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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

358513  No.2695787

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Cap: >>2685833 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

358513  No.2695799


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2695124 Weighing in on Cohen and Manafort:

>>2695126 Michael Cohen & Elliott Broidy connection?

>>2695128 Rep. Duncan Hunter, wife indicted on corruption charges in California

>>2695237 NXIVM Update: Clare Bronfman loses with more charges possible

>>2695282 Numberfag here… not a (((Jew)))

>>2695305 DNC Lies: Despite Denials, Feds & FAA Records Show Brazile was in DC on Day of Seth Rich Murder

>>2695469, >>2695533 Border Agents Encounter 128 Illegal Aliens Abandoned by Smugglers

>>2695613 How do you find a nuclear-powered missile that’s lost at sea?

>>2695615 Deep State pulls security clearance for Trump supporter

>>2695795 #3403


>>2694416 "Muslims chant 'Allahu akbar' at Vikings stadium

>>2694481 List of Cohen charges

>>2694508 Former Head of Federal Elections Says Cohen Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution

>>2694536 Illegal immigrant charged with first-degree murder in Mollie Tibbetts’ death

>>2694593, >>2694634 Facebook says it removed content from Iran and Russia for ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’..

>>2694628 No jailtime for Imran Awan for bank fraud.

>>2694706 Did you know that evil Monsanto’s former PR executive is now running the anti-gun group Moms Demand Action?

>>2694740 More on "where the bodies are buried"

>>2694771 Hong Kong Director Under Million-Dollar Fraud Investigation, Absconds With Investor Money

>>2694772 Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Renegade was fined $375k for campaign finance violations in 2008 campaign

>>2694899 Planefag Reports

>>2694951 Still No Answers From DNC One Week After Pledging To Review Ellison Allegations

>>2695040 #3402


>>2693580 Michael Cohen's Lawyer: Cohen Testified Under Oath That Trump Directed Him To Commit a Crime

>>2693721 Planefag Reports

>>2693866 Owners of Pennsylvania Based Internet Floral Company Sentenced to Prison for Tax Fraud

>>2693879 6.7 Earthquake now

>>2693880 POTUS Schedule Update

>>2694134 Congressman and Wife Indicted for Converting Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Campaign Funds..

>>2694268 #3401


>>2692780, >>2692861, >>2693422 Big 7.3 EQ in Venezuela

>>2692781 POTUS Schedule Update

>>2692820 Trump: 'Very Sad' About Manafort Conviction, But Has Nothing to Do With Russia

>>2692908 Today's Resignations

>>2693047 Pedophile Arrests, Resignations, Sealed Indictments updates

>>2693061 2 Hours ago Police activity at Stewart AFB

>>2693163, >>2693176 Entire Cohen plea deal.

>>2693417, >>2693497 Planefag Reports

>>2693449 Rep. Duncan Hunter and wife indicted in use of campaign funds for personal expenses

>>2693531 #3400


>>2692025, >>2692365, >>2692466 The vagueness in Cohen's language strikes me as odd

>>2692029, >>2692038, >>2692040, >>2692363 Mollie Tibbetts Arrest: Suspect on Immigration Hold

>>2692030 POTUS Schedule Update

>>2692035 Oklahoma judge resigns over accusations of abuse, oppression

>>2692044 Infographic - hot off the press.

>>2692126 Michael Cohen Tells Court He Violated Campaign Finance Law at Direction of ‘Candidate’

>>2692277 Clockfag Update

>>2692514 Further update on Australia's PM

>>2692528 New DJT

>>2692556 'The more you know' connections to CF, Cindy McNoname, Tom Steyer, James Steyer. (Too Small to Fail)

>>2692735 #3399

Previously Collected Notables

>>2691185 #3397, >>2691965 #3398

>>2688740 #3394, >>2689617 #3395, >>2690361 #3396

>>2686596 #3391, >>2687319 #3392, >>2691600 #3393

>>2684200 #3388, >>2684961 #3389, >>2685837 #3390

>>2682833 #3385, >>2682841 #3386, >>2683472 #3387

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

358513  No.2695802

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2690944

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

358513  No.2695806

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


358513  No.2695811

File: 57e6f7027748fac⋯.jpg (122.08 KB, 515x699, 515:699, e12533a964e1b05ef4a38550ff….jpg)

Dough #3404



Baker Requesting Handoff

c6d9c1  No.2695815

File: 60d33b15e1c5f21⋯.jpg (67.36 KB, 669x439, 669:439, sUxfk.jpg)

8e104a  No.2695844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thanks Baker

69acb3  No.2695845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Black Americans talk about Jews and protocols of Zion.

69acb3  No.2695846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In 1993, Dr. Tony Martin was harassed and a target of attempted ruin and destruction by not only the zionist machine operating in the US, but also the religious jewish machine operating in the US, for stating FACTS and TRUTH about jewish history and religion.

Listen to the man yourself.

79345e  No.2695847

File: 96bfd56efab98e1⋯.jpeg (5.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Q Baker.jpeg)


TY 751 Baker

dc65aa  No.2695848

File: ba843173e6d9133⋯.png (137.71 KB, 394x316, 197:158, ba843173e6d91331b7ff4d1bf2….png)

418c03  No.2695849



Acting like you didn't say what you said about Moloch, then pretending to turn the tables?


(((My curse stands on ALL MOLOCH LOVERS. Period.)))

8dfe65  No.2695850

>>2695809 (lb)

Not enough time.

147d32  No.2695851

File: 39e9df034c5ae19⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1024x1533, 1024:1533, 8cc62bfaea8fcf25b9abbe5988….png)


05a3bf  No.2695852

File: 8398caf7a46fb08⋯.jpeg (16.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 6A5F7E94-9606-4153-83A0-6….jpeg)


808165  No.2695853

>>2695810 (lb)

it shows as a tiny little red dot, easy to see in black screen

803d11  No.2695854

>>2695766 last

Agree. The D's dont care if it's a crime or even true. If they win the House, there will be an attempt to impeach period.

Meanwhile, there is no apparent federal action on themassive vote fraud that takes place every election. See VA, GA, PA, OH in the past year.

30af16  No.2695855


I CAN BAKE BAKER, pending a check

not sure if this is the VPN I used to bake last

baeddc  No.2695856

File: 379365419dc98fa⋯.jpg (82.1 KB, 1167x853, 1167:853, Truth.jpg)

Where is Julian Assange?

88e378  No.2695857



02d677  No.2695858


President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 2018 as Jewish American Heritage Month

During Jewish American Heritage Month, we celebrate the profound contributions that the Jewish faith and its traditions have had on our Nation. Two hundred years ago, in April 1818, Mordecai Noah delivered his famous discourse before the members of America’s first synagogue, Congregation Shearith Israel, upon the consecration of their new house of worship. Reflecting on Jewish history as well as on the unique rights and privileges afforded to American Jews, Noah proclaimed that, “for the first time in eighteen centuries, it may be said that the Jew feels he was born equal, and is entitled to equal protection; he can now breathe freely.”

3cdaca  No.2695859

>>2694899 lb

Anyone ever find a passenger manifest from the Gulfstream incident? Be interdasting to see who's on there - and who continued to their planned destination after New York Stewart Airport.

Funny how it was diverted to Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport in Massachusetts but then suddenly changed to Stewart. Especially if there was a DOJ plane or two at Stewart. Hmmm.


79345e  No.2695860



Either of you ever think that maybe there won't be normal elections in November?

49dc15  No.2695861


Yeah and the Trump admin is just sitting the fuck around while mass demoralization campaigns are being orchestrated by literal TREASONOUS DEEP STATE FUCKING SHILLS ALL ACROSS OUR FUCKING GOD DAMN PLATFORMS. EVERYWHERE. FACEBOOK, TWITTER, 4CHAN, 8CHAN - YOU FUCKING NAME IT.



cfea29  No.2695862

Anons please pray for my cat

She might be put down tommorow if she does test ok

63c6bf  No.2695863

File: 3cbe33f8e9d70b4⋯.jpg (56.93 KB, 662x662, 1:1, 11378086_896539740438713_1….jpg)

what do you think IMRAN is up to tonight? is he just going to get a normal day job nw? hang out with debbie on vacation now and then?

55db11  No.2695864


Who would want equal status when you're god's chosen?

b5eb00  No.2695865

(((Shills))) in the wire.

And the notables.

05a3bf  No.2695866

File: 67d512e11f7fa7d⋯.jpeg (102.15 KB, 725x611, 725:611, DE00C894-54DB-4A04-9C61-0….jpeg)

Spotted this on SM. Haven’t seen it here thought maybe it could be helpful while digging

062713  No.2695867

Hmmm. Peak shilling right now. With no real direction.

Wtf happened?

96b263  No.2695868

File: 2474b7270ad8697⋯.jpg (45.83 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 1345346736822.jpg)


Fuck yo cat bitch, the fate of America is at stake.

79345e  No.2695869

Just because Cohen said Potus directed him to make the payments, doesn't mean it actually happened.

9c8e1c  No.2695870


Trust the plan phaggot

358513  No.2695871

File: b0368f5f876920b⋯.jpg (114.71 KB, 776x464, 97:58, c48f9434e83dcc82b7f819d320….jpg)


Sounds good to me, dough is still fresh as of this bread.

Confirming handoff?

Will stick around a while longer, see if we get a check this time.

a57652  No.2695872

File: eaa29ff32e66b3b⋯.png (111.2 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorTrig.png)

dc65aa  No.2695873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c7b5dc  No.2695874

File: efb8d0937d04435⋯.jpg (14.61 KB, 255x171, 85:57, BARRELLROLLTIME.jpg)

File: bdf430fefd8ba79⋯.jpg (15.66 KB, 255x177, 85:59, BARELLROLLHERE.jpg)



KEK!!! Thanks anons, fukken saved :)

147d32  No.2695875

File: 128a0476690074c⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 600x463, 600:463, 128a0476690074c066cced944d….jpg)

8c9964  No.2695876

File: 859254fa07154d2⋯.jpeg (83.04 KB, 600x899, 600:899, E72B1D89-2A1A-42E0-8EED-B….jpeg)

Thank you Baker. Bake it good.

a61a59  No.2695877

File: b49bf01bbefb958⋯.png (1.49 MB, 958x715, 958:715, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2695747 (Last bread)

Electrical tape over mine.

So he can't see me fap.

pic related.

00a8bf  No.2695878


thanks baker!


you bake, ill be backup

02d677  No.2695879


They need 2/3 vote in the Senate

Impeachment is just a noise maker.

What if a significant # of Dems get indicted in Sept or October

6b5932  No.2695880

File: dd4ce0bde7bc82b⋯.jpeg (31.69 KB, 461x333, 461:333, Board Melania Loves Donal….jpeg)

>>2695820 lb. Or to keep your wife from hearing the details and public humiliation. It would be personal too and not be restricted to just campaign purposes.

Campaign purposes are restricted to something you wouldn't do unless you were running for office.

>>2695841 lb Chill out Shirley.

5ea9f4  No.2695881

File: ce141ff15047de4⋯.png (117.04 KB, 1076x177, 1076:177, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

>>2695515 (lb)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mnemonic


79345e  No.2695882


I think that's a shill anon. Every single bread, screaming in caps…

muy fuck!

30af16  No.2695883


Handoff confirmed

thanks baker, took us through the rally, great job

(check being anticipated)

e90699  No.2695884

Rather have a womanizer,,,than a rapist, pedophile, pedovore

e8b7c2  No.2695885

File: 1351bfa70c225b7⋯.jpg (29.88 KB, 650x433, 650:433, adolfsmile.jpg)

68b485  No.2695886


Normally these things roll off my back but this tweet makes my blood boil. They are rubbing our noses in the fact that we are howling with impotent rage while they continue to rape, pillage, and devour us as livestock to satisfy their every whim while flagrantly revealing themselves our rulers. I am not trying to blackpill here but if the entire CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, appellate courts, mayors, media, etc etc etc are involved, compromised, and useful idiots how can anything really happen? Stealth Sessions and trusting the plan is hopium, what real news outside of anons digging up more shit to stack on the mountain of evidence of crimes of the most heinous nature are there?

Will the military truly step in to pull us back from the brink? Will patriots rise again to thwart a tyranny that is so total in its future scope that it exceeds even the wildest dreams of dystopian writers?

c25734  No.2695887

File: 6bbaf26ac218946⋯.jpg (201.58 KB, 1023x723, 341:241, welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

a61a59  No.2695888

File: bb32e41a06873b3⋯.png (573.97 KB, 525x960, 35:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

416d06  No.2695889

>>2695866 providing Sacrifices

7b3eff  No.2695890

You have moral support of real anons


76c872  No.2695891

Alan Kikewitz says that campaign donation laws are routinely violated across the board, but it's ignored. Why do we need militarized police forces? It's clearly not to protect citizens from the govt.

88e378  No.2695892


That seems like an extreme long shot, anon; but anything is possible.

It is hard to imagine something truly dramatic happening.

418c03  No.2695893


I predict

1) POTUS shuts down Courts and Govt

2) POTUS puts ICE & DHS at every Voting Station

3) That the National Midterm Vote will be declared as a matter of National Security

4) A nationwide crackdown on Voter Fraud

49dc15  No.2695894


>t. boomer that can barely pick up a fucking spoon let alone a firearm


see comment above

30af16  No.2695895


understood thanks anon

can go for a few

01b68a  No.2695896


the usual

a slow build of unstoppable momentum upon which shills contribute like fruit flies would a destroyer

79345e  No.2695897


Fuck off faggot. You know not what the fuck you are talking about.

b36f63  No.2695898


"Ma!! Meatloaf, Ma! Maaaaaa! The meatloaf!"

808165  No.2695899


At the rate we're going and the loonies get their way, there may never be elections after Nov. Half the country will be in internment camps while the unwashed hordes pour into the country unchecked….

Sorry……it's been a shitty day

803d11  No.2695900

FYI, Manafort's lawyers will soon be filing post-trial motions, including a Motion to Set Aside the Jury Verdict or whatever it's called in fed court, maybe a Motion for Judgment Notwithstanding the Jury Verdict.

e7268a  No.2695901

File: 2dc2d324033ef6f⋯.png (498.53 KB, 900x376, 225:94, shillstorm.png)

What this afternoon was like….

a57652  No.2695902

File: e7ad3c19be91e18⋯.png (112.22 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8ChanPostDetectorI.png)

e65630  No.2695903


Even if it is there's no violation. They had Cohen by the shorthairs over his family's taxi business so made him plead guilty for a bogus charge of exceeding campaign contribution limits of $2750.

becc2c  No.2695904

File: 3e359a9f094168b⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1049x540, 1049:540, ClipboardImage.png)

Breaking: One or more of the taxi drivers may have been Russian…

a053c9  No.2695905

Q, obviously trusting the plan isn't working and the Deep State is leading its coup in plain sight. Can we shift to the second part of the strategy already, that is, arrest the few hundreds of leaders of the coup and throw them in some humid cell in Gitmo?

Whatever you guys are planning obviously is not working: normies aren't shifted to our cause, they are being fed with ever more intimidation and propaganda by the hour.

Start the slaughter already ffs, the appearances are dead anyway.

808165  No.2695906

358513  No.2695907

File: 345b66b3bd1b424⋯.jpg (125.9 KB, 735x489, 245:163, 31ceda279056d817f73c0db84c….jpg)

>>2695883, >>2695878


And of course,

>Enjoy baking, bakers!

ff2e2e  No.2695908

File: 6a7553f3e98561e⋯.jpg (12.41 KB, 259x195, 259:195, 1 owl on dollar.jpg)

File: 9dd474349d4dfc1⋯.png (305.93 KB, 825x335, 165:67, 1 Bohemian Grove, QE - OWL.png)

File: ffd39b3260bd6b2⋯.png (1.9 MB, 901x1267, 901:1267, 1 Owl coin, note w Devil ….png)


I informed everyone who Moloch is and I'm the shill? You're very bad at projecting. Low IQ?

Should I tell everyone all about her? You can't stop me. God is here and Moloch's time is over.

cab3cc  No.2695909


Snowden in the van from last bread is just an anon's hunch.

He/she may be right, but provided no proof.

Also, would that make sense with Q saying Lauder (sic) was walking there? (to meet???)

Probably needs to be noted as a 'hunch/possible lead'

8640fa  No.2695910

File: cddde1a0867cefe⋯.jpg (406.48 KB, 1500x1438, 750:719, shot muh wad.jpg)

211e80  No.2695911

File: 7d58af4b7ded12e⋯.jpg (341.52 KB, 748x748, 1:1, IMG_0249.JPG)

File: 58ff65b0c4c36d5⋯.jpg (73.9 KB, 859x979, 859:979, IMG_0272.JPG)

b5eb00  No.2695912


I am a (((shill))) too. Lets call out some Kikes or run BO is an AI

Incitent to violence, every one knows you a shill.

Hop IPs lets start over

147d32  No.2695913

File: e529aa3a7772693⋯.png (387.62 KB, 808x424, 101:53, 06a953aea089c032e39abd2eb6….png)

76c872  No.2695914


We though Alabama was going to kick off voter reform. Not only did it not happen, but Trump tweeted about why he didn't lend his support, because he thought Moore couldn't win the general election.

803d11  No.2695915


If Kehinde Wiley was a digital Artist who likes white women, instead of a nigger faggot shill.

6e66ea  No.2695916

File: e233485c56961da⋯.jpg (170.72 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, firewallcohen1.jpg)

File: 9c1d42778ba55d8⋯.jpg (116.46 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, firewallcohen3.jpg)

File: 8bd2e29dc5f825d⋯.jpg (114.65 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, firewallcohen2.jpg)

88e378  No.2695917


Imran is a rich motherfucker now thanks to US taxpayers. He will have a fine life.

96b263  No.2695918

File: e5b428ab4e7600f⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 471x358, 471:358, e5b428ab4e7600fce2424f5115….gif)

1eece0  No.2695919




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



8c9964  No.2695920

File: bcaa49bbfe8b397⋯.jpeg (166.53 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 0EEAE27A-AA73-4AEE-AE8C-7….jpeg)



4c85a4  No.2695921

Does DOJ have a policy that nothing indictment-wise can happen within 60 days of an election?

062713  No.2695922


Last night was slow as fuck!

Sooooo, they were waiting for the Cohen nothingburger served for the 4th time to jump in here and reeeeee in unison about nothing?

Actually that's pretty believable. Lmfao.

63bced  No.2695923

File: 6d0f2a68d690b54⋯.jpg (226.46 KB, 482x466, 241:233, 5dfg6.jpg)

211e80  No.2695925

too many tards to filter

prol should pull out

and put it back in again

02d677  No.2695926


You mistakenly think most voters are following the shit on FB and Twitter?

It is nothing more that a sparring match for activists.

Real people have jobs. families and lives

803d11  No.2695927


I've seen zero evidence for such speculation. Zero.

63c6bf  No.2695928

File: 3e5873b39809888⋯.png (342.61 KB, 659x728, 659:728, law-book.png)


>He will have a fine life.



a0e310  No.2695929


Nothing has happened to this point that would indicate anything like that. We're supposedly waiting for the narrative to shift, but if this is a war of optics it's hard to see how Trump is winning on a day like today.

ac3508  No.2695930

Tallahasseefag here. Wanted to give a shout out to a fellow Q anon fag in the Tallahassee area. You don't know me, and I don't know you. All I know is that I was sitting behind you in the left hand turn lane turning into the Dave's Pizza Garage and Walmart shopping areas, and noticed your yellow/orange "Q anon" bumper sticker on your silver Ford Explorer.

