[–]▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2266202>>2271534 >>2272316 >>2274201 >>2281169 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
>>1879763 (Bread 2368)
In 1909, we lost everything.
My father caught on.
1st to the Bilderbergs,
then he caught on the NASA.
He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here.
They killed him.
I strategically staged my own death, allied with the one person in this world whom I knew was honorable enough to trust, and we began to build "The Plan."
Penance is coming.
Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake.
You do not know how deep this goes.
If you knew, you could not sleep.
Many of you could never go on.
You need each other.
You need every ONE of you.
Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind.
If one stumbles, pick them up.
If one asks a question, give them the answer.
That is how we grow.
There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance.
If you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan.
If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind.
We are watching.
We see it all.
There are no secrets.
You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept.
Prepare for the next phase.
Prepare each other.
You are one.
(Thread 8 was here and can't find it - restarting R Thread #8)
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2266231
Thanks for the our problems began when we attempted to publish our findings image. I wondered about the brain changes. Paul talks about new covenant circumcision in Romans, that today it is a circumcision of the heart and this was the intent of the original outward Abrahamic circumcision. Jesus applies the law in the same way, in the heart, for example "you've heard it said do not commit murder but I say if you hate someone in your heart you've already committed murder against them."
I wanted to add "why Judaism IS a supremacist ideology" and tell this board that it wasn't supposed to be. They were supposed to be open to the alien and foreigner who wanted to serve God. They were supposed to deal justly with each other (for example over financial matters) and after King Solomon it generally got worse and worse (especially in the northern kingdom). Pretty soon they were worshiping Moloch and Baal. True to His word, God brought judgement on them.
The big third point is the promise of God came with conditions. These conditions were reiterated over and over. For example:
Joshua 23:15 But just as every good thing the LORD your God promised you has come to pass, likewise the LORD will bring upon you the calamity He has threatened, until He has destroyed you from this good land He has given you. <strong>16 If you transgress the covenant of the LORD your God, which He commanded you, and go and serve other gods and bow down to them, the LORD’s anger will burn against you, and you will quickly perish from this good land He has given you.”</strong>
Never did God give the Jews carte blanche, a free pass to do whatever and that He would bless them. In fact some messianic Jews believe the holocaust was a judgement on Jews because they had departed from the Lord and rejected the messiah, Yeshua. I cannot say but it does line up with the multiple warnings such as in Joshua 23.
However what is the return of the Jews to the Lord, to Messiah Yeshua? The salvation of the world. If the Jews get right with Yeshua, the world starts to get better. This is why it is our in benefit to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (true peace only comes from the true messiah from heaven). The minor prophets speak of these future times AND that it'll be a difficult road to get there. One recording of this future world is in Micah 4:
1In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.
2Many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
3He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
4Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the Lord Almighty has spoken.
5All the nations may walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.
So whether Jew or Gentile we all same the same condition spiritually = walk with God and be blessed or depart from His ways and be judged. Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful. Pray for one another, that you may be healed.
--Thank you--
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2266386>>2267215
What If…
IF JFK Jr is alive it is best for him to deliver them message on freedom against HRC and the cabal.
IF JFK Jr is not alive then we are creating lots of disinfo which could be used to force a bad move on the part of the cabal.
▶ ed3b9f (2) No.2266432
Chapeau is French but German singer Robert Reweik sings a song "Chapeau" that might connect. German Anons can check the Google translation of stanzas that include:
Because you are always there for me
If all the others have already left
Because you wait with open arms
If I jump again without a parachute
Never let go
You are a nice reason to live
I would give everything for you
For you I stay awake forever
German Lyrics:
German Lyrics with Parallel English Lyrics:
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2266712>>2266733
From 11/24/57 to 11/25/60 = 1098 Days
JFK Jr. was born 1098 days after this interview of JFK. LookHere
Look up police code 10-98.
Side One 3 songs
Side Two 2 songs
▶ 094d8d (1) No.2266805>>2270595 >>2271316
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2266828>>2271024
Wanted to share this body language video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnjHgq5SEKU&t=1s
If you still doubt Trump is at work or perhaps you believe the Storm is fake watch the above video. You can tell they are laying the groundwork and have ALREADY laid the framework for what's to come ;)
Also If you doubt there's a war between good and evil, look at this new demonic possession video selling makeup (a brand sold at sephora):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AduJzvyTX9g (obviously demonic and crazy that it's public)
and this dummy was connected to the sex cult: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/91itr4/seagrams_heiress_and_4_others_arrested_in_nxivm/
Only tip of the iceberg…why were these things allowed to go on so long? If we PUBLICLY see this, then what goes on in secret?
If JFK Jr knew THE CABAL was after him, I hope he was wise enough to escape. If alive today, I also hope he is wise enough not to fly around in the same prop airplane under the same registration numbers!
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2267106>>2267583 >>2278491
I think this was the most recent version. Thank you anon.
▶ 8207f9 (4) No.2267215
I like this thinking anon.
winning either way!
but obviously I hope for the former!!
▶ 8207f9 (4) No.2267280>>2267996
Nice digs!
and Seconded!!
soooo comfy in here!!
nice to be out of the carnage of the mainbread.
exciting morning!!
▶ 2d3cd6 (1) No.2267583>>2268470 >>2271055
Rev Don Black gotta lot of explain' to do.
Was this high rez upload rogue from "The Plan"? Q team could of put one up any time they wanted.
Who would have a high rez image to upload? Someone from a TV station covering the event? Who has been shopped into this photo?
When "R" started praising the work of anons making really dumb face blind comparisons I figured something was wrong here.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2267667>>2268174 >>2268206 >>2271065
R legal. Updates to this poster coming here soon with info from bread 7 when I get time to get it done. Until then, enjoy digging anons.
▶ 650ea6 (7) No.2267996>>2268189
Yes it is!
Q's back and we got fresh bread.
Silence IS Golden!
▶ 650ea6 (7) No.2268174
Damn this is good anon. Well Done! I know this was a quick bread but this is what we need plastered at the top. The colored lines are great!
▶ 458450 (1) No.2268189>>2268426 >>2268688 >>2268841 >>2272327 >>2272422 >>2272441
I'm not necessarily an R believer, but "silence is golden" was also in 2/10 Q post which included "Games R FUN" and talked about "Seals." It occurs to me that this was repeated today, technically after 19 days (5th - 23rd) of silence. R has been silent for 19 years. Coincidence?
▶ 650ea6 (7) No.2268206>>2268930
I really like the Shareholders breakout. You might have posted it before but could you maybe post that one in larger in separate? I'll Notable it for this bread. Needs to be Seen!
▶ d3e1cb (4) No.2268219>>2268244 >>2268272 >>2271153 >>2271587 >>2271603 >>2271944 >>2272444
Check out "R"s posts from last bread. KEK you guys got played
▶ d3e1cb (4) No.2268244>>2268308 >>2271153 >>2271587 >>2271603 >>2271944
Check out these posts too. Turns out R was just some guy trying to get YT subscribers. Sad
▶ d3e1cb (4) No.2268272>>2271944
He did the same thing here. Paytriots trying to take advantage of newfags
▶ d3e1cb (4) No.2268308>>2268470 >>2271153 >>2271587 >>2271603 >>2271944
He even made an /rresearch/ board last night. Trying his best to look like Q. Disgusting how some people will take advantage of others' willingness to believe.
▶ 1fcd36 (1) No.2268426>>2268817
Interesting … always a reason for everything and don't you think Q would have made a comment about R if he wasn't on the up and up the way he did with all those others. One of those "Be careful who you follow," comments.
▶ 069183 (1) No.2268470
Sometimes a reliable counter-indicator is just as useful!
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2268599>>2268889 >>2270542 >>2273029
Good day, my fellow anons.
Last night i had a brief run in with another anon who as legalfagging like myself and I agreed with most of his points until he went to do the same breakdown as I, but only with his opinions not any sound background like I've been pulling from the web and posting… He pissed me off when it came to the part about debt slaves. He stated "I'm not, but I'm sure you fuckers are" and "learn to sail the seas of commerce" seems to me if he had any solid info he would share how to juke the system. That is the point of use doing this correct? Sad it was all hot air. I finally have some free time so ill be adding to the previous parts i have already done.
▶ 86abd7 (1) No.2268688>>2268817
Sounds like a confirmation to me.
▶ 8207f9 (4) No.2268817>>2271944
its what us RLarpers have been saying this whole time!
How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible!?
Welcome to the next phase anons!!
(you know, I still don't know for SURE, but I HOPE! and my psychic tingles wont stop a tinglin about this)
The latest confirmation for me is the Vincent Van guy disguise and the Emmet Kelly the clown connection. Trolling the C-A clowns!!! KEK!!
▶ 8207f9 (4) No.2268841
meant to tag this anon too
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2268889>>2268997
Sadly there are bad elements here. Worry not about them. Simply keep up a positive and educational message filled with redpills and good digs. Its not worth the energy that could be stacked against real problems as opposed to fake ones.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2268930
Yeah going to re-do it asap and add much of the new info from bread 7. Doing real world shit atm but should have it up tonight some time. Will probably be in 2 parts next.
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2268997
Totally agree, just mad that i agreed with him till me made himself sound like he was above the rest of us….
Equality and free information for all.
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2269240>>2269451
Ok, my bad so he did reply to my question about how to free ourselves but its insane. Incorporate our all CAPS name, then file a lien on yourself for 500mil or over? you gotta be kidding me? There has got to be a better way then being indebted to yourself. Once again no way to get back your WORTH they have kept from you… More games within the system… Thanks but no thanks. silliness.
▶ b11823 (5) No.2269387>>2283972
JFK Jr plane N529JK is featured on the Lindley House blog…
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2269451>>2269595
Naw there is some truth to this… Lets say I own a a factory that makes plastic dogshit… Well, the plastic dogshit business is booming so I set it up this way: I start an LLC corporation. (operating company) and another LLC corporation (holding company). The holding company owns all my plastic dogshit shaped injection molding forms and the building and the land and the trucks to distribute it and the water rights and the bank accounts and the emergency funds etc etc… This holding company ONLY does business with MY operating company, Plastic Dogshit LLC. The operating company, Plastic Dogshit LLC is deeply indebted to the holding company for ALL the equipment, which it borrowed money from to lease at a rate that is just a bit higher than the total income of the operating company…
So When a shitty (((manager))) of my operating company molests the kid of one of the employees at the xmas party, they won't go after him, they will come after ME!!! Deep pocket right? So if they try though all they can do is sue the OPERATING COMPANY not the HOLDING COMPANY. This idea is called the COrporate Veil. If both companies are properly set up with legal leases and sepereate accounts and such there is nothing to take from the operating company at all…. SO having a colossal pile of debt, owed to yourself through a similar method may let you borrow HUGE quantities of money and essentially just tell them to get in line to get paid. Right after YOUR STRAWMAN gets paid since he has first lein… or something like that. ???
