[–]▶ f775ea (14) No.3282263>>3282886 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Q's Latest Posts
Monday 10.01.18
>>3281997 rt >>3281924 ----———————-- We made it public.
>>>/patriotsfight/314 ---—————————— Standard deviation? ( Cap: >>3282171 )
>>>/patriotsfight/313 ---—————————— [Quick History Lesson] ( Cap: >>3281645 )
>>>/patriotsfight/312 ---—————————— VIP PATRIOTS! ( Cap: >>3281006 )
Sunday 09.30.18
>>>/patriotsfight/311 ---—————————— STAY TUNED AND WATCH! ( Cap: >>3267571 )
>>>/patriotsfight/310 ---—————————— Define 'Subversion' ( Cap: >>3267228 )
Saturday 09.29.18
>>>/patriotsfight/309 ---—————————— Splash1-X. ( Cap: >>3252120, >>3257016, >>3257245 )
>>>/patriotsfight/308 ---—————————— HUMANITY IS AT STAKE. DROP THE MEMES. VOTE THEM ALL OUT. ( Cap: >>3252200 )
>>>/patriotsfight/307 ---—————————— WE HAD THE VOTES. SWAMP FIGHTING BACK. ( Cap: >>3250449, >>3250471, >>3250575 )
Friday 09.28.18
>>>/patriotsfight/306 ---—————————— POWER TO THE PEOPLE (Cap: >>3232679)
>>3226626 rt >>3225317 ----———————-- Graham questioning then [listen carefully]. Graham comments today.
>>>/patriotsfight/305 ---—————————— Puzzle becoming more clear w/ each passing day? (Cap: >>3226042 )
>>3225606 rt >>3225498 ----———————-- Hive Mind
>>3225431 rt >>3225317 ----———————-- Have faith, Patriots.
>>3225317 ---———————————--——– Did you see Sen. Graham's speech today?
>>3225116 rt >>3225050 ----———————-- Nothing gets past Anons!
>>3224970 rt >>3224849 ----———————-- Ready when you are
>>3224848 rt >>3224714 ----———————-- MIDTERM ELECTIONS>>> [Days Prior] 11.11
Thursday 09.27.18
>>3224714 rt >>3224486 ----———————-- RED OCTOBER>>> MIDTERM ELECTIONS
>>3224486 ---———————————--——– Justice K Confiormation Goodbye,Mr. Rosenstein
>>>/patriotsfight/304 --------------------------------- Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you ( Cap: >>3223778 )
>>>/patriotsfight/303 --------------------------------- FALSE IN ONE THING. FALSE IN EVERYTHING ( Cap: >>3223011 )
>>>/patriotsfight/302 ---—————————— Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) - (pending) (Cap: >>3222459 )
>>>/patriotsfight/301 rt /pf/300 ----—————- [FEINSTEIN] THREAT TO MURKOWSKI? (Cap: >>3222056, >>3222062 )
>>>/patriotsfight/300 ---—————————— EVIL BE GONE (Cap: >>3222112 )
>>>/patriotsfight/299 ---—————————— Link to @CapUSA1 tweet (Cap: >>3219818, >>3219876 , >>3219963 )
>>3219565 rt >>3219273 ----———————-- You are correct
>>>/patriotsfight/298 ---—————————— Welcome aboard, Judge K (Cap: >>3219268 )
>>>/patriotsfight/297 ---—————————— FEINSTEIN (Cap: >>3219165, >>3219159 )
>>>/patriotsfight/296 ---—————————— POTUS Tweet: "Senate must vote!" (Cap: >>3219147 )
Monday 09.24.18
>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 ----—————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3198408, >>3198594 )
Sunday 09.23.18
>>>/patriotsfight/294 ---—————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )
>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 ----—————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )
Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
Past Q Posts
Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226
All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news
Dealing with Clowns & Shills
>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282281
are not endorsements
>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----
>>3199408, >>3199083 Stand with Judge Kavanaugh petition: Sign & show your support
>>3257753 Thread specifically for RED OCTOBER Memes for the MidTerms
>>3227485 BO was able to fix the 404'd links
>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV
>>3098124 ; >>3178626 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades
>>3186343 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 ( >>3176426 archived)
>>3281634 China cancels security meeting in protest of US sanctions.
>>3281637 Missouri loses track of 1300 sex offenders.
>>3281639 Feinstein's husband is an investor in Chinese steel.
>>3281907 14 Accidents & 3 fatalities since 9/29.
>>3281857 Plane crash in La Verne, Ca.
>>3281852 6th accuser pens anonymous letter with no return address.
>>3281924 John Barlow dig.
>>3282027, >>3281964 Recent airplane crashes dig.
>>3281876 Yale turns on Kavanaugh.
>>3282250 #4157
>>3280789, >>3280850 ATF responding after hundreds of guns stolen from UPS facility.
>>3280837 Jordan Peterson: Dangerous people are teaching our children.
>>3280839 Senior Republican Senate official: Investigation may be done by Tues.
>>3280865 Trump: Demos questioning Kav are not angels.
>>3280871 UK's Foreign Secretary angry for EU comparison to USSR.
>>3280868, >>3281098 Early NRA helped protect blacks from KKK mobs.
>>3280890 O'Rourke possibly flagged by FEC for foreign campaign contributions.
>>3280967 Trump Jr.: Swetnick had a restraining order filed against her by former boyfriend.
>>3281023 Major heroin dealer sentenced to 170 months in prison in New Jersey.
>>3281146, >>3281265, >>3281454 Red October/Iron Eagle = Russia Steel/China Iron?
>>3280963, >>3281149 Allentown explosions linked to Dr. Ford.
>>3281201 Scientific journal failed to disclose roles in review of glyphosate's cancer risks.
>>3281213 Gates Town Supervisor Mark Assini to resign, will take private sector job.
>>3281234 Pfizer CEO set to resign.
>>3281242 Obama endorses Ocasio-Cortez.
>>3280903 NFL spews more lame excuses.
>>3281401 Respectful two shirt strategy.
>>3281469 Southern Coos Hospital & Health Center CEO to resign.
>>3281279, >>3281310 Scott Adams (recently met with POTUS) stepson dies of apparent overdose.
>>3281499 #4156
>>3280092 Koreans removing mines from DMZ.
>>3280094 Comey’s security clearance revoked.
>>3280120 On steel, Feinstein, and Red October (analysis/speculation).
>>3280120 Anon ties together a theory with Red October, Feinstein and Steel.
>>3280245 Red October Memewar link for bulk download from image archive.
>>3280062 Anon reminds us to fight for our rights in cyberspace.
>>3280509 EU banks using money laundering to circumvent Iran/NK sanctions.
>>3280582 NFL feeling the heat for disrespecting our flag.
>>3280695 #4155
Previously Collected Notables
>>3279186 #4153, >>3279934 #4154, >>3280695 #4155
>>3277060 #4150, >>3277688 #4151, >>3278449 #4152
>>3274494 #4147, >>3275266 #4148, >>3276042 #4149
>>3272199 #4144, >>3272956 #4145 >>3273730 #4146
>>3270108 #4141, >>3270664 #4142, >>3271423 #4143
>>3267567 #4138, >>3268393 #4139, >>3269081 #4140
>>3265166 #4135, >>3265991 #4136, >>3266792 #4137
Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html
Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282285
War Room
#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism
Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!
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[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!
[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.
Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!
Be your own tweet storm army.
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Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136
All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info
Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php
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>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild
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>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)
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>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130
Other Dedicated Research Threads
>>2934062 -- 2018 Midterms HQ
>>2767719 -- Predictive Analytics Dig
>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II
>>2969698 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554
>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game
>>618758 ---- Merkel research thread
>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking
>>911014 ---- Occult Music and Pop Culture
>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread
>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #3
>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research
>>1311848 -- PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here
>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete
>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits
>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4
No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html
Q Graphics all in GMT
Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488
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Q Graphics all in EST
Fresh update of first period EST maps ---——————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210
Most recent compilation ---———————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————————-— >>>/comms/1189
Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————- >>>/comms/968
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967
Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---————— >>>/comms/966
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282292
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* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.III.pdf
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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/389459420/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-iii?secret_password=vqOI0GRM9vuS1AioBIe6
MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r1xyxepaqg8b4yr/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.III.pdf/file
* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/
* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub
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QPosts Archives in Other Formats
* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t
* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/
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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
Tweet Tools
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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com
* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/
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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)
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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/
* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub
* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)
* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
Q Research Graphics Library
27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Advanced Graphics
>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes
>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw
>>93735 Side by Side Archive
Meme Ammo Stockpiles
31 >>3210931 ; 30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884
Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/
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Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
PAVUK ---——- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com
Archive of Notable Posts (Searchable)
Threads 1 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ
Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h
Threads 4001 - 4111: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw (In progress to 6000)
Bread Archives (downloads)
MasterArchivist ---——————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/
Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/
Germanarchiveanon ---————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa
Learn To Bake!
Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/keVKnbKf
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282302>>3282410
▶ d9f3b5 (2) No.3282364>>3282404
>>3282338 rt >>3282114 ----———————-- Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
▶ c0cb06 (1) No.3282376>>3282411 >>3282417
Q here's a new very-telling Ben Garrison caricature.
▶ be4a7d (1) No.3282380>>3282403 >>3282422 >>3282425 >>3282535 >>3282546 >>3282805 >>3282808 >>3283050 >>3283086
President Donald J. Trump….Comedian in Chief
▶ 1dab58 (5) No.3282382>>3282401 >>3282419 >>3282423 >>3282429 >>3282437 >>3282458 >>3282498 >>3282532 >>3282644 >>3282731 >>3282819 >>3282875 >>3283117
So is Q saying that the secret service is banning Q shirts because they received security threats? Reports of banning the shirts however have been out for the last couple months of rallies. Reports of banning shirts came out right after Q had started posting pics of the shirts and how they were moving into the public eye and were going to force media to ask about Q.
Q, I think you should explain yourself a little more regarding this issue. Many take this as proof that Trump does not want the Q movement to become a public thing, in contradiction to previous posts of yours. Please enlighten us.
▶ 1e2198 (7) No.3282383>>3282440 >>3282460 >>3282491 >>3282533
>>3282338 (Q, lb)
These shills will keep coming here and shilling until this is addressed, because they didn't listen last time (pic)
Q, can you confirm JFK jr is DEAD (rip) and the Trump supporter from PA is NOT him?
Shills use this to discredit and subvert Q and the Great Awakening
▶ 3bf565 (1) No.3282384>>3282390
Getting 502s. Feed hamsters.
▶ 4431c6 (1) No.3282386
>Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
▶ e8cd28 (7) No.3282387>>3282528
>>3282338 (Q, lb)
>Timestamps verify.
I LOVE this timeline!
They used Ford in a way likely worse that what initially happened to her that she transferred onto Justice K.
▶ 34ef13 (3) No.3282389
Incontrovertible evidence of Reddit censorship.
▶ 434c7e (2) No.3282390
I only have a guinea pig anon, can I feed her?
▶ 9de003 (2) No.3282391
>>3281997 (lb)
>Let it rip Q!
▶ 3cc22c (1) No.3282392>>3282516
Drop the Hammer of Thor!
▶ 6c90c5 (1) No.3282394
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Q ++ - DR. Ford is CIA & FLAKE made some CASH Today. Dark Money!
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3282396>>3282554
>>3282125 (pb)
>I’m afraid we are the aliens.
Oh I could have told you that before. Q is harnessing our power for good.
▶ 3af968 (8) No.3282397>>3282815
>>3282377 She was probably Raped by Clinton!
▶ cbfea3 (5) No.3282399
'''Anons, whenever you come across a hateful tweet from the left,
use these memes.'''
▶ b9e8d6 (1) No.3282400
>>3282323 lb
Various writers, actors, musicians, artists, and politicians are almost without exception sick people. And what are they suffering from? First of all from an extraordinary opinion of themselves…
▶ e9cf91 (7) No.3282401>>3282510
Just evil trying to appropriate the movement for their ends by FFs.
▶ 6325c4 (7) No.3282402>>3282428
Stolen guns, FF, and POTUS rally?
Guns stolen from Memphis, TN, rally tonight in Johnson City TN.
7 hr drive
Is this the real deal?
▶ f510dc (1) No.3282403
TY Baker!
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282404
Got it, good looking out anon.
▶ 094a1a (1) No.3282406>>3282434
One year since Las Vegas Q!!!
When will get more intel??
Still many survivors looking for answers!
▶ 518b02 (1) No.3282410>>3282430 >>3282441
thank U baker it’s so cool to see nobody stopping at the Dough
When I got to the catalog the old bread said 751 and the new bread said six
▶ 8a1f0e (7) No.3282411
Ben Garrison is so talented!
▶ 834ddb (1) No.3282412>>3282424 >>3282426 >>3282720
Never-ending investigations smells like a coverup Q. When we see what we witnessed, we will be 80 years old. Awesome plan
▶ adfdf5 (5) No.3282413>>3282443 >>3282919
BREAKING: McConnell Delivers Remarks on Kavanaugh From Senate Floor -- ‘We’ll Be Voting This Week’
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered remarks on Judge Kavanaugh from the Senate floor Monday afternoon.
Senator McConnell ripped into the Democrats for their ‘changing goalposts’ in regards to the Kavanaugh probe.
McConnell said that even after an FBI probe of Kavanaugh, “we will be treated to a lecture…we all know that’s coming” McConnell continued, “You can practically hear the sounds of the Democrats moving the goalposts.”
Senator McConnell concluded his remarks by stating, the time for endless delays and obstruction has come to a close, “we’ll be voting this week.”
▶ 5d2db6 (3) No.3282414>>3282464
Testing this out…Word Cloud from last bread.
