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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

cb25cd  No.3819613

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

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Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 >>3572123

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 11.07.18

>>>/patriotsfight/435 ——————————— "..or in response to chaos associated with protests and mob action," ( Cap: >>3794515 )

>>>/patriotsfight/434 ——————————— Stealth Bombers fly undetected. ( Cap: >>3789835 )

>>>/patriotsfight/433 ——————————— RED LINE ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF RED OCTOBER? ( Cap: >>3789206 )

>>>/patriotsfight/432 ——————————— Coincidence? (Cap: >>3788919 )

>>>/patriotsfight/431 ——————————— Ezra Cohen-Watnick (Cap: >>3788771 )

>>>/patriotsfight/430 ——————————— Enjoy the show! (Cap: >>3788308 )

>>3788185 rt >>3788121 —————-———– There will be no recusal. (Cap: >>3788362 )

>>3788068 rt >>3787701 —————-———– Board under attack. (Cap: >>3788402 )

>>>/patriotsfight/429 ——————————— Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Jeff Sessions! (Cap: >>3787551 )

>>>/patriotsfight/428 ——————————— Your sacrifices will never be forgotten. (Cap: >>3784916 )

>>3783812 ——————————————— We are going to show you a new world. (Cap: >>3787860 )

>>3783780 rt >>3783759 —————-———– We are with you, Anons. (Cap: >>3787910 )

>>3783761 rt >>3782992 —————-———– Buckle up. (Cap: >>3787968 )

>>>/patriotsfight/427 ——————————— Future proves past (Cap: >>3780830 )

>>>/patriotsfight/426 ——————————— The Senate was the target (Cap: >>3775206 )

>>>/patriotsfight/425 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY (Cap: >>3775088)

>>>/patriotsfight/424 ——————————— Military planned. No impact re: ongoing investigations ( Caps: >>3773803, >>3773879 )

Tuesday 11.06.18

Compiled here: >>3815675

Monday 11.05.18

Compiled here: >>3775040

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

cb25cd  No.3819621


are not endorsements


>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3793687 BO: Catalog is too full and new (non-General Breads) will be deleted, not existing breads


>>3819509 Did POTUS borrow Gorka's 'y'?

>>3819434 Gunshots fired at house with Kanye West inside?

>>3819460 Sky king's barrel roll was legit.

>>3819399, >>3819410, >>3819414 "In the 2016 Election I was winning by so much in Florida..."

>>3819374 AAG Whitaker releases statement regarding Presidential Proclamation.

>>3819370, >>3819381 DJT Tweet: "Mayor Gillum conceded on Election Day..."

>>3819322 Michelle Obama in vitro conception.

>>3819242 These 3 are must see POTUS videos.

>>3819240 Paul Ryan pushing for amnesty again?

>>3819213 US Vice President Pence to meet PM Modi next week: White House.

>>3819064 Los Zetas cartel boss gets lifetime prison sentence in Texas.

>>3819055 Another instance of [y].

>>3818963 Protests outside Broward County election office.

>>3818955 Mueller and Whitaker confirmations.

>>3819017 Jim Acosta violated one of the oldest rules of journalism.

>>3818917, >>3819022 (y) = Stage_5:5(y)?

>>3818916 Boeing jet crash-lands at Guyana airport, 6 people injured.

>>3819597 #4854


>>3818739 (y) = (y) heads?

>>3818643, >>3818652 Mass migration proclamation in graphic form.

>>3818443, >>3818540 Saving Israel for last. Double meaning? Ties to Awans and DWS.

>>3818585 Planefag: C-130.

>>3818571 POTUS troll spree.

>>3818290, >>3818533 JAMES WOODS leading the missing persons search for the camp fire blaze.

>>3818527 White House trade advisor Navarro says China trade deal will be on Trump's terms, not Wall Street's.

>>3818485 Acosta MOS?

>>3818455 County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes’ actions in the past have been.

>>3818180, >>3818224 On his way out, Sessions limits Justice's use of consent decrees.

>>3818221, >>3818223 DJT Tweet: I am sending much better lawyers to expose the FRAUD!

>>3818196 Ron Baron: Elon Musk doesn't need "adult supervision."

>>3818171, >>3818243 Data from a dead satellite reveals lost continents under Antarctica.

>>3818168 Matt Gaetz vows to ‘fight … fraudulent ballots’ in recount drama.

>>3818146 Broward County Elections has OBAMA image in group photo.

>>3818811 #4853


>>3817868 Anon notices factors of 11 in the timestamps of POTUS's schedule at Joint Base Andrews.

>>3817844 Fort Sam Houston on lockdown due to security incident.

>>3817723, >>3817735, >>3817801 Stupid question came from CNN reporter.

>>3817800 Feinstein: No evidence of widespread voter fraud.

>>3817790, >>3817763 Trump limits asylum, says migrants must "have merit."

>>3817727 Rudy Giuliani: Election supervisor destroyed ballots in 2016.

>>3817703 Transport minister Jo Johnson (brother of Boris Johnson) quits UK government, calls Brexit divorce deal a terrible mistake.

>>3817459 Lloyd Blankfein was the unidentified Goldman Executive present at 2009 1MDB meeting.

>>3817522 POTUS schedule.

>>3817517 A sample of the Broward election "inconsistencies."

>>3817489, >>3817454 New DJT Tweet: "You mean they are just now finding votes in Florida and Georgia..."

>>3818055 #4852

Previously Collected Notables

>>3817259 #4851,

>>3814974 #4848, >>3815758 #4849, >>3817429 #4850

>>3812698 #4845, >>3813477 #4846, >>3814208 #4847

>>3810416 #4842, >>3811173 #4843, >>3811940 #4844

>>3808108 #4839, >>3808858 #4840, >>3809677 #4841

>>3805818 #4836, >>3806588 #4837, >>3807349 #4838

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

Post last edited at

cb25cd  No.3819624

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

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Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#54 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>3806153

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

cb25cd  No.3819628

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g740gQCL!7iFcrHisp-fbZ8PVd5-Exja8ZcOtAgzCQwuvNh01JjU

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/392647384/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-IV?secret_password=MzvwpDVZ5gF4d3PYYbpA

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wkl8k7ws3hq4hb/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.IV.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

53ac8d  No.3819644


Email him to secure the elections nationwide IMMEDIATELY

Should there be a Nationwide investigation? Should the military get involved?

cb25cd  No.3819663

File: fddee9486edfbee⋯.jpeg (141.39 KB, 634x595, 634:595, trumptrollmaster.jpeg)



4b56cd  No.3819666


hell yeah

fa3108  No.3819670

File: 338541fe9d4590f⋯.png (53.5 KB, 628x344, 157:86, Capture.PNG)

File: 6fd9456a79c179b⋯.png (3.34 KB, 296x130, 148:65, Capture2.PNG)

File: be44569ac521eb8⋯.png (9.69 KB, 358x166, 179:83, Capture3.PNG)

got my almonds activated


75568e  No.3819680

File: 278fe9ee41946cc⋯.jpg (329.25 KB, 1301x1735, 1301:1735, 11_9_17 graphic vital.jpg)

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, 1510107905656.jpg)

File: ac13de5052721db⋯.jpg (103.31 KB, 1025x549, 1025:549, 11_8_17 titanic.jpg)




9f4a2e  No.3819682


666 post mentions hell.


c684b4  No.3819684

France Takes The Lead In Protecting Iran Oil Trade From U.S. Sanctions

The EU has been trying to create a special purpose vehicle (SPV) that would allow the bloc to continue buying Iranian oil.

France aims to lead the European Union (EU) efforts in defying U.S. sanctions on Iran, by supporting the creation of a payment mechanism to keep trade with Iran and making the euro more powerful, France’s Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said in an interview with the Financial Times.

“Europe refuses to allow the US to be the trade policeman of the world,” Le Maire told FT, adding that the EU needs to affirm its independence in the rift between the EU and the United States over the sanctions on Iran.

The EU has been trying to create a special purpose vehicle (SPV) that would allow the bloc to continue buying Iranian oil and keep trade in other products with Iran after the U.S. sanctions on Tehran return.

The idea behind the SPV is to have it act as a clearing house into which buyers of Iranian oil would pay, allowing the EU to trade oil with Iran without having to directly pay the Islamic Republic.

As the U.S. sanctions on Iran snapped back on Monday, the SPV hasn’t been operational and reports have had it that the undertaking is very complicated and politically sensitive. The bloc is also said to be struggling with the set-up, because no EU member is willing to host it for fear of angering the United States, the Financial Times reported recently, citing EU diplomats.

On Monday, the Belgium-based international financial messaging system SWIFT said that it would comply with the U.S. sanctions on Iran and would cut off sanctioned Iranian banks from its network. This was a blow to the EU’s attempts to defy the U.S. sanctions.

The decision by SWIFT highlights the need for an SPV, France’s Le Maire told FT, but he refused to name countries that could host such a special vehicle. Yet, there have been expressions of interest, he told FT.

Meanwhile, the United States has been dismissive of the idea of an SPV, and Brian Hook, U.S. Special Representative for Iran and Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State, said in a press briefing with European reporters on Monday:

“We have not seen much, if any, demand for the Special Purpose Vehicle. I think if you take a look at the over 100 corporations that have decided to choose the United States market over the Iranian market, they’re not looking to avail themselves of any type of vehicle.”


052bdc  No.3819685

I realize you probably don’t have a say in a lot of these things at the moment, considering how crazy the whole situation is, but I still would’ve tried to push for you if our roles were switched.

242d09  No.3819686

File: 92807172fa52af9⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1391x929, 1391:929, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)


TY Baker!

cd8c1b  No.3819687

File: 66f7634cb83a065⋯.jpg (173.53 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Nothing happening question.jpg)

21f2c1  No.3819688

Half or more of normies havent heard about chans and Q. Gorka is (maybe) drawing attention

1a58d5  No.3819689

>>3819660 (LB)


>>3819664 (LB)

Thanks, saved.

66a81c  No.3819690

Before POTUS departs France he’ll be sending a very special message via twitter.

cd8c1b  No.3819691

File: 623d7aa84b561ab⋯.jpg (357.13 KB, 1100x854, 550:427, Elizabeth Scherer.jpg)

bc2b04  No.3819692

File: 182e28735da2d3d⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 450x450, 1:1, b7dbed40e7ff8ffea8d2d47ee0….jpg)


Time to pray alright.

fad341  No.3819693

Trump already has Budget for 2019 …..The House is useless to Dems …..Pain coming..

53ac8d  No.3819694

Also, I don't think we've been talking about the CHINA >> MIDTERM connection that Trump called out in the UN

What's their hand in this? Any fingerprints?

cd8c1b  No.3819695

File: f8d40f44881ab7a⋯.jpg (93.11 KB, 800x600, 4:3, eric holder red line tweet.jpg)

0c5e6e  No.3819696

File: e19bea7f0a0c3ba⋯.png (304.13 KB, 1037x528, 1037:528, wow.png)

File: 407a835474df67e⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1111x912, 1111:912, WTTR.png)

File: 01816c80d934969⋯.png (609.96 KB, 887x660, 887:660, snk.png)

File: 3b86e8f53d849df⋯.png (441.69 KB, 791x696, 791:696, CFS.png)

File: 37fa913201760fd⋯.png (946.91 KB, 617x881, 617:881, prayer.png)

>>3819548 (lb)

>>3819602 (lb)

And it should be OBVIOUS, in a tweet talking about DISINFORMATION, and denying Q, what is going on….

fc4fb3  No.3819697

BROWARD County is a county in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Florida. According to a 2017 census report, the county had a population of 1,935,878, making it the second-most populous county in Florida and the 15th-most populous county in the United States.

BUT BUT BUT actually WORSE than many 3rd WORLD Countries at Electoral Integrity. WHAT A WAY TO BE FAMOUS ?

cd8c1b  No.3819698

File: 90ef721ee6837f6⋯.jpg (162.46 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Elections responsibility.jpg)

72b426  No.3819699

File: e592f1752d2b4bb⋯.jpeg (332.84 KB, 1125x821, 1125:821, 9212625C-A23E-4E57-8451-B….jpeg)

The world is watching


3d0f32  No.3819700

File: 5242f3221454a27⋯.jpg (286.56 KB, 2099x1525, 2099:1525, podesta.jpg)

929d50  No.3819701


b691af  No.3819702

File: d746bd901d8efc1⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 350x300, 7:6, ThanksBaker.gif)

Trump won the legal popular vote in California in 2016.

Watch CA.

c652c2  No.3819703

>>3819608 LB

''Snow white.

Godfather III.

Iron Eagle.






d7755e  No.3819704

The world is watching …

314999  No.3819705

>>3819672 (LB)

Tekashi would be the rapist, if memory serves I saw him in the news for child porn the other day and he got a slap on the wrist and only has to serve probation.

cd8c1b  No.3819706

File: 4011e8516b48aef⋯.jpg (99.17 KB, 464x558, 232:279, outside jim.jpg)

498272  No.3819707

File: 50f26c2dfaf62ae⋯.jpg (178.66 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WInk Wink Fuckers.jpg)

2ffd02  No.3819708

File: 1cc06ffc4d28a55⋯.png (846.46 KB, 1098x732, 3:2, digital min flynn1.png)

File: bf8df3756c50fd4⋯.png (898.34 KB, 1092x728, 3:2, digital min flynn2.png)

File: 57dac7761c210bc⋯.jpg (353.96 KB, 1121x1337, 1121:1337, pepe uncle sam armed force….jpg)

File: 9725f4f2cd36567⋯.jpg (305.48 KB, 1500x815, 300:163, pepe fallout 4 spaceforce ….jpg)

File: f5f8fd3f1f4180d⋯.jpg (213.59 KB, 898x598, 449:299, pepe revolutionary battle ….jpg)

Our enemies call us "information terrorists"; weaponizing information/truth.

Our enemies call truth a weapon.

Against them, and what they aim to do.

Our friends call us "digital soldiers".

Our friends call on us to wield truth as a weapon.

For them, and what they aim to do.

We disagree with the aims of our enemies.

We agree with the aims of our friends.

Both labels they have given us are fundamentally wrong.

We are simply citizens wanting to live our lives.

But when need arises, so do we.

Terrorists destroy to make a political point.

We reveal to make a political point.

We are simply citizens wanting to live our lives.

But when need arises, so do we.

Soldiers live their days, getting ready for, or in, the "fight".

We live our civilian days, changing roles in a moments notice.

Town Criers. Pamphleteers. Bar room discussions. Street corners, Churches, meeting halls…

Patriots informed each other.

When the need arose, so did they.

At a minutes notice.


We are the Digital Minutemen.

The Awakening masses will need a familiar, comfortable, simple label to help them understand while they learn to see on their own.

I challenge you to find a label that needs less explanation than that.

Dig. Meme. Pray.


a2b7f7  No.3819709

File: a40df35aa7132c1⋯.jpg (9.72 KB, 274x130, 137:65, PSYOPsymbols.JPG)

>>3819565 (lb)

How about a nice game of chess?

c684b4  No.3819710

Michigan’s Democratic Governor-Elect Puts Blue Cross Blue Shield Executive on Transition Team — After the Company Funded Her Campaign

When former Michigan Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer faced a populist, progressive rival in the state’s Democratic gubernatorial primary earlier this year, she had a little help from her health insurance industry friends.

Whitmer was hosted at a fundraiser thrown by lobbyists for Blue Cross Blue Shield. She netted $144,000 during a single day at the event.

The company’s interest in the race came as no surprise, as Whitmer’s chief rival, former Detroit public health chief Abdul El-Sayed, was campaigning on establishing a statewide single-payer health care system. Essentially, he was running to put the company out of business.

But it appears that Blue Cross Blue Shield gained more than just the defeat of single payer. This week, Whitmer won the governor’s mansion, putting the state back in the Democratic column. She quickly announced the composition of her transition team.

One of the “honorary co-chairs” is Daniel Loepp, the president and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.

In a 2015 interview, Whitmer credited Loepp with being the first person to suggest that she enter politics, back when he worked in the state legislature.

During the campaign, Gretchen Whitmer — whose father is Richard Whitmer, formerly the head of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan — was defensive against criticisms that she was too close to the health insurance giant. “It’s extremely sexist to say that a woman is beholden to her father’s former employer,” she told CNN.

The governor-elect’s team did not respond to a request for comment. Though Whitmer ran to the right of El-Sayed, her platform was still broadly progressive and pro-labor.

Whitmer’s transition team isn’t the only one bringing corporate interests onboard post-election. In Georgia, Republican Brian Kemp has declared victory, despite an ongoing legal effort by his Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams to chase down enough provisional and absentee ballots to take the race to a run-off.

Kemp announced Thursday that his transition team would be led by David Dove, Kemp’s former legal counsel and chief of staff. More recently, Dove was added to the new lobbying arm of the litigation and regulatory law firm Robbins Ross Alloy Belinfante Littlefield LLC.

The newly minted Robbins Government Relations Group opened October 2, just over a month before the election. In an interview with a legal publication, partner Josh Belinfante explained why the firm decided to open a lobbying arm. He emphasized the potential to influence regulations.

“A lot of our clients’ problems can be resolved through the legislative branch more easily and effectively than through the judicial branch,” Belinfante said. “Or our clients may have a win in the judicial branch that may need to be protected in the legislature — particularly clients who are highly regulated, and particularly when legislation or regulations pass that govern what they do.”

According to disclosures, Dove is not currently registered to lobby. But presumably, the firm’s clients now have a chain of communication to the man responsible for staffing the next governor’s mansion. The Intercept reached out to the firm and to Dove to ask if he would be taking a leave of absence while serving on the transition team, but they have not yet responded.


cd8c1b  No.3819711

File: 5c4f9355c9f0041⋯.jpg (197.84 KB, 936x660, 78:55, Judo Chop Q.jpg)

927662  No.3819713

Gorka, jones, etc. attacking Q so much? POTUS leaving the states? Mueller report imminent? OH BOY OH BOY what else what else bring it!

prayer niggers are praying!

cd8c1b  No.3819714

File: 511bb65301eed33⋯.jpg (144.54 KB, 922x633, 922:633, POTUS vs acosta.jpg)

a63459  No.3819715

File: 73720b81894a9a0⋯.gif (9.77 KB, 200x200, 1:1, a84b6c423b8d985d42af9f09e8….gif)


this is what i am waiting for , from aboard AF1 i guess so its incoming .

6a75b4  No.3819716

File: 60a2cd1a4e2de87⋯.png (718.42 KB, 1114x584, 557:292, Normandy.png)

I know this isn't a social media site but I've got to share something that just happened. My company has a pretty long history with Veterans and each Veteran's Day my company provides prior military employees a pretty nice lunch and has a guest speaker. This year it was a 96 yr old WWII Vet. Multiple Purple hearts, 2 Silver Star's and 3 Bronze. He was hard to understand and he mumbled in the way that old men do as he was telling stories from Normandy. He teared up as he remembered the beach and the G.I.'s floating in the water, and then again as he dug a body out of the sand, only to find out the kid was alive and holding him for all he was worth. He then spoke of how he's been chosen to attend a veteran's day ceremony next year in D.C. and he's being nominated for some award. Then his voice became clear and he sounded like he was 18 again as he said I don't want no damn award, you need to give an award to… and he proceeded to list off the names of over 20 of his friends and the towns they were from. It startled me to realize how much of an impact losing those friends meant to him. I'm proud to have served my country, but was humbled and amazed by the strength of character of this 96 year old many and his love for the country.

