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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

2049c2 No.2279550

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.




Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215, >>>/qproofs/130

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 07.25.18

>>2279499--------------------------------------------- Happy Days Ahead Patriot

>>2275151 ——————————————– POTUS poised for ctrl of FED

Tuesday 07.24.18

>>2272925 ——————————————– FVEY In NZ Rt

>>2266551 ——————————————– What a wonderful day.

>>2265521 ——————————————– We saw you! God bless Patriots!

>>2265275 ——————————————– You are witnessing the destruction of the OLD GUARD

>>2265220 rt >>2265154 ————————- We do try.

>>2265105 rt >>2264981 ————————- Study Nazism. Antifa. Socialism

>>2264962 ——————————————– Something BIG is about to DROP.

>>2264304 ——————————————– Does FOIA cover FISA? DECLAS. Think HUBER.

>>2263683 rt >>2263659 ————————- why mirrors and disinformation is necessary

>>2263659 ——————————————– HuffPo Q hit piece: PANIC!

>>2263460 ——————————————– You have more than you know. Crim Referral doc

>>2262557 ——————————————– Silence is golden.

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 ——————————————– Independence Celebration

For older posts, check the various archives.

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

FIND ALL Q POSTS AT: qanon.pub , qmap.pub/ , qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ , qanon.news/posts.html

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Previous Q Posts

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

2049c2 No.2279577


are not endorsements


>>2251030, >>2261001 EXPLANATION of bread-archiving situation. Fix habbening.

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference

>>2258234 Bakers, please put "^^^ Next Baker ^^^" below 1st shift notes, & NB >bundle


>>2279283 PlaneFag Reports

>>2279125 Mexican President Delivers Incredible Letter to Trump, Promises a ‘New Stage’ Leftists Will Hate

>>2279070 Paul Sperry Twat Fisa Warrant Unconstitutional Under 4th Amendment

>>2279020, >>2279040, >>2279091, >>2279122, >>2279307 Water on Mars Posts (POTUS Speech Related)

>>2278966 Update on Houston bicycle killer of Bush Doc (From Local Houston Chronicle) not MSM

>>2278932 "5.2" crumbs linked to POTUS tweet

>>2278910 Trump criticizes and the world listens

>>2278956 Former Special Ops Official ‘Shocked’ White House Isn't Considering Stripping Hillary Clinton's Security Clearance

>>2278872, >>2278875, >>2278882, 2279028 Bloodline Dig - Aldobrandini

>>2278849, Fiat Chrysler Ceo Dies 3 Days after Resigning

>>2279564 #2782

#2871 Baker Change

>>2278638 Trumps Star On Hollywood Walk of Fame Vandalized

>>2278380 When Israel Attacked USS Liberty,They knew it was a US Ship

>>2278351 Corinthia Hotel that Q Mentioned (Maybe Dig Worthy?)

>>2278208 Shortly after Hillary Clinton was in New Zealand, Dan Coats visited

>>2278159 SPOT ON Analysis by an Anon?

>>2278096 New POTUS Twat - What kind of lawyer would tape a client?

>>2278091 Who makes money in CA?

>>2278691 #2871


>>2277777 Heavenly Quints speak: Unambiguous Enemy IDEN

>>2277481, >>2277527, >>2277604 @DJT morning tweets: "No Weakness!"

>>2277342, >>2277478, >>2277514 Diggs on WA state ballot choices

>>2277429 EU braces as Bannon unveils right-wing counterpart to Soros’ foundation

>>2277309 Martin Luther got J-woke late in life too: condemns role in usury/baking

>>2277304 OpEd: Next step: House Intel asks Trump to declassify rest of FISA ap

>>2277239, >>2277270, >>2277458, >>2277292, "Bronfman, King of the Jews" and Fiji

>>2277296 Death or sacrifice? Marchionne of FIAT/CHRYSLER dies in surgery (pic/Hussein)

>>2277238 Bilderbergers missed memo: think they're still meeting (FIAT/CHRYSLER Italy)

>>2277217 Anon theory on the nature of migrants as debt "assets"

>>2277953 #2870


>>2276977 It's the little things: DOJ says, sorry, they're called "illegal aliens."

>>2277049 Clockfag analysis: PAK_leadership change?

>>2276782, >>2277026 Another good history/genesis of the FED: Creature of Jekyll Island

>>2276710, >>2276448, >>2276791, >>2276851, >>2277039 NZ-Anons discuss NZ politics

>>2276512, >>2276570, >>2276590, >>2276610, >>2276617, >>2276703 Clockfag anlysis

>>2276458, >>2276670, >>2276524 Coincidence? Q returns on July 24, Pioneer Day Utah

>>2277163 #2869


>>2276406 Anon details Trumps' Plan to Save the West

>>2276225, >>2276308 Anons analyze meaning of "study Nazism" given Q came to /pol/

>>2276161, >>2276265, >>2276380 Clockfag/111 analysis, FED

>>2276109, >>2276126, >>2276141 Anons discuss POTUS, debt leverage, & possible GCR

>>2276000, >>2276012, >>2276035, >>2276101 Anons talk WWII and banking for newfags

>>2275814, >>2275981 Anons suggest FED history study: Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound

>>2275797, >>2275876 Remembering why POTUS put Andrew Jackson's portrait up

>>2275670 Nov12 Q drop discussing Titanic, Hindenburg, and the FED

>>2275646 The greatest communications event in history (welcome whistle-blowers)

>>2275635 US LAW: Issuance to RESERVE BANKS; nature of obligation; redemption

>>2276391 #2868

#2867 Baker Change

>>2275477, >>2275507, >>2275534, >>2275585 Anons discuss Bankers and World Affairs

>>2275268 Discussion of messaging in Fight Club, BrainStorm & (((them)))

>>2275151, >>2275219 NEW Q: Trump poised to take control of the Fed

>>2275064 @Snowden digg: SSEUS The Old Guard

>>2274995, >>2275027, >>2275161 NZ/Peter Thiel digg

>>2274963, >>2274984, >>2274986, >>2275126, >>2275385 Planefag report

>>2274962, >>2274975 Sourced documentary series on Communism and the NWO

>>2274884 Antifa leader convicted for sex abuse of minor arrested again

>>2274863 Wray I'view: "treat [MSM] as a multi-disciplinary [terrorist] threat"

>>2274858 MANY school workers in news for child sex abuse past 24hrs

>>2275584 #2867

Previously Collected Notables

>>2274766 #2866, >>2273993 #2865, >>2273135 #2864

>>2272688 #2863, >>2271549 #2862, >>2271633 #2861,

>>2269976 #2860, >>2269128 #2859, >>2268392 #2858

>>2267546 #2857, >>2266766 #2856, >>2265953 #2855

>>2265179 #2854, >>2264402 #2853, >>2263599 #2852

>>2261141 #2849, >>2261931 #2850, >>2262758 #2851

>>2260999 #2846, >>2259752 #2847, >>2260242 #2848

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

2049c2 No.2279578

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2254903

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

2049c2 No.2279579

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive:




MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!g2RHWQyZ!26l2m6b8Vg_2l1ArPM9aEXn_wN2BG4-KzmLOS01qv6A

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/384624849/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-6-0?secret_password=8mEuXmnRBOy4TdKbwBd7

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q8sfoo8hi8idhm8/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.6.0.pdf

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==New Bakers Required == Read this -→ >>2172540

e2849d No.2279580

>>2278638 (pb)

Poor baby had a tantrum.

2a43a7 No.2279581


Great news!

Will the duty printing of money return to congress?

It would be nice to have inflation under control and money not to lose its purchasing power, for folks who want to save instead of going into the stock market.

6cd73e No.2279582

Thank you baker!

96eeea No.2279583


His legacy will be absolutely historic!

6594ac No.2279584

NEW Q from late last bread

>>2279519 rt >>2279519 ————————- There is only Q.

>>2279499 rt >>2279471 ————————- Happy days ahead, Patriot!

>>2279465 ——————————————– We will never again be under their control.

0c0051 No.2279586

File: 173160eef3e58e1⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 445x532, 445:532, 10.08.jpg)


96eeea No.2279587

Thank you Baker. BZ

8b87ee No.2279588

File: 0b6abee6d32aee0⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 2978x1652, 1489:826, end-the-fed.jpg)


ef150a No.2279590

Q, how is the situation behind the scenes RE: Space?

044a0c No.2279591

Q, since you’re debunking larps today….

Just slide in a quick yay or nay on the whole new age/pleadian thing…

b09720 No.2279592

Q, will Kudlow push for NGDP Targeting?

aa6310 No.2279593


I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

REV 3:8-11 KJV

8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

a6f8a2 No.2279594


Wow. That looks great!

e3e3b7 No.2279595

>>2279584 fify

>>2279519 rt >>2279498 ————————- There is only Q.

0c0051 No.2279596

File: 30404629197dcd8⋯.jpg (10.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, PE.jpg)

File: 5383848456d9ed7⋯.jpg (48.33 KB, 570x400, 57:40, ChuckD.jpg)

File: 0eb14c6f1e0e855⋯.jpg (60.24 KB, 500x374, 250:187, yes.jpg)

440b49 No.2279597

File: 4b1cb0c396b9537⋯.png (323.57 KB, 640x415, 128:83, ClipboardImage.png)


How is this nigger going to run from behind bars at GITMO????????

c420aa No.2279598



thank you, patriot Q.

8f09c2 No.2279599

File: 8c680ef3f1bd5b1⋯.png (11.5 KB, 255x254, 255:254, hygge pepe.png)

Given how well #2872 went, I think we have to concede some shillbaking prior to BV showing up.

And oh, the Q. So comfy.

941f7f No.2279600


Is there a deeper meaning behind the letter Q?

5fab5c No.2279601

>>2279519 lb

if you could shove a sock down Corey Booker's throat that would be great

0c0051 No.2279603

File: b33fb202fed28e6⋯.jpg (234.47 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, 33.jpg)

53af7e No.2279604

You lost me as to why not is good Trump is taking over the Federal Reserve and not dismantling it. And Trump plays on their team. Sooooo…..why is any of it good?

I don't think so Q.

aa6310 No.2279605

File: 7c9022bf6347abc⋯.png (43.93 KB, 190x198, 95:99, trumpets3.png)

d46176 No.2279606

File: 9b4b49dd1f83dd1⋯.jpeg (655.73 KB, 1242x1545, 414:515, 31995BE7-C4B5-476F-931E-D….jpeg)

File: 6dba25159083235⋯.jpeg (867.97 KB, 1242x2134, 621:1067, 79CE33AA-77B5-4B08-B267-4….jpeg)

JFK Exec Order 11110

Oh by the way wikipedia wants $$$$$

Should we demand fairness in editing?


53a068 No.2279607


Break the cycle.

3303f2 No.2279608


Trust Adelson?

0f1b01 No.2279609


Dash touching link in top Q post

I'm sure a million others will point it out, but there was a third "Only Q" = No R post, too.

0c0051 No.2279610

File: ce48521378d62c8⋯.jpg (287.62 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ready.boi.jpg)

File: ac7e7b1aa0fa76e⋯.jpg (390.31 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, suck.it.jpg)

File: 3f719b3cfe69952⋯.jpg (6.92 KB, 275x183, 275:183, blow.me.jpg)

1d2227 No.2279611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4fc6c8 No.2279612

Q= magnifying glass?

like a detective, matlock ?

thru the looking glass?

2049c2 No.2279613



6594ac No.2279614


Ah, my bad.

Got ahead of myself there.

Good get.

4ebfad No.2279615

Baker forgive the harassment from last bread about the water (watch the water) (MARS) I didn't realize Q was posting at same time. Apologies

7bb958 No.2279616

File: befa5cb9f1b088d⋯.gif (985.21 KB, 250x186, 125:93, floodpuppies.gif)

TY Baker!

0c0051 No.2279617

File: f34ce64cb364ed1⋯.jpg (59.01 KB, 447x600, 149:200, snitch.jpg)



1ed7b6 No.2279618

Albert Pike Morals and Dogma from the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry p.200.

“The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degree, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.

If Lucifer were not god, would Adonay (sic)whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarianism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests culminate him?

Yes Lucifer is god, and unfortunately Adonay is also god.

For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods, darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the state.

Thus the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer and god, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”

Albert Pike Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry p.217 Quoted again by William Shnoebelen in Masonry Behind the Light p.58-59

“When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his craft.

The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward he must prove his ability to properly apply his energy.”

Manly P Hall The Lost Keys of Freemasonry p.48

For Thou [Lucifer] hast said in thine heart,

I will ascend into heaven,

I will exalt my throne above the stars of God :

I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,

In the sides of the north :

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;

I will be like the most high

Isaiah 14:13-14

20fc98 No.2279620


Q= Quantum?

faaf25 No.2279621

File: 3dfe6f73f72422d⋯.png (25.52 KB, 408x246, 68:41, Screenshot_2018-07-23-16-2….png)

Get ready for a Bioweapon or something else very sinister, the deep state will do anything to survive.

7b8833 No.2279622

File: 515dc4f59e4d177⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 615x312, 205:104, pepe-trump-liberty.jpg)

19c39a No.2279624


THANKQ!!! I hope you understand how much we appreciate what your team is doing. My feelings of patriotism are glowing RED WHITE AND BLUE!!! My family will be forever grateful for what is being done. The division that has pushed our country apart is being sown back together by "Q PATRIOTS" WWWG1WGA

a1b45d No.2279626



Is Crypto a wise investment for us Patriots at this point before the coming economic shift?

0367f4 No.2279627

>>2279465 (lb)

Every day is becoming a wet dream with POTUS!!!!

Thank you Q, POTUS and the Lord Jesus Christ!

43b8f0 No.2279628

File: 1c8da3c560e0065⋯.jpg (315.79 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, MONEYCHOICE.jpg)

e474cb No.2279630

File: 148f4e01742756f⋯.png (65.69 KB, 614x631, 614:631, ClipboardImage.png)

Hmm, wonder where this leads?


fcb38d No.2279631

Q - Gold backed currency?

15c037 No.2279632

File: 362b6a1d2a959be⋯.jpg (135.12 KB, 707x489, 707:489, Q IS IN CONTROL.jpg)


"Happy Days Are Here Again" is a song copyrighted in 1929 by Milton Ager and Jack Yellen and published by EMI Robbins Catalog, Inc./Advanced Music Corp. The song was recorded by Leo Reisman and His Orchestra, with Lou Levin, vocal, and was featured in the 1930 film Chasing Rainbows.

Kek. Yellen. Kek. kek.

d30464 No.2279634

File: 3b5d35e54bd0760⋯.jpg (170.33 KB, 1622x779, 1622:779, IMG_20180725_205559.jpg)

Q, is RR a patriot?

1ae5f5 No.2279635

>>2279424 last

History is so true that we have to completely change the meaning of Hitler's words or else the entire bullshit game is over.

This is how the jews change the meaning to read like this.

>>The bigger the lie, the more people believe it - Hitler

They purposely imply he is saying he is going to lie and all the dummies are going to believe his lies. This is the type of catch phrases the boomer "WWII enthusiasts" regurgitate ad nauseum.

Its as stupid as "You would be speaking German" (in a white super majority state) if we hadn't destroyed Europe and flooded your countries with non whites!

8f09c2 No.2279636


NO! It's shitcoin. (Not Q, but it's been discussed.)

ef150a No.2279637


oooh that would be BIG!!

29edcf No.2279638


Whats up with cloning? Dont tell me we dont or other countries are trying or succeeding doing that shit.

A university in the 80s successfully cloned a human embryo and it is viable. They decided to kill it.

0c0051 No.2279639

File: f9fe2e91eb19eb1⋯.jpg (30.26 KB, 640x420, 32:21, brenda.angle.jpg)

File: 9275f0df7bd434e⋯.jpg (132.28 KB, 640x398, 320:199, no.way.out.jpg)

File: 3dfd6b86bb159bd⋯.png (289.4 KB, 1184x996, 296:249, brenda.CIA.png)

0f1b01 No.2279640


"Taking control" by having 4 appointments is not the same as "Ending" the fed. Quit reading words that are not there.

6cd73e No.2279641

Q, will we see any action on the two civil cases against the Clintons, et al?

Will we see an audit of the Fed?

Will the puppet strings entangling Hollywood be revealed and cut?

Also, the Bluetooth soccer ball. Is there anything to the theory that there was a data transfer within that ball?

Sorry for multiple questions. We have missed you!

God Bless!

9373ca No.2279642


I am requesting you delete the Rlarp threads



e474cb No.2279643


Forgot sauce


402df6 No.2279644

File: 44d2d8d7d863f45⋯.gif (209.21 KB, 250x263, 250:263, 1495262484391.gif)




86aad1 No.2279645

>>2279438 lb

Don't make signs about ending the Fed.

Make signs about the bankers who are above the law

The 2008 crash was caused by their greed, their fraud

And they never were called to account

There is a parallel here:

A) The government serves the people

B) The banking system serves the people.

A) It is wrong for those who are part of the system of government to enrich themselves as a result of their government service

B) It is wrong for those who run the banking system to enrich themselves as a result of their service running the system.

36b3e8 No.2279646

File: 40f07633dbbadf3⋯.gif (958.3 KB, 500x375, 4:3, kekranger.gif)





01dda8 No.2279647


Do ya like to eat? Take away control first then decide with the rest of the world how to restructure.

f25164 No.2279648

File: e9896842ad15fb1⋯.png (17.1 KB, 255x192, 85:64, d91b81702fceced23845b0c276….png)



Should I keep hanging on to my Ag and Au?

I'm barely surviving….how much longer?

7ad667 No.2279649



77d153 No.2279650

File: b9915b41f0a3537⋯.png (233.83 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

3b9801 No.2279652

6431c3 No.2279653

Some of Lisa Page texts missing? Coming up on Fox!

b09720 No.2279654

Everytime Q posts it feels like that scene from Phenomenon where everyone asks John Travolta to heal them with his mind powers.

