[–]▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3695611[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Q's Latest Posts
Thursday 11.01.18
>>>/patriotsfight/376 rt /pf/375 ----—————- Power shall be RETURNED to the PEOPLE. ( Caps: >>3694378, >>3694711 )
>>>/patriotsfight/375 ---—————————— POTUS @ tonight's rally ( Cap: >>3692583, >>3692608 )
>>>/patriotsfight/374 ---—————————— Your vote matters! ( Cap: >>3694140, >>3692421)
Tuesday 10.09.18
>>>/patriotsfight/373 ---—————————— Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3643730 )
>>3412993 rt >>3219413 ----———————-- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen? (Cap: >>3643790 )
>>>/patriotsfight/372 ---—————————— effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap: >>3643646 )
>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 ----—————- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3643633 )
>>>/patriotsfight/370 ---—————————— Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Cap: >>3643750 )
Monday 10.08.18
>>>/patriotsfight/369 ---—————————— [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3640554 )
>>3398484 rt >>3398290 ---————-———-- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3640570 )
>>>/patriotsfight/368 ---—————————— Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3640575, >>3640687 )
>>>/patriotsfight/367 ---—————————— Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3640595 )
>>>/patriotsfight/366 ---—————————— Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3640609 )
>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 ----—————- Our voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3640623 )
>>>/patriotsfight/364 ---—————————— TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3640638 )
>>>/patriotsfight/363 ---—————————— [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap: >>3640665 )
>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 ----—————- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3640678 )
>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 ----—————- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3640688 )
>>>/patriotsfight/360 ---—————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3640702 )
Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18
Compiled here: >>3444448
Friday 10.05.18
Compiled here: >>3408448
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3695618
are not endorsements
>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms
>>3478991 and >>3522113 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes
>>3619933 CodeFag ArchiveAnon Creates Program for Archiving to Local Drive (New with notables!)
>>3572123 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0
>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)
>>3507228 Video: "Q - We Are The Plan"; good red-pilling explanation
>>3673226 Voter Fraud Report hotline; active only during voting hours
>>3695448 Q proof graphic: POTUS Nov. 1 2018 speech and 11/1/2017 drop 35
>>3695126, >>3695297, >>3695215 Federal employees "further restricted" by Hatch Act (pf374)
>>3695198 Too little too late: FB sowwy it blocked pro-life ads for GOP Sen candidates
>>3695163 Planefag report: 3 helos south-east of Phoenix
>>3695488, >>3695561, >>3695582, >>3695592 Beaver Moon 11/23! (cue mound memes!)
>>3694900, >>3694982, >>3695093 23 me! ARTICLE 23 UCMJ, Rule 23 Class Actions, JSR-23
>>3694896 Meet the Wacko Left's new Narrative Mash-up: Putin-Nazi-Terrorist-O-Matic
>>3694921 SpreadsheetAnon's Updatus Maximus
>>3695607 #4692
#4691 Baker Change
>>3694731, >>3694774 How do you say... es loco? Honduran migrants file lawsuit v. POTUS
>>3694363 Post-rally thanks from @DJT
>>3694443, >>3694593 Netanyahu warns Europe of possible attacks by Iran
>>3694364 Q clock: Judge seals criminal case file for presumed father of synagogue shooter
>>3694504 Q drop 873 "We are going Live-24," 23-day drop hiatus, and tomorrow's Q clock
>>3694182 Head of Russian Church: (((Global Conspiracy))) Undermining Orthodox Christianity
>>3694132 In POTUS's Footsteps: Bolsonaro's Brazil Will Move Embassy to Jerusalem
>>3694793 #4691
#4690 New Baker Incoming
>>3693896 Ohio Babysitter Accused of Raping 5-Year-Old Girl, Shooting Air Pistol at Officers During Ensuing Chase
>>3693876 For the ClockFags
>>3693787 Pedophiles Hoping For Trick-Or-Treaters Get Police Instead
>>3693546 Gillum Campaign Cuts Ties With Aide Caught in Veritas Video Saying Candidate Fooling Voters
>>3693422 Q CLOCK UPDATE
>>3693392 Umbrella comms connected t Q posts
>>3693367 Deployed border troops are preparing for militias stealing their gear, protester violence
>>3692718 Nice Decode
>>3694095 #4690
>>3692660, >>3692683, >>3692726 23 day blackout = 'NowC@mesTHEP@in----23!!!"?
>>3692689 Side by Side: /pf/374 and the Hatch Act
>>3692727 Mossad Assisted Denmark In Thwarting Terror Plot; Iran Slams Allegation As "False Flag"
>>3692742 Number of illegal immigrant children getting ‘birthright citizenship’
>>3692767, >>3692808 On the Hatch Act
>>3692795 EO blocking property of people contributing to problems in Venezuela
>>3692801 For keks: anon called a 23 day blackout
>>3692842 [17] minute delta between new Q's
>>3692922 Project Veritas: Beto Campaign funding Migrant Caravan
>>3692924 Turkish Newspaper Reveals How U.S. Armed ISIS In Syria
>>3692967 Donald Trump Vows Tent Cities To End Migrants’ Catch-and-Release
>>3692995, >>3693080, >>3693082 Planefag: keep an eye out for a E6 airborne command
>>3693197 Decision on Sanctions in Khashoggi Case May Take ‘Handful’ of Weeks - Pompeo
>>3693210 Operation Faithful Patriot: 1st 100 US troops arrive to serve at border
>>3693324 #4689
>>3691860 QClock graphic
>>3691965 Papadopolous tweet: VOTE, or FISA will never come out
>>3691987 Navajo Considers Buying Coal-Fired Power Plant on Its Land
>>3692024 Martha MacCallum the new Megyn Kelly?
>>3692082 Intelligence Assessment with Kevin Shipp Whistleblowers Roundtable with Bill Binney & John Kiriakou (Video)
>>3692227 Trump extends Veterans Day celebrations through all of November
>>3692259 New Project Veritas on "Beto"
>>3692343, >>3692374 First link from the new Q crumb
>>3692358, >>3692408 Second link from the new Q crumb
>>3692459, >>3692448 Re_read drops re: Polls, some of Q's poll related crumbs
>>3692514 #4688
Previously Collected Notables
>>3692514 #4688
>>3690211 #4685, >>3690983 #4686, >>3691769 #4687
>>3687932 #4682, >>3688665 #4683, >>3689337 $4684
>>3685564 #4679, >>3686329 #4680, >>3687352 #4681
>>3683330 #4676, >>3684070 #4677, >>3684850 #4678
>>3681006 #4673, >>3681796 #4674, >>3682541 #4675
>>3678717 #4670, >>3679498 #4671, >>3680289 #4672
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3695622
War Room
#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs
Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'
[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
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Best Times to TWEET:
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Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49
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Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677
Resignations Thread ---————-- >>2714136
All Resignations Website ---——- https://www.resignation.info
Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
Spread The Word
>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild
Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads
>>1667382 ---—— META (for board admin queries)
>>3383237 ---—— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)
>>2089271 ---—— New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)
>>1121104 ---—— Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)
>>>/qproofs/130 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky
Other Dedicated Research Threads
>>2934062 -- 2018 Midterms HQ
>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II
>>2969698 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554
>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 --– Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3
>>3599217 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #4
>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5
No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488
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Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809
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Fresh update of first period EST maps ---——————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529
Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3695628
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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file
* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/
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* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t
* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/
* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
Tweet Tools
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* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)
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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub
* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)
* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
Q Research Graphics Library
31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Advanced Graphics
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
34 >>3690162 33 >>3501547 32 >>3378710, Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/
NPC Meme #1 Archive: https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU
>>3478991 NPC Memes #1 and >>3522113 #2
Bread Archives (sites)
Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
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Germanarchiveanon ---————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Notable Posts Archive (searchable)
Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ
Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h
Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)
Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>3631378
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695646>>3695751 >>3695802
>>3695634 lb
(((your))) oy veys are meaningless in the face of NSA surveillance btw.
Also, LOL @ these kiddies thinking they are going to stay alive at the end of this.
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695647>>3695751
>>3695505 (lb)
Stan Lee would be fuuuuuuuuucked…
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3695649>>3695653 >>3695688
Current dough
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695651>>3695736
thanks baker
great to see in the dough! (pic2)
▶ b43c45 (4) No.3695652
Welcome back Q
Red Wave
Thank you
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695653>>3695736
thanks for the bread, BO. apologies for early post.
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3695654>>3695657 >>3695660 >>3695665 >>3695671 >>3695672 >>3695680 >>3695681 >>3695725 >>3695756 >>3695771 >>3695956 >>3696188 >>3696329 >>3696355
Kashoggi's body reportedly dissolved in Acid
Link : https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1039640/Khashoggi-murder-saudi-arabia-latest-journalist-body-dissolved-acid-turkey
▶ 42c19d (8) No.3695655>>3695728
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695656
The level of fucking delusional importance of theses (((useful idiots))).
Give your all to your handlers?
We are all watching.
jews LITERALLY can't shut the fuck up to save themselves.
God help the Patriots.
▶ 8f5406 (4) No.3695657>>3695665
▶ 3f5c27 (5) No.3695659>>3695772
>>3695338 (lb)
Book 29/ Joel 14-28
(not sure where 35 fits in though)
[14] Who knoweth but he will return, and forgive, and leave a blessing behind him, sacrifice and libation to the Lord your God? [15] Blow the trumpet in Sion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly,
[16] Gather together the people, sanctify the church, assemble the ancients, gather together the little ones, and them that suck at the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth from his bed, and the bride out of her bride chamber. [17] Between the porch and the altar the priests the Lord's ministers shall weep, and shall say: Spare, O Lord, spare thy people: and give not thy inheritance to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them. Why should they say among the nations: Where is their God? [18] The Lord hath been zealous for his land, and hath spared his people. [19] And the Lord answered and said to his people: Behold I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and you shall be filled with them: and I will no more make you a reproach among the nations. [20] And I will remove far off from you the northern enemy: and I will drive him into a land unpassable, and desert, with his face towards the east sea, and his hinder part towards the utmost sea: and his stench shall ascend, and his rottenness shall go up, because he hath done proudly.
[20] "The northern enemy": Some understand this of Holofernes and his army: others, of the locusts.
[21] Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoice: for the Lord hath done great things. [22] Fear not, ye beasts of the fields: for the beautiful places of the wilderness are sprung, for the tree hath brought forth its fruit, the fig tree, and the vine have yielded their strength. [23] And you, O children of Sion, rejoice, and be joyful in the Lord your God: because he hath given you a teacher of justice, and he will make the early and the latter rain to come down to you as in the beginning. [24] And the floors shall be filled with wheat, and the presses shall overflow with wine and oil. [25] And I will restore to you the ears which the locust, and the bruchus, and the mildew, and the palmerworm have eaten; my great host which I sent upon you.
[26] And you shall eat in plenty, and shall be filled: and you shall praise the name of the Lord your God, who hath done wonders with you, and my people shall not be confounded for ever. [27] And you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel: and I am the Lord your God, and there is none besides: and my people shall not be confounded for ever. [28]
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695660>>3695665
"We didn't want him to become a martyr, so we did it like when we chuck Osama bin Laden into the ocean! Yeah! THAT'S IT!"
▶ c7579b (15) No.3695661
It is now anti-semitic to be pro-Trump and pro-MAGA, according to the Holocaust Museum of Berlin.
Reminder that the official version of the holocaust is a fraud:
>>2395991 -- David Cole, a jewish historian exposes some of the lies of the official version of the holocaust
>>2396033 -- David Irving, historian, exposes some of the lies of the Nuremberg Trials
>>2396017 -- Anonymous documentary creator exposes many of the lies pertaining to the fraudulent official version of the holocaust and Nuremberg Trials
>>2396026 -- The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure
>>3035752 -- Some pictures about the holohoax
>>2947546 -- A great book about the fraud that is the official and illegal to question in some countries version of the holocaust: “Hoax of the Twentieth Century” and links to 60+ books and documents on this subject
>>2947546 -- “David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992”
>>3144998 - Bishop Richard Williamson tells the truth about the "holocaust"
>>3145022 -- 2 pics regarding the death toll numbers of the Majdanek camp and an article about jews admitting to lying about the number of dead in the official version of the holocaust
>>3145069 - Documentary called: "Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth (Eric Hunt)"
Jews should not be persecuted for being of the jewish race.
That being said, all jewish group power is going to end, so all jews can be treated as individuals in the face of the law.
The dems are fucked, then the corrupt reps are fucked, then the zionist lobby is fucked, then we can unfuck shit at an astounding rate.
The peaceful and fair solution to this issue:
Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to israel;
Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purpouses and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purpouses and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
▶ 28009e (15) No.3695663>>3695669 >>3695675 >>3695736
>>3695538 lb
BO caught her again…..hahaha
In an interesting anecdote the Yakuza have to cut off a portion of one of their fingers every time they fuck up…..
▶ b04191 (7) No.3695664>>3695708 >>3695735 >>3695736 >>3695770 >>3695821
Re-read = go back and read again
Re_read = Red read
See the difference?
Red Red drops & Polls drops
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695665>>3695695 >>3696188 >>3696329 >>3696355
1. acid then dumped
2. cut up then dumped
3. strangled then dumped
4. probably others
how many narratives have they put out so far?
▶ 6f61c1 (7) No.3695666>>3695674 >>3695720
Apparently many Anons did not read the lawsuit. It says clearly:
for class relief pursuant to Rule 23, Fed. R. Civ. P
Which makes it clear they are referring to Rule 23 on Class Actions. I found this by doing a simple search for:
'''immigration "rule 23"
And found several references to immigration cases for children. I actually found this before reading the lawsuit myself. Attached is the migrant lawsuit.
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3695669
There wouldnt be any fingers left at this point kek
▶ 33d95a (1) No.3695671>>3696251
But I thought they said he was buried in someone's back yard….
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3695672
Express has same story
▶ 42c19d (8) No.3695674
Rule 23…digits confirm
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695675>>3695739
in an interesting anecdoate, we rape uppity japs and gooks.
especially those who think they are 'criminals'.
▶ f8a13b (1) No.3695676>>3695998
Love all you Qs (We, The People)
United WE are!
God Bless POTUS!!
God Bless our Military!!!
God Bless ALL of US!!!!
(Even the Blind that are not Aware)!!!!!
