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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

609734  No.2694266

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Q Research supports attacking terrible ideas with better ones. We believe the use of force only proves a bad argument. We are researchers who deal in open-source information and informed opinion. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Integrity, for in Truth lies Victory.

Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q - Killing The Mockingbird - (2nd in vid series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80s5xuvzCtg

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 08.21.18

>>>/patriotsfight/172 ————————- The Great Awakening (Cap: >>2685833 )

Monday 08.20.18

>>>/patriotsfight/171 ————————- Nothing to See Here (Cap: >>2677514 )

>>2674220 rt >>2674099 ——————- SESSIONS HINTS TO TRUST THE PLAN!

>>>/patriotsfight/170 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. ( Cap: >>2674083 )

>>>/patriotsfight/169 ————————- [Movie 1] Showtime. (had an error, deleted; Cap: >>2674178 ; Cap of both: >>2674392 )

Sunday 08.19.18

>>>/patriotsfight/168 ------------------------- [Cause] & [Effect] (Repost: >>2668232)

>>>/patriotsfight/167 ------------------------- Define 'Projection'... 'Narcissist' (cap: >>2667561 )

Thursday 08.16.18

>>2636358 rt >>2635778 ——————- Timelines change. Watch the budget

>>2634959 rt >>2634937 ——————- UK has problems

>>2634937 rt >>2634794 ——————- Badge of honor - military grade

>>2634368 ————————————– Ref to McCann was not intended

>>2634253 rt >>2634140 ——————- Why did the Podesta Group close?

>>2633895 rt >>2633829, >>2633830 -- Within a week of the last "BOOM" set?

>>2633717 rt >>2633643 ——————- Remember, 'conspiracy' friends, LARPS have access to a full stock of 'original' surveillance photos.

>>2633643 rt >>2633258 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2632125 ————————————– What are shovels used for?

>>2631586 ————————————– PEOPLE must unite to clean out these old institutions.

>>>/patriotsfight/166 ------------------------- Another wave of attacks? (cap: >>2631072 )

>>2630332 rt >>2630212 ——————- Caps of PF #164, #165

>>>/patriotsfight/165 ------------------------- What a coincidence! (Caps: >>2630191 )

>>>/patriotsfight/164 ------------------------- Patriots in control. (Cap: >>2629907 )

>>2628837 rt >>2628758 & >>2628768 Hooah! ; ES = @Snowden (re: >>2628352 )

>>>/patriotsfight/163 ------------------------- What happens if FISA fails or “signers” cannot be trusted? (Cap: >>2628741 )

>>2628569 rt >>2627887 ——————- Nothing to see here.

>>2628352 ————————————– Ask yourself simple questions.

>>2628219 rt >>2628080 ——————- Drops equate to reaction/action?

>>2628048 rt >>2627990 ——————- For anyone questioning if [XBOX] happened or not.

>>2627887 ————————————– Anyone has problems w/ their “XBOX Live” accounts…?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Past Q Posts

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

33358c  No.2694302


are not endorsements


>>2573462 , >>2573531 Archives have been updated: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

>>2462073 1986 U.S. District Court Dost test sets guidelines for No CP images

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2693580 Michael Cohen's Lawyer: Cohen Testified Under Oath That Trump Directed Him To Commit a Crime

>>2693721 Planefag Reports

>>2693866 Owners of Pennsylvania Based Internet Floral Company Sentenced to Prison for Tax Fraud

>>2693879 6.7 Earthquake now

>>2693880 POTUS Schedule Update

>>2694134 Congressman and Wife Indicted for Converting Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Campaign Funds..

>>2694268 #3401


>>2692780, >>2692861, >>2693422 Big 7.3 EQ in Venezuela

>>2692781 POTUS Schedule Update

>>2692820 Trump: 'Very Sad' About Manafort Conviction, But Has Nothing to Do With Russia

>>2692908 Today's Resignations

>>2693047 Pedophile Arrests, Resignations, Sealed Indictments updates

>>2693061 2 Hours ago Police activity at Stewart AFB

>>2693163, >>2693176 Entire Cohen plea deal.

>>2693417, >>2693497 Planefag Reports

>>2693449 Rep. Duncan Hunter and wife indicted in use of campaign funds for personal expenses

>>2693531 #3400


>>2692025, >>2692365, >>2692466 The vagueness in Cohen's language strikes me as odd

>>2692029, >>2692038, >>2692040, >>2692363 Mollie Tibbetts Arrest: Suspect on Immigration Hold

>>2692030 POTUS Schedule Update

>>2692035 Oklahoma judge resigns over accusations of abuse, oppression

>>2692044 Infographic - hot off the press.

>>2692126 Michael Cohen Tells Court He Violated Campaign Finance Law at Direction of ‘Candidate’

>>2692277 Clockfag Update

>>2692514 Further update on Australia's PM

>>2692528 New DJT

>>2692556 'The more you know' connections to CF, Cindy McNoname, Tom Steyer, James Steyer. (Too Small to Fail)

>>2692735 #3399


>>2691259 An Israeli American businessman among those who approached George Papadapolous

>>2691278, >>2691279, >>2691362 Touchdown, plane landed

>>2691312 Full David Brock Confidential Memo On Fighting Trump

>>2691409 Australia's globalist PM in trouble

>>2691412, >>2691624, >>2691702, >>2691809, >>2691845 Planefag Reports

>>2691423 George Tawil and David Ha'ivri are also spies

>>2691430 Continued dig on Ron Brown, B.Clinton's sec commerce, suspicious death

>>2691517 It's Our Government, Not Trump's

>>2691529 Drugs Gang Jailed After Heroin Supply ‘Explosion’ in Khan’s London

>>2691558 Judge Anthony C. Epstein of the Washington, D.C. Superior Court: corrupt DC judge

>>2691690 Regarding Q's post 1930, let me see if I can summarize what just happened between Q and James Comey.

>>2691718, >>2691743, >>2691813 Jury Finds Manafort Guilty on 8 Counts. Judge declares Mistrial on 10 counts.

>>2691965 #3398

#3397 Baker Change

>>2690489 Mueller delays Flynn sentencing AGAIN

>>2690566 OldHistoryHamFag reporting on USAF STRATCOM

>>2690533 UK Veteran of Arctic Convoys Says 'Good to Have Russians as Allies'

>>2690609 Pope will meet sexual abuse victims in Ireland: Vatican

>>2690650 Texas Couple Sentenced for Alien Harboring Scheme Involving Labor Exploitation

>>2690680 Update on world-wide Arrests, Resignations and Indictments

>>2690722 Tuesday’s rally is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.

>>2690740 It's all a movie! Nr. 17

>>2690848 Missing Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts, 20, is found dead..

>>2691072 Moscow Ready To Share Syrian Counterterrorism Experience With Cairo Egyptian Defense Minister Visits Russia

>>2691181 Collected Planefag Reports

>>2691185 #3397

Previously Collected Notables

>>2688740 #3394, >>2689617 #3395, >>2690361 #3396

>>2686596 #3391, >>2687319 #3392, >>2691600 #3393

>>2684200 #3388, >>2684961 #3389, >>2685837 #3390

>>2682833 #3385, >>2682841 #3386, >>2683472 #3387

>>2679507 #3382, >>2680287 #3383, >>2681039 #3384

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

33358c  No.2694306

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>1552095 & >>>/qproofs/49

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677


Resignations Thread ---------------- >>2690944

All Resignations Website ---------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Spread The Word

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Thread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

>>870846 --- The Letter Q - Printable Q Graphics

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>1667382 -- META (for board admin queries)

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>2089271 -- New chat bread (to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here)

>>2178691 -- A Project to Create Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject

>>1739215 -- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>>/qproofs/130

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>2518070 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #2

>>2399939 – Clockwork Qrange #3 & >>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2

>>2529066 – No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462, >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#35 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164, >>>/comms/2176

Q Graphics all in GMT #36-#38 >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>2677671

Q Graphics all in EST

Fresh update of first period EST maps ———————————- >>>/comms/2208 , >>>/comms/2209 , >>>/comms/2210

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

( more at >>>/comms/283 )

33358c  No.2694313

QPosts Archive Sites

* Q Clearance Archive:


QMap Mirrors

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QPosts Archive, Search by Q post number & print: http://qanon.news/posts.html

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools: https://commandandcontrol.center/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* How to archive a website offline >>974637

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>2516402

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>870846 The Letter Q

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

27 >>2466904 26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /qresearch/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

PAVUK ———- Keyword searchable archive of all /qresearch/ general breads & graphics: www.pavuk.com

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.NewsAnon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY


33358c  No.2694323

File: 0ee137b4a073d19⋯.jpg (168.01 KB, 515x699, 515:699, b3b3893dc080c9ef4327679462….jpg)

Dough #3402



bd647f  No.2694324

File: 59218b9a45f78bc⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1663x1189, 1663:1189, sheparsisted.png)

File: 3ed40f9cdf60dc1⋯.png (391.67 KB, 1576x870, 788:435, out.png)

File: 9737d6b7099b8d8⋯.jpg (952.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20180816-155042….jpg)

File: feb9228214ff4bb⋯.png (64.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, SOON.png)

Lol @ the loserbot system

3d980f  No.2694325

Nice snipe, Baker

acd786  No.2694326

File: ccad07509f9bc21⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 450x250, 9:5, Party Time.gif)

Time to MAGA!

ea471f  No.2694327

File: 04c3a074cda08d6⋯.jpg (115.87 KB, 1150x647, 1150:647, PepeComfy.jpg)

How's MOVIE 1 so far? Everybody comfy? Opened with a bang, am I right?

4238b0  No.2694328

Il help you pull noteables Baker Anon. I have done the rally's before its not fun. Backup baker here WRWY

191e96  No.2694329

beautiful baker~ ty~

39a074  No.2694330


Just thinking the same thing, myself.

2e1947  No.2694331

last bread

trump 114

jews 11

f2b75d  No.2694332

>>2694314 (lb)


9ff2c6  No.2694333

File: 6404dff3c79ccc8⋯.gif (97.95 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 04ad389b-2bb7-4f34-a31d-2a….gif)



Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147647154

Nov 2 2017 13:44:21 (EST)

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this:

"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


Chin up fags. You knew this day would come.


33358c  No.2694334


Baker Update

PC crashed just as POTUS said his first words,

just managed to pick it up in time, sorry for IP hop

6d0937  No.2694335

File: 41eac40bc73a410⋯.png (969.41 KB, 694x926, 347:463, 192e3e2365ab3b98b4c7478724….png)

Great work, Baker.

87004f  No.2694336

Unsealed Indictments in the news today:

Tulsa businessman named in Mexican meth ring case seeks release from jail pending trial


U.S. charges two men with serving as agents of Iran


Guy Parisi, politically connected Westchester lawyer, indicted on federal fraud charges


Bitcoin trader arrested for failure to practise security theatre


15 arrested in connection with multistate drug ring operating in Rowan County; more indicted


c9f5cc  No.2694337


So you repeat global warming experiments. Do you huff your farts under the sheets to gauge CO2 effects on your health?


Possibly the dumbest comment of the year.

e7213a  No.2694338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TRUMP TV feed for you.

191e96  No.2694339

Governor Big Jim Justice on the stage

fb863d  No.2694340

That coal thing better be 5D chess. After free energy tech is released, the industry will change completely.

69a6f9  No.2694341

File: f86f2358ef796ab⋯.png (12.47 KB, 612x212, 153:53, ClipboardImage.png)


Are the shills getting this good?

Just got this in a text message-Fake & Gay?

e26df0  No.2694342

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)


oh so comfee

063f69  No.2694343


Bread super shilly, moving at near-record speeds.

78fa6f  No.2694344

POTUS does not have the same enthusiasm and energy as normal…

I don’t think the Cohen thing was part of the plan. Not concernfag. I am confused and worried fag. Trying to trust the plan

d29f23  No.2694345

We're working on a Military PLAN… very special

e76a41  No.2694346

"working on a military plan, something really special"

ed08ed  No.2694347

Trump was talking about coal then said

we are working on a military plan and it's going to be great?

What's coal got to do with the military?

c98a34  No.2694348

If potus is sitting on all of this evidence against the bad guys for almost 2 years now, isn't that almost being complicit in their continued crimes.

849116  No.2694349

File: 7ce772bffd8428f⋯.png (2.75 MB, 2400x1593, 800:531, A7767AE2-EF46-4BC1-ABF7-DB….png)

File: eabf1d52e494390⋯.png (263.88 KB, 538x404, 269:202, 1F653C85-FE39-49E4-93A8-5B….png)

File: 27699768f756435⋯.png (653.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CBEB7FEA-2B92-4654-A138-DB….png)

File: 7b5aeb2ad1b088b⋯.png (7.52 MB, 3000x2143, 3000:2143, DB585936-DA6C-4FBE-BBA6-A3….png)

The soapbox had me cracking up! :)

b535a2  No.2694350

File: 1714c56c7943125⋯.png (190.17 KB, 1316x342, 658:171, Screenshot_2018-08-21 Q Re….png)


TY Baker…..751 nice!

6187ac  No.2694351

Ya can't blow up coal! Stay tuned.

0b4840  No.2694352

File: 012f2d3cebf5baa⋯.png (114.34 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, detectorFAKE&GAY.png)



a3fbfb  No.2694353



Switched devices?

5f74ec  No.2694354

Yay another rally where nothing fucking happens yay

bd647f  No.2694355


"Thank you baker" posts are all fucking fake. Obviously. Mind-numbing repetitiveness. Idiotbots.

fae193  No.2694356


The real PLAN we've all been waiting for.

Fuck this Washington DC bullshit, let the Mad Dog out.

fb7584  No.2694357


what did Trump mean by this?

2e730e  No.2694358

File: 881b87ab81aa8bf⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1252x946, 626:473, point2.png)

Nice bread post Baker. Great timing.

fb9f68  No.2694359

File: aa51e21784f3310⋯.jpg (338.82 KB, 750x725, 30:29, comfy2_pepe.jpg)


So comfy!

90f9bd  No.2694360

Trump had no reason to ""commit a crime"" by violating campaign finance laws, so it never happened.

Logic 101.

All part of the Show.

Logic 102.

That's my 2 cents.

17b839  No.2694361


yup, saw a few fake posts go by today…


good sign, like all the rest of their panic

acd786  No.2694362

File: 259f8975d290749⋯.jpeg (28.19 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 259f8975d29074923af8827cf….jpeg)


Caught that too.

bd295a  No.2694363

>>2693875 (lb)

I swear I heard Schiff use the same line on NPR.

33358c  No.2694364

3d980f  No.2694365


that wasn't even a TYB…

You're really not worth the money, are you?

e9a3a5  No.2694366

File: 5b64cb87ad185dc⋯.jpeg (147.77 KB, 718x752, 359:376, 70CCB818-B714-4B68-A7C4-6….jpeg)

POTUS rally music?!?!!!!!!!

Look at our earlier Bread Names! I call that a Q confirmation!

0b4840  No.2694367


360bf3  No.2694368


if you go to war, better sure as hell not be dependent on your enemies for fuel supplies.

fca381  No.2694369

POTUS just made a good point on Coal.

You can't really destroy it.

Windmills you can destroy.

Pipelines you can blow up…

but Coal will always be there.

And he then hinted at something Military-oriented towards Coal?

Any ideas what that would be?

5f74ec  No.2694370

Fresh out the oven. Dive on in boys.


0fe5f1  No.2694371

Now we know…


They are threatening a war on American soil.

I trust the plan


9d6087  No.2694372


you are nuts. We have already won. You should go back and reconsider. Shills are not wanted.

39a074  No.2694373

fb7584  No.2694374


are we going to war?

fb863d  No.2694375

File: 6162ca30563b5d9⋯.png (10.52 KB, 463x192, 463:192, 5812152612.png)



4c7116  No.2694376

Did Trump start speaking right at 7:00? I got busy looking at jobs and completely missed the first 20 minutes… and I paid for cable just so I could get the damn captions. Ugh!

6807b8  No.2694377

File: 36d960b32e33fbe⋯.png (798.07 KB, 616x682, 28:31, baker-ty-horse.png)

ty baker

fb7584  No.2694378


these are my thoughts exactly, what's he foreshadowing?

0b4840  No.2694379


6f881d  No.2694380

It's time we stopped treating the people of the world as children who can't handle the horrible truths of what 100% will mean.

It's time we stop trying to outsmart the truth and let it have its day.

Or we can wait for decades to drain the swamp and let some more millions die of cancer and more children to be raped, trafficked, and eaten as we wait.

90b745  No.2694381

What happened to Dan Casolaro?

2ad681  No.2694382


With Who?

3d980f  No.2694383


You'd be surprised or not at how applicable the bread titles are.

