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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

04f15f  No.3360983

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3358802 )

>>>/patriotsfight/346 ——————————— FACTS MATTER ( Cap: >>3355727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 -——————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )

>>>/patriotsfight/344 rt /pf/343 -——————- And so it begins.. ( Cap: >>3353096, >>3353118 )

>>>/patriotsfight/343 ——————————— Double meanings exist. ( Cap: >>3351839, >>3351859 )

>>>/patriotsfight/342 ——————————— Important moment in time. ( Cap: >>3349354 )

>>>/patriotsfight/341 ——————————— Important to remember. ( Cap: >>3349268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/340 ——————————— A phone was present. ( Cap: >>3349194 )

Thursday 10.04.18

>>3337560 rt >>3337502 -————————– Are you ready to be part of history?

>>3337502 rt >>3337425 -————————– Memes ready?

>>3337425 ———-----------------------------——– Anons Ready?

>>>/patriotsfight/339 ——————————— USSS granted entry to MANY ( Cap: >>3334475, Corrected: >>3334853 )

>>>/patriotsfight/338 ——————————— NARRATIVE SHIFT IN FULL FORCE. ( Cap: >>3334434 )

>>>/patriotsfight/337 ——————————— Swamp Fighting Back. ( Cap: >>3334284 )

>>>/patriotsfight/336 ——————————— PAIN.jpg ( Cap: >>3334140 )

>>>/patriotsfight/335 ——————————— Israeli intelligence - stand down. ( Cap: >>3333966 )

>>>/patriotsfight/334 rt /pf/333/ -——————- Images. ( Cap: >>3333935 )

>>>/patriotsfight/333 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3342031 )

>>3331903 rt >>3331878 -————————– We do try.

>>>/patriotsfight/332 ——————————— Nothing to See Here… ( Cap: >>3331909 )

>>>/patriotsfight/331 rt /pf/330 -——————- How the [SPY OP] re: Russia hacking… was CONSTRUCTED. (Cap: >>3331068 ; >>3331084 )

>>>/patriotsfight/330 rt /pf/329 -——————- [Part re: Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie now being revealed?] ( Cap: >>3330476 )

>>>/patriotsfight/329 ——————————— Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 )

>>3323818 rt >>3323746, >>3323750 -——— ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

>>3323704 rt >>3323661 -————————– Not what you think.

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

04f15f  No.3360989


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3360340, >>3360583 Freemasons in China

>>3360376 Updated Human Trafficking InfoGraph

>>3360473 Seattle Times doxes nuke locations nearby

>>3360489 SC Deputies ambushed while serving child sex assault warrant

>>3360648, >>3360649, >>3360669 Israeli Forces exploded unknown objects east of Gaza City

>>3360678, >>3360700, >>3360777 DiFi, guns, ChiComms, and port access

>>3360771, >>3360807, >>3360825 Anon Digs on Goog's Keith Enright

>>3360841 SJL in CYA mode over her intern who doxxed GOP members

>>3360614 New China thinktank to counter US trade politics founded

>>3360979 #4258


>>3359996 WH to Google: Drop Dragonfly, the Censored Chinese Search Engine Project

>>3359763 Pence's speech, 'debt diplomacy' and Sri Lanka

>>3359932 Russia: US Killed Dozens By Bioweapon Disguised As Drug Research

>>3359766 Spreadsheet update

>>3359663 Greenville plane crash: Initial report shows braking switch inoperative

>>3359575 Rep GOP Kavanaugh hearing doxxer faces almost 50 years in prison

(New Baker below this line)

>>3360106, >>3360112 Taiwan and their group of renegade provinces (PRC) having issues over military drills

>>3360215 GOP-Doxxer (Dem operative) had secret Twitter account

>>3360234 #4257


>>3359130 Auto Makers Consider Shifting Manufacturing to North America

>>3359125 Resignations in the news today

>>3358822 Leaked Chinese Propaganda and Censorship Notice

>>3358810 NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border

>>3358774 Pence says 'Stay the course' in video

>>3359369 #4256


>>3358489 , >>3358476 Guide to avoiding twitter censorship algos

>>3358472 PP threatens senators if they vote to confirm Kavanaugh

>>3358073 Cabal media covers the Pence speech, kinda

>>3358322 Saudi Crown Prince on Trump: 'I Love Working With Him'

>>3358289 Chip-Level Spying Has a Long History Under the Chinese Regime

>>3358200 China: Pence’s allegations of meddling created ‘out of thin air’

>>3358170 Pence May Have to Cast Tiebreaking Vote on Brett Kavanaugh

>>3358034 QClock Update: Re-read Crumbs

>>3357988 Two Harbors CFO Brad Farrell to resign

>>3358611 #4255


>>3357736 Was Q responding to anon with the Pence post? >>3355053 (pb)

>>3357218 More on Trump firing Director of Federal Personnel (OPM) Jeff Pon

>>3357589 Put-in-Bay's mayor, former fiscal officer indicted in corruption probe

>>3357318 Reminder: China was reportedly receiving HRC emails in real time

>>3357261 Headless Goats Spotted Floating in River in US State of Georgia

>>3357230 Twitter Report: Anons are trolling CNN's hard

>>3357229 Former Google PR Chief launches scathing attack on Silicon Valley

>>3357226 Planefag call

>>3357225 Report of China spy chips adds pressure on Pentagon cloud bidders

>>3357213 Fear of election meddling in the Congo via elec voting machines

>>3357212 , >>3357215, >>3357234 Sir James returns on fire

>>3357865 #4254

Previously Collected Notables

>>3356293 #4252, >>3357136 #4253

>>3354022 #4249, >>3354944 #4250, >>3355530 #4251

>>3351715 #4246, >>3352491 #4247, >>3353251 #4248

>>3349289 #4243, >>3350184 #4244, >>3350936 #4245

>>3346973 #4240, >>3347879 #4241, >>3348622 #4242

>>3344767 #4237, >>3345530 #4238, >>3346271 #4239

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

04f15f  No.3360992

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3353486

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>3321214

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

04f15f  No.3360996

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

04f15f  No.3360998

Dough #4259


Dough changes:

Added notables

Retired #4253 to Previous notables

Removed "Use std graphic" red text post in OP section

670193  No.3361004

File: fb6f899b46a6fc8⋯.gif (203.38 KB, 800x676, 200:169, TY Baker.gif)

561461  No.3361024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unschooling by John Holt

Didn't want this to be missed at the end of last bread

f2de3e  No.3361030

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video of Judy Chu……. https://vimeo.com/293049274

f2de3e  No.3361031

File: 0c99158cfe8aea3⋯.jpg (105.31 KB, 835x937, 835:937, Judy Chu part 1.JPG)

File: 4cd43bed10a46ef⋯.jpg (126.05 KB, 841x752, 841:752, Judy Chu part 2.JPG)

File: faf5ebf5d19a1d1⋯.jpg (110.86 KB, 881x975, 881:975, Judy Chu photo.JPG)

9ba122  No.3361032

File: b67db0182708f18⋯.jpg (791.74 KB, 2681x2089, 2681:2089, unnamed (1).jpg)

File: 357780e45eefd2f⋯.jpg (828.62 KB, 2328x1904, 291:238, unnamed (2).jpg)

where we go one we go all

57ed04  No.3361033

any fags know what time they vote today?

9ba89e  No.3361034

File: e9bbe4513e283a3⋯.jpg (107.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Thank_You_Baker.jpg)

Thank You Baker!

eb5c55  No.3361035

god damn someone forget to feed ebot fucker ate like 10% of the bread kek

e677d2  No.3361036



4a94c1  No.3361037

A Recent Startup Breach Exposed Billions of Data Points

“Apollo is a data aggregator and analytics service aimed at helping sales teams know who to contact, when, and with what message to make the most deals. "No one ever drowned in revenue," the company says on its site. Apollo also claims in its marketing materials to have 200 million contacts and information from over 10 million companies in its vast reservoir of data. That's apparently not just spin. Night Lion Security founder Vinny Troia, who routinely scans the internet for unprotected, freely accessible databases, discovered Apollo's trove containing 212 million contact listings as well as nine billion data points related to companies and organizations. All of which was readily available online, for anyone to access. Troia disclosed the exposure to the company in mid-August.

"There is always a high risk for fraud, spam, or other even harmful actions when these types of data sets leak."

Vinny Troia, Night Lion Security

As Apollo noted in its letter to customers, it draws a lot of its information from public sources around the web, including names, email addresses, and company contact information. But it also scrapes Twitter and LinkedIn. In fact, the information in the profiles Apollo compiles is so detailed that Troia originally mistook it for a trove from LinkedIn. Some of Troia's methods of investigating the Apollo breach have been called into question, though, particularly that he posted a listing for the exposed LinkedIn data on a dark web marketplace. Troia claims he never planned to actually sell the data, and that he made the post as a ruse to aid other ongoing research.

For its part, LinkedIn issued a firm rebuke. "Our investigation into this claim found that a third-party sales intelligence company that is not associated with LinkedIn was compromised and exposed a large set of data aggregated from a number of social networks, websites, and the company’s own customers," the company said in a statement.”


561461  No.3361038

File: 9738b2f2d2e1cf9⋯.pdf (4.06 MB, nmr-21-nelson.pdf)


And to go along with John Holt

Ted Nelson's article

No More Teachers' Dirty Looks

81daa8  No.3361039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

be bold

declassify "tacos gay" and the "vader" program

088a8a  No.3361040

File: f4f3f87ef975058⋯.png (390.45 KB, 800x500, 8:5, RESPECT THE BAKERS.png)

09429c  No.3361041

File: 3a9937d28e1dc73⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 407x521, 407:521, my-people.jpg)


Mmm graveyard bread.

My people eat this bread with their pancakes.

My people thank the baker.

81daa8  No.3361042

File: d2aec3dce650cce⋯.jpg (39.12 KB, 280x344, 35:43, IMG_1125.JPG)

9ba89e  No.3361043

File: 67d1ff0ee39883b⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1003x1500, 1003:1500, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

File: 0c68a7c8f0271c3⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1003x1500, 1003:1500, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

File: ab2b7be5358fdd4⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1003x1500, 1003:1500, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

Now comes the real PAIN.

Now comes the real TRUTH.

Set 1 of 3.

For meme artists, here are 3 alpha images of a Punisher figurine.

The first image is the original as found on the web and the remaining two images have things removed so you can insert your own stuff.

1be1a9  No.3361044

Thank you baker!

God bless you and all anons!

34b20f  No.3361045

What's this 751 system.. with hard breaks.

I could code better.. A fluid rolling system with dough in a seperate aspect…

ffs it's 2018… flame away bitches.. obviously no good coders around anymore…

9ba89e  No.3361046

File: c9f70dade7035cf⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1146x1500, 191:250, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

File: f575108653aa215⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1146x1500, 191:250, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

File: d8c921800c2e28a⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1146x1500, 191:250, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

Set 2 of 3.

920493  No.3361047

File: c0a4a3a193ab647⋯.jpg (87.14 KB, 500x441, 500:441, we-need-you.jpg)

I've been doing these memes for some time. I've been saying that shills never ever talk about loyalty to the Republic.

I just read the last PF Q post.

This is the New American Revolution.

We have to fight for our Republic.

9ba89e  No.3361048

File: f3fdaed18c18b18⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1500x1257, 500:419, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

File: 12ac7e51fca7801⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1500x1257, 500:419, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

File: 98a6a8acce280e7⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1500x1257, 500:419, iko0931-punisher-le-statue….png)

Set 3 of 3.

09429c  No.3361049


Actually someone was feeding him.

After midnight.

81daa8  No.3361050

File: fa476c33ac82c7e⋯.jpg (129.9 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_1206.JPG)


088a8a  No.3361051

File: 5143c0b42f786d2⋯.png (226.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 10-6-SEMPER FIDELIS.png)

File: 5e22f7a5de289a0⋯.png (123.82 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 10-6-PAIN.png)

81daa8  No.3361052

File: 3b6e81f6dc71fec⋯.jpg (38.18 KB, 318x439, 318:439, IMG_1143.JPG)

1be1a9  No.3361054


I like it. A constant system.

f4b6ca  No.3361055

File: 7aaa1997b15bf53⋯.png (46.79 KB, 924x202, 462:101, ClydeLewis.png)

Mornin' boyz.

9ba122  No.3361056



561461  No.3361057

File: 42dd0e5afffdc46⋯.png (606.5 KB, 685x1024, 685:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30655b28c72f569⋯.png (1.01 MB, 640x929, 640:929, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa8ac0d451fd220⋯.png (695.07 KB, 565x724, 565:724, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd5872ef8d09a9e⋯.png (827.94 KB, 696x900, 58:75, ClipboardImage.png)


My people thank the men

d65bad  No.3361058

File: 8fa46d9708af414⋯.jpg (61.43 KB, 800x893, 800:893, 50 cake.jpg)


Fuk you baker…

Fuk you and your bullshit!!

f2de3e  No.3361059

File: 731174402b899c1⋯.jpg (173.37 KB, 835x937, 835:937, Judy Chu part 1 circled.jpg)

04f15f  No.3361060

OP was reported with suggested title of "We don't need no Steenking Titles Edition." Once again, baker apologizes. More fukkups so far than I usually get in a week.

2b0607  No.3361061

File: 1412bbf8974a59d⋯.jpg (69.43 KB, 600x336, 25:14, HILLARY GAVE CHINA.jpg)

File: 1a1b32ea4f8452b⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 484x234, 242:117, feinstein is traitor..jpg)

File: 9d3d5d31919aa2f⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 299x168, 299:168, SINKING SHIP.jpg)

File: 8343240a72f6425⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 299x168, 299:168, Walkaway.jpg)

Thank you baker.

81daa8  No.3361062

File: bd583234c8296c6⋯.jpg (55.36 KB, 684x513, 4:3, IMG_1149.JPG)

(you) want the fluffy clouds or the snuff flicks

f6ea22  No.3361063


>A fluid rolling system with dough in a seperate aspect

is that like sawtooth gearing on the Belgian design?

81daa8  No.3361064

File: 6c6e1290abf9c29⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 487x302, 487:302, IMG_1128.JPG)

9ba122  No.3361065

Hello and welcome.

f4b6ca  No.3361066

File: a952ed4be35bd53⋯.jpg (569.08 KB, 889x1333, 889:1333, Booooooobs.jpg)

TY Baker



TY Anons

d65bad  No.3361067


I've got people looking for you!!

This will be fun for them!!!

9fdb04  No.3361068

File: 389efb9f0f20918⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

Getting ready for rally tomorrow.. thought a Pres Pepe and some cnn fake news/trolling is fun is in order


561461  No.3361069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hail to those wise men

Who came before

Let us listen to their wisdom

4b1529  No.3361070


Give us more

shitty poetry

about how racemixing

is a decent thing

and how

russia is open

to immigration

eb5c55  No.3361071

File: cc62cd246ae19a7⋯.gif (839.25 KB, 500x275, 20:11, magwai.gif)



i may just have to watch that right now, been years.

c3a6bb  No.3361072

File: a0d4809835e2381⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1342x1894, 671:947, BRETTKAVANAGHKEEPSMILINGGU….png)

File: 1893b416f793d9b⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1342x1894, 671:947, BRETTKAVANAGHKEEPSMILINGGU….png)

File: 4961edde2e6a0d8⋯.png (3.08 MB, 1342x1894, 671:947, BRETTKAVANAGHKEEPSMILINGGU….png)

File: 96bbd141dd20fc1⋯.png (3.84 MB, 1342x1894, 671:947, BRETTKAVANAGHKEEPSMILINGGU….png)

File: b3345af30e4f6fa⋯.png (1.09 MB, 615x867, 205:289, BRETTKAVANAGHKEEPSMILINGWI….PNG)

Can we please throw this in {THEIR} face?

The new Global Spokesperson for Guinness Beer…

9da319  No.3361073


I believe the 30 hours runs out about 5:30 EDT, but I heard some Republican Senators have ceded their time, so it could be as early as 3:30. Don't hold me to that, I'm just relaying what I was hearing yesterday on the news.

9ba122  No.3361074

We have gathered here tonight to share in a communal thought.

While the whole thought shares, the details differ.

And we all know how it goes.

Shall I continue?

81daa8  No.3361075

File: bca3c324d7033a7⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 500x377, 500:377, IMG_1814.JPG)

09429c  No.3361076


Please stop this shit you have ebot going at frenetic pace. Almost like you are working as a team.

b1451b  No.3361077

File: 60ce8c759d9d9ce⋯.jpg (249.52 KB, 720x576, 5:4, damnmark.jpg)

File: d819e4137164c9e⋯.jpg (859.03 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, special place.jpg)

File: 5e121a83ad598c4⋯.jpg (460.23 KB, 840x794, 420:397, ACDCq2.jpg)

f4b6ca  No.3361078

File: b40e283fae2858a⋯.png (235.38 KB, 402x600, 67:100, 1c8012762a2042a5973f2153a6….png)

We're winning! Q's last message really picked me up. I'm stoked.

57ed04  No.3361079

File: 5322c61fce98c65⋯.png (689.38 KB, 680x805, 136:161, ClipboardImage.png)

I know Q said it would be an ak-47 but any anons see this one yet? fake and gay? or no

4f28d5  No.3361080

Isreal and the US want the number of Palestinian refugees drastically reduced.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees on Friday expressed concern after Jerusalem’s Israeli mayor said he would remove it from the city. Mayor Nir Barkat announced in a statement the previous day a “detailed plan to remove UNRWA from Jerusalem and replace its services with municipal services,” AFP reports. UNRWA said such a move would affect its humanitarian operations and installations in east Jerusalem. The agency runs schools and health centers particularly in the Shuafat refugee camp where it says 24,000 Palestinians are estimated to live. Israel and the United States object to the fact that Palestinians can pass refugee status to their children, and want the number of refugees covered by the agency to be sharply reduced.


81daa8  No.3361081

File: ee3a03efb4c85f5⋯.jpg (34.56 KB, 370x398, 185:199, IMG_1127.JPG)

6c92f9  No.3361082


I heard 3:00 pm est

1be1a9  No.3361083






It's training hours for new shills again…

920493  No.3361084

File: 7f4aa639abc2649⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 450x224, 225:112, NRO-Lets-Go.jpg)

You will never see shills post memes like this. They want to divide on their psy-op topic of choice. Watch. Learn.

We are loyal to the Republic.

d65bad  No.3361085


THE more you post, the easier it is for my people to track your IP address…

SO… By all means… keep saying dumb shit…

561461  No.3361086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ivan Illich's "Deschooling Society": Why We Must Disestablish School

This video looks at chapter one of "Deschooling Society" with emphasis on how bureaucracies like school confuse escalation with success and increase impotency in the individual.

57ed04  No.3361087



k thanks anon

f6ea22  No.3361088

File: 79888a14f2c9563⋯.gif (42.17 KB, 215x232, 215:232, cat-okay.gif)

81daa8  No.3361089

File: af142409130e5bc⋯.png (230.31 KB, 500x379, 500:379, IMG_1835.PNG)

248ccb  No.3361090

File: df0dbfbe6818e0b⋯.png (1.21 MB, 903x1092, 43:52, ClipboardImage.png)



around 5 pm EDT I heard, I guess whenever they feel like doing it around the end of the 30 hour rule

I know late afternoon EDT

>>3361026 (lb, baker)

>>3361060 (this bread, baker)

you're fine baker, great bakin', thank you for stepping up

shit happens

I don't think there is any relief until the morning shift though, the graveyard baker can't bake (said last night), but I'm sure a baker will show up sooner than later

I voted early today like I did for 2016 to contribute to the


just stopping in the new bread to say see you tomorrow anons

09429c  No.3361091


Might as well anon it is chatty Cathy night.

e677d2  No.3361092


Like a young William McGonugall

c3a6bb  No.3361093

File: 22165cfc1bd48b8⋯.jpg (25.96 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 178383-guinness-gravity-gl….jpg)

File: da1223ab1193874⋯.jpg (35.49 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 178383-guinness-gravity-gl….jpg)

File: 61d8585c9008aec⋯.jpg (470.14 KB, 700x1043, 100:149, 178383-guinness-gravity-gl….jpg)

File: 63ee4c59054cc6a⋯.jpg (127.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BRETTKavanaughSENATEhearin….jpg)

File: e50b507a5f7b265⋯.jpg (30.56 KB, 800x511, 800:511, BrettKavHappyFaceJESUSISKI….jpg)

Right hand, Guinness pint glass, retro Guinness poster, BK (Body only) at SEN hearing desk, then use of just his head with a big smiling face.

All this together made the meme.

81daa8  No.3361094

File: 7326e3d0389e6ad⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 337x436, 337:436, IMG_1137.JPG)

1619b0  No.3361095

China company COSCO merged with OOCL for shipping. President Trump is watching it. Feinstein is pushing it through DC.

Sauce: https://www.joc.com/port-news/terminal-operators/speculation-mounts-us-allowing-cosco-takeover-lb-terminal_20180411.html

292099  No.3361096


If you think it's real you are stupid.

81daa8  No.3361097

File: cb041bf6f37a962⋯.jpg (88.22 KB, 750x593, 750:593, IMG_1574.JPG)

0c923a  No.3361099


This shirt rocks! Awesome job, anon.

Hope to see it live.

2b0607  No.3361100

File: a4238650ca9a7b4⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 288x355, 288:355, KYS.jpg)


Nothing to contribute. Thanks for making it easy.


b1451b  No.3361101


going to send him some fine hops and yeast basket.

