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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

5b157f  No.3361765

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3358802 )

>>>/patriotsfight/346 ——————————— FACTS MATTER ( Cap: >>3355727 )

>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 -——————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )

>>>/patriotsfight/344 rt /pf/343 -——————- And so it begins.. ( Cap: >>3353096, >>3353118 )

>>>/patriotsfight/343 ——————————— Double meanings exist. ( Cap: >>3351839, >>3351859 )

>>>/patriotsfight/342 ——————————— Important moment in time. ( Cap: >>3349354 )

>>>/patriotsfight/341 ——————————— Important to remember. ( Cap: >>3349268 )

>>>/patriotsfight/340 ——————————— A phone was present. ( Cap: >>3349194 )

Thursday 10.04.18

>>3337560 rt >>3337502 -————————– Are you ready to be part of history?

>>3337502 rt >>3337425 -————————– Memes ready?

>>3337425 ———-----------------------------——– Anons Ready?

>>>/patriotsfight/339 ——————————— USSS granted entry to MANY ( Cap: >>3334475, Corrected: >>3334853 )

>>>/patriotsfight/338 ——————————— NARRATIVE SHIFT IN FULL FORCE. ( Cap: >>3334434 )

>>>/patriotsfight/337 ——————————— Swamp Fighting Back. ( Cap: >>3334284 )

>>>/patriotsfight/336 ——————————— PAIN.jpg ( Cap: >>3334140 )

>>>/patriotsfight/335 ——————————— Israeli intelligence - stand down. ( Cap: >>3333966 )

>>>/patriotsfight/334 rt /pf/333/ -——————- Images. ( Cap: >>3333935 )

>>>/patriotsfight/333 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3342031 )

>>3331903 rt >>3331878 -————————– We do try.

>>>/patriotsfight/332 ——————————— Nothing to See Here… ( Cap: >>3331909 )

>>>/patriotsfight/331 rt /pf/330 -——————- How the [SPY OP] re: Russia hacking… was CONSTRUCTED. (Cap: >>3331068 ; >>3331084 )

>>>/patriotsfight/330 rt /pf/329 -——————- [Part re: Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie now being revealed?] ( Cap: >>3330476 )

>>>/patriotsfight/329 ——————————— Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 )

>>3323818 rt >>3323746, >>3323750 -——— ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

>>3323704 rt >>3323661 -————————– Not what you think.

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

5b157f  No.3361767


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3361037 9 billion data points exposed online with Apollo (company name)

>>3361030, >>3361031, >>3361059 Judy Chu documentary; threat to National Security

>>3361107 Britain signs defense cooperation agreement with Germany

>>3361166, >>3361188 Pence: Goog should drop dragonfly app

>>3361272 China's Dragonfly Eye Surveillance Network

>>3361543 German Archive Anon Hash update; 4265 breads archived

>>3361727 MbS says KSA can survive 2000 years without US help

>>3361758 #4259


>>3360340, >>3360583 Freemasons in China

>>3360376 Updated Human Trafficking InfoGraph

>>3360473 Seattle Times doxes nuke locations nearby

>>3360489 SC Deputies ambushed while serving child sex assault warrant

>>3360648, >>3360649, >>3360669 Israeli Forces exploded unknown objects east of Gaza City

>>3360678, >>3360700, >>3360777 DiFi, guns, ChiComms, and port access

>>3360771, >>3360807, >>3360825 Anon Digs on Goog's Keith Enright

>>3360841 SJL in CYA mode over her intern who doxxed GOP members

>>3360614 New China thinktank to counter US trade politics founded

>>3360979 #4258


>>3359996 WH to Google: Drop Dragonfly, the Censored Chinese Search Engine Project

>>3359763 Pence's speech, 'debt diplomacy' and Sri Lanka

>>3359932 Russia: US Killed Dozens By Bioweapon Disguised As Drug Research

>>3359766 Spreadsheet update

>>3359663 Greenville plane crash: Initial report shows braking switch inoperative

>>3359575 Rep GOP Kavanaugh hearing doxxer faces almost 50 years in prison

(New Baker below this line)

>>3360106, >>3360112 Taiwan and their group of renegade provinces (PRC) having issues over military drills

>>3360215 GOP-Doxxer (Dem operative) had secret Twitter account

>>3360234 #4257


>>3359130 Auto Makers Consider Shifting Manufacturing to North America

>>3359125 Resignations in the news today

>>3358822 Leaked Chinese Propaganda and Censorship Notice

>>3358810 NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border

>>3358774 Pence says 'Stay the course' in video

>>3359369 #4256


>>3358489 , >>3358476 Guide to avoiding twitter censorship algos

>>3358472 PP threatens senators if they vote to confirm Kavanaugh

>>3358073 Cabal media covers the Pence speech, kinda

>>3358322 Saudi Crown Prince on Trump: 'I Love Working With Him'

>>3358289 Chip-Level Spying Has a Long History Under the Chinese Regime

>>3358200 China: Pence’s allegations of meddling created ‘out of thin air’

>>3358170 Pence May Have to Cast Tiebreaking Vote on Brett Kavanaugh

>>3358034 QClock Update: Re-read Crumbs

>>3357988 Two Harbors CFO Brad Farrell to resign

>>3358611 #4255

Previously Collected Notables

>>3356293 #4252, >>3357136 #4253, >>3357865 #4254

>>3354022 #4249, >>3354944 #4250, >>3355530 #4251

>>3351715 #4246, >>3352491 #4247, >>3353251 #4248

>>3349289 #4243, >>3350184 #4244, >>3350936 #4245

>>3346973 #4240, >>3347879 #4241, >>3348622 #4242

>>3344767 #4237, >>3345530 #4238, >>3346271 #4239

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

5b157f  No.3361769

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528

Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3361663

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>3321214

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

5b157f  No.3361771

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

5b157f  No.3361780

Dough #4260


Dough changes:

Added notables

Retired #4254 to Previous notables

Updated Q graphics in GMT

Baker Requests Handoff

d44aa9  No.3361791

File: ee253dbd447ccef⋯.mp4 (12.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TheirBloodCriesFromTheGrou….mp4)

memetic video reminder for Justice

4656e7  No.3361796


5a12fa  No.3361804

File: 84e61496807ee88⋯.png (17.61 KB, 230x255, 46:51, programs.png)

Baker is a program that exists outside of public domain.

Hats tipped baker.

52c745  No.3361805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How lies become ‘truth’ on the internet

91f94d  No.3361807

File: 3cea2312338a1e8⋯.jpeg (70 KB, 437x314, 437:314, 6FEE7CD5-065E-4433-B5B2-2….jpeg)

TY baker

b5d802  No.3361808

Are we truly prepared for a war with Russia or China?


Q is using thehill as source, are they preparing us for FF?

938c2e  No.3361810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


91f94d  No.3361811

File: 8b5f10ac6d0adfd⋯.jpeg (39.83 KB, 618x412, 3:2, D0E136F2-98B5-4181-AE8A-2….jpeg)

40e015  No.3361812

File: e7bb4821be9a392⋯.png (321.55 KB, 605x568, 605:568, tyb.png)

61a19a  No.3361813

File: fe04ab9083474be⋯.jpeg (35.65 KB, 558x632, 279:316, DoirTy5W0AA2qV3.jpeg)

File: 271d992d09bfad8⋯.jpeg (12.89 KB, 304x426, 152:213, DoisGZXXkAEkpo2.jpeg)

File: 67107e305ca3b6d⋯.jpeg (29.24 KB, 294x568, 147:284, Dom22dbV4AA4w1J.jpeg)

What "was" Fred Trump? Holy shit. Nephilim? Vril? Doesn't look right. Anyone else have thoughts? Q?

4adb54  No.3361814



Who the fuck are you talking about, Q?

In case you haven't been paying attention, the biggest threats/enemies to the United States aren't foreigners, it's a segment of it's own citizens. China and others haven't done a fraction of the damage that the enemies within our gates have done. So, when you spout-off this kumbaya-bullshit about "unity" and not being "divided", just what the fuck are you talking about? WE WANT TO BE DIVIDED FROM THESE PEOPLE! ISN'T IT CLEAR TO YOU??? We have been calling for our nation's leaders to "LOCK THEM UP", to divide us from them for quite some time, to no avail, as well. Meanwhile, our nations leaders pretend to be def to our people's wishes.

YOU ARE WRONG on this, Q. There are traitors in our midst, and as much as you want to convince these lemmings that "we are control", you are not and you know it. If you ARE in control, then should I hold you responsible for what is happening to my child? Didn't think so… So, tell the truth or tell us nothing at all, you grandiose, blow-hard.

United, WE ARE COMPROMISED. Divided, we make clear which side we are on… the side of GOOD and not evil.

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33

(And to the JEW faggot who called this a "copy-pasta" last bread… Here, now it's a copy-pasta, you filthy, nasty, lying, kike.)

5a12fa  No.3361815


Do you remember FBI anon from 4chan?

40e015  No.3361817

File: ac67a64aeeb77b5⋯.jpg (153.21 KB, 900x600, 3:2, flowers.jpg)

>>3361794 (ob)

it doesnt have to mean anything, some mess around w symbols not knowing their power.. or something else, here it dosnt matter, anons have thir own energy

938c2e  No.3361818

File: e00f7fe64c2b549⋯.jpg (126.06 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, mk-melania.jpg)

01c36c  No.3361819

File: 89cff69425026e4⋯.jpg (86.16 KB, 844x528, 211:132, daria uproarious laughter.jpg)

501120  No.3361820

File: e0fee5297f02027⋯.jpg (193.38 KB, 744x960, 31:40, e0fee5297f0202787aad8d1653….jpg)

File: c11c33d304fb930⋯.jpg (94.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, sealed indictment state to….jpg)

File: 1718edc3b44f92b⋯.jpg (133.17 KB, 654x500, 327:250, sealed indictment map oct ….jpg)

File: 8cbf648947c7083⋯.jpg (173.61 KB, 500x882, 250:441, Sealed Indictment state to….jpg)

File: 3dd2fd3aa0cca38⋯.jpg (133.26 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2jh017.jpg)


These are the new sealed indictment state total list, and maps, from the updated sealed indictment list for End of September, by stormwatcher.( first pic)

938c2e  No.3361821


Never seen anything like that!

98b40e  No.3361822

File: e3a384539062f5a⋯.png (947.76 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, 65cd7fb2-71fb-47cf-8dc4-70….png)

5a12fa  No.3361823



?? he's your sauce?

4adb54  No.3361824


(If Q was God)

"I'm just gonna mix Heaven and Hell together. We need unity and not division. It's the cabal that wants us divided. They would like nothing more than to just rot in hell, but uuh uh… I'm gonna throw a Heaven 'n Hell Mixer! And bring all those hellions inside our pearly-gates… That'll show them… I mean, hey, it worked for Sweden and Germany." - (If Q was God)

ed3ce3  No.3361825

File: f7659c67befdea2⋯.jpeg (420.85 KB, 750x1055, 150:211, 38243589-F7D6-41E5-B6FC-2….jpeg)

Morning Q

Corrupt leaders from Central America to meet with M. Pence and M. Pompeo next week.

Out people ask. When will PAIN come for them?

Be blessed.

40e015  No.3361826

File: 3d5a3383c094cf6⋯.jpeg (30.34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, nobugs.jpeg)


7a89c6  No.3361827

>>3361659 (lb)

sometimes they can be quite funny. One time years ago, the fillabuster was about the origin of a hamburger. It went on for hours.


5a12fa  No.3361828

15 UID's I feel like maybe 15 actual humans.


3952d6  No.3361829



night shifty as well. still early/late here on west coast

38ce96  No.3361830

File: 55fd6c20025fa4d⋯.png (122.77 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)

Helium beer drinking ( try not to spew your drink)


b6c007  No.3361831



>Madison WI. 10/5/18 pics taken around 4:30 PM. 4 buses with police escort, headed from near Madison Airport to west side Madison.


No sauce but Nebraska plays Badgers today would be consistent with team travel. Teams only detail their plans to Tob boosters and such. Do not want to know opposite students to know hotel they are staying in etc.

Not a huskerfag

b5d802  No.3361832

Anons, i dig a lot into Chinese reactions under last Pence youtube video with Chinese translations, and a lot of people there are talking about this guy:

Guo Wengui


Have someone dig about him? Looks like he is important.

Most of Chinese reactions was against communist party in China, i had feeling that they agreed with Pence.

4adb54  No.3361833


"No division… We need to unify with Israel." - Q

ba4ef9  No.3361834


Fred has a kickass coloboma, too.

90c1d6  No.3361835

File: 73932f551ecc097⋯.jpg (95.22 KB, 450x818, 225:409, 4acd3b2772c6af83657f1f970a….jpg)





I thought you shareblue faggots weren't getting paid anymore…

501120  No.3361836

File: 8ed6d94941dda81⋯.jpg (52.24 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2jitcy.jpg)

File: f78a28382272ded⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 2jitjo.jpg)

>>3361790 pb

made these from one of your pics, for quick keks.

d866d0  No.3361837

File: e7fd97622bb7d10⋯.jpeg (577.78 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 709D41C4-648B-44CD-8590-0….jpeg)


do not forget how fun trolling is

7a89c6  No.3361838


burn victim…scar tissue.

4adb54  No.3361839


Debunk my logic, faggot… (He won't because he has no argument to compete.)

61a19a  No.3361840


Yeah, this was the first time i've seen it. I WAS going to bed, but wtf



1fd5dc  No.3361841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Much obliged baker.

God sees your sacrifice/dedication!

cannot say thank you enough!

We’re almost there… WINNING.

ef0075  No.3361842

File: 82259e000c816d8⋯.png (296.3 KB, 1012x1196, 11:13, 20181006_130529.png)

File: 5d1d2f229cbf9f8⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1814x804, 907:402, Roth.png)

>>3361710 (lb)

This a fucking notable!!!!!

An Anon posted this lb


4adb54  No.3361843


I love how you shared that

"Monarch" crap together with my own posts, to try to make others think I posted those as well… Nice try, subversive kike.

You Mossad and JIDF turds are weak.

5a12fa  No.3361844


We will never forget. We will never unify with any structure that believe in the manipulation of its populace.

We can ally any we choose.

6127f5  No.3361845



Old age? You can see the skeleton behind the skin by the ear. Seen in a lot of elderly people.

cf6f4e  No.3361846


You have defined 'PATRIOT' to a tee, and in real time…and let me tell you something that should be notable - is that even the view from the outside looking in is majestic and splendid during a time like this. No average days with you folks, thats for sure. GA. WWG1WGA

90c1d6  No.3361847

File: b9af3a7f84eb8d7⋯.jpg (125.51 KB, 489x400, 489:400, 4459353701_826a3c120d.jpg)


It's called context moron. He was clearly referring to patriots not being divided.

938c2e  No.3361848



OK, seems plausible, I'll have to pay more attention to old peoples heads from now on!

501120  No.3361849

File: d8fc1b3d8cfb582⋯.jpg (203.06 KB, 646x463, 646:463, Friedrich_Trump_Family_(re….jpg)


Trump family portrait, 1915; L to R: Fred, his father Frederick, sister Elizabeth, mother Elizabeth, and brother John

7a89c6  No.3361850


not noteable

5a12fa  No.3361851


BTW did anyone ever sauce that? Cuz that'd be hilarious.

4adb54  No.3361852


Ohhhhh…. I see.

So, not the vague and blanket statement, "Americans", but instead now it's "patriots". I see…

So, who are they? Chuck Schumer thinks he's a patriot… So does HRC.

See the problem, faggot?

61a19a  No.3361853


Yeah, nothing to see here huh? Look at the eyes. This is what happens when we only look at the other side. I'm sorry. This shit needs vetting. How stupid do we want to be. Call Feinstein an Alien. Wtf is this?

40e015  No.3361854

File: 88e05a149678b1e⋯.jpeg (45.21 KB, 800x420, 40:21, thelifeofabug.jpeg)

0aeef0  No.3361855

File: 0c33e350c94b39f⋯.jpeg (28.29 KB, 630x384, 105:64, 925ADAED-B610-48AF-ACE7-A….jpeg)

Wonder if Q can get POTUS to say 2 words during the Texas rally? Mispronounce Beta’s name. VETO BETO

a018a5  No.3361856

File: 6972da92545f6b0⋯.jpg (158.94 KB, 480x379, 480:379, MEME2018-01-22-09-52-21.jpg)

1 month

5b157f  No.3361857

>>3361820, >>3361823 Indictments update as of 30 Sept by Stormwatcher

Does that look right?

938c2e  No.3361858


Wow that's a big bow

7459b1  No.3361859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This girl was sexually molested by a Chinese donor at Feinstein's 47th birthday , looks like she has been on the China payroll for a looong time.

eefaa0  No.3361860


Young Fred looks like Barron today.

5a12fa  No.3361861

File: 3486722c6a8f76c⋯.png (11.57 KB, 241x255, 241:255, superfren.png)


Nigger if you don't know what a patriot is.


4adb54  No.3361862


"You want a decent Christian nation and people like Hillary Clinton want to rape and eat children. But at the end of the day we are all Americans and we should unify under our great flag." - Q

7a89c6  No.3361863


Damn…was hopin J. Rothschild died in that crash months back that killed Green.

c4b039  No.3361864


That is quite possibly the stupidest shit I've yet to see this morning.

1a9868  No.3361865

File: 86ed3ba8c9930e6⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 255x198, 85:66, dem2018platform.jpg)

>>3361482 PB(&J)

Nelson is a complete skank. Scott is only marginally better. (Lesser of two evils). Hello neighbor!

That being said, I hope they do change their votes as that will send a message to other Dem No Voters and to their base. The media will be all over the "change" and highlighting those senators. What message will it be telling the rest of the public?

6fce2b  No.3361866

File: b87c09fc816d5ba⋯.jpg (120.25 KB, 500x687, 500:687, b87c09fc816d5ba6861b7f1a7d….jpg)


Back at ya!

30045e  No.3361867


Wasn't it a Japanese donor?

4adb54  No.3361868


Nigger, your face is retard.

90c1d6  No.3361869


He's just a paid shill, my bad for engaging

edc734  No.3361871



Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>3321214

can be changed to

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529


0b7f8f  No.3361872

File: e8068be2917f6c3⋯.png (636.65 KB, 764x498, 382:249, shilly.png)

6fce2b  No.3361873

File: 43b4208c0a5710c⋯.jpg (93.25 KB, 1339x350, 1339:350, Gitmo 6 Oct 18 1030.jpg)

Gitmo is quiet too. That looks like usual traffic.

704ecf  No.3361874

Re-posting to get some eyes on because was 7th to last post in last bread

>>3361339 (lb)

>>3361343 (lb)

>>3361346 (lb

These should perhaps be added to

NOTABLE - Big picture of Deep State Kavanaugh Smear

for bread #4259

I would add to Anons theory that:

1) CBF IS the weak link, she was prob assured testifying UNDER OATH wouldn't be necessary because they prob thought he would withdraw or be dropped by Trump. (Normal GOP's would have been cowards and they keep forgetting Trump is NOT a normal (R) and neither are we).

