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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

f6b2d0  No.3166364

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Monday 09.24.18

>>>/patriotsfight/295 rt /pf/293 -——————- Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]? (Cap: >>3165055 )

Sunday 09.23.18

>>>/patriotsfight/294 ——————————— TRUST GRASSLEY ( Cap: >>3156648 )

>>>/patriotsfight/293 rt /pf/281 -——————- PREPARE FOR 'SKY IS FALLING' WEEK. ( Cap: >>3151271 )

Friday 09.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/292 ——————————— https://voat.co/v/QRV [Reddit Replacement] ( Cap: >>3132036 )

>>3131847 rt >>3131764 -————————– We will remain here.

>>3131764 rt >>3131643 -————————– Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

>>3131643 rt >>3131408 -————————– https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3130492 rt >>3130421 -————————– We stand ready to support.

>>3130330 ————————————–——– /BO/ thank you for your service

>>3129182 rt >>3129085 -————————– 2.33_AM.png

>>3128926 rt >>3128846 -————————– [McCabe] leak memos to NYT re: [RR]?

>>>/patriotsfight/291 ——————————— Comey & McCabe Talking? ( Cap: >>3128796 )

>>>/patriotsfight/290 ——————————— FAKE NEWS ABOUT TO SHIFT NARRATIVE AGAINST THEIR MASTERS ( Cap: >>3128530 )

>>>/patriotsfight/289 ——————————— MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP ( Cap: >>3128085 )

>>>/patriotsfight/288 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127989 )

>>>/patriotsfight/287 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127816 )

>>>/patriotsfight/286 ——————————— PANIC IN DC ( Cap: >>3127957 )

>>>/patriotsfight/285 ——————————— THE RED LINE ( Cap: >>3127549 )

>>>/patriotsfight/284 ——————————— The More You Know… ( Cap: >>3127297 )

>>>/patriotsfight/283 ——————————— Prior to each Rally 'threats' are called into local & federal authorities re: 'Qanon' ( Cap: >>3129623 )

>>3124476 rt >>3124058 -————————– PANIC!!!

>>>/patriotsfight/282 ——————————— We are at the PRECIPICE. ( Cap: >>3124353 )

>>>/patriotsfight/281 ——————————— FISA DECLAS WILL BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. ( Cap: >>3124007 )

>>>/patriotsfight/280 ——————————— Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3123958 )

>>>/patriotsfight/279 ——————————— ANONS ARE MONTHS AHEAD ( Cap: >>3122974 )

>>>/patriotsfight/278 ——————————— Read carefully - significant! (Cap: >>3121475 )

>>3121268 rt >>3121219 -————————– Important graphic.

>>>/patriotsfight/277 ——————————— Ask yourself, how would 'FOREIGN' Allies' KNOW what is within a US TOP SECRET FISA warrant? (Caps: >>3121219 ; >>3121828 )

>>3118306 rt >>3118079 -————————– 17 Second Delta Graphic

>>3118276 rt >>3117830 -————————– Nice catch, Anon.

>>>/patriotsfight/276 ——————————— 2165.png ( Cap: >>3117165 )

Thursday 09.20.18

Compiled here: >>3129162

Wednesday 09.19.18

Compiled here: >>3121357

Tuesday 09.18.18

Compiled here: >>3112614

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f6b2d0  No.3166372


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3131408 BO: QResearch_Voat created, https://voat.co/v/QRV

>>3098124 CodeMonkey Update on the server upgrades

>>3087072 Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening v.1.0 (SPREAD IT)

>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board


>>3165717 McDonald’s chief restaurant officer Doug Goare to retire

>>3165840 ; >>3166162 RR not resigning; missing from a meeting

>>3165914 Mario Co., OH, clerk of courts to resign in October after 19 years

>>3165936 Hit on Noel Francisco after RR story fiasco

>>3165949 On “Speed” and everybody getting fired (analysis/speculation)

>>3166043 Protests against Kavanaugh lead to arrests

>>3166053 El Paso border wall project to begin

>>3166185 WH Press Sec. Sanders statement on RR developments

>>3166238 CIMB Chairman Nazir, Malaysia ex-leader’s brother, to resign

>>3166276 New DJT: UNGA statement on the drug epidemic

>>3166298 Differences in how the RR story is being reported; a divided MSM

>>3166331 #4007


>>3164892 Kavanaugh protestors led by Linda Sarsour

>>3164938 Lindsey Graham: Kavanaugh bullshit is a “total collapse of the traditional confirmation process”

>>3165195 House Rep. running mouth on DJT re: RR developments

>>3165271 Planefag Update: D-EATH descending near Frankfurt

>>3165476 Twitter rumor re: Graham, McConnell “unshackled”

>>3165605 McCabe chimes in on RR developments

>>3165542 #4006


>>3164133 NSA going after General Nakasone impersonators on social media

>>3164149 ; >>3164163 ; >>3164383 ; >>3164512 ; >>3164724 RR reportedly verbally resigned to Gen. Kelly, summoned to WH “expecting to be fired” ; WH confirmation pending

>>3164326 ; >>3164621 Market downshift with RR news

>>3164471 ; >>3164696 Antifa/commie galvanization with RR news

>>3164640 Owner of NYC pharmacies charged in Medicare, Medicaid fraud scheme

>>3164754 120+ colleges and universities meeting w/DHS to discuss emergency situation planning

>>3164785 #4005

#4004 Baker Change

>>3163338, >>3163391 UK: Peter Hayman named as VIP who sexually abused boys near Parliament

>>3163395 ; >>3164035 POTUS at UN, discussing world drug problem

>>3163510 NYT not buying second Kavanaugh accuser’s bullshit

>>3163514 ; >>3163601 Update/correction to POTUS clock Notable >>3162953 (#4003)

>>3163572 2nd Kavanaugh accuser represented by JonBenet Ramsey investigation saboteur

>>3163607 Former Hussein official under scrutiny for Manafort ties

>>3163682 ; >>3163693 ; >>3163719 ; >>3163722 Windows file designed to harvest emails and passwords

>>3163709 ; >>3163714 ; >>3163915 Avenatti chimping out; petitioning the US Senate Judiciary Committee

>>3163730 DOJ paralegal Allison Hrabar (of Project Veritas infamy) FIRED

>>3163810 CIA Director Haspel to speak at Louisville

>>3163875 China accuses US of “trade bullyism”

>>3163893 Planefag Updates: Marine flights “VM###”

>>3163967 ; >>3163987 New DJT: On flooding and the drug problem

>>3164025 New 8ch hardware deployed!!

>>3164063 GOOG’s Eric Schmidt warns of an internet with Chinese rules

>>3164104 DJT backs Kavanaugh “all the way”; accusations are “totally political”

>>3164003 #4004

Previously Collected Notables

>>3163301 #4003

>>3160895 #4000, >>3161651 #4001, >>3162439 #4002

>>3158616 #3997, >>3159386 #3998, >>3160135 #3999

>>3156328 #3994, >>3157115 #3995, >>3157837 #3996

>>3154019 #3991, >>3154740 #3992, >>3155534 #3993

>>3151671 #3988, >>3152461 #3989, >>3153231 #3990

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

f6b2d0  No.3166376

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>3166229 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#49 >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496, >>3165205

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

f6b2d0  No.3166381

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.II.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ---------- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Your Country Needs You! Report Here For Duty >>3032592

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How To Bake: Video Tutorial >>3018667

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

f6b2d0  No.3166389

File: ea6b8eedec5a1c8⋯.jpeg (23.88 KB, 354x246, 59:41, DayBakerGiftFromNightCrew.jpeg)



Baker Requesting Handoff

Anons, please volunteer!

fe95ba  No.3166396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

945c83  No.3166433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

673970  No.3166434

File: 72a6ae7d9a52c71⋯.jpg (105.4 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, AXu64Ng.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

e82466  No.3166435

File: 542d037e8c6d037⋯.jpg (151.46 KB, 725x1007, 725:1007, Critical_Thinking.jpg)

>>3166354 lb

Time to practice

Critical Thinking

Question everything!

f043ba  No.3166436

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


I've got you baker. Confirming handoff?

8e6989  No.3166437

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elbows need music for zombies too

4e7186  No.3166438

File: 2ac5dfed342035e⋯.jpeg (251.41 KB, 1125x679, 1125:679, BB3D5D62-3202-4672-9884-B….jpeg)

And Rod Rosenstein appears to be back at DOJ. Pulled into underground garage. In beige SUV.


be4daa  No.3166439

File: 7f0a3b4e97c81ca⋯.jpg (388.03 KB, 1600x1014, 800:507, da2898ecbe6c0e49c4d55b5787….jpg)

Trust the clam.


453de1  No.3166440

File: 2a244caa0ec0577⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 418x294, 209:147, #hetoo 9 22 18.JPG)

954b95  No.3166441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clear and present danger scene

When the music stops

14ddcc  No.3166442

Next time check the fucking WH Schedule. RR was on the schedule today lol.

b2e5f3  No.3166443


He switched cars?

f8f201  No.3166444

Is Rosenstein wearing a walking boot?

3ea523  No.3166446

File: 45ef27f4bf4f007⋯.jpeg (62.31 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 6DA6C75E-C1A8-40C8-AD5D-8….jpeg)

4de569  No.3166447

File: 21560da5bf4a950⋯.jpg (89.09 KB, 677x768, 677:768, f32.jpg)


Never Forget

4e6356  No.3166448

Jeremiah 33:3 ESV

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

Isaiah 54:17 ESV

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.


fe92f3  No.3166449

File: 93c88a0905bc204⋯.jpg (155.57 KB, 1123x844, 1123:844, 1a.JPG)

File: ab133d4c1135f5a⋯.jpg (162.85 KB, 723x841, 723:841, 2.JPG)

File: 773c3c2b095f5ec⋯.jpg (126.44 KB, 673x904, 673:904, 2a.JPG)

File: 349cd1e7db6f67d⋯.jpg (185.76 KB, 677x864, 677:864, 6.JPG)

File: 3294d9e4eda9cb0⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 366x346, 183:173, 7.JPG)

Dfcu bank director finally resigns as restructuring intensifies


7e69ef  No.3166450


Nice find!

dae4ed  No.3166451

9/27/18 = 9/9/9

Mirror much?

f6b2d0  No.3166452


Hey there, RGBaker.

Confirming Handoff

BO/BV's, please be advised.

Dough is recent as of last bread.

Getting hit with a solid 30-second lag spike.

Hopefully it subsides soon.


8e6989  No.3166453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let them larp at an asshole anon

c3f990  No.3166454

File: c59c31cb3d45ecd⋯.jpg (605.28 KB, 720x1800, 2:5, sumofallfears.jpg)

>>3165961 lb

every time i hear sky event i think of this (pic) or that blue beam shit peoples been talking about.

just wish we knew the truth.

c363ed  No.3166455


It’s fucking hilarious to watch the media spin in circles not knowing what to say top kek

351e16  No.3166456


Confirmed Q has a lot of time to watch Hollywood movies

5b6fd3  No.3166457

File: 6a95ac3d492a3fa⋯.jpg (202.42 KB, 1374x1445, 1374:1445, RRGoodBye.jpg)


Maybe he went home to change his pants?? KEK

d3505a  No.3166458



>And Rod Rosenstein appears to be back at DOJ. Pulled into underground garage. In beige SUV.

>>3166424 lb

>Live news now reporting that RR left the WH a few minutes ago. Saw him shaking Kelly's hand and smiling and getting into black SUV.

>Live news also reporting that RR will meet with POTUS on THURSDAY. Big day Thursday.


RR thinks he's getting to keep his job/bait POTUS into firing him.

6424d3  No.3166460

File: de60521c6f0cff8⋯.png (65.45 KB, 399x237, 133:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Unedited Yearbooks from Christine Ford’s High School That Were Scrubbed from Internet

1982 & 1983


c3f990  No.3166461


same old playbook

582c51  No.3166462

File: 6423b4c369b5c95⋯.jpg (624.76 KB, 1798x811, 1798:811, ermeynuts.jpg)

55f311  No.3166463


I wonder is this borderline illegal?

a761b3  No.3166464

File: 881f447d841c25b⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 6710E1D4-61AC-4598-9E39-D….jpeg)

And the winner is…

f4f67a  No.3166465

File: 90325ccae6f7310⋯.png (251.39 KB, 589x790, 589:790, ClipboardImage.png)

ee1a7d  No.3166466

>>3166397 (lb)

> revisiting Sunspot, NM.

Damn.. So my suspicions may be not far off base.. The feds were very interested in the post office and the grounds of the observatory itself.

They made a point to advertise the fact that all of the locals were identified and moved in such a lexical way as to imply that they were moved out of great danger.

Much greater than just a spy team (even though that is bad enough) or some fucktard looking at cp on a rando computer. Strange enough to raise an eyebrow. And I've seen some shit here.


2fc982  No.3166467

File: 9e149ef4c4b10c5⋯.png (380.05 KB, 640x400, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

>[RR] to meet with POTUS on Thursday.

declas on Wednesday

Resignation accepted Thursday, during Kav hearing

3f075e  No.3166468

Been looking at Noetics and just have one observation…

One reason for the whole Q op is to provide a collective consciousness to multiple the effects of "real world" actions and operations. Consciousness is magic, the enemy uses it why not us?

f62121  No.3166469

File: f1aa29fda1fbee5⋯.png (141.48 KB, 500x557, 500:557, Spacekeks.png)

17 items of note with the weekend-released FAA reauthorization bill

> https://www.inc.com/bill-murphy-jr/airline-passengers-flight-attendants-congress-delta-united-american-southwest-jetblue-airlines-faa-2018.html

A few pieces to consider from a 1,200 page reauthorization of the FAA that was submitted in the middle of the night this weekend-

>Minimum legroom and seat width requirements.

>Federal Law against mobile phone use during flight

>Federal Law against E-Cigarette use

>require the FAA to consider whether supersonic airplanes should be able to fly over the continental U.S.

>requires the FAA to "broaden existing rules to accommodate regular flights of package-delivery drones."

>the bill apparently contains a $1.68 billion immediate allocation for disaster relief in the wake of hurricane Florence.

>requires the FAA to set up an "Office of Spaceports," according to Reuters, which will "provide guidance, support licensing for spaceports, and promote infrastructure improvements for future space travel."

There's other points in the linked article, but can't be assed enough to copypasta them.

6424d3  No.3166470




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!SHARE!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

b498ed  No.3166471

Narrative shift MSM in complete disarray. Focus for (now) off Judge K's accusers Q and POTUS know the D's playbook BUT

#QPlayBook page 45 paragraph 17 TRUMPS them all..


a8b603  No.3166473

84be6c  No.3166474

Trump meeting with [RR] on Thursday. What else is happening Thursday? RE: Ford testimony.

I don't know the plan but I'm sure as fuck enjoying the show.

8e6989  No.3166475


Peanut butter leads to fibia

f043ba  No.3166476

File: 820123cffaa2dd0⋯.png (959.18 KB, 1600x844, 400:211, doughhandoffdraftfinalNOTE….png)


Thanks for the bread and the heads up.

Godspeed anon, enjoy the rest!

981e91  No.3166477

File: f54d7a9943050c8⋯.jpg (112.49 KB, 942x427, 942:427, cap.jpg)

This whole RR thing today (just today) was a Q canary trap to catch leakers.

26c83c  No.3166478

File: ee7a050aac31cc3⋯.jpg (59.45 KB, 1157x478, 1157:478, IMG_20180924_223848.jpg)

File: c89e10abe3ab0e3⋯.jpg (71.17 KB, 993x781, 993:781, IMG_20180924_223818.jpg)

File: 63b50954d170780⋯.png (2.33 KB, 223x58, 223:58, 63b50954d170780e28d7c2e326….png)

c363ed  No.3166479

File: 0b0d88fed25e861⋯.jpeg (179.14 KB, 750x552, 125:92, F7DAB7DA-CF6F-42B4-8196-9….jpeg)

55f311  No.3166480


Left in a black SUV dropped off in a Beige SUV?

b46f72  No.3166481

File: 8a963a85328fdbc⋯.png (329.46 KB, 849x787, 849:787, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

453de1  No.3166482


turning on each other…so enjoying the movie…

4de569  No.3166483

File: 34600d4c40594ff⋯.png (237.2 KB, 579x356, 579:356, AJ.png)


It was AJ

ea0001  No.3166484

Any VOAT experts here want to tell me why I cannot SUBMIT my fucking redpill filled post??? Since I can't upload my memes directly, I took the time to find graphics already hosted on a couple sites and included them in the post. when I try to post it from my MAC (this may be the problem…) I keep getting

Comment contains banned domains

wtf??? its like 5 paragraphs with 4 direct links to .jpgs

hate this site already

Someone help me figure this basic bitch normie culdesac out, so I can help out over there. If it were up to me I'd never step foot off 8ch.

EDIT: getting concerned that fuckery may be afoot after reading this


3cf64c  No.3166485


>See how FAKE NEWS works?

>See how CLICKBAIT works?


Those emotional pushes can work on anons' confirmation bias as well.

While MSM LOSES credibility, anons need to be GAINING credibility. We're MONTHS ahead of the news, so don't let the news of the day move you to report what has NOT been confirmed.


>Emotion clouds judgement.

>Logical thinking ELIMINATES emotional nonsense.


e30f1d  No.3166486


movie and



can't stop the bus in the movie

can't stop an avalanche

can't stop the Kavanaugh confirmation

can't stop DECLAS

>The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.

[RR]/(((they))) knows this


fe95ba  No.3166487


Maybe since it came from that hacker known as 4chan

fe92f3  No.3166488

File: 6b7154867fd344c⋯.jpg (158.8 KB, 861x905, 861:905, 1a.JPG)

File: ee14a9b58a32cb8⋯.jpg (49.38 KB, 807x286, 807:286, 2.JPG)

Ed Whelan offers to resign from conservative think tank he led


c42bd1  No.3166489



f8f201  No.3166490


Body double?

3ea523  No.3166491

File: b09a0d8568d676a⋯.jpeg (151.42 KB, 1484x995, 1484:995, E3B1E43E-06B4-4F2A-A81D-8….jpeg)

b46f72  No.3166492

File: cb9e820309bfa6b⋯.png (200.22 KB, 726x703, 726:703, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

26c83c  No.3166493



f6b2d0  No.3166494

File: 4d427a879859969⋯.jpeg (24.17 KB, 354x246, 59:41, BakerArt.jpeg)


Magnificent, thank you, BV.

Keep up the excellent work.


Not a problem.

Will be lurking for a while and operate on emergency standby.

Kick ass, Baker.

Will check in/volunteer as needed this evening.

God bless, Anons.

I hope you all have a great afternoon.

bf30ae  No.3166495


You need to register first. You need not provide an email address.

d3505a  No.3166496


Not sure what that's about. Mistakenly quoted first post.

6424d3  No.3166497

File: dd220f7ecae52f7⋯.png (166.5 KB, 908x655, 908:655, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 124b2bc0f53d787⋯.png (54.83 KB, 917x403, 917:403, ClipboardImage.png)

Calendars From 1982 Show Kavanaugh Was "Out Of Town" When Ford Assault Allegedly Took Place

In his latest attempt to clear his name following allegations from Palo Alto University Professor Christine Blasey Ford claiming that he had had attempted to sexually assault her more than 35 years ago when they were seniors in high school, Judge Brett Kavanaugh will hand over calendars from the summer of 1982 which supposedly show that he was out of town when the party described by Ford allegedly took place.


6a5fb8  No.3166498

File: c1ae0437a9e49d8⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 620x410, 62:41, download.jpg)

84c58e  No.3166499


You've got patrician taste, anon. Much nicer than the usual raunch.

6a5fb8  No.3166500

File: b8f6e43a5d3fb1c⋯.png (675.85 KB, 762x500, 381:250, b8f6e43a5d3fb1c4ddcb32a6b9….png)

26c83c  No.3166501

File: a2580320cead1dc⋯.png (115.6 KB, 1080x864, 5:4, Screenshot_20180924-220054….png)

e82466  No.3166502

Now more than ever we have work to do.

The charges and prosecutions are just beginning

And some day they will be over

But our work is just beginning

We are Q!!!

We have to keep asking questions

To help people learn how to think again

So that new corrupt politicians and companies

Do not weasel their way

Into positions of power

We are Q!!!

The power rests with the people

As long as the people play the game of politics

Somebody needs to kick off the game

From time to time new issues will arise

Somebody needs to keep the people on their toes

By asking questions that have not yet been answered

By continuing to dig and make connections

By finding where all the small time crooks are hiding

By making a map to those hideouts

So that the people can ask the right questions

That lead true investigative jounalists to those crooks

We are Q!

Every part of society has been TAINTED by (((them)))

We need to clean all of it

We need to educate children on how to become citizens

We need to ask question after question

And drop crumb after crumb

There will always be a role for autists

Who see the pattern before everyone else

We are Q!