1be1a9  No.3361102


Yes. 3pm vote

a39b40  No.3361103

File: ae9828e8f895858⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Stupid-Leftists-multicolor….jpg)

>>3360973 (lb)

people need time to cool off and move on to the next indignity. Libs are like Lemmings. If Q is not trolling us, the Libs are going to have a lot more than one stupid judge to bitch about. So many of the idol/icons are about to fall, their heads will pop. Their "sky will be falling". Chicken Little Libs running around in circles all holding their heads screaming....kek

[reminds me...note to self; get more pop corn at store]

9ba122  No.3361104


Well, thank you. You have bestowed me the most that has been at this juncture.

We have gathered, Yes?

Now, we work away with our little fingers and

Aye, as they say,

There are many who watch us.

You know they important,

they whatch the whole time.

What have we found.

What do we know now.

Perhaps as they used to watch and we not keen,

now they watch and we beam and we beam and we beam.

81daa8  No.3361105

File: ac179d04f099f71⋯.jpg (85.58 KB, 764x551, 764:551, IMG_1235.JPG)

File: 3bdc1e931c0788c⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 578x421, 578:421, IMG_1705.JPG)

File: 1c371949e55b3e9⋯.png (281.69 KB, 500x355, 100:71, IMG_1815.PNG)

34b20f  No.3361106


yeah you understand

4f28d5  No.3361107

Britain signs defense cooperation agreement with Germany as Brexit talks continue


Bad move for Germany.

British Government is trigger happy. They don't get along with Russia and certainly UK and France are coming off World Map in any next War. Putin had no previous intention of wiping out Germany. I guess Putin wanted Germany to be neutral and later take over what would be left of EU.

UK is trying to get the Germans to pay much of UK defense down the road.

Now is another story.

UK and France Governments are belligerents. They deserve 'ZAP'-Justice for all they caused during their Empires.

eb5c55  No.3361108


shill one way or the other, even if you had a hack or malicious code or some inline bullshit at play here, dont need 100+ posts to pop an ip.

if they do they certainly arent "taking him out" in this life time. kek.

248ccb  No.3361110


well voted yesterday, but times relative

night anons

81daa8  No.3361111

File: 09ce714a9ef23e7⋯.jpg (55.14 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_1089.JPG)

e78419  No.3361112

File: a78b44371f4c60c⋯.png (818.16 KB, 1791x1034, 1791:1034, ClipboardImage.png)


>no security checks for Congress members.


A part of me understands. Such requirements could be abused by the deepstate or other bad actors to keep elected champions of the people out of the information loop.

But another part of me says, come on man. You can't just be giving state secrets to anyone. I guess the best solution is to have an educated electorate, one who goes over the candidates with a fine toothed comb, in order to avoid electing traitors. Seems like this board is the beginning of such an electorate.

Still, can't believe we are giving state secrets to any Johnny come lately(pic related).

e677d2  No.3361113

File: 60b0bc980439ca2⋯.jpg (24.42 KB, 360x244, 90:61, Vogon_jeltz.jpg)

05df17  No.3361114

File: e0fee5297f02027⋯.jpg (193.38 KB, 744x960, 31:40, e0fee5297f0202787aad8d1653….jpg)

File: c11c33d304fb930⋯.jpg (94.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sealed indictment state to….jpg)

File: 1718edc3b44f92b⋯.jpg (133.17 KB, 654x500, 327:250, sealed indictment map oct ….jpg)

File: 8cbf648947c7083⋯.jpg (173.61 KB, 500x882, 250:441, Sealed Indictment state to….jpg)

5c7e9d  No.3361115

File: 3d2450f8ded3056⋯.jpg (605.85 KB, 1496x811, 1496:811, Tuckisher1.jpg)

File: 99715ec7489639d⋯.jpg (734.93 KB, 1146x1500, 191:250, Tuckisher2.jpg)

d65bad  No.3361116


If Posting a NOOSE is more of a priority than seeing a DECENT SET OF TITS


561461  No.3361117

File: c940bad0416a3d8⋯.pdf (642.03 KB, Illich_Ivan_Deschooling_So….pdf)


Deschooling Society

by Ivan Illich

only 50 pages long in the attached PDF file

Universal education through schooling is not feasible. It would be no more feasible if it were attempted by mean s of alternative institutions built on the style of present schools. Neither new attitudes of teachers toward their pupils nor the proliferation of educational hardware or software (in classroom or bedroom), nor finally the attempt to expand the pedagogue's responsibility until it engulfs his pupils' lifetimes will deliver universal education. The current search for new educational funnels must be reversed into the search for their institutional inverse: educational webs which heighten the opportunity for each one to transform each moment of his living into one of learning, sharing, and caring. We hope to contribute concepts needed by those who conduct such counterfoil research on education–and also to those who seek alternatives to other established service industries.

81daa8  No.3361118

File: fea4f3ee0ed7f6c⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 552x754, 276:377, IMG_1596.JPG)

b1451b  No.3361120

File: 7c626486ede49a7⋯.jpg (131.03 KB, 567x748, 567:748, crew.jpg)

File: a4d0d5163711a75⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 255x170, 3:2, jumppepe.jpg)

File: 464565689d83e82⋯.jpg (284.81 KB, 567x748, 567:748, mandelinbaymound.jpg)

File: 5ace99abe3e8cae⋯.jpg (88.4 KB, 567x748, 567:748, uni.jpg)

4b1529  No.3361121


We're here to noose EVIL, not jerk off in the movie theater, peewee.

81daa8  No.3361122

File: 582223badb90be8⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 540x540, 1:1, IMG_1582.JPG)

6185e2  No.3361123


>This is the New American Revolution.


>We have to fight for our Republic.

Agree. But unless it's a Republic UNDER GOD with an objective source (greater than humanity) of rights and laws, we will just be exchanging one group of elite lawmakers, who force their opinions on the population, for another group with different opinions, but essentially the same principle - elite factions imposing their will on the rest of us.

Without God as the acknowledged progenitor of human rights and laws, any elite group of people can, by force, impose its opnions and will on others. That is what authoritarian/totalitarian governments do and where the US was headed before DJT. Acknowledgement of the Creator is essential to human freedom and the Republic.

088a8a  No.3361124

File: 4a7c105d1e48cd1⋯.jpg (73.81 KB, 553x741, 553:741, 10-5-EVIL TACTICS.jpg)

File: 586a6a4bae7a057⋯.jpg (74.24 KB, 553x741, 553:741, 10-5-EVIL TACTICS2.jpg)

File: 7e11714bb365e4c⋯.jpg (75.1 KB, 553x741, 553:741, 10-5-EVIL TACTICS3.jpg)

2b0607  No.3361125

File: bcbe48665c9c199⋯.jpg (57.94 KB, 412x357, 412:357, SATANS MINION IMPOSES.jpg)

f6ea22  No.3361126

File: 61d8585c9008aec⋯.jpg (470.14 KB, 700x1043, 100:149, guiness.jpg)

File: bf352ff9bfe7767⋯.png (98.72 KB, 313x289, 313:289, flite.png)

81daa8  No.3361127

File: a77671fcbf48cd8⋯.jpg (58.4 KB, 960x604, 240:151, IMG_1307.JPG)

File: 3763fc62f4772f1⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_1351.JPG)

File: 3b1974e67652ebb⋯.jpg (65.68 KB, 607x650, 607:650, IMG_1575.JPG)

d65bad  No.3361128


My peeps say you're on a reservation.

That narrows things down a lot!!!


e677d2  No.3361130

File: 01aa9704076d60f⋯.jpeg (148.15 KB, 750x476, 375:238, IMG_008CED25B386-1.jpeg)



Get behind Palin, push for a snap election/write-in

81daa8  No.3361131

File: 77ba810bf20e9c0⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 800x690, 80:69, IMG_1243.JPG)

File: 125fb26abc9522a⋯.jpg (115.4 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_1326.JPG)

File: 6ff6cb272286cec⋯.jpg (240.72 KB, 1400x1795, 280:359, IMG_1337.JPG)

File: 9d82b3e6112e1e9⋯.jpg (100.77 KB, 791x960, 791:960, IMG_1421.JPG)

b1451b  No.3361132

File: b9b13bdfd817d92⋯.jpg (879.57 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, frankendemon.jpg)

8af636  No.3361133




Recognition of Prussian education system as destroyer of analytical and critical thought = removal of all government influence and funding in education = free-market education (state banished from education) = free exchange of ideas in educational methods, curricula, and content = competition = more choices = lower cost and higher quality = infinite specialization in private schooling to accommodate various interests, needs, and learning styles = ingenuity = rediscovery of superior reading comprehension = rediscovery of formal logic = empowering the individual to distinguish truth from deception = personal freedom and dignity = removal of mainstream media's market = death of deceptive mass media.

920493  No.3361134

File: 15520eccaa2eb00⋯.jpg (26.32 KB, 209x245, 209:245, fyodor.jpg)

81daa8  No.3361135

File: 1c9779eac76bbf8⋯.jpg (55.18 KB, 960x674, 480:337, IMG_1229.JPG)

b1451b  No.3361136

File: 31981ad21084454⋯.jpg (688.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, demonfrankinstein.jpg)

81daa8  No.3361137

File: 464c84a635f2208⋯.jpg (184.73 KB, 880x880, 1:1, IMG_1217.JPG)

File: c75fd1d0c4fed13⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 500x505, 100:101, IMG_1219.JPG)

File: 135d43aa57be21a⋯.jpg (197.89 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_1231.JPG)

f6ea22  No.3361138


>My peeps say you're on a reservation.

because he posted pictures of indians. wow, how do you do it?

4db201  No.3361139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time to whip out that alien military technology on the Chinese

088a8a  No.3361141

File: a9df6a1b11029e1⋯.png (131.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 10-5-FEIN CHINA.png)

File: 918065acecad1ea⋯.png (132.85 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 10-5-FEIN CHINA2.png)

File: fb2203b2113ab5e⋯.png (132.97 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 10-5-FEIN CHINA3.png)

lol nice and accurate!

she looks like a soul sucker


81daa8  No.3361142

File: cac5390a07334e0⋯.jpg (54.86 KB, 480x434, 240:217, IMG_1107.JPG)

0c923a  No.3361143


They already have a master race of alien supersoldiers called the Chinayyyyys

2b0607  No.3361144

File: 10a3e1ee8b8501d⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 579x348, 193:116, feinstein will fuck u up.jpg)

2dd83c  No.3361145


bug men

05df17  No.3361146


how many of you wish you could be in murkowski's shoes,for a few minutes, when that bitch cornered her.

Be a few things i would like to say, if that old evil bitch hag was in my face.kek

Glad their was a phone present.

81daa8  No.3361147

File: d8ddfe2ff0218d5⋯.jpg (37.65 KB, 460x345, 4:3, IMG_1384.JPG)

561461  No.3361148

File: 87ba2d75e387c11⋯.pdf (14.29 MB, Ted Nelson Computer Lib Dr….pdf)


In 1974 Ted Nelson published two interesting books in one volume. One is read from front to the middle, and the other is read from the end to the middle.

Computer Lib/Dream Machines

Inspired a generation of hackers

Some went on to build Hypercard

Other built the World Wide Web

But all of them were searching for a new way to present educational material in chunks, like the human mind works, with links between the chunks, so a reader can navigate their own path.

This book was the first attempt to write something in this new chunked and linked format. And the man who did it wanted to rip education out of the rigid classrooms and schools, and put it into learning centers built in the style of Macdonalds restaurants.

Here it is, all 132 pages

1be1a9  No.3361149

7fe1aa  No.3361150


Backdoor ties to mitigate Brexit. As for the defense aspect, they already have a mutual defense pact…NATO. Unfortunately, we're in it too.

05df17  No.3361151


there, not their, kek it's late

b4e2a1  No.3361152



Yeah thats what i was saying.. when he gets his pic in the mail i hope he comes here and posts it immediately

6f7a23  No.3361153

File: e9f1878241cc684⋯.png (308.58 KB, 1362x1116, 227:186, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

File: f0f5fe6fcc2ebbf⋯.png (327.96 KB, 1387x979, 1387:979, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

China’s Biological Warfare Programme

An Integrative Study with Special Reference to Biological Weapons Capabilities

This study attempts to profile China’s biological warfare programme (BWP), with special reference to biological weapons (BW) capabilities that exist in facilities affiliated with the defence establishment and the military. For that purpose, a wide variety of facilities affiliated with the defence establishment and with the military are reviewed and profiled. The outcome of that analysis points at 12 facilities affiliated with the defence establishment, plus 30 facilities affiliated with the PLA, that are involved in research, development, production, testing or storage of BW. This huge alignment might be regarded as superfluous, ostensibly; yet, considering the various factors discussed in the present study, the overall derived picture of the Chinese BW-related alignment is not at all surprising. The chances that an outstanding state like China would ignore new avenues of BW designing and deployment are a priori slim, if any. China, in all likelihood, is and will persist as a paramount BW possessor.

Dany Shoham (2015): China’s Biological Warfare Programme: An Integrative Study with Special Reference to Biological Weapons Capabilities, Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2 April-June 2015, pp. 131-156


81daa8  No.3361154


they dragged this one around the fallout voctims of the trinity thing with the cupcakes and koolaid

b1451b  No.3361155


any anons ever got the real truth on them ghost cities china has built that no one lives in?

81daa8  No.3361156

File: 7f494739c220bba⋯.jpg (61.95 KB, 801x573, 267:191, IMG_1245.JPG)

088a8a  No.3361157


spit some garlic Holy water on her and watch her melt away


b1451b  No.3361159


i would love to be a fly on the wall in a few places.

81daa8  No.3361160

File: 7a28c14605ac000⋯.jpg (32.45 KB, 505x343, 505:343, IMG_1249.JPG)

15a009  No.3361161


She's one of them Chernobyl crow mutants that lives off of sadism

367b27  No.3361162

File: f31879a65c6d418⋯.jpg (30.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 1e8df5894bb2489⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 300x223, 300:223, USS_Richard_B._Russell_(SS….jpg)

File: c26a2b7bf7544ce⋯.png (566.41 KB, 763x840, 109:120, Screenshot (122).png)

File: ed1a333eb1e37c5⋯.png (167.33 KB, 794x886, 397:443, Screenshot (119).png)

Was doing some sub hunting and found this. Looks like Cuck Schumer, and Jeff Flake want to rename the Richard Russell Senate building to the McCain building.



Going from a racist to a traitor.

34b20f  No.3361163

so changing captcha doesn't get rid of (eeeee)bot?

so there's some tosser with a primary school script getting his jollies off..

how you going to defend against a 100 of these tossers in the future?

you need better code

f6ea22  No.3361164


last thing I read was that the buildings are ruined from mildew and the concrete is falling apart.

50c8d2  No.3361165

So PENCE is ourguy? Many Anons doubted him.

5668b1  No.3361166

File: b0ab33e8f99324c⋯.jpg (38.16 KB, 634x352, 317:176, DRAGONFLY EYE 1.jpg)

File: 9931edf0eb0d682⋯.jpg (28.64 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, DRAGONFLY7.jpg)

File: 5ad2d723d008930⋯.jpg (26.47 KB, 660x371, 660:371, DRAGONFLY5.jpg)

File: 2125b35474cc2ab⋯.jpg (71.88 KB, 950x534, 475:267, DRAGONFLY3.jpg)

Pence says Google should halt Dragonfly app development


"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence sharply criticized what he said was China’s theft of U.S. technology on Thursday, and he urged Google to immediately end development of its “Dragonfly” app that would make it easier to track someone’s internet searches."


Mike Pence Google Should Immediately End Development of Censored Chinese Dragonfly App

by Lucas Nolan 4 Oct 2018

"Speaking at the Hudson Institute recently, Vice President Mike Pence stated his belief that Google should immediately end the development of its censored Chinese search engine app, which is known as “Dragonfly.”"



Pence calls on Google to drop Dragonfly

search engine for China

by Michael C Bender Published: Oct 4, 2018 4:31 p.m. ET

"As part of a project dubbed “Dragonfly,” Google is testing a mobile version of its search engine that would adhere to China’s strict censors. While the project has drawn pointed questions from a bipartisan group of senators, Pence’s speech was the first public condemnation from the White House."


Google should end work on Dragonfly search engine for China says Pence

US Vice President Mike Pence called for Google stop the development of a secretive search project.


"We've been investing for many years to help Chinese users, from developing Android, through mobile apps such as Google Translate and Files Go, and our developer tools," said a Google representative in an emailed statement. "But our work on search has been exploratory, and we are not close to launching a search product in China."


Google’s privacy chief confirms existence of censored

Chinese search engine Project Dragonfly

Iris Deng South China Post PUBLISHED : Thursday, 27 September, 2018, 12:45pm

"Google has confirmed for the first time the existence of Project Dragonfly, reportedly a censored search engine for China, but a company executive told the US Senate he did not know details of the project."

“There is a Project Dragonfly,” Google’s chief privacy officer Keith Enright told a Senate hearing on Wednesday, but maintained that he was “not clear on the contours of what is in scope or out of the scope for that project”."


Ex Google employee warns of disturbing China plans

Dave Lee North America technology reporter 26 September 2018

"Mr Poulson said the sum of these efforts amounted to a "catastrophic failure" of Google's internal policies on privacy - as well as going against assurances made to the US trade regulator regarding data protection measures in its products."

"Dragonfly is part of a broad pattern of unaccountable decision making across the tech industry," Mr Poulson wrote."


Google’s censored search engine for China is sparking a

moral crisis within the company

The company is reportedly cracking down on employees who are sharing details about it.

By Alexia Fernández Campbell@AlexiaCampbellalexia@vox.com Sep 25, 2018, 5:20pm EDT

"An internal battle is playing out at Google’s offices in Silicon Valley and around the globe.

After news leaked in August that the company was secretly developing a censored search engine for China, more than 1,400 employees have signed a letter demanding more transparency and accountability about the project’s potential impact on human rights. The controversy has reportedly prompted at least five Google employees to quit in protest.

Now Google is reportedly cracking down on employees who say the tool will also allow a Chinese partner to closely track and monitor users."


List #1 of relevant DRAGONFLY articles by date

With relevant info quotes…

The pace quickens!

81daa8  No.3361167

File: 93ba046dcebd7e4⋯.jpg (56.83 KB, 625x905, 125:181, IMG_1097.JPG)

you don;t want them to declassify roger rabbit yet now do you

561461  No.3361168


I didn't want people like him to see the good stuff anyway.

Ha ha ha ha ha

0db0ce  No.3361169


oooooooo… who's got da info on that!????

f4b6ca  No.3361170


Doc on Cong Mbrs Who Wouldn't Pass Bkgrnd Chks


Baker, I think this is NOTABLE. My guess is that we are going to lose many Senators and Representatives in the near future. As soon as possible, we need to push for background checks for new members.

Great stuff, anon.

b1451b  No.3361172


good job anon

7fe1aa  No.3361173


1.3 billions people. You have to keep them busy doing something. And with all of the money they have been getting from us via trade, they have it to spend. IMO.

a693aa  No.3361174

File: 662bca2d131e0fd⋯.jpg (53.28 KB, 300x300, 1:1, asshat (1).jpg)

81daa8  No.3361175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


like huffing poop in a papersack

e677d2  No.3361176


Try and focus on the message, not the speaker.

d65bad  No.3361177


[m4xr3sdEfault]… is a giant doucebag. As someone who knows him, you should ignore him, because he is a giant coward and fake. That's why he/she doesn't use their real name. But WE KNOW WHO THEY CLAIM TO BE.

2b0607  No.3361178


Cock smoker.

299ba1  No.3361179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Border Great Wall being built at Santa Teresa New Mexico 2018

August 23, 2018

"They are incorporating the Detectors found at Area 51 that detect Ground Movement or sounds, said to detect a goat walking… as well as above ground movement…

and Sharpshooters…"


81daa8  No.3361180

File: 3941326cd33e6bf⋯.jpg (229.62 KB, 1242x899, 1242:899, IMG_1334.JPG)

920493  No.3361181

File: 2dc82ba482da926⋯.jpg (29.88 KB, 272x252, 68:63, 1-eye-agreement.jpg)

No 5 eyes.

No 3 eyes.

1 eye foundation.


b1451b  No.3361182


was a rumor going around that it was for select americans after the melt down, invasion but no sauce just jtube

d65bad  No.3361183


We're going to tell them all who you are. We know you.

088a8a  No.3361184

File: b89bcbf7b147964⋯.png (995.28 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, BAKERS1.png)

File: 627f4a3a53169f3⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, BAKERS2.png)

File: c0306fe130ca666⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, BAKERS3.png)

i dropped these earlier but, there is never a bad time to give bakers some love

respect due anons

from a video about war posters

ha ha "posters", beautiful

81daa8  No.3361185


you only know rumours

d53bb7  No.3361186

File: 43cade15e74ea33⋯.jpg (183.51 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 43cade15e74ea33de94fe1e348….jpg)

File: 410556ce6ad859c⋯.png (155.65 KB, 1174x975, 1174:975, 9f61c750bfe0867e2a56f99a08….png)

Pedowood reminder.

Pedowood employs special prepared and targeted information: stories, songs, images to subvert US values, degrade cognition and create a dependant divided population

Information poisoning is real.

d65bad  No.3361187


nope… we know you.

We know who you are. We're going to expose you.

5668b1  No.3361188

File: 272a54b01ffc4ef⋯.jpg (251.44 KB, 1253x955, 1253:955, DRAGONFLY 6.jpg)

File: b79e2b51c66adf4⋯.jpeg (36.56 KB, 780x520, 3:2, DRAGONFLY9.jpeg)

Google’s ‘Dragonfly’ prototype for China links search engine history to phone numbers: Report

Google built a prototype of its customised ‘Dragonfly’ search engine for China. This prototype search engine reportedly links users’ search history to their phone numbers.