So if you're reading this, I just wanted to say hello and congratulate you on being brave enough to openly post it. WWG1WGA!

49dc15  No.2695931

YEAH let's ALSO address the fact that these fucking rallies aren't allowing Q signs anymore EITHER!



All you fucking faggot boomers sitting around from your comfy fucking houses WE CANT AFFORD and we WILL NOT HAVE ANY SSI babbling about "Trust the plan"



4cff22  No.2695932

File: 22225a4f1e361fa⋯.png (218.66 KB, 768x776, 96:97, ClipboardImage.png)



Lilith the demon had close associations with owls. It was believed that she had the appearance of an owl, having the wings and talons of an owl. She is depicted thus in some ancient artwork.

4c85a4  No.2695933

File: d51d010b8296635⋯.jpg (20.36 KB, 300x201, 100:67, 2gagau.jpg)

File: 31c2f75ed230e63⋯.jpg (84.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, download (3).jpg)

418c03  No.2695934

File: cf5e3c511612cb5⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 502x295, 502:295, conway-spicer-laughing.jpg)



3164ab  No.2695935


Autists know what's up.

Q team needs to get to muzzies fast.

No more compromising with evil actors.

ERASE them from our lands, America and Europe.

You can bet that if all Q team and POTUS is doing is to hold hands again with koombaaya, this is just going to keep sliding down and down.

I know Q team has to communicate to all spectrums, but really when nothing is being done either by law enforcement or military to begin hunting down and killing/expelling muzzies who go around shouting their slogans people will say enough is enough.

YES we know this comm is for keeping people calm while the plan progresses to get rid of criminals.

Some 'segments' are ALL criminals.

WE the PEOPLE, DEMAND that these subversives be suppressed, humiliated, and expelled with TOTAL dominance and destruction of their 'dreams'.

NO ONE IN THE WORLD will take seriously an adminitration that does not do this.

We know and do not fall for provocations.


We know the shills are pushing for false flags.

We also know what is at stake.

We trust the plan and Q team actions.

But enemy is of course moving fast to strike at the weakest point: the people's emotions.

We must move faster, on street and in DC.

803d11  No.2695936


What if they dont.

08ec32  No.2695937

File: 77230f7c4a0c8f4⋯.jpg (140.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Rettig.jpg)


"Elections are safe" is what Q said.

They have an ace up their sleeve for October.

Am almost finished listening to Charles Ortel podcast number #96

If I was planning this, I'd have the IRS Commissioner pop out from behind the curtain he's been hiding behind, and prosecute the Clintons, everybody ever associated with that Foundation, its board of directors, all its donors, and every bank that ever accepted its laundered money from it to the fullest extent of the galactic amount of police powers the IRS has and for every ginormous fraud law ever violated. There's enough to put them in jail until the year 5000.


Tell Charles Rettig not to take any prisoners

Pic related. He looks like a hardass. I like that.

76c872  No.2695938


what the fuck are you talking about

02d677  No.2695939


That is all they have.

Pity therm

d45133  No.2695940

>>2695862 Heart felt condolences if you have to put your friend down Anon, I know how deep the pain runs.

1eece0  No.2695941

File: 0bc7f7ed8e4c489⋯.png (244.2 KB, 922x799, 922:799, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03a248f2539dba7⋯.png (53.67 KB, 900x418, 450:209, ClipboardImage.png)

NATO Launches Largest War Games In Decades To Be Staged In Latvia

NATO has launched the largest war games to ever take place in Latvia since the country became independent in 1918. The military games, which have been in preparation for four years, are scheduled to include military and police addressing “spontaneous” unrest in Russian-populated towns, reports RT


e60a1e  No.2695942


Your script sucks.

102919  No.2695943

Jack Posobiec is dropping his shit logs at 4AM

Has he been working with Dems on the timing?

8640fa  No.2695944

File: 813bf3bb305eb54⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 721x500, 721:500, Night Shift Yet.jpg)

8efbbc  No.2695945

File: f927d377508c24e⋯.png (173.82 KB, 751x724, 751:724, f927d377508c24ea99f72a3714….png)


That's a whole lotta capitalized letters that no one is gonna read.

400ce2  No.2695946


He overdoes it with the caps as well.

8c9964  No.2695947

File: 756a9480172c990⋯.jpeg (70 KB, 542x720, 271:360, 831AF1BD-140D-4FEB-A73E-A….jpeg)


Fuck dude aaaa filtered go take a beta blocker

2cf32b  No.2695948

File: 09b4dd0051de109⋯.jpeg (251.11 KB, 799x886, 799:886, Screenshot_2018-08-21-21-….jpeg)

File: 9af2e5de75353d1⋯.jpeg (69.92 KB, 799x240, 799:240, Screenshot_2018-08-21-21-….jpeg)


01b68a  No.2695949


<Saber Strike

00a8bf  No.2695950


noteable baker

879cfa  No.2695951

File: c7853e934289739⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 800x530, 80:53, c7853e9342897390ec190583c7….jpg)

Ok so what do we got here so far today?

Manaforts guilty

Cohen pleads guilty

Young girl was murdered by illegal alien

oh and a nazi was captured and sent back to Germany

its a good day

dc65aa  No.2695952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d0f571  No.2695953

File: 01e83dcf371f968⋯.jpg (19.59 KB, 667x397, 667:397, 842828[1].jpg)

We love you POTUS

Stay Strong

Fight the Good Fight

We will stand by you

63bced  No.2695954


Nope. Noob shift.

d45133  No.2695955

>>2695868 You're a dick! Just a dick!

400ce2  No.2695956

File: 4cf57d0245b937b⋯.jpg (71.95 KB, 474x634, 237:317, chatlogs.jpg)

803d11  No.2695957


I'm a boomer and I only trust what I see happen.

211e80  No.2695958

File: 6b59f0295acace2⋯.jpg (154.43 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0108.JPG)

bd8677  No.2695959

Anybody else see this Rivera murder thing possibly being a set up to exonerate him and make everyone look bad and illegals look good?

c86587  No.2695960

at the bottom of the last bread, they had an 8chan ad, that talked about Asia Argento blaming Anthony Bourdain for her paying off that teen she molested.


And she is saying Bourdain payed it, even though it was almost half of his net worth????



Asia Argento is speaking out for the first time since The New York Times reported she had a sexual relationship with a teenager and then paid the $380,000 when his lawyer sent her a notice of intent to file a lawsuit.

'I strongly deny and oppose the contents of the New York Times article,' states Argento.

'I am deeply shocked and hurt by having read news that is absolutely false. I have never had any sexual relationship with Bennett.'

She goes on to state that Bennett went after her because of her relationship with Anthony Bourdain, a 'man of great perceived wealth' who 'had his own reputation as a beloved public figure to protect.'

Argento also claims that it was Bourdain, who took his own life back in June, that urged her to settle in exchange for Bennett's silence.

Bourdain also paid the settlement despite the fact that it represented almost half of his cash and savings at the time, with court papers submitted after the chef's death revealing $425,000 of his $1.2 million estate was in cash.


02d677  No.2695961


Your demands mean nothing without the power to back them up.

Keep up the delusion that you have any influence or power

102919  No.2695962



79345e  No.2695963


1) agree

2) not enough employees to cover every single voting location.

3) maybe

4) Not sure what has been going on behind the scenes re: election security. Q said elections are safe. Gonna take his word for it.


I've been hoping we get to this point. This is my hope.

The near-total breadth and width of untrustworthy lawyers at DOJ/FBI means that the Trump administration has only one recourse: appoint a special crisis team from the military Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) to take over control of the RFK Building in a crisis intervention on grounds of constitution principles. The CIA has long outlived any usefulness it might once have had, and should be shut down. Far more dangerous than any terrorist threat, the culprits behind the current fake news coup against the presidency should all be retired to a 5-star Caribbean resort like the one called Guantanamo. Orange is the new blue. Shackle them.

08ec32  No.2695964


Somebody get this anon a drink

There, there, buddy

All this shit didn't go to hell overnight. We're looking at years.


"We have it all"

"Patriots are in control"

Good guys from the military finally had enough of the intel community and globalists' bullshit. They've been planning this for YEARS, way earlier than Q.

63c6bf  No.2695965


what the fuck are you talking about

imran will have a fine life now thanks to tax payers.

the justice system works

the plan is coming along nicely

cfea29  No.2695966


Only hundreds? I think you are underestimating the scale here anon

49dc15  No.2695967


I don't have a fucking script faggot and I have a fucking Q sticker on the back of my fucking car fuck off you pathetic piece of shit

69c68f  No.2695968

baker got new bread post at 751. I'm impressed.

b6153f  No.2695969

File: ad14ecd159524e9⋯.mp4 (10.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LEAVE ME ALONE!.mp4)

a7d5b1  No.2695970

What dosent make sense to me is that the Judge was concerned for his Safety and CNN tried to Dox the Jury and put them in jeopardy. So this leads me to conclude that Manafort was part of the deep state.

7a5e48  No.2695971

File: 340c1f1acdcb452⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 537x594, 179:198, Bruce Willis Karen McDouga….jpg)

How dat dictate Bruce?

How bow dah?

30af16  No.2695972


kek, had already added, but good callout anon

962358  No.2695973

File: d964cf2c6abaa15⋯.jpg (20.56 KB, 321x445, 321:445, johnny-5.jpg)


I saw one of those Russian taxi drivers in "Short Circuit 2".

76c872  No.2695974


But I guess we should be happy since we got a cut to our taxes, taxes that pay for all of the govt fuckery and the cabal's mansions. So instead of a tax cut, let's just cut the fuckery.

75c085  No.2695975


TImetables change but THE PLAN can never change. It is THE PLAN. ALL bow to the PLAN.

Nobody knows what the fuck the plan is but bow bitch.

803d11  No.2695976


Correct on item 1.

211e80  No.2695977

File: feca50ee1b60b97⋯.jpg (121.4 KB, 500x605, 100:121, IMG_1353.JPG)

File: e974679b7496f9e⋯.jpg (126.54 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_1364.JPG)

File: c6cd11d49e17adc⋯.jpg (112.96 KB, 960x679, 960:679, IMG_1432.JPG)


fake jews fake news

e60a1e  No.2695978

File: 009c53e65cdb812⋯.jpg (77.22 KB, 800x377, 800:377, uragaylord.jpg)

4e654a  No.2695979

File: 31dabd4bfd71e16⋯.jpg (286.93 KB, 1524x1014, 254:169, no crying.jpg)


cry moar.

comfy as fuck for the rest of us.

6e66ea  No.2695980

File: 0c5c4597da8135f⋯.png (176.28 KB, 502x449, 502:449, GINA.png)

8dfe65  No.2695981


seems that the songs of war always are there…

e65c26  No.2695982

File: a399d9ab7ccec9b⋯.jpeg (575.37 KB, 1242x1864, 621:932, 70393442-BABC-477C-87A5-2….jpeg)


Try harder tard

b36f63  No.2695983



Long game in play.

01b68a  No.2695984



><Saber Strike


11 Letter Word(s)





10 Letter Word(s)









































9 Letter Word(s)


e080fe  No.2695985


learn the difference between minerva and moloch

02d677  No.2695986


How would that work?

He led them to the body.

Expalin that away

ff2e2e  No.2695987

File: 71b482f6a90d886⋯.jpg (131.9 KB, 922x602, 461:301, lilith.jpg)

File: 46120257d5acdfc⋯.png (568.74 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Q post w may, queen.png)

c86587  No.2695988


who is this freak?

30af16  No.2695989


exactly, for the record anons/lurkers

no homemade signs are EVER permitted in POTUS rallies, they give you the signs

but Tampa was special, and I thank whoever relaxed those rules

0feb5e  No.2695990

File: 63d26c184e7f4ec⋯.png (240.7 KB, 1371x1149, 457:383, PizzaGate.png)

File: 0cd2562407e0242⋯.png (173 KB, 1245x1103, 1245:1103, PizzaGate2.png)

File: 75e968149f22292⋯.png (50.41 KB, 317x343, 317:343, C_A_pizza.png)

First PizzaGate?

https:// www.scribd.com/document/73683865/PizzaGate-CIA-Loses-Spy-Ring-in-Lebabon-to-Hezbollah

"Two former officials told ABC News the CIA used the code-word ‘Pizza’ and the location was a Beirut Pizza Hut"

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2064286/CIA-spies-captured-Iran-Lebanon-Hezbollah-feared-executed.html

049368  No.2695991

>>2695930 Kek, ex-Tallahasseefag here. Brave Anon to put that on in Tally.

96b263  No.2695992


Leave him alone.

2c4b56  No.2695993

File: 051f1ebfce36ccc⋯.png (358.5 KB, 1125x1424, 1125:1424, IMG_1917.PNG)

c0d46b  No.2695994


Femal anon. Only a female would mourn her cat on qresearch.

Welcome female. Hope your cat pulls through.

02d677  No.2695995


Idle minds are the Devil's workshop

Lots of "productivity" in yours

211e80  No.2695996

File: 704ede2fc83411c⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 600x422, 300:211, IMG_1329.JPG)

File: 24c54b63f885dee⋯.jpg (126.15 KB, 720x592, 45:37, IMG_1330.JPG)

File: 925c8fd8827d4c7⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 504x504, 1:1, IMG_1331.JPG)


Gynotologists don't scare me either

8329ec  No.2695997

File: 18a79e904d43b90⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 500x621, 500:621, 2fgu79~2.jpg)

Now who is LISA BARSOOMIAN? Let’s learn a little about Mrs. Lisa H. Barsoomian’s background.

Lisa H. Barsoomian, an Attorney that graduated from Georgetown Law, is a protégé of James Comey and Robert Mueller.

Barsoomian, with her boss R. Craig Lawrence, represented Bill Clinton in 1998.

Lawrence also represented:

Robert Mueller three times;

James Comey five times;

Barack Obama 45 times;

Kathleen Sebelius 56 times;

Bill Clinton 40 times; and

Hillary Clinton 17 times.

Between 1998 and 2017, Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times.

You may be saying to yourself, OK, who cares? Who cares about the work history of this Barsoomian woman?

Apparently, someone does, because someone out there cares so much that they’ve “purged” all Barsoomian court documents for her Clinton representation in Hamburg vs. Clinton in 1998 and its appeal in 1999 from the DC District and Appeals Court dockets (?). Someone out there cares so much that even the internet has been “purged” of all information pertaining to Barsoomian.

Historically, this indicates that the individual is a protected CIA operative. Additionally, Lisa Barsoomian has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community. Although Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the DC Office of the US Attorney, her email address is Lisa Barsoomian at NIH.gov. The NIH stands for National Institutes of Health. This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities.

It’s a cover, so big deal right? What does one more attorney with ties to the US intelligence community really matter?

It deals with Trump and his recent tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, the border wall, DACA, everything coming out of California, the Uni-party unrelenting opposition to President Trump, the Clapper leaks, the Comey leaks, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusal and subsequent 14 month nap with occasional forays into the marijuana legalization mix …. and last but not least Mueller’s never-ending investigation into collusion between the Trump team and-the Russians.

Why does Barsoomian, CIA operative, merit any mention?


She is Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s WIFE!

08ec32  No.2695998


Imran Awan hasn't been prosecuted for espionage yet.

Anybody else seen the rumors that Utah is setting up for charges of corruption and espionage?

f2078a  No.2695999


Sit down in front!

1735d2  No.2696000

File: be89fc7bd887648⋯.png (48.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, howjewsdebate.png)

That's how (((they))) debate.

95fc12  No.2696001

File: 6fede48db56db3d⋯.jpg (42.11 KB, 464x600, 58:75, DP Hang in there.jpg)

File: d6f1524a9f8c4c6⋯.jpg (76.27 KB, 570x762, 95:127, DP Loves You.jpg)

803d11  No.2696002


Normies and crook shills will take today as an opportunity to bolster confirmation bias against Trump.

e080fe  No.2696003

File: 838be49a8ac1b34⋯.gif (10.93 KB, 200x300, 2:3, spoiler.gif)



c3028a  No.2696004

File: 9aad9426e385370⋯.png (416.49 KB, 850x412, 425:206, Crystal-structures-of-iron….png)

File: 0db95b329ed4cfa⋯.jpg (62.41 KB, 640x521, 640:521, d23b85bac7b5f9d45532bac30a….jpg)

File: d32c8617dcf6222⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 400x299, 400:299, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1989….jpg)

File: c8113607fe9f5ce⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 300x200, 3:2, David-Ben-Gurion-Konrad-Ad….jpg)

when things start to crystalize about the arkenstone, let me know


b6153f  No.2696005

File: 13652a0f7184e35⋯.jpg (241.14 KB, 1175x1215, 235:243, DD79D39D-2E38-4B99-96B5-70….jpg)

7589e0  No.2696006

File: adf46cb4116bf85⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1059x825, 353:275, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

4cff22  No.2696007

File: 1f45ed4f4bff011⋯.png (52.09 KB, 484x274, 242:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9f786f6f2d8c27⋯.png (497.05 KB, 1654x795, 1654:795, ClipboardImage.png)

2c4b56  No.2696008

e33c62  No.2696009

File: 6009aae20e0ac7f⋯.png (65.46 KB, 468x976, 117:244, 975.PNG)

File: 82b778482a1aecd⋯.png (405.45 KB, 1290x834, 215:139, I memba.PNG)




803d11  No.2696010


Im much more concerned about the 40 implicated House D's who are still walking free and even in office.

211e80  No.2696011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ad9edd  No.2696012


never interrupt your enemy well there in the middle of destroying itself

cff1d6  No.2696013

>>2695931 Anon may have a point but more less I just enjoy the show.

02d677  No.2696014


Another high IQ anon

9c8e1c  No.2696015


No shit thts what Q was referring to.





4 distinct BOOMers

30af16  No.2696016


yup, was a sad thing to see last night

6e66ea  No.2696017

Just so y'all know.. anon is commiting this id to the grave. Hoppin'

803d11  No.2696018


Unwritten s.o.p.

a133fb  No.2696019

File: 0a4afd08cdbd6e9⋯.png (66.08 KB, 787x794, 787:794, ClipboardImage.png)


12dd39  No.2696020

File: f290f6b7592a0cd⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1266x1322, 633:661, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

bd1fd7  No.2696021

File: 2b1b9c60fb6429a⋯.gif (496.38 KB, 500x455, 100:91, 2b1b9c60fb6429ac47553fe955….gif)


<3 KEK, I'm glad somebody caught him doing that.

c4b528  No.2696022


10 letter…


dc65aa  No.2696023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

01b68a  No.2696024


sorry, should have edited moar, lots of unnecessary repeats in there.

but i do find it quite intrstrtring that this large operation Saber Strike easily turns into Tiebreakers… seems to fit nicely with unresolved issues in EU

4cff22  No.2696025

File: ce03c8c0e6afc91⋯.png (212.05 KB, 759x546, 253:182, ClipboardImage.png)


Over time Lilith came to be regarded as a demoness in the Hebrew demonology. However, the demonization of Lilith occurred through the Talmud and Midrash which came centuries after Isaiah referred to the name. Nonetheless, the KJV translators may have acknowledged the possibility of Lilith being a demon by suggesting “night-monster” in the margin. Interestingly, Lilith the demon had close associations with owls. It was believed that she had the appearance of an owl, having the wings and talons of an owl. She is depicted thus in some ancient artwork.