We ask the questions

True investigative journalists find the answers

The public examines the evidence

And takes charge of the legislatures and elected officials

To create laws that are SOLUTIONS

At every level of government

Municipal, County, State and Federal

We are Q!!!

5408d2  No.3166503

Earlier on MSNBC, Hirono was asked if Kavanaugh deserves a presumption of innocence. She refused to answer.

a24373  No.3166504


Yes a law can void the 1st amendment.

/s tag just in case.

3a93f8  No.3166505


What if RR gets arrested ?

How does that change things.

b99de1  No.3166506

File: 50a59ef326bf39c⋯.png (43.16 KB, 1027x540, 1027:540, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92820969e1254cf⋯.png (54.58 KB, 1021x881, 1021:881, ClipboardImage.png)



Section 1001 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Patriot Act), Public Law 107-56,

directs the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S. Department of

Justice (DOJ or Department) to undertake a series of actions related to claims

of civil rights or civil liberties violations allegedly committed by DOJ employees.

It also requires the OIG to provide semiannual reports to Congress on the

implementation of the OIG’s responsibilities under Section 1001. This report

summarizes the OIG’s Section 1001-related activities from January 1, 2018,

through June 30, 2018.

fd7a34  No.3166507

>>3166410 (lb)


(didn't have time to read and respond lb)

if reposted, I'd nominate it


can back you up if needed

going to do something for a bit so couldn't have taken it now

388634  No.3166508

File: 6d5cba841d67c63⋯.jpeg (141.8 KB, 1440x813, 480:271, 1533298609.jpeg)

3fd143  No.3166509

File: 8260ab18b8f8b17⋯.png (875.03 KB, 677x702, 677:702, 2018-03-22_04-56-37.png)

3cf64c  No.3166510

>>3166441 ← THIS

08faba  No.3166511


I’ve thought about this as well. Some solid science behind it to boot.

ddfa6b  No.3166512

>>3166078 (lb and pb's)

As I said, I do agree with you. However it fact that we need the normies in this fight to hopefully remain as uncompromised as possible. They are weak with the tech and comms but are necessary to be able to understand happening, how to fix it in a way that is relatable to them so they can continue to remain in tune with events and discern credible info. We need them keep them (windows or not) for the cause and for voting necessities. Again, I agree, all Hail Linux etc etc. But they don't understand Linux and we need them. One of a few reasons the windows issue was notable in the first place.

5b8acf  No.3166513

File: e74c4086198701a⋯.jpeg (134.6 KB, 333x500, 333:500, 2501AEFE-3FBA-41AB-9BA0-2….jpeg)

bbabb9  No.3166514

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



- Billy Idol (movie theme)

Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]?

Why was Rachel Brand removed?

HUSSEIN + MO actively campaigning for the midterm elections?






fe95ba  No.3166515

File: 7d2a218a6e972e4⋯.png (41.55 KB, 886x309, 886:309, ClipboardImage.png)

708828  No.3166516

Well, that was exciting for about 10 seconds, but, just another tease. All talk, no action.

582c51  No.3166517

File: fd779acd8540992⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, crimsonpain.jpg)

File: 59df03ed6ec2ff9⋯.jpg (832.74 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, whitepain.jpg)

File: 58a232985e41e6a⋯.jpg (961.5 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, bluesteelpain.jpg)

ea0001  No.3166518



I am both registered and logged in.

3fd143  No.3166519

File: 614c7c9179479ec⋯.png (559.33 KB, 1548x1154, 774:577, 2018-03-22_06-31-42.png)

945c83  No.3166520


"deformed" memes like this are garbage.

they actually help the targets.

60ad9a  No.3166521


Hasn’t Q said that K will be confirmed before RR is dealt with?

8e6989  No.3166522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

maybe if you pulled tgat dildo out of your asshole and got a motorcycle

09de73  No.3166523


Of course. Anons have stated since the early days that our job is to change the timeline and that thoughts/prayers DO affect the universe on a quantum mechanical level. So do the "thoughts" of a quantum computer when the qubits in the quantum register are read (their state measured).

You are correct, anon.

f043ba  No.3166524


Thanks baker I should be couple for a couple. Cheers!

1408db  No.3166525

Has anyone got any thought on this or has Q made mention?

Is it REALLY important for Kavanaugh to be confirmed so that he is on SCOTUS by the Oct 1 session? Is this something Trump needs, or just his confirmation is needed and it doesn't matter if he is there Monday.

d76af1  No.3166526

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, 955548b7825c8e93593899c06c….jpg)



d3505a  No.3166528


>>requires the FAA to "broaden existing rules to accommodate regular flights of package-delivery drones."

I foresee this shit falling out of the sky on cars/houses/heads…

e82466  No.3166529

File: b68612085deb429⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3311x2339, 3311:2339, Logical_Fallacies.jpg)


And when using LOGIC

Watch out for logical fallacies

Beloved by the disciples of Saul Alinsky

4ff338  No.3166530

File: 9965706a08d046c⋯.png (449.78 KB, 1013x673, 1013:673, download.png)

Here Comes Fall: Harvest Moon 2018 Rises Tonight!

With unseasonably warm summer temperatures persisting over much of the world this year, it seems hard to believe that this is the week of the Harvest Moon, the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox.

Saturday, Sept. 22, was the first official day of autumn in much of the Northern Hemisphere, even though it will still officially be summer through the daylight hours. The moment of the equinox — the official end of summer and beginning of autumn — will not arrive until 9:54 p.m. EDT. East of the prime meridian, where the equinox occurs after midnight, the first day of fall will actually be on Sunday (0154 GMT, Sept. 23).

The moon will officially turn full two nights later, on Monday (Sept. 24), when it will reach the spot in the sky opposite (180 degrees) to the sun. That moment will occur at 10:52 p.m. EDT (0252 GMT on Sept. 25). The moon will slowly wane thereafter, making this upcoming week one that will be rich in moonlight. [The Moon: 10 Surprising Lunar Facts]

This year's version of the Harvest Moon falls in September, although on occasion, this branding can be conferred upon the October full moon. From 1970 to 2020, this calendrical oddity happens a dozen times and in fact happened just last year. The Harvest Moon can occur as early as Sept. 8 (as in 2014) or as late as Oct. 7 (as in 1987)


76be4f  No.3166531


Great job as always DayBaker :)

d3505a  No.3166532


Voter ID law before election?

26c83c  No.3166533

File: 4f08f6c9aecf7d7⋯.jpg (75 KB, 561x500, 561:500, IMG_20180924_224653.jpg)

351e16  No.3166534


use magaimg.net or imgur without problems, good luck

e5109b  No.3166535

File: 51a6334aa43aefc⋯.png (209.43 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180924-130609.png)

File: 232f5033f4a1045⋯.png (285.27 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180924-122437.png)

File: fc216ac6f2d2ddc⋯.png (305.4 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180924-122445.png)


>>3165894 (lb)

>Speaking of MANIC MEDIA MONDAY, the name of this bread, did you guys see Maggie Habercunt's recent Twat about Rosenstein? Apparently [RR] IS MIA….


Next will come the handcuffs….

c3f990  No.3166536

File: 7b62ce579fc83d2⋯.gif (716.73 KB, 1226x815, 1226:815, boomboomgif.gif)

5ae5e8  No.3166537


Just in time for new infrastructure spending, American steel and peace in our time!!!

Shadilay Frenz : We going to the MOON!

ab93d6  No.3166538

File: f92f92c05472585⋯.png (6.65 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 349qtuogiajiortu3048.png)

5b110d  No.3166539

File: 7bbb29195485723⋯.jpg (30.23 KB, 471x600, 157:200, go with god.jpg)


GrOw with GOD

6424d3  No.3166540

Andrew McCabe Hits PANIC BUTTON: Rosenstein Departure Puts Mueller Investigation at Risk

Andrew McCabe Hits PANIC BUTTON: Rosenstein Departure Puts Mueller Investigation at Risk

News broke on Monday that scandal-plagued Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is resigning

Rosenstein is the active Attorney General and presides over the criminal Mueller investigation of President Trump.

Mueller signed a dishonest FISA warrant to spy on Trump in 2017.

Last week The New York Times reported that Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire in a plot to remove the sitting US president.

Former FBI Deputy Director reacted to the news by putting out a statement.

There is nothing more important to the integrity of law enforcement and the rule of law than protecting the investigation of Special Counsel Mueller. If the rumors of Deputy AG’s Rosenstein’s departure are true, I am deeply concerned it puts that investigation at risk.

For the record… A grand jury was impaneled earlier this month to investigate McCabe and his attempts to interfere in the 2016 election.


6a99ad  No.3166541

File: 294a3269466b2e5⋯.jpg (77.4 KB, 603x411, 201:137, iu (24).jpg)

File: 238a55ff76de556⋯.jpg (376.88 KB, 1257x1094, 1257:1094, iur (9).jpg)

76be4f  No.3166542

File: 313c1c447208a8a⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 793x960, 793:960, AsoonShit.jpg)

26c83c  No.3166543

File: 10c82900d52e8aa⋯.jpg (132.35 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_20180924_224743.jpg)

55f311  No.3166544


I meant probably Ok for a person to do it on their own, but an organization or company it probably would be trouble…I dunno funny as hell though.

fe92f3  No.3166545

File: 4f4e822cfd8ece8⋯.jpg (150.72 KB, 621x919, 621:919, 1a.JPG)

Retards report fake news because they're too stupid to check sources and schedules, and put it out as "chaos in the White House".


c3f990  No.3166546


this is the dumbest this i have ever seen, well almost

94078c  No.3166547

File: c7cf3ff51baa791⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe_hmm.jpg)

Fake media went with Rod said he thinks he's getting fired… is Rod a double agent and did he stooge the media?

c1f3b1  No.3166548


Fly RR Fly

0fa516  No.3166549

File: 96d7bd9d88bde39⋯.png (253.64 KB, 780x389, 780:389, 1c173b397d298f0496629f70b6….png)

8e6989  No.3166550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

there is the problem right there, too much greasing the wrong chain

430d00  No.3166551

File: c24fb7907ea4e76⋯.jpeg (157.54 KB, 1125x538, 1125:538, AE20885A-E703-48AD-A119-8….jpeg)

Big if true


e10c96  No.3166552

Potus and RR are actually meeting?

c1f774  No.3166553

Wow! Hey guise have you seen this?


039fb0  No.3166555


>Is it REALLY important for Kavanaugh to be confirmed so that he is on SCOTUS by the Oct 1 session?

The head count of available Yea votes would drop too low if the plan proceeded before BK confirmation.

99774d  No.3166556



09de73  No.3166557


K must be confirmed before release of FISA DECLAS and its sequelae cause there to no longer be a Senate quorum because so many legislators are publicly shown to be dirty and must either resign or be arrested. That will be a true constitutional crisis when the many seats of the senate and house are empty and nothing can be done until the seats are filled again by some legal process such as governor appointment or special election.

So we have to get this K confirmation DONE first.

e82466  No.3166558


Same thing with those fuzzy ones that your eyes

Cannot focus on.

It's like someone shoved a bag of stinking shit in your face

All you want to do is get away from that as fast as you can.

Good memes draw people in so they WANT to look at them

They laugh, they read it carefully looking for an additional double meaning or hidden detail in the image.

Good memes are FUN to look at.

ee1a7d  No.3166559


That could mean:

Kav accepts confirmation, immediately asscends to bench.

[5 minutes passes]

Trump accepts resignation from [RR]

Trump could even make [RR] wait in the lobby while this happens.

3cf64c  No.3166560

File: c889b61c461cc65⋯.jpg (84.27 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ! ! ! ! ! 55a.jpg)

84be6c  No.3166561



8542db  No.3166563

File: 3b6f7fb33f6fafa⋯.jpg (638.42 KB, 1684x976, 421:244, 6-14 Rachel Brand dismisse….jpg)

>Did the IG recommend [RR] step down or be fired [speed]?

>Why was Rachel Brand removed?

>HUSSEIN + MO actively campaigning for the midterm elections?





Rachel Brand was removed to install POTUS pick, (Solicitor General) Noel Francisco, without need for Senate confirmation!

Thanks [LL] for the "guidelines" you set up Sept 2016!!

a24373  No.3166564


Uh-oh, the marines left a man behind?


7b770f  No.3166565


This just in -

Seconds after man was seen grunting on the the toilet, a massive turd was found in the bowl.

What the fuck is the context here?

2fc982  No.3166566


not that i remember…kav confirmation was tied to the WEA test tho. kav is needed to apply "enemy combatant" rules to american traitors, which may also be the time marshall law is declared. but RR departure will be tied moar to the release of information about his fuckery at DOJ re: FISA

ba4552  No.3166567


Yes, and I thought it would garner more attention than it has.

8e6989  No.3166568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

66f589  No.3166569

File: 924eb198536de5e⋯.jpeg (956.29 KB, 1242x1106, 621:553, CD287D7F-D19D-4176-B6A4-9….jpeg)

MSM blew their load on RR. POTUS isn’t at the White House. KEK

8c9195  No.3166570

File: 209f3379cb761d2⋯.jpg (353.38 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, I See Q People Q.jpg)

fe95ba  No.3166571

File: 75846179f12fbf0⋯.png (894.74 KB, 958x1294, 479:647, ClipboardImage.png)


26c83c  No.3166572

File: 159d987052e2c38⋯.jpg (84.65 KB, 1013x500, 1013:500, IMG_20180924_224934.jpg)

705e26  No.3166573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dd1bdc  No.3166574


This cracks me up every time I see it

ed0da3  No.3166575


I'll take this… all day long.

9cb389  No.3166576

File: 19297a0f09a10da⋯.jpg (29.28 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Trust Grassley 2.jpg)

6424d3  No.3166577

Rosenstein not fired today, will meet Trump again on Thursday

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was summoned to the White House to discuss recent news stories, including one that he planned on ousting President Trump. The meeting came amid rumors of Rosenstein’s resignation.

Rosenstein and Trump had “an extended conversation to discuss the recent news stories,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement on Monday. Sanders added that Rosenstein and Trump would meet again on Thursday once the president returns from the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Axios previously reported that Rosenstein verbally resigned to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Monday morning, A number of other sources reported that Rosenstein was on his way to the White House “expecting to be fired,” and would not voluntarily resign.

Later AP reported that Rosenstein was heading to White House expecting to be fired. NBC news reported that Rosenstein has said he will not resign and that White House would have to fire him.

The resignation rumours also come days after a New York Times report revealed that Rosenstein suggested secretly recording President Trump in the White House to build a case for invoking the 25th Amendment and removing Trump from office for being unfit. Rosenstein allegedly suggested the secret recording in April of last year, after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey for his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

US envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley denied that anyone within Trump’s administration actually discussed using the 25th Amendment to topple the president, and called such rumors “absurd.”

The story was denied by Rosenstein, but was touted by a number of Trump supporters as reason to fire the Deputy AG.

At a campaign-style rally in Missouri on Friday, Trump vowed to rid the Justice Department of “a lingering stench,” and clean it of “really bad people.” Trump did not name Rosenstein explicitly, but promised to take action.

Trump has voiced frustration with the Department of Justice in recent weeks, not just with Rosenstein, but also with Attorney General Jeff Sessions.Trump has blasted Sessions for recusing himself from overseeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, and for allowing Democrats within the department to “subvert” his administration.

“I don’t have an attorney-general. It’s very sad,” he told the Hill last week. In August, Trump told Fox & Friends that he “put in an attorney general that never took control of the Justice Department, Jeff Sessions.”

If initial media reports are confirmed and Rosenstein is indeed fired, Solicitor General Noel Francisco is next in line to take Rosenstein’s position. With that position comes the responsibility of overseeing the Mueller investigation. Francisco has previously expressed disdain for Special Counsel investigations, stating that these investigations are better left in the hands of career prosecutors within the Department of Justice.

While Rosenstein had been relatively content to let the Mueller investigation proceed unhindered, Francisco could refuse to approve Mueller’s investigative decisions, or outright fire the special counsel with valid reason.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a Trump opponent currently writing a book about his experience with the president, said he is “deeply concerned” that Rosenstein’s departure could jeopardize the Russia probe.


849fec  No.3166578

File: 7580dfb4c9efb97⋯.jpeg (48.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 350AE56D-B70C-491C-A7A6-D….jpeg)

064b75  No.3166579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I know he's a never trumper, but the 2 back up singer babes are so hot!

b99de1  No.3166580


As an avid Tom Clancy reader/watcher (books/movies) I notice a LOT of references in what Q says hidden within context of Clancy's stories.

ie; The Hunt for Red October

2a0bde  No.3166581


i like your news posts

a46db3  No.3166582

>>3166359 lb

"No, I didnt fire Rosenschtein, however, I did have him arrested. He might get fired for not coming to work though." ~ Trump

945c83  No.3166583


>MSM blew their load on RR.

now they scramble to blame it on him…


c3f990  No.3166584


i never heard of this outlet, credible source?

293882  No.3166585


checked woot woot

99774d  No.3166586


Thanks anon!!

538d82  No.3166587

Wasn’t there supposed to be Omarosa tapes on the View today as well? Did I miss that?

e1aaed  No.3166588

File: 779a2530d5bfd6e⋯.jpeg (175.37 KB, 1184x588, 296:147, 8043B784-3A5D-4D42-A27E-C….jpeg)

File: c08d0ce0da88f45⋯.jpeg (221.31 KB, 1189x782, 1189:782, CDE91996-A374-41DA-8728-E….jpeg)

File: bcf8a1fe693a017⋯.jpeg (155.34 KB, 1191x849, 397:283, CB164ACA-66C1-4106-918B-4….jpeg)

File: ce371ee462d9d53⋯.jpeg (131.96 KB, 1182x790, 591:395, 7AF53F75-DB65-4C8D-BE5C-B….jpeg)

Zomg! The Sky is Falling !!!! Doom on!!!!

d3505a  No.3166589


She's a commie cunt.

cb07cc  No.3166590

>>3166374 (lb)


>Senate Democrats are demeaning both the Senate and the Supreme Court

They're doing it INTENTIONALLY imo. If they realize that maintaining their seats through voter fraud jig is up, they must know they're screwed unless they completely delegitimize all federal institutions.

c42bd1  No.3166591


Menstrual cycles baby

ee1a7d  No.3166592

0221d5  No.3166593

>>3166189 (last bread)

Sounds like a limited hangout play to me.

RR resigns for sacrificing himself in the 'honorable' mission of taping Trump and getting him on a 25th amendment hook.

So criminal RR goes out smelling like a rose, when the facts seem to indicate he's a crooked bastard pulling strings at justice to fuck innocent people up just because he can.


Q's right. Let RR face the full brunt of disclosure wrt to the SOB that he is by a FISA DECLAS.

SSDD anytime the MSM gets involved, this time trying to make you think McCabe ratted out RR. It's a ploy to give RR a golden parachute out of harm's way by fessing up to a lesser (and honorable to the true believers) charge. He'll be a fucking martyr if the MSM has their way.

a46db3  No.3166594


9 at least.

80b46c  No.3166595


Think, we don't know this yet.

"If RR is dirty…"

Quote begins with "if"…

4ff338  No.3166596


Today's morning sun seemed to bring heat.

What's the full moon got for us?

a24373  No.3166597


Anyone can do it. That's why the MSM is exempt in their reporting of 'fake news'.

The only thing that can be done is to discredit them as biased.

1e2acc  No.3166598


>Missions forward.

1c020b  No.3166599

>>3163440 (bread #4004)




I confused a major piece of info in my post. Mnuchin + 16 Treasury agents weren't allegedly blocking release of the Phoenix, they were blocking release of the new USN (new gold/silver-back US Dollar). He (they?) were allegedly paid off by Soros.

OK, I'll go back to lurking and leave the passing on of info and digging to the autists …

09de73  No.3166600


Yeah, Mike Adams / Natural News / is one of us I believe. I don't believe he knows MORE than we anons know, however. He might do a better job of getting info/speculation out there than we do b/c website.

735300  No.3166601

File: 11dc6fa4aafedd3⋯.jpg (9.72 KB, 251x201, 251:201, amba.jpg)


this still kills me

84c58e  No.3166602


Not gonna lie, this causes some stirrin' in a certain (((ritually mutilated))) part of the anatomy

7cf3da  No.3166603


Unless he doesn't, in which case it will be disinfo is necessary.

de093b  No.3166604

>>3166187 lb

Salisbury is a nobody, not even press, who thinks his word is sauce and that should be good enough for everyone, He always makes claims and refused to give sources when people ask.