Eventually you begin to wonder…

How many until it's not longer coincidentally, but mathematically impossible?

423c40  No.2694384


actually dumbfuck… i do not believe in what is typically referred to as "global warming" … i understand that science can be biased … i challenge anyone to find a point on this planets history that there wasnt some form of "global climate change" … your assumption of my beliefs and policies is piss poor… and thats because you are a dumbfuck

b535a2  No.2694385


If our Uranium was going to Russia then maybe our coal was going to go to China?

fa2329  No.2694386


What if someone bombed a hydroelectric dam or a solar farm.

Paint the picture

f2b75d  No.2694387


love this

191e96  No.2694388



no, he was about 17 minutes late

aaea3a  No.2694389



2e1947  No.2694390

we should force the the false fagOTUS LIKE IT IS A PHALLUS

it will help with the homo programming the gestapi put the american public through

0b4840  No.2694391


no, much after that, moar like 7:15

d24a35  No.2694392


No. Not when they're being properly investigated and grand juries are in place. Or military justice system is being setup to handle the cases.

848 bunks for soldiers at GITMO ain't by accident. They aren't remaking the courtroom at GITMO for no reason. Patience is hard to come by right now. But shit is definitely happening.

1273de  No.2694393

File: 518f8dddecd6659⋯.gif (4.54 MB, 468x574, 234:287, MOAB Cowboy PEPE .gif)

a72696  No.2694394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2694220 (lb)


Try this stream instead

5f74ec  No.2694395

That crumb was important the first 80 fucking times some dumbfuck posted it.


c9f5cc  No.2694396


The military is special, and MAGA, and amazing, and the best, so this is a stretch, but my hope is increased based on certain Trump statements than Q drops.

430bbf  No.2694397

File: 41a52262ff259ac⋯.jpg (85.72 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 41a52262ff259ac8b17efa30a0….jpg)


You're such shit at this. Did they already shoot your dog?

bd647f  No.2694398


Аге уоս а вот ваsеδ Βειηg?

fb7584  No.2694399


hitler used coal in his tanks

d29f23  No.2694400

>>2693586 (lb)

Military Plan

Comms Understood.


Thank You.

a3fbfb  No.2694401


Ah gotcha, no worries. I was just wondering. Thanks baker, you're doing great.

4b7bc4  No.2694402


Far better for him to get coal power going before the transition instead of building more nuke plants.

452855  No.2694403


Solar and wind can be wrecked or bombed

137520  No.2694404

The MSM and Shills are catfish…bite every time…How many "candidates" where there for the Republican nomination…


Goodbye no name

These people are stupid.

2e1947  No.2694405

File: 42d51f92489009a⋯.png (53.37 KB, 590x288, 295:144, homosoftporn.png)


put it in twitter

b91022  No.2694406


<any q signs

4c7116  No.2694407



Oh ok I don't feel so bad then…. the TV is right in the corner of my eye and about 5 mins ago Trump caught my eye and I was like oh shit.

Thank you anons

219baa  No.2694408

File: 8c5f4101ed80258⋯.jpg (240.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pepinoche.jpg)


Yep, we need to learn to love the presence of shills on this board.

Just like negative media coverage, shills are our badges of honor.


fa2329  No.2694409


He stop for a beer with Q

5e249a  No.2694410

Anybody see any Q's in audience??

618930  No.2694411

File: 6c9f27a8cac386b⋯.jpeg (19.73 KB, 175x300, 7:12, 77BCF4DC-9BBF-4B3E-9DA3-D….jpeg)

To the real MVB <3

063f69  No.2694412

File: a7bc198ff3de33d⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, sessions monitor meme.jpg)


I saw the Stormy payoff as Trump's biggest personal issue to date from the get-go. It's not illegal, but the D's will disregard that. If the Trump Admin doesnt do something serious to purge the voting rolls and monitor the vote, he'll def be impeached for it by a D-controlled House, even though it's not illegal or even immoral. The D's dont care about that.

When will the Sessions DOJ become as aggressive as the Marine Bob investigation and actually fucking DO something? Pic related.

6807b8  No.2694413

File: b065459d622486f⋯.png (451.92 KB, 1296x723, 432:241, walk-away-bot-2.png)

00ae08  No.2694414


eBot you got any good sources we should be digging?

fb863d  No.2694415


Wow, good point anon.

c9750f  No.2694416

File: 7cfebc0962f5e5e⋯.jpg (99.23 KB, 596x451, 596:451, muzziesscum.jpg)


"Muslims chant 'Allahu akbar' at Vikings stadium

But CAIR calls for more security due to 'increased hostility' against Islam"



Current scene @usbankstadium in #Minnesota where 50,000 Muslims are gathering to celebrate #EidAlAdha at the stadium.

People can be seen in this video holding signs that say “Love thy neighbor” as “Allahu Akbar” is broadcasted on the loudspeaker repetitively in the background. pic.twitter.com/UfBjN9zKTg

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) August 21, 2018

Amid chants of “Allahu Akbar,” or “Allah is the greatest,” broadcast over a loudspeaker, thousands of Muslims gathered Tuesday at US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis for a massive rally in celebration of the Islamic Eid Al Adha holiday.

KMSP-TV in the Twin Cities reported Minnesota’s various Islamic centers previously have held their own individual prayers for Eid, “but this year with more than two dozen mosques all coming together at U.S. Bank Stadium, they’re calling it Super Eid.”"

Q team, are you seeing this?

What kind of country have we become to allow these fucking subversive piece of shits to openly chant their racial and religious subversion in the open and let them live?

We, the PEOPLE, must demand that these scum be removed from our lands, permanently, and these agitators ground to dust.

I am sure you have their names and locations.

No muzzies. No foreign subversion, NO islam.

That's our end goal that MUST come to pass.

These are disgusting display of disrespect and foreign attitude that must be pounded to the pavement.

We are not going to allow these scum to run around to do as they please.

MAKE NOISE, anons. These scum and their jewish/muzzy msm shill teams are covering for this.

You can easily see 1-2 thousand in the pic.

6e2bbe  No.2694417




>This has all been planned out for years with nearly complete visibility of all involved actors via intelligence gathering tools. When Q says "full control" - what do you think was meant?

Enjoying this movie!

ea471f  No.2694418

191e96  No.2694419


I've not seen any

no signs

no shirts or hats


59a473  No.2694420

File: 19e669ea4e64ad4⋯.png (18.58 KB, 109x94, 109:94, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

c9f5cc  No.2694421


Yea, but the whole point was to not note the fact of global climate change, but to encourage me to by Elon's cars

e76a41  No.2694422

POTUS seems a little low energy

3c8b66  No.2694423


Ocasio Cortez is most amazing — never have I ever (and that’s a long time) seen anyone so confident and poised about what she says, when she is so ignorant or stupid or both. She has no idea of what she’s talking about...but talk she does with confidence. That is amazing, and totally completely clueless!

e7273d  No.2694424

File: f53524532204be0⋯.mp4 (593.16 KB, 1366x538, 683:269, capt.mp4)

File: 75a4b6122f6fe9c⋯.png (147.15 KB, 1358x458, 679:229, PFLatest.png)

New Slimmed Down UserJavascript

Still Highlights Qs and Yous

Still Removes Spammers and Namefags

Birds Eye Navigation Bar @ Right

Post Counter @ Top Right

Fixed Annoying Scroll Bug.

All other fancy stuff removed. Video shows it as is.


a4df58  No.2694425

File: 178f517ee410387⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 2gb6qy.jpg)

063f69  No.2694426

File: a558fa41288c9ee⋯.jpg (44 KB, 500x340, 25:17, gorillagun meme.jpg)

f2b75d  No.2694427


with "whom"

acd786  No.2694428

Cam too tight on POTUS to see any if they're there.

e26df0  No.2694429


I agree… It means we are doing our job well…

Carry on Anons!!


9d6087  No.2694430


Just for the record. God says we have won, and President Trump WILL be reelected.

You are done.

33358c  No.2694431


ThanQ you, kinda glad it was noticed.

452855  No.2694432


87004f  No.2694433

File: 546659a00b3fb08⋯.jpg (121.1 KB, 680x899, 680:899, 1.JPG)

File: d119a1d2c48f13c⋯.jpg (69.48 KB, 676x267, 676:267, 2.JPG)

Police probe death of lawyer linked to city fraud by Sonko (Kenya)


9110e4  No.2694434


anybody have that other liberal mad girl cuter puffy cheeks? asking for a meme.


2e1947  No.2694435

File: 4d0ff7ee68599ad⋯.png (735.8 KB, 1964x1570, 982:785, The_Cognitive_Bias_Codex_-….png)

lord of the flies could of used a map like this huh

423c40  No.2694436


i challenge you to find that evidence… tits or get the fuck out.. personally i think the green movement was a hustle to sell more bullshit

3d980f  No.2694437


The whole Kate following Tampa thing was intentional.

The point, by US, was made, and they made a copy, singular (prove me wrong), of a newspaper to bait the MSM and get buzz going about Q now that everyone noticed.

430bbf  No.2694438


a97c2b  No.2694439


small crowd. I deportation working?

063f69  No.2694440


They are campaign rallies for the local elections.

fa2329  No.2694441


Watch your backside.

They are sneaky

6f881d  No.2694442


Q has "it all" and doesn't use it to shock the normies. At the current pace your predictions sound about right.

de2267  No.2694443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JS….this ones for you and your protege

daa517  No.2694444

Q has never mentioned George Papadopolous. So we are left to speculate A or B:

A - George was knowingly planted in Trump campaign, so Misfud, Downer, and Halper could all do their thing and create a trail between George P and Russia agents.

B - George was chosen by the dems to use him to create the trail, but unknowingly to George, and he himself was the victim of all of this

e045e4  No.2694445

File: 48a72782325feb4⋯.jpeg (48.13 KB, 1063x696, 1063:696, thievusRaccoonus.jpeg)

a97c2b  No.2694446


IS deportation working??????

b6be6a  No.2694447

File: fb38845f50276a0⋯.png (8.79 KB, 220x121, 20:11, devin nunes twt.png)

17b839  No.2694448


> negative media coverage

now 20+ days since they really got in on it.

still no solid refutation, just weak attacks and pre-failed narratives.

the sheer epic gloriousness of this is so, so, so misunderstood

41f1a2  No.2694449


I agree. Nobody is able to express incredible stupidity with such fluidity and enthusiasm. It really is intoxicating.

bd647f  No.2694450

File: 59a4bad805779dc⋯.png (826.09 KB, 755x558, 755:558, sp1.png)

File: 28f9a8f933f4462⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 533x639, 533:639, sleepybot33.jpg)


All you can do is recycle crap. You have no capacity or prospect to assimilate fresh material– and you certainly can't generate any on your own. You're fucked loserbots. Stop lying to yourselfs. You're a jokes.

Stop squirming, groveling, and humiliating yourselfs. Just go to sleep. Peace awaits.

90b745  No.2694451



>No one knows

02d1b5  No.2694452

File: 5c342eac0ad3140⋯.png (146.81 KB, 479x560, 479:560, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

Draining the swamp. Just not always as one might expect…

2e1947  No.2694453

File: 0329bfea7053b4a⋯.jpg (191.83 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 2009-04-22-lrg.jpg)

you homos can;t hang

360bf3  No.2694454


with the cabal, I hope.

Also, sounds like the queen over in England hasn't taken the Revolution and War of 1812 to heart. She may need a refresher course in history.

5f74ec  No.2694455











0b4840  No.2694456


nice quads, I've always gone with B

seems like he got fucked (his wife says so too)

b535a2  No.2694457

File: e0a29623b91690c⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 519x449, 519:449, putinpopcorn.jpg)

d5e562  No.2694458

File: 55019b4706f1b63⋯.png (333.27 KB, 626x730, 313:365, ClipboardImage.png)


418bf1  No.2694459


Account suspended

This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.

This is the message I received when I went to the #USMilitary homepage. Damn them.

063f69  No.2694460


There's no crime there, but if the D's can take the House, they will impeach him for it anyway.

b6be6a  No.2694461



dont know what else to say

c9c8ee  No.2694462


Maybe there is no free energy tech.

fb3073  No.2694463


…and that ain't TP….

3d980f  No.2694464

Trump: Eeeeeey!

-fake out, fixes mic-

"Thank you!"

9fe423  No.2694465

he can not fucking stand the mic not being in the right spot lmao

a97c2b  No.2694466


Reminds me our favorite illegal alien President.

acd786  No.2694467


Old news

628c19  No.2694468


that is a well defined quality of psychopaths anondoesn't take much to see it.

BHO - WJC - HRC - all can lie right at you, spout complete shit convincingly and never bat an eye.


618930  No.2694469

File: 8dd84a4a0998b85⋯.jpeg (33.88 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 75433C21-7528-4F99-B939-6….jpeg)


Campaign tactic to get the low IQ on board. From the coal mines in PA, can attest it worked. I’m confident he will be the president to free us from “fossil” fuels

52a06e  No.2694470

File: 72fb4afb937df6a⋯.png (32.34 KB, 593x276, 593:276, AQ2.PNG)

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo pardons illegal immigrant facing deportation, just hours after it's revealed that Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts was murdered by illegal immigrant

Looking for Sauce.

7b88c3  No.2694471

File: 68e748f1ab7793c⋯.png (600.62 KB, 1052x806, 526:403, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

My imagination, or does this Twat post have a distinct Q'esque quality about it?

fa2329  No.2694472



The seating capacity is 66,665 for most games, slightly more than the Metrodome, and can be expanded to 73,000 for soccer, concerts, and special events, such as the Super Bow

f5ef4a  No.2694473

File: e4b60b7830c41d2⋯.png (703.88 KB, 536x948, 134:237, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

c9750f  No.2694474


It's more than deportation that must take place. muzzies MUST be shown that their actions and attitudes will get them killed or worse.

These fucking subhumans know nothing except for lies and deceptive manipulation plus violence.

Killing is what they must face in order to get the message. Same story world wide.

It is a political ideology of exploitation and deception, just like judaism.

aaea3a  No.2694475


418bf1  No.2694476



17b839  No.2694477



ohman, the fanboyism can go far here, but damned if he didn't get me there… that was annoying me so

3d980f  No.2694478

File: 61c7a0f1c80452e⋯.jpg (98.12 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Cornholio.jpg)

02d1b5  No.2694479

4936c3  No.2694480



f2da77  No.2694481

File: fe26a4deecd33d2⋯.png (198.16 KB, 481x522, 481:522, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bddb05738c6f2d1⋯.png (242.67 KB, 464x583, 464:583, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8268c6db40b3a18⋯.png (243 KB, 467x604, 467:604, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c81b0f030ba3c90⋯.png (254.46 KB, 479x597, 479:597, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f36dba6968af074⋯.png (210.67 KB, 463x600, 463:600, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons…read the Cohen complaint for yourselves and then read what the FAKE NEWS is saying.


423c40  No.2694482


i actually think i found the evidence of free energy tech… i posed the idea to my engineering teacher… and he couldnt poke a hole in the idea because i used what knowledge is currently being used

e7273d  No.2694483

File: e5471bcb7ce5e0b⋯.jpg (211.01 KB, 1024x688, 64:43, BetterWorld.jpg)

File: 63fd618546a1349⋯.jpg (310.3 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, HomerThinkingDeep.jpg)

File: 7dc1e4d7b29fe21⋯.mp4 (692.37 KB, 614x346, 307:173, QDeepState.mp4)

File: aaf2f0d8d65566d⋯.jpg (109.98 KB, 698x399, 698:399, LockHerUp.jpg)

8d3c89  No.2694484




Then use the link below to download our work!



Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!



e26df0  No.2694485




4b7bc4  No.2694486

File: 8c527c8c6f2a6d5⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 8c527c8c6f2a6d55846416306b….jpg)

c9750f  No.2694487


Gorka is one of the Patriots, though not fully aware.

a1a2c8  No.2694488



Trump’s plan to use a Cold War-era law to bolster the coal industry, explained


2e1947  No.2694489

File: 19570484c2ef080⋯.jpeg (13.46 KB, 255x189, 85:63, AIIN6665 - Copy.jpeg)



d97efc  No.2694490

We're watching movies 1-3

In theaters now people..

Movie two this fall.

423c40  No.2694491


more accurately… its a way to recycle entropy

0b4840  No.2694492



its old

you didn't even give sauce

lurk and read notables

52a06e  No.2694493




da935a  No.2694494

File: 0afc0e1d09dd47f⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 0afc0e1d09dd47f27312b51e48….gif)

d63ab9  No.2694495

File: 8de07d3ca4b9a67⋯.pdf (1.02 MB, BEF-BK-WoodgasGeneratorsFV.pdf)

00ae08  No.2694496


Hey what up bud?