TECH Updated: Sep 15, 2018 16:29 IST Indo Asian News Service Beijing

"Last week, 16 US lawmakers addressed Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressing “serious concerns” about “Dragonfly” demanding information about the company’s China plans, the report noted.

“Dragonfly” has also come under heavy criticism from a former Asia-Pacific head of the tech giant, who called it a “stupid move”."


Google’s prototype Chinese search engine reportedly links searches to phone numbers

By Adi Robertson@thedextriarchy Sep 14, 2018, 4:55pm EDT

Bowing to Beijing? Google's Project Dragonfly

Google's planned Chinese search app comes under fire. Plus, censorship in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

25 Aug 2018 08:42 GMT


Ryan Gallagher - Investigative Journalist, The Intercept

Yuan Yang - Beijing Economy and Tech Correspondent, Financial Times

Siva Vaidhyanathan - Professor of Modern Media Studies, University of Virginia

Ann Lee - Economist, New York University

"Google has ventured into China before, in 2010. But back then it decided it couldn't live with the censorship rules. So it pulled out. This potential re-entry into China signals a major policy U-turn, involving one of the biggest tech companies on the planet and the world's largest market."


The employee backlash over Google’s censored search engine for China, explained

Google employees are angry that the company is making a censored search engine. They can shut it down.

By Alexia Fernández Campbell@AlexiaCampbellalexia@vox.com Aug 17, 2018, 4:10pm EDT

"Google is experiencing a “moral and ethical” crisis. That’s the view of hundreds of employees at the tech company, who are protesting the development of a censored search engine for internet users in China.

About 1,400 Google employees — out of the more than 88,000 — signed a letter to company executives this week, seeking more details and transparency about the project and demanding employee input in decisions about what kind of work Google takes on. They also expressed concern that the company is violating its own ethical principles."


Whistleblower reveals Google’s plans for censored search in China

The search engine would filter sites like Wikipedia and information about topics like freedom of speech

By James Vincent@jjvincent Aug 1, 2018, 5:41am EDT

"The whistleblower who spoke to The Intercept said they did so because they were “against large companies and governments collaborating in the oppression of their people.” They also suggested that “what is done in China will become a template for many other nations.”



Ryan Gallagher August 1 2018, 4:58 a.m.

"PREVIOUSLY, BETWEEN 2006 and 2010, Google had maintained a censored version of its search engine in China. At the time, the company faced severe criticism in the U.S. over its compliance with the Chinese government’s policies.

During a February 2006 congressional hearing that focused on the activities of American technology companies in China, members of the House International Relations Committee called Google a “functionary of the Chinese government” and accused it of “abhorrent actions” for participating in censorship. “Google has seriously compromised its ‘don’t be evil’ policy,” declared Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J. “Indeed, it has become evil’s accomplice.”



List #2 of relevant DRAGONFLY articles by date

With relevant info quotes…

Forbes article did not care as long as goog did well financially :D

6624dc  No.3361189

File: f19c2204f1f96d1⋯.jpg (371.07 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, kavanaugh.jpg)

561461  No.3361190

File: 8875c03c5ce10bd⋯.png (373.04 KB, 736x552, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 314eb8bca9b7dad⋯.png (222.81 KB, 278x400, 139:200, ClipboardImage.png)

Seems that the old Soviet vending machines

That dispensed sparkling water

Will be making a comeback of sorts

No Comrade, I do not drink Vodka or dispense it.

81daa8  No.3361191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

34b20f  No.3361192

Need to break this 751 limit..


Welcome to the 21st century

d65bad  No.3361193



81daa8  No.3361194



bring beer and cash

2b0607  No.3361195

File: 0d16ede14b2f34b⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 399x251, 399:251, kav has family.jpg)



6624dc  No.3361196

File: b7ca345dc26a061⋯.jpg (511.47 KB, 900x750, 6:5, unexpectedly.jpg)

d937ff  No.3361197

File: 85681a0377cdce0⋯.mp4 (5.69 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 85681a0377cdce0854477af644….mp4)


Top Kek!!

0db0ce  No.3361198

File: 2b7dc24113bf5ea⋯.jpg (409.33 KB, 1065x1344, 355:448, Screenshot_20181006-010525….jpg)


anti climatic

9ba122  No.3361199


Can someone direct me in the direction of the two Q posts that regarded extraterrestrial life?

81daa8  No.3361200

File: 9db5e6e27447a57⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 400x445, 80:89, IMG_1294.JPG)

File: 28f3ef719b291b0⋯.jpg (50.39 KB, 478x356, 239:178, IMG_1329.JPG)

File: 328acd6bda5e1dd⋯.jpg (39.55 KB, 609x544, 609:544, IMG_1330.JPG)

088a8a  No.3361201

File: d50c52b5c2b6d99⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 10-4-TICK TOCK.jpg)

d65bad  No.3361202


hmmm… it'll prolly be daggers and knives, but I'll let them know.

15a009  No.3361203

File: a5b9dbe3944f14b⋯.jpg (326.51 KB, 793x546, 61:42, Fein.jpg)

af9e5b  No.3361204

File: 7e5616d6874b014⋯.jpg (279.54 KB, 1864x1242, 932:621, IMG_20181006_030205.jpg)

File: 249f984daff5e9e⋯.jpg (291.51 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, IMG_20181006_030202.jpg)

File: e3ed72b5b588c4d⋯.jpg (793.65 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181006-030156….jpg)

81daa8  No.3361205


follow the trail of death i guess

d65bad  No.3361206

▶[m4xr3sdEfault]***,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) 1



84acff  No.3361207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's some Dwight Yoakam.


81daa8  No.3361208

File: 36dffdc9e81aaa3⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 736x1003, 736:1003, IMG_1181.JPG)

hastag #TwinkieOTUSisalarp

2b0607  No.3361209


Truth. Me likey lots.

Well done every one ;-)

Keep em coming ;-)

34b20f  No.3361210


Does your wrist get more sore typing captcha in or jerking off to your lame posts?

f4b6ca  No.3361211

Listening to Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis last night, he tried something for the first time–using the Crystal Skull and its operator with The Black Box. Apparently, he got the two of them communicating and answering questions in greater clarity than ever before. Look up Ground Zero on SoundCloud. They'll post the audio, commercial-free, in the next 24 hours. Some interesting answers to questions.

For instance, the duo predicted Trump will give E.T. DISCLOSURE this November and we will be hit by world-wide sickness in December.

Most importantly,

A prediction was made that today (10/06/2018), at 3PM Eastern. "They" will show themselves in the sky via a UFO appearance. Didn't say where, just when.

Watch the skies, anons. 3pm today.

7fe1aa  No.3361212


Who knows. But you have to believe they don't need any more people there. Plus, they really don't like non-Han people, including other Chinese citizens.

920493  No.3361213

File: fa4c85134af54fa⋯.jpg (57.71 KB, 447x452, 447:452, loyalty-to-republic.jpg)

d65bad  No.3361214


Hey…. You're famous!!

Just like Jesse James!!

b1451b  No.3361215


since the growth i would say bump it up to maybe 2500. that would give bakers a breath on faster breads imho. i wouldn't go over that number, more easy to catalog and look for things.

81daa8  No.3361216

File: 5ae09a989566c0c⋯.jpg (105.27 KB, 1062x1270, 531:635, IMG_1753.JPG)

81daa8  No.3361218

File: d1e86cb6f9e442a⋯.jpg (33.66 KB, 539x379, 539:379, IMG_1250.JPG)

File: a44e41f8ce38ae2⋯.jpg (119.98 KB, 1115x1255, 223:251, IMG_1265.JPG)

File: d531d2d56e9514a⋯.jpg (81.85 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_1267.JPG)

6f7a23  No.3361219


Welcome back Pompeo-san!

Sushi for you tonight!

2b0607  No.3361220

File: dedf01994d746d3⋯.jpg (130.45 KB, 846x564, 3:2, FOCUS.jpg)

We have a job to do.


Dig/meme/pray and kick arse.

d65bad  No.3361221


This is how you want to spend your last days??

Very admirable!!

d937ff  No.3361222


I agree 100%. I HATE Hollywood and have for a while. Who do you think the blind is?? I'm in on it being Culkin.

81daa8  No.3361223

File: b74c244be883f92⋯.jpg (40.58 KB, 750x822, 125:137, IMG_1342.JPG)

5668b1  No.3361224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You are all now well aware of DRAGONFLY yet let us never forget DRAGONFLY EYES!




Film made entirely of surveillance footage!


e677d2  No.3361225

File: f15b7d8fcdaf703⋯.jpeg (648.86 KB, 750x822, 125:137, IMG_E9E003FE2695-1.jpeg)

File: 53201b936226ece⋯.jpeg (672.18 KB, 750x823, 750:823, IMG_5BC9849E8F73-1.jpeg)

which is better,

with, or without teeth?

9ba122  No.3361226


Thank you

088a8a  No.3361227

File: 5e988503cce921e⋯.jpg (30.94 KB, 800x400, 2:1, 10-3-NOT HERE, NOT ANYWHER….jpg)


im getting there

still new to making em

if any anons have a suggestion of a site/program to use its appreciated

sticking to basics thus far

thank you for the kind words btw

74db11  No.3361228

File: d7ee408f840dfd2⋯.png (8.62 KB, 403x266, 403:266, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32d039b7e985f09⋯.png (10.57 KB, 402x253, 402:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0678f33d9c613d4⋯.png (8.85 KB, 406x241, 406:241, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's what I found potentially related to that…

920493  No.3361229

Ebot you are not a patriot.

a39b40  No.3361230

File: 13d6e969f64819e⋯.jpg (16.68 KB, 300x300, 1:1, dove-orchid-300x300.jpg)

File: b8425c6d6b4866a⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 516265534_1280x720.jpg)

File: c5ff4b7ff6c25d5⋯.jpg (17.46 KB, 233x300, 233:300, s-l300.jpg)


And therein lies the problem. We now live in a society devoid of God. Most [even those who call themselves Christian] want to make their own decisions and rules. They do not want to be held accountable for their actions to a higher power. The "buck" you might say, begins and ends with each individual. That is why America has lost her faith.

The first place the evil attacked was the family then the churches. Now there is more devil worship going on in most churches than in neighborhood covens.

The evil elite have taken God from the people of the world. They don't believe in Him, because they can't see Him, because they don't know where to look.

He is everywhere…in the wonders He has made.

b1451b  No.3361231


i am in total agreement in breaking it up especially if they are not going to play nice.

3a41c6  No.3361232

Anyone remember a while ago, how there was a China hezbollah connection? If I remember right it had something to do with cars. Anyone got the graphics?

81daa8  No.3361233

File: 45bbf50eb264ee6⋯.jpg (38.97 KB, 300x300, 1:1, IMG_1432.JPG)

81daa8  No.3361234

088a8a  No.3361235

hmmmm, tough but id say without

2 cents


81daa8  No.3361236

File: 23c6efa352330a9⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 720x654, 120:109, IMG_1278.JPG)

File: 5592d10fb39ce5c⋯.jpg (62.38 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_1289.JPG)

File: 0d61f6088e95b50⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_1290.JPG)

5668b1  No.3361237

File: 82d332b51d7aa51⋯.jpg (240.13 KB, 1151x951, 1151:951, signifier.jpg)

File: 9645803589a92e3⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2378x1190, 1189:595, I SEE Q PEOPLE EVERYWHEREJ.jpg)

File: 8ef1663e29c838d⋯.jpg (150.51 KB, 1168x740, 292:185, REMEMBER REMEMBER HORI GUY….jpg)

File: 5ae79ba0aaf2863⋯.jpg (150.51 KB, 915x529, 915:529, eeny meeny part 3.jpg)

oh… you regard memes highly do you?

81daa8  No.3361238

File: 82521da875197c8⋯.jpg (49.06 KB, 500x633, 500:633, IMG_1106.JPG)

8a6764  No.3361239


any update regarding that blind or, as usual, nuthin' happens and no one says anything.

088a8a  No.3361240

File: 5ca38ef97972286⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 600x379, 600:379, 10-5-MSM CLOWNS.jpg)


you tocuh on a very important point

d53bb7  No.3361241


Possible yeah.

e677d2  No.3361242


thanks fren

af9e5b  No.3361243


Thx Sushianon, couldn't sleep had to check my twatter.

5668b1  No.3361244

File: 63219edf0326a34⋯.png (793.96 KB, 1406x781, 1406:781, GOODFELLASANONQ.png)

File: 8393fbb19846762⋯.jpg (103.29 KB, 804x532, 201:133, LARPME.jpg)

File: 9f1ca5e80c6454d⋯.jpg (157.15 KB, 913x817, 913:817, Q ALL DAY LONG.jpg)

File: cd9fa7503ccb311⋯.jpg (318 KB, 2192x1104, 137:69, why so serious.jpg)

81daa8  No.3361245

File: 72ef0696bfe8c67⋯.jpg (54.44 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, IMG_1255.JPG)

File: b5ffd8354bbf829⋯.jpg (136.76 KB, 1063x1056, 1063:1056, IMG_1270.JPG)

File: abd7dbc11c0caa6⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 460x280, 23:14, IMG_1276.JPG)

c90172  No.3361246

File: b4d2b98659ddc5a⋯.png (4.37 MB, 1093x14589, 1093:14589, FireShot Capture 220 - His….png)

File: ca65aa9133527b5⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1099x4208, 1099:4208, FireShot Capture 219 - Ohe….png)

>>3360330 (lb)

study sassoon family..


34b20f  No.3361247

If there was no bread limit..

But just a header to the latest post..

Then shills, bots and lamers would not have such a great effect…

Come into the 2018… chans need an upgrade…

05df17  No.3361248

File: 3e7fae320f4ec82⋯.png (636.47 KB, 831x763, 831:763, Melania dancing with child….png)

File: 9986ac559b4a8cc⋯.jpg (21.77 KB, 306x370, 153:185, 4787792-0-Close_She_was_th….jpg)

File: 9e16564b6fd160b⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 306x370, 153:185, 4789380-0-image-a-77_15388….jpg)

File: fef24dd876b2990⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 634x733, 634:733, 4814106-6246491-image-a-96….jpg)

File: d1ed5022429c59b⋯.jpg (50.44 KB, 634x413, 634:413, 4814220-6246491-image-a-10….jpg)

I'll link the video to this post. Melania dancing with children and visiting children, it's a wonderful video, showing our beautiful and gracious FLOTUS.

Melania's got moves! Normally reserved First Lady drops her guard and turns heads with her catwalk model dance moves at a children's home in Kenya

Melania Trump danced like she was on a fashion runway in Kenya on Tuesday

The mother-of-one visited the Nest Children's Home and held hands with kids

Melania is visiting Africa to highlight conservation, child welfare and education but got attention for her moves too

Kenya was the third stop on Melania's first solo tour without her husband


56493e  No.3361249


With teeth. Looks more like him.

05df17  No.3361250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d65bad  No.3361251


You're going to love your cellmate!!

I'll ask him to take it easy on you!!

5668b1  No.3361252

File: 392da7b2a929fce⋯.jpg (443.31 KB, 1499x919, 1499:919, VBOMB2.jpg)

File: 9b66cbb098c0044⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 948x495, 316:165, WE MEME.jpg)

File: 78a9700c95f79ee⋯.jpg (239.19 KB, 1118x2005, 1118:2005, SPYGATE TREASON.jpg)

File: df0b67fd7eeee67⋯.jpg (195.13 KB, 1389x648, 463:216, QTSHIRT IDEA.jpg)

561461  No.3361253

File: 5fc9a2a880ebc7e⋯.pdf (9.51 MB, The_American_debater.pdf)

File: 7cd1ac8cdf3da05⋯.pdf (5.56 MB, The_Young_Debater_a_Handbo….pdf)


Note that the Cabal has thoroughly infiltrated

The whole Open Schools movement

Which is one reason for posting stuff from the 70s

But as long as you are aware of the fact

That widely available Open Schools materials

Still keep that Prussian system hidden inside

You can adapt any of those materials.

The worst is the textbooks and teaching materials

Which have chewed up the knowledge and regurgitated it

With a thorough mix of Social Justice Worker thrown in.

But, look at the school curriculum from 150 years ago.

People are still as smart and capable today

Old Latin and Greek textbooks can be used

And help give a solid understanding of the English language

Rhetoric is a very useful subject

To raise children who can play the game of politics

Also a copy of Roberts Rules of Order

Or Debating Society rulebooks like these attached

The Young Debater: a Handbook for Mutual Improvement and Debating Societies. Second Edition

The American debater

81daa8  No.3361254

File: a4a7829acf2244f⋯.jpg (284.45 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, IMG_1291.JPG)

6185e2  No.3361255



>He is everywhere…in the wonders He has made.

True. Romans 1.

"18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images of mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them up in the desires of their hearts to impurity for the dishonoring of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever worthy of praise! Amen.

26For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and hatred. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents. 31They are senseless, faithless, heartless, merciless.

32Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things are worthy of death, they not only continue to do these things, but also approve of those who practice them.

a693aa  No.3361256

File: 904ba2a8f0fd00e⋯.png (40.9 KB, 446x228, 223:114, scots.png)

1be1a9  No.3361257


I'll rather watch the vote at 3pm…

9ef3b8  No.3361258

File: 1ade0139f4f8929⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, night.png)

81daa8  No.3361259

File: a5f1da62b77333b⋯.jpg (91.76 KB, 820x960, 41:48, IMG_1306.JPG)

ef2b5b  No.3361260

File: 44e7cfa07172294⋯.jpg (43.51 KB, 411x561, 137:187, 2jia4c.jpg)

File: 2509aea34663bc9⋯.png (394.74 KB, 700x679, 100:97, 41179217_653135051785132_1….png)

File: 0c9b3547b140cb8⋯.jpg (41.88 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 2intuq.jpg)

34b20f  No.3361261


I'm on a mission from god..

To make you redundant…

We all know you're a lamer sitting behind a lame basic script…

Your days are over..

d65bad  No.3361262

File: 266b0284eef9761⋯.jpg (50.42 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 50.2.jpg)

Wishing all Anons the best.

It's been a long time…


8a6764  No.3361263


teeth and bigger smile

96adf4  No.3361264

File: 25dd2808d0133c4⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1024x640, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank yew baker!

81daa8  No.3361265

File: 5aec1911e45f2f8⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 515x280, 103:56, IMG_1297.JPG)

eb5c55  No.3361266



just turned it on. thanks for the memory jolt fren! fucking love this movie.

2b0607  No.3361267


Yawn. Filtered.

e677d2  No.3361268



I'm leaning that way too, brightens up his face more.


9ef3b8  No.3361269


umma gumma! <3

81daa8  No.3361270

File: 9f2d42d483f9a95⋯.jpg (95.17 KB, 800x670, 80:67, IMG_1247.JPG)

b62367  No.3361271

File: 7de191c0864e6d9⋯.png (144.09 KB, 255x253, 255:253, ClipboardImage.png)


I kekked.

5668b1  No.3361272

File: 38e4c6ad18b5083⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 754676_1.jpg)



Learn from China's 'Dragonfly Eye' to fight crime

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

"On Monday, this week, we were drawn by reports of China's investment in what it has said is “the world's biggest camera surveillance network”.

According to the Chinese authorities, 170 million closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras are already in place across that country and approximately 400 million new ones will be installed in the next three years."


Dragonfly Eye Algorithm: Big Brother speaks Chinese

Published at: 12:00, May 9, 2018 by Luis R. Miranda

In a case, the Dragonfly Ey algorithm recognized a suspect when he crossed the lathe and sent his photograph to the police, who received the image in the PDA they use to verify identities.

The arrest was immediate, and Dragonfly Eye was not wrong. Since then, several hundred people have been arrested, although authorities do not specify how many were made as a result of using the algorithm created by the Chinese company Yitu.

“Our system can easily recognize anyone among 2 billion people,” says company founder, Zhu Long.


China's Minority Report-style security system uses AI to identify criminals on CCTV by comparing their faces to a database of 2 BILLION people within seconds


PUBLISHED: 04:05 EDT, 12 December 2017 | UPDATED: 09:49 EDT, 12 December 2017

Smart surveillance system connects to millions of surveillance cameras

It picks out criminals in the images using a database of nearly 2 billion faces

The technology uses artificial intelligence to sweep through photos in seconds

Known as 'Dragonfly Eye', the system has already been used in Shanghai to track down hundreds of wanted criminals


920493  No.3361273

File: 8f6d5a3306c0364⋯.jpg (14.47 KB, 447x75, 149:25, ebot-is-a-traitor.JPG)

We will cleanse the Republic. Marxist division will divide, and will succeed. But we will be re-embrace individualism and self responsibility in the face of socialism.

Not one of mankind is equal to another. Not one of mankind will ever be equal to another.

We are absolutely unique, each one of us, in the history on the universe.

We embrace inequality while striving toward altruism and the ability to give what we may expecting nothing in return: Charity, Loyalty, Truth.

81daa8  No.3361274

File: f85e98b984bb506⋯.jpg (44.55 KB, 500x432, 125:108, IMG_1481.JPG)

File: 89ed2bc1d80aa30⋯.jpg (129.33 KB, 1280x1005, 256:201, IMG_1482.JPG)

File: b693be0f0e5b9f6⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 639x475, 639:475, IMG_1483.JPG)

920493  No.3361275


Also typos. Sorry.

39f16e  No.3361276


Soros is going to need a cellmate.