Amazing Times Frens!!!!!!!
▶ 117ea6 (9) No.3695677>>3695721
>>3695555 pb
that's not really true.
We all look out for free speech.
Sometimes the majority is wrong.
"Power to the People"
But what if the people take away your free speech?
That's what I've always had against "rule by the people"
i.e. Democracy / Socialism.
▶ a3e671 (2) No.3695679
The crazy thing about Twatter is the blue check marked people are usually people I have no effin clue who they are.
(((They've))) used every tool they have at (((their))) disposal to silence us, and yet they are STILL failing miserably.
▶ 9e9636 (7) No.3695681
55 gallon drums of acid in the basement of The Standard…coincidence
▶ caa391 (1) No.3695683
Alright. Just one piece of advice for democrats and liberals.
Start to clean your own house. You are about 20 years behind.
▶ 8b0417 (6) No.3695685>>3695698 >>3695921
[:33] minute delta
▶ 4c1537 (6) No.3695686
No directed weapons getting through that Gold Farraday Cage. No scrambling Trumps head.
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3695688>>3695736
Baker you rock through the shill storm. ThanQ
btw, I can't help myself. Allow me to offer compensation, humbly.
▶ 0e5325 (1) No.3695689
▶ b04191 (7) No.3695690>>3695707
It’s not a hyphen….look closer anon….it’s an underscore….a fill in the blanks.
▶ dc56a7 (3) No.3695691>>3695715
>>3695198 Too little too late: FB sowwy it blocked pro-life ads for GOP Sen candidates
How fucked up is that???? You're "Sorry" that you BLOCKED ads that were against murdering little human beings. God I can't wait for the rest of the world to wake up to what is going on. Still so many people who don't understand how dark this is.
▶ 7d4f41 (3) No.3695694>>3695760
My antivirus panics when I try to access the pdf Q posted.
Anyone got it?
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695695>>3695730 >>3695785
He goes in.
He's ganged up on which concludes in a choke-hold-to-death (by professionals…) who then go all Dexter on the body, throw the chunks in acid, and then either drain the acid or take the whole thing with them… and then dumped the body!
Or the motherfucker was just an enemy of the state and he was executed according to Islamic Law.
▶ d44943 (2) No.3695697>>3695873
How far out is the Caravan?
Comb your hair we are going live
is this why the military is headed to hold the line?
▶ a4d25d (9) No.3695698>>3695709
October = 31 days
33 Days = Today.
▶ 72585e (2) No.3695699
>>3695303 (LB)
Damn scary!!!! Night of the living dead!!!!
▶ 26d64c (1) No.3695700
Leo J. Mueller: Related to Bob Mueller?
Been digging on the date in this link: Jan 19, 1970. It's odd because the article is actually from around 2011.
Anyway, searched the exact date with Bob's name and up popped another Mueller: Leo!
-Birthplace is not listed on Geni (although Leo's father was apparently born in Germany)
-Born the same year as Bob's father (who we've speculated was actually part of Operation Paperclip)
-Worked for Honeywell (who we've already connected to the Roths)
-Worked specifically on what seems to be autopilot-type stuff (which we know is responisble for how many plane "crashes" these days?)
-Did research for NASA (!)
Anyway, I've included some old Field McConnell/Abel Danger sauce on Honeywell-Serco-Roths plane fuckery, and oh yeah, the Lockerbie "bombing" that Bob just happened to investigate himself while at DOJ.
So while I have no confirmation that Leo is related to Marine Bob and/or part of Roths fuckery, it's an awfully strange coincidence, dontcha think?
▶ aa509b (2) No.3695701>>3695711 >>3695729
October 4, 2018
"Are you ready to see arrests?"
"Are you ready to see PAIN?"
"Are you ready to be part of history?"
November 2, 2018
Still at the grand total of ZERO big arrests.
Valerie Jarrett, George Soros, Hussein, Hillary, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Huma Abedin, John Podesta, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi…All completlely free.
History is about to be made in Georgia when an open borders communist will destroy family farmers and turn the entire state into a sanctuary hellhole for illegals.
▶ b43c45 (4) No.3695703
Silence of 'the lambs': The deafening quietude of the FISA court and John Roberts
And that begs the question: What do the FISC judges and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, the ultimate judicial disciplinarian, think about what happened?
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695704>>3695759 >>3695812 >>3696329 >>3696355
this is pretty cool:
The RC-135U Combat Sent provides strategic electronic reconnaissance information to the president, secretary of defense, Department of Defense leaders, and theater commanders. Locating and identifying foreign military land, naval and airborne radar signals, the Combat Sent collects and minutely examines each system, providing strategic analysis for warfighters. Collected data is also stored for further analysis by the joint warfighting and intelligence communities. The Combat Sent deploys worldwide and is employed in peacetime and contingency operations.
(have the radar bookmarked, amateur planefag, but have been keeping an eye out on the border since all the activity was noticed by our planefags)
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3695707>>3695747
I made that and there are some crumbs that use a hyphen
3 sides form what shape?
Expand your thinking.
Re-read crumbs.
▶ b04191 (7) No.3695708>>3695804 >>3695834
Where are my night shift bruddas that see the difference between a hyphen and an underscore?
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695709
I noticed that also… maybe he's calling someone(s) out….
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3695710>>3695718 >>3695723 >>3695738 >>3695742 >>3695752 >>3695799 >>3696188 >>3696197 >>3696329 >>3696355
November 11
“When asked to give us a price for holding a great celebratory military parade, they wanted a number so ridiculously high that I cancelled it,” Trump tweeted. “I will instead attend the big parade already scheduled at Andrews Air Force Base on a different date, & go to the Paris parade, celebrating the end of the War, on November 11th.”
▶ 456ca9 (2) No.3695713>>3696187
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Trump speaks on illegal immigration, border security
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695714>>3695727
how many times do you need to be btfo'd?
▶ a3e671 (2) No.3695715>>3695876
Still so many who don't want to wake-up. Comfortably disconnected drones. SAD.
This is why I feel it's always been extremely important for FULL disclosure.
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3695716
Dan Scavino posted a new vid of potus.
▶ 4bff66 (4) No.3695717>>3695731 >>3695732 >>3695745 >>3696082 >>3696390
probably spent too long doing it , and someone has already done it , but fuck it.
2017 to 2018 Q Post POTUS Tweet Confirmation
it's major shit
so , there's a delta of 1 year 5 mins between Q posts about returning power returning to the people , coupled with POTUS talking about that in the rally , that was going on at the time of the Q post.
then POTUS tweets "returning power to YOU, the AMERICAN PEOPLE"
( You )
then 15 minutes after the tweet Q posts again confirming the 'Coincidence'
▶ 6d3e1a (1) No.3695718>>3695738 >>3695742
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3695719
18-minute delta. R appears to be real. Unless this is a coincidence.
▶ 6f61c1 (7) No.3695720
Digits confirm this was a carbon based lifeform responding.
▶ 117ea6 (9) No.3695721
I remember some admin here was wrong about Hicks - Jones. And then figured it out after mocking the idea.
Maybe he'they are wrong again?
People never learn?
We're supposed to "expand" our thinking.
Also, I can't figure out how anyone is banned here, right?
If you are "banned" you mus'nt have figured out how to get back on?
So why cry?
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3695722>>3695737 >>3695838
Riddle me this :
How be it Antarctica is not on the UN flag
Or is it ??
Is portrayed by the two branches pictured around the circle of of the earth ?? If so doesn't it resemble a fish bowl earth ??
Why is there no equator marked on it
They just couldn't fit Antarctica in there, not even some projecting edges ??
To omit a whole continent is pretty major thing……….
Have we all been bewitched…..brainwashed ???
I think so gentlemen……….don't answer me just ponder it for a while…think for yourselves…use your brains….think outside of your box
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695723>>3695738
I can't afford Paris :(
Also, fuck Macron and his Muslim Hordes.
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3695724>>3695757 >>3696202 >>3696329 >>3696355
Foreign Secretary meets leader of the Syrian White Helmets
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has welcomed Raed al-Saleh, the leader of the Syrian Civil Defence (White Helmets), to the Foreign Office today to discuss the vital work the group has done in Syria.
In July this year the Foreign Secretary coordinated an international effort to rescue dozens of members of the volunteer rescue service and their families from Southern Syria. This effort was in light of the threat to their lives from the Syrian regime.
The UK has since given a number of the rescue workers and their families a safe haven in communities across the country, as part of the Home Office’s Vulnerable Persons Resettlement scheme.
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said:
Few people have to make the kind of moral choices that faced White Helmet Raed al-Saleh, who I was privileged to meet today. The White Helmets risked life and limb to save over 115,000 lives during the Syrian conflict, despite attacks at the hands of the Syrian regime and the Russian military. The UK is proud to stand behind them.
Mr Raed al Saleh expressed his gratitude to the people and Government of the UK for their support to the 3,000 men and women of the White Helmets over the past 6 years, which he said, “has enabled our volunteers to provide essential life-saving support to more than 115,000 persons and services to more than 4 million Syrian civilians who live under daily risk of violence in Syria.”
Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group
▶ 4c1537 (6) No.3695725>>3695744 >>3695783 >>3695833 >>3695902 >>3695988
Has anyone came up with one fucking reason why we should give a shit who killed this CIA MB Clown? I dont care if they ate him alive in a Satanic Cermony….he seemed to have it coming.
▶ fb90d7 (13) No.3695727>>3695740 >>3695753
Oh c'mon you know they'll be back next bred, faggot :)
▶ 33696c (3) No.3695728>>3695807
Or military.
PS: One of you please go buy this before I get in moar trouble with spouseanon.
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695731>>3695866
>>3695717 2017 to 2018 Q Post POTUS Tweet Confirmation
great graphic anon!
suggestion: put the delta between pf375 and the POTUS' tweet too
if you decide to make that small edit, would nominate the update too
▶ 498dd4 (8) No.3695732
no coincidence the language used by the new Brazilians President anon.
people power lol member that?
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695733
for him…
▶ b09e77 (4) No.3695734
we may be looking too deep: the office of the special counsel is saying that the office of the special counsel is covered by the Hatch Act. [ ]
it also makes an "insurance policy" sound very contrary to the intent of the Hatch Act.
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3695735>>3695770 >>3695787 >>3695869
Re Rod?
Is Q telling us that the Hatch Act will be the reason RR will step down soon??
>Mr. Rosenstein made the remarks about secretly recording Mr. Trump and about the 25th Amendment in meetings and conversations with other Justice Department and F.B.I. officials.
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3695736
>>3695651, >>3695664, >>3695688 (kek blue wave meme)
Ty anons
>great to see in the dough! (pic2)
I know right?
Ty anon, my pleasure.
I'm just a humble baker tho, not BO
BO wields powers far mightier than ours
like BTFO'ing shills:
>>3695663 lb
>The only ones who are ever concerned are the shills, as they should be.
>as they should be
Das rite
It's no Balrog fren
(pssst--JIDF HQ still waiting for ya wizardbro)
O'rly? The 6 gorillion times you guys have done it b4 have led me to believe it's nothing more than a cheap parlor trick. Huh. Learn something new every day.
▶ 42c19d (8) No.3695737>>3695808
FEfag shows up after I call out Rfag. Nice. Lemme get my protractor and a lens.
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3695738>>3695800
To be clear, Q said POTUS would be out of the country when the SHTF. Nov 11.
▶ d71ff9 (1) No.3695739>>3695762
you are still a pathetic fag ,and who is this we? Some one call a cop.kind of obvious he has confessed to rape and conspiracy to commit rape.Siccum.
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695740
▶ 9f352e (2) No.3695741>>3695765 >>3695793
Look at the date of this article….
JFK Jr. predicted Trump’s run for president 20 years ago
By Keith J. Kelly
November 3, 2016 | 10:45pm
▶ a4d25d (9) No.3695742
"We are at WAR"
The end of the WAR.
▶ 70e41c (2) No.3695743>>3695874
Just a reminder:
10 Sep 2018 - 10:41:01 AM
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3695744
Apparently we are witnessing an ever changing story behind this guy.
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3695745>>3696082
▶ b04191 (7) No.3695747>>3695754
Yes, other crumbs use “re-read” s latest Q drop has an underscore….not a typo I’m sure.
“Red” “Read” double meaning if you were here for the Red Red days and Hussein on Kimmel.
▶ 498dd4 (8) No.3695748
yes Amanda you do do it lightly. and its fake. just like your semitism is fake.
▶ 4fcece (5) No.3695750>>3695759
>>3695564 lb
Fascinating aircraft. Just 2 in USAF.
▶ c16637 (9) No.3695751>>3695758 >>3695762 >>3695784 >>3696007
▶ 6f61c1 (7) No.3695752>>3695767 >>3695781
By now Anons should understand.
Trump makes people think that he plans to zig
The Cabal gets all prepared to counter his zig
Trump's people go in an cut critical communications links
Then Trump lets us know he will zag instead
The Cabal try to recover but now they are confused, disoriented
The miss some corrections, they make some mistakes, THEYH ARE WEAKENED
Again and again and again and again
Trump keeps fucking them up
They REALLY are stupid!
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3695753>>3695773
They are directly above your post kek!
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3695754
I made that meme months ago so its not for the new drop
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3695755
Trump Says Pelosi Subpoena Threat Illegal -- Vows to Take Battle to Supreme Court
President Trump told the Washington Times Thursday in an interview that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s subpoena threat is ‘illegal’ and grounds to take the battle all the way up to the Supreme Court.
Via The Washington Times:
“Pelosi says she’s going to mechanize the speakership and use it as a great negotiation with the president. That’s an illegal statement,” Mr. Trump said in an exclusive interview with The Washington Times.
The president remained optimistic about Republicans retaining their House majority, but he fumed about Mrs. Pelosi’s subpoena threat should her party prevail in the midterm elections Tuesday.
He said the threat begged a lengthy court battle.
“That alone takes two years to get it to the Supreme Court --- that statement — before you do anything,” he said, becoming animated with indignation. “You heard her the other night.”
Last week, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told CNN’s Dana Bash the Democrats will abuse use their subpoena power as a negotiating tool if the Dems retake the House.
“Subpoena power is interesting, to use it or not to use it. It’s a great arrow to have in your quiver in terms of negotiating on other subjects,” Pelosi said to CNN’s Dana Bash lasy Monday.