4fc6c8 No.2279655


all points in space/time connected?

re sql databases thats a dig and a half

4545a8 No.2279656

File: 2173507f32dc9f6⋯.jpg (14.09 KB, 183x255, 61:85, 2eoe87.jpg)

1ed7b6 No.2279657

In so doing Lucifer moved to destroy monotheism to be replaced by many cults and orders thus introducing polytheism and many gods giving his cohorts a place in his court.

And no marvel: for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light [in the hearts of men].

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transformed as the ministers of righteousness:

Whose end shall be according to their works [so too those who follow the false doctrine]

2 Corinthians 11:14-15

e8ec54 No.2279659

Hey Q!

Will the NXIVM case bring H-wood to its knees or are there even bigger fish to fry that we need to dig on?

3b9801 No.2279660

Hoo, ha ha.

6cf010 No.2279661

File: 30ec4ec36a7abf1⋯.png (565.61 KB, 746x692, 373:346, pyram.png)

File: 3e1be7af25b8328⋯.jpg (161.69 KB, 918x635, 918:635, pyramid.jpg)

Can we remove this from the dollar soon?

faaf25 No.2279662

File: 0de187d41250f20⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 476x615, 476:615, 2ekm2w~2.jpg)

File: 119d5d2ff9ac586⋯.jpg (20.22 KB, 206x225, 206:225, 2elz3u.jpg)

Clapper and Brennan were Barry's handlers.

3a3a60 No.2279663

File: 634b6105ddac6ab⋯.png (213.14 KB, 486x765, 54:85, chess-looking-glass.png)

>>2279325 (lb)

Maybe Through the Looking-Glass (mirror) will also be part of the q map

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871[1]) is a novel by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

d1ee37 No.2279664


Constitution says silver.

43b8f0 No.2279665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

oh happy day, oh happy dayy

941f7f No.2279666


Agreed. You said exactly what I wanted to say.

5fab5c No.2279668


do you even need to ask that?

20fc98 No.2279669


Ok, I am truly open to all anons input….and some from Q would be great, too. What would be the best message to put on posters for the rally in Tampa?

aa6310 No.2279670


I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

REV 3:8-11 KJV

8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

27cbf8 No.2279671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2279401 (lb)


Agree. Decent, balanced coverage. Thank you. SAVED. Did you notice they scanned to a photo of Hillary while the newscaster said the word, "Corruption"? KEK! And what are the chances of the newscaster's last name being Shakespeare? Coincidence?

a1fdd4 No.2279672

File: 69f17c9f0569ef4⋯.gif (361.87 KB, 500x375, 4:3, the-fonz-ayyy-gif.gif)

>>2279499 Q lb

gif related

7badb6 No.2279673

Kansas City Fed 10:J

414bc0 No.2279674

File: b55172702c13183⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 320x214, 160:107, 517184f560e24e8a566783b937….jpg)

File: f8b95b3080153a9⋯.jpg (14.44 KB, 320x220, 16:11, 599536_408238842561332_191….jpg)

File: 0824322e9a387e6⋯.png (212.73 KB, 677x590, 677:590, silent tax.png)

493e09 No.2279675

File: 46d3b60d3908004⋯.jpg (113.35 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, happy.jpg)

Good News.

2049c2 No.2279676


Kek!!, That makes 2 of us :)

7b8833 No.2279677

File: 5f6f6b8b8e96154⋯.gif (198.9 KB, 336x468, 28:39, pepe-dancing-text.gif)


checked , and SHADILAY

36b3e8 No.2279678



Signed by JFK. It's already done. Future will prove the past.

6cbcda No.2279679



It's very tempting to just do it, but please let me let the other BV's know before I do it.

b9479e No.2279680

Q 1603 (cropped):


>The WORLD will UNITE in this cause (G v E/R v W).

Forced immigration pushers will be exposed (the 'why').

Read the BIBLE.




The 'why'-heads will be exposed.

The 'Y'


But can someone please explain this:

>The WORLD will UNITE in this cause (G v E/R v W).

what is meant with

>(G v E/R v W).?

5f411c No.2279681

File: f659f8192467565⋯.gif (4.35 MB, 800x800, 1:1, cassette.gif)

414bc0 No.2279682

File: 34fd0f047609007⋯.jpg (272.02 KB, 800x600, 4:3, reset.jpg)

86aad1 No.2279683


Censorship is not something patriots do

In particular, this board stands for FREE SPEECH

Even when that speech is bloody annoying

Patriots need to take responsibility for ignoring stuff like that, not shutting it down.

After all, you know who believes in SHUT IT DOWN! don't you?

f20149 No.2279685




Is something "BIG" about to drop...

(B) IG? 2nd IG Report?

b7ae43 No.2279686


I'm surprised that they all aren't saying that they are running for office. That way when they get clipped, they can say Trump is getting rid of political rivals. TIRANT!

15c037 No.2279687

Q, will we ever get our privacy back?

What is the solution to the total loss of privacy that currently exists?

Isn't the right to privacy fundamental in a free society?

ec37fa No.2279688

RR signed the search warrant for the Cohen Raid.

Client attorney privileges broken?

What if damaging tapes were possessed by Q team?

Can they release now that 45 has taking lashings for the same thing?

What would they contain?

Proof about money to Fusion GPS or Russia directly?

RR comped?

When does Sessions step in?

POTUS is projecting w his tweets

9f25fe No.2279689

File: 8876aabc5de8ff3⋯.png (436.82 KB, 458x480, 229:240, ClipboardImage.png)

74c3a1 No.2279691



eb01fc No.2279692


if you want to hash the larper for them on their way out

the faggot is larping the same time Q was posting

be kind anons

love is blind

hopefully they will have respect in return and agree to go play elsewhere

other bread link anons



402df6 No.2279694

File: 2cd1898e1c754cb⋯.jpg (234.16 KB, 800x587, 800:587, 1522349542387.jpg)



6431c3 No.2279695

What time is Pompeo public hearing today?

c420aa No.2279696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Epoch times has a reporter in the pool.

they posted this today.

"the Q phenomenon"

significantly more fair than the BLP article.

53af7e No.2279697


Okay. Take control away from those that have had for a long time. But the control isn't back with the people. It is with another puppet. So it is just changing to pacify the people. It's not a good thing.

941f7f No.2279698


Good and evil are two opposites of the same coin. I believe this symbol will remain.

20b07b No.2279699


YES!! ^^THIS!!!

b09720 No.2279702

Not shilling, just want to point out that gold supplies can be just as manipulated as a fiat currency.

It's how they kicked off the great depression through hoarding and fuckery.

I'm still on alert for that kind of shit, gold won't solve everything, it's a metal. I don't worship a metal nor a paper.

9bf972 No.2279703

Water on Mars…

Maybe the Renicks will try to bottle it.


Lot's of companies sealed therein…

Of note though is this blurb:

Ganilau — who is also Fiji’s Minister for Defense, National Security, and Immigration — shocked the country, which has been under martial law since 2009, by emailing his resignation to Prime Minister Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama, who is traveling in China…

The fight comes at a potentially awkward moment for Fiji Water — and for the State Department, which just nominated the company for its 2010 Corporate Excellence Award. US relations with Fiji have been cool in recent years, but Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that Washington will re-engage with Bainimarama’s regime by putting a $21 million USAID climate change office in Fiji-a move some consider an attempt to counter China’s rising influence there. “We are going to be working together with Australia to persuade the military government to meet its commitment to bring democracy back to Fiji,” Clinton said.


So Roth leaves the island when Ganilay resigns…Coincidence?

2049c2 No.2279704

File: 54a9de945b20d78⋯.png (112.27 KB, 1533x1767, 511:589, Shadilay!!.png)

77d153 No.2279706


Treasury said it coordinated its action with France, which earlier this week renewed an asset freeze on 24 entities and individuals for providing an array of support to the Syrian agency.

4ebfad No.2279707


Watch the Water

9373ca No.2279708


thank, just consider it

its discrediting and now that Q called them out, I think its warranted to get the the fuck out of here

fuck everyone of the illegitimate threads


fuck off shill

a1b45d No.2279710


I take discussions between the pimple-faced tweens and socially-retarded man children on this board with a grain of salt. I prefer to hear it from the horse's mouth.

f14219 No.2279712




I DISAGREE, leave the threads, not becasue I like them, because I like general w/o them. Then they flood general, and it'll be a fight to shut them down. Which, is shutting down their right to believe bullshit if they choose to.

>>2279683 is right

9373ca No.2279713




4fc6c8 No.2279714

File: f6e31064c91f3a9⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 377x386, 377:386, brz.jpg)

File: ce3d0929d20822b⋯.jpg (39.48 KB, 265x320, 53:64, Lam3.jpg)



brennan lookin like a Y head

faaf25 No.2279715

File: 24feca068046357⋯.jpg (85.42 KB, 643x500, 643:500, 2en5fg.jpg)

587914 No.2279716


More sauce from March


>A Waltham couple, their company, and a Syrian national were indicted today in federal court in Boston in connection with a scheme to smuggle goods out of the United States and to supply services to Syria. The company and the defendants also conducted business with EKT Electronics, which was involved in the acquisition and/or development of improved explosive devices used against U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ef150a No.2279717


Just don't start fights. It's prime divisionfagging material for anons that still have emotional connections to the topics they are researching.

27d23d No.2279718

Previous thread mentioned Rosicrucians


They are headquartered here in PA not far from me - there are Pyramids on their property and they do adrenal gland therapy next door.

Bucks County always has a lot of shady happenings. SE PA is not only a huge trafficking hub but important military area

aa6310 No.2279720

File: ed37a47b1861e7e⋯.png (49.37 KB, 671x653, 671:653, cue2.png)

File: 1371af79ca874a1⋯.png (24.73 KB, 672x541, 672:541, cue3.png)

d46176 No.2279721

File: b79f9147c41c7fa⋯.jpeg (945.26 KB, 1242x2139, 18:31, 8638D37C-9659-4903-8250-E….jpeg)



fcb38d No.2279723

Q - if Potus wants other countries to buy our agriculture, GMOs are a problem. Poison we and other countries DON'T WANt

Many countries ban GMOs for good reason. How can farmers compete with this issue?

4fc6c8 No.2279724


like strozk

d30464 No.2279725

File: 591da3257b81e3b⋯.jpg (102.74 KB, 642x1024, 321:512, IMG_20180725_210109.jpg)

Q told us about we being tracked by Facebook. Building 8. China.


1ed7b6 No.2279726

In a letter dated 15 August 1871 from Pike to Mazzini, Pike made it clear that the plan to consolidate the world under the direction of Lucifer will be achieved through three world wars :

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic communism. The divergencies caused by the agents of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of this war, communism will be built and be used to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.” Insight

“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the difference between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Naziism is destroyed and that the political Zionism is strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, international communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would then be restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agents of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. This war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economical exhaustion.”

“We shall unleash the Nihilists and the Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effects of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of there most bloody turmoil. The multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, will receive the true light through the Universal (Jesuit Vatican II system) manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. (Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Blavatsky) This will follow thew destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

e4c5b8 No.2279727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This Owen Benjamin vid is from July 23 so maybe it was posted on some bread earlier but it should be seen as much as possible.

Benjamin gave up a serious career to expose the sickness.

Here is the takeaway quote:

If you allow your little lambs to go into these jaws of lions because you want more money or because you want a bonus or because you want people at a cocktail party to think you are cool or you just don’t want friction on Facebook, you deserve nothing from this world.


10e783 No.2279728


Neue Weltordnung


09ed8e No.2279729

File: 391dfbbd18916a4⋯.jpeg (280.03 KB, 1146x423, 382:141, 809C7A86-752E-4C51-82E8-5….jpeg)

File: 5e8d735b6dbf950⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x815, 1242:815, 10116AAF-2278-4B71-84A4-8….jpeg)


Sometimes words just don’t cut it.

a14ece No.2279730

File: 5f658df7fb047b0⋯.jpg (61.12 KB, 384x599, 384:599, Trump bat.jpg)

f20149 No.2279731




Please tell me "CTA" and the other turds (like the youtube anti-Q shills) will pay the price for their disgusting (failing) attempts to discredit and undermine you and our POTUS.

1164ca No.2279732

File: da28ed42a21bd41⋯.jpg (9.98 KB, 255x194, 255:194, pepemag.jpg)




I would vote to keep them for posterity…an example of a distraction or some-such.

I'm not real comfortable with a "memory-hole".

b09720 No.2279733


Agreed, shutting down discussion is communist. Let them post, ignore, move on and focus up.

9373ca No.2279734



who fucking cares if they come to shill, they're exposed as shills, would be easy to ignore

58d733 No.2279735

File: f4b85366b63c2ae⋯.jpg (61.29 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 37708519_10215385001411047….jpg)


Thought you'd appreciate this bud.

e474cb No.2279737

File: efd059bf7501cf4⋯.jpg (110.56 KB, 414x711, 46:79, AiWMirrors.jpg)


12 chapter too.

In reverse.


Flynn will be pardoned.


We step out of Wonderland, and back into reality. Wonderland is cleaned up…

87da58 No.2279738

A suggestion for a bread name

"There is only q".

Will quiet those r shills

49041b No.2279739

God Bless Q team

God bless POTUS and family

God bless members of our wonderful military and good actors abroad

God bless the citizens of the world

God bless these United States

29edcf No.2279741


Is POTUS going to release media members being taped?

e281d9 No.2279742

File: 08b96193e179843⋯.png (641.91 KB, 1284x1072, 321:268, ClipboardImage.png)


How the hell is this kind of shit allowed to exist in the USA?

414bc0 No.2279743

File: 6c25f01c79603f9⋯.jpg (220.7 KB, 797x498, 797:498, fed.jpg)

348113 No.2279744

ONLY Q disproves all the other lame larps: R, X, A, etc. Begone shills!

74c3a1 No.2279745


only if title of threads are changed to


e0426e No.2279746




Thats what i like to hear. These banks have been fucking us so bad…. overdraft 1$ get charged 35$? Fees fees fees. Taking from the people who have the least. Makes total sense if youre a satanist. Fuck the banks. I dont have student loans but I know many people suffering from them… 8 yrs later have barely touched principal. THEFT. ALL student loans forgiven. BOOM

1d2227 No.2279747


Just sticky Q's post at the top of their bread

440b49 No.2279748

Hey Anon's:

Do any of you misguided youts remember the list form I think the treasury regarding confiscated bank accounts per the EO?????

It was posted here a while back with it being about 1100 pages.

Q do you think we can get a update??????


Good PR to troll the LSM clowns by updating President Trump's quarterly donation of his salary to various charities?

How about releasing it to CNN as a exclusive news report???????

4ebfad No.2279749



0f1b01 No.2279750

Hey, (((MuhJooosShill))) why don't you put some of your crap up with Q here?

36b3e8 No.2279751


We're on the ground floor of rebuilding this nation with the right knowledge to educate not enslave us anymore. Will our friends ever see the light the way we did and finally reach out to those that were cast out for thinking freely?

86aad1 No.2279752


Kim Jong Un was a puppet

He was not evil

His strings were cut and now he is doing good things

However, Hollywood is filled with evil

There is no guarantee that cutting some strings will end the evil

Because many of the puppets are themselves immersed in evil

Remember the Apocalypse is all about UNVEILING evil. By REVEALING evil ww help people to awaken.


There is no destruction involved except the destruction of the veils that stop us from seeing truly.

b9479e No.2279753


There is an older Q post containing the phrase "BIG drop"

15c037 No.2279755


Or you could preserve it, but insert Q's disclaimer into the front, the direct quote from Q "There is only Q".

7ad667 No.2279756


I like this idea too.

4fc6c8 No.2279757


did you see him freak out on the church edible too strong


f25164 No.2279758


Fonz is a pedo…sorry

431651 No.2279759

File: bbdcc140a1dd06c⋯.jpg (98.16 KB, 843x881, 843:881, top kek2.jpg)



d46176 No.2279760


With you on that! During the catalog break there was plenty of ResearchGeneral happening there and many digs on JFK and Jr which ARE relevant to our digs in general.

7b8833 No.2279761

File: 64456a20ab7f800⋯.png (751.13 KB, 720x720, 1:1, meme magik 2.png)

e474cb No.2279762

File: 642670f9d0c1220⋯.jpg (33.38 KB, 513x302, 513:302, PutinQ.JPG)

f14219 No.2279763


That's fine, let them have their own shilly playpen though. It'l lose stem on its own, like the twitter larps, as long as we leave it a place to die off

eb01fc No.2279764

File: 4cf48c9769f19ab⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2300x1198, 1150:599, orinal B.jpg)


if you R still around, would you care to comment on the actual hi resolution photo drop, i could care less rioght now who is in the photo

20fc98 No.2279765

Q, is the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital related to nanotechnology/smart dust…etc?

35af0b No.2279766

File: e14a0b03764d534⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 800x473, 800:473, de7e96f7e25694cfc050d70152….jpg)


Tony musta been here from the start

36b3e8 No.2279767



>There is no destruction involved except the destruction of the veils that stop us from seeing truly.


420fbd No.2279768

File: a2bdb7253d6712b⋯.png (174.01 KB, 950x696, 475:348, Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at ….png)

Q is this "our Guy " Matthew seems like a patriot to me can lotus let us know who he likes in wa state?

