3967670


men go bald from using arse side…PC doesn't allow talk of towel use.

be0a72  No.3967671

File: 853cb397ccbb88d⋯.png (997.92 KB, 1720x2144, 215:268, ClipboardImage.png)


Kek, I remember it well and agree.


Should change to "Schitt and Spin" now kek.

63edf1  No.3967672


That's a shotgun. Close enough.

01ddde  No.3967673


Red pilled so many by simply saying, "When is the last time POTUS lied?"

They get really quiet.

803eb3  No.3967674

File: 3bf13b0fad4b105⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 199x255, 199:255, nasim newfag.jpg)

File: db38fcd08baba1f⋯.png (6.57 KB, 202x138, 101:69, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2f50a72a27f17a⋯.png (10.28 KB, 383x106, 383:106, ClipboardImage.png)



it appears >the script hes reading from

<has a clock

97e833  No.3967675


Trapped trap1



past tense: trapped; past participle: trapped

catch (an animal) in a trap.

synonyms: confine, cut off, corner, shut in, pen in, hem in

In other words….FUCKED!

8ebd4e  No.3967676

File: 0042ac9c2a160fb⋯.png (25.97 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Dershowitz: How can Rosenstein be in charge of Trump probe and 'main witness'?


0d7d12  No.3967677


I've seen plenty of notables that are far lower quality in recent days…

Sometimes it's good to see people 'can' pull together and support each other.

429c0b  No.3967678


Sure it was psychological manipulation

That is how suicidal people call for help.

Do not try to analyze him as if he was a rational person. Send him help, love, prayers but DO NOT CRITICIZE HIM.

34ee18  No.3967679


0ef236  No.3967680


>a girl who was raped in "orgies" (clearly involving children) is planning an "orgy" so taht she can gather kids to go to sex parties with hollywood freaks, executives, politicians, etc.


d4c5a9  No.3967681

File: 25dc5172f155b4a⋯.jpeg (470.47 KB, 1536x1730, 768:865, C814D7EC-4A29-4402-848B-8….jpeg)


Looks pretty quiet out there atm

570faf  No.3967682


>>3966961 OpEd on CONPLAN 8888-11, a detailed plan for “counter-zombie dominance”

>>3967011 Whitaker appointment dispute reaches Supreme Court

>>3967024, >>3967087, >>3967101, >>3967231, >>3967232 On SEAL Team 6, POTUS mentioned Adm McRaven in tweets today

>>3967035 Motions to Dismiss by NXIVM Defendants, 10 separate filings

>>3967124 Regional EPA official resigns after being indicted

>>3967210 White House correspondents group promises reporters will continue to ask follow-up questions (despite new rules)

>>3967222 US charges Venezuelan tycoon tied to government for bribery

>>3967333 Victoria Police charge three people over allegedly planning terror attack in Melbourne

>>3967391 Maduro Regimes Continues Military Purge as Arrests Reach Record High

>>3967447 Trump admin to designate Venezuela as state sponsor of terrorism

42a7ef  No.3967683

File: 3d6b970ffc743d3⋯.png (624.49 KB, 1911x907, 1911:907, awacs-nightshift.PNG)


I concur with Anon, SE From Utah at the moment.

146728  No.3967684


Hang in there anon. Been here since the beginning and have had to take breaks along the way, sometimes being dragged away by the wifey. But this is a noble goal and we ARE heading in the right direction. Hope you have a good holiday week.

a290b4  No.3967685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Member this?

01ddde  No.3967686

Out at the end of this one.

Manana, y'all.

fc3a1c  No.3967687


according to fake news he lies 100 times a day

3bba64  No.3967688

File: e2063769db30404⋯.jpg (160.31 KB, 554x831, 2:3, Op Hot Musket.jpg)



try finding babes and muskets

have this one too

d8a0e3  No.3967690

File: 0bce9a4e965afa1⋯.jpg (216.92 KB, 800x787, 800:787, AngelChoir.jpg)


Thoughtful, cogent post.

aae6cd  No.3967691

File: 6de16a00f81199d⋯.png (978.01 KB, 1634x1384, 817:692, schitt.png)

eb7f8b  No.3967693



Does any one else besides me follow Field McConnell?

This is good shit, ANONS

4a2731  No.3967694

File: 69e133ee25ec7e2⋯.jpg (95.85 KB, 889x499, 889:499, 2j3a72.jpg)

7267b5  No.3967695


Because Dershowitz, like nearly everybody, is completely unaware of what Mueller (and by extension, Rosenstein) is actually investigating.

43eb90  No.3967697




seconded kekekek

c48cbe  No.3967699

File: db7674ee9380d03⋯.png (54.23 KB, 996x524, 249:131, ClipboardImage.png)

73af99  No.3967701


Stay away from H

This isn’t a threat

It’s a promise

I will end you


221e09  No.3967702

File: 7045136c8f3ec9c⋯.gif (3.04 MB, 4800x2400, 2:1, Sternenkarte.gif)


na is really just nn

872ef5  No.3967703


Better be good, kek

01ddde  No.3967704


>simple and easy to understand proofs


0ef236  No.3967705


pretty sure it's been posted but let's see

85a536  No.3967706

File: 64a59c9596c0a48⋯.jpg (185.66 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_3791.JPG)


Modus tollens

01ddde  No.3967707

fa7fc0  No.3967708


Lethal injection.

