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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRMainGraphic.jpg)

7a8f01  No.3326689

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Thurdsay 10.04.18

>>>/patriotsfight/329 ——————————— Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 )

>>3323818 rt >>3323746, >>3323750 -——— ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.

>>3323704 rt >>3323661 -————————– Not what you think.

Wednesday 10.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/328 ——————————— It takes time to reach the public domain. ( Cap: >>3322970 )

>>>/patriotsfight/327 rt /pf/324 -——————- Read Carefully. Sessions tomorrow [doc related] ( Cap: >>3322218 )

>>>/patriotsfight/326 ——————————— Tensions Flaring ( Cap: >>3318349 )

>>>/patriotsfight/325 rt /pf/324 -——————- Enjoy the show! ( Cap: >>3318267 )

>>>/patriotsfight/324 rt /pf/267 -——————- What a wonderful day ( Cap: >>3317922 )

>>3317104 ———-----------------------------——– [Pg 20 - Assange Arrest]

>>>/patriotsfight/323 ——————————— Sessions meeting Huber.. What are the odds of that? ( Cap: >>3315937 )

>>>/patriotsfight/322 ——————————— What a wonderful day. ( Cap: >>3315505, >>3316304 )

>>>/patriotsfight/321 ——————————— Ford herself coached by the C_A? ( Cap: >>3307739, >>3307756 )

Tuesday 10.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/320 ——————————— 53-47 ( Cap: >>3298266 )

>>>/patriotsfight/319 ——————————— SAVR.jpg ( Cap: >>3297831 )

>>>/patriotsfight/318 ——————————— Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th? ( Cap: >>3296825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/317 ——————————— Symbolism will be their downfall. ( Cap: >>3310187 )

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

7a8f01  No.3326698


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3320655 , >>3320771 Suggestion that we use the old CBTS image for the General on Oct 5th (Up to you, bakers)

( >>3321050, >>3320601, >>3320610 )

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)


>>3325972 Anon gives reasonable decode of >>>/patriotsfight/328 Public domain. ( Cap: >>3322970 )

>>3326187, >>3326242 Republicans match Dems in voter enthusiasm

>>3326200 NZ "Public Service" security bureau cites links between Russia and Malicious cyber activities

>>3326219, >>3326183, >>3326169, >>3326327 Many vid game habbenings... POTUS quote pertains?

>>3326261, >>3326325 Doctor, 2 nurses raped their own children

>>3325978 Senators who wish to view FBI 302s are required to queue-up (pun intended) one-by-one

>>3326425 Trump insists KSA pay for US military support

>>3326428 Intl Court of Justice insists US lift new Iran sanctions

>>3326405, >>3326458 ICE demands Portland mayor relinquish police and related Q post (Oct 2017)

>>3326538 >>>/patriotsfight/329 Read carefully. ( Cap: >>3324299 ) corroboration

>>3326555 Chicoms electronically infiltrated America's Top Companies

>>3326608 Iran Action Group

>>3326637 Citizen Strong, yet another cabal money-eating Opposition group

>>3326653 #4214


>>3325203 CBF thought about living in New Zealand

>>3325213 Anon does the math: only 7.5% of law school professors oppose Justice K's confirmation.

>>3325301 Two articles on McConnell in relation to Justice K

>>3325315 New Time propaganda cover with CBF (FIRE UP THE MEMES)

>>3325443 GAA Update "53-47"Edition

>>3325454 New Evidence Eliminates CBF’s Residual Credibility

>>3325649 Presidential Alert 17's graphic

>>3325586 GMO BACTERIA

>>3325642, >>3325675, >>332567 JONATHAN MOFFA INFO (included in a graphic on 17 people called to testify)

>>3325808 Planefag updates

(Baker Change)

>>3325642 Jonathan Moffa dig links

>>3325929 #4213


>>3324444 Da Nang Dick connections with 9/11 "disclosure"

>>3324505 Resolution attempting to drive a wedge between POTUS and MBS by embarrassing SA?

>>3324651 BREAKING: White House finds no corroboration of sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh in FBI report

>>3324690 “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” Will Be Extremely Satanic, thanks Soros

>>3324697 New US Law Obliges Americans to Pay Unlimited Billions to Israel

>>3324775 Paul Sperry Article on Saudi Arabia (2016), (soon to be declas'd?)

>>3324867 WL tweets out email Q posted 2 hours and 46 minutes AFTER Q posted it

>>3324863 Reminder: Sarsour and the rest of the triggered sheep are planning a big march in Washington tomorrow

>>3325077 #4212


>>3323661, >>3323669, >>3323716 BREAKING: Senate UNANIMOUSLY a resolution calling for declas of docs related to SA and 9/11

>>3323803, >>3323804, >>3323898 Full text of the resolution (cap)

>>3324154 Saudi journalist vanishes in Turkey

>>3324272 U.S. Army to build F-22 alert facility at Pearl Harbor-Hickam

>>3324313 #4211

#4210 Baker Change

>>3322894 Paul Sperry tweets on CBF's high school nicknames (KEK)

>>3322899 Feds might investigate Google over Android OS

>>3323114 Cops search home of the man that sent the ricin

>>3323186, >>3323318, >>3323324 Russia collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on dossier before surveillance warrant (John Solomon)

>>3323331 Even 40% of Democrats now say Kavanaugh confirmation process a 'national disgrace': Poll


>>3323549 #4210

Previously Collected Notables

>>3321238 #4207, >>3322086 #4208, >>3322799 #4209

>>3318924 #4204, >>3319670 #4205, >>3320453 #4206

>>3316619 #4201, >>3317336 #4202, >>3318129 #4203

>>3314228 #4198, >>3314978 #4199, >>3315825 #4200

>>3311944 #4195, >>3312701 #4196, >>3313473 #4197

>>3309622 #4192, >>3310403 #4193, >>3311189 #4194

>>3307235 #4189, >>3308017 #4190, >>3308685 #4191

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

7a8f01  No.3326701

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>3319515 - Clockwork Qrange #5

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>>/comms/2520, >>3286713

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210 , >>3321214

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

7a8f01  No.3326702

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 , Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 1 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - —-: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3320094

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

9fa1d5  No.3326704

File: c2bba7be1760f14⋯.png (510.1 KB, 768x570, 128:95, brennan-768x570[1].png)

7a8f01  No.3326714

File: 97b764fa358ccfc⋯.png (158.22 KB, 735x683, 735:683, HowtoNotable.png)

Dough #4215


See the pic for how to recommend a notable.

Handoff Requested

Any Day Bakers around?

a80b8c  No.3326734

File: 6b48e5c1b28de95⋯.png (962.67 KB, 2368x842, 1184:421, gkkF23X.png)

File: 560277417cffa67⋯.png (84.17 KB, 458x415, 458:415, Q JA posts.png)

File: 87c830ad59ae5dc⋯.png (74.45 KB, 760x435, 152:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f9cc673e85c145⋯.jpg (696.35 KB, 766x1776, 383:888, 1h7IVro.jpg)

File: 419e3036b1fce52⋯.jpg (105.17 KB, 1035x519, 345:173, 1527556531690.jpg)

Assuming the "Assange Arrest" email was sent late 2016, can we reasonably infer from this post that JA was arrested October 2016, right around when his internet was cut?

A lot of fuckery went down right around then, including a Fox News article, I think, about JA being arrested or soon to be arrested, which was deleted or never followed up on

>You may have the site, but we have the source

If that's the case, how did get out of the custody of CIAniggers and in with the whitehats?

The JA mix up seems to be a part of a clown op to comp or at least give the impression that Wikileaks had been comped.

Was JA actually extracted from the embassy in December of 2017?

01891a  No.3326740

File: dca7d705fcb1299⋯.png (57.46 KB, 255x187, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dca7d705fcb1299⋯.png (57.46 KB, 255x187, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dca7d705fcb1299⋯.png (57.46 KB, 255x187, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dca7d705fcb1299⋯.png (57.46 KB, 255x187, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dca7d705fcb1299⋯.png (57.46 KB, 255x187, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

60ac83  No.3326741

File: 44bf4b7d58339df⋯.png (44.82 KB, 810x450, 9:5, Third_Copy_of_The_Outrage_….png)

File: be73e1796e2f07e⋯.png (36.98 KB, 810x450, 9:5, 6_e1e0b60e-6037-473c-b693-….png)

File: 4317ed388a0712d⋯.png (55.08 KB, 810x450, 9:5, Copy_of_HI_WE_RE_THE_OUTRA….png)

File: c827b18eb020889⋯.png (625.61 KB, 597x590, 597:590, Screen_Shot_2018-09-27_at_….png)

File: 8ac51e0215af6a1⋯.jpeg (119.85 KB, 1200x1184, 75:74, 6e2247e3b6c290ebe82aaf395….jpeg)

Hey look! Avenatti has resorted to being a salesman for merch!

Michael Avenatti

Verified account


Replying to @scentials @realDonaldTrump and 2 others

Women (and men) should be outraged.



3e1356  No.3326743

File: f4de7f7f9f3745a⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1182x1512, 197:252, C30EC49F-20CF-4C61-96B6-1D….png)

d240e6  No.3326744

File: 90f738420659f1a⋯.jpg (55.43 KB, 426x291, 142:97, FOR SALE with gaurantee.jpg)

Thank you baker.

lol…kek on title.

d512f2  No.3326745


he'th a revoluthionary

116cda  No.3326746

File: c1786e4d5c3faa5⋯.png (107.67 KB, 388x261, 388:261, BaldwinFag.png)

Reposting because i just realized the predictive programming.

It's an actual quote from the film.

How did Matt and Trey predict that one day we would thank the fags?

the chan fags that is.

2ce3d2  No.3326747


9/11 docs ? Sponsor: Sen. Blumenthal,

Tens of Thousands of Docs ???

Confuse / Distract / Tactic to hide the truth / use masses of planted docs to point blame elsewhere .. . Why not just force Silverstein to tell the truth ?

be8b70  No.3326748


I thought this email is from 2010

80751a  No.3326749

>>3326723 (pb)

if you don't put double equals around your text you won't redfag as much.

Look at Clarence Thomas' example.

Am I a shill to draw a distinction between Thomas and Kav?

is this what the new, faggy MAGA is?

you want DJT emoting to get his point across, or do you want good arguments to overcome bad.

Or you could just scream



180f92  No.3326750

File: 238fb1f266c5c45⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 963x683, 963:683, DonHjzpW4AANrKC.jpg)

I'm a long way behind in the news at the moment but good to see the purple twat from yesterday has lost his job.

869ce8  No.3326751

File: a277a0d4c865731⋯.jpeg (556.15 KB, 990x720, 11:8, B464486B-A861-4968-BFF4-B….jpeg)

File: 3fba490861fce1e⋯.jpeg (236.78 KB, 2061x1635, 687:545, DB238E52-FDBB-41EC-BFF9-A….jpeg)

File: b43087674269265⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1655x1240, 331:248, E6CBC6D9-097A-469D-8D9E-7….jpeg)

File: 17643a7fe37e8df⋯.png (10.61 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 199EEEF9-D0BC-4E2F-9BD2-BB….png)

File: 34a73e47082a92f⋯.jpeg (50 KB, 545x316, 545:316, 9ACA420D-E839-4C79-A677-B….jpeg)

Good morning faggots, including the creative and industrious baker.

885771  No.3326752

File: d596b510b33cb8f⋯.png (129.69 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, E8368BFA-E511-4501-9989-11….png)

a2d189  No.3326753

File: 32db07d40808917⋯.png (367.21 KB, 600x314, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Citizen Strong dig -

John Burton - https://twitter.com/202in415 - interesting followers. Backup?

John Burton is the Co-Founder and Political Director of Daily Action. His previous political experience includes working as a policy analyst at the Center for American Progress, serving as one of the first 20 employees of Barack Obama’s 2007-2008 Presidential Campaign, and then joining the Obama Administration in Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s office. He is a graduate of Harvard, Stanford Graduate School of Business, and Miami-Dade County Public Schools. John currently lives in San Francisco and recently served as Treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors of San Francisco’s LGBT Community Center.

Last website I can find



Daily Action → Citizen Strong

Laura Moser is a journalist and the founder of Daily Action, a text-messaging platform that has mobilized 300,000 voters and placed over 1 million phone calls to representatives since the 2016 presidential election. Her journalism has appeared in a wide range of publications, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Vogue, and Slate. She is the author of a Bette Davis biography and the co-author of four young-adult novels as well as many nonfiction books, several of them New York Times bestsellers. She is a congressional candidate in the 7th District of Texas, which includes the Houston neighborhood where she grew up.

John Burton Retweeted

Valerie Jarrett‏Verified account @ValerieJarrett Jan 24

“Everyone should know that you can’t change what you never chose.” @sbrinton. I ask you to join me in supporting legislation that bans extremely harmful conversion therapy.

3 replies 55 retweets 224 likes

pic related

5606d5  No.3326754

File: c6400b65f32fa38⋯.jpg (35.02 KB, 554x412, 277:206, Cloture.jpg)

Good morning anons

Gonna be a good day, ya'll

f96026  No.3326755

File: caf742696cc99c8⋯.pdf (2.62 MB, The-Book-of-Life-of-the-La….pdf)





"Book of Life" pdf format

6150a7  No.3326756

Thought it was the enemy not you guys!

talk about doxxing, jesus.

Im embarassed!

Thank you all whichever and whoever you are.

The sacrifice you do for our freedom is amazing.

Again I am sorry!

1765a0  No.3326757

DOJ-NSD and FBI press briefing at 0930 eastern. Topic unknown kek


67e5cf  No.3326758

I dont know if this has already been discussed. Found on FB:

So follow me here.  Christine Ford and Dianne Feinstein may have known each other before all this mess.

Dianne's husband is Richard Bloom.

The next part was taken from wiki (not the best source, but easily verified.)

"Richard Bloom was appointed by California Governor Gray Davis to a 12- year term as one of the Regents of the University of California, and he was renominated for a re-appointment to another 12-year term in 2014."

So he has been been Regent of that university for 16 years.

Christine Ford works for University of California in Palo Alto.

Why is no one talking about this?  Thoughts?

fe19f7  No.3326759

File: 0a668a6ae3ded8d⋯.jpg (7.69 KB, 318x240, 53:40, bonface.jpg)

8ff56f  No.3326760


Sent 8 months before Q died

01891a  No.3326761

File: b9b715603651cf5⋯.png (528.35 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

49aa92  No.3326762

>>3326684 (pb)

Wax on, wax off fren. The arrests are coming for sure. Bottom, middle, then Top. Rest assured anon/s.

And, if you caught the double entendre, you are special... kek

e12b25  No.3326763


Are you the anon that asked to be doxxed?

75e25b  No.3326764

File: 8ed2cf1f6b862d4⋯.jpeg (25.33 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 17A82CBD-11F4-4C83-B935-4….jpeg)

File: f9230c43047cb01⋯.jpeg (292.35 KB, 1125x1552, 1125:1552, 2FBB9992-1B19-42FB-8C27-F….jpeg)

71337e  No.3326765


And why was he 187'd?

5baceb  No.3326766

File: c927fdae61d41f0⋯.jpg (375.41 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, THINK MIRROR.jpg)

File: ea9f6389092fb23⋯.jpg (413.6 KB, 600x800, 3:4, enjoy the show.jpg)

File: ef6b5ec1c001953⋯.jpg (342.88 KB, 600x850, 12:17, Let's do our part.jpg)

File: 69e90bc924b4677⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 428x281, 428:281, paint the picture.jpg)

be8b70  No.3326767


What are you talking about?

654083  No.3326768

File: cb91319dd2f2d3e⋯.jpg (412.8 KB, 840x794, 420:397, ACDCq3.jpg)

01891a  No.3326769



4c61b1  No.3326770

File: b60ac9cbec56610⋯.jpeg (227.68 KB, 500x720, 25:36, image.jpeg)

File: 6f96361aa5eb964⋯.jpeg (100.86 KB, 529x529, 1:1, image.jpeg)

File: 692702b987ad1e6⋯.jpeg (84.92 KB, 481x360, 481:360, image.jpeg)

>>3325993 (lb)

One nation under Israel?

I thought your motto was: One nation under Brock's dripping penis?

"A spoonful of sugar helps the spunk go down, the spunk go down, the spunk go down."

116cda  No.3326771

File: 6f6d1dbb9ca7683⋯.png (349.44 KB, 624x384, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Another Quote from the Film Actors Guild:

"As actors, it is our responsibility to read the newspapers, and then say what we read on television like it's our own opinion."

Spot on again.

And another one:

"Matt Damon!"

(pic related)

b298f8  No.3326772

File: bf73f8762fc64d7⋯.png (91.54 KB, 639x620, 639:620, qPlaneCrashRaf.png)

Anons, RAF took delivery of 138 of the same variant F35 3 months prior. Check the stringer on Sep 29 Q post. At the end is 381. Coincidence?

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.309 📁

Sep 29 2018 15:16:44 (EST)





2ecab1  No.3326773

Brian Kilmeade just now -

"then alot of these women have these things people call 'sons". And a lot of people look around and go wait a second, what if my son, brother, dad, was wrongly accused - would I want a fresh set of eyes on that…"

a2d189  No.3326774


>>3326753 - Citizen Strong dig

Can't find much more info. on him right now.

49aa92  No.3326775

Night shift is the right shift for bushy brunettes…

55b6d5  No.3326777

File: d74cd84f02321cb⋯.jpg (72.75 KB, 1073x695, 1073:695, kekk.jpg)

654083  No.3326778

File: 3eed348dadcec7a⋯.jpg (267.2 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, XVII.jpg)

File: bef1e3ecf9b75ff⋯.jpg (398.97 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, XVIIWWG1WGA.jpg)

6150a7  No.3326779


Only they know.

I am talking about the duplicates I found.

The many duplicate. FB

Stay Safe!

d240e6  No.3326780


If you're a retard with no digs/memes of worth to post….yes….post away so I can filter you quicker.

2156ad  No.3326781

File: 6de09cfb61bb75e⋯.jpeg (270.02 KB, 750x1218, 125:203, FFB39274-08F9-4D11-ACDB-6….jpeg)

Most ive seen yet on qdrops…


fe19f7  No.3326782


Not sure about the 187. Some people do party and drink themselves to death.

d240e6  No.3326783

File: e64a54f2b8ad01e⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 548x368, 137:92, This is a disgrace.jpg)

c0c0cb  No.3326784

Yesterday was our national day in Germany. And Merkel/Kasner went in the afternoon to:







Q, please help to free Germany!


49aa92  No.3326785

No offense meant anon, just blowing off steam. My eyes are so blurry from researching, I'd see two beavers if you posted one. Just looking for a two-fer and some brother/sister-hood.

008252  No.3326786

File: 08758daa0e89b1d⋯.jpg (148.73 KB, 450x300, 3:2, Banjo_music_intensifies.jpg)



You seem like you have nothing but name calling regarding that sauce.

>Almonds activated

244308  No.3326787

EXCELLENT bread title, BakerAnon!!!

be8b70  No.3326788


And we pledjed 38 billion to Israel

I dont think Q can help

7280ab  No.3326789

File: 5c2dbed655fc7b0⋯.png (81.24 KB, 1624x435, 56:15, Kav2 jesuit.png)

>>3326549 lb

I have a theory that Kavanaugh is NOT going to get confirmed that maybe it was Amy all along. I may be wrong but most Anons didn't like him when he was Nominated because he is a Jesuit, Bush appointed and don't forget he went to Yale.

Originally my theory was that he was put in to bring out the 9/11 files but Da Nang Dickie is doing that by himself. Perhaps he was just put there for now to scare these leftards into reacting the way they have. I'm starting to think that he may be part of 322/ S & B's...

I am not shilling, I just want someone to show me where Q says that Kav is [our Guy] and to trust Kav!

So far all attemts have failed. Use your weaponized autism and think this through, show me, PULEASE...


>>>3326549 >>3326604

>You are not a digger… It's right in the posts from the last 2-3 days slothanon.


>I wanted to respond to that anon but decided it cant be a serious question




>If either is true, then show me!

>Are you referring to this? Because this does not CONFIRM!

>D's Trying Negotiate Pullback of FISA Declassification




>18 Sep 2018 - 9:33:16 AM


>D's offering to [KILL] sexual assault allegation v Judge K in exchange for immediate pullback of DECLAS.

>POTUS: Judge K will be confirmed regardless…




>Breathe more deeply, ease off the exclamation points fren. Limbic reactions are just unneeded cortisol burning your telomeres:

>Justice Kavanaugh to Be Confirmed 53-47?



>2 Oct 2018 - 12:31:13 PM





>Annnnnnnnnnnnnd down you go.

>This does not sat Kav will be confirmed. It does not even mention Kav.

>It may be the score of a College Football game this weekend.

> Will someone please show me where Q says that Kav is {our Guy]? Everyone says he is yet no one can prove it!>>3326644

>>Justice Kavanaugh to Be Confirmed 53-47?


>Just a title gibben by a Baker!

982fe8  No.3326790


if he knows when someone is lying why didnt he call out killary?

008252  No.3326791

File: dc54ae8cc9a5067⋯.jpg (333.81 KB, 1940x1190, 194:119, Jews_In_EU_Loxism.jpg)

File: 00c30e4b9cfed67⋯.jpg (332.86 KB, 1750x2500, 7:10, hazmat-suit-mask.jpg)


Well, the more you notice…

Seems like the US is not the only place where the Israeli lobby is pulling the strings.

869ce8  No.3326792


The logical outcome of blocking and unfriending those with differing political views is civil war (which the sjw chicks lose 99/100 times)

869ce8  No.3326793

File: 527e55fc28e682b⋯.jpeg (319.4 KB, 1951x1668, 1951:1668, D3C0D9A9-7390-484D-B96B-6….jpeg)

43bfbe  No.3326794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Pilger talks MSM landscape & Assange, Syria & US sanctions wars (Going Underground)

New Interview from the guy who did the Oct 2016 interview with Assange (Wikileaks' finest hour imo). Watching now as it's only 5 minutes old, so I don't have much details on it yet. He discusses Assange among other things.

feab5e  No.3326795

It would be amazing if Trump used the EBS at the precise instant a clown false flag initiated to warn potential victims to take cover, ultimately countering the clowns attempt.

869ce8  No.3326796


The absolute state of Germany.

008252  No.3326797

File: 3fb083aea602aa4⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1318x771, 1318:771, Pepe_We_the_people.png)


If everyone learns about how bad Israel is, all politicians will be pressured to stop pandering to their immoral (to say the least) ways.

We the people have the power anon.