20b07b No.2279769

File: d2b2d7e38da2947⋯.png (152 KB, 640x308, 160:77, sarahdate.png)


fake and gay .. wrong date… and so is the fake hrc vid shit

c420aa No.2279770


watch the vid, frend.

it's putting a very positive spin on Q.

should spread well amongst normies.

plus the accent.

aa6310 No.2279771

File: 8e78833ac3d6c71⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1076x690, 538:345, timesup.png)

a1fdd4 No.2279772

Since POTUS is meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker, 'the president of the European Commission, on trade issues.' could the something BIG about to drop be a more fair Trade Deal? or even the EU accepting FREE TRADE and zero tariffs and POTUS has said we have been willing to do?

e0bf21 No.2279773


Fiji's/Bronfmans next joint venture product launch-Martian Martinis, in 473 ml bottles, special introductory pricing-$1 gorillion per 6 pack

27cbf8 No.2279774

File: 6f8c681ecccd291⋯.jpg (16.13 KB, 255x147, 85:49, pepelatte.jpg)


Whether shit post from Half Chan I know not, but still the best coverage of the Q phenomenon to date.

0f7544 No.2279775


Agreed, anon. The filter button is your friend. Use it, I say.

faaf25 No.2279776

File: 384fae940c2f5a0⋯.png (215.7 KB, 1268x629, 1268:629, e2c7589e4143335d87d9182ecd….png)

When the last 2 lines are complete Q team will strike.

Deep state could use bioweapons…

342271 No.2279777


Nov. 2:


How did NK obtain Uranium?

How did Iran obtain Uranium?

Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran?

Why the cash component?

Was the hostage component a cover?

For what?

Could any of the cash component be handed off to other people?

How many planes carried the cash into Iran?

Did all land in Iran?

Did all land in the same location?

Why is this relevant?

Who controls NK?

Who really controls NK?

Don't think of a single person.

Think of a powerful entity.

Why is this important?

Why are wars so important?

Who benefits?

What does hostage refer to?

Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons?

Where is BO TODAY?

Where is VJ?

Alice & Wonderland.

6cf010 No.2279778

File: 68c036cc05a75d0⋯.png (527.03 KB, 864x435, 288:145, wheres.png)

9373ca No.2279779



leave and never come back

d1ee37 No.2279781

File: 1ddb510cd98cc11⋯.jpg (57.79 KB, 500x717, 500:717, IMG_2074.JPG)


There can be only one, FFS. If you're gonna meme, at least get the quote right.

4a2f09 No.2279783



Update dough please

fcb38d No.2279784


Delete the Thread.

They can still talk about it here under free speech.

36b3e8 No.2279785


Greatest birthday present ever.

d30464 No.2279786

File: 42056af0be68c44⋯.png (452.54 KB, 1080x1122, 180:187, Screenshot_20180725-210407….png)

Q, when is he coming home?

420fbd No.2279787


Potus lotus=Shitty car

10e783 No.2279788

File: c28353301a99147⋯.png (377.83 KB, 750x518, 375:259, ClipboardImage.png)

In a wide-ranging speech on Germany's future Europe policy, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas opened by highlighting U.S. President Donald Trump's "egotistical policy of America First", Russia's "attacks on international law"


f20149 No.2279789




Thanks for posting it anon.

4ed010 No.2279790

In your face

Rtards. Called it bs right after it was posted

329bdd No.2279792

I will say, its a bit ridiculous this far into the game that we are still needing clarification. Asking if R is real, when for months Q has said no outside comms. Come on anons, we are smarter than this

01dda8 No.2279793


>But the control isn't back with the people

What do you think US Treasury (Executive Branch) control is? For and by the people. The loss of control by the populice is our collective fault. That's a bigger issue needing correction than the money supply (structure of not control of) is right now.

0609a8 No.2279794

File: 54012610d870b9c⋯.jpg (70.49 KB, 712x500, 178:125, judgememe.jpg)

File: 12176bd7273ad2e⋯.jpg (79.19 KB, 500x666, 250:333, rufus-meme.jpg)


and please Q –→>> #freeRufusPaulHarris - VICTIM OF SALLY YATES CORRUPTION.

USA vs RUFUS PAUL HARRIS was an attempt to take down the federal reserve, cede and co, and the dtcc. He's sitting in federal prison for 23 years. Please have a team member look at this former intel officer's case.

d46176 No.2279795


Love that guy!!! He has been at it for a while now…

86aad1 No.2279796


Good idea. Give control over currency to those who have the gold. Let's see, that would be the cabal, Russia and China.

Oh my, you are a real patriot, aren't you?

15c037 No.2279797

File: 19d033bf8e1f16a⋯.jpg (192.44 KB, 1026x673, 1026:673, Checked.jpg)

3303f2 No.2279798

File: ab3cc11a79a56c6⋯.jpg (43.45 KB, 410x500, 41:50, 51-3NNv63EL._SX408_BO1,204….jpg)

Traces the history of the United States, with emphasis on the contributions of the Catholic Church and its followers, from the discovery of the continent by Saint Brendan and later, the Vikings, to the beginning of the twentieth century.Traces the history of the United States, with emphasis on the contributions of the Catholic Church and its followers, from the discovery of the continent by Saint Brendan and later, the Vikings, to the beginning of the twentieth century.


20b07b No.2279799



The SGT report vid that got it banned from Youtube answers that question

( • )( • )

e474cb No.2279800

File: 473c62f5d960680⋯.jpg (42.48 KB, 493x384, 493:384, AliceBig.JPG)

fcb38d No.2279801


2:30 EST

1ae5f5 No.2279802

File: 28c998bbfb33ac6⋯.png (125.51 KB, 1101x826, 1101:826, Holocaust.png)

File: db4ef35ae58bafd⋯.png (80.81 KB, 1089x570, 363:190, Holocaust2.png)

File: ed4033b4015fe15⋯.png (557.63 KB, 1097x843, 1097:843, Holocaust3.png)

File: f5cc9fe81795e19⋯.png (805.74 KB, 1088x813, 1088:813, Holocaust4.png)


Sure thing faggot

b9479e No.2279803


And this means to me that the imminent "BIG Drop" is about Uranium1.

3f1365 No.2279804



6cf010 No.2279805


That makes no sense

0c0051 No.2279806

File: a85c8cdb881f72d⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 480x360, 4:3, miss.tacos.jpg)

File: 0b6f9f0c5aa29e2⋯.jpg (28.65 KB, 480x360, 4:3, wrong.taco.jpg)

File: 6e8b8e4fc5980b8⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, taco.run.jpg)

in tacos we trust


4545a8 No.2279808

File: edf546d60103ad5⋯.jpeg (6.24 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 1907c612817a58541d92f5e70….jpeg)

7b8833 No.2279809

de7d88 No.2279810

Thank you Q I know I am being protected or helped for some reason, not sure why but stange things have been afoot for a long time

eb01fc No.2279811


im not one of them, the original photo was a drop, it was taken by them and fucked it off way sideways, the actual photo was a drop, not an open source find, anon

10e783 No.2279812


and Chinese "expansion" as signs that "the world order we knew is with us no longer."

4ed010 No.2279814

Jullian Assange?

Jullian Assange?

Jullian Assange?

342271 No.2279815

File: e7e215ff506b5e5⋯.png (369.03 KB, 624x326, 312:163, da7dd7ac-cf74-3a3d-4bdf-e4….png)



6dc440 No.2279816

File: 426990341e5f918⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1335x730, 267:146, Pepe astronaut.png)

>>2279274 (lb)

> Mars has a polar ice cap


"Ice Volcano Found on Saturn Moon Titan"


That's "higher ground" yet. Whoever is first to get out there to Mars and beyond will dominate the future of mankind.

6431c3 No.2279817


Appreciate it very much Anon! :)

f14219 No.2279818

File: fabd225cdbbb9b8⋯.png (157.51 KB, 914x289, 914:289, ClipboardImage.png)


Just like the twitter threads were labeled larp, makes sense


JFK & JFK Jr are definitely relevant, that baby stays, the R bathwater will drain itself if we leave it to. This Q drop pretty much guarantees that

67765e No.2279819

SC Anon here…just had an Emergency Broadcast test on radio…says it USC just a monthly test…I listen to this channel every day during this time & never here the test.

Maybe nothing but thought interesting since it is first time I've heard the broadcast since any of this started.

Any other Anons getting these EB tests?

Back to lurking.

6cbcda No.2279820





I have noted your concerns and will discuss every detail with the other BV's. Let's not slide the rest of the thread with this.

21dc23 No.2279821


This please

Aliens is one thing but the whole new age vegan aliens thing is a bit much

56bf6e No.2279822

Some faggot destroyed Potus's star on the hollywood walk of fame.


bd2375 No.2279823

File: 68a9c17c0fc067d⋯.jpg (893.86 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, P1040806.jpg)

Thank you Q

d46176 No.2279825


No sauce for us?

ef150a No.2279827


Do you think printing money out of thin air and exchanging two $100k paper napkins in a bar to produce "interest" is fair?

Currency like we know today has no future. We will need a new, positive and fair system.

3303f2 No.2279828

File: 8e4fd52b0f77507⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 382x499, 382:499, 51VqsIpj5GL._SX380_BO1,204….jpg)

eb01fc No.2279829


the original made notables

@snowden [comb your hair]

then it got fukked off after that by them

9373ca No.2279830

and fuck your muh censorship argument

they can larp over on another board, there is NO REASON why we should allow them to build a fake shill movement that discredits ours… ON OUR FUCKING BOARD

3278a8 No.2279831




R fags can get in, or get out.

87da58 No.2279833

a thoght about hitler and his handler

Maybe hitler got recruited while in landsberg prison. Who were the people he was in contact with during that time?

f14219 No.2279834

>>2279820 o7 o7 o7 convo _END_

96eeea No.2279835


"RR signed the search warrant for the Cohen Raid.

Client attorney privileges broken?

What if damaging tapes were possessed by Q team?

Can they release now that 45 has taking lashings for the same thing?

What would they contain?

Proof about money to Fusion GPS or Russia directly?

RR comped?

When does Sessions step in?

POTUS is projecting w his tweets"

Cohen has other clients. Remember what Q said about "how do you legally inject?"

Cohen broke atty-client privilege when he decided to make blackmail tapes of his top clients.

Remember Bernie Madoff? Bye bye Cohen?

b2246a No.2279836

File: a71f3cf2ca93867⋯.png (8.96 KB, 444x227, 444:227, ClipboardImage.png)


i dont think anything should be censored, maybe just label tho breads as a LARP with Q post graphic.

5f411c No.2279837

File: a8b34895714e7d5⋯.gif (4.34 MB, 800x800, 1:1, IMB_774xWG.GIF)


updated for looping at 800x800

67765e No.2279838



*It is…not USC…damn autocorrect.

279338 No.2279839

File: 9486f8b97b68722⋯.jpeg (152.69 KB, 1410x711, 470:237, 1523749259.jpeg)

85968e No.2279840


You need a proper education, son.

09ed8e No.2279841


Praise be!!!!

d75647 No.2279842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

342271 No.2279843


>lotus=Shitty car

The Evora is good.

941f7f No.2279844


lol which part

9373ca No.2279845


kys shill, no they aren't

you think the guy is Q, you're a discredited shill

014a68 No.2279846

It's a shame Q even had to address the 'R' issue, should have learned by now… NO OUTSIDE COMMS!

a9c176 No.2279847

What if the breaks on Q are physical breaks? Actual pre planned down time for the men and women involved in the planning? They could be major makers of a change in status of Q. Before beginning a sub stage Q gives themselves some down time?

Seeing as one of the major advantages in attacking a small in number elitist opponent is they get physically tired?

So you draw the attack out in time which keeps the Luciferian's nerves at a constant state of anxiety. You have advantage of numbers so you keep them guessing so much their mental state wears down and they mentally grow to accept your domination?

Q would want his guys frosty before a major push. So the long down times could be rest your guys up?

4ebfad No.2279848

File: 0519e7d93847ce0⋯.png (293.17 KB, 588x367, 588:367, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Unit….png)

29edcf No.2279849

File: bac527021a88569⋯.png (259.17 KB, 835x331, 835:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Q just stepped into a meeting

0d1d56 No.2279850

File: 0f8763aa8ce12d2⋯.jpg (48.83 KB, 600x713, 600:713, 149.jpg)

f9612a No.2279851

File: 2ec54594f564005⋯.jpg (35.06 KB, 836x166, 418:83, rhnegative.JPG)

Could Happy Days Ahead refer to Ron Howard the pedo?

20b07b No.2279852


just search Albert Pike's Letter to Mazzini

74c3a1 No.2279853


not saying it is or it isn't but your circling the date proved nothing

different time zones fucker

Silverman is in PDT

d30464 No.2279855

One more week until July ends. This week is going to be very interesting.

Future BIG Truth bomb when Q?

53af7e No.2279856



Right lol. Typos. Meh. Sometimes I speaks wells other times eyes speaks drunks.

c87fb6 No.2279857



e474cb No.2279858

File: 0133f1333c657ae⋯.jpg (142.49 KB, 584x817, 584:817, RollerCoaster.jpg)

File: a1295bc4ea78dc5⋯.png (184.39 KB, 467x417, 467:417, RollerCoasterII.png)





We have become very powerful…

75d778 No.2279860


Do we know for sure that COHEN taped this conversation with Trump? And it isn't "surveillance"??

b2246a No.2279861



all you need to know that its fake and gay is that it came from halfchan kek.

9373ca No.2279862

File: fe4cfa39aead8f2⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 680x680, 1:1, REEEEEEE.gif)


86aad1 No.2279863


This is important.

This is likely how to interpret the line

Something BIG is about to DROP.

And since Q does not telegraph any moves, something in that drop is about to be UNVEILED but has already passed the point of no return, such as a sealed indictment already filed.

ef150a No.2279864


Well, depends on how you look at it. Maybe some aliens have figured out not using Love leads to a lower quality of life so they decided to eat plants and be nice.

eaddfb No.2279865

File: 247c7329ca8501f⋯.jpeg (40.99 KB, 310x350, 31:35, 6CD50DF4-9D3C-4EFC-8D1B-4….jpeg)

Received an interesting tidbit of information

This is a personal anecdote, and was not able to dig up sauce on the subject.

Common knowledge - Hitler’s B-day = 4 20

Q - 4 and 20 are commonly quoted numbers

The anecdote I received was from a gentleman in the viticulture community, who spent his post doctorate years both in Canada and Germany. Many of his mentors were former Nazi’s who had integrated into university faculties (many invited) and businesses. The very interesting tidbit that he dropped was that every year on Hitler’s bday, any and all of these people who were/are practicing Nazi’s will wear Green suits and Dresses in honour of Hitler’s bday.

If any anons could dig up sauce on this, it would be a great way to pick out any who are still members of this group in a real world way.

1ae5f5 No.2279866

File: 1366ca9c08bf019⋯.png (72.85 KB, 748x432, 187:108, VoteRace.png)

File: c1539e0568248bf⋯.png (174.92 KB, 1515x891, 505:297, WhoWantedWWII.png)

File: aac6c14afa84c1c⋯.png (152.58 KB, 1512x863, 1512:863, WhoWantedWWII2.png)

File: 12e5c1169ccf02d⋯.png (625.41 KB, 808x398, 404:199, SixMillion.png)

File: d80fb18ffd5fbc4⋯.png (465.86 KB, 698x396, 349:198, SixtyMillion.png)


Some more for the faggot who asked

85968e No.2279867


Or crowds of people asking Jesus to heal them.

20fc98 No.2279868


Fuckin' KEK!!

Muh sides, anon!

a83452 No.2279869

File: e7565da0e2835c8⋯.png (698.93 KB, 1275x1032, 425:344, Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at ….png)


Space Treaty

Restricts activities on Mars - Cannot go too close to suspected water sources


e3e3b7 No.2279870


I get them every Wednesday. It's mandated federally to test, then it goes down to state and local mandates to the frequency. Ive lived in areas that never tested it (even though they are supposed to). Lots of smaller towns test it much less frequently than larger

f14219 No.2279871


>Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).

a36a1d No.2279872

THERE IS ONLY Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7db56f No.2279873

File: fc1291d0f4f740b⋯.png (146.94 KB, 1080x631, 1080:631, Screenshot_2018-07-25-10-5….png)

Trump is trolling the MSM reporters letting them know they have been taped. Also letting them know they will be abruptly terminated (cut)

96eeea No.2279874


They let him out on house arrest in Turkey.

15c037 No.2279875



Could it possibly relate to financial markets? Some significant asset is about to experience a BIG DROP in nominal price? Dollar, interest rates, stock market, something. There would be a major dislocation as we transition to a new system. (Yet, this does not concern me; I trust the plan fully.)

f7e7c0 No.2279876


he was in the "Sexy Baby" skit with Hanks…..

0c0051 No.2279878

File: ed0479e67d8da6f⋯.jpg (195.79 KB, 1050x1600, 21:32, Archimedes.Sand.jpg)

File: ec5112ad1ed719e⋯.jpg (43.91 KB, 594x398, 297:199, very.large.jpg)


very large

2049c2 No.2279879

Q Posts Last Bread


Wednesday 07.25.18

>>2279499 ——————————————– Happy Days Ahead Patriot

>>2279519 rt >>2279498 ————————- There is only Q.

>>2279465 ——————————————– We will never again be under their control.

>>2275151 ——————————————– POTUS poised for ctrl of FED

f25164 No.2279880


Richie and the Fonz are pedos….probably Potsie and Ralph Malph too

All of them probably abused Joanie

0f1b01 No.2279882


No, (((MuhJooosShill)))! Put up some of your blatant "Kike" posts…. So Q cannot miss your point. You know, the merchant and that stuff.

Stand up for your beliefs when it matters. And your Hitler worship crap.. Can't forget that.

faaf25 No.2279883

File: 526f0fd3f6ab348⋯.jpg (4.6 KB, 160x161, 160:161, downloadfile-13.jpg)

File: 384fae940c2f5a0⋯.png (215.7 KB, 1268x629, 1268:629, e2c7589e4143335d87d9182ecd….png)

File: ef43c6a21ca4aad⋯.jpg (12.95 KB, 183x182, 183:182, 2ejrjz~2.jpg)

Nigga's Q already told us when Trump will strike.

