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QResearch_Voat: [Reddit Replacement]

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, 6268f09e92334537980b97daba….jpg)

77ca28  No.3034599

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of violence only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of violence in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 9.12.18

>>>/patriotsfight/233 ——————————— "PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE? ( Cap: >>2998384, >>2998394 )

>>>/patriotsfight/232 —————–—————- Trump tweet re: Draining the swamp ( Cap: >>2995995 )

>>2995423 rt >>2995106, >>2995190 —–—– Military planning at its finest.

>>2994981 rt >>2994458 ——————-——– Main points of interest only.

>>>/patriotsfight/231 —————–—————- "SEXUAL MISCONDUCT" ( Cap: >>2994452, >>2994465 )

>>>/patriotsfight/230 —————–—————- AJ [TEMPLATE] WAS DESIGNED TO ATTACK/CENSOR 'QANON' [primary obj]. ( Cap: >>2994360, >>2994361 )

>>>/patriotsfight/229 —————–—————- How do you inflict MAX PAIN / DAMAGE? ( Cap: >>2994005, >>2994031 )

Tuesday 9.11.18

>>>/patriotsfight/228 —————–—————- It's hammer time ( Cap: >>2984597 )

>>>/patriotsfight/227 —————–—————- TOGETHER we WIN. ( Cap: >>2984055, >>2984053 )

>>>/patriotsfight/226 —————–—————- Another wave of attacks coming? ( Cap: >>2982152, >>2982168 )

>>>/patriotsfight/225 —————–—————- Timing is everything. Enjoy the show ( Cap: >>2981825 )

>>>/patriotsfight/224 —————–—————- Steele req non_extradition to U.S? ( Cap: >>2981754 )

>>>/patriotsfight/223 —————–—————- Bruce Ohr [in effort to save Nellie Ohr] testifying against Rosenstein, Yates, Lynch, and Comey? ( Cap: >>2982107 )

>>>/patriotsfight/222 —————–—————- Lisa Page testifying against Peter Strzok? ( Cap: >>2982096 )

>>>/patriotsfight/221 —————–—————- James Baker testifying against Comey? ( Cap: >>2981672 )

>>>/patriotsfight/220 —————–—————- Comey in communication w/ McCabe re: 'testimony' 'story'? ( Cap: >>2981649 )

>>>/patriotsfight/219 —————–—————- King & Spalding hired [last week] to represent Sally Yates? ( Cap: >>2981621 )

>>>/patriotsfight/218 —————–—————- [RR] req meeting w/ POTUS DECLINED ( Cap: >>2981591 )

>>>/patriotsfight/217 —————–—————- Coming 'VERY SOON' to a theater near you ( Cap: >>2981124 )

>>>/patriotsfight/216 —————–—————- Pope Francis Breitbart Article ( Caps: >>2980941, >>2980950 )

>>>/patriotsfight/215 —————–—————- https://twitter.com/RepMarkMeadows/status/1039582215229857795 ( Caps: >>2980715, >>2980771 )

>>>/patriotsfight/214 —————–—————- We Will Never FORGET! We Will Never FORGIVE! PATRIOT DAY ( Cap: >>2977922 )

Monday 09.10.18

Compiled here: >>2982713

Sunday 09.09.18

Compiled here: >>2979201

Saturday 09.08.18

Compiled here: >>2979191

Friday 09.07.18

Compiled here: >>2966475

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

77ca28  No.3034601


are not endorsements


>>2954845, >>2955152 #DeclassifyFISA <----- MAKE THIS GO VIRAL <-----

>>2956097 Thread Specifically For DECLAS Memes


>>2829643, >>2829673 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test: No CP image guidelines

>>3023169 BO announces >>>/patriotsawoken/ as our SFW sister board

>>2993403 The OFFICIAL replacement for /r/greatawakening on VOAT (spread for the normies): https://voat.co/v/theawakening

>>2999802 Message from CM : New posting servers to help alleviate peak-time lag.

>>3001747 BV: New board for redditfugees >>>/patriotsawoken/


>>3034136 Air Force to award $7.2 billion contract to Lockheed Martin for 22 GPS satellites

>>3034157 Nunes: Democrats, journalists will be 'frightened' by declassified Trump-Russia documents

>>3034590 Compiled News Today

>>3034597 #3839

#3838 Baker Change

>>3033076 General Mattis speaking on Readiness and More

>>3033268 Media omitting important story today about Husseins lawyer under investigation now

>>3033316 UK opposition says big London banks must never again be 'masters of the economy'

>>3033362, >>3033622 Anon makes connections on Trump's "57 states" tweet.

>>3033400 Gen. Flynn receiving an award for “Service to America” with the exact same flag image Q posted last week.

>>3033658 New Yoinker twat re: Woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.

>>3033791 #3838

#3837 Baker Change

>>3032283 [AS] warns about "Deep fakes"

>>3032313 Child Victim Explains Colored Shoes

>>3032314 Lawrence/Andover Dozens of House Explosions and Fires

>>3032356 [HRC] Being Erased from History?

>>3032438 Syrian Refugee Accused of Murdering 13yo Canadian Girl

>>3032531 Future proves Past: FEMA Presidential Alert List

>>3032797 Ayers brothers were the 1st Godfathers of Big Pharma in the US

>>3032822 More Q proofs

>>3033064 #3837

#3836 Baker Change

>>3031507 'Observatory Story is Fraudulent' Allegation

>>3031569, >>3031750, >>3031866 Adm. McRaven Resigns from Pentagon Update

>>3031660 Project Veritas Deep State Expose

>>3031662 Aaron Skolnik's photos of children (Caution: dad)

>>3031669, >>3031710 Bethesda House Fire (underground tunnel cleared a year ago, trial update.)

>>3031673 US Marine now serving as Executive Assistant Director of NatSec at FBI

>>3031683 GOP Lawmakers Call on Trump to DECLAS FISA.

>>3031851 US Coastie Removed for 'OK' Sign, Mistaken as 'White Power'

>>3031887 BV Announces "fair press" from NeonRevolt.

>>3031936 ICESat-2 NASA Launches

>>3032155 Puerto Rico Corruption

>>3032210 Lawyer Linked to Obama Under Probe

>>3032228 #3836


>>3030736 Fed grand jury charges wife of Iowa Senate District 15 Democrat candidate with Social Security fraud

>>3030755 Afghan military helicopter crashes, kills all five abroad

>>3030761 German ArchiveAnon Update: breads #3819 to #3834

>>3030780, >>3030822 New Border Wall - New Mexico by Drone

>>3030910, >>3030926 Careful what you wish for: Left-wing ThinkProgress gets censored by Facebook fact-checkers

>>3031019, >>3030978, >>3031066 Bezos & Blue Origin

>>3031070 Wray names new Executive Assistant Director of National Security

>>3031203, >>3031242, >>3031245, >>3031275, >>3031294 Decoding Podesta's new op-ed in WaPo

>>3031246, >>3031253, >>3031265 Manafort Superceding Criminal Information (17 pages..)

>>3031421 #3835

Previously Collected Notables

>>3029053 #3832, >>3029821 #3833, >>3030636 #3834

>>3028218 #3831, >>3026684 #3829, >>3027437 #3830

>>3024271 #3826, >>3025046 #3827, >>3025830 #3828

>>3022023 #3823, >>3022801 #3824, >>3023591 #3825

>>3020098 #3820, >>3020476 #3821, >>3021256 #3822

>>3017302 #3817, >>3018083 #3818, >>3018857 #3819

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

77ca28  No.3034605

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>2934062 – 2018 Midterms HQ

>>2767719 – Predictive Analytics Dig

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 --— Qs Chess Game

>>618758 –-- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –-- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 -- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 – Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>2727353 - Call to Shovels thread - QDigs still to complete

>>2565756 - Vatican Jesuits

>>2878373 - Clockwork Qrange #4

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46 >>2999278

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

77ca28  No.3034606

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors: PDF: http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!wrwxWYqZ!WfGoNq-17boQe67aLUN7EIPFqMr5hO6fq8F_SfwMCVc

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/387618488/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-I?secret_password=RqBLVofdGM5XUJfyYpNL

MEDIAFIRE: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hpm6xvwc5x0gi02/Q%20Anon%20-%20The%20Storm%20-%20X.I.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

28 >>2732413 ; 27 >>2466904 ; Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Watch a screencast of a baker baking >>3018667


77ca28  No.3034620

File: c96380a15ad0121⋯.jpg (181.57 KB, 764x471, 764:471, 5d4f441b05e46db902231506da….jpg)

Dough #3840



Baker Requesting Handoff

It might just be the dayshift gettin' to me, but I could do with a break if any bakersd are lurking..

5dfc1b  No.3034624

File: f8f1eb9b9919eba⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 312x176, 39:22, Thumbs Up.gif)


1d6392  No.3034625

File: 5282ea2eaadd3bf⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 2960x1512, 370:189, o.jpg)


77ca28  No.3034629

>>3034601, >>3034620

Oh yea was gonna mention this,

Please provide feedback on the 'News Today' thingy, no flame tho..

307695  No.3034633

File: 6d45d300a05c36e⋯.jpg (378.67 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_713.jpg)

ty patriots!

f16a2e  No.3034637

File: ca40eb09e6080fa⋯.jpg (5.12 KB, 275x183, 275:183, M.jpg)

File: fb296df229f97d1⋯.jpg (5.14 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 1.jpg)

File: 54674011c09bedd⋯.jpg (5.44 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 2.jpg)

f16a2e  No.3034654

File: 498ec758faca484⋯.jpg (8.32 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 12.jpg)

File: 3712dfbedcea0b2⋯.jpg (7.71 KB, 305x165, 61:33, download-1.jpg)

File: 48e6f567dab05ab⋯.jpg (8.97 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 123.jpg)

File: 7423ef907674b61⋯.jpg (7.18 KB, 265x190, 53:38, 1234.jpg)

d026e2  No.3034667


d026e2  No.3034670


larper serial feltcher dannalingus fighting off a forked tongue

23db9f  No.3034677

File: 4cea4bc56aa48cd⋯.jpg (86.67 KB, 639x681, 213:227, creepy_people_be_like3.jpg)

eccd2e  No.3034679


Can I ask you a question baker? Just curious about something.

1a2167  No.3034682



can bake baker, thanks for baking

Handoff confirmed?

and on the "news of the day" bun, its a cool idea, moar work though

d026e2  No.3034683


just like that closet homosexual that keeps stlaking ya after ya cacth him getting molested by joshes aunt in high school

1d6392  No.3034684

File: 36feb5b8d5c0d1c⋯.jpg (243.34 KB, 736x736, 1:1, THATS(YOU).jpg)


I almost wish you could see past your own nose.

But this is popcorn material ; )

c1832b  No.3034685

File: 900a48375539270⋯.jpeg (118.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 360938BE-1EFB-4F64-B56D-C….jpeg)

Daily reminder:

Pompeo international travel := Q drought

Correlation := 100%

c1b682  No.3034686


Putting Hal Turner in notables


428bd5  No.3034687

File: bdb1226f2fe0412⋯.jpeg (101.64 KB, 532x758, 266:379, 50BBFCA5-4840-46D5-9C86-8….jpeg)

for the baker and all patriots

89bbbe  No.3034688

File: 5add2ee9045cb94⋯.png (3.73 MB, 5148x3236, 1287:809, Screenshot_63 - Copy (11) ….png)

>>3034674 lb


With bows?

That would be interdasting as fuck!

fb826d  No.3034689


Daily Reminder we don't dox Q

c1b682  No.3034690


New baker fix notables from last

1a2167  No.3034691


you've been posting her for a day or two straight

must give the prudefags headaches

a2b892  No.3034692

File: 03c1dbf8eb86d38⋯.png (1.47 MB, 678x886, 339:443, Speech.PNG)

File: bb8fd8ffb6e8cfa⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1031x679, 1031:679, 16YearPlan.PNG)

The World Is Waging War Against Globalist Elites – Could This Save the West?

Despite multiculturalism’s total and abject failure and the suffering caused by the excesses of globalism, global elites have used every trick, insult, deployment of thugs, enlisting of Hollywood types, sportspersons, TV personalities, journalists and even Miss America contestants to defend the status quo. Not even events such as funerals or commemoration of tragedies are sacred anymore but become opportunities to threaten, offend, score political points and rally voters. Moreover, the “Big Ones” like Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter continue to oppose Trump notwithstanding the revival of the economy, obviously more interested in H-1B visas than in anything else, while Nike, Apple, Levi’s Strauss and Co. hate to put at risk their slave labor supply chains abroad.


fb826d  No.3034693


Recurves, Compounds, or Crossbow, take your pick. I'll use a crossbow, Daryl Dixon style.

77ca28  No.3034694


You just did, next question tomorrow.


Will hang around a bit, hoping for a check.

Pending check I'll confirm new baker,

feel free to resume sesponsibilities meanwhile.

54462e  No.3034695

Monday, 9/17, is Constitution Day. "There is reason to take heart this Constitution Day. The frenzy against President Trump is probably a contrary indicator, with the panic getting more animated and louder as the day of legal reckoning gets closer.

Constitution Day, the Most Important Commemoration of 2018

By Scott Powell —— Bio and Archives–September 14, 2018

Canada Free Press


Constitution Day, which falls on September 17, is the national observance holiday that most Americans have never heard of. Yet this year, 2018, it may well be our most important holiday. For the Constitution is threatened more now than at any time since seven southern states seceded from Union and Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861.

To understand the present peril, it’s worth going back in time to appreciate how the Constitution was conceived as both the founding and governing instrument for the United States."

See remainder of this announcement here: https://canadafreepress.com/article/constitution-day-the-most-important-commemoration-of-2018?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the_real_russian_collusion_is_uranium_one_and_beyond&utm_term=2018-09-14

c8b747  No.3034696


Feedback - Do you see any News Today thingies in any of the other notables?

e6e961  No.3034697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Real space wether fag

a11cde  No.3034698

File: f6d429ab3fb9323⋯.jpg (287.47 KB, 779x445, 779:445, beater.jpg)

File: 19d2a0f09bcab57⋯.jpg (257.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mafia.jpg)

File: 98518daf1ad17e4⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 500x581, 500:581, owl.jpg)

File: 583b2d349df21fb⋯.jpg (42.37 KB, 480x360, 4:3, wrappers.jpg)

for the [media] and their white supremacist hand sign bullshit

1a2167  No.3034699



handoff pending being chekked in

c1832b  No.3034700


thanks for confirming dipshit!

c1b682  No.3034701


Baker trying to make it difficult to get to the notables clearly a clown or shill

2bacae  No.3034702

File: 7e04b5faf89a0d4⋯.jpeg (258.27 KB, 905x1389, 905:1389, A2C4BF90-386B-4479-B3B2-E….jpeg)

File: 4af0f5163d90d47⋯.jpeg (239.08 KB, 874x1327, 874:1327, 92F78232-A657-4EA3-AAF1-8….jpeg)

tack för brödet

89bbbe  No.3034703


Hal Turner is no longer in NOTABLES, Anon.

Baker wasn't aware.

0506cf  No.3034704

>>3034111 (lb)

This is what ends up in the chemtrails that are sprayed over California. Proof of the Pentagon's total corruption. Trump shouldn't let them have 100% of the reins for too much longer. It's absolutely terrible that we're cheering about a military junta ruling the United States.

23db9f  No.3034705


It's well known that you get triggered easy, just like all the other shills.

And you fit the AJ pattern to a T.

Have a great day.

adb37a  No.3034706

File: b3ba1afcdd22d07⋯.jpeg (137.43 KB, 977x1157, 977:1157, 3A5A49CE-5CED-48BA-A13F-5….jpeg)

Endorse this faggots….>>3034601

Fucking pathetic baker…

5a1f06  No.3034707


Those defenatly aren't jew titties.

784fea  No.3034708

File: 9b1955449b006d9⋯.jpg (155.03 KB, 952x500, 238:125, Angels Slay demon.jpg)

fb826d  No.3034709

I always wonder what POTUS and Melania saw when they looked at the solar eclipse without their glasses on…

1d6392  No.3034710



It's a clown ruse, this happens everytime a baker dares to show Will and Discernment.

It's almost like this puppeteer has created an environment of abused and Will-less people..

f375d9  No.3034711

c1b682  No.3034712


Well why the fuck is he baking then. Then changing notables to hide them????

Comped af

d026e2  No.3034713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a childrens book about the queen of england

how cia is that

b9fe88  No.3034714

File: 8d8d4820eaa0d16⋯.jpg (159.96 KB, 960x540, 16:9, djtclwnseason.jpg)

428bd5  No.3034715


my wife wanted to keep the autists and anons happy, so they would stay up for the task. It’s the least she could do. kek

5445f2  No.3034716

File: 5a83002792e4547⋯.jpg (139.64 KB, 900x506, 450:253, best korea.jpg)

US sets up coalition to track foreign ships delivering fuel to North Korea – report

A US Navy ship will reportedly host military personnel from the Five Eyes countries plus Japan and South Korea to monitor foreign vessels delivering fuel to the North in violation of UN sanctions.

The coalition will include the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada – America’s partners within the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance – as well as Japan and South Korea, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing an American military official. This is apparently the first US-led effort to track fuel deliveries to North Korea.


c1b682  No.3034717




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks MONTHS AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



P.S. Anyone who has an issue with boobs needs to go learn the history of qresearch and what the legends who work here have done for YOU! These are adult women.

We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.


Attacks on this post demonstrate the above line!

1d6392  No.3034718

File: 7ad4b81cd5ef546⋯.jpg (243.39 KB, 736x736, 1:1, SpeakingAboutYourself.jpg)


Learn a new trick already kid ; )

fb826d  No.3034719


I didn't confirm jack squat ya projector. You're assuming..ass.

We don't KNOW who Q is, I like it that way. I feel like Neo.

eccd2e  No.3034720


Can I ask you a question baker? Just curious about something.

64ccb9  No.3034721

File: 4358c68353c9c55⋯.png (783.08 KB, 874x500, 437:250, Flynn knows secrets.png)

File: 4ceb256ce131294⋯.jpg (43.74 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FlynnBackground.jpg)

File: b28b14269242783⋯.jpg (88.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, FakeStoryABCFlynn.jpg)

File: 4005f9043cc6d8e⋯.gif (378.55 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, PatriotMichaelFlynn.gif)

File: c0f9988c03c8e33⋯.jpg (46.24 KB, 738x375, 246:125, FlynnKnowsTruth.jpg)

77ca28  No.3034722



Handoff Confirmed

I really hope I didn't set the kitchen ablaze for you baker..



Not trynna hide anything

I normally pick n choose news articles for notes, now I compiled all of them for anons to see, I guess that's much worse, oh welp.

11058a  No.3034723

File: e19a64ee248995e⋯.jpeg (117.46 KB, 702x459, 26:17, F110DB6B-CCF6-4A32-B5D8-4….jpeg)

File: 67e4fe8de72d5c8⋯.jpeg (566.45 KB, 976x1296, 61:81, 4BAAB1C2-AD02-4933-BEA1-6….jpeg)

File: b5043f69af9ca48⋯.jpeg (132.69 KB, 990x743, 990:743, 86780BFE-2E30-4731-9C65-A….jpeg)

File: 3080b65b6995122⋯.jpeg (664.92 KB, 1200x1168, 75:73, 1E668B70-C15E-4405-A9AC-5….jpeg)

c1b682  No.3034724




Only marxist nonsense has convinced you that it's okay to enter someone else's space and immediately start demanding they rearrange the furniture to suit you. Be gracious, and recognize you have a lot to learn. LURK! That means read, and read, and read, and don't post until you have good reason to think some people on here might actually wish to read your hot take or lulzy meme. If you aren't contributing in a meaningful way, reconsider your post. If your early attempts don’t get recognition, or get newfag/shill smack-downs, take the note and go back to lurking. Most important, keep up on the notables, read all old crumbs, and post diggs of new research not already discussed on the boards. TThe chit-chat is for anons that have already earned that status via diggs. If that sounds like a lot of work before you get any feels of recognition, welcome to the world where not everyone gets a fucking participation trophy. You'll be glad you joined up though, because when you finally do have something to add, everyone here knows: earned comfy is best comfy.

cbb1ac  No.3034725

File: 359fc17a7999ac4⋯.png (49.26 KB, 480x577, 480:577, Screenshot_2018-09-15-11-1….png)

File: c2e76c2c1e37f01⋯.jpg (83.66 KB, 638x480, 319:240, 2h7ozr~2.jpg)

Nut job.

