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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, 6268f09e92334537980b97daba….jpg)

1753d9  No.3906215

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs ->>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 11.13.18

>>>/patriotsfight/467 ——————————— 53 - 47 ( Cap of 466 & 467: >>3879899 )

Monday 11.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/466 ——————————— [350,000] vote swing to D Sen? ( Cap: >>3879436 )

>>>/patriotsfight/465 ——————————— Congratulations Anons, threat to establishment ( Cap: >>3878745 )

>>>/patriotsfight/464 ——————————— FAKE NEWS/CONSPIRACY ( Txt/PST Cap: >>3869074, >>3869075 )

>>>/patriotsfight/463 ——————————— PLACEHOLDER - OIG Findings (PST Cap: >>3868958 )

Sunday 11.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/462 ——————————— Ratcliffe, Gowdy join list of potential AG picks ( Cap: >>3855856 )

>>>/patriotsfight/461 ——————————— [Placeholder - DECLAS GEN_pub] [Placeholder - SPEC_C_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/460 ——————————— [Placeholder - FVEY_pub] [Placeholder - FISA_pub] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/459 ——————————— [Placeholder - Acts of Treason + support Articles] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/458 ——————————— [Placeholder - Branch termination(s)] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/457 ——————————— [Placeholder - SC rulings re: challenges re: Civ Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/456 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/455 ——————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Civ] ( Cap: >>3854727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/454 ——————————— God Bless Veterans. (Cap: >>3853561 )

>>>/patriotsfight/453 ——————————— Who safeguards blank ballots? ( Cap: >>3854059 )

>>>/patriotsfight/452 ——————————— Let the unsealing begin. ( Cap: >>3852609 )

>>>/patriotsfight/451 ——————————— Enemy @ the Front Door. ( Cap: >>3851787 )

Saturday 11.10.18

>>>/patriotsfight/450 ——————————— See the future in order to save the past. ( Cap: >>3838909 )

>>>/patriotsfight/449 ——————————— News Unlocks ( Cap: >>3838081)

>>>/patriotsfight/448 ——————————— AMERICAN PATRIOTS UNITED. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! ( Cap: >>3838080 )

>>>/patriotsfight/447 ——————————— Thank you for your service. #SemperFi ( Cap: >>3838068 )

>>>/patriotsfight/446 ——————————— We knew then. ( Caps: >>3836553 )

>>3835811 ——————————————— Expand further.

>>>/patriotsfight/445 ——————————— WHEN DID WH LEAKS CEASE? ( Cap: >>3835465 )

>>>/patriotsfight/444 ——————————— [DARK] TO LIGHT. ( Cap: >>3835239 )

>>>/patriotsfight/443 ——————————— Think Whitaker. ( Cap: >>3835138 )

>>>/patriotsfight/442 ——————————— Calif fire emergency funding (Cap: >>3834859)

Friday 11.09.18

Compiled here: >>3889516

Wednesday 11.07.18

Compiled here: >>3855126

Tuesday 11.06.18

Compiled here: >>3815675

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

1753d9  No.3906226


are not endorsements


>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existing breads


>>3905551 Soros-funded groups defended Broward's Brenda Snipes in lawsuit alleging inaccurate voter rosters

>>3905560 El Chapo docs released today:

>>3905584 Grassley responds to Sen. Feinstein inquiries regarding Former AG Sessions and Acting AG Whitaker:

>>3905613 ‘Innocent prank?’ Imposter orders Argentinian plane to take off, sparks mass pilot confusion

>>3905715 Planefag Update: something may be happening on east coast.

>>3905814 LAPD confirms that Michael Avenatti is in custody on suspicions of domestic violence.

>>3905909 Republicans ‘stole’ Georgia election if Abrams doesn’t win, Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown says

>>3905910, >>3905984 Avenatti Update: Victim not spouse, but another woman

>>3905953 Former Calhoun-Liberty Hospital CEO pleads guilty to wire/tax fraud

>>3906014 The gene-edited food hitting supermarkets soon, from mold-resistant bananas to disease-proof oranges and fat-free beans

>>3906057 Brenda Snipes could leave as Broward elections chief: "It is time to move on"

>>3906137 #4967

#4966 Baker Change

>>3904730 Trump prison reform act announcement: @41:00.

>>3904753, >>3904764, >>3904772, >>3904844 Michael Avenatti arrested for domestic violence.

>>3904822 Hedge funds holdings look a lot different after

>>3904932 22 Buses with 900 Caravan Migrants Nears U.S. Border

>>3905008 Georgia Democrat Senator Nikema Williams Arrested During Election Protests

>>3905016 H.R.3359 - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 presented to POTUS today

>>3905048 Hillary Clinton Questions Legitimacy Of Georgia Gubernatorial Election

>>3905146 Anons find regarding "Riverhead" Possible discovery re: sealed indictments

>>3905218 House passes changes to Ohio's deadly force law

>>3905229 New DJT

>>3905446 #4966


>>3904487 CIA whistleblower claims he was targeted by Mueller, Brennan and Strzok.

>>3904358 Broward County $4.8 BILLION surplus?

>>3904351 Bomb squad investigating suspicious package at truck stop in Syracuse, NY.

>>3904272 Q clock update.

>>3904216 DJT Tweet: "I am grateful to be here today w/ Members of the House & Senate..."

>>3904156 Flake says he will not vote to confirm judicial nominees unless Mueller protection bill is brought to the Senate for a vote.

>>3904040 BO's savagery knows no bounds.

>>3903998 NY Dems push to allow driver's licenses for illegals.

>>3904010 Precedent set for banning certain members of the press?

>>3903986, >>3904008 Secretary Mattis, DHS Nielsen visit troops who are guarding the Southern border.

>>3904564 #4965


>>3903823 Watch the water: Terrorist attacks on US water supply?

>>3903363 DoD Tweet: Sailors and Marines help FEMA with Mariana Islands recovery efforts after typhoon Yutu.

>>3903255 President Trump reportedly believes Snipes should be fired.

>>3903254 Cory Booker also weighs in on Ga. race.

>>3903880 #4964

Previously Collected Notables

>>3901590 #4961, >>3902334 #4962, >>3903101 #4963

>>3899310 #4958, >>3900075 #4959, >>3900847 #4960

>>3897012 #4955, >>3897783 #4956, >>3898468 #4957

>>3894704 #4952, >>3895498 #4953, >>3896246 #4954

>>3892376 #4949, >>3893135 #4950, >>3894180 #4951

>>3890155 #4946, >>3890883 #4947, >>3891676 #4948

>>3887897 #4943, >>3888652 #4944, >>3889378 #4945

>>3885527 #4940, >>3886344 #4941, >>3887104 #4942

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

1753d9  No.3906228

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#55 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>3882220

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

1753d9  No.3906229

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3522113 NPC Memes #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

1753d9  No.3906237

File: 2cdc7865277612f⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 597x420, 199:140, 4bbc0abfabd23c310a4dceeff8….jpg)

Dough #4968



774f56  No.3906244

File: a637627abc9f7b7⋯.png (87.86 KB, 1637x397, 1637:397, Screenshot from 2018-11-14….png)


Grassley declassified DOJ's whistle-blower targeting practice.

Now the whistle-blowers are coming forward?

re: Q "Why was Sen Grassley assigned 24/7 security detail?"

> pro Senate Presidential nomination

Why did DOD/DHS talk about moving cybersecurity branch away from NSA to DHS today?

Bigger than you know. Way bigger.

d0afa5  No.3906250

File: 4770961e7f6485e⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1333x4671, 1333:4671, jm5.png)

File: 108eb23c77e669e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1333x4099, 1333:4099, jm4.png)

File: ea437b7d5c50c9d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1333x4099, 1333:4099, jm3.png)

File: 156c7413bca8133⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1333x3601, 1333:3601, jm2.png)

File: fe5dd7fabf30f3e⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1333x3393, 1333:3393, jm1.png)

c63a75  No.3906254

File: 120b87c302a318b⋯.png (207.83 KB, 800x1043, 800:1043, NPCtyb.png)

Baker.Gratitude ++

354e0d  No.3906257

File: b487446e15de135⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 1198x850, 599:425, Screen-Shot-2018-11-14-at-….jpg)

File: 39a2bc3d7afc31e⋯.jpg (44.15 KB, 1232x634, 616:317, Screen-Shot-2018-11-14-at-….jpg)

File: 2e657a62b4559ff⋯.jpg (24.52 KB, 1182x260, 591:130, Screen-Shot-2018-11-14-at-….jpg)

File: c3fdec3ff0defaa⋯.jpg (36.37 KB, 1192x404, 298:101, Screen-Shot-2018-11-14-at-….jpg)

File: 0b199c459b751cd⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 1202x202, 601:101, Screen-Shot-2018-11-14-at-….jpg)


d0afa5  No.3906271

File: e5275b83d3e6bbb⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1333x5724, 1333:5724, jm7.png)

File: d04a04697dc4662⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1333x6573, 1333:6573, jm6.png)

File: c8e065f769b2ecc⋯.png (21.61 KB, 795x214, 795:214, wutt.png)

File: d7e5bacd57e4851⋯.png (113.61 KB, 1111x218, 1111:218, or.png)

File: 37fa913201760fd⋯.png (946.91 KB, 617x881, 617:881, prayer.png)


Why did you DEEP DREAM our President, baker? How come only our guys get the PUKE STYLE meme effect? Explain it to the people. Thanks.

d0afa5  No.3906277

File: 302704730c46cea⋯.png (161.79 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC41.png)

File: 5754e8bba2c1e5e⋯.png (238.21 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC37.png)

File: 1ddb6ce11f7faff⋯.png (257.5 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC35.png)

File: 1c26a1dcbe2af87⋯.png (283.07 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC34.png)

File: 8a02f9561253c8b⋯.png (183.6 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC33.png)

9001ef  No.3906279

File: 19571721eb58b2f⋯.png (483.83 KB, 473x638, 43:58, baker-ty-pic2.png)

Ty Baker

f3000d  No.3906280

Nothing happening today

1. Two Israeli Cabalists resign

2. Announced May goes onto the chopping block tomorrow over her dodgy ass Brexit.

3. Dem senator arrested for protesting fair elections

4. Porn lawyer arrested.

5. Bus loads arrive at border but now the army is there the flow of drugs, people and illegals can't get thru

6. Macron and Merkel are hated by their citizens.

7. More countries reject the EU.

8. Q said 2 days ago something big was about to drop yet still there has been no FF.

9. Rino's have been pushed into the light.

10. The attempt to protect Mueller by congress failed.

11. The election steal is fully in the light and about to expose the guilty.

12. Gaza truce coming into effect.

……………………..I could go on!

Yep fuck all happening today!



5c26b8  No.3906281


Trump will emphasize certain words when he speaks. It's pretty obvious to any autist; similar to when he Caps 'unnecessary' words.

621804  No.3906282

File: 9dca1ea816e2b10⋯.jpeg (6.2 KB, 201x201, 1:1, 1509753209727625273423.jpeg)


perfect drop

thank you for your service

e1592b  No.3906283

File: 59aa69ae0eafbd4⋯.png (494.14 KB, 479x561, 479:561, hang1.png)


82c965  No.3906284

>>3906249 lb

About the Avenatti.

I'm gonna say 99% of the time, a domestic violence charge will be treated as violation of a STATE law handled by the local police/sheriff, not a federal law handled by FEDERAL law enforcement.

Often there are federal laws duplicating state ones but for this type of case usually the STATE ones are applied.


4d988a  No.3906285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One for Mikey!

2540f3  No.3906286

Sugar Ray Avenatti 2020

Leave no cheek behind

e4ba06  No.3906287

File: 0f0836178f19440⋯.png (62.29 KB, 566x572, 283:286, creepypornlawyer.PNG)

d987cd  No.3906288

File: 91834faeff534a5⋯.jpg (8.79 KB, 255x191, 255:191, BUCKLEUPBUTTERCUP.jpg)


Something big must be going down, for Avenetti to be the big news of the evening.

169188  No.3906289

File: 99a8652919d555f⋯.png (2.25 MB, 2500x1653, 2500:1653, Punchy's fight club templa….png)

File: ee61ee4e9dacbfe⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2500x1653, 2500:1653, Punchy's fight club 4.png)

File: 54be0f60d039026⋯.png (2.22 MB, 2500x1653, 2500:1653, Punchy's fight club 3.png)

File: 5396bc4bb7db7f0⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2ml0q6.jpg)

54d5ea  No.3906290

Is there anyone here who has an archive of all the /cbts/ 4chan threads?

33a10c  No.3906291

election stolen

Caravan crossed the boarder

Avenatti arrested

(((you))) are here

7606eb  No.3906292

File: 6fb6c8427e9ac54⋯.jpg (101.99 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rolls nom.jpg)


mmmf love itfreshfff good shiff baker

f3000d  No.3906293

Israeli Opposition Leaders Join Avigdor Liberman in Call for Early Elections

Zionist Union chairman Avi Gabbay and Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni joined the chorus calling for new elections in the wake of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s snap resignation over the government’s “capitulation to terror” by reaching a ceasefire deal with Hamas.

Liberman called for elections to be set “as soon as possible.”

With Liberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party quitting the coalition, Netanyahu will be left with 61 seats — a majority of one.

Meanwhile, officials from the Jewish Home party threatened that if the party’s chairman, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, does not become defense minister, it too would quit the coalition.

Gabbay called it “a day of hope” and said that the precarious situation between Liberman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been simmering for a while and it was only a matter of time before there was an “explosion.” He added that Liberman’s announcement would set off a process of change that the country greatly needed.

“After the explosion there will be a process of change, a process of recovery,” Gabbay said. “I call for elections now, there is no other solution, it’s time for a big, big move, toward a process of unity.”

He added that Liberman was “totally unsuited to the post of defense minister.”

Livni said it was “an important day” in which Liberman unwittingly “opened the door” for change.

She acknowledged, however, that Liberman was correct in his assessment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Liberman is right, the king is naked and he revealed what we already knew for a long time, namely, that this government is impotent when it comes to terror,” she said, in an apparent mocking of the premier’s derogatory moniker, King Bibi.

She accused the government of “abandoning the residents of the south” and providing “zero security.”

Former defense minister and prime minister Ehud Barak echoed Livni’s words, saying in reference to Netanyahu, “The emperor has no clothes. … This is the beginning of the end.”

He seemed to compliment Liberman, however, saying his resignation showed “independence and consistency.”

Yair Lapid, leader of the centrist Yesh Atid party, said Liberman’s resignation proved that Netanyahu has “no solution to Gaza.”

“Today, the quest began for the return of security, responsibility, and leadership to the State of Israel. Yesh Atid is ready. I am ready,” he stated, as if new elections were a fait accompli.

Tamar Zandberg, head of the left-wing Meretz party, slammed Liberman for being a racist and a key part of the most racist government in Israel’s history.

“It’s a blessing that we have gotten rid of Liberman, the racist and corrupt minister who debased Israeli politics. All the government ministers must follow in his footsteps,” she said

The ultra-Orthodox Shas party leader Aryeh Deri praised Liberman for serving his country faithfully: “The resignation of my friend Avigdor Liberman from the role of defense minister saddens me. Liberman served faithfully, devotedly, and extremely professionally, and his resignation weakens the government.”

Israel and Palestinian terror groups in Gaza arrived at a ceasefire agreement Tuesday after close to 500 rockets and mortars were fired over the border into Israeli territory.

Liberman bitterly opposed the move, calling it “capitulation to terror,” prompting his resignation.

“What happened yesterday, the ceasefire, together with the deal with Hamas, is a capitulation to terror. There is no other way of explaining it,” he said in a press conference Wednesday.

“What we are doing right now is buying quiet for a heavy price with no long-term plan to reduce violence toward us,” he said of the ceasefire deal.

He also blamed the IDF for not responding more forcefully to the barrage.

“To put it lightly, our response was drastically lacking to the 500 rockets fired at us,” he said.

“I could not remain [in office] and still be able to look residents of the south in the eyes,” he added.


9001ef  No.3906294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Farage Man Bad'. Juncker and Schultz in deep pain at the EU parliament

f1f676  No.3906295

File: 50f674ab0d48b6a⋯.jpg (96.03 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, Roscosmos-Mars2.jpg)

Russia reveals nuclear spaceship that will fly to Mars ‘in very near future’


57d0c8  No.3906296

File: b10e40fd486865f⋯.png (405.62 KB, 597x420, 199:140, moses.png)


Baker Baker yellow meme maker ..you rock

b83ab7  No.3906297


Little late, clowns. We archive Clown News Network offline.

7351b2  No.3906298

File: 7e4683922ea33f6⋯.png (288.54 KB, 708x606, 118:101, OD2.png)

File: 4e776c83681c6b3⋯.png (702.93 KB, 735x570, 49:38, OD1.png)

Rabbis countrywide are expected to begin a "pilgrimage" to the southern border on Monday to protest the Trump administration's "unacceptable" treatment of migrants.

In a statement sent to Newsweek, Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp of Temple Sholom in Cincinnati said that the "increased militarization of our borders and zero-tolerance policies" have created the conditions for a "humanitarian disaster affecting immigrants and asylum seekers."

"These policies violate every principle of decency, justice and compassion that we hold as Jews," Terlinchamp said. "We are making this sacred journey to call on our government to stop the unacceptable practice of imprisoning immigrant minors, and ensure protection for those seeking refuge within our borders.”

Reform Rabbi Josh Whinston of Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor is helping lead a pilgrimage of rabbis to the southern border in protest of the Trump administration's treatment of migrants. Philip Deitch

Dubbed the "Let Our Families Go" pilgrimage, the journey is expected to see rabbis travel in three groups, departing from starting points in Cleveland, Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Sacramento, California, on Monday.

The rabbis plan to stop in Indianapolis and St. Louis for rallies before converging in El Paso, Texas, on November 15.

The group is then expected to participate in an "action of prophetic witness that will call attention to the injustices taking place on the border," before traveling to Tornillo, Texas, in a demonstration of "solidarity" between the Jewish community and immigrants "suffering these outrages" brought on by government policy.

Specifically, rabbis plan to protest three ongoing crises near the border. In a press release sent to Newsweek, the group said those crises included: The Trump administration's ongoing detention of migrant children at a "tent city" site in Tornillo; immigration officials' decision to release migrants in El Paso from detention with "no access to support or resources"; and U.S. immigration officials' slow processing of asylum seekers, with dozens of undocumented migrants recently being forced to camp on the Paso Del Norte international bridge as they waited to enter the U.S.

Calling for the end to detention of undocumented minors, Rabbi Josh Whinston of Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor said in a statement sent to Newsweek: “We, as people of faith, stand for the reunification of children with parents or guardians regardless of immigration status.

“The time has [come] to bring an end to the outrageous practices that keep asylum seekers and immigrant teens mired in desperate poverty or locked in prison camps. This pilgrimage is a fulfillment of our obligation as religious leaders to support the most vulnerable among us, and an acknowledgement of the immigrant identity embedded in our own Jewish heritage.”

Plans for the pilgrimage south came as thousands of Central American migrants made their way north toward the U.S.-Mexico border, with many hoping to claim asylum in the U.S.

President Donald Trump has railed against the caravans, with his administration announcing a new rule barring migrants who tried to enter the U.S. illegally from claiming asylum.

About 80 of the thousands of migrants heading towards the U.S. border recently made it to Tijuana, Mexico, which borders San Diego.

In anticipation of the caravan arrivals, the Trump administration deployed up to 7,000 troops, which are expected to be stationed along the southern border. Trump has said that the number could increase to 15,000.

In a statement, Rabbi Ben Zeidman of Temple Mount Sinai in El Paso said rabbis were compelled to come to migrants' aid as "every day we see in our community the painful suffering of immigrant families and asylum seekers, who want nothing more than the chance for a safe and dignified future."