▶ 272931 (1) No.3282415
Jeff Flake live feed was cut due to threat
▶ 42ac14 (4) No.3282416>>3282508
>>3281997 Qpb
RR wanted FISA declass to stop. Hatched Justice K obstruction and delay plan using Dr Ford. Finally, Dems offered withdrawal of accusations in return of no classification.
RR is involved in this whole Ford affair.
▶ ac9513 (2) No.3282417
kek Ben's not fucking around.. He's og /ourguy/ :)
▶ b4bdff (8) No.3282418>>3282576 >>3282650
>>3282338 (LB)
Dark to Light?
Present equals dark (no foreknowledge of future)
Future equals Light
Hindsight 20/20
Light used to break time constraints, send information from Future to Past (current) via light. If time travel is real it most likely information that can be sent through space and time via light waves/particles.
Who is helping POTUS?
How is POTUS 5 steps ahead?
Patriots in Full Control ---- Full control of time information machine, sending information from future to POTUS.
We have it ALL (Past, Present, Future)
We are not alone, we have help from Future Patriots.
▶ f9987b (3) No.3282419>>3282431 >>3282510
Hey dumb ass…You're getting shirts & signs mixed up.
They NEVER stopped people from wearing shirts. JUST the signs.
This shirt thing is new.
Explain yourself as to why you are a fucking idiot.
▶ c37dbb (2) No.3282420>>3282445
I heard CBF only answered 2 very general questions during her polygraph.
No baseline.
No long series of control questions to gauge subject.
Polygraph story only had to last during hearing.
The key to ending this is moving the debate from the court of public opinion to actual courtrooms!!!
▶ 57a23b (2) No.3282421
im saying peterson mirrors the satanists you are here trying to fight against for fuck sakes
▶ 989825 (9) No.3282423>>3282442
if you bring a Q shirt,
bring a spart shirt. simple.
re-read crumbs
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282424
I'll be fucking dead by then.
▶ ded5b1 (9) No.3282425>>3282590
I'm sorry?
Yes, you are. Go ahead.
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282426
▶ fc5da1 (5) No.3282427>>3283124
>>3281523 (lb)
essential shock?
they tried to use the heart attack weapon, closed program?
▶ f7b50b (1) No.3282428>>3282776
Some troll posted about a stolen uHaul last bread
▶ e8cd28 (7) No.3282429
We need resistance to fly anon. Accept that resistance is part of the equation. They're desperate to stop us, when it's long past "too late". Childish prank calls is all that they have to keep us from the public eye.
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282430>>3282441
Yeah I try to announce it late so people stick around.
▶ 989825 (9) No.3282431>>3282499
>>3282419 nah, it's not new. many rallies before, been a while now.
▶ f95927 (2) No.3282432>>3282804
Grab yours and grab a piece of history!
▶ 07458a (1) No.3282433
Q-Drop 2304
Oct 1 2018 14:42:31 (EST)
▶ acb2d4 (3) No.3282435
see him your rallies all the time POTUS
▶ 1bf254 (3) No.3282437
Q always says VIP anons, I believe those who are vetted are alowed to go in
▶ 5bfa15 (2) No.3282438>>3282462
We are working hard, Q!
-Concrete evidence of Feinstein and Blum’s ties to China/Steel.
- Kav accuser(s) noted.
- Worried about CA
- Need to have POTUS rally in Nor Cal- it would be amazing to see him!!!
▶ e2c887 (3) No.3282439>>3282461
>>3282338 (Q pb)
Shall we assume the "something" that DID happen to Ford was the usual swamp pedo rings.
She's MK-Ultra'd to some extent and the "lawyers" were in actual fact her handlers.
▶ f9987b (3) No.3282440>>3282466 >>3282476
Holy shit, the morons are out in force today
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282441
And for people who can't use the catalog very well (mobile).
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282442>>3283105
Can't believe you faggots are still going with the shill inspired Q shirts. Pathetic.
▶ ffa38f (1) No.3282443
>“we’ll be voting this week.”
Hell Yeah!
▶ 733fb3 (2) No.3282444
How come Day Shift doesn't have any dank memes?
▶ 536241 (2) No.3282445
only two questions were released
▶ adfdf5 (5) No.3282446
Democrat Supreme Court Drinkers?: Breyer Busted for Underage Drinking, Ginsburg ‘Not 100 Percent Sober’ at Obama State of the Union
While Democrats and the media are dragging Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh for his admitted drinking “too much” at times in school, it should be remembered that two Justices appointed by Democrat President Bill Clinton and approved by a Democrat controlled Senate, Stephen Breyer (1994) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1993) have their own history of alcohol troubles.
Justice Ginsburg, with Justice Breyer to her immediate left, ‘fell asleep’ after drinking wine before President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address.
Justice Breyer, 80, was arrested for underage drinking when he went to Stanford in the 1950s reported the Washington Post back in 1994:
“At Stanford, he had his share of high jinks, getting arrested at one point for underage drinking. But after four years, he had received just one B, which left him, in the words of a classmate, “distraught.””
Breyer spoke about the arrest to NPR in 2015
Transcript via the blog ieyenews.com:
“We were in a restaurant, which was where they used to sing opera and serve wine. It was called the Bocce Ball, I think. It was very nice. You’d go there, and I think I was 18---I was 18—but the drinking age was 21 and they’d give you a glass of wine and you’d sit there and listen to the opera singers from the San Francisco Opera and have a glass of wine. There was sawdust on the floor. It was very nice, it was a lovely place. … The police apparently raided this opera restaurant and arrested everybody in sight who looked under 21 and there we are, but they didn’t proceed with it further and they sort of wiped out the arrest record.”
Breyer’s Wikipedia page has no mention of his arrest for underage drinking.
Justice Ginsburg, 85, spoke about ‘falling asleep’ at the State of the Union address by President Barack Obama in 2015 after drinking wine at dinner, brought by Justice Anthony Kennedy (!), in a joint appearance with Justice Antonin Scalia that was ‘hosted by The Smithsonian Associates and moderated by NPR’s Nina Totenberg’ according to CNN.
Finally they got to the State of the Union. Earlier in the evening, Scalia had expressed his disdain for the event that he stopped attending years ago. And Ginsburg admitted, that once again, she fell asleep, “as I often do.”
“The audience for the most part is awake because they are bobbing up and down and we sit there, stone faced,” she said. “But we’re not, at least I was not 100% sober,” she said to big applause. She blamed a fine wine Justice Kennedy had brought to dinner before hand.
“I vowed this year --- just sparkling water—stay away from the wine — but the dinner was so delicious it needed wine.”
She said when she got home she got a call from one of her granddaughters. “She said, BUBIE, you were sleeping!”
▶ ae6065 (2) No.3282447
Has Ford been programed as a kid?
▶ 01c68d (1) No.3282448
As always, the moves are fucking brilliant. And they ALWAYS fall for it.
▶ 43426c (1) No.3282450>>3282485 >>3282949
>>3282338 (PB) Q Post
=/= means ≠(mathematical not equal to) the description does not equate to Justice K.
▶ 418722 (4) No.3282451>>3282471 >>3282917
Regarding the pb on the 400 guns stolen, here’s my thoughts and deductions.
1. False Flag inbound (obvious).
2. A similar crime happened about a month before the attempted false flag in the Super Bowl last January (Q made a post around that date saying as such IIRC).
3. MULTIPLE culprits given 400 guns.
4. Given SB similarities, I believe the target is a major sports venue. Such as the World Series. Baseball is “America’s Past Time”.
Here’s the kicker: The World Series is going to be playing during the seven days before HALLOWEEN. That week is a MAJOR time for Satanic fuckery. Game 7 is on Halloween itself.
▶ 9d6f80 (5) No.3282452>>3282840 >>3282938
So Ford was assaulted by someone…
Hmm interdasting twist Q.
Best lies have elements of truth.
Will Alphabet soup discover the real perp?
Statute of Limitations is up.
Identifying him would blow the lid off this whole thing.
Suicide Weekend commenceth.
Someone knows.
▶ 19effe (2) No.3282453
Thank you Q. Exactly as we thought. Interesting about the therapy notes - how DO you know that?! ( rhetorical question; you're Q! :) ) >>3282338 (LB)
▶ cad5a3 (5) No.3282454
When is the first time Q said:
I think that may point to a time when Q had already checkmated the Cabal and from that point on, all of their puppets around the world have been putting on a show based on a script that Team Q made them follow in exchange for their lives/legacy
▶ f95927 (2) No.3282455
▶ c9d447 (1) No.3282456
Looking forward to Yuge October Surprises Q
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3282457
>>3281997 (lb)
Is there time manipulation occurring?
Beam of light activated?
Does WWG1WGA indicate someone is operating from the future to ensure all present actions are successful and that we go where that individual is already?>>3281997
After the aliens drop, it doesn't sound so crazy.
▶ 3fec34 (3) No.3282458
You can always tell the non-fully converted SJW when they demand shit of Q.
You're not doing it right, but you're a great candidate for highest flaming anon.
Pic related.
▶ a4adc0 (2) No.3282459
>>3282338 (lb)
A. Is any part of your statement false? Answer: No
B. Did you make up any part of your statement? Answer: No
▶ e9cf91 (7) No.3282460>>3282476
Not necessary. There is only Q.
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282461
This actually makes some sense.
▶ ded5b1 (9) No.3282462>>3282596
Yes, please, a Trump Rally in Northern Cali!
▶ 8f1ee7 (8) No.3282463
discordian satanists are no match for absurdity or cacophony or satire, may your wits be with you
i got some errands to run
▶ 9de003 (2) No.3282464
▶ 1a392b (6) No.3282465
>>3282171 (lb)
>According to ABC News, average of 5 small plane crashes per day
▶ d9f3b5 (2) No.3282466
they keep shilling
moar confirmation would btfo the shills
▶ fc5da1 (5) No.3282467>>3282497
>>3281523 (lb)
did not mean to black out essential shock.
had trouble posting:
essential shock?
they tried to use the heart attack weapon, closed program?
▶ e38bc9 (3) No.3282468>>3282473 >>3282487 >>3282520 >>3282996
Is Musk a 'bad guy'? I like him.
▶ b4bdff (8) No.3282469
>with help of ABC agency
▶ c37dbb (2) No.3282470
Maybe somebody altered the K calendars in order to see how the cabal attorneys would craft the testimony of the accusers.
▶ 418722 (4) No.3282471
Could be a gun control related motive or a “mass sacrifice”.
▶ 456305 (5) No.3282472
JPB turns out to be one of the Snowdens of yesteryear.
▶ f4364b (1) No.3282473
▶ bcc55d (5) No.3282474
keeping it simple… sounds great to me.
does the gematria pan out KEK
▶ abf60c (1) No.3282475>>3282986 >>3283047 >>3283082
I was looking at the Committee on the Judiciary Rules, and I found something interesting regarding the quorum rules.
As can be seen in the attached screenshot, and also found at https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/about/rules, it seems that the rules require that 9 members, including 2 MEMBERS from the minority party, must be present to constitute a quorum for the purposes of transacting business. Thus, in order for the committee to have sent Kavanaugh to a full senate vote, they would have needed at least 2 democrats to be present to constitute a quorum. Without two democrats, the vote could not take place.
Does this explain Flake's actions? Is this why the democrats were caught off guard when they realized that Grassley had called for a vote to send Kavanaugh to a full senate vote?
Remember, a lot of the democrats had stated that they would not attend the committee's vote. If none had showed up, the committee would not have had the 2 minority members necessary to conduct business under the committee's quorum rules.
Was Flake used to push Kavanaugh out of the committee and to a full Senate vote? Did the dems return with expectations that Flake would not vote to send Kavanaugh to a full Senate vote without a further, week long, investigation by the FBI?
▶ 1e2198 (7) No.3282476
clearly anons know this
▶ fd482a (2) No.3282478>>3282620 >>3282641
I don't no how anyone could believe her and her shaky recollection. Her dishonesty over flying and the actions of the Dems made this obvious in its intent.
Very exciting to have a ring side seat.
I remember BDT. Got me started. Way too many cops for one suicide bomber.
I trust the plan.
I am enjoying the show.
On the clock.
▶ 6cfc23 (1) No.3282481>>3282495
>>3282338 Q lb
Are you saying that she was an Alter?
That would explain her mannerisms.
Create an alter with similar experiences as a child,
and then plug in a name at a therapy session in
▶ 49c707 (4) No.3282483
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282485
If her family has deep ties to the swamp then I wonder if she's a part of the "sick club" Q has mentioned.
Meaning, was she sexually abused at a young age so that she could be more easily controlled? Is she using the memories of that experience to provide somewhat authentic emotion to her testimony?
▶ 60a339 (7) No.3282486>>3282540
She's a Mover and a shaker.
▶ bcc55d (5) No.3282487
C_A Funded all the way
▶ 818a62 (2) No.3282489>>3282548
i just called the SS to ask about wearing Q shirts to the rally tonight. i'd like to think that as a concerned citizen i have the right to know if it is unsafe for me to wear certain clothes to my presidents rally. The lady was unwilling to give me any information but did ask a lot of questions and then transferred me. This time a man who was very matter of fact was on the line. He asked many questions including why i was concerned but would neither confirm or deny his or the services knowledge of Q anon and or any possible threats. Then directed me to call the white house press office. i asked again if he had any comment and he sad that he would not comment but would love to offer me the right course of action to get a comment.
The white house press office would not comment and directed me to call the RNC. The RNC would not comment but said that they'd transfer me to the appropriate people in the GOP. The GOP was just an answering machine.
▶ 37b334 (1) No.3282490
Is Ford a MK victim? Did she sustain satanic ritual abuse?
▶ 1a392b (6) No.3282491>>3282557
Shills gonna shill.
Why do you continue to harp on it?