23db9f  No.3034726


Take your own advice. Refusing to see the consequences of your own actions is also a shill tactic.

1a2167  No.3034727


thanks BV


handoff confirmed?

89bbbe  No.3034728

File: aa03a04cc073d6b⋯.png (925.46 KB, 622x620, 311:310, Screenshot_10.png)

638fdf  No.3034729

File: 07bff4db6947592⋯.jpeg (80.59 KB, 501x304, 501:304, D209A8D3-914C-46A3-AA8C-E….jpeg)

File: 9e3760dced458d0⋯.jpeg (158.1 KB, 812x500, 203:125, B0CB1A44-896B-470E-B330-F….jpeg)

File: 0517ffac97a8ea2⋯.jpeg (120.7 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 226372DE-311D-431C-BC8D-9….jpeg)

File: 064ba158e9afa15⋯.jpeg (105.38 KB, 751x500, 751:500, F5967E62-2148-4375-AB2F-1….jpeg)

File: 7da54b4e3c5de08⋯.jpeg (115.16 KB, 707x499, 707:499, F02A25FC-94EA-4EE9-968A-E….jpeg)

f2e4f6  No.3034730


the number of fat and ugly women posts, fake tweets, bot-like replies to anons BO, BV, Baker attacks has gone way up since the reddit ban. it seems with every platform that is purged, the higher the concentration of attack.

fb826d  No.3034731


I'd love a real pic of POTUS bowhunting. I know he does it!

585326  No.3034732

File: 71fb68a4f72e087⋯.png (1.5 MB, 739x1188, 739:1188, 2018-09-15_14-28-07.png)



e46786  No.3034733

File: 27ea9e89f2a02bb⋯.png (905.92 KB, 2284x1142, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

A hero and an traitor.

The hero is wearing the uniform.

d026e2  No.3034734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f83f4d  No.3034735


It will take them a while to find and kill all of the subterranean bases. Hence the tracking.

c8b747  No.3034736


Unfortunately, it is still in the bun

>>3033791 #3838 (pb)

875a14  No.3034737

File: 03678ea92516dd2⋯.png (856.41 KB, 968x726, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Nasa and Russian space agency refuse to reveal ‘preliminary conclusions’ about cause of mysterious leak in International Space Station

Nasa and the Russian space agency have refused to reveal their "preliminary conclusions" on what caused a mysterious leak in the International Space Station.

At the end of August, astronauts on board the ISS found that the floating lab was losing air becuase of a hole in the wall between them and space. Initially, authorities suggested the hole had been caused by space debris – but that conclusion appears to have been largely rejected, amid suggestions that it was in fact done by a human, either on Earth or in space.

Since then, speculation has been rife about how the hole came to have been made and whether it could indicate any more general problems for the crew on board the space station. The issue was found in part of the spacecraft that also includes the capsule that will carry the astronauts back down to Earth.

The mystery has led to conspiracy theories including a fast-spreading and baseless story that Nasa astronauts drilled a hole in the space station to force the evacuation of a sick crew member.


1a2167  No.3034738


new baker confirmed

disregard: >>3034727


if you're going to ask if I'm a bot, no

if not, go ahead

64ccb9  No.3034739

File: 4527a5848657f61⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 458x194, 229:97, HowChansWork.jpg)


Anon - the anons do not direct questions to one another in this manner. If you have a question it is directed to everybody on the chan and nobody is obliged to give you a personal "interview" just because you want to ask a question. YOU know this perfectly well but I'm replying, just this once, for the sake of anyone here who hasn't been around long.

084757  No.3034740


Me too

c1832b  No.3034741

File: 502730a19c02407⋯.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 86F52038-AD71-466D-A2E6-B6….png)

I wonder if Hillary’s body doubles know how much danger they’re in. Is Hillary’s retinue of fawning camp followers aware that she’s a serial murderer and would have them killed if she had the slightest inkling they might betray her?

77ca28  No.3034742


kys, sooner rather than later

d026e2  No.3034743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1d6392  No.3034744

File: d5377dda8e41418⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2250x1149, 750:383, Trust(You)rself.jpg)


5a1f06  No.3034745


confirmed, baker is a bot

07eba3  No.3034746


>>3034025 Anti-capitalism group targets French banks a decade after Lehman Brothers demise.

>>3034049 Bavarian CSU takes tough migration stance but rejects far-right.

>>3034064 France to replace 'Exit Tax' on capital gains, target fiscal cheats.

>>3034077 Egyptian court orders arrest of Mubarak's sons over stock market manipulation.

>>3034198 'Brothers and sisters' of the Mafia, repent, pope says in Sicily.

>>3034261 Dave Murphy: Will Monsanto's Loss Result In Less Poison In Our Food?

>>3034276 Rudy Giuliani Throws Cold Water On The Left: Manafort’s Guilty Plea Is ‘Irrelevant’ to Trump Probe

>>3034355 Iran Slams French Police for Slow Response to Kurdish Activists' Embassy Attack

>>3034369 "They Just Evacuated Us": Conspiracy Theories Run Wild After FBI Shuts Down Solar Observatory

>>3034384 Bill Clinton Calls for ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Day After Man Kills Five with Handgun

>>3034438 Mike Pompeo: John Kerry's outreach to Iran 'unseemly and unprecedented'

>>3034452 Colombia – OAS Considers Military Intervention In Venezuela

>>3034466 Texas State Board of Education airs plan to remove Hillary Clinton from social studies curriculum

adb37a  No.3034747

File: 3570e1158f999fe⋯.jpeg (129.97 KB, 815x1200, 163:240, E084407B-35AD-4908-9C85-0….jpeg)



Time to clean up the kitchen and get cooking…

Welcome aboard…

fb826d  No.3034748


No wonder POTUS talks of flipping, kek

Flynn knows all, and it looks like he unloaded. He looks relaxed now.

89bbbe  No.3034749


Baker was unaware, Anon.

That's all I have to say.

After the board made it known of Turner's Spookfaggotry…Baker removed.

Baking isn't an easy job, especially for New Bakers. Baker was new, so cut them some slack.

6bde8c  No.3034750

File: 7aa53bdacad4bfd⋯.png (12.27 KB, 220x139, 220:139, 220px-FibonacciSpiral.svg.png)

File: f923e1ed734f4a1⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 300x280, 15:14, PedoSymbols.jpg)

File: d66f3988f6396fd⋯.jpg (52.54 KB, 1243x720, 1243:720, 0.jpg)

File: 0f5d7fa23d76442⋯.gif (4.09 KB, 235x344, 235:344, c87a1a7328220ddcbe248767f2….gif)

Who discovered the mathematical constant known as e?

What is usury?

How does usury affect the world?

How does giving gifts affect the world?

When was the mathematical constant e discovered?

When was the mathematical constant e really discovered?

Why was it discovered (at least) twice?

Why so much time in between?

What advantages would be gained by keeping such a discovery a secret?

In which domain(s) would a group gain the greatest advantage by keeping such a discovery secret?

>Symbols will be their downfall.

23db9f  No.3034751


I wonder how many of those body doubles have been made to believe they will certainly leave this world abruptly, should they even decide to resign.

1a2167  No.3034753


beep boop beep

cbb1ac  No.3034754

File: 2ff23878bf11b70⋯.jpg (63.79 KB, 480x747, 160:249, 2i03ww~2.jpg)

07641f  No.3034756

File: 80c2d2136d852fa⋯.jpg (60.01 KB, 882x644, 63:46, kitty_spiral.jpg)

784fea  No.3034757

File: f96e1dd9500e217⋯.jpg (739.56 KB, 1162x2548, 83:182, 070617-melania-trump-warsa….jpg)

File: 8063376c9afd177⋯.png (999.7 KB, 812x609, 4:3, Melania Delposso Zoom.PNG)

File: c884ad69ba284a8⋯.jpg (93.92 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, Melania w O dress.jpg)

d6f480  No.3034759

File: f09db0aa60038b7⋯.jpeg (91.88 KB, 748x998, 374:499, 5B712C9F-7A5A-4ED7-94B7-3….jpeg)

File: 4a84d3235098be8⋯.jpeg (164.55 KB, 750x908, 375:454, 48A89761-87AF-4DBB-9BD2-5….jpeg)

The church is Satan uses Snopes to ‘fact check’ if Chelsea Is wearing a Satanic upside down cross. What a coincidence.

These people are SICK & STUPID!


eccd2e  No.3034760


I wasn't going to ask if you are a bot, but why would you refuse to answer that question? Don't you think that is a weird thing to stipulate? lol

5dc055  No.3034761


fb826d  No.3034763


Yeah, there we go. I have a Daryl sticker on my bow, it's given me really great luck. I only take a deer a year, I'm not a hog.

1a2167  No.3034764


>Who discovered the mathematical constant known as e?

Leonhard Euler

adb37a  No.3034765


Wait a fucking minute here… don’t you mean notables??? Fake and gay baker in the house…stop sucking dick and get back to protocols shitstain

307695  No.3034766

File: b4b222392f23b08⋯.jpg (374.72 KB, 1280x835, 256:167, IMG_719.jpg)

e718be  No.3034767



638fdf  No.3034768


Alleging hack on ISS by foreign world power, say China, would effectively turn Americans attention to focus on decades long influence by foreign power, say China. Observatory. Missile. Submarine. Naval ships. Computers.

1a2167  No.3034769


>if not, go ahead

a2b892  No.3034771

File: b52f5d164e482b9⋯.png (685.97 KB, 842x464, 421:232, Vote.PNG)

Make sure to help get out the vote,The dems have enough illegal help,

A Mexican national pleaded guilty to voter impersonation and ineligible voting charges on Thursday and will be deported after serving 10 years in jail.

Laura Janeth Garza, 38, stole an American’s identity and illegally registered to vote in Harris County, Texas, the Houston Chronicle reported Thursday.

Garza was also given probation for 10 years and charged with a $10,000 fine along with serving time in jail and deportation, a news release from the Texas Office of the Attorney General said Thursday.

She casted ballots under the name of Angie Yadira Zamora in 2004 and 2012, according to the Chronicle. She also voted in the 2016 presidential election.

In August, 19 foreign nationals were indicted for voting in North Carolina. One of the indicted individuals allegedly voted in 16 elections in a period of nearly two decades, The Daily Caller News Foundation previously reported


d026e2  No.3034772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2e4f6  No.3034774



Organized counter-intel (Probably MOS) here pushing the fake hillary clinton body double theory. Note the image name formatting it uses.

c1b682  No.3034775

638fdf  No.3034776


I liketh Mike!

77ca28  No.3034777


Check dough, baker was not new

07eba3  No.3034778


I'm posting the notables he hid.

e192dd  No.3034779

new Q on pf

eccd2e  No.3034780


The old "chan culture" is over. It's irrelevant. We're not here for fake masturbation, we're here because of the storm. So stop this really fake and laughable shit. Go to /pol/ if you want to wallow in stereotyped gayness. Think about it. This is NOT /pol/. Think about why. Think real hard. Think about history. TRY to think. Then try harder.

fe9747  No.3034781

OMG - I hadn't thought about the personalized message that Patriots will receive coming straight from the presidents phone. Might he use our name? What if he offers some of us positions within the government. They will have records of those anons who have been out here tirelessly working to further the cause

b588e1  No.3034782

File: 96cdb1292b2dafb⋯.jpeg (115.88 KB, 650x432, 325:216, 772821A3-14E9-4E3C-9980-6….jpeg)

89bbbe  No.3034783


Nothing we can do about that, but hopefully the board is aware.

I'm aware, and I know that anytime anyone brings of Hal Turner…I am immediately skeptical. Hal Turner is not a reliable source. He is a Spookfag that needs to be avoided and a very weak "Paytriot"! I would never give him money on his site…I would never give money on ANY site…but especially Hal FBI faggot Traitor Turner!

11058a  No.3034784

File: 05889ce1b155122⋯.jpeg (131.51 KB, 750x500, 3:2, BA77E879-8436-4FD6-BAB8-4….jpeg)

File: 99baef852c6eff2⋯.png (241.68 KB, 622x359, 622:359, 2F0EE927-CB53-447F-AE44-CD….png)

File: 519a71a18dd83ed⋯.gif (279.28 KB, 640x639, 640:639, 60A03A5D-33F6-4012-AB4C-0E….gif)

File: 7cccfcc11e9af65⋯.jpeg (140.72 KB, 349x359, 349:359, 2CC6EE18-DAE8-4929-A00C-C….jpeg)

3c8afa  No.3034785

File: a50132a54389e52⋯.jpg (15.38 KB, 400x244, 100:61, Follow_Q(qoof->light).jpg)



Word Search


This is a message from:

Q. Read Documents. Trump Q Blue Tie. Puchun EMP. NSA Secret (A Q Asit). Hillary Ass Taps White House. Hillary Rat [Rat(s) Running]. Hillary Avion(Airplane)[Rats Running]. Mueller Avion(Airplane)[Rats Running]. Mueller Illuminati. Illuminati Power Red. Red Deep State. Red Justice Plot War New USA.

(Forming a triangle are the words) Trump, Justice, Avion(Airplane). Red Deep State Poke Bigfoot.

Q Aliens New(comers).

The letters Q (13 of them):

Is arranged in 4 groups, 3 parallelagrams with one Q off to the right.

The 3 parallelagrams are positioned (surrounding) around the vertexes of a hidden/unseen triangle.

Not sure if the following idea was intentional by Q.

Q is Tet.


Q is Contained

What is Tet?

Tet is a Hebrew Letter. Every letter in Hebrew has its own definition. Hebrew letters are ideograms.

Tet = Contains (Like a jar, basket, bowl or cup contains x).

For instance, in the Hebrew Bible, in Psalms, the letter Tet prefixes the word punishment, meaning to contain or withhold punishment (because man has repented of sin). The idea is God places punishment inside a Jar, the punishment for our sins. The act of repentance by man creates this storage of punishment. But, if the Jar is broken (continuing to sin after repenting), then what was contained, (Destruction/Punishment for sins) is released causing damage or destruction, therefore punishment comes.

Saying that Q is contained is like saying Q is under control, don't worry Q is not a threat.

Unknown associations within Word Search:

CIA? Jog? Hut?

09e14d  No.3034786

File: 8a51d1837e3b520⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 600x600, 1:1, risk.jpg)


git in yer dam pinto and drive up there ese

16c529  No.3034787

File: 1535bab384c9636⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 370x307, 370:307, the-reveal.jpg)


almost kinged

to know a secret, learn hangul

"he speaks the ligo"

the empath was a blueprint

"The Awakening starts in 2014"

morgan blood in the citi

epistemology can reduce the data flow

a coin from bud and the ladies

the first contact

PUGs as fireteams

channel channel channel channel

the old man and ford


erase the eye

PUGs as guerrillas

20,000 bots

the second contact

kennedy's back

MobAttack opportunity

bears suddenly everywhere

butterflies make great soldiers

the third contact

caroline sarah

the reveal


"The Awakening completes in 2018"

the warning can only be given once

our long lost cousins have returned to ask questions

the mason and the jesuit reveal themselves

rebuild the eye


Medignus vs Baal

girard and tay

liquid math can:

- make sky rods fall on the buried secrets

- reveal the prime number to complete the game

- Gresham's Law and the human face

- reveal the new emotion

- unleash the eye

cbb1ac  No.3034788

File: 1c52d774661efd1⋯.png (55.61 KB, 480x665, 96:133, Screenshot_2018-09-15-11-0….png)

John Kerry is a fag.

0cd6ad  No.3034789

>>3034322 pb

KEK! I've been nuts about this Anons. Today the digs here cleared my mind! Mucho appreciato as they would say in New Mexico!

d026e2  No.3034790





your memes suck cause your face is tarded

fb826d  No.3034791


Checking dubs for truth. Kek agrees.

2c6b5a  No.3034792



68eaa9  No.3034793



c8b747  No.3034794

File: 819f98ea59ce501⋯.png (593.12 KB, 901x811, 901:811, ClipboardImage.png)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/15/18 (Sat) 13:35:10 No.234



9cc2c8  No.3034795

File: b2c7314824da375⋯.png (11.64 KB, 538x95, 538:95, Selection_483.png)




5dfc1b  No.3034796

File: 563d1c3be3e9f28⋯.png (18.88 KB, 971x161, 971:161, PF234.PNG)



a2f6f9  No.3034797


people who post shit like this are known for picking their noses and eating what they find.

6386b6  No.3034798





adb37a  No.3034799

File: 400d5b81454c4ec⋯.jpeg (128.11 KB, 832x1200, 52:75, E6B44455-E54B-49B3-A263-E….jpeg)



Putting faith in you..kek

c1c46d  No.3034800

File: 995259bc1ccba0d⋯.png (386.26 KB, 1764x985, 1764:985, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)

2891a3  No.3034801


Its past time for locking up.

56b5ca  No.3034802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what's up baker

>>3034557 (LB)

do i look like ms13 nigga?
















>>3034249 (LB)

>>3034249 (LB)

>>3034249 (LB)

>>3033861 (OB)

>>3034011 (LB)

>>3034151 (LB)

>>3034116 (LB)

if you are not working to make this trend then you are a complete subhuman piece of shit and HAVE NO BUSINESS ON THIS BOARD.


557fdc  No.3034803

anyone notice lindsey graham looked like he had a shiner thursday on cspan kav meeting?

d026e2  No.3034804


where espanola?

2c6b5a  No.3034805

File: 37c85d427c51959⋯.jpeg (11.91 KB, 168x255, 56:85, 43e83247cb8ddbdaccd6a2334….jpeg)

Trolling. Is. Fun.

2968db  No.3034806

Today is going to be a great day!

God bless all those of Gods will on Earth and surrounding space.

860d22  No.3034807


when no one else knows how to chan

adb37a  No.3034808

1dfc44  No.3034809

New Q patriots fight!

fb826d  No.3034810


kittehs r key

585326  No.3034811

File: bfd3bccb9e1b5d6⋯.gif (8.05 MB, 640x359, 640:359, Flag and Eagle3.gif)


Flotus, Potus, and Q.

Proudly representing the USA!

We all have a role to play


God Bless America

God Bless the Military

God Bless us all

1d6392  No.3034812



God Bless you all o7

2a6be5  No.3034813


89bbbe  No.3034814

File: bc44ca02f9a1e9e⋯.png (504.8 KB, 735x775, 147:155, Screenshot_29.png)




77ca28  No.3034816


Did you read the reply to your own post last bread?

It's already in notes.


cbb1ac  No.3034817

File: d2f6bd4d1038797⋯.png (94.73 KB, 480x745, 96:149, Screenshot_2018-09-15-10-5….png)

Jr is getting him some awesome sex.

e46786  No.3034818

File: ff51219c3b395da⋯.png (509.12 KB, 1206x1020, 201:170, ClipboardImage.png)

Hussein should be challenged to say "America First". How hard can it be?

Hussein does not love this country or its people. Globalist elites do not love their countries.

638fdf  No.3034820

File: 7f125e273aa4fb9⋯.jpeg (138.12 KB, 640x263, 640:263, CE5C4175-EECD-42F7-9C21-9….jpeg)

File: ae53abe71a8db62⋯.jpeg (346.55 KB, 640x1063, 640:1063, 74A9DA93-6956-4268-B44E-3….jpeg)

5dd843  No.3034821

File: 1d53599ccc11987⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 413x395, 413:395, top pop.jpg)



ff451c  No.3034822


Lock them all up!

9d5648  No.3034823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Veritas hints they know who wrote NYT Anon Op-ed & will release tapes starting next week on deepstate.

5c1d37  No.3034824

Q, are we still waiting on the sky event?

1a2167  No.3034825

Q, you know we need ]Huber[ for that

eccd2e  No.3034826


Why can't I ask if you are a bot? That bizarre response surprised me so much, and would seem to raise red flags, that I am curious what your reasoning is. Please explain.

2c6b5a  No.3034827

File: 8f0720b0ed2217b⋯.png (571.81 KB, 800x543, 800:543, BUL1536538849675.png)

c8b747  No.3034828


True and agreed.