Read the last 2 lines.

74c3a1 No.2279884


Corey Feldman wasn't referring to Ron Howard

Ive followed that story for several years, read every, single article and transcript - timelines do NOT match up to opie

4fc6c8 No.2279885


Q put owen in THE MOVIE when it comes out

09ed8e No.2279886

Anyone Question the meaning of “Future Proves Past” anymore?

c420aa No.2279887


i agree - keep but label.

(fwiw, i'm the anon repeatedly proving that fake parenthetical you posts prove nothing either way. always an open mind to change, and completely dropping the R theory.)

431651 No.2279888

File: 8c21ec1a1da074f⋯.png (497.67 KB, 474x476, 237:238, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24e8d25fca32241⋯.png (582.46 KB, 474x636, 79:106, ClipboardImage.png)


well, he does direct all the Dan Brown book movies with Tom Hanx

5f411c No.2279889

File: 25c813ca2775e5c⋯.png (102.17 KB, 1179x642, 393:214, IMG_3357.PNG)

File: a16f6e346133297⋯.png (317.01 KB, 1242x1649, 1242:1649, IMG_3362.PNG)

File: 9be4a39fff0fc17⋯.jpg (469.59 KB, 1242x1685, 1242:1685, IMG_3924.JPG)

File: a0706899c2632bd⋯.jpg (246.14 KB, 1242x875, 1242:875, IMG_3925.JPG)

File: 41d60969e323eec⋯.gif (658.74 KB, 200x112, 25:14, IMB_BgqfBI.GIF)

9373ca No.2279890

all that aside,

julie banderas is sexy as fuck

d8b22e No.2279891


This faggot is a disgrace for the country

f20149 No.2279892


Rather, my theory has been that Q's silence was intended to embolden the losers in the MSM to come out and start attacking Q. Seems (if that was Q's intent) that it worked.

Spreads the word, and increases the likelihood that they will ask the Ultimate Question.

"We may have to force this one"…

2049c2 No.2279893



Consider it Done :)

42830f No.2279894

Marketing soul poison ↓↓↓


044a0c No.2279895


Lots of things happen on that day, it’s a cusp birthday..

Ask me how I know..

4fc6c8 No.2279896


the tube! hehe

58d733 No.2279897

She prophesied what would happen with the Pope a year to the day before it happened:


6cf010 No.2279898

File: a7852d875d5d2fb⋯.png (802.24 KB, 885x486, 295:162, federalreserve.png)

4545a8 No.2279899

File: a2a442f03f22fdd⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 2eofhy.jpg)

b9479e No.2279900



Thanks to Q's teachings.

c62546 No.2279901

File: 5632814287f5747⋯.png (241.24 KB, 590x369, 590:369, endthefed.png)

File: c5bd0606e8e79f5⋯.gif (25.65 KB, 252x240, 21:20, wwg1wga.gif)

9e89a0 No.2279902


You're all talk and no action aren't you, you're fake and gay.

3303f2 No.2279903


96eeea No.2279904


There is at least 12 tapes.

b4a69b No.2279905

File: 680c316d6a74b74⋯.jpg (35.29 KB, 639x637, 639:637, DisqNeuXcAA2MRt.jpg)


>What kind of lawyer would tape a client?

What kind of idiot would trust a dual citizen?

0367f4 No.2279907


Yup, humongous trolling here!

Super Elite KEK

24567b No.2279908


And just like that, R was no more.

53a068 No.2279909


Anon, sauce on that very.large.jpg graphic?

d8b22e No.2279910


Looks like Goebbels, but seems more arrogant

f25164 No.2279911

File: aac0e4a0600cfe6⋯.png (355.36 KB, 613x403, 613:403, Screenshot 2018-07-24 at 6….png)


I've got the pizza guy comin!

39954c No.2279912


.. So, you would act outrageously like that if Q wasn't there?

302090 No.2279914

b4fd4e No.2279915



Most people are still not paying attention. Sure, relatively few people watch fake-ass CNN, but a LOT of people still watch news on NBC, CBS, ABC, etc and pretty much all of MSM is controlled by the cabal, and they have gotten very good at keeping the public distracted with fake news and hysteria with their nonstop attacks on the president. If things start to get too hot they stage another false flag and kill a few people and force another another shift. To the average sleeping public its different day/same shit—everyday. Oh, yep, another terror attack or a school shooting—(yawn). People don't really care even about those anymore. And they quickly forget it all.

The red pilling will occur for the masses when seriously big things start to happen that shake the foundations of the cabal. When they see big organizations being broken, and the criminals and traitors being rounded up it will be automatic and instant awakening for the majority. But it hasn't happened yet obviously because the timing isn't right. The hole is very deep. Far more players on the dark side than we ever imagined.

9373ca No.2279916


huber shill


0c0051 No.2279917

File: 422de9f7ccd05ad⋯.jpg (444.48 KB, 1243x1600, 1243:1600, 2way.MIRROR.jpg)

a6f8a2 No.2279918


I agree. I also think, it really is.

b4a69b No.2279919


>implying this hasn't been done every time Q posts.

So new. So bad at this.

9373ca No.2279920


some anons don't realize it never was…

4b8ea3 No.2279921

File: f9ab5dac06ac880⋯.jpg (16.86 KB, 302x129, 302:129, confirmd.JPG)



At the very least they should be auto-saged.

captcha confirms

6dc440 No.2279922


>we have to completely change the meaning

I threw that first quote in the wiki out there to encourage reading of the whole history of "the big lie".

Not to parse just that one passage.


f14219 No.2279923

File: 2473cfe91332597⋯.png (306.1 KB, 828x359, 828:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8532f6463e1597⋯.jpg (201.33 KB, 2937x678, 979:226, NEW WWG1WGA FONT16E.jpg)

6594ac No.2279924



Wednesday 07.25.18

>>2279519 rt >>2279498 ————————- There is only Q.

>>2279499 rt >>2279471 ————————- Happy Days Ahead, Patriot!

>>2279465 ——————————————– We will never again be under their control.

>>2275151 ——————————————– POTUS poised for ctrl of FED

c420aa No.2279925


this is all very interesting.

the briny water mass is a mile down, several km long, and at least a meter thick.

that's a lotta water, salty, and under immense pressure.

and that's just in one spot…odds are that these "pockets" are all over the planet.

7b8833 No.2279926


>>2279519 rt >>2279498 ————————- There is only Q.

>>2279499 rt >>2279471————————– Happy Days Ahead Patriot

>>2279465 ——————————————– We will never again be under their control.

>>2275151 ——————————————– POTUS poised for ctrl of FED

4ebfad No.2279927

File: 127786dcd855037⋯.png (153.08 KB, 588x431, 588:431, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Unit….png)

File: 0519e7d93847ce0⋯.png (293.17 KB, 588x367, 588:367, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Unit….png)

File: 0fc1778340693d6⋯.png (434.7 KB, 588x386, 294:193, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Unit….png)

Notice the wording here

This IS Moon Base Alpha and other is FUTURE rendition of Mars base these were all tweeted one right after the other

b4a69b No.2279928

File: ead7774da5d387b⋯.png (276.37 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ead7774da5d387b06d4d315ee7….png)

b09720 No.2279930


Or we can just let it be an example of what not to do on extended blackouts.

4545a8 No.2279931

File: 38687cd3e9c5a03⋯.jpg (64.03 KB, 500x481, 500:481, 2diouasdgyp87astdg.jpg)

0c0051 No.2279932


duckduckgo search archimedes sand reckoner

4fc6c8 No.2279933


i bet its actually a tetrahydron

ef150a No.2279934


Anon you are sure you know everything about the deep state and the delicate situation we are in from your position deep in the "matrix"?

ecaeca No.2279935

File: 9c93a3bc3e16992⋯.gif (3.71 MB, 400x225, 16:9, IMG_7552.GIF)


Happy Birthday

85968e No.2279936


OK, we get.

Moving along.

Let's not spend the next fucking week talking about it.

20b07b No.2279937


ok.. so in australia sunday is the 21st not the 22nd? THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK.. the days all change at midnight wherever you are

36b3e8 No.2279938

File: 5c9c51a8c5596bf⋯.jpg (50.78 KB, 768x504, 32:21, stockmarketcrash.jpg)

File: 7daec96417bb885⋯.jpg (87.26 KB, 600x400, 3:2, blackmonday.jpg)


Anon, you're fucking on it!!! God I love seeing sheer brilliance and just brains at work. Dead cat bounce remember?

86aad1 No.2279939



If you delete the other threads which are easy to ignore

They will bring the discussion here where it shits up the bread


Besides, Q did not say that JFKjr is really dead

In fact he said nothing at all about JFKjr.

Anybody can sign a message with a letter.


a83452 No.2279940

File: 9f0e2f84a28d139⋯.png (215.21 KB, 859x1178, 859:1178, Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at ….png)


"Circuit Judges Kavanaugh, Pilard and Katsas did not participate in this matter"

why was this notated?

3278a8 No.2279941



ANYTIME you see someone with a blue check talking about the tapes, comment a poll

"Does the #CohenTapes effect your support of Donald Trump?

a) NO IDC #KAG2020

b)YES IM MAD bc 12yrs AGO


doing this will show neweyes/normalfags they ARE NOT ALONE,


Once #FakeNews catches on that its leaving NO impact on MAGA support,

they'll move on to the next bullet like they've done time and time again.

27cbf8 No.2279942

File: e76d35202b9f6df⋯.jpg (45.31 KB, 508x219, 508:219, DigitAnon.jpg)


Nice digits and thanks for the link.

ef5aa5 No.2279944




On the 5th, the catalog/board went down, and rumors were circulating that all the previously banned shills were unbanned (was this just temporary?). Is it possible they were baking and creating all sorts of havoc for a bit? I suspected this so strongly, I actually got myself a short term ban trying to warn folks that something wasn't quite right.

At any rate, has anyone actually confirmed that the 7 dwarves are in white hat control, now? I know that POTUS has had 1 person he trusts in control of that group (Kansas), and now has Haspel (Strongly recommended by Kansas, and strangely, Brennan as well...).

So, if I'm reading this right, 4chan /pol/ was CIA, and 8ch (at some point; pic related - Brennan post) became NSA/DoD. Hence, the Q migration; because they (Wizards and Warlocks) hadn't gotten in control of the 7 dwarves, yet.

Fascinating. Really fucking fascinating. So basically, 4chan is a CIA honeypot (or has been used heavily by the CIA for years), and 8ch was "obtained". Then, the W&W used them both (Q) to free people's minds.

f25164 No.2279945


911 confirms

7ad667 No.2279946

File: 35819915b206b39⋯.png (243.59 KB, 500x349, 500:349, 17s.png)

e3e3b7 No.2279947

File: 18aa9d1a0b7181b⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 65264a73bceaabc6a436d7b7f0….jpg)

faaf25 No.2279948

File: e2cac8b76f5f8c6⋯.png (28.53 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-07-24-17-1….png)




Why do you sick Boomer cock.

ce42d1 No.2279950

File: f778bab4227d969⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, admiring-pepe.jpg)

TFW there's a politician that you COULDN'T trash in a debate on macro economics. TFW it's POTUS and you can literally just sit back and watch him fix everything you've wanted changed for years. Obviously I want the FED completely ended and all of them drug out in the street and beaten to death for crimes against humanity, but I'm not exactly on POTUS's leadership level so I'll defer to his judgement.

a6f8a2 No.2279951


Ding Ding. You got it.

b4a69b No.2279952

Imagine trusting a dual citizen named Cohen to be your lawyer.

ef5aa5 No.2279954

File: ed1a27dc04eb92e⋯.jpg (233.99 KB, 1200x885, 80:59, QProof - Fredrick Brennan ….jpg)

File: 0f5c828cf9bfd47⋯.jpg (321.7 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1440726866908.jpg)


Forgot muh images.

bddb60 No.2279955


I hope Trumps fucks with Junker! Payback for Euro anons :)

6cf010 No.2279956


keeping the symbol of your defeated enemy on your property

329bdd No.2279957


What other country does he hold citizenship for?

74c3a1 No.2279958


I didn't say feldman doesn't know opie - just said his "this happened" timeline doesn't match

Feldman is as filthy as anyone

may not have started out that way - but he is now

Thats why he won't name names - at least anyone big

Yes - ron howard may be sick - but feldman wasn't talking about him

that is all

86aad1 No.2279959


Noetic World Order

9373ca No.2279960


stfu shill


besides, the BV/BO delete threads all the time, they're usually NOT a threat tot he Great Awakening like the Rlarp threads are


192fc3 No.2279961

File: 241bf30d9d1762a⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 2540x3742, 1270:1871, qsbstoronto.jpg)

Q side by side proof

Toronto shooting


4b8ea3 No.2279962


Replied to wrong post, meant to reply here: >>2279519

d4e6b1 No.2279964


Why u tagging my post anon? Im not some R larp

6cf010 No.2279965


among other things

3bf2b7 No.2279966

File: 5130d951e85a8ff⋯.jpg (328.1 KB, 1300x1733, 1300:1733, 12386539_1300x1733.jpg)


Bet the Waltons was pedo heaven

3278a8 No.2279967


One of MANY twitter techniques to combat propaganda.

hope it helps.

We could use some reinforcements

>Learn to play the game

941f7f No.2279968


Maybe that symbol also has double meanings? We shall see. I don't know either.

67f190 No.2279969


its ok to manipulate if you can manage it with ONLY physical gold

the commodities markets are where all the corruption is

they should be severely restricted

cd71ce No.2279970

File: 3b89c41af2f583c⋯.jpg (487.15 KB, 1080x920, 27:23, 1532532951901.jpg)

File: c70e086aa83e1ae⋯.jpg (327.94 KB, 1080x597, 360:199, 1532533300522.jpg)

Under Hillary there would be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

b4a69b No.2279971

File: e47a74156db58ba⋯.png (7.42 KB, 207x243, 23:27, 550.png)

8ba831 No.2279972


Pffft you can yawn all you want but children really are dying in those school shootings and I hope this ball gets rolling before school starts! It’s terrifying to send the kids and with laws of “they miss 10 days or more” you have issues is a problem…as a parent I find this nothing to yawn at anon

f7e7c0 No.2279975

Q, can you tell us when they will release the cures?

e474cb No.2279976

File: 787d680d27bc776⋯.jpg (131.59 KB, 640x497, 640:497, Wendy.jpg)


>Thanks to Q's teachings

That and bringing us all together.


And then focusing that energy, knowledge, skill like a laser pointer at those who've enjoyed darkness

265fd9 No.2279977

Trump names two more picks to fill Fed Board

by Donna Borak @donnaborak April 16, 2018: 4:03 PM ET

President Trump is slowly filling the empty seats on the Federal Reserve Board.

On Monday, the president announced his plans to nominate Richard Clarida, a Columbia University economics professor and a global strategic adviser for the Pimco investment management firm, as vice chairman of the central bank.

Clarida, 60, a former Treasury official in the George W. Bush administration, would serve as Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's deputy. He would replace Stanley Fischer, who stepped down as the No. 2 in October. Powell began his four-year term in February.

Trump also named Michelle Bowman, a state bank commissioner of Kansas, to be a Fed governor. Her nomination will fulfill a 2014 congressional requirement to reserve one seat on the board for a community banker.

Both nominations need confirmation by the Senate. If confirmed, Clarida and Bowman would help fill four of the vacant seats remaining on the seven-member board, effectively helping Trump reshape the Fed.

Clarida, a respected economist, brings deep knowledge of financial markets acquired after working more than a decade as an asset manager at Pimco. He also brings experience as a policy maker in Washington, having worked in the Bush administration and as a senior economist on President Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers.

Both are expected to join the Fed at a critical time for the central bank as it gradually moves to raise interest rates and unwinds its multitrillion-dollar balance sheet. So far, Powell has offered an upbeat assessment of the economy's outlook.

The Fed has planned three rate hikes this year, but has signaled it could raise rates faster if the economy keeps getting stronger and inflation reaches the Fed's target.

"We could get four hikes if the growth in the economy is stronger because of the tax cuts," Clarida said in a interview with Bloomberg Television on December 13. "But importantly, also, you'd actually need some indication that inflation is moving up too quickly for the Fed's taste."

A graduate of Harvard University with a Ph.D. in economics, Clarida is best known for his work on how to use computer models to predict how the economy will react to shocks and policy changes. He's also done research on monetary policy rules, like those developed by John Taylor, a Stanford University economics professor.

Bowman has extensive Washington experience, too. Before taking over her family's Farmers & Drovers Bank in Council Grove, Kansas, in 2010, she served in top positions at the Department on Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the George W. Bush administration. She also worked as a congressional adviser to former Senator Bob Dole, a Kansas Republican.

Trump has made five nominations to the Fed board. One of his picks, Marvin Goodfriend, nominated in November, has yet to clear the Senate because of opposition by most Democrats and Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky.


1d2227 No.2279978

File: 9c99562a1b1ec8d⋯.png (46.5 KB, 716x253, 716:253, seatosea.PNG)

b9479e No.2279979


They already hinted at it:

Trump pardoned the Oregon Ranchers,

Uranium under their land.

Strzok was forced to have a coke with the name "Kate" on the table at the public hearing.

The governor of Oregon's name is "Kate".

Putin said that Browder(?) paid from money, he and the Hermitage company made in Russia, 400 Millions to the CF.

Pay to play?

Money for mining rights in Oregon?

