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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

0cf572  No.3502495

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.09.18

>>>/patriotsfight/373 -------------------------------- Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1] (Cap: >>3417457 ; reminder re: /pf/175: >>3417530 )

>>3412993 rt >>3219413 -------------------------- Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen?

>>>/patriotsfight/372 -------------------------------- effort to combat CHINA's attempts to harm our farmers (Cap/txt: >>3412511, >>3412512 )

>>>/patriotsfight/371 rt /pf/297 -------------------- AMERICA IS NO LONGER FOR SALE. (Cap: >>3412170 )

>>>/patriotsfight/370 -------------------------------- Coincidence the news today is focused on a resignation? (Caps: >>3408439 ; >>3408550 )

Monday 10.08.18

>>>/patriotsfight/369 -------------------------------- [Sally Yates] ( Cap: >>3403973 )

>>3398484 rt >>3398290 -------------------------- Court order to preserve ALL data sent to GOOG? ( Cap: >>3400639 )

>>>/patriotsfight/368 --------------------------------- Graphic: DECLAS! ( Cap: >>3396370 )

>>>/patriotsfight/367 --------------------------------- Win-at-all-costs? ( Cap: >>3395933 )

>>>/patriotsfight/366 --------------------------------- Blasey Ford #WALKAWAY ( Cap: >>3395886 )

>>>/patriotsfight/365 rt /pf/357 -------------------- Your voice is spreading. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/364 --------------------------------- TomFitton/Status, Knowledge is power. ( Cap: >>3395849 )

>>>/patriotsfight/363 --------------------------------- [Next Up][RR], Locked & Loaded ( Cap/text: >>3395264, >>3395283 )

>>>/patriotsfight/362 rt /pf/306 -------------------- Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]. ( Cap: >>3395092 )

>>>/patriotsfight/361 rt /pf/293 -------------------- Anons knew POTUS would not be baited to FIRE ( Cap: >>3394395 )

>>>/patriotsfight/360 ——————————— NK will allow inspectors access to nuke sites ( Cap: >>3390086 )

Saturday 10.06.18 and Sunday 10.07.18

Compiled here: >>3444448

Friday 10.05.18

Compiled here: >>3408448

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

0cf572  No.3502507


are not endorsements


>>3425883 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms

>>3478991 NPC Memes ----- & ----- >>3445122 Kanye Memes


>>3395243 BO : "/cbts/ and /thestorm/ ownership transferred. Thanks CM... All bans lifted"

>>3405679 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0

>>3447773 Vote.gov - register to vote online in many states

>>3466717 On the Hatch Act, the midterm elections, and the timing of arrests (analysis)


>>3502256 List of Trump Administration Accomplishments

>>3502428 , >>3502457 Fox News YT channel: CONF DOWN

>>3502218 Syria Update

>>3502202 Khashoggi's last sponsor/puppet master in SA & working theory

>>3502146 Google, Qatar: Sister site? All peering? Privately owned? Dig

>>3502059 Gov doc search link: Info Requests from Justice Offices

>>3502057 , >>3502128 Q Posts on 9/11 and Iran Deal ( ref >>3501312 lb )

>>3501971 Blood, religious and children's services: Dig reqest

>>3501873 Lawfag weighs in on DECLAS to the Grand Jury. Dig

>>3501910 Dems in NJ tried to cover up alleged rape by campaign staffer

>>3501908 Sessions warns courts against new forms of activism

>>3501868 , >>3502187 Zero Hedge release article on the NPC meme

>>3501860 , >>3501989 McCabe: Witness to alleged leak on Trump, Flynn

>>3502494 #4441


>>3501625 Organized Honduran migrant caravan timed for the election

>>3501396 Twitter spits out unknown data to random users via messages

>>3501363 Multiple rallies coming up starting Thursday: Schedule here

>>3501312 True Pundit: U.S. Hid Bin Laden in Iran for Decade After 9/11

>>3501228 Fusion GPS Co-Founder Glenn Simpson Pleads the 5th as predicted

>>3501204 Sessions comments on the danger to reporters

>>3501197 2 Republican Candidates in Minnesota Violently Assaulted

>>3501155 Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott abruptly resigned from office today

>>3501724 #4440


>>3500850 Pompeo's Statement on Saudi Arabia

>>3500787 Mike Flynn calls out FBI corruption on twitter

>>3500774 Supreme Court case, Facebook, Twitter and censorship of users

>>3500678 Khashoggi Family Had Deep Connections to Lockheed Martin

>>3500552 AG Sessions Acknowledges Trump’s Fury Over His Recusal

>>3500525 Dem Senator Heidi Heitkamp forced to apologize re abuse of women

>>3500471 , >>3500392 The FED, the Russian revolution, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds & the Schiffs

>>3500419 Judicial Watch tweet about the women abused/targeted by Bill Clinton

>>3500385 POTUS heaped more criticism on the FED on Tuesday on Fox

>>3500336 , >>3500344 Lindsay Graham plans to get DNA test to beat Pocahonta's 1/1024

>>3500331 Texas election news: Beto-Cruz second debate tonight

>>3500321 , >>3500325 MA election news

>>3500908 #4439

Previously Collected Notables

>>3500164 #4438,

>>3497886 #4435, >>3498555 #4436, >>3499402 #4437

>>3495516 #4432, >>3496292 #4433, >>3497010 #4434

>>3493219 #4429, >>3493990 #4430, >>3494770 #4431

>>3490905 #4426, >>3491636 #4427, >>3492446 #4428

>>3488567 #4423, >>3489321 #4424, >>3490098 #4425

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

0cf572  No.3502511

War Room

#WalkAway #VoteRepublican #WakeUp #DangerousDemocrats #JobsNotMobs

Updated Twitter Tips: >>3445500, >>3444864

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3455205 - Marker research thread

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51-#52 >>>/comms/2605, >>3444809

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

0cf572  No.3502516

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles (31,236 memes and growing!)

32 >>3378710, 31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884 Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

>>3478991 NPC Memes #1

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>3447437

0cf572  No.3502530

File: 3d207a853954408⋯.jpg (118.75 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 1510671006988.jpg)

#4442 Dough


d425b0  No.3502565

is youtube down for anyone else?

7f0cfb  No.3502599



0cf572  No.3502614

512da2  No.3502618

Q what can you say about this?

U.S. Hid Osama bin Laden in Iran for Decade After 9/11; Bush & Obama White Houses Worked Saudi & Iranian Deal to Safeguard Terror Leader


2616a9  No.3502623

File: 8e16a853bb2a8b5⋯.png (17.27 KB, 1351x704, 1351:704, Screenshot_2018-10-17 YouT….png)

File: e8eb6ab90d2096a⋯.png (13.93 KB, 1307x643, 1307:643, Screenshot_2018-10-17 (4) ….png)

FaceTube is Dead

edb60a  No.3502624

File: deed4c53fcf983e⋯.jpeg (115.11 KB, 799x446, 799:446, Screenshot_2018-10-16-21-….jpeg)

File: b2ed094c6dcbe95⋯.jpeg (355.5 KB, 799x1013, 799:1013, Screenshot_2018-10-16-21-….jpeg)

File: 58bb7112bb2a410⋯.jpeg (394.16 KB, 799x1013, 799:1013, Screenshot_2018-10-16-21-….jpeg)

Whaaaatttt? Red Alerts and Rockets hitting Israel!

5a975d  No.3502625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NPC spreading, faggots!

02372c  No.3502626

File: ec7ad4050f5931a⋯.png (138.57 KB, 901x668, 901:668, ClipboardImage.png)

new DJT

beae57  No.3502627

Started the red tsunami today. Voted in Cola, SC.

c578d7  No.3502628

File: 1ac3bd99dbe61a5⋯.jpg (126.68 KB, 640x799, 640:799, maga3.jpg)

c578d7  No.3502629

File: 637dd9d41654195⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 250x333, 250:333, moarbewbs5.jpg)


0fdc62  No.3502630

File: 0dcc70df4c6b9bb⋯.png (183.27 KB, 1150x583, 1150:583, ClipboardImage.png)

ac51bd  No.3502631

File: d4fd720b9544acd⋯.jpeg (7.41 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1509753209727625273422.jpeg)

3e40b4  No.3502632

HOLY FUCK…YouPorn.com is down???

8a83f1  No.3502633

Back to mark levin then….


1c948a  No.3502634

>>3502588 (lb)

Bakr bin Laden???

Bakr bin Laden (born in 1946 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia) (Arabic: ) is the chairman of the Jeddah-based Saudi Binladin Group and the largest shareholder in the Group, with a 23.58% holding,[1] and, according to some, was the "true ruler of Jeddah".[2] He is also a half-brother of Osama bin Laden.

80e5a6  No.3502635

File: d3bd335fc44d975⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 800x461, 800:461, yt down.jpg)

4c0475  No.3502636

File: 5c89ce0d147e995⋯.png (12.14 KB, 1920x948, 160:79, YouTube - 10_16_%_2018.png)

516d84  No.3502637

File: e7d828def3b2afa⋯.jpg (272.75 KB, 1604x1047, 1604:1047, Capture 4.JPG)

Youtube down?

991838  No.3502638

File: cbb345db5c7535b⋯.png (170.24 KB, 730x418, 365:209, MMBPO.png)

File: 523d97e17b778dc⋯.png (999.98 KB, 1347x999, 449:333, INQUISITIVE.png)

File: e6f5f1be84cf2b4⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2222x5364, 1111:2682, who.png)

File: e8fc28dc7ce8093⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1688x1080, 211:135, trashyjoe.png)

File: 9f6b1e96bc15ea3⋯.png (5.38 MB, 2222x1772, 1111:886, strangestlove.png)

1a951e  No.3502639


e5a8a6  No.3502640

kike tube down

use this link for Hannity live


707e14  No.3502641

File: c520f94b280330d⋯.png (564.12 KB, 2578x420, 1289:210, Louie_CK_learns_about_cath….png)

File: 3673c341125635a⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1460x1058, 730:529, Louie_CK_Young_Boys.png)

>>3495361 (lb)

made my night to find that he deleted this video on YouTube.... this anon downloaded it though

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=VABSoHYQr6k&t=3s

a615e8  No.3502642



58f5a1  No.3502643

Surely YT down followed by Trump's "(END)" is a coincidence?

8b505d  No.3502644

>>3502505 lb

1 down, many more to go…




instant ham…

003bac  No.3502645


Same ol tits. Different bread.

Variety is the spice of life Anon.

30548c  No.3502646

File: 38a8e900b8ce8a9⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 300x154, 150:77, 1537572953476.jpg)

Cruz / Beta Debate

Texas Senate

Live link (with Jewtoob being shoah'd)

30 minutes left.


41c863  No.3502647

File: b44fd4a80c3d321⋯.jpeg (54.22 KB, 600x318, 100:53, DEE34F02-4DB9-4A4A-9707-9….jpeg)

e4766f  No.3502648

File: df01db07d15b49e⋯.jpg (136.02 KB, 1111x807, 1111:807, 1a.JPG)

The memes just make themselves these days… LOL


4c0475  No.3502649

File: 836952885647b78⋯.png (96.13 KB, 877x689, 877:689, (40) _qresearch_ - Q Resea….png)

f7e84c  No.3502650

File: ff585da2b75c0ca⋯.png (559.59 KB, 498x498, 1:1, 6a6a201e-d41e-44cf-aa23-b8….png)

who cares about youtube?

3e40b4  No.3502651

I am Danial

0a6272  No.3502652

File: 14f15f51e9e1a84⋯.png (406.77 KB, 800x2000, 2:5, npcPlayers.png)

>>3502362 last bread

Don't overthink it. Very simple.

37a5bf  No.3502653

File: 9368a704d103acc⋯.png (4.08 KB, 1082x53, 1082:53, ClipboardImage.png)


b0802f  No.3502654

File: 47d1adb75dcd493⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, 60B503A9-53D1-4760-8E78-9….jpeg)

>>3501935 pb

I love that epic meme time period pumpkin 🎃 !

I made this pumpkin im posting a year ago right after Q’s first post.

Maybe some of you other old Q fags will remember.

I’ll make another closer to Halloween, I don’t like them rotting to close to the Holliday. I hear spraying them with a bleach mixture after cutting extends life. Looking forward to seeing Moar bad ass pumpkins!!!

They will need to be well guarded…

with very proper tricks & treats… hehehe… 🧟‍♂️🎃👽

02372c  No.3502655


thx that is all

db51e5  No.3502656

OHIOANON sorry having to phonefag. I just got my Twitter back like I said earlier now YouTube is down in case y’all didn’t know

5fa5d5  No.3502657


Why wait. Stop them now and resume once they resolve the problem.

4959f5  No.3502658

>>3502253 (lb)

>iron pill

More info on the meaning of this, please?

2f530d  No.3502659


grampshouse.com also has good non-YT feed

f2b20d  No.3502661


i was listening to a long ass archived stream. still working when the youtube down news happened. probably will fuck up if i refreshed though.

6a0d68  No.3502662

File: 99ba0c5d3d1b6dc⋯.png (82.76 KB, 582x575, 582:575, evil.png)

b0a50b  No.3502663

File: bfeedd55b0d3c73⋯.png (20.54 KB, 665x209, 35:11, Mitchell re Youtube crash ….PNG)

File: 1968c00e5a134c6⋯.png (239.78 KB, 660x678, 110:113, PM re Youtube crash 10-16-….PNG)

0fdc62  No.3502664

File: 045f6b4935c1888⋯.png (777.34 KB, 1507x731, 1507:731, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok, now the tube is fucked, was fine under 5 min ago

cc232a  No.3502665


Is this shit is about to go AFK?

Buckle Up, Faggots!

707e14  No.3502666

File: fc5d5d64cf2c87b⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Louis CK learns about the ….mp4)


share this everywhere….. YouTube deleted it

Louie CK - learns about the Catholic Church

6f1405  No.3502667

File: e255214f0f2b5c7⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1230x1098, 205:183, ClipboardImage.png)

"Senator Elizabeth Warren Released Her DNA Tests, What Exactly Did It Prove? https://trib.al/ClcqzEB "

That TDS is real and that POTUS is about 4 moves ahead with the mind games.

d983e6  No.3502668


I need to watch muh young turks.

e56be5  No.3502669

>>3502549 (lb)


d0d07d  No.3502670

>>3502466 p

wasn't twitter spewing hashes, too?

663929  No.3502671

>>3502609 lb

>>3502585 lb

Sorry, I was trying to jam in before the end of the bread.

Day time: 14.295 USB

Night time: 3.995 LSB

Or lower if freq is occupied.

Prev Patriot Net also listed 3.995 MHz on 80m band for daytime

Caveat: I haven't tried contacting QResearch personnel on those freqs but that is the plan sitting on the radio desk.

cb28c6  No.3502672


..the moose out front shouda told ya!