56b5ca  No.3034829


oh yeah, show me the notable clown.. I'll wait..

09e14d  No.3034830

File: b0b69feeb4eea7d⋯.jpg (372.96 KB, 720x781, 720:781, demise-of-pepe.jpg)


no unless its for tacos OTW to the damn solar thingy

4a6634  No.3034831



why do we need 22 NEW GPS satellites?

Are they going to be tracking us?

President trump, Q, why new tracking satellites? 7.2 BILLION dollars to track?

fb826d  No.3034832




1a2167  No.3034833


stfu "Tiresias"

>see, I said that inb4 your faggotry

2c6b5a  No.3034834

File: 2ac6507a343d503⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 255x191, 255:191, bf4b662f14a18443a63b0656f0….jpg)


da4008  No.3034835


Best Q ever !!

▶Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/15/18 (Sat) 20:35:10 No.234



860d22  No.3034836


because all the other satellites are compromised by the Chinese?

d6f480  No.3034837

DOWN SHE GOES! Hitlary for Gitmo 2018

3999ee  No.3034838


New Q drop……and it is fabulous !

59c5f9  No.3034839


Indeed.. this will have a strong impact on mass conscioucness

b588e1  No.3034840


Considering her ex husband is no other than Gavin Newsom that is interesting and notable.

906b78  No.3034841

File: 4fdd208afc51b53⋯.jpeg (1.51 MB, 3300x2550, 22:17, image.jpeg)

Bit of a concensus question.

In the spirit of national preparedness day (whenever that is), what say thou. Should the empire strike back, on chan, and CM and team has no way to turn the lights back on, where is everybody bringing their bug-out bag?

I'm thinking it has to be a site on an altogether hosting domain the black hats haven't hit. That guy who started the #WalkAway was busy planning a gathering/march, the cabal felt very threatened by it, and I'm interested how they, or if they, have been able to regroup. The mods are banning plebbit threads, twatter was heavily shadow banning, cuckberg and farcebook are comped, and gaggle will modify search results if we're dispersed. To my eyes, their corralling us to one 'safe space' where they can hit, which is here.

Sorry, I never got the memo and the bread's crust has grown too big for me to read. That said, any thoughts anons? Are we headed to Mount Shasta with Dave?

aee748  No.3034842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why are these people

Carried away in captivity to Babylon

Remembering Zion

The Jebusite (Yevusi) fortress

That the Israelites under Joshua

Captured when they took control of Canaan

Is it possible that the Yevusi

Are the real Jews

NOT the Judeans?

2eff72  No.3034843

File: 429f90cc27ff392⋯.jpg (346.58 KB, 1944x1232, 243:154, penisroot.JPG)

f83f4d  No.3034844

File: 9e18345f4587a2d⋯.jpg (31.58 KB, 736x414, 16:9, c2.jpg)

File: fb277428396d891⋯.jpg (89.73 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, c1.jpg)

File: 590dac645c1e3e2⋯.jpg (215.21 KB, 1022x754, 511:377, proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)

File: 32e7bd8f9cb4f8a⋯.jpg (261.19 KB, 2500x1250, 2:1, twit.jpg)


There's just too much out there.

75ef7c  No.3034845


How about some real perp walks.

875a14  No.3034846



9546d1  No.3034847

File: ea0c9eb3595b979⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 280x373, 280:373, thestormtime2.jpg)

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dea9a0  No.3034848

File: 34b3cb4137cd733⋯.png (1.07 MB, 742x1190, 53:85, SenMenendezGwendolynBeck.png)

File: 75623ba1ad345f8⋯.png (72.55 KB, 880x164, 220:41, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)


adb37a  No.3034849


Trying too hard faggot… you do the research and keep us updated.. we don’t work for you… plus there no meat on that bone… nothing to dig ,, ya dig!

7aee16  No.3034851


not first but nice and clean post


clean screencap

c1b682  No.3034852

File: 63d1a3e46609c79⋯.png (87.99 KB, 744x914, 372:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c3985ae2312f33⋯.png (931.42 KB, 729x807, 243:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37a00788fb2edd7⋯.png (709.97 KB, 729x869, 729:869, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e29645d05b659f⋯.png (90.82 KB, 731x919, 731:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01101fda2f05130⋯.png (481.24 KB, 743x915, 743:915, ClipboardImage.png)


This is a long read but does explain the Turkish issue! This is to in depth to be posted with the Syria update.

Turkish Strategy In Northern Syria: Military Operations, Turkish-backed Groups And Idlib Issue


In order to understand Turkey’s approach toward the conflict in Syria, one first needs to explain the military situation there as of September 2018.

There are localized clashes between militant groups led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in northern Latakia and southern Idlib. The Syrian Arab Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces are carrying out strikes on weapon depots, equipment and UAV workshops and key facilities belonging to militants in southern and southwestern Idlib.

These as well as deployment of additional SAA units at the contact line between the militant-held and government-held areas are described by pro-militant sources as clear sings of the upcoming SAA operation to defeat Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other al-Qaeda-like factions there.

In Suweida and Rif Dimashq, the SAA is still working to eliminate ISIS cells operating in the desert area. Separate ISIS attacks on the SAA and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) happen time to time.

In those parts of Raqqa and Deir Ezzor provinces, which are controlled by the Kurdish-dominated SDF, the health care system has been totally destroyed, and no effort is being made to restore major infrastructure. Many of the areas under SDF control suffer from epidemics due to the shortage of clean water, and nearly total absence of medical services. The situation particularly bad, when it comes to restoring normal life and services. Local authorities, who should be involved in these matters, are mainly concerned with their own well-being. Kurdish leaders still view their main task as the creation of an independent enclave and later their own state in these territories. This is why their main concern is to keep the political and military dominance in the Arab-populated area.

Negotiations between Damascus and the Kurds are continuing at a slow pace. The Kurdish political leadership are seeking to get concessions from Damascus, for example some kind of federation within Syria.

Afrin, controlled by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and Ankara proxies, is experiencing low-intensity guerilla war. Cells of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) regularly carry out bombings and run attacks on Turkey-led forces.

The TAF has introduced additional security measures, increased the number of UAVs deployed and imposed practice of burning plots close to cities to react to YPG raids more quickly. However, the YPG continues a limited partisan war in Afrin, but without having sufficient forces to return it to own control.

At the regional level, Ankara wants to position itself as the most important player in the matter of resolving the Syrian crisis. Turkey is actively supporting only those formations in Syria, which are loyal to and affiliated with it. The purpose is to turn Syria into a country loyal to Turkey, to neutralize Kurdish armed formations, to replace the Assad government, and to create a reliable pathway for energy supplies, especially oil, to Turkey. To achieve these goals, Ankara is using the rhetoric of counter-terrorism, though in reality it will support any organization ready to help to achieve its goals.

On the local level, Turkey’s goals and tasks consist of two parts:



1d6392  No.3034853

File: 4a688f8ece92740⋯.jpg (243.21 KB, 736x736, 1:1, buwahahaha.jpg)



Seriously, if you can't learn any new tricks you've got a sad story and a brief walk through a little field left. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2c6b5a  No.3034854

File: 62d748b654e12ed⋯.jpg (19.93 KB, 255x250, 51:50, OtherSide.jpg)

784fea  No.3034855

New Q video is f'n hilarious! Guess the Emergency Management Meeting went exceptionally well!


fb826d  No.3034856


I'll fire off all memes I see of this, I'm sickened by that.

eddff7  No.3034857

File: 50568167d7517c0⋯.png (361.33 KB, 511x484, 511:484, Soon [RR] soon.png)


f05d1d  No.3034858



>The old "American culture" is over. It's irrelevant. We're not here for fake masturbation, we're here because of the storm. So stop this really fake and laughable shit. Go to Amish country if you want to wallow in stereotyped gayness. Think about it. This is NOT America. Think about why. Think real hard. Think about history. TRY to think. Then try harder.

cbb1ac  No.3034859

File: f259e79154c29fe⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 2egkb1.jpg)

File: f216f8730dd37f8⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 828x566, 414:283, f216f8730dd37f8297ed94aad6….jpg)

File: c52acc25b2805f5⋯.jpg (87.07 KB, 750x400, 15:8, 2832vd.jpg)



Sessions is a moron, he fucked over Trump big time.

07641f  No.3034860

File: 88fef916955f4ef⋯.jpg (175.82 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hangem.jpg)

b588e1  No.3034861

File: 3f359a34a3b4870⋯.jpeg (63.41 KB, 646x920, 323:460, 94D7C389-5FC3-4905-9054-9….jpeg)

fb826d  No.3034862

Good Caturday afternoon Q…glad I didn't head to the pool yet!

Keep safe boss

573b90  No.3034863

File: 97628d61c217cf7⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Lock Em All Up.mp4)

74138f  No.3034864

File: 217ae17dec212ad⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 800x362, 400:181, wsbsl.jpg)

ca114a  No.3034865

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, 891c04fb1bde416fa93dd373b1….jpg)

LET'S ROLL!! Let's DoIt Q!!!!

e46786  No.3034866

File: 679ea94d10287f4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x1126, 600:563, ClipboardImage.png)


A big week ahead of Q? Sept 20 a big day?

084757  No.3034867

File: 1764427b21ba008⋯.jpg (76.1 KB, 594x384, 99:64, iu (1).jpg)

784fea  No.3034868

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.234 📁

Sep 15 2018 13:35:10 (EST) NEW





e192dd  No.3034869

it's about time Q recognizes Muse. their lyrics are fucking perfect for (us) and what we are doing. if you aren't aware of it. go listen to some muse and get charged up to take the world back

265584  No.3034870

DOITQ Re: #234 We are Ready.. any longer my popcorn will be going soft.

856b87  No.3034871


POTUS humping [RR]'s ass was worth a fortune!

56b5ca  No.3034872

File: 71ef278a98c705a⋯.jpg (57.07 KB, 823x777, 823:777, cianigg.JPG)



need some help Q..

2eff72  No.3034873

File: f88c05323d2db5d⋯.png (208.85 KB, 531x393, 177:131, sessions55.png)

2c6b5a  No.3034874

File: 7ea26e2b193c6dd⋯.png (409.25 KB, 800x418, 400:209, fudged.png)

2bacae  No.3034875

File: c15b6a9b374696a⋯.jpeg (372.55 KB, 2177x1668, 2177:1668, C8F5835F-1543-47EE-88BD-9….jpeg)

89bbbe  No.3034876

File: 494c4e91cca98fc⋯.png (52.11 KB, 422x292, 211:146, Screenshot_62.png)


Ok, is this Q confirmation that Mueller is in fact DIRTY?

Because that's what the video implies?



e192dd  No.3034877


absolutely, my favorite part. kek

875a14  No.3034878




a2f6f9  No.3034879





a486df  No.3034880

69e184  No.3034881


9/11 truth when?


Watching POTUS dedicate a 6 million dollar monument to a hole in the ground where no plane crashed and nobody died is PAINFUL!

5dd843  No.3034882

File: 8d65fbb9d74ebef⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 565x761, 565:761, 8d65fbb9d74ebef62bfaef2745….jpg)

c1c46d  No.3034883

File: 1e6a41ae0a97f0d⋯.png (964.6 KB, 848x641, 848:641, kek.png)




2c6b5a  No.3034884

File: 01077e5aa62dd7d⋯.png (421.74 KB, 800x419, 800:419, RRDUUUUUURRRRTTTTYYYY.png)

d026e2  No.3034886

The “civilians” involved in this widespread operation are comprised of immigrants – both legal and illegal, criminals, ex-cons, and the dregs of US society – hired by the FBI’s civilian branch called InfraGard – which on the street-level, helps manage this unconstitutional and sadistic program, primarily comprised of sociopathic misfits.

top secret zersetung internal subversion

east german stassi project imported to the United State during the bush administration


784fea  No.3034887


If [RR] is dirty…

875a14  No.3034888

whats on the q clock for 35 seconds on this mirror?

1a2167  No.3034889

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3034737 NASA and Russian space agency refuse to reveal ‘preliminary conclusions’ about cause of mysterious leak in International Space Station

>>3034823 Project Veritas hints they know who wrote NYT Anon Op-ed & will release tapes starting next week on deepstate (Video)

>>3034852 Turkish Strategy In Northern Syria: Military Operations, Turkish-backed Groups And Idlib Issue

New Q this bread:

Saturday 09.15.18

>>>/patriotsfight/234 —————–—————- https://twitter.com/realTRUMPERLAND/status/1037149645548347397 ( Cap: >>3034794, >>3034795 )


will add parts 2 and 3


had already gotten two, thanks though anon



we know Mueller is dirty as fuck, see: >>2715672 (side by side thread)

fb826d  No.3034890

That video is gonna produce megamemes I can FEEL it.

19af1a  No.3034891

File: 5dc9ef31afb111a⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 284x405, 284:405, tumblr_o90nk5uQZx1r9jswyo1….gif)

16c529  No.3034892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c1b682  No.3034893

File: 7b2d981f88bf331⋯.png (88.54 KB, 746x895, 746:895, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff77065426888e8⋯.png (94.42 KB, 748x922, 374:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67bc846b2ee7901⋯.png (525.72 KB, 745x914, 745:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdb508f03264d26⋯.png (336.91 KB, 747x913, 9:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff1c49467da9aea⋯.png (84.31 KB, 737x917, 737:917, ClipboardImage.png)

11058a  No.3034894

File: 324b5d42a3cf5ae⋯.jpeg (99.84 KB, 1024x742, 512:371, D39B570B-140F-411E-93D5-6….jpeg)

File: d3b49548e3aeb21⋯.jpeg (49.6 KB, 473x449, 473:449, F7BEE6DA-B8FF-4AF3-B4A4-6….jpeg)

File: 418bc43ceb553fe⋯.jpeg (92.89 KB, 798x1071, 38:51, 830B3FAC-A2E6-4361-A061-4….jpeg)

46d3c5  No.3034895

that trumperland vid took some time and skill

kudos to the producer.

I would suggest that Q agrees with the kudos, not necessarily suggesting locking them all up will actually occur shortly.

bubble busting intentional.

eccd2e  No.3034896


What is this supposed to mean? Your behavior is bizarre anon, are you okay? Who is "Tiresias"? Why did you say I can't ask if you're a bot?

Weird baker anons!

c1c46d  No.3034897

File: 5d3a0b59f4d458e⋯.png (862.42 KB, 1367x541, 1367:541, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: ea55256c6e16628⋯.png (1.1 MB, 996x741, 332:247, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

1dfc44  No.3034898

File: cb1f322eac20148⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_3382.JPG)

Q, got a new hat! What will it take to get it signed?

e192dd  No.3034899


fuck yeah

1a2167  No.3034900


god bless caps

5933e1  No.3034901


We need a new one with Uncle Sam hip hip hooraying

cbb1ac  No.3034902

File: cc236963d16fc01⋯.jpg (48.14 KB, 494x422, 247:211, 2i030w.jpg)

eddff7  No.3034903


And it's gone

77ca28  No.3034904


already deleted, interdasting

19fde3  No.3034905


I don't think we should be "expecting a big day" anymore, it hurts getting hopes up. It'll happen one of these days and be great but i dont think we'll know what day and when

f83f4d  No.3034906



I could loop this all day

2c6b5a  No.3034907

File: df66500625e5b1e⋯.jpeg (57.56 KB, 800x494, 400:247, df66500625e5b1ecf48b97cfe….jpeg)

cb62ea  No.3034908


Can someone hook me up with best bread links with discussion on the uptick in attempted kidnappings/missing women ?

I personally know someone who had an attempt made this last week and cops are totally useless and playing cover up.

Thanks faggots

a2b892  No.3034909

File: 0b6bc037e541038⋯.jpg (606.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, .jpg)

Remember its mostly people like the SJW that work for Google, FB, Twitter. doing the programing. They hate Trump and all his supporters, so how well do you think this is going to work out.

How Can AI Help in Personality Prediction?

Personality and Eye Movement

Eyes are the interface between the external world and our inner mind. Eyes are also said to be the "mirror of our mind" and the "window to our soul" –they reflect our personality to the outer world. If we carefully look at our eyes, they exhibit different types of activities apart from just eyeball movements. For example, the pupil expands and contracts, and many other movements can be observed as well. Each of these activities are influenced by various stimuli.

On the other side, our inner thoughts, perceptions, opinions, anger, laughter, likes/dislikes – everything is conveyed to the outer world through our eyes. So, if you can read a person's eyes, you can understand their personality in a better way. Maybe it's not 100 percent accurate yet, but it can give reasonably correct results.


8d4798  No.3034910

Last week Candace Owen visited an ICE camp. After, she said she was going to expose something BIG. I'm wondering if this isn't it. The FEMA "Adult Camps" HRC and BHO were building for us.

Trump Exposes Existence of FEMA Camps Through the Immigration Crisis


d026e2  No.3034911

6bde8c  No.3034912


you like phi-lines?

e99463  No.3034913


KEK okay anyone else think this is one of those posts that Q deletes really fast?

59c5f9  No.3034914


will happen before the midterms. any day before the midterms.

d6f480  No.3034916


I know right, down they go

5e5119  No.3034917


Post just VANISHED from /patriotsfight/ ??

2c6b5a  No.3034918

File: e6c51779468e8e4⋯.jpeg (9.87 KB, 172x255, 172:255, 18b199a93467a8326640e17e4….jpeg)


Immediate Adrenaline.

f2e4f6  No.3034919

File: a156acccbf40a76⋯.png (17.39 KB, 735x128, 735:128, pf234.png)


Confirmed, gone! wow.

I wonder how much chatter is being generated.

f77a05  No.3034920

File: 48dd6c66cc3ec0a⋯.jpg (6.65 MB, 5736x4432, 717:554, Q Map Graphic 46.jpg)




Q Graphics all in GMT Update

Hi Baker, this post replaces >>2999278 Q Graphics all in GMT #46 seen here >>3034605

Please update the dough.

Godspeed Baker/s

a486df  No.3034921


It needs to happen before midterms, imho

e192dd  No.3034922

it isn't gone for me but i do find it interesting that it's pf post # 234… clockwork

638fdf  No.3034923

File: d8a1eef38c04a83⋯.jpeg (243.03 KB, 637x1858, 637:1858, 2CF09748-3CA7-4F5D-9307-6….jpeg)

7683d6  No.3034924

Holy fucking dogshit on a bun. Q and POTUS are in a good mood today. #Itsalmosthappening

c1b682  No.3034925

File: bdd40cca4e2cfc6⋯.png (81.71 KB, 739x915, 739:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a51ddafcdf70240⋯.png (85.07 KB, 724x921, 724:921, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b5409a43a0a55d⋯.png (77.98 KB, 744x897, 248:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94c88edf67e5a4a⋯.png (426.05 KB, 747x913, 9:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4245650f51cb796⋯.png (90.85 KB, 817x920, 817:920, ClipboardImage.png)




In the last decade, Turkey’s foreign policy underwent significant changes which transformed its theoretical and practical foundations. The term “neo-Ottomanism” was launched in the context of Turkey’s expanding international activities in the scientific and political realm. While the international community interprets it in a number of ways, it does contain a clear ideological component. Moreover, neo-Ottomanism is the most appropriate term to describe Turkey’s foreign policy ideology and actions. Ankara seeks to become a world power, and that goal drives its activities, particularly concerning the Arab Spring and the war in Syria.

There are many potential clashes of interests between Turkey and Syria, including the Kurdish issue, mutual territorial claims, and ideological and political incompatibility. Since the very start of the protests in Syria, Turkey has rendered and continues to render help to the armed groups and political opposition. Moreover, the bilateral relations are made more complicated by the Euphrates river (nearly half the water is taken by Turkey which deprives countries downstream of water), the looting of industrial enterprises of the manufacturing center of Syria – Aleppo (equipment from nearly 1,000 factories were transported to Turkey). Ankara still believes Assad ought to leave his post, although in the last year its rhetoric concerning Assad’s legitimacy has softened. This was due to the growth of Russian influence on the theater of operations, military defeat suffered by several groups backed by Turkey, and also by the political and economic pressure exerted by Moscow after the Su-24 incident. This shaped Turkish policy toward Syria.

