[–]▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3354778>>3354961 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Friday 10.05.18
>>>/patriotsfight/345 rt /pf/344 ----—————- "The Hunt For" dropped - why? ( Cap: >>3353335 )
>>>/patriotsfight/344 rt /pf/343 ----—————- And so it begins.. ( Cap: >>3353096, >>3353118 )
>>>/patriotsfight/343 ---—————————— Double meanings exist. ( Cap: >>3351839, >>3351859 )
>>>/patriotsfight/342 ---—————————— Important moment in time. ( Cap: >>3349354 )
>>>/patriotsfight/341 ---—————————— Important to remember. ( Cap: >>3349268 )
>>>/patriotsfight/340 ---—————————— A phone was present. ( Cap: >>3349194 )
Thursday 10.04.18
>>3337560 rt >>3337502 ----———————-- Are you ready to be part of history?
>>3337502 rt >>3337425 ----———————-- Memes ready?
>>3337425 ---——-----------------------------——-- Anons Ready?
>>>/patriotsfight/339 ---—————————— USSS granted entry to MANY ( Cap: >>3334475, Corrected: >>3334853 )
>>>/patriotsfight/338 ---—————————— NARRATIVE SHIFT IN FULL FORCE. ( Cap: >>3334434 )
>>>/patriotsfight/337 ---—————————— Swamp Fighting Back. ( Cap: >>3334284 )
>>>/patriotsfight/336 ---—————————— PAIN.jpg ( Cap: >>3334140 )
>>>/patriotsfight/335 ---—————————— Israeli intelligence - stand down. ( Cap: >>3333966 )
>>>/patriotsfight/334 rt /pf/333/ ----—————- Images. ( Cap: >>3333935 )
>>>/patriotsfight/333 ---—————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3342031 )
>>3331903 rt >>3331878 ----———————-- We do try.
>>>/patriotsfight/332 ---—————————— Nothing to See Here… ( Cap: >>3331909 )
>>>/patriotsfight/331 rt /pf/330 ----—————- How the [SPY OP] re: Russia hacking… was CONSTRUCTED. (Cap: >>3331068 ; >>3331084 )
>>>/patriotsfight/330 rt /pf/329 ----—————- [Part re: Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie now being revealed?] ( Cap: >>3330476 )
>>>/patriotsfight/329 ---—————————— Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 )
>>3323818 rt >>3323746, >>3323750 ----—— ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.
>>3323704 rt >>3323661 ----———————-- Not what you think.
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Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3354800>>3355043
are not endorsements
>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----
>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms
>>3336410 /CM/: New posting servers, load balancer, and alacrity cacher owing to uptick in 8ch traffic
NOTE TO BAKERS: Continue w/standard OP graphic, NOT anniversary CBTS, per BV request.
>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)
#4230 (Baker Change)
>>3354621 Foggo press briefing at Pentagon
>>3354575 Red October: Anon Theory
>>3354600 Former CEO resigns from Billington board
>>3354440 Missile Side-by-Side
>>3354383 Revisiting past Sub crumbs
>>3354260 Papadopoulos meet w/ Downer was set BEFORE Trump was R Candidate
>>3354246 , >>3354146, >>3354389 Rosatom news & info
>>3354234 Adam Schiff is pushing the Russia, Russia Russia narrative
>>3354150 , >>3354162 Past Q drops with the same dot strings as today's post (17)
>>3354781 #4230
>>3353387, >>3353603 Reminder: Whidbey Island Missile launch graphics
>>3353383 Christine Ford’s Friend and Cohort Who Pressured Leland Keyser to Change Story Is Now Represented by Top Deep State Lawyer
>>3353392 Adm Foggo is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Explorer’s Club of New York.
>>3353394, >>3353748 Moar Foggo digs
>>3353413 Mueller moves for forfeiture order to seize Manafort assets
>>3353428 NATO to deploy 45,000 troops near Russian border, calls it 'defensive'
>>3353530, >>3353666, >>3353787, >>3353819 17 dots at the end of /pf/345
>>3353545 Missing interpol chief in China
>>3353579 India caught in the crossfire of muh Russia
>>3353597 Adm Foggo at the Atlantic Council
>>3353654, >>3353706, >>3353734 Who is Behind Fake News?
>>3353725 Missing Argentina Sub = Rogue Sub?
>>3353771 Updated Q-Clock on Russia Narrative Shift
>>3354022 #4249
>>3352626, >>3352731 Restock on ammo at our massive graphics library
>>3352642 Spreadsheet is updated
>>3352649 Saudi Crown Prince Slams Obama, Praises Trump, Claims Aramco IPO Is Back On
>>3352687 New Papadopoulos tweet
>>3352702, >>3352973 Link to transcript of Sen. Collins this afternoon
>>3352795, >>3352867 Libtards repeating instructions (absolutely hilarious)
>>3352825 Q CLOCK UPDATE
>>3352828, >>3352902 Sub in an article from a Russian article dated march 16 2018, and on wiki dated February 14 2018
>>3353027 Double meaning?: DWS FAILED to FLEE.
>>3353136, >>3353147, >>3353162 Tweets about protestors on capitol hill
>>3353157, >>3353172 Top US admiral warns of Russian submarine threat (CommieNewsNetwork article linked by Q)
>>3353176 [Markers] matter
>>3353251 #4248
Previously Collected Notables
>>3351715 #4246, >>3352491 #4247
>>3349289 #4243, >>3350184 #4244, >>3350936 #4245
>>3346973 #4240, >>3347879 #4241, >>3348622 #4242
>>3344767 #4237, >>3345530 #4238, >>3346271 #4239
>>3342146 #4234, >>3343164 #4235, >>3343988 #4236
>>3339617 #4231, >>3340463 #4232, >>3341233 #4233
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3354808
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
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[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
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>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3
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>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
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>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
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Q Graphics all in GMT #51 >>3353486
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Fresh update of first period EST maps ---——————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>3321214
Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3354812
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Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3354820>>3354966
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3354864
Outgoing ESA CEO Mike Gallagher may be moving on to politics
Mike Gallagher resigned his job as CEO of the Entertainment Software Association today, after 11 years running the video game industry’s lobbying group in the U.S.
Gallagher didn’t say what he would do next, but we heard that he is considering a run at a political campaign in his home state of Washington. Variety, meanwhile, reported that Gallagher was forced out by the board. Dan Hewitt, a spokesman for the ESA, declined to comment on Gallagher’s plans or why he left.
▶ 48c45e (12) No.3354867>>3354894 >>3354917 >>3354955 >>3355016 >>3355018 >>3355266 >>3355327 >>3355375 >>3355619
THAN Q !!!.,….WWIII……..9/11 PART 2 AVERTED
▶ 545c19 (1) No.3354884
Confirm SC
Watch the water
Enjoy the show!!
▶ df4b12 (5) No.3354895
Lol, she looks like one scared li'l duck. STFU, you coward and traitor.
▶ 2888de (1) No.3354902>>3354921
Please to be thanking bakerski
▶ 47aa69 (2) No.3354908>>3354923 >>3354960 >>3355027 >>3355045 >>3355047
look at Murkowski, what an evil excuse for a human being
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3354909
Salon Media’s longtime financial chief resigns
Salon Media Chief Financial Officer Elizabeth Hambrecht has resigned.
“She’s been with the company many years and we wish her well,” said CEO Jordan Hoffner. The news was contained in an SEC filing, which said it was effective immediately.
The company had said in late June that it was going to be unable to file its quarterly earnings report on time, and now, more than three months later, it has still not reported.
Spear Point Capital had pumped in $1 million into the struggling company in January 2017, when outside director Richard McWilliams was made chairman, replacing the largest shareholder, John Warnock.
Elizabeth Hambrecht’s father is William Hambrecht, considered Silicon Valley royalty. He remains the second-largest shareholder with a seat on the board of directors.
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3354910
Sorry no new bread link back there
Must be my connection lagging, I'll post earlier.
▶ eccc46 (4) No.3354911
▶ 5e1573 (4) No.3354912
▶ a756bc (5) No.3354914>>3354946 >>3354984 >>3355255 >>3355260
Senator from Alaska is about to decide her own fate
She is losing -- and as the truth comes out – she will deal with her own shame.
She needs a quick save or DOWN SHE GOES.
▶ 8dc025 (7) No.3354915>>3354953 >>3354957
Thank You Baker!! Great title!!
▶ 47aa69 (2) No.3354916>>3355303
what the fuck is going on with this website
▶ 24c07e (5) No.3354920
that really happened to. dr in the UK. ...
they strung him up in the trees.. just like ur pic... but they also dressed him in S&M clothes...
I'll never get rid of that image in my head. when it happened, online reports post an image of there... it was disturbing & sad.
they've updated their articles against this dr.. slander & such... it wasnt like that b4. I couldn't find og article
▶ f64f90 (2) No.3354923
That whistlepig will never quit!!
▶ 816608 (2) No.3354924>>3354943 >>3354976 >>3355161 >>3355469
Can someone please tell me what Feinstein is blackmailing Murkowskis with? Her explanation is stupid…
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3354925
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3354928>>3355339 >>3355449 >>3355454 >>3355484 >>3355530
Office of Personnel Management Director Out, White House Says
Office of Personnel Management Director Jeff Pon resigned on Friday, according to a White House official who declined to describe his reasoning.
The White House announced Friday afternoon that Margaret Weichert has been appointed as the acting OPM director. The official was unsure if the president intends to nominate a permanent director, but a White House statement noted that Weichert was confirmed by the Senate to her current post as deputy OPM director for budget.
Pon is the latest in a long line of senior Trump administration or White House officials to be fired or resign. President Donald Trump’s senior-level turnover rate is the highest in the modern era, according to several experts who track executive branch staffing.
▶ 073355 (9) No.3354929>>3354956
With friends like the Aussies and Brits, I'd like to be friends with the Russians! Is Putin still giving away land to westerners? =)~
▶ f4164c (2) No.3354930>>3355023 >>3355339 >>3355484 >>3355530
>>3354868 lb
Found sauce for baker
▶ af52e8 (1) No.3354931
Mine from Jostens was called a star sapphire. https://www.gemselect.com/gem-info/star-sapphire/star-sapphire-info.php
▶ 2b16a6 (1) No.3354933
There is another important equation to all this we must not forget.
▶ da68cd (2) No.3354934>>3355488
cabals gonna try and fire off a nuke to stop declas
▶ a68ae2 (6) No.3354935>>3355361
>>3354889 (lb)
Why use an Ampersand instead of a word? Maybe when Ampersand as an anagram.
Pam Anders__
▶ ab9245 (6) No.3354936
One thing is for certain. POTUS is, at a minimum, aware of Q group and he is allowing them to continue.
▶ 4c843b (6) No.3354938>>3354992 >>3355250
Leaving on a jet, Daines! Montana Senator says he'll LEAVE his beauty queen daughter's wedding in a private jet to vote for Kavanaugh
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3354939
▶ d4f63a (1) No.3354942>>3354996 >>3355106
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3354166
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XTPHTT-RqM <- at the end.
▶ 0bd90c (4) No.3354943>>3354976
Shes prolly threatened her family.
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3354944
#4250 (Baker Change)
Posted in #4251
>>3354621 Foggo press briefing at Pentagon
>>3354575 Red October: Anon Theory
>>3354600 Former CEO resigns from Billington board
>>3354440 Missile Side-by-Side
>>3354383 Revisiting past Sub crumbs
>>3354260 Papadopoulos meet w/ Downer was set BEFORE Trump was R Candidate
>>3354246 , >>3354146, >>3354389 Rosatom news & info
>>3354234 Adam Schiff is pushing the Russia, Russia Russia narrative
>>3354150 , >>3354162 Past Q drops with the same dot strings as today's post (17)
>>3354781 #4250
▶ f61649 (1) No.3354945>>3355046
▶ c335ce (9) No.3354946
>She is losing -- and as the truth comes out – she will deal with her own shame.
>She needs a quick save or DOWN SHE GOES
Her term doesn't end until 2023, that's why she can be so stupid.
▶ 942cb3 (1) No.3354947>>3355062 >>3355111
Sub is Russian: K-560 Severodvinsk
▶ d470c7 (2) No.3354948>>3355155
>>3354897 (LB)
Aaah, sister! I mistook you for ESTgraphicsAnon. Wish you well, all the same :)
▶ 44f3f8 (6) No.3354949>>3354971 >>3354985 >>3354989 >>3355344
The fuck is Murkowski babbling incoherently about?
▶ 5f3ee7 (2) No.3354950>>3354979
what is the relation, if any, between the recently publicized spy chips in our phones (and servers, ships, airplanes) and using said phones for MK trigger purposes?