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2269595>>2270205
i understand the corporate runaround but thats just more games in the system… the average person will not risk that kind of stupidity just trying to claim their birthright.. I'm trying to figure out how to obtain the procedure for claiming your "of age birthright" not more legal hoops and games. it seems no one knows how to break the wall.
▶ b11823 (5) No.2269622>>2269797 >>2275615 >>2283009
could N529JK be on it's way to the EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI ?
but still interesting it originated from a military base…
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2269645
Nice to see you took out the DEMANDS that R not post here and only on the Q BOARD and restarted the bread….
▶ b11823 (5) No.2269797>>2275615
1/6th share for sale on N529JK
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2269968>>2270290
Ok as to my understanding from the digging i have done… Since we have all been barred from paying any debts in real tangible assets and their monopoly money is worthless when they set up our trust at birth, we are all given a default value on our life. They then use our strawman to do business. They buy stocks and bonds (mining companies, nuclear power, precious metals, etc..) with our trust and collect upon the gains, cash out and deposit into our trusts. Since we never have the opportunity to access this account it keeps stacking up. Once we die the beneficiary gets the funds "which is not US!" Which is why we have had so many wars. We are worth billions, and they get to collect upon our death. Millions have died due to war, Trillions have been collected as a result. Why else would we go to war for such stupid reasons? Money…. every once in a while they need a quick payout. I'm totally disgusted by their fraud committed against us all.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2270114
Here's what I posted on the main board in terms of the Q "slip up" on IS vs aRe…posted it right before coming back over and seeing the NEW, CLEANED UP BOARD (without the "rules on R postings")…
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2270144>>2270801 >>2274142
Here's my take on the last recent R posts (which SOME of the anons are questioning)...personally, think they are LEGIT...even if others may not:
Anons...I've had time to "chew" on these recent R posts....combined with this X post (that another anon brought over from the main board) I think it's CLEAR on the WHY in terms of R's request to hit a 500K mark on THIS ISSUE (JFK JR ALIVE)....
JFK JR "disappeared" into WP!!!
R (JFK JR) is directing us to BECOME LOUD (highlighting JUSTINFORMEDTALK YT - his pick) in terms of:
*We have a very POWERFUL R POST (initial) hinting that JFK JR may still be alive
*As such, we've begun digging and have found some PRETTY POWERFUL connections (THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES)
*Several Q drops have specifically been tied to these "findings"
That^^^(in a nutshell) is the SEQUENCE OF EVENTS that needs to happen (if I'm reading R/X posts correctly)
Just my .02 -- JUSTINFORMEDTALK is a very level-headed, even-keel, individual who is pretty solid in his presentation style...I believe THIS PERSON is where R is wanting us to help PROMOTE the "JFK JR is Alive" narrative.
It's funny, because several days ago, (BEFORE RECENT R POSTS) I had watched this particular video and COMMENTED TO CRAIG (I believe that's his first name I saw from another comment on his site) that there was MORE CONCRETE evidence that we'd uncovered on the R board and suggested he come over to read the breads in-depth.
Now that R has specifically TARGETED HIS SITE, I think it's imperative that WE funnel some of the more important stuff to him directly!!!
I'm going to reach out to him (via message on YT channel) and send him this exact message that I've posted here.
I'll keep you updated on progress....
Pink Bow Anon
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2270205
Problem is no one does… so no one believes it… So if you ever try to use it you end up in court or jail for every little thing until the cops get sick of you driving around with no license and winning in court and just shoot you. That is where this road leads sadly… in a grave. Its that simple. This would have to get in front of the Supreme Court to get fixed. How to get just the right test case in front of Trumps new supreme court after Ginsjew finally kicks the bucket? That is the REAL question here… What is that test case that would rip it all open.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2270290>>2270392
This sounds pretty likely. TBH it is over my head in a lot of ways so who knows but the logic is sound so it seems like it is possible. Stranger things have happened I guess and one would have to be redpilled as FUCK to even get this far let alone keep going and that is rare. It makes sense it has been going on for so long.
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2270392>>2270807
Exactly my point. I have a close friend in banking that looked into verifying the account, its our ss# and our name. I know for a fact they exist. But any attempts to access them the funds get flagged and instantly reversed. I'ts a hell of a scam. I called the fed reserve and tried to hustle them into giving some info and I'll be damned their response to me was… "We don't have accounts for Private citizens". i was like DUH its cause my Corporate name has the account to which they will spit the same bullshit… cause in legal terms we "the flesh and blood" are not Authorized to use the account, only our legal fiction and anything we try to do with it is not in their system of approved transactions.
▶ 707a48 (2) No.2270500>>2272572
Check this out…location of JFK JR plane that was showing a flight pattern is Stafford Airport in Stafford, VA just off I95 south of Quantico.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2270542>>2270708
I reread the post a couple of times and what i gathered is this:
a) he is debt free and owns assets that'll translate into a new economy/financial system.
b) something about his boat…means his body, he keeps his body and mind healthy.
so the jist is he is debt free, healthy and is playing the game and winning instead of being sick, tired and in debt.
It did not mean he has a special method to these things but rather research, planning and execution ….at least this is what I gathered.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2270595>>2270756
Yan777 is a photographer company that takes photographs of planes and I don’t believe related to the instagram Yan777.
266 likes on meme
“PAIN changes people”
Q:266 (See graphic)
Yan Yan is a pharmacy in California
John John?
Q:777 (See graphic)
Starting to feel like this is MUCH bigger than we imagined?
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2270708
What he said is that he incorporated his name…
then through UCC filed a lien against himself so that no one else can claim a debt to be paid against him till he pays himself back. It's a stupid tactic that many people have tried before him. I am not on that mission for one reason it doesn't get him any closer to getting what is owed to him by birthright. It's just a half ass shield per say. NOT where im trying to go with this, I'm trying to get us all what we were inherently entitled to by GOD that has been stolen from us.
P.S. the boat was a metaphor not something tangible.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2270756>>2274821
Please GeneralQFags,
Tell us how this (R) isn’t Q ALL the way up and down.
SKY Event?
SKY = 55
E + 13 = R
N529JK in the air the past 7 days.
Landed today at 15:18 UTC in Fon du Loc Wisconsin.
15:18 = 918 minutes
Remember what Q:918 says.
1000 bullseyes enough.
Meanwhile, General Qr is distracted with a bunch more Q posts. LOL!
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2270801
PS…I've reached out to Craig…hopefully he'll see my comment on his YT channel….
Whether any others "see" the value in this…well, that's for each of us to decide!
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2270807
Yeah… Everything is fake my friend. Its all a big scam. Just about everyone has believed the lie and therefore lived their lives in it. The mental shift is sooooo large and sooooo damaging that most simply cannot do it so it continues.
The way I see it is the we are so tiny that our purpose is simply to grow. Simply to spread these ideas. Don't bother with normies. They are not nearly far enough down this road. This legal shit needs to be spread to people who are already redpilled as fuck about other stuff. that is the real target here. It is just another conspiracy theory like all the others. Most likely rooted in some truth ot A LOT of truth yet too far to be easily grasped by most and too simple to be dispelled. Maybe things are changing though. Powerful people, even in small numbers, could smash this thing. They really could. TIme will tell.
▶ e50298 (3) No.2270928>>2270974 >>2271027
Updated just now. DOITQ! I'm not sure about the woman at the bottom of the arc but she has A lot of make up on, face, skin, doesn't look right. thanq!
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2270950>>2270982 >>2271142 >>2272638 >>2280515
R not confirmed.
R not real.
R is a nothingburger. You are wasting time, you are wasting your potential research skills on a nothingburger while real crumbs (by Q) are yet to be unlocked and need to digged on.
Stop spreading misinformation and discrediting the Q movement.
Thank you.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2270974>>2271017
You must have got goosebumps doing that graphic.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2270982>>2271059 >>2271109
Fuck off anon. We can do what we want because we don't take orders from the likes of you.
▶ e50298 (3) No.2271017>>2271197
I've had permanent goosebumps for the past week
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2271024
(pssst….maybe just maybe he has someone ELSE flying that plane around, to send messages and/or maybe just maybe, he has it guarded, and just now starting to come out?? That's kind of why I asked if a plane fag in the previous bread could SEARCH whether it had been flown on December 5th and whether it had been flown before that time-frame…I mean, with where you're going -- being wise – why would he even start to reveal himself at all…as in ever? Wouldn't that be the "wisest" thing to do?)
Expanded thinking. What's needed right now.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271027>>2271134
I hope you and everyone else looking at this image can comprehend how precise this needed to be and the effort required to do this is kind of mind boggling. This would have had to have a 'dress rehearsal' otherwise I don't think there's any way in hell that this could have been done in a random fashion.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2271055
▶ c61d5d (4) No.2271059>>2271109
We know who you gives you your orders.
We agree, since we don't give orders.
Just turn on the lights to see the cockroaches scurry.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2271065
Good job Legal Anon!!
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2271109>>2271411 >>2271559 >>2271582
I am not going to fuck off. I am going to continously state the facts, because I actually care about this (Q) movement. This is not one of your daily LARPs you usually do in halfchan or somewhere else. Q is actually the real deal. Unlike R.
But instead anon, you are wasting your ammo of digging and research on a wall ( = R) with absolutely nothing behind it. I am sorry if you are in complete denial of the situation, not realizing that the "sudden" appearance of a letteranon called "R" is nothing else than shill tactics to split the movement and slow down progress of the real Q movement.
The point is not about orders. I stated it above. If any of you still do not realize it, then you more or less can be called brainwashed by the shills. A lost soldier - so to speak.
▶ c61d5d (4) No.2271134
Where & when did they get all the people for a realistic "dress "rehearsal"?
On the other hand, maybe it is get random people in the crowd with no personal connection to one another?
Occam's Razor
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2271142>>2271263 >>2271424
Nothing makes me believe something is true, or rooted in truth somehow than someone putting a lot of time and energy into telling me it is NOT true. FAR more convincing that the person actually believes its true if they only try once or twice. Look a the UFO/DUMB thread. No one gives a shit about it and are not fighting to shut it down. Likely it is pure distilled bullshit of the highest proof. But this place? Swarms of posts about how its fake. Just like MSM. They are all shitting all over Q lately… WHY? well, its obvious. They KNOW Q is real and NEED others to think its fake. Why do you NEED others to think the Rlarp is fake? Inquiring minds want to know…
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2271153>>2271263
Stating the facts for you rtards. You got played like a fiddle. But these are the facts. Disgusting that people abuse the name of Q to do this kind of sneaky shit.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2271197
This one messed me all up ha ha… Combine this sucker with stuff like baron trumps underground journey and I start to look for time machines ha ha.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2271263>>2271451 >>2271635
I also refer you to:
Always have a critical mind, I agree. But at some point you also have to get critical on issues like this one here. R is not legit. Especially after this "George Nasif" crap and R promoting his YouTube channel. (see posts I referred you to) Very suspicious, if you ask me. And the person behind R a disgusting scumbag abusing the name of Q to make profit. And you idiots are falling for it.