In the best outcome scenario for Syria, Iran, and Russia, Turkey would not plan to annex the Syrian territory it controls in the north of the country in order to avoid a negative reaction from these three states. These territories may be used as bargaining chips in order to gain preferential treatment for work in post-war Syria, thus expanding and strengthening its sphere of influence in that country and strengthening Turkey as a regional power. It’s possible that the Syrian border territories will see something akin to a trans-border protectorate, without redrawing national boundaries. Turkey has already transformed the agglomeration of its proxies into something like a unified opposition, with whom Ankara imagines Assad will discuss the future of Syria, thus giving it a place in the war-destroyed country and thus ensuring Turkey’s interests are safeguarded.

In the contemporary military and diplomatic reality surrounding the Syrian crisis, Ankara is pursuing the following tactical goals:

To eliminate or at least disarm and limit influence of US-backed Kurdish armed groups in northern Syria;

To strengthen a united pro-Turkish opposition Idlib and to eliminate any resistance to it, including in some scenarios the elimination of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies;

To facilitate return of refugees from Turkey to Syrian areas under its own control;

If these goals are achieved, Ankara will significantly increase its influence on the diplomatic settlement of the crisis and on the future of the post-war Syria. The returned refugees and supporters of militant groups in the Turkish-controlled part of Syria will become an electoral base of pro-Turkish political figures and parties in case of the implementation of the peaceful scenario. If no wide-scale diplomatic deal on the conflict is reached, one must consider the possibility of a pro-Turkish quasi-state in northern Syria, confirming the thesis that Erdogan is seeking to build a neo-Ottoman empire.

875a14  No.3034926

The paranoia is in bloom, the P-R

Transmissions will resume

They'll try to push drugs

That keep us all dumbed down and hope that

We will never see the truth around

Another promise, another scene,

Another package lie to keep us trapped in greed

With all the green belts wrapped around our minds

And endless red tape to keep the truth confined

They will not force us

They will stop degrading us

They will not control us

We will be victorious

Interchanging mind control

Come let the revolution take its toll if you could

Flick a switch and open your third eye, you'd see that

We should never be afraid to die

Rise up and take the power back, it's time that

The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that

Their time…


c1dfa4  No.3034927

File: 48b98ed7172b639⋯.mp4 (13.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT.mp4)





e46786  No.3034928


>I don't think we should be "expecting a big day" anymore, it hurts getting hopes up. It'll happen one of these days and be great but i dont think we'll know what day and when

You are probably correct. It will happen when it happens.

80c201  No.3034929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>3034608 lb

897211  No.3034930

File: b03eb5e9244f0cb⋯.jpg (267.64 KB, 1440x1674, 80:93, b03eb5e9244f0cb817f4b124f8….jpg)

638fdf  No.3034931


Q being Q.

46d3c5  No.3034932


Q's way of saying

"this is cool"

"check this out"

"lol, we like this"

says nothing about the execution of the plan or the perps.

69e184  No.3034933




ee8aa1  No.3034934

File: d588382f8da0853⋯.png (368.08 KB, 821x858, 821:858, ms.png)


d026e2  No.3034935

f77a05  No.3034936




Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#40 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270

Q Graphics all in GMT #41-#45 >>>/comms/2274, >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327

Q Graphics all in GMT #46 >>3034920

Pastabin in case one prefers: https://pastebin.com/uuCTceeG

56b5ca  No.3034937

Evelyn Rodriguez

07eba3  No.3034938

File: 6365ac5538431e0⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2918x2583, 2918:2583, 1511198568310 (1).jpg)

1a6d6a  No.3034939

File: 3eee4831bb5a086⋯.jpeg (95.03 KB, 916x499, 916:499, A616F29A-8C3B-4511-A679-E….jpeg)

3c63a1  No.3034940


Anything taught of HRC today would be heavily sanitized of all wrongdoing. You can bet she'll be added back in once she has faced the music and her crimes are made public.

Frankly I don't see why she would presently need to be taught as a subject all its own outside of the context of the current president. She hasn't accomplished anything significantly beneficial in the sanitized history and we don't spend huge amounts of time studying failed presidential candidates.

d450e0  No.3034941

File: 0304fbf21a4269e⋯.jpeg (524.03 KB, 750x725, 30:29, E75C1B17-2956-4D6F-889D-1….jpeg)


64636e  No.3034942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is another one to add to your playlist ;)

89bbbe  No.3034943




Did Q realize that Mueller was being arrested in that video and then deleted?

I don't know why else Q would be deleting that post?

83087c  No.3034944

>>3032314 (Notable)

Please ignore this ignorant notable. Tunnels should NOT be the focus of digs. "Underground tunnel" does not always equal underground child sex trafficking ring. My family worked in the Mills for generations. I live in one of the towns hit by the gas attacks. I don't know if this notable is shill fuckery or just an ignorant anon. Please ignore the tunnel aspect of this story. Sometimes underground tunnels are the best way of getting from point A to point B.

This event was a significant false flag attack and needs to be taken seriously. Digging should be in these areas:

-Columbia Gas (especially connections to Clowns/Security contractors/black ops personnel)

-Nature of gas explosions

-The Clowns' history of similar gas attacks in other countries

-The deep state coverup (there's not nearly as much hard evidence as in the Vegas shootings)

2c6b5a  No.3034945

File: 752d57a9d837256⋯.png (425.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AllHail.png)

1a2167  No.3034946



got it, thanks anon

cbb1ac  No.3034947

File: 92ca89e318869b2⋯.png (76.11 KB, 480x592, 30:37, Screenshot_2018-09-15-10-2….png)

File: 965a44164918c50⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 500x537, 500:537, 2ghr74~2.jpg)

e99463  No.3034948


that has nothing to do with what i posted

d896d6  No.3034949

File: 25b7c1f951bd2d4⋯.jpg (474.55 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 2018-09-15


No events scheduled. HRC is gone.

19fde3  No.3034950


think so?

e46786  No.3034951


>Q being Q.

Love how Q does that. He gives us glimpses of what is coming. Remember the enemies lurk here too.

a2f6f9  No.3034952


yeah lulz whatever it's old.

Say, how come we don't hear about her anymore ? The daughter, I mean. I can't even remember he name.

9fa495  No.3034953

Was just listening to Jim Jordan on Joe Paggs radio show in the truck and it was an amazing interview. Phonefagging so no sauce. Dudes a true patriot.

07641f  No.3034954

File: 5db768696ca5d15⋯.png (530.77 KB, 751x636, 751:636, kek.png)

c1c4ff  No.3034955


Hide and Seek, anon. Playing Hide and Seek.

d30377  No.3034956

File: 1e14c47c120a278⋯.jpg (626.9 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, It's-Hammer-Time-1.jpg)


Get pumped, Patriots! It's Happening!

5dfc1b  No.3034957

File: b666bdd84f9e745⋯.gif (474.49 KB, 300x300, 1:1, troll.gif)


Trolling is fun

← gif related

d026e2  No.3034958

these serial killers are betting on

if enough sacrum spite could train frumpo to eat people and like trannys

it should workd on the claimant too

7aee16  No.3034959

File: 0872eac495ce2ea⋯.png (254.92 KB, 586x538, 293:269, ClipboardImage.png)

i wish i was good enough to figure out how to grab alice's video from mad twatter

2c6b5a  No.3034960

File: e96dc65fb46cad2⋯.jpeg (39.27 KB, 640x742, 320:371, e96dc65fb46cad28bbdf5b915….jpeg)

0107d2  No.3034961

File: 006603045688b6f⋯.jpeg (192.54 KB, 741x1000, 741:1000, 549F4AFA-E980-413B-AF54-8….jpeg)

eccd2e  No.3034962


I think the baker had an aneurysm guys!??!

e46786  No.3034963



>Was just listening to Jim Jordan on Joe Paggs radio show in the truck and it was an amazing interview. Phonefagging so no sauce. Dudes a true patriot.

Thanks anon for the heads-up. Will listen later today. JJ is a good man.

4a6634  No.3034964


OMG! that is great!

1d6392  No.3034965

File: 582998418ee1148⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 2079x7357, 297:1051, Qproof_Airplane_shot.jpg)

File: 2f350b844916be3⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 1590x3965, 318:793, RATSRUNNING.jpg)

File: 4147a6aabeca959⋯.jpg (842.59 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, BattenDownTheHatches.jpg)

File: 24fdf61aaa8f2bf⋯.jpg (891.74 KB, 2255x2462, 2255:2462, TheFloodIsComing2.jpg)

So these 50,000 texts might be just the start of THE FLOOD

98aa01  No.3034966


Q does it all the time

875a14  No.3034967


don't worry anon, been here since last year and I still havent figured it out yet either.

eeb217  No.3034968

File: 012e9cf6db71c5d⋯.jpg (87.27 KB, 529x383, 529:383, hhgrenade.jpg)


i like these.

you wanna be sure.

and make sure all their base belong to us.

897211  No.3034969


already explained. reddit dipshit

638fdf  No.3034970


KEk everytime

Everything has meaning

No coincidences

fb826d  No.3034971

File: a0492ccad9e1e2b⋯.png (341.6 KB, 546x515, 546:515, twitterhasslaves.PNG)

Go figure….

4b8491  No.3034972

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Here's a video which summarizes some of the possibilities of what might be going on with/around the Solar Observatory.

Did I hear China?

875a14  No.3034973


is that the holy hand grenade?

you do know to count to three, correct?

6aafe3  No.3034974

For those that missed it………….


5697f7  No.3034975

File: d18c5d36b62ebe1⋯.png (428.29 KB, 560x699, 560:699, Screenshot_2018-09-15 Alic….png)


07eba3  No.3034976

778a65  No.3034977

Can anyone embed the video?

a2f6f9  No.3034978

File: 2a2702f3fab943c⋯.png (18.08 KB, 484x170, 242:85, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)


Nothing else will do.

f05d1d  No.3034979


okay mossad we TOTALLY WONT look into underground tunnels that supposedly havent been used in decades, nothing to see there

e99463  No.3034980


1. maximize video

2. Play

3. record screen

89bbbe  No.3034981

File: 29f1df0337aa5b0⋯.png (160.05 KB, 508x393, 508:393, Screenshot_214 - Copy.png)



4a6634  No.3034982


yeah, that was a bit too much I thought. He is our pres and all.

c1b682  No.3034983

Salvini: ‘We Need to Help Italians Have More Children, Not Bring Africans to Replace the Children We’re Not Having’

Italy’s Matteo Salvini infuriated the EU’s most senior foreign minister by declaring that Italy needs more children, not more Africans “to replace the children we’re not having”.

Speaking at a conference on the European migrant crisis in Vienna, the dynamic League (Lega) leader, who became Italy’s deputy prime minister and minister of the interior after anti-establishment populists triumphed at the polls in the recent elections, said he disagreed with EU politicians “[who] say that we need immigration because the population of Europe is getting older”.

“I have a completely different viewpoint,” he said. “I believe that I’m in government in order to see that our young people have the number of children that they used to a few years ago, and not to transplant the best of Africa’s youth to Europe.”

Salvini’s remarks flustered nearby Jean Asselborn, who muttered “blah, blah, blah” while the Italian was speaking.

The 69-year-old Luxembourger, who is the EU’s longest-serving foreign minister — having been in post since 2004 — has previously complained that anti-mass migration parties which want to “protect Christianity” and refuse to “open the door” to Arabic-speaking Muslim migrants will “destroy Europe” with their strong border policies.

Salvini merely used the opportunity to goad the EU loyalist, however, adding: “Maybe in Luxembourg they need to do this, but in Italy we need to help people have more children, rather than bring in modern-day slaves [from Africa] to replace the children we’re not having.”

Salvini’s remarks prompted an explosion of anger from Asselborn, who raged: “In Luxembourg, sir, we have welcomed thousands of Italians who came to work in our country, as migrants, so that you in Italy had money for your children!”

Unable to contain himself, he then added “Merde, alors” — meaning “then shit”.

The outburst is just the latest example of the EU old guard’s growing discomfiture as anti-mass migration, pro-sovereignty parties rise up and even enter government in countries such as Austria, Italy, Hungary, and Poland, rendering the globalist consensus in Europe increasingly fragile.

Salvini, for his part, was happy to share the Luxembourger’s meltdown with his substantial social media following, and dismissed his city-state home country as “a tax haven that cannot give lessons to Italy”.


07641f  No.3034984


But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. - Matthew 24:36

1d6392  No.3034985

File: d583d0f6b9840c6⋯.jpg (119.92 KB, 639x705, 213:235, PAIN_INCOMING.jpg)


I made all these btw, so fuck right off it you don't think I'm a Patriot ; )

f14aab  No.3034986


The people who need to see it have seen it, no need for it now.

906b78  No.3034987


I'm well versed with the first rule of fight club, but I think even a vague hint would suffice, that is, if anyone's actually given this any thought. Mirrors for Q crumbs and other resources I'm familiar with….they will be of no use if the boat starts taking on too much water.

d40087  No.3034988


so you wanna kill all their voters too


thats a little bit crazy

weve all had thoughts like that but that wouldnt solve anything

i agree for the leaders tho

a6f730  No.3034989

File: 9d92d2e313a0312⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 487x325, 487:325, Sep 7 ladies.jpg)

c8b747  No.3034990

File: a371cb95aea8d32⋯.png (12.04 KB, 821x236, 821:236, ClipboardImage.png)


But lives forever..

1a6d6a  No.3034991


Troll away. It pisses you off. That is payment enough.

cbb1ac  No.3034992

File: 01623e1ea204b30⋯.png (81.63 KB, 480x701, 480:701, Screenshot_2018-09-15-06-4….png)

File: 0843ca05838aaf2⋯.png (47.9 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-09-15-06-4….png)

File: 0779b414a15ccc2⋯.png (85.98 KB, 465x658, 465:658, Screenshot_2018-09-15-06-4….png)

She is like Hussein everything she says is a lie.

56a903  No.3034993


ok Im convinced Flynn is on Q+

f150bf  No.3034994


no doubt


11058a  No.3034995

File: 028b4eec57c6226⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, C026AB22-C8E8-49E9-884A-B0….png)

File: f6ea565dc4e4d81⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1400x900, 14:9, EDF6866D-A986-4918-90E1-C….jpeg)

246b65  No.3034996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b9fe88  No.3034997

File: 7263c73b1270fa3⋯.jpg (119.91 KB, 960x540, 16:9, needmorekillboxes.jpg)

eeb217  No.3034998


part of the 'rats running' thing i reckon.

maybe we had Q decode backwards?

07eba3  No.3034999

File: f0324031a8e8ef7⋯.jpg (220.83 KB, 1115x758, 1115:758, muellerourguyeeeee.jpg)

dea9a0  No.3035000


Or he figures the video doesn't have to be an absolutely perfect prediction of upcoming events as long as it's in the ballpark.

2c6b5a  No.3035001

File: 492c4891dc11349⋯.png (393.1 KB, 749x419, 749:419, HRC FUCKED.png)

f2e4f6  No.3035002


Secureteam are hoaxers. About as reliable as yournewswire

7ee9f7  No.3035003

File: 63336829cb30ad1⋯.jpg (380.04 KB, 1000x543, 1000:543, too busy.jpg)

The DRAIN THE SWAMP vote motivated many of the 1st time voters for the election. I hope we get some big names locked up to lock that vote down. Vote and bring the people you can (don't bring up the topic around liberals and they will probably be too busy complaining to remember to vote)

a2f6f9  No.3035004


Leftists pollute everything they touch.

Leftists defy everything good and holy.

d026e2  No.3035005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5dfc1b  No.3035006



TY Anon

2bacae  No.3035007

File: 32a8b9bb67f6495⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1819x1020, 107:60, 93E2FF00-653F-4989-B9EA-D….jpeg)


Salvini is a savior

7683d6  No.3035008

File: 7a24cbd7d9373b7⋯.png (2.19 MB, 2000x968, 250:121, badebot.png)

8d4798  No.3035009


ya, it's been like that for 2 weeks now, i've been checking too.

89bbbe  No.3035010

File: c4cf1de95017c6f⋯.png (39.71 KB, 1414x660, 707:330, Screenshot_135.png)


Ok, I can accept that, Anon.

1a6d6a  No.3035011

File: 0c2fedbc77a5e7e⋯.jpeg (70.85 KB, 351x516, 117:172, 2E7D03A8-C65E-4486-8C70-F….jpeg)


She gonna pull a Maxine and live out of District

0da484  No.3035012

>>3034457 3839

More like a puppet of Putin. At least according to Bill Browder.

Didn't Barry say he was more flexible too?


It's in the deposition linked below, starts about 243 and goes on....


And reading the deposition it is understandable why he hauls ads in the video.

It also brings in...

Alexander Perepelichny was a Russian entrepreneur who specialised in what is delicately referred to as “private banking services”. He was laundering money for his clients, huge amounts of money acquired from illegal activities. Among those clients were a number of criminal bosses and corrupt government officials seeking to legitimise their funds by moving them into different types of assets outside Russia, mostly in the UK. Before the global economic crisis he possessed many hundreds of millions of US dollars entrusted to his management. Unfortunately for him, as a result of the Blue Monday Crash, he lost around US$200 million that belonged to his clients. Under increasing pressure from ‘some ‘grim-faced businessmen’ at home, in Jan 2010 he had to escape to Britain, where he quickly found a buyer for the sensitive information he possessed about some corrupt officials in Russia – a British investor and reported MI6 agent named William Browder, who had earned a fortune in Russia in 1990s and early 2000s, only to be later prosecuted there on tax fraud charges. Be it a coincidence or not, Perepelichny left Russia only weeks after the infamous Sergey Magnitsky mysteriously died in prison, an incident which appeared to be the cornerstone of a gargantuan, politically motivated case that resulted in the Magnitsky Act, the “Magnitsky list”, and other examples of gratuitous anti-Russia legal acts.

7ed27a  No.3035013


You mean like the lyrics to Psycho?

Shit band

d026e2  No.3035014

07641f  No.3035015

File: 4e2077de3ae37ed⋯.jpg (23.32 KB, 502x379, 502:379, cryin.jpg)

54fe94  No.3035016


Look here. Don't look behind you. Ignore the man behind the curtain. What faggotry is this?

c1b682  No.3035017

Five Star Movement Proposes Stripping Mainstream Media’s Public Funding

The Italian anti-establishment Five Star Movement have set their sights on the mainstream media, proposing to cut public funding to various outlets and create a new Netflix-like subscription service to give Italians access to all newspapers.

The proposal is being championed by Five Star Movement politician Vito Crimi, who specifically targetted former Italian prime minister and media baron Silvio Berlusconi, leader of the Forza Italia party, declaring that “for Silvio Berlusconi, the easy ride is over,” Il Giornale reports.

“We are not against the newspapers,” Crimi said, adding: “we only want to remove public funds for publishing, not to eliminate the fund for pluralism.”

According to Crimi, Italian publishers have received as much as three billion euros from the taxpayer since 2003, and he claims they have done little in return for it.

While removing public funding may cost newspapers across the country, Crimi said he was also interested in putting a cap on television advertising, in the hope that advertising money would be redistributed among television and print media.

Italian Minister of Economic Development and M5S leader Luigi Di Maio also attacked the mainstream media this week, saying he gets all of his news online through social media and adding that comments on his Facebook and Instagram pages “are worth much more than all the editorials of the day.”

“To inform myself, I do not read Italian newspapers, they only propagandise. I read specialised articles, foreign newspapers, bloggers, dossiers to inform myself about the problems related to my activity as a minister,” Di Maio said.

“Once, the newspapers were a cross-section of public opinion, they had a bit of the popular feeling that was breathed in the streets and bars. This component has been lost and it is for this reason that they lose sales,” he added.

Trust in the mainstream media and the “system” in general has declined in Italy in recent years, with polling data from this year revealing that only 45 percent trusted the mainstream media.

The figures have been similar in other countries like Sweden where a survey in 2016 found that that up to half of respondents avoided mainstream media entirely and got their news from alternative news outlets online.

Sweden’s leftist government has taken the opposite approach to the Five Star Movement, however, having created a multi-million kronor fund to give to mainstream outlets to fight “fake news.”