561461  No.3361277

File: 05c28ece1b1d5c7⋯.png (142.55 KB, 382x214, 191:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3942a9ceb77ab83⋯.png (103.76 KB, 262x192, 131:96, ClipboardImage.png)

Notice how some vaginas

Betray their origins

As a lamprey's mouth

Back in the precambrian era

81daa8  No.3361278

File: 57740d5c6365790⋯.jpg (51.44 KB, 960x652, 240:163, IMG_1238.JPG)

b1451b  No.3361279


looks fun, im going to paint the old lady purple tonight. always wanted a purple chick.

81daa8  No.3361280

File: 5d75047d9c75568⋯.jpg (791.22 KB, 792x1188, 2:3, IMG_1831.JPG)

File: 0bb54d22831d053⋯.jpg (93.7 KB, 755x1059, 755:1059, IMG_1833.JPG)

File: b9966091f500af2⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 300x300, 1:1, IMG_1854.JPG)

2b0607  No.3361281

File: 8983678a9c7f17e⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 497x349, 497:349, front door.jpg)

File: 1c822c4627fb0f7⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 480x300, 8:5, honest migration.jpg)

96adf4  No.3361282


ummagumma was missing until anon added it.

I'll take Relics and The Wall myself.

920493  No.3361283

I wonder if Ebot has ever read the Dead Sea Scrolls…

81daa8  No.3361284

File: a59a0c00150949e⋯.jpg (92.29 KB, 680x510, 4:3, IMG_1019.JPG)

34b20f  No.3361285


awwww you've gone full retard..

never go full retard.. retard

81daa8  No.3361286

File: edb91ce8556e8a1⋯.jpg (110.33 KB, 724x960, 181:240, IMG_1322.JPG)

05df17  No.3361287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kek, you asked for it

561461  No.3361288

File: b68612085deb429⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3311x2339, 3311:2339, Logical_Fallacies.jpg)


Don't forget to check in with the Logical Fallacies chart

From time to time

To make sure nobody is pulling your leg

No! I did NOT say fellatio.


b1451b  No.3361289


kek, i remember that song.

f6ea22  No.3361290


which one is ummagumma? the one between atom heart mother and dark side?

f4b6ca  No.3361291


Perhaps Google can embed something in the code to help us.

6c92f9  No.3361292


Damn when she comes home she will demand another baby from Donald…

05df17  No.3361293




i,m sure your wife will be thrilled, that you want to be a purple people eater, kek

5668b1  No.3361294

File: a0787aaff3fae82⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 3744x2066, 1872:1033, Q MOLLYM J.jpg)

File: 35d8d88b8ec0c08⋯.jpg (68.03 KB, 449x498, 449:498, NEVER GO INFOTER.jpg)

50c8d2  No.3361295

War with China is necessarily?

561461  No.3361296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



And always ask yourself

Is this a blackhat?

Or are the blackhats just blackmailing them.

For instance

New Zealand is not such a bad place

Check this school in a yurt

5668b1  No.3361297


I am sure it will be fixed once Q team regulates.

They should have seen the signs and backed off but noooooo!

96adf4  No.3361298


I like mine wrapped in something soft and lacy……like a wrapped present.

d8ef68  No.3361299


don't think so

05df17  No.3361300

File: f65af80eedf61ab⋯.jpg (23.59 KB, 400x248, 50:31, 35ec587ba72733f4b982386d07….jpg)

920493  No.3361301


Hi anon.

So in the late 80's / early 90's. There was this thing called Archie.

It's where these modern versions come from.

You can actually write your own crawling / searching functions if you target your data sources more precisely than google.

The future of search / IT / social media / etc. Is open source everything.


5668b1  No.3361302


bored at work buddy? :D

a693aa  No.3361303

File: 9af59af8854f74a⋯.jpeg (141.8 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, bb-5bb762e09e6c0.jpeg)

File: 97ca0612a9827fc⋯.jpeg (138.34 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, bb-5bb762efea448.jpeg)

561461  No.3361304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Home-schooling and ‘unschooling’ on the rise - The Feed

It’s not just fundamentalist Christians and hippies anymore… Meet some of the growing number of Aussie families home-schooling and ‘unschooling’ their kids.

So Australia may have some good things in it too.

b1451b  No.3361305


oh me too, i like it all but paint does sound fun.

39eaf2  No.3361306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

To the anon who posted the Red_October_Virus video first, fucking damn good work. I should have remembered this. Archive this vid.

149962  No.3361307


Completely concur

81daa8  No.3361308

File: 8172df2c2b50053⋯.jpg (48.15 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_1053.JPG)

goodnight homos

948721  No.3361309

File: a427350d85d86e3⋯.png (1.9 MB, 981x1199, 9:11, ClipboardImage.png)


Where does reality end and satire begin?

81daa8  No.3361310

File: ec72d6c6c9631d6⋯.jpg (96.58 KB, 1866x2015, 1866:2015, IMG_1168.JPG)

9ef3b8  No.3361311


sleep well

96adf4  No.3361312


No, it's missing. l to r Atom Heart, Relics, Dark Side, Wish You were Here, The Wall, Animals.

81daa8  No.3361313

File: ac1380cfa66aa0f⋯.jpg (40.37 KB, 718x695, 718:695, IMG_1302.JPG)

8af636  No.3361314


Yes, you are right. I need to include the fact that real scientists and scholars (as opposed to warm bodies) will find a new market for their textbooks and materials when there is a free market. When excellent teachers and systems abide, the current textbooks and materials will quickly go straight to the dumpster.

39eaf2  No.3361315


Forgot to add time stamp:

Red_October starts around 15 min mark.


149962  No.3361316

Best part about wearing a Trump hat…

You're left alone.

Even in New Orleans.

81daa8  No.3361317

File: 376120a2655a74b⋯.jpg (115.09 KB, 960x639, 320:213, IMG_1214.JPG)

9ef3b8  No.3361318

File: 5879236248d93a8⋯.png (51 KB, 255x242, 255:242, doit.png)

f6ea22  No.3361319


thought so

e78419  No.3361320

File: b71d312e839d436⋯.png (588.05 KB, 553x741, 553:741, ClipboardImage.png)

920493  No.3361321

Post your code.

I'll share mods if you do.

a39b40  No.3361322


here in Cali…your car gets keyed.

d937ff  No.3361323

File: d33fd1f11e3e1b3⋯.png (251.34 KB, 824x809, 824:809, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

I thought we decided it was Waters?? I must have missed this.

b1451b  No.3361324



e677d2  No.3361325


I thought it was Sheila Jackson

55c13c  No.3361326

File: d90800b3c6b47cc⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 500x363, 500:363, McAfee.jpg)

File: 9062d6a9f37004b⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1794x5276, 897:2638, Cybersecurity_Expert_John_….png)

Cybersecurity Expert John McAfee Issues Warning About Those Cell Phone "Presidential Alerts"


05df17  No.3361327


that would be awesome if Barron could have a younger sibling.It would be the first time a baby is born in the WH since 1893.

But something tells me, they are done with that, as nice as it would be, kek

she is 48 too, and i do not think POTUS will have time to be a father to another child, when he already has so much on his plate. I'm sure he wishes he could spend more time with his children and grandchildren.

2b0607  No.3361328

File: 8e6932ec0f5006e⋯.jpeg (12.31 KB, 230x255, 46:51, Stealing that meme..jpeg)


Nice. Thanks.

5668b1  No.3361329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

how about a rock video devoted to Qanon Patriots… unlike you homos? kek




b1451b  No.3361330


I WOULD LOVE TO SEE SOMEONE WALK UP AND SAY ANYTHING to me. where im from that shit dont fly.

4b1529  No.3361331


Yeah, remember jackson-lee as well, unless it was one of those staffers they pass around like a wet rag

eb5c55  No.3361332

File: 26c1072feb0a7bb⋯.jpg (341.28 KB, 992x981, 992:981, wegowiththenight.jpg)

149962  No.3361333


I hated Calli even when I was doing burning man stuff.

Too packed, too smug.

Latinos are chill AF… It was the locals…

The affluenza…

05da00  No.3361334

File: 20ee25a15e4949b⋯.png (229.11 KB, 712x524, 178:131, cnnbullshit.png)

d937ff  No.3361335

File: eee504fc4fd8f63⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Great job @FLOTUS - BeBest….mp4)

a39b40  No.3361336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How does China view "We the People"?

I should scare you.

Here is the commercial that was pulled almost instantly from the airwaves after it first hit. I saw it live then. My jaw dropped at its brazenness at the time. Now I have perfect 20/20 hindsight.

5668b1  No.3361337

File: 804fdf12e5b2a71⋯.jpg (119.94 KB, 700x604, 175:151, 1191.jpg)

File: aa2ad95823c5409⋯.jpg (133.33 KB, 1026x619, 1026:619, 1181.jpg)

File: e644111d7b5b16b⋯.jpg (5.02 KB, 345x146, 345:146, gang eye1.jpg)

File: 1b2cb314676e1a0⋯.jpg (473.78 KB, 1266x797, 1266:797, 111222.jpg)

f6ea22  No.3361338


bruce schneier thinks he's full of shit


470edb  No.3361339

How Deep Is The Swamp

Part 1

There are two facets, two recent researched stories, that paint a very disturbing scenario.

The first facet is a reality that Senate Security Officer James Wolfe was given, and leaked, a copy of the Carter Page FISA application on March 17th, 2017. This is important because it leads to context within the larger issue.

It is virtually guaranteed that James Wolfe received and leaked the FISA Application [SEE HERE]; however, not only was he not charged with the leak, not a single media outlet has taken the overwhelming evidence, reported on the leak – or questioned the DOJ or FBI about why Wolfe was only charged with lying to investigators in December last year.

Why? Why is that massive DC corruption story completely overlooked? What does that say about the fourth estate?

It would be entirely impossible for that story to be hidden if the DOJ, FBI, political system (within the Senate Intelligence Committee), and fourth estate were functioning correctly. Something is severely broken, and there’s no-one doing a darned thing about it.

♦ Accepting that dysfunction leads us into the more recent issue:

9f783f  No.3361340


Fake and gay

14cf71  No.3361341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feel the BOM

920493  No.3361342


Mac has been full of shit since the early 90's. He was a full paranoid delusional maniac since VCL was released.

Those who have access know what I'm saying.

470edb  No.3361343


The details and circumstances surrounding the plot to smear Judge Brett Kavanaugh, through the use of Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford, by a group of politicians, political operatives and former DOJ/FBI officials.


However, don’t get caught up in the weeds. For now just look at the bigger picture.

Think about the known names and positions for a moment.

•Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford (academic psychologist and life-long best friend of a former career FBI agent); •Ms. Monica Lee McLean (former 24-year career DOJ/FBI insider); •Mr. Michael Bromwich (former DOJ inspector general and career DOJ/FBI official); •Mr. David Laufman (former CIA, and DOJ-NSD Asst. U.S. Attorney General); •Ms. Debra Katz (political operative and legal counsel with deep DNC attachments); •Senator Dianne Feinstein (ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee); and the myriad of media allies (Mayer, Farrow) and political operatives who each played a role in the scheme.

Again, skip the weeds. Just look at the big picture.

The smear campaign against Judge Brett Kavanaugh didn’t just involve a small team of connected insiders; their enterprise carried across multiple institutions, the legislative branch, political operations and the media. This SCOTUS smear campaign was a major effort consisting of multiple organizations (inside and outside of government) and multiple people, and it took considerable planning and coordination to execute.

Now, apply your own intellectual honesty here….

Do you really think that all of those elements described above would even consider going after a supreme court nominee with a baseless lie if they thought they would get caught?

Think about it.

What level of risk would have to exist in order to begin constructing such a fraudulent scheme? Who/What would be the “risk elements” under consideration?

To begin constructing this effort the architects would need confidence that all elements normally functioning within oversight, which under normal circumstances could catch them in the system process, were under control.

That level of confidence is beyond normal hubris.

The people working this scheme would need very strong confidence in pre-existing institutional control within the system of the DOJ, the FBI, the Senate Judiciary and the media apparatus – writ large.

If they thought the current Department of Justice or current Federal Bureau of Investigation was not under their control, or not able to be influenced by their control, they would never begin.

If they thought the current DOJ or current FBI were functioning, they would never even begin to construct such a scheme. It just wouldn’t happen; because they wouldn’t think they could: (A) pull it off; and (B) avoid accountability if caught.

In addition, they would have to believe the politicians within the Judiciary Committee and their political allies in total could operate to assist without scrutiny or questioning. Also, they would need to have confidence the Fourth Estate (media) was entirely on their side and no opposition would exist to present a risk from investigative exposure.

All of those elements would be needed in forethought in order to begin constructing the extensive plot against Judge Kavanaugh. If they didn’t have confidence in the status of those institutions they would never begin.

If we accept the premise: if they thought they would/could get caught they would never begin, then we must accept a more disconcerting reality.

They began because they had no risk of getting caught. The current institutions are corrupt.

Adding what we know about the James Wolfe outcome to the current Kavanaugh plot, and what stands in front of us is an entirely corrupt set of institutions providing no law, no order, and absolutely no oversight. Abject FUBAR.

0432cd  No.3361344


I like them

561461  No.3361345


Writing a web crawler is so easy that a kid could do it with the instructions you can find nowadays.


Make sure to learn how to decode and apply the rules from robots.txt


Modern web servers are filled with rubbish you do NOT want, like a 100 copies of the same stuff with minor variations because of caching, or stuff that claims to be code but which isn't and just produces useleless web pages.

There can even be traps that go around in circles until your hard drive is full.

When robots.txt says, skip this stuff, best to follow their advice.

And if you want to make a search engine

Get SOLR from the Apache Foundation.

If it's good enough for the NSA it will do the job for you. And as you learn how to wield its power you will gain a clearer understanding of why Q is always smirking when he says "We have it all".

470edb  No.3361346


Again, big picture. This means the current DOJ, current FBI, current Senate-side of the legislative branch, and current media apparatus are entirely dysfunctional.

All of these corrupt people, including all those connected to the DOJ/FBI plot against the Trump administration, must have some confidence there is no operational function larger than the corrupt elements they control within it.

The Kavanaugh plan was not hatched in 2016, or even in 2017. This plot was executed in the past few weeks.

This means all of those corrupt elements are *CURRENTLY* in place. Without those elements currently in place, Ford, McLean, Bromwich, Laufman, Katz, Feinstein, the media, Lawfare and all those involved, would never have attempted their ploy.

Now, as stated in the introduction – prove me wrong. Please… Because the mid-term election is only one month away.

If those former DOJ and FBI insiders thought Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Chris Wray, David Bowditch, or any official inside the current DOJ and FBI, was a risk to them – they would never have begun such a transparent scheme.

So where does that leave us?


983c73  No.3361347


he worked for all of them at different points i think.

not sure about waters though

39eaf2  No.3361348

Red October in the news.


34b20f  No.3361349


Can recommend NZ as a chance to get away..

Although we are still a part of 5 eyes..

Once upon a time we protested till a US nuclear warship was not allowed to dock at our ports.

Those days are gone..

The world, including us, needs a deep state cleaning just like the USA….

I pray for that day…

Fight hard Anons.. The intellectual hive mine is greatest here in the chans…

It's a powerful force..

Of intelligence and good…

Listen to Q

05df17  No.3361350


so the left has lowered itself to the lowest form of emotional manipulation? kek

Do this or i will kill myself,

Why not just move to Venezuela, a socialists paradise. kek

c28beb  No.3361351

00e953  No.3361352

File: 3aaee5b4dae488d⋯.jpg (81.42 KB, 498x590, 249:295, TERM_3720x380-293476669283….jpg)

04f15f  No.3361353


>>3361037 9 billion data points exposed online with Apollo (company name)

>>3361030, >>3361031, >>3361059 Judy Chu documentary; threat to National Security

>>3361107 Britain signs defense cooperation agreement with Germany

>>3361166, >>3361188, >>3361272 Pence: Goog should drop dragonfly app and other Dragonfly news

Midbread notables

Let me know if I missed something.

e78419  No.3361354


These are great

9f783f  No.3361355

File: 3395cbfbb8be7f7⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 89822857-3C7A-4548-8C38-8D….png)

d937ff  No.3361356

File: b740d0a7976fe32⋯.jpg (181.08 KB, 1026x1214, 513:607, d34a2c58b8702983e48cb73b6a….jpg)




Fuggin KEK!! I guess at the end of the day it's really all the same. Looks like he might get the book thrown at him. GOOD!!

eb5c55  No.3361357


im a big fan of latinos myself too honestly.

tacos are the shit.

i don't know how yall handle cities man. Honolulu filled me full of bloodlust. granted that's even shittier than sunset boulevard. shit makes my skin crawl. not even the crime and the deucebags and the traffic and just general shitshow, but man an endless sea of buildings is just as claustrophobic to me as a cage. and theres no fresh air. like really. blechk.

c28beb  No.3361358


I throught you were one of them.

5668b1  No.3361359

File: 8951c47451b08b4⋯.jpg (167.63 KB, 1041x984, 347:328, 12222333.jpg)

File: 222b9f994dcd431⋯.jpg (193.08 KB, 1197x592, 1197:592, pepe soon.jpg)

File: 2b52120e8c0b940⋯.jpg (76.16 KB, 673x654, 673:654, spice.jpg)


i need those things called lyrics!!! :D

7ceee4  No.3361360


bro… what the fuck are you talking about..?

9ef3b8  No.3361361

File: 9997763bce7262c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, etphonehome.png)

920493  No.3361362


NSA is extremely brilliant. And sometimes extremely wasteful.

You personally can target data sources without crawling by link jumps. I hear you on data traps, but I don't mean random trawling. I mean site targeted data pulling.

They have it all though. We paid for their (I hesitate to say hard drives cuz that's not even what they use).

561461  No.3361363

File: 4c36e67948d9741⋯.png (50.7 KB, 291x173, 291:173, ClipboardImage.png)



Don't hate Dennett

Never heard of him

Seems he has nothing useful to learn


No good reason to hate Dennett

If you want to play Don Quixote

Go right ahead,

Knock yourself out!

Here, try this mallet

caaada  No.3361364


Welp. Clearly, they were WRONG. That's where it leaves us. These people are really stupid.

15b9aa  No.3361365


Well it got no steenking title and I'm high so you coulda told me it was on purpose and I'd go with it.


Thanks for your service this early 'morn, Baker.

983c73  No.3361366


quads of troof e

05df17  No.3361367

File: ca29e9b01070f75⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 470x692, 235:346, 4701356-6231141-image-m-14….jpg)

File: 67c1473876dd3a2⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 470x692, 235:346, 4701358-6231141-image-a-14….jpg)

File: 53ca57895e4fd50⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1540x1022, 110:73, 53ca57895e4fd507aa6b9aa424….png)

File: bb059c13da29323⋯.png (892.3 KB, 954x695, 954:695, bb059c13da29323c535ce20b88….png)


is it wrong, to want a be best teddy bear, kek

8a6764  No.3361368


this is very interesting and could be notable.

Notable: SCOTUS smear reveals Deep State thinking

04f15f  No.3361369


"Baker Forgot the Title Edition" would also work.

920493  No.3361370

There is a modern warfare drive to solve the problem of quantum cryptography…. How do we make an exponential jump in analytical capability?

The same is true of data storage and all other problems of technology that are only indirectly related to warfare but absolutely related to power and control.

74db11  No.3361371


I'll take Wish You Were Here please…

eb5c55  No.3361372


what about the original emperors tomb supposedly unopened because its got artsy lakes of mercury just chilling? the fuck that about?

a693aa  No.3361373

File: de8896b30afdc7e⋯.jpg (99.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Canuck_Q_research.jpg)

File: 837b6c86bfccb07⋯.png (185.42 KB, 1636x1248, 409:312, irregular.PNG)

The Trudeau government has been caught manipulating a federal website to try and deceive Canadians. More Soros sponsored open borders fuckery.

MANIPULATION: Trudeau Government Switched ‘Illegal Border Crossing’ To ‘Irregular’ On Federal Website

Once again, the Trudeau government bends over for those who violate Canada’s laws.

As the ongoing illegal border crossing crisis ramped up, the Ford government in Ontario accurately referred to the crossings as ‘illegal.’

It was accurate, because that is exactly what the crossings are.

The crossings are illegal, and no amount of government spin can change that simple and fundamental truth.

But that’s still not stopping the government from trying to spin it.

According to a recent report, the federal government was caught switching “illegal” to “irregular” multiple times on the federal immigration website – at the exact time the fight with the Ford government was escalating:

“The change in July came 18 months after the web page, titled “Claiming asylum in Canada – what happens?,” was first published — and just one day after federal Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen suggested the provincial Progressive Conservatives were mistaken in the way they were describing the status of people entering Canada at non-official entry points.

Throughout the web page, which is intended to provide information on Canada’s asylum laws, the words “illegal” and “illegally” were switched to “irregular” or “irregularly” in six separate instances on July 10, 2018.”

Now, the website says “The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) play an instrumental role in protecting Canada’s border, deterring and intercepting irregular entry to Canada and keeping Canadians safe. CBSA, the RCMP and its domestic and international partners work together to intercept individuals who enter Canada irregularly.”

Unfortunately, while the initial CBC report shares important info, they don’t take the next step and reach the obvious conclusion: The Trudeau government has been caught manipulating a federal website to try and deceive Canadians.

The Ford government was right, and the Trudeau government was wrong. But instead of admit it, the Trudeau Liberals changed the wording on a website to obscure the reality of what’s going on.

It’s a flat-out lie.