▶ 122cff (4) No.3354951>>3355598
>>3354906 (lb)
>>3354901 (lb)
You anons are right. Alaska anon here. I heard something that made me optimistic. My sole purpose is to live free. My secondary purpose is to expose this fucking felon that has let AK anons down since Frank Murkowski appointed her.
BODY LANGUAGE Lady!!!! WTF you at! YT this shit!!!
▶ 362faa (1) No.3354954
Murkowski just shut up woman! has nothing to do with your conscience. you make me sick. There's evidence of you being threatened. Tell the world what happened. or is it $$$$$$$. coward.
▶ 48c45e (12) No.3354955
LORD ROTHCHILD……187…PAYBACKS A BITCH !!! (Q178) think mirror
▶ 6a57cf (1) No.3354956
Aussies get presented with two options at elections; clowns or clowns.
▶ 19293f (15) No.3354958
>Hey faggot… When you say you want us all to "unite", who the fuck are you referring to???
>All Americans???
>Our enemies, are Americans. Not some foreigners or enemy abroad. You want us to unite with therm too?
>This is why you miss the point… or you're a kike.
▶ cc8942 (8) No.3354959>>3354999
Murkowski is pathetic. Totally inconsistent argument. "His presence will illegitimize the court, I pray he can fix that."
If she wants to lend a hand legitimizing the court, she just blew it. Her reason is totally selfish.
▶ 7f95f1 (3) No.3354960>>3355316
She's voting no.
What a shame.
▶ eccc46 (4) No.3354961>>3354967 >>3354980 >>3354997
>>3354778 (OP)
Murkowski sounds like she's throwing in the towel.
▶ 43a577 (3) No.3354962>>3354980 >>3354995 >>3355279
Murkowski is obviously a Deep State puppet.
Making BS excuses for NO vote. She doth protest too much. No self-awareness. She sound completely stupid.
She's obviously scared of someone.
Stick a fork in her, she's done.
▶ 4e1a1a (4) No.3354963>>3355056 >>3355339 >>3355484 >>3355530
This was posted last bread and should be in Notables.
Baker can you add to the next set?
▶ fd3bb5 (8) No.3354964
>>3354291 (lb)
except that article is Sept of LAST YEAR
I like the theory though
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3354965
Look at the journaliat name. How weird is that?
Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyer resigned from firm to represent her.
By Andrew McCabe - October 4, 201809
▶ cd1720 (1) No.3354966>>3355073
Thank You Baker
▶ a68ae2 (6) No.3354967>>3354982
Resignation coming?
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3354968
lisa must have another job lined up :)
▶ 800523 (6) No.3354969
>>3354878 (lb: Red_October)
▶ 0ea2e1 (1) No.3354970>>3354991 >>3355009
Dr. Jerry Tannett: "Anything in the universe with the shape of the golden mean will cause implosion of scalar energy at the center."
Analogy to pedo symbolism? Pedo swirl - golden mean - harvesting of children's energy
▶ c9a337 (5) No.3354971
I award her no points and may God have
mercy on her soul
▶ 1c6d51 (2) No.3354972>>3355159
VacaAnonSpouse and I just visited, and on that particular day, it was closing early because some very lucky couple were getting married on deck! Nevertheless, I was excited to read this:
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has announced plans to redevelop the old Navy yard in Boston that's home to the USS Constitution, the world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat.
▶ 10871c (10) No.3354974>>3355000
>>3354860 lb
and your world comes crashing down.
▶ 816608 (2) No.3354976>>3355021
Then why not Collins?
▶ 138eae (1) No.3354977
SDNY DOJ PRESSER: Irish Man Who Helped Run The “Silk Road” Website Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court
The Silk Road Website Was Responsible for Selling Over $200 Million in Illegal Narcotics and Other Contraband
▶ da68cd (2) No.3354979>>3355627
my tinnitus stopped recently..
like a month ago or so
the unexplainable pain went away too
▶ df4b12 (5) No.3354980
▶ eccc46 (4) No.3354982>>3355011
Maybe. She looks like she's had enough.
▶ 74aad9 (4) No.3354983>>3355339 >>3355484 >>3355530
Rosatom also in the supercomputer and "floating mobile nuclear powerplant" business.
nope, nothing can go wrong there.
The Akademik Lomonosov completed charging its nuclear reactors with fuel
03 October, 2018
In 2019, FNPP will be towed to the seaport of the city of Pevek (Chukotka Autonomous District). At the present time, necessary construction of coastal infrastructure, hydraulic structures and on-shore site is being carried out. These facilities are called for to ensure safe riding and receipt of the energy bridge from it in the place of electric connections and energy release to the shore. It is planned to start operating FNPP in Pevek to replace phasing out capacities of Bilibino NPP and Chaunskaya Co-Gen Plant and become the baseline power generation facility in Chukotka.
Rosatom has created another separate line of business entitled «Computing Tools and Methods». The enterprises that form part of this line of business offer their customers a whole series of solutions from developing models and performing calculations, as well as delivering programme packages for independent modelling, and delivering supercomputers to providing remote access to processing capacity and programme packages.
Specifically in Sarov, where a great deal of experience has been amassed in computer modelling, a whole series of indigenous systemic and applied software packages are being manufactured, which have been installed in high performance compact multiprocessor teraflop super computers.
These supercomputers, which have no indigenous analogues, can be used for complex calculations, and immitation modelling (such as modelling processes inside a reactor at a nuclear power station for example), as well as for Computer Aided Design to produce complex items. The supercomputers produced in Sarov are able to work effectively with large volumes of data. Their capabilities are in demand in railway, petrochemical, and manufacturing companies, and they are used in the space industry and in atomic power engineering.
▶ a756bc (5) No.3354984
She will live with her shame very publicly.
There is too much evidence.
She will get to eat lunch with Bernie
who did the same thing --- balked when the going got rough.
The loss of her own good name --
is what is really at stake.
She loses.
▶ 8250db (5) No.3354985>>3354998 >>3355006
Her conscious apparently!
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3354986
There’s really only right vs. wrong and she’s choosing fear.
▶ 2e76a4 (2) No.3354987
Yeah. Murkowski will have to resign when the news of the FBI probe into perjury breaks. I assume they're trying to get it done quickly so they can reveal it a weak or two before the election.
▶ 2c3191 (1) No.3354988>>3355004 >>3355128
Just cracked open an ice cold Stella for Justice Kavanaugh!
▶ 122cff (4) No.3354989>>3354999 >>3355031
She scared and controlled and biding her podium time. "The truth is right in front of you". She is not speaking from conviction. She is speaking because she had a role on the podium roster. Her mind was well made up and I didn't see it right away. AK anon is ashamed AK anon.
▶ 19293f (15) No.3354991
Your face is retard.
▶ f64f90 (2) No.3354992
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3354938
Leaving on a Jet Plane!! Probably an AF Reserve fighter.
▶ bfbc65 (1) No.3354994
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Some anon out there made a hat tip video to all the diggers. It appears it just went up today. Calls the anons "Dirty Digger Anons." Looks like people are paying attention to our work.
▶ 2a9532 (1) No.3354995
She has been a willing baby eating satanist. No blackmail was needed against this fucking troll. She knows no matter what she does now she is getting executed soon.
▶ 033f18 (1) No.3354996
anyone tried this yet?
▶ 5466cb (6) No.3354997
…and grabbing a scarf while looking for a doorknob. death becomes her.
▶ c335ce (9) No.3354998>>3355042
>Her conscious apparently!
check that, anon
▶ 122cff (4) No.3354999
▶ 10871c (10) No.3355000
there is nothing you can do.
▶ 8e90f3 (1) No.3355001>>3355017
Had to do what DiFi told her to do.
▶ 5e1573 (4) No.3355002>>3355020 >>3355029 >>3355030 >>3355038 >>3355129 >>3355339 >>3355484 >>3355530
China! 6 days ago!
Interpol leader missing!
Red October laptops seized .. threat was China!
▶ 797cc8 (10) No.3355003
▶ 44f3f8 (6) No.3355006
Billygoat brain
Mockingbird mouth
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3355008
▶ df4b12 (5) No.3355010
HO - LEE - FUK this bitch sounds like one blithering idiot…. BOOOO BOOOOO BOOOO, GO HOME, YOU'RE FINISHED, BOOOO
▶ fd3bb5 (8) No.3355011>>3355052
Or maybe we're watching the movie.
Is she ACTING to stay safe overnight? Does she plan to vote YES tomorrow knowing DiFi will be gone?
▶ 5f3ee7 (2) No.3355013
saw a meme out in the wild about how the Presidential Alert would make possible finding and confiscating all the hidden cell phones inside a jail or prison. the implications: shut down MS13 and other criminal / cabal C&C communications from the inside.
▶ 181459 (4) No.3355015>>3355022 >>3355036 >>3355040 >>3355054 >>3355057 >>3355063 >>3355071 >>3355179 >>3355500 >>3355545 >>3355669 >>3355671
Enemy is not UK
Enemy is not AUS
Enemy is not NK, or China or Russia, Iran…
The enemy is an evil that has infiltrated those nations. This is good vs evil. Not US vs UK or AUS
We are working to destroy the evil controlling the governments of those countries. We will liberate the world just as we have liberated NK.
We need a red pill upgrade on who/what our enemy is so we don’t make incorrect conclusions.
We can handle the information, Q
We need this critical piece of information
▶ d5090d (2) No.3355016>>3355108
Cabal strike on European City blame on Russia but which city ?
He said six of the Kilo-class subs were either "operating in the Black Sea or the eastern Mediterranean," where "they're firing the Kalibr missile," a Russian-made cruise missile that he called "very capable," saying it could reach "any one of the capitals of Europe."
▶ fd3bb5 (8) No.3355020
China laptops connected to RED OCTOBER?
▶ 0bd90c (4) No.3355021>>3355041
Do you see how meek and quiet she really is. She wants to please " her masters" but she is afraid of them. Not much would scare her into voting no. She comes across as someone who has been in a cage for a long time and let out on occasions for good behavior.
▶ d81cbd (1) No.3355022>>3355039
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3355023
Thx anon, added this time.
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355025
Is mrs potatoe head playing Barbie
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355026
Isn't there some old female Governor of Alaska that needs a new government job? LOL
▶ af66bc (6) No.3355028>>3355068
look at her eyes, shes terrified and close to incoherent.
▶ 073355 (9) No.3355029
Sheet. I hope our space based whatevers can protect China from a nuke strike!
▶ 4e1a1a (4) No.3355030
▶ 5e1573 (4) No.3355031
Hi Sarah! Kisses!💋💋💋
▶ eeac04 (2) No.3355032>>3355050 >>3355078 >>3355169
Anyone catch this?
>The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones - giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. This not a rant, this is from me, still one of the leading cybersecurity experts. Wake up people!
▶ 346fab (1) No.3355033>>3355107
Framing Judge Kav Foretells Spy Gate Reveal
Throughout October, if D’s collusion and framing of Judge Kav is completely, utterly and factually exposed - implicating major players like DiFi, Schumer, Hirono and so many others - this sets the stage for larger reveal of Spy Gate, FISA disclosure and everything else. Audience would be ‘prepared’ to more logically accept Spy Gate and FISA declass once they clearly understand coordination and planned destruction of Judge K. Uncovering this prepares for much bigger and shocking disclosures. Bonus: Ds might throw Dr. Fraud aside to save their own hides.
If Judge K’s coordinated take-down is exposed - and high level D Congressional corruption and collusion confirmed - will be logical and easier for population to accept liberal / left’s scheme and all the illegal, seditious actions committed to falsely entrap and destroy POTUS. Throw in the doxxer and his ties to DiFi’s hubby’s biz partner - there’s a lot to unload.
Don’t expect FISA declass and Spy Gate to be unveiled until after mid-terms -- but Q + Team might have other ideas and plans!
Regardless, hope the snarl of treachery toward Judge K will be fully revealed in October and cause increasing backfire on the Ds in the midterms and beyond.
Opinion -- sauce is prior Q crumbs + current news
▶ cc2d08 (2) No.3355034
Deadly Chinese Drones Now Lurk Above Mideast Battlefields
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3355035
You don’t get to agree with everyone that voted yes and then vote no.
▶ 170db4 (1) No.3355036
I'm not sure those that aren't "getting that" are legit anons.
▶ 24c07e (5) No.3355037>>3355126 >>3355144 >>3355190 >>3355209
I remember this day.
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355038>>3355250
▶ dc608a (5) No.3355039
▶ d470c7 (2) No.3355040>>3355049
Put 6,500+ years of history in a Meme and I'll spread it!
▶ 800523 (6) No.3355041>>3355058
how is she QUALIFIED to be a Senator and REPRESENT her state?
ah…Election Fraud…never mind
▶ 8250db (5) No.3355042>>3355055
Doesn't it make you wonder who threatened her.