GOP Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel blasted Pelosi too.
“By saying she’s willing to use subpoena power as a negotiating chip for other issues, Nancy Pelosi is admitting what we’ve known all along -- that the countless investigations Democrats are threatening to launch are baseless and totally political,” Ronna McDaniel said.
The President also told the Washington Times he’s not worried about getting impeached if the Dems take control of the House.
“They can play that game, but I can play that game also,” Trump said.
Other House Dems such as Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Maxine Waters (D-CA) are vowing revenge if they gain a majority in the House.
Adam Schiff would replace Devin Nunes as Chairman of the Intel Committee and Maxine Waters would be Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee.
Get out and vote red all the way down the ticket! God help us if these power-hungry, violent, lawless Dems regain power.
▶ 12b7db (7) No.3695756
Pulp Fiction. Harvey Keitel as the fixer.
▶ 415946 (2) No.3695757>>3695788
pic out there of some of them beheading the 12 yr old boy also…
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3695758>>3695766 >>3695801 >>3695980
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695759>>3696329 >>3696355
see: >>3695704
saw that, didn't know whether it was significant or not
the intel goes to POTUS though, so I thought it was noteworthy
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695762>>3695861 >>3695973
Why are (((you))) niggers this obvious again?
NPCs be chokin' yo!
▶ 728fa1 (4) No.3695763
From last bread, if this is not already commonly known then its important to note.
>>3695371 - (last bread)
Roman Apprentice "Calm Before the Storm" from 2013. Rodman misspelled Melania on Apprentice.
>>3695001 - (last bread)
POTUS misspells Melania is the first thing on graphic, ends with Trump NK.
Rodman was NK courier.
▶ e2904d (1) No.3695764>>3695797 >>3695815
NYT over WaPo
Israel - shocker
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3695765
Awesome, anon. I just read the article. TY for posting. I saved your post.
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695766
▶ 72585e (2) No.3695767
▶ 38b666 (5) No.3695769
>>3695592 (lb)
Also (& not sure if it's relevant) Nov. 23rd is the day after Thanksgiving….traditionally known as Black Friday….Full moon…DARK to LIGHT?
pic related
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3695770>>3695822 >>3696164
Re_read the Hatch Act is what Q is telling us to do?
He just gave us a list of fedreral employees who cannot be partisan while on duty: -
Election Assistance Commission
Federal Election Commission
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
National Security Agency
National Security Council
National Security Division (DOJ)
Criminal Division (DOJ)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Secret Service
Office of Criminal Investigation (IRS)
Office of Investigative Programs (Customs)
Office of Law Enforcement (ATF)
Merit Systems Protection Board
U.S. Office of Special Counsel
Career members of the Senior Executive Service
Administrative law judges, administrative appeals judges, and contract appeals board members.
▶ 3f5c27 (5) No.3695772>>3696190
I forgot 28
[28] And it shall come to pass after this, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy: your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.
35, 35th book? Habakkuk 3
▶ fb90d7 (13) No.3695773
▶ ed9d62 (1) No.3695774
🙏and I have all kinds of powerful love for all of you! ♥️🇺🇸>>3695710
▶ 141808 (2) No.3695776>>3695795
Did Q poast Potus quote before or after he said it
▶ 12b7db (7) No.3695778
11/11 will be Glorious
▶ 14b351 (2) No.3695779>>3695836
Hatch act…
Fake polls from fake news in violation?
Mockingbird violation?
Media brought to heel?
Yes ?
▶ 0a4f96 (6) No.3695780
Obama CIA Read Congressional Staffers’ Emails about Protecting Whistleblowers
▶ fff554 (2) No.3695781
They never thought she would lose.
▶ a73be5 (4) No.3695782>>3696209 >>3696237 >>3696308
President @realDonaldTrump walking from Marine One to the @WhiteHouse upon returning from Columbia, Missouri….
▶ a13289 (2) No.3695783>>3695806 >>3695971 >>3695988
How about caring about the black people killed in Chicago EVERY FREAKING WEEK, instead of this MB dickhead who published one lame article in WaPo and now is somehow miraculously a "journalist." He was a criminal and a scumbag who deserved to be dismembered and choked and put in acid and drawn-and-quartered and stabbed and shot and dragged down a street and impaled on Vlad's staves and everything else imaginable. The only reason anyone cares is because the MSM are butthurt that someone THEY think fantasize a journo was killed.
POTUS should read a list of the names of the moms in Chicago every week, live, and their sons and daughters who were killed this week. Then he ought to have them to the White House for a weekly luncheon. Each week a new group of moms from Chicago.
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3695784>>3695983
They know their importance and it's really important far beyond the importance of any etiquette regarding the Baker.
As far as their importance goes? Pic is related.
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695785>>3695843 >>3695846
>Or the motherfucker was just an enemy of the state
that's I and some other anons who I've discussed this with
I think he knew about the coup and was going to be the MSM link to the coup
▶ 7fda8a (3) No.3695786
▶ b04191 (7) No.3695787
I’m digging up the Red Red drops from Q and Polls drops - could be RR also though…need to consider it an option
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3695788>>3695790
There's beheading pics in link
▶ 46d95c (2) No.3695789>>3695796
Moreover, look for able men from all the people,
men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe,
and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands,
of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens…Exodus 18:21
▶ 415946 (2) No.3695790
▶ 08d903 (1) No.3695791
▶ 14b351 (2) No.3695792>>3696391
Obama legalizing propaganda a violation of hatch act?
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3695793
I just noticed the minutes on the timestamp: 45.
▶ 7d4f41 (3) No.3695794
Ah. Very good..
I am grateful anon
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3695795
first, a year earlier
▶ 7fda8a (3) No.3695797
▶ 4c1537 (6) No.3695798>>3695820 >>3695831 >>3695880 >>3695882 >>3695939 >>3696155 >>3696290
I am confused is the Board Operator basically saying the Jfk jr thing is shills? How would he know exactly?
Or am I missing something. I could be I am tired as all hell.
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3695801
Find the door and don't let it hit you in the ass on your way out
▶ d15ef7 (3) No.3695802
K not alive NOW soenjoy your laughter now as an echo in the mist, dismissed.
▶ 33696c (3) No.3695803
Is it time to shitpost yet?
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3695804
Wondering that m'self brah
▶ aa509b (2) No.3695805>>3695810 >>3695824 >>3695867 >>3695917
POTUS needs one big arrest to motivate conservatives prior to midterms. One big arrest would do wonders for morale. Watching known traitors and elite human traffickers walk free for over a year doesn't energize the base.
▶ 322a09 (8) No.3695806>>3695811
I understand your anger, but what good would it be to have Potus publicly naming people and holding luncheons?
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3695808>>3695828 >>3695859
▶ 09c197 (1) No.3695810>>3695842
Nobody is getting arrested or strung up. They will just fade away.
▶ a13289 (2) No.3695811>>3695823
Muh I was just kind of echoing something Sonnie was saying a couple weeks ago.
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695812>>3696015 >>3696329 >>3696355
the fuck is it doing?
in reference to: >>3695704
▶ 141808 (2) No.3695814>>3695825
▶ 7fda8a (3) No.3695815
Yes Anon - go deeper - PapaD is saying bit was Isreal - Mossad gave him 10,000 - but wait there is more. - this will get good
- all eyes on PapaD
▶ c76182 (2) No.3695817
>>3694613 (PB)
making the server lights blink code to reveal what is on the computer. Possibly a way to compromise air gap?
▶ b43c45 (4) No.3695818>>3695835
"Nobody needs to know" Beto Campaign Appears to Illegally Spend Funds on Supplies for Caravan Aliens
Project Veritas
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695820
might be you're new?
▶ fb90d7 (13) No.3695821>>3695845 >>3696205
I'll just leave this here.
▶ b04191 (7) No.3695822
Underscore is intentional. Otherwise, Q would have used a hyphen for re-read vs re_read.
Big difference when you’ve been here for all of Q.
▶ 322a09 (8) No.3695823
▶ d15ef7 (3) No.3695824
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3695826>>3695850
Imma try this again.
Q said POTUS would be out of the country when it all comes down (pic related)
As it happens, POTUS will be in France on Nov 11.
“When asked to give us a price for holding a great celebratory military parade, they wanted a number so ridiculously high that I cancelled it,” Trump tweeted. “I will instead attend the big parade already scheduled at Andrews Air Force Base on a different date, & go to the Paris parade, celebrating the end of the War, on November 11th.”
NOV 11 is Q-DAY
▶ a73be5 (4) No.3695827>>3695872 >>3695935 >>3695948 >>3695950 >>3695962 >>3695989 >>3696305
This man works for free. He works relentlessly into all hours of the night. He is attacked daily by a party of free-loading laggards who have accomplished nothing. He works with a single goal in mind: to save this nation from disaster. Support him Nov. 6 and vote #Republican.
▶ 42c19d (8) No.3695828
▶ 234003 (4) No.3695831>>3695847
lurq moar.
jfk jr shit is shilling. fake and gay. also annoying.
▶ 117ea6 (9) No.3695833
It's cause the Mass Media megaphones and drums are going full blast .. And no one who exposes themselves to that poison can hear themselves think.
▶ 33696c (3) No.3695834
>Where are my night shift bruddas that see the difference between a hymen and an underscore?
Hymenanon reporting for duty!
▶ 42c19d (8) No.3695835
Already in Notables TWICE.
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3695836
CIA through Mockingbird violating the Hatch Act?
Nice theory anon.
▶ d1815a (9) No.3695837>>3695862
Oh, no we get it. Trump is literally Hitler. Got it.
▶ f0ac90 (2) No.3695838>>3696041
The United "Nations". The Antarctica is not a nation or member of the UN is why it's not on their map.
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3695839
Like I said before, we are at the Beginning!!!
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3695840
1 year ago indeed.
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695841>>3695849
plus, that proves Q is lurking
▶ fff554 (2) No.3695842
Too many of them to just fade away..
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695843>>3695846 >>3695848
Pretty sure Trump showed the King evidence of a coup last year…
Pretty sure it's just another leg of it.
Couldn't fuck the fracking.
Couldn't kill MbS in Las Vegas.
Couldn't kill anyone, including Sophia, during the Asia Trip.
Couldn't take him out when the Palace was assaulted and the Crowned Fambalam went into hiding for a bit.
Couldn't Kavanaugh him with MuhShoggi.
So now they're going to try and outright overthrow using bin Talal loyalists.
▶ b04191 (7) No.3695845
I’m looking for the one about the 5 counties where poll machines were cleaned….she wasn’t supposed to lose
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695846
MbS and Jared suuuuure are buddy buddy.
I wonder if they talk about grandkids…
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695848>>3696057
going to be using that, KEK
but I agree completely with this:
>So now they're going to try and outright overthrow using bin Talal loyalists.
▶ 7d4f41 (3) No.3695849>>3695860
Q is lurking?!
Quick! Someone ask a stoopid fucking question!!
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3695850
thanks anon, a good reminder
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695851>>3696021
Literally everything on schedule.
How many black hats around the criminal underworld is shaking?
How many [punks] running for cover?
World is not what (((they))) think it is.
We will make sure they know.
Their pawns will know.
Gas the roaches.
▶ f4e0fb (2) No.3695852>>3695901
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3695853>>3695856
PEDOESTA arrest announced 4/11???
▶ a4d25d (9) No.3695854
Black Hawk over Oahu.
Unrelated to current habbenings.
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3695856>>3695928 >>3696000
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3695857
>We all look out for free speech.
We have rules about spam. Spam is devoid of novel, fact-based content, and is therefore just noise--terrorist distractions from true speech. The kind of speech we all want protected is political speech. The kind we all have no use for is shrieking outside closed door proceedings and yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre.
>But what if the people take away your free speech?
This board is owned by board owner. He has the right to disinvite whoever the hell he wants, in keeping with property rights. No one's taking your speech, you can go kvetch to your heart's content wherever you like.
Why not start your own board to suit your tastes?
▶ 707c07 (4) No.3695858>>3695877
1 pic of this ghost on the webz
(Casper an Clark Kent)
No Dox but he showed at the rally
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695860>>3695870 >>3695875
is (((+))) the signifier?
confirmation of Q+?
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3695861>>3695883 >>3695885 >>3696018
For all you newbies, this specimen is glowing. Read back to find out why
▶ c7579b (15) No.3695862
Remember the 6 trillion.
Send more gibs to Israel.
▶ 117ea6 (9) No.3695864
Wow they had so much invested in "Q " being dead.
Just as they tried to kill POTUS and failed?
Must suck to be both a loser and evil.
Usually people figure if they are evil they will win.
▶ 4bff66 (4) No.3695866>>3695890 >>3696188 >>3696329 >>3696355
for your enjoyment , if nothing else
i would almost go so far as to say [82] could become 8+2 , which as you are well aware; equals 10
so that clould then potentially be viewed as deltas of 5 , 10 and , 15
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3695867
The real polling is so absolutely fantastic and we should do as little as possible to rock the boat tbh/imo, and any arrest that were to happen before Nov 6 needs to appear completely separate from POTUS.
▶ 8abcf5 (9) No.3695868
Good to have Q back in the night shift.
We in here.
Q in here.
▶ bd8369 (3) No.3695869
It’s a Q proof. One of the reasons he’s been quiet and still today hasn’t explicitly said vote red.
▶ 0a4f96 (6) No.3695871
110 California sex offenders arrested in Halloween sweep
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3695872
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695875>>3695890
Now we have:
Q, Q+, and (((+))), who was proofed with (((WWG1WGA)))
▶ dc56a7 (3) No.3695876
We all want FULL disclosure but here is what I don't think you understand (if you do forgive me): there are good people, who support trump, support our movement and ideals for the most part, but are simply NOT going to be able to understand the full picture. There are things that anons know on this board now, that would drive some people crazy. I am related to someone like this. He/she is a strong, brave person with a good heart, knows about fake news, but will probably never be able to realize there is a global satanic cabal that has been trafficking, murdering raping and sometimes eating children. It's taken me forever to accept this- I used to always think that there was SOME combination of words I would eventually come up with that would snap them out of it, but I doubt it now. I try to be grateful that this person has awoken as much as they have…
Don't want to belabor the point anymore than necessary but… some people have been so mentally maimed by the cabals fake narrative about our reality that a full 100% recovery may not be possible. Then you have to consider all of the other countries around the world who would go ape-shit and launch an attack if they knew the truth about certain events. This entire situation is incredibly delicate. That has been my major lesson during the past year or so. Reality checking my expectations.