OH and he's a Q denier.

e10c96  No.3166606

Trump, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to meet Thursday -White House


f6d86c  No.3166607


With an intermission this long, play patrons will surely start to leave. This play is not "SPEED", it is "Waiting For Ms. Daisy To Get Her Girdle On Before She Slowly Shuffles To Her Out Of Gas Car".

bede83  No.3166608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


705e26  No.3166609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

36ae34  No.3166610

File: 5295d3e3d57dcc6⋯.jpg (81.06 KB, 600x453, 200:151, pb23.jpg)

Probably posted many times but just for shits and giggles:

CIA Honeytrap set - Kavanaugh accuser CIA ties

Profile picture for user globalintelhub

by globalintelhub

Sun, 09/23/2018 - 21:49



Global Intel Hub (Zero Hedge Exclusive) – 9/23/2018 – A Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh is tied up in a controversy that can prevent him from being elected to the Supreme Court for life.

All of the other witnesses have come forward and stated they have no recollection of the event, and have taken a step further to say that Brett Kavanaugh is an honest, ethical, and respectable individual:

Everyone at the party has said they have no idea what Christine Blasey Ford is talking about, even her longtime friend Leland Ingham Keyser! Also potentially damaging to Blasey Ford's claim is a theory presented Thursday by Ed Whelan, a former clerk to USSC Justice Antonin Scalia and currently president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a conservative think tank. Using entirely circumstantial evidence which could certainly ruin the life of the man at the center of the new theory, Whelan suggested that Kavanaugh's high school doppelgänger, Chris Garrett, may have in fact been responsible for Blasey Ford's recollection of the alleged incident.

Before we dig deeper let's understand deep state forces a bit better. The CIA, et. al (this means in latin 'and friends') utilize a number of techniques to achieve their goals, 'whatever works.'

If a man attacks a woman or a woman attacks a man, or a man attacks a man (we have to be PC here, unbiased - right?) or an animal attacks a man, or a man attacks an animal, or an alien attacks a man or a woman or an animal - it's not right. We are not by any means saying that it's "OK" for anyone to abuse anyone, verbally, emotionally, physically, indirectly. But let's stop right there - what actually happened here? Something that cannot be verified, into he said she said insanity. Was there any injury? If it was such a 'crime' why wasn't it reported at the time, when the memory was fresh? Why was there not other similar incidents? (If you do the research, when people have real problems it usually manifests itself again and again.)

After seeing the CIA in action against information heroes like Julian Assange, we created a simple hypothesis based on history, based on their traditional Modus Operandi (MO). What if this 'incident' was a total fabrication, part of a CIA "Honeytrap" ? To test our hypothesis, we did a simple Google search to see if there were any keyword relations including 'clintons' and 'cia' and sure enough, all 10 of the top 10 results, including the most interesting story which has already been reported. This person's father works for the CIA but not only that - he was an executive of the bank that handles the CIA's black budget! You can't make this stuff up!

See this report here:

Christine’s Father Has Worked, and Still Works, For the CIA.

In addition to the other info that has recently surfaced, an article from the site Impious Digest states that Christine’s father, Ralph G Blasey Jr. had worked for the CIA and was a vice president, at one time, for the National Savings and Trust “black budget bank” allegedly known for funding CIA deep state operations.

The article does cite numerous articles for this claim, stating:

Linked to Dr. Blasey’s SVR file of known and/or suspected CIA operatives, this report notes, is that of her father Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—a proven CIA operative who, from June-1962 to January-1974, was the Vice President of National Savings and Trust of Washington, D.C.—a CIA black budget bank best known for being 100 paces from the White House, and whom, in 1998, was taken over by SunTrust Bank—whose majority share owner is the CIA-linked investment fund BlackRock.

Whether or not this is 100% accurate cannot be said, but it does give some insight on potential motivations on why Ford decided to come out now, instead of earlier. It is also important to note that Blasey Jr. did, in fact, know of a researcher while at the CIA, Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges, who helped craft the highly publicized and widely controversial MKUltra Program. Christine, to reiterate, is a professor at the same university working in psychotherapy, especially the affects of psychotropic drugs on children.


99774d  No.3166611



f45dca  No.3166612


I heard it from someone who was there but I can't remember that person's name. How convenient. Third party hearsay. Wonderful.

c81976  No.3166613

you enjoy dissing a woman, who as a teen, made bad bad choices.

What is your excuse for being an asshole as an adult.

>>3166267 (lb)

8e6989  No.3166614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Those old ham fists still got elbows, plenty of schmucks , maybthe wd-40 be with (you)

dd1bdc  No.3166615

fd7a34  No.3166616


buts its the nyt so who the fuck knows


a46db3  No.3166617


Well, maybe he twisted his ankle.

3fd143  No.3166618

File: 57a60f506099e3b⋯.png (1.25 MB, 957x1024, 957:1024, 2018-03-22_10-23-38.png)

3c0fbe  No.3166619


Hundredth monkey effect

The hundredth monkey effect is a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behaviour or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behaviour or acknowledge the new idea.[


4d3cbf  No.3166620


THIS is the cabal goal , including the comped GOP. Thats why they are always weak. To destroy the peoples FAITH in CONSTITUTION ….so they demand it be replaced with socialism.

3ef88f  No.3166621

File: c7f9f5781daf84f⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 640x420, 32:21, et finger toy.jpg)

Top Selling Toy in 1982/83

Thoughts from my better half: NO WAY she says

11th graders running around with repeated parties and girls come get drugged for repeated gang rapes…no way what's trains? she asked Do people remember 11th grade?

Dildos in mixed company in a freshman dorm….no way

Her thoughts…..she hasn't bought any of this.

She doesn't think Kavanaugh has ever touched a dildo to this day

4ff338  No.3166622


Good sources vs. Bad ones.

Trustworthy journalists vs. Untrustworthy ones.

8e6989  No.3166623


Don't let Lynn get away

TGats a dishwasher safe skull

babf06  No.3166625

lol FOX admits they can't source anything. Ever think of doing some journalism then instead of swinging your dicks around there Murdoch boys?

735300  No.3166626


I was wondering if you were still around because I was gonna ask you if you thought the fiat Phoenix would be half-'backed' by carbon credits and what other 'backing' they had in mind.

f87c9d  No.3166628


YES. But credible or not…only blogger reporting it. So we continue watching the show. Tribunals are set for January 2019.

5a0aaa  No.3166629

what is MO in latest Q

c3f990  No.3166630

File: 2a96be1a3341000⋯.jpg (296.05 KB, 720x576, 5:4, declass.jpg)


ty anon, ill check it out. sometimes it is really hard to keep up on everything in here. i get info overload alot, lol. head spins sometimes.

1b3cb7  No.3166631


It was NOT KP. Jaysus since when does the FBI swoop in and shut an entire outpost down, climb antenna and bring in a blackhawk yet not arrest anyone, not confiscate computers, and leave the place wide open for a walk through…for KP?

No one has been arrested for ANYTHING, no computers confiscated (they can be seen in walk through video via windows/doors)…backdated search warrant to cover asses because everyone will be relieved a nasty KP lover is??? what? No one arrested.

Since when does the FBI claim environmental hazard as excuse for evacuating EVERYONE…for KP? SRSLY guise. That's like the cops swooping in on your neighborhood and evacuating everyone because creepy neighbor dude has KP on his computer.

Incredible that anyone is buying this shit.

50d7fd  No.3166632


Michelle Obama I think

84c58e  No.3166633



c42bd1  No.3166634

File: 053a4fe3206811a⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1968, 207:328, 3C9C3E3C-D0F9-4A47-B07C-7….jpeg)

26c83c  No.3166635

File: 2c958fbd9f5cb4a⋯.jpg (338.09 KB, 1244x1572, 311:393, IMG_20180924_225433.jpg)

293882  No.3166636


nah, this is really what they look like, and it works. we are seeing the demons, think THE DEVILS ADVOCATE Movie. perfect movie of where we are. They alway remind us we are in hell.

ff9614  No.3166637



Military Operation

8542db  No.3166638


3rd hand hearsay…

smdh Sounds just like DemonRats!

357488  No.3166639


The narrative response to this event was WAY too fucking important to the DS for them to fumble it like this on purpose.

This reeks of POTUS and Q tossing a wrench in their gears with a false alarm, and poisoning the well for when the news actually breaks.

c858c0  No.3166640


michelle/michael obama

a46db3  No.3166641


A few days ago, I heard Killary saying that Trump "confounds" us with his constant tweeting and inconsistent statements. Get used to it, demon.

3cf64c  No.3166642


HUSSEIN & Michelle Obama

d3505a  No.3166643



>>Senate Democrats are demeaning both the Senate and the Supreme Court

>They're doing it INTENTIONALLY imo. If they realize that maintaining their seats through voter fraud jig is up, they must know they're screwed unless they completely delegitimize all federal institutions.


b46f72  No.3166644

File: e028756d8e4512f⋯.png (107.66 KB, 535x646, 535:646, Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at ….png)

c09e4a  No.3166645

File: ef7228c54dff7d0⋯.jpg (153.18 KB, 1101x720, 367:240, 3777-2016.jpg)

9/16 Post … 1/2

You are watching a game of chess

President Trump and his Administration are 12 moves ahead of the cabal. I will explain, but first lets review some recent DoJ history:

Jeff Sessions: On November 18, 2016, President Trump nominated Jeff Sessions to become the 84th Attorney General of the United States. Mr. Sessions was confirmed by a very close 52-47 vote on February 8, 2017, and then sworn into office on February 9, 2017. On March 2, 2017, Mr. Sessions recused himself from Russia investigations. This was done by design - but that's another story.

Rod Rosenstein: On February 1, 2017, President Trump nominated Rod Rosenstein to serve as the Deputy Attorney General. Mr. Rosenstein was confirmed by the Senate on April 25, 2017, in a a very favorable 94-6 vote.

Noel Francisco: President Trump appointed Noel Francisco to the position of Solicitor General one year ago. Mr. Francisco was confirmed by the Senate in a very close vote (49-47) on September 19, 2017. Mr. Francisco was also sworn into office on September 19, 2017. Remember this date.

Who is Rachel Brand?

Rachel Brand served as Assistant Attorney General from May 22, 2017 to February 20, 2018 - a period of only nine months. The AAG is the third highest position in the DoJ. The MSM reported that Mrs. Brand resigned to accept a position at Walmart. There's more this story, but I'll leave it at this for now.

The 210 Day Clock

Succession within the DoJ is somewhat complicated, but I will break it down for you. Succession is determined by the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 and DoJ Order 3777-2016 - the latter is a memo titled "Designating Certain Officials to Perform the Functions and Duties of the Attorney General" that was, ironically, penned by Loretta Lynch in 2016.

The Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 references Title 5 of US Code 3345 which says:

(a) If an officer of an Executive agency (including the Executive Office of the President, and other than the Government Accountability Office) whose appointment to office is required to be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, dies, resigns, or is otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the office—

(1) the first assistant to the office of such officer shall perform the functions and duties of the office temporarily in an acting capacity subject to the time limitations of section 3346;

Enter Jesse Panuccio

Thus, when Rachel Brand resigned her position as AAG on February 20, 2017, Jesse Panuccio, her deputy, became the temporary AAG. The amount of time that Mr. Panuccio can serve as temporary AAG is defined in section 3346 which states:

(a) Except in the case of a vacancy caused by sickness, the person serving as an acting officer as described under section 3345 may serve in the office—

(1) for no longer than 210 days beginning on the date the vacancy occurs; or

Therefore, Jesse Panuccio can only serve as temporary AAG for 210 days. When does the 210 day clock expire? On September 18, 2018. So unless President Trump appoints someone else to become the next AAG over the next few hours, the DoJ's rules for succession will automatically determine who moves into the number 3 position in the DoJ. Who is this?

7cf3da  No.3166646


Michael Obama

9695cc  No.3166647

can you all believe

that we live in a society where people starve

and people like rupert murdoch

play billion dollar poker games

why do we let this happen

how is that ok

735300  No.3166648


so are the rioters justified if he quits willingly, in their neural knots?

cb07cc  No.3166649



Great points, good reminder. Thx.

039fb0  No.3166650


Masculine Obama

c09e4a  No.3166651



I am of the mind that President Trump does not intend to appoint anyone to take Rachel Brand's position. I believe President Trump already made his decision on September 19, 2017. Further, I believe he intends for this person to take over the number 2 position at the DoJ. Before I explain how and why, let's determine who will replace Jesse Pannucio.

The excerpt include here is taken from Loretta Lynch's 2016 memo that defines succession within the DoJ - not only for the AG, but also for the DAG and the AAG. We see here that the Solicitor General is the next person in the line for succession. As mentioned previously, the current Solicitor General is Noel Francisco who was appointed by President Trump, confirmed by the Senate and then sworn into office on September 19, 2017.

Did you catch it? This means Mr. Francisco will succeed Jesse Panuccio (temporary AAG) - and it's very likely that he will be sworn into that office on September 19, 2018 exactly one year later - to the day - that he was sworn in as Solicitor General. Further, this succession will happen automatically entirely removing President Trump from the process for the sake of optics. Do you see the amazing chess moves taking place here? Do you see the amazing timing? President Trump is 12 steps/months ahead of everyone - to the day.

Further, I submit that these amazing chess moves won't end with Noel Francisco ascending to the #3 position of AAG on September 19. The gloves are about to come off. The President is ready to declassify the FISA warrants. This is putting enormous pressure on Mr. Rosenstein compromised. Mr. Rosenstein is being forced to do one of two things - (1) resign or (2) comply with House Republicans and declassify the redacted portions of the FISA documents being requested. Once this happens, and it will, Mr. Rosenstein is done - and I believe he will ultimately resign.

If Rod Rosenstein resigns, Noel Francisco will become the next Deputy Attorney General - and I believe this is precisely what President Trump has had planned since nominating Mr. Francisco one year ago. Robert Mueller's new boss will be Noel Francisco. The deep state is about to be dealt a series of massive blows that will "bring down the house". This is the amazing game of chess being played by President Trump and those Patriots who surround him. This is why Rachel Brand was forced out.





50d7fd  No.3166652


Military Operation doesn't fit the context

a96a45  No.3166653


we can't source this shit she says

ee1a7d  No.3166654


Interesting that FOX is saying that the NYT said it, and are leaving it at that.

Their delivery of this information in this way is telling.

d3505a  No.3166655


>Rachel Brand was removed to install POTUS pick, (Solicitor General) Noel Francisco, without need for Senate confirmation!

>Thanks [LL] for the "guidelines" you set up Sept 2016!!

Every single law/EO the HUSSEIN admin did to help lefties cheat the system is coming back to haunt their asses. ROFL.

0fa516  No.3166656

File: 1e5e957c4ceeee0⋯.jpg (87.24 KB, 600x808, 75:101, 1e5e957c4ceeee01332695d2e5….jpg)

4ff338  No.3166657


The same reason cancer still exists but we have 22 flavors of rice o' roni.

We're idiots.

945c83  No.3166658


no it is not what they look like

you can try,


you can never make them as UGLY as they really are.

deforming them like such just gives them an out.

meme the truth, always.

meming lies backfires.


66f589  No.3166659


How DARE POTUS be in a UN meeting when our bitch RR is on his way to the White House to create a shit show that we want to run as a headline all week making it look like Trumps fault. KEK.

3fd143  No.3166660

File: f874404e1001463⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1598x899, 1598:899, 2018-03-23_09-20-27.png)

ff9614  No.3166661


makes sense, I thought MO bc of the pic Q posted, but I think you're right.

351e16  No.3166662



need last name please, E

5accc6  No.3166663

File: 90b957f35daf15b⋯.jpg (16.26 KB, 320x209, 320:209, MichelleHatingCarla.jpg)


Michael Obama

01a62a  No.3166664


> FOX admits they can't source anything. Ever think of doing some journalism then instead of swinging your dicks around there Murdoch boys?

KEK. Too bad Hannity is a Freemason bitch boy. We can citizens arrest ALL of these fuckers if we really wanted change.


>You are watching a game of chess

Freemasons LOVE chess (black & white duality). When are we going to see actual BOOMs rather than dusty farts? If this goes into 2019, I'm going to laugh my taint off.

f6d86c  No.3166665


Hopefully, Federal Marshals are invited to bring their handcuffs. Watching traitors roam free is disgusting.

f4f67a  No.3166666

File: b8e8e1bd3a77012⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 474x641, 474:641, Angel.jpg)

9cb389  No.3166667

File: d94a77da74d626c⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 4am.jpg)

039fb0  No.3166668

File: 9f3681489102cdb⋯.jpg (162.43 KB, 1200x1118, 600:559, 9f3681489102cdbc5a7af8dd3e….jpg)

9695cc  No.3166669


maybe we are maybe we arnt

i think weve just all been poisoned and beat down for so long

that we dont know how to save ourselves

sometimes its ok to have help

and to trust

01a62a  No.3166670


266501  No.3166671

File: 4ef75a523a10c24⋯.jpg (4.8 MB, 4847x2221, 4847:2221, CritLogFal.jpg)

0fa516  No.3166672

File: 12840829953b475⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 12840829953b4757e83726e1aa….png)

09de73  No.3166673

>>3166630 Just surf it, anon. Stay on TOP of the wave. You won't catch everything but the important stuff will stick and sink in. We all have our ways to copy with info overload. Sometimes you just have to walk away and clear your head. Capping the info in some fashion helps keep the mind organized, for some of us.

039fb0  No.3166674

a24373  No.3166675

File: 73119613777b395⋯.jpg (84.93 KB, 800x500, 8:5, MemeSteal.jpg)

1d4033  No.3166676

File: 8951b07dd9b8ddd⋯.png (497.65 KB, 1017x1017, 1:1, 12 moves ahead 9-24.png)

File: 9b14de8790c6697⋯.png (618.78 KB, 888x1448, 111:181, The Sky is FALLING - think….png)

60 days ago - similar optics - RR in the news got a Q post out of it - like today -

3cf64c  No.3166677

File: c069db852d0acfe⋯.png (230.88 KB, 514x503, 514:503, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___POTU….png)

9695cc  No.3166678


fool me once shame on you

fool me 10 times shame on me

fool me 100 times

shame on us both

c85e8a  No.3166679

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - September 24, 2018

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

Rogue Cabal factions within Israel's Mossad continues to disrupt peace progression in the Middle East.

The last "incident" was on September 17.


Cabal influence in Israel still remains rampart.

All nations have agreed to peace, including Iran, and North Korea as required by GESARA law.

Israel remains stubborn in agreeing to peace.

BRICS have Israel surrounded and are now threatening Israel with being denied access to the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

Other threats also include an arms embargo, sea blockade, and no-fly zone.

Israel must surrender on these terms:

1. Return the Golan Heights to Syria.

2. Lift the siege of Palestine and return all stolen lands, including Lebanese lands.

3. Denuclearization.

The situation between BRICS, Syria, and Israel is the last remaining geopolitical stepping stone toward GESARA.

Meanwhile, sources now claim the RV must begin before Zimbabwe's President Mnangagwa speaks at the UN (September 26) and announces the new posted RBZ rate.

Source: Operation Disclosure


5d108c  No.3166680


Michael was campaigning this weekend. I think it’s her/him.

94078c  No.3166681

File: 18b0ae21d4de124⋯.jpg (185.71 KB, 2058x1157, 2058:1157, 1.jpg)


Sure does make the Sessions, Rosenstein and Francisco dinner rather interesting.

09de73  No.3166682

>>3166645 Black hats are down to 1 minute and their flag is teetering. Panic courses through their veins. POTUS & Team have over an hour and a crushing attack.

4e7186  No.3166683

File: 9d1a2d071e6c4cd⋯.jpeg (572.29 KB, 1125x1284, 375:428, 8CF71DCA-2E0D-45ED-B936-7….jpeg)

The latest reports on Rod Rosenstein underscore the desperate need for transparency at the DOJ. Release the documents. Declassify everything. Stop the games and show Americans the truth about this Russia investigation.

If they have nothing to hide, they should act like it.


ce7404  No.3166684

File: c5cab2bb12056bc⋯.jpg (100.91 KB, 480x590, 48:59, c5cab2bb12056bcd60f6999861….jpg)

File: e3e1ff5ff27d8fc⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 500x685, 100:137, e3e1ff5ff27d8fc08c9b0a1266….jpg)

Christine Blasey Ford is a mentally deranged turd.

293882  No.3166685

File: a6c9deea89b146a⋯.jpg (524.57 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, HILLARY_IN_HELL.jpg)

File: 9d23e9227833766⋯.png (466.07 KB, 727x380, 727:380, Pepe_sends_Hill_2_Hell.png)


I think about this too anon. As i see homeless kids with mental illness on the streets, vets who are living on the streets, moms, dads, people who really need help. IT CRUSHES ME EVERY DAY. They have stolen so much from all of us. we are their slaves who just provide for them and they only take from us. I hope we can destroy these demons and help those in need FOR REAL this time. I hope to GOD these people burn in hell for eternity.