▶ 0ae815 (1) No.3355043>>3355069 >>3355135
Sorry for doubting you baker.
▶ 3f15ca (4) No.3355044
I'm reading about Venice and all over the place in Venice is that Lion. They are also known there for devotion to St. Mark.
They controlled the Navies in the ancient world, which isn't as long ago as everyone thinks. They looted Istambul / Constantanople and had a vicious Insider Gang who controlled people with very severe direct "terror"
They were Bankers and Printers, not artists.
The Book by Thomas Mann about Venice, "Death in Venice" is about his love / infatuation with a boy. Many kinds of activities are tolerated there, as long as the actors were rich insiders. The ordinary people were disciplined by the Catholic Church.
There is more to dig on Venice, I know. But the lion of St. Marks is all about Venice.
The masks they wear on Carnival, which go back hundreds of year are very reminiscent both of the "Eyes Wide Shut" masks and the mask worn by "Ledger" in the "Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus"
The owl, as shown, is a Lion - Owl, a mix different beasts, a Chimera. Looks like an Owl to me though; & is an ancient mascot of Venice.
"Mur" voice is shaking. Her mouth is dry. She does not come across as sincere. Whatever? Her vote is not needed, right?
Maybe by tomorrow morn someone will inform he of the image where she's being pressured by Fein. ? She might vote "yes' after that to avoid questions?
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355045>>3355482
Stop being a drama queen. Many much worse than her.
▶ a8a909 (2) No.3355046
Her words reflect the language of this whole 'survivor', accusation fiasco. Trauma triggering linguistics at work to steer the narrative via masses of broken citizens displacing their internal strife and aggression.
Deep manipulation.
▶ 0ede02 (6) No.3355047
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355049
Smear it on a bagel weirdo
▶ 073355 (9) No.3355050
Doesn't he have to eat something fairly soon?
▶ eccc46 (4) No.3355052
Either way, she's had enough. And so have I.
▶ 9a90ec (1) No.3355053>>3355117 >>3355369 >>3355484 >>3355486 >>3355530
A lot of anons are on the fence with Pence. I am NOT! I believe he is a Patriot.
On Monday, when asked a question relating to FBI reports, Trump said, “There are bad reports on everybody here, except for Mike Pence, by the way.”
The next day, I had the opportunity to shake our VP's hand. I waited patiently and had removed the Q from my jacket as the SS moved their way down the row of hands. As Pence grabbed my hand, I said, “We need a 'Trust Pence' from Q.” He leaned his head nearer to me and asked, “What?” I restated, “We need a ‘Trust Pence’ from Q.” He let out a good chuckle as he continued down the line.
So, what’s the story, can we get a
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355055
She apparently she did not read Sara's tweet. Kek
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3355056>>3355102
Sure thing. Do you have a fitting title?
▶ df4b12 (5) No.3355057
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355058
ex VP nominee as replacement?
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3355059
Why did she ask for the quorum to suspended when she started.
▶ 9224cd (8) No.3355060
>>3354878 (pb)
This guy sounds fascinating.
▶ fd3bb5 (8) No.3355062
Article says K-561
Not sure what the difference is
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355063>>3355199
Just say;
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355064
Does Palin want a senate Job?
▶ 7e1e31 (1) No.3355065>>3355083 >>3355121 >>3355339 >>3355484 >>3355530
>>3354899 (pb)
The bloody wonderland?
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3355066
We cannot trust her to be the democratic pairing.
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355068
You're tripping. Take a break.
▶ 7f95f1 (3) No.3355069>>3355079
▶ d8f842 (4) No.3355070
▶ 40be49 (1) No.3355071
>The enemy is an evil that has infiltrated those nations.
and carbohydrates
▶ a8a909 (2) No.3355074>>3355085
Is a 'Present' vote a vote for anyone?
▶ 6eeee0 (1) No.3355076
Of course it's getting a new normal if you let that happen
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3355077
▶ c9a337 (5) No.3355078
The Chinks already have this info..so who the fuck cares?
▶ cc2ec1 (5) No.3355079
Pretty fuckin' hung, dawg!
▶ 0ede02 (6) No.3355081
come sit on my face pretty darlin
▶ f895f8 (4) No.3355082
>>3354827 (lb)
>what a horses ass
>you dont know the difference between infowars and GP
>Go back to reddit, or now vloat, GO!!!
Gateway Pundit / Infowars Associate has been calling Q a larp since last year
▶ 08d084 (2) No.3355083
NO 2016 Wonderland festival. I see you caught the teenage orphan part. Missing Haiti orphans?
▶ 0b50c2 (3) No.3355084>>3355140
International Panel Calls for End to Global War on Fossil Fuels
OCTOBER 5, 2018 -- More than 100 leading scholars from 12 countries have issued a report contending “the global war on fossil fuels … was never founded on sound science or economics” and urging the world’s policymakers to “acknowledge this truth and end that war.”
The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), an independent organization founded in 2003 to fact-check the work of the United Nations on the issue of climate change, today released the Summary for Policymakers of Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels. The 27-page Summary provides an early look at a 1,000-page report expected to be released on December 4 at a climate science symposium during the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP-24) in Katowice, Poland.
Among the findings reported in the Summary for Policymakers:
1. Fossil fuels deliver affordable, plentiful, and reliable energy that is closely associated with key measures of human development and human welfare.
2. Fossil fuels require the development of substantially less surface area than renewable energy sources, rescuing precious wildlife habitat from development.
3. The environmental and human welfare impacts of fossil fuels are overwhelmingly positive.
4. Reducing fossil fuel use to achieve dramatic reductions in carbon dioxide emissions would inflict tremendous economic hardship. Reducing greenhouse gases to 90 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 would require a 96% reduction in world GDP, reducing per-capita GDP to $1,200 from $30,600 now forecast. Per-capita income would be at about the level it was in the United States and Western Europe in about 1820 or 1830, before the Industrial Revolution.
▶ b803b9 (6) No.3355085>>3355109
It is neither a yes or a no vote.
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355086
Know your hogg cult
By its processed by proxy byproduct
▶ cc2d08 (2) No.3355088>>3355239
The month they were going to war
now stopped
▶ 0bd90c (4) No.3355089
Collins strikes me as one who wants to walk in Feinsteins shoes. She wants to take over the postions. Think of it like Cinderella. Collins is the step sister who has the attitude and strength and plans to marry the prince(take feinsteins spot). Cinderella gets the shit outta the deal and walked on. IDK lol just how I see it.
▶ fd3bb5 (8) No.3355090>>3355115 >>3355156 >>3355257
Reposting bc late lb
From article on Q drop
Help with date? Is it wrong on purpose? Or am I not understanding.
▶ 0f357a (4) No.3355091
>>3354847 (lb)
she's flipping...she's flipping...she's flipping...she half flipped! she's voting 'present' tomorrow. (Murkowski)
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355092>>3355105
so we're at 51-49
and if the senator doesn't make it to the vote, its 50-49
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355094>>3355114
Q you were smart to not trust Flake. LOL
▶ 19a43b (1) No.3355095
So it was a UK sub that launched the T2/D5 not JSOC?
▶ 5da078 (1) No.3355096
We need muh morals for Merkowski memes.
Alaskans call Lisa and demand she vote for Justice K
▶ df33d2 (3) No.3355099>>3355623
KEK-Tucker just showed the vid where all the sheep were going to Heidkamps office and the lady asked why, I thought she was on our side LOL
▶ 74aad9 (4) No.3355101>>3355118 >>3355158 >>3355165 >>3355166 >>3355207 >>3355333
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. anyone think there was more to this than "toilet paper"?
▶ 4e1a1a (4) No.3355102>>3355188
Strategic purpose - to Start WW III
▶ 0584cd (3) No.3355103>>3355113 >>3355192 >>3355418
I want to personally see Cory Booker get hanged.
Just looking at this guy makes my blood boil.
▶ 4c843b (6) No.3355104>>3355133 >>3355152 >>3355216 >>3355418
▶ 0f357a (4) No.3355105>>3355168
with two senators not voting - it makes it 51 to 47
▶ b931c3 (1) No.3355106
Take a glass of water in your hand, pray sincerely, the water becomes healing.
▶ f73dc5 (3) No.3355107>>3355164
Even MSM like Limbaugh (who I believe reads the NOTABLES here), is saying that Kavanaugh has woken everyone up.
▶ 48c45e (12) No.3355108
only Time can tell the story…
red ….red….double meanings exist
▶ 2e76a4 (2) No.3355109
No. They can also abstain from voting. Voting "present" is effectively that.
▶ bac9c2 (5) No.3355111>>3355626
The info in the CNN article from Adm Foggo
Comes from this press conference on C-Span
Notice at 15:30 he takes a question from CNN
Which introduces the sub question
You could even say that she prompts him to raise the warning.
Also note, it was Barbara Starr from CNN
And right at the beginning of the video
Adm. Foggo mentions some friends in the audience
Namely Barbara Starr.
If you watch the whole 45 min video, his choice of wording
Shows that he is well educated
… the maritime domain, from whence I come…
And he goes into the symbolism
His own department's coat of arms at 08:00
A Lion wielding a sword with one paw on the book of peace
Why did he not say Bible? Is he a satanist?
▶ 18a033 (4) No.3355112
▶ 739ee9 (4) No.3355114>>3355355
I think Flake and Coons are gonna be pulling something in 2020, like running together as (I), they are up to something. People would fall for it too.
▶ 8250db (5) No.3355115>>3355141
I saw the date and thought there was an encoded message that these submarines have not been produced yet. Kek! It's CNN, so what is new!
▶ 7ad014 (2) No.3355117
you think he understood what you said. if so, that is sweet. describe the chuckle. like ha ha you fool or ha ha this is truly wonderful?
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355118
but it was funny
Trump should totally use it :) Always use laughter that is on you for your advantage.
▶ e57936 (4) No.3355120
It's not as bad as 40-50 mins ago for me.
▶ fd3bb5 (8) No.3355121
Wonderland SA event tied in to orphans
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355124
And it's back to poisoning cucks and kulaks
▶ 02921f (6) No.3355125>>3355147 >>3355182 >>3355218
>>3354839 lb
We are the gleefully pessimistic motherfuckers your Pastor warned you about, but you'll learn a lot of shit you didn't even want to know. We teach the shit the day crew cant find. We sniff out the cabal in the landfill and dumps the swamp doesn't even know about. Our bread bakes slow and we aren't afraid of a little mold, we are The Night Shift™
▶ 2d7b14 (5) No.3355126>>3355142
embarrassing to say the least
▶ 0bd90c (4) No.3355127
Did he not learn from the guy that just got arrested for doxing?
▶ 9b0311 (5) No.3355128>>3355160 >>3355163 >>3355186 >>3355200 >>3355220 >>3355225 >>3355228 >>3355242 >>3355259 >>3355261 >>3355275 >>3355283 >>3355313 >>3355373
Drinking a glass of wine for all the WINE-O lib-o-tards…I mean satanist.
Honoring my Jesus with Bob Marley's RED RED WINE…
Ok, fudge it…I'm the anon who end of July asked for prayers for a dear cousin who was in a motorcycle accident. He was brain dead 7 days later and I never updated. I've been beyond sad and for the most part lurking. Too much grief man…
Then I lost my 59 year old father 5 weeks later unexpectedly. I won't go into details…just bad and so sad. My parents married very young. God bless them.
I'm ready for some justice after being here with you all for 11+ months… b/c this world SUCKS!
Jesus I love you and you are my only hope in this disgusting place we live.
Love all you Anons…WWG1WGA! (NO homo!)
▶ 5e1573 (4) No.3355129
▶ cd531b (1) No.3355130>>3355191 >>3355309
We are ready to see arrests!
We are ready to see PAIN!
We are ready to be part of history!
▶ c2f68b (1) No.3355131
can we send it to grant's employer? (assuming his employer is publicly available on his twatter)
▶ 44f3f8 (6) No.3355132>>3355310 >>3355331
First Pepe is hung and has on a speedo
▶ 9390a9 (4) No.3355133
perhaps it is WHY I went IN on homeboy????
▶ f895f8 (4) No.3355134>>3355148
▶ c28acd (1) No.3355136
I like the gif where his fingers wiggle.
▶ 4a2005 (4) No.3355137
isnt that biological warfare? kek
▶ 797cc8 (10) No.3355138
Just shillin until we're killin…
▶ 0b50c2 (3) No.3355140>>3355561
>Reducing greenhouse gases to 90 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 would require a 96% reduction in world GDP, reducing per-capita GDP to $1,200 from $30,600 now forecast.
Yet another way the cabal intended to make us poor.
▶ fd3bb5 (8) No.3355141>>3355219
hehehe CNN does suck
This article is defconwarningsystem.com though
I don't know if it's govt run but the date is odd
▶ 5466cb (6) No.3355142
red faced anon
still smarts
▶ f07941 (1) No.3355145
Trust Kansas (double meaning?)