49aa92  No.3326798


Humbly, my take is Kav is on point because he survived the Clintons and was a serious bug up their butt on both Vince Foster and other fuckery too. Just my semi-autist take to date.

d240e6  No.3326799

File: 4be0cf2948950dc⋯.jpg (80.59 KB, 518x388, 259:194, HILLARY'S FUCKED NOW.jpg)

File: 43523f2469e5cff⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 418x271, 418:271, PHONEY FISA.jpg)

File: cdd638a1b27f9bd⋯.jpg (56.93 KB, 481x383, 481:383, finally obama..jpg)

File: 8343240a72f6425⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 299x168, 299:168, Walkaway.jpg)


LMAO. Hillary is in her own pile of shit…..lol….Deep enough.

cbf130  No.3326800

File: 454b71eec86b441⋯.png (944.37 KB, 1024x584, 128:73, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

Just wanted to say a yuuuge THANK YOU to the night shift. You were busy bois and goils…what with all the new Q drops and keeping the shills and clowns at bay. You toiled while most of us slumbered.

I do try to join you occasionally even if for an hour or two, but it wipes me out for the next 2 days.



be8b70  No.3326801



You are glitching, i can see

Jesuits distanced themselves from him

There was an article

Q said

Welcome Justice K

Also we had the vote

Yes Q maybe misleading but at this point to roll further we need a conservative SC

Time will tell soon

008252  No.3326802

File: 0bc339260571a99⋯.png (7.09 KB, 528x404, 132:101, dd7.png)


Hmmmm, how is legitimate criticism of israel anti-semitic?

You do realize that Palestinians are semites too?

And that zionism is genocidal towards Palestinians?

That makes Israel the most anti-semitic nation in the world!

43bfbe  No.3326803


Seconded! Thank you to all the Bakers.

938b52  No.3326804

File: 335297a7aedc882⋯.png (196.58 KB, 298x406, 149:203, poohthinks8.png)

ohnoes guise

nothings habbenin, comms are all fouled up.

What has Q done other than be cute?

We are losing and I have been here since we laid those swamp lines cross cambodia and I havent heard bout no arrests, nothing.

Its about to get ratchet, coz I am getting sex change and you never know how many personalities of mine have devices to fuck with yall from.

Goddam hoos shitting up my ebot records too, when is Q comeing to clean up the iewish media? I cant beleive thay in cahoots with the red dragon>>>isaac said I should run hide out with him too. I need to kill myself but I think I'll just shill myself. fag_test_passed, ABORT, shut it down clowns, we lost its over, omg I am so concerned what are we gonna do. If you read ll this then you rock cause I am just fucking around with them ya know.


sombrero or frisbee

u decide or else

2e8440  No.3326805

File: 3b662f2dd250b62⋯.jpeg (383.58 KB, 1450x1417, 1450:1417, 6C0F2940-58B6-4EBB-A79D-7….jpeg)

File: c79c5b3b806871c⋯.jpeg (124.04 KB, 571x484, 571:484, 12CDFF15-4415-4514-AE72-F….jpeg)

b4e799  No.3326806

Bill Mitchell

Bill Mitchell




Something BIG this way comes - and it's not tired because it walked slow getting here… #SlowWalker

44a172  No.3326807

"Used, Squeaky 2-door Ford For Sale, Cheap Edition"

Hey I'm lookin for an old 69 Fairlane with a 302! I can fix the squeaks!

543268  No.3326808


EarlyAM baker awake, making coffee

I can take the oven, baker.

Ty for baking graveyard.

Confirming handoff?

If you'd report this post to BV, I'll be back in a coupla minutes (with 1st cuppa)

982fe8  No.3326809


oh but it is!

869ce8  No.3326810

File: 376cf806bcfc8df⋯.jpeg (328.24 KB, 2224x1306, 1112:653, F00B4256-0F7B-409A-81C6-0….jpeg)

404125  No.3326811

File: 2222153fa31fd4a⋯.jpeg (57.34 KB, 512x384, 4:3, typicalworkday.jpeg)


Around, but still lurking.

Getting work done before esteemed coworkers come to foist their bullshit onto me, as usual.

Pic related.

Would much prefer baking.

More fulfilling work.

Proud to serve.


Kek, nice.

Beat me to the post.


851cda  No.3326812

File: 866ab33b1dc12d2⋯.jpeg (500.98 KB, 1125x758, 1125:758, EA58E912-F80A-412B-8A8D-0….jpeg)

Redrum In Red October

be8b70  No.3326813


Its not anti septic issue

Its an issue with the country with leadership going against peace with other nations

60ac83  No.3326814


But that dude couldn't get preggers to have an abortion in the first place…


daf4e8  No.3326815

>>3326481 lb

joe and mika already trying this tactic to avoid the rope at gitmo


008252  No.3326816


Oh please, antifa have connections to Isis (which Israel supports, btw), off course they NEED a civil war, they are going to prison for a long long time once this is over.

654083  No.3326817


>Jesuits distanced themselves from him

MIGHT OF BEEN FOR OPTICS but i sure made me want him in there more.

fe19f7  No.3326818

File: 0420691b92d0b06⋯.jpeg (220.07 KB, 1440x987, 480:329, 1533414276.jpeg)

bfa043  No.3326819

It took Clarence Thomas. Then it came after me, liberalism got into my hand and it went bad, so I lopped it off at the wrist.

7a8f01  No.3326820


I have added one notable to the dough. Download the original link, which is updated.

B)/BV, can you check these two links?



If either of you have a pastebin or other identifier, I'll hand off now.

da17a3  No.3326821

File: 1ce9c1398c8f038⋯.png (15.01 KB, 444x195, 148:65, Screenshot_2018-10-04 Q.png)

869ce8  No.3326822


Jesus Christ it’s a sarcastic meme you fucks

d7f0f2  No.3326823

File: 501a3c24fe96727⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2000x1312, 125:82, FEMAphoto_WTC - 103.jpg)




that's a "GoldBug" schtick.

To discredit the real ID problem/ solutions.

Hi C-A

And stop trying to muddy the waters around photo forensic alalysis.

You should know, you're the experts?

Sort of the the Masons being the expert in FE because they are the experts in Earth surveillance?

Yep, the Saudi-s did it; you fucks. Sure they did.

008252  No.3326824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Give me a break, bad jews call everything that exposes their evil deeds anti-semitic.

Its a trick!

938b52  No.3326825

File: 48cc9205ae949ea⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 3840x2400, 8:5, shillclowns.jpg)

File: 67b007f5aefbf12⋯.png (53.97 KB, 682x112, 341:56, ClipboardImage.png)


do not condone violence. shill tactic. GTFO

1a3028  No.3326826


I had your same doubts, especially due to Yale, first of his class, outstanding career, potential 322. But then I thought: Who knows where the bodies are buried?

I think many people knows lot of stuff about shit happened during the years and are potentially full of it. With assured protection they could be on /ourteam/ despite their "dirty" start

9de781  No.3326827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



DOJ-NSD and FBI Press Briefing will be about Russian hacking.

This morning the minister of Defense of the Netherland, Ank Bijleveld, held a press conference about a request for information by America in August 2018, relating to hacking activities in The Netherlands.

Russian agents of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in April 2018 tried to hack the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, located in The Hague. Four Russian agents were caught in the act.

Please see for further information the video of the Press Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMBdN1n2uBI

bc14b1  No.3326828

vote (((them))) all out

2ecab1  No.3326829

File: 0cb6a5046275594⋯.jpeg (86.56 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1536623834.jpeg)


that would be yuge.

he now has a woke civilian militia just waiting to jump in and help put one of these things down.

cbf130  No.3326830

File: 6a0dcc3d0939363⋯.png (758.25 KB, 1000x582, 500:291, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)


Nah - KAV gets confirmed.

The crusty old bag goes down next.

Amy slides into the hag's vacant seat.


Game Set Match

008252  No.3326831


I have no love for jesuits, but given how much the jewish lobby is shilling against K that makes him look extra legit, IMHO.

404125  No.3326832


Defer to ID: 543268.

Operating on emergency-only standby for now.

God bless and kick ass, EarlyAMBaker.

fe19f7  No.3326833

File: 4b9bdb460da6650⋯.jpeg (68.77 KB, 684x684, 1:1, 1538652626.jpeg)

d240e6  No.3326834

File: 91726fb623f1fa0⋯.jpg (23.39 KB, 288x175, 288:175, satanists dont give a fuck.jpg)


I actually chuckled a little.

7280ab  No.3326835



>You are glitching, i can see

Not glitching, Critical thinking

>Jesuits distanced themselves from him

This means nothing

>There was an article


>Q said

>Welcome Justice K

Welcome to you Anon, doesn't mean diddly, welcome to the beginning of the end…IJS

>Also we had the vote

Yes, HAD the vote but didn't do it, hmmmmm all because of Flake being predictably unpredictable, oxymoran so nope.

>Yes Q maybe misleading but at this point to roll further we need a conservative SC

Yes, we need another conservative… But RBG dropping off tomorrow would have the same effect.

>Time will tell soon

Yes it will, thanks for your input!

008252  No.3326836

File: 13a242f2412a5e3⋯.jpg (74.86 KB, 657x600, 219:200, Apu_2.jpg)


Lol, sorry for the mis-interpretation then.

a4e55b  No.3326837

File: 25c866c018e8c7d⋯.png (457.4 KB, 1352x964, 338:241, ChinaChips.png)

China reportedly infiltrated Apple and other US companies using ‘spy’ chips on servers

Ready for information about what may be one of the largest corporate espionage programs from a nation-state? The Chinese government managed to gain access to the servers of more than 30 U.S. companies, including Apple, according to an explosive report from Bloomberg published today.


2c8375  No.3326838

File: 4968fca94fbc2c6⋯.jpg (59.74 KB, 696x498, 116:83, Control.jpg)

File: 60f1312ebf7c005⋯.jpg (215.97 KB, 1018x726, 509:363, Spotted.jpg)

File: ada807002a7c50d⋯.jpg (263.43 KB, 823x444, 823:444, control2.jpg)


Never forget who is in Control!

e0e32a  No.3326839


That seems a little excessive if the event only affects one city in one state and is containable.

7a8f01  No.3326840



Dough updated (original dough link)


>>3326753 Citizen Strong dig; new Dem Opposition Research group

>>3326827 DOJ-NSD and FBI press briefing about Russian hacking

008252  No.3326841


And ban dual citizenship politicians!

2ce3d2  No.3326842


A lesson to others who do not believe in Freedom of Opinions and Freedom of Speech.

The multitude of phone cameras brings Justice

49aa92  No.3326843


This. Occam's Razor imo.

938b52  No.3326844

File: 01a0e29cba80edb⋯.gif (214.07 KB, 219x257, 219:257, 01a0e29cba80edb38078294cea….gif)












654083  No.3326845



1f0514  No.3326846


matt and trey are fags

judging by how much they hate trump

they got dirt

they dont want coming out

1555e7  No.3326847

File: 4856fd1a944ca1c⋯.png (268.92 KB, 450x467, 450:467, ClipboardImage.png)

When u faggots gonna meme this shit

bb83de  No.3326848

File: 8e6676a77623890⋯.jpg (50.66 KB, 652x453, 652:453, plan.jpg)

File: 354539175c05735⋯.mp4 (11.63 MB, 432x242, 216:121, ezgif.com-resize.mp4)

Trust the plan.

Imagine only 2 people switching plan x 1000 from the deep state…

7280ab  No.3326849


Sorry Anon, one Anon says SHOULD be Justice K and Q says you are correct. He doesn't say WILL be Justice K!

Moar Critical thinking puhlease.

Thank you for your input though.

008252  No.3326850


I wonder how many servers did Unit 8200 has comped by now.

Off course, being under the control of bad jews, media stays silent about that…

938b52  No.3326851

File: c5303d50e98f37c⋯.jpg (153.89 KB, 766x1024, 383:512, Trump in Chruchills Chair.jpg)


D5 >>> confirmed

49aa92  No.3326852


Muh almonds agree.

58733b  No.3326853

File: f9e8050e1f7b455⋯.jpg (99.18 KB, 755x485, 151:97, ellisondickbrain.jpg)

244308  No.3326854


Oh noes, concern fag, what EVAH shall we do? (/s)

4c61b1  No.3326855


Responding to name calling would be a better description. I actually prefer fighting back, as it's more accurate.

If you follow my posts to the beginning you'll see my original comment which was calling out this moo joos shitting of the bread, every shift, every day. The garbage doesn't change either. Literally the same copy/pasta. I would ask if you've bothered to inquire with said pelican why the need to waste 40 per loaf with repetitive garbage?

If you happen to agree with his message, fine. Still, why the need for wasting massive space each bread, every shift, every day? Truth need not be forced down people's throat.

Paid infomercials, on the other hand, seem to appear as often as the spots are available for purchase.

116cda  No.3326856


I'm not arguing against that. At all.

2ce3d2  No.3326857


It would be wise to WAIT AND SEE.

The FBI report will decide the matter.

008252  No.3326858

File: 9f47cd978b99393⋯.jpg (206.54 KB, 866x1024, 433:512, Kavanaught_lynch_jews.jpg)



58733b  No.3326859

File: caea72b15f91fd5⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 632x388, 158:97, britishhillary.jpg)

3e1356  No.3326860

File: 7e4213e03bc9ad3⋯.png (194.04 KB, 405x411, 135:137, 20180628_224817.png)

File: 13fad62cb27b3f9⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 261x193, 261:193, 20729313_1690117261020586_….jpg)

1830a8  No.3326861

>>3326688 pb

if they have it this morning at 9 30 Est this is where it will be


938b52  No.3326862

File: f001ec77c4d55c7⋯.jpg (595.28 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Q - R U awake.jpg)


This just make sense, you cant be America First and Politic with a foreign Residence.

To the rest of the world its a door way to take control of We the People as a government!

c1954e  No.3326863

File: 3b7c9cb1cfd48c0⋯.jpg (184.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, booker.jpg)

2ecab1  No.3326864


>EBS used to warn potential victims to take cover

>thinks it's excessive


4f5838  No.3326865


>muh palestinians

Right ahmed… Right.

The PLA is a money laundring scheme and it has cabal smell all over it. The palestinian "leaders" are millionairs with accounts in qatar while their people struggle. Theu get billions in donations and it all goes for cabal interests (destabilization) and to the leaders' pockets. The whole palestinian narative is part of the cabals' fuckery in the middle east, israeli deep state included.

>The son of the Palestinian Authority president Tareq Abbas is already said to own villas in Amman, Jordan and a rooftop pad in Beirut, Lebanon.

Now, according to a review of official British Land Registry records from 2012, the world can know Tareq registered - under his legal name - the purchase of a $1.5m luxury two-bedroom flat in Merchant Square East, one of London's many high-end developments.


Also gaza and hamas are puppets on strings:

It might seem like a simple matter of checkbook diplomacy: wealthy Qatar promising the struggling Gaza Strip that it would pay the monthly salaries of nearly 24,000 civil servants.


7280ab  No.3326866


Thank you Anon, not doubts, just rethinking everything that is habbening. I hope you are right and I agree that THIS IS Ocams Razor, however have to keep on critical thinking because "We have moar than we know!"

7a8f01  No.3326867


>>3326555 Chicoms electronically infiltrated America's Top Companies

From notables of last bread.


Handoff Confirmed?

I don't think BO or BV is around. dough is updated.

7af697  No.3326868

File: 90d762d84003461⋯.png (230.84 KB, 581x464, 581:464, ClipboardImage.png)

Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska gave an impassioned speech on sexual assault and the #MeToo movement on the Senate floor Wednesday night.

Sasse also dropped a bombshell about where he stands on Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump's second nominee to the Supreme Court.

"I urged the president to nominate a different individual. I urged the president to nominate a woman," Sasse said.

He recounted the experiences of two personal friends he said were raped, adding that the #MeToo movement has been "complicated," but also a "very good thing."

And then Sasse turned back to Trump: "We all know that the president cannot lead us through this time."

Kavanaugh, once seen as having a clear path to the nation's high court, has become the subject of multiple sexual misconduct allegations, leveled against him by former high school and college classmates.

The most notable of those accusations come from Christine Blasey Ford, a California university professor who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her while the two were high school students in the 1980s.

New questions about Kavanaugh's drinking habits have also emerged in recent days, and with that, more of Kavanaugh's former classmates came forward, publicly casting doubt on his own characterizations about his relationship with alcohol.

These developments have emerged amid a renewed FBI investigation of Kavanaugh's background, which was expected to wrap up imminently.

Kavanaugh has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. Most Republican leaders, including Sen. Mitch McConnell, have accused Democrats of trying to railroad him.

McConnell on Wednesday night set up a key procedural vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court. A final vote could happen as early as Saturday.


fe19f7  No.3326869

File: 4a087ab4f8faae3⋯.gif (484 KB, 426x320, 213:160, 6u56.gif)

e36459  No.3326870

File: af77d2195358689⋯.png (34.36 KB, 275x256, 275:256, MinuteManLogo.png)

File: ba69540ee083cfd⋯.png (85.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Platinum Lion Trump.png)

File: 6d86eb3094aa41b⋯.png (82.71 KB, 232x255, 232:255, Freedom George.png)

File: 402d4676e17a3fa⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 716x370, 358:185, qanon-bands.jpg)

I bet Q and company reflect on what they have created here. They have turned a labeled group of cooks and conspiracy theorists and turned them into an awakened band of anons. Who are without fear, will not be intimidated and speak the truths like lions.

Our weapons of war are powerful memes, our "ammo" is provided by Q and company, our resolve and persistence is unfettered patriotism, not of one nation, but all nations.

I'm glad to be apart of this "cesspool". Enjoying the show, enjoying the digging.

Thanks for all the hard work anons.

814154  No.3326871


God Bless you swordAnon.

80751a  No.3326872


not really, if you read the previous post I was imitating the redtext and all caps of the previous poster.

lurk more, faggot

(but i love that wonka meme!)

4f5838  No.3326873


Shulamit aloni was a radical left - progressive - Soros puppet. Look her up. She is no saint and trusting her words is like trusting soros words.

9de781  No.3326874


Dutch intelligence confiscated the hacking devices of four Russians. One of the devices showed traces of [hacking] activity in Brasil, Switzerland and Malaysia (MH17),

American Justice will file complaints to Russia.

008252  No.3326875

File: 1033c98848cb590⋯.png (318.86 KB, 540x636, 45:53, Pepe_pepes_united_nobody_f….png)


You seem to be well intentioned, but I think you are misguided, IMHO

I have read the posts the anon you are referring to makes, and the claims are sauced, so I don't know why you would call it garbage. Perhaps you're a jew who feel threatened? Don't be! Read his posts, he explicitly tells people that not all jews are bad, don't let some of the hard to face facts about the issues he exposes get you emotional anon.

I also use to think it was annoying, but I saw him explain various times that the reason for the repetition is because of all the censoring that ad jews do to that information, so its comprehensible.

Don't fight, UNITE!

>Now kiss

4aaa3e  No.3326876

File: 6ef9b1feb06d3eb⋯.jpeg (146.97 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, D2CE9C20-69C7-4384-BE2C-B….jpeg)

c0c0cb  No.3326877



unbeliveable :(

c62e55  No.3326878

Trump is back in the branding game

President Trump is doing what he does best: Giving potential enemies bad brands.

Joe Biden is “one percent Biden,” a nickname that mocks the vice president’s poor showings in two previous runs for the White House.

Sen. Corey Booker (D-N.J.) is the “bad mayor” who “destroyed, practically by himself” the city of Newark, N.J.

Most controversially, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is “Pocohontas,” the nickname Trump first placed on Warren because of her identification as a Native American in academic listings.

Republicans have sometimes been unsettled by Trump's name calling, but as 2020 inches closer and the Democratic field comes into view, many say the president is doing what he does best; getting a head start on the labels that could doom his future opponents.


982fe8  No.3326880

Theresa May (UK PM) Financial and influential Links to Bezos, Lockheed Martin & Alphabet Company.

In a BBC Newsnight piece entitled “'A Marriage of Equals: Profile of Philip May,” Conservative Member of Parliament for Chichester, Andrew Tyrie, said, “Philip is clearly acting as, informally, an advisor to Theresa. Probably much like Denis did to Margaret Thatcher.”

The Mays are openly supportive to each other with PM May often referring to Philip as her rock. Of course, whilst working for Capital Group, Philip May has opened the powerful couple up to suggestions of conflicted interests.

Capital Group has investments in other businesses that get a boost from the future conflicts. The Group own 5.12 percent of Boeing, 9.85 percent of oil giants Royal Dutch Shell, as well as shares in some of the most powerful internet giants such as Amazon, Google, and Netflix. The Capital Group already has an enormous amount of influence. Keeping Philip May is just greedy

Amazon -> Bezos

Google -> Alphabet Company


be8b70  No.3326881


True if big. But smells british intelligence

Skipai poisoning act 101

d240e6  No.3326882

File: 90c8322dd80d034⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 241x255, 241:255, WWG1WGA.jpg)

File: 9a30c7431fe1ef7⋯.jpg (612.75 KB, 2036x1020, 509:255, PAY TAX WITH ASSETS.jpg)

ba9d25  No.3326883


>9/11 records release

I noticed ol' Blumenthal right off the bat.

(((they))) want to know the dirt (you) have on (((them)))

ed9b67  No.3326884

File: da9b5ec4ddef209⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1501x1079, 1501:1079, hahaha.png)

49aa92  No.3326885


Yep, with you anon. Keep your head on a swivel. Socrates is Our best fren.

4f5838  No.3326886


And at the same time please help free Israelis from their deep state and global interest slavery. In many ways what happens with Israeli deep state is a mirror of what happens in the US.

761346  No.3326887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The monster mash

B/c October

f48f6d  No.3326888


Ouch. There will be pain all around.

bb83de  No.3326889


Dont forget PLATO the republic….

543268  No.3326890

File: 293b2fe354b484f⋯.jpg (110.29 KB, 960x645, 64:43, ClamsInATerraCottaBowl.jpg)

>>3326820, >>3326867


Kitchen duties assumed. Ty again, baker.

No pastebin acct., but my last bakes were Monday AM and the Mississippi rally:

#4172-4174 & #4183-4185

I'll throw up a pic, too.

Ty for da diligence.


>emergency-only standby for now.

Heard, baker. May your entanglements with the unworthy Numpty be few this morning.

2e8440  No.3326891

File: 1eb38d6d8c5352c⋯.jpeg (282.48 KB, 1494x653, 1494:653, 880D24E4-13B5-456B-9DE9-8….jpeg)

File: a1209c0aafbc348⋯.jpeg (75.65 KB, 676x500, 169:125, F7CCE351-77F5-417B-AB71-7….jpeg)

File: 11bb42af98ba6d1⋯.jpeg (76.2 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, F4D1147C-9973-4817-810E-1….jpeg)

654083  No.3326892


fox reported this morning, nothing in fbi report that would be against kav. but waiting. he will be confirmed.