24d005  No.3819717

File: da7941bed5ecfa5⋯.png (152.81 KB, 494x623, 494:623, WVVoter01.png)

Potential election issues in West Virginia

Hey guise, a local reporter in WV just sent out a tweet regarding this. I’m trying to find more sauce, will keep you all updated.

81d60d  No.3819718

File: 7d0832898636593⋯.png (227.64 KB, 1440x1261, 1440:1261, Screenshot_2018-11-09-13-3….png)

The WORLD is now watching closely!


cd8c1b  No.3819719

File: 94f743a053a4c4a⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Seats lost.jpg)

6b190f  No.3819720


Well he already left sooooo

ad943f  No.3819721


As both parties scrutinize the vote count in Florida’s Broward County, with the state’s gubernatorial and senatorial races closing in on a tie, Sen. Marco Rubio said the county’s elections office has a history of malfeasance.

“This is at a minimum a pattern of incompetence. Voters deserve better,” the Florida Republican said Thursday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “This is not even a partisan thing. This is a county that apparently cannot even count votes as well as a county that just got wiped out by a hurricane.”



And still NOTHING has been done about this corrupt bitch! smdh

Maybe after 15-20 times SOMEONE will fucking do SOMETHING to take the whore out of this position of power!

0c5e6e  No.3819722

File: 19ac324576e3219⋯.png (2.19 MB, 777x6301, 777:6301, sorosSOVEREIGN.png)

File: 1d500f6929f94a3⋯.png (143.7 KB, 397x600, 397:600, happeningspengler.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

6243d0  No.3819723

File: f29fdfdcd4138f0⋯.png (22.03 KB, 591x129, 197:43, ClipboardImage.png)


14ff6f  No.3819724

File: 57a52200d40eefa⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1545x1000, 309:200, 330AFEDF-8137-41A8-B2B7-67….png)

Did Q warn them MI/INT was hearing chatter?

6c08da  No.3819725

File: bcd6816d6c66c60⋯.jpg (161.28 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_2264.JPG)

The homotus doth protest too much

It's unrequited obama homo

Since Russia got canceled

What if

Double oval obama trannywhoreing

Would straighten out homotus

Prepare ratzinger and his fiddle

Tonight we ride

cd8c1b  No.3819726

File: c913ce8a9e73f2c⋯.jpg (237.62 KB, 754x906, 377:453, q drop 11052018_1 Polls ar….jpg)

75568e  No.3819727


>Email him to secure the elections nationwide IMMEDIATELY


2bd373  No.3819728

optional word potential

nothing going to happen

9c7a28  No.3819729

File: e3a33ecb772e5d2⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 640x460, 32:23, Ocasio-Cortez-districts-64….jpg)

Not easy on the eyes…. Just extremely ugly.

f5c141  No.3819730

File: 5f852f2c25b5a7b⋯.jpeg (139.04 KB, 1440x929, 1440:929, 4991526bc7db0b2de1c4b7e4f….jpeg)



Back and to the left

Back and to the left

Back and to the left

1987b3  No.3819731


Yep. Also stalking young girls in the mall

He forced a 14 yr old to blow him while someone else filmed it

Guy is a massive pos

a64032  No.3819732

File: 5068c89542fe54d⋯.jpeg (238.19 KB, 750x694, 375:347, 222D0A12-4E69-4529-9E29-6….jpeg)


The WORLD is Watching Closely

Where have I heard that before?

013ae3  No.3819733

>>3819458 (lb)


And his accent too!

3d0f32  No.3819734


Same court appointed psychiatrist as well?

d62cb6  No.3819735

Again, note:

Gorka's play on words…he uses REEL…

You need a ROD and a BOB to catch a fish…

and to REEL them in.

242d09  No.3819736

File: 5a9dccbd0e8b112⋯.jpg (58.01 KB, 760x526, 380:263, Dnnxv5MU0AMrhb1.jpg)


>The WORLD is now watching closely!

11/9/18 13:39

1eef67  No.3819737

How do you stupid ass qniggers feel about being so totally BTFO? Nigger loving boomer faggots. Death to israel.

cc93a8  No.3819738

File: 7b2ad82de334038⋯.pdf (3.83 MB, NewWorldWar2ndEdition.pdf)


fb742c  No.3819739

File: caf4193b669c19e⋯.png (412.21 KB, 854x543, 854:543, ClipboardImage.png)





1d1809  No.3819740

















1b31cf  No.3819741


Did RBG “fall” to avoid Kavanaugh investiture? Who was she avoiding?

“Notable guests at Justice Kavanaugh’s event included retired Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, whom Justice Kavanaugh replaced, former White House counsel Donald F. McGahn, who was instrumental in vetting and guiding his nomination, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and Justice Kavanaugh’s former colleague on the D.C. Circuit Court, Judge Merrick Garland, who was nominated to the high court by President Obama.“


750f72  No.3819742


/pol isnt much better kek

bc2b04  No.3819743

File: 99cbaf14dfcf556⋯.jpeg (58 KB, 800x543, 800:543, John-McCain-in-2008-AP.jpeg)

0c5e6e  No.3819744

File: 15a3213865a6a2b⋯.png (994.57 KB, 999x796, 999:796, Thank-You-All.png)

File: 7c56bd52234eb7a⋯.png (488.09 KB, 720x720, 1:1, catppening.png)

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: 23967b7ea9d513d⋯.png (3 MB, 2151x1111, 2151:1111, justicecoming.png)

File: 86e04a8437d6c73⋯.png (505.98 KB, 850x568, 425:284, hrappening.png)



cd8c1b  No.3819745


That would make sense but how to confirm?

b691af  No.3819746

File: 834e556744b19e2⋯.png (15.58 KB, 455x160, 91:32, ClipboardImage.png)


Crumb 2199

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.252 📁

Sep 17 2018 18:55:46 (EST)


The World is Watching.


681ec9  No.3819747




2486b8  No.3819748


What else has REELS? Movies.

498272  No.3819749

File: fb324ab0589763b⋯.jpg (49.28 KB, 955x539, 955:539, Beaks.jpg)


like this

75568e  No.3819750

File: 6d0bb4b521ba475⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 797x386, 797:386, broward county.jpg)

File: 1357dadd8382844⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 320x310, 32:31, 2m4s2h.jpg)

File: 0df4374b2336f21⋯.jpg (118.58 KB, 838x660, 419:330, broward county patsy list.jpg)





f78fe6  No.3819751


Well you dont know how long we have stalked the Jew do you? Trump knew about the Jews his whole life and so did his daughter. Missions of stealth demand good cover. What better way to fool the Jews than to cover yourself with Jew after Jew?

"Who me? Hate Jews? No my Grandkids are Jews" KEK……But we all know his daughter could not of been legally married in Israel. No real Jew would consider her a Jew. Just a dumb shistka they let a Jew marry to steal her dads fortune upon his death.

We just have to keep up the charade until the trap is totally set. Israel has made itself into the largest prison on earth. And they can not feed themselves.

9/11 is revealed…….Embargo. And every muslim country goes on high alert. Russia sits miles from Tel Aviv with world class equipment and in a secret alliance with Trump.


1eef67  No.3819752


We were telling you from day one this whole thing was bullshit. Day one.

7f60b4  No.3819753

File: ed7a5eae42a2e89⋯.png (114.54 KB, 437x366, 437:366, ClipboardImage.png)


She can judge me any day…


There are quite a few. 20 by my count. 1/20 odds. Not sure if anything but perhaps.

bd2945  No.3819754

Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

4m4 minutes ago

Thank you @marcorubio for helping to expose the potential corruption going on with respect to Election Theft in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. The WORLD is now watching closely!

ad943f  No.3819755

File: d7581692f28deb7⋯.png (260.4 KB, 623x479, 623:479, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Court Finds Democrats Unlawfully Gerrymandered A Maryland Congressional Seat


1febac  No.3819756


The day he signed the DECLAS.

b691af  No.3819757


"world is watching" 17 times in crumbs

5b8c3b  No.3819758

File: ba4f3277666230a⋯.jpg (34.05 KB, 333x500, 333:500, 3d61c5237e4385de3cf95f6723….jpg)

Thank You Baker

0c5e6e  No.3819759

File: b9add7d05ca810f⋯.png (750.59 KB, 999x749, 999:749, CC.png)

File: 561f8779adaab64⋯.png (203.37 KB, 893x914, 893:914, warming.png)

File: 5af3efb58d02178⋯.png (230.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, gnbs.png)

File: 1e6d7cc96970644⋯.png (382.15 KB, 610x395, 122:79, soonkitty.png)



1f404b  No.3819760

File: 10eb9760e5eac42⋯.jpeg (99.45 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 10eb9760e5eac422f27a14492….jpeg)


The World is watching!!

4d211c  No.3819761




>And his accent too!

It's a fake RP accent.

ed044b  No.3819762


I'd fuck all 3 of them. I know AOC is crazy and I want it. I bet that bitch would fuck the shit out of me.

15e69f  No.3819763


>BROWARD County is a county in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Florida. According to a 2017 census report, the county had a population of 1,935,878, making it the second-most populous county in Florida and the 15th-most populous county in the United States.

>BUT BUT BUT actually WORSE than many 3rd WORLD Countries at Electoral Integrity. WHAT A WAY TO BE FAMOUS ?

Anon, the whole WORLD knows election fuckery ALWAYS goes down in Florida…has done for years.

a3bc94  No.3819764

File: f31dbeca1dfc641⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1189x4922, 1189:4922, ClipboardImage.png)

052bdc  No.3819765

I’m not the type of person who imposes themselves on others, but if and when things change, this acting shit needs to stop. I’ve got bigger and better ideas for the both of us (stuff that we can both do together, things that I’d want to include you in always!)

314999  No.3819766


I almost wish whoever fired shots hadn't missed.

f99d79  No.3819767

File: 1b3e47b2182e9c3⋯.jpg (48.11 KB, 452x419, 452:419, world-watching-pepe.jpg)

6c08da  No.3819768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dark side of the rainbow longpork

That's gotta be the wizard of oz

00bc75  No.3819769


Thanks for sharing.

affdd5  No.3819770

File: 7ccf2ac359d4b63⋯.png (21.3 KB, 637x163, 637:163, Gorka RT Posobiec re FL 11….PNG)


>Did POTUS borrow Gorka's 'y'?

For anons that are unaware Gorka is aligned with Posobiec

But hey, let's have something in Notables equating a shill to POTUS

Score one for Mossad

535e2c  No.3819771


This is actually a brilliant place to start the disclosure of all of their (cabal) degeneracy.


1. Voter Fraud/FISA

1. Michelle TG

2. Obama Born in Kenya

3. Obama/Michelle Sexual predilection for kids

4. Hotdogs and Pizza

5. Podesta/Alefantis/PG Connection

6. Haiti/SA Human Trafficking

House of Cards/Dominoes in a row

9d3231  No.3819772


Looks like Manchin cheated too. Color me shocked.

5f6b08  No.3819773



a2b7f7  No.3819774


The World is Watching.


mentioned 17 times

a584c4  No.3819775


Kanawha County and Cabell County exceeded its capacity, IMO. Those two counties alone dictated the results of the entire state.

5aea6f  No.3819776

File: cbc1a53783d4c50⋯.jpg (682.07 KB, 570x4550, 57:455, 3f6e8ec2052af3efbe746a7120….jpg)

pb…anon dropped…Huxley / Orwell

ca632d  No.3819777


Departs France or departs for France

0c5e6e  No.3819778

File: 47bc23ddddf07c6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1030x1024, 515:512, kittyx.png)

File: 1110d3a78e31ab9⋯.jpg (1005.84 KB, 782x1111, 782:1111, leclaircestmoi.jpg)

File: a2dff60fa227d27⋯.png (219.6 KB, 401x582, 401:582, FreeGraham.png)

File: 6758bbd31ecc396⋯.png (960.4 KB, 2120x1524, 530:381, MAGIC.png)

File: 1a69403b0fb4fde⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1111x1111, 1:1, goodbyex3.jpg)

9c7a28  No.3819779

File: 6038e8e49a3eadb⋯.png (32.18 KB, 455x543, 455:543, Screenshot_2018-11-03-10-5….png)

File: eb7fc1e6dd916b6⋯.png (50.35 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-11-09-06-2….png)





I wouldn't let this whore anywhere near my dick.

1774f1  No.3819780

File: f3912d23cc1fbd0⋯.png (819.09 KB, 801x1085, 801:1085, TRUMP-BARRY.png)

cd8c1b  No.3819781


The named crossed out and replaced with

her stands out. Married, adams apple,

wide shoulders, spooky, no thx.

1d1809  No.3819782



3f78c1  No.3819783

File: 9ebac424f94fd4a⋯.png (304.26 KB, 711x770, 711:770, Sebastian Gorka was White ….png)

681ec9  No.3819784


No need to get so butt-flustered, fag boy. If this larp has legs or not will be decided within the next few days. No need for preemptive asshurt when you can gloat to your heart's content later.

cb25cd  No.3819785


Already in.

7f60b4  No.3819786


Filtered Freddie.

9e2939  No.3819787

Q team, thanks for protectingg the vote in FL!

Please don't overlook that AZ seems to be having its own set of problems.


Between FL and AZ, how are dems NOT trying to neuter the senate?

b691af  No.3819788

File: 66ba1e168f45e73⋯.png (55.67 KB, 1241x421, 1241:421, ClipboardImage.png)

D5 Digital 5 Program

Broward County Public Schools

bc2b04  No.3819789

File: 5b012509c1e6426⋯.jpg (66.54 KB, 777x429, 259:143, scanners-1981-film.jpg)

e5580d  No.3819790

John Salisbury


Following Following @5Strat


Reminder - Keep up with your emergency preparations:

- 2 weeks spending cash

- 2 weeks of food, water, meds, pet food, batteries, flashlights, etc

- Battery Radio, emergency kits.

- anything else you need to be able to stay at home for 2 weeks without going out.

10:22 AM - 9 Nov 2018

cd8c1b  No.3819791

File: be4cd83388da84e⋯.jpg (176.8 KB, 985x842, 985:842, Elections.jpg)

1eef67  No.3819792

File: c2011642656a160⋯.png (98.19 KB, 768x380, 192:95, Qregimechange.png)


The book was closed about as soon as it was opened, mouth breather. It was obvious bullshit from day one.

24d005  No.3819793


That was my first initial thought. The race was super close until the end, when one of the largest counties finally reported. I smelled fuckery the whole night.

0585c8  No.3819794


Yeah, notables have been pretty much shite all morning. But anons don't care, and shills having a field day.

d7755e  No.3819795

MOAB Red Carpet Rollout (Marker)




24 Apr 2018 - 8:45:00 AM


24 Apr 2018 - 8:42:15 AM



When will we have MOAB?


Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time?

Red carpet rollout?

Think logically.

The world is watching.


Red Carpet in France

498272  No.3819796

File: 7a84c77ee43d780⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ChiSolGu.jpg)

File: 9235faae9038aa1⋯.jpg (81.02 KB, 580x379, 580:379, Robot sex.jpg)

c74c4b  No.3819797

File: 197c90e8adf3a2e⋯.png (232.44 KB, 1023x731, 1023:731, moveon_faggots.png)

So, I signed up for MoveOn's email notifications.

Here is the latest email from them. They seem desperate.

MoveOn email

Dear MoveOn member,

This is it: Donald Trump has just thrown our country into a full-blown constitutional crisis.

Yesterday, Trump forced Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign. Then, he replaced Sessions with rabid loyalist Matthew Whitaker—who has made it clear in the past that his intention is to shut down Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion in the 2016 elections.

Whitaker, a Trump loyalist, is now poised to be Robert Mueller’s direct supervisor.

Let's be very clear: This is a constitutional crisis. Trump is desperate to shut down Robert Mueller’s investigation, because he is afraid of what Mueller has uncovered and how many of Trump's closest cronies and even family members may be caught up in the probe—at the very moment that Democrats have regained control of the House and can now bolster Mueller's efforts with their own investigations.

MoveOn has been preparing for this day for months. After Tuesday’s election, many of us are bone tired. And we're running on fumes.

But once again, Donald Trump has underestimated the grit and heart of the Resistance—and of MoveOn members like you.

Our resistance was there the night after Trump was elected, holding candlelight vigils organized by MoveOn.

We were there at the Women’s March, filling the streets in Washington, D.C., and across the country, just one day after Trump was sworn in.

More than 100,000 of us were there tonight, at hundreds and hundreds of events across America, demanding Whitaker recuse himself, pressuring Congress to take action, and declaring that nobody is above the law.

And we will be there for as long as it takes.

Will you chip in $3 a week and help us respond to Trump's all-out war on our democracy? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation once a month starting today. You can modify or cancel your weekly donation at any time.)

Yes, I'll chip in weekly to fight back against Trump's all-out war on our democracy—and win.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

More than 100,000 MoveOn members and Americans of all walks of life are taking to the streets tonight in hundreds of rapid-response events around the country, which MoveOn and allies have spent months preparing for. This is a huge first moment to show the national outrage in ways that will impact media coverage and push members of Congress of both parties to act quickly and decisively in defense of our democracy.

But these events are only the first step. We have the pieces in place, but we need support to supercharge this work, meet the surge in activism, continue our post-midterm advocacy, and confront this fundamental challenge to our Constitution.

Will you chip in $3 a week and help MoveOn respond to Trump's unrelenting attacks on our democracy? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation once a month starting today. You can modify or cancel your weekly donation at any time.)

Yes, I believe that no one is above the law, including the president. I'm ready to chip in weekly to fight back!

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.


13ba97  No.3819798

be a great day for a Q and A

acb646  No.3819799

File: 0c4c64559a39fe0⋯.png (14.1 KB, 706x252, 353:126, CDAN BI1.PNG)

File: 433b927049cc53e⋯.png (17.95 KB, 718x310, 359:155, CDAN BI3.PNG)

>>3819434 (lb)

Re-post from late lb.

Just saying it's interesting…




530370  No.3819800

File: 898e009dba89c5e⋯.mp4 (8.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, The World is Watching.mp4)

1f404b  No.3819801


noice dig anon

d03599  No.3819802

File: c380553e09a9c2a⋯.png (269.64 KB, 524x351, 524:351, Kanye and Tekashi.png)

File: 07b7e563bd725fa⋯.png (21.79 KB, 587x134, 587:134, CDAN.png)


>>>Gunshots fired at house with Kanye West inside?

