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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs (New thread coming soon)
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /DayOfReckoning/

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

fc78be  No.3722535

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Storm Is Upon Us - YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Recommended viewing chronologically, beginning with: Q - The Plan to Save the World - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 11.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/389 -------------------------------- Eyes on, VIP Patriot! ( Cap: >>3717324 )

>>>/patriotsfight/388 -------------------------------- Who are the real racists? ( Cap: >>3716424 )

>>>/patriotsfight/387 -------------------------------- [D] Party Con: ( Cap: >>3716073 )

>>3715238 --------------------------------------------- Keep your eye on the ball. Midterms & Memes.

>>3714939 --------------------------------------------- POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11 - Now what are the odds of that?

Friday 11.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/386 ——————————— Re_read drops re: MS13 ( cap: >>3707057, >>3707048 )

>>>/patriotsfight/385 ——————————— Nothing to See Here. ( cap: >>3705014, >>3705114 )

>>>/patriotsfight/384 ——————————— God bless you, Patriots! ( cap: >>3704871 )

>>>/patriotsfight/383 ——————————— #FactsMatter ( cap: >>3704655 )

>>>/patriotsfight/382 ——————————— The TRUTH will set you FREE. ( cap: >>3704282 )

>>>/patriotsfight/381 ——————————— There is TRUTH in MEMES. ( cap: >>3704024 )

>>>/patriotsfight/380 ——————————— Never forget. ( cap: >>3702034 )

>>>/patriotsfight/379 ——————————— FOIA works in this situation. ( cap: >>3701667 )

>>3701131 rt >>3701031 —————-———– Fire when ready.

>>>/patriotsfight/378 ——————————— Ask yourself a very simple question. ( cap: >>3701018 )

>>>/patriotsfight/377 ——————————— Mathematically impossible or every detail planned? ( cap: >>3695816 )

Thursday 11.01.18

>>>/patriotsfight/376 rt /pf/375 -——————- Power shall be RETURNED to the PEOPLE. ( Caps: >>3694378, >>3694711 )

>>>/patriotsfight/375 ——————————— POTUS @ tonight's rally ( Cap: >>3692583, >>3692608 )

>>>/patriotsfight/374 ——————————— Your vote matters! ( Cap: >>3694140, >>3692421)

Tuesday 10.09.18

Compiled here: >>3705420

Monday 10.08.18

Compiled here: >>3705407

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

fc78be  No.3722546


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes


>>3709707 MAGA Rally Schedule for Sunday and Monday

>>3714264 Codefag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive

>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation

>>3673226 Voter Fraud Report hotline; active only during voting hours


>>3722423 HRC, Soros and Democracy Alliance, connected to >>3722229

>>3722259 , >>3722336 Soros Partners with Mastercard to give money to migrants

>>3722229 Soros, Steyer & Sandler's contributions to the Former Mayor of Tallahassee

>>3722228 New ToastMaster script

>>3722170 Is Q referring to the term "Tax Washing" ?

>>3722163 , >>3722361 Beware SOROS voting machines at the polls

>>3722112 VIPAnon links to Andrew Torba's Gab handle, CEO of Gab

>>3722004 Tweets from David Rothschild

>>3721970 Rothschild Family to receive the Theodor Herzl Award

>>3721952 Former C_A coder Joshua Schulte pleads not guilty

>>3721932 New POTUS tweet and video from Pensacola

>>3721930 IOM International, connects to Soros and the caravan

>>3721918 QClock Update: Re-read crumbs

>>3721893 QPosts connect? T logs and T_Wash. T=Transactions?

>>3721881 Dig into The Lucis Trust and the United Nations

>>3721880 Planned Parenthood donations for this cycle

>>3722532 #4727


>>3721703 El Chapo in dock for biggest US drugs trial

>>3721702 PapaD: My offer still stands for a public testimony on the hill

>>3721519 Fake News is reporting that NK have revived their nuclear program

>>3721491 Did Bannon really win the Munk debate on Populism?

>>3721487 How Russia changed their internal financial transactions system

>>3721450 60 Minutes feature: Guns used in mass shootings

>>3721447 Is Nathan Rothschild now in control?

>>3721243 Latest FBI email drop, still to dig

>>3721098 , >>3721253 Kavanaugh accuser: Possible Witness Tampering

>>3721758 #4726


>>3720943 POTUS tweet endorsing Danny Tarkanian

>>3720852 POTUS tweet: "Fantastic #MAGARally'

>>3720764 Bongino and Papadoupolus tweets re FISA

>>3720717 Are the Midterms the Stealth Bomber? Theory

>>3720566 Q tee spotted at rally

>>3720648 , >>3720708 Mike Pence tweets incredible Pensacola photo

>>3720484 Q sign spotted at the Pensacola rally: '4 10 20'

>>3720482 5:50 on the QClock, ref the DoD tweet >>3719913 (lb)

>>3720468 'Concrete' reference found in EU response to Iran sanctions

>>3720412 , >>3720414, >>3720419, >>3720419, >>3720425 Pensacola Rally

>>3720324 Ben Garrison Cartoon: FISA release and treason

>>3720348 Andrew Gillum, backed by Soros and Tom Steyer

>>3720343 More from Circle of Mums dig (lb)

>>3720967 #4725

Previously Collected Notables

>>3719442 #4723, >>3720427 #4724

>>3717097 #4720, >>3717879 #4721, >>3719207 #4722

>>3714787 #4717, >>3715556 #4718, >>3716353 #4719

>>3712410 #4714, >>3713215 #4715, >>3714053 #4716

>>3710134 #4711, >>3710901 #4712, >>3711709 #4713

>>3707950 #4708, >>3708608 #4709, >>3709332 #4710

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

fc78be  No.3722547

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 ——— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 ——— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>>/qproofs/130 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>3599217 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#53 >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>3707422

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

fc78be  No.3722551

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3721106

fc78be  No.3722563

File: 5c15e42b4bed235⋯.jpg (85.61 KB, 706x612, 353:306, #.jpg)

#4728 Dough


cb36be  No.3722609

File: da2249c2fad8359⋯.jpeg (605.74 KB, 1125x1571, 1125:1571, A0C71472-D4A7-4771-820A-6….jpeg)

TEXAS (WFLA) - A Texas couple is facing decades behind bars after admitting to child pornography charges, Newsweek.com reports.

Christopher Almaguer, 26, and his wife Sarah Rashelle Almaguer, 27, both of Killeen, each pleaded guilty to one count of sexual exploitation of children and one count of production of child pornography, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Prosecutors say the couple admitted to filming and uploading “sexually explicit videos of themselves sexually assaulting children as young as 8-months-old.” They were arrested in February of this year.

Investigators said 25 possible victims were identified who were minors ranging from ages 8-months-old to 14-years-old.

A judge is expected to sentence the Almaguers on January 29, 2019. They each face between 15 years to 30 years for each count, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office


c5afa5  No.3722611

File: 144807b2a8b4b57⋯.png (350.3 KB, 960x625, 192:125, redwave_20181103.png)

429322  No.3722626

File: e860d21b956d023⋯.png (1.13 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, shh.png)

File: 0931a8df7808f83⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1776x2966, 888:1483, negativism.png)

File: 08a9232db5665af⋯.png (1.38 MB, 999x3382, 999:3382, Soros-bares-his-soul.png)

File: 9d331a68fc563a1⋯.png (3.86 MB, 999x6599, 999:6599, nationalism.png)

File: c4f50fa99c1d3b8⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, WhoIsQ.png)

cb8259  No.3722631

File: 31fb4f84b2d704d⋯.jpg (305.67 KB, 1281x1920, 427:640, nina_agdal_sports_illustra….jpg)

File: 4f3d92f6acde00c⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 799x607, 799:607, emily-ratajkowski-021-e143….jpg)

File: fa42c0d22754389⋯.jpg (80.27 KB, 500x800, 5:8, alexandra.jpg)

File: 51ed401bd7d82c9⋯.png (1.27 MB, 744x1184, 93:148, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

File: 9c2bf7cb05bbdfe⋯.png (1.55 MB, 670x1194, 335:597, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)


bb99cc  No.3722633

File: c650239d1268fa2⋯.png (489.68 KB, 957x499, 957:499, HRC NPC.png)

cuz at this point what difference does it make??

429322  No.3722637

File: 8f62c26fa31e607⋯.png (548.28 KB, 992x825, 992:825, CLAPPERHEAD.png)

File: 4e75f0eeeefd202⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1924x999, 52:27, GEHGHOS.png)

File: 283039969e39231⋯.png (860.09 KB, 1280x817, 1280:817, HAPPY-CAMPAIGN-O'BAMA.png)

File: ab13bfa136ef2cc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1215x999, 45:37, sincerejames.png)

File: beb45be23a6b87c⋯.png (342.71 KB, 777x450, 259:150, ethicalgunchuck.png)

934089  No.3722638

File: 747708f840d197f⋯.png (1.68 MB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Thanks, Baker

cb8259  No.3722639

File: 882b9915fb84145⋯.png (1.45 MB, 878x1122, 439:561, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

File: 820a9164812772c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 598x1034, 299:517, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

File: c248ea2919e7615⋯.jpeg (7.12 KB, 299x168, 299:168, Unknown.jpeg)

d4c9d4  No.3722640

File: 2d831f0a9e20ab4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 898x505, 898:505, ClipboardImage.png)

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says

A $145 million construction project was awarded Wednesday to build roughly six miles of border wall in Texas, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced on Friday.

The agency, in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers, gave the multimillion-dollar job in the Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley Sector to SLSCO, CBP said in a news release.

Work on the project, also known by CBP as RGV-03, is expected to kick off in February, the agency said.

Among the anticipated work is the building and set up “of tactical infrastructure,” which includes “a reinforced concrete levee wall to the height of the existing levee, 18 feet tall steel bollards installed on top of the concrete wall, and vegetation removal along a 150 foot enforcement zone throughout the approximately six miles of levee wall system,” the news release said.

The area will also be equipped with detection technology and video surveillance, the agency said.

The Rio Grande Valley Sector has “high illegal cross border activity,” according to CBP.

“Once constructed, this levee wall system will serve as a persistent impediment to transnational criminal organizations, while still allowing river access for property owners, other federal/state/local officials, local emergency responders, and USBP,” the agency said.

“CBP continues to implement President Trump’s Executive Order 13767 – also known as Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements – and continues to take steps to expeditiously plan, design, and construct a physical wall using appropriate materials and technology to most effectively achieve complete operational control of the southern border,” the agency continued.

The announcement from the CBP comes as a caravan of Central American migrants makes its way toward the U.S.-Mexico border, and as Trump has unveiled plans to deploy troops at the southern border.


e977e4  No.3722641

File: 50d09e56d86653b⋯.jpg (117.34 KB, 1024x769, 1024:769, nC5ihZt7.jpg large.jpg)


66bf55  No.3722642


>>>3722112 (You) VIPAnon links to Andrew Torba's Gab handle, CEO of Gab


My Post.

Negative. Generic GAB transition message as they are deplatformed.

GAB handle is simply VeritasWarrior, no association at this time.

fc78be  No.3722643


I think Q's trying to tell us that we only have shit tier memes for this subject, and that he wants


Who are the real racists?

[2016 Democrat Nominee for President of the United States]



Fake News Cover Up > Prevent Black Americans from Seeing the TRUTH

Another FREE PASS?

Ignorance is BLISS.







ff4aad  No.3722644

>>3722576 lb

Actually, if you read the nihilism definition that I posted, it is the part about

do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

Your Kant quote sounded like it had similar meaning.

And it is well established that Kantianism is a form of Nihilism.

1f3b10  No.3722645

File: b4bc0865f8a8f03⋯.png (216.29 KB, 479x560, 479:560, 16e5d4b1-d878-49d5-be1b-7f….png)

Good night Baker, God Bless

3e7a9d  No.3722646

File: 86b082ee0428bbf⋯.jpeg (29.65 KB, 186x276, 31:46, 5BCE0101-BF86-4A65-8EA7-F….jpeg)

“Eyes on, VIP Patriot!”

934089  No.3722647


Probably Notable

744c44  No.3722648

File: b35789b4b03cedc⋯.jpg (934.53 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, qanon will win.jpg)

0472b6  No.3722649

File: e1b7d33feafe3c8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 797x860, 797:860, 22CA00D4-8023-40D7-8125-29….png)


Nice, old lady news are cool.

1c6248  No.3722650

File: 3129fa3a355912f⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 255x242, 255:242, d44247ae59d34a65c365858ce2….jpg)

side note I don't mind being an ass.

a780fc  No.3722651

>>3722606 (lb)

She just looked like she acknowledged yes on

her Twitter.


Theory correct.

>>3722153 (lb)

Baker, It's a 10-4. Over.

0472b6  No.3722652


Bewbs of course

934089  No.3722653


I didn't go into Kantianism. I simply stated. You took it and ran with it, perverting it into something I did not say or mean. I meant what I posted.

38040d  No.3722654

I'll try one more time….

Hey Anons, a long while back there was an old (50's era, weird voice over) black and white video (I think Q linked to it) showing

building construction (high rise) in NYC. Like a documentary… I was thinking today that I never understood what that was about. Did

any anon figure out what it was trying to tell us? Does anyone even remember it????

cb8259  No.3722655


6d4f5c  No.3722656


put a bag over it, and prob wouldn't know they were old lady

572404  No.3722657


If your browser sees a */ before it sees a /* that is an error.

You need to include at least the var chatty = true line and onwards.

b8e259  No.3722658

>>3722169 lb

I was on that night rothschild was here… search for "eurodollars" or "petrodollar recycling" "mars (war)" or "esoterica" or "piranha in a goldfish bowl"

e977e4  No.3722659

8e9e1b  No.3722660

File: 7dd3e70c8fd9b77⋯.jpg (298 KB, 2048x1280, 8:5, Above Majestic.jpg)

fc78be  No.3722661


Thanks anon, so I'll remove it then.

d8519c  No.3722662


Agreed, we need more autist level memes. Remember this goes beyond midterms. Both #blexit and #GreatAwakening extends far beyond just an election.

We must win, or there is no future for our children.

ad6e1c  No.3722663

>>3722629 (LB)

You have a familiar tone indeed

Come here often?

d4c9d4  No.3722664

File: 2e80091e379e9ea⋯.png (53.19 KB, 891x917, 891:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2cfd14505b221c⋯.png (56.23 KB, 907x882, 907:882, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd74767bf41ed78⋯.png (56.08 KB, 908x858, 454:429, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e675f4077895451⋯.png (34.41 KB, 910x488, 455:244, ClipboardImage.png)

The Best Way to Manage Slaves (And How to Avoid Becoming One)

“If you wish to keep slaves, you must have all kinds of guards. The cheapest way to have guards is to have the slaves pay taxes to finance their own guards. To fool the slaves, you tell them that they are not slaves and that they have Freedom. You tell them they need Law and Order to protect them against bad slaves. Then you tell them to elect a Government. Give them Freedom to vote and they will vote for their own guards and pay their salary. They will then believe they are Free persons. Then give them money to earn, count and spend and they will be too busy to notice the slavery they are in.”

~Alexander Warbucks

Who the hell is Alexander Warbucks? Nobody knows. He wrote this article, How I Manage My Slaves, back in 1978, and nothing before or since. For the purposes of this article, we’re going to break down his opening quote and discover ways to avoid slavery.

Basically, the best way to manage slaves is to convince them that they are free so that they don’t rebel against a corrupt system, and so that they diligently work for the system no matter how sick it makes them. This is one of those rare occasions where it is easier done than said.

And it’s being done, en masse, the world over. It takes the seemingly benign form of statism. But it is most definitely malignant in that it tricks people into slavery by lording comfort, security, safety and the illusion of freedom over their heads, and by being irresponsible with its overreaching power.

In short: the best way to manage slaves is to erect a state, and to declare that state almighty by forcing people to consent to its law and order no matter how unreasonable, unjust, or violent that law and order may be.

Statism creates massive societies made up of people who are mostly ignorant, lazy, cowardly and indifferent to political underhandedness. As long as they are comfortable, safe, and secure in their immoderate bliss they don’t care about policy. Because of such ignorance, laziness, and cowardice, statists (soft slaves) prefer the certitude of psychological chains over the ambiguity and tension of real freedom. Hence the proclivity toward soft-slave statism rather than the hard work of maintaining freedom.

Here are five ways to avoid becoming (or remaining) a soft salve…


f20cf3  No.3722665


i remember

wasn't it around the time we were digging on the 666 kushner building?

be268b  No.3722666

File: f9c50b4f51f7d16⋯.jpg (101.76 KB, 765x499, 765:499, hillvib.jpg)

0cb7d6  No.3722667

File: f950502cc6861de⋯.jpg (81.4 KB, 953x848, 953:848, 1.JPG)

File: a35b0d348f416c3⋯.jpg (115.51 KB, 513x828, 57:92, 2.JPG)

File: 5724fb706a8ca14⋯.jpg (95.75 KB, 510x627, 170:209, 3.JPG)

Senior Google Lobbyist Is Stepping Down From Her Role


ec4667  No.3722668

File: 77f539e6c93fc5d⋯.png (1.08 MB, 876x546, 146:91, Screenshot_102.png)

>>3722593 lb

Sell what you have, and take it to the poor.

Feed the hungry, comfort the lonely, heal the sick and poor of spirit.

This is hard to do for a rich man.

Easier it is for the rich man to enter through the eye of a needle than for him to enter the Kingdom of God.

These are spiritual times. Prepare the spirit for what is to come.

If it is a Storm, then prepare yourselves to rebuke it from yourselves, your friends, and your family.

For you I say:

There is no Storm!

For the love and your faith in Christ has made it so!

cb8259  No.3722669

File: 47514492dd3caab⋯.jpg (684.57 KB, 2048x1253, 2048:1253, chi-man-on-wire-review-080….jpg)




I think the ANONs need to chill on the SATANISM talk sooo often…

Get Educated.

Luciferianism is what the WHITE HATS' believe.

They are the good guys in the Illuminati, they are connected. They couldn't get this done if they were not.

a0bd34  No.3722670

File: b1b8f579ca68184⋯.png (63.96 KB, 1066x201, 1066:201, 2018-11-03-143325_1066x201….png)

>>3722632 (lb)

>Q made it clear why he came here, it was because of the lack of censorship and the unique kind of security the board offered. that and that it wasn't controlled by a cabal member or a comped person. NOT because there are a bunch of Jew hating fags here BUT IN SPITE OF IT.

Stop lying to yourself, half-redpilled anon, soon your time will come.

02d491  No.3722671

File: 5c6f8a917c7d483⋯.jpeg (81.28 KB, 804x605, 804:605, B9E90D03-488B-4FF8-B2CF-D….jpeg)


0e3e19  No.3722672


Above Majestic

full length


29fdbf  No.3722673

File: becc626ef93ca74⋯.png (657.84 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaeee28945a73bd⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a80b2c65d711b0⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1360x2048, 85:128, ClipboardImage.png)

do more, do better!

i'm not even asking for much in the grander scheme of things, so you assholes have no fucking excuse!


i'd be okay with henry dying. he is a shitty actor who has offered me nothing. if he is part of this plan, he is not trying hard enough.

0472b6  No.3722674

File: f448100d3a8133a⋯.jpeg (96.39 KB, 693x490, 99:70, 092C355B-FBDE-4920-8088-6….jpeg)

934089  No.3722675


KEK beer erupted from my gezicht.

a8516d  No.3722676

>>3722592 last bread

Gillum, Abrams, the whole stupid lot of them are just playing pieces. They're being used exactly like Christine Blasey Ford.

These dark money perverts are the real worry.

Thank God somebody else is seeing how evil the Sandlers are. I felt like a lone voice in the forest for a while.

They have GOT to connect to Dianne Feinstein. This is the west coast cabal. Stanford is an outpost, as of course is San Francisco. They're operating California as their plantation. The Sandlers are the reason everyone who used to work for Wachovia Bank doesn't have a job anymore. I'm sure Herb and Susan don't lose any sleep over it.

Mom Marion Sandler died a while back. Wonder if she tried some adrenochrome to fight her illness.

Plenty more digs in the archives on the Sandlers. I'm too tired and angry to keep digging it over and over again, for it to last no longer than a sneeze here in this unindexed place.

f41daf  No.3722677

File: adb35a76fd5e5e1⋯.png (405.68 KB, 1115x502, 1115:502, notable4725.png)

Not the anon who originally posted, but


a notable was missed from 2 breads ago.

>>3721209 How do you prevent financial T logs?


pic related

thanks baker

a41d94  No.3722678

File: 66551c8763780f3⋯.png (617.57 KB, 669x703, 669:703, DoD 11-3-18 9 pm PDT.PNG)

File: f254219c1a2d3d7⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1191x794, 3:2, DoD 11-3-18 9 pm PDT pic.PNG)

Don’t throw away YOUR shot!