I wish I knew what the answer was.
▶ 707c07 (4) No.3695877
▶ 4c1537 (6) No.3695880>>3695900 >>3696185
How does anyone know? The dude seems to be close to Trump. A woman looks remarkably exactly like Jr's wife. Robert Kennedy tweets photos of some dude with a gimp mask. And a mystery teenage boy who looks Kennedy but no known name on the kid.
Jfk Jr was buried at sea an obvious trick to avoid spooks drilling into the grave to check if the body was really Jfk jr.
Q has come out before and set things straight like Alex Jones. If it really was an issue Q could stop it anytime they want.
Frankly it may annoy BO but unless he is a direct Q inner circle person then he knows exactly zero more than any of us.
▶ 820927 (4) No.3695881>>3696005
POTUS: “I do try”.
Q/Q+: “We do try”.
▶ 12b7db (7) No.3695882>>3695888 >>3695890
No. Board Owner not saying JFKJR thing is shills. In fact, I think BO posted the collage as a hint. The shills are the ones that PANIC every time someone posts about it.
▶ e25270 (9) No.3695883>>3696022
Thank you for telling me what to think.
You can stop now.
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3695884
Hey Q…….thx for posting !!
Get some rest !!!
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695885
Not just legits on the board, anon.
Too many scum around the world.
Too many roaches.
Also, why back the obvious (((shills)))?
▶ 4c1537 (6) No.3695888
Okay that might be it…..I told you I was tired.
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3695890>>3695919 >>3695937
>>3695866 2017 to 2018 Q Post POTUS Tweet Confirmation
BAKER, replace this with the other notable
>Q, Q+, and (((+)))
there's much moar than that
my theory is Q+, unless Q confirms/denies
try harder shill
▶ 8f32a6 (1) No.3695891>>3695918 >>3695925
Q's return!
Power back to the People!
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3695892
Well done Q!
Patriots in full control indeed!
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3695893>>3695920
Well that's about a D Minus which makes you a SJW. Would you like your participation trophy now or later?
▶ 3f5c27 (5) No.3695896>>3695905 >>3695938 >>3695969 >>3696002 >>3696054 >>3696174
New Q
Mathematically impossible or every detail planned?
1 Year Ago.
▶ 728fa1 (4) No.3695897
I was just thinking, "We'll, then, what did Q post tomorrow?"
▶ 7dfec0 (6) No.3695898
Got a hand it to them. there are alot in the jew community who dont like BiBi. Osama did not want him there. makes ya wonder?
▶ f56163 (4) No.3695899>>3696018
Ecuador demands 'RESPECT' from Wikileaks founder JULIAN ASSANGE, Is Extradiction Next?
Each new day, there is a new demand made of Julian Assange--new pressures from his Ecuadoran "hosts" that seemed designed to make him quit the Embassy, despite the threat of extradition to the USA.
PDF: http://freepdfhosting.com/5cfa4f81d8.pdf
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3695901
LOVE U Q Team>>3695888
>.I told you I was tired.
have a cup of covfefe, anon, it will perk you up
▶ d1815a (9) No.3695902>>3695919 >>3695972
I'm surprised they killed him so openly. That's my main reaction. Arabs are constantly killing off their rivals.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3695904>>3695960
We know you "love" your mom. We don't need a visual.
▶ 3f5c27 (5) No.3695905
add to that the quote Q pulled starts 17 minutes in and -55 out.
▶ 8abcf5 (9) No.3695907
Sooo comfy with Q back.
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3695908>>3695924 >>3695930 >>3695985
Japan hoping for a DEM win next week. Abe is not /our guy/.
Japan may gain stalling tactic on trade after U.S. midterm elections
Today 06:00 am JST 0 Comment
By Kylie Sertic
The U.S. midterm elections are often seen as a referendum on the sitting president's popularity, but the results of the 2018 races are likely to have more far-reaching consequences no matter which party controls Congress.
For Japan, the question of bilateral trade negotiations -- which the two governments are expected to start in mid-January – looms large.
If the Republican Party maintains its majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives in the Nov. 6 elections, President Donald Trump's "America First" policy will continue unhindered, meaning he will keep pushing Tokyo to conclude a bilateral trade agreement in Washington's favor, according to experts.
However, if the Democratic Party takes control of one or both chambers of Congress, the party will have the ability to exercise oversight of the Trump administration's activities including handling of foreign affairs, the experts say.
▶ 0abec6 (4) No.3695910
For The love Of Country…
Patriots Always At The Ready……
May God Bless We The People……
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3695912
WRWY Q, when the poop hits the fan, count on us to inform our families, neighbors, friends and anyone else who is confused as to what just took place and why. WWG1WGA
▶ 8b0417 (6) No.3695913
Could be when he departs for France to meet with Putin.
▶ 117ea6 (9) No.3695917
^^^^ Everything has been incubating. Why wreck it now with a thoughtless move?
Republicans are motivated. They don't need an arrest.
In face no arrest is more motivating, since you vote R, so they do they arrests and prosecutions without the corruption of the present Congress interfering.
▶ f4e0fb (2) No.3695918
>Q's return!
>Power back to the People!
DO It Q!!
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695919>>3696073 >>3696121
distraction, derailing.
nah, not today, 'anon'.
i think the op was supposed to be dark, but turks wanted a chip back in the game since they lost the pastor thing.
fucking turks are asking for it. erdogan is asking for it.
especially his 'son'.
▶ 9e9636 (7) No.3695920>>3696055 >>3696114
oh now pls i nee your approval
▶ c16637 (9) No.3695921>>3695931
Well done!!!
▶ a3b0c6 (1) No.3695922>>3695986 >>3696188 >>3696329 >>3696355
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3695923>>3695932 >>3695941 >>3695965
Q will you please put this JFKjr crap to bed?
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3695924>>3695952
>Abe is not our friend.
Lurk moar. A lot moar.
▶ 48f5f0 (1) No.3695926
I believe PAIN has been had and been had, and we are all about to hear about some of it.
Who knows.
That is who.
For most, its just this election and then the next thing.
For America its this ELECTION and then everything else.
Keep the masses guessing, keep voter turn out high.
Polls are a small sample, we are sampling 130 Million.
We are the majority.
The PAIN will be what they FEAR.
▶ fb90d7 (13) No.3695927
I'm actually hoping that enough of the non R voting citizenry realizes that rioting would be a big huge fucking mistake on multiple levels plus the legal level, for [them], and [they] all fuck off.
▶ e637e4 (4) No.3695928>>3695982 >>3696000
▶ ff2cb4 (3) No.3695929
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695930>>3696001 >>3696020
japs are just tools. their criminal element can't even hold off the triads.
black hat central of east asia.
abe needs to stiffen his spine or there is no japan in the future.
▶ 8b0417 (6) No.3695931
Thanks, Anon, but someone posted this before I did.
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3695932>>3695941
They already did!
▶ 0a4f96 (6) No.3695933>>3695979
‘Purge’ night riots lead to over 100 arrests in France
▶ bd87be (3) No.3695934>>3695945 >>3696368
ONE Qdrop with THRIVING:
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c905b2 No.1147720
Apr 22 2018 15:47:12 (EST)
Today is Earth Day.
Did you forget?
Do you feel safe?
Al Gore have some problems?
Insider trading maybe?
Just before leaving public office in 2001, Gore reported assets of less than $2 million; today, his wealth is estimated at $100 million.
▶ ea5cac (1) No.3695935>>3696345
It’s just Potus against the world
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3695937
or maybe it's all fake'n'gay on VIPAnon's part, Q knew it was coming, and that's why the ((( )))?
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3695938>>3695949
PF 376
▶ dc56a7 (3) No.3695939
I don't think that's what he meant.
BO has the biggest dick around these parts. I don't think he would let you down. The JFK jr topic gets shilled HARD and attacked in an almost JIDF like fashion. They constantly try to auto-associate it with "R larp" as if JFK Jr just HAS to be associated with R for the rest of eternity.
I find the JFK Jr stuff interesting and I NEVER read any of the R shit beyond the first stupid post talking about aliens. They are two entirely separate issues for most anons.
▶ f5280b (1) No.3695942>>3695959
Dear Q, was the josh comment by potus today our Q+ confirmation? anons are arguing and it'd be nice to have confirmed or denied. thanks you very much
▶ 78ea79 (2) No.3695943>>3695984 >>3695996 >>3696086
Q. Red October is now gone. November 6th is very close. Does America win this election? 11/11/18 is important to you, and an anniversary for our soldiers and country. Exactly why other than end of ww1?
▶ b09e77 (4) No.3695946>>3695968
>>3695916 - you do realize i can't see anything except the post #, right? Liz?
▶ 3c9521 (3) No.3695947>>3696273 >>3696381
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Back to this video. Listen to what he says with the Military behind him.
▶ 38b666 (5) No.3695948>>3695962 >>3696116 >>3696305
POTUS looks very sad in this pic….makes me feel sad.
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3695949>>3695987
▶ c19988 (1) No.3695951>>3695964
Was this previously posted by an anon, which Q reposted, or did Q do this one himself?
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3695952>>3695981
Screw you. Do some research on Abe and his DS family ties or mount a counter argument with facts (and Trump calling Abe a friend is not one. He calls everyone a friend until negotiations being.)
▶ fb1298 (4) No.3695954>>3696129
Happy Birthday anon, here's a you
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3695955>>3696047
▶ 77c921 (1) No.3695956
Oh jeeezus, what next, bleach bit?
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3695957
wait, that was dumb.
midnight's a little further off than that.
and me the math person, kek.
▶ 7465ec (1) No.3695958
Do we have a full list of the SES hatch act traitors suspected of treason?
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695962>>3695993
Determination is what I see.
(((they))) will FAIL, as they have so far.
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3695964
They were both posted in the last couple of breads by anons. Q reposted anons side-by-sides.
▶ 12b7db (7) No.3695965
I think that will be settled ssssoon. Like near 11/11
▶ 0a4f96 (6) No.3695966>>3696004
Lobbyist arrested, accused of bribing state legislator
▶ a605f4 (1) No.3695967
I still think something must happen on November 22 - 55th anniversary of the assassination of JFK.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3695968
Yes, put your Coke-bottle glasses back on.
▶ 84dba4 (1) No.3695969
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3695896
We're not worthy!
▶ 220f90 (2) No.3695970>>3696006 >>3696118
Q Clearance Patriot
My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury -- certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).
▶ d1815a (9) No.3695971>>3695999
I think he'll get to Chicago. Rahmfaggot is already on his way out…
▶ 322a09 (8) No.3695972
Yea, they def don't play by the same rules. You know trials with evidence, etc.
▶ 7dfec0 (6) No.3695973>>3695994
The Nazi Pepe is wrong. should have made it with the Hammer and sickel. Nazi's are your group.
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3695974
''' WRWY….Q….
▶ 45e0d4 (2) No.3695975
Q showing Q proofs of the plan. Nice new PF
▶ 952d69 (2) No.3695976>>3696024
Guys think about how angry and frustrated trying to figure out and waiting for Justice …… Just imagine how these crooked Politicians feel not knowing when the hammer drops ….. Q keeps fucking with them with dates and names places …. Glad it’s not me … Crime don’t pay
▶ abfb2a (3) No.3695977
The government on Friday approved a bill enabling manual workers from abroad to stay in Japan permanently in a major shift in its policy of resisting immigration.
Facing deepening labor shortages in such sectors as nursing, construction and farming, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration aims to pass the bill to revise the immigration law in the ongoing extraordinary Diet session through Dec. 10, with an eye to introducing the new program from next April.
The hastily prepared bill has drawn objections from both ruling bloc and opposition camp lawmakers who question its lack of details, such as how many would be accepted and which jobs would be made available to them.
Justice Minister Takashi Yamashita, who oversees the issue, said in Thursday’s Lower House committee that the government is not considering setting an upper limit on the number of foreign workers.
The government is considering accepting foreign workers in 14 sectors but does not plan to specify them in the bill.
The Abe administration is apparently responding to demands from industry groups, hoping to get the bill passed in time for the unified local elections next spring and the Upper House election in the summer.
“A policy that could appeal to voters in local communities, which are in dire need of workers, is indispensable” to win the elections, a source in the Prime Minister’s Office has said.
Japan has accepted highly skilled professionals, including professors and doctors, and permitted a limited number of refugees.
Under the envisioned legislation, the government seeks to introduce two types of resident status for workers, who must have Japanese-language proficiency.
The first status, valid for up to five years, will be given to those who have adequate knowledge and experience in a specific field.
*They will not be allowed to bring their family members to Japan.*
*They will not be allowed to bring their family members to Japan.*
▶ 8abcf5 (9) No.3695982>>3695997
Podesta da mole-esta
▶ c16637 (9) No.3695983
▶ 0556b6 (9) No.3695984>>3695996 >>3696003
Red October isn't gone
▶ 28009e (15) No.3695985>>3696017
Japan Today is as big a fake liberal news rag as CNN or WaPo.
▶ 4fcece (5) No.3695986
in my book
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3695987>>3696008
▶ 784753 (22) No.3695988
what about all the (((kvetching))) over one synagogue when this shit is happening everyday in America?
Spread the chicago - pittsburgh thing to black twatter.
See how (((they))) treat plantation escapees vs this bullshit false flag.
See the LIES of (((msm))).
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DESTROY the pawn structure.
▶ 5aded5 (1) No.3695990>>3696009 >>3696012 >>3696029
==GUISE iiiiiis it really… ALL HABBENINGS EVE== right now?!?!
▶ ca7e2a (1) No.3695991
could be that is a one year old post…
▶ c7579b (15) No.3695992
Oh, and make sure to read this pic.
▶ 38b666 (5) No.3695993>>3696010
You're right, anon…, methinks I am projecting my feelz onto POTUS. Apologies.
▶ e25270 (9) No.3695994>>3696079
>The Nazi Pepe is wrong
The Nazis made Pepe what it is you dumb motherfucker. It's been a racist symbol for years you goddamn fucking newfag cancer.