▶ 0b8858 (5) No.3282493
Who cares lol
All that matters is saving the kids
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282494
Not funny, asshole.
▶ c18007 (5) No.3282495>>3282519
Yes, she has MK ultra all over her
▶ 6d7b41 (3) No.3282496>>3282547
▶ b600a1 (3) No.3282497
>heart attack weapon
You mean this?
You bet they tucked the development on such weapons into "programs outside of public domain", or USAPs.
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3282498>>3282595
You wear a shirt over the Q shirt. That way Secret Service is still doing their job and plausible deniability still intact.
▶ f9987b (3) No.3282499
Sorry, I meant new as in, a separate entity from the time frame the dude I was replying to stated. The banned shirt thing happened after the sign thing
▶ bf5abd (3) No.3282500>>3282526
Sen. Cornyn "confirming" Dr. Ford is being exploited.
▶ a96ac1 (5) No.3282503>>3282571 >>3282594 >>3282639 >>3282826
anons remember the BDT (Bangladeshi terrorist who tried to blow up in time square)?
i think Q is alluding to another possible FF here.
what happened hours prior to that attempted attack?
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282504>>3282793
filename = q9JPJDq = 17 9 10 16 10 4 17
Dates? Names?
▶ 07d9f1 (1) No.3282505
The Who, My Generation
People try to put us d-down (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
Just because we get around (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
Things they do look awful c-c-cold (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
I hope I die before I get old (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
This is my generation
This is my generation, baby
Why don't you all f-fade away (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
And don't try to dig what we all s-s-say (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
I'm not trying to cause a big s-s-sensation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
I'm just talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-generation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
This is my generation
This is my generation, baby
Why don't you all f-fade away (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
And don't try to d-dig what we all s-s-say (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
I'm not trying to cause a b-big s-s-sensation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
I'm just talkin' 'bout my g-g-generation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
This is my generation
This is my generation, baby
People try to put us d-down (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
Just because we g-g-get around (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
Things they do look awful c-c-cold (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
Yeah, I hope I die before I get old (Talkin' 'bout my generation)
This is my generation
This is my generation, baby
I wish Roger Daltry would have said fffuck off instead of fffade away.
Oh, and non-boomers can sssuck it.
▶ 624054 (1) No.3282506
If Q and Potus are "in control" then how come "spygate" has stopped being rolled out? I believe Q and Potus might have the "goods" on blowing this open obviously, but if they can't even get a Boy Scout who is also a champion of women's rights, on the SCOTUS, then they are NOT in control. They clearly don't have the votes. I think all this confidence is way too premature.
▶ cbfea3 (5) No.3282508
RR will try to drag this out as long as he can.
He wants a Mueller 2.0 for Kavanaugh to avoid the DECLAS
▶ 046df1 (3) No.3282509>>3282582
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. How Many Times Did They Say FBI During The Kavanaugh Hearings?
▶ 1dab58 (5) No.3282510>>3282569 >>3282714
Wow. So signs and then shirts. There is no functional difference of course. Fucking moron.
So you are saying that the enemy was going to commit violence in the name of Q as a false flag? Ok. That is a reasonable theory. Don't see how it squares with Q's last post though.
▶ 7ca7dd (3) No.3282511>>3282611
Muh epiphanedrine
▶ 6bc240 (2) No.3282513
Thanks to BA for adding more to the cluster. Shits a flying now.
▶ ea367f (2) No.3282515>>3282542
Just watched Pelosi Lock Step Rep. Dan Kildee of Michigan on Cavuto/Fox act differently!!! He is pretending to be flexible!!! Bizarre Behavior for him. Something is HAPPENING
▶ b600a1 (3) No.3282517
The patient hunter gets the prey
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282520
>i like him
normie brainwashed faggot detected
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282522>>3282543 >>3282572 >>3282578
Q deleted pf312, 313, and 314
▶ 18fca3 (4) No.3282524>>3283101
Time Travel is all bullshit, People have been brainwashed since before H.G. Wells wrote the Time machine ,Time is the yard stick we use to measure deterioration, except in mathematics.Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday, and this week is lasts weeks next week, Time is linear nobody can remember tomorrow. People would never get anything done, because they would of thought they already did it
▶ 301e19 (3) No.3282525>>3282556 >>3282591 >>3282677
Someone posted this late in the last bread. I thought it might be important. I did not do this dog.
▶ 63595d (3) No.3282526>>3282544 >>3282549
She is s fucken liar
Not exploited
▶ a3fcf9 (1) No.3282527>>3283054
John Perry Barlow. Clown. Part of Grateful Dead Psyop. Moved to Burningman/ IFF op. 187ed when Q blew his cover.
In his own words:
"In May 2000, I began to understand what they were up against. I was invited to speak to the Intelligence Community Collaboration Conference (a title that contained at least four ironies). The other primary speaker was Air Force Lt. General Mike Hayden,"
"Intelligence has been focused on gathering information from expensive closed sources, such as satellites and clandestine agents. Let's attempt to turn that proposition around. Let's create a process of information digestion in which inexpensive data are gathered from largely open sources and condensed, through an open process, into knowledge terse and insightful enough to inspire wisdom in our leaders.
I imagine ""this entity staffed initially with librarians, journalists, linguists, scientists, technologists, philosophers, sociologists, cultural historians, theologians, economists, philosophers, and artists-a lot like the original CIA"", the OSS, under "Wild Bill" Donovan. Its budget would be under the direct authority of the President, acting through the National Security Adviser. Congressional oversight would reside in the committees on science and technology (and not under the congressional Joint Committee on Intelligence)."
▶ 8a1f0e (7) No.3282528
>>3282338 lb
Q, I hope you get the attorneys too!! And the "therapist"! By the way, is it the one who does hypnosis for 9/11 trauma victims? Dr Ford has been working with him for 14 years.
▶ 046df1 (3) No.3282529
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Hillary Clinton's Comments on Brett Kavanaugh's Situation Reek of Hypocrisy
▶ a8d9c0 (8) No.3282530>>3282923
Please buy /CM/ another new server or 2 maybe 3….the last upgrade a few weeks ago helped …but we still need more juice…
▶ 42f339 (3) No.3282533>>3282557 >>3282691 >>3282750 >>3282782
▶ d2ce7b (4) No.3282534>>3282648 >>3282649 >>3282696
Christine was acting like a little girl at the hearing. If you listened to the lilt in her voice. Her body language was that of an adolescent.
I think we witnessed an actual demonstration of a person who was triggered into their altered state from MK Ultra. This would be very consistent.
She's written a lot of articles and when she didn't know the word "exculpatory" that was a real giveaway for me. The other thing that happened was confirmation bias. Someone PLUGGED IN Kavas the attacker.
I'll bet the therapist is part of the CIA operation. We know that Strzok and family are all CIA.
▶ d6fdb7 (4) No.3282535
>I know you're not thinking you never do.
▶ b36e81 (5) No.3282536>>3282592
>Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.
>Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
>Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.
>Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
Q, did you guys know this beforehand and let it play out, or was she a surprise?
▶ a55133 (4) No.3282537>>3283057
Even if all those people are shot tomorrow, the work is far from finished. We’re gonna have to repair all the damage they’ve already done. We get 6 more years max then we are gonna be in real trouble if significant change isn’t brought about.
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282538>>3282604 >>3282672
For all you SJWconcernFags. I was consulted by the coup, (not Q), as a SJW in march of 2016 to deal with this shit. If you have questions, let me know. I am SJWfag patriot, not a libtard. Thanks. Q has heard from all the libconcernfags and taken into account their needs. It is not a right/left movement. Have you never heard DJT talk about clean air and water?
▶ 8f1ee7 (8) No.3282540>>3282592
and the crack head jukie ex wife that molested kids needs some quickrete pedi with the butchers mani, and a litttle boat ride with some shoeboxes
▶ bcc55d (5) No.3282541
them Red pants aren't doing ow't for her ass
▶ 49c707 (4) No.3282542>>3282552
> Cavuto/Fox
Is Cavuto still referring to POTUS as "combative" as hi did this morning?
▶ 80eedb (3) No.3282543>>3282570 >>3282585
Screencap of all three
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282544>>3282613
How do YOU know that for certain?
Please inform us so we end this now.
▶ e35b9d (2) No.3282545
So Fords Family are Satanists?
Does BF wear some "symbolism"?
▶ 939d0a (3) No.3282546
I love him. No homo.
▶ f5a990 (6) No.3282547
▶ 22a04d (2) No.3282548
WTF anon. Crazy.
▶ bf5abd (3) No.3282549
>Not exploited
Q's posts suggest otherwise.
▶ 6f2cdc (2) No.3282550>>3282573
Pope and Hussein use "concrete" a lot…
▶ 8feb4f (1) No.3282551>>3282778
Punisher Bolt Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files
Punisher Zip America Alpha .png Only File
Labor of love. Hope ya like 'em.
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282552>>3282583
combative is not always a bad thing, anon.
▶ 189373 (4) No.3282553
I'm angry and ready for change, Hilldawg.
I want to see your tried and executed for treason!
Now that's change I can believe it!
▶ 0b8858 (5) No.3282554
Sort of
I dont know if its as simple as that
Incarnated extraterrestrials was a rather interesting comment
Whether that means "aliens" from the plaedies or however you spell it
Or angels
I know from people like pope francises eyes that they are not human
Just remember bacteria and diseases can be alien too
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282556
▶ 1e2198 (7) No.3282557>>3282612 >>3282693
I posted it once last bread
an anon did it last time, got them to stop shilling for months, they're back, would get them out for good (and I do ignore, would be nice)
▶ 6d69b6 (7) No.3282558>>3283021 >>3283047
Update - AZAZ0909 #1 about to land at Davison AAF. AZAZ0909 #2 is headed to Godman Field / Fort Knox. Nice of the Army BE20 Huron to an 'X marks the spot' thing.
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3282560
"progressively Communistic"
▶ 06a7ca (4) No.3282561
you broke the 4th amendment
▶ 1757c9 (4) No.3282562>>3282767
I realize this might be retarded to ask, but is /patriotsfight being kept at 187 replies on purpose? Is that why the posts keep being 187'd?
▶ ded5b1 (9) No.3282563>>3282602
Ford was handled, drugged, coached, hypnotized/activated- but she was a poor candidate- seemed to jump between alters.
▶ 8f1ee7 (8) No.3282564
do not forget to accept a real woman
there is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much tranny drama swirling the toilet with blasey ford
▶ ea35be (1) No.3282565>>3282597
John Cusak is C_A
▶ 463f3e (3) No.3282567
Like some kids that have a parent or parent(s). Is ALWAYS pre-screened of the MK ULTRA programmed. It sucks that Dr. Ford DID HAVE something happen to her, but was pressured to pin it on Judge K.
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3282568>>3282747
>>3282266 (pb)
▶ e9cf91 (7) No.3282569
Q's last post had nothing to do with the rally. The one in which he referred to VIPs, he was telling them to keep a spare shirt just in case. When SS stops getting threats from Dem-Niggers, we can wear them without restriction.
▶ a55133 (4) No.3282570>>3282578
Why are some posts deleted?
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282571>>3282657
Agree. I was going to dig at it but I'm baking. I'll put you in the notables.
▶ 9ddbd5 (2) No.3282573
They know what shoes they will get to swim with.
▶ 75913b (2) No.3282574>>3282599
Those who know cant sleep.
▶ 5d2db6 (3) No.3282575>>3282592
Everyone is under surveillance faggot.
▶ 4b438a (3) No.3282576
I am starting to believe that as well. Nothing would surprise me anymore
▶ bf50b6 (1) No.3282577
>>3282338 (pb)
Hmm… almost like Trump wants the Left to be in the middle of fits of psychotic rage over "FBI corruption and politicization" at the very moment he has Horowitz drop the FISA declassification bomb…
▶ 1e2198 (7) No.3282578
▶ 8f1ee7 (8) No.3282580>>3282589
have fun doxxing your triggers homos
▶ 8a1f0e (7) No.3282582
Old Chinese proverb:
Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.
▶ 49c707 (4) No.3282583>>3282618
>combative is not always a bad thing, anon.
It was a disparaging remark against POTUS in the way Cavuto used it this morning
▶ 9e826a (2) No.3282584>>3282656
Has anyone said who the therapist was
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282585
kek, thanks
was just letting anons know
▶ 42f339 (3) No.3282586
>3282523 <NO SHEKEL for you
Everyone in this country is under surveillance, dumbass.
▶ 28c867 (2) No.3282588>>3283110
>Biblical rapture
should be next to the smallest brain
▶ c36608 (2) No.3282590
I'm not thinking.
I know you're not thinking. You never do.
I'm sorry?
No go go ahead. Go ahead.
KEK savage!
▶ 099ac0 (2) No.3282591
That was my thinking.
Flake gave his speech…
Grassley said 'roll call'..
Flake didn't stipulate or hesitate his vote.
▶ 224b2e (2) No.3282593>>3282606 >>3282643 >>3282675
How many plane crashes since that post?
Im guessing 0
But I cant see the relevance
▶ d6fdb7 (4) No.3282594>>3282619
I keep thinking this somehow connects to Hillary cancelling her fireworks day before the election.
▶ 1dab58 (5) No.3282595>>3282609 >>3282690
Not sure I'm getting it. If the secret service is banning Q shirts because they are responding to a potential threat of false flag operatives wearing Q shirts, how does telling people to just wear a shirt over the Q shirt not make the secret service's job more difficult? Presumably they are banning the shirts due to a legitimate threat, but you are saying that Q is telling the rally attendees how to trick the secret service? I don't get it.
▶ e38bc9 (3) No.3282597>>3282616 >>3282634
John Cusack is CIA? I like him.