3303f2 No.2279980



0c0051 No.2279981

File: d1caacf6ca81871⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 534x302, 267:151, polyhedra.jpg)

File: ed283372b6833dc⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 496x346, 248:173, ball.jpg)

File: d1caacf6ca81871⋯.jpg (41.12 KB, 534x302, 267:151, polyhedra.jpg)



irregular solids are a bit complex

3ae82b No.2279984


Arrogant as always. You typically want something for nothing. And of course, Q lives to serve your needs. Kys

bebb8d No.2279986

File: a4d99c3cdace0c1⋯.png (97.99 KB, 400x400, 1:1, hellothere.png)

67f190 No.2279988



also disagree

its not better than altering history

shit habbened

record should stay

1164ca No.2279989

File: 7d1a7e8938ead43⋯.jpg (356.38 KB, 566x800, 283:400, PEPETRUST.jpg)


bf6ff5 No.2279990


I think forcing other countries to say, on the world stage, they reject our agriculture because of GMOs will go a long way in reversing their use in the U.S.

2049c2 No.2279991

Board Volunteer

Can you please edit the top of the bread with the following:

Wednesday 07.25.18

>>2279519 rt >>2279498 ————————- There is only Q.

>>2279499 rt >>2279471 ————————- Happy Days Ahead, Patriot!

>>2279465 ——————————————– We will never again be under their control.

>>2275151 ——————————————– POTUS poised for ctrl of FED

440b49 No.2279992


And the walls come crumblin and rumblin down.

Appears Chuckie the Kike has problems.

b4fd4e No.2279994

Assange survived cabal poisoning attempt? Now ready to tell all…?



86aad1 No.2279995



Learn to ignore

Build the strength within your own mind

To not be triggered by shit that is shit

Move on in the HUNT for meaning

We are natural hunter gatherers, finding GEMS among the jungle trash

b09720 No.2279997


I disagree. Physical gold was hoarded by France and USA banking cartels for no reason other than to kick off the great depression.

Gold was weaponized to trojan horse the New Deal and NIRA. Hayek made a good point, if you have a tight economy and money standard, prepare for bigger government.

a5170d No.2279999


>those school shootings

Most of these are faked, newfag, and not very well at that.

Lurk moar.

8ba831 No.2280002


Actually from everything those actors have said no…they were very protected on set!

3bcc58 No.2280003


Very fair and honest.

Talks about the sealed indictments without bullshitting and as a larger context to understand what it's all about.

2049c2 No.2280004

Any Notables this Bread Anon's?

Sorry, I have been messing around with Q Posts

09ed8e No.2280005


Nation Wide

4a2f09 No.2280006


Heard you've been speaking about me here.


faaf25 No.2280007

File: 384fae940c2f5a0⋯.png (215.7 KB, 1268x629, 1268:629, e2c7589e4143335d87d9182ecd….png)

File: 021ec757bad3f18⋯.jpg (77.28 KB, 924x477, 308:159, 2ekltq~2.jpg)

Q already told us when Trump will strike.

Read the last 2 lines.

Deep State still has three stolen nuclear bombs.

4b8ea3 No.2280008


Sorry, I was typing post number manually yours was1 digit different from Q's.

3303f2 No.2280009


yaron svoray

f34798 No.2280011

File: 40c05d1c2f4875c⋯.png (178.68 KB, 1307x590, 1307:590, lost science of money.png)








Backing US money with gold again is a retarded idea, see pic. We were forced go off the standard so our economy didn't crash. A better temporary solution is to back it with a "rainbow currency" of many precious metals.

3303f2 No.2280012


yaron svoray

0f7544 No.2280013


Hi, David

36b3e8 No.2280014

Haven't you noticed that the more we start talking about the Fed and currency/Roths, the more Gore/Porn we're getting from shillers? They love their precious shekel so much.

e57cb3 No.2280016




Not End.

The Fed has a very complicated structure that can be used for Good in the right hands

b09720 No.2280017


Or Nominal GDP Targeting. *shrug*

6cd73e No.2280018


As someone with family who went to Parkland, and a coworker who went there… children did die. It was horrific. False flags do not equate to a full blown hoax.

bddb60 No.2280019


Oh just let them hang out there instead of here.

27cbf8 No.2280020


The only thing I ever filter are the degenerate porn spammers. Cannot take seeing people humiliate themselves or others.

b4a69b No.2280021

File: 69d4ede80a9b49f⋯.jpg (149.34 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, DiktXA0XsAA4Ol3.jpg)

6dc440 No.2280022

File: c82b1c7dbb6a562⋯.png (4.74 KB, 448x107, 448:107, Watch the water.PNG)


>Maybe the Renicks will try to bottle it.

Well, the elite's are certainly trying to tie a lot of it up:



15c037 No.2280023


ThankQ anon. Glad somebody noticed.

I also posted near the top, the song "Happy Days Are Here Again" that was written in the 1920s. One of the writers had a surname Yellen. >>2279632

Happy Days song was written after the Great Depression to pick up people's spirits.

Q posted Happy Days → connection to Yellen (ousted Fed chair) → connection to BIG DROP.

Perhaps a monumental monetary/economic event is imminent.

8f09c2 No.2280024


Serious question: what's COC in this text?

e1e9fd No.2280026


July 31st rally in Tampa

What's the game plan to get Q shirts and posters EVERYWHERE?

Can we make them Ask The [Q]uestion?

Is it finally time?

77fe91 No.2280027

File: fab41017ea39a40⋯.jpg (222.86 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 29p1bg - Copy.jpg)

File: cff8f9693bebfd2⋯.jpg (147.83 KB, 888x499, 888:499, SorosBenefits - Copy.jpg)

File: 6d1827498113b67⋯.png (2.13 MB, 866x1300, 433:650, Untitled - Copy.png)


Build the Wall

Still Waiting on my Q-shirts

Going to go with Truck Stop Gift Cards

Displaced American with Q Flag Q Shirt

Fresh & Clean from Truck Stop Shower

Reporting for double shift of Corner Fag Duty

86aad1 No.2280028


How are you going to implement a fair system if you do NOT have control over the banking system by means of control over the Fed.

Ending the Fed will hand control over to the banks. Do you think the people want that???

8ba831 No.2280030


Just stop shill ..though there set up planned and in a sense “fake” real ppl/children did die

9373ca No.2280031

File: 5884c4e34bcf993⋯.png (6.67 MB, 6189x4158, 2063:1386, Rlarpsidebyside.png)


They delete shit all the time shill

do you think open shilling and subversion of the board is a good thing (pic related)?

look: >>2280006

the faggot Rlarp is still shilling

end this shill tactic BV

06cb5d No.2280032


EMP? The action of last resort?

87da58 No.2280033


I was thinking more about

natural world order

As they see their natural right to be on top of the pyramid and rule the slaves while they maintain maintain their slave garden and feed the ruler bloodlines

f25164 No.2280034


Couldn't forget if I tried….I see them everywhere

3bf2b7 No.2280035


We need to evac everyone not in show business and nuke Hollywood to make sure

845568 No.2280036


I agree with this Anon. The chans are the last bastion of free speech.

Are Anons here actually advocating that we shadowban ideas we don't like?

Let them keep their own thread. Filter them if they come into the actual /qresearch bread.

I refuse to become Twitter.

Don't you?

279338 No.2280037

File: 542c7232bfb2643⋯.jpeg (172.67 KB, 1440x969, 480:323, 1531092203.jpeg)

ebd75c No.2280038

File: 3861ae4365151e3⋯.jpeg (60.8 KB, 432x645, 144:215, image.jpeg)

New thing I learned about Russia, or muh russia for the Soros' shills shitting up the board with endless moo joo repeated memery/ memeary (perhaps I just coined a word? A noun used to describe one who engages in making multiple memes?).

Anywho, apparently Russia gave us this massive teardrop sculpture engraved with the 3,000+ names of those persons officially listed as dying on 9/11 (pic related). Seems an awfully nice gesture, much like France giving the Statue of Liberty. I'm still at a loss how people could be fooled into believing muh collusion with the Trump campaign. As a side, and something the criminal Brennan always omits, is that mostly every country capable of hacking another does just that. That's what they do. It's done by everyone and is a component of defensive national security. The most problematic country attempting to cyber-infiltrate for nefarious reasons is China not Russia. The Russians aren't even close to what the Chinese do, and have already done. I get it though, madam president still needs to have material for her travelling road show.

8b87ee No.2280039



75f73f No.2280040

File: 58518cc59f2bff9⋯.png (210.67 KB, 592x835, 592:835, Capture.PNG)

New OIG report about NSA. This is interesting:

"FISA is being looked at within the NSA."

a83452 No.2280042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"China’s Astonishing 350-Foot Waterfall Built On A Skyscraper Comes With Rainbow"

It apparently freaked out passersby, who warned authorities that the building was suffering a massive leak.


c420aa No.2280043


as far as i can tell, epoch times are a decent news org.

they are close with several members of the daily caller staff, and posted lots of Awan info leading up to the trial.

have a reporter in the WH. could conceivably be called on by Sarah at some point.

(full disclosure, am anon, not affiliated with epoch, do interact with them regularly)

4a2f09 No.2280044


True patriot.

Fight, fight, fight.


b2246a No.2280045


im all for the space force, but i think it would be silly to build a new one based on vertical take off fossil fuel internal combustion propulsion. when the space force is unleashed, it will be far moar than the next branch of the military IMO. i think it will be an undeniable redpill for the masses, even if we wont know everything, itll be enough to realize the world we've been "living" in is a lie.

22bf00 No.2280046


Amen Brother!

43b8f0 No.2280047

File: 0bfad53d512e8d1⋯.jpg (234.24 KB, 575x383, 575:383, WERQNEW.jpg)

File: 5ff13b93ed57e80⋯.jpg (588.33 KB, 2480x1754, 1240:877, IAMQ.jpg)


is JA ok?

is he a white hat? it was on cdan that him and soros is buddies, any truth to this or fake and gay?


424032 No.2280049



de7d88 No.2280050

Gorefag is back with his ugly face and his bizarre craving for black penis

e0426e No.2280051



It seems Q is directing us to the "stars" to go after. Time to dig.

5f411c No.2280053

File: d9e148203ca4beb⋯.gif (606.67 KB, 250x224, 125:112, IMB_rjRZF5.GIF)

File: 4230a52c2c42306⋯.png (70.25 KB, 1242x620, 621:310, IMG_3972.PNG)

File: c0d4ba120fb7c43⋯.png (347.17 KB, 1242x1429, 1242:1429, IMG_3973.PNG)

File: 1024bc66f4c7360⋯.png (109.32 KB, 1242x641, 1242:641, IMG_3974.PNG)

File: c4d71252962c6c8⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 750x416, 375:208, IMG_3977.JPG)

cfa206 No.2280054


Sure, it's been discussed, but no consensus has been reached on it. Fuck off with your shilly absolutes

6cd73e No.2280055

Is there a way to filter the gore shills? I’ve already traumatized my psyche enough with the child trafficking/satanic ritual abuse research.

f25164 No.2280056


It would hand over control to the US Treasury as declared in the Constitution

783bc4 No.2280058

>>227949 (lb)

Maybe a drop about Ron Howard?

d75647 No.2280059


Chain of custody

36b3e8 No.2280061


I wish I could give you a hug, anon. I'm impressive! No homo but damn! Good connection! BAKER!



3303f2 No.2280062


192fc3 No.2280063

c2aa7c No.2280064

File: ec16a1ff0b5f900⋯.jpeg (78.53 KB, 463x600, 463:600, 21E72A9D-76C1-41F7-92F2-F….jpeg)

d1ee37 No.2280065


Concernfags gonna concernfag.

What does the constitution say?

Is POTUS a constitutionalist?

f0f4e3 No.2280066

File: 46a72eb95d3426f⋯.jpg (657.66 KB, 1914x1790, 957:895, paper-CD-100.jpg)


Where did those "new" money pics originate from?

Are they just something drawn up by someone with high hopes(fake)?

Or are they lingering on the back burner (real)?

e0426e No.2280067

Imagine The Team was putting up the gore to prepare us for whats coming? Just popped in my head.

4b8ea3 No.2280068


Fair enough, but they shouldn't be bumped.

8f09c2 No.2280069


Hey. You can lose your money any way you like.

Can't say I'd be investing in crypto.

ebd75c No.2280070


Or would that be a verb or adverb? Little help if you're up to it.

ce5f55 No.2280071


When is Jeff Sessions going to actually charge anybody? Asking for Lionel.

0920f6 No.2280072

File: 8238a53d631b0c5⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 719x744, 719:744, Dich_z9UEAEJh-_.jpg)

File: 8d21c6b5c99e3fa⋯.jpg (804.79 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8d21c6b5c99e3fa9370d7f8e13….jpg)

77d153 No.2280073

File: 7c65b036cf00eff⋯.png (352.1 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


9373ca No.2280074

File: e2c36636a66d824⋯.png (35.75 KB, 478x320, 239:160, ClipboardImage.png)



BV, look at this shit, Rlarp propping up Rshills

they're opening subverting our board, FFS

bebb8d No.2280077




A RT from goreFag means;

>Over the target


ef150a No.2280078


STRUCTURE will be different. I have no idea how exactly this will happen because I have neither the financial knowledge nor the correct perspective over the matter, but I trust the plan on this one.

d30464 No.2280079

File: 91b1984c04407ab⋯.png (681.6 KB, 1080x1524, 90:127, Screenshot_20180725-212025….png)


c62546 No.2280080

File: fa293612ffc3091⋯.jpg (158.2 KB, 1440x2005, 288:401, pepeQ4.JPG)

File: 639886fc99f968b⋯.jpg (313.02 KB, 1202x1655, 1202:1655, pepeQ5.jpg)


There is only Q

ef5aa5 No.2280081

File: 9458fdf28c89ca5⋯.jpg (26.41 KB, 349x524, 349:524, rose_leslie.jpg)



Whoa, wait. This is actually happening way quicker that I thought. I was under the impression that we'd see some changes across the pond (City of London) or maybe hear something in relation to those folks before the Fed?

How is it that we're already looking at a Fed restructure this quickly?

1164ca No.2280083

File: e0feb80dae81719⋯.png (29.4 KB, 687x230, 687:230, ClipboardImage.png)


>The Fed has a very complicated structure that can be used for Good in the right hands

Why must is be so complicated?

Congress' power to coin money is clearly enumerated…The Fed is unnecessarily complicated, IMO.

e90aa8 No.2280084




bdcffb No.2280087



b4a69b No.2280088

File: bc42e1050c715cd⋯.jpg (93.21 KB, 1080x731, 1080:731, Di0BiyYXcAMRPk8.jpg)

every single time

8f09c2 No.2280089


Thanks, anon. Every once in a while the mind simply refuses to make a connection.

Needed some help.

43b8f0 No.2280091


i hope they r real also but i grabbed off here months ago.

20fc98 No.2280092


I've been asking that for an hour now but can't get straight answers….I want to do whatever I can to help POTUS and the Great Awakening agenda… am open to ideas for what to write on posters to distribute at the rally..

527616 No.2280093

File: 067ac95d163535d⋯.jpeg (944.44 KB, 1242x1899, 138:211, 96AAF681-24CA-475A-B948-A….jpeg)

my messaging is ringing off the hook!

Word is racing around the World.

96eeea No.2280095

File: 0d43a8fed2e1559⋯.png (39.34 KB, 720x273, 240:91, Screenshot_20180725-105110….png)


Hit the arrow, hit filter, hit ID.

f14219 No.2280097


Nah. More like (((the team))) trying to preempt what's coming.

06cb5d No.2280099

Goreshills dipping back into their personal gore porn archives, again.

Is that all you wank to all night long?

e0bf21 No.2280101

File: 08daf5f6a91befc⋯.png (834.94 KB, 863x731, 863:731, MEMEFAG4.PNG)



~And the Men

Who hold high places

Must be the Ones to start

To MEME a new Reality

Closer to the Heart~

0c0051 No.2280102

File: fc6708cdb7ce436⋯.jpg (22.73 KB, 474x240, 79:40, ldr.brock.jpg)

File: 678b12702848436⋯.jpg (63.7 KB, 533x800, 533:800, lil.m.jpg)

File: 28e1fb8b2dea0a2⋯.jpg (299.42 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, ldr.stain.slim.jpg)

File: 1c68b09575408a5⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 467x700, 467:700, lil.monsta.jpg)

File: 8f2df5de3a17f6b⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 346x286, 173:143, Rothschild.jpg)

7badb6 No.2280103

File: dd6b894ba45fd32⋯.jpeg (63.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 95A28F9A-F9B8-4A18-A259-7….jpeg)

85968e No.2280104


Personal decision.

Don't worry about what other people do,

Do what you want to do.


f25164 No.2280105


Wow….just wow

8f09c2 No.2280106


Pfft. Quickly? I think we've waited long enough.

0c0051 No.2280108

File: 0ca0f3d52b4648a⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 647x397, 647:397, brock.jpg)

3303f2 No.2280110

Gore bot is triggered.Not a god of death. Just a binary of annoyance.

4a2f09 No.2280112


BV knows what you do not.

BV has been working with us.

We have been dropping intel since June with the help of BV.


(Get my name out of your mouth "There is only Q")

e0426e No.2280114



It blows my mind these people defend them. We ALLLL know they rape infants and eat them.

7e08d7 No.2280115

C'mon Q. There's no going to Moon, Mars, or anywhere else outside the firmament/Dome! Everything is going down in Antarctica!!! What about those 16 intelligence organization that Pieczenik won't name? Tell us Q, tell us!!! We have a right to know everything, or else they still will hold the power because knowledge is power, the way we get the power back is to KNOW everything!

0c0051 No.2280117

File: c9deac1e69ca35c⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 474x631, 474:631, child.traffic.jpg)

File: 9fb31ecd4b62661⋯.png (54.4 KB, 820x287, 20:7, michaels.millions.png)

File: c6c2428f0355feb⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 512x335, 512:335, frens.jpg)

cd966b No.2280118

File: 6179f53e4e2f5b1⋯.png (430.97 KB, 1002x895, 1002:895, PartialScreenshot_20180725….png)

The OWL!


c96168 No.2280119

Well…the question was simple…real or fake? Q said 'there is only Q'

There is your answer.