Canadians know the truth: Illegal border crossings are illegal, and if the Trudeau Liberals are unwilling to enforce our laws, they need to be replaced with a government that does.




b1451b  No.3361374

breads slow enough, how do i select all mine or someone else's posts? been here since pol but never asked. ive looked but dont see anything.

088a8a  No.3361375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you both reminded me of this song lol

561461  No.3361376


I think they may have migrated from those RAM card thingies to SSDs by now.

And of course, they max out the RAM on every blade because that is the secret

The fastest searches happen 100% in RAM

When even SSDs are too slow.

I think they have some secret sauce related to building partial indices so that one dataset will be searched by separate servers looking at separate parts of the data. One server for names, one for birthdates, one for SSNs etc. Normally I just lump everything into one index

Because nobody outside NSA has YUGE datasets.

b1451b  No.3361377


i seen something about it but never dug into it.

e78419  No.3361378

File: 3e0ccd88b4b2c7a⋯.png (74.62 KB, 485x500, 97:100, ClipboardImage.png)



Q sure wasn't joking:


These people are EVIL, SICK, & STUPID.

You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

eb5c55  No.3361379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

920493  No.3361380

Understand the modern war paradigm:

All sides MUST try to psychologically manipulate as much as possible.

If Q is "good". If cabal is "evil".

These are all just players.

Do you know what the glass bead game is?

05df17  No.3361381




how about

Melania charms Africa edition

56d5bd  No.3361383


kek af

d937ff  No.3361384

File: 7210e5d83f81859⋯.png (221.05 KB, 474x281, 474:281, Screen Shot 2018-06-22 at ….png)


Not at all. I actually sleep with a teddy bear. KeK!! And I want to make teddy bears for sick kids. Always have. It's one of the first projects I want to start when we get the Academy open.

50c8d2  No.3361385

You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.



920493  No.3361386


I'm saying quantum storage. Low-level atomic structures can store more than you can possibly imagine.

d65bad  No.3361387


I'm going to dedicate my life to finding you.

I'm enlisting like-minded folk to do the same.

We're going to find you. We're going to fillet you. Your body will be cremated and your family will be notified (if your inform them we're coming)

You will spend your days looking over your shoulder.

We are coming for your soul.

And we always COLLECT.

5668b1  No.3361388

File: d2044430bcd5987⋯.png (31.8 KB, 896x994, 64:71, PEPE BABY 2.png)

File: 0874c1f905ab911⋯.png (10.57 KB, 208x255, 208:255, 039764a1902750622e69a50a03….png)

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)

File: b04f250fe81b533⋯.png (14.25 KB, 255x191, 255:191, fb61df6674ad981b2aa581efc1….png)



PLEASE Separate 3361272 by itself

China's Dragonfly Eye Surveillance Network

would be an excellent title.

It is slightly related yet is basically the existing system that would be integrated into Dragonfly/google.

96adf4  No.3361389


You gotta be careful not to bite off more than you can handle with gingers man! Leave yourself an out!

983c73  No.3361390

Congratulations America!

last chance non-force…wow.

now jJustice. for all of them.

7ab993  No.3361391

Well that was definately worth 43 minutes of my time. My God. I'm glad to hear POTUS, VPOTUS and others are at the forefront of this. We're moving back into world superpower thankfully, but what a fucking embarrassment we've let these Satanic assholes run us to near ruin by Chinas hand on the world stage.

5668b1  No.3361392


she's like a curry! :D

those guys are hilarious…

8a6764  No.3361393


I SECOND this notable. We may not have the solution, but we need better vetting if Obama wasn't a big enough poster child for that?

299ba1  No.3361394


Melania must love being in other countries where she is treated with respect and love.

She probably won't want to come back to this leftist shit show.

9ef3b8  No.3361395

File: 791ddf51415d80e⋯.png (268.97 KB, 480x480, 1:1, alianated.png)

c28beb  No.3361396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is a continual emergence of fleets that are moving throughout your star system and they shall be in preparation for upcoming solar shifts that are being delivered through the solar winds entering your star system. Earth will become a subject of great transformation as its own electromagnetic fields is receiving these cosmic changes funneling through the interior of the planet. The interior of the Earth is increasing with physical heat. This is due to the bio-magnetic changes that are in progress now and may also lead to further Earth changes resulting into greater intense weather conditions. However, this activity will not lead to a severity of conditions on large levels. This transformation that is taking place will increase the amount of aurora activity as the ‘heart’ of your planet is expanding and will initiate changes as the Earth moves through cosmic turbulence. It is reaching a higher shift in dimensional transit as you move toward your upcoming solstice within December. Fleets of interstellar spacecraft are carefully monitoring the conditions of your world throughout the cosmic transition as the planetary integration on a transdimensional level is now reaching new heights that have not been reached before.

Upon your world, there are involving plans to disclose key operations that are now ready to become dismantled. These represent former safeguards with fiat monetary systems, old political agendas, as well as former plans relating to further dismantling that may have involved martial law/police state operations specifically across the United States, your United Kingdom, and areas within the European Union. These plans will not reach culmination as they are now an outdated population control agenda. Many of your current world leaders in power are cooperating with the reintegration and restoration of a collective effort to expose plans and agendas that led to power initiations to favor the elitists that no longer run your world. Military, Political, Financial banking and government spending that was intended to create infrastructure to umbrella a veil of control upon the world is now in the process of being dismantled by government agencies across the planet.

Further dismantling of key players within the Cabal are being rooted out and exposed. This will lead to a greater effect especially within the United States as the attempt to bring about a new appointed judge will lead to further mass arrests and trials/tribulations of those that have attempted to keep this individual from reaching this level of authority. When this one reaches that level, this will lead to a swift blow to the elitists of the old regime and many will witness these key players popularly known on your planet expedited and facing tribunals removing the remnants of an old system that will be laid to rest. This will further the opportunities of continued disclosures on internal workings behind the scenes that led to dominant takeover, truth embargos and seized financial assets from such controllers to be exposed and money returned into new hands as this will lead to new infrastructures that will revise all essential developments to improve environmental improvement, universal basic income, and further environmentally sound technologies that will enable global clean up to become possible.

The current time period will increase the emotional boundaries of your planet. Earth is under a span of great revealing as all social frameworks are being brought out into the open and unfolded to reveal great truths hidden from your people for a great amount of time. Religions, finances, government, social behavior.

Everything is being scrutinized and challenged at this time so that the microscope of observation evaluates current systems and ways of life as a means to improve it. As you move into the next decade, a very different way of life will become possible for humanity. The era of corruption and hidden secrets is coming to an end. This will also reciprocate through the minds and hearts of every man, woman and child on the planet as they will look into themselves where corruption and hidden secrets have been revealed, and it too shall be exposed.

You are in the process of awakening deeper levels within, and for you to further your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development, this time period will bring about great inner scrutiny. People around you will be exposed. Their true colours out in the open. The intentions clear. This will also transpire with the actions of your past that will also lead to a personal disclosure. As the next year will be heavy with disclosure, so shall your own minds and hearts as the time to reconcile differences and hardships in the past will now become a theme for many of you. No more clandestine acts will remain, for it is time for the light of truth to shine within everyone’s hearts.

920493  No.3361397


An ordinary person spends his life avoiding tense situations. A repo man spends his life getting into tense situations.

6e9d3f  No.3361398


"Official" story sounds like they are building completely new cities all at once, with plans to shift populations from nearby cities into the newly developed region…

From an engineering perspective, it does have benefits.. Think of how annoying it is to fix infrastructure while hoards of people go about their daily lives.. The work takes longer, becomes more dangerous, and the result is typically new sections adapted to fit an old system…

Having said all that.., I could see how this set-up could be used to force citizens to relocate into high-tech, surveillance-state residences… It's like the Big-Brother-Loving, FEMA Camp that never-ends…

04f15f  No.3361399


>>3361353 See above; already there

5668b1  No.3361400


does anyone have an old "illegal" screenshot?

does the wayback machine still exist?


39eaf2  No.3361401

File: 0081808b3cca215⋯.jpg (160.82 KB, 1334x667, 2:1, 50f57f6becad04273c000011-1….jpg)

File: da21982982510b5⋯.png (140.13 KB, 929x744, 929:744, hide-and-seek-iot-botnet-l….png)

On the Red_Dawn Virus thought, the map is close to that of the original virus and the new ADB IoT Botnet that got 90K devices in only days>>>3361385


b1451b  No.3361402


years ago i seen a documentary of our military in Iraq with all their shit braking down, couldn't get a 2 dollar part. f chopper would just be sitting there for months over a 2 fucking dollar part our military couldn't get. putting our boys in f harms way pissed me off royally.

9ef3b8  No.3361403

File: 3aa4e42907e7488⋯.png (685.64 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, fairytale.png)

34b20f  No.3361404

ebottomsex got exposed…

fake as fuck..

your scripts suck..

basic as fuck…

lame as

292099  No.3361405

File: 5f98f17a838dc30⋯.jpg (138.43 KB, 820x1024, 205:256, 1538797082993m.jpg)

f4b6ca  No.3361406

File: 785d013ef030c46⋯.png (395.62 KB, 1024x731, 1024:731, bec65fbfc91df63436ff1c6bec….png)


TY Baker

088a8a  No.3361407


i agree these sick fucks needed the USofA demoralized in order to achieve their plan

because this country has a righteous foundation

and they are not fans of such things

only being self-righteous

self-absorbed feeding their self-importance

but thats nat our nature as human beings, we all know this

for a long time we allowed the evil to creep in

but those days are now behind us

try as they may, they will always fail, the shift already occured

caaada  No.3361408


Triggered? Sounds that way. That's what they want. Don't feed the trolls, man.

a770d7  No.3361409

File: 45a7a2834bcfc43⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 720x310, 72:31, the block.JPG)

If any Aussie anons are in Melbourne tomorrow it might be a good opportunity to spread Q

The Block is having their opening day Sunday between 10am and 2pm

Usually heaps of crowds and they have streets blocked off.

Cameras a plenty to be able to flash #QAnon signs

34 Fitzroy St, St Kilda - take public transport

5241f1  No.3361410

File: f00c937271cad65⋯.png (2.47 MB, 816x1056, 17:22, RAND_RR1105_page_0001.png)

File: c9ed45d17f387c7⋯.png (2.47 MB, 816x1056, 17:22, RAND_RR1105_page_0016.png)

File: befca1324fce4b0⋯.png (2.47 MB, 816x1056, 17:22, RAND_RR1105_page_0029.png)

File: b0247dfa3e93d54⋯.png (2.47 MB, 816x1056, 17:22, RAND_RR1105_page_0045.png)

NTTR info for planefags.

[Clownz] for days…open season.


5241f1  No.3361411

File: 337437fdbfa837e⋯.pdf (7.44 MB, RAND_RR1105.pdf)

561461  No.3361412

File: 1e591d47db047fa⋯.png (3.38 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87f782fa29f82f7⋯.png (784.85 KB, 720x479, 720:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae31c135f965eb0⋯.png (324.71 KB, 460x337, 460:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55db7c82e3cfd1b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)


It was before your time sonny boy…

Back then you just squirted or dripped or dribbled your sperm

Any which way

And they would encounter random organisms

And get stuck to them

Or eaten by them

Or breed with them if it was an egg

Because everything was all mixed up

In one primordial soup

It took a long time for these organisms

To band together in wierd colonies

And learn how to help each other

So parts of you used to be worms

Somebody out there evolved eyeballs

And whatever organism pulled that in and didn't eat it,

Gained and advantage over the rest.

We'd all still be in that soup if it wasn't for the occasional asteroid

That left us shaken, but not stirred.

f2a5f8  No.3361413


Grow up

a39b40  No.3361414

File: cabf2cd6c61d9ba⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1156x1360, 17:20, 1Vm1F6O.png)


Yes…yes…and, yes.


It leaves us where we have always been, in a broken nation that is beyond fixing.

It must be razed to the ground and rebuilt from the ground up. Now, that bothers me. Did you hear Pence's speech yesterday? He said "A New Government." That's good right? Well, except for one slight hitch. The DS cabal Illuminists, have for decades marked the US as the 'Phoenix". The bird who must die, then be reborn from it's ashes….like what we are doing now.

So…what the hell…what choice do we have? None. Until I see some really rotten fruit fall off this tree, I'm sitting in the branches.

Look at the publication date on the Phoenix mag, then on the bird itself…

ef2b5b  No.3361415

File: 62a1aca9c3e5713⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 500x500, 1:1, birth certificate.jpg)

b1451b  No.3361416


sounds about right. ever remodel a home while u live in it?> not fun

561461  No.3361417


You'll have to learn Russian first

Because ebot is from Ukraine.

920493  No.3361418

I've noticed over… a long time. Poetic "Haiku" anons are almost always camouflage patriots.

Watch the subtlety of the misdirection. This is truly ground zero in psy-op training. Most don't know.

281d3d  No.3361419


Not only were they wrong in their assumptions, they just left a brightly lit glowing trail for people like Q to follow and then identify every dirty mother humper even remotely involved in the scheme.

These people truly are stupid, this isn't your fathers internet anymore and they seem to forget over and over again even though they have been told point blank by Q that the NSA is under patriot control now and THEY HAVE EVERYTHING.

920493  No.3361420


Camouflage patriot: Those who espouse toward patriotism while trying to subvert.

34b20f  No.3361421


Nearly all factors in computing are increasing exponential since the 80s..

Quantum computing provides nothing new..

There's always a technology in the future that seems fearful.. That cannot be changed…

c83408  No.3361422


Do or To

eb5c55  No.3361423

File: c2584e3682658f8⋯.jpg (21.75 KB, 450x306, 25:17, 397733.jpg)

File: 9250cfa5436995d⋯.jpg (121.03 KB, 660x880, 3:4, aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW….jpg)

File: e9da48bcc7e094f⋯.jpg (132.71 KB, 660x880, 3:4, aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW….jpg)


The Secret Tomb of China's 1st Emperor: Will We Ever See Inside?

Buried deep under a hill in central China, surrounded by an underground moat of poisonous mercury, lies an entombed emperor who's been undisturbed for more than two millennia.

The tomb holds the secrets of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, who died on Sept. 10, 210 B.C., after conquering six warring states to create the first unified nation of China.

The answers to a number of historical mysteries may lie buried inside that tomb, but whether modern people will ever see inside this mausoleum depends not just on the Chinese government, but on science.

"The big hill, where the emperor is buried — nobody's been in there," said archaeologist Kristin Romey, curatorial consultant for the Terracotta Warrior exhibition at New York City’s Discovery Times Square.

"Partly it's out of respect for the elders, but they also realize that nobody in the world right now has the technology to properly go in and excavate it."

The Terracotta Warrior exhibition, featuring artifacts from the Qin dynasty and nine life-size statues from the extended burial complex built for Qin Shi Huang, is on display through Aug. 26.

The warring states

Qin Shi Huang (pronounced "chin shuh hwang") was born in 259 B.C., first son to the king of Qin, one of six independent kingdoms inside modern China. These kingdoms had been warring for more than 200 years, but through a combination of military strength, strategy and natural disasters, Qin Shi Huang conquered them all, proclaiming himself not just a king, but also an emperor — the first of China.

Scholars still debate the details of how this occurred, and what unique tactics allowed the Qin emperor to achieve what no one had managed before.

When he died, Qin Shi Huang was buried in the most opulent tomb complex ever constructed in China, a sprawling, city-size collection of underground caverns containing everything the emperor would need for the afterlife. The ancient Chinese, along with many cultures including ancient Egyptians, believed that items and even people buried with a person could be taken with him to the afterlife.

But instead of burying his armies, concubines, administrators and servants with him, the Qin emperor came up with an alternative: clay reproductions.

299ba1  No.3361424

File: 145fd22de4d825c⋯.png (575.32 KB, 987x727, 987:727, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

d937ff  No.3361425



fae12c  No.3361426


In their funky luciferian occult ideology, the thing the satanists are most afraid of in terms of post-mortem fate is that they will be dismembered and their body parts will be separately buried or burnt with no hope of getting all the parts back together again.

4eef2a  No.3361427

File: a090c9ef979e133⋯.jpg (123.17 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Mark_8-36.jpg)

50c8d2  No.3361428

Well, this can make CHINA angry.

Probability of civil war in China is high if economy falls.

In September, three sources familiar with the Trump administration’s economic strategy toward China told me that the the White House has two main objectives in the trade war.

The first is to remove China from the center of the global supply chain. Imposing tariffs on Chinese products, some of which form parts in complicated items like automobiles, could prompt manufacturers to look elsewhere for those components.

That would seriously hurt China’s economy, as money would flow to other companies in other countries.

The second goal is to make multinational corporations wary about doing business in China. If large companies like South Korea’s Samsung or America’s Google decide it’s too expensive or too politically dangerous to operate in the country and choose to build plants elsewhere instead, that would also harm China’s economy.


4b1529  No.3361429


Yeah it's like neurolinguistic programming in a way. they will fail, too.

49166d  No.3361430


Fake. Skin too dark.

04f15f  No.3361431

Any Bakers around? Current baker is nodding off.

eb5c55  No.3361432

File: a207b694cecbda2⋯.jpg (55.91 KB, 660x495, 4:3, aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW….jpg)

File: ba8cb35e1a3bf9f⋯.jpg (215.77 KB, 1050x1400, 3:4, aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW….jpg)

File: 348374152046769⋯.jpg (60.63 KB, 660x495, 4:3, aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW….jpg)


Shocking discovery

In 1974, a group of farmers digging wells near Xi'an, China stumbled upon one of the most shocking archaeological discoveries of all time. The life-size terracotta solider they dug out of the ground turned out to be just one of an army of thousands, each utterly unique, with individual clothing, hair and facial features.

For almost four decades, archaeologists have been excavating the site. So far, they've uncovered about 2,000 clay soldiers, but experts estimate there are more than 8,000 in total.

"They're going to be digging there for centuries," Romey predicted.

Still, scientists have yet to touch the central tomb, which holds a palace containing the body of Qin Shi Huang.

"It's really smart what the Chinese government is doing," Romey told LiveScience. "When we went into [Egyptian King] Tut's tomb, think about all the information we lost just based on the excavation techniques of the 1930s. There's so much additional that we could have learned, but the techniques back then weren’t what we have now."

"Even though we may think we have great archaeological excavation techniques right now," she said, "who knows, a century down the road if we open this tomb, what they're going to say?"

To open the tomb?

The decision whether to explore the tomb anytime soon, or ever, is up to the government of China. That decision will likely be influenced by the pace of technological progress.

"In archaeological conservation, every year you have major new developments," Romey said. "When we began excavating [the soldiers] in the '70s, the minute they were exposed to air and sunlight, the pigment just flaked off. Now they’ve figured out a new technique where they can actually preserve the paint as they excavate."

Perhaps, if science advances enough, that excavation wouldn't cause serious damage to the burial site, and the tomb will finally be opened. [Album: The Seven Ancient Wonders of the World]

"I wouldn’t be surprised if you had some sort of robotic visual survey going in there at some point," Romey said.

And despite their desire to protect the treasures of antiquity, archaeologists are itching with curiosity to find out what's inside Qin Shi Huang's central tomb.

Rivers of mercury

Ancient writings say the emperor created an entire underground kingdom and palace, complete with a ceiling mimicking the night sky, set with pearls as stars. Pits full of terracotta concubines have never been discovered, though experts predict they exist somewhere in the complex.

And Qin Shi Huang's tomb is also thought to be encircled with rivers of liquid mercury, which the ancient Chinese believed could bestow immortality.

"It's kind of ironic," Romey said. "This is probably how he died, by ingesting mercury. He was taking all these mercury pills because he wanted to live forever and it killed him by the age of 39."

That moat of mercury also presents another reason why archaeologists are loath to explore the tomb just yet — doing so would likely be very dangerous, according to soil samples around the tomb, which indicate extremely high levels of mercury contamination.

In the end, scientists and historians must always weigh their desire to know more with the damage such inquiry would cause.

"Archaeology, ultimately, is a destructive science," Romey said. "You have to destroy stuff in order to learn about it."


920493  No.3361433


Is ebot from the fascist neo-nazi Obama backed side of Ukraine? Or the Russian liberation from the west side of Ukraine?

Curious minds want to know.

caaada  No.3361434


Good question.

Better question: Why do I always look like I'm going to throw up when I see that Clinton satanist?

983c73  No.3361435


anyone who sees her throws up and that sets her gag reflex off

9ef3b8  No.3361436

File: 47d293acb4c2a57⋯.png (186.78 KB, 350x573, 350:573, memememememe.png)

292099  No.3361437

File: de1eeb1bc045fe9⋯.png (191.04 KB, 666x567, 74:63, 3851a532b5b4867eb0ddfbadfe….png)


The director is Milo Rau


>"Rau has Jewish forebears"

What a surprise.

e78419  No.3361438


These are the people who have been raping us over the coals the last two and a half decades?

Geesh, we sucked.

Thanks POTUS for getting the ship back on course.

4db201  No.3361440


These people will allow that but blow a fit about sex dolls.

e78419  No.3361441

File: 2039ab25a1c5dd5⋯.jpg (57.95 KB, 625x416, 625:416, 2039ab25a1c5dd56f9e99a7856….jpg)

920493  No.3361442


It's not "like". It "is".

Please understand that it isn't a fail / no fail gateway. Programming is absolutely real. However, the end game is psy-op (offense and defense) is being a pure self programmer inspite of the neural code thrown at you.

We are ground zero for the experiment.

Fuckin HOOO-AHHH anons.

281d3d  No.3361443


The key to their ruin was the cucking of the MSM finally. They are no longer the gate keepers of information like they used to be.