2) You can bet that the whole group had at least 1 other "accuser" lined up (an activist former and nearby peer of potential nominees) for each and every name on the FULL list of possible SCOTUS nominees and that they communicated with and set up the "details" of the accusation with everyone on the short list. They prob even have an accusation letter from each since Ford claims to have communicated with her Rep in House WHEN he made the short list. (It would have needed to be a diff but equally damning "accusation" for women on lists).

7a89c6  No.3361875



Medfag!…It's " Keloid scar tissue"! From a burn or facial injury.

7459b1  No.3361876


My bad anon yeah was Japanese

0dc58b  No.3361878

File: fbb8e6c8db22395⋯.png (178.79 KB, 712x546, 356:273, muhkow2.png)

File: ec7cb38e9b3bc5d⋯.png (185.89 KB, 712x546, 356:273, muhkow32.png)

“made in the basement from love!”

Have fun…

5a12fa  No.3361879


Psy-op warfare is training. It's actually OK to engage them to some extent as long as you are learning tactics. The whole thing that they get paid by [you]'s is a falsehood started by them so they can post and breadshit all day long.

It's really war. It's citizens vs. paid fucking shitbags.

5b157f  No.3361880


How does this look?

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Anon, please approve:

>>3361842 Clintons' Germany dinner partners include Jake Rothschild, et al

919f46  No.3361881


Too much plastic surgery.

38ce96  No.3361883

File: 844721478f9c278⋯.png (585.22 KB, 700x499, 700:499, ClipboardImage.png)

938c2e  No.3361884


Thanks for the info!

c4b039  No.3361885


Guess I spoke too soon. This is the stupidest shit I've yet to see this morning. Congrats divisionfag.

938c2e  No.3361887


Such great skill sets within the Anon community

36f2f9  No.3361888

File: 20780118cf13689⋯.png (3.58 MB, 2066x1526, 1033:763, Gathering.png)

BC/HRC at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany - with Guests like Lord Jacob Rothschild.

9fb5e4  No.3361889

Is there going to be alivestream of the Senate vote??

501120  No.3361891

File: 13929260d8a4d9f⋯.png (32.82 KB, 793x872, 793:872, Sealed indictments oct ala….png)

File: 43ce5f0cf68ca56⋯.png (32.92 KB, 732x857, 732:857, Sealed indictments Oct Ind….png)

File: febf85b67f5c62e⋯.png (34.06 KB, 772x860, 193:215, Sealed indictments Oct New….png)

File: 7f7e09d65268231⋯.png (10.15 KB, 800x281, 800:281, Sealed indictments Oct Was….png)




i made the lists from the numbers on his sealed indictment list( the newest one put out at end of September) I made these lists/maps last month too.

I could have made an error in my calculations, feel free to check.

I double checked as i went.

On his list there is only grand total, so wanted a visual of state totals and district totals. I have the district ones in plain lists.

then i added those districts within each state for state totals.

Also some regular cases not part of storm, could have been sealed, and unsealed.

So totals are semi estimates.( since 1,000 per year are normal, possible , real number is at 54,500 or so because of cases being unsealed for other criminals) if you want to get technical, kek

52c745  No.3361892



91f94d  No.3361893


They think here in our beautiful Bavaria they are safe to communicate… stupid asses

01c36c  No.3361894



I must not fear shills. Shills are the mind-killer. Shills are the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face the shills. I will permit them to pass over me and through me. And when they have gone past I will turn the inner eye to see my path. Where the shills have gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

61a19a  No.3361895


Then this kind of operation is FUCKING ridiculous. This dude looks evil as fuck

938c2e  No.3361896


Looks like Wyoming is the place to live, unless you like Islands

edc734  No.3361897


>How does this look?


d866d0  No.3361898

File: 9db2ff5073e9160⋯.jpeg (762.68 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, A706AF30-1D46-4B5D-B0B6-0….jpeg)


so glad we are the good guys again

9fb5e4  No.3361899



Thank you

>Preparing Lube

1a9868  No.3361900

File: 3f116ef64c5ce2b⋯.jpg (39.57 KB, 648x1000, 81:125, securityclearanceorgchart.jpg)

>>3361611 Last bread

Do we know if this is truly a real thing?

Im curious who created the Org chart?


How they decided who had what clearance?

And WHAT THE FUCK is going on at the Majestic level?

5a12fa  No.3361901


Divisionfag is a queer concernfag. Understand that we all know there is rampant corruption… spygate etc. is mainstream now. We are all getting a little antsy for some PAIN and ARRESTS.

Q made the promise. I don't believe in faith but certainty. In this one case I'm gunna try faith.

I wanna see these fuckers hang.

d24a63  No.3361902

The fuckers laughed as a decorated veteran died. No criminal charges. And the sherriff is still in office. Unfuckingbelievable.


f882c6  No.3361903

File: 5e8e18385d4709c⋯.png (23.33 KB, 469x308, 67:44, 30.PNG)

4656e7  No.3361904

I'm not sure but I think there might be a shill in here! just guessing, just a hunch

ef0075  No.3361905


Thx … this is HUGE

And House of Hannover, von Thurn und Taxis… these are the old cryptojoo families that your Schiffs and Rosensteins derive from… cant pull that research right now… but god dammit you know this Anons

fc6457  No.3361906

So it seems I'm dating a black girl. Should I kill myself?

40e015  No.3361907

File: 7a39abb539004e6⋯.jpeg (58.29 KB, 512x512, 1:1, nobugs2.jpeg)


its a mind game, they are very aware of their inferiority in relation to humans, hence the need for intense self worship, they are insects from our perspective in theirs they are gods

4adb54  No.3361908


I'm an American and non-paid… but whatever makes you feel like you won the argument, faggot.

I'm simply pointing out the fact that Q's calls for "unity" are ill-defined, and amounts to little more than another "DIE-versity" tactic. And I'm expressing my distaste. (I know you kikes hate the 1st Amendment, so I get why you're mad).

Some have countered by saying he only means patriots… Any asshole can claim they are a patriot. Some of our enemies within our gates believe they ARE patriots. Others will use "patriotism" as a cloak to subvert lemmings like (You). So…

589285  No.3361909


no, but use birth control

bd85ad  No.3361910

File: de6d7bae89f2dc2⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 550x563, 550:563, de6d7bae89f2dc2fc7bafa1b41….jpg)


Shills are the wind that makes the sapling grow strong.

d866d0  No.3361911

File: 1bfa7fb537f36cb⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 4C5E110C-4E33-4F5D-BEB0-4A….png)



wonder who else was there?

b5d802  No.3361912


My feeling about this:

They hear us breathing/POTUS and PATRIOTS/

No point anymore to make secret meetings

Do you really think they want to attend crowded places?

This looks like they are forced to be there

This is very good sign when you think about it

91f94d  No.3361913


Yeah bavaria is still a hotspot for this old „chosen“ bloodlines

4adb54  No.3361914

File: 6cbc7cb91902e3f⋯.jpg (89.12 KB, 388x600, 97:150, GPJs8.jpg)

File: bcab12d82a9aeb7⋯.jpg (45.44 KB, 250x350, 5:7, GPJs9.jpg)

File: e0755f06477f174⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 236x330, 118:165, GPJs10.jpg)

File: 175ae4466060698⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 236x314, 118:157, GPJs11.jpg)

File: 2e5a9465144f61d⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 250x350, 5:7, GPJs12.jpg)

5a12fa  No.3361915


I just watched them laughing at our vet.

I thank you for your service soldier.

These people are sick.

cc5323  No.3361916


when was this taken? ol' hil hasn't looked that good in years.

60e850  No.3361917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Q and those in Canada "South"

From your friends in USA "North"

8719ea  No.3361918

File: c26b32f65b6061a⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 300x224, 75:56, weinstein clappings shills.gif)

4adb54  No.3361919

File: f7668e78c68ad4f⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 324x450, 18:25, GPJs.jpg)

File: 932a619c4428b26⋯.jpg (488.75 KB, 744x1024, 93:128, GPJs2.jpg)

File: 9e50061d9263bd3⋯.jpg (103.45 KB, 450x575, 18:23, GPJs4.jpg)

File: 6f9c8bae287ebae⋯.jpg (737.78 KB, 1248x1731, 416:577, GPJs5.jpg)

File: dde34a3efefcee2⋯.jpg (146.85 KB, 457x640, 457:640, GPJs6.jpg)

9fb5e4  No.3361920



30 Fucking HOURS??


bc5faf  No.3361921

File: 9a15d3e69806e9f⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 620x573, 620:573, cartoon-solution-eu-bonzen.jpg)

97a846  No.3361922


Ty anon. Great work.

4adb54  No.3361923

File: 7b69902e553f46f⋯.jpg (81.6 KB, 350x490, 5:7, GPJs7.jpg)

ef0075  No.3361924


Not to forget soros' new german headquarter in berlin (was notable some breads ago)

Smells the motherfucking cabal settles in germany for operational purposes

5a12fa  No.3361925


Replying twice cuz so fucked. Q proof. Q… fucking address this shit. That's a fucking Q proof.

fb19cf  No.3361926

Morning anons….

To OUR GUYS that watch…

Redpilled Rep*JE* here in Oklahoma and he seems to be OUR GUY…

Trying to build a network of influences that are trusted…

Because of POTUS trying to reach out to *KS* and again establish a relationship…

We will have a network here in OK that can function…

938c2e  No.3361927


Get a girlfriend

2873c1  No.3361928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bd85ad  No.3361929

File: cdeb316d90d28b5⋯.jpg (91.52 KB, 680x979, 680:979, 0711688f5f18ff0969e537e735….jpg)


Nice post and nice trips.

8719ea  No.3361930

File: 09397e211870be9⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 588x479, 588:479, WHOOPIS MUM IS MAGA.jpg)

5a12fa  No.3361931


We're not Republicans if that's what you think.

Fuck your OUR GUY bullshit lingo. We are patriots loyal to our Republic. Fuck parties. Fuck division.

4adb54  No.3361933



8b46b6  No.3361935


Parotid gland surgery? Although odd to see such a deep defect / dip left with no facial nerve complications…

40e015  No.3361936

File: 8297278b43233b5⋯.png (352.48 KB, 751x613, 751:613, hw.png)


4adb54  No.3361938


I hope I never have to endure the same fate as the Rothschilds and Clintons… I don't think I could handle book-signings, fine-dining, and jet-setting around the world to various luxury resorts and fantastic tourist-destinations…. That would be hell.

c7c1cd  No.3361939


I got zero returns on that pic with a tinyeye reverse image search and I can't navigate the posted link as the site is in German.

I wanna know if this cock sucking pedovore is still alive and would relish seeing this evil extinguished from humanity with my own eyes.

ef0075  No.3361940

File: 8b544ffd3515f4c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1059x1562, 1059:1562, 20181006_133141.png)




8cf06b  No.3361941

Hey Q

Aus patriot here. With the actions of Downer and Aussie 5 eyes spies against POTUS, am I safe digging and contributing from down here?

Got a 'notable' on Freemasons and after a few odd incidents I'm starting to feel the world closing in a bit. We know the police down here are all masons. Not sure who could be trusted if anything went sour as a result of my digs. I have a VPN but noy sure how else to protect myself. You said people's families are safe and I believe you. Just wanted to check, does that include Aussie Patriots and their families too?

Will continue to fight either way but suddenly had that moment of realisation - maybe there's no patriots anywhere in govt/military or police down here. If I'm honest, I got a bit skrrrrd. Apologies for the concernfagging.

Thank you for all you do.

9b66ca  No.3361942

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

14835f  No.3361944

File: 969b8c8c4c82c7c⋯.jpg (773.87 KB, 1186x843, 1186:843, DSCN1756saf.jpg)

File: 7ca38237e4a84fc⋯.jpg (894.61 KB, 1288x966, 4:3, DSCN185fssgf.jpg)

4adb54  No.3361945



b9a985  No.3361947

File: 023bed5a2ac5593⋯.jpg (198.46 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, a561d5cf-AP18278821872631.jpg)

A television reporter in southern Minnesota might need a new hat saying "Make Me Employed Again."

James Bunner, a multimedia journalist for NBC affiliate KTTC-TV in Austin, was fired Friday, reportedly for wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat while covering President Trump's rally in Rochester on Thursday.

As the rally got underway, images of Bunner wearing the bright red hat began appearing on Twitter.


699d8b  No.3361948

File: d531414e3912175⋯.png (180.67 KB, 732x609, 244:203, petgoatmockingbird.png)

>>3355732 pb

>htt ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kryptos

shows that mis-spelling are intentional in some code creation.

"There are also three misspelled words in the plaintext of the deciphered first three passages, which Sanborn has said was intentional[citation needed][dubious – discuss], and three letters (YAR) near the beginning of the bottom half of the left side are the only characters on the sculpture in superscript."

I think YAR is RAY , reference to the Sun.? Inversion?

Maybe the location and sculpture is connected to the Sun?

e5e5a1  No.3361950

File: 424e0861b02600b⋯.jpg (5.75 KB, 194x260, 97:130, downcis.jpg)

d44aa9  No.3361951

File: 14aa625b2f0244d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)



Photo taken yesterday

Location: Kaefer festival tent, Oktoberfest, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.
Date: Friday 5th October 2018
Event: Oktoberfest 2018 - Bill and Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton (C left), former US President, and his wife Hillary arriving at the Kaefer festival tent at the Oktoberfest. The biggest folk festival in the world runs between 22 September and 07 October. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa (Photo by Tobias Hase/picture alliance via Getty Images)


20fa6d  No.3361952

File: 4e991985a1cfdf5⋯.gif (4.64 KB, 254x262, 127:131, clip7_4aaa.gif)

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

97a846  No.3361953

File: a50c764a34e7f94⋯.jpeg (339.7 KB, 640x650, 64:65, 249A991A-D4E6-47C9-B54F-A….jpeg)

NBC station fires reporter for wearing MAGA hat while covering Trump rally


5a12fa  No.3361954


You've been a shill the whole time.

I'll explain to others: Shills always project negative energy. They NEVER project positive energy.

They are so easy to spot once you know that simple fact.

We are loyal to our Republic. We believe in purifying our country from being influenced by outside forces. We want the best possible for our family and children.

c7c1cd  No.3361955



Damn, can't navigate the page. Pretty sure it doesn't like my ad blocker.

ef0075  No.3361956


Very very important elections ahead in bavaria on 10/14/18

bd85ad  No.3361957

File: 963f615fb491f99⋯.png (847.52 KB, 1196x924, 299:231, 963f615fb491f99319ac8a275c….png)



Noice timestamp, Swordanon. God bless.

329592  No.3361958

File: 87e592c7cb8ec2d⋯.jpg (5.67 KB, 251x340, 251:340, eternal_immortal.jpg)

Do you know, Anon, that America is an image of Heaven? That in America, all the operations of power which rule and work in Heaven are present in the Earth below? In fact it should be said that the whole Cosmos dwells in this our land as in a sanctuary.

And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of all events before they come to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of what I will now tell you:

There will come a time when it will have been in vain that Americans have honored God with heartfelt piety and service; and all our holy worship will be fruitless and ineffectual.

The gods will return from earth to heaven; America will be forsaken, and the land which was once the home of the brave will be left desolate, bereft of the presence of its freedoms.

Oh America, of your religion nothing will remain but an empty tale, which your own children in time to come will not believe; nothing will be left but graven words, and only the stones will tell of your piety.

And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and worship.

They will no longer love this world around us, this incomparable work of God, this glorious structure which he has built, this sum of good made up of many diverse forms, this instrument whereby the will of God operates in that which he has made, ungrudgingly favoring man’s welfare; this combination and accumulation of all the manifold things that call forth the veneration, praise, and love of the beholder.

Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven; the pious will be deemed insane, the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good.

As for the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you, – all this they will mock, and even persuade themselves that it is false.

No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven, will be heard or believed.

And so the gods will depart from mankind, – a grievous thing! – and only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul.

Then will the earth tremble, and the sea bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, all voices of the gods will be forced into silence; the fruits of the Earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken with sullen stagnation; all things will be disordered and awry, all good will disappear.

But when all this has befallen us, then God the Creator of all things will look on that which has come to pass, and will stop the disorder by the counter-force of his will, which is the good. He will call back to the right path those who have gone astray; he will cleanse the world of evil, washing it away with floods, burning it out with the fiercest fire, and expelling it with war and pestilence.

And thus he will bring back his world to its former aspect, so that the Cosmos will once more be deemed worthy of worship and wondering reverence, and God, the maker and maintainer of the Mighty Fabric, will be adored by the men of that day with continuous songs of praise and blessing.

Such is the new birth of the Cosmos; it is a making again of all things good, a holy and awe-inspiring restoration of all nature; and it is wrought inside the process of Time by the eternal Will of the Creator.

97a846  No.3361959



58c27c  No.3361960



501120  No.3361961


do you have the plain picture of them dining with Rothschild?

b5d802  No.3361963


Shock poll predicts Merkel's Bavarian sister party CSU could lose power for first time since Second World War


01c36c  No.3361964

File: 5bf3109b727b5b4⋯.jpg (149.49 KB, 449x756, 449:756, prison party.jpg)

6c51f8  No.3361965

Thinking about it, it should be/have been more apparent to us anons that the same media we abhor has been flouting this Kavanaugh/Ford business in the public’s faces everywhere we look.

938c2e  No.3361966


Ah yes Bavaria, heard some secret society was founded there.

2873c1  No.3361967

File: acaeb98782320dc⋯.png (320.86 KB, 483x368, 21:16, morning swordanon.PNG)



Red October?


Afternoon Swordanon.

d24a63  No.3361968


I'd just like to see charges against those 3 and the sheriff out on his ass, the fucking prick.

91f94d  No.3361969

File: 51e994713dc1989⋯.jpeg (114.11 KB, 794x807, 794:807, E0C48CCA-4080-46FD-871A-3….jpeg)

94803e  No.3361970


Houston media market is surprisingly Trump-friendly. Austin's just fascist. He should have interviews lined up already. Can't tell if he's Austinite IN Minnesota…

8719ea  No.3361971


I would kill yourself anon, not because you are dating a black girl but because you are a twat!

bc5faf  No.3361972

File: d2a87c8936d650b⋯.jpg (131.7 KB, 872x1037, 872:1037, DoxvGD9V4AAhCf_.jpg)

501120  No.3361973

File: 36abe12d6fd5d8c⋯.jpg (34.1 KB, 636x382, 318:191, 4adb9966199d185af3e3dbd508….jpg)

File: 9f02324391d1183⋯.jpg (35.33 KB, 306x637, 306:637, bill-and-hillary-clinton-a….jpg)

File: da1485aefd3ecc7⋯.jpg (33.28 KB, 306x637, 306:637, bill-and-hillary-clinton-a….jpg)

File: cfa2a010965b852⋯.jpg (61.22 KB, 750x400, 15:8, 2jd96w.jpg)

b5d802  No.3361974


Q post 10

Good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.