Quiz / www.defense.gov/Engage/Quiz/Article/1648559/dont-throw-away-your-shot/

995f67  No.3722679

File: 6e6824f9559ed47⋯.png (6.62 KB, 225x132, 75:44, ClipboardImage.png)

437fd5  No.3722680




They just had a "commercial" on SNL patting dems patting each other on the back about how "We're going to win!" Only they were all nervous, panicky, sweating and screaming. Even the end said "Vote. Please?" with a donkey with sweat pouring from his head. HYSTERICAL!

66bf55  No.3722681

a2a99f  No.3722682


Hurtcore porn. Rape and beat the shit out of children on live webcams.

2614e5  No.3722683

SIS is good

995f67  No.3722684

File: df125fcb206cc90⋯.png (1.47 KB, 120x49, 120:49, ClipboardImage.png)

ef513e  No.3722685


blexit is done thanks to all the drama and confusion surrounding the "stars" of that particular term.

we need something better.

1c6248  No.3722686

If you can't think above your physical grade then IDGAF FO

e977e4  No.3722687


go to bed Sathers

b64f93  No.3722688

File: d61f80cb52345b4⋯.jpg (84.71 KB, 711x780, 237:260, nazis553101.jpg)

Another anti-semetic attack in NYC. Which one of you Nazis did this???

cb8259  No.3722689








934089  No.3722690


Posts pic of mail bomber, claims Cherokee tribe. wtf.

02d491  No.3722691

File: 44d927e890200ba⋯.jpeg (59.4 KB, 300x450, 2:3, 9B05FB37-584A-4ACF-B95A-5….jpeg)


5a16cb  No.3722692

File: 387057f21996acc⋯.jpg (183.63 KB, 1200x851, 1200:851, ChIowmXVEAAKVZ4.jpg)

572404  No.3722693


KEK! I'm kind of sad they didn't make him a sewer pipe technician.

d4c9d4  No.3722694

File: 390ebe3cb9c486d⋯.png (556.81 KB, 702x458, 351:229, ClipboardImage.png)

EU targets the right and calls for total ban on ‘xenophopic’ organisations – Special ‘thought police’ to be created

The European Parliament recently voted for a ban on so-called neo-fascist and neo-Nazi groups in all EU member states. The resolution received 355 votes in favour and 90 against, and 39 abstentions.

“The Parliament is concerned by the increasing normalisation of fascism, racism and xenophobia and calls on EU states to ban neo-fascist and neo-Nazi groups”, the EU Parliament writes in a press release.

The text states, among other things, that “the lack of serious action against these groups has enabled the current xenophobic surge in Europe”.

MEPs argue, that there is a legal laxity towards “right-wing organisations” in some member states and that this is one of the reasons behind the “rise in violent actions, affecting society as a whole and targeting particular minorities such as people of African descent, Jews, Muslims, Romas, non-EU nationals, LGBTI people and persons with disabilities”.

The European Parliament also wants member states to set up special police forces to combat so-called hate crimes and hate speech.

And they want to bring even more action to counteract the spread of “fascism, racism and xenophobia” through the internet, in cooperation with social media companies.

Communist, Islamic, and left-wing organisations are not included and will therefore be allowed. All European right-wing parties have been called xenophobes, racists, extremists, fascists or Nazis by the mainstream media.


e1b418  No.3722695

File: 5b9eb5b9325454c⋯.png (58.5 KB, 576x322, 288:161, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, anon it was my post and Baker got it last bread. All is well.

d8586f  No.3722696

File: 857ea9761097180⋯.jpeg (103.81 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 7802FE64-85CB-4D8A-AF32-1….jpeg)

32ca74  No.3722697

File: 19804eb6bff1f77⋯.jpeg (61.92 KB, 600x404, 150:101, 09D6223F-B3F4-4FAB-84D0-9….jpeg)

File: 815265568dce61f⋯.jpeg (222.88 KB, 1120x1120, 1:1, 141E40B3-D149-429B-AFA2-9….jpeg)

File: 4c237822978bded⋯.jpeg (40.14 KB, 362x359, 362:359, 97281765-A35B-49FD-90F8-7….jpeg)

File: 24feac49d9c63a2⋯.png (176.32 KB, 365x318, 365:318, 137283C9-BC72-467B-BE7D-F4….png)

0472b6  No.3722698

File: fe69987033153c5⋯.png (237.77 KB, 605x375, 121:75, E1B70595-229E-42EE-A97D-7F….png)

572404  No.3722699



7ab169  No.3722700

File: 4a1d81e99f9b3f8⋯.jpg (8.62 KB, 255x148, 255:148, 9b3ab82fad11e78a23b5303a6f….jpg)


A Clinton finally tells the truth

934089  No.3722701


Walk this way…

0cb7d6  No.3722702

File: 9fcc44a82d0d160⋯.jpg (33.21 KB, 570x268, 285:134, 1.JPG)

Pilot of small plane injured in crash 40 miles north of Reno


8e9e1b  No.3722703


Yes. He has explained why.

d8519c  No.3722704


Hell no. kanye gotta kanye, we carry on.

Freeing the black pop from slave grip of the (((msm))) narrative is VITAL.

Very short sighted.

1b0122  No.3722705

>>3722282 (lb)

Very interdasting…..I've been wondering about that embassy story I've heard 500 times.

I find it a little concerning that the rally goers always cheer wildly for this. Are 95% of Trump

supporters still brainwashed into loving the Jews

and Israel?

cb8259  No.3722706

File: 465eae9ff120c0b⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 702x459, 26:17, jordan-sather-new.jpg)

File: 5a31954d326eef2⋯.jpg (19.46 KB, 300x300, 1:1, JordanSatherHeadshot.jpg)


02d491  No.3722707


Are these yours?

5a16cb  No.3722708

File: eec9f9568a54430⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1027x768, 1027:768, pepe223.png)

5a16cb  No.3722709

File: 849fbba08a4e2cb⋯.jpg (422.21 KB, 1800x1000, 9:5, trumpwillwin-notextclonebd….jpg)

8e9e1b  No.3722710


Nice. I watched it the other day. Goode Stuff

429322  No.3722711

File: fd8e8b97cfe9395⋯.png (1.19 MB, 848x1111, 848:1111, shhh.png)

File: 91c8b9dc7ae0988⋯.png (55.68 KB, 846x393, 282:131, clownazon.png)

File: 734518fdab0ee71⋯.png (749.13 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, stealthy.png)

File: fce4daf908b9564⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1156x1111, 1156:1111, Thanunciasion.png)


Very funny stuff anons. Wowsers I'm guffawing over here.

ef513e  No.3722712


blexit is low energy.

We need a better hashtag

d5eb59  No.3722713

File: 9e8d4196340107e⋯.jpeg (17.8 KB, 186x276, 31:46, q.jpeg)



better dig is -

who is this in her picture that Q posted?

a41d94  No.3722714

File: 5ff2c02e0fad37c⋯.png (42.2 KB, 669x339, 223:113, PapaD 11-3-18 8 32 pm PDT.PNG)


7ab169  No.3722715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

995f67  No.3722716

File: b9c59470d569ad8⋯.png (1.21 KB, 96x61, 96:61, ClipboardImage.png)

02d491  No.3722717

File: ebbc8b5af9edf51⋯.jpeg (120.64 KB, 700x437, 700:437, 8646CEDF-DEE5-4178-983D-2….jpeg)



8e9e1b  No.3722718


You might want to

"Expand your Thinking"

576c99  No.3722719

what was the first marker again ?


995f67  No.3722720

File: 812ee60b38d614d⋯.png (1.61 KB, 168x45, 56:15, ClipboardImage.png)

c5afa5  No.3722721


8/10 not bad I guess.

0cb7d6  No.3722722

File: 6de39548b52e767⋯.jpg (91.88 KB, 579x567, 193:189, 1.JPG)

File: 9a26651b001f406⋯.jpg (69.54 KB, 580x634, 290:317, 2.JPG)


0e3e19  No.3722723

File: 373b054711a8eb6⋯.png (10.49 KB, 255x248, 255:248, pepewtf.png)


KEK not Sathers

be268b  No.3722724

File: d4221ed9ba9c7bf⋯.jpg (17.78 KB, 300x300, 1:1, HRCMonica.jpg)

ad6e1c  No.3722725


Are you supposed to be here?

b10b2a  No.3722726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch the old biker dude do a rail @3:04:53

0e61d4  No.3722727

File: 30572256feee1a0⋯.png (308.18 KB, 465x440, 93:88, Thinking Pepe.png)




Both astoundingly lame.


65dfa0  No.3722728

File: 87bf4458c7d5c4a⋯.png (101.51 KB, 500x334, 250:167, 87bf4458c7d5c4a4c4a1128b46….png)



3615db  No.3722729

File: 4f6d588017e992a⋯.png (162.02 KB, 300x258, 50:43, vip_q_.png)


Looks like a slight smile and wave.

a71ce6  No.3722730


She’s a little young. CP?

cb8259  No.3722731









be268b  No.3722732

File: ee289bd672eab1a⋯.jpg (112.47 KB, 540x684, 15:19, none.jpg)

File: 93f1c740cd1c638⋯.jpg (122.65 KB, 1024x767, 1024:767, not interested.jpg)

File: d4221ed9ba9c7bf⋯.jpg (17.78 KB, 300x300, 1:1, HRCMonica.jpg)

0472b6  No.3722733

File: 35652788572e80a⋯.jpeg (32.27 KB, 598x478, 299:239, F3DD67AC-0368-4480-8338-B….jpeg)


Digits don’t lie

087280  No.3722734


We need memes that acknowledge the Equality of all origins of Americans and that President Trump and Republicans embrace all who embrace our Constitution.

d8519c  No.3722735

File: e4ede30f272c7f1⋯.jpg (9.29 KB, 240x160, 3:2, trumpsmile2.jpg)




(((shills))) are such easy prey KEK


cf4a44  No.3722736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

428133  No.3722737


Stop attacking and slamming other patriots.

If they aren't your cup of tea, STFU and move on.

cb8259  No.3722738

File: aa4ee95eaeea57c⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 702x459, 26:17, 2lo5i8.jpg)

File: aa4ee95eaeea57c⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 702x459, 26:17, 2lo5i8.jpg)

File: aa4ee95eaeea57c⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 702x459, 26:17, 2lo5i8.jpg)

7619e3  No.3722739


Rastaniggerans and/or Goatfuckers.

I'm shocked.

d8519c  No.3722740



Plus (((you))). KEK

65dfa0  No.3722741

38040d  No.3722742


I know it was a while back….weird vid, we dug on it for a few days., I don't know when it was….my head is more than full…

Did Q post it? I was wondering if what we know now would it make sense>

934089  No.3722743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Video RE:

cb8259  No.3722744




If you trust or believe SATHER you sir, or madame are A MORON!

0cb7d6  No.3722745

File: 3e49ce09728b612⋯.jpg (216 KB, 1182x855, 394:285, 1.JPG)

File: ae909cef4d56574⋯.jpg (155.96 KB, 864x815, 864:815, 2.JPG)

UN Agency assisting migrants.


9748bf  No.3722746


Jerusalem will be the only safe place. nobody gonna nuke it.

934089  No.3722747


Jesus…I'm gonna be hard pressed to find one older with tits out…

30ff65  No.3722748

File: 920e3ad26bd9162⋯.jpg (307.83 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ThankQ4.jpg)

File: 1f404b615d40f53⋯.jpg (130.17 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ThankQ6.jpg)

38040d  No.3722749


>I know it was a while back….weird vid, we dug on it for a few days., I don't know when it was….my head is more than full…

>Did Q post it? I was wondering if what we know now would it make sense>

ff4aad  No.3722750


No you did NOT mean what you posted!!

You quoted Kant.

He is the founder of Kantian Nihilism.

Nihilism in all its forms is what we are fighting

It is the underpinning of the Nihilist World Order that the Cabal are trying to create.

I don't blame you for being ignorant about this.

I only blame you for being so arrogant that you seem to believe

That the right to free speech includes the right to be free of criticism.

It doesn't!!!!

995f67  No.3722751

File: cfbd9ba596cbde1⋯.png (2.19 KB, 158x61, 158:61, ClipboardImage.png)

8e9e1b  No.3722752


No he did not. Shane the ruiner is a useless faggot

7619e3  No.3722753


His ears are too big to be Q.

927357  No.3722754

File: 24899e193ca6371⋯.png (329.61 KB, 781x563, 781:563, hill.png)

428133  No.3722755

File: 3632aec9d90b6d9⋯.png (260.78 KB, 625x488, 625:488, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

This bread's shill tactic with high post already.

6d4f5c  No.3722756



429322  No.3722757

File: ad493b06be1b8cf⋯.png (195.72 KB, 442x360, 221:180, PAPA.png)

File: 6f95e01e33c91ee⋯.png (919.26 KB, 878x742, 439:371, UR.png)

5ecf38  No.3722758

File: ecae7519d257f8f⋯.png (378.79 KB, 656x920, 82:115, ClipboardImage.png)


It has begun!

Border Wall Construction to Begin in Texas

Federal officials announced the award of a contract to allow construction of new sections of border walls in the Rio Grande Valley Sector of South Texas. The $145 million construction project is slated to begin in February 2019.


a71ce6  No.3722759

File: 22ea8a8e9becbd3⋯.jpeg (22.75 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 1EF59004-36A4-44ED-B55B-2….jpeg)

0472b6  No.3722760

File: 7679d4f98c7caff⋯.jpeg (95.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 3254CBB8-022B-4D4F-9B31-B….jpeg)

d5eb59  No.3722761


buh buh muh spazeforze

be268b  No.3722762

File: 83a6b707c73b5af⋯.jpg (156.47 KB, 800x640, 5:4, msmpire.jpg)

572404  No.3722763


I would imagine that this is the unsealing of the indictment of John Podesta.

8e9e1b  No.3722764


Are you proud to be one of the 4-6%ers

a71ce6  No.3722765

ad6e1c  No.3722766

File: 6b64f2e877eb893⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 255x368, 255:368, Peter_Munk.jpg)


I don't think your supposed t be here are you.

How is?

02d491  No.3722767

File: 599d72424ee9a19⋯.jpeg (71.84 KB, 285x300, 19:20, 332F37DB-74F8-4CAC-8C2A-B….jpeg)


Who gives a fuck, nigger, quit slagging folks, make yourself some pop tarts and go back to fapping to transgender midget porn.

And quit being a fudgepacking cocksmoking shillfag, too.

995f67  No.3722768

File: b3655f61db57211⋯.png (1.14 KB, 126x45, 14:5, ClipboardImage.png)

8b9433  No.3722769


Those Damn Nigger, Muzzie, Jew,

Nazis again!


30ff65  No.3722770


>the right to be free of criticism

Soounds like the true meaning of antisemite to me.

56c119  No.3722771


Q drop said on Friday….so it would be the 9th

790edc  No.3722772

File: 3e3ede14de9fcab⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 440x600, 11:15, Farrah_Fawcett1.jpg)

File: c916777f5218cb1⋯.jpg (111.67 KB, 772x1136, 193:284, bakerfarrah.jpg)

949cf0  No.3722773


buh… buh…

sather ans eyethespy ans { }

said they're legit?

fceb18  No.3722774

File: c126c7435b4ea5a⋯.png (116.79 KB, 170x255, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

34ca0b  No.3722775

File: 0a42d6fcded7111⋯.jpg (761.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_097_03112018_09573….jpg)

File: 951d64aaacc52e3⋯.jpg (764.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_095_03112018_09571….jpg)

File: 4fba948f6533f6e⋯.jpg (764.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, capture_094_03112018_09571….jpg)

File: a4936757184cccf⋯.jpg (501.67 KB, 862x906, 431:453, capture_099_03112018_16491….jpg)

File: f1bce9be3c19636⋯.jpg (964.1 KB, 1438x1025, 1438:1025, capture_100_03112018_16520….jpg)

Hussein, on his "okie doke" tour.

Nelson's eyes…

Member of Book_and_Snake…

d4c9d4  No.3722776

File: e3b5fe34cbd4af9⋯.png (576.59 KB, 722x464, 361:232, ClipboardImage.png)

cb8259  No.3722777

File: c79661a96164215⋯.jpg (47.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2lo5vd.jpg)




better source than SATHER.

styxhexenhammer666 is the best news source online ANYWHERE.

1b0122  No.3722778

File: 918f3f525cbf76b⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 320x482, 160:241, 1517576999051.jpg)


I wonder if Papa and I have the same definition

of ultimate redemption

995f67  No.3722779

File: 69eb320062d4879⋯.png (2.31 KB, 237x52, 237:52, ClipboardImage.png)

6d4f5c  No.3722780


do you have any sauce on the #s at hussein's rallies this week?? thanks in advance…

a41fb3  No.3722781

>>3722633 has anyone made a good meme with hillary saying that?

>>3722744 relax, why are you screaming

0292f2  No.3722782

File: 21167fec5fea5a6⋯.png (1.72 MB, 5760x3458, 2880:1729, 21167fec5fea5a64ee8606f548….png)


2572af  No.3722783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God Bless Our President & The Patriots…

For The Love & Glory Of Our Republic……

May Our Enemies Meet Swift Fury………

8e9e1b  No.3722784


You should just mic drop now..

cb8259  No.3722785

File: 804dda0cc942ef9⋯.jpg (4.2 MB, 2336x3504, 2:3, old-man.jpg)

09d8f4  No.3722786

Florida Yoga Studio Shooting Suspect Was A Far-Right Misogynist

Fucking Huffpo


eaa93c  No.3722787

File: a0dc36715d0bcdc⋯.png (485.98 KB, 720x1193, 720:1193, Capture _2018-11-03-20-46-….png)

File: a85a4db2fe0ae45⋯.png (117.34 KB, 576x570, 96:95, 9da0e6f57dd060ab4f4833f39a….png)

File: 91691c1d8759969⋯.png (817.19 KB, 1692x1692, 1:1, d1883e64efb58a39b25cefab90….png)

Should we be expecting the HRC video now.

DOD said move clock back an hour.

If we move the Q clock back 1 hour it lines up with Oct 28 which is 5:5 HRC video drop from Q.

68cf71  No.3722788


And now, in this time of world storm, when I have been called upon by King and Parliament and with the support of all parties in the State to bear the chief responsibility in Great Britain, and when I have had the supreme honour of speaking for the British nation in its most deadly danger and in its finest hour, it has given me comfort and inspiration to feel that I think as you do, that our hands are joined across the oceans, and that our pulses throb and beat as one. Indeed I will make so bold as to say that here at least, in my mother’s birth city of Rochester, I hold a latchkey to American hearts.

Strong tides of emotion, fierce surges of passion, sweep the broad expanses of the Union in this year of fate. In that prodigious travail there arc many elemental forces, there is much heart-searching and self-questioning; some pangs, some sorrow, some conflict of voices, but no fear. The world is witnessing the birth throes of a sublime resolve. I shall presume to confess to you that I have no doubts what that resolve will be.

The destiny of mankind is not decided by material computation. When great causes are on the move in the world, stirring all men’s souls, drawing them from their firesides, casting aside comfort, wealth and the pursuit of happiness in response to impulses at once awe-striking and irresistible, we learn that we are spirits, not animals, and that something is going on in space and time, and beyond space and time, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty.

806659  No.3722789



Funny how titties, pussies & cocks are allowed on twitter, with so much of other truths being censored.

be268b  No.3722790


what a waste of trips.

62669a  No.3722791


5 minute delay.

995f67  No.3722792

File: 04f8938c9237e3d⋯.png (11.57 KB, 371x247, 371:247, ClipboardImage.png)

790edc  No.3722793

File: a2a211d4ee11275⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 1506x1027, 1506:1027, ERGO.jpg)

be243a  No.3722794

File: 4a1bae419c2c6ff⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 600x700, 6:7, dream-big-work-hard-and-ha….jpg)


Yes. I have been here since the beginning of Q, anon. I did a lot of digging and created a lot of memes earlier on in the year. Much more laid back now and drop a few crumbs here and there. Part of the pleasure is finding your own way is it not?

The one thing I don't like is people trying to shut off rabbit holes. Sure, there is important work to be done creating memes for the midterms but all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. So, if something on these boards interests you dig into it. Different things will appeal to different folks. Trust your heart/instincts. Don't be put off by limited thinkers who think everything is evil or a psy-op, even if they are very well meaning. The story I have found is very interesting and incredibly complex in some ways. Not sure, it is true yet.

f2f3be  No.3722795

File: 57aa2ccebf76977⋯.jpg (195.92 KB, 565x599, 565:599, IMG_526.jpg)

patriots vote!