So, get over it. Return to Q breads and help digging and researching on the real issues.
▶ d68bf9 (1) No.2271316>>2271463 >>2271510 >>2271559 >>2271582 >>2273246
Precious Anons, take a deep breath and relax a moment.
See the message I attached this to?
Those big bold red letters carry a message of anger and division. That comes from fear.
I do not believe for one second that this is appropriate. Division? fear?
That "Beam of LIGHT" has been diminished as it has separated from itself.
---— >>>>NOT in the plan.
"Message to R"
If you are indeed who you say you are (have you really?) then why do you not communicate from the Q research board? Are you not in the group - of less than 10?
Why would you divide from Q?
Why create this division in these Brilliant Anons?
Q can't point to a YouTube video and get followers? Please, "This" is inappropriate for everyone.
~Love is the glue of solution.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271411>>2271587
The only brainwashed zombie here is you since you slavishly 'follow' Q.
What has Q always said? "Expand your thinking" which you, obviously, can't do. You are a follower. We are curious, independent thinkers and go where we like because we understand what Q meant.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271424
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271451>>2271587
Oh, so you're an expert on all things Q/R now are you? Piss off were the sun don't shine and leave us be. If we are going down a blind alley at least we do so with our eyes wide open.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271463
Maybe because he really does want to separate then real thinkers from the idiots who just think they are thinkers!
▶ 8c6204 (6) No.2271494>>2271502
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Why is this here? It was one of Jr.s favorite songs. They played it at his funeral service. A band that went by the name of … Morningstar performed.
Give it a listen. Springsteen does a great job with it.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271510>>2271582 >>2271603
One other thing…. you have absolutely no fucking right whatsoever to tell me, or anyone else for that matter, to not do something. You are interfering with my own free will to do as I please. If you try that shit then you will get the responses that you have gotten.
▶ b6c1ef (3) No.2271534>>2271594
>>2266202 (OP)
JFK Jr. Death- Biggest FAKE NEWS story of all time! What more "proof" will they need then?!
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271559>>2271582
Sorry >>2271316 My post here >>2271316 was meant for the dipshit at >>2271109
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271582>>2271603
Fuck got that wrong too….. I'll try again…
Sorry >>2271316 My post here >>2271510 was meant for the dipshit at >>2271109 .
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2271587>>2271626
Disregarding the proof? Yep, you are not suited for this board.
Here's the proof:
Now stfu and call someone else Q follower. You are following a nothingburger called R. I (re-)posted the proof above, you disregard it, yet call me the "follower". Try harder, faggot.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271594
JFK Jr and Elvis Presley.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2271603
And this is for you also:
Disregard the proof about R being not legit and you are a shill.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271626
Up your dipshit.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2271635>>2271682 >>2272013 >>2272517 >>2274223
Meh. So its all fake… Who cares. The legal post and what has come from it alone is worth the "bad" of some guy spamming a youtube channel or whatever. Truth be told, I have NEVER, not even ONE TIME had a slammin' good catch on the Q boards that some other anon has not been way ahead of me or was just wrong. Sad to say but thats true. I am dead weight over there. This legal shit though is something that is facinating to me and on a slower side-board it is something I can contribute to. If the Q board is sooooo lacking in talent and soooo hungry for my inputs why is the above true? Here's a thought… Why don't YOU apply your nearly infinite critical thinking skills to the Qboard YOURSELF instead of trying to drag dis-interested anons there to… do… nothing… Again… Why do you NEED me shitting that board up instead of posting about stuff here? it just doesn't make sense. Not a single person will go based on your endless harassing here. You will simply NOT help Q yourself which is obviously very important to you and also NOT accomplish your goal here. Sometimes. Never try to violate one's free will. It is pointless.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271682>>2271698 >>2271736 >>2272013
Exactly. Whether R is real or not info has been uncovered that was NOT uncovered by Q. Q's posts were to do with the world scene. R's post were to do with JFK Jr and his family. Although he did give background on the Fed and the whole birth certificate scam. The two identities are doing two different things.
Q - Worldwide, historical overview
R - Specific to his family and the fraud perpetrated against the individual
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271698
The two go hand in hand but are separate. If dipshit can't see this then so be it.
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2271710>>2271735 >>2271868 >>2271951 >>2271971
>You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept.
solved that one, pic related
▶ b6c1ef (3) No.2271717
I'm just waiting for the day that I can say to normies, yeah I've known for a while Jr was still alive.. what else you want to know normie?!
▶ b6c1ef (3) No.2271735>>2271922
at this point, I'm willing to believe anything
▶ faf698 (38) No.2271736>>2271868 >>2271971 >>2273613
Just the fact that we are arguing over this shit shows me that Q/R are master gameplayers. Full plausible deniability on R - which is as it should be because if (((they))) were to find out he was really alive there would be a manhunt on for him the likes of which this world has never seen and would not see because it would be all done behind the scenes.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2271851>>2272151
the movement of liberty is what we want for ourselves and each other. to the anti-R anons, if you think the others are wrong just wait, it'll become obvious to all. let's give each other the liberty to be right, be wrong, fail, be successful and make amazing discoveries. In a matter of time we'll know if we are correct or incorrect it'll become known by all if JFK Jr is alive or not. in the meanwhile, until Q posts pick up with regular consistency the JFK Jr questions are valid. Q oft referred to JFK. Q points to JFK Jr as "the start" of Trump's seriousness to run for president. There's enough of Q posting about JFK and JFK Jr that even if he is dead, there is still a huge connection to our present situation and the plan is linked to them both. We ought to continue pulling on this string.
If you'd prefer to work on Q posts, you have the freedom to do so without reprisal.
If you are concerned about the anons making Q look stupid - Q will let us know. Let's give Q time to direct the R movement (and he may not want to as it could show his hand - 4D chess).
Liberty for all!
▶ fc4fad (4) No.2271868>>2271922
lol! solved! next!
top kek thinking.
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2271922>>2272075 >>2272128
This is from a completely unrelated source mind you, and is years old.
R has demonstrated knowledge about greys and specifically extraterrestrials (as he clarified here), so it's not a stretch he refers to the same (or similar) ET craft pictured.
Hah, was that easy! Don't gulp me hook line and sinker. It's still "only" a very fitting coincidence.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2271944
You think Q is putting coincidences to lead us to a paytriot on YT?
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2271951
I was thinking Facebook's server.
BTW that ship reminds me of the AEON FLUX movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86on_Flux_(film)
All those movies are psyops. I'd go with Microsoft, google or Facebook servers over a spaceship any day of the week. :)
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2271971
Thats a good point actually. I hadn't even thought of that one. Definitely a strong reason to keep things thinly backed up and just let a few nutters (us) did around and come up with stuff. For all we know it may be YEARS before this is taken care of… We very well could be the pioneers of this info. Its fun and engaging… Sure better than fagging around on Sportsball nonsense.
There is soooo much of this type of stuff out there yet there is never a way to identify the artist of these pictures. Always pastel/90s tier artwork of the same-looking folks looking happy and cheery hanging out. There is TONS of it out there. It is all done by the same person most likely. Always only on one topic. That artist never is making stuff about some other topic with the same style. I don't know what to think about it.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2272007
Now, if I think about it. This "R" letteranon fake shit might be actually a good opportunity to get rid of shills and newfags. Thus, keeping our Q breads clean from concernfags and other crap.
So, continue here fags. Do.. whatever you will get from it lmfao. Just do it. Kek.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272013>>2272043 >>2272151 >>2272159 >>2272868
Do you two realize you are contributing time and effort to someone who is trying to make money off the Great Awakening? Might as well have a Corsi thread.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272014>>2272035 >>2272041 >>2272262 >>2273367 >>2273873 >>2275113
I may have understood the bit about
>You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept.
Water can retain information and it can be retrieved via empathic people's abilities to tap in to that information.
The human body is made up of about 80% water.
During the life of the construct known as a Human Being (which has 7 elements to it: Mind, Body, Spirit, Phi - the actual material of the body, Lambda - the intelligence of the Phi, the Body Organization - a group of intelligences numbering roughly 10,000, that look after the various functions of the Body itself, and the Entity case - referring to the Genetic Entity) the entire Life experience of the human being, which includes the input from 52 senses (yes, we don't have just 5!), is recorded into the water (water is intelligent, as discovered by Masaru Emoto - see his book Hidden Messages in Water).
When the body dies the water either goes back into the ground (when the body is buried) or into the ether (air) when it is cremated. Each droplet of water vapor will contain the entire 'databank' of the dead Human Being's existence.
So if one can tap into the intelligence of the water one can then 'download' the entire life history of a Human Being.
That also brings up the fact that one water molecule can be part of many Human Bodies. Which gives rise to mind boggling possibilities.
One can tap into the Life of Jesus Christ, for example and learn from a first person perspective what he went through, how he thought, etc.
The other thing I understand is that information is shared amongst molecules and not 'coveted'. Which explains other phenomena I won't go into here.
If what I have written is a bunch of BS, it is possible from what I have researched.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272035
Take it to Justinformedtalk's YT channel or George Nasif's twitter please, those are the guys who are running R and they can probably clarify for you
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2272041
Crystals display the same behavior. As that pic above explains, crystal computers were used.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272043>>2272065
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272065>>2272176
It's a fascinating question, don't you want the answer? R=Nasif and Nasif has it. In fact he will talk to you directly on twitter.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2272075
in your image it talked about grEy or grAy. I never noticed that before but here is the explanation. R posted it in the European way per this source…
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272128>>2272222
R confirms that it's not extraterrestrials in this post >>2258163 (prev)
▶ 8c6204 (6) No.2272151
Here’s the thing. The R threads aren’t being pastebinned. So eventually those fake R posts are going to fall away.
Most of us do have brains enough to discern when paytriots run a scam, and we’re able to ignore them.
Your concern is noted, and as >>2271851 has noted, there is still enough of a huge connection for folks to dig into and explore tendrils of information related to JFK Sr. and Jr.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2272159>>2272188 >>2272192
Go ahead… Start a Corsi thread… If he was dumping legal shit that was paradigm changing for everyone or would even CLARIFY the law we actually live in and have to deal with or even REDPILLED people on the law… and cough made money cough. Who cares? Every youtube vid linked in all of the Q boards has some form of monetization. Why do you not fight against youtube posts? How about websites like NeonRevolt or X22 that cover tons of Q stuff… for money… Here is a question for you… How does 8ch support itself? hrmmm I wonder… maybe advertising revenue. Who cares?