3c8afa  No.3035018


3 group, left, top to bottom:

UfO Illuminati Order Power Elk Red Justice Ices New USA

Plot War

War Plot

Red Deep State

'State' is connected to 'Justice', implying,

Red Deep State, Red Justice.

Poke Red Deep State

Red Deep State Poke Bigfoot

Illuminati Order Power Elk Red

What is the importance of the Elk? Why would Q reference it?

Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is an American fraternal order founded in 1868 originally as a social club in New York City.

The Stag (Elk) is a symbol used by Satanist Rothchilds. (Image Search 'Rothchilds Satanism')

The Illuminati have been working to destroy the United States for 240 years, since Americas founding. This is what 3 group Red Justice Ices New USA means.

Where is the headquarters of the Communist Party?


Moscow is not the location of the headquarters of the Communist Party (Communist Internationale).

Karl Marx moved the Communist Internationale to New York City in 1872. It is still there today.

The colors Red and Blue are Illuminati psyop tools of association to create imaginary distance to help hide Illuminist workings in organizations.

The Democratic Party and the Communist Party are one Party, moving towards One Goal.

Identifying each organization with a different color attempts to bias assumptions that different colors equals different groups. Further logic provides that if they are differnet groups then they have different agendas.

Never forget, the Democratic Party (Blue) and the Communist Party (Red), are brothers whose father is the Illuminati.

f2e4f6  No.3035019


It's too bad PJW got snagged by AJ instead of staying on his own

a2f6f9  No.3035020



You have a vivid, if warped imagination.

All those video games, I imagine.

I'm sure filtering you will be payment enough.

1ee543  No.3035021

File: 27657c4093509d1⋯.jpg (397.02 KB, 1080x1501, 1080:1501, Screenshot_20180913-231445….jpg)

File: 51443d0f18a0f6a⋯.jpg (362.24 KB, 1080x1317, 360:439, Screenshot_20180913-231509….jpg)

File: 060899d6ea14c4a⋯.jpg (149.69 KB, 1080x505, 216:101, Screenshot_20180913-225009….jpg)

File: 593ffef93b34480⋯.jpg (354.39 KB, 1366x764, 683:382, Screenshot_20180913-214910….jpg)


why does everyone assume it's the sun?

IDK WTF it was that caused the Feds to shut down the Obs. in NM and put up additional antennas..it seems like someone/device recorded something gov didnt want us to know… they all bailed the area now so anyone can go on the premise(no guards no feds), i believe they just needed to grab some Intel & deleted the records … the fact that it's still closed means they don't want something to be recorded in the future.

what r they hiding?

why r "anons" on here putting up BS posts w/out any sauce?? saying "everyone knew it what was going on ".. blah crap

I'm not a alien faggot so don't bother w/ those stupid psyops.

eeb217  No.3035022

File: d6288df8fca599e⋯.jpg (176.06 KB, 465x648, 155:216, momus.jpg)

89bbbe  No.3035023

File: e3950bb80e2a9c6⋯.png (167.49 KB, 519x326, 519:326, Screenshot_267.png)




d026e2  No.3035024


like some tweaker hoe huh

9e8233  No.3035025

File: c8312517079ff73⋯.png (22.1 KB, 536x232, 67:29, alice.PNG)

Guise, maybe Q was pointing us to that Alice twatter for another reason as well.

I suspect this recent twat of hers is a crumb.

22fedf  No.3035027

File: d487be7fffaccb4⋯.png (259.25 KB, 600x2400, 1:4, emerg.png)


Gamergate has you covered.

2eff72  No.3035028

Has anyone every counted the delta between a Q post and deletion of that same post?

d026e2  No.3035029

faf0d0  No.3035030

PF drop now deleted. FYI.

2c6b5a  No.3035031

File: 105f738e8dcf227⋯.png (393.96 KB, 800x448, 25:14, sht1536631984147.png)

c8b747  No.3035032


How you do that from twatter? Or you find it on yt? Thanks for posting

cbb1ac  No.3035033

File: e06750ae666f846⋯.jpg (12.01 KB, 240x240, 1:1, downloadfile-35.jpg)




To a deluxe apartment in the sky🎵🎼

fb826d  No.3035034


You are awesome….wanted to watch again but closed out twatter

1d6392  No.3035035

File: f75b243bb8f8b56⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 450x450, 1:1, Awoo Popcorn.gif)

.. (Thank you..)

5c1d37  No.3035036


HAHA nice try

7683d6  No.3035037


Bet yer ass he is.

b9fe88  No.3035038

File: a0e85a8a1a849df⋯.jpg (89.47 KB, 960x540, 16:9, jdeos.jpg)

33870b  No.3035039

File: 580c023f4979322⋯.jpg (22.36 KB, 255x247, 255:247, c632de886af8b754e58ce02657….jpg)

File: 52f311e82929a62⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 49db02c0c741d4c387a4faef0c….jpg)

a summary of last breads' shill attack

As we all know yesterdays' breads were shill infested to the max, both FE retards and muhjoo bots. Mainly muhjoo crap.

What is funny that now that they are gone, the word "jew" appears 4 times. yet when they were here, "jew" appeard around 150-200 times per bread.

To summarize my observations:

This is how a muhjoo shill infestation looks like. When they are pushing other shit, or busy panicking and regrouping, the word jew appears less than 10 times per bread. However when they are here the word jew appears 100+ times. Also note they push new talking points each time, usually by circular rotation. EVERY ATTACK IS WELL COORDINATED AND CARRIED OUT BY AN ENTIRE SUBNET OF IP ADDRESSES. ALSO TTHE TIMING IS CAREFULLY PICKED. MOSTLY WHEN SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO DROP, WHEN Q IS ABSENT, AND ON THE NIGHTSHIFTS.

Their structure: one "megashill" that is the main pusher of the narative, and many "satellite" sockpuppet IPs that follow him and assist. The megashill is the main spammer who posts multiple premade shareblue fake info snips. These have been exposed multiple times as either lies (Beria being a jew, and his fake historians) or as cleverly tailored out of context copypasta. The "satellite" sockpuppet user IPs serve as "enforcers" who react emotionaly like low iq retarded imbeciles, or as low iq shitposters who act as bait aimed at catching smarter anons in infinite skirmishes.

a2f6f9  No.3035040


> what r they hiding?

the fact that it's bait for simple minds.

246b65  No.3035041


Found on Youtube

2c6b5a  No.3035042

File: 944f9c4f770976c⋯.jpg (16.4 KB, 229x221, 229:221, Gigz.jpg)

38837a  No.3035043

Did the Q post disappear???

860d22  No.3035044


and that would be the Feast of Trumpets, and anon, I know the month and the year very well.

adb37a  No.3035045

Sholom Shilly Shillinstein Shillfag Superior>>3034859

65faec  No.3035046



1a6d6a  No.3035047


That is also playment enough

07641f  No.3035048

File: 893ef8c8d279148⋯.gif (3.95 MB, 307x325, 307:325, trump_effect.gif)

6bde8c  No.3035049


the genealogy records were destroyed

and a racial jew that has children with a non-jew = massively increased risk for autism-spectrum disorders

we (autists) are the (real) jews

bastards anyways.

I bet it smarts to be beaten by a bunch of bastard kids that haven't been part of the cabal for centuries.

b7d9fa  No.3035050

File: b4f77e7f375cb78⋯.png (19.01 KB, 1096x197, 1096:197, ClipboardImage.png)


Capped if you need it

c8b747  No.3035051


kek, right after I posted I realized what I asked, oops.

d896d6  No.3035052

File: c39a7da7c0efb8b⋯.png (23.37 KB, 564x88, 141:22, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)


a2f6f9  No.3035053

It seems recess is over and all the little shits are back.

Godspeed, Anons.

The rest of you go fuck yourselves.

38837a  No.3035054


except it seems like its gone now?

5697f7  No.3035055

File: 8c7a4d7887ad890⋯.jpg (9.26 KB, 255x247, 255:247, joepe67c6c6589a6b168cf515e….jpg)

a2b892  No.3035056


because every town has a maze of tunnels now when we find the tunnels under the observatory the FBI shut down tell us they all have them

246b65  No.3035058

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Same song as the Twitter here

c728fe  No.3035059

File: e13b52991f85dc7⋯.png (46.66 KB, 192x108, 16:9, observatory aliums.png)


"The FBI swooping in on a Blackhawk means that "time" was a factor in the effectiveness of their response."

65faec  No.3035060

File: 9ff654716b6cbec⋯.png (11.39 KB, 500x118, 250:59, ClipboardImage.png)





98aa01  No.3035061

File: a16815a38e55a3f⋯.png (55.51 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, Nova_Roma_Flag.svg.png)

c1b682  No.3035062

Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations

Fact: Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations, they urge other countries to follow this firm stance


The citizens of Japan are statistically proven to be the healthiest and longest-living people in the world. The country also has the lowest infant mortality rate on the planet.

It may come as no surprise to many that the Japanese Government banned a number of vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States and has strict regulations in place for other Big Pharma drugs and vaccines in general.

Japan’s anti-vax policies have long been criticised by vaccine pushers in the US who claim that vaccinating the public “promotes health.”

However, Japanese people live longer, healthier lives than Americans, with babies born in the US twice as likely to die in infancy than those born in Japan.

It’s clear to see that Western nations have a lot to learn from the Japanese when it comes to their approach to vaccinations and issues facing public health.

Twice as many infants die in America than in Japan

What Many Parents don’t know about the MMR Vaccine is the list of adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine, straight from Merck’s vaccine package inserts, is long and alarming. A shortened version of the vaccine damage associated with the MMR vaccine includes: vomiting, diarrhoea, anaphylaxis, ear pain, nerve deafness, diabetes, arthritis, myalgia, encephalitis, febrile seizures, pneumonia, and death.

A search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database shows the following statistics from the United States: Over 75,000 adverse events have been reported from any combination of measles, mumps and rubella vaccines, including, most notably:

78 confirmed deaths

85 confirmed cases of deafness

48 confirmed cases of decreased eye contact

92 confirmed cases of developmental delay

855 confirmed reported cases of autism

116 confirmed cases of intellectual disability

401 reports of speech disorders

276 reports of loss of consciousness

143 confirmed cases of encephalitis

74 confirmed cases of meningitis

111 confirmed cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome

692 confirmed cases of gait disturbance (not being able to walk normally)

748 confirmed cases of hypokinesia (partial or complete loss of muscle movement)

653 reports of hypotonia (poor muscle tone)

4874 reports of seizures, including febrile convulsions and tonic-clonic seizures

1576 cases of cellulitis (a potentially serious skin infection) And finally, in some cases, the vaccine has caused the very diseases it is supposed to prevent, with the following data reported to VAERS:

147 confirmed cases of measles

384 confirmed cases of mumps

29 confirmed cases of rubella



589feb  No.3035063


Still here.


088179  No.3035064

Reading between the qanon lines:

Video of HRC drops soon (veritas?) And it shows her true feelings in disparaging discussion of blacks in Haiti….

When cabal fights back and sows dissent about faking video, pics of Obama the messiah in Muslim brotherhood garb drop.

They are dead. No recovery. Mid terms red tsunami with awake blacks. Dem party ceases to exist.

11058a  No.3035065

File: 1045c40483ba152⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB, 2620x3969, 2620:3969, CCE7BCE6-F480-4693-AC76-E….jpeg)

File: f264812e21f4913⋯.jpeg (128.99 KB, 1500x750, 2:1, 3BDD609B-EC8D-4956-95DC-7….jpeg)

File: 9875ad51104d674⋯.jpeg (114.03 KB, 1500x938, 750:469, B6A4938B-6958-4832-8D1E-B….jpeg)

File: f6ea565dc4e4d81⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1400x900, 14:9, A523BF28-137E-4AEB-8EEC-E….jpeg)

File: 3080b65b6995122⋯.jpeg (664.92 KB, 1200x1168, 75:73, 0F423D37-4E54-4713-BEC8-C….jpeg)

7683d6  No.3035066

File: 826517ca4e3a73f⋯.jpg (32.08 KB, 500x380, 25:19, dd2d76dfdb126b2e414219b76a….jpg)

2c6b5a  No.3035068

File: c365da4c3496de4⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 255x143, 255:143, a3db39449376856c0280693170….jpg)

Dragon Energy Is Back.

Lets Go

07641f  No.3035069

File: 7f001b60e6126b1⋯.jpg (44.87 KB, 570x487, 570:487, Pepe yes.jpg)


Fair enough anon

c728fe  No.3035070

File: 59f97a30de70864⋯.png (127.85 KB, 500x281, 500:281, xfiles in trash.png)


nice touch:

Hilariously, the box for a 1997 X-Files video game "Unrestricted Access" was found in the trash: (pic related)

bf5d06  No.3035071



found the yt and embeddd to 8ch

recommend add to the q section with screen caps

88cf57  No.3035072


i think you haven't lurked long enough

56a903  No.3035073


100%, I mean it has to be Flynn finding all this stuff on Twitter at least.

1ce613  No.3035074

File: 3a65bb81e21b3fa⋯.png (951.63 KB, 1173x503, 1173:503, 3AMIGOS1.PNG)

cbb1ac  No.3035075

File: f0ba884b8c47ef3⋯.png (39.52 KB, 480x326, 240:163, Screenshot_2018-09-11-09-5….png)



Alex Jones made PJW what he is today…

89bbbe  No.3035076

File: 6866cc7293166be⋯.png (248.05 KB, 650x362, 325:181, Screenshot_314.png)




in my book, Anon!

2c70e1  No.3035077

File: 6c80eceb6d6d0f8⋯.mp4 (9.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, WeWillBeVictorious.mp4)



For the archive

367658  No.3035078

File: 63c64059e9aa4ad⋯.png (14.37 KB, 521x114, 521:114, do not underestimate q tea….png)

if I was Cabal I'd be very afraid

And take singing lessons

c7b2c5  No.3035079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b2cfb3  No.3035080


Is it a coincidence that [[[killboxes]]] look like (((echoes)))?

084757  No.3035081

File: 81e5fb48b9304f5⋯.jpg (44.77 KB, 342x414, 19:23, iu (8).jpg)

File: 393837a6e7de958⋯.jpg (71.85 KB, 427x517, 427:517, iu (9).jpg)

d026e2  No.3035082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1a2167  No.3035083

Notables so far, let me know if something was missed


>>3034737 NASA and Russian space agency refuse to reveal ‘preliminary conclusions’ about cause of mysterious leak in International Space Station

>>3034823 Project Veritas hints they know who wrote NYT Anon Op-ed & will release tapes starting next week on deepstate (Video)

>>3034852, >>3034893, >>3034925 Turkish Strategy In Northern Syria: Military Operations, Turkish-backed Groups And Idlib Issue

>>3034977, >>3034996 Embed video Q linked to

>>3035017 Five Star Movement (Italy) Proposes Stripping Mainstream Media’s Public Funding

>>3035062 Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations

New Q this bread:

Saturday 09.15.18

>>>/patriotsfight/234 —————–—————- https://twitter.com/realTRUMPERLAND/status/1037149645548347397 ( Cap: >>3034794, >>3034795, >>3034996 )


great idea, will be notable and with the caps, as shown

307695  No.3035084

File: b7c65689f36177a⋯.jpg (532.26 KB, 1200x1726, 600:863, IMG_716.jpg)

f83f4d  No.3035085


Its spelled yarmulke, but sure whatever.

9e8233  No.3035086


It's still up in qmap.pub with a live link

c8b747  No.3035087


POTUS on RR is awesome gif material. Lots of good gifs in that whole thing

7683d6  No.3035088


No. Those are the Quantum computers Anon.

246b65  No.3035089




This version has the They same song.

e15671  No.3035091

File: 58b50874f2370bc⋯.png (12.28 KB, 458x340, 229:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 748ef026c086819⋯.png (3.47 KB, 479x77, 479:77, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice try, but nothing is ever truly deleted, even Q posts.

e99463  No.3035092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Salvini’s remarks flustered nearby Jean Asselborn, who muttered “blah, blah, blah” while the Italian was speaking.

>The 69-year-old Luxembourger…

“Lussemburgo e un posto di merda triste di sfigati e pedofili"

"Luxemburg is a sad shithole full of losers and pedos"

Min 4:00

2c6b5a  No.3035093

File: 49251971ee1b1e3⋯.jpeg (12.3 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fd80013afcfc3b8b9914fc0c6….jpeg)

File: 723a7d493462165⋯.jpg (22.32 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 820bdb045df1e2f8e02f26db1b….jpg)

File: eb266efc63261f8⋯.png (387.17 KB, 800x446, 400:223, tnk1536631306694.png)

07641f  No.3035094

File: a0a1582d2b7150f⋯.jpg (147.28 KB, 1024x788, 256:197, cat_selfie.jpg)

6aafe3  No.3035095

File: a043440053dc145⋯.jpg (174.43 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, 01ef7a4c4f1e05c5e7f5fcbadf….jpg)

It may have been deleted on the PF board, but the post is still showing on my QDrops app……

11f876  No.3035096

>>3033934 (pb)

Thank you for your research.

5dfc1b  No.3035097



c1b682  No.3035098

That clip is awesome! SHARED everywhere

eccd2e  No.3035099


Nonsense, and bullshit. Why would you post this? The baker is weird. Why do you think it makes such weird responses?

8e09f4  No.3035100

Q, when do the arrests start? These people have made a mockery of justice for far too long. Sad.

4c0fc2  No.3035101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2e4f6  No.3035102


Yeah, he's comped. That's why I'm saying it's too bad. PJW didnt' start on AJ, he had a good message which is why deep state wanted him controlled

5697f7  No.3035103

File: 732b0ccdb5d5b64⋯.png (194.06 KB, 358x297, 358:297, ClipboardImage.png)

bf5d06  No.3035104



thx ima work on that skill thx

084757  No.3035105

File: a8ca0dd5529354a⋯.jpg (51.73 KB, 415x313, 415:313, 0.jpg)

File: 8c04dcf10e1eac3⋯.jpg (162.18 KB, 899x1038, 899:1038, iu (5).jpg)

de1213  No.3035106

File: 2d7077a9d647dd0⋯.gif (796.76 KB, 304x228, 4:3, GreatABakening.gif)

d4b122  No.3035107

File: 305f8d64653961e⋯.png (29.5 KB, 648x260, 162:65, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone done a dig on how zip codes are assigned. Would be interesting to see how this one got assigned.

aee748  No.3035108

There is an interesting primeval Egyptian goddess


Whose name may come from Netert which means goddess

Over time she had many aspects

Such as Nut, Nekhbet and Nebet-per Lady of Heaven

She was the creator god who gave birth to everything

The most ancient one

What if NWO

Is supposed to be Neith World Order?

Follow the wives

It's a real WITCH hunt

What if the NWO was supposed to be the rule of women

Who would be the elite at the top of the pyramid

What if this was a return to the old ways

Of ancient Egypt?

And the ancient Turko-Mongolian steppes?

We know that the Khazars had a concept of dual kingship

In which one person was the true ruler

But was a religious high priest

And the second person was the war leader.

Isn't this just like Ancient Egyptian gods?

Where there is a powerful female consort

Partnered with a strong male counterpart?

The priestess and her protector?

I hear someone in the back asking about the Nazis

Well, there was a certain subgroup

Called the Vril society

Which seemed to be run by women

Mysterious and influential women

The patterns seem to be falling into place for me

And this overarching female goddess of ancient Egypt

Had many names and titles beginning with N

Nut World Order

Netert World Order

Of course, as always, the Illuminati put on a show of unity

With the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergs

But they are still at heart, many competing clans

Who are constantly struggling for dominance

At all levels of their pyramid

So possible this matriarchal pattern

Is just one of several that are trying to take control

37d6ca  No.3035109

Stay save Sir, thank you for bringing Justice. The World is Watching. Best Precident of the World I love you (no homo)

7972c2  No.3035110


Going to keep an eye on the amount of views that video has.

40.2k in your screenshot, now showing 54.2k

d026e2  No.3035111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1a2167  No.3035112



the moar you know

2bacae  No.3035113

File: 41d29cdd1eced0e⋯.jpeg (401.07 KB, 2224x1408, 139:88, B7D4B880-26B3-4AE4-8564-B….jpeg)


What’s in the 50k text messages?

d026e2  No.3035114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6bde8c  No.3035115


encephalitis = anxiety, depression, autism-spectrum disorders including ocd, adhd

89bbbe  No.3035116

File: 4a1b3f99189f7c4⋯.png (613.85 KB, 664x521, 664:521, Screenshot_22.png)


Need translation for stupid American Anons!