0fa516  No.3166686

File: 8fc33607b7014ad⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 9618284.jpg)

01a62a  No.3166687


Amazing Quints! Let's hope it isn't in vain if we don't see actual damage being down to the cabal/evil forces. RR could get snipped if we really wanted to see change instead of him randomly now being a target for "resignation"

5accc6  No.3166688

File: 9cf19f71824a876⋯.jpg (3.63 MB, 2825x4259, 2825:4259, nephili2b3b12eb7963f965a07….jpg)

6424d3  No.3166689

File: fed033d4ed6667c⋯.png (836.53 KB, 805x448, 115:64, ClipboardImage.png)


I'll do the full Syria update in a few hours but this needed it's own post.

Syria to get Russia’s S-300: Here’s what you need to know about the missile system

On the heels of an Israeli air raid on Syria, which saw the downing of a Russian plane, Moscow will now deliver S-300 anti-aircraft systems to Damascus. Here’s a quick guide to the sophisticated weapon and its capabilities.

The Syrian Army has long sought to procure the S-300 from Russia, but talks which began in mid-2000 were interrupted by the civil war in 2011. The current air defense systems operated by Syria’s military are mainly the old-fashioned S-125s and S-200s. The downing of a Russian patrol pane by the Syrian missiles – which Moscow said was caused by Israeli jets using the plane as ‘cover’ - has now changed the game.

So, ahead of the deployment, let’s sum up the key specs of the weapon not to be underestimated by Tel Aviv.


Russia’s S-300 delivery shows Israel who’s in charge, but not aimed at hurting relations – analysts

Moscow accused Israel of failing to warn the Russian military of its impending attack in time to move the landing aircraft out of harm’s way. On Monday, the Russian military said they would boost Syrian air defenses in several ways to prevent similar incidents in the future.

“It was inevitable that at some point [Israel] would cross that line in its special relationship with Russia and would go a bit too far,” said Beirut-based journalist Martin Jay.

“The deal that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin gave to Israel was incredible. It [not only] allowed Israel to make air strikes with impunity across the country on targets that it believed to be Hezbollah weapons factories or Iranian military installations.”

Russia had also promised to keep pro-Iranian militias away from Syria’s border with Israel and froze a planned delivery of an S-300 long-range air defense system to the Syrian armed forces. This deal has now been unfrozen and is to be completed within two weeks, Moscow has announced.


Bolton Warns Russian Missile Sale To Syria Would Be "Significant Escalation"

Update: U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Monday that the Russian plans to supply Syria with a S-300 missile system would be a “significant escalation” by Moscow and hopes it will reconsider. His statement follows the Russian announcement from early Monday that Russia will supply the surface-to-air missile system to Syria in two weeks, one week after Moscow blamed Israel for indirectly causing the downing of a Russian military plane in Syria, despite strong Israeli objections.


New Data Clearly Indicates That Syrian S-200 Missile Targeted Israeli Jets - MoD

The information was provided by the Russian S-400 fire control system based at Hmeymim Airbase in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry stated, adding that Israeli claims rejecting involvement in the Il-20 downing are false.

Following the incident, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Tel Aviv is ready to provide Moscow with all necessary information to facilitate the investigation, claiming that Syria was responsible for the crash of the Russian plane.

“I think all bets are off now. Russia is showing Israel who is in charge and that it won’t take any more nonsense,” Jay told


a46db3  No.3166690

c42bd1  No.3166691


more onion

8e6989  No.3166692

File: 6c7d6cdd24fcd0f⋯.jpg (2 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, IMG_2670.JPG)


Rose are yuge

Violets are bigly

Let's hope this

Is over quickly

064b75  No.3166693

File: 6bea1d2588aeac3⋯.png (154.32 KB, 786x756, 131:126, qanonpoints - Copy.png)


Nailed the quint 66666 slaying Satan.

Well played Anon

89fea6  No.3166694


Kavanaugh groped me in HS and now no man will touch me. (that face)

84c58e  No.3166695


>If Rod Rosenstein resigns, Noel Francisco will become the next Deputy Attorney General

I'm pretty sure that's the case only if RR is fired. If he resigns, Trump could temporarily appoint anyone previously confirmed by the Senate (not just Noel Francisco).

ac0c0c  No.3166696


Any notable pages?

1d4033  No.3166697

File: ddf9787b607431e⋯.png (757.78 KB, 670x733, 670:733, schifty.png)


full house

aa9c28  No.3166698

File: 17658d6237a4600⋯.png (297.91 KB, 647x678, 647:678, alex acosta.PNG)

File: bc616176b188b19⋯.png (284.14 KB, 624x581, 624:581, alex azar.PNG)

File: f6e8343c242cc61⋯.png (207.96 KB, 671x658, 671:658, dan coates.PNG)

If RR replacement is not from within DOJ, then POTUS can appoint one of his other cabinet members, already confirmed by Senate, to be acting AAG.

I found three which have law degrees. Could be more

Dan Coates

Alex Azar

Alex Acosta




e983f8  No.3166699

File: c008e19a490cc26⋯.png (807.27 KB, 1267x761, 1267:761, ClipboardImage.png)

Noel Francisco?

293882  No.3166700


sweet. its coming

09de73  No.3166701


"Stealing" memes is not a thang.

Memes are freely given and their entire purpose is to become autonomous from their creator.

There are 10 commandments. A prohibition on stealing is one of them. I would not want to have to stand before the judgment throne and explain to God why I claimed I was "stealing" when the act wasn't really stealing and the content was freely given!

Just take the memes and thank the OC creator if you must.

6a99ad  No.3166702

File: 606076ef00f53ef⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 650x374, 325:187, trump-rally-facebookJumbo ….jpg)

File: 0fdf5d25df805c9⋯.jpg (79.68 KB, 572x331, 572:331, iu (25).jpg)

99774d  No.3166703

ebfee4  No.3166704

Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/09/18 (Fri) 18:29:48


Twitter rec 24D.





ee1a7d  No.3166705


> It was NOT KP. Jaysus since when does the FBI swoop in and shut an entire outpost down … blah blah blah … for KP?

When there is human trafficking going on that the local residents are completely unaware of. The entire town would be in harms way if the FEDs were to try and stop that, with the residents there.

You seem very intent on steering people away from that. Why?

Do you support human trafficking?

5ddb9d  No.3166706

File: 99682c707bc1c18⋯.png (801.11 KB, 1342x1446, 671:723, ClipboardImage.png)


55f311  No.3166707


de Rothschild

ac650e  No.3166708

File: 6abbf118c5e4a92⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2500x9646, 1250:4823, hollywood job application.png)

After the war is over and the Cabal is eliminated

We are going to have to figure out a better

And more humane way

To do a lot of things

Including how to set up movie projects

Without a small clique of rich and powerful vampires

Pulling all the strings.

0fa516  No.3166709

File: 599107ea88e7c36⋯.jpg (6.24 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 1e000d62a1ac0d13a981e3004f….jpg)

89fea6  No.3166710

File: 53dd88afe0974f4⋯.jpg (106.94 KB, 639x895, 639:895, stormy muh dick 3.jpg)

File: 04002b22dd07b58⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 678x356, 339:178, cbf hung.jpg)

File: fd50a7fd2be6152⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 678x356, 339:178, cbf moist.jpg)

bbabb9  No.3166711

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



- Movie scene (everybody's f'n fired!)

Alrighty then!


9695cc  No.3166712


i dont

these people are sick too

its a giant sick cycle

parents abusing kids

kids grow up

do the same thing

we have to break the cycle

thats not saying that we shouldnt punish these people

but if we hate them

they win because they feed off our hate

8e6989  No.3166713


[Crotch Cabbage]

acf764  No.3166714


All their evil numbers are belong to us

bddc2f  No.3166715

File: 1c718149d864350⋯.jpg (52.15 KB, 525x525, 1:1, soyboysflipped.jpg)

(modded for twatting) thanks anons

4ff338  No.3166716


I actually agree with this more than you realize. It's why I have reservations about all of this. Great plan. Just don't trust people to keep it going long-term. So maybe this is armageddon and that wont be a concern

fe95ba  No.3166718


hmm interdasting

93b218  No.3166719


sure go ahead, cut your vote count in half lmfao

5ae5e8  No.3166720


Shrill Jessica T said earlier that Panuccio was conflicted out by something but the dogs started yammering so I missed what that was…

01a62a  No.3166721


>fool me once shame on you

>fool me 10 times shame on me

>fool me 100 times

>shame on us both

I hear ya. We've been played.


Why can't we just expose them ourselves?

6a5fb8  No.3166722


Nice one you sexy beast

f0079d  No.3166723


look up the lawsuit the founder of Pepe is tryna file, some people find the idea of their creations becoming autonomous to be preposterous. I agree with you, fuck the guy who made Pepe it's not his anymore, it's ours, it's anyone's, it's art


Guy who made Pepe literally suing InfoWars for copyright infringement for using Pepe. Sorry buddo but if you posted a meme you should've expected the possible outcomes, and the spread it could achieve

f6d86c  No.3166724

Someone needs to move McConnell's bed to his Senate Office and tell him he can go home when he gets the confirmation shit cleaned up.

c42bd1  No.3166725

File: ca1137b7e90bf59⋯.jpeg (622.33 KB, 1242x1515, 414:505, 4D8B3648-98A8-48D7-9BA6-B….jpeg)


Got it all wrong

236092  No.3166726


These people are STUPID

6424d3  No.3166727

File: 9e6918d4c2b6192⋯.png (394.09 KB, 361x485, 361:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96396eb8b911ce8⋯.png (676.17 KB, 769x867, 769:867, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba2adb5a4193c88⋯.png (55.81 KB, 768x845, 768:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84dd4ae42591236⋯.png (527.82 KB, 778x850, 389:425, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bd10fc053746e3⋯.png (15.23 KB, 773x213, 773:213, ClipboardImage.png)

California DA: 44 Charges after Pedophile Teacher Produces Child Porn with 20 Student Victims

In San Luis Obispo County, California - law enforcement agencies have brought 44 felony charges against an Atascadero Fine Arts Academy teacher.

The teacher, who they say produced child pornography with a whopping 22 child students, is cured you walking free.

To make matters worse, parents, staff, and local authorities all believe 48-year-old Chris Lynn Berdoll may have committed similar atrocities against other children.

Being your run of the mill pedophile, Berdoll abused his role as an authority figure to first gain the trust of his sixth-grade students.

The Atascadero Unified School District says they first learned of Berdoll’s pedophilia from students, which prompted them to contact police.

Believing one of their own staff had sexually enticed let alone sexually exploited a child that parents trusted in their care was disturbing for the entire administration.

That's when the Atascadero Unified School District contacted police about “the possibility of a district teacher who had inappropriately video-recorded the undergarments of female students.”

School officials worst fears were confirmed again after the Atascadero police made the arrest earlier in September.

Atascadero Police Chief Jerel Haley said that the horrific crimes occurred this school year and a previous year, but didn't go into detail.

Detectives had received information purporting Berdoll having used a video camera to record “upskirt” the tiny girl's dresses in his classrooms.

Atascadero was then arrested for the suspicion of charges of sexual exploitation of a child, production of child pornography, and possession of child pornography.

After his arrest, authorities obtained a search warrant to further explore the electronics devices belonging to the pedophile teacher.

What they found inside would only further incriminate Berdoll, police said.

Cell phones, tablets, hard drives, and computers were all seized, each of which had countless files believed to contain child pornography.

The images suggesting that he, on repeat occasions, met with the children privately inside and outside the school, while police said that the videos and images did depict the children engaged in sexually suggestive mannerisms.


74eeeb  No.3166728


The opposite of Janet Leigh's lingerie in Psycho. From black hat to white hat!

6a5fb8  No.3166729



592785  No.3166730

File: a9ad496f9a725b1⋯.jpg (61.62 KB, 720x697, 720:697, BigPharm.jpg)

>>3166276 (lb)

Hopefully this can stop the production of the concentrated opiates we've seen lately.

aa9c28  No.3166731

File: 2547e23448cec8a⋯.png (185.94 KB, 583x273, 583:273, replacement.PNG)


210 days to bring the cabal down after acting is appointed

f043ba  No.3166733

File: 73ef1ca126190ef⋯.png (985.97 KB, 441x1424, 441:1424, checkemcomeyflatearth.png)

450371  No.3166734

You are watching a 'scripted' movie.


Whoever the screenwriter is, he is laughing his ass off. This is high drama soap opera.

Glad I never watch TV. I'm staying mostly removed from all this. My nerves can't take it. But the absurd ridiculousness of everything is kind of funny from the sidelines.

The Left is one millimeter away from declaring all out war with orders to burn our country down if the Trump Administration makes any move toward law or justice.

Wonder what it will take for majority of Americans to say, Enough of this idiotic treasonous bull$#!+.

a24373  No.3166735

File: f64527cb4ab71d0⋯.png (1013.59 KB, 622x1550, 311:775, Trump_Admin_Shelves_Effort….png)

File: 56a8cdb466f0a2d⋯.png (59.39 KB, 1053x489, 351:163, Trump_Administration_Sidel….png)


>Therefore, Jesse Panuccio can only serve as temporary AAG for 210 days. When does the 210 day clock expire? On September 18, 2018. So unless President Trump appoints someone else to become the next AAG over the next few hours, the DoJ's rules for succession will automatically determine who moves into the number 3 position in the DoJ. Who is this?

I don't think that's true. Trump has 210 days to fill that position if he wants to. If Jesse Panuccio is the guy for Trump (IMO he is) then Trump can allow him to fill the void.

I think JP is where everyone wants him to be. He's not been corrupted by the deep state.

21a0b9  No.3166736

Q1602 The game is over when the public knows.

2fa39b  No.3166737


Put a break in the links anon.

388634  No.3166738

File: 642ccc6f21fe36d⋯.jpg (158.21 KB, 1440x734, 720:367, IMG_20180414_171939.jpg)

351e16  No.3166739



You fucker, is that Jennifer Lynn? Let's be friends, I will only steal your weed, beer and peyote

c42bd1  No.3166740

>>3166703 (((you)))


1408db  No.3166741

File: 9db8284cbfb3a10⋯.png (367.28 KB, 800x430, 80:43, Screen-Shot-2018-04-23-at-….png)

this swampy mother fucker…..

6a5fb8  No.3166742


ridiculous but also very accurate

f66b42  No.3166743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Include more humane treatment of your livestock as well.

a46db3  No.3166744


I feel the Kav confirmation antics will REALLY turn off regular D's for this election, especially women.

99774d  No.3166745


Your last sentence. Yeah, concerns me too.

ce80ba  No.3166746

>>3166706 Former Bar Manager With Ties To Shipping Container Company Found Dead of Suicide


09de73  No.3166747

File: d51c61c65ff63d1⋯.jpg (105.38 KB, 650x366, 325:183, pepesatvabasket.jpg)

File: 0b76a61cd359373⋯.png (144.36 KB, 548x489, 548:489, Basket2.png)


What threat could a mongolian horse-hair basket-weaving collective's blog possibly be?

3fd143  No.3166748

File: 269c16882a0f2b5⋯.png (934.92 KB, 658x797, 658:797, 2018-03-23_09-39-02.png)

bbabb9  No.3166749

File: a0c38506cb75db1⋯.jpg (5.37 MB, 3600x4800, 3:4, Seraph With Swords.jpg)


Justice is Coming!


293882  No.3166750

File: 4abedaf6ad1e9a9⋯.jpg (167.41 KB, 600x382, 300:191, REEEEE_pepe.jpg)


nah, they cant feed off our hate, they feed off of our fear. period.

Hate today for these cunts is just fine. because i dont want to feel sorry for them. they perpetuated the deaths of so many children, men, women and for what? a fucking chess game with our lives? to gain control of all of us. to lie cheat and steal from us. FAKE FUCKING NEWS our whole entire lives controlled by them. The best thing we all could ever do is turn off every tv, computer, phone etc so they would have no access to us anymore. fuck them CANT wait for their PAIN

26c83c  No.3166751

File: 2fecb91d6346321⋯.jpg (93.98 KB, 1237x532, 1237:532, IMG_20180924_230253.jpg)

9695cc  No.3166752





the og troll

he can be pretty mean huh

6424d3  No.3166753

Ed Whelan takes leave of absence from Ethics and Public Policy Center following Kavanaugh tweets

Ed Whelan “will take a leave of absence” from his role as president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a Washington, D.C., think tank, the organization announced Sunday.

EPPC’s board is set to reconvene in a month while it reviews the situation surrounding a series of tweets by Whelan last week. In the Twitter thread, Whelan alleged that Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, had mistaken Kavanaugh for someone else during the alleged attack.

What happened?

In the tweets, which Whelan has since deleted, he first promised, “By one week from today, I expect that Judge Kavanaugh will have been clearly vindicated in this matter. Specifically, I expect that compelling evidence will show his categorical denial to be truthful.”

He then followed up by tweeting, “Okay, I’ll begin laying out some information concerning Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.”

Whelan went on to post floor plans of a house that corresponds to descriptions Ford gave of the night of the alleged attack. Whelan said it might have been the location where Kavanaugh reportedly assaulted her during a party 35 years ago.

Whelan also tweeted the name and photo of one of Kavanaugh’s high school classmates — posting side-by-side photos of the two to show their resemblance — while alleging that the man was a possible suspect and that Ford has mistakenly recalled Kavanaugh as the perpetrator.

He concluded, “To be clear, I have no idea what, if anything, did or did not happen in that bedroom at the top of the stairs, and I therefore do not state, imply or insinuate that [Kavanaugh’s classmate] or anyone else committed the sexual assault that Ford alleges.”

What are others saying?

In response to the tweets, Daily Wire editor Ben Shapiro summed up the reaction of many others when he posted simply, “Dude what are you doing?”

od Dreher of The American Conservative wrote in a piece titled, “Ed Whelan’s Crackpot Theory,” that “It is inconceivable that this Whelan defense will help Kavanaugh in any way. In fact, it’s so nasty and desperate-seeming that it taints Kavanaugh, despite the fact that he might have had nothing to do with it.”

Dreher went on to echo the sentiments of other critics who slammed Whelan for posting the “poor man’s name and photos,” referring to Kavanaugh’s classmate.

Ford issued a statement responding to Whelan’s theory to the Washington Post, saying, “I knew them both, and socialized with [the other classmate]. … There is zero chance that I would confuse them.”

What’s with the leave of absence?

In a statement released Sunday, EPPC’s board of directors said:

The board of the Ethics and Public Policy Center convened a special telephonic meeting on Friday, September 21, 2018. After the meeting, Edward Whelan, who has led EPPC with integrity and excellence for many years, offered his resignation in light of what he described as an ‘appalling and inexcusable’ error in posting online a series of comments that he has now deleted and for which he promptly apologized.

After deliberation, the board declined to accept Mr. Whelan’s resignation, but determined that he will take a leave of absence from the organization during which time Yuval Levin, EPPC’s Vice President and Hertog Fellow, will be in charge. The board will meet in a month to review the situation.

What did Whelan say?

Whelan also released a statement on Sunday, saying:

I apologize deeply and sincerely to all those whom I have harmed by my appalling and inexcusable tweet thread last week — above all, the person whose name I wrongly made public.

I also apologize to the victims of sexual assault and to Dr. Ford for these and other tweets that did not address with respectful consideration the difficult question of how to assess allegations of sexual assault.

I do not believe that all such allegations must be accepted as true, and I believe further that the usual inquiries into motivation, cognition, memory and other matters that apply to other charges properly apply to these as well. But my tweets did not advance the discussion in a constructive way.


357488  No.3166754


That hasn't been necessary in a very long time anon.

01a62a  No.3166755


Interesting that MSM isn't saying a peep about this shit.

c3f990  No.3166756

File: 1192896705b2851⋯.jpg (227.57 KB, 942x492, 157:82, MICHAEL (2).jpg)

f2446d  No.3166757


Good update - much appreciated with all the other distractions going on today! THANKS

fe92f3  No.3166758

File: e4b3e2234838145⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 659x845, 659:845, 1a.JPG)

File: be2b07d84b02a7f⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 646x231, 646:231, 2.JPG)

'Bullied' Parliamentary manager quoted verses from the Old Testament in suicide note (South Africa)


266501  No.3166759

File: ef2c034022c6c04⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1920x880, 24:11, CritLogFalsm.jpg)



grabbed wrong one.


4a99b8  No.3166760

File: bd24b8000187890⋯.jpg (221.11 KB, 1080x2092, 270:523, Snapchat-292321117.jpg)

File: 8ef3380bbc584c0⋯.gif (3.6 MB, 445x250, 89:50, 8ef3380bbc584c07cc2d634f33….gif)


01a62a  No.3166761


Exactly. Yet Q is dragging his knuckles, promising BOOMs and not actually doing shit.

9bb576  No.3166762


small diversified sustainable family farms again!