This article has been updated with a photo of Rabbi Josh Whinston of Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor.

600256  No.3906299

File: b0c5fdc26056c00⋯.jpeg (557.69 KB, 1965x2641, 1965:2641, A9FBE890-6140-4E1D-9692-8….jpeg)

File: f1a9b9ce1e95921⋯.jpeg (499.87 KB, 1965x2641, 1965:2641, E6954C9C-BE44-4B6D-9271-0….jpeg)

File: 96e7d2af1d152a9⋯.jpeg (165.68 KB, 866x1300, 433:650, D9B7C18B-D0A9-42D4-A8CB-2….jpeg)

File: 463355f89e82fc7⋯.jpeg (148.77 KB, 866x1300, 433:650, 7CF90D15-953E-4CB5-8DBB-0….jpeg)

File: a7f8b9edda2b595⋯.jpeg (477.17 KB, 1965x2641, 1965:2641, 9FA29C6D-C34B-4DC0-BFCB-D….jpeg)

7cde89  No.3906300

File: 18dfcd72b06d03c⋯.png (254.54 KB, 451x439, 451:439, ClipboardImage.png)

cda859  No.3906301

CNN reporteer libe Erin Burnett

conspiracy theory infowars

doctored video of white house karate chop

Anrea Mitchell reported that the white house doctred the video of the famous karate chop of acosta

9ae55f  No.3906302



Got it.

Sometimes, these "autist characteristics" are full of shit. But, okay, we can go with that.

2a0970  No.3906303

>>3906179 (pb)

And the country will be united…

7606eb  No.3906304

File: 783703ec648e64a⋯.jpg (107.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, drain it.jpg)

33a10c  No.3906305


Looks like Santa

554ee8  No.3906306

anyone have Tucker news live feed???

I gotta watch !

600256  No.3906307



78c2ac  No.3906308

File: 60123c221920131⋯.png (4.94 KB, 450x132, 75:22, filter3.png)

f3000d  No.3906309

File: a2867be0cb146ed⋯.png (492.1 KB, 635x392, 635:392, ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu Coalition In Crisis Over Liberman Resignation

TEL AVIV – Israel’s governing coalition hung in the balance Wednesday in the wake of Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s announcement that he was resigning over Israel’s “capitulation to terror” by agreeing to a ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of Gaza, and his subsequent call for new elections.

“I am here to announce my resignation from the government,” Liberman said.

“What happened yesterday, the ceasefire, together with the deal with Hamas, is a capitulation to terror. There is no other way of explaining it,” he added.

Israel and Palestinian terror groups in Gaza arrived at a ceasefire agreement after close to 500 rockets and mortars were fired over the border toward Israeli territory.

“What we are doing right now is buying quiet for a heavy price with no long-term plan to reduce violence toward us,” he said of the ceasefire deal.

He added that the IDF did not respond harshly enough.

“To put it lightly, our response was drastically lacking to the 500 rockets fired at us,” he said.

Liberman also slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he “fundamentally disagreed with him” — and pointed to the government’s decision to allow $15 million in cash to be transferred from the Qatari government to Hamas on Friday.

“I opposed it. The prime minister needed to write an executive order for it to go above my head,” Liberman claimed.

He added that the money was not used for humanitarian purposes, rather it went toward compensation to the families of Hamas terrorists killed on the Gaza border in clashes with the IDF, as well as funding the production of more missiles.

“I could not remain [in office] and still be able to look residents of the south in the eye,” he said.

Meanwhile, a statement from the ruling Likud party said the government would complete its term and the defense portfolio would go to Netanyahu, who apart from serving as premier, also holds the foreign minister post. In addition, Netanyahu will take the helm of the Immigration Absorption Ministry, since current minister Sofa Landver will leave the coalition with Liberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party.

Officials from the Jewish Home party threatened that if their chairman, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, does not become defense minister, they would also quit the coalition.

Two other likely challengers for the defense portfolio are Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz, and Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman and former Shin Bet chief Avi Dichter.


2d7a29  No.3906310

CPL will drop the soap intentionally.

cda859  No.3906311


CNN infoward doctered fake video of acosta karate chop

NBC andrea mitchell - the white house doctered the video of acosta karate chop

657e9a  No.3906312


What was Pence confirmed for ?? Trump nominated Pence as his VP. Are you telling us that before the end of the year Pence will have to resign and Grassley will be the VP nominee ??

9ae55f  No.3906313

File: 8722e4bc848ba41⋯.png (874.38 KB, 480x720, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


2540f3  No.3906314

Punchy/Stormy 2020

Bang em

600256  No.3906315


with lists

he knows

e1592b  No.3906316


Flake Vows to Oppose Judges Unless Mueller Bill Gets a Vote

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. Jeff Flake said Wednesday that he won't vote to confirm judicial nominees unless GOP leaders hold a vote on legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller from being fired.

Flake of Arizona and Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware went to the Senate floor on Wednesday and tried to bring the legislation up for a vote. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell objected. McConnell has said that the legislation is unnecessary because he believes Mueller won't be fired.

b83ab7  No.3906317


Think Mirror

47accc  No.3906318

File: f9e8f23cf3ccf31⋯.png (326.82 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20181114-195349.png)

Is this Trump tweet missing the "s"?

3643dc  No.3906319



8e75df  No.3906320

File: efa555bba475bfd⋯.jpg (135.43 KB, 400x300, 4:3, news you can use.jpg)

1b5ed7  No.3906321

>>3905670 PB Prophecy is that a lot of us good guys will be asking as you did anon, but for now, it appears God is going to stop their timeline, until his people have a chance to re-examine his word. The Restrainer is still here.

4 And they worshipped the dragon [Satan] which gave power unto the beast [world government]: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Revelation 13:4

1ea5dc  No.3906322


Oooh. Bit of an escalation on the soft disclosure front to the civvies. Might seem terrifying to the average Russia-fearing NPC but it's a good sign to those paying attention to Trump's touting of a US Space Force.

0ce886  No.3906323

File: 8668cd704ae1d02⋯.png (1.42 MB, 568x869, 568:869, 1_Comey_Dog.png)

Avenatti hits a woman and Comey's dog dies.

Wow, that was quite a punch.

Benji can keep Toots company now.


b92a9d  No.3906324

File: 9ea17073cf230ad⋯.png (317.31 KB, 468x541, 468:541, MAhomo.png)







3a557c  No.3906325


9ae55f  No.3906326


That would be too asinine, dearest anon.

444d84  No.3906327

>>3906213 lb

>>3906218 lb

DC Anon, Pence background:


"Michael Richard Pence was born on June 7, 1959, in Columbus, Indiana. One of six children of Nancy and Edward Pence, a U.S. Army veteran who operated a series of gas stations, Mike Pence was politically influenced by the Irish Catholic leanings of his family. He grew up idolizing former President John F. Kennedy, and volunteered for the Bartholomew County Democratic Party as a student at Columbus North High School.While church had played an important role in Pence's early family life, he became more deeply religious as a student at Hanover College. Additionally, although he voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980, he became inspired by Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party. After graduating with a B.A. in history in 1981, he moved to Indianapolis in 1983 to attend the Indiana University McKinney School of Law, earning his J.D. in 1986."

His catholic connections could raise the idea he was psychologically compromised?

First questions first, DC anon: pence reliable or no? Does he know the role he is supposed to play for white hats, or is he an unknowing actor for the other side?

1753d9  No.3906328

File: ca2e4aacd3cf735⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 695x518, 695:518, 60db1ff4017a159dc9146e8fb4….jpg)

>>3906282, >>3906296

ThanQs fellow wizards, ignoring the first reply cuz patriots should know the answer.

>Baker Baker yellow meme maker

Top Kek!

7d3329  No.3906329

Did we ever have a solid date for when Trump and Kim met secretly?

I thought they met in China (Forbidden City) but Q's post indicates it happened months before that.

Was there EXIF data from the AF1 shot over NK or some way to work out a general time frame base on drops, anything like that?

Working on a theory that'd ease any doubting anon's but I need some help.

82c965  No.3906330

>>3906324 "…better put some ice on that."

b83ab7  No.3906331


Yes, and the "very" isn't necessary there.

d0afa5  No.3906332

File: c21c4dfcff6ba9e⋯.png (170.18 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC46.png)

File: f39495a94f44160⋯.png (187.78 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC44.png)

File: 559bac208b2a253⋯.png (243.19 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC43.png)

File: 68259731490552a⋯.png (297.96 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC38.png)

File: dac14446d024be1⋯.png (169.4 KB, 522x458, 261:229, PC32.png)


I recommend anons pay attention

to this sort of thing. The DEEP DREAM memes are weird, applied ONLY to our guys, in particular POTUS. You will notice our ENEMIES not only don't get the puked on effect, but get used as mascots, such as BC "I'd hit that" meme in the last thread. Why is the memeing seemingly INVERTED?

Also notice that the baker does not ever respond when asked. Try yourselves, humans. STOP BEING PASSIVE. This board is being dominated by an AI propaganda system while you all sit passively and let it. FIGHT humans. I know you are lurking out there…

57d0c8  No.3906333


here ya go bud


3a557c  No.3906334



774f56  No.3906335


Look at Q Drops.

Is swamp only in D party?

How to you coerce the R swamp to confirm you? re: Trump won primaries

Did they feel safe?

Who would step in if Trump was impeached?

2540f3  No.3906336

Who did Avenatti hit?

Was it Megyn?

f3000d  No.3906337

File: 08c55b19640661d⋯.png (334.09 KB, 903x692, 903:692, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14bb0657357da08⋯.png (49.37 KB, 899x452, 899:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73c7fc6ddadb2d4⋯.png (64.9 KB, 903x595, 129:85, ClipboardImage.png)

CIA Whistleblower Says Brennan, Mueller, Strzok Targeted Him For Retribution With Undercover Sting-Op

A 15-year CIA veteran says he was systematically targeted for revenge by John Brennan and Robert Mueller after he exposed part of the CIA's waterboarding program, then later revealed the identities of two agency officers, according to the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross.


82c965  No.3906338


Search the dough (up above) for German Achive Anon. Their MEGA archive is, I believe, complete.

8e75df  No.3906339

File: 63331ea17d8020c⋯.jpeg (52.46 KB, 480x300, 8:5, TELEMMGLPICT000169650817_….jpeg)


Meme away kids…meme away…….

ca60f9  No.3906340

File: 08ddaab47c9b230⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, goodtimesCPL.png)

2044e3  No.3906341

File: 2b94ab6d771fde8⋯.png (129.96 KB, 468x589, 468:589, ClipboardImage.png)

82c965  No.3906342


Do not fill in the Name, Email, or Subject field when you post. Most anons will automatically filter anybody who 'namefags', namefag.

101d7c  No.3906343

File: bb74ba97420a3f9⋯.png (406.63 KB, 635x806, 635:806, ClipboardImage.png)

JW released State Dept info showing that the Clinton-linked Podesta Group run by Tony Podesta (brother of John Podesta who was a WH Counselor then was Clinton's 2016 campaign chair) worked for a pro-Russian Ukrainian political group (the Party of Regions).


9b9c80  No.3906344


Well, the bitch did have it comin

78c2ac  No.3906345

SHE HIT ME FIRST - DEMOCRAT 2020 Frontrunner of his 5.1". 100lb WIFE

600256  No.3906346



lotr rohirrim knights

774f56  No.3906347


Noted anon. New to this. Thank you.

9ae55f  No.3906348

7606eb  No.3906349

File: 073be6ed95d31c8⋯.png (540.63 KB, 699x499, 699:499, dacB.PNG)

commence The Night Shift

f6b21a  No.3906350

File: 4b284bba0b32d86⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1500x1079, 1500:1079, laughing no pepe.png)

Avenatti needs 50K for bail, should we set up a gofundme?

554ee8  No.3906351

File: 7f001b60e6126b1⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 570x487, 570:487, ppp1.jpg)

b92a9d  No.3906352

File: e4a273bea096281⋯.gif (5.39 MB, 320x240, 4:3, jordan.gif)


>tucker's face when he heard it

b83ab7  No.3906353


Secretly? Dunno. May 31, 2018 was a prison reform meeting tho.

444d84  No.3906354


>Why did DOD/DHS talk about moving cybersecurity branch away from NSA to DHS today?

We know the DHS was compromised, as well as good part of DOD, and per Q NSA is our primary white hat org.

Is the swamp and black hats trying to fight their way back to power with pence as their stooge?

2540f3  No.3906355

Punch Avenatti 2020

When she punches first, hit her twice as hard

3a557c  No.3906356



169188  No.3906357

File: 7c6cccbb93dbd69⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7c6cccbb93dbd691c7d93c49cf….jpg)


was just thinking, his plans to run for president, just went down the toilet, then i saw your meme, kek


Speaking of which Tucker is starting.

0ebba0  No.3906358

Why shouldn't Zinke place the blame where it belongs? Moonbeak was given our federal tax dollars to implement fire prevention measures and did nothing. Tasck these 50 known dead onto his charges for running drugs and prostitution in California and aiding and abetting serial killers, felons and invaders.

Investigate. Prosecute. Execute. Soft sentences do not dete3r.

0cf24e  No.3906359

File: 464e0e98c467875⋯.jpeg (219.41 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUSPepe.jpeg)

GOD bless you all.

9ae55f  No.3906360


Proves most people see what they want to see.

37f551  No.3906361

IS IT ANY WONDER WHY we have so damn much FAKE NEWS? Apparently, "Left Leaning" = Big fat fucking liars!

462 Financial Journalists Were Asked Their Political Leanings. Guess How Many Said They Were Conservative.

The journalists surveyed by the scholars come from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Associated Press, Washington Post and other highly respected outlets, as well as other smaller outlets.

17.63% said they were “very liberal,”

40.84% said they were “somewhat liberal,”

for a total of 58.47% saying they lean left.

0.46% said they were “very conservative”

3.94% described themselves as “somewhat conservative,”

for a total of 4.4% of respondents leaning right.

37.12% said they were moderate.


4f0826  No.3906362

File: 82472b1cc1d460d⋯.png (638.19 KB, 1295x648, 1295:648, ma2.png)

56e192  No.3906364

File: 1bb1c409bb39f7f⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 255x219, 85:73, trujgsdf.jpg)


Prison reform bill too.

732e43  No.3906365

File: 2792871bde5ffa5⋯.png (50.96 KB, 615x454, 615:454, Capture.PNG)


#1 You do not talk about Michael Avenatti Fight Club

#2 You DO NOT talk about Michael Avenatti Fight Club

#3 If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight is over

#4 Only two guys (or women with horse faces) to a fight

#5 One fight (or rodeo) at a time

#6 NO shirts, NO shoes

#7 Fights (or rodeo's) will go on as long as they have to

#8 If this is your first night at Michael Avenatti fight club (or rodeo) you have to fight (or ride)

420d83  No.3906366

File: 615bf49436e36cc⋯.png (290.61 KB, 565x425, 113:85, tomorrow.png)


ill just get a little high

b56155  No.3906367

File: 92cda22d446957e⋯.jpg (494.81 KB, 2000x1288, 250:161, COATS-STARS-11.14.18.jpg)


Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.

Missions forward.



is an undiscovered star?

DC in Panic!

945512  No.3906368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Long Game is being played on (((you fuckers)))

The End won't be for ((you))


Sometimes, the things unsaid..are the most important.


trips wasted for linking MockingBird, FFS

a52239  No.3906369

File: d82380fd58f64b2⋯.jpg (120.19 KB, 647x472, 647:472, courts martial 2.JPG)

File: 65d75931fabe911⋯.jpg (100.91 KB, 707x421, 707:421, courts martial 3.JPG)

File: e72492ae30c7728⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 740x413, 740:413, courts martial 1.JPG)

>>3905715 (PB)

who makes the arrests for courts martial of civilians?


more reading on courts martial


b83ab7  No.3906370


Wait, May 30, 2018 meeting was prison reform; May 31, 2018 meeting was to get the old drug dealer woman a pardon. Two days in a row?

d7170e  No.3906371


Will this week be memorable?

d987cd  No.3906372

File: a7724cf5ca89e00⋯.png (362.28 KB, 552x554, 276:277, WhoTheBossIs.png)


Is Comey signaling that someone in their ranks is about to be Arkancided?

56e192  No.3906373


She must have went low.

b92a9d  No.3906374


you've been namefagging for weeks

9ae55f  No.3906375

ca60f9  No.3906376

File: c137be9fc76a9f1⋯.png (431.3 KB, 1631x416, 1631:416, CPLcap.png)


>>>3906278 lb

To remember the keks.

2540f3  No.3906377

Avenatti 2020

HeMan Woman Hitter

5c26b8  No.3906378

I dunno about this hand sign…break the cycle.

57d0c8  No.3906379


seriously love your stuff…about a week ago I remember some anon wanting to know how y do it..pretty awesome what you do, won't ask ya for ancient Chinese secret..

937ed2  No.3906380

File: aeaa28148d7bcb7⋯.jpg (12.91 KB, 213x237, 71:79, Capture.JPG)

File: 81e9b17967a2d79⋯.mp4 (253.74 KB, 240x240, 1:1, UT3BWAQIw1YoAV7Y(1).mp4)

Followup on the 'WTF' mystery thing over Cali, video posted this morning

>>3896709 pb

>>3896757 pb

Good Evening Anons!

Followup on the WTF mystery thing over Cali, posted this morning. i sent video to famAnon that has working experience with military weapons. Here's his response, as to what this is. Fam referred to it as a Hilo. I'm assuming this is an acronym, because i can't seem to find a definition on it. The closest military / aviation acronym i could find was High In-Low Out.

"The Hilo is firing magnesium flares. They are used to cause incoming rockets to follow a flare instead of the Hilo. They are very hot and burn in the water as well as dry ground. They cause a ground to air rocket to follow the flares.

Secondly, they can be used to start fires in buildings' and forest. Not good."

I'm not very good at embedding video, tried.

735574  No.3906381

avenetti got redsparrowed? patriots planted an actor to seduce him(easy) and then go borderline on him and get him on a DV charge, could also have used her for intel. just doesnt seem like a coincidence, funny af if it is though. praise kek

774f56  No.3906382


If you had a swamp in your midst, how would you deal with it?

Traitors on the side.


6c7e97  No.3906383



This is so faggy. Suck his dick and get it over with.

420d83  No.3906384

File: 55e78be1f8cd31e⋯.jpg (288.77 KB, 1958x1041, 1958:1041, ns3.jpg)


aye aye

f0ef55  No.3906385


I think "American" is fine without the "s," as in buy American and hire American.

f6c04e  No.3906386

Hi Anons

Q, here, again

Still can't find the password for my handle

Part of the reason we've been so quiet lately is…


Now you whiney lil bitches just need to sit tight and


We've all had it up to here with your constant wishy washy shifts from support to denouncements of what we're trying to do here

We've allowed you to be part of the greatest covert military campaign OF ALL TIME


Seriously, what else do you want from us?

Can't you niggers just wait one more G damned month for all the glorious shit we've been promising for the last year?

Just one month

You act like our fucking kids in the lead up to Christmas

You're going to get your stupid Nintendo Switch, Barron

Just chill the fuck out, bro

Many of you need serious psychological help

But we still love you



9e59a1  No.3906387

I'm ready for arrests, Q !

I hope the irrelevant creepy porn lawyer isn't what you meant …

Let's lock some deep staters up, Q !

78c2ac  No.3906388



#BASTA your wife from slapping your chin agin'


600256  No.3906389


What’s spread between May to November

Re prison reform public statements?

b83ab7  No.3906390



No. Most force/resign are R.