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2272176>>2272218 >>2272378
Lmfao. It gets even funnier. This George "R" Nasif just blocked me after he threw into the room (without proof, ofc) that current Q is an imposter while he wasn't aware of the fact that Q always verified his updated tripcodes with his old ones. Another proof that "R" is just bullshit.
Just shaking my head here how many are going to fall on their nose with this one.
(Link to Tweet here: https://twitter.com/GeorgeMNasif/status/1021850832717852672 -- Archive link, in case he deletes: https://archive.is/0CAZI)
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272188
Have you not read this thread? Every R post was fake, including the legal one.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272192>>2272224
Maybe 8ch was actually funded and created by JFK Jr and POTUS together in the past. They could certainly maintain this board without any monetary gain whatsoever.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272218>>2272378
Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.
Or did you forget that those are Q's words????
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2272222>>2273367
"In time. First things first."
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272242>>2272253 >>2272255
Have you got any proof to the contrary??? Hmmmm???
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272255
8ch was launched in 2013.
▶ 8c6204 (6) No.2272262>>2272305
There’s a saying about water… :)
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272305
Anything is possible mate! But 'Spiritual energies' (known as Spirits in Christianity or Thetans in Scientology) are the ones that created the Universe.
▶ b77d6b (3) No.2272316>>2272324 >>2272339
>>2266202 (OP)
Came back lurking tonight to see what was going on since Q posted today…..I'm so glad I left the neighborhood back a bread or 2 after looking around at the posts tonight….Wow! Some are out there on a limb smoking some ET call home weed… Where's a biblefag when you need one?!
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272324
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2272327>>2272352 >>2273367 >>2274142 >>2274273
Q DROP 713: FEB. 10th
*RE-ROUTE PLANE and land with seals planting a decoy plane on ocean floor, thus setting the stage
*WATER LANDING allowing seals to extract the passengers and assisting in the destruction of the original plane
Q DROP 1682: July 24th
During the "silence" R "reappeared" and pointed us to the GOLDEN SERVER!!
Q DROP 1685: JULY 24th
MIRROR = R, DISINFORMATION = DEAD…on July 16th 2018, we entered the 20TH YEAR of JFK JR in the KILL BOX!
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272352>>2272386
And we have learned that R= George Nasif…So why would Q point us to George Nasif? Dig anons, dig!
▶ b77d6b (3) No.2272361
Well now, see you just proved my point…
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2272378>>2272411
I didn't forget about them. But this is irrelevant here. Also, it doesn't disprove anything what has been posted as proof of R being not legit here a couple of times already.
But as long as R keeps all you shills, newfags, concernfags away from our holy Q breads, I might as well just ignore you bunch of idiots.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272386>>2272438
Plausible deniability.
Using the beloved tool of the nasty (((fuckers))) against themselves.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2272405>>2272449
Since some here REALLY want some digging on Q posts lets do it! I read this new post today and gave it some thought as to the Rlegal post.
"Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: a4b4d3 No.2265275 📁
Jul 24 2018 13:28:41 (EST)
You are witnessing/watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
If this legal stuff was fixed imagine just how much power could be returned to the people?! Imagine if we managed to return to a literal interpretation of The Constitution! What an event that would be! Considering what the legal system is and we have all seen her this very likely may be where we are going. Wen this all started I would have been ecstatic if ALL we did was end the FED. Now though, we may be able to fix it ALL. Back to simple, constitution and common law and original natural rights… Worth fighting for.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272411
Please do ignore us. Most welcome when that happens.
▶ 75a770 (5) No.2272422
Wow pretty observant for someone who doesn't believe in the R Larp.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272438>>2277334
Nah…I think George Nasif has been trying to lead us to Jfk Jr in some way and he's speaking to us through R
▶ faf698 (38) No.2272441
That is a good deduction!
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2272444
▶ 7a222e (1) No.2272446
Are you still here? Why exactly is this "larp" dangerous?
My curiosity has gotten the better of me.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272449
Sorry, but the R legal post was fake. Someone revealed the guy upbread.
▶ 4afd9c (5) No.2272517>>2273230 >>2275732 >>2275776
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Here's an easy video. You can play it in the background, but there is text throughout.
Admiralty [BLACK's] Law = FRAUD (NEVER Claim Your Corporate Name nor Board Their Ship!)
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2272572
The flight with the KILL BOXES embedded in themselves OR the flight to KING GEORGE and back????
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2272638
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2272687>>2273675 >>2273893 >>2274854
Hi anons, I found some articles online you might like to read about JFK Jr., the explosion of his plane, the plot against his life, and his plan to avenge the death of his father.
It makes for interesting reading.
I promise.
Also, how goes spreading the word?
Any luck? Any avenues seeming receptive?
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2272692>>2272712
Q follows this board to a pin
If R was a larp he would have called it by now
He knows exactly how we are responding and is probably fucking with us dropping some major bombs we wouldn't believe
▶ 75a770 (5) No.2272697
Coming to theaters July 22nd
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2272712>>2273230
Q never called out flat earth yet they are obvious trolls. Truth must be uncovered organically.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272726>>2272797 >>2274629
Compiled all R posts from previous breads for curious autists. Happy hunting!
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2272728>>2272785
Q & A
Q & Anonymous poster = R
Q Delivered
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2272785>>2272972
It is my belief that:
R, Q+, and Q+A
Are all referring to the same person.
R = R
Q+ = Q + 1 = R
Q+A = Q(17) + A(1) = R(18)
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2272788
Q & A
Would we still believe Q if he posted anonymously……(R)
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2272797
Thank you anon, are you sure that this is all of them - from all 7 previous breads? It seems few.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272815>>2274629
Here are the rest of the R posts from last bread ID: 5c5af1 (coincidence)? Godspeed, patriots.
▶ 26528a (4) No.2272818>>2272841 >>2273009
And then these two photos posted on the FB page of someone going by the same name as strangeguy (I don't know if it's okay to say that purported name here), with a kid named "Ruby", from Pittsburgh PA.
Is the whole FB account fake? Or was the account temporarily utilized by Q?
Dunno, but anyways, two photos were posted on October 28,2017 (same date as Q's first post, yes?)
▶ e996cd (42) No.2272841
My almonds tell me that the second pic is some guy sucking Darth Vader's invisible dick. Could be wrong, idk. Need some more autists digging.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2272868
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2272881
>Elevated thinking is necessary.
Those anons that can discern Q out of an anonymous post
Use intuition anons! Expand awareness beyond just plain following Q trips
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2272972
Thought the same thing anon!
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2273009>>2273368 >>2274566
Can you attach the photos that were posted on that same day here??
▶ c61d5d (4) No.2273029>>2273092 >>2273367 >>2273492
The dead giveaway for the "literate" when he started to cite maritime law as if was relevant.
Admiralty law or maritime law is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships. While each legal jurisdiction usually has its own legislation governing maritime matters, the international nature of the topic and the need for uniformity has, since 1900, led to considerable international maritime law developments, including numerous multilateral treaties.
Hoe does this even make any sense to sane people unless they were born aboard a ship?
It seems there is no limit to morons to buy into any wacko scheme as long as you saw. "they have been hiding this from you".
Pathetic that so many will hang on every utterance to gain some "secret knowledge". even to go as far joining a an occultist cabal or thinking for 2,000 years nobody ever noticed the earth was flat.
You have to go Full Retard to accept some of the crap I have seen here (e.g. Universal geometry where he uses a 3 -dimensional co-ordinate system to "prove" 4-dimensions"
Ask his to calculate the square root of a negative number and see if he can answer.
There is a known accepted formula, used in Electrical Engineering (and advance math), but I am certain you could not give a meaningful answer.
"Everything is geometry" is nonsensical.
What is the "geometry" of a single point in space.
What is the naturally occurring shape of a liquid or gas.
There "are" legit answers but he has no idea what they are .
▶ e996cd (42) No.2273092
The Rlaw post was revealed as fake upbread.
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2273171>>2273223
Notice Q never called anything irrelevant,
There are anons with expanded awareness that always deliver the goods
Do these anons refuse to imagine potentials? NO
He is saying everything is potential
R is the operation where they is trying to force our minds open for what is coming
Everything is real
Nothing irrelevant
Keep digging
Everything is connected to everything else
WE can dig from any bit of information
▶ e996cd (42) No.2273223
R has pointed us to take all discussion to George Nasif on twitter.
▶ d687d2 (15) No.2273230>>2273406
Flat earth proof… Just for fun.
I will definitely watch it. There is that weird flag again. Whats up with that thing?
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2273246
THIS BOARD contains MANY THREADS…Q Research is one….R is another…there are many.
The only 'DIVISION' imagined…is the one coming from THOSE who desire to control others….in terms of WHERE AND HOW they choose to spend their OWN TIME.
Anyone doing THAT^^^(FROM HERE ON OUT) gets an AUTOMATIC FILTER from me.
I came to this THREAD to escape the MASSIVE NOISE/DISTRACTION from the Research THREAD…I'm tired of it.
Too much WASTED ENERGY on trying to "defend" myself…not worth it. So yeah, any disruption of peace and "out they go" via the AWESOME FILTER!
▶ 75a770 (5) No.2273263>>2273291 >>2273335
My gut tells meh
Argentina is at the root of many things secret
It's been mentioned in breads many times
But low and behold it looks like fuckery was afoot just days ago with IMF President's plane be forced to land in Buenos Aires after taking off for no apparent reason.
Argentina was the known place to run for Nazi's post WW2.
Place was full of espionage and still is.
How does it tie back to JFK Jr?
Maybe it doesn't. But my intuition says in some way it does. Or at least to Q operations.
▶ 75a770 (5) No.2273291>>2273335
Oh…the missing sub from Argentina
▶ e996cd (42) No.2273335
These posts are really insightful, you should take them to R on twitter (George Nasif) and see what he thinks of them.
▶ c28db7 (1) No.2273363
"R"/George Nasif's data dump homepage:
▶ fc4fad (4) No.2273367
beautiful post anon. TY.
pic is an Emoto water crystal.
What a trip! ;)
I can DIG it!!!!! Great work autist.
>"Everything is geometry" is nonsensical.
>What is the "geometry" of a single point in space.
well, was just diggin into this article today…
Proud of us Rfags! this thread is feeling COMFY despite division attempts, cool is being kept and discussion is being had. TRUE patriots of dialog.
▶ 26528a (4) No.2273368
Sorry, wasn't sure what you meant? Those were the only two photos posted on that same day on that (strange guy's) FB account.
They really stood out too, as every other photo posted was just ordinary family/friends photos…typical FB stuff. And then all of a sudden we have two Darth Vader victims?