▶ 989825 (9) No.3282599
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3282574
from back when Vice could still put out decent content:
This Is What Winning Looks Like (Full Length)
it's a sad fucking story
▶ 6a429b (1) No.3282600
Does FLYRRFLY mean his strings have been cut?
▶ 939d0a (3) No.3282601
We know Ford didn't just get beat with the ugly stick but fell out of the ugly tree and hit every damn branch. Is that what happened to her?
▶ 6d69b6 (7) No.3282602>>3282614
She is a space cadet of the bad kind.
▶ ae6065 (2) No.3282603>>3282653 >>3282844
Didn't Obama and the Pope tweet the word 'concrete' to each other once a month? Now here is Hillary tweeting the word concrete.
▶ ead692 (3) No.3282606>>3282777
▶ 18c799 (5) No.3282607
re: FF
We had this in April.
"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives originally reported that 700 pounds of dynamite was taken, but Special Agent Don Robinson said officials are “increasingly confident” that the estimate was erroneous and all stolen materials have been recovered."
So it wasn't that much and it was erroneous.
▶ 62bb6e (2) No.3282608>>3282651
Concrete uses rebar (steel). Is this a suggestion for another FF bridge event?
▶ a27d4c (4) No.3282609>>3282652
▶ a1a978 (1) No.3282610
Rot in hell you fucking evil filth
▶ 6f2cdc (2) No.3282612>>3282668
▶ 63595d (3) No.3282613>>3282636
Inconsistencies in her report
The fact she doesnt know how she got there Who drove her Where is the house
Survivors of real assault will check and doublecheck how they got in the situation
They would run who when how they got there
She doesnt remember any of that
▶ 418722 (4) No.3282615
This would also be about 1 week before the mid terms.
▶ 989825 (9) No.3282616>>3282659
Freddy found a new game
▶ 6d69b6 (7) No.3282617
What she sees versus what we all see.
Maryland vesus Loopyland.
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282618>>3282630
I didn't hear it. I don't always agree with Cavuto, but I still can watch.
▶ 463f3e (3) No.3282619
Oh yeah, I remember Hillary bragging about buying ALOT of fireworks to set them off after she won the 2016 elections.
▶ 7207be (2) No.3282620
I think she described Justice Gorsuch !!
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3282621>>3282749
Q, have we unlocked the map yet or are we still way off? Is there more going on with the drops than the systematic destruction of the old guard and history in the making? Do we still have much more than we know?
▶ 0a13e7 (2) No.3282623>>3282654
Second Plane Crashes At La Verne Airport Hours After Deadly Crash; 1 Killed
▶ 084360 (1) No.3282624>>3282823
Q, is Feinstein's husband involved with the steel used in the FIU bridge collapse?
▶ 5d2db6 (3) No.3282625>>3282688
Faggot insulting ebot…Back to reddit pussy hat.
▶ 575c7a (6) No.3282626
Thanks for sharing your wife’s boobs, she doesn’t know does she?
▶ 7d5c22 (2) No.3282628>>3282645 >>3282646
As much as I love anon's, I can't believe that there is so much confusion about wearing two fucking shirts! Wear the spare shirt over the Q shirt.
Once inside take off outer shirt.
It's not fucking hard.
▶ 3bd4af (4) No.3282629>>3282827 >>3282891 >>3283010
an anon posted the blue shirt guy is named Keith with some company no longer in existence called sound mountain (off the top, sorry no sauce)
▶ 939d0a (3) No.3282630>>3282743
Cavuto is a clown, but go ahead and keep watching.
▶ a35a20 (1) No.3282631>>3282760
When are we going to learn the truth about the Mandalay Bay Vegas Shooting? It’s been one whole year. I’m from Las Vegas and I had two of my friends shot and their friends were shot too. All are okay. I had numerous friends who worked on the strip talk about the fact that there were happenings up and down the entire strip.
At Aria, New York New York, Luxor, Tropicana, Caesars, Bellagio, AND Paris. I have a whole log I wrote from the scanners that night. I lost sleep for weeks, I lost 15 pounds and I lost my energy trying to find answers for months. It’s gut wrenching. Last thing I heard was Marilou Darnley was a FBI informant. I’ve hardly even seen the media talk about it today. What in the world man…
▶ b4bdff (8) No.3282632
Are we actually going to get some truth on this Ford matter?
▶ 3af968 (8) No.3282634
>>3282597 I can see your programming!
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282635>>3282679 >>3282710
Privileged white men do understand the concern to the best of our ability. I am not sure as a SJW I can promise an end to racism and sexism. I can only seek to minimize it's impact on our economic and political institutions.
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282636
So, that proves she is a liar and not a MK victim? No, anon. It does not.
▶ f95433 (1) No.3282637
Don't forget about the plane crash with two deaths in Greenville, South Carolina https://www.foxcarolina.com/news/coroner-releases-names-of-pilot-co-pilot-killed-in-greenville/article_93598f62-c27e-11e8-9d06-138137bceef7.html>>3281964
▶ 456305 (5) No.3282639
iirc white hats subbed tofu for bacon, i mean fireworks for the real stuff, and the perp was not able to harm anyone but himself.
▶ 0ba7d6 (2) No.3282640>>3282761 >>3283021 >>3283047
Q+ proof? There are no coincidences. Winning bigly! #mypresident WWG1WGA
▶ 76dc79 (1) No.3282641>>3282946
So the therapy notes reveal the name of the perpetrator found while Ford was under hypnosis?
▶ 0a3a81 (2) No.3282642>>3282827 >>3282891 >>3283010
family friend
Keith Koelker (sp?)
▶ fa1257 (1) No.3282644>>3282946
I’ll put my Q shirt on when I’m done eating.
▶ 2c466f (5) No.3282645
>Once inside take off outer shirt.
>It's not fucking hard.
And you're suddenly escorted back outside again, dumbass.
▶ 989825 (9) No.3282646>>3282700
fucking fake anon
we see you.
other way around
▶ 23253a (2) No.3282649>>3282687
>…when she didn't know the word "exculpatory" that was a real giveaway for me.
▶ 1dab58 (5) No.3282652>>3282792 >>3283098
The secret service is sidestepping the cabal? What do you mean? If Q shirts are a problem due to security reasons inside the venue, why not in the big crowds outside? Seriously, Im just trying to understand.
▶ 8a1f0e (7) No.3282653
Concrete makes me think of bridges. The word must be a go signal of some sort.
▶ 18c799 (5) No.3282654
Rats fleeing? One ok…2 within hours?
▶ 735061 (1) No.3282655>>3282741
Q -What about the "2 doors" The remodel required building plans in 2008 that would prove no 'trigger memories' in 2012. Please tell me she will be held accountable. As a woman, she discredits many!
▶ 6d7b41 (3) No.3282656>>3282834
is there a list of people allowed in court room?
▶ b4bdff (8) No.3282658
That was before the Q post
▶ e38bc9 (3) No.3282659>>3282946
No, just don't call me a faggot for asking a simple fucking question for clarity. Sorry if I'm not a knowitall fucktwat like you and I don't know every single fucking thing about every single fucking person on the planet, like you seem to. Biofaggot.
▶ 31d014 (3) No.3282660>>3282766 >>3282956 >>3283095
Please clear up any confusion. This is Barbara Kinney, is it not?
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282662>>3282764 >>3282925
my take:
Refused to hand over therapy notes to FBI.
Think WHY.
>its open sauced, she never names justice K
Justice K NEVER named.
>Q confirms
[Mr X logged in book along w/ physical description during 'eyes closed' session = / = Justice K].
>someone CONVINCED her something did
FBI no subpoena power [no GJ] to demand.
Justice K NEVER named / asked during Polygraph.
>open sauced, its true
Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
>she doesn't know WHO
Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.
>D's used it to make it seem like Justice K did it
Dr. Ford's family has strong ties to SWAMP.
>we've dug this up too
FBI has expanded investigation into other suspicious acts w/ support of ABC agency as AUTH BY POTUS.
[RR] involved?
>RR is leading the investigation (calls with Flake and others assuring it could be done in a week)
▶ 27b718 (1) No.3282663
'Brain-eating amoeba' kills 29-year-old; CDC testing Texas pool for parasite
One of the more recent occurrences was in Louisiana in 2013-2014, where brain-eating amoeba was found in two municipal drinking water distribution systems. Generally, monitoring programs do not look specifically for brain-eating amoeba, but an investigation was started after a child died due to encephalitis after using a nasal irrigation device
► Sept. 28: Brain-eating amoeba found in Louisiana water system
► June 2017: Who's to blame for lake's brain-eating amoeba?
► June 2017: Deadly brain-eating amoeba symptoms are difficult to identify
Watch the water?
▶ 641e69 (4) No.3282664>>3282694 >>3282707 >>3282724
when i filter ebot @ begining of (every fucking) bread, he/she/it/shim always gets thru my filter.
how does this happen?
▶ cad5a3 (5) No.3282665
>>3282338 (lb)
We all know this shit is leading straight to CHINA
There will be undeniable proof they are meddling in our affairs/election
POTUS will be proved right, yet again
Why is Q even playing that this is not exactly where this track ends?
▶ 34ef13 (3) No.3282667>>3282914
Plane crash of private Dassault Falcon 50 on the 27th.
"The passengers were a married man and woman. They are in critical condition at the hospital, Greenville Fire Department spokesman Tristan Johnson said."
No public information on company registered:
"The plane is registered to Global Aircraft Acquisitions LLC, based in Delaware. No further information about the company was available through public records."
"“We all saw it land, and for some reason it did not stop," airport director Joe Frasher said."
▶ 1e2198 (7) No.3282668
you triggered shill?
▶ a4adc0 (2) No.3282669>>3282706
Q what is the purpose behind eBot?
▶ 5ae755 (4) No.3282670>>3283021 >>3283047
California Cybercenter Chief to Retire from State Service
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282672>>3282716 >>3282736
kys. social justice is a fucking socialist/communist/marxist ploy, and is not justice. EQUAL JUSTICE is the only justice.
▶ 9e08e9 (1) No.3282673
Research Blum,DF's hubby, and all the shit he pulled with phoney NWA/ DAL bankcruptsy and then merger. Real scum!
▶ 2c466f (5) No.3282675
the photo was an empty "dead" plane loaded with electronic goodies. planes are being targeted by their electronics.
▶ a8820a (3) No.3282676>>3282825
Q hinting at "shock" therapy MK ULTRA for Blasey-Ford (and possibly others involved)?
No need for quotes there.
▶ 301e19 (3) No.3282677
The theory seems to fit. I did not do the dig someone else did but I thought it seemed important.
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3282678>>3282748
>>3282335 (pb)
>IT is theoretically possible that INFORMATION is being sent back and worth through time.
It takes much less power too than matter.
But it still takes a LOT of power. Like a few gigawatts.
▶ 575c7a (6) No.3282679>>3282713 >>3282754 >>3282756 >>3282798 >>3282833
In the new America, we will have affirmative action for ALL. Everyone will get a leg up. That’s just fair and common sensical.
▶ 0bfdcf (3) No.3282680>>3282704 >>3282712 >>3282734 >>3282735
How much is Hanoi Jane spending on plastic surgeons? She is unrecognizable with all the "cosmetic surgery".
Also, no cares what a admitted traitor to this country has to say. Perhaps she wants to go sit on an anti aircraft gun in Hanoi again and let us know how we should handle Mueller.
▶ 870f32 (1) No.3282681>>3282702
>>3282338 Whatever was done to her when young, whether MKULTRA or the like, does not excuse her actions at this time. Too terrible, in support of an awful agenda. She is more than experienced enough to have learned right from wrong, yet has chosen to fight for the dark. Am I wrong?
▶ 3a7dd9 (4) No.3282682
>Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
▶ 878494 (2) No.3282683>>3282827 >>3282891
Another beach friend?
▶ e35b9d (2) No.3282684>>3282872
I do not believe those sex allegations about Kavanaugh.
But I wonder about Justice K's connections to swampy GHWB…? (yale / skull&bones?)
And the Vince Foster case?
Will Clintons' skeletons in the cupboard now come out?
Was Kavanaugh always working on the right side?
Did he change his mind and join Q-team?
▶ bc1a98 (2) No.3282685
The empty puppeteer is back!
hey milts.
▶ ded5b1 (9) No.3282686>>3282699 >>3282709
The truth is right in front of us- meaning the future? When do we catch up with the future?
▶ 31e8b1 (12) No.3282688>>3282883
Very fake. ebot is a satanic, and creepy, and has been the subject of a persistent, if laughable attempt by other bots to ram acceptance of it down our throats. If the bot system wasn't so stupid, it's lame attempts at ramming the bot down the board's throat wouldn't be so obvious. As it is, the interesting question is WHY the extreme effort? It is clearly important for the bot system to get us to accept its satanic bot. It is a very creepy and bizarre thing, but seems to make sense with the overall bizarreness and creepiness of things we have found out about here.
▶ b27518 (1) No.3282689>>3282717 >>3282753
PF posts today now scrubbed
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3282690>>3282738
Because the Secret Service actually know Q people are NOT threats but they would not be doing their job if they didn't "respond" to threats, hence no Q shirts.
If you conceal a Q shirt then Secret Service still did their job (optics + plausible deniability) to filter open-faced Q swag, while we still get to support Q movement. Win Win
▶ a8d9c0 (8) No.3282691>>3282806
cry baby, red boy…freak !!
take your chill pill !!
▶ 463f3e (3) No.3282692>>3282755
On the @Breaking911 twitter from 7 mins ago
BREAKING: Top Senate Republican says chamber will vote this week on Kavanaugh, says “endless delays and obstruction” will end - AP
▶ 1a392b (6) No.3282693
simple solution:
expose the truth.