▶ 28009e (15) No.3695996>>3696122
Red October was/is November 6.
▶ 322a09 (8) No.3695999>>3696136 >>3696230
Bibi once said in reference to Rahm that he was a self-loathing Jew.
I always thought Bibi was right.
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3696000
Romans 11:4
4 And what was God’s answer to him? “I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.”[a]
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696001>>3696028
Not really the point.
BTW, Japan has the 3rd largest economy and the 8th most powerful military. Not really that pathetic.
▶ 7dfec0 (6) No.3696002
▶ 78ea79 (2) No.3696003>>3696030
What part of October is still here?
I didn't see much red about October.
▶ c7579b (15) No.3696004
Checked and good news.
▶ 96696a (1) No.3696006
(if true)
Again, I think you're overestimating people who don't care enough to be informed, to then care enough to be motivated to act.
▶ c16637 (9) No.3696007
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3696008
Been there done that : )
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696010>>3696035
POTUS is a true autist. Original Pepe.
We all made mistakes.
This man will succeed, along with Q team.
Those who prey on our people will know what pain is.
Those who dared to look down on Patriots world wide will learn the meaning of FEAR.
Where We Go One, We Go ALL
▶ a73be5 (4) No.3696011>>3696039 >>3696048 >>3696380
Very late arrival. Good night to everyone. Schedule will be posted tomorrow morning.
▶ 29fbd8 (1) No.3696012
free Beer today
▶ 8abcf5 (9) No.3696013>>3696025 >>3696129
Birthday gift after 23 days of waiting
▶ 45e0d4 (2) No.3696014
I will have to go back and look, but I am thinking Q team has began dropping way more info into comms decoding, as well as when Q quotes a past drop, Q may be simply showing the clock position for future proofs to come. Need sleep, night anons
▶ 84a237 (6) No.3696016>>3696129
Happy Birthday Anon!!
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696017>>3696049
JT is crap, but many of the Japanese media reporting the same. Also reporting the Japan is still pushing the TPP with other countries as a way of blunting Trumps new trade deal.
▶ d15ef7 (3) No.3696018
Space Seaman?
ReeleY? I have a spare pare I could send'im, warmest regards also.
▶ b8b5db (4) No.3696019
If not already posted. POTUS AND FLOTUS being greeted by staff at the Pittsburg hospital. A warm welcome indeed despite what the MSM was pushing
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696020>>3696061
Abe is done, "It's" habbening in Japan and Abe has a yuge target on his back as he is way up there in the Cabal, right below the Korean Emperor and his Korean Family.
▶ d1815a (9) No.3696021>>3696093
/They/ seem skeered, on tv, online and irl.
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3696022>>3696102
If saring a little information is turned into telling you what to think, you might be a SJW/NPC
Try not to literally shake
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696023
Why is JFK Jr.'s plane flying in and out of Quantico Marine Base where Marine One, the presidential helicopter, is stationed?
▶ fd08be (4) No.3696025
23 chromosomes in human DNA. Cabal GMO plan FOILED!
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3696026
Full circle.
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696028>>3696051
entirely artificial.
Groomed like fresh meat in a brothel.
If real truth was known, expect suicide rates in that region to skyrocket.
We will win.
Those who preyed on our people will die like dogs.
▶ 12b7db (7) No.3696030
What was called Red October, beginning 11/7/1917?
▶ 8f5406 (4) No.3696031>>3696045
Please begin reply to:
1. Florida "Sunrise, Florids" bomber
2. Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter
3. Hillary Clinton in black van video/image.
Thank you, and God Bless!
▶ 4fcece (5) No.3696033
happy birthday anon
▶ 46d95c (2) No.3696034>>3696046
Common sense tells me that the wave is going to be a RED one. Thousands show up for the Trump rallies and thousands watch him on the screen outside of the rally. Millions are watching them on TV vs Hussein pays students 15.00 to come see him and he still only gets 500 at the most. HRC couldn't get anybody to show up when she was running and I don't think many showed up for creepy Joe either. Doesn't look like the Dems illegal voters will get over the border anytime soon…RED WAVE!
▶ 38b666 (5) No.3696035
Well said, brother. Amen.
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3696036>>3696062
Wow, I made that Lynn one a long time ago,kek
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3696037>>3696056
The mattress kek
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696038>>3696098
See, I anticipated this lame response. Might as well post similar pics of Trump with Macron and the Queen for all it is worth.
▶ 84a237 (6) No.3696039>>3696305 >>3696337
God Bless You Mr. President!!
You have saved our Nation.
You have saved our World.
Enjoy your 17 minutes of sleep and we'll see you in the AM.
▶ 0a4f96 (6) No.3696040
South Africa to probe mysterious death of former Rwandan spy chief
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3696041>>3696126
I respect your viewpoint
And I beg to differ…….not true….its owned by all nations….it is the only continent not pictured…wakeup…lookup…and around…
▶ 4de845 (5) No.3696044>>3696129
Happy Birthday Anon
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3696045
That aint Hillary, it's the MK Ultra body double
▶ fb90d7 (13) No.3696046
And it doesn't look like any traitors will be leaving either ;)
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696049>>3696064
>JT is crap, but many of the Japanese media reporting the same. Also reporting the Japan is still pushing the TPP with other countries as a way of blunting Trumps new trade deal.
ALL the Japanese media is crap and biased! They all work for the same people, they are Globalists connected to and paid for by the cabal. They are being taken down, in Japan one by one by one EVERY single day. More so publicly than in America if you know what to look for. Not many people have noticed though SOME have!
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696051
I wasn't suggesting anything different. only Abe seems to have a big following from anons here when they have done scant research on the little rat.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696053>>3696315
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Facial profile comparison with Fusca. Check out the likes!
▶ ff1537 (1) No.3696054>>3696193 >>3696219 >>3696233
potus has been saying
give power back to the people
since his inauguration
this proves nothing
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3696055>>3696071 >>3696104
The rules here are old and rock solid. Tits or get the fuck out
▶ 0abec6 (4) No.3696058>>3696070
“ Without the pen of the author of common sense , the sword of Washington would of been raised in vain”
John Adams…
▶ 9e9636 (7) No.3696060
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696061>>3696110 >>3696120 >>3696240
nothing natural in that land since 1600s really.
yakuza will be targeted.
triads will take time.
the thing that appeals to globalist most about east asia is that the native pop has NO FUCKING CLUE how the world really works.
Just a lot of innocent delusions.
(((they))) find it EASY to operate there, 200%.
Do you know how many innocent east asian women and children have been raped and trafficked by their own?
The entire region is a human experimentation facility.
Naive, juvenile, and full of delusions.
No wonder the NWO picked it to be their top #1 pawn next.
▶ 4de845 (5) No.3696062
It's a favorite, kek ( Great work anon)
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696064>>3696147
Anons. I am not defending Japan, I'm pointing out why we should not be holding Abe in such high regard.
▶ 3c9521 (3) No.3696065>>3696129
Happy Birthday anon
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3696067>>3696081 >>3696092 >>3696097 >>3696214
Potus will tweet about a storm before leaving for rally 11/2.
▶ 8b4198 (3) No.3696068>>3696097 >>3696100
If POTUS tweets this tomorrow I will shit EVERY brick.
▶ ffd9c3 (1) No.3696069
Senate bill 2385 Passed July 26, 2018
Emergency Preparedness
SEC. 4. Integrated public alert and warning system participatory requirements.
The Administrator shall---
(1) consider the recommendations submitted by the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Subcommittee to the National Advisory Council under section 2(b)(7) of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Modernization Act of 2015 (Public Law 114--143; 130 Stat. 331), as amended by section 3 of this Act; and
(2) not later than 120 days after the date on which the recommendations described in paragraph (1) are submitted, establish minimum requirements for State, tribal, and local governments to participate in the public alert and warning system consistent with all public notice rules and regulations in law.
SEC. 5. Incident management and warning tool validation.
(a) In general.---The Administrator shall establish a process to ensure that an incident management and warning tool used by a State, tribal, or local government to originate and transmit an alert through the public alert and warning system meets the minimum requirements established by the Administrator under section 4(2).
(b) Requirements.---The process required to be established under subsection (a) shall include—
(1) the ability to test an incident management and warning tool in the public alert and warning system lab;
(2) the ability to certify that an incident management and warning tool complies with the applicable cyber frameworks of the Department of Homeland Security and the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Complete text at:
▶ 728fa1 (4) No.3696070
Q, can we get a pen post? That would be fun.
▶ 9e9636 (7) No.3696071>>3696114
did i say i was a chick fucktard?
▶ 374982 (8) No.3696072>>3696109 >>3696149
It's been a hell of year!
For you: implimenting the plan, training us anons, setting the stage…. Whew
For us: coming together, learning, decoding, researching.
You kept saying Enjoy the show, bit I think it is just starting now.
Thank you for including us. We, The People! I can't begin to express our appreciation enough.
Godspeed to all Patriots in harms way. WAWY
Where we go one, we go all!
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3696073
I dindu nuffin, what am I "distracti(ng), derailing" about?
▶ c76182 (2) No.3696074
>>3695206 (PB)
is this someone compromising air gap by making the lights blink code for the camera to show contents of computer to an outside party?
▶ b317ca (1) No.3696075
▶ bbfa57 (1) No.3696076>>3696106 >>3696129
>>3694892 lb
the cartels out here gave pedo orourke tons of cash.
why else ya think ol' pedo would go to every county, in person?
that is how he picks up the cash.
so it makes sense that it is laundered back thru pedo to the invading species south of the border, consisting of a lotta cartel henchman. its a win/win for pedo and the cartels.
check out TEJAS AVIATION SERVICES INC … registered in Houston … does a LOT of 'below the radar' (literally) flights in east Texas.
tied to brownsville texas and southern cali.
lotta private little airports/airstrips in use by outfits like this.
the other one we see a lot is martinaire aviation llc … and some of the diggs on that outfit were just plain hinky. they are headquartered where a lot of cartel cash is laundered, j/s.
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3696077
So: she(Pelosi) wants to tangle with Kavanaugh on a 5-4 SCOTUS leaning towards Trump?
▶ 7dfec0 (6) No.3696079>>3696095
Newfag Cancer? Nazi symbol was not considered Racist until the Nazi party used it, just some history Fag.as I was saying the left projects us as Nazis. they are Nazis. so go fuck yourself if you cant understand satire.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696080>>3696108
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Lauren Bessette at rally?
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3696081
I got goosebumps, Reeeeeeeeeeeee
▶ 4bff66 (4) No.3696082>>3696225
>probably spent too long doing it
thank you
>>3695816 , >>>/patriotsfight/377
>probably spent too long doing it
confirmed :(
▶ 0a4f96 (6) No.3696085>>3696137 >>3696398
Resignations in the news today:
Jordan ministers resign over Dead Sea flood deaths
Canada resort staff were fired for being white - tribunal
2 Duval school police staffers resign after co-worker's gun pawned
Sandisfield DPW chief fired for working personal jobs on town time
Retiring Bensenville police chief: We changed department's culture
U. Of Maryland Board Of Regents Chair Resigns, Fallout Continues From Athlete's Death
Sports minister resigns over delay to gambling curb
Retiring Sergeant Celebrated After 28 Years With OCPD
The Southington Board of Education recognized 17 retiring employees of Southington Public Schools
Whitehair retiring after 44 years as vet
Beverly Haberle retiring as executive director of The Council of Southeast Pa.
Jwaneng/Mabutsane BNF members resign
3 Hutchinson police employees fired, 1 suspended
Konsortium Transnasional’s auditors resign
Brett Herron resigns from DA, says racism exists within the party
Auburn City Court Judge Michael McKeon Retiring
No indictment for fired SAPD officer accused of beating girlfriend with rock
2 Dallas Police Majors Fired For Internal Misdeeds
Woodlands DSC taking applications for new members; Boniface to resign from committee
▶ 820927 (4) No.3696086>>3696111
▶ d44943 (2) No.3696087>>3696268
I seams like something is up, with so many of our guys being put on the border…. are we sure this is not related?
▶ 7c1203 (2) No.3696088>>3696167
Waking up to new Q is like Christmas Day!
▶ 234003 (4) No.3696089>>3696181
heres moar that seem applicable for tmw.
▶ a4d25d (9) No.3696090>>3696096
Coincidence that 11/11 happens to fall on a Sunday?
Religious significance?
▶ dd0549 (1) No.3696092
or next week before heading to frogland
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696093>>3696121 >>3696178
(((many))) are already too deep in to pull back.
they won't matter.
But we can't leave a single man or woman, girl or boy behind.
Those who believe they are hunters will know the meaning of terror.
This cannot end in any other way.
▶ c7579b (15) No.3696095>>3696195
>They are Nazis
Learn more history.
▶ 0556b6 (9) No.3696096>>3696131
Veterans Day, sabbath
▶ ff2cb4 (3) No.3696097
We'll both need a change of diapers
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3696098>>3696151
What you don't understand is that no leader of another country is /our guy/ that is the point of nationalism. Everyone is looking out for their best interests. Abe is a friend of POTUS. Abe is very appreciative that there are no nuke missiles flying over his country from NK. Which means that POTUS has leverage over Abe so therefore Abe is more of a friend to us than he is not
Get it?
▶ 998c42 (2) No.3696099
THE reason for SpaceForce.. defence in space.
The fact it was launched from sub had me thinking about what we saw off Washington Coast was right, had to ne a sub. Look at the pics from video. Just like the night pic from pugent sound webcam the article was about.
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3696100>>3696163
We are at 9.98086663195% of our goal to BUILD THE WALL starting from Imperial Beach, CA to Brownsville, Texas! Lets make sure everyone gets a brick in the United States! For every Centipede a brick, for every brick a Centipede!
At this rate, the wall will be 689.750404902 MILES WIDE and 322.369260285 FEET HIGH by tomorrow! DO YOUR PART!
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696101
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Lauren Bessette in pic with Fusca?
▶ 070bfe (4) No.3696103>>3696125
Are you an amazon loser too?
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3696104>>3696140 >>3696227
Thank you Baker and Q Team
▶ 5c85cd (1) No.3696105
I was thinking maybe the reason Q just posted this is because whoever is posting as Q, doesn't have to abide by the Hatch Act.
he wants us to pay attention to what the Dems are doing in regards to breaking the Hatch Act.