357488  No.3166763

File: ced40937c8ba782⋯.jpg (71.52 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ced40937c8ba7825adb657073f….jpg)

d3505a  No.3166764

File: a3eb09bec7d3c6c⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 535x646, 535:646, e028756d8e4512f77adccfd857….jpg)

6a5fb8  No.3166765

File: 0f72c964ec0093e⋯.png (312.1 KB, 525x525, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

94078c  No.3166766

File: 25d6e7a41f2c9b9⋯.jpg (37.03 KB, 400x360, 10:9, finger.jpg)


>png (6.65 MB, 2000x2000

c3f990  No.3166767

File: 973f587bea38eae⋯.jpg (289.18 KB, 432x1440, 3:10, dedication_eagles.jpg)

5fc570  No.3166768


>has a meeting with trump on Thursday

>shows up thinking he's going to get fired

Mr Rosenstein, we think you may be wearing a wire, please take off your clothes. Now while you're standing there humiliated. The president has just declassified the FISA…. do your walk of shame home in your tighty whiteys faggot.

8e6989  No.3166769


Go back to (you)r meetings


The helicopter pilot killed (you)

ee1a7d  No.3166770

File: 519737eb6897f83⋯.jpg (94.45 KB, 650x357, 650:357, kekandjesusdo.jpg)

aaf252  No.3166771

File: e7d8cf072ab6b48⋯.png (445.79 KB, 1446x1578, 241:263, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

File: 48b886450c536a7⋯.png (318.54 KB, 888x1272, 37:53, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)


9695cc  No.3166772


same fucking shit

fear hate

didnt you watch star wars anon ?

i dont hate anyone

i just want to be free

fuck all this negative bullshit

were human

we have a range of emotions

its ok to feel all of them

just dont give in to the negative ones as the only way you can feel

i dont think people understand that we make fun of the "normies"

but were all just as brainwashed into not being ourselves

091678  No.3166773

File: 2698fc0819b63c8⋯.jpg (250.84 KB, 1100x1357, 1100:1357, wenn35344537.jpg)

Rihanna was named ‘Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary’ for Barbados

“Rihanna has a deep love for this country and this is reflected in her philanthropy, especially in the areas of health and education. She also shows her patriotism in the way she gives back to this country and continues to treasure the island as her home,” Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley said in the statement.

-Diplomatic immunity???


dfd4ca  No.3166774

File: 27289c94218eeab⋯.jpg (99.73 KB, 727x960, 727:960, ASSAD_WIFE_SMILING.jpg)

File: ecb3eb97956d24d⋯.jpg (208.55 KB, 1200x905, 240:181, teachalphasnottomakefun.jpg)

File: bead0ab4f9b00f1⋯.jpeg (206.59 KB, 1204x860, 7:5, Kavanaugh-storm.jpeg)

File: 9437e9f137432f2⋯.png (468.34 KB, 1050x741, 350:247, skyisfalling.PNG)

all these shaved pussies posted by shills, hasbara and pedovores?

What mature, healthy hetero man wants to see clear cut pussy?

Have they never gotten razor burn on their penises?

Second guessing the Creator when you cannot even create a stable genius out of yourself? Really?

Stay on point anons!


Big week on the roller coaster ride!

5723d0  No.3166775

File: a78c2595a5c19c4⋯.jpg (44.47 KB, 700x394, 350:197, Downtown!!.jpg)


Too funny!

e5c725  No.3166776

ce7404  No.3166777

File: 4d951fcc370a09a⋯.jpg (54.87 KB, 479x480, 479:480, 4d951fcc370a09adef6cf4f9af….jpg)

File: 73e5625ef4597a1⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 73e5625ef4597a1a27cc383b87….jpg)

Very bad move by Republican's to put Grassley in charge of the Dr. Ford Hoax.

In way over his head.

ac0c0c  No.3166778


What is 5:5 ??

eae158  No.3166779

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SsmVgoXDq2w" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Enjoy the show!

f0079d  No.3166780


Your two pictures represent exactly what threat is percieved. The loss of control over one's creations. But, your use of meme magick to spread holy images regardless of the creator's intent, because of higher laws that have picked Pepe to represent of us, has added to the continuing cycle that can't be abolished. Keep up the good work anon

e5109b  No.3166781


Good job explaining why Kavanaugh must be confirmed STAT, Anon.. Very nice, clear, and concise explanation. Thank you, lad.

293882  No.3166782


what does the last line mean. that we are impure? or that they cant judge us because they are impure? sorry the BIBLE always confuses me tho i love it

f6d86c  No.3166783


The problem with good attorneys is they are always reluctant to disbar bad ones.

3fd143  No.3166784

File: acdfb6eaa26b009⋯.png (810.74 KB, 747x564, 249:188, 2018-03-23_09-36-30 copy.png)


6424d3  No.3166785

File: 1e052505a2ea839⋯.png (745.09 KB, 808x424, 101:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 693ef7c438d553f⋯.png (61.57 KB, 838x827, 838:827, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03b21b00ad24fe2⋯.png (18.5 KB, 828x439, 828:439, ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Made Innocent Man’s Life a Living Hell, Told Him They Would Stop if He Became a Snitch—Lawsuit

A man claims he was placed on the FBI's no-fly list with no explanation, and told he could be taken off of it if he accepted a job as an informant.

Portland, OR – A federal appeals court has ruled that a man can move forward with his lawsuit alleging that he was placed on the “No-Fly List” in the United States because the Federal Bureau of Investigation was trying to convince him to become an informant

Yonas Fikre is a Muslim-American man who initially filed a lawsuit in 2013, three years after he was placed on the no-fly list with no explanation and no evidence against him. He was then mysteriously taken off of the list in 2016, and his lawsuit was dismissed.

However, Fikre’s case was revived this week by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Portland, Oregon, which acknowledged that although the FBI did take Fikre off of the list, that action alone did not “completely and irrevocably eradicate the effects of the alleged violation(s).”

In addition to criticizing the fact that he was placed on the no-fly list in the first place, Fikre is also claiming he was approached by FBI agents who told him that he would be taken off of it if he agreed to become an informant and that being on the list for six years with no explanation or due process demonized him in the eyes of friends and family.

“We’re hopeful that the lower court will see the no-fly list for what it is: a gross transgression of fundamental rights,” said Gadeir Abbas, a lawyer for Fikre, who noted that the overall goal in the case it to keep other innocent Americans from being subjected to the same treatment.

One of the Fikre’s most notable claims is that he was detained and questioned by FBI agents after a business trip to Sudan in 2010, and he was told that he had been put on the no-fly list—but his removal could be secured if he agreed to become an FBI informant. As a report from Reuters noted:


039fb0  No.3166786


clear signal, message received

01a62a  No.3166787


Why haven't WE done this?


Stay mad, faggot. Waiting on some spectre to save you when you can be the change yourself. DUMB FUCK.

6a5fb8  No.3166788


These guys are all trash

eae158  No.3166789




01a62a  No.3166790


>What is 5:5 ??

It means lurk moar

d021e3  No.3166791

What will you do when you realize none of this is real?

722fe3  No.3166792

File: 268dd703eab32f0⋯.png (736.53 KB, 1269x962, 1269:962, wethepeople.png)

File: e91989711cf4e17⋯.png (102.65 KB, 555x578, 555:578, pain4.PNG)

File: 3703d49236ce775⋯.jpg (190.55 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 3703d49236ce775116f0165dc0….jpg)

e6642e  No.3166793


So is his sister

84be6c  No.3166794

There isn't a GoFundMe page for RR yet. Big chance for someone to make some $. I'm too much of a pussy to go through with it.

ac0c0c  No.3166795

6a5fb8  No.3166796


None of what is real?

945c83  No.3166797



you guys are at least 6 months late

try harder

3cf64c  No.3166798

File: 22ec2a1f6d55fc6⋯.jpg (18.59 KB, 345x190, 69:38, ! ! ! ! ! 5-x-5-loud-and-c….jpg)

14322f  No.3166799

File: 006d20115d546da⋯.jpg (111.03 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2hn54p.jpg)

94078c  No.3166800


>Michael Obama


Male Organs

3ea523  No.3166801

File: d0c12b9b4d170f6⋯.jpeg (69.47 KB, 700x467, 700:467, 8A48F665-4C10-4A76-8011-A….jpeg)

eaaba3  No.3166802


Wonder if it was suicide by red scarf and doorknob

35426f  No.3166803

We need high IQ anons without emotions fucking with us

Rosenstein will likely resign, but the timing will always circle around the release of the material under the declassification directive (DJT's leverage). If IG FISA report is going to outline that material, RR will resign around IG FISA report timeline.


293882  No.3166804

File: 9e1a8dc6bd2e191⋯.png (86.53 KB, 752x760, 94:95, Screenshot 2018-09-24 12.3….png)


><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SsmVgoXDq2w" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

anon, click the SHARE arrow and copy the little line of code in that box and paste in the embed box:

acf764  No.3166805

Hey brothers and sisters. This is the teacheranon that was driven crazy at work. I has an interview on the 17th!

I just got the job offer!!!!!

God is good!

Thank you for all your support and love!

Fuck yeah!


3fd143  No.3166806

File: be630c60cc23c3e⋯.png (389.58 KB, 638x358, 319:179, 2018-03-23_09-40-52.png)

4de88b  No.3166807


Any connection to "when does a bird sing?"

5723d0  No.3166808

have to say that was a bad weekend for newbs…not much better today.

537c24  No.3166809


Im looking forward to the moment when FLOTUS meets with Asma. Eye candy and grace at its right.

b46f72  No.3166810

File: 21b2acfbffd8c62⋯.png (797.95 KB, 999x799, 999:799, wompwomp.png)

ee1a7d  No.3166811


>What mature, healthy hetero man wants to see clear cut pussy?

Ones that like flossing, with actual floss.

Eating hair is fucking gross. Real men ensure that their sex partners are of the appropriate age of consent ;)

And Garrison is a badass, just like Woods.

e5c725  No.3166812


Project much?

b0301a  No.3166813


yeah. the fake news spin wasn't doing it for them now they're trying the "we can tell the future" angle.

interesting strategy cotton, lets see how it plays out

ff61f0  No.3166814

File: 72a225ae6ebc426⋯.jpg (234.67 KB, 1334x1301, 1334:1301, Photo 18.jpg)

039fb0  No.3166815


>Rosenstein will likely resign

No. RR will recuse himself only from the RM case, and after BK is confirmed.

e9873b  No.3166816

Kavanaugh testimony on Thursday.

RR meeting POTUS on Thursday.

Was this coordinated by the White House?

Grassley rescheduled because he was told to.

I think POTUS wand this at same time.

8e6989  No.3166817



537c24  No.3166818




4f5c3e  No.3166819


Congrats Anon!

d3505a  No.3166820



>Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/09/18 (Fri) 18:29:48


>Twitter rec 24D.





Anyone know what the military speak means?


fd7a34  No.3166821

wtf happened to the didlo part of this story about Kavanaugh?

I swear that was Drudge click bait

f043ba  No.3166822



He was a shipping coordinator back in 2002. Do you think someone that low in the hierarchy got iced by the Deep State almost 17 years later?

650d21  No.3166823

2f4857  No.3166824

File: 9e0e8da41c98d7a⋯.png (131.12 KB, 643x740, 643:740, 1132fb62ef35407d64d86549b5….png)



GoodBye Mr. Lucifer.

09de73  No.3166825


>Thank you, lad.

Anon knows you meant to say thank you, anon.

ac0c0c  No.3166826

>>3166805 Congrats! Best of Luck!

d833b1  No.3166827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live music everyone !!!! Trolin 101


5ae5e8  No.3166828


Congratulations to you!!

4de569  No.3166829

File: c2cbde871b3ad42⋯.png (1.07 MB, 634x1444, 317:722, wNkBxWt.png)

351e16  No.3166830

File: feccfc18f17cc74⋯.jpg (128.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe life is cool dream.jpg)

ac650e  No.3166831


basquiat wold be proud of your collage

b46f72  No.3166832

File: c7490d4f5e504e0⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1539x909, 171:101, Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at ….png)

1250a5  No.3166833


Congratulations Teacheranon!

3fd143  No.3166834

File: 8d9d36b01bc821a⋯.png (253.28 KB, 640x407, 640:407, 2018-03-23_18-38-44.png)


d3505a  No.3166835



Alyssa likes to "insert" herself into everything, so…

f6d86c  No.3166836


You have it exactly right. Please let Grassley and McConnell know. Not sure they have thought about it this deeply.

6424d3  No.3166837

File: d681ae09817d3f2⋯.png (112.05 KB, 812x783, 28:27, ClipboardImage.png)

8ed369  No.3166838

File: a0897c1724659ca⋯.jpg (82.99 KB, 615x612, 205:204, HurryAndGetToTheArrests.jpg)

So much impatient waiting. Maybe maybe it's finally time. I know I've been guilty of this.

fd7a34  No.3166839

File: 639f5ec43db4a2a⋯.png (855.95 KB, 1501x1282, 1501:1282, pepechekked3.png)



c30c8f  No.3166840


Climbed the antennae?

Terra Hz antennae disabled?

76be4f  No.3166841


Hope you learn to proof read back in school ;)

b46f72  No.3166842

File: 961355c53b9c666⋯.png (939.18 KB, 826x636, 413:318, Screen Shot 2018-09-06 at ….png)


>I has an interview on the 17th!

12a515  No.3166843


How long have you had your account? 30 days by chance? We need someone to make a QRV introductions sub, so everyone can get some voats. No one can post or downvote unless they have some ridiculous number of voats.

acf764  No.3166844






Thank you all so much! You are my family and i had to share the good news! Sorry for the slide, but im so excited

babf06  No.3166845

File: 3a6670176e0236a⋯.jpg (6.39 KB, 203x152, 203:152, _44496734_cheney_afp_203b.jpg)


drudge sucks dick

9695cc  No.3166846

File: 50d0b0bf8cde909⋯.jpg (23.63 KB, 249x255, 83:85, 9dc0437df38a919054b0a73d35….jpg)


lizards begone

c014ca  No.3166847


The Thursday vote is in the committee. They make a formal recommendation to the full Senate. The next fight is confirmation in the full Senate. This is where more fun starts.

Schumer is now regretting using the nuclear option to change the rules…

35426f  No.3166848


But define then meaning of:

Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.

Goodbye, Mr. Mueller.

fe95ba  No.3166849


It has dual meaning. 1. Loud and Clear. 2. lurk moar

064b75  No.3166850

File: ffde06b8500e5f0⋯.png (626.03 KB, 405x636, 135:212, ClipboardImage.png)

2f4857  No.3166851

File: 09aec306b8c824c⋯.jpg (210.11 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 09aec306b8c824c033d7131ddd….jpg)


Yup Yup!! The Emotions we feel also power these things deeply. We here EXPECT good things to happen, and Expectations are the final trigger of physical creation.

ce7404  No.3166852

File: ee922cea3b5eaf0⋯.jpg (87.8 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ee922cea3b5eaf0b03b9d36bfb….jpg)

File: e3e1ff5ff27d8fc⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 500x685, 100:137, e3e1ff5ff27d8fc08c9b0a1266….jpg)

Very bad move by Republican's to put Grassley in charge of the Dr. Ford Hoax.

In way over his head.

6424d3  No.3166853

File: 50840dc415c24e7⋯.png (1.24 MB, 750x819, 250:273, ClipboardImage.png)

eaaba3  No.3166854


17? KEK No coincidences

f0b5b6  No.3166855


Sounds like the perfect timing for a harvest of black souls. A "reaping" if you will.

acf764  No.3166856



Kek. Excited fingers!

I had* an interview on the 17th. Lucky Q number payed off

bddc2f  No.3166857

File: 90ce271d7821f61⋯.jpg (99.54 KB, 800x600, 4:3, netflixandchill.jpg)

cb07cc  No.3166858


Yup. They attempt to force the hand prematurely to get an emotional pull from the populace before most people fully understand Rosenstein's full involvement in the plot.

709cba  No.3166859


lol good one

9695cc  No.3166860


yep send the all back to god for repairs

66f589  No.3166861


Mueller has been quiet as a mouse this whole time.

c858c0  No.3166862

Kellyanne gets it:

"Presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway said on Monday that the sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh are “starting to feel like a vast left-wing conspiracy.”


09de73  No.3166863


I am quite confident they have been read into the loop and are playing their assigned roles. Enjoy the show!

f90d6f  No.3166864


notable, baker

582c51  No.3166865

File: 28066be16f8b396⋯.jpg (406.77 KB, 1179x1179, 1:1, trump pepe.jpg)

dbd5c3  No.3166866


Congrats, anon!

5723d0  No.3166867


Who is the douche giving him the 'handshake'?

397edb  No.3166868

File: 1a1829f575124b4⋯.png (299.33 KB, 610x434, 305:217, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

MO literally begging for votes, sounds like she's going to cry.

76be4f  No.3166869


MAGA on! I wish you and your students well.

bbabb9  No.3166870

File: f10532f7e324e70⋯.png (270.86 KB, 502x394, 251:197, 9af639b1cadc5bc300dd997d74….png)

a06969  No.3166871

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB, 239x300, 239:300, EnjoyingTheShow.gif)




d3505a  No.3166872


It's a doggie-dog world, bro.

6424d3  No.3166873

File: 3b04ce18057d73d⋯.png (1 MB, 863x917, 863:917, ClipboardImage.png)


339145  No.3166874


Makes one wonder if all these people against Kavanaugh right now are part of the child trafficking, because they sure are unhinged and desperate to cause trouble…they have something to hide, but what is it?

01a62a  No.3166875


Keep saying that blind sheep.

6a5fb8  No.3166876

File: 9d05894caf2ad2a⋯.png (576.77 KB, 474x641, 474:641, ClipboardImage.png)

63ca6d  No.3166877

Just a thought

To make sure POTUS does not fire [RR] because of the demorats

If [RR} refuses to quit

Thinking IG would advise Huber to charge & have [RR] arrested because of the illegal FISA tactic without having to be fired nor step down

Once [RR] goes down the rest will go down like domino's

acf764  No.3166878



Thank you from the bottom of my heart

fbc73f  No.3166879


Anons don't give this guy enough sympathy.

8e6989  No.3166880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If they found out we still burn petrochemicals for some roth weirdos squid in their underwear and the cia is getting people killed for the cover up ……

9cb389  No.3166881

File: b22041c3a015170⋯.jpg (33.12 KB, 496x379, 496:379, Storm, Storm Everywhere.JPG)

35426f  No.3166882


I dont want to ba a dick, but this was notable at least 10 times, and it is known few months.

but ok

ee1a7d  No.3166883


Awesome, congrats anon!

I feel better every time a MAGA teacher wins :) Our children have a future!

9695cc  No.3166884



god has a sense of humor

like how the world was saved

cuz a guy named ANTHONY WEINER

tried to sext a 15 year old


293882  No.3166885


my new favorite pepe

b46f72  No.3166886

File: 559099dc4d1c4e6⋯.png (446.07 KB, 962x418, 481:209, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

File: 740fb49e1ce5641⋯.png (332.15 KB, 593x491, 593:491, Screen Shot 2018-09-07 at ….png)

baaf53  No.3166887


but but but muh blue wave

6424d3  No.3166888

MARK DICE: Brett Kavanaugh stole a Snickers bar when we were kids. I’ve finally decided to tell my story.

Brett Kavanaugh stole a Snickers bar when we were kids. I’ve finally decided to tell my story. I don’t remember what store we were at. How we got there, how old we were, or what time of year it was. But I know he’s a kleptomaniac and unfit for SCOTUS.


3fd143  No.3166889

File: a93198f9fc17d9f⋯.png (836.6 KB, 1049x1108, 1049:1108, 2018-03-23_20-28-21.png)

Why we fight!

Who said bringing down a 6000 year old cult would be easy!


945c83  No.3166890



outing yourself again


none blinder than those who refuse to see

aa9c28  No.3166891

File: 05ec2646915611f⋯.png (337.84 KB, 1403x705, 1403:705, alex azar wiki.PNG)


Alex Azar is an interesting pic.

Comes from big PHarma

Some Dems voted for him

he knows where a lot of bodies are buried


fe95ba  No.3166893


they cant have the courts flip. libs can get shit done with the ppl so they use the courts. other idiots are just brainwashed parrots

9b1a15  No.3166894

File: c51f562d6001369⋯.jpeg (341.96 KB, 750x426, 125:71, 35E941B2-F256-4680-8FF3-C….jpeg)

Live trollin 101

The skull & Bones trollin has begun !


3ea523  No.3166895


Mister, usually written in its abbreviated form Mr. is a commonly used English honorific for men under the rank of knighthood

8e6989  No.3166896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fe95ba  No.3166897


>libs can't

84c58e  No.3166898


>Tfw you realize they're going to stop your hormone therapy in Gitmo

735300  No.3166899


What will the RAT rioters do if #[[[RR]]]# gets moved down to HR?