34ca0b  No.3722796




Don't have #'s…

a71ce6  No.3722797

File: 039764a19027506⋯.png (31.76 KB, 651x799, 651:799, 3EBDD2B9-9184-4999-83F8-EE….png)

File: 3389d1e6d35979e⋯.jpeg (285.58 KB, 771x1500, 257:500, 722AE3CE-C12F-4EDA-87CF-9….jpeg)

Ty baker.

Ur awesome as always.

7d4424  No.3722798


The Great Blawakening?

934089  No.3722799


You do not see truth, you see what you want to see.

9748bf  No.3722800


cool, must be because Putin.

576c99  No.3722801


it said to spread and drop once 11.3 occurs ?

said actionable 11.4 public will know, so if we don't get confirmation tomorrow of Podesta then we can assume it will be next year?

[asia] or [eu] this year, extra hour of sleep?

1b0122  No.3722802

File: ca6ddcceee3952e⋯.png (320.58 KB, 630x430, 63:43, Screenshot 2018-10-02 at 9….png)


Been watching Styx for years but Quite Frankly

is a lot more comfy

ad3c20  No.3722803

File: 6bc6c577cbddb5a⋯.pdf (3.44 MB, saudiflights.pdf)

File: 74bbce9aeafe22b⋯.png (56.59 KB, 964x500, 241:125, FEINSTEIN.PNG)

Anons help me dig please.

These docs are heavily redacted, but you might find some gems.

Found this in documents related to the Saudis leaving on 9/11.


She was involved in 9/11.


4f5d8f  No.3722804


kek, NICE

313125  No.3722805


i used to watch a lot of styx, but his problem is he follows and uses MSM talking points to form opinions occasionally… talking points that aren't even true.

62669a  No.3722806



It's Okay to Vote Red

149058  No.3722807


i have yet to trust the cia. but i support its' growth in memetic abilities as a matter of belief. you are human and should express yourself as such. you have likely heard one of my memetic lectures as I have yet to be accredited officially.

02d491  No.3722808

File: 62f32f66808c44b⋯.jpeg (404.89 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 7D993CD4-9064-40D8-825F-9….jpeg)

File: 809215effa87c8a⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1235x1284, 1235:1284, 4884CBAB-55D3-4E90-AD99-82….png)

b64f93  No.3722809

File: f84d9b3d34c08c3⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 512x429, 512:429, 1535256403553.jpg)


They wuz good boys getting degrees and sheeit. Racist Police keepin em down.

5ecf38  No.3722810





It doesn't matter what WE think of it, the only relevant question is does the black pop respond well to it. It only has to be something they can identify and identify with immediately.

c9d028  No.3722811


09d8f4  No.3722812

Dems know they are DONE

Dems fighting for political lives tout support for border security

Red-state Democrats are touting their border security bona fides as President Trump hammers the issue in the final week of the midterm election.

Democrats — hoping to eke out wins in states where Trump triumphed in 2016—have focused on their ability to work with the administration on the border, even as the president and their GOP opponents try to paint them as obstructionists on immigration.


7ab169  No.3722813


I am low bandwith anon

a71ce6  No.3722814

File: ba97b55b5b77d3b⋯.gif (167.35 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 10444E84-65A4-4DD1-A4C2-C0….gif)

File: 0a8b27287704fae⋯.png (145.71 KB, 413x549, 413:549, 5AAA32E1-C762-490B-9F90-CD….png)


Oh my.

790edc  No.3722815

File: 8b24127b289bbfe⋯.jpg (114.43 KB, 1187x1003, 1187:1003, Auto.jpg)


huummm 8chan anti satanic


cffabb  No.3722816

File: d5e4266267b4654⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 528x533, 528:533, 52knigga2.jpg)

File: ad5a3cb4172135f⋯.jpg (85.62 KB, 619x595, 619:595, qjames.jpg)

File: 8ec81aa9f3542b2⋯.png (379.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-11-03 Trum….png)

File: f50d472a1e63c9d⋯.png (386.88 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-11-03 Trum….png)

File: bf15014dbba9507⋯.png (753.28 KB, 1162x1005, 1162:1005, 2428a6583202e81e302133bac3….png)

428133  No.3722817

File: 88c2e6706baa21b⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Board Shills Piss Someone ….jpg)

Shill tactic to attack other patriots and keep naming different ones. If you don't like them, don't watch them.

128940  No.3722818

File: 15a45aa05e630a0⋯.png (525.09 KB, 783x605, 783:605, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c83e15dbec3ef2a⋯.png (486.41 KB, 758x461, 758:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebb9d84853db6b8⋯.png (689.11 KB, 618x623, 618:623, ClipboardImage.png)

30ff65  No.3722819


2003 anon.

7917b1  No.3722820


I have not been dry humped this bad since grade school.. :(

569558  No.3722821

File: a01ecc7cb195012⋯.jpg (62.46 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, cat.jpg)


Stay safe GP.

f2f3be  No.3722822

File: c5741d8f5a7f996⋯.jpg (679.71 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_522.jpg)

patriots vote well!

934089  No.3722823


Young Frankenstein movie quote. Not lyrics from Big lipped rocker.

d4c9d4  No.3722824

File: 63487482417b184⋯.png (1.15 MB, 920x557, 920:557, ClipboardImage.png)

927357  No.3722825

File: 30cd944003cb2b7⋯.png (308.78 KB, 781x563, 781:563, hill2.png)

d2b128  No.3722826

File: 65dfdff317d8fe2⋯.png (1012.55 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, nomoreq.png)

Caption this.

a5e938  No.3722827

File: 8a0fdd53fc40e33⋯.png (1.31 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, something_big_is_about_to_….png)


he has mixed all kinds of 113s - January 3, post 113, November 3

cb8259  No.3722828

File: f47148dde4d8d3a⋯.jpg (60.12 KB, 626x461, 626:461, 2lo631.jpg)

149058  No.3722829


i have a few famous lectures i know float around your rooms.

1.) the power of patriotism

2.) inseperable memetic existence

3.) the function of continuity.

70abdb  No.3722830


Translation: The democrat party is lying their faces off, hoping nobody notices.

ad3c20  No.3722831


>documents related to the Saudis leaving on 9/11.

1660ad  No.3722832

File: 83347ad33572643⋯.png (4.09 KB, 255x206, 255:206, chkm huey lewis.png)


check those digits

has this been posted yet today? news to me.

428133  No.3722834

1c6248  No.3722835

File: 7224aa587d5349e⋯.png (211.04 KB, 1280x910, 128:91, fol30rot1iter.png)

File: cdccc1044adbb13⋯.png (29.45 KB, 300x289, 300:289, 300px-Unit_Circle_Definiti….png)

File: d651d956e9d6a7c⋯.png (109.46 KB, 1280x919, 1280:919, irregtetrahedroncoloredwte….png)

File: 821d6efd3acb636⋯.jpg (14.06 KB, 300x168, 25:14, spacegravity.jpg)

one last try.

be268b  No.3722836

File: f14b0f0a10bc36b⋯.jpg (40.91 KB, 400x455, 80:91, go to H.jpg)

8b9433  No.3722837

File: 46d0edeaacc61c2⋯.gif (1011.57 KB, 500x655, 100:131, tumblr_msh60tTLLo1qap9uuo1….gif)


The Hexenhammer

Well rounded Reporting!





"Slack" Flows within him!

The SubGenius!


934089  No.3722838


Yes. Early today.

7ab169  No.3722839



we rocking

night shift

bc9435  No.3722840

File: a13b32b1b92a8c6⋯.jpg (520.53 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181103-231507….jpg)

File: b42a425a36726b7⋯.jpg (391.31 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181103-231704….jpg)

Ok, so interesting. Sage media is a recipient of Dem cash with 135 expenditures listed. However, when you click to see expenditures it says there are zero


ad6e1c  No.3722841


Do tell

4c3260  No.3722842

File: a92a239334661aa⋯.png (60.59 KB, 303x313, 303:313, ClipboardImage.png)

666, the 7 Seals and 7 Chakras

The symbol of the Holy Grail which is so prevalent in the world today is of course a symbol of Sophia-Wisdom, which represents the Gnosis and the secret knowledge destroyed by the Church that unlocks the 7 th Chakra.

The symbol of the Holy Grail is a symbol of the Johannine Tradition that was hunted down and destroyed by the Church after Constanine took it over and the Petrine succession was imposed to control Christianity - the tradition that was destroyed was that of the Gnostic wisdom of the 7 Chakras and how to open them.

In each of the main religious traditions a prophet will arise who has opened the 7th chakra for themselves and who has become a Gnostic.

Each of these individual Gnostics will no longer need to obey or be confined by the commands of their religious books as God will be within them and his spirit flowing through them and out into the world.

These prophets will be persecuted and their followers martyred until the Anti-christ is overthrown after the Apocalypse……

The meaning of life is to allow God to live within Man and through Man manifest the divine within the universe.

This is what the awakening of the 7 Chakra will allow.


63308e  No.3722843


Why the fuck make "Sather" memes.

We definitely have some morans in the house tonight.

df8710  No.3722844

File: 207149c45eace30⋯.jpg (172.66 KB, 820x425, 164:85, silly ds.jpg)

790edc  No.3722845

File: 278fdf0101c8bcb⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 339x243, 113:81, 1306235375_cat_vs_laser_po….gif)

6b3b3a  No.3722846

>>3722048 (lb) regarding Jacob R death

He was killed in the opp where capt. green died. CDAN had several blinds, and enty revealed it in a podcast on his patreon site. Luckily, it’s one of the 4 that are free. It’s the NOLA house podcast.


While he didn’t mention it on the podcast, he had a follow up CDAN blind that went into more details of the opp. Jacob was going to talk or was vulnerable, and Nat made sure he didn’t. After the crash Jacob was alive for a while before dying.

I’d have to dig to go back and look at the Q posts, but you will NEVER see Jacob alive again. Oh, he will “die” and may even have a funeral, but you will never see him again.

FYI, the CDAN blinds and podcast tips that the Roths had a honeypot brothel/house in NOLA for politicians for forever. Very worthwhile to listen… he also says Marco R was filmed there with two college gentleman. VERY worth a listen.

576c99  No.3722847


its that time of year again, rewind the clock, you get to sleep another hour[Year] mirror [Eu] now

2019 asia 2020 us

09d8f4  No.3722848

File: 7770235ff293619⋯.jpg (120.86 KB, 618x410, 309:205, 181103-barbed-wire-soldier….jpg)

US troops lay down barbed wire along border ahead of caravan

934089  No.3722849

File: f378b061866d52c⋯.gif (2.98 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 081018_Carpenter_salsa.gif)

7917b1  No.3722850

File: 0806b1912321020⋯.jpg (43.24 KB, 714x326, 357:163, live-244.JPG)


I figured it out.. LIVE-24

plan starts in 2024 .. we got another 6 years anons …

70b165  No.3722851

fc78be  No.3722852


Took a look at her twitter, but can't see her acknowledging the theory posted >>3722153 (lb)

if that's what you mean. Help a baker out?


149058  No.3722853


it is all part of my DoDGE project. Hi there CIA. Please welcome your vets back home, find their project. If that doesn't make sense, please ask, I can tell you more. Those are war veterans that swore to serve their country but the project became so fucked, they got left on the streets. fucking memetic geniuses though. Find smoky in eugene. He is there to help.

790edc  No.3722854

File: 8e5709ae1e57f8f⋯.jpg (156.2 KB, 1545x1613, 1545:1613, npc_kek.jpg)

1660ad  No.3722855

File: 6829f4559f6d0a5⋯.jpg (83.98 KB, 700x512, 175:128, djt.jpg)


3/11 ?

9617a1  No.3722856


"For the word of God is living and active,

sharper than any double-edged sword."

Hebrews 4:12

db926f  No.3722857

File: 602e20ad5c0df72⋯.jpeg (297.23 KB, 747x640, 747:640, E0988463-1260-469B-9946-B….jpeg)


Someone on the prev board was all preachy preachy about Nihilism too. Trying to sound/look like one of those guys who takes a prof picture with their glasses pulled halfway down.

fc78be  No.3722858


Amended and posted in #4728

>>3722423 HRC, Soros and Democracy Alliance, connected to >>3722229

>>3722259 , >>3722336 Soros Partners with Mastercard to give money to migrants

>>3722229 Soros, Steyer & Sandler's contributions to the Former Mayor of Tallahassee

>>3722228 New ToastMaster script

>>3722170 Is Q referring to the term "Tax Washing" ?

>>3722163 , >>3722361 Beware SOROS voting machines at the polls

>>3722004 Tweets from David Rothschild

>>3721970 Rothschild Family to receive the Theodor Herzl Award

>>3721952 Former C_A coder Joshua Schulte pleads not guilty

>>3721932 New POTUS tweet and video from Pensacola

>>3721930 IOM International, connects to Soros and the caravan

>>3721918 QClock Update: Re-read crumbs

>>3721893 QPosts connect? T logs and T_Wash. T=Transactions?

>>3721881 Dig into The Lucis Trust and the United Nations

>>3721880 Planned Parenthood donations for this cycle

934089  No.3722859




7abd8e  No.3722860

File: 29073781002419d⋯.png (20.96 KB, 469x517, 469:517, ClipboardImage.png)


Reminded me of pic related.

a41d94  No.3722861

File: 938939be87079ab⋯.png (824.66 KB, 638x782, 319:391, Reynolds re POTUS the Rock….PNG)

File: 33fb40167601c06⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1055x788, 1055:788, Reynolds re POTUS the Rock….PNG)

What a night, crowd hanging off Trump’s every word. Seems like he’s a rockstar here, but will it be reflected across the state on Tuesday? Most of these people are convinced it will


5e2b71  No.3722862

File: 1a9f17f7a4b6bf8⋯.png (204.37 KB, 1788x344, 447:86, newja.PNG)

File: 00768a33a53b093⋯.png (479.43 KB, 1799x951, 1799:951, newjsold.PNG)


OK, got some cool shit going now. # Toasts, LD's, Search, FKG Cool Ribbit. I can open create new thread, for baking, Ribbit!

Lost my highlighted colors and highlighter sideboard.

149058  No.3722863

File: 98c48b597f1457c⋯.png (293.2 KB, 401x397, 401:397, Collage-Q5.png)


CIA. I know where your men are and they need your help.

d4c9d4  No.3722864

File: 5a850ca04619124⋯.png (10.53 KB, 504x145, 504:145, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Slams Democrat Senator for 'Trying to Steal the Election' with Paid Ads

US President Donald Trump slammed US Democrat Senator from Indiana Joe Donnelly for allegedly doing "what Russia did" in his election campaign, saying that Donnelly was trying to "steal the election."

According to a recent poll by US TV channel NBC News and Marist Institute for Public Opinion, Donnelly, who has been serving as US Senator from Indiana since 2012, currently has support of 48 percent of voters, while his major Republican opponent Mike Braun is only two percent behind.

"Rumor has it that Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana is paying for Facebook ads for his so-called opponent on the libertarian ticket. Donnelly is trying to steal the election? Isn’t that what Russia did!?" Trump posted on Twitter.

On November 6, US voters will cast ballots to fill 435 seats in the US House of Representatives, one-third of the 100-member Senate and other local and state positions. The outcome of the 2018 midterms will determine if the Republican Party can maintain control of both chambers of Congress.

Washington has repeatedly accused Moscow of meddling in the 2016 presidential election in the United States, imposing several rounds of sanctions against Russia in reliance to this alleged meddling, among other issues. Russia has strongly refuted all allegations as unfounded.


02d491  No.3722865

File: cb6cfde00dee152⋯.jpeg (278.2 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DE8759EF-C1BB-430E-AB1F-C….jpeg)



Dick n hammer beds new sores.

569558  No.3722866

File: 62daf6805d90e03⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 600x338, 300:169, drifting.gif)



cb8259  No.3722867




ea3352  No.3722868

File: b80bca1b9084d32⋯.png (401.08 KB, 1915x1919, 1915:1919, Pensacola Sunset Zero Go M….png)

Someone may want to help me think this one further. There are many statements that POTUS has made in the speeches in the last few days. The list in 316 (John 3:16 - noice) covers several topics I can remember, but I have a memory problem, and there must be more parallels. "Sunset" gives us a 00 timestamp, awesome Reagan speech and a [BOOM WEEK] Take it, expand it, if you want it. I'll spread it, whatever you may come up with. <3 #WWG1WGA

1660ad  No.3722869

File: 86b99f1b0590d1b⋯.jpeg (142 KB, 1166x670, 583:335, frenz.jpeg)

7ab169  No.3722870

File: 1e69c37e5c478d4⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d316a74b43534b366b9b080514….jpg)


I'm going to be polite and take that the wrong way.

92e8ab  No.3722871

File: b5fb10006ec8166⋯.png (348.27 KB, 783x1295, 783:1295, BALLOT INTRO.png)

File: 21fa9314a3cf66c⋯.png (119.78 KB, 679x1549, 679:1549, BALLOT BY STATE.png)

>>3722589 (PB)




Wide-ranging Reddit discussion 2 months ago on voter fraud; consensus is “use paper”:


Good dig on dominion voting systems & Clinton Foundation, but 2 years old.


“New Evidence Links Voting Machines And Clinton Foundation” 2 years old (10/27/2016)


0e61d4  No.3722872

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, smokey.png)

File: 5871562bf031045⋯.gif (4.12 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 8chanKEK1.gif)



ad6e1c  No.3722873

File: 840195b3d01e41f⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 320x213, 320:213, bert.gif)

68cf71  No.3722874

Can someone with the federation clear up the last two messages?

1660ad  No.3722875

File: 4d0a6cc0c0987c0⋯.gif (12.59 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 1 11.gif)

70abdb  No.3722876


>>>3722259 , >>>3722336 Soros Partners with Mastercard to give money to migrants

So we're going to see a criminal referral for Mastercard as well in the near future.

7d4424  No.3722877


Q hit post 2400 today

a8516d  No.3722878

File: 325b7220c59520b⋯.jpg (99.15 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, WhiteHats.jpg)


Please know that there are plenty of patriotic Americans who pray for the good men and women amongst you.

Thank you more than we can say.

Here's to better days ahead.

934089  No.3722879


Is that a Vienna Sausage between yer lags? Lil Smokey, Baby!

2c8150  No.3722880


use a search engine and check yourself.. christ.. We cannot afford to get lazy anons.

Took 3 seconds..


09d8f4  No.3722881

File: 0d4537947c8af9d⋯.mp4 (9.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WuhIgQFxfb-pOydK.mp4)


"Why is it that the folks that won the last election are so mad all the time?" former Pres. Obama asks at Miami rally. "When I won the presidency, at least my side felt pretty good."

522122  No.3722882

File: f851ac26ae44133⋯.png (3.44 MB, 2798x2396, 1399:1198, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)


d4c9d4  No.3722883

‘Nurse’ Democrat Lauren Underwood Never Worked as a Nurse: Report

Democrat Lauren Underwood, 32, running for Congress in the far western suburbs of Chicago, has exaggerated her nursing career, pretending she worked as a nurse when she has never done so, a local newspaper reported Friday.

The Kane County Reporter dug into Underwood’s claims and found that while she had studied nursing and was a registered to practice nursing, “she never has, in Illinois, nor anywhere else.”

Instead, when she completed her education, Underwood worked for the Obama administration on Obamacare’s rollout — a project that was a disaster when it launched in 2013. (She now admits it was “not perfect.”)

She continued working for the Obama administration until the end of Obama’s term in 2017, then collected unemployment benefits before deciding to run for Congress, challenging incumbent Republican Randy Hultgren.

Underwood presented herself as a nurse in her campaign advertising — and the media largely swallowed the story.

A report by ABC News on Oct. 26 presented her as “a nurse who worked on the Affordable Care Act.” Time magazine reported on Friday: “Lauren Underwood’s Unlikely Congressional Bid Is All About Health Care.”

But the claim is just “part of the act,” according to the Kane County Reporter:

That Underwood never actually worked as a nurse— in college or after graduation— might come as a surprise to voters in the 14th Congressional District, now familiar with the torrent of television advertisements depicting her with a stethoscope serving patients.

She told Now This Politics, that, “as a nurse, I have looked into my patients’ eyes when giving discharge instructions knowing they cannot afford the prescription that we’re handing to them.”

According to her own biography, Underwood has never worked as a practicing nurse in a hospital, or in any setting where she would be discharging patients.

In her television advertisements, she has been regularly portrayed in “hands-on” nursing situations— ones her own biography also makes clear she has never experienced.


57e2e3  No.3722884

File: 8390c737f2eae7d⋯.png (464.93 KB, 698x458, 349:229, bozo.png)


really shitty meme faggot, I fixed it for you and made it better

149058  No.3722885


God bless you. If you need anything, just ask.