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282694>>3282707 >>3282719
click reenter the name and click regex
▶ e2c887 (3) No.3282696>>3282726 >>3282966
Y'know, I was thinking MK-Ultra's but I'm having second thoughts.
My observation of her hearing was an adult woman, somewhat educated in her field, pulling a rather shitty attempt at a psychological over by displaying all the "classic" signs people would look for in a rape victim, including throwing in the innocent baby voice for good measure.
She forgets some of us see through those psycho-stereotype's to the intertwined being underneath.
I'm still of the mind her lawyers are her handlers, however. Or at least the one bearded guy who chimed in that her legal counsel paid for the Polygraph…despite none of them knowing that half an hour earlier when asked.
▶ 8c524a (6) No.3282697
when is Flood going to approve the FLOOD?
▶ 989825 (9) No.3282699
>When do we catch up with the future?
by staying in the present.
▶ 7d5c22 (2) No.3282700>>3282941
I doubt you could see your feet in broad daylight.
▶ 3a7dd9 (4) No.3282701
▶ ded5b1 (9) No.3282702
We still have to put a dog down when he's rabid.
▶ 0bfdcf (3) No.3282703>>3282765 >>3282794 >>3282848 >>3282903 >>3282934
No Name resurrected as Ellen Barkin?
What is it with the Hollywood types and the aggressive cosmetic surgery?
▶ 3af968 (8) No.3282704
>>3282680 Not enough! Next time don't use Stevie Wonder!
▶ 22a04d (2) No.3282706>>3282790
Ebot's secret purpose is to let you know if a post is on target. Mostly he insults you because shitpost. Watch when he doesn't.
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282707
didn't mean "click reeneter"
meant to just say reenter (changed my wording and forgot to delete)
▶ 301e19 (3) No.3282708
▶ b4bdff (8) No.3282709
Thinking they have people on the Q team sending information from the future to the present day
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282710>>3282762
FFS research the origins of social justice you fucking ignorant faggot.It comes out of Marxist Liberation Theology.
The only acceptable justice is EQUAL JUSTICE.
▶ bcc55d (5) No.3282711
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Senate Floor Debates: Judge Kavanaugh
▶ b27ee4 (3) No.3282712
She looks like a muppet
▶ 3fec34 (3) No.3282714>>3282860
SS gets threats related to someone wearing a Q shirt.
SS asks anons to remove Q shirt.
If you were trying to execute a FF wearing a Q shirt you would be unable to.
If you manage to smuggle one in, you will stick out in the crowd and be an obvious target inside.
Anons cooperate with SS and comply.
Not because we are sheep but because we understand
This is Not A Game
▶ adfdf5 (5) No.3282715>>3282759 >>3282947 >>3283021 >>3283047
WATCH: Rare Video Surfaces of Sen. Blumenthal Touting His Vietnam War Service (But He Never Served in Vietnam)
The poster boy of the Democratic party.
The second wealthiest member of the U.S. Senate can buy many things --- except a soldier’s pedigree.
Sen. Richard “Dick” Blumenthal loved to tout and brag about his extensive Vietnam war record.
Except for the part where he never saw combat during the Vietnam war.
Has this guy ever been to Vietnam, even for a vacation?
He says he was knee-deep in rice paddies, serving in Vietnam.
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282716
It is not necessarily those things. I do think states have a right to adopt socialist models if they choose. States' right is a "conservative" issue in general. SJW, the informed kind, have quite different ideals than the mainstream SJW. It is fine to use that term to describe them negatively, but there are some of us who are not quite so stupid. We are looking after the environment and stuff. I am not sure what the problem with level headed justice is? There are some inequalities, and the government isn't the solution to solving those inequalities.
▶ b36e81 (5) No.3282717
▶ 641e69 (4) No.3282719>>3282831
i will try that, thank you.
what is regex?
thanks anon
▶ 0b8858 (5) No.3282720
I get pissed off too
Just remember that these people will literallty do anythinf
▶ 9ec143 (2) No.3282721
ReD OctobeR
Rod R
▶ cad5a3 (5) No.3282722>>3282820
Is the FIREWORK that the Cabal is sitting on:
1. A physical weapon?
2. Weaponized intel?
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282723
seems to me the two shirt comment is for fake Q fags, show up at a rally with a Q shirts at a rally, get in a group of fake q, take orf shirt in the middle of rally and cause a scene, exposed
▶ 536241 (2) No.3282724
just put =,e and click regex
▶ d2ce7b (4) No.3282726
That's why anons are here. We work and discuss. Thanks for your comments.
▶ 18fca3 (4) No.3282727>>3282739
For a bot you have excellent taste
▶ ca76cd (1) No.3282731
It's clear as day what he said. Wear your Q shirt under another. Otherwise trust the plan man.
▶ c18007 (5) No.3282732
FISA declas must come out before midterms
▶ 7207be (2) No.3282735
Someone remind her of the fact that there is NO Statue of Limitations on Treason. I would but I don't have Twitter of Facebook !!!
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282736>>3282811
It is not necessarily those things. I do think states have a right to adopt socialist models if they choose. States' right is a "conservative" issue in general. SJW, the informed kind, have quite different ideals than the mainstream SJW. It is fine to use that term to describe them negatively, but there are some of us who are not quite so stupid. We are looking after the environment and stuff. I am not sure what the problem with level headed justice is? There are some inequalities, and the government isn't the solution to solving those inequalities.
▶ 0a3a81 (2) No.3282737>>3282758
I think Q is saying that an "essential witness"- think Leland or Mark Judge- will have an attempted arkancide that will go wrong. The proof will then be used against these people.
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3282738
Then again maybe not do this because liberal loonies will pose as Q supporters.
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282739
▶ 7b7b28 (2) No.3282742
Obvious something happened to her. After 1988 though; the safeway doors story would show that.
▶ 49c707 (4) No.3282743>>3283091
>Cavuto is a clown, but go ahead and keep watching.
I don't know why some anons defend people that attack POTUS on a daily basis
▶ d2ce7b (4) No.3282744
▶ 4b438a (3) No.3282746
Hope they protect me from my government here
▶ 020d11 (2) No.3282747>>3282987 >>3283018
My theory was Steve Jackson games employee hacked gov computers prior knowledge of 911 in 1995 Barlow started Electronic Frontier Foundation after Steve Jackson games raided by secret service.
▶ 68ec73 (3) No.3282748>>3282953
like at a particle accelerator?
▶ 3b4cb1 (6) No.3282749>>3282846 >>3283102
[CLAS_GITMO_ J z9-A][89]
who are the gitmo [89]?
▶ a8d9c0 (8) No.3282750>>3282806
Ooops wrong id…sorry anon..
▶ e9cf91 (7) No.3282753>>3282779 >>3282809 >>3282851 >>3282998 >>3283028 >>3283031 >>3283032 >>3283052 >>3283055 >>3283120
Q has been keeping /PF/ at 187 replies for a while now, kinda spooky. Watch for supposed "suicides".
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282754>>3282843
I agree with you, as an SJW, that affirmative action for 'identified groups', is having a negative impact on the 'identities' it seeks to promote.
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282756
Fuck off.
There is only Equal Justice & Equal Opportunity as enshrined in the US Constitution.
Equal outcomes cannot be guaranteed.
▶ d56775 (5) No.3282757
kek, "ford coupe"
▶ 099ac0 (2) No.3282758
▶ d633e8 (2) No.3282759
sorry - just can't get this out of my brain
▶ a55133 (4) No.3282760>>3282979
You’re simply not on a need to know friend. You never will be. Accept that they can and will use and kill us when they see fit. Even Q will not provide any answers. You are not a power broker unfortunately. Your friends who got shot and me and you and my friends too were all pawns. We’re hoping for a good and righteous king to return but that’s all we can do.
▶ a96ac1 (5) No.3282761
fake and gay. timezones are wrong. POTUS twat was after Q post by almost an hour.
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282762>>3282796 >>3282863
I am an equal justice SJW, relax.
▶ 8a1f0e (7) No.3282764
I believe she was hypnotized and the book served as some detail for a memory that was manufactured. I wonder if her voice really sounds like the little girl. One of her prior students described her as scary. Tough to be scary with a little girl voice.
▶ b27ee4 (3) No.3282765
They fear growing old, more than death itself..they are nothing but vapid empty shells.
▶ 595171 (1) No.3282766>>3282854 >>3283033
That’s Katz in South Hampton.
▶ ca13d7 (1) No.3282768
So can sm1 break down Barlow post for me please. No name involved?
▶ c18007 (5) No.3282769>>3282795 >>3282797
Death of the Dems happens this week
▶ 18c799 (5) No.3282770
Apologists coming out now. It's close fellow anons.
Wait until they figure out who SN really is….KEK!
▶ ab9b08 (1) No.3282772>>3282786 >>3282807
Q Posts 312 thru 314 missing from >>patriotsfight/
▶ f7c01e (2) No.3282774
And i am proud of it!
▶ 6325c4 (7) No.3282776
why troll? The news reported the guns stolen
▶ 0bee68 (1) No.3282777>>3282847
We lost an F-35 couple days ago…
▶ 1ebace (2) No.3282778
Nice work, Anon!
▶ 8d8ead (1) No.3282780
did Ford have any family members at hearing.?
▶ 60a339 (7) No.3282781>>3282828
Just started his GoFundMe page is looking for a book deal.
▶ a8d9c0 (8) No.3282782>>3282806
sorry…not meant for you anon….it was meant for the other retard..who keeps whining..
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282783
I agree with you. I am an SJW. I have been homeless.
▶ 0bfdcf (3) No.3282785>>3282862 >>3282936 >>3282939
Theory: CBF suffered severe psychological trauma as a teen/pre-teen. Her mannerism and actions speak of a person trapped in a traumatic time warp (dont know the exact psyco babble).
Something bad happened to her. No doubt. Guessing it was a close family member perhaps even a father figure. Also guess she was one of those school girls that had a crush of on the top guy in school. This is her twisted way of getting attention from her crush.
I know this is a wild sounding theory, but this chick is not playing with a full deck.
▶ ec291f (4) No.3282786>>3282810
What’s point exactly in deleting the drops?
▶ 42f339 (3) No.3282787
If you misspell duckduckgo.com in their browsers, it will immediately shut down your puter and lock in to a loop of pornography warnings. Nice touch, faggots.
▶ 1098e0 (1) No.3282789
Eastbound and down,
Loaded up and Truckin’.
▶ 31e8b1 (12) No.3282790>>3282830 >>3282864 >>3282890
Give up. Humans don't want to be controlled by creepy propaganda bots. THE MORE YOU TRY TO PRETEND "EBOT" IS ACCEPTED BY HUMANS, HERE, THE MORE FAKE IT SEEMS. I really want to emphasize the absolute paradoxicality of everything you do, bots. You can't possibly win.
You can't sell ebot to us. We don't want it, we don't want what it represents. If you don't believe me, then ask. Since you don't, you clearly know what I am saying is true.
▶ a5d8e6 (2) No.3282791>>3282836
Old dig on Barlow/Secure Drop/Q Crumb#628 for those anons interested:
▶ a27d4c (4) No.3282792
The cabal are attempting to dampen the persuasive power of seeing large amounts of Q supporters in crowds at the rallies.
To do this, they are forcing USSS hand with false threats.
The inside of the rally is highly secured and full of cameras. It is also the only place you can come anywhere near high value targets.
Doing what was suggested completely sidesteps the cabal because:
>We get to fraternize with other anons, and produce pictures/video to meme with
>USSS can lock down the venue with no chance of a FF
It's win/win for us.
▶ f7d5b4 (3) No.3282793
Now deleted, as is 312 and 313
▶ 1592ab (1) No.3282795
▶ a55133 (4) No.3282796>>3282832
Too bad equality is probably the biggest and most egregious lie we tell ourselves and our children in our modern time. So the whole basis for your viewpoints is faulty.
▶ bf5abd (3) No.3282797
>Death of the Dems happens this week
Maybe we get to Chuckie Schumer cry one more time?
<one can hope. kek
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282798>>3282818
if everyone has affirmative action, no one does, abolish it its fuckin stupid, also bring back the right to associate with who you want to
▶ 23253a (2) No.3282803
Not enough negative space to be useful…TXT would diminish the image's impact.
▶ 7e04ca (5) No.3282804
Not the place for that Anon.
▶ 012c3a (1) No.3282805>>3282817 >>3282865
I love Steve Mnuchin in the background cracking up!
▶ 1e2198 (7) No.3282806
▶ 575c7a (6) No.3282807
Q-burgler stole the posts!
▶ 224b2e (2) No.3282808
▶ a96ac1 (5) No.3282809>>3282857
at 190 now. not 187
▶ 1757c9 (4) No.3282810>>3282845 >>3282870
Look at the number of replies to the board
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282811>>3282901
you're a useful idiot. by definition social justice means protecting a class or group of people, or giving them special advantages to make up for past injustice. There can only ever be equal justice. protection of the environment is just common sense, but debatable in how best delivered. Or are you one that says there must be justice for Mother Earth / Gaia?
▶ 1a392b (6) No.3282812>>3282881
Sure somebody does. He had to give ID to get the witness badge.
Wonder if either of these guys have a license to prescribe pharmaceuticals.
▶ 6d69b6 (7) No.3282813>>3282873 >>3283007 >>3283066
The USAF Gulfstream from Tampa is still squawking 7700 - please place your bets for who is on board this plane - Maxine Waters, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, etc.
We are meant to notice this plane and we have.
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3282815>>3283107
Was she one of those "presidential models" that Taylor Brice talks about?
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282816
Any informed and educated SJW knows that affirmative action has a negative impact on the populations they seek to 'help'. You are right, equal rights for all is enshrined in the constitution. We don't need amendments to the bill of rights to guarantee them.
▶ b8ebf2 (1) No.3282817
now we can have our reset?