4a4715  No.3361444


Fuck WalMart, I wouldn't put it past them to have sorosed the whole situation.

eb5c55  No.3361445

File: 7918e04b50e7978⋯.jpg (66.94 KB, 660x438, 110:73, aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW….jpg)


yall know if you irradiate mercury in a nuclear reactor for 24 hours it turns into solid gold? not in here, just think its interesting.

if your just running it for that its insanely expensive, but if youre already running it… free gold?

Qin Shi Huang (pronouncerd "chin shuh huang") remains a mythical figure in China, still laying in rest in the largest unopened tomb in history, said to contain rivers of mercury and a ceiling covered in precious stones.

Get along

When Qin Shi Huang ascended as ruler of the Qin tribe in 246 B.C., China had been at war for 200 years. Seven major states were battling each other for dominance in the land, which was then a patchwork of feudal villages with no central bureaucracy. After a series of victories, Qin absorbed its last rival in 221 B.C., unifying China under one leader.

As head of the new empire of China, Qin Shi Huang didn't hesitate to establish a new law of the land. The Emperor quickly abolished the old feudal system, standardized the Chinese writing and currency systems, built a vast network of roads and canals to link the country and divided China into states with one centralized government.

A noted egomaniac, Qin Shi Huang was also known for building large, extravagant structures. He was also paranoid of attack from insiders. Almost immediately after taking power, he began construction on a large wall that would link up bits and pieces of existing defensive walls throughout the country. This would become the forerunner to the Great Wall that's still in existence, most of which was completed under a later dynasty.

Tomb to rival the pyramids

Whether he had predicted his eventual greatness or just had a big ego from the start, the eccentric Qin Shi Huang set to work on his own massive mausoleum just shortly after taking power of the Qin tribe at the age of 13. It was ready just after his death 36 years later in 210 B.C.

The mausoleum complex covers approximately four square miles near the modern city of Xi'an. Its main burial chamber is as big as the Great Pyramids of Egypt, but has yet to be excavated because archaeologists do not yet have the means to properly protect what they expect to find inside.

According to a historian writing 100 years after the Emperor's death, Qin Shi Huang's burial chamber contains a vast map of the land he conquered, complete with rivers of mercury. The "sky" ceiling is encrusted with stars made of jewels. And, like something straight out of an Indiana Jones movie, the entrance to the tomb is booby-trapped with crossbows.

The historian's accounts of the tomb's grandeur may have been passed off as a tall tale had a family of peasants not stumbled upon one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the century in 1974. A battalion of 8,000 clay soldiers and horses collectively known as the terra-cotta army was found standing guard near the burial mound, each one life-size and uniquely carved. Thousands more like them may remain underground within the funerary complex, archaeologists think.

What's in a name?

Just three years after Qin Shi Huang's death in 210 B.C., the Qin dynasty was overthrown. The imperial system that he'd set in motion, however, would remain at work in China until 1912, when the last Emperor abdicated and China became a Republic.


088a8a  No.3361446

File: 39f544253359e0b⋯.jpg (45.59 KB, 800x533, 800:533, FUCK YOU JOHN5.jpg)


doesnt surprise me that they are friends

2400cf  No.3361447

Anons, is there any video example out there showing how Dr Ford normally acts? (e.g. when she's not putting on a show, perhaps while giving a lecture or whatever she does)

Could be interesting

eb5c55  No.3361448



chinaman probably been sticky everything in our mass produced sell out plastic junk from carcinogens to the one nut hair between the whole assembly line slaves.

fae12c  No.3361449

File: 6102097a24cffc6⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 361x700, 361:700, asian executions of christ….jpg)


it can be instructive to look at how the Chinese and their satellite states treated Christians a couple hundred years ago.

One of the execution methods proposed by the state was to tie the white Christian devil to a post with a fire and a barrel of water nearby. The king's executioners would put knives and machetes in the fire so the blades get real hot, then fastidiously shave off thin slices of flesh.

The goal was to get the torture to last 3 days, though few men survived that long. When they would faint from pain and blood loss, they would be doused with water to revive them.

Am I suggesting you return an eye for an eye? No. But anons need to know the Chinese mentality they are up against. You may look at this picture in disgust, but they look at it with a sense of pride.

4db201  No.3361450


As Styx says the dems are all "Salty Tornadoes" now kek

b24ae7  No.3361451

File: a189aa20da0e099⋯.jpg (520 KB, 981x1261, 981:1261, decod1.jpg)

File: f8d9a54d167ae2b⋯.jpg (496.37 KB, 983x1293, 983:1293, decod2.jpg)

File: a98d8b0f555697c⋯.jpg (371.71 KB, 971x845, 971:845, decod3.jpg)



810a10  No.3361452

File: 4996ac52caefda7⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1898x910, 73:35, Screenshot_2018-10-06 Okto….png)


they are in germany


c28beb  No.3361453


they always say its not what it seems and there are deeper meanings and interpretations associated with these acts that elevate whatever they are doing. But in fact they are simply transmitting subliminal messages to the audience that mold their thinking and behaviour. Hollywood is always like this, putting some philosophical literary interpretations to hide their true motives.

9091e4  No.3361454

We will flip TIMELINES be cautious Anons

561461  No.3361455


The Russian liberated side is too busy building a new nation, dealing with spies, and clearing out corruption. And they have no need to learn English either.

The CIA still has one whole floor of the Ukraine KGB headquarters in Kiev, and they are embedded in other cities too. They won't give up until the EU gives up.

But those Ukraine Nazia are STUPID.

They used AMerican infrastructure for everthing

They haver activists all over Canada and the USA gathering money, support, etc. So they are fully IDed by the NSA who know everything about what they are doing and what they did since the Orange revolution days.

Nazi Ukraine is FUCKED

Because they ripped off all the EU countries

So nobody will help them rebuild.

They will have to do it themselves.

Of course in reality, the people will get fed up with the NAZIs and hunt them down and kill them

And it will be perfectly legal, because there is no ICC and Ukraine is a sovereign, if lawless, state. So when the people get control, they will ask Russia to help, and Russia will help.

But they will make damn sure that the Nazis are ALL GONE

Because know they know who they are. Which families, who their partners abroad are. They mightr all manage to hid in Lithuania for a while, but guess what. Of the 3 Baltic countries, Lithuanians like foreigners the least. They would rather be the Nazis that shelter foreign Nazis. Bad news for these guys.

Try Libya, would be my advice to them.

3a41c6  No.3361456


A week or so ago an anon tried to dig up lectures and said they couldnt find any. Says as much.

920493  No.3361457

Strategy comment from a loyal patriot to the Republic:

We should take Mossad/Israel off the table publically entirely and let black ops imbed.

Think long term strat and not short tactics anons.

We all know the shit, but we MUST clean house in our own backyard.

6e9d3f  No.3361458


I fix houses for a living, fren…

You are 111% correct!!

fc8710  No.3361459

File: b2260e2fecb8906⋯.jpg (95.08 KB, 678x500, 339:250, 2jipwd.jpg)

File: 791605ace5e3c19⋯.jpg (84.19 KB, 678x500, 339:250, 2jiptd.jpg)

File: ebb5ecd5b9b7cb9⋯.jpg (81.36 KB, 678x500, 339:250, 2jiprw.jpg)

File: 1615eeb481d1d4b⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 678x500, 339:250, 2jipqf.jpg)

File: f2e2fb7fd415f40⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 958x706, 479:353, trump pepe.jpg)

c5f74c  No.3361460

File: 2cb41a0bd832f5a⋯.gif (6.47 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 20181006_110511.gif)

Who shot first?

0432cd  No.3361461

Keystone XL >>> China.

9ba122  No.3361462

Follow ye ever the path of wisdom.

Only by this can ye rise from below.

Ever man's destiny leads him onward

into the Curves of Infinity's ALL.

Know ye, O man, that all space is ordered.

Only by Order are ye One with the ALL.

Order and Balance are the Law of the Cosmos.

c28beb  No.3361463


what do u mean by flipping timelines? our universe with this current timeline is managed and maintained by non-corporeal beings. Even though we play a role in manifesting the timing of events, the major themes are generally controlled and managed.

a39b40  No.3361464


no, they are really in Kalamazoo and that is a green screen. A. Merkel will write anything and print it.


caaada  No.3361465


If you watch that vid, those little kids are FUCKING TRAUMATIZED. All but one kid is staring at the floor, the ceiling, off in the distance, but they don't want to see fully naked adults having sex (albeit simulated) right in front of them. That much is obvious. They are warping these kids and the kiddos know it….and don't want it. Evil fuckers need to be put out of our misery.

e78419  No.3361466


As >>3361419 and >>3361364 said, I think it's just a case of "these people are stupid."

50c8d2  No.3361467

BREAKING: Democrat Senators Tester, McCaskill, Donnelly, Nelson, and Heitkamp are discussing change of Kavanaugh vote tonight.


920493  No.3361468


Why would 5 people vote on a FLIP?

Not saying that meeting is true at all. If it is they are fucking scared.

ef2b5b  No.3361469

File: 53cde1b9ac0f5e1⋯.mp4 (484.12 KB, 336x420, 4:5, 53cde1b9ac0f5e10a0dab50fa8….mp4)


meant how do you

9091e4  No.3361470


They will flip it..to protect themselves

eb5c55  No.3361471

File: cd8cfff824e8c48⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 134x147, 134:147, stock-photo-warning-ostric….jpg)


KEK yooooo WTF whatever i thought that post linked to, spread pootytang and a lamprey WASNT IT.

fucking wtf one of those nights man.

04f15f  No.3361472

>>3361467 Twatts are not sauce. Notable if you can find any sauce.

088a8a  No.3361473

File: a4d9aba9dbb0ae5⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 600x404, 150:101, 10-3-WE MUST PURGE THE EVI….jpg)


this is fucking sick

sorry evil ones, shit like this will never be accepted as normal

not now, not ever

3a4664  No.3361474


On Mac I copy user ID and command-f and paste.

Probably not what you were asking for though.

2b0607  No.3361475

File: 0e0d46bdd10b486⋯.jpg (190.9 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, took out internet...bill.jpg)

920493  No.3361476

File: cc80e4c32367384⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 255x144, 85:48, d04db5cc11e6b05bfe6527dd68….jpg)


I'm kinda bread shitting cuz low volume, but fuckin right anon.

561461  No.3361477

File: 80922b7629d5ad4⋯.png (358.23 KB, 500x432, 125:108, ClipboardImage.png)


Dräger has the tech needed.

Basically the same masks and liquid air breathing systems that they use in mine rescue. The tomb is a simple mine near the surface so tank refresh should be easy to organize. They just need to decide to do it.

fae12c  No.3361478


we discussed it about 50 breads ago… the possibility of an avalanche of Demonrats voting for K so that they might be able to beg for a little mercy in the upcoming tribunals.

a39b40  No.3361479


As POTUS said…"America rebuilt China."

We have been the slave Chinese labor for the last 50 years.

Shut up and eat your Ramen noodle and fortune cookie.


caaada  No.3361480


I hope they do it! BUT….their fate is sealed. No mercy.

c28beb  No.3361481


oh so they are changing it to "yes"???

263dfd  No.3361482



Speaking for FL only, I know Nelson has zero chance against Gov. Rick Scott if he doesn’t try this Hail Mary …. I think these Dems are just now figuring out that voters are watching what they do

c28beb  No.3361483


kek i thought your id was canada for a sec

50c8d2  No.3361484


This is not good news, if they know that SC vote is lost for them, re-election is number one priority for dems.

They know that if they vote NO, there is high probability that voters will turn to Republican canidates in midterms.

caaada  No.3361485


Don't go all ham. No sauce, no source, nothin'. BUT if they were going to change, it would go from no to yes.

9da319  No.3361486


You got it. That is exactly the reason they would flip.

eb5c55  No.3361487

File: caf67fd711b5b78⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 366x206, 183:103, the-truman-show-you-cannot….jpg)


im just glad we found out after feeling so Truman showy for so long motherfuckers really WERE watching EVERYTHING. i remember a couple times, no bullshit, we would just be all stoned out of our gourds and randomly say I KNOW YOU ARE LISTENING. WE KNOW YOU ARE THERE. kek

how bout some REAL reparations from the husseins bushes and roths of the world.

561461  No.3361488

>>3361451 We know their (Podesta's) codes


BAKER please


caaada  No.3361489


Nice one! Just saw that.

3a4664  No.3361490


Have you heard of Country Day, Sudbury or Reggio Emilia schools?

5668b1  No.3361491

File: 473bcc52fed651a⋯.jpg (413.19 KB, 1844x961, 1844:961, jmq.jpg)


Published: October 4, 2018

John McAfee had a different opinion about the Presidential Alert and it’s positively dystopian.

The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones – giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. This not a rant, this is from me, still one of the leading cybersecurity experts. Wake up people!

— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) October 3, 2018



'''Did not see it anywhere"


The OG sauce…


I see…


John McAfee's presidential publicity stunt just recruited a guy with an eyepatch

October 3, 2018

John McAfee, the man who created the first antivirus software, became a "person of interest" in a murder in Belize, and has lived a generally off-the-walls life, is running for ==president==

and it all comes clear…

well, some of it all anyways…

and that murder in Belize hmmm yes…

2400cf  No.3361492


Disappointing. This is as much as I've found so far on her past - seemingly a study CBF (credited as Christine Blasey) was involved with was mentioned in this psychology-related document:


0432cd  No.3361493

"Chinese government-backed interests have invested thirty billion dollars in Canadian tar sands development. And China just bought one of Canada’s largest producers," intones the ad, sponsored by NextGen Climate Action. "They’re counting on the U.S. to approve TransCanada’s pipeline to ship oil through America’s heartland and out to foreign countries like theirs."

920493  No.3361494


I don't like to take sides. I'm not pro-Q. I'm pro-patriot.

Kav seems like a good move for constitutional support to me. Him winning is OK for me.

If they flip… don't care cuz he is a bigger player than them getting re-elected.

263dfd  No.3361495


And….most of us florideplorables are conscious enough to see this vulgar intent

c28beb  No.3361496



humanity is waking up.

e78419  No.3361497

File: 9b223c488c4330e⋯.png (748.31 KB, 782x573, 782:573, ClipboardImage.png)



9da319  No.3361498


Yes, I think the Patriots can see it's too little, too late.

3a41c6  No.3361499


Yeah shes definitely been scrubbed.

04f15f  No.3361500

>>3361491 McAfee is a crazed drug addict. I don't believe anything he says unless he presents proof. Find something that supports his statements and I'll consider it for notables. Right now, it's just another twatter user without a blue check mark for notable purposes.

I hope you understand. He is just not credible on his own. I answered your reply so you would understand why I am not putting it in the notables, not to start an argument.

I appreciate you pointing it out, regardless of the statements I made above. I always want anons to point out things they think are notable.

Other anons are invited to chime in on the link above and my statements about it.

Do you think I should make McAfee's statement a notable?

22efc8  No.3361501

File: 3f8ff01ce86b0d2⋯.jpg (54.53 KB, 530x298, 265:149, @Jack.jpg)

920493  No.3361502

When (I think) the 2nd(?) biggest conservative podcaster like Bongino is 'openly' dropping that a "great awakening" is happening….

Please people understand. Q thing never needs to be declassified. Never needs to be known. It's bigger than anything they ever imagined.

New American Revolution. Take back our fucking Republic. Burn the traitors down.

b63188  No.3361503

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3358802 )

Years ago I read of an agreement the 2 parties had, it was that they would replace a SCJ with someone with the same position as the one who just left.

We are gong to find that K is just like Kennedy in that he is a DEEP State Bushbot. Appointing him was a nod towards the GW wing o the party.

We'll see if this is true when RBG is replaced

caps eiFQty

where we go one we go ALL

a39b40  No.3361504


Or…never existed.

3a4664  No.3361505



Reading random (fake?) letters

Is there a point to this? Are they trying to filibuster?

c28beb  No.3361506

this is bigger than even what austists can imagine.

oh well..we are expanding consciousness and moving into a higher dimension of understanding the universe and ourselves. Each of us will be able to perform wonders just like Jesus in the past. Indeed it is bigger than what most people can imagine.

a765ef  No.3361507

File: df528c758e1bb05⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, AD8B5A92-7263-4719-B069-AE….png)

File: 3189ccc71ef4c31⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1668x2224, 3:4, 7F6D4DA5-9481-42E9-9C3C-F9….png)

Fancy Bear broke into Air Force base in TX!!! The guard wasn’t expecting the attack so wasn’t able to act on the intrusion immediately. He finally tackled Fancy, but he managed to escape with heavy wounds. How am I supposed to sleep with the Russians running around unabated in my state? I bet they have a sub in the Gulf of Mexico too!

9ef3b8  No.3361509

File: 02746ab783c7825⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1200x789, 400:263, hightech.png)

561461  No.3361510


If you want to find the dozens of papers she has contributed to then Google her real name

CM Blasey

She is a Biostatistician who teaches stats in a grad program at Palo Alto U

SHe has also coauthored a book on statistics

Yes, she nows a bit about Psychology because she got a Phd in it, but she is not a psychologist. And some of the papers she is coauthor of are pharma trials.

I didn't find any paper where she was the 1st author, meaning she is probably a math geek who does support for the real authors by doing their statistical analyses for them.

04f15f  No.3361511


Anon, you scared the shit out of me. I thought it was a new Q drop, and I'm about to fall asleep at the keyboard.

e78419  No.3361512

File: f6e31fbb5739fe7⋯.png (188.76 KB, 1017x830, 1017:830, ClipboardImage.png)




POTUS called them flipping at the UN presser.

281d3d  No.3361513



Is this some kind of copy pasta bullshit here?

I would swear I saw this exact exchange last night.

a770d7  No.3361514


He also thinks gmail is the most secure email and says protonmail is comped (though it is run from CERN so maybe)

cb16f8  No.3361516


Ok anon, whose decoding is this and why should we take the decoding on face value and accept it?

920493  No.3361517


This is an important drop:

Last chance to save our Republic without force.

If our team fails we MUST revolt. We MUST support our patriot operators.

We pray to God our team can pull it in before that.

3a41c6  No.3361518


Kek, either way, Kavs in. She can go hide in New Zealand or someshit.

9091e4  No.3361519

File: 79db1f85ade4727⋯.jpeg (60.13 KB, 300x332, 75:83, 7BA52225-7E19-4649-88D7-9….jpeg)

File: 35c5bd34aa07db6⋯.jpeg (365.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 0EF188E2-C820-4874-9CD9-4….jpeg)

Anyone can help me

caaada  No.3361520


Okay anon! Cuz it's so clear that Trump is all about keeping agreements made by the cabal totally safe and in place. Right.

Think Paris, Iran, NAFTA, TPP, c'mon man. Use your noodle.

5e7b89  No.3361521

File: 3863671a0e8e53e⋯.jpg (208.28 KB, 1146x1202, 573:601, barettabby.jpg)

>>3360690 (lb)

she is pretty

561461  No.3361522


I've already managed to walk on water, just like Jesus.

But why do the artists always show him standing on the water like it is frozen. Haven't they ever seen a person swimming before?

Jesus learned to swim when he was studying at a Buddhist monastery in Northern India. Back in those days, the desert people were afraid of water and would never try such a thing. That John guy was a maniac, dunking people in a pool by the river Jordan.

c28beb  No.3361523

after the corruption is cleaned up this movement will move into the 2nd phase and that would be a religious renaissance starting from the Vatican. Time to relearn and rediscover this world and our history.

5668b1  No.3361524


zero worries… and it could have easily been up last night… i searched listed notables only…


6e9d3f  No.3361525

File: d315815cd53e27d⋯.png (434.02 KB, 450x362, 225:181, Screenshot-2018-5-6 steve ….png)



I just wanna know who Steve the Pirate is. . .

44dc2d  No.3361526

File: 20fdc304eb3d1b3⋯.jpg (69.47 KB, 617x800, 617:800, 1538552478438.jpg)

We should send all the boomers to gitmo.

f2a5f8  No.3361527

File: 2418c3b75545ea3⋯.jpg (93.48 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 516ec119ecad042035000002-7….jpg)

77d6f0  No.3361528

File: 623690a66e85c28⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, B2F86C81-BE32-49BE-BEC4-5E….png)

This is the first sign of the 4chan prophecy.

“Three branches will become one.”

3a4664  No.3361529


This guy writes like a middle school report.

cb16f8  No.3361530


If only that gif were real!

2400cf  No.3361531


Yeah, she seems to like stats. I did see that book.

b63188  No.3361532

has anyone heard from DWS, she is very absent from the news

561461  No.3361533


Either you or me scared him off

Have you noticed that ebot is not a bot at all

There is a human there and he is choosy

About which anons he reacts to

Because he recognizes certain anons and is sparring with us.

2c847a  No.3361534


RBG will get indicted soon too. then POTUS can put her in KEK

8a2295  No.3361535

File: 4fd19e3ce98a812⋯.jpg (495.78 KB, 1694x1178, 847:589, KIWI.jpg)

281d3d  No.3361536


Not real good with math either are you.

5668b1  No.3361537


i am all shoveled out…

smoking the days last cigarette remembering what she said… what she said…

088a8a  No.3361538

File: 9e014ff6ae096e9⋯.jpg (60.68 KB, 600x391, 600:391, 10-3-PERFECT PLAN.jpg)

File: 527c99bc8766d2e⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 600x555, 40:37, 10-3-TRUE MASTERMINDS WORK….jpg)

File: 4acb2c3876ebaba⋯.jpg (56 KB, 600x637, 600:637, 10-3-GODSPEED BROTHERS&SIS….jpg)

File: b3e6e75858b75bc⋯.jpg (47.31 KB, 600x498, 100:83, 10-2-WWG1WGA.jpg)

i hope you good people have a good day

i believe it will be a great day for America

44dc2d  No.3361539


Thanks to how boomers destroyed education, probably not.