Then feed to pigs.

Or maybe just feed to pigs.

a290b4  No.3967709

File: c7da15e4a0666fb⋯.jpg (438.13 KB, 1982x1486, 991:743, image.jpg)

Top Kek!


9949e4  No.3967710

File: fb9a3e3daf046c7⋯.jpeg (135.98 KB, 786x816, 131:136, FBD09D48-057E-40FC-8287-6….jpeg)

d70b37  No.3967711

File: d9e9fcb7dca4efb⋯.jpg (94.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, adam schiff.jpg)

719fe1  No.3967712


The Schiff Family is listed with info about Jacob Schiff, etc.

http://www. theeventchronicle.com/satanic-bloodlines/rothschild-bloodline/

1df36f  No.3967713


You really think potus would telegraph that


f14b23  No.3967714


I wonder if mass MK Ultra induction is a thing. Zombie alters.

39c80e  No.3967715

File: 6696d1fb6001605⋯.png (11.51 KB, 255x249, 85:83, e60dcb31fafa8efd36041ba01d….png)

459aa6  No.3967716

The disparity between the election results for the House and Senate defy logic. I think enough of the House seats had to be stolen that the actual results would show the Republicans won both houses. Just my gut feeling.

b2cd00  No.3967717




Robert Mueller's wife's relation to disgraced Bay of Pigs CIA Dep Dir and Dallas mayor

2a117b  No.3967718


Pigs will prefer no lethal injection.

6c58ec  No.3967719

File: 1a05c85c628f769⋯.png (140.16 KB, 988x697, 988:697, Sara Carter Suicide.png)


Okay, I lied, still lurking.

(MOST) Men don't call for help when they're suicidal. They off themselves.

Cry for help that is legitimate and not manipulative: "I'm actually feeling suicidal and I could use some help."

Fake cry for help that IS manipulative (and thus, likely not intending to carry it out) pic related:

d70b37  No.3967720

File: f43aac1e576fea8⋯.jpg (130.94 KB, 800x576, 25:18, Kenyan.jpg)

a290b4  No.3967721


She ain't got SEALs dummy.

1004be  No.3967722


maggottits, who let you in here?

45639a  No.3967723

File: 0acec14a1fcf7c2⋯.jpg (86.22 KB, 400x300, 4:3, MAGNETO.jpg)


More of a Rainbow Dash fan, m'self

73af99  No.3967724




You know

C + H

1df36f  No.3967726


Dont post that demonic shit here

fa7fc0  No.3967727


Prolly won't eat his ass either

35a5cb  No.3967728


important, if real.

tell us it is real.

73af99  No.3967729

L + D




C + H

85a536  No.3967730

File: 8a1be5dc737bb2f⋯.jpg (150.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, IMG_3760.JPG)

a290b4  No.3967731


Could also be really drunk.

97e833  No.3967732





If not for showing who are the ones taking their time to reach out…

Not seeing any left at all…not one yet mention….that itself is notable

6c58ec  No.3967733


To be fair, I'm too detached because of all this anon crap, and should just be praying for the poor dude instead.

0d7d12  No.3967735

File: 0cf5a127674f609⋯.png (81.34 KB, 603x425, 603:425, ClipboardImage.png)

921fdc  No.3967736


supposedly banned on Twitter

27d670  No.3967737


This is a trap to bait us into telling this dude to KYS and discredit the movement.

1df36f  No.3967738


Alright who the fuck is l

And who the fuck is c

9949e4  No.3967739


I was hoping someone else had seen it too.

All over Facebook right now.

6c58ec  No.3967740


Goes without saying?…

2a117b  No.3967741


Sound reasoning, but consider the possibility of this vet being a catty gay and it could fit.

570faf  No.3967742












am I a shill for asking this?: >>3967226

(rhetorical question)

not every anon shares the same view that clockfags do

its the result of logical thinking

622507  No.3967743


Who it be boss

453b8d  No.3967744

File: d4ea01e64ecb43f⋯.png (268.43 KB, 1194x389, 1194:389, JFK_Mueller.png)

File: a0d7384a64667cb⋯.png (614.85 KB, 541x815, 541:815, Robert Mueller & john Kerr….png)

01ddde  No.3967745


We can ignore it all. James Wood's problem. Now ours.

714232  No.3967746


Yeah, there's just ONE violent rapist on the loose in fucking Brooklyn.

73af99  No.3967747

File: d8b3564a66ec15c⋯.jpeg (33.67 KB, 450x337, 450:337, 8B8B03D9-3637-4652-B368-A….jpeg)

73f7f4  No.3967748



9949e4  No.3967750


Banned on twatter

Probably real then

8b76a3  No.3967751



Context. Timestamps and differences in time for specific decodes. Ad hominem is the last resort of someone losing an argument.

1004be  No.3967752


why are you talking to that cunt

d70b37  No.3967753

File: 58672e1b9d0505a⋯.jpg (105.55 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 99 percent went to dems fr….jpg)

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