They are released one by one

9b66ca  No.3361975

File: 0e1258817b198aa⋯.pdf (305.74 KB, Qcodes.books1.pdf)

File: 66e7a2927643810⋯.pdf (889.15 KB, Qcodes.books2.pdf)

File: 0e1258817b198aa⋯.pdf (305.74 KB, Qcodes.books3.pdf)

File: c2a7f91ff9f2afd⋯.pdf (208.81 KB, Qcodes.books4.pdf)

File: 7aa83ad20dfc34c⋯.pdf (251.48 KB, Qcodes.books5.pdf)


Q's trip code hash-derived "reading list" attached in pdf form.

a018a5  No.3361976


Just a FYI, Q (dunno if you care)

If no big ass arrests are made early november (podesta the molesta, clinton the baby-eater), you'll lose a lot of credibility.

b9a985  No.3361977

File: 6d383d5f6615efb⋯.png (101.55 KB, 543x427, 543:427, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump has only liked 25 tweets on his @realdonaldtrump twitter. One of them is about misspelling (typos)

20317b  No.3361978

Judge William Orrick III

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A U.S. judge in California struck down an immigration law Friday that the Trump administration has used to go after cities and states that limit cooperation with immigration officials.

The ruling by Judge William Orrick also directed the U.S. Department of Justice to give California $28 million that was withheld over the state’s immigration policies.


On July 31, 2015, Orrick blocked the release of videos of Planned Parenthood, granting the injunction requested by the National Abortion Federation.


5a12fa  No.3361979


Anon. That's called taking your eye off the ball. The real players… the glass bead game players on a global level… care nothing about this confirmation.

DECLAS will cause a domino to fall… The real power players do NOT want the people to regain control of our Republic.

This is our last chance without force.

a018a5  No.3361980


Don't follow this: the reading list is generated from the books from people who google the tripcode. GOOG's algorhitm's fill in the rest.

699d8b  No.3361981


Doesn't look like her. Too thin . Hair is wrong.

Bavaria, best beer; ancient location.

Lots of hops grows over there so the beer isn't as watery as wheat based beer?

Some of the big criminal families have been known to be associated with breweries, "Busch" and "Crowley" - makes a lot of money.

Subdue, placate the population.

e98919  No.3361982



If this could be proven to the public, the Dems would implode

2cbf33  No.3361983

File: 47d1d142dd8c082⋯.jpeg (400.01 KB, 2224x1245, 2224:1245, AFB15832-AA8E-4FD4-A11E-5….jpeg)

Foggo said six of the Kilo-class subs were either "operating in the Black Sea or the eastern Mediterranean," where "they're firing the Kalibr missile," a Russian-made cruise missile that he called "very capable," saying it could reach "any one of the capitals of Europe."

A European capital…. hmmm. Hid there must be one sacrificed, let it be Brussels.

c503be  No.3361984

So nobody cares about Spectrum outage….until you realize one of the US biggest nuke base is offline…..we ain’t safe people….this internet shit is gay and scary…..when service returns there will be a run on banks cuz you can’t buy shit without cash…..fuck SWIFT…….money in your pocket is best way to fuck the government

d44aa9  No.3361987



Jahwol! :)

c4b039  No.3361988

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)

34365a  No.3361989

File: d2e0a47010302f7⋯.jpeg (84.05 KB, 1440x957, 480:319, 1530313997.jpeg)

6c51f8  No.3361990


Very compelling, anon.

4656e7  No.3361991



01c36c  No.3361992


Wow. It was clear he needed to be at a hospital not in a cell. No one, should be treated like this. Especially not an army vet.

7a89c6  No.3361993


Blue justice called for here Oregon. Be on notice! You better start cleaning up you own shithole and rotten cops.

Just ask the South about Sheriff Beauford H Pusser…'Walking tall, and carrying a big stick". Well we got one too now…called Donald J Trump and his fugging big stick is called the US military and it's gonna shove it up your ass!

f5005a  No.3361994


Germany is now known as Cabal City… You see why! Every rotten Person likes it to be here… It is really sad to live here as a Patriot! But this is a good sign! They have to meet in public!

Take them down!

91f94d  No.3361995


Thank you swordanon! God bless

35a92b  No.3361996


Ours went out yesterday afternoon. I thought I needed to pay the bill but it came back on. Maybe out 15min. or less

6fb6dc  No.3361997

File: 57bb1572ca9dc75⋯.jpeg (191.38 KB, 1095x608, 1095:608, E8DDE926-829F-4278-A6E6-C….jpeg)

The women screaming about abortion are the ones that have brought this on. Just like illegal immigrants. We all knew it was happening, and when they were truly in need, we just kind of turned our heads and let it be. I overheard a woman laugh as she said that she had just had her seventh abortion. It’s the nasty women like this that are the reason this subject is even in the spotlight. And somehow conservatives are to blame. Dumbasses.

501120  No.3361998

File: 900431a8d862003⋯.jpg (99.57 KB, 634x711, 634:711, bill-and-hillary-clinton-a….jpg)

File: 6e884ea910a5065⋯.jpg (82.98 KB, 634x1053, 634:1053, 4809646-6245891-Living_it_….jpg)


look at the witches eyes in first pic and fingers in second, kek

58c27c  No.3361999

File: 750fc3b380c1dbb⋯.png (799.62 KB, 1194x511, 1194:511, ClipboardImage.png)

5991ea  No.3362000



i don't know the name of the book, but it was written about how the normal, everyday germans became nazis over a slow propaganda and normalization of hate and disregard and disrespect. it's happening here, this is a clear example.

fb19cf  No.3362001


No way that is her…or it is from 10 years ago…

40e015  No.3362002

File: 73fab5dd79ac59b⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1814x804, 907:402, panicia.png)

589285  No.3362003


Send the vid to your congress critters and demand action. Also CC the governor of the state, even if you live elsewhere.

c886db  No.3362004

File: 9a740367c6bb5af⋯.png (93.6 KB, 558x263, 558:263, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Post 2351

2+3+5+1 =11 >> Twin Towers

Think mirror.

When you reflect the post it makes an image of the NYC Skyline, with blue lights like the WTC 9/11 Tribute.

Q, if I am not just seeing things and that is really there, then that is one of the most beautiful clues I have seen. Thank you and God Bless You.

91f94d  No.3362005


You didn’t miss anything. They were there to celebrate the 60th birthday of Maya Gräfin von Schönburg (which resides in UK)…

24dc71  No.3362006

File: efb5c76f9451c6e⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 810x550, 81:55, 16649422_1241094492592498_….jpg)

5058d8  No.3362007


God bless you, swordanon!!!

d44aa9  No.3362008




great edits anon. saved.

d24a63  No.3362009


It's Oregon. They're being sued. The only concern they have is settling as cheap as possible.

cc5323  No.3362010


I want to see that photo, at the table with the date on the page… not photo-shopped or just created.

It isn't hil I am interested in as much as jacob.


181c3d  No.3362011



It's a Blue Cross, what is that?

5a12fa  No.3362012

File: cf995766babf6b6⋯.png (615.39 KB, 568x766, 284:383, commie.png)


It's the communist playbook.

We have to develop our psychological character to be immune to their shit. MASSESS are buying into their bullshit.

ad1601  No.3362013


China, with well over 1 billion people, has at least one

person watching every citizen, or at least half, of the

United States.


36f2f9  No.3362014

File: 1bf6445b67105bf⋯.png (3 MB, 1806x1096, 903:548, Cabatable.png)



Here you go:

e5e5a1  No.3362015

File: 13e7349f968c192⋯.jpg (157.72 KB, 900x506, 450:253, gown.jpg)


Same thought here. She looks way younger compared to this infamous gown photos.

6c51f8  No.3362016


Yes, exactly. Many anons, and momentarily myself included, were completely immersed in the whole thing… Q did emphasize it.

But it caused some of us to become ever so briefly distracted from what We as Q are all about. The resurrected bipartisanship on these boards was weird.

91f94d  No.3362018


Top kek

805b21  No.3362019

File: ba789f30c20dcf4⋯.jpg (107.09 KB, 960x948, 80:79, z.jpg)


782e6c  No.3362020


This is now the third time I’ve red pulled liberal friends, all to varying degrees. But all of them began the same way… the common ground was the JQ.

Overall, libs are much more likely to be pro Palestine and anti Israel. Conservatives have the pro Israeli propaganda bashed too far into their heads. That’s not the case with the libs.

At first, I just spoke of why the world doesn’t care about the Palestinians, and that leads into how the world’s media and entertainment businesses are dominated by Jews. I talk about Mossad and eventually lead them to Q.

This is the perfect common ground to begin discussing Q with libs. The Cabal is fucked and they know it. Use the JQ as the common ground to discuss the world’s atrocities with libs. It works. Try it.

4adb54  No.3362021


>I'll explain to others: Shills always project negative energy. They NEVER project positive energy.

And I'll explain something to you. You do not think for yourself, so you allow others to do the thinking for you. Because of this, you are easily misled and have been often. You are common.

>We are loyal to our Republic. We believe in purifying our country from being influenced by outside forces. We want the best possible for our family and children.

I want the same… The only difference is, I want to purify our country from being influenced from certain INSIDE forces. And, I see what you do not. Clearly.

bd85ad  No.3362022


It totally does. That's impressive. Also looks like a waveform.

311494  No.3362023

File: 7820a74b93018f6⋯.png (682.76 KB, 844x2203, 844:2203, Kagan_warns_that_Supreme_C….png)

File: 0082ab2c0e8f010⋯.png (47.17 KB, 1515x298, 1515:298, Kagan_warns_that_Supreme_C….png)

File: d27de6931fc5b28⋯.png (103.9 KB, 594x1201, 594:1201, QMAP_-_2018-10-06_07.41.58.png)

Liberal member of Supreme Court (Kagan) Complains about Brett Kavanaugh Being Appointed.

181c3d  No.3362024


I see a blue cross is Finland, but it is not centered in that case.

34365a  No.3362025

58c27c  No.3362027

File: 9415fe85c3c129e⋯.png (176.41 KB, 861x546, 41:26, ClipboardImage.png)

1ed15f  No.3362028

Morning Kek and Covfefe for the fashion conscious (totally off-topic but fun nonetheless):

Fashion designers who lived during similar periods of increased risk of nuclear war have poured this encompassing fear into their creative processes. The traces of their impact on our everyday lives have been largely forgotten but, once remembered, it’s easy to see how often they pop up in each outfit change.

In 1946, Parisian engineer Louis Réard was working at his mother’s lingerie shop in the South of France. Due to post-war rationing, fabric was a commodity difficult to find. With scarcity as the mother of creation, Réard created the first modern bikini.

Due to its shocking nature, Réard named his “four triangles of nothing” a “bikini” after the Marshall Islands Atoll that the United States had targeted only days earlier for nuclear weapons testing. These nuclear tests not only decimated the environment, but left the native people of the Marshall Islands with radiation-related health issues that have been passed from generation to generation.

Adding to this trend, either consciously or subconsciously, one of Victoria’s Secret most popular bikini and bra lines is called the “Bombshell Collection” – a term that didn’t come into popular use until World War II. From its military use to its synonymy with sexiness, the term “bombshell” is an example of how a history of violence lies underneath much of our language and clothing.

A hidden history of fear of nuclear weapons lurks behind the creation of even our more obviously political clothing. In fact, political slogan tees originated with the anti-nuclear movement.

In 1984, British fashion designer Katherine Hamnett was invited to a reception at Downing Street. She wore a t-shirt of her own design with “58% DON’T WANT PERSHING” written in large black font on a white t-shirt, an anti-nuclear weapons statement about the Prime Minister’s decision to allow US Pershing nuclear missiles to be stationed in Britain.

“That t-shirt gave me a voice,” Hamnett said to Harper’s Bazaar, and the public agreed. The stunt and the media attention that followed made Hamnett’s political t-shirts into must-haves, and the concept was replicated en masse.

… Paris Fashion Week is known for its unique, highbrow designs meant to provoke headlines, but for the past two years it has featured an unusual number of shows with the same dystopian theme. In 2017 multiple fashion lines incorporated Hazmat gear, and Calvin Klein models stomped down the runway covered in popcorn which Fashionista magazine said could be “an interpretation of nuclear ashes.”

This year’s Paris Fashion Week was no different. Multiple runways featured allusions to nuclear apocalypse. The Tuba Ergin show began with a video of models walking through a wasteland donning glamorous dresses and gas masks before the models appeared on the runway. Rick Owens showcased his “Babel” collection as models walked around a flaming tower. Ottolinger brought an odd lightness to the theme, with critics describing the collections as “Post-Apocalyptic Rave.”

More at:


ad1601  No.3362029

File: 10069d34b665f91⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 306x390, 51:65, 3DDB2A0C00000578-4282630-i….jpg)


I'd sure like to get Kellyanne Conway drunk at the party! ;)

fb19cf  No.3362030


…to say so little…

bc5faf  No.3362031


Yeah, I got it off the feed of


which Q linked in his PF344 post

20aaf9  No.3362032

File: c25933c68fb4317⋯.jpeg (693.23 KB, 1242x569, 1242:569, 225B51E4-6EF6-4D80-BAB5-9….jpeg)



8719ea  No.3362033


Attempts to divide will fail

You mis-understand what makes us mad though, this is qresearch, the only thing that makes us mad is low iq morons shitting up the bread with their literal translations of recent crumbs taken completely out of context with past drops. Do yourself a favour, go back to the start, re-read the crumbs and then come back and express yourself from an informed and knowledgeable standpoint. You are also advised to buy a dictionary.

181c3d  No.3362034


O'Connor and Kennedy didn't hold up but both sold out for the Bush Coup - and should've been impeached with the other 3 responsible.

If that's a "swing vote" I'm glad it's gone. They didn't use it.

5a12fa  No.3362035


Q, real or not, is a deeply flawed group of beings. As we all are.

America is the last fucking stand in the world against authoritarianism. If we fall the fucking world falls. Everyone else, even our 5-eyes allies, are completely comped at this point.

It's us or nothing left. People need to fight. Common Sense.

c886db  No.3362036


Do I see a KEK flag in there too?

a8e935  No.3362037

File: 6e50125eb63f4dd⋯.png (9.32 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 900px-Naval_Ensign_of_Russ….png)


Ensign of the Russian Navy.

I know its wiki but


5991ea  No.3362038


no, this is the one i was referring to:

Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland Paperback – April 24, 1998

1d48d4  No.3362039


Do we need to move Q's last post to a Saturday column so as to not fuck the Clockfags up? Asking for a fren

501120  No.3362040

File: 6fafc5c8380eac4⋯.jpg (107.14 KB, 823x500, 823:500, 2jiv7x.jpg)


Thank you very much

7bc4b6  No.3362041

File: 4e6c29409d0b107⋯.jpg (63.81 KB, 600x458, 300:229, aphotonspoin.jpg)

Could you find a place in the Universe where your own gravity vector completely cancels out with the sum of all other gravity vectors?

6b0b68  No.3362042

File: ccadf186273a56f⋯.png (90.26 KB, 1409x1188, 1409:1188, 43804659478324689138921794….png)

6c51f8  No.3362043


Where’d that graphic come from?

4adb54  No.3362044


c886db  No.3362045


Waveform reminds me of recorded audio, like tapes

40e015  No.3362046

File: 36a1817949fbde3⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1806x1096, 903:548, busy.png)

fb19cf  No.3362047



well done anon! I think you nailed it!

e5e5a1  No.3362048

File: ead40e43f7275a5⋯.jpg (99.52 KB, 634x711, 634:711, okt.jpg)

File: ead40e43f7275a5⋯.jpg (99.52 KB, 634x711, 634:711, okt.jpg)

Does this look like the same person??

fc6ceb  No.3362049

For anons involved in the Twitter Wars, interesting thread from @drawandstrike. Twitter algorithm uses inferred interests to shadow ban. You can find inferred interests in settings, twitter data. Uncheck all that identify you as conservative/religious/spiritual.


6b0b68  No.3362050

File: 3b235645e2e964a⋯.png (107.08 KB, 771x880, 771:880, 21897478500000707600000120….png)

01c36c  No.3362051

File: ae26008e7026428⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1033x774, 1033:774, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like we need to add a new disciple to the world of faggotry.


c886db  No.3362052


Just made it from a qmap.pub cap of the post

ad1601  No.3362053


You're not intellectual titans because you've read every post.

Half your notables are garbage, and most of you just want to be here when Q drops, like the faggot fanboys you are.

This is the reason Q is beginning to dump your asses.

24dc71  No.3362054

File: 356981fe9107a31⋯.png (210.7 KB, 600x592, 75:74, 43176015_1940809432620997_….png)

d774ed  No.3362055


>Oh America, of your religion

Kek, stopped there. Nice bathroom wall poetry.

6fce2b  No.3362056


Subs are boats, so they come under boatfagging. YMMV.

6c51f8  No.3362057


Nice. I hear you. Thanks for the insight!

d87a2e  No.3362059


Why do you think Q should listen to you? What actual experience do you have? What have you accomplished in your life?If I were the head of a movement and somebody disrespected me like you did to Q, I'd tell you to GTFO.

329592  No.3362060

File: 72982569272a621⋯.jpg (133.63 KB, 425x552, 425:552, hermes.jpg)






Kek! That is probably the correct reply and exactly why we come here. Thanks for putting me back in my place.

Milk for babes and meat for men, faggots.

5b157f  No.3362061

>>3362039 Thanks, anon… I'm not on EST, so I have no idea what time they were posted.

Baker Request

Any fags operating in Eastern Standard, please check the Q post times for Friday (per the bread). Are any of them Saturday?

01c36c  No.3362062

File: f6b98f9b8a741a2⋯.jpg (92.91 KB, 539x504, 77:72, HIghest ranking anon.jpg)


Autism off the charts.

7a89c6  No.3362063


You just hold tight to that thought, and as I'm sitting upstairs, in the Mezzanine…I'll be sure to throw popcorn down onto the top of your head, as you sit down below.

c4b039  No.3362064

File: 31f3b01db68b4eb⋯.png (275.28 KB, 500x496, 125:124, 52cdfb99fef746fa2a0ff21707….png)


Here's a lunch Q packed just for (you).

1bf63e  No.3362065




swordanon a mason?

9e406c  No.3362066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is a continual emergence of fleets that are moving throughout your star system and they shall be in preparation for upcoming solar shifts that are being delivered through the solar winds entering your star system. Earth will become a subject of great transformation as its own electromagnetic fields is receiving these cosmic changes funneling through the interior of the planet. The interior of the Earth is increasing with physical heat. This is due to the bio-magnetic changes that are in progress now and may also lead to further Earth changes resulting into greater intense weather conditions. However, this activity will not lead to a severity of conditions on large levels. This transformation that is taking place will increase the amount of aurora activity as the ‘heart’ of your planet is expanding and will initiate changes as the Earth moves through cosmic turbulence. It is reaching a higher shift in dimensional transit as you move toward your upcoming solstice within December. Fleets of interstellar spacecraft are carefully monitoring the conditions of your world throughout the cosmic transition as the planetary integration on a transdimensional level is now reaching new heights that have not been reached before.

Upon your world, there are involving plans to disclose key operations that are now ready to become dismantled. These represent former safeguards with fiat monetary systems, old political agendas, as well as former plans relating to further dismantling that may have involved martial law/police state operations specifically across the United States, your United Kingdom, and areas within the European Union. These plans will not reach culmination as they are now an outdated population control agenda. Many of your current world leaders in power are cooperating with the reintegration and restoration of a collective effort to expose plans and agendas that led to power initiations to favor the elitists that no longer run your world. Military, Political, Financial banking and government spending that was intended to create infrastructure to umbrella a veil of control upon the world is now in the process of being dismantled by government agencies across the planet.