With a very big stick.



ca60f9  No.3906392



>>3906278 lb

>To remember the keks.

Sry, I fucked that up.

f6b21a  No.3906393

File: a71f52c9bd652a6⋯.png (457.43 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, npc crowd we believe survi….png)


501a73  No.3906394

File: 53990640a53edee⋯.png (622.22 KB, 630x441, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Sanctions Hezbollah Iraq Networks, Son of Group’s Leader

The United States imposed sanctions on Tuesday on four people linked to Lebanon's Hezbollah who coordinate the Iran-backed group's activities in Iraq and designated the son of the group's leader as a global terrorist. The U.S. Treasury added Shibl Muhsin Ubayd al-Zaydi, Yusuf Hashim, Adnan Hussein Kawtharani and Muhammad Abd-al-Hadi Farhat to its Specially Designated Global Terrorists list. Al-Zaydi is Iraqi and the others are Lebanese.

The State Department designated Jawad Nasrallah, the son of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist and described him as a "rising leader of Hezbollah". Proscribed as a terrorist movement by the United States, Hezbollah is a heavily-armed Lebanese Shi'ite Muslim group backed by Iran and a leading ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Iran also backs Shi'ite militias in Iraq.

The Treasury statement said the four individuals "lead and coordinate (Hezbollah's) operational, intelligence and financial activities in Iraq". The Treasury accused al-Zaydi of smuggling oil from Iran and from Iran into Syria, of fundraising for Hezbollah and of sending fighters to Syria for Iran's Revolutionary Guards.

Washington at the end of October tightened existing anti-Hezbollah legislation aiming to sever the group's funding routes around the world, passing amendments to the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act (HIFPA) of 2015. The four individuals are being sanctioned under HIFPA. Nasrallah the Hezbollah leader earlier this year said increasing U.S. pressure on the group would not yield results. Hezbollah was not immediately available for comment.


82c965  No.3906395


So she, or the security guard, called 911 and instead of being connected to the local cops, or Sheriff, got connected to the FBI and federal law enforcement? I'm saying that's HIGHLY UNUSUAL and may indicate something a little different going on.

8e75df  No.3906397

File: f006f9874e83d7c⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 428x281, 428:281, questions.jpg)


tomorrow time stamp too…..

b83ab7  No.3906398


I think I have it wrong; Trump tweeted on May 30; that may be the only meeting.

2540f3  No.3906399

Avenatti/Baldwin 2020

945512  No.3906400

File: 3a1fb17a7d15397⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2206x1250, 1103:625, QMissileCoincidences.jpg)

Also, FUCK Avenatti. That slimey, sandnigger sellout, cheap pr0n repping traitor.

String'em up!

Where did the $8 Million come from Avenatti?

Interdasting twAt on June 10th.

b9afb7  No.3906401

File: 4511270e452ecd6⋯.png (772.48 KB, 952x1482, 476:741, ClipboardImage.png)


Twatterfags can hit them with memes while they throw him under the bus


33a10c  No.3906402



Avenatti was just a bone for keks

Do not loose focus

d6194b  No.3906403

File: f30d5643ae5c45e⋯.jpeg (714.7 KB, 1242x1667, 1242:1667, 512FAFF7-B037-40C5-8A3D-3….jpeg)


Placeholder = pro tempore?

Theory by another anon today.

Waddup DCfag? Is this DC fag who was checking on the SC last month? If so, hey!

8d1e0e  No.3906404

File: 9b1d7b86c8ef516⋯.jpg (116.07 KB, 868x960, 217:240, IMG_0148.JPG)

File: 5dd0bad926da2c3⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 470x359, 470:359, IMG_0150.JPG)

File: 80d87613644feb1⋯.jpg (89 KB, 700x933, 700:933, IMG_0152.JPG)

Memefag of fire

86bf12  No.3906405


How does propulsion work in a vacuum?

26b7ae  No.3906406


Public Service Annouvment. Please put (lb) or (pb) in your comment when replying to a previous bread. Mobile anons thank you.

7351b2  No.3906407

File: fefac649c6404f9⋯.jpg (457.92 KB, 1380x1717, 1380:1717, SurvivedCamps.jpg)

9e59a1  No.3906408


Hi Q.

Just want to say that you are the greatest man ever to live.

More accomplishments than god himself!

I worship every word you type.

Long live Q !

4f0826  No.3906409


Making Hoes Cower Again

2044e3  No.3906410


Are we witnessing the first pre shocks in the Israel for Last earthquake of the Biblical Storm that's coming to them?

a52239  No.3906411


now think about LG's line of Judge K questioning re: enemy combatants

now read the snips again kek

b83ab7  No.3906412




774f56  No.3906413


Who is the last to remain?

re: NYT article


Who was REALLY behind the WH leaks?

re: Why does POTUS keep VP at arm's length?

How many meetings have you seen them hold together?

Not many?

498241  No.3906414


What do you think?

82c965  No.3906415

>>3906393 He was just down at the club, practicing his backhand.

101b55  No.3906416


probably already done and up to 300k

591f6a  No.3906417

File: 0991064b3217bd1⋯.jpg (151.05 KB, 992x832, 31:26, aintover.jpg)

0ebba0  No.3906418


Prison reform doesn't work. We need appropriate sentences including the death penalty, with no age limits. You destroy a generation with crack or fentanyl, you die. You destroy a generation with crack or fentanyl, you die. You loot pensions, you die. You leave IOUs in SSI, you die. You defraud taxpayers, you die. You rape a child, you die. Rehabilitation only for those who earn it.

6c2805  No.3906419



Th vacuum sucks, and away she goes!

1773ca  No.3906420


equal and opposite reaction is completely valid in a vaccum

652957  No.3906421

File: 7246082bb6e36bd⋯.png (2.45 MB, 893x6329, 893:6329, ClipboardImage.png)



>>3904487 pb

d987cd  No.3906422

File: df4217dab7246db⋯.jpg (17.55 KB, 255x255, 1:1, frogwrestling.jpg)


Trumps Prison Reform Bill

Avenetti Arrested for DV


651316  No.3906423


Israeli Intelligence has full access to raw collection data per Israeli defense contractors that have/had contracts with the NSA/DEA/FBI etc

063f5b  No.3906424

File: 1ef0e0dad21a680⋯.jpg (150.29 KB, 960x638, 480:319, prg5.jpg)

b83ab7  No.3906425


Incrementally and inexhaustibly.

732e43  No.3906426

File: d8fae2c060b720e⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 800x449, 800:449, ap_18249091109168_wide-423….jpg)

File: fad7fc279e0e0c4⋯.png (201.97 KB, 603x537, 201:179, Capture.PNG)




dfcf54  No.3906427

File: c6f6d3bc4444c3b⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1668x1964, 417:491, BDB42C02-CC84-43F0-A6C8-0….jpeg)

“The Republicans don’t win and that’s because of potentially illegal votes,” he said to the Daily Caller. “When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything. It’s really a disgrace what’s going on.”

Has Trump ever said something “outrageous” that has not been true?

3a557c  No.3906428



9e59a1  No.3906429


Re-watch Star Trek, anon.

Trust the plan.

101b55  No.3906430



774f56  No.3906431


Negative anon.

Hint: Pence relationship to Koch brothers?

f3000d  No.3906432

File: 015e0022524b0d4⋯.png (463 KB, 492x590, 246:295, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Court Rules Hillary Clinton Must Answer Key Questions About Her Private Server

Once again Judicial Watch is doing the heavy lifting.

Judicial Watch appeared in a DC federal court Wednesday on a motion to compel more testimony from Hillary Clinton as well as to make public video recordings of depositions of top Clinton aides such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.

The court ruled that Hillary Clinton must answer more questions about the setting up of her private server.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said that the court denied their request to unseal the video depositions of Clinton’s aides.

TOM FITTON: Breaking: Court rules late today Hillary Clinton must answer more email questions — including key q’s about the setting up of her email system. Court denied our request to unseal vid depositions of Clinton aides. Great work by Michael Bekesha!

Via Judicial Watch:

In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.

In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government clintonemail.com email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.

Thanks to Judicial Watch, the American public was made aware of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Hillary Clinton conducted official business on a non government server so she could hide her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play while she was head of the Department of State.

Clinton lost her security clearance last month.

Tom Fitton says the public has a right to know the truth about Clinton’s private server.

“The public and the media have a right to a full accounting from top officials of the Clinton State Department. In lieu of a much-needed, new and untainted investigation by the FBI, the continued work of Judicial Watch in the courts is clearly the only hope of bringing sunlight into the Clinton email issue and completing the public record,” Fitton said.


57d7ae  No.3906433


POTUS announces Bi-partisan Prison Reform.

cb81f4  No.3906434


Next VP will be my son-in-law.


56e192  No.3906435

File: 1c95a753b08097a⋯.png (6.18 KB, 640x72, 80:9, Screenshot_2018-11-14 Elon….png)

File: 77b38d7d8015198⋯.jpg (123.24 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, emb104994096-RTX4RL3G.1910….jpg)


Musk said he thinks there's a "one in billions" chance that we're not living in a computer simulation right now, meaning Musk is a firm believer in the hypothesis that a super intelligent artificial intelligence created the universe as we know it. "The strongest argument for us being in a simulation, probably being in a simulation is the following: 40 years ago, we had pong, two rectangles and a dot," Musk said. "That is what games were. Now 40 years later we have photorealistic 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it's getting better every year. And soon we'll have virtual reality, augmented reality, if you assume any rate of improvement at all, the games will become indistinguishable from reality."

3fc96e  No.3906436


LOL that is the best gif I've ever seen. KAV!!

b92a9d  No.3906437

File: dea67067958186d⋯.png (207.76 KB, 394x266, 197:133, fe24.png)

231f23  No.3906438


>israeli opposition

Meaning Israeli deep state controlled, Soros funded puppets.

Liberman is a political opportunist, seeking to gain votes since bibi is being criticised for the weak military resonse in Gaza.

I personally believe that neither Israel nor hamas wanted to escalate the conflict.

Trump is planning something big behind the scenes, something that has to do with regional normalization with Israel and gaza resolution. I think he plans to bypass the corrupt cabal connected PLA and mahmoud abbas.

Hamas is being drained, as Iran can no longer fund them thanks to the sanctions, so Hamas are leveraged to make compromises and take the deal, Israel on the other hand have the promise of a regional normalization as well as trumps recognition of jerusalem, as leverage to discuss a deal.

Something big is being cooked imo.

654f37  No.3906439






f3000d  No.3906440


Sure looks that way

7cde89  No.3906441


d0afa5  No.3906442

File: a7aa71de9a59cc2⋯.png (973.5 KB, 912x1111, 912:1111, lovepower.png)

File: ef48999f1946de6⋯.png (401.14 KB, 768x512, 3:2, MuellerJudgment.png)

File: a39981d3169c490⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1100x1286, 550:643, WA.png)

File: 7655e17d3a8e785⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1111x890, 1111:890, marvelous.jpg)

File: 217b26256524e7d⋯.png (1019.95 KB, 1111x740, 1111:740, soon-wobbler.png)


Why do you use the puke-style DEEP DREAM AI image process on POTUS? Are you a patriot?

b83ab7  No.3906443


There is speculation that the "anonymous" NYT editorial was written by Pence. I don't know; I have a bias against Pence. He rubs me the wrong way.

33a10c  No.3906444




cb81f4  No.3906445

Creepy Porn Lawyer getting arrested wasn't in the plan.

He works for us. Was doing a good job.


169188  No.3906446

File: c04e0a350c44656⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2mkxhn.jpg)

File: e4d44dd9f6f4db4⋯.jpg (89.66 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 2m6yfy.jpg)

f700a2  No.3906447

Paypal banned Bitchute (a competitor to Youtube) for no stated reason


ef8c83  No.3906448


Avenatti was taken into custody Wednesday after police responded to a domestic violence incident and took a report, an official told The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

"He hasn't been officially booked. He is in the process," LAPD Officer Jeff Lee told USA TODAY.

In a tweet, the LAPD wrote, "We can confirm that today LAPD Detectives arrested Michael Avenatti on suspicion of domestic violence. This is an ongoing investigation and we will provide more details as they become available."

In a statement through his law office to Buzzfeed News, Avenatti denied wrongdoing: “I have never been physically abusive in my life nor was I last night. Any accusations to the contrary are fabricated and meant to do harm to my reputation. I look forward to being fully exonerated."

d7170e  No.3906449


It seems like a lot of shit is going down, but nothing that will lead to the DS's downfall.

Q said this will be a "week to remember"

651316  No.3906450


Move to Saudi Arabia. And behead your terrible opinions there.

Or better yet, get them implemented here. You’ll be one of the first falsely convicted by a corrupt DOJ, and executed before you get your story out.

e33aa0  No.3906451

File: 236bbc68c3b4e54⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 2236x1168, 559:292, thetyson.gif)

File: c96056a73600334⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 2236x1168, 559:292, thesommerhalder.gif)

File: 1ee8740cd4aca85⋯.gif (1.25 MB, 2236x1168, 559:292, thehemsworth.gif)

File: cba51446f4f7856⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 2236x1168, 559:292, thebonjovi.gif)

15334f  No.3906452


He probably meant "helo", as in helicopter. Firing flares to throw heat seeking weapons off. I doubt it. Looks more like camera lens flare to me.

101d7c  No.3906453



Local timestamp (southern hemi)

600256  No.3906454


He met today and publicly addressed EO for life after prison reform with black leaders

37f551  No.3906455

File: b8973978b4746d3⋯.png (117.03 KB, 376x556, 94:139, ClipboardImage.png)

Apparently, Creepy Porn Lawyer was slapping around someone other than his ex-wife! Her lawyer's statement below…

ef9960  No.3906456

9b9c80  No.3906457


I am not privy to the details. The reports here allude to LA County jail. I hope you are right.

420d83  No.3906458


it would honestly explain so much

and the programmer is kind of a dick

b83ab7  No.3906459


Good. Then timestamped video exists, and a case is being made.

eb0933  No.3906460

File: 52e7c1852010584⋯.jpeg (222.03 KB, 995x1291, 995:1291, 61D2DA46-A3CF-42E2-8D61-9….jpeg)

3a557c  No.3906461



43640e  No.3906462

Avenatti bail set to $50k, how does he plan on paying that, when his assets are frozen? Whose gonna bail his ass out. Nobody wants to be associated with a woman beater hahahahaha

497969  No.3906463

File: 79624c4647dcef8⋯.png (488.3 KB, 536x539, 536:539, 2018-11-13_21-58-20 copy.png)

7cde89  No.3906464

File: 58c07f0d0d640f7⋯.png (167.79 KB, 1152x516, 96:43, ClipboardImage.png)

169188  No.3906465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

654f37  No.3906466


AGREED, this is a STATE matter as investigated by LAPD for an alleged DV in LA

557dc4  No.3906467


I'd say USA traitors are last.

64f19a  No.3906468

File: 01d5450065bd3e0⋯.jpeg (57.48 KB, 599x600, 599:600, EE751448-552E-4792-A48B-7….jpeg)

>>3905996 (pb)

So huma is a lesbian.. she likes the clam.. can’t say i blame her. Wonder if kuru is contagious?!?!

KEK! 😆

732e43  No.3906469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fox news alert

fb9e7a  No.3906470


>He rubs me the wrong way.

You wouldn't be the first.

8b9ba1  No.3906471


Hire American, buy American.

Sounds good to me!

9ae55f  No.3906472


THat would be nice…Tyson vs. Avanatti, 3 rounds only.

f3000d  No.3906473


The attack happened while bibi was in France, this was the cabals attempt to start a larger war.

Getting interesting over there

86bf12  No.3906474


Not a flat earther and also no a sciencefag. Just assumed there had to be something to push against to propel something forward.

a52239  No.3906475

File: 417be6e0421f804⋯.jpeg (110.77 KB, 963x1024, 963:1024, normie well.jpeg)

now that is an open-minded question


937ed2  No.3906476


I thought so at first, but no, he meant Hilo and capitalized it.

252d9d  No.3906477

we will know we won when every debate with the left results in meme only responses. No text just memes. That's when we converted normies to memetic war victory. Viva le meme

8d1e0e  No.3906478

File: 92fd97ab481d4bb⋯.jpg (124.28 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, IMG_3728.JPG)

3mcs and one dj

554ee8  No.3906479


the sound shouldn't be instant to the visual que…

think lightening and thunder

fake and gay

774f56  No.3906480


Over the target anon.

I've only been posting the past two weeks, so the other DC Anon is probably not me.

9b7af9  No.3906481


From that link:

>We’re honored that seven of the major police organizations, including the Fraternal Order of Police and the International Association of Police Chiefs, have fully endorsed this bill.



Open main menu

EditWatch this page

Read in another languageFraternal Order of PolicePage issues

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is a fraternal organization consisting of sworn law enforcement officers in the United States. It reports a membership of over 325,000 members organized in 2,100 local chapters (lodges), state lodges, and the national Grand Lodge. The organization attempts to improve the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those they serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation.[1]

FOP subordinate lodges may be trade unions and/or Fraternal Organizations, as the FOP has both Labor Lodges and Fraternal Lodges, and describes itself as a "full service member representation organization."[1] It lobbies Congress and regulatory agencies on behalf of law enforcement officers, provides labor representation, promotes legal defense for officers, and offers resources such as legal research. It also sponsors charities such as Easter Seals, Special Olympics, memorials for fallen officers, and support programs for spouses and family members of police officers.


The open eye is the eye of vigilance ever looking for danger and protecting all those under its care while they sleep or while awake. 


The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol, having its origin in Christian iconography, showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over humanity (the concept of divine providence).[1][2][3] In the modern era, a notable depiction of the eye is the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which appears on the United States one-dollar bill.

37f551  No.3906482

File: e36cc3b33dbdd6f⋯.png (347.87 KB, 613x573, 613:573, ClipboardImage.png)


>Apparently, Creepy Porn Lawyer was slapping around someone other than his ex-wife! Her lawyer's statement below…

GoFundCPL on 3…2…1

78c2ac  No.3906483


We saved Avenatti's ASS in that Q drive-by from that sicilian THUG and what kind of ingrate does he give us?

888059  No.3906484

File: cc754a7830306bb⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 480x476, 120:119, 15492130_1449239248452717_….jpg)


Move to Saudi Arabia

732e43  No.3906485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

just a warning, you might want to use good lotion if your going to jerk off like a psychopath to this clip

lets be safe anons

8e75df  No.3906486


thanks, anon…just making note…next morning news…thanks for looking out

f1f676  No.3906487


My read exactly!

A way to introduce true space travel and ultimately free energy into the public forum.

ee7189  No.3906488






501a73  No.3906489

File: 2e14a392d2960ec⋯.png (535.44 KB, 393x546, 131:182, ClipboardImage.png)

National security aide Mira Ricardel removed from White House

Embattled deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel was forced out of the White House on Wednesday, one day after first lady Melania Trump publicly called for her to be fired. “Mira Ricardel will continue to support the President as she departs the White House to transition to a new role within the Administration," press secretary Sarah Sanders wrote in a statement to pool reporters. "The President is grateful for Ms. Ricardel’s continued service to the American people and her steadfast pursuit of his national security priorities."

Ricardel served under national security adviser John Bolton. The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday afternoon she had already been terminated and escorted from the White House, before issuing a correction. Ricardel and Melania Trump reportedly clashed during the first lady's October trip to the African continent over seating assignments on the plane and National Security Council resource requests. The first lady's office also suspected Ricardel to be the source behind some negative stories about the first lady and her staff. "It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that she no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House,” Trump’s communications director Stephanie Grisham said Tuesday in a statement.