752fa2  No.3502673



112e27  No.3502674

well BITCHUTE, now is your fucking time to shine

804295  No.3502675

File: 65d879dbe963000⋯.jpg (80.06 KB, 880x451, 80:41, 11.jpg)

Did Palenzuela (Spain) become del Banco (Venice/Genoa), then become Warburg (Germany)?

2958f4  No.3502676

File: d737871a69a7b68⋯.jpg (11.2 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Board Canon Boom.jpg)

>>3502626 DJT Tweet Payments to END if Illegal Group Enters USA.


25e664  No.3502677


I was uploading a youtube video and hit delete, now I broke the whole thing.


f2b20d  No.3502678


womp womp

0cf572  No.3502679


Bad form…

28131c  No.3502680

Damn it. they could have waited until hannity was over.

bf23b6  No.3502681

File: f173d8a5be56245⋯.png (300.07 KB, 937x849, 937:849, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)


YouTube is Down

9eb9ee  No.3502682


>>3502518 lb

Indeed, YT not working here too.

Twitter wierd digit strings…


2df44a  No.3502683

File: ec31903950ed0a0⋯.jpeg (220.14 KB, 834x1125, 278:375, 9C14BF01-E085-4522-BA9A-2….jpeg)

0177b2  No.3502684


works pretty good….

b227a4  No.3502685


37a5bf  No.3502686

somebody tell YouTube that they are google and own the internet

e56be5  No.3502687


And you can use hooktube to search for videos to which you don't have the link to.

a8d069  No.3502688

File: 3b63da3b0e5fa44⋯.png (113.26 KB, 585x397, 585:397, Selection_589.png)


Went to the official YT twatter, and their last post is a frickin' Boston dynamics terminator prototype twerking to disco.



a96a05  No.3502690

>>3502146 pb

Give you Anon's one chance on this:

Check the financial transactions that occurred in Qatar right before elections.


FTA: "Critical Note: A highly classified SVR amendment to this MoF report states that upon Qatar receiving Hillary Clinton’s $1.8 billion earlier today, one of that sheikdoms royal places was “ordered emptied” in preparation for the “early November arrival” of a “high value” dignitary—Hillary Clinton perhaps?"

There were reports around election time that 0bama had purchased a 'home' in Qatar and went there after the election. No sauce yet but looking.

Who was there? Think MacDill

Gen Mattis was Commander of US Central Command (USCENTCOM) during 0bama's administration. USCENTCOM HQ is located at MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL.

Why does Google have access that puts Ft Huachuca to shame? Sister site? Mirror? All peering? Privately owned?

Starting dig on this. Nothing yet.

28131c  No.3502691


we know

888f28  No.3502692

Referring to the facetious post on last regarding USS Liberty attack, the 2004 affidavit from Captain Ward Boston is the redpill of all redpills.

b21490  No.3502693

File: b404239ccbb0f5f⋯.png (14.69 KB, 1233x610, 1233:610, AQ6.PNG)


Confirmed YouTube is down, Louisiana.

6d7c04  No.3502694


It was (YOU)!

f96f8d  No.3502695

File: 31a580d749da3cc⋯.png (1.41 MB, 2551x1797, 2551:1797, Brave_2018-10-16_21-27-35.png)

I am wondering if the youtube thing is because of something one of us did. Some youtube squib probably deleted too much shit.

a1c0f1  No.3502696

youtube troubles?

9eec80  No.3502697

youtube is not down, it's just honoring NPCs!!!!!

f9abe3  No.3502698

File: 3b5892dbe0214bb⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 9618B5A3-62C5-40BB-B6D7-AC….mp4)

711097  No.3502699


>>3502510 (lb)

>>3502509 (lb)

>>3502520 (lb)

It works on my mobile, but down on laptop.

ba0925  No.3502700

YouTube ain’t workin on my PS4. So I reckon Q team is outing all pedo docs to use the for republican bait instead of democratic?


Ya boom week has been next week for a year.

Tbh it’s kinda fucking sad to see you all so embellished In a larp instead of enlightened by the constitution.

0b6049  No.3502701

http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/ is also down for me

bd53a9  No.3502702


Wiener laptop video leaked?

Assange pushed something?

There are other video platforms.

80e5a6  No.3502703

File: 4921f4a41684409⋯.jpg (110.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, NOOOO.jpg)

d0d07d  No.3502704

that's it, kids.

that's how we #kilLthEmaChinEs

1d013c  No.3502705

File: 42236c9d4e62fb5⋯.jpg (214.83 KB, 1024x806, 512:403, 42236c9d4e62fb5d0ec03644aa….jpg)

>>3502257 (lb)


"Fullsized image

Last week, a trolling campaign organized by right-wing internet users spilled over onto Twitter. The campaign, which was born in the fever swamps of 4chan and Reddit message boards, involved creating hundreds of fictional personas with gray cartoon avatars, known as NPCs. These accounts posed as liberal activists and were used to spread — among other things — false information about November’s midterm elections."

There's your narrative.

What did James Woods get suspended for?

3e40b4  No.3502706

YouTube is working on my TV. Strange.

e7b2c6  No.3502707



552b9b  No.3502708

File: 5b9ec815f0b6df8⋯.jpg (69.24 KB, 1050x621, 350:207, ss.jpg)



d983e6  No.3502710


Fuckin this.

f2b20d  No.3502711


its when you start working out and doing that lifestyle. a subset of people in this recommend lifting and etc gym bro culture. Dave chapelle and dr dre got jacked for a little bit but these same people admiring them for it seem to shit on carrot top so i dont understand it myself.

f58134  No.3502712

File: 8b70b9a2abf7818⋯.jpeg (19.7 KB, 448x288, 14:9, 6E2C8400-2CCC-4112-B607-1….jpeg)

>>3502099 (lb)

>not coming back

See ya next bread.

37a5bf  No.3502713

File: 614fed3eaca0286⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 300x168, 25:14, BOOM.gif)

things are really speeding up now, boys

c4a165  No.3502714

>Fake pic push by MSM.

>Videos / backup.

>Google kill.

>YouTube kill.

>FB kill.

>Twitter kill.

>Yahoo kill.

>Bing kill.

>Instagram kill.

>Net will be paused.


>On the clock.

c11c20  No.3502715

Hey, Maybe Nasim took down You Tube. Wish I had her pic. She is pretty, after all.

02372c  No.3502716

File: 5052c12e3c70e95⋯.png (290.79 KB, 883x1502, 883:1502, ClipboardImage.png)


0fdc62  No.3502717

File: 024f5da52e3c939⋯.png (28.86 KB, 542x367, 542:367, ClipboardImage.png)





Well this just became really relevant…Wonder if the NPC vids will be still up when they come back

e7730f  No.3502718


Time out, oh well

db400e  No.3502719

File: e1ed8bc3e242e89⋯.jpg (44.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, rtn.jpg)

5f710c  No.3502720

File: b0b8ed981320667⋯.jpg (64.45 KB, 569x690, 569:690, riva-npc-pic.jpg)


b47640  No.3502721

>>3502300 (lb)

Call upon the Lord, not Q or Trump. They are flesh and blood just like you. You’ve said you know it was God that prompted this change in you, it is He that can complete this process and provide comfort and nourishment to your soul. Trust He who first called you. Be joyful anon that you have had the scales removed from your eyes and pray daily for those that are still blinded. Sending prayers your way fren. Welcome home.

b227a4  No.3502722

Alright who broke jootube? I was watching hannity and I know one you fuckers crashed it

6dac35  No.3502723


this a good one too


e54b6c  No.3502724

File: 4f7b9e433319a92⋯.jpg (332.72 KB, 1255x676, 1255:676, weiner.jpg)


711097  No.3502725


Hmmmm…JA…good call.

991838  No.3502726

File: 1d20021053a1ead⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1131x999, 377:333, BAKR.png)


ThanQQ Bakr

f96f8d  No.3502727

File: d05a2e4980a6846⋯.png (251.33 KB, 3301x1953, 3301:1953, Brave_2018-10-16_21-29-55.png)

This is so beautiful though.

d30137  No.3502728


My YT I stuck on a WoW gameplay video….Kek.

d6c8d0  No.3502729

File: 075c2bc95799cc7⋯.png (48.48 KB, 664x286, 332:143, wtf.png)

3ac2e4  No.3502730

sup fags. any suggestions for good free photo editing /meme making/ combining photos etc…photoshopesk apps for iphone…

a1eb8f  No.3502731

File: 14d53d41d46658f⋯.png (46.38 KB, 642x292, 321:146, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

f36247  No.3502732

File: 4ecaa34dd713a45⋯.png (102.78 KB, 517x651, 517:651, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

File: 7e291618b01426f⋯.png (61.46 KB, 481x275, 481:275, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)


it was me

bd53a9  No.3502733


Sorcha Faal disinfo.

8a5faf  No.3502734

File: a3125982da3a3f9⋯.png (90.77 KB, 450x600, 3:4, BigBoom.png)


0177b2  No.3502735

File: 06dd87964267f3d⋯.jpg (109.72 KB, 884x584, 221:146, 06dd87964267f3d5bcc108a55b….jpg)


hehe..here ya go

db400e  No.3502736

File: 30017a768cf691e⋯.jpg (146.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, DJTNS.jpg)

249b5a  No.3502737

DJT twat reminds me of some of Q's posts

"all payments made to them will STOP (END)!"

Messages sent.


Symbolism = END.

This door will be opened later.

The choice, to know, will be yours.


We are working to END.


Who are we taught to trust the most?

This will not be easy.

The END.

eb6182  No.3502738

File: f50ca667fe60ff7⋯.png (14.48 KB, 292x324, 73:81, ClipboardImage.png)

9afdd0  No.3502739

>>3502706 You Chinese?

ba0925  No.3502740



f7b73d  No.3502741


Look to tulsa

I can't do anymore on this anons

Perbs were on the ground in Qatar

The amount of $ transferred would split you into

8b505d  No.3502742


it like we're in kindergarten

8a83f1  No.3502743


That's the Spirit, Rosie

712893  No.3502744

anyone know why this link from Q post 2378 isn't working?


003bac  No.3502745


Fuck you Hulu. Im going as Aunt Jemima.

593dfd  No.3502746

With Hillary Clinton’s US presidential campaign Chairman John Podesta having longstanding ties to the Russian mafia and money laundering, this report continues, the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) maintains “complete/all times/all ways” surveillance of him and his criminal associates—including both Hillary Clinton and her husband, and former US President, Bill Clinton, and who are collectively designated as the “Clinton Crime Family”.

On Saturday 15 October (2016), this report notes, the SVR reported to the MoF that Hillary Clinton and John Podesta met with JP Morgan Chase & Company CEO Jamie Dimon at Clinton’s Chappaqua Compound outside of New York City—and who, in 2009, both President Obama and Hillary Clinton allowed to break US laws by his, Dimon’s, being able to buy millions-of-dollars of his company’s stocks prior to the public being told his JP Morgan bank was receiving a Federal Reserve $80 billion credit line—and that caused JP Morgan’s stocks to soar and that have had an astonishing 920% dividend growth since 2010.

Within 12 hours of the Hillary Clinton-John Podesta-Jamie Dimon meeting at the Chappaqua Compound, this report continues, the BIS registered the transfer of $1.8 billion from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank.

To why the Clinton Foundation transferred this enormous sum of money to Qatar, this report explains, is due to the longstanding ties between this Islamic neo-patrimonial absolute monarchy and then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who “oversaw/managed” the “massive bribery scheme” that allowed this Gulf State nation to secure the 2022 World Cup—and that the Qataris were so appreciative of they donated millions to the Clinton Foundation, and incredibly, in 2011, gave former US President Bill Clinton $1 million for a birthday present—bringing Hillary Clinton’s total “cash grab” from these Persian Gulf sheiks of $100 million—all occurring as recently released secret emails revealed Hillary Clinton’s knowledge that both Qatar and Saudi Arabia were, and still are, funding ISIS.


b37c67  No.3502747


Dress up as a NPC

b21490  No.3502748



f92a48  No.3502749


YT DOWN here

19121e  No.3502750

Anons, I predict the very next day after Nov. 6, 2018, "…it is going to be a different world." POTUS

No reason for arrests not to happen Nov. 6-11, 2018.

6d7c04  No.3502751

Just think how much monay joo tube looses while shut down

991a31  No.3502752

File: 1f3891325123ab1⋯.jpg (77.25 KB, 494x700, 247:350, no-fear.jpg)


no fear…

and you are free

f36247  No.3502753

File: 6f114382eabe105⋯.png (59.5 KB, 911x696, 911:696, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

e56be5  No.3502754

File: 3e7ce4d7785edf0⋯.png (4.8 MB, 4520x5000, 113:125, 0_Redpilling_Roadmap_9_BLA….png)

File: 9ceabe4db0f1569⋯.jpg (156.39 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, 1_Jews_Slavery_Tony_Martin….jpg)

File: e684bcf0b861edb⋯.jpg (436.2 KB, 698x1249, 698:1249, Jews_HollyWood_4.jpg)

File: e65b714f6d4d9f9⋯.jpg (102.82 KB, 591x502, 591:502, Peres_Hollywood_Jews_Child….jpg)

File: 07dde983cea7dea⋯.png (710.73 KB, 856x483, 856:483, Slavery.png)

>>3502568 (lb)

>>3502612 (lb)

New? Jews were ALWAYS the ones that dominated the slave trade in the US and had the vast majority of the slaves.

d30137  No.3502755






2f2f80  No.3502756

Where's that meme of the Jew guy on the phone saying "Shut it down!" ? RE: Jewtube

6e4243  No.3502757


How long after Pres Trumps tweet until YouTube went down?

9afdd0  No.3502758

File: 6a693b425582520⋯.jpg (72.26 KB, 409x577, 409:577, IllBbach.jpg)

4e47d3  No.3502759


too many viewers Fauxcahontas Warren campaign video and hitting the "dislike" button causing the entire system to crash.

bcb33b  No.3502760

YouTube was warned to knock off the censorship.

They didn't.

If you're gonna be dumb, you'd better be tough.

ac51bd  No.3502761

File: a4965f10ca27fe7⋯.jpeg (64.64 KB, 960x640, 3:2, nsc.jpeg)

e2424a  No.3502762


Looks major.


6a0d68  No.3502763

File: 8984a59c12b2d4d⋯.png (314.48 KB, 1238x544, 619:272, nutjob.png)


Davis Police Lt. Paul Doroshov confirms that there is an investigation into the incident at Da Vinci Charter Academy High School.

The school's resource officer has been collecting witness statements and investigators believe two students were involved. Doroshov reports one student baked the sugar cookies using the ashes while the other passed them out to at least nine other students, some of whom knew there were allegedly ashes in the cookies.