4d75fe  No.3166900


Fan flipping tastic anon!!!!!!!!

d5cbac  No.3166901

File: f4dd87fbe29e9ab⋯.jpg (67.66 KB, 603x618, 201:206, sylvia.JPG)

ff61f0  No.3166902


You think Trumps meeting with Lionel was to debrief him on AJ?

eae158  No.3166903

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/SsmVgoXDq2w" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Thank you anon!

ee1a7d  No.3166904


fullhouse digits confirm, everyone thinks the accusations are mock-worthy

acf764  No.3166905


I will do my best! Pledge of allegiance every morning ! My new babies will be loved and proud of their country!


Multiply Patriots

3a93f8  No.3166906


Very well done anon.

Q confirm ?

397edb  No.3166907



>subtle shade

651251  No.3166908



86c62f  No.3166909

Is there video of obama saying listen up to his crowd?

9695cc  No.3166910



so whats the deal is she really a man

its possible

but thats just so fucking bizarre

12a515  No.3166911


Word. Just like AJ wearing a tin foil hat to make "all of us look crazy". Shill memes are bad to start with. The augmentation just makes them look actually insane.

bbabb9  No.3166912


- Ant Weiner

- Peter Stroke (Strzok)

- Reality Winner

- Stormy Daniels

There's more and more, this really is a fantastic movie.

5723d0  No.3166913


The original October surprise. All the key characters that brought you everything afterwards were present and accounted for.


9bb576  No.3166914

File: 7cbc8e9d78156aa⋯.jpg (30 KB, 736x581, 736:581, checkem.jpg)



35426f  No.3166915

The postponed Trump/Rosenstein meeting is now on Thursday. Same day now as the Ford and Kavanaugh hearings. No coincidence at all.

6424d3  No.3166916

File: ea5fa7c7654c25c⋯.png (81.13 KB, 794x785, 794:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76203e9f98bb860⋯.png (73.96 KB, 797x694, 797:694, ClipboardImage.png)

Turkish Intel Will Run ‘Operations’ Against Political Opponents On US Soil, Erdogan Spokesman Says

A top adviser to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erodgan says that the president has ordered “operations” against his political opponents, even on U.S. soil

The adviser, Ibrahim Kalin, said that the operations could include kidnappings of supporters of Fethullah Gulen, a political opponent of Erdogan

Kalin said that operations will take place, “whether it be the U.S. or some other country”

The Turkish government plans to continue “operations,” including in the United States, against supporters of a political opponent of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a top adviser to the Turkish president said Friday.

Speaking to reporters ahead of Erdogan’s trip this week to the U.N. General Assembly, Ibrahim Kalin said that Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization, MIT, would continue targeting supporters of Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen across the globe.

“Our relevant units and institutions will continue their operations in the countries the FETO operates in whether it be the U.S. or some other country,” said Kalin, using an acronym for the pejorative term Fethullah Terrorist Organization to describe Gulen’s network of followers.

“Rest assured that they will feel Turkey breathing down their neck,” Kalin added.

Erdogan and the Turkish government have waged a widespread crackdown against Gulen’s network, which is said to number in the millions. Erdogan blames Gulen, who lives in exile in Pennsylvania, for the failed July 15, 2016 coup attempt that left more than 250 people dead. Gulen has denied taking part in the coup.

The Turkish government’s targeting of Gulen and his supporters has run the gamut. MIT officials kidnapped six Turkish nationals in March in Kosovo and returned them back to Turkey to face trial. The kidnapping caused a major international uproar and showed the lengths that Erdogan would go to hunt down Gulen supporters.

“Operations similar to the one conducted in Kosovo can be carried out in other countries. All should know that Turkey will not allow the FETO to breathe a sigh of relief,” Kalin said Friday, adding that Erdogan “has given very clear instructions on this issue.”

Operations in the U.S. have yet to go as far as the Kosovo incident.

Instead, the Turkish government has hired several lobbying firms and lawyers to debilitate a network of charter schools operated by Gulen’s followers. The lobbyists have also pressed officials in both the Obama and Trump administrations to extradite Gulen, who has lived in the U.S. since 1999.

Perhaps the most high-profile lobbyist for Turkey was Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser to President Donald Trump. A Turkish businessman linked to the government hired Flynn to investigate Gulen during the 2016 campaign. Flynn and the businessman, Ekim Alptekin, discussed kidnapping Gulen and returning him to Turkey, according to reports.


6a5fb8  No.3166917

File: bb1973b25a860dd⋯.png (772 KB, 1017x572, 1017:572, ClipboardImage.png)

acf764  No.3166918


I'm so excited I'm crying!

Crying MAGA tears!!!!!

b46f72  No.3166919

File: f235933032206c7⋯.png (415.88 KB, 914x935, 914:935, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

Trump ordered Monday the release of a slew of documents from the Russia probe, including a June 2017 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) application granted against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. But the Republican suddenly backtracked Friday, saying that he would refer declassification issues to the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General.

Trump said the Justice Department and two foreign allies had raised concerns about declassifying and releasing the documents.

“I got called today from two very good allies saying, ‘Please, can we talk.’ It is not as simple as all of that,” he said. “We do have to respect their wishes. But it will all come out.”




1d6fe1  No.3166920

File: c2b853c57d5e2e3⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 255x188, 255:188, 541f7d4c8865586752bb5bec9e….jpg)


It's a 999 day!!

4de569  No.3166921

File: bf9faf2b6b421bf⋯.jpg (10.34 KB, 215x234, 215:234, 2il8tz.jpg)

File: 96594ae9729f684⋯.jpg (85.58 KB, 796x468, 199:117, BZsFd05.jpg)

9695cc  No.3166922


and if collective conciousness is true

that were all one life

expressing itself infinitely

lil b

the "based god"

makes songs about hows hes literally everyone

that shits fucking funny

3cf64c  No.3166923



Future events. Future proves past.

eae158  No.3166924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OK…now enjoy!

fc8fdb  No.3166925

File: 8eb3b1a1a1802b2⋯.png (199.02 KB, 952x273, 136:39, BEBETTER.png)

File: 78f9d3270dab0be⋯.png (846.79 KB, 640x639, 640:639, dildohead.png)

21a0b9  No.3166926

File: 30f71321b9c1cef⋯.png (319.43 KB, 806x570, 403:285, Screenshot (1376).png)

What is this Sept 17 [week of]? Do you remember Rachel Brand? She resigned on February 20, 2018 from her Associate Attorney General position (#3 position in the DOJ) to take a job as head of global corporate governance at Walmart link. In Q1433, Q reminded us the rules under which she was to be replaced and that the acting AAG had a 210 day “lifespan” in the job. In the same drop, he then asked the question: when does the clock run out? Well, if you add 210 days to February 20 2018, you get Tuesday September 18 2018.

A questioned that needs answered; Was the AAG removed from office after the 210 day term expired?

We need digging on this!

ee1a7d  No.3166927



fe95ba  No.3166928


embed embed. just need the URL in the embed section. not the whole iframe html

f043ba  No.3166929


I agree but it is relevant to today's happenings so I'll put it back into the notables.

ac650e  No.3166930

File: 1dbd972cf5a1f96⋯.png (458.67 KB, 666x1078, 333:539, fig5 1.png)


In need of repetition for maximum penetration

Thank you Anon, we all do what we can from our trenches, a single retweet is a fire shot against Shadow Government






no homo


4d3cbf  No.3166931


Senate , GOP or Cabal will try to stop it even if FF is needed. Esp. if parlimentary tricks fail.

CFR owns most of congress.

11ca6a  No.3166932


Respect their wishes?

For leverage?

52627b  No.3166933



3cf64c  No.3166934


Waaaaaiiit…hate to be the grammarfag here, yet if you're going to be teaching…

payed paid

bbabb9  No.3166935

File: 0f45cba82d121fc⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1337x961, 1337:961, 0f45cba82d121fc71fc6797a1f….png)

8e6989  No.3166936


Is tgat a phallus to sphincter argument for modern government

d3505a  No.3166937


>Makes one wonder if all these people against Kavanaugh right now are part of the child trafficking, because they sure are unhinged and desperate to cause trouble…they have something to hide, but what is it?

Some, but probably most are just terrified of loss of power/money/ability to force people to pay them for silence/favors… etc.

4de88b  No.3166938


Nice analysis, anon. TY

85f38b  No.3166939


We didnt have any Global Warming this summer where I live, we only had climate change.

1dafd5  No.3166940


Fake news. He did not backtrack. IG was always needed in the end to declassify and show justification with the Hussein EO.

f66336  No.3166941

File: 7d0652379ced178⋯.png (243.45 KB, 624x386, 312:193, 2018-09-24_11-48-26.png)

Chick on fox just said "PAIN"

6424d3  No.3166942

Transgender Guidelines Changed To Allow Co-Ed Showers For Girl Guides

Britain’s largest all-girl youth organization just changed its policies to let biological boys shower with girls in an effort to be more inclusive of transgender individuals.

Girlguiding U.K. — the equivalent of America’s Girl Scouts — changed a girl-only rule to allow any youngsters who identify as female to share showers, bathrooms, changing rooms and tents with girls who are biologically born female, according to The Times.

“The use of gendered facilities, such as toilets, can cause anxiety. Members are allowed to use the facilities of the gender they self-identify as,” the new guidelines state. The policy change is a result of equality laws requiring organizations to treat people “according to their acquired gender,” said Girlguiding Chief Executive Julie Bentley, The Times reports.

“If transgender girls who are physically male are going to be sharing facilities, it’s going to make some girls threatened and uncomfortable and the Guides shouldn’t be doing that,” said the South Wales Conservative MP, David Davies, voicing the concerns many parents have expressed after the policy change.

Girlguiding members experience their “first ever sleepover, canoe on rivers, learn about body confidence, lead their own camp, or simply have fun and try new things with girls their age,” according to the organization’s website.

“The concern that I and many feminists have about boys invading bedrooms, tents and showers, is that disproportionately the victims of sexual violence are girls and women, and overwhelmingly, the perpetrators are boys and men,” said Justice for Women co-founder, Julie Bindel. “This signifies the end to girl-only space and the safety of girls in single-sex organisations.”

Girlguiding U.K. did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

“When a young person is 18 or over, it is unlawful to tell other people that they are trans unless the trans person has given you permission to do so,” the website notes.


IMO This is the cabals normalization of pedophilia doctrine in action, rape of minors will soon follow unless opposed!

ce1643  No.3166943


Yep. She has become VERY loud. You never heard peep from her 6 months ago.

070528  No.3166944

File: 1652534a7a7c1eb⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 600x334, 300:167, Pointing to GOD.jpg)

8786f7  No.3166945

File: da94b943ff56400⋯.jpg (292.12 KB, 604x552, 151:138, precipice.jpg)

File: e4dac18e4af2361⋯.png (821.53 KB, 999x814, 27:22, WHICH.png)

File: 984df5042e9a9e2⋯.png (757.37 KB, 844x703, 844:703, JusticeNewnes.png)

File: cbb65cdc843e81c⋯.png (510.1 KB, 1139x673, 1139:673, justice77.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)

eae158  No.3166947

9695cc  No.3166948

hey anons

why do we have to choose between the red and the blue pill

i choose both

9aa369  No.3166949

File: d4f26dbc755012d⋯.png (21.84 KB, 533x127, 533:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Sara Carter is /ourgirl/


83b50e  No.3166950


You all are too stupid to be posting anything, but if I can help you spread your idiocy…the error you're receiving is "Comment contains banned domains"…this ought to be your first clue. Actually it's the only clue you need. You linked to images that are on sites where VOAT treats the domains as bad for business. Try linking to images on, say, whitehouse.gov, instead of hackerz.biz.

8786f7  No.3166951

File: e7b8eaf375b5097⋯.jpg (110.26 KB, 364x555, 364:555, HKRBN.jpg)

File: 8a5eb073e47cdcc⋯.jpg (135.41 KB, 556x444, 139:111, HVBRNM.jpg)

File: 22ad9ff7c2c16c4⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 555x454, 555:454, VMBRMN.jpg)

File: ea180992d697c00⋯.jpg (145.68 KB, 444x563, 444:563, BRMBRNM.jpg)

File: 3b4729b13b0e421⋯.png (190.55 KB, 264x911, 264:911, Bidlav14.png)

6424d3  No.3166952


London Girl Guide Leaders Kicked Out After Questioning ‘Safeguards’ Of Transgender Policy


397edb  No.3166953



b4c7a8  No.3166954

So nosenstein isn’t gone?

070528  No.3166955

File: 349cd5697201b0d⋯.jpg (73.82 KB, 2000x660, 100:33, Goodbye RR.jpg)

12a515  No.3166956


!! God is good. Drop some Q quotes in when you're teaching. I do it at work all the time kek. Corporate stuff so sometimes there's no reaction. Other times people grin and their eyes twinkle and they reply with a Q quote.

650d21  No.3166957


Sauce please

8786f7  No.3166958

File: 13bae985073fa13⋯.jpg (146.51 KB, 528x444, 44:37, hgbrn.jpg)

File: 630887d030664a0⋯.jpg (160.22 KB, 444x661, 444:661, flpvn.jpg)

File: b9eccc27eb79642⋯.jpg (789.46 KB, 1178x890, 589:445, frbnn.jpg)

File: e9888ed1f61b01d⋯.jpg (226.07 KB, 562x479, 562:479, FVBN.jpg)

File: aa0c27ff38214e5⋯.jpg (140.55 KB, 555x601, 555:601, bimage.jpg)

ea0001  No.3166959


I was able to post it by uploading my memes to magaimg.net and using THOSE LINKS

however it is concerning that the other ones were "Banned" two were from news outlets, one was from 4ch. all found through a basic google image search

MAGAIMG.net method is better anyways. Nevertheless this experience raised some red flags for me. It was regarding jewish subversion.

Other people may try to share what they know and get discouraged by this. I cannot see why the other links weren't allowed.

Anyways, thanks for the help.

7f2840  No.3166960


California is the place you wanna be!

dcd63c  No.3166961

File: 83480c49e202277⋯.png (398.22 KB, 637x728, 7:8, michelle obama transgender….png)

fd7a34  No.3166962


RR recuses/resigns

Mueller exonerates POTUS then leaves for good

c30c8f  No.3166963


He didn't inhale

5accc6  No.3166964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8e6989  No.3166965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0d56cb  No.3166966


76be4f  No.3166967

File: 4b58becee52fd35⋯.jpg (441.14 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, BluePill1.jpg)

84c58e  No.3166968


The picture that has emerged is that the cabal really likes rubbing things in our faces. So it's not enough just to control the U.S. presidency and most every other lever of government – they need to make the president a literal foreign-born communist nigger faggot, with a tranny "first lady."

This is the manner in which they wipe their ass with our Constitution, and denigrate all of our institutions.

(And it's the same with most other national governments, the pope, cultural institutions, academia, and on and on.)

1d6fe1  No.3166969

File: 3b9a847f7579aef⋯.jpg (21.29 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 4ca12e66fd484571827e4c3992….jpg)


Thursday is Thor's Day - HammerDay

It's a 999 day!!

9aa369  No.3166970


The blue pill is a forced illusion , why would you want that?

8786f7  No.3166971

File: 2e48642d06422cf⋯.jpg (92.93 KB, 333x673, 333:673, crvbn.jpg)

File: ee5d5af1c589102⋯.png (683.52 KB, 1111x748, 101:68, bybrlm.png)

File: 4aa5a398c05f1a5⋯.png (428.96 KB, 600x828, 50:69, BIBRM.png)

File: e7c8d4bbb20a13e⋯.jpg (206.62 KB, 444x686, 222:343, Joe Biden Kids Head Office….jpg)

File: d2509561dccd03e⋯.png (241.91 KB, 409x465, 409:465, BIDEN.png)

6a5fb8  No.3166972


Fire Rachel Brand - No one cared. Or push her out.

Whereas firing Rosenstein or pushing him out - everyone is trying to get him to do.

but the MSM realized one thing now

normies won't understand legal succession that well. Very confusing. POTUS didn't do anything. RR resigned himself because he was so incriminated he could no longer stay.

But that put in motion who POTUS wanted due to this obscure loophole. The public won't know or care or even understand

5723d0  No.3166973

File: 0b41a095dde2906⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 255x236, 255:236, Band of Anons.jpg)


wait until this time tomorrow. Little bubbles on the bottom now….

49d31c  No.3166974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chairman Nunes reacts to NYT report on RR


9cb389  No.3166975

File: 3dffad46b96cd25⋯.jpg (93.3 KB, 1200x684, 100:57, keanu pop quiz.jpg)

5809c1  No.3166976

File: fcdf531f6344e14⋯.png (392.94 KB, 759x398, 759:398, IkidIkid....png)


fd7a34  No.3166977

File: 43ec6015cd50412⋯.jpg (160.3 KB, 634x639, 634:639, pepelove3.jpg)

9bb576  No.3166978


archive offline

ee1a7d  No.3166979


Yeah, we get climate change here too…

We call it Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. They all have their turn in a 22 year cycle (some say 11) controlled by the sun.

Go figure.

4d75fe  No.3166980


Agreed. As a parent I would pull my kid out. Pandora’s box. Unfortunate but wouldn’t want the stress.

397edb  No.3166981

88f75e  No.3166982

File: 368313ac6670b30⋯.png (37.21 KB, 192x108, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


A great read. The game is on.

c3e666  No.3166983

File: 280e70eca2862e7⋯.png (459.42 KB, 1610x1080, 161:108, sketch-1537795486497.png)

Have you brainlets made this connection yet?


The mysterious 11-day closure of a New Mexico solar observatory stemmed from an FBI investigation of a janitor suspected of using the facility’s wireless internet service to send and receive child pornography, federal court documents showed on Wednesday.

The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, was evacuated without public explanation on Sept. 6, leading to a swirl of social media speculation and rumors driven by its proximity to two U.S. military installations and the town of Roswell.

Approximately two hours away from the observatory by car, Roswell was the site of a famous 1947 sighting of unidentified flying objects that the U.S. Air Force later said were top-secret high-altitude weather balloons.

UFO conspiracy lore has it that a flying saucer crashed near Roswell, and that remains of the craft and alien crew were clandestinely removed from the crash site by the government and taken to a top-secret test site in Nevada for examination.

But the mystery of the Sunspot Observatory closure proved far less complicated. It was finally explained in newly unsealed FBI records, including a 39-page application for a warrant to search the suspect’s residence.

An agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation wrote in the affidavit that she was “investigating the activities of an individual who was utilizing the wireless internet service of the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, to download and distribute child pornography.”

The FBI affidavit identified the suspect as a janitor under contract to clean the facility, whose laptop was found to have been used to connect to the observatory’s wireless system

0fa516  No.3166984

File: 6ef4570440f334a⋯.jpg (3.66 MB, 4241x2850, 4241:2850, becoming-michelle-obama.jpg)

039fb0  No.3166985


>But define then meaning of:

>Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.

>Goodbye, Mr. Mueller.

RR off the case once he recuses himself.

RM off the case once JS unrecuses himself, reviews RM final report, and forwards matter to IG.

c42bd1  No.3166986



Farm livin is the best for thee.

8786f7  No.3166987

File: 6525f8044bc554c⋯.jpg (185.04 KB, 398x445, 398:445, ibrmnm.jpg)

File: 6ebb8580ec6b523⋯.jpg (91.97 KB, 555x490, 111:98, NBVNB.jpg)

File: 41f03e6695ee8bf⋯.jpg (589.75 KB, 1087x1317, 1087:1317, HMN.jpg)

File: ae48805f1203b00⋯.jpg (139.29 KB, 551x444, 551:444, mrbrm.jpg)

File: 1fb39a104a198aa⋯.jpg (686.48 KB, 588x2854, 294:1427, REALTOUGHBIDEN.jpg)

85f38b  No.3166988


She's a real shill.

f55fe9  No.3166989

File: 283b91562da9def⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 363x395, 363:395, 2imn0l~2.jpg)

Anons honestly, the longer I'm here the more worries I'm having. I've been here since thread 1 of CBTS, PG, and way before.

Q saying "don't worry we're in control" and "We are here for a reason" creep me the fuck out.

Although no public arrests/hangings have been made (they can't even ever tell us that McCain was put to death - because they are too worried about controlling the public). We are constantly told "HEY, BILLIONARE executives are quitting with huge bonuses! Aren't you happy!? CEOS are quitting!" We are supposed to be fucking happy about that?

We have been relegated to cheering for behind the scenes movement.

Q (NSA) team is here to CONTROL THE RIOTS.

They know we know. They have more than confirmed our suspicions on what's going on. We wrongly think they are on our side to take them down.

Although Q & NSA ARE ON OUR SIDE - they don't HAVE THE SAME GOAL.

Their goal is to protect the military, and the nation from changing. They are here to CONTROL us. They are here to convince us not to riot. They are here to convince us not to kill democrats. They are here to convince us to VOTE for president.

The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.

It's becoming more and more clear with EVERY POST.