5697f7  No.3035117

File: b1342a966331319⋯.jpg (12.87 KB, 255x183, 85:61, gfjkspodjpos.jpg)

d40087  No.3035118

anyone else so banned from twitter that you cant even go thru the making an account process

they suspended me while typing the password for a new account

94f66c  No.3035119

Every please note there is no coverage of the evacuation of three towns because of houses blowing up!!!!!

74138f  No.3035120

Q tagged video gets 10,000 hits in only 25 mins.


88534e  No.3035121

File: 92c48ddc0c72386⋯.jpg (125.43 KB, 800x529, 800:529, stealmeme.jpg)

1ee543  No.3035122


did u literally paint/draw that?

846f59  No.3035123

Anyone know why Q posts then deletes real quick?

cbb1ac  No.3035124

File: 0b5f14fa6247ef7⋯.jpg (103.63 KB, 500x698, 250:349, 2hw389~2.jpg)

52fa38  No.3035125


Said me one please post a pic of that twitter feed Q referenced, I’m perma banned from twatter…

1a2167  No.3035126




sorry for the post count too

carry on

1ce613  No.3035127

File: f251da8741e6f8a⋯.png (82.62 KB, 250x202, 125:101, husseinairfresh.PNG)

52fa38  No.3035128



adb37a  No.3035129


They are all Zionist controlled opposition along with Tommy Robinson, to make WHITE CHRISTIAN MALES look racist, unhinged, and dangerous…it’s amaxing that folks can’t see that PYSOP by now….

de1213  No.3035130


STFU you shilling little whiner.

e46786  No.3035131

File: 1a69f770745dda4⋯.png (176.65 KB, 392x560, 7:10, ClipboardImage.png)

"Maher, Kerry: Florence Coverage Overblown, ‘The Stupidest Thing’ on TV"

"On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher and former Secretary of State John Kerry mocked the media coverage of Hurricane Florence.

Kerry characterized reporters standing out in the storm as “the stupidest thing” on TV today."

No sir. The stupidest thing on TV is visible when YOU look into a mirror.


eeb217  No.3035132

File: d112fe2542135e4⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1199x836, 109:76, hopium.png)

896505  No.3035133


Assassination discussion


638fdf  No.3035134

File: f55c93532718378⋯.jpeg (80.06 KB, 640x403, 640:403, E3CD00D9-F4F3-43C6-919A-7….jpeg)

778189  No.3035135

File: fc152616aeae7fb⋯.jpg (84.42 KB, 547x416, 547:416, Lugar Lab Contracts DOD.jpg)

File: 6a03b4473a3035c⋯.jpg (85.75 KB, 589x467, 589:467, Ch2M Hill Inc DTRA_DOD fun….jpg)

File: 66c8a77b9323892⋯.jpg (77.44 KB, 488x269, 488:269, Anthrax.jpg)

File: ecd6085de00142e⋯.jpg (141.96 KB, 587x529, 587:529, Anthrax study funding.jpg)

Response to Pentagon denial re Bio-weapons at Lugar Center in Georgia


> "The accusations you outlined are totally absurd and likely an invention of the fanciful Russian disinformation campaign against the west," Defense Department spokesperson Eric Pahon said on Friday. "The United States is not developing biological weapons in the Lugar Center.

These are also not US facilities."

The Lugar Laboratory in Tbilisi & the Veterinary Laboratory Support Station in Marnuelli, Georgia were created under the U.S. Government’s Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP); ie.

Lugar Laboratory was created by the US and is in part or completely funded (see below) by the US through DOD/DTRA.


While these facilities claim to serve as a Public Health Research and reference facility there is also a research component performed under the auspices of Walter Reed Army Institute of Research as US Army Medical Research Unit -Georgia (USAMR-G.)

This Anthrax work is an example of the research performed there & published in an American Society for Microbiology journal.

2017: Ten Genome Sequences of Human and Livestock Isolates of Bacillus anthracis from the Country of Georgia, &performed by USAMRU-G at The Lugar Center. Pentagon program in Georgia.


>Earlier this week, former Georgian State Security Minister Igor Giorgadze said during a press-conference in Moscow that he has reports about deaths that could be the result of vaccine tests in the US-funded laboratory known as the Lugar Center.

Deaths were possibly related to research with Gilead anti-Hepatitis C drug in a human research study involving the CDC Foundation under the auspices of a project to provide free treatment to Georgians with Hepatitis C. In 2015 details were published in CDC's Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR): Key strategies, activities, and outcomes before implementation of a nationwide hepatitis C elimination program — Georgia, 2011–2015


>Pahon said on Friday that the Lugar Center is owned and operated by the Georgian National Center for Disease Control and Public Health and is a joint human and veterinary public health facility.

While Georgia NCDC is listed as the active entity the work aligns closely with bio-weapon research:

FOR EXAMPLE: Project Title “Epidemiology of febrile illnesses caused by Dengue viruses and other Arboviruses in Georgia” TAP 8, DTRA; Project duration: 01.04.2014 – 01.04.2015.

a).Project goal: The overall goal of this proposal is to study the ecology of dengue viruses and other Arboviruses (WNV, TBEV, CHIK, HFRSV, and CCHFV), the epidemiology of fevers caused by these pathogens.


>The Lugar Center's mission is to contribute to protection of citizens from biological threats, promote public and animal health through infectious disease detection, epidemiological surveillance and research for the benefit of Georgia, the Caucasus region and the global community, Pahon added.

So far two DOD-related funding sources have been identified:

Medical Command DOD --> Technology Management Company Inc TMC Global

Funded 2016-2021; $3.8 million

Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DOD) --> Ch2M Hill, Inc

Funded 2011 - 2018; $1.73 million *

* Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) in "Georgia" - mapped to State of Georgia in U.S. but most likely Lugar Laboratory since part of BTRP.



Anons, there is much more to this story... continuing to dig...

d2a39b  No.3035136

File: fc7eb06be64cea9⋯.png (588.52 KB, 1185x813, 395:271, ANDJUSTLIKETHATOPED.png)

So, about that Op-Ed…

d026e2  No.3035137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2bacae  No.3035138


Brit milah mazeltov

d896d6  No.3035139


I like your style, Q, I like your style. That was GLORIOUS!

cbb1ac  No.3035140

File: fc62a8e1e5a449a⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 237x300, 79:100, fc62a8e1e5a449a6fe733f891d….jpg)

4b8491  No.3035141


That's absolutely not true. Did you even watch it? No conclusions, just a summary of possible events but it's very interesting that there's a rumor that China managed to get acces to the observatory to spy on white sands. That should ring a bell here.

09c5c1  No.3035142

File: 9066987aa4c3c10⋯.jpg (12.13 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 16ghf.jpg)

fb826d  No.3035143


How his skinny ass aint been beaten in the streets is way beyond me. He travels without heavy sec right?

Not that I'll beat him, I won't set foot in Cali

e15671  No.3035144

File: ab03226cf721178⋯.png (324.8 KB, 636x589, 636:589, ClipboardImage.png)


You don't need to have a login to Twitter to see most posts. Try it in a private browser window.

I included a cap, but it's meaningless without watching the video.


eeb217  No.3035145


well, my question is why Q wanted lots of eyes on the board right at this moment?

adb37a  No.3035146


Think big picture… that’s all you get…

7aee16  No.3035147

File: 9bb7a03dd219323⋯.png (508.08 KB, 637x504, 91:72, ClipboardImage.png)

from Alice's Trumperland page

56b5ca  No.3035148

File: ecb50fd659d40f0⋯.jpg (99.11 KB, 1010x637, 1010:637, out.JPG)



1ee543  No.3035149

File: e4d04ba49145e28⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 600x626, 300:313, 8c426ce3f6607932b9a14729cb….jpg)


u r a fukn idiot if u think I or anyone else will believe what u said.

1ce613  No.3035150

I didn't see no name in vid

084757  No.3035152

File: 75011c5de6dc5b3⋯.jpg (102.22 KB, 516x590, 258:295, iu (14).jpg)

f911e8  No.3035153


Justice is coming. Since Q team is now in control of much we know and much we don’t know, have considered that most media reports about QAnon were likely intended to inform the public about where they will be able to go for real information when those “crazy conspiracy theories” about criminals finally facing justice start coming true, and to introduce those ideas in an anti-Trump context that is all many in our country are willing to watch or read. The articles included enough derision to keep most of the sheep away from the research boards for now, since they’ve been trained not to stray from the demanded groupthink that is so obvious in the Google meeting video at https://youtu.be/b5XWKKRTzxA. Can you imagine the repercussions if anyone in that large meeting dared to say anything resembling hope or support for the new administration? If we’ve had to face some challenges from people judging our faith in the information being gathered here, then I trust we are part of a very fine group of Patriots who have faced challenges from playing roles in this grand movie.

862318  No.3035154



>Time is linear, Nobody can remember tomorrow

Anon, your concept of time is based on a mechanical device. What was man's experience of time before the clock?

Time and 'reality' are first and foremost psychological phenomena. Time is orthogonal to eternity.

You would know this if you increased your attention.

7aee16  No.3035155

File: a0c51edebfd1a8c⋯.png (617.55 KB, 750x759, 250:253, ClipboardImage.png)

6bde8c  No.3035156


Red Shift

Expansion of the Universe

Acceleration of the Expansion

Temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background

Speed of Light

Imaginary Numbers

Spooky Action at a Distance

5dfc1b  No.3035157


This anon has our backs



fb826d  No.3035158


I recall he said last posts will self destruct…seems that's what's happening

d896d6  No.3035159


They began during the hurricane (the Storm). We had boatloads of military deployed.

1adfc8  No.3035160


A funny video instead won't cut it.

Q needs to tell us about high profile arrests, but feeds us a childish video clip instead.

3e193c  No.3035161

File: ccf7679784abe70⋯.jpg (478.53 KB, 1252x1074, 626:537, ccf7679784abe709f1a49ab6b5….jpg)

The other thing POTUS could be referring to is the murder of bi-polar Teresa Heinz husband.

John Heinz was a representative and later US Senator, and he was their heir to the Heinz ketchup fortune. His wife Teresa was/is bi-polar, depressive and heavily medicated.

plane meets helicopter

Heinz plane had landing gear trouble, a helicopter was sent to inspect the lg in flight, and pilot error (NTSB) was blamed for the crash which no one survived. The burning helicopter landed just behind a school.


John Kerry to the rescue

Heinz was killed in 1991. Heinz senate collegue, John Kerry not noted for depth of feeling called to consol the stupified bi polar widow. When the estate was settled Kerry married her in 1997.

was sen john heinz murdered?

Anon worked with a man who knew John Kerry well, and beleived Kerry was involved in the death of John Heinz. From looking at the accident doesn't seem likely -look like pilot error. Coincidence.

Then again, Q says most plane crashes are not accidents. Anon is a pilot, believes this also and that there are no such things as a coincidences.



69e184  No.3035162


Bingo! I’ve explained this here multiple times. Really ruffles some folks panties.

fb826d  No.3035164


It sure made my Caturday. Q loves Caturday and wanted us to have lulz.

8ec10c  No.3035165

Hopefully soon Q but I will be as patient as needed

aee748  No.3035166


Whose idea was it

To put her in a field of rapeseed

In full bloom?

7683d6  No.3035167

File: f634901d7412741⋯.jpg (144.04 KB, 1229x1002, 1229:1002, computer.jpg)

Esnot is funny today. KEK.

d30377  No.3035169

File: efa1d4bc9481e44⋯.jpg (672.27 KB, 1000x734, 500:367, Victorious-1.jpg)



Thank you, Q!

856b87  No.3035170

File: 54a5e894a6ab270⋯.jpg (420.83 KB, 598x629, 598:629, Rosenmueller.jpg)

7aee16  No.3035172

File: b177c8bc38ac52c⋯.png (669.2 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


have at it anons play along

cbb1ac  No.3035173

File: 9a4e7fe0896d215⋯.jpg (58.62 KB, 500x589, 500:589, 2hy7af~2.jpg)

File: a57d9164417e08f⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 500x719, 500:719, 2hzp96~2.jpg)

974166  No.3035175

File: 821560e36751e7a⋯.jpg (635.57 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW.jpg)


>Alex Jones made PJW what he is today…


c1c4ff  No.3035176


September 4 and we are just seeing? I havent seen before. Spouseanon ( who is on twit abd fb) hasnt seen……


a11cde  No.3035177

Steve Bannon film airing on OAN right now.

06f53b  No.3035178

File: ca080073044c56e⋯.jpeg (39.58 KB, 700x405, 140:81, DAD5D49D-3996-4DC3-8E32-A….jpeg)


“Well Lisa , if plan 1,2 &3 fail than will kill Trump just like we did with JFK”

f2e4f6  No.3035179


I've not watched a secureteam video in years. They are known hoaxers. people are fucking stupid for trusting anything they say

de1213  No.3035180


Baker gets to decide fucktard.

3b671c  No.3035181

File: 117542eb1ca6fb8⋯.png (32.46 KB, 890x184, 445:92, ClipboardImage.png)

It is hard to Redpill people when you say someone is gone….and yet they remain….

eccd2e  No.3035182

File: 4e3affee5752129⋯.png (175.11 KB, 382x417, 382:417, kittywut.png)

52fa38  No.3035183


Thx! They have me under a very ‘special’ ban…

Maybe someone can imbed that video

07641f  No.3035184

File: 6423e6e71435280⋯.jpeg (15.22 KB, 255x190, 51:38, hesrightyouknow.jpeg)

eeb217  No.3035185



6bde8c  No.3035186




Measurement of the Second

Measurement of the Foot

Measurement of the Meter

1c9c47  No.3035187

File: 37ac854ffb7bcbd⋯.png (20.99 KB, 466x125, 466:125, qpost.png)

This is now on Qanon.pub but not on PF etc.? What gives? Is it fake?

2bacae  No.3035188

File: d31a038a747a611⋯.jpeg (333.98 KB, 627x804, 209:268, 91EC0558-CDC2-453A-A57A-F….jpeg)



fb826d  No.3035189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q video posted, make sure ya'll share it.

2c70e1  No.3035190

11f876  No.3035191


Google "download twitter video"


d026e2  No.3035192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

64ccb9  No.3035193

File: d51c61c65ff63d1⋯.jpg (105.38 KB, 650x366, 325:183, pepesatvabasket.jpg)

c126f9  No.3035194

File: edee73fc58586f8⋯.jpg (46.59 KB, 534x418, 267:209, HIGH_TREASON.jpg)


Alice is Quite talented.

Also, High Art in the comments.

5aaa48  No.3035195


MUSE have been awake for years. Their live shows are straight up Q in art form

7a2ec0  No.3035196

File: 63484f413e6f540⋯.jpg (116.74 KB, 504x1844, 126:461, make money.jpg)

ec6d0a  No.3035197


I left work and said 'goodbye' to my boss.

Why isn't he in JAIL!?

1a2167  No.3035198


see: >>3035112


07eba3  No.3035199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Omarosa has 200 recorded tapes. She got fired by the Clintons too. Who really called Haiti a Shit Hole.

17 knives. Start video at 13:02 mark.

19af1a  No.3035200


Future proves past

9cc2c8  No.3035201


Already in this bread as mp4 and YT embed.

Lurk up little.

d896d6  No.3035202

File: fefda380e023e82⋯.jpg (391.63 KB, 1247x1180, 1247:1180, 20180914_POTUS_18_Delta.jpg)

Yesterday was our PATRIOTS DAY. We just didn't see it. Military deployed. State of emergency. Lots happened.

e99463  No.3035203

File: d695b4d95b15d2e⋯.png (141.89 KB, 888x419, 888:419, BringOutWorst.png)


He infuriates the globalists till they humiliate themselves

then posts a video of it on Twitter

kek (worth watching 1 min, no need to understand italian to enjoy)


c1b682  No.3035204

Finland Interior Minister: More Police in Suburbs to Stop Sweden-style ‘Culture of Violence’ Taking Root

Finland’s interior minister has proposed a greater police presence in migrant-populated suburbs in order to avoid the problems neighbouring Sweden has faced in recent years.

Interior Minister Kai Mykkänen has said that he wants to beef up the number of police in suburbs and have them work with social services to avoid the potential buildup of criminal gangs in areas with high populations of migrant-background residents, Finnish public broadcaster Yle reports.

According to Mykkänen, a similar programme has been implemented in the Varissuo suburb of the city of Turku and has seen a large degree of success. He noted that the co-operation between police and local social workers allowed them to tackle problems with young migrant-background individuals as they happened.

Mykkänen said that around 96 criminal gangs currently operate in Finland with the largest being motorcycle gangs. “It is largely international motorcycle gangs that are primarily concerned with drug trafficking, and that trade is increasing,” he said.

“In Swedish suburbs, we see a worse culture of violence linked to drug trafficking and robberies, with a wide recruitment of vulnerable young people,” he said.

“There is a risk that we have a similar situation in Finland in ten years.”

Organised criminal gangs, many of which operate in heavily migrant populated no-go “vulnerable areas”, became one of the focal issues of the Swedish national election that took place earlier this month.

Fatal shootings have increased over the last decade, with many, including a mass shooting in Malmo earlier this year, being blamed on organised criminal gangs.

The violence has led to Sweden becoming one of the top markets in Europe for illegal weapons from the Balkans, according to Bosnian prosecutor Goran Glamocanin, who said: “The Swedish market is the most attractive in Europe. It is because of the high demand.”

Hand grenades have also become a weapon of choice for criminal gangs, and according to police officer Gunnar Appelgren, the co-ordinator of the Stockholm police force’s gang conflict programme, such weapons are easy to procure on the streets.


a7d4fe  No.3035205


>"Maher, Kerry: Florence Coverage Overblown, ‘The Stupidest Thing’ on TV"

Translation: Trump administration is doing a great job with storm preparation and logistics.

IOW, nothing to bitch about with administrations's storm response, so call the storm a nothingburger.

e46786  No.3035206

File: a300ee5bbeca9c2⋯.png (934.93 KB, 1170x754, 45:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c929e9af64ec306⋯.png (88.87 KB, 1156x354, 578:177, ClipboardImage.png)

The bastards at Twitter marked the video of our hero Gen Flynn receiving the award as 'sensitive material'.

11058a  No.3035207

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, 5DA5C88B-31F5-403B-A60E-9….jpeg)

File: 25cb7d49b58f690⋯.jpeg (244.82 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 2215A3A0-89AF-49A6-9627-B….jpeg)

File: e5ef17f100b6cba⋯.jpeg (118.4 KB, 1334x1486, 667:743, 2311B631-C231-4495-8179-F….jpeg)

File: 7cccfcc11e9af65⋯.jpeg (140.72 KB, 349x359, 349:359, B8F2B9B8-E0DD-43AC-80AC-2….jpeg)

c1c46d  No.3035208

File: 9a322f72da83cf8⋯.png (841.38 KB, 1085x671, 1085:671, Screen Shot 2018-09-08 at ….png)

File: a44251c811602c4⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1312x949, 1312:949, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

File: f6c50efa6e38fd3⋯.png (880.97 KB, 1223x629, 1223:629, Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at ….png)

6bde8c  No.3035210


Ahhhh I see

e94cb1  No.3035211

File: d5eee6b66c34060⋯.jpg (112.28 KB, 1343x364, 1343:364, JD Lies.jpg)


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that the social media giant’s staffers who have right-leaning political views don’t feel comfortable to speak up because of the company’s ultra-liberal work environment.

“We have a lot of conservative-leaning folks in the company as well, and to be honest, they don’t feel safe to express their opinions at the company,” Dorsey told New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen in an interview published on Friday by Recode.

“They do feel silenced by just the general swirl of what they perceive to be the broader percentage of leanings within the company, and I don’t think that’s fair or right,” he added. “We should make sure that everyone feels safe to express themselves within the company, no matter where they come from and what their background is. I mean, my dad was a Republican.