Perhaps both.
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696106
Baker, notable
beto/pedo cash flow and TEJAS AVIATION SERVICES INC
▶ a11b3a (2) No.3696107>>3696115
Streisand said Trump made her get fat.
▶ 8f5406 (4) No.3696108
Q is back.
Go away like all you R Fags have done berfore.
▶ 4de845 (5) No.3696109
WWG1WGA Well said anon.
We all feel great appreciation about everything Q , POTUS and other patriots have done for We the People.
We really are grateful to be included in this.
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696110>>3696139 >>3696212 >>3696244
>No wonder the NWO picked it to be their top #1 pawn next.
You are basically correct on everything you say cept I'm not sure the NWO picked them Since the Emperor and his tribe, the media, Japanwood and most the Government are Koreans, I am waiting to see if maybe they picked the NWO.
I think that since Japan is actually Korean that possibly they run South Korea in partnership with the Clowns or some variation of this!
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3696111>>3696145
Other happenings on NOV 11th
▶ 649e80 (4) No.3696112
sure seems like it huh, anons?
▶ 73fcc1 (3) No.3696113
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub// just got interesting…
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3696114>>3696123
You posted a tough chick pic when you got tough with me.
Tits or GTFO
▶ 67bd51 (1) No.3696116>>3696133
Wait for R to reveal himself. The A-Team is getting bigger. In the meantime, watch every one of Trump's speeches and rallies and follow him from place to place in your prayers. Pick up your cross and carry it with him. WWG1WGA
▶ 38aa50 (1) No.3696117
I don’t Google shite! Duck Duck Go
▶ c16637 (9) No.3696118>>3696173
…So your saying a fair election is not possible? This scenario would put POTUS in the position of suspending the midterms with martial law. If true, this must be plan B or C… I'm just sayin'…
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696120>>3696169
>yakuza will be targeted.
Oh, and they are! EVERY day there are more and more arrests and Jimushos closed!
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3696121
>distraction, derailing.
oh, you mean from obfuscating (((+))) = (((soros)))
thats my #2 theory, just have trouble with (( (WWG1WGA))) referencing soros
just my opinion, not an attempt at obfuscating
▶ f56163 (4) No.3696122>>3696130 >>3696143
Red October Bolshevik Revolution was on Nov. 7 (old Russian calendar)
▶ f0ac90 (2) No.3696126>>3696135 >>3696266 >>3696292
Who is the UN Ambassador from Antarctica?
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3696129
Wasn't this already in notables?
Or is it additional info to a developing story?
>>3695954, >>3695963, >>3696013, >>3696016 >>3696033, >>3696044, >>3696065, >>3696078
Oh wow, thanks guys.
Getting our country back makes birthdays seem kinda silly in comparison, but these markers in time, they do somehow mean something. Feels good boss started posting again. So happy to be here sharing it with you all. (lub dese memes too, kek)
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696130
Kek, 6,7 I knew it was right there, Thanks!
▶ a4d25d (9) No.3696131>>3696153 >>3696182
The plan is simply awe inspiring. I really have no words to describe the intricacy and precision.
▶ 9e9636 (7) No.3696132
i have neither the time nor crayons
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3696133>>3696150
R has revealed himself. He is George Nasif on Twitter.
JFK is dead. Stop fucking shilling this shit!
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3696134
1960's hippy retreads
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3696135
probably an ayyy
▶ d1815a (9) No.3696136>>3696146
Rahm is easy to loathe.
▶ 0e1080 (1) No.3696137
thank you for you for chasing these down everyday, much appreciated
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696139>>3696201
simple racial difference and infiltration is just one angle.
actually 95% distraction, even if true.
nothing in that region is done as the natives imagine.
yakuza being 30% korean for instance is true, but a very small cog in a larger picture.
east asia is truly vulnerable.
they are getting raped everyday and don't even know it.
delusions lead to such ends.
globalists and NWO are obsessed with that region for a good reason.
Very happy POTUS worked the victory in NK. It was crucial.
Fuse gone.
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3696140>>3696184
Not the poster called out as a chick but your contribution is appreciated.
▶ 6f61c1 (7) No.3696142>>3696148
Yes he will be in Paris on the 11th of November.
But what if he stays overseas until early December?
33rd ASEAN Summit will begin on
Sunday, November 11, 2018
and ends on Thursday, November 15
APEC is in Papua New Guinea
Date November 17--18, 2018
Trump has hinted that relations with China's Xi are good and are developing. He might take a short trip and now we know that the UK has OWNED China since the Opium Wars. Chains cut?
NK is supposed to be getting close to something good which is not just nuclear disarmament, but also reunification. Might be worth a trip.
He may even stop over and visit Putin.
The 2018 G20 Buenos Aires summit will be the 13th meeting of Group of Twenty (G20). It will be held in 2018 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina 30 November 2018 -- 1 December 2018
Trump will not telegraph all of his moves, but there is some raw material here for either a long trip, or several trips. There may even be a special movie on the cards. One where Trump is abroad, there is a coup in the USA, things are dicy for a while (but Trump is safe) and he refuses to give up and keeps on working on diplomacy while the military moves in on the coup conspirators and the people of the USA cheer they brave soldiers who are saving the country while Trump declares from abroad, that the people must rule in the USA.
This would be so shocking to EVERYBODY in the world, that nobody would ever accuse Trump of interfering in the affairs of sovereign nations to trigger a WW Great Awakening so I will also not make such an accusation.
▶ 73fcc1 (3) No.3696145
▶ 322a09 (8) No.3696146
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696147
So am I, Abe is a Globalist/Cabalist.
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3696148>>3696171
33rd, you say… those 33 deltas with the posts'n'tweets…
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3696149
Well fucking put anon, and ditto.
We are incredibly lucky to be part of this, no matter how small.
We've been through so much together and its practically just beginning.
It sure has been a slice.
Love you homos
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696150>>3696215
No. That was another shill BO trying to make it look like R posted more than once. Nice try, though.
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696151
The Deep State has had leverage over Abe and his family since the war.
but I won't argue the point any more. We will all know more about it soon enough.
▶ 0556b6 (9) No.3696153
Aeons in the making
▶ cf15ec (3) No.3696154
Anons, any significance to tie apparel that is displayed or is it just coincidence?
On 10-08-2018: POTUS at Justice Brett Kavanaugh ceremony wears BLACK AND WHITE tie while Justice K wears BLUE.
On 11-01-2018: POTUS at rally wears BLACK AND WHITE tie.
Images in this bread:
▶ 639617 (2) No.3696155>>3696168 >>3696186
The people who post the same JFK Jr thing over and over every bread, are shills, the same ones that did the R Larp
they slide the bread, contribute nothing new, and ram it down our throats. All three are shill tactics.
Anons post and move on.
▶ fb90d7 (13) No.3696156
There it is. NPC confirmed.
▶ 952d69 (2) No.3696158
If you want world peace just rid it of evil ….. Lke POTUS is doing
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3696159>>3696188 >>3696204 >>3696329 >>3696355
POTUS tucked in nice and safe tonight, and
Schedule will be announced in morning
▶ 9f5390 (1) No.3696160
not a clockfag here but I got to wondering is if at post 2400 we reach zero hour(midnight) and then booms start to roll out, this shit has me thinking of Dr.Strangelove as well… some one if you plz call me out for my intuitive nature :'(
▶ a4d25d (9) No.3696161>>3696194 >>3696263
I am predicting use of the EMS Presidential Alert on 11/11.
▶ 2a0471 (2) No.3696162>>3696294
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. for all you braniacs (all respect) into math, codes, John Dee and Shakespear, Allen Green has some mind blowing decodes and I would be surprised if this ancient wisdom wasn't being utilized by Q and POTUS. it's mostly over my head but I just had to pass it on.
▶ 8b4198 (3) No.3696163
▶ 117ea6 (9) No.3696164>>3696234
I guess that includes:
All the ones who had bias and framed the 'Russian collusion" news tsunami while letting criminal HRC off the hook?
That would count as influencing an election, or trying to, right?
Pres. DT won , so the outcome wasn't affected; as they keep repeating.
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3696165
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Mind Wars - Lies, rants, & blades plus love & truth
"Responding about Wohl. I love everyone, but my commenter wants to play victim while taking discussion out of context. So, let's do it. Rants going, love going, plus outtakes with blades. Much love, to all."
▶ 4de845 (5) No.3696167>>3696206 >>3696218
I was telling a family member earlier, that the wait for next Tuesday is like Christmas.
I remember election 2016( best night ever) I never laughed so hard in my life. I was literally on the floor and could not stop. We were flipping between CNN and MSNBC and others, watching them freak out and as each state kept coming in for Trump, it made us laugh even harder.
( And i was a lifetime Dem before, kek)
▶ 322a09 (8) No.3696168
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696169
did they think we and people around the world had no idea what they were disseminating via their pornography (real/'cartoon')?
Wonder who feeds them the 'materials'?
Did they really think they could get away with targeting our women and children?
They will pay, IN BLOOD.
They are not who they think they are.
Good people of japan and east asia have NOTHING they should fear from these scum.
Just don't eat their slop.
▶ 0abec6 (4) No.3696170
For The Love Of Our Country…
God Bless The United States Of America……
▶ 498dd4 (8) No.3696172
really no idea about this
▶ 6f61c1 (7) No.3696173
My take is that the Q post was disinfo.
They did that to get the left to blatantly try and organize a coup, but in the process, they made so many mistakes that they basically outed all the serving military officers who are traitors, they outed the financing channels, they gave themselves away.
They really are stupid. It's over.
For the left, it really is too late to act.
▶ 7f2418 (3) No.3696174>>3696318
This has been strategized and planned to the last detail
No telling how many simulation programs were run, and for how long, with every variable conceivable.
We're all going to remember this for the rest of our lives. And imagine when the details finally emerge, and the next phases begin.
Breathtaking, Q.
▶ d1815a (9) No.3696178>>3696239
I attack and destroy libtards wherever I find them, which is everywhere here in deep blue west coast. Be relentless.
▶ c7579b (15) No.3696179>>3696192
Just a video of a jew getting gassed, for all the right reasons.
▶ 649e80 (4) No.3696181
per @POTUS_Schedule
Thursday, 01 November 2018
23:29:08 #POTUS #AirForceOne #AF1 Arrival - Joint Base Andrews
23:40:45 #MarineOne Departure - en route the #WhiteHouse
23:53:29 Arrival - the White House secure area
Very late arrival. Good night to everyone.
Schedule will be posted tomorrow morning.
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3696182
The Plan is running like a fine timepiece, tick tock
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3696184
no problem
I thought I'd cheer anons up with some bewbs
▶ 639617 (2) No.3696185>>3696213 >>3696238 >>3696260
> If it really was an issue Q could stop it anytime they want.
He did. when asked he said specifically
"There is Only Q"
But he also didn't. Q doesn't stop ANY of the shilling on this board. It is up to us to know the difference between anon posts and the constant barrage of shilldom. Its how you exercise your own judgement.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696186>>3696290
No, I am a real researcher. I am not here for your negativity. I am here for the open-minded anons and many thousands of lurkers who are excited at the prospect of JFK Jr. returning and redpilling the entire world.
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3696188>>3696202
Basket of deNotables
>>3696159 POTUS Schedule: Tucked In Safe for the Night, Moar will be posted tomorrow
>>3695710 Anons consider Trump's statement about celebrating "end of the war" Nov. 11
>>3695922 POTUS loves our Mil: Veteran's Day to become Veteran's Month all of Nov.
>>3695866 Additional graphic: 2017 to 2018 Q Post POTUS Tweet Confirmation
>>3695654, >>3695665 Gossip for the goyim: Khashoggi's body mebbe "dissolved in acid"
▶ e637e4 (4) No.3696189
▶ c9cef1 (1) No.3696190
quoted by Peter on pentecost as being fulfilled right then
▶ 3f5c27 (5) No.3696193
yeah but Q pulls the quote an hour before POTUS tweet
after being absent 23 days, posts at 23rd millisecond, Trump posts tweet at 23 minute marker, and quote about circumventing media is exactly 17 minutes in on live video.
just random, mmmhhhmmm.
▶ 7dfec0 (6) No.3696195>>3696245
this is more recent history the Nazis use the segragation of the south as there platform.. the symbol has been around since 300 A,D.. besides that Fag, the Nazi Pepe hangs with the Mob.
▶ 1bf171 (3) No.3696197>>3696208 >>3696211
▶ 817c0c (2) No.3696198
is this the real robert bower?
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3696199>>3696369
Praying that it will be anon
▶ 8e639b (1) No.3696200>>3696231
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696201>>3696262 >>3696278 >>3696281
>NWO are obsessed with that region for a good reason.
>Very happy POTUS worked the victory in NK. It was crucial.
>Fuse gone.
There is a VERY good reason but I'm still digging on that one. Okinawa for instance, the hardest fought battle in the Pacific. Why? Keystone of the Pacific.Why? What is so important in Okinawa that they would suffer a fake war and yuge losses to get, control, return and control by proxy. There is something there!
Fuse gone, no, going but not gone!
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3696202
UK Gov meeting with white helmets and fanboying them is notables af
▶ 7eea70 (1) No.3696203>>3696216 >>3696323 >>3696327
Confirmed, 2nd Assault Helicopter Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division ties to Anon Post - 82nd AB
Quite the assortment, w/ more to come obviously….
▶ 234003 (4) No.3696204>>3696336 >>3696380
How normal is this? Ive never seen them wait and publish schedule in the morning. U?
▶ f56163 (4) No.3696205>>3696274
Two observations:
First, good chance WaPo and others don't even do polls but simply make them up. Why not? Easy to do. (Does anyone ever ask them to produce the raw data? Probably not)
Second, I'm just now realizing that we have polls (done to ask people's opinions) and polling machines (for voting). Hadn't thought about the connection before….both can be manipulated, although DJT has promised us in his address today that voting fraud is not going to happen this time (but he didn't say how).
▶ 84a237 (6) No.3696206
100%. We have decades of work and cleanup, but in my mind and heart, we get our Nation back on Tuesday.
I find myself crying a lot these days Anons. What a DRASTIC change of paths and events these past 2 years 'eh?? Thank God Almighty. Who would have thought??
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696207>>3696221 >>3696226
Who is that on the bow (front) of the boat?