▶ 8c6204 (6) No.2273406
▶ fc4fad (4) No.2273492
Is it possible to ever know or define a fixed point in space?
▶ 5ee970 (1) No.2273601>>2274142 >>2280452
If, over the last few decades, the White Hats have been documenting Deep State crimes and planning the DS take-down, then it would seem that the WHs would have had access to intel unbeknownst to the DS.
The WHs most likely knew:
JFK's assassination was an inside CIA job and Bush Sr. was involved.
Bush Sr. was partnered with the Clintons who were running drugs out of Mena, AK.
The Bushes and Clinton's were kiddy fiddling.
911 was an inside job and Bushes and Hillary were involved.
Bushes and Clinton's were heavy into advancing the NWO.
The Clinton's had a growing list (stretching from Mena to DC) of people around them suddenly dying.
Hillary wanted to win the NY Senate seat and JFK Jr. was in the way.
Question -- Could the WHs have gotten intel of a plan to kill JFK Jr?
I don't know if R is legit or not, but, IF(big if) the WHs did have intel that JFK Jr was in danger, it would be easy for me to believe that a plan would be made to fake his death and put him in witness protection.
▶ e50298 (3) No.2273613>>2273639
▶ fc4fad (4) No.2273639
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2273675>>2273893 >>2273960 >>2274242
Holy fuck.
They already pulled all three of these sites down.
Can any of you guys connect?
▶ e996cd (42) No.2273716>>2274094 >>2277260
Reminder that R was hashed
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2273753
Nasif … backwards
Fisa N
George backwards Egregore??
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2273873>>2274896 >>2277629
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Mystery of Water - What we know is a drop.
"Water burns? Water has a memory? Water can be effected by cell phones? It seems that there is much more to know about water than what we are taught about in science class at school. In this video you will learn about how water is effected by electricity and microwaves and that the water will carry that information and pass it along to other water. You will learn about an Austrian inventor by the name of John Grander who invented a way to "revitalize" dead water."
one of my favorite videos ever, scientists demonstrate water recording information. university students take water from the same source and place one drop on several glass slides and allow to dry, looked at under a microscope each persons drops are different from everyone else's but the same as their own.
they put flowers in the water and the dried drop has the pattern of that flower.
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2273893
Here's an archived version of each of those sites, in order.
Let's see if they pull these as well.
▶ 26528a (4) No.2273960>>2273998
I connected using cached copies of those sites
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2273998
Good to know.
Guess that 'archive offline' isn't simply a suggestion.
Keep it in mind. We're being watched.
▶ 308850 (3) No.2274011>>2274030 >>2274193 >>2274619
anyone have a full graphic of R posts?
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2274030>>2274049 >>2274193 >>2274619
It would definitely be worthwhile to make something like that.
I have the first post.. maybe I'll go back through the breads later and try and collect them all.
It would help with digging and spreading I'm sure.
▶ 308850 (3) No.2274049>>2274236 >>2274587
Yeah I saw the first post and while that one is interesting it really takes a pattern to pay attention to them. As far as I'm concerned R is an LARP but then again Q had a clock he had to abide by… so R could be Q posting as anon.
▶ 50d8db (1) No.2274094
Uhhhh - wtf? Larping as R - or R is a larp.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2274142>>2274444
Agree. See my post up further in the bread:
Also, look at the X GRAPHIC….this individual has posted LEGIT STUFF (in terms of the subsequent dig) and I find this CURRENT post very interesting in terms of JFK JR…
Notice the Witness Program along with the ROBERT KENNEDY reference as the 64th AG…HELLO GEORGE and Magic is in the air….
Along with TODAY'S Q DROPS (which I posted about further up in the bread) and I think we got a WINNER!!!
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2274193>>2274214 >>2274285
I've decided to do that and have been working on it for a few hours…Unfortunately, the BAKER has not brought any notables over (really for the last two breads) and I'm not going to let this stuff just SIMPLY DISAPPEAR…
I'm also going through and screen-saving all my digs, so I have a RECORD of it in case I need them to either bring over into future breads as notables, and/or get connected with someone (like JUSTINFORMEDTALK, etc) who will need them to provide the RESEARCH for the general population.
I'd suggest that all REAL ANONS go back and compile their NOTABLES FOR ALL BREADS….
▶ 707a48 (2) No.2274201
>>2266202 (OP)
King George
▶ 308850 (3) No.2274214>>2274273 >>2274285
Good to hear, thank you for your help anon.
Since Q came back and R was posting in the meantime I am interested in R posts now…. just curious if they're legit.
▶ ed3b9f (2) No.2274223
Thank you for this.
I am a normie who has learned and lurked in the fast moving Q-posts/Q-boards for six months. Loved everything about it and will continue to research, learn and occasionally contribute.
But R posts/proofs/discussions resonated immediately. the focused, less frenetic boards are a respite sometimes. So much JFK/RFK/JFKJR history to uncover, reassess, and imagine new possibilities.
If it's a dead end, it will still have been worthwhile.
▶ 40a281 (1) No.2274236
If R is not JFKjr, I'm not much interested in his posts. George Nasif has great insight and sources, and says his only goal is bringing down the DNC. I'm not here to get the DNC anymore. If world-wide change doesn't happen, we'll be right back here again shortly.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274242
>They already pulled all three of these sites down.
>Can any of you guys connect?
I could not connect until I searched the URL in google and connect via google.
I'll paste here - article 1:
A second opinion on the Kennedy crash
by Anthony J. Hilder
Victor Pribanic often goes to Martha's Vineyard to fish for those big striped bass which lay in abundance off the south end of the island. The remnants of the old boardwalk is still there, along with some of the steel poles stuck where the old-timers came from one of the fishing clubs that drew crowds there in the late 1800's.
Those places are all closed now.
But those who know "the right spot" off Squidnocket Point still take the trip to fish at night in hopes they'll bag some big bass. Vic Pribanic was there fishing the night that JFK Jr.'s airplane was on its approach to the island's overlit airport when the murdered president's only son radioed the control tower at 9:39 p.m. that he was about 10 miles off the island and would drop off his sister-in-law, Lauren Bessette and then take off again between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. for the Hyannis Airport. United Press International, ABC News and WCVB-TV fully confirmed this story.
All was well and the sky was moderately clear.
There was just a little haze when Kennedy got his first view of the lights beaming up from the bright street lamps that the locals there have complained so much about in both the Martha's Vineyard Gazette and Martha's Vineyard Times.
For JFK Jr., his wife and her sister, the lights were welcome sight, knowing that their flight was just about over.
The airplane, a Piper Saratoga and its world-renowned pilot and passengers, had been identified from JFK Jr.'s call, and their exact location was noted on the radar screen. THEY HAD A FIX ON HIM.
And then it all happened. BAM !!
As sudden as a lightining bolt, Pribanic turned abruptly towards the explosion: "I heard a loud impact like a bomb", said Pribanic, a skilled trial lawyer from White Oak, Pennsylvania.
At first he thought it could have been the military, exploding one of their bombs off of No-Man's Island, a small island off the shore.
But that couldn't be. It was at night. And they stopped that years ago.
Nonetheless, the explosion sounded nearly identical and came seemingly from the sky out over the ocean.
Victor Pribanic, an innocent small-town Pennsylvania lawyer, was to bag a 35-pound striper "that night" as well as a story that will change the course of the country for all time!!
What we have here is a very reputable "ear-witness" to JFK Jr.'s Piper Saratoga being blown out of the sky - at the exact time and location the plane went down.
Others that evening witnessed seeing a "bright flash" in the night sky. A finely-tuned, well-kept first-class airplane doesn't just drop out of the sky and head straight down into the ocean unless it's blown out of the sky or the pilot deliberately sends it into a dive to kill himself and his passengers.
If the latter happened, it would imply that JFK Jr. was either an idiot or insane.
Neither of which was true.
The "managed media" report that he was flying in "bad weather" is an absolute lie and we can prove it with both witnesses and photographs, so that the story will no longer fly.
What does this mean? Does it mean:
1) that JFK Jr., his wife and sister-in-law were murdered as soon as the killers ID'd his plane on its approach for a landing? Yes! It means exactly that.
2) that those who "control" the MEDIA SPIN and those who own the "managed media" who tell their editors and reporters what to write, what to print and what to show, COVERED UP THIS CRIME? Exactly! Before your very eyes!
3) that those in the executive branch of government who control the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, the ISA, the NTSB and all investigative agencies related to the crime are "involved" in this act of murder? Yes! That's this reporter's opinion!
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274251
What about Victor Pribanic?
Is he credible?
Yes! I found him to be one of the clearest and most concerned witnesses I've ever come across, as evidenced by his actions after the explosion shattered the calm of his night and changed his life forever.
The next day when Pribanic heard the news of the Kennedy crash, he called local aviation officials to tell his story and then eventually wound up talking to Hank Myer of the West Tisbury Police Dept. to tell his story. They went out to the site he fished the night before and he pointed to where the explosion had rocked the night sky.
It was in the exact direction where they discovered the plane submerged on the ocean floor many days later.
Why didn't the authorities consult with this top witness, ignoring him and spending the better part of the week spending hundreds of thousands of dollars sweeping hundreds of empty square miles for the missing plane?
Where Victor Pribanic had pointed as the location of the explosion is exactly where the Coast Guard recovered scattered items from the blown-up plane and near where other debris from the plane had washed ashore.
I asked Mr. Pribanic who returned my call if he felt that JFK Jr. and his family was murdered.
He said "it's certainly in the realm of possibility".
Mr. Pribanic said he had left his fishing spot with a bagful of stripers about 1:30 a.m. the next morning, unaware that he had heard the "IMPACT LIKE A BOMB" that had killed "the Prince of Camelot" in the night sky.
This ended the speculation that JFK Jr. might run for the U.S. Senate seat against Hillary Clinton in New York or against Al Gore, Jr. for the Presidency of the United States in the forthcoming Democratic Primary. Rumor had it that he was going to announce on August 1. Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that the Kennedy killing was murder in the first degree?
My website, https://www.freeworldalliance.com has posted over 20 stories covering all aspects of what we believe really happened to JFK Jr. and how the "Manhattan Money Mob's Manage Media" has muddied the already murky waters surrounding what PEOPLE's Magazine described as "the handsomest man in the world".
If the eyewitnesses could see the explosion of the plane from Martha's Vineyard island in the night sky, doesn't it stand to reason that Kennedy could see the bright lights of the island in the night sky?
transmitted by Norio Hayakawa
The Konformist
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2274273
Just did my Q CONFIRMATIONS (from today's drops) THAT LEGITIMIZE R above!!
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274280
Jane Grey -- JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying Attention
I suppose most people think that from the day he saluted his father’s casket at just three years old, til the evening his plane went down, he just went about his business, playing the game of life like everyone else.