Believe what you wanna believe, we ALL had that same opportunity at the same time…some paid attention other didn't. Now that opportunity is *gone*.

07bf20 No.2280121


Well, I was wrong.

36b3e8 No.2280122


Oh she has a (((checkmark))) so it must be true. Every. Single. Time. I need to punch a deep state faggot today. My rage is at an all time high because of all this pedo enabling. NO MORE.

2434ab No.2280123

R is fake.

Never trust anybody, be careful who you follow.

Critical Thinking!

Ask the questions.

Do your research.

And find your own answers.

Q hasn't confirmed Jr to be dead or alive.

There are plenty of red flags surrounding his death that lead us to believe they might be alive.

06cb5d No.2280124


Because this shit's been going on for more than a few weeks.

0c0051 No.2280125

File: 574c750ad1233be⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 784x591, 784:591, download.jpg)

File: dbcdced37b4f8a2⋯.gif (4.64 KB, 180x174, 30:29, string.gif)

265fd9 No.2280126

Senate panel approves nominations for 2 Fed board seats

by Associated Press

Published: Tue, June 12, 2018 11:03 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday approved President Donald Trump's nomination of Columbia University professor Richard Clarida to be the vice chairman of the Federal Reserve. The panel also approved the nomination of Kansas bank commissioner Michelle Bowman to fill another vacancy on the Fed's seven-member board.

If the nominations win approval as expected from the full Senate, they will fill two of the current four vacancies on the Fed board. Trump has the opportunity to remake the Fed board in his first two years in office by filling six of seven positions.

Clarida, an expert on monetary policy, would succeed Stanley Fischer in the Fed's No. 2 job. Bowman, the first woman to be the top banking regulator in Kansas, would take the board seat reserved for a community banker.

The committee approved Clarida's nomination on a 20-5 vote while Bowman was approved by a vote of 18-7. All the no votes were cast by Democrats.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio and the top Democrat on the panel, voted against both nominations. He said he was unhappy with the responses both had made to written questions about their views on the need to enforce tougher bank regulations put in place after the 2008 financial crisis.

"This administration is clearly targeting the (regulatory) framework put in place after the 2008 crisis," Brown said.

But Rob Nichols, president of the American Bankers Association, praised the committee's approval of both nominees in a statement and urged quick Senate consideration so that the central bank "can benefit from a full range of voices and perspectives."

Last year, Trump tapped Fed board member Jerome Powell, at one time the only Republican on the board, to succeed Janet Yellen as Fed chairman. He also selected Utah banker Randal Quarles for the position of vice chairman for bank supervision.

6cf010 No.2280128


"Think shell"

change looks less extreme by keeping it, in name at least, and completely changing what it is and who owns it

f1a58e No.2280129

File: 89f5ee87390f309⋯.png (18.75 KB, 527x300, 527:300, R-fake-and-extremely-gay-p….png)

0d1d56 No.2280130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sexy Baby skit with Hanks and Howard

7e08d7 No.2280132


Fukin knew R was an imposter. Nice distraction while Q took a break. kek

9373ca No.2280133



b3afbf No.2280134

File: 1605d586964d755⋯.jpg (611.81 KB, 2046x1724, 1023:862, pizza_zoo_1.jpg)

File: a0bd78a0ee98feb⋯.jpg (675.58 KB, 1804x1282, 902:641, pizza_zoo_2.jpg)

File: ca1cf703511dc74⋯.jpg (368.69 KB, 2094x1368, 349:228, pizza_zoo_3.jpg)

This doesn't look suspect at all


b9479e No.2280135


Q just postet that there is only Q.

43b8f0 No.2280136

File: cb9f54bfdf9deaa⋯.jpg (297.42 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, Qandr copy.jpg)

1ae5f5 No.2280137


I know. You did a good job I was just expanding the point so people understand that fuckery is done when supposedly none needs to exist.

Why do they have to lie if everything is true?

9f25fe No.2280138

File: 2d49645417f3e2c⋯.png (155.55 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

6cf010 No.2280140


fake & gay

f0f4e3 No.2280141



>But can someone please explain this:>The WORLD will UNITE in this cause (G v E/R v W).what is meant with >(G v E/R v W).?

Good vs Evil

Right vs Wrong

9c5004 No.2280142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a controlled Opposition Asset

Think about it

How could someone be so stupid running for Office

Retweets that satire piece like it was real and now Mockingbird media like WashingtonPost are repeating the insane assertation that people didn't know it was satire

Literally said "Flip this seat RED"

The more she screws up, the more I think she is team Trump but….

Watch the Allie Stuckey Video and notice the "Tippy Top" reference in the video.

faaf25 No.2280143

File: 384fae940c2f5a0⋯.png (215.7 KB, 1268x629, 1268:629, e2c7589e4143335d87d9182ecd….png)

File: 3dfe6f73f72422d⋯.png (25.52 KB, 408x246, 68:41, Screenshot_2018-07-23-16-2….png)

What does mean when he refers to [COC]

Read last 2 lines.

697043 No.2280144

>Watch the water

>Mars at Aquarius (waterbearer)

>Giant dust storm on Mars

>Liquid fucking water found on Mars

>Mercury in aphelion (farthest point from sun in orbit)

>Q (Messenger) goes dark

>Mercury leaves aphelion (reapproaches light)

>Q comes back

>Only planet in the Solar System without a global storm

>Because, at planet Earth, WE ARE THE STORM!

Ah, and we're taking back the symbols ;)) Thanks for playing!

spoiler I wonder if we'll have some auspicious developments at the BRICS summit…….

96eeea No.2280146

File: ffcf742c324f421⋯.png (107.07 KB, 720x807, 240:269, Screenshot_20180725-101727….png)

So now that Q is in a meeting…


07bf20 No.2280147

imposte [R]

e57cb3 No.2280148



They have weaponized the Fed against Trump and trying to put us in a recession to Punish Trump.

He is stopping them and he needs to move Quickly.

They are raising interest rates again Friday, there goes a whole house in Market if they do.

ef5aa5 No.2280149

File: 85e13a0580f3847⋯.jpg (132.97 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 1518010214963.jpg)


Here's the structure explained:


Might want to familiarize yourself with this. Very important moving forward.



Oh, no; I get it. We've been under their feet since 1913. That's not the point. The point is, Q and team are moving HELLA FAST to separate us from the grip of the Crown – That's what I'm getting at. How is it that the world markets won't retaliate and bring everyone down at the same time just to keep us under their control? How'd we get around that?

Again, trusting that plan, I just wonder how the fuck Q pulled it off. I'm curious like that, lol.

7e08d7 No.2280150


Damn straight!! To hell with any other letter of the alphabet. Q is it!! Do it Q!!!

e90aa8 No.2280151


If you already have trillions - what do you do between sacrifices?

Plan. And if you have unlimited riches, you can begin creating the pieces for that plan. I'm sure they had the plates (or whatever tech is used in printing money) already in place.

e4c5b8 No.2280153

File: f3e416dacd8246d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 946x696, 473:348, REM Meme.png)


>Trump names two more picks to fill Fed Board

0f7544 No.2280154


Anon, the thought has crossed my mind that the various shill tactics regarding the gore, sex and jews is a psyop to spark immuninity to it all. If we are no longer repulsed, we accept. It is fuckery. Use your filter.

a3e8dc No.2280155

File: 166252921d35eb6⋯.jpg (159.23 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 90.jpg)

b4fd4e No.2280156

File: 1a0fa9636e17e1f⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 4251x3456, 1417:1152, maxine_waters_98244.jpg)

Wanna bet Maxine put the powder there herself and then called the cops?

Bitch is losing her mind now that Navarro is going for her jugular. She keeps showing up in the news later, but not in her usual ways.

https:// www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-maxine-waters-evacuation-20180724-story.html

d4e6b1 No.2280157


I was like fuck you until the tippy top part

9373ca No.2280158

File: e8763053e3d253e⋯.png (452.88 KB, 1210x611, 1210:611, ClipboardImage.png)



now you find your rightful place as the larp you always have been, next to the other faggot larps


0378d9 No.2280159

File: 32b562eac9bb28f⋯.jpg (177 KB, 1080x918, 20:17, Screenshot_20180725-105541….jpg)


Kek!! you have to watch this link. Not sure how to embed here.

3bf2b7 No.2280160

Not heard much about H.R.5404 lately?Gold backed on its way?


f5d887 No.2280161


you should be banned

7badb6 No.2280162


Sure jeRome

77707f No.2280163

>>2279519 (lb)

My heart is a flutter Q. 2018 has been absolutely Glorious!

WWG1WGA. what an honor and time to be alive!! Unending gratitude!

God wins!

1164ca No.2280164

File: 2177e7827ad8b74⋯.png (209.42 KB, 618x618, 1:1, pepetrump2j.png)


>change looks less extreme by keeping it

Makes sense…couple that with abolition of the federal income tax and the IRS and then it's on like Donkey Kong. KEK!

8466b5 No.2280165


From your typing fingertips to POTUS ear -

Making token pay'ts only doubled the debt

in 6 yrs…$40K to $80K . Combined REQUIRED min. pay't more than mo.. earnings. No consolidation permitted.

f14219 No.2280166

File: 2a0ee0e7a1a03b4⋯.png (274.98 KB, 1515x686, 1515:686, ClipboardImage.png)

265fd9 No.2280167

In wake of Quarles’ confirmation, White House wants Senate action on three other Fed nominees

July 18, 2018 The Fed 0

Following the Senate’s confirmation Tuesday of a 14-year term for one member of the Federal Reserve Board, the White House Wednesday called for immediate action on the three other board nominees now awaiting confirmation.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, in opening comments to a press briefing at the White House Wednesday, noted the confirmation by the Senate Tuesday of Randal Quarles to a 14-year term on the Fed Board. Following that, she said the president was calling on the Senate to act on the nominations of Richard Clarida (for vice chairman of the board), Michelle “Miki” Bowman and Marvin Goodfriend (as members of the board).

“There are still three more nominees to the Fed who have yet to receive a vote,” Sanders said. “It is inexcusable that Senate Democrats have delayed confirming the president’s nominees,” Sanders said, adding the White House urges the Senate to stop delays and take action.

Goodfriend’s nomination has been pending before the Senate since Feb. 8, when the Senate Banking Committee narrowly recommended his confirmation, 13-12, largely on partisan lines.

Clarida and Bowman were recommended for confirmation June 12, when the Banking Committee voted in executive session, approving Clarida on a vote of 20-5 and Bowman on an 18-7 vote.


e9ac7b No.2280168

File: c7dd0a56ff4efe0⋯.png (431.47 KB, 1055x502, 1055:502, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Q Re….png)

File: 1d7a039610f56c9⋯.png (310.73 KB, 624x860, 156:215, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Q Re….png)

File: 4b21b5918381d35⋯.png (262.11 KB, 624x856, 78:107, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Q Re….png)

File: 28e04ab8760cb01⋯.png (252.27 KB, 624x857, 624:857, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Q3.png)

File: adc981598c66bac⋯.png (981.38 KB, 913x1969, 83:179, Screenshot_2018-07-25 .png)

9baf43 No.2280169

File: 72cc79cb9532067⋯.jpg (71.78 KB, 630x500, 63:50, About to drop.jpg)

>>2279418 (prev)

fa9048 No.2280170

I bet you know R and X.


There is only Q.


1ae5f5 No.2280171


Can't believe this needs to be said but…look at how this jew thinks that thinking race realist thoughts is the same as physically gassing a jew in a shower.

b3afbf No.2280172


>How could someone be so stupid running for Office

Two words: Kamala Harris

645481 No.2280173

File: 767c7630f9d82c3⋯.png (149.15 KB, 355x355, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

6cf010 No.2280174


or is this actually real?

doesn't match this logo though:


0f7544 No.2280175


No doubt will be blamed on some crazed Trump and or Navarro supporter.

2049c2 No.2280176

9c5004 No.2280177



That perked my ears that maybe she isn't stupid but is /ourgirl/

3a3a60 No.2280178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

64c892 No.2280179


Yeppers… No double standard there. Nope, not at all.

3303f2 No.2280180

File: d232be2943f9bb7⋯.jpg (50.47 KB, 1000x1294, 500:647, images of jesus.jpg)


Inhuman and not robotic. Good for you.

f9612a No.2280181

File: 7700896287c6c43⋯.jpg (37.33 KB, 568x305, 568:305, hw.JPG)


Seems Hellywood has replied

88500b No.2280184





This will never present a problem in her future.

(I kid. This will probably be one of those "How do you explain this" situations.)

Because kid rape is HA. LARIOUS.

Whoooooo… Split my pants laughing.

b4a69b No.2280185

File: b752d5c4e56fb27⋯.jpg (70.06 KB, 1080x667, 1080:667, Diqlt4CXkAAW5i4.jpg)




27cbf8 No.2280187

File: 3a45c7c142070d3⋯.png (129.9 KB, 600x533, 600:533, Pepe Scope.png)

fb1653 No.2280188


you said it !

f5d887 No.2280189

How was your trip, Q?

While gone, my family gave you a hot meal?

bd2375 No.2280190


I try not to look before I filter, but I think he's posting pics of skinned people…

e88dd5 No.2280192


Chain of Command

9baf43 No.2280194

"They" do love their FEAR PORN!

CNN: Removing Our Employee’s Clearance a ‘National Security Threat’ https://www.newsbusters.org/node/230685

657c17 No.2280195

File: 6e81bbbcb11b171⋯.png (73.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, boG7vLEbFxNZN6DuafIuYhuvMo….png)

File: 9767db602922e41⋯.png (67.09 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Q2.png)

File: 9b9e811fcd32e64⋯.png (31.51 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Q3.png)


happy to see my art being Qsed!

more Q graphics - feel free to use for anything!

0f7544 No.2280196


She's not stupid, shes evil.

49041b No.2280197


Can "plants need water" apply to her odd win?

0c0051 No.2280198

File: 08840c12f13bb6d⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 800x400, 2:1, circle.spiral.jpg)

File: 78407ae7ffad98b⋯.jpg (66.95 KB, 618x800, 309:400, iSpy.jpg)

File: d2b68eb5a236b22⋯.jpg (77.98 KB, 624x351, 16:9, wheel.jpg)

b3870f No.2280200

File: 7bbde97cffadf6f⋯.png (37.18 KB, 674x451, 674:451, nsaisraelegyptintelsharing.PNG)


https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails//fileid/38132/10613 ATTACHMENT

Israel enjoys heightened bilateral relations with the NSA - probably even in comparison with Five Eyes members. While mass surveillance is the focus of this Chapter, “This SIGINT relationship has increasingly been the catalyst for a broader intelligence relationship between the United States and Israel.” Israeli and American intelligence organizations engaged in other activities - such as the Israeli Mossad, the CIA, and the Special Operations divisions - are all agencies with relations in Israel.

According to an NSA assessment, Israel’s Sigint National Unit (ISNU, better known as “Unit 8200”) and the NSA both bring to the table comparable “world class” capabilities. Both agencies have cutting-edge technologies and analytic expertise. The Israelis have a geographic advantage with respect to common intelligence targets in the Middle East and Iran. The NSA, on the other hand, allows the ISNU to purchase equipment in preferable terms. Cooperation is premised on the idea that many of the targets are common to both countries. In July 2012, the bilateral relationship turned into a trilateral one, with the sharing of information expanded to the Egyptian government. This allowed the NSA to “task for ISNU” when targeting terrorist elements in Sinai. The term “tasking” suggests a chain of command that crosses national borders, reaching from the NSA to the ISNU. As one Israeli journalist commented, this term would be “usual among agencies belonging to the same intelligence community.” It brings the category of cooperation to an extreme, suggesting that at times cooperation can transform into interagency amalgamation.

cd966b No.2280201

File: c4aab08a0512cbf⋯.png (61.1 KB, 485x733, 485:733, PartialScreenshot_20180725….png)


Shillfag couldn't click the link.

88500b No.2280202


Oddly enough, I have an answer to that:

Yes. It is molestation.

8f09c2 No.2280205

File: 7683b6cb516bc93⋯.jpeg (170.18 KB, 599x548, 599:548, Dank.jpeg)



Has to be a connection. That seat Crowley held was supposed to be extremely safe.

Playing their weaknesses against them?

9373ca No.2280206


these people are so fucking stupid

I bet the D's will start supporting making it LGBTP

b4a69b No.2280208

File: 8b85284e81fe005⋯.jpg (127.06 KB, 1080x1155, 72:77, DigEITGWsAAIdG8.jpg)

File: dee49164287dc56⋯.jpg (92.38 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, DigEI72XkAEITPc.jpg)




1164ca No.2280209

File: 39a808604afb3e8⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 197x255, 197:255, pepetime.jpg)


>My rage is at an all time high because of all this pedo enabling. NO MORE.

Hit the gym…start with leg-day. kek

c62546 No.2280210

File: 6eb719488475217⋯.jpg (152.88 KB, 1440x794, 720:397, securityclearance.JPG)

File: d1fcdd2c542347c⋯.jpg (277.38 KB, 1849x1263, 1849:1263, trumpball8.JPG)

File: 2b2402622737263⋯.jpg (128.1 KB, 1440x1347, 480:449, whiterabbit.JPG)

File: f8dd8bc2802a47c⋯.jpg (284.96 KB, 1937x1172, 1937:1172, vote1.JPG)

File: bf9ee75ef9003de⋯.png (134.35 KB, 536x284, 134:71, understand.png)

a3e8dc No.2280211

File: 36ed10872f4a715⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, kamala_harris.jpg)

6dc440 No.2280212


>Restricts activities on Mars - Cannot go too close to suspected water sources

Yes, you're correct of course, for this mission. I foresee other mission's where the sterilization requirements WILL be met. I included those DARPA links to show that there is some forward thinking going on about exploiting water resources efficiently as a prerequisite to the permanent habitation of other celestial bodies.

bebb8d No.2280213


Four more words;

Nancy Pelosi

Maxine Waters

77fe91 No.2280214

File: 60331de86c7580f⋯.jpg (223.55 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 29oebh - Copy.jpg)

File: 53116abb868970c⋯.jpg (117.92 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 29p23f - Copy.jpg)


Anon on way to work at work at school ask gfanon and wifeyanon and cousinanon about names places of work and if possible residence.