934089  No.3722886



You getting paid?

1c6248  No.3722887


even night shift had died

f43d77  No.3722888


To help target possibly juicy info, FOIA exemptions in the b7’s deal with law enforcement- the LEO’s info, methods, processes and info pertaining to a criminal case.

Shame the year was wrong on this one.

09d8f4  No.3722889


Only when the bullshit sliding stops do you get SAUCE

790edc  No.3722890

File: 24cc3b4f38c0630⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 351x307, 351:307, proxy.duckduckgo.com.gif)

5a16cb  No.3722891

File: 7cada15d6d6bfb9⋯.png (696.94 KB, 580x893, 580:893, nfngf-cutout-cutouthd.png)

934089  No.3722892

Buncha tight asses on night shift lately.

02d491  No.3722893

File: 78f96cb4e648f2d⋯.jpeg (13.37 KB, 292x173, 292:173, FBAB2BEA-4E9E-43C7-92D5-E….jpeg)

4f5d8f  No.3722894

File: f27d532885584bb⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 636x358, 318:179, DrHwzRUVYAAfc6I.jpg)

i saw this on twitter.

0aa839  No.3722895

File: f4af303605d7518⋯.png (564.91 KB, 607x1117, 607:1117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2849c8d9f0356bf⋯.png (495.73 KB, 440x421, 440:421, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3722622 (pb)

Since this is the Florida Rally, the Seminole are the most prominent…Not sure where the Plains typically are, but not Florida.

B&W Image: https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/82147

Florida Indian Tribes Listings


7ab169  No.3722896


Graveyard slowly works in

scary shit

7917b1  No.3722897


I know. I am just all asshurt we didnt get proofs for 11.3 .. Ill get over it.

trusting stuff and things

68cf71  No.3722898

File: bf787aa4aefe035⋯.png (16.08 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0F6EAB79-F48C-40FB-B85F-6E….png)

File: 6dc2addf8b6c356⋯.jpg (109.49 KB, 720x676, 180:169, IMG_5835.JPG)

File: 72ea5248c03b1c6⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 69B3341A-C445-40E1-B427-11….png)

File: f02962dd1285b39⋯.jpg (155.75 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_6166.JPG)

File: db2630468d65cc3⋯.jpeg (70.53 KB, 720x709, 720:709, 686C08DD-873D-4E86-BC94-6….jpeg)


It's here

67bbed  No.3722899


Think mirror.

We do not know the hour.


9748bf  No.3722900

File: e6421dd846c5ec8⋯.png (5.47 MB, 2000x6666, 1000:3333, Q The Red Wave Graphic.png)

cf4a44  No.3722901

File: af9345ccc5b4248⋯.mp4 (478.89 KB, 640x480, 4:3, nelsonseeth.mp4)

6f1519  No.3722902

File: 6c55a5a0787f949⋯.jpg (423.37 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, Fraudular Reserve Note.jpg)

66bf55  No.3722903


They backed off the TM

Agreed with the rest of the community

56c119  No.3722904


See if Khashoggi's name pops up anywhere…

be268b  No.3722905

File: 859c3e69f8c1b23⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, black pill 2.jpg)

File: 417438a9cbfbca1⋯.jpg (131.03 KB, 517x557, 517:557, blackpilldox.jpg)

File: 32de52f69652915⋯.jpg (50.03 KB, 951x281, 951:281, ye 1.JPG)

File: 401e0304233314d⋯.jpg (97.24 KB, 804x669, 268:223, ye 2.JPG)


what part of "dox sjw hijacked the movement for personal gain" do you not yet understand?

<did you buy a t-shirt, hat & swag? that [ ] designed?

2c8150  No.3722906


No you fucking faggot. Re read post and think critically.

744c44  No.3722907


No, theyre always here

02d491  No.3722908

File: 78ae952312062bd⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 500x347, 500:347, 006EC2AE-0011-4711-BC47-E6….gif)

09d8f4  No.3722909

Anons making a difference

Before the bodies of the dead had gone cold, let alone been buried and mourned, the Jewish left sacrificed an opportunity to cry in unity and chose instead to call for division.


The Jewish left botched its response to the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting


1add27  No.3722910


That secret knowledge was preserved by Moses. We have it today because of that.

And I can tell you it is when the collective consciousness of many

open to their seventh chakra that the meaning of life is manifest.

eaa93c  No.3722911

Sometime you have to spell it out for them

7ab169  No.3722912

File: 7821c1dd83e19c6⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 3down.jpg)

And on that note, I throw a hat

you are all awesome

8dee8a  No.3722913


Uh no. They stood in line for hours. Waited more hours in a hangar, but won't go to the polls. What a stupid question.

934089  No.3722914


Always the same shit too, everything Day Shift comes up with, plus taking anything someone says and demonizing it.

b1e6c3  No.3722915


If she weren't getting raped she would. Bad choice for a meme. We've been through this shit before.

Clesrly you do not have a daughter, wife, mother, sister, etc.

790edc  No.3722916

File: fee5f10ce888e2f⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 290x382, 145:191, hayden_panettiere_thrust3.gif)

572404  No.3722917

File: 09cbe5affe12d3e⋯.png (61.19 KB, 1878x551, 1878:551, Brave_2018-11-04_00-26-39.png)


Possible you pasted over the old one;

They should both work together;see image.

You might have to paste toastmaster afterwards.

128940  No.3722918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


56c119  No.3722919


documents about Saudi's leaving after 9/11…

DiFi might have been involved

a4b01c  No.3722920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Follow Q Now ,

and you will not regret,

Leaving the press you knew before we met,

You were the first ,

to have these crumbs of mine,

Forever Digging 'Till The End Of Time ,

e53c03  No.3722921

File: 08de594174437b5⋯.png (30.28 KB, 985x143, 985:143, Screenshot from 2018-11-04….png)

File: 3e387adb0cdd149⋯.png (12.52 KB, 424x159, 8:3, Screenshot from 2018-11-04….png)

Anons did POTUS tweet a [G] [O] code today? There's even a 5:5 in that Q post

c9d028  No.3722922

File: 33ef2005f73cc4a⋯.jpg (54 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 7.jpg)

85d42b  No.3722923


2/3 vote needed to constitutional amendments……Restoring the zRepublic !!

4e8be2  No.3722924

File: a598e2af69cbad3⋯.jpg (201.17 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Flynn.jpg)

I just cant get this [out of my head]…

…at his last speaking engagement WHY DID FLYNN SAY:

"…those that dont share our values can TAKE US OUT WITH THE SNAP OF A FINGER…"

Who was he referring too? What weapon? Was it literal or figurative reference? Was it a reference to Avengers Infinity War?

That is a bold bold statement for a General. Generals speak from a position of strength, "we can defeat any enemy" etc, not like this, WHY?

c9d028  No.3722925

File: 8d47460b38b5238⋯.jpg (57.15 KB, 526x440, 263:220, 12.jpg)

f25198  No.3722926

File: 739c8c813acde22⋯.webm (9.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Trump Babes.webm)

927357  No.3722927

File: 83ba83c14c8204e⋯.png (326.74 KB, 781x563, 781:563, hill3.png)

0292f2  No.3722929

File: e4385503a4ffed3⋯.png (83.92 KB, 800x555, 160:111, ClipboardImage.png)

Posting w/o comment.

4e8be2  No.3722930


A simple EMP? Or something more?

a71ce6  No.3722931

File: 640eed719efae20⋯.jpeg (93.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 2E953E60-44E7-49D5-8CCC-B….jpeg)

File: 991e6a07ad88291⋯.jpeg (469.56 KB, 750x737, 750:737, 7D56103E-2088-4B3A-82EF-A….jpeg)

File: aaa182ef353d184⋯.jpeg (74.91 KB, 1000x650, 20:13, 4AE8480F-CE36-4464-A693-B….jpeg)

File: 4746f33efd87b43⋯.jpeg (251.02 KB, 750x1053, 250:351, CD3C6D86-600B-456E-88B9-6….jpeg)

The Looking Glass

It’s safe to say the intelligence community doesn’t like surprises, which is why it invests so much into keeping a close watch on what’s going on in the world — politically, economically, environmentally and, of course, behind the curtains of other governments and insurgent organizations.


But the agencies of the IC don’t just want to know what has happened and what is happening. They also want to know, with as high a degree of accuracy as possible, what’s going to happen.

f41daf  No.3722932

File: 0dbd97428a135ac⋯.png (91.82 KB, 715x460, 143:92, picsrelated.png)

File: adb35a76fd5e5e1⋯.png (405.68 KB, 1115x502, 1115:502, notable4725.png)

File: 5d144c65cd34e96⋯.png (38.05 KB, 603x325, 603:325, t_wash.png)


Is Q referring to the term "tax washing" ? It's a part of the tax code. That term is a "slang term" or insider term for what's called in the textbook terms a wash sale. Pics related. This is a follow up to my post last bread with more info and connections. I believe all the Q drops capped and shown here are interrelated.

"A wash sale is a sale of a security (stocks, bonds, options) at a loss and repurchase of the same or substantially identical security shortly before or after.[1] Wash sale regulations protect against an investor who holds an unrealized loss and wishes to make it claimable as a tax deduction within the current tax year. The security is then repurchased in the hope that it will recover its previous value, which would only become taxable in some future tax year. A wash sale can take place at any time during the year."

In the USA wash sale laws are codified in "26 USC § 1091 - Loss from wash sales of stock or securities." The corresponding treasury regulations are given by CFR 1.1091-1 and 1.1091-2.

Under Section 1091, a wash sale occurs when a taxpayer sells or trades stock or securities at a loss, and within 30 days before or after the sale:

Buys substantially identical stock or securities,

Acquires substantially identical stock or securities in a fully taxable trade,

Acquires a contract or option to buy substantially identical stock or securities, or

Acquires substantially identical stock for an individual retirement account (IRA).

The "substantially identical stock" acquired in any of these ways is called the "replacement stock" for that original position.

In the UK, this is called bed-and-breakfasting, due to the way the transactions take place. One transaction at night, in the dark, and one in the morning.




In this graphic,


this anon ties Q's drop today to this past drop. I think this drop is definitely related and I think Q is specifically directing us to tax washing because Q capitalizes both DARK and SECURITY in the older drop. Q asks us what time of day the transaction occurs, which is important when you're trying to attempt a tax wash. A tax wash is used with securities.

Soros's Open Society tax forms from 2016:


Long but will try to go through them when I have time.

Q told us to look at Soros specifically, so it may be important or related to all of this.

Performing a tax wash would in some cases, prevent financial transaction logs (or T Logs) from existing or you could use a tax wash to hide or subvert certain transactions.

Additionally, NGOs are subject to audit per state rules. Soro's OSF is registered in NY, where audits are required but are only required to be done by private CPA hired by the company.

Who is Soros's CPA firm?




Interestingly on this dig, I found the following NGO:

International Center for Journalists


They developed the "IJNet"

The International Journalists' Network IJNet is an online service that provides information on a wide range of training opportunities to an unparalleled global network of journalists and media development organizations. The site offers the latest social networking tools, discussion spaces and forums. IJNet also sends weekly e-mail bulletins in Arabic, English, Persian, Portuguese, Russian Spanish and Chinese to more than 20,000 media professionals. Hand-in-hand with that mission, IJNet keeps track of media training and other assistance efforts in more than 150 countries, enabling donors and journalism training organizations to maximize resources and avoid duplication. Support for IJNet comes from the Eurasia Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Open Society Institute and friends of ICFJ. For more information, please visit www.ijnet.org.


cb8259  No.3722933






af5984  No.3722934



instead of bitching, you could be doing something productive

62669a  No.3722935

If you stop thinking as a human, this operation will begin to make much more senses.

c9d028  No.3722936

File: 32fee8236d2720f⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 569x499, 569:499, 3.jpg)

7917b1  No.3722937

File: 24d5209fe9a118e⋯.jpg (59.52 KB, 971x707, 971:707, 55.JPG)


DOD posted same on twitter

b45b73  No.3722938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dam lads, 2 more days

34ca0b  No.3722939


This was in Montana.

576c99  No.3722940


yes it says actionable 11.4 public will know so if not tom, next year

790edc  No.3722941

File: 742858938193380⋯.jpg (152.45 KB, 1602x1131, 534:377, NightWatch.jpg)

149058  No.3722942


move on flynn. i dont like it.

68cf71  No.3722943

File: de29bbe62ac42c2⋯.jpeg (27.95 KB, 250x235, 50:47, 391B8933-896B-4878-B63C-6….jpeg)

File: 0b43e208b681989⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_6211.JPG)

File: 4334a7007db8e63⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1936x2592, 121:162, 30F5D9C0-B9E6-4517-AC39-D….jpeg)

File: 39e865d8a6a9ffa⋯.jpeg (11.05 KB, 238x255, 14:15, BD489F25-FA10-4EB5-B488-2….jpeg)

File: b12d22bfb978fff⋯.jpg (165.68 KB, 745x960, 149:192, IMG_6238.JPG)



a41d94  No.3722944

File: 1703ecf29f432da⋯.png (470.07 KB, 663x516, 221:172, Reynolds re POTUS AF1 11-3….PNG)

File: d8883718256a179⋯.mp4 (897.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Making an entrance Trump.mp4)


Making an entrance #Trump


949cf0  No.3722945

File: 254b6fd1082b914⋯.gif (241.46 KB, 390x269, 390:269, cheers.gif)



well done anon

bb99cc  No.3722946

File: 1f75a47916f38d3⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1366x772, 683:386, Q sign Pensacola rally 11-….png)

anyone know what this might say or mean??

Tonight's Pensacola Rally

It's backward..

10 Q



fc78be  No.3722947


Agree anon. I also think that we need memes which tell the truth to the black pop, as (I believe), Q is trying to encourage us to do in his past post.

We have the facts, re Hilary's quote and her deep connection to Roberyt Byrd (KKK). If we did a campaign on that alone, and red pilled the world with it, it would be powerful.

Millions are ignorant of the facts we have. It's up to us to share them. It could make a huge difference to the election results also. I'm sure there are many hundreds of thousands of black people still on the Dem side, or on the fence.

5993ef  No.3722948


Where is Blackout coming from?

VQC used that, too.

b45b73  No.3722949

File: e1738fcbe927858⋯.png (48.22 KB, 758x387, 758:387, 2fs6d2f6.PNG)

c9d028  No.3722950

File: e708bb12d13df58⋯.jpg (272.07 KB, 1073x1200, 1073:1200, 9.jpg)

File: eb600fe3e51da77⋯.jpg (285.4 KB, 1200x1080, 10:9, 10.jpg)

5e2b71  No.3722951


Yeah, deleted it. That was the point of this journey as the old one with it's benefits did not allow me to open "create new thread' therefore couldn't bake.

149058  No.3722952

CIA. Those orders are orders. You are mine now. Check it and wreck it.

f20cf3  No.3722953

File: dfa9f180125ad5e⋯.jpg (750.99 KB, 1910x973, 1910:973, qwindtheclock.jpg)




is on the clock

coinciding with daylight savings time

934089  No.3722954


Clearly you don't know your wife, daughter or sister…the poor ladies you see in pics like this with cans of corn or f*cef*cking do it because they think it will get them peace. You spew victim speech, I doubt you really know.

c6d0ba  No.3722955

File: c337a20cd121bf3⋯.png (242.56 KB, 344x512, 43:64, 1.1024 human.png)

8339e5  No.3722956

70abdb  No.3722957



And this is a democrat that was simply caught lying about her past.

How many more of these are in the states overrun by democrat operators, that have not been outed as literal frauds?

Are "blue states", in fact, really just imprisoned by the old guard's comped voting machines?

We'll find out Tueday I guess :D

09d8f4  No.3722958


Anons should be PROUD of this

62669a  No.3722959

link? >>3722946

995f67  No.3722960

File: 7eaacb2abcba569⋯.png (2.06 KB, 194x81, 194:81, ClipboardImage.png)

34ca0b  No.3722961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Montana tribal support.

429322  No.3722962

File: e6241e608511725⋯.png (414.76 KB, 555x734, 555:734, FFLBN.png)

File: 75f3832a3390ad9⋯.png (236.23 KB, 555x516, 185:172, BLVVN.png)

File: 3870550275f10ac⋯.png (177.7 KB, 430x533, 430:533, SMIDEN.png)


149058  No.3722963


Why did you build MKU? project montauk. to help you in the future. HELLO. You are under my command now.

af5984  No.3722964


>10 Q

agreed, don't know the meaning


probably 4 10 20

1b0122  No.3722965


Let me guess….his grandparents survived the Holocaust

be243a  No.3722966


Another time. We are all going to have such great stories and experiences to share.

428133  No.3722967


They took him out 'with a snap of a finger'.

02d491  No.3722968

File: 7612d74875b1e19⋯.png (568.87 KB, 1334x629, 1334:629, 300D5D24-18AE-4EE7-BED4-72….png)

1c6248  No.3722969

when night shift becomes day shift the movement dies.

62669a  No.3722970


Idk who is VQC

I just made it up, its a common word tho.

c9d028  No.3722971

File: afe406950d58ca0⋯.png (14.44 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ac9ab4ecc22b793b8164c49942….png)

File: 48e574b9d6e06d8⋯.png (395.67 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 81014c1b51a552a458c8460059….png)

09d8f4  No.3722972

So the Night Shift is basically bots.

Clean it up BO

3a6f21  No.3722973

File: 9da0e6f57dd060a⋯.png (161.36 KB, 576x570, 96:95, ClipboardImage.png)

8dee8a  No.3722974


I'm betting there are a lot of Dems voting Republican this go around. The chart doesn't say how they voted, just who voted early.

b1e6c3  No.3722975


You are delusional. You have no fucking idea what I know about rape. You. Have. No. Idea.

85d42b  No.3722976


One way or another…the Town will be painted Red…

d4c9d4  No.3722977

File: c58979624bd155d⋯.png (65.48 KB, 578x923, 578:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96b6678e50e971a⋯.png (65.24 KB, 583x914, 583:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe08c6204836adb⋯.png (64.56 KB, 586x911, 586:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93e32797faaabe1⋯.png (65.87 KB, 576x923, 576:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: daa0653a3cffba5⋯.png (65.1 KB, 577x919, 577:919, ClipboardImage.png)

SLAVERY IN AMERICA: Who really owned and operated the slave trade?

Who Brought The Slaves To America?

By Walter White Jr., 1968

The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, but by Luis de Santangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds-today equal to 50,000 pounds) to finance the voyage, which began on August 3, 1492.

Columbus was accompanied by five ‘Maranos’ (Jews who had foresworn their religion and supposedly became Catholics), Luis de Torres, interpreter, Marco, the surgeon, Bemal, the physician, Alonzo de la Calle and Gabriel Sanchez (1).

Gabriel Sanchez, abetted by the other four Jews, sold Columbus on the idea of capturing 500 Indians and selling them as slaves in Seville, Spain, which was done. Columbus did not receive any of the money from the sale of the slaves, but he became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bemal, the ship’s doctor. He, Columbus, suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward. Betrayed by the five Maranos (Jews) whom he had trusted and helped. This, ironically, was the beginning of slavery in the Americas (2).

The Jews were expelled from Spain on August 2, 1492, and from Portugal in 1497. Many of these Jews emigrated to Holland, where they set up the Dutch West Indies Company to exploit the new world.

In 1654, the first Jew, Jacob Barsimson, emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam (New York) and in the next decade many more followed him, settling along the East Coast, principally in New Amsterdam and Newport, Rhode Island. They were prevented by ordinances issued by Governor Peter Stuyvesant from engaging in the domestic economy, so they quickly discovered that the territory inhabited by the Indians would be a fertile field. There were no laws preventing the Jews from trading with the Indians.

The first Jew to begin trading with the Indians was Hayman Levy, who imported cheap glass beads, textiles, earrings, armbands and other cheap adornments from Holland which were traded for valuable fur pelts. Hayman Levy was soon joined by Jews Nicholas Lowe and Joseph Simon. Lowe conceived the idea of trading rum and whiskey to the Indians and set up a distillery in Newport, where these two liquors were produced. Within a short time there were 22 distilleries in Newport, all of them owned by Jews, manufacturing and distributing ‘firewater.’ The story of the debauching of the Indians with its resultant massacres of the early settlers, is a dramatic story in itself.

It is essential to comprehend the seaport of Newport. It is important in order to recognize the Jewish share in the Slave commerce. There was a period when it was commonly referred to as ‘The Jewish Newport- World center of Slave Commerce.’ All together, at this time, there were in North America six Jewish communities: Newport, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Savanuah. There were also many other Jews, scattered over the entire East Coast. Although New York held first place in the settlers of Jews in North America, Newport held second place.