Further dismantling of key players within the Cabal are being rooted out and exposed. This will lead to a greater effect especially within the United States as the attempt to bring about a new appointed judge will lead to further mass arrests and trials/tribulations of those that have attempted to keep this individual from reaching this level of authority. When this one reaches that level, this will lead to a swift blow to the elitists of the old regime and many will witness these key players popularly known on your planet expedited and facing tribunals removing the remnants of an old system that will be laid to rest. This will further the opportunities of continued disclosures on internal workings behind the scenes that led to dominant takeover, truth embargos and seized financial assets from such controllers to be exposed and money returned into new hands as this will lead to new infrastructures that will revise all essential developments to improve environmental improvement, universal basic income, and further environmentally sound technologies that will enable global clean up to become possible.

The current time period will increase the emotional boundaries of your planet. Earth is under a span of great revealing as all social frameworks are being brought out into the open and unfolded to reveal great truths hidden from your people for a great amount of time. Religions, finances, government, social behavior.

Everything is being scrutinized and challenged at this time so that the microscope of observation evaluates current systems and ways of life as a means to improve it. As you move into the next decade, a very different way of life will become possible for humanity. The era of corruption and hidden secrets is coming to an end. This will also reciprocate through the minds and hearts of every man, woman and child on the planet as they will look into themselves where corruption and hidden secrets have been revealed, and it too shall be exposed.

You are in the process of awakening deeper levels within, and for you to further your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development, this time period will bring about great inner scrutiny. People around you will be exposed. Their true colours out in the open. The intentions clear. This will also transpire with the actions of your past that will also lead to a personal disclosure. As the next year will be heavy with disclosure, so shall your own minds and hearts as the time to reconcile differences and hardships in the past will now become a theme for many of you. No more clandestine acts will remain, for it is time for the light of truth to shine within everyone’s hearts.

0aeef0  No.3362067

File: 625683d47599921⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, FCC690A2-D736-4152-ACBB-E….jpeg)


No lobes

311494  No.3362068


Interesting submarine documentary


b0cb86  No.3362069

Taking bets on the final vote tally

1d48d4  No.3362070


posted 5 past midnight

4a832a  No.3362071

Don't know if it's been mentioned, apologies if it has, but today is Mad Hatter day


24dc71  No.3362072

File: 3b3eca58eb005c1⋯.jpg (50.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, kermitbewbshistory.jpg)

90c1d6  No.3362073

File: 144dfaf73204931⋯.jpg (17.14 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

5a12fa  No.3362074


All authoritarianism is wrong. Communist, Fascist, Globalist.

Only a recognition of individualism and an understanding that not one human ever equals another will lead to unity. We are united by no race, creed, culture, socio-economic class, and so on. Nor will we ever be.

There is no equality and there will never be.

We can, however, expand consciousness to the limit of possibility. We can decide to never initiate force on one another. It's all neural programming and choosing what we decide to participate in.

501120  No.3362075

File: ad4b476af2e7a01⋯.jpg (41.58 KB, 306x637, 306:637, 2jivgp.jpg)

d774ed  No.3362076

File: da20576c379c61d⋯.png (69.12 KB, 634x643, 634:643, ClipboardImage.png)


Just the last one let me get you an EST cap.

40e015  No.3362077

File: 6b24bc6bd5256cb⋯.jpg (813.89 KB, 2060x1236, 5:3, fren.jpg)


ok, kek

5991ea  No.3362078


ok, i don't have any lobes, what's that supposed to mean?

24dc71  No.3362079

File: 8070256e7b24392⋯.jpg (36.33 KB, 477x498, 159:166, eck.JPG)

ad1601  No.3362080


….and the meme quality is lacking.

b0cb86  No.3362081


I bet a hundred kekrublahs on 54-46

c503be  No.3362082

File: 1a4f3cf8caeed81⋯.jpeg (107.82 KB, 750x380, 75:38, 36727435-E7AC-4AA3-A267-F….jpeg)

Shenanigans in Montana……Helena has an African mayor and has brought lots of muzzies to the state…small towns in MT have been flooded with immigrants and drugs.

Meanwhile DC swamp steals money and laugh….buy more ammo

4f3e6a  No.3362083

File: 30fd6d4d8bc3278⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 550x366, 275:183, After 6 FBI invest.jpg)

24dc71  No.3362084

File: eb20efb950f33e2⋯.jpg (76.25 KB, 720x737, 720:737, FB_IMG_1494548724513.jpg)

d44aa9  No.3362085






..and they are already sowing the seed of doubt even though there is video and further photos they could look at but don't…..


>No way that is her…or it is from 10 years ago…


>Same thought here


>Doesn't look like her.


af409e  No.3362086


Bill's had his young blood transfusion

20fa6d  No.3362087

File: f0be1c20f34d3be⋯.jpg (74.84 KB, 1256x537, 1256:537, die faggot.JPG)


some can't handle the truth….post 1879

"IT GOES A LOT DEEPER. Connected. The choice to know will be yours."

d5d6cb  No.3362089



That would be called "Your Event Horizon" currently we think it can only occur with velocity in relation to other objects. It might also involve inherent (internal) total energy (that would include vibration and frequency).

5ba6e6  No.3362090

File: 41035e360a98689⋯.jpeg (203.36 KB, 1242x783, 46:29, 6CB4C3F5-5364-4B5A-9146-0….jpeg)

The 144,000 are here. Many on this board. Who’d have thought it would be like this, and so much fun?

40e015  No.3362091

File: 549a19351af9b8e⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 600x492, 50:41, multipass.jpg)

5991ea  No.3362092



agree w/this. this is one of my favorite books and "philosophies" about human behavior:


1ad660  No.3362093


The enemy is the cabal

Whatever you call the cabal is semantics

Do not confuse the average misguided citizen with the cabal

We are not going to war with ourselves

We aren’t going to war with the nation of China. There are good people in all of these countries, we are goi g to war with the cabal

In my opinion Q may need to better define the cabal to course correct this mindset, but I guess we will see where this mentality leads

b31bbf  No.3362094

File: 2fc1ba9a0d933f0⋯.png (422.52 KB, 490x582, 245:291, ClipboardImage.png)

c4b039  No.3362095


Nigger it's on par with your division faggotry!

c886db  No.3362096


PTSD/DID off the charts but prbly presents the same. That's huge compliment, ty

0aeef0  No.3362097

File: f08f181993eb499⋯.jpeg (113.01 KB, 700x395, 140:79, 1DE2375C-9304-4B25-999C-7….jpeg)


No lobes

1bf63e  No.3362098


Kav is sooooo cool. Anon like us.

And forget the sacrifices of our vets, focus on Kav's sacrifice. His life was totally devastated. His wife! His little girls!

He deserves the position he is being appointed to. We OWE IT to him. He is ENTITLED to it.

Kav's 45 min of tears and sniffling convinced me he is the man with the compassion necessary to serve on the SCOTUS

34365a  No.3362099

File: f8f7c95afa4a986⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB, 880x880, 1:1, 1537557984.jpeg)

ad1601  No.3362100


>a bag of Lay's with a bratwurst for a dick.


be8c45  No.3362101


Aren’t the 144,000 Jewish virgins?

Top kek

a5d54d  No.3362102


==BO/BV please go to the linked post… and note that it is in the "DEFEND THE SENATE 2018" pinned thread.

ALL of the posts linked in that post are off topic for the thread… generally they're posts intended to be in various breads, posted by idiot faggots who don't seem to understand how /qresearch/ works. They all need to be deleted from that thread to keep it clean and on topic.

Thank you.

4d0235  No.3362104

File: 1b146b1976b10a1⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB, 2100x2100, 1:1, 94430903-818D-4DC8-B573-8….jpeg)

Got up early to enjoy the show today. Made popcorn for everyone.

24dc71  No.3362105

File: 87b188d6e1acc06⋯.png (1.93 KB, 240x147, 80:49, BUSLLSHITNOTWORKING.PNG)

782e6c  No.3362106


You’re glowing faggot. Try harder.

d44aa9  No.3362107


What is your source for this plz anon??

938c2e  No.3362108


He showed righteous indignation and that is because he has goodness in his heart.

6c51f8  No.3362109


But Q won’t, because he is anonymous, and we are also anonymous.

Q is a leader, but in entirlely the revolutionary capacity in extraordinary, highly confusing times. For this movement, what kind of leader would Q be if he “threw someone out” for challenging him?

This is all about challenging an insane reality.

We are people, and this is a war; didn’t you hear?

In this war, tensions run high and challenging leaders is what we are inherently called to do.

4adb54  No.3362110

File: 82e1680ce9bcd50⋯.png (153.15 KB, 241x360, 241:360, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

e28470  No.3362111

File: 0a85372704e44a2⋯.png (781.04 KB, 1177x557, 1177:557, Screen-Shot-2017-05-29-at-….png)

I cant believe this shit actually exists!

1bf63e  No.3362112


here, I'll cry and sniffle for 45 min.

Then you have to believe me!

"I am entitled to this position on SCOTUS"

5991ea  No.3362113


so, am i supposed to be a cabal bloodline? i just always thought i had nice ears.

af409e  No.3362114


Shit, dude. I'm convinced.

5058d8  No.3362115

File: ecc2d6cce7498f6⋯.png (687.71 KB, 876x668, 219:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ccc8a71185d34b⋯.png (42.87 KB, 687x621, 229:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd5c33fe9fa5b1d⋯.png (33.8 KB, 661x613, 661:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71d6f6d0daaf8fb⋯.png (40.05 KB, 685x762, 685:762, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 124287b6f891549⋯.png (764.45 KB, 775x766, 775:766, ClipboardImage.png)

This is funny. New York Times says Trump is starting a new Cold War after hearing Pence's speech. Trump?!! Surely you jest. MORONS.

I want China gone from this country.

These reporters.


c27d21  No.3362116

File: 12601fc8c1548c3⋯.jpg (95.15 KB, 640x400, 8:5, c2aa08f2943227cea66d44a800….jpg)


I brought boobs. Thanks for the popcorn

5ba6e6  No.3362117


They loved not there lives until death (You), and they overcame “the world”, which is this mass of lies that has covered the earth. (Them). Freedom imminent.

5b157f  No.3362118


>>3361820, >>3361823, >>3361891 Indictments updates as of 30 Sept by Stormwatcher

>>3361842, >>3361888 Clintons' Germany dinner partners include Jake Rothschild, et al

>>3361832 Guo Wengui from Pence video. Dig needed

>>3361936 Russian S-300s in Syria, plus other equipment

>>3361963 Shock poll predicts Merkel's sister party CSU could lose power (1st since WWII)

Dough changes:

Added notables

Retired #4255 to Previous notables

Moved Q's PF347 to Saturday (midnight zero five post time)

Changed PF347 Cap to show cap in EST

Updated Q graphics in EST

Q post changes:

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 10.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3358802 )

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/346 ——————————— FACTS MATTER ( Cap: >>3362076 )

EST Graphics Changes:

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>>/comms/2529

Notables and Dough Changes

Original Pastebin link has these changes


Same link as original, but edited to reflect this post. Baker will keep it updated for his relief, which he sorely needs.

Baker Requesting Relief, Still

40e015  No.3362119

File: 38a70c1a35cdb76⋯.png (173.05 KB, 765x773, 765:773, training guide.png)



relax memefren

ad1601  No.3362120


>You disagree with me, so you're a shill.

^^^ Liberal, in disguise.

647da0  No.3362121

File: fc68ec2f82a868c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 320x180, 16:9, _98812622_043069144.jpg)

c777fa  No.3362122


Hypocrite Kagan could always become her own unpredictable swing vote.

cc5323  No.3362123


so who was the idiot that posted all this crap?

Anonymous 09/30/18 (Sun) 01:01:29 562b08 (16) No.3262012

File (hide): 07bec05df3028db⋯.jpg (282.71 KB, 1406x1127, 1406:1127, Green_killed_LdR.jpg) (h) (u)


Lord de Rothschild was killed in an aeronautical crash by Mr. Green, pictured here. A fucking hero if ever there was one.

Anonymous 09/30/18 (Sun) 00:52:28 ba8777 (14) No.3261972>>3261984


D. Rockefeller died 2017


15d312  No.3362124

File: 90782c8336dab23⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1282x1352, 641:676, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

We all know what Disney has devolved into…. is DoD trying to tell us something?


(tweet 8am EST)

d5d6cb  No.3362125

File: e33a0b911e944f7⋯.png (116.53 KB, 1280x926, 640:463, beyondtheeventhorizion.png)

File: b09c7904f85a628⋯.png (162.05 KB, 1280x919, 1280:919, eventhorzionspinonsphere.png)

File: 698535468989465⋯.png (79.8 KB, 1280x927, 1280:927, eventhoriziondimensionfold….png)


It appears to be at least theoretically possible and it may also be an inherent part of how our 4D universe is constructed. Are we already beyond the Event Horizon?

bf009b  No.3362126


>Thx … this is HUGE

Nobody trusts their bagmen anymore, so they have to show up in person?

Got to be a big power struggle in EU between TPTB and Business guys (esp. auto). Business getting their clock cleaned by POTUS's boys .

PPTB needing to see bill & hill in person to check out if those two still have the street cred to be able to pull the right strings?

1ad660  No.3362127



20a2ec  No.3362128

File: 5fb0f0cb8349130⋯.jpg (94.07 KB, 729x486, 3:2, justicebrett.jpg)

5c6b33  No.3362129

File: 2bd7a1be528b5d7⋯.png (368.88 KB, 660x439, 660:439, 20181006_070334.png)

d774ed  No.3362130

File: 39f26045c70a872⋯.png (250.29 KB, 500x341, 500:341, popcorn7.png)


Nice socks Pepe.

e28470  No.3362131

File: d4b2119016d5a66⋯.jpg (894.67 KB, 1110x1080, 37:36, drg56erfgf6uydfthr7u.jpg)

ef0075  No.3362132


Dont know/think it was there in the first place… an anon posted it last bread… pulled it over to new bread for attention…didnt find the roth pic as i was immediatly pulling sauces

Love you too (no homo)

24dc71  No.3362133

File: 83422e760433d5c⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 736x524, 184:131, 83422e760433d5ccdff50685a4….jpg)

311494  No.3362134


It's much better to succumb to the politics of personal destruction?

Clintons can rape and kill, but fucking a non-wife will destroy a Republican.

If you think I'm lying, go look up who got destroyed when Larry Flyntt offered his million dollar reward for adultery information on Republicans.

5a12fa  No.3362135


Anon I dig your crazy bullshit.

It's not ONE cabal though. It's multiple (LOTS) of global power players interacting, cross-seminating, and vying for control.

No cabal definition is needed cuz its SHITTONS of cabals.

Some bigger some lesser. Q called out Saudi's, Roth's, and Soros. For example.

There are deeper players who never let their face be seen on the game board. Soros is amateur hour compared to high level players.

672fc7  No.3362136

File: d02578ea954875a⋯.jpeg (42.52 KB, 320x235, 64:47, image.jpeg)


You're not important enough for subversive kikes to waste their time on. By age six a healthy child, cognitively speaking, begins to display signs it understands the world doesn't revolve around them…of course, there's a tail on every bell-curve.

Perhaps put down the Coors, turn off 'The Price Is Right' and go upstairs for some fresh air and sunlight.

ad1601  No.3362137


No, you crazy person.

be8c45  No.3362138


So they all die?

Sign me up!


6857c7  No.3362139

File: 91c7570d6217592⋯.jpg (246.6 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_20181005_165316933.jpg)

File: 3381533d7c42f9e⋯.jpg (249.12 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_20181005_165140139.jpg)

File: 97a2fd1c57d47a2⋯.jpg (209.47 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_20181005_165541613.jpg)

File: b8181dcaa8a21c4⋯.jpg (216.02 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_20181005_165546477.jpg)

Madison WI. 10/5/18 pics taken around 4:30 PM. 4 buses with police escort, headed from near Madison Airport to west side Madison. I was towing a car and couldn't follow to destination. Unmarked Black Dodge in front, and WI State trooper at rear of 4 buses. Police posted along route? Saw a few. Protestors being bused in? Was too weird not to share, and I was in between the 4 buses.

af409e  No.3362140

File: 082d95162a8d4c4⋯.jpg (116.22 KB, 850x562, 425:281, image-704032-galleryV9-whl….jpg)

181c3d  No.3362141



1bf63e  No.3362142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


look go how Clarence Thomas handled it for a correct application of righteous indignation

Kav's performance was simple faggotry.

learn the difference, maybe this embed can help.

41e7f9  No.3362143


The premise of this theory relies on the first event.

What I do not believe has been considered is that James Wolfe was probably leaked an inaccurate FISA.

It as well relies on the assumption that no one would of thought of this scenario.

If the FISA documents Wolfe was given were inaccurate, then the media would not pursue this avenue further.

Collyer in her letter stated that a copy did not have to come from the Court.

Instead a copy could be supplied by the DOJ.

I suspect that Collyer knows there are 2 FISA docs which are not the same.

That is the reason she tossed it back to the DOJ.

The Court wants to know if they have both copies.

I suspect they do.

Rosenstein testified somewhat to this when he stated that "was not the one he signed".

15d312  No.3362144



To do this Americans need to commit to BUY AMERICAN. Check labels. Support local businesses.

STOP sending them our money in exchange for poorly manufactured goods.

I'd rather have 2 pairs of $100 made in USA jeans than 10 pair of $20 crap from China/E Asia.

938c2e  No.3362145


So who are the high level players? Names?

5b157f  No.3362146

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 10.06.18

>>>/patriotsfight/347 ——————————— IT WAS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE IT ( Cap: >>3362076 )

Friday 10.05.18

>>>/patriotsfight/346 ——————————— FACTS MATTER ( Cap: >>3355727 )

Correctly-corrected Q posts

Fukked the link in previous baker post

0dc58b  No.3362147

File: df4da332c1cec8b⋯.png (924.23 KB, 1055x608, 1055:608, hilltroll.png)


fixed it…

4adb54  No.3362148


>Attempts to divide will fail

No, I will divide my enemies apart from me. And I'll include thoughtless, LARPing, lemmings like you, as well. And, there is nothing you can do about it but piss and moan on the internet… Bitch.

181c3d  No.3362149



Different world.

Shills are taking the Msm talking points.

He was was accused of a pubic hair on a coke bottle? Not gang rape.

40e015  No.3362150

File: 76d5f3e57daba3d⋯.png (294.81 KB, 860x739, 860:739, takeavalium.png)


c8e366  No.3362151


What kind of a moron comes up with this kind of semi-literate, New Age BS?

5ba6e6  No.3362152

File: 46efe8301633d57⋯.jpeg (58.08 KB, 474x521, 474:521, B7D7A93D-2C97-4ACE-AD3D-A….jpeg)


Yes. They all die. No, dumbass, they all made a choice that their fellow men, and what they were fighting for was worth risking their lives. (Evidently not you).

fb19cf  No.3362153


genetics…you cannot fake a (no)lobe

647da0  No.3362154

File: 526f8e8a287c1ab⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1785x1110, 119:74, lamers.PNG)


at least they were properly marked.

cdae83  No.3362155

Been away for 12 hours or so, but something struck me as soon as I woke up this morning. In the POTUS tweet yesterday this line referred to us. POTUS was speaking to us directly

"These are not signs made in the basement from love!"

