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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, 6268f09e92334537980b97daba….jpg)

1bf7f8  No.3082036

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 09.18.18

>>>/patriotsfight/262 —————–—————- Truth to Power. Listen carefully. ( Cap: >>3079711, >>3079717 )

>>>/patriotsfight/261 —————–—————- WE SEE YOU. ( Cap: >>3078445 )

>>>/patriotsfight/260 —————–—————- GAME OVER. ( Cap: >>3078334 )

>>>/patriotsfight/259 —————–—————- DS PANIC IS REAL. ( Cap: >>3076552 )

Monday 09.17.18

>>>/patriotsfight/258 —————–—————- HIGHEST COURT AUTHORITY APPROVAL (Cap: >>3065418 )

>>>/patriotsfight/257 —————–—————- SESSION & HUBER WEEKEND MEETING(S). (Cap: >>3065270 )

>>>/patriotsfight/256 —————–—————- LYNCH talking. (Cap: >>3065171 )

>>>/patriotsfight/255 —————–—————- BLACKMAIL v Senate & House (Cap: >>3065032 )

>>>/patriotsfight/254 —————–—————- [RR] req meeting #2 w/ POTUS DECLINED. (Cap: >>3064922 )

>>>/patriotsfight/253 —————–—————- Judge K will be confirmed regardless. (Cap: >>3064922 )

>>>/patriotsfight/252 —————–—————- The World is Watching. (Cap: >>3064198 )

>>>/patriotsfight/251 rt /pf/235 ———–——— Anons knew. (Cap: >>3064057 )

>>>/patriotsfight/250 —————–—————- Activate ]SESSIONS[ (Cap: >>3064004 )

>>>/patriotsfight/249 —————–—————- PATRIOTS IN CONTROL ( Cap: >>3063213 )

>>3062616 rt >>3062563 ———----------——– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/248 —————–—————- Pain.png ( Cap: >>3062499 )

>>>/patriotsfight/247 —————–—————- WWG1WGA! ( Cap: >>3062473, >>3062500 )

>>3061924 rt >>3061810 ———----------——– We will not fail you.

>>>/patriotsfight/246 —————–—————- At what point does it become mathematically impossible? ( Cap: >>3061839 )

>>3061704 rt >>3061664 ———----------——– For you and you alone.

>>3061670 ———-----------------------------——– Fire at will.

>>>/patriotsfight/245 —————–—————- SEPT —–17—– ( Cap: >>3061574, >>3061586 )

Sunday 09.16.18

Compiled here: >>3065797

Saturday 09.15.18

Compiled here: >>3065785

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

1bf7f8  No.3082050


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes

>>3054499 TMZ article/FEMA director backs POTUS statement that fewer died in PR than reports


>>3023169, >>3001747 BO/BV announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403, >>3079699 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag.


>>3081382 No longer theory and we faggots helped

>>3081356, >>3081649 HRC projecting hard with Maddow tonight. Painful to watch.

>>3081339 Russia - Pussy Riot Member Expecting a Report on Journalists’ Murders On The Day He Was Poisoned

>>3081486 Kavanaugh vote scheduled for Wednesday September 26

>>3081539 Spreadsheet Updated

>>3081540 CNN’s Jake Tapper Dedicates Segment to Trump’s Penis

>>3081665 Freedom Watch Releases Internal Emails, Texts from Special Counsel Mueller’s Office; We Have Them Here for Download

>>3081775 Recusal Of Mystery Judge Stalls DNC Fraud Lawsuit Appeal

>>3081837 Sen. Charles Grassley Speaks at National Whistleblower Day 2018: Who knows where the bodies are buried?

>>3081916 South Carolina prosecutor facing federal charges over misspent funds

>>3082021 Grassley statement on tonight's letter from Dr. Blasey Ford's attorney to the committee.

>>3082043 #3899


>>3080598 Showdown? Pelosi/Schumer/Schiff/Warner letter orders intel agencies to ignore POTUS declas order until consulting with Congress

>>3080678 Qlockfag Update - Re-read Crumbs

>>3080728, >>3080931, >>3080995 Horowitz speech, National Whistleblower Day was July 30, 2018

>>3080745, >>3081063 CoVFeFe - Iron Cobalt Vanadium Alloy

>>3080755 The FBI does not do investigations like this

>>3080790, >>3080834, >>3081001 Truck storing more than 100 unclaimed corpses discovered in Mexican state of Jalisco

>>3081000 Brooklyn Diocese to pay $27.5M to settle 4 sex abuse claims

>>3081228 Google plans to update its U.S. and Europe-based street view cars with pollution recording devices

>>3081251 #3898


>>3079768 Breaking on Kavanaugh: Christine Ford will not testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Monday per her lawyer on CNN.

>>3079832, >>3080029 Horowitz "truth to power" @ 5.39 // Transcript of speech.

>>3079906 Schumer’s FBI Ploy: The Democratic demand for a bureau probe is one more delaying tactic.

>>3080046 DownUnderAnon: Blackhats hired 5 eyes foreign agents to bypass Maerican law..

>>3080113, >>3080131, >>3080155 Soros-Linked Group Will Spend Millions To Stop Kavanaugh

>>3080168 Trump says exposing ‘corrupt’ FBI probe could be ‘crowning achievement’ of presidency

>>3080205, >>3080217 New Mexico Sues Google & Twitter For Illegally Exploiting Children

>>3080247 Previous "Truth to power" drops

>>3080334 Las Vegas Witness Who Identified Multiple Shooters, Found Dead

>>3080479 #3897

#3896 Baker Change

>>3079001 Daycare owner, 60, is arrested for strapping children in carseats..

>>3079004 Congressional Sources Fear Intel Agencies Will Slow-Roll Release of Carter Page FISA Docs to Frustrate Trump

>>3079032, >>3079101 Feinstein blames GOP for not being able to contact accuser.

>>3079034 Saudi Arabia bankrolled Iran’s MEK with tons of gold.

>>3079058 Largest explosives seizure in Florida history.

>>3079088, >>3079269, >>3079510 How to blind image recognition systems.

>>3079092 Trying to ‘Kill Critical Media’: DOJ Using FISA Courts to Spy on Journalists

>>3079139 New DJT

>>3079201 James Woods tweets example of Twitter bias against conservative thought.

>>3079402 POTUS Schedule Update

>>3079440 Here is the DOJ Policy re: Conflicts of interests

>>3079697 #3896

Previously Collected Notables

>>3078910 #3895

>>3076555 #3892, >>3077354 #3893, >>3078160 #3894

>>3074158 #3889, >>3074959 #3890, >>3075774 #3891

>>3071776 #3886, >>3072515 #3887, >>3073319 #3888

>>3069438 #3883, >>3070238 #3884, >>3071025 #3885

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

1bf7f8  No.3082053

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread —————- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 – META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 – New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 – Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>2969698 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #3 Thread #2 >>1420554

>>32223 –— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –– Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 – Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 – PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46-#47 >>>/comms/2450, >>3079309

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

1bf7f8  No.3082054

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


27,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

30 >>3038264 ; 29 >>2946736 ; 28 >>2732413 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Watch a screencast of a baker baking >>3018667


1bf7f8  No.3082063

File: 19608e7766a651d⋯.jpg (126.22 KB, 831x434, 831:434, f912be460d2567b960194f93c6….jpg)

==Dough #3900=



b20546  No.3082098

File: 19ca7b5e2950bf5⋯.jpg (72.63 KB, 550x563, 550:563, de6d7bae89f2dc2fc7bafa1b41….jpg)

File: 3342936e60bb87f⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 660x528, 5:4, 3342936e60bb87f448103c419d….jpg)

Thanks for the bread, Baker.

f467bd  No.3082099

File: 12840829953b475⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ghoulzofpower.png)

File: ddb44fb0c1afe6a⋯.jpg (615.87 KB, 775x999, 775:999, MAGALuther.jpg)

File: 70e51acc7a81878⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, sooon.jpg)

File: 9b13656e0fa9208⋯.png (331.67 KB, 1852x851, 1852:851, furckbt.png)

File: 2f377e452391472⋯.png (618.33 KB, 518x735, 74:105, Thread.Jesus.png)

Jesus Christ, please watch over us.

Deliver us from deception

And guide us to truth and peace.


03aeb4  No.3082100



5d7ce1  No.3082101

File: 895424006f443e1⋯.png (756.48 KB, 812x1125, 812:1125, baker2.png)



afe726  No.3082102

File: 2c82f242f6a0c60⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2224x1455, 2224:1455, 07E784E1-8775-45D8-82D8-7….jpeg)

Is it time?

7197e3  No.3082103

Funny how Hussein does it and it’s “funny”. Video of Hussein showing off his BONER to reporters on plane. Yes. Fact checked.


7a8cf8  No.3082104

File: 8e566c7e0b06d99⋯.jpg (216.37 KB, 799x611, 17:13, pepe_comfy.jpg)

TYB, I love this place.

03aeb4  No.3082105

040873  No.3082106





Anonymous - What You're About to See Should Scare You! (2018-2019) by Anonymous Official


At 2:56

An AI woman: "You want to know about the future. I'll tell you what I see. The other day I had a vision of the future [inaudible] in a dream. People don't work; robots work. People sell, distribute, wheel and deel. Free agents perform. Entertainment companies keep everybody busy either producing or watching exciting simulated realities. Scientists and engineers, since they are free agents, they sign up with commercial teams or in some cases are enslaved via neurological implants.



Anonymous: Watch This and Know Something is Wrong!

by: Anonymous Global

Anonymous - Everyone Must Know This Before it is Deleted! (2018-2019)

by: Anonymous Official Published on Jun 23, 2018


d946dc  No.3082107

Baker's bread brings all the boys to the yard.

c90a95  No.3082108

File: a6f4c3129e66053⋯.png (24.34 KB, 673x173, 673:173, 2.png)

File: 4d49b5241849bf9⋯.png (59.49 KB, 705x374, 705:374, 1.png)

>>3081982 (lb)

>>3082000 (lb)

>>3082077 (lb)

partial repost

8b0e76  No.3082109

File: 17a23309d2102bb⋯.png (551.69 KB, 659x1063, 659:1063, fisagate bomb.png)

File: b769c3973410bf3⋯.png (739.19 KB, 646x1043, 646:1043, fisa bombs drop.png)

File: 664ada7f91ab6e3⋯.png (208.57 KB, 656x1019, 656:1019, fisa andy.png)

File: e3a69281a713b79⋯.png (556.26 KB, 647x1079, 647:1079, fisagate post erotica.png)

File: 11f813e850c182f⋯.png (403.01 KB, 654x1079, 654:1079, fisagate movie post.png)



Well, lets keep on dropping them!


Requesting repeaters to re-tweet for full exposure:











We can all do something, even a retweet will help the movement!


No Homo



enormous unaccountable powers

assault on the constitutional rights of the american people and the sovereignty of the united states


gross human rights violations

Pointers I need to copy into 140 characters:

Illegal Tools "For Security" In Hands Of Silo Political Groups With Enormous Unaccountable Power And Weaponized To Further Particular Ambitions With Complete Disregard For The Constitution And Governing With Totalitarian Zeal With Powers The KGB Could Only Dream Of

Human Rights, Constitution Guarantees, And Civil Liberties A Bounty For Racketeering Political Silos

The Key Of The Kingdom At The Reach Of Sedition Conspirators

The Punchline is "Make The Constitution Great Again" or "Make Liberty Great Again"

Lots to digest and synthesize, of course I gotta choose an approach focus, and save the rest for the next meme

I am still unsure of this image, it lacks visual contrast and composition, but it shows a major conspirator and has a deep witty play of words on the infamous weapon.

KGB era attack on civil liberties

Make Constitutionality Great Again

Make Democracy Great Again

Make Liberty Great Again


3e0d92  No.3082110

File: 3e1ded944c5c02e⋯.jpeg (215.84 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, FLOTUS.jpeg)


God Bless You All.


b1f4cd  No.3082111

File: 5777646ec494213⋯.png (223.53 KB, 657x629, 657:629, Capture.PNG)

File: 9d98dcd1e6dba06⋯.jpg (89.97 KB, 650x551, 650:551, Dnasv31U8AA9uzU.jpg)

File: 46547adb195a74e⋯.jpg (246.61 KB, 1242x934, 621:467, 1776.jpg)

4cf402  No.3082112

File: 4cc0a7164b2c755⋯.jpg (271.36 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Important Stuff First.jpg)

Mr. President,

If you come to our town when you visit the disaster areas I would love to see you in person so that I

could shake your hand and thank you for what you're doing as our National leader.

God bless.

b2b5f4  No.3082113

File: 797e5434026b4a7⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1272x958, 636:479, point.png)

Nice bread posts Baker.


c59d35  No.3082114






f467bd  No.3082115

File: 023b653f2b1d73c⋯.gif (7.45 MB, 354x370, 177:185, kisspleasebiden.gif)

File: ca53bade3adef7f⋯.png (757.74 KB, 1111x695, 1111:695, letmego3.png)

File: 5934c94362d1f9b⋯.jpg (443.54 KB, 1111x682, 101:62, biden1.jpg)

File: d2509561dccd03e⋯.png (241.91 KB, 409x465, 409:465, BIDEN.png)

File: 479e51ac479f14d⋯.png (171.45 KB, 480x272, 30:17, bidenintouch.png)

63311f  No.3082116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck California.

ade174  No.3082117

File: ad1550a1b2b4352⋯.jpg (192.31 KB, 570x1166, 285:583, 1490677161571.jpg)

File: cd72e409d2ccad3⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1509790835545.jpg)


thank you BAKER

i like how there is ZERO ANONS in the DOUGH


03aeb4  No.3082118



83007b  No.3082119

I'm about to solve this flappy/flaggy labia evolutionary thing.

93de38  No.3082120

seriously ?

anons are posting their own tits ?

wtf is wrong with you imbeciles?

get a fucking clue lolol

3e0d92  No.3082121

File: 6b6614a00573a50⋯.jpg (128.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, earth.jpg)

666a83  No.3082122

Sara Carter is posting a lot of tweets tonight. She does not usually post many a day.

Just a guess, but something is going down. She is clued in.

c59d35  No.3082123

Who is Edward Snowden: Hero Whistleblower or Traitorous Spy??

Wise up : Edward Snowden is one of America’s greatest ever traitors. Don’t fall for his BS story about being an innocent whistleblower. He was a Russian spy.

… Really? Soros supports Snowden being pardoned? Wasn’t expecting to see his name. Others on here include Mark Ruffalo, Michael Moore, Rosie O’Donnell, Linda Sarsour, Valerie Plame, Patricia Arquette, John Cusack, Alex Soros and John Perry Barlow. https://standwithsnowden.com/supporters

@jack called for Snowden to be Pardoned

Snowden’s theft of US secrets went well beyond the actions of a ‘whistleblower’. Most don’t realize just how much classified intelligence he handed to Putin & the Chinese. How many NSA top secret documents do you think he stole, over many months?

Try 1.7 MILLION. At least. No one really knows the whole number. ALL in the hands of Vladimir Putin. The single greatest intelligence disaster in US history. Of course, it all happened under the Obama administration, the worst in US history.

Seth Rich, Bernie Bro, was a patriot who leaked DNC data to Wikileaks because he was disgusted about what was going on at Hillary Clinton’s DNC. He was inspired by Snowden, but the two men couldn’t be more different. Moscow & Beijing organized for Snowden to get out of the USA via Hong Kong, en route to Russia.

There’s no way Snowden did that himself. If he was a genuine whistleblower, he would NOT be running away to China & then Russia. Where he now resides. The cover story was perfect : ‘I’m an innocent guy who just wanted to expose NSA surveillance abuses.’ BS – he gave Putin the entire NSA playbook. Deliberately. Don’t be fooled.

Snowden gave Russia (and I suspect China) unredacted secrets that exposed US military and intel assets – human beings. Many would now be DEAD.

The fact the NSA were abusing their power IS damning. I guess we should be grateful for Snowden for exposing that. But Snowden’s intention was to cause division by exposing that information, in the service of Moscow (and Beijing). Be in NO doubt at all. No doubt some of you are saying ‘he did the right thing’. Think about the dead and tortured men and women exposed by Snowden. Not to mention everything else. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

Putin played Obama BRILLIANTLY. He saw an opportunity to wreak havoc and boy, did he take it. Snowden was a great hit on the United States. Yet another HUGE Putin win. One of many during the Obama years. As we learn, 24/7.

It would be great to hear Edward Snowden’s real story, but of course that’s not possible. The scumbag is living in Russia. Where he always knew he’d end up. And he continues to cause trouble, as Vladimir has ordered.


OnWithLogic‏ @OnWithLogic @_VachelLindsay_

Snowden is CIA. Plain and simple. Anyone that believes the CIA is an American agency is a fool. It’s the enforcement arm of the Cabal – globalists that want the NWO. Exposing NSA capabilities was part of the plan to destroy America. Obama is CIA. Wake up people. QAnon

MAGA808‏ @Northwest808 4 @_VachelLindsay_

I agree with you. Snowden could not have landed in Russia without cooperating 100% with Putin. Wish the NSA was exposed in a different way. Not at the benefit of Russia and China and more importantly exposing our assets which likely resulted in their death.


64c74a  No.3082124

File: 5baccb6a85b0046⋯.jpg (85.68 KB, 754x512, 377:256, pepe_newfag_tadpol_anon.jpg)

>>3081413 (lb)

Yes…annnnddd? I take it you just woke up?

Well good for you. If that is the case I sure there are members of your family you may need to apologize to…who have been right all along.

Welcome t the Family Newfag.

b1f4cd  No.3082125

File: aa05c7b3384e6cf⋯.png (385.06 KB, 619x473, 619:473, Capture.PNG)

NK, SK signing to end the Korean War now live on SK television.

7c4a28  No.3082126

File: 0f636cc03a83801⋯.png (525.57 KB, 1297x1091, 1297:1091, q.png)


TY Baker. Also, do you happen to know what filter is used on that on Morpheus pic' ?

8b0e76  No.3082127

File: 9284bd586cd348e⋯.png (219.64 KB, 654x963, 218:321, fisagate leaks bomb.png)

File: 38ffb8a242ba9a3⋯.png (309.29 KB, 649x799, 649:799, fisagate sign it.png)

File: d2a7cd76bacbab7⋯.png (431.94 KB, 642x1078, 321:539, fisagate doj post.png)

File: 1e3bf7f1ff618fc⋯.png (476.39 KB, 651x1075, 651:1075, FISAGATE DISTRICT REVISION.png)

File: ea660e2433c5406⋯.png (430.15 KB, 654x1058, 327:529, spygate democracy post.png)



Well, lets keep on dropping them!

