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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

c63922  No.3300145

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 10.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/320 ——————————— 53-47 ( Cap: >>3298266 )

>>>/patriotsfight/319 ——————————— SAVR.jpg ( Cap: >>3297831 )

>>>/patriotsfight/318 ——————————— Are you registered to vote on Nov 6th? ( Cap: >>3296825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/317 ——————————— Symbolism will be their downfall. ( Cap: >>3296714 )

Monday 10.01.18

>>3285957 rt >>3285666 -————————– Allow us to carry this heavy burden.

>>3285534 rt >>3285327 -————————– Amen, brother.

>>3285210 rt >>3285173 -————————– God bless you, Patriot.

>>3285147 rt >>3284952 -————————– Solid confirmation of POTUS on Q team

>>3284797 rt >>3284775 -————————– Trump normally tweets when he is going. Today he didn't.

>>3284672 rt >>3283955 -————————– Today, for the 1st time, we IDEN where we would be

>>>/patriotsfight/316 ——————————— Reagan - Peace Through Strength ( Cap: >>3284011, >>3284017 )

>>>/patriotsfight/315 ——————————— Heading to TN now. ( Cap: >>3282882, >>3285464 )

>>3282338 rt >>3282114 -————————– Think WHY.

>>3281997 rt >>3281924 -————————– We made it public.

>>>/patriotsfight/314 ——————————— Standard deviation? ( Cap: >>3282171 )

>>>/patriotsfight/313 ——————————— [Quick History Lesson] ( Cap: >>3281645, >>3285459 )

>>>/patriotsfight/312 ——————————— VIP PATRIOTS! ( Cap: >>3281006 )

Sunday 09.30.18

>>>/patriotsfight/311 ——————————— STAY TUNED AND WATCH! ( Cap: >>3267571 )

>>>/patriotsfight/310 ——————————— Define 'Subversion' ( Cap: >>3267228 )

Saturday 09.29.18

>>>/patriotsfight/309 ——————————— Splash1-X. ( Cap: >>3252120, >>3257016, >>3257245 )

>>>/patriotsfight/308 ——————————— HUMANITY IS AT STAKE. DROP THE MEMES. VOTE THEM ALL OUT. ( Cap: >>3252200 )

>>>/patriotsfight/307 ——————————— WE HAD THE VOTES. SWAMP FIGHTING BACK. ( Cap: >>3250449, >>3250471, >>3250575 )

Friday 09.28.18

>>>/patriotsfight/306 ——————————— POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)

>>3226626 rt >>3225317 -————————– Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.

>>>/patriotsfight/305 ——————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )

>>3225606 rt >>3225498 -————————– Hive Mind

>>3225431 rt >>3225317 -————————– Have faith, Patriots.

>>3225317 ————————————–——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?

>>3225116 rt >>3225050 -————————– Nothing gets past Anons!

>>3224970 rt >>3224849 -————————– Ready when you are

>>3224848 rt >>3224714 -————————– MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

Post last edited at

c63922  No.3300165


are not endorsements


>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support

>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms


>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links

>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)

#4180 Baker Change

>>3299438 Grassley responds to Tad Low accusation.

>>3299700 Ethics complaint filed against Waters for inciting violence.

>>3299754 Moar on Flake the swamp traitor - Cuba/Iran

>>3299763 Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will meet with House lawmakers on Oct. 11

>>3299890 FBI report on Kavanaugh won't get public release

>>3299898 POTUS' Republican Midterm Endorsements

>>3299908 Florida Man Says He Planned To Kill 400+ People

>>3299956 Michael L Elbert, 70 RED companies

>>3300126 #4180


>>3298661 Syria update.

>>3298684 Reddit co-founder connections to Stratfor.

>>3298701, >>3298867 'Red October' plotters want Duterte to declare martial law nationwide.

>>3298935 Report on Ellison abuse claim sent to law enforcement for further investigation.

>>3298996 List of Senator phone numbers.

>>3299027 Anthrax scandal scientist worked at Fort Detrick.

>>3299143 Federalist papers talking about the dangers of a divided society.

>>3299182 A week to remember.

>>3298914 Rally at 7:40 EST.

>>3299298 #4179


>>3297913 Dedicated research thread for Q's Reddit pic.

>>3297989 Ford's team claims they have not been contacted by the FBI.

>>3297963 Swetnick's ex-boyfriend says she never mentioned rape.

>>3298056 Pompeo to meet with Kim Jong Un on Sunday.

>>3298205 Q pic's filename pointing to a state of national emergency?

>>3298380 Attorney General Jeff Sessions announces New stop school violence grants and discusses ongoing efforts to reduce violent crime.

>>3298389 NYTimes says FBI inquiry done Wednesday.

>>3298453 #4178


>>3297059 Strange aircraft happenings in country Melania just visited.

>>3297049 Guns stolen from UPS recovered.

>>3297110 Anon asks for more information on Fort Detrick chemical facility.

>>3297113 Darkest days: a book about surviving an EMP attack?

>>3297498 Darkest days: Ronald Reagan speech?

>>3296898 High Level “Biodefense” Govt Agency Quietly Created for the Event of a Pandemic

>>3296406 General Electric CEO John Flannery - OUSTED Monday October 1, 2018.

>>3297332 Trump's top econ advisor accuses Goldman of slanting research to help Democrats.

>>3297550 Reddit's admin-designer describes the symbolism in his art.

>>3297548 FBI Investigator on trial for child rape commits suicide.

>>3297518 Flake has a history of swampish behavior.

>>3297691 #4177

Previously Collected Notables

>>3295379 #4174, >>3296175 #4175, >>3297017 #4176

>>3293104 #4171, >>3293911 #4172, >>3294671 #4173

>>3290728 #4168, >>3291518 #4169, >>3292278 #4170

>>3288418 #4165, >>3289183 #4166, >>3289970 #4167

>>3286142 #4162, >>3286841 #4163, >>3287694 #4164

>>3283819 #4159, >>3284597 #4160, >>3285352 #4161

>>3281499 #4156, >>3282250 #4157, >>3283047 #4158

>>3279186 #4153, >>3279934 #4154, >>3280695 #4155

>>3277060 #4150, >>3277688 #4151, >>3278449 #4152

>>3274494 #4147, >>3275266 #4148, >>3276042 #4149

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

c63922  No.3300179

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>3297913 - Reddit pic posted by Q

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#50 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3286669, >>3286713

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

c63922  No.3300185

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!gr5TGAYJ!9QmqpIU1f_aT76EgJkIuT-6M0IBWU8LrhHu1ELwS5aM

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Archive of Notable Posts (Searchable)

Threads 1 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ

Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 4111: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

c63922  No.3300192




if you say that in the bread, you didn't read my callout last bread or this post

c4f487  No.3300219

File: a3432677ed72a70⋯.png (434.02 KB, 1221x1942, 1221:1942, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3432677ed72a70⋯.png (434.02 KB, 1221x1942, 1221:1942, ClipboardImage.png)

"Film About Catholic Church Pedophilia Sets Box-Office Record in Poland"


7e5991  No.3300225


6a254e  No.3300227

File: 061bddf3c845308⋯.jpg (112.1 KB, 586x846, 293:423, 1a.JPG)

File: a2a26f41635c157⋯.jpg (112.72 KB, 495x852, 165:284, 2.JPG)

File: 0a47a60ea2aa94b⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 498x499, 498:499, 2a.JPG)

Chan Zuckerberg and Rockefeller have a $10 million plan to boost economic opportunity


64e3ad  No.3300236

File: 20be85b25464232⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 527.89 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 1.png)

File: 462db52f3ce7333⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 3.03 MB, 1594x1791, 1594:1791, 2.png)

Decided to do a search on the file name on 2315. DuckDuckGo had one result which is shown here. Ended up finding this video with some questionable shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnOoeiUdeCA

Could be something could be nothing. Spoilered images because they're a bit pedo.

b30e39  No.3300237

File: e7bb4821be9a392⋯.png (321.55 KB, 605x568, 605:568, tyb.png)

d8079a  No.3300238

File: f0f40b94a62a23f⋯.png (397.15 KB, 1387x672, 1387:672, route_pot.png)



Connect the "Heading to" stops of Trump and see a "Q".

ae9f1a  No.3300241

File: 085c295177eb3ea⋯.jpg (477.62 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181002-172214….jpg)

Democrat gubernatorial candidate lead protest for higher minimum wage in early morning, protesters hit, gretchen flees to safety.


122dc8  No.3300243

>>3299917 LB

was all a show to create a huge divide in America. No way was Gore going to win, GW had to cover up the Crimes of Bush 1 and Clintons... Gore was too stupid.

6e6e72  No.3300244

>>3300224 (LB)

Yeah, but there's a lot less crying when one of 'em cuts off a limb in a tragic industrial power tool accident.

53fc1b  No.3300245

File: 8aa9958842c69a4⋯.png (1.53 MB, 734x871, 734:871, bb.PNG)

a TY-Baker-Girl with her Kavanaugh

Prost Baker

e4c3be  No.3300246

File: 47bf9cb3c53e772⋯.jpg (109.58 KB, 498x445, 498:445, IMG_208.jpg)

c4f487  No.3300247

File: f0d49dfac2c20fa⋯.png (20.4 KB, 699x126, 233:42, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdee84a49c59487⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1221x2723, 1221:2723, ClipboardImage.png)


b622bd  No.3300248

File: fb9c9ae2de9b6c5⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 378x251, 378:251, djijr.gif)

927f9d  No.3300249

Two 4180 breads?

108a1b  No.3300250

File: ae3aec9306f7841⋯.png (293.9 KB, 1369x1113, 1369:1113, Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

6cd025  No.3300252

File: 1cbce236d76c3dc⋯.png (279.96 KB, 1296x619, 1296:619, ClipboardImage.png)



This is coming from Hathch's office. Holy shit.


331b53  No.3300253



wanting to BREAK

I've gotta keep the calm before the storm

I don't want less, I don't want more

Must bar the windows and the doors

To keep me safe, to keep me warm

Yeah my life is what I'm fighting for

Can't part the sea, can't reach the shore

And my voice becomes the driving force

I won't let this pull me overboard

God, keep my head above water

Don't let me drown, it gets harder

I'll meet you there at the altar

As I fall down to my knees

Don't let me drown, drown, drown

Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown

So pull me up from down below

'Cause I'm underneath the undertow

Come dry me off and hold me close

I need you now I need you most

God, keep my head above water

Don't let me drown, it gets harder

I'll meet you there at the altar

As I fall down to my knees

Don't let me drown, drown, drown

(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)

Don't let me drown, drown, drown

And keep my head above water

(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)

Above water

And I can't see in the stormy weather

I can't seem to keep it all together

And I can't swim the ocean like this forever

And I can't breathe

God, keep my head above water

I lose my breath at the bottom

Come rescue me, I'll be waiting

I'm too young to fall asleep

God, keep my head above water

Don't let me drown, it gets harder

I'll meet you there at the altar

As I fall down to my knees

Don't let me drown

Don't let me drown

(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)

Don't let me drown

And keep my head above water

(Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown)

Above water

0779f2  No.3300254

File: 0ca34cc17de2f11⋯.png (18.96 KB, 477x283, 477:283, PFD.PNG)

posted end of last bread– repeating in case it needs attention– May be absolutely nothing but if someanon has a bar code scanner this attached is the output when graphing the DELETED Q posts on Patriots Fight

be7696  No.3300255

File: f4e86d6234c11c0⋯.jpeg (110.03 KB, 750x956, 375:478, 9155b37bf4596dc10e03b6186….jpeg)

File: 99c895c1dddbe6a⋯.png (385.71 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, bec97242d3ea18876b3efd7a72….png)


Posting again from (LB) thank to the anon who shared it.

90bb6b  No.3300256

File: ef99e871fe86cad⋯.jpg (184.79 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, ab1ad8be4f9a0923eb019c19c8….jpg)


03fc70  No.3300257

While discussing Q's reddit drop I came across this while digging.


How else are all the "silenced" children going to be removed from site?

ae9f1a  No.3300258

>>3300241 (me oops)

Michigan dem candidate. Was foggy, rainy and dark, like her mind. Michiganons make your vote for Schutte

cfaac6  No.3300259

File: a050db08cdab7f4⋯.png (333.36 KB, 606x655, 606:655, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3700af51ac59f9⋯.png (89.15 KB, 550x704, 25:32, ClipboardImage.png)

Dakota county attorney REFUSES to investigate Ellison case.

This is Minnesota. No surprise. None.


10e068  No.3300260

File: 68bee15f69148e5⋯.png (35.13 KB, 656x300, 164:75, Gov H re Dairy Queen 10-2-….PNG)


6622d9  No.3300261


>reading comprehension

see: >>3300192

d0faa0  No.3300262

File: f7b0b22d900d20c⋯.png (391.69 KB, 768x793, 768:793, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

53-47 may not happen this week!

Graham says if vote fails they'll renominate Kavanaugh after midterms.

Expect Kavanaugh to lose this vote, but Q's posts will still come true eventually.


3e8787  No.3300263

File: ff8f47199461d24⋯.png (180.63 KB, 1240x668, 310:167, crazymax.png)

>>3299700 (PB)

So has crazy Maxine's latest threat made the board yet? Apparently she knows where Mark Judge is.

bca3e3  No.3300264

>>3299517 (lb)

Yeah meanwhile the crybabies keep crying.... we know who they are the shills who tried to hop on Q late because they were so far behind this movement they couldn't even read basic drops laid out by Q. The ones who still don't get it and keep crying! It's a really repulsive attribute to have acting like you are backing trump but sound like a complete soy boy with nuts the size of raisins

9f89e5  No.3300265


WhhhhaAaaat?!?? Thick if credible.

78afc4  No.3300266

File: 8305496fba3a053⋯.jpg (75.55 KB, 1080x863, 1080:863, Screenshot_20181002-163319.jpg)

Look at this Hillary con artist with 1280 YouTube subs! You're going to need more votes JB!

298c03  No.3300267

>>3300212 (lb)



c63922  No.3300268


knew I'd get one… probably moar

250a9c  No.3300269


Goose step or else…

011310  No.3300270

File: 41fc17e3b7490e7⋯.png (192.28 KB, 498x516, 83:86, 41fc17e3b7490e783e2b4c5e03….png)


Damn nice dig anon.

ad604c  No.3300271



04e165  No.3300273

File: 5f841666857eaf2⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 275x183, 275:183, deer.jpg)


871a04  No.3300274

File: 7862c32a35eb382⋯.gif (43.61 KB, 400x204, 100:51, 1511725398341.gif)


these people need a double tap of lead to the head asap..

01d618  No.3300275

File: a54bfaa74410b39⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Oh LOOK!!! - DEMOCRAT ripp….mp4)

Democrat assaulting Pro Kavanaugh demonstrators, and rips up/destroys their property

108a1b  No.3300276

Anons - POTUS did not tweet his travel plans today, did he?

would be 2ndx…

e4c3be  No.3300277

File: 3ee3dd481809421⋯.jpg (222.72 KB, 616x1012, 14:23, IMG_207.jpg)

623897  No.3300278



No excuses at this point

Welcome judge K

62627c  No.3300279

Whos the most incarnated of the extraterrestrials on this board ?

7daed3  No.3300280

File: e997c63a6dea18e⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2500x2486, 1250:1243, STACKING.png)

File: 129cc76adac0d66⋯.png (6.82 MB, 3570x4300, 357:430, UnriggingTheElection.png)

How Recess Appointments work…

* . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . *

Kavanaugh confirmed this week.

Next step is the Left will create chaos.

Then we can call up national guard.

We already infiltrated Antifa.

And every Soros organizations.

Then Paul Ryan can do his job.

And avoid a Pro Forma Session.

So the Senate goes into recess.

10 days of darkness.

Then RGB "retires" for good.

Trump makes Recess Appointment.

Amy Barrett Coney.

Far left gets even madder.

National guard shuts it all down.

Stops all vote rigging.

Suicide weekend.

Red October.


0779f2  No.3300281


muchass gracias

bca3e3  No.3300282


No one above another!

6ec5b4  No.3300283


Q didn't either…

e4c3be  No.3300285

File: 0d66e2e624fd55a⋯.jpg (86.12 KB, 468x585, 4:5, IMG_088.jpg)

67d461  No.3300286


Here is the whole thing.



fd2823  No.3300287

File: 9d2a980e02d8e09⋯.png (212.64 KB, 639x625, 639:625, kavconfvote.PNG)

Seen lots of anons asking about how soon confirmation vote could happen. Found this handy chart on Twitter

8f22b2  No.3300288



"You can't do that on television". Required 80s kid television. Way before Nickleodeon sucked donkey dick.

e205af  No.3300289

File: 752be8d20dcc8fe⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 420x408, 35:34, pepepuke1.jpg)


Sounds like a classy broad.

4fd366  No.3300290

Wow - Q hanging credibility on the line with the 53-47 vote prediction.

16384f  No.3300291


These people freak me the fuck out. Damn. They are cancer.

0e6919  No.3300292

Aaaand the Senate is in Recess til tomorrow.

d4f06f  No.3300293

>>3300207 (Pb)

It does, yes, especially as Q has repeated this so recently.