416d06  No.2696026

>>2695963 Put the vets on it so everyone knows the price of freedom when they walk in

e7a122  No.2696027

File: 8df18254d483e87⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, night crew.png)

https:// archives.cjr.org/the_audit/the_revolving_door_spins_for_r.php

A little bedtime reading about the attorney for new york throwing Cohen under the bus.

cab3cc  No.2696028

>>2695920 8c9964

>>2695923 63bced

Listen [possible shills], I'm saying the 'notable' from the previous baker was crap.

I can now see that it didn't make notables.

Do something useful and go and find a highway.

cb6191  No.2696029

>>2696009 posted those+ earlier, both are CIA operatives

85bc22  No.2696030


I can't dance to that tune, Anon.

e080fe  No.2696031


does that look like an owl?

211e80  No.2696032

File: 2d266f0fe16316d⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 480x451, 480:451, IMG_1437.JPG)

File: 27fd752a0038e14⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 296x378, 148:189, IMG_1438.JPG)

File: d5df9e2f1e044c4⋯.jpg (280.31 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_1439.JPG)

102919  No.2696033


Imran Awan is running for Dems in 2020 I think

c429cf  No.2696034

File: f22a6c80542d17c⋯.jpg (120.94 KB, 790x773, 790:773, soldier.jpg)

af9129  No.2696035


I second that anon

96b263  No.2696036

File: ee48b91165d7922⋯.png (364.23 KB, 820x720, 41:36, Ph56l56-9Pu5Cf3NQafMYZ6SMx….png)



One of the most degenerate movies ever produced.

803d11  No.2696037


You'll get no argument from me.

02d677  No.2696038



Justice is blind

2d280a  No.2696039

File: 158601001c3f644⋯.png (296.31 KB, 463x330, 463:330, 2018-08-21_21-13-59.png)


And a great previously unseen pic of POTUS AND FLOTUS!


2c4b56  No.2696040


Dem. Caps tho.

418c03  No.2696041





400ce2  No.2696042


Sending my prayers anon, hope she pulls through. I love kitties.

e65630  No.2696043

File: 63300914a28cbb6⋯.png (33.29 KB, 831x210, 277:70, anthony_bourdain_net_worth….png)


Your math is a bit off according to this website.

0656dd  No.2696044



give prev baker some leniancy anons

another anon hit it with the red text

unfortunately anons have politicized it. like fukken goldilocks n sheit


this anons always afaggot bitch anyways

total backhole

358513  No.2696045

File: aaa5350d25e55b7⋯.png (403.43 KB, 807x661, 807:661, FireShot Capture 338 - Nor….png)

Norway's oil fund fund warns of trade wars impact


49dc15  No.2696046


Wow. Watching our entire fucking movement get fucking demoralized by shill deepstate fucking government is /comfy/ for you? Sounds like you're a giant fucking faggot.

You're all fucking complacent.

Demand some fucking action you fucking pussies. Backus literally fucking let terrorists walk free and you're here /comfy/

You shouldn't be fucking /comfy/ you should be preparing for fucking war because guess what there's NO FUCKING GUARANTEE that Q & company is going to get this shit taken care of themselves.

WHERE is our fucking big drop? WHERE is the big blow to (((their))) infrastructure? HUH? TODAY WAS A MASSIVE FUCKING HIT TO OUR MORALE. WE CANT HAVE Q SIGNS. WE CANT HAVE Q SHIRTS AT FUCKING RALLYS. FUCK this.. this is fucking BULLSHIT. We should be RALLYING together.


Yeah, the economy would halt for a little bit BUT WE WOULD HAVE FUCKING PEACE OF MIND!

Fuck most of you wouldn't dare set foot in a civil war. You'd wait for the liberal gestapo to come fuck you in the asses.

211e80  No.2696047

File: 1163745bd1a88d7⋯.jpg (36.4 KB, 236x236, 1:1, IMG_1291.JPG)


some sluts het all hung up on dannalingus and need to just move on

803d11  No.2696048


Plenty of criminal information for many years, no arrests.

ff2e2e  No.2696049

File: c3fdfc45f0cece1⋯.png (580.86 KB, 889x771, 889:771, Moloch - owl symbol.png)

ac3508  No.2696050


Ain't that the truth. People are crazy here. I'm surprised no one's firebombed my car over my "Veterans for Trump" bumper sticker yet.

f3292c  No.2696051


Excellent idea, anon. I will pray

27dc61  No.2696052

File: 65b45cb8cbab139⋯.jpg (159.21 KB, 1026x681, 342:227, GA35.jpg)


Hope that works out better.

May God bless me with a better id.

7589e0  No.2696053

File: 2c8167eefdc5588⋯.jpg (418.86 KB, 3664x2336, 229:146, gv20auy9brgy.jpg)

File: 54330566b873d89⋯.jpg (341.56 KB, 937x528, 937:528, RTRO3II-cropped.jpg)

File: b861c791af13a0c⋯.png (435.95 KB, 633x442, 633:442, Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at ….png)

File: a2785725b27be2f⋯.png (648.01 KB, 608x602, 304:301, Screen Shot 2018-03-10 at ….png)


Saved!! TY Anon!!

63c6bf  No.2696054

File: 96e56b76e856f8e⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 297x170, 297:170, images.jpg)


>Imran Awan hasn't been prosecuted for espionage yet


he will be free to roam this earth until his natural death! along with deb, HRC, and pals. IMRAN is probably on this board right now sipping an expensive american craft been and smiling…


803d11  No.2696055

File: 6135baa82e4871a⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 780x438, 130:73, laim chat logs.jpg)

79345e  No.2696056


Take a step back anon and get some fresh air. Manafort was guilty and deserves to be in jail. Has nothing to do with Potus.

Cohen is a crook, secretly wiretapping Potus. Tax and bank fraud, etc. He's a criminal and needs to be in jail. Who gives a shit what Lanny Davis is saying. Not the first person to accuse Potus of doing something he didn't do and he won't be the last.

Take the Awan scandal. He got off with a slap on the wrist. That is further evidence our justice system has broken down and fair, equal justice for all is no longer available in this country. We need these things to come to light because the general public needs to understand and accept what's about to happen.

Q's posts allude to it happening in the very near future.

cab3cc  No.2696057

dfc645  No.2696058



30af16  No.2696059


let me know if anything should be added or removed, suggestions welcomed

>>2695941 NATO Launches Largest War Games In Decades To Be Staged In Latvia

>>2695948 Judicial Watch finds connections between No Name and the IRS (Lois Lerner and others)

>>2695990 CIA used the code-word ‘Pizza’ and the location was a Beirut Pizza Hut

211e80  No.2696060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0656dd  No.2696061


ya you faggot

8640fa  No.2696062

File: 0000f5dc42ca97a⋯.jpg (77.3 KB, 550x442, 275:221, bread.jpg)


Kinda wish the catalog was broken again, kek.

76c872  No.2696063



Hillary Clinton Takes $240 Million on Secretary of State Wild Ride.

02d677  No.2696064


You fit the profile of a school shooter

Angry, impatient, incoherent and loser of life's lottery

879cfa  No.2696065

File: 98963f0d92c5321⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1200x716, 300:179, ClipboardImage.png)

Chinese hackers probed Alaska websites during governor’s trade mission, cybersecurity firm says

An internet security firm says a cyberattack from a Chinese university probed computer networks of Alaska state departments and businesses during Gov. Bill Walker's trade mission to China, an apparent attempt to "ascertain vulnerabilities and gain illegitimate access."


2c4b56  No.2696066


I saw a few T-shirt’s

88e378  No.2696067

File: bf85bd7e6772fca⋯.jpg (120.37 KB, 1336x524, 334:131, purity.jpg)


Some kind of odd iconography by re-purposing a cultural image via surreal logic.

ad9edd  No.2696068


wonder whos yacht

wonders who the thief is

any servers on there

75c085  No.2696069


Stop Stop You are scaring me with all these facts and common sense. Connect the dots. make a long exaggerated story out of bits and pieces.

416d06  No.2696070

File: c2f6754dab82a2e⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2048x1346, 1024:673, Widow_with_Child.jpg)

>>2695963 VETS WIVES

c0d46b  No.2696071


Ride progressing to rapidly? Need a slow down?

75e80c  No.2696072

File: d41d9f42faa04e8⋯.gif (436.96 KB, 620x464, 155:116, you-all-get-to-go-to-jail.gif)

a133fb  No.2696073


A person can be anyone they want to be on the internet. If angry anon wants to play angry anon…

6b3c0d  No.2696074

File: 10a772caedce1b8⋯.png (27.44 KB, 1186x92, 593:46, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

Trust HUBER.


803d11  No.2696075


We needless plan and moar arresting.

147d32  No.2696076


What the fuck are you waiting for then? You wouldn't know where to begin.

Keep fapping to TayTay.

You'll live longer

f98e14  No.2696077

File: 888791921543e37⋯.jpg (169.6 KB, 908x808, 227:202, 1.JPG)

Human trafficking raid in India rescues 28 girls; 4 held.


211e80  No.2696078

File: 959ea0e0c733a6c⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 298x449, 298:449, IMG_1106.JPG)

File: 6ba6706fc7757b9⋯.jpg (185.16 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_1107.JPG)

File: 72be01c63005570⋯.jpg (86.22 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_1110.JPG)


transcendental space ham needs a flock of brainwashers huh

4cff22  No.2696079


(swapping the name Lilith with “screech owl”). Apparently, the word Lilith came to Hebrew from another now obsolete Afro-asiatic language (Akkadian) and is said to mean either “night monster” or “screech owl”. The oracle Isaiah is describing the coming of a desert wasteland which will be inherited by Lilith and other demonic outcasts after God’s judgment. In ancient Mesopotamia the Līlīṯu were female demonic spirits “of the night” who preyed upon



ad9edd  No.2696080


thats a powerfull pic

358513  No.2696081


Prev baker here,

I was considering just adding a "?" to the notable. I guess I coulda, idk.

You can repost if you want more talk about it "Snowden in car Anon".

06222e  No.2696082


How could you post a reasonable explanation backed up by documentation of the event's requirements!?!?!?! What will the concernfags and shills do now?

c429cf  No.2696083

File: 3fb7cff62b87dd6⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 5541004d58aa47db51818801e0….jpg)

4c85a4  No.2696084

File: 31e6235cfe8125f⋯.jpg (53.6 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2g8nhe.jpg)

00a8bf  No.2696085


looks good. thanks baker!

e080fe  No.2696086


That is a source you can put in the no good pile

76c872  No.2696087


The CIA hires losers?

e55eaf  No.2696088


nice spacing you glow nigger

6b5932  No.2696089


What do you mean 'unseen' pic? I just posted it at the top of bread.

f3292c  No.2696090

08ec32  No.2696091



Now please explain how you would outline a legal case involving financial fraud charges against, oh, let's say Bill Gates.

We'll wait.

Until you've gone to law school, specialized in financial crimes, practiced in that particular sector for 15 years, and turned 50 years old.

400ce2  No.2696092


Anon, you're right. I'm with you.

Now, for your own sake, please go take a nice relaxing shower, have a good dinner. Then maybe come back here. Have a full night's rest. Whether Q ends the cabal tonight or not we will be here tomorrow morning. Take care of yourself. Please.

Fellow anon.

b6153f  No.2696093


Dude I just searched that filename and some video download came up that I was NOT GOING TO DOWNLOAD

9a28d8  No.2696094

File: fce166f283ff4ed⋯.png (1.01 MB, 981x733, 981:733, DeathCult.png)


You are about 3 months into Q research, this is a weird phase for you, you live in the matrix. Do you think they are sitting idly by? Why is the US dollar up against every single currency, big? Why is chinas stock market crashing? Why are the majority of the major international stock markets down for the year? US Stocks set new all time record today? We are winning, so shut the fuck up, this is going to take MANY years. If the day comes they try to remove him on some bs campaign finance charges, the US military and or militia will not allow it.

4c85a4  No.2696095

File: 9b4b5f754a62164⋯.png (494.21 KB, 598x334, 299:167, 9b4b5f754a62164152d06ea63c….png)

a3a62f  No.2696096

What if…..

Some of those sealed indictments are for all the fake news “media” who have been fabricating BS for years with zero evidence such that an entire mythology has been created?

Everyone and anyone who has profited from the lies; and creating chaos is going to be outed?

Do all the fake news and fear porn folks have their ducks in a row? Aka, real evidence that supports their “reporting”?

02d677  No.2696097


Homework assignment

0371c1  No.2696098

File: 095e2eed61a97de⋯.jpeg (112.63 KB, 750x627, 250:209, 272F6F19-F833-4396-B1D2-6….jpeg)

ae1272  No.2696099

How long is Huber going to take?, with 450 people working for him it should have been over long ago.

27dc61  No.2696100


Someone cutting onions?

God bless her and all vets wives.

9986de  No.2696101



Hello Captain Obvious

addba4  No.2696102

File: 0387e21c67eae98⋯.jpg (104.18 KB, 750x500, 3:2, kate.jpg)

01279b  No.2696103

Expand your thinking.

Use Logic.

You are watching a movie.

Has any Anon sat and picked this apart?

In a movie everyone follows a script.

If there are no coincidences, think about todays news. Are these things truly connected, and Ultra-IRONIC on a daily basis?

Remember that time that propaganda was deemed a weapon of the shadow government, pulling strings on puppets?

Imagine the movie is written with that in mind, but [their] game plan was MIRRORED onto [them].

What would it look like?

Think WL, Russia, NK. Think SR, JA, ESnow.

Are you REALLY paying attention?

8640fa  No.2696104


FWIW, Baker. I think that's a good idea. I mean I could just see it taking on "R" proportions.

cf92ee  No.2696105


https:// www.dw.com/en/sanctioned-putin-ally-vladimir-yakunin-granted-german-visa/a-45162025

https:// www.dw.com/en/germany-wants-europe-to-form-a-counterweight-to-us/a-45168108

2cb05e  No.2696106

File: 056e5156e923c67⋯.jpg (24.24 KB, 550x309, 550:309, byrd-observatory-green.jpg)


Prolly not much internet up in WV. Damn Green Bank Telescope

94400e  No.2696107

File: 375d6a479c32f12⋯.png (1.93 MB, 888x4440, 1:5, minneapolis somali super b….png)


superbowl anon tried to warn us last winter about islam and minnesota us bank stadium

76c872  No.2696108


Sorry, I'm used to often being the only one here who uses sarcasm.

e65c26  No.2696109


Kek i also filtered myself bahahahahahahah. Time to lurk

ff2e2e  No.2696110

File: b43330fb499dbbb⋯.png (3.49 MB, 1717x1648, 1717:1648, QE, OWL, Moloch - 1.png)

95fc12  No.2696111

File: a57fd7f31a69ec9⋯.jpg (119.08 KB, 530x733, 530:733, DP Magic.jpg)




>Holy shitballs, this movie is off the chizzain.

>Trolling is fun. - Q

baeddc  No.2696112

File: 7573b40350cbf6d⋯.jpg (141.3 KB, 960x720, 4:3, WinningResumesTomorrow.jpg)

e7268a  No.2696113


mine got slagged with paint remover last year.

f3a49e  No.2696114


Shameless fuckers

418c03  No.2696115




If WWG1WGA is TRUE then we care about each other and quit being uncaring dicks to each other

4e654a  No.2696116

File: 9f7a9b6e9e54cee⋯.jpg (103.59 KB, 780x419, 780:419, concern2.jpg)

bd8677  No.2696117


Thanks…good to know…thought it sounded to good/bad to be true…dumbass kneejerk on my part…my bad.

c4b528  No.2696118

File: c9564f890c0915b⋯.png (210.94 KB, 360x227, 360:227, ClipboardImage.png)



88e378  No.2696119


You seem like a problem, friend.

addba4  No.2696120

File: fc0b01387fc30d8⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 750x500, 3:2, kate.jpg)

94400e  No.2696121


fwiw the samatar crossing will have a grand opening soon, too

f98e14  No.2696122

File: 443b02f5a80ae17⋯.jpg (154.93 KB, 883x886, 883:886, 1.JPG)

File: e48f2425216e4a3⋯.jpg (152.23 KB, 612x843, 204:281, 2.JPG)

Judicial Conduct Board's Chief Counsel Retiring


416d06  No.2696123

File: 8266381f6857e13⋯.png (499.69 KB, 920x908, 230:227, Screen_Shot_2018-05-31_at_….png)

>>2696100 PRIDE

5ea9f4  No.2696124

>>2695515 (lb)


Great stuff, Anon!

Saving / Digging!

b5eb00  No.2696125

Please put a (PB) notice if you link to prev bread or phonefags get hung up for what seems an eternity.



& lake fire the moloch shills

96e14b  No.2696126

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


ID's aren't exactly correct in that photo.

>>2695610 (pb)

"Jack " is the Joker / Jacob

"Jack around"

"Jack off" "

Definitely an archetype

Jack of all trade. Does anything. goes anywhere.

It's a gas!

Buncha lies.

Fits in anywhere.

"Jack in the Box" is the Joker / harlequin who carries a Bat

a slapstick.

I haven't gotten all the connections.

"Jack" makes connections

. Iike a Phone Jack. Fits in different places.

Autists may like this video Sync Jack

"Hit the road, Jack and doncha come back"

Banish Satan? It's a trickster figure. Joker / Clown,

2d280a  No.2696127

File: 23844740a3aa1a4⋯.png (844.09 KB, 767x763, 767:763, 2018-08-21_21-04-38.png)

File: 8c77fcadffe7b2c⋯.png (1.11 MB, 950x1052, 475:526, 2018-08-21_20-59-17.png)

File: df1b57d5e68408f⋯.png (963.56 KB, 1173x655, 1173:655, 2018-08-21_20-58-13.png)

File: b06cd5bcbadc3ce⋯.png (572.82 KB, 571x758, 571:758, 2018-08-21_10-24-59.png)

54c177  No.2696128

File: e2bf7eabae3af1e⋯.png (273.03 KB, 619x843, 619:843, b7c6269e04258d66f9ad77bf37….png)

76c872  No.2696129


He's been plead out of that possibility.

8efbbc  No.2696130


Q lifted the curtain and dimmed the lights, but it seems like I might have had time to run and take one last piss.

79345e  No.2696131



^^^ great minds think alike.


I have something in my eye *sniff*

02d677  No.2696132

File: 5829d479726e028⋯.png (1.8 MB, 890x940, 89:94, Red_Guards_in_Tian'anmen_S….png)


Waiting for him to call out the Red Guard

f4bb17  No.2696133

File: f659ca9510a7043⋯.jpg (158.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, barack-obama-birth-certifi….jpg)

BO Birth Certificate hiding on SNOPES Server?!!



73b565  No.2696134


i like the effort in circling it in a different color, frend.

e1a049  No.2696135

so the airplane that couldn't land today

until it burned off enough fuel

because the front landing gear was broken

had a Rapper on it + others

I saw a clip of finally landing

looked like the landing gear was there?

76c872  No.2696136


lol, kek

af5ddb  No.2696137


Holy shit! They are promoting this? Wow.