920493  No.3361540


Branching, as in mineral, vegetable, and animal growth, operate on geometric functions.

The left tried to collapse our structure (I hesitate to say left, because it isn't the left per se but global power interests).

I'm a fucking skeptic. Fucking hell it seems like Trump is the random rich fucker who actually gives a shit and wants to fight.

I'm gunna back POTUS until I see otherwise.

263dfd  No.3361541




5668b1  No.3361542

File: c1d2a59a79442fc⋯.jpg (101.43 KB, 795x497, 795:497, JUSTICEK.jpg)

90dc98  No.3361543

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GAA Update

"Confirmation Day"Editon

Dear Anons,

i added #4236 to #4258 and updated the checksums.



4236-4258.zip MD5: bafb939772c3b4116f85c7a09043bc1d


4236-4258.html.zip MD5: 16466f705c17fd0da0df40a28c08aa5c

The archive now contains 4265 breads.


2b0607  No.3361544

File: ddb53e151e6f07c⋯.jpg (560.59 KB, 1352x1208, 169:151, MEGA.jpg)

d8e338  No.3361545


and yet here you are. feel free to gtfo and build your own magic board elsewhere.

80384a  No.3361546

File: f84e203481bab45⋯.png (353.28 KB, 592x896, 37:56, 775f2a5806a5ed425ae31170be….png)

281d3d  No.3361547


This statement cracks me up. The most information connected generation in the history of the planet and are too fucking lazy to take advantage of it. So, had any high scores on your video games lately?

c28beb  No.3361548


you mean David Wilcock Senpai? i believe he is in the mountains and talking to ascended beings daily.

4db201  No.3361549

6e9d3f  No.3361550

File: 21985b8b50a65ff⋯.png (448.49 KB, 660x440, 3:2, Screenshot_2018-10-06 Excl….png)


Sorry… I think she's still around, unfortunately…


a770d7  No.3361551

File: c98bde9d5155ac9⋯.jpg (133.79 KB, 1246x955, 1246:955, nz airport.JPG)


They may not feel so comfy going to NZ now


4db201  No.3361552


The only way to get rid of them is in chains

44dc2d  No.3361553


Go suck a cock, boomer.

4db201  No.3361554


So much for their tourist industry now

a39b40  No.3361555


I honestly don't think we can.

Between what the Vatican, and the Smithsonian have destroyed utterly in ancient archeology finds, that history is gone forever.

I want to see the Vatican vaults thrown wide open and know what they have been hiding inthere.

fae12c  No.3361556


this seems to suggest the Kiwis don't have the tech or cushy relationship with phone manufacturers to crack/receive the passwords

281d3d  No.3361557



c28beb  No.3361558


true history or histories will never be gone. everything in the universe is recorded. EVERYTHING.

9ef3b8  No.3361559

File: 2d858faf26a633a⋯.png (804.72 KB, 1200x450, 8:3, touche.png)

9784e8  No.3361560


Between 3-5 Eastern was mentioned on yesterday's news

920493  No.3361561



That's next level authoritarian shit. Fucking 5-eyes nation with a giant NSA base on island and big employer of Kiwis.

Fuck that. Here's what we do anon's. We travel blank drive or no drive. Private cloud data dump local on arrival in secure location.

Fuck travelling on planes with data. We'll show them we don't fucking care cuz their tech is shit.

04f15f  No.3361562

>>3361551 Was in yesterday's notables (maybe not that article, but lots on NZ, including this PW thing)

Notables so far

Speak up if your favorite isn't here.


>>3361037 9 billion data points exposed online with Apollo (company name)

>>3361030, >>3361031, >>3361059 Judy Chu documentary; threat to National Security

>>3361107 Britain signs defense cooperation agreement with Germany

>>3361166, >>3361188 Pence: Goog should drop dragonfly app

>>3361272 China's Dragonfly Eye Surveillance Network

>>3361543 German Archive Anon Hash update; 4265 breads archived

5668b1  No.3361563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a good one right before bed :D

So why does the video Q THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD mention that this time will (paraphrasing) "forever come to be known a the greatest story ever told" ?

Most xtians know this as the Bible and/or "Jesus" story…

How could? Unless?

A resurrection of sorts…

We love you John! :D

It is glorious!


c28beb  No.3361564

File: 56d9e692898ef86⋯.png (53.09 KB, 285x222, 95:74, ClipboardImage.png)

a39b40  No.3361565



be nice anon…probably a helmet kid on a short bus.

9ef3b8  No.3361566

File: 2929f8f65ad734d⋯.png (929.25 KB, 1600x577, 1600:577, jppe.png)

2400cf  No.3361567


No thanks, we don't want her. POTUS is friendly with Kim Jong-un these days, perhaps he could arrange a nice 'working vacation' for her over there or their prime real estate in Siberia

4e8bb0  No.3361568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't know which dem Senator is up at the moment but he has been there for ages now.

a39b40  No.3361569


Remember Cankels went, just for that reason. Wonder if it applies to Statesmen/foreign Dig as well?

2b0607  No.3361570

File: e64a54f2b8ad01e⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 548x368, 137:92, This is a disgrace.jpg)

File: d5ab664c3293aa6⋯.jpg (42.34 KB, 510x348, 85:58, LOST.jpg)

e78419  No.3361571

File: 9ffa930c007a95a⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Justice-Anthony-Kennedy-ad….jpg)

Justice Kennedy and Kavanaugh

c28beb  No.3361572


this is live? wtf are these people wasting their time doing all day?

3a4664  No.3361573

When is Epstein being taken down?

And what was with that security cam picture of a group of people sitting around looking like they were busy with something?

fae12c  No.3361574


I can't tell you how many times I've travelled without a phone at all, and the TSA or whoever simply refused to believe that an adult, in this day and age, would not use or travel with a mobile phone.

It simply doesn't register with them as even a remote possibility.

9da319  No.3361575


Jeff Merkley. He's the jackass that was filing lawsuits to stop the confirmation process, isn't he?

0f366b  No.3361576


Jeff Merkley from Oregon.

Disingenuous fuck.

e78419  No.3361577


I don't know, this is crazy.

What is going on? Is this some sort of filibuster?

a39b40  No.3361578


Well, if you ever get your hands on the full volume set, let me know. I only have 66 of the books.

3a4664  No.3361579

How were people blackmailed before video cameras?

4b1529  No.3361580

File: b699791e9c3f09e⋯.png (14.76 KB, 400x200, 2:1, Congressional Switchboard.png)



call the number and i dunno, tell the senate president or something to kick his ass out; cloture rules limit him to an hour.

8a6764  No.3361581


Amazes me that muslim rapefugees here less than a decade get the money to run for office when Americans here by birth right do not get a second glance. It is NOT Cheap to campaign for office, file the paper work etc etc. She had help and lots of it.

2400cf  No.3361582


still photos

hope that was rhetorical

3a41c6  No.3361584


Some anons thought camera 10 was a cannibal session.

c28beb  No.3361585


i think hes delusional and sleepwalking and sleeptalking now.

too much worry and concern has driven this guy mental.

4e8bb0  No.3361586

File: 693a6fad089dcb2⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Didnt they introduce some anti fillibuster law?

3a4664  No.3361587


Did the level of evil and perversion increase or just stay the same?

Is serious sick shit blackmail a relatively recent invention or are we just fortunate enough that we left the back gate open and natural superiority complex evil continually increases exponentially?

Can't wait for them to all be taken down.

2400cf  No.3361588


That's what I was wondering..

40e075  No.3361589

3a4664  No.3361590


Ok, then before photography…. I was going to say that too but its late and my mind blanked.

62776a  No.3361591

File: 9ce6f1de9f16b7f⋯.png (679.3 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, 4604832d-e3f3-4b6a-b198-4c….png)


f2a5f8  No.3361592

File: 44c86b4bb2bda1e⋯.png (209.31 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1538491720.png)

920493  No.3361593


Reply banter is glowing. You're not even googling nuclear option or anything. You are just replay faggot shilling.

You are seen.

9da319  No.3361594


interesting history lesson here.


44dc2d  No.3361595

Cloture allows for 30 hours of what passes these days for debate.

Think of it as a 30 hour whine-fest for the democrats.

263dfd  No.3361596


The only thing that has changed is more LIGHT and that’s why we are able to see the depravity that used to be hidden.

9ef3b8  No.3361597

File: 367fe592d944a06⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1524x1002, 254:167, think.png)

4e8bb0  No.3361599

File: 3660a01a915a96a⋯.png (25.11 KB, 1180x284, 295:71, ClipboardImage.png)

9091e4  No.3361600

MERRY CHRISTMAS we give you a fantastic present

2400cf  No.3361601


It's the same hegelian bullshit as always. Right-Left, Good-Evil, Black-White, US-Russia/China, Us-Them. Meanwhile the Roths etc like to fund both sides of wars.

d4ecc5  No.3361602

Need just one politician get up and say where we go one we go all then sit down…

2400cf  No.3361603


Would love to, but non-US

3a4664  No.3361604


I almost don't want to fathom what it looks like in the underground areas there. Truly the stuff of nightmares. But they also looked to be slumming in while they ate. Like they couldn't have nice things. Just ghoulish pathetic monsters. Even though I'm prepared to learn anything, this is still going to strike me in the very center of my core.

920493  No.3361605

Can you fucking clipboardimage fags at least spend 2 second renaming your fucking file?

Seriously? Oh wait. You can't.

2b0607  No.3361606

File: 6cc913dfbbe14ec⋯.png (10.21 KB, 216x255, 72:85, COMFY AS FUCK.png)

5e7b89  No.3361607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








40e075  No.3361608



Or, she could be arrested as part of a conspiracry (RICO like) to over throw the Gov't, Constitution and We The People (Sovereign power behind the Gov't) and throw her ass into GITMO for.life.

In for a penny, in for a pound. The guy who ONLY delivers money for the mob boss goes to jail for ALL of the crimes, including 187.

39df84  No.3361609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jordan Maxwell Interview where he talks about meeting "Cosmos"

62776a  No.3361610

File: cbee368deff1a07⋯.png (645.87 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, a7f9061a-6138-464f-8d59-ca….png)

39df84  No.3361611

File: b608157b118bfc5⋯.jpg (75.01 KB, 648x1000, 81:125, cosmos.jpg)

3a4664  No.3361612



Thanks, anon!

This is still hard for me to put into historical context though. We have SO MANY child rapists and pedophiles and fucking pedovores….in 2018 and has been that way for a while. I'm not saying it's acceptable at all but there has to be an actual good reason for it all.

920493  No.3361613


It's these late hours when you can actually see very well the script post gif and reply.

I love free speech but… it fucking kills me inside how fucking dumb they are about. At least fucking try shills. They gave up completely.

2400cf  No.3361614


The liberals are mad now, just imagine the tantrum they would throw if that happened.. but then again, they're cowards, so I doubt they would directly confront armed feds/police/military

3a4664  No.3361615

File: a6378d8152f65c7⋯.jpg (78.21 KB, 1280x892, 320:223, thisisnotapepe.jpg)


I will from now on.

3a41c6  No.3361616

File: b4c5fb1804030f4⋯.jpg (103.35 KB, 1342x982, 671:491, ch10.jpg)

9091e4  No.3361617

Where’s PEPE

9ba122  No.3361618


Can someone please show me the threads from back in the day where someone linked barron trump to the last president and that sorta download that occured? Please. Its a bit far back but lets get it.

d994cc  No.3361619


Jordan maxwell is one of them, don't trust him for a second

a39b40  No.3361620


Hang him…HANG HIM! He and his fascist fiends turned my beautiful state into a corrupt shithole.

920493  No.3361622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is your reward.


3a41c6  No.3361623

File: aa7d3577052886c⋯.png (386.85 KB, 550x532, 275:266, pepe_storm_comfy.png)


Staying comfy.

e78419  No.3361624

File: efa2c26b18f2fd5⋯.png (921.97 KB, 1615x894, 1615:894, ClipboardImage.png)



He tried to show up and see illegals caught crossing the border unannounced and got the cops called on his ass. Too bad they didn't taze him.


3a4664  No.3361625


It's like a trendy/fad cannibal restaurant. Hardly dignified. I can't even imagine their around the table dinner talk.

6e9d3f  No.3361626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Spicy PEPE!!

62776a  No.3361627

File: 166a3dc5e0ba86a⋯.png (618.61 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, ca8a2a2f-30d5-4554-ab99-57….png)


Pizza symbolism? check.

Masonic regalia? check.

Human Sacrifice imagery? check


Q found that on INSTAGRAM

f1fd07  No.3361628

File: 3508c8e1c1122b3⋯.jpg (223.24 KB, 634x262, 317:131, DWS-DEFCON-Warning-System.jpg)

File: e102a3e6d23f3ea⋯.png (37.85 KB, 1262x572, 631:286, D5-above-president.png)

File: 8724cc2aa88105c⋯.png (98.01 KB, 910x568, 455:284, D5-part2.png)

File: fb98294280374ba⋯.png (6.99 KB, 720x540, 4:3, D5-part3.png)




Possible multiple "DWS" acronym meanings.

Also "D5" and President being the "17th" Dept.

3a4664  No.3361629


I love this guy! I will rewatch very soon.

Thanks, anon! Kek!

d190ca  No.3361630


It's on the Chinese-I-mean-west coast. Strategically significant for whatever reasons. Therefore you get the most corrupt scumbags installed.

281d3d  No.3361631


30 hours?

That's a warm up period for those clowns.

They will be fighting to see who gets to snivel.

3a41c6  No.3361632


Yep me either, ill stay comfy here.

c28beb  No.3361633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GoPro: Enduro MX Racing the Back Alleys of Portugal with Jonny Walker - Extreme XL Lagares

3a4664  No.3361634


I think there's even a Clinton vs Trump book written during the same period.

44dc2d  No.3361635


I am sure that it will provide for many hours of entertainment as they preach to the choir.

And we *PAY* for this shit.

036c9e  No.3361636

just wanted to repost

an anon from last bread

thanks for your service

I missed it too

▶Anonymous 10/05/18 (Fri) 18:25:35 07eee6 (4) No.3359127>>3359209 >>3359248

File (hide): c701803e07f65d5⋯.jpg (9.15 KB, 213x255, 71:85, trumplookitup.jpg) (h) (u)

Ok wait…just before I leave and turn my badge in I thought I'd give one more listen to this same video I've heard a hundred times now.

But this is the first time I've heard him say

this movement is about replacing a corrupt old government with a


controlled by you the people.

Now wait a second, he's told us to listen very carefully many times. I guess I just didn't

replacing the old government with a NEW GOVERNMENT

I don't think we've ever really dug into that particle of this speech before.

But that's a big ass statement to make and you don't just toss it out there.

This movement is about replacing the old government with a new one.

Well now that is something.

920493  No.3361637

Sociopathy and Psychopathy are not clinical definitions.

The DSM speaks of "anti-social personality disorder".

Q's drops are… limited. He does not yet speak of the subtle language sociopaths (vernacular) use to identify and trade with one another.

This is why it is so important for anons to be resilient against psy-ops.

a770d7  No.3361638

File: 7bcff2b30ef3b0f⋯.jpg (154.27 KB, 879x1269, 293:423, shredding.JPG)

62776a  No.3361639

File: e30286d028498f5⋯.png (792.02 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, red shoe.png)


So the red shoe shit must be masonic because all these are from the same account.

9ef3b8  No.3361640

File: 95adc64369de788⋯.png (317.42 KB, 751x667, 751:667, brbbio.png)


think this is notable considering the VT research presented som yr(s) back, yes vt is an op, this seems legit though

39f16e  No.3361641

File: e5315263ea6a2cf⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cf2117030f4919699231e42048….jpg)

Good morning Anons- Just wondering what kind of crap the Failing DS is going to put out today? Been going over notables for past couple of hrs. See Ebot is shitting up the bread with vengeance. This afternoon will be a waypoint of the future and will probably get nasty either way.

9ef3b8  No.3361642


soz alredy there

b20750  No.3361643


Chelsea was a cum dumpster for Bill when he was at home from Pedo Island….wonder how many times foster dad Bill raped her horse twinky….

62776a  No.3361644

File: 39ce45209ec5522⋯.png (619.3 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, 2236e0d5-618f-4906-8a14-ab….png)

5668b1  No.3361645

‘Wake up people!’: Cyber expert McAfee warns of US govt 'spying' through presidential alert texts


John McAfee


The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones - giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. This not a rant, this is from me, still one of the leading cybersecurity experts. Wake up people!


? :D

5e7b89  No.3361646

File: 60932e5252a4082⋯.jpg (19.52 KB, 191x255, 191:255, IMG_3126.JPG)


>it fucking kills me inside how fucking dumb


34 post Faggot trying to control



f1fd07  No.3361647



Wonder if they'll get unexpected BONUS votes to make it 53-47 (seems impossible with "daughter's-wedding-Senator") or if that isn't what Q was referencing.

"RBG Next"

Kavanaugh: 53 y/o

Coney-Barrett (next judge-chick in line): 47 y/o


7b85d0  No.3361648


These people are stupid but what's mainly driving them now is fear. They know they are about to be exposed and they are desperate. Desperation coupled with stupidity can lead to very illogical behavior.

8c074c  No.3361649

Anyone know what time the final vote be at?

c28beb  No.3361650


3pm est

a169bf  No.3361652


Couldn’t sleep, looked and here’s the same post I replied to just before I went to bed.

“Same constitution please”

9091e4  No.3361653


5e370e  No.3361654

File: 6ea223d27d14da2⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 587x880, 587:880, danny_clinton.jpg)


she was never Bill's fave.

5668b1  No.3361655

File: 95ddd1a5a4f5780⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)

File: e04d47060e4c7d6⋯.jpg (18.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4bbe6d4d345276542162542096….jpg)

File: c3f7cec8190e498⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 5dd722dd0ef3aae01ca04e6382….jpg)


he is a patriot that fights with shillbot…

Its his comfy :D

39df84  No.3361656


I didn't say to trust him, just linking his interview. He talks about meeting "Cosmos" Member of Council of 33 (Top Security Clearance according to image I posted - if it's the same person). Jordan must have sold out in the way described in his interview. Whether any of this is relevant, I'm not sure, just found it interesting.

a770d7  No.3361657

File: 8a73f762a0ca75d⋯.jpeg (169.18 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 8a73f762a0ca75d98d04274ac….jpeg)


Red shoes symbolise cannibalism

'Authentic' leather is made from a victim (usually a child)

Also linked to the over the rainbow programming - there is no place like home

Its sick shit

8c074c  No.3361658


Epic meltdowns inbound, anon.

5c7e9d  No.3361659


The fuck.

Has this shit been going on all night?

9091e4  No.3361660

File: bee825cc4c7038e⋯.jpeg (86.06 KB, 913x1200, 913:1200, 37BD760D-27A6-4AB7-ACD0-0….jpeg)


920493  No.3361661


"Chelsea was a cum dumpster for Bill when he was at home from Pedo Island….wonder how many times foster dad Bill raped her horse twinky…."

This is an example of a very poor psy-op. Projection, assumption, evoking emotional response, and so on.

The poster doesn't matter- he might be a moron shill or whatever.

What matters is that we become immune to psychological warfare. This is war. This is for our Republic. We fight now or it's over.

9091e4  No.3361662

d27270  No.3361663

File: 993288372425328⋯.jpg (961.37 KB, 6280x4424, 785:553, Q Map Graphic 51.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post replaces >>3353486 Q Graphics all in GMT #51 seen here >>3360992

Please update the dough.

Godspeed Baker/s

3a4664  No.3361664


Is that even possible to make like that? What a gruesome job for whomever has it. SICK FUCKS

5c7e9d  No.3361665

File: c0b5d0faf724241⋯.jpg (287.16 KB, 744x742, 372:371, FUG.jpg)



9d6749  No.3361666

File: cd216a9635cb5f3⋯.png (996.57 KB, 822x782, 411:391, Oktoberfest01.png)

File: a2546f9288ada3c⋯.png (483.92 KB, 400x652, 100:163, Oktoberfest02.png)

File: 792db1bd6b1761c⋯.png (735.61 KB, 750x568, 375:284, Oktoberfest03.png)

File: 68ee85e1b4ddd9d⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1182x882, 197:147, Oktoberfest05.png)

File: e0b20314523a96f⋯.png (1 MB, 872x760, 109:95, Oktoberfest04.png)

Welcome to Germany, HRC and BC! Enjoy your stay…

bb2b70  No.3361667

File: ab1c56a0c8fd61a⋯.gif (17.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, comfy1.gif)


THANK YOU GraveYardBaker

d27270  No.3361668




Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3361663

N.B. Please use this pastebin instead of copy & pasta of the post for more accurate spacing: https://pastebin.com/m10RLXGg

9d6749  No.3361669


One source:


Pictures from different German sources.

bb2b70  No.3361671


check digits

kek knows

d5b00f  No.3361672

Feinstein CHINA

Judy Chu CHINA

In 2016, Trevor Loudon released his full-length documentary The Enemies Within, which exposed a shocking number of United States Senators and Congress members who pose a security risk to America. These elected officials were all tied to hostile foreign powers, anti-American Marxist groups or fronts for the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.


669d2b  No.3361673

Helium beer drinking ( try not to spew your drink)


9da319  No.3361674


Q has pretty much said the same thing.