New York was also the main source of Kosher meat, supplying the North American settlements, then the West Indies and also South America. Now Newport took over! Newport also became the great trade harbour of the East Coast of North America. There, vessels from other ports met, to exchange commodities. Newport, as previously mentioned, represented the foremost place in the commerce of rum, whiskey, and liquor dealings. And to conclude, it finally became the Main Center of Slave dealings. It was from this port that the ships left on their way across the ocean, to gather their black human cargo and then derive great sums of money in exchange for them.

An authentic, contemporary report, based on authority, indicates that of 128 Slave ships, for instance, unloaded in Charleston, within one year, their “Cargo,” 120 of these were undersigned by Jews from Newport and Charleston by their own name. About the rest of them, one can surmise, although they were entered as Boston (1), Norfolk (2), and Baltimore (4), their real owners were similarly the Jewish slave dealers from Newport and Charleston.

One is able to assess the Jewish share in the entire dealings of the Newport, if one considers the undertaking of a lone Jew, the Portuguese, Aaron Lopez, who plays an important part in the over-all story of the Jews and Slavery.



b45b73  No.3722978

File: 994a0d85623765c⋯.png (18.58 KB, 84x122, 42:61, 156z1vd65csd.PNG)

790edc  No.3722979

File: f7abf8098a15eeb⋯.jpg (199.68 KB, 1359x1709, 1359:1709, baker_angie.jpg)

4f5d8f  No.3722980

On Friday, President Trump used his executive powers to designate the very first national monument of his presidency: a 380-acre site in Nicholasville, Ky. honoring black soldiers and refugees during the Civil War called Camp Nelson.



e53c03  No.3722981

File: 607444c41e13cd6⋯.png (569.83 KB, 1284x1190, 642:595, q55Treaty_DODtweet1.png)


Theres been a few 5:5s lately

09d8f4  No.3722982


Ha Ha good one Anon

4e8be2  No.3722983


Interesting perspective, I didnt think about the individual hit job.

I think the context was full scale military but I'll listen again….

bb99cc  No.3722984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


start video at this point:


shows up first in the bottom left corner of the screen and slowly moves to center screen as the video pans left..

af5984  No.3722985


>Should we be expecting the HRC video now.

you could've picked any other 5:5 crumb

that graphic is meaningless, so no

c9d028  No.3722986

File: ea4182d5ed8bcfb⋯.jpg (107.68 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, download.jpg)

File: 5a02f6b8a9be6f9⋯.jpg (126.3 KB, 953x500, 953:500, 2hkymn.jpg)

File: 0988966f55d72dd⋯.png (298.57 KB, 483x483, 1:1, Ready-for-Hillary-Claire-M….png)

be268b  No.3722987

File: b6272934100913b⋯.jpg (8.02 KB, 261x146, 261:146, 14956398_1108554349257821_….jpg)


so did hers, she really red-pilled blacks

429322  No.3722988


The absolute ghoulishness of these people really tells the story.

66bf55  No.3722989




995f67  No.3722990

File: 1e58cde68fc676d⋯.png (1.39 KB, 214x29, 214:29, ClipboardImage.png)

68cf71  No.3722991

File: 24da4b586733697⋯.jpg (164 KB, 1030x786, 515:393, IMG_2554.JPG)

File: 1736f51b6109f97⋯.jpg (104.92 KB, 540x960, 9:16, IMG_3435.JPG)

File: cf23a269a99ca83⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 339x149, 339:149, IMG_3443.JPG)

File: f5b29becefa699c⋯.jpg (258.06 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_3461.JPG)


02d491  No.3722992

File: c6e1fbecaacc489⋯.png (13.31 KB, 560x407, 560:407, 327A8EA3-8E0E-4FE6-8240-75….png)

File: 1e5b9690ea461e9⋯.png (488.68 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 35B078C3-A402-4204-B480-74….png)


I see nothing wrong with this.

93cef8  No.3722993


I have a tight ass

3a6f21  No.3722994

Noice! Didn't even think of cropping.

149058  No.3722995


Mom, checking in.

934089  No.3722996

File: 5b96013f9c59a30⋯.pdf (317.48 KB, 2015-12-15-Executive-Order….pdf)

fceb18  No.3722997

File: c77123a47ddf461⋯.png (125.21 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)

5ecf38  No.3722998


Was not the issue I was addressing. If blacks respond to the hashtag, use it, if not use something else.

22607e  No.3722999

The media is going to be totally hysterical on Tuesday. It will be a bloodbath, and they are going to have a collective nervous breakdown.

af5984  No.3723000




seriously, do you really think 5:50 am = 5:5?

ff4aad  No.3723001


Western Philosophy is a real minefield because it is complicated. People like Nietzsche who mostly criticised Nihilism and never suggested people should live that way, has become a hero of modern Nihilists. Probably best to just defer this discussion to a site that tries to explain the basics of different schools of philosophy. Here is their take on Nihilism.


Nihilism is the philosophical position which argues that Being, especially past and current human existence, is without objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. It asserts that there is no reasonable proof of the existence of a higher ruler or creator, that a "true morality" does not exist, and that objective secular ethics are impossible. Therefore life has, in a sense, no truth and no action is objectively preferable to any other.

Types of Nihilism

Metaphysical Nihilism (or Blob Theory):

This is the theory that there are no objects or that objects do not exist, and therefore empirical reality is an illusion, or, more commonly, the theory that there might have been no objects at all (i.e. that there is a possible world in which there are no objects at all). An object, here, is a thing, an entity or a being that can have properties and bear relations to other objects. This position has been variously attributed to philosophers such as Parmenides, Buddha, Hindu Advaita Vedantins and Immanuel Kant.

The page is not that long to read, 3 to 4 screens full on a laptop, so do check it out.

62669a  No.3723002


That wreaht is an upside down V

As in V for vendetta

As in 11/5, the fifth of november, remember remember

As in V for Vendetta

As in V:V

As in 5:5

4f5d8f  No.3723003


was last friday( i should have mentioned)

We should spread this( another proof of how Trump is not a racist, that he is really a good man)

569558  No.3723004


"The Threat"

a41d94  No.3723005



In addition to being the best President EVER, POTUS does know how to put on a good show / right down the the song that was playing as AF1 taxied to the hangar

be268b  No.3723006


the issue i am addressing is you are evidently white, the way you npc (verb) blacks

149058  No.3723007

5:5. Open the comms

02d491  No.3723008

File: eccf6e5474a1131⋯.jpeg (39.32 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, AAE69964-5E08-4901-8321-7….jpeg)



d4c9d4  No.3723009

File: 40ec35f9516a2ff⋯.png (68.26 KB, 579x920, 579:920, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a2bfb2d471c2e3⋯.png (60.28 KB, 581x900, 581:900, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f91d1a85ba6a81c⋯.png (58.39 KB, 572x915, 572:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 265811ab209ed7b⋯.png (50.96 KB, 589x927, 589:927, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3dbb41f2dffb76⋯.png (51.86 KB, 587x914, 587:914, ClipboardImage.png)


It occurred to these Jew traders that they could supply the plantations in the South with 'Black ivory', needed under swampy and malarial conditions which European labor could not tolerate without sickness, and which would not only fill the holds of their ships, but bring enormous profits. (This same group had earlier tried selling Indians as slaves but they found them completely unsatisfactory, as the Indians would not tolerate this type of work.) Thus, another segment of the slave trading had become active and profitable out of Charleston, South Carolina. Several shiploads of Black slaves were sent by the Dutch West Indies Company to Manhattan.

During this time there were a number of plantation owners established in the West Indies and two Jews, Eyrger and SayUer, with strong Rothschild connections in Spain, formed an agency called ASIENTO, which later operated in Holland and England. It was through these connections that Jews in Holland and England exerted influence and both of these connections cooperated in helping the Jews provide Black Slaves for the Colonists.

With the yearly capture and transport of one million Black slaves it is not difficult to figure that from 1661 to 1774 (one hundred thirteen years) approximately one hundred ten million slaves had been removed from their native land. About ten percent, or ELEVEN MILLION, Black slaves reached the Colonies alive.

We have talked about the small ship "Abigail" which could accommodate only 56 people and yet the profits per trip were enormous, with little or no investment. There were many other ships but we will concentrate here on only a few, such as the "La Fortuna," "Hannah," "Sally" or the "Venue" which made very great profits. The "La Fortuna," by the way, transported approximately 217 slaves on each trip. The owner cleared not less than $41,438.00 from such a trip. These were dollars which the slave dealers 'could keep'. And these were dollars of value which would buy a great deal in return.

When one considers that the Jews of Newport owned about 300 slave- transporting ships, active without interruption, docking at Newport- Africa, Charleston, (or Virginia), one can approximate the tremendous earnings which made their way to Jewish ship owners. Indeed, the Jews admit, that of the 600 ships, leaving Newport harbor into all the world, "at least half of them" went their way to Africa, and we know what these ships going to Africa "were seeking."

The fact that Aaron Lopez had control of over more than half of the combined deals in the Colonies of Rhode Island, with Newport, is well- known. The well-known Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein, in his book, The Story of the Jews in Newport, attempts to remove these facts, maintaining that there is not any evidence that the Jews were connected with the Slave Trade. It is therefore imperative to prove that the Jew was indeed connected with the slave trading. Especially so since this rabbi insists they had made great contributions, and how very "blessed" their residence became for the city of Newport. Surely Morris A. Gutstein will grant us permission to present the facts which he was unable to find.

Turning to one report of the Chamber of Commerce of the "Rhode Island Colony" in the year 1764, we find, for instance, that in the year 1723 "a few merchants in Newport" devised the idea to send their Newport rum to the coast of Africa. It developed into such a great export that in the matter of a few years "several thousand (hogsheads)" of rum went that way. To which purpose did this rum serve?


355161  No.3723010

File: c9470cdb1afddab⋯.png (29.72 KB, 401x338, 401:338, ClipboardImage.png)


>Why did Flynn take the bullet?

>Rubber bullet?

31671f  No.3723011

File: 4b335c8b1f44904⋯.png (689.99 KB, 1234x474, 617:237, screenshotAtUploadCC_15413….png)

Gen. Flynn changed his profile again

Red Wave

a71ce6  No.3723012

File: eb5d2eb213ca4c3⋯.jpeg (85.31 KB, 710x473, 710:473, F70AC06B-8CD3-458E-90C0-2….jpeg)

File: 1a221819646fa4d⋯.jpeg (43.1 KB, 740x494, 370:247, EDE81DDE-4D62-488C-A55D-A….jpeg)

4f5d8f  No.3723013

File: 6ae6057ec5967d2⋯.jpg (76.39 KB, 665x500, 133:100, 2jqpv7 (1).jpg)

9748bf  No.3723014


standard nuclear reference

a8516d  No.3723015


Would be a privilege to help you, anon.

Skill set: Metro Atl & north Ga roadways & backroads, comfy guest rooms, hospitality.

Knock on the door and say Q.

0472b6  No.3723016

File: 85ff0cb82d1f34b⋯.jpeg (64.58 KB, 500x594, 250:297, 4DC647BD-0134-4984-B85E-3….jpeg)

cb8259  No.3723017

File: f47148dde4d8d3a⋯.jpg (60.12 KB, 626x461, 626:461, 2lo631.jpg)

File: aa4ee95eaeea57c⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 702x459, 26:17, 2lo5i8.jpg)

68cf71  No.3723018

File: b20b1fe1ab30a46⋯.jpg (115.98 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_5160.JPG)

File: 9e45a116b17d6e0⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5162.PNG)

File: f6a4271810b3c8e⋯.jpeg (29.81 KB, 401x271, 401:271, 15C9DC59-BA13-4587-8021-F….jpeg)

File: 2def3eb1347487c⋯.jpeg (10.57 KB, 300x296, 75:74, 978222BB-F3BE-483A-81A7-1….jpeg)


c9d028  No.3723019

File: 27649fc667500d7⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 27649fc667500d7c8bdb93b1a0….png)

File: 7141658b2602366⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 7141658b2602366114a56c0856….png)

File: 72530de881f483a⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 72530de881f483a099e4c40247….png)

File: 1b14d0318f402f0⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1b14d0318f402f0a48e13f4775….png)

fceb18  No.3723020

File: 799f46ac9b9d3c6⋯.png (118.97 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3723013 Try this One!

149058  No.3723021


Just move the entire system. NOW.

a71ce6  No.3723022


Looks Familiar.

a780fc  No.3723023

File: 22b765f157d4a10⋯.jpg (98.54 KB, 801x633, 267:211, ABO Tw 10 4.JPG)

File: 126cb41e68d4b36⋯.jpg (212.02 KB, 1038x572, 519:286, DrIP-LfV4AEwo8D.jpg)





For a while, she (ABOwarrior) was the only one that "liked" this question tweet.

At least that's the way I read this.

7917b1  No.3723024


watch the video on the DOD twitter.

It flashes 5:5 a few times then an alarm goes off..

4f5d8f  No.3723025

File: 0ef329a96e89442⋯.png (142.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Popcorn enjoy the show tri….png)


It is going to be Glorious, kek


0e61d4  No.3723026

File: 5bcaf34be02cd62⋯.jpg (94.75 KB, 676x480, 169:120, timeind.jpg)

b331ef  No.3723027

File: a0b62333f53190f⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 630x630, 1:1, BFYTW.jpg)


I just filled out my ballot and put it in the envelope. It will go in the mail tomorrow.

Straight Republican ticket for the first time in forty years of voting and write ins for every unopposed position.

790edc  No.3723028

File: 80e91b172ed10f2⋯.png (188.39 KB, 377x290, 13:10, ClipboardImage.png)

429322  No.3723029


Do you reach a point when these memes start to discredit AI propaganda more than they discredit us? Try to think. What do you think anon? How many times does this fake, forced image have to get refuted by Q and POTUS before the machinery adjusts? Just wondering. Cheers!

3a6f21  No.3723030


It's just what i noticed. That's it

1b0122  No.3723031


SNL did a phony commercial for Dems. The joke was them saying they were going to win Tuesday

but were nervous as fuck.

Even SNL tards know this is gonna be a bloodbath

d4c9d4  No.3723032

File: 895aaaafd7807f1⋯.png (39.09 KB, 581x560, 83:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5fa1dba14a6c50⋯.png (121.45 KB, 292x455, 292:455, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6686c23bbe5706⋯.png (39.59 KB, 567x625, 567:625, ClipboardImage.png)


Behind Communism, by Frank L. Britton

We cannot undertake even this brief history of the modern Jew without taking note of a phenomenon which his confounded Gentile societies for twenty centuries. This is the ability of the Jewish people to collectively retain their identity despite centuries of exposure to Christian civilization. To any student of Judaism, or to the Jews themselves, this phenomenon is partly explained by the fact that Judaism is neither mainly a religion, nor mainly a raciai matter, nor yet is it simply a matter of nationality. Rather it is all three, it is a kind of trinity. Judaism is best described as a nationality built on the twin pillars of race and religion. All this is closely related to another aspect of Judaism, namely the persecution myth. Since first appearing in history, we find the Jews propagating the idea that they are an abused and persecuted people, and this idea is, and has always been, central in Jewish thinking. The myth of persecution is the adhesive and cement of Judaism: without it Jews would have long since ceased to exist, their racial-religious nationality notwithstanding.

It is a fact that the Jewish people have suffered numerous hardships in the course of their history, but this is true of other peoples too. The chief difference is that the Jews have kept score. We Must repeat-they have kept score-they have made a tradition of persecution.

A casual slaughter of thousands of Chriestians is remembered by no one in 50 years, but a disability visited upon a few Jews is preserved forever in Jewish histories. And they tell their woes not only to themselves, but to a sympathetic world as well.

End of original essay


149058  No.3723033

428133  No.3723034


Ignore the shill that is trying to piss someone off.

4c3260  No.3723035

File: 8e0838b9fa082de⋯.png (771.63 KB, 914x873, 914:873, fringefguyafds.png)

cf4a44  No.3723036

File: 3b8c3696d10f3f5⋯.jpg (124.85 KB, 1074x804, 179:134, itsoy.JPG)

1c6248  No.3723037


LFMAO Nihl is old physics shit - field - means nothing is real all is potential

String tried to make things real but got confused as thought all dimensions could be made physical.

934089  No.3723038

Nihilism is the philosophical position which argues that Being, especially past and current human existence, is without objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. It asserts that there is no reasonable proof of the existence of a higher ruler or creator, that a "true morality" does not exist, and that objective secular ethics are impossible. Therefore life has, in a sense, no truth and no action is objectively preferable to any other.

How does that ^ fit this:

Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become universal law.

149058  No.3723039

Is a puzzle like a movie?

cb8259  No.3723040

File: 882b9915fb84145⋯.png (1.45 MB, 878x1122, 439:561, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)



c9d028  No.3723041

File: bbb79623f3dce42⋯.png (201.34 KB, 500x756, 125:189, bbb79623f3dce426bbdc58e07f….png)

b1e6c3  No.3723042


Just the kind of response I would expect from someone who has his head up his ass.

I can see that empathy is not one of your positive attributes. I'm being kind in assuming you have any positive attributes.

c9d028  No.3723043

File: 0b5d2a4223d43c5⋯.png (605.65 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, cft-trump-pledge.png)

68cf71  No.3723044

File: 6593f7eb947a3da⋯.png (9.19 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 62BAD19C-7F7C-4589-A91A-61….png)

File: b44337b2e4d24cc⋯.jpg (82.03 KB, 575x747, 575:747, IMG_3350.JPG)

File: 3183b23212d204b⋯.jpeg (75.63 KB, 660x371, 660:371, 04C97FB8-95EF-4269-936B-C….jpeg)

File: bf787aa4aefe035⋯.png (16.08 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0F6EAB79-F48C-40FB-B85F-6E….png)

62669a  No.3723045

38040d  No.3723046

0e3e19  No.3723047

File: 9dd6a47a8fb884d⋯.png (220.92 KB, 474x375, 158:125, tits-gtfo-pepe.png)

c9d028  No.3723048

File: 13cbfef00b9ec7d⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 960x540, 16:9, we-stand-with-trump.jpg)

File: f2bb52620838f38⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Trump.jpg)

f46812  No.3723049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a41d94  No.3723050

File: ad2d87c8f6040ab⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dod It’s that time of year….mp4)

5993ef  No.3723051


You ever find Tops?

934089  No.3723052


Sounds an awful lot like one of the Ten Commandments…maybe even MOST of them.

428133  No.3723053


I think we should start making pacifier and blankie memes to calm them.

1d292d  No.3723054


My favorite pic of our POTUS. Brings a tear to my eye every time I see it.

92e8ab  No.3723055


Enemies with powerful enough weapons can always take out the other side. But often, they take themselves out, as well.

Maybe the best course is to leave them some hope–so they have skin in the game–but to outwait them, as they get more wigged out and start making major league mistakes.

Is that what is going on now? Seems so.

149058  No.3723056


you wanna talk about my pronoun right now?

c9d028  No.3723057

File: ae81a71a4c5facd⋯.jpg (90.02 KB, 500x389, 500:389, download (2).jpg)

62669a  No.3723058

0aa839  No.3723059


Oh..sorry I had thought since the focus was on Pensacola,, ((sinking in to the chair now…))

b1e6c3  No.3723060


You're right.

68cf71  No.3723061


Grinning Parasite and the host,

clasp the Glass, command a toast.

While the multiverse dangles Our string…

joyous mutilations continue the Spring.

Bounded; so we head for the Coast,

In full pursuit of John Titor's ghost.

Mere fiber-optic ruminations and worse,

Salient failures, but still hunters for the Source.

And so the Fighting endures for the crumbs,

Ballparks, oligarchs, brownstones and slums.

Open spaces blanketed by spectacle & infanticide -

crafted by the Hand, quantitated & calcified.

When the time is nigh to ride & cannot wait,

And barbarians are lining up at the gate.

Just remember we're going full throttle,

on the Everett-Wheeler Model.

569558  No.3723062


God bless you Anon.

a8516d  No.3723063

File: d6f896c7df224dd⋯.jpg (56.42 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Puppy.jpg)


Mmm, a project like that sounds like it might be above my pay grade, and below my age range.

c9d028  No.3723064

File: e4eb4a47663f157⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1600x1107, 1600:1107, scyjksqlkq0z.png)

fceb18  No.3723065

File: b206d956905be12⋯.png (1.3 MB, 900x596, 225:149, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3723040 Use these Pillows!

0cb7d6  No.3723066

File: fe0f21a1572b764⋯.jpg (66.2 KB, 537x843, 179:281, 1.JPG)

Former EMSA CEO has died


6ebc42  No.3723067


This is why all the cryptic stuff on the Jews on Q. They have to take things in logical order. When 9/11 is finally revealed as a Jew plan you will see support for Jews and Israel crash over night. Everyone knows this. They just dont need to go up against the number one Jew propaganda issues until we get them right where we want them. And then the trap will be sprung.

cb8259  No.3723068

62669a  No.3723069


Based and pilpulled.