9de781  No.3326893

File: 7764d9954dccd7b⋯.jpg (249.34 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, GROe.jpg)



Russian hacking devices in Dutch rental car, parked at Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons headquarters.

7a8f01  No.3326894


Original pastebin updated with a few notables. Download (again?) and start from there.

08de4d  No.3326895


When you guys start fellating each other and pretending you're in actual bootcamp I just roll my eyes and leave.

cbf130  No.3326896

File: 668efbf6f008b1e⋯.png (809.51 KB, 1128x748, 282:187, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

51f6f8  No.3326897



WOW so genius where this from ?>>3326848

814154  No.3326898


[Ben Sasse]

d240e6  No.3326899


Then we've done that, now fuck off.

c8d079  No.3326900

ecca6a  No.3326901


Were they trying to uncover something?

ef162d  No.3326902


Thanks, Anon!!!

008252  No.3326903


>Right ahmed

I am not a muslim!

Why would you call me one, simply for being against Israeli perpretated genocide?

And if you want, I can show you that jewish interest groups are one of the top forces promoting the influx of muslims into Western nations.

>The whole palestinian narative is part of the cabals' fuckery in the middle east, israeli deep state included.

You do realize that before Israel was created, Palestinian jews and muslim lived peacefully along each other.

Read the book called The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel, this site has a web copy: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/israel.htm

If there is corruption along Palestinian leaders, get their asses in jail, the fact those corrupt Palestinians exist does not mean that the genocide of Palestinians by Israel is justified!

1830a8  No.3326904

File: 3e0e1adc312936a⋯.png (66.29 KB, 418x300, 209:150, academic journals are fool….png)

This is funny, kek

Academic journals are caught up in massive hoax involving 20 FAKE papers on 'dog rape culture', 'a conceptual penis' and re-printing a version of MEIN KAMPF

In total the three researchers have written 20 hoax papers on 'grievance studies'

The papers - four of which went online - were based on 'nutty or inhumane' ideas

Authors claim the prank shows higher education's fixation with identity politics

Academic journals have been caught up in a massive hoax involving 20 fake papers.

Researchers published fake and convoluted papers on 'dog rape culture', 'a conceptual penis' and even re-wrote a chapter of Mein Kampf.

Their aim was to expose how 'absurdities' get published in legitimate peer-reviewed academic papers due to a lack of critical review.

In total the team of three researchers wrote 20 hoax papers on a field of study loosely defined as 'grievance studies'.

These papers – seven of which were accepted and four published online – were based on just 'nutty or inhumane' ideas that they ran with.

The authors claim their prank shows that higher education's fixation with identity politics has created 'absurd and horrific' scholarship, according to an in-depth piece by Wall Street Journal.

The three researchers involved in the deception were Peter Boghossian from Portland State University, mathematician James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose, who is editor-in-chief of current affairs magazine Areol.

Their aim was to expose how easily morally fashionable political ideas are published as academic research.

One paper, published in Gender, Place & Culture, claimed to be based on a year observing sexual misconduct among dogs in a US park.

The paper said that parks were 'petri dishes for canine 'rape culture'' and said people needed to be aware of the way dogs were treated depending on their gender.

It was written by an author called Helen Wilson, who claimed to have a doctorate in feminism studies. The real authors were James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian.

'I think that certain aspects of knowledge production in the United States have been corrupted,' Dr Boghossian told WSJ.

The year before they had published a paper called 'The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct' in the journal Cogent Social Sciences.

Their scribblings included the phrases ‘gender-performative, high fluid social construct’, ‘exclusionary to disenfranchised communities’, and ‘isomorphic to performative toxic masculinity


60ac83  No.3326905

45 minutes til shit begins hitting the fan and everyone in the senate sees what they already know, written on paper, to be kept in a safe, as if printers don't exist!!!

05fc0e  No.3326906

Just catching up on Q drops last night.

>"During the time that the FBI was putting – that DOJ and FBI were putting together the FISA (surveillance warrant) during the time prior to the election – there was another source giving information directly to the FBI, which we found the source to be pretty explosive," said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

This is the Five Eyes intelligence isn't it? There was no legal genesis of the Trump Campaign. It started illegally with UK/AUS providing the Obama Admin/FBI with intel. No warrant, no court, nothing. Just an out of control police state.

008252  No.3326908

File: e1952597bd81377⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 604x404, 151:101, wat.jpg)


>"We all know that the president cannot lead us through this time."

fe19f7  No.3326909

File: 20e05d88e9d00a7⋯.jpg (173.62 KB, 1409x924, 1409:924, IMG_20180918_184037.jpg)

be8b70  No.3326910


Honest question about hacking ( i am clueless)

Do you need to be in close proximity to better hack or it doesnt matter?

c62e55  No.3326912

Kavanaugh fight puts Senate on edge of precipice

An all-out brawl over Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination is putting the Senate on the edge of a political precipice, with some lawmakers saying the fight may leave lasting damage.


7874e9  No.3326913



52-collins out

51-flake out

50-sasse out

49-murcowski out

Kavanaugh out, brings out conservative voters? Renominate, Kavanaugh in. Is this the new plan?

008252  No.3326914


She might have been a lefty jew, but she is right in what regards bad jews calling everything that exposes them "anti-semitic".

You do realize A LOT of jews admit that, don't you?

Don't be a sheep.

You need to watch the "Defamation" doc, it shows that bad jews thrive on false accusations of "anti-semitism".

3e1356  No.3326915

File: 3257efa74775af4⋯.gif (790.23 KB, 250x250, 1:1, nope.gif)

51f6f8  No.3326916

Nothing in the news about trump donating is salary to veteran yet ?

1f0514  No.3326917


so regarding Qs post whos taking the blame for 911

it cant be certain allied countries

or there would be world war

will it be


or the saudis

7af697  No.3326918

File: 219c115aa7e76b9⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1500x500, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at this cuck's twitter banner image: His son sitting in the background, watching the rest of his family enjoying themselves.

It says a LOT about him. Not only cucked but actively marginalizing even his own damned kid with his virtue signaling.

d512f2  No.3326919


Don't have to but if you want to comp a local network or do wireless things then sometimes it is necessary.

d58131  No.3326921

File: d1589eec94c5baa⋯.jpg (376.88 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, image.jpg)

Russia Russia Russia Fuckery in the Netherlands

All-out blame Russia as breaking news in Netherlands. Diplomats caught as "hackers", months ago but now in Breaking news. Weird timing.. They are even dragging in Downed MH-17 airplane.

totally unrelated.. WEIRD FUCKING TIMING!!



https:// www.nu.nl/binnenland/5495726/defensie-verijdelt-russische-hackoperatie-chemische-wapenwaakhond-opcw-.html

1aa9bc  No.3326922


Good to go

d240e6  No.3326924

File: 43546a365e9f5b8⋯.jpg (76.1 KB, 519x388, 519:388, bullshit vietnam.jpg)

File: 071c10fa8777e27⋯.jpg (43.95 KB, 538x302, 269:151, feinstein is pure evil..jpg)

File: 30fd6d4d8bc3278⋯.jpg (74.91 KB, 550x366, 275:183, After 6 FBI invest.jpg)

File: b9bce4affd63b9f⋯.jpg (61.05 KB, 550x366, 275:183, YOU'RE FUCKED CORY.jpg)

2e8440  No.3326925

File: 633ed7829884bde⋯.jpeg (104.93 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 9D10E1FA-7C63-446D-9166-4….jpeg)

False Info will immediately start leaking about the report, prompting it to be released to the public. Dems will not show up to vote, but will stand in silence instead. They will try to physically stop the vote similar to the sit in seen here.

75e25b  No.3326926


This is part of the plan. This makes me happy. I think 90% of these “studies” are fraud. Lock them all up.

1f0514  No.3326927

File: 8b7ca9cf6c92c5f⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 77d8c6ad439c576da5dd3ce4a1….jpg)


the average voter after seeing this

008252  No.3326928


Can the US ask the 5eye nations to bring the responsible to the US to have them face American courts?

Is that possible?

2ecab1  No.3326929

File: 54315074cc160b0⋯.jpg (61.53 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1538576940.jpg)

fe19f7  No.3326930

File: ddb20d6b92f3e3d⋯.jpeg (170.45 KB, 1299x1464, 433:488, 1534955186.jpeg)


That's just cruel.

38bf77  No.3326931

File: 2dd53315f1d75eb⋯.jpeg (119.8 KB, 735x820, 147:164, E7A171F6-6990-46D3-9D42-7….jpeg)

75e25b  No.3326932


I agree.

a2d189  No.3326933

>>3326753 - related to Citizen Strong dig

Case Study

Daily Action

Mobilizing activists to fight back using progressive organizing technology.


In just a few months, Daily Action connected 1 million calls totaling 3.2 million minutes fighting President Trump’s policies and appointees – that’s equivalent to 6.24 years. And those numbers grow every day.*

People are taking notice. Daily Action has been featured in the Washington Post, NBC News, Cosmopolitan, Huffington Post, Vogue, Teen Vogue and Fast Company, and many other outlets as a model for a new wave of citizen action.

The media attention should come as no surprise. Daily Action callers have contributed to victories such as defeating ExxonMobil’s request for a sanctions waiver so that they could drill for oil in Russia; over 40,000 calls for Bannon to lose NSC seat; Republicans walking back their plans to gut the Congressional ethics office; Congressman Darrell Issa calling for a special prosecutor to look into Russia ties on the same day Daily Action connected nearly 19,000 calls to the House Judiciary Committee urging a special prosecutor; Attorney General Sessions recusing himself from the Russia investigation the same day Daily Action connected nearly 20,000 protest calls on his Russia ties; Trump’s first nominee for Labor Secretary, Andrew Puzder, withdrew his nomination after losing support from Senators on both sides of the aisle after Daily Action connected over 35,000 calls to Congress to fight the nomination; and delays to several confirmation hearings. Actions have been shared on social media hundreds and thousands of times. Daily Action has connected 195,980 calls for 658,614 minutes to protect Obamacare, including 109,095 constituent calls to the U.S. Senate for a total of 357,105 connected minutes. Calling has put all representatives on notice for 2018.

Most important, Daily Action has built an army of activists – and it’s growing every day. Tens-of-thousands of dissatisfied, under-represented people were looking for an opportunity to finally act, and by texting a few characters to the Daily Action shortcode, they’ve found it.

*Call counts and connected minutes were last updated July 5, 2017.



d58131  No.3326934


Pls see links in


60ac83  No.3326935

File: 7cd4f72ec251e58⋯.jpeg (346.38 KB, 1080x1525, 216:305, DXQVYNcVQAIwjY4.jpg-large.jpeg)

"In association with Mockingbird Cinema…"


8a4fd0  No.3326936

…can anonbody answer why nationalism (or patriotism) equals antisemitism nowadays?

…maybe because the so-called-semites need internationalism/globalism?

…why should anybody needs globalism? …except building up a globally dictatorship of course…

read shlomo sand about the origin of the semites. hint: semites are naturally born palestinians.

d58131  No.3326937


Try "pull it"

1830a8  No.3326938

File: 840cdd64f35b68d⋯.jpg (21.12 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 840cdd64f35b68d7b41520fc1c….jpg)

49aa92  No.3326939


Indeed. Good point.

2ecab1  No.3326940

File: 6a580f11a7d6dec⋯.png (470.33 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 1538491613.png)

d240e6  No.3326941


Here's your answer.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh. Filtered.

b7a0ea  No.3326942

File: 7047ea7f05fe8b2⋯.jpg (93.4 KB, 500x671, 500:671, 2jd3dv.jpg)

a472ce  No.3326943


A good point made right here. The elite Satanic Jews do what they do to lightning rod the wrath of Gentiles upon their whole people. That's why the concept that "all Jews are evil" continues to exist and discredits those of us who are wise to the JQ. Make no mistake, they're still very high up on the Cabal's totem pole of evil, but they do a good job of obfuscating the puppetmasters behind their bullshit (such as the Rothschilds, Federal Reserve, Illuminati families, etc.)

2ecab1  No.3326944


this is great

wish is was BIGGER

008252  No.3326945

File: 5189df3fb231778⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 400x224, 25:14, Pepe_rides_a_car.gif)


>…can anonbody answer why nationalism (or patriotism) equals antisemitism nowadays?

It deosn't! That's just bad jews trying to silence right-wing, pro-national sovereignty voices thru the use of the "anti-semitic trick"!

3e1356  No.3326946

File: 3befb9c9b765ee8⋯.jpg (122.82 KB, 618x898, 309:449, I Don't Give A Fuck.jpg)

8a4fd0  No.3326948


…now i get it…

7e4bac  No.3326949


Voltaire said "To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.".

835c26  No.3326950


I checked yesterday afternoon, and it was at 138K. It seems like every time Q posts, the number goes up about another 10K. I wish the other sites that collect drops had the same feature. It would be nice to know the total number checking out Q.

1f0514  No.3326951


the jewish elite ?

lizard people ?

3e1356  No.3326952

File: 3d9be28c86c64ad⋯.jpg (18.28 KB, 480x488, 60:61, 36432355_10160485749810557….jpg)

2c8375  No.3326953

File: 64b4356d5c829e2⋯.jpg (33.98 KB, 770x433, 770:433, Not suppose to happen.jpg)

File: c4166cbf706daed⋯.png (237.41 KB, 654x792, 109:132, The truth.png)

File: 956f61040534771⋯.jpg (234.13 KB, 1020x470, 102:47, USS-liberty-2.jpg)

File: 74aff751643bf64⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 924x9999, 28:303, Wake up.jpg)

File: 2dccdf0d3c2a534⋯.jpg (93.24 KB, 723x400, 723:400, tyson.jpg)


Now your talking.

The only thing Q team is really afraid is to name Israel and Saudi and probably an Euro ally. This is where the rubber meet the road, This is the point of no return.

Would this start WWIII?

Absolutely NOT!

60ac83  No.3326954

File: 279430ef98c7bca⋯.jpeg (122.87 KB, 574x1024, 287:512, DOJvYbbV4AANLeI.jpg-large.jpeg)

Seems like Alibaba is getting into the Entertainment industry…

That's Jack Ma in the center.

008252  No.3326955

File: fd1ca3ced2b8989⋯.gif (16.58 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Marv_yes.gif)


Off course not all jews are evil!

Just look at Miller!

Anons just need to be smart and put that on the table right away when talking about the issues related to judaism and Israel.

4c61b1  No.3326956


Fair enough anon. I'll take another look, but as I'm sure you'd admit, there's so much disinfo plastered, with the sole purpose of making people angry (and about inaccurate things), that it gets lost in the crowd.

I left a rather lengthy post yesterday where I addressed those who post in an honest attempt at learning or informing others of facts. Nothing wrong with that at all. It is the minority, by far, of posts on that topic though. 'The Jewish Question,' I think has been proven to be the most effective slide available. Stronger than flat earth or others.

I also agree we must strive towards unity. As Lincoln said: "A house divided cannot stand."

Yes, I'm Jewish. Yes, more than I would care of the prominent American liberal/progressive Jews are on the wrong side of almost every fucking issue, including my family. This also includes prominent conservative Jews, like Bill Kristol's, who are members of the cabal before anything else.

That said, a LOT that is posted here is inaccurate and meant to inflame the uneducated. Rather than filter, and move on, more often than not I have chosen to counter it, whether with accurate information or a counter-attack. Perhaps a weakness on my part but I feel I'm honoring the memory of a few Jews who spent their entire lives trying to better this country. The paid Soros trolls or agents of discord Brennan sends will not denigrate their memory as long as I have the energy to respond. Sadly, an energy supply quickly running out (but that's my problem).

All the best to you and yours. Perhaps, after the Storm, we'll meet on the fields of Lexington and Concord to help rebuild our world together.

edb595  No.3326957

Top KEK goes to Baker for bread title LMAO!!

7e4bac  No.3326958



3d42ce  No.3326960


fake news. it's 100/100

654083  No.3326961


millions i would guess, i read somewhere that one site gets 7 mil hits per month, sorry no sauce atm.

3b26f9  No.3326962

File: 704671e27702518⋯.png (28.8 KB, 495x517, 45:47, ClipboardImage.png)


qr code is http://.ead.me/barfxw

brings to the image included, wayback has nothing on it.

c5c2c1  No.3326963


The Dutch have been frontrunners in the Russia blamegame ever since the downing of MH17.

What's more they've been super super loud about it without any sauce (they even convened secrecy about the whole shenanigans with the other players - Ukraine to name one. So no sauce allowed!).

If they wanted to don the cloak of suspicion, they couldn't 've done a better job.

Conclusion I have is they are a major cabal outlet, the contrary would really surprise me, what with them having the royal faggots and all that.


47a8dc  No.3326964

File: 9581000b1ec7c4d⋯.png (75.34 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 1885981E-A6F7-4BBC-AD59-D8….png)

Tony Blair is Q

3b26f9  No.3326965


that should be http://l.ead.me/barfxw

1f0514  No.3326966


unfortunately i think some lies are going to be told

to prevent embarassment for our so called "allies"

unless thats dis info to keep them calm

cuz i would be willing to bet euros were involved in 911 as well as pakistan/saudi arabia

cuz these people are global

they dont have a "country"

49aa92  No.3326967


Yes, and I am still Jonesin' for some brunette bush. Now the whole religous aspect on top of it; may not be able to perform… kek

7e4bac  No.3326968

File: 5b531dd27ca2efb⋯.png (218.25 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

38bf77  No.3326969

File: 62ad2a9df960427⋯.jpeg (24.3 KB, 458x356, 229:178, 156C3CE7-6986-404B-8A79-9….jpeg)

543268  No.3326970


These, right?

Got 'em, the pastebin update worked great, ty.


>>3326753 Citizen Strong dig; new Dem Opposition Research group

>>3326827 DOJ-NSD and FBI press briefing about Russian hacking

>>3326868 Sen Sasse (R-Neb) might be anti-Kav


Q's calling us fearless like that…

It meant a lot to me. Woke up thinking about it.

I'm pretty outspoken against the (((enemy))), knowing it meant that if we didn't win the war, those of us that had gone balls out like that would meet fates worth than death. These guys hold grudges and are sick, sick bastards. At some point you just say fuck it, I can't live like this anymore. Rather die on my feet with the truth on my lips than keep bowing and scraping, begging our usurpers for an easy cuck's death. No, we're not traditional warriors, but we risk and we sacrifice. And, by the Grace of God, our work makes a difference. Honored to serve beside you guys.

51f6f8  No.3326971

File: 508e8742c818ec4⋯.jpg (141.04 KB, 1655x474, 1655:474, kav.jpg)

Meme incoming ?

Good job normie….

fe19f7  No.3326972

File: 801667c400c8a0e⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 734x740, 367:370, ErnestT.com6_.jpg)

008252  No.3326973


I think that given that israel has so much leverage in tech via Unit 8200 and in all industries via the sayanim, Trump and team are deactivating those 1st in order to contain the backlash that the zionists will try to make the world eat when Trump decided to tell the truth about them.

7874e9  No.3326974

File: 4fc34b15d8b1f9e⋯.jpg (68.96 KB, 765x720, 17:16, cat nike large.jpg)


bigger? better?more fun?

9de781  No.3326975


Timing is because of US press conference this morning. Normally activities of Dutch intelligence are not brought out.

061a23  No.3326976

Hey deep state: Bwahahahaha! Suck it!

60ac83  No.3326977

Well this is odd…



cbf130  No.3326978


Nebraska is a RED state and Sasse needs conservative Rs and moderates to keep his seat. He will be a YES.

What he's doing is a classic political tactic. He votes YES to appease his conservative constituents, but publicly does the requisite hand-wringing for the cameras while expressing support for "victims". Thus he satisfies his squishy moderate constituents.

He's trying to have his cake and eat it too.

982fe8  No.3326979


Tony Blair is not Q

Tony Blair is TB

80751a  No.3326980

File: 02134c552a8a870⋯.jpg (78.28 KB, 886x500, 443:250, 2j09z2.jpg)

File: 78769c798198564⋯.jpg (86.26 KB, 852x461, 852:461, 2j09s3.jpg)

File: 5d6123c6775eaba⋯.jpg (63.4 KB, 600x478, 300:239, 2j09j4.jpg)


funny. our models better, but not perfect

(at least his eyes had actual tears in them)

ed4dfe  No.3326981


Or it was Clowns covering tracks as Russians?

3e1356  No.3326982

File: be4b95d972e3910⋯.jpg (149.55 KB, 756x665, 108:95, be4b95d972e3910a77b4ecb149….jpg)

d58131  No.3326983


baker story on netherlands muh Russia explosion no table?

PS Netherlands BIG BIG BIG producer of KP also, punishment 4 PODES very very very very low. And dutch PM closet gay

9de781  No.3326984


No, they searched for connection to send an email to their grandma.

3b26f9  No.3326985


"World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle."

f48f6d  No.3326986


Is it more important to have Kavanaugh as SCJ or Republicans with solid majority in House and Senate?

7e4bac  No.3326987


"We will use fire to flush them out" - Q

05fc0e  No.3326988


The UK government wouldn't allow it. It'd be like if someone from the NSA was spying on a foreign national in another country. No way the NSA would give up their employee.


>Why were the 'McCabe Memos' released to the NYT >>> [RR] 'wear a wire'?



Insurance/threat depending on how you look at it. The media/public opinion is extremely important. It's one of the main reasons the White Hats couldn't just round everyone up right away.

The narrative was going to be that yes RR knew there was exculpatory evidence, yes he committed fraud on the FISA court (multiple times) but it was for the good of the American people. "Heck, it was so bad we were thinking of wearing a wire!"

They've built hysteria capital over the past two years so that they could use it at a time like this. "We're just doing it for your own good, don't you see how bad this guy is?!"

These people are snakes.

60ac83  No.3326989


Next you're gonna tell me the Babylon Bee is satire, also.

d240e6  No.3326990

File: a43672c4cf15abe⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 600x336, 25:14, RUIN ME.jpg)

File: 450f5cf489314a4⋯.jpg (56.89 KB, 518x388, 259:194, NOTHING TO LOSE.jpg)

File: 20fd41a55b0bd99⋯.jpg (47.08 KB, 386x256, 193:128, not just satanist assholes.jpg)

c62e55  No.3326991

Another Precipice – word of the day?

Financial Crisis on the horizon – the sky is falling

Peter Schiff: "We're On The Precipice Of A Much Bigger Crisis Than The Last One"

"The next time, if they try to reflate those bubbles, which they will, it will be a spectacular failure because the markets are now prepared for the opposite. Everybody, right now, assumes the Fed is going to be able to keep raising rates. They assume they are going to shrink its balance sheet and that we have this booming economy that will never bust.