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3355146
▶ d1c1c4 (1) No.3355147
▶ 7b3aa0 (4) No.3355148>>3355175
Ahaaa rally tomorrow?
▶ bac9c2 (5) No.3355149
Anybody else read this article about the true story behind the Hunt for Red October?
And did you see parallels in the events unfolding in the USA these days?
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355150
Wanna experience someone else's catharsis
▶ a6f8eb (1) No.3355151
i understand the wheels of GOV./DOJ
Red tape.
Hide TRUTH under 10000000 pages.
▶ 654bb4 (4) No.3355153
Borey Hooker: "stairs she climbed to use the restroom"
Lol. Can't even get his facts straight
▶ 612949 (6) No.3355154
>>3354807 The woman shrieking at Graham (eyes shut with the force of the shouting), as well as many others who have been harassing our people in public wherever they go---can not the concept of "verbal assault" apply in some of these cases? Law fag?
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355156>>3355167 >>3355171 >>3355172
Putin is going to smack Israel in the face with a cold one.
▶ e57936 (4) No.3355158
Mockingbird/Fakenews pushing their agenda. Shifting the overton window to "Muh idiot prez". That was all.
▶ fd3bb5 (8) No.3355159
went there a bunch of times on school trips. It's a great place to visit
▶ 2dfb2a (2) No.3355161>>3355180
▶ d8f842 (4) No.3355163
sorry for your losses anon, godspeed
▶ 98b756 (6) No.3355164>>3355203 >>3355232
While no doubt famous and influential.
Rush is not MSM.
MSM is garbage pumped into the idiot box.
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355165
My staff picks on me all the time :), it creates comrade. I jibe them, they jibe back allowed. :)
▶ 0ede02 (6) No.3355167
that was my theory
saving best for last
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355168>>3355272
which two?
I thought it was only daines
▶ 3f15ca (4) No.3355169>>3355232
"E911" isn't that just too cute?
As if "they" don't have that ability already.
McAfee shouldn't be trusted, per past performance.
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3355170>>3355178 >>3355189 >>3355254
Can someone who announces what they will vote then change their vote at the actual vote?
▶ b803b9 (6) No.3355173>>3355221 >>3355223 >>3355240 >>3355394 >>3355428
This sound right so far?
Party Line = 51-49
Flake (R) - Yes = 51-49
Collins (R) - Yes = 51-49
Manchin (D) - Yes = 52-48
Caines (R) - Absent for wedding = 51-48
Murkowski (R) - Present = 50-48
50-48 so far right?
So who is the other possible D flip?
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355175>>3355243
Trump should stick toilet paper on each shoe
▶ 10871c (10) No.3355176>>3355300
I know the DS see…
▶ 23ce86 (1) No.3355177
Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin has announced that he will officially vote “yes” to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
▶ 3f15ca (4) No.3355178
The why the libs won't give up until it's over.
▶ ef0952 (2) No.3355179>>3355241
oh ya
it's the joooooos
then everything will be alright
evil lies in every man fool
▶ 739ee9 (4) No.3355180>>3355295 >>3355447
Murky probably made deals to get rich with other D and R pols and she knows it will all come out. She must not know about Q or she is so fucked either way that she was promised protection. No Deals is not always the best strategy……but if they have her dead to rights she is just buying insurance with promises that she will be protected. It may be her only hope.
▶ 593577 (1) No.3355181>>3355193 >>3355201 >>3355236 >>3355249 >>3355414 >>3355430
Is Q saying there is a nuke sub out their waiting to deploy. Just like one that tried shooting off earlier ?
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355182>>3355231
Nigger, it's too early… Night-shift isn't for a few hours.
▶ f58b0d (1) No.3355184
I've seen some sick shit but this is fucking gross
▶ 0584cd (3) No.3355186>>3355215 >>3355242 >>3355261 >>3355271 >>3355283
I met my cousin for the first time in 15 years, 10 years ago. A month after I left his home country, he gets hit by a moped and died. I feel your pain my man. My dad isn't dead, but he's deserted our family to go live somewhere else with a new family. I'm drinking with you tonight, anon. Cheers.
▶ f4164c (2) No.3355187>>3355363
Dirty Diane and Murky Murkowski
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3355188
Roger, that's it in
▶ c9a337 (5) No.3355189
If they don't get door handled before tomorrow
▶ 48c45e (12) No.3355190>>3355204 >>3355208
we've had a change of plans
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355191
Free beer tomorrow… You don't understand the theme yet?
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355192
That asshat makes my blood boil, too. That is why I am not watching.
▶ 073355 (9) No.3355193
I think they got it, but who knows what they got.
▶ 24c07e (5) No.3355194
I said the same thing to ppl in LA. I srly thought my bf, at the time, was going to lynch me!! & that was even b4 I learned about pedo/pizza gate…
I knew he was going to win & everyone thought I was crazy.
I said, "You know hes going to win, right?"
I shit u not, my ex Lost his shit. He said it was impossible. No one was going to vote for him but hicks… I wish I would have seen his face when Potus won. xD
▶ 2a6a25 (2) No.3355195
Why has no one upvoted this ???
▶ 1c1cca (8) No.3355199>>3355302 >>3355345
Gtfo Brock. You glow.
>Poll finds Israelis extremely, and near uniquely, supportive of Trump, US policy
Pew survey shows 82% of Jewish Israelis trust president's handling of global affairs, 94% have favorable opinion of US -- views which are out of sync with most other nations
>new survey found that an overwhelming percentage of Orthodox Jews support President Donald Trump.
>According to the poll, which was commissioned by the US-based haredi Ami Magazine, 91% of American Orthodox Jews gave Trump a "Satisfactory" or "Very good"
▶ 0ede02 (6) No.3355200
Amen anon, stay strong. yea i cant wait.
▶ f71a58 (2) No.3355201>>3355246
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
Russian Sub + NATO exercises
▶ f73dc5 (3) No.3355203
AM/FM is MSM. A platform filled with garbage. Rush is on that platform but not garbage. Rare. But still part of MSM.
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3355205>>3355238
uh….I think I made that meme many moons ago. This freaks me out.
▶ 3f15ca (4) No.3355207>>3355284
on purpose.
He is so funny.
Such a great comedian. Truly.
Yeah, "Paper Planes" very important.
▶ df4b12 (5) No.3355208>>3355466 >>3355504
Wish I could see his face right now…. and when it comes out what he's been up to.
▶ 6b294f (3) No.3355209>>3355388
There was much sadness then. Then we got pissed off. fukkin Q. Teaching us to think all logical n shit. Damnit, now I think in 3 dimensions and I can't make it go back. Fak
▶ 0b50c2 (3) No.3355210
When Did the Democratic Party Become Antifa?
Apparently when they tasted the appeal of Bolshevism.
Democrats, already driven to vote this November given their distaste for the president, did not need added incentive. Rather than boost Democratic turnout, the Kavanaugh hearings instead inflamed Republican voters and alienated many independents. The brat-fit Democrats threw because of their minority status does not block another conservative from the court and may very well prevent Democrats from regaining either house of Congress.
▶ 6ff40c (1) No.3355211
The submarine in the recent Q drops appears to be flying a Union Jack. Am I wrong? Is the goal of deep state in US and UK to start a war and frame "Russia".
▶ 5de775 (3) No.3355212>>3355262
>>3354282 (lb)
Don't forget those twats by Brennan, Comey & Avenatti just before that weekend, all which could read as veiled threats.
▶ dc608a (5) No.3355215>>3355410
have one on me, anon
▶ cc8942 (8) No.3355216
He needs to work on the hypnotic sing-song if he wants to get half as far as 0bama did.
▶ 80b2a5 (1) No.3355218>>3355273
Nice and comfy on the night shift
▶ 8250db (5) No.3355219
* Where do you get your information?
"Over the years, The DEFCON Warning System has grown to gain some contacts within government and military agencies. However, most of our information is public knowledge and can be easily searched for. We often post news article links on our message board for commentary.
Information from confidential sources is vetted and, by necessity, often redacted to protect the source as well as not compromise national security or field plans. We do not, however, hold back information necessary to the safety of the public."
* Doesn’t this mean that DWS is unreliable?
No matter how hard anyone tries, unless you’re inside the enemy’s situation room, you’re going to have to make a guess. It’s an art not a science, and one that has been around since Cain first slew Abel.
The DEFCON Warning System, by nature, is designed to react to certain situations. In order to give the most warning possible, it has to make an educated guess as to whether the event will pass or the missiles will fly. This means that sometimes an alert will be raised and the situation will calm and nothing will come of it.
Historically speaking, the world has marched toward nuclear war numerous times and backed away. You’ll see the DEFCON Warning System reflect that."
▶ 43e087 (3) No.3355220
Prayers for you Anon. The only hope we have is in Jesus and the promise of eternity with Him.
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355221>>3355240 >>3355253
regular: 51-49
no murkowski = 50-50
with manchin = 51-49
without (kek) daines = 50-49
▶ 612949 (6) No.3355223
>>3355173 Sen. Caines told Don Jr. that he would make the vote.
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355224>>3355265 >>3355270
(It's like they all use this gay meter-meme. Just… gay.)
▶ 5b26e4 (1) No.3355225>>3355338
>>3355128 As you're witnessing first hand brother Anon, it can get pretty dark and harsh out here in every day life land…and as much as it doesn't help with the pain and frustration now…it WILL get better! Then it'll suck again…and then it will get better again! The only end to this tragedy will come by way of a trumpet! Hang in there brother! Will pray for you!
▶ 44f3f8 (6) No.3355227>>3355245 >>3355320
This is fucking awesome!
▶ 2d7b14 (5) No.3355228
Hug for you Anon. I remember.
WWG1WGA You have Family here. Always
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355229
Did ya ventbthose submariners
▶ 02921f (6) No.3355231
Nigger I just looked outside and it is motherfucking daaaaark. Night motherfucking time my nigger.
▶ eeac04 (2) No.3355232>>3355403
Rush is on a leash. He called Trump "Donaldus Maximus" once and never again. He said Trump would just have to point out the crap in the omnibus bill and he would win election. Trump did it and Rush never followed up. Rush has a bark collar.
The cabal is so satanic and big and evil and yet womp womp womp all they can do to us is post gay porn and pretend to be sad about Q. They cheat rules but still have to follow rules. They might need "E911" + presidential text as a loophole. Or it gives us a clue as to what Trump was extracting from cabal phones.
▶ 073355 (9) No.3355233
Ha. Ford's "friend" was in on it but got cold feet. Now claiming she was pressured to change her statement. Sauce = Fox. Go after the C_A sleeper woman!
▶ d5ad8c (8) No.3355234
fkn Booker whipping out the "laughter in the hippocampus" talking point, how cruel Trump was to mock poor ole Ford…
dafuk would she be watching Trump rallies for
▶ 178a1f (2) No.3355236>>3355249
There was a rouge sub. The Hunt for Red October was eventually changed to Red October after they found the Sub.
▶ 58b58c (1) No.3355237
>>3355051 I see Viral. Great Job!!!!!
▶ 8287c8 (4) No.3355238>>3355256
Been good working with y'all.
▶ a43f08 (1) No.3355239
I have thought that Q has been using the code names of the Cabal as a way to mock them and reflect back (think mirror). For instance, Sky Event seemed innocent enough to us, but what if that was the code name they were using for an assassination plot? All those pictures Q posted were possibly taken off the cameras/phones of the would be assassins as they staked out the site.
And now with Red October…
Maybe this was when the big war with Russia was going to kick off, and the cabal was going to use the cover of this stealth sub to launch a false flag with one of their own subs.
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355240>>3355267 >>3355274
50-48 is only 98 senators, has to be 99
▶ 98b756 (6) No.3355241>>3355258
>>Defending jooz even when jooz not named.
▶ 7b3aa0 (4) No.3355243
Still wondering if his shoe goo was any comm with May’s danceteria
▶ 34d479 (3) No.3355244
Trust the most.
5eyes fukwards were going to nuke us.
retaliation suks.
▶ 797cc8 (10) No.3355245>>3355282
This anon loves YESTERDAY'S news…
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355246
Fucking Macnamara and Johnson.
Traitorous bastards. It was all about the power.
▶ 3e5790 (4) No.3355248
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355249
there are likely many, thats what I've thought
▶ 0f4c6c (7) No.3355250
Can't they just phone in their vote? Seems archaic
Triple meanings even
Top Kek
What's the Over/under on suicide weekend?
▶ 258889 (4) No.3355252>>3355264
did someone hijack trips earlier? what were all the q posts about ready for arrests
▶ b803b9 (6) No.3355253>>3355304
Murkowski isn't a 'no', she is a 'present'
▶ cc8942 (8) No.3355254
They can change the vote AFTER they vote. The tool "motion to reconsider" gives the body a day, and many times votes are changed after taken, before voting is closed.