Our memes are, is that correct Q ?

3b3052  No.3362156


They're talking about China and not russia, that's progress.

cc5323  No.3362157


NOICE! kek

b5d802  No.3362158


Nobody trusts their bagmen anymore, so they have to show up in person?


But i dont understand whz so public. Thst is not safe… As i mentioned before, it looks like thez are forced to meet in public.

5991ea  No.3362159


hell, kav's wife's body language and facial expressions, while sitting behind kav, provided enough indignation for him. i don't need to compare kav to thomas to understand that everyone expresses themselves differently, but can still KNOW that they are innocent.

b31bbf  No.3362160

File: bab9a4f6d7950d9⋯.png (285.28 KB, 446x327, 446:327, ClipboardImage.png)

6c51f8  No.3362161


What makes you say that? Your post Creates a new personal ‘coincidence’ in my life.

40e015  No.3362162

File: 41d2696f1d7ae07⋯.png (475.25 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, elon.png)

bf009b  No.3362163


>Re-posting to get some eyes on

I don't think it was meant to be released. It was a plan in place for a while, but chosen not to be used for the reasons were seeing now

Rogue dem(s) or white hats released it. Too many people caught unprepared.


ded89a  No.3362164


Q, what is your explanation for why Clintons are still allowed to meet all these people at the Oktoberfest? And for how long shall this go on? Doesn't feel like winning. Feels like being duped.

6b0b68  No.3362165

File: 2175c72113f7500⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1374x912, 229:152, 70163017853217096540896385….png)

20fa6d  No.3362166


how do you know its really the Clintons?

6c51f8  No.3362167


Kek seriously though

e98919  No.3362168



Stopped there. This is not your blog. Go to the catalog and start your own thread. This is /qresearch/, emphasis on the word research. /faggotblog/ is down the hall somewhere but not here

af409e  No.3362169


Space invaders

647da0  No.3362170


>As i mentioned before, it looks like thez are forced to meet in public.

If the pleebes see them traveling freely and enjoying life it keeps them believing they are in control.

But look at that cunt's face.

e04b50  No.3362172


kek. got my covfefe ready, got some popcorn for later.

5a12fa  No.3362173


If I was the NSA: Here is what I would do.

Have unlimited capacity to understand every financial transaction on earth.

Have resources to de-abstract shell structures which are the names on those financial transactions.

If the US wasn't committing global crimes against our neighbors, we'd be at war already. Humans are too easily corrupted. Belief in the ideal of the Republic is a task for those who are Philosophers… not statesmen and military officers.

This is why Plato said the Republic will fall without a Philosopher King.

01c36c  No.3362174


Looks like a fucked up John Elway.

181c3d  No.3362175


I guess this can go to the SCOTUS soon?

be8c45  No.3362176


I’ll tell you what.

Given the choice, I choose to be alive when this is all said and done.

My enemies will be dead.

So please take the fucking martyr for Jesus bullshit back to Sunday School, Jedidiah.

311494  No.3362177

File: 197f614899889e9⋯.png (107.12 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 197f614899889e974456da1568….png)

e28470  No.3362178

File: 9588311b862f78a⋯.jpg (88.87 KB, 558x398, 279:199, 03dfbd5hthf5db.jpg)

d5dcc1  No.3362179

File: 5f084a66c2a1851⋯.jpeg (10.31 KB, 71x255, 71:255, 4A9EEBD0-C42E-4E9F-89F5-2….jpeg)

File: 79db1f85ade4727⋯.jpeg (60.13 KB, 300x332, 75:83, 2CDD3EEF-3BE9-4C37-B884-6….jpeg)

Join us

589285  No.3362180


well I didn't want her liberal ass on the court but no one gave one fucking damn about my opinion or anyone else's at the time. It was oo heys (sing song voice) lets appoint a liberal! No one should give a fucking damn about her personal opinion. Nice to be employed for life. Fuck her.

3324f4  No.3362181

File: dbe880c1be84c26⋯.jpeg (485.12 KB, 752x2227, 752:2227, 39CB1507-5072-4BC6-96DF-E….jpeg)

1bf63e  No.3362182


to each their own. Of course other anons are attacking me for my point. So I commend you for your measured response.

24dc71  No.3362183


Germany or Canada?

5ba6e6  No.3362184


There are no coincidences. Kek!

e98919  No.3362185



Stopped there. This is not your blog. Go to the catalog and start your own thread. This is /qresearch/, emphasis on the word research. /faggotblog/ is down the hall somewhere but not here

5c6b33  No.3362186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bf009b  No.3362187


>As i mentioned before, it looks like thez are forced to meet in public.

Those two showing up somewhere at an unannounced, private meeting would look more suspicious for all parties than an Oktoberfest visit. Plausable deniability.

6fce2b  No.3362188

File: 9558bb1dfad1d0f⋯.jpg (241.94 KB, 1745x557, 1745:557, Clipper Eglin AFB 6 Oct 18….jpg)

C-32B Clipper leaving Eglin AFB headed NW. First interesting plane seen today.

aafadf  No.3362189



Some guy was on Hannity's radio show on Thursday (didn't catch who it was). Said that this latest antics by the Schumer machine has gotten free-thinking Dems to question their party.

Can confirm through personal discussions. #WalkAway movement is also evidence of this. Even if they don't support POTUS or the Republicans, they most likely will not make a trip to the polls on this Election Day.

APATHY IS REAL. Sorry Chuck.

9e406c  No.3362190


you are a moron.

311494  No.3362191

File: 9e4ee5d566995e5⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 414x251, 414:251, sessions swat.gif)

4d3ed9  No.3362192

File: 5c202952009da4f⋯.jpg (31.32 KB, 275x465, 55:93, ElwayPool.jpg)

a2b9e9  No.3362193

File: 52167a1acc4976a⋯.jpg (712.44 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181006-080813….jpg)

For those inclined to do so… Mrs. Kavanaugh requested we read Psalm 40 today. ThankQ and God bless us all today!

ded89a  No.3362194


How do I know they are not?

52a344  No.3362195


We are the super elite basement dwellers of which I am honored to be a part of. His tweets are awesome!

01c36c  No.3362196

File: 56bac1f0c8c64db⋯.png (248.98 KB, 297x433, 297:433, ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS sees what we are doing.

fb19cf  No.3362197


fren…lurk and learn…

THEN post..

6c51f8  No.3362198


Yes yes ah. I actually had a celebration brownie earlier and got really deep into the definition of a coincidence. Kek.

But too true too true. No ‘coincidences’!

e4dfb7  No.3362199


Looks like an old guy who met with some kind of damaging event. Besides the dent behind his jaw, his right ear looks displaced. His ear looks fine in the picture of him as a child.

20a2ec  No.3362200

File: 8565e360fbac860⋯.jpg (89.79 KB, 869x489, 869:489, sessionsyourass.jpg)

aafadf  No.3362201

d774ed  No.3362202


Nice, good catch.

5058d8  No.3362203


Oh, it'll swing around to Russia, Russia, Russia again. Prob. this afternoon once Judge K.'s been confirmed.

34365a  No.3362204

File: 107e4a66f719410⋯.jpeg (117.32 KB, 1440x959, 1440:959, 1538748193.jpeg)

6b0b68  No.3362205

File: 6a5b56d1863b2d5⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1374x912, 229:152, 32747654789012978632789420….png)

58c27c  No.3362206

File: c55e6a4e0cec687⋯.png (64.74 KB, 658x598, 329:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9e79729186e07b⋯.png (54.65 KB, 850x683, 850:683, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8260fee56be695d⋯.png (317.25 KB, 497x617, 497:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50be4e23bf157f2⋯.png (497.85 KB, 1318x563, 1318:563, ClipboardImage.png)

This is crazy scary!!!!

PIC 1:

World Parlaiment??

Earth Constitution??

PIC 2:

Watch for this in the 2018 Ballot. Esp. blue states!!! This sight says that even colleges and universities and organizations can just vote for the Earth Constitution and World Parlaiment.

PIC 3&4:

Remember that the parade was moved from 11/11/2018 to 2019?

Where will POTUS be on 11/11/2018?

in PARIS, for…



And who will ALSO be there along with our POTUS? SOROS!!!

4adb54  No.3362207


>Do you know, Anon, that America is an image of Heaven? That in America, all the operations of power which rule and work in Heaven are present in the Earth below? In fact it should be said that the whole Cosmos dwells in this our land as in a sanctuary.

Is that a fact?

In case you haven't noticed, AMERICA IS CORRUPT AF! So save me the Albert Pike copy-pastas, hippy.

5991ea  No.3362208


we can only hope and pray for that!

ef0075  No.3362209


Eggzachly… funerals… birthdays

1bf63e  No.3362210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


then here's a glowing faggot for you:

5ba6e6  No.3362211


It will be the funnest time you’ve ever experienced. If you’re here, and you’ve been here, it will be glorious. The 144,000 also here, are here for you guys, and they love your dark humor, your authentic selves. They are the last ones you should be wary of. If they’re rejected by anyone, it’ll be the “churchy” people. Just like Jesus was. Suit up fren, the time of your life is around the corner. Justice wins.

5a12fa  No.3362212

File: 7494aad2c90e6ee⋯.jpg (149.93 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, damn.jpg)



But just this… for a second.

Then meme.

52a344  No.3362213


So all the pieces had to be set. Kavanaugh is the last piece dufus. If they did what you want they’d all be free to fuck earth up again.

938c2e  No.3362214


They are probably sitting at home giggling that their clones have made it into the news cycle

ded89a  No.3362215


Why are you trying to make me DiFi?

Because I'm daring to ask Q, why Clintons are allowed to meet with Roths, Windsors and likewise important people at the Oktoberfest?

Why aren't you asking the same question?

How long will this be allowed to go on and on and on?

34365a  No.3362216

File: df458b425afe0d3⋯.jpeg (80.88 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1538329675.jpeg)

5991ea  No.3362217


the attacks on here are stupid and juvenile. this freedom of speech format should be about reasonable debate in an effort to inform, research, persuade, etc.

8ac83c  No.3362218

File: efe479e97c71953⋯.jpeg (111.52 KB, 812x456, 203:114, 3566BADD-568E-4C14-9EDE-B….jpeg)

d4b7ac  No.3362219

File: 417045263b48d9e⋯.jpeg (199.81 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2BAC2932-7784-4ECA-A9B4-4….jpeg)


a15b31  No.3362220

Chatter that HRC is officially in custody of USSS.

Will try and confirm.

LOTS of VIPs on the move.

Seems to be coordinated to try and slip out of CONUS en masse.

824c38  No.3362221

File: ab993f739331bf5⋯.png (199.46 KB, 580x696, 5:6, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

5058d8  No.3362222


Well, now it's all out there, isn't it.

be8c45  No.3362223


I know you are a pure virgin and all, but if you could go fuck yourself, that’d be great.

Thanks in advance.

24dc71  No.3362224

File: 528248cc2f48f26⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 300x300, 1:1, ab379555c350d32e2f6e091d2e….gif)

e28470  No.3362225


You will have answers for all your questions…soon. Sooner than you think.

0aeef0  No.3362226

File: f67ac1e6a77de0c⋯.jpeg (174.21 KB, 1024x705, 1024:705, AEE5DA9C-B3E5-46F3-89D5-4….jpeg)


;) no lobes

e4dfb7  No.3362228


He knows. Everybody knows.

938c2e  No.3362229



What's that?

311494  No.3362230

File: 2f9e665ac13c3ad⋯.png (39.36 KB, 1528x283, 1528:283, Lawyer_Ford_found_Trump_mo….png)

The Troll-in-Chief has struck gold again. The headline is all you need.


c27d21  No.3362231


Where are you getting the chatter?

6c51f8  No.3362232


Well if you believe the Bible, Jesus told Paul that he lets loose on earth would be loosed in heaven also, and something else along those lines. I just read that the other day and was confused.. heaven lets loose beasts? But it also says as above, so below.

555927  No.3362233

File: 699d1004fd7ba06⋯.png (528.91 KB, 722x486, 361:243, faggot.PNG)

Kek, this cunt just doesnt stop.


1bf63e  No.3362234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah, they play by different rules. don't get butthurt about it.

This is the consequence of choosing good over evil. accept it.

If you follow Q at all you would agree there is a strong hint the clintons will get what's coming to them.

I am using the Clarence Thomas video to show anons how to handle a situation and avoid crying and sniffling like an overprivileged prep boy for 45 min.

I know people (some dead) who have sacrificed more and cried less for the camera.

58c27c  No.3362235


Damn! I forgot the link….


Watch this vid. It's an hour long, but FULL of good info on UN & NWO. She does an awesome job!!

I've been up for hours reading through the Earth Constitution. VERY SCARY how they are planning on rolling it out!!!

40e015  No.3362236

File: bc8dff68315ae42⋯.png (239.18 KB, 999x562, 999:562, david.png)

5991ea  No.3362237


Q tells us after the mid-terms. we need SC confirmed and we need to keep house and senate. after that, i pray that pain and arrests come.

d87a2e  No.3362238


Have to agree. What's the point?

890a81  No.3362239

File: df82b002180fb94⋯.png (30.21 KB, 727x275, 727:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfecebc3ebc64dd⋯.png (114.24 KB, 934x629, 934:629, ClipboardImage.png)


In the Q batches of email re: Assange arrest I found this from Burns Strider to Killary. WTF!


20fa6d  No.3362240


touche - i don't and actually believe it is them, just playing devils advocate - personally inclined to believe that hillary was arrested last year and she's allowed out on a lease for a reason….hobnobbing with the elites….recording in progress? who knows whats going on behind the scenes - definitely not us, and Q isn't going tell us before the chess move has been played

5a12fa  No.3362241


"This freedom of speech" yadda yadda "should be about" yadda yadda.

Fuck you nigger kike fag spic cunt.

What freedom of speech is about is that NO ONE IS EQUAL. If you want to be a reasonable debater, informer, etc. DO IT.

We're not gunna hold your hand. Just fucking do it. And most of us will love you for it. Scroll by the rest if you don't like it.

d44aa9  No.3362242


>Dont know/think it was there in the first place

You can tell it was anon, since Clinton (or her double) is wearing the same clothes and other attendees are in the photo

9b66ca  No.3362243

Anon meeting with Chinese "entertainment" company – they better be prepared to MAGA, or for confiscation of their assets for sedition and subversion.

POTUS still has SOE in place.


34365a  No.3362244

File: 2d34ceb5113505b⋯.gif (793.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, tumblr_nr7b9iH0RU1uv4oxko1….gif)

8ac83c  No.3362245

File: 438f5a83acf5e62⋯.jpeg (472.52 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 6CCEB1D7-CE0E-4403-AA68-A….jpeg)

345d93  No.3362247

File: 509ef3e63513bcd⋯.png (11.65 KB, 159x301, 159:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ab9c95ae19f2a5⋯.png (12.12 KB, 185x301, 185:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9842988309404cf⋯.png (11.6 KB, 159x301, 159:301, ClipboardImage.png)

11/15/17 Argentina sub goes missing

11/20/17 The Hunt for Red October

11/20/17 Red Oct sig has not occurred yet

01/13/18 Hawaii missile event

02/07/18 RED OCTOBER

02/11/18 Note "The Hunt For" was dropped

03/06/18 Why was ‘The HUNT For’ removed?

06/12/18 Widbey Island

08/28/18 Part (2) - Rally [RED October]

09/27/18 RED OCTOBER

09/28/18 RED OCTOBER

09/29/18 RED OCTOBER

09/30/18 RED OCTOBER

10/03/18 RED OCTOBER

10/04/18 RED OCTOBER

15d312  No.3362248

File: 28006393633befb⋯.png (164.01 KB, 1186x1078, 593:539, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

File: f16ff1bfa96b783⋯.png (184.97 KB, 1184x1154, 592:577, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

>>3358476 (lb)

>>3358489 (lb)

I followed Stealth Jeff's steps to clear my twatter and holy shit. Here are some of the labels they had on me.

Also, after I deleted them all it STILL says I have 11 interests. Fuckers

647da0  No.3362249


Continental US.

The fact that the Clintons are already in DE makes me think this is suspect.

e28470  No.3362250


Creepy porn lawyer is on fire…I hope he doesn't…(laughs) burn himself up.

181c3d  No.3362251


They make the guy who loses, who is killed the hero. They adopt the mantle of the victims they themselves kill [Roman martyrs, King Jesus]

So… it's psy-op , not just a material way of gaining power.

Those who give their lives are honored forever; but it shouldn't be a goal.[to die in the persuit of Justice]. The goal should be to live and win. I agree.

The psychos have been in power so long peeps have been conditioned to victimhood = goodness.



Didn't know that. Thank you.


they can't meme. Kek

Meme is priceless; they only get paid by the hour.

9bcd39  No.3362252

File: 4d2990543f96fce⋯.png (552.23 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 0C5A4328-8118-427D-BE93-00….png)

File: 3406816e32f0650⋯.png (442.35 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 2FCD75EA-4C48-4752-801A-C4….png)

Clockfags! If not discovered yet (I am currently away from location and traveling with phone device) , but Q post stating double meaning and pay attention to 43 minutes… please set clock to :43 marker. Jan 29th on marker please!

5991ea  No.3362253


i don't know, i still like my ears.

2055c1  No.3362254

File: 3708a14aebf27df⋯.jpg (118.12 KB, 449x1111, 449:1111, IMG_20181006_175014.jpg)

File: 70347318c4087d8⋯.jpg (165.34 KB, 583x1217, 583:1217, IMG_20181006_175012.jpg)

File: 987c9fdcbc33a8a⋯.jpg (124.81 KB, 664x807, 664:807, IMG_20181006_175009.jpg)

Our movement …

d4b7ac  No.3362255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7a89c6  No.3362256

File: 87129c87044d382⋯.jpg (178.72 KB, 750x937, 750:937, where's_the_sauce_cat.jpg)

15d312  No.3362257


What about the 6/10/18 the missile event Whidbly Island?

8ac83c  No.3362258

File: 9e08a3b274e5ae4⋯.jpeg (83.82 KB, 500x636, 125:159, 365368A6-8256-4F77-A531-B….jpeg)

73b61f  No.3362259


I never said I was one of them. And get off the whole virgin thing. Spiritual meanings are never literal.

15d312  No.3362260


Fuck- forget it. I see you included it

40e015  No.3362261


indeed no coincidence the heads of the raptors meet, their supply chain of baby blood is under attack

647da0  No.3362262

File: 3028f5bf6677587⋯.png (446.21 KB, 416x448, 13:14, theprice.PNG)


Yeh, a fact not lost on this Patriot so fucking pissed that these asshats are walking.

311494  No.3362263


I don't give a fuck if he filled a keg with his tears. I'm just happy for once that the spineless got a spine. Or perhaps their strings were cut. In the past, his nomination would have been withdrawn.