No cookies or samples have been obtained by police, according to Doroshov.


e56be5  No.3502764

File: 5b5cc0493d267de⋯.jpg (370.7 KB, 1469x1600, 1469:1600, x_Jews_Slavery_Curacao_Old….jpg)

File: 13b47c00bc4325a⋯.png (100.13 KB, 1287x673, 1287:673, z_8_Jews_And_Slavery_When_….PNG)

File: ebdac5d55a1af10⋯.png (57.75 KB, 666x636, 111:106, zz_Monsanto_family_slavers.PNG)


More on this.

c341a0  No.3502765

File: 3272e398ab9a979⋯.jpg (358.9 KB, 960x600, 8:5, ass79.jpg)


down for me.

3e40b4  No.3502766


No, Fren…Diane told me to say I am anomouse just like you.

d0d07d  No.3502767

File: 48ac4047d418a75⋯.png (153.84 KB, 571x573, 571:573, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

File: 53d418e25996f22⋯.png (75.85 KB, 180x291, 60:97, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

Hello? Twitter AND YouTube spewing hashes.

Very cool!


87c5f9  No.3502768


YT down in UK, too.

e5a8a6  No.3502769

File: 570e8cf11f84ef5⋯.jpg (37.26 KB, 512x384, 4:3, o0vz5s.jpg)

c65402  No.3502770

File: 3063c7344de642b⋯.png (415.59 KB, 1270x856, 635:428, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

fec3b8  No.3502771

Youtube is down.

500 Internal Server Error

a8d069  No.3502772

File: de97ff87d4b9069⋯.png (7.7 KB, 915x933, 305:311, Selection_590.png)



a96a05  No.3502773



ec6dfb  No.3502774


Somebody censoring YT?

That's pretty funny.

c4a165  No.3502775

File: fc9ff3caa34a6f0⋯.png (192.6 KB, 732x710, 366:355, youtube.png)

3a36d3  No.3502776

File: 637c2b183630b17⋯.jpeg (13.27 KB, 474x316, 3:2, a_035.jpeg)




9eb9ee  No.3502777




Q #1044

Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


bf23b6  No.3502778

File: b8690c3b87bfe0a⋯.png (33 KB, 1443x1092, 37:28, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)


true dat

2d1a27  No.3502779

File: e48efbaec32d920⋯.jpg (72.26 KB, 945x472, 945:472, net.jpg)

Just a thought

Thinking about the past Q drop

0ec3c5  No.3502780


I'd also check 7.295 LSB (daytime) if you can't raise anybody on the other freqs.

5fb38b  No.3502781

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Im watching a video right now that I had paused on youtube earlier….

f88a10  No.3502782

File: 2e5477a4157fe22⋯.jpg (76.51 KB, 800x496, 50:31, whats wrong with youtube 1….jpg)

950251  No.3502783


Jewtube still up here… So in select countries?

cff132  No.3502784


it's kind of spooky, i noticed like 4 things in the past few days for disaster warnings here; local tv shows showing how to survive earthquake, various FEMA posters for disaster evac routes, etc

a lot of really local stuff

activates the almonds.. i wonder if the dems will try something bonkers if they dont think they will win the local elections

28131c  No.3502785

DAMN IT! Is that you PUTIN?


991838  No.3502787

File: 95219489f603580⋯.png (488.28 KB, 720x720, 1:1, catppening.png)

File: 86e04a8437d6c73⋯.png (505.98 KB, 850x568, 425:284, hrappening.png)

File: 8e2b98facca7952⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 320x240, 4:3, RARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGG.gif)

84e639  No.3502788

File: 43762600dd26fa6⋯.png (15.26 KB, 1293x463, 1293:463, ClipboardImage.png)

ya i get a blank homescreen, youtube down af

8b505d  No.3502789


JA is Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

823dce  No.3502790


The only sauce on this 1.8 B to Qatar was weak even back then.

64706d  No.3502791

File: 73bf7c9ff808055⋯.jpeg (23.67 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 3EDA90AA-D341-43CD-AD14-9….jpeg)

003bac  No.3502792

File: e688bb3b1be3107⋯.jpg (72.9 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 800KeithEllison-AP.jpg)

c9d97c  No.3502793

File: 5b06831b1cd99b5⋯.jpeg (193.33 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, 1539732721.jpeg)

797b46  No.3502794

commend Rosenberg for calling out Hamas


707e14  No.3502795

File: ae051a602f47c5d⋯.png (99.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Perkins_Coie_Simpson_5th.png)

5b117d  No.3502796

File: 9a81ef8d12db098⋯.jpeg (88.66 KB, 900x655, 180:131, 9a81ef8d12db098e1eb77821c….jpeg)


The liberal golden boy, Beta Cuck O'Rourke is getting slaughtered by Cruz!!!! I am not surprised YT was pulled down….. This is epic!

9eb9ee  No.3502797


Namefield should be blank, don't type anon…

535a10  No.3502798

File: 003c4601f5f389b⋯.png (569.45 KB, 2232x1234, 1116:617, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)



Fox News YT- this is what I got

a7101b  No.3502799

File: 2cf6ee949b55ae5⋯.png (108.96 KB, 360x340, 18:17, 1425685732688.png)




6d7c04  No.3502800


She is Pretry!

f36247  No.3502801



02372c  No.3502802


STOP (END) might have been the code word.

what day is tomorrow



237e5a  No.3502804

File: c802910b81c4307⋯.jpg (119.67 KB, 590x602, 295:301, nasim-warriorprincess.jpg)

File: 6f08345518a797d⋯.png (387.79 KB, 500x654, 250:327, fight-for-freedom!.png)

File: 833801dd9592b74⋯.jpg (146.29 KB, 788x712, 197:178, nasim-wwg1wga.jpg)

File: 0eae054a195c14f⋯.jpg (210.53 KB, 1034x1577, 1034:1577, nasim-nasimofarc.jpg)

Youtube is down Worldwide. Coincidence, I think not.

This is clearly being done by our Angel of free speech, Nasim.

I am thankful for her sacrifice. Nasim, you will forever live in our hearts.

b227a4  No.3502805

Q crashed jootube


37a5bf  No.3502806

this journalist is most likely still alive.

i think it has to do with this. big news coming. archive everything and God Speed

unless im wrong then just carry on

844118  No.3502807

File: 8faef79c538baab⋯.jpeg (181.01 KB, 750x414, 125:69, F5C2928D-1C96-4172-B0FD-3….jpeg)

I think I missed something…

How does a judge dismissing the Stormy Daniels/Avenatti lawsuit allow POTUS to go after John Kerry in TX?

ce9ce0  No.3502808



535a10  No.3502809


Is that why? So people couldn't watch debate???

5193c3  No.3502810

Julian Assange internet to be restored


This means that he'll be able to clear up whether Wikileaks is actually comped and per Wikileaks' tweet, whether he thinks Q is a LARP.

bf23b6  No.3502812


Hussein pics imminent? Kek!

f937e3  No.3502813

File: 76b3a537487b1b2⋯.jpg (71.36 KB, 460x562, 230:281, jlk6j.jpg)


Wow trips of truth

f7e84c  No.3502814

File: bb5176f235d7b45⋯.png (75.37 KB, 415x812, 415:812, 8135c4e6-b15a-4562-8e48-08….png)


hoping there is a sealed indictment for him

d3b459  No.3502815


Can you find a better res photo?

712893  No.3502816

File: 954eaf4b8f6754d⋯.png (15.91 KB, 588x150, 98:25, Screenshot_2018-10-16 Dona….png)

eb6182  No.3502817


Looks like You Tubes own NPC Repair Monkey!

f36247  No.3502818

File: a536a5b1398a007⋯.png (590.89 KB, 780x624, 5:4, 301fcb0a92bd3e2d8f32f108fb….png)

752fa2  No.3502819

Fuck! Youtubefags were the only non-NPC

people in my life!

2958f4  No.3502820


NorCal here, received text emergency message yesterday instructing on how to survive if power goes out.

e7b093  No.3502821

File: 7dccc71043cc697⋯.png (1.2 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4332-1.png)

3ac2e4  No.3502822


oh nice.. they got a phone app?

b47640  No.3502823

Twitter earlier.

YouTube now.

Probing defenses. Think LRS. All action is theory until tested. Tests appear to have been mostly successful. Happening would need to occur between test <——->before new defenses installed.

797b46  No.3502824

Snowden injections?


5193c3  No.3502825


"The Ecuadorian government has lifted restrictions on WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange’s communications with the outside world, allowing visitors to the embassy, where he is holdout, and restoring the internet access that was cut off in March, reports RT.

It was reported on Sunday that Ecuador moved to restore Assange’s access to the Internet, cell phone communications and permitted him to receive visitors other than his legal team.

Assange was made aware of the decision “hours after” UN high commissioner for refugees Filippo Grandi and UN special rapporteur for freedom of expression David Kaye met with Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno."

0177b2  No.3502826

File: 1639cf656be6b00⋯.jpg (370.03 KB, 700x935, 140:187, susan_wojcicki-youtube-pow….jpg)

not fair!

d6c8d0  No.3502827


hit translate to get the weerd wordage

21b2e6  No.3502828


Link to watch?

4c0475  No.3502829

File: 5c0ac4ba6edc127⋯.png (348.4 KB, 1920x948, 160:79, Free Porn Videos & Sex Mov….png)


0fdc62  No.3502830

File: 83a71b4cfc6a2dc⋯.png (502.47 KB, 1725x702, 575:234, ClipboardImage.png)


84e639  No.3502831

since youtube down, this golden state times fakebook stream is still working if you want to watch the cruz debate


535a10  No.3502832


I have debate on CBS

c9d97c  No.3502833

File: 32c0d298726fccb⋯.jpeg (160.13 KB, 1440x1507, 1440:1507, 1539722439.jpeg)

003bac  No.3502834


Is Horseface someone else suing Trump? As in, Stormy is behind him, now he can focus on that one horsefaced cunt that is also suing him?

94afbd  No.3502835

File: 52c2c4fe0b92c81⋯.png (18.33 KB, 875x179, 875:179, ClipboardImage.png)

You Tube down?

pic from DJT last tweet reply among several

d983e6  No.3502836

516d84  No.3502837

File: da814bb43f48431⋯.gif (173.56 KB, 240x240, 1:1, Pig Eating Popcorn.gif)


Hope this is a preview

d69640  No.3502838

File: b97926a09a2a89c⋯.jpg (123.49 KB, 1025x633, 1025:633, chelseagrin.jpg)

File: 3300e3197d40f7e⋯.jpg (159.73 KB, 1000x648, 125:81, planeshapedhole.jpg)


Funny how the shills stand out so strong.

Even their memes. All look the same. You can tell them in a second.

Thought provoking


Because it proves that you don't need to censor and the truth can stand on its own.

Truth has power. Only liars need to censor.

>>3501848 pb

Typical mis-representation then echo; they have to lie to win.


>>3502309 previous bread

>>3502403 pb


711097  No.3502839

File: d11674196d267ad⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1418x1076, 709:538, PatriotShit.png)

Shit's going down.

86a8fb  No.3502840

Is Youtube am die for anyone else?

"500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

If you see them, send them this information as text (screenshots frighten them):"

d0d07d  No.3502841


frack maybe people will riot and stuff.

8a83f1  No.3502842


Only problem is that Google is still def working…. sooo….

80e5a6  No.3502843

File: 2a82878a4e6d83a⋯.jpg (55.5 KB, 800x676, 200:169, you-testify-or.jpg)

f96f8d  No.3502844


scroll up numbnuts.

6d7c04  No.3502846

this is FUN

e54b6c  No.3502847


Not atm I'm afraid.

5fa5d5  No.3502848

LIVE FROM CNN. The internet is down worldwide. It seems there is only one site up in the world called 8 chan where people are called anons.

b4e06e  No.3502849

File: ef63bbfbd78ca9b⋯.png (569.7 KB, 731x408, 43:24, ClipboardImage.png)

US Announces 15 Indictments Against Mexican Drug Cartel


d0d07d  No.3502850


>A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

Isn't that racist?

db400e  No.3502851

File: c87760689ee62b5⋯.jpg (122.18 KB, 960x720, 4:3, grdbbtsiabh.jpg)

File: 9e916eed7e691d0⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 960x720, 4:3, badbbtbfbtusm.jpg)

File: 745d45b8588b780⋯.jpg (107.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hadlfstbthoo.jpg)

File: c46aca5e67bb390⋯.jpg (139.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nncdswsatsu.jpg)

114574  No.3502852

YT slower than shit…doesn't load just ghost frames

64dbcd  No.3502853

File: a735434949c0be1⋯.jpg (135.43 KB, 834x577, 834:577, youtube.JPG)

YouTube has currently fucking exploded. Nothing is working. At all.

535a10  No.3502854

File: 830b9eb0c434163⋯.png (105.77 KB, 2414x1176, 1207:588, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)


Yep all of YT

516d84  No.3502855

File: 8e5f7649eb980c1⋯.jpg (86.04 KB, 920x613, 920:613, RRDF.jpg)

c578d7  No.3502856

File: c5d7fbb11b27eca⋯.jpg (35.98 KB, 474x711, 2:3, rtyrete4543.jpg)

e56be5  No.3502857

File: 6722baa30d2b62e⋯.png (437.2 KB, 1690x932, 845:466, 6722baa30d2b62e8d9e29bf370….png)

File: 86a4bc7fd21c47e⋯.jpg (149.26 KB, 898x671, 898:671, 1536494947173.jpg)

File: ffdc99b6b560ac0⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1772x874, 886:437, ffdc99b6b560ac07d22b1e0f58….png)

File: 89db862ae2f89da⋯.png (130.91 KB, 941x733, 941:733, Israel_Deir_Yasin_massacre….PNG)

File: fd32cd38ce16730⋯.png (526.89 KB, 585x631, 585:631, Israel_Gaza_call_for_cut_o….PNG)


Should not had tried to genocide the Palestinians.

Just saying.

“The Iron Wall”, published in 2006

It further shows the Palestinian genocide being perpetrated by Israel.

Settlements and related infrastructures are impacting every aspect of life for all Palestinians from land confiscation, theft of natural resources, confiscation of the basic human rights, creation of an apartheid-like system, to the devastating impact in regards to the future of the region and the prospect of the peace process.

Palestinians and Israelis began the peace process based on a very simple principle: land for peace. Settlements destroy that principle and create a land with no peace.

Use a youtube downloader with the link to watch the video:


707e14  No.3502858


that never gets old

c7fcf2  No.3502859

File: d40d8fea652abbd⋯.jpg (46.97 KB, 629x492, 629:492, Capture.JPG)



bd53a9  No.3502860

File: 8fafe68d0b14c7e⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 474x389, 474:389, grey.jpg)

File: d669bf60cec5f49⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 474x585, 158:195, cork.jpg)


>Dress up as a NPC

Easy as pie.

be6272  No.3502861


Yeah, earlier today

25e664  No.3502862

File: da2b32019296992⋯.jpg (18.64 KB, 313x350, 313:350, !YTm.jpg)

bf23b6  No.3502863

File: fc5ba5ef6938d18⋯.png (585.36 KB, 1381x800, 1381:800, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)



Y'all got your provisions in place?