09e14d  No.3035212

File: 8a0cc7861e9dcde⋯.png (434.15 KB, 680x650, 68:65, feelsmonk.png)

adb37a  No.3035213



Anonymous is another Zionist PYSOP

Noice try though Hymie

fb826d  No.3035214


And in mirror form….hindsight is 20/20

e96a42  No.3035215

Q said if he posts fun stuff it will be deleted..

Patriots fight will only hold to serious information..

Q told us

275d78  No.3035216

File: f322f36fba15507⋯.png (4.91 KB, 601x96, 601:96, ClipboardImage.png)

EDT cap, too lazy to check for others kek

f8a97f  No.3035217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q, here's one for you!:

"WWG1WGA" song by @TheJTWilde and Casey Johnson.

Dedicated to Q and all anons


d026e2  No.3035218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cbb1ac  No.3035219

File: 1714501a230912e⋯.jpg (184.42 KB, 500x744, 125:186, 2hxrg8~6.jpg)

File: af92474ab40671f⋯.jpg (114.75 KB, 500x594, 250:297, 2hq3ss~7.jpg)

084757  No.3035220

File: 3341cd07d518861⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 297x246, 99:82, 3f649767c337a80c849d421161….jpg)

File: a02ea6f55fa7875⋯.jpg (40.29 KB, 295x235, 59:47, 3f649767c337a80c849d421161….jpg)

c1b682  No.3035221

African Swine Fever Outbreak Threatens Western EU Farms With Huge Losses

The highly contagious disease, which has severely afflicted the agriculture business in Eastern Europe over the last several years, has now been found in the western parts of the EU, potentially threatening a ban on meat exports being imposed on local firms.

At least two cases of African swine fever (ASF) have been registered in Belgium, as pigs infected with the virus have been found there. It is unclear so far how the disease made its way to Western Europe, after having hurt the agricultural sector in the eastern part of the EU.

The ASF virus poses little threat to humans, but is deadly for pig populations on farms and, since to it is highly contagious, could lead to mass culling of pigs and boars in the region to prevent the disease from spreading. In Romania alone it cost local farms 230,000 pigs, bringing huge losses, according to some estimates reaching almost $12 million. Moreover, the virus outbreak could prompt the government to impose a ban on pork exports, further increasing losses for the agricultural sector, even for farms that are unaffected.

Neighboring France's Ministry of Agriculture has issued a caution as to how the disease is spread and promised that the government would give a proper response to the threat to the country's agricultural sector. France's agriculture minister also called for tightened controls over farms that neighbor affected regions in Belgium and for restrictions on hunting.


646434  No.3035222

File: 5dc33651e3660da⋯.jpg (34.69 KB, 512x576, 8:9, putin-condemns-dastardly-a….jpg)

Murder of Donbass leader committed with help of Western intelligence services - DPR acting head


Putin condemns dastardly act after pro-Russian rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko killed in explosion


comment - Only real surprise would be to learn that western "Intelligence" wasn't actually involved in any of it, but it isn't a fairy tale, so..

aee748  No.3035223


Here is MetArt model

Natasha S

In a changeroom at the beach

She's Russian, of course.

1ee543  No.3035224

File: 6bd34ace1cd805b⋯.png (20 KB, 261x209, 261:209, 6bd34ace1cd805bafcf5f879c3….png)


I didnt ask for a Haiku.

3b671c  No.3035225

Lock Them ALL Up Now! Please

7ed27a  No.3035226


Kek, thats some funny shit

c1c46d  No.3035227

File: 02192cc338a01d1⋯.png (19.68 KB, 278x492, 139:246, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at ….png)

084757  No.3035228

File: ae4211b79b5670f⋯.jpg (199.69 KB, 1088x729, 1088:729, ae8eb99a99c9df01503a8fd626….jpg)

File: 9ea22e8ee63b9af⋯.jpg (201.77 KB, 1088x729, 1088:729, ae8eb99a99c9df01503a8fd626….jpg)

d896d6  No.3035229


Fantastic song with quality content in the lyrics. A definite, GLORIOUS winner. God bless, anon. Carry on, Patriot.

3f50ab  No.3035230


Damn, why is no one getting arre-

UUUhhhhh *future proves past hopium arm injection*

Oh, fuck that feels good! Happy for another day.

e72982  No.3035231

File: d4f6e393fde2fb1⋯.mp4 (14.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Alice on Twitter #RealSear….mp4)


Here you are anon.

65faec  No.3035232


capture the date-time nnob

9e8233  No.3035233


nice find

e96a42  No.3035234


Jesus Lord… How old is she… ?

6bde8c  No.3035235


Black (w)holes and revelations.

906b78  No.3035236


Cheer anon. Grabbed pic, I'll need to learn dw skills though. Thanks for the reply…was starting to feel like I was getting the aflb treatment (I know he-she is here screaming at the moment).

Hope your reply helps some lurkers. Been around since last November and I've really never seen my Question asked/addressed (perhaps I was at work or sleeping?). Again, thanks for caring enough to take the time to help. All the best to you and yours.

1adfc8  No.3035237


>Q said if he posts fun stuff it will be deleted..

Q never said this! He never talked about "fun" stuff…

277b17  No.3035238


59K 10 min later

d026e2  No.3035239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c126f9  No.3035240


Well done. The writing style betrays itself.

265584  No.3035241


Nice Meme Anon. KEK



2bacae  No.3035242

Quantum entanglement is now weirder than gravity in its spooky action at a distance

06a36d  No.3035243


Funniest thing I've seen in a long time. KEK!

3e87ec  No.3035244



>when no one else knows how to chan

What is irony

962691  No.3035246


adb37a  No.3035247


Who the fuck is looking at what’s in the background lol…. plus people use canola oil all the time…I don’t see you bitching about that….

Try harder faggot

3e193c  No.3035248

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Fuck all the perfect people.

bb2a74  No.3035249

File: c49e1ef852b155a⋯.jpg (607.14 KB, 669x655, 669:655, KANYE.jpg)

d026e2  No.3035250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fb826d  No.3035251

File: 1b354d708ee62b6⋯.png (343.71 KB, 551x509, 551:509, flynnquote.PNG)

God Bless General Flynn

d30377  No.3035252

File: 203abc3d3ccc03e⋯.jpg (218.05 KB, 432x523, 432:523, Unify-Flag-Ascends-1.jpg)

e28a10  No.3035253


Maybe add Hal Turner to this?

b9fe88  No.3035254


I'd not be posting stuff like this. Don't see how close to the edge you can get.

e15671  No.3035255

File: c4fc80ebec47cbd⋯.png (581.37 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)




But man someone really butchered that song up for this twat.

f83f4d  No.3035256


We need proof of age of this person or its going to get deleted.

cbb1ac  No.3035257

File: 18322399c06f16f⋯.png (72.2 KB, 471x712, 471:712, Screenshot_2018-09-09-06-0….png)

TYB from the Ukraine.

b7d9fa  No.3035258

File: 65aef3fa96c9ddb⋯.gif (2.2 MB, 600x338, 300:169, DJTcorndogsRR (2).gif)

Made a gif of best part

56b5ca  No.3035259

either you are retarded or new or comp

to not stand down at this point is embarrassing for shills as a whole

Q can hear you breathing

anon can see you glow

thanks for the playbook


07641f  No.3035260

File: 4319033ea9a4082⋯.png (198.25 KB, 500x375, 4:3, mrburns.png)

d026e2  No.3035261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c1b682  No.3035262

File: 8c026317067d594⋯.png (507.42 KB, 636x475, 636:475, ClipboardImage.png)


Exclusive — Donald Trump Jr. to Obama: ‘Abracadabra!’ My Dad Fixed the Economy You Could Not

Donald Trump Jr. told Breitbart News Saturday he is thrilled that former President Barack Obama is active on the 2018 midterm campaign trail because it shows a clear contrast between Obama’s failed policies and his father, President Donald Trump’s, successful policies.

“Without question, he’s our best salesman,” Trump Jr. said of Obama on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel. “No one with a brain actually believes he did anything good for our economy or for our foreign policy. Everyone saw that anything he did basically put America at risk and made us weaker. Every time he drew a red line, other countries walked all over it. He did it again, and they walked all over it. Guess what? Countries, whether it’s foreign policy-wise or whether it’s business-wise, they realize you have someone now that actually cares about America in there, that’s actually doing it–not someone who’s going to make us look weak where you can walk all over us because that’s the precedent that he set. There’s a new sheriff in town. We’ve changed all that.”

Trump Jr. also mocked Obama’s efforts in a series of recent speeches to take credit for the successful Trump economy.

“The biggest joke I’ve seen in the last two years is Obama claiming credit–trying to claim this economy,” Trump Jr. said, “because his policies of over-taxation, oppressive regulation, guess what? That didn’t do anything. That drove this country into the ground. That led to the worst recovery in the history of probably economics but certainly our country’s history. For him to run around doing this now–there’s a reason why on November 9, 2016, all of those matrices shot up like a rocket. It’s because businesses, employers, people realized you got someone who’s actually going to fight for you, not fight just for special interests, not fight for people in countries that hate our guts, but actually fight for real Americans. Real Americans, their jobs, their companies, their businesses. That’s what happened, and when consumer confidence started going up the day my father won because they knew he wasn’t going to oppress them, everything started following. I want to keep that going; that’s how we get rid of some of the other problems we’re having. That’s how we get rid of unfunded pension liability. That’s how we get rid of some of our deficits, is by producing, having GDP numbers above four percent. Okay, remember when Obama said you need a magic wand to make that happen? Well, abracadabra, Obama. We’re doing it.”

The “abracadabra” and “magic wand” reference Trump Jr. made was in response to Obama infamously questioning in 2016 if Trump had a “magic wand” to fix the economy to fulfill the promises he was making:

Trump Jr. also said that failed 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton’s public appearances–as she intends to do multiple Democratic National Committee (DNC) fundraisers in the coming weeks–are great for the GOP.

“That’s the other one; I love for her to be out there,” Trump Jr. said of Clinton. “The more she’s out there, the better it is for us.”


6e832d  No.3035263


That 6 million bucks means nothing compared to what's coming. 12/21

c1c46d  No.3035264

File: 28c01dcaada307c⋯.jpg (75.61 KB, 840x819, 40:39, Dmm8lEnX4AAj1vE.jpg)

8e09f4  No.3035265


>They began during the hurricane (the Storm). We had boatloads of military deployed.

So, first comes the storm? Then the Presidential emergency broadcast test?

Then it all goes public? I hope that you are correct.

88cf57  No.3035266

File: 4c807d904b1ad88⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2376x4400, 27:50, Q_PROOF-FREEDOM-jpg_with-s….png)

FREEDOM.jpg at Gen. Flynn first public speech in months

adb37a  No.3035267


Lol…. when the general public finds out you rape and eat babies… JUSTICE

91662b  No.3035268

4. But you endure not patiently, nor fulfil the commandments of the Lord; but you transgress and calumniate his greatness; and malignant are the words in your polluted mouths against his Majesty.

5. Ye withered in heart, no peace shall be to you!

6. Therefore your days shall you curse, and the years of your lives shall perish; perpetual execration shall be multiplied, and you shall not obtain mercy.

7. In those days shall you resign your peace with the eternal maledictions of all the righteous, and sinners shall perpetually execrate you;

8. Shall execrate you with the ungodly.

9. The elect shall possess light, joy, and peace; and they shall inherit the earth.

10. But you, ye unholy, shall be accursed.

11. Then shall wisdom be given to the elect, all of whom shall live, and not again transgress by impiety or pride; but shall humble themselves, possessing prudence, and shall not repeat transgression.

12. They shall not be condemned the whole period of their lives, nor die in torment and indignation; but the sum of their days shall be completed, and they shall grow old in peace; while the years of their happiness shall be multiplied with joy, and with peace, for ever, the whole duration of their existence.

c8b747  No.3035269

File: d3e2c1f8a0108af⋯.png (5.86 KB, 698x106, 349:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c76a0676f3b476⋯.png (17.16 KB, 1815x244, 1815:244, ClipboardImage.png)


pic related

06a36d  No.3035270


Future proves past.

We're watching a movie.

What makes a great movie?

f83f4d  No.3035271


encoding is a little too jerky :/

d026e2  No.3035272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


[ ]y

[ ]ss

[ ]ides

[ ]n

[ ]avy

[ ]quipment

[ ]ir

367658  No.3035273

File: 1a7beba8565cab0⋯.png (73.46 KB, 500x433, 500:433, stalker.png)


From Ukraine as well.

5dfc1b  No.3035274


45 Jump Street

c1c46d  No.3035275

File: 8c2d027c95e4e93⋯.png (240.73 KB, 457x375, 457:375, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

File: f0bdf6a9770cde6⋯.jpg (72.61 KB, 499x499, 1:1, f0bdf6a9770cde630cb907a884….jpg)

6bde8c  No.3035276


You didn't ask for not a Haiku!

The universe (and this place) works in mysterious ways.

5aaa48  No.3035277


Good Question. Maybe he wanted us to gather for a message or he wanted to drop by and say hi for a sec. I think we may be in a dark phase (operations green) and Q just wanted to give us a poke.

ad7c99  No.3035278


Made my saturday evening (germananon).

Is it happening? Have a wonderful weekend fellow anons. WWG1WGA

f05d1d  No.3035279


i was hoping someone would comment lol

e99463  No.3035280


"Sensitive Material" means "This is great! Don't miss it!"

428bd5  No.3035281


Too young!!

1ee543  No.3035282

File: 1843792e36b88bb⋯.jpg (89.02 KB, 820x1024, 205:256, 1500595017716.jpg)


dude, u just made Potus fuk RR … nasty

19af1a  No.3035283


We can see now what Q meant by the ammo being expended.

Woodward's book

NYT op-ed

25th A talk

Kavanaugh disruption

When trillions are at stake, I can be patient.

4b8491  No.3035284


That's bs. Besides: judging without watching makes you a fool. I think you're mistaken with Third Fase Of The Moon. That's a bunch of idiot hoaxers. Secureteam definitely is not.

But fuck it. It this is you attitude around here you're an idiot or a shill.

e14857  No.3035285


and I think you are filtered

3e193c  No.3035286

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Gay penguins ice themselves.

(The part cut out of Happy Feet)

638fdf  No.3035287

File: 1b0dedfc5232da3⋯.jpeg (115.86 KB, 425x669, 425:669, FAC15AB1-2E18-4349-9041-0….jpeg)

File: 194c9f38bbd77e0⋯.jpeg (79.78 KB, 255x657, 85:219, 1D09C9BB-AA3E-41CB-A1D7-9….jpeg)

File: d8a1eef38c04a83⋯.jpeg (243.03 KB, 637x1858, 637:1858, 77AB1DB5-AD5B-4CBD-BECE-9….jpeg)

File: 22efed8616e560d⋯.jpeg (213.32 KB, 640x1729, 640:1729, 7A84743B-916C-44CE-BEB3-B….jpeg)

File: 6fd52b25a37a37b⋯.jpeg (107.76 KB, 425x651, 425:651, 745A27F6-7AEA-4AE6-A56D-5….jpeg)

062948  No.3035288

File: ffa027f893d394b⋯.jpg (573.25 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, 171129.jpg)


Strange. According to this RT article the reason was a sloppy assembly worker. Might be a coverup story of course.

"Later on, Russian media revealed the drill hole was made on the ground by a reckless assembly worker – he was identified and properly sanctioned, we were told.

Yet, the story does not end there. “There are drilling traces not only inside the living module [of the ISS], but also on anti-meteorite plates,” a space industry source told TASS news agency. These plates are mounted outside of the station’s hermetic hull.

“The one who made the hole in the hull passed straight through it and the drill head hit external non-hermetic protection,” the source explained.

Judging by previous media reports, there is a high probability of negligence. The worker in question apparently accidentally drilled the hole, but instead of reporting it, simply sealed it, according to Russian media.

The makeshift sealant held for at least the two months the Soyuz spacecraft spent in orbit, before finally drying up and being pushed out of the hole by air pressure. The ISS crew had noticed the drop of pressure in late August."

Could've been an intentional sabotage attempt? ISS crashing and burning would've robbed headlines for a good while.


275d78  No.3035290

File: cd77913b5a8c080⋯.jpg (125.66 KB, 700x488, 175:122, cd77913b5a8c080186bb94153b….jpg)


Our next VP!

98aa01  No.3035291


sloppy steve? who cares

aee748  No.3035292


After the coup in Kiev which overthrew the legitimate government

Had been orchestrated by Victoria Nuland and the EU bureaucracy

The KGB in Kiev cleared out a floor of their headquarters

For the CIA to move in and set up shop

They have been there ever since

Most of us who analyze the Ukraine situation

Believe that this is 100% blackhat CIA

Who moved in to protect their many blackops

In Ukraine

Illegal arms dealings to African countries

A link in the drugs trade to Europe

People trafficking from Asia to Europe

And so on.

Donbass is a thorn in their side

Because they thought they would be able

To spread the social disorder of Ukraine

Into Russia and split it into two warring states

59c5f9  No.3035293


Younger than Jesus.

efc5a5  No.3035294


god bless patriot

a6f730  No.3035295


Kek. Could watch it all day. Funny every time.

f77a05  No.3035296


GMT in the graphic that'll be in the next loaf ;)

9dabae  No.3035298

File: 1dca7317fa6f761⋯.jpg (307.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1500619178815.jpg)


dear god

c728fe  No.3035299

File: a157bf273e80ced⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 500x304, 125:76, harr1.jpg)

Somehow POTUS was able to slip some 5D chess into the MSM narrative.


Infighting between jewyork times and the bezos herald as to who gets which grave on the MSM cemetery, cool!

1a2167  No.3035300



>>3034737 NASA and Russian space agency refuse to reveal ‘preliminary conclusions’ about cause of mysterious leak in International Space Station

>>3034823 Project Veritas hints they know who wrote NYT Anon Op-ed & will release tapes starting next week on deepstate (Video)

>>3034852, >>3034893, >>3034925 Turkish Strategy In Northern Syria: Military Operations, Turkish-backed Groups And Idlib Issue

>>3034977, >>3034996, >>3035058 Embed video Q linked to

>>3035017 Five Star Movement (Italy) Proposes Stripping Mainstream Media’s Public Funding

>>3035062 Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations

>>3035175 Graphic: BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW

New Q this bread:

Saturday 09.15.18

>>>/patriotsfight/234 —————–—————- https://twitter.com/realTRUMPERLAND/status/1037149645548347397 ( Cap: >>3034794, >>3034795, >>3034996 )

07641f  No.3035301


Jesus wept

e049a8  No.3035302


ThanQ you for capping this! Hilarious

638fdf  No.3035303

File: f55c93532718378⋯.jpeg (80.06 KB, 640x403, 640:403, B76C3B69-F07F-4006-BD01-8….jpeg)

File: 22efed8616e560d⋯.jpeg (213.32 KB, 640x1729, 640:1729, E3646DD6-ED0F-4E6C-B3CB-E….jpeg)

24fb8c  No.3035304

File: f9c6f8eca8ad187⋯.jpg (356.28 KB, 1214x1239, 1214:1239, 1509634144609.jpg)



7683d6  No.3035305

File: 7506aba0e0f36e0⋯.jpg (105.61 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Fac….jpg)

File: 23b0d35c92696c2⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 480x316, 120:79, Picard-facepalm.jpg)

23ee2b  No.3035306

File: c02a835f67b78b4⋯.jpeg (183.03 KB, 750x577, 750:577, 6284E24A-42D4-4595-AC86-7….jpeg)

Here we go…

5697f7  No.3035307

File: abc09d0f9384b17⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 7db15dda79a108edac100a68c8….jpg)

1ee543  No.3035308

638fdf  No.3035310


JOHN 11:35

962691  No.3035311

Masquerade Party




HITL (9)


ACOM Sequence start/



Tracking/surveillance. +

[all sig devices].

GEO-T/L [+]


6e832d  No.3035312

File: e3fb3410a563f4f⋯.jpg (84.79 KB, 330x270, 11:9, mf july2 thumb.jpg)

File: 36ea40ed66882ac⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, US senator Mccain meets an….mp4)


That Obama pic is fake and gay.