Listen for "Move to lay motion to reconsider on the table" after EVERY substantive vote.
▶ a756bc (5) No.3355255>>3355399
Bernie was loved for his integrity.
He lost it ALL -- when he endorsed Clinton.
Murkowsky just met the same fate.
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3355256>>3355312
you goin somewhere, anon?
▶ e4502a (1) No.3355257
probably not a typo.
▶ ef0952 (2) No.3355258>>3355269
(((((((ooooh its a secret))))))))
▶ e130b9 (4) No.3355259
the focus should be on Kavanaugh and his tears. His life has been destroyed by these spurrious accusations.
And don't forget about the pain his wife and daughters have had to endure.
▶ 3c217e (1) No.3355260
She cheated her way into her position and will try doing so again- lost the primary but somehow won on write-ins where her supporters didn’t even know how to spell her fuckin name.
▶ e57936 (4) No.3355261
Sending prayers for you anons. In here you are not alone. WRWY!
▶ 7b3aa0 (4) No.3355262
▶ 4463d3 (3) No.3355263
The hunt is over because they've already found it. Right?
▶ 797cc8 (10) No.3355264>>3355268
▶ 99666c (3) No.3355265>>3355289
(((Left))) can't meme
▶ b803b9 (6) No.3355267>>3355277 >>3355286 >>3355304
Sen Caines is at his daughter's wedding on Sat. and Murkowski voting "present" so technically…
50 yes
48 no
1 present
▶ 98b756 (6) No.3355269
▶ cb3cc1 (1) No.3355270>>3355317 >>3355357
Just for you sockpuppet. Gtfo
▶ 02921f (6) No.3355271
God damn you may be a bad luck piece. I'm going to back away slowly now…
▶ 0f357a (4) No.3355272
Murkowski just said she would be voting "present" in deference to daines. so, she is not voting "no"
▶ 43e087 (3) No.3355274>>3355288
I thought I read somewhere today that they changed the rules and it’s only a majority of who is there to vote. I’ll have to dig to find that sauce…..
▶ 24c07e (5) No.3355275
Here's to You anon. May God bless you in the Years to come.
▶ 194f62 (1) No.3355276>>3355307 >>3355463
I wonder if she will hav ethe same look on her face when the floor drops out beneath her feet and the noose pulls tight. Make it public and no hood allowed.
▶ 797cc8 (10) No.3355277
You're too dumb to live
▶ 3e5790 (4) No.3355278
Wow. The Truth was always there hidden in plain sight.
Fucking sickening.
▶ 4175dc (1) No.3355279
Dems resign in protest of Kavanaugh.
Well I can dream can't I.
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355280
/pol/ written all over it
▶ 178a1f (2) No.3355281>>3355322
Typo in last sentence of paragrah 2, should read anyone who is not having a good time.
▶ 44f3f8 (6) No.3355282
Well shit…cant catch errything
▶ 9b0311 (5) No.3355283>>3355356
You speak to my heart Anon.
God bless you and thank you for taking the time to respond. Love all you faggots! No coincidences. None.
▶ 74aad9 (4) No.3355284
ah ha! like this one. looked like an intentional gait emphasizing that foot, first thing that came to mind was he was just getting out of The Beast, not some public restroom.
▶ c96544 (3) No.3355285>>3355297
What's up with the dude in the back taking his shorts off?
▶ 654bb4 (4) No.3355286
Caines has transportation arranged in case vote is close and his vote is needed.
▶ cc8942 (8) No.3355288
For this, and most subjects, the threshold for passage is majority of those present.
▶ 1c1cca (8) No.3355289
Left cant meme and muhjoo clowns cant meme.
▶ 2fc572 (1) No.3355293
Maybe in past bread Soros ties to Atlantic council may link him to Admiral Foggo
DECEMBER 14, 2015
Thank You, George!
▶ 9224cd (8) No.3355294
The last time someone did this to me it cost them a few million dollars.
▶ 2dfb2a (2) No.3355295
Her father is Frank….
▶ af66bc (6) No.3355296
Cory Booker has weird palms…no lines lie rubber. WTF?
▶ 797cc8 (10) No.3355297>>3355377
How do you FRIDAY??
▶ 10871c (10) No.3355300>>3355324 >>3355328 >>3355337 >>3355346 >>3355473
DOX me you stupid fucking cock sucker…
DOX ME and I give free DOX to you…
DOX ME!!!!!!!
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355301>>3355367
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355302>>3355329
Kike, your copy-paste is old AF… JIDF must not be paying you enough to give a shit about your job, so your Jew-projection is shining through too easily.
Weak… Go.To.Gym.
▶ 4974ad (2) No.3355303
Tons and tons of people wanting to know the truth.
Not a bad thing.
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355304>>3355321 >>3355366
oh, well thats a pussy move
50 Yea
48 No
1 "Present"
1 "at his daughters wedding because he really wants to walk her down the isle and get shitfaced"
▶ baf0ba (1) No.3355305
Booker is going to break into tears?
What a Qunt
▶ 02921f (6) No.3355306>>3355371
I take 2 every four hours and I'm still rock hard for that precipice edge job baby
▶ c335ce (9) No.3355308>>3355341 >>3355343 >>3355436
▶ 7c1422 (1) No.3355309
Arrests is soooo yesterday. Today is war. Never a dull day (and nothing happens…).
▶ 7ce59b (1) No.3355310>>3355314
a banana hammock on PEPE?
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3355311>>3355352
When a bill or amendment is up for a vote, a Representative may vote “aye”, “no”, or “present”, which is a refusal to take sides. A “present” vote does not count towards or against the passage of a bill, but it contributes towards the quorum, which is the minimum number of Members required in attendance for the body to conduct business legally.
▶ 8287c8 (4) No.3355312
Heck no, Anon. It's getting so good now.
I've just been thinking back on all this time and it's been amazing. At some times even absolutely incredible. I'm honored to be here alongside great people and being able to do my part.
▶ d44741 (2) No.3355313
you have frens here to give you strength and hugs. love to you and your family
▶ 44f3f8 (6) No.3355314
Looks like a weenie bikini to me
▶ 42b914 (1) No.3355315
Is this still right?
"We see all."
"we hear all."
Kav gonna be confirmed 53-47.
Which 3 are going to put Kav over the top?
Anybody know?
Did Q tell us who the 3 are?
▶ 3da6f7 (2) No.3355316>>3355680
Go look up who her dad is. She doesn't care and she will get reelected in AK
▶ 99666c (3) No.3355317>>3355372
>hey goys I'm just like you!!!
Same gay memes night after night.
Gas yourself.
▶ d2ba6f (3) No.3355318>>3355367 >>3355426
SInce Daines is not "needed" according to Murkowski…
Do they simply trust that?
I don't think her word is worth shit.
Daines needs to be present and vote.
Murkowski all but echoed the common sense points of Collins.
Is there ANYONE else that we can count on to change their today's No to a Yea?
▶ 38505a (4) No.3355319
i think booker is concerned
▶ 34d479 (3) No.3355320
he will get a chuckle out of that - for sure. PDB
▶ 5466cb (6) No.3355321
Choosing to not take a stand
Is a choice
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355322>>3355332
was going to leave it
"in" in the last "is"
▶ 797cc8 (10) No.3355324
Hey Daniel…
Perhaps you should Google "anonymous" so you can understand how this works.
Welcome newfag
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3355325>>3355385
Roma woman arrested on voter fraud charges
A Roma woman was arrested Thursday evening on multiple voter fraud charges relating to the November 2018 general election, confirmed 229th District Attorney Omar Escobar.
Modesta Vela, 60, was arrested by investigators with the 229th District Attorney’s Office on felony charges of illegal voting, knowingly possessing a ballot or ballot envelope of another person with the intent to defraud, and election fraud, in addition to a misdemeanor unlawful assistance of a voter charge.
▶ 6fffe7 (3) No.3355326
All they have left right now are the creepy lawyers, which they used to push their agenda in courts. Soon they will be defending them in the courts. The Looney left has turned into a bunch of haters.
▶ 5de775 (3) No.3355327
So who shot off the missile in June 2018 then? Or was that disinfo?
▶ 739ee9 (4) No.3355328
Are you two homos gonna flirt all day or you gonna get a room at some point cuz this is getting old. Just kiss an make up, rainbows cakes for everyone.
▶ 1c1cca (8) No.3355329
>blah blah blah jew blah blah blah kike
Gtfo Brock.
▶ 4974ad (2) No.3355331
and his panty mask! KEK
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355332
should've been a : there, oh well
▶ 605cba (1) No.3355333
He has 5 kids (4 of them grown) and all pretty funny. I bet he can laugh at himself like no other!
▶ f71a58 (2) No.3355334
Any Anons what to hit up Applebees for Happy Hour?
▶ bac9c2 (5) No.3355335>>3355461
Oh, I forgot
The whole plan that I detailed
Was written here…
3 Jun 2018 - 12:58:29 PM
▶ 702628 (1) No.3355336
There's a certain pleasure knowing that evil is destroying itself, and watching it happen. A reverse of the pleasure which they enjoyed while trying to destroy us.
▶ 10871c (10) No.3355337>>3355392
it will not happen.
only because i'm not online moron.
▶ 9b0311 (5) No.3355338
Amen brother or sister in Christ. Thank you and God bless you.
We shall hear that "trump"et. I know it and feel it…all God be the glory.
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3355339
The bread so far
>>3355065 'Wonderland' event in SA involves teenage orphan volunteers
>>3355002 AFP claims seized laptops, documents prove 'Red October' plot
>>3354983 Other Rosatom business: Supercomputers and floating mobile nuclear powerplants
>>3354963 Strategic Purpose - To Start WW III - Graphic
>>3354930 Judicial Watch: State Department and USAID working with Soros group
>>3354928 Office of Personnel Management Director Jeff Pon resigned today
Anything missed, just let me know. Thx.
▶ d2e83f (2) No.3355340>>3355365 >>3355578
".@Acosta just deleted this tweet admitting that he lost the Kavanaugh fight --- which seems like an admission that he’d picked sides in the Kavanaugh fight."
▶ c62575 (4) No.3355341>>3355456
▶ 4463d3 (3) No.3355343>>3355485
People don't use mercury when making hats anymore. Why is this a thing?
▶ 1fe52d (1) No.3355344
They can say whatever right now.
They can vote any way.
I'm going to hope they're just trying to SURVIVE to make it to the vote.
If not, fuck them.
▶ 181459 (4) No.3355346
“As the world turns” has many meanings
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355347
Such tumescant settlement the verbose Faggots when on and on with their peanut butter tongues
▶ 7b3aa0 (4) No.3355348
Shite’s so deeeeep in DC, a fella can’t catch a break. It be overflowing into the streets
▶ 7e0514 (1) No.3355349>>3355424
Murkowski on the Senate floor… She is difficult to watch/listen. She describes how this entire charade will keep 'good men' from coming forward to serve their country. How many times did she refer to Kavanaugh as a good man… yet still votes no. Hypocrite!
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355350
Or democrats will grab onto any dirt.
▶ d789b3 (1) No.3355351
<Responding to the article, not you anon. nice dubs.
If you are jewish you can't be criticized because muh anti-semitism.
Trump didn't mention his jewish heritage so how was he anti-semitist?
The shills even tried to push it right after the tweet, screaming "Trump named the Jew".
▶ cc8942 (8) No.3355352
A present vote is effectively a NAY. It takes a majority of those present voting AYE for passage, and absence of an AYE has the same effect as a NAY.
But, you can fool some of the people all of the time, so "I didn't vote against" is at least a slightly effective (albeit false) argument.
▶ ab9245 (6) No.3355353>>3355391 >>3355462
how is it we have heard fuck all from the media about Jeff Sessions?
17 Sep 2018 - 5:54:01 PM
▶ d2b97e (6) No.3355354>>3355432 >>3355476 >>3355572
Here is exactly where Barbra Star CNN reporter asks Adm Foggo the question about Russia Sub
"Russia is not 10 feet tall but they do have capabilities that keep me vigilant, concerned"
ends with
"Do i think they would do something like that? No I think they would be foolish"
"We hold an accoustic advantage and we will continue to do that, our boats are the best in the world"
▶ 167f69 (1) No.3355355>>3355496
Coon Flakes? Wow, now that would be something on many levels.
▶ 0584cd (3) No.3355356>>3355362 >>3355406 >>3355522 >>3355624 >>3355636
Anytime, fren. Anons are the closest people to me during this time, everyone else seems to be a blissfully ignorant NPC. I can't tell you how happy I was to find others who knew the world wasn't supposed to be shitty, and that there was a way to fix all this sadness and hopelessness.