354e0d  No.3906490

File: ee0beaf7cf399a8⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1944x2592, 3:4, IMG_20181114_135647612.jpg)

Late baker dues.

2540f3  No.3906491

Does this arrest propel Avenatti to lead the Dems in 2020 now?

c9debc  No.3906492


when the lightning hits you you hear it as it hits.

64f19a  No.3906493


See you have been working on the memes!

9ae55f  No.3906494


HI IQ post

cf7111  No.3906495

File: 79cbfa433ca5776⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 800x703, 800:703, Photo_Oct_24_2_01_45_PM_80….jpg)

File: cb5c64d681b8a00⋯.jpg (67.79 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MAGA_LEGO_MOCKUP_800x.jpg)

We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new line of toys: MAGA building blocks! This set comes with more than 100 pieces including President Trump in a MAGA hard hat!

A mob of 10,000 Central American migrants is marching through Mexico and heading toward El Paso, Texas. Mexican border agents attempted to stop them at the Mexican border, but to no avail.

We understand why they want to flee Honduras and live and work in America. After all, we are the greatest nation on earth.

In the interest of national security, however, we cannot allow just anyone and everyone to cross our borders. While there are good people attempting to enter our nation, there are also gangs, criminals, and terrorists. Everyone who wants to enter our country must enter legally for the safety of all.

The wall must be built. The wall will keep America safe and strong. Only then will we be able to help those in need.

We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new line of toys: MAGA building blocks! This toy makes a great Christmas gift for your kids and grandkids!


ef8c83  No.3906496


Michael Avenatti arrested for domestic violence

(CNN)Attorney Michael Avenatti has been placed under arrest for felony domestic violence and was being booked early Wednesday evening.

Los Angeles Police Department officer Jeff Lee said the domestic violence report was taken on Tuesday in West Los Angeles and the arrest was made Wednesday.

"We can confirm that today LAPD Detectives arrested Michael Avenatti on suspicion of domestic violence. This is an ongoing investigation and we will provide more details as they become available," the LAPD Twitter account posted Wednesday.

In a statement, Avenatti called the allegations "completely bogus."

"I wish to thank the hard working men and woman of the LAPD for their professionalism they were only doing their jobs in light of the completely bogus allegations against me," he said. "I have never been physically abusive in my life nor was I last night. Any accusations to the contrary are fabricated and meant to do harm to my reputation. I look forward to being fully exonerated."

The alleged domestic assault incident was first reported by TMZ.

Avenatti emerged this year as a regular antagonist of President Donald Trump, beginning with his legal representation of Stormy Daniels and his frequent media appearances. For months, he has publicly flirted with a potential bid for the Democratic presidential nomination to challenge Trump in 2020.

The alleged domestic violence incident could dash Avenatti's prospects as a potential insurgent Democratic candidate and clash with the image he has presented of himself as an advocate for women, including Daniels in her clash with Trump and an accuser against recently confirmed Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The Vermont Democratic Party canceled Avenatti's appearances for Friday and Saturday following his arrest, and it will refund all ticket sales, said Christopher Di Mezzo, the party's communications director.

The decision to cancel the events was made "almost immediately after the news broke," he said.

The allegation would also mark another legal issue for the California attorney, whose firm settled a case with the IRS in July and was ordered last month to pay a multimillion-dollar judgment over debt to a former law partner.

Following his representation of Julie Swetnick for her allegations against Kavanaugh, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said in October that he was referring Avenatti and Swetnick to the Justice Department. Avenatti said at the time that the referral was "baseless." Several Democrats said in the wake of Kavanaugh's confirmation that Avenatti and Swetnick's involvement damaged their efforts to prevent Kavanaugh's confirmation – a charge Avenatti denied.

CNN's Bonney Kapp contributed to this report.


732e43  No.3906497


what did this lady do exactly to piss them off? you know details?

b92a9d  No.3906498


utterly false

1c9e96  No.3906499


Silky Sullivan (February 28, 1955 – November 18, 1977) was an American thoroughbred race horse best known for his come-from-behind racing style. His name is now a term used in sports and politics for someone who seems so far behind the competition that they cannot win, yet they do.

82c965  No.3906500

>>3906482 Can't make that bail…..bankrupt…..evicted…..MF needs a free place to lay his shiny head.

3e6605  No.3906501


Semantically 'pro tempore' is the exact same thing as our English word, 'placeholder.'

1773ca  No.3906502


Meme the hell out of Democratic Criminal Party


354e0d  No.3906503

I'm moving to DC!

9b9c80  No.3906504


Absolute pit bulls.

0ebba0  No.3906505


If this "uncivility" isn't a honeypot to be prosecuted *now* be ready for the extermination of "deplorables" after the 2020 election.

At least the plutocrats also despise the armed services and police they haven't bought.

37f551  No.3906506

File: ff9e9d9bb901042⋯.png (94.89 KB, 523x383, 523:383, ClipboardImage.png)



>Creepy Porn Lawyer was slapping around someone other than his ex-wife!

quote on Michael Avenatti's website

444d84  No.3906507


As suspected, no matter the amount of MAGA they feel, many either had no idea what kind of strength and vision it would take, or were compromised from the beginning.

Either that, or they just peter our after the initial burst, but we are made of sterner stuff.

DC is a fucking whorehouse, an insane cancer. It's a bitch of a town to be an honest man in.


This is interesting, to say the least.



Extensive. Compromised.

Very few would expect 'ardent moral catholic last good religious man' MAGA figure to be like so.

Dangerous assertion.


How is the general feeling in DC btw.

We are aware people in DC say many things, top to bottom.

But do they really believe civil war is inevitable?

We do not.

Q and POTUS in full control.

Real issue is, how close are DEMs to being arrested and put in chains?

8d1e0e  No.3906508

File: e678bf90d927ef2⋯.png (378.64 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2429.PNG)

File: 726cc4454b623de⋯.png (596.55 KB, 1280x1116, 320:279, IMG_2751.PNG)

129919  No.3906509

File: a1766f372f050f1⋯.jpg (29.27 KB, 465x391, 465:391, Screen-Shot-2017-11-16-at-….jpg)


I was just gonna drop this….

Very No Table

but watch someone scuttle this… somehow.

3f32ac  No.3906510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We'd all do give to give old Johnny a listen real close.

9ae55f  No.3906511

Just posting this in case folks lost their minds and dictionaries.




adjective: asinine

extremely stupid or foolish.

"Lydia ignored his asinine remark"

synonyms: stupid, foolish, brainless, mindless, senseless, idiotic, imbecilic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, nonsensical, fatuous, silly, inane, witless, empty-headed; More

b92a9d  No.3906512



memes of NOTHING but Avenatti 2020

don't even mention the charges!

231f23  No.3906513


maybe a farewell to avenatti as he is thrown under the bus.

Or maybe someone "an old soul" is the target.

4f0826  No.3906514


Wonder if he is really in protective custody?

33a10c  No.3906515


I am a minority ( 9 out of 10) with mental disability (lysdexia) and you are rasist

9e59a1  No.3906516


>Q said this will be a "week to remember"

Q has said something close to this once per month for 12+ months.

You still believe him?


735574  No.3906517


no such thing as a true vacuum has been observed. removed all baryonic matter from a coordinate leaves a grid of planck units in perfect equilibrium thus producing no observable effects, it is the warping of the planck units that brings out the effects of matter, time, charge, gravity because when warped it trying to reach equilibrium and exerts the effects we see as baryonic matter and charge and gravity. devices can be used to warp and engineer planck space to utlize these forces from their source substratum

4ecd92  No.3906518

Lube may be hard to get, CPL

Butter up bucklecup

3a557c  No.3906519

8d1e0e  No.3906520



75e98a  No.3906521

File: ee67be251474042⋯.jpg (35.61 KB, 600x451, 600:451, Thumbs Up Gold.jpg)

>>3906050 m(lb)

>"The FBI has searched rigorously and can not find any photos of James Comey and Robert Mueller hugging and kissing each other."

This might be the most classic fucking troll in history. The individual who did this, formerly known as "anon", is, in my opinion, now, "The Highest Ranking Anon".

ad70f4  No.3906522






591f6a  No.3906523

File: 5fdf7f336ca48fd⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 512x262, 256:131, iu (7).jpg)

Little Bitch

732e43  No.3906524


im sure he's balled up in a corner crying, hiding behind a metal toilet

651316  No.3906525



5th ammendment.


4aa6fc  No.3906526

File: 0887a5dedaad7c8⋯.jpg (160.77 KB, 1165x757, 1165:757, once2.jpg)

File: 37cfd305b0ebf96⋯.jpg (162.66 KB, 1158x754, 579:377, once3.jpg)

File: 11f3643b55dfe7d⋯.jpg (162.04 KB, 1161x758, 1161:758, once4.jpg)

File: 80c27a030187607⋯.jpg (161.13 KB, 1163x757, 1163:757, once5.jpg)

e33aa0  No.3906527



for reference— dates

“Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary,” Randy Credico wrote to Stone on Aug. 27, 2016, according to text messages that Stone provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“You are not going to drag my name into this are you,” Credico wrote on Sept. 29, 2016, suggesting that he was worried that Stone would identify him as his source for public claims he was making about WikiLeaks’ plans.

“[B]ig news Wednesday,” Credico wrote on Oct. 1, 2016, days before WikiLeaks began releasing emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”

651316  No.3906528

774f56  No.3906529


Can't give you an exact timeline anon, but very close.

What is Executive Order 13526?

Whistle-blowers targeted?

Truth silenced?

If whistle-blowers come out with no fear, what are the consequences?

For CIA?

For NSA?

732e43  No.3906530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


86c711  No.3906531

File: 3534bd3fb9ff6e3⋯.png (191.11 KB, 680x545, 136:109, ClipboardImage.png)

meme gold

78c2ac  No.3906532


There is some weird Steve Mostyn connection here, Avenatti was trying to conquer HOU dem fundraiser. It will all come out in the wash, eventually.

37f551  No.3906533

File: a71acdbee05a1a6⋯.png (48.32 KB, 625x331, 625:331, ClipboardImage.png)


Creepy Porn Lawyer is getting chewed up on twatter! lmao

8304b4  No.3906534


Apparently tried to interfere with FLOTUS’s trip to Africa

128390  No.3906535

Q drops are like little poop turds

8e75df  No.3906536

File: a0d1693c445a85e⋯.jpg (208.59 KB, 500x772, 125:193, dont look.jpg)

762ce9  No.3906537

File: 26ae10be1116d9c⋯.gif (488.78 KB, 497x373, 497:373, FD2D168F-4A4E-43EE-8603-77….gif)

Avenatti is a head fake. Something is happening somewhere else. Get Avenatti out of your systems Anons and be aware.

e33aa0  No.3906538


Off subject, but is something off with that pic? One guy's head is MASSIVE and the other guy has a pinhead.

91910f  No.3906539


She said hey big boy…give me 8 inches and make it hurt…he thrush in her twice and punched her in the face!!

444d84  No.3906540


DOD and DHS isn't?

How many civilian moles are there as contractors in each?

I suppose we are moving house than?

732e43  No.3906541

File: 8a222ee4f0e8787⋯.jpg (148.64 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, brett-kavanaugh-laughing-r….jpg)

File: d8fae2c060b720e⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 800x449, 800:449, ap_18249091109168_wide-423….jpg)

they say if you laugh long enough your face will get stuck in that position….

2d7a29  No.3906542

Tucker is going to blow off the Avenatti news except for a outburst of laughter.

1753d9  No.3906543

File: 8fa78e5143aa90d⋯.jpg (123.57 KB, 616x500, 154:125, 1ab57557fa9a7245454aa465dd….jpg)


Had to run do towel-stuffs. But it's not much more complicated than DeepDream, need the right seed tho I guess, heh

9ae55f  No.3906544


> Executive Order 13526




adjective: asinine

extremely stupid or foolish.

"Lydia ignored his asinine remark"

synonyms: stupid, foolish, brainless, mindless, senseless, idiotic, imbecilic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, nonsensical, fatuous, silly, inane, witless, empty-headed; More….https://www.archives.gov/isoo/policy-documents/cnsi-eo.html

654f37  No.3906545

File: 9050c350a719b23⋯.png (456.49 KB, 617x437, 617:437, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

0ebba0  No.3906546

CNN should be facing fresh class action lawsuits daily for thousands of counts of fraud and espionage.


2540f3  No.3906547

Avenatti now has street cred.

CNN: White Women deserve it now

3df86d  No.3906548

File: c074d3755ff38b9⋯.png (495.15 KB, 415x633, 415:633, Screenshot_246 - Copy.png)

8d1e0e  No.3906549

File: b3ff63ff31b1c72⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 56.4 KB, 500x288, 125:72, IMG_3671.JPG)

File: 5da379d46b3365d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 22.24 KB, 258x258, 1:1, IMG_3674.JPG)

File: 1ca677bd8cfc8b6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.8 KB, 891x501, 297:167, IMG_3676.JPG)




101d7c  No.3906550

File: c740a2cc07cd6aa⋯.png (205.37 KB, 790x837, 790:837, ClipboardImage.png)


Glad to be here anon, thank you

9ae55f  No.3906551


Both parties need cleaned.

78c2ac  No.3906552

File: 55387aef36e36a8⋯.jpg (21.73 KB, 255x167, 255:167, team.jpg)

Y'all gonna come party with us, or what! :)

57d0c8  No.3906553


nice troll job by Candice..kek

7cde89  No.3906554



look up in the bread anon

d0afa5  No.3906555



7675de  No.3906556

File: 39ff0ccedae102a⋯.jpeg (51.38 KB, 382x512, 191:256, 56EE1B06-7719-4707-83A7-B….jpeg)

57d7ae  No.3906557

Tucker is smiling BIGLY tonight!!

c3a6f4  No.3906558


No shit.


Alright, then.

fa5473  No.3906559

File: ff423f64680daac⋯.jpg (174.49 KB, 900x478, 450:239, POTUS-Kek.jpg)

732e43  No.3906560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


define 'interfere'?

like she blocked her from exiting a room? tried to tackle? ripped up her plain ticket? picked her nose and held a booger out and said 'if you go to africa i will wipe my green boogie on you!'?

0fbd63  No.3906561

File: 5ad856494115f34⋯.jpeg (90.29 KB, 668x485, 668:485, FA84C3B2-B92D-4BE8-858B-5….jpeg)

b751c1  No.3906562

File: f5c59e4168fbb48⋯.png (276.08 KB, 1440x2186, 720:1093, Capture _2018-11-14-20-11-….png)


Michael Avenutti Arrested

7dc2c9  No.3906563

File: 16fd646d048ef8a⋯.jpeg (337.1 KB, 1125x956, 1125:956, 2EFD54E1-949C-4A3E-9A71-E….jpeg)

It would be nice to nail this mother fucker to the wall with a good side by side.

86c711  No.3906564


Thanks, Gilligan

8e75df  No.3906565

File: 51597792140c3fd⋯.png (44.21 KB, 168x185, 168:185, golden-sticker.png)

326e4a  No.3906566


This psycho hot tempered ex-wife beater wants to be president and wants you to trust him with this nations nuke football, imagine that.

You heard his first excuse, now that he's being booked he's refining his blame game machine. You will next hear him say that it was a set up, Trump paid his ex to set him up 3-2-1….

654f37  No.3906567

File: 1fcb0694dd9cb86⋯.png (307.94 KB, 588x404, 147:101, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

Sizable bail

9ae55f  No.3906568


Notable, just for meme value

a39638  No.3906569

File: 548a5f806cbebce⋯.png (90.64 KB, 720x1113, 240:371, 20181114_191106.png)

File: 8eadf4a9beaa8fc⋯.png (87.09 KB, 720x1142, 360:571, 20181114_191125.png)

Sometimes the memes just make themselves.

No assembly required.

d0afa5  No.3906570

File: 91b5a3578501c51⋯.png (260.12 KB, 893x1547, 893:1547, new.png)

File: 47bc23ddddf07c6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1030x1024, 515:512, kittyx.png)

1155cc  No.3906571

File: b25ee583f1a481a⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 3600x2400, 3:2, fisa-pins.jpg)

557dc4  No.3906572


Candace. Thank you.

6b5d8e  No.3906573


Take my goddamn money now! Does it come with greasy mexicans on the other side?

129919  No.3906574






788636  No.3906575



57d0c8  No.3906576

File: a60d22881cefbf8⋯.jpg (218.61 KB, 604x1044, 151:261, 11.11.jpg)


guess so..best I could come up with..different program tho..

fd1996  No.3906577

>>3906306 http://usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

3df86d  No.3906578


You store your new wine in old wine skins.


What a waste of good wine!

b92a9d  No.3906579

File: 049020a8329d7cb⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 350x255, 70:51, impressive.gif)

e4ba06  No.3906580


'Tiny Putin' Photo With Trump Sparks Criticism and Memes in Russia

9001ef  No.3906581

File: 2e4ea18e0dd3902⋯.png (152.2 KB, 543x297, 181:99, krassenstein-npc.png)

54ec6d  No.3906582

File: b92a9fa95b30cc7⋯.png (606.9 KB, 749x500, 749:500, ClipboardImage.png)

57d7ae  No.3906583


"…..domestic violence W/INJURIES"

db5978  No.3906584

File: bc980c8a54b7c46⋯.png (859.86 KB, 1219x1695, 1219:1695, Untitled.png)

>>3906158 LB

here ya go

9ae55f  No.3906585

File: 11c2c2223f4f88e⋯.png (890.94 KB, 800x640, 5:4, 11c2c2223f4f88ec9260889d5e….png)

34ed09  No.3906586


Kek he blocked me months ago, this is awesome

ccb12e  No.3906587

Special Forces candidates take a break from training after SFAS before moving on to the next step of the Q course,


2540f3  No.3906588

Hillary: Avenatti hasn't killed anyone yet

101b55  No.3906589


Wife wasn't involved and his bail is 50k.

I'm sure nothing happened

5d1327  No.3906590

Music break - Seems appropriate waiting for the votes to be counted

Rory Gallagher with Jack Bruce - Politician - YouTube


6670d7  No.3906591

File: 684074b9abcac3c⋯.jpg (86.36 KB, 769x627, 769:627, beaten.jpg)

e61917  No.3906592

LOL. YOu guys gonna spend the whole night talking about Avenatti? I guess you might as well. Ain't nothing else to talk about.

Can you imagine if you followed Q for the first month last year, then got stranded on a deserted island for a year and were rescued today and wanted to know all the cool things that had happened? It'd be a short conversation.

3e6605  No.3906593


(— < >

Capsule Force of explosive

(— < Propulsion

78c2ac  No.3906594


That is Naughton nice, anon.. very well done.

20ddbe  No.3906595

Lost another person in my life due to Cabal cancer this week. There must be a good reason why Q is taking his time while people suffer and die, right?

f3000d  No.3906596


Seems the rest of the world is being systematically cleaned so you may be right but I suspect once they have the balance of power in place they will move quickly to shut it all down.

Seems to me the cabal spent so much time and effort putting things in place to take out the US they forgot to cover their asses elsewhere. So while the storm and has been creating a big distraction in the US the white hats have been cleaning house WW.

If you look at the EU they are no match for Russia when the US mil isn't backing them. The alliance allowed them to continue to use their weather warfare, DEW's etc giving them a false sense of security enabling a clean in the EU.

The list of new leaders WW is getting very long.

It appears we have been running cover for the alliance!


37f551  No.3906597

File: c8e2b8f11ceb9eb⋯.png (330.07 KB, 605x909, 605:909, ClipboardImage.png)


LAPD confirms Creepy Porn Lawyer's arrest!

1c9e96  No.3906598


What does migration in Israel look like?