FRESH DROPS @ TWATTER (pic related)

Requesting all available Anons to help me retweet this one for maximum penetration:













no homo

1ec561  No.3082128


doesnt matter as long as their face isnt in the pic

5ea971  No.3082129


Hey Bro! do you want to keep talking w me? :-)

63311f  No.3082130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What the fuck? That wasnt the vid.

dedc49  No.3082131

#3 in the DOJ time is up….Who is replacement?

03aeb4  No.3082132



32042d  No.3082133

File: 7e535be06f4bff4⋯.jpeg (86.82 KB, 976x921, 976:921, 4D03CE6B-C5DB-40A8-AC52-8….jpeg)

581230  No.3082134

File: 2d6f152c57471ef⋯.jpg (283.2 KB, 1240x950, 124:95, ComfyFrensDogCookie.jpg)

File: 19f77d19d983b65⋯.jpg (391.61 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, NightHappyDanceSplash.jpg)

File: 6e46035ac5ae564⋯.jpg (131.01 KB, 750x512, 375:256, skinnydippingmoonlight.jpg)

File: a8ece28229169e7⋯.jpg (201.42 KB, 1280x938, 640:469, ComfyShades.jpg)

b32e3a  No.3082135

File: a0a6dbba950b239⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2560x1487, 2560:1487, redwave.jpg)


Voters elected political newcomer Pete Flores to the Texas Senate on Tuesday, "flipping a Democratic district red for the first time in 139 years and further bolstering Republicans’ supermajority in the chamber ahead of the November elections."

A supermajority allows Senate Republicans to bring bills to the floor without any Democratic support.

https:// www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Polls-close-at-7-p-m-in-Senate-District-19-13239398.php

8708cf  No.3082136

File: 140075da76c0e3c⋯.jpg (567.63 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_2018-09-18_22-33-23.JPG)


NBC is fake news. Pic related.

f309c1  No.3082137

File: 757ff84952858e6⋯.jpg (24.89 KB, 496x372, 4:3, IMG_20180919_080525.jpg)

An FBI investigation into a 35 year old allegation from high school?

How about an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, voter fraud, Democrats pay to play schemes, Obama’s ring of corruption, Loretta Lynch’s tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton, or Lois Lerner?

- Charlie Kirk.

3cb350  No.3082138

File: c5b285417cf387e⋯.jpg (159.97 KB, 480x731, 480:731, 7026d7de4d3d8b9d29f6199c9c….jpg)

File: 5f0f5097ec6ed09⋯.jpg (14.63 KB, 720x424, 90:53, Z6a104m.jpg)

5d7ce1  No.3082139


first week here anon?





6d5dff  No.3082140



93de38  No.3082141


ur the caps guy from 4chan with the sister lolol

a423da  No.3082142

File: b4f3a36f751359f⋯.png (565.82 KB, 637x653, 637:653, 417f4675ff6c5cbac4ab9b2b61….png)

File: 609a9a9f3cbe17a⋯.png (369.55 KB, 598x580, 299:290, Special Request.png)

It's hard to believe how picky some anons are…

LB one made a special request for panties, then had the audacity to complain that the subject wasn't centered properly.

7a8cf8  No.3082143

File: 6d700e36ac0a27a⋯.jpg (185.29 KB, 650x870, 65:87, pepe_trump_matrix.jpg)



1ae30d  No.3082144

File: 69ae7fd42a94efc⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 720x486, 40:27, south-park-s02e01c03-sadda….jpg)


Don't look over there, look over here!

03aeb4  No.3082145

369383  No.3082146

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)

Frens I need to tell you something…

93de38  No.3082147


no actually its not i was here the first time that retard posted her tits

4ad9a9  No.3082148

File: 90dfc35f933fc9a⋯.jpg (95.73 KB, 1024x692, 256:173, Session boot.jpg)

b04199  No.3082149

>>3082108 HRC Projection Twats

not a bull

b1f4cd  No.3082150

File: 5d4baf0bae9dd11⋯.png (40.38 KB, 652x346, 326:173, Capture.PNG)

File: d0951c0d8b3d069⋯.jpg (87.35 KB, 1240x358, 620:179, NK SK.jpg)

d946dc  No.3082151


That's an easy one. They use them to fly. Flight is an evolutionary advantage.

3e0d92  No.3082152

File: 920e3ad26bd9162⋯.jpg (307.83 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ThankQ4.jpg)

File: f71512ddf638980⋯.jpg (213.68 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, ThankQ5.jpg)

File: 1f404b615d40f53⋯.jpg (130.17 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ThankQ6.jpg)

5d7ce1  No.3082153

File: 4541cc695711d72⋯.png (513.92 KB, 564x761, 564:761, ClipboardImage.png)

fucking hate this faggot

8e86b6  No.3082154

File: 8ec6e90f2cd8f1f⋯.jpg (55.85 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez-1….jpg)


Fucking whoa!! Is that second pic biden with the commie ortiz from NY

13cde1  No.3082155

File: ca6f92934469c9e⋯.png (346.31 KB, 636x509, 636:509, BYork re Grassley re Ford ….PNG)

Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Grassley responds to letter from Christine Ford's lawyer:


93de38  No.3082156


its cringe af

cringe to the max

uber cringe

56e244  No.3082157

File: e79e9130177bf1c⋯.png (472.39 KB, 492x712, 123:178, ClipboardImage.png)

5ea971  No.3082158


i actually think you are a good dude. But Jesus is the King. And I'm hear to beat that into you. LOL

3d27e5  No.3082159

File: 93e35d0a4317c9f⋯.jpg (110.26 KB, 638x564, 319:282, 93e35d0a4317c9f0fb30e88595….jpg)


nice theft last bread <3

re-stolen :D

775cd8  No.3082160

File: fa96d7ad1604917⋯.jpg (322.46 KB, 2048x1449, 2048:1449, no3.jpg)

32042d  No.3082161

File: 0c8ecf4aae70f33⋯.jpeg (110.7 KB, 559x660, 559:660, D592660B-F69E-482D-A955-7….jpeg)

03aeb4  No.3082162



2237ff  No.3082163

File: 1e5a7bb47e411c0⋯.png (45.95 KB, 533x797, 533:797, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66b55270512670a⋯.png (518.89 KB, 876x877, 876:877, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49a3cda4a02cfb9⋯.png (235.6 KB, 871x901, 871:901, ClipboardImage.png)


"A March 19, 2015 memo by then-Attorney General Eric Holder specifies that the FBI needs to refer surveillance applications against “known media entities” and “known members of the media” to the AG himself, his deputy or, in certain cases, the assistant attorney general of the National Security Division of the DOJ, for review.

This means that Holder and his successor Loretta Lynch, former DAG Sally Yates, and former AAG John P. Carlin all had knowledge of any FISA warrants taken out against members of the media under the Obama administration. The individuals with that authority in the current administration are AG Jeff Sessions, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, and AAG John C. Demers."

f00e5e  No.3082164

>>3081493 (lb)

I've had the patience of a saint for months.. Just when things look like its gonna start happening were now talking for days about some BS from 35yrs ago.. JUST DO IT Q!! Arghhhhhh!!

b55d27  No.3082165

i could pull a district court transcript from eight years ago

that would make all this stfu too btw

13cde1  No.3082166

File: 0aefcdeb1683779⋯.png (427.09 KB, 647x568, 647:568, BYork re Judiciary Committ….PNG)


In addition to Grassley statement, Judiciary Committee clarifies some issues raised in Ford lawyer's letter:


daf22b  No.3082167

>>3081700 <-baked bread, for the bots

>You know what to do Anons


>And don’t let up

Do I have to be a Twat to answer them. I don do twatter

b3ad8f  No.3082168

File: 4d5e45d51d09918⋯.jpg (492.21 KB, 1882x1804, 941:902, IMG_0506.JPG)

File: a28ae817d70dd9c⋯.png (84.74 KB, 750x733, 750:733, IMG_0507.PNG)

>>3082072 (LB)

Camo Bewbs & Tie Dyed Bewbs for Night Shift.

TYB! Much Appreciated!

4e086d  No.3082169

File: aac601ca184363e⋯.png (321.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Jake_Jennifer_Tapper_CNN_N….png)

File: 0b50e0fbbd18de3⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Beyond_Borders_Comet_Silsb….png)

96d5b9  No.3082170

File: ac9aa2699519f85⋯.png (295.88 KB, 598x581, 598:581, c66aeacf16a03cd11ebbead9e9….png)

File: fea5bd2e55f41fe⋯.jpg (8.76 KB, 225x225, 1:1, fea5bd2e55f41fe42c3ade5261….jpg)


i still got the pair you made for me anon thanQ again btw

ebf96a  No.3082171

My dear anons….

We are winning!

With God on our side, that's the only outcome.

We WILL defeat evil, and leave this Earth a much safer home for our children ,and their children's children…

We are the ones we've been waiting for…

Keep on fighting. The end is in sight!

I love you all (no homo)

93de38  No.3082172



47f066  No.3082173

File: 3b9c234d4b102d0⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 255x171, 85:57, FlotusPepe.jpg)

File: 27a09baa2f64309⋯.jpg (61.93 KB, 536x500, 134:125, ignoretheshills.jpg)

File: 79733a66b02cf1d⋯.png (216.84 KB, 440x415, 88:83, FlotusPepeQualitytime.png)

ty baker! love u frens

38e327  No.3082174

>>3081876 (pb)

Red line images in earlier bread.

IP check?

1bf7f8  No.3082175

File: a7fc63fdae923c7⋯.jpg (99.02 KB, 435x435, 1:1, c0beda96c8ff958a90082103d1….jpg)


Closin' in on another big milestone, kek


I used deep dream to filter the Morpheus meme with another image.

>>3082110, >>3082117, >>3082159

ThanQs all anons

bd370a  No.3082176

File: 578e1cbc465a1c5⋯.png (22.3 KB, 638x296, 319:148, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b1637e34aee095⋯.png (16.02 KB, 293x551, 293:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Little do they know..

Wait till Normes all find out what Anons have been privy to with the Great Awakening.

999646  No.3082177

File: 8be5de11d0e1e01⋯.png (442.1 KB, 632x714, 316:357, hrctyrone.PNG)

File: 35db21db05d1bfb⋯.png (228.08 KB, 714x580, 357:290, tyronegayle.PNG)

Is Hillary sending a coded message tweeting about this gofundme for Kamala Harris' staff member?

It is in the middle of all of her tweet rants about Kavanaugh and Trump and Russian and democracy.


0f942c  No.3082179

Juanita Broaddrick, What are you doing Monday ? Wouldn't it be grand if in the D.C. to drop into the SCOTUS hearing. I understand they might have some spare time to document a REAL sexual assault.

13cde1  No.3082180


Those are pretty ugly

Cover them back up

581230  No.3082181


>>3082135 Texas state senate Republican supermajority increases

03aeb4  No.3082182



5d7ce1  No.3082183

File: fc565812099b2ae⋯.png (269.58 KB, 670x446, 335:223, ClipboardImage.png)

530e01  No.3082184

File: 0158963623447d5⋯.png (729.34 KB, 713x465, 23:15, 2018-09-18_22-40-09.png)


Christmas is coming soon.

FLOTUS 'looks like an angel' said one boy…

Best FLOTUS ever!


45c388  No.3082185

File: ab971de13879182⋯.png (6.41 KB, 756x84, 9:1, Capture1.PNG)

File: 606bcf789d2d6e5⋯.png (5.84 KB, 745x72, 745:72, Capture.PNG)


Think we had a panicking, drunk visitor last night (pics related). Sure you already know, but wanted to post just in case.

It was in general #3885, late late night shift.

b1f4cd  No.3082186

File: b8e49a2d806946c⋯.jpg (132.15 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FBI STATEMENT.jpg)


32042d  No.3082187

File: b9686fcaee4bb3e⋯.jpeg (166.88 KB, 1024x1360, 64:85, 94577B5D-2828-4F08-8420-D….jpeg)

581230  No.3082188


OK, would you please go away and never come back?

06e901  No.3082189

>>3082180 Says Stevie Wonder!

bca8e2  No.3082190



they do that

last bread I think I recognized a farmer's tits

she almost doxxed herself a couple months back.

9242c5  No.3082191

File: 648468ab2c195c0⋯.jpg (26.82 KB, 460x415, 92:83, 41880693_101857520783650_3….jpg)

c3a18b  No.3082192


Lifted. Thanks anon!

03aeb4  No.3082193



f00e5e  No.3082194


There from the 'amateur section KEK >>3082168

69bac4  No.3082195

File: 048ee0e03e866aa⋯.png (531.46 KB, 712x409, 712:409, corsi-sarcasm-1.png)


Your red lettering and shilling triggered this meme, not me, your overlords will question the effectiveness of your posts at some point

3723f9  No.3082196

File: 3c8daad14ff6375⋯.jpg (27.07 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1501027986825.jpg)


setting her up like a bowling pin

e439e5  No.3082197

File: 745b263d23bdb1b⋯.jpg (67.64 KB, 497x546, 71:78, John Kerry.JPG)


High time to deal with J.Kerry don't you think?

Here he is in Paris apparently having just finished a meeting with Iranian government officials at a cafe.

999646  No.3082198


how about ex mrs keith elison or his ex partner that he drug across the floor

7c4a28  No.3082199

File: e10c34892bd7070⋯.png (70.75 KB, 532x774, 266:387, FLY [RR] FLY.png)


You must like this tw@t then

93de38  No.3082200


your skin says 36 and desperate and also use sun screen. st\ahp

094417  No.3082201


also notice at around 16:25, he mentions '3000' referring to number of whistleblowers v POTUS 3000 'great people' in his speeches referring to 911.

'higherIQthanMEfags" any connection or students of gematriafags

f1dbe7  No.3082202

File: 14970d93e0da254⋯.jpg (312.99 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, BITCHES JUSTICE COMNG.jpg)

b63fe2  No.3082203


dubs of proof.

4ad9a9  No.3082204

Kavanaugh Accuser Says Her Email Was Hacked After Going Public


3e0d92  No.3082205

File: 9a06713188f7d28⋯.jpg (106.71 KB, 1254x704, 57:32, WalkAwayNike.jpg)

b04199  No.3082206

File: 450740fb1533799⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, ca_q.png)

File: c5973cab4ee8299⋯.jpg (70.53 KB, 400x466, 200:233, ca_maca.jpg)

File: b578188f769bae7⋯.png (9.92 KB, 192x255, 64:85, caagenda.png)


Make sure you properly label your post:

Fuck California's Cabal and Useless Idiots

b2b5f4  No.3082207

File: 85f468f9008e499⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1356x1078, 678:539, ValleyForge.png)

56e244  No.3082208

DPRK, South Korea Sign Military Agreement Following Summit in Pyongyang

North Korea and South Korea signed an agreement in defence sector as well as a joint statement following the results of the summit in Pyongyang.

Leaders of North Korea and South Korea have signed a joint agreement following the summit in Pyongyang. Also, the defense ministers of both nations signed an agreement in military sphere. There was no immediate elaboration on the content of the military document.

Earlier, a spokesperson for Seoul administration confirmed that DPRK and South Korea would sign a military agreement and a joint statement after the summit.


c128cb  No.3082209


I live in Eastern NC. I would love to meet our President but the rivers are rising and the roads are caving in. General Mattis did land at my local airport yesterday to fly over in some blackhawks. Stay strong Anon. We take care of our own here in N.C. and the rest of the South.

03aeb4  No.3082210



1ec561  No.3082211

File: 7809ae26226f227⋯.jpg (104.13 KB, 500x522, 250:261, download (2).jpg)

999646  No.3082212


I likey.

96d5b9  No.3082213

File: 72f4f4b2acb53aa⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 72f4f4b2acb53aa7678107f368….gif)

File: d509501240852ab⋯.jpeg (48.81 KB, 388x339, 388:339, d509501240852ab519fe84bf5….jpeg)


more real anon bewbs pweees and thanQ

the real ones are always best!

f583e4  No.3082214


Ugly/fat or gay, which are you?

5ea971  No.3082215


Awesome! First thing, I hate religion. Jesus did not use that term. He preached the kingdom. I find religion distasteful, but I am very interested in figuring out what the Kingdom of God means.

69bac4  No.3082216

File: 1d46623aee5a5cb⋯.png (126.29 KB, 408x610, 204:305, corsi-book-dox.png)

33175f  No.3082217


The Satanic SOBs hide behind a fake devotion to Judaism and use a magic spell on the world by claiming EVERY criticism of their evil is "anti-semetic"

5d7ce1  No.3082218



oh shit, didn't even see your reply

just look at lb, I asked, but didn't comment

you can check the UIDs

thanks anon!

50dafa  No.3082219

File: 6f05b3a10e479cf⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 1000x653, 1000:653, 1535429703139.gif)

You guys are the best of the best.

f467bd  No.3082220

File: 0d424b6d47bcef6⋯.png (408.9 KB, 831x434, 831:434, REZIST.png)

File: 973d6585bfb3958⋯.jpg (91.89 KB, 354x246, 59:41, yelloh.jpg)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: 28a715143d3c55e⋯.png (673.72 KB, 453x640, 453:640, ..png)

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)






This is how fake internet works– the bot controls the thread. Posts the shitty bot meme to signify. Then the other bots answer, and they shove their evil fake simulation of US down our throats. It is pure evil, and 100% fake. Every single thread, a systematic simulation occurs.

You were told "Russian bots created conspiracy theories", and that was 75% a lie. The bots aren't Russia's and they aren't creating the scandals, which are real. But there ARE bots controlling the internet.

You're told "there are scary alt right and nazi people on the internet!"– guess what: a HUGE percentage of those are completely fake.

All the development of AI, of supercomputing, and all the data that companies are desperate for… is it being used to "tailor your internet experience" only? LOL

If you doubt it, try to get them to act human. They can't.

b20546  No.3082221


Sounds like Grassley laid down the law after Wray said "Ain't nobody got time for that".