Remember when court nominations were withdrawn because the domestic help wasn't paid exactly per the IRS code?

e98919  No.3362264


This idiot has zero self awareness.

b19eac  No.3362265


Possible surgery. Or just a shrinking of the connective tissue due to old age.

Don't see any scars, so it must be old age. Good skull outline. Nothing weird.

824c38  No.3362266


Of all the POTUS accomplishments, and there have been countless many, perhaps the greatest is that he thought the GOP how to grow a pair, fight back and win.

938c2e  No.3362267


>Continental US


c8e366  No.3362268


>you are a moron.

Why? For drawing to your attention the kind of psycho-babble that has robbed so many people not only of the capacity for critical thought but also plain, common sense. If you can't discern that this kind of pseudo spirituality is straight out of the libtard playbook, then you'll be one of the 6% that Q says are permanently lost. It's BS, anon. Belongs in a sci-fi novel not serious commentary.

181c3d  No.3362269


It's not them.

Smile is not her

Head shape and teeth is not him

5991ea  No.3362270



d774ed  No.3362271

File: be02e15e544ba14⋯.png (581.75 KB, 720x749, 720:749, feinsteinkamalababydiet.png)

34365a  No.3362272

File: 061db1eb1798651⋯.jpeg (136.53 KB, 1440x1182, 240:197, 1528749838.jpeg)

b31bbf  No.3362273

File: 9323f9eb8429e63⋯.png (649.37 KB, 750x734, 375:367, ClipboardImage.png)

4adb54  No.3362275


>If I were the head of a movement and somebody disrespected me like you did to Q, I'd tell you to GTFO.

You are a lemming with tyrannical-aspirations. No one would ever follow you. People don't follow followers.

c92f1c  No.3362276


He said that to Peter, not Paul. It also has nothing to do with letting beasts loose. https://www.gotquestions.org/binding-loosing.html

9b66ca  No.3362277


Anyone prepared to MAGA okay w this anon - impressed with Mike Pence's performance at Hudson Inst.

dbfc44  No.3362278

File: 5e774f38927aadf⋯.jpg (37.39 KB, 569x369, 569:369, dmnaq.jpg)


commies always flock together

15d312  No.3362279



What the actual fuck? I've been reading those looking for shit but it's slow going.

Good catch!

I really want to see whats under that redaction box

5991ea  No.3362280


i want to add: we all know that we only have this POTUS for, fingers crossed, another 6 years. that's all. who comes after him? will it be another "fighter"? who knows…but, we'll never have another TRUMP. he is one of a kind.

a5d54d  No.3362281


WTF are you talking about, idiot?

6b0b68  No.3362282

File: fe4760da6d03caa⋯.png (1.17 MB, 763x889, 109:127, 87345780854378678087763271….png)

File: 713649f378212b9⋯.png (1.53 MB, 906x906, 1:1, 37637767612674327947761376….png)

File: dcae76d948b0f58⋯.png (645.51 KB, 776x636, 194:159, 48784728487476576438718328….png)

Good Omen

be8c45  No.3362283


These religious fantasies are nothing but a control mechanism.

What is the difference between the 144,000 and jihadis looking for their virgins?


Die for the cause, o faithful one.

Fuck that.

a37041  No.3362284


There have never been consequences in this latest generation of hate peddlers, so they are unnaturally bold.

Watch that Shit stop very soon.

1bf63e  No.3362285


you may be too new to understand the term


or know what mouldy bread is.

yes, there is a filter function, but there is a benefit in educating a community where filtering is not as necessary.

I believe that is all that he is trying to advocate.

0aeef0  No.3362286

File: cdebda7ab1a0653⋯.jpeg (180.84 KB, 1862x1048, 931:524, 14D3764A-CB7D-467D-B763-9….jpeg)


Hahaha. They everywhere. No lobes

9e406c  No.3362287


ehh.. typical shill-speak..

20a2ec  No.3362288

File: b9bd7d314bd8835⋯.jpg (62.53 KB, 439x263, 439:263, brennanleave.jpg)

34365a  No.3362289

File: 1e75504e9d0d901⋯.jpg (44.88 KB, 727x411, 727:411, IMG_20181005_071830.jpg)

58c27c  No.3362290

File: 968908c34049d04⋯.png (154.07 KB, 663x305, 663:305, ClipboardImage.png)


Check out their proposed building - a Fibonacci spiral design!!!!

Why is our POTUS attending the PARIS PEACE FORUM? This is a forum on GLOBAL GOVERNANCE!!!

Is he going to shut it down? I hope so!!

704ecf  No.3362291

Soros and the Koch are the Designated Scapegoats.

6c51f8  No.3362292


While I don’t find your evidences dispositive of anything, you are doing the right thing!!! It is insane that some anons will attack other anons when they are doing the very thing we should be doing in an effort to undue past mistakes.

Those anons are repeating the mistakes that arguably got us here to begin with. Not doing our own research, not questioning authorities, not considering ideas that could be counter to their biases.

672fc7  No.3362293


Excuse me for being a bit off-point, but want to let you know you take a nice photograph (for someone driving?). Nice crisp edges/good exposure…sure beats the shit out of my phone, try as I might.

Protesters? Perhaps. Might have a been a sports team on a road game. A band on tour, with plenty of leg-room?

Nice job…remember anon, see something…say something.

890a81  No.3362294


Thanks for digging, anon. This is the first I'm getting to dig this week. I'm really looking to see if I can find anything on the Q post:

HRC 2.12.09

Very BAD!


ddeb95  No.3362295

File: 4c6607a80e1fd46⋯.jpeg (37.87 KB, 389x400, 389:400, 44DFDBD5-523A-4944-8606-3….jpeg)

91e502  No.3362296

File: 62241f4a1bbac68⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 850x637, 850:637, POTUS Q 17 2-17.JPG)

File: 0c2ab6e6af84f31⋯.jpg (17.14 KB, 371x125, 371:125, Q proofs 17.JPG)

usually put the POTUS # (45)…Q proof indeed

d774ed  No.3362297


Just like every other globalist summit he's going to go in there and steal the show, trigger some libs and dominate the news cycle for a week.

797daf  No.3362299

File: 9005f1b715671dc⋯.gif (970.06 KB, 245x255, 49:51, 2FBC1670-390E-4E14-9AB4-EA….gif)

Popcorn at the ready

b19eac  No.3362300


Fiber cable is the size of your wrist. BS on that fool.

Even the booster station gear isn't that large.

If the whole building was wiped out by a train, that would be different.

ac53a1  No.3362301

File: 5745de80ce8232b⋯.jpg (495.95 KB, 2012x3012, 503:753, Nat.jpg)

File: 620ad499225f00a⋯.jpeg (10.59 KB, 254x255, 254:255, Pepecof.jpeg)


589285  No.3362302


watching Pence' speech makes me feel a bit divisive towards Chinese. Why are we educating them? Deny anchor baby status to babies of rich Chinese women that fly in to west Coast, pop their kid and go back to China (strategic Chinese long game, how many dual Chinese - US citizens exist? Why are WE THE PEOPLE ALLOWING THIS?). How about no Chinese ownership of US land? The speech is BS unless we start putting America first.

bfbd7f  No.3362303


Night Prowler

Somewhere a clock strikes midnight

And there's a full moon in the sky

You hear a dog bark in the distance

You hear someone's baby cry

A rat runs down the alley

And a chill runs down your spine

And someone walks across your grave

And you wish the sun would shine

'Cause no one's gonna warn you

And no one's gonna yell attack

And you don't feel the steel

Till it's hangin' out your back

I’m your night prowler, asleep in the day

Night prowler, get outta my way

Yeah I’m the prowler, watch out tonight

Yes I’m the night prowler, when you turn out the light

Too scared to turn your light out

Cause there's somethin' on your mind

Was that a noise outside the window

What's that shadow on the blind

As you lie there naked

Like a body in a tomb

Suspended animation as I slip into your room

I'm your night prowler, asleep in the day

Night prowler, get outta my way

Look out for the night prowler, watch out tonight

Yes I'm the night prowler, when you turn out the light

I'm your night prowler, asleep in the day

Yes I'm your night prowler, get outta my way

Look out for the night prowler, watch out tonight

Yes I'm your night prowler, when you turn out the light

I'm your night prowler, break down your door

I'm your night prowler, crawling across your floor

I'm the night prowler, make a mess of you, yes I will

Night prowler

And I'm telling this to you

There ain't nothing

There ain't nothing

Nothing you can do


Nanu nanu

5a12fa  No.3362304



Soros isn't even a grand player. You do not know of the game. Koch? please.

20a2ec  No.3362305

File: 2bad329d07d5548⋯.jpg (49.45 KB, 193x245, 193:245, feinsteinsellout.jpg)

8ac83c  No.3362306

File: 73b261e80864b49⋯.jpeg (150.75 KB, 924x1018, 462:509, E22B6C28-F749-4DF8-9659-6….jpeg)

File: 7f88b85486fbe3c⋯.jpeg (71.14 KB, 445x554, 445:554, DE71EB84-2189-43B3-A11F-B….jpeg)

File: a7635ab1bd6c42f⋯.jpeg (14.03 KB, 209x241, 209:241, 50E8B3CD-F197-4E9B-8B7D-1….jpeg)

File: 078b1e53aa504c5⋯.jpeg (26.45 KB, 277x259, 277:259, CE95CECA-A4BD-4481-97B1-3….jpeg)

90c837  No.3362307

File: 150b1481b512009⋯.png (708.96 KB, 400x567, 400:567, don58.PNG)

File: 16791f0db4aa0ec⋯.png (187.69 KB, 370x431, 370:431, dune10.PNG)

Sauce Brewing….


a37041  No.3362308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good Morning Anons! Today should be a very good day.

Here is a little entertainment to go with your morning beverage.

15d312  No.3362309

File: b4d55317279329d⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1006x648, 503:324, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

File: 48c89e3db39734c⋯.png (145.46 KB, 274x260, 137:130, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)


As far as I'm concerned that's NOT Hillary. It seems like there are two, one whose face is rounder and looks younger and less bitchy, and the one we're all used to.

ef8350  No.3362310

I like our new approach to China.

They don't have chance in a fight so they will get in line.

Peace through strength.

5a12fa  No.3362311

Those who seek wisdom have no need for power.

Those who pursue power, never find wisdom.

It's the universal truth of the global power play.

1bf63e  No.3362313


i watched it too (there should be more views imho if q is telling us to watch it) and feel the same.

ac53a1  No.3362314

File: 23a9aa5c104f69c⋯.jpg (81.11 KB, 549x363, 183:121, KbrenandKcom.jpg)


Patriots are in control

824c38  No.3362315

File: 23d615747cc01e2⋯.png (696.43 KB, 772x586, 386:293, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)

Things I will say if I ever get to meet Trump in person:

God bless you.

Thank you!

<<<…and this

7a89c6  No.3362316


ovenmit does not have 'apple cheeks' [on rt].

c4beec  No.3362317

File: 2fb33c54abd06c7⋯.jpg (50.31 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2ji0qw~2.jpg)





Lindsey grew a pair finally.

dbfc44  No.3362318


there seemed to be at least 3, and possibly up to 5, Killaries back during the 2016 campaign. Lord only knows who that is in Germany now.

6fce2b  No.3362319


Concur. There are several stand-ins that look similar but have different body shapes or are too thin to be the Hilldawg.

8ac83c  No.3362320

File: 63bd1f04a103ef1⋯.jpeg (139.31 KB, 427x1199, 427:1199, 5214BB9F-EFBA-45F1-8F63-1….jpeg)

ac53a1  No.3362321

File: 971e1feb0330a47⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 400x200, 2:1, 38X 2.jpg)


Soros/Koch=Grocery clerks

c92f1c  No.3362322


The first thing I thought when I saw the pics of those two was that Bill looks a bit healthier - must have spent a week or so hooked up to a baby via IV.

672fc7  No.3362323


Think that was the date someone from obama's camp caught her munching on HUMA at some truckstop in Iowa early in the campaign.

c27d21  No.3362324


Soros is no slouch either. There is a special place for him according to Q. If Soros is on Qs radar, he is no small player.

e28470  No.3362325

File: fcc59bc3ad450f2⋯.jpg (79.88 KB, 700x422, 350:211, sertgse5y-zxdthsr6.jpg)




89c0db  No.3362326

Anyone know the time they vote today?

20a2ec  No.3362327


So good. Kek

91e502  No.3362328

File: a6f0647a1b7149d⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 581x381, 581:381, pompeo 10 6 18.JPG)

1bf63e  No.3362329


dumbass, "scapegoat" by very definition isn't the "grand player"

learn engrish faggot.

8ac83c  No.3362330

File: d4dc2b1c776e420⋯.jpeg (62.98 KB, 999x577, 999:577, BF1F57A4-B936-4227-A463-1….jpeg)

c4beec  No.3362331

File: 786f8deb4889596⋯.jpg (75.47 KB, 480x521, 480:521, 2jgs85~2.jpg)

dbfc44  No.3362332


about 7 more hours is what I heard

58c27c  No.3362333


I think that this verse has to do with (when taken in context) is that Christian's are the ones keeping evil from reeking havoc on earth. We restrain the adversary. As soon as the gathering together happens and all the Christians are gone, that is when the Anti-Christ will reveal himself. Can't do it now while there are born-again Christians still here on earth.

5b157f  No.3362334


>>3361820, >>3361823, >>3361891 Indictments updates as of 30 Sept by Stormwatcher

>>3361842, >>3361888 Clintons' Germany dinner partners include Jake Rothschild, et al

>>3361832 Guo Wengui from Pence video. Dig needed

>>3361936 Russian S-300s in Syria, plus other equipment

>>3361963 Shock poll predicts Merkel's sister party CSU could lose power (1st since WWII)

>>3362247 Synopsis of RED OCTOBER posts


Baker was AFK. I probably missed some. Please, anons, help me out. I examine all suggested notables, even self-nominated (unless you become a FaggotShill suggester of multiples, in which case, I just filter you)

5991ea  No.3362335


can an anon put together some side-by-sides of these different stand-ins?

i do think this photo of her in germany seems suspicious. she as NO wrinkles…it is either an old photo, or a different woman all together

c92f1c  No.3362336


There was also that Q post saying that MSM will turn on their masters

67025c  No.3362337

File: d4a637765e7547b⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, at least i will go down a….webm)

a37041  No.3362338


POTUS has said in the last few rallies that the MSM will endorse him next election. He is signalling that they too are about to dealt with.

938c2e  No.3362339

File: 63bc77e05ea02bf⋯.jpg (172.51 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ukraine1.jpg)


37a784  No.3362340

File: 5cf5ee1ebbfb9df⋯.jpg (167.83 KB, 500x625, 4:5, intel 1 JFK Jr.jpg)

File: 2b7a6cc80f4c5e2⋯.jpg (107.56 KB, 498x668, 249:334, Intel 2.JPG)

File: 627cd78520f7c01⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 711x399, 237:133, Marine 1 who is that.JPG)

5058d8  No.3362341


Pins and needles. Know it will happen but wish to God is was over with. Praying for safe, peaceful confirmation.

640b25  No.3362342

File: 54b5b866be68940⋯.png (52.23 KB, 577x347, 577:347, Screenshot from 2018-10-06….png)

So … just HOW conservative is Brett Kavanaugh? Keep in mind that he is replacing Justice Kennedy.

Sauce: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-conservative-is-brett-kavanaugh/

be8c45  No.3362343


Christians are not doing a very good job of restraining evil.

Just sayin’.

c4beec  No.3362344

File: aabaf91672b553b⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 432x431, 432:431, 2jiw58~2.jpg)

5991ea  No.3362345


supposed to be by or befor 4:30 Eastern

15d312  No.3362346

File: faeb7d35c9fe846⋯.jpg (157.28 KB, 924x1018, 462:509, screamatthesky.jpg)

824c38  No.3362347


Americans have a very short attention span when it comes to YouTube. 43 minutes probably repelled quite a few. Cliff notes version anyone?

8ac83c  No.3362349

File: aafda4abdc3a233⋯.jpeg (59.84 KB, 1200x615, 80:41, 0620295A-CA2E-462C-A360-B….jpeg)

Re watched movie, all the badges have a “Q” on them whoooo hooooo

9fb5e4  No.3362350




5a12fa  No.3362351


Without sauce I think (If I remember right)

Saudi = 4 bil

Roths = 2 bil

Soros = 1 bil

Nothing on that level is slouch.

Let's say Qteam is REAL. Military? Intel? These are people who are plebs like us, not multi B global power players. WE THE PEOPLE.

There are anons who may be smarter than Q and several agencies. Emotional intelligence can't be quantified in the same sense a math function can.

d49db6  No.3362352

File: b056021bc660131⋯.png (461.26 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 9276C409-0981-4A67-8889-7A….png)

File: f1723165b4802cc⋯.png (206.34 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 6AB4FBDB-4F92-4A14-8065-9B….png)

Y’all, we broke “The Resistance” last night.

Poll Posted by “The Resistance” @amerivoice deleted after backfiring with sweeping Republican Support! KEK!

Original link: https://mobile.twitter.com/amervoices/status/1047325160037142528?s=20

1a9868  No.3362353

File: d90d87bf6a9c2b6⋯.png (196.14 KB, 327x327, 1:1, crossed eyes.png)

6fce2b  No.3362354

File: e064a76796d22f3⋯.png (421.48 KB, 634x423, 634:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1495effae7ae68e⋯.png (452.16 KB, 759x422, 759:422, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95c1b010d46ff3a⋯.png (859.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 824bce8e45ac690⋯.png (207.62 KB, 496x344, 62:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Teresa Barnwell is the only names lookalike that I am aware of, but there are obviously more of them out there.

eb3e00  No.3362355


10:30 Cloture plus [30]hr = 16:30 EDT

9e406c  No.3362356


He will be hosting a major presentation with Bannon and other world leaders in the coming weeks to expose the corruption in China and Communist Chinese's infiltration into the west.

43dfe8  No.3362357


Whats the vote for?

I have been absent for far too long.

bef61d  No.3362358

File: 35900bb1f98c6c3⋯.jpg (33.59 KB, 442x293, 442:293, dorsey-stalin.jpg)

(((Q))) How are we supposed to fight with memes on social platforms when we get shadowbanned as soon as we post something. All it takes is one leftist or even an MSM mole to report it and you get shadowbanned immediately. I'm on permaban with Twatter. I don't use Facebook at all.

d44aa9  No.3362359

File: 88028fbf1312fe0⋯.png (44.9 KB, 784x432, 49:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72244b619ec9efe⋯.jpeg (9.65 MB, 5000x8000, 5:8, Qanon04_LockHerUp.jpeg)

You can fool all the people some of the time

This is believed to refer to Susan Rice


There are 482 documents to go through there.

I'm the anon who used to compile these / download / convert /search through and found Hillary sending classified emails on unclassified systems. I only see one other anon looking at them, and I no longer have the time to do this with current constraints, so any anons just here for banter - THERE'S WORK TO BE DONE.


824c38  No.3362360


I do hope that when the indictments are unsealed and the pedos all get locked up, pubic hair will make a comeback.

6c51f8  No.3362361


Slip of the keyboard. Yes, peter.

And yes, you’re right, no beasts are mentioned. From the verse we are referring, whatever you bind, whatever you loose, same on earth as heaven.