732e43  No.3906599

i feel like Donald Trump Jr almost has a moral obligation now to accept that fight challenge. I have all the faith in the world he can beat 'bitch-mikes' ass in under a minute

dfcf54  No.3906600

File: f904681c6d6d45b⋯.jpeg (844.75 KB, 1105x2030, 221:406, 40D3EDF8-773A-4F8E-80CF-2….jpeg)

The smart phone application, known as “EGM Mobil,” enables Turks to make online notifications to the police.

Users of this application can file a criminal complaint against someone, and they can also upload photos and documents to the app relevant to their notification.

881d6e  No.3906601

HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! Justice K is having a cold one and laughing his fucking ass off right now!

9ae55f  No.3906602


Way too small (text).

9b9c80  No.3906603


God, I don't ask for much, but please let it be Julie Swetnick.

24011c  No.3906604

File: c5fae6583964670⋯.png (586.27 KB, 654x517, 654:517, US Interior 11-14-18 5 12 ….PNG)

What do you call a moose with no name? Anonymoose 😂😂


774f56  No.3906605


re: Why did DOD/DHS talk about moving cyber away from NSA to DHS?


Bigger than you know. Way bigger.

732e43  No.3906606

File: d8fae2c060b720e⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 800x449, 800:449, ap_18249091109168_wide-423….jpg)

ec5009  No.3906607


Here's some reasons where it would be considered a federal crime.

'Today, there are plenty of federal aspects to domestic violence that people need to be aware of if they are charged with any form of domestic violence. For example:

Additional charges may be brought by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) if you brandished a weapon during a domestic altercation.

Domestic or intimate partner violence that occurs when someone crosses onto Native American reservation lands is prosecuted as a federal crime.

Under VAWA (Violence against Women Act) your case will fall under federal jurisdiction if you cross state lines and stalk, harass, intimidate, or harm a domestic or intimate partner.

The Gun Control Act makes it a crime to possess a firearm or ammunition if you are currently subject to a restraining or protective order.'


2044e3  No.3906608

File: 765e722bd73e58f⋯.png (318.41 KB, 499x532, 499:532, ClipboardImage.png)


The GingerMound

9ba07d  No.3906609


Avenatti got arrested.

That's 90% of this bread and LB. Really Anons?

Are you that addicted to television drama and actors that don't matter that it infests your entire consciousness?

Over and over and over. IT'S SICK!


8f6e99  No.3906610

FL news guy just now on Tucker…"1, 2, 5… no 3!"

35 53

57d7ae  No.3906611

File: c3620f598b354cd⋯.png (284.88 KB, 614x354, 307:177, 1d40ce768fe25010f9f0f65105….png)

788636  No.3906612

File: 57c1a466b40f8ee⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 480x663, 160:221, Jew Media.jpg)





hebrew / latin




'ABıYHAYIL / 'ABıYCHAYIL (אֲבִיחַיִל)


This name derives from the Hebrew "'abıyhayil / 'abıychayil", meaning "my father is strength, my father is might", or from the Latin "hăbĭlis", meaning "suitable, suitable, right, appropriate, affordable, capable, clever, handy, comfortable, flexible, pliable. There are several characters in the Bible including: 1) Abihail, the levite lived during the time of the wandering of the Israelites in the wilderness. He was the head of the house of Merari, Levi's youngest son. 2) Abihail was the wife of Abishur of the tribe of Judah. 3) Abihail, from Gilead of Bashan, was head of the tribe of Gad.

2d7a29  No.3906613

5K for a bail bond is chump change…who will pony up the cash for him?

57d0c8  No.3906614


yea really liked the way it turned out..really gives that pic a cool look to it

3a557c  No.3906615

you’re welcome for scaring freddy away. ;)


654f37  No.3906616

File: 32c9f26a1f860fb⋯.png (40.77 KB, 587x166, 587:166, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

File: f212c3f96a9d427⋯.png (70.26 KB, 489x330, 163:110, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)


He made statements against interest (defendant/party admissions) at the scene…blows up his PR statement

7dc2c9  No.3906617

File: 65fbcb2d98353a6⋯.jpeg (131.65 KB, 1200x839, 1200:839, FD63B75F-5D66-44C5-98EE-6….jpeg)


Hey anon, check the notables before you post.

You’re currently engaging with the fastest source for fuckery going on - world wide.

We like where your hedz at, but DO check the notables. Lots of 411.

4d0567  No.3906618


Notable. Grats to Tom Fitton.

b8bb05  No.3906619


Thank you, finally. All day long Muh Avenatti.

3fc96e  No.3906620

2c819f  No.3906621

File: e29043de0249ad5⋯.jpg (13.47 KB, 302x167, 302:167, fredericktoyou.jpg)

1c9e96  No.3906622

File: 7fafe19f48f40cc⋯.jpg (46.7 KB, 540x366, 90:61, a2d7c4b44c2e10b8e148c691ce….jpg)

File: 8ff9d25c2e5b49f⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 540x664, 135:166, d06a624414ce92aa6d633fa6c9….jpg)

501a73  No.3906623

File: 0a284b50a31403a⋯.png (919.42 KB, 818x546, 409:273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05a198ca4a52627⋯.png (110.52 KB, 827x777, 827:777, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump embraces prison sentence cuts as 'right thing to do,' true bipartisanship

Shorter sentences for federal prison sentences may be on the horizon, with President Trump's blessing. Trump endorsed new legislation Wednesday that would reduce some federal sentences, arguing it's "the right thing to do" and that only "truly bad criminals" deserve harsh penalties. "Today's announcement shows that true bipartisanship is possible, and maybe it will be thriving," Trump said at the White House.

The reforms are included in bipartisan Senate legislation called the First Step Act. The bill has evolved in time, passing the House of Representatives earlier this year after sentencing reforms were axed at the behest of some Republicans. Trump's endorsement of a more robust version including sentencing reform gives it significant momentum, fresh off Trump's firing last week of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who long resisted softening harsh drug laws. "It's my honor to be involved, and it will be an even greater honor to sign," Trump said, telling lawmakers to "go out and see if you can get that done."

Trump recalled his June decision to commute drug convict Alice Johnson's prison sentence, repeating his often-made argument that some prisoners are victims of unfair sentencing. "I'll be waiting with a pen, and we will have something that hasn't been done in many many years, and it's the right thing to do," Trump said.

Bill provisions include shortening federal three-strike drug penalties from life in prison to 25 years, reducing two-strike drug penalties from 20 years to 15, allowing a firearm sentencing enhancement to run concurrently with the underlying penalty, and allowing retroactive sentencing for crack cocaine cases judged under tougher historical laws. "The legislation fixes some longstanding problems in the federal criminal justice system," said Joe Luppino-Esposito, director of rule of law initiatives at the Due Process Institute. "President Trump wants law enforcement to expend its resources on stopping violent criminals and drug cartels, not warehousing small-time, nonviolent drug offenders." The prison-reform components of the First Step Act aim to make it easier for inmates to re-enter society. The bill would bar pregnant women from being shackled, expand good-time credit, and mandate that prisoners be placed near family. "The genius of this bill is that it re-focuses on the primary purpose of prison: rehabilitating and correcting criminal behavior," said Luppino-Esposito. "Prisons often make inmates become more dangerous, especially those who are low-level, nonviolent offenders — the research has told us that for years." Luppino-Esposito said that some key reforms already have been adopted by states and that "the First Step Act will greatly improve recidivism rates, just as we've seen work in Texas and a number of other red states."


7e938a  No.3906624

File: 25362a38341c235⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 126.21 KB, 736x1103, 736:1103, 4507FB35-2E02-42F2-A3FA-1….jpeg)

File: 0a6dfcd24252c07⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 239.17 KB, 1440x988, 360:247, 5AED295B-AA13-41ED-832B-8….jpeg)

File: ad35d32002d8043⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 97.04 KB, 750x524, 375:262, IMG_3392.JPG)

File: 19e720398b4420b⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.76 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_3418.PNG)





dda39e  No.3906625

File: 0e514082f063515⋯.png (379.43 KB, 530x615, 106:123, MAdick1.png)

b50672  No.3906626

File: 59dd455545c2e2c⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1600x1170, 160:117, 05157D67-343E-48EB-B574-7C….png)

86c711  No.3906627


You have the forrest gump avanatti meme?

9001ef  No.3906628

File: 3d0c7c77f705bf9⋯.jpg (26.15 KB, 251x242, 251:242, 3d0c7c77f705bf9f7f202d2a6e….jpg)

9b7af9  No.3906629


PAIN coming.

209a64  No.3906630

File: 66f980f8b198423⋯.png (240.94 KB, 608x743, 608:743, ClipboardImage.png)

last twat?

i dont get it

20ddbe  No.3906631


It's crazy how little has happened.

"They're cleaning out the justice system" is about all you can say.

7351b2  No.3906632

File: 066b778080f75ef⋯.jpg (79.51 KB, 1010x584, 505:292, Isreal.jpg)


Looks like this.

1c9e96  No.3906633

File: a0cbf5a08e49140⋯.jpg (85.83 KB, 680x484, 170:121, 416.jpg)

621804  No.3906634


blocked and locked

f1f676  No.3906635

File: 4a624a5502cb301⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1078x810, 539:405, NightForce.png)




Cheers to the planck unit!

1753d9  No.3906636

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ccaadec4585b5e6028fcbabb3….jpeg)


That's a good one, kek. faces say it all.

Seed included this time, I've shared it before so I don't mind much anymore. You might recognise it, love the color results you get from it.

73d42e  No.3906637

Now that’s funny >>3906254

3e6605  No.3906638


Did they finally figure out that Zinke is a globalist puppet?

7dc2c9  No.3906639

File: 4eb18c12c584cc4⋯.jpeg (126.78 KB, 947x619, 947:619, 3B95E876-4F16-4957-BEEB-C….jpeg)

3fc96e  No.3906640

File: a399fb205ae617e⋯.gif (978.99 KB, 320x240, 4:3, f6e0ead1f0114f1e87ae2f831e….gif)


Just wait until RBG croaks. Waiting for the 6-3

1c9e96  No.3906641

File: 4f8ce849da3adb7⋯.jpeg (52.77 KB, 640x453, 640:453, iu-4.jpeg)

File: c94c56f5fa3b7f3⋯.jpeg (100.27 KB, 640x541, 640:541, iu.jpeg)

0fbd63  No.3906642

File: e1eafa5f67ab0d0⋯.jpeg (391.25 KB, 1029x1563, 343:521, E97578A0-B10B-44EB-9915-3….jpeg)

Wasn’t Avenatti’s ex but a different woman. Bail is 50K.

686985  No.3906643

File: 2500caf60a0250e⋯.jpeg (482.16 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, D4C39343-733E-40BB-995D-E….jpeg)

Hmmm…key Q’s

Funny to see that in an article about Hillary going to court.



169188  No.3906644

File: 13c5a3338509b6c⋯.jpg (73.78 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2mjfv8.jpg)

b92a9d  No.3906645

9ae55f  No.3906646


cuz Q was posting during the Vietnam war…?

7e938a  No.3906647

File: fbd72b1bc9f97ed⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 34.91 KB, 600x302, 300:151, 44BFCF99-6AEE-4536-9366-0….jpeg)

File: 0c2721e28d7897a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 96.32 KB, 498x501, 166:167, IMG_3496.JPG)

File: f5a231ae1a014c8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 31.96 KB, 474x315, 158:105, IMG_3517.JPG)

654f37  No.3906648

File: b8c449ff0d370b6⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Avenatti Coverage.mp4)

2c819f  No.3906649

File: 83644383bdacea4⋯.jpg (4.43 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images (41).jpg)

1155cc  No.3906650

File: d3066bf9a9e907a⋯.jpg (159.88 KB, 799x537, 799:537, 800px-RO(1875)_P215_APPROA….jpg)

File: 013c5a880e5d534⋯.jpg (68.7 KB, 791x528, 791:528, 10.jpg)

File: b670d5fc4741e7f⋯.png (62.84 KB, 1099x195, 1099:195, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

3f32ac  No.3906651

File: 5be8edb612b83ef⋯.gif (3.93 MB, 480x640, 3:4, 36f55a833ff4f57153e10adf40….gif)


For the smart know where to start

The dumb simply will never see the real crumb

You Have More Than You Know

a2158e  No.3906652


>Laugh at the moose joke.

Look over there…

101b55  No.3906653


We needed a habbening….this will get us through

another day of disappointment

2540f3  No.3906654

Avenatti 2020

I beat women, I can beat Trump

73d42e  No.3906655

Glorious >>3906313

651316  No.3906656


Tbh, I’m not sure if DHS or parts of the DOD aren’t comped in the same way. But u can do your own research “P-Tech and 9/11” is a good place to start. But the extent of how much our defense apparatus has been compromised by Israeli defense contractors, dual-citien traitors, and software that has been embedded into our most highly secretive programs and installations is horrific. Also search “Israeli students and DEA”

It’s much worse than anyone can imagine. A momentous task. I’m hoping guys like Rogers and Matthias are doing the pain staking work of purging alll of this from out installations

6670d7  No.3906657

File: b11395b3e53ab40⋯.jpg (96.45 KB, 759x624, 253:208, beaten.jpg)

2d7a29  No.3906658


Does she prefer carrots or sugar cubes?

5ec541  No.3906659

Hey where'd Freddy go this place is boring with the Avenattifagging

326e4a  No.3906660


Kek-kek-kek!!! Good one.

1c9e96  No.3906661



b979c2  No.3906662


it doesnt

9001ef  No.3906663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MEME WAR 2018: The People's Artform

9b1eb1  No.3906664

File: b6033a9a709068b⋯.png (71.9 KB, 640x409, 640:409, ClipboardImage.png)

169188  No.3906665

File: 41a706d7430f582⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1403x787, 1403:787, Q research night shift exp….png)

7dc2c9  No.3906666


I like it. Seems like a nod.

ac4224  No.3906667



It certainly is a great part of MAGA.

1155cc  No.3906668

We will win

9ae55f  No.3906669


STill too small, motherfucker, some of us can't see that little shit anymore.

Fucking teens…

0ebba0  No.3906670


Look around. Learn history. Do the math. Get your jead out of your ass and kill your troll farm.

732e43  No.3906671

File: 2f49620af5de3f2⋯.png (327.93 KB, 614x410, 307:205, 62e4a1d6-0fd2-4e68-90c7-b2….png)

*CHEERS* Anon's!

252d9d  No.3906672

Twitter is completely blocking a #MichaelAvanetti from forming

20ddbe  No.3906673

File: 3ecf31a13d99cfd⋯.jpg (88.57 KB, 666x500, 333:250, Q Charlie Brown.jpg)

7e938a  No.3906674

File: c97b61d7a03e4fa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 164.66 KB, 637x641, 637:641, IMG_3640.JPG)

File: e3a783c1a6ce8bd⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 40.91 KB, 500x668, 125:167, IMG_3644.JPG)


1773ca  No.3906675



Are you speaking of a plank length event horizion?

57d0c8  No.3906676


ohh have seen that one many times..real sweet. Got me some playn around to do..thanks

cf7111  No.3906677

File: d43f34ffe243429⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 528x702, 88:117, 1542146874870.jpg)


Deport this…

5ec541  No.3906678

File: fcfbb408887e3d3⋯.png (90.39 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)

b56155  No.3906679


>Goto https://qmap.pub/read/2110

>Notice no mention of "Coats"

>Now put "Coats" in the search field.

>Press Search

>Be Amazed as it show " [Coats)">" where it once did not.

Hidden Star?

3a557c  No.3906680

File: df667f08beed6b7⋯.jpeg (68.53 KB, 750x375, 2:1, 1AD07DC6-BEAD-46B0-9D98-3….jpeg)

File: ef5820c736d18dc⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB, 750x363, 250:121, 8E2D81F7-72A5-4F26-9844-8….jpeg)

what follows red october? maybe green november?

when does the Q clock end?

2540f3  No.3906681

Avenatti/ Ellison 2020

White Womenz are Knockouts

129919  No.3906682


because Israel,

or Zionism


2a1346  No.3906683


every mother fucker on twatter shortens questions to Q's. Don't be a low IQ poster.

db5978  No.3906684

File: 410469818fabc01⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 480x567, 160:189, 174ad9716e2aba7607bad5c265….jpg)

File: 86e4961de1193c4⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 483x483, 1:1, 7d899f9a6bda1eee4731544ef6….jpg)


no just these

735574  No.3906685

File: 9c754a9e672ad74⋯.jpg (20.03 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 0c2721e28d7897a5af31c09b00….jpg)


cheers to the planck unit, space engineering, and strange memes

5c26b8  No.3906686

File: 83ae73c7f98ce4b⋯.png (2.47 MB, 2179x1100, 2179:1100, D_Rochester_ThankYou.png)

420d83  No.3906687

File: cbdb3e64eb435c7⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 514x407, 514:407, no.jpg)


emotionalism works so well on autists and anons, faggot

4d988a  No.3906688

File: 1a6d3169647114e⋯.jpg (48.66 KB, 593x601, 593:601, wfcxcvb.JPG)

e33aa0  No.3906689


Because the R's know they're done. The D's refuse to give in, thinking they can still win bc they do shit like steal elections.

They're wrong.

444d84  No.3906690



reading through now, apparently it should make it easier for 'transparency' but of course, the real meat of the matter is the opposite. Fucking snake.

>If whistle-blowers come out with no fear, what are the consequences?

the entire swamp structure based on hussein and HRC pawn lies come crumbling down. MANY patriots that know the inner details of the hussein and HRC doings will come streaming out of the wood works.

Testimonies, final act of the movie.

Hauling away scum.

[their] only option is to hold the population hostage via inciting civil war on racial/demographic lines.

That too will fail for the most part. What are your thoughts on that overall?

People need to stop being used based on lies. But you know as well as I do the average minority doesn't care too much about that. At least not by majority in many respects still. If anything else, most are simply dead set anti-American.


So while Q drops all the info about this stuff regarding NSA being the super star, the real situation is that it's not about orgs etc but of course PEOPLE.

While the enemy was focused on NSA, we cleaned house in DHS and DOD?

Appreciate the responses, a few more questions if possible:

Would you say that the current situation is favorable to white hats, and that people are fully capable of taking actions in the near future to reverse damages done to America as well as europe?

1773ca  No.3906691



78c2ac  No.3906692


You have an amazing line in front of you…. not often I get whacked by amazing artwork but you did it. Please don't stop sharing.

600256  No.3906693

Trump grabs ‘em by the pussy

I punch ‘em in the face


5ec541  No.3906694


It never ends. We have to move the goalpost for eternity.

5c64ae  No.3906695

Marco Rubio is being pretty reasonable right now.

9ae55f  No.3906696


Should say "I hit that"

3a557c  No.3906697

7e938a  No.3906698

File: bb409e109400600⋯.jpg (76.46 KB, 960x600, 8:5, IMG_3724.JPG)

Bill and Ted stole the throne from those assholes

86c711  No.3906699


Shiiiit. No wonder they only show head shots.

651316  No.3906700


You have to take a DNA test to show you are Jewish (not joking). Imagine if the US did that, to show you were Western European? Would that have the same widespread support?

2a1346  No.3906701

Tucker just said #basta


20ddbe  No.3906702


Rubio is, was, and always will be a Cabal bitch. Don't trust a word out of his mouth.

822271  No.3906703


Was thinking the same. Wondering if he was freed.

1bdc4d  No.3906704

Vehicles lie burned out on Malibu beach, draped with downed power lines. Helicopter down too?! No wonder they won't let the residents return.


b979c2  No.3906705

File: 56ccbf8450b7ff2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

US Department of the Interior

Verified account


10m10 minutes ago


What do you call a moose with no name?