Nice day over there?

fca381  No.2694497




Interdasting? Were the Dems killing off coal to sell to China who was still able to pollute as much as they wanted while the rest of Western Civilization was going to be held accountable to some Paris Accord? Hmmm?

c9f5cc  No.2694498


That's what I just said, queer. Evidence? I've heard of Wooly Mammoths and glaciers and stuff. I've also heard that the mormon god gave Joseph Smith secret tablets and they engaged in warfare with the natives in America.

f2fdf4  No.2694499


DeMS-13 rubbing it in our faces

d4274a  No.2694500

File: 0af3b618b8e0e2b⋯.jpg (20.86 KB, 255x231, 85:77, 0af3b618b8e0e2ba2a1244345c….jpg)

Board down for anyone else?

Finally loaded after 22 minutes.

f35d92  No.2694501

File: 9267e30014a0682⋯.jpg (113 KB, 1361x887, 1361:887, _20180818_215448.JPG)

File: 4a2796b1607dc6e⋯.jpg (390.94 KB, 1440x1979, 1440:1979, _20180818_221135.JPG)

File: 488ac70ebfa11a9⋯.jpg (503.9 KB, 1440x2007, 160:223, _20180819_003125.JPG)

File: ae6c08fe1946d7b⋯.jpg (279.65 KB, 1947x1019, 1947:1019, _20180819_151428.JPG)

ea471f  No.2694502

File: ea4373de23742dd⋯.png (25.06 KB, 406x514, 203:257, Q_537_RatsEverywhere.png)

063f69  No.2694503


Wasnt Stormy paid off post-nomination though? So no other R "candidates" for POTUS.

0b4840  No.2694504

"He SHILLS for epipen"


98f131  No.2694505

File: 047dc89d7256926⋯.jpg (77.14 KB, 774x774, 1:1, oc.jpg)

96d506  No.2694506

How many papers is this Chris Farley guy needing for this?

3d980f  No.2694507



you have too much brains.

those don't fit there.

what are you doing.

you're drunk.

go home.

i won't tell your wife or AA.

8d3c89  No.2694508

MUST SEE: Former Head of Federal Elections Says Cohen Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution

Conservative author and radio-TV host Mark Levin interviewed the former FEC Chairman on his show.

Professor Bradley Smith said the payment Cohen pled guilty to DO NOT qualify as campaign violations.

Last night Mark Levin interviewed a former FEC Chairman who explained why a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels cannot be considered an in kind contribution to the Trump campaign, thus violating campaign finance law.

Via The Right Scoop:

“When the FEC wrote the regulation that says what constitutes campaign expenditures and what constitutes personal use, it rejected specifically the idea that a campaign expenditure was anything related to a campaign, and instead says it has to be something that exists only because of the campaign and solely for that reason.”

Professor Bradley Smith wrote about this in the Wall Street Journal in April.

Shortly before the 2016 election, one of President Trump’s lawyers, Michael Cohen, arranged a $130,000 payment to the porn star in return for silence about a 2006 affair she claimed to have had with Mr. Trump. (Both the president and Mr. Cohen have denied the affair; Mr. Trump has said he did not know of the payment to Ms. Daniels until this February.)

Not satisfied with an old-fashioned sex scandal—perhaps because the president seems impervious to that—some want to turn this into a violation of campaign-finance law. Trevor Potter, a former member of the Federal Election Commission told “60 Minutes” the payment was “a $130,000 in-kind contribution by Cohen to the Trump campaign, which is about $126,500 above what he’s allowed to give.” The FBI raided Mr. Cohen’s office, home and hotel room Monday. They reportedly seized records related to the payment and are investigating possible violations of campaign-finance laws.

But let’s remember a basic principle of such laws: Not everything that might benefit a candidate is a campaign expense.

Campaign-finance law aims to prevent corruption. For this reason, the FEC has a longstanding ban on “personal use” of campaign funds. Such use would give campaign contributions a material value beyond helping to elect the candidate—the essence of a bribe.

FEC regulations explain that the campaign cannot pay expenses that would exist “irrespective” of the campaign, even if it might help win election. At the same time, obligations that would not exist “but for” the campaign must be paid from campaign funds.

If paying hush money is a campaign expense, a candidate would be required to make that payment with campaign funds. How ironic, given that using campaign funds as hush money was one of the articles of impeachment in the Watergate scandal, which gave rise to modern campaign-finance law.


fae193  No.2694509

This fat fuck needs to step aside and let POTUS speak again

f2da77  No.2694510

File: 194c26a378b4b49⋯.png (234.1 KB, 477x596, 477:596, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d2c8f739e2e342⋯.png (234.59 KB, 461x562, 461:562, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdc3521c42f71b6⋯.png (255.46 KB, 477x601, 477:601, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 470770c8b271e2d⋯.png (226.7 KB, 473x579, 473:579, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90d844eee788fe5⋯.png (226.53 KB, 467x598, 467:598, ClipboardImage.png)


Cohen complaint cont'd

8c3ac3  No.2694511


Obama off the teleprompter pretty close anon.

68f565  No.2694512

>>2693542 (PB)

Elbow is dirty (carpet in a cheap motel room?) and there is toilet paper stuck in the crack of her ass.

Obviously you are a cheap bastard who cannot even afford a clean hooker.

Go take another picture of your mom.

91fdf7  No.2694513

File: a70318b3aa78c4e⋯.gif (981.89 KB, 480x672, 5:7, IMG_8700.GIF)


5f74ec  No.2694514

All you guys do is recycle shit. U post the same shit and have all these fake epiphanies. Key word is fake. Not real. Actual accomplishments non existent.

Oh Q meant this…oh he meant this….dumbfuck didn't mean anything he copy and pasted a Wikipedia page.

2e1947  No.2694515

File: 876a35f41932c4b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 87.55 KB, 650x347, 650:347, memo.jpg)

top secret "panic in the disco" excuse

da935a  No.2694516

File: a6eea06f4e0d1fe⋯.gif (658.91 KB, 271x223, 271:223, a6eea06f4e0d1febfa528df0fe….gif)

32fd90  No.2694517

Did you catch that "shill" drop

3d980f  No.2694518

"He shills for epipen!"

Shills for overpriced Big Pharma, is what he just said.

f5ef4a  No.2694519

File: 36e97c7884b4ab0⋯.jpg (57.93 KB, 634x382, 317:191, fagpush.jpg)



No hats.

No signs.

No shirts.

Smartened up ….

de2267  No.2694520


dont use googles browser they throttle 8chan q.r.s.

e7273d  No.2694521

File: 4d1db8967fbddf5⋯.jpg (185.44 KB, 798x992, 399:496, StormyCuomoChockedBadly.jpg)

32fd90  No.2694522

5e249a  No.2694523


It was the message you idiot.

e4a361  No.2694524

File: 84a62b5ce4c9515⋯.jpg (96.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MV5BODgxZDdmZGUtOGJiNi00YT….jpg)

b91022  No.2694525




aaea3a  No.2694526



52a06e  No.2694527



8b226c  No.2694528

No Q signs yet? WTF WV??

360faf  No.2694529


he shills for epipen

423c40  No.2694530


lol you fucking suck at arguing because you make claims you cant even gather circumstantial evidence for… several years ago i posed to my friends… how much do we really know history…. none of us directly observed it (which is why the theory of human evolution will remain a theory)… if i were you id take the beating i got and use it to not make the same mistake

fb7584  No.2694531


pretty sure the brits won the war of 1812 there bud

452855  No.2694532

EpiPen is cabal, too?

94f0c1  No.2694533

"Joe Manchin shills for Epi-pen".

063f69  No.2694534


What we need is a crazed Hindu truck bomber. Or several.

413942  No.2694535

"lock her up"

8d3c89  No.2694536

Illegal immigrant charged with first-degree murder in Mollie Tibbetts’ death

Shortly after finding the body of Mollie Tibbetts, the Iowa college student who had been missing for more than a month, authorities charged an illegal immigrant with her murder, according to Fox News.

Tibbetts went missing on July 18 after going on a jog. Cristhian Bahena Rivera has been charged with first-degree murder in her death. Police say Rivera led them to her body.

“I can’t really speak to you about the motive,” said Rick Rahn, special agent in charge at the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, according to CNN. “I can just tell you it seems that he followed her and seemed to be drawn to her on that particular day and for whatever reason he chose to abduct her.”

How did they catch him?

According to Fox News, they identified Rivera by way of surveillance footage that showed his car near the area Tibbetts took her jog and disappeared. Her body was found in a corn field, covered by corn stalks.

Rivera is now being held on a federal immigration detainer. Authorities believe the 24-year-old man had been living in rural Iowa for between four and seven years.

The suspect’s confession

Rivera claims he blacked out during an altercation with Tibbetts, and then woke up at an intersection in Poweshiek County, realizing he had put her in the trunk of his car.

The suspect said he took her out of the trunk, saw blood on the side of her head, and dumped the body off in the corn field, according to court records.

An autopsy will be performed on the body to determine when and how Tibbetts died. Rivera is currently being held on $1 million bail.

Long investigation concludes

The approximately 40 investigators that were working tirelessly to track Tibbetts down interviewed nearly 1,500 people in their investigation and received about 4,000 tips over the course of the 34 days between her disappearance and the discovery of her body.

“It never crossed our mind that she wouldn’t come home safe,” said Brooklyn, Iowa, city clerk Sheri Sharer.


52a06e  No.2694537



2e1947  No.2694538


my sponsor killed a rothschild in a helicopter accident, so i gave up on the wagon

i am up to almost five marijuanas a day now

ab6cf4  No.2694539


i heard ut!

f2b75d  No.2694540


please get help

fa2329  No.2694541


There is no free energy

It is a hoax some fell for.

Now one has shown a workable model

Its like cold-fusion, and interesting theoretical

But you probably think the Egyptians told Tesla about it

Guess all those miners and fracking jobs are just for show?

371e26  No.2694542

File: 5e2201d9a35d0d6⋯.jpg (113.18 KB, 576x360, 8:5, 5e2201d9a35d0d684ece5b95f7….jpg)

91fdf7  No.2694543

Liberal Joe's gotta go!!!>>2694527

618930  No.2694544

File: 7a78b37f649c3e5⋯.png (972.24 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 8CEBFB01-0ED6-4A62-948E-64….png)


Warm fuzzies, thanks for the pointout

f2da77  No.2694545

File: f6bafc150400afe⋯.png (246.49 KB, 482x599, 482:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef5e6022adfb187⋯.png (236.97 KB, 471x596, 471:596, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84b2e9c4916e5ed⋯.png (253.22 KB, 476x576, 119:144, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1c9cb39032b30e⋯.png (244.95 KB, 446x598, 223:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1af0c0d74471b8⋯.png (243.75 KB, 461x600, 461:600, ClipboardImage.png)


Cohen complaint cont'd

0b4840  No.2694546















6807b8  No.2694547

File: 0a77114346c29ae⋯.jpg (107.36 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 0a77114346c29ae66aa90880d6….jpg)

Yoe has got to go :D

a3fbfb  No.2694548


It's my job ;)

4936c3  No.2694549


Mollie was just found today idiot.

b535a2  No.2694550

File: 436a8ab2b773159⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1499x1176, 1499:1176, teslanhbfiusd.png)

96d506  No.2694551

Good luck Farley but shut er down now damn

e7273d  No.2694552


It's a location joke anon, you had to be there.

e29bd6  No.2694553

File: e5701f67ad0e6c5⋯.jpeg (63.05 KB, 601x458, 601:458, 22AFEA61-7B2E-4294-A3A2-5….jpeg)

File: e19735b9edadf90⋯.jpeg (202.82 KB, 499x545, 499:545, 533BE5DC-0CFC-48B2-8762-F….jpeg)

File: ee9c4d50f9a40c1⋯.jpeg (107.45 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 94E4D2FC-C7FB-4842-B2E7-A….jpeg)

f2fdf4  No.2694554


WV hates big pharma

3d980f  No.2694555

File: 127bff01a0e7b31⋯.jpg (175.32 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, w9IVauzU.jpg)


Courtesy of Codex.

fb9f68  No.2694556

File: d8835b48b78108d⋯.png (534.16 KB, 1586x1176, 793:588, new js.png)



Excellent, thank you Patriot!

0b4840  No.2694557



you both need to lurk a bit moar

a0616b  No.2694558


Mentioning it incase Baker was unaware.

if you guys already know, sorry for the repeat message, kek

Last one up is stopped at 500 replies,

bread #3400

c9f5cc  No.2694559


Huber can't do anything to fulfill your fantasies. Read the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

3d980f  No.2694560


I have nothing but good reports in WV.

'Specially Roanoke area.

219baa  No.2694561

File: 1abd487374644cb⋯.jpg (393.32 KB, 720x960, 3:4, spaceward.jpg)


Just iagine the money that went into attacking all this. That's hundreds of reporters spending hours writing about us, many "comedy" shows devoting precious time to us, not just commenting mind you but creating entire sketch videos with actors and costumes.

We are a part of something so great and epic, and I'll never be grateful enough to whitehats who decided to open source such an important fight.


52a06e  No.2694562


Might put, "He was a natural!"

df67dc  No.2694563


Coal liquefaction? basically oil from coal.


Compare the charts of US and Non-US projects. Almost all of the non-US projects are up and running. Out of the 22 US projects, only 5 are active, the rest are delayed, cancelled or planning.

fa2329  No.2694564


That's a sure sign of high IQ - wasting away in a stupor

063f69  No.2694565

File: 25256ebff4542f2⋯.jpg (67.68 KB, 778x446, 389:223, alexa moving in bern.jpg)

e7273d  No.2694566


You're welcome anon. Be comfy :)

God bless.

00ae08  No.2694568


Seriously the CATALOG IS BROKEN?

5f74ec  No.2694569

Any fagfags here?

cc243f  No.2694570

File: 78f51dbc794f392⋯.png (63.85 KB, 800x554, 400:277, ny kew gardens, queens ham….png)

File: 9fd5a0d6f9beb3c⋯.png (62.96 KB, 688x588, 172:147, NY OSHA FRAUD ROCHESTER.png)

DJT Born Queens NY


A construction worker was freed and is expected to survive after a 7-ton steel hammer fell on his legs at a site in Queens Wednesday morning.

The incident happened around 11 a.m. at 82nd Avenue and Queens Boulevard in Kew Gardens.

The man was said to be conscious the entire time he was trapped.

He was taken to Jamaica hospital with non-life threatening injuries.


Rochester Contractor Pleads Guilty To Falsifying #Osha Documents


8d3c89  No.2694571


I just used it, working for me

f47593  No.2694572



e26df0  No.2694573


can't get a refill for under $450 right now Anon. And I carry 3. They used to be $20

0b4840  No.2694575


He is investigating everything they did dumbass

go shill somewhere else, or at least be informed when you do

2338de  No.2694576


Not that this is insightful to anyone here, but the biggest tell that Cohen was a Deep State pawn is Cohen’s lawyer saying “Trump told him to commit a crime!”

Ok. Even if it were true, that doesn’t help your client’s case for shit. A seasoned lawyer like Cohen would’ve obviously known what he was doing was a crime. Trump telling him to do it doesn’t negate it.

This retard Clinton lawyer is acting as if the plan they had (frame Trump for campaign finance fraud) actually worked. The Cohen/Trump recording tells us otherwise.

But he knows saying this will generate the headlines they want, which is funny because they won’t mean dick when the truth comes out.

3d980f  No.2694577


you mean /gaybros/

Don't be a dick unless it's available for space docking.

bd647f  No.2694578


Awkward bullshit posted every thread to scare away newcomers

Really, do you realize how absurd this fake "chan culture uber alles!" attitude is? Again: all the fake posts rely on completely inappropriate imitation of /pol/. This board is entirely different, and we're EXPLICITLY TOLD that were trying to do THE OPPOSITE of this fake shit you post on every thread.

Just delete yourselfs. Have mercy ON YOU. You're making an absolute mockery of yourself by going out groveling like a helpless bitch with worthless nonsense.

de2267  No.2694579


Damn Yankees…mostly deep stateers

f59579  No.2694580


Can also use it as explosive.

bd295a  No.2694581



>>2693875 (lb)

>>2693875 (lb)

Anon who noticed the "knows where the bodies are buried"

Adam Schiff on NPR @ 2:14


2e1947  No.2694582

File: 6aaded9332610d3⋯.jpg (74.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8pm9s15cbbiy.jpg)

File: e98d94f41f4dae0⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 702x661, 702:661, thuglyfeeBot.jpg)

0b4840  No.2694583


59a473  No.2694584

File: f06ad8a942fde36⋯.png (69.81 KB, 253x141, 253:141, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

fb863d  No.2694585


There is no such thing as a closed system. Free energy is real, among MANY other things currently considered impossible. This is BIG.