When the Fed has to reverse course abruptly, acknowledge the underlying weakness that everybody has been oblivious to and they start cutting rates and launching another round of quantitative easing (money printing), I think the dollar is going to fall through the floor. I think the inflationary fires that are already burning pretty hot are going to ignite. It’s not going to be like 2008 where the dollar went up and consumer prices inched down a little bit. I think the dollar is going to tank and consumer prices are going to soar, and it’s going to be stagflation. When the markets get a whiff of that, they are not going to like the way it smells.

It is going to create a dollar crisis. I think the Fed has put itself between a rock and a hard place. There is no way out this time… This time, you really have to be positioned because this time is going to be the end of it. This is not going to be a hat trick or third time is a charm when it comes to reflating these bubbles.”


dd125f  No.3326992


the second one

7de613  No.3326993


well if so then I may be fucked because my alert came 9 minutes after everyone else and no sound!

d7f0f2  No.3326994

File: 9a3c7af491a71fe⋯.jpg (106.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, britembassythereww2.jpg)

File: 3e0aac8f09a553a⋯.jpg (95.07 KB, 640x635, 128:127, isthattheirrealname.jpg)

File: 435af34f5b55f49⋯.jpg (30.38 KB, 331x369, 331:369, rockcenterpromethemercury.jpg)

File: 3eb970d5671aed0⋯.jpg (81.62 KB, 468x546, 6:7, rockcntNBCmasonsradio.jpg)

File: 4943faef09ecf5d⋯.jpg (128.69 KB, 640x1060, 32:53, unicornbeastmyth.jpg)

>>3324413 pb

>>3324437 pb

No, I think the "Saudi Arabia" push is there to mis-direct from the real perps who may be facing Court Marshalls soon.

They've been pushing [official version - alt release] SA as the culprit since the week after the event.

You notice they always use the same routines over and over


Think of this:

The "Russia did it" was used back in '64 to misdirect from the killers of JFK

They used the same fucking story "Russia" over 50 years later to cover for their loss to Donald Trump

If you notice the papers released around JFK ? Many was false info planted there deliberatly "Easter Egg" to misdirect to send researchers off into false directions.

That had been the function of the fake "9/11 Truth Movement" which has been handled and paid for by the same assholes who did the deed.

>>3324445 pb

>>3324589 pb

>>3325006 pb

Planning was for decades. It's was built for that : Rockefellers.

By their symbols you will know them.

9ebfca  No.3326995



E= 5


October 18th =D5

2ecab1  No.3326996

File: 56fb727514d2051⋯.png (413.1 KB, 800x350, 16:7, 1538176528-1.png)


much more fun thank you

1f0514  No.3326997

anyone ever thought about who was on the 911 flights ?

the cabal have taken down planes to 187 before

who was on these flights they wanted dead

3b26f9  No.3326999

File: 1b2e0c41a81ad6f⋯.png (386.97 KB, 600x626, 300:313, ClipboardImage.png)


it's at the bottom of their website :)

3d42ce  No.3327000

835c26  No.3327001


I wouldn't dispute your guess. Then there are those that just follow the Twitter accounts, and FB groups that disseminate the drops. I wonder how close we are to critical mass.

bfa043  No.3327002


Well there's you problem, You've got meth in your pipes.

fe19f7  No.3327003

File: 1231329aedf9255⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 306x448, 153:224, 3F4A082C00000578-4415278-i….jpg)

a2d189  No.3327004

File: a0ded4d2018b9a2⋯.png (607.48 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)



Only real source so far:


A real group? Bloomberg disinfo.? Dem. desperation attempt at intimidation?

Don't know. Can't find much solid about this.

"Oppo works best when its target is unaware, so Burton’s project, dubbed Citizen Strong, has operated by stealth, waiting until just now to publicly declare its existence as a 501(c)4 “dark money” group with three affiliated political action committees. Even this step doesn’t reveal much. Dark money donors can give unlimited sums anonymously, and Burton won’t identify his benefactors or even the three operatives he’s hired to help run the group."

Any business fags around?

47a8dc  No.3327005

File: 737cf18be701d34⋯.png (92.22 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 7CA03A1C-DE36-4FF0-92BA-25….png)

“…You are in the eye of the new world order.”

ed9b67  No.3327006


Ben Sasse isn't up for reelection in 2018, so he may not care at this point.

49aa92  No.3327007


Both are on critical path and optimally need to occur in order you've listed anon.

654083  No.3327008

File: 83bbb7a86057217⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 3008x2000, 188:125, neverforget1.jpg)

60ac83  No.3327009

File: b6029d98eb5bf6c⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 735x643, 735:643, you-the-joke-missed-you-fl….jpg)

8a4fd0  No.3327010


in my country i am only allowed to criticize homebrew white people . muslims are allowed to call white people like me " dograce " but if i would do something like that i could find myself behind bars . we just have to obey and be happy . . . you know my country .

1f8246  No.3327011


The wife of of GWB's attorney at the 'hanging chads' SC case was supposedly on one of the flights… that always seemed suspicious to me.

Either they wanted to silence that family for fear they would spill the beans about backroom deals between the Bushes and the Gores, or they wanted to get the wife into a DUMB somewhere and on the record as dead so she could work for hte swamp critters without anybody looking for her.

3b26f9  No.3327012


i got the joke .. most probably won't… but what-evs

a472ce  No.3327013


Good on you for being ahead of the curve. It's as you said, a good chunk of the bad behavior shills who provoke the notion that Jews are 100% irredeemably evil are simply that: shills (Likely of the JIDF kind, too.) "Only a Sith deals in absolutes," to put it squarely.

That's why I have a cautious but optimistic hope with how Israel will be addressed towards the end of all this. It might seem like Trump is placating them, but it's just as likely a long con to weed out the Cabal's tendrils without the risk of going full LOLlercaust.

d58131  No.3327014


Lee Feinstein…?? Diana's hubby?????

(Cud b a Chinese name btw)


2e8440  No.3327015


It’s an adrenochrome extraction lab.

8f5fcd  No.3327016

File: 592ca8d74025155⋯.jpg (55.82 KB, 1199x563, 1199:563, DoqAU6aXoAA3j9b.jpg)

File: 4b290dc98b2f189⋯.jpg (130.72 KB, 1200x899, 1200:899, DoqB5fwWwAIX2xz.jpg)

File: 81d5630a166b63a⋯.jpg (78.61 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, DoqBZcZXsAAooFp.jpg)

File: 81d5630a166b63a⋯.jpg (78.61 KB, 1200x758, 600:379, DoqBZcZXsAAooFp.jpg)

File: 6ca6125071a9e2d⋯.jpg (66.82 KB, 890x626, 445:313, DoqCkAxW4AAAKr9.jpg)

Pictures of the 4 Russian spies. 2 Hackers and 2 HUMINT agents who tried to hack in the wifi-network of the OPCW in The Netherlands. MIVD discovered the spies and could prevent the hack.

008252  No.3327017

File: b2564fe0e998219⋯.png (13.5 KB, 1219x156, 1219:156, 3_types_of_jews.PNG)


>'The Jewish Question,' I think has been proven to be the most effective slide available.

Still, once you delve into it and realize the importance of we the people being informed on it, you'll understand why people who are knowledgeable about it tend to be passionate about it.

>Yes, I'm Jewish. Yes, more than I would care of the prominent American liberal/progressive Jews are on the wrong side of almost every fucking issue, including my family.

There was a post about the 3 types of jews some days ago. Let me try to find it. Pic 1. We all have lots of learning to do, don't worry, its all going to be alright.

>That said, a LOT that is posted here is inaccurate and meant to inflame the uneducated.

Its part of the fight anon.

> Rather than filter, and move on, more often than not I have chosen to counter it, whether with accurate information or a counter-attack.

Well, when you resort to name calling, you effectively end up giving the person you were attacking the right to call you names back. Try to control your emotions anon, it will serve you best, IMHO!

>Perhaps a weakness on my part but I feel I'm honoring the memory of a few Jews who spent their entire lives trying to better this country.

Post about them then! Even the poster you were attacking posts about stand up jews (I have seen it).

>The paid Soros trolls or agents of discord Brennan sends will not denigrate their memory as long as I have the energy to respond.

I don't think the prolific JQ poster falls on that category anon.

>Sadly, an energy supply quickly running out (but that's my problem).

I am sorry, I hope you get better fren.

>All the best to you and yours. Perhaps, after the Storm, we'll meet on the fields of Lexington and Concord to help rebuild our world together.

Thanks, I wish you and yours the best too!

fc750a  No.3327018


This is great, academia HAS to be cleaned up. It's just as crooked as any of the three letter agencies.

60ac83  No.3327019

File: ab00b33dc09f3b7⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 468x388, 117:97, ab00b33dc09f3b791d6fca00df….jpg)


Fair enough.

38bf77  No.3327020


Holland is Caballand… they also are “royal“ so they like them kiddies very much.

The dutch people of course are cool

47a8dc  No.3327021

File: c06be83bd4cb94e⋯.png (130.24 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 4DD9EA0D-B026-4711-B2A3-0F….png)

File: 9581000b1ec7c4d⋯.png (75.34 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 63687A2A-D415-4FA5-B81C-C3….png)

File: 8b57314f41f0c97⋯.png (110.28 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 481403C2-758D-4A80-AFC9-39….png)

File: d596b510b33cb8f⋯.png (129.69 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 518E211C-2066-42EF-A59F-DB….png)

File: 737cf18be701d34⋯.png (92.22 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 36B5CB8E-D624-4530-B9D6-DD….png)


2ecab1  No.3327022


Nice find anon

Hillsbag: It will be a highlight of my tenure to call you Ambassador! POLAND is in the eye of the SWIRLING NEW WORLD ORDER and needs much care and tending from us.

Who is Lee Feinstein?

501bd9  No.3327023


543268  No.3327024


Anon, in case you're a newb, it's a kindness (and is custom) to announce you're linking to a post from the last bread, like below

>>3326451 lb

Mornin' Sword Anon. Blessings back atcha man. Ty.

>>3326875, >>3326956

I have mixed feelings about JQspamanon too. Not sure whether shill or legit. Have asked a number of time to keep the post count lower but do appreciate the info, it's accurate (as much as I can see anyway, can't vouch for every item/claim) and it's important that we get versed on this topic.


>(((they))) want to know the dirt (you) have on (((them)))

And it's gonna backfire bigtime. The more they come out of the shadows and into the light, the more the goyim will know.

8f5fcd  No.3327025

File: ab407e5aaa15736⋯.jpg (80.68 KB, 1200x915, 80:61, DoqE_1UX4AETLO2.jpg)

File: bb3336af5deadf3⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 1200x912, 25:19, DoqE-_gXgAALLRc.jpg)

File: 70e8b8d141a818b⋯.jpg (88.96 KB, 1200x931, 1200:931, DoqE96OX0AE3g18.jpg)

File: faa89f8619a9392⋯.jpg (79.01 KB, 1200x942, 200:157, DoqFAojX4AEiKdZ.jpg)


The 4 russian spies

d91f7f  No.3327026

The Problem With #BelieveSurvivors

It’s important to listen to those who come forward—and also to those accused.


d58131  No.3327027


There is a Q on the white box in the trunk.

Top center…


60ac83  No.3327028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

200+ Clip Antifag Collection

654083  No.3327029

File: 93033f2e33fb67a⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 462x233, 462:233, lf.jpg)

008252  No.3327030


>The UK government wouldn't allow it. It'd be like if someone from the NSA was spying on a foreign national in another country. No way the NSA would give up their employee.

So, how are the responsible going to get some sweet pain up their bottom? Trump forces UK to punish them?

5606d5  No.3327031


‏ @drawandstrike

2m2 minutes ago


Perkins Coie, as long suspected, WAS functioning as the go between / back channel/ middleman between Fusion GPS and the FBI.


I just hate all these old assholes.

Send 'em to Gitmo, and seize all their assets. Making 'em be poor will be pouring salt in their wounds.


I really want to see them suffer

Let's hope that CDAN and TMZ spend half their time covering the misery of these assholes in the months/years to come.

Who gives a shit about "celebrities", anyway

dd5fc2  No.3327032

“Kavanaugh Effect”

381aec  No.3327033


It occurred to me that they might not show up at all. Is there a number of Senators required for a quorum?

d7f0f2  No.3327034

File: c509f6e7a8023ed⋯.jpg (91.98 KB, 639x1040, 639:1040, why.jpg)


The fuck you are responding to is a shill

Why would all these cabal orgs be announcing there are against him if he wasn't on our side?


8cab1e  No.3327035

File: 8170d0682a9ecf4⋯.jpg (272.33 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, LiveLeak-dot-com-Trumppimp….jpg)

ALPHA….hahaha those eyes cant lie….

a64c4b  No.3327036

File: 1d5bea5b0c62aa3⋯.png (6.05 MB, 2902x1850, 1451:925, ClipboardImage.png)

c62e55  No.3327037


When stationed in Germany, Holland was the preferred getaway. Such a beautiful place with wonderful and kind people.

116cda  No.3327039


That's KavaNaughty ! Haaa !

< I'll show myself out…

5606d5  No.3327040



John Lewis is such a primate

He's old as hell, too


ed9b67  No.3327041


A quorum requires that there must be 51 senators present in order for the Senate to do business, while the House requires that the majority of the membership - or 218 representatives - are present.

2c8375  No.3327042

File: 7ed46f52640b190⋯.gif (750.86 KB, 461x340, 461:340, Not pretty but.gif)


> unfortunately i think some lies are going to be told

> to prevent embarassment for our so called "allies"

This is not a valid reason to NOT name those responsible. And If Q team think it is, then we all have been taken for a ride!

If we really want to clean the slate and finally get rid of our degenerate master we have to name them! It will hurt but it is absolutely necessary!

Pic related:

711e01  No.3327043

File: fde47e66c38cca8⋯.png (184.64 KB, 1121x497, 1121:497, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

File: 9bdbe6b2b7fee6e⋯.png (269.28 KB, 1119x575, 1119:575, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

File: 4f8c5221e0ca788⋯.png (194 KB, 1112x516, 278:129, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)




>Lee Feinstein

Lee Andrew Feinstein (born 1959)[1] is a former senior official in the Obama and Clinton administrations, was the United States ambassador to Poland[2] from 2009 to 2012.


d58131  No.3327044



LEE cud b chinese name btw

60ac83  No.3327045

File: 34adfba05f92030⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 577x353, 577:353, 2j0prg.jpg)

You goin' out for a smoke?

I'll join ya.

7de613  No.3327046

File: 41574a8acb0023c⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 236x251, 236:251, pepeglam.jpg)

3e1356  No.3327047

File: a2a196e9f124236⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 608x477, 608:477, 1w33or.jpg)

05fc0e  No.3327048


Probably when the cleanse goes worldwide (Israel last). It'll probably be handled domestically in each country rather than extradite to US.

a64c4b  No.3327049

File: 8d3a56e5b892663⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1162, 540:581, ClipboardImage.png)

5606d5  No.3327050

File: f67d1af984ec260⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 562x905, 562:905, Katz.jpg)

File: e7d37973c554683⋯.png (146.95 KB, 572x1000, 143:250, Butthead.png)

Separated at birth

835c26  No.3327051


Brett Bump

ed9b67  No.3327052



I think that some dems will show up though The dems in the red states who are up for reelection might play nice, just to (hopefully) save their own asses in the election.

be6ac3  No.3327053



> The sources also said Baker’s interview broke new ground both about the FBI’s use of news media in 2016 and 2017 to further the Trump case and about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s conversations in spring 2017 regarding possible use of a body wire to record Trump.

Project Mockingbird

• FBI meeting with members of media to plot leaks used to shape public opinion

• [RR] wanted to tape POTUS to gain auddio that could be twisted to support the nattative

> “The interview was one of the most productive we had and it opened up many new investigative leads,” one source said.


> Another said Baker could not answer some questions about FBI media contacts, citing an ongoing investigation by the Justice Department inspector general into alleged illegal leaks, during and after the election, about the Trump collusion probe and other matters.

Just because we dont see the reaults in the public domain [MSM] does not mean nothing ia being done

> These revelations illustrate anew how much the FBI and Justice Department have withheld from the public about their collaboration and collusion with clearly partisan elements of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, Fusion and Steele, that were trying to defeat Trump.

> Nunes has said the FBI intentionally hid exculpatory evidence from the judges.

"Withheld from the public" = Narrative control


> “There’s a strong suggestion that confidential human sources actually taped members within the Trump campaign,” Meadows told Hill.TV hosts Krystal Ball and Ned Ryun.

Rut-Roh Shaggy

543268  No.3327054


Ending paragraph key:

Bennett acknowledged that sentiment, saying Trump is not only good at defining his opponents. He’s also relentless, he said.

“You can fight him if you want but he won't stop fighting back,” he said. “I think he learned early on that you can't lose a fight unless you stop fighting back.”

c0c0cb  No.3327055




In exactly the same way as in Germany.

Deep state no more!

60ac83  No.3327056

15 minutes til FBI Report showtime!

1f0514  No.3327057


lizard people/demons looking more and more likely every day huh

b20ed3  No.3327058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good morning anons. They're calling us 'bots' on twatter. Here's a soundtrack.

2ecab1  No.3327059

File: ce61b5b91ff546d⋯.png (449.24 KB, 1251x935, 1251:935, lafesinstein.png)


this is where he is now

fucking figures


City University of NY


extreme libtard


49aa92  No.3327060


Quite possible. May be a blind spot for me, was trig to help narrow the focus for a fellow anon. I may be mis-reading.

0350b3  No.3327061

AMBUSH: SCarolina shooting leaves 1 officer dead, 6 wounded.


I despise what the DS did to our police forces turning them against us, however they truly are on the front lines of the DS war.

a2d189  No.3327062


Good summary!

de52e4  No.3327063


I thought it was classified

982fe8  No.3327064

A US-funded biomedical laboratory in Georgia may have conducted bioweapons research under the guise of a drug test, which claimed the lives of at least 73 subjects, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.


60ac83  No.3327065


I thought C was an instruction to Copy…

28e359  No.3327066

File: d41ca91ef99f0be⋯.png (46.46 KB, 440x480, 11:12, Screenshot_2018-10-03-05-1….png)

4f22f7  No.3327067

>>3323704 rt >>3323661 -———– Not what you think.


>>3324025 pb

>With these clowns, I wonder




>>3323978 pb

>Attempt to switch/cloud narrative

Legislation as limited hangout.

2c8375  No.3327068

File: 1fb3d7e71668666⋯.jpg (290.24 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Why are you not dead.jpg)

File: 64b4356d5c829e2⋯.jpg (33.98 KB, 770x433, 770:433, Not suppose to happen.jpg)



Well if the US ever wanted to have the Canadian Privy council extradited for attempting to assassinate your president. I don't think our would send them to you on a silver platter.

Remember how the G8 was a massive clusterFUCK? Well this is why. President Trump was not suppose to make it!

47a8dc  No.3327069


No relation to Dianne

b20ed3  No.3327070

More deepstate fuckery


eca306  No.3327071

File: 5ba0f5a4479c6bb⋯.jpg (87.38 KB, 800x611, 800:611, 1513954602798.jpg)

7e4bac  No.3327072

File: ff8ac97a700f826⋯.jpg (348.67 KB, 1795x770, 359:154, VM714 4 Oct 18 1315.jpg)

Marines in the air. Hooah!

3e1356  No.3327073

File: d25c59d730702e5⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 358x364, 179:182, 2iwrfb.jpg)

116cda  No.3327074


Nope. It's the grade of the forgery.

835c26  No.3327075


Stop it. That is an insult to our beloved Flotus.

71337e  No.3327076

File: 65264a73bceaabc⋯.jpg (13.71 KB, 250x250, 1:1, no click.jpg)

d240e6  No.3327077

File: 23d809550a4b927⋯.jpg (50.62 KB, 386x256, 193:128, PATRIOTS ARE COMING FOR Y….jpg)

80751a  No.3327078


good meme.

That is why I think Ford is (our) controlled oppo

982fe8  No.3327079

According to Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva US diplomats are involved in the transportation of human blood and pathogens, as diplomatic cargo, for a secret military program.

However, Igor Giorgadze, a former state security minister-turned opposition figure, says he recently obtained a trove of leaked documents which might expose some dark secrets at the facility.

The lab, which was “established on the territory of a … former military base some 17 kilometers from Tbilisi” as part of a US-funded project back in 2004, “was never meant to be a medical center and had nothing in common with a hospital,” Giorgadze told RT. It was notably overseen by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a combat support agency of Pentagon which deals with weapons of mass destruction.

Giorgadze points out that the facility has been the subject of rumors, and seemingly linked to mysterious incidents from the very beginning. Located in a Georgian village, it opened in 2011.


ac4306  No.3327080


The bear will leave it's cave

0e3e1b  No.3327081

File: 67e94dba0d285cc⋯.jpg (97.78 KB, 646x338, 323:169, begone.JPG)

1f0514  No.3327082


wait until the angels come

then they are really fucked

4f22f7  No.3327083


Go ply your ignorance somewhere else.

0350b3  No.3327085

File: 2deb567331bf30f⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 341x376, 341:376, 2deb567331bf30ff487c0283fe….gif)

Chinese spy chips said to be found in hardware used by APPLE, AMAZON


7171dd  No.3327086

Gud morning anons!

28e359  No.3327087

File: 1ffcaf8e2dad250⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 480x452, 120:113, 2jc1b3~2.jpg)



>>••••√ Chill out.

2c8375  No.3327088

File: d53121b3159c06c⋯.jpeg (60.52 KB, 835x621, 835:621, Bio weapon.jpeg)

File: 8789e53bd78a5ae⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, thermobaric_bombs.jpg)


Oh this is going to make thing a lot worst!

7171dd  No.3327089

8f05bf  No.3327090

File: 01c93a40c9fe1af⋯.png (518.47 KB, 1018x777, 1018:777, bnh.png)

982fe8  No.3327091



9de781  No.3327092


A few hundred Dutch citizens were blown out of the air by a Russian rocket. Just saying.

9808f8  No.3327093

from #4213 notables

>>3325586 GMO BACTERIA

There has been GMO bacteria since at least the 1980s

>In 1978, the first recombinant DNA human insulin was prepared by David Goeddel and his colleagues (of Genentech) by utilizing and combining the insulin A- and B- chains expressed in Escherichia coli. Thereafter, Genentech and Lilly signed an agreement to commercialize rDNA insulin. In 1982, the first insulin utilizing rDNA technology, Humulin® R (rapid) and N (NPH, intermediate-acting), were marketed.