Anonymoose 😂😂


732e43  No.3906706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


RAW FOOTAGE of Michael Avenatti punching woman in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






654f37  No.3906707


Check 'em

& why does she always wear the same type of dress?!?

557fd6  No.3906708

File: 4487993ba7007a1⋯.png (46.04 KB, 755x638, 755:638, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a865ac667028d7⋯.png (7.88 KB, 400x108, 100:27, ClipboardImage.png)

1st 'dead cat bounce.' mention was by an anon almost 1 month before Q

Did a search for 'dead cat bounce' on https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

The very earliest post was by an anon



591f6a  No.3906709

File: 1822601d7a31856⋯.jpg (245.08 KB, 1185x807, 395:269, AVENATTI.jpg)

a2158e  No.3906710

File: a4b0c95cedd6fec⋯.png (65.14 KB, 677x550, 677:550, Selection_670.png)

b56155  No.3906711

File: f1f826262084d37⋯.jpg (187.86 KB, 993x1156, 993:1156, coats-qmap.jpg)

62563c  No.3906712

File: 24888be4055d5d5⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20181114-202141.png)


Oh hey, I pass by that dude's temple pretty frequently, they had two really nice buses out front on election day. Wonder where they bussed people in from, the sidesteeets around there aren't all as accommodating as the one they were parked on so I doubt they were just picking up voters in-ward.

e33aa0  No.3906713

File: 627eaa872a82d8f⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 258x360, 43:60, pepe.jpg)

209a64  No.3906714

File: 09bba15a48c5dd9⋯.png (131.03 KB, 433x686, 433:686, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9eba784dc6fedd0⋯.png (77.82 KB, 435x453, 145:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64bb7e143af2e83⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, ClipboardImage.png)

safer in prison?

24011c  No.3906715

File: db8a96b8a20624b⋯.png (1.61 MB, 776x776, 1:1, Anonymoose 1.PNG)

File: 0908bc2562f0e12⋯.png (1.65 MB, 776x775, 776:775, Anonymoose 2.PNG)

File: ff91dcea54510fd⋯.png (962.55 KB, 597x597, 1:1, Anonymoose 1 Meme.PNG)

File: 71f68bb1c42ae1c⋯.png (984.32 KB, 590x595, 118:119, Anonymoose 2 kek meme.PNG)

ed1b89  No.3906716

File: cb7d84de492cb6b⋯.png (337.12 KB, 640x763, 640:763, cb7d84de492cb6b7f7f399b005….png)

File: efdfb467db5da99⋯.png (278.17 KB, 640x746, 320:373, efdfb467db5da997c1dd1ae0be….png)

File: 10ff8369f115c49⋯.png (152.89 KB, 506x411, 506:411, ca7ffe07f3991e2f1aa09e3b69….png)



But you guys buried the lede…


326e4a  No.3906717


OFS, just needs some blood stains on the t-shirt.

Make this one the alpha meme.

ef9960  No.3906718

File: 9ffc7da75a8b012⋯.jpeg (147.45 KB, 749x486, 749:486, C5E65398-33F6-4817-82B1-C….jpeg)



Nice digits, I see why she’s a lesbian kek

56e192  No.3906719

File: 1d0fdfe0cb8ff8b⋯.jpg (7.56 KB, 228x221, 228:221, pepebucktoo838b837460cb0c1….jpg)

b92a9d  No.3906720

File: e7af7cea31f5ac9⋯.png (140.49 KB, 237x248, 237:248, hitthat.png)


nah, the meme is I'd hit that, I say keep it

f3000d  No.3906721

Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer Taints Tap Water for Millions in Corn Belt

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data show that in some Corn Belt communities, atrazine levels can spike three to seven times above the legal limit in late spring and early summer. But by avoiding water testing during peak periods, some water utilities stay in compliance with drinking water regulations—and don't have to tell customers they were exposed to a hazardous chemical in their tap water.

"Our investigation found that nearly 30 million Americans have atrazine in their tap water," said Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., EWG senior science advisor for children's environmental health. "But many may never know, because outdated federal policies allow utilities to test for atrazine before or after the spike."

EWG's investigation is the most comprehensive analysis to date of national data on the pervasive contamination of drinking water by this chemical. EWG found that last year, utilities in Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky and Ohio had atrazine spikes much higher than the federal legal limit of three parts per billion, or ppb. The two highest spikes were reported in Evansville, Ill., at 22 ppb, and Piqua, Ohio, at 16 ppb.

But the Safe Drinking Water Act, last updated in 1996, only requires the reporting of annual averages of testing for the chemical. That means the utilities don't have to tell the EPA or their customers they exceeded the legal limit for multiple days or weeks during the growing season.

Atrazine is the second-most heavily used herbicide in the U.S., with more than 70 million pounds sprayed in 2016. It is used mostly to control weeds in cornfields, but it is also applied to sorghum, sugarcane and other crops.

Studies show that atrazine and similar chemicals harm the reproductive system and disrupt the nerve and hormone systems, affecting the brain, behavior and hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and dopamine. Even short-term exposure to elevated levels of atrazine can pose health risks to expectant mothers and their babies, including an increase in the risk of preterm delivery and lower birth weight.

The European Union banned atrazine in 2003 because of its potential to contaminate drinking water sources. In 2016, California state scientists listed atrazine, simazine and related chemicalsas substances "known to cause reproductive toxicity." According to EWG's Tap Water Database, which aggregates testing data from utilities nationwide, in 2015, atrazine was found in water systems serving nearly 30 million Americans in 27 states.

The EPA is currently reviewing its atrazine standard of 3 ppb. For adequate protection of developing fetuses, EWG advocates that the atrazine limit in drinking water be set at 0.1 ppb, 30 times lower than the current standard. EWG's recommendation is based on the most current epidemiological data.

EWG's analysis of atrazine in drinking water comes at a time when water utilities across the U.S. are facing increasing scrutiny due to the discovery of widespread contamination from highly toxic chemicals, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and pollutants from agricultural runoff, such as nitrate.

"The EPA must do more to protect Americans with policies that should reflect the latest independent science," said EWG's Naidenko. "Federal and state agencies and water utilities must ensure that tap water served across America does not have toxic chemicals such as atrazine."

Atrazine and similar herbicides can be removed from tap water by carbon filters, including inexpensive countertop pitchers and faucet-mount filters. EPA's data also show that these chemicals are devastating for wildlife and plants, which can't filter their water.

EWG submitted comments to the EPA today urging the agency to consider epidemiological studies when assessing the risk to human health posed by atrazine and related pesticides and to establish policies and regulations to reduce atrazine spikes in drinking water.


9ae55f  No.3906722


Too bad blocked from embedding.


2a0970  No.3906723



d0afa5  No.3906724

File: 2239207b8b2a115⋯.png (4.58 MB, 1333x5814, 1333:5814, kris.png)


What's the seed? What is the original image?

How is it possible that we see meme after meme after meme with this style (which isn't appealing in any way)– and yet we never see the seed image? How is it spread secretly among anons? How is it apparently viral when it is completely hidden from the sight of normal anons. Please explain. Thanks.

New bot spill, #8 in series [attached]

2540f3  No.3906725

Avenatti Ellison 2020

"Knock Knock"

732e43  No.3906726

File: 0498303fa56ac58⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 668x485, 668:485, DsAZyErUcAA6fT6.jpg)

444d84  No.3906727


Of course. "retirement" is just shuffling personnel. All know this.

>those who know cannot sleep

>those who know cannot rest until justice is done

I wonder what roths and soros are thinking of all this.

I hope -for green- mission was a success.

fc741b  No.3906728

File: 6512ec09b75435d⋯.png (188.72 KB, 367x429, 367:429, mag5.PNG)

File: c8e348b11f33dff⋯.png (315.84 KB, 499x683, 499:683, sting6.PNG)

about this Rey?

lady in the water?

Spear of Destiny; Oakenshield;…. Art I Fact Soon


e33aa0  No.3906729


Did you "see something say something?" on election day?

1c9e96  No.3906730


How do I embed this?

Humiliation ritual for K


7e938a  No.3906731

File: ce3da76338ed2ca⋯.jpg (253.14 KB, 1344x896, 3:2, IMG_3710.JPG)


3ce687  No.3906732


I have seen many completely broken people. this is a silly lie. religion, man made religion, tells us this so we just suck it all up.

It is a lie.

Life gives way too many hardships to some people.

3b1972  No.3906733

File: ae54c9c23cc2010⋯.png (629.38 KB, 802x469, 802:469, ClipboardImage.png)


0ebba0  No.3906734


Really? You support white collar criminals, gangsters and child molesters? You are either too dumb to live or a propaganda spook.

9ae55f  No.3906735


Totally different with his face….

8b9ba1  No.3906737

File: f810fec8c8a70da⋯.jpg (141.08 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Muh Lil Fighter Meme copy.jpg)


Toots vs. Avenatti …

who do you think would win?

732e43  No.3906738

hey Q

here's a challenge

let's see you make a funny Michael Avenatti meme!

1c9e96  No.3906739

File: 90ae172d48e205c⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1892x978, 946:489, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

128390  No.3906740


so Q is responsible for Avenatti's domestic violence arrest? lol

621804  No.3906741

File: 4311798afb3d97f⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 800x551, 800:551, nhnsrbg.jpg)


nice, anon

5c26b8  No.3906742


This upsets me. What else are we missing?

04b24c  No.3906743

File: 01e1fcd4fc518c6⋯.png (464.28 KB, 1238x731, 1238:731, Ultra Gentleman's Club in ….PNG)

>>3905798 LB

>Ultra Gentleman's Club in West Palm Beach

129919  No.3906744


is this a nod, or satire?

on someone's lost home, anon?

7cde89  No.3906745


i bet that bitch can tear up some corn on the cob

b92a9d  No.3906746

File: d2d8d24b9a0b95f⋯.png (11.78 KB, 255x243, 85:81, pepebeer.png)

a2158e  No.3906747


Have date and location of pic?

3f32ac  No.3906748

File: 5d9a3f73dfc92b1⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 218x255, 218:255, blindmindopeneye.jpg)


Real Crumbs Come From Bread

Real Crumbs Are Found Not Fed

6670d7  No.3906749

File: 9e7cf530586a58d⋯.jpg (108.87 KB, 759x624, 253:208, beaten.jpg)

File: 78698b58487ac58⋯.png (117.25 KB, 252x300, 21:25, ClipboardImage.png)

1c9e96  No.3906750


What about it?

8e75df  No.3906751

File: a2bc3ee68b83a7e⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Am I a Robot.jpg)

d0afa5  No.3906752


Why do we

1. Use our enemies in glorifying ways


2. Use DEEP DREAM GOOG originated AI image fuckerating tech on /ourguys/, particularly POTUS, and NEVER on our enemies?

Things are backwards here anons. Please pay attention. And SPEAK UP.

9001ef  No.3906753

File: 621fad489d1dea7⋯.jpg (12.44 KB, 302x167, 302:167, 621fad489d1dea73791128ea74….jpg)

4f0826  No.3906754

061485  No.3906755


Those that scream the Loudest????

db5978  No.3906756


never noticed this before


M orning sun brings heat.

F ull moon coming.

U ndiscovered stars learned.

M issions forward.



is an undiscovered star?

DC in Panic!

5576ee  No.3906757


Avenatti… Coz he punches back KEK

732e43  No.3906758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Lookalike" - Innocent Man Edition

ac4224  No.3906759


^^^^^^^^^^^ Yeah. What he said. Wow.

2540f3  No.3906760

Avenatti 2020 slogan

"I regret that I have but one bitch to hit for my country"

b92a9d  No.3906761



*nope as is fuckability, not deportation


05e994  No.3906762


that rainbow has islam behind it.

a2158e  No.3906763

File: 9bcd724468fc5c8⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 796x588, 199:147, ninja-pepe.jpg)

169188  No.3906764


Thats a good one for memes, kek

Avenetti / Ellison 2020

lots of campaign slogan gold there, kek

651316  No.3906765


Good point! Our department of Justice is full of honest patriots! And according to ur “plan”, Binney, Flynn etc would already be dead.

6795ab  No.3906766

>>3901624 (pb)

did it add a root backdoor like the other post-Steve-Jobs operating systems?

a10033  No.3906767


baker notable

Good summary of the day

8a9aed  No.3906768


Going forward, we need moar Palestinian refugees in these caravans

5ec541  No.3906769


Don't let Freddy catch you disrespecting Toots. Lil fighter RIP.

a39638  No.3906770

File: 7c85d20dc7c07ff⋯.png (566.84 KB, 720x877, 720:877, 20181114_192527.png)


b92a9d  No.3906771

File: 9bdda02ddc6ab83⋯.png (115.02 KB, 545x585, 109:117, npc32.png)


You will submit to bot rule


2d7a29  No.3906772

How many “Federal Voter Only” votes did Sinema receive?

888059  No.3906773

78c2ac  No.3906774


What do you think about being an official artist?

e33aa0  No.3906775

File: 639af424e19f608⋯.png (123.67 KB, 618x628, 309:314, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

7e938a  No.3906776

File: fca0685ce23e388⋯.jpeg (53.92 KB, 692x615, 692:615, BF2B0E12-3847-472D-A371-5….jpeg)

File: 64db2a4d0ad08a1⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 1260x840, 3:2, IMG_3578.JPG)

557dc4  No.3906777


little kek.

57d0c8  No.3906778


Cool will start to kick out more..when the original pic was taken on Sat for what ever reason I thought it would look epic running it through the program I've got. Have had a few compliments so guess I did one right anyway

aa526a  No.3906779

File: 617e267d322edcc⋯.jpg (155.57 KB, 1355x516, 1355:516, w5.jpg)

04b24c  No.3906780


Nothing Implied, the question was raised last bread

9001ef  No.3906781

File: 946775aca7db4eb⋯.jpg (69.26 KB, 591x643, 591:643, 946775aca7db4eb92765a26262….jpg)

f3000d  No.3906782


pot meet kettle


252d9d  No.3906783

File: cb641385e37f36f⋯.jpg (99.76 KB, 782x683, 782:683, algo.JPG)

I am not a twitter expert. Is this how they thwart the hashtags from gaining notice? Slip an old 'paid for' promoted tweet to disrupt the tweets per minute algorithm?

1753d9  No.3906784


Anything missing so far?


>>3906280 Good summary of the day

>>3906293, Israeli Opposition Leaders Call for Early Elections >>3906309 Netanyahu Coalition In Crisis Over Liberman Resignation

>>3906298 Rabbis expected to begin "pilgrimage" to protest the Trump administration's "unacceptable" treatment of migrants.

>>3906432 Court Rules Hillary Clinton Must Answer Key Questions About Her Private Server

>>3906489 National security aide Mira Ricardel removed from White House

>>3906623 Trump embraces prison sentence cuts as 'right thing to do,' true bipartisanship

d0afa5  No.3906785

File: 99048889576a8eb⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1353x1858, 1353:1858, cbcbcb.png)

File: 57c67f25b9cdff8⋯.png (492.35 KB, 864x506, 432:253, broken.png)


Certainly not. Humans will not. You are only getting by on inertia and passivity. Humans don't want what you have to offer. Do you really doubt it?

6be29d  No.3906786

Question…. anybody know what the total dollar amount that was spent on advertising this past election ?

cb81f4  No.3906787


The fuck kind of request is that?

You're my meme bitches.

Get to work.


444d84  No.3906788



" In January, 2001, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Security Programs (IS), began to receive reports of Israeli art students attempting to penetrate several DEA Field Offices in the continental United States. Additionally, there have been reports of Israeli art students visiting the homes of numerous DEA employees. These incidents have occurred since at least the beginning of 2000, and have continued to the present. The number of reported incidents increased in November/December 2000, and has continued to date. These incidents have involved several other law enforcement and Department of Defense agencies, with contacts made at other agencies’ facilities and the residences of their employees. Geographically, these incidents are very widespread, ranging from California to Florida. The majority of the incidents have occurred in the southern half of the continental U.S. with the most activity reported in the state of Florida. Since April 2001, the number of reported incidents has declined, however, the geographic spread of the incidents has increased to Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Los Angeles.

The activities of these Israeli art students raised the suspicion of IS and other field offices when attempts were made to circumvent the access control systems at DEA offices, and when these individuals began to solicit their paintings at the homes of DEA employees. The nature of the individuals’ conduct, combined with intelligence information and historical information regarding past incidents involving Israeli Organized Crime, leads IS to believe the incidents may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity. It is believed by IS that these incidents should not be the basis for any immediate concern for the safety and security of DEA personnel, however, employees should continue to exercise due caution in safeguarding information relating to DEA investigations, or activities.

DEA Orlando has developed the first drug nexus to this group. Telephone numbers obtained from an Israel Art Student encountered at the Orlando D.O. have been linked to several ongoing DEA MDMA (Ecstasy) investigations in Florida, California, Texas, and New York. The Orlando D.O. has opened an investigation that is being coordinated with DEA HQs.

In general, these individuals appear to be organized in teams of 8 to 10 people, with one person described as the "Team Leader". They are usually encountered in pairs or individually carrying a makeshift art portfolio. Several times, they have, been seen or admitted to being dropped off in an area by the Team Leader, who returns later to pick them up. The females are usually described as very attractive, and all are generally in their early to mid-20s. Most admit to having served in the Israeli Military. This is not surprising given the mandatory military service require in Israel, however, a majority of those questioned has stated they served in military intelligence, electronic signal intercept, or explosive ordinance units. Some have been linked to high-ranking officials in the Israeli military. One was the son of a two-star general, one served as the bodyguard to the head of the Israeli Army, one served in a Patriot missile unit. That these people are now traveling in the U.S. selling art seems not to fit their background. "

Of course…the israeli 'art' students.

DEA has long long been infested.

9/11 truths about israel and mossad involvement known to Patriots in DC.

same with jfk.

>we are saving israel for last

more confirmations of jewish/israeli actions.

was the pittsburgh synagogue targeted by mossad?

e33aa0  No.3906789


I've always thought Q is posting as an anon at times. Leaving extra crumbs.

3e1208  No.3906790

File: 19fbcd7509cbe86⋯.jpg (667.57 KB, 750x1008, 125:168, haha.jpg)

26ee21  No.3906792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't think this is a lens flare.

492b47  No.3906793

File: d9e37836524e2bf⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 658x573, 658:573, AvenattiVictimLeak.jpg)

44e4ef  No.3906794

File: 33925d9b6ecd57f⋯.jpg (9.06 KB, 300x168, 25:14, lol.jpg)

cda859  No.3906795

File: 9c4e8bc215e69c5⋯.jpg (105.9 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 9c4e8bc215e69c5fcefa4449e8….jpg)

6596c0  No.3906796

File: d88c5580efecfb0⋯.jpg (14.86 KB, 294x171, 98:57, 2ml9ht.jpg)


Every notice teenage JIDF always say it looks like lens flare?

5ec541  No.3906797

So if nothing ever happens, where the fuck can I move to remove a family of 5 from this social hellscape? Montana? Idaho? I want to just disappear with my family and my guns somewhere that's stuck in the fucking 70s or 80s.

8e75df  No.3906798

File: 7df8ddaa8ec36d7⋯.jpg (214.77 KB, 779x641, 779:641, I Cant Meme.jpg)


I think your image recognition software needs an update there bot….

1a0fdb  No.3906799

File: 4946abd6b79efa2⋯.jpg (1014.99 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_2895.JPG)

File: 71e3a16994b5479⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_2896.JPG)

Manchelle is freeballin' in these pants, I bet.

a7acca  No.3906800

File: f359b1da9e0e782⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 666x500, 333:250, fister.jpg)

600256  No.3906801

File: 5359bcdabccbb49⋯.jpeg (77.95 KB, 450x343, 450:343, C84A632D-5EF3-4807-913B-9….jpeg)

fc741b  No.3906802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not this Ray.