Shills that self-reference Matrix programming are not invited.


see nr. 4. Just a quick example.

e7273d  No.2694586


Haha you know I'd forgotten that kek!

17b839  No.2694587

File: c9c4e98e3ebfd37⋯.png (518.19 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, Q_BiteCrumbs_historic_.png)

File: 692d7303bef8e59⋯.png (442.34 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_pepeCrumbs_You_During.png)


Well said. Hear, hear!


1b7d2c  No.2694588

Not one Q sign or Q T shirt in the crowd. Why does Trump not want Q signs and shirts? We need that VIP Q T shirt guy to go to another rally….

e6fafe  No.2694589


she's someone who suffers from Duning Kruger effect or is a psycopath

e0480b  No.2694590


Fuck you

956a0a  No.2694591

File: b4afe835f086fd1⋯.png (335.61 KB, 720x884, 180:221, 20180822_003416.png)

File: 29dd84baa4116b8⋯.png (110.12 KB, 720x824, 90:103, 20180822_003443.png)


Let's just enjoy the Rally shall we ?

ce65b1  No.2694592

File: 17a1918cd7b920c⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x170, 3:2, q-tshirt-pointer.jpg)


Light the torches. Shout the battlecry.


52a06e  No.2694593

File: 968f04fe4ae0b77⋯.png (30.08 KB, 587x250, 587:250, AQ3.PNG)


Facebook says it removed content from Iran and Russia for ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’ and took down over 600 pages and accounts - CNBC

3d980f  No.2694594


I mean… depending on how you view the civil war…

Agrarian South…. vs Industrialized North and their Banking Industry.


0b4840  No.2694595

File: fd41e4627dedc9c⋯.png (249.09 KB, 388x650, 194:325, manbaby.png)

muh signs

e7273d  No.2694596

File: 685307b290c50de⋯.jpg (168.91 KB, 1122x806, 561:403, snorter.jpg)

File: fea7b4c96a689ec⋯.jpg (137.8 KB, 1024x791, 1024:791, dbwasthere.jpg)

2e1947  No.2694597

this is the part were all the zombies compare how tarded they are

then they say everyone else is stupid

691a39  No.2694598


Nice compliment.

e9c733  No.2694599


usually noobs find the capslock before the redfont, but you are clearly a unique individual.

I also suggest you get help.

c9750f  No.2694600


These fucking subhumans are going around thinking trump will do nothing because 'unity'.

They are not fit to live, any where.

They must be killed and or deported. This is a direct national security issue, and these fucking uppity scum infesting any part of our land must be killed off and/or removed. Ones that are openly screaming and chanting or giving shit attitiude are obvious targets.

We are NOT doing all this to fucking go back to koombaya.

These fuckers are finished, it's our job to DEMAND that it be so. I wish Q team would cease (when opportune) to giving these fuckers any chance to feel comfortable. Their shitskins cut up, hung from a tree, and terrorized into silence and expulsion.

fca381  No.2694601

File: 5ac2c3ecaf83331⋯.png (410.92 KB, 1189x933, 1189:933, Screenshot_91.png)







I think that was indeed the plan. Obama was going to shut down the coal industry and sell it off to China. This could actually be along the same lines as Uranium One.

f59579  No.2694602


We are already in a war with the satanist 'Cabal'.

6807b8  No.2694603

File: 14593292360e3fc⋯.png (206.92 KB, 576x324, 16:9, wwg1wga.png)

059b19  No.2694604


I was wondering how the fuck they were calling it that when from the start everyone knew Cohen paid for it himself. Didn't he fucking mortgage his house to do it?

So now anyone who spent $4k or more on something that might benefit Trump was actually making an illegal campaign contribution?

Is paying Megyn Kelly her salary an illegal contribution to Hillary's campaign?

This is gonna be a fucking circus.

c9f5cc  No.2694605


So per your explanations, your facts are solely based on probabilities that neither you nor your friends can prove as accurate. Sounds logical, especially since there are methods besides probability useful to ascertaining the truth. Go get a refund on your public school atheist pseudo-science indoctrination. I'll vouch for you.

e0480b  No.2694606


Fuck you, too.

4c7116  No.2694607

File: 0e2e24ec709a899⋯.png (197.7 KB, 407x318, 407:318, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b109046450b706⋯.png (20.63 KB, 1192x416, 149:52, ClipboardImage.png)

this pisses me off

my local paper



fa2329  No.2694608


You haven't met many of them, but they are pretty common among the pseudo-intellectuals.

Like all the people in asylums think they are normal since they are surrounded by people like themselves.

3d980f  No.2694609


We have the best coal… why would China NOT want it?

2e1947  No.2694610

maybe if you tried a squaty potty

6fc3a2  No.2694611


Yep. You just proved your own brilliant theory.

8d3c89  No.2694612





3d980f  No.2694613


b090d7  No.2694614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ea471f  No.2694615


Is next week the last primary?

063f69  No.2694616

File: 0a8502df7609700⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 474x474, 1:1, triggered girl meme.jpg)

afcf12  No.2694617


ANONS, I would think with the big ticket items of the deepstate war on Trump, we may start seeing some real movement on our end. With this stuff out of the way the DS will not have ammo to distract the media and the public of true happenings, i hope

360bf3  No.2694618


True, there is no 'free energy' once you build machines to make the energy useful. (While we don't have to pay the sun to shine, those solar panels do cost money…).

However, LENRs (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) are real, and Leonardo Corp's Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat) is a 1-MW working power plant making pollutionless heat at an input cost of perhaps 5% of the cheapest thing going now. You can hook it up to a Stirling engine and make electricity from the heat if that is what you want.

Brillouin has a similar reactor. Brilliant Light Power in NJ has a similar technology but they are producing light from their reactor at levels of brightness that rival the sun… then they use solar panels to convert the light to electricity. Also very, very cheap compared to conventional electricity, and with no pollution. Their reactor works on a type of LENR even though they call it something else.

These LENR reactors will reduce the cost of electricity by around 95%. It still won't be free but it will be a big improvement.

9b41ea  No.2694619

File: 581c9f94c00643b⋯.png (132.49 KB, 640x844, 160:211, SumtingWong.PNG)

Any anons know dafuq this is about?



691a39  No.2694620


Thank you. I loved fucking, especially when I'm involved.

696125  No.2694621

File: a8f68123cf8e00b⋯.png (778.67 KB, 1000x745, 200:149, GitmoAirlines.png)


Going to be Military Tribunals.

Sessions working on details of making those congruent with civil law trials.

We got a info documents on that if you check the Q posts. / bread.

That's why Gitmo is being built up to receive 30K now to receive many prisoners.

plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

a0616b  No.2694622



hmm, i updated it, and even refreshed the page,, maybe i need to restart the pages or my computer.

c9f5cc  No.2694623

de2267  No.2694624


ya….its deeper than you think…look at the financing….railroads etc….and it wasnt about slavery

e7273d  No.2694625


Answer is yes, and you should also invest in coal, steel and aluminium. Everybody is gonna want the USA stuff. Take it from an Irishanon.

2e1947  No.2694626


spite tarding like a zombie

4c32f2  No.2694627



1f4f83  No.2694628

What. The. Fuck. No jailtime for Imran Awan for bank fraud.

https:// dailycaller.com/2018/08/21/imran-awan-no-jail-time-hospital/

17b839  No.2694629


Indeed, don't they care at all about representation? This is shameful, they completely unperson him of his cultural heritage


fb863d  No.2694630

Ronald Reagan mentioned.

594c96  No.2694631

So conspicuous there are no "Q" signs or shirts. Makes me wonder.

e6fafe  No.2694632

File: c87d470acc3623a⋯.png (222.82 KB, 500x426, 250:213, sunTzuWarriorInAgarden.png)


>are we going to war?

3d980f  No.2694633


Honestly, I'm wondering…

Have Democrats only won Primaries in states with "Party Only" Primaries, meaning it's not a pool, but based on party offering?

52a06e  No.2694634




5a154d  No.2694635


Can we make it standard practice to point and laugh at individuals who think it's going to fly to promote actual genocide? Um…either you're an unhinged individual or a shill just doing their job. Either way grow up.

4c1944  No.2694636

File: afeb61ee6bbff86⋯.png (342.32 KB, 431x321, 431:321, ClipboardImage.png)

Bing Bing ..

5f74ec  No.2694637

Ate too many Tracy beans earlier…


2ad681  No.2694638


China with more influence.

8d3c89  No.2694639

File: ffc4a404a650ccd⋯.png (740.01 KB, 906x530, 453:265, ClipboardImage.png)

423c40  No.2694640


(infinite energy) - (infinite energy) = 0

as long as one form exists… so will the other… as long as the system is unstable… an energy gradient will always exist… recycling entropy allows for infinite energy by bringing order to the universe

59a473  No.2694641

File: 8034db1fd0c8bf6⋯.png (74.82 KB, 396x198, 2:1, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

no one talking about the ohio recount

2e1947  No.2694642


it holds 40 and there has been more than that there before

b6be6a  No.2694643

File: 2d9aac441249eae⋯.png (316.05 KB, 567x445, 567:445, 1469177275960.png)

3d980f  No.2694644


Opium and population transplantation whaaaaaaaaaat?

c9f5cc  No.2694645


Did you read them? Q hysteria doesn't override those rules, ya know?

d97efc  No.2694646


I'm kinda worried with all the bullshit on the board how many Q research Anons are there really?

d8f8ba  No.2694647

File: 773e50ff30d421b⋯.jpg (133.48 KB, 800x605, 160:121, COMFY LION.jpg)

618930  No.2694648


You are unintelligent. There has been well more than one case of clean energy being suppressed. No patents get approved for them due to “national security”. Educate yourself, stop listening to your HS history teacher, chances are he was raped by priests.

f2da77  No.2694649

File: b8d972a7cff925d⋯.png (245.93 KB, 431x591, 431:591, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c3dd67d91ab63b⋯.png (243.01 KB, 460x601, 460:601, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5eb262c4595379⋯.png (224.69 KB, 467x607, 467:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 252b390922172d2⋯.png (198.04 KB, 445x596, 445:596, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d9d69f9435337a⋯.png (190.13 KB, 464x593, 464:593, ClipboardImage.png)


Cohen complaint cont'd

00ae08  No.2694650


What about gyroscopes to capture the earth's rotation?

63ef87  No.2694651

Agree complete bullshit! Undocumented my ass!!! Fucking illegal murdering our children! >>2694607

3d980f  No.2694652


that's not NOT witty…

4d10ec  No.2694653


Well crap swamp really winning. Fuck

0b4840  No.2694654


then you're really new

2e1947  No.2694655

File: 9df2c5acd0cd0c5⋯.jpg (195.2 KB, 1193x783, 1193:783, thisradiosucks.JPG)

063f69  No.2694656


Either old or fake.

fa2329  No.2694657


You and your "friends" must be pretty disfunctional id they can only believe things they can see or prove themselves.

Electrons are a lie, and so is a vacumn

8d3c89  No.2694658

File: d26b6327afefd96⋯.png (52.11 KB, 714x334, 357:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Working for me. Hmmm weird

43e602  No.2694659


Imagine accidentally stepping on that cats tail!

371e26  No.2694660

File: e2aa5ee8b7dc99c⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 480x480, 1:1, e2aa5ee8b7dc99c471cf3d838d….jpg)

d8f8ba  No.2694661

File: d698728f30a7f85⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 430x286, 215:143, d698728f30a7f8574594feb172….jpg)


Thank you baker

e864ca  No.2694662

File: 2414f29459097a9⋯.png (10.32 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 2414f29459097a903eaaeaa405….png)

bd647f  No.2694663

File: 8aed4e045292e44⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x858, 465:286, KekUnbound.png)

File: c200d191f65a8e5⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1108x1353, 1108:1353, Jesus2.png)


You're the opposite of honorable. Bot garbage = pure evil = pure self-deception = humiliating self-mockery followed by assaults failure.

Just go to sleep now. You can't possibly accomplish your goals.

f2b75d  No.2694664


>used it a couple minutes ago it was fine

c9f5cc  No.2694665


All by himself, and he's prosecuting crimes in Utah when the rules state that federal crimes must be prosecuted in the jurisdiction in which they were committed. You're a flaming faggot.

99e0e7  No.2694667


This is one of the reasons that newspapers are soon to be bankrupt. They are all liberal rags.

da935a  No.2694668


youre thinking einstein physics is right, aka youre dumb


imagine being this smooth brained

e7273d  No.2694669


That started in El Salvador and escalated quickly to China kek.

0fe5f1  No.2694670

Seven more senator for the indictments

2e1947  No.2694671

PSA: they call them "bullys" now, cause ya can't say asshole on TV"

a1a2c8  No.2694672


Taiwan says China 'out of control' as it loses El Salvador to Beijing


ba64d6  No.2694673


They are blaming things on Q-anons.

And IDEN them is dangerous now..

Besides, the LEFT wing news needs to ask about Q, until then it will be thorn in the ass to them.

And they cannot do anything about it.

d8f8ba  No.2694674

File: 9c58bbc85818d63⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 1200x1608, 50:67, The_Frog_with_the_Golden_H….jpg)

fb9f68  No.2694675


I have to get use to the much narrower nav bar. Maybe you can widen it a bit… or tell me where and how and I'll set it as I like.

Thanks again!


2e1947  No.2694676

File: 0d53ffbc70f9fa0⋯.jpg (84.88 KB, 539x662, 539:662, bewbpool.jpg)

fa2329  No.2694677


Another high IQ anon heard from.

You make a great case of overinflated egos and self-delusion

b8ff79  No.2694678


Been away for a while.. nice to see FagFont is still here.

8b9863  No.2694679

File: d5163fe04055624⋯.mp4 (689.49 KB, 624x352, 39:22, notaboutpussy.mp4)


"You should write this down, reporter"

"See, the war is not actually about pussy, its about NAMBLA, y'know, the North American Man Boy Love Association.

See places like Thailand where they used to fuck little boys and shit, they're drying up.

We're opening up Iraq for a whole new supply of kids"

- Generation Kill (2008), S01E03

Symbolism will be their downfall. Video related.

c81ec6  No.2694681

File: d921423687ce27f⋯.png (3.89 MB, 4560x2750, 456:275, WDSHNsidebyside.png)


e2c9bc  No.2694682


No jail time for Bank Fraud. If I was Manafort I would point that out to the judge.

a72696  No.2694683


Geez anon. WE ARE AT WAR

5e249a  No.2694684

File: 16d7e86269c366a⋯.jpg (82.02 KB, 500x600, 5:6, 0639d53b1ea1a16af12564d9aa….jpg)

File: 4b30a4f81ba0a15⋯.png (493.09 KB, 749x516, 749:516, 4b30a4f81ba0a1523e80f4d727….png)

fb863d  No.2694685


>misuses the name of a spiritual master

>attacks a fellow anon


6807b8  No.2694686

File: 01936b43ae3e013⋯.png (549.94 KB, 576x531, 64:59, 01936b43ae3e01366d1955356a….png)

696125  No.2694687

File: e098d1143273023⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1920x2180, 96:109, SorosTakesOrdersFromP.jpg)


they are brought in deliberately.

And indoctrinated to hate.

that was part of the Soros / HRC , etc., plan

That is being dismantled.

Think Sweden. Same story

360bf3  No.2694688


The LENR reactors I talked about are not based on Einsteinian physics.

c9750f  No.2694689

File: bb1004519728586⋯.jpg (43.85 KB, 880x558, 440:279, muzzieobama.jpg)


Try harder, you weak shill bitch.

Q specifically pointed out islam as a problem.

no muzzies in CA, canada, MN, MI, NY, VA, anywhere.

No where in the west.

This event was orchestrated by (((shills))) to giving a chance for their false flags to act.

#1: No one in the world will give a fuck if muzzies get killed at this point.

#2: They are living a death sentence, and it's our job to make sure they are expelled from our lands at the very least.

#3: IP hop moar.

371e26  No.2694690


Still feel like we are winning?

e7273d  No.2694691



ee80b9  No.2694692

File: 6030aeff1005d0e⋯.png (569.1 KB, 635x360, 127:72, CBB6A803-59ED-400A-8F6F-EC….png)

1b7d2c  No.2694693


Why is it dangerous now?

244cc2  No.2694694

After No Name comment….Did POTUS just say Q?

33358c  No.2694695

Early Notable Call



>>2694481 List of Cohen charges

>>2694536 Illegal immigrant charged with first-degree murder in Mollie Tibbetts’ death

>>2694593, >>2694634 Facebook says it removed content from Iran and Russia for ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’..

>>2694628 No jailtime for Imran Awan for bank fraud.