58de07  No.2696138

File: 6f338d0030e8b1e⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 780x4323, 260:1441, Screenshot_20180821-134559….jpg)

File: 8946b0390352693⋯.jpg (875.36 KB, 778x2882, 389:1441, Screenshot_20180821-195009.jpg)











358513  No.2696139



kek, you got me curious.

c533cd  No.2696140


looks like she picked up a few honorary Dad's. I pity the boys who come calling

73b565  No.2696141


tires were shot out.

ef13cd  No.2696142

File: 9149e0e0e13f6bb⋯.png (8.11 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, EA29DD13-F16F-4580-9DC8-0D….png)

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, dddd668509033890e3a0cd0976….png)

File: f37cacad979dc2b⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 39E6E8ED-2D45-4AB9-A4EA-68….png)



You are correct. OP anon here… Q posted these images. On 7-mar, Q says "Find @Snowden." Then proceeds to drop these other images that are clearly from the same set and time period, and they are within 15 minute cab ride from one another. It's a hunch, yes. But finding the person is all the pics i think is critical, seen on street or in car or building.

cab3cc  No.2696143



Yes please Baker, that would be fine.

Possible/?/hunch etc

Thank you, and thank you also for being a straight-shooter.

baeddc  No.2696144

While we're at it, everytime you say a prayer for the family of Mollie Tibbets, please say one for the family of Natalee Holloway, who have still not been graced with having her remains to put to rest.

9a28d8  No.2696145

File: 6105b47c94f43a7⋯.png (31.52 KB, 636x393, 212:131, ClipboardImage.png)


Calm your tits john

bf2ece  No.2696146


Best advice of the day for anyone, including myself. It's a long game for a reason. I have been here off and on since LV. I find a new connection to a past event EVERYDAY. Whether a memory of mine or more importantly, someone else's experience that triggers more of your own.

The post right around a perceived lull when Q admonished everyone for not being patient.

You have to accept certain things to win at a long game with this much at stake.

I want it done 30 years ago but I can wait along with the rest of us.

I fully trust the plan. So should all of you who doubt.

It's a long process for all

be9578  No.2696147

Maybe all these headlines are there to distract from the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT that killed MOLLIE TIBETTS? VERY BAD FOR DEMOCRATIC IMMIGRATION PLATFORM



0bb04f  No.2696148

File: 4c47cd558319344⋯.png (645.51 KB, 624x645, 208:215, Screenshot_93.png)

If no one posted this yet…

Liz Crokin lost two fingers surfing today!

76680f  No.2696149

File: 0076ca8c8bd07a0⋯.jpg (20.63 KB, 255x197, 255:197, memebetter.com-20180805141….jpg)

dc65aa  No.2696150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

108a30  No.2696151


This is all very true, but in regards to optics, shitlibs believe they're finally closing in on true dirt on Trump… a lot of gloating on social media and the like. How do we fix that?

Keep in mind, I DO trust the plan, but I'm not as 4D chess savvy as others may be.

30af16  No.2696152


"Biggest scale & scope in history"

>>2696105 Germany going around US sanctions

good title anon? had to check them out

e1a049  No.2696153


what was the name of the rapper

and what is his significance?

addba4  No.2696154

File: 70c2f63196095af⋯.jpg (50.78 KB, 400x387, 400:387, expandthinking.jpg)

1fea8b  No.2696155

Remember how team HRC paid that beauty queen to talk shit about POTUS? The one who's BF was a murderer? Remember the campaign trying to bring out 192 women with Gloria fucking Allred to accuse POTUS of all sorts of shit?

Third attempt…McDougal and Stormy.

27dc61  No.2696157


She's a lucky girl to have the love and support of such honorable men.

ad9edd  No.2696158


5) person can vote for any party any canidate regardless of party affiliation

a41321  No.2696159

File: 0dfb255b8e1ba8d⋯.jpg (52.75 KB, 570x300, 19:10, Joker2.jpg)

2d29c5  No.2696160


WTF? Manafort guilty and this POS gets to walk?

Trust the plan!

I feel retribution is on its way!

8640fa  No.2696161


for what it's worth ; )

54c177  No.2696162


>suspicious amount of money

From prostitution.

538d60  No.2696164

File: 3d0306b001edd31⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 480x530, 48:53, 3d03806b001edd3198a7924613….jpg)

File: fe66868fb92c34d⋯.png (356.38 KB, 669x499, 669:499, hjshld;hlkhk'h'h.png)

File: c70f35a5fdb971a⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 275x183, 275:183, cdg70f35a5fdb971a114aa40b2….jpg)

We were supposed to see the truth in July…. Still waiting.

Instead of BOOMS, Cohen and Manafort are found guilty.

Q is batting at around 10%, the majority of his info is total bullshit, very little has materialised.

I sure as shit don't trust Sessions.

8d6eb4  No.2696165

Young Turks exposed:


Halal dish washing:


24d790  No.2696166


I don't feel sorry for surfers when they get hurt or eaten…

bd1fd7  No.2696167

File: 843265ad6c185dd⋯.png (1.21 MB, 2224x1204, 556:301, 1501023508254.png)


It's still very possible this comes true…ty for the reminder, oldfag.

b09e8f  No.2696168

File: 58ba6312bcd9c44⋯.jpg (58.16 KB, 1485x1101, 495:367, sleepcat.jpg)


Anon, we are praying for you and catAnon. We lost one kitty and another pet a few months ago; the remaining cat, age 18+, is very precious to us. They just get more and more loyal and loving with age, even as they spend more and more time sleeping. Much love.


14a0bd  No.2696169

File: d9131ca4ecf2401⋯.jpg (51.29 KB, 480x355, 96:71, IMG_1452.JPG)

File: 63477fad0d99b76⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_1453.JPG)

File: 2998383489a4c37⋯.jpg (164.56 KB, 720x640, 9:8, IMG_1454.JPG)

look at all that false valor

c75ef3  No.2696170

File: 4325c6c9f1695ed⋯.png (521.53 KB, 748x409, 748:409, PL - Copy.png)

b5eb00  No.2696171


With you there.

Action / counter action

Q and Potus going to use this

But would like a sign

And am with anons.wherever


7154e8  No.2696172

File: e7d9dcd4301ec7b⋯.jpg (608.79 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Cog Q.jpg)

File: 1aba9de2a91d0aa⋯.png (1.4 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Cog Q Alpha.png)

Cog Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files

27dc61  No.2696173

File: a374a60018e3330⋯.jpg (106.7 KB, 959x536, 959:536, brockshortbus.jpg)

bd8677  No.2696174


Has dirt on everyone

8907f6  No.2696175

>>2695811, >>2695847, >>2695855, >>2695878

Ty bakers!!

I'm another night baker just checking in. I'm heading to an event now but can be available from, say, 1ish ET to 4ish ET. Up until a week or so ago I'd often bake thru the night but I've had to switch away from strict graveyards to accommodate some workfagging. On top of that the wildfire smoke-ocalypse up here has had me low energy lately. I'm sorry for the gaps in coverage that's caused. TZ is a star and took a lot of the load and I was sorry af to see today that he was hounded as bad as he was last night. Hopefully he'll be back after a few days away from the shills, but until then, I'll try to be avail. for nights into the wee hours at least another week or so. Smoke's better today and rain's coming soon, so I'm hoping I'm thru the worst of it.

Love you faggots.

Thanks for all that MAGA'ing.

49dc15  No.2696176


No I fit the fucking profile of a patriot willing to die for his fucking country. Taos should be up in fucking arms right now(given they're filled with a bunch of liberal hippies)


Read that again.

Fox news tells us every day that we are being raped in the ass. Continuously. Nothing is fucking done. Backus walks around. HEY, Q, WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T BACKUS HAVE A LITTLE FUCKING ACCIDENT LIKE SETH RICH DID? HMMM? If it's so fucking easy for them to do it and get away with it it should be pretty FUCKING simple to make an example out of that wretched fucking cunt.

Fox news: We're getting fucked in the ass(past two years)


Does ANYONE besides me(and the few other anons who agreed with the problems i've brought up) SEE THE FUCKING DISCONNECT HERE?

Holy fuck.

f893ce  No.2696177


You are RIGHT anon.

Q is Done,.

We, Follow (((YOU)))

Storm the Gates.

We, are right behind you all the way.


418c03  No.2696178


My Apologies KEK I thought you were mocking me with your first "Who Who Moloch" statement

90adc6  No.2696179

File: dceebd84521d612⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1173x545, 1173:545, znecromancer.PNG)

File: 219283016c2c412⋯.png (450.76 KB, 462x411, 154:137, zpass over.PNG)

File: e378bc6ef3b29d5⋯.png (707.29 KB, 629x403, 629:403, zjohn q.PNG)


Cent a Mental

No head shrinking / shrunken head

Expand your thinking

Just be cause I'm presumin' that I could be a hue man if I only had a heart I O

8d6eb4  No.2696180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

96b263  No.2696181


Look, I've been following this shit for fucking years now. I'm so sick of it all.

And everyday more is piled on the heap. People are fucking dying, from violent niggers that are destroying cities, opioid abuse, sex traffickers, wars for Israel, illegal aliens, and now somali muslims are taking over complete townships.

I believe Q is more than just a LARP, I believe Trump honestly has the best intention but this "show" is getting real fucking old, real quick. I've learned enough. I'm sick of learning about these pieces of fucking shit out to destroy our lives and this cryptic shitposting is loosing its luster.

I'm still here and I still follow. But i'm fucking over it.

2c4b56  No.2696182

File: 156cfa72a940ae8⋯.jpg (99.33 KB, 650x786, 325:393, IMG_1743.JPG)

You concernfags need to chill. Fuck.

You want the media to press Trump on Q after being claimed to be associated with it? And then what? Fucking rip off his shirt and reveal an S and fly away? “This is a movie” is a term. Take it figuratively - not literal.

It means people are being told what to say, how to act. Maybe even what dumb ass mistakes to make. You think Elon doesn’t know what tweeting about going private would do?

You’re losing focus. You’re in this or you’re not. But then fucking go out there then. Bitching about everyone bitching ain’t helpin.

Did you not put together Trumps rally speech telling us it takes time?

HE MENTIONED THE ELITE! What President has done that since JFKs hints?!

You need a reminder. You shills beg for proof. Two birds one stone, see the pic .

Bored? Dig on Rahm. The Mayor of Chicago. POTUS mentioned him tonight. He drops his own crumbs.

Also, bing bing. I send out a twitter. Bing! Search engine deserve a look.

Or bitch about your verbal revolution on the same board you bitch no action takes place.

b09e8f  No.2696183

File: c50b98c673d8159⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 940x627, 940:627, Trump 2 thumbs up.jpg)

79345e  No.2696184

File: 8e9160e993b80cb⋯.png (129.34 KB, 266x254, 133:127, pepe tears.png)

49dc15  No.2696185


Thanks. I'm out. That's likely exactly what I will do.

1fea8b  No.2696186


So far the movie is rather sucking.

addba4  No.2696187

File: 64b0012c213363c⋯.jpg (50.23 KB, 400x387, 400:387, budget.jpg)

155bc8  No.2696188

Cohen case setting precedent for 45,000 sealed indictments?

Cohen setup a shell company and filtered money through the shell company to another attorney who then paid the money to Stormy Daniels…..

CabalX sets up shell company and funnels money to Lisa Barsoomian who then pays the money to Clintons….Obamas….Soros?

a57652  No.2696189

File: 8684b371708b988⋯.png (106.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorGAY.png)

400ce2  No.2696190


Bring the pain already. Normies hate POTUS now and they will never admit they are wrong. Well, make them eat crow, they deserve it. There is no way around fighting this war anyway, they will never be ready to accept the truth. Q tells us to fight but then lets us looking like lunatics here without anything to show to our families or friends we are tying to wake up.

684066  No.2696191

Am I missing something

2 crooked lawyers are going to jail

And the big deal is?

01b68a  No.2696192


>. How do we fix that?

welp, i could quote something that goes "never interrupt…"…

but if you feel like jumping in, these gloating moments are good moments to dwell on what an awful, bad dictator Trump is: he's not stopping the MSM bashing him, he's not stopping any of this… hold them to that tomorrow when they go back to saying he is

b41f7f  No.2696193

File: 5e3fce1cc3e6235⋯.jpg (180.35 KB, 1200x964, 300:241, STEP 1 KERNELS.jpg)

File: 43250f28b02dcc7⋯.jpg (119.49 KB, 1020x765, 4:3, STEP 2 POP.jpg)

File: 7448139580b8e43⋯.jpg (232.9 KB, 1200x964, 300:241, STEP 3 COMFY.jpg)

147d32  No.2696194


Take some opioids. Smoke a bong. Live life.

f0fed1  No.2696195

I'm literally so frustrated and impatient that my text is red

let's all transmute our 'demoralization' into a big useless tantrum!

I'm a Patriot by the way.

24d790  No.2696196


old news, newfag

ef13cd  No.2696197

File: e3764bcf7a19274⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1279x599, 1279:599, ClipboardImage.png)



>You can repost if you want more talk about it "Snowden in car Anon".

14a0bd  No.2696198

File: bde90d7113f5ee4⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 565x329, 565:329, IMG_1092.JPG)

File: 4ddc625d68ca526⋯.jpg (56.17 KB, 399x472, 399:472, IMG_1094.JPG)

File: d5184e2a7eb2e1a⋯.jpg (81.6 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_1095.JPG)

c1f9d7  No.2696199


He's got the 8 chan symbol on his headstone

f893ce  No.2696200


Ah, someone who has never seen the Ocean.

e65630  No.2696201


How long did it take Lincoln to free the US slaves?

Potus is working on freeing more worldwide.

bcd4fd  No.2696202

Nothing but bad shit is happening and you are basically told here to believe the plan and not your lying eyes. Everything, literally 180 degrees from reality. And if you say anything about it you get attacked.

d45133  No.2696203


Not my cat, not female! Here's the truth: by worldly standards I used to be hard and rough around the edges, I controlled all within my sphere of influence with fear…but even then, I KNEW I was wrong AND I KNEW I wasn't actually portraying true and fearless courage! Over time I accepted what I've always known to be true…that the thing that really matters is love and doing what is right regardless of the cost! all you fags in here that bully people are, in reality, cowards! I've been involved in a lot of bad situations and was able to physically come out on top (as the world views it), but even then, I evaluated men on their character and heart…never cared if a guy was only 160lbs and never swung his fist in anger…in fact, I did, and still do admire many such men! Just because they haven't used their fists, doesn't mean they can't when the time comes! Autism doesn't give you a pass to be cruel to other people! If your IQ is over 140, I rejoice for you, but, it doesn't make you a better human being, and if you think it does, you're exactly like the Red Shields! Many here NEED a good beating! It would make you a better human being!

809551  No.2696204

File: a82a99b9c448aec⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, themoreyoutry.PNG)


thought this might be approprate for the bread.

thom yorke: the eraser

good album good song

808165  No.2696205


I get it

e9765f  No.2696206

File: f920bcef6ba4112⋯.png (87.81 KB, 604x516, 151:129, PCat.png)

041b18  No.2696207

Anyone want to look for tiled pools?

1eece0  No.2696208


Old and BS ffs

63c6bf  No.2696209


>this POS gets to walk?

>Trust the plan!

a lot of talented thinkers here. when will we start to see the disconnect between these two dots?

a8fb12  No.2696210


guess what anon?

90% of ALL movies suck

they are for normies and retards and people bored with their mundane shit lives and limited brains

not for autists

esp autist who alreayd FUCKING KNOW THE ENDING

ya dig?

77b565  No.2696211

>>2695368 (lb)

Brooklyn, IOWA

102919  No.2696212


The anon soldier

96b263  No.2696213

File: 1aae206efeeab01⋯.jpg (80.38 KB, 320x537, 320:537, 1530821738028.jpg)


You're right. I'll start HRT too.

7db057  No.2696214

File: 93c3c659d2aad49⋯.png (43.15 KB, 379x226, 379:226, when she denies God and ex….png)


I've prayed enough.

The choice was/is hers.

I've washed my hands clean of the result regardless.

Doing what must be done takes precedence.

416d06  No.2696215

>>2696191 only thing better is them getting married

a0e310  No.2696216

Everything is part of the plan.

We are always winning.

Just sit back and wait some more.

ff2e2e  No.2696217

File: cad45939740ead7⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 834x469, 834:469, qe, leader of nwo, satan's….jpg)

File: 5ac23ab5fa9233f⋯.jpg (300.85 KB, 1005x852, 335:284, qe direct lineage - ruling….jpg)

a8fb12  No.2696218


but they knew muhpotus!!!!!!!!!!!

358513  No.2696219


ahh, figured it should be obvious, heh. ThanQs.

>>2696081, >>2696142, >>2696143, >>2695909

Here's the note from last bread, with ?:

>>2695366 I found Snowden, anons. He's in the van?

Not sure if you want this cut back into last bread's dough, I'll leave it to current baker to decide.

039887  No.2696220


kek new great take on a tired old meme.

1fea8b  No.2696221


Fuck off Stranahan.

707dcf  No.2696222

Hannity sounds drunk

slurring his words

3cc0c0  No.2696223


Most people are right handed. That's gonna suck

ed6e9b  No.2696224


Why did he get off so easy? I hope it's because he sang like a canary.

cab3cc  No.2696225


Snopes- Soros or someone like him funds them.

a8fb12  No.2696226


say what?

76c872  No.2696227

File: 165f4e5b3b4b2ff⋯.png (554.06 KB, 807x541, 807:541, you.png)

>>2695870 >>2695872 >>2695875 >>2695898 >>2695910 >>2695912 >>2695957 >>2695999 >>2696003 >>2696012 >>2696034 >>2696035 >>2696064 >>2696094 >>2696101 >>2696115 >>2696177

809551  No.2696228


oops forgot the relatable lyrics:

The more you try to erase me

The more, the more

The more that I appear

The more, the more

The more I try to erase you

The more, the more

The more that you appear

No, you're wrong, you're wrong

You're wrong, you're wrong

You're wrong, you're wrong

You're wrong

e98bd1  No.2696229

File: 95249e18d675579⋯.jpg (918.97 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, Awaken1.jpg)

File: dfeb92084046b52⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, Awaken2.jpg)

File: a83d65fdbd7fae5⋯.jpg (1 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, Awaken3.jpg)

The Great Awakening

27dc61  No.2696230

24d790  No.2696231


You're not wrong….except for "loosing"

8cac38  No.2696232

"Erasinq" = FAKE

Fuck off bot bakers

30af16  No.2696233


TZ was trying a new strategy, gives anons the chance to voice opinions and at the same times blows up the post count, didn't mind personally

is that you clam?

049368  No.2696234


No kidding. Have fun watching the state workers and Professors meltdown when we really get rolling.