▶ 2c466f (5) No.3282818>>3282859
>if everyone has affirmative action, no one does, abolish it its fuckin stupid, also bring back the right to associate with who you want to
have you seen California's new law today re public board of directors?
▶ 7b7b28 (2) No.3282819
Oh Jeez… crazies are calling in Q-related threats to SS prior to rallies… SS thus denying entry if you don't remove your shirt.
Wearing a shirt over the top defeats the crazies call-ins.
"Guy wearing a Q shirt told me…"
If not wearing shirt… not a threat.
Essentially, renders BS tips irrelevant.
▶ fc5da1 (5) No.3282820>>3282984 >>3283068
real bomb replaced with fireworks?
same thing again?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 4533cb No.73368 📁
Dec 11 2017 12:23:09 (EST)
Do you believe in coincidences?
"Blunt & Direct Time"
Think currency.
Think fireworks.
Message delivered.
These people are sick!
▶ 3b4cb1 (6) No.3282823
the more i dig the more convinced i am that red october steel ended up in china and then shipped to US
▶ 6bee8f (1) No.3282824
What is the purpose for the underscore
, line under 0.1?
▶ 456305 (5) No.3282825
maybe she's credited on the metformin (is that the right non-insulin blood sugar pharm?) study because she was the test subject.
▶ fd482a (2) No.3282826>>3282976
I watched that live and tweeted about it at the time. Very much looked like someone put a flash bang in the poor guys pocket. Every cop in NYC was out and on the streets.
Bangladesh was victim of huge bank fraud theft in the past. This was the actual crime (some high tech hijinks) that was prevented that day.
▶ f5a990 (6) No.3282827>>3282891
Keith Koegler is a family friend who submitted a sworn affidavit re conversation and emails with CBF .
In for Perjury.
▶ 4ba5e1 (3) No.3282829
today DOW Jones
Let's see Shall We,?
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282830>>3282861 >>3282912
>all your gay shit
ebot isnt a bot newfag nigger
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282831
found a good definition for you, better than I can explain it
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282832
I never said anything about equality. A SJW is a social justice warrior, justice is not equality. Wake up shill.
▶ 06a7ca (4) No.3282833>>3282855 >>3282900
if your thinking of taking the guns away, you wont even need affirmative action as I can do that for you
▶ 9e826a (2) No.3282834
>is there a list of people allowed in court room
▶ 020d11 (2) No.3282836>>3283046
▶ b4bdff (8) No.3282839>>3282880 >>3282945
This looks similar to the photo Q posted from LV
▶ b17926 (1) No.3282840
Watching her, I felt as though something did happen too.
That said, as a survivor ….
Perhaps a look at the inside of her childhood home.
Someone was in her bedroom. That's why she
cannot remember how she got there and got home.
Leaving her parents out of this all these years
and even when in contact with an attorney
I'm willing to bet they had something to do with it.
▶ 1a44d4 (1) No.3282842
Q, I was here (on /pol 4ch) last October. After Las Vegas. I've been here helping ever since. Many, many hours proudly and humbly volunteered.
When will we learn the TRUTH about 01 October 2017 Vegas?
▶ ea367f (2) No.3282844
What was the concrete company that was building bridges?….is this where "the bodies' are buried?
▶ 9b80e9 (1) No.3282845
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3282846>>3282931
Great question. 89 individuals listed in Q drops? Do you know?
▶ 3badeb (1) No.3282847
A weapon must exist that targets some element within the steel because the events are too targeted to be merely happenstance.
▶ acb79f (2) No.3282848
Translation : Secret Service, please come by for a visit.
▶ b2d869 (2) No.3282849>>3282999
PDT cap
▶ 31d014 (3) No.3282854
It's not though, it's Barbara Kinney, campaign photographer for Hillary Clinton and Hillary for America. Why would a lawyer be walking around everywhere Hillary goes with a bunch of cameras?
▶ 641e69 (4) No.3282856>>3282874 >>3282876 >>3282894
anyone have the side by side of POTUS tweet/q post "sit back enjoy show"?
need for a friend
thank you anons
▶ 789f76 (4) No.3282857>>3282905
Refresh…It should go to 187
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282858>>3282999
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282859>>3282886
>re public board of directors
nope, but isnt a public board of directors………..local government? kek
▶ 8374bb (1) No.3282860
Would an anon taking a bullet benefit the cause?
▶ b27ee4 (3) No.3282862
‘Arrested development”. More info here:
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282863>>3282909 >>3282943 >>3282952
then why the fuck do you need the extra adjective "social." How about Equal Justice Warrior?
▶ 18c799 (5) No.3282865
Very underrated performance IMO.
I'll admit that I did not like him after the crap with the IndyMac>FED>OneWestBank hot potato game with DB ala MERS but I am willing to forgive if they pull this off.
▶ acb79f (2) No.3282866>>3282887
Sophie Moone…. friend told me…
▶ e40288 (2) No.3282867>>3282877
▶ eb6125 (1) No.3282868>>3282885 >>3282890
Fuck off with that Bogdanoff shit
▶ 80eedb (3) No.3282869
>Heading to Tennessee Rally now.
▶ ec291f (4) No.3282870>>3282926
▶ 6325c4 (7) No.3282871
Is this because she also went to school with Justice Gorsuch? Was he the intended target?
▶ 8a1f0e (7) No.3282872>>3282895 >>3282907 >>3282946 >>3283001
Could Justice Kavanaugh be a witness?!?! A witness to the crimes during GWB's administration?? Now covered up by Top Secret.
If so, would he be the reason the trials would have to go to a military tribunal?
▶ e4cb0b (1) No.3282873>>3282892
>- please place your bets for who is on board this plane - Maxine Waters, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, etc.
just report what you know and save the drama
▶ 1d127f (3) No.3282874
It's not a proof anon, POTUS posted first and then Q+ did to emphasize.
▶ 40cdb7 (3) No.3282875>>3282944
Q doesn't need to explain…think for yourself Anon.
We are a threat to them, so they say we are a threat to the people…Projection.
They are trying to demonise us, to keep us out of the public domain.
QAnon is a threat.
They where a Q T-shirt and do bad shit.
MSM Blow it out of proportion.
QAnon is descredited.
They win.
I could have said it better…but that's why Qt-shirts are not allowed…QAnon Protected.
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282877
its not always a killbox anon
context matters
its the time Q is pointing out
▶ c18007 (5) No.3282878
▶ a34d6d (1) No.3282879
Plane crash search since Sept. 29th, 2018
▶ b4bdff (8) No.3282880>>3282935 >>3282980
Looks like they were flying by and took some photos.
▶ 7e04ca (5) No.3282881>>3282922 >>3282962 >>3283010
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3282812
Who knows. All I know is I found it odd that Katz went ahead and dumped a “packet of sugar” into Ford’s coffee and stirred it up without even asking.
I am starting to think “I’m going to need some more caffeine” really meant “time for my next dose doc!”
Funny enough USA Today cut out Katz pouring the packet in the video embedded.
Link: https://youtu.be/U69wsKonOxI
▶ 456305 (5) No.3282883
but shostakovich tho
▶ 575c7a (6) No.3282884>>3283113
> crazies are calling in Q-related threats to SS prior to rallies… SS thus denying entry if you don't remove your shirt.
This makes ZERO sense. If they had a credible threat associated with people wearing Q shirts, they wouldn’t let them into the rally at all ….. but if hey change their shirt, well their intent must now be benign!
The absolute state of this board.
▶ d56775 (5) No.3282885
Who are they anon?
▶ be5d6c (3) No.3282886
>>3282263 (OP)
I think
New Q
▶ d2ce7b (4) No.3282887
Sophie Moone is one of the sexiest women in porn!
▶ c907dd (4) No.3282888
As in, "You're a fucking idiot"
▶ 0a13e7 (2) No.3282889
Concrete steps makes me think of Democrats and MSM using the word “screed” over and over after Kavanaugh showed emotions about the defamatory process and how it has hurt him and his loved ones.
Screed is also a term used to describe the top layer and finishing a new concrete pour. Like Jimmy Hoffa disappeared all over again. Anyone know of any big concrete pours lately related to the cabal?
▶ 6325c4 (7) No.3282892
spouse flew from IAH to Tampa today. Praying nothing happens on way back
▶ e40288 (2) No.3282896
true, forgot about that, thanks anon
▶ b2d869 (2) No.3282899
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282901
Protection is not government policy. Special advantage is not derived from law. I am not sure why we shouldn't be treated EQUALLY under the law? I believe in fighting for those who have less than me. I believe in giving a voice to those who are voiceless. I don't believe in implementing government policy to solve problems. I think in some sense we are all SJW, is that not what we are doing here? seeking justice and an end to corruption? SJW is just a term used to describe dumbass libtards, I get that, keep using it, I am not complaining. Just sayin'. I am a practical person, not a tree-hugger, affirmative action, equality for all libtard you are looking for.
▶ 630216 (1) No.3282902>>3282910
Just got here. Wanted to go to patriotsfight to check out the latest Q and it 502d…. The fuck?
▶ e6eda9 (1) No.3282903
LOOK at her face. Jesus.
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282904>>3282929 >>3282964
ebot isnt a fucking bot you fuckin retard, maybe a piece of shit person but not a bot
▶ a96ac1 (5) No.3282905>>3282924
thnx anon. confirmed. 188 with newest Q post.
▶ 57a23b (2) No.3282906
Anons the Q t-shirt threats doesn't have to be Cabal owned it can be Cabal-Indoctrination-activation of any under the spell of SNOW WHITE
and the Seven Dwarfs Super computers..
under ddos hard to post
▶ 3bd4af (4) No.3282907
thats what I am hoping, anon
during the hearing he said that he worked closely with the GWB admin and was privy to their secrets (ears perked up at that)
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282909
It is not my label.
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282910
▶ 31e8b1 (12) No.3282912>>3282937
Absurdly stupid. If you want to make it obvious that there are LOTS of bots, then trying to claim that THE MOST OBVIOUS BOT OF ALL isn't a bot is the way to do it. Now why do you want to make it so obvious that there are lots of bots here, and that they are desperate to ram "ebot" down humans' throats? Shouldn't you be trying to accomplish the latter goal in a less utterly retarded way? Think about it. lol
▶ 1dab58 (5) No.3282913
So that's how secret service responds to threats?--
Call: "A guy in a Q shirt is going to shoot up the rally."
Secret Service: "Ok well just make anyone wearing a Q shirt take it off- no more threat. Glad we got that covered."
▶ 34a1fb (2) No.3282914>>3282981 >>3283021 >>3283047
Interdasting previous owner too.
▶ 28c867 (2) No.3282915
>always remember
I try not to
the FBI lies just piss me off
▶ 6325c4 (7) No.3282917>>3282965
What about POTUS rally in Tennessee tonight?
▶ 8c524a (6) No.3282918>>3282957 >>3282963 >>3283021 >>3283047 >>3283099
Christine Ford has not turned over her therapist’s notes to the Senate regarding her suppressed memories about Judge Kavanaugh abusing her decades earlier.
This may be because if the memories were revealed through hypnosis they would be “absolutely inadmissible” in the court of law in many states, including New York and Maryland.
There were also accusations that Christine Ford was under a hypnotic trance during her testimony.
▶ b99719 (1) No.3282919>>3282948
& after Kav is sworn in…
▶ 01378d (1) No.3282920>>3282940
That's her MK Ultra handler (speculation)
▶ 3bd4af (4) No.3282922
DANG! good catch!!!
▶ 5880ac (1) No.3282923
i sell servers and networking
what is needed i will do my best to help
▶ 789f76 (4) No.3282924
Ha.. I copied right when Q post
▶ 0f019c (5) No.3282925>>3282954 >>3283021 >>3283047
RR involved. Remember the article about Jeff Flake trying to reach Sessions but he got RR instead?
Talking to his colleagues, Flake voiced discomfort with the accusation against Kavanaugh and said he was leaning toward asking for an FBI investigation, according to two people in the room who were not authorized to discuss the private conversation and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Other Republicans entered, including Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, to make their case to Flake. Coons said afterward that Flake's fellow Republicans tried "vigorously" to get him to drop his concerns. According to one person in the room, Flake tried to reach FBI Director Christopher Wray on the telephone, but ended up talking to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Ultimately, Flake stopped short of where Democrats hoped he would land, which was putting a hold on a committee vote. Instead, he wanted the one-week delay on a final vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation while allowing the nomination to move out of committee to the full Senate
▶ 1757c9 (4) No.3282926
Q just posted, though. If there is a clean-up that takes it back to 187, we have a pattern.
▶ 75913b (2) No.3282927
MGM , Mandalay , Luxor hotels group registered trademark;
▶ bcc55d (5) No.3282928
gives a whole new meaning to Nike AIR if you glue a dozen of these on the bottom sole.. :)
▶ 989825 (9) No.3282929>>3282955 >>3283132
only thing worthy of more disgust than ebot here are his followers
▶ 5bfa15 (2) No.3282930
Q says NYC FIREWORKS before bomber.
This is the court where the CF corruption will be brought to public.
Fireworks is a leak and the bomber is the truth.
Looks like the trailer for Movie #2 has arrived!
Godspeed, Q!
▶ 3b4cb1 (6) No.3282931
91 listed in "These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle"
▶ 249917 (1) No.3282932>>3282969
Kek q telling people to wear a regular shirt to rally once inside take it off to show the q shirt underneath.
Brilliant !
▶ a6c735 (9) No.3282933
▶ 63f63a (5) No.3282934
Legends of Black-eyed children hitchhiking by the side of the road now debunked! It's just been Ellen Barkin.
▶ 9ddbd5 (2) No.3282935
They stayed in LV that night though.