Eight shots are fired in a drive-by shooting at an exclusive $80m estate where Kanye and Tekashi 6ix9ine were filming - moments before Nicki Minaj was due to arrive


CDAN: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/11/blind-item-1_9.html

15e69f  No.3819803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill O'Reilly on how a reporter SHOULD behave.. 5 mins long.

d59128  No.3819804


It's really a mess. Ego and different ideologies create so many problems for humanity.

2eba9d  No.3819805


D5? Incoming? This looks to be an avalanche that is picking up speed and momentum.

cd8c1b  No.3819806

File: 81c9bb975f84c2e⋯.jpg (271.37 KB, 1095x684, 365:228, Q drop 08312018_8.jpg)

c74c4b  No.3819807



MoveOn members have been on the front lines preparing for this moment. Here is what we have planned:

Emergency rallies tonight. Hundreds and hundreds of events have been taking place across the country, with more than 100,000 concerned citizens standing up and saying that no one is above the law. And we are demanding that our elected officials respond immediately to stop Trump now.

Calling on Congress to investigate Trump for impeachable offenses. Even some Republicans have said that interfering with the Mueller investigation would be an impeachable offense, and it is time they put their money where their mouth is. MoveOn first called for impeachment in 2017, and now we are dramatically expanding that work, engaging allies to join the fight, and pushing thousands of calls to Congress calling for impeachment proceedings to be initiated.

Working to immediately pass bipartisan legislation to protect Robert Mueller and the investigation. Legislation has been introduced in both the Senate and the House, but no votes are planned to actually pass it. We cannot wait. We are driving calls to Congress, promoting petitions, and planning events to demand a vote immediately. Some Republicans are even saying they'll join Democrats in demanding action on this legislation before the end of the year, and we need to build off of that momentum.

Preparing the next phase of actions. Tonight's rallies are only the beginning. The crisis we are in may last for months or more, which means we need to build a sustained and organized response that overwhelms the misinformation and lies from Trump and his cronies. That includes making this crisis a critical part of the incoming Democratically-controlled House agenda.

This is a huge undertaking, and we need your help to make it happen. Will you chip in $3 a week? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation once a month starting today. You can modify or cancel your weekly donation at any time.)

Yes, I'll chip in weekly and help with this enormous undertaking.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

Back in March, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said that if Trump fired Mueller or interfered with the investigation, it would be "the beginning of the end of his presidency."1

Trump essentially just pulled that trigger, and it is our responsibility to make sure that Lindsey Graham’s prediction comes true. It’s up to all of us to rise to the occasion. After all, our democracy is on the line.

Will you become a weekly donor today? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation once a month starting today. You can modify or cancel your weekly donation at any time.)

Yes, I'll chip in $3 a week.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in weekly.

Thanks for all you do.

–Anna, Kelly, Mark, Karthik, and the rest of the team


1. "Graham: Trump firing Mueller would be 'the beginning of the end of his presidency,'" CNN, March 18, 2018


How do MoveOn weekly donations work? If you sign up to make a weekly donation through MoveOn, your weekly contribution will be billed once per month to your credit card, today and on the same day of every month going forward. To determine your monthly contribution amount, we will multiply the weekly amount of your donation by 4.34—the average number of weeks per month. You can cancel, modify, or request a full or partial refund of your recurring donation at any time.

Want to support make a one-time donation instead?

Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.

Contributions to MoveOn.org Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to…

ba6d1a  No.3819808

>>3818643 (2 breads ago)


I think Sessions, a good writer, used to edit Trump's stuff. Or someone else with writing skill. This one is extremely long and I keep thinking it could have been far more succinct.

Nevertheless, it'll do the job and that's what really matters.

1f7b08  No.3819809




Inderdasting indeed


cd8c1b  No.3819810

File: 8bc452fe3a0760f⋯.jpg (156.91 KB, 742x585, 742:585, Torrey email to hrc.jpg)

fad341  No.3819811

They know we are monitoring the voting machines …They think they can sneak paper ballots in to steal it …..lmao …. Let’s go to the video Warner

cd8c1b  No.3819812

File: 77c0a31e3e9edd5⋯.jpg (225.35 KB, 1553x802, 1553:802, Q drop 08312018_7.jpg)

2486b8  No.3819813

File: 55aacb0c3f5556b⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 225x225, 1:1, seer stones.jpg)

b691af  No.3819814


During the 2013-2014 school year, Broward County Public Schoolsstarted the Digital 5 (D5) program, a 1:1 initiative that offered teachersand students the opportunity to engage in digital personalized learningin their classrooms. In its first year, the program served 3,200 fifthgraders from 27 elementary schools and in 2014-2015 it expanded toserve third and fourth graders from 84 elementary schools.

681ec9  No.3819815


Yeah yeah, everyone sees things from the same perspective, any other interpretation straying from your own is an aberration and not worthy of note. Just chill the fuck out, fag.

cd8c1b  No.3819816

File: 0a2cdc0c030bb79⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 680x591, 680:591, Q drop 08312018_9.jpg)

1f404b  No.3819817


watching for CA to do the same.

9c7a28  No.3819818

File: 98ea385e59168e2⋯.jpg (17.6 KB, 728x547, 728:547, 98ea385e59168e290d7dbf9c40….jpg)



You need to eat April Ryan's asshole.

c684b4  No.3819819

File: 7f605544cbf977d⋯.png (8.44 KB, 500x121, 500:121, ClipboardImage.png)

cd8c1b  No.3819820

File: 8af7b3f4cbd6eba⋯.jpg (188.87 KB, 1200x598, 600:299, Sessions soon.jpg)

b6ea21  No.3819821

>>3819718 potus twat the world is watching

>>3819774 q the world is watching 17 times

and fox news said the world is watching twice on air today. congressman gaetz said it and the reporter repeated it.

f78fe6  No.3819822


Trump loves to surround himself with hot women. Are they valkeries?

7ed640  No.3819823

Gloves Off! Trump Obliterates Obama

By Alicia Powe - November 9, 2018


Unlike most feckless Republicans, our great POTUS has the guts to openly criticize Obama.

Trump is our fearless leader, and he’s doing it for free.

Former first lady Michelle Obama blasts President Trump in her new memoir, “Becoming,” explaining that she would “never forgive” Trump for questioning the legitimacy of former President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate. Obama claims the Trump’s “loud and reckless innuendos” threatened her family’s safety.

Obama also denounces Trump in her memoir, which hits shelves Tuesday, for bragging about “grabbing” women “by the p***y,” claiming her own body “buzzed with fury” after the hearing the infamous Access Hollywood tape.

6c08da  No.3819824

File: a077547eaf4ac46⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2708.PNG)

File: 37c8a53433f27a3⋯.png (1.6 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2718.PNG)

File: 4d59d83ca0e7b50⋯.png (1.99 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2813.PNG)

File: 30cb76066688730⋯.jpg (288.89 KB, 1344x898, 672:449, IMG_3344.JPG)



cd8c1b  No.3819825

File: 69381736d7b9532⋯.jpg (120.95 KB, 675x766, 675:766, California donations.jpg)

d62cb6  No.3819827


Because you spend cash inside your house for 2 weeks while not leaving. KEK

-Two weeks spending cash

-anything else you need to be able to stay at home for 2 weeks without going out.

affdd5  No.3819828


>Yeah, notables have been pretty much shite all morning.

POTUS proclamation referred to "in graphic form"

Some anons have noticed something is OFF this morning

e26433  No.3819829

File: 1dfc9a2c8e7089b⋯.jpg (414.54 KB, 978x698, 489:349, download (1).jpg)

File: d4cb15309a882c2⋯.jpg (226.99 KB, 978x473, 978:473, download (2).jpg)

gonna see the Christmas tree for the white house today we get to sign a banner… i cant decide between a big Q or WWG1WGA

1d1809  No.3819830


535e2c  No.3819831


IMO Gorka is obviously trolling. He has no choice, he's is/was in the admin, he has to disavow until POTUS verifies Q.

So instead of talking about how fucked the cabal is, he is rubbing it in their faces by causing the (((Streisand Effect))).

Gorka is a legit person, just him mentioning it on twitter or as a regular guest on tv he is bringing eyes to Q..

He only capitalized one word in his tweet (YOU)

e92dec  No.3819832

OK, so today is Friday, when Government often drops big news late in the workday when everyone is distracted due to the upcoming weekend. What's the big controversial news story for the 5 p.m. drop today?

498272  No.3819833

File: fd18b54f9391c57⋯.jpg (13.42 KB, 637x403, 49:31, anon.jpg)

cd8c1b (17)


21f2c1  No.3819834

Q crumb with gloves off, i think there was one

5d8c9e  No.3819835

File: 6899ef986c877f2⋯.png (47.25 KB, 638x293, 638:293, The WORLD is now watching ….png)


Wrong tweet.

ed044b  No.3819836


Nope. Pass. All yours fam. I got my hands full with these other 3 crazy bitches.

2eba9d  No.3819837


TX is investigating and has even arrested people.

15e69f  No.3819838

Q & A

Questions & Answers

Q & Anons

3f78c1  No.3819839


Nice tie in. I'd say


242d09  No.3819840

File: 68b3b419aa57fbf⋯.png (168.76 KB, 961x1209, 31:39, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)


proof, please.

69dbcc  No.3819842


>I know AOC is crazy and I want it. I bet that bitch would fuck the shit out of me.

Same here.

bc2b04  No.3819843


This picture lost all meaning now.

It's not even funny anymore.

affdd5  No.3819844


>IMO Gorka is obviously trolling. He has no choice, he's is/was in the admin, he has to disavow until POTUS verifies Q.


Gorka is aligned with Posobiec

Time to wake up

7f60b4  No.3819845


>sources tell me

Famous fucking last words. Shit has got to stop on Twatter. She steps down when she steps down. We know it's soon. POTUS will have his 3rd SCOTUS installed by end of Jan early Feb.

052bdc  No.3819846

This is why I am disappointed and upset. If I were in your position, I would have actively fought to have been able to include you in the fun and cool shit I get to do. I realize you probably don’t have a say in a lot of what’s going on, but a legitimate answer would be nice and expected.

9c7a28  No.3819847

File: 681cd77b651ddcf⋯.png (276.06 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 8dee17ef8081a0229150a77c0a….png)

If you trusted Sessions you got played, Trump fired Sessions dumb ass.

c67486  No.3819848


"Baron grew up in a Jewish family."

Why am I even suprised.

39a26e  No.3819849

File: 576c1e7c4cade9d⋯.jpeg (316.7 KB, 1242x605, 1242:605, 40D643CB-0A70-48E1-AFFF-9….jpeg)

File: 7347327ba60fd4f⋯.jpeg (536.84 KB, 1242x1085, 1242:1085, 2F0C6CCF-BF97-4B77-BC5A-9….jpeg)

File: f116dbeef8526db⋯.jpeg (919.09 KB, 1242x1689, 414:563, 51B0CBE5-9CE9-407D-9FA6-A….jpeg)

Swamp draining in Brazil


4d211c  No.3819850


>I think Sessions, a good writer, used to edit Trump's stuff. Or someone else with writing skill. This one is extremely long and I keep thinking it could have been far more succinct.

Bannon wrote some of his stuff.

2486b8  No.3819851


For patients <65, pneumonia occurs in 11 to 17%, whereas, for patients ≥65, rates up to 34 percent are reported.2,3 One other study found that for each additional rib fracture in patients >65, the risk of pneumonia increased by 27%, and mortality increased by 19%.4 So, applying this knowledge to our patient, we can determine that with his 6 fractured ribs at the age of 82, his risk of pneumonia is up to 88%, and his risk of mortality is estimated at 38%.


281b51  No.3819852

File: db2572e55ea1a60⋯.png (1.02 MB, 702x1063, 702:1063, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35f4d72fe9c262e⋯.png (735.85 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f5d5ae8221fc64⋯.png (768.89 KB, 684x676, 171:169, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3818533 pb

>>3818290 pb

"Paradise" Lost

by John Milton

<img src="http://tangodiario.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/paradise.jpg" alt="Related image"/>


5c9697  No.3819853

Ok. We know Q is Trump, or coordinates with Trump, but we also know that Q posts threats here so deep state makes mistakes and expose themselves.

The problem is the threats are all bark, no bite.

There is enough evidence to lock up thousands of corrupt officials. The swamp is deep and fills up faster than can be removed. Qs post saying there is more good than bad is questionable.

Many posts contradict what we are seeing, meaning we should trust the plan despite our lying eyes.

When we win, we lose, and when we lose the cabal completely runs us over.

Something has to give. Something has to change.

If you believe 2018 will be glorious, I say you are nuts. If you believe the clockfags, you are completely insane. If you believe anything will be done by 11/ 11 / 18, you need medication.

We will not come together. Q will not show us a better world. I wish I were wrong. Prove me wrong.

f78fe6  No.3819854


How much pressure did we have to put on this faggot to make him say anything about the fraud? Rubio you fucking bubble bath faggot.

1eef67  No.3819855

File: 8cde7bba0bc1bf9⋯.jpg (106.92 KB, 652x328, 163:82, scheuer-quote.jpg)


There is no other way to interpret it, you dumb faggot. You were being sold the same neocon agenda that has destroyed the country and you think you're on the brink of a revolutionary sea change! Q is for retards who think the Bush administration didn't go hard enough. You're irredeemable muppets.

529336  No.3819856

File: 499b77d3098333b⋯.png (81.59 KB, 1191x553, 1191:553, ClipboardImage.png)

b691af  No.3819857



FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.—Global education leader Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) and education software innovator Kno have partnered with Broward County Public Schools, one of the largest public school systems in the country, to support the District’s innovative Digital 5: Pathways to Personalized Learning (D5) initiative. The program expands the use of technology, digital devices and digital curriculum for 3,200 fifth grade students across 27 Broward County elementary schools. D5 students and teachers are accessing HMH’s celebrated core curriculum materials via Kno’s cutting-edge delivery platform on personal, district-issued laptops.

“The Digital 5 initiative is very exciting for us. Essentially we are creating the classroom of the future, and we are doing it today, to ensure students are college and career ready in the 21st century,” said Superintendent Robert W. Runcie. “The winning combination of Kno’s interactive learning technology and HMH’s high-quality content gives our students and teachers the resources they need to maximize student learning and grow as citizens in an increasingly digital world.”

“We are thrilled to play a key role in the D5 project,” said Mary Cullinane, Chief Content Officer and EVP, HMH. “By merging best-in-class content with effective, thoughtful integration of technology, Broward’s work illustrates HMH’s commitment to transforming the future of learning with holistic solutions.”

D5 students and teachers are using HMH’s comprehensive Common Core-aligned reading and math programs, Florida Journeys Common Core ©2014 and GO Math! Florida ©2013, via the Kno application, which provides access to myriad electronic enhancements, including interactive features, intuitive search options, social sharing capabilities, digital note taking and journaling, as well as progress monitoring and reporting tools.

“At Kno, it is our goal to make the digital transition seamless and to provide students with a fresh, fun way to engage with quality learning materials,” explained Mark Williams, Vice President of Sales, Kno Inc.

Drawing upon information and best practices from successful D5 trials in two Broward County Public Schools classrooms last spring, specialists from HMH and Kno continue to work closely with the District during the implementation of the program at the designated elementary schools and to complement professional development efforts.

e31203  No.3819858

Is there a date Paul Ryan is leaving?

Sick of his crap.

1febac  No.3819859

File: f0ad284ce539589⋯.jpg (368.26 KB, 1157x1555, 1157:1555, IMG_20181014_095922.jpg)

File: b8331418158cab5⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 598x400, 299:200, startrek-patrick-stewart-m….jpg)

a2b7f7  No.3819861

BOOM pattern as he flies to the East towards France.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 5a7e3c No.1620282 📁

Jun 3 2018 14:58:29 (EST)









cd8c1b  No.3819862

File: 5ebf29c62d84025⋯.jpg (108.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, respected again_2.jpg)


She would make a nice valkery meme.

1d1809  No.3819863


0c5e6e  No.3819864

File: ce300dccfaf82a6⋯.png (235.85 KB, 691x409, 691:409, FEEGOOD.png)

File: adafd17b0069ae6⋯.png (216.7 KB, 500x510, 50:51, Vachel-Lindsay2.png)

File: e808649426f5c3d⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1248x1000, 156:125, It-is-the-Lords-doing.jpg)


a3bc94  No.3819865


I agree


he left in late august 2017, he doesn't know

1f404b  No.3819866

File: fae8eaee0d66bc8⋯.png (366.15 KB, 467x410, 467:410, THE WORLD.png)


The World is watching NOW!!

6c08da  No.3819867

File: 4ca2d69c790e5e3⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2709.PNG)

File: b5260186a701afd⋯.jpeg (265.68 KB, 1536x997, 1536:997, 70DE8132-5CDF-49F1-A261-9….jpeg)

File: 9f62d118e80f4de⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2725.PNG)

File: da62d39a1aadb7a⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_3454.JPG)

File: 512170c07a14855⋯.jpg (81.91 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_3513.JPG)

c684b4  No.3819868

File: e70e41a968f7526⋯.png (1.01 MB, 915x677, 915:677, ClipboardImage.png)

Imelda Marcos convicted of graft, court orders her arrest

The court disqualified Marcos from holding public office but she can remain a member of the powerful House of Representatives while appealing the decision.

A Philippine court has found former first lady Imelda Marcos guilty of graft and ordered her arrest in a rare conviction among many corruption cases that she’s likely to appeal to avoid jail and losing her seat in Congress.

The anti-graft Sandiganbayan court sentenced the 89-year-old Marcos to serve 6 to 11 years in prison for each of the seven counts for violating an anti-corruption law when she illegally funneled about $200 million to Swiss foundations in the 1970s.

Neither Marcos nor anyone representing her attended Friday’s court hearing.

The court disqualified Marcos from holding public office but she can remain a member of the powerful House of Representatives while appealing the decision.


5a27cd  No.3819869

File: 6cadcd5f7324f09⋯.png (45.31 KB, 880x241, 880:241, gorka.PNG)

1987b3  No.3819870


SOmeone needs to put this dog down

(Not Kanye)

Why is Kanye doing business with him anyway??

ab2cf9  No.3819871

File: fb173d36f201cfb⋯.png (70.02 KB, 351x510, 117:170, Verify.png)

>>3819091 (prev bread)

1f404b  No.3819872


This could be the real RED wave.

c684b4  No.3819873


Pretty credible guy tho

bc2b04  No.3819874


keks Good luck with that. The whole country is just a huge ball of corruption.

052bdc  No.3819875

I am hurt. The longer I go without a legitimate answer, the more hurt I get and the more I just want to burn all bridges and destroy everything. As the song goes, I’d “rather give the world away…”

498272  No.3819876

File: fbe0133aa567b43⋯.jpg (29.58 KB, 700x525, 4:3, Toilet needs unclogging.jpg)

5c6ce6  No.3819877

New update

Seattle barrel roll FBI investigation link


1d1809  No.3819878



15e69f  No.3819879


>BOOM pattern as he flies to the East towards France.

>Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 5a7e3c No.1620282 📁

>Jun 3 2018 14:58:29 (EST)









I always thought it looked like a gun when turned upside down….

013ae3  No.3819880


Exactly, not sure why so many anons are still sucking his dick and shocked that he’s trashing Q. Just another Pay-triot imo. But hey, what the hell do I know?

5d0007  No.3819881

>>3805360 pb

The Book of Revelation is written in prophetic riddle as a sort of Rosetta Stone for the rest of the Bible. It speaks of the cross, not end times.

The modern eschatologies are derived from reading a highly symbolic work as if it were literal, giving it a cartoonish meaning.

The answer to Dispensationalism is sensus plenior

>>3705108 pb

209739  No.3819882


Good news

Opiat shipments got busted about a month ago

The money Kings of WV are going broke now

Why do you think Justice turned Republican?

c7ac0d  No.3819883



d7755e  No.3819884


The whole WORLD is just a huge ball of corruption.

f05db4  No.3819885

File: eab062b69f983b7⋯.jpg (305.5 KB, 1263x1200, 421:400, from dark to light 3.jpg)

cd8c1b  No.3819886

File: e0a7f633a4fb77b⋯.jpg (114.38 KB, 747x737, 747:737, special counsel.jpg)

9ccf42  No.3819887


I don't give a shit about how you feel and neither should you. Grow up.

672e9a  No.3819888


Gorka is a shill book merchant

681ec9  No.3819889


Then wait until after 11/11 for ultimate confirmation of your world view then proceed to gloat. This pre-emptive asshurt is just embarrassing. Don't shoot your load early, nigger.

1d1809  No.3819890


1febac  No.3819891

File: b2e5df2f40aba6b⋯.jpg (447.32 KB, 1600x770, 160:77, IMG_20181105_235250.jpg)


Expose Election Fraud.

Reveal the Red Wave.

That shit is ridiculous! Thousands at Preaident Trump rallies, couple hundred for most popular Dems. And it ends up basically a tie? FUCK NO!

c684b4  No.3819892

Antifa expands its hit list as political violence escalates

When a mob of left-wing antifa activists descended Wednesday night on Fox News personality Tucker Carlson’s D.C. home, it signaled a new phase in the political violence and angry confrontations that now are targeting the news media.

Political violence has been rising in the U.S. since 2012, according to the Global Terrorism Database. Increasingly aggressive activists have pushed political confrontation to the limit since 2016, accosting Republican lawmakers and Trump administration officials in restaurants and in the halls of Congress. And now they’re going after conservative journalists at their homes.

“Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night!” the activists allied with antifa chanted outside Mr. Carlson’s home.

Antifa is short of anti-fascist, though the group has anarchist leanings and targets anyone perceived as not in step with a far-left agenda.

“Here’s the problem. I have four children,” Mr. Carlson, whose wife was home alone during the disturbance, told Fox News. “I never thought twice about leaving them home alone, but this is the reaction because this group doesn’t like my TV show.”


242d09  No.3819893


From Anon's sauce:


The Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the human remains found among aircraft materials from the crash site on Ketron Island as belonging to Russell and later provided a post-mortem examination report to the FBI that lists the cause of death as multiple traumatic injuries due to airplane crash and the manner of death as suicide. As part of its analysis, the Medical Examiner’s Office worked with the FBI to review the conversations Russell had with airport traffic control (captured on recordings), flight data, and information received by the FBI through extensive interviews. The Medical Examiner’s Office noted that “there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the death was intentional.”

fc4fb3  No.3819894


In event of CHAOS bring in the Military.


eacef2  No.3819896

ABC Live showing feed of police blocking Broward County election office doors.

bc2b04  No.3819897


True. But banana republics aka: Shitholes, are the worst.

6c08da  No.3819898


1febac  No.3819899

File: c27616289cf7a1d⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 430x720, 43:72, Ace.jpg)


God loves President Trump!

4d211c  No.3819900



A true curse on the world.

498272  No.3819901

File: 7d643d527d1d853⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 590x333, 590:333, You.jpg)

cd8c1b  No.3819902


What is best way to get dockets of both?

1a58d5  No.3819903

File: 7f39bc6272a1308⋯.png (335.91 KB, 459x665, 459:665, AQ31.PNG)

Just getting started…

3f78c1  No.3819904


Exactly, he found his soapbox now anyone who's opinions differ from his are wrong. That's something you expect from a leftist CNN "journalist"

9c7a28  No.3819905

File: 7a75157707d17de⋯.png (87.5 KB, 393x550, 393:550, downloadfile-1.png)

File: 242ace801212505⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 291x291, 1:1, downloadfile-40~2.jpg)

File: 7c592725d1e4522⋯.jpg (31.23 KB, 500x488, 125:122, 7d45be817db2e6df06a371644f….jpg)

Thug life….

d03599  No.3819906



804907  No.3819907

File: cb577c01e2c3951⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, VwwVenrhGNPKtVGo.mp4)


Gloves off.

Sorry if repost. Worth seeing twice.

f05db4  No.3819908

File: 22c1d17bffdac00⋯.jpg (72.52 KB, 500x608, 125:152, riders on the storm 3.jpg)


Been waiting for it

1d1809  No.3819909



We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question, put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.

510295  No.3819910

File: 4f222c92522fe2e⋯.png (68.49 KB, 629x276, 629:276, ClipboardImage.png)

Poll from earlier breads on @TheTrumpAdmin was WAY too successful for POTUS so the account has been suspended.

a66f51  No.3819911

File: 6c039d8dff9f2c9⋯.png (61.43 KB, 613x481, 613:481, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)

File: 68904af0c2bc98f⋯.png (400.04 KB, 517x859, 517:859, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)

File: f165195a6579b8e⋯.png (75.55 KB, 754x367, 754:367, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)

cd8c1b  No.3819912

File: 5a671ae947fe753⋯.jpg (245.82 KB, 1243x1050, 1243:1050, Trust Sessions _02.jpg)

535e2c  No.3819913

The shit in Florida is about to get insane I think, all it takes is "antifa" to show up and start messing with the Patriots protesting the election theft that is going on.

6c08da  No.3819914


Hey joos

That's a Capri sun in that photo

7189bb  No.3819915

>>3819667 pb


they even have patents on file for controlling fertility through vaccines….and that was years ago. imagine how they've advanced

33fae6  No.3819916

File: cfb62eef4eb3862⋯.png (94.07 KB, 252x243, 28:27, f-117.PNG)

>>3819549 (lb)

>Stealth bomber

Continuing on with the stealth bomber theme from last bread, I just realised that the numbers from the f-117 equate to AAG. Could the AAG be the stealth bomber?

Who even knew his name before Sessions announced his departure?

e1d4d8  No.3819917

File: b9a8dfd591c3120⋯.jpg (207.23 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, ComAGnome's Christmas Tree.jpg)


Just for fun.

322cb1  No.3819918

File: 537bfd441b590f0⋯.png (65.62 KB, 1541x421, 1541:421, ClipboardImage.png)


Speaking of Trip added, Q's about due for a trip update. 90 days since the last one was yesterday

1eef67  No.3819919


You are beyond help. When nothing fucking happens in two days, you're just going to start ranting about the next deadline. The same way you people have done over and over and over.

242d09  No.3819920


Very good point, also reinforces the multi-faceted necessity for his public display of the might of us, We the People, POTUS' army.

f78fe6  No.3819921


The down pointing nose the huge mouth the no earlobes. It is an admixture jewess. And not a good admixture.

1febac  No.3819922

File: e63e2207eaa0f01⋯.jpg (121.32 KB, 760x950, 4:5, MadDog2.jpg)

File: 6d155216bd2c089⋯.jpg (102.25 KB, 948x612, 79:51, MadDog.jpg)

3ebb22  No.3819923

File: d6c8eb30bed217b⋯.jpg (19.73 KB, 523x83, 523:83, tweet.JPG)




9d3231  No.3819924


Would love to see a big neon Q on top in place of the star. That would be awesome.

116a30  No.3819925

>>3819509 last bread



That's what I see

5c9697  No.3819926


Q, Trump will not announce their plans or the date. Knowing that, do you still believe 11/ 11 / 18 something will happen?

d09628  No.3819927



Q post ? (don't recall actual Q post number at the moment)

(y) marker, POTUS press you-you-and you = 3 y's.

POTUS tweet, Flake(y) = y

Emphasis on Y, that is 4 Y's thus far

Y=25 (numeric)

03bac2  No.3819928


Your Thinker went Kurthunk

1d1809  No.3819929


1f404b  No.3819930

would be nice to see MO's medical records….

15e69f  No.3819931


>>Stealth bomber

>Continuing on with the stealth bomber theme from last bread, I just realised that the numbers from the f-117 equate to AAG. Could the AAG be the stealth bomber?

>Who even knew his name before Sessions announced his departure?

NICE, anon!

804907  No.3819932



4d211c  No.3819933


>You are beyond help. When nothing fucking happens in two days, you're just going to start ranting about the next deadline. The same way you people have done over and over and over.

Why do you even want to help? Go get a beer.

cd8c1b  No.3819934

File: caedbf600361f89⋯.jpg (244.94 KB, 1112x790, 556:395, james comey oct 28 2018 le….jpg)

File: 7f77e51ef110442⋯.jpg (219.08 KB, 1098x819, 122:91, james comey nov 6 2018.jpg)

File: 166f7ea420e6044⋯.jpg (119.41 KB, 890x490, 89:49, untethered comey q drop.jpg)

File: a011a6552992728⋯.jpg (115.35 KB, 700x732, 175:183, Comey cornfield.jpg)

File: 2270d26714a4aba⋯.jpg (97.19 KB, 707x776, 707:776, James B Comey signature.jpg)

bc2b04  No.3819935

File: f6c5cb0d35c87b5⋯.jpg (35.16 KB, 768x512, 3:2, f6c5cb0d35c87b5e636c4277a8….jpg)


Finally. A president that talks like real people.

3a1221  No.3819936

Texas investigating voter fraud.


ba6d1a  No.3819937


Impeachment is a political act. They can do it whenever it's politically advantageous and make whatever excuse is convenient.

But at least now Trump won't be subpoenaed by Mueller. Then there would be no end to this, all kinds of new avenues could be opened up. And the courts might have blessed such a fishing expedition subpoena, wildly unconstitutional, because Kavanaugh isn't on the DC circuit to block it, and Kavanaugh and Gorsuch would have to recuse themselves at the SCOTUS level.

That had to be shut down. Now it is. The Dems will do their screaming and even impeaching regardless. Ignore the noise – sound and fury signifying nothing.

052bdc  No.3819938

So yes, I would throw it all away just to watch you continue doing the acting thing, getting negative press, and being an unremarkable irrelevant non-factor in the greater scheme of things, because that’s just how upset I am and have been over how this whole plan has been playing out.

2cde11  No.3819939

File: 2f6224dbd507880⋯.jpeg (14.4 KB, 438x358, 219:179, whitaker.jpeg)

593d3e  No.3819940


Why are you here wasting your time? Do you go on Bigfoot Sighting forums and tell them they're wrong too?

78e007  No.3819941


Gorka uses the Dems tactic to say one thing to one group and another thing to the other group. Same thing with that Prosobiec OAN,

don't know what to make of it. but who cares.

242d09  No.3819942

File: 5de4d01c8f7bd72⋯.png (440.52 KB, 1012x1293, 1012:1293, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)


Wanna proof this 4me?

1eef67  No.3819943


I don't drink. I'm not a degenerate.

7506bd  No.3819944


beautifully simple.

I knew those initial tweets couldn't be by chance.

affdd5  No.3819945


>Gorka is a shill book merchant

I don't recall a POTUS tweet about Gorkas's new book

I don't recall POTUS even acknowledging Gorka's existence in quite some time

Gorka never received clearance

Last night out of nowhere I thought about that

Perhaps all the people formerly in the admin that didn't ever get clearance approved were NEVER meant to

Bureaucracy was just the excuse

81d60d  No.3819946

File: 9b65ee94308afdb⋯.png (591.81 KB, 1440x622, 720:311, Screenshot_2018-11-09-13-5….png)

Saw this on my way to work this morning. The middle one says "Great Awakening. What is Qanon". WWG1WGA.

a3bc94  No.3819947


stfu Phillipe

5b8c3b  No.3819948

File: 462e5ff552c6005⋯.jpeg (185.56 KB, 1440x1095, 96:73, 1541522078.jpeg)

209739  No.3819949


Oh look

MSM normalizing terrorists

It's okay it's just political opinion

Nothing to see here

6c08da  No.3819950

File: 46f3769dc55ea13⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2818.PNG)

Known forced shitposters unite togetherness and fascisms and lunchmeats

e1d4d8  No.3819951


munch munch

who cares?

fad341  No.3819952

Voter fraud was Top priority for Trump ….What do you think Horowitz and team were doing prior to election …..Now comes the Pain and the Video ….These people are stupid

142705  No.3819953

There has been a shift brothers and sisters. Do you feel it? A jump in time. The elections were a critical point that had to be crossed. They could not have come sooner. Since that day everything has moved, accelerated. It’s palpable. We are publicly on the verge of it all and in actuality it has already been raging for a very long time. Enemy combatants. The enemy of who? And why? The system in which we have been living is the most complex illusion ever perpetrated on humanity. We ALL know multiple people in our lives who have died as a DIRECT result. Choosing how and when to expose this is equally as complex. What happens when we find out we have all been led to slaughter? Hospitals can’t cope with this. Be careful what you wish for, because the true ramifications of it will forever shift this planet. Pray, that good triumphs.

342c5f  No.3819954

File: d1549ce87eaf74a⋯.png (1.07 MB, 842x1510, 421:755, FaithFullDogShakira.png)

old bread


>>3819207 >>3819224 >>3819486 >>3819608

Shakira covered in gold.


Faithful Dog

510295  No.3819955


Poll started out as majority "NO" until anons were alerted. Swung the other way and Twatter didn't like it.

f78fe6  No.3819956


Is Gorka a neocon Jew boy sent to Judas Goat republicans to our doom?

b6ea21  No.3819957


true that. if it doesn't happen there it will happen somewhere else soon. their end is in sight and they are being forced to play the only hand they still have. this hand, i believe will be to try and foment chaos over lies that the msm will help push. unfortunately for them, we will smash the ever living shit out of them if they get violent

1febac  No.3819958

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

b37ec1  No.3819959


It would have been much more entertaining had brunette hottie done an unarmed combat maneuver on Acosta, pinning him on the floor with her (surely stunning) knee to his throat.

1d1809  No.3819960




804907  No.3819961


I'd never heard of him once. And I like the legal aspect of all of this a lot, so I'm in those grooves.

He shows up, does his thing in his 200 or so days, and then Trump gets what Trump wants. If he's not there to drop Hammers, I'd be surprised.

a3bc94  No.3819962



why would you use the one crumb that has a link to reddit in it?

there are better crumbs, KEK

29a073  No.3819963


PapaD may also have something on Gorka.

804907  No.3819964

998fa9  No.3819965

File: 3125a77fdce9bc7⋯.jpeg (300.01 KB, 1242x1403, 54:61, 8A569959-AF8A-422F-AAAF-3….jpeg)

File: 8ebba0229a9ec4a⋯.png (338.36 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 4AEB9638-8A26-4BFF-A16B-73….png)

Clock has sep 10 under today so I saw these drops from them, seem kinda big to anyone else? DJT tweet was linked from drop last 9.10

704cde  No.3819966

File: f0cd0f2a0e27bbd⋯.png (227.31 KB, 511x254, 511:254, 2018-11-09_13-54-17.png)

File: 4174ffff11b22f4⋯.png (366.42 KB, 647x358, 647:358, 2018-11-09_13-55-45.png)

File: e8582e5aea7a9d3⋯.png (296.58 KB, 657x407, 657:407, 2018-11-09_13-56-57.png)

File: 87493782a6f65b6⋯.png (373.47 KB, 634x422, 317:211, 2018-11-09_13-58-09.png)

001c96  No.3819967


ed044b  No.3819968


So why the fuck are you here? Serious question. All the places on the internet and you come here to complain about how butthurt you are. Nobody asked you to be here. Nobody is forcing you. So why? Are you really that pathetic? You don't have a single friend to hang out with? I don't get it. You should get a puppy.

4d211c  No.3819969


>I don't drink. I'm not a degenerate.

Make it a root beer then. Just chill. Trying to "help anons"? Maybe you're not degenerate, but it's something fucked up.

535e2c  No.3819970


High Quality.


9c7a28  No.3819971

File: db72ca48904d4f6⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 427x485, 427:485, 2m4fmv~2.jpg)

File: f6cfd52dd84d549⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 480x629, 480:629, 2l3fyd~3.jpg)

File: bc8b032d2b93f24⋯.jpg (63.11 KB, 650x559, 50:43, VALERIE-JARRET-HELL-TO-PAY….jpg)

File: 280cb2a107e6751⋯.jpg (106.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2lesqb.jpg)




I prefer conservative women.

681ec9  No.3819972


>you shall act along my perceptions huehue

wrong, nigger, I've been wholy detached from this shit from day one. Anyone emotionally invested into a


shouldn't be on imageboards in the first place, you fucking mong.

>you people

>over and over and over

The moment 11/11 was signaled as significant I made a personal deadline to "wait and see". Then faggots like you get so invested in this shit, laughable.

39a26e  No.3819973

File: 08173c515f4b9f7⋯.jpeg (932.31 KB, 1242x1450, 621:725, DB2BA108-DEE5-4076-B630-2….jpeg)

Chic or symbolism?

Playing Chess with the Masonic Macrons?


a3694f  No.3819974

Regarding Gorka:


is beholden to Israël. Every single one.

392e48  No.3819975



bb1417  No.3819976

File: 15280e32458e981⋯.jpg (9.59 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1b124cd48dd606d7eabf20f19c….jpg)

a2b7f7  No.3819977


..here's your 4 y's

[Future Comms]

Pre_stage ele_y

Pre_stage sec_y

Pre_stage dir_y

Pre_stage cap_y



204c08  No.3819978

File: 63ae914404faa2f⋯.png (208.33 KB, 625x312, 625:312, ClipboardImage.png)

209739  No.3819980


By the grace of God we will be victorious

Prepare for open battle on every front

d4dcee  No.3819981

File: dd2655048624f33⋯.jpg (147.15 KB, 1080x1064, 135:133, tumblr_oi35njLAKV1ufeq0uo1….jpg)




3a1221  No.3819982

why can i never embed news article links?

I always get the message that it isn't recognized or something like that.

4e4a7b  No.3819983


the id badge makes this.

5c9697  No.3819984


Months ago, Papadapolous was a plant and traitor, Gorka was a board hero. Now the mirror is true. This movement is a shit show.

530370  No.3819985

File: d25419dfc42cbcc⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 960x540, 16:9, wartimeconsigliere.jpg)

cd8c1b  No.3819986

File: 413df98d01c91ed⋯.jpg (259.46 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Fake news question.jpg)


Haha yeah I imagined that also. Maybe even

a well placed knee before take down.