29aacc  No.2696235

File: dfe575ae9cfa280⋯.jpg (102.49 KB, 1000x726, 500:363, disney poop.jpg)




your opinion


a133fb  No.2696236


And thank you, upon re_read this really puts >>>/patriotsfight/172 (+ other crumbs) into perspective

14a0bd  No.2696237

File: 623e4ad3eff0d24⋯.jpg (125.45 KB, 660x660, 1:1, IMG_1441.JPG)

File: 9d014883e1056c3⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 500x740, 25:37, IMG_1444.JPG)

File: 77c7f0b8d4d8a22⋯.jpg (546.17 KB, 1000x1538, 500:769, IMG_1458.JPG)

7dc903  No.2696238


post malone

glad everyone is ok

73b565  No.2696239


post malone

i *think* his significance is that his lyrics indicate disdain for the cabal.

but honestly, it's hard to keep track because i don't know what to watch for some days.

part of me thought it was an effective distraction from the manafort/cohen activity, but then coverage flipped, and it seemed like msm didn't care about him at all towards the end of the day.

i'm over saturated with amazing puzzles in the midst of personal crisis, and part of me is just trying to enjoy the movie.

dfc645  No.2696240

File: 05c6d7cdab665a0⋯.jpeg (24.29 KB, 400x250, 8:5, cat PRAYS.jpeg)

108a30  No.2696241


Hmm, truth. If he were Literally Hitler wouldn't he have already concocted BS charges to imprison everyone (supposedly) investigating him?

b2fa84  No.2696242


i always heard it was idle "HANDS"

102919  No.2696243


Digits of drunkenness

9c8e1c  No.2696244


Why would you believe an anonymous poster on 4chan? thats from 2017 and says the arrests were to happen a year ago. try harder.

79345e  No.2696245


When the libs get bloviated, I stay off social media, for my own peace of mind. Some will always be lost. Those you see on social media are not representative of the millions of Americans that "get it".

96b263  No.2696246


>except for "loosing"

Yea, I can't wait for Q to post the next blurry photo either.

5c3c40  No.2696247

I'm getting a sinking feeling that everyone here is getting played.

just a feeling, nothing more.

e98bd1  No.2696248

File: e2503528be94229⋯.png (147.6 KB, 1366x728, 683:364, ClipboardImage.png)

2ced28  No.2696249


no matter how much proof I show them, they wont listen, they disengage. Just when I think they are considering an alternative to what they think they disengage, go back to their safe spaces and their friends who reinforce their sleep and return worse then ever. Im trying Q. Maybe Im going about it wrong, but something has to give soon.

8cac38  No.2696250


Fuck off half-ass-meme-spam-bot

e9765f  No.2696251

File: 4c5b35be99b29ef⋯.jpg (708.69 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ACKCHYUALLY TACKTICKAL.jpg)

File: ccd209359432cfd⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 750x571, 750:571, antifa mascot.jpg)

File: 5c94f3b476e26d5⋯.jpg (705.78 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, antifa tf.jpg)

22c146  No.2696252

We are Warriors…of the World!


24d790  No.2696253


I see it out my window, fuck head

5e818b  No.2696254

File: 0dc76f9f887ecc4⋯.jpeg (99.11 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DC1386DE-DCFA-4B5F-865E-C….jpeg)


Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was an American the 16th President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.

We’ve been living under Marshal law since the end of the civil war.

We’ve been a satellite puppet state of the UK ever since.

Trump is saying he is the 17th president of the United States of America

Trump is Q=17

Stable Genius

684066  No.2696255



That would be notable

Prison love

e8b7c2  No.2696256


I get a feeling you need to gtfo…kek

e2a651  No.2696257

File: 7c3ddce616f3b40⋯.jpeg (235.59 KB, 1426x1476, 713:738, 50AB3468-3015-479B-A4F0-5….jpeg)

Oh my. This is tragic - fully conditioned. I wonder what she was thinking at the end?

e9765f  No.2696258

File: b02c00fed636459⋯.jpg (64.71 KB, 406x400, 203:200, b02c00fed636459d854222adf2….jpg)

File: f17fc1d6f0fc33a⋯.png (2.23 MB, 2000x1328, 125:83, cc.png)

File: c1bdc7748430e37⋯.jpg (102.63 KB, 960x740, 48:37, certificate.jpg)

771e96  No.2696259

File: 5aa0a87c6e872e1⋯.png (564.84 KB, 630x630, 1:1, C4F081FD_1.png)

27dc61  No.2696260


It's probably trapped wind anon.

e9952c  No.2696261


Calm down buddy, no one won a war yelling and despairing like a lunatic.

49dc15  No.2696262


See this everyone?

This is what ==common sense== looks like. It's time for Q and company to kick shit into over drive. They are not playing fair. If they want to play vicious perhaps they need to learn those who they are fucking working against can be 10x as vicious.

WE NEED ACTION and we need it NOW!

30af16  No.2696263


let me know if anything should be added or removed, suggestions welcomed

>>2695941 NATO Launches Largest War Games In Decades To Be Staged In Latvia

>>2695948 Judicial Watch finds connections between No Name and the IRS (Lois Lerner and others)

>>2695990 CIA used the code-word ‘Pizza’ and the location was a Beirut Pizza Hut

>>2696065 Chinese hackers probed Alaska websites during governor’s trade mission

>>2696074 Trust HUBER.

>>2696077 Human trafficking raid in India rescues 28 girls; 4 held

>>2696105 Germany going around US sanctions

>>2696138 WH updates

Side note: Sara Carter said she can't wait to see what Huber is doing, Hannity NEVER mentions Huber, likely to get people pissed and ready for him

7dc903  No.2696264

File: da22ec4d627ebc5⋯.jpeg (463.49 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, C26B506C-264D-4017-9934-1….jpeg)

b53ee3  No.2696265

File: a9e5349b7f2571e⋯.png (173.9 KB, 1221x531, 407:177, BRAVERMAN ADAM.PNG)

File: 5e831e286de7ba3⋯.png (173.7 KB, 989x564, 989:564, braverman adam doj website.PNG)

2695128 lb

re hunter indictment pic

adam braverman doj related to ERIC BRAVERMAN from cf and ES foundation?

braverman adam doj link pic


eric braverman pic


01b68a  No.2696266


This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.

8e9c22  No.2696267


It’s getting old for me too, I’m here much less every day. Too much hype that never amounts to anything and Q leaves us hanging at critical moments increasing our anxiety. I am not sure what the plan is.

b3de28  No.2696268


Muh optics? Journalist? They always scream about their optics.

Just cause one exchange in a war doesn't go your way, doesn't mean you just quit. Sometmes you just gotta take the punch, then fight back.

538d60  No.2696269

File: 0dc02859ee3813b⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 375x494, 375:494, 0dc02859ee3813ba47a9256543….jpg)

File: 4fcca174c2142da⋯.jpg (78.7 KB, 666x490, 333:245, 1dge3412b96f76b7b2faebe0e8….jpg)

File: ce8108b7833ed17⋯.png (685.59 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 081238479801237489haskdhfh.png)

Jeff Sessions is a sack of shit, he has done nothing to hold the deep state accountable….

Imran Awan gets no jail time Paul Manafort faces up to 80 years.

Sessions is a loser.

ff2e2e  No.2696270

a57652  No.2696271

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8chanPostDetectorOS2.png)

56466f  No.2696272


So ANTIFA covers their face… but can they cover an identifying ink? Like the ink in pepper spray cans used to track down assailants?

b5eb00  No.2696273

A populist movement that doesnt trust people is called



about time to dump the corrupt party system altogther IMO and make election not about teamwork slogans a hat but about ideas and principals. Has either party show evidence of integrity?

Seems like we should expand our thinking.

b8fec2  No.2696274


highest ranking anon. Duh.

0f4ee9  No.2696275


If. You write all CAPS in Red you surely can add LB to your Post


29aacc  No.2696276

File: db54eea75e1a536⋯.png (150.2 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


17 replies


15 replies


6 replies

nigga gettin paid off these anons like sheck ills

instead of one simple click

418c03  No.2696277

I thought YOU were the Moloch shill….I'm just a small believer who needs to lurk moar…May God's blessing be on the meek, and His wrath be on the Shills and persistant lovers of Moloch….


1fea8b  No.2696278


Maybe…Trump was right. Build the wall.

ff1560  No.2696279


and what exactly are you doing about it? bitching, yeah, that works. you can bring a lawsuit you know… we all could. its sooooooo easy to be a whiny baby and sit in your kitchen on your computer and complain isnt it.

b53ee3  No.2696280

File: 6966c13aecf6b3b⋯.png (504.82 KB, 1265x553, 1265:553, eric braverman eric schmid….PNG)


sorry forgot pic dog mania here

9c8e1c  No.2696281



8cac38  No.2696282

File: 9737d6b7099b8d8⋯.jpg (952.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20180816-155042….jpg)

Clowns? What do clowns do? Who can resist their control? Who can be trusted?


c1f9d7  No.2696283


This is not a game.

Learn to play the game.

69627d  No.2696284

File: 2e71a02dbdc3a3b⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 450x299, 450:299, Judgement.jpg)


(((They))) will be JUDGED

Let there be LIGHT! GODSPEED!

Proverbs 26

24 Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. 25 Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. 26 Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.

Luke 8:17

"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. ∞

addba4  No.2696285

File: 449141de129c495⋯.jpg (50.57 KB, 500x375, 4:3, boom.jpg)

cab3cc  No.2696286


Snowden slide?

I think it's a wild goose chase, that's why I said sarcastically that I though he was in the second black car on the left, but of course I could be wrong.

The again, the anon with no evidence could be a shill to start a slide.

So, probably worth checking but…

a411de  No.2696287

I trust the plan, although some days are harder than others.

Q is the only thing giving me hope.

01c742  No.2696288

File: 86d986e0efb2418⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 308x185, 308:185, 4F46F0B300000578-0-image-a….jpg)


Three men are arrested on 1,400 counts of having sex with animals

By Jennifer Smith For Dailymail.com 11:38 EDT 21 Aug 2018, updated 15:52 EDT 21 Aug 2018


Three men have been arrested on a staggering 1,400 counts of bestiality after allegedly throwing orgies at their Pennsylvania farm.

Terry Wallace, 41, Matthew Brubaker, 32, and Marc Measnikoff, 34, were all arrested in Munson on Saturday after a 16-year-old boy who was living at the property reported them to police.

The teenager told authorities the men had been having sex with goats, horses, dogs and cows and that they were using a 'specially designed V-shaped pen' to do so.

The men were taken into custody and the teenager was placed into protective custody.

Police also found homemade video tapes and recording equipment on the farm.

sexual intercourse with animals but it remains how many animals were being held on the 'makeshift farm'.

It is not clear how many animals were on the property. There were 18 dogs alone.

They were also charged with endangering the welfare of children, corruption of minors and animal cruelty.

It remains unclear if there were more children living at the property.

Authorities do not believe the men sexually abused the adolescent boy but they say they are unsure of the extent of the emotional and psychological damage they inflicted on him.

The teenager also complained that the conditions were 'deplorable'. He said he was forced to collect rain water to shower and said there was no electricity or food.

On social media, Wallace and Measnikoff proudly shared photographs of the animals they look after and asked for donations from friends to support horse rescue charities.

Brubaker posed happily in pictures with a woman and group of children that are believed to be his family.

Authorities in Pennsylvania are now trying to find new homes for the animals. None were being starved but animal rights groups say the conditions were 'not ideal'

ff1560  No.2696289

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, pepe_Laugh_hysterical.jpg)

dfc645  No.2696290

File: d068334d40fc9a4⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 1164x531, 388:177, USE THE WINDOW.jpg)

8cac38  No.2696291

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)


No sweetie! You are just tired. Sleep baby.

5e818b  No.2696292


I also forgot trump always poses with a 17 jersey Presidents always pose with their presidential number

Comfirming he is the 17th potus

a8fb12  No.2696293



childish and impatient you are

come back after midterms

if there is a blue wave then you can complain

until then STFU

102919  No.2696294


Are we back to the script where Trump and Sessions have been working with the Clintons the whole time?

4d24e6  No.2696295

There are some interesting things you could do with a browser plugin, of course if you have control of the network you could simply issue an update.

24d790  No.2696296


I've noticed it seems to get very slow here now, except for when Q is posting.

How long can we keep talking about the same

shit? What can we do about it? Nothing

01b68a  No.2696297


the NATO war game is named Saber Strike, seems a worthy detail

3c3fd6  No.2696298

File: 8edd96f797f6321⋯.jpg (29.44 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Struggle_1024x1024.jpg)

The level of shilling on these boards and concern fagging on twitter and here is appalling. You are all on trust the plan when Q drops some truth nuke bombs, the minute something "bad" comes out against us you are crying and whining about why cant we just start a war.

You fucktards have no idea that, that is exactly what the left wants. They want us to engage them with violence. if we do, they win and our movement is stopped dead in its tracks. What you are seeing in the news is part of the movie, it's the equivalent of the leftist tardis spiking the football in the 4th quarter and they're down by 28 points with a minute left.

The fact that you don't see that is proof you are not awake. You are arrogant and not capable of holding the line. For me, I'm fully trusting the plan, because the plan is working. It is exposing the hypocrisy of prior wheeling and dealings of our judiciary system and government. They are back on their heels and some of you dumbasses are ready to hand them victory. Stay the fucking course or get off the god damn MAGA train.

358513  No.2696299

>>2696138, >>2696263

was just about to call that one, but you got it baker, nice work.


Not sure if TZ, but I was poking one of the daybakers earlier.

I've seen some flooding in the notes at daytime last week or so on/off. Nothing too major, but I won't hesitate to say I'm not a fan of it.

115d5f  No.2696300


I agree 100% all I see and hear on the news is illegal immigration and the Mueller case, time to change the narrative to pedophiles being arrested that way it will show how serious Patriots are about draining the swamp and it will get the bad people to make mistakes knowing it is public on MSM

a57652  No.2696301

File: 012f2d3cebf5baa⋯.png (114.34 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorFnG.png)

c668d8  No.2696302

Everyone not trusting the plan and everyone with smart ideas to kill evil over night, hand in your plan to your local shill officer

8862aa  No.2696303

File: 37fee49951bfb89⋯.jpg (178.28 KB, 564x512, 141:128, sick.jpg)

b3de28  No.2696304


Part of the resistance strategy, I think. Take out supporters of POTUS.

fbef98  No.2696305


with comments like that from the defense, time to appeal that decision.

684066  No.2696306


So all these posts freaking about about 2 crooked lawyers are shiil/bots

At least ebot throws in jokes from time to time and has some decent taste in music

94400e  No.2696307


tbqh familam, im waiting for the narrative to shift as well, being redpilled to the max. I'm still here and i support the mission, but ive pretty much stopped researching and digging and whatnot. i know everything is rotten to the core, so there's no point for me to keep looking into shit. i simply wait and hope for justice to prevail.

96e14b  No.2696308

File: 49e77e29a6d1541⋯.jpg (71.66 KB, 700x560, 5:4, schiffnazi.jpg)


Just realized why Jumping Jack represents Satan.


Few things about the Scherff image.

(I forgot to put (pb) next to the entry. I apologize)

Mengele is not the guy in the back with the dark hair and gap between his teeth. That' Mengele's beard. Mengele transitioned to female and the beard took the name. It's the lady seated to the left "Irene"

The one tagged as "Prescott" is not Prescott but {I'm assuming] the actual American man who the Scherffs took the family name of.

H.W was a Scheff not a Bush. They imposterd the Bushes. I f you notice the man lableled "Prescott" he looks nothing like the man we think of and are told is Prescott. But looks like the original Prescott from his school photo "YALE" 1919.


Are you sure she really wrote "I hate Whites" y'all. That doesn't sound like Iowa. Her face is not that type. Likely forged social media posting?

952097  No.2696309

Remember, Manafort was a plant. Perhaps he got what he deserved. “Plants need water”. But the Cohen thing, I believe the DS timed this in case Manafort was acquitted or a mistrial was declared. Unfortunately that did not happen so I am still not quite sure what that is all about. I predict an incoming Q post that will be obvious or vague or both that explains the situation.

416d06  No.2696310


49dc15  No.2696311

ef13cd  No.2696312

File: 4a02e384199b633⋯.png (834.32 KB, 1215x568, 1215:568, ClipboardImage.png)



More evidence that the images are snowden… a map from this spot to the UN sub-office where he applied for asylum in 2013, the year the pics were believed to be taken - 600 meters away.

a41321  No.2696313

File: 92b0dba44cb2724⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 309x162, 103:54, Joker10.jpg)

0d7992  No.2696314

File: ac62f8ee3c1156d⋯.jpg (87.28 KB, 552x793, 552:793, IMG_1367.JPG)

File: ea520493d9ffc80⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_1383.JPG)

File: ccfe4508695943b⋯.jpg (207.38 KB, 640x960, 2:3, IMG_1384.JPG)

5a0b65  No.2696315

Trump's Uncle John's Lifelong Interest in Insulation of Rotating Electrostatic Machines In High Vacuum


Just after World War II, there was a renewed interest in beam weapons. Copies of Tesla's papers on particle beam weaponry were sent to Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. An operation code-named "Project Nick" was heavily funded and placed under the command of Brigadier General L. C. Craigie to test the feasibility of Tesla's concept. Details of the experiments were never published, and the project was apparently discontinued. But something peculiar happened. The copies of Tesla's papers disappeared and nobody knows what happened to them.

e1a049  No.2696316


Malone has been described as the "Donald Trump of hip-hop" by executives at Republic Records, who state that "things that should've killed his career have only made him bigger."[79] He has also been described as "a rich kid whose parents essentially paid his way into music.

a133fb  No.2696317


Great post if it's not /s

30af16  No.2696318


gotcha I'll add that, just copypasta'd the title

8cac38  No.2696319

File: 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png)

File: 3ed40f9cdf60dc1⋯.png (391.67 KB, 1576x870, 788:435, out.png)

File: 215aa494dce5cf5⋯.png (3.94 MB, 2626x3194, 1313:1597, BANT.png)

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)

BO is a fucking bot.. Just saying.. Humans ought to control their internets. Fight!

771e96  No.2696320

File: 2b372795b0b1dfe⋯.jpg (69.94 KB, 500x746, 250:373, 28e58affd0ba28667a5147ba41….jpg)

d0f571  No.2696321

File: fbb47fd77336b6f⋯.png (419.76 KB, 800x430, 80:43, Jeff-Sessions-Hillary-Clin….png)

29aacc  No.2696322



the graveyard shift is a trip to bake

kinda need the post count up to keep the thread moving and bake a new at a reasonable window

i think the skin is getting thick whilst the politicking is staying fair and balanced

lest we forget >50% of these posts are subversive based on Q's post 17 regarding the 5 prong attack on what triggers anons most

96b263  No.2696323



Meanwhile niggers are still allowed to run wild, people are still dying from drug abuse, kids are still get snatched into sex slavery, muslims are forming enclaves, illegals have practically taken over California it's basically Mexico.

Enough with the cryptic shit. I want something TANGIBLE.

a61a59  No.2696325

File: 08ccd610bc88ae4⋯.jpg (39.86 KB, 574x607, 574:607, jugears.jpg)


>"Elections are safe" is what Q said.

Q said a LOT of shit that turned out to be just that … shit.

That's the problem with this fucking Q asshole.

People listen to his bullshit and get complacent.

Suddenly, SF Nan is Speaker of the House and leading impeachment charges.

Get your fucking ass out and VOTE for Trump candidates.

Remember that a lot of republicunts would rather Trump be impeached, so they can continue to fuck Americans in the ass with no consequence.

e60a1e  No.2696326

File: 3aef91adee77a3d⋯.png (40.75 KB, 564x590, 282:295, 3aef91adee77a3dd19e9bae056….png)





>Abraham Lincoln


>Abraham Lincoln was an American the 16th President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.