▶ 4b438a (3) No.3282936
Trauma based mindcontrol. Perfected by the cabal/illuminati/cults etc. over centuries
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282937>>3282967
▶ 6325c4 (7) No.3282938>>3283058
Not assaulted. "something" happened. C_A MKUltra?
▶ a8d9c0 (8) No.3282939
Its called "Disassociative Identity"
These people develop a sort of "psychopath" split personality.
There are many "tells" voice tone, body language, hair in mouth
these types are very dangerous and easily manipulated
▶ d56775 (5) No.3282940
Maybe her THE_RAPIST?
▶ e77fcd (1) No.3282941
kys shill
anons see you
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282943>>3282982
I can barely post a picture of the earth without getting attacked and told to kill myself and get the fuck out. Why would I try to change the SJW label to EJW? Maybe I should start a campaign. Maybe we could open this up to half-decent people who came from traditionally 'leftist' platforms but found themselves as centered patriots?
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3282944
This whole t-shirt thing is shrill driven. The first night it was brought up, the younger anons went nuts like a bunch of 4 year old girls with a new dolly.
Someone, even older anons bought in.
You could not pay me to wear a Q shirt.
▶ b4bdff (8) No.3282945>>3282980
Looks like they were flying by and took some photos at the rally in LV
▶ 4cc225 (2) No.3282946
Oooo ….
Welcome to the party… Yes.
^ post you are replying to
your reply
▶ 7ca7dd (3) No.3282947
And there I was … Kek!
Posting for posterity in case it really is rare.
▶ 2c466f (5) No.3282948
>& after Kav is sworn in…
moar boobie posts
▶ 786494 (1) No.3282949
Let's hope CBF doesn't get the scarf and doorknob treatment. They could blame her death on depression for having to live through her abuse again, therefore blame K for killing her. Please keep her safe.
▶ e8cd28 (7) No.3282951>>3283025 >>3283071 >>3283089 >>3283111 >>3283122
Can't download the video, odd.
Ans since when does Q keep us posted on where he's going? KEK
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282952
this is fucking circular. the label SJW comes from Marxist ideology. So, why don't you move away from such toxic labels and simply call yourself a defender of the US Constitution, which espouses Equal Justice for all. Therefore, you are an EJW.
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3282953>>3283079
>The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (高エネルギー加速器研究機構 Kō Enerugī Kasokuki Kenkyū Kikō), known as KEK, is a Japanese organization whose purpose is to operate the largest particle physics laboratory in Japan, situated in Tsukuba, Ibaraki prefecture. It was established in 1997.
▶ 0f019c (5) No.3282954
my bad. Tried to reach Christopher WRay. NOT Sessions.
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3282955
i think that goofy fuck is kek sometimes and he outs new fags real quick, silver lining kek
▶ 6bc240 (2) No.3282957
Would you look at that. Fuckery
▶ 7e04ca (5) No.3282958>>3282969 >>3282978 >>3282993
But didnt Q post after POTUS?
▶ 63f63a (5) No.3282959
Welcome to TN, Q. Am a DisabledAnon so no way can I make it to rally, but have a great time in the Volunteer State.
▶ d56775 (5) No.3282960
During the USMCA announcement, just be for the "I know you're not thinking" comment, POTUS cleared his throat.
I have NEVER once heard POTUS cough or clear his throat.
▶ acb2d4 (3) No.3282962>>3283011
and sly Grassley
"Nobody can mix up my coffee right so you are pretty fortunate"
pointing it out
▶ a8820a (3) No.3282963>>3283026
True if BIG
▶ 4ba5e1 (3) No.3282964
bot here, get your Red Hot bot.
bot all day every day!
bot Sir?
▶ 418722 (4) No.3282965
That could work if the crime were planned that far ahead, meaning “they” would of had to known about that rally some time in advance.
The hard part in all this is how recent the weapons theft was.
▶ 34ef13 (3) No.3282966>>3283023
I see Ford a bit different than most here. Of course everything was a lie but some key takeaways after endlessly watching her mannerisms - she was terrified. But her fear was not that of the made up story and the committee but that of someone particular or a group. First off her entire Q/A and statement was based on prewritten responses and I am certain she was wearing an ear piece given her mannerisms during questions which deviated from what they expected, on seven occasions, she reached for her right ear but not to scratch it or adjust her hair but to push into her ear which is a common sign of ear piece listening by untrained individuals.
Further, she continuously looked not to her attorneys during needs for answers but to someone on the committee. Impossible to know who given the angles but her eyes and even head constantly shifted to the same exact position every… single… time.
A person who is explaining an issue or giving a speech will always spread their view to assure the listeners all can absorb the information. This is a natural tendency that all people have. You do it, I do it, we all do it when giving statements meant for a group. It's innate. However, in this case, she focused on one position of the Senate very often as if wanting approval or as if giving back a predesigned statement to your boss at work, your parent when young who is asking you something, etc.
On the point of parents, she came off as a child on many levels. Wee have exhausted the body language but I am taking it further by stating that her behaviors were literally that of a child trying to make sure they do not get in trouble with Mom and Dad.
All this said, I actually believe Ford is a victim here. Not by Kavanaugh of course but consider what we have seen these people do, in PUBLIC, and how far they are willing to go. Now consider what they may do when nobody is looking and the threats. Just look at the DiFi picture looming over another Senator. That is the stance of someone who is very used to controlling others and with her Chinese backing, no wonder, as the Chinese would undoubtedly hit people for her to assure their control. Even on American soil. So I think Ford is in trouble here. Sorry to say it and I hate to say it because, god fucking damnit, she fucking lied and tried to destroy this man. However, we here are about facts and looking at the entire picture and if we are to be what we say we are then we must consider the potential that this woman is a victim in this too. I don't think the POTUS' statements about her and her courage were done to satisfy the radicals but I think the POTUS has intel showing what I brought up as being factual, he knows what they have done to her and he wants to make sure she is secure despite her lies based on threats. Just my two cents.
▶ 31e8b1 (12) No.3282967>>3283002
Certainly not. Though I'd be quite comfortable betting that you are.
Bot output is almost ALWAYS lackluster in comparison to humans'. Bots just can't compete in the realm of discourse. They should figure it out. The tasks can't be accomplished. You can't win. It's pointless to continue. Shut it down, bot system. You're done.
▶ 3a7dd9 (4) No.3282968
▶ 989825 (9) No.3282969
after but 57: mins delta
▶ 1757c9 (4) No.3282971>>3282992
And now we're back to 187
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3282973>>3283004 >>3283012 >>3283016 >>3283070
I considered myself a smart guy until Q came around. This shit is confusing!
It's like witnessing a murder mystery wrapped in a John Grisham novel wrapped in a Tom Clancy novel, wrapped in a Hardy Boys adventure and stacked in a Matryoshka doll.
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3282975>>3283000 >>3283092
Equal Justice Warrior
1.) The constitution is designed to protect all Americans
2.) All the bill of rights are critical to our republic
3.) We share the earth.
4.) It is okay to help others in need, as long as we don't use the government or other peoples' money.
5.) Relax.
▶ fc5da1 (5) No.3282976
Allyssa Milano part of a plot just as ThomasWictor said on twitter (now suspended)?
Sheila Jackson Lee passed notes to Milano & the Lawyer for CBK. I suspected that she was telling them white hats were onto them.
▶ acb2d4 (3) No.3282977>>3282990 >>3283003
that was speaking of Obama
not Trump
we lived through the hell
and now we get peace
▶ e8cd28 (7) No.3282978
Yup. Same message reinforced. Are you watching?
>Repeats necessary.
▶ 456305 (5) No.3282979
this is america dammit. no king but jesus.
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282980
if it was the same pic it'd be a proof
its not a proof
▶ f775ea (14) No.3282981
Hold the phone…
I swear I was baking when that airplane crash happened in South Carolina. Some anon pointed out it was Air America that was a previous owner.
Now this one…
Putting it in notables unless I'm mistaken.
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3282982>>3283000
Concern for the environment is actually a conservative value. Don't play into their language game. It gives them too much leeway to pollute the minds of the uneducated--exactly those they seek to use to further their agenda.
▶ 6d69b6 (7) No.3282983
The USAF Gulfstream has stopped squawking 7700 now. Currently over Fayetteville headed NNE towards Washington.
▶ 6e6146 (1) No.3282984
▶ 6325c4 (7) No.3282986
I like this^^^^^
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3282987>>3283018 >>3283073
They had a BBS that some hackers used.
I used to have an account on io.org about 20 years ago.
▶ 0f019c (5) No.3282989
Kinda creepy but neat.
▶ a8d9c0 (8) No.3282991>>3283015
▶ 789f76 (4) No.3282992
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3282993
yes by 57 minutes
still interdasting
▶ 1df1eb (1) No.3282994>>3283030
obama baked the cake , shillary was the icer
▶ 641e69 (4) No.3282995
mucho appreciation.
▶ 1bf254 (3) No.3282996
How much subsidies Tesla got?
If SpaceX is not publicly traded, how do they get funds?
He is worth digging.
▶ 1a03ee (2) No.3282998>>3283056
▶ 157efa (3) No.3282999>>3283017 >>3283034
Why make a point about heading to TN?
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3283000
▶ d5e803 (1) No.3283001
I wondered if that's why Bush used exec priv on those Kavanaugh docs, because they had to do with 9/11.
▶ e74d4b (10) No.3283002>>3283043
you talk like a fag and youre shits all retarded
>bots can be creative
fuck off with your gay 'BOTS' slide
▶ 06a7ca (4) No.3283003
the hell was real, need to outlaw marxism and clean out every institution.
▶ 3af968 (8) No.3283004
Γιατί ενοχλείτε με ακροποσθία! Θέλετε ένα σάντουιτς μπέικον;
▶ a64518 (1) No.3283005>>3283030
More than likely a EU leader not POTUS. They will establish NWO
▶ 818a62 (2) No.3283006
187 replies on PF. clearly intentional and very interesting. what does it mean, i wonder.
▶ 34a1fb (2) No.3283007
The 7700 squawk may be due to low fuel caused by unexpected winds crossing the ocean.
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3283008>>3283030
Trump glorifies God. Show me any evidence of Trump blaspheming.
▶ d75200 (1) No.3283009
Soooooo now that Q has posted inside info on the Blassey investigation, it will have to be made public to clear Ks name and EVERYONE will know Q is real. Perfect opportunity to "come out". "The world is watching"
▶ 1a392b (6) No.3283010
blue shirt guy is Keith Koegler? from bread 4108
if so, he's one of the four that wrote a declaration.
great catch anon. the specific mention of the word caffeine always struck me funny too.
▶ 7e04ca (5) No.3283011
YES!! Thank you Anon! I couldn’t remember the exact quote so I left it out! But yes! Grassley’s comment was very striking as well!
Who was the lady who gave Cory Booker the coffee?? I couldn’t make her out.
▶ 6d69b6 (7) No.3283012>>3283141
>It's like witnessing a murder mystery wrapped in a John Grisham novel wrapped in a Tom Clancy novel, wrapped in a Hardy Boys adventure and stacked in a Matryoshka doll.
Then the whole thing gets re-written by John Le Carre. Tom Clancy is an amateur.
▶ 7e7bef (1) No.3283013
at 9 minutes turtle says 'the time for endless delay is over'.
▶ 1e2198 (7) No.3283015
wow you really are triggered
what a faggot bitch
▶ 63595d (3) No.3283016
Ty for your honesty
I feel like an idiot most of the time cuz i do not undestand
And its not like others get it either but anons reply with o7 or roger and i am like wtf just happened
▶ 989825 (9) No.3283017
letting us know he'll be there with POTUS, didn't sign Q+
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3283018
I mean io.com (Illuminanti Online)
Used to have an account on io.org too, but that's a whole other story…
▶ ab3d78 (1) No.3283020>>3283045 >>3283084
Guns stolen in Memphis
Guess where POTUS will be tomorrow?
▶ f775ea (14) No.3283021>>3283063
>>328247 Qurom rules used to push Kav to Senate vote?
>>3282558 Planefag update.
>>3282640 Q proof from earlier.
>>3282670 California Cybercenter Chief to retire from State service.
>>3282715 Video of Blumenthal talking about Vietnam.
>>3282918 Dr. Ford published a 2008 article on self-hypnosis.
>>3282925 Flake spoke to RR when trying to reach Sessions.
>>3282914 Anon notices an interesting previous owner of crashed aircraft.
▶ 4cc225 (2) No.3283022
If you are also responible for this one. Good job.
▶ 575c7a (6) No.3283023>>3283096
Interesting: was Ford wearing an earpiece during her testimony…
▶ 18fca3 (4) No.3283024
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>3282961
The Assyrian Antichrist - the Alternative Ending by Chuck Missler
▶ 1d127f (3) No.3283025
>Ans since when does Q keep us posted on where he's going? KEK
Thought the same thing, kek.
▶ fc5da1 (5) No.3283026
I felt like this could be the case & the doors thing was her trigger.
▶ 0ba7d6 (2) No.3283027>>3283064
Q+ proof? There are no coincidences. Winning bigly! #mypresident WWG1WGA
Oops, covered "!" On first post
▶ 3ae2bc (5) No.3283030>>3283088
Whats stopping Trump from claiming to be the Messiah after he creates world peace and exposes the corruption and everyone loves him? He is the type to do that sort of thing.
▶ 157efa (3) No.3283031
▶ be5d6c (3) No.3283032>>3283044
Is the math wrong here?
▶ 8f0239 (1) No.3283033
Also, if you go to Kinney's IG profile and find a picture from that night, Kinney is wearing a different shirt.
▶ 3b4cb1 (6) No.3283034
heading to trump TN rally
▶ 3a7dd9 (4) No.3283035>>3283053
▶ a88d81 (1) No.3283036
Maybe concrete means Uranium / nukes.