Humulin™ is made from GMO bacteria

I personally think the E. Coli bacteria has gotten loose from the lab and has infected a majority of Americans and is the cause of most type II diabetes.

404125  No.3327095

File: ccc133372070e4a⋯.png (79.7 KB, 578x351, 578:351, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)


a64c4b  No.3327096

File: 1220e1ecd917971⋯.png (3.21 MB, 2817x2657, 2817:2657, debraKatz2.png)

4c61b1  No.3327097


Cheers anon. Israel may be 'last' because it's a very delicate issue, obviously connected to America (for both good and bad reasons), and other issues might need to be addressed to have the necessary framework in place to focus on it.

I have to rely on the faith that most people want better lives for themselves and their family. The cabal was thousands of years in the making, and for that reason (and as you keenly pointed out), it's most likely a game of long-ball. I would be shocked if it was mission accomplished even were President Trump to serve two terms…but one can always hope, for G-d has a say in the matter too. Shit, when you understand that, the problem could easily be solved in six days, leaving a seventh to rest and rejoice at our return to humanity.

2a49bf  No.3327098

What happened to ebot? One too many homotus memes?

001993  No.3327099

File: 4adb9966199d185⋯.jpg (37.24 KB, 636x382, 318:191, Huma.jpg)

I really hope that we get to see justice on these three. They do not seem very concerned and Huma is actually trolling.

d240e6  No.3327100

File: 391d543f1d5acf3⋯.jpg (504.33 KB, 1499x1161, 1499:1161, LIGHTNING DONE RIGHT.jpg)


Already here ;-)

7e4bac  No.3327101

File: 7db0d04f781e908⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 480x360, 4:3, CBF Advert 2.jpg)

I felt it needed a little something extra.

05fc0e  No.3327102


I really think we should hold our "allies" responsible if any of them were involved in a plot like this. Either have them replaced or jailed or something. Isn't this type of thing an act of war?

7171dd  No.3327103

File: 6b455d5ced2a5d1⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Soft leaks already starting to trickle out?


Senate gets Kavanaugh file ahead of showdown vote; no evidence found to corroborate claims


2ecab1  No.3327104


not cool

fe19f7  No.3327105

File: 2d5a284a457c348⋯.jpg (114.19 KB, 813x418, 813:418, picture-5.jpg)

c0c0cb  No.3327107


You just opened my eyes.

Greetings to Israel from Germany


1f0514  No.3327108


huma talked

thats why shes smiling

the other 2

not so much

7171dd  No.3327109



Ford's lawyers slam FBI investigation after McConnell signals Kavanaugh vote later this week


38118e  No.3327110

File: 1ebff6026de6e7c⋯.png (950.01 KB, 2148x1691, 2148:1691, Q-Clock Oct04 DECLAS.png)

Following up on: >>3317675 ([[RR]] @ WH)

On the Q-Clock

[D-1][E-2][C-3][L-4][A-5][S-6] DAY





No Redactions

Set the Stage

Buckle Up


It's Happening

A Week to Remember

(Q (you magnificent bastard ;) ) tricked us into thinking it was yesterday by posting on September 3rd, but posted an embed of that post on the 4th, pointing at today.)

c5c2c1  No.3327111


Hahaha, who's surprised? I am proud not to own one single item that could have such thing on board. As a principle really.

But then I'm an autist.

A Kavanautist haha.



for meme!

1fc50c  No.3327112

DOJ press conference starts in about an hour. Dpes anyone know what time Sessions is supposed to have the documents turned over to Goodlatte?

2664f8  No.3327113

File: 35e06a55c558b9e⋯.png (43.14 KB, 422x324, 211:162, ClipboardImage.png)

A U.S. district judge in San Francisco has dealt a blow to the Trump administration’s decision to rescind temporary protected status for hundreds of thousands of immigrants.

The ruling late Wednesday afternoon will relieve immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan from the threat of deportation.

It came in response to a class-action lawsuit alleging that government officials approached their decisions about TPS with a political agenda, ignored facts and were motivated by racism. Administration officials deny those allegations, saying the program was never intended to provide a long-term reprieve.

Judge Edward Chen wrote that without court intervention, TPS beneficiaries, many of whom have built lives of more than a decade in this country, would be subject to removal.

“Absent injunctive relief, TPS beneficiaries and their children indisputably will suffer irreparable harm and great hardship,” Chen wrote. “Many have U.S.-born children; those may be faced with the Hobson’s choice of bringing their children with them (and tearing them away from the only country and community they have known) or splitting their families apart.”

Chen said the government had failed to prove that any harm would come from maintaining the status quo.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network and the law firm of Sidley Austin LLP filed the lawsuit in March. It sought to stop the termination of TPS protections for immigrants from El Salvador, Sudan, Nicaragua and Haiti, who make up the majority of the more than 300,000 total beneficiaries. Nearly 200,000 recipients alone are from El Salvador.

Ramos v. Nielsen was filed in the Northern District of California.

At a Sept. 25 hearing, lawyers asked the judge to temporarily block the terminations so that residents of the affected countries won’t be deported while the case plays out in court. More than 1,000 Sudanese immigrants would have been at risk of deportation if the first scheduled TPS termination took place Nov. 2.

TPS is a form of humanitarian relief granted to countries devastated by natural disasters or war that allows beneficiaries to work legally while they remain in the U.S. Created in 1990, the program applies to people from 10 countries. But the Trump administration has announced the termination of TPS for 98% of those who have it, many of whom have lived in the U.S. for decades. After the lawsuit was filed, Trump also cancelled TPS for Honduras and Nepal.

Sean Commons, a partner with Sidley Austin LLP, said the decision prevents the separation of hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizen children from their parents.

“Judge Chen’s decision reaffirms the importance of our judicial system and the checks and balances in place to hold our government accountable,” he said.


666cb0  No.3327114

File: 60c44dba0b0698f⋯.png (951.24 KB, 1038x758, 519:379, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

File: e97de0ca1a20bcf⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1216x1352, 152:169, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

Andrea Mitchell wants FBI to investigate Kavanaugh being rude to Democrats…. right Andrea…. and at the same time I think they should investigate your former Fed Chairman husband who is 20 years older than you…. and your marriage performed by Ruth Bader Ginsberg - what a sham.

https:// truepundit.com/watch-andrea-mitchell-wants-fbi-to-investigate-kavanaugh-being-rude-to-democrats/

https:// www.nytimes.com/1997/04/06/style/alan-greenspan-andrea-mitchell.html

846045  No.3327115

File: f7427082f53f617⋯.png (77.4 KB, 825x579, 275:193, gg.png)


ed9b67  No.3327116


I don't think Ford really wants to be questioned by the FBI. After all, lying to the FBI is a crime!

49aa92  No.3327117


Yeah, Huma. I've got te grudge thing going for her… I should talk to muh therapist - CBF.

7e4bac  No.3327118

File: 8016e0af7714682⋯.jpg (430.86 KB, 1867x735, 1867:735, 01 00301 4 Oct 18 1320.jpg)

Army flight Tail No. 01-00301 in the air. This plane is one that has used the AZAZ0909 call sign in the past.

2e8440  No.3327119

File: ab1c7ce7dcd4dcb⋯.jpeg (206.39 KB, 1100x843, 1100:843, C5AC9060-CEC8-4A7E-B4F6-1….jpeg)

d4fdd7  No.3327120

File: ccadf186273a56f⋯.png (90.26 KB, 1409x1188, 1409:1188, 43804659478324689138921794….png)

7171dd  No.3327121


They already have her's and Kavanaugh's testimonies.

fc750a  No.3327122


I've argued this same scenario here and I think only one other Anon saw it heading this way. The Red wave is going to come from the pushback of what should have been a slam dunk SC confirmation that was stolen from us. POTUS won the election for two reasons, people genuinely believe in him AND they could not wait to go out and revenge vote against the establishment. The establishment his going to get away with slandering a good man that people like and we are going to be absolutely LIVID about this travesty.

FBI exonerates, Blasey perjures but nothing happens to her, they obstruct the vote with all kinds of bullshit, Jackson Lee doxxes from her office, the left is calling for some big demonstrations today, I wouldn't be surprised to find out some of them refuse to vote Saturday unless "X" condition is met. The left is totally unhinged, and at the end of this Kav gets a NO vote.

WTFFFFF! People will be salivating to vote these motherfuckers out of office, FBI got the digs on the Foster murder, and Kav gets to retire safely away never to be in a public role again.

IMO the NO VOTE on Kav is part of the plan and is a brilliant one. BTW, I believe he was in on it, it was a worked deal. Thanks for your service brett.

e2699a  No.3327123


So is lying to Congress.

2c8375  No.3327124

File: 34cea44aa07b59d⋯.jpg (292.53 KB, 640x478, 320:239, Your move.jpg)


Of course it is!

IF the Q team think they can clean this mess up by hiding the most "Sensitive" information. And not holding the perp accountable they are wasting all our time! All that is going to do is postpone the inevitable. They will be back in 10 years and we will not be able to counter them this time. Either we do this right now and face the "temporary" hard time or Our children and grand-Children will either become Slaves or dead.

47a8dc  No.3327125

File: bf3d244b57f3dc4⋯.png (156.26 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 92EE7795-268A-4E89-AE99-05….png)

Marina Abramovic? WTF! Holy shit!

2802c6  No.3327126

File: 8c7b9b021c0a04d⋯.jpg (196.48 KB, 1311x1629, 437:543, _20181004_082010.JPG)

File: 67f3a008bf6952e⋯.jpg (199.68 KB, 1959x896, 1959:896, _20181004_082044.JPG)

d240e6  No.3327127

835c26  No.3327129


12:00 pm

df5d02  No.3327130


hill and bill body doubles,

huma is being made to wear that sweater

my opinions.

b894bf  No.3327131

File: 3ed2f04b4198628⋯.mp4 (8.32 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Adolf Hitler The Man Behin….mp4)

ed9b67  No.3327132

File: 8e2d3c0dd8c5769⋯.jpg (99.88 KB, 500x756, 125:189, 2jd5xr.jpg)

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, pepe_quad_laugh.jpg)

5606d5  No.3327134


>Sidley Austin LLP

Sidley Austin





Yes I am taking Sidley Austin very very seriously right now

Everyone should take the almighty fucking Sidley Austin law firm super fucking seriously


a4e55b  No.3327135


What is "Do the L?"

a64c4b  No.3327136


She looks like a grandaddy longlegs spider walking.

9c1fcb  No.3327137


Any chance that lab was C_A funded?

a472ce  No.3327138


California's state government continues to go rogue on us… lovely. Really hope all the counties outside the SF/LA/SD bubble vote like their futures depend on it to get these traitorous tools out. It'll make the post-miderms arrests all the easier.

2e8440  No.3327139

File: 17a5d6a987ab444⋯.jpeg (109.29 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, A8E351D3-BA06-4CDD-9EB9-D….jpeg)

60ac83  No.3327140



ed9b67  No.3327141


Of course they do, but I don't think Ford would actually go before the FBI anyway because she's been caught in numerous lies already.

d7f0f2  No.3327142

File: 30189b12cf64d1e⋯.jpg (29.79 KB, 271x305, 271:305, redcross.jpg)


Yes it is.

That's why "Q" has several times posted vids of the power of our military.

I believe the Intelligence Power NSA, is even more important than the "brass and tacks" military hardware and patriots.

Without the Intel you're fucked and blind.

Notice the RED CROSS on these kNIGHTS.

Symbols are their downfall.

They can't help but display them.

c5c2c1  No.3327143


no children, is often the case with brutal rulers.

Macron, Merkel and probably others who are in the process of giving their fellowmens countries away to the barbarians. Trend or sheer coinkydink?

d240e6  No.3327144

File: 1a1b32ea4f8452b⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 484x234, 242:117, feinstein is traitor..jpg)

180f92  No.3327145

File: 851ca1e98f288cd⋯.png (63.25 KB, 622x359, 622:359, ClipboardImage.png)


c65fbf  No.3327146



Then it is on you to help separate 'the bad Jews' from the good ones. The primary defense is for 'the bad Jews' to scream ANTI-SEMITE at anyone pointing out the very bad behavior of the very bad Jews. You, and other not-the-bad-Jews have an obligation to loudly denounce the bad Jews actions, and their misuse of the antisemite defense. You have immunity. You need to use it. Or else you are, and reinforce, the 'not the particularly bad Jew, but not the good Jew, and protects the bad Jew because he is a Jew' Jew.

If the Jewish people are to survive in the west, the gentile west needs to see significant help from the good Jews defeating the quite evil machinations of the significant numbers of bad Jews.

We see lots of really bad Jews, and lots of not-bad, but standing loyally by the bad Jews, and the 'forcefully denounce the bad Jews' Jews are rare as hens' teeth. Step up. It is really important.

71337e  No.3327147


Albeit a very badly uncoordinated one, especially when attempting to curtsy.

5606d5  No.3327148


Britanons please explain why Theresa May is so painfully nerdy

It hurts just to watch her move anywhere



Making her stop dancing, please

Lord have mercy

2e8440  No.3327149

File: 316eb1247f03a68⋯.jpeg (363.6 KB, 1280x849, 1280:849, A5384BE2-D70D-4BFF-8ABE-5….jpeg)

28e359  No.3327150

File: 186c559cdd63ace⋯.jpg (89.43 KB, 480x665, 96:133, 2jb7ux~2.jpg)


>>>>>••••••√°°™ Very cool I love it.

4aaa3e  No.3327151

Barbara Streisand: Trump has never owned a dog.

Anons: He owned Hillary

ed9b67  No.3327152


I wish they'd charge her with perjury already. An example needs to be made of these false accusers to make it harder for the left to pay future false accusers.

056890  No.3327153

Is it george webb or jason goodman who talk about georgia lab usa virus last week ?

7171dd  No.3327154



Let her. She would be doubling down, after all lying to congress has the same penalties.

So double it up! KEK!

2e8440  No.3327155

File: 062267907efc44d⋯.jpeg (117.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, A340EFE4-8FF3-4A4B-A4BF-B….jpeg)

0e3e1b  No.3327156

File: c8cc9a6e6ab038a⋯.jpg (106.7 KB, 719x530, 719:530, 9o3093ir93om.JPG)

File: 92dfcb6fec2678e⋯.jpg (50.59 KB, 626x585, 626:585, doitQ.JPG)

File: 8278ab5458b62d1⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 975x570, 65:38, doitq009.JPG)

File: 4ba995501d79ce7⋯.jpg (113.83 KB, 805x595, 23:17, doitq013.JPG)

08de4d  No.3327157

File: 0c24185ff034b87⋯.jpg (117.32 KB, 448x227, 448:227, 1538655885408.jpg)


>You just opened my eyes.


There's more, but that's a start

d7f0f2  No.3327158


Maybe they are kinky and the "marriage" is a mis-direction?

8350ce  No.3327159

File: e2085061f836cfe⋯.jpg (67.26 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Meme Creator_1538656038793.jpg)

116cda  No.3327160


According to Urban-Dictionary:

>Spread L-OVE

Not sure i believe that in this context.


7f2eb7  No.3327161

File: 6dcc00ccc979e91⋯.png (67.69 KB, 1248x710, 624:355, JXsOCfG.png)


do not pay attention to those zionists

f09ee3  No.3327162

File: ff30493b9edbbc7⋯.jpeg (45.55 KB, 640x360, 16:9, qhivemindM0JzLFVlA6Tr8bA.jpeg)

Missed a few breads anons.

Any rallys or anything coming up live today/tonight? (04).

Seen the latest.

Feels good to be back.

a2d189  No.3327163


Babs barking like a demented dog.

180f92  No.3327164

From POTUS tweet

Most importantly, this great life cannot be ruined by mean & despicable Democrats and totally uncorroborated allegations!

846045  No.3327165

File: 130aed7de9d60b3⋯.png (58.75 KB, 612x277, 612:277, 1538654824074.png)

b20ed3  No.3327166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We need someone on SCOTUS to help return us to the rule of law. None of the people on the court and I doubt any on POTUS' list have been criminal defense attorneys.

We need the 4A back and other rights restored.

I respectfully submit that we lobby POTUS to nominate Prof. James Duane who is a professor at Regent University School of Law.

He's the guy who does the series "Don't talk to the police." and "You have the right to remain innocent." I've read his books.

Scalia screwed up in Salinas v. Texas and this killed our 5A rights.

2e8440  No.3327167

File: 1c77619c29a38bf⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 1600x948, 400:237, 4AF12573-093F-4C64-AB99-33….gif)

7171dd  No.3327168

File: 2d9dd3c53ff60b0⋯.png (26.45 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

CA going broke trying to brake POTUS! KEK!


California efforts vs. Trump costing state taxpayers millions: report


744f13  No.3327169


do the anons know who the Q is in hillarys emails? from 2011

49aa92  No.3327170


These f_ing people are full-on Evil and Nuts. WTF, over?!?

e8e898  No.3327171

Morning Anons,

Woke up thinking the date on which the "grab them by the pussy" tape was released two years ago might be an interdasting date to unleash something crippling on the Dems/Media. Anyone remember what that date was?

05fc0e  No.3327172


When Q says a new world, a new future and paints a grand picture for the future of the United States I kind of take it as Q saying they are going to do exactly that. It's going to be a "great awakening." A social/political cataclysm. A lot of people will go to jail, old institutions will die, new ones will be created and the Human race will finally be free of its' shackles. Exciting times anon.

c5c2c1  No.3327173


under the hood's a black hole.

makes for single digit iq

dd2de0  No.3327174

File: 847170a35337638⋯.png (240.42 KB, 1112x836, 278:209, ClipboardImage.png)

80751a  No.3327175


Kavanaugh's crying was more realistic.

I believe him over dry-eyed Ford.

c73bf9  No.3327176


Because it's a dude

ab9f57  No.3327177

Morning anons…


Why? Mainly because she works for Stanford not UCal…

4c61b1  No.3327178


Cheers anon. And I'll take the words of advice to heart. They sound solid and helpful. Thanks too, for wishing me the best with my medical needs. We're I a wealthy man I would move to a place with less draconian legislation and a more enlightened view towards what should, in my opinion, be treated as a medical issue…not a criminal one.

Yes, the post you refer to was mine. Written half-asleep and while a bit angry. Not an optimal time to write. Like this, it was also drafted letter by letter on an old tablet, which not only makes proofreading difficult, it more often than not changes my words altogether. It was a crude post but my overall message of there being different motivations behind those who leave JQ comments, was on point. I'm also confused why there's still so much in 'general' as dedicated threads have been created.

Again, I'll read his posts more carefully and take your other advice to heart, and consider later. Be well anon. I have no doubt were we to meet I would gladly hand you the key to my house should you ask for it.

05fc0e  No.3327179


>so small her IQ is only theoretical

d240e6  No.3327180

File: c83e304974804b3⋯.jpg (73.47 KB, 550x366, 275:183, OPEN THE FISA.jpg)

File: 9e256c05be44abe⋯.jpg (50.84 KB, 347x472, 347:472, ppl with secret.jpg)

ab9f57  No.3327181

Anons…needs some help…meeting with a pretty big political figure (state) today. I want to red pill him. He is a rep and is somewhat open minded. Any suggests that have worked well for lawyer/politician type folks would be welcome…

a89c0a  No.3327182

File: 29f0a98cde01d91⋯.png (600.74 KB, 4167x3308, 4167:3308, James Baker.png)

Another great Q Proof re: James Baker

7 AM proof-making before work, this is great!

==BO== please add to "Q Proofs" Thread in catalogue.

80751a  No.3327183

File: e878309f6aa0052⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 620x413, 620:413, weeklyPills1.jpg)

File: ffc850869e0ea99⋯.jpg (96.9 KB, 500x719, 500:719, weeklyPills.jpg)


cool. I'll just keep being patient.

39c5df  No.3327184

So Q posts about the mad hatter email then WL post the same email to hrc a few hours later. What does that mean?

1. Q is letting WL know they know and hear everything they're doing.

2. Q now is in full control of WL.

7e4bac  No.3327185

File: cab7f09a9e8e062⋯.jpg (291.89 KB, 1802x646, 53:19, Blackhawk Madison 4 Oct 18….jpg)

UH-60 Blackhawk leaving Dane County Regional, Madison.

ef7b3b  No.3327186


Nigel Farage in drag.

There. I said it.

d7f0f2  No.3327187

File: afdda036ec8bc4b⋯.jpg (30.57 KB, 500x605, 100:121, rentafamily.jpg)


Certainly in the case of Greenspan.

He was part of the U. of Chicago clique of gay Neo-cons. Very unlikely that he is heterosexual.

"Obamas" had to import their "children" from supporters in Chicago.

977f02  No.3327188

File: 67fe4158a5c8286⋯.png (821.17 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1D36ED37-75F6-4C63-9015-BA….png)

File: 00e67a7ba6ba9de⋯.png (682.26 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, BA6174D9-43CC-4E50-89B0-7F….png)

This absolute cock knobber Krassenstein

056890  No.3327189


i know, or maybe it was here about moving virus from that place to usa, trying to do a new viri weapons…

9808f8  No.3327190


>So is lying to Congress.

how many people have gone to jail over lying to Congress versus people who have gone to jail by lying to the F_I

2ecab1  No.3327191


that is fucking TREASON.

Arrest them all.

Judges, politicians, illegal immigrants

Send in the military and arrest them all.

951694  No.3327192


Scarborough should be

"At least I didn't rape her."

7171dd  No.3327193

File: d528bd71631969b⋯.png (24.4 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Check your chips!


Chinese spying microchips found in Apple, Amazon computers: report


60ac83  No.3327194


El Salvador = MS13

835c26  No.3327195


Muammar al-Qaddafi

1316b0  No.3327196

Researching into TV shows in America, (yeah I do some weird research shit), I came across the entry for 'As the World Turns'.

Knowing that Q has mentioned that phrase many times, I read the Wikipedia entry for it. Here is a section of what it said:

"As the World Turns was the creation of Irna Phillips, who beginning in the 1930s, had been one of the foremost creators and writers of radio soap operas. As a writer, Phillips favored character development and psychological realism over melodrama,[7] and her previous creations (which included Guiding Light) were especially notable for placing professionals – doctors, lawyers, and clergy – at the center of their storylines. Phillips wrote: "As the world turns, we know the bleakness of winter, the promise of spring, the fullness of summer, and the harvest of autumn—the cycle of life is complete. "[8]

And so it was with As the World Turns, with its slow-moving psychological character studies of families headed by legal and medical professionals. The personal and professional lives of doctors and lawyers remained central to As the World Turns throughout its run, and eventually became standard fare on many soap operas. Whereas the 15-minute radio soaps often focused on one central, heroic character (for example, Dr. Jim Brent in Phillips' Road of Life), the expanded 30-minute format of As the World Turns enabled Phillips to introduce a handful of professionals within the framework of a family saga.