Nothing will occur.

c9d028  No.3723070

File: 8616c71db2fbc77⋯.jpg (175.1 KB, 1200x455, 240:91, trump-melbourne-rally.jpg)

68cf71  No.3723071

File: 636fff6d75a2731⋯.jpeg (5.1 KB, 255x201, 85:67, FC3244D4-D7A1-4145-B8CB-5….jpeg)

927357  No.3723072

File: b021c1b4d6b1824⋯.png (135.91 KB, 554x562, 277:281, orngeman.png)

0442d3  No.3723073

File: 288ace8161ac143⋯.png (234.72 KB, 495x534, 165:178, 2018-11-04_00-02-03 copy.png)

0e3e19  No.3723074

File: 62814c352242534⋯.jpg (133.23 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 62814c352242534a8c9281f9ab….jpg)

790edc  No.3723075

File: 714e968792164d8⋯.jpg (936.65 KB, 1185x1333, 1185:1333, Q Proofs.jpg)

02d491  No.3723076

File: 191db22395342e5⋯.jpeg (19.73 KB, 247x204, 247:204, 01FB764E-847E-4C73-94C2-4….jpeg)

File: b356651f5493f89⋯.jpeg (202.19 KB, 1206x1460, 603:730, CBC13A12-00E3-40DF-9D90-0….jpeg)

File: 458fa82e4d14397⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1215x1460, 243:292, 51E2F63C-58C1-44D2-ABA8-7….jpeg)

File: 5411e1df6f2bded⋯.jpeg (239.97 KB, 1208x1437, 1208:1437, DF9DE3DA-D0B1-4BF5-8FB0-F….jpeg)



db926f  No.3723077

File: 120b47f2deb91da⋯.jpeg (288.57 KB, 1242x642, 207:107, 33B854E7-AB01-421B-BCA2-3….jpeg)

File: 495e3362b74aa83⋯.jpeg (196.66 KB, 1000x849, 1000:849, 1BD5C2E7-59C9-4D3C-A019-C….jpeg)

File: f458ad8651b943a⋯.jpeg (147.52 KB, 831x1000, 831:1000, 5E343D08-2F59-453B-8BCA-9….jpeg)


This is what the day crew came up with.

c9d028  No.3723078

File: 132bc5d77f96e2e⋯.png (619.71 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, results-resistance.png)

File: d1d104bb53d45e8⋯.png (685.07 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, fixedditched.png)

File: c84362e073b1071⋯.png (460.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, q-coup.png)

fc78be  No.3723079


>>3720484 Q sign spotted at the Pensacola rally: '4 10 20'

790edc  No.3723080

File: 6a1469f9c3fdc1a⋯.jpg (76.44 KB, 729x752, 729:752, npc_hogg.jpg)

934089  No.3723081


Why? Why do they have to be balloons?

0472b6  No.3723082

File: cf7b6ada8e8e49b⋯.jpeg (103.31 KB, 736x1000, 92:125, 16142A54-3165-4A66-A204-0….jpeg)

3850c9  No.3723083


Right on!

92be97  No.3723084


>Don't throw away YOUR shot!

What the heck is DOD trying to say here?!

Looks like the infantryman is just practicing here, without a mag.

a71ce6  No.3723085


Charge your phone Anon.


The implications of cerns similiarity to crumb the Mayans left behind is profound.

I will archive this post.

af5984  No.3723086



so I assume 5:5X am/pm (where X is 0-9) = 5:5 too?

fceb18  No.3723087

File: f16ebda48075895⋯.png (110.16 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)

a4b01c  No.3723088

Hello , my name is Anon , and I have - a THINKING problem.

It started small i thought i could control it, a little THINK here and there , i used to only THINK on weekends of at party, soon though , i was sneaking away to have a THINK by myself , i told myself i could stop THINKING at any time , but it wasnt true, i found myself THINKING all the the time !

i would THINK at work, at home , even on vacation…… and so , i wound up here , at Q labs.

be243a  No.3723089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I'll give you one funny thing. The final midterm rally is on the 5th November at the 'Show Me Center' at Cape Girardeau, Missouri



Listen to the lyrics anons. Some serious meme magic there Q team.

3c70eb  No.3723090

File: 792f6850e11211c⋯.png (1.44 MB, 969x538, 969:538, border.PNG)



Sharp barbed wire fences are being erected along the US-Mexico border as thousands of US troops, supported by drones and choppers, prepare to repel what the country’s commander-in-chief called a looming migrant “invasion.”

The first coils of the razor-sharp fence were unwound in the vicinity of McAllen–Hidalgo–Reynosa International Bridge crossing in Texas on Friday, after the first units of American soldiers deployed at the border started reinforcing the frontier against any potential breaches.

The same fortification effort will soon start across other parts of the state as well as in Arizona, and California. “We have enough concertina wire to cover up to 22 miles already deployed, already to the border. We have additional concertina wire that we can string with over 150 miles available,” the head of the Northern Command, Terrence O'Shaughnessy told reporters earlier this week.

c9d028  No.3723091

File: bfeb0711cfd4654⋯.jpg (95.43 KB, 889x499, 889:499, download (2).jpg)

File: 611b26e2aaa90ba⋯.jpg (82.32 KB, 889x499, 889:499, download.jpg)

File: 14965381ad30512⋯.jpg (100.04 KB, 943x499, 943:499, download (1).jpg)

5792d0  No.3723092

File: 07484e26ffca180⋯.jpg (154.33 KB, 963x509, 963:509, They_All_Look_Alike___Deli….jpg)

fceb18  No.3723093

File: fffaa93b5f7b001⋯.png (102.81 KB, 255x226, 255:226, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3723081 Why, Why NOT??

66bf55  No.3723094



Dark Journalist

4f5d8f  No.3723095

File: fb35e85f7724f0d⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 706x499, 706:499, Q Research Gold Star Autis….jpg)

File: 3e1402e626e9dfe⋯.jpg (145.69 KB, 869x500, 869:500, Q research WorkFags Badge ….jpg)

File: 226b1dd807101db⋯.jpg (128.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Q research veterans badge.jpg)

File: 548b4f41a9ff870⋯.jpg (156.11 KB, 802x499, 802:499, SpiritualFag night owls ba….jpg)

93bfa3  No.3723096

c9d028  No.3723097

File: e8fa3d724643e97⋯.jpg (90.28 KB, 500x636, 125:159, download (4).jpg)

d4c9d4  No.3723098

File: b4ccc8c81e6f62e⋯.png (202.87 KB, 847x822, 847:822, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51dfdb5bda52c61⋯.png (159.62 KB, 860x723, 860:723, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ca97e998e0fa4c⋯.png (246.45 KB, 852x889, 852:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88deab37ec396b6⋯.png (9.56 KB, 773x108, 773:108, ClipboardImage.png)

Andrew Gillum and the Mystery of 311 East Jennings Street

Among the many questions about an FBI corruption probe nagging Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum – one that could follow the Democrat uptown to the governor's mansion if he wins election next week – is something few people outside Florida are asking: What does his political rise have to do with 311 E. Jennings St.?

An arcane question, perhaps. Yet the Tallahassee address offers a window into how politics is done in Florida's capital, and may say a lot about how the Bernie Sanders-endorsed leftist has mastered the game.

It starts with money. In the first three months after Gillum announced his bid for mayor in April 2013, the decade-serving city commissioner received $8,000 from a host of companies using that address. And businesses there have received a number of financial favors from the city and the mayor, who, as a member of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, voted for the subsidies.

Those dealings are receiving heightened scrutiny since the FBI last year issued subpoenas to 38 individuals and companies, more than a dozen of which are connected to the Jennings Street address. Among the names on the subpoenas is Adam Corey, Gillum’s former campaign treasurer. Corey is a local lobbyist, developer and Gillum’s friend since college. Gillum, as part of the redevelopment agency, voted in 2013 to give a Corey-affiliated group $1.3 million in taxpayer money to develop a restaurant.


4c3260  No.3723099

File: 7cc2753ac503c29⋯.png (908.64 KB, 800x1237, 800:1237, ClipboardImage.png)

6ebc42  No.3723100

Would Americans ever be ready to understand the evil of World Wide Jewry without the horror of 9/11? Probably not. When it is common knowledge that Mossad did it for the Bankers. It will move the Overton Window so far on Israel and Jews that we will be living in a different world.

09d8f4  No.3723101

VOX attacking free speech

Fighting hate crimes means understanding the communities that support them

Each of these men may have seemed like a loner — but in fact, each was part of a group of people with similarly toxic views directed at Jewish people, women, or people of color. And we need to understand crimes like the Tallahassee and Pittsburgh shootings and the mailing of pipe bombs to Democrats within their larger context of on- and offline hate.

That means holding platforms accountable for the behavior they allow. In the wake of the pipe bombings, Twitter has apologized for not taking Ritchie’s report more seriously. “We are investigating what happened and will continue to work to improve how we handle concerns raised by anyone on Twitter,” the account @TwitterSafety tweeted last week.

But in response to a request for specifics from The Verge, the company merely pointed to blog posts from earlier in the year. “This is a familiar story from Twitter,” the Verge’s Andrew Liptak writes: “apologizing for reacting after the fact after it becomes clear that someone violated the site’s terms.”

Gab, meanwhile, is being more defiant. “Gab.com is under attack,” read a message posted by the company on Monday. “We have been smeared by the mainstream media for defending free expression and individual liberty for all people and for working with law enforcement to ensure that justice is served for the horrible atrocity committed in Pittsburgh.”

Investigating and prosecuting online threats can be tricky because perpetrators can conceal their identities and locations, and because when someone in one part of the country threatens someone in another, it’s not always clear which law enforcement agency should take the case.

But there’s evidence that law enforcement, even at the federal level, isn’t doing all it can: The Department of Justice prosecutes only a small minority of cases of online threats and stalking, Joshua Eaton reported at ThinkProgress last year. A bill that would provide resources to help the FBI, DOJ, and local authorities fight such crimes, introduced by Rep. Katherine Clark (D-MA), has been stuck in committee since last July.

While law enforcement can prosecute threats and stalking, other hate speech isn’t illegal. But that doesn’t mean companies like Twitter have to allow it on their platforms. As journalist Stacy-Marie Ishmael pointed out on Twitter, women, and especially black women, who experience disproportionate harassment online, have been warning of the seriousness of this harassment for years. Their warnings have mostly fallen on deaf ears.

Taking online hate seriously would require platforms like Twitter to make fighting threats and bigotry a core part of their mission, not an afterthought. As Kate Klonick wrote at Vox in 2016, “Twitter needs to view fighting abuse as an essential feature.”

It also means law enforcement, government, and ordinary users need to be aware of the ways in which online communities can fuel offline hate. Men like Beierle, Bowers, and Sayoc have been posting about their violent intentions for years now, and getting support and affirmation for doing so. It’s long past time to start paying attention.


e49c4b  No.3723102


How does she wipe her ass with those?

cb8259  No.3723103

File: 5cba4304db317dc⋯.jpg (16.97 KB, 300x225, 4:3, s-l300.jpg)

File: 2af9873ee801410⋯.jpg (30.9 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Adriana-Lima-Sexy-Boobs-Ho….jpg)

File: 5a545d930b98892⋯.jpg (133.3 KB, 1024x1380, 256:345, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 43c90b8178d70cc⋯.jpg (105.85 KB, 371x500, 371:500, 5387445847_1855441865.jpg)

e53c03  No.3723104

File: 823eb572545e615⋯.png (566.54 KB, 576x1212, 48:101, vv.png)

92e8ab  No.3723105


It's clearly 4 10 20


>>3720484 (pb)

0e3e19  No.3723106

File: 52471edd5e923d3⋯.jpg (7.58 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 4f3c0a7c5800cc27ad9d6e6b76….jpg)

a41d94  No.3723107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump Arriving Pensacola Rally November 3, 2018


934089  No.3723108


Missouri is and always has been a predictor of election outcomes.

c9d028  No.3723109

File: fa318f65547c059⋯.png (369.78 KB, 527x500, 527:500, fa318f65547c059a0e0534e815….png)

File: 661c065e6047cec⋯.jpg (52.59 KB, 527x500, 527:500, download (2).jpg)

7abd8e  No.3723110


…but when I do, it's with a cloth!

5993ef  No.3723111


I know he was looking for Chris.

Chris said something about T-24hr. and then sperged off again.

569558  No.3723112

File: 4c1cccd93f2e60d⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 3113x2225, 3113:2225, aabd61157845b0c909f719817d….jpg)

70abdb  No.3723113


This is why nihilism is so transactional, and why [they] consistently fuck [themselves] up, and are so flamboyant about bad actions in general. They literally lack the circuitry to account for it.

Nihilists do not see consequences to actions as such, because they do not value the past to begin with.

0cb7d6  No.3723114

File: 367a3fa9ac974a5⋯.jpg (123.11 KB, 827x800, 827:800, 1.JPG)

Woman pleads guilty to attempted fraud in water tests case


6d4f5c  No.3723115


what part of "unnatural" is a turn on? that looks disgusting

c9d028  No.3723116

File: 6fe9871aa6a15ad⋯.jpg (86.94 KB, 500x750, 2:3, download.jpg)

ad6e1c  No.3723117


I'd love to go

But I know the 12 hour line to get in is going to be much too much to deal with.

i only live an hour from there.

934089  No.3723118


Imagine: her back pain.

c9d028  No.3723119

File: 3629b1e8675cb3f⋯.jpg (60.62 KB, 750x718, 375:359, 3629b1e8675cb3ff8543ad41a5….jpg)

fceb18  No.3723120

File: f1d77a2b178d28b⋯.png (116.14 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3723102 They are BIG! But I don't think they reach that Far!

e68d41  No.3723121

File: 76ed66bca9e2f7d⋯.png (93.77 KB, 865x619, 865:619, Chesterfield.png)

Former Government House Security Officer Neal Chesterfield Sentenced to 70 Months Incarceration for His Involvement in a Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine


0d79a8  No.3723122


Kant is almost the exact opposite of nihilistic retard. GTFO

149058  No.3723123


Age is just a number.

fc78be  No.3723124


I see what you mean. I've added it like this then. Let me know if you (or anyone else) thinks differently.

>>3723023 Did VIP Anon CONF themselves by liking this tweet?

b358e5  No.3723125


5G is rolling out in to our schools.

Cooking your kids brains 8+ hours a day.

What is the necessity to have 5 G in schools?

Why does POTUS allow this?

cffabb  No.3723126

File: 8cb1ab34bd0132c⋯.png (670.48 KB, 950x608, 25:16, 4rSCDc_small.png)

File: 5fd6260ef3adacb⋯.png (47.29 KB, 921x433, 921:433, Screenshot_2018-11-04 Twit….png)

File: 953eb1ec0d209c6⋯.png (389.92 KB, 1206x633, 402:211, Screenshot_2018-11-04 Nevi….png)

6d4f5c  No.3723127


he is ending in the "heart" of the country.

a41d94  No.3723128


>What the heck is DOD trying to say here?!




I agree / vote

93bfa3  No.3723129


The Jews didn't do it stupid.

c9d028  No.3723130

File: 553855e429ee625⋯.jpg (196.16 KB, 792x1248, 33:52, c84bbbaa942fe5f48129a33798….jpg)

File: 5a9865ca3ec09a7⋯.png (121.67 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Meme War.png)

File: 59ee63da4557bbb⋯.jpg (20.42 KB, 255x177, 85:59, 200abb0eec81adc61e1f575e89….jpg)

be268b  No.3723131


i am so old that i can remember:

- MTV Music Television played music

- The Weather Channel forecast weather

- SNL was not a subsidiary of Maddow

- journalism

- comedy

790edc  No.3723132

File: 1df913bdfd06541⋯.jpg (838.57 KB, 1067x800, 1067:800, sunshinelolipops.jpg)



1b0122  No.3723133


I dream of a day when I go from that ant-semitic

racist white supremacist guy to that, " he knew what was up guy"

2c516b  No.3723134

File: 2bbb2e64a91bf80⋯.png (969.6 KB, 4505x5967, 265:351, J. Cromwell.png)

b10b2a  No.3723135

File: e34d10cd013d16c⋯.png (309.17 KB, 465x374, 465:374, 793.png)

be243a  No.3723136


Snap out of NPC. Re-read the post and listen to the lyrics in the music video.

af5984  No.3723137

File: 934acfc25441a5f⋯.png (895.17 KB, 910x545, 182:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c943f261ef89229⋯.png (848.41 KB, 874x523, 874:523, ClipboardImage.png)

6d4f5c  No.3723138


#metoo. good ol days

30cf71  No.3723139


Looks like a Kennedy

5993ef  No.3723140


But why hasn't Q said Trust Trump?

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuun….

149058  No.3723141

CIA bring it. Show these chan faggots who you really are. Show they you are capable and wise.

934089  No.3723142


Name someone in current politics, USA only, that ascribes to nihilism or any other ism that isn't social or republic.

a780fc  No.3723143

File: 6cf5ae59a708c65⋯.jpg (92.21 KB, 960x467, 960:467, ABO repliies Yes.jpg)

fceb18  No.3723144

File: 3c6e470c45cf22f⋯.png (93.48 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)

4a2327  No.3723145

File: f59e928122a142c⋯.jpeg (258.06 KB, 750x1235, 150:247, F701B7BC-59E2-4797-B386-3….jpeg)

Posted 4hrs ago -Get paid $17 hr to campaign for democrats.

(These people are desperate and losing Bigly!)


1c6248  No.3723146


no one gets real drops

cffabb  No.3723147


who did?

0e3e19  No.3723148

File: 7f001b60e6126b1⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 570x487, 570:487, 7f001b60e6126b194f1cca3dbd….jpg)

e53c03  No.3723149

Linked wrong post


Meant for >>3723002

0472b6  No.3723150

File: 4b27ef939e74320⋯.jpeg (82.54 KB, 800x795, 160:159, A2311764-1C9A-41F2-B59F-B….jpeg)

68cf71  No.3723151

File: ba55b2185ef8b70⋯.png (299.49 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_1959.PNG)

File: 23c797ed574e5ce⋯.png (178.79 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_1968.PNG)

File: fb2cf39e31090c4⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2380.PNG)

File: 328bb77e95529a1⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_5636.PNG)

File: 0ec4a3dc6dbac45⋯.jpg (155.74 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_5660.JPG)


Project Tyler dec 21 2012

Cern schedule same day?

Time keeps on slippin slippin

5D chess?

934089  No.3723152


That's right, anon. Heart of the country. Maybe that is why he's been to Missouri the most times. It's a big mid-term, yuge.

087007  No.3723153


== M == shine1

5ecf38  No.3723154


fuck off with your pc bullshit, no one here cares about the perpetual offense culture; either help out or fuck off and go cry somewhere else




History of Jews in the New World is a good book that while, dry and academic, lays all the evidence there wrt slave trade

23c937  No.3723155


arabs with boxcutters, of course


cffabb  No.3723156


subscribes, not ascribes.

70abdb  No.3723157


KEK… Like any of them would admit to that.. FFS anon..

149058  No.3723158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cb8259  No.3723159

do you guys sleep with your watch on?

934089  No.3723160


At least you are paying attention.

927357  No.3723161

File: 107419170160d5e⋯.png (310.53 KB, 781x563, 781:563, hill4.png)

949cf0  No.3723162

File: 29be5a07796e058⋯.jpg (981.66 KB, 1128x1536, 47:64, PAIN.jpg)


fc78be  No.3723163

fceb18  No.3723164

File: 076aa2a5d2d54ce⋯.png (104.66 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)

790edc  No.3723165

File: e8d551230f79442⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2485x2862, 2485:2862, SummerTerminator1.jpg)

File: 88f258200517812⋯.jpg (714.36 KB, 1658x1111, 1658:1111, trusttrump.jpg)


Good Question

7abc84  No.3723166


>Why does POTUS allow this?

Because radio waves are not harmful.

The high-level of interconnectedness from 3G/4G/5G was originally designed for monitoring and control. But everything that was meant for evil will instead now be used for good.

38040d  No.3723167


Yikes! The thinkers are in the house tonight!

be243a  No.3723168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



0e3e19  No.3723169

File: 0024501ba2efe29⋯.jpeg (16.79 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 64F65D59-ACD4-470A-8C61-1….jpeg)

65dfa0  No.3723170

File: 5368a66bca7419a⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 278x300, 139:150, george_soros1.jpg)

934089  No.3723171


Oh, shaved…where's that baldy hater at?

fc78be  No.3723172

Notes so far

>>3723098 Andrew Gillum and the Mystery of 311 East Jennings Street

>>3723023 , >>3723143 Did VIP Anon CONF themselves by liking this tweet?