3d27e5  No.3082222

File: 009c53e65cdb812⋯.jpg (77.22 KB, 800x377, 800:377, uragaylord.jpg)

6bd361  No.3082223

File: b1a02c7e88eca76⋯.png (79.03 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 77284997743984839.png)

>>3082071 Lb

You right

369383  No.3082224

File: 3b218bc2cf1ac0d⋯.jpeg (89.95 KB, 666x984, 111:164, 1536248373.jpeg)

83007b  No.3082225


No, I think it has to do with minnows/small fish and their cleaning action/attraction on exposed human parts underwater. And what genotypes hail from areas where rinsing off in a river is normal.

7197e3  No.3082226

Funny how Hussein does it and it’s “funny”. Video of Hussein showing off his BONER to reporters on plane. Yes. Fact checked.


db985e  No.3082227

File: 0d51655155ec9fa⋯.png (360.01 KB, 596x374, 298:187, ClipboardImage.png)

e4b4db  No.3082228

File: 39825a3c697a3c4⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 1421x1429, 1421:1429, 39825a3c697a3c4b95a9bfa6e9….jpg)


FFS, do you not have any dignity?

You really want to go down in history with your fucking tits?


0e030e  No.3082229

File: 0f8529fe6730d95⋯.jpg (76.2 KB, 908x532, 227:133, 030.jpg)

>>3081920 lb

>You can only play troubled teen for so long!

fed843  No.3082230

File: 9c5bc50da5e598a⋯.jpeg (597.76 KB, 1941x2455, 1941:2455, client_PART_1473613613407….jpeg)

Ok. From lb - someone asked and I said bubbles, so here they are. I went into cheerleader mode, though I was never a cheerleader in school - just an awkward geek with BEWBS. Hope I pass muster. If I dont, I'm too old to care

3cccc2  No.3082231

Can't tell you anons how much it means to me to be witnessing and sometimes piping in here. Have just come off a 4-year, all-stakes good-evil war in one of my RL communities, and all the good guys lost, including me with a dagger in the back. A unique, historical, and precious thing was lost, for us fighting and for the forgotten men and women who couldn't fight. Still understanding the grief. BUT – This here is a totally different arena, and the incredible courage, patience, talent, patriotism, and faith on display is reminding me what hope is. What's more, I'm learning what winning feels like! Thank you. God bless anons, God bless and protect POTUS and Q fams, and God Bless America!

b04199  No.3082232

File: 498caeace1b5595⋯.jpg (10.9 KB, 255x222, 85:74, pepe_champagne.jpg)

91fa66  No.3082233


These guys doxced 200 qanon supporters and then backed down idk if i can reconcile

06e901  No.3082234

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)

File: da3c4bcc376b33c⋯.jpg (139.37 KB, 800x569, 800:569, yourdadclown.jpg)

File: bfb5465e5d72f4e⋯.jpg (30.7 KB, 480x360, 4:3, youbreakfast.jpg)

3e0d92  No.3082235

File: d22d538426c1b75⋯.jpg (101.5 KB, 950x434, 475:217, RTT1.jpg)

File: 228ab3a84b6b66d⋯.jpg (228.02 KB, 1024x599, 1024:599, RTT2.jpg)

File: b2044ca3d93aa24⋯.jpg (145.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RTT3.jpg)

File: 1e527c22a284352⋯.jpg (217.77 KB, 1023x640, 1023:640, RTT4.jpg)

File: 4653ad269740061⋯.jpg (158.51 KB, 1021x570, 1021:570, RTT5.jpg)

bde3dd  No.3082236

File: 8a75b5d4d58e810⋯.jpg (74.67 KB, 504x502, 252:251, james woods king of twitte….jpg)


The king!

c90a95  No.3082237


Hillary out there panicing and falling apart in front of our eyes

the dems ignoring bill clinton and keith ellison allegations but pursuing HIGH SCHOOL allegations and embarassing themselves

for the first time I'm actually shocked

AND when all this bullshit settles we get ALL the declas and Kavanaugh will get in or someone even better HAHA. Ridiculous.

8708cf  No.3082238

File: 58ecb2e081f030e⋯.jpg (575.59 KB, 1417x1417, 1:1, IMG_2018-09-18_22-33-23.jpg)

Pic related

NBC is mockingbird media. The more you know!

5366b0  No.3082239

f467bd  No.3082240

File: b9488786899bc74⋯.png (229.63 KB, 618x410, 309:205, leakstrat.png)

File: eb6b02c8cc9a390⋯.png (596.98 KB, 792x532, 198:133, UNBORKABLE.png)

File: 0f6ba1765269d37⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1333x750, 1333:750, FISAofStrzok.png)

File: 73c68d23b105ada⋯.png (925.75 KB, 1203x840, 401:280, mildlynauseousfisa.png)

File: 08c0211d9dd2066⋯.png (224.54 KB, 574x683, 574:683, loatzh.png)

3d1874  No.3082241

File: 32026b3c44b77a2⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 414x251, 414:251, goaway.gif)

bde3dd  No.3082242

>>3081429 lb

Did anybody figure out what they were dancing about outside earlier?

Fuck, I cannot find that picture now

47f066  No.3082243


KEK wow this is absurb! fuck these people!!!!!!!!! they are losing now and will continue to lose. DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS. MOAR PAINFUL.

b55d27  No.3082244


775cd8  No.3082245


heil bewbs

3cb350  No.3082246


So Lynn came back. Bitch should realize it's hard to drink anything with a noose around her fucking throat.

382ad6  No.3082247

File: ada228188dce8d1⋯.png (15.05 KB, 721x106, 721:106, ClipboardImage.png)


>>3082088 lb

See what you've done now? Your own father thinks he's married to you!

Well I've got news for you, bucko...he's not your real dad and he's sterile. I'm actually glad he's leaving.

19f73e  No.3082248

5540b0  No.3082249


Stay strong, anon. Sending Our prayers; WRWY.

93de38  No.3082250


yes he is

325305  No.3082251


Over my head, anon. Significance of Duck Hunt?

4d7f4d  No.3082252

File: 219fa539befac93⋯.jpeg (27.29 KB, 255x194, 255:194, C356AFDE-AC68-4EAB-B316-3….jpeg)

File: 652c0c63f905a79⋯.png (99.36 KB, 746x512, 373:256, C2F13A72-AFAB-40D2-A8AD-D6….png)

>>3082057 (lb)

I see you are a War of the Bewbs Veteran.

Ty patriot

Silver Star for Valor under fire

2bee17  No.3082253

File: d0025d1be9d5bbb⋯.png (532.27 KB, 500x604, 125:151, 1537325170042.png)


bd44d7  No.3082254

File: 6241035230232eb⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 255x213, 85:71, Just right.jpg)

df883a  No.3082255

File: f6f3fa31c5f42c8⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 612x586, 306:293, pepe.jpg)

03aeb4  No.3082256



9aca3d  No.3082257

File: 08dc52130c2f736⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 587x508, 587:508, tp.JPG)



c90a95  No.3082259

File: 5a9865ca3ec09a7⋯.png (121.67 KB, 500x566, 250:283, Meme War.png)




bitching at Q to hury up



1ae30d  No.3082260


Yep, the panic before the storm!

6d5caf  No.3082261


These people know NOTHING about The Constitution, here is the proof. Joined by Kamila Harris & others later in the day.

Watching the normally calm cool and collected news persons and their guests getting excited and out of breath tonight over this bullshit makes it obvious that if this doesn't come to some kind of a head in the next week, Trump will no longer have total control of the switch that starts the shit fest with the big fan.

I'm all for getting (((them))) all worked up, but some of the good guys (gals especially) are becoming unable to mask their emotions. This should be a barometer on how much others can take before things get stupid(er).

248683  No.3082262


Same shit different swamp donkey

Lining up another angle against any previous emails she sent that might be damaging to her accusations

06e901  No.3082263

>>3082227 SMOKEN!

a423da  No.3082265

File: cfe824cb25c16f0⋯.png (366.29 KB, 598x580, 299:290, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)


Was just habbing fun, anon.

69bac4  No.3082266

File: bdd92ea2fcb6552⋯.png (248.26 KB, 450x441, 50:49, chatlog-fake-pepe2.png)

d8ee3e  No.3082267

Neighbors complain about Florida man doing yard work naked, police say it is legal

WASHINGTON (Circa) - Neighbors in Stuart, Fla. are irritated with their fellow resident who has been doing yard work in the nude.

"I came out Sunday night to put the trash out, and I look over and he is bent over, winding up his hose, and I'm like that is my view of the neighborhood,” Melissa Ny, a neighbor, told WPBF-TV. "He works on his car, and he does it naked and everyone has called the police, he is just out there doing his yard work, whatever he needs to do outside, naked."

Another neighbor believes the man should have some respect for children who live in the area.

"Kids catch the bus here. It’s wrong," neighbor Charlie Estes told WPBF-TV.

But police say they can't do anything about it. As long as the man isn't touching himself inappropriately, police can't tell the man to put his clothes on because he is on his own property.

"I have seen these people stand on their front step, buck naked, both of them, and talk to a police officer, sheriff department. The sheriff's department told me to turn my head," Estes said.

WPBF-TV asked for an interview with the man but he declined because he says he is a very private person.


f467bd  No.3082268

File: 020386eb9a4aa87⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1920x1232, 120:77, OURtask.png)

File: 3394a342cd0b30c⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1600x637, 1600:637, somekindof.png)

File: 9e4ee5d566995e5⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 414x251, 414:251, TheSessionsSwat.gif)

File: 23967b7ea9d513d⋯.png (3 MB, 2151x1111, 2151:1111, justicecoming.png)

File: 839fc202a734652⋯.png (206.88 KB, 700x311, 700:311, sorry.png)

63d81e  No.3082269


all i have to ask is how much more retarded can this get

my brain is literally melting

47f066  No.3082270

File: 4bb6d4d922cce8d⋯.jpg (52.01 KB, 625x625, 1:1, pepestarbucksgirlie.jpg)

c90a95  No.3082271

File: c691330b973f785⋯.jpg (12.82 KB, 311x162, 311:162, To Honor All Who Served.jpg)

5d7ce1  No.3082272



3d6dea  No.3082273


Just remember - Q team IS doing it - we just can't see it all. Imagine being in the middle of that mess. And yet they take the time to post for us. We could be - and were - in the dark for years. Just relax and enjoy all of this. You will be glad you did.

6bd361  No.3082274


I only have microsoft paint. What Do?

0cbb59  No.3082275

File: b84c64ab6b0e4ab⋯.jpg (112.64 KB, 922x636, 461:318, demparty.JPG)

File: 86e2285ce5e16f8⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 506x353, 506:353, demparty2.JPG)

Because they said so..

21dc58  No.3082276

File: 6676f494ab6e95c⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 461x610, 461:610, lol-trump-fails-again-002.jpg)

File: 1d15c85d63d19ad⋯.jpg (246.45 KB, 800x1134, 400:567, lol-trump-fails-again-001.jpg)

Trump Fails

1) Looks like things are getting worse! Thanks a lot #Trump!! #HumanTrafficking

2) LOL!!! #Trump doesn't know how to be a public servant!! Your doing it wrong @POTUS!!! LOL!!!

3d27e5  No.3082277

File: 0a8b686c05783b7⋯.png (490.14 KB, 606x492, 101:82, you_suck_at_your_job.png)

File: aea97091e1c3eda⋯.jpg (106.95 KB, 655x490, 131:98, up-shits-creek-FISA-RR.jpg)


fuck yourself.

ebf96a  No.3082278


Welcome home, anon!


take your shoes off, get comfy!!!!!

Want some popcorn,fren?

50dafa  No.3082279

File: 283e9f990926ef4⋯.png (26.96 KB, 187x185, 187:185, hjfghjgfhj5555.PNG)


is this for real?

03aeb4  No.3082280



3e0d92  No.3082281

File: d9ea52be5fd0c3b⋯.jpg (272.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, RTT17.jpg)

File: 3f41d9b3b92fd62⋯.jpg (142.94 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, RTT18.jpg)

File: 88b9ea76438aff7⋯.jpg (236.68 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, RTT19.jpg)

File: 0a83fb079f3afac⋯.jpg (138.8 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, RTT20.jpg)

File: 5200de47dc14374⋯.jpg (202.34 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, RTT21.jpg)

91fa66  No.3082282


Anon, are you ok????

There were like a couple of hundred memes made per Qs request

63d81e  No.3082283

File: f2a5d1ad9a81105⋯.jpg (143.09 KB, 500x718, 250:359, tomarnoldisafaggot.jpg)

File: 1837d04f3c28b3d⋯.png (16.88 KB, 224x255, 224:255, d2509561dccd03e59f9abe6e8c….png)

File: 9fd2cdfe598bc55⋯.png (13.44 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 849ca95010e1021726aebeb797….png)


why make memes when you can steal them

f467bd  No.3082284

File: b0997b53fa452d2⋯.png (383.85 KB, 999x999, 1:1, bustem.png)

File: eb6b02c8cc9a390⋯.png (596.98 KB, 792x532, 198:133, UNBORKABLE.png)

File: 470239d1abbb9b4⋯.png (588.87 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, secretpolice.png)

File: 9200b63175fa79a⋯.png (399.63 KB, 885x414, 295:138, why.png)

File: 43e7052bf1f57db⋯.png (382.95 KB, 928x523, 928:523, BOS.png)

b20546  No.3082285

File: 71f1cff75ef8732⋯.png (520.4 KB, 467x600, 467:600, 71f1cff75ef87326946c131094….png)


Now claims of a hack that in no way impacts the claims she's attempting to make. Her hole keeps being dug deeper and deeper.


My forge is hot. Praise based GIMP.

8b5189  No.3082286


And this dumb FKing cunt left twitter because she said people are mean,,look at her twitter account her last post is still up

06e901  No.3082287

>>3082230 CHEERED ME UP! I am even SMILING HARD!

bde3dd  No.3082288



Some will always bitch, no matter what.

The rest of us are hard at work though, day in and day out

32042d  No.3082289

File: 0ecb268fc07d2b9⋯.jpeg (111.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 31773301-B709-497A-B744-9….jpeg)

b32e3a  No.3082290

File: 0a2ef0f27baa483⋯.png (49.54 KB, 479x248, 479:248, nonukes.png)

f583e4  No.3082291


FUCKING BASED. I’m about to do the same.

6bd361  No.3082292


you good

382ad6  No.3082293

File: 4492a7f0c148d72⋯.png (247.19 KB, 583x657, 583:657, ClipboardImage.png)



It's free and well-supported online…buku tutorials.

69bac4  No.3082295

File: 96d430c63c2f6a3⋯.jpg (255.66 KB, 1500x1078, 750:539, 96d430c63c2f6a34e310c12bcb….jpg)

d8ee3e  No.3082296





Everyone needs to be tweeting about how Republican



a democrat district Republican for the first time in 139 years!

5d7ce1  No.3082297


KEK nice, thanks anon

4d7f4d  No.3082298


Holeee Fuck.

I have never truly had to visit Fapcity from a pic on this board buut

I can only handle so much,

Fucken Saved

Aaaaaand I’ll be back in oh about 45 seconds.

Top Fucken Kek.

93de38  No.3082299


36 and childless smdh go find a husband this place isnt for you

fdf651  No.3082301

File: 17fca4f75943e70⋯.gif (3 MB, 442x189, 442:189, indiana trayvon.gif)

38e327  No.3082302



Lynn sounds twoofy.

shaved mandrill looking thing.

5366b0  No.3082303


More camo

c59d35  No.3082304


Polish President Duda Tells US Reporters He Wants a New Permanent Military Base in Poland and Will Call it

"Fort Trump"


91fa66  No.3082305


You are changing panties several times a day

Good personal hygiene

4cf402  No.3082306



Thank you. God bless.

bd370a  No.3082307

File: 6ce23e7174707de⋯.png (1.13 MB, 673x749, 673:749, clittypoo3.PNG)


Best use of PantiesPepe yet

03aeb4  No.3082308



c90a95  No.3082309

File: 74d3099d167735f⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 757x500, 757:500, DbpZhKNV0AA0MMX.jpg)

File: bb44cd817e60fd3⋯.jpg (129.09 KB, 789x1200, 263:400, DV4jOu5VAAEoytX.jpg)

File: 59199adcb8fd0e4⋯.png (230.15 KB, 500x911, 500:911, the-dirty-dossier-dozen-we….png)

File: 993a88888db1774⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 800x800, 1:1, cartoon_30_1.jpg)

1275e2  No.3082310


Not gonna lie…I was so relieved to see Cruz is up on Beta by 9

Was getting worried bcs we have so many lib transplants here

0f942c  No.3082311

File: c75cbf628de98fa⋯.jpeg (5.07 KB, 198x255, 66:85, poi.jpeg)


Her next stop, another tropical paradise. Club tan lines @Gitmo.

No more pounding poi, only rocks.

06e901  No.3082312


b55d27  No.3082313

spitefull proud cia niggs showing off thier pride and vanity over their displaced child meals of fornication

c90a95  No.3082314

File: 36cc7d2ae924a23⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, fbi-doj-fisa-investigation….jpg)

File: 471c7dc5d95a9e6⋯.jpg (132.83 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, Dm0yOz1W4AAsXTo.jpg)

File: ee59c7dc1be0252⋯.jpg (127.47 KB, 1125x949, 1125:949, DbDbxyCV4AAluW2.jpg)

File: ff269dc87250c58⋯.png (123.86 KB, 500x532, 125:133, the-real-election-collusio….png)

b04199  No.3082315


Great idea anon!

Meme that!!

a423da  No.3082316


Thanks, anon!

The flashbacks never quite go away.

4dfe61  No.3082317

John Brennan hopes 'individuals of conscience' will block Trump's declassification order.

Former CIA Director John Brennan hopes "individuals of conscience" will stymie President Trump's order to declassify Justice Department and FBI documents related to the federal Russia investigation.

"A number of individuals are trying to protect Mr. Trump and abusing their authorities and their powers, whether it be in Congress or within the executive branch," Brennan said Tuesday during an interview with MSNBC.