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696208>>3696331
The point is that he will be in France on Nov 11. Q said POTUS would be out of the country when the SHTF.
▶ d0bcf7 (6) No.3696209
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3696211
What's the cost of the the Military Parade?
It's going to cost millions AND a Satanic Cabal?!
One Parade, Please!
▶ 498dd4 (8) No.3696212>>3696235 >>3696243
wait wut? annon I plead 100% ignorance. japan is run by koreans?
boom. head shot.
▶ c7579b (15) No.3696213
People need to learn how to think for themselves.
This is why verifiable facts always trump shilling, there is no arguing against facts.
▶ 6f61c1 (7) No.3696214
I think this refers to Friday the 9th
Before he departs for Paris.
And there is another drop that talks about a Friday and Saturday
That I also think means the 9th and 10th of November.
He may not be going straight to Paris.
The UK was recently in the news.
NATO is not far from Paris.
Keeping his flightpath uncertain is always a wise plan.
▶ 117ea6 (9) No.3696215
Reminds me of the style they used to attempt to discredit "Q"
"But we know who he is, it's Razor [?sp]"
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3696216>>3696229 >>3696256 >>3696311 >>3696314
I've also heard my old unit (101st Airborne (Air Assault) is heading to the border as well.
▶ 1edd8b (2) No.3696217
Nov 01 2018 20:44:41
Your vote matters!
Re_read drops re: Polls
A while ago, there was a list of candidates who were CIA assets. CIA employees are specifically forbidden to run for partisan office.
"In addition to the prohibitions discussed
herein, federal employees in the following
agencies, divisions, or positions are “furtherrestricted”
under the Hatch Act and cannot
take an active part in political management or
political campaigns (i.e., engage in political
activity in concert with a political party,
candidate for partisan political office, or
partisan political group):
Election Assistance Commission
Federal Election Commission
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency
▶ 7f2418 (3) No.3696218
Already planning on staying up all night.
Praying for Georgia to elect Brian Kemp.
We do NOT need Stacey Abrams.
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3696219
It's too exact, exactly one year later, :33 marker and 23, you think that's just coincidence?Uh No
▶ 374982 (8) No.3696221>>3696248
▶ 22f2e3 (1) No.3696224
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3696225
>probably spent too long doing it
Hard work is rewarded anon. Congratulations.
▶ fb1298 (4) No.3696226>>3696248
▶ d1815a (9) No.3696227>>3696297
She's one of the best.
▶ 1823db (1) No.3696228>>3696272
new Q
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3696229
thank you for your service
a truly legendary unit
▶ 7dfec0 (6) No.3696230>>3696259
i would need to see the quote. but i wouldnt doubt it. Rahm and the London Khan are the same.
▶ d0a22c (2) No.3696232>>3696273
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. During Trumps Inauguration speech, when he talks about giving power back to the people. Military form behind him. Was it a message to us before Q posted? Looking back on other Inaugurations this doesn't happen.
▶ 2fe821 (6) No.3696233
its all relative
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3696234
Add Brennan.
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696235>>3696243 >>3696312
▶ d0bcf7 (6) No.3696237
Honestly, that is the coolest thing I've seen this week. Getting back to the White House after a productive 9-5, speech at dinner time and land on the front of the WH in a chopper and then just casually stroll on the lawn to the entrance while USSS watches.
If I can go the WH in a chopper and land exactly like that and then just walk it now that is something. If only once, would definitely take that opportunity.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696238>>3696258
Q did not answer the question asked, "Is R real or fake?"
I think he was rejecting the false premise that the anon posed, namely, that "a movement split" was at hand.
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696239>>3696330
CA and HI are vital. Full sweep. Leave no traitors alive etc.
the bubble of their 'fake world' will collapse soon and many will know what reality is.
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696240
>yakuza will be targeted.
Already happening.
▶ 4ef07f (1) No.3696241
Don't back down and no mercy. You can't reason with this kind of evil. It must be destroyed like Prion's disease. Just like you have to burn everything Prion disease comes into contact with you will have to destroy every group of the cult to rid the world of it.
Thanks to those in harms way, I'm praying for you all numerous times daily. You're never alone out there.
▶ 8abcf5 (9) No.3696242
Trips of truth and justice
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696243>>3696382
Let me clarify just a liddle, Koreans, not necessarily Korea.
▶ 6f61c1 (7) No.3696244>>3696257
KEK is in japan.
At KEK there are researchers name Satoshi and Nakamoto.
Bitcoin is essentially an algorithm that implements quantum entanglement.
KEK Physicists spend most of their time doing mathematics
So designing a new crypto algorithm fits right in with their expertise and skillset.
▶ c7579b (15) No.3696245
The zionist subversion of the US and Europe is way older than all that "its the nazis" fake narrative.
Zionists founded the FED in 1913.
They also founded the NAACP in 1909.
I could go on and on.
▶ 234003 (4) No.3696246
funnt cus im not offended at all by that gay ass costume.
Im sure that response or lack thereof would trigger her so I wouldnt even say anything to the dumb bitch.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696248>>3696265
I see, you believe what you are told.
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3696249>>3696254
every detail planned
▶ a51138 (1) No.3696251
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3696254
Means they're running shit now
▶ ca8c3a (1) No.3696255
Love U Q so glad you're back
▶ a4d25d (9) No.3696256>>3696280
Screamin' Eagles baby!
Thank you for serving We the People.
Three miles up, three miles down!
God bless you, PatriotAnon.
▶ da5750 (3) No.3696257
Kek'd and Check'd
▶ 8ad968 (3) No.3696258>>3696269
You must have to be a be a shill because you're too stupid to get a job moping floors at a McDonald's.
▶ 322a09 (8) No.3696259
I will search for it tomorrow. I do recall that bibi said it before rahm left the WH.
▶ 117ea6 (9) No.3696260>>3696271
But jr. could be a member of "Q"
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3696262>>3696306
>Okinawa for instance
was planefagging last night with a fellow anon and we both noted that we couldn't detect any air traffic inbound/outbound from Okinawa…..maybe because of the Us military presence there ?……..curious
▶ 92664f (1) No.3696263
▶ fb1298 (4) No.3696264
Trying to reconcile Q's post about the Hatch Act with earlier Q posts.
Is there a time period in the campaign season in which the Hatch Act is not yet applicable?
▶ 374982 (8) No.3696265>>3696284
I have full size one in my kitchen… you want a closer look?
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3696266
A ANTARCTIC UN treaty was signed
▶ 2fe821 (6) No.3696267
>>3696222 PFQ
2:22 POTUS and Q delta
▶ 38b666 (5) No.3696268
I have been thinking that all of this caravan crap has been turned around on (((them))) or possibly started by /ourguys/ to begin with so normies won't question all the military/NG build up at the border; WHO might want to flee to Mexico right about now? (pic related)
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696269>>3696285 >>3696295
What do you call the logical fallacy you just committed?
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696271
▶ 2fd026 (13) No.3696272
Brah, that was 40 mins ago
▶ 3c9521 (3) No.3696273>>3696283 >>3696287 >>3696381
I already posted that above
and it has never happened before.
▶ fb90d7 (13) No.3696274>>3696339 >>3696365
>DJT has promised us in his address today that voting fraud is not going to happen this time (but he didn't say how).
Think about this:
Trump won without a woken, mobilized populace, for the most part… Solely because the Military made sure that the fraud hacks didn't work in key states.
This time around, the Military has had two years to find patterns and harden shit up. And the evidence shows that they have maintained the Constitutional authority to do so.
And the public at large is becoming 'very fucking mobilized,and freshly awake, very quickly, to all of the treachery this time around'.
(Gets moaar popcoarn)
▶ e25270 (9) No.3696275>>3696310
All three versions of our forecast give them only about 1 in 7 shot (about 15 percent) of taking over the Senate from Republicans.
This is normally the point at which you might expect us to give you a throat-clearing “well, actually” about how 1 in 7 chances happen all the time. Indeed, they do. One in seven days of the week is a Thursday. None of us woke up this morning screaming “Oh my gosh, I just can’t believe it’s a Thursday!” And nobody should really be that surprised if Democrats win the Senate next week, or if Republicans keep the House.
▶ c7579b (15) No.3696277>>3696299
Lol, the subversive jews just don't know when to stop.
Dis gonn be gud.
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696278
okinawa has geographical location.
also since marginalized, great potential energy for assets to infiltrate to mainland.
yakuza etc.
NWO main arm of control is fear and chaos.
keep the sheep scared and under pressure etc.
quasi-legal societies such as masons and yakuza = perfect targets
kgb/mi6/see eye a/mss/isi/raw/mit/mos all very useful.
all the elements are there to become a tentacle of the NWO.
the thing with east asia is that all the elements of pyramid structure of sheep control is already in place.
along with much potential energy at each level.
take out the top/scare or co-opt them and you already have the entire structure ready for use.
don't think for a moment that merely shining the light will 'scatter the roaches'.
they can bring force to bear, make you pay for underestimating them.
not just cirminal societies.
PBOC BOJ etc are easily coopted.
they nearly had china.
wonder how xi is doing?
▶ ac13e5 (1) No.3696279
May not use his it her official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the result of an election
Sure sounds like a bunch of folks are in violation:
Hussein, Lisa Page, Strzk, comey, etc…
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3696280>>3696289
I just did what I thought was right at that time.
I gave 21.5 years of my life to America in total.
it was a privilege to serve YOU all. how can I take from a country without giving FIRST?
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696281
Location, location, location…
Seen as pivotal since Commodore Perry landed there in the 1850s.
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3696282
11/2 West Virginia and Indiana.
▶ d0a22c (2) No.3696283
Thanks for the heads up
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696284
Sounds like another threat of violence. A sure sign of a weak and feeble disposition.
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3696285>>3696320 >>3696347
Your educated snobbery is showing. You must be a SJW/NPC
▶ 820927 (4) No.3696286
I love that man!
▶ 649e80 (4) No.3696287
it definitely was a message from our armed services that they were backing Trump. LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY..
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3696289
Thank you for your service Patriot!!
▶ 707c07 (4) No.3696290>>3696352
when you post 28 times its not research, its spam
but Now its called LIZZIN the board up
▶ 374982 (8) No.3696291>>3696303
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3696292>>3696307
Wanna close up HD 360 view ??
▶ b43c45 (4) No.3696293
▶ 2a0471 (2) No.3696294
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3696162
john d greatest
cryptographer of the renaissance locked
away a secret text grid actually
numbered telling us the exact grid
lengths 24 total 624 squares so on a
hunch I add up all the characters in all
three public texts put them into the
same 24 grid including dots and
punctuation and it's one short then it
hits me that missing dot abracadabra
imagine I was gonna just make up a code
out of thin air for my fictional story
and I had it being given the actual key
to the whole mystery and here it is the
double T there are five sets of them and
they point to the same letter positions
here in DS grid revealing a message but
I noticed the same key is in DS grid
five sets of double T's and they point
back to letters in the same position
here revealing a second message
ciphertext and plaintext work both ways
revolved in the entire history of
cryptography this is unheard of except
in Twelfth Night
Malvolio is trying to solve a code and
he reads a clue that says if this fall
into thy hand revolve no one made the
connection but if you revolve these
the TT is now pointed different letters
here revealing a third message and these
double tees give us a fourth now just
think of what this means
DS grid was locked away in a secret
location not found until 63 years after
his death these messages all refer to an
altar stone hidden underground
remember not found until 1889 now why
would he do that unless this was never
intended to be solved back then it's a
message to the future to us we've all
▶ 8ad968 (3) No.3696295>>3696324
I didn't commit a logical fallacy. I was drawing a conclusion on why you are a shill.
▶ 6e6c34 (1) No.3696296>>3696342
Any Cali anons know how the recent SC ruling effects us wearing MAGA gear when voting? I know in other states it's ruled in favor of the voter, but commiefornia is a different animal.
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3696297
▶ 73fcc1 (3) No.3696298
Shills only shill, when they're afraid.
▶ d0bcf7 (6) No.3696299>>3696343 >>3696344
What the heck? All my logic…
Some guy goes apeshit nuts and then someone wants to write an article trying to get the American Jews to bolster the "immigrant caravan" movement.
I don't even know what to say.
▶ 746d6c (1) No.3696301
look faggots
no likey kikey maggots all in one box
▶ 8abcf5 (9) No.3696303
30 posts of pure horseshit
▶ b8b5db (4) No.3696304>>3696329 >>3696355
A Republican lobbyist’s plan to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller by smearing him with sexual harassment allegations fell apart Thursday when the lobbyist failed to produce the woman.
Jack Burkman, a GOP activist and lobbyist, had scheduled a Thursday press conference in Arlington, Virginia, to produce a woman he said was going to disclose sexual misconduct allegations against Mr. Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.
But Mr. Burkman did not reveal the woman, saying only that she is “fearful for her life” and now wishes to remain anonymous, according to media reports. Mr. Burkman orchestrated the press conference with the help of Jacob Wohl, a conservative Twitter personality.
All week Mr. Burkman and Mr. Wohl had promised the press conference would continue, even after Mr. Mueller referred the matter to the FBI. The event did happen, but they said the woman fled to another location after the media attention caused her to panic.
The FBI is currently investigating whether women have been offered money to publicly make false claims against Mr. Mueller.
▶ 4d52e2 (1) No.3696305>>3696332
POTUS looks tired. I hope he remembers that he must look out for himself in all this. Exhaustion comes on slow, then creeps up with a bat. I speak from experience on this one.
God bless everyone.
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696306>>3696329 >>3696355
Kek, Internaitional Airport anwith flights all day long, a USAF base ans an MCAS with Planes, Helos and Ospreys yet NEVER a single plane in sight.
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3696307>>3696334
That was really cool, thanks
▶ 1bf171 (3) No.3696308
This video mirrors another one from nearly a year ago. Not sure the exact date.I remember thinking that it was related to this Q drop.
▶ 19c456 (21) No.3696309
▶ a4d25d (9) No.3696310
Remember what Q said.
If people believe the odds are hopeless their candidate will win…
Do they still make the effort to vote?
[Point 2]
"If people believe the odds are overwhelming their candidate will win….
Do they still make the effort to vote?
Does 1 cancel 2?"