535e2c  No.3819987


This is a literal stand off between the cabal and US government.

IMO It's happening.

6c08da  No.3819988

File: 37c8a53433f27a3⋯.png (1.6 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2718.PNG)

Forced shitpost twice or more

4d211c  No.3819989




>is beholden to Israël. Every single one


867d6b  No.3819990

We already knew this though, huh?


24d005  No.3819991


Justice saw the writing on the wall. Unless you have another view? I know the people were pissed when he flipped parties.

e1d4d8  No.3819992


Not really.

You want your medical records exposed? If you do, call the IRS. They'll be able to help you out with that.

b2a76e  No.3819993



ed044b  No.3819994


You're not much of anything if I'm being honest. Except maybe a whiny little bitch. Go outside loser. Make a fucking friend. We aint it.

1febac  No.3819995

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

582b28  No.3819996

File: a1dced491919968⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7inl.jpg)

File: 1c99ea002532755⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 2lgh48.jpg)

11.11.2018 in Paris. (((They))) are having their gay parade, (you) not so much, do you?

a4362a  No.3819997

File: 29ef72123d06850⋯.jpg (33.41 KB, 640x462, 320:231, oyypo2t63vzy.jpg)

f5c141  No.3819998

File: af7a9d11d057d58⋯.jpeg (11.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6acb8c782a9df0759f770eaee….jpeg)



Nice dub dubs

Gives an anon an

idea of ## of shills

here too

d03599  No.3819999

File: d0272e58078d34d⋯.png (214.25 KB, 600x600, 1:1, e1ee071077f31735e9eb92c83e….png)

9ccf42  No.3820000


Following feelings make you stuck

Following logic and reasoning takes one forward

Feelings are chemical processes in the body, real, but not more than that

Thorough thought has ability to create new ideas and traverse new areas of experiences

Feelings only handles the past

It's all about choice, attitude and self-determination.

What do you want?

1f404b  No.3820001


they have it all

1d1809  No.3820002

File: 9b812752e065f90⋯.png (525.43 KB, 720x563, 720:563, ClipboardImage.png)



052bdc  No.3820003


go kill yourself

you are irrelevant and you mean nothing to me

0867df  No.3820004


e-bot loves


15e69f  No.3820005



>..here's your 4 y's

>[Future Comms]

>Pre_stage ele_y

>Pre_stage sec_y

>Pre_stage dir_y

>Pre_stage cap_y








1eef67  No.3820006


If even one of you "patriots" gets shaken out of your neocon jew stupor and wakes the fuck up, then it was worth it to drop a few comments. You'll get a full stop when you shill faggots stop cross posting your jew propaganda on /pol/.

3a1221  No.3820007



681ec9  No.3820008


Yes, nigger. Anyone espousing nothing of import is not worth my time.

>hurr durr here's all this info, but don't expect anything approaching veracity from any of it, disinfo hurr

dcad32  No.3820009

File: 47ebdfb8cbc75c0⋯.png (760.53 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Screenshot (203).png)


How do we get our money back?


cd8c1b  No.3820010

File: aa84298d4d134ea⋯.jpg (165.13 KB, 716x570, 358:285, declassify FISA.jpg)


Some very talented Anon knew to put the

badge in. The words crack me up.

c652c2  No.3820011

File: 1ab7707fb9d363e⋯.jpg (247.71 KB, 768x1111, 768:1111, white-house-christmas-9.jpg)

'It will be a Very Merry Christmas indeed…'

0867df  No.3820012

File: 66800cc77bfb749⋯.jpg (11.32 KB, 184x274, 92:137, 74f7aa76c28947e3ce5d200487….jpg)

eacef2  No.3820013


I'm watching on IPTV, but it should be on their main site feed:


*They just dropped it for now*

223449  No.3820014

File: b8a8de16ab1a32b⋯.jpg (121.49 KB, 960x720, 4:3, pieta.jpg)

An image board is a helluva a shit place to come for info sometimes. Lots of ugly images posted like the one a few days ago from half chan of a screen shot of a lizard alien. Even though it was hard to discern the image, it was as ugly as the devil's tailpipe blowing out projectile bloody diarrhea.

Just thought I'd post an image of beauty to balance things out a little.


1d1809  No.3820015



6c08da  No.3820016

File: 3ece3c2b2d899e5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2706.PNG)

Double trouble shitpost

cd8c1b  No.3820017

File: 89f8b040f7d0b0d⋯.jpg (104.9 KB, 666x629, 18:17, bob woodard.jpg)

33fae6  No.3820018


Mere speculation, anon, and not noteworthy imo, but certainly something to consider and something I shall dig into more..

a66f51  No.3820019

File: 7eebf963a132a53⋯.jpeg (159.44 KB, 1031x717, 1031:717, DrcMOp6XgAIfoWK.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: 93591531d175adb⋯.png (512.19 KB, 942x960, 157:160, pain.png)

1eef67  No.3820020

File: 71dc393cc3194f2⋯.jpg (194.7 KB, 850x446, 425:223, ArguingWithJews.jpg)

1a58d5  No.3820021

File: 32c179fefdf7a3c⋯.png (432.51 KB, 489x366, 163:122, AQ32.PNG)

File: 552b37909f62ac9⋯.png (426.66 KB, 485x368, 485:368, AQ33.PNG)


Meme batter and ideas.

998fa9  No.3820022

File: 2bf038684f038d2⋯.jpeg (69.8 KB, 488x532, 122:133, 10661B28-9D72-4416-80EE-1….jpeg)


AAAAAAAnd immediately after this post the (1) poster shills come out to play

cd8c1b  No.3820023

File: c64074917613205⋯.jpg (293.4 KB, 1154x762, 577:381, Be safe.jpg)

9c7a28  No.3820024

File: b355331c2235a58⋯.png (62.14 KB, 472x472, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-11-09-06-0….png)

File: b034e5e396a0d32⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 480x360, 4:3, downloadfile-23.jpg)

392e48  No.3820025

>>3819761 Yeah RETARD it is fake

cd8c1b  No.3820026

File: a0956704182f5e7⋯.jpg (143.09 KB, 900x999, 100:111, dont be evil.jpg)

42ba8f  No.3820027

File: d0da817f5048dfe⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ECLSoStMO566PdMd.mp4)

FUCKING KEK I almost peed!!!


204c08  No.3820028

File: 789344c612496db⋯.png (53.64 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

f5c141  No.3820029

File: 2f3fe6e3f31ad7e⋯.png (9.12 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0fc9d2f71b630a84330cff0fec….png)

e33c33  No.3820030

So, why did Q tell us to watch California there's nothing going on there but some fires?

78e007  No.3820031


actually, that is a good point. at least your interested.

if you just watch the news with the fraud in Broward County. you set your focus there. that's a legitimate concern. and there is no protests for that. get what I'm saying. or do you care?

142705  No.3820032


The true “sides” of this conflict are manifesting into our reality.

cc5508  No.3820033

File: 7e7cd9d853d6570⋯.jpeg (73.79 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 2B57095A-95C1-488B-8A23-4….jpeg)


West Virginia

cbba0f  No.3820034

Anyone got the 8chan meme where the two girls get upset and the dude smiles?

29fa3d  No.3820035

File: c4d2743595179a7⋯.png (218.86 KB, 332x500, 83:125, ClipboardImage.png)

wish i could get a power up to help me defeat the final boss and save the princess

cd8c1b  No.3820036

File: b76186509044716⋯.jpg (122.59 KB, 800x442, 400:221, Fox Hannity obama economy.jpg)

fad341  No.3820037

I think they are highlighting the biggest election fraud state ….. The reason will be the recount will show Massive Fraud ….. Millions of people fraud in one state ….. Which will demand all states do a recount …Check mate

a3694f  No.3820038

File: 105bda3e5513609⋯.jpeg (338.73 KB, 1125x1746, 125:194, Drhj707WoAEzB0l.jpg-large.jpeg)

File: bdfe877e1740f24⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1103x717, 1103:717, Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at ….png)


Brenda Snipes

7f60b4  No.3820039







1d1809  No.3820040



15e69f  No.3820041




>Stealth bomber

Continuing on with the stealth bomber theme from last bread, I just realised that the numbers from the f-117 equate to AAG. Could the AAG be the stealth bomber?

Who even knew his name before Sessions announced his departure?


cd8c1b  No.3820042

File: 8137642ad60bc49⋯.jpg (159.15 KB, 800x798, 400:399, History_2.jpg)

4d211c  No.3820043


>Yeah RETARD it is fake

All RP speakers are fake.

a2a6b1  No.3820044

Buh bye Florida

21f2c1  No.3820045


Future proves past

Elections check

1ffb31  No.3820046

File: 68178bd9e086bce⋯.png (275.81 KB, 428x406, 214:203, 5kekkingpepes.png)


Trolling neverTrumpers who have no choice but admit defeat & concede POTUS is in fact time traveling GEOTUS?


9d3231  No.3820047


Well I'll give you credit for not calling it Revelations. And for not being a dispensationalist. The premise though needs reformulating.

2bd373  No.3820048

File: 5fde48766edfa92⋯.jpg (75.35 KB, 332x440, 83:110, 03_WjZK7Av.jpg)

204c08  No.3820049

File: a167f6a4d2659e0⋯.png (209.08 KB, 600x310, 60:31, ClipboardImage.png)

529336  No.3820050

File: 098677d410800dd⋯.png (796.3 KB, 1393x460, 1393:460, ClipboardImage.png)

cd8c1b  No.3820051

File: 6cf74e58c13c0bf⋯.jpg (154.82 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Q drop 09272018_3 Trump tw….jpg)

6c08da  No.3820052

File: c921d303de06549⋯.jpg (58.44 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3478.JPG)


Vote replerbiterian pedovore this cycle of cannibals and zombies

dd8298  No.3820053

File: c673a918c275519⋯.png (140.38 KB, 508x533, 508:533, download-1.png)

File: 7ec8458d1d94b6f⋯.jpg (302.66 KB, 1300x1300, 1:1, redlineseverywhere.jpg)

File: e326be807b55f8e⋯.jpg (201.23 KB, 1499x793, 1499:793, borderlineholder.jpg)

1ecd1d  No.3820054


Missing DOD trillions

Billions in QE pumped into rich fuckers stocks

And illegal collection of income tax…..somebody needs to take income tax case to SCOTUS and get them revoked…..

Oh and the 400 billion Oboozer gave the rich fucks

342c5f  No.3820055

File: ee3af8433977c20⋯.jpg (4.3 KB, 160x160, 1:1, cigMan9.jpg)


Got a live one here. Likes yelling at barrells of fish.

530370  No.3820056

File: 9fc759083d1396d⋯.jpg (123.87 KB, 900x596, 225:149, idhitthat.jpg)

498272  No.3820057

e1d4d8 (3)

explain someday

just making sure he knows

242d09  No.3820058

File: c9a29625b9ae64b⋯.png (532.87 KB, 686x610, 343:305, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)

6ee758  No.3820059

EMS inbound while POTUS abroad?

3f3253  No.3820060


DEW fires

1eef67  No.3820061


Remember when Hannity shilled for bullshit jew wars that didn't do anything but get thousands of White men killed, flood the US with heroin, and pack every factory and warehouse with dirty spics to keep the wartime GDP afloat? Boy, what a patriot. Israel first!

e99635  No.3820062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As a French anon I am furious.

When my fellow French voters put Macron in place, it was obvious he was a Cabal plant. But sooo few people saw it.

I am actually quite despondent right now.

I'm not sure what the way out is.

cc5508  No.3820063

Link to West Virginia News Conference:


83144b  No.3820064

>>381963 ob

One day you may find yourself fleeing with fire raining down on everything you love in this world, maybe then you might grow a heart.

On Oct 8 2017 fire pour like water over my community. It burned all the way into the lake.

Maybe your turn is coming? Are you prepared?

cd8c1b  No.3820065

File: 086d2df4653a6b4⋯.jpg (140.58 KB, 593x851, 593:851, rr number 2.jpg)

d4ed68  No.3820066



Kennedy Christmas tree


69dbcc  No.3820067



Oh do I feel old now.

f19b65  No.3820068


He started to smile a little; reign in? Hell no we're taking the covers off!

eacef2  No.3820069


Maybe the massive voter fraud.

867d6b  No.3820070


Our sky king 👑

78e007  No.3820071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🚨LIVE: Mike Pompeo and James Mattis hold URGENT Press Conference on US-China Relations

192864  No.3820072

1eef67  No.3820073

File: 516086b5df5ea3d⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 500x325, 20:13, two_titans.jpg)


How can you people be this dumb? Iran are the good guys.

6c08da  No.3820074


There is no princess in this castle Luigi

Just trannywhoreing muhjooskikeshills

cd8c1b  No.3820075

File: 6d7dc337fd56a4f⋯.jpg (101.77 KB, 800x445, 160:89, Fox news obama seoul south….jpg)

9ccf42  No.3820076


Hmmm, I expressed myself a bit too harsh. Actually regret that. So you know.

c6b804  No.3820077

Spouse just read indictments are being released? Correct or jumping the gun on what they r reading ?

0f6b1f  No.3820078

File: 3fe7666f32e50f9⋯.jpeg (70.72 KB, 888x480, 37:20, image.jpeg)

File: de0da5a10ce2db9⋯.jpeg (92.62 KB, 888x452, 222:113, image.jpeg)

File: a191d0e7c1266d2⋯.jpeg (46.17 KB, 888x418, 444:209, image.jpeg)

File: 249e0e6a5201884⋯.jpeg (198.87 KB, 1976x770, 988:385, image.jpeg)

File: ee154ef9d33a152⋯.jpeg (81.1 KB, 888x481, 24:13, image.jpeg)

a2a6b1  No.3820079


Good luck with that theory…

By the time that would finish, we'd be ready to vote 2020

cb25cd  No.3820080


>>3819942 Q proof: The World is Watching.

>>3819892 Antifa expands its hit list as political violence escalates.

>>3819877 August crash's FBI investigation link.

>>3819868 melda Marcos convicted of graft, court orders her arrest (Philipines).

>>3819849 Swamp draining in Brazil.

>>3819755 Fed court finds Dems unlawfully gerrymandered a Maryland Congressional seat.

>>3819710 Michigan's Dem. Gov-Elect put healthcare exec on transition team after receiving funding.

>>3819699 DJT Tweet: "… The WORLD is now watching closely!"

>>3819684 France trying to undermine US sanctions on Iran?

245b1a  No.3820081

File: 1a3e84a1cfb216b⋯.mp4 (10.02 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Trump highlights from pres….mp4)


Trump blasts reporters today!

More Q proofs!



e17aca  No.3820082

File: 03fa9a1f4e4f7b5⋯.jpg (63.48 KB, 700x700, 1:1, q is a larp hogg1.jpg)

File: 7e8303dff9ed853⋯.png (126.98 KB, 594x264, 9:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>We will not come together. Q will not show us a better world. I wish I were wrong. Prove me wrong.

1. We're here together on this board.

2. You're right, you have to make a better world for yourself. This OP is only clearing the way for you.

3. You're here. Caring enough to type all of that shit out + 2 more posts. The very fact that you're here proves you wrong. You could be anywhere else but…you're still dedicating time & energy to the GREAT AWAKENING, even if working against it. Proves it's worth working against. (((Q+))) thanks you.

b61ee1  No.3820083

File: 09bed04eb476810⋯.png (149.82 KB, 636x846, 106:141, GivmeMoniesPlease.png)


What is it liberals that want everyone to pay for their shit?

1ecd1d  No.3820084

File: 4dfd137ec7afa04⋯.jpeg (134.87 KB, 1501x1000, 1501:1000, C3B62CD9-F411-47AA-ABF8-F….jpeg)

cd8c1b  No.3820085

File: bd52bac04191398⋯.jpg (231.38 KB, 1000x586, 500:293, police state.jpg)

2bd373  No.3820086

File: d67e5285d9a29fe⋯.jpg (112.68 KB, 1080x809, 1080:809, d67e5285d9a29fe7436ad3e274….jpg)

calif fires

b2a76e  No.3820087


I can see how something like that would really change a person’s priorities. So much of what we value is just ‘stuff’.

People before things, always..

39a26e  No.3820088


Fraud, shooting, fires …

ed044b  No.3820089


Dont have shit to do with any Jew talk. Shit is annoying to me. Been saying forever that USA has been, is, and always will be loyal to Israel. Looks like you being wrong about everything is becoming a pattern. Maybe you should shut the fuck up and quietly leave before someone notices you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

f78fe6  No.3820090


Did Geotus really say this? Classic

0867df  No.3820091

File: d70b1738f5177b1⋯.jpg (27.58 KB, 307x448, 307:448, will_rogers_rope_archival_….jpg)

Funny how some who can't stand the goings on here,

are still Here!

I mean it's Funny!

593d3e  No.3820092


If we're a barrel of fish, I don't know another barrel of fish that has the ability to stack SCOTUS with conservatives. Perhaps we're piranha fish.

cd8c1b  No.3820093

File: ac3a9eba2a069d1⋯.jpg (159.67 KB, 971x737, 971:737, would you want fbi investi….jpg)

001c96  No.3820094


Zero info other than "our two countries are working to a better relationship".

392e48  No.3820095


Honey check out his Name & history

242d09  No.3820096

File: 8e16c4a9c11c79e⋯.png (460.96 KB, 911x1070, 911:1070, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)

Creepy PronLawyer goes fullfronthole:

In light of the sworn testimony and evidence relating to the payment to my client and Trump’s involvement (confirming our allegations), we are calling for the immediate indictment of the president. No one is above the law in the United States.




d7755e  No.3820097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a2b7f7  No.3820098

>Pre_stage cap_y

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: c07cfc No.122123 📁

Dec 19 2017 01:02:51 (EST)



NAT_SEC_A,H,H, L, B, E, classified Cdg-23k




JUSTICE_FED_J[1-4]_remove + appellate



Max cap.

[1] other prison being prepped.


cd8c1b  No.3820099

File: ac7b0e1763ca8ef⋯.jpg (121.38 KB, 800x600, 4:3, bait.jpg)

39a26e  No.3820100



60b7ba  No.3820101


Got a dipshit sibling I'm going to enjoy watching react to this…oh yes.

5b8c3b  No.3820102

2eba9d  No.3820103


Quoting from an Amarillo source. That is also one very corrupt city.

1eef67  No.3820104


Fuck israel, faggot. Their day is coming.

9e2981  No.3820105


Duct tape her mouth at least. Don't let those teeth on your dick. Play safe anon.

192864  No.3820106


…..and then wed NEVER have the problem again. You have a faster strategy to ensure permanent results shitforbrians?

c684b4  No.3820107

File: d469e5c1749e1f1⋯.png (405.86 KB, 662x332, 331:166, ClipboardImage.png)


Sweida freed abductees meet their families… their liberation is yet another victory of Syrian Arab Army against terror

“I cannot express my joy being saved from the terrorists by our brave army… I couldn’t wait until the soldiers reached the car we were inside after they had engaged in fierce clashes with the terrorists.” Mrs. Suad Abu Ammar, who was freed besides her children said. She also expressed deep thanks to the leadership. “I’m so happy that I’m with my family again… I miss ordinary life where no fear and harsh treatment is there… the feeling of security is indescribable,” the freed girl Manya Abu Ammar said. “The terrorists used to constantly move us from a place to another and put us in underground hollows… I’m blessed to see my family and friends again,” Aksam Abu Ammar, a boy of the released abductees said.