What is 30 a count of? "Exact"?


d6a55f  No.3300295

File: 99ef81fa9951dc2⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 532x469, 76:67, Awaken.jpg)

Imagine your president would travel with his government to Israel on July 4th. That would be unthinkable for you, wouldn't it? Our Chancellor is doing exactly that on October 3rd, the national holiday for the reunification of the two German states. She is the one who threw our flag in the mud at an event of her party. BiBi shows us German who is the boss. But I am in a good mood. The development in the USA is observed very closely here. We have more and more patriots here. And the only patriotic party (AFD) is already the second strongest party in Germany. WWG1WGA SHEEP NO MORE

e61792  No.3300296

File: a1101298ea8d404⋯.jpg (39.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1394.jpg)



Make it snappy - I got high-level shitposting to do.

108a1b  No.3300297

File: c0315a520497733⋯.png (235.61 KB, 371x374, 371:374, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)



86f093  No.3300298


Ugly mad bitch.

4a4408  No.3300299


Where did Q say that was a vote prediction?

1304eb  No.3300300


Bet the sonofabitch didn't even clean it up.

b3383d  No.3300301


kek fair enough. just hope they put a big red dead man switch on all of 'em. and programming to prevent them from disabling it. or altering their own programming.

d56788  No.3300302


That's the University of Texas. Lots of loons there, and in Austin in general

06aa8d  No.3300303


Damnation! What a trophy!

079701  No.3300304

If you are new here…. the next level smut is 100% shill. click arrow-add filter-ID+

131504  No.3300305


No victim, no evidence, no statement, nothing


In America, if you want an alleged crime investigated, the first place to turn is the Washington Post, and then the U.S. Senate, correct?

We’re talking about offenses from the 1980s that even if there was a conviction, it would only be a misdemeanor.

And without a complaint being filed immediately, the statute of limitations expires after a year.

The case, of course, is the one Democrats have assembled against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. They allege that he assaulted a woman 36 years ago when both were in their teens.

However, there’s been no complaint filed against Kavanaugh in the local jurisdiction that would have been responsible for any investigation.

Not now.

Not ever.

A letter released by Montgomery County police reveals that there was a request for an investigation. It came from Ariana Kelly, the Democratic Caucus Chair of the Montgomery County House Delegation.

But police officers couldn’t move forward.

Because, a spokesman told WND Monday afternoon, there was no evidence, no victim to talk to, no nothing.

“Even as of today, there are no victims complaining,” the officer told WND.

Kelly had, according to the letter from Police Chief J. Thomas Manger and State’s Attorney John J. McCarthy, requested the Montgomery Council Police Department “open a criminal investigation involving sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.”

“To date, there have been no criminal reports filed with the Montgomery County Department of Police that would lead to the initiation of any criminal investigation related to Judge Kavanaugh,” the response said. “Furthermore, the law at the time the offense occurred is the law that must be applied to any charges that might be brought. For example, in 1982, assault and attempted rape were both misdemeanors and subject to a one-year statute of limitations.

“The Montgomery County Police Department and the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office stand ready to investigate any sexual assault allegation from any victim where the incident occurred in our jurisdiction,” the letter said.

The lack of any move for a police investigation of the claims made by Christine Ford shadows Democrat demands last week that the FBI investigate the claims. Kavanaugh already has had six FBI background checks during his more than two decades of government service.

d8cb5d  No.3300306

File: a01b5add66cf7a4⋯.gif (399.32 KB, 320x232, 40:29, lowIQshobeloud.gif)


You better vote the way Maxine wants or she'll threaten a private citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

871a04  No.3300307

File: ecce2334f67e7ac⋯.png (205.02 KB, 781x390, 781:390, 56e49c1d1e0000950070fe8588….png)


or else wut?

5d2f23  No.3300308


This bitch must go…straight to the mother fucking gallows!!

5c0bf9  No.3300309


Kek…. Optics…

e5f086  No.3300310

File: e7bf9d8b48b1f52⋯.jpg (81.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 87989062181152640360no.jpg)

e61dcf  No.3300311

File: aa90ce293d9ab94⋯.png (12.54 MB, 4071x2988, 1357:996, awildQappears.png)

Found Q in the wild.

ad604c  No.3300312



03fc70  No.3300313


There was contact. That went from assault to battery.

3e599b  No.3300314

File: d073e39f2c8804c⋯.jpeg (92.26 KB, 831x495, 277:165, 9707C1F7-9E94-48BB-8A4E-7….jpeg)

I like the call, Q!

Thanks for everything!

90bb6b  No.3300315

Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but the reason Di Fi doesn't want the FBI report made public, other than it destroys the left narrative, means that we know it is already done, and that is probably why Q knows the K confirmation vote already. Also, she must be implicated, as well as Ford and the lawyers. This is speculation, but I feel confident in my theory, which you all already probably came to the same conclusion.

Sorry. Just got on fag here.

0e6919  No.3300316

File: 64cb484453db21c⋯.jpg (24.22 KB, 235x353, 235:353, d22b590b9fb51cd8065911ae15….jpg)

"This Is Not A Game"… it's a Puzzle.

The whole picture is already known (by the Q Team).

We're simply putting the pieces together, like autists, though we can't see the whole picture… yet.

38d63f  No.3300317

What odds CPL gets Swetnick into the movie business

b2f53a  No.3300318

File: 0fe6114c0c615a1⋯.jpg (163.47 KB, 1299x963, 433:321, ice-cub.jpg)

ae9f1a  No.3300319


A dropped cone, bet Sarah was disappointed with that display Huck. Kek

e5f086  No.3300320

File: ec854b875bd0b91⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 261x193, 261:193, index.jpg)

27b03a  No.3300321



so that's what being



cfaac6  No.3300322

File: f83f02f85c4ee33⋯.png (38.12 KB, 735x638, 735:638, ClipboardImage.png)


This would make some good campaign rally material when POTUS visits us Thursday. Just can't believe it.

04e165  No.3300323


Yeah, 53 degrees w/47% humidity. People just jump to any conclusion

fc9060  No.3300324

File: 99951f83fda99de⋯.png (90.42 KB, 1409x1188, 1409:1188, 32780786902183694082376093….png)

6f42a5  No.3300325

no table

>>3300255 a former boyfriend's statements about Julie Swetnick's sexual preferences made under penalty of felony

1de18b  No.3300326

>>3300189 (lb)

He could have provided video testimony and still have been executed. While most criminals would not spill the beans in exchange for the death penalty, maybe he did so in order to keep it from being public, and was allowed to die a 'hero'.

74d5bf  No.3300327

File: 577084fc65074c0⋯.png (1.84 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d971bf  No.3300328

File: 62cd48a2d005d8a⋯.jpeg (226.25 KB, 1242x881, 1242:881, CC596958-4DF6-4457-AC66-B….jpeg)

File: 1e220c2b69694ad⋯.jpeg (823.27 KB, 1242x1835, 1242:1835, 93AD622F-A80A-462C-BFB3-0….jpeg)



86f093  No.3300329



>SA defense deal


076302  No.3300330


That motherfucker is gonna get elected Governor of Illinois. This fucker is EVIL. Wants GPS trackers on residents cars to "track" the mileage we drive so they can tax it, progressive income tax (requires state constitutional amendment), 100% tax on handgun sales, ban on "assault rifles."

bca3e3  No.3300331


Oh screw it… lets shove this BS right back in these nasty ass resist movement and this psychotic that promoted the 3 day riots to beat down white people for no reason. How about all white people riot in her district if she wins and FUCK HER SHIT UP!

267b6b  No.3300332

File: d402d77e4e1ae7c⋯.jpg (598.11 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, RED_October_Twat.jpg)

File: 736ee3cdeeee939⋯.png (312.58 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ButHowWouldTheyKnowGuys_Oh….png)

File: ac4cb8df13d95b0⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1363x1017, 1363:1017, Twitter_Destruction.png)

File: e7fdb4a0653a6ef⋯.jpg (460.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClintonTies_Twitter.jpg)

c2e74d  No.3300333

File: de879f8c95b1baa⋯.jpeg (36.08 KB, 474x295, 474:295, image.jpeg)

File: 2671e3b6ee21150⋯.jpeg (42.58 KB, 474x266, 237:133, image.jpeg)



My father was a hunter,

and I was his son.

My father was a hunter,

and I was his son.

In the mirror it's gettin' clearer,

and I was his son.

My father was a hunter,

and I was his son.

9e420c  No.3300334

File: 03c2d18af9ab84c⋯.jpg (46.86 KB, 284x373, 284:373, Dr_House_RubberGlove.jpg)

File: 30ba0082d26cd95⋯.png (9.33 MB, 1761x7085, 1761:7085, 30ba0082d26cd95da455d54e9c….png)

>>3300190 (lb)


Does Al Gore have a Twat?

Someone should ask the man …

"Mr. Gore, Why did you have bags of human blood in you hotel mini fridg during the 200 Presidential campaign? A little "Twoofy"?

4c90fe  No.3300335

Last night I had a dream that I was at a Trump Rally. POTUS was particularly energized, much as he really was last night in Tennessee. It appeared that his speech was winding down and he left the podium to shake hands with a few people in the crowd.

That's when it all went wrong. President Trump started to stagger, then fell over. Then white foam started coming out of his mouth and eyes. I knew at that point that he had been poisoned.

I then woke up, shaking and terrified. I was relieved it was a nightmare, but it was deeply, deeply disturbing. I could not get back to sleep for the rest of the night.

I was hoping that it was all behind me, and kind of enjoyed having a news blackout day due to work travel. Now that I am home, I'm reading about the ricin incidents. I hope this all isn't a weird premonition. Please, let's all keep POTUS surrounded by even more prayers. As their desperation is growing, I fear he is going to need it.


ae9f1a  No.3300336


Nice rack

298c03  No.3300337


cuando quierass

55ba36  No.3300338

File: 16a6b8333e51a18⋯.png (129.37 KB, 400x400, 1:1, YouRang.png)

e91662  No.3300339

File: 40bd80cc9dd3c3d⋯.png (545.2 KB, 1091x672, 1091:672, ClipboardImage.png)

more hit pieces.

I'm about to dig on this faggot.

Benjamin Wittes.


9f89e5  No.3300340

011310  No.3300341

File: f84d9b3d34c08c3⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 512x429, 512:429, 1535256403553.jpg)


….and shes treated with velvet gloves because shes a nigger.

37a3b2  No.3300342

Baker… You have mislabeled this thread.. We now have a duplicate again. Can someone fix numbering?

9f89e5  No.3300345


Good catch anon. Add it to the Q proofs

7daed3  No.3300347

File: c48c7acbf199729⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, PUSSYSLAYER.png)

Is Kavanaugh the legendary PUSSY SLAYER with the uncanny ability to secretly only gang rape women that would later become Liberal Left Wing Activists? Incredible.

122dc8  No.3300348


God bless those kids, I would have taken that bitch down and punched her lights out

6cd025  No.3300349


Ya seems she had her own kind of great awakening in a devils triangle.

[time to move on]

871a04  No.3300350

File: 0809788872bd84e⋯.png (485.46 KB, 716x682, 358:341, 0809788872bd84e8b1528912a0….png)


if he does send this to him.. bet he looks like shit now too

5c9559  No.3300351





- aside from what has already been offered

- do Q tips have multiple meanings?

- there is a cross created by the letters (could be any letters)

- there is a cross created by RED

- thus, double-cross

- who will be double-crossed? RED

- who will double-cross? TBD .. DF?

1e6c31  No.3300352

c63922  No.3300353














read the bread you post in

e5f086  No.3300354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4a2360  No.3300355

File: 48298cbc93cae16⋯.png (151.54 KB, 388x450, 194:225, VSWA016-CS-WEB.png)


thanks bakery o7

a8e664  No.3300356

File: c452261da508859⋯.png (132.01 KB, 663x707, 663:707, Hatch re Swetnick 10-2-18.PNG)

File: 58083472295dbe3⋯.png (310.72 KB, 1403x671, 23:11, Hatch re Swetnick 10-2-18 ….PNG)

File: 0c422e276c3c62a⋯.png (68.48 KB, 1058x821, 1058:821, Senate Judiciary re Swetni….PNG)



Repost (lb)

Bread 4180


A Utah man named Dennis Ketterer reached out to the Hatch office this week with information about accuser Julie Swetnick, and her allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.

“During a conversation about our sexual preferences, things got derailed when Julie told me that she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time. In fact sometimes with several at one time. She wanted to know if that would be ok in our relationship.

“I asked her if this was just a fantasy of hers. She responded that she first tried sex with multiple guys while in high school and still liked it from time-to-time. She brought it up because she wanted to know if I would be interested in that.”

“My heart still feels heavy, for me as well as Julie and the Kavanaughs. That said, based on my direct experience with Julie, I do not believe her allegations against Mr. Kavanaugh.”



5d2f23  No.3300357


Trust me I feel the same way..but In the end we don’t want to become “them”. We are better than that. Again I totally understand I feel your angry 100%. Let’s let the law get her and we can celebrate knowing she is gone.

7f58d5  No.3300358

File: 0aedfdb8d6105c3⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Hillary Clinton is Evil! (….mp4)

6cd025  No.3300359


Thanks Kieth

4fd366  No.3300360


My bad

122dc8  No.3300361


dig away anon, post yer findings.

d971bf  No.3300362

File: 7eff4754f9d7d1c⋯.jpeg (230.87 KB, 1242x813, 414:271, E6DE4297-4933-484E-8CCD-3….jpeg)

File: a5e491243e71e6a⋯.jpeg (628.51 KB, 1242x1780, 621:890, 2FE7B66C-7FB6-4991-AEF8-9….jpeg)

File: fdc0b256b59636d⋯.jpeg (319.29 KB, 1242x893, 1242:893, 55CA8337-A2B3-405E-8A42-E….jpeg)

+ Short list



1304eb  No.3300363


I'm with you, Anon! It could be the blend of 10-30 and 10-40 weight motoroil for all we know! Because we're fucking retarded and can't read jack shit!

c09173  No.3300364


Any gamblerfags know where to place a bet? KEK

aaec70  No.3300365


Its the fucking red cross

e9da7e  No.3300366


over a year old and not relevant to current post.

62627c  No.3300367


You cant become them unless you enjoy doing horrible things to kids

And worse

Death to the bloodlines

4a2360  No.3300368



or cant read

its in the dough - mislabeled this thread

9f89e5  No.3300369


Q never said that, sweetie. kys

04e165  No.3300370

File: 1c4389a0af57c2e⋯.jpg (9.24 KB, 254x198, 127:99, loren2.jpg)

File: 9c77acf5b7f1a31⋯.jpg (11.42 KB, 204x255, 4:5, loren.jpg)


What it looks like under the wrapper. This gene needs to propagate.

a8e664  No.3300371

File: a76942973d69d6f⋯.png (412.23 KB, 658x636, 329:318, Drudge Senate Judiciary Po….PNG)

File: 297f2c85f1ed8c5⋯.png (520.3 KB, 582x561, 194:187, rollcall 1 Senate Judiciar….PNG)

File: a3c41813c536f63⋯.png (84.12 KB, 582x581, 582:581, rollcall 2 Senate Judiciar….PNG)

File: a58bc31de1f4313⋯.png (370.18 KB, 603x297, 67:33, LG Activated 1 Blank.PNG)

Senate Judiciary Members Escorted Through Protests by Police



cf0086  No.3300372


New media line, "He raped them so hard they turned into white men-hating LW activists."

f8d0d3  No.3300373

File: 2b5d68e65812e57⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1024x623, 1024:623, sarchasm.png)

eed63f  No.3300374

File: ee791b0e97b2915⋯.jpg (46.64 KB, 290x319, 10:11, Screen Shot 10-02-18 at 10….JPG)

Had a Sparticus moment? Yes all at once.

c2e74d  No.3300375


England bets on everything

765254  No.3300376




9e1e2c  No.3300377

File: c91540ac830dab0⋯.png (241.93 KB, 510x363, 170:121, Screenshot_2018-10-02 Q Re….png)

Those fingers piss me off…had to remove them.

c4f487  No.3300378

File: f64a8faeed2aa4a⋯.png (495.17 KB, 962x562, 481:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c0b35bc2e4e2ca⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1221x5509, 1221:5509, ClipboardImage.png)

Not sure if this was posted already


6e6e72  No.3300379


As a pretty competent codefag, I'm certain the concern about AI is overblown. It's great when narrowly scoped, but still can't pass a Turing test.

be7696  No.3300380

Are there any other anons who think maybe they already held the vote in advance, but the media won't report it?

d8cb5d  No.3300381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She will. She's the one that told us all about Hussein's database. Can't wait for that scene in the trilogy.

b2f53a  No.3300382


the last one is bogus, that's a photographer, not the lawyer … that was debunked days ago, you might consider not passing it around anymore…just sayin'

959d00  No.3300383


I'd love to know what leads to these.

a. It's just a leftie who wants to milk the scandal.

b. It's a person who has been indicted/expects to be and is going all out.

c. Has been ordered by the cabal under pain of injury and/or blackmail.

4fd366  No.3300384


Q hasn't given us any more game predictions has he?

Trust Kansas

Fly Eagles Fly

and then Soros' horse won triple crown.