Phillips' style favored gradual evolution over radical change. Slow, conversational, and emotionally intense, the show moved at the pace of life itself – and sometimes even more slowly than that. Each new addition to the cast was done in a gradual manner, and was usually a key contact to one of the members of the Hughes family. As such, the show earned a reputation as being quite conservative, though the show did showcase a gay male character in 1988.[9][10] During the show's early decades, the content-related policies of its sponsor Procter & Gamble Productions may have contributed to the perception of conservatism. The soap-manufacturing giant typically balked at storylines in which adultery and other immoral behavior went unpunished, and as late as the 1980s, characters from the primary families were still generally not allowed to go through with abortions."

Emphasis added - bold and italics.

[sauce" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_the_World_Turns]

So it seems that what Q has been trying to say is that the events will unfold slowly over time, with elements added gradually over time (so we can fully absorb them??), though events have been building up and are now fast-paced, like an excellent thriller. Interesting analogy if true.

fe19f7  No.3327197

28e359  No.3327198

File: 3667f82b7382097⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 480x563, 480:563, 2ja3l3~2.jpg)

654083  No.3327199

File: c5a37595baaec54⋯.jpg (191.12 KB, 931x623, 133:89, frankenstein.jpg)


digging on frankenstein, she's had her hands in cookie jars for a long time. seems she was surrounded by a couple political deaths as well.

here is something about her ex and gov property.

8350ce  No.3327200


Deep state took control of wikileaks so Q is letting them know that he knows everything and is in control.

f1daa4  No.3327201


Catch22, if we knew the truth shit would be burning.

We will have to reset, Trump is setting the stage no matter what he does he cannot control what happens after him.

86c743  No.3327202

File: beb71c20e1cc935⋯.png (151.6 KB, 500x636, 125:159, 4138EB62-F50D-41EB-A525-7D….png)



Nice trips too

7874e9  No.3327203

File: 3516070bf75055f⋯.jpg (49.53 KB, 306x426, 51:71, marina santos.jpg)


WRONG again.

Marina Santos

are you new

lurk moar

744f13  No.3327204

File: a1f220c3886f5b2⋯.jpg (52 KB, 500x406, 250:203, fgfbfsdf45ty43t5t5ev (3).jpg)

c62bc4  No.3327205


They gonna need more fires

982fe8  No.3327206



df5d02  No.3327207


what what what?

8012c1  No.3327209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jews are terrorist, in general… ALL Semites should be banned from western nations. Period.


7171dd  No.3327210

File: 5dd732b783263fd⋯.png (27.05 KB, 156x88, 39:22, ClipboardImage.png)

Everybody getting in on the band wagon!


Connie Chung claims she was sexually assaulted in letter to Kavanaugh accuser


7dcf75  No.3327211

Jimmy Saville's brother???


7874e9  No.3327212




a5b1bd  No.3327213


not what you think

846045  No.3327214

File: edbe158393bb3fd⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 749x421, 749:421, 1538615103199.jpg)

File: ef3d41dd5641643⋯.png (206.14 KB, 762x870, 127:145, sessions.png)

File: 8ce27809d672fbd⋯.png (69.66 KB, 766x399, 766:399, untitled_261_orig.png)




2ecab1  No.3327215


where the hell are you for it to be 2:13 pm

d7f0f2  No.3327216

File: 59c8e76cacbabe1⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 269x202, 269:202, psychoimposter.gif)


It's a distraction.

May is not a bad dancer.

There are many worse dancers.

Just check out HRC and the Macarena.

May wore a pedo mediallion on her first visit to Trump's White House.

She doesn't dance like a spaz.

Amazing how group think works.

All "white folks" danced like that before 1960 - or worse.

982fe8  No.3327217



c62bc4  No.3327219


Saudi Arabia



4c61b1  No.3327220


Well said anon…as it applies to my post and the JQanon. As I've often said, I encourage any and all accurate information, however hurtful it might be to me to read.

I too am confused though why the need to post as often as he does, almost every bread (at least every shift), allthewhile BO has created multiple dedicated threads on the JQ topic where he can post to his heart's content, and those interested can interact with him. After so much repitition it feels, to me at least, a bit disingenuous.

ed9b67  No.3327221

File: b3093c9aa76e660⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 696x412, 174:103, Winning!.jpg)

1f0514  No.3327222


so if they got the dems to pass this

the dems must think saudis are going to take the fall for 911

and theyll get off scott free

i dunno about that

1fc50c  No.3327223


anon, why are you saying RR press conference? I am expecting Sessions

47a8dc  No.3327224


No. I just discovered these emails in the new dump

a64c4b  No.3327226


Shill much?

835c26  No.3327227


I don't have personal experience, but offer a bit of advice. Arm yourself with verifiable facts on an issue that you're familiar with.

d240e6  No.3327228

File: 4604d27f2da99f4⋯.jpg (399.46 KB, 802x939, 802:939, MOAR Military lawyers.jpg)

8012c1  No.3327229


"Pledged"… More like we have been extorted and robbed by Jewish criminal-perverts.

a4e55b  No.3327230


That actually sounds pretty reasonable. All I could come up with was Listorine, which I think Huma would have also responded with a resounding "YES".

e2699a  No.3327231


Rosenstein announced a press conf at 9:30 EDT. Sessions is under oath at 12:00 EDT. Big day!

47a8dc  No.3327232


No sir. I was just kidding lmao. Relax moar

846045  No.3327233


Rosenstein is holding a press conference at 9:30 AM EST. See the first pic

b0e98a  No.3327234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All you need to know about the largest charity fraud ever attempted in the history of the world.

The Clinton Foundation in all its grotesque glory….


2ecab1  No.3327236



what country?

fc750a  No.3327237


Also consider this, as long as the Federal Reserve is active we won't be able to "take down" the Cabal. IMO Q is somewhat silent on them because they will be replaced soon, probably during the "10 days of darkness". Once they are out, we have free reign to do finishh the job. Leave them intact and we will suffer the consequences for a 1000 years. They will NEVER let us get another chance like this again, EVER.

8012c1  No.3327238


Fucking loxist pieces of shit… These rats deserve to be thrown in ovens.

1fc50c  No.3327239

>>3327233 I don't see Rosenstein on it. I don't see anyone on it

846045  No.3327241



>The Department of Justice led by Rod Rosenstein will hold a press conference on Thursday morning at 9:30 AM Eastern.

2ecab1  No.3327242


you underestimate our President

846045  No.3327243


see: >>3327241

Its more than Rosenstein i believe, but Rosenstein is leading the conference?

c62bc4  No.3327244


Is [RR] trying to get ahead of ]SESSIONS[ testimony this morning?

80751a  No.3327245


Thank Q for the shill alert!

Shill police out today, thank Goodness!

4697aa  No.3327246


Most white cats I know don't dance. They playin the music.

1f0514  No.3327247


no i dont if i was them id be very worried

987207  No.3327248


I was taught in public grade skewl in the 60s that the Nazis were nationalistic ergo nationalism == antisemitism. Pretzel logic.

7874e9  No.3327249


9:30 doj presser


68a8bf  No.3327250



graveyard baker o7

a007b3  No.3327251

File: e1441d00dd06bba⋯.jpg (329.08 KB, 800x786, 400:393, BigBlack.jpg)

>>3326555 (lb)

b264e9  No.3327254

File: 95c68386fea06ea⋯.jpg (27.93 KB, 255x235, 51:47, PLBest.jpg)



Morning Bakers. Hope both of you have a great day!!

Off to an early ortho appt for ChildAnon then off to workag.

Godspeed Bakers & Thank you both for your service!!

fe19f7  No.3327255

File: b5dcb7e08be14ad⋯.jpg (245.68 KB, 610x710, 61:71, stupid-man.jpg)

1fc50c  No.3327256


I took that as sarcasm because Sessions is head of DOJ.

d9472b  No.3327258

File: 9fa912ca441d55f⋯.gif (10.35 KB, 512x302, 256:151, riders.gif)

da17a3  No.3327259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Lies Become True On the Internet - Circular Sourcing

f1daa4  No.3327260


Wait a minute, I got an idea, let's outsource the PCB boards to china for national defense, what could go wrong.

Oh and they think WE are the dumb ones?

05fc0e  No.3327261


I think you're right. Q has frequently mentioned that knowledge is power.

846045  No.3327262


take it as you want, there were tons of threads and posts yesterday about Rosenstein's conference tomorrow (today)

so he will be speaking, just dont know why

2ecab1  No.3327263

File: cfc701784c00ea3⋯.png (731.89 KB, 1014x683, 1014:683, 1538577211.png)


either he's woke or he isn't.

you will know as soon as you meet him.

gain his trust by knowing something about him and compliment him on his work.

and then talk about your experiences and what you've learned w/Q

trust yourself

either he'll listen or he won't…

if not thank him for his time and walk away

but maybe he likes beer…

good luck

let us know how it goes

60a1e2  No.3327264




a57da1  No.3327265

File: 20c9683f8ad9c8c⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DmXe2OmW0AAWQPt.jpg)

7e4bac  No.3327267

File: 473d2d6f1d11376⋯.jpg (102.92 KB, 1189x714, 1189:714, Gitmo 4 Oct 18.jpg)

Only one IBC Airways (Chasqui) flight scheduled to Gitmo today. So far…

01891a  No.3327268


u liddle shillfag

8a4fd0  No.3327269


but it´s not . it cannot be because lots of nations are within semits/jews . even iran ! who defined nationalism=antisemitism in modern schoolbooks ? ? ?

846045  No.3327270


I took the screenshot from /pol/, not my own screenshot

226b16  No.3327271


If K makes it 5 - 4 how will old crusty pegging it making it 7 - 2 ? just curious as I just cant get the math to fir that.

ac4306  No.3327272


If RR then what's the bet he is towing the UK masters line about muh Russia

df5d02  No.3327273

File: bab9a4f6d7950d9⋯.png (285.28 KB, 446x327, 446:327, ClipboardImage.png)

01891a  No.3327274


big political figure and still not woke? what world is he living in?

d240e6  No.3327276

File: ddb53e151e6f07c⋯.jpg (560.59 KB, 1352x1208, 169:151, MEGA.jpg)

File: 9d3d5d31919aa2f⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 299x168, 299:168, SINKING SHIP.jpg)

File: 8343240a72f6425⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 299x168, 299:168, Walkaway.jpg)

I would imagine corrupted people around the world, would be treated with consideration/ compassion for helping… IF… They were willing to give up all information and resign their posts before the midterm.

Think about it corrupted officials etc.

654083  No.3327277

File: d09218aa23cbe58⋯.jpg (230.57 KB, 612x820, 153:205, frankensteinpostofficescam.jpg)

the more i look at her the dirtier she gets


a57da1  No.3327278

List of British Jewish politicians


c7f49c  No.3327279

File: d4b2119016d5a66⋯.jpg (894.67 KB, 1110x1080, 37:36, drg56erfgf6uydfthr7u.jpg)

7874e9  No.3327280


If he is the speaker it is to protect the DOJ cabal, a nothingburger.

We would like to fulfill the request of Congress, but due to National Security (excuse) we can not. Good bye.

88bbd9  No.3327281

this is the sort of thing that anons could really help out with….on jake tapper's twitter acct, rand paul and his wife, b/c of her letter to booker, are being attacked….



bb83de  No.3327282

WOW on fox news, there a wif that they cant say (confidential) that not suppose to be told…wtf, will cnn will run on the wif thing…

a57da1  No.3327283

File: 5f7f0e8a3ff7482⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 722x600, 361:300, download (9).jpg)

679777  No.3327284


Isn’t she the one that Trump rick rolled in the 90’s?

88bbd9  No.3327285


send memes to these attackers on tapper's twat

846045  No.3327286






Some dutch anon on /pol/ claims to know what the press conference is about;

>Dutch minister of Defence Ank Bijleveld held a press conference this morning about an American request for information in August 2018. She said the US will reveal more information in press conference today, regarding complaints against Russia.

>Russian agents of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in April 2018 tried to hack the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, located in The Hague. Four Russian agents were caught in the act.

>Dutch intelligence confiscated the hacking devices of four Russians. One of the devices showed traces of [hacking] activity in Brasil, Switzerland and Malaysia (MH17).

>Video of press conference in The Netherlands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMBdN1n2uBI

5c227c  No.3327287


Anyone decipher this from last night's Q

39c5df  No.3327288

File: 2c92373a41344d2⋯.jpeg (647.3 KB, 1242x1508, 621:754, A87B79BD-E1D1-4CE8-A46D-6….jpeg)

Nothing like a hot cup of Covfefe & a good laugh first thing in the AM. (Note: this is the twitter page for the roundhouse kicking douchenugget)

846045  No.3327289


No idea if this is true or if this is what it will actually be about.

60ac83  No.3327290

Fox and Friends is laying the smackdown on Coons.

God he's such a piece of shit.

11a46f  No.3327291

File: 9a6275a410828d9⋯.png (240.46 KB, 722x405, 722:405, B7DE2B93-26DC-46A0-88B2-B8….png)

File: 877fb26c42bee41⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 2025x2025, 1:1, CFBDBB14-8578-42D6-96A8-8….jpeg)

File: 30c3a2571195ba2⋯.jpeg (82.08 KB, 960x597, 320:199, 9429B0B0-A314-4D48-9397-0….jpeg)

File: be2d8e5920a9c7b⋯.jpeg (758.44 KB, 1242x1205, 1242:1205, 5AC50D40-3C3E-4894-AA62-1….jpeg)

File: 0c83b78ca5b7210⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1242x1998, 23:37, F7F9411C-33D0-41A4-A0F6-1….jpeg)

Judge Janine dropping bombs!!

(((Their))) intent is to cause a paradigm shift where the burden of proof is on the accused.

They are charging the gates of Liberty! Using #METOO women as a battering ram in yet another attempt to strip the rights of the individual-to eliminate due process and install Fascism in the largest and most profitable slave garden.

Think Nazism.

Think Antifa.

Think 9/11.

38118e  No.3327292


Not just China…


fafc9f  No.3327294


Used to live in Madison. NG unit there flies Blackhawks. Nothing notable there.

f96026  No.3327295

File: f1b098db2e5eba4⋯.jpeg (532.35 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, a47f441322fa820d36527c844….jpeg)

Repost: Adrenochrome Vaping

8012c1  No.3327296


>Right ahmed… Right.

Notice how the Jew quickly resorts to racism with racism, as he "stands against it". Save it…

Semites = Jews and Arabs… And neither should be trusted. These people are rotten.

It's like that movie, "Twins"… The world got the goods and is Arnold Schwarzenegger, while the Jews and Arabs got the shit and are Danny DeVito.

They only pretend to dislike each other too… Israel and Saudi Arabia are cousins who give each other hand-jobs. Look into the "Donmeh Jews" of the House Of Saud, like Awaleed Bin Talal. Regardless, these Baal-worshipping, pedophile, faggots have reached the end of their rope.

0d24c9  No.3327297

File: 6e445578480ddb6⋯.jpg (712.7 KB, 1400x1000, 7:5, blumenthadancel.jpg)

File: 773665feda03150⋯.jpg (419.06 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, ifind.jpg)

File: 4cd36d36e970792⋯.jpg (391.4 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, flake.jpg)

88bbd9  No.3327298


F = Feinstein?

5c227c  No.3327299


There a live feed for this?

1316b0  No.3327300


Why does he tweet so fucking early????

bb83de  No.3327301

sen, Chris Coons just says on fox that there was a wif on earlier background check that they cant talk…will it be there new narrative ?

11a46f  No.3327303


I got





As leakers, but could be wrong.

88bbd9  No.3327304


cuz he's ffffing busy saving this country

846045  No.3327305


I assume there will be but havent seen one yet

543268  No.3327306

Basket of deNotables

Still combing late bread, lemme know +/- feelz


>>3327072, >>3327118, >>3327185, >>3327267 AIRKEK: Hooah! Marines, Army, Gitmo

>>3327115 Bioweapons test from lab in Georgia gone wrong?

>>3327053 Anon breaks down Hill article of Q drop pf329

>>3327026 MSM coming to their senses re: #Believe Survivors? Accused should be heard too.

>>3327016, >>3327025 Some FOIA emails re: Q drop pf327

>>3327005, >>3327014, >>3327022, >>3327043, >>3327029, >>3327043 FOIA: Lee Feinstein/Poland

>>3326991 ZH on Peter Schiff: "Muh Precipice!" "Muh Biggest Crisis Evarrr!"

>>3326904 Heil Shitlords! Resisting (((Academia))) w/hoax papers on grievance culture

>>3326837 Surprise! China reportedly infiltrated Apple/others w/‘spy’ chips on servers?

>>3326880 UK: May's Investor Hubbie and his financial conflicts of interest

>>3326878, >>3327054 On Trump's branding of enemies: "never stops fighting back"

Baker Change

>>3326868 Sen Sasse (R-Neb) might be anti-Kav

>>3326827, >>3326921, >>3326963, >>3327016, >>3327025 Nederland: DOJ-NSD/FBI press briefing & diggs re: Russian hacking

>>3326753, >>3326933, >>3327004 Citizen Strong dig; new Dem Opposition Research group

>>3326828, >>3326841

Yes and more yes.


Mornin' man. Ty.

01891a  No.3327307




08ab85  No.3327308



c9b356  No.3327310

File: f73b39dd3219c74⋯.png (77.45 KB, 311x162, 311:162, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d26caa8a4e60aa⋯.png (61.03 KB, 255x151, 255:151, ClipboardImage.png)


Greg Norman thanks Donald Trump.

51d0e0  No.3327311

FORESHADOWING? HRC called for an end to the Electoral College in 2000

Hillary Calls For End To Electoral College

November 10, 2000


Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton began a victory tour of upstate New York Friday by calling for elimination of the Electoral College.

At an airport news conference, the first lady said she would support legislation seeking a constitutional amendment providing for the direct election of the president.

At the moment, Americans are waiting to see who wins Florida's 25 electoral votes and thus becomes the next president. Vice President Al Gore leads Republican George W. Bush in the popular vote nationwide.

"We are a very different country than we were 200 years ago," Clinton said. "I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it's time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president."

The first lady also said that because of the closeness of this year's presidential election, "I hope no one is ever in doubt again about whether their vote counts."

Clinton was accompanied by Green Island Democrat Rep. Michael R. McNulty, who has co-sponsored electoral college legislation introduced by Illinois Republican Rep. Ray LaHood. LaHood has introduced his bill in each of the last two congressional sessions, but aside from a 1997 hearing granted as a favor by House Judiciary Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill., it has not advanced.

McNulty thinks the measure will gain momentum if Gore wins the popular vote but loses the electoral tally.

da17a3  No.3327313



11a46f  No.3327314


[Bromwich] likely had a poison pill buried somewhere from the good ol’ days. Notice how the Ford legal team repeatedly dangled the carrot of Ford’s therapy records?

They will fail.

5c227c  No.3327315


Nailed it.


a472ce  No.3327316


I know we're trying to temper ourselves from vigilante justice, but some people just *need* their teeth knocked out and Krassenfaggot is one of them. Wew, lad.

692cb9  No.3327317

File: e1bc95921ab7a3c⋯.png (766.17 KB, 1776x1776, 1:1, RedOctobersoct3.png)


Updated to Oct. 3

Needs a new graphic. Any Anon with some photoshop skills?


2664f8  No.3327319


Feinstein was born Dianne Emiel Goldman

C(See?) Dianne Emiel [F]einstein?


5c227c  No.3327320

File: f9cbfcb0d680d88⋯.png (103.44 KB, 700x700, 1:1, f9cbfcb0d680d889f408541637….png)


Hive mind.

1bd490  No.3327321


Diane's hubby is Richard Blum

d91f7f  No.3327323

Chinese spy chips are found in hardware used by Apple, Amazon

The attack by Chinese spies reached almost 30 U.S. companies, including Amazon and Apple, by compromising America’s technology supply chain, according to extensive interviews with government and corporate sources.


a535ee  No.3327324


>Greg Norman thanks Donald Trump

Golf's Greatest Choke Artist Luvs Him Some POTUS!

846045  No.3327325


Those are probably Russians with Israeli dual citizenships. Soviet commies.

870d8f  No.3327327

Think RR is going to resign?

d240e6  No.3327328

File: 1f6e9f24436cc43⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 441x255, 147:85, GLARES DONT WORK.jpg)

File: 6cf64d1c255f3ca⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 596x374, 298:187, TREASON.jpg)


>>>3327144 (You)

>Not just China…

I know right Omaba is Muslim brotherhood and Clintons a Nazi …..

Fuck off.

f96026  No.3327330

File: 870ad16d2f2cf8d⋯.gif (998.15 KB, 1056x662, 528:331, 1509355160262.gif)


No way that is HILLDAWG!

982fe8  No.3327331


yep hes pooping himself

50053e  No.3327332

File: 3e77ca9f60ceccc⋯.png (1.13 MB, 646x793, 646:793, ClipboardImage.png)

cf9901  No.3327334

File: 78c5adb66ad4131⋯.jpeg (392.12 KB, 1125x1920, 75:128, F61A182C-B33F-4574-A3B1-6….jpeg)

File: 756b82ad919e3e7⋯.jpeg (439.66 KB, 1124x2243, 1124:2243, AE4120C2-CE5D-4CA5-848C-7….jpeg)

File: 6d7591c95323a26⋯.jpeg (693.95 KB, 1125x1279, 1125:1279, 7F9694F0-C109-49C2-8CB1-6….jpeg)

File: 134018e523132e2⋯.jpeg (448.23 KB, 1125x1271, 1125:1271, C70D5D2F-31F4-42D3-99D7-8….jpeg)

File: 94026bce50e84a6⋯.jpeg (848.58 KB, 1125x2180, 225:436, 6F8A29D9-0EBC-4A54-ABAE-5….jpeg)

If you disagree with activist Judge Edward Chen of the US District Court of Northern California then you can let him know. Activist Judge Chen is an Obama appointee who hates Trump.

Judge blocks DHS from ousting Haitians, Salvadorans, blaming derogatory Trump comments




Calendar Clerk & Courtroom Deputy Angie Meuleman 415-522-2034


Civil Case Docketing & Docket Corrections Sheila Rash 415-522-2099


Criminal Case Docketing

Case terminal digits 0-3: Desirae Kellenbarger 415-522-2076

Case terminal digits 4-6: Lori Murray 415-522-2093

Case terminal digits 7-9: Mark Jenkins 415-522-2042



Email for Proposed Orders: EMCpo@cand.uscourts.gov

Email for PDF Follow-Ups and

and Criminal Docket Corrections:

Sheila_Rash@cand.uscourts.gov (Civil)

CRIMpdf@cand.uscourts.gov (Criminal)

Media Liaison

For all media inquiries: Lynn Fuller



8012c1  No.3327336


>Yes, I'm Jewish.