Q has no interest, in EVER bringing anyone to public justice. They are handing things with "internal military tribunals" - THEY WILL NEVER BE TELEVISED. THEY WILL NEVER BE PUBLIC.

Where the fuck do you all think McCain went.

Q team is very proud of themselves, for putting him to military tribunal. The problem is - NORMIES DONT KNOW ANY OF THIS.

We really need to demand PUBLIC HANGINGS. I'm sick of CEOS resigning peacefully.

This entire team seems convinced to try to change the medias mind. It's a waste of fucking time. The media is gone forever - and Q team has yet to understand this.

They are literally here just to convince us from rioting because they know we are pissed. We are literally cats to them, and they are the cat herders.


4a8506  No.3166990

File: 749669a860f5e87⋯.jpg (96.31 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 2imnbv.jpg)

1dafd5  No.3166991


IG declassifies with the EO as justification. RR forced to recuse or be fired. The number 3 at the DOJ steps up. (Potus guy). He fires Mueller.

fd7a34  No.3166992


Mueller won't be fired

070528  No.3166994

File: f12dd69aa255ff8⋯.jpg (429.43 KB, 600x795, 40:53, Архангел Михаил winning.jpg)

0d56cb  No.3166995


No but u havnt either. Try again.

c156ba  No.3166996


I've noticed the same when reading the Dan Brown books — Angels & Demons, Da Vinci Code, Lost Symbol, Inferno, and Origin. Tons of talk about symbols as well as secret societies and diabolical plans for control/destruction/mass suffering.

9695cc  No.3166997

File: b869120a8bb9d25⋯.jpg (19.46 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f1997ae6e7c43c507541757e0c….jpg)


ok muh dick guy

its all gonna be ok

8542db  No.3166998

File: 1b696323c4f8dd4⋯.jpg (50.27 KB, 640x853, 640:853, Pepe hot_rare.jpg)


>Thanks anon!!

yw :)


>Every single law/EO the HUSSEIN admin did to help lefties cheat the system is coming back to haunt their asses. ROFL.

Gotta love it!


>Nice one you sexy beast

(pic related)


>Very well done anon.


0d56cb  No.3166999


Underrated post

26cb10  No.3167000

They said there’d be pie

9b5302  No.3167001



89fea6  No.3167002

File: 2ba5f74d1ca9547⋯.jpg (12.82 KB, 236x299, 236:299, mich bulge.jpg)

File: 1c3812c3f457aaf⋯.png (129.42 KB, 297x300, 99:100, mike paint.png)

File: 28617b20ff1497f⋯.jpg (98.41 KB, 594x396, 3:2, portrait hall shame.jpg)


She's in the same programming course as BO

f043ba  No.3167003


>>3166438 RR reportedly returns to DOJ after WH meeting.

>>3166449 DFCU bank director resigns.

>>3166506 Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 1001 of the USA Patriot Act (DOJ abuses).

>>3166535 RR is expected to be fired/step down (rumors).

>>3166540 McCabe is worried about the possible departure of RR.

>>3166497 Calendars from 1982 show Kavanaugh out of town at the time of the alleged assault.

>>3166577, >>3166606 Rosenstein not fired today, will meet Trump again on Thursday.

>>3166683 Mark Meadows calling for declassification on Twitter.

>>3166727 California DA: 44 Charges after pedophile teacher produces child porn with 20 student victims.

>>3166469 17 items of note with the weekend-released FAA re-authorization bill.

>>3166645, >>3166695, >>3166695, >>3166771, >>3166563 Anons discuss who would replace RR if he were to be fired.

3cf64c  No.3167004

ID: f55fe9 No.3166989


Do NOT feed it with yours

85f38b  No.3167005


Neil, like Bruce, should stick with music. He's good at that.

fe95ba  No.3167006


Good job!

c73b0f  No.3167007


Bill was taken out by a cigar in a vagina. Now, Hillary is going to be taken out by a Weiner.

9cb389  No.3167008

File: e78c88d5066a2c8⋯.jpeg (381.62 KB, 1000x757, 1000:757, ac400897-f90b-4d64-9627-4….jpeg)

6a5fb8  No.3167009

Come on dems we need more on kavanuagh what else did he do? Is he Osama Bin Laden?

e5109b  No.3167010

File: 807ac07d2c26d01⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 231x219, 77:73, download.jpg)


f043ba  No.3167011

File: c7db18b65264509⋯.jpg (10.94 KB, 200x240, 5:6, pepebakergirl.jpg)

File: 0b10844061250e4⋯.png (10.68 KB, 255x167, 255:167, pepebakergirl.png)

ff61f0  No.3167012



Gotta admit, that's an excellent title for a biography of a man transitioning into a woman.

1dafd5  No.3167013


When the declas becomes public you can throw out all the rules. The game immediately changes in a dramatic way. How could it not? The info coming out I think could be considered a MOAB.

ea0001  No.3167014


bit of a faggot are we??

links were to the following



and a 4ch post

the images were found using a google image search. could i get around it? yes. does it suck considering how important memes are to spreading truth? yes. Are some people valuable even though they don't know every technical detail of every website ?? Yes.

Are you a raging marathon cocksucker? most definitely. that would be a scientific fact at this point.

d58c62  No.3167015


>muh brainlets

oh hai CTA

not going with the countdowns anymoar?

cant imagine why

de0d53  No.3167016


Trips confirm Mueller won't be fired.

6424d3  No.3167017

File: 9402ee5d71663c9⋯.png (233.21 KB, 508x483, 508:483, ClipboardImage.png)

Home Office Demands Two Years of ‘Limitless’ EU Immigration After No Deal Brexit

Around 600 million European citizens will be handed “limitless” access to Britain for more than two years after Brexit if the UK leaves the bloc without a deal, the Home Secretary is claimed to have said.

The Tory Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, has reportedly told Cabinet ministers that European Union (EU) nationals will be waved through the border until September 2021 – 30 months after the UK leaves the bloc.

They will be free to live temporarily in Britain by simply showing their passport and passing a criminal check, The Times reports. During the two years, the arrivals will be able to apply for a visa, enabling them to stay permanently.

One of the central promises of the Leave campaign was “taking back control” of borders, and the proposal is likely to cause a row in government and disappoint many voters.

The former Tory leader and Brexiteer Iain Duncan Smith slammed the open-borders extension, calling it “bizarre.”

“This shouldn’t take two years,” he said. “Having two years with nothing changed rather than a progressive tightening over that period is a cop-out. If I were Sajid I’d push back against the civil service to do this more quickly.”

At a crunch cabinet meeting this Monday, Mr Javid is set to outline his plan to overhaul migration after Brexit as Mrs May updates ministers on the Salzburg summit where she was “humiliated” and her ‘Chequers’ plan for Brexit rejected by EU bosses.

Last week, parliament’s independent Migration Advisory Committee recommended ending low-skilled migration after Brexit and introducing a “global” system.

The long-awaited report also recommended that the UK make it easier for high-skilled workers to migrate to Britain, advising ditching the cap which currently stands at 20,700 each year for people from outside Europe.

And in an interview last week, Mrs May signalled her plans to end preferential treatment for EU citizens.

She told BBC’s Panorama: “What I’m very clear about is the message from the British people was very simple.

“It was they didn’t want a situation where they could see people coming from the European Union having those automatic rights in terms of coming here to the United Kingdom, and a set of rules for people outside the European Union.

“What we will be doing is putting forward a set of rules for people from the European Union and people from outside the European Union.”


a98a3a  No.3167018

Q is currently cleaning /PF/

ee1a7d  No.3167019


Mueller is on thin ice either way. There's penalties for breaking an oath.

bbabb9  No.3167020

File: 70690d500ea9084⋯.jpg (627.32 KB, 1802x1223, 1802:1223, Cambridge American Cemeter….jpg)


This is where POTUS should insistent on receiving his personal apology for her government's actions.

You know, as a just reminder about the TRUE nature of our relationship. Lucky she's able to deliver it in English and not German.

ce1643  No.3167021


We had chem induced weather change.

8e6989  No.3167022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4d3cbf  No.3167023

Wasnt there lawsuit other actions promised this week by Jim Jordan / Louie Gohmer RE , release of othe documents that have been stone walled by DOJ ???

070528  No.3167024

File: 86371b4938c9919⋯.jpg (308.07 KB, 600x807, 200:269, Columbia Dig.jpg)

File: 22904f86b1e423a⋯.jpg (605.24 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, Defend.jpg)

File: 75c8aab2945663d⋯.jpg (97.08 KB, 500x645, 100:129, DefendUS.jpg)

85f38b  No.3167025


Moron too.

5bec4b  No.3167026


Look how little the one on the right is… PEDO!

6a5fb8  No.3167027


Nice job

86c62f  No.3167028


Click expand

08d117  No.3167029

File: 03ecd9fa87c9b9b⋯.jpg (170.06 KB, 687x546, 229:182, Holdup.jpg)

Fuckery week engaged

cd3c02  No.3167030

>>3166155 pb

Was just discussing this with spouse this am. Spouse once ran as Dem. for highway sup. even though we were reg. Rep. at the time. Talked about local upcoming event where we might ask the candidates some ques. to try and find out where their head/heart is. After all, "they" have been planting people for years. Hard to know who to trust these days. Local Sheriff up this Nov., but not much info on opposition.

Would it be risky to say which locality you in or would that be a dox?

fd7a34  No.3167031


nice digits

NEITHER will be fired

RR recuses/resigns, Mueller finishes under new oversight


>When the declas becomes public you can throw out all the rules



I agree with that


then ]HUBER[

6424d3  No.3167032



650d21  No.3167033


Smokin Joe He know, He know

a984da  No.3167034


you sound kind of negative, hopeless…

94078c  No.3167035

Definitions of terrorist organization

1 a political movement that uses terror as a weapon to achieve its goals

No jokes, how long before POTUS declares the DNC a terrorist organization?

ce7404  No.3167036

File: eb40990c8d50b3a⋯.png (405.33 KB, 500x569, 500:569, 98172387123agkjgalj.png)

File: 8dee17ef8081a02⋯.png (397.04 KB, 500x516, 125:129, 98172349aha8euheba.png)

Grassley has gotten played by Democrat's any way you slice it.

Chuck is a moron.

4de569  No.3167037

File: bf6af696382ef40⋯.jpg (104.56 KB, 505x293, 505:293, aUR3f.jpg)

Any Anon have a non-expired one of these?

Asking for frenz

26cb10  No.3167038


I get the feeling you might have concerns?

fc4bff  No.3167039

Breaking news Kavanaugh likes giant boobs

8e6989  No.3167040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

we should have togetherness with shitposting trannys and cabbage circuses

592785  No.3167041

File: d5446fdde1ff7a9⋯.jpg (201.35 KB, 525x525, 1:1, 1c718149d864350e2010dc62a4….jpg)

9aa369  No.3167043

File: 884dbdae084b840⋯.png (48.65 KB, 693x359, 693:359, ClipboardImage.png)


Did anyone else post that Sara Carter retweeted an Anon that had the #QAnon in it? https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC

1f89e9  No.3167044

File: d804b9e7cc7da59⋯.png (1.19 MB, 930x1412, 465:706, YoureDoingItWrong.png)

6424d3  No.3167045


BAKER there's more going on in the world than just the SC stuff. The plan covers it all so should you.

330768  No.3167046


why do you say

b4c7a8  No.3167047


I feel the same. All the while the spineless RINOs keep bending over backwards for these obstructionist retards who employ literal Chinese spies. No I don’t trust Grassley. Fuck off Q.

397edb  No.3167048

File: cac08b2c9ed0892⋯.png (113.59 KB, 420x311, 420:311, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

Pedophile former Montana high school athletic trainer ADMITS masturbating teenage boys - but claims it was to 'boost their performance' and NOT sexual

James E. 'Doc' Jensen was the athletic trainer at Custer County High School in Miles City, Montana from 1970 to 1998

He is accused of sexually assaulting as many as 100 boys during his tenure

Jensen, 78, gave them 'special massages' which he said were based in 'Chinese medicine'

He told the boys it boosted their testosterone and made them play better football

On Friday, 18 of his victims filed a lawsuit against him and the school district

They say he also performed oral sex on them and anally probed them

Jensen denies those accusations but admits masturbating them

He audaciously maintains it was to improve their athletic performance

The elderly man will not face criminal charges because of Montana's statute of limitations

Jensen was never certified by the National Association of Athletic Trainers


Those mysterious Chinese ways. In all seriousness, those poor boys.

4bc9d7  No.3167049

File: 630489720b294e3⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 300x418, 150:209, 2ih7fm.jpg)

d76af1  No.3167050

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 1249a7f12c1245a821c75ef278….jpg)


That's a good question. If Panuccio gets removed, I believe Ed O'Callahan is next in line.

85f38b  No.3167051


Driving Miss Feiny. (Chinese subtitles and subplot)

070528  No.3167052

File: 4b4c17beb7d2a63⋯.png (2.53 MB, 2000x1428, 500:357, Start a Storm.png)

1f421b  No.3167054

EMP soon …

347a1d  No.3167055

File: 44b34666f38ade6⋯.jpg (77.3 KB, 960x720, 4:3, b5fc0a3719d6fe46b944810b68….jpg)


yah.. cuz Hilter, Stalin, blah blah were all saints.

it's not gender/religion/ethnicity/nationality

^^ use these in memes to attack & u may gain some ppl

Avoid those ideologies in ur memes & the awaking of the sheep will be limitless.

01dd56  No.3167056


He may kick it off and take most of the load for lighter sentence. Trust that he's playing ball with us after McCabe and Comey stabbed him in the back.

5723d0  No.3167057

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)


Yes he is.

8e6989  No.3167058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Military air guitar salute

fd7a34  No.3167059


stop your bitching at bakers ArticleAnon

f043ba  No.3167060


Make some suggestions.

6a5fb8  No.3167061

How many RR meetings to watch the media flip out and McCabe pee his pants!?

That was hilarious.

1f282a  No.3167062


Right, because no one can remember a famous movie they saw 20 years ago… They must be rewatching old movies with their oodles of non-existent free time.


dcd63c  No.3167063

File: 25f1a009f4b8145⋯.jpg (151.7 KB, 840x480, 7:4, trump swamp drain that fuc….jpg)

36ae34  No.3167064

Update 3: The White House has finally weighed in on the Rosenstein "is he in or out" controversy. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said that Rosenstein will meet with Trump on Thursday.

"At the request of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he and President Trump had an extended conversation to discuss the recent news stories," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. "Because the President is at the United Nations General Assembly and has a full schedule with leaders from around the world, they will meet on Thursday when the President returns to Washington, DC."


5accc6  No.3167065

File: 1b40eae72290e73⋯.png (288.21 KB, 600x323, 600:323, ClipboardImage.png)



397edb  No.3167066


Accountability will be handled through proper channels – legally. Patience is key.

5486c0  No.3167067


ill believe it when my shite turns purple and smells of rainbow sherbert!!!!!!!!!!!

1dafd5  No.3167068


I did not mean to imply things would not be done by the book. I am referring to the way the public will perceive what is revealed. All hell is going to break loose.

236092  No.3167069

21a0b9  No.3167070

fe92f3  No.3167071

File: 3a5e42a79dbf10b⋯.jpg (125.87 KB, 810x844, 405:422, 1a.JPG)

Ala. town councilman, woman found dead in pickup truck under bridge


a96a45  No.3167072


turn off the news anons are months ahead

f043ba  No.3167073

File: 207e66af0a312e6⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 615x410, 3:2, inspectingbread.jpg)


330768  No.3167074


yeah, it was mentioned above but it's pretty cool to see. slowly and slyly they creep into the public view

b4c7a8  No.3167075


Hitler was a good man you absolute Jew loving sheep.

85f38b  No.3167076


She's weak, lying, and a drunk. She'll be toast once the Senate gets ahold of her–if she even shows up.

f043ba  No.3167077


>>3166438 RR reportedly returns to DOJ after WH meeting.

>>3166449 DFCU bank director resigns.

>>3166506 Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 1001 of the USA Patriot Act (DOJ abuses).

>>3166535 RR is expected to be fired/step down (rumors).

>>3166540 McCabe is worried about the possible departure of RR.

>>3166497 Calendars from 1982 show Kavanaugh out of town at the time of the alleged assault.

>>3166577, >>3166606 Rosenstein not fired today, will meet Trump again on Thursday.

>>3166683 Mark Meadows calling for declassification on Twitter.

>>3166727 California DA: 44 Charges after pedophile teacher produces child porn with 20 student victims.

>>3166469 17 items of note with the weekend-released FAA re-authorization bill.

>>3166645, >>3166695, >>3166695, >>3166771, >>3166563 Anons discuss who would replace RR if he were to be fired.

>>3166441 Clear and Present Danger: "…when the music stops."

>>3167017 Home Office demands two years of ‘limitless’ EU immigration after no deal Brexit.

>>3166689 Israel Russia update.

284aac  No.3167078


I'm getting a little tired of people thinking that Trump and Q are doing this to entertain us, keep us informed, etc.

There is one, and only one, reason that this endeavor was begun, and that is to elude non-No Such Agency tracking and filtering devices used by clown search engines, clown social media, etc.

We are the meme makers, and we are the makers of memes.

That's our role, and imho, we're not doing anywhere near what we should be doing.

4de569  No.3167079


Seems legit, masturbation for higher testosterone.

Interesting he decided to jack them off instead of giving them "homework"

b99de1  No.3167080

File: 06ef537ae350123⋯.png (122.23 KB, 247x404, 247:404, ClipboardImage.png)


Sure here you go.

https:// www.goodreads.com/book/show/19691.The_Hunt_for_Red_October

Read the book plebeian.

735300  No.3167081

a98a3a  No.3167082


Just saw post count (current trip) go from 126 to 124. Trying to figure out what got cut now.

fd7a34  No.3167083


kek understood, I agree with that

63d9bd  No.3167085

File: b291596f75779dc⋯.jpg (10.92 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, carrier.jpg)

0d56cb  No.3167086



The real anons are prepared. The ones who think that an anonymous internet poster who’s sentences often have double meanings telling them their safe, are not real anons anyway. It’s going to get real, this people will literally do whatever it takes to avoid death and losing their empire.

6424d3  No.3167087


What ever Novaluebitchanon

a984da  No.3167088


Long Dong Silverback

6a5fb8  No.3167089

File: d1a18a48cfbc98d⋯.png (15.27 KB, 255x226, 255:226, 9c724539151436879c2cd7d87c….png)

File: 0dadfc5b0ec1d01⋯.jpg (268.17 KB, 576x384, 3:2, 0dadfc5b0ec1d01677f51e62c0….jpg)

File: ca059bfc3e0299b⋯.jpg (116.05 KB, 900x750, 6:5, ca059bfc3e0299b8c3a99c3a5d….jpg)

File: 5195467dfe0ee08⋯.jpeg (61.63 KB, 505x503, 505:503, 5195467dfe0ee08cb5a7ff97e….jpeg)

c73b0f  No.3167090

File: 342c08095079767⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 1150x665, 230:133, pleaaaze.jpg)


Oh I love this meme of RR, can we please have Q-shaped nooses at the public hangings Q? lease

5b6fd3  No.3167091

File: e21ad600d0ea18d⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 720x424, 90:53, ObamasOnehalfMen.jpg)

84c58e  No.3167092


Either that, or Mueller is Trump's laser pointer, keeping his political adversaries' eyes off the ball until it is too late. So rather than firing or exoneration, Huber could just indict him for one of the hundred different crimes he's committed (but something lesser that they've agreed upon). That would bring the SC process to a halt, and which point Horowitz and Sessions could shut down the whole thing.

8e6989  No.3167093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Homotus vs DILLDOZER


76c105  No.3167094

It is going to be great when the MSM & Social Media networks are seized of their control by President Trump while acting in a time of natinal emergency per Barack Obama executive order 13618 on 6/6/12.

Sec. 2. Executive Office Responsibilities.

Sec. 2.1. Policy coordination, guidance, dispute resolution, and periodic in-progress reviews for the functions described and assigned herein shall be provided through the interagency process established in Presidential Policy Directive-1 of February 13, 2009 (Organization of the National Security Council System) (PPD-1).

Sec. 2.2. The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) shall: (a) issue an annual memorandum to the NS/EP Communications Executive Committee (established in section 3 of this order) highlighting national priorities for Executive Committee analyses, studies, research, and development regarding NS/EP communications;

(b) advise the President on the prioritization of radio spectrum and wired communications that support NS/EP functions; and

(c) have access to all appropriate information related to the test, exercise, evaluation, and readiness of the capabilities of all existing and planned NS/EP communications systems, networks, and facilities to meet all executive branch NS/EP requirements.

Using an EO meant for Hillary's use to take them both out.

d5ac41  No.3167097

Looking for drops with D5

1f282a  No.3167098


She really is. It is beyond shameful how many Democrats break their Constitutional oath each and every time the refuse to defend the Constitution and rule of law. I consider them enemies of our state.