98615a  No.3082318


Hahaha, like it

f00e5e  No.3082319

In all Honesty.. I couldnt give a fuck if he 'Grabbed her Pussy' ffs… 35Yrs ago… Enough Bull shit. Q pleas pull the trigger Sir.

c90a95  No.3082320

File: 2dc918b9902aa95⋯.jpg (146.54 KB, 600x550, 12:11, DOJ_FBI_OfficialsInTheSpot….jpg)

File: 721291f4731497d⋯.jpg (124.84 KB, 494x615, 494:615, small-group-3.jpg)

File: c52943fc9bcc7d1⋯.png (767.58 KB, 666x612, 37:34, e7088751ec30d37fb73f5dfae5….png)

File: 6dfe59ca1a9aaa2⋯.jpg (46.61 KB, 600x433, 600:433, Deep-state-2-600x433.jpg)

3d1874  No.3082321

File: 2aba7d2de65d9de⋯.jpg (595.06 KB, 800x1137, 800:1137, Poulakis_Theodoros_-_The_a….jpg)

b61793  No.3082322


TippyTop fukken kek anon

c90a95  No.3082323

File: 80a8afe5f57bd2a⋯.jpeg (17.34 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 1c7e0d47180cdec4cf892c1f6….jpeg)

File: 0bbe78620603ac9⋯.png (15.62 KB, 255x218, 255:218, 4df13180d7ac5172f7287700dc….png)

File: 54bedb88f65cd3e⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 09185027c08f57aaad9dc85fb4….jpg)

File: 11a7d3c8def49d2⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ab0a7fa000e58f97117ec4c7ba….jpg)

db985e  No.3082324

File: dddbceb249c2e24⋯.png (465.8 KB, 661x385, 661:385, ClipboardImage.png)

32042d  No.3082325


Tickle tickle anoness

63d81e  No.3082326


lol i missed lynn are you kidding me

im actually mad

last time i think i pissed her off

3822bd  No.3082327


That's big, if accurate!

c90a95  No.3082328

File: 041b080550e4e40⋯.jpg (12.82 KB, 265x190, 53:38, images.jpg)

File: a700e98bd82da40⋯.jpg (118.19 KB, 736x718, 368:359, hillary-corruption-meme-el….jpg)

File: 4aa5be1b95366e8⋯.jpg (68.08 KB, 512x495, 512:495, dcwo0dcw4aawjbq.jpg)

File: ddfe6c5c8fab66c⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 800x597, 800:597, unite.jpg)

4d7f4d  No.3082329

File: 852f7ee1862c211⋯.jpeg (105.6 KB, 1456x896, 13:8, F31E37B3-3CD9-40E1-8C2B-1….jpeg)


Stfu faggot.


3d6dea  No.3082330


Dare I tell you how old i am? Hate to kill a good boner

a0bed2  No.3082331

File: 9870e1021de3ec1⋯.png (301.84 KB, 634x411, 634:411, ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ fuckery at its finest

248683  No.3082332

69bac4  No.3082333

File: 05edb6df2545e19⋯.png (265.41 KB, 480x557, 480:557, corsi-opinios-disregarded.png)

5ea971  No.3082334


OK. First of all, let me say that I am a primitive christian. I am very interested in doing what Christ told us to do. I take it (and believed it from the beginning) that you are too. Can we agree that whatever our differences, that Jesus is the King? that He is Lord? We can disagree on stuff, but I sensed from the beginning you were a fellow believer, hiding behind this stupid shit you were putting out.

c90a95  No.3082335

File: 62a3349409f4b12⋯.jpg (184.78 KB, 746x928, 373:464, 36077886661_74b8598162_b.jpg)

File: bba5d8e93d9b3f1⋯.jpg (101.09 KB, 750x500, 3:2, rtu8n7l.jpg)

File: 855b673b0354aab⋯.jpg (94.98 KB, 720x681, 240:227, 35390193481_232fc20df1_b.jpg)

File: 7c960bea5ab8765⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 500x627, 500:627, download (7).jpg)

3723f9  No.3082336

File: 11450384b578bd5⋯.jpg (6.01 KB, 184x184, 1:1, 1500830484374s.jpg)


def Lynn

530e01  No.3082337

File: f972da073434ed2⋯.png (701.34 KB, 633x757, 633:757, 2018-09-18_22-47-36.png)


Never ceases to crack me up!

The amazing James fuggen Woods!


c90a95  No.3082338

File: 4095bed86e4f298⋯.jpg (85.8 KB, 500x627, 500:627, download (6).jpg)

File: 3ad439ce44b6506⋯.jpg (96.81 KB, 500x627, 500:627, download (5).jpg)

File: 61eac030c43e29f⋯.jpg (124.61 KB, 1200x782, 600:391, DUwSGx3V4AERZb0.jpg)

File: 47a80b1d8440c74⋯.jpg (141.66 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, DUuzHp_V4AAiOiG.jpg)

8e86b6  No.3082339

File: 06cff2c5cd51965⋯.jpg (42.97 KB, 350x450, 7:9, ZomboMeme 18092018225038.jpg)

3e0d92  No.3082340

File: f6255727edb1ec1⋯.jpg (140.87 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, RTT22.jpg)

File: dc4b143b2687443⋯.jpg (184.64 KB, 1066x800, 533:400, RTT23.jpg)

File: f21f76c18eb847d⋯.jpg (224.6 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, RTT24.jpg)

68963a  No.3082341

File: 859dd1f1fd2fef5⋯.jpg (148.24 KB, 1024x692, 256:173, BOOTS4YALL2.jpg)

bde3dd  No.3082342


It was either Lynn or David.

Maybe they just wanted more memes about them?

c90a95  No.3082343

File: 7cc0b451ef6b34c⋯.jpg (104.21 KB, 1080x1211, 1080:1211, 844ef353c16628d6d0eec8e670….jpg)

File: 304c3bdb1b0ab9d⋯.jpg (177.14 KB, 1200x1147, 1200:1147, DT4Q0IPVAAA1TIY.jpg)

File: ee18ba5813c5922⋯.jpg (46.85 KB, 590x435, 118:87, DVHOT97V4AAAu4v.jpg)

File: 894e1e0c2f52a8f⋯.jpg (211.1 KB, 1200x1109, 1200:1109, New_7af77d_6508832.jpg)

1ae30d  No.3082344


Wow, HUGE!

c128cb  No.3082345


James Woods is an honorable man. He always steps up to defend what it right and he sure as hell isnt afraid of them sons of bitches. My hero.

a423da  No.3082346


Top fukkin kek, anon!

094417  No.3082347


honestly it sounds like someone dying, their supply of infant blood cut off, desperate to find a new source, crossing the lonely baron desert of fear, deliriously describing his depraved delusional mirages

c90a95  No.3082348

File: fbacbd1849b9139⋯.jpg (94.07 KB, 714x500, 357:250, 3.jpg)

File: 65d44f05196a523⋯.jpg (79.84 KB, 650x381, 650:381, download (4).jpg)

File: a8524dc6369554f⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 740x500, 37:25, 2homvg.jpg)

File: 10374d4ba3286de⋯.jpg (98.53 KB, 740x500, 37:25, download (3).jpg)

7c4a28  No.3082349

File: d674d8d31f70255⋯.jpg (7.51 KB, 182x173, 182:173, pepe laughing.jpg)


Thanks for highlighting, missed general #885 but had a good laugh reading the responses just now.

I doubt even Lynn would be this stupid. Then again keeps telling us how stupid these people are, so there's that

3d27e5  No.3082350

File: 0809788872bd84e⋯.png (485.46 KB, 716x682, 358:341, bloodtherapy_gross.png)

c90a95  No.3082351

File: 674472cb85ead9c⋯.png (729.82 KB, 926x736, 463:368, 674472cb85ead9cd524e25d90f….png)

File: 1ff432e644812d3⋯.jpg (93.91 KB, 758x397, 758:397, bruce-ohr-doj-758x397.jpg)

File: 8a4c511d906ec0d⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 800x450, 16:9, download (2).jpg)

File: 3bf90ca993ef1fb⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 952x500, 238:125, download (1).jpg)

21f669  No.3082352

File: 50441a6fe671ea8⋯.png (939.95 KB, 979x792, 89:72, Screen Shot 2018-09-17 at ….png)

File: 6e0b3d7a359c1b0⋯.png (14.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0569c429510799bb28723fdba4….png)

File: 3dd36d4dc92734b⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1836x3264, 9:16, 20180908_204154 copy.jpg)


Flipped for the first time in


We show up and vote, we might win every single election Anons. At this rate. 49 days at the pace we are moving is an ETERNITY.


83007b  No.3082353


May I ask, does your labia spread out, you know, like you could tack cuff tacks to each side? Trying to see if saucer-nipples such as yours - very nice, btw - correlate to .. extroverted labia.

c90a95  No.3082354

File: a0ab1e6067731df⋯.jpg (95.1 KB, 750x500, 3:2, download.jpg)

File: 2c427ff2a0646a4⋯.jpg (538.45 KB, 2034x1800, 113:100, 2c427ff2a0646a46037638f3a4….jpg)

File: 856a0ebc735934c⋯.jpg (357.48 KB, 2200x1505, 440:301, Russia Meme.jpg)

e85f39  No.3082355


A grateful nation thanks you for your service, Anon.

3d6dea  No.3082356


Thank you . I have been here for quite a while without saying I am female. One time, late at night I did. Long ago.

dfb287  No.3082357


we'll see faggots

21dc58  No.3082358

File: bd8a268c49a969d⋯.jpg (193.04 KB, 1000x942, 500:471, bd8a268c49a969dee04ee16fda….jpg)

b1f4cd  No.3082359

Twitter sure is alive tonight.

eda08a  No.3082360

File: 68a0c2fd231f5cd⋯.png (146.98 KB, 306x276, 51:46, BN - Copy.PNG)

766e60  No.3082361

File: fa7db0ab6ace0b2⋯.jpg (390.93 KB, 1480x825, 296:165, DEEP.jpg)

03aeb4  No.3082362



d946dc  No.3082363

Whatever happened to Roy Moore's accuser btw?

8b5189  No.3082364


Seriously anons don't get so sexcited its look but don't touch,stay focused

06e901  No.3082365

>>3082287 I burned a few rugs in my time!

382ad6  No.3082366

File: ffdd0e983045ecc⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 424x417, 424:417, ldrgrouch.jpg)









what she doesn't understand is that we have nothing to lose…they had it all, then she lost. now they all lose.

didn't see that one coming didya, bitch. kek!

3d6dea  No.3082367


Sorry, bro. Try 52, 3 kids all breast fed. Hate to burst that bubble. And out myself in the process.

50dafa  No.3082368

File: 9fc7c28c0f0641a⋯.png (251.86 KB, 573x405, 191:135, hjugkdhjkghdsfjklhg.PNG)

dear god this bread, is the whole fucking world in here?

df883a  No.3082369

File: 787fc8f2b73d174⋯.jpeg (148.49 KB, 642x756, 107:126, RedApple.jpeg)

File: 0bbfa6ac4ba7c24⋯.jpeg (137.99 KB, 618x700, 309:350, RedApple2.jpeg)


49 days til erection day!

69bac4  No.3082370

File: 2bf79e6ec345f2e⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1018x573, 1018:573, cortez-heroes-commie.png)

03aeb4  No.3082371



b55d27  No.3082372

















lynn's cabbage can really shitpost the investigation that put it there huh

6d5caf  No.3082373


These are both very well done, anon. Kudos to you!

Call them stole.

dfb287  No.3082374


get her number anon, we got work to do

5ea971  No.3082375

c90a95  No.3082376

File: a103ab257320fa9⋯.jpg (40.29 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Meme Vet #1.jpg)

a50297  No.3082377

Interesting in the Mueller email drop that left wing reporters are over running the inbox and also asking if indictments for Manafort are on PACER. KEK!

(((MSM))) knows the 50k indictments are real.

6bd361  No.3082378

File: 91b17a45d0f55d0⋯.jpg (240.12 KB, 965x1202, 965:1202, HRA3.jpg)


Go to and fuck yourself.

44ce14  No.3082379


Those are great anon. Thank you.

69bac4  No.3082381

File: 6add0a71556a9b5⋯.png (530.28 KB, 628x349, 628:349, ohr-commie-a1.png)

a423da  No.3082382


Shart attacks can be deadly.

b1f4cd  No.3082383


Her house burned down, remember.

f82a36  No.3082385

"Nuclear-Free Korea Not Far Away" -Moon Jae-in

5d7ce1  No.3082386

File: 6eb1c8436da0b5f⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1131x4816, 1131:4816, ClipboardImage.png)


PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA (AP) — The Latest on the summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in (all times local):

Latest update: 11:25 a.m.

The leaders of the two Koreas have signed a joint statement after their summit talks, but no details of what it said were released.

South Korean media pool footage shows South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signing the documents in Pyongyang on Wednesday.

The leaders posed for photos while displaying the documents.

Seoul says the two Koreans leaders are to jointly announce the results of their summit later Wednesday.

The defense chiefs of the two Koreas also signed their agreements that Seoul says are about reducing military tensions along the border.


3e0d92  No.3082387

File: 0c5c4597da8135f⋯.png (176.28 KB, 502x449, 502:449, GINA.png)

File: 75dc56d8f3e3494⋯.jpg (149.2 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, walkaway3.jpg)

File: 222c8e04681ee1d⋯.jpg (138.9 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, walkaway4.jpg)

3d6dea  No.3082388


Hot shower, cold air, what can I say?

3723f9  No.3082389

File: 7d75d057958103b⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 311x311, 1:1, 1506882738327.jpg)


I call it somethin else

03aeb4  No.3082390



63d81e  No.3082391


if they put lynn in gitmo im gonna go throw peanuts at her

93de38  No.3082392


my ex is a millionaire and also very creepy turns out his buddies have a flock of these mini drones they use to peep on unsuspecting women to record them. then they have group viewing sessions and subscriptions sold on the dark web and also use ai to manipulate the women into doing certain things via social media eetc.

basically this is all real and accessible to the wealthy.anything you have seen on black mirror is real.

46408e  No.3082393

File: 7a4ee0d6d1779d7⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 3002x1501, 2:1, d(-_-)b.jpg)

File: 815c29273979ad5⋯.jpg (590.25 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_SenateSeats.jpg)

File: 9cad56f2a43f445⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattleGround_HouseSeats.jpg)

519859  No.3082394

File: 00a498a14594ddc⋯.webm (484.08 KB, 460x248, 115:62, snoopyes.webm)

bde3dd  No.3082395

File: a5fb2543a624c23⋯.jpg (87.56 KB, 840x560, 3:2, economic advisor kill your….jpg)

3d6dea  No.3082396


I …don't know? I don't often peer at that so I could not really say.

0e030e  No.3082397

File: deb138b78ab0564⋯.jpeg (66.15 KB, 1206x486, 67:27, 0031.jpeg)

>>3082001 lb

>https:// twitter.com/thomas1774paine/status/1042232195128147968?s=21

the emails are here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nu7SZvGCr5kZSG1MGj307Sj2uvHxwYHd

d880f4  No.3082398

File: 592dc2b519426ee⋯.png (384.89 KB, 642x643, 642:643, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

Special Election TURNS RED - THE 1ST TIME IN 139 YEARS!!!

Polls closed.

382ad6  No.3082399


I thought we agreed you wouldn't say cabbage anymore…cauliflower, ok…cabbage no.

b61793  No.3082400


Trips say they’re fucked

d946dc  No.3082401


But we don't hear about the accusation or any investigation… because they got what they wanted. The political win.

df883a  No.3082402

File: f27dadcf9c98969⋯.jpeg (121.71 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, urp.jpeg)


Declas it all…

50dafa  No.3082403

File: 7113849332faf38⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1111x744, 1111:744, jklhjsklj5646787.png)

The idea you can perpetually delay a SCOTUS confirmation because of a decades-old claim that arose after the hearings concluded and to which the accuser is unwilling to testify, is patently absurd. Journalists treating it otherwise look somehow even more partisan than usual.

b20546  No.3082404


Oldfags know.

56e244  No.3082405



5d7ce1  No.3082406

File: e419326bb0c3d52⋯.png (31.45 KB, 496x191, 496:191, ClipboardImage.png)



baa4fa  No.3082407

File: 2c5d2c060c37917⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1506x1508, 753:754, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at ….png)

8e86b6  No.3082408

File: ae16008b6aa66fe⋯.jpeg (14.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6833b6afe3a1b243d66a9a10b….jpeg)


Why so much hate .. Goddamn

01e05a  No.3082409


actually as fucked up as it is, they get around the law on a technicality because they don't normally sell the product as a 24 pack so they can in emergencies and use the single item price x24 which is what they did and that makes it legal

21dc58  No.3082410


Use 'em and abuse 'em

947513  No.3082411

File: fcab60ef1ba5813⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 215x185, 43:37, multipepe.jpg)


Why yes, actually. We were warned. Get comfy.

3d6dea  No.3082412


Thank you. And I am glad that next bread I will have a whole new ID.

b55d27  No.3082413

File: 493c9e211a05ba3⋯.jpg (20.06 KB, 254x199, 254:199, IMG_2270.JPG)

File: b84434ccb1c25f9⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2570.PNG)


your skull will be dishwasher safe

519859  No.3082414

File: c2448f52c680f02⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 248x193, 248:193, spokdestroy.gif)

1bf7f8  No.3082416

Notables so far

Anythin' missed?

>>3082259, >>3082376

Looks like your call got answered, kek

155155  No.3082417

Sauce for doubters…

At the ready Anons. Give the fucks a preview of the RED WAVE!

For God and Country!!!


d59e19  No.3082418

File: 926839574326957⋯.jpg (469 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, BattleRoad Trail1.jpg)

WWG1WGA! On the Battle Road!

Husband&WifeAnons pent 9/11 here this year, on the Freedom Trail.

a50297  No.3082419


Crawled back under a rock and took a paycheck.