> I feel I'm honoring the memory of a few Jews who spent their entire lives trying to better this country

Burn in an oven, you filthy kike.

No one gives a shit about your personal story. You are getting any sympathy from this board. And we aren't falling for your subversive-kikery. If you were like us, you would NOT be a Jew. Instead, you wear the fleece of the Q-Anons, but lie with the wolves.


4c61b1  No.3327337


Anon. I couldn't agree with you more. I have been as vocal agains't 'bad Jews' as I can be, and BO has my consent to send you close to a year's worth of posts where I have done just that.

The main problem is I have to real platform to be heard. My biggest impact, I think, is when I'm letting Jews know in person how harmful their bullshit is to both the country and the reputation of Judaism generally.

Most American Jews are progressive liberals, including my family. It is my belief, though they think they are acting righteously, they are absolutely lost, they have become useful idiots and their interpretation of Judaism is as far removed from what Judaic customs and traditions have historically advocated, that the are JINO's, if you will…Jews in name only. To me they are a disgrace, and through their actions are as unAmerican as I can imagine.

There was a book published recently, by a conservative Jew (have it bookmarked somewhere). His main point IS ON POINT. Namely, that lefty American Jews, most of which are democrats, have willingly allowed themselves to be co-opted by the SJW movement, with a sprinkle of radical feminism thrown in for good measure.

In ancient times, back in Egypt, after being freed from bondage they began to worship a golden calf (Oscar?). G-d let it be known that he has no problem with absolutely destroying those who have strayed from the covenant. I'm not even a very religious Jew, as in going to pray and following customs, but I clearly hear G-d's warning. Watch the water indeed. Another flood is coming and it will take with it 95% of American Jewry with it.

This is coming from a Jew, a Jew on 8chan. A Jew who has supported candidate Trump and President Trump from the beginning, and at GREAT PERSONAL COST. That said, I still feel compelled to try, to try to help.

917f36  No.3327338

File: 14baf96f16da931⋯.png (2.85 KB, 114x114, 1:1, touch-icon-iphone-114-smil….png)

File: 381c5b64eceaedb⋯.jpg (70.82 KB, 600x799, 600:799, finger212301530b7a3cb43f2d….jpg)

>>3326555 #4124

I member, you member?


>We are pleased to announce the new AWS Secret Region. The AWS Secret Region can operate workloads up to the Secret U.S. security classification level. The AWS Secret Region is readily available to the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) through the IC’s Commercial Cloud Services (C2S) contract with AWS. The AWS Secret Region also will be available to non-IC U.S. Government customers with appropriate Secret-level network access and their own contract vehicles for use of the AWS Secret Region. These contract vehicles will not be part of the IC’s C2S contract.


>Amazon’s cloud storage unit announced Monday that it is releasing a new service called the Amazon Web Services Secret Region, a cloud storage service designed to handle classified information for U.S. spy agencies.


>The US National Security Agency is “systematically moving” all its data to a cloud-computing service, the chief information officer has said. In 2017 alone the agency tripled collection of data through US telecom companies.

cf9901  No.3327339

File: 09103153405f053⋯.jpeg (15.12 KB, 134x168, 67:84, B7E8D579-10FA-4888-AA9A-8….jpeg)

File: ea3da444128f905⋯.jpeg (772.85 KB, 1122x1406, 561:703, 2E3936A5-9C63-4777-AA4D-7….jpeg)

2ecab1  No.3327340



d4fdd7  No.3327342

File: b314f5800d54232⋯.png (54.22 KB, 1140x903, 380:301, 19278643038976584306986932….png)

bj's in hs made her testify?

9ebfca  No.3327343

That's BS, it won't be made public

01891a  No.3327344


that means he himself is coming out of his own hole..what would that look like? physical inversion?

7640de  No.3327345

File: 21502676ba790af⋯.jpg (128.19 KB, 427x600, 427:600, download.jpg)




d7f0f2  No.3327346

File: 68047c9d66db56e⋯.jpg (228.53 KB, 556x1042, 278:521, debate flowchart.jpg)


I took those for disinfo.

Wishful thinking by the legions of the CAbal

But you never know.

I guess when they are scared they really lie hard?

Announcement didn't say Rosenstein

Rosenstein is only in charge of the limited Russian collusion investigation.

Sessions only recused from that investigation, nothing else.

RR may give a news conference?

But the subpoena is for Session.

1d4cb2  No.3327347

Part 2 of the speech in "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected" will be at a rally this month.

4f22f7  No.3327348

File: 8f4e5b67b5d262a⋯.png (83.94 KB, 462x412, 231:206, Q3.png)


You just watched a man get publicly humiliated in front of his wife, his family & the entire world.

The evidence behind that is falling apart by the day.

After murder & terror, public humilitation (& threat thereof) is arguably the most powerful tool that the SS's use.

Even if K did swear an oath to a SS (don't know if he did or not & we will probably never know), and even if he did abide by that oath in the past, who is standing not only behind him in times of trouble, but rallying millions of people of good faith behind him as well?

Who is there for Judge K when he needs it most?

Understand that it's very difficult to understand the motivations of someone who has lived a life that is so opposite to one's own, especially when it seems that they have been handed everything on a silver platter.

But if you take that thought train to the logical conclusion, many of us should not be behind POTUS at all. Yet here we are, because he has proven that pattern of thought to be a logical fallacy time & time again.

Trust TRUMP. He has access to information that we do not and he has made clear on numerous occasions that he understands that a SC pick is the most important decision a President can make, outside of War & Peace. Something tells me he has not made this decision lightly and without full knowledge of all the information on which you are speculating on.

846045  No.3327349


the gatewaypundit article says it will be the DOJ led by Rosenstein making the conference

1830a8  No.3327350

File: 7132d8e3086cbac⋯.jpg (62.49 KB, 750x400, 15:8, Huma-Abedin-Sexy-Pics.jpg)

File: cfa2a010965b852⋯.jpg (61.22 KB, 750x400, 15:8, 2jd96w.jpg)

File: 55a6ad94c36b11d⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 750x400, 15:8, 2jd98h.jpg)

4c36a1  No.3327351


Goldman? As in Goldman Sachs?

0e3b61  No.3327352

File: 330026bd383f44d⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 245x182, 35:26, IMG_5786.GIF)

1f0514  No.3327353


even if averted they would just blame trump for it

b4c9a3  No.3327354


Best advice…..buy more ammo

fba148  No.3327355

how much more obvious can it get that Q is a fraud

"not what you think"

I think you're a fraud and that if anything is happening it's the democrats trying to use 911 to get you off their back, but of course that wouldn't be in your interest. That's what I think.

f04047  No.3327357

File: 79ae60282d806d3⋯.png (68.74 KB, 990x559, 990:559, Capture.PNG)

>>3325213 (pb)

According to the Bureau of Labor Stats the number of law teachers is 16,900.

An updated op-ed piece from the NY Slimes indicates there's over 1000 of them saying K should not be confirmed.

Even with 1,000 of them, that's still only 5.9%.



7171dd  No.3327358


Adrenochrome vaping?

Wouldn't the heat change the composition of the adrenochrome, thus negating the effect it's actually suppose to have?

11a46f  No.3327359

File: 3f9629a158f98a4⋯.png (94.86 KB, 894x806, 447:403, B65856F1-4469-4282-AD70-BB….png)

File: 1437197318959fd⋯.png (9.95 KB, 421x156, 421:156, D14D3091-89A4-48D1-9840-0A….png)


Yes. Told us last night. Follow the pattern. (Bottom to Top) >>>>Red October.

Read in bottom to top order:

Red October (Oct 1)

Potus alert test (10/3)


Bye bye [RR]

Kavenaugh confirmed (Sat or Sun 10/6 or 10/7)

Bonus: today is 10/4 ( read you) 5:5 (loud and clear)

01891a  No.3327360

File: 88a95f1b73b9784⋯.png (127.1 KB, 168x299, 168:299, ClipboardImage.png)


you looking for me?

870d8f  No.3327361


Trumps gone silent after one tweet, RR trying to resign and play up that POTUS made him do it to get the violence started. Just speculation of course. If he says anything that helps our cause, I'll be surprised.

a535ee  No.3327362


Foreigner deserves more respect

Particularly from women

"It's cold-ass ice - but I'm willing to sacrifice my gloves"

Love songs don't get more gentlemanly than that!

df2370  No.3327363

File: b343343ff39c93f⋯.jpg (37.34 KB, 633x415, 633:415, Q-Jack-Mos-Spin.jpg)

Is this incoming Mos spin?

de52e4  No.3327364


I believe you are absolutely correct

ed74ad  No.3327365


Might want to add "The Republic of Georgia"

on notable

>>3327115 Bioweapons test from lab in Georgia gone wrong?

it's the country not our US State

d91f7f  No.3327366

>>3323704 rt >>3323661

>Not what you think (9/11 disclosure)

Text of bill DOES NOT mention SA.

Only mentions 'certain foreign governments' (plural)


d7f0f2  No.3327367

File: f48ad20fc077483⋯.jpg (111.67 KB, 704x542, 352:271, tomotterness (2).jpg)


Peeps keep replying to the shill.

cf9901  No.3327368


JK voted 93% the time with Merrick Garland. So these 1000 must be happy Garland never got seated. Al these clouded faggots coz they can’t get over the election. This is why I have Trump on everywhere. Melt bitches melt

b4c9a3  No.3327369


Gotta be an oil to vape….a very nasty burning against is used in vape pens.

116cda  No.3327370


Thank you for logically debunking that one.

The entire Adrenochrome thing don't sit right with me. I'm not saying that there is no truth to it.

Just that the vaping thing was stretching it a bit too far.

d19d0a  No.3327371

File: 02fc13ae8e8f62e⋯.jpeg (5.47 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 7d876e65a7b7b744beb2e4014….jpeg)

f96026  No.3327372

File: e5b58cf42c9f8bc⋯.jpg (751.92 KB, 3557x1297, 3557:1297, MNKD.JPG)

File: 6f290744ac2ec2d⋯.jpg (123.88 KB, 2849x283, 2849:283, SaveAlifePatriot.JPG)

Save a life.

fe19f7  No.3327373

File: 4cb0b833940ad3b⋯.jpeg (72.7 KB, 1440x821, 1440:821, 1537129011.jpeg)

b4c9a3  No.3327374


burning “agent”

Fucking autocorrect

21a3a3  No.3327375


They lived relatively peacefully under ottoman empire rule. In fact most palestinians were brought from many corners of the empire as manual labor. Read mark twains comments when visiting israel in the 19s century (before this imner migration started). It was a wasteland with a few towns and villages.

The thing is that the arab population was constantly incited against the newly arriving jews ever since the early 20s century. It was made worse during the british mandate after ww1.

Research Haj amin el husseini the SS general who was also the mufti of jerusalem and the temple mount. He was the main destabilizer until the mid 40s. This conflict was engineered by global interests from the very beginning.

The incited arabs caused murders and riots even in the 30s, way before israel was established. see "the arab revolt".

4c61b1  No.3327376


Thanks anon. Means a lot to hear. I'll make yours my final post, as my dead-end job calls, and it's nice to leave on a good note. Be well.

d7f0f2  No.3327377


hmm. "Gateway Pundit" ?

Definitely not 100%?

We'll see soon, won't we?

03fa62  No.3327378


Read Carefully Andrea

Another said Baker could not answer some questions about

FBI media contacts

, citing an ongoing investigation by the Justice Department inspector general into alleged illegal leaks, during and after the election, about the Trump collusion probe and other matters.

fba148  No.3327379


keep getting high off your own larper farts

b20ed3  No.3327380

Nested on the servers’ motherboards, the testers found a tiny microchip, not much bigger than a grain of rice, that wasn’t part of the boards’ original design. Amazon reported the discovery to U.S. authorities, sending a shudder through the intelligence community. Elemental’s servers could be found in Department of Defense data centers, the CIA’s drone operations, and the onboard networks of Navy warships. And Elemental was just one of hundreds of Supermicro customers.

During the ensuing top-secret probe, which remains open more than three years later, investigators determined that the chips allowed the attackers to create a stealth doorway into any network that included the altered machines. Multiple people familiar with the matter say investigators found that the chips had been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors in China.



120240  No.3327381

File: 73932f551ecc097⋯.jpg (95.22 KB, 450x818, 225:409, 4acd3b2772c6af83657f1f970a….jpg)


it's faggots like you who've made it more difficult to sift through the breads for information. theories are fine, but with no sauce they're a wasted post. you offer nothing other than what you think, while the rest of us deal in actual information. you already know that Q didn't say directly that kav was /ourguy/ so asking for anons to prove something that is easily dismissed by re-reading the crumbs is just a slide. your theory, like many of the countless other theories posted everyday, is impossible to prove with the info we have access to right now. the problem with posts like yours is they provide no evidence or new information. they just encourages newfags to eat up the bread posting whatever fantasy nonsense pops into their heads.

a535ee  No.3327382

File: 4eb3a6461bd4a24⋯.jpg (487.4 KB, 1148x1399, 1148:1399, magnifying-glass.jpg)


Sold separately

be6ac3  No.3327383


Hillary in muslim garb?

846045  No.3327384


yes , we will see soon, theres no reason to argue about whose going to talk and who isn't.

01891a  No.3327385

File: adb00d2bfc34dce⋯.png (230.08 KB, 558x313, 558:313, ClipboardImage.png)

609bcd  No.3327386

File: 65ea3f4bac5fb54⋯.jpeg (516.36 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, D453EB64-D84D-4C9A-953C-C….jpeg)


If you can extract it, you can vape it. I would not put it past them.

835c26  No.3327387


I wasn't really buying it because I couldn't find it on the DOJ site, but it's there now.


982fe8  No.3327388


I think he will help as he was allowed to resign v's sacking and total blame.

11a46f  No.3327389


Yes clouds are the devil. We are more exposed than ever. For workfag, my company uses all MS platforms online. Infiltration emails and attachments are much more prolific now that the machines are 100% vulnerable and all of the data is in the cloud. I want to quit my job every day.

5c227c  No.3327390


Gotta be Prebius?

d7f0f2  No.3327391

File: 45a6edbc3b4fbd4⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 457x470, 457:470, Rosenbergs executed.jpg)


Yes , she's also a Rosenburg, as in Ethel and Julius.

Those two were tried in an ordinary Court and received death penalty.

f96026  No.3327392

File: 0dccfbf190bdc41⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 0dccfbf190bdc41cd6d6246e8f….jpg)


also agree.

47a8dc  No.3327393

File: d853db1470c7d39⋯.png (200.06 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 535BE334-562E-461D-A268-28….png)


The China/Google stand 👍

206f44  No.3327394

Just a reminder, starts at 9:30am EST


c9b356  No.3327395


Can't Fix Stupid.

Brian Stelter

205ffd  No.3327397

Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign.

Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm.

Who just testified behind closed doors according to yesterday?

ed74ad  No.3327398

File: d1a65c46c7e648a⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, proud.jpg)


>its faggots like you who share theories I hate

>pls no moar theories

>goes on to give theory on anons who give theories

incredible anon. the hypocrisy in this post is palpable.

e12b25  No.3327399


and this is how the clowns hack the entire everything.

23adf4  No.3327400

Press conference starts 9:30am


efba88  No.3327401

File: e7f7ed179e05998⋯.jpg (223.84 KB, 1080x815, 216:163, Screenshot_20181004-081136….jpg)


0cb8a0  No.3327402

From Q post 327 on PF:

Follow the pattern.


In case you didnt notice, RR is at the beginning and at the end. Like Book Ends. Not sure relevance but pretty sure that is what Q is pointing out.

bfa744  No.3327403

File: 740dc99e1b69837⋯.jpg (569.38 KB, 1200x798, 200:133, flag-thumbs-2.jpg)

If you've had the pleasure of seeing this image after making a contribution, like I just had for the first time: GOD BLESS YOU! Make it monthly, don't be a jew.

b4e799  No.3327404

CBS executive placed on leave after accusations of sexual language


(Reuters) - CBS Corp has placed television executive Vincent Favale on leave after earlier allegations of using sexual and homophobic language resurfaced, the company said on Wednesday.

The action was taken against Favale, who is a senior vice president of talent for CBS Television Studios, after CNN reported on allegations made by nine unnamed sources on Wednesday.


21a3a3  No.3327405

File: dabf45478e79f85⋯.jpeg (9.73 KB, 255x134, 255:134, 485dfb1c269fba504b6396968….jpeg)

File: 8e1d93de1f33225⋯.png (8.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 18bb35908f4565077e281c9735….png)


>muh racism

And at the same time uses "the jew". Gtfo moron. The word irony was written for you.

Assuming a muslim wrote it is reasonable, given the complete support of the palestianian narative by the poster, with no criticism of it at all. Plus muslim != racism, you pathetic sockpuppet.

08de4d  No.3327406

File: 24f8b7c0cf8a9f9⋯.png (35.66 KB, 620x355, 124:71, 1538625984134.png)

25bb82  No.3327408

FLOTUS speaks for 30 seconds in Malawi on Periscope app


df2370  No.3327409


Well I sure hope it is not Bannon haha

50053e  No.3327410

File: ffc7d2a48177454⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1252x986, 626:493, ClipboardImage.png)

d413ae  No.3327411


In retrospect the Japanese-American internment camps weren't a bad idea.

Looking like it's time for Chinese-American internment camps.

6ad866  No.3327412

File: 1d334be50eb3b90⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1276x684, 319:171, 2018-10-04_09-12-13.png)




116cda  No.3327413


I'm just saying lots of misinfo.

How many times has the HRC video been leaked now?

Get what i'm saying?

I'm not ruling anything out.

69d46f  No.3327414


knock yourself out rosenkike

indict putin

af9a8b  No.3327415




39c5df  No.3327416

File: d5f244f73cc512d⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x1970, 621:985, 579C7FDE-97A8-4DC0-A216-0….jpeg)

85,000 liberals have tweeted about this bullshit! KEK What a bunch of fucking weirdos.

2e8440  No.3327417

File: d130636fb7267cb⋯.jpeg (171.21 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, E1521F3B-0492-4945-800A-0….jpeg)

7171dd  No.3327418


Kiss those Iphones good-bye

03fa62  No.3327419

File: 449f66d53753212⋯.jpg (485.73 KB, 1157x618, 1157:618, _Q-Intel_Inside_.jpg)


>sending a shudder through the intelligence community.

Guess they don't like eating the fucking cake they bake.

05fc0e  No.3327420


This is correct. I trust Trump and his picks.

>…especially when it seems that they have been handed everything on a silver platter.

There was a time in this country when we looked up to the wealthy. We saw it as a symbol of our own opportunity. "Anyone can strike it rich if you work hard in America!"

My parents used to talk about Bill Gates, etc. as a role model for myself. Work hard in school, be good at what you do and maybe you'll be extremely successful too.

Now, wealth (especially if you're a Republican) is seen as a scarlet letter. "You must have done something awful to get that." "You don't need all that money!" "You're taking from other people!"

You don't know how hard that person worked or what they had to go through to achieve their success. I hope one day soon we can get back to traditional American values instead of this incongruent knee-jerk cultural Marxism we're seeing today.

2e8440  No.3327421

File: 3defff0bdb4d0b9⋯.jpeg (216.59 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 3F8D6672-640E-4A1E-B98C-5….jpeg)

711e01  No.3327423

File: 6290d11179b616d⋯.png (405.04 KB, 488x455, 488:455, Posted.png)


K, keep us posted Brian

5c227c  No.3327424


Oh fuck… ha ha ha

MOS is struggling now

6ad866  No.3327425

File: 4853946485300e2⋯.png (611.56 KB, 502x792, 251:396, 2018-10-04_09-09-26.png)

6a09f4  No.3327426


Are we to start believing Pissobiec now?

692cb9  No.3327427

File: 2855ea6ad027218⋯.jpg (77.24 KB, 640x640, 1:1, doaflip.jpg)


For (You) retard.

c62e55  No.3327428


I thought it was the green text = green light

d240e6  No.3327429

File: b505b82953d5472⋯.jpg (60.53 KB, 542x309, 542:309, BRETT IS HONEST..jpg)

287245  No.3327430

these chips aren't chinese. implanted in china? yes. chinese? no.

a91878  No.3327431

File: 1a18cb70d747451⋯.jpg (199.96 KB, 500x1421, 500:1421, 2aa6cd6c9694b3f9399b99112b….jpg)

File: 2c12b1f13ad2b52⋯.png (191.39 KB, 615x582, 205:194, 2c12b1f13ad2b52ebd10958bdc….png)

File: 76495381f54e2cb⋯.jpg (129.3 KB, 609x500, 609:500, 2j7go9.jpg)

File: 9f45e9e4d32634e⋯.jpg (209.18 KB, 769x500, 769:500, 2j8yx7.jpg)

File: f3a1bec69e19908⋯.jpg (99.83 KB, 500x861, 500:861, 2j9a7n.jpg)

d7f0f2  No.3327432



Here we go. It doesn't name "Rosenstein"

01891a  No.3327433


I'm sure she was picturing you.

a57da1  No.3327434

File: 6a7f517ae666b45⋯.png (368.63 KB, 426x529, 426:529, 1538658824029.png)

4f22f7  No.3327435

File: 716ec6d1e9cf004⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 700x523, 700:523, Tom-Otterness-10.jpg)


Nice sculpture. There are times when arguments need to be addressed & rebutted, no matter the source.

Felt that this was one of those times. Your general caution is noted & nodded.

df2370  No.3327436


I am pointing out potential [MOS] spin.

5c227c  No.3327437

File: 6cd32dff4b67f17⋯.png (129.82 KB, 629x405, 629:405, ClipboardImage.png)


How the Chinks did it

f96026  No.3327438


IDK if adrenochrome is used this way, or why it can't be synthecized like other neurochemicals.

But the evidence is they do use it, it have been researched and is connected to know cultist agents.

And then there the good chrome and andreno connection.

No reason it couldn't be vaped. Anons extensive experience suggest if the alkaloids are not damaged vaping would be the most effective means of administration and avoid possible infections related to injection.

835c26  No.3327439


True. I guess we'll find out in about 15 minutes who's leading the presser.