Russian Troops Participated In Operation To Free 19 Hostages From ISIS In Syria: Defense Ministry

“On November 8, 2018, Syrian forces carried out a carefully planned special operation under the guidance of Russian military officers from the Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides in Syria, rescuing 19 civilian hostages seized by the ISIL [ISIS] more than three months ago,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on November 9.


Army ambushes “Kataeb al-Ezza” linked terrorists, kills five of them in Hama Countryside

SANA reporter in Hama said that terrorists of the so-called Kataeb al-Ezza positioned in al-Dahrouj farms southwest of Latmineh town in Hama northern countryside , targeted with explosive rounds a military point in the surrounding of al-Zalaqiyat village.

In response to the attack, the reporter added, an army unit ambushed a “Kataeb al-Izza” liked terrorist group near al- Zalaqiyat/Zlein direction, killing five terrorists, injuring others and destroying their weapons and munition.


Syrian General: Russia-Supplied S-300 Systems Minimized Possibility Of Israeli Attacks’ Success

“There is no concept of zero probability in military strategy. We cannot say that this probability has been reduced to zero. Because we are talking about open skies, extended borders, various technologies… Therefore, I cannot say that in the end there will not be such a probability, however, the probability of this aggression achieving its goals has been minimized,” Hasan stated commenting on the possibility of new Israeli attacks on Syria following the S-300 deliveries.



cc5508  No.3820108


They are saying this represents that the count is “off” meaning they are short on tallies.

75568e  No.3820109

File: 74617fc99c7851f⋯.jpg (119.92 KB, 941x885, 941:885, nothing will stop us.jpg)

File: 0a0242813f376f6⋯.jpg (249.98 KB, 908x363, 908:363, horde of pepes.jpg)


>D5? Incoming? This looks to be an avalanche that is picking up speed and momentum.

here is a meme idea for someone with better skills than me. Have an avalanche of pepes coming down the mountain like the avalanche in this photo.

d09628  No.3820110


There was one for the marker (y) in one Q's drops (can't find the PF post number at the moment). Which Q post are you banking off of for you post? TY Anon.

1ecd1d  No.3820111







All government assests…..will never change or be taken down

1d1809  No.3820112


5c9697  No.3820113


Ignored is all the research and evidence of Trump's connection, to Soros, Rothschilds, Clinton, and Epstien. But muh hurr dur nigger, muh joo, shill, concernfag. Right cunt? You aren't worth a damn to anyone if you refuse to believe proof.

45a77b  No.3820114


Hidden Cameras in Broward County ??

24d005  No.3820115


Are we looking at 339 ballots missing or not counted? Not sure what I'm looking at. Precinct 165 I get. Wonder if there are other precincts affected?

bb3c4f  No.3820116

File: 02ed200f792ccfb⋯.png (193.62 KB, 571x361, 571:361, Jakals.png)

052bdc  No.3820117

The wig looks cheap and tacky, the casting is awful, and Lauren is just another dumb transplant from Ohio with nothing of value to offer us natives.

204c08  No.3820118

File: 7f26d19c117cb32⋯.png (881.5 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

529336  No.3820119

File: bdcb31b8caeb520⋯.jpg (83.45 KB, 993x726, 331:242, stop trump1.JPG)

9c7a28  No.3820120

File: aeb8f9d97c2f28f⋯.png (36.09 KB, 480x397, 480:397, Screenshot_2018-11-09-10-2….png)

530370  No.3820121

If we don't have election security, we don't have a country.

c684b4  No.3820122

File: 26ca8a57a63eb13⋯.png (1.42 MB, 939x663, 313:221, ClipboardImage.png)



Army finds rockets left by ISIS terrorists in al-Mayadeen, Deir Ezzor countryside

SANA reporter said that while combing the area aided by the Popular Defense Groups, an army unit discovered several long-range missiles left behind by ISIS which were stacked in special containers in camouflaged areas near al-Mayadeen city. The correspondent said the army checked the missiles to ensure that they pose no harm as ISIS used to rig arms caches with explosives before it was defeated under the blows of the Syrian army.


US-held Area Of At-Tanf Once Again Appears To Be ‘ISIS-Welcome’ Zone In Syria

At least 30 hostages were captured by ISIS in an attack on the government-held area in eastern al-Suwayda on July 25. A part of them, 6 people, was freed by ISIS in September in the framework of a local deal between the terrorist group and the Damascus government. However, after

The most strange thing in this development is where the hostages were rescued. As it was noted by multiple persons following the conflict, Hamimah (Humaymah) is located far away (over 250km) from the area, where the hostages were captured or where ISIS positions in eastern al-Suwayda are located [al-Safa].

The map above allows to see that Hamimah (Humaymah) and al-Safa are separated by the so-called “security zone” imposed by the US-led coalition near its military garrison in at-Tanf.

The Russian and Syrian militaries have repeatedly warned that the al-Tanf zone are being used by terrorist groups, including ISIS, as a rear base and a foothold to carry out attacks on government-held areas. The ISIS safe haven is actively protected by US-led coalition forces, which threaten any Syrian Army troops deploying close to the al-Tanf zone. The formal justification of these actions is that Syrian government troops as well as Iranian-backed forces in Syria pose a threat to US-backed “democratic” militant groups and US troops deployed near the at-Tanf garrison.


UN: Terrorists in al-Rukban camp use civilians as human shields

Director of UNHCR’s Regional Bureau for the Middle East and North Africa Amin Awad said that terrorists are using displaced people as human shields in al-Rukban Camp located along the Syrian-Jordanian borders at al-Tanf area where US troops are positioned.

Sputnik quoted Awad as saying that “I think the problem of Rukban today is not to continue to give aid, it’s to really liquidate the situation and send people back to their homes”


Syrian Army Responds By Force To New Violation Of Deconfliction Agreement In Southwestern Aleppo

In a new violation of the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement, fighters of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) destroyed a BMP-1 armored vehicle of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the southwestern Aleppo countryside with an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) on November 8.

Few hours later, the SAA responded to the violation by shelling several positions of HTS and its allies in the area of al-Rashidin northwest of the city of Aleppo with Grad rockets.


6c08da  No.3820123

File: bbdca5120f8f131⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 320x320, 1:1, IMG_3467.JPG)

gaslighting cannibals this midterm

1c4b9a  No.3820124



183a7d  No.3820125


Different politicians and news ppl have said the world is watching 1,674,398 Times since 11/1/1962

cd8c1b  No.3820126

File: 1329cae978d7a4d⋯.jpg (387.56 KB, 1199x868, 1199:868, Fires in CA.jpg)

fad341  No.3820127


Yeah but it would be state by state of Arrests and Indictments which would be in the news every night ….. slow awakening ….They won’t be able to walk the streets

1febac  No.3820128

File: c1c7362198a79c2⋯.jpg (614.72 KB, 1056x1303, 1056:1303, SmartSelect_20181109-13065….jpg)

File: 1d53c1be596aeea⋯.jpg (253.3 KB, 1047x756, 349:252, SmartSelect_20181109-13083….jpg)

File: d8f4f8b73c30600⋯.jpg (97.51 KB, 1054x565, 1054:565, SmartSelect_20181109-13090….jpg)

In relation to 11/11, I see that the Tomb of the Unknown Solider was dedicated on 11/11/1921.

"You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.



Not sure the connection or meaning, just passing it along.

24d005  No.3820129


Thanks anon

392e48  No.3820130


UMMM Honey Jesus was Jewish

3f78c1  No.3820131

Anyone have the video of Kimmel asking the girls to touch whats in his pants?

0867df  No.3820132

File: 5ac3766c76f5eff⋯.gif (1015.54 KB, 245x191, 245:191, Upperclass-Twit-of-the-Yea….gif)


A Fantastic TWIT!

78e007  No.3820133

What do you mean no info? it fucking live.

c652c2  No.3820134

File: e0321d2aba7b725⋯.pdf (51.54 KB, Missing_Money_Update.pdf)

''Update on the $21 Trillion in Unsupported Adjustments at the

Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Defense

June 2018''

c8124d  No.3820135

File: 35932735ff21f02⋯.png (290.52 KB, 624x351, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3818940 lb More Sauce – Republican Protest Outside Broward Elections Office

Alex Harris

‏Verified account @harrisalexc

Republican protest crowd doubles to about 60. Chant of lock her up breaks out


8:59 AM - 9 Nov 2018 from Lauderhill, FL

498272  No.3820136

75568e  No.3820137

File: d548fedf80f824d⋯.jpg (153.15 KB, 934x704, 467:352, strait face.jpg)



df85c6  No.3820138



i refuse to believe that real legal Americans votedfor the fascist Globalist cabal. Not with those HUGE turn out. RIGHT in our FACES. And all over twat etc.

dd8298  No.3820139


Paradise, CA - Lost because of fire.

bc2b04  No.3820140

A promise the the anons:

The day RR resigns (or get his ass fired), Im gonna run naked trought the streets screamming: "ITS hAPPENING! ITS HAPPENING!"

Ask my brother to film the whole thing and upload to youtube,

c684b4  No.3820141

File: 09b4cce400bd496⋯.png (81.76 KB, 1021x472, 1021:472, ClipboardImage.png)


39a26e  No.3820142

File: 13e7efa1aec598f⋯.jpeg (423.4 KB, 1242x1123, 1242:1123, E5ACEB2C-379E-467B-BA26-A….jpeg)

File: 543def28711da35⋯.jpeg (148.64 KB, 1242x449, 1242:449, 693607B6-C9D5-4532-87F9-0….jpeg)


192864  No.3820143


fuck jesus

bc2b04  No.3820144

File: ed337cf32673b71⋯.jpg (97.63 KB, 723x470, 723:470, 3FSGD5RGDRG.jpg)

7107a0  No.3820145

File: 72c8033349e5252⋯.jpg (81.59 KB, 500x593, 500:593, HRC, Huma- The Key.jpg)



This video…

59391f  No.3820146


Rope is what happens

116a30  No.3820147


Anyone else notice that a certain someone is missing from this equation?

Once again, where the hell is Bill Nelson? Napping? Not even out there standing up for himself. Letting the whole election board take the heat for getting him voted illegally into office.

What a piece of shit he is.

052bdc  No.3820148

You can let her know that I said all of that shit. I have said worse things about people from Ohio. Shitty stupid impressionable transplants from the Midwest have completely ruined our entertainment industry and they should be well aware of that.

1c4b9a  No.3820149

File: 8ae459d46d05dd6⋯.png (81.25 KB, 637x730, 637:730, IMG_4215.PNG)

Broward County

bd2945  No.3820150

Lindsey Graham Awkwardly Tries To Walk Back Vow To Unleash 'Holy Hell' On Trump


ed044b  No.3820151

6c08da  No.3820152

File: ce3f4e4202e5807⋯.jpg (315.78 KB, 1344x898, 672:449, IMG_3343.JPG)

Fahrenheit 452

1ecd1d  No.3820153


Let’s get one thing straight

NO……and I mean NO lawyer runs his fucking mouth unless he gets paid….it’s Law school 101….just check out Congress and all the mouthy lawyers there

1a801c  No.3820154

Did Snipes give her presser? My interwebs is in and out today.

d7755e  No.3820155

voting records for CA stored in paradise?

Did they move from Oroville?

c652c2  No.3820156




281b51  No.3820157

>>3818243 pb

"Three weeks later, on 11 November, the satellite disintegrated in the lower atmosphere."

001c96  No.3820158

File: 906a5d1976d8bf3⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, technovikinghires.jpg)

cd8c1b  No.3820159

File: 7558234fb0de06a⋯.jpg (139.52 KB, 843x766, 843:766, Q drop 07312018_13.jpg)


Thank you.

0f6b1f  No.3820160


See Julian Castro

c8124d  No.3820161

File: d9f9dea1551927a⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1768x996, 442:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38bcf0442110b0c⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1776x994, 888:497, ClipboardImage.png)

5b8c3b  No.3820162

File: 541f2754bdcd7b7⋯.jpg (7.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, C34cF51XAAAyPNM.jpg)

1d1809  No.3820163



223449  No.3820164

File: 07b62e08f3f1aff⋯.png (240.41 KB, 332x500, 83:125, Amanita.png)

85fdef  No.3820165

File: cdcd300b035ad24⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1285x893, 1285:893, Screenshot_2018-11-09 Leak….png)


5a27cd  No.3820166

File: 6287cd82a1128cd⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 474x713, 474:713, MassiveQuads.jpg)



them quads

d6a32f  No.3820167

File: 99d17383c0a9233⋯.jpg (80.49 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 99d17383c0a9233ac4e6d19103….jpg)

City of Chicago Lawyers flying to Broward County to help as they

did in the 2000 election. IL taxpayers ok with this ?

What a coincidence !!

c684b4  No.3820168

File: c86ea995189b874⋯.png (397.49 KB, 892x813, 892:813, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 470b6c4c443a195⋯.png (289.11 KB, 908x524, 227:131, ClipboardImage.png)

Micheal Cohen Gives Prosecutors "Evidence" Implicating Trump In Campaign Finance Law Violations

It has been quiet, too quiet, for the almost three months since President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen flipped, pleading guilty to campaign finance violations and other charges, saying he made payments to influence the 2016 election at the direction of a candidate for federal office, potentially delivering a legal blow to the president.

As we detailed at the time, Cohen, 51, who agreed to a plea bargain with federal prosecutors earlier in the day, pleaded guilty to eight counts total, including five counts of tax evasion and one count of making a false statement to a financial institution. He also pleaded guilty to one count of making an excessive campaign contribution on Oct. 27, 2016, which is the same date Cohen finalized a payment to adult-film star Stormy Daniels as part of a nondisclosure agreement over an affair Daniels alleges she had with Trump.


e1d4d8  No.3820169


Yep. "We have it all" does not just apply to "them".

009245  No.3820170

File: f790d97250af840⋯.png (251.64 KB, 780x405, 52:27, ClipboardImage.png)

cd8c1b  No.3820171

File: 8f36087eebb352a⋯.jpg (249.39 KB, 668x937, 668:937, Obama campaind paid 972000….jpg)

fad341  No.3820172

Now you will see all the close race losers to file suit for recounts ……. Recounts expose the Fraud

dcc626  No.3820173

Help! I cant find the post from an Anon who made the scientific argument of how the "camp fires" were actually started by plasma, explaining the intense heat, and something about SpaceForce. I think it was "Notable" but not sure.

6c08da  No.3820174

File: f899a2e79a808eb⋯.jpg (107.32 KB, 500x656, 125:164, IMG_2740.JPG)

593d3e  No.3820176


Here, buy a pack of gum on me. I suggest big league chew

2eba9d  No.3820177


Tons of Somali migrants shipped into the city and simply dumped without any support. Corrupt local government run by a few very wealthy families, drug problem that is uncontrollable, avg low education and low paying jobs, yet TONS of banks and CASH flowing through the city. It doesn't add up.

ee0cf7  No.3820178

File: 9176040d4709db9⋯.jpg (94.93 KB, 500x663, 500:663, 8585itit858.jpg)


That hurt my eyes.

Something to help cleanse that sight.

2cd7f4  No.3820179

File: 1ff462ebc827ac6⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 245x245, 1:1, IMG_1055.GIF)


Rip Toots

55b912  No.3820180

File: c1dd04db71c71d1⋯.jpeg (497.46 KB, 750x951, 250:317, CA6CE2CF-DD5C-4740-BEDC-2….jpeg)

File: 5b7236e55c1bfd4⋯.jpeg (106.34 KB, 686x444, 343:222, 365BF431-840E-4ECE-877B-C….jpeg)


3f78c1  No.3820181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Found it. Kimmel wants Sara Sanders fired for releasing a "doctored" video.


Let's hit him with his unaltered video

0b8450  No.3820182

File: 9858f41a55f5b43⋯.jpg (133.49 KB, 1358x762, 679:381, RPSI.jpg)


Acosta didn't know

She's simply irresistible

498272  No.3820183

File: 4942f7f78c83a7d⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 2160x1487, 2160:1487, A snipe!.jpg)



1ffb31  No.3820184

File: 95dc32cafa1c375⋯.png (189.63 KB, 548x598, 274:299, MOUND CHECKER.PNG)

529336  No.3820185

File: b20b9a9114fc8fd⋯.png (654.87 KB, 508x502, 254:251, b20b9a9114fc8fd13341065137….png)

c652c2  No.3820186


Thats one screwball Coounty…hotbed for fukkery!!

b6ea21  No.3820187

we've been told to watch CA and told that it was significant. Q also very strongly said that (they) were causing fires on purpose. He also always asks us if there is such thing as a coincidence.

the "camp fire" in ca started just above Paradise and has since completely destroyed paradise. coincidence or message?

281b51  No.3820188

File: ee4556a873519cd⋯.png (719.61 KB, 1910x1232, 955:616, ClipboardImage.png)


6c08da  No.3820189

File: f0fa1b4f199d6cf⋯.jpg (200.22 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_3365.JPG)

681ec9  No.3820190


Alright, I'll bite. Show me some of this evidence of his connections to





Evidence, nigger, not a one off photo of the faggots all together at some random gala 10 years ago. I'll wait.

b10e22  No.3820191




ed044b  No.3820192


No it's really not. This entire board wants to believe that but it's never gonna happen. POTUS is the ONLY president to visit the wall, move embassy to Jerusalem, his kids are Jewish, etc. Use critical thinking and reconcile anon. We removed God from our schools and public and look what has happened. Turning our backs on Israel would be the death blow to America. Sorry it's true.

142705  No.3820193


Note the shift in demeanor. POTUS had to play nice leading up to midterms. No more. He is now a wartime President. Q is but one facet in his lines of communication with us. We had to learn the subtleties in comms, now the rhetoric is dropping away. Blunt and direct time.

c684b4  No.3820194

File: 7b62ee65cc282e8⋯.png (449.17 KB, 598x330, 299:165, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f77fad67329819⋯.png (326.98 KB, 508x407, 508:407, ClipboardImage.png)

“BRENDA SNIPES HAS GOTTA GO!” Protesters Descend on Broward County Election Office (VIDEO)

All eyes are on Broward County Florida right now as the dirty Democrats try to steal the election with the help of election supervisor and notorious election rigger Brenda Snipes.

Protesters descended on the Broward County election office Friday morning chanting, “Brenda Snipes has gotta go!”

Chants of “LOCK HER UP!” were also heard at the protest. All hands are on deck right now to #StoptheSteal.

President Trump unleashed a ferocious tweetstorm Friday morning calling out voter fraud in Broward County and said he’s sending a team of lawyers to Florida to go head-to-head with Perkins Coie swamp-dweller Marc Elias and “expose fraud!”