69bac4  No.3082420

File: 3882ecf1862a84f⋯.png (132.24 KB, 448x383, 448:383, left-right-reality.png)


You trigger the memes, normaly not even placed. Can go on for weeks tho

1bf7f8  No.3082421


Sigh, I pasted wrong:


>>3082125, >>3082208, >>3082386 DPRK, South Korea Sign Military Agreement Following Summit in Pyongyang

>>3082135 Texas state senate Republican supermajority increases

>>3082204 Kavanaugh Accuser Says Her Email Was Hacked After Going Public

6b1612  No.3082422

File: 836d8765e2c7293⋯.png (158.6 KB, 1315x619, 1315:619, ClipboardImage.png)


How are things near Lodge, South Carolina?

b1f4cd  No.3082423










b20546  No.3082424

File: 5a485d9f64213d9⋯.jpg (94.35 KB, 648x486, 4:3, 5a485d9f64213d9d449ac2a539….jpg)


Great news. NK + SK = BEST KOREA

b3ad8f  No.3082425

File: a361a25375f3aa5⋯.png (45.09 KB, 750x252, 125:42, IMG_0485.PNG)

File: 8e7081006d075e3⋯.png (32.49 KB, 750x225, 10:3, IMG_0486.PNG)

File: f385fd5df5db3a5⋯.png (27.73 KB, 750x180, 25:6, IMG_0487.PNG)


LYnn also tried to imply Q was John Podesta. Pics related.

b55d27  No.3082426


maybe the sickle can put this damn thing out of it;s misery

e85f39  No.3082427


Based James Wood. Love that guy.

b61793  No.3082428

File: 35ea7811257ffcc⋯.jpeg (48.17 KB, 750x562, 375:281, 0E0A840A-1232-48B5-B43D-0….jpeg)


U niggas make me wake up my whole house kekkin so hard

5d7ce1  No.3082429




its not a peace treaty

its another commitment to works towards denuclearization and a peace treaty

by signed in NK, so important

9a32b1  No.3082430

File: d26c7920b1f9dca⋯.png (72.32 KB, 604x301, 604:301, brokenjoystick.png)

2366b4  No.3082431

File: 3c953bee9aa866c⋯.png (336.61 KB, 1080x1357, 1080:1357, 20180918_214001.png)

Online yearbooks scrubbed

Social media scrubbed

Connections to Planned Parenthood

93de38  No.3082432


you took the bait and released personal identification. now we know too much. you dont belong here. you are not smart enough to be safe. stfu and go.

97fc90  No.3082433

File: a957e746029994e⋯.jpg (1008.17 KB, 1280x1919, 1280:1919, IMG_971.jpg)


06e901  No.3082434

>>3082330 Some guys speak with a few words, some will even use a sentence or two, some will even last a whole paragraph, I prefer a whole chapters!

b32e3a  No.3082435

John Solomon talks about 45 minute meeting with POTUS today.

https:// thehill.com/hilltv/rising/407335-exclusive-trump-says-exposing-corrupt-fbi-probe-could-be-crowning-achievement

a50297  No.3082436


Oh, and btw, Cruz is up by NINE. Beto will be BTFO.

1a087d  No.3082438

Republican won District 19 Texas Senate Special Election


5d7ce1  No.3082439


I would remove the first in the NK/SK notable

its not an end to the war/peace treaty

63d81e  No.3082440


lynn doesnt understand that we outnumber her

we can just add a c and and h to her name

and all the other rich elite faggots

no amount of tech can stop millions of people

hell hath no fury like scorned public

4d7f4d  No.3082441

File: 0a8b27287704fae⋯.png (145.71 KB, 413x549, 413:549, 15CE0FB8-784D-42B5-988C-F4….png)


52 mmm mmm

You have taken good care of yourself My Lady.

Im ten years younger but I would lick every inch of that body.

97fc90  No.3082442

File: eba03e5c8981ff2⋯.jpg (84.96 KB, 468x585, 4:5, IMG_992.jpg)

ca54a3  No.3082443


I lost composure tonight, to see a difference being made helps a lot. I'm constantly triggered by the blocking of appointing our new justice, I even wished bad upon those fighting good. I can't feel bad for them, nor forgive them when everything comes out.

Ruined family relationships, friends, can't say I love Trump without a 9mm on my hip.

Tide turning is helping the neg energy dissipate a lil but still, DAMN THEM

900c59  No.3082444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#MarrisaShen #Toronto #Vigil

Media, Trudeau absent as Torontonians hold vigil for Marrisa Shen

Published on Sep 18, 2018

David Menzies of The Rebel.Media reports: On Saturday, a vigil was held in Toronto for 13-year-old Marrisa Shen, who was murdered last year in Vancouver, allegedly at the hands of one of Trudeau's Syrian refugees, but unlike the hijab-cutting incident last January, elected officials and mainstream media were noticeably absent. MORE: https://www.therebel.media/media_trud…

Subscribe to the Rebel’s YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/RebelMediaTV

PLUS http://www.Facebook.com/JoinTheRebel *** http://www.Twitter.com/TheRebelTV

#MarrisaShen #Toronto #Vigil

3d6dea  No.3082445


Hope that isn't a cringe

d8ee3e  No.3082446

Philippine Court Convicts General in Infamous ‘Disappearance’ Case

A Philippine court on Monday convicted retired army Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan and two others for the highly publicized enforced disappearance of two female student activists from the University of the Philippines. The court sentenced Palparan, Lt. Col. Felipe Anotado, and Staff Sgt. Edgardo Osorio to life imprisonment for the kidnapping and illegal detention of Karen Empeño and Sherlyn Cadapan in 2006, who remain missing.

The verdict is an important step for justice in the Philippines, where serious abuses by the military and police are rarely punished. Palparan is possibly the highest ranking military officer convicted in a human rights case. The extrajudicial killings of political activists became commonplace during the Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship, which ended in the 1986 “people power” revolution, and continue to this day.


19f73e  No.3082447


A new istaphobe! Barist? Nakedist? Fleshist? … eh, maybe it won't work. The istaphobe terms are all owned by the left… We just have "truthers".

0a7727  No.3082448


This video is worth watching:


5ea971  No.3082449


Can we actually have a conversation?

581230  No.3082450


That is demonstrably a FUCKING LIE.

We have added over 200 memes today to Memes30 alone, and there are other meme breads going that are topic related.


d55c3b  No.3082451

File: 372f7317fc1474a⋯.png (492.11 KB, 1200x857, 1200:857, SUPPER'S READY.png)

File: 05b811334f25f05⋯.jpg (12.17 KB, 474x245, 474:245, Dave.jpg)

File: a565ecbabf4fc82⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 5X5 JK.jpg)

Supper's Ready


Pay Attention to the lyrics…….ESPECIALLY THE END.

97fc90  No.3082452

File: 068c7dd913ca28c⋯.jpg (386.94 KB, 1069x998, 1069:998, IMG_982.jpg)

ty patriots!

b55d27  No.3082453






maybe you can cleave that fucking lynn's crotch cabbage with a sickle since a hammer would get messy

1ef839  No.3082454

File: 24fae29ef6cb555⋯.jpeg (666.65 KB, 1003x1126, 1003:1126, 420205F3-B7BE-4CFD-9A8C-8….jpeg)

File: ba43db23f4b5b4b⋯.jpeg (498.45 KB, 995x1043, 995:1043, 2F3BA82C-32FE-4C22-8B05-6….jpeg)

5D chess

519859  No.3082455


everybread, and im not even mad.

3e0d92  No.3082456

File: 5dc074a8e89f985⋯.jpg (237.21 KB, 1024x853, 1024:853, Boom1.jpg)

File: 61740231a14321f⋯.jpg (126.93 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Boom2.jpg)

63d81e  No.3082457


yeah im pretty much mentally dead at this point

i dont even know what to do to help anymore


5366b0  No.3082458

File: 4d8f5ae4e644a9a⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 640x600, 16:15, squareupnigga.jpg)


Niggas better get in on these and sort some shit out!


c3a18b  No.3082459



On Ingram he said that the President doesn't know what is in the redacted material. We all know that isn't true though.

947513  No.3082460

File: 5ab4ca4c76b9d6c⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1818x1358, 909:679, sar.png)

About that blue wave… kek.


3d6dea  No.3082461


It will all come full circle

3cccc2  No.3082462

File: f99fbf2fb12f71e⋯.jpeg (47.71 KB, 474x483, 158:161, patriotcorn.jpeg)


Thks, fren!

55f312  No.3082463

File: 5c50e3746cc0e59⋯.png (421.5 KB, 801x448, 801:448, ClipboardImage.png)

July 30, 1778

Congress enacted America’s first whistle-blower-protection law: “That it is the duty of all persons in the service of the United States, as well as all other inhabitants thereof, to give the earliest information to Congress or any other proper authority of any misconduct, frauds or misdemeanors committed by any officers or persons in the service of these states, which may come to their knowledge.”

03aeb4  No.3082464



8e86b6  No.3082465


Bioweapons can slow us the fuck down.. Dont believe me ask the native peoples of america…

And lynn has those.. By the plenty

0a7727  No.3082466


No more vigils! Kick them out, they refuse to assimilate.

3d27e5  No.3082467

File: 279e52872e9c4dd⋯.jpg (169.42 KB, 1024x771, 1024:771, 279e52872e9c4dd364c3e7fa2d….jpg)

bd44d7  No.3082468



Paint.net is much easier to use for beginners. Not as feature packed, but you'll never use those features anyways.

Plus GIMPs UI is fucking potatoed.


3e0d92  No.3082469

File: 1ee12f4793e0679⋯.jpg (218.36 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, WHATBLUEWAVE.jpg)

18b649  No.3082471

File: 27ece75ac502c2f⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1336x1324, 334:331, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

06e901  No.3082472

>>3082391 Only if your active duty and assigned!

69bac4  No.3082473

File: f88572c10c172fe⋯.png (944.64 KB, 1010x549, 1010:549, obozo-cut-left-hand.png)

ff3d60  No.3082474


Georgia district is ordered to redo primary election after voting errors


03aeb4  No.3082475



3277b4  No.3082476


The blue(it) wave rolls on

dedc49  No.3082477


who will replace #3 in DOJ,,,,time is up TODAY

help please

b04199  No.3082478


Human Trafficking district?

8b5189  No.3082479

File: 42435b7fb559b2d⋯.png (116.95 KB, 705x446, 705:446, inteldrones.PNG)


Here people do some research and don't believe the this will be deleted if you don't look at it now bullshit,that's click-bate heres a good video


64c74a  No.3082480

2c6484  No.3082481


>The leaders posed for photos while displaying the documents.

they're using a trump move kek

683143  No.3082482


>Battle Road

Pretty Cool Anon!!! I used to live about 4 miles from there, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

ca54a3  No.3082483


Replying to say I mean I wished bad upon bad people who're at this moment trying to figure out who we are on twat (left eye avatar accts smdh)

I still hope these hunters are stripped of their skin alive

6bd361  No.3082484


word. I try it

e44ee5  No.3082485


Just putting it out there. Read A Course in Miracles or some of the easier to understand books by Gary Renard. Should help

69bac4  No.3082486

File: ecd877ec20e3e05⋯.png (501.33 KB, 381x508, 3:4, antifa-rare-photo.png)

3723f9  No.3082487


Would you like to see your possessions identified?

662384  No.3082488

File: 770faf63f12e70f⋯.png (376.79 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

1275e2  No.3082489


No shit….52?

Props to you anon

3e0d92  No.3082490

File: 5e9ccb3c29c8444⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1700x1480, 85:74, JM.jpg)

50dafa  No.3082491

File: fb6e60210a2bff6⋯.jpg (246.98 KB, 1080x832, 135:104, 687548695470698347590o687.jpg)


think the meme filters can see this?

d78b89  No.3082492

File: 39ca16b76486d54⋯.png (343.31 KB, 1147x798, 1147:798, mueller emails.PNG)


There's a ton of info in here

bca8e2  No.3082493


>new ID

kek anon

hopefully you were smart enough not to say your true age. Within 5 years is close enough for anybody. You look good, keep on taking care of yourself, many people don't do that.

80ab8c  No.3082494

File: 100ec65b69014c6⋯.jpg (64.87 KB, 550x350, 11:7, FISA-HUSSEIN-SKEW-5.jpg)

File: 320a01151c81f40⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 298x417, 298:417, FISA-HUSSEIN-2.jpg)

0a7727  No.3082496

File: af5e07bf5312a5b⋯.png (1.35 MB, 900x1174, 450:587, This asshole again.png)

>>3082413 Oh Christ

4d9b27  No.3082497

UR Bait 'N Lies.


83007b  No.3082498


These wing-flaps that are all the rage these days, you'd know 'em if you had 'em, they look like some sort of symmetrical fancy napkin folds or something,

32042d  No.3082499

File: 195d7977378102c⋯.jpeg (265.98 KB, 1160x1256, 145:157, EAC8AD20-E3C1-46F8-B82F-4….jpeg)

46408e  No.3082501

File: 7c3b476e2cc7817⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 3004x1502, 2:1, come-over-the---.jpg)

5366b0  No.3082502

File: e42577c6f22f32a⋯.jpg (36.75 KB, 598x598, 1:1, four.jpg)


Oh as if they gonna get cha?

No you just too lazy.

and frankly….

So am I.

Reading tons of boring lawyer emails.

Fuck that.

Someone find the juice for me.

I'm lazy

519859  No.3082504

File: a5076b8e12b0b7e⋯.gif (653.17 KB, 405x230, 81:46, nope.gif)

ca54a3  No.3082505

I'm gonna start posting these left eye accts. Symbolism screws what they think is stealthy.

Maybe they see themselves on 8 they'll "get it" and wake the hell up

3e0d92  No.3082506


Defo not, It's hard to read though.

0e030e  No.3082507


>First thing, I hate religion. Jesus did not use that term.

Religion is man's way of controlling man, in the name of God. No one needs to belong to a club to have a relationship with God.

6e6b80  No.3082508

File: b7429a1d38f3852⋯.png (122.75 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

581230  No.3082509

File: f1b6e9d7e753640⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 1125x376, 1125:376, ChooseMAGAorPussyHat.JPG)

File: 2f3e7b02090d1e3⋯.jpeg (111.46 KB, 715x481, 55:37, AntifaMotherPickup.jpeg)

File: 84f24d63e8b6361⋯.jpg (439.69 KB, 835x487, 835:487, PussyHatTalk.jpg)

File: 20cde098a12c823⋯.jpg (83.5 KB, 636x433, 636:433, AntifaPussies.jpg)



3d27e5  No.3082510

File: e31260e36e5e6b6⋯.jpg (80.48 KB, 640x705, 128:141, creepy_projectors1.jpg)

8b2962  No.3082511

File: a3d693b85837234⋯.png (506.62 KB, 645x361, 645:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Does her neck get longer every time I see her?

I'm sorry, but no one should be allowed to have a neck that long! She's like a girraffe!!

Look at her neck compared to poor Tucker (normal short necked guy like most of us; I'm like my dad, no neck at all)!

123eae  No.3082512

File: 05f9ba7d4f053ee⋯.jpg (67.78 KB, 365x521, 365:521, stings.jpg)

c3a18b  No.3082513


DL'd all.

0a7727  No.3082514

947513  No.3082516


Bye-bye, Beto.

1275e2  No.3082517


Same. Didn’t even know the actual name til I was grown

8f9f1c  No.3082518

On the contrary, Q, I think it is you and those of you who asked POTUS to run, who should be thanked.

Orchestrating all of this must have been about the most burdensome thing most of us could imagine.

This is one comfy show!

a0bed2  No.3082519


wait.. did…


… did we just flip the ebot?

b04199  No.3082522


Further down same sauce:

Georgia can keep using voting machines

Tuesday's hearing came the day after a federal judge presiding over a separate lawsuit ruled that Georgia can continue using electronic voting machines. That federal suit described discrepancies in voter data and confusing issues at polling places in other parts of Georgia and argued the state should implement paper-ballot-based voting ahead of November's midterm elections so that results can be audited.

Although the federal judge denied the plaintiff's request to switch to paper ballots on the grounds that such a change would be too close to the November elections, she criticized the state's handling of its voter system.

US District Judge Amy Totenberg wrote that "state elections officials had buried their heads in the sand" by downplaying the severity of some of the concerns raised in the suit, such as the exposure of information on more than 6 million registered Georgia voters, password files and encryption keys.


766e60  No.3082523

File: 7b5390e44b9f530⋯.jpg (238.37 KB, 432x684, 12:19, notstupid.jpg)

ca54a3  No.3082524


Kinda creeped out using Google drive is it anywhere else like scribd?

3d6dea  No.3082526


I am not worried. And I will not go. I'm just a little drop in a huge ocean at this point. Sorry you feel upset though.

87624e  No.3082527


This is not a matter they get to vote on. There are plenty of those coming, but this is not one of them.

58a475  No.3082528


5d7ce1  No.3082529






57dafb  No.3082530

File: 7c709576e80a832⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Space Cookies.png)

3cccc2  No.3082531

48b817  No.3082532

File: b9a22ddcbc7419a⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1125x2137, 1125:2137, IMG_2428.PNG)

What’s this shit about ports being taken over by Israel the same time the Russian plane bombing incident took place?


5366b0  No.3082533


Mine now

1275e2  No.3082535


Was not aware that was a trend

b61793  No.3082536


Barry’s crown jewel

64c74a  No.3082538


anyone got her image without the 'play' icon?

b1f4cd  No.3082539


O Callahan should be getting offered an appointment or should be getting replaced. Hopefully we will find out soon.

1ec561  No.3082540

File: 8275c6413468716⋯.png (180.28 KB, 1626x748, 813:374, goodtry.png)


NIce try

7c4a28  No.3082541

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 13d05856c189bc7650f29f24c9….jpg)


I literally started meme'ing with Paint. Feels like another lifetime away tho. Paint.net is a good start

87624e  No.3082542

File: 06fa3ed8e153c4d⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 552x500, 138:125, same team 4.jpg)

File: 490a50c317dc36f⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 770x433, 770:433, Same team 3.jpg)

File: 80933e4695943ab⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 770x433, 770:433, Same team 2.jpg)

File: dd5249e98765848⋯.jpg (93.54 KB, 703x356, 703:356, Same team.jpg)

3d6dea  No.3082543


Oh I have lots of chapters under my belt. Funny that I have 3 grown kids and I'm the only one who has a clue what's up.

8f9f1c  No.3082544

File: c6b0221ec5e48c7⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 411x418, 411:418, 1508951751681.jpg)


>Polls closed.

those were the days

3277b4  No.3082545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

93de38  No.3082546


whatever lady there are people here who want to rape and murder you. act like it

9242c5  No.3082548

Trump should go onto Penn and Teller's Fool Us…

And bring his Magic Wand.

Penn would LOVE that.

(he wouldn't, which is why GEOTUS should do it.)

"For my first trick: JOBS! YUGE AMOUNTS OF JOBS!!!!"

b55d27  No.3082549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.














the cia is tacky cause of lynn's crotch cabbage, a movie had to be made to make fun of it

6e6b80  No.3082550


I'm thinking the same thing. If there's anything there, people will post screencaps

9242c5  No.3082551

File: 0c035a7137706de⋯.png (2.06 MB, 2826x1592, 1413:796, Penn-Teller-Fool-Us-Trump.png)

f00e5e  No.3082552


No. they cant t see this.. NOBODY can see this KEK

50dafa  No.3082553

File: 5fcf6bb4de7f307⋯.jpg (207.5 KB, 800x400, 2:1, 5fcf6bb4de7f30717267f5dcc3….jpg)

Eric Holder is very worried.

over target?