Fuck sake we could have been mega rich by now.

bca3e3  No.3300385


Yeah I know…. just saying. Vengeance from the Lord is much better and He allows us to watch. Thanks for the encouragement. So sick of their violent abuses without consequence.

c63922  No.3300386



written today too


d56788  No.3300387


You should start by determining if Benjamin is jewish. If so, then that's all you need to know

9e420c  No.3300388

File: e6c9e8698e799e4⋯.png (270.6 KB, 522x488, 261:244, f952af9e6a5904aa446930a243….png)


Excellent…use this pic of Cankels


ad604c  No.3300389

File: e19119491032d4f⋯.jpg (112.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, chuckinamsterdam.jpg)


Ah, coincidence?

We know who you are:

2332c5  No.3300390


maybe it started when God said this, and its getting closer everyday

Zechariah 12:3

“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”

721b51  No.3300391

I just wanted to share this with the board and also to express my gratitude to Q and president trump and his entire team. Today the landscapers came to my community as they do every week and there was NOT ONE Mexican working instead there were black men AND white men working together. I have little by little seen more and more blacks working as landscapers in my community. However, today, it was the first time that I have some whites and not one illegal. This landscaping crew is hired by the community association. THe fact that even white mean are working as landscapers is unprecedented In my area.

Thank you President Trump. These American Men are working maybe supporting families, hoping again!! Words fail me instead I write this with tears in my eyes and I have only pride and gratitude. Big thank you!

24f463  No.3300392


Apparently Ellison's son is on the city council of the city that the alleged act was committed and they can't get him to recuse. Heard that on MPR today.

Minnesota Public Radio.

50d5b8  No.3300393

File: 14c378f21463f6a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1669x929, 1669:929, ClipboardImage.png)





Noticed this earlier over twatter .. so many hit pieces.

71d120  No.3300394

File: 35f3012062a220e⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1277x680, 1277:680, ClipboardImage.png)

b52f0f  No.3300395

File: 775d9a262b90641⋯.png (133.39 KB, 1122x533, 1122:533, ClipboardImage.png)

92449b  No.3300396

File: d6f02223c475ace⋯.jpg (448.17 KB, 1348x1168, 337:292, 59 mirror of 51.jpg)

File: 6b680bbdbaab9fd⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 2697x2100, 899:700, 51 mirror of 59.jpg)

File: fbe2a16b9958734⋯.jpg (936.3 KB, 2695x1454, 2695:1454, 00 mirror of 50.jpg)

File: 405f373ee18ab8c⋯.jpg (461.03 KB, 1800x1177, 1800:1177, 50 mirror of 00.jpg)

File: a4ca41a50d418dd⋯.jpg (743.79 KB, 1802x1800, 901:900, 29 mirror of 21.jpg)


Today's Q Clock

Pic 1


Night [2]

Full attack mode.

Washington Post leading?

Do you believe in coincidences?

What a wonderful day!

Right on schedule.

Today's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 2

[DC moves slow]



Done in 30.

Final stage.


HRC 2.12.09

Your evil has no place in this world.

Tomorrow's Q Clock

Pic 3

Think Navy Ship crashes.

When was Hussein in China?

BOOMs en route.

Rig for silent.

The important point is who Hussein is aiming the gun at.

We have everything.

They know we do.

Tomorrow's Q Clock Mirror

Pic 4

2+2 confirmations.


We will never again be under their control.

To all Americans, please pray.

No name returning to headlines.

When did No Name travel to the UK?

Something BIG is about to drop.

Today's Classic 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :29

Pic 5


What if his name we don't say organized the deal?

Wait for Russia/China reports.



Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?

'Adoption' process.


ccd790  No.3300397


>New Zealand can now fine travelers who refuse to unlock digital devices

Not everyone. Only when you're suspected of a serious crime…

"Customs officials can now demand travelers provide passwords or other device-unlocking information like fingerprints if they are suspected of possessing child pornography or involvement in drug or financial crimes."

c64877  No.3300398

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled.

Read the whole thread on one page here:


b30e39  No.3300399

File: e00795f45171195⋯.png (328.53 KB, 800x600, 4:3, mindf.png)

c51a40  No.3300400

File: f7f7aac9debfd93⋯.png (647.26 KB, 740x599, 740:599, presistsall3.png)

d971bf  No.3300401

Olympic Steel Announces CEO Succession


Published: Oct 2, 2018 4:30 p.m. ET

Michael D. Siegal to Executive Chairman of the BoardRichard T. Marabito Elected CEO, Effective January 1, 2019

Olympic Steel Inc. ZEUS, -0.40% , a leading national metals service center, today announced its Board of Directors has elected Richard T. (Rick) Marabito, Chief Executive Officer and a director of the Company effective January 1, 2019.

Michael D. Siegal, Olympic Steel’s Chief Executive Officer since 1984, will transition to Executive Chairman of the Board at the end of this year, stepping down as CEO……….




9aa99f  No.3300402

I have a Tornado watch & tornado warning close by

213bd0  No.3300403


Why does that dude look like an armed security detail and how did he show up at a moments notice?

dbc2e8  No.3300404


This is utterly familiar…

The Attorney CANNOT abdicate prosecutorial decision-making. Total B.S.

37a3b2  No.3300405


This doesn't even make any sense or answer the question….

We now have 2x #4180… We saw exactly this at the very beginning when we started out on 4chan. Lots of duplicate numbered breads got lost because of this.

a0d0c4  No.3300406

I'm Spartacus, will that do?


1e6c31  No.3300407


Stay Tuned…

Everything WE have known and dug for almost a year here, will be brought to the NormTube.


6e6e72  No.3300408


Not really. That's what they have now.

195657  No.3300409


that's not me, anon, I'm the toilet scrubber.

fcbcc0  No.3300410

File: 15104dc58d16d70⋯.png (138.01 KB, 450x320, 45:32, ClipboardImage.png)


Oct 2017

>but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Nov 2017

>but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Dec 2017

>but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Jan 2018

>but Q's posts will still come true eventually

June 2018

>but Q's posts will still come true eventually


>but Q's posts will still come true eventually

e91662  No.3300411





He is a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution.

260088  No.3300412

File: 5d2afd86cb9cfbf⋯.png (2.42 MB, 2400x1054, 1200:527, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f60f34248de3ff4⋯.jpg (383.52 KB, 730x655, 146:131, Inverted reddit owl.jpg)

File: 169d539d2086396⋯.jpg (129.08 KB, 736x498, 368:249, Masonic owl 2.jpg)

File: 6266d69146309d0⋯.jpg (75.7 KB, 736x570, 368:285, Masonic owl.jpg)

File: 58b00308d5ae0e0⋯.png (822.17 KB, 1112x509, 1112:509, compasses and square.png)

Last time I drop this.

Seems clear as day to me.

The inverted Reddit logo makes a MASONIC OWL, complete with compasses and square.

Common device in heraldry as the Royal insignia illustrates clearly.

If you doubt it, look at the feet.

Understand the symbolism that Q was referring to.

4fd366  No.3300413


They first said they couldn't find him

That was dig worthy if anything ever was

f2ec10  No.3300414

File: db8be4273d7ff0e⋯.jpg (5.63 KB, 195x258, 65:86, db8be4273d7ff0e2f07265d8dd….jpg)

892172  No.3300415

62627c  No.3300416


Lynn is that you

30fa3e  No.3300417




c63922  No.3300419


read the fucking dough post

4a2360  No.3300420


i got money on no vote

i never checked until now - actual seat count not vote count is 51R and 49D ? how close is that shit ? AS 187 happened under OBAMA and mitch delayed the vote on MERRICK…

b7871f  No.3300421

File: 75d6530e7748ea9⋯.png (297.48 KB, 702x831, 234:277, 20181002_224535.png)

File: dec8eeb549a1b24⋯.png (110.7 KB, 720x862, 360:431, 20181002_224554.png)


1304eb  No.3300422


Occam's Razor says they know who is going to vote Yay, and who is going to vote Nay, and that nobody is going to change their position.

7f58d5  No.3300423


I do as well.

be7696  No.3300424


Stay safe anon, I'm in the tornado belt too. We had one barely touch close to town.

It's during times like this I pray that if God takes my house up by tornado, it'll drop on Hillary Clinton.

88f57e  No.3300425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Armageddon (1979)

There was a full moon over Memphis

National Guard outside

thousands wait for Elvis

Waitin' ever since he died

for a miracle gonna happen

His eminence to restore

The sound of thunder crackin'

Signals the beginning of the war to end all wars

a1722a  No.3300426


617c0e  No.3300427


NYTimes October 02, 2018:

>Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes

as He Reaped Riches From His Father

e9fb97  No.3300428

My daughter had a 3.8 GPA, volunteered at disabled kids summer camps for 4 years, plays the viola, and received recognition for creative writing

UTAustin turned her down…glad to see they made good use of her spot with a fucking mongrel >>3300275

cf0086  No.3300429



No. But it would be interesting AF.

f8e5c3  No.3300430

File: 88328dde846ea6b⋯.jpeg (246.93 KB, 1076x1195, 1076:1195, jc2now.jpeg)

>>3299519 (pb)

>>3299519 (pb)

Your request added.

Sorry for the delay, just got on and am reading up. o7

1e6b3b  No.3300431

File: cd1bfdbeeaca8bf⋯.jpg (43.15 KB, 352x400, 22:25, HighestRanking.jpg)

389a53  No.3300433

Are we still scheduled to get our (you's) from President Trump tomorrow? I told a couple of liberal "friends" today that they will be getting text messages from Trump tomorrow.

90bb6b  No.3300434


Sorry to but in on your conversation, but I must agree, that although I would love to inflict years of the same treatment the left has given everyone upon those who perpetrated it, that would not end well. Statism is never ending punishment for everyone. Live and let live, as long as no one fucks with anyone else.

4fd366  No.3300435


Is there a game coming up where this could be a likely score?

c64877  No.3300436


All of Nickelodeon is a bit pedo

And its creators.

In fact the only reason they created it was to get access to kids, mostly boys.

4a2360  No.3300437

listening to RSBN?

cameraman asked to remove MAGA HAT

allegedly other cameraman complained! allegedly it was FOX cameraman!

94df40  No.3300438


And I’m the toilet scrubber’s apprentice

d971bf  No.3300439

File: fc38d5f94fe99d8⋯.jpeg (228.21 KB, 1242x559, 1242:559, EC51DF59-F9FE-4672-BDFE-5….jpeg)



726b43  No.3300440

File: 2391bdeb484948c⋯.jpg (569.23 KB, 825x688, 825:688, cheers kavanaugh.jpg)

How I imagine justice K in the 80s.

9aa99f  No.3300441


about half hour ago it looked like the end of the world to my North, But thankfully stayed to my north

c63922  No.3300442

Notables so far frens, let me know if something was missed


>>3300227 Chan Zuckerberg and Rockefeller have a $10 million plan to boost economic opportunity

>>3300238 Graphic: Connect the "Heading to" stops of Trump and see a "Q".

>>3300252, >>3300286 Excerpt of Testimony from Dennis Ketterer

>>3300255, >>3300356 Former boyfriend's statements about Julie Swetnick's sexual preferences made under penalty of felony

>>3300275 Video: Democrat assaulting Pro Kavanaugh demonstrators

>>3300362 CEO departures are on the rise. Here’s a list of the big ones (Written TODAY)

>>3300396 Q CLOCK UPDATE

c8bc7b  No.3300443

File: 07a3f4d00d1c94a⋯.jpg (64.69 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2j12vb.jpg)

9f89e5  No.3300445


No sauce. No argument. No brain.

Try harder.

ea53fe  No.3300446

File: 899b7079574ce07⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1008x800, 63:50, trump_kjr.png)


sup bro, both #1 and #2 are here to help?

871a04  No.3300447

File: f7b589bd48c414a⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 400x302, 200:151, f7b589bd48c414a92f6df7c77e….jpg)


this is sacry af fr anon

53fc1b  No.3300448


Enjoy your last days - bitch

be7696  No.3300449


They probably didn't do it publically so democrats wouldn't be able to grandstand for 8 hours. Quick and quiet.

de2340  No.3300450

File: 574b638e43ef2cc⋯.png (33.22 KB, 601x282, 601:282, AQ9.PNG)

I used to follow Bill Cassidy, thought his Twitter was too boring. Now this.

Check it!

079701  No.3300451

Thank God to Journalists like Elizabeth MacDonald. She fights back and cuts through the lies.

ccd790  No.3300452

File: 447e63dc0f88c85⋯.jpg (28.15 KB, 290x319, 10:11, 2j8nb8.jpg)

765254  No.3300453

FAke news knows they are losing the K battle.

The NYT just dropped hit piece on Trump Family Tax Fraud.

They are back on wanting to get his taxes.

Also, they are back on STormy DAniels hush money And Trump lying about it.

AND….Blasey Ford lawyers are mad that she has not been interviewed by F_I.

a8e664  No.3300454

File: 9f32d8dfced86d8⋯.png (467.63 KB, 644x589, 644:589, Hill re Voter Registration….PNG)

File: 0d9d02714c8d3a8⋯.png (52.54 KB, 452x573, 452:573, Hill 1 re Voter Registrati….PNG)

Record-setting 800K participated in this year's National Voter Registration Day



dbc2e8  No.3300455

File: caebae6a6af5630⋯.png (180.2 KB, 818x656, 409:328, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

File: ea161a92e8312fb⋯.png (537.96 KB, 788x527, 788:527, Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at ….png)

CBS fires NCIS and Charmed producer Brad Kern for 'sexually harassing women and making racist remarks', three weeks after boss Les Moonves quit following sexual misconduct allegations from six women

Brad Kern was fired by CBS on Monday after a third investigation into claims of harassment and sexual misconduct on the set of NCIS: New Orleans

He allegedly 'harassed and unfairly penalized women, repeatedly bullied a nursing mother and made racially insensitive statements'

Reports began to emerge in December claiming her fired an actress he deemed 'unf*able' and hired another because a top CBS exec wanted 'to f* her'

'He discriminates against women, against working mothers, against anyone he can’t control — especially women,' said a former employee

Other former NCIS staff members said that Kern, who had his deal renewed for two years just this spring by CBS, would still have a job if Les Moonves was CEO

He previously produced shows including Lois & Clark and Charmed, starring Alyssa Milano and Rose McGowan

PUBLISHED: 16:35 EDT, 2 October 2018


I'm guessing these allegations had corroboration…

1430a9  No.3300456

File: 2f2ffb5f65b1816⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 459x652, 459:652, PlanetaryEnema.jpg)

Regarding unexplained activity at the South Pole the Scientific American article states:

"Physicists don’t know what it is exactly. But they do know it’s some sort of cosmic ray—a high-energy particle that’s blasted its way through space, into the Earth, and back out again."


Sounds like an enema to me.

2c78c1  No.3300457


Why are conservatives so fucking pacified??? We just stand there while this enraged leftist takes our signs from us and rips them up.

bd69fc  No.3300458


He's Comey's accomplice in leaking.

f8d0d3  No.3300459


And then they said he was onboard the rescue boat.

Sounds very much like that Hawaiian woman who released BHO's forged BC who ended up scuba'd to death.

c8bc7b  No.3300460


na man its the DUCTH Royal logo.. complete with Saturn…

9f89e5  No.3300461


5 of them are real people!

ae9f1a  No.3300462


That'd be glorious

f8cce5  No.3300463


Will pray more

ac4d21  No.3300464

File: 0831fcb34581fd3⋯.jpg (62.28 KB, 580x348, 5:3, 236wtp.jpg)


Nice find, WOW

f08f21  No.3300465

File: 4d18177e8e0133f⋯.jpg (63.18 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 2j8ndt.jpg)

c4f487  No.3300466


my thoughts exactly

4a2360  No.3300467

File: bdf6efa46622ad9⋯.png (157.56 KB, 278x296, 139:148, snoop digg.png)


not me. im low rank. all i do is suck on dick. need your dick sucked?

7f58d5  No.3300468


200 districts have more registered voters than residents living there according to the census.

2ad229  No.3300470


NewEnglandFag here.


I am listening to Howie Carr Show live, and he and his staff just discussed the article about Tad Low's low blow.

This is not the first time they've been discussing things in our "Notables" in real time.

In other words, they're paying attention and red pilling.

Little by little, guys, the truth is getting released to the masses.


c63922  No.3300471


the neutrinos go through the earth and come out the other side

seen that though

9e420c  No.3300472


Watch…bet he ends up being someone of NOTE.


418d96  No.3300473

File: ca56a94847a091d⋯.jpg (74.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dragoncontained.jpg)

6b9a68  No.3300474


Carlos Slim, the Mexican phone++ oligarch owns a big piece of the NY Slimes. I can hear the convo now;

Slim (to POTUS): I'll release your taxes if USMCA goes thru.

POTUS: F you! Your cartel's going down.

345315  No.3300475

File: b8cfd86f113aecd⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 500x564, 125:141, bird_strike.jpg)














4fd366  No.3300476

File: a6605366f6c153b⋯.jpg (96 KB, 830x1000, 83:100, masteryoda.jpg)


Fuck Off!