<This is real. No Name and Gingrich bowing to a terrorist leader.

cbb1ac  No.3035313

File: 9197e3ee350e587⋯.jpg (21.57 KB, 312x400, 39:50, funny_yawning_picture_13.jpg)

a31bd4  No.3035314

File: f81eb0da06762cf⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 473x449, 473:449, 2i0izf.jpg)

367658  No.3035315


Satan cares.



e28a10  No.3035316


Agreed! Love it!!!

974166  No.3035317

File: 2cac9ded81b1b45⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 533x481, 41:37, pain.jpg)


>when you say someone is gone….and yet they remain….

you mean like when the MSM persistently attacks Qanon for the past 45 days and he keeps dropping posts?

it works both ways anon

try to imagine the literal HELL that [RR] and [JB] are experiencing right now.

46b963  No.3035318


Well Trump and Heinz are related. Distant cousins. Cabal kills one of his family members. Kerry swoops in and mooches the Heinz family money. This shit is personal.

7a2ec0  No.3035319





12 Sep 2018 - 11:21:05 PM



Main points of interest only.

It will serve as the main hub of all communications once all other sites 'tracking' collapse [8ch only].

What part of another wave of attacks coming [yesterday] wasn't understood?

This is not a game.


1ee543  No.3035320


I didnt know wtf I just saw…

7ed27a  No.3035321


Delete that shit already

d026e2  No.3035322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e72982  No.3035323


Try downloading it and playing it in something other than a browser.

265584  No.3035324

File: b8a80e36d463c23⋯.jpg (101.85 KB, 689x577, 689:577, 799cad7b8887070a5a08ad53ac….jpg)

c126f9  No.3035325

File: c925c6ca7a52be0⋯.png (177.97 KB, 729x501, 243:167, Andover-Witch-Trials.png)


>My family worked in the Mills for generations. I live in one of the towns hit by the gas attacks.

Oh cool. Know any black magic stories?

1a01f1  No.3035326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

aee748  No.3035327



We have outed another shill

He doesn't want us to be looking at the symbolism

And he doesn't want us to look at anything too closely

Just follow the narrative that we are fed.

Won't work!!!

We admire the beautiful women

And then we check out the backgrounds, the filenames, do reverse image search to learn all we can, just in case there is hidden info.

d40087  No.3035328

File: 83f716caba0e6cc⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 250x245, 50:49, 83f716caba0e6cc375fc2d9dbb….gif)

if i was Q i would send the feds to random places to spook the shit out of the deep state

they wont fall for omg its happening again

56b5ca  No.3035330

your internet, belong to us

she will not be forgotten

c8b747  No.3035332

2bacae  No.3035333

File: d3d6e540c96269c⋯.jpeg (236.75 KB, 2224x1258, 1112:629, 522BC755-06F2-4A64-86CF-3….jpeg)

784fea  No.3035334

Biggest KEK of all

You know some of these clowns are lurking up in here on the weekend.

Covfete Now?

88cf57  No.3035335

File: 313a9be45b81fd8⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2360x4372, 590:1093, Q_PROOF-FREEDOM-jpg_with-s….png)

File: ebccfdb6a2bc739⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1184x2192, 74:137, Q_PROOF-FREEDOM-jpg_with-s….png)


FREEDOM.jpg at Gen. Flynn first public speech in months

5dfc1b  No.3035336


That's how I read that too.

Oooh, somebody doesn't want me to see this. *CLICK

"These people are stupid"

32c3e1  No.3035337

Watched the new Q post - I cant believe this is happening in the country I live in right now. How did we let these people do this?

e46786  No.3035338

File: f9b6f6f85020d6d⋯.png (126.75 KB, 1232x536, 154:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 595f40390e4f0d6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1250x1078, 625:539, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks for the reminder anon.

638fdf  No.3035339

File: aca8f5cabe5ca95⋯.jpeg (61.13 KB, 583x335, 583:335, FCEE58BC-A089-43AA-91FB-C….jpeg)

File: 91d9114fe4c4dea⋯.jpeg (78.05 KB, 649x578, 649:578, 9EE16037-2E06-4468-845F-2….jpeg)

File: 9918eb712512ae7⋯.jpeg (91.91 KB, 649x578, 649:578, 0C77CBD1-862E-4756-9647-F….jpeg)

File: b1935560693f79f⋯.jpeg (58.84 KB, 583x335, 583:335, E9C9828F-E13D-442F-AE23-E….jpeg)

a6f730  No.3035340



f2e4f6  No.3035341


$ecureteam videos have been debunked so many times, just do a general search for Secureteam hoax and you'll get your proof.





They are entertainment only, no real research


adb37a  No.3035342

File: 4c8aa2a6f85c667⋯.jpeg (177.22 KB, 837x920, 837:920, 76EB7F23-2613-4E39-AE10-A….jpeg)

67dd6b  No.3035343


Sleeper cell asset activated to bring more bad press to POTUS? They will stop at nothing. Hurry Q. They are out of control!

b588e1  No.3035344

File: bba54712461d84a⋯.jpeg (69.97 KB, 736x500, 184:125, D981186C-3BB3-4110-9A82-8….jpeg)

dcc769  No.3035345

File: dc6e0294665619a⋯.jpg (24.75 KB, 560x373, 560:373, John McCain-3x2.jpg)


Oh dear me!


89bbbe  No.3035346

File: bada7ace25d5e46⋯.png (742.56 KB, 676x654, 338:327, Screenshot_63.png)

3e193c  No.3035347

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Live Forever

1611c4  No.3035348



these 2 same ID 962691

f83f4d  No.3035349


fair enough

367658  No.3035350


Similar things are happening worldwide.

Somewhere along the line the entire civilization forgot how to act as one.

e28a10  No.3035351


It is hard to Redpill people when


say someone is gone….and yet they remain….

Then don't do that, anon. Getting out ahead of Q isn't wise. None of us know the timing of such events.

64ccb9  No.3035352

File: f17ad97a59cb2ef⋯.jpg (218.9 KB, 640x428, 160:107, WeavePepeSatva.jpg)

1a2167  No.3035354


been doing it for months

its gay, likely fake

226a3e  No.3035355


your base is riled (anons) spread to critical mass world wide. Q has an army of us. How long do you expect us to stay riled? SHIT OR GIT

b9fe88  No.3035356


I would deputize General Flynn and give him the honor of the making the first arrest when the dam breaks!

5bc8e0  No.3035358





5697f7  No.3035359

File: f22a6c80542d17c⋯.jpg (120.94 KB, 790x773, 790:773, soldier.jpg)

9cc2c8  No.3035360

File: 791fe05277926c3⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, qfrog.jpg)


Love it.

7683d6  No.3035361

File: 1408b0677e0db17⋯.png (413.01 KB, 412x410, 206:205, 1408b0677e0db17724dc06716e….png)

084757  No.3035362

File: 42a83fda2e655b8⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 520x351, 40:27, iu (12).jpg)

e96a42  No.3035363






>Main points of interest only.

>It will serve as the main hub of all communications once all other sites 'tracking' collapse [8ch only].

>What part of another wave of attacks coming [yesterday] wasn't understood?

>This is not a game.

91662b  No.3035364


Orange Sunshine? I'm in.

7a2ec0  No.3035365


She could poke an out with those things.

1a2167  No.3035366


>>3034737 NASA and Russian space agency refuse to reveal ‘preliminary conclusions’ about cause of mysterious leak in International Space Station

>>3034823 Project Veritas hints they know who wrote NYT Anon Op-ed & will release tapes starting next week on deepstate (Video)

>>3034852, >>3034893, >>3034925 Turkish Strategy In Northern Syria: Military Operations, Turkish-backed Groups And Idlib Issue

>>3034977, >>3034996, >>3035058 Embed video Q linked to

>>3035017 Five Star Movement (Italy) Proposes Stripping Mainstream Media’s Public Funding

>>3035062 Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations

>>3035175 Graphic: BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW

b7d9fa  No.3035367

File: 1a1693837985992⋯.png (499.95 KB, 578x542, 289:271, potustorm.PNG)


Yes & POTUS has teased about fucking him & the witch hunt for a long time, time for it to


Sometimes I fail, (pic related)


Is Gen Flynn a quitter, with 33 years of service to his country?

Not in my books, his return & exoneration will lead to an 8 year term as POTUS after DJT.

Cap This

4ec60d  No.3035368


AWESOME video!

Lock them up!

1c9c47  No.3035369


Sounds like the tunnel theory referenced has some real meat to it considering the efforts to silence it. Keep digging.

07641f  No.3035370

File: 0dd0befcde4d7c8⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 231x244, 231:244, topkek.jpg)

b9fe88  No.3035371


Embrace derangement and decay.

4dee62  No.3035373


Interesting posts by Q.

Are the arrests happening?

dbc5a5  No.3035375

File: f3afc91b9139969⋯.png (1.25 MB, 988x1753, 988:1753, Screenshot_The Weather Cha….png)

2bacae  No.3035376


The most Jewish thing on the board today, congrats

7683d6  No.3035378

File: 850fe0d5361a1bb⋯.jpg (221.15 KB, 1600x1541, 1600:1541, 850fe0d5361a1bb3a06fa7c963….jpg)

1a2167  No.3035379


c1c46d  No.3035380

File: 61b00591e01f117⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1782x1196, 891:598, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at ….png)

07641f  No.3035382



1ce613  No.3035384


I think she is in some ad against Kavanaugh that was on JOy reed show

bb2a74  No.3035386

File: 382c3956a644e46⋯.png (322.06 KB, 653x621, 653:621, ClipboardImage.png)



c8b747  No.3035387


>>>3034977, >>3034996, >>3035058 Embed video Q linked to

You mean to include >>3034977 asking for the embed?

b9fe88  No.3035388


Jewish to associate derangement and decay with Jim Carrey?


638fdf  No.3035389

File: 152e43fd49fcbff⋯.jpeg (80.91 KB, 640x403, 640:403, 2548F9CC-95B4-460A-BC65-5….jpeg)

aee748  No.3035390


Time for a lesson for the idiot assholes who replied

I told you EVERYTHING you need in my post. But you are blind and did not see

Google this

Metart model Natasha S

And you will find lots of photo shoots

For me the 3rd link was this bio


She is 30yo currently

It describes her as tiny

And lists a number of sites where she has worked as a model

But why did I say Metart?

Let's go back to that Google listing

See that she has a Metart model page

Let's look…

Debut age 18

That means that when she started modeling

In Russia

she was legally an adult

If you believe in the rule of law


084757  No.3035391

File: af53ebcf003dc5c⋯.jpg (394.7 KB, 1348x1141, 1348:1141, iu (9).jpg)

4c0fc2  No.3035392


On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announced that there was 2.3 TRILLION dollars "unaccounted" for in the Pentagon budget.

That amount was 7x the ENTIRE (335 BILLION) Pentagon budget for the year.

Only the government could lose their ENTIRE budget SEVEN times in one year AND get away with it!

The next day, three hijacked planes, reportedly flying at approximately 2x beyond the structural limits of their flight speed at sea level, crashed into buildings destroying all the accounting records for the missing funds and there could be no further investigation.

These “facts” are NOT disputed among government officials.


Who “investigated” 9/11

Robert Mueller

was appointed FBI director by President George W. Bush in 2001. Mueller was subsequently confirmed by the Senate in a unanimous 98 to 0 vote. He took office on September 4th, 2001.

The FBI was created to conduct domestic operations to support political agendas.

As we move forward in time their pseudo legal authority and power has only been increased and enhanced.

The National Defense authorization act (NDAA 2012)

created the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) which is an independent agency of the United States government.

According to its website, its mission is to "inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy."

Hillary Clinton was on this board at the time of Sandy Hook, while she was Secretary of State.

This law empowers the government to legally propagandize the American people.

Why would the Congress create and approve this bill, which was signed into law by Obama, if they didn't plan to use it?

Have we ever actually seen any "fake" news in the media?

The reality is that the FBI conducts domestic operations in the United States and recruits assets along the way, like Emad A. Salem, an FBI informant, who was a key witness in the trial of Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad, and Wali Khan Amin Shah, convicted in the World Trade Center bombing of February 26, 1993.

The FBI supplied the explosives and detonators to the terrorist group and initially tried to frame Salem as a co-conspirator in the attack, until Salem made public the tapes of his FBI handlers.

They don't need to "get away" with it… it's legal.




246b65  No.3035393


This is the proper embed.


f150bf  No.3035396


Lets see how much the msm plays this up

e46786  No.3035397

File: 69395335ab28f57⋯.png (834.94 KB, 1226x1188, 613:594, ClipboardImage.png)

Q has told us that POTUS is insulated.

As hard as it is for me to see Herr Mueller and his merry band of henchmen run roughshod over the justice system, I take comfort in Q's crumb.

aaa230  No.3035398

File: 28abfbe67bf4a97⋯.png (14.71 KB, 542x151, 542:151, ClipboardImage.png)


From Q # 860

The last one will be Magical


0cd6ad  No.3035399

Thought about this old song, dunno if it has a different meaning:


c8b747  No.3035400


I was asking Baker, has both listed and the anon asking for the embed.

2bacae  No.3035402

File: d2d05f3e2fe4315⋯.jpeg (465.14 KB, 955x584, 955:584, 8622B3B4-DDD4-4D11-B288-5….jpeg)

File: ac8904239713c72⋯.jpeg (871.24 KB, 1206x827, 1206:827, 5A3E0D6C-E1D0-44B2-8A8E-9….jpeg)

The golden ratio is everywhere

084757  No.3035403

File: 550e3997622906a⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 483x417, 161:139, fa91a479a27206cc42746f697a….jpg)

2eff72  No.3035405

File: abc327da5158007⋯.png (400.45 KB, 846x580, 423:290, fisaDECLASS.png)

85e70e  No.3035406

File: debeb30004fc3b7⋯.png (266.92 KB, 500x457, 500:457, maher.png)

59c5f9  No.3035407


That would be the financial reset.

3a61c0  No.3035408


They are only this beautiful for such a short time … and then it's gone. I'm glad someone was there to catch and preserve this moment. This woman will be forever young.

fab055  No.3035409



Whats the diggs on this? Any?

a30c8e  No.3035410

File: 4effb29f01d390e⋯.png (742.55 KB, 737x695, 737:695, 1536187601.png)

e435b4  No.3035411


I'm wondering that myself as I don't see any sign of it being posted.

Was it deleted already?

5140bb  No.3035412

If this hasn't already been posted then this is definitely a notable.


64ccb9  No.3035413

File: 1ab5ff889e12a59⋯.jpg (176.16 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningWorldChangeG….jpg)

File: 0d9e9cb11fd5611⋯.jpg (222.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningWorldChangeG….jpg)

File: 062c430e6145682⋯.jpg (73.32 KB, 502x467, 502:467, GrowSeedDark.jpg)

5697f7  No.3035414

File: 19765a02429ac41⋯.png (275.65 KB, 548x258, 274:129, Screenshot_2018-09-15 Alic….png)

File: 18b2ee765939ec0⋯.jpg (349.16 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, people-are-afraid-of-what-….jpg)

our girl? A plant?

FBI walked right by her?

d948e1  No.3035415


also 9/10/2001



367658  No.3035416


Obviously you have never seen a Pleiadian girl ;)

638fdf  No.3035417



91662b  No.3035418


You just admitted you were trolling. Begone.

1ee543  No.3035419


ha. I thought it was well done but maybe Sessions reaming RR wud b better lol.

I never said anything about quitting or failing. we all fail. If we never failed, we would have never learned how to walk, talk, eat, etc. failing is learning/growing.

Hats to u for never giving up, anon. Keep on failing :D & fuk the haters. they r just mad cuz they dont have the courage to fail towards success.

59c5f9  No.3035420




Why would it be the financial reset? Because the financial system is referred to as the Babylonian money magic system. Truly magical.

b9fe88  No.3035421


My missus looked like that 40 years ago.

Wish I had the sense to take more pics of her then.

56b5ca  No.3035422

5dfc1b  No.3035424


You're Welqome

3e193c  No.3035425


Wonder if that BP agent isn't one of theirs?

Worth a dig when we get a name.

784fea  No.3035426

File: 4bb7e10e2f3f6ff⋯.jpg (124.73 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 4bb7e10e2f3f6ff71fbc1b775f….jpg)

c1c46d  No.3035427


or was it Huma Abedin?

e46786  No.3035428

File: 188c28b3ba4666f⋯.png (236.92 KB, 798x1100, 399:550, ClipboardImage.png)

f2e4f6  No.3035430

File: b120859b9c2a7eb⋯.png (31.4 KB, 1062x223, 1062:223, pf235.png)

New Q

faf0d0  No.3035431


Lurk moar. Q deletes non important things. Anons keep .pub updated.

59c5f9  No.3035432


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/16/18 (Sun) 03:28:09 No.235

SEPT —-17—– [week of]


DECLAS coming?





32c3e1  No.3035433


That was Huma

23db9f  No.3035434


I didn't get kicked off a mod team. you did.

dcad94  No.3035435

246b65  No.3035436

File: 146b4695978516c⋯.jpg (38.37 KB, 913x242, 83:22, Q cap.JPG)

New Q

7ea1b8  No.3035437

File: 069b621ea1112a2⋯.jpg (166.64 KB, 1080x422, 540:211, Screenshot_20180915-123209….jpg)

f150bf  No.3035438



Q does it often…message sent received

367658  No.3035439



So that's the new MO. Drop slowly until they cannot defend against the drops anymore. Less stressful on the sleepers.

bdee81  No.3035440

Nicholson actually looks better that way


c1dfa4  No.3035441

Recently had a meme up of OUR President & flag, captioned there's 51 stars in this pic, insinuating Trump as the 51st of course. SOME liberal demonrat didn't get it & said oh, he's already fucked up the flag too? I replied it was his idol who thought we had 57 states, NOT our President. He thought I made it up cuz somehow he never heard it. So I put out the clip & a snippet from an article showing NOT only does he NOT know how many states we have but he doesn't even know where they are! Pointed to his statement "Sen. Clinton, I think, I'd much better known, coming from a nearby state of Arkansas. So it's not surprising that she would have an advantage in some of those states in the middle." Lol Hussein's supposed home state of Illinois shares a border with Kentucky, not Arkansas! Liberal demonrat didn't like That! LOL

860d22  No.3035442

File: 4957afe40f1669d⋯.png (5.42 KB, 774x226, 387:113, ClipboardImage.png)

7d9082  No.3035443


DECLAS Coming?

Now it's a question?

7314ed  No.3035444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

here's another version of the vid

89bbbe  No.3035445

File: e827735d703d4dd⋯.png (111.57 KB, 399x398, 399:398, Screenshot_9.png)

1a2167  No.3035446










just added to show it was requested, could've been left out, but just decided to add it


084757  No.3035447

File: 2e7581ffef61397⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 501x361, 501:361, iu.jpg)

24fb8c  No.3035448

File: c2b57c4f2bf26e9⋯.png (55.66 KB, 738x475, 738:475, Screenshot_2018-09-15 [Fut….png)

with previous, for good measure

1d6392  No.3035449

File: 8abfb662157a8d9⋯.jpg (776.86 KB, 1829x1535, 1829:1535, whew.jpg)


*Lied off

Fixed that record for ya ; )

7a2ec0  No.3035451


Pleiadian tang has got to be out of this world.

e15671  No.3035452

File: f137eaf85e9f192⋯.png (6.75 KB, 635x151, 635:151, ClipboardImage.png)

d896d6  No.3035453



Also, sleight of hand. We may not see what is happening.

638fdf  No.3035454

File: afce558599df9ca⋯.jpeg (258.53 KB, 640x505, 128:101, E2700609-B629-4386-9753-5….jpeg)

e96a42  No.3035455


23db9f  No.3035456


Dig yourself deeper. You got canned ;)

084757  No.3035457

File: 968a57ca0031699⋯.jpg (148.46 KB, 590x476, 295:238, ancient time clock 3.jpg)

File: 1e0adbcbd1345ff⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 622x414, 311:207, DmvhzSRVAAANHK0.jpg)

862318  No.3035458

Fake JK blasting back at POTUS last night:

John Kerry: Truth Teller | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)


If you can't see the prosthetics, keep looking.

59c5f9  No.3035464


Yeah Q is asking anons for an answer. And we answer yes >>> Q shall release.

2a6be5  No.3035465

File: d0226e53731503f⋯.png (21.69 KB, 451x209, 41:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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