After all, he did live, for the most part, a relatively ordinary life, in spite of being the Prince of America’s Camelot.
So, what do you suppose was going on in the mind of the sexiest man alive? He could have written his own political ticket, yet he went into publishing. Many expected him to land in politics and most likely were a bit perplexed when he decided to publish a magazine instead.
Some thought he was afraid to go into politics because of the “Kennedy (https://www.wakeupkiwi.com/secret-societies-illuminati.shtml) Curse.” However, nothing could be further from the truth. What he did proved to be more dangerous than any political arena, and he knew that from the start. But…John-John had a mission…and that mission was to expose the villain who orchestrated that “dastardly act” upon his father.
Unbeknownst to the public, John-John was digging deep for proof. And, how else could he expose the truth when all the media outlets were controlled by the very cabal he planned to expose? Enter…”George.”
When he presented his magazine, “George,” to the world, he was, for all practical purposes, signing his own death warrant.
“George” was a veiled threat…in a symbolic sort of way. Do you see? How many men named “George” comes to mind at just the thought of President John F. Kennedy’s so called assassination? The cabal wanted his father dead, that is a fact, but the namesake of John F. Kennedy, Jr.’s magazine…their minion, arranged it. And…once he had the proof, the truth would come out in his very own magazine. Do you see?
“As President, John F. Kennedy understood the predatory nature of private central banking. He understood why Andrew fought so hard to end the Second Bank of the United States. So Kennedy wrote and signed Executive Order 11110 which ordered the US Treasury to issue a new public currency, the United States Note.
Kennedy was working with President Soekarno of Indonesia who was at that time the signatory for the Global Collateral Accounts which were intended to be used for humanitarian purposes but which were subverted at the time of the Bretton-Woods agreement at the end of WWII.
The intention of Kennedy and Soekarno was to end the reign of the globalist privately owned central banking system -- which is the main reason that Kennedy was killed, and for his part Soekarno remained under house arrest for the rest of his life.” From: All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars (https://www.wakeupkiwi.com/false-flag-engineered-wars.shtml).
There was a rumor that John-John had obtained the proof he needed and an expose’ was in the works, until his untimely, and mostly “suspicious,” death. Of course, the media campaigned that he was an irresponsible thrill seeker; but then they would, wouldn’t they? Although many people knew JFK, Jr. was murdered; and they were right about who was responsible…they were just wrong about the reason.
John Jr. was warned by family members about the risks involved in his pursuit. But, he was determined to get justice for his father and bring truth to light, exposing the darkness that shrouds our planet. So ask yourself…what would you do, if you were a mere babe when your father, who just happened to be the most important man in the country, was murdered in such a gruesome manner, and you never had the opportunity to know him…would you just let it go?
Although he was from one of the main Illuminati family bloodlines (https://www.wakeupkiwi.com/secret-societies-illuminati-2.shtml), JFK was in fact trying to undo some of the mess -- and to bring an end to the Reserve Banking System. For his efforts he was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2274285>>2274331
Good ideas anon.
Check these pictures out.
I'm convinced that R is legit.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274289
The Bush Connections
Many researchers and historians have come to the conclusion that it was the elite power structure running the US Government that were responsible for the assassination of JFK, and that there was more than one reason for them doing so.
There are photographs claiming to show that George Bush was at Dealey Plaza on the day of the killing, and while they might be inconclusive there are multiple other sources that George Bush was one of those responsbile for the assassination of JFK and that he was indeed there that day. The Dark Legacy takes an in depth look into the evidence supporting this.
Related: The History And Mission Of The Nazi-Illuminati Bush (Scher(f)f) Crime Family (https://www.wakeupkiwi.com/secret-societies-illuminati-1.shtml#Bush).
Dark Legacy
It Never Ends -- MORE Startling Evidence of Bush in Dallas – by John Hankey – https://TheDarkLegacy.com
I don’t think we are much encouraged to see History as science. Quite the opposite, actually. And of course, that’s all politics. The winners write history, and the truth be damned. Even science can have trouble trying to act like science when political issues are involved, as we see with evolution, tobacco-and-cancer, and global warming.
But I think History does have a lot in common with physical science. For example, I can remember when “Continental Drift”, the idea that Africa and America were once stuck together, was very much considered “just a theory”; ridiculed by some, and regarded with amusement by many, and promulgated as likely by a tiny minority.
“Fifty men have run America, and that’s a high figure.”
-- Joseph Kennedy, Father of JFK, in the July 26th, 1936 issue of The New York Times
But as time goes by, the evidence accumulates; and the meaning of old evidence begins to settle in; and ideas that were once considered outrageous gradually get worn in and start to be regarded as obvious common sense. Part of this process is the continual accumulation of new evidence.
New pieces are added to the puzzle and the picture becomes more clear. And sometimes the hidden meaning of old evidence, that has been lying around for years, suddenly jumps out.
Evidence of the fossils and minerals that can be found on the east coast of Africa, and on the west coast of Brazil, may have been lying around for years, before someone decided to look and see if they matched, and found that they did; and proved conclusively that west Africa and Brazil were once attached.
Dark Legacy from SYNERGETIC on Vimeo.
With regard to George HW Bush and the murder of John Kennedy, Joseph McBride found this memo in 1988.
FBI director J. Edgar Hoover wrote this memo 5 days after the assassination, naming George Bush as a CIA officer
FBI director J. Edgar Hoover wrote this memo 5 days after the assassination, naming George Bush as a CIA officer.
The last, and most crucial paragraph, is very hard to read. The following is a transcription:
“The substance of the forgoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. V.T. Forsyth of this Bureau.”
When it was first released in 1978, George Bush was an obscure bureaucrat, a virtual unknown. So when the best researchers on the planet saw this memo in 1978, they didn’t pay much attention to it. When Bush became vice president two years later, no one was able to connect his now well-known name to this obscure memo.
From Rolling Stone Magazine: The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt
But when Joseph McBride was messing around in 1988, Bush was running for president; and when McBride saw the memo, he jumped up and shouted:
“Hey, this memo is about Bush! It says he was in the CIA, way back in 1963!”
And for the longest time, the focus was on this simple isolated fact: that Hoover said Bush was in the CIA in ’63.
Bush said the memo must be referring to another “George Bush,” because he wasn’t in the CIA at that time. But over the years, people were able to assemble the facts from Bush’s personal life, showing his deep involvement with the CIA at that time, and with the CIA’s anti-Castro Cubans (in the memo, Hoover calls them “misguided anti-Castro Cubans”).
And over time, it has become undeniable; that Hoover was referring, in his memo, to none other than George Herbert Walker Bush. And for a while, that was it. End of story.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274309
But the title of this Hoover memo is, “Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy”. Isn’t that important?
Well, you’d think so. But for the longest time, no one made much out it. Besides, Hoover scarcely mentions the assassination in the memo, instead focusing on these “misguided anti-Castro Cubans.” The body of the memo does not appear, at first, to be in any way related to the title of the memo “the assassination of President John F Kennedy”.
From Rolling Stone Magazine: The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt
But then Mark Lane, in his book Rush to Judgment, did the fabulous work of demonstrating, and in fact persuading a jury, that E. Howard Hunt, a major lieutenant in the CIA’s “misguided anti-Castro Cuban” program, was in Dallas and involved in the assassination.
With this background, with this framework to guide the researcher, it was then possible to assemble the considerable evidence linking Bush to Hunt.
People might have taken some notice before that Bush made the unusual request, as Nixon’s ambassador to the UN, to be given an office in the White House. They may have noticed that Hunt, although he was not being paid by anyone in the White House, or answering to anyone that we know of in the White House, also had a White House office.
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings…
Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe… no war ever posed a greater threat to our security.
If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.I
t is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.
No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
-- John F Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, from a speech delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 and known as the “Secret Society” speech (click here for full transcript and audio: https://wakeup-world.com/2011/05/20/jfks-speech-on-secret-societies/).
But with the Hoover memo in hand, establishing Bush as a supervisor of the CIA’s “misguided anti-Castro Cuban” operation, it is possible to connect Bush to Hunt at the Bay of Pigs. With this memo in hand, it is possible to connect Bush and Hunt as two CIA operatives with offices inside the White House.
With this memo in hand, it is possible to answer who it was that Hunt answered to inside the White House; and how he got the office in the first place. And with all that, it is possible to connect Bush to Hunt, and therefore to Dallas, to Hunt in Dallas, and to the “misguided anti-Castro Cuban” assassins of John Kennedy.
Which is what Hoover did for us when he wrote the title of the memo. Little by little, the pieces start to fall into place. And pieces that in isolation meant nothing, become key parts of a whole picture.
But even so, this is not a rock-solid connection: Hunt was directly involved in the murder of JFK. And Bush supervised Hunt.
But Bush probably supervised a lot of CIA people, not all of whom were directly involved in the assassination. A high-ranking officer may be connected to all of the acts of all of his troops, by reason of his being their commander. But it’s not a direct connection. It doesn’t establish that the officer knew about, or approved of, or was involved in, all the actions of those troops.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274322
Enter FBI memo # 2:
FBI memo # 2
It will come up again in a minute, so please read the first line carefully. Bush identifies himself to the FBI as an independent oil man from Houston.
This memo establishes that sort of direct connection between Bush and Hunt, in Dallas, on the day of the assassination.
This memo records Bush’s phone call to the FBI, precisely an hour and fifteen minutes after the assassination. When I first encountered this memo, and when I first put it into my movie, JFK II, I simply called it “weird”.
I saw it only in isolation, a weird, isolated connection between Bush and the assassination. It took me years to see it in context. That is, to see that this phone call demonstrates, clearly, that George Bush, was on duty that day.
He was staying at the Dallas Sheraton because his duty assignment was in Dallas. His phone call to the FBI cannot have been random. This James Parrott worked for Bush as a sign-painter; he was not an assassin; this phone call is not what it purports to be; Bush was fulfilling some obscure under-cover function in making this call.
So the phone call has to be seen as part of his CIA assignment; which was clearly connected to the assassination. This memo then establishes that Bush was in the Dallas area, and on duty; and that his duty assignment was connected to the assassination. And if his men were in Dallas shooting the President, as they were, he was certainly on duty supervising them.
“The Society [Society of Jesus aka the Jesuits] employs a variety of ruthless tactics to accomplish its long-term goal (of a New World Order which pays homage to their Black Pope). One is carrying out political assassinations of world leaders who refuse to comply with its demands.
These assassinations in the U.S. have included presidents (Abraham Lincoln, JFK), cabinet members, congressmen, senators, diplomats, journalists, scientists and religious and business leaders. ”
“Assassinations are carried out by the aforementioned intelligence agencies and their Mafia partners in the drug and gambling trades, often with collateral assistance from the Knights of Malta, the Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and Propaganda Due (P2). Such was the case in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and some former Popes.”