You guys will forever be my brothers.
▶ 43a577 (3) No.3355360
Wise Perspective to maintain:
China is always a threat & must be closely monitored.
Chinese philosophy is: Get away with whatever you can if it gives you an advantage.
To do otherwise is just foolish & stupid.
This is why they don't respect intellectual property laws.
▶ 36cfcc (1) No.3355361
Ampersand Mountain was connected to the Franklin Case as well (in Franklin county).
▶ abd089 (2) No.3355363
'Musky' Murkowski…..
▶ d2e880 (1) No.3355364
Love reading stuff like this. I want to believe, but can't until the hammer falls. Too many "soons" have taken a toll on my faith.
▶ 02921f (6) No.3355366
"present" seriously? So does this move on the the real vote without a majority? Does POTUS send his private jet to get that fucker in WY asap? WTF?
▶ 056cf3 (5) No.3355367>>3355393
Not mine, but stole kek.
What if the extra Yea's come outta left field?
▶ 7ad014 (2) No.3355369>>3355486 >>3355603
BAKER notable
i'd make this a notable just to ensure that Q sees it
▶ 8dc025 (7) No.3355370
What are we watching here Anons?? With Booker?? Is this the vote to GO to cloture?? Or have we done that and this is the vote??
Fucking Dems getting me all mixed up. I'll be so glad when we just do the whole law and order and righteousness thing.
▶ e130b9 (4) No.3355371
that's too much.
could lead to oily discharge.
▶ 1c1cca (8) No.3355372>>3355442
gtfo Brock. Your gig is up.
▶ 3e5790 (4) No.3355373>>3355474
the world doesnt suck anon
just yours does. It sucks because you want it to suck. If you didn't want it to suck, it wouldn't.
We all lost people. Do we die when our loved ones die? I for one, do not. I LIVE and cherish every moment and thank God every day for allowing me to be alive to witness the MIRACLE thats happening and I thank him for giving me Q.
▶ 61bd15 (2) No.3355375>>3355566
Can anybody IDEN The symbols on the flag?
I think might mean sunk enemy U-boat
▶ c96544 (3) No.3355377
Ha! good point. I'm currently pantsless
…but kidless too
▶ 8a6457 (2) No.3355378
▶ ab9245 (6) No.3355380
Sessions tomorrow [doc related]
what happened on Thursday?
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355382>>3355435
It was the polka dots the whole time
▶ 800523 (6) No.3355385
looking more and more like MIDTERMS ARE SAFE
▶ 5de775 (3) No.3355386
>>3354356 (lb)
Only other 2 instances of 1st in [ ].
▶ 606272 (2) No.3355387
>>3353335 (lb - Q PF Cap)
Double meaning - how about at least 3!?
Hunt for Red October - the traditional metaphor looking for and stopping the missile launching enemy sub.
Red October - the Red Tsunami of Energy and Polls in October leading to the red wave at the midterms.
Now the MSM create a war crisis narrative about Russia Russia Russia!
Damn you're good Q
▶ 24c07e (5) No.3355388
yah. a lot of shit dropped back in Nov…& then Q disappeared and we went hunting on our own & not paying attention to the board.. then he pops back in and I see replies to shit that was already discussed. either the ppl answering where shillz or normies.. I think there were some reporters in there … idk but some of the responses were fukn gay and embarrassing.
▶ cf9e20 (1) No.3355389>>3355415 >>3355419
>>3354836 lb
>My glitch today was that we are all jews now
Consider what came just before:
>The Q will be answered
Q is saying the JQ will be answered, and that everyone (all) will have to come to terms with it in some way eventually, bc otherwise we can't be free. As long as "some" are tools (unwitting or otherwise) of Jewish subversion, we will ALL be undermined. Here's my reasoning:
1) No way in hell Q has lurked here all this time and doesn't understand the echo meme (jew parentheses)
2) And yet he misuses them in the way of normies by putting them around something positive & associated with patriots/goy. Why?
3) This is reconciled by considering optics and why Q came to /pol/ in the first place:
4) POTUS will need to maintain distance from the JQ as the public is gradually red-pilled, in order to minimize mass hysteria.
5) Mil does the "heavy lifting" re: arrests, justice, political maneuverings, removing Mockingbird assets etc.
6) WE are to do the "heavy lifting" re: leading-edge educating the brave/curious on the JQ
7) By appearing to misuse the ((())) Q maintains plausible deniability, a key component to running multiple parallel narratives, that allow ppl to see what they want to see
8) Only the awakened can piece together that he knew what he was doing with the ((())), bc only they want to see it enough that they have done their homework, difficult truths and all
9) The plausible deniability allows those suffering from cognitive dissonance to have a pressure valve: "he can't have meant the JQ!"
10) The timing of the "FEARLESS" drop with the "stand down" and ((())) drops is significant. Q called us "FEARLESS" because of our brazen outspokenness on the Jews. We risk fates worse than death bc of it. These are Satanic torturers after all, and they hold grudges. Just ask Kav.
Finally, a bit of context. I worked for defense in the aughts and was given the skeleton of the Q plan. These guys were Jew-wise. I've known the whole time that if Q was legit, he had to eventually lead us here. Once he started calling out MOS, it was on lock. But like all things Q, he's not gonna spell it out. Disinfo is necessary. The ((())) was for Anons. The apparent misuse of them was for the normies. The goal is as few "casualties" as possible. How do you prevent 99% in the hospital from shock? Gradual acclimatization. Plausible deniability allows different sets of ppl to see different narratives depending on what factor magnification lens they're wearing. Multiple meanings exist. Multiple meanings intended.
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355390>>3355464
You are evil motherfucker. No heaven for you!
▶ bac9c2 (5) No.3355391>>3355413
Because he does not give press conferences
Instead he does press releases here
And he gives talks to various legal groups around the country
Very interesting to read his speeches and press releases. Read between the lines.
▶ 10871c (10) No.3355392
4 chan will you please say my first name?>
▶ d2ba6f (3) No.3355393
I am expecting that.
▶ 8bbc0b (2) No.3355394>>3355450
DJT,Jr tweeted last night that Daines told him he "had it covered," inference being he was going to vote. How he actually does that, don't know.
Procedurally, they could hold the vote open for him to return. Or, he could use "vote pairing," and make an agreement with a Dem that the Dem won't vote either. That would cancel out his absence/non-vote.
(personally, at this point, I wouldn't trust any Dem to actually live up to a vote-pairing agreement.)
▶ 6009d1 (1) No.3355395
when I first saw the original pic seen
I thought it looked like P wanted to hate-fuck M
▶ a59ddc (1) No.3355396
5:23pm minor red pill drop - sorry had too much red wine and just could not help myself on CDAN.
https:// www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=37309174&postID=8986225484486262099&page=1&token=1538785399629&isPopup=true
▶ e04fe3 (1) No.3355397
Guy on Fox News gets notification from the QDrops app on live TV. Was 3 minutes after Q's post (4:27 -> 4:30) and an anon was here earlier saying he was watching it live and got the notification 10 seconds after the guy on TV did.
▶ 18610b (2) No.3355399
Bernie's still alive. Revenge is best served cold.
Murkowski's gonna need witness protection if does the right thing tomorrow..
▶ d44741 (2) No.3355400
white surrender flag is like shit on the bottom of his shoe. Boss man
▶ ce29d4 (2) No.3355401>>3355537
Delivering memes SpouseAnon sent that made me kek
▶ f77bb5 (1) No.3355402
digits monday or tuesday fisa release
▶ 98b756 (6) No.3355403
Yeah Rush would be fired the second he ever talked about (((who))) was the hidden hand. As would anybody on radio. Some Israeli woman named Gal Gadot or some shit runs terrestrial radio. Closest Rush ever got was calling out the "doner class" wink wink cough cough. Follow the money. AIPAC cough cough.
▶ abb035 (7) No.3355404>>3355429 >>3355460
Feminists are fucking crazy
▶ fa1080 (1) No.3355405
I hear the other side is doing evil satanic rituals ahead of Brett Kavanaugh's official nomination to the Supreme Court. Now's the time to pray pray pray!
God bless America.
God bless Brett Kavanaugh and his family.
▶ a0a7b8 (2) No.3355407>>3355453 >>3355483 >>3355525
JB Pritzker and HRC at a "JB" (for Governor of Illinois) campaign event on 10/1. I hope they both hang, although he looks a little too heavy for rope. Aircraft cable is fine.
▶ 800523 (6) No.3355408
the legitimacy of dissent is PEACEFUL PROTEST.
'nuff said
▶ 2c89c2 (3) No.3355409>>3355470
[Facebook] is blowing up today with anti-Q propaganda.
Trying to sew doubt in a big way.
▶ c62575 (4) No.3355411>>3355422 >>3355455 >>3355656
for those anons here who do not consider themselves Christian or who are, but are not familiar with the end times, please don't get ahead of yourselves with believing that "we" are winning the battle. we won't win the battles, but we will win the war. this is probably the awakening that is supposed to happen, wherein many will come to Him and many will remain asleep. however, this will not end, and it will not cease, and we will not "win" until the end, upon His return. that's just the Truth. i love this potus, but no one human is going to save mankind.
▶ ab9245 (6) No.3355413
>This past Christmas we successfully thwarted an alleged planned attack on San Francisco.
▶ 3da6f7 (2) No.3355414
That's my takeaway. Rogue sub, potential FF, NATO troops at Russia's border ready to go once blame is placed. Scary times indeed.
▶ f616bb (1) No.3355415
Warning to cabal? you're coming to the light whether you like it or not?
▶ f80a16 (1) No.3355416
She reminds me of Anne Ramsey kek
▶ 63ac35 (1) No.3355417
Anon, I remember this from the other night! You had me laughing so damn hard so early in the morning!
▶ 9224cd (8) No.3355419
Probably also has to do with the fact that they're using muh antisemitism against point out Soros funds riots. They're out of ideas and now just throwing shit.
But the goyim know.
▶ 58098f (1) No.3355420
Damn that’s solid work anon. Mega Keks for sure.
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3355422
▶ c96544 (3) No.3355423>>3355623
Sen. Cassidy on Tucker
Talking about people going to jail for false statements to the FBI
▶ fc0e2e (2) No.3355424
feinstein has something on her
hopefully whatever it is will be made public to expose feinstein and embarrass murkowski
▶ 622de9 (2) No.3355426>>3355663
It would not shock me of the Gentlewomen from Alaska decides at the last minute to defy the Feckless Cunt From California, and vote Yea.
▶ 8bbc0b (2) No.3355428
If Senate confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh comes down to a single vote, Sen. Steve Daines of Montana could keep the world waiting for hours on Saturday.
There is no doubt that Daines, a Republican, will vote to confirm Kavanaugh when the final vote is called, but his personal calendar is a complication: His elder daughter, Annie, is getting married Saturday in Montana.
“At the end of this weekend, I will have walked my daughter down the aisle at her wedding and there will be a new Supreme Court justice,” Daines told reporters Friday. “We’ll wait and see how this all unfolds here.”
The most likely outcome, according to a senior GOP aide familiar with the discussions, is that the vote will be held open --- potentially for hours — while Daines flies back east.
▶ 0f4c6c (7) No.3355429
What a fucking douche. Hate that little jew weasel. Anti-Semetic…give me a break. It's fact. We know which country he's loyal to
Maybe the cunt is talking about the pain of having an abortion….that's what this is all about.
▶ ea4d18 (2) No.3355430
"The hunt for" has been removed. i.e they already found the sub.
▶ d2b97e (6) No.3355432
▶ 38505a (4) No.3355437
someone wants money quickly
▶ 2d7b14 (5) No.3355438>>3355452
ohh Kek.. can't stop laughing at this one.. spouseanon thinks I've lost it completely.
▶ 43a577 (3) No.3355440
The Chinese respect being clever, shrewd and strong.
And maintaining "Face" is very important in Asian culture.
This is why they respect POTUS.
▶ 6fffe7 (3) No.3355441>>3355465 >>3355471
from Hussein… notice he calls "her" partner…
"Happy Anniversary,
. For 26 years, you’ve been an extraordinary partner, someone who can always make me laugh, and my favorite person to see the world with."
▶ 99666c (3) No.3355442>>3355494 >>3355495 >>3355586
Isn't it sabbath for you Christ-killers?
▶ 250c61 (2) No.3355445
Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Verified account @lisamurkowski
49m49 minutes ago
Soon, I’ll be speaking on the Senate floor on my decision to oppose the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to serve on the United States Supreme Court.
Murkowski just sacrificed her senate seat.
I have a lot of free time to commit to that mission.