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696312>>3696394
recommend you dig into jake adelstein a bit and learn how the bottom level pawns work in japan.
already that (((fucker))) is pushing for multikult in japan.
(((they))) are VERY useful pawns to the NWO.
follow the bloodline (read: race/tribe).
follow the money.
useful idiots are not always aware of their handlers, most are not.
wherever there are delusions, NWO gets a cut.
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3696313>>3696321 >>3696326
Patriots Fight 377
3+7+7 = 17
▶ 84a237 (6) No.3696314>>3696322 >>3696333
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3696216
One of my DI's was 101st. If POTUS is sending the 82nd and 101…Whew!!
Sky Event??
▶ 1b1871 (3) No.3696315>>3696363
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3696316>>3696325 >>3696341 >>3696355 >>3696359
Planefag -Boeing RC-135U Combat Sent
STILL flying around the same area from Omaha NB.
▶ 271e8f (12) No.3696317
I knew you were man and I feel your pain
▶ fd08be (4) No.3696318>>3696353
Simulations… more likely "future viewer" (think movie Deja Vu).
▶ 649e80 (4) No.3696320
this was a message to as well to the cabal. so many messages.
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3696322
It'll be a quick sky event if thats the case kek
They won't know what hit em
▶ d0bcf7 (6) No.3696323
halfchan link or 4plebs link?
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696324>>3696351 >>3696364
That's another logical fallacy. You really don't even know what that is, though. Let's face it.
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3696325
saw that earlier in the bread, and its still circling
any ideas on wtf its doing??
really curious
▶ 4c7d61 (12) No.3696326
Noice, yet another connection
▶ e487fa (2) No.3696327
And Mexico is going to pay for it!
▶ 374982 (8) No.3696328>>3696355
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3696329>>3696341 >>3696390
>>3696304 Alleged Mueller accuser fails to show up at press conference
>>3695724 Bedfellows: UK Gov meeting with white helmets and fanboying them
>>3695704, >>3695759, >>3695812, >>3696306 Planefag cadet findin's and moar
>>3696159 POTUS Schedule: Tucked In Safe for the Night, Moar will be posted tomorrow
>>3695710 Anons consider Trump's statement about celebrating "end of the war" Nov. 11
>>3695922 POTUS loves our Mil: Veteran's Day to become Veteran's Month all of Nov.
>>3695866 Additional graphic: 2017 to 2018 Q Post POTUS Tweet Confirmation
>>3695654, >>3695665 Gossip for the goyim: Khashoggi's body mebbe "dissolved in acid"
Last call for changes to Notes
ty anons!
▶ d1815a (9) No.3696330
These libtards running down my state for 40 years make me sick.
▶ 1bf171 (3) No.3696331>>3696346
Yes, just reminding anons the reason and the numerology of the cancellation
▶ 84a237 (6) No.3696332
Truth. True exhaustion is a really weird and sorta scary thing. I've been through a lot in my life, but man.
Extra prayers inbound for DJT!!
▶ 5ca6a2 (12) No.3696333>>3696361
101st will handle air assault ops and 82nd will drop in by HALO I'd think…
gonna get naaaaasty!
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3696334
▶ b8b5db (4) No.3696335
Democrats reel in 'Dark Money,' swamp GOP incumbents with online fundraising
'I've never seen it where you have incumbents getting outspent to the level they're getting outspent'
Forget the blue wave, or even the red wave --- this year’s election is really a green wave of cash.
Not only are the midterms setting records for campaign spending, but Democratic challengers also have broken the mold by matching or even exceeding incumbent Republicans in key races, flipping the script on the usual pattern for a party out of power.
Also adding to Democrats’ edge is a flood of “dark money,” which the party decries on the campaign trail but is boosting its prospects in some of the tightest races.
Republicans still have the biggest backer in casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, but Democrats are trying to close the gap with spending by billionaires such as Tom Steyer and Michael R. Bloomberg, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which released a major fundraising analysis this week.
On the campaign trail, Republican lawmakers say they have been swamped by Democrats’ online fundraising prowess. Their opponents are collecting millions of dollars even in long-shot races, where the money is putting previously out-of-range seats at the fringes of the target list.
“I’ve been doing this stuff for over 30 years, and I’ve never seen it where you have incumbents getting outspent to the level they’re getting outspent,” said Jim McLaughlin, a longtime Republican operative who is working some of the most contested races this year.
A staggering amount of Democrats’ cash --- $1.5 billion — was raised via ActBlue, an online portal that allows Americans to dole out small-dollar contributions to their favorite liberal candidates and organizations.
Some $250 million was raised in October alone, ActBlue announced Wednesday. Although not all of the cash goes straight to politics --- some funnels to nonprofit groups — it’s a massive amount of money that the Republican Party cannot compete with.
ActBlue said nearly two-thirds of those donating through its site this election season are first-timers and that the average donation is $40.
The financial edge is likely one reason why Democrats, who had been wavering on their prospects, are once again bullish about winning the 23 seats needed to take control of the House.
“We will win, we will win, we will win,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, told comic Stephen Colbert on CBS’s “The Late Show” program Tuesday. “Democrats will carry the House. If we have a bigger victory, [we’ll also carry] the Senate, governorships. It’s going to be a great night for America.”
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3696336>>3696380
No, I don't think I have. Very late, but not the next morning.
▶ 820927 (4) No.3696337
Sleep well, sir!
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3696338
WOW never seen this before!
▶ f56163 (4) No.3696339
Trust the plan, even before Q returned. So glad to be here.
Just curious how they are ensuring honest elections. Of course, they won't tell--and we don't really need to know.
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3696341
thanks baker, add this to the planefag cadet: >>3696316
still going
▶ 322a09 (8) No.3696342
I dont know. It's not my style to do that, but I thknk its ok. Trying to recall if I saw anykne wearing one last election.
▶ 784753 (22) No.3696343
(((some))) are deeply under spell.
they come here claiming to rule over whites.
these (((useful idiots))) are STUPID.
maxine stupid.
israeli IQ stupid.
If you even get a glimpse of what actually went on and their implications, even a little, you can understand why Patriots can't sleep.
Not until those that are guilty are dead.
Not until those who are guilty are KILLED.
Not until we have peace and strength among the people.
Not until NWO families have been silenced.
Not until we STAND and WAKE UP to FIGHT.
God is love, and vengeance is HIS.
▶ c7579b (15) No.3696344
Jews for the most part think they control America, and think they are entitled to that control.
They thought she'd never lose.
▶ c16637 (9) No.3696345
▶ baccf3 (15) No.3696346
Understood. Carry on, anon with thanks.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696347
HIGHLY-educated and efficacious freedom-fighter.
▶ 8c0490 (1) No.3696348
My god these are wonderful!
▶ 998c42 (2) No.3696350
Already noted about a month ago.
I did up a hat for Topeka Rally w Civilian Digital Army around back w punisher skull on front
▶ 8b4198 (3) No.3696351
Kek. You don’t know that its you.
Quit wasting the bread
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696352
Your post is garbage…so…
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3696353
Project Looking Glass
reverse engineered viewing stargate
future proves past
▶ bd87be (3) No.3696354
Pretty simple- can you read?
Q dropped an old article about Gore- why that article?
And it's just coincidence that the link Q gave us a link with THRIVE in it. POTUS used THRIVING.
Just coincidences, right?
Q could have used any article but chose this one because it shows Gore's net worth. Insider trading.
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3696355>>3696368
>>3696328 ICE Dallas officers and Kazakhstani who concealed evidence for Boston bombers
>>3696304 Alleged Mueller accuser fails to show up at press conference
>>3695724 Bedfellows: UK Gov meeting with white helmets and fanboying them
>>3695704, >>3695759, >>3695812, >>3696306, >>3696316 Planefag cadet findin's and moar
>>3696159 POTUS Schedule: Tucked In Safe for the Night, Moar will be posted tomorrow
>>3695710 Anons consider Trump's statement about celebrating "end of the war" Nov. 11
>>3695922 POTUS loves our Mil: Veteran's Day to become Veteran's Month all of Nov.
>>3695866 Additional graphic: 2017 to 2018 Q Post POTUS Tweet Confirmation
>>3695654, >>3695665 Gossip for the goyim: Khashoggi's body mebbe "dissolved in acid"
▶ 201898 (1) No.3696357
>I'd watch the news that day.
▶ 1edd8b (2) No.3696358
MI = Military Intelligence = Mission Impossible
Jim Phelps (of Mission Impossible) chose Trump
The Plan carried out with the precision of MI.
▶ 35ee96 (13) No.3696359
▶ aceed6 (1) No.3696360>>3696376
saw this last night and went hmmm… and today we have Q back :) some pretty interdasting posts over the last few months , even if its just "fan"twatter
▶ 84a237 (6) No.3696361
Trips Confirm.
Well…This will certainly be the wake up call that the world and many Americans NEED, if it happens. Talk about a shock to the system. I pray for all of our forward operators and their families. We are VERY blessed to have the very Best out there. May God keep them and bring them ALL home.
▶ 3b1fd1 (11) No.3696362>>3696372 >>3696392
Must be a nationalist!
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696363
▶ 8ad968 (3) No.3696364
Keep talking, you keep proving my point. I am not debating your shill argument with ad hominems. I am just stating that you must be a shill because you're too stupid to be gainfully employed to mop the floors at a McDonald's.
▶ 3cf19a (1) No.3696365
2018 will be glorious.
Extra popcorn on the list.
Definitely see the difference in people.
Normie neighbor was talking about the need for public executions….
▶ 707c07 (4) No.3696366
I bet HRC & the Cabal feel terrible tonite knowing Q is back/
It was getting hard to take all their nasty anti Q posting this last week
▶ 0716b6 (1) No.3696367>>3696403
>>3695944 (chk)
Happy Birthday anon
▶ bd87be (3) No.3696368>>3696403
▶ bd8369 (3) No.3696369
And this. POTUS will be insolutated and protected. AF1 and abroad. We are on the verge.
▶ 4eb895 (15) No.3696372
▶ 374982 (8) No.3696373>>3696386
▶ 41b3b0 (14) No.3696376>>3696404
Hive mind is spreading.
▶ 4c1537 (6) No.3696378>>3696399 >>3696405
Anyone actually ever mentally work through the whole Hitler is a Jew puppet idea?
It seems a stupid argument because if you think about it any group or tribe that would actually kill 6 million of their own people for monetary gain and a tiny piece of land in the Middle East is obviously to dangerous to let walk the Earth unfettered.
Really if Hitler was Jew puppet then there is all the more reason to isolate and remove Jews.
It makes no sense. It would mean Hitler was not bad at all. Just his Jew puppet masters are bad. And the circle comes around again that the ultimate evil on earth is the Jews.
Explain how this thought exercise fails?
▶ a73be5 (4) No.3696380
Yes they have posted the next morning
▶ 1b1871 (3) No.3696381>>3696389
Wow! Everything has meaning. Everything.
▶ 498dd4 (8) No.3696382
Okay I'm still flabbergasted anon. When did this happen? Well who the heck are the Japanese really? Must study quickly. Moar lurning.
▶ 12b7db (7) No.3696384>>3696388
This is a good one. Wonder if the Georges know what we know?
▶ 92b63c (1) No.3696385
▶ 7f2418 (3) No.3696386
Shades of the Awans' operation on the East coast.
▶ d0bcf7 (6) No.3696387
Have to give respect and thanks where it's due.
Thanks to the current POTUS and the USMILINT, we don't have the Disturbed Democrats in charge of running this country.
I for the first time in over a decade like our current President.
My paycheck got a bump thanks to the POTUS tax cuts.
Stock market is roaring and despite obvious attempts by the CABAL and other evil elements at triggering a stock market crash, there has only been corrections and some loses, mostly with FANG stocks that are already comped anyways (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter.)
Making $$$ on the stock market and feeling safe and confident that the Cabal/DS wont mess shit up and rig the stock market to screw little guys like me.
This country is finally heading in the right and correct direction again, due to the actions and the watchful eyes of the USMILINT and for that I am grateful and thankful as well as thankful and grateful for our current POTUS and his entire family, the choice they had to make to put themselves dead center in the public spotlight, taking all the heat from the Degenerate Democrats and their Deadbeat Downtrodden allies.
God bless and protect and bless some more the USMILINT, current and retired and the current POTUS and his entire family.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696388
They are literally shaking.
▶ af4ca1 (12) No.3696390>>3696403
>>3696329 Baker I nominate putting the anon's original post that Q reposted.
▶ fd08be (4) No.3696391
▶ 87154b (1) No.3696392
Moose came out for the “It’s ok to be white.”
▶ 28009e (15) No.3696394
<In 2009, Adelstein published a memoir about his career as a reporter in Japan, Tokyo Vice, in which he accused Goto of threatening to kill him over the story. [4]
<Adelstein was subsequently a reporter for a United States Department of State investigation into human trafficking in Japan, and now writes for the Daily Beast, Vice News, The Japan <Times and other publications. He is a board member and advisor to the Lighthouse: Center for Human Trafficking Victims (formerly Polaris Project Japan).
Killary's State Department
Nothing to see here!
▶ 12b7db (7) No.3696397
WaldoAnon! Who dat boarding in da Bay on 7/16/18
▶ 7c1203 (2) No.3696398
Not sure if this counts. Sorry for the lame Bing translation but can’t find anything in English.
October 29 Night in Tianjin Dagang large fire, the situation is unknown. 30th Zhou Zongjiang, general manager of Oil Bohai Drilling, committed suicide. Tianjin Dagang is the location of Bohai Drilling headquarters
▶ db6f3f (20) No.3696401>>3696406
Your shilling is pathetic.
▶ a0a4b4 (14) No.3696403
Fresh Bread
Fresh Bread
>>3696128, >>3696367
Ty anons
and a big ty to anon who made dis baking meme for me. kek.
>>3696390, >>3696368
already baked anons. maybe next baker can do it.
Tired baker asking for handoff next bread
▶ 6dfa90 (10) No.3696404
"100 monkeys" theory/morphic resonance
▶ 1b1871 (3) No.3696405
Muh joo shill shilling.
▶ 81c949 (41) No.3696406
▶ d0bcf7 (6) No.3696407
Is youtube gimping our POTUS rally speeches?
Video quality is 720p and audio quality is meh.
What is this, internet stone age when we all had DSL?