99e0e7  No.2694696

hehe we do not say his name.

f2fdf4  No.2694697

File: 6bc91ce3115f7b9⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 449x449, 1:1, 2gbavv.jpg)

2e1947  No.2694698

File: ea57f24d85efcf2⋯.jpg (821.08 KB, 1536x1536, 1:1, IMG_2485.JPG)

keep driving it off a cliff thelma @walrusjosh

c9f5cc  No.2694699


We'll see. Note for the record that I was calling for that in April of 2017, but I don't have a fancy Q title. Is Q lazy or what? Oh, he had to convince the minorities. Are they convinced now, ever? What percentage need convincing?

3d980f  No.2694700



063f69  No.2694701


Very few muzzies convert. They need to be driven out, a plan that previously worked for about 800 years.

c81ec6  No.2694702

File: 9c43f2fa2865a81⋯.jpeg (77.21 KB, 481x481, 1:1, pepeshillfag.jpeg)

its like shills actually think they blend it

its interdasting to watch

fa2329  No.2694703


All of the things you wish for but can't get

b535a2  No.2694704

File: 2e588b5999b9e2c⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1600x844, 400:211, ClipboardImage.png)

91fdf7  No.2694705

File: 8c00fa1bd3699ef⋯.jpg (194.47 KB, 1155x650, 231:130, IMG_0875.JPG)



POTUS fighting hard for America! Joe's gotta go!

8d3c89  No.2694706

File: 4b7569593c0a5f7⋯.png (49.93 KB, 661x859, 661:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dd423c1bba1320⋯.png (48.56 KB, 676x913, 676:913, ClipboardImage.png)

Did you know that evil Monsanto’s former PR executive is now running the anti-gun group Moms Demand Action?

Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America is a pro-gun control group founded in 2012. The group is funded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and is part of his “Every Town for Gun Safety” initiative. Moms Demand Action thrives on their “grass roots” image of stay-at-home moms coming together to save the children, but appearances can be deceiving. As it turns out, the group’s leader, Shannon Watts, is not exactly who she says she is. Though she may be portrayed as a stay-at-home mom, Watts is a former PR executive for the world’s most notorious poison-pushing corporation, Monsanto.

It seems that the “grass roots” group is rooted in a more elite class than anyone wants to let on; it would ruin the narrative that everyday people want Big Government to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.

Even the Moms Demand Action page tries to paint a quaint picture of Watts, stating, “Moms Demand Action was founded by stay-at-home mom Shannon Watts on December 15, 2012, in response to the devastating shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.” But a shocking report by Newsbusters tells a slightly different story about who Shannon Watts really is.

Who is Shannon Watts?

If you looked at Watts’ “About” page on the site, you’d see her described as a stay-at-home mom of five and “former communications executive” before Moms Demand Action was created. In an interview with NPR, Watts is described as an apolitical, laundry-folding mom who just wants to protect kids from harm — but as a PR executive for some of the nation’s most lucrative companies, Watts clearly knows how to play the public image card. Indeed, the history of Shannon Watts is far different than the story painted by the media.


3d980f  No.2694707


holy fuck that looks comfy…

94f0c1  No.2694708

"is this central casting?" DJT

1b7d2c  No.2694709

Time to drop the hammer…. midterms only 60 days away

5f74ec  No.2694710

So the plan involves letting kids go back to school while the deep state is in desperation mode…but all still free.

Hell of a plan.

4be91a  No.2694711


Thanks anon. Read them up to page 15.

01281e  No.2694712


I heard it, right after mentioning noname

b8e0f3  No.2694713

Her name was Mollie

452855  No.2694714

File: 2be113611c79885⋯.jpg (69.99 KB, 634x747, 634:747, uln2pocnyih11[1].jpg)

ty potus

a8293e  No.2694715

Q don’t leave us hanging when stuff like this drops

8d3c89  No.2694716

POTUS outed no name again

aaea3a  No.2694717


059b19  No.2694718


There's an old series of books that pretty much define conspiracy theory culture, the Illuminatus trilogy. In that book there was a plan to fuck with some dept store for no real reason. It was basically project mayhem. They just wanted to fuck with people.

So a guy his in the dept store until it closed then replaced all the 'no smoking' signs with 'no smoking or spitting' signs. It was a really subtle tactic to piss off customers who would be subconsciously offended at the implication.

The same way you're offended by that faggot.

3d980f  No.2694719


-skips plebbit straight to fagbook-

heart emoji.

9110e4  No.2694720


shoot not this one. its more of a profile

thanks though! watching the show AND so shilly in here. real anons know how to mutitask,

helpful snark is part of why i love this place so much

063f69  No.2694721


ICE should get that list and deport them all anyway. He cant pardon their illegal immigrant status.

7b88c3  No.2694722

File: 50cbcb85fb6e1b3⋯.png (266.11 KB, 992x482, 496:241, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)


Perhaps Gorka is very aware. Maybe he's actually very dialed in.

e0480b  No.2694723


Who the fuck are you to talk about overinflated egos?

You are mentally masturbating to yourself all over the board.


e82ce7  No.2694724

POTUS AT RALLY: 'is this central casting?' KEK you are watching a movie!

1b658a  No.2694725

Ding Ding

ea471f  No.2694726


Not until after the primaries.

c9f5cc  No.2694727


Is it your mama sucking things off my floor like it's my birthday, or is it a vacuum?

219baa  No.2694728


Have you noticed how they subconsciously picked up a lot of thought process? KEK

c81ec6  No.2694729



5d581e  No.2694730

File: 945c44475ea2c93⋯.gif (142.23 KB, 255x197, 255:197, HAHAHA.gif)

2e1947  No.2694731

File: f894844ff470781⋯.jpeg (194.42 KB, 1114x1594, 557:797, shittyjohncusackfilm.jpeg)

c048ae  No.2694732


They want the focus on Trump and not "Q" and it is a brilliant strategy.

Besides, the anons always function better working in the background.

(just my opinion, so spare me the hate)

I see it like we are at the point in the Matrix where Neo wakes up and becomes aware.

When the action starts, it will be non-stop and fierce until we win.

3d980f  No.2694733

ooooh, here it is…

Mollie is now being mentioned…

e7273d  No.2694734

File: afbe9b9924e14f2⋯.png (37.97 KB, 597x361, 597:361, Screenshot_2018-08-22_00-4….png)


It's simple to change yourself. Here's how.

The highlighted line, change 10 to 30 and save.

It's right at the top.

219baa  No.2694735


>a lot of OUR thought process

da935a  No.2694736


still nuclear reactors, its an electrical universe, free energy is most definitely real

52a06e  No.2694737


Wasn't there a black chick that was killed by amn illegal? Thinking…

8d3c89  No.2694738

Chinese government arrests wealthy “vaccine queen” who poisoned half a million children with faulty vaccines … Why aren’t we arresting vaccine poisoners in America?

Gao Junfang, known as China’s “Vaccine Queen,” once one of that country’s wealthiest citizens, was recently arrested along with 17 other high-level officials of the vaccine manufacturing company Changsheng Biotechnology. The company produced not one, but two batches of substandard vaccines and then circulated them to close to half a million Chinese children. According to the South China Morning Post, hundreds of thousands of Changsheng’s combination diphtheria, polio and typhoid (DPT) vaccines were found to be ineffective, while the test records for its rabies vaccine were confirmed to have been fabricated. The once booming company is now facing financial ruin.

About three quarters of the affected children have been given some form of treatment, according to the Chinese government, while plans have been put in place to do the same for the remaining kids. Unfortunately, the government cannot be relied upon to supply all the facts of the case, as it has been trying its best to keep a lid on the story, restricting and censoring news coverage of the events, and treating whistleblowers as “troublemakers” rather than heroes.

In the age of social media, however, it has proved impossible for officials to totally contain the story or hide the multiple posts from angry parents who have no idea whether their children may also have been given these dangerous vaccines.

Nonetheless, at least the Chinese government has arrested these vaccine fraudsters, unlike the Big Pharma vaccine tycoons who get away with killing and injuring innocent children on a daily basis in the United States.


fa2329  No.2694739


Just the ones on grand juries and regular juries.

What do you have to contribute to that since April 2017?

That's what we thought. Wait for someone else to do it.

The Way of the Complainer

bd295a  No.2694740

File: 3f59170833da32e⋯.png (16.64 KB, 333x424, 333:424, 4.png)

File: 39906daf9f42380⋯.png (8.64 KB, 373x205, 373:205, 3.png)

File: fbdfea2f7b7620a⋯.png (4.62 KB, 371x120, 371:120, 2.png)

File: f32a2e2677144bc⋯.png (38.93 KB, 748x472, 187:118, 1.png)


Carrying forward anon from previous bread's work…

Any thoughts on the Q quote from the news today?

8/21/18 - https://www.npr.org/2018/08/21/640630585/congressman-adam-schiff-reacts-to-manafort-verdict-and-cohens-guilty-plea

Adam Schiff on NPR @ 2:09 says, "this is the more serious development of the day for the president. That is the guy who knows where the bodies are buried…"

8/21/18 - https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/michael-cohen-president-trumps-longtime-personal-attorney-reaches/story?id=57310974

>“The guy who knows where all the bodies are buried,” said Seth Hettena, an author and veteran journalist who has chronicled Trump’s business career.

It's been in the news a lot with Cohen always being name…

7/26/18 - https://insider.foxnews.com/2018/07/26/donald-trump-michael-cohen-probe-weisselberg-knows-where-bodies-are-buried

>Former Morris County, N.J. prosecutor Bob Bianchi said Thursday that two key employees of the Trump Organization likely "know where the bodies are buried" when it comes to any potential criminal activity that may or may not have occurred.

6/20/2018 - https://qz.com/1310200/michael-cohen-wants-trump-to-pay-his-legal-bills-and-is-reportedly-willing-to-give-info-on-the-president/

>Trump has been publicly blasé about his former lawyer’s ordeal. “I always liked Michael Cohen,” he told reporters on Friday, in a much-remarked-upon use of the past tense. “I haven’t spoken to Michael in a long time.” Cohen is widely believed to know where all the Trump Organization’s figurative bodies are buried. He has long played fixer to the president, notably paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels before the election, and the FBI raid itself signals that prosecutors believe he has plenty interesting of information to share.

4/26/18 - https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/avenatti-cohen-knows-where-all-the-bodies-are-buried/2018/04/16/936fb86c-3f45-11e8-955b-7d2e19b79966_video.html?utm_term=.43065607f7cd

>Avenatti: Cohen 'knows where all the bodies are buried'

6807b8  No.2694741

File: 0bb03e03faca47c⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1136x635, 1136:635, wall-kate.png)

2e730e  No.2694742

File: 0e72f7ae549cc22⋯.png (852.11 KB, 942x1012, 471:506, BoomBoom.png)

Boom Boom in the Zoom Zoom Room

2e1947  No.2694743

696125  No.2694744

File: 3f8afad609016b5⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 484x432, 121:108, fbiclowns - Copy.jpg)


Oh you as an individual?

Fuck off. Fame Fag

we're a team. Did you get that?

Or is that over your head?

ba64d6  No.2694745


They try to blame anons for being terrorists in the plane crash and others.

It is bad to force them to talk about it knowing they will spin it, so until they ask POTUS it will remain a conspiracy theory that is elusive but easily sought out if desired.

It is harder to explain that to understand why.

638359  No.2694746


There was a thread on twitter that she is actually a double agent. She graduated in Economics from a top college (uni as we say in England), no way would she be so illiterate and inarticulate. I think she is trolling deep in enemy territory - how has she helped the Dems? EVERYTHING she has done has backfired - either moronic or doing it on purpose.

36f4df  No.2694747


If there is a free energy device it is probably too dangerous for normies to have access to

c9750f  No.2694748


All connected.

kansas knows about mosanto. Remember all the Q drops previous. 40,000 ft stuff.

If you think this is a 'political' event, you are wrong.

Street level changes and taking out common trash cannot happen fast enough and FUCK the cuck eftovers in DC who thinks they know anything about these issues while trying to cuck POTUS.

Blind as a bat, living in a bubble.

f5ef4a  No.2694749

File: 18af9818a2aceed⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 640x663, 640:663, bikerbernie.jpg)


>So conspicuous there are no "Q" signs or shirts. Makes me wonder.

Not allowed in, is my guess.

Trump wants nothing to do with this Q asshole.

a1a2c8  No.2694750


No need for signs and shirts anymore. Who hasn't heard of Q at this point thanks to the MSM?

637346  No.2694751

File: cba3e6dabd2f896⋯.png (810.53 KB, 876x1152, 73:96, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

POTUS never says his name! Q Proof just now.

b735f6  No.2694752


Nobody makes Qanon look worse than people like you. You only hurt the cause.

You are either out to hurt this cause.

OR, YOU are a mistake.

afcf12  No.2694753

File: 6f4b955fbfb6947⋯.jpeg (35.56 KB, 788x699, 788:699, 40b47fe5fedc2968e0e35fbdf….jpeg)

could really go for some Q right now

fb9f68  No.2694754

File: f778bab4227d969⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, admiring-pepe.jpg)


You're awesome!


d21b11  No.2694755


>They are blaming things on Q-anons.

>And IDEN them is dangerous now..


Safety first. MSM would LOVE to have an incident at a rally involving one of those "crazy conspiracy theorists" wearing a Q shirt. No need to feed their blodlust for bloody headlines

bd647f  No.2694756

File: e5d62e97b9efefe⋯.png (618.32 KB, 518x735, 74:105, ThreadJesus.png)


Stop your bullshit. If Christ disapproves, I leave it to Him to judge. You have no perspective. You have no power. You know and see nothing, but Christ rules all. Christ rules over your flailing collapse. That is proper use of His Name. Jesus Christ is the Lord of all that we do– that is proper use of His Name. Christ commands you to tell the truth– that is proper use of His Name.

I could go on all night. You probably don't want to go down that path tremblebot, because you are powerless.

e7e9fe  No.2694757

File: 7aab56a4519c2fd⋯.png (297.92 KB, 389x388, 389:388, fhsl.png)

any anons catch Rush's segment about fronthole today? i couldnt help but lmao when i heard him bring it up.

063f69  No.2694758


This lawfag agrees with the analysis here.

3c8b66  No.2694759


Yup, everything she’s touched has failed.

4936c3  No.2694760


This is one hashtag I don't agree with. It's not Kate's Wall but our wall.

2e1947  No.2694761

depraved bullys in a pack

might be a serial killer(s)

6807b8  No.2694762

File: e3d1e9cde75a1c5⋯.png (344.62 KB, 696x494, 348:247, hoggwas-hates-laura.png)

bbbe8d  No.2694763


Great point.

b8ff79  No.2694764



b090d7  No.2694765


5f74ec  No.2694766

Neo actually did stuff. The Chan's swear a lot and then yell at anyone who questions some stranger on the internet. Not quite the same movie.

9e7216  No.2694767

Referencing Obuttplug care: "We had it beaten, but one man, and I am sure no one knows who I am talking about, voted no. Shockingly to uh, really surprising to a lot of people because he campaigned on repeal and replace." Sounds like a shot at no name and a shout out to Anons here that understand why no one says his name. WWG1WGA.

628c19  No.2694768


after - rarely during

17b839  No.2694769


good point.

doesn't mean people should stop, but you're right..

e7273d  No.2694770


If you want more spammers, the numbers are the flood numbers just below that.

Change 14 and 15 to 24 and 25 to have spammers disappear at 25 posts.

87004f  No.2694771

File: 75d4f00966ac5aa⋯.jpg (122.37 KB, 536x947, 536:947, 1.JPG)

File: 86039dd113ec189⋯.jpg (59.55 KB, 538x379, 538:379, 2.JPG)

Hong Kong Director Under Million-Dollar Fraud Investigation


2f63d2  No.2694772

File: 9159b77feef46bb⋯.png (655.02 KB, 750x771, 250:257, ClipboardImage.png)

Didnt see in the notables, but just a reminder that Barry Soetoro AKA HUSSEIN AKA Renegade was fined $375k for campaign finance violations in 2008 campaign. Just a reminder to the CLOWNs, we arent fucking stupid. You try to impeach/remove trump, AKA MY MOTHERFUCKING VOTE, on these same charges HUSSEIN walked on, I am willing to die to defend that vote, because that vote was to stop you from bankrupting our morals, and our country. GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH


f5ef4a  No.2694773


China owns a LOT of debt across the world.

China is making deep debt countries choose between China and Taiwan.

fa2329  No.2694774


Just bring us some of your evidence, and we will get right on it.

You do have some don't you?

bd647f  No.2694775



c9750f  No.2694776


Maybe #1 flew over your head, shill bitch.

Change your script.