94afbd  No.3502864



Annnnn d you're both BOOFED

74036e  No.3502865


any idea what the massive body of text contains?

c3b0f7  No.3502866


9eb9ee  No.3502867


Would you mind posting on twatter and others too?

535a10  No.3502868


Hmmmm- and Twatter had issues earlier

c9a996  No.3502869



andim here in Silicon Valley aka Bay Area

f23b6e  No.3502870

some utube fuckery going on right now.

3a36d3  No.3502871

File: 6faa5de90aeeed8⋯.png (162.77 KB, 1465x919, 1465:919, intWeath.png)

internet weather reoprot.

Looks bad

9afdd0  No.3502872

>>3502800 RINGO KNOWS!

28131c  No.3502873


well, she would be pleased

db400e  No.3502874

File: edd868a87889616⋯.jpg (188.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, scdcooarcmq.jpg)

File: a59f3b62c06ff0a⋯.jpg (176.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FRF.jpg)

a9f3b9  No.3502875


NPCs say all women are pretty and should be respected. Its mean to say only one is pretty.

fucking NPC niggers

834be8  No.3502876

File: 54874db69696bea⋯.png (22.15 KB, 292x313, 292:313, ClipboardImage.png)


732735  No.3502877

>>3502561 (lb)

same anon.

a615e8  No.3502878



b6f755  No.3502879


porn, literally cucking yourself. cant wait till that shit is illegal and not protected by the 1st amendment (again).

d3b459  No.3502880


thank you for posting that anyway

5b117d  No.3502881

File: f022e5b7d2803fc⋯.jpeg (17.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f022e5b7d2803fc3cc06b0bf5….jpeg)


local TV….

e56be5  No.3502882

File: def64c9f45b5d70⋯.jpg (159.97 KB, 704x616, 8:7, 1_Why_NPC_meme_is_good_1.jpg)

File: 35a92a4484544ce⋯.jpg (236.65 KB, 689x1022, 689:1022, 2_Why_NPC_meme_is_good_2.jpg)

File: 61d7d0dd94efc09⋯.png (38.56 KB, 1273x160, 1273:160, 3_Why_kikes_hate_the_NPC_m….PNG)

File: 507f8baf08e20c3⋯.jpg (130.99 KB, 666x715, 666:715, 4_NPC_being_taken_for_a_ri….jpg)

File: 85aa55a5b07b844⋯.png (433.92 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, 5_NPC_Israel_ally.png)


Why the NPC meme is so effective and why subversive kikes hate the NPC meme (reminder that not all jews are subversive kikes).

87b4aa  No.3502883

File: 14a6aca02becf1c⋯.jpeg (228.06 KB, 790x1225, 158:245, A6321B36-3645-4B5E-8893-D….jpeg)

File: 1046d2c0596c4e2⋯.png (474.71 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 790E19B6-C013-477C-A032-BE….png)

File: 43c007e891a4fab⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 9A2796CC-D783-46B5-B1E1-6….jpeg)

For all futureanons and grandfutureanons

112e27  No.3502884


WATXH THE WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!

2958f4  No.3502885


Twitter and YouTube preparing and testing going down if DECLASS happens.

1fd4f1  No.3502886


Interesting timing when MSM is pushing audio and video of the Kashoggi killing.

b21490  No.3502887

File: 036d837943cee1c⋯.png (25.75 KB, 668x251, 668:251, AQ8.PNG)


Trying to procrastinate for work or an upcoming exam might be a bit more challenging this evening as the video-sharing site YouTube is suffering an outage.

According to the Down Detector, the outage is being felt by coast-to-coast by thousands of users.

The reports started coming in of YouTube's outage around 9:15 p.m. ET on Tuesday.

There is no word on when YouTube service will be restored.

YouTube is the second-most visited website on the internet. According to YouTube, it has 1 million active users, making up almost one-third of the internet.

Some on social media are not reacting well to Tuesday's events.

Possible Spin control?

e7b2c6  No.3502888



ex-wife went public today saying it was her wishes to keep sealed for "mental health & MS diagnosis" reasons.

>Also says no abuse allegations during divorce.

Lets see if this holds as much water as Warren's DNA test.

fcd977  No.3502889

Has anyone tried unplugging Youtube and plugging it back in yet?

801ce3  No.3502890


Finally, a POTUS with the balls to do something about it.

a9f3b9  No.3502891



b37c67  No.3502892


ba0925  No.3502893

Hey goys


b227a4  No.3502894


Beto O’Rourke

f03a20  No.3502895

File: 4d1e9b22bcef07b⋯.jpeg (128.71 KB, 750x809, 750:809, 983E27CE-8F27-4D79-8474-7….jpeg)





0746af  No.3502896

Youtube down nationally.

Normally, it's only down in one region at a time, if I'm not mistake.

What are they scrubbing?

839e30  No.3502897


Sounds like POTUS intends to sue Horeseface in Texas.

535a10  No.3502898


oh shit….

d0d07d  No.3502899


Need I point out that /qresearch/ is NOT down?

84e639  No.3502901

File: f05aa8f95ca790a⋯.png (412.19 KB, 5000x5000, 1:1, thinking.png)

Twitter spits out random stringers today

Youtube kill

who next?

2ab9c2  No.3502902


ffs thats real

6d7c04  No.3502903



a9f3b9  No.3502904

File: ae50f4783f47b75⋯.png (141.09 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Hello, My name is…. uhh… Jim, how may I help you?

83b206  No.3502905

File: 9ec944ffdf00ed6⋯.jpg (171.46 KB, 1123x1159, 1123:1159, NPCHalloween.jpg)

834be8  No.3502906


OK…that's a KEK!

112e27  No.3502907

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, bd03036a493a9e71693c39dc1f….gif)

249b5a  No.3502908

Wonder if Q will drop in now that we have a happening.

I actually got the same error from Youtube a day or two ago but I refreshed and it never happened again

f9abe3  No.3502909

3bf27c  No.3502910


You're Goin to YouTube Jail Anon.. lol

bcb33b  No.3502911


Wonder why no drops for a week? Buying popcorn long options..

d983e6  No.3502912


So they might not get unsealed tomorrow?

c7fcf2  No.3502913


uh oh bro anons… KEL!

30548c  No.3502914

File: 7d6f5571d50ca7b⋯.jpg (25.5 KB, 454x460, 227:230, Come_And_Take_It_Mural.jpg)



This >> >>3502891


897abb  No.3502915

File: 7603e2f654130a0⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 500x500, 1:1, President drain it.jpg)

b4e06e  No.3502916

File: dba3035522b7d25⋯.png (344.21 KB, 599x431, 599:431, ClipboardImage.png)

8a83f1  No.3502917


Yeah, I would call that a notable… especially when combining




eabbcb  No.3502918


Been all day, YT, Twatter, not on Fuckbook for the past 8 months so I can't say for FB. Also TMobile was acting funny too slow to no downloads for unlimited data and texts were delayed by around 20-30 minutes, Comcast internet was down in a long stretch of the Chicagoland area from for miles affecting more than just multiple neighborhoods that stretched about 15 miles from 7:09am - 12:50p.m

712893  No.3502919

File: abac9355c019e95⋯.png (12.69 KB, 588x110, 294:55, Screenshot_2018-10-16 Dona….png)

25e664  No.3502920



(inject a big fat c$#k right in the toob!)

3a36d3  No.3502921

File: 0b53fcb36ab6b25⋯.png (617.76 KB, 1464x691, 1464:691, lvl3.png)

Level 3 seems to agree traffics is high big metro US.


8f49e8  No.3502922


my internet went down same time.

network too a few mins to reboot, but youtube still a no go

991a31  No.3502924

File: 4367002cd9fbf6f⋯.png (182.59 KB, 526x351, 526:351, 4367002cd9fbf6f2f2df8fc8f4….png)

f96f8d  No.3502925


This monkey is meme material waiting to happen.

c9a996  No.3502926

File: e38268141f14994⋯.png (246.94 KB, 957x832, 957:832, 10-16 sessions activated.PNG)

i think POTUS and Q were active this morning

it started with the 5:5 question marks and 17 words

here is a sessions clockfag that is today

cff132  No.3502927


interesting, i didnt get that (socal here)

i got some supplies but not too many.. ngh

d0d07d  No.3502928


A storm, as it were.

d69640  No.3502929


Ya, but don't use it.!

duck duck go all the way

Funny Twitter knows what I buy.

e7b2c6  No.3502930


they will. Already happening.

She just claims there is no abuse allegations in them.

Something to consider yet likely a preemptive play like Guccifer 2.0 was to Clinton.

4959f5  No.3502931



Darn, I was hoping they were referring to the actual element of Iron. Like the Iron Cross. … like the black suet, magnetism talk.

f0f31c  No.3502932


In fairness, Fiona's really cute

752d0e  No.3502933

What would cause youtube to crash world wide?

003bac  No.3502934

File: ebf69efa0d29407⋯.jpg (147.02 KB, 826x500, 413:250, 25dd4n.jpg)


Followup… couple of these have horse faces.

593dfd  No.3502935


256 miles from Qatar Related?


8275a8  No.3502936


It's still up for me so far,.

c9d97c  No.3502937

File: 64d16e316d8db16⋯.jpeg (99.59 KB, 1440x577, 1440:577, 1539729945.jpeg)

0177b2  No.3502938

File: f3939241b4ef038⋯.png (414.4 KB, 825x570, 55:38, f3939241b4ef03856c3b2f4853….png)

87b4aa  No.3502939

The best damn history class left for grandbabyanons: The Avenatti Papers.

Add “horseface” vid

3e40b4  No.3502940

Anyone else check the YouTube app on a TV? Mine works fine, just not on phone or laptop.

27cbad  No.3502941

File: 79d6b3bd253b67e⋯.jpg (20 KB, 480x196, 120:49, 1.JPG)

d983e6  No.3502942


mmm true.

d78068  No.3502943

File: 05c63a6fac9365f⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, image.png)

BRIAN KILMEADE: Saudi Arabia, the Secretary of State is heading over there now to try to get some answers about what happened in the Saudi embassy inside Turkey. You know what happened. Who is to blame?

LINDSEY GRAHAM: I know this. Nothing happens in Saudi Arabia without MBS knowing it


GRAHAM: He’s the 33-year-old Crown Prince, who jumped over other people, he’s the son of the existing King and I think he’s on a bad track. I can never do business with Saudi Arabia again until we get this thing behind us.

KILMEADE: What does that mean?

GRAHAM: That means I’m not going back to Saudi Arabia as long as this guy’s in charge.

KILMEADE: You’re telling us the Crown Prince has to leave?


711097  No.3502944

YT on mobile says "Error loading tap to try again."

Reload a few times and then it eventually plays the vid.

The area below the screen is blank so no related vids displayed.

Perhaps half alive as they try to bring it back up??

1a951e  No.3502945


Just yesterday WaPo or someone released an article talking about how people can be faked on video saying things they didn't say. How it could be so damaging and you can't tell what's real and what's not. Definitely fuckery abound.

b3065e  No.3502946

>>3502451 last bread

Article was Written May 4, 2015

f92a48  No.3502947


Local news just did an alert - YT experiencing an outage. This feels kinda massive.

cb28c6  No.3502948


Not working on smart tv

8275a8  No.3502949


Nope…take it back. It's down for me now too

9bcff1  No.3502950

TI must buy that “We wuz Kangs” bullshit.

ada613  No.3502951


Imagine how Q team feels having to watch us jerk off…


e7730f  No.3502952


Israel Intel electing not to STAND DOWN

4f8517  No.3502953


Learn Russian!

rutube.ru is still up and running fine.

4c0475  No.3502954


I'm all for it brother, but not until the disgusting cum receptacles presently known as women are worth having contact with.

ee58f1  No.3502955

File: b0c020aac9c95c0⋯.jpg (8.39 KB, 255x191, 255:191, boobs army men.jpg)

Umm guise..

Youtube is DOWN!

eabbcb  No.3502956


Thinking the Mainstream will blame a country???

28131c  No.3502957

>>3502561 ((lb)


Thank you !

801ce3  No.3502958

File: 045f4c22cc43d68⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 437x328, 437:328, Nasimrabbit08.jpg)

94afbd  No.3502959

File: 68416def4afd4bb⋯.png (120.62 KB, 586x305, 586:305, checksinner (2).PNG)


JooTube was not letting me view livestream chat or make comments, twitter not letting me ctrl v clipboarded hashtags, Story out about deep fakes..


02372c  No.3502960




f5267b  No.3502961


Super kek

b227a4  No.3502962


Fagbook, Instagag, they should be having issues soon

e56be5  No.3502963

File: 2e15d6eb589667f⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 633x640, 633:640, 2e15d6eb589667f2da3fbc4f34….jpg)


You can still download the videos using youtube downloaders and search for video links to download using hooktube.

fcf798  No.3502964


down 4 me East C

298c42  No.3502965

At what time precisely did YouTube (and also Twitter?) go down worldwide? Maybe something clockfags can look into?

64dbcd  No.3502966

Clockfags, anything on net outages, etc.?

5fb38b  No.3502967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Im watching a vid I had paused earlier right now, yet when I try to open another YT tab it comes up ghost….. does it still exist in some realm…?


e2d933  No.3502968

File: 9f68352cf14445f⋯.png (405.58 KB, 929x630, 929:630, um_Sankarea copy.png)


>share this everywhere


d69640  No.3502969

File: 10aa8495ba15427⋯.jpg (155.23 KB, 777x989, 777:989, tomcruise.jpg)

2 - 9 /1 1 9


991838  No.3502970

File: cbb94b23d1be538⋯.png (305.83 KB, 885x569, 885:569, NITESCHIFFFFFFF.png)

File: 5cd1744efcd1114⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1706x960, 853:480, BASTER.png)

File: 593cc2230618d70⋯.png (406.83 KB, 717x539, 717:539, BASTEBO.png)

File: be3373523db6c55⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, getoutofhere.jpg)

File: 3c4e116f30103c6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1999x1392, 1999:1392, thedegradationofthebotmago….png)

455566  No.3502971

File: 085fd1369c704ca⋯.jpg (91.3 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 2ka0os.jpg)


>but they can combat non-liberal views

80f065  No.3502972

File: 07ac7025b64f3c4⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 548x566, 274:283, wwave.jpg)

249b5a  No.3502973


Lindsey comes back down to earth

a1cfef  No.3502974

YT confirmed down in Montucky

cc232a  No.3502975



When's the best time to find witches?


b4e06e  No.3502976

File: 4fdc297bf143f26⋯.png (87.11 KB, 1184x732, 296:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0f4a5966bde1dd⋯.png (53.82 KB, 1166x469, 1166:469, ClipboardImage.png)

Coverup Deal Will Blame Khashoggi Death On Extreme Torture

The coverup of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, killed on behalf of the Saudi clown prince Mohammad bin Salman, proceeds apace. It is part of a deal between Turkey and Saudi Arabia under the aegis of the United States. The haggling over the details will take a while.