From: The History And Mission Of The Nazi-Illuminati Bush (Scher(f)f) Crime Family (https://www.wakeupkiwi.com/secret-societies-illuminati-1.shtml#Bush)
If he were not supposed to be supervising them, his bosses would have assigned him to be at his home office in Houston, Texas; or on his oil rigs in the Caribbean.
But, even in context, this memo and the phone call it describes is still weird, no? I mean, how could Bush have been so stupid as to make this insanely incriminating phone call? Without this FBI memo, recording this phone call, we don’t know, or even have a good clue as to where Bush was, or what he was doing the day of the assassination. Do we?
Bush has, until recently, simply said that he did not remember what he was doing the day of the assassination. But with this memo, Bush tells us where he was and what he was doing -- he hands us his head on a silver platter.
What could possibly have motivated him to make such a stupid error as making this phone call to the FBI? It’s a valid question. It’s not an essential question. We can still value this memo, and extract a great deal of important content from it without answering the question of why, but the question remains.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274326
Family of Secrets
And we can make a stab at answering it. Russ Baker in his fine book, Family of Secrets suggests that Bush was attempting to establish an alibi. Now, by making this phone call, he, in fact, establishes that he was in the Dallas area, and that he was on duty, related to the assassination.
So if he’s trying to establish an alibi to cover-up where he actually was and what he was actually doing, what he is trying to cover up must be some pretty bad stuff, some pretty incriminating stuff, if it’s worse than what he gives us with this alibi.
And what could be worse than what he gives us? Well, obviously, he must have actually been in Dallas. In fact, I think, this situation suggests he must have actually been in Dealey Plaza. I mean seriously. Think about it. He’s so panicked about the truth coming out, that he puts his head in a noose and hands it to us.
It makes me think he must have been in Dealey Plaza, he must have been in the company of the shooters, and he must have felt that there would be evidence to prove that.
We’re just speculating at the moment. We’ll get to the evidence right now, but I’m trying to set the scene. If a guilty party is in a panic, trying to cover evidence connecting them to a crime, they may invent an explanation, or an alibi, that seems like a good idea at the time; but that in fact constitutes a very damaging admission. Anyway, stew on that while you consider this photo:
Dallas Police Officers seal off the Book Depository Building
You see this tall thin man in a suit, with a receding hair line. Many people claim this is Bush, standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository. And it might be. It might be a lot of people. And perhaps, when he called the FBI and incriminated himself, Bush was concerned that he might show up in a better picture than this, where he was positively recognizable, looking towards the camera.
Personally, I don’t think this photo looks much like Bush; and in fact, I didn’t think he’d be stupid enough to just be hanging around the murder scene. I thought he was sufficiently high ranking that he’d leave such on-scene stuff to his underlings. Right?
At least in my mind, if you’re an officer like Bush, you’re the coach. You plan, you train and prepare your people, and then you stand back and watch it happen. Or so I thought. Fletcher Prouty was certain that he saw pictures of Ed Lansdale, a military operative of the highest rank, signaling to the “tramps” arrested behind the grassy knoll to “be cool,” that everything was alright.
Hunt was a high-ranking CIA officer, chief of the CIA’s Mexico station; and his son says he is one of the “tramps” who show up in several photos of men who were arrested behind the grassy knoll. So, some of the highest ranking members of the killers’ operation were apparently there, on the front line, to make sure that when things went wrong, as they inevitably do, these high ranking officers could be there to fix whatever the problem was.
So, given that high- and low- ranking CIA officers were present, this photo of this thin man in a suit might, indeed, be Bush. It’s possible.
And now, look at this picture of the Dal-Tex building. The Dal-Tex building is across the street from the Book Depository, and many leading researchers into the assassination, including Jim Garrison, say there was certainly a team of shooters in this building:
The Dal-Tex building across the street from the Book Depository
And as you can see, some imaginative individual has added some colour to indicate three men in this window. Very creative, very imaginative; and at least plausible. Still, it takes way too much imagination and effort, to see Bush’s face. But now observe this link: https://www.ratical.com/ratville/JFK/WTKaP.html.
Actually, You don’t have to stop and read it, because I’ll quote the relevant part. It’s a statement from Roger Craig, winner of the deputy of the year award for Dallas in 1960, and one of the most honest men working that day in Dallas. He’s an amazing and heroic fellow, worthy of all the time you could take looking into his background and character. And here, in the following passage, he is describing a conversation he had with Jim Garrison, and he says,
“Jim also asked me about the arrests made in Dealey Plaza that day. I told him I knew of twelve arrests, one in particular made by R. E. Vaughn of the Dallas Police Department. The man Vaughn arrested was coming from the Dal-Tex Building across from the Texas School Book Depository.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274329
The only thing which Vaughn knew about him was that he was an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas. The prisoner was taken from Vaughn by Dallas Police detectives and that was the last that he saw or heard of the suspect.”
Holy Moe Lee! Please notice that, in speaking to Jim Garrison, Craig says “in particular”. Apparently he and Vaughn thought this was the most significant arrest made that day; pretty amazing given that E.Howard Hunt was arrested in the rail yard behind the grassy knoll. And the only thing Craig knew about this “particular” arrestee was that he had exactly the same singular CIA-cover, “an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas”, that George Bush had used that same day in his contact with the FBI.
Now. There are a very limited number of possible explanations for who this “independent oil operator” was. Let’s look at them.
It is conceivable that the CIA had two men in Dallas area that day, supervising the shooters, who both had the designated cover of being an “independent oil operator from Houston.” Bush was one, as the evidence above clearly shows; and perhaps there was another who was with the shooters in the Dal-Tex building, supervising them directly.
But unless the CIA overlords were trying to set Bush up, they would not have told anyone else to use Bush’s CIA cover to identify themselves to the police. If another man was involved in the crime, and was arrested for it, and he told the cops he was an “independent oil operator from Houston,” this would tend to throw suspicion in Bush’s direction.
“The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty, and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents -- running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them.
If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, like they did to McKinley, Lincoln and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from their deployment of their human compromise network.”
From: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists…, https://www.wakeupkiwi.com/secret-societies-illuminati-2.shtml#Khazarian-Illuminati]
Bush’s association with the CIA’s Cubans was already widely known. Fletcher Prouty knew and wrote of it. Fabian Escalante, the head of Cuban counter intelligence, knew and has written about it. James Files, who claims very credibly, to have been a driver for the Mafia shooters in Dallas, has spoken on-camera about it.
And FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, knew about it and wrote about it in his memo. So Bush was already a suspect in Hoover’s eyes. The CIA planners, then, would not have told anyone else, “in case you get arrested, tell the cops you’re an independent oil man from Houston”. Right? They would not have done this, since it would tend to incriminate Bush, who was already in a highly visible, highly suspicious position.
Another unlikely possibility is that this “independent oil operator from Houston” was just some innocent oil operator, who somehow managed to attract suspicion, and was arrested. Do you think it’s possible that another oil man from Houston just happened to be in that corner of Dealey Plaza?
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2274331>>2274376 >>2274566
Future things that need to be done to help spread R:
1) Make a better inclusive graphic showing all the people (and id'ing the last few we didn't get yet).
2) Create a graphic of all R posts
3) Dig into evidence of plane crash
I'll be able to do these tomorrow most likely.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274335
Dealey Plaza
Dealey Plaza today
I hope you think it’s possible. Because, as unlikely as it seems, if you think it was possible, then certainly Bush would have been reasonable in thinking that, as he was being arrested, there were other independent oil operators in the crowd who witnessed his arrest.
You see, Bush spoke to a group of oil men in Dallas the night before the assassination. If it were possible that some of them were in Dealey Plaza, he would need to be terrified of the possibility that some of them might actually have seen the arrest, and would have been able to identify him as the object of that arrest.
No wonder, then, that Bush freaked out, and made this stupid incriminating phone call to the FBI. Even if it showed that he was not in Houston, or in the Caribbean, but in Dallas, at least it suggested that he was not in police custody for the murder of the President, in Dealey Plaza.
But now stop and think a minute: Why was he arrested? What was he doing that drew this cop’s attention at all? What could he possibly have been doing to make this cop think that he needed to arrest Bush?
Perhaps walking out of a building without attracting attention is harder than it sounds; and it reasonable to suppose that the crowd outside the Dal-Tex building had heard the shots, had heard that the President had been wounded, and they were carefully scrutinizing anyone who came out of the building.
But this story shows clearly that Bush was not the sort of cold-blooded killer who could take part in the murder of a man, and then act and look like nothing was going on as he tried to leave the scene of the crime. And it turns out that as an old man, Bush continues to suffer from this character trait, of being unable to hide feelings that need to be kept secret.
As you can see below, at Gerry Ford’s funeral, Bush suddenly breaks into a wide grin while speaking of the Kennedy assassination. This is not a Mona Lisa smile. This is face-wrenching spasm of glee.
In a minute we’ll take up the question of why Bush would grin at his recollection of watching John Kennedy’s brains splatter; the point for us now is that he apparently had a similarly inappropriate, show-stopping expression on his face as he attempted to exit the Dal-Tex building; he had the look of a murderer in his eye, so clearly that it could not be missed; as this funereal-grin could not be missed.
And the guilt plastered all over Bush’s face drew people’s attention. And this cop, Vaughn, arrested him.
Now remember, Roger Craig tells this story in the context of his discussions with New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison about the suspects who were arrested that day and who then evaporated without leaving a mugshot, interview, fingerprint, or name. Garrison spoke not only to Roger Craig, but he no-doubt spoke to Vaughn, who made the arrest. And Garrison adds the following:
“At least one man arrested immediately after the shooting had come running out of the Dal-Tex Building and offered no explanation for his presence there. Local authorities hardly could avoid arresting him because of the clamor of the onlookers.
He was taken to the Sheriff’s office, where he was held for questioning. However, the Sheriff’s office made no record of the questions asked this suspect, if any were asked; nor did it have a record of his name. Later two uniformed police officers escorted him out of the building to the jeers of the waiting crowd.
They put him in a police car, and he was driven away. Apparently this was his farewell to Dallas, for he simply disappeared forever.”
-- On the Trail of the Assassins, p. 238
This vision of the panicked Bush being arrested, no-doubt terrified as he was taken to the police station, and possibly even booked (though the record of any such booking has been destroyed) provides a context that explains a number of Bush’s otherwise-mysterious actions. Certainly Bush was freaked out and panic-stricken! An angry crowd clamored for his arrest, and jeered his release.