7e4bac  No.3327441

File: 3205b32ee435689⋯.jpg (353.29 KB, 1777x741, 1777:741, 01 00301 4 Oct 18 1415.jpg)

01-00301 flew over Ashville. North Carolina and is now headed for Jacksonville, home to the P-8 Poseidons..

a91878  No.3327442

File: 509b6efb367c7ea⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 210x255, 14:17, 7be80ba1a19ea96c99fd49940d….jpg)

File: b85c0feabcbb1c6⋯.jpg (124.42 KB, 1024x1296, 64:81, 6e7cbb6be7d3d45538cedac3f1….jpg)

File: 37e1e3bb9401c4b⋯.jpg (213.6 KB, 1820x1024, 455:256, 7eeae60e30e9bb52678b275604….jpg)

File: 25fde09bb1543d4⋯.jpg (88.07 KB, 566x459, 566:459, 25fde09bb1543d4b45c7ff7bc2….jpg)

File: 66ff4a31bab73d0⋯.gif (8.65 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 81e88580fa6acbea37e80ef7c5….gif)

7171dd  No.3327443

File: 4bd016c1f52c69d⋯.png (452.06 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Well, we KNOW the WH has read it.


White House receives FBI report on Kavanaugh, 'fully confident' he'll be confirmed


07d746  No.3327445


Just dissolve it in a carrier fluid like propylene glycol and there you go.

d19d0a  No.3327446

File: c00b9aa0ca3ee2c⋯.jpg (354.71 KB, 2197x1463, 2197:1463, c00b9aa0ca3ee2c95b33adb115….jpg)

39c5df  No.3327447

Q's coming for you

Saving Israel for last, kek

Saving Israel for last, kek

Saving Israel for last, kek

Saving Israel for last, kek

7a3045  No.3327448

File: 59857c2b97cef5d⋯.png (299.28 KB, 501x262, 501:262, Capture.PNG)

Estonian Central Bank Exposed As $1 Trillion Money-Laundering Nexus

According to data provided to Bloomberg by the Estonian central bank in Tallinn, Estonian banks handled about 900 billion euros, or $1.04 trillion, in cross-border transactions - a figure that includes the highly suspect non-resident flows - between 2008 and 2015. The central bank added that it wouldn't be fair to say that all - or even the majority - of these non-resident flows would constitute money laundering. But then again, the notion that these foreign individuals and investors would choose to run such a large sum of their money through Estonia for explicitly legitimate purposes is difficult to swallow.


7e4bac  No.3327449

File: b85fa6a54e67458⋯.jpg (436.12 KB, 1755x772, 1755:772, VM714 4 Oct 18 1420.jpg)

VM714 is descending towards Nashville, TN.

38bf77  No.3327450


Where were you stationed? We have a lot of beautiful places and some nice folks - depends on the region.

5c227c  No.3327451

File: a3af250dfc000b0⋯.png (47.95 KB, 642x297, 214:99, ClipboardImage.png)


NYT tax hit piece is going to be basis for impeachment talk

tax returns

these people are idiots

c62e55  No.3327452



7280ab  No.3327453


Thanks for wasting all that text to show me that you have no idea what we are doing here.My theory and questions are asking for the sauce on why everyone is so happy to suck Kav's dick. The only slide here is you since neither myself nor any other anaon have posted on this in over 40 minutes. aWay to dig up the hill then slide down it with your bullshit. I understand you got here late but this is what WE do. Have thoughts and ideas and look for sauce, make sense, yes I know it does but waste no moar time with me because THIS is the LAST (EWE) Ewe will get from me. Nope don't filter, just laugh on by your dumbass, C'ya! Theories with no sauce, KEK…SMDH for your parents, cuz your post was just so informative,hahaha

>Anonymous (You)  10/04/18 (Thu) 20:35:54 7280ab (4)  No.3326866

96a4c1  No.3327454


Remember those pictures of Apple in China?

Pallets of electronics?


869ce8  No.3327455

File: 8c683600c5353fd⋯.jpeg (513.53 KB, 2120x1668, 530:417, D9487F79-CBCE-430D-B66D-8….jpeg)

af9a8b  No.3327456

Chaffetz talking about that SCIF in the capitol where the Senators are reading the FBI investigation.

Says investigation is not classified when asked about he expects there to be leaks.

42a91c  No.3327457


>it's the country not our US State

I'll never forget on Yahoo questions, when Georgia was being invaded, an American asked when he'd soon see the tanks there, that he wasn't seeing any. That stuck in my head and makes me laugh to this day.

d19d0a  No.3327458

e36459  No.3327459

File: 04734cf34add553⋯.png (497.03 KB, 640x633, 640:633, ClipboardImage.png)



cf91e1  No.3327460

File: c322a7fb23d4c94⋯.jpeg (772.45 KB, 1242x871, 1242:871, 6901B079-B9A1-4E2D-85A6-0….jpeg)


543268  No.3327461


>>3327214, >>3327241, >>3327286 RR presser @9:30 EDT, DutchAnon thinks re: Dutch/Russia stuff?

>>3327210 MSM: Calling all THOTs! Connie Chung has a #MeToo College Assault to share

>>3327182 Q Proof: Q predicted Baker's testifying on 9/11

>>3327113, >>3327134, >>3327138, >>3327191, >>3327194, >>3327168 Pro-immigrant Cali's Broke

>>3327110 On the Q Clock: Many signs today should be 'dasting

>>3327103 Soft leak? Sen Judiciary Comte receives FBI on Kav, claims not corroborated

>>3327095 Good morning from @DJT: unfair treament of Kav

>>3327072, >>3327118, >>3327185, >>3327267 AIRKEK: Hooah! Marines, Army, Gitmo

>>3327115, >>3327079 Bioweapons test from lab in Republic of Georgia? (beware YNW)

>>3327053 Anon breaks down Hill article of Q drop pf329

>>3327026 MSM coming to their senses re: #Believe Survivors? Accused should be heard too.

>>3327016, >>3327025 Some FOIA emails re: Q drop pf327

>>3327005, >>3327014, >>3327022, >>3327043, >>3327029, >>3327043 FOIA: Lee Feinstein/Poland

>>3326991 ZH on Peter Schiff: "Muh Precipice!" "Muh Biggest Crisis Evarrr!"

>>3326904 Heil Shitlords! Resisting (((Academia))) w/hoax papers on grievance culture

>>3326837, >>3327085 Surprise! China infiltrated Apple/others w/‘spy’ chips on servers?

>>3326880 UK: May's Investor Hubbie and his financial conflicts of interest

>>3326878, >>3327054 On Trump's branding of enemies: "never stops fighting back"

Baker Change

>>3326868 Sen Sasse (R-Neb) might be anti-Kav

>>3326827, >>3326921, >>3326963, >>3327016, >>3327025 Nederland: DOJ-NSD/FBI press briefing & diggs re: Russian hacking

>>3326753, >>3326933, >>3327004 Citizen Strong dig; new Dem Opposition Research group


Ooh thanks, I missed that (always rushed in this first morning bread, still getting coffee etc.)

26408d  No.3327462

Rod Stewart sporting a foot brace. Check out the clothes. Skull and bones footwear, bees on socks (hive mind), necklace and the rest. Hope Q is ready to round this one up.


af9a8b  No.3327463


7171dd  No.3327464


>if the alkaloids are not damaged vaping

Key word being 'IF'.

Heat changes substances, and mixing propylene glycol to BIO matter that isn't oils may very well bring about bad results.

def082  No.3327465


Gotta disagree

The coil can reach upwards of 400 degrees

That much heat on a biological fluid has gotta damage it in some way

f22bd5  No.3327466


There was a movie about this. China crashes all of our planes, disables all of our communications and then attacks/invades and takes over the USA. Do not remember the name of the movie…

0e6297  No.3327467

This is HUGE

Released now as another distraction?

The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies

The attack by Chinese spies reached almost 30 U.S. companies, including Amazon and Apple, by compromising America’s technology supply chain, according to extensive interviews with government and corporate sources.

In 2015, Amazon.com Inc. began quietly evaluating a startup called Elemental Technologies, a potential acquisition to help with a major expansion of its streaming video service, known today as Amazon Prime Video. Based in Portland, Ore., Elemental made software for compressing massive video files and formatting them for different devices. Its technology had helped stream the Olympic Games online, communicate with the International Space Station, and funnel drone footage to the Central Intelligence Agency. Elemental’s national security contracts weren’t the main reason for the proposed acquisition, but they fit nicely with Amazon’s government businesses, such as the highly secure cloud that Amazon Web Services (AWS) was building for the CIA.

To help with due diligence, AWS, which was overseeing the prospective acquisition, hired a third-party company to scrutinize Elemental’s security, according to one person familiar with the process. The first pass uncovered troubling issues, prompting AWS to take a closer look at Elemental’s main product: the expensive servers that customers installed in their networks to handle the video compression. These servers were assembled for Elemental by Super Micro Computer Inc., a San Jose-based company (commonly known as Supermicro) that’s also one of the world’s biggest suppliers of server motherboards, the fiberglass-mounted clusters of chips and capacitors that act as the neurons of data centers large and small. In late spring of 2015, Elemental’s staff boxed up several servers and sent them to Ontario, Canada, for the third-party security company to test, the person says.

Nested on the servers’ motherboards, the testers found a tiny microchip, not much bigger than a grain of rice, that wasn’t part of the boards’ original design. Amazon reported the discovery to U.S. authorities, sending a shudder through the intelligence community. Elemental’s servers could be found in Department of Defense data centers, the CIA’s drone operations, and the onboard networks of Navy warships. And Elemental was just one of hundreds of Supermicro customers.

During the ensuing top-secret probe, which remains open more than three years later, investigators determined that the chips allowed the attackers to create a stealth doorway into any network that included the altered machines. Multiple people familiar with the matter say investigators found that the chips had been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors in China.

This attack was something graver than the software-based incidents the world has grown accustomed to seeing. Hardware hacks are more difficult to pull off and potentially more devastating, promising the kind of long-term, stealth access that spy agencies are willing to invest millions of dollars and many years to get.


1923ff  No.3327468


2 majors, 8 runner ups

20 pga tour wins

Greatest Choke? Not even close

d7f0f2  No.3327469

File: e74753dcbf7b2c8⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1049x1200, 1049:1200, thankyoubakers.jpg)


I can see why everyone is pissed off at this.

Everyone was crying. Terrible.

They believe they can do anything they want to you as long as your a "white man" who esnt to an Ivy League.

Kav went to a Jesuit college, but the Jesuits disowned him and wouldn't see him through this.

Proves his honor. Ironically.

Jesuits have the best schools. Sorry.

If you hate white men elitists so much [elitists with brains] would you rather have a Pepperdine "educated" elitists with money and power but no brains on the SCOTUs?

a91878  No.3327470

File: acb8cb07470674c⋯.jpg (34.3 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 1-2-q-5ab9823.jpg)

File: 9abff79daff457f⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 1-2-q-5ab9812.jpg)

7e4bac  No.3327471


Released as a way to lead into the Chinese having access to Hillary's dodgy server.

38bf77  No.3327472


There are nicer places in germany… especially because a lot of people don’t want the air base there

870d8f  No.3327473

File: 1713d3bc60cf3a4⋯.png (229.05 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181004-092057.png)


That's a bit too much…

You'll mow them down, try this, and watch them scatter.

07d746  No.3327474


Possible, but the glycol volatilizes at much lower temps. That's why it's chosen for use today in nicotine vaporizers.

96a4c1  No.3327475

File: e86b688b3c16c71⋯.jpg (49.41 KB, 749x421, 749:421, Don2LdNVsAEyyG-.jpg)


Q posted pictures of this


d4cb7a  No.3327476


It's spin. Brennans crowd behind the whole thing.

03fa62  No.3327477


Perfect for national security reasons Amazon and Apple must be closed down and liquidated immediately.

38118e  No.3327478

File: befb8c1b23f50d7⋯.jpg (214.61 KB, 550x413, 550:413, 333913.jpg)

File: 294d629c9645526⋯.jpg (33.56 KB, 360x282, 60:47, MKO-cult-logo-and-leader-M….jpg)

File: cffe4dc7533dff7⋯.png (76.39 KB, 581x450, 581:450, pnMJtJHqZJrrJKa-800x450-no….png)

File: 9221310c8202584⋯.jpg (113.5 KB, 951x500, 951:500, PASS-01-951x500-1.jpg)

File: 08ec1a878a9877d⋯.jpg (232.32 KB, 650x544, 325:272, Alex-Jones-Nazis-Coming.jpg)


We know all those groups are (crypto-) jewish communists behind a mask.

But it must be the Nazis… right, Sayanim shitclown.

869ce8  No.3327479


This is setting up to be a let down at 9:30 but noontime should be better

cb80aa  No.3327480


TM fancies herself as a fashion icon for women of a certain age - God help them!

Really find it difficult to stomach her. Just prasing for someone of DJT's calibre to take over from her. She never was leadership material and never will be. She's a bureaucrat through and through - over-promoted desk-wallah imo.

1fc50c  No.3327481

link to live feed DOJ press conference


116cda  No.3327482

EUfag trying to catch up.

Am i correct in thinking that [RR] will hold a press conference in a few minutes?

c9b356  No.3327483




Not what you think.


All this is, is a grandstanding event by Da Nang Dick.

Trying to save his ass.

It is important that the focus be kept on him and his lying about his Vietnam service. Maybe he will eventually resign from the senate when his name starts popping up on documents as they get unredacted.

He is attempting to divide by putting focus on SA for the entire 9-11 terrorist attack.

When the real truth comes out that the Rothchild's and others had roles in the entire attack how long is it going to take Da Nang Dicky to claim Israeli citizenship?????

Remember Q said they are saving Israel for last.

116cda  No.3327484




Thank you.

def082  No.3327485


It still heats the liquid and ALL componants

a535ee  No.3327486


He should get 10 years hard labor just for releasing

If Ya Think I'm Sexy

f96026  No.3327487

File: 0ae8ae65bc78592⋯.png (116.45 KB, 245x318, 245:318, 0ae8ae65bc785929c6ca592f3d….png)


You can defeat all these attacks with an identity based network where access is conditional on identity.

The cult has done their bast to establish conditions where no one would accept such a network - but it is possible to create one that has both identity and assured anonymity that no one, not even the people who build it can abuse.

Scientist anons have designed such a network. So far "duh" is the response.

Perhaps revelations of the extent mind control is being used by Pedowood on the American people will open the door to safe secure identity based networking which we should have had a decade ago,

The powerful Nigerian Prince lobby (and the intel agencies) opposition would have to be overcome.

0e6297  No.3327488

059e2b  No.3327489


869ce8  No.3327490


Smells like CIA

bf8bd0  No.3327491


f22bd5  No.3327492


Has a huge mansion in Palm Beach.

Orgy Island frequent flyer maybe?

7171dd  No.3327493


Nicotine and THC, CBD have 1 thing in common.

They are the product produced by a plant, not actually a part of the plant, thus harvesting oils.

Adrenochrome is a bio matter, not an oil that is produced on the outside of the human skin.

86c743  No.3327494


I can’t watch them for more than 34 seconds.

Are they attempting a good cop / bad cop routine with Joe concernfagging and Mika hyperventilating?

7e4bac  No.3327495


It's glycerol, not glycol. At a pinch it could be Mono Ethylene Glycol as that's FDA approved as a food additive, but the downside they don't mention is that glycols and glycerols degrade to formaldehyde upon heating.

You risk getting cancer from vaping and they don't tell you this.

45764d  No.3327496

File: 7f572d9acafcbb6⋯.png (119.88 KB, 994x476, 71:34, Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at ….png)

KEK gotta laugh outta this one

Oct 17th "DOOMSDAY"

Weed n shit kek

1830a8  No.3327497


The Department of Justice’s National Security Division (NSD)

Start time 9:30am ET


42a91c  No.3327498


>China crashes all of our planes

I don't have them anymore, which is a good thing. But I had recurring dreams about that. I would be standing in a field and suddenly planes are coming down. I can see treetops and black smoke rising from where they've crashed nearby.

c32425  No.3327499


This is a very interesting interview with JA. Supposedly his internet was cut off immediately after.

He discusses various subjects including AI, data harvesting and big data, our social order and how we as mankind can react. His prescription for our reaction sounds eerily close to what we are pursuing now with Q and the Anons.

543268  No.3327500


>>3327448 Money-laundering exposed in Estonia's (((central bank)))

>>3327481, >>3327214, >>3327241, >>3327286 RR presser @9:30 EDT, DutchAnon thinks re: Dutch/Russia?

>>3327210 MSM: Calling all THOTs! Connie Chung has a #MeToo College Assault to share

>>3327182 Q Proof: Q predicted Baker's testifying on 9/11

>>3327113, >>3327134, >>3327138, >>3327191, >>3327194, >>3327168 Pro-immigrant Cali's Broke

>>3327110 On the Q Clock: Many signs today should be 'dasting

>>3327103 Soft leak? Sen Judiciary Comte receives FBI on Kav, claims not corroborated

>>3327095 Good morning from @DJT: unfair treament of Kav

>>3327072, >>3327118, >>3327185, >>3327267, >>3327441, >>3327449 AIRKEK: Hooah! Marines, Army, Gitmo

>>3327115, >>3327079 Bioweapons test from lab in Republic of Georgia? (beware YNW)

>>3327053 Anon breaks down Hill article of Q drop pf329

>>3327026 MSM coming to their senses re: #Believe Survivors? Accused should be heard too.

>>3327016, >>3327025 Some FOIA emails re: Q drop pf327

>>3327005, >>3327014, >>3327022, >>3327043, >>3327029, >>3327043 FOIA: Lee Feinstein/Poland

>>3326991 ZH on Peter Schiff: "Muh Precipice!" "Muh Biggest Crisis Evarrr!"

>>3326904 Heil Shitlords! Resisting (((Academia))) w/hoax papers on grievance culture

>>3326837, >>3327085, >>3327467 Surprise! China infiltrated Apple/others w/‘spy’ chips on servers?

>>3326880 UK: May's Investor Hubbie and his financial conflicts of interest

>>3326878, >>3327054 On Trump's branding of enemies: "never stops fighting back"

Baker Change

>>3326868 Sen Sasse (R-Neb) might be anti-Kav

>>3326827, >>3326921, >>3326963, >>3327016, >>3327025 Nederland: DOJ-NSD/FBI press briefing & diggs re: Russian hacking

>>3326753, >>3326933, >>3327004 Citizen Strong dig; new Dem Opposition Research group


a535ee  No.3327502


>8 runner ups

7 of those were blown Sunday leads - some of them huge!

But in fairness

Mickelson probably took his Choker Title at this point

f96026  No.3327503


The bill calls for all the documents to be released except the ones that can't be released because secrets, you know. Secrets.

116cda  No.3327504


Where did you hide you porn? (assuming you are old enough to remember physical porn magazines)

Under the bed of coarse…

0c4339  No.3327505


This infiltration by China is very scary. SuperMicro is one of the largest OEMs of servers and the chip added to allow the infiltration was disguised as a different component making it very hard to detect. Some of the chips were reported to be embedded BETWEEN the layers of the actual circuit board. I imagine this is just the first example of this to be found with many more examples on the way. This is why we need to take electronics manufacturing back from China!

d240e6  No.3327506


You grovelling little turd.

Filtered. Now fuck off.

b7a0ea  No.3327507

File: 3b87a426488c5bf⋯.jpg (183.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 3b87a426488c5bf7ae5da034dd….jpg)

71337e  No.3327508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He plagiarised the music for that from A brazilian song called Taj Mahal

026640  No.3327509

ed74ad  No.3327510

File: 993f2debc3af795⋯.png (56.75 KB, 673x393, 673:393, ClipboardImage.png)

And the Preet Bahara hole gets deepr

c62e55  No.3327511


I loved Germany begged for another 4 years :(

206f44  No.3327512


That was my thought. Q never stated specifically why he posted those pics. Could have been to monitor black-hats, could have been future-proves-past… WhoTF knows

a91878  No.3327513

File: 5f30deb3a03c0ff⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 611x343, 611:343, 1-2-q.jpg)

116cda  No.3327515


31 posts left at that point.

Not sure your filter matters


ef162d  No.3327516


Have we considered the "TEST" yesterday was another "future proves past" moment?


The sentences are anagrams or other?

Do you really think POTUS and The Team would waste aperfect opportunity to hide a message for future reference?

34657c  No.3327517


Melting point:: 115-120°C

Boiling point:: 311.69°C (rough estimate)

Density : 1.2822 (rough estimate)

refractive index : 1.5600 (estimate)

storage temp. : −20°C

Irritant : Irritant to Resp system

Just looking at the safety statement here I'd guess that vaping it is unlikely.


25MG ampule~ 52$ US


0e3b61  No.3327520

File: bb5c8f39e4b7f20⋯.jpg (62.54 KB, 540x403, 540:403, IMG_5385.JPG)


>Who gives a shit about "celebrities", anyway

25bb82  No.3327521

File: 3ab6cb0422f36ee⋯.jpeg (258.15 KB, 2048x1453, 2048:1453, 87D01664-4942-4F0F-82E0-B….jpeg)

543268  No.3327522

File: 0a6055ed2b8ed95⋯.jpg (6.88 KB, 276x183, 92:61, BreadBowlDiner.jpg)

Fresh Bread Bowl




Fresh Bread Bowl

1830a8  No.3327523



The United States Department of Justice National Security Division (NSD) is the division of the DOJ that handles all national security functions of the department.

42a91c  No.3327524


>You risk getting cancer from vaping and they don't tell you this.

You risk cancer breathing these days. My cousin is dying of Lung cancer, but he's never ever smoked. Either it was second hand smoke, or our environment.

ef162d  No.3327525


Oh yeah, duh… i even saw that yesterday… im an idiot. I finally slept… forgot

942a38  No.3327526

Remember - Remember … this 6th of November ,The Finestine TREASON and PLOT

I know of no reason , why Democrat Treason should ever be forgot !

38bf77  No.3327531

File: 97530de713c7176⋯.jpeg (35.21 KB, 399x600, 133:200, 025EA10C-2857-45BB-98DC-0….jpeg)


Hope you tried this one.

a91878  No.3327532

File: 8e1e185b16eb0f3⋯.jpeg (12.12 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ed1b93ed89f2401ea2301927f….jpeg)

they sure know how to have fun in mexico why they all running for the boarder?

52a28a  No.3327533

File: 025868fefc05dcd⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1913x939, 1913:939, elgintrainingandmcoutofdc.png)

which marines need a Cessna?

which marines stay at DC?

more Air Force training near Elgin

ed74ad  No.3327535

File: f5ca37cfa985d46⋯.png (65.83 KB, 489x487, 489:487, 1d6e58eecf9fff0985ed7d5ed5….png)

869ce8  No.3327536

US chargeS 7 Russians in hacking and fraud indictment.

Fart noise.

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