▶ bafba7 (1) No.3355447
Ted Stevens connections
▶ 2d7b14 (5) No.3355448
▶ 3c7f9a (1) No.3355449
It's called draining the swamp
▶ b803b9 (6) No.3355450>>3355480
He apparently made the deal with Murkowski, cause instead of NO she is a PRESENT. So he can keep dancing.
▶ 18a033 (4) No.3355453>>3355553
Pretty small rally… poor dude.
▶ 816227 (3) No.3355454
▶ 43e087 (3) No.3355455
Amen Anon. We have to keep things in perspective. And we must pray. The goal of buying more time is winning more souls.
▶ c335ce (9) No.3355456
HRC emails
▶ 2a6d66 (10) No.3355457
thoroughly enjoying himself…what it feels like to be free. Can we really know the feeling if we've never been in bonds?
▶ d2ba6f (3) No.3355458
▶ 10871c (10) No.3355459
▶ be1669 (3) No.3355460
And yet none of these accounts will be frozen or banned. Sad
▶ d8f842 (4) No.3355462
they would have too do their jobs and report the things that are actually going on in reality that matter
▶ 7081c7 (6) No.3355463
The amount of misery and death caused by this one individual?
Impossible to calculate!
How do you send a strong message to the world that it will not be tolerated?
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355464>>3355521
You call me an "evil motherfucker" for making a meme… While you defend those who murdered tens of millions. If I'm going to hell, then it will only be to torment these kikes for the evil they have gotten away with for ages. And that would be heaven to me. See you there, Juden.
▶ c62575 (4) No.3355465
partner in crime
▶ 48c45e (12) No.3355466>>3355504 >>3355541
Lynn de Rothschild…187'd…think mirro r…think missle…… wife of the manor’s owner Jacob de Rothschild, close friend of Prince Charles
▶ 7e500f (2) No.3355469
She was prolly one of those naked people
Sitting on a bucket at Liddle St. James Island.
▶ 9224cd (8) No.3355470
This person is likely cabal.
▶ 0f4c6c (7) No.3355471>>3355560
Maybe next year they can celebrate their first anniversary of living in Cuba
▶ 490fd9 (3) No.3355472
most peeps willing to talk, 100% "know system corrupt" ; and many judge by possible personal gains. No understanding of Supreme Court placement. NONE.
Most talked with, dont believe , never heard of Q.
Q explained, is Q recieved. Hope is revived.
Distrust of ANY government is apparent, and any government solution is not to believed.
Hope..establishes a conduit. Promises made/promises kept ratio is winning.
Sir, Hope itself, is life sustaining.
Enemy provides temporal path to death.
▶ 612949 (6) No.3355473
Daniel you need to make sure you are taking your medications. Did you forget a pill today?
▶ 9b0311 (5) No.3355474
I thank God every day too fellow Anon.
Sorry but YES the world around us does SUCK.
I don't want it to "suck." Buddy I've suffered two horrid tragic losses in 5 weeks of one another.
I am thankful for this day and pray to Jesus to deliver me from this grief.
Read the BIBLE. I'm terribly awake! I watch and pray daily.
In Matthew 26:37-40, the meaning of “watch” is primarily physical. Jesus was chiding the disciples for not remaining awake during the hour preceding His arrest.
But what Jesus next said to Peter had a deeper, spiritual meaning: “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing [i.e., intentions are good], but the flesh [mere human willpower] is weak’ ” (Matthew 26:41).
▶ d2b97e (6) No.3355476
▶ 79fa2b (5) No.3355477
Corey must never check his twatter to keep this act up. Man is thick AF.
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355478
Mop job
With an
iPhone 6 64gb
Y'all homos
▶ 181459 (4) No.3355479>>3355502 >>3355516
How did they succeed in brainwashing a large portion of this country to believe that killing babies was ok? Humanity really needs to work on critical thinking skills. Basis of morality--- somehow we were all convinced this was ok…
We have so much to fix after all of this is over
How do we prevent the manipulation of humanity in future?
▶ cc8942 (8) No.3355480
The vote pairing that would work would be Murkowski ABSENT. In order to win, Kavanaugh needs a majority of those present to vote AYE. Voting PRESENT does not add to the AYE tally, and being present increases the threshold for majority voting AYE.
▶ 4e1a1a (4) No.3355481>>3355503 >>3355540
Why does Q use the Chans?
Free speech?
It's anonymous?
His group can protect it?
To get the hive mind buzzing?
I think there is a FAR more important reason.
Can you guess?
What if you knew you would need a platform to help anons by posting but you do not want it to come back on you?
Would you recognize a Q post or graphic without Q signing it?
Start looking for them.
▶ 75e286 (3) No.3355482
Really? I think think the ones that claim to be on your side but are not are the worst.
▶ cb28c7 (11) No.3355483
I’m convinced this is a Hillary double. We haven’t seen the real one for awhile now.
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3355484
Notes Updates
>>3355053 Anon reports they met VP Pence and mentioned Q… Pence apparently chuckled
>>3355065 'Wonderland' event in SA involves teenage orphan volunteers
>>3355002 AFP claims seized laptops, documents prove 'Red October' plot
>>3354983 Other Rosatom business: Supercomputers and floating mobile nuclear powerplants
>>3354963 Strategic Purpose - To Start WW III - Graphic
>>3354930 Judicial Watch: State Department and USAID working with Soros group
>>3354928 Office of Personnel Management Director Jeff Pon resigned today
▶ c335ce (9) No.3355485>>3355538
> Why is this a thing?
It's an Alice in Wonderland thing, not a hat thing
▶ d2e83f (2) No.3355486
That's some bold Anon shit right there.
Bravo. I am still on the fence with Pence,
I have always felt it was a strategic move to
pick him. All for those bible thumbers votes, that did not like our POTUS way of straight talk. Pence has been in the swamp long enough,him being besties with Ryan and wife looking up to Barbara Bush just gives me the creeps. Hope you're right Anon, would be cool.
▶ d5ad8c (8) No.3355487
how stupid is this new narrative that they're missing 3 years of BK's worklife, wtf were they doing during all those hearings?
▶ e90ba0 (1) No.3355488
The cabal has already tried that twice, this year.
▶ bdf7cc (1) No.3355490>>3355554
Democrats got BTFO today
Let the meltdown begin
Red October
▶ 34d479 (3) No.3355491
Of course.
We kicked their ass and humiliated them in the revolution.
Never trusted those slimy half wit plastered incestual mother fuckers.
Yeah - like they love us - right. They'd nuke us in a NY minute.
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355492
▶ ede687 (1) No.3355494>>3355510 >>3355565 >>3355597
Jews weren't solely responsible for His death. We ALL were. And if he had not died,, you'd be doomed to hell right now. Had to happen.
▶ 1c1cca (8) No.3355495
Every day is better then giving Brock a ball massage day, as you probably know first hand. As for christ, you clown fuckers desecrate his name by even mentioning it.
▶ 739ee9 (4) No.3355496
Just think if two people embraced across the aisle and said lets run together and they could message it as Stop the Divide. It would be better if it was someone like Rand Paul and Manchin but it could be two clowns. Alot of people would take that path because they are tired of the divide.
▶ a68ae2 (6) No.3355498
Subs again? No coincidences
▶ 654bb4 (4) No.3355499>>3355514
LOL @ Spartacus for trying to push the "Men are allowed to cry too" button.
▶ a49c78 (2) No.3355500>>3355518 >>3355519 >>3355535 >>3355576 >>3355632 >>3355669 >>3355671
UK has a deep state (Cabal)
Aus has a deep state (Cabal)
US has a deep state (Cabal)
China has a deep state (Cabal)
Russia has a deep state (Cabal)
France has a deep state (Cabal)
Germany has a deep state (Cabal)
Canada has a deep state (Cabal)
'Add country here' has a deep state (Cabal)
Israel controls the CABAL via Zionism and the Synagogue of SATAN
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355501
That's look like a
Closet homo commie
Shut it down Tetris move
▶ 073355 (9) No.3355502
Programming and the false logic of "A woman can do whatever she wants to her body."
▶ be1669 (3) No.3355503
They are called HelperAnon
▶ 48c45e (12) No.3355504
November 17, 2017 nice digits !!!
▶ a756bc (5) No.3355505
Ford's two front doors
had more to do with an illegal rental unit
than with a repressed memory.
She needed a doctor's note to justify two front doors.
Lies upon lies.
▶ b803b9 (6) No.3355507>>3355593
I is a good actor!!!! Trust Me!
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355509>>3355536
Could Palin take Lisa's seat?
▶ 19293f (15) No.3355510
"Can't you see, when we Jews commit murder it is justified, goyim?" - This fucking kike
▶ 6b294f (3) No.3355511>>3355642
Its one of the targets in Galaga!
Q team: are you Galaga Fans?? Just askin for a fren
▶ ed2553 (1) No.3355513>>3355526 >>3355557
Lisa Murkowski to star in new Alaskan reality TV show…The Deadliest Snatch.
▶ d5ad8c (8) No.3355514>>3355534
but, not Brett though. that's different
and fffffffuck Corey "emoting" is awful
▶ a68ae2 (6) No.3355515
▶ 18a033 (4) No.3355516
Goes hand in hand with the messages sent by the music industry for many years now. No respect for women. No respect for other people. Just have sex and steal shit. Remove respect, dignity… they've done a damn good job in many circles.
▶ 0f4c6c (7) No.3355517
I bet they coached her on this photo to get a cover on TIME. Never see people shut their eyes when they take oath.
▶ 800523 (6) No.3355518>>3355531 >>3355533
>China has a deep state (Cabal)
thinking President Xi may be like POTUS…trying to remove the DS within China…
▶ 073355 (9) No.3355519>>3355542 >>3355547 >>3355632
Israel is soooo powerful, you'd think their country would be bigger and richer! Jews are only a small part of the cabal.
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355520
Maybe it wasn't the peanut butter saurkrauters
▶ 1c1cca (8) No.3355521
Kys and gtfo Brock.
▶ 9b0311 (5) No.3355522
Again, you speak to my heart…would you believe Jesus took my cousin and my dad 5 weeks apart and they were THE only people besides my spouse that understood ANY of this…any of what we are here for.
Friend for life brother sister Anon.
▶ 79fa2b (5) No.3355523
Muh dead man switch/note to anons. I just sent this sobering warning to Murkowki. Told her WE KNOW.
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355524>>3355536
palin verses lisa who wins?
▶ d8f842 (4) No.3355525
2nd pic there is definitely something under her shirt
▶ 38505a (4) No.3355528
can somebody please slap this fake ass fucker!!?
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3355530
>>3355053 Anon reports they met VP Pence and mentioned Q… Pence apparently chuckled
>>3355065 'Wonderland' event in SA involves teenage orphan volunteers
>>3355002 AFP claims seized laptops, documents prove 'Red October' plot
>>3354983 Other Rosatom business: Supercomputers and floating mobile nuclear powerplants
>>3354963 Strategic Purpose - To Start WW III - Graphic
>>3354930 Judicial Watch: State Department and USAID working with Soros group
>>3354928 Office of Personnel Management Director Jeff Pon resigned today
▶ 18a033 (4) No.3355531
Like Russia/Putin also?
▶ f895f8 (4) No.3355532>>3355585
CNN Kavanaugh Vote Prediction
▶ a49c78 (2) No.3355533
▶ 654bb4 (4) No.3355534
Kavanaugh had a reason and wasn't pushing no buttons. Sharticus is trying hard & still fails.
▶ 0f4c6c (7) No.3355536>>3355559
Can we please get a third choice.
▶ 4463d3 (3) No.3355538>>3355604
But madhatter day. Is it an awareness thing? I mean, come on that was so 19th century. Am i right?
▶ 08ccfa (2) No.3355540>>3355633
Yes, he and his Team have been giving us boosts since the beginning. Because we've needed it.
▶ bac9c2 (5) No.3355541
I think you are confused about who is who
And who is alive
And who is dead
▶ 98b756 (6) No.3355542>>3355632
Context is key.
Israel is a small part of the Jewish problem.
▶ 592927 (1) No.3355544
This is what I don't understand. If she were truly scared, why would she be doing this? She's definitely one of the guilty ass Hussein henchmen who should be panicked due to her role in the unmasking but she's considering a Senate run?
I don't want to be a concernfag but it's shit like this that makes me waiver.
▶ 75e286 (3) No.3355545>>3355621
>The enemy is an evil that has infiltrated those nations. This is good vs evil. Not US vs UK or AUS
As long as evil is in any entity, country or person--I don't care–they are an enemy. And they are to be treated as such.
▶ 9224cd (8) No.3355547
They have evangelical, mormon and mason puppets.