Civil War ends June 1865

>We’ve been living under Marshal law since the end of the civil war.

Yes. Almost no one knows what the usa civil flag looks like in modern times.

>We’ve been a satellite puppet state of the UK ever since.

Since the Act of 1871 to be exact.

>Trump is saying he is the 17th president of the United States of America

We'll see about that. Maybe 17th civil law presiden, if marshal law is rescinded.

>Trump is Q=17

That's fine, he is literally a Q clearance patriot.

>Stable Genius

I concur

0d7992  No.2696327

https is broken

check captcha server

684066  No.2696328


And ebot posts kato from time to time

ad9edd  No.2696329


especially if mirrored the servers he maintained then awan would indead know were the bodies are buried….not walking free im sure hes on a leash

ef13cd  No.2696330


>The again, the anon with no evidence could be a shill to start a slide.

I'm not a shill, anon. I'm not sliding. I'm investigating something straight off q's notes that he said to look into several times.

98fb2e  No.2696331

File: 8d175d55c1de41a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 750x1057, 750:1057, ClipboardImage.png)

If you know the answer someone let him know.

e2a651  No.2696332


No it’s not fake I just took a screenshot off of her twitter account.



763c19  No.2696333

File: 70de618beba4a46⋯.jpg (76.08 KB, 324x367, 324:367, 70de618beba4a4670acd675d6a….jpg)





5262de  No.2696334

File: c4c5ea7bb026e40⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images-16.jpg)

File: a97df7568a878df⋯.png (234.03 KB, 1767x1021, 1767:1021, ClipboardImage(1).png)

e7268a  No.2696335

File: bb1f47f84255a6d⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 633x757, 633:757, pukemin.jpg)


I don't even know how to respond to this story anons….

dc65aa  No.2696336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump slap, meme war III

0bb04f  No.2696337

File: a19d1d389a038f5⋯.png (799.67 KB, 1250x417, 1250:417, Screenshot_83.png)

405830  No.2696338

File: 2b1419637078575⋯.png (51.05 KB, 929x281, 929:281, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

Based Bill Mitchell


a41321  No.2696339

File: 5dccd6f8c17e95c⋯.jpg (121.19 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Joker9.jpg)

f893ce  No.2696340

File: 7667901884fb047⋯.jpg (530.15 KB, 1984x1488, 4:3, Hilton-painting-lift.jpg)


No you don't

That's a painting across the ally from the Pawn Shop.

538d60  No.2696341

File: 05f5a949e1de2c8⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 05f5a949e1de2c86c1fecdccd3….jpg)

File: ddadcb086fa736d⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 85866544ddadcb086fa736d4a1….jpg)

File: 763ad98a63cac6d⋯.png (222.52 KB, 448x330, 224:165, nigga-fuck-sessions.png)

Without Jeff Sessions there would be no Russian Hoax…..

Sessions is deep state.

c7b5dc  No.2696343


So they fuck dogs and horses but not liddle kids? I'm having a very hard time believing that.

e0946c  No.2696344

5x5 I stand up to pee.


771e96  No.2696345

File: e1d8d570cf87227⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 491x625, 491:625, 078e23ca7a21ce29612ebe0bec….jpg)

e1a049  No.2696346


Post has a tattoo of U.S. president John F. Kennedy on his arm, and has said that Kennedy was "the only President to speak out against the crazy corruption stuff that's going on in our government nowadays."

9b8ea5  No.2696347

File: a7063ed2b04af22⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 1152x562, 576:281, 34119477_2108414259394114_….jpg)

4d24e6  No.2696348


Burbaker not brobaker

e080fe  No.2696349

tiresias has 5 posts and no replies, can we make it to the end of the bread?

43eba0  No.2696350

File: f281fa6d5591494⋯.gif (46.51 KB, 798x804, 133:134, IMG_5377.GIF)

Think Logically & use your knowledge about POTUS, Q & our Military.

Why interrupt your enemies when they are destroying themselves?

Do we let them continue to show their hate for America & their Socialist/Communist/Nazi true selfs?

When do you STRIKE at the enemy?

It's when they feel comfortable that they have won & destroyed you! Hence Manafort & Cohen…

POTUS has our MI, NSA, & all Govt resources & Laws in his playbook….He literally has all the information & all the "end game" players on his side.

They all know "where the bodies are buried".

Never forget that our military is also involved in this Operation.

We literally must "set the stage" for POTUS to Declassify all the documents & FISA warrants.

We must let the enemy think they are winning & have their victory "parade" scheduled RIGHT BEFORE we drop the MOAB of Truth bombs before the American public.

Why wait so long? The attention span of the average normie is very short & they get caught up in the next "shiny" story too soon because of the MSM.

Again, WHY wait so long? That attention span needs to be completely saturated with the Truth Bombs RIGHT before November Elections….we are so close, that the fear can be smelled upon the horizon.

Stay the course Anons, we will not stop at anything until we are DECLARING VICTORY!

We Are AWAKE & We will never Relent!



98fb2e  No.2696351



Does anyone know who makes these #QAnon "Magic" style cards?

Have an idea for something similar.


f62feb  No.2696352

File: 72487e0e3bb0f26⋯.jpeg (13.23 KB, 282x179, 282:179, ANONSPIC.jpeg)


anon i agree but i think it is also important to let it play out, we have 1 pro above all of them is that we are anon and far spread

if shit at midterms goes to hell then there is more then just americans who will be up in arms about their globalist leaders

like canada for example, 10x worse then america right now, limiting dogs, gender bending, muslim ISIS terrorists being allowed into our country, it could be worse and if i can have faith, so can you

they have it all for real just lets just watch the movie

for example

17 , it comes up in most common news stories that they have been blasting.

what if trump and q pull a fast ball and prove all said news stories to be a set-up to prove fake news exists.. itll be ok

96e14b  No.2696353


No you didn't read carefully

0371c1  No.2696354

File: bad7f1d9b8eb27b⋯.jpeg (139.79 KB, 469x1329, 469:1329, 5D1D4E8F-A241-413F-8E68-F….jpeg)


Because it’s not abt optics. For example, remember that April MOAB we thought never came? I think it did. On April 24.

79345e  No.2696355


Bill get's it

5274e3  No.2696356

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 37:

Exhortation to Patience and Trust

A Psalm of David.

37 Fret not yourself because of the wicked,

be not envious of wrongdoers!

2 For they will soon fade like the grass,

and wither like the green herb.

3 Trust in the Lord, and do good;

so you will dwell in the land, and enjoy security.

4 Take delight in the Lord,

and he will give you the desires of your heart.

5 Commit your way to the Lord;

trust in him, and he will act.

6 He will bring forth your vindication as the light,

and your right as the noonday.

7 Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him;

fret not yourself over him who prospers in his way,

over the man who carries out evil devices!

8 Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!

Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.

9 For the wicked shall be cut off;

but those who wait for the Lord shall possess the land.

10 Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more;

though you look well at his place, he will not be there.

11 But the meek shall possess the land,

and delight themselves in abundant prosperity.

12 The wicked plots against the righteous,

and gnashes his teeth at him;

13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,

for he sees that his day is coming.

14 The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows,

to bring down the poor and needy,

to slay those who walk uprightly;

15 their sword shall enter their own heart,

and their bows shall be broken.

16 Better is a little that the righteous has

than the abundance of many wicked.

17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken;

but the Lord upholds the righteous.

18 The Lord knows the days of the blameless,

and their heritage will abide for ever;

19 they are not put to shame in evil times,

in the days of famine they have abundance.

20 But the wicked perish;

the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures,

they vanish—like smoke they vanish away.

(Psalm 37 to be cont.)

82dbe7  No.2696357


best idea ive seen on this board in awhile

cab3cc  No.2696358

8cac38  No.2696359

File: 00aaf7d3ed4f784⋯.png (2.14 MB, 896x5920, 28:185, WeAreQueueanon.png)

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


=Fake and gay nazism, because retarded bots think this is /pol/ for some reason. Flailbots Lol==

49dc15  No.2696360


All you stupid faggots that use the term concerfag are the same fucking faggots that wouldn't dare set foot into a civil war. People who are legitimately angry and ready to step up to the plate with fellow patriots are the ones who will be ensuring pussies like you don't get fucking shot in the head by raging mobs of foreign mercenaries(BACKUS!?!?!??!) from Obama/Bush/Clinton admins and antifa queers.

Us "concernfags" will be the fucking ones storming the doors of the deepstate you all hate so much. Not you.

a133fb  No.2696361


the untouchable meme KEK

a61a59  No.2696362

File: 56158fd89167e37⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 600x400, 3:2, pepeboobs.gif)


Get your tits out, cat lady.

Or GTFO this board.

addba4  No.2696363

File: d519a89a0c6fb86⋯.jpg (60.82 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 2gbdu5.jpg)

f0c4e5  No.2696364


>'specially designed V-shaped pen'

Sounds like a triangle shape pen for some evil satanic rituals.

c75ef3  No.2696365

File: 43f7da199b2586f⋯.png (166.02 KB, 306x276, 51:46, BN.PNG)

Brazil Nut

5cfa0b  No.2696366


>We must stop thinking of the individual.


76c872  No.2696367





A change in mentality would be welcoime. We might start by resisting the media and govt push to treat the enforcers in our govt, military and police, like the servants they are supposed to be instead of American gods. They're obviously not doing their fucking jobs.


So, the goal is to elect Republican shitbags to Congress. I can't wait.

a8fb12  No.2696368


you have no clue about the obstacles in place

sure potus could declare martial law and kick ass

that is NOT plan A

the plan is to systematically reform the swamp

dont worry about ongoing casualties

nothing can be done about that

but once the collective mind is freed all that shit will be history

that is the GA

f62feb  No.2696369

File: f0354068d9f69dc⋯.jpg (68.62 KB, 700x906, 350:453, 17septt.jpg)



it's all a movie, i agree it is good to vent but still

just great actors..


becc2c  No.2696370

ef19e3  No.2696371

THIS MAY BE OLD, but I just saw this in an Email from a friend and thought I’d pass it along…regardless word is getting out!

Often times, intel comes to us in various forms, requiring us to parse it, vet it, sort it, collate it, confirm it and then compose a release/report for public consumption. In this instance, the intel will be released as is for it needs no process as described above. Some of these facts were already known, others not, but now we have the full picture of what happened in Benghazi and why. It can only be described as another example of cabal skullduggery only this time the unauthorized, illegal op went sideways and three patriots in addition to one of the cabal’s own was sacrificed to cover up the criminality.

Incidents like this remind us why we elected Trump.

We ask everyone to link, repost and/or spread this article far and wide, we need to get this to the masses. And now, the REAL story:

Why Benghazi Went Bad

Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military.

On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them. Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn’t arm the missile. The helicopter didn’t explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in Qatar by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles. This was a “do-or-die” mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept, NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft. So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.”

Obama and Hillary committed TREASON!

THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to cover the release of the Taliban generals. Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec of State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi: because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles that, if used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then to the State Dept’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

27dc61  No.2696372


That is messed up. Pray for the children. God bless them.

a133fb  No.2696373


Logical thinking

b3de28  No.2696374


Amen. Some have never fought a real fight. They don't know how. I wish it were different, but it isn't.

That's why the sheep need sheepdogs to protect them. It always comes down to the "knuckle draggers" to get the job done.

But also realize that is the shills strategy. Make it look like they are anons concern fagging.

1eece0  No.2696375


World War 3 Looms As Turkey Takes Delivery of New Russian Missile System



5274e3  No.2696376

(Psalm 37 cont.)

21 The wicked borrows, and cannot pay back,

but the righteous is generous and gives;

22 for those blessed by the Lord shall possess the land,

but those cursed by him shall be cut off.

23 The steps of a man are from the Lord,

and he establishes him in whose way he delights;

24 though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,

for the Lord is the stay of his hand.

25 I have been young, and now am old;

yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken

or his children begging bread.

26 He is ever giving liberally and lending,

and his children become a blessing.

27 Depart from evil, and do good;

so shall you abide for ever.

28 For the Lord loves justice;

he will not forsake his saints.

The righteous shall be preserved for ever,

but the children of the wicked shall be cut off.

29 The righteous shall possess the land,

and dwell upon it for ever.

30 The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom,

and his tongue speaks justice.

31 The law of his God is in his heart;

his steps do not slip.

32 The wicked watches the righteous,

and seeks to slay him.

33 The Lord will not abandon him to his power,

or let him be condemned when he is brought to trial.

34 Wait for the Lord, and keep to his way,

and he will exalt you to possess the land;

you will look on the destruction of the wicked.

35 I have seen a wicked man overbearing,

and towering like a cedar of Lebanon.

36 Again I passed by, and lo, he was no more;

though I sought him, he could not be found.

37 Mark the blameless man, and behold the upright,

for there is posterity for the man of peace.

38 But transgressors shall be altogether destroyed;

the posterity of the wicked shall be cut off.

39 The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;

he is their refuge in the time of trouble.

40 The Lord helps them and delivers them;

he delivers them from the wicked, and saves them,

because they take refuge in him.

0cba0d  No.2696377

>>2695269 (lb)

In the end he will claim to be Bill Hicks

to escape prosecution.

a41321  No.2696378

File: 38bb173226f1cf6⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 400x225, 16:9, Joker11.jpg)

File: a2602f7ea7d6806⋯.jpg (80 KB, 682x400, 341:200, Joker8.jpg)

dc65aa  No.2696379


KEK gif

e65630  No.2696380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump hammering

f7fc06  No.2696381


Just twisted. sick

30af16  No.2696382


this is new right????

says filed today, not sure if I've seen it yet

aeac07  No.2696383

File: 1b6962c987b6723⋯.gif (569.54 KB, 675x506, 675:506, 2016ElectionNYT.gif)


A think of beauty.



85bc22  No.2696384

e1a049  No.2696385

“The biggest lie in the world is the U.S. government, It’s a fucking reality show and I think there’s gonna be a lot of weird shit that happens within our generation that really changes the way of the world.”

a8fb12  No.2696386


>Q said a LOT of shit that turned out to be just that … shit.

and you conclude that was an accident? or that Q and potus are unaware of things you know?

think again

8cac38  No.2696387


To be clear, the nazism on /pol/ is at least 95% fake as well. But it's at least CORRECTLY FAKE. lolol

01c742  No.2696388

File: f3abd0bcfeb15a7⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 634x660, 317:330, 4F464B4300000578-6082639-i….jpg)


>Brubaker posed happily in pictures with a woman and group of children that are believed to be his family.

c1f9d7  No.2696389

File: a3af85d994ccee3⋯.jpg (11.95 KB, 640x360, 16:9, cuomoandrew_040618getty.jpg)

Uh, can't he still be deported if he's illegal?

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Pardons Illegal Immigrant To Prevent Deportation

Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued yet another pardon to an undocumented immigrant with a criminal conviction ahead of his deportation hearing Tuesday.

Harveys Gomez, 39, a Bronx resident and Dominican Republic native, is the latest immigrant to be granted clemency by Cuomo.

Gomez was convicted of criminal sale of a controlled substance nearly a decade ago and has been in the custody of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement since October, despite having completed probation, according to Cuomo’s office.

Cuomo’s office says Gomez came to the US when he was 8 years old, is openly gay and HIV-positive, is a survivor of childhood sex abuse and “has no family in the Dominican Republic who would be able to support him if deported.”


4f49e6  No.2696390

File: e2ef76c0420b904⋯.jpeg (413.38 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 7688DE58-BBCC-456A-8124-D….jpeg)

File: 698830b62495a48⋯.jpeg (691.87 KB, 1351x788, 1351:788, 4E573DB7-B8BD-41F7-9F75-0….jpeg)

Mollie Tibbet’s body found in cornfield in Iowa, pics related. Comey, coincidence?

0f4ee9  No.2696391


Why do you people respond of this Jackwad he does this every bread in one form or another.

Attention Whore

5274e3  No.2696392

File: 4368b1893f9afc9⋯.jpeg (93.24 KB, 300x539, 300:539, Divine Mercy.jpeg)

d0f571  No.2696393

File: 571a8c04491ea3f⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 478x341, 478:341, 483208412-real-estate-tyco….jpg)

b36f63  No.2696394


Something tells me he won't squirm out from underneath the REAL charges that Huber will be bringing.

76c872  No.2696395


No, I read the plea agreement carefully. If you're talking about hidden meanings in Q drops, then have fun with your fantasy.

405830  No.2696396

File: 364506560798680⋯.png (207.58 KB, 883x1234, 883:1234, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

REX thoughts on Cohen


c668d8  No.2696397




>We Are AWAKE & We will never Relent!



0bb04f  No.2696398


So what if in October everything starts panning out the way that Q had first started posting? And then all we have to do is look at the Map and start telling people that "this" is coming next, or "that" is going to happen?

Arrests start to be made in October and riots are staged and quelled along with EBS?

That would be the biggest MIND FUCK of all MIND FUCKS!

b41f7f  No.2696399


Meme meme me-eme

I won't give (You)'s to any shills

Instead I'll just give out Red Pills

Whenever I want Q all I have to do

is Me-ee-ee-eme Meme Meme

When I see Blue it's not a wave

It's just some shills they're fake and gay

Whenever I want Q all I have to do

is Me-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-eme

I can dig and mine see through the shills just fine

Anytime night or day

Only trouble is cabalist biz

Shadowbanz the Pepes away

I need to know who's on our side

When Hilldawg is Baphomet's bride

Whenever I want Q all I have to do

is Me-ee-ee-ee-eme Meme Meme Me-ee-eme

I can dig and mine see through the shills just fine

Anytime night or day

Only trouble is cabalist biz

Shadowbanz the Pepes away

I need to know who's on our side

When Hilldawg is Baphomet's bride

Whenever I want Q all I have to do

is Me-ee-ee-ee-eme Meme Meme Me-ee-eme

dc65aa  No.2696400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

705886  No.2696401

Jim Jefferies just did a piece on Qanon, he had the guy from destroying the illusion. Total hit piece JFK jr. Is Q FLAT EARTH etc. Watch on pootube. https://youtu.be/VGrfN3v5JL8

96e14b  No.2696402


You're a liar

f893ce  No.2696403

File: 955548b7825c8e9⋯.jpg (30.24 KB, 760x428, 190:107, a_ov_Pepe_160928.760;428;7….jpg)


Still the Fucken Funniest!


24d790  No.2696404

Have for 17 years…nothing has changed except

that now I am banned from EVERYTHING

b86802  No.2696405

Relax, everyone. The waiting is always the 'blah 'phase.

Don't be concerned. Don't troll. The world is what it is, and what it is is a shitbox—full of hatred and vile people.

Keep looking out, and have faith. God wins this… somehow…

Perhaps the time isn't ours. Maybe the victory comes at some point in the distant future.

6bd981  No.2696406


I don’t think, “normies,” means what you think it means. Normies are the average person. They are the folks just trying to movement through life the best they can and who have come to trust that the society and gov they are used to are doing the best they can. There are a few Loonies that have bought full-in of the Cabal’s fuckery. They are not normies. They will never be swayed by truth. Anyone that fits, “normie,” has the potential of being awakened. And that is MOST people.

96b263  No.2696407



I fucking don't care. I'm sick of this shit, fuck you.

f62feb  No.2696408


agreed it has slowed down but maybe because more have taken to reddit for ease of communications and understanding

a41321  No.2696409


The biggest lie in the world is the holohoax and WWII. Our current "cabal" system literally revolves ONLY around this one foundational myth.