I came across other passages in the last couple weeks that had me come to the vague idea that earth and heaven are, in a way, mirrored.

938c2e  No.3362362


Yesterday someone on Fox said between 3-5 Eastern

c8e366  No.3362363


>i watched it too (there should be more views imho if q is telling us to watch it) and feel the same.

Straw poll: how many anons have watched this?

Q told us it is critically important to our understanding of the global power plays that are at work which, afaic, makes it compulsory viewing for all anons. Take time off the search for instant gratification from posting on QR in search of a "you" and listen. It's important. And yes, I have watched it. And, as Q said, it was worth the 40 odd mins that it took.

9b66ca  No.3362364


No. Storyteller.

5b157f  No.3362365

I can see why it is so hard to get a midnight baker. It is now 8:30 EST, and no baker is stepping up.

Baker Requests Relief

Call me "Prophet Baker." I can see eBakes happening very soon…

b66c27  No.3362366

File: 78eaf5c65dfe486⋯.jpg (176.74 KB, 800x598, 400:299, RedStar.jpg)

File: 734d3a87e588876⋯.png (37.37 KB, 962x683, 962:683, GMlogo.png)

File: 195cfb50c649ba1⋯.png (48.9 KB, 1235x1175, 247:235, ComStar.png)

File: 1242dc178bf68d7⋯.jpg (60.02 KB, 576x318, 96:53, HW.jpg)

HIStory of the RED LINE

(Symbolism required)

The Red line, or "to cross the red line", is a phrase used worldwide to mean a figurative point of no return or line in the sand, or "a limit past which safety can no longer be guaranteed".

The original purpose of the red vertical line notebook paper was to allow a wide left margin for the teacher to return homework with notes and comments written in that area.

The Red Line was the last of the four original Boston subway lines (Cambridge Tunnel, dividing the city).

On a CPU, red is used by Task Manager to show the amount of CPU that is spent executing kernel code, or the decreasing amount of usable space/memory remaining.

Hot Wheels cars produced from 1968 to 1977 (termed 'redline' series) were manufactured with a red stripe on the tire.

In literature, ideas exploring fascist thinking and an obsession with power as elements of the military mind documenting the human cost of war, a trilogy -From Here to Eternity [1951], The Thin Red Line [1962], and Whistle [1978] centered on loners who resisted adapting to military discipline.

The Red Star Line was an ocean passenger line founded in 1871 as a joint venture between the International Navigation Company of Philadelphia, which also ran the American Line, and the Société Anonyme de Navigation Belgo-Américaine of Antwerp, Belgium The Red Star Lines appear in The Godfather Part II (see Arnold Bernstein. sic) This line was in direct competition with Cunard's White Star Line. (think banks)

Moscow/Washington communications used what was called the "red telephone". The hotline was never a telephone line, and no red phones were used.

Gmail's new upgrade now features a red loading bar and a red line between its corporate logo and above mails and includes red text and icons for functional tabs.

The RED LINE is what separates our FREEDOM from CUMMUNISM

As evidenced above, we've been flirting with the proverbial red line for a very long time.

58c27c  No.3362367


Honestly, the credit should go to the lady in the vid I linked, here it is again…


I just came across this.

My biggest question is why did POTUS change plans of the parade being here in D.C. on 11/11 and decide instead to go to this Paris Peace Forum???

Hoping that he is going there to tell them, just like he told the UN, that we are not going along with their NWO/ Global Governance agenda!

If not, then we are all in trouble!!

3b3052  No.3362368

i drank so much my toes are numb

c92f1c  No.3362369


It's God that restrains man's evil. If that wasn't the case, we wouldn't even have the dysfunctional society we have. No laws, no justice whatsoever. People killing as the animals do. It's only by God's grace and mercy that this world has even this little bit of sanity.

5991ea  No.3362370


thank you, truthfully, they are good at this…it's so hard to say for sure.

797daf  No.3362371


Very sharp, Anon

You may be onto something

d49db6  No.3362372

>>3362359 OG Autist needs more shovels!


672fc7  No.3362373


You might not be so butthurt if you sprinkle some sugar in Brock's semen before you swallow.

4d0235  No.3362374


YouTube suppresses view counts all the time.

c8e366  No.3362375


>It's God that restrains man's evil. If that wasn't the case, we wouldn't even have the dysfunctional society we have. No laws, no justice whatsoever. People killing as the animals do. It's only by God's grace and mercy that this world has even this little bit of sanity.

Hear, hear, anon.

90c837  No.3362376

File: 2d93fcc60f89a6a⋯.png (577.29 KB, 382x633, 382:633, don45.PNG)

File: 46a296a0d263a85⋯.png (835.07 KB, 641x529, 641:529, don53.PNG)


Put light in them eyes


9e406c  No.3362377


Even though communist china itself was infiltrated.. such a mess

a8e935  No.3362378

File: d5c26f7dd12b6b6⋯.png (190.49 KB, 639x915, 213:305, ClipboardImage.png)

So this is how the old has been is trying to make money.

All those wishing to comment



e98919  No.3362379


Definitely different women. Look at the cheek bones.

470799  No.3362380

File: 2d3965cd84c24ac⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1350x805, 270:161, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3361888 First thing I thought was "That's not the real Hillary."

15d312  No.3362381

File: 25af9ee75498f8b⋯.jpg (156.05 KB, 924x1018, 462:509, creeper.jpg)

8ac83c  No.3362382

File: 2530349c4bea22e⋯.jpeg (63.44 KB, 560x372, 140:93, 4A14835A-1FAC-4A39-A2CC-0….jpeg)

181c3d  No.3362383


They know what people in my household buy.

They do profiling for gender.


1bf63e  No.3362384


you're new here so you don't realize that your id is the same for this bread (although there are things you can do to change it)

So it is easy to see that you just call people names when you make a bad argument that gets countered by a good argument.

Don't be so butthurt newfag, try to make an actual counter-argument.

the first step is believing in yourself.

890a81  No.3362385





>>3362239 Cannibal joke in email to HRC [from Q post about assange jail]

e76760  No.3362386

File: 6efa16555fcca32⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 594x531, 66:59, WhatPoll.JPG)

1a9868  No.3362387


Had quite some discussion about this yesterday, too.

0405e6  No.3362388


It amazes me how people don’t grasp the concepts of lighting, distance, angle, hair and makeup, Botox and rest and how it can impact how a photo turns out….

8ac83c  No.3362389

File: 4b0bfd26f653fcf⋯.jpeg (61.26 KB, 480x637, 480:637, D1458BBF-9340-4D78-B40B-6….jpeg)

15d312  No.3362390



me too —— >>3362309

bdd6ae  No.3362391


God Bless you too swordAnon.

e2b08a  No.3362392

File: 6b9484898cfa188⋯.jpg (219.55 KB, 600x400, 3:2, A True Existential Threat.jpg)

d5dcc1  No.3362393

File: 35c5bd34aa07db6⋯.jpeg (365.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E4AA1799-7FFC-41F3-9F32-C….jpeg)

Help needed Anons

0aeef0  No.3362394

File: 90713d55de98832⋯.jpeg (128.01 KB, 1748x791, 1748:791, 224D0DBB-2A48-4D3B-B231-B….jpeg)

She knows all their secrets. No lobes

58c27c  No.3362395


I'm talking about total and complete chaos, destruction like we've never seen!

Not what we are seeing today. This is NOTHING compared to what will happen once we are gone!

It's not Christians as in our body and soul, but it is the Holy Spirit that we are born again of that restrains the adversary. Not by our human power.

c0acff  No.3362396

File: f10bbd2a02b31f7⋯.gif (25.31 KB, 703x800, 703:800, f10bbd2a02b31f7330cf2dcd50….gif)


Let it be an e-bake: fags should learn that bakers should'nt be taken for granted.

be8c45  No.3362397


Nice deflection.

This world is evil to the core and Christians haven’t restrained anything.

In fact, they are willing accomplices.

Give me a patriot over a preacher any day of the week.

Preferably well armed.

d012a0  No.3362398

File: 368f76773801062⋯.jpg (356.73 KB, 1296x864, 3:2, themightykeyboard.jpg)

c27d21  No.3362399


To put a plan like this together takes high intelligence, but also connections. Just money wouldn't do it. Just intelligence wouldn't do it.

A combination of all 3, money, connections and a brilliance few have.

890a81  No.3362400



That's what happens when you sell your soul

5a12fa  No.3362401


Embrace the free market.

Q is complicit in this bullshit. If you have bitchute ro real.video, or gab, or minds, or anything. WE THE PEOPLE have to vote with our feet.

This is the original ideal of the American Republic. If you don't like the bullshit in a state… move.

You don't like facebook? minds.com is open source.

All social media will become open source. Watch.

ac53a1  No.3362402

File: ab4a20f7130e05d⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 640x960, 2:3, You know you would.jpg)


JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick


Shorter versions available. Goes into all the fuckery surrounding the players and exactly what they did. Covers the switching of the body's as well as Woody Harrelson's father making a 'special' contribution.

f916e1  No.3362403


Judge K

e616d1  No.3362404

File: a50414c41e9a371⋯.png (605.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1538020607-1.png)

37a784  No.3362405

File: 7c007ecca7dbe4a⋯.jpeg (19.38 KB, 233x255, 233:255, I don't give a graham.jpeg)

6c51f8  No.3362406

I was thinking along spiritual lines.

Spiritual battles.

I am a Christian and must agree that ‘we’ really aren’t doing a good job at all.. at least not most..

4b76bc  No.3362407

File: 28f5e37913ee63c⋯.jpeg (614.48 KB, 750x1225, 30:49, 68BFB947-A868-48DD-B3E3-A….jpeg)

dbfc44  No.3362408


scurrying to the DUMBs?

17abec  No.3362409


some of us are here to research, dig, provide intel/aalysis, make memes, and connect dots.

31726d  No.3362410


She's got brown eyes in that photo!

824c38  No.3362411


Different times call for different leaders. Maybe we won't need as much of a fighter. If the Great Awakening is in full gear, a fighter won't be as important. But it's clearly what we needed for the time we found ourselves in. We shall see.

04ec58  No.3362412

File: 959ecb86f7f4403⋯.jpg (568.48 KB, 1080x2007, 120:223, Screenshot_20181006-073749….jpg)

File: b46507a7f44e605⋯.jpg (60.85 KB, 1156x600, 289:150, FB_IMG_1538828393178.jpg)

File: 04faaa44fb481d3⋯.jpg (103.63 KB, 1019x653, 1019:653, FB_IMG_1538828387082.jpg)

"Follow Huma"

November is coming…


18328f  No.3362413

I can’t reconcile Murkowski voting no with the Q post suggesting she recorded Feinstein’s threats

5991ea  No.3362414


according to one "anon" on her this am, we need to look for the "lobes"….

15d312  No.3362415



329592  No.3362416

File: 1d7f556b584841e⋯.jpg (229.16 KB, 800x445, 160:89, temple of thoth.jpg)



It was arguably written during the Ptolemaic Kingdoms of Egypt… More than 2000 years ago by Hermes Trismegistus, ya dumb cunts.

If you'd read a little further, you'd have realized it's a poignant warning against the ignorance of today and beautiful message of hope for tomorrow.

And if you don't think Hermeticism is related to Qresearch, you can read a book and learn some history.

be8c45  No.3362417


You do not have some magic get out of jail free card.

Judgement will fall on the church as well as the world.

Purification through fire and trial.

Read what the book says, not what you want it to say.

15d312  No.3362418


Me either. Still hoping she's just trying to stay safe until the vote.

6c51f8  No.3362419


That clears up a bit. But not sold on the part that we have to be gone for his governance. we do have to suffer.

4f3e6a  No.3362420


Who takes bakers for granted? No anon's.

938c2e  No.3362421


Yeh she has an extra finger, they must have fucked up the cloning

b66c27  No.3362422

File: 9d2a48dc05ff264⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 181x224, 181:224, SJ.jpg)

File: 5ee006f9d91b27a⋯.jpg (9.76 KB, 181x273, 181:273, SC.jpg)


Other look-alikes

5b157f  No.3362423

>>3362385 Why is that notable? It's an old joke. It might have some inside meaning, but there is nothing to indicate that. Sorry, anon, but please continue to make suggestions. I do appreciate it, and have included the following based on another anon's suggestion.

>>3362359 Susan Rice FOIA documents need Diggers

Dough still up-to-date


c92f1c  No.3362424


In a way. In the beginning, God dwelt with man in Eden. After the fall, man could not live in the presence of a purely holy God, so this changed. The end game is to reconcile God and His people, living forever on a renewed, uncorrupted earth. As for the binding and loosing, I would say that it's decided from the top down, i.e. nothing the apostles allow or disallow would be different from God's standards anyway.

5991ea  No.3362425


i'm a Christian counselor and my sayings are:

Counselors give counselors a bad name.

Christians give Christians a bad name.

it's true, sad, but true.

5a12fa  No.3362426

If I can have an open source OS, apps, and so-on…. Why can't my journalism newsfeeds be open source?

Are you following anons? Why they keep it closed? All we have to do is invent the platform that is open source… and force their narrative into the light.

This is a 15 year project.

589285  No.3362427


i put it into watch later and spouse anon and I watched just now. Also Pence is not a speaker like Trump. Pence is about as exciting as watching grass grow/paint dry.

Cliff notes version: China is our enemy and a powerful one, and they want total and absolute control and submission of the population. The extort us companies (who should get a clue after that occurs but muh slave labor). PPL comment on AJ, but AJ covers Chinese sstyle censorship is coming to the USA and he's 1dropping a truth bomb when you bash that against Pences speech. China is using debt strategy for influence. They want Taiwan and Tibet and they want censorship censorship censorship: media/movies/press/internet. A lot more. Also, in short, they make "muh joos" look like armatures when it comes to theft.

2ff355  No.3362428


Dems with a sense of right and wrong, concern for this country, and/or a functioning brain need to speak up and say the policies of the radical Dem leaders are not the policies they believe in. Do they really want to live in the society Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein, Ellison, Ocasio etc. are trying to create? Is vitriol and violence the legacy they want to leave for their children and grandchildren. Their silence and obedience to ridiculous orders is what allows the Dem leaders to become more and more unhinged. If they are being blackmailed or threatened, they should say so and expose their controllers as the thugs they are. Same for controlled Reps.

eb3e00  No.3362429


Went from sleepfagging to workfagging without enough coffee. I'll get to watching it later. There was an executive summary a few breads back.

e28470  No.3362430

File: bb0bbcc6f5f0a4f⋯.jpg (160.96 KB, 791x592, 791:592, 5drfgd5tgd4fdrg.jpg)

c3bb20  No.3362431


What about #395 20th December 2017?

And #432 22nd December 2017?


1a9868  No.3362432


I like to think: Dead or at GITMO, clones doing as they are told.

ded89a  No.3362433


Yes, because HRC is either guilty or she isn't.

I want to know.

I want to know, if Trump's admin is doing something against scheming "elites".

It's time!

15d312  No.3362434


It wasn't me but it's true. Earlobes and ear shapes are unique identifiers. Also very hereditary therefore useful in determining parentage

4d0235  No.3362435


What the hell are you talking about? Anon asked why view counts were so low on the pence vid.

90c837  No.3362436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Under the bridge Down town.

Together learn to Fly.


17abec  No.3362437



5b157f  No.3362438


I'm doing the next bake, unless a baker takes it from me, but the one after that is going to be someone else. I'm the midnight baker. I have done several 8 hour or longer shifts recently.

20a2ec  No.3362439

File: a0dd0739b723c5e⋯.jpg (116.84 KB, 682x487, 682:487, murkowskifreaked.jpg)

1bf63e  No.3362440


Who's "smarter than Q"?


890a81  No.3362441


I can't believe this isn't talk of the town! FACT is sealed indictment docket has issues of some sort! NOT A CONSPIRACY - it is a fact and general public should be curious, concerned, whatever.

Something big is cooking which anons know is true…


The judges in charge of the sealed court docket are over-worked? Not doing their jobs?

Whatever…should be the talk of the town!

e28470  No.3362442

File: 5b63c6c668fad2e⋯.jpg (441.68 KB, 913x621, 913:621, w34fsrfg6ddrg.jpg)

LOOK AT THESE SICK FUCKS! They cant wait to rape that female police officer. SICK FUCKS!

aafadf  No.3362443



@9:39 - "As President Trump said just this week, in his own words, 'WE REBUILT CHINA'."

SO TRUE. Important speech.

6fce2b  No.3362444


Shirley Jones looks nothing like Hilldawg.

bc1880  No.3362445


Only if you're nice and behaving. Maybe.

He he he, ho ho ho.

Santa Q

c8e366  No.3362446




Without acknowledgement of a Creator you don't have a Republic; all that is left to you is warring factions trying to impose their opinions on the opposing faction. It is only under God, where rights and laws are objective and derived from the Creator (not human opinion) that the Republic and the freedom it ostensibly stands for, can be delivered.

6c51f8  No.3362447


Yes! The churches are a disgrace. Leads to the fact that great Christians are scattered from one another.

8ac83c  No.3362448

File: 09fdaaf38862209⋯.jpeg (291.56 KB, 933x1200, 311:400, 1EC4330D-4EE7-4694-B94B-B….jpeg)

5a12fa  No.3362450


Q isn't a person. False comparison.

938c2e  No.3362451


Yeh that's a more preferable take on it.

58c27c  No.3362452


We've already been judged and through Christ have been justified through him. Not by our good works, it's by GRACE!!!

Thank God!!

1bf63e  No.3362453


I thought that once sealed, they were not on the docket. so I don't think the holdup would be overworked judges.

15d312  No.3362454

File: 6a0802ee4e3dc83⋯.jpg (54.35 KB, 620x400, 31:20, liederhosen.jpg)

d4b7ac  No.3362455

File: 1f9d1f03f952241⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 99D34362-54A4-4C27-BADD-D4….png)

File: 4d67437681a4ca9⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 023E4890-5146-4086-B3F0-C4….png)

2cbf33  No.3362456

File: ef859bb0413d3d0⋯.jpeg (2.04 MB, 2124x1668, 177:139, C572341C-5837-49BA-91E1-D….jpeg)

First thing we do let’s kill all professors.

190672  No.3362457



f916e1  No.3362458


I was raised to believe in a pre-tribulation rapture but I don’t believe that anymore. I believe we will see at least half of the seven year tribulation before Jesus comes back. And my gut tells me we will see all of it. Irvin Baxter is a good one to listen to regarding that.

9e406c  No.3362459

File: a6e1b988a7468cb⋯.png (366.9 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ClipboardImage.png)

be8c45  No.3362460


Keep telling yourself that.

d44aa9  No.3362461



acknowledged with thanks


I'm out.

17abec  No.3362462


Ok cool so take it to a fucking seperate thread instead of arguing about it here nobody fucking cares because all you people do is argue about religion and whose religion is right or wrong and its fucking brainwashing - GET WITH IT or take it elsewhere.

Who created religion? THE VATICAN. They fought WARS for it. They've done countless heinous actions to continue this lie. And they've raped the MOST children. By far. And probably control most of these families we oppose.