Several media report of a test ballon, floated to find out if an 'alternative' story will fly:

Saudi Arabia was preparing an alternative explanation of the fate of a dissident journalist on Monday, saying he died at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago in an interrogation gone wrong, according to a person familiar with the kingdom’s plans. In Washington, President Trump echoed the possibility that Jamal Khashoggi was the victim of “rogue killers.”

[O]n Monday, a person familiar with the Saudi government’s plans said that Mr. Khashoggi was mistakenly killed during an interrogation ordered by a Saudi intelligence official who was a friend of the crown prince. The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Prince Mohammed had approved interrogating or even forcing Mr. Khashoggi to return to Saudi Arabia under duress.

But, the person said, the Saudi intelligence official went too far in eagerly seeking to prove himself in secretive operations, then sought to cover up the botched job.


516d84  No.3502977

File: b8b49439778fb7c⋯.jpg (81.41 KB, 650x366, 325:183, Popcorn Time.jpg)

486df1  No.3502978

Q, is this it?

112e27  No.3502979


like 95% of then think dey wuz kangz bro

37a5bf  No.3502980

File: 77e2290682c64ba⋯.png (52.38 KB, 391x521, 391:521, ClipboardImage.png)

KEK the shills on youtube right now are hilarious

732735  No.3502981


john kerry? i thought it was a toss up between Sarah Jessica Parker + Hilary Swank

82a8db  No.3502982

youtube back up

9eb9ee  No.3502983



f96f8d  No.3502984


http://map.norsecorp.com/ is giving a 522 error.

834be8  No.3502985

File: ae0ca7fbac7ba25⋯.png (201.95 KB, 811x614, 811:614, ClipboardImage.png)

Gonna say it again…Sekulow said in email today:

Subject: Far Deeper Than We Imagined

"Today is a major deadline in a key federal court case that could massively expose the Deep State"

1 year 11 months since RR changed scope of Mueller probe but won't let anyone see 'Scope Memo'

You Tube Down


c4a165  No.3502986

File: 4458f1da032437b⋯.png (302.75 KB, 731x485, 731:485, yt_down.png)

3c6425  No.3502987


This man's twats are addicting.

8a83f1  No.3502988


Yeah, well, there's that, I suppose….

3bf27c  No.3502989

File: a62479cbf271d62⋯.jpg (149.16 KB, 519x1000, 519:1000, a62479cbf271d6240ade854926….jpg)

9eec80  No.3502990

ba0925  No.3502991







expect seal team six. You’ll never know their misdeeds.


80e5a6  No.3502992

File: 3fdca9bc8247ce6⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 663x499, 663:499, Brokemetoo.jpg)

8f49e8  No.3502993

uk fag here

internet went down while on youtube.

came back up

still no youtube

nor on mobile app.

it sometimes loads but freezes

94afbd  No.3502994

245e9b  No.3502995

File: e02a00b6906137c⋯.jpg (116.61 KB, 1280x721, 1280:721, kdfgjdfjdfjgdfg.jpg)


Hillary's mother ship from Glerptron12 is in orbit around earth.

aef57b  No.3502996

File: 1cd8ffb4be036a2⋯.jpg (130.94 KB, 1018x777, 1018:777, Pres Alert YT.jpg)

c69cd8  No.3502997

File: 9423fc5ca0b249f⋯.png (424.81 KB, 1363x764, 1363:764, YouTube error 2018 10 16.PNG)

YouTube Fuckery Anyone? (PST)

c9a996  No.3502998

File: 0ccfd25fe4ef61d⋯.png (339.68 KB, 958x832, 479:416, new djt OHR.PNG)


the 5:5 question marks and the 17 words fits in a cool clockfag

the :26 and the :42 timestamps, if you include the first number they total 17 in one direction and 45 in the other direction

(26,27,28,29…42 = 17)

(42,43,44,45…26 = 45)

1c948a  No.3502999

As a Saudi prince rose, the Bin Laden business empire crumbled

Filed Sept. 27, 2018, 10 a.m. GMT



On the night of Nov. 4, 2017, Saudi authorities detained Bakr bin Laden in Jeddah along with more than 200 other members of the Saudi elite, in what officials said was a crackdown on corruption. Dozens of Bin Laden family members, including the brothers’ children, had their bank accounts frozen and were banned from travelling abroad, said associates of the family. Brothers who were abroad at the time were recalled to the kingdom.

For Bakr, it was the beginning of a detention that has lasted more than 10 months. Like many others, he was first held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Riyadh. So were his brothers Saleh and Saad, fellow major shareholders. Other Bin Laden brothers - Omar, Ahmed, Mohammed, Abdullah and Yehya among them - were brought to the hotel for shorter periods, according to four family associates.

The Ritz was cleared of prisoners in late January but Bakr is still in detention in Riyadh, able to receive visits only from his immediate family members, according to five people familiar with the situation. Asked about Bakr’s whereabouts and the status of the investigation, the senior government official referred Reuters to the Attorney General. The Attorney General did not respond to a request for comment.

The other brothers are at home in Jeddah, but keeping a low profile. Saleh, the most gregarious, has returned to playing card games with friends, said one acquaintance. Stripped of many of his assets, including a palace in Jeddah bestowed by King Abdullah, he has been visiting banks to ask for help, according to one lender. “He’s putting a brave face on,” the lender said.

Authorities seized the title deeds to the homes of senior brothers, including Bakr’s villa overlooking the Red Sea, as part of settlements for their release, four sources said. The state also took private jets, cash, jewelry and Saad’s $90 million automobile collection, which included limited edition Ferraris and other rare Italian cars, said two sources. Bakr’s son Nawaf was relieved of every Maserati in his personal showroom.

Interesting to so this Bakr ( Bin laden half brother) is still being detained in SA as of the end Sept 2018, when this article was written.

b21490  No.3503000

File: 1e507035b4764cb⋯.png (824.28 KB, 998x1117, 998:1117, AResearch.png)


Nothing from them yet. No official statement from YT either. Not isolated to a specific area. Either this is HUGE hack or YT took down their own servers.

My Theory.

114574  No.3503001

back up here

1096f4  No.3503002


I can confirm YT is down here in Australia.


b4e06e  No.3503003

File: 1f404a28741815d⋯.png (467.95 KB, 501x385, 501:385, ClipboardImage.png)

25e664  No.3503004




1a951e  No.3503005



POTUS might have gave the GO signal for the vid drop.

POTUS tweet - 5:5 ????? 17 spaces between

POTUS tweet - (END)

Q drop 5:5 marker - stage set for a drop of HRC



cb28c6  No.3503006


Around 912 EST think?

82a8db  No.3503007


it was for me for a second but now back down. scoutz honor

3dc376  No.3503008

File: 301070dfe260132⋯.png (870.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_2018-10-16-21-4….png)

youtube outage confirmed

7ec7df  No.3503009

Ok. where is Q? Honestly

f0f31c  No.3503010


Purging or Glitch??

fa7ca0  No.3503011


You tube went down about half hour ago. And twitter is fine. Anons are trying to find out if they can.

7676ce  No.3503012

YT is down for us as well( GAanon). Is it nationwide or local?

844118  No.3503013


In your cache or in a proxy somewhere along your route to YT.

114574  No.3503014


So Cal

9eb9ee  No.3503015


What day is that again?

Tomorrow respectively now?

eb6182  No.3503016

File: aa66afa50584142⋯.png (502.69 KB, 669x358, 669:358, IH - Copy.png)

bbf9a9  No.3503017


back up for me

28140f  No.3503018


Interesting, thinking the servers may actually be in China. White hat take down?

2ab9c2  No.3503019


<implying you've never been here for a black out

busy faggot reread crumbs

bf23b6  No.3503020


just dorkin' on Caps:

Fake Dossier










237e5a  No.3503021

File: 7508c0dd97813a6⋯.png (577.01 KB, 500x641, 500:641, sheispretty.png)

File: d4054a75571bf7a⋯.jpg (68.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, nasim-she-is-pretty-.jpg)


Sweet Nasim. Our goddess of free speech. Praise her.

b0802f  No.3503022

File: 7306e4b126fe817⋯.jpeg (53.17 KB, 545x327, 5:3, D047AAE6-C2F0-47E0-BC17-D….jpeg)

Jessica Tarlove on Trishe’s New show just deflected Russian heritage by saying she’s jewish…rofl!!!

697fdb  No.3503023

File: da0707ce4fa9ef6⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB, 208x243, 208:243, FE536549-5989-4A51-ACF2-3….jpeg)


>Jews were ALWAYS the ones that dominated the slave trade

The neebies will soon learn that YOU self hating Jews dominate the SHILL trade as well

3c6425  No.3503024


No in MN.

fcf798  No.3503025


His Busy time of year : )

1d013c  No.3503026

Finally Made it on Breitbart.

Facebook Deletes Disabled Veteran’s Page Without Warning — After Taking $300,000 for Ads


Saw it here first, as usual.

I love /qresearch/

c9d97c  No.3503027

f937e3  No.3503028

File: a84058d12678ffb⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 498x278, 249:139, trump popcorn.gif)

2616a9  No.3503029

File: a00165be5b704e6⋯.png (137.52 KB, 336x291, 112:97, Picture1.png)

752d0e  No.3503030

I hope so!

c11c20  No.3503031


Thanks, bruh.

d3237d  No.3503032

jewtube is down

c7201c  No.3503033

At aproxx 8:15 PM CST, Youtube completely crashed. Whole website not working for anyone. Giant monkey on screen, and text box saying a team of monkeys are working on the problem, and not to take screenshots, cause screenshots scare the monkeys, then a bunch of code. heres a copy paste.

500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

If you see them, send them this information as text (screenshots frighten them):






































955202  No.3503034


Yeah, according to "sources." Fudge rule until there's evidence. The overwhelming majority of "sources" articles have been #fakenews.

4e47d3  No.3503035


Russia's Masha and the Bear cartoons are wonderful in any language but esp. in Russian

ada613  No.3503036


It’s been fucky for atleast 1.5 hours.

Thought it was my connection, was about to snap.

2f2f80  No.3503037


Sounds painful …

0cf572  No.3503038

File: 2dbeb8275963d72⋯.jpg (142.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 2dbeb8275963d72564c91ff600….jpg)

cc232a  No.3503039


We're goin' on a witch hunt!

We're goin' on a witch hunt!

I hope it's HRC.

114574  No.3503040


half load of frame from clicked video then back to what you all see.

6d7c04  No.3503041

a8fb84  No.3503042

>>>3501877 pb

Making me miss the frog's legs :Thats not funny thats sick" one now too. Memes from the 70's

003bac  No.3503043


Catalog is up. Error while trying to play actual videos. It's getting there…

272b78  No.3503044


blackout necessary

3009 confirms

d3237d  No.3503045


doubt it

64dbcd  No.3503046

File: 4a340df9609421f⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 886x663, 886:663, weather.JPG)

When your Internet Weather Map is based on Google maps. Kek.

752fa2  No.3503047


They will blame NPC memes

3bf27c  No.3503048

File: 0a9b515d02b9df5⋯.png (137.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Enjoy the show.png)


OH yeah!!

ca5a41  No.3503049

File: 066e0a8a8ff63e3⋯.jpeg (178.54 KB, 946x1603, 946:1603, Potential Twitter CP acce….jpeg)

File: 575ad02094434e9⋯.jpeg (203.67 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, Potential Twitter Passwor….jpeg)

Any long time fags remember when some Anons were posting some Twitter access codes, that led directly to child porn? I steered clear, though was disgusted by what they said it was.

Apparently there were some long stringer codes you could input into Twitter and it took you to the CP. They said they were reporting to the FBI and DOJ.

Any chance these weird freaky codes dropping from Twitter are related? Could Q and team be in on this? No coincidences right, and how many times have we heard "Goodbye @jack"?

>>3497231 Several Breads back, Equestrian Edition.

48cc2c  No.3503050

"…Plasma implants are black holes, rotating in a strong electromagnetic field. That electromagnetic field serves the purpose of erasing our memories and disconnecting us from our Soul. The physical biochip (produced by Siemens) located next to the implant of every incarnated human sends a constant audio-video feed to the main Chimera control center, located on the surface of the planet:


What the f*ckk are we supposed to think when we encounter information such as this? % of Truth?

94afbd  No.3503051

File: 55b90c5eca67db3⋯.png (45.9 KB, 1833x913, 1833:913, ClipboardImage.png)



pic related

What I get when trying to open ze jewtoob

d6c8d0  No.3503052

YT still down in MD

5de58e  No.3503053

File: 09793706bfc6716⋯.webm (15.92 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Truth About Fake NewsX.webm)













b4e06e  No.3503054

File: 1973a7683ed0e4f⋯.png (27.2 KB, 390x692, 195:346, ClipboardImage.png)

c4a165  No.3503055

File: 17804485fcec21d⋯.png (174.7 KB, 351x380, 351:380, witch.png)

b21490  No.3503056

File: 0371bfa4d6996bd⋯.png (35.47 KB, 608x312, 76:39, AQ21.PNG)

Statement from YT

Thanks for your reports about YouTube, YouTube TV and YouTube Music access issues. We're working on resolving this and will let you know once fixed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will keep you updated.


a6e662  No.3503057


Currently procrastinating from work by reading about YT outage on 8chan.

Not a challenge at all!!

f25bee  No.3503058

File: 2f8153a826917ef⋯.png (363.77 KB, 1767x982, 1767:982, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 100e6bf6cbb62b8⋯.jpg (281.12 KB, 1767x982, 1767:982, YT anon.jpg)

File: 692789685dbe55a⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 540x126, 30:7, YT pbj.jpg)

YT hacked by 'Anonymous'?

This is what I see at Youtube.com… Anonymous channels?

What's with the 'pbj' added to my link?

f92a48  No.3503059


She DOES sound like I imagine a gray would sound

e5a8a6  No.3503060


hi lady liberty

6a0d68  No.3503061

File: a4e1726d7b88e13⋯.png (91.2 KB, 851x677, 851:677, July 3.png)

July 3rd?!