I'm busy saving the world with memes, ancient history, aliens, and tits pics.

be7696  No.3300477


Praying you and yours stay nice and cozy, it's been flooding like crazy up here.

62627c  No.3300478


Again not weird at all

No way this about politics

d8cb5d  No.3300479


Conservatives understand that actions have consequences. She will get hers.

d1f10f  No.3300480


She is better off not having gone there.

Look on the the bright side.

fcbcc0  No.3300481

File: 93e831ad67815d4⋯.png (184.2 KB, 450x320, 45:32, ClipboardImage.png)


Oct 2017

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Nov 2017

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Dec 2017

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Jan 2018

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

June 2018

but Q's posts will still come true eventually


but Q's posts will still come true eventually

[next week]

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

adc05d  No.3300482

File: 32c5cd8edd30111⋯.jpg (130.07 KB, 959x777, 137:111, 4fb4e34c97aeea69104277843d….jpg)



4a2360  No.3300483



VRD hiits 800K from The Hill

aaec70  No.3300484


Its absolutley masonic. You can prove this by the tophat fellow the masonic masonic masonic eye in the pyramid. You can prove it with the orange and white checkerboard mosaic color coding. You can prove it with the symbology that only the posts related or in line with the elites make up the upvotes with the all seeying eye pyramid making up the upvote sign. This is proof that reddit uses masonry to mass coordinate and silence dissenting opninions. I have personally been told by a redditor that they are a freemason who kill children that is watching me because I was redpilling people on a throwaway account. I sent that guy a link shortener to get his ip and it lead to a pizza restaurant in canada. Reddit is masonic its the one thing you can't call out they absolutely revile in pretending to be cute and nerdy while ignoring truth.

d56788  No.3300485


I can see it in your first picture, but it's hard to say that the reddit picture looks like an owl. I won't completely discount it, though

927f9d  No.3300486

Now was that dinghy a dinghy, or a SEAL zodiac?

5a0ec0  No.3300487

File: f56c0032dee77f4⋯.png (411.35 KB, 658x774, 329:387, f56c0032dee77f40cf1705fd6b….png)

Makes me wonder if he's already seen the reports and just wants to close shop.


9f89e5  No.3300488


There’s a hole in the earth that runs through the poles.

011310  No.3300489

File: 47ff998133f9fdd⋯.jpeg (24.8 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 47ff998133f9fdd924d02acf6….jpeg)


FOX News is basically CNN except for the morning show and a few hours in the evening. Im glad RSBN told them to go fuck themselves.

e91662  No.3300490

File: c2f379dcac34dde⋯.png (471.35 KB, 1100x705, 220:141, ClipboardImage.png)






c639a0  No.3300491

File: 9a9d64782f04790⋯.png (526.32 KB, 497x698, 497:698, bateriophage.png)



429db8  No.3300492

People we need a small team on POTUS's twitter page, we are getting smashed on it, all the time!!


6ec5b4  No.3300493



I bet Pauley Perrette is happy to see this happen

afef26  No.3300494

File: c6eee46e292d403⋯.jpg (160.53 KB, 864x1105, 864:1105, pepe-salute.jpg)


At your service.

f08f21  No.3300495

File: bc3bf3ebd46324a⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 1031x714, 1031:714, 5cdf8a2b16486a091acdcbd78b….jpg)

726b43  No.3300496



1e6c31  No.3300497


Must be Shep Smith's guy

192bd5  No.3300498

File: 566cd2dfbead809⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 474x376, 237:188, 566cd2dfbead809a3c3095e3e0….jpg)


Yes, my son?

c63922  No.3300499

File: 44617f699b7d23c⋯.png (2.35 MB, 3627x1261, 279:97, ClipboardImage.png)






compilation of digs from the thread on it

add anything you think of in the thread

ccd790  No.3300501

File: a098a5d78ed619c⋯.jpg (79.9 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2j8nmk.jpg)

60ad62  No.3300502


KEK! Nice! ThanQ!

6b9a68  No.3300503


>>3300427 - NYT Releases POTUS's tax returns

332b80  No.3300504


Why didn't anyone spray mace in that bitch's face? Look so weak.

418d96  No.3300505

File: 47c3bd14d6047bf⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 600x338, 300:169, D1167_14_035_0004_600.jpg)

ecbfe0  No.3300506


Another in a long line of ' isolated incidents '

ceff0e  No.3300507

File: c70796da3c63a66⋯.pdf (1.38 MB, 2018-10-02 Signed Ketterer….pdf)

File: 08df863a1c829c3⋯.png (424.78 KB, 1891x926, 1891:926, 2018-10-02_Signed_Ketterer….png)

File: 625b62a4f3868bb⋯.png (481.3 KB, 1891x926, 1891:926, 2018-10-02_Signed_Ketterer….png)

File: 65f4ea9676040b8⋯.png (485.14 KB, 1891x926, 1891:926, 2018-10-02_Signed_Ketterer….png)

File: 08df863a1c829c3⋯.png (424.78 KB, 1891x926, 1891:926, 2018-10-02_Signed_Ketterer….png)



bit of a bomb really.

9e1e2c  No.3300508

File: 540439beb77d6ac⋯.jpg (57.13 KB, 633x380, 633:380, scheisse.jpg)

6622d9  No.3300509

File: 6ad51bc7af2f099⋯.png (10.06 KB, 211x246, 211:246, 1476410864971.png)

4fd366  No.3300510


England fags.

Hey we're pretty pissed about the whole Royal thingy.

We get through with this shit you better tell that Royal beyatch we're coming to light a fire in her panties next.

871a04  No.3300511

File: d9254c60d226886⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 500x281, 500:281, releasethetechnology.jpg)




saw it too

wtf is really going on there?

c64877  No.3300512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The image shown in the embedded frame

Is a shot of the very first H-Bomb test.

Here is 2 min video of that test,

because it is much more impressive

than the original fission bombs

This was simply a geometry trick

That was all done with mirrors


That is how they got a little fission bomb

To kick off a nuclear fusion reaction

Geometry and mirrors

The masons with their symbol saying

G for Geometry in the middle

Were on to something

And there is evidence that ancient people

Set off nuclear weapons in the Sinai

And in northern India

Perhaps because they knew the deep secrets

Of geometry and mirrors.

Did you know that in the Russian empire

Almost all the mirror makers

Were Jews?

7bfe60  No.3300513

File: debce8c3df5e953⋯.jpeg (106.71 KB, 888x480, 37:20, DD757642-CB97-461F-8A3D-9….jpeg)

Well if you believe some anonymous poster on the internet, Justice Kavanaugh will be confirmed 53-47.

Media’s been wrong about a ton of things the last two years. Maybe I’ll side with the “anonymous source” on this one

9f89e5  No.3300514


No this is absolutely nothing. Wait till DECLAS, wait till Kav confirm, wait till U1, Obama and more.

cfaac6  No.3300515


Another one bites the dust.

765254  No.3300516


some senator leaked the story on that police report brawl to the wino who then told the reporter.

62627c  No.3300517


You know what i dont care if Q is real lets just lynch them

1791ca  No.3300518

File: ef3c292145eedce⋯.png (504.17 KB, 634x819, 634:819, bill just2.png)


delet this

c3ef56  No.3300519

Tad Low's real/full name is Josiah Orne Low IV, son of Penelope Ireland Low and Mr. Low III of Riverside, Conn. He is married to Alisa Lea Ruvinsky, daughter of Inna Ruvinsky of Collingwood, Ontario, and the stepdaughter of the late Fred Thoms.


ac4d21  No.3300520

File: 61dcf73abb3a185⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 666x499, 666:499, Q research Christian badge.jpg)

File: 508c8687afcb84f⋯.jpg (147.22 KB, 624x500, 156:125, Q research Christians Badg….jpg)

Is the anon on, who requested a Q research Christian Badge without cross symbolism on?

I finished your Badge second pic

9f89e5  No.3300521


Q never said that. Try again shill.

7f58d5  No.3300522


Countermeasures are in place

7a9b43  No.3300523

File: a67d3eecb15786b⋯.jpg (22.35 KB, 313x390, 313:390, 911herodogSirius.jpg)

File: ba443843f87486b⋯.jpg (5.42 KB, 150x136, 75:68, dogstarsirius.jpg)

File: 64ff4372d5c39ce⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 295x293, 295:293, Ritualat911memorialSiriuss….jpg)

File: 64bcfb8a482d9b7⋯.jpg (221.67 KB, 640x640, 1:1, dogsiriusmemorialstatue.jpg)

File: 9e8ee083815717e⋯.jpg (29.22 KB, 327x294, 109:98, tracingboardSirius.jpg)


Could be one day difference either way, when you are counting days, depending if you count the last day or just the intervening days.

The "every dog has it's day" was supposedly one day away from the alleged death of McNoName - however he may have died on the following Tuesday?


Who's to say what "Every dog has it's day" meant in regard to McNoName?

Dog Days are traditionally the Day of the first Helical rising of the Star Sirius [worshiped in the ancient world] and lasts for 40 days

July 2 or 3 to August 11

the Worshippers of the Goddess Isis would wait for the rising day. And that was a big holiday.

I 'd have to dig in astronomy to find the exact days this year. The astronomical day is pretty fixed to the Solar calandar. And that is the "Coincidence"

Since Masons are often behind these "holidays" I assume "National Dog Day" the Sunday after McNoName alleged death it connects to the season of the astronomical "Dog Days"?

Remember the question?

What is the closest Star?

I answered "Sun" since I believe the Sun is a Star.

But a good answer would also be "Sirius" the "Dog Star"

[actually said to be a double or triple star ]

It is the brightest star in the sky and closest Star.

Because it is a twin to our star, the dates of it's rising in the east with our Sun, do not change.

Whereas that is not true for any other stars.

"How Vast " "How amazing"

Read "Genesis 1" and weep at the beauty of Nature / creation.

"Sirius: The Star of Isis and the Dog Days"


"Sirius" was the Hero Rescue Dog of 9/11

That was not a coincidence.

GOLDEN retriever.

Notice the memorial statue to the 9/11 Hero Dog "Sirius" is Blue.

Sirius the dog star is a Blue star; known to the ancients to be Blue.

There's likely more connection with "Joker?"

"Are You Serious" threat line , grin, and 9/11 hoax.

Subconscious entrainment?

In any case 9/11 was a ritual [human sacrifice] and the symbols around it do give it away.

60ad62  No.3300525


Oh and Stolen..

1822ef  No.3300526


POTUS did say she was the supreme leader of the Dims.

Maybe he wasn't joking and she's the one who orders hits???

Man, would that freak a bunch of us out…

75cb58  No.3300527

File: e72d93b459a92d4⋯.jpg (89.05 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pie.jpg)


You need some pie…

2c78c1  No.3300528


I'm not trying to be an asshole, but there was nothing noble or principled about that. Don't you see it as a perfect microcosm for what's going on in America? The left attacks us and this country and we just stand there. We don't fight back.

959d00  No.3300529


I was groped by the highest ranking anon at a party once.

72949e  No.3300530


well in this country you can make a police report

against anybody. its away to kidnap people. Women I know have used this tactic. however if they felt they could get in trouble for false reports. I'm down with that

db3c65  No.3300531


Tippy top

a8e664  No.3300532

File: 2e6140a2d025dbf⋯.png (5.4 KB, 424x130, 212:65, Q 2282 SC Security Detail.PNG)




So is this

Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending).


04e165  No.3300533

File: 64a1be6d2fda509⋯.jpg (11.04 KB, 245x206, 245:206, crank.jpg)


highest-cranking anon in the pit

243c7a  No.3300535


$ zbarimg PFD.PNG

scanned 0 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.02 seconds

WARNING: barcode data was not detected in some image(s)

things to check:

- is the barcode type supported? currently supported symbologies are:


ISBN-10, ISBN-13), Code 128, Code 93, Code 39, Codabar,

DataBar, DataBar Expanded, and Interleaved 2 of 5

- is the barcode large enough in the image?

- is the barcode mostly in focus?

- is there sufficient contrast/illumination?

6feddc  No.3300536


education is faggot

5a0ec0  No.3300537

File: a51b254a06440be⋯.png (304.61 KB, 640x704, 10:11, Screenshot_2018-10-02 Kyle….png)


So sorry. the other one had wrong sreengrab.

Makes me wonder if he's already seen the reports and just wants to close shop.


9a0679  No.3300538

File: c44f34ac7af54c3⋯.png (343.48 KB, 553x750, 553:750, RALLY.png)


The president will bring up today’s (losing) New York Times hit piece on his family’s taxes, and say something like, “They’re a little panicked,” or “They’re acting like cornered rats over there.”

da16ec  No.3300539

File: 5e18edce75b552f⋯.jpg (34.55 KB, 677x380, 677:380, jared-leto-joker-1.jpg)

is there any meme potential in the story that during the filming of Suicide Squad, Jared Leto freaked out the rest of the crew by showing up at the set and throwing cubes of ice?

MADMAN on the Supreme Court

fd2823  No.3300540


Senate done for today and Mitch did not file cloture. So as of now, earliest possible final vote would be Saturday.

24f463  No.3300541


I'm so happy she didn't get in. I would be dead by now I'm sure.

d1da1e  No.3300542


What Royal thingy?

6622d9  No.3300543



anudda shoah

de2340  No.3300544

File: 8e4fb11ce26c96f⋯.png (749.32 KB, 655x652, 655:652, AQ22.PNG)


Google Advertising Head Leaves Company for Venture Capital Firm

Sridhar Ramaswamy

d6a55f  No.3300545

File: 7b8c526f75b6d7c⋯.jpg (235.23 KB, 760x380, 2:1, CALM.jpg)

c8bc7b  No.3300546

File: fb834c9318e7b4e⋯.png (875.39 KB, 952x1045, 952:1045, Royal_coat_of_arms_of_the_….png)


i like that anon.

b6bd33  No.3300547

I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Don't follow me. You might end up believing FakeNews reports leading you in cries begging God in prayer or something. JesusChrist Seems everyone either doesn't take a report of a chemical attack seriously or knows nothing happened. Sorry, I'm going to trust my gut. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK DAILY AND WE THE PEOPLE BETTER ACTUALLY STOP WAITING FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO SAVE OURSELVES.

I believe in Qanon & our President. WHAT I NO LONGER CAN DO IS IGNORE THESE REPORTS TODAY, elusive but are they real? I believe they are.

for me and my heart. i got spooked and everyone else has gone numb.

We can't fight an enemy we don't see or a war with someone else kicking me out if i don't know the rules or how its being done

I'm an information whore. Does me no good when the info isn't there for me to know the full truth. I have relied on fellow patriots to help me know find and recognize what i am not in the know to know.

I thank you all. I think its best I just act like a crazy person and be thought the fool than do nothing thinking I am wise.

I'll die in the light rather than hide in the dark. I have that privilege and I believe others do not and I pray for them all.

I just cant stand to be in my own skin anymore and rely on everyone else to tell me truth. My gut tells me we the people can't be relying on others to tell us what's right wrong all the time. Sometime sure, But we have to trust ourselves too. We know in our gut what is right and wrong.

To each their own. Today. I'm spent and I have nothing to offer any of you and I'm sorry i have taken more than I have been able to bring. Truly I am

I grieve. None of this is right and I truly hope everyone stays safe, I just feel everyday we the people dont have justice, see justice or witness restoration. Its another piece of our great nation and our conscious that's dying off.

Trust the plan all the way. Trust my heart is the only way that heals until that plan comes full circle…..

God bless you all!

1cf77a  No.3300548


So them what does bi sexual mean? Dumbasses…..all of them..

9aa99f  No.3300549


you want to stop this Fucking Bullshit Shoot a few right between the eyes

d28cfc  No.3300551

File: a0875489fd43944⋯.png (592.47 KB, 501x648, 167:216, 8e5cf982-bc0d-040a-e656-33….png)

c7d212  No.3300552

Noice clockfag

c639a0  No.3300553


you know why Q posts on PF right? Cause when he posts on bread the retards retard with endless oh hai boss posts and stupid ass questions that make the bread rise so fast bakers can't keep up.

That's why.

we're populated by retards.

d1f10f  No.3300554


Thanks for doing the check Anon.

Was an interesting idea. Didn't work out.

594844  No.3300555

File: e45f04ba919b9ff⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 360x252, 10:7, BennyHill-Champagne.gif)

052c77  No.3300556

File: 6e8519a7261728b⋯.jpg (19.81 KB, 960x422, 480:211, 6e8.jpg)

aaec70  No.3300557


> I have personally been told by a redditor that they are a freemason who kill children that is watching me because I was redpilling people on a throwaway account.

*who kills children

The post to me was "I am a freemason, I kill children, I am watching you"

That is why I sometimes write

freemasons kill children

freemasons kill children

freemasons kill children

Because I pissed that clown off so much he told me he kills children to scare me. And it did I deleted the post I made and then the account . then he deleted his before screencapping but I got his ip and it leads to a pizza place in canada.

7bfe60  No.3300558



d9c8b0  No.3300559

161b7c  No.3300560

1791ca  No.3300561

File: 7224f6e4f713933⋯.jpg (31.35 KB, 302x407, 302:407, 1501780859837.jpg)


i really hate the demonicrats.

This is blowing up in their faces and its glorious.

Love you guys

4fd366  No.3300562

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, FLAG.png)


Now that's a true Patriot.

A True Patriot isn't here because they think Q is POTUS or Elvis or JFK or whomever.

True Patriot is here not for glory or being close to the world famous.

They are here because they want to do something to save their country from the evil that has infested it.

We are Patriots, and WE ARE Q!

491318  No.3300563

FBI Done tommorow

New Drudge !!!!

55ba36  No.3300564



de2340  No.3300565

File: 19c9210f6b5c95e⋯.png (447.52 KB, 662x671, 662:671, AQ23.PNG)


Facebook VP: Latest Hack Was ‘Sophisticated’, Like a ‘Weightless Intruder

617c0e  No.3300566


I categorically deny that allegation.

fcbcc0  No.3300567

File: eaf7a6efc695a7d⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1300x957, 1300:957, ClipboardImage.png)

Oct 2017

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Nov 2017

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Dec 2017

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

Jan 2018

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

June 2018

but Q's posts will still come true eventually


but Q's posts will still come true eventually

[next week]

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

[the afterlife]

but Q's posts will still come true eventually

d56788  No.3300568

File: 6554b5f0fffab0d⋯.png (53.67 KB, 1790x168, 895:84, wittes.png)


Yep, another deep state hack. Fuck these people. And he is Jewish by the way (every single time)

c64877  No.3300570

File: ba172d2995941f4⋯.gif (9.3 KB, 436x190, 218:95, First_Law_Q.gif)

File: fb671d807e6ff34⋯.jpg (94.81 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Q Magnification Factor of ….jpg)

File: 1e6d96b1fd3ee4c⋯.jpg (134.78 KB, 640x426, 320:213, White-Principles-of-Q-Thru….jpg)

File: 0ca976473a0e552⋯.pdf (10.09 MB, Q-Thruster In-Vacuum Fall ….pdf)

File: 0e27f9cfbf71760⋯.png (295.21 KB, 1202x1020, 601:510, Q_Equals_Charge.png)


The secret is Q

No, really!

If you understood Q

You would understand how to build these things

6b9a68  No.3300571

>>3300453 - USMCA related


72949e  No.3300572

File: 0e8aece732b79f1⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 273x160, 273:160, al.jpg)


What !

02ef56  No.3300573

File: 2c5d2c060c37917⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1506x1508, 753:754, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)


Derp derp

c09173  No.3300574

Chance of winning…

Kavanaugh Confirmation


+5.5% in the last 4 hours


c8bc7b  No.3300575

File: 30649923eb055b1⋯.jpg (18.05 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 2j133u.jpg)

d8cb5d  No.3300576


We are fighting back. Just not the way they want us to. I bet I would have reacted and gotten arrested or something.

e91662  No.3300577

File: 1cb1b09cf0a8ec7⋯.png (116.22 KB, 649x556, 649:556, ClipboardImage.png)





this mother fucker Benjamin Wittes is swampier than sheeeeet.


86f093  No.3300578


Why the hell did you fill your name field,

with anonymous in all CAPS???

ad604c  No.3300579

File: 4eb4bea9f35dd7c⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 2j2bfp.jpg)




5be77e  No.3300580


What if.

You are highest ranking anon.

Find a mirror, then you can talk to HRA.

7bfe60  No.3300581

File: ec67ef84422a2b6⋯.png (302.18 KB, 645x721, 645:721, 3EC07876-04FD-49BE-9CFA-ED….png)


[You] glow clownnigger

491318  No.3300582


FBI Probe of Kavanaugh Is Expected to Wrap Up Very Soon

People familiar with the process said Tuesday that the FBI investigation into the allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Kavanaugh could wrap up very soon, well ahead of the end-of week deadline.

GOP aides on the Hill and another person familiar with the process said they were expecting the bureau to conclude its report as soon as late Tuesday

https ://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/kavanaugh/card/1538511155https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/kavanaugh/card/1538511155

c09173  No.3300583




d9984a  No.3300584


10-3 10-7 10-4

c0a0aa  No.3300585

File: 22626413446d456⋯.png (15.31 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 46b26777e4e0ac637625e60166….png)

I disliked commies before I had realized that they were actively trying to take over this country of ours, now that dislike has turned into pure hatred.

How the fuck can anyone call themselves a communist and a human at the same time is beyond me. They're inhuman scum and if I live to see the day they're all wiped out, I'll be one happy camper.



also, I can't wait for Reddit to die a fiery death, fuck Reddit too.

712d06  No.3300586



>I was groped by the highest ranking anon at a party once.

Been meaning to apologize for that. But I'd just got done being top in my class at Yale and succeeding in a string of tough career moves, and I felt entitled, ya know? Can I maybe spring for an extra front door for ya–to make up for it? Yeah? Thanks, you're a sport. Here, hold my beer.


Nothing's getting lost, concernfag.

This happens from time to time, is never a problem.

BV will edit the number at some point.


>"Excuse me, Miss"

But I thought it was whitey that got all dem privileges

e9fb97  No.3300587

True…it all works out as it should, anon >>3300480

b3383d  No.3300588


i hear ya, i pictured the man behind the curtain when musk and them were ranting about it.

10 years from now, not so sure though.

60ad62  No.3300589

File: c33d73fe32d9239⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 375x383, 375:383, attention_whore.JPG)


Obviously a….

db3c65  No.3300591

Ive got a pretty tuff stomach but I can only handle so much Twitter . That’s one evil fucking place. Jump on, check news cycle, get the fuck out. Comfy here in research

3c8424  No.3300592

File: 1e7e56fcd5e13cf⋯.png (102.25 KB, 325x315, 65:63, ClipboardImage.png)


That hand position is perfect for the meme masters here ( certainly not me)

2aa11e  No.3300593


lmao, what a great message to send to normies. "It doesn't matter whether he's innocent or guilty!"

1822ef  No.3300594


Man, I hope the security is better than DC Police.

Remember the chief DWS was all over about the laptop?

Don't want that guy guarding me.

I mean, he has balls he proved it, but prefer my protection to have seen their's in the last decade.

de2340  No.3300595

File: c8d90776c74350f⋯.png (346.8 KB, 595x537, 595:537, AQ31.PNG)



New York State Tax Department is reviewing allegations Donald Trump received millions of dollars from his father, possibly as part of alleged tax fraud schemes.

They lost so dig up story

16e19b  No.3300596

File: 16ec3bd566abcaa⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 653x600, 653:600, 16ec3bd566abcaaa090486ff2c….jpg)






7bfe60  No.3300597

File: 2da7487ee0fc808⋯.png (255.81 KB, 552x464, 69:58, B3586653-CF03-43F6-9517-8F….png)

93acba  No.3300598

File: 93fc04a72926cbc⋯.png (388.14 KB, 1045x767, 1045:767, ClipboardImage.png)

On twatter

f7556e  No.3300599

Alexis O'hanian


U know nothing


d6a55f  No.3300600

File: 3336d9b7bc9ee9e⋯.jpg (80.09 KB, 743x430, 743:430, ABRACADABRA.jpg)

File: b1e12ec5089ace8⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 425x599, 425:599, assholes.jpg)

File: 7b8c526f75b6d7c⋯.jpg (235.23 KB, 760x380, 2:1, CALM.jpg)

File: af4957ff20c0cd3⋯.jpg (54.54 KB, 512x460, 128:115, ICEBEAR.jpg)

e3e1a5  No.3300601


POTUS also rallied in evvansville indiana.

Tonight he is going to MISSISSIPPI.

If POTUS goes to Arkansas soon, he will have made a Q on google maps.

462d0f  No.3300602


Why is her mouth so big and open, how did it get that big? What has she been shoving in it to stretch it out of proportion? Almost makes me believe she has a birds beak or lizard mouth for it to open so wide.

c51a40  No.3300603



Dog star

Most evil star in Egyptian pantheon


Egyptians depended on Nile

Sirius accents in late July and August

This is when the Nile is weakest

024a36  No.3300604

File: 4807238877565ad⋯.jpg (148.04 KB, 1364x850, 682:425, #2.JPG)

File: 144a91efd9abd59⋯.jpg (120.58 KB, 678x850, 339:425, #2a.JPG)

File: 1e4f0d303350a05⋯.jpg (78.93 KB, 670x853, 670:853, #2b.JPG)

Sorry if already posted. Avenatti has a new client. Something has to change about these false accusations being allowed. Avenatti has a duty to the Law to have done his due diligence with these clients before accusing anyone. There is an extra duty when accusing a sitting Judge. At this point is is not the 2nd person making the accusation, it is CPL making the accusation as he has not put the name forward. If he is representing a client then his representation has to be made known. Lawyers can't hide their involvement with a client. Him hiding his client is the same as his client hiding him and that is not ethical,

b7871f  No.3300605


Kek! I always admire these images. Beautiful!!!

491318  No.3300606


5 5

Shot heard around the world !!!

c2b456  No.3300607

File: 65ac20f78a7747f⋯.jpg (290.86 KB, 968x968, 1:1, Meme Creator_1538513905564.jpg)

8ef512  No.3300608


That is funny to begin with and then as it goes on it become creepy AF. She would have ENDED US!

fef88b  No.3300609

File: fdf8679473a937c⋯.png (347.58 KB, 610x343, 610:343, feckful.png)

>>3300013 lb

d56788  No.3300611


But you don't vehemently deny it? Guilty

a8e664  No.3300612

File: f99151d40d5b1d0⋯.png (242.32 KB, 657x544, 657:544, BYork re Avenatti Swetnick….PNG)

File: 2205dee6c490982⋯.png (730.96 KB, 1112x667, 1112:667, BYork re Avenatti Swetnick….PNG)

File: 0f394fefff51fcb⋯.png (731.68 KB, 1106x665, 158:95, BYork re Avenatti Swetnick….PNG)


4 Page Ketterer Statement

What Avenatti and his Democratic and cable TV enablers hath wrought: More crazy s–t from the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.


07a988  No.3300613


dude go cry on FB, anons are at work.

b90d55  No.3300614


I love this place!

cfcc6f  No.3300615

File: c579d07fab75b5d⋯.jpeg (201.33 KB, 1027x980, 1027:980, 69E06439694F4632AC99D79F9….jpeg)


I noticed some unexplained yet not unexpected activity around Uranus

765254  No.3300616


4 am talking points came 12 hours early

e91662  No.3300617

File: 3687c62c3d6b8c2⋯.png (107.92 KB, 310x163, 310:163, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm shocked!

(sarcasm intesifies)

eedbab  No.3300618

People are alive in their own light, full of hope, ideas, excitment, awareness, mindfullness, eagerness, joy…love—We are connected in inspiration with unbound possibility. This is unfolding right before my eyes.

This is more than just draining the swamp Anons, this is about restoring hope, restoring Love. Restoring the Light of the world within us all.

Hope emerges in the face of fear's uncertainty.

We are healing and we are restoring. We are learning together and we are growong together. We are emerging together as the present unfolds.

Do not despair—

let go in the darkness


fall into the Light

Forever grateful.

fcbcc0  No.3300619



2aa11e  No.3300620


Wasn't it common knowledge that he inherited money from his dad? JFC they're getting desperate.

61db98  No.3300621


from NYT


5ad348  No.3300622

74d5bf  No.3300623

So 53-47

s that the Senate vote prediction, plain and simple? Kavanaugh confirmed.

I say yes

cfaac6  No.3300624


Bet the VP loved using that phrase "weightless intruder' WHAT A MORON. So if stuff gets stolen it's not their fault cuz they were hacked.

298c03  No.3300625


Think you're seriously on to something. Scale it up/down and post a couple of more times asking for help, LF.


c3ef56  No.3300626


You know in the past Q would have drilled into them for their security but on this they have been silent. I stick with my original theory that this hack was done by the good guys to completely flash records on all the people connected to certain groups and activities for the upcoming events.

For it to be that sophisticated and also target those particular apps it is clearly someone/group who wants detailed data on people and we already know FB basically gives it to China and other countries already. My theory is this was the DOD and they are going to use that data during a round up.

192bd5  No.3300627


God Emperor just shuts down IRS

Wins 2020 with 96% of vote

72949e  No.3300628

File: 65c617cddd64b82⋯.jpg (107.48 KB, 763x562, 763:562, packages-oak-121814.jpg)

Nearly 400 guns stolen from Tennessee UPS recovered near Chicago, ATF says

Of course they were headed to Chicago


7a9b43  No.3300629


Funny no one does anything.

I would've intervened.

Pushed the table over on her.

They just watch.


ad604c  No.3300630



c63922  No.3300632


thanks BV

60ad62  No.3300633


Are you a senator?

c639a0  No.3300634


Appears to be a NIGGERESS who has culturally appropriated white people hair. JAIL HER…and WTF with all the pussies standing there letting her attack them.

bca3e3  No.3300635


Bahahahahahahahahaha….. circling back to "trumps taxes" they just keep running the same sorry stories…. taxes, whores from 40 years ago, muh russia…. complete fucking douche bags! They can't stop! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

94df40  No.3300636


Everyone alleged to have seen or spoken to Highest Ranking Anon has categorically, and under penalty of felony, disclaimed any and all knowledge of same.

aaec70  No.3300637


here is his Ip for posterity

fuck that shithead it leads to reginos pizza in canada

3b00cf  No.3300638


June 24 and 25 are out of order.

cfaac6  No.3300639


Stupid question but did Judge K. actually do that during the hearing? Quite a face there. Missed it.

260088  No.3300640

File: ab99f909f8c36b7⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1660x864, 415:216, ClipboardImage.png)

c7d212  No.3300641

"We have it in our power, to begin the world over again." Ronald Reagan

5:5 Q!

c63922  No.3300642

Notables so far frens, let me know if something was missed


>>3300227 Chan Zuckerberg and Rockefeller have a $10 million plan to boost economic opportunity

>>3300238 Graphic: Connect the "Heading to" stops of Trump and see a "Q".

>>3300252, >>3300286, >>3300507 Excerpt of Testimony from Dennis Ketterer

>>3300255, >>3300356 Former boyfriend's statements about Julie Swetnick's sexual preferences made under penalty of felony

>>3300275 Video: Democrat assaulting Pro Kavanaugh demonstrators

>>3300362 CEO departures are on the rise. Here’s a list of the big ones (Written TODAY)

>>3300371 Senate Judiciary Members Escorted Through Protests by Police

>>3300396 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3300427 - NYT article on POTUS

>>3300454 Record-setting 800K participated in this year's National Voter Registration Day

>>3300628 Nearly 400 guns stolen from Tennessee UPS recovered near Chicago, ATF says

b6bd33  No.3300643




have a good productive time anons. you do great work we love and rely on you all.

cbd228  No.3300644

File: e8ef177870ba12b⋯.jpg (43.7 KB, 540x389, 540:389, IMG_1149.JPG)

dbc2e8  No.3300645


nice wig

real survivors don' behave in that manner

871a04  No.3300646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this lady /knows/ her sh!t

im on part 2 now

f8e5c3  No.3300647

File: c95b0a7b0c02b38⋯.jpg (174.51 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, Legal_Notice_of_Meme_Acqui….jpg)


Np, yvw


KEK! I should look if can find a pic fuller bowl somewhere


Pic related smug_Pepe.jpg

429db8  No.3300648


check out bruce cathie

94df40  No.3300649


That’s cultural appropriation

d971bf  No.3300650

File: afd25b3b63d2244⋯.jpeg (928.56 KB, 1242x1541, 54:67, 69DD13BC-A883-4534-AF8D-5….jpeg)



2ff0ea  No.3300651


It's not a "position", anon. Have some respect. It's what happens when incessant ball-fondling causes the muscles in the hand to temporarily seize. This world is filled with so much suffering.

699d5d  No.3300652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How you graph it is important. Scale of graph, thickness of lines, etc. May be on to something here, but probably not in this current form.

>vid unrelated: kids = normies, stan lee = ce-5 anons

250a9c  No.3300653


Speaking of going full circle, it's getting time for Russia 2.0.

2b0a9a  No.3300654


Paulener is good, but Ayinger Märzen IMHO is the best!

a77b35  No.3300655

File: 0639fe57ca35a5e⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 255x191, 255:191, f2fb048fbe159d2dd250e3e67a….jpg)

CBF is C_A



9f89e5  No.3300656


Highly doubtful. Q never makes things obvious.

0e6919  No.3300657

Who was Trump's bank in the 90's?

Deutsche Bank? Brown Brother's Harriman & Co.?

Where did NYT get the confidential financial and tax information?

e95122  No.3300658


Is this a “how to” video or wha?

a8e664  No.3300659


>you want to stop this Fucking Bullshit Shoot a few right between the eyes

A republican Maryland Congressman was attacked earlier today in his office / by stoners

Bread 4179


4e1dab  No.3300660

File: bdf473b6d38cdc1⋯.jpg (37.46 KB, 420x399, 20:19, 2j8oh7wsd.jpg)

55b03d  No.3300661

File: 97ccfa21cbb8fb3⋯.jpeg (546.33 KB, 2048x1611, 2048:1611, 8F09F6C2-3BD9-419B-BA5D-2….jpeg)

Surfs up… Red wave!

7bfe60  No.3300663

File: 9d322fd9f519f6c⋯.jpeg (76.57 KB, 480x680, 12:17, F479A64A-3425-4AC7-8686-3….jpeg)

So many win!

So many win!

So many win!

Kav was born for this shit

c8d562  No.3300665


Or if you turn it right side up, there is that pyramid with an eye and rays of light shining out.

dbc2e8  No.3300666


1) They're young

2) Standing passively makes the aggressor look worse IMO

250a9c  No.3300667


>Where did NYT get the confidential financial and tax information?


24f463  No.3300669


Trumps balls are this big.

bfc8d8  No.3300670


"Wo wir hingehen, gehen wir alle"

Praying for you, German anon

d8079a  No.3300671


Is June 25 and July 24

b3383d  No.3300672


"Those who say that we're in a time when there are no heroes, they just don't know where to look."

e91662  No.3300673

File: 3003cb2f2338cda⋯.png (461.09 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

d56788  No.3300674

File: e592f76780a4738⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 250x172, 125:86, e592f76780a47388837886f716….gif)

c639a0  No.3300675


>BiBi shows us German who is the boss.

the only way to retake your country is to eject, by force, the invaders…and if you do decide to build "retainment camps" again, make them for reals this time…see how faking them worked out for you last time?

1822ef  No.3300676

File: 4a4c795465ef3e2⋯.jpg (62.24 KB, 597x603, 199:201, FBI-DoneDealMaybe.JPG)


Yep. Dims are probably getting itchy right now…

491318  No.3300677

Yes lets bring the vote to the floor

260088  No.3300678



I dunno what it means but I like it.

I think the owls bizness is notable as I posted it a bunch.

Dunno how to nominate tho

c3ef56  No.3300679


Clearly foreign connected or foreign actor. All seven of the connected signs present with this post, literally all seven.

fcbcc0  No.3300680

File: 9a3d443be5c0bc3⋯.png (301.41 KB, 450x300, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

yllautneve eurt emoc llits lliw stsop s'Q tub

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yllautneve eurt emoc llits lliw stsop s'Q tub

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yllautneve eurt emoc llits lliw stsop s'Q tub

7102 tcO

c8bc7b  No.3300681

File: 4a0a1c5f72737dd⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 438x439, 438:439, 2j8n4q.jpg)

60ad62  No.3300682



de2340  No.3300683



Anything to make him look bad. Always backfires.


Double Dubs for the will of Kek!


FB handed their latest donor to the Zuckerburg offshore defense fund

the keys. Thats my theory

edf733  No.3300684

Lambda phage! I’ve so missed you!


b90d55  No.3300685

File: be55fb3d9ee2e1c⋯.gif (606.57 KB, 800x792, 100:99, 486B6212-6EE1-4237-84D8-E0….gif)

b7871f  No.3300686


=Baker Notable Resignation==

250a9c  No.3300687


>Yep. Dims are probably getting itchy right now…

They got itchy butts.

33230d  No.3300688

File: f02f536cefded7c⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 55d327e0-341f-451a-ab01-6d….jpg)


86f093  No.3300689


Yeah! Love that, patriot! Still have the old pic saved!

0e6919  No.3300690


Clowns are pawns.

Expand your thinking.

Don't forget about Alfabank from the "Muh Russia" bullshit, as well.

6feddc  No.3300691


this is pretty incredible considering midterms are usually crickets, but outpacing a presidential year - that's fucking maxine crazy.

af166b  No.3300692


Retire in grace. Maybe not.

d5aefb  No.3300693

File: 0fc24335d043a68⋯.jpeg (441.96 KB, 750x1191, 250:397, EFB9DDF4-5FFC-4F55-81C6-B….jpeg)


SpouseAnon is having a hard time getting home due to all the road closures.

c63922  No.3300695

File: 02ac9c3fd85c8ad⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 713x713, 1:1, tardation.jpg)

86f093  No.3300696


Shit meme.

43f075  No.3300697



I'm with you! I survived communism once. I came to this country looking for freedom and found it… AMERICA is my country now, and i will fight until my last breath to defend and protect her! Just like she was here for me when I needed a home. She adopted me, loved me, gave me freedom and allowed me to dream….

Over my dead body will i let her be harmed….


For God and Country!

0073d1  No.3300699


I'm a blind paraplegic Veteran whose genitalia was blown off in the war. I have two children with down syndrome, a one-legged dog, and a wife who has been in a vegetative state for 20 years. Our house was washed away in the hurricane the same day I found out I have terminal cancer.

Just wanted to say that my family and I stand ready and willing to do whatever you need us to in order to defeat the great evil that has infiltrated this great nation.


491318  No.3300700


5 days Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues

1 business week

250a9c  No.3300703


>Expand your thinking.

No thanks. Been trying that for almost a year now with poor results.

fc9060  No.3300704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Attention Israel

Russia Has Completed The Delivery Of The S-300 System!

Your Days are NUMBERED


23c4bd  No.3300705

Lawsuit Claims Facebook Failed to Protect Sex Trafficking Victim


A Texas woman who was a victim of sex trafficking when she was just 15 years old is suing Facebook, claiming the social media platform did nothing to protect her from being recruited by a trafficker disguised as a so-called "friend."

260088  No.3300706


I'm busy posting insights, watchoo want?

d971bf  No.3300707

File: e3a56993eaeeb98⋯.jpeg (327.91 KB, 1242x796, 621:398, B7C55B38-5FE6-4FD0-ACEA-8….jpeg)

File: 08aac1320dbb5d7⋯.jpeg (319.21 KB, 1242x847, 1242:847, 44049428-A668-4D4C-BEF0-8….jpeg)

File: db3eb170cc6d787⋯.jpeg (506.35 KB, 1229x1287, 1229:1287, 04B6E935-F7B0-4BEE-A98D-5….jpeg)



1e6c31  No.3300708

a262e9  No.3300709


I am the Shitlord you seek

39de70  No.3300710

File: 0adc5f56cfd8707⋯.jpg (109.22 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 0adc5f56cfd8707a4710d4641c….jpg)

37f6f0  No.3300711


I'm watching, heard it and it pissed me off. It doesn't make sense on a Trump rally, so it could be a way to get RSBN removed. I guess he stayed calm and removed his hat.

4cb26a  No.3300712

File: ee61cf38b5f7731⋯.jpg (629.41 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20181002-170700….jpg)

File: 461b0cd736e56bf⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 4096x2734, 2048:1367, IMG_20181002_170706.jpg)

6feddc  No.3300713

File: c46e23395723dd3⋯.jpg (117.8 KB, 1275x800, 51:32, memberalamo.JPG)

File: d1c5a9421a603c9⋯.jpg (108.12 KB, 1275x806, 1275:806, deathstar.JPG)

File: 8f7adee35a90065⋯.jpg (105.93 KB, 1276x808, 319:202, hiroshima.JPG)

File: 7bd92382d614386⋯.jpg (100.33 KB, 1273x807, 1273:807, islandhopping.JPG)

dbc2e8  No.3300714


Spokane is safely red, no worries.

(sorry about the spouse tho)

3f2b07  No.3300715

File: 6e9b92e38f81d15⋯.jpg (216.39 KB, 957x690, 319:230, wikileaks crs 53_47.JPG)

Interesting historical Senate majority of 53-47 for Reagan.


At present:

R 55

D 49

I 2


▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 10/02/18 (Tue) 15:31:13 No.320



ac4d21  No.3300717


The torture of not knowing and the long wait, must have you and your PEDO masters in FULL BLOWN PANIC MODE

We enjoy watching you squirm and scream loudly with anticipation of losing everything.




When you have to pay out all your wealth to the victims you tortured and people you hurt..

07a988  No.3300718


begone shill

cfb419  No.3300719

File: bd782f3f695a5d4⋯.jpg (16.4 KB, 341x148, 341:148, PLAUSIBLE.jpg)

File: b2088a13fd2153c⋯.jpg (305.39 KB, 1390x956, 695:478, A HUMBLE PIZZA MERCHANT.jpg)



website sure has a shitload of scripting for a humble pizza merchant

88f57e  No.3300720

File: 643a0b703e3b193⋯.png (88.1 KB, 497x281, 497:281, ClipboardImage.png)



Erybody gots time fo dat!

cfaac6  No.3300721

File: af87ca3ed5f0f0b⋯.png (27.07 KB, 1200x287, 1200:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b11d3a5c35df514⋯.png (1.12 MB, 902x700, 451:350, ClipboardImage.png)



aaec70  No.3300722


I hate that fucking image. It makes them look like the babies.

4fd366  No.3300723

File: 62cdb4b3690352a⋯.jpg (88.39 KB, 637x960, 637:960, 37353540_10155661738362543….jpg)

3e8787  No.3300724


So on top of a no dating rule I also now have to tell my boys to not plan parties. Fucking leftists ruin everything.

c63922  No.3300725


>R 55

only 51

>D 49

only 47

>I 2

with the 2 I's its 49 D's

122dc8  No.3300726



491fd4  No.3300727

File: 5b298ce677aee1e⋯.mp4 (9.91 MB, 640x480, 4:3, project.mp4)


c3ef56  No.3300728


Spokane is a pretty based area. Surprised they aren't all over that as that is a tough area.

765254  No.3300730




260088  No.3300731



Thanks Sherlock, no fukn really

192bd5  No.3300732


They wake up every morning with stinky fingers

9e1e2c  No.3300733

File: 961f031a0e59dc5⋯.png (233.02 KB, 601x425, 601:425, Screenshot_2018-10-02 Q Re….png)


want does his bank account look like?

250a9c  No.3300734


Unquiet desperation is the shills way.

9f89e5  No.3300735


WOW, you have some serious mental issue, bruh

fff27a  No.3300736

File: 9ba2598b0998214⋯.jpeg (207.33 KB, 1440x1058, 720:529, 1538517811.jpeg)

Those faggots cannot kill the MadDog.

243c7a  No.3300737


It might work if it was redrawn to conform to the standards. I just thought I'd try it as is.

d56788  No.3300738

File: fc7ccb653a7571f⋯.jpg (230.75 KB, 991x672, 991:672, IMG_0207.JPG)


Yep, everything checks out

d9c8b0  No.3300739

File: 64e20d6efdf3d0f⋯.jpeg (170.6 KB, 1207x892, 1207:892, tits-or-gtfo.jpeg)

7bfe60  No.3300740


It ain’t mine kek, I liked it

deac05  No.3300741


Thank you for your servicing.

d27baa  No.3300742

File: 056fa35e5442d06⋯.png (234.81 KB, 744x482, 372:241, ClipboardImage.png)

If you’re one of the 2,233 people who’ve followed the ‘Occupy San Diego’ Facebook page over the years, you might want to reconsider your relationship.

Based on what I can tell from comments posted at the site over the past 24 hours, the site is now run by somebody who’s out to mock and troll people of the progressive persuasion.

On Monday a post attributed to a follower of the bizarre conspiracy called QAnon disparaging Dr. Christine Blasey Ford appeared. Based on the comments this person or persons posting as OSD, i.e, “Liberal tears, haha,” it is clear the site no longer represents any aspect of the movement against Wall Street that inspired it.

Here’s their defense of posting an airbrushed photo/meme of Dr. Ford with the claim she came forward to testify for $900,000 in Go Fund Me accounts.

Occupy San Diego They are not serious allegations. They are allegations made by someone who literally has CIA connections (family and professional) and literally works in the mind control field who recreated her memories based on a book, has changed her story several times, that has no evidence whatsoever, and that gives no specific information. No this is now clearly a deep state operation. Ask yourself why was ALL of her social media scrubbed from the web? Why were google employees staying at her home? Do you know what papers she authored? Where are her therapist notes? Where was her family support? She was reading from a script. No. I have no reason at this point to take her allegations as serious. And there is a good reason to believe she has perjured herself. We’ll see.

What I’m given to understand is that a new person was recently granted administrative access to the OSD Facebook account and proceeded to boot out all the other administrators.

A banner image, touting a right-wing propaganda campaign (pushed by Russian bots, for what that’s worth) called #Walkaway now graces the OSD page. The campaign, which is presented as a grassroots effort by former Democrats critical of the party’s alleged intimidation, confrontation and lack of civility and want people to walk away from the party.



fcbcc0  No.3300743

File: 4ad203a83948f40⋯.png (387.65 KB, 497x500, 497:500, ClipboardImage.png)




a262e9  No.3300744


First class ticket to hell is reserved.

Filthy vile cunt.

Hope you reap all that you just trolled.

c2e74d  No.3300745


There is a nigga in the woodpile

871a04  No.3300746

File: b5d2d567478ca21⋯.gif (890.58 KB, 245x150, 49:30, giphy.gif)


where is a good bow man when we need one?

snipe it!

10ba70  No.3300747

File: 1c7a0769ec5381d⋯.jpg (218.87 KB, 1587x960, 529:320, construction.jpg)


72949e  No.3300748

File: 7c7a3c8df1ccb05⋯.jpg (6.67 KB, 124x178, 62:89, facts.jpg)

a8e664  No.3300749

File: 9ea5e33cb64137b⋯.png (468.15 KB, 658x596, 329:298, Hill re FBI Report Maybe T….PNG)

File: b164510a61e4e19⋯.png (509.45 KB, 658x550, 329:275, Hill re McConnell FBI Repo….PNG)


New Reports that FBI Report might be late tonight and that only Senators see the report



c3ef56  No.3300750


You're a piece of shit to piss all over what veteran have lost by your bullshit. Utter piece of shit. Real veterans and active duty can't wait to meet you.

726b43  No.3300751


easiest investigation ever.

fcbcc0  No.3300752



0e6919  No.3300753

Prescott Bush + Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

From 1983


0888bd  No.3300754


Don't all Bar Codes require a beginning 6, middle 6, and ending 6 (666 the mark of the beast (consumerism))?

0f7473  No.3300755

File: 4f891c7354b9d51⋯.jpg (96.28 KB, 812x807, 812:807, 1536533514.jpg)

1822ef  No.3300756


It's those Gonzaga Jesuits of the Northwest behind it I bet

c639a0  No.3300757


> I knew at that point that he had been poisoned.

not at all weird. RV anon here that gave very specific warning to our watchers regarding a VERY SPECIFIC threat to POTUS…DNA specific…within a week the person I "saw" that was responsible for obtaining the DNA was removed from and has not been back IN the circle ever since.

They are not going to give up, DNA specific poision/sickness threat has not gone away, but his security HAS gotten tighter and i've not really picked up anything serious..meaning anything that will get through since London.

55ba36  No.3300758


The men are wearing blue

The children are wearing white.

The women (with the exception of Megan) are wearing white.

Megan in brown…

Those fuckers.

e670d3  No.3300759

File: 016b0a16485ba7e⋯.jpg (25.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, holeechit.jpg)


Good shit right here

a262e9  No.3300760



Gotta go back.


eb349f  No.3300761

dbc2e8  No.3300762


& other Universities nearby

ae9f1a  No.3300763


Great work on them tracking those down, awesome work. Thank God

86f093  No.3300764


It says something that does not represent what K is.

Dems want to make him look like acting for specisl interests, but he will be fair and act in regard of constitution.

024a36  No.3300766

this spiking the punch stuff is laughable if it was funny. Nobody was attending a party of " Punch & Cookies" You take an ice chest, a can of powdered Hawaiian Punch ( there was only one size back then and it is now the smaller of 2 sizes ) You pour the Pure Grain alcohol in and the can of powder. You then take the backyard hose and fill the ice chest up leaving room to throw some bags of ice in it. You take your red solo cup and dip it in and hope it doesn't get on your new outfit as it drips down the cup. Maybe rich kids in DC area used a ladle but we didn't. PGA& Punch, Jungle Juice, maybe other names in other parts of the Country. Nobody thought they were drinking koolaid.

c639a0  No.3300767


He's a jew. That's all.

5ad348  No.3300769


yeah, it's racist KEK

7b4f55  No.3300770

File: 4de387608eb70b6⋯.jpeg (376.43 KB, 750x857, 750:857, 2552D154-FB7F-4833-88E0-1….jpeg)


77153e  No.3300771

File: 6d7c1688621361e⋯.gif (880.9 KB, 300x350, 6:7, giphy[1].gif)

cbd228  No.3300772

File: f5771396a390d87⋯.jpg (103.83 KB, 635x353, 635:353, IMG_2792.JPG)

7f58d5  No.3300773

File: 8fa760584f2f7f7⋯.png (341.81 KB, 490x640, 49:64, triggering intensifies.png)

d32af5  No.3300774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HRC strange laughter about Kavanaugh

Very much projection from HRC (Voting machines, big corporations, rec.)

Even a hanging in the air if POTUS is "as bad as" Nixon…

39de70  No.3300775

File: b84bd990ffe5ef4⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 450x343, 450:343, toonces.gif)

50d5b8  No.3300776


And we are still here.

4fd366  No.3300778


It's Mega Trump sneaking up on them in the window . That's the point of this.

7bfe60  No.3300779

250a9c  No.3300780

File: e1895aba9a37390⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 620x264, 155:66, BM 10.2.18.jpg)

ed12bf  No.3300781

File: d709e29ce8b9601⋯.png (465.09 KB, 736x724, 184:181, ClipboardImage.png)


Lawfare is to the Kavanaugh Smear, as FusionGPS was to Spygate!

0888bd  No.3300782


A good point, but video testimony can't be questioned by defense, so maybe they kept him alive for a bit, if the goal is to take down as many big fish as they can.

1407c0  No.3300783


SOB even knew how to fold napkins like a bird.

fcbcc0  No.3300784

File: 5310dc2297f7215⋯.png (560.98 KB, 500x667, 500:667, ClipboardImage.png)



Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.

We have it all.

Re_read re: stage.

The nail in many coffins [liberal undo].

[Impossible to defend].

[Toxic to those connected].

726b43  No.3300785


I bet it will happen after Justice K is confirmed. Threats will only increase.

Hence, the pending.

d9984a  No.3300786


Elephant boofs!

34476f  No.3300787

great post..nailed it

3e8787  No.3300788


At this point I suppose that anything is possible. But Maxine sure does act invincible.

8b0dca  No.3300789


wow this is amazing but just to like ask something the tweets in that meme - wow - is it just those ones picked out or was there other rallies along the way - if so it would take this from mind blown to completely mind BTFO'd

e91662  No.3300790

File: 452e5096ff69a5f⋯.png (926.65 KB, 1024x465, 1024:465, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36af839004a4405⋯.png (474.95 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a91272c4b57cfb8⋯.png (470.86 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fa3c9da1ba26af⋯.png (461.32 KB, 600x500, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

a8e664  No.3300791

File: e01d8736c905a29⋯.png (33.87 KB, 651x267, 217:89, Papadopoulos re Downer MI6….PNG)

I will soon be explaining the connection between Alexander Downer and Stefan Halper in my book. A big hint: failed MI6 operation the whole way.


491fd4  No.3300792



77153e  No.3300793


nubs or gtfo

8c1926  No.3300794

File: a72cd4ae5261824⋯.jpg (475.34 KB, 706x961, 706:961, spicy.jpg)


does she have stats for the number of people at her inauguration.

oh, that's right, she never had an inauguration.

cfaac6  No.3300795

File: 5d60bab3f1bb18e⋯.png (43.93 KB, 640x374, 320:187, ClipboardImage.png)


The zoo? WTF.

9ba59a  No.3300796


We are all waiting for a BOOM but it looks like we'll get another whimper fade off into nothing.

9e1e2c  No.3300797

File: 751674639afd31e⋯.png (501.79 KB, 831x415, 831:415, Screenshot_2018-10-02 Q Re….png)


Found pic of it…

a71002  No.3300798



>So 53-47

>s that the Senate vote prediction, plain and simple? Kavanaugh confirmed.

>I say yes

Do not the yea votes precede the nay?

88f57e  No.3300799


Martial Law.

NG activation imminent.

3c8424  No.3300800

File: be2b34cfc5b5f43⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 320x320, 1:1, harakiri.jpg)

4fd366  No.3300801


Does nobody see what's outside the window?

I think it's funny as hell.

8ab681  No.3300802


It ain't me, it ain't me. I ain't no fortunate one.

a8e664  No.3300804


>I bet it will happen after Justice K is confirmed. Threats will only increase.

>Hence, the pending.

Graham, while not SC, has security escorts now

4240f6  No.3300805

File: f02032332bd2f0d⋯.jpeg (28.15 KB, 474x592, 237:296, 2188131E-EB57-45F5-8892-B….jpeg)

Flake has written “Conscience of a Conservative: A Rejection of Destructive Politics and a Return to Principle” describing how the GOP has lost their way. Probably explains why he always looks perplexed and undecided. As a politician he has turned into a jellyfish. Floats around until he bumps into an issue where the GOP needs a vote. The sting is he tries the holier than thou, why can’t you see things my way on his own party. Meanwhile, the Dems know how to push and pull him like a kid playing with slime. He always looks lost because his moral foundation is built on sand. He’s dirty like the rest or he wouldn’t be leaving office with $8M. That’s how he was manipulated or “handled” and risks exposure. The electorate sees how feckless he is and that’s why he’s out of DC at the end of his term.

871a04  No.3300806

File: f9a16d13688ec33⋯.jpg (88.41 KB, 714x499, 714:499, 2aa6cd6c9694b3f9399b99112b….jpg)

55ba36  No.3300807


That was a point.

That was their point.

0e349b  No.3300808


Me too

ad604c  No.3300809



1822ef  No.3300810


Anecdotal but starting to line up

Know a state R organizer

Sees state internal polls (+ chats with other states)

HUGE Red Wave forming


Nobody allowed to say anything in public about it…

cfaac6  No.3300811



be7696  No.3300812


They never did catch that Rino!

dbc2e8  No.3300813


Mmkay, hurting animals is one of the lowest

(& on triangle of psychopathy)

0e6919  No.3300815

Pamela Harriman, the Woman who made Bill Clinton President


1e6c31  No.3300816

File: 128264523a30874⋯.png (61.04 KB, 474x270, 79:45, 1538518518504.png)

892172  No.3300817


Hey everybody this faggot is giving out free psych evals. What a fuckin deal.

2b0a9a  No.3300818



BetFair has betting on politics. Some rich fags in the UK made a killing on Nov 6 2016 with the projected odds…

491fd4  No.3300819


Wonder who gave him the all clear to start talkin. Or maybe he couldnt cause of Mueller investigation.

d28cfc  No.3300820

Re-read Q drops 47 through 53.

ae9f1a  No.3300821

File: 62c06afa9f1581d⋯.jpeg (36.09 KB, 342x342, 1:1, 748FAB4F-E808-4126-A5F2-4….jpeg)


I read that perfectly kek good practice.

7bfe60  No.3300822

File: 617a6ad473f6216⋯.jpeg (31.28 KB, 696x413, 696:413, 51F10181-3473-44A2-AFF0-5….jpeg)


U ain’t shit, anon

161b7c  No.3300823


Baker Notable

local sauce:


4c90fe  No.3300824


Thank you for taking the time to respond. A year ago, I wouldn't believe any of this. Now, I can't believe how much strength and comfort I get from my anonymous brothers.

ba91cc  No.3300825


HAHa the left is going to demand to see it.

POTUS DECLAS… Dems have Trump be their savior and see their democrat leaders doing illegal stuff.

Haha it never gets old

24f463  No.3300826



16e19b  No.3300827


>>3300774 HRC Laughs at Kavanaugh's Senate Comment about Clinton Revenge

9e420c  No.3300828

File: 15c3821959787df⋯.jpg (217.31 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Dem_tearingUp Kav_poster.jpg)

491318  No.3300829


susans rice nickname ?


250a9c  No.3300830


Cliff Notes version?

0e6919  No.3300831

Profile: The British grande dame and young Bill: Pamela Harriman, love, money and clout


659358  No.3300832

File: 549310a4bd7cd03⋯.jpg (15.33 KB, 180x240, 3:4, 01bd9a84-123c-41ce-82be-ee….jpg)

File: e271293ac052a70⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 293x390, 293:390, 095f0eb5-5703-4d88-92a1-02….jpg)

File: dd51bdff27fde10⋯.jpg (439.15 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 3-18-16-Trump-Rally-MS10[2….jpg)

File: d2d8852d7c04788⋯.jpg (57.55 KB, 680x453, 680:453, c6404b6b-a711-4854-8e93-d9….JPG)

File: e8a59dd18c4e29f⋯.jpg (98.91 KB, 1140x760, 3:2, GOP 2016 Trump.JPEG-0f1a0[….jpg)

446672  No.3300833

File: 8dff83d565713c8⋯.jpg (64.78 KB, 949x960, 949:960, pinochet.jpg)

610b70  No.3300835

File: 0eeafecac30da91⋯.gif (2.29 MB, 695x392, 695:392, pepe-explosion.gif)



ce1408  No.3300836


Probably a PETA op

a8e664  No.3300837


>NG activation imminent.

Now would be great

e91662  No.3300838


yep! nice find.

bca3e3  No.3300839


Look likes a bunch of rejects showed up…. looked at article and a bunch of social rejects and genetic mutations coming out to cry some more that their inability to even take care of themselves is somehow Trumps fault!

cfb419  No.3300840


>Re-read Q drops 47 through 53.

Thanks for the link, I bet you found great stuff there


0e6919  No.3300841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pamela Churchill Harriman-20th Century Courtesan- Her wealthy Lovers

d6a55f  No.3300842

File: 6dba868eb08069d⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 320x223, 320:223, serveimage.gif)

d4fd85  No.3300844

File: 968a6ab7413c47f⋯.png (4.61 MB, 2996x1680, 107:60, ClipboardImage.png)

edf733  No.3300845

File: 6e744edbbdbba06⋯.jpeg (44.23 KB, 500x387, 500:387, 0F2DC66D-9A72-43C3-AE0B-2….jpeg)

1822ef  No.3300847


Yep, here we go…

55b167  No.3300849


I quit my job to landscape work.

Left job where I made good money

Great insurance

Great benefits




It was a domestic telcom company with evil intentions.

Slave drivers.


No work life balance.

Ive always dreamed of creating custom landscapes for others.

I said fuck money

Im going to do what makes me happy

b115fa  No.3300850

File: 99ea97ee84bdbd2⋯.png (743.22 KB, 720x560, 9:7, gold-star-research.png)


amazing find anon.

b90d55  No.3300851

File: 3b2573fd93ffc42⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 1439x2672, 1439:2672, Screenshot_20181003-001257….jpg)


Can confirm. WTF!

77153e  No.3300852


We have had reports that Brett Kavanaugh was going to gang rape the pandas

e9da7e  No.3300853

File: 1c35813776695ba⋯.jpg (93.04 KB, 620x930, 2:3, grab.jpg)

192bd5  No.3300854


I want front row tickets when they hang this cunt

6b9c56  No.3300855

File: b3543115dc47e38⋯.jpg (6.21 MB, 4969x6770, 4969:6770, leak 6.jpg)




CIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: https://haas.stanford.edu/students/cardinal-careers/fellowships/cia-undergraduate-internship-program

PROOF SHE HOUSED GOOGLE INTERNS: https://www.dailywire.com/news/36600/reporter-questions-christine-blasey-fords-two-door-ashe-schow

Ford also claimed that the house, due to its second door, is “now a place to host Google interns. Because we live near Google, so we get to have — other students can live there.”

41dd22  No.3300856


Vote fraud is the issue.

765254  No.3300858



FUNNY how Q drew our attention to the rallies. Kudos to anon who figured out this message to us.

f91cb3  No.3300859

File: 35e7aeb8f95a946⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 488x608, 61:76, hillarycrap1.jpg)

cfaac6  No.3300860


I'm not getting excited but I'm getting kinda excited.

e3e1a5  No.3300861

Man, weeks like this one, where we are just waiting for a MOAB to drop always jack up my schedule. I cant focus, I get distracted, I am constantly checking the Qresearch and twitter.

fff27a  No.3300862

File: c5659a2ec6e5c96⋯.jpeg (172.02 KB, 1440x967, 1440:967, 1538518544.jpeg)

e7232a  No.3300863


I would have kept asking if thats her real hair.

86f093  No.3300864



He is polite, he is professional,

he has a plan to kill everybody he meets.

bb6cdf  No.3300865


Interdasting if true… just another case of he said she said at this point.

Needs moar sauce.

d9c8b0  No.3300866

File: 0b219e62f0ed99d⋯.jpg (66.96 KB, 504x500, 126:125, 2ht978.jpg)

2332c5  No.3300867

File: 2c07a776f01ac1f⋯.jpg (38.6 KB, 300x354, 50:59, RagDoll.jpg)

80ba3a  No.3300868


It makes them look unhinged. Normies see that.

fcbcc0  No.3300869




de2340  No.3300870

If anyone follows Wired Sources on Twitter, it's been suspended.

d28cfc  No.3300872


Alice & Wonderland, this time against corrupt US politicians instead of SA puppet masters.

c63922  No.3300874

LAST CALL FRENS, let me know if something was missed, YUGE BUN, nice digz


>>3300227 Chan Zuckerberg and Rockefeller have a $10 million plan to boost economic opportunity

>>3300238 Graphic: Connect the "Heading to" stops of Trump in the anon's graphic and see a "Q".

>>3300252, >>3300286, >>3300507 Excerpt of Testimony from Dennis Ketterer

>>3300255, >>3300356 Former boyfriend's statements about Julie Swetnick's sexual preferences made under penalty of felony

>>3300275 Video: Democrat assaulting Pro Kavanaugh demonstrators

>>3300362 CEO departures are on the rise. Here’s a list of the big ones (Written TODAY)

>>3300371 Senate Judiciary Members Escorted Through Protests by Police

>>3300396 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3300412 The inverted Reddit logo looks like a MASONIC OWL

>>3300427 Failing NYT article on POTUS

>>3300454 Record-setting 800K participated in this year's National Voter Registration Day

>>3300499 Compilation of anons' thoughts on the Reddit premium symbolism

>>3300628 Nearly 400 guns stolen from Tennessee UPS recovered near Chicago, ATF says

>>3300721 Sara Carter on Keitkamp down 10% in polls

>>3300749 BREAKING: New Reports that FBI Report might be late tonight and that only Senators see the report

>>3300770, >>3300823 Credible threat to.. a Zoo causes it to be closed

47a1aa  No.3300875



That's a Q all right

f8e5c3  No.3300876

File: 95d780116f8b807⋯.png (333.13 KB, 514x600, 257:300, Brett Kavanaugh's Dog.png)



Interdasting post fam. These people are sick indeed.

Added the pic for some light comic relief.

6dede9  No.3300877


2 camels is being generous

d28cfc  No.3300878


>Thanks for the link, I bet you found great stuff there


0073d1  No.3300880


>>>3300710 >>3300718 >>3300741 >>3300743 >>3300744 >>3300750 >>3300793 >>3300800

I can't believe the disrespect for veterans on this board

I served in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, France, and Germany

This is the thanks I get?


cfe207  No.3300881


And there was no Q signature with the post that says, Save America Vote Republican! THIS is the signature. What don't they think of? Must drive their wives crazy.

b151e4  No.3300882


the democrats want us dead, they hate us, the media pushes it, we need to start thinking about fire with fire

db3c65  No.3300883


Same. exactly the same here.

4fd366  No.3300884

File: e42577c6f22f32a⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 598x598, 1:1, four.jpg)


We used to have really really smart anons that you could just sit back and watch them work amazing shit man.

Oh those were the days.

But looking back, I kinda wonder if those were really anons or not. They were just a little too in tune with making connections.

But man look at these tits >>3300853

60f666  No.3300885


Where was she where she couldn't use her computer or phone?

1407c0  No.3300886


I thought we determined Randy Quid was Highest Ranking Anon?

d9c8b0  No.3300887

File: 586696cd966cf93⋯.jpg (78.86 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 34861218_2114758648553013_….jpg)

260088  No.3300888


Masonic Owl found in Reddit logo


a8e664  No.3300889

File: 7c86136882714bc⋯.png (126.87 KB, 672x606, 112:101, Senate Judiciary re Grassl….PNG)

File: 2fe9d706d5b6129⋯.png (176.81 KB, 975x361, 975:361, Senate Judiciary re Grassl….PNG)

File: 82c161a700d04f9⋯.png (45.03 KB, 1096x493, 1096:493, Senate Judiciary Statement….PNG)

Grassley Statement on Supplemental FBI Background Investigation



50d5b8  No.3300890

File: a2ce0e4530a3467⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 400x560, 5:7, DELUXE RARE PEPE HD.gif)


Gold star autism anon, grade fucking A.

For you.

be7696  No.3300891


Keep laughing giggles McFuck, when you're convulsing during your execution I'll be sitting real comfy with my popcorn. It'll be the best comedy we've had since Carlin was walking the earth.

I'm sure he'll be laughing too!

0df5fa  No.3300892

>>3298205 (Notable #4178)


twimg = twat media host

Q saves pics from twat

30fa3e  No.3300893


Ok, i did. Why is this relevant?

b3383d  No.3300894


i do not wish evil onto others. not with what i have seen.

that being said you WILL get yours and you WILL rot in hell for that bullshit, enjoy it.

c4f487  No.3300895


violence only brings more violence

c63922  No.3300896


thank you for your service

I think they thought you were lying

7f58d5  No.3300899

File: 9a7bce2e7a70c0a⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 394x450, 197:225, beeeeer.jpg)


Bewbs & Beer

43f075  No.3300900


BAKER, notable.

We have a Q from POTUS

b6bd33  No.3300901


clearly i lost my shit. we have our days i don't even know what your comment means so clearly, i'm not up to par. I am a partiot who loves my country. I am an American. I'm not an agent of anything but my country, my god and my fellow americans. clearly, you didn't understand anything i did say other than i said it in the wrong way. better consider taking personal inventory . sounds like your projecting there anon

db3c65  No.3300902


I barely drank at the beginning of Q. Now, I drink way more. Nerves are shot to hell

b3e034  No.3300903


Kids are at zoos. This is most likely fear porn. If you wanted to hurt someone, why would you want them?

08a290  No.3300904

File: b5ef950483e2e5e⋯.jpg (66.34 KB, 605x805, 121:161, 1512766480117.jpg)


Kavanaugh's other dog.

e9da7e  No.3300905


He is lying. Dont be a newfag

6c9dce  No.3300906


my name has the same gematria value as "my real name is a pleiadian name" so I win

b3e034  No.3300907


Kids are at zoos. This is most likely fear porn. If you wanted to hurt someone, why would you warn them?

d9c8b0  No.3300909

File: 1198acf24d407ea⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 604x402, 302:201, 16jzsw.jpg)

9e420c  No.3300910


a black woman that wants to look "white".

Shouldn't that enable her to be put on the "Exterminate Whitie" list too?

ac043d  No.3300911


Right on, anon. Healthcarefag here.. disillusioned by pharma, hospitals, profits, end-of-life care, forced vaccinations.. everything. Want to leave and pursue farming full-time Just have to figure out how. Life is about doing what makes us happy.

6228ff  No.3300912

File: 8fd960dcb601902⋯.jpeg (50.6 KB, 400x638, 200:319, 63F49BC4-D472-43D7-8968-C….jpeg)


It’s not JUST the Dems anon…

Bigger, much bigger

77153e  No.3300913

What does the 'SAVR' mean?

Names of Senators?

c639a0  No.3300914


Goodness, she seems so scared. Suicide week?

1822ef  No.3300916


>I'm not getting excited but I'm getting kinda excited.


cf0086  No.3300917



There are a lot of pissed off people who don't know about Q and the plan. They see this and it boils the blood. Just hope the timing of the plan is spot on.

ac6cb8  No.3300918

File: 3aeb47850b19ff6⋯.jpg (290.68 KB, 1080x1304, 135:163, Screenshot_20181002-152232….jpg)

99.5 Christian radio … People are awake. Women are calling in about the unfair treatment of Judge K.

this is awesome

I can tell hes not saying everything he knows… I wonder if hes dipped his toes on here..

0073d1  No.3300919


Were you one of the dummies with an American flag on his car after 9/11? Did you go shopping like a good little faggot when W told you to?

Being a good American

Does not equal

Being a good Christian

You'll be much better off once you figure that out

3b00cf  No.3300920


Thank you fren, seems I can't read today. So, wow.

a77b35  No.3300922

Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama


aaec70  No.3300924

File: e5b166c7584edfa⋯.png (559.98 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, cbe8eeba-c24d-4fe8-9a70-88….png)

File: 8a0c40008baa641⋯.png (465.02 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, b3b00ea6-2e31-4854-9e45-ff….png)

File: 9d14a7bccbf6e70⋯.png (521.58 KB, 1312x756, 328:189, 42df2928-6992-4952-836a-12….png)

File: 7bde82c99983d11⋯.png (968.5 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, cc78212f-d607-4f74-8ffd-70….png)

File: c821489958c665b⋯.png (795.13 KB, 1312x875, 1312:875, 9944e4b5-88ab-4fa4-9c70-57….png)

e91662  No.3300925

File: d8f60de2aba3079⋯.png (290.56 KB, 538x370, 269:185, ClipboardImage.png)


what was I thinking…

9e1e2c  No.3300926

File: f5508f78280027b⋯.png (378.99 KB, 488x532, 122:133, foobs.png)

b151e4  No.3300927


i understand that, but they know we wont fight back, thats why its happening more and more, we are being bullied, memes only do so much,

86f093  No.3300928


>caps name fag


Just leave your name field blank,

this will dramatically increase the chance that anons take you serious.

cfaac6  No.3300929



b6bd33  No.3300930


please dont let me loosing my shit make you loose yours. i totally understand and i ain't got the nerves of steal but there anons here are training me hard. their brutal thank god for them

c63922  No.3300931


its from the anon's graphic, not Q or POTUS


covering my bases

487bcb  No.3300932


Whatever happened to the meeting [RR] was supposed to have with POTUS last Thursday?

Was supposed to get himself fired/resigned and then nothing. Another timeline change?

d56788  No.3300933


You do realize that you're replying to Blumenthal, right?

afef26  No.3300934

File: ec655baa1a2efb1⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 640x628, 160:157, uh huh .jpg)

b07f6b  No.3300935

File: 16cfbc787095fa7⋯.png (258.24 KB, 540x373, 540:373, ClipboardImage.png)

>>3300275 Guess she never heard of this other triggered fool, or maybe she just has a very short memory. He was indicted, baby.

9bd788  No.3300936

File: 9f98568c29b2fb8⋯.jpeg (230.29 KB, 1242x658, 621:329, B57E82ED-CEFF-40F7-B9A3-7….jpeg)

Time to break the cabals back!!!!!!!!


719532  No.3300938


If your not coherent enough to know what sex you are your probably shouldn't drive either

ae9f1a  No.3300939


And I fully believe now. I thought the flight pattern was strange. The rally should be good times

41dd22  No.3300940


It's the same in Cal, pretty much. Many foreigners.

e3e1a5  No.3300941


The Q is not quite yet complete.

Gmaps anon needs to add in Evansville Indiana rally and the Southaven, Mississippi rally happening tonight

I would assume that trump will also be making a stop in Arkansas soon as well.

9e420c  No.3300942


Ever met one?

I have. Wasn't pretty. Memorable for life, but not pretty.

c63922  No.3300943


>>3300227 Chan Zuckerberg and Rockefeller have a $10 million plan to boost economic opportunity

>>3300238, >>3300851 Graphic: Connect the "Heading to" stops of Trump in the anon's graphic and see a "Q".

>>3300252, >>3300286, >>3300507 Excerpt of Testimony from Dennis Ketterer

>>3300255, >>3300356 Former boyfriend's statements about Julie Swetnick's sexual preferences made under penalty of felony

>>3300275 Video: Democrat assaulting Pro Kavanaugh demonstrators

>>3300362 CEO departures are on the rise. Here’s a list of the big ones (Written TODAY)

>>3300371 Senate Judiciary Members Escorted Through Protests by Police

>>3300396 Q CLOCK UPDATE

>>3300412 The inverted Reddit logo looks like a MASONIC OWL

>>3300427 Failing NYT article on POTUS

>>3300454 Record-setting 800K participated in this year's National Voter Registration Day

>>3300499 Compilation of anons' thoughts on the Reddit premium symbolism

>>3300628 Nearly 400 guns stolen from Tennessee UPS recovered near Chicago, ATF says

>>3300721 Sara Carter on Keitkamp down 10% in polls

>>3300749 BREAKING: New Reports that FBI Report might be late tonight and that only Senators see the report

>>3300770, >>3300823 Credible threat to.. a Zoo causes it to be closed

>>3300889 Grassley Statement on Supplemental FBI Background Investigation

e0041a  No.3300944

File: d475edb5e6347cb⋯.jpg (109.4 KB, 691x842, 691:842, wa161d8xf7011.jpg)

250a9c  No.3300945


I pretty much been in this kind of state since last November.

It takes a toll on you.

68f807  No.3300946

File: 506f094eee41b89⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 47c244a2af26f8be9e5c28ed73….jpg)

7e5991  No.3300947


i really want POTUS to come on stage at a rally carrying one of these stupid balloons and talk about how much he likes it. It would drive the left sooo batshit crazy!

c4f487  No.3300948


i agree, i would love nothing more than to smash the lot of them, but aside from what i already said violence from our side would sidetrack Qs plans i would wager if i was wagering.

8c1926  No.3300951


time to pull her heart plug

9541cf  No.3300952

>>3298199 (PB)

Research Anons, please look at this again. Posted elsewhere and tracked by WaPo. Skipped over at the time.

96170c  No.3300953


Research homesteading.

d9c8b0  No.3300955

File: 52471edd5e923d3⋯.jpg (7.58 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 4f3c0a7c5800cc27ad9d6e6b76….jpg)

f12fff  No.3300956


(Pound) MeToo

871a04  No.3300957

File: 7d48b27aee34285⋯.jpg (28.41 KB, 545x499, 545:499, 37033866_10216401126849843….jpg)


we fixed that one a while ago

b6bd33  No.3300958

dag on it. man i didn't know thats what was happening duh. i screwed up. back to the end of the line

7f58d5  No.3300959


They make these movies to put the truth right under our noses.

05fc94  No.3300960

File: 6ffea0e9ee72e33⋯.png (480.03 KB, 858x536, 429:268, 1538503806-2.png)

#4176 No tables

>>3296557, >>3296680 Astronomer discover a new pluto-like object called The Goblin.

Very cool, thanks.

e91662  No.3300961

File: d515c53c940cf9f⋯.png (288.55 KB, 538x370, 269:185, ClipboardImage.png)

ae9f1a  No.3300962


Bring in a bunch so people can beach ball it in the crowd

bca3e3  No.3300963


YES!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

9f89e5  No.3300964

Kavannaugh will become SC justice when RBG steps down after mid-terms.

Plan can’t move forward without the court?


Scalia is still alive under protection of military intelligence.

Kav vote fails.

Left declares victory.

Scalia returns.


Plan moved forward.


RBG stepsdown/forced down

Kavannaugh takes the bench


c63922  No.3300965



and yea, didn't see the OP of that.. KEK

ddc46c  No.3300966

>>3300262 Bullshit! Kav gets seated this week!

624295  No.3300967


me thinks it isn't a prediction, but where the vote currently stands pre-vote……"we hear all…we see all."

c4f487  No.3300968


i never said not to fight back, but fight smart, no violence. Fight to win, decisively.

cf0086  No.3300969


No question. We are lucky to be following Q, quite frankly. Many aren't.

fcbcc0  No.3300971



HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am.

Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated.

Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?

Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

Where is HRC?

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma indicted

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise.

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

192bd5  No.3300972



e7232a  No.3300973

Did we Dig on the McConnell harasser?

da8644  No.3300974


and there I was

severing martian eye stalks from their green slimy heads

487bcb  No.3300975

Could someone link a high-res of the Reddit image Q posted? Thanks.

b3383d  No.3300976

File: a52324587b506bf⋯.png (208.3 KB, 469x452, 469:452, a52324587b506bf4b15a6a50b8….png)

d56788  No.3300977

File: 087244106252d00⋯.jpeg (60.27 KB, 891x500, 891:500, eebe5a5c601ce458b6fc89a7d….jpeg)


Trump and Mattis are immune to such pussy attacks from the deep state

be7696  No.3300978


I don't usually correct grammar, but since you're name fagging….




> loosing your shit

Makes it sound like you're about to release your fecal matter on the masses, like a drug dog on a perp.

> loose yours

Same thing, don't loose your shit on anyone.

726b43  No.3300979

File: 22da9f235c6f47c⋯.png (119.15 KB, 1075x564, 1075:564, Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at ….png)


It's getting out of control.

Buckle up buttercup!

72949e  No.3300980


Now that is interesting.

491318  No.3300981

File: 7eaf73e3d99c6c6⋯.jpg (63.51 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, 7eaf73e3d99c6c6ce01b09a76c….jpg)

ac043d  No.3300982


Working on it now, anon. Gotta get everything up to speed before I leave job full-time. I hate how money rules all.. still got them bills and shit.

77153e  No.3300983

File: 64a78d7eba32070⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 254x204, 127:102, giphy[1].gif)

de8805  No.3300984

File: 35cf6928bae648b⋯.jpeg (859.95 KB, 1525x1738, 1525:1738, 8F5A2EB6-A363-450A-8C5B-5….jpeg)


8aab68  No.3300985

File: e8dd6f129cac0be⋯.jpg (146.9 KB, 704x1200, 44:75, DoiOlW1X0AEEPHJ.jpg)

Grassley's chief counsel just destroyed Avenatti

e9da7e  No.3300986


I'm in love

d27baa  No.3300987


Q (Inaudible) meeting with Rod Rosenstein? When are you planning to have it? Do you still have confidence (inaudible) —

THE PRESIDENT: We spoke, and that’s moving along nicely, but I don’t want to interrupt what’s going on with Judge Kavanaugh. I don’t want to do anything to interrupt what’s happening with Judge Kavanaugh.


b3e034  No.3300988


Anecdotal evidence indicates Scalia was into kids.

f16475  No.3300989


Same here. Bewbs help.

1822ef  No.3300990


Get Kav in.

Landslide MidTerms Mandate

RBG no more 'chrome keels over dead.

Put in chick everyone wanted for this seat.

be7696  No.3300991


I admit, I probably just took some major stink bait.

Just wanted to come back and also tell you…


84335b  No.3300992

File: 8d00b48e330a326⋯.png (30.7 KB, 633x407, 633:407, 1_Wired_TBan2.png)

File: 51d8a6ac0a5593f⋯.png (50.26 KB, 627x483, 209:161, 1_Wired_TBan.png)

The Twitter purge continues.

871a04  No.3300993

File: 58f81182d521fb4⋯.jpg (123.61 KB, 882x731, 882:731, 1510753942982.jpg)


you see the last season of x-files? its been in our faces for a long time

39de70  No.3300994

File: 28c8110fb47f54b⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 644x407, 644:407, 28c8110fb47f54b0232809fa9f….jpg)

c64877  No.3300995


I think Russia is the only country

Where you can do that now.

bca3e3  No.3300996


They need smaller ones and they could sell them at trump rallies too…. oh man the triggering if we take their insults and turn them on them by liking it and taking over on it! LMAO!

250a9c  No.3300997


When we cross that threshold there'll be no going back.

55b167  No.3300998


Do it.

I, fortunately, own a bit of land.

Not enough to "farm"

Just 8 acres.

Next year i will be gardening and participating in a couple local farmers markets.

I will be buying a couple feeder calves in the spring.

Raise my own beef, chickens and sell a cow After slaughter.

It isnt easy l.

the risk is still large.

Worth it.

e5be30  No.3301000


DECLAS on the National Presidential Alert tomorrow?

9541cf  No.3301001

File: 9175eb537e6480e⋯.jpeg (1023.9 KB, 1920x1105, 384:221, 425E635C-1568-4E08-996E-A….jpeg)


This deserves some attention.

afef26  No.3301002


Actually, your corrections are not grammar corrections. They are spelling corrections; specifically, homophones.

6feddc  No.3301003

File: 8c35a9bd7a644c7⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1433x801, 1433:801, ClipboardImage.png)

cb7028  No.3301005



c4f487  No.3301006


yeah there is that, hopefully we get a big break, something big to break their backs and will. Also to really shake up the normies, without winning them there isn't much we can do but let things run tehir course.

b3383d  No.3301007

File: ffffd111663beb5⋯.jpg (10.45 KB, 208x255, 208:255, ffffd111663beb583d2f2c04f7….jpg)


it's almost as if… they could be future dates.


d3f016  No.3301008


doing what makes you happy is how big business is built anon!

cf0086  No.3301009


Not before the vote, IMO

fcbcc0  No.3301010



19cb4a  No.3301011

File: 9855a04a86953d0⋯.png (204.59 KB, 441x482, 441:482, BEWBS.png)

c63922  No.3301012


gimme a minute

7a9b43  No.3301013


Maybe when they had to do sacrifice for food?

And blamed it on the Goddess?

e16a49  No.3301014


*grammer fag

192bd5  No.3301015



011310  No.3301016

File: 7c2c8258b2a47dd⋯.jpg (141.62 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 78576443332222287659.jpg)


Send in some SEAL teams to take out these terrorists. Theres no point in arresting these people.

ac6cb8  No.3301017


they have to save their sheep from us…

c4f487  No.3301019


good luck with that :)

86f093  No.3301020

9e1e2c  No.3301021

File: 343ae3ed64b090a⋯.png (410.22 KB, 608x380, 8:5, warrior04.png)


If true…shit just got 'mainstream' for real.


250a9c  No.3301022



bca3e3  No.3301023


Now that's going to screw up all the fake bots twiiter uses, FB uses, Youtube uses to make it look like the channels, pages and people of their choice have all these likes and followers.. when in truth it's a big scam! FUCK THEM BURN THE BIG TECH FIRMS TO THE GROUND!

487bcb  No.3301024

fcbcc0  No.3301025



a93694  No.3301026

File: 923e32568af9ece⋯.png (113.02 KB, 909x945, 101:105, scaredshitlessspyvsspy.png)

6b801c  No.3301027

File: c9cabcebbcd2534⋯.jpg (667.38 KB, 1000x657, 1000:657, red_door_ar.jpg)

>>3299956 (LB)

>>3300127 (LB)

>>3300195 lb

>>3300178 lb

ac6cb8  No.3301028



kek. funny is true

72949e  No.3301029


its Fucken china.

d56788  No.3301030


Are you serious, moran?

2332c5  No.3301031

File: 225176f59b4664f⋯.png (326.39 KB, 852x443, 852:443, Capture1.PNG)

95109f  No.3301032

File: 6342e592365432d⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 480x600, 4:5, You lucky bastard - Imgur.mp4)


guess you would throw this one to the curb

c63922  No.3301034




still trying

95b9bb  No.3301035

Thanks Baker

Luv ya

250a9c  No.3301036

File: fbfaccfd807ce71⋯.jpg (242.47 KB, 1024x761, 1024:761, Hotel GITMO 11.11.2018 Rev….jpg)

7a9b43  No.3301037


shit moar digits.

d9c8b0  No.3301038

File: 3c8a5ce3fc608ca⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepeexcellentbread.jpg)

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