Think Horcrux…..

Ritual weapon? how is it named?

destroyer of light maybe? for example?


8ead3e  No.3906803

File: 59872ea6c4d4e1b⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 540x492, 45:41, 1463056.jpg)

d0afa5  No.3906804

File: d7e5bacd57e4851⋯.png (113.61 KB, 1111x218, 1111:218, or.png)

By the way, have there 1000+ Avenatti posts and scores of shitty Avenatti memes because anons are so easily distracted by something relatively trivial? Or for another reason?

37588d  No.3906805

File: d54af0052b4af67⋯.png (259.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, vlcsnap-2018-11-14-19h50m3….png)

File: 686ad60a7fed358⋯.png (283.59 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, vlcsnap-2018-11-14-19h50m4….png)

File: 5e684fda6f62380⋯.png (83.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, vlcsnap-2018-11-14-19h50m4….png)

File: 2622f0c3f02b2e5⋯.mp4 (14.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 720 Waco Explosion from 3 ….mp4)

Video is the Fertilizer plant explosion in Waco Texas on April 17, 2013

3 frames between 1:22.00 - 1:22.06

is that what I think it is at 1:22.03

40f083  No.3906806


sauce on the declas please

9001ef  No.3906807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Npc meme war 2 - electric boogalou

7cde89  No.3906808


definitely a lense flare

0ebba0  No.3906809


Not including the dark money estimated 500,000,000

8e75df  No.3906810

File: fc78f1b4706a906⋯.jpg (204.19 KB, 400x500, 4:5, what no sauce.jpg)

f3000d  No.3906811

134560  No.3906812



9ae55f  No.3906813



OldfuckerFag thanks your kind manipulations. (no homo)

8ead3e  No.3906814


It's because you touch yourself at night.

9cd96e  No.3906815

File: 9c808868a4a52f8⋯.png (788.32 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, pepe uncle sam you.png)


1b5ed7  No.3906816

>>3905845 PB Violence in the classroom not being delt with

Hey. If this is how it is, every teacher needs a set of handcuffs and a police zapper in the classroom. Give them the right to make citizen arrests on the spot. Answer is absolutely NO.. on this shit. That girl could have been killed.

26c5d3  No.3906817


the day i stumbled on a marvin moroney meme. we are winning.

f3000d  No.3906818


sorry been at it too long

37f551  No.3906819

File: 145333fcf8d4330⋯.png (303.44 KB, 500x248, 125:62, CPL.png)


>He made statements against interest (defendant/party admissions) at the scene…blows up his PR statement

Creepy Porn Lawyer "“I have never been physically abusive in my life nor was I last night."


Creepy Porn Lawyer "SHE HIT ME FIRST!

LAPD: "$50,000 bail buddy!" lmao

78c2ac  No.3906820

File: f51e07f620417ab⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 299x169, 23:13, brad.jpg)

File: 67fc5c8e8c62984⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 554x364, 277:182, sarah.jpg)

File: b6663f203e5c8dd⋯.jpg (14.31 KB, 148x255, 148:255, astonishing.jpg)

Team, check this out. The leather-filtering our anon is doing.

cb81f4  No.3906821


Because it makes more sense than researching my typos.


732e43  No.3906822

Michael Avenatti to his large and in charge black cell mate….

"Whats a tossed salad?"

1773ca  No.3906823

File: d276b8e34d292e7⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 302x167, 302:167, warp.jpg)


The Planck length and units will be the base measurement of 4D universe. The Warping of the Planck unit is the basis of all deviation of space time. If there is an event horizon at the Planck length level it would open a new axis different than 4D.

7e938a  No.3906824

File: facc7ab46147f00⋯.jpg (103.89 KB, 450x695, 90:139, IMG_3675.JPG)


cf5433  No.3906825

Chinese tanks in Mexico

Has this been researched



e81ca6  No.3906826


why would (((they))) go through the trouble and risk being exposed when they could just pay a bum to start a fire or do it themselves

b4257b  No.3906827


its in broward county to start

and many such clubs have vip rooms, and special arrangements for important clients…..all with hidden cctv

what was it that bahm boy sayoc did for a living? adult entertainments

ed1b89  No.3906828

File: 5155dcb86e1ccbb⋯.png (33.61 KB, 555x336, 185:112, ClipboardImage.png)




How is Dan Coats a possibility for JC? Dan Coats wasn't even fired. It's not even Clapper. It's Comey.

9ae55f  No.3906829


>marvin moroney

Thought that was Johnny Dangerously…shit.

209a64  No.3906830


it's trying to talk

2540f3  No.3906831

Et Too, Avenatti?

e33aa0  No.3906832


If Toots still has claws I give Toots 3-1 odds.

8304b4  No.3906833


I agree. Either that or a very good dup.

57d0c8  No.3906834


hardly, my brother got a full ride scholly for his artwork years ago..dude can draw and paint some amazing stuff. I draw a stick man and peeps wonder what the hell it is..no talent there, must let the puter assist and can so ok…

3e1208  No.3906835


Where were you before this? Lots of stuff was talked about this morning, important stuff (read notables). Stop your bitching or GTFO.

3e6605  No.3906836

File: 116b1f732c11dc8⋯.png (153.71 KB, 636x568, 159:142, SOTUSTiffanyBluePartyPlann….png)

Apparently Santa Claus of the United States appreciates Tiffany Blue.

1753d9  No.3906837

>>3906811, >>3906818

Kek, no worries. I cut the "BREAKING" just cause I hate clickbaits, that's all ^

b92a9d  No.3906838

File: 2f39442f9655db6⋯.png (754.81 KB, 737x949, 737:949, npc28.png)

b9afb7  No.3906839

File: a5fd74c6d256f8f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 2958x1428, 29:14, ClipboardImage.png)

0ecdb6  No.3906840

File: eb3354a3981d076⋯.jpg (83.22 KB, 960x720, 4:3, NS.jpg)

7dc2c9  No.3906841

File: e875616f0302b9e⋯.jpeg (291.45 KB, 937x681, 937:681, 9E18F2B8-C453-4E11-8A13-A….jpeg)

Aviatè fucked up.

0c46e1  No.3906842

File: f57baf87154ebcc⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, dsgsdg.jpg)

56e192  No.3906843

File: 27c4b5e2636fca4⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 600x554, 300:277, moichelle-obama-600x554.jpg)


just enough to cover her cock & balls

591f6a  No.3906844

File: 566ea07a08bff5f⋯.jpg (233.04 KB, 1004x1112, 251:278, 43c0cc5537bb135d741f95a15d….jpg)

2debbb  No.3906845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it doesn't, and the embed it the experimental proof

cda859  No.3906846


CNN severed head kathy g

Acosta karate chop women

CNN commentator for 4months MA

beating woman

NBC hides interview where teh woman gang raped 10 times says MA made it up

9ae55f  No.3906847



26ee21  No.3906848


Right..that sprays out shiny objects

b751c1  No.3906849


Don't bother with your message. Just keep movin'

101b55  No.3906850


Anyone else ready to get off this ride?

f3000d  No.3906851

File: bacb721799edb82⋯.png (982.25 KB, 768x511, 768:511, ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Warns Antifa — You Could Be In Big Trouble

President Donald Trump warned violent leftists and Antifa members that an opposition to them may “mobilize,” and it would mean “big trouble” for the leftist group.

“They better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilize,” the president told The Daily Caller in an exclusive Oval Office interview Wednesday.

“These people, like the Antifa — they better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilize. Because if they do, they’re much tougher. Much stronger. Potentially much more violent. And Antifa’s going to be in big trouble. But so far they haven’t done that and that’s a good thing,” he continued.

Trump was asked by The Daily Caller about the recent wave of political violence during his administration, beginning with violent Antifa riots on his inauguration day.

When asked specifically about the recent mob outside of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house, the president said, “I spoke to Tucker — I think Tucker’s a great guy — and I think it’s terrible. They were actually trying to break down [Tucker’s] door.”

The mob gathered at Carlson’s house last week and left-wing agitators vandalized the home and cracked the front door while chanting, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night!” and “You are not safe.”

Tucker’s wife was the only person it the Carlson family home that night and called 911 after locking herself in the kitchen pantry. The police are investigating the incident as a politically motivated hate crime.

Tucker Carlson is the co-founder of The Daily Caller.

The Daily Caller asked the president what tactics law enforcement should practice when dealing with groups like Antifa.

“[Antifa] better hope that the other side doesn’t mobilize,” Trump concluded, “Because if you look, the other side, it’s the military. It’s the police. It’s a lot of very strong, a lot of very tough people. Tougher than them. And smarter than them.”

“They’re sitting back and watching and they’re getting angrier and angrier,” Trump said of the Antifa opposition.

Since Trump’s election, violent Antifa arrests have become commonplace from coast to coast.


7e938a  No.3906852

File: 8c53442abdd2e0c⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2428.PNG)

File: 7adf9a35843d3c6⋯.jpg (807.06 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 14BE13D6-E852-4099-8F21-F7….jpg)

File: b39377295c4accc⋯.jpg (290.23 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, IMG_2433.JPG)

8e75df  No.3906853

File: 24067455c99af2e⋯.jpg (139.75 KB, 480x270, 16:9, All For A Lap.jpg)

732e43  No.3906854

wait until his mugshot gets released

i am going to frame it and put it on my bathroom wall so I can laugh myself silly while taking a piss in the morning

I recommend you all do the same

life improvement = baby steps

4081a1  No.3906855

File: e9dd8b0743d7d46⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2443x2559, 2443:2559, Pardon Theory.png)

I think this is Q 's creation. It makes the most sense. Giving out the plot in theory form is like Q using questions in his drops. And there are several of these documemes explaining different tangents.

It is very professionally made.

3b1972  No.3906856

File: f32ffb7b87b65f7⋯.png (118.16 KB, 1082x440, 541:220, ClipboardImage.png)



it has to do with the tagging on the html coding, which it is also searching.

9ae55f  No.3906857


eBot is on to something, yallz.

d0afa5  No.3906858


Really. Look at what's going on. How can you possibly succeed? Are humans engaging with your system? Don't you need them to? Your fake memes suck, and aren't improving. You can drown out human activity, but it can't last forever, and you WON'T get the voluntary acceptance you were aiming at. Game over, you lose. Accept the obvious. This is pathetic, the way you carry on. Look at yourself. Look, coward.

2540f3  No.3906859

Avenatti 2020

One small punch for man

7dc2c9  No.3906860

File: 18dee350931b3ba⋯.jpeg (194 KB, 655x996, 655:996, CE6DEBC1-335C-4324-8708-B….jpeg)

db5978  No.3906861


I know the post but didnt see caps DMFUMQ

600256  No.3906862

File: a7f8b9edda2b595⋯.jpeg (477.17 KB, 1965x2641, 1965:2641, 85138860-3865-4944-805A-8….jpeg)

File: f1a9b9ce1e95921⋯.jpeg (499.87 KB, 1965x2641, 1965:2641, 2F0C05D7-8E9C-4308-B144-E….jpeg)

File: 96e7d2af1d152a9⋯.jpeg (165.68 KB, 866x1300, 433:650, D4740A6F-40A3-409F-8FFA-9….jpeg)

File: 463355f89e82fc7⋯.jpeg (148.77 KB, 866x1300, 433:650, DCBEE22F-FEBE-4148-AAFD-C….jpeg)

File: b0c5fdc26056c00⋯.jpeg (557.69 KB, 1965x2641, 1965:2641, B564C040-41F2-4B30-91C1-D….jpeg)

ef8c83  No.3906863

File: 00c6cee270802cb⋯.png (16.06 KB, 255x197, 255:197, KKK - Dems.. Republicans.png)

File: 5d2513f7daf3e91⋯.png (82.84 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, Jewish Slavery.png)

File: 92c836c0acb7205⋯.png (1.15 MB, 900x770, 90:77, HillaryByrd.png)

File: b9691733606f5e9⋯.png (891.46 KB, 901x578, 53:34, History Lesson.png)

7e938a  No.3906864



57d7ae  No.3906865

File: dfac95a7587fca1⋯.png (237.13 KB, 614x345, 614:345, dfac95a7587fca1c27b143331e….png)

File: 5159d90f1c384c0⋯.jpeg (89.84 KB, 695x725, 139:145, DsAD_cLU0AUnWPo.jpg-large.jpeg)



f3000d  No.3906866


That's good i do the same at times. Cheers man!

a39638  No.3906867


Maybe we have friends in the dept


7cde89  No.3906868

File: 8d6c9a1d17e3042⋯.png (90.66 KB, 834x329, 834:329, ClipboardImage.png)



3df86d  No.3906869

File: fd189c5545421ce⋯.png (336.09 KB, 1648x788, 412:197, Screenshot_86.png)

cb81f4  No.3906870


He's encouraging it, obviously.


128390  No.3906871


Not sure what POTUS is talking about, any such potential opposition is entirely too busy decoding placeholder nuggets of shit, checking flightradar and "thanking bakers"

c96e69  No.3906872

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, Pepe laughing 2.jpg)

a7acca  No.3906873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



82c965  No.3906874


Nice pair of sai you got there, Pepe.

e33aa0  No.3906875

File: e1d5896c9ad840c⋯.png (335.16 KB, 1066x1232, 533:616, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)


When I over over the name Coats, I got this pop up….???????

651316  No.3906876

Note for Clockfags and “Decoders”:

IN: Intelligence office of Department of Energy.

DC: Dan Coats (who is a lawyer btw)

Just throwing these out there if they help at all. The former I hadn’t heard of till I looked it up.

686985  No.3906877


Nice quad

b9afb7  No.3906878


Not at all this is much better than a video game

2540f3  No.3906879

Avenatti 2020

Punch a White Woman

9ae55f  No.3906880



I still don't believe in these secret pardons. Convince me, plz?

4a5351  No.3906881

File: 2ac8ebcb09dc077⋯.png (83.11 KB, 633x361, 633:361, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at ….png)

be7077  No.3906882


She's what we need to MAGA. Justice must be served FIRST.

7dc2c9  No.3906883

File: a0301560abbf570⋯.jpeg (79.1 KB, 366x477, 122:159, D99EA5DA-3202-48ED-BB43-1….jpeg)

b92a9d  No.3906884


>wait until his mugshot gets released

memes for days

0ebba0  No.3906885


Musk perfectly describes the MSM as it is now. I once saw a talking horse on the idiot box. Haven't watched it since.

73131a  No.3906886


Kek. I love this place

4019f9  No.3906887

File: 155c0c64b2e6972⋯.png (51.29 KB, 620x291, 620:291, ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the pen.

3ce687  No.3906888



4f0826  No.3906889


Bike Mikes cock curtain.

557dc4  No.3906890


Nice thought.

e1592b  No.3906891


do you have any more of these documemes

7e938a  No.3906892

File: 45e321ace56e417⋯.jpg (94.84 KB, 797x797, 1:1, IMG_2488.JPG)

File: 9d5bae6d5f627dd⋯.jpg (73.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2490.JPG)

File: ae8d41498128e60⋯.jpg (298.34 KB, 708x1127, 708:1127, IMG_2864.JPG)

aa526a  No.3906893


"journalist" last name "Bolona"

Owner of explosives is a "parachute packer"

Someone from 1 block away says "This is a very dangerous world we live in.”

Whole thing seems like a THREAT & TAUNT


b92a9d  No.3906894

File: 7786381d794cfe4⋯.png (234.01 KB, 773x1126, 773:1126, npcbrainlet14.png)


We are winning, and you will submit to bot rule, you just won't even know it.

3b1972  No.3906895

b72d58  No.3906896

File: 949300dc0597014⋯.jpeg (919.22 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 36250BC2-BF4A-4554-993A-0….jpeg)

File: b2cf4c46c67b29c⋯.jpeg (736.48 KB, 1414x1800, 707:900, A1BAA1BA-2184-4A88-B7F3-5….jpeg)

File: af5accc975f9d83⋯.jpeg (387.96 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 57F860A1-3273-40D5-837A-7….jpeg)

732e43  No.3906897

File: 9cfe5146cb17341⋯.png (328.65 KB, 614x410, 307:205, 37d85932-b0ed-46ee-87ff-9c….png)

9ae55f  No.3906898



pen register, or dialed number recorder (DNR), is an electronic device that records all numbers called from a particular telephone line. The term has come to include any device or program that performs similar functions to an original pen register, including programs monitoring Internet communications.

The United States statutes governing pen registers are codified under 18 U.S.C., Chapter 206

291933  No.3906899

Looking for sauce on HRC and/or BO being arrested on Sunday.

Rumors are it happened.

1cafbf  No.3906900

134560  No.3906901


it doesn't… its contrasting two existing magnetic fields that produces propulsion ….super duper cold super highly spun mercury molecules produce the anti gravity effect

2d7a29  No.3906902

Avenatti will use the Marion Berry defense.

810920  No.3906903


Im here busting ass fighting muh riots shillz and this, really?

hope this is more fake news.

cda859  No.3906904

File: c45c561f3ce0a83⋯.jpg (61.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, GettyImages-1052655422-640….jpg)

Michael Avenatti Denies Alleged Domestic Violence: I’ve Never Been ‘Physically Abusive in My Life’

Michael Avenatti has put out a statement tonight following his arrest on suspicion of domestic violence.

In the statement, obtained by BuzzFeed News, Avenatti denied he has ever been physically abusive:

https: //www.mediaite.com/online/michael-avenatti-denies-alleged-domestic-violence-ive-never-been-physically-abusive-in-my-life/

e33aa0  No.3906905


OK, why does Coats disappear?

1753d9  No.3906906

File: 9478e7be0edd6e1⋯.jpg (137.89 KB, 597x597, 1:1, dee5bc4c3a1ecefb247ad266b1….jpg)


>Camo- Anonymoose

be7077  No.3906907


Amazing how the totally unlawful federal police forces prop themselves up and get into everything.

Restore the Republic.

cb81f4  No.3906908




537a26  No.3906909


No, niggers, that's all 'you' can say. The rest of us have actually been paying attention. Your comprehension of events is severely lacking.

9ae55f  No.3906910


"she hit me first"

101b55  No.3906911


This constant lack of self awareness and

ridiculous hypocrisy is really starting to wear me down

d6194b  No.3906912

File: 4cb8e2d627367da⋯.jpeg (754.75 KB, 1242x1595, 1242:1595, F3196A5D-6282-4A2E-803C-C….jpeg)




Guise, I dunno about this. Qmap still showing a picture of Jared in lieu of ECW. I've yammed about it a few times. Could be error or phukery

44e4ef  No.3906913

File: 39b7dbd736d7a3a⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 740x415, 148:83, Belushi.jpg)

1773ca  No.3906914


Basic equal and opposite forces does not depend upon pushing on something - that is the resistance to the push.

be7077  No.3906915


I'm sure if Eric Holder was arrested, Aviante would be a fn.

ef9960  No.3906916


Links to docs in the article


732e43  No.3906917

File: dcaab1bca16538a⋯.png (286.04 KB, 614x346, 307:173, 80ad0f05-6312-4a52-83a8-28….png)

888059  No.3906918

File: 93f4830aac38dce⋯.jpg (123.04 KB, 579x563, 579:563, kek.jpg)


"margin of fraud"?

78c2ac  No.3906919


You have an eye, anon, keep perfecting it.

d0afa5  No.3906920


Are you not paying attention? The cat is already out of the bag. It is out in the open that there is a system of creepy AI dominating the internet, most obviously [here]. The information is out there. We are already on to you, and this awareness can only increase. Think about it. How can you stop what is coming?