>You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.


f1fd07  No.3361675

File: f66e4e399408985⋯.jpg (11.63 KB, 282x179, 282:179, images-1.jpg)


←Some on RIGHT can't meme either. (pic related)

Any confirmation on anon hearing rumor that RECENT RBG STROKE best kept secret going right now?

5c7e9d  No.3361676

Taking a vote. It's 4:20 am and I need to know if I should just pour myself another cup of coffee.

Gonna do it bulletproof style with a teaspoon of butter and coconut oil.

Maybe keep watching old episodes of Cinemassacre's Monster Madness.

c28beb  No.3361677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


or watch this

9d6749  No.3361678

File: 1b4da7586f4ee86⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1436x1074, 718:537, Christina.png)


Why did they meet w/ Christina?

9da319  No.3361679


Be thankful. What if cloture debate were 30 business hours?

f1fd07  No.3361680

Anyone know why "33" and/or "333" is a number/timestamp associated with JFK?

920493  No.3361681


Son of svenghoolie.

It's horrible.

5c7e9d  No.3361682


That was fuckin beautiful

c959f1  No.3361683



Achtung, frauleins, achtung!

04f15f  No.3361684

>>3361683 Gefahrlich, more like it. (I can't do umlauts)

3a41c6  No.3361685

File: 8eff6aab3723fbf⋯.png (567.86 KB, 1057x498, 1057:498, rice.PNG)

Kek, she thinks shes getting off Scot free.


a39b40  No.3361686

File: 8dbf49052e8897e⋯.jpg (378.49 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, D_Fienstein_Cell.jpg)

920493  No.3361687


Anyone know why this faggot can't ask dickhead questions to google?

bb2b70  No.3361688

File: 388ff86911c8ca8⋯.png (591.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

9fdb04  No.3361689

File: b502f5b231746e7⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

Gotta pick up red for tie.. back will say “night crew” thinking about putting a 17 on it. All wer may touch up after dry

c28beb  No.3361690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


check this out

39df84  No.3361691

File: 6bae27f6cab4382⋯.jpg (160.17 KB, 1342x982, 671:491, epsteinisland.jpg)

62776a  No.3361692

File: 9840215544e00f5⋯.jpg (115.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, scifi eye.jpg)


The freemasons murdered jfk. King Kill 33 is a wonderful book that goes with a microscope into all of the symbology associated with it.

5c7e9d  No.3361693


I can dig it.

Still prefer Elvira… or Joe Bob Briggs.

bb2b70  No.3361694

File: 049020a8329d7cb⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 350x255, 70:51, vqGeMsr.gif)


OG triple OG


very nice anon

9fdb04  No.3361695


Thanks anon! Stoked to see potus today at rally (maybe!?!) if it is drawing as many as it has been.. not sure i will be in arena

b4e2a1  No.3361696


Who has access to 18-28?

b20750  No.3361697


top kek, Dr ford Blasey

this is war. this is for kekistan heil pepe

3a41c6  No.3361698


Definitely see the kid. Check the end of the main table to the right where people are sitting, looks like a head.

920493  No.3361699



17 tie clip, subtle.

Q cuff links. subtle.

Small unobtrusive.

4b1529  No.3361700



dude, they're all children. lurking moar is in order.

a39b40  No.3361701



bb2b70  No.3361702


>last president

>can someone please show me the threads

0c71ad  No.3361703

File: 559aaf3d73e26d7⋯.png (589.75 KB, 1088x571, 1088:571, Where's my damned vibrator….png)

Where's my damned vibrator?….you bitch!

39f16e  No.3361704


looks like Hillary is taking Prednisone.

920493  No.3361705


The thing about sarcasm is…. not everyone gets sarcasm.

Especially bored bread shitters.

9fdb04  No.3361706


Hell yes, will do!

bb2b70  No.3361707


need C i A to spell ChinA

no ChinA without C i A

9c7606  No.3361708

File: 6558e726b0b30e6⋯.jpeg (60.09 KB, 673x500, 673:500, 7F8E880D-8055-486E-9188-5….jpeg)

281d3d  No.3361709


Damn, how long ago was that?


Not Epstein was it?

Too many breads ago for me to recall exactly.

9d6749  No.3361710

File: 5d1d2f229cbf9f8⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1814x804, 907:402, Roth.png)


Check out who sits on the table with sad Hillary!

Other prominents:

"Such a guest mixture as that of the London-based countess has never experienced even the Bussi-Bussi capital: In addition to the Clinton, Maya s ex-husband Friedrich Christian Flick (74) came among other fashion goddess Diane von Furstenberg (7 ), princess Firyal of Jordan (7 ), various members of the British royal family, including Prince Michael of Kent (76) and Lord Freddie Windsor ( 9), to Prince Ernst-August Jr. from Hannover (64), several English lords and ladies, including Lord Jacob Rothschild and the married niece of Lady Diana († 6), Lady Jane Spencer-Churchill, and of course the complete Flick, Thurn and Taxis clan."

Source: https://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/leute/leute/die-clintons-auf-der-wiesn-so-viel-promi-war-noch-nie-57670728.bild.html

b20750  No.3361711


I call BS

this isn't Bill & Hillary, doesn't look anything like them

clones or body doubles

5e0bff  No.3361712

File: 86402799e789d21⋯.jpg (591.59 KB, 1579x950, 1579:950, Recon Patrol Kek 3.jpg)

File: cda606dcc8dfdef⋯.jpg (295.29 KB, 900x562, 450:281, Recon Patrol Kek.jpg)

Morning Anons. The skies over the US are eerily quiet.. too quiet. I've only seen one C-17 this morning.

920493  No.3361713

File: 7494aad2c90e6ee⋯.jpg (149.93 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, damn.jpg)


Haven't seen a rack in hours.

Bringing it back anon.

This one is…. my style.

8d230e  No.3361714


He is a Patriot

270e83  No.3361715


From Racheal Chandler's instagram. re_read the crumbs.

39df84  No.3361716


OK, I will

6e9d3f  No.3361717

File: 3e1e499edfc6f20⋯.jpg (203.25 KB, 442x1267, 442:1267, Favorite_Video_45.jpg)

File: 41ce1fdab393d30⋯.jpg (199.67 KB, 541x1204, 541:1204, Favorite_Video_111_Theory.jpg)

File: d82dc22c579509b⋯.jpg (66.74 KB, 698x410, 349:205, Favorite_Video_116.jpg)

File: 77d75cd3d749500⋯.jpg (129.54 KB, 740x416, 185:104, Favorite_Video_Crosshairs.jpg)

File: 23e6505d40bff06⋯.jpg (174.87 KB, 510x904, 255:452, Favorite_Video_4_10_20.jpg)


Wait until you look at it from the timestamp perspective ;) That reminds me of what I was supposed to be working on tonight..

The video's length is 5:48 (: 48 is 4/5 of a minute ;) There are a handful of things you can catch, knowing what we now know!!

04f15f  No.3361718


>>3361037 9 billion data points exposed online with Apollo (company name)

>>3361030, >>3361031, >>3361059 Judy Chu documentary; threat to National Security

>>3361107 Britain signs defense cooperation agreement with Germany

>>3361166, >>3361188 Pence: Goog should drop dragonfly app

>>3361272 China's Dragonfly Eye Surveillance Network

>>3361543 German Archive Anon Hash update; 4265 breads archived

Last call for notables

214720  No.3361719



I like it.

3a41c6  No.3361720

File: 2e82c445a10705e⋯.jpg (212.42 KB, 1024x723, 1024:723, w_C8D406D3B6FFC3E49D60FCE1….jpg)


Dont mind these titties right here.

bb2b70  No.3361721



but if they keep their overall post count low, say less than (10) for day shift and less than (23) for this graveyard bread, they can fire off some bants

only replying to you because (40) posts seems like foreknowledge that maybe you should let someone else post this post


much love

no homo

39df84  No.3361722


Yes to be successful in any venture you have to be able to duplicate oneself

4b1529  No.3361723

File: 3a25cfb5651f679⋯.gif (1.87 MB, 750x750, 1:1, 1504282235639.gif)


So long ago… may? june? the time is lost…

a warehouse of kids sitting on shitting buckets.. so long ago at this point, with eveything else that's gone on. the perspective can be dizzying.



That door will be opened, etc…

6787e3  No.3361724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Feinstein and the China connection.

Q protect this girl please

9fdb04  No.3361725

File: 5f9499b7e3f748a⋯.jpeg (176.12 KB, 1280x1015, 256:203, 464B9AB9-4AF8-45FA-9ACE-D….jpeg)

File: 7329b6cb9d4b31d⋯.jpeg (74.04 KB, 496x744, 2:3, 441ABF90-B37A-4D16-AF80-3….jpeg)


I will see you one set of sustainable bewbs and raise you another..

39df84  No.3361726


Moar Latino Bewbs required

5668b1  No.3361727


Saudi Arabia can survive ‘2,000 years’ without US help & not face civil war like America – MBS

Published time: 6 Oct, 2018 01:12

Edited time: 6 Oct, 2018 05:04

"Saudi society fully supports the royals and those few fringe extremist elements who stir trouble are being dealt with, believes crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, who claimed the kingdom can survive for 2,000 years on its own.

Known in the West by his initials MBS, the crown prince may, as he said, ‘love’ working with the US and Trump but, when it comes to thinking of examples of successful managers of social change, he is decidedly ‘America last.’ Any drastic financial, political and legal reforms come with a hefty price tag, he emphasized, drawing parallels with the history of the United States.

“…if you look at the United States of America, when for example they wanted to free the slaves. What was the price? Civil war. It divided America for a few years. Thousands, tens of thousands of people died to win freedom for the slaves,” Bin Salman told Bloomberg, in a wide-ranging interview published Friday."

“I love working with him. I really like working with him,” bin Salman said of Trump, calling his comments a “one percent” disagreement between allies."


Looks pretty fresh…

Not the same story from previous breads with some more interesting comments from MBS.




Sauce on McAfee presidential alert Idiocy


It is fine if either or both of these are left out…

a39b40  No.3361728


They used to hide it. Now because they have control [or did] they are very open, cause "who ya gonna call?" It's called "lawlessness".

Interestingly, Jesus said in the 'last days, 'everything that is hidden, will be revealed. All things that are covered will be uncovered.'

I thin we seein' sum dat now.

49166d  No.3361729

4b1529  No.3361730


And that's not even considering those who were around actually digging pizzagate well before Q was even on the scene; only caught glimpses of that battle myself.. but yeah..

920493  No.3361731

File: 82874f134953437⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 255x238, 15:14, funpep.jpg)



Yea i know. Fucking 12 hour bread here I'm losin it.

5e0bff  No.3361732

File: 1e78ee0eaf419c8⋯.png (10.91 KB, 214x255, 214:255, Air Kav.png)

File: abd15b70a2ae07f⋯.jpg (33.09 KB, 516x361, 516:361, Air Kav2.jpg)

In support of Brett Kavanaugh today.


04f15f  No.3361733


An article from RT that just repeats McAfee's twatts is not sauce. Find me something that verifies/backs up or otherwise supports McAfee's statements, and I'll make it notable.

Your KSA/MbS stuff is notable, though, and going in the next bread. Thanks!

39df84  No.3361734


Evil cunts

3a41c6  No.3361735


>Moar latino Bewbs required

>No image

Well go on then.

f4d10d  No.3361736


The people running politics there knew Harvey Milk was a pedo, into teenage boys.

9ef3b8  No.3361737

File: a2aed6b0350cc28⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1524x1002, 254:167, ch_na.png)

49166d  No.3361738


5pm. Est

39df84  No.3361740


Hope so

b20750  No.3361741


Yep, it looks like a head and body, brown/negroid, with the kids chow-downing on the flesh.

920493  No.3361742

Someone say one fucking smart thing please for fuck sake you memeing digging praying fuckwits.

5668b1  No.3361743

one smart thing…

b20750  No.3361744


>one fucking smart thing

bb2b70  No.3361745





Rand Paul was epic at it

Ted Cruz did one maybe two as well

89db84  No.3361746

9c7606  No.3361747

File: 3e0c81ece996928⋯.jpeg (37.31 KB, 630x384, 105:64, 46C83C93-B030-4205-887E-B….jpeg)

e78419  No.3361748

File: 0bc8a2b8d581aff⋯.png (300.6 KB, 531x441, 59:49, ClipboardImage.png)


Gillibrand is live now

a39b40  No.3361749


They just murdered you and then put one of there guys in your job.

John Jacob Astor…murdered him on the Titanic. Why? He was a banker that was opposed to the scheme to take down the United States of America by creating an entity the other banking families were going to use to enslave the nation. They called it, The Federal Reserve.

06cf7d  No.3361750


It creates confusion, what do children understand about their own sexually? Nothing, it's about sensations, about comfort. This type of exposure only benefits the sick exhibitionist.

56e7ce  No.3361751

File: 1cb6a7fd20efc20⋯.jpeg (609.57 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 8479177A-5521-4614-AD2B-A….jpeg)

9e52cd  No.3361752

Does the website feel faster / more responsive?

9ef3b8  No.3361753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4e8bb0  No.3361754


Next dem senator is up talking about womens voices being heard and reading letters.

Why such a long delay between senators?

c62b9b  No.3361755

920493  No.3361756


Psy-op class 347.

Alfred Korzybski.


Understand projection. The use of the verb "to be" is the root of projection. We can make ourselves immune to projection by re-neural programming against its usage.

bb2b70  No.3361757


thanks GAA you rock!!

has anyone asked you to archive other threads? the letter Q thread #1 for example

or clockwork Qrange 2-4, i think 1 already fell off

04f15f  No.3361758


>>3361037 9 billion data points exposed online with Apollo (company name)

>>3361030, >>3361031, >>3361059 Judy Chu documentary; threat to National Security

>>3361107 Britain signs defense cooperation agreement with Germany

>>3361166, >>3361188 Pence: Goog should drop dragonfly app

>>3361272 China's Dragonfly Eye Surveillance Network

>>3361543 German Archive Anon Hash update; 4265 breads archived

>>3361727 MbS says KSA can survive 2000 years without US help

05df17  No.3361760

File: e8fcd26b44515bf⋯.jpg (123.66 KB, 960x487, 960:487, the-cult-of-kek-trump-jesu….jpg)

f583d7  No.3361761

Deep State Shills revealed


Gabe Hoffman - An Open Secret

Craig Sawyer

Melissa Zaccaria (aka “HoneyBee”)

Corey Lynn (aka CoreysDigs)

Rachel KRAUSE and Keith KRAUSE

56e7ce  No.3361762

File: e3d27f324debe35⋯.jpeg (428.17 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 2C309F93-A0D1-47D5-948E-1….jpeg)



bread too comfy?

62776a  No.3361763

File: 98e842e81ed683d⋯.jpg (44.02 KB, 600x450, 4:3, BlZ6RHzCYAEA01q.jpg)


pic related is the owner of the website freemason jim watkins son with all seeying eye t-shirt

9ef3b8  No.3361764

File: 36e7f6b65233557⋯.png (222.08 KB, 641x804, 641:804, georg.png)

File: 54df006ac53223b⋯.png (121.31 KB, 494x742, 247:371, georg2.png)

File: 57bd859caa9d184⋯.jpeg (63.38 KB, 620x372, 5:3, nodogsallowed.jpeg)

>>3359932 (pb)


rumsfeld into bioweapons

bb2b70  No.3361766

File: e3932b03d375f55⋯.png (116.41 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

8a6764  No.3361770


thy can turn the schredded cash in to the govt and get new cash. may take awhile…

920493  No.3361773

File: 0abdb3038895888⋯.png (11.52 KB, 255x198, 85:66, ropepepe.png)


I'm so fucking comfy.

62776a  No.3361774

File: fb988a67e0ca4ee⋯.png (785.02 KB, 1317x1572, 439:524, Jim_mason.png)


Notice the ouroboros is the logo of this website. Time to move to endchan jim is a mason.

05df17  No.3361775

39df84  No.3361776

File: 3d1c06d4165f4c4⋯.jpg (62.44 KB, 640x853, 640:853, latino2.jpg)

File: fda9167fb876263⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 474x632, 3:4, latino1.jpg)

bb2b70  No.3361777

File: d536798796624f2⋯.png (487.32 KB, 640x582, 320:291, ClipboardImage.png)

834f80  No.3361778

04f15f  No.3361779


Already nearly baked. Please repost next bread. Sorry I missed it.

920493  No.3361781


If you masonfag now I will start esotericfagging up the next bread. Just don't You don't want that.

No one wants another 50 posts from me.

Stop now,

36af27  No.3361782


Is this code for they are ready?

05df17  No.3361783

File: ccdbf2b85a75277⋯.jpg (879.9 KB, 2048x1472, 32:23, ccdbf2b85a75277d174837fe87….jpg)

00e953  No.3361784


I have never-ever owned a mobile phone. I have a phone issued by my company and I am permitted full private unlimited usage but I leave it in the pick-up when I clock off and I never take it anywhere privately. I value my privacy, not just from government snooping but from personal intrusion. What right do any of my friends or family have to intrude on my personal time, if they want to speak to me they know where I am almost all the time.

bb2b70  No.3361785

File: 5df961fc9bcfd2e⋯.png (745.54 KB, 650x650, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


sending wish back your way

good luck anon

amen brother


d427b4  No.3361786


Most of your top youtubers also are masons.they get alittle help from their friends

a39b40  No.3361787


West coast=5 of America's deep blue water ports.

05df17  No.3361788

File: 6a8119e6437fe05⋯.jpg (247.01 KB, 780x438, 130:73, dank_frogs_glass_by_drettl….jpg)


thank you

5e868f  No.3361789



Who the fuck are you talking about, Q?

In case you haven't been paying attention, the biggest threats/enemies to the United States aren't foreigners, it's a segment of it's own citizens. China and others haven't done a fraction of the damage that the enemies within our gates have done. So, when you spout-off this kumbaya-bullshit about "unity" and not being "divided", just what the fuck are you talking about? WE WANT TO BE DIVIDED FROM THESE PEOPLE! ISN'T IT CLEAR TO YOU??? We have been calling for our nation's leaders to "LOCK THEM UP", to divide us from them for quite some time, to no avail, as well. Meanwhile, our nations leaders pretend to be def to our people's wishes.

YOU ARE WRONG on this, Q. There are traitors in our midst, and as much as you want to convince these lemmings that "we are control", you are not and you know it. If you ARE in control, then should I hold you responsible for what is happening to my child? Didn't think so… So, tell the truth or tell us nothing at all, you grandiose, blow-hard.

United, WE ARE COMPROMISED. Divided, we make clear which side we are on… the side of GOOD and not evil.

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33

b94572  No.3361790

File: 91c7570d6217592⋯.jpg (246.6 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_20181005_165316933.jpg)

File: 97a2fd1c57d47a2⋯.jpg (209.47 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_20181005_165541613.jpg)

File: b8181dcaa8a21c4⋯.jpg (216.02 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_20181005_165546477.jpg)

Madison WI. 10/5/18 pics taken around 4:30 PM. 4 buses with police escort, headed from near Madison Airport to west side Madison. I was towing a car and couldn't follow to destination. Unmarked Black Dodge in front, and WI State trooper at rear of 4 buses. Police posted along route? Saw a few. Protestors being bused in? Was too weird not to share, and I was in between the 4 buses.

5668b1  No.3361792

File: 57ed1c4ad267de3⋯.png (8.25 KB, 207x255, 69:85, 68f6b3c07468996cc78d273cb2….png)

File: 41e7b846654ebad⋯.jpg (122.7 KB, 902x1206, 451:603, JFK JR 2.jpg)

File: 8695ba0678bf9f3⋯.jpg (2.08 MB, 2460x3710, 246:371, JFK JR.jpg)

File: 2efc68ca9d27542⋯.jpg (145.93 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, JFK JR 6.jpg)



I think I won night shift!

Yet when an anon wins, we all win!



Yes, I believe that is a correct assumption :D

GN all you glorious Patriots!

even the one who struggles with ebot! kek




b20750  No.3361793



I dunno, those photos have a certain…. je ne sais quoi

62776a  No.3361794

File: 52f5bc7741fdf1e⋯.png (321.74 KB, 1110x498, 185:83, ron mason.png)



Meant as a reply to >>3361737 because the ouroboros got me into a tangent about how this website which uses the snake eating itself as a logo since its inception is ran by a freemason in the Philippians.

920493  No.3361795


copy pasta. write something heartfelt don't just paste shit.

40e075  No.3361797




These are


I would add 1) CBF IS the weak link, she was prob assured testifying UNDER OATH wouldn't be necessary cuz they prob thought he would withdraw or be dropped by Trump. (Normal GOP's would have been cowards and they keep forgetting Trump is NOT a normal (R) and neither are we).

2) You can bet that the whole group had at least 1 other "accuser" lined up for each and every name on the FULL list of possible SCOTUS nominees and that they communicated to and set p the "details" of the accusation with everyone on the short list.

5e868f  No.3361798



bb2b70  No.3361799



at least another anon has eyes on your late bread post

repost next bread too for moar eyes

04f15f  No.3361800

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #4260 But There's Moar! Edition




Baker is Requesting Handoff Next Bread

5e868f  No.3361803


I just wrote that, you lying kike faggot… Neck yourself, you pedophile-fuck.

3a41c6  No.3361806

File: 76ffd332aefc109⋯.jpg (77.15 KB, 640x368, 40:23, plant_my_seed.jpg)

56e7ce  No.3361809

File: 0bb5dc0ec81490b⋯.jpeg (146.27 KB, 1324x1557, 1324:1557, 6683B28F-D80E-45B5-AD10-E….jpeg)


thanks for digging

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