Being a newbie in these dark affairs, Bush didn’t have confidence in the ability of the old devils at CIA to make water run uphill, to make time run backwards, to silence the witnesses, to destroy the records, and make it all go away. And so he panicked; he acted on his own, stupidly; he called the FBI, thinking that he was “cleverly” providing evidence that it wasn’t him who was arrested in front of the Dal-Tex building that day.
In his panic-stricken state, this seemed like a good idea. He was unable to see that he was actually creating a permanent absolutely-positive record of his involvement.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274339
We can now also explain the grin. He grins ridiculously at Gerry Ford’s funeral, at the mention of John Kennedy’s murder, not because he is such a ghoul that he thinks splattering the contents of Kenney’s head all over Jackie Kennedy was funny; but because mentioning the assassination causes him to recall the comedy of errors that produced his own ridiculous panic, arrest, more panic, and so on.
Garrison wrote his paragraph about Bush’s arrest in 1988. Deputy Craig’s article was written in 1971 and posted in 1992. But the significance of these paragraphs was discovered last week. There hardly was an internet in 1992 when Craig’s article was posted. And for 19 years, no one noticed that this phrase, “independent oil man from Houston”, is a very unique description of Bush.
No one noticed until last month, when one of the moderators of JFKMurderSolved (https://www.wakeupkiwi.com/news-articles-12.shtml#ConspiracyTheories) showed it to me. And I wrote about it to some friends, and one of them suggested I read what Jim Garrison had to say.
So the pieces continue to fall into place. Little by little, the picture is filled in, the questions get answered. And the conclusions become more incontrovertible. This is just the sort thing that happened with the theory of Evolution and the Big Bang theory; and the theory of continental drift [all three of which are actually bunkum].
And someday they may start to teach history, as a science, based on evidence, in the universities. Really! It could happen!
At which point, Bush’s involvement in JFK’s murder will be taught, like evolution, as the only plausible explanation of the available reliable evidence.
Final note: Until recently, Bush had nothing more to say about his whereabouts the day of the assassination than that he doesn’t remember where he was. That in itself is extraordinarily incriminating.
Everyone who was alive at the time remembers where they were on 9-11, and on the day Kennedy was murdered. But, saying that he doesn’t remember, however improbable, is at least consistent with Bush’s autobiography, which mentions nothing.
Lately, however, perhaps at least partly in response to my work, Bush and Co. have concocted a story that he was speaking in Tyler, Texas to the Rotary Club. The vice-president of the Rotary Club, Aubrey Irby, says that Bush was speaking when the bellhop came over and told him, that Kennedy was dead [Kitty Kelley, The Family: the Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, p.213; cited by Russ Baker in Family of Secrets, p.54].
Kithy Kelly - The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty
Mr. Irby passed the information on to Mr. Wendell Cherry, who passed it on to Bush; who stopped his speech. Irby says that Bush explained that he thought a political speech, under the circumstances, was inappropriate; and then he sat down. As a would-be alibi proving Bush’s innocence, there are at least three huge problems with this story.
The first is that it is inconceivable that Bush would not have remembered such an event; or that he would have left it out of his autobiography, since it shows what a fine and respectful fellow he is. If he didn’t remember it sooner, or include it in his autobiography, it’s clearly because it never happened.
JFK Murder
The second huge problem with this story is that it couldn’t possibly have happened; that is, it is made impossible by Bush’s original alibi, his phone call to the FBI, as you’ll see:
The witness who tells this story, Aubrey Irby, says that Bush excused himself and sat down. It doesn’t say that he rushed out of the room in a frantic search for a phone.
The problem is that Walter Cronkite’s announcement to the world that Kennedy was dead came at 1:38 PM.
Certainly, no one was listening to Walter Cronkite in the same room in which Bush was speaking. Therefore we can be sure that this bellhop, who told Irby that Kennedy was dead, was in another room. The bellhop had to make the decision that he had heard enough of the news to leave off listening to the news.
This is no small point. Texas governor Connally was severely wounded. Lyndon Johnson was reportedly wounded. There was much other news to be confirmed. At some point, then, the bellhop decided to stop listening and go make an announcement. There’s no reason to think Irby would be the first person he would tell.
But at some point he went to the room where Bush was speaking and informed Mr. Irby that the president was dead. This walk to find Irby took time, of course. Mr. Irby had to receive the information, and then he had to decide to inform Mr. Wendell Cherry, the president of the Kiwanis.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274344
Mr. Cherry had to decide that he should interrupt Bush’s speech; Mr. Cherry had to then walk over to Bush and tell him the news.
Bush had to decide what to say; and he had to say it. And, according to the only witness, Mr. Irby, Bush “then sat down”. Somehow, when he was finished sitting, without attracting Mr. Irby’s attention, Bush had to seek and find a phone. This would have been a hotel phone, so he would likely have had to go through the hotel switchboard to get an outside line.
Do you suppose the switchboard was busy after the announcement of the President’s death? It’s a good guess. In Washington D.C. so many people rushed to make a phone call that the phone system went down. In any case, once he got through to the hotel operator and got an outside line, Bush then had to call information and get the number of the FBI.
After getting through to information, and getting the number, he then had to call the FBI; and penetrate their switchboard, which was, no doubt, very busy; and he had to locate an agent, on what must have been the busiest day in the history of the Dallas bureau.
How many minutes do you suppose that would take? Twenty seems a fair guess, though it seems implausible that a civilian could even get through, given all the official police business going on at the time.
We know that the Dallas FBI was all over the murder scene, confiscating camera film and intimidating witnesses; so it’s hard to imagine how Bush, an hour after the shooting, was able to reach an agent at all. Given the “sitting” that Mr. Irby observed Bush doing, for all this to have transpired in 45 minutes would be tidy work.
But Bush had to do all of this, as the FBI memo states, by 1:45, seven minutes after the news of Kennedy’s death first went out; which is blatantly impossible.
The third problem is this question of why Bush would feel that it was necessary to concoct such a story at all? Why does he have to tell us this lie? Why does he have to get others, like Irby, to lie for him? The irony is that the harder he tries to make himself appear innocent, by lying, the more evidence he gives us of his guilt.
The Dallas Morning News, Wednesday, November 20, 1963
There are some people who manage to point to this and say “ahah! That’s why Bush was in Dallas! Not to kill the President, but to speak to the other oilmen!” But as the Hoover memo shows, being an oilman was just a cover for Bush’s real occupation as a CIA supervisor of trained killers. He needed an excuse for being in Dallas. This speaking engagement provided him with one.
From the Director of Dark Legaqcy: John Hankey
George Bush killed Kennedy. Or was it the Mafia? Maybe Castro did it. Who cares? It was 40 years ago. What difference does it make?
It matters.
The day he died we lost an invaluable treasure. This video documents that we lost a man of peace, who tried to cool off the cold war, and to get the American people to see their Russian enemies, not as despicable inhuman monsters, but as people like us.
On November 22, 1963, you lost the man who saved your life on October 17, 1962. At the height of the missile crisis, Kennedy’s generals and advisors were urging him to launch a first strike attack against Cuba.
They assured Kennedy that the Russian missiles in Cuba were not nuclear and were not ready; but that he and they should quietly slip away to the safety of bomb shelters anyway, just to be safe; and then launch an attack, leaving the rest of us out to die. Kennedy thought about it. And then he told them that nobody was going anywhere.
If anyone died, they would be the first to go, sitting as they were in the Whitehouse, the prime target of those Russian missiles. Together they then figured out a safer plan. Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense at the time, recently learned from the Russians that the missiles were armed, were ready, were nuclear, and that their commanders were authorized to use them in case of an attack.
If you live in the northern hemisphere, the lives of your parents, and your future, were certainly saved by John Kennedy on that day. It matters that his killers be exposed.
In his farewell address, President Eisenhower had warned Kennedy, and the rest of us, of the threat posed to democracy by what Eisenhower called “the military industrial complex.”
And while Kennedy famously went after the CIA, and refused to commit troops to Vietnam, I always wondered why he didn’t more openly attack this military industrial complex. And then I stumbled upon a speech he gave at the United Nations.
As you will see in the video, he called upon the Russians, and United Nations, to help him to take on this military industrial complex, in order to “abolish all armies and all weapons.” But he was swept away.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274350
And in the years since, millions have died in needless wars, trillions of dollars have been wasted on “defense”, and millions more people have lived and died needlessly in poverty. It matters that we lost him.
In 2007, Bruce Willis told Vanity Fair magazine;
“They still haven’t caught the guy that killed Kennedy. I’ll get killed for saying this, but I’m pretty sure those guys are still in power, in some form. The entire government of the United States was co-opted.”
Now Willis probably would not mind my suggesting that he’s no genius. At best, his observation is common sense. 80% of the American people agree with him. Indeed, this video, proving that Kennedy was brought down by the most powerful men in the world and their hired thugs, is not based on secret documents.
It is all information that has merely been suppressed. Oswald allegedly shot Kennedy from behind. But the day he died, the NY Times carried the story, told by the doctors in Dallas, that Kennedy had an entrance wound in his throat, another in his right temple, and a large gaping exit wound in the back of his head.
After talking to the emergency room doctors, Kennedy’s press secretary described, to the assembled press, a shot to the right temple from the right front that went “right through the head.”
All of the witnesses near the right front, the grassy knoll, described hearing shots from that direction, and dozens of witnesses raced up the knoll in pursuit of the shooters. These witnesses talked to the press. But all of this information has been suppressed for the last 50 years. By whom? Who could?
You will also see in this video the overwhelming best evidence, from the best witnesses, proving beyond a reasonable dispute, that Kennedy’s body was stolen from Air Force One, and the wound to his right temple was mutilated, before the autopsy.
Jackie Kennedy kept watch over an empty casket on the flight from Dallas to Bethesda Naval Hospital. Then the body was quietly taken to Bethesda for the autopsy, arriving 20 minutes before Jackie and the empty casket. Who had the power to arrange this?
Jackie Kennedy Onassis
Who HAS the power today to suppress all this evidence?, and to continue to bombard us with ridiculous lies about a lone gunman? It’s a short list, isn’t it? It doesn’t include the mafia, or the Russians, or Castro. It does include the Bush family -- or rather their masters in Big Oil; the banking elite; the backbone of the military industrial complex. These men, and their successors, carried out the attacks of 9-11. It matters.
And from 10 “Conspiracy Theories” That Came True: https://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=https://www.wakeupkiwi.com/news-articles-8.shtml#10
8: Operation Northwoods
In the covert war against the communist regime in Cuba under the CIA’s Operation Mongoose, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously proposed state-sponsored acts of terrorism in side the United States.
The plan included shooting down hijacked American airplanes, the sinking of U.S. ships, and the shooting of Americans on the streets of Washington, D.C. The outrageous plan even included a staged NASA disaster that would claim the life of astronaut John Glenn.
Reeling under the embarrassing failure of