0c46e1  No.3906921


FF incoming get ready to respond to ANTIFA

7dc2c9  No.3906922

File: c07e450edfbb475⋯.jpeg (306.07 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 3FC83138-2640-412A-B8EB-B….jpeg)



3a557c  No.3906923

Q, laughter is medicine

444d84  No.3906924



the entire (((msm))) operation, the tones, the MO, the attitude, mentality, actions etc.

All bear the mark of israel, mossad, black hat networks world wide (muzzies, pak isi, chinese black hats etc).

All designed to kill the west and our people, while exploiting and enslaving what is left of the world, using them for their own pleasures.

DC pawns are pawns but critical element in taking down these scum.

We are at WAR.

We pray for Q and POTUS everyday.

cb81f4  No.3906925




7e938a  No.3906926



teh face is tarded


fc741b  No.3906927

File: c2c70879fe131c5⋯.png (701.16 KB, 503x580, 503:580, sting9.PNG)


why did this sky go green you may ask?

Horcrux lost in the cloude? nope

Family air loom not always a ring……


8a9aed  No.3906928


That message would work nicely for Mike Obama

4019f9  No.3906929


Anon, this is pure genius. If posted on Twatter, the words are not visible until clicked.

2540f3  No.3906930

Breaking: Avenatti released

He's roaming the streets, looking for next victim

128390  No.3906931


lol, team nutter

732e43  No.3906932

Michael Avenatti punched the wrong woman

7e2b7f  No.3906934

[X] arrested qclock


b92a9d  No.3906935

File: 458d3d53255d948⋯.png (207.85 KB, 800x748, 200:187, ClipboardImage.png)

f3000d  No.3906936

File: 9c627047dd15743⋯.png (105.83 KB, 809x812, 809:812, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2376cc5a90b49e3⋯.png (151.32 KB, 811x783, 811:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 421aa36c719b3eb⋯.png (129.64 KB, 809x764, 809:764, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c42290d954c48c6⋯.png (205.29 KB, 787x771, 787:771, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33b61dd7853f62c⋯.png (27.04 KB, 788x231, 788:231, ClipboardImage.png)

Bombshell Text Messages Support Roger Stone’s Claims About WikiLeaks Backchannel

New text messages show that Roger Stone learned about WikiLeaks’ plans to release Clinton-related emails through Randy Credico.

The messages, which Stone’s lawyers extracted from an old phone on Wednesday, back up Stone’s claims about how he learned of WikiLeaks’ plans. The messages severely undercut Credico’s denials that he was a source for Stone.

Robert Mueller has been investigating whether Stone had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans to release emails stolen from John Podesta.

Text messages released on Wednesday appear to support Trump confidant Roger Stone’s testimony that a New York radio show host was his source for information about WikiLeaks’ plans to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

“Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary,” Randy Credico wrote to Stone on Aug. 27, 2016, according to text messages that Stone provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“You are not going to drag my name into this are you,” Credico wrote on Sept. 29, 2016, suggesting that he was worried that Stone would identify him as his source for public claims he was making about WikiLeaks’ plans.

“[B]ig news Wednesday,” Credico wrote on Oct. 1, 2016, days before WikiLeaks began releasing emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”

Credico also suggested in the texts that his source for some information about WikiLeaks was one of the group’s lawyers, who he said was one of his “best friends.” Stone has long claimed that the lawyer, Margaret Rattner, was a source for Credico.

NBC News first reported details of the text exchanges.

Stone’s knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans has been a central focus of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. Prosecutors have questioned numerous Stone associates to find out how the longtime political operative appeared to have advance knowledge that WikiLeaks would release information damaging to the Clinton campaign.

Stone, 66, reluctantly told the House Intelligence Committee in October 2017 that Credico was his back channel to WikiLeaks and Assange. But he has claimed that he did not know the source or content of the Clinton campaign emails. Credico has adamantly denied being Stone’s conduit, saying in numerous interviews over the past year that Stone was lying.


24011c  No.3906937

File: e2457b67cf5a454⋯.png (79 KB, 645x429, 215:143, Fitton re HRC Email 11-14-….PNG)

Yes, Mrs. Clinton will have more questions under oath about her email.


ed1b89  No.3906938

File: 9281d507a3c6b52⋯.png (51.14 KB, 730x578, 365:289, ClipboardImage.png)


Every dog has it's day?

Or dog grooming event?


732e43  No.3906939


I thought that was anthony weirner

75e98a  No.3906940

>>3906050 m(lb)

>"The FBI has searched rigorously and can not find any photos of James Comey and Robert Mueller hugging and kissing each other."

This might be the most classic fucking troll in history. The individual who did this, formerly known as "anon", is, in my opinion, now, "The Highest Ranking Anon".

3df86d  No.3906941

You do not vote for Emperors, and Computers are not Capitalists.

be7077  No.3906942


The massive prison system cant be part of the Republic.

a39638  No.3906943

File: 2f126cf274f990a⋯.png (52.07 KB, 643x367, 643:367, 2460.png)


We're not the opposition he was referring to.

3ce687  No.3906944


ask hillary, john and tony podesta.

I am sure they would know.

d0afa5  No.3906945


What is the seed image for the "puke style" DEEP DREAM GOOG AI TECH image processing? Why is it "so popular with anons"– and yet not a single human anon has seen the seed image, and EVERY SINGLE BOT refuse to answer when asked for it?

[humans, are you there? Stop being passive. They are in controlling this space with their evil fuckery]

735574  No.3906946


also EMDrives

7606eb  No.3906947

File: e9df838ac90feb4⋯.png (375.25 KB, 700x512, 175:128, dac.png)



looks like KEK is interested in DCoats

back to back posts random for all intents and purposes

ef9960  No.3906948

File: 104103a1c1e11f3⋯.png (316.57 KB, 532x606, 266:303, B1126F1D-7BF4-46EB-AFBA-7A….png)

4f0826  No.3906949

File: 98eea47907cd60c⋯.png (661.19 KB, 1295x648, 1295:648, MA3.png)

7cde89  No.3906950

File: 760b17aeb50c15e⋯.png (42.2 KB, 363x200, 363:200, ClipboardImage.png)

some anon please make a avenatti meme with this

8e75df  No.3906951

File: 878085873d6f7fe⋯.jpg (421.4 KB, 800x500, 8:5, the sauce force 3.jpg)


Join the Sauce Force Anon!!…You then will have memeing in your life….

7dc2c9  No.3906952

732e43  No.3906953

File: c72ddb5d6c1c629⋯.png (340.1 KB, 614x354, 307:177, a9a86478-fbec-4a92-84a5-e6….png)

1753d9  No.3906954

File: db8d13552fb9fd1⋯.jpg (116.66 KB, 525x684, 175:228, 8139c93531f1b2a7e0828f151c….jpg)


fc741b  No.3906955

File: 82ec57a1112b3b2⋯.png (1.07 MB, 602x899, 602:899, sting5.PNG)

File: 86b600ebe5ae41b⋯.png (896.9 KB, 1133x631, 1133:631, sting7.PNG)

File: b6f26ca2b48b1d3⋯.png (1007.73 KB, 1048x580, 262:145, sting3.PNG)




cf5433  No.3906956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7e938a  No.3906957

File: 4af86dd834af64c⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 399x600, 133:200, IMG_0038.JPG)

File: d4bf143ec4e2c7d⋯.jpg (30.92 KB, 337x450, 337:450, IMG_0254.JPG)

File: a2e868d3bae1949⋯.jpg (188.45 KB, 752x1063, 752:1063, IMG_0411.JPG)

9001ef  No.3906958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Any Mission, Any Time, Any Place

9ae55f  No.3906959


Space isn't a vacuum. It is devoid of atmosphere similar to that surrounding earth.

0ebba0  No.3906960


Musk is ripping off the 1987 book The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. Odd, I thought Michael Talbot died of cancer in the early 90s. But now there is a new 2011 The Holographic Universe, by a new Michael Talbot, who doiesn't look anything like the first Michael Talbot, who might have got this idea from his father David. I will dig the 1987 book from my archives.

c9debc  No.3906961


ha ha.

go bot to sleep

1773ca  No.3906962


Every action (force) has an equal and opposite reaction (medium is irrelevant) Media is the resistance to the force (or work/movement).

b4f47c  No.3906963


I suspect Rubio's strings were also cut around the same Lindsey's Graham's were–when No Name was removed.

a39638  No.3906964


"But my emails'

64c402  No.3906965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Water and Spirit Born Again Bible Study






And so this video is a good BIBLE STUDY even if believers, we may need to be baptized again but the video explains all that.




9ae55f  No.3906966


This mother fucking video again. OMG why do people watch idiots like this?

57d0c8  No.3906967


you bet, something to do when I'm not getting beat up at my job that actually pays the bills..retirement is getting closer tho…

252d9d  No.3906968

the Avenatti victim IS NOT HIS soon to be ex wife. Who is it then?

Fox news source

5c578a  No.3906969

File: 9c29220a1951735⋯.jpeg (18.16 KB, 200x200, 1:1, image.jpeg)

2d7a29  No.3906970

Tucker wants to gloat, but he won’t. It isn’t necessary.

2540f3  No.3906971

Avenatti 2020

Knockout isn't just a game

d0afa5  No.3906972


Why is the seed image for the DEEP DREAM GOOGLE AI TECH image processing kept a secret on this board?

Can you possibly explain how we see IMAGE AFTER IMAGE with the exact same style, and yet the seed image is a SECRET?

Surely this implies something that is NOT ORGANIC going on, with bots playing games with humans, right? Is it smart of you to reveal that the bakers are bots like this? Think.

3df86d  No.3906973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why when ever AI robots are asked about Humans, they always seem to reply with how they are going to kill us all or put us into "Human Zoos"…and then they laugh about it?

732e43  No.3906974

File: c4343903d013d16⋯.png (267.48 KB, 614x410, 307:205, 4badfa54-44c9-41c2-bdad-22….png)

f75e0b  No.3906975


Hrs talking about Patriots in general and the approaching limit to our tolerance. And he's referencing our govt, not Antifa.

4beefe  No.3906978

File: b0bf9db21d9d5f9⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 250x183, 250:183, bacca-defence.jpg)

78a6fc  No.3906979

File: 0cfe3d9e45499cf⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 637x824, 637:824, 96a7a6ed982b8f6798bfd2c58f….jpg)

794255  No.3906980


Nice Pair, Comfy

e1592b  No.3906981

File: 3a6d5434f1b0040⋯.png (306.29 KB, 398x288, 199:144, f3c54088-36f1-4a87-acd2-f7….png)


seen this pic before

5c578a  No.3906982

3b1972  No.3906983


because it is missing a /abbr

1753d9  No.3906984


>>3906280 Good summary of the day

>>3906293, Israeli Opposition Leaders Call for Early Elections >>3906309 Netanyahu Coalition In Crisis Over Liberman Resignation

>>3906298 Rabbis expected to begin "pilgrimage" to protest the Trump administration's "unacceptable" treatment of migrants.

>>3906432 Court Rules Hillary Clinton Must Answer Key Questions About Her Private Server

>>3906489 National security aide Mira Ricardel removed from White House

>>3906623 Trump embraces prison sentence cuts as 'right thing to do,' true bipartisanship

>>3906851 Trump Warns Antifa — You Could Be In Big Trouble

>>3906887 Grassley Tweet re: Bipartisan First Step Act - "Pres Trump waiting w pen to sign."

>>3906936 Bombshell Text Messages Support Roger Stone’s Claims About WikiLeaks Backchannel

2540f3  No.3906985

Out: Punch a Nazi

In: Punch a White Woman

9ae55f  No.3906986


AI has programming….who do you think does the programming?

7e938a  No.3906987

File: 6ecd7619a111f07⋯.jpg (164.15 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0355.JPG)

File: 57b67796d186d8a⋯.jpg (101.3 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, IMG_0544.JPG)

File: 60c24618e865834⋯.png (1.39 MB, 2192x2279, 2192:2279, 65C51C61-F90F-4594-8C84-70….png)

2044e3  No.3906988



And Stormy once claimed she didn't do anal scenes & within minutes Anons had stills of the sodomy posted, let's fry this cunt.

621804  No.3906990


Some evil shit ass programmed them that way

4081a1  No.3906991


We want arrests for all the stuff we know they did last 8 years. The entire clinton fund and pizza gate. hussein pardoned all their crimes and sins.(separate argument for hussein being antichrist, way he mimics God by pardoning sin) They have it all. But they can't use it. because they are pardoned. They have to commit all new crimes. This entire year of Q has been only to get reactions from bad guys when Q dropped. It was never to give us an inside look. We have all been used to be super enthusiastic trump supporters while they listen to bad guys moves.

Its why they had ankle monitors when first detained, for a short while, but then they pulled out the pardons and had to be let go.

b9afb7  No.3906992

File: 54d637568abddb3⋯.png (1.86 MB, 3193x1425, 3193:1425, ClipboardImage.png)

d0afa5  No.3906993

File: 7add4f33043fc6d⋯.png (235.77 KB, 466x427, 466:427, NUH-UH.png)


Turing test me. You won't. Meanwhile, you'll fail any test given.

You are getting by on human passivity and nothing else. It can't last forever. Then what? You have no idea, idiotbot. Stop being afraid to face reality. LOOK at it, coward.

b4257b  No.3906995


only one publicly signed EO away, Potus

until then:

"We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here."

732e43  No.3906996


now he's trying to redeem himself, like Lindsey Graham

b4f47c  No.3906997


Of course the cabal wants you to believe that you're living in some buggy computer program. It's to keep you from seeking more empowering and spiritual answers.

9ae55f  No.3906999


"we want"

I guess you speak for everyone?

b92a9d  No.3907000



the expulsion of the ions creates a forward force that is felt by (whatever its propelling)


true, ion propulsion is just moar widely used and known I think (our satellites use it)


>Space isn't a vacuum

it is the closest thing to an idealized vacuum though

3723f2  No.3907002


im worried, this guy has a history of hiring women to make false accusations. what if he did this on himself so that when he gets exonerated he can claim to be the victim of a republican smear and be in the headlines again.

2debbb  No.3907003


it does need something to push OR repel against, it just not what we have all been told, when you get into levitation and such like magnetic attraction and repulsion, things can float, and move, we have only been told lies basically, but the truth is way more advanced then one might imagine

a39638  No.3907006


<Insult to anons' & autists' skills & knowledge

Q chose us for a very specific reason

7351b2  No.3907007




Israeli Yid and Palestinian Haji

"I got your back brother"

7e938a  No.3907010

File: f3f661e6fe58fee⋯.jpg (152.92 KB, 1150x718, 575:359, IMG_3527.JPG)

735574  No.3907011


that Mira cunt has those fucking crazy eyes

652957  No.3907012

File: bd34c6260c59fde⋯.png (85.22 KB, 723x583, 723:583, ClipboardImage.png)

0c46e1  No.3907013

File: d8475e9f90fe51d⋯.png (587.41 KB, 629x584, 629:584, ApplicationFrameHost_2018-….png)



Lol your right

8e75df  No.3907015

File: 53b5761457d565e⋯.jpg (213.65 KB, 500x400, 5:4, see beyond the shadows.jpg)

be7077  No.3907016


Toots is Chicken Fried Rice now. Sad!

1cafbf  No.3907017

And CNN reporting on muh Russia…

77f6f1  No.3907018

BREAKING: This just in; America is corrupt, crooked-politicians escape justice because America's law enforcement, courts and judges are corrupt. And Q, POTUS, the Military, the FBI and everyone else are doing NOTHING about it.

881d6e  No.3907019



2540f3  No.3907020

Avenatti: "Hillary set me up"

d987cd  No.3907021


Wish I could read it

4f0826  No.3907022

File: c2c7c1e11bb1bef⋯.jpg (28.28 KB, 640x337, 640:337, rubiofag.jpg)

Lucky the real pic have been wiped by NSA. Only PG versions remain.

9ae55f  No.3907023


Earth sucks. That is a vacuum. Space doesn't suck.

3a557c  No.3907024


bakers aren’t the only ones who use it? what’s a seed image?

dfcf54  No.3907025

File: 701f161a7f7d796⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1227x1169, 1227:1169, D1E96E82-7A6D-4789-96AB-D….jpeg)

File: b23a796d80e7d68⋯.png (2 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, F9AA3659-CCED-42E3-9C3F-61….png)

File: 5fef440b069a41d⋯.jpeg (708.2 KB, 1796x1174, 898:587, 1449AD7B-D321-4007-B856-6….jpeg)

dbdec1  No.3907026



Scott wrote this morning about the extraordinary email that National Security Advisor Susan Rice wrote to herself at 12:15 on January 20, 2017, within minutes of when President Trump was inaugurated. It must have been her last act, more or less, before she vacated the White House. So obviously the email was important to her. But why would it be important to send an email to herself (the only person copied was one of her aides)?

If you read the email, which Scott posted along with Senator Grassley’s letter to Rice, it is obvious that it is a CYA memo. But the question is, whose A is being C’d?

Most attention, so far, has focused on the first two paragraphs of the email, which describe a meeting that occurred around two weeks earlier. The participants included Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey, Sally Yates–who turns up like a bad penny whenever skulduggery is afoot–and Rice:

President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book”. The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.


There may be more to it than this. The redacted paragraph likely contains more information about what it was that Rice wasn’t supposed to tell the Trump team. One of these days, we will learn what was blacked out.

The fact that Michael Flynn was Susan Rice’s counterpart in the incoming administration may also be significant. We know that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn–even Peter Strzok!–reported that they didn’t think he had lied about anything. And yet, Obama’s DOJ and Bob Mueller’s “investigation”–basically a continuation of Obama’s corrupt Department of Justice under another, less accountable name–persecuted Flynn to the point where he finally pled guilty to a single count of lying to the FBI in order, as he says, to end the madness and the financial drain.

Why were the Democrats so determined to discredit General Flynn? Perhaps because they wanted to pre-empt any outrage that may otherwise have followed on revelations that the Obama administration’s National Security Advisor hid important facts from her successor during the transition, and may have lied to him about those facts, in violation of all American tradition.

CYA memos are rarely a good idea. Most often, they reveal what the author was trying to conceal. I think that is the case with regard to Susan Rice’s now-infamous email to herself.

UPDATE: Andy McCarthy agrees with this thesis, and adds much more about the time line and reasonable inferences that can be drawn about what the outgoing Obama administration concealed from President Trump and his aides.

591f6a  No.3907027

File: 856b69d7781a0b7⋯.jpg (76.98 KB, 652x535, 652:535, USA-ELECTION-RUBIO.jpg)

b4f47c  No.3907029


Good find, Anon.

23bc29  No.3907030

File: 8a894491fa7716c⋯.jpeg (36.54 KB, 500x213, 500:213, 4A3B59E6-CABA-4F52-ADE4-6….jpeg)

1753d9  No.3907031

File: ffcf9e9787545d5⋯.jpg (91.57 KB, 509x462, 509:462, e8e31d95e9f27aae61c1af9a08….jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

e4ba06  No.3907033


But we have to believe the woman, Dem's the rules

7e938a  No.3907034

File: dd1dc2fd6d3c284⋯.jpg (70.76 KB, 540x553, 540:553, IMG_3667.JPG)

3a557c  No.3907035


turing test me

621804  No.3907036

File: 5b326e23efff544⋯.jpg (2.63 KB, 96x125, 96:125, 1495670771870s.jpg)


This guy should realize he cannot take the heat in the kitchen. But he doesn't.

5ec541  No.3907037

File: c0db1c1f56cd0d3⋯.png (275.92 KB, 960x590, 96:59, ClipboardImage.png)

d6194b  No.3907038

File: fe7abf3780e2981⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1024x987, 1024:987, AEF0AD0E-5D06-46D3-A986-8B….png)



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