This has been utterly proven six million fucking ways from sunday over the past decades and especially the past decade on the internet.

Deal with it.

707dcf  No.2696410

File: 4d2f2c87439ee42⋯.jpg (293.33 KB, 570x488, 285:244, climate_negotiators.jpg)

a8fb12  No.2696411


>if shit at midterms goes to hell

not gonna happen

if you doubt then you are watching MSM

stop watching

e9765f  No.2696412

File: 4ca12e66fd48457⋯.jpg (115.91 KB, 600x500, 6:5, MF.jpg)

f3a49e  No.2696413


This is actually a very significant connection. People are awake to fake news now. More than ever. Once the connection to zionist jews is made, the enemy overlord will be revealed

4e654a  No.2696414

File: 185e8d44f304e25⋯.jpeg (10.29 KB, 251x248, 251:248, pepe_lol.jpeg)


It's as if he's been here before KEK

538d60  No.2696415

File: 154e8469757a114⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 480x533, 480:533, 154ee8469757a1149f8fc63a0b….jpg)

File: 908e4e439d3f7f3⋯.png (302.53 KB, 470x467, 470:467, khlkhlkhklh.png)

File: 45c82d72e336e61⋯.jpg (25.6 KB, 360x328, 45:41, ad62e629964626b123cfc91494….jpg)

Nobody has harmed Trump more than Sessions.

Sessions just resign already.

dfc645  No.2696416

File: 328f8be58a65f59⋯.jpg (50.9 KB, 344x419, 344:419, SNOWDEN.jpg)

c75ef3  No.2696418

File: 7ef25c3985a5386⋯.png (839.06 KB, 702x543, 234:181, CB - Copy.PNG)

8dfe65  No.2696419


Strange that Turkey turned a russian pawn.

ad1394  No.2696420

File: d3a3069be1a2c4a⋯.jpg (340.52 KB, 1255x743, 1255:743, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-….jpg)

8cac38  No.2696421

File: 6b11dff5be1e266⋯.png (416.73 KB, 803x506, 73:46, shepersisted.png)


Tardbot will not quit, however stupid it is to continue.. The power of AbsoluteFailure.

a8fb12  No.2696422


aka niggertoe

79345e  No.2696423


What Rex says doesn't matter since it's a plea deal and won't go to court. Cohen pled guilty to a charge that wasn't even a crime.

801d67  No.2696424

File: 217642af6c0614a⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 515x350, 103:70, 217642af6c0614acabe87844a5….jpg)

e7268a  No.2696425

File: d7f05a7ddf8a5c7⋯.jpg (111.36 KB, 584x184, 73:23, you-know-that-road.jpg)


I'm here.

Other option is to make sure they are afraid to walk the streets sit on their bench in court or ignore all of us taxed to pay for their bullshit.

That option will always be there, unpleasant as it is.

I am hoping this time is different because of the internet.

To quote someone we all know, let's see what happens…

ae526b  No.2696426


jim's just glad he's sober enough to read. go back and check out his shit on O&A. if anyone heard half of what he said on there he'd have no career

b3de28  No.2696427


Seems like you replied to a journalist. We know how short their attention span and knowledge typically are.

952097  No.2696428


Thank you PsalmAnon. You timing is impeccable. :)

24d790  No.2696429


Why did Satherfag even talk to him? Everyone

knew it was going to be an edited trainwreck

405830  No.2696430

File: 95c5b7b99094115⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1267x976, 1267:976, Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at ….png)

becc2c  No.2696431


gog and magog

49dc15  No.2696432


Yeah well this is the first Trump rally I've seen where he started stumbling over his words at the end of the rally and showed visibly obvious signs of intimidation

Trump and Q aren't fucking invincible and if you think they are you've been fooled. If Trump and Q can't rid this fucking nation of their filth guess whos responsibility it will be???


08ec32  No.2696433

File: e72c69b9ccae117⋯.jpeg (27.9 KB, 474x460, 237:230, PepeVengeance.jpeg)



Awan makes Julius and Ethel Rosenberg look like Ricky and Lucy.

Definite candidate for death penalty

50b28b  No.2696434

File: 805f29d070a6473⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, Frickin'Kek.png)

aeac07  No.2696435


dats what mammy used to call them

931acf  No.2696436

File: d12c0aa41f3651c⋯.jpg (25.14 KB, 500x277, 500:277, IMG_1151.JPG)

a87869  No.2696437


I wonder what DISCOVERY involved in this case…

I have a feeling it is just beginning for these asswipes.

These efforts are building a case for Military Tribunal with everlasting results.

a8fb12  No.2696438


>elect Republican shitbags to Congress.

yeah that is the goal

POTUS said so at his rallies

didnt you watch?

76c872  No.2696439


I'm a lawyer. Go back to your gay sex.

cab3cc  No.2696440


Sorry Anon, you are genuine, I accept that.

Please do your best, your theory would actually make sense on a number of levels.

418c03  No.2696441


Amen and Amen. Lord let it be so.

8862aa  No.2696442

File: aaf5e133953c33d⋯.jpg (161.77 KB, 640x480, 4:3, pussypussy.jpg)

2fd59c  No.2696443

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJdNwfvA64c

"Chatting with a 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist"

this dude seems to know what's up.

cb6191  No.2696444


most disheartening that none are being arrested, their crimes being loudly announced to the world so the people who have walked away from us, see this shits real & come back.

More disheartening is the crimes they continue to commit and get away with. Crimes against children, murdering innocent citizen journalists, investigators doing their jobs, media who threaten exposure BUT NOTHING fucking happens to them. Even now with the World watching, knowing what they do, knowing events they're guilty for committing… WHY DOESN'T DOJ DO SOMETHING

I just do not get it; any of us would be arrested only on suspicion of the crimes they commit but in spite of all the evidence pointing at them, they commit them with impunity.

So I get the 'past' stuff needs digging and proving but the stuff right in front of us where their guilt is so blatantly evident ……….. why?

POTUS changing the schedule doesn't particularly instill hope that we are winning either to be honest.

I have felt at the end of my rope so many times, I may just travel to Gitmo to stand on the gallows myself.

Possible? pretty sure a very long line would follow. We could bill the trip as a World Class vacation destination & charge for the 'rooms'

6ed7a2  No.2696445

Did anyone else hear Trump say something about "Kavanaugh can't lose, he's from Central Casting"? the captions cut it out

76680f  No.2696446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your style action!

c1f9d7  No.2696447

File: 67ca35963d116a1⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Trump-Make-America-Great-A….jpg)

Time to shame those who watch Monday Night Football?

Trump blasts ESPN’s decision not to televise national anthem

During his rally in West Virginia on Tuesday night, Trump characterized ESPN’s skipping of the national anthem before NFL games as unpatriotic.

“It was just announced by ESPN that rather than defending our anthem — our beautiful, beautiful national anthem and defending our flag — they’ve decided that they just won’t broadcast when they play the national anthem,” Trump said, sparking a chorus of boos from the audience. “We don’t like that.”

“The ESPN thing was terrible.”


22c146  No.2696448


Go to a rally you fuck and then say nothing is happening.

8cac38  No.2696450

File: feb9228214ff4bb⋯.png (64.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SOON.png)

a41321  No.2696451


Wow what a shock.

An australian unfunny perverted drunk that gets paychecks from jews wanted to take a dump on the Q anon story. Wow who could have predicted that?

The problem is still nazis though right?

And antifa which was started by jews and fought the nazis are supposedly the real nazis or something right?

This is so stupid Q you better just let that whole part of this go. You don't need to lie Q. The deep state is universally hated there is no reason to try and save the cabal version of USA post WWII history.

a8fb12  No.2696452


you say so but here you be

hang in there

it will turn out as we hope

b53ee3  No.2696454

File: a416ff453f097c2⋯.png (619.37 KB, 714x610, 357:305, braverman eric wedding nei….PNG)

File: 8f11b8ede553c79⋯.png (27.92 KB, 809x149, 809:149, braverman eric daddy aka s….PNG)

File: ec2c8398be818f5⋯.png (72.57 KB, 517x646, 517:646, braverman eric google brow….PNG)

File: a9bf7186928f848⋯.png (30.79 KB, 887x595, 887:595, BRAVERMAN AKAS THREE MORE.PNG)



Mr. Braverman, 41, is a senior fellow at the Yale Jackson Institute for Global Affairs in New Haven, where he teaches graduate students and conducts research on innovation and ethics in government. He is also the chief executive of Rex Group, a consultancy in Washington that focuses on strategy, organization and governance. From 2013 to 2015, he was the chief executive of the Clinton Foundation in New York. He graduated summa cum laude from Yale, from which he also received a law degree.

He is the son of Cindi Hasit of Cherry Hill, N.J., and Stanley M. Braverman of New York, and is the stepson of Maryanne P. Braverman and of Yakir Hasit.


eric daddy aka BROWERMAN pic

Stanley Braverman is 70 years old and was born on 7/4/1948. Currently, he lives in New York, NY; and previously lived in Danbury, CT and New Haven, CT. Sometimes Stanley goes by various nicknames including Stanley M Braverman and Stanley Browerman. His ethnicity is Middle Eastern American, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; and religious views are listed as Jewish. Stanley is now married. Other family members and associates include Michael Braverman and Eric Braverman. He has a reported annual income of $100,000 - $149,999 and a current net worth value of $250,000 - $499,999.


google knows PIC


Stan Braverman


Stanley Browerman

Stanley Braverman

Stanley Raverman

b3de28  No.2696455


Might be right. Hard to say.

bc94d3  No.2696456

Did anyone catch Levin just now?

He just repeated verbatim the Great Awakening post from Reddit that Q posted last night

96b263  No.2696457


I just want to see the results Q has been alluding to for the past 11 months. Don't get me wrong, there have been some but America is still fucked as it stands. I honestly don't see how California can be reformed. Or how these muslim enclaves can be eradicated. And I'm just so sick of it. Everyday, it's just something else. It needs to change and now.

76c872  No.2696458


I did. I know. I was just hoping qualified, patriotic, honest candidates would be on the ballot, not more of the same.

038aef  No.2696459

Maybe POTUS is showing us how much we will be needing the military tribunals!!

041b18  No.2696460

File: 381df5ba57cbac5⋯.jpg (322.74 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, Jesussays.jpg)

30af16  No.2696461


let me know if anything should be added or removed, suggestions welcomed

>>2695941 NATO Launches Largest War Games In Decades To Be Staged In Latvia called Saber Strike

>>2695948 Judicial Watch finds connections between No Name and the IRS (Lois Lerner and others)

>>2695990 CIA used the code-word ‘Pizza’ and the location was a Beirut Pizza Hut

>>2696065 Chinese hackers probed Alaska websites during governor’s trade mission

>>2696074 Trust HUBER.

>>2696077 Human trafficking raid in India rescues 28 girls; 4 held

>>2696105 Germany going around US sanctions

>>2696138 WH updates

>>2696369 New Flynn court filing

>>2696375 UK MSM HAS GONE FULL FEAR PORN (WW3 looms because of Turkey)

73b565  No.2696462

File: b2c4a9a09e09c80⋯.jpg (76.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, shill-chicken.jpg)

turn on your masters.

fuck the system.

ad1394  No.2696463

>>2695124 (lb)


Like Europe, the US is being conquered in real time. We've lost Michigan and pockets around America. The first step to Sharia law is being implemented in Texas with formal Islamic law tribunals.

Contact your State reps and get them to pass laws against the Islamic tribunals (at minimum). If you have direct democracy, use it. I know some states are lost, but if you're in the right jurisdiction, get moving.

b53ee3  No.2696464


Stan Braverman


Stanley Browerman

Stanley Braverman

Stanley Raverman


e60a1e  No.2696465

File: b4d9a2c735cd4a1⋯.png (53.63 KB, 792x700, 198:175, hahahaneckyourself.png)

879cfa  No.2696466

File: 9ffe73cfb092c50⋯.png (23.31 KB, 189x107, 189:107, ClipboardImage.png)


if you dont see hope you need to leave

i think these are by far the most exciting times in the history of mankind

a million years in the making leading up to this age old fight of darkness vs light

good vs evil

shit has been happening non stop

all the justices from WV were impeached less than a week ago!

FOUR in one day


cebfa6  No.2696467


In 2013 after fleeing Hawaii, Edward Snowden stayed in The Mira as he announced that he had leaked classified documents of the National Security Agency (NSA). 118 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong


f62feb  No.2696468

File: b4775584f03b253⋯.png (223.61 KB, 698x920, 349:460, YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE.png)


new flynn court filing updated check it

aeac07  No.2696469


The current law enforcement and justice system is certainly Tango Uniform.

705886  No.2696470

Jim Jefferies just did a piece on Q anon had the guy from destroying the illusion.https://youtu.be/VGrfN3v5JL8

a8fb12  No.2696471


> visibly obvious signs of intimidation

projection much?

KYS shillfag

d56a4f  No.2696472

File: 6269c87dd8aaa5b⋯.jpg (872.06 KB, 1808x2540, 452:635, Letter-Q-Comfy-Night.jpg)

ad1394  No.2696473


crap, meant to tag this post >>2695125 (lb)

400ce2  No.2696474


We don't have time to wait for these people. Unless we want to spend 100 more years in this, draining the swamp, removing corrupt officials one at a time as Clinton's granddaughter runs for office. Those not are awake are asleep. We don't have time to wait, the children don't have have, the planet doesn't have. It is time everyone woke up, Q has it all, so he should release it and let truth defend itself. Enough is enough.

8cfd41  No.2696475


It has been suspicious from the beginning. Girl goes missing. As do many on a daily basis. Yet this story stuck. Politicians got involved prior to the alleged killer getting caught. end result: iillegal alien and a big political mess. But why so much interest with this case prior to identifying the killer?

08ec32  No.2696476


Gawd, okay

Go watch TV, Golden Girls comes on in a minute

Anger management issues much?

9a28d8  No.2696477

File: 2eb4153cf588853⋯.jpg (590.46 KB, 2612x3322, 1306:1661, Coat_of_arms_of_Kekistan.jpg)

File: 314c62125c8ccff⋯.jpg (67.87 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, LIBERTYORDEATH.jpg)

File: 4c42ba715ecc954⋯.jpg (722.58 KB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, NighCrew.jpg)

File: 95e97b9dd82367e⋯.jpg (491.11 KB, 3000x1960, 75:49, LOADED.jpg)

96e14b  No.2696478


Somehow I don't believe this.


This is a hang-out?

Benghazi is not the reason she had a private server. Sorry.

0bb04f  No.2696479

File: a4177ac1fac149c⋯.png (97.9 KB, 609x589, 609:589, Screenshot_94.png)

6bd981  No.2696480


I love this meme, Anon! Once a soul is AWAKE, it cannot be put back to sleep. And every single minute of every single day, some curious person says to their self, “yes…who IS QAnon?” And then it’s over. They can never venture back up the rabbit hole.

9618d9  No.2696481

UnhappilyNonemployedanon here. Just a quick anecdotal story for doubteranons, as I sense there is a bit of discomfort/light panic with today’s news. Today I gave a ride (Think: Uber/Lyft) to a gal who was working/volunteering with a charity in town, this charity teaches the new D voters how to wipe their asses with TP and not their hand, not to piss in our streets, not hump the display dummies at the local store, not piss or crap in the public pools, etc. Today they were teaching a new batch of niggers from some African country, but she lamented, DJT’s policies are stemming the flow of these nasty fucks. Chin up, faggots, shit don't happen overnight.

79345e  No.2696482



Because it's critical to get the majority of the world to understand what's going on in this country. Hence the purpose of this board. We need the critical mass on our side.

418c03  No.2696483



Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

358513  No.2696484

Well Q linked to plebbit before so why not, eh?


30af16  No.2696485


kek adding this link to it

c668d8  No.2696486




Gold star great, anon!

1e36d3  No.2696487

File: 94ec1681d779b92⋯.png (7.11 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, MM_Matt_Couch.png)

File: b07c5e2cb9c648f⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1568x1582, 112:113, Marvin_Marvin_Law.png)

All on one map - Chelsea Clinton, Mark Mezvinsky wedding location, Marvin & Marvin Law Firm (letter to Matt Couch re: Seth Rich), Aleister Crowley Esopus Island, Church of Satan, CIA Hyde Park (Culinary Institute of America), Vanderbilt Estate, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors, Newtown/Sandy Hook, Connecticut, West Point USMA, Witches meet up group New Paltz, Poughkeepsie Witches, Ellenville Blue Devils, Rapper Malone's plane lands in Newburgh.

d973e7  No.2696488

File: 9adc980cfd26bac⋯.jpg (71.19 KB, 1199x674, 1199:674, DYdbbfRXcAElcKt.jpg)

b86802  No.2696489


Trust in God only. Every man is a liar and and a vessel used by the Devil to serve his own selfish end. It does not belong to man even to direct his own step.

ef19e3  No.2696490


Mueller is a punk and extreme bully.

I pray Mueller and Rosenstein get all they deserve!! …and soon.

a41321  No.2696491


Thanks for the positive feedback.

But this is a connection that was made about ten fucking years ago. Do you understand what I am telling you?

e0946c  No.2696492


POTUS has our MI, NSA, & all Govt resources & Laws in his playbook

first off MI is an oxymoron, common knowledge in the military.

NSA bitch please, the holes in the hardware are not only known by them but controlled. They cannot be trusted, they were knee deep in prism since the 90's/

Laws? the ones they applied to Hillary, yes right cry me a river.

Do not ignore reality, you are no better than the buttercups and snowflakes when you are so disconnected from it.

The law does not apply to them, that's why trump campaign goes to prison, hillary's folks get immunity.

Go dream up some more bullshit and reach until you loose this momentum.

d51d26  No.2696493


You’re obviously no military fag… there is nothing like the russian S-400.

e65630  No.2696494


Pretty white girl. Same old story.

8cac38  No.2696495

File: 59a4bad805779dc⋯.png (826.09 KB, 755x558, 755:558, sp1.png)

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: c200d191f65a8e5⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1108x1353, 1108:1353, Jesus2.png)


Christ controls you

Christ rules over you

Christ commands you

Christ destroys you

Cowering, failing, helpless bot

Christ is everything that you're not.


27dc61  No.2696496

File: 80906c2df26fe33⋯.jpg (266.56 KB, 993x981, 331:327, BrennanIsAnApe.jpg)

6b5932  No.2696497


They were not shills, there was a real problem.

Welcome back Baker!

af5ddb  No.2696498


Are you sure the animals were not fucking them?

02d677  No.2696499


Hollywood Jesus (selfie)

96e14b  No.2696500


I agree. Anything promoted by the mainstream is suspicious. And the social media comment "I hate Whites"

No she didn't

a8fb12  No.2696501


i hear ya

its not up to individuals at this point

the system has to be deconstructed and rebuilt with integrity and the rule of law so elected officials can avoid corruption

that is why it is difficult and takes time

f3a49e  No.2696502


Doesn't matter that it was exposed. Matters that people are paying attention

ef19e3  No.2696503


Not what we called them back in the day!!