6bd361  No.3082555


womens necks be longer. its science and shit. but she might be bred for longer dicks. IDK

1275e2  No.3082556


And MS 13 has a strong foothold there

a6b743  No.3082557

File: 533b71488afaa74⋯.jpeg (134.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BAA863D1-2B0E-4193-BF5C-D….jpeg)

Anonymous is is known Zionist PSYOP. It’s called controlled opposition a.k.a. COINTELPRO


58a475  No.3082558

File: a1e95811467438b⋯.png (11.36 MB, 3547x1980, 3547:1980, warner.png)

cd3424  No.3082559

File: 17c4feccaf6c42f⋯.jpg (674.09 KB, 1232x892, 308:223, behindsatan.jpg)

56e244  No.3082560

Maduro Calls OAS Chief 'Garbage', Says Caracas Ready to Repel Military Invasion

MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on Tuesday the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) Luis Almagro "garbage" in response to his statement about possible military invasion to Venezuela.

On Friday, OAS head said that to resolve the situation in Venezuela one can not rule out any options, including a possible military invasion.

"As for the garbage, which is OAS secretary general,… he is in the scrapyard of history. Venezuela is a country of men and women who will force such garbage as this one to respect them," Maduro said at a press conference in Caracas.

He also urged Almagro to prepare an invasion, since he had announced it.

"If you say that you need to invade Venezuela, prepare your rifle. We are waiting for you here," Maduro said.

Earlier on Tuesday, the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela issued a statement demanding immediate resignation of Almagro.

The Constituent Assembly also created a special commission, which would have to compile a list of acts of the "systematic aggression" against the country through violence, economic and financial blockade.


a5297d  No.3082561

Our tax dollars go to pay for research, but if we want to read it, we have to pay $80 to read the article.

Our tax dollars pay for cures for all diseases, aids, cancer, alztheimers, parkinsons, but then when you want that cure, you have to pay for it!

Here is the proof you all need to kill the evil beast!!!

Our tax dollars pay for things, that should rightfully be ours, for free, but instead we have to pay for the stuff again.

b55d27  No.3082562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bca8e2  No.3082563


just curious if there's anyone surfing the chan using this?

58a475  No.3082564

48b817  No.3082565

File: edfba15d6c0b3b8⋯.jpg (142.33 KB, 653x575, 653:575, IMG_2042.JPG)

3e0d92  No.3082566

File: e8f07f5e47ad892⋯.jpg (165.8 KB, 767x791, 767:791, ForNeverFirstLady.jpg)

File: a396b372ca0a5d5⋯.jpg (79.32 KB, 768x406, 384:203, ForNeverFirstLady2.jpg)

382ad6  No.3082567

File: cb8497f52f1778c⋯.png (130.53 KB, 492x649, 492:649, pepedrums.png)


>Plus GIMPs UI is fucking potatoed.

can't argue with that. you get what you pay for. kek!

45c388  No.3082568


It was stupid.

1) She stated she could "drone" any of us whenever she wished.

2) She claimed to know who Q was.

If she knows who Q is, and can call in drone attacks at will, then why hasn't she just droned him?

Last night was the bitter fist-clenching of a mother who knows her family is fucked, and can't do shit about it.

5d7ce1  No.3082569

Q: The Basics is already on two sites:



both run by anons

5ea971  No.3082570


Okay, tell me about your thoughts about the first and second parables that the Lord Jesus taught us in Matt 13. My position is that the first parable of the sower deals with discipleship (being a follower of Jesus) and the the second parable of the wheat and tares deals with sonship (being a child of God). Don't go silent on me, asshole. You were just beginning to be interesting. :-)

87624e  No.3082571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can someone take the old Ann Margaret clip and make it bye bye Beto instead of Birdie?

3d6dea  No.3082573


I was not trying to distract anyone - just being genuine and letting you know that we are ALL with you - all of you. this isn't a date board, but one day we will all (hopefully) meet!

13cde1  No.3082574

File: 602a79afb2abe5c⋯.png (425.97 KB, 665x705, 133:141, Chumley re Soros Ford Ties….PNG)

File: ecc7946f7cda51a⋯.png (66.03 KB, 602x750, 301:375, WT Chumley re Soros Ford T….PNG)

Kavanaugh's accuser and the curious George Soros links



a5297d  No.3082575

File: 0fbf41dc56d88d1⋯.png (92.4 KB, 1408x494, 704:247, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 635cf84599e51ae⋯.png (146.71 KB, 1322x746, 661:373, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 13e054d8def2db7⋯.png (368.96 KB, 1350x1746, 75:97, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: ee93a6a8d5648fd⋯.png (732.31 KB, 1344x2120, 168:265, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 0e52e7dd07a67ec⋯.png (248.14 KB, 1362x604, 681:302, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

dedc49  No.3082576

thanks for your time


4d7f4d  No.3082577

File: 9fc699b4607c223⋯.jpeg (470.45 KB, 681x675, 227:225, 654A08FE-44FC-49AF-B52E-1….jpeg)


Looks comfy.

94b8c1  No.3082578

File: 12c4b73db4c6bba⋯.jpg (118.39 KB, 1024x763, 1024:763, DnbOMaPUYAEiAF8.jpg)

519859  No.3082579


trips says bread for longer dicks.

b3ad8f  No.3082580


Agree Anon

a6b743  No.3082581

File: b22630fd9470dd5⋯.jpeg (152.14 KB, 1229x1843, 1229:1843, E5C5CC6C-5BB8-4A4E-A3E4-7….jpeg)

1ec561  No.3082582


These ones get me every time

58a475  No.3082583

File: eaeece383bf918d⋯.png (5.85 MB, 3505x1970, 701:394, warner1.png)

9a32b1  No.3082584

File: 40fcb224c124bcf⋯.png (602.72 KB, 735x740, 147:148, ClipboardImage.png)

18b649  No.3082585

d8ee3e  No.3082586



03aeb4  No.3082587




5366b0  No.3082588


That's the worst fucking song I've ever fucking heard.

Is there ear bleach?

Don't click that shit.

Is that interrogation music?

a0bed2  No.3082589

File: 675d088ebe42846⋯.png (535.46 KB, 635x415, 127:83, ClipboardImage.png)

7b2819  No.3082590

File: fb03bda477d6640⋯.jpg (210.52 KB, 1058x1200, 529:600, 44a53f7167166c34fc48f8afda….jpg)

0a7727  No.3082591


Heeeeere's Shitavious!

3d6dea  No.3082592


I sure hope so

baa4fa  No.3082593

File: b5b1c92a3e338d3⋯.jpg (326.39 KB, 2036x1020, 509:255, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….jpg)

844f0f  No.3082594


If they unleash bioweapons, then my suggestion for sentencing will be death by disembowelment! We'll go total Braveheart on them.

They need to know what they may attack with, we'll hit back ten times harder.(where did I hear that before?).

0263df  No.3082595

b55d27  No.3082596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

69bac4  No.3082597

File: f8cacee3d5e9be3⋯.png (369.77 KB, 504x476, 18:17, police-sirens-anthem.png)

01a808  No.3082598

File: 92af171c3af99ad⋯.jpeg (131.27 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, you_ready.jpeg)

4d7f4d  No.3082599


To be sure….



d9d849  No.3082600

File: cd7c01704343f37⋯.gif (375.34 KB, 480x355, 96:71, 782da0da018f151ff8f8e290d9….gif)



>"Hot terrible thirst…Watch the water."

If there were a plan for a mass population purge involving "hot terrible thirst", what might it be?

My mind goes to Batman Begins, some kind of microwave radiation evaporating all water within range…Maybe 5G kill-grid?

Any Anons have other theories?

48b817  No.3082601


Has this stuff been posted already?

4dfe61  No.3082602


SUNSPOT, N.M. - The solar observatory located in Sunspot, N.M. that was closed for safety reasons is scheduled to reopen after it was shut down while the FBI investigated the area.

According to a release by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), the observatory will reopen Monday after criminal activity was reported at Sacramento Peak.

Prob posted before. u never know.

a5297d  No.3082603

File: 0c69adca351e1b9⋯.png (317.86 KB, 1346x1502, 673:751, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 3eea6dd297a3a92⋯.png (65.14 KB, 1256x436, 314:109, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 7b88854ab49d74c⋯.png (82.56 KB, 1634x330, 817:165, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 662b58d2c88b783⋯.png (272.03 KB, 3428x978, 1714:489, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: b2170be67ed3132⋯.png (79.79 KB, 1548x848, 387:212, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

5ea971  No.3082604

Where the fuck is Freddy Benson????

50dafa  No.3082605

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

suckas they be saying they can take out michael horowitz

b55d27  No.3082606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ccb21b  No.3082607

File: 6811a03db2895e8⋯.jpg (340.38 KB, 1024x1600, 16:25, Punisher Good v Evil.jpg)

Found some patriot vs evil symbolism in the Punisher logo.

"Pain comes in many different forms"

You weren't kidding Q, btw thanks for dropping the MOAB

088907  No.3082608

File: eb71a7292f00831⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 717x350, 717:350, jeff-sessions-memo.jpg)

This was the 1st reply to the WaPo Story from Q2205



Could Not Have Said Better Myself

Mr. View is the first WaPo'er to get this right. He absolutely nailed it; well done, sir!

"But it is more than a joke. It can drive national conversations."

"Did the campaign work? The overall #releasethememo campaign, of which 8chan anons played only a part, was wildly successful."

"Just try hatching a new political movement today and reaching 58 percent awareness in less than a year with no budget and little more than posts on an anonymous message board."

The narcissistic readers and clueless partisan posters on WaPo simply are not capable of realizing anything past the tip of their own artificially sculpted noses. I've been writing this for weeks on the WaPo message boards and elsewhere this:

It does NOT matter if what Q states is real or not. What does matter that now millions of Americans believe it to be real.

And if you think those millions are all die-hard Trump voters, you've completely missed what is going on right now with the electorate.

The Establishment trash in D.C. of both parties that I deal with every day are too scared or arrogantly proud to do any kind of real polling on this issue, because they don't want to discover what has been going on under their noses for the last 10 months. Something these fools have completely missed–and it is a huge missile heading right for Election Day.

Millions of ordinary Americans outside of politics will never vote Democratic this fall. There is nothing under the Sun that would make them cast a ballot for the Democratic Party. They won't vote for a party whose leadership 1) are members of a Babylonian death-cult, and 2) are abusing children. Both of those points are guaranteed vote LOSERS. Again, one can laugh at their "naivety", but this is the info they are taking into the voting booth to vote GOP.

The Red Wave cascading this fall into DC should be legendary, for it will expose the largest missed polling event in modern political history. But you read it right here on the WaPo, 49 days out.


06e901  No.3082609

>>3082571 Rather just see Early ANN MARGRET-(NO-PEDO) Pics

9242c5  No.3082610

File: 591db3502d9ba07⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 430x242, 215:121, 4868099.jpg)

62033c  No.3082611


LawfagInTraining and screw you for that stooooopid canned lawyer "it depends" bullshit. WE ARE AT WAR & THIS BOARD IS THE BATTLEFIELD. So if an Anon, here, asks a legitimate question, we respond. Take your fucking cute shit back to MySpace, asshole.

58a475  No.3082612

File: c6d8f3af289dc45⋯.png (12.98 MB, 4833x2621, 4833:2621, schumer.png)

f82a36  No.3082613


There also appears to be a 'Lisa Banks' representing her as well. MSNBC just played a clip of her.

3e0d92  No.3082614

File: c043b85b450ab84⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 3888x2592, 3:2, LondonQ.jpg)

3d6dea  No.3082615


I am a very little 'lady' and I have never, ever in my life felt afraid - of ANYTHING. I won't start now. Anyone who tries to do me harm will find themselves at the business end of a 12 gauge shotgun. I have never had to load it so far, and that will not change.

03aeb4  No.3082616



32042d  No.3082617


I’ve spent plenty of time in a bird like that.

e5c637  No.3082618


Sauce or just don’t.

3dc88c  No.3082619

File: 8265319bbfc5c0d⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, F446D60F-772F-43CE-AFF7-39….png)

File: 703cab651721fd3⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, EEE408B1-3D88-4094-ACE5-1D….png)

63da67  No.3082620

File: d37aac8b98c84e4⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 401x271, 401:271, cusacknorton.jpg)

>>3081656 (pb

Cusack Just poorly informed. ignorant.

He's doesn't understand basis of U.S. government structure.

What does "subpoena" of the POTUS do? President can't be charged with a crime. Don't you learn that in 3rd or 5th Grade. You don't have to be a Supreme Court Justice nominee to know that?

"Multiple perjuring" what is that?

Rape. Did Peperdine say Rape? no.

Deathcult ? Perfect mirror once again.

Does he really look like Ed Norton?

>>3082062 (pb

"Maybe [Kerry] has a back up plan?"

I just figured it out.

Kerry's back-up plan was they were going to kill POTUS

They may still think that.

Last hope.

50dafa  No.3082621

File: 539a190582f4502⋯.png (67.8 KB, 1305x496, 1305:496, 539a190582f4502cef758c7a76….png)

ideas to make this better?

2207bd  No.3082622

No power greater than Love

13cde1  No.3082623

File: d405b16084246f2⋯.png (579.4 KB, 657x700, 657:700, re Ford.PNG)

7c35df  No.3082624

File: 46fe92f87c979eb⋯.jpg (451.77 KB, 810x1512, 15:28, Screenshot_20180918-220840….jpg)

Great stuff happening in the peninsula

a1d045  No.3082625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who listened carefully? Any insights?

93de38  No.3082626


lol do you realize what anon means?

a9273e  No.3082627

File: 34f60af6da87a79⋯.png (22.86 KB, 852x215, 852:215, ClipboardImage.png)

Yet Another Clinton Cover-Up? Eerie Similarities to Clinton Server Case……

The FBI’s willingness to participate in such outrageous cover-ups and falsely predicated investigations, and ignore a mountain of evidence contradicting the official government line, should prompt President Trump to revisit what I believe is one of the other great cover-ups in American history, also involving the Clintons: the destruction of TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996.

methodically lays out an overwhelming case that the Boeing 747’s destruction was not caused by a random, anomalous spark in the center fuel tank filled with vapors, as the government’s “investigators” contended, but that it was brought down by a missile, in all likelihood fired inadvertently during naval warfare exercises taking place off Long Island in those waters in the time frame of the crash. The exercises were known as Operation Global Yankee 96. The operation involved surface vessels, submarines, and P-3 Orion aircraft coordinating to shoot down practice drone aircraft targets.

To those who can’t envision our highly advanced, technologically unsurpassed Navy being capable of mistaking a huge, civilian airliner for a drone practice target, one has only to look back eight years earlier, to July 1988, to see something very similar, when the U.S. Navy accidentally shot down Iran Air Flight 655, an Airbus A300, over the Persian Gulf, killing 290 civilians. Weapons systems and military operations are highly complex and, simply put, accidents happen.

Why would the government engage in a massive cover-up in late 1996, involving multiple agencies, including the FBI, CIA, and National Transportation Safety Board, to disguise the fact that the U.S. military had accidentally shot down a civilian airliner?

Probably for the same reason that multiple government agencies, like the FBI and DOJ, would torpedo an investigation into egregious violations of law by a secretary of state running highly classified national security information over an illegal personal server: to ensure that a Clinton won an upcoming presidential election.

To be sure, the great majority of investigators in 1996, perhaps even in 2016, had no idea they were serving an illicit cause, but a handful at the top most certainly did. How else to explain the cooperation of the CIA and FBI on the TWA 800 investigation from day one? Neither had any legitimate role investigating a domestic plane crash. Just as troubling, the Clinton DOJ’s infamous “wall” memo forbade the two agencies from sharing intelligence.

The political and investigative similarities between the TWA 800 and Hillary Clinton server cases, as well as the anti-Trump investigation, are eerie and deeply disturbing. In light of everything that we have learned that senior officials in our law enforcement and intelligence agencies are willing to do to protect a favored political candidate through the incessantly texting lovers, FBI agent Strzok and FBI attorney Page, the damning DOJ inspector general’s report on the handling of the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, and Comey’s smug, self-righteous testimony, we need to face this truth: conspiracies of the most egregious sort can and do occur among the powerful governing elite of our country.

Certainly if the FBI were willing to whitewash intelligence information abuses that would send any other American to prison for many years, all to benefit Hillary Clinton, and if multiple agencies were willing to collude to mount an utterly fabricated counterintelligence operation against a U.S. presidential candidate to benefit that same Hillary Clinton, they would be willing to tank an investigation of an accident that would benefit her husband, Bill Clinton.


bd44d7  No.3082628


Yeah, I'm not really complaining. Between those two programs and Paint3d. You can do just about anything.

69bac4  No.3082629

File: 13ffcf65f3fe1e2⋯.png (685.59 KB, 640x533, 640:533, left-cant-meme-a1.png)

5ea971  No.3082630


So answer my fucking question.

8f9f1c  No.3082631


listen to the end, anon

01a808  No.3082632


I've spent plenty of time being shit on by birds.

03aeb4  No.3082633



03cba0  No.3082634


He must suck a lot of dick to have such well developed mouth muscles.

3d6dea  No.3082635


Okay, maybe a little - bit in a good, encouraging way.

06e901  No.3082636

>>3082589 TRUMPFATHER 2018

a0bed2  No.3082637


You need more than a shittily shopped pic to convince me.

Militaryfag for a decade and knowledge of the US Flag is essential to move past E4 rank, in any branch. And this would be the first I've 'ever' heard of this - so… bullshit.

476da7  No.3082638

File: 4a3521d416bb9db⋯.png (80.47 KB, 502x369, 502:369, ClipboardImage.png)

96d5b9  No.3082639

File: d88e2dbce696fe1⋯.png (378.07 KB, 454x560, 227:280, 3275953bf223269c0065943612….png)

farmjob anon gotta go to bed now. hold the line you wonderful fags

much love (nohomo)

370121  No.3082640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The whole team - not just the chap that puts the pigskin in the onion bag.

I swear you'll never see anything like this ever again…so watch it…drink it in.

b55d27  No.3082641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DM rolls dex save

shrinks players head

takes players deck

178728  No.3082642

File: 9fa6afa774be6b4⋯.gif (88.53 KB, 170x198, 85:99, bewbies.gif)

4d7f4d  No.3082644


Damn right.