Former Mayes County Deputy Sheriff Brett Mull, 47, of Pryor, Surrenders to Authorities for Stealing Drug Evidence https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndok/pr/former-mayes-county-deputy-sheriff-surrenders-authorities-stealing-drug-evidence

f96f8d  No.3503062

File: eaf189f78b37257⋯.jpg (794.91 KB, 2611x1962, 2611:1962, Brave_2018-10-16_21-42-36.jpg)

78f2bd  No.3503063

got limited access to some videos.

try going thru the notification bell and try some of those vids, got a league video

03a023  No.3503064


won't play Cruz debate, after searching still had template over results

edb60a  No.3503065

File: 7e650ff0b6add62⋯.jpeg (253.82 KB, 799x886, 799:886, Screenshot_2018-10-16-21-….jpeg)

File: 1d73366d7ec04f1⋯.jpeg (129.52 KB, 799x632, 799:632, Screenshot_2018-10-16-21-….jpeg)

Trump announces new WH Counsel

Pat Cipollone

Does he know where the bodies are buried?


b292d1  No.3503066

So Twitter was sending weird messages early today, now YouTube. Comfy

05acd0  No.3503067

File: 1ba0612c2af329d⋯.jpeg (146.46 KB, 666x500, 333:250, EC5B9D95-EF14-4FE3-87C4-F….jpeg)


But Muh Grass needs mowing.

4f8517  No.3503068


Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee)


f937e3  No.3503069

File: ba86547aea33ce9⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 750x562, 375:281, ba86547aea33ce93473ba1caa6….jpg)

File: f36825d7bb138a7⋯.mp4 (7.03 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Slayer here comes the pain….mp4)

Some music for you fags

08d34f  No.3503070

File: cf9e5631c06fd01⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB, 180x388, 45:97, JEW Faggot.mp4)

f0f31c  No.3503071



f92a48  No.3503072


Thank you 8chan!!’n

d74c79  No.3503073

Search works. Videos are now playing but no info below. Tap to reload error. On mobile.

b227a4  No.3503074

File: 87ad4a21c4d3998⋯.png (543 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3DCAADD6-CB9D-4754-974B-B2….png)

ee58f1  No.3503075


Only been about 30 mins here SWanon.

c9a996  No.3503076

File: b3ac66a616f5267⋯.png (267.14 KB, 958x832, 479:416, Copy of new djt 8x.PNG)


and then lastly using that same logic, POTUS posted an 8X on an :08 timestamp and its 8 clicks from 10/09 to today 10/16 of you count the 10/09 itself

i know the major buzz right now is youtube so these 3 posts prob are meh

b692b7  No.3503077

YouTube is down

503518  No.3503078

File: 3204c70b6e5bc1f⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)










<…and fuck the shills…

d3237d  No.3503079

File: f8fb4c81d4d6d17⋯.jpg (19.17 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1365928608069.jpg)


inb4 eveyone gets infected with spyware and the algrothim mysteriously deletes conservative and Q channels>>3502734

b42db7  No.3503080

Q, is the YT blackout a purge?! What should we be allocating for ensured storage

0ec3c5  No.3503081

File: a971edf74c1a7a0⋯.jpg (101.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HammerTime2.jpg)

File: 7b476f8f9287b0e⋯.jpg (129.37 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HammerTime3.jpg)

not sure these memes pertain

they might

fb558f  No.3503082

no YT in Minnesota

b21490  No.3503083


Correct. Related….

b493be  No.3503084

File: 4909375fa91d253⋯.jpeg (405.91 KB, 1571x892, 1571:892, 66C1586A-A837-4E7A-9B5E-1….jpeg)








872f6b  No.3503085


Down was fine until a few minutes ago up here in the North East (MEanon)

e54b6c  No.3503086


No problem fren

711097  No.3503087


Yes, home page with gray boxes, but if you enter a search time for specific content it will load.

144ee2  No.3503088

File: 3b13e1e7340a513⋯.png (218.05 KB, 803x1012, 73:92, ClipboardImage.png)

b4e06e  No.3503089


Question is did something drop to bring this on???

80e5a6  No.3503090


kek (all lowercase)

9eec80  No.3503091


his website is next

272b78  No.3503092


still down in GA for me too, y'all

bbf9a9  No.3503093


That is correct. Didn't click far enough

d6c8d0  No.3503094


do you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? if yes, I'd leave now!

4e47d3  No.3503095


even barry got a job

fa7ca0  No.3503096


Wouldn’t it include other platforms then if this was a net shutdown. Right now it’s just one.

bcb33b  No.3503097


Twitter Injection Good




12 Apr 2018 - 5:14:11 PM

Twitter down.

Injection good.


YouTube's turn to take some meds…Frequency bands terminating.

e56be5  No.3503098

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Top kek is that hooktube is still good, lol.

5fa5d5  No.3503099


8812a8  No.3503100

File: 2458678a94d9c17⋯.jpg (132.03 KB, 960x540, 16:9, witchhunting.jpg)

b6f755  No.3503101


what a shit attitude and i suspect you know this.

you arent fixing anything sitting in your room jerking off to images of other people fucking.

plenty of good women out there.

a1cfef  No.3503102

Changing of permanent control?

This coincides with the twatter fuckery earlier.

844118  No.3503103


Silly anon, everyone knows Q doesn’t post when KANSAS is out of the country.

c9d97c  No.3503104

File: 3a879d153fd7168⋯.jpeg (119.47 KB, 1440x959, 1440:959, 1539705027.jpeg)

003bac  No.3503105


It was all good til they tried to grab his wallet.

c4a165  No.3503106

File: 3fb6b24d81ab066⋯.png (648.4 KB, 733x457, 733:457, d5-.png)

0177b2  No.3503107

File: 6acbe6dae3f8100⋯.png (204.64 KB, 624x458, 312:229, 9e274c47c53aa4498b243f61ef….png)

5fa5d5  No.3503108


Well, it was for a second. Back down

eb8bbe  No.3503109

when shit gets so weird you cant tell if its jesus or mk ultra


9eb9ee  No.3503110


Yup, should get some more pocorn too.

On the 17th…

6202c9  No.3503111

File: 2f7979a8c319341⋯.png (67.61 KB, 631x342, 631:342, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

File: 0b1322b4610d92f⋯.png (104.23 KB, 517x396, 47:36, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

too much fun

5acb9f  No.3503112

Not a horse face

A Whore’s Face

298c42  No.3503113


Hmm looks like [:13] lines up with 10/16:


f937e3  No.3503114

File: 1dbf5447ab2e481⋯.png (345.42 KB, 655x444, 655:444, patriot i am.png)

d983e6  No.3503115


Its thinkin about it.

fa7ca0  No.3503116


Not for my area it isnt

74036e  No.3503117


you can still access the front end server and search and get results. but try to play and it 500's. Hooktube says: YT API says back end error.

eb8bbe  No.3503118


still down for me

d0d07d  No.3503119


anon. kek

b4e06e  No.3503120


Just wondering if this is the beginning

e56be5  No.3503121



Not anymore, hooktube can't play the vids anymore now.

Let me check the downloaders.

6118af  No.3503122



Wow. How will the deep state survive without videos of pandas sneezing?

87c4cb  No.3503123



that sounds very weird

49b539  No.3503124

File: 07e7aac73cadeae⋯.jpg (90.68 KB, 1148x633, 1148:633, YOUTUBE BROKE.jpg)

File: 6266faac8435cbe⋯.jpg (109.16 KB, 1152x630, 64:35, YOUTUBE NOW.jpg)

File: d7c0f703ddb5e35⋯.jpg (122.8 KB, 1152x720, 8:5, YOUTUBE BROKEN.jpg)

c4a165  No.3503125


only if you had the video cached, seems like

25e664  No.3503126


Remember the night when Q said:

Twitter down

Injection Good.

And anons were like twitter ain't down, and 3 minutes later …. BOOM

Fuckin' grande!

d0d07d  No.3503127


not in the big apple.

and that's what really matters.

b0a50b  No.3503128

File: 91c5cd7c2a44724⋯.png (22.3 KB, 652x194, 326:97, Rubin re YouTube 10-16-18.PNG)

d3237d  No.3503129


the thing is that the net wasnt paussed, just youtube

fa7ca0  No.3503130


Hope and see 🤞🏼

e1f585  No.3503131

File: 3438213ea026835⋯.png (158.7 KB, 1458x749, 1458:749, Trump 10-16 1.PNG)

File: f1b96f8ebb21905⋯.png (96.55 KB, 1454x363, 1454:363, Trump 10-16 2.PNG)

712893  No.3503132

File: 6218d5243257d0c⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 255x197, 255:197, sidbbsijfoifho[ihfoisdhiua….jpg)

112e27  No.3503133

File: 2a7229f1b0bffa1⋯.jpg (93.85 KB, 498x740, 249:370, 1539634865727.jpg)

4c0475  No.3503134

File: 0ad935cc705b69a⋯.png (261.56 KB, 1204x620, 301:155, Youtube down or app not wo….png)

2ab9c2  No.3503135

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, somuchtext.gif)

711097  No.3503136


Given the outage characteristics, it looks like it.

a2351b  No.3503137


down in California.

7d628e  No.3503138

File: 41fa2cc136cc1b0⋯.png (90.13 KB, 1838x184, 919:92, KEK is right.png)

2d9c26  No.3503139


Ben Sasse was talking about deepfake vids…

cf4b8d  No.3503140

can anyone explain to me why the hell kashgoggi was reported to be fake and now that's all scrubbed and kashgoggi was actually killed by the saudis?

methinks it's creating distance between djt and sa

950251  No.3503141


Yeah check that. Can watch vid if you had it loaded up and paused but open up new page and no go.

b42db7  No.3503142


monkey's got a red hat on

could be a lil jab at us

be6272  No.3503143


it goes further back i got this




(or Russia, for that matter)

(of which there is plenty)!

(amazing con)

(the bad version)

c7fcf2  No.3503144

File: 69be38bb84e9c00⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 631x630, 631:630, gofyourself.JPG)

897abb  No.3503145


e7b093  No.3503146

File: d68562432f1123b⋯.png (1.49 MB, 900x800, 9:8, CollageB4442-2.png)

faa91c  No.3503147


It’s very for the old guard’s all I can reckon

249b5a  No.3503148

File: 1b029621f84dd5e⋯.png (292.5 KB, 292x324, 73:81, MAGA.png)

c8035e  No.3503149

"You don't hand matches to an arsonist, you don't spit into the wind…you don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Flynn"

b47640  No.3503150


Neither. Test strike.

52b4b3  No.3503151


It's just cutesy talk saying that they want the text copy-pasted instead of an image of the text. They treat their users like children.

c69cd8  No.3503152



Mine just went down around 9:43 EST

I'm in PST time, are the shutdowns going in waves?

b21490  No.3503153


Louisiana Anon Here. Back Up.

eb8bbe  No.3503154


nothing will happen until after midterms or like december

dems are hanging themselves

better to just get the election out of the way so they cant cry muh interference

e7730f  No.3503155


Guess how much$$$ youtube will have to spend in customer service labor amending bills/revenue streams for this 30min planetary outage?

80c510  No.3503156


Who wants to be that when JA had his 'internet' revoked he still connected to the internet anyway via satellite?

6202c9  No.3503157

mu tube has not gone down in wa state

114574  No.3503158

full load after cache dump.

f58134  No.3503159


Didendo nuffins shaame onyuge

0fdc62  No.3503160



d6c8d0  No.3503161


nope, nope

b42db7  No.3503162


Wall Street Journal, deep fakes

48cc2c  No.3503163

YT down in EU as well.

e56be5  No.3503164

File: 872ed8e48384bc6⋯.jpg (46.37 KB, 750x709, 750:709, aa.jpg)


Downloaders can't download videos anymore.

Total youtube shutdown.

d74c79  No.3503165

>>3503087 the link for embed is missing

38f33e  No.3503166

File: c3548df6e1f4376⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 675x523, 675:523, image.jpg)

732735  No.3503167


not his… but i get the sentiment.

2ab9c2  No.3503168

File: 8644513ba771209⋯.png (42.59 KB, 376x314, 188:157, ClipboardImage.png)


>expresses thanks

144ee2  No.3503169


test run

d3237d  No.3503170


when was this?

e2424a  No.3503171


Not in NorCal.

b4e06e  No.3503172


Partially back up for me but content missing

d3237d  No.3503173


ahh got it .

b227a4  No.3503174


GREAT JOB!! Good catch

eabbcb  No.3503175

File: a46e1696d4ed125⋯.jpg (151 KB, 1024x637, 1024:637, ZomboMeme 16102018204927.jpg)

0fdc62  No.3503176



Q-uite timely, huh?

801ce3  No.3503177


If you wrote something clever in response, you wouldnt have doxxed yourself.

0cf572  No.3503178

Notes so far

Anything missed? Just let me know. TY

>>3502895 POTUS Bruce Ohr tweet and question marks: 5:5

>>3503056 YouTube is suffering an outage: Statement

>>3502640 Non YT livestream for Fox News

>>3502626 DJT Tweet Payments to END if Illegal Group Enters USA

>>3502626 Fresh POTUS tweet re immigrant caravans

>>3502623 , >>3502727, >>3502753, >>3502768 Youtube CONF DOWN

e7730f  No.3503179


We have missed you, thanks for poppin' in

4f8517  No.3503180


After watching this music video, I got an ad

from my own city. In other words, this Russian site from Russia

Is completely integrated into the world Internet

Even down to localised ads.

Those of you who watch videos from European sites know they usually only show European ads.

732735  No.3503181


peanut butta jelly time

752fa2  No.3503182


Didn't him and his kike brother rip off a bunch of people?

Fraud means caring about other people?

2f2f80  No.3503183

File: bbfa1d8ec179ed8⋯.png (243.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

fcf798  No.3503184

File: 0a89f94549a1d3b⋯.png (352.03 KB, 863x809, 863:809, 1016adsb.PNG)


I think I hear Magic Sword Playing.

9bcff1  No.3503185

Dems pushing free healthcare for everyone…didn’t we just go through that nightmare?

991a31  No.3503186


that would mean, the database is down

25e664  No.3503187


Only a matter of time…


897abb  No.3503188



80e5a6  No.3503189


Get fucked kid… that shit was GOLD!!!

516d84  No.3503190

File: 71c83a677fe0f76⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 763x768, 763:768, Balloon.jpg)

535a10  No.3503191

File: 3501a973a3a539b⋯.jpg (115.41 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Untitled-4.jpg)

b47640  No.3503192

Lots of newfags around. First; Welcome. Second; When replying to someone from a previous bread, put (lb) or (pb) in your reply.

b21490  No.3503193


It let me log in but now it's down again.

64dbcd  No.3503194


Has that been verified for every time?>>3503103

>Silly anon, everyone knows Q doesn’t post when KANSAS is out of the country.

What percent of the time has that been verified?