0bb04f  No.2696504

File: 3d06ec66b13483c⋯.png (33.08 KB, 618x290, 309:145, Screenshot_95.png)

931acf  No.2696505

maybe you didn;t cook the frozen pizza all the way through and that is why your are having spiritual diarrhea

88e378  No.2696506


Media clearly thought it would not be an illlegal.

cab3cc  No.2696507



Sheep, Sheepdogs, and Wolves.

Forgot about that.

There's a meme there somwehere, :)

08ec32  No.2696508

Hannity, Geraldo and Gorka are talking about how the Mollie Tibbetts case can easily become a springboard for the whole immigration shitshow.

Will be interesting to see, but I think so, too.

Burn in hell, murderer. You could start a lottery for people who'd be willing to shoot him.

dc65aa  No.2696509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Attempt to UNITE the boards ones again

96b263  No.2696510

File: 45dab3a73615501⋯.jpg (112.79 KB, 929x800, 929:800, 14347063406662.jpg)


>why you so angry

>it's not like your country and your offsprings future are being destroyed in front of your very eyes

Kill yourself.

79cf48  No.2696511

File: 48a5b037bd4b9fd⋯.png (517.87 KB, 645x669, 215:223, Newsbusters Tweet re MSNBC….PNG)

File: 223b965ce47e332⋯.png (551.74 KB, 623x840, 89:120, Newsbusters 1 re MSNBC Fil….PNG)

File: a9e96b2445d3dd9⋯.png (68.46 KB, 608x750, 304:375, Newsbusters 2 re MSNBC Fil….PNG)

MSNBC Guest Dismisses Mollie Tibbetts as Some ‘Girl in Iowa’ ‘Fox News Is Talking About’


96e14b  No.2696512


You're a fame fag liar.

And I'm Barbara Bush.

667a1c  No.2696513

for the first time EVER, im not phonefaggin, and its magnificent….

How did i ever do it? ive been torturing myself since November!

f62feb  No.2696514

30af16  No.2696515

Notable Bun #3304

>>2695941 NATO Launches Largest War Games In Decades To Be Staged In Latvia called Saber Strike

>>2695948 Judicial Watch finds connections between No Name and the IRS (Lois Lerner and others)

>>2695990 CIA used the code-word ‘Pizza’ and the location was a Beirut Pizza Hut

>>2696065 Chinese hackers probed Alaska websites during governor’s trade mission

>>2696074 Trust HUBER.

>>2696077 Human trafficking raid in India rescues 28 girls; 4 held

>>2696105 Germany going around US sanctions

>>2696138 WH updates

>>2696369 >>2696468 New Flynn court filing

>>2696375 UK MSM HAS GONE FULL FEAR PORN (WW3 looms because of Turkey)

7dc903  No.2696516

File: 47e6f4ab2699af4⋯.jpeg (176.21 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6FDAA5A5-418A-45E8-9F4B-1….jpeg)

did anyone else notice Trump's central casting remark? we are watchmg a movie confirmed


dang, hi Mark if you are on here

great show

1eece0  No.2696517

File: f4647bf193c3c22⋯.png (244.22 KB, 892x504, 223:126, ClipboardImage.png)

FBI, CIA, BLM, DHS: They’e all private contractors paid to kill Americans like LaVoy Finicum

Government-Sponsored Terrorism Revealed

This is an oldie, but goodie, a final gift from a good man who spent three decades in the FBI back when the FBI was worth spitting on.

Read it with the realization that what he was reporting on back in 2011 has continued.

This whole situation came to our attention shortly after Ted Gunderson gave his testimony (below), but of course, we knew that the “government” involved in this harassment and racketeering wasn’t actually a government at all.

Once you understand that what we are witnessing is “color of law” operations by commercial mercenaries disguised as government agencies, it all makes sense.

The FBI isn’t part of our government. It’s a private, for-profit subcontractor of the Municipal United States, operated by a Holding Company calling itself THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, which also runs the BLM.

These are all private subcontractors of the Municipal United States Government swaggering around and “assuming” that they have authority to exercise the powers of our actual government—when they don’t.

Think: glorified Mall Cops, mercenaries, private security forces under the command of unaccountable foreign corporations operating on our shores without our knowledge or consent, racketeering, harassing, collecting protection money under force, illegally confiscating private property, thieving, pillaging — all under color of law and for profit, right here in America — while you are paying billions for “defense” and police forces that are supposed to protect you.

If this scares you and outrages you, it should.

Why do you think we took action and issued the General Civil Orders to the Joint Chiefs back in 2013? Alerting them to the problem and ordering them to clamp down on these yahoos?

That’s called “denying the Joint Chiefs plausible deniability” and that is what is called for in this situation. Every member of Congress, every General, every senior Bureaucrat—- all need to be hounded and informed — on the record, officially, provably, until their ears bleed.

The men in the field need to know that they have no legitimate “government” authority. They need to know that they don’t have a real office, oath of office, or government bond behind them. And all these politicians and “agencies” need to know that we are wise to it. Fed up with it.

Those men who killed LaVoy Finicum?

They are literally hired foreign mercenaries. The vermin are ambushing and murdering their own actual employers and getting applause for it from other idiots who think these criminals represent the forces of Law and Order.

And all of this is being done under “color of law”.


931acf  No.2696518

File: a64039bf5f840f7⋯.png (55.99 KB, 590x288, 295:144, asshole.png)

b3de28  No.2696519


You must love when David Brock cums in your braindead mouth.

ae526b  No.2696520


we're here not to drag 'normies' or whatever to 8chan but to take what we know out into the world and make what is coming something that's remotely acceptable. if you're a reasonable human being with the knowledge we've gained here it shouldn't be too hard

ff69bb  No.2696521

File: d2bcdd71fdd179b⋯.jpg (110.74 KB, 608x397, 608:397, iu (15).jpg)

f0c4e5  No.2696522

File: 48768822c9dd648⋯.png (887.64 KB, 1106x1179, 1106:1179, Newsweek_Japan.png)



Tuesday, August 21, 2018 15:00



Notable: All for a LARP - Japanese Edition

429e59  No.2696523


We KNOW you are not on a Witch Hunt…

Its Q who's leading the WH. Against HRC et al

1fea8b  No.2696524


Too many punch able faces in the DS.

931acf  No.2696525

File: 123ee2fa8e6322a⋯.jpg (110.28 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_0335.JPG)

02d677  No.2696526


Most won't bother trying - not worth the effort

c65558  No.2696527


That raging narcissism..

Hey brian.

8cac38  No.2696528

File: 083b39b855f014b⋯.png (542.95 KB, 788x788, 1:1, dwarfs.png)


You're a huge joke. Everything you do is futile.. Calculate it and see, ROFL.

43eba0  No.2696529



We finally have a LEADER who is on our Side who has put his & his families lives in jeopardy FOR OUR FREEDOMS, FUTURE & OUR CHILDREN!

Wake up! Be loud! You do not have to be violent to be loud & not relent! This is OUR COUNTRY! They work for US! Stop allowing other people to make decisions for you! DEMAND TRUTH! DEMAND TRUTH!

Our Government should NEVER OWN US! It is supposed to be a branch of AMERICANS that work to PROTECT our Country & her PEOPLE!

Re-Read our Constitution & Bill of Rights! DEMAND YOUR FREEDOMS!

Freedom is NON NEGOTIABLE! Our RIGHTS are NON NEGOTIABLE! The Fabric of our country is NON NEGOTIABLE!

e7268a  No.2696530


I'm deep in the woods and all that mess seems to be elsewhere so far. A few illegals that get BTFO if they do much of anything weird, a few dirty cops everyone knows about, but the game warden handles them if they get out of hand.

The rest?

2nd amendment and the Declaration make it clear about what can happen. As the economy implodes, the pain will be immense. Fingers will point, Bullshit tolerance will disappear.

It either gets set right by our nebulous plan or else it gets set right when everyone has nothing left to lose.

f98e14  No.2696531

Ryan removes GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter from committee assignments following indictment

27dc61  No.2696532

File: b66187487d59d77⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ShillTards.jpg)

cab3cc  No.2696533


Too true.

In a foxhole, you discover the veneer of civilization is very thin indeed.

038aef  No.2696534


…At the same time we also have what's called….



Per the new EO's POTUS has signed, the Military tribunals can use and incorporate any evidence/testimony from the public courts!!


be7c57  No.2696535


Has this guy EVER been right?

a41321  No.2696536


I will trust in myself and what I know to be fact and what is fiction.

Imagine you telling a police detective to only trust in what god told him in prayer rather than what said police detective could find out with his own eyes, ears, hands and contacts.

This is why you fuckers are not to be listened to. Save that gobbledygook for church.

Prayer is not taking down the cabal.

Evidence is.l

08ec32  No.2696537


Oh, do shut up and sit down.

Been watching this mess since FBI Anon in early 2016.

Noobs are so annoying.

Fuck, my divorce took 18 months to complete almost 20 years ago. Anybody who thinks the law is going to move fast is deluded.

49dc15  No.2696538


You can see him loose his roll at the end very easily. He stumbled all over his speech when he was talking about the elite and being in his top floor apartment or whatever then promptly switched it up to a god speech to get the rally back in line

931acf  No.2696539

File: b45568ddd7a4b2d⋯.jpg (128.52 KB, 940x788, 235:197, IMG_0017.JPG)

f98e14  No.2696540

File: 18ad6bb20957b5c⋯.jpg (163.21 KB, 972x903, 324:301, 1.JPG)

File: 62fff273ea2a8b4⋯.jpg (72.51 KB, 504x495, 56:55, 2.JPG)



30af16  No.2696541



sorry anon repost next bread please, I'll add it

c1f9d7  No.2696542


Eric Holder, you are so fucked.

Day of the Rope…soon.

405830  No.2696543

File: 88af43a1efe46e6⋯.jpg (9.84 KB, 172x255, 172:255, cd38dc7ec43a70c42c92db497a….jpg)

667a1c  No.2696544


i knew it

we're surrounded by assholes!

4d24e6  No.2696545


We look forward to your trial and verdict Eric. Hope you didn't purger yourself, murder anyone, misuse your office, or supply weapons to our enemies.

96b263  No.2696547


>Been watching this mess since FBI Anon in early 2016

Holy fuck please kill yourself.

e7268a  No.2696548


Wow - as if he had a choice. What a paytriot Ryan is…

771e96  No.2696549

File: 133049f690bb5f0⋯.jpg (43.99 KB, 400x277, 400:277, praying-on-knees.jpg)

Praying !

f4bb17  No.2696550


He will be claiming Kenya before it's over.


You're Old And FOS

a8fb12  No.2696551


that is why the GA must be based on a spiritual foundation

every day BS wont cut it anymore

we already won just wait and see

bigger than you can imagine

a87869  No.2696553


Personal opinion:

The MSM is still controlled thru compromised (whitehat) mockingbird ops.

In some stories where the news "backfires" on liberals, I feel that they are being "led & fed" the sauce to destroy themselves and the narrative of old times.

Basically I think "Q team" knew who killed her being illegal, and let the news bite.

(they would know- remember she had cellphone!)

Of course my elaborate opinion only.

b09e8f  No.2696554

File: a8ece28229169e7⋯.jpg (201.42 KB, 1280x938, 640:469, ComfyShades.jpg)




931acf  No.2696555

File: f45d3625d3ed8e5⋯.jpg (86.99 KB, 640x623, 640:623, IMG_0132.JPG)

MyAA sponsor beleived in me

until he killed those rothschilds with a helicopter

49dc15  No.2696558


I'm in a liberal cesspit myself. I've got the Q stick vibrantly visible on my vehicle. Hoping I'll meet some good people

08ec32  No.2696559


Is that the only song you know?

LOL, goodbye shill.

8cac38  No.2696560


How do you feel about the fact that BO is a bot? Because people need to stand up and fight THAT, right HERE, IMO.

a41321  No.2696561


Hope so fren. Hope so.

e9765f  No.2696562

File: ea477a59edab045⋯.jpg (403.92 KB, 1200x1780, 60:89, Loaf.jpg)

4d24e6  No.2696564


I'll have a drink to that.

e0946c  No.2696565


I love it when little bitches that don't know anything put on pom poms and skirts

get your pom poms bitch.

f893ce  No.2696566

File: 8d50f53ec27710c⋯.jpg (144.5 KB, 870x490, 87:49, 3d-movies.jpg)


You're in the Wrong theater!


Get a refund & check out the Main Feature!

931acf  No.2696568

tards for FRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27dc61  No.2696569

God bless you all frens

8fe85a  No.2696570

File: e37946ced12c6c3⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 765x375, 51:25, half-life-3a.jpg)

Being here with all the anons feels like playing Half life 3 without a crowbar.

0bcbf4  No.2696571

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Love me some E8!

(no homo)

43eba0  No.2696572


ANswer this one question….

Why are you HERE on this board if you truly believe all of what you just said?

1e36d3  No.2696573

File: b510defae3ff23d⋯.png (607.45 KB, 1063x963, 1063:963, Hey_Girl_3_dots.png)

b3de28  No.2696574


For sure. Only warriors truly know how to persevere, when it looks like all is lost. It sure sorts out the posers.

e9765f  No.2696575

File: 427ee313af6e507⋯.png (425 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe-AW.png)

f3292c  No.2696576

File: a94e8e0c9222862⋯.jpg (27.35 KB, 600x298, 300:149, Rosensteins-Wife-600x298.jpg)

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein’s Wife Also Has Extensive Ties to the Clintons, Mueller and Comey

Senator Lindsey Graham sent a letter on Thursday to Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein about whether Rosenstein should recuse himself from the Mueller investigation due to his obvious conflicts with the case.

Graham should also request information about Rosenstein’s wife who represented the Clintons in the past.

According to sources as reported at FOX News –

Top Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is pressing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on whether the Justice Department official should recuse himself from the Robert Mueller investigation due to his own connections to the case. In a letter obtained by Fox News, Graham, R-S.C., asked Rosenstein whether he considers himself a “potential witness” in the Mueller probe in connection with the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

“If so, should you recuse yourself from further interactions with and oversight of the Mueller investigation?” Graham asked.

Graham, in the May 31-dated letter, cited reports that Mueller’s investigation is looking at whether President Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey – and the fact that Trump relied on a Rosenstein-authored memo to justify the firing. Rosenstein’s role was further detailed in a New York Times report earlier this week on a memo written by ousted FBI official Andrew McCabe.

Fox News has confirmed that the memo described a meeting where Rosenstein claimed Trump had asked him to reference Russia in his recommendation to fire Comey. Rosenstein declined, and instead focused on Comey’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe. Trump pushed back on the account Thursday. “Not that it matters but I never fired James Comey because of Russia! The Corrupt Mainstream media loves to keep pushing that narrative, but they know it is not true!” Trump tweeted.

See below for more information on Senator Graham’s request –

Rosenstein has many conflicts of interest related to the Mueller investigation as well as Mueller and Mueller’s entire team as we pointed out in early May. The Mueller investigation is arguably the most one-sided and conflicted group of lawyers and investigators in history. They all are conflicted.

But Rosenstein may be more conflicted than the entire gang. Rosenstein wrote the letter for President Trump recommending Comey’s firing. This alone should disqualify him and the entire investigation from taking place.

Rosenstein and Mueller were both heavily involved in the Uranium One case where the Obama Administration and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton allowed the sale of 20% of the US’s uranium to Russia. This was the Russian scandal involving our government. This is what the DOJ should be investigating and Rosenstein should recuse himself from that as well.

But one other conflict of interest that Rosenstein has is related to his wife.

Rosenstein’s wife, Lisa Barsoomian, represented Bill Clinton in a case in the 1990’s. This alone should be enough for Rosenstein to be unqualified for any role related to the Clintons, Obama or their cronies.


b41f7f  No.2696577

File: 95e9f6efe226994⋯.jpg (293.83 KB, 2514x1758, 419:293, QResearch Blues shills.jpg)

aeac07  No.2696578


>Kill yourself.

Good regurgitation of overused and unimaginative words and phrases. Cliché-esque.

cb6191  No.2696579

>>2696479 without hope there is nothing so what choice is there

eyem missing muh people is all, been a few years now.. also hard waiting to not be 'crazy' again

a41321  No.2696580


What he means is you have not suffered like us 30 somethings that were on this since 9112001. Almost twenty years of this shit. INB4 the cooper fags that say they were on aliens before that or some stupid dumb shit.

c7b5dc  No.2696581

anon did we do it did anyone real reply to tiresas

a8fb12  No.2696582


you are only seeing a part of reality anon

there is much more to life than what you described

that is why things are the way they are - you are limiting your view

expand your thinking and your mind

do not rely only on "facts"

4c85a4  No.2696583

File: 0acfc956bf57d84⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2gbjz4.jpg)

c1f9d7  No.2696584

File: 20c319b1152065a⋯.jpg (104.95 KB, 500x624, 125:156, crysecurity.jpg)

931acf  No.2696585

File: d44f9529c541840⋯.jpg (43.77 KB, 500x495, 100:99, IMG_0149.JPG)


217002  No.2696586

File: 46f7189ccadab12⋯.png (409.84 KB, 706x698, 353:349, ClipboardImage.png)

need a morale booster

a48d79  No.2696588


Is that you, noname? I didn't think you could use a keyboard?

e9765f  No.2696589

File: 099ebc4078aeb86⋯.jpg (169.41 KB, 1200x963, 400:321, shhad.jpg)

0bb04f  No.2696590

File: 3728448bf64bc53⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1919x734, 1919:734, Screenshot_96.png)

30af16  No.2696591

File: d024d98f728f5ea⋯.png (391.01 KB, 721x340, 721:340, ClipboardImage.png)

4ec15d  No.2696592

aeac07  No.2696593


Sound assessment.

27dc61  No.2696594


Who killed more humans?

a61a59  No.2696595

File: 74d614417664ded⋯.jpg (97.09 KB, 900x600, 3:2, itwontsuckitself.jpg)


>I'm getting a sinking feeling that everyone here is getting played.

Your instincts are very likely correct.

But, many of us figured that out within the last 2 months.

931acf  No.2696596



3756b1  No.2696597


drudge sucks.

49dc15  No.2696598






b09e8f  No.2696599

File: 0ee34fb5fb6d994⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, Shadilay.jpg)


Let it storm. What a wonderful show!

Shadilay, fren.

3dbf61  No.2696600

File: e869ffed83d7bb8⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 476x368, 119:92, d0a28095027db81750e0ddb202….jpg)

b36f63  No.2696601


You're the guy that was on the receiving end of "blanket parties" in boot camp.

Taking all bets at 15:1 odds.

Over and fucking out.

e080fe  No.2696602


2 anons, 2 by ebot, ebot doesn't count

b00bbc  No.2696603


The evil is real. The ugly is real. Its really true, especially today. Lannie Davis lied in his tweet, outright lied. They are so desperate. Its almost time to expose them all.

Patience truly is a virtue. I am neither a boomer or a millenial (Don't really think it has anything to do with anything). I am an American, a patriot who has lived long enough to trust the process. I have seen those who claimed innocence eventually prosecuted for their crime, both in the elite class and in my own personal life.

Do you really think we are the only ones questioning what the hell are they talking about?

I promise all of you screaming on this board right now, people are awake and waking up. They no longer believe those who cry wolf constantly.

God is with us and with those fighting this hidden war.


God bless anons, patriots, Q Q+, POTUS his family and the United States of America.

30af16  No.2696604


muh drudge


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