>>3722932 More on Tax Washing (T_WASH?), tying in Soros and NGO accounting

>>3722883 ‘Nurse’ Democrat Lauren Underwood Never Worked as a Nurse

>>3722871 Voting methods & equipment by state, ref >>3722163, >>3722361 (pb)

>>3722864 Trump Slams Dem Senator: 'Trying to Steal the Election' with Paid Ads

>>3722745 Moar on IOM Int: Connected to Soros and assisting caravan

>>3722714 New PapaD tweet

>>3722694 EU calls for total ban on ‘xenophopic’ organisations

>>3722667 Senior Google Lobbyist Is Stepping Down From Her Role

>>3722664 The Best Way to Manage Slaves (And How to Avoid Becoming One)

>>3722640 $145M Texas border wall project awarded

5993ef  No.3723173


Weren't you chewed out yesterday for the Quinn Michaels bullshit?

Sure, you were flowing through multiple ARGs, but his is one of the most disappointing.

f28ea0  No.3723174


I belive the video you posted last bread has:

- A subscription based premium

- A patreon

- Sells supplements and advertises it in the description of each of their videos

- Has both a bitcoin and litecoin addresses

Again, who is the paytriot here?

ad9d33  No.3723175

The marching orders from POTUS and Q are clear. Vote R and our vote is safe. We must do this now that elections are unrigged. Our vote matters, please cast it.

e53c03  No.3723176


Thats interdasting. I can see that

1c6248  No.3723177

then the YFW you get I IDGAF M

149058  No.3723178

Holy fuck. Smash It. I have never seen anything like it. Leaving this for the record. Love you all. MOVE MOVE MOVE (like you never moved before) Activate ProjeZt.

d5eb59  No.3723179

File: 8645783b3acdb67⋯.jpg (12.56 KB, 509x500, 509:500, nn.jpg)

File: e70fd577aeed3e4⋯.jpeg (152.77 KB, 1242x826, 621:413, 17.jpeg)

File: 7a03ba541d39c39⋯.jpg (97.28 KB, 568x319, 568:319, 1755.jpg)



also the Mattis post of 5:5 and 17 last week

5993ef  No.3723180


I mean, he's lookin for Chris in a certain representation.

there's nerd shit to do.

cb8259  No.3723181

3a6f21  No.3723182

File: 65e368a29a42db9⋯.png (17.35 KB, 345x212, 345:212, ClipboardImage.png)


Not necessarily but it beats the hell out of it meaning 5:25 when speaking in terms of time. And this is not from Q. I take the way one would a wink of being in on a joke. It's as close as they could do you give that wink to Q. It's not like they haven't done that before. Are you ok, do you need a xanax or something?

0472b6  No.3723183


I would need to inspect them personally to validate, but they appear within spec.

be268b  No.3723184

File: 7fdc45a52127f18⋯.jpg (66.08 KB, 500x378, 250:189, happenings.jpg)


needs a red hat

db926f  No.3723185

File: 9d0e27b99cd8295⋯.jpeg (227.18 KB, 685x660, 137:132, 0BC412D1-5D65-490E-9D26-A….jpeg)

fceb18  No.3723186

File: 87bd04bc3a2211e⋯.png (93.96 KB, 255x166, 255:166, ClipboardImage.png)

92e8ab  No.3723187


Good stuff!

More sauce:


5138d7  No.3723188

File: a6f32378323e139⋯.png (226.85 KB, 384x511, 384:511, i_voted2.png)

Please Vote!

92be97  No.3723189

What the heck was in those CBTS halfchan threads that "activated' so many of us such that we willingly followed Q of halfchan to USMIL secured 8ch?

Must have been something in some of the images or infographics.

Hmmmm….only raises more questions.

5c54b5  No.3723190

File: 66350c854e3741f⋯.png (399.46 KB, 930x619, 930:619, ClipboardImage.png)

149058  No.3723191

CIA., Call every number you can find.

0e3e19  No.3723192


nope full length and free

3c70eb  No.3723193


Ibis Villanueva, 32, said he decided to strike out on his own for Puebla because he felt frustrated by the lack of organization in the caravan.

"We don't believe the coordinators anymore. Yesterday they said we were going on bus, today no," said the sunburned welder from Honduras.

Gerardo Perez, a 20-year-old migrant, said he was tired. "They're playing with our dignity. If you could have only seen the people's happiness last night when they told us that we were going by bus and today we're not," he said.

The caravan's 'strength in numbers' strategy has enabled them to mobilize support as they move through Mexico and has inspired subsequent migrants to try their luck via caravan.

Mexico now faces the unprecedented situation of having three caravans stretched over 300 miles (500 kilometers) of highway

934089  No.3723194


Those Q's are a dime a dozen on capcha…I hit Q 7 times out of 12 one night when it was laggy as fook.

62669a  No.3723195


<3 thk u anon nice find

355161  No.3723196

File: e842dc540d6b770⋯.png (23.11 KB, 551x254, 551:254, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e3f85c679380b8⋯.png (14.14 KB, 558x174, 93:29, ClipboardImage.png)


<But why hasn't Q said Trust Trump?

c9d028  No.3723197

File: 93c69dba996481a⋯.jpeg (115.91 KB, 806x786, 403:393, 93c69dba996481afa677b5c5f….jpeg)

576c99  No.3723198

File: 267afa25986feb3⋯.png (38.86 KB, 470x244, 235:122, Screen Shot 2018-10-26 at ….png)


5 min delay, wind it back 1 hour [or 5 min] that sets you on todays date on the orig drops

149058  No.3723199

We can shift the vote.

790edc  No.3723200

File: 0cba7a2ee9c7407⋯.jpg (171.41 KB, 1511x547, 1511:547, invadabomb.jpg)

File: 875d555bb7778c3⋯.jpg (235.45 KB, 942x1318, 471:659, comein.jpg)

93cef8  No.3723201


I think it's just called hope

c9d028  No.3723202

File: 901ac4c426a3828⋯.jpg (241.21 KB, 1101x1075, 1101:1075, 1519065321351 - Copy.jpg)

5e2b71  No.3723203

File: 00768a33a53b093⋯.png (479.43 KB, 1799x951, 1799:951, newjsold.PNG)




Can someone add my Q-s and You's highlight to this? That would be BADASS.

It's what I needed as it would,'t let me open "create new thread"

New Toastmster; https://pastebin.com/YdHf51N7

Old NOPE; https://pastebin.com/Axumw4CA

Also, if you were a super code fag and figured out how to highlight


That might make it easier for Bakers to find called out NOtables

fe01d5  No.3723204



6d4f5c  No.3723205


exactly, out of respect, he refers to him as potus. dunnduunduuuuuuu

934089  No.3723206


The real vote is what matters, I have hopes there will be proof after the elections of the fuggery that has transpired previous elections.

a71ce6  No.3723207


Yes on my benis

790edc  No.3723208

File: 9e451ad6c0c8db0⋯.jpg (611.21 KB, 1657x1105, 1657:1105, 8.jpg)

b358e5  No.3723209


They were NEVER radio waves. NEVER.


Microwaves cause crib death in infants- PROVEN.

Microwaves COOK biological material- PROVEN.

Putting microwaves in our schools serves NO PURPOSE for GOOD only EVIL

cffabb  No.3723210

File: 14becd016933bee⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FLYNNe.mp4)


I used to, but your wife complained I'd sometimes ding her in the side of the head during the night.


the same type of stuff we saw summer 2016.

d5eb59  No.3723211


got a link to the speech?

5fc501  No.3723212

File: 793b65e684a3198⋯.jpeg (18.34 KB, 474x474, 1:1, iu-6.jpeg)

150cdf  No.3723213


what about if i think as a lizard

af5984  No.3723214


>Are you ok, do you need a xanax or something?

nope, don't need drugs

just imputing logic and reason, that some seem to dislike

e53c03  No.3723215


Missed that one. Will see if it connects to my 5:5 at all clock

c9d028  No.3723216

File: c1ae0437a9e49d8⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 620x410, 62:41, download.jpg)

File: f99009ae7729f62⋯.jpg (111.8 KB, 773x500, 773:500, download (1).jpg)

30ff65  No.3723217

File: e32d9e2da503e80⋯.jpg (279.84 KB, 1000x575, 40:23, ThinkRed.jpg)

File: f01b650b0b2406f⋯.jpg (264.88 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, TakeControl.jpg)

File: 4b35cb225207ec1⋯.jpg (183.58 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, TakeControl2.jpg)

File: a74e1ad002eb9be⋯.jpg (160.77 KB, 1024x787, 1024:787, DontFall4It.jpg)

fc78be  No.3723218

>>>/patriotsfight/376 rt /pf/375 -——————- Power shall be RETURNED to the PEOPLE. ( Caps: >>3694378, >>3694711 )

>>>/patriotsfight/375 ——————————— POTUS @ tonight's rally ( Cap: >>3692583, >>3692608 )

>>>/patriotsfight/374 ——————————— Your vote matters! ( Cap: >>3694140, >>3692421)

d4c9d4  No.3723219

File: 1a729bcab7b3521⋯.png (53.21 KB, 801x475, 801:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa0e1c2e00b017d⋯.png (163.85 KB, 805x840, 23:24, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebd24088c83db3a⋯.png (47.16 KB, 793x487, 793:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01d0db65a213022⋯.png (235.91 KB, 807x684, 269:228, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7385ff3d04f51fd⋯.png (125.62 KB, 792x858, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)

Murder, Suicides & Missing Persons At Iowa's Maharishi campus



This is for heavy diggers.

Only 1/4 of digs posted

c9d028  No.3723220

File: 63ed95520ccae0f⋯.jpg (107.57 KB, 768x489, 256:163, asdasdasd.jpg)

50aa0f  No.3723221

File: 3a02df55a54e2fe⋯.png (344.47 KB, 1125x1224, 125:136, IMG_3162.PNG)

File: 5ffd3ddf23c6e77⋯.png (629.94 KB, 1125x1307, 1125:1307, IMG_3163.PNG)

File: 2f7bda25327cecd⋯.jpg (275.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_3169.JPG)

Looking a little greenish yellow. Very sweaty. Agitated.

120597  No.3723222

File: d37066261dcd03d⋯.png (313.88 KB, 424x277, 424:277, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3722670, >>3722694, >>3722705, >>3722977


>Elephant is in room

>Blocks doors and walkways

>Knocks shit over

>Cleans out peanut dish

>Soils carpet

>rolls in it (scat fetish)

>Hogs the remote (porn fetish)

>Trumpets bc dominance (chutzpah)

>Stamps about when triggered (schizo genes)

>Tramples the vulnerable (sado-satanist)

Half-redpilled anons:

>"Someone do something!!"

>But be blind to elephants

>And if you should begin to see them

>Don't use the word "elephant"

>If you say "very large animal…"

>be accused of dog-whistling

>If you say "hidden destructive force"…

>be called a conspiracy theorist

>Be giving, be useful, don't complain.

>Be trampled anyway

>Express pain and bewilderment

>Be fired for anti-elephantism

c9d028  No.3723223

File: 3a42f845b98d88b⋯.jpg (101.67 KB, 672x500, 168:125, 2joziv.jpg)

149058  No.3723224


I won't shift the election until I see results. Right now it belongs in the hands of the people, which is scary, because it is a true democracy. We have a constitutional republic for a reason.

fc78be  No.3723225

Thursday 11.01.18

>>>/patriotsfight/376 rt /pf/375 -——————- Power shall be RETURNED to the PEOPLE. ( Caps: >>3694378, >>3694711 )

>>>/patriotsfight/375 ——————————— POTUS @ tonight's rally ( Cap: >>3692583, >>3692608 )

>>>/patriotsfight/374 ——————————— Your vote matters! ( Cap: >>3694140, >>3692421)

e53c03  No.3723226


Was that a tweet?

744c44  No.3723227



I mustve missed this one.

Good fucking catch anon

bc29e2  No.3723228

File: f587721d780282d⋯.jpeg (68.08 KB, 486x360, 27:20, 7D763A39-7938-4952-9889-0….jpeg)


Let me show you something!

934089  No.3723229


You mean you call him other than POTUS or GEOTUS?

Tha fook, doodmon. He's our LEADER.

62669a  No.3723230


Lizard is (((them)))


Transcend yourself

355161  No.3723231



be268b  No.3723232

File: 157964f73b36b19⋯.jpg (103.49 KB, 743x485, 743:485, papa john.jpg)

f40286  No.3723233


Sophia is the Goddess, so allowing god to flow doesn't make sense.


572404  No.3723234

File: 4628e14d22dc474⋯.gif (3.99 MB, 650x650, 1:1, deafmute.gif)


Ahh I see. We both have bugs for that.

This version will cause less crappiness in the catalog. To fix the other I will put in a separate post.




NEW - Just less catalog crappiness

NEW - Toolbar will adjust to the height of the upper toolbar

NEW - Will announce the thread number when Q posts. I don't know why you want this feature.

You can turn this off at the top by setting var chatty=false

NEW - Ribbits when Q posts in the main bread!

NEW - Improved compatibility with other scripts.

NEW - Click ribbit to hear a frog ribbiting. Yeah I'm drunk, so what?

OLD - Qresearch links from past breads are now colored differently!! No more last bread accidental clicks!

OLD - Auto refresh stays checked! Forever!

OLD - Q post notification when Q posts in the same thread, now with 150% less fuckup (sorry)

OLD - Untripped Q's are labeled as FAKE, just in case you're that stupid (but we can forgive you, almost)

OLD - Toast buttons - recent breads with post counts green toast is still fresh, red toast is stale. Yes, I know

in real life green toast is moldy, its a stop and go kind of thing. The idea is so you can skip going to the catalog.

OLD - Smarter comment boxes - highlighted so you don't try and post in a full bread.

OLD - Fast search filter - find all matching at the same time. Works kind of like filtering everything else.

OLD - Canadians put butter on their ham sandwiches. Does this have anything to do with the Dutch word for sandwich?


Codemonkey changes shit all the time to keep ahead of the clowns. Expect stuff to break sometimes.

This weekend is Canadian Breakfast Stout release weekend; Its made in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

CBS is a special release beer; it gets a 4.66 at beer advocate. Personally speaking I prefer

Wiehenstephaner and lagers. It reminds me a little bit of Kostritzer, which is a Schwartzlager.

Do not use user scripts blindly. Check them for shifty stuff. If you don't know how, ask someone.

May contain weevils, weasels, beetles, weebles, bibles, tribals and tribbles.

Usage is regulated by the Nevada Gaming Control Board.

If your computer begins to smoke, you should use peer pressure to make it quit. Its bad for its health.

Made from 100% recycled electrons and magnetic particles.

Alternate toy available for children under 3.

61c867  No.3723235



3 Nov 2018 - 12:16:38 PM

Keep your eye on the ball.

Midterms & Memes.

[ ]

45 spaces in brackets

2c8150  No.3723236


Wikileaks + Pizzagate revelations prepared most people to look at the world in a new way. Everyone jokes that politicians, lawyers, et cetera are crooked but that election make it real. When something rings true it has a certain feel it gives. Wouldn't be surprised if those events weren't part of the plan.

149058  No.3723237

Bring a blunt to my door. Then we have a deal. If you can't bring a blunt to my door… we have a disconnect.

744c44  No.3723238


I came to that realization after coming to terms with Pizzagate.

Nothing else really made sense to be honest

f41daf  No.3723239


They have a Google group too..


82fe33  No.3723240

Has US taxpayer money been going to Soros organizations in ARMENIA since 2000?!


fc78be  No.3723241


What's the connection to Q, anon?

50aa0f  No.3723242

File: f7882875a5e2b94⋯.jpg (283.48 KB, 750x700, 15:14, IMG_2338.JPG)

927357  No.3723243

File: 21472c2329de394⋯.png (310.4 KB, 781x563, 781:563, hill5.png)

355161  No.3723244

>>3723229 this seems to be aimed at >>3723140

744c44  No.3723245

File: cb7091d07f10906⋯.jpg (128.47 KB, 935x526, 935:526, trump right here right now….jpg)

5c54b5  No.3723246

File: 12e8591908bdf6d⋯.jpg (94.01 KB, 1302x640, 651:320, 45304539_10155708346566921….jpg)

f28ea0  No.3723247


Because sather just released a doco that paints a picture about shit that's been happening behind the scenes and Cabal players probably get exposed in it (it only came out a couple days ago and I've yet to watch it but know sather enough to expect little jabs at Cabal stooges here and there )

934089  No.3723248


This is what I'm saying, I think there will be proof of fuggery UP to 2016…maybe even some from 2016. Which would mean an even wider popular vote and electoral vote than what we were told.

be243a  No.3723249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OK. No worries. I thought it might be a big leap coming up.

62669a  No.3723250


Yeah, pgate was a mindfuck.

a71ce6  No.3723251


Las Vegas

But Agreed.

572404  No.3723252


Go find this line


And change it to this

if (ratehistory.length) $('.postRate').text(ratehistory[ratehistory.length-1].toFixed(1));

db926f  No.3723253


I thought the same thing. What are the odds of adding it all together to get 26 & post 26 says 11-3 Verifies the first marker when today is 11-3

428133  No.3723254

Did someone link to /qresearch tonight?

Sure seems to be a lot of newbies here.

2b8ae7  No.3723255

File: 29d46364352fe6b⋯.png (276.22 KB, 485x377, 485:377, ClipboardImage.png)

c9d028  No.3723256

File: 0b35e8588448603⋯.png (667.43 KB, 978x920, 489:460, 0b35e8588448603f7181575ae5….png)

62669a  No.3723257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm Mr. November.

I won't fuck us over.

fc78be  No.3723258


Forget I said that.

772d17  No.3723259


Trump said number 45 at rally today.

5 Q posts

21 Tweets

05/21 on the clock is :45

149058  No.3723260


Yea. There is a movement to shift the vote. I say let the people handle it, isn't that a democracy?

1b0122  No.3723261

934089  No.3723262


Yesh. Ma bad.

744c44  No.3723263


I went from slightly woke to full blown breaking out of the Matrix in just a few days kek

50aa0f  No.3723264


Is that a good thing?

5e2b71  No.3723265


Still here man, Thanks. Please see below! This is AWESOME, KEK


7abd8e  No.3723266


Not only the general, but also the DNC primaries and nomination.

Opened a lot of dems' eyes when they saw how the DNC screwed Bernie over.

934089  No.3723267


This is a republic, didn't you just say that?

50aa0f  No.3723268

3c70eb  No.3723269


That video was insane, reminded me of a bug zapper on a summer eve.

3a6f21  No.3723270


Look anon, gimme a fucking break. I'm on BORROWED laptop, I've got a fucking headache and I've been off here because of the hurricane. Either depart this huge knowledge you have that will display that absolutely could not be exactly what I described or fuck off.

30ff65  No.3723271

File: c4aa91530bf0e62⋯.jpg (121.67 KB, 900x504, 25:14, MBJOB.jpg)

934089  No.3723272


50 Nation-states, united under a constitutional republic.

ff4aad  No.3723273


This is an appeal to authority which we associate with Cabal fuckery. If there was any case to be made for what you say, then you would be able to point to some evidence.

Fact is that this board is filled with researchers who don't give a fuck what your opinion is, but who will dig and look at any sources that you have for just about anything. We will make our decisions LATER based on the facts that we can gather.

149058  No.3723274

100k at my door and I will shift the election either way.

a71ce6  No.3723275

File: f2569f6eb5d59dc⋯.jpeg (63.65 KB, 399x400, 399:400, A48A507C-4575-4479-B289-B….jpeg)

File: b53ce195dd9fedb⋯.jpeg (12.25 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 5831BD46-87B8-4718-B69E-0….jpeg)

38040d  No.3723276


Beautiful, thank you for posting.

e6842c  No.3723277


Microwaves are radio waves, anon. The "micro" just means the wavelength is small relative to the original broadcast wavelengths.

1c6248  No.3723278

so odd anons don't get it?

d5eb59  No.3723279


Its sharpie soak thru on a piece of paper.

you are seeing the back side

cb8259  No.3723280

File: 9c2bf7cb05bbdfe⋯.png (1.55 MB, 670x1194, 335:597, les.png)

File: 51ed401bd7d82c9⋯.png (1.27 MB, 744x1184, 93:148, mama.png)

File: 820a9164812772c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 598x1034, 299:517, wifey.png)









too bad she's watching HOMECOMING right next to me asshat

149058  No.3723281


I am questioning the nature of it.

adb882  No.3723282

File: 12cafa651429047⋯.png (230.06 KB, 282x374, 141:187, index.pyreng.png)


Luciferianism = Satanism

The white hats are Not Luciferians

790edc  No.3723283

File: 04578bed0b492f0⋯.jpg (622.3 KB, 1341x1198, 1341:1198, MyPillow.jpg)

f28ea0  No.3723284

File: c42f2ed42b2f8fe⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 329x399, 47:57, 1516736736611.jpg)


Traps are gay

c9d028  No.3723285

File: 014dc0a7429a247⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1526x1943, 1526:1943, 17pmlb.jpg)

790edc  No.3723286

File: e29eb1e680f7e60⋯.jpg (771.65 KB, 1189x1537, 41:53, whatareyacookinbaker.jpg)

d0582d  No.3723287


>is a mindfuck

fc78be  No.3723288


>>3723219 Murder, suicides & missing persons at Iowa's Maharishi Campus

>>3723098 Andrew Gillum and the Mystery of 311 East Jennings Street

>>3723023 , >>3723143 Did VIP Anon CONF themselves by liking this tweet?