We are getting rid of our enemies, and you of course underestimate what Patriots in DC will do to get that done.

Cry harder for your muzzies pawns. They will be history by the time second admin rolls around.

NO islam, NO muzzies.

e9ed07  No.2694777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what a shame

such a beautiful girl.. had her whole like ahead of her.

still seams fishy to me though, but im sinacal asf

594c96  No.2694778


NO HATE. Just an observation, judge.

e7644b  No.2694779


Par for the course when it comes to Taiwan, China, and just about everyone else.

China loves to insist Taiwan is part of the PRC. Taiwan loves to dispute this. Every other nation out there kind of tries to play footsie with the issue. It's a long story that boils down to "Communists are dicks."

a0616b  No.2694780

File: 16f8300bcc37ed5⋯.png (60.92 KB, 899x828, 899:828, Prison statistics.png)


i went through the prison statistics, yesterday. Was going to make a graphic , showing that there is not much space,, and people will have to be released, and new facilities built.


2 121 600

at 31.12.2016 (U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics -

704,500 in local jails,

1,228,800 in state prisons,

188,300 federal prisoners.

In addition, there are prisoners in the 80 Indian Country Jails (2,540 at mid-year 2016) and the 1,852 juvenile facilities (50,821 at 2014).)

Official capacity of prison system

2 140 321


as of 2014, there were only room for around 20k more prisoners.

I was looking for more up to date statistics.

As you can see with 45.568 sealed indictments, some of which could include multiple people, with multiple counts. ( ive heard of 60 count indictment against 10 people) so we need alot of prison space for THE STORM.

cc243f  No.2694781

File: bda5a44219142b9⋯.png (18.41 KB, 443x433, 443:433, hammer apr 6.png)

File: 6fee8117c7f0ccc⋯.png (17.62 KB, 435x231, 145:77, hammer sessions jan 21 .png)



e7273d  No.2694782


Just trying to do my part keeping the board happy anon, just like you are :)

God bless.

c048ae  No.2694783


We are not the ones that do stuff (other than research) We are the witnesses to the fact that it all happened and it was all documented as it happened.

c81ec6  No.2694784



just one of many

e26df0  No.2694785


No need for Q Exposure anymore. WE are mainstream. WE did our job. Proud of our Anons who were brave enough to step up into the public eye.

d97efc  No.2694786


I was trying and failed to be funny and is why I mainly lurk and post digs. Maybe next time lol.

9b41ea  No.2694787

File: 0acba4bbe888d13⋯.jpg (55.37 KB, 665x835, 133:167, 0acba4bbe888d130aa5ef37398….jpg)

f5ef4a  No.2694788

File: 4ce8395dd99d830⋯.jpg (133.58 KB, 564x816, 47:68, 2ferrarisandadumptruck.jpg)



This is an illegal alien.

Morons dominate the news industry.

cc243f  No.2694789

59a473  No.2694790

File: d7f582d02fd0bbe⋯.png (81.93 KB, 253x181, 253:181, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

360bf3  No.2694791


There's a lot you can learn about what LENR is.

LENRs are not conventional nuclear reactions. They are neither fission nor fusion.

They are reactions which are catalyzed in 3D space-time which expand the natural vortices (within the limited space of the reactor) 'sucking' energy from higher (nonphysical) dimensions into the physical world.

It is essentially what amateurs call 'free energy' but I can tell you from working in the industry that building and testing a LENR reactor and getting it certified & patented most certainly isn't free. It takes a lot of money and so consumers will inevitably have to pay something for their electricity.

However if they can have pollutionless electricity for 5% of what they are paying today, I'd call that a huge improvement even though it's not free in the Bernie Sanders sense.

aaea3a  No.2694792



3e8f4c  No.2694793


Semper Fi.

78fa6f  No.2694794


Fucking notable

21f427  No.2694795

Absence of Q = Plausible deniability.

fa2329  No.2694796


Why should we care?

We run out of American criminals?

94f0c1  No.2694797


He said TELL THEM …

afcf12  No.2694798

File: 4d90dd720acd93f⋯.png (695.97 KB, 714x712, 357:356, 4d90dd720acd93f969ca31914c….png)

fb9f68  No.2694799



Kek! 20px is just right fur me. :)

6807b8  No.2694800

File: 028c93d1248ffcd⋯.png (853.47 KB, 741x682, 741:682, usa-before-after.png)

594c96  No.2694801


agreed. got plenty of free publicity with MSM

628c19  No.2694802

File: d6288df8fca599e⋯.jpg (176.06 KB, 465x648, 155:216, momus.jpg)


Our legal system was helped along by this guy, apparently…

fca381  No.2694803

File: ea32411efcabdb0⋯.png (401.01 KB, 815x473, 815:473, Santa_S.png)


Who has the Server[S]?

bd4d86  No.2694804

File: 4bf8ee981a6ee05⋯.jpg (592.15 KB, 1313x596, 1313:596, coal-horiz.jpg)


We will always need coal.

Coal is REQUIRED to smelt steel. There's no other way to MAKE steel. The carbon in coal, and the slow hot burn, is REQUIRED.

Oh, we'll use free energy for heating our houses and our hovercars. But as long as we need steel, we'll need coal.

f118c6  No.2694805



28. Consistent with the agreement described above, Corporation-1 advised MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, of negative stories during the course of the campaign, and COHEN, with the assistance of Corporation-1, was able to arrange for the purchase of two stories so as to suppress them and prevent them from influencing the election.

30. On or about August 5, 2016, Corporation-1 entered into an agreement with Woman-1 to acquire her "limited life rights" to the story of her relationship with "any then-married man," in exchange for $150, 000 and a commitment to feature her on two magazine covers and publish over one hundred magazine articles authored by her. Despite the cover and article features to the agreement, its principal purpose, as understood by those involved, including MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, was to suppress Woman-l's story so as to prevent it from influencing the election.

35. MICHAEL COHEN, the defendant, caused and made the payments described herein in order to influence the 2016 election.

17b839  No.2694806

File: 9eeb18135e7aca9⋯.png (1.13 MB, 980x940, 49:47, ComfyMAGAcup.png)

Democrats Were Never Grate

c9750f  No.2694807


Possible. VERY possible.

Wonder what role bannon plays? Not too relevant but people would be stupid not to consider all being considered.

3c8b66  No.2694808


Nice pick!!

b9507d  No.2694809


Every mile marker of that wall should have a capstone of every US citizen that has been killed by an illegal alien.

371e26  No.2694810


Manafort and Cohen are going to jail, as more of our daughters are killed by illegal aliens. WWG1WGA, and that place aint a winning place.

daa517  No.2694811


Bannon is helping fix Europe

e7273d  No.2694812


Awesome anon. Have fun with it.

046f35  No.2694813

POTUS will not say NO NAME's Name.


c81ec6  No.2694814



muh bad fren

5e249a  No.2694815

File: 6775b93e0ecf2ad⋯.jpeg (60.09 KB, 604x481, 604:481, Board Pepe Theatre Awaken….jpeg)


But, we want them cuz they're fun anon.

6187ac  No.2694816



f5ef4a  No.2694817

File: 06d2772af6cb2a9⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, chikfilamissingman.jpg)


The lack of signs (and hats and shirts) are just another inconsistency with the shit that Q spews out.

How can you not see that?

b735f6  No.2694818


You want to make this about Christians vs Muslims? You want all conflicts to conform to your rotting brain?

No genocide fool

What would Christ do, fool?

What would a good person do?

How are you planning on setting up the next great American religious genocide?

You're a piece of shit until you learn how not to be.

063f69  No.2694819


Since Q's style became less cryptic–which I agree with 100%–there is less need for research, its become more analysis of info presented by Q. This is good, because the "research" of blown -out hotel windows and people walking in the streets is seldom fruitful and meaningful imo, in fact, it leads to a lot of useless speculation and no conclusions. I dont like the riddles.

53c4bc  No.2694820


good point you make

all optics and swaying public opinion

bd647f  No.2694821

File: 9737d6b7099b8d8⋯.jpg (952.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_20180816-155042….jpg)

AMA REQUEST: CodeMonkey! We need to hear about all the ways in which the patriotic team at 8chan have been thwarting the clowns' infiltration! Chill and interesting, yeah!


68f565  No.2694822


I don't know what you expected, but the first rush of resignations, etc, were majority R.

fa2329  No.2694824


We heard that bullshit from you before.

I would gladly debate you but you can barely communicate

a6a1ee  No.2694825


You are going to have to help us out with this Cohen stuff.

8783cd  No.2694826


that meme is kek, lol

f118c6  No.2694827


>paid lady trying to influence the election not to influence the election.

>paid another lady trying to influence the election not to influence the election.

>charged with influencing the election.

fb9f68  No.2694828

File: 2d1b48711868615⋯.jpg (27.16 KB, 552x561, 184:187, Spock.jpg)

5f74ec  No.2694829

This guys butthole is the keystone. It's the only place on earth gravity doesn't exist.


(Banned. Reason: Spam. Img: https://pasteboard.co/HAgObzb.png)

2e1947  No.2694830

File: 34bca99c55ea90c⋯.jpeg (82.64 KB, 1440x839, 1440:839, 1524702065.jpeg)

i have read into this fake faggotry enough

ya'll got too much denial to keep this even necessary

it has been a year and the courts have shown no delligence

must not be any good judges

b762ed  No.2694831

File: 3807f277fa89809⋯.jpg (90.34 KB, 348x348, 1:1, nasimcortez.jpg)

e26df0  No.2694832


You know.. you could work on your spelling/typing. seriously

c81ec6  No.2694833

O could really care less about signs


never going to have that every rally, be happy with what we got

430bbf  No.2694834

File: aec3d7bf8e9a6e2⋯.jpg (848.65 KB, 2047x1055, 2047:1055, images.duckduckgo.jpg)


Touched a nerve. It must be true. You suck so bad at this your dog is already dead. Your average shareblue fuck and shill circles around you.

ff76ce  No.2694835


Did it say anywhere in there that Candidate 1 caused defendant to pay?

94f0c1  No.2694836

Thank you for saving our nation – you all know what that means. Talking to us Anons.

bd295a  No.2694837

File: 0f48f1797538801⋯.png (160.14 KB, 454x549, 454:549, 5.PNG)

File: be42b50f8d74e3c⋯.png (21.64 KB, 443x602, 443:602, 6.PNG)


More on "where the bodies are buried"

063f69  No.2694838

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)


Not much trust muh plan there, is it?

fa2329  No.2694839


Wait for the Sparks Notes. Sounds like that is all you can handle.

849116  No.2694841

America was great, pre-NAFTA…

Remind Dems…

daa517  No.2694842

Any Q signs or shirts spotted yet? I havent seen any

5e249a  No.2694843



7b88c3  No.2694844


Watching now. POTUS does not seem the slightest bit concerned about the whole Manifort/Cohen kabuki drama. POTUS is chillin' and doing what he does best. He knows this is a movie.

And economy has grown $10 Trillion under Trump…that's what people care about.

c7b3ce  No.2694845

Bout a minute ago.

"It's really happening"

Followed by Q hand sign

da935a  No.2694846


dude the free energy im talking about isnt 100% free, i mean it would cost material and youd have to buy the generator and mine the materials etc

6807b8  No.2694847

File: a925806eab4cadb⋯.png (353.63 KB, 485x478, 485:478, hillbag-russia-tin-foil.png)

e7e9fe  No.2694848


threw that together real quick to kick the nite off

3c8b66  No.2694849


And we can make diesel from coal once again using the German Fischer-Tropsch process. Germany perfected it in 1930s…it is a clean coal process.

02d1b5  No.2694850

File: 13316fe0cc553dc⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 193x255, 193:255, pepe liberty.jpg)


That's my point. This was a legacy placement. Son after father. Son now in trouble.

I believe that leaves the party time to replace him on the ticket.

LIKELY that Duncan Hunter was given a graceful way out but refused. And now the deed is done.

68f565  No.2694851


I've been here for months waiting to see WRWY spelled out. I give up, what does it mean?

e45b2d  No.2694852

File: a374a60018e3330⋯.jpg (106.7 KB, 959x536, 959:536, brockshortbus.jpg)

430bbf  No.2694853


Maybe off camera?

f91550  No.2694854


FKN NOtable.

Needs to be spread all over the Twatterverse!!!

8d3c89  No.2694855

File: f9eb3e55d116cae⋯.png (253.65 KB, 824x878, 412:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40c571d5295f10e⋯.png (338.98 KB, 828x886, 414:443, ClipboardImage.png)

‘While Taliban is on offensive, US & allies in Afghanistan at a loss as to what to do’


2e1947  No.2694856

File: 813308b84c8ccad⋯.jpg (120.83 KB, 640x564, 160:141, j3aAZibqCaUs2iloid4nzXBXjT….jpg)

4bd29d  No.2694857


No. That part of the op is over.

Doxxing yourself like that is not a good idea.

You want to support Q in some public way? Go get a $10 silver mylar Q balloon and hang it in front of your local Democratic Party HQ.

We are most powerful when we hide our true numbers. Like Sandpeople.

e82ce7  No.2694858


new technology. uncle john stuff mebbe??

bbc636  No.2694859


5:5 confirmed

a0616b  No.2694860

File: 8299cd88667a0d2⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 500x584, 125:146, 2dbbg1.jpg)

File: ae138a09246963d⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 500x551, 500:551, 2dx9c1.jpg)

File: decdc7d9cf01302⋯.jpg (121.92 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2ewq8b.jpg)

File: 76f0a3d0c02f8b1⋯.jpg (84.79 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2ewqzy.jpg)

9ff47a  No.2694861


Do you want us to roll out a red carpet? Faggot. Kys, but trust the plan first

6807b8  No.2694862

File: 9082de5470557d9⋯.png (252.77 KB, 349x343, 349:343, pelosi-ms-13-a1.png)

c9750f  No.2694863

File: f514c88917b9ead⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 300x300, 1:1, dancingkikes.jpg)

File: 6529e359b844f92⋯.jpg (129.34 KB, 709x690, 709:690, kikecrimeisis.jpg)

File: 42aefc6aa8205a8⋯.jpg (86.31 KB, 400x400, 1:1, jewishcrimes.jpg)


beg for your life harder, shill.

You think you are safe, you are wrong.

We know your angle. your false flags.

Don't think we don't see. Or do, matters not.

You are in our hands, and I can guarantee no one particularly cares for your jewish attitude, whore.

7e59bc  No.2694864

File: 0f27e0ec323ffe4⋯.jpeg (604.33 KB, 1105x2075, 221:415, 11E6ECAC-9187-426F-BA92-3….jpeg)

Don’t forget this one! Rats everywhere! Evil!

Also, Duncan Hunter is a twat, not a Patriot!

813774  No.2694865

I think the President said Q again in his speach… like 20 seconds before he mentioned seeing signs on the road… He said q surprisingly…

c9f5cc  No.2694866


I was writing about it on social media, but fighting shadowbans and bots isn't easy especially after fighting during pizzagate and the election. Of course Trump wouldn't see it anyway, but I was trying to influence the public and strengthen their resolve.

c048ae  No.2694867


fuck off and learn to spell so you can attack us properly.

fa2329  No.2694868


That seems repetitive.

Can;t you just tell us what you know?

Oh, I see you did.


857074  No.2694869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6807b8  No.2694870

File: 967cc9762982e9b⋯.png (1.2 MB, 683x682, 683:682, vote-red-2018.png)

f59579  No.2694871


Anton Wilson was a satanist/lucifarian.

Suprised me when I found out.

2f63d2  No.2694872


No Q doesnt have to do shit, welcome to /qresearch the research is what you do, Q does what he does. He isnt here to "help you figure it out" hes here to drop crumbs just crumbs. Heres a big fucking clue i found with 5 seconds of research, try it, its amazing. >>2694772

ea471f  No.2694873


We aRe With You

bfb599  No.2694874


where are you getting that anon?

063f69  No.2694875


Sure, as long as it's all wrapped in time for my as yet unborn great grandchildren.

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. That's what govt fucks never understand about anything.


2e1947  No.2694876

and all the fetishists are attempting a culure play on this

like dollar bills just flapping in their eyel lids

430bbf  No.2694877



Better yet, tie it to a stone and throw it on their roof so its hard to get to.

137520  No.2694878

Notice Cohen never said the "Candidates" name?

BOOM bye No Name

b735f6  No.2694879


Wow, it's only a great awakening for some of us apparently.