0c8ddc  No.3167099



571aaf  No.3167100

Is it possible to run the graphic analysis on the letter that Blasey-Ford sent to Feinstein?

You know, the same thing that has been done to determine her sunglasses have been photoshopped on.

I think the letter has been shopped due to the misaligned letters and indentations, but scanners aren't always perfect, though they're never that bad either….

85f38b  No.3167101


She's a lying slut now. Check the PGA Tour.

9aa369  No.3167102


KEK that was me also Anon, I am trying to get other Anons attention on it, It got me hyped up!

Love /ourgirl/ Sara , Will the MSM freak out and write an article on that? I think it will be crickets!

6a5fb8  No.3167104

File: 993a88888db1774⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 800x800, 1:1, cartoon_30_1.jpg)

File: 74d3099d167735f⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 757x500, 757:500, DbpZhKNV0AA0MMX.jpg)

File: bb44cd817e60fd3⋯.jpg (129.09 KB, 789x1200, 263:400, DV4jOu5VAAEoytX.jpg)

File: 59199adcb8fd0e4⋯.png (230.15 KB, 500x911, 500:911, the-dirty-dossier-dozen-we….png)

4f5c3e  No.3167105


Scroll down to his speeches. Note Title change from 17th to 19th

1ba596  No.3167106

File: b0d78ede1b19a8d⋯.png (20.89 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


go to voat

and stay there

70b28c  No.3167107


Sept 17th

> activate ]Session[


]Sessions[ steps in

Succeeds [RR] when fired.

Fired due to IG recommendation

Speed up process

e30f1d  No.3167108

File: 0488d54b3702baf⋯.png (31.38 KB, 604x221, 604:221, ClipboardImage.png)



>pic related

c159b0  No.3167109

Kav just sent letter to Grassley…

He IS NOT withdrawing…

6a5fb8  No.3167110

File: 471c7dc5d95a9e6⋯.jpg (132.83 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, Dm0yOz1W4AAsXTo.jpg)

File: ee59c7dc1be0252⋯.jpg (127.47 KB, 1125x949, 1125:949, DbDbxyCV4AAluW2.jpg)

File: ff269dc87250c58⋯.png (123.86 KB, 500x532, 125:133, the-real-election-collusio….png)

File: 36cc7d2ae924a23⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, fbi-doj-fisa-investigation….jpg)

a984da  No.3167111


keep chanting that…

ce7404  No.3167112

File: 73e5625ef4597a1⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 73e5625ef4597a1a27cc383b87….jpg)

File: 9ee2250bdfd6565⋯.png (243.78 KB, 446x480, 223:240, 89234792lkadrhkjha.png)

File: 7103037feec4ba6⋯.jpg (56.88 KB, 469x469, 1:1, Muh-Dick.jpg)




Q said trust Grassley…

Chuck is a moron.

26cb10  No.3167113


Baker - Notable

Concerned anon has concerns. Totally new phenomenon.

1250a5  No.3167114


They are domestic terrorists, The Patriot Act could be used to charge them.

Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act "dangerous to human life" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) INFLUENCE the POLICY of a GOVERNMENT by INTIMIDATION or COERCION; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.

f55fe9  No.3167116

6a5fb8  No.3167117

File: 2dc918b9902aa95⋯.jpg (146.54 KB, 600x550, 12:11, DOJ_FBI_OfficialsInTheSpot….jpg)

File: 721291f4731497d⋯.jpg (124.84 KB, 494x615, 494:615, small-group-3.jpg)

File: c52943fc9bcc7d1⋯.png (767.58 KB, 666x612, 37:34, e7088751ec30d37fb73f5dfae5….png)

File: 6dfe59ca1a9aaa2⋯.jpg (46.61 KB, 600x433, 600:433, Deep-state-2-600x433.jpg)

ee1a7d  No.3167118




It will be so thoroughly vetted to be by the book, that it will be Indisputable, from a Constitutional Law standpoint

And it has to be this way for the country to even go forward in any meaningful way, now.

THIS is why the Military will be required to step in. There won't be other options, in order to preserve the fabric of the country itself.

Sounds very dystopian; But it is where we are, legally.

c858c0  No.3167120


SAUCE, dude

8e6989  No.3167121

File: a06bb31e67d71db⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 630x420, 3:2, IMG_3039.JPG)



63d9bd  No.3167122

File: 9d62f74ec6e7106⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1818x1306, 909:653, boom.png)


01dd56  No.3167123


I think Kelly,Mattis,and Dunford told him he is working for us now or some epic stuff was about to happen to his face.

8887b6  No.3167124

File: e4ec966354dc470⋯.png (293.82 KB, 1898x511, 26:7, xkcd_matrix.png)

File: d44622368e42649⋯.jpeg (19.43 KB, 600x434, 300:217, 1047E2B6-8E40-486D-AE1D-B….jpeg)

File: c72d5bd8cd0b12f⋯.png (445.11 KB, 401x396, 401:396, let me off.png)


"I choose both"

Anon you're in for one WILD ride.

Heads up - in the end, the red pill wins out and crushes the illusion that the blue pill has instilled within you.

0736e8  No.3167125


unfortunately I'm starting to agree, I think that they had something on Ford making her dead to rights but instead of just throwing it out there they tried to play cute like the Dems and make a show and the Dems countered to make it blow up in their face by levying more and more accusations. Endless delay and more accusations even with Ford's hearing on Thursday are just going to sink Kavanaugh at this point. And if he gets sunk because the weak spine of the Repubs, they can kiss november good bye as why even vote for them when they allow Dems to control congress no matter what? Also if there's so much dirt on these Dems why are they still being given free range to do and say whatever they want?

5ea67d  No.3167126


"I heard it from someone who was there."

"there" was a drunken/pot filled gathering of college kids 30 years ago ….

Try saying this on a witness stand and see what the judge does.

Grassley is useless.

6a5fb8  No.3167127

File: 62a3349409f4b12⋯.jpg (184.78 KB, 746x928, 373:464, 36077886661_74b8598162_b.jpg)

File: 0bbe78620603ac9⋯.png (15.62 KB, 255x218, 255:218, 4df13180d7ac5172f7287700dc….png)

File: 4aa5be1b95366e8⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 512x495, 512:495, dcwo0dcw4aawjbq.jpg)

File: ddfe6c5c8fab66c⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 800x597, 800:597, unite.jpg)

b46f72  No.3167128

File: 879887189fc8615⋯.png (111.72 KB, 931x523, 931:523, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

File: 75a08e6c7f42d93⋯.png (609.67 KB, 905x675, 181:135, Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at ….png)

Under no circumstances should Rod Rosenstein resign. This would place the Mueller investigation in even greater jeopardy. Rosenstein should continue to do his job, protect the independence of the DOJ, and if the President intends to obstruct justice, force Trump to fire him.


1f89e9  No.3167129

File: 2c15756cf81a24c⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 720x538, 360:269, 2c15756cf81a24c3dbd23c3a09….jpg)


Don't assume. Great things can come from any mind.

(image related)

0d56cb  No.3167130

What kind of name is Feinstein anyways?! German?

5bec4b  No.3167131

>400,000 commies ready to take to the streets in 900 cities!

Thats like 450 commies per city? Now granted that over 2 metric tons of soy, 1,000,000 apple products, 75,000 starbucks drinks with 0 straws and 0 testicles but still, for a "revolution"… pretty sad to claim this is a representation of how America feels.

d4c0d6  No.3167132


I didnt spread my legs to every swinging dick in the 80’s and then claim sweet innocence “because i was blacked out”

she’s a filthy slut.

f999b0  No.3167133


>“The use of gendered facilities, such as toilets, can cause anxiety.

Good God! How about the anxiety a girl would feel when a person with a penis undresses next to her and gets into the shower with a big stiffy? Or even without the stiffy, just a male XY-chromosome-borne body?

Muh anxiety!!!

80b46c  No.3167134


Yes, doesn't it?

3cf64c  No.3167135


did you really (in the 666th post) nominate that copypasta as a notable?

fd7a34  No.3167136

File: 5bbc0c716453925⋯.jpg (5.74 MB, 7721x4168, 7721:4168, PlanMap.jpg)

File: 2ce8d5f7c785204⋯.png (256.71 KB, 800x820, 40:41, trumpbackvoat.png)


reread crumbs newfaggot

f043ba  No.3167137


kek, noted.

6265b7  No.3167138


Sauce please anon.

6a5fb8  No.3167139

File: 61eac030c43e29f⋯.jpg (124.61 KB, 1200x782, 600:391, DUwSGx3V4AERZb0.jpg)

File: 7c960bea5ab8765⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 500x627, 500:627, download (7).jpg)

File: 4095bed86e4f298⋯.jpg (85.8 KB, 500x627, 500:627, download (6).jpg)

File: 3ad439ce44b6506⋯.jpg (96.81 KB, 500x627, 500:627, download (5).jpg)

284aac  No.3167140


Sure hope they're being more clever than it appears on its face. Bitch's lie was deliberately vague as to time, date and year so that K could not have an alibi. Giving the clowns all of his activities will merely open a weekend where nothing was written to be the sudden remembrance of that party by bitch face liar. Hopefully they're more clever than that.

d3505a  No.3167141

File: 227246cb3e110cf⋯.png (66.45 KB, 1698x252, 283:42, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

File: 597d1009d824f86⋯.png (170.39 KB, 1636x1018, 818:509, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

File: 23987169227fef1⋯.png (46.2 KB, 1206x598, 603:299, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

On my twatter feed

>>3166424 lb

>Live news now reporting that RR left the WH a few minutes ago. Saw him shaking Kelly's hand and smiling and getting into black SUV.

>Live news also reporting that RR will meet with POTUS on THURSDAY. Big day Thursday.


RR thinks he's getting to keep his job/bait POTUS into firing him.

bbabb9  No.3167142

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Hey Joe

- Jimi Hendrix

Where you going with that gun in your hand? I've been caught messing 'round with another kid..


a984da  No.3167143

File: e679caf61d756bd⋯.jpg (94.57 KB, 566x576, 283:288, thaytthauce.jpg)

0736e8  No.3167144


>They say he also performed oral sex on them and anally probed them

WTF and 100 boys

6a5fb8  No.3167145

File: 47a80b1d8440c74⋯.jpg (141.66 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DUuzHp_V4AAiOiG.jpg)

File: 7cc0b451ef6b34c⋯.jpg (104.21 KB, 1080x1211, 1080:1211, 844ef353c16628d6d0eec8e670….jpg)

File: 304c3bdb1b0ab9d⋯.jpg (177.14 KB, 1200x1147, 1200:1147, DT4Q0IPVAAA1TIY.jpg)

File: ee18ba5813c5922⋯.jpg (46.85 KB, 590x435, 118:87, DVHOT97V4AAAu4v.jpg)

571aaf  No.3167146






2b4231  No.3167147

File: e674bf434f18650⋯.jpeg (110.22 KB, 1484x985, 1484:985, BD5A58A5-B678-4CFF-9DF9-2….jpeg)

0c8ddc  No.3167148


up vote

fuk see see pee ass well

d3505a  No.3167149


Sorry about the bottom quotes. Mistake.

4d3cbf  No.3167150


Memes must be released into the wild, where normies will see them to do any good !

6265b7  No.3167151



Kav not withdrawing letter


c81976  No.3167152



I am NOT talking about dr, ford people! read the related post I was responding to.

b46f72  No.3167153

File: 6789ae526727436⋯.png (104.3 KB, 940x582, 470:291, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

File: 9aeb416372287ca⋯.png (185.42 KB, 923x874, 923:874, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)


I agree 100 percent. I am still awaiting a response from the Committee to my email that was retweeted.

responding to :

We now have multiple victims coming forward to share their stories about #Kavanaugh

A culture of assault and predatory behavior appears to be taking shape.

Judge Kavanaugh should be removed from consideration.

f8f201  No.3167154

Chi-Fi deserves censure if not removal from the US Senate. Second incident of corrupt behavior.

a984da  No.3167155


MAGA: By The Book.

e5109b  No.3167156


This post: >>3167010 contains a kind "thank you" to Q for belong tell the second greatest story ever told. It also has my favorite picture of Jesus Christ, my Lord and savior. I love this picture because it hing in my grandmother's home. I have 3 copies of it hanging in 3 rooms of my own home.

I goofed in this post: >>3165477 by incorrectly referring to the above post and saying "wrong" with a meme.

I accidentally referred to the incorrect post. Huge apologies. I never meant to say Jesus or the Anon' s post was wrong. I just referenced the wrong post cuz I am not perfect.


945c83  No.3167157


>Where you going with that gun in your hand? I've been caught messing 'round with another kid..

dude wtf


ummmmm not so sure

8e6989  No.3167158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No fame forvebot please

1ba596  No.3167159

File: 92522630f55136f⋯.png (348.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, sesamestreet.png)

File: 4343d083c988666⋯.jpg (6.77 KB, 206x245, 206:245, download.jpg)


don't rape the goat while you are there

6a5fb8  No.3167160

File: d8fa9ffb1fb140d⋯.png (516.06 KB, 800x500, 8:5, d8fa9ffb1fb140d4105792e9ba….png)

File: 30454eee07bcb69⋯.jpg (101.84 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2il9yn.jpg)

File: 33e9bb9fcf921bb⋯.png (610.33 KB, 857x500, 857:500, 33e9bb9fcf921bb5463c1ef363….png)

File: 63a57901ade001d⋯.jpeg (237.25 KB, 1473x1072, 1473:1072, 63a57901ade001df1b00ebbc8….jpeg)

039fb0  No.3167161


>]Sessions[ steps in

>Succeeds [RR] when fired.

RR recuses only from RM case. JS unrecuses to oversee in place of RR. RR does not resign or get fired.

fd7a34  No.3167162



there are some analyses in notables from last night, not like that though

d5406c  No.3167163

File: bba0fde14fa3f52⋯.png (609.97 KB, 647x639, 647:639, D5-klingon-spaceship.png)

Hey Anons,

Has Q ever confirmed that D5 is "avalanche" (ie: avalanche of information/events)

or could it be related to the "Sky Event" and possibly a [Space Craft] reference (ie: D5 Klingon Battle Cruiser?

And could the SKY EVENT be related to the Solar Observatory being closed by the Feds last week?

f999b0  No.3167164

File: b52524db7343b8d⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1750x1056, 875:528, LoudestGuilty.jpg)

File: 37d83d5a30103cb⋯.jpg (113.32 KB, 800x707, 800:707, LoudestHide3.jpg)

File: 7ee5827dcafc25a⋯.jpg (120.37 KB, 800x707, 800:707, LoudestHide5.jpg)

File: cc53a017ae83c86⋯.jpg (118.66 KB, 800x799, 800:799, LoudestHide7.jpg)

File: abd11f9291ed9eb⋯.jpg (134.72 KB, 800x707, 800:707, LoudestHide9.jpg)

66f589  No.3167166

File: 2300973d361aabc⋯.jpeg (523.61 KB, 1242x1768, 621:884, 8DFE07BD-D9E4-45F4-A634-F….jpeg)

File: 8b6f41400352fdb⋯.jpeg (670.05 KB, 1242x1475, 1242:1475, BAF64093-7F55-44B8-9805-2….jpeg)



651251  No.3167167


Who is paying all these people?

f87c9d  No.3167168




Kavanaugh: I will not be intimidated into withdrawing


347a1d  No.3167169

File: 7c8d3282255c241⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 400x411, 400:411, death-bomb-lighter-smoker-….jpg)


I saw that video on YT too… unlike you, I wasnt brainwashed into thinking he was a humanitarian.

7f2840  No.3167170


Sooo….They loaded up the truck and moved to… The People's Republic of California !!! Where cognitive dissonance, lack of reason and lack of tolerance Rule!! Despite the intolerance bit (for conservatives only) you will be guaranteed a safe place where you can hold two completely opposing points of view (or genders) at the same time!

b46f72  No.3167171

File: 54805d61f0b6ab0⋯.png (155.92 KB, 926x600, 463:300, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

File: 5097d58788800ee⋯.png (370.11 KB, 1292x1111, 1292:1111, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

Kavanaugh calls sex claims 'smears, pure and simple' in new letter to Grassley and Feinstein, vows to defend character




9f1d98  No.3167172

Oh bloody hell. What if they do DECLAS on Thursday (RR has appt to see POTUS Thurs) during the Kavanaugh hearing, and all that nasty dirt on all those shouting at him SO LOUDLY comes out — while they are screaming? That would be the best. Show. EVER.

e4bea0  No.3167173


…and STILL making bad choices. js

bbabb9  No.3167174

File: b79ff14defcee9e⋯.jpg (88.05 KB, 500x333, 500:333, angel_in_angel_by_darksat.jpg)


Satire…parody…review my work here.

74177b  No.3167175

c93ab6  No.3167176



Pseudo anon here. Been here since the beginning. EMP is my… almost largest fear.

My daughter wears a Cochlear implant I can’t keep in a box, since she wears it and will be toasted.

Am I the only anon that took some peace that the satellites went off line? Maybe EMP is no longer a huge threat? Any smarter than me anons have advice for a precious girl who will be devastated to not hear…

86c62f  No.3167177


It’s Chinese

fd7a34  No.3167178


what a dumbass dayshift newfaggot you are

go back to reddit

236092  No.3167179

File: 8ce7d14473795e2⋯.jpg (7.34 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a044054a43c245ce3917353822….jpg)

85f38b  No.3167180


Agree. It's criminal neglect by the DOJ actually.

6a5fb8  No.3167181

File: a5c0ff575593c7f⋯.png (408.69 KB, 672x499, 672:499, a5c0ff575593c7facdd7891937….png)

File: 5b19e5417c119c5⋯.png (680.47 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 5b19e5417c119c5437448343c4….png)

File: 13e1ea2523629d3⋯.png (428.46 KB, 672x499, 672:499, 13e1ea2523629d376e193d1afb….png)

File: 3324def61b6cc0c⋯.png (571.65 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 3324def61b6cc0c2added28b51….png)

55f311  No.3167182


There's literally nothing there.

4d3cbf  No.3167183


Interdasting work-around.

0e21bf  No.3167184


You ever bake bread?

What do you do while waiting for the right time?

I like to watch a show.

92114c  No.3167185


Hang in there bro.

039fb0  No.3167186

File: 79c71e5240c2099⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 500x408, 125:102, GodzillaBigClap.gif)

c159b0  No.3167188

File: 847db6d91923834⋯.png (74.29 KB, 655x444, 655:444, Screenshot 2018-09-24 at 1….png)

c3f990  No.3167189


who suppling them? russia, us?

236092  No.3167190

0b1c69  No.3167191


Very interesting. So all the US fleet is close to port or out of danger.

a98a3a  No.3167192


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/17/18 (Mon) 17:54:01 No.258





b46f72  No.3167193

File: e49c1aa9900888d⋯.png (526.55 KB, 806x1094, 403:547, Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at ….png)

Kavanaugh: 'I will not be intimidated into withdrawing'

Kavanaugh and Ford are both scheduled to testify before the Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Kavanaugh has denied wrongdoing.

Republicans and the White House are lining up behind Kavanaugh, signaling that they are publicly preparing for a fight over his nomination.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said the New Yorker piece was a "smear campaign." Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) meanwhile said Democrats are engaged in "wholesale character assassination."



d50723  No.3167195

File: 5c096c2c8836590⋯.jpg (38.38 KB, 922x1182, 461:591, Dn4KWURWsAAjqKX.jpg)

File: ec5ce4c73f20a51⋯.jpg (146.97 KB, 902x1194, 451:597, Dn4KWWGWsAEQ1Hh.jpg)

c87363  No.3167196

File: 01ef783a7685b0f⋯.png (131.8 KB, 1242x692, 621:346, IMG_6502.PNG)

File: 9a14c0f1d9f4cc0⋯.png (111.23 KB, 1147x665, 1147:665, IMG_6504.PNG)

File: 705d5afea3a8381⋯.png (62.33 KB, 1242x630, 69:35, IMG_6508.PNG)

File: 943977d657899cc⋯.png (160.4 KB, 1242x693, 138:77, IMG_6524.PNG)

9f888e  No.3167197


Please assure us that these dangerous douchebags (DF, CS, CB, etc., etc., etc.) will be silenced soon. It's getting frustrating watching their tantrums.

89fea6  No.3167199

File: 1430a94729d8fb4⋯.jpg (34.13 KB, 339x395, 339:395, jew woman.jpg)

f915d9  No.3167200


ah, huh?

1e4a68  No.3167201

File: 09da8ab670d03e0⋯.jpg (59.05 KB, 400x520, 10:13, SkyEventIsHappening.jpg)

a984da  No.3167202


That would be a nice plot twist!

8e6989  No.3167203

"Cabbage and carp means you are in hell"

f043ba  No.3167204

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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