In AZ a few weeks after Election I had random Paysa's "They call themselves (the people)" tell me not to worry about anything "meaning business as usual drugs not being stopped by wall" because Chapo had a plan to Ass@ni@t3 Drumpt. I just nodded

But was Thinking Holy Fuck they have no fucking clue what shit will be coming, But that depends on us manning our stations away from the keyboard us Social Network and Call ICE

2049c2 No.2280215

Notables so Far

>>2279976 Plane Crash that Killed Mariah Sunshine Coogan Under Investigation

>>2279961 Q Side by Side Proof - Toronto Shooting

>>2279630, >>2279630, >>2279716 US Treasury Sanctions People Connected to Syria Chemical Weapons

Please let me know if anything was missed

265fd9 No.2280216

And I guess this is how we fill up the coffers for the new Fed/Treasury:

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

Law & Justice

Issued on: December 21, 2017

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the prevalence and severity of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States, such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.


24567b No.2280217


You obviously don't catch on very quickly. Moran.

faaf25 No.2280218

File: 3376b3403c0c538⋯.png (44.7 KB, 480x450, 16:15, Screenshot_2018-07-21-18-3….png)

File: 384fae940c2f5a0⋯.png (215.7 KB, 1268x629, 1268:629, e2c7589e4143335d87d9182ecd….png)

Nigger's listen up:

What does Q mean when he refers to 'COC'

Read last 2 lines.

a43a68 No.2280220


no censorship pls

5e1e7b No.2280221

1164ca No.2280222

File: a430a56e1158600⋯.png (224.49 KB, 589x428, 589:428, KAMALAELLEN3.png)

f5d887 No.2280223


When that Q&A?


d688c6 No.2280224

Blacked and gore at the same time? Do they pay bonus for combination posts?

0f7544 No.2280225


Yep. Total complete degeneracy.

6cf010 No.2280226

File: 6a8f84b5cbbe7a8⋯.png (359.7 KB, 492x492, 1:1, OIG.png)


Apologies, more familiar with this logo.

So why are the two different?

645481 No.2280227

File: 1de79f076a68440⋯.png (69.78 KB, 1800x414, 100:23, Screenshot 2018-07-25 at 1….png)

9f25fe No.2280228

File: ca1b9fb77cffc48⋯.png (240.53 KB, 500x333, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

d75647 No.2280229

File: 6a4f213520b0ccb⋯.png (20.01 KB, 320x266, 160:133, Cirles_of_confusion.png)


Circle of confusion

bf977d No.2280230

File: bd006386144f74c⋯.png (68.71 KB, 1274x368, 637:184, dots alien.png)

4fc6c8 No.2280231


this picture is quantum

enochian magik

john dee

edward kelly

941f7f No.2280232


How did these people become pedos? Naturally born? If naturally born then that sucks.

a83452 No.2280233


I have a feeling this Space Treaty gonna see some changes.

cd966b No.2280234


I linked it. C'mon man.

9373ca No.2280235


stfu Rtard

go to your own board

we're kicking you out, no censoring



7badb6 No.2280236

File: 2c42f3d05d2b404⋯.gif (755.95 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 045C9375-51BB-472D-97C8-43….gif)


e90aa8 No.2280238


not directed at you anon - the shills who try to split us.

For some reason, those of us who believe Q is just what he says he is and believe that EVERYTHING that he has dropped MUST be revealed, think that we are either worshiping him or are blind to only him.

Not true - we just trust Q and POTUS. That is not a cult, that is how it is supposed to be among honest people. We can trust what they say, they will do.

77fe91 No.2280239



Report Crimes: Email or Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE

d4e6b1 No.2280240


Actual link to tweet?

b9479e No.2280241


Thank you!

I feel a bit dumb :))

3303f2 No.2280242


I think he just really LOVES his job. Extra pics for free.

ef150a No.2280243

4b8ea3 No.2280244

File: 447a3d61583a69e⋯.gif (260.84 KB, 150x107, 150:107, 27415232922.gif)

File: 58e0c1913213a05⋯.jpg (120.08 KB, 768x768, 1:1, b40081a7f020734afd8451f362….jpg)

File: 16c612e3e0ad64b⋯.jpg (124.38 KB, 800x555, 160:111, DOUARD~1.JPG)

File: 214e7489d4e3732⋯.jpg (6.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

File: 92546997ddfe26b⋯.gif (876.59 KB, 840x625, 168:125, sun-size-flat-earth-model-….gif)

4a2f09 No.2280245


KEK BV banned me for this.

5e1e7b No.2280246

File: f90375d0fb407ed⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 736x552, 4:3, dfeb4caceb8262e99fd6bdb8b6….jpg)

91f774 No.2280247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RT Politicking:

(((CNN))) 's Jake Tapper joins Larry to examine Donald Trump's latest threats to Iran and his Twitter fury over the Russia probe and critics of the Helsinki summit. Plus, a look into Tapper's newest political novel,

"The Hellfire Club"

You see the desperation:-) "He(Trump) consumes a lot of oxygen" anyway worth watching and I almost got a Trust Mueller feeling………………….

689f50 No.2280248

File: d84508bfe2bbc53⋯.jpeg (14.92 KB, 205x255, 41:51, 02e29269a41c69ee1bf171803….jpeg)

Sauce on Conen's lawyer L. Davis

"If you want to understand who the real power behind the [Honduran] coup is," says Robert White, president of the Washington-based Center for International Policy, during a recent interview, "you need to find out who's paying Lanny Davis."

Davis, an ally of the Clinton family who is best known as the lawyer who defended Bill during the presidential impeachment proceedings, was recently on Capitol Hill lobbying members of Congress and testifying against exiled President Manuel Zelaya before the House Foreign Relations Committee. White, who previously served as the United States ambassador to El Salvador, thought that such information about Davis' clients would be "very difficult to find."

But the answer proved easy to find. Davis, a partner at the law firm Orrick, Herrington, & Sutcliffe, openly named them – and his clients are the same powerful Hondurans behind the military coup.

Rest of sauce here:


0920f6 No.2280249


been on this amazing wave (all-in Q!) since early Nov…..

love your graphic….. I hope that fella's story is true. WOW!

364548 No.2280250


I find the seal thing somewhat troubling.

All who accept this seal?

I console You(God)?

I offer you your Son's body, blood etc?

In the end it suggests Jesus' sacrifice wasn't enough, this purification is needed?

And btw, if you read forward from revelation 7:2, you see there are 144k sealed ones, and that believers are already at God's throne.

a202a6 No.2280252


> 16 posts

> Wants to censor people like the left does because these people are talking about ideas that YOU dont like.


64c892 No.2280253


Hey, is it considered rape if I open my mouth and someone sticks their dick in it? Imma gonna need a quick answer on this.

83528f No.2280254

Long time lurker here but my first post. Thank you all for your hard work. WWG1WGA

20fc98 No.2280255



Well said, anon.

cd966b No.2280256


Different agency. The owl is on the NSA OIG logo.

9373ca No.2280257


because you're a lying shill larp

10e783 No.2280258

File: 59452b5aa5573f2⋯.png (426.44 KB, 575x362, 575:362, ClipboardImage.png)

e0426e No.2280259



She did say in that that video with Bernie "we are going to turn this state red"…

still think (((they))) just stole the phrase from the boards…until more evidence

342271 No.2280260

File: 05a5eea0b223188⋯.png (301.97 KB, 624x326, 312:163, highlandercheckedlong.png)

ef5aa5 No.2280261


This makes sense as to the why. I watched the MSNBC interview and POTUS was explicit about that rate hike, and his disappointment in it. What I'm concerned about is the logistics of telling the banks (and the families that sit on top of them) to go fuck themselves. Going back to Q's statements regarding "order is very important".


I wonder if the post from last night re: The guy at the gas station in Qatar has something to do with this. What's happening in Iran right now? If Iran is further along the path to freedom than we thought, the plan might be able to move even quicker than we thought.

d688c6 No.2280262


When you’re banished to this density, immortality in human form must be highly desireable.

0166d4 No.2280263


KYS Shia.

Just admit you were wrong and move on.

9c41ef No.2280264


Jokes about fucking kids = fine.

Saying something that has nothing to do with race = execute them Thoughtcrime anybody?

7e08d7 No.2280265

Q how soon before those security clearances are revoked? It really should have been done like last year.


9373ca No.2280266





645481 No.2280267


Duncan or Connor?

b3afbf No.2280268


Chain of Command

3303f2 No.2280270

GoreFag went on smoke break.

b7aa1c No.2280271


Why don't I see these posts in the latest Q posts in the bread?

1164ca No.2280272

File: ca0b2b7c80392c2⋯.png (453.81 KB, 634x479, 634:479, oprah1.png)


>>2280232 Multi-generational incest/abuse?

The question becomes, at what point do these people become aware of what they are doing, and are they trying to stop it or are the actively/willingly participating?

f60b92 No.2280273

File: bdf649d52d2d82e⋯.jpeg (881.93 KB, 1087x841, 1087:841, 4251FE50-3BE2-462C-AE8F-3….jpeg)

b487ca No.2280274

The 3 hrs documentary revealing the financing of Hitler and the plot against America has been archived on the blockchain.

This is by far the best and most informative thing I've ever seen, whoever made it, THANKS PATRIOT! o7

Can be watched here:


b9479e No.2280275

6cf010 No.2280276


Sorry anon, it's a good find.

b4a69b No.2280278


It's in their genetics, which informs their behavior. Group behavior is also known as culture. Culture births religion, and all of this pedo stuff is documented and condoned in their holiest of books, theTalmud.

6431c3 No.2280279

Does the tape make clear that Cohen or Trump are talking about that specific payoff on the Playboy model?

If not could this be trap for CNN??

7e08d7 No.2280280

R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP, R is a LARP…

e8a4ab No.2280281


de7d88 No.2280283


No do you even lift bro?

Read Q get strong and buff and learn, he said the clearances were kept in place so they could be legally monitored.

20fc98 No.2280284


Umm, I'm pretty sure Q and team are giving them plenty of time and rope to hang themselves with by NOT revoking the clearances right away…

a3e8dc No.2280285

File: e5f42393dc31fd9⋯.jpg (47.45 KB, 788x460, 197:115, 1d2061fdd2c39ff39672d10d11….jpg)


Any news about the General?

2049c2 No.2280286


I asked Board Volunteer to edit, but they have not done so…

456bb3 No.2280287


Ahaha you got that out of thin air faggot. Paper thin you are 👀

And at 17 posts. Larp

e9ac7b No.2280288

File: 322dd9d648fce68⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 300x168, 25:14, imwwages.jpg)

File: 1b7554cbcdb2aed⋯.jpg (55.62 KB, 563x362, 563:362, sisbronup2.jpg)

File: b3716c9c4b6e5cd⋯.jpg (284.54 KB, 1366x683, 2:1, P9EvR7I.jpg)

File: 8f5a7c46b867f4e⋯.jpg (119.17 KB, 550x650, 11:13, 606155_v2.jpg)

File: 9fc43f875b8d483⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 640x326, 320:163, pepler bashaw.jpg)


how about just tell the truth?


0378d9 No.2280289

File: e116f87446c8f0b⋯.jpg (448.82 KB, 1080x1209, 360:403, Screenshot_20180725-110336….jpg)


Thank you anon! I've watched it 3 times already. Kek!

e474cb No.2280290

File: 7f94a3101a67108⋯.jpg (109.24 KB, 754x500, 377:250, MatrixChoice.jpg)

e0426e No.2280291



He is def a pedo. To his twitter!

4a2f09 No.2280292

File: 91c73ecfb6d1dba⋯.png (39.26 KB, 1212x594, 202:99, BV scared.png)

Did I hit too close to home, BV?

Why didn't you think I was just LARPing?

I had regular anon posts upbread.


(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST(There is only Q, 2h))

3303f2 No.2280293


And a few of you assholes should be sending apologies out to those that said be objective and told us to kill ourselves for not taking every fucking piece of bait cast in here.

8b87ee No.2280294

File: ce5a4790f751ec5⋯.jpg (288.22 KB, 896x494, 448:247, trollin-x3.jpg)

0cf793 No.2280295

Question on end the Fed………….What might this do to future loans? In the future you made a purchase like a house, & had a loan. Better or worse, & why?

ebd75c No.2280296

File: 4a3fddf34e3ef6d⋯.jpeg (26.84 KB, 228x221, 228:221, image.jpeg)

File: c755457df3c7e0d⋯.jpeg (62.71 KB, 618x412, 3:2, image.jpeg)

File: fdc07612d8c820e⋯.jpeg (56.99 KB, 540x625, 108:125, image.jpeg)

File: af6053ffb92c42d⋯.jpeg (17.6 KB, 300x168, 25:14, image.jpeg)

File: 223b3f3b2ff8c48⋯.jpeg (63.98 KB, 583x506, 53:46, image.jpeg)


GoreyAnon, you used the same photos with the last hour. Guessing your an alphafucker, trying hard to cause a slide and turn people from my post, but I have your number. No more wasted time will be wasted after this. Filtered in 3…2…

329bdd No.2280297

This question should go without saying, but its safe to assume if POTUS takes over the FED (Im sure he already did), that the Roths have long been neutralized via either killed or arrested or combination of both?? Not that I know the Roths personally, lol, but I do know you dont just cut the Fed strings and expect them to sit in front of their fireplace and sip tea

5e1e7b No.2280298

File: f23e9ea6c9256ae⋯.jpg (86.65 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 9767497597.jpg)

Well said anon…

If anything we keep the system honest, I feel this is a two way communication not just a dead drop box

87da58 No.2280299


Wow. Some people are just complete morons or getting paid really well.

f14219 No.2280300

File: f9e8985f97b6458⋯.png (283.6 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e7ed2afcb072ed⋯.png (231.64 KB, 563x450, 563:450, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb8f6f5e261c08d⋯.png (509.34 KB, 978x624, 163:104, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f721bb6ca5cad2⋯.pdf (9.09 MB, OIG UNCLASS SAR OCT-MAR 20….pdf)


No Such Agency makes the difference. Note the key that both the eagle & the owl hold

OIG of the NSA

8bf5f6 No.2280301


It is interesting how different people hear different things.

0920f6 No.2280302

File: c4d5460ffd82397⋯.png (681.68 KB, 740x444, 5:3, Q 393 post.png)



I've been asking this for several Boards about the Q #393 of December…..

I think you just proved it fulfilled the key requirements —- again, if basis is true about Frederick. Best answer across the Boards, Twatter, FB, etc I've gotten thus far……

Is this finally reconciled? ===> see my meme.

ef150a No.2280303



u wot

52bd83 No.2280304


I think it means exactly what it says and nothing further. Calm the autism a bit with that one.

a202a6 No.2280305




27cbf8 No.2280306




Epoch Times Covers Q

d4e6b1 No.2280307



Not finding it

c420aa No.2280308

File: 734c34f33233b1c⋯.jpg (586.85 KB, 702x841, 702:841, charlottes-web.jpg)

9373ca No.2280309



moar hopping

I'm not claiming to be anything but an anon, unlike the Rlarp and you Rshill that follow that faggot

look at all the shilling, once they're exposed and called out



88500b No.2280310


If you think this is shocking, you should spend a year working in any ER dept. anywhere.


b4a69b No.2280311

File: 35cc24dfe03a72e⋯.jpg (43.76 KB, 1080x659, 1080:659, DiPtsKFXUAA7Xja.jpg)

every single time.

73e269 No.2280312

File: 4796d07586680eb⋯.png (53.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 500px-Seal_of_the_United_S….png)

hey yo

The federal reserve had some sort of expedited board meeting yesterday that was closed to the public.

"…held under expedited procedures"

"…the meeting was closed to public observation by Order of the Board of Governors because the matters fall under exemption(s) 4, 8 of the Government in the Sunshine Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552b(c)), and it was determined that the public interest did not require opening the meeting.


42830f No.2280313

There is nothing wrong with satire.


This fake site sparks understanble outrage.

Hopefully outrage carried over into reality.

1ae5f5 No.2280314


Does it include any speeches from Hitler where is basically begging the Democrat controlled USA to come to their senses?


(((Plot against America))) says it all.

Such a Jewish sounding phrase.

99cba9 No.2280315

Will someone tell 'S' Anon to fuck off before he shows up. R, what do you think? Bitch

bc51e1 No.2280316


acevedo is on dhs advisory board.


dhs pays for drills sometimes reported as news, they practice dealing with media.

no telling how many in pipeline when potus took office. they have a prep term of 2-4 years on full scale events. MOUs do not allow cancellation.

here is an hseep that came up with his search he was also board while travis county sheriff (austin.) will give you a general idea.



they do the staged full scale events thru partnerships with the COGs council of govts and agencies participating get grant funding (just like parkland did.) ebola was another big one in dallas that went nationwide.

tons of slush funds attached to these things, tons!

here is the houston cog


after sandy hook all the details started going behind password firewalls

not sayin this is a staged drill but pretty sure acevedo not ((ours))

f14219 No.2280317

File: 53d564e9c7bdb9a⋯.png (411.01 KB, 968x694, 484:347, ClipboardImage.png)


Oops, meant OIG + the NSA

9373ca No.2280318


muh censorship

is it censorship to kick the fuck out some random protestor at a POTUS rally?

no, they can do their fake and gay shit somewhere else and they still have their rights


so stfu shill, YOU FAILED

9baf43 No.2280319

What the actual fuck, Anons?