The President lit Twitter ablaze Friday morning in a series of tweets attacking Democrats and their plans to steal elections in Florida and Georgia.

Arizona is also under attack; something must be done to stop the Democrats from stealing elections.


242d09  No.3820195



fd9975  No.3820196


When we speak of Israel in the negative sense, is it Deep State Israel? Because POTUS clearly supports Israel in words and actions.

281b51  No.3820197





001c96  No.3820198

File: 37b49490da3640a⋯.png (128.44 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

fa3108  No.3820199

File: c5a89f24a7a5b61⋯.jpg (94.12 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 3c7abefa2da0c9a21984d86cf9….jpg)

1ecd1d  No.3820200

File: 2ac9e53c35f365a⋯.jpeg (171.16 KB, 900x600, 3:2, C191159A-F881-4DEA-862C-4….jpeg)

c8124d  No.3820201

File: aadb97890d4336a⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


Matt Gaetz at Broward County Now


d7755e  No.3820202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cd8c1b  No.3820203

File: 2bcb147f91ef763⋯.jpg (120.08 KB, 800x889, 800:889, 100 mil to 1.jpg)


Whoa (you) went way back if that is Acosta, ha.

305c78  No.3820204


Or is it Scott Israel, Sheriff of Broward County?

fad341  No.3820205

Midterms are safe means …..Midterms are safely being wiretapped and Videoed after getting FISA approval to do so ….. FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE …..Double meaning ?

3c1e29  No.3820206

File: b978257aa9c5d4b⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1034x650, 517:325, muhriots.PNG)

1d1809  No.3820208



c684b4  No.3820209

File: 37c2e5d33402718⋯.png (211.47 KB, 501x598, 501:598, ClipboardImage.png)

498272  No.3820210


is it? special text douche

530370  No.3820211


As a taxpayer, I haven't been "OK" with anything most all of my life as an indentured servant.

I voted, I campaigned. I wrote letters to the editor. I bitched a lot.

Hasn't changed a goddamn thing.

But hope springs eternal…

6c08da  No.3820212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cc5508  No.3820213

West Virginia votes are off by 1,700.

85fdef  No.3820214

File: 019011bbc56fb97⋯.png (663.68 KB, 883x839, 883:839, Screenshot_2018-11-09 24 H….png)


242d09  No.3820215


TY, Anon! Juicy!

939a16  No.3820216

File: e64e41ac2690daa⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 800x800, 1:1, iyg8757464w5esygij9y89.jpg)

In New York, according to the police, about 4,000 people marched from Times Square to Union Square, holding signs and chanting. As they did, #ProtectMueller trended on Twitter.


ee6947  No.3820217

150k peeps on qmap last 24 hours.

wonder how many go straight to Qs board itself.

052bdc  No.3820218

Honestly, God bless Mike Pompeo. A SoCal native who is smart and probably knows more about English literature than Lauren does. Shakespeare for the win!

c684b4  No.3820219


Maybe so but they aren't paid, this is organic and may be the start of something much bigger

4d211c  No.3820220


Seriously? She has my respect.. surprisingly.

a9a993  No.3820221

File: 6f087a8614e32cd⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 33040805_1801963273199850_….jpg)

209739  No.3820222


I feel it


1f404b  No.3820223


missing ballots or machine rigging?

2211a4  No.3820224

File: d3b1da52d57c945⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 1333x1288, 1333:1288, wiw.jpg)



df85c6  No.3820225


That's NOT expensive. Those coats will last 20 years and 10+ for the heels. I' have a normal job and buy heels/coat like that sometimes.

NOT A BIG DEAL! Nice things last a long time.

FAKE fucking news.

9cf3f4  No.3820226

File: 0e759e0e5240d69⋯.png (89.44 KB, 269x185, 269:185, prop15.PNG)

7107a0  No.3820227


Golf sized hail stones can happen year wide in parts of QLD, grew up there, years there. Usually happens November/December to February.

e9fa90  No.3820228


>What is the purpose of a laser pointer?

47937f  No.3820229

File: 564639e74599df0⋯.png (771.38 KB, 1065x1185, 71:79, YTnpc.png)

File: c743346e5e17238⋯.jpg (192.21 KB, 1080x1023, 360:341, 1541705164377.jpg)

File: 3c8ec948909784a⋯.jpg (83.98 KB, 1080x444, 90:37, 1541709269802.jpg)

File: 14a3ea6edd11c85⋯.png (14.07 KB, 318x291, 106:97, 1541706236421.png)

File: d9aa4c4d2264159⋯.png (105.27 KB, 720x582, 120:97, 1541707609639.png)

Is there fluoride in Silicon Valley's water?

WTF is wrong with these people? YT is full of pedophiles who are exploiting children in live chats when they live stream, yet they ban someone who kills a NPC character?


http:// www.informationliberation.com/?id=59328

de9bc9  No.3820230


Which is why POTUS was so eager to praise Pelosi.

fa3108  No.3820231

File: d58a6ec6a376f5b⋯.jpg (3.21 KB, 255x152, 255:152, d58a6ec6a376f5b0abee24cc19….jpg)

751b03  No.3820232


im here

a3694f  No.3820233


I am just stating a neutral fact.

Every single one of them is jewish or beholden to Israel.

Why is that?

1a801c  No.3820234


whit you tilking bout leroy?

142705  No.3820235


There will be rope

342c5f  No.3820236


339 Pct165…

Is 165 more densely populated? Cause that's a mssive outlier from the other PCts.

dd8298  No.3820237


[A]cting - 1

[A]ttorney - 1

[G]eneral - 7


1f404b  No.3820238


China- leave us alone

f05db4  No.3820239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2f7507  No.3820240

File: 7897f93a844b615⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 267x189, 89:63, idiots.jpg)

2486b8  No.3820241


James Woods tweeting about people attempting to evacuate via Paradise Cove by boat.

d6a32f  No.3820242



Home of the Hanging Chad

This allowed the dems to install Soros counting machines.

001c96  No.3820243

File: 6e3d57200e7a9b4⋯.jpeg (25.74 KB, 213x255, 71:85, e8bd4dec0e6b670edcd3c2e51….jpeg)

2f0384  No.3820244

File: 7897998f175b896⋯.jpg (10.74 KB, 180x279, 20:31, bobdoobs2.jpg)

1baa2c  No.3820245


Ruh-roh. Shit's goin' down.

6c08da  No.3820246

Meh bots

1acb68  No.3820247




3f78c1  No.3820248

File: 2999727a48aaed9⋯.png (68 KB, 637x591, 637:591, Pragress on Twitter If y….png)


Lets keep this snowflake crying

affdd5  No.3820249


>Months ago, Papadapolous was a plant and traitor, Gorka was a board hero. Now the mirror is true. This movement is a shit show.


Truths are just being revealed

Gorka is showing his true colors

Posobiec didn't work to discredit Q

Others can't discredit Q

So now they bring in Gorka

Good fucking luck with that

There is only one person who can discredit Q and thus far he has been mum except for pointing at Q's and making Air Q's

a66f51  No.3820250

File: a0c54c5608357d7⋯.jpg (226.11 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, master-chief-fud-fullscree….jpg)

ee6947  No.3820251


scared huh

yeah, you fuks r scared

you should be


31cc2f  No.3820252

File: 3ffd02c55e1c5b4⋯.png (80.87 KB, 627x393, 209:131, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)

The world is connected.

All or nothing.

+++ ++ +

Trust the plan.

We get massive amounts of ‘Q’ thank you letters from around the world every single day.



052bdc  No.3820253

Also you shouldn’t have to worry about me. I’ve planned a whole week of shitty Vegas shows to watch. I’m not really excited though; only did it because I don’t want to die of boredom watching this awful plan pan out.

204c08  No.3820254

File: 5ca6c75824c4ef5⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

35f8ee  No.3820255


>Shut up….no one buys $1300 boots with a normal job.

Regardless, she can wear expensive clothes if she wants….they've earned their money.

c652c2  No.3820256

File: 4ff4c9f3b7ccbed⋯.png (443.85 KB, 749x374, 749:374, 22.PNG)



a09304  No.3820257


d4dcee  No.3820258

File: a0c0fa0ee62cf94⋯.jpg (183.24 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 14541420308_926020738c_b.jpg)

Anyone else find it super awesome that Monday's Veteran's Day? I wonder how many people, that work for the federal gov't, aren't going to show up to work?

de9bc9  No.3820259

File: b5d19cd74beee1e⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 2052x1024, 513:256, 06324b1c2f4fbbfe57a340f163….jpg)


I love this board.


d6a32f  No.3820260

Chicago election board are all democrats

what a coincidence

4edecf  No.3820261


FFS Last Bread - (pb) - (lb)

f04820  No.3820262


Highest Ranking NPC

39a26e  No.3820263

File: 44fb595d5d2c598⋯.jpeg (351.54 KB, 1242x733, 1242:733, 3BEAD73B-34F9-4A03-865D-3….jpeg)

File: 0dc831dec4fbcac⋯.jpeg (782.14 KB, 1242x1528, 621:764, DDC7C408-55BE-4A5F-A3A6-F….jpeg)

More slings & arrows


24d005  No.3820264


Looks like precincts 165, 418, 419 in Kanawha County. The Kanawha County canvassing/audit will start 7am on Tuesday. Missing about 1700 ballots.

c652c2  No.3820266


Nice boobs!!

498272  No.3820267


just some fun….

52d6a9  No.3820268


I loved voting for Gaetz.

We have the best guys in the panhandle

1d1809  No.3820269


c684b4  No.3820270

File: a7d17f1245249bd⋯.png (561.02 KB, 708x463, 708:463, ClipboardImage.png)

Leader of Spanish populist party aims to become ‘new Trump’

As we’ve reported earlier, something is happening in Spain, a country with a mostly socialist tradition. The VOX political movement, a populist right-wing party, is gaining momentum and has seen rapid growth in Spain.

“We stand for the same law-and-order and social conservative causes as Trump,” Santiago Abascal, the leader of the movement says in an interview.

To adopt Trump’s success and of the populist parties that are sweeping through Europe, Abascal has even consulted Trump’s former campaign strategist Steve Bannon.

By adopting Trump’s policies and consulting his former strategist, Vox could be aiming to become a Trump style party, with a Trump style leader.

Italy’s Interior Minister and leader of the largest party in the polls, Matteo Salvini, has already showed how that can work out really well.

According to the leader of Vox, Bannon’s advice was used to help setting up connections with related parties. An organisation like the Alliance of Conservatives and Reformists was used for that goal.

Spain, which has seen a change of government lately, is one of Europe’s new migrant hotspots. An import factor in that is the country’s socialist government implicitly invites migrants by offering welfare and even voting rights.

Like in most countries, the rise of the right comes with governments that ignore their citizen’s wishes. We will definitely hear more of Vox as it can even gain seats in the European Union’s parliamentary elections next year.


142705  No.3820271


With you

0f6b1f  No.3820272


Consolidation of the various factions of the Repub party.

General Trump acknowledging Capt. Rubio is a friendly.

9e2981  No.3820273




Even if true..it's not a crime to pay off silence for fucking someone

If anyone broke the law it was Stormy for breaking the agreement….but both are probably actors in the movie anyway.

6c08da  No.3820274

File: 32d74114a74df5f⋯.jpg (302.02 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, IMG_3190.JPG)

Rotten old bastard and some hot pockets at call center could clean house

ee6947  No.3820275


feeling won’t be hurt if you just leave

be on your way

you won’t though

you’re full of shit

it’s known

bye now, bye

d7755e  No.3820276

How are all unplugged from the matrix, but plugged-in at the same time? What makes us different?

75568e  No.3820277

File: 2348ea717018f28⋯.jpg (94.84 KB, 559x679, 559:679, christian female soldier21.jpg)

File: d46f6aa57e25725⋯.jpg (115.47 KB, 1091x665, 1091:665, christian female soldier22.jpg)

File: 028b0651f7bd5e2⋯.jpg (57.35 KB, 881x587, 881:587, christian female soldier31.jpg)



I appreciate your updates anon

013ae3  No.3820278



That truck is parked out front of the protestors in Broward. Need a side by side!!!

5c9697  No.3820279


Read past bread or do your own research fucking lazy cunt.

It's all well known here. You must be new.

Lawsuit against Trump for underage sex at Epstien mansion in Cali.

Kushner, Trump borrow Soros money for 666 5th Ave Manhattan.

Trump borrowed money from Rothschilds.

Trumps donation to CF, attends Chelsea wedding.

There's more. go find it simpleton.

1febac  No.3820280

File: 1dbfb361433b232⋯.jpg (226.11 KB, 1066x499, 1066:499, SmartSelect_20181101-23114….jpg)

XI XInping


11 11

e5b324  No.3820281

File: c6aa09fca586922⋯.png (64.19 KB, 757x437, 757:437, FireShot Capture 18 - IAmM….png)

87bef8  No.3820282

File: 5b62c7ed6b7d6a2⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, zSuacI3v_400x400.jpg)

AnonFags. To restore democracy, you first have to ensure EVERYONE understands democracy is broken. What happens when an entire election is invalidated? I have no idea but I'm guessing the military steps in, assumes control while the democratic insitutions are cleaned out and repaired. And I'm guessing one of the biggest dangers during such a process is the potential for the UN to start mischief on the southern border (hence the troop mobilization). I expect this Broward county thing to be the loose thread that once tugged makes the whole motherfucker unravel.

This shit is broken beyond fixing by throwing a few jokers in jail. It's not the people that matter, it's the process and institutions.

Guessing pretty much everything we've seen so far has been kabuki while The WW ops behind the scenes have been setting the stage for the 'planned maintenance downtime' of the entire government.

The kabuki has certainly dissipated the apathy that existed before. More mofos now care about democracy and voting than ever did before, on both sides. The people have been reinvigorated and are now ready to participate in the proper democratic process once again.

This restoration of the democratic process for EVERYONE (WWG1WGA)is the most important thing of all, and aligns perfectly with Trump's inauguration speech. Second to that, let's pray we see JUSTICE delivered for the evil among us.

5b8c3b  No.3820283

File: 73a69353da750ac⋯.jpeg (112.12 KB, 1440x888, 60:37, 1527464277.jpeg)

0ddf8a  No.3820284

File: 81b3e3ea5b92e01⋯.jpg (120.29 KB, 1007x648, 1007:648, 44000.jpg)



530370  No.3820285

File: 36c77e37e2414da⋯.jpg (139.87 KB, 960x540, 16:9, pssyhatU.jpg)

eed3e9  No.3820286

The Associated Press

‏Verified account @AP

19m19 minutes ago

BREAKING: Officials confirm five people found dead in vehicles torched by flames from Northern California wildfire.


6c08da  No.3820288

u mad cause you kike homo

f05db4  No.3820289

File: d5fb6692f8fbf72⋯.png (574.62 KB, 2000x1080, 50:27, At some point it will not ….png)

Its coming

9b9608  No.3820290

Despite all the wishful thinking, the situation is looking very bad indeed.

Midterms are Safe?

Senate is safe?

It's qrumbling, dude.

cb25cd  No.3820291

File: bb43d57b1217817⋯.png (29.95 KB, 1196x143, 92:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39f758fcc7cec47⋯.png (21.47 KB, 1088x94, 544:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 227e715396dc67f⋯.png (96.22 KB, 999x492, 333:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons check this out.


>The FDR data indicated significant sideslip on the airplane during the final minute of flight, but the airplane appears to have remained in control, and the final descent to the ground appears to have been intentional. If the pilot had wanted to avoid impact with the ground, he had time and energy to pull the column back, raise the nose, and initiate a climb. Instead, the column remained in a position forward of neutral and moved further forward about six seconds prior to the end of the FDR data.

The way they talked about the sideslip made it sound like a difficult situation. According to this site it is:


>This is a manoeuvre only for the pilot who has a very good feel for his/her aircraft because, among other things, the ASI will probably be giving a false airspeed readout. >There seem to be as many definitions of the types of slip as there are exponents of slip techniques but the safe execution of all sideslips requires adequate instruction and continuing practice.

He didn't have a pilot license:


>It’s not clear how he pulled off the intense maneuvers captured on video.

>Authorities said they did not believe he had a pilot’s license. Gary Beck, chief executive of Horizon Air, told reporters Saturday that the acrobatics and maneuvers, including barrel rolls and one loop that brought Russell feet from the water’s surface, were “incredible.”

ee6947  No.3820292


that you jerry?

6a40e5  No.3820293

File: 00b5f546633d859⋯.jpg (59.1 KB, 528x469, 528:469, 10_08-20-43.jpg)

Trump cancels $300M aid to Pakistan where US flags are burned - now they hate America for free


c684b4  No.3820294

File: 267f4655f1e0a23⋯.png (429.22 KB, 425x435, 85:87, ClipboardImage.png)

399d5f  No.3820295

File: 24dd48ea9f728f4⋯.jpg (42.33 KB, 535x348, 535:348, really.JPG)

prove it lift up your dress

1f404b  No.3820296


Paradise Cove is in Malibu- So Cal

Paradise is in Nor. Cal.


142705  No.3820297


Credit or discredit is irrelevant now. As much as could have been done is done. From now it is a guiding hand.

6c08da  No.3820298

File: e403ed6d403913a⋯.jpeg (105.27 KB, 726x960, 121:160, 9E727594-B922-4788-B21F-F….jpeg)

File: e0242cb80fbe24e⋯.jpg (66.29 KB, 810x503, 810:503, IMG_3533.JPG)

File: 3fa5471d2a30db0⋯.jpg (159.06 KB, 960x870, 32:29, IMG_3534.JPG)

322cb1  No.3820299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Funny you ask, just watched this earlier

Film Theory: The Matrix has NO ESCAPE

ba6d1a  No.3820300


3 years after Armistice ending WW1.

7107a0  No.3820301


You are generous and kind, and I mean it.

I just ignored him.

c7ac0d  No.3820302


Pacer account

75154b  No.3820303

File: 47989ad0fcfce18⋯.png (236.76 KB, 595x581, 85:83, Screenshot (1733).png)

We have a FREN!

5b8c3b  No.3820304

File: ed4d468efce822a⋯.jpg (6.44 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 92b722f61b5ace253074874904….jpg)

fd9975  No.3820305


I really want it to be this for the simple reason it confirms we're in the final round.

482d45  No.3820306


Are you attractive?

2f7507  No.3820307

File: 930a257fb4452e7⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 300x168, 25:14, fucktards.jpg)

cd42d9  No.3820308


Most beautiful thing I've ever seen up close. Thank you.

1774f1  No.3820309


More importantly, how would donating protect anything? Either you have the vote or you don't…

11c7e4  No.3820310


Looks bleak doesn't it?

affdd5  No.3820311

File: eddf1073748ebf7⋯.png (609.21 KB, 632x639, 632:639, BNL re FL Protests 11-9-18.PNG)

File: 116189cf213dd9e⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1215x782, 1215:782, BNL re FL Protests 11-9-18….PNG)


498272  No.3820312

File: b1d56775979665e⋯.jpg (38.7 KB, 920x584, 115:73, Still winning.jpg)

c652c2 (7)

Just so heartbroken over the filter.