0177b2  No.3503195

File: e26dba854520976⋯.jpg (123.17 KB, 800x587, 800:587, Jacob-Rothschild-Net-Worth.jpg)

486df1  No.3503196

File: e4ef448c05eaf32⋯.png (793.39 KB, 1226x787, 1226:787, ClipboardImage.png)


(((they))) are scared

64706d  No.3503197

File: b23329d6469a03d⋯.jpeg (24.3 KB, 255x195, 17:13, 2718B315-131C-473D-81CA-F….jpeg)

8b505d  No.3503198

File: a3242f8efe92647⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mqdefault[3].jpg)

cb28c6  No.3503199


Yes I believe my father was one of them.fuckers

801ce3  No.3503200

File: 8ddeb8d90b5a976⋯.jpg (31.98 KB, 255x226, 255:226, Meme Creator_1531280754319.jpg)

a96a05  No.3503201


6 months 11 days since that drop

8f49e8  No.3503202

YOUTUBE CANT BE DOWN - other pages on the domain work


c65402  No.3503203

File: 4265dcc1047f6b6⋯.jpg (396.25 KB, 2538x1360, 1269:680, Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at ….jpg)


Think about a good place to hide it Faggots.

732735  No.3503204


geaux saints.

b42db7  No.3503205

File: 1c51d18d11dff1e⋯.jpg (16.44 KB, 240x255, 16:17, 2ddccd64732a39f15efb7f77a0….jpg)


sounds moar and moar like purge


d983e6  No.3503206

File: e8e1b15598269d4⋯.jpg (67.57 KB, 508x489, 508:489, brothers.jpg)

c9d97c  No.3503207

File: 00f81bedc0f1aee⋯.jpeg (93.46 KB, 1440x759, 480:253, 1539352374.jpeg)

e56be5  No.3503208


I downloaded 2 videos while the main site went to shit, but now everything is gone.

5fb38b  No.3503209

Im no techfag but if it is still playing for me, doesnt that mean it still exists?…. Is there some cloaking fuckery going on?


347e70  No.3503210

File: 6b2005e6ccc0a26⋯.gif (22.72 KB, 310x760, 31:76, HAPPENING CON 2.gif)


Q warned us this would happen. The index seems to be up, but cannot load new videos atm. This is WW.

t. Euroanon

0177b2  No.3503211

File: 3048ec03004afc6⋯.jpg (17.07 KB, 250x255, 50:51, fbe4c84ebad176282e4ab141a1….jpg)

b692b7  No.3503212


Where is that from?

752d0e  No.3503213

File: c4ee07c3edc8537⋯.jpeg (14.54 KB, 308x164, 77:41, images (24).jpeg)

edb60a  No.3503214

File: a48dd4738415c86⋯.jpeg (52.25 KB, 655x426, 655:426, Screenshot_2018-09-12-15-….jpeg)

697fdb  No.3503215

File: 4698c101173e448⋯.jpeg (126.31 KB, 508x508, 1:1, 8A770C1A-2F82-4794-8C82-1….jpeg)

003bac  No.3503216


Youtube. Not Pornhub.

6202c9  No.3503217


it says video is unavailable but has played non stop watching hannity live now

d0d07d  No.3503218


hunh. that looks like the netflix stock price chart today.

49b539  No.3503219

File: 94ba6a6b0fe72d7⋯.jpg (105.61 KB, 1152x640, 9:5, youtube down.jpg)

File: 07e7aac73cadeae⋯.jpg (90.68 KB, 1148x633, 1148:633, YOUTUBE BROKE.jpg)

File: 6266faac8435cbe⋯.jpg (109.16 KB, 1152x630, 64:35, YOUTUBE broke down.jpg)


732735  No.3503220


are you from the past?

823dce  No.3503221


That sounds like a government type hack, with it being world wide.

9eb9ee  No.3503222


Down ww!

eb6182  No.3503223

File: 22658f0dac0b08e⋯.png (189.04 KB, 556x402, 278:201, ClipboardImage.png)

When you meme pisses off the machines and breaks the internet.

a96a05  No.3503224


Good catch. Dubai not Qatar.

bbfe92  No.3503225

File: 688ce450856df5d⋯.png (38.13 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, EAF264D0-9901-4014-B98F-76….png)

YouTUBE and Instagram down ?

bf23b6  No.3503226

File: 82cd6617155eb00⋯.png (925.08 KB, 721x1188, 721:1188, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

9bcff1  No.3503227

I could give a rat’s ass if YouTube is down.

6118af  No.3503228


Iran hid bin Laden, who knocked down the WTC, and now they took out jewtube because of their hate for Israel.

Hey patriots, we moved the embassy, now let's fight for Israel like it was our homeland.

3c6425  No.3503229


Confirm for MN.

518559  No.3503230

YouTube is confirmed down. Check all news sites.

52b4b3  No.3503231

YT is back stop sperging out.

fcf798  No.3503232

File: 4625bf5471ae52f⋯.png (440.98 KB, 698x579, 698:579, RDT4.PNG)

File: 7b45bce594de80a⋯.png (472.58 KB, 698x577, 698:577, rdt6.PNG)

File: 26730e0101e956d⋯.png (324.98 KB, 698x579, 698:579, rdt8.PNG)

File: 375adbc14732add⋯.png (376.45 KB, 697x575, 697:575, rdt5.PNG)

For Laughs, not really : )

9eb9ee  No.3503233

33fff0  No.3503234


Pawn seems notable with some of the chess references

114574  No.3503235

on and off wonky in socal

d0646a  No.3503236

File: ea1e77c7f881313⋯.jpg (63.66 KB, 390x389, 390:389, jarrettcrybaby.jpg)

955202  No.3503237


They got busted a year ago for promoting Ponzi schemes or something. I don't know what happened, but I know they aren't doing the Madoff ride in prison.

These tools are also ALWAYS the top comments on any of Trump's tweets. There's a reason for this. It can't be that obviously wrong unless there's a reason. Intentional controlled opposition? Dunno…

07f591  No.3503238


Hannity opening up with "You Have It All"

112e27  No.3503239

File: 65ef759528d12b2⋯.png (74.19 KB, 372x360, 31:30, 65ef759528d12b2cb47b2fc0bc….png)


>sportsball niggers!

a1cfef  No.3503240

'Killery Clinton' - Hannity

e56be5  No.3503242

File: 25d47f3019cbc2c⋯.png (26.37 KB, 677x694, 677:694, Apu_MMGA.png)

f9abe3  No.3503243

897abb  No.3503244

Is this the very start of Military control or whatever it's called…..

752fa2  No.3503245


Maybe they care about everyone but white men

9b399e  No.3503246

File: 994d41e8e812106⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 2849x283, 2849:283, AFREZZA.jpg)

0cf572  No.3503247


>>3502921 Down Detector report

>>3502895 POTUS Bruce Ohr tweet and question marks: 5:5

>>3503056 YouTube is suffering an outage: Statement

>>3502640 Non YT livestream for Fox News

>>3502626 DJT Tweet Payments to END if Illegal Group Enters USA

>>3502626 Fresh #4442

>>3502921 Down Detector report

>>3502895 POTUS Bruce Ohr tweet and question marks: 5:5

>>3503056 YouTube is suffering an outage: Statement

>>3502640 Non YT livestream for Fox News

>>3502626 DJT Tweet Payments to END if Illegal Group Enters USA

>>3502626 Fresh POTUS tweet re immigrant caravans

>>3502623 , >>3502727, >>3502753, >>3502768 Youtube CONF DOWNPOTUS tweet re immigrant caravans

>>3502623 , >>3502727, >>3502753, >>3502768 Youtube CONF DOWN

4c0475  No.3503248


We're on a mission from Q, ma'am.

0ec3c5  No.3503249

>>3503088 First asked myself why Obrador wasn't the one getting threatened. Now think this move lets Obrador stop the invaders without losing face domestically. The 3 C. American countries need that money and will officially request the return of their citizens from Mexico and he will shrug his shoulders and say, "What else could I do?"

cb28c6  No.3503250


Wow lotta mn here o7

d3237d  No.3503251


instagram? its owned by FB . its still up .

1c5749  No.3503252

File: 267b866202c2e53⋯.jpg (189.43 KB, 624x576, 13:12, _s7ixtcys1i9.jpg)

Kek, Shit gettin' real? I was watchin' something on da jootubes..

80e5a6  No.3503253


Hey MAPFAG… Pakistan is kinda close to Iran…kinda.

c480df  No.3503254


Elongated face like Stormy. What do you call those again?

d78068  No.3503255

Hannity just said "killary Clinton"

I had to rewind 3x

5fb38b  No.3503256

I don't use pornhub… I also dont use Imapowerbottom.shincter


0cf572  No.3503257


>>3502921 Down Detector report

>>3502895 POTUS Bruce Ohr tweet and question marks: 5:5

>>3503056 YouTube is suffering an outage: Statement

>>3502640 Non YT livestream for Fox News

>>3502626 DJT Tweet Payments to END if Illegal Group Enters USA

>>3502626 Fresh POTUS tweet re immigrant caravans

>>3502623 , >>3502727, >>3502753, >>3502768 Youtube CONF DOWN

503518  No.3503258

File: 5612b3c13b01b91⋯.jpg (8.53 KB, 225x225, 1:1, fea5bd2e55f41fe42c3ade5261….jpg)


Did /ourguys/ do it to prove a point?

732735  No.3503259



i'll survive.

cc232a  No.3503260

YT back up.

d0d07d  No.3503261


>>>3503056 YouTube is suffering an outage: Statement

You really ought to include the fact both youtube AND twitter were spewing hashes.

2f2f80  No.3503262


Martial Law? No, not until the NPC's gain sentience.

a6e662  No.3503263

File: d0c4e133ccc938a⋯.png (872.81 KB, 1621x943, 1621:943, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b20610c2112268⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1882x928, 941:464, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3941281df55c930⋯.png (30.31 KB, 1290x905, 258:181, ClipboardImage.png)


Hooktube homepage as normal

Hooktube search page / results as normal

Hooktube dead when click on vid

a8d069  No.3503264

File: 69d87937f60e49b⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Firefly_1x01_219.jpg)

27cbad  No.3503265

File: 42157e6e6e56d93⋯.jpg (155.74 KB, 1261x572, 97:44, 1.JPG)

b42db7  No.3503266

File: 1c26f999554185e⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 474x355, 474:355, faggot.jpg)


it's called martial law

and you would know

d6c8d0  No.3503267

yt let the mother fucker burn

0fdc62  No.3503268

File: 91753b9d1435225⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1725x1809, 575:603, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks, another piece to the puzzle…

9afdd0  No.3503270

>>3503216 WAK-TUBE!

8812a8  No.3503271

File: a04ce1dabe568f5⋯.jpg (33.25 KB, 274x307, 274:307, jharpstops.jpg)

991838  No.3503272

File: 6c42aa49ecd6b75⋯.png (406.53 KB, 474x516, 79:86, he-is-our-lion.png)

801ce3  No.3503273

File: 8fe8b2b92c6c46a⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Krassenstein4.jpg)

003bac  No.3503276

File: 0cccff8e1ead5a3⋯.jpg (5.16 KB, 290x174, 5:3, images.jpg)

0b5be4  No.3503277

File: b52776c5d04d06e⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 300x161, 300:161, craazy .jpg)



bf23b6  No.3503278

File: 5d5ad24aef6e869⋯.png (835.69 KB, 1210x963, 1210:963, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

844118  No.3503280


It depends on your route to YT. If there are caching proxies between you and YT, then it could appear that YT is still up based on what you’re requesting from YT and if those resources exist in the cache of the proxy. Some proxy implementations don’t do a conditional test to see if the content has been updated since the last time it was cached, others do.

950251  No.3503281


Catalogue up, vids not working

d0d07d  No.3503282


Will you quit saying that.

b4e06e  No.3503283



Did this already get picked up?

0fdc62  No.3503284

File: cd3b9babcdb0db7⋯.jpg (243.62 KB, 1520x864, 95:54, [ archive everything offli….jpg)


MP4 folders: stacked

fec3b8  No.3503285


Q posted 7/10 the other day, was he talking about this? That the seven day marker was going to be the start of some shit.

cc232a  No.3503286


Shit, back down again.


6e1d1a  No.3503287

not sure if it is java or flash

but it is a resource hogg

be6272  No.3503288


Trumps tweets the latest days

144ee2  No.3503290


art of the deal

80c510  No.3503291


Yes, I'd say there was a chance. And I hope it is indeed the case. Good insight anon.

7a7948  No.3503292

File: 2e565af4a8ded17⋯.jpg (97.4 KB, 634x355, 634:355, horseface2.jpg)

File: dbf50c377c05820⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 536x499, 536:499, 2k0fgv.jpg)

>>3459160 (From Bread 4386)

The second MEME says Horseface from 4 days ago before President Trump's Horseface Tweet.

Not sure if this crazy lady is commonly referred to as Horseface or if that MEME is common or original.

But maybe Horseface came from this MEME being posted here?

(only reason I knew about this MEME is I had it stored in my photos because I asked someone to make one where she was saying "YOU'RE FUCKING RACIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSST!!!! ')

cc232a  No.3503293


Well, it was… :/

8a83f1  No.3503294



Muh Dick's back up.

02372c  No.3503295



please reduce duplication of 3502626

510671  No.3503296

File: 4fd3de561e9934b⋯.png (392.35 KB, 1208x990, 604:495, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2cb3fa03a68f1e⋯.png (648.9 KB, 841x452, 841:452, ClipboardImage.png)

Kinda looks like an inverse election map, the heat is on the blue zones

5f710c  No.3503297

The NPC song is purged ftom youtube


Also the back ups

272b78  No.3503298


I'm missing Charlie the unicorn, # 526

84e639  No.3503299

File: 6e15b806181c7bb⋯.png (13.68 KB, 627x143, 57:13, ClipboardImage.png)

4c57d0  No.3503300

I am staying home Nov 6th faggots

mailed my ballots in yesterday

003bac  No.3503301

File: 110334fa189b7e8⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 468x263, 468:263, dundee-didgeridoo.jpg)

b2d393  No.3503302


Their servers must be running with really limited resources? i.e. when your low ram desktop can show you an external drive and some contents/file names/even thumbnails but seizes when trying to stream from said drive?

0cf572  No.3503303


Yes, it's in the previous few breads

0fdc62  No.3503304


I think we all are, anon…

ed146f  No.3503305


we love Roseanne

wish she would start doing stand up again!

Kick Griffith to the curb

182634  No.3503307


>7 people treated for shock

How many will die for this?

d78068  No.3503308

b21490  No.3503309

File: 5ff82b8204ead36⋯.png (7.02 KB, 1248x568, 156:71, AQ31.PNG)



YT down for me.

823dce  No.3503310

You tube would not say trained monkeys working on it. That was the message from the hackers.

1096f4  No.3503311

Youtube is down here in Australia

503518  No.3503312

File: 9e8437415550712⋯.png (174.23 KB, 452x456, 113:114, dbdf7ce9cf156c25d43f97668f….png)


This might even get the attention of the NPCs!

d0d07d  No.3503313


seems like it's getting there. errors seem to be different now.