Like ur spunk.

8e86b6  No.3082645


Gotta win first… They take out 9/10 of us in one shot regardless of left/ right .. Kinda game over

dfb287  No.3082646

File: d0f8201486e0ada⋯.jpeg (10.74 KB, 247x255, 247:255, 6b71f1b4535daa492d594d163….jpeg)

695744  No.3082647


Clearly an Austist wrote that!


55f312  No.3082648



3e0d92  No.3082649

File: e331c0669fdf30f⋯.jpg (209.95 KB, 1024x612, 256:153, wwg1wga1.jpg)

File: 4240e46c9f3cb05⋯.jpg (144.08 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, wwg1wga2.jpg)

File: 13ef22620ee47f2⋯.jpg (296.81 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, wwg1wga3.jpg)

File: 6cae0f3c2b83477⋯.jpg (142.37 KB, 1024x443, 1024:443, wwg1wga4.jpg)

File: c5a36e358c65329⋯.jpg (422.23 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, wwg1wga5.jpg)

13cde1  No.3082650

File: 2d5011ff3a05de8⋯.png (50.47 KB, 638x373, 638:373, Corker re Kavanaugh Vote 9….PNG)

5d7ce1  No.3082651


they are legitimately both anons here

d281c7  No.3082653



1ec561  No.3082654

File: a16cd0594ad2485⋯.jpg (62.36 KB, 500x531, 500:531, 2i8w44.jpg)

File: c5b70446aa112f6⋯.jpg (94.33 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2i8w58.jpg)

8012a8  No.3082655


What is this one about?

58a475  No.3082657

File: 906123fee2ed337⋯.png (13.43 MB, 4833x2621, 4833:2621, pelosi.png)

5366b0  No.3082658

Project Veritas

Was this in notables?


cbe4ef  No.3082659

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

900c59  No.3082660


I have yet to hear an argument that says kicking them out wouldn't work.

What would Europe be like today if Muslim free?

That's the idea people need to think about

As one polish politicician said a fee years ago , that really woke me up,

"Why are we even talking about islam? Why are we talking about sharia? This is Europe "

d78b89  No.3082661

File: 8b457ccb122892f⋯.png (766.65 KB, 646x834, 323:417, mueller emails2.PNG)


I'm in seems fine, here's a text, "are they more in support of the known five" ? Sounds like taking sides to me, from Alex Ward from Vox

69bac4  No.3082662

File: 474cb522e1ba108⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1390x1751, 1390:1751, amarosa-symbolism-q3-zoom2….png)

50dafa  No.3082663

File: 1d515a474a77813⋯.jpg (15.12 KB, 220x281, 220:281, 220px-Rodney_Danagerfield_….jpg)

8b5189  No.3082665


every time I read that I could pizz my pants from laughing

a423da  No.3082666


Was in this morning's notables, anon.

178728  No.3082667

File: a41efe3d05ab45c⋯.jpg (41.49 KB, 628x314, 2:1, NixBama.jpg)

9242c5  No.3082668



Some fuckin' bush!

b55d27  No.3082669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

notice how they are trying to portray some traitorous corpses as lovers soon to be married

b3ad8f  No.3082670


I'm not that stupid Anon

You obviously don't like like TYB Bewbs.

1bf7f8  No.3082671

Notables so far

Anythin' missed? Updates?


>>3082135 Texas state senate Republican supermajority increases

>>3082204 Kavanaugh Accuser Says Her Email Was Hacked After Going Public

>>3082208, >>3082386, >>3082406 DPRK, South Korea Sign Military Agreement Following Summit in Pyongyang

>>3082398 Republican wins Texas special election, flips Democratic destrict red for the first time in 139 years.

>>3082446 Philippine Court Convicts General in Infamous ‘Disappearance’ Case

>>3082474 Georgia district is ordered to redo primary election after voting errors

>>3082574 Kavanaugh's accuser and the curious George Soros links

>>3082627 Yet Another Clinton Cover-Up? Eerie Similarities to Clinton Server Case..

0a79ec  No.3082672


Except for [RR], you get the shaft!

8b2962  No.3082673

File: 3bd4671769263d6⋯.jpg (11.49 KB, 255x247, 255:247, e43bceac908680605812cfe36c….jpg)


I ain't clickin on no goolag drive shit! No thanks!

ESPECIALLY from thomas paine!

0263df  No.3082674

a5297d  No.3082675

File: 3eea6dd297a3a92⋯.png (65.14 KB, 1256x436, 314:109, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 7b88854ab49d74c⋯.png (82.56 KB, 1634x330, 817:165, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 662b58d2c88b783⋯.png (272.03 KB, 3428x978, 1714:489, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: b2170be67ed3132⋯.png (79.79 KB, 1548x848, 387:212, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

File: 386f97ae1803b1c⋯.png (126.07 KB, 3400x496, 425:62, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at ….png)

58a475  No.3082676

File: c49cd7a58efa36c⋯.png (1.83 MB, 2766x1632, 461:272, schiffty2.png)

3d1874  No.3082677

File: d288377d5ee484f⋯.jpg (111.79 KB, 500x274, 250:137, nbc going down.jpg)

File: 756ec15d24f790f⋯.png (162.73 KB, 505x702, 505:702, poop-nbc.png)

981c6a  No.3082678


It's a qualitative comment, dispshit.

Eat you fucking sauce.

775cd8  No.3082679

File: 99630f279e912db⋯.jpg (104.35 KB, 655x900, 131:180, gameover5.jpg)

5366b0  No.3082680


Deserves be there again for night crew

Keep it up keep it going

Shit is mega mega

18b649  No.3082681

File: 4e8ce052b61b3ad⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 1305x803, 1305:803, Frens.jpg)


goodnight farmeranon

1ec561  No.3082682

File: d88be7915ec6bf5⋯.jpg (81.4 KB, 954x960, 159:160, 40465529_10160707961870183….jpg)

d04118  No.3082683

File: 8abdcb92c3d002c⋯.jpg (147.77 KB, 900x665, 180:133, 00NS.jpg)

91e25d  No.3082684

Spiritual warfare front is getting hot and dicy past couple of days.

Urge all praying and spiritually sensitive anons to pray more and harder in name of Jesus and to minimize negative thoughts and attitudes, curse words and negative speech.

Something big is happening. Anyone else feeling like a big storm is coming down in the spiritual world?

7ab3e4  No.3082685


Now they can proceed with a generation long cultural deprogramming

7353cd  No.3082686

File: 38396b62e0601b4⋯.png (149.9 KB, 744x906, 124:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Bulldyke lawyer on Clinton's rape accusers

Would any expect anything different than complete context subjectivity.

7c4a28  No.3082687

File: c86fd81d459928d⋯.png (29.61 KB, 557x649, 557:649, prophecy or shitpost.png)


If this is regarding the downed Il-20 above Syria, Putin already came out and publicly called it accidental, like a chain of tragic circumstances.

Putin is no dummy tho, I do admire his self-restraint.



c473f8  No.3082688

File: 9b70ba68375d54c⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepecrying.jpg)



c3a18b  No.3082689


Dominik Tarczynski

Dominik Tarczynski, Law and Justice party: ‘It’s not about refugees, it’s about illegal immigrants’


3d6dea  No.3082690


Have never encountered a reason to be scared. Especially not from these little trolls. CTA threatened to come kill me a couple of weeks ago. I could have saved the board a lot of trouble if he had the guts to show up.

df883a  No.3082691

File: 26773777ac9bb6b⋯.jpeg (638.29 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, nikekoolaidnbcjj.jpeg)

50dafa  No.3082692


rofl, no its green beret and something else

4bb124  No.3082693

>>3079032 (lb)

Has anyone thought of sending Feinstein a letter with accusations against someone she likes? Would have to be in her district I presume.

6d5caf  No.3082695


Can't help, I started filtering him and all those playing with him (there were many) three or four threads ago.

You should try it. I could feel my IQ returning in less than half a thread.

bd370a  No.3082696

File: 320009dcdf6a6e7⋯.png (1001.63 KB, 642x801, 214:267, BeauttyAnonBewbs.PNG)


Immortalized in 8ch & in our hearts.11/10 Your own PepeBoobMeme



93de38  No.3082697

325305  No.3082698


Blessings, anon!

cc165c  No.3082699

Israel Is Giving China the Keys to Its Largest Port – and the U.S. Navy May Abandon Israel.

Great news. The kikes are changing sides and are going to become parasites on the Chinese.

Hopefully this move will encourage the jew parasites in our country to learn Chinese and get the fuck out of here.

As an added bonus, the US may remove its naval base.

Read all about the kikery here:


48fe7a  No.3082700

File: a61fa5ceb4ddcf2⋯.jpg (108.31 KB, 719x713, 719:713, Halloween candy.jpg)

48b817  No.3082701

File: dcfa513fac21889⋯.gif (4.12 MB, 478x402, 239:201, IMG_1175.GIF)

3d6dea  No.3082702


THIS - can anons go retweet this?

b55d27  No.3082703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6d5caf  No.3082704

File: f16680f5407d7c4⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 446x618, 223:309, rbg1862a.jpg)

1f5487  No.3082705

I'm new. What is a meme?

32042d  No.3082706


I’d say ask the dude, but he’s dead.

8b2962  No.3082707

File: 4f719c57984be2f⋯.jpg (16.35 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e24524c302db7100d2deeda54c….jpg)


Now for CA!


6bd361  No.3082708

File: d1b11b08ee0ba97⋯.png (123.88 KB, 237x250, 237:250, Bred this way.png)


trips confirm

530e89  No.3082709

File: 7c19b74a7a8a2e9⋯.jpg (165.33 KB, 850x561, 50:33, Shadows.jpg)

I made this tonight and thought you fags would like it.

0e030e  No.3082710

File: 29ca86a55d78e89⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1727x2600, 1727:2600, 2121.png)

3d1874  No.3082711

File: 9b6ccae1425996e⋯.jpg (60.58 KB, 600x364, 150:91, UD4.jpg)


Yes yes yes - ramped up

d281c7  No.3082712



4d7f4d  No.3082713

File: 1eb370915ab2ed6⋯.png (415.53 KB, 900x1310, 90:131, 55F4382F-BE7F-44E6-8EF5-13….png)

9c67e7  No.3082714

File: 5a40e4569cee3e2⋯.png (448.16 KB, 662x611, 662:611, 38975768126848947891893735….png)

File: 3b4edbb7dd2fa29⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1730x890, 173:89, 12375462931064365902019649….png)


7c35df  No.3082716

File: 7936013932fe736⋯.jpg (155.04 KB, 987x390, 329:130, Screenshot_20180918-221527….jpg)


b55d27  No.3082717



3e0d92  No.3082719

File: ed1aa90b39c1d84⋯.jpg (213.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, woody1.jpg)

File: 5b48af7c50dea4b⋯.jpg (307.96 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, woody2.jpg)

File: 5d8fbdb13d2a96e⋯.jpg (169.49 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, woody3.jpg)

File: 230b5fdafec3a5b⋯.jpg (122.44 KB, 1024x565, 1024:565, woody4.jpg)

519859  No.3082720


He reiterates the importance of whistle blowing and supporting the efforts of citizens risking everything to "SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER".

Said the whistleblowers who come forward in policing and investigation depts do so at great risk and should be supported by the IG and lawmakers.

Introduced the new IG for the NSA and said all IG's for every bureau should work together.

Im high tho. I give that a B.

93de38  No.3082722


so am i but you probably wouldnt want to have me over for tea

d78b89  No.3082723


New to Earth?

3723f9  No.3082724


few know that reference

4d9b27  No.3082725


U liar.

4d7f4d  No.3082726


Preddy cool 😎

b69c7a  No.3082727

File: 3c7dfdfabfe3bdf⋯.png (328.9 KB, 603x577, 603:577, ClipboardImage.png)

24845e  No.3082728

Shadillay anons.. night crew up in the hizz

ff3d60  No.3082729



Superior Court Assignment Judge Stuart Minkowitz Tuesday afternoon ended a four-day trial by ruling that Alan Zakin, did not prove the results of the June 5 Democrat board of alderman primary election should be overturned in favor of his client Camacho.

df883a  No.3082730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1bf7f8  No.3082731

File: 50fe555c11549fb⋯.jpg (147.72 KB, 670x537, 670:537, dream_f1rua74bp9i.jpg)

ThanQs for havin' my back BO/BV, can get in new Q now ;)

5a77dc  No.3082732


2b48e0  No.3082733


the fact that he is never suspended

makes me a little suspicious

c3d5e5  No.3082734

Is now the time? I have suffered for so long and Much have been forgotten. Need help to find the right track since my mind can't remember the Art that was made. But Im determined In my heart and mind to continue my Lifelong walk with some guidence on how my frame looks like. I know THE future is bright!

45c388  No.3082735


There isn't enough atmosphere to hold all the water in the world, unless they heated that, too.

More likely they're thinking about some sort of biological or chemical attack that would screw up the (fresh) water supply for various regions. Not going to go into detail on how they would do it b/c I wouldn't want to give them any ideas, but suffice it to say I'm sure /ourguys are on the lookout.

I would just have a good supply of bottled water on hand, and some sort of survivalist "life straw" just in case.

178728  No.3082736

File: 8dba5ed9e524701⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 480x360, 4:3, That'sBait.gif)

24845e  No.3082737



5d7ce1  No.3082738


stfu newfag

91e25d  No.3082739


That Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movie that just came out.


Some ecoterrorist anarchist was going to set off nukes right by one of the worlds largest water sources.

32042d  No.3082740

File: b9e2de47476945f⋯.jpeg (75.49 KB, 768x579, 256:193, E13A42F8-1E7A-4416-B259-5….jpeg)

faa976  No.3082741

File: 9bb22338b9871c0⋯.png (16.47 KB, 601x298, 601:298, HUSSEIN_EO.png)

Thanks Hussein!

f309c1  No.3082742

File: d3f55f2e5698e8b⋯.png (114.29 KB, 1080x820, 54:41, Screenshot_20180919-084515….png)

Former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Tuesday that President Trump’s decision to declassify FISA court documents and Justice Department messages about the Russia investigation is “an especially dangerous abuse of power.”

Mr. Holder criticized Mr. Trump for holding, “his self-interest about the national security interests of the country

bde3dd  No.3082743

File: 512ffd65f47b73e⋯.jpg (194.33 KB, 1195x785, 239:157, trump be loud be heard q.jpg)


Play that shit, bruh

b55d27  No.3082744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4bb124  No.3082745


That memes a keeper!

I was thinking about writing her a letter about her. Plenty of dirt..enough that she should report herself to the Bureau.

3d6dea  No.3082746


OMG my boobs are a pepe meme! I feel honored. Thank you, anon

ff3d60  No.3082747


Maybe not, myb

8b2962  No.3082748

File: d8ac22c5e22b76e⋯.jpg (11.81 KB, 255x212, 255:212, b13e0f564ba3fd81b38bca3f05….jpg)


Look up^^^^, there's one right above your post!


50dafa  No.3082749

Gregg Jarrett: If Rod Rosenstein defies Trump's order to declassify documents, he should be fired

775cd8  No.3082750

File: 55d3b569318210f⋯.jpg (155.51 KB, 1162x793, 1162:793, ns10.jpg)

1d81a7  No.3082751

13 Angry Democrats Mueller Team per Judicial Watch emails.

1. Robert Mueller

2. James L Quarles III

3. Michael Dreeben

4. Andrew Weissman

5. Aaron Zebley

6. Elizabeth Prelogar

7. Jeannie Rhee

8. Lisa Page

9. Adam Jed

10. Aaron Zelinsky

11. Andrew Goldstein

12. Zainab Ahmad

13. Lawrence Rush Atkinson


a6b743  No.3082752

File: 21337b630c7d86b⋯.jpeg (56.63 KB, 391x377, 391:377, 793B9A42-FBAF-4C04-A8E2-E….jpeg)

7c4a28  No.3082753

File: e51c133fecd2d98⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 1051x621, 1051:621, PIC 2.jpg)

3822bd  No.3082754


I think we broke ebot so bad, he developed multiple personalities. Not even joking.

b20546  No.3082755

File: 1b6d4e99a6cc1a3⋯.jpg (95.8 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 1b6d4e99a6cc1a367d0c742a37….jpg)


Buh bye RR.

e5c637  No.3082756



It’s only the beginning Slutty Sally.

9a0a5a  No.3082757

File: 06945b3894a0973⋯.jpeg (402.76 KB, 1242x864, 23:16, D0FC5DA6-6136-47F5-87E4-0….jpeg)

File: d6c2d8ff78c72f3⋯.jpeg (537.28 KB, 1242x1251, 138:139, 2D221B23-9B2B-4007-AC8D-3….jpeg)



b71046  No.3082758

File: 71f27f8313a6018⋯.png (7.84 KB, 1106x115, 1106:115, ClipboardImage.png)

NEW Q, EDT cap

Bye-bye, Rod!

5d7ce1  No.3082759

File: 6b168fb7297c5b9⋯.png (21.01 KB, 908x108, 227:27, ClipboardImage.png)



Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.


530e89  No.3082760


Yay! yeah I saw the art and the junk reminded me of the proofs and info… just a giant pile of junk but if you look at it all together then you can see what it really is

2b48e0  No.3082761


How many times are we going to say good-bye

to this twerp?

24845e  No.3082762


Love this filter!

0a7727  No.3082763

File: 3fc2f799d03dc00⋯.jpeg (86.85 KB, 1003x796, 1003:796, evil monkey.jpeg)

45c388  No.3082764


I'm sure that Holder will soon have lots to answer for re: "dangerous abuses of power" soon enough.

3e0d92  No.3082765

File: 139413bb7a75cc5⋯.jpg (523.65 KB, 1024x706, 512:353, DietWoke1.jpg)

File: 2c8bec0dcbd6349⋯.jpg (957.72 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, DietWoke2.jpg)

File: 4532d6065fa9ec9⋯.jpg (824.54 KB, 1024x585, 1024:585, DietWoke3.jpg)

File: 974ec338c3e3698⋯.jpg (563.72 KB, 1024x547, 1024:547, DietWoke4.jpg)

File: 4a6f8bc4d8cebce⋯.jpg (609.88 KB, 1024x571, 1024:571, DietWoke5.jpg)

b20546  No.3082766

5a77dc  No.3082767


Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein


3277b4  No.3082768


See Jack Cashill's book “TWA 800: The Crash, the Cover-Up, and the Conspiracy”

50dafa  No.3082769

File: ce71026855680f3⋯.jpg (113.25 KB, 994x1024, 497:512, ouioytertre899.jpg)


62033c  No.3082770



In the heat of an emergency, there won't be time. So please keep it loaded. But don't put anything on the chamber until the bad guys are in your house. Sta

63311f  No.3082771

File: fecc71cbf621687⋯.png (450.11 KB, 1070x601, 1070:601, a034c2abc169ff50da14274af3….png)

Would you fucking assholes stop posting on Predict It? You're spoiling my gains.