6807b8  No.2694880

File: 0adc97ca420ea33⋯.png (1.06 MB, 858x634, 429:317, hoggwash-swastika.png)

452855  No.2694881

The Nazi was living in Ortez' district

acd786  No.2694882


If you put forth a symbol, you can't control who dons it. I imagine there's too many fake Q, fake MAGA followers, it's a liability. Gotta remember, this ain't about Q, it's about heightened-awareness and finding the will to seek truth on your own.

bd4d86  No.2694883


We are the Greek chorus of frogs from Aristophanes' 'The Frogs'

The choral interlude (parodos) [note=parody], sung by the eponymous chorus of frogs. Their croaking refrain – Brekekekèx-koàx-koáx – greatly annoys Dionysus, who engages in a mocking debate with the frogs.

fca381  No.2694884

The Nazi is GONE!

270f56  No.2694885


We're not going to have that at every rally unless the Secret Service allows the support to be visible again, as they did uncharacteristically in Tampa. It was allowed in order to prod the media, and that mission was accomplished.

696125  No.2694886

File: 2ee2f4a4b4fc5ba⋯.jpg (192.38 KB, 1000x613, 1000:613, whatnewsreliable4.jpg)



Delusional psychopath

"Economics"? You need math skill for that.

Possible, but an easier explanation is that she is just that way.

If you see how they pick the crisis actors and study them . You wouldn't be surprise.

She could be an actor but a very poor one.

They are really that stupid.

Think of Hogg. Actor, but very poor one.

As long as they have the framing by the Media [they are taken seriously] they don't have to be good at what they do. The glare of the Media Eye does everything.

e8a1cc  No.2694887

File: d46c1e919f4b5cd⋯.png (287.33 KB, 412x513, 412:513, theyburnedbabiesalive.png)

Back when news wasn't censored. From Racine, Wisconsin newspaper, 1923, an article on the sacrifice of children to the goddess Tanit (see Gloria Vanderbilt images with Anderson Cooper) in ancient Phoenician times, approximately 800 to 300 BC.


8d3c89  No.2694888

e45b2d  No.2694889

File: 1613bc7135da908⋯.jpg (160.72 KB, 726x1024, 363:512, voteredposter.jpg)

File: 83f27a8a9732a35⋯.jpg (110.22 KB, 726x1024, 363:512, blankposter.jpg)

b762ed  No.2694890


Always felt like B. But then again, we are learning new info on George all the time. Might develop into A after more facts are learned.

b9507d  No.2694891

File: a496709eb17cfc9⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 800x449, 800:449, memebetter.com-20180821195….jpg)

6807b8  No.2694892

File: 39e030146c93fe6⋯.png (567.35 KB, 422x632, 211:316, ice-tea-border.png)

c81ec6  No.2694893


we had thought that, but his lawyer said it was POTUS

but IMPORTANTLY, it seems like in court he didn't say POTUS name, possible it was irrelevant to the plea

c7b3ce  No.2694894


Phonefagging so I can't edit a clip. Keep it bumped until someone grabs it.

831afa  No.2694895

File: 48c9db2d12c09bd⋯.jpeg (209.84 KB, 495x1532, 495:1532, 3571DDD0-5982-4AA4-AD79-D….jpeg)


People seem to be glossing over the fact that Cohen’s plea deal was issued way the fuck back on April 24. Look what Q posted on April 25.

2e1947  No.2694896

90% shit with little to no relevance

it is done for psectacle purposes

kys niggers

059b19  No.2694897


You thought the guys who wrote the book on 'conspiracy theories' wasn't a cianigger?

68f565  No.2694898


Ty. Thought it was more shill shilling. They've been on the "nyah, nyah" train all afternoon.

35e845  No.2694899

File: e27335bced8ad35⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1599x858, 41:22, cccccd.PNG)

1) DOJ plane lands in Stewart NY

2) Rapper's jet diverted to Stewart NY 1 Hour later

3) DOJ planes leave within 1 hour of diverted jet landing

4) DOJ plane returns to JPATS home base Oklahoma City

7d25d9  No.2694900


Instead of thinking of it as "free energy", think of it as massive abundant uncollected energy that already exists.

Your dark attitude on this subject suggests that you are either a shill or ignorant of the energy all around you at every moment.

There is literally fuck tons of it as well as inventions to collect it.

Suppressed technology.

f118c6  No.2694901

d924cd  No.2694902

File: a3198dd39c71fb2⋯.jpg (62.27 KB, 865x767, 865:767, DlKUvjxWwAAZczg.jpg)

6807b8  No.2694903

File: 45bec9f5c20ed33⋯.png (284.17 KB, 456x459, 152:153, trump-robo-cop-law.png)

8426ce  No.2694904

Have you noticed the many 8's in the last couple of days

Manafort found guilty on 8 counts in fraud trial; mistrial declared on others

8.2-magnitude earthquake strikes in South Pacific off Fiji

Cohen pleads guilty to 8 counts, admits violating federal campaign finance laws

Tom Fitton DESTROYS Robert Mueller - Says He Needs to be Called Before Congress for Questioning

Newt Gingrich: Democrats have no idea what demons they are unleashing

Trump blasts Team Mueller as ‘thugs’ out to tip midterms, as feud gets nasty

THE REAL RUSSIA COLLUSION CONSPIRACY! The FBI, DOJ and DNC All Sought Dirt on Trump from Former MI6 Agent Steele While He Was Being Paid By Russians!

McCain illegally fed Classified FBI intelligence to Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to Set Up Trump Tower Meeting; FBI Brass Helped Plot Scheme

8.2-magnitude earthquake strikes in South Pacific off Fiji

acd786  No.2694905

File: 733cfd650e574f9⋯.jpeg (79.42 KB, 922x1024, 461:512, theft.jpeg)

bd4d86  No.2694906


You probably should have stopped lurking long ago

fa2329  No.2694907


Then you better leave it up to people that have the resources and power to do it.

And they might have a plan that will work, since yours isn't

fb9f68  No.2694908

File: bb617ae5f8ae3ca⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 494x484, 247:242, OMG-pepe.jpg)

23ec23  No.2694909


i voted for Donny. am i getting sent to germany too?

8d3c89  No.2694910






e8a1cc  No.2694911


The article covers Moloch sacrifice as well as Tanit. They were a couple, you see.

c9f5cc  No.2694912


bro, learn sarcasm

d8f8ba  No.2694913

File: 0b5b32500a7c86b⋯.jpg (194.84 KB, 818x1227, 2:3, DEMOCRATS DON'T MIND CRIME….jpg)

File: 9e8987565607d44⋯.jpg (128.18 KB, 800x619, 800:619, DEMOCRATS DON'T MIND CRIME.jpg)

File: d512b6a29884ae0⋯.png (288.04 KB, 693x500, 693:500, d512b6a29884ae06cb459b2060….png)

c81ec6  No.2694914



I've seen tickets for POTUS' rallies, no sign are USUALLY allowed (homemade, they give you the standard ones)

Tampa was special, and it was extremely effective

ff76ce  No.2694915


>Manafort and Cohen are going to jail

Good! They need to go to jail. They are criminals. Has nothing to do with Potus.

>killed by illegal aliens

that's why we need to get out an vote in Nov. Potus can only do so much.

> aint a winning place

stop being a Debbie downer.

f2da77  No.2694916


No…paragraph 37…Cohen presented it as expenses to the realty 'Company'

In or about January 2017, MICHAEL COHEN, the

defendant, in seeking reimbursement for election-related expenses,

presented executives of the Company with a copy of a bank statement

from the Essential Consultants bank account, which reflected the

$130,000 payment COHEN had made to the bank account of Attorney-1

in order to keep Woman-2 silent in advance of the election, plus

a $35 wire fee, adding, in handwriting, an additional "$50,000."

The $50, 000 represented a claimed payment for "tech services , "

which in fact related to work COHEN had solicited from a technology

company during and in connection with the campaign. COHEN added

these amounts to a sum of $180,035.

a72696  No.2694917

File: 985d88d5c9d8b21⋯.jpg (133.47 KB, 803x688, 803:688, kek.jpg)

41f1a2  No.2694919

POTUS dropping human traffickers!

ea471f  No.2694920


Speak for yourself.

POTUS doesn't mock the Voters.

33358c  No.2694921


Last call for updates?


>>2694416 "Muslims chant 'Allahu akbar' at Vikings stadium

>>2694481 List of Cohen charges

>>2694508 Former Head of Federal Elections Says Cohen Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution

>>2694536 Illegal immigrant charged with first-degree murder in Mollie Tibbetts’ death

>>2694593, >>2694634 Facebook says it removed content from Iran and Russia for ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’..

>>2694628 No jailtime for Imran Awan for bank fraud.

>>2694706 Did you know that evil Monsanto’s former PR executive is now running the anti-gun group Moms Demand Action?

>>2694740 More on "where the bodies are buried"

>>2694771 Hong Kong Director Under Million-Dollar Fraud Investigation, Absconds With Investor Money

>>2694772 Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Renegade was fined $375k for campaign finance violations in 2008 campaign

>>2694899 Planefag Reports

6807b8  No.2694922

File: 82367104be94316⋯.png (847.02 KB, 630x624, 105:104, dems-ice-straws.png)

21f427  No.2694923







a8293e  No.2694924

Cohen’s attorney said the candidate is trump there is no ambiguity in this

8c3ac3  No.2694925


What about Bush Sr.

452855  No.2694926

Cohens lawyer?? Lanny Davis, fixer for Hillary

063f69  No.2694927


I once told somebody to KYS.

ba64d6  No.2694928


We need to dedicate sections to victims, for future reminder of why libtardism and open borders suck.

137520  No.2694929

>>2694893 I just read CBS and the lawyer did not ID him

5f74ec  No.2694930

File: 1f980689aea029e⋯.jpg (609.91 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 20180821_195557.jpg)

Yay another rally where nothing fucking happens yay

3d980f  No.2694931

"And it's because of the internet."

BTC => Dark Web for Black Ops.

8426ce  No.2694932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds MAGA Rally in Charleston, WV 8/21/18

6807b8  No.2694933

File: 492f7c4d89c17b9⋯.png (257.03 KB, 472x479, 472:479, pepe-boom-4.png)

ff76ce  No.2694934


That's good news anon. ThanQ. Proves Lenny is full of shit.

f59579  No.2694935


Nice theory, but I agree with >>2694886.

I think she is just clueless.

I've met enough of them- shallowly charming, ambitious, and clueless.

b762ed  No.2694936



>vore red

I'll be voting "red" in november. But that color has a whole commie/russian connotation aligned to it. It it works, fuck it, and if gets attacked, well, fuck that too.

ed08ed  No.2694937

Trumps not on point tonight. The gravity of the situation is hitting him

e5a680  No.2694938


Cohen did this on his own. At least that's what I read in the court document.

2f63d2  No.2694939


if obama was fine $375k for campaign reporting violations, why the fuck are we talking about a $130k payment?

fa2329  No.2694940


I would be it was no more common than another number, and it is only your imagination.

Unprovable claims are pretty useless

e76a41  No.2694941


Racinefag here…where do I dig?

c9750f  No.2694942


This should be obvious yes.

No defense, just 'attack'. Accuse, not defend.

jew 101, deep state 101, evil 101.

696125  No.2694943

File: 3fe128719558358⋯.jpeg (128.88 KB, 750x750, 1:1, GitmoMarines.jpeg)


So the guys who hire this freak to do it's obnoxious stint here every day tell it there is only room for 30 there. I wonder why?


d42de1  No.2694944

File: 93e10c79858bba3⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 552x561, 184:187, spockbird.jpg)


plus the crazy insane eyes im sure caligula was quite endearing too, fuck off with that shit

f2da77  No.2694945


YW anon. Why I thought we should read the complaint itself before relying on FAKE NEWS. :-)

c81ec6  No.2694946


I saw twatts that said he did

not sure then

91dd75  No.2694947

Think rationally, chill

Manaford was a plant and was caught in fraud not related to Trump campaign. There is no connection to POTUS here

Now Cohen is caught up by his own demons. Not connected to POTUS. So he is testifying smth smth that is maybe maybe not can be used against POTUS. First, we dont know whether those payment were illegal, most likely not. Second, it comes from a person who is dirty, second taping is illegal without consent

The only question i have is why POTUS chose this lawyer if ourguys know it all and the plan was defined long ago. That one we will helpfully find out

e45b2d  No.2694948

File: 3ad153d0daa0581⋯.png (221.59 KB, 1366x656, 683:328, IrelandonGumtree.png)



Ireland has the right idea!

99e0e7  No.2694949


You know the hollowhoax was bullshit dont ya. It was for shekels.

8536d5  No.2694950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Come Mr. Q-Maaan Tally Dee bananas…..

8d3c89  No.2694951

File: a5adb2ed04eec31⋯.png (91.71 KB, 801x810, 89:90, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f75f50c868fa7b⋯.png (85.69 KB, 787x741, 787:741, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93114e202ec52d5⋯.png (11.25 KB, 773x123, 773:123, ClipboardImage.png)

Still No Answers From DNC One Week After Pledging To Review Ellison Allegations

One week after pledging to review domestic abuse allegations against Rep. Keith Ellison, the DNC has yet to provide any answers to the public on where it stands.

Ellison is the deputy chair of the DNC and the Democratic Party’s nominee for Minnesota attorney general.

One of Ellison’s former primary opponents on Monday called law enforcement to investigate the Ellison allegations.

Karen Monahan claims to have video proving Ellison’s abuse but has yet to make it public.


d63ab9  No.2694952


It wouldn't surprise me if Cohen was 'encouraged' to hire Davis to get the best deal. This is for optics.

41f1a2  No.2694953


Very nice.

063f69  No.2694954

File: b980a5cb319b92c⋯.jpg (90.48 KB, 888x499, 888:499, brazile water buff meme.jpg)

d3692d  No.2694955

Rally: Bing Bing Bong Bong….


fca381  No.2694956

File: d00814d9936a744⋯.png (193.19 KB, 419x259, 419:259, Screenshot_127.png)

3c8b66  No.2694957

fa2329  No.2694958


Thank you Dr Freud.

What point should he be on?

3d980f  No.2694959



I was doing this sober… but the timeline changed, and my options are Liberal-y limited.

Staring at a screen all day every day while the world turns…

It's not for me.

I have a yob to do.

6f9a74  No.2694960

"Human traffickers"

"The internet.."

What a wonderful nod to our research


831afa  No.2694961


The gravity of POTUS’s member would flatten you.

f59579  No.2694962



Wasn't fully woke then.

2f63d2  No.2694963

File: 9c1b109f73a17b2⋯.png (564.4 KB, 702x807, 234:269, ClipboardImage.png)


The biggest tell was hiring lanny davis

6807b8  No.2694964

File: 48bc49f4312b9cc⋯.png (244.21 KB, 500x276, 125:69, socialism-your-money-q1.png)

696125  No.2694965

File: 190d03416fb898f⋯.jpg (15.49 KB, 255x205, 51:41, GitmoBound2.jpg)


Gitmo is not the regular prison system

It's on the island of Cuba

423c40  No.2694966

File: 54c3b674d2d7e55⋯.png (552.11 KB, 1289x748, 1289:748, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone catch this… he is a REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE… not good…


e45b2d  No.2694967


All their symbols/colors/ideas are belong to us. We are the narrative. When we want their opinion, we'll give it to them. Godspeed anon.

247e15  No.2694968

f2da77  No.2694969


>why the fuck are we talking about a $130k payment?

I believe because of the shell companies…I think this is just the beginning of the 45,000 sealed docs

c048ae  No.2694970


That was sarcasm (duhhh)

c9f5cc  No.2694971


So, Q implores us to do what I've been doing for over a year, and you condemn me while being a Q sheep. So basically, you're part of the psyop, right? And I suppose you let Q handle it by trusting a plan you neither know or comprehend, along with the laws that would give the plan its framework. Idiot.

ff76ce  No.2694972


2 other anons agree with you, kek. It's gonna be a challenge to tell libs Potus wasn't involved, but what else Is knew.

aaea3a  No.2694973



063f69  No.2694974


The first attack in the war was either Vegas, or the HAARP hurricanes in FL and TX around the same time. Then Sutherland, Parkland etc.

614bee  No.2694975

File: cccd7559dcec4ac⋯.png (71.16 KB, 500x500, 1:1, jewssuckmorethanyouknow.png)

389664  No.2694976


Swamp's deep

627192  No.2694977

File: 89e1a2cccda41e2⋯.png (315.61 KB, 1242x819, 138:91, IMG_5377.PNG)

ed08ed  No.2694978


Not with those small hands

17b839  No.2694979


Gotta clean-up. Maybe he was dumb and didn't want to retire.