890a81  No.3362463


There is 1 judge per district that is in charge of the special 'sealed' docket. That judge sees the filings but no one else does.

b19eac  No.3362464


We can only be so effective as Christians. Flesh is weak. Hence the Holy Spirit is in charge.

The job we do is adequate as it is all Romans 8:28

When we are with Him, we will know tons more

The earthly flesh can only bear so much

We will be transformed and know more but whether we care is another mystery

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

627e4c  No.3362465


Just look like she was about to do one of those waves where you twiddle your fingers.

c6dc84  No.3362468



681c9c  No.3362469


last supper

6c51f8  No.3362470


Hear, hear!!! It’s hard to imagine in this day and age, but yes. The founding fathers emphasized the basis and head of our republic as God.

Trump has said the same thing. Inalienable rights are not given by men.

9b66ca  No.3362471


Great work anon.

Sorry you were exposed to the programming.

a37041  No.3362472


Don't think so, but filter works.

ac53a1  No.3362473

File: 6992b60c5d1ca6f⋯.png (312.11 KB, 462x348, 77:58, 101018 You know you want i….png)


Last weekend for Oktoberfest. The fake ones start here after the real one is over.

1bf63e  No.3362474


link to the guy i linked to not me. I didn't make the comparison. I was quoting, faggot.

hence the "quotes" for the phrase "smarter than Q"

you're not one of the top candidates, are you?

c1f19b  No.3362475


Really HRC?

Look how skinny the cankles are in pic 3.

She could lose weight but cankles tend to persist.

be8c45  No.3362476


The excuses you guys can make for yourselves are breathtaking.

58c27c  No.3362477


I believe God and His word! He says that we are saved from the wrath! If we are saved, then we are saved! We will not be enduring the wrath in our current state - our current bodies and minds. We will be returning with Jesus Christ to kick the devils ass!!

In the end, GOD WINS!!

c92f1c  No.3362478


It's no deflection, it's the truth. The world is evil to the core because humanity decided against trusting in God and took knowledge and moral responsibility for themselves. There are definitely people who say they're Christians and do bad things, but the Bible itself says you'll know a bad tree by the fact that it produces bad fruit. Sadly, these types of people give Christians a bad name. There are so many avenues of deception being used to keep people from being reconciled to God, and so many people fall for each of them.

376eeb  No.3362479


During the debates.in 2016 her eyes seemed to turn black. Her stiff smile reminded me of how exorcist Fr. Malachi Martin said he could tell.someone demon possessed.

15d312  No.3362480


I thought their passports were flagged?

c8e366  No.3362481


>Who created religion? THE VATICAN.

That statement is just so ignorant that it isn't worthy of a response other than to point out its inadequacy.

311494  No.3362482

File: 7301c8b73318d28⋯.jpg (5.76 KB, 264x191, 264:191, demi moor.jpg)


Be careful what you wish for.

dbfc44  No.3362483


There are a lot of woke, patriotic professors out there… including ones who have preferred to lose their jobs rather than bow to the libtards in academia.

Heck, some of them are on this board right now. They're not all bad. Some of the are are doing some serious MAGA-ing as wel speak.

6fce2b  No.3362484


There are a lot of Hilldawg lookalikes, it seems. They may be using them for some kind of Kabuki Theatre to keep up an illusion.

The lookalikes don't have ankle monitors or Foley catheter bags, like the real one has.

They are good enough to fool a lot of people, but they aren't quite good enough.

589285  No.3362485


not really noticing.. when I see a change in "The Oath Group" it will have more of a noticeable impact to me. I cant buy that only CNN is impacted by the Q post.

b19eac  No.3362486


Actually it is all biblical. The saved know where to find the scripture.

Unfortunately, the rest will see this all play out

58c27c  No.3362487


So true!!

1bf63e  No.3362489


that's a lot of judges… and no leaks?


there's so many judges, there's got to be one on (theirside) so sees a stange pattern and squeals.

bef61d  No.3362490



b66c27  No.3362491

File: 8cc37e9534d58b4⋯.jpg (38.79 KB, 512x402, 256:201, SJp.jpg)


Professional PhotogAnon- I disagree completely.

VERY much alike.

43f674  No.3362492


That's a body double of Hillary. Bill looks happy.

1ebed8  No.3362493


Meme makers : how about an "impeach RBG" fix to this photo. thanks.

be8c45  No.3362494


It’s Saturday and I am bored, but now you are becoming tedious.

Apologies for wasting the bread a bit.

Waiting for the vote.


938c2e  No.3362495


Me too - I'm a big fan of pubic hair

5b157f  No.3362496


>>3361820, >>3361823, >>3361891 Indictments updates as of 30 Sept by Stormwatcher

>>3361842, >>3361888 Clintons' Germany dinner partners include Jake Rothschild, et al

>>3361832 Guo Wengui from Pence video. Dig needed

>>3361936 Russian S-300s in Syria, plus other equipment

>>3361963 Shock poll predicts Merkel's sister party CSU could lose power (1st since WWII)

>>3362247 Synopsis of RED OCTOBER posts

>>3362359 Susan Rice FOIA documents need Diggers

Last call for notables

Next notable post will be the bun (if this one is not retained as the bun)

a096a3  No.3362497

File: 440a61de3d69412⋯.jpg (34.51 KB, 355x422, 355:422, 2ji0yu-1~2.jpg)

681c9c  No.3362498


i have been following you

i think your hot

868f67  No.3362499


Dead give away.

6c51f8  No.3362500


Don’t confuse religion with spirituality.

The Vatican did not create religion… kek.

Also, don’t confuse humans with God.

I trust God the most.

No church leader. Actually, I trust the church leaders the least.

6fce2b  No.3362501


I don't believe that is Hillary at all.The face is too fat and lacks the definition and wrinkles that Hilldawg's face has.

5a12fa  No.3362502


"There are anons who may be smarter than Q"

And by Q I meant Qteam.

You aren't in the wildcard for this game.

If you want I can help you with some reading though.

15d312  No.3362503


Is there a program that can check both docs for the same words?

2ff355  No.3362504


Sheila Jackson Lee's intern is in jail and facing 50 years in prison. That is a good start on arrests. Let's keep it going.

And guise don't you wonder if the stuff Lee gave to Dr. Ford's attorney was legal or illegal.

e90313  No.3362505

File: 9469846370c0535⋯.png (148.21 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Jordan_Peterson_anti_Kava.png)

File: 71b00e38b6faef4⋯.png (243.85 KB, 622x601, 622:601, ADL_Dislikes_SCOTUS_Pick_K.png)

File: 63e5d2c46dd0597⋯.png (163.93 KB, 1242x352, 621:176, Cory_Booker_jew_Kava.PNG)

File: eee29b02c327138⋯.png (529.71 KB, 754x553, 754:553, Kavanaught_truth_does_not_….png)

File: 8840f10403898b0⋯.jpg (188.72 KB, 753x837, 251:279, JTA_Kavanaught_smear_jews.jpg)


Surprise surprise, Juden Peterstein is against K.

43f674  No.3362506

d5847a  No.3362507


They aren’t here to die. They’re like dogs on a chain, chomping at the bit to be let loose. They are going after the demonic realm that has fucked with all of us. They’re only after things in the spiritual realm. If they were let loose at one single time, life as you know it on earth, would instantly change. You guys need to relax a bit.

5991ea  No.3362508


i've believed in the rapture for a long time, but i'm no longer as sold on that theory either as i once was. we are in dark times, but that's been true since the Fall. i feel blessed and honored that He chose me for a time such as this, but i don't await His return with a hopeful heart.

8ac83c  No.3362509

File: b8d8c05b8b207f6⋯.jpeg (66.89 KB, 750x618, 125:103, 585D4A9E-7F43-4BB6-BB8A-8….jpeg)

6fce2b  No.3362510


KEK! Would he hit that?

890a81  No.3362511


>that's a lot of judges… and no leaks?

The contents scare them into silence? No way to point the finger at anyone else being the leak? Not sure why there are no leaks.

b66c27  No.3362512

File: ab65fdfedd8ce90⋯.png (392.11 KB, 583x668, 583:668, rbg who.png)


This meme is perfect imo

17abec  No.3362513


Right, so lets slide this bread and you can argue to me about how much you know about religion when the reality is you don't know a fucking thing about the creator. You don't know a damn thing about God or anything else. And so you can spend your life trying to figure it out yourself or listen to Rome or listen to Buddha or listen to the 100 other fake stories. But HERE, we are doing something ELSE.

As such, take it somewhere else please or instead, help dig through recent FOIAs so we can find more evidence. Thanks.

5991ea  No.3362514


sorry, i DO await his return.

938c2e  No.3362515



90c837  No.3362516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Capt. Walker? In the OASIS

Stay awake

Watching the WaterI


1bf63e  No.3362517



oh, shit just realized you ARE that guy.

So you are replying to me for a quote I have of you, and criticizing the quote.

Are you off your split personality meds? Recommend you do as your doctor/parole officer directs.

e28470  No.3362518

File: 190bd6aeb27d81d⋯.jpg (12.85 KB, 255x217, 255:217, 432156c47fb51261b79a647766….jpg)

c0acff  No.3362519


Evident of the paramount of bakers lining up to help in the mission?

Fucking bullshit: Hundreds of Thousands of Lurkers, many thousands of posters and only 5 to 10 frequent bakers. I've said it before: this apathy displayed by anons is a disgrace


I've been thinking about the most dedicated bakers out there, and you are right on the top of the list there, MB.


5a12fa  No.3362520


Actually…. May have missed but did we get digs on the envelope pass to the lawyer?

8ac83c  No.3362521


Furry fun holes are making a comeback!

c6da60  No.3362522

File: c795e146c5176d6⋯.jpeg (65.12 KB, 500x437, 500:437, 80AB9B42-2787-42F2-9B46-9….jpeg)

File: ef03bfa41d6dc06⋯.jpeg (69.35 KB, 500x437, 500:437, 5CA158BA-4BCA-45FC-B89C-B….jpeg)

15d312  No.3362523

File: d4d869b43a11aee⋯.png (640.69 KB, 640x768, 5:6, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at ….png)


This is the pic I was looking for. Thanks anon. No way is that Hildawg. Looks nothing like her.

0205d3  No.3362524


Faith Without Works Is Dead

James 2:14-20

14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?

589285  No.3362525


how the hell does a US city have all these non native politicians? Where are they getting the money to run? Where they win, in come muslims. Every.Single.Time.

890a81  No.3362526


another thought…

maybe no leaks because it would ruin ((((their)))) narrative for 'conspiracy theorists'?

58c27c  No.3362527


Romans 10:9&10 - that's all it takes to get saved, believing and confessing.

How do you know you are saved?

Well, when you are saved you receive Holy Spirit. You are no longer just a body and soul human being, but a born again, new creation in Christ human being.

So then you should be able to operate/manifest the Holy Spirit. One of the ways is to pray in the Spirit, just like on the day of Pentecost when they received Holy Spirit for the very first time.

There are a total of NINE manifestations of Holy Spirit all spelled out in Corinthians!

fec451  No.3362528


RUSsian FF yes. But per Q, POTUS has a good back channel. I think the plan is ally with Russia to counter our European ((allies)), then possibly try to get China on board (Pence, “we are reaching out”). If we have those 3 counties soverignly working together, the rest of the world can literally do nothing.

b498f7  No.3362529


Top Kek!

56542c  No.3362530


Where do I learn how to bake. I'd love to help. I think many others would as well

181c3d  No.3362531


Satan has already been ruling.

"Apocalypsis" is the reveal.

The "Revelation" section in the "New Testament" already happened and has been dated through astronomical means via the code in the text itself


The "Church" falsified the "Ancient" documents and created a "shadow history" a reflexion into the past - elongating it.



9b66ca  No.3362532

1bf63e  No.3362533


55k, you'd think there'd be some leak, but I like your theories as to why not.

trust HUBER

6fce2b  No.3362534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watching the water…

6c51f8  No.3362535


Firstly: yay God!!! Yay JESUS!

Secondly: but is it His mortal or immortal wrath?

5b157f  No.3362536


Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

But don't namefag. Put nothing above Reply box.

df468b  No.3362538

File: e75d21408f7ebde⋯.jpg (8.24 KB, 240x210, 8:7, id_hit_that_bc.jpg)

be8c45  No.3362539


Nine, huh?

Which one involves posting on 8chan?

Boobs and all.

59dea3  No.3362540


Well said anon. Sick of the vaticanfags on here. Its called QRESEARCH. I know the popoe and vatican are part of tesesrch but pushing religion is not. Its a cult they can save themselves from.

fec451  No.3362541


Exactly, we need to make this board more multi-cultural and stop the hate speech and anti-semitism. Wwg1wga

9b66ca  No.3362542


Disney did not 'devolve". Disney is a bloodline satanist family.

5b157f  No.3362543

Bread has increased speed, so….

Baker is bakering

be8c45  No.3362544


Now that’s an inconvenient truth.

5991ea  No.3362546


so true!

e2b08a  No.3362548

File: c4b89922905338c⋯.jpg (354.03 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Lord of the Flies.jpg)

e28470  No.3362549

File: 701fc77b8de8214⋯.jpg (381.54 KB, 500x652, 125:163, 5gr6hfg7ug.jpg)



681c9c  No.3362551



follow ps 39

the plan for our benefit

58c27c  No.3362552


We don't have to work for our salvation - it is by grace we are saved, not by works. Otherwise, if we could work for it why would we need a Savior?

We are saved UNTO good works, not BY good works. Big diff!!

890a81  No.3362554


Here's an explanation of the sealed court docket


90c837  No.3362555

File: c058eaf84805340⋯.png (640.37 KB, 452x688, 113:172, don5.PNG)

File: a1ff4bdf5c25fc4⋯.png (783.67 KB, 1039x522, 1039:522, don22.PNG)

File: 0a6aedf0e01c154⋯.png (431.2 KB, 740x512, 185:128, don49.PNG)

File: 3c6c132b1721c5b⋯.png (96.41 KB, 233x240, 233:240, don48.PNG)


Still Treken ? Bosun to Wet your Whistle.


c8e366  No.3362556



>when the reality is you don't know a fucking thing about the creator.

That's where you're wrong again, anon. I know my Creator well - he lives in me by His Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2

"11For who among men knows the thoughts of man except his own spirit within him? So too, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.…"

If you want your Republic back, acknowledging your Creator is the first step; it is not just a tag on option.

43f674  No.3362557


IDK if he could still hit anything. I just think that's not the real Hillary, although it is a better facsimile than I've seen previously. And yea Bill is happy with the replacement model.

672fc7  No.3362559

File: cd3d2d0beb2705e⋯.gif (936.27 KB, 360x190, 36:19, image.gif)


What are you going on about? Your mom's a fucking liar. I left a tip on the hotel dresser!

59dea3  No.3362560


Ok typing was bad and had to do captcha several times. Hi James Brennan gtfo

4f95ee  No.3362562


KEK Ready for arrests? Waiting to see how their trials go. DC courts still corrupt?

4f3e6a  No.3362563


Apathy? or too worried about the responsibility/ shill attacks.

1ebed8  No.3362564


I agree, great work.

1bf63e  No.3362566


protip: 1.5x speed

exit question for Pence: define charisma.

c92f1c  No.3362567


I would hope you stop following the ways of the world, the ways promoted by the people we're fighting against. I really do. If there's no God and we're all merely animals, why does it matter what one animal does to another? Nature doesn't care. But we're more than that. We're made in the very image of our Creator, and He wants you to know that. Anyway, enjoy the confirmation, I'm sure it'll be a good show!

90c837  No.3362569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Art I Fact?


58c27c  No.3362570


Oh anon, that only takes a shitty brain and a keyboard!

589285  No.3362571


i posted an article a few days ago. Opioid dealers. This was a sealed indictment that was unsealed. No "big" or "recognizable" names. So leaking is sort of a moot point, when you are dealing with names like Fatty Mexicano. So you are dealing with crooks that are not famous or elected officials. Why risk the leak?

5a12fa  No.3362572


Do you want me to spend energy on you?

Remember the fundamental rule: people projecting negative energy are almost always shills. The occasional fuck off faggot notwithstanding.

Your post history is 100% negative.

Do you have any positive thing to say about America? Your ideals? Anything?

6c51f8  No.3362573


Hear, hear!!!

17ae76  No.3362574


Tippy top work, anon - fukken saved!

681c9c  No.3362575


it's just a start

a good start

and a big fight

2ff355  No.3362577


Wow! Being opposed by ADL is the best endorsement for Kavanaugh I have seen. Proof positive BK is a great choice for SC.

Second best endorsement is the asshats at ABA reconsidering their rating of him as a judge. Says nothing bad about him and volumes about possible corruption and payoffs going on in the ABA national office.

c8e366  No.3362578


Roman Catholicism, the Pope and the Vatican are all satanic counterfeits of the truth.

6e587a  No.3362579

File: 62850529d831cfc⋯.png (364.35 KB, 452x520, 113:130, creepy.png)

Target's new Teigen campaign Cravings.

90c837  No.3362580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Enter the Prize

Report to the Bridge


ac53a1  No.3362581

File: 547169efde4e736⋯.png (389.99 KB, 544x724, 136:181, Bleeb.png)

91f94d  No.3362582


Peterson is a fucking psycho and Zionist. Ted‘s manifesto is an interesting read, but his methods were way too extreme.

17abec  No.3362583


I'm not saying I'm not acknowledging it. I'm saying its not a topic worth discussing here because its unknowable. You are going to get shills, slides, bullshit, speculation, nonsense, intense division, etc. And we don't want that here. It bothers the shit out of me to see this on a weekend. We should be working. That's not what this place is for. So all I'm asking is again


Alternatively, I will kindly direct your attention to Q's recent post requesting memes, and a recent notable post requesting more anons to help dig through a recent FOIA drop here:


f916e1  No.3362584


I have done A LOT of researching and studying and praying. I specifically ask God to give me spiritual eyes to see and a discerning spirit for the times we are in. I also ask that neither me or my family be deceived. Since I began praying that I have learned things I never thought I would. I personally believe Christians will see the entire tribulation and just before Jesus comes back to set his foot in the Mount of Olives the dead in Christ will return and we will join them in the air and march behind Jesus when he defeats Satan. I could be wrong. But I think the tribulation will see the greatest harvest of souls for God.

c4b039  No.3362585



I'm sorry. You should set your sights higher Anon unless you're masochistic too.

1bf63e  No.3362586


>You aren't in the wildcard for this game.

kek. I'm here mostly for the bewbs.

5b157f  No.3362587

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #4261 New SCOTUS Justice Day Edition




9b66ca  No.3362588



Do you know when those pics were taken?

Not recent.

181c3d  No.3362589


Do you think "Rothschild" / Baer Bayer, knows it's not her?

5b5921  No.3362590


Fuck off. We can say whatever we want to say. Zero censorship even for the shills. Don’t like it? Filter it! Go to twitter if you want a cushy censored “hate speech”-free zone.

Most of us believe Israel is where the most corrupt and criminally insane psychopaths have built their nest and nuclear arsenal and is responsible for our invasion into the middle east

58c27c  No.3362591


Adam gave dominion of the earth to the devil when Adam decided to disobey God. Since then, the earth has been cursed.

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