>>3722932 More on Tax Washing (T_WASH?), tying in Soros and NGO auditing

>>3722883 ‘Nurse’ Democrat Lauren Underwood Never Worked as a Nurse

>>3722871 Voting methods & equipment by state, ref >>3722163, >>3722361 (pb)

>>3722864 Trump Slams Dem Senator: 'Trying to Steal the Election' with Paid Ads

>>3722745 Moar on IOM Int: Connected to Soros and assisting caravan

>>3722714 New PapaD tweet

>>3722694 EU calls for total ban on ‘xenophopic’ organisations

>>3722667 Senior Google Lobbyist Is Stepping Down From Her Role

>>3722664 The Best Way to Manage Slaves (And How to Avoid Becoming One)

>>3722640 $145M Texas border wall project awarded

a41d94  No.3723289

File: 6415b9269270c2e⋯.png (567.66 KB, 662x683, 662:683, Lindell 11-3-18.PNG)

File: e7abdaeb759c1ee⋯.png (739.91 KB, 732x367, 732:367, Lindell 11-3-18 pic.PNG)



30ff65  No.3723291

File: 03567ab08866033⋯.jpg (99.3 KB, 700x434, 50:31, maxipads.jpg)

File: b6bb3499c5c29a8⋯.jpg (162 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, madmaxmuslamicals.jpg)

8542a4  No.3723292

5G could also be transitioned using Tesla tech, using naturally occurring Earth frequencies instead of killer microwaves. I don't think POTUS would let 5G rollout knowing it would fry people

b10b2a  No.3723293

File: 35324ebc79ff58d⋯.png (311.25 KB, 625x374, 625:374, 795.png)

7f0792  No.3723294


It's all considered RF radiation Anon…. Radio Waves.

c3d45a  No.3723295


This being pushed like this smells so bad. Why mp3 and img hashs ? Codefag wouldn't recommend touching this with a 10 feet pole. Program your own or use vanilla like a champ.

92e8ab  No.3723296


Thanks for the info.

I know someone that worked with Maharishi over 40 years ago….he's have some insights, he's not a fool….but not right now, he's in the middle of moving to a distant state.

I'll try to find out a little more. Are you going to poast some more on this?

bea933  No.3723297


Thanks, I like the Ribbit! and Seeing the current bread, and last bread is really sweet.

be268b  No.3723300


i think my point may have gone over your head. assuming a race, a category, a demographic in an election needs your catchy lil hashtag, o twitter guru, to change the outcome, or influence a block of MW's, is demeaning, racist & absurd.

and it's ok to be racist. 3/5ths or more kek. "Convicted Racist" is not Constitutional; it IS Orwellian.

i am also alluding to your obvious perspective, can you be objective enough to see how your statements and attitudes could be offensive, expecially if you picture everything coming out of your mouth, instead coming out of Al Sharpton's whilst conversing with you?

adb882  No.3723302

File: 8886f3908ca7a7f⋯.png (938.76 KB, 500x631, 500:631, seh.png)

62669a  No.3723303




I've come to terms with the idea that our predators merged into our species and simultaneously derive both sexual and gustatory pleasure from our children

d0d89c  No.3723304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Shift on a Saturday Night.

772d17  No.3723305

I feel something is coming with RR. Been hearing RR in rallies and tweets. anyone else?

ef513e  No.3723306

File: 2631395864891c3⋯.png (3.09 MB, 2068x1172, 517:293, Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at ….png)

f8e3b5  No.3723307


Meet the 21st Century Nazis

They are not your typical white guys. Instead you have a Spanish Italian claiming Native American heritage, and these two black guys.

Imagine what would happen if they met up with the 21st Century version of the brown shirts (antifa).

All they would need is some super racist, narcissistic, nihilistic, egocentric, control freak to lead the hordes in an internment, and massacre.

That person was supposed to win the last election.

Well, who would be this centuries Jews? (hint - not the jews. They are/were helping orchestrate this)

Think it through.

690720  No.3723308

File: e67ff79514fd0d8⋯.png (394.56 KB, 856x631, 856:631, mypillow.png)

522122  No.3723309

File: be9491643846f99⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1254x1170, 209:195, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)



How about POTUS very next tweet after Q post.

8d2740  No.3723310


THis is an alien… No doubt about it. Controlling Obama with his mind.

572404  No.3723311


You can type BAKER or NOTABLE into the Search window and it hides everything else

5fc501  No.3723312

File: 01b9c2123420252⋯.png (245.22 KB, 386x514, 193:257, 29c3.png)

934089  No.3723313


United States of America. 50 State-Nations united under one constitution, using democracy. Yes




noun: democracy

a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

"capitalism and democracy are ascendant in the third world"

synonyms: representative government, elective government; More

self-government, government by the people;

republic, commonwealth

"freedom of speech is essential to democracy"

antonyms: dictatorship

a state governed by a democracy.

plural noun: democracies

"a multiparty democracy"

control of an organization or group by the majority of its members.

"the intended extension of industrial democracy"




noun: republic; plural noun: republics

a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.


a group with a certain equality between its members.

0aa839  No.3723314

File: d5ccc0764235598⋯.png (361.94 KB, 500x331, 500:331, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b2e0ed842aece1⋯.png (394.7 KB, 500x352, 125:88, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4996c483ef55231⋯.png (391.69 KB, 815x569, 815:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe5dc77b49128d3⋯.png (271.98 KB, 917x846, 917:846, ClipboardImage.png)

Was Anti-Semitic New York Graffiti Attacker A Liberal-Media-Darling Obama Volunteer?

Just days after the awful events of Pittsburgh, disgusting neo-Nazi graffiti was found Thursday inside a Brooklyn synagogue. NYPD officials told Breaking911 that the suspect entered Brooklyn’s Union Temple around 8:30 p.m. Thursday night and used a black marker to deface three different locations with the messages, “die Jew rats we are here,” “Jews better be ready,” and “Hitler.”

As one would expect, New York's officials were extremely quick to decry the disgusting actions, with NY Governor Cuomo releasing the following statement - with a clear intent to pin the blame on one side: “I am disgusted by the discovery of anti-Semitic graffiti at a house of worship in Brooklyn. At a time when the nation is still reeling from the attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, New Yorkers stand united with the Jewish community and against hate in all its forms. “In New York, we have zero tolerance for discrimination in our laws or in our spirit. I have directed the State’s Hate Crimes Task Force to investigate this hideous act and hold those responsible accountable to the full extent of the law. “As Governor, I am also doing everything in my power to ensure our religious institutions are free from violence and intolerance. This week, we announced the launch of an additional $10 million grant program to help protect New York’s non-public schools and cultural centers, including religious-based institutions. “The disgusting rhetoric and heinous violence in this nation has reached a fever pitch and is ripping at the fabric of America, and it must stop. In New York, we have forged community through chords of commonality and we will always stand together against hate and discrimination.” Mayor Bill de Blasio called the hateful messages “tremendously upsetting.” “Coming at a time when Jewish New Yorkers are feeling a profound sense of loss and sadness because of what happened at the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue and all those who were killed there because of their faith.”

But, in an interesting twist, according to Breaking911, surveillance footage released by authorities captured a photo of the suspect, "described as a male Black, approximately 20-years-old, 5’8″, 140 lbs, with black hair and last seen wearing a red suit jacket." And yesterday morning, the local CBS station confirms a man is in custody for the 'hate crime'. 26-year-old James Polite, of Brooklyn, allegedly wrote the graffiti, according to police. The suspect also drew a picture of the Puerto Rican flag and wrote “Free P.R.” Additionally, sources tell CBS2, Polite could be behind a series of fires at other shuls and yeshivas in the area. He was charged with criminal mischief, hate crime, and making graffiti in connection to the messages scrawled at Union Temple. So not quite the white-supremacist, Trump-supporting, racist, bigot everyone was expecting? But, in an even more potentially shocking twist, it is possible that the alleged serial anti-semitic graffiti artist is a former Barack Obama volunteer and liberal media darling.


1c6248  No.3723315


levels have dropped to 90 back to fucking video games

later if you all grow

576c99  No.3723316


in a deep blue county ok fuck this man thats king or snohomish blueville we have to vote for dems here its all thats on the ballot elections are a joke here

fceb18  No.3723318

File: 6013fffd89cce1c⋯.jpg (56.1 KB, 540x591, 180:197, letsinkin.jpg)

>>3723293 Knock on the Door! Stop crawling thru the Window!

087007  No.3723319


Don't get mad, get even.

Sophia has many ….. More than fourforms

149058  No.3723320


i think i see your point. would you like to ad something to your post for historic measureS?

934089  No.3723321

File: 8a5cf04b3c9c02f⋯.png (574.72 KB, 700x437, 700:437, ClipboardImage.png)

ad3c20  No.3723322


POTUS has been screaming Venezuela because C_A are trying to mount a possible nuclear offensive from Venezuela.

Another Anon had some reference material to back up the claims of clown involvment in Venezuela a few breads ago.

30ff65  No.3723323


Another codefag says you are full of shit. His code checks out clean.

2b8ae7  No.3723324

Adam Baldwin

Verified account


2h2 hours ago

More Adam Baldwin Retweeted Donald J. Trump

Trump is fielding huge turnouts at his rallies with camera angles that show them:

https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1058913612813791232 …

Are there similar camera angles showing attendance equity from Dems’ Obama/Hillary ‘18 rallies?

68cf71  No.3723325


Your entire existence is an ARG sorry

What do you think Q labs is?

a3419b  No.3723326

It is true, I was there.



149058  No.3723327

We are fucking shit up. CIA/FBI(FAGGOTS STILL)/DHS(AKA CIA/FBI) online. We are moving the LARP. Good Morning America.

e7d931  No.3723328



How the fuck does a nearly close to dead fucker get younger?

fc78be  No.3723329

File: fc656289ec4e66c⋯.png (80.97 KB, 689x692, 689:692, IMG_4726.PNG)


772d17  No.3723330


That would be 45. Love the Trump tweet 1 min after prev Q.

ad3c20  No.3723331



Perhaps not only C_A, but cabal members themselves with their finger on a nuclear button.

But we have No Such Agency and US Military to destroy any threat.

ff4aad  No.3723332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Winston Churchill's radio address to Americans

16th June 1941


The embedded video is a short address from another event in that month.

2b8ae7  No.3723333

Utah mayor killed in Afghanistan while on National Guard deployment


56c119  No.3723334


China, Russia and Iran $$$ are in Venezuela.

This 'border thing' is much bigger than we know…

15k troops available to go…

83fdd6  No.3723335

File: 92f2347ba824824⋯.jpg (47.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, FLSAmazonWallsat03nov20181….jpg)

File: 3b69d22a28e706c⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 768x431, 768:431, FLSAmazonWallsat03nov20182….jpg)

File: b9163064cdae054⋯.png (117.84 KB, 659x405, 659:405, PPL~BEZOS~IsTheDevil.png)


>"It sounded like bombs"

66bf55  No.3723336

File: 6b8de1c1e5e6ad4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1393x981, 1393:981, ClipboardImage.png)

c8f36b  No.3723337

File: 2ea057bbfa18522⋯.mp4 (14.9 MB, 960x540, 16:9, SNL knows.mp4)


>SNL did a phony commercial for Dems. The joke was them saying they were going to win Tuesday

>but were nervous as fuck.

>Even SNL tards know this is gonna be a bloodbath

85d42b  No.3723338


Q62….Q67………WHERE IS BO TODAY?!?!? Kek !!! /1/1/

cffabb  No.3723339

File: b82456da8dfbe28⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 468x895, 468:895, sj03.jpg)

File: 0d65dd1735deaf6⋯.png (20.44 KB, 836x317, 836:317, Screenshot_2018-11-04 impu….png)

8542a4  No.3723340

Wonder if Trump will unseal Nixon's "X" letter in 2023, some think Nixon was a white hat

d4c9d4  No.3723341

File: a5873b6724aec49⋯.png (231.52 KB, 719x676, 719:676, ClipboardImage.png)

File: daffcc5b38cc42b⋯.png (97.2 KB, 797x846, 797:846, ClipboardImage.png)


just use the link the dig is huge

Wonder what origin the Goldhaber name is???

32ca74  No.3723342

I’ve thought about the #blexit tag before. I didn’t like it, but I’m not the target audience. The awakening is about unity, but the message is really targeted. #blackout and #blacklight are just … I don’t know. They aren’t rallying cries?

I would encourage black indepence. Walk away from the dems, but don’t join the reps? Why would you? The party of Bush and Cheney and NoName. Is anyone sad they can’t vote for Speaker Ryan?

The dems have used black people to maintain power and they’ve done it by keeping you poor and dependent. They see black people as a resource rather than American citizens who have the power to choose for themselves. The same power we all have and maybe the only universal thing we share around the globe.

I wouldn’t let any political party ever lay claim to the black vote again. You’re all unique and more powerful as independents in my opinion.

I don’t have a clever hashtag to sum that up. I’ll give it some thought. I’m praying for you Ms. Owens. Keep fighting.

That said - vote red this election. I am not trying to take away from POTUS or Q’s message.

5993ef  No.3723343


It's the thing I was hoping for my whole life.

Went all in as soon as I recognized it.

Were we brought here, or did we crumb on our own?

I don't know about you, but I had someone give me a deadline and trips went away at the end of the deadline.

Been a trip, anon.

Beeeen a trip.

ec98db  No.3723344


And Trump's hair spray would last all day instead of a measly 12 hours.

744c44  No.3723345



I used to work with that shit and my old unit is probably down there helping set it up.

Concertina wire is literally like quicksand or human velcro. It is absolutely relentless and the more you move around in it the more hung up you get.

Good for us, really bad for them.

934089  No.3723346


Needs to be a gif…movement is necessary.

d2b128  No.3723347

File: 0b09d2f2cf38405⋯.png (431.46 KB, 1700x998, 850:499, that.png)

c3d45a  No.3723348


It's not about being clean or not, it's about how stupid it is for an anon to install this code into his browser without having no clue of what it is. We were naive enough to be brainwashed for decades, could we have the decency to use our brain on this battlefield. Pushing this shit when you have nothing to gain is just proof of fuckery. No one cares about your codes for breads, this is retarded.

1add27  No.3723349


I'm telling you age reversal is REAL.

It's just highly controversial and most secretive.

316c2f  No.3723350

File: e7da4ccd6a94048⋯.jpg (320.3 KB, 895x671, 895:671, q sent us 12th iteration -….jpg)


Gotta kek. If they are trying to make AI more human by deep learning from FB and twitter, all AI's will be mean girls ganging up on people. Not a pretty thought.

And the deep learning program, deep dream? Sure, I know we dream and we learn by dreaming. But we also integrate images as we dream and we do wake up. What happens if AI never learns to wake up or integrate what it learns?

e7d931  No.3723351


Oh thank goodness. There are woke people here!!!!

38040d  No.3723352


It's beautiful, thanks for posting the origin.

30ff65  No.3723353


Pedos are not whitehats.

5993ef  No.3723354


Have we had this conversation already?

I'm Living and Actively Playing a Role…

Lifestyles are just memes.

Jobs are memes.

Being that guy is being a meme.

And then?

934089  No.3723355


…with a foul mouth. I hear POTUS likes to say "fuck" a lot…maybe even "asshole" and "cunt". I got $5 says Nixon was similar at least in that respect. lol

d7620c  No.3723356


Nanobots in food we eat. Chemtrails.

Can be activated through cell tower or phone signal. There were a few whistleblowers who outed this. Not sure if true.

I’ve always wondered why we don’t just take them out—why every part of the plan has to meticulously played out. Moves then counter moves.

Hilary made a comment about trumps eas test. “Make sure this works”. Why would she taunt like this? Is eas message a way to deactivate nanobots? Why do they’ve still seem confident? What leverage do they have? Is this leverage a last resort? What severe consequence applies Tibet them if they play that card?

I believe we “collective consciousness” is a way to counter this as well.

fe23f2  No.3723357

File: 124a8214a54a4c8⋯.jpeg (34.27 KB, 255x238, 15:14, 1D4E99B2-29E2-4BD8-9307-5….jpeg)

File: 79d24eba8cb2372⋯.jpeg (168.49 KB, 750x628, 375:314, 874FEDCF-3FCB-4C3D-87DA-B….jpeg)


What a Qincidence

bea933  No.3723358


I like the code stuff. Reminds me of old irc days on dalnet. Can someone code me a way to slap this guy with a trout?

e417bf  No.3723359


Venezuela is a Chinese proxy, Anon.

cb8259  No.3723360

are there any rational Democrats in politics anymore?

all center left people have been pushed RED.


934089  No.3723361


Wait…Nixon or POTUS?

30ff65  No.3723362


>No one cares about your codes for breads, this is retarded.

Wrong. You are retarded.

61c867  No.3723363



adb882  No.3723364

File: 75833cadb974c86⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 255x251, 255:251, b3cb527d2de39979fa1911d99a….jpg)

68cf71  No.3723365

File: 45e6a7cfcc0b3f4⋯.png (2.1 MB, 960x1201, 960:1201, F07F1912-DDC3-4493-ADB6-46….png)

b1e6c3  No.3723366




Yep. Old Barry is looking methed up. His speech is fucked up, and actually believes that he had something to do with our economic growth.

fc78be  No.3723367

File: 22431e93bcd003e⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 850x500, 17:10, 22431e93bcd003e9d36550ed87….jpg)

Fresh Loaf




Fresh Loaf

fceb18  No.3723368

File: ffb9d78569de3db⋯.jpeg (85.27 KB, 898x628, 449:314, 5522F8E4-EB22-47AD-8C38-6….jpeg)

c3d45a  No.3723369


qq ppl dont want to install my js

ad3c20  No.3723370


China, C-A, cabal, MOS… bad actors all around.

4073e0  No.3723371


Proof it up anon

b331ef  No.3723372

File: d76324360374905⋯.jpg (298.41 KB, 2850x1900, 3:2, enddisneer.jpg)

cb8259  No.3723373


a71ce6  No.3723374

File: 4dc360050cf90c5⋯.png (288.64 KB, 735x449, 735:449, E21353D2-041D-4EBE-88D5-2C….png)

File: 3f3d9dfa1ee2c20⋯.jpeg (9.88 KB, 143x255, 143:255, 1D22982F-C851-4DAF-A1D9-E….jpeg)

File: 656c2fd0f5b0507⋯.jpeg (38.89 KB, 236x374, 118:187, E6EA635E-A281-40AF-914B-B….jpeg)

File: 6d05f5ba6a3f9db⋯.jpeg (23.81 KB, 232x255, 232:255, 7CBD7A9A-A9A2-4320-8D54-8….jpeg)

Liddle bit shilly for a Saturday Night


They should be out doing reach arounds and suggin wangdoodle.

0f8db7  No.3723375


Filipino claiming Seminole heritage.

6d4f5c  No.3723376


cheers to this, anon. i want to see this effort gain traction. it is beyond time for blacks and all americans to be independent and truly free.

fc78be  No.3723377


I wish I could believe you anon

572404  No.3723378


Technically speaking, the main implementation of AI by design can't really wake up. It doesn't have the necessary components itself to continually think. It can learn and remember yes, but there are fundamental pieces missing still.

2c516b  No.3723379


Wasn't 8 years of Shit stain, enough?!

2644f6  No.3723381

File: b62fb49085afc11⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 399x385, 57:55, 2l6j72.jpg)

cb8259  No.3723382

File: 882b9915fb84145⋯.png (1.45 MB, 878x1122, 439:561, Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at ….png)

File: aa4ee95eaeea57c⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 702x459, 26:17, 2lo5i8.jpg)

one more of the WIFEY !

934089  No.3723384



92e8ab  No.3723386


My friend might know more. He worked directly with Maharishi and knows people like John Gray & Deepak Chopra. Mixed bag, didn't like the latter. He might know this person Goldhaber.

0e3e19  No.3723388

File: 3c8a5ce3fc608ca⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepeexcellentbread.jpg)

934089  No.3723389

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