Cuomo has lost his damn mind!

Cuomo’s Controversial Parole Board Will Allow Serial Baby-Killer To Walk Free

According to the New York Post, Marybeth Tinning — a mother who was convicted of smothering an infant daughter and is suspected of killing eight of her nine children — is being let out of prison by the state of New York.

That’s thanks to a parole board where most of the members were appointed by Cuomo, who’s been in office since 2011.

Tinning, 75, has one conviction for murdering her 4-month-old daughter in the 1980s. She also confessed to the murder of three more of her kids by asphyxiation and is a suspect in the deaths of another four.


3b9801 No.2280320

b4a69b No.2280321

File: f089b60550c3106⋯.jpg (60.07 KB, 700x734, 350:367, DgWUZLbUYAAX35A.jpg)


>not understanding there is a huge effort in pedowood right now to delete all of this stuff.

This is why we archive like Q told us, newfag.

f9cc4d No.2280323

File: c93b8fc4bf3246d⋯.png (18.83 KB, 478x320, 239:160, q kills rlarp.png)

960ab0 No.2280324

File: 361ae7774ed02c9⋯.jpeg (204.28 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 9D411802-B4A4-414F-9E3B-2….jpeg)


R is Fucking fake and gay

c62546 No.2280325

File: d50facef7445eea⋯.png (127.31 KB, 906x644, 453:322, NSAOIG.png)

File: 6132965303ef123⋯.png (26.64 KB, 466x289, 466:289, serverQ.png)

File: 6132965303ef123⋯.png (26.64 KB, 466x289, 466:289, serverQ.png)




329bdd No.2280326

Trump Cohen recording ends ubruptly. News is making notice of how it ends abruptly. Trump even touched on it in a twat. Cant wait to hear the rest ;)

15c037 No.2280327

73e269 No.2280329



bebb8d No.2280330

File: 9fc0946cfa52058⋯.png (26.88 KB, 550x535, 110:107, pepe_sad.png)


Why can't it be both?

43b8f0 No.2280331

File: 02fccb3d52a4bbb⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, nosense.jpg)

e51d9f No.2280332



2049c2 No.2280333

Notable Bun


>>2279976 Plane Crash that Killed Mariah Sunshine Coogan Under Investigation

>>2279961 Q Side by Side Proof - Toronto Shooting

>>2279696 Epoch Times Covers Q (Video)

>>2279630, >>2279630, >>2279716 US Treasury Sanctions People Connected to Syria Chemical Weapons

27cbf8 No.2280334


That is lovely, Anon. How did you know Charlotte's Web was my all time favorite children's book? So much so I once had a pet rat named Templeton, kek.

e57cb3 No.2280335


Eyethespy is R and BV

de7d88 No.2280336

You could tell R was a LARP due to racist language, Q isn’t like that

c6c12c No.2280337


thou doth protest too much

e90aa8 No.2280338


There are NO world/USA names that I can apply this to.

Who can you trust that you know? Not talking real friends/some family, who can you name that I would also know, that you trust?

It's morning and only 2 cups of confeve so more may come to mind, but as of now - I can only name POTUS (and Q but he is not quiet known enough).

I sent an email out last night to close friends, many I haven't contacted in years. I only asked one question:

Who (besides me) Qs?

Please respond with the meaning of:


I've already started Red pilling today

8bf5f6 No.2280339


Did you know Trump sometimes records conversations as well.


74c3a1 No.2280340

The good thing about the We Wuz Kangs BBC porn is that it is the definition of "not white" supremacy extremism.

b3870f No.2280341


So they believe Putin when he said he wanted Trump to win but not when he denies meddling in election

e51d9f No.2280342

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Pathetic.jpg)

1164ca No.2280343

File: 9ea14411642583d⋯.png (3.26 MB, 2112x1191, 704:397, pepemovie.png)


>how about just tell the truth?

Heh…I've been trying to do that for the last 17 years or so, and people (mostly family) look at me like I'm crazy.

Here's an analogy: Q is a radio transmitter, and the public is a receiver…the signal won't come through until the receiver is properly tuned.

We're close, but not there yet. Maybe just a couple of more turns on the dial?

In the meantime, I'm enjoying the show. kek

0920f6 No.2280344

File: 33bd7e5680b2bb4⋯.png (7.51 MB, 3000x2041, 3000:2041, POTUS top Kek.png)

>>2279944 ==> sorry - should have linked this


8d6c24 No.2280345



24567b No.2280346


R is just a pirate term.

10e783 No.2280347

File: e413ded34b4239b⋯.png (288.44 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)


Ottawa fertility doctor implanted own sperm in clients 11 times, lawsuit alleges


In 1989, Davina and Daniel Dixon approached Barwin for help in conceiving a child. Their daughter Rebecca was born the following summer, but an online DNA test showed her bloodline was almost 60 per cent of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage.

Barwin is a well-known member of the city's Jewish community.

1ae5f5 No.2280349







d1ee37 No.2280350


Look at the whole platform flex to the right when the ropes stretch.

Was it not built vertical, or is something fucky with the ropes pulling it to the side?

832b5f No.2280351


Yes! And Paul Ryan too.

bd2375 No.2280352


Christ, do we have to look into Aunt Bee and Andy too?

bf977d No.2280354

can any trekkiefags confirm "there is only q" was said by "Q" in one of the episodes?

0c0051 No.2280355

File: c733e5c083c5ea8⋯.jpg (778.24 KB, 1050x661, 1050:661, convoy.jpg)

File: 60839932cf45e19⋯.jpg (143.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 10.4.jpg)

File: 99d43f1d6fdf174⋯.jpg (68.84 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, rollin.jpg)

82b11f No.2280357

2049c2 No.2280358


cfa206 No.2280359


You're just proving your ignorance. It sounds like you're just jealous of the people who got in early

01dda8 No.2280360


Turn over the keys or get audited. What do?

0f7544 No.2280361

f9cc4d No.2280362


Pull the trigger

3bf2b7 No.2280363

File: 6ee9a9e0775bba0⋯.png (72.71 KB, 1200x1987, 1200:1987, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Text….png)

Anyone else heard news how this bill is going ?


9373ca No.2280364

done arguing about the Rlarp, BV, kick them the fuck out

as I just said:

is it censorship to kick the fuck out some random protestor at a POTUS rally?

no, they can do their fake and gay shit somewhere else and they still have their rights

their subverting, discrediting, and attacking of the Great Awakening, Q, and this board has gone on for too long

they have 8 threads full of disinfo and shilling


they have been exposed long before Q felt the need to call them out as fake, gay, and ridiculous


after we got rid of AFLB, AFLB bitched for a week or two, then slipped back to being an anon (but still whines)

we will likely take shilling for a day or two, but these shills are Rtards anyway, we can handle it


d1ee37 No.2280365


A dirty one, please.

bebb8d No.2280366

File: 2392322c2f1719b⋯.png (128.37 KB, 640x640, 1:1, fuckyou.png)


Hiya, Ron!


b3870f No.2280367


no woman was named in tape .

Was 'cover up or hush money' used?

e9ac7b No.2280368

File: 1328452a62347a0⋯.png (427.67 KB, 1057x498, 1057:498, Screenshot_2018-07-25 Q Re….png)

e507dd No.2280369

I got the feeling 'r' was a larp who would have come out at some point with a publication about how easy it is to fool and divide this community. discrediting op.

ef150a No.2280370


Hah! It's almost as if they are abandoning rational thought in favor of staying indoctrinated.

3303f2 No.2280371


Do my name next!

74c3a1 No.2280372


If you remember park avenue anon discussion = there was a point made about the legality of one-party recording

The Cohen tapes are driving this issue into the public forum

if they defend Cohen's "right" to record and disseminate - then how can they cry when it happens to them?

d4e6b1 No.2280373

File: 2976163055a1c4e⋯.png (177.38 KB, 661x741, 661:741, ClipboardImage.png)

f5d887 No.2280374

File: ece99a8422f8be7⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 750x500, 3:2, clouds.jpg)

a6c7a1 No.2280375

24567b No.2280377


^^ Noice.

3303f2 No.2280378

0c0051 No.2280379

File: c8bbc1673743305⋯.jpg (94.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 12.jpg)

File: 1306ca907748d32⋯.jpg (99.92 KB, 590x375, 118:75, void.jpg)

d5069a No.2280380


Acts 2:17-21 New International Version (NIV)


“‘In the last days, God says,

I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your young men will see visions,

your old men will dream dreams.


Even on my servants, both men and women,

I will pour out my Spirit in those days,

and they will prophesy.


I will show wonders in the heavens above

and signs on the earth below,

blood and fire and billows of smoke.


The sun will be turned to darkness

and the moon to blood

before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.


And everyone who calls

on the name of the Lord will be saved.’[a]

43b8f0 No.2280381


need to investigate libor also.

some real fuckery there

both dads that was investigating it…

one was lanza's dad and other was holmes dad

8466b5 No.2280382



c87fb6 No.2280384


what rhymes with cocksucker?

20fc98 No.2280386

Ok, seriously anons: last call for an agreed consensus of what to write on posters to be distributed at POTUS's rally in Tampa. Do we want "END THE FED" or something a little different? "GUT THE FED"? A little help here please, if it is important to you.

ef5aa5 No.2280387

File: b53b421ea191895⋯.jpg (156.97 KB, 780x1170, 2:3, 1441055200127-0.jpg)


Oh yeah. The image I posted was a Q proof "answer" to your meme. I'm still curious as to what the fuck happened to the board, though. There were also several Q links that went black; you cannot find them anymore in the archives (minus other outside archive sites).

Every single post from July 1st on qanon.pub are missing in the archives. I wager they've been removed. Again, knowing who controls the 8ch servers, this was done INTENTIONALLY. Why, though?

9164b5 No.2280388


Yeah no more sympatht for liberal voters I hope the shock ruins their lives for at least 3 years have fun

You'll feel what everyone else felt because you were to stupid to do anything,outside of your news safe space

b4fd4e No.2280389


Come on, Anon. Cut the dude some slack. He copped a feel… Not like he raped women or molested kids. When you're a dude who has a face like that you HAVE to do SOMETHING because women are never going to just come to you.

The bigger question is, why do these women go out with him on dates if they're not attracted to him and not interested in anything else with him? This isn't the 1950s when people go out on dates and then kiss each other on the cheek and say good night and then the guy leaves immediately (At least, that's how it was in the old movies and TV shows. In real life, I'd bet they were feeling each other up and stuff after dates back then too).

"He suddenly wrapped his arms around me, pressed his body against mine, and forcefully kissed my neck in a way that only lovers should" sounds ridiculous. It reads more like a romance novel than the way people talk in reality.

f14219 No.2280390

File: 1f721bb6ca5cad2⋯.pdf (9.09 MB, OIG UNCLASS SAR OCT-MAR 20….pdf)

3303f2 No.2280392


It doesn't rhyme, but instantly your father cums to mind.

456bb3 No.2280393


OWN the Fed

b4a69b No.2280394

File: e07de9e885bc419⋯.png (554.52 KB, 1288x4448, 161:556, da09f80e402b33645d6c33127c….png)


For all you retards and newfags out there, here's what's going on - why the tweets are getting cleaned up.

d5069a No.2280396


Revelation 6:12-13 New International Version (NIV)

12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.

43d0c4 No.2280397


Dudes/Duddettes…..we need to send some artillery shells back at this disgusting PEDO WOOD cabal…


c87fb6 No.2280398


i deserved that anon. well played.

9baf43 No.2280400



>I am requesting you delete the Rlarp threads


1164ca No.2280401



0c0051 No.2280402


fuk off back leddit jootube fag

20fc98 No.2280403


OK….any yeas/nays?

6d05d8 No.2280404


>>2279499 (previous q)

I have cried thinking about what is being accomplished. Dismantling trafficking networks, putting a stop to large scale hi tech weapons development/trade (nk and Iran), economic growth to offset bho’s inflationary debt bomb, ongoing exposure of cia’s domestic (incl. msm, hwood) activity and takedown of the criminal networks that support cia activity globally. And now- pdjt is likely to place enough people in the fed to once and for all change the basis of monetary policy away from the commodification of human lives. I can’t believe it sometimes- but plain as day If you pay attention.

Thanks to all!!

3a3a60 No.2280405

File: 1d0b8ad1ca8d5e6⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1443x1553, 1443:1553, sarah-quotes-combo-2.png)


Ask Mark Dice, he replied on twat some while ago

6cf010 No.2280407


Notable ?

e0426e No.2280408

File: 8c9d2c36a4eb0e6⋯.jpg (450.88 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, HenryWinkler1.jpg)



Henry Winkler

‏Verified account @hwinkler4real

Jul 2

Hank loves to travel


8466b5 No.2280410


How about simple: FIX THE FED

c420aa No.2280411


honest serendipity.

i made it last week.

fb1653 No.2280414

File: 5cafc8b7f9199b0⋯.jpeg (106.25 KB, 1400x700, 2:1, 1 1VsuwyS2ZeBqADEscy6cmw.jpeg)

f14219 No.2280415

File: ec5f9d348d5a5dd⋯.png (211.02 KB, 1043x354, 1043:354, ClipboardImage.png)


>OWN the Fed


20fc98 No.2280416


Ok, "OWN THE FED" and "AUDIT THE FED"…any others?

aa6310 No.2280417


Glory to God Almighty. Amen.

6cf010 No.2280418


Fix is also pretty good

e6886b No.2280419


Here's another source on the EO 11110


c87fb6 No.2280420




0c0051 No.2280421


shill / distraction from crime

2nd term issue

e0bf21 No.2280422

File: 16faed10edc5835⋯.png (10.8 KB, 1523x773, 1523:773, pepecomfyfeelz.png)


Nice work Anon, top tier Weaponized Autism

We were chosen for a reason

You fucking nailed it, brah.

01dda8 No.2280423


He also said Enty at CDAN is a girl lawyer and she's legit.

d1ee37 No.2280424



Nationalize the Fed

20fc98 No.2280426



d75647 No.2280428



Why aren't your tax dollars deposited into the U.S. Treasury? Why, because while we were sleeping somebody STOLE AMERICA! WAKE-UP! We have been SOLD DOWN THE RIVER!


c9c832 No.2280429

File: 1dbf5447ab2e481⋯.png (345.42 KB, 655x444, 655:444, patriot.png)


TALK DIRTY TO ME Q. The FED was my first self-redpill. I nailed it back in '07 and called the '08 housing collapse in time to save my families finances and then profited from the fall. It felt awful to do so. The FED is a nightmare and I have spent much of my time since then trying to teach and tell people about this stuff with great difficulty. All I have to say is KILL IT WITH FIRE Q, and if you need me to water the tree of liberty with FED blood just say the word. I have my AR and hangin' rope at the ready

9826be No.2280430

Q, as you answered about R, may I ask about EyeTheSpy? Helping, hindering, or of no consequence?

706e69 No.2280431


anon that is a logical point

2049c2 No.2280432






39954c No.2280433

I'm happy I downloaded most of my movies

a43a68 No.2280434


im not an R shill, couldnt care less about this whole issue.

you need to check yourself anon. if you arent a shill, you attitude is way out of line with the GA. youre not kicking anyone out. in fact, youre not doing anything at all but making yourself look like an incapable and immature child

if you are a shill: kys & fuck jidf forever

ce42d1 No.2280436


The internet remembers. Will the loudest be safe on the streets?

f5d887 No.2280437



“These violent delights have violent ends.”

"I will have such revenges on you both

That all the world shall—I will do such things—

What they are yet I know not, but they shall be

The terrors of the earth. You think I’ll weep?

No, I’ll not weep."

"I shall have some revenges on you (both)

The things I will do,

What they are, yet I know not,

But they will be the terrors of the earth."

b4a69b No.2280439

File: c067d50a43e20c1⋯.jpg (84 KB, 1015x438, 1015:438, Di8ItFCXsAAHzzw.jpg)

File: c7ceb2aa13c1f18⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 401x271, 401:271, Di8ItE-WwAAeHmH.jpg)

File: 26f30cb790a4a3c⋯.jpg (236.79 KB, 900x742, 450:371, Di8ItE_XoAAPdcx.jpg)

Getting really tired of all these (((Skeksis))) dual citizens.

e90aa8 No.2280440


Trust is so FOREIGN to our psyche that when people see it - they immediately think negative and go to brain washed or cult.

Not true!

Trust is just that firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something

WHO do you (everyone here) Trust that is not a close friend or a family member? Anyone with a name I would recognize?

For me, I trust God and his word.

I trust President Trump

and I Trust Q.

Any other namefag or ANYONE attempting/actively trying to win my trust is suspect.

7392a7 No.2280441


a70c13 No.2280442





Through the FDIC is how the Fed Res controls other banks. If the Fed Res actually becomes part of the US Government, then the FDIC can be ended. Banks will then be controlled by Fair Market & operate more freely in the interests of each community & would be regulated through State Banks. The Constitution does NOT grant power to form a central bank on its own, but the 10th Amendment will allows for States to establish their own banks (which has already been done).

In essence, Power that the US Government had usurped with the Federal Reserve Act will be returned to the States & the People, respectively. State & local banks will be more free to pursue their own economic interests.

If the Federal Reserve Bank is taken into the Federal Government on an Official basis, then all members of that bank will be under Oath of Office & Congress will still be limited by the Constitution to use it for the specific Powers under Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-to-6.

7b8833 No.2280443


you could tell R was a larp because the anon who first posted as R said so , and proved it with a screen cap with a (You) 20-30 mins after the first post

85020c No.2280444


I want my money back

aa6310 No.2280445


Those who have ears to hear ….


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