24845e  No.3082772


Art gallery type stuff right there!

3e0d92  No.3082773

File: dc17cc7b757af9c⋯.jpg (761.68 KB, 1024x644, 256:161, DietWoke6.jpg)

File: 7fab1ca1c1efff0⋯.jpg (702.28 KB, 1029x642, 343:214, DietWoke7.jpg)

File: b22ac46545fe40a⋯.jpg (465.03 KB, 1030x576, 515:288, DietWoke8.jpg)

File: 4fb4da662f3c08e⋯.jpg (744.79 KB, 1028x518, 514:259, DietWoke9.jpg)

13cde1  No.3082774

File: 1a601710559cc58⋯.png (43.96 KB, 658x338, 329:169, BYork re Ford Won't Talk M….PNG)


b55d27  No.3082775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


a423da  No.3082776


Under sink RO systems are about $150. Bonus is you always have 3 gallons of reserve water in the pressure tank if your water gets cut off.

06e901  No.3082777

>>3082746 Don't forget to share!

1ec561  No.3082778

File: 793b5f8a0de88ae⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 590x350, 59:35, 2i8wlq.jpg)

3d6dea  No.3082779

File: 7b37b6ddaa3e40e⋯.png (94.76 KB, 1347x386, 1347:386, Screenshot 2018-09-18 at 1….png)

3d1874  No.3082780

File: 3af7df4497099cb⋯.jpg (66.57 KB, 900x600, 3:2, tx.jpg)

8a32cb  No.3082781


Who TF is Lisa Banks, I thought it was Katz?

e5c637  No.3082782


Everybody who hates religion thinks you should believe in their religion.

32042d  No.3082783


Always keep one in the pipe please.

830fac  No.3082785


that's a hell of a lot of $$$$ for a no-name religion teacher.

maybe we should dig on Angelo Serrano, anons??

7c4a28  No.3082786

File: d705a1640aa6e45⋯.jpg (164.22 KB, 750x1047, 250:349, q_Moving_Up.jpg)



ac909c  No.3082787

new Q PF

947513  No.3082788

File: 20240f03daf70ff⋯.png (615.56 KB, 1416x1188, 118:99, 17c.png)


So the Senate seat that the Republican flipped in San Antonio represents… 17 counties. But of course.

c23831  No.3082789

File: eb36e18ae5653d5⋯.jpg (5.31 KB, 345x146, 345:146, rankest high chong.jpg)


Hey mann - did you say the rankest high chong? Right here my dude

683143  No.3082790

File: f96f58f862e85ba⋯.png (42.42 KB, 1602x337, 1602:337, rrrrr.PNG)


Buh Bye

8dd05d  No.3082791


she has multiple lawyers now. A nice flashy legal team of democrat operatives

a0bed2  No.3082792


would you prefer length?

or girth…

621f67  No.3082793

Article has a comment section, so thats good.

0a7727  No.3082794

File: 18db443b6e92935⋯.jpg (19.84 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Dr Pepe.jpg)

File: 80f03bd4e57e10c⋯.jpg (208.96 KB, 970x1362, 485:681, pepe cnn.jpg)

File: 9960a98b249b3da⋯.jpg (446.27 KB, 1019x800, 1019:800, hillary-and-pepe-ben-garri….jpg)

b55d27  No.3082795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you do not know what about florida

1bf7f8  No.3082796

File: 7763876bac1b4f3⋯.jpg (122.41 KB, 467x600, 467:600, d542bf48199d42843c5299fb5c….jpg)


a423da  No.3082797


Kek. POTUS will threaten it just to make heads explode.

ca54a3  No.3082798


I like omnichan a lot

b20546  No.3082799


Fully prepared to make baseless accusations though. TOPKEK. I hope they throw her out on her ass.

f13195  No.3082801

Rothschilds and NXIVM Sex Cult Tied to Alleged Sex-Trafficking Land in Tucson

Land owned by CEMEX, a multinational building materials company headquartered in Mexico, is at the center of a controversy in Tuscon, AZ, where citizens say that they have uncovered a sex-trafficking bunker which local authorities have refused to examine.


50dafa  No.3082802

File: 8291b83bc92b44a⋯.png (772.14 KB, 940x612, 235:153, DHFG46574567.png)

rats scramble when you turn the lights on

trump is letting the light in

this is fucking incredible

side note: poland is fucking great

63d81e  No.3082803


nah even lynn is hated by the cabal

bde3dd  No.3082804


I would come by at the end of the night before you emptied the change dispenser with a straw and cup of water and have that thing spitting coins like a slot machine

1bf7f8  No.3082805


>>3082135 Texas state senate Republican supermajority increases

>>3082204 Kavanaugh Accuser Says Her Email Was Hacked After Going Public

>>3082208, >>3082386, >>3082406 DPRK, South Korea Sign Military Agreement Following Summit in Pyongyang

>>3082398 Republican wins Texas special election, flips Democratic destrict red for the first time in 139 years.

>>3082446 Philippine Court Convicts General in Infamous ‘Disappearance’ Case

>>3082474 Georgia district is ordered to redo primary election after voting errors

>>3082574 Kavanaugh's accuser and the curious George Soros links

>>3082627 Yet Another Clinton Cover-Up? Eerie Similarities to Clinton Server Case..

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 09.18.18

>>>/patriotsfight/263 —————–—————- Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein. ( Cap: >>3082716 )

830fac  No.3082806


the chess pieces are ganging up ag. RR

63da67  No.3082807

File: 297c7704991a5f9⋯.jpg (76.6 KB, 624x351, 16:9, Horowitz Inspector General….jpg)


I watched it closely . Read every word.

Most takeaway I could get was :

There are new heads of Depts.

I think I remember one IG chief had to step down recently .

So two [?] new have been appointed?

One to FBI and one to NSA?

That's all I got.

That, and it's fucked up to be a whistle-blower and get killed; which is what usually happens.

Horowitz remarked that the IG depended upon whistleblowers. Couldn't do their job otherwise.

A catch - 22" because without they whistleblowers the IG can't clean-up.

But without cleaning- up you can't be a whistleblower because they will kill you.

Dire. IMO

I think Jennie Moore died because she put too much faith in "law enforcement" And went to the FBI and to FEMA before going public, And then ended up murdered. While she was waiting for the FBI to open the case!!

Which they may still not have done?

I don't know know exactly how it works but it reminds me of gong to the emergency room and dying before your turn comes up.

This was just last month. She was a "Q" fan / followers and ex-police officer.

Also, IG Horowitz did mention/ insinuate that the job was dangerous.

2c6484  No.3082808


better question is "when"

3d6dea  No.3082810


Yes, sir. I will. I basically live in Fort Knox. Hard to get to me unless it's in public. I need to get a hand gun.

5195aa  No.3082812

File: 307f7a813aaffba⋯.jpeg (111.28 KB, 821x402, 821:402, DF04EFA1-DE06-4F01-BCC3-8….jpeg)

3cccc2  No.3082813


1. Horowitz = "one of the good guys"

2. They/he get "almost all" of their info from ppl willing to come forward→ he has a bucket of whistleblowers. "in many cases it's how we know anything."

3. Grassley has been on this since the 70s, has been part of every piece of legislation supporting whistleblowers. Grassley got this.

4. concur w/anons who read possible nod to NYPD. H called out extraordinary courage req to W-blow on law enforcement. People with giant cojones have come forward from NYPD?

5. reminder, he has 400+ people in his office, but they are overseeing 100K employees, not counting contractors etc…. so if he's been taking a while with these reports, cut 'em a little slack.

6. He was introduced w/passionate enthusiasm by an FBI whistleblower. She knows what he has done and is doing. He is not "covering for the institution." Rest easy, anons.

7. Couldn't really follow all the acts and laws and groups mentioned viz what they are all doing for whistleblowers, but it seems like a lot, which made the Hussein admin's repression of them look even more egregious, and the Leakers' whining that they are humble-and-abused whistleblowers looks like the shit-filled projection that it is.

3e0d92  No.3082814

File: e044b30408c4936⋯.png (12.37 KB, 885x124, 885:124, PF263.png)

e5c637  No.3082815


Most decent people didn’t prosper during the Kenyans illegal reign.

cc165c  No.3082816

File: 09d6ccaa90a4185⋯.jpg (195.07 KB, 1200x1554, 200:259, 09d6ccaa90a4185075e27f1d89….jpg)

Just when you thought the crazy kikes could not get any crazier…

Ice cream is now racist.

When will these kikes stop?

Answer: Never, unless we deport the sleazy scum.

Read about more JEWISH INSANITY here:


Jews know how to fuck up a country, that's for sure!

50dafa  No.3082817


trap, pin, skewer?

b55d27  No.3082818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


7f026e  No.3082819

File: 7adda5e2d2ae78a⋯.jpg (263.78 KB, 1888x1882, 944:941, goodbyeclowns.jpg)

844f0f  No.3082822


I remember witnesses saying they thought it was a missile. I wonder if those witnesses are still alive?

5ea971  No.3082825


What the fuck is wrong with you, Freddy? I would actually be willing to have a convo with you, and want to do so…You are not a retard, but you won't talk about substantive issues? Would you rather try to be sarcastic than actually talk about important things? you said you have studied theology - I've tried to engage you. Can't we talk? I'm not trying to save you. But you are interesting. Stop being a spaz.

1f5487  No.3082826

So the unredact demand by Trump is simply a way to force out RR.

8b0e76  No.3082827

File: 6f565bfd665db80⋯.png (127.09 KB, 655x731, 655:731, fig 1.png)

File: 286065c83d1aad6⋯.png (489.92 KB, 647x945, 647:945, FIG 2.png)

File: c04c224dd37d7f3⋯.png (290.67 KB, 647x894, 647:894, FIG 3.png)

File: 518ee99c2c9cf7c⋯.png (201.98 KB, 652x917, 652:917, fig 4.png)

File: c62ab7e9e3dd333⋯.png (326.69 KB, 645x823, 645:823, fig 5.png)



Well, lets keep on dropping them!


Requesting all available Anons to help me retweet this one for maximum penetration:













no homo

3d6dea  No.3082828


I already did!

8b2962  No.3082830

File: bfdf662303491b7⋯.jpg (48.76 KB, 480x385, 96:77, JustPray.jpg)

File: 6a02f0d134e8140⋯.jpg (31.62 KB, 306x318, 51:53, MiraclesHabbenin.jpg)


Praying Intensifies!!

Praying in the Spirit!

8012a8  No.3082832

File: 98310d2704283fa⋯.jpeg (72.41 KB, 1411x220, 1411:220, C55EED6E-BFE1-418B-AD4C-1….jpeg)

New Q


21f669  No.3082833

File: c5b14c7550671b4⋯.png (343.14 KB, 333x585, 37:65, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at ….png)


Ah ha!! So THIS is how Rosenstein goes BYE-BYE. CLEARLY if RR agrees with the "Gang of 8" and BREAKS THE LAW and defies POTUS, POTUS MUST FIRE HIM.

What will the Left say?? "No!! The President should LET his people defy him and break the laws." ←–D.O.A.


53acf3  No.3082834

File: d7e4edcdcb9842f⋯.jpg (358.29 KB, 1899x1292, 1899:1292, clllooseruivhghq17.jpg)

bde3dd  No.3082835


Who is Greg Jarrett?

Related to auntie Semite herself?

1f5487  No.3082837


Did we miss #262??

a0bed2  No.3082838


keked out loud

93de38  No.3082839


oh im not new i just dropped into talk about the yom kippur day of atonement no annointing with oils no lotion no perfume nothing to MASK THE ODOR OF PUNGENT STENCH

anyways ambiens kickin in i dont wanna hurt anyones feelins

50dafa  No.3082840

File: e9e04e98c6272b2⋯.jpg (530.51 KB, 960x1224, 40:51, hjdfghjtdyjdytj.jpg)





release everything


0da090  No.3082841



519859  No.3082842

File: 442f3d13799babb⋯.png (45.2 KB, 1594x183, 1594:183, 263.png)

d8ee3e  No.3082843

wonder what determines whether Q posts here or on the other board

9c67e7  No.3082845

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/18/18 (Tue) 22:15:05 No.263


Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.


695744  No.3082846

File: 0a0e9c912d9cbc9⋯.png (397.25 KB, 710x640, 71:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Fox News reporting Congress May Delay

Releases due to 'red tape"


06e901  No.3082847

>>3082828 You are mature enough to Know you can Never share too MUCH!

830fac  No.3082848


roger that

b55d27  No.3082849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


48b817  No.3082850


Probably board traffic.

3d1874  No.3082851

File: 4fa97d6149c9c0e⋯.jpg (159.02 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Keep Up.jpg)

f00e5e  No.3082852

File: 6c3c5f3575e6fd2⋯.jpg (13.4 KB, 190x278, 95:139, 190px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_18….jpg)

Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.

55f312  No.3082854

File: 3418ef40ca8fe35⋯.png (362.36 KB, 1104x474, 184:79, ClipboardImage.png)



From the article Q linked…

"In fact, it is in direct violation of Executive Order 13526 that was signed by President Obama in 2009. Hiding lawlessness or embarrassment by government officials under the contrived protection of a “classified” designation is against the law."

4bb124  No.3082855


I have a couple hundreds of gallons of water in my fish tanks. Natural springs in the backyard too.

I don't think the gubmint would try something so drastic to be honest. You couldn't control the fallout. It would also be a catalyst for other contagions to emerge. If (big if) they would do something like this they would test in a remote region somewhere on the planet.

5195aa  No.3082856

File: c63a45ea864443c⋯.jpeg (109.8 KB, 821x402, 821:402, 9E116E08-74DB-4CEE-A880-B….jpeg)

18b649  No.3082857

5a77dc  No.3082858


It was so fast the mirror sites didnt even pick it up

8e86b6  No.3082859


They've said it .. Optics for newbies

3e0d92  No.3082860

File: 806f8fda8f8046e⋯.png (11.64 KB, 444x121, 444:121, PF262.png)



69a4dd  No.3082861


Give em all a month to convert, leave, or die.

13cde1  No.3082862


Truth to Power

1f5487  No.3082863


Some on the Q team don't like boobies.

5cf4d9  No.3082864

Kellyanne Conway said that she thinks The NYT Source was Jared Kushner

370121  No.3082865

File: c3ae9684a871d90⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1206x1838, 603:919, Screenshot_2018-09-18 Mexi….png)

File: f9f3a29842152ab⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 796x5701, 796:5701, Screenshot_2018-09-18 Vide….jpg)

Whatever happened to Bob Creamer & wife, and Scott Foval and Cesar Vargas?

c3a18b  No.3082866

File: 869558a00589e73⋯.png (1.38 MB, 3840x2900, 192:145, PainRWB.png)

8012a8  No.3082867


Gosh you’re quick.

ca54a3  No.3082868



a0bed2  No.3082869



>Probably board traffic.


PatriotsFight = PSA type posts.

Here the posts are confirmation of dig-results, prompts to dig and general shit-posting/trolling the deep state, as well as occasional operational posts (not meant for us)

b55d27  No.3082870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



519859  No.3082871


good job. watched. agree.

really enforced that whistleblowers for law enforcement must be protected.

8b2962  No.3082872

File: 7cf5e371403a125⋯.png (683.51 KB, 1052x658, 526:329, ClipboardImage.png)




3d6dea  No.3082873


This appears to be the reasoning of Q, and so far the Q has not been wrong. So I say YES. It is qu9ite a pickle, is it not? And has Q not made a pickle reference before now? This is all so much fun. 'Learn to play the game, this is not a game'. Indeed.

1ae30d  No.3082874

File: 438970d41cbe6b2⋯.jpg (43.65 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Goodbye_[RR].jpg)

See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!

50dafa  No.3082875

File: 4ecdbde196c568c⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1261x643, 1261:643, hgfjjgfjh656565.PNG)


Time to actually stock up on popcorn

55f312  No.3082876


>Grassley has been on this since the 70s, has been part of every piece of legislation supporting whistleblowers. Grassley got this.

Grassley is one of my heroes! I hope to one day meet that man!

7353cd  No.3082877


>Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein.

Egregious conflict and criminal coverup?

Or a final round of disinfo while the final moves are made?

Enjoy the show!

eaff33  No.3082878

File: c9a9ed638379d5e⋯.jpg (130.01 KB, 1066x1280, 533:640, 1534234620681.jpg)


Burma kicked out 700k in a few weeks after the muslims got violent. Seems to have worked out fine for them.

ff3d60  No.3082880



Whistle-blowers make gov more efficient by eliminating waste/fraud.

Purpose of IG.

3d6dea  No.3082881


I'm old enough to know none of it matters, for sure!

7c4a28  No.3082882

File: 9036c86d76d11b0⋯.jpg (104.14 KB, 735x543, 245:181, mein-reich-europa-cdu-post….jpg)


>"Why are we even talking about islam? Why are we talking about sharia? This is Europe "

Before you do that you need to take down the globalist cabal that is in (((charge))) first.

Q mentioned Merkel in trouble, so hopefully soon.

1bf7f8  No.3082884

File: 8f22ccc933fc292⋯.jpg (138.03 KB, 686x525, 98:75, 9c29602aa5564f4e4cc47662a5….jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

24845e  No.3082885

File: 2fa0e9fb0393789⋯.jpg (198.2 KB, 853x480, 853:480, IMG_4593.JPG)

File: 4fddaf96051383c⋯.jpg (237.1 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4595.JPG)

b55d27  No.3082886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3822bd  No.3082887


Honey, if you are pointing unloaded weapons at someone, you are just begging for death.

4dfe61  No.3082889

On the Emmyawards two of the priceeannouncers said; "We only got maybe 4-5 years tops before the industry is gone"

Something like that. It was for sure that the industry had tops 5 years left.

I found that strange to say.

06e901  No.3082890

Q- Can We please see[RR] PERP WALKED OUT!

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