▶ 0ede02 (6) No.3355548>>3355658
▶ 8b4d1d (2) No.3355550
image size too big before
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355551>>3355611
The devil is in the woman
According to jerry
▶ a0a7b8 (2) No.3355553>>3355609
Yeah problem is we got a choice between Rauner the incumbent and Pritzker. It's two billionaires. I bet Rauner has dirty hands but I guarantee JB's are dirtier. At least Rauner lives in the governor's mansion. He caught a lot of shit for refusing to play ball with Chicago for 2 years and the state's finances are totally fucked because of his war against "King" Madigan. I think Pritzker will win. He's Madigan's puppet. Michael Madigan is probably the most crooked person here that is mentioned the least. He's got his hand in whatever cookie jar that lines his wallet.
▶ 8dc025 (7) No.3355556
Rollin For FLOTUS!!
▶ 816227 (3) No.3355557
I read that Palin can see her 2022 nomination from her house.
▶ cc8942 (8) No.3355558
Profiles in cowardice, see Arlen Specter.
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355559
Probably any others? Alaska seems to like to elect women any other beauty pageant winners?
▶ df33d2 (3) No.3355561
Yeah but try to explain this to the brainwashed libs, They don`t get it….Muh science….
▶ d5ad8c (8) No.3355562>>3355580 >>3355582
▶ 4a2005 (4) No.3355565
so that makes jews good? woah then we should make sure that they raise the antichrist so millions of innocent people die so the true messiah comes! yea dead people!
>hey its god, if you dont kill my son you and youre family and innocent children will burn for eternity in hell
yea not buying it
▶ 48c45e (12) No.3355566>>3355601 >>3355625
bingo…uss jimmy carter sank red october….your a little slow
▶ 8250db (5) No.3355568
We need to go after Keith Ellison, DNC party leader, for sexual assault. It's time!
▶ dc608a (5) No.3355569
What a waste of digits
And bread
▶ 89aca2 (1) No.3355571
Good luck on Judgment Day.
▶ d2b97e (6) No.3355572
▶ b41a6f (1) No.3355573
doing our part
a meme a day helps keep evil away?
thanks for the inspiration Q/DJT/Q+
▶ 8dc025 (7) No.3355575
Not sure what this means??
▶ 75e286 (3) No.3355577
It's almost as if Democrats have become Muslims.
They act just as reasonable
▶ c9a337 (5) No.3355578
Twitter needs to hammered with this
POTUS might notice or at least Don Don
▶ d5ad8c (8) No.3355580
Holyest of holyfucks
he just
emote spoken word
lyrics from
(how long…)
▶ 10871c (10) No.3355583>>3355595
last fucking chance and I move on…
▶ fbf9ed (1) No.3355585
I bet some senators are going to get bought off tonight and it’s going to be a Saturday morning massacre against the Kav tomorrow
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355586>>3355608
Hmmmmmmm…………you, for some reason choose to displace all your anger on one particular group of people. People have always done that.
Many. like you, blame "the Jews" for the killing of Jesus when in fact it was ONE man who had the power of veto. He was NOT a Jew. He was a Roman. He had a choice and he made it.
I'm not Jewish. I just call bullshit when I see it. I hope you can come to a place in your life where you can see the whole, not just part, of a picture.
Millions of people, not just Jews, died in the camps. When you post crap like that you dishonor, demean and dehumanize them all. them all.
▶ 57246e (1) No.3355587
Cover for Red October?
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355589
We could search off grid building and other Alaska shows for the next senator if you want.
just give me the go.
▶ 2c89c2 (3) No.3355590
▶ a68ae2 (6) No.3355591
Anyone else see Juanita calling for an investigation and to have Rapey Bill stripped of his "Ex Presidential Privileges"?
▶ 8dc025 (7) No.3355592>>3355612
Corey Booker said, "nocturnal bosom."
Jesus help us.
▶ af66bc (6) No.3355593>>3355646
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3355507
Booker with hair
▶ 073355 (9) No.3355595>>3355606 >>3355610
▶ 79fa2b (5) No.3355596>>3355648
Booker just finished. Put them folks to sleep like a MF.
▶ 98b756 (6) No.3355597
Just try to get to heaven goyim. No need to save the world from us juden.
▶ 07558e (1) No.3355598>>3355615
alaskanon, you guys need to srsly consider impeaching or recalling her for misrepresenting your state.
▶ 1c6d51 (2) No.3355602
The Red Sox game! I'm there!
▶ 02921f (6) No.3355603
I'll admit that I am on the fence with Pence as well. Daughter writes a children's book about a rabbit, wife illustrates the book, rabbit is named after Marlon Brando ( whom raped his own daughter) and a portion of the proceeds go to "help end human trafficking".
Now where have I seen this type of shit before???
▶ c335ce (9) No.3355604
>But madhatter day. Is it an awareness thing?
uh noooo can you read the site anon? there was a link there just do it
▶ 490fd9 (3) No.3355605
yes! You would be removed from those that kept you from speaking what you must speak.
removed by society, removed by bloodline, or removed by denial, or removed by death.
one must remember, one must test everything…if it is constructive, it is of God…if it is destructive…it is of Not God.
▶ 10871c (10) No.3355606>>3355622
▶ 816227 (3) No.3355607>>3355630 >>3355649
Why does Bernie look like he's trying to push a turd out while he's talking?
▶ 4a2005 (4) No.3355608>>3355631
>men cant be manipulated
nigga you dumb
▶ 18d1a1 (1) No.3355609
Hey now, rauner is only a millionare
Plus, he hasnt been to federal prison yet, like a lot of our governors.
I hate my state
▶ 2722bc (2) No.3355610
exactly what I thought when I read it
▶ c62575 (4) No.3355611
the devil is in all of us, unfortunately. but i've been telling my husbandanon and family for years that that there is something darker in the female…
▶ 056cf3 (5) No.3355612
JerseyAnons, PLEASE VOTE FOR HUGIN. Even though he distances himself from POTUS…
▶ 79fa2b (5) No.3355613>>3355634
…I was familya
…on the cawt wheer he slept..
This mf never paid taxes before he turned 40 if ever. FUCK Bernie.
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355614
digits are digits
▶ 25944e (2) No.3355615
the only way she got in is by doing just that, but she had millions of dollars propping her up.
It'd be tough to have a voter initiated snap election, but it's definitely in the cards.
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355616>>3355664
MAYBE it's the homoerotic zombie war
The Twinkie she are magical
▶ 48c45e (12) No.3355619
''THAN Q !!!.,….WWIII……..9/11 PART 2 AVERTED
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355620>>3355643 >>3355651
Alaska is tough as nails to this senator just gave her seat away.
▶ 181459 (4) No.3355621
It’s important when the human trafficking. Comes out that we are blaming nations with some good people. The enrage the general public will have will need to be steered appropriately towards the true enemy. It can be a nation, just as we were misled after 911 to focus our anger on a false enemy
▶ d5ad8c (8) No.3355622
but this isn't 4chan, here
you're not at the right site
▶ d49272 (1) No.3355624
God bless you anon
▶ 0f357a (4) No.3355625
why isn't this maritime vessel flying a flag with gold fringe?
▶ ce29d4 (2) No.3355627
The pain went away for me, I get the tinnitus still. I see repeating digits when that happens too.
▶ 4fda1b (1) No.3355628>>3355639 >>3355640
so up until now I've been able to go to work, work my 8-15 hours and then come home and hop back into the converstaion having a reasonably good idea of what's going on.
Not today.
After sitting down and going through the past 3 or 4 breads, as well as notables, I gotta say…
anons are going down rabbit holes that don't seem to have any apparent relevance. Those that do have relevance, well… whew, some of those even are pretty screwy.
What gives, did we get flooded with slide-shills?
▶ 9224cd (8) No.3355629
Everyone thinks the Uranium One contract was about nuclear weapons, but it's not. If you look up Uranium Cyanide you will find this
Also note there is a lot of bullshit about barrels of both being found at ISIS bases (CIA bases, basically)
There was a (((testing program))) for minorities with diabetes back east headed up by a research scientist who was testing using a cyanide "mixture" for DNA gene manipulation which the mixture tracks back to a DuPont family research facility headed by a Rothschild scientist. The facility adjoins a children hospital.
Anyway, the what I found out is that the Uranium One deal was really a ploy to equip terrorists with a racially selective bio-weapon. They had planned on wiping out the white race, that's the reason for 23andMe offering DNA testing so they could continue the testing. They already had it selective for niggers as a ton of those in the east coast diabetes experiment ended up dying and the lead scientist was found dead at the age of 43 of a heart attack.
▶ 2722bc (2) No.3355630
'cause he's talking from his ass?
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355631>>3355677
WTF are you talking about?
▶ 1c1cca (8) No.3355632>>3355676
Israel has its own deep state. Soros owned ngos e.g. the new israel fund, the supreme court, ag office, fake news msm heads of police etc. Hussein paying millions to overthrow bibi was done for a reason. He was probably cooperating with the global white hats.
>The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.
Also bibi is heavily prosecuted just like potus. What happens in the US is mirrored in Israel. Reality isnt all black or white, its much more complex.
▶ 8b739f (1) No.3355633
▶ 7e500f (2) No.3355634
AND still prolly doesn't pay taxes!
▶ abd089 (2) No.3355637>>3355650 >>3355657 >>3355668
Question for SenateRulesFags….
What happens if Daines jet goes down and he can't vote Saturday?
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355639
I don't know.
Maybe you should give examples.
Pretty good day around here.
▶ d5ad8c (8) No.3355640
we're nearing youtube-level comments sometimes, but hang in there
▶ 622de9 (2) No.3355642
That is Space Invaders.
There is a difference.
▶ cc8942 (8) No.3355643>>3355665
Alaska is corrupt, as are most states. Politics is essentially organized crime with government as the front.
▶ be1669 (3) No.3355645>>3355655
The shills are here. Stop arguing with them.
▶ 5466cb (6) No.3355646
That’s funny right there.
▶ c335ce (9) No.3355648>>3355672
>Booker just finished.
Did he walk out again?
▶ f48774 (1) No.3355649
So I turn on c-span, and the first thing I hear is bernie say Billiunaiurhs..
▶ b015cb (1) No.3355650
^^^^^^^^^^^ VERY smart anon….
▶ 74cd07 (20) No.3355653
=Fresh Bake
Fresh Bake
One for [F]
▶ 798c56 (12) No.3355655
<or are they helperanons?
▶ cce8cd (1) No.3355657>>3355678
>>3355637 Release the recording of FEINSTEIN!
▶ 9224cd (8) No.3355658
You first, cultist.
▶ 35979c (18) No.3355659
FIGHTINg the Satan with art i facial pastries since the war
▶ 490fd9 (3) No.3355660
if acceptance ends in death….and if denial ends in death, acceptance will only provide comfort, and protection for ones family.
▶ 5830df (1) No.3355661
>>3347902 ==PB
Ummm, actually Einstein was the one to postulate that matter = energy, via E=mc^2 (or at least could be converted from one to the other.)
Just because no one has done theoretical work to tie that into how the light experiments that show light acting as both a wave and a particle at the same time - I don;t think that is einstein's fault. Rather the cabal, directing science into dead ends, etc to stall for time.
I really don't buy into all of general and special relativity though. The continued attempts to create a consolidated theory , and failures, are (IMHO) likely due to G&S relativity being incorrect.
Anyway, carry on, anon
▶ 5466cb (6) No.3355662
Moar Pepe Hulk green arms
▶ 606272 (2) No.3355663
Gotta get to 53 somehow. Somebody else too.
▶ 6fffe7 (3) No.3355664
Its the eunuch name fag again, Don't you have anything better to do… oh wait, iguess you don't.
▶ d4b224 (18) No.3355665
Then the campaign should get town to basics - outhouse politics.
This is my outhouse show me your with the gps so you can prove it :)
▶ f73dc5 (3) No.3355668
Head fake from Daines to see what they try?
▶ e57936 (4) No.3355669
See interview/article on insider about what's happening behind the scenes and why (((they))) keep pushing Russia Russia Russia. >http://archive.fo/5NaXy
▶ 57db0b (1) No.3355671
Add it to the flyer that the newcomers get
▶ d5ad8c (8) No.3355672
don't think so, it sort of just fizzled out.
was listening but missed the end.
one moment he was trying damn hard, then it was over somehow
▶ 79fa2b (5) No.3355675
You have a fair idea of the public opinion in favor of AFLB curb stomp correct?
▶ 073355 (9) No.3355676
There's probably several regional cabals out there, all loosely allied. We will be playing whack-a-mole for years to come. Buy popcorn stock!
▶ 4a2005 (4) No.3355677
we see jews manipulate entire societies to do whatever today, they manipulate countries into WAR with each other, we know blackmail has been used for a very long time
to say they didnt do the same thing for ONE man is actually retarded
▶ 30c1d6 (10) No.3355678
We will get that the same time we get the HRC raw vid. Never.
▶ 8f483a (1) No.3355680
Not if Palin runs against her in the primary