142705  No.3820313


Very notable

1baa2c  No.3820314


Long way to go yet. Just the next act.

6c08da  No.3820315

File: 2c86086ed789f62⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 700x828, 175:207, IMG_3523.JPG)

File: 80a492925d15707⋯.jpg (47.93 KB, 474x633, 158:211, IMG_3524.JPG)

File: 157b7cb55f7a300⋯.jpg (32.23 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_3526.JPG)

2486b8  No.3820316




1d1809  No.3820317


1febac  No.3820318


I wonder if Q is referring to this Old Guard.

What is the significance of the Old Guard? What powers do they have?

e1d4d8  No.3820319


gosh. that's pretty special.

a66f51  No.3820320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

128824  No.3820321

Alright so SDNY has made it's move


bd2945  No.3820322

Schiff: "Certainly possible we'll be bringing back witnesses"


4d211c  No.3820323


>Despite all the wishful thinking, the situation is looking very bad indeed.


>Midterms are Safe?


>Senate is safe?


>It's qrumbling, dude.

It's a meme now, but Q actually predicted this.

Someone needs to dig it up. Election fraud was the way to redpill normies.

094146  No.3820324

File: d3296d3ed24220b⋯.png (73.93 KB, 640x320, 2:1, 0206A2C7-F654-48D8-9698-31….png)

d03599  No.3820325


Red text shill filtered

cb25cd  No.3820326


>>3819916 AAG stealth bomber?

>>3820128 Dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was on 11 November 1921.

>>3820107, >>3820122 Syria update.

>>3820096 The panic spreads.

>>3820081 Trump video highlights.

>>3819942 Q proof: The World is Watching.

>>3819892 Antifa expands its hit list as political violence escalates.

>>3819877 August crash's FBI investigation link.

>>3819868 melda Marcos convicted of graft, court orders her arrest (Philipines).

>>3819849 Swamp draining in Brazil.

>>3819755 Fed court finds Dems unlawfully gerrymandered a Maryland Congressional seat.

>>3819710 Michigan's Dem. Gov-Elect put healthcare exec on transition team after receiving funding.

>>3819699 DJT Tweet: "… The WORLD is now watching closely!"

>>3819684 France trying to undermine US sanctions on Iran?

1baa2c  No.3820327


Concur. Burn the motherfucker down.

5c9697  No.3820328


So far Q is doing a good job of debunking Q.

But muh Trump is pointing and making air Qs.

Proof! Fucking hilarious

fd9975  No.3820329


It's certainly worth tracking. I can only assume every country has its own negative elements, many in positions of power. USA is a great example of this, too.

4479e6  No.3820330

File: 458973b5436c49a⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 576x768, 3:4, downloadfile-48.jpg)

No Shoshanna. You're doing it wrong.

cc5508  No.3820331

West Virginia vote counts off by 1,700.

Could affect two elections:

1). 8th Senate district was won by less than 300 votes.

2). House 36th District won by 27 votes.

f5c141  No.3820332

File: e98e7dbe4850c19⋯.mp4 (656.89 KB, 500x326, 250:163, Trump showering in liberal….mp4)




Can't send a rent a mob

For an organic protest..kek


1d1809  No.3820334



6c08da  No.3820335


973bba  No.3820336


Kek the first one, can't stop laughing

cd42d9  No.3820337

Well, one thing is certain: This movement either dies by Monday, or it gets stronger than ever.

Given the risk, I'm fairly certain Trump is going to drop the hammer in the next 48 hours.

b6ea21  No.3820338

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: YzNom6b4 No.150513545 📁

Nov 22 2017 16:33:25 (EST)


Iran Deal.

Why is this relevant?

Re-read drops re: NK / Iran.

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Which couple was photographed covered in gold?

The public release was a mistake.

Who released the picture?

Who has all the information?

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?

What does this represent?




did we ever locate this other picture? y head covered in gold. today's Y's have me looking back through the crumbs. i think the Y head represents the inverted pyramid with the cap stone centering on the third eye/pineal gland.

the all seeing eye. this is deeply symbolic in so many ways.

623471  No.3820339

I have been drinking the Koolaid so far but does this look like a good strategy? This is like letting the burglar start raping you wife before you shoot him to be sure that he is implicated securely in the crime….Dont shoot yet, wait until they get more power than they already have…..


Democrats could win 40 House seats, the most since Watergate

e1d4d8  No.3820341


Our house.

142705  No.3820343


It has to crumble. It must crumble. That is the only way. Open your eyes.

c684b4  No.3820344

File: 611b393b234bac9⋯.png (68.23 KB, 859x248, 859:248, ClipboardImage.png)

beccce  No.3820346

File: 1085868e548ca50⋯.png (216.73 KB, 1125x821, 1125:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b19a5d6a353edec⋯.png (22.08 KB, 448x283, 448:283, ClipboardImage.png)


so…what exactly are you saying? We fucked?

7107a0  No.3820347

File: 5ba30e263f36298⋯.png (149.81 KB, 299x887, 299:887, 911 Israel symbology.png)

File: 5e365bcbd9e1bcd⋯.jpg (7.08 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 911 Israel symbolism 2, J ….jpg)

File: da892c5b90b9aa3⋯.jpg (224.15 KB, 1128x1104, 47:46, 911 J Jews Israel.jpg)


911 mirror 11/9

85fdef  No.3820348

File: b4d83b2cee595a6⋯.jpg (390.48 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 5c11872c3eae34846325cb75a1….jpg)

e17aca  No.3820349

File: 7ba21d8fc979e7e⋯.png (2.04 MB, 2196x1116, 61:31, 21E28644-6DDA-474E-9B96-5D….png)

It's been a month, (((they're))) getting better at it.

78df59  No.3820350



0867df  No.3820351

FLA anons

Get down to Broward County & demand


608c6d  No.3820352


Democrats could win 40 House seats

1f404b  No.3820353


heard on scanner last night. Man called looking for his daughter. He was on the phone with her and her car was surrounded by fire. Phone went dead. He was asking for police to look for her. So freaking sad. We need help in Calif. soon!

1d1809  No.3820354



fad7e5  No.3820355


Fantastic meme!

fd9975  No.3820356


>We are saving Israel for last.

Last meaning nothing follows it. Otherwise it wouldn't be last.

f05db4  No.3820357

File: b6730903c09eced⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 225x416, 225:416, shoshana wodinsky shoeshin….jpg)

29a073  No.3820358


same here. I'd stop fuckin' with CINC already if I was the Left

e1d4d8  No.3820359

File: e135cf63b3a2ea9⋯.png (285.53 KB, 635x390, 127:78, the ham.png)


Axios. So neutral. So legitz.

1c4b9a  No.3820360

File: 019834cb3d92338⋯.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3002.PNG)

21f2c1  No.3820362


And knowing it all let people burn in cali

33fae6  No.3820363


I would like this to be the case because it would then further reinforce that Q knew what was in store for both Sessions and Whitaker proving yet again that we are watching a movie.

75154b  No.3820364


Its amazing how my 1st shill filter cleans the BREAD!

1baa2c  No.3820365


Dude. Did POTUS act "fucked" before he got on that plane?

Or did he act like an apex predator?

037877  No.3820366


Oh good… another Q proof. That sure is useful in actually ending the vote fraud.

c7ac0d  No.3820367


I'm not sure you're seeing clearly. God will be victorious. Make sure you're on God's side.

0585c8  No.3820368


Nice but the acroynm for associate attorney general is ASG

Unless this is supposed to be Acting Attorney General, which isn't the acronym either, its IAG, Interim Attorney General.

bd2945  No.3820369

File: 22a6c8a9c69bb1e⋯.png (586.33 KB, 640x445, 128:89, ClipboardImage.png)

The Latest: GOP protesters sing anthem outside vote count


cc5508  No.3820370

File: 175f7e491fa19c1⋯.jpeg (62.9 KB, 792x302, 396:151, AD943915-633C-40E5-9D97-5….jpeg)

228a08  No.3820371

>>3819973 When do you wear a Burberry? When you are expecting STORMY weather.

dd8298  No.3820372

File: 86aaaab742df345⋯.jpg (270.94 KB, 1304x1528, 163:191, 11.9.2018_1_Clock.jpg)


I told yall he'd be back in the news today.

3a1221  No.3820373


Disinfo is necessary.

bc2b04  No.3820374


No. I'm a 52 years old funny looking motherfucker.

11c7e4  No.3820375


Infantry unit in DC used for dog and pony shows, plus guard the tomb of the unknowns. Secondary mission is actually to protect DC in time of war

ba6d1a  No.3820376


I cried when I saw it, that day in the Vatican.

1ffb31  No.3820377

File: 8097b56ee8134b3⋯.png (54.13 KB, 205x205, 1:1, MattWitakerGlow.png)

ef0d25  No.3820378


Oh, kiss me, you mad fool!

fd9975  No.3820379


I trust POTUS. He's got this and we can enjoy the show!

498272  No.3820380


everyone's house but limits exceeded for too long

I don't piss in their yard ergo.

4d211c  No.3820381


>Dude. Did POTUS act "fucked" before he got on that plane?


>Or did he act like an apex predator?

President is chill, while everyone else loses their minds.

fad7e5  No.3820382


Well we need unsealed indictments.

f05db4  No.3820383


He acted like someone who is about to jam it in sideways and break it off inside of them

bd2934  No.3820384

What happened to the Broward county Press Conference

b6ea21  No.3820385


he "acted" like We are winning bigly and the gloves are now off. i think we are just finally going to get to see what trump is like when he's not acting. movie two mother fuckers

c51907  No.3820386


can confirm, am drunk and degenerate

0867df  No.3820387

File: db5ebd98fdadcea⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 589bb4406e09a868148b4921-7….jpg)


So you think I'm Done?

Hm hm.

d5ab8a  No.3820388


What a surprise, a nog asking for gibs. It'd be easier to just kick her out.

c7ac0d  No.3820389


If POTUS' physical stature kept up with his political stature, he'd be over 9000 feet tall by now.

2211a4  No.3820390


From Sep 1 2018


3c764c  No.3820391


Not bad for 2pm on a work day. Thing about most patriots is they have jobs, the protestors will only grow in numbers as we approach 5pm EST.

beccce  No.3820392


actually lol that was my fuckup. Meant to post that twat with q post as q proof.

My statement was for the doomsday anon here:


e1d4d8  No.3820393


Sessions is my not so secret grandpa.

1baa2c  No.3820394


Exactly. Not what you'd expect from a guy who's "fucked".

2486b8  No.3820395



Looks like SNIPE(s) is going on a HUNT for imaginary votes.

142705  No.3820396


The “wife” has been steadily raped for centuries. Open your eyes.

2ffd02  No.3820397

File: 67a80fbb38e9c1e⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 400x566, 200:283, pepe pin up 05.jpg)

530370  No.3820398


I'm 65 and as handsome (almost) as POTUS.

39a26e  No.3820399

e1d4d8  No.3820401


What does that even look like?

c2150a  No.3820402


Personally, I welcome our new House Overlords

Can't wait to see Antifa outside Nancy's door

Demanding she pass legislation

8a1de3  No.3820403

File: 92948e54955da96⋯.jpeg (582.25 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 94D6C358-D776-4FBE-97AC-1….jpeg)

File: 93d7a18d9016732⋯.jpeg (386.51 KB, 1054x1568, 527:784, 34B6748F-C03C-4C27-80B0-1….jpeg)

File: 1cfe16fb481049b⋯.jpeg (510.94 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 7F564480-D89D-4C58-B1D1-7….jpeg)

File: 6acb8c782a9df07⋯.jpeg (442.64 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 5B7CEE74-D066-4B7B-B207-C….jpeg)

File: bf7c02945946c04⋯.jpeg (310.9 KB, 1347x1068, 449:356, 20BBF54E-EE68-4518-96E3-3….jpeg)

a308e9  No.3820404

>>3819460 (lb)

Used to be an old series on TV called Sky King. Thought you were referring to that. Kek

1d1809  No.3820405



2486b8  No.3820406

PARADISE - also in the news in the past 24 hours is Joni Mitchell

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel, a boutique

And a swinging hot spot

Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

'Till it's gone

They paved paradise

And put up a parking lot.

2fa28b  No.3820407

File: 91b6948c800c9c0⋯.jpg (400.89 KB, 1208x934, 604:467, 91b6948c800c9c0f7734da332a….jpg)

c7ac0d  No.3820408


Wonderful idol of the Queen of Heaven, Semiramis, and her resurrected son, Tammuz. Just wonderful.

bd2945  No.3820409

File: d288e4844470db4⋯.png (428.08 KB, 640x431, 640:431, ClipboardImage.png)

Muslim Congresswoman-Elect Ilhan Omar Began Victory Speech With Islamic Blessing


6c08da  No.3820410

File: 64db2a4d0ad08a1⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 1260x840, 3:2, IMG_3578.JPG)


a590e9  No.3820411

Why are elections always stolen by the Dems?

Multiple answers:

a) They wouldn't win any other way

b) Its easy to 'take over' a county's board of electors by the George Soros'es of the world

c) 'Volunteers' are used and are easily stacked in favor of Dems or dishonest people being paid under the table to cause problems

d) It is really easy to fuck with elections on multiple levels:

- 'Loose' power chords to machines so they have to run on battery power until they stop working

- Tell people to dump ballots into a book depository outside a library because the library doesn't open until 12pm (after which they can be thrown away, destroyed or fucked with, depending on the whims of the person in charge - polling station judges are people and are not immune to doing whatever the fuck they want or what they are told to do)

- Put election machines into a closet on the other side of the building to where the election hall is going to be and then 'loose' the key or 'forget' who has the key

- Foreclose on the building where elections are going to be held and don't tell the people running the polling station

- Have only 1 out of 5 scanners working at any location (to increase frustration and lines so that people give up and go home - this should be a criminal offense)

- Make technicians 'unavailable' for whatever reason if scanners need to be serviced

- Make the ballots too big for the machines to accept

- Create confusion in the polling station (easy to do)

- Hack the machines to flip votes (already proven that a 10 year old could do it)**

- Give out wrong locations or incorrect addresses (one number wrong for example) for polling stations

- Have a power outage

- Intimidate people who have grievances

- Poll workers ignoring the law and allowing illegals/non-citizens to vote

- Racially abuse people who come to you with problems about their voting


Apart from the item with ** all the other points were actually done in this election. I know, because I was monitoring this board the whole day and other pages/news items as they came in and I reported what I was seeing to the DOJ. The impression I got that not many people did call the hotline yet it was made available here.

The ** item cannot be proven to have actually happened but was proven at a hacking convention.

We need the National Guard to do the electioneering or manning of polling stations. They would not tolerate this stuff and a lot of people would be put in jail if they were in charge and overseeing things. This election fuckery needs to stop once and for all and the fact that NOTHING is being done about means that there is no incentive to do anything about it at ALL levels of government. Or is this about to change??????

21f2c1  No.3820412


What is then THE PLAN?

To watch California burn, know it all, huh


1baa2c  No.3820413

The events in the next 12 hours will likely control the news cycle until Monday or Tuesday. If anything is going to happen, it will be during this period, possibly stretching to Saturday morning, EST.

2cde11  No.3820415

File: 0410061c817403c⋯.jpeg (21.73 KB, 628x419, 628:419, whitakerINchargeNOW.jpeg)

62d071  No.3820416



ee6947  No.3820417


how many working in your team right now?

i got good advise once from a landscaper.

peoples biggest mistake, “they try too hard”.

that fits into so many catagories.

your handlers…..bleh

back to planning you should go

c652c2  No.3820418




That means 44,000 paychecks. Why they can't track our money is mind boggling…we need accountability….

c684b4  No.3820419


Was wrapped in Palestinian flag at celebration party

7f1c81  No.3820420

What’s the nautical term for when a sailboat is at sea, but’s there’s absolutely no wind? I looked in a nautical dictionary but couldn’t find it.

beccce  No.3820421


good song!

242d09  No.3820422

21f2c1  No.3820423


Is it the one who married her brother?

1baa2c  No.3820424



037877  No.3820425


This one was actually pretty funny.

530370  No.3820426


The plan is to make women and soy boys feel safe. And more gooder.

bc2b04  No.3820428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fargo - Chit Chat (Funny Looking)

85fdef  No.3820429

File: bb92879cbcf42fc⋯.png (395.76 KB, 975x741, 25:19, Screenshot_2018-11-09 Brow….png)


0c52ab  No.3820430


No show jobs with retirement after 20 years

69dbcc  No.3820431

File: a89dc7761358e76⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 841x607, 841:607, blj.jpg)

4edecf  No.3820432

File: c246d7aaba8e5fd⋯.png (363.62 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Letter-Q-Boom-Alt.png)


That's my President.

052bdc  No.3820433

Like I was typing before my phone died on me…

I don't care if my words are harsh, and I sure as fuck don't care if you've been in on this plan for the past 3+ years doing things just to try to impress me. I am disappointed, I am upset, and I hate waiting (this is not my fault, since I have not had a say in how this poorly executed plan was concocted). I have a habit of burning bridges and expunging the factors in my life that have ceased to benefit me, so just know that I will not hesitate to end things with you. I am just that petty and I will move on. I have already made a complete fool of myself this past year and totally isolated the individuals that have mattered to me the most. Never in my life have I ever experienced such profound loneliness and unhappiness. I constantly think about how I would just like to cease existing. There is nowhere on this planet that I would like to live, or that I can even imagine continuing to live my life in a way that has meaning to me. All my relationships with friends and family are ruined. I have nothing to lose. Do you understand how I feel and why I feel this way? I repeat myself: I have nothing to lose.

0867df  No.3820434

File: 90044886b23d1ee⋯.gif (3.16 MB, 498x373, 498:373, tenor.gif)



a66f51  No.3820435

File: 57df8794db2e574⋯.png (499.32 KB, 777x603, 259:201, Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at ….png)


33fae6  No.3820436


That as may be, anon, but I have only ever heard him referred to as Acting Attorney General.

322cb1  No.3820437

File: af0eafc3b8c4458⋯.jpg (64.03 KB, 1002x376, 501:188, concerning.jpg)

ee6947  No.3820438


oh, I’d wager against that…..lol

shallow, transparent

e1d4d8  No.3820439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


David Bowie, you be funny.

cb25cd  No.3820441

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

2486b8  No.3820442


Doldrums is what that condition is called.

affdd5  No.3820443


> I wonder how many people, that work for the federal gov't, aren't going to show up to work?


Sunday is Veterans Day [no apostrophe is correct]

How sad you don't know either fact

But then again you have to use a pic of a red head to get attention to your false statement

2ffd02  No.3820444

File: 3e840bf50d65eea⋯.jpg (96.94 KB, 500x719, 500:719, pepe pin up 01.jpg)

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