237e5a  No.3503314

File: f922589a4896b13⋯.jpg (26.31 KB, 636x358, 318:179, nasim-so-pretty.jpg)

File: 728e686c297d1dc⋯.png (475.41 KB, 579x500, 579:500, nasim-unity-dark-to-light.png)

File: a2965df5b8a373e⋯.jpg (75.67 KB, 763x954, 763:954, 31136778_2133621940204721_….jpg)


I can hardly take it. Nasim's story breaks my heart. All she wanted was to make quirky cooking videos and save animals. Youtube destroyed this sweet angel's life. I would have loved to be her friend. Why God, WHY?!?!?!?!?!

ed146f  No.3503315


i am watching Tucker right now….

8812a8  No.3503317

File: 6ac188076fbef24⋯.jpg (106.42 KB, 703x406, 703:406, ophonestops.jpg)

21b2e6  No.3503319

fck this shit. youtube going down WW got me aroused and now its back up. im sick of waiting for thiss hammer to drop. fkn DOITQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a96a05  No.3503320

File: 112637cbf064ae7⋯.jpg (76.88 KB, 640x349, 640:349, 2ka233.jpg)

732735  No.3503321

b4e06e  No.3503322

File: fef7dd0246a14cb⋯.png (212.77 KB, 439x353, 439:353, ClipboardImage.png)

b42db7  No.3503323


sounds like somethin the GoogleBorg would say

867bf3  No.3503324

File: b5143923fa91de8⋯.jpg (160.98 KB, 867x695, 867:695, iu (15).jpg)

ad1ebd  No.3503325

File: 49d49837e53444c⋯.png (196.83 KB, 1257x690, 419:230, ClipboardImage.png)

Is anyone else on Youtube right now and getting this message?

2616a9  No.3503326

File: 71fb0c9bcdce025⋯.png (290.48 KB, 933x553, 933:553, Screenshot_2018-10-17 YouT….png)


7d628e  No.3503327

File: 20a1ccf46bbe784⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1662x1638, 277:273, almostqproof.png)


Almost a Q mirror PROOF pic too… damn.. so clqse…..

c578d7  No.3503328

File: aa1d6fffd8d8da3⋯.png (496.21 KB, 569x860, 569:860, beerdog.png)

e56be5  No.3503329


4chan anons saying that is was confiscated by the CIA.


38f33e  No.3503330



2 Sep 2018 - 12:06:05 PM


"At least seven senior Facebook executives have announced their departures this year."

Nothing to See Here.




Sergey Brin - GOOG [Founder][BORN IN MOSCOW]

was married to…

Anne Wojcicki - 23andme [Founder]

was brother-in-law to…

Susan Wojcicki - CEO of YouTube



cb28c6  No.3503332


That’s their attempt at humor. Kek.

9045bf  No.3503333

Something Injected into YouTube?

YouTube Purging?

Something posted on YouTube that needed immediate lock down? (Oy Vey level)

510671  No.3503334

File: 93b87bd9e9ad6d3⋯.jpeg (10.54 KB, 257x196, 257:196, Win.jpeg)

80e5a6  No.3503335


then you're an hour behind… it's Hannity time sucka!!!!

bcb33b  No.3503336

Twitter Injection Good




12 Apr 2018 - 5:14:11 PM

Twitter down.

Injection good.


Wonder if the trips were what was injected back on Q1144?

If so, most were for the 19th…expect moar habbenings if true!

0cf572  No.3503337

File: a01a83fb4499b3e⋯.gif (549.49 KB, 600x624, 25:26, a01a83fb4499b3e8ddd03bff17….gif)


be6272  No.3503338


bf23b6  No.3503339

File: dc459aca2431b16⋯.png (125.33 KB, 912x713, 912:713, Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at ….png)

- Clinton campaign pays Fusion GPS

- Fusion GPS hires Glenn Simpson

- Glenn Simpson hires Chris Steele and Nellie Ohr

- Steele funnels the fake dossier to Nellie's husband–Bruce Ohr

- Bruce Ohr gives dossier to the FBI

Today, Glenn Simpson took the 5th

We're getting closer


38f33e  No.3503340


6 Apr 2018 - 2:17:40 PM


Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.

One of many.

Net shut down.



Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

YouTube kill.

FB kill.

Twitter kill.

Yahoo kill.

Bing kill.

Instagram kill.

Net will be paused.


On the clock.


fb58d6  No.3503341

File: ff0170ee181e0d7⋯.png (232.92 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FDC28CB5-A728-474A-B5A4-0F….png)


Still down for me too

-GA anon

114574  No.3503343


That stuff more real than NFLX. Take today's action out of a six-month chart. Not pretty chart.

They have not reported SAC #'s for a long time. No one really knows how much they spend to acquire a customer and then keep them. It used to be in the mid to lower $30's many years ago. Wonder what it is now?

10479f  No.3503344


In a sea of bullshit, this makes me very happy.

872f6b  No.3503346


Can search, but trying to go to user page also ends in the 500 Internal Problem page.

89f3b2  No.3503347

File: 7ecc0bbeef86656⋯.png (117.11 KB, 300x169, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Hollywood Is A Den Of Parasites Who Feast On Blood Of Kids: Mel Gibson

Hollywood studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children” according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of “baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own.”

Hollywood elites (who are mostly Jewish by their own admission) are an “enemy of mankind continually acting contrary to our best interests” and “breaking every God given taboo known to man, including the sanctity of children,” Mel Gibson said in London, where he is promoting his role in Daddy’s Home 2, his most prominent on-screen role in years.

“It’s an open secret in Hollywood. These people have their own religious and spiritual teachings and their own social and moral frameworks. They have their sacred texts – they are sick, believe me – and they couldn’t be more at odds with what America stands for.”

Mel Gibson appeared on the Graham Norton Show on the BBC on Friday, and he schooled shocked guests about the real nature of Hollywood elites in the green room backstage after his appearance.

Explaining that he spent the last ten years “working on my own ideas, outside of the Hollywood system” after being blacklisted by Hollywood in 2006 for sharing opinions about the industry and the world that run counter to liberal orthodoxy, Gibson said, “I don’t know how to break it to you gently… Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia.

“They are using and abusing kids.“

“They churn through a huge amount of kids every year. Their spiritual beliefs, if you can call them that, direct them to harvest the energy of the kids. They feast on this stuff and they thrive on it,” the Hacksaw Ridge director said.

“What do I mean? This isn’t some kind of artistic abstraction. They harvest the blood of children. They eat their flesh. They believe this gives them life force. If the child was suffering in body and psyche before it died, they believe this gives them extra life force.”

“There is a creative and loving force inside most of us that guides us through life. These people don’t have this. For them it’s the opposite.”

According to Mel Gibson, who has spent 30 years in and out of the Hollywood system, the industry elites “thrive on pain, trauma, stress, abuse, and suffering.”

“Hollywood is drenched in the blood of innocent children. For a long time all the references to pedophilia and cannibalism were symbolic or allusive. But I was personally introduced to the practice in the early 2000s. I can talk about this now because these people, the execs, they’re dead now.”

“The blood of a sexually abused infant is considered highly ‘enriched’ and is highly prized. The money changing hands, the favors, the kickbacks – you have no idea. Babies are a high-functioning currency all of their own. Babies are their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak.”

But according to Gibson this isn’t a flavor-of-the-month perversion, popular among men and women who have grown bored of standard issue sins.

“This isn’t anything new. If you do some research you will see it’s a metaphysical, alchemical phenomenon and you can find it behind the scenes in all the dark eras in history.

“It’s a dark, multidimensional occult art and practice, used by secret societies in the last few hundred years for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith by Hollywood in America in our era.“


0fdc62  No.3503348


Neither do many, except is is a Q confirmation. That counts.

5b117d  No.3503349

File: 1768823509fabe4⋯.jpg (10.16 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 86ca02f36bc483275e9afe5667….jpg)

Pakistan Takes YouTube Down

In 2008

They did this using an abusive networking trick called "BGP Injection" in which they told the world that the IP address listed in DNS for YouTube was on their network. When YouTube requests came in to the Pakistani network they were, of course, not satisfied. The problem lasted about 2 hours before the rest of the world caught on and undid the changes.

BGP Injection is impossible to prevent and difficult to address, and you only see it if you're looking for it. In many ways it's the ultimate phishing tool. If the right people in Pakistan had gone further and put up a fake YouTube site to satisfy incoming requests it would have been hard for users to see the problem.

It's not a secret, but it hasn't gotten that much attention. Now perhaps a rogue network operator will be inspired to use this technique to its ultimate, malicious ends.

https:// securitywatch.pcmag.com/dns/285152-pakistan-takes-youtube-down

003bac  No.3503350

File: 96284db6c67f2d4⋯.jpg (147.83 KB, 1440x907, 1440:907, Trump-SOTU-2018-rtr-img.jpg)

bb6687  No.3503351




(all replies starting here and below from pb #4441)


I can't stop laughing.

Too much WNNING.

Pocahonky nearly broke my stomach.

The dog is looks at me funny.


We're laughing and they're in PAIN.

Imagine their stress level!

Hammer today?

Hammer tomorrow?



"Horseface" hahahahahaha


Find it interstingthat there's 2 camps.

Thought of 0/Hildabeast as a package deal.

The slow reveal is SLOW.

YET, wonderful.


I don't want to know.

Call me a coward.

I'm more than happy for volunteers to know.



Every f' day.


God bless, everyone that wants light.

Or is light.

I love you all.

Don't care if that makes me:





or full on





I love the creative magcoveranon…

and the Q letteranon…

and NPC memeanons crack meup…

YET, this simple side by side -

LOVE it!


Dare I say it?





I shouldn't laugh.

Yet, I do.

Good job, anon.


Ye, Baby!


TK's twats make me laugh.

Seems like a stand up guy.


Moar sauce?

Sick. Sick. Sick. if true.


Thanks, anon.

Didn't see this.



Indeed, it does.

Many forms.

c7fcf2  No.3503354

File: f8a37ae04369438⋯.jpg (18.55 KB, 328x213, 328:213, fo.JPG)



867bf3  No.3503355

File: ee500cb399a79b5⋯.jpg (100.4 KB, 632x499, 632:499, iu.jpg)

e4873f  No.3503356

anyone know where I can see fox news live from EU now that YT is gone?

f96f8d  No.3503357


Maybe the obama thing was going to be a video

991838  No.3503358

File: 9e274c47c53aa44⋯.png (286.98 KB, 624x458, 312:229, HABSBURGING.png)

File: 6574c56a26ee415⋯.png (969.66 KB, 1111x633, 1111:633, HRPNN.png)

File: 9c31771bf39dde4⋯.png (477.91 KB, 962x805, 962:805, hpning.png)

File: b2957b2e743d3a5⋯.gif (937.28 KB, 450x338, 225:169, snappening.gif)

File: db2aa3c6568f9e2⋯.png (378.97 KB, 658x492, 329:246, hapbpening.png)

1. dementedly overdone bot fake-meme push

2. Youtube down

3. =habbening

5f710c  No.3503359


Ahhhh all youtube down

d0d07d  No.3503360


heard, anon. I stopped being a believer in that operation a long time ago.

3bf27c  No.3503361


confirmed.. same

a96a05  No.3503362

File: 090f09e687663d1⋯.jpg (152.37 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2ka2a5.jpg)

4ace8b  No.3503363


Elizabeth Warren Halloween masks for all!!!!

510671  No.3503364



sauce for this faggot

38e01e  No.3503365

File: 874c075cfb19e09⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 1196x1160, 299:290, 874c075cfb19e09b5834047c84….gif)

>Just woke up

>YouTube down

>Can't watch CNN

>Can't direct anger at drumfph

>Can't watch pewdiepie

>sudo ~/Library/Documents/NPC_program101.dmg

>return error_application_unknown


cc232a  No.3503366

File: a0cc576f09748ee⋯.png (26.8 KB, 371x395, 371:395, caringless.png)


So go ahead, give one.

6118af  No.3503367

File: 7f6e528b00f211a⋯.png (218.37 KB, 862x401, 862:401, What'sOnTV.png)


Ah, must mean she was offed just like McCain.

fa7ca0  No.3503369


Still down for me

f96f8d  No.3503370


You understand how content delivery works, right?

b4727a  No.3503371

File: b97292fbe42a550⋯.jpeg (408.79 KB, 1245x1046, 1245:1046, 2E4F838E-CB47-4323-A718-6….jpeg)

File: 16848c29b2fc67f⋯.jpeg (43.4 KB, 474x243, 158:81, C5B74333-C214-4F6E-8C17-B….jpeg)

May God Be With You, Patriots …

God Bless & God Speed……

For God & Country………

10479f  No.3503372


Bruce and Nellie sittin' in a tree.



64dbcd  No.3503373


>It depends on your route to YT. If there are caching proxies between you and YT, then it could appear that YT is still up based on what you’re requesting from YT and if those resources exist in the cache of the proxy. Some proxy implementations don’t do a conditional test to see if the content has been updated since the last time it was cached, others do.


THIS. Nothing is back up.

d0d07d  No.3503374


It would be notable if it weren't Q.

Me likee.

0cf572  No.3503375

File: 0e5a5bc0ac1b9cf⋯.jpg (36.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2b80df6e888ac78845da2ff1dd….jpg)

File: 574052f91ee8941⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 29.jpg)

Fresh Bake




Fresh Bake

3266e4  No.3503376

Someone else post the same "YT is down" please. Because we haven't seen it enough already.

867bf3  No.3503378

File: 6a08447ca528ecd⋯.jpg (228.33 KB, 1511x813, 1511:813, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at ….jpg)

8812a8  No.3503379


Same here.

e5a8a6  No.3503380



2b63f0  No.3503381


Checked and mated.

516d84  No.3503382

File: a938fc06fef4347⋯.jpg (217.46 KB, 1604x896, 401:224, Capture 5.JPG)

4ace8b  No.3503383


No to Graycism!!!!

bcb33b  No.3503384

YT thumbs are back up. Vids still won't load.

535a10  No.3503385


purge as in "getting rid of all conservative content"?

Or POTUS takedown type purge

f96f8d  No.3503386


Redtube looks fine.

b42db7  No.3503387


wooah keks

BGP injection?? Where's that video

we need it in the vault

cb28c6  No.3503388


Maybe this?


c7201c  No.3503389

File: 55cd749e653c66f⋯.png (9.2 MB, 2900x2124, 725:531, 55cd749e653c66fc3a09746284….png)

Q said this would happen, platforms going down… Is it happening???

b4e06e  No.3503390

File: fddfc20954d3515⋯.png (14.18 KB, 686x201, 686:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b9f01fc65a57f3⋯.png (274.9 KB, 549x667, 549:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 065d10479afbe7b⋯.png (378.63 KB, 488x706, 244:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0328026f71c13b5⋯.png (377.37 KB, 495x610, 99:122, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c62759946019a45⋯.png (266.72 KB, 485x544, 485:544, ClipboardImage.png)

YouTube Is Down Globally


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