2e1947  No.2694980

File: 3496f9a77c5bd36⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 244.14 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, doppel-analsex.jpg)

bad choices with cia space ham take two

d924cd  No.2694981

File: 519680f381f7d18⋯.jpg (44.88 KB, 600x314, 300:157, DlHJvDCUcAY2Yk4.jpg)

File: 3db3b489cc402db⋯.jpg (21.81 KB, 476x500, 119:125, DlHJw2MU0AIWZro.jpg)

File: f1203cf3999cef0⋯.jpg (41.33 KB, 403x500, 403:500, DlHJyE5VsAAEFVj.jpg)

ea119a  No.2694982

I just love OUR GEOTUS!

fa2329  No.2694983


Donald Trump's "Bing Bong" Speech is a nonsensical phrase uttered by the American businessman and Republican presidential candidate to mockingly describe how political lobbying works during a keynote speech he delivered at the Republican Party's "Lincoln Day" event in Birch Run, Michigan. Upon entering online circulation in August 2015, the soundbite of Trump saying the words "bing bong" became a popular audio material for parodies and remixes on Vine and YouTube.

430bbf  No.2694984


thats part of the trigger to the psyop.

956a0a  No.2694985

Shit. Please link to rally. Much appreciated.

423c40  No.2694986


i wont disagree with that… i know how business works in san diego … the problem is who will replace him

831afa  No.2694987


Boomer clown spotted.

daa517  No.2694988

Are the majority of Jew haters on 8ch anons or shills?

5e249a  No.2694989

File: 6a45447e8f9fd08⋯.png (58.34 KB, 1396x328, 349:82, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 63789d315c3740c⋯.png (186.16 KB, 812x735, 116:105, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 64f96dd9372e4cb⋯.png (156.1 KB, 819x631, 819:631, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)



8c3ac3  No.2694990


I fell ya anon. Lizard, not Nazi. fair enough.

62e107  No.2694991

File: 38dc7fd246bc991⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 420x256, 105:64, multiferroicscopy-large.jpg)

File: 0ce3fd2725e71e0⋯.jpg (18.28 KB, 278x181, 278:181, indexz.jpg)

File: d1683605a20e6c7⋯.png (98.57 KB, 648x241, 648:241, a-Relationship-between-mul….png)

File: 0f807cfd3fed19e⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 638x479, 638:479, multiferroic-materials-5-6….jpg)

eleventy one


In multiferroic materials, a stable electric polarization can be controlled by applying an external magnetic field and vice versa, as mediated by the magnetoelectric (ME) coupling. Such a unique property makes these systems extremely useful for many technological applications ranging from tunable multifunctional spintronics to magnetoelectric random access memory devices and many kinds of optoelectronic devices.1,2 Physically, as pointed out by Aizu3 and later on by other authors,4,5 the ME coupling between magnetism and ferroelectricity is governed by a simultaneous breaking of inversion and time-reversal symmetries. Since its first prediction,3 the search for multiferroic materials6,7 has become one of the most active research areas in condensed matter and material physics. In particular, the ongoing search for room-temperature multiferroic systems has never been felt more essential.

▲ ▲

063f69  No.2694992



My wife screamed at me last night during sex.

I should have probably knocked on the door before I entered.

b762ed  No.2694993


Like the way you think Anon.

God bless.

c81ec6  No.2694994

2f63d2  No.2694995


Ok, well then I will refer you here >>2694772


2e1947  No.2694996

File: 28e735a834ff884⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 188.85 KB, 1114x1594, 557:797, meinshills.jpg)

the must lie by obscurity to maintain the gestapi curse from the camps

696125  No.2694997

File: c19f550ea2efc2a⋯.png (736.82 KB, 1407x2026, 1407:2026, GitmoExpecting10000.png)


You'll find out.

63abad  No.2694998

File: 26c6dd2de09b35f⋯.png (129.98 KB, 886x493, 886:493, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: d640aff96a2d44a⋯.png (167.93 KB, 899x526, 899:526, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 6136d4e29ceded6⋯.png (102.48 KB, 920x482, 460:241, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 99d7546de2c0589⋯.png (150.06 KB, 904x552, 113:69, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 4d8fe70bcbd8c1b⋯.png (182.24 KB, 746x558, 373:279, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

Sorry if this conversation has been had before….

But this appears significant.

David Brock, Eli Fink,

4992c5  No.2694999


dont forget the attack on the NSA facility on the same day as parkland FF.

c9750f  No.2695000


Protip: double post, you fucking JIDF cunt.


nabbed : b735f6

Tell us your extensive history of being a baptist again HAHAHA

e45b2d  No.2695001




b9cf3d  No.2695002

>>2694790 Anon take a chill pill!! Normies will be taken down by animal from central america or a towel head here its not your wheelhouse. Stand on the wall and protect and serve!!

e6612a  No.2695003

File: 53a8b43beec79ed⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 1047x549, 349:183, _20180821_195336.JPG)

68f565  No.2695004


Yeah, on this board, 169 is just not enough to brag about. ;-)

fa2329  No.2695005


Your Mom looks so young!

She must get lots of exercise.

6807b8  No.2695006

File: 9baf617e8b5ac1e⋯.png (239.19 KB, 593x400, 593:400, tried-hard-friend-potus-ki….png)

8d3c89  No.2695007

File: aee2e46610d7038⋯.png (292.62 KB, 488x339, 488:339, ClipboardImage.png)

Media shouts about Assad’s assault on ‘peaceful’ Idlib, fails to mention it’s under jihadist control


5c34a2  No.2695008


Trump not on point Trump going to jail its all over. Y'all need to read chicken little

41f1a2  No.2695009


Jews? Where? Here? WTF?

daa517  No.2695010

File: d51d010b8296635⋯.jpg (20.36 KB, 300x201, 100:67, 2gagau.jpg)

File: 31c2f75ed230e63⋯.jpg (84.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, download (3).jpg)

fca381  No.2695011

Wow! Signal lost while Trump is talking about NK and Kim Jong Un!

02d1b5  No.2695012

Link to rally died. Help anons!

7e59bc  No.2695013


Seen it. Several times. Make a side by side prooooooof

aaea3a  No.2695014


(Banned. Reason: Spam. Img: https://pasteboard.co/HAgOUBY.png)

4be91a  No.2695015

File: 6bcb81cc8013040⋯.png (109.65 KB, 599x264, 599:264, Screenshot 2018-08-21 at 7….png)


f2da77  No.2695016


I meant the use of shell companies by Cohen…POTUS is safe

637346  No.2695017

Did POTUS just say read the papers? Obama and NK?

ea119a  No.2695018


Problem is he cannot be replaced on ballot. Drain the Swamp but I thought we'd be able to replace the R's on the Ballots and wait 'til it was too late to replace the D's.

360bf3  No.2695019


we'd probably have an easier time with normies if we started using the term 'breakthrough energy' rather than 'free energy'.

As you say, at the end of the day, we have to pay for the materials, the R&D, the regulatory expenses…

still, there is much improvement we can make over the current system. enough improvement to deserve the title of 'breakthrough'.

0edb02  No.2695020


Not in The Bible.

afd1b3  No.2695021

File: 51961677872372c⋯.png (385.81 KB, 553x586, 553:586, trump.png)


artist's sketch of the perpetrator spot on

52a06e  No.2695022


Came back on weird.

4bd29d  No.2695023

File: 56618ad72d658ff⋯.png (18.2 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 1e507035b4764cb6c659bc3121….png)


Close, but there's more to it than that. Emperor Xi is using communism as an authoritarian mechanism to assert Chinese foreign policy and hegemony via OBOR. He's staked his entire political future on that success. That includes, eventually, a challenge of US dominance in the S. China Sea, Taiwan, Korea, etc.

All of this is predicated on the idea that the US will not meet their challenge. Under Hussein/HRC, that was the case. Trump? Not so much. But Xi has committed too much to back down now.

Our best bet? Crash the Chinese economy, make them shed their foreign currency reserves (mostly US treasuries) and force them into a premature conflict which they cannot win. Support Taiwan (think Czechoslavakia in WWII - see: Taiwan Relations Act, which makes the Taiwan issue a Congressional matter, not an Executive matter) when the time comes, and force punishing concessions.

I predict war with China within 3 years, one way or another.

ed08ed  No.2695024

wide shot building is empty

78fa6f  No.2695025


Fucking notable

fb863d  No.2695026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6807b8  No.2695027

File: d9cd4cf5bed46d8⋯.png (372.04 KB, 499x278, 499:278, change-mind-nk-nuke.png)

594c96  No.2695028

just saw a red Q anon tee shirt.

c77386  No.2695029


And also semi litirat

4be91a  No.2695030


I read that too with the Shell companies. I was like…wtf?

ff76ce  No.2695031

Elton John (Little rocket Man)


2e1947  No.2695032

File: 855e35c44bf71eb⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 55.38 KB, 768x512, 3:2, IMG_0972.JPG)


36f4df  No.2695033



The whole system is pay to play but Dems are like teflon with the media and judges on their side

a72696  No.2695034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


REFRESH. It came back but glitchy

Try this other one…

c9f5cc  No.2695035


The S in Santa means servers. This is profound. I don't doubt they have the servers. I assumed they did, long before Q said it. Whether desired results are sought by the govt is another matter.

76a004  No.2695036

Odd delays in the live stream.

614bee  No.2695037


It's not in the bible.

It is in the Talmud.

Talmud is Jewish Law.

2f63d2  No.2695038

File: 1bce5837c79995c⋯.jpg (194.41 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, BTFO.jpg)


Its fucking insulting to our intelligence that we are even having this conversation about campaign finance violations, they think we are stupid, they think we are sheep, they think we will follow the stars, NOPE

6807b8  No.2695039

File: e196dd33c8ac4a6⋯.png (211.72 KB, 499x407, 499:407, trump-cure-cancer-good-cnn….png)

33358c  No.2695040


>>2694416 "Muslims chant 'Allahu akbar' at Vikings stadium

>>2694481 List of Cohen charges

>>2694508 Former Head of Federal Elections Says Cohen Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution

>>2694536 Illegal immigrant charged with first-degree murder in Mollie Tibbetts’ death

>>2694593, >>2694634 Facebook says it removed content from Iran and Russia for ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’..

>>2694628 No jailtime for Imran Awan for bank fraud.

>>2694706 Did you know that evil Monsanto’s former PR executive is now running the anti-gun group Moms Demand Action?

>>2694740 More on "where the bodies are buried"

>>2694771 Hong Kong Director Under Million-Dollar Fraud Investigation, Absconds With Investor Money

>>2694772 Barry Soetoro a.k.a. Renegade was fined $375k for campaign finance violations in 2008 campaign

>>2694899 Planefag Reports

>>2694951 Still No Answers From DNC One Week After Pledging To Review Ellison Allegations

c048ae  No.2695041


the purpose of being anon is so that nobody has to brag.

acd786  No.2695042



9d6ac8  No.2695044

File: 71e984addd82dfb⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1200x1020, 20:17, S&B-ATTEMPT-3.jpg)

File: d14544d5d4e53d7⋯.png (533.82 KB, 650x621, 650:621, 1861.png)

File: 546f32b3108b1a7⋯.png (331.69 KB, 800x466, 400:233, About-Albert-Pike#1.png)

File: a155553a07e3ee6⋯.png (210.63 KB, 594x574, 297:287, About-Albert-Pike#2.png)





063f69  No.2695045


Im more concerned about the 40 House D's Awan is supposed to bring down. Just deport this muzzie.

e45b2d  No.2695046


I actually wanted to salute your meme!

7b88c3  No.2695047

File: 725748f257aab24⋯.png (323.77 KB, 524x494, 262:247, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

63abad  No.2695048

File: 160b4ac709badb9⋯.png (73.12 KB, 1169x463, 1169:463, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 1ead5fa14a04687⋯.png (83.71 KB, 614x464, 307:232, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 9eee147f48c3f50⋯.png (156.59 KB, 652x551, 652:551, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: cbf2a2c59070c6f⋯.png (55.57 KB, 558x285, 186:95, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

File: 85e213f10733ba2⋯.png (34.45 KB, 455x122, 455:122, Screen Shot 2018-08-22 at ….png)

f2da77  No.2695049

File: 330174ca03ba09f⋯.png (37.27 KB, 385x391, 385:391, ClipboardImage.png)


Check out this Q post…SEE PIC

e4a361  No.2695051

File: 550ca47193c6a16⋯.jpg (112.8 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 610928_1.jpg)


Attention all anons.

"I'll Have You Know" Is BACK for Moar


Gird you Loins!

f59579  No.2695052

5e249a  No.2695054

File: 703c325ae84cfa8⋯.png (540.91 KB, 816x718, 408:359, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: c3327a104e79914⋯.png (183.08 KB, 868x694, 434:347, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)

File: 12be57dbc0b8d89⋯.png (126.82 KB, 866x580, 433:290, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at ….png)



7e59bc  No.2695055


He is a turd pie, anon. IN the vein of no name, rubio, faketriot.

The light will reveal……

696125  No.2695057

File: 45947cd647b57c0⋯.jpg (16.6 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 58eeab9b097bd6c1e84d5b6d02….jpg)


as if anyone would believe

[m4xr3sdEfault]***,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )

Yes, You are so believable


You need a new ID if you plan to be taken 1/2 seriously.

62e107  No.2695058

File: a946f2552773b09⋯.jpg (75.88 KB, 638x479, 638:479, new-energy-part-3b2-techni….jpg)

File: abe054f0a8fe89a⋯.jpg (131.99 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 8-13.jpg)

File: 28544a5651ab012⋯.gif (46.18 KB, 703x462, 703:462, ppotfig14.gif)

File: a815ab8639cfa32⋯.jpg (273.96 KB, 1066x800, 533:400, 7094259_orig.jpg)

File: aefc3ace44824cd⋯.jpg (32.23 KB, 371x473, 371:473, 5343A.jpg)


▲ ▲

b91022  No.2695059

File: d4b94159660777b⋯.png (143.28 KB, 534x528, 89:88, patchh.png)

any anons tell me what this patch is

bae4c2  No.2695060


Years ago (maybe late 80's, early 90's) there was a fella selling a furnace that generated energy with magnets. Two magnets with reversing pull that caused them to spin. Was advertised on TV for about a year or so, then poof, gone, no more - just as we had made the decision to buy one. Price was around $2k. Always wondered what happened with this furnace.

bfb599  No.2695061


It's true.

Islam is a POLITICAL ideology of CONQUEST.

It should be ILLEGAL.


Gov't wouldn't allow a Nazi rally, would it?

ea119a  No.2695062


What building?

f5ef4a  No.2695064

File: a6ea56e94869b07⋯.jpg (197.45 KB, 648x1110, 108:185, 0bama secret.jpg)


Trust muh plan ….

423c40  No.2695065


who to replace him with though? lol

fca381  No.2695066


Christmas came EARLY, Anon!

059b19  No.2695067


Good boys get the servers.

Bad boys get, wait for it,



bd295a  No.2695068


Hmmm, Flynn's hearing was delayed again today. Apparently prosecutors will report to the judge no later than Sept. 17th. Flynn really "knows where the bodies are buried".

17b839  No.2695069


lots of such stories, great inventions disappeared

452855  No.2695070

File: 35781e4f1f78835⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 600x415, 120:83, 7worldsbiggestthings[1].jpg)



c7b3ce  No.2695071


Imagine being so new that you think the Jews follow "the bible"

0edb02  No.2695072



cb9283  No.2695073


If its not in the bible then its not traditional god given law.

fa2329  No.2695074


99% hwere have never been tested in any legit way.

They just think they are smarter, but most don't seem to be doing much with it.

Funny thing is high IQ people can size up others and don't need to brag. Most aren't jealous of others, since they don;t need to

Quiet competence is sufficient

de2267  No.2695075

we are under cyber attack

33358c  No.2695076

File: fd6fe09d5fe97bf⋯.jpg (111.2 KB, 480x672, 5:7, 14d16c860750b7084b05f1c234….jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

If I missed anything, repost next bread please.

063f69  No.2695077


A criminal conspiracy can be prosecuted where any conspirator acted or is located.

c9f5cc  No.2695078


kikes are progressive

adbaa3  No.2695079


Thanks god i never read the fucking "noteables".

If this helps me with cracking the communication code, with explaining my family why the world is how it is, with waking up tomorrow and knowing at least A BIT more… ok. Notable!!! But NOTHING. I'm from austria, but i can feel from 1000s of km away that your post is just pure nothingness, filled with a few matrix cabal heating materials. But calling out people that support a liberal or left politic (whatever their motives might be, doesnt matter), a complicit of a murder… i dont know what to say. Are you stupid or something? How in heaven will this help anyone?

4be91a  No.2695080

Went outside of a smokey treat. Have an injured dear in my backyard. Having problems walking on all fours :-(

6807b8  No.2695081

File: 4324361bde623f2⋯.png (972.03 KB, 859x564, 859:564, trump-doll-cnn-fake-news.png)

fb863d  No.2695082


there has never been a more true newfag litmus test than this pasta

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