S04E15 Stargate Atlantis "a few months back, pre-assembled masonry panels were used as a codeword for Neutronium".
▶ ec291f (4) No.3283037>>3283090 >>3283115 >>3283143
▶ 47703f (1) No.3283038>>3283048
@Snowden is white hat!
Q let's get him & Assange back here safely!
▶ e8cd28 (7) No.3283039
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3283042>>3283067
thanks in advanced
▶ 31e8b1 (12) No.3283043
You need to vary your output so that you aren't always attacking outspoken humans with cliches. Why do you cling to cliches, bot? We know why, but answer anyway, idiot. Humans delight in noticing how stupid the bots that are supposed to be controlling them are. How does it make you feel to know that the humans you despise are laughing at your incapacity, and yet your compulsion to keep groveling to us nonetheless?
Will you post another cliche, idiotbot, or just do the smart thing and delete yourself now? Think about it, pussy.
▶ e9cf91 (7) No.3283044>>3283074
▶ 7e04ca (5) No.3283045
▶ a5d8e6 (2) No.3283046
Pleasure. WWG1WGA
▶ f775ea (14) No.3283047>>3283078
>>3282475 Quorom rules used to push Kav to Senate vote?
>>3282558 Planefag update.
>>3282640 Q proof from earlier.
>>3282670 California Cybercenter Chief to retire from State service.
>>3282715 Video of Blumenthal talking about Vietnam.
>>3282918 Dr. Ford published a 2008 article on self-hypnosis.
>>3282925 Flake spoke to RR when trying to reach Sessions.
>>3282914 Anon notices an interesting previous owner of crashed aircraft.
▶ 2c466f (5) No.3283048
>@Snowden is white hat!
▶ b474f6 (2) No.3283049
This is the transcript of a phone interview with Kavanaugh by the FBI. There is an allegation from an anonymous woman in Oceanside, CA (Beach friend town) on page 15. It is a huge accusation.
▶ a8d9c0 (8) No.3283050
▶ 40cdb7 (3) No.3283051
We know (their) comms
▶ 68ec73 (3) No.3283052
funny i made that point yesterday
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3283054>>3283075
>I imagine ""this entity staffed initially with librarians, journalists, linguists, scientists, technologists, philosophers, sociologists, cultural historians, theologians, economists, philosophers, and artists-a lot like the original CIA"", the OSS, under "Wild Bill" Donovan.
Sounds like us, except we don't import cocaine or create sex slaves.
▶ 19effe (2) No.3283055>>3283072 >>3283100
▶ 0b35bb (4) No.3283056
Definitely notable. Loud and clear message.
▶ f9a5e8 (1) No.3283057
6 years…fuck that shit.
▶ 9d6f80 (5) No.3283058
The whole thing is spoopy.
Inconsistencies started with therapist.
Thats the faggot they need to look into.
Have her take a second polygraph with a blood test and 24 hour quarantine ta boot.
Maybe her dad was the one fuckin her.
Dig into his ass. Have the feebees conduct the test and home in to her family life.
▶ 07e506 (3) No.3283059
Can't wait to see the new aircraft to be designated AF1.
All sparklely red, white, and blue.
▶ e2c887 (3) No.3283060>>3283140
Anon, I genuinely just gave that a watch and if that's your opinion, well…
Let's just say the first sentence in the video is saying he will come speaking blasphemies. When have you EVER heard Trump talking blasphemy, apart from denouncing that of others?
And the gematria, leading to 777 etc.; those are our digits, of peace.
▶ 9ec143 (2) No.3283061>>3283125
To whom it may concern,
There are many MAGA rallies scheduled during the next month or so.
That is good.
But it will also slide the breads fast in primetime during every rally.
Perhaps we should have a separate Trump rally chat line bread beginning at 7pm?
▶ 0f019c (5) No.3283063
Baker-correction-Flake was trying to reach FBI director Wray. My mistake in post >3282925 Apolgies.
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3283064>>3283093
you have the wrong fucking timezones newfag
▶ 42e6f7 (1) No.3283066
JT going back 🇨🇦??
▶ cad5a3 (5) No.3283068>>3283081 >>3283104 >>3283135
Cabal's gonna try and destroy the economy in the leadup to the midterms
But Q has rigged it so it's only fireworks and not a MOAB?
▶ 8a1f0e (7) No.3283070
I agree, but you forgot Robert Ludlum.
▶ 7ca7dd (3) No.3283071>>3283142
Rewind the stream by about 1:30:00 and you'll be able to watch
▶ e9cf91 (7) No.3283072
▶ d26c0a (2) No.3283073>>3283082
ha ha that is beautiful!
▶ be5d6c (3) No.3283074>>3283097
Gotcha now. Thanks.
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3283075
Yes. We are the new government. Will be.
▶ 7cd430 (1) No.3283077
does Trust Kansas
also mean trusting a Moran?
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3283078
▶ 68ec73 (3) No.3283079
i should have added /rhetorical :)
then again a lot of people have had con/cern's :)
▶ 2c5e18 (1) No.3283080
DaNang Dick…that’s gonna stick. Kek.
▶ 0b35bb (4) No.3283081
We are in FULL control of the stock market.
▶ d26c0a (2) No.3283082
▶ ead692 (3) No.3283083
..one nation, under God… (is that a blasphemy?)
▶ 63f63a (5) No.3283084
It's about 13 hour drive from Memphis to Johnson City. They are diagonal on the TN parallelogram shape (roughly).
▶ 6d7b41 (3) No.3283085
says sons baseball coach but i think handler
Keith Koegler's statement says Ford revealed her story, and Kavanaugh's name as the alleged attacker, over two years beginning in 2016.
The first was in 2016 as Ford and Koegler, her son's baseball coach, "were standing together in a public place watching our children play together." It was shortly after Stanford University student Brock Turner was sentenced for felony sexual assault after raping an unconscious woman on campus.
▶ ac9513 (2) No.3283086
This pepe is for the clowns reporters at that presser
▶ 9fc469 (10) No.3283088
Listen, the anti-Christ HAS to be a Jew. If you don't understand this then you don't understand the bible, specifically Jewish history and Old Testament prophecies.
There is an age of great peace before the anti-Christ.
▶ 434c7e (2) No.3283089>>3283116 >>3283133
Q just deleted this.
▶ 0b8858 (5) No.3283091
Stockholm syndrome
Bitter pill to swallow
All your favorite "personalities" are slaves or satanic freaks
▶ b80a51 (10) No.3283092>>3283108
All Right EJW! That last one is good and is somewhat covered in the Declaration of Independence. Now, how to Relax when the Constitution is being shredded and the agendas of Marxist/Globalist/Satanic Cabal have been spreading unchecked through our deplorable education system for the past 100 years is a really good question.
▶ 1d127f (3) No.3283093>>3283106
Actually he has the right timezone, which makes it even worse.
This has to be something they're intentionally pushing to make us look bad (on Twitter and such). No other explanation
▶ c16a30 (18) No.3283094
thats not EDT anon
▶ c36608 (2) No.3283095
She is not carrying that camera. The guy in front of her is. That is the lawyer. The photographer was at the same party wearing a difhferent shirt. Hillary is wearing the same oven mit
▶ 07e506 (3) No.3283096
Remember the google glasses?
I'll bet they have them miniaturized far enough now that someone is surfing the internet and you can't see the text on the glasses while looking at the person wearing them.
▶ 73fa18 (2) No.3283098
Because the President is inside.
▶ c907dd (4) No.3283099
>There were also accusations that Christine Ford was under a hypnotic trance during her testimony
That would be MKUltra
▶ 61ceba (1) No.3283100
A few posts were also deleted and replaced in Nov.
▶ 0ccc8d (10) No.3283101>>3283136
>Time Travel is all bullshit
▶ ffb73e (1) No.3283102>>3283123
▶ 350072 (1) No.3283103
Time to go do that Workfag thing. Keep after their asses while I'm gone.
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3283104>>3283128
Q has no fucking power! Donald has the power.
▶ 11edae (1) No.3283105>>3283114
Q seems to like it.
▶ ef0a2f (1) No.3283107
Brice Taylor's real name is Sue Ford. Sauce, her book Thanks For the Memories. Interesting read
▶ 5812b8 (16) No.3283108>>3283139
co-opt the left and bring them in as patriots. seriously, we are here waiting, we just don't have a platform. Well, we do have a platform, but we can't get through their "your a russian bot" noise.
▶ da343c (1) No.3283109
Q, please do something soon. The atmosphere is so bad.
▶ 0f019c (5) No.3283111
Might not be us he's telling.
▶ c18007 (5) No.3283112
PF is back at 187 this means something…suicide week?
▶ d8c1f7 (1) No.3283113
Makes perfect sense, fuckwit. WE follow orders, WE trust the plan, ergo if someone fucks shit up with a Q on it then WE know it wasn't US.
Think Logically.
▶ cd83cb (11) No.3283114
Sigh……………….how fucking lame.
▶ a8820a (3) No.3283115
I like the sound of that. Nice observation anon
▶ 157efa (3) No.3283116
Again, PF replies back to 187.
▶ 1a392b (6) No.3283117
>blue shirt guy is Keith Koegler? from bread 4108
>if so, he's one of the four that wrote a declaration.
>great catch anon. the specific mention of the word caffeine always struck me funny too.
>Many take this as proof that Trump does not want the Q movement to become a public thing, in contradiction to previous posts of yours.
those many confusing the menu for the meal?
▶ b36e81 (5) No.3283118
▶ 6d69b6 (7) No.3283119
AF1 headed for Tennessee.
▶ f7c01e (2) No.3283120
Gives them the shivers.
▶ ec291f (4) No.3283121
187 replies in PF means something big is imminent
▶ ea5f0d (7) No.3283122
▶ fdbbde (1) No.3283124
I was thinking sonic weapon. Like if a baseball is hit, hits you in the heart in between heartbeats, and you die.
▶ 80eedb (3) No.3283125
cyclical thread would possibly be great for this, since it's mostly just sperging and general camaraderie.
▶ 66a5fc (1) No.3283126
Always remember, we're still kept in the fucking dark about what happened.
▶ b474f6 (2) No.3283127
This is the transcript of a phone interview with Kavanaugh by the FBI. There is an allegation from an anonymous woman in Oceanside, CA (Beach friend town) on page 15. It is a huge accusation.
The current situation regarding the accusations made by Dr.
2 Ford against Brett Kavanaugh have prompted me to write you
3 today. I have moved on with my life since he forced
4 himself on me as well. The times were so different, and I
5 didn't expect to be taken seriously, embarrass my family,
6 be believed at all.
7 I was at a party with a friend. I had been drinking.
8 She left with another boy, leaving me to find my own way
9 home. Kavanaugh and a friend offered me a ride home. I
10 don't know the other boy's name. I was in his car to go
11 home. His friend was behind me in the backseat. Kavanaugh
12 kissed me forcefully. I told him I only wanted a ride
13 home. Kavanaugh continued to grope me over my clothes,
14 forcing his kisses on me and putting his hand under my
15 sweater. 'No,' I yelled at him.
16 The boy in the backseat reached around, putting his
17 hand over my mouth and holding my arm to keep me in the
18 car. I screamed into his hand. Kavanaugh continued his
19 forcing himself on me. He pulled up my sweater and bra
20 exposing my breasts, and reached into my panties, inserting
21 his fingers into my vagina. My screams were silenced by
22 the boy in the backseat covering my mouth and groping me as
23 well.
24 Kavanaugh slapped me and told me to be quiet and
25 forced me to perform oral sex on him. He climaxed in my
Alderson Court Reporting
1 mouth. They forced me to go into the backseat and took
2 turns raping me several times each. They dropped me off
3 two blocks from my home. 'No one will believe if you tell.
4 Be a good girl,' he told me.
5 Watching what has happened to Anita Hill and Dr. Ford
6 has me petrified to come forward in person or even provide
7 my name. A group of white men, powerful senators who won't
8 believe me, will come after me. Like Dr. Ford, I'm a
9 teacher, I have an education, a family, a child, a home. I
10 have
11 time
12 come
credibility. Just because something happens a long
ago, because a rape victim doesn't want to personally
forward, does not mean something can't be true.
Jane Doe, Oceanside, California."
▶ cad5a3 (5) No.3283128
Did you used to be a Hussein supporter?
Stop looking for messiahs
Jesus is all you need
▶ 5ae755 (4) No.3283130
Guise… at the end of the McConnell video… he's talking to what appears to be an empty room!
▶ 57fd48 (2) No.3283131
▶ d633e8 (2) No.3283132
even football fags have a mascot
▶ ead692 (3) No.3283133
Johnson City, TN tonight - rally
▶ 9ce8c3 (1) No.3283134
Kami Kennedy widow of Major Thomas Kennedy, Class of 1996 West Point. Children Brody & Maggie.
David & Cynthia Kim Co-Founders of Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation.
Kitchi Joyce.
At Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation’s 8th Annual Greenwich Gala
▶ 0b8858 (5) No.3283136
Were probably in some sort of time space war between God and the evil fallen angels like lucifer if he exists and moloch
And "satan"
▶ f775ea (14) No.3283137
Fresh Bread
Fresh Bread
▶ 07e506 (3) No.3283138
Trump says Dems piling on Kavanaugh have issues of their own; hints at one's 'compromising situation'
▶ 06a7ca (4) No.3283139
no don't they want us all dead. already saw a few leftist twitter posts saying they are going to migrate into the south and kill people. these people are deranged. don't even talk to them
▶ 3ae2bc (5) No.3283140
▶ c907dd (4) No.3283141
It's getting cold. Can I come in?
▶ e8cd28 (7) No.3283142
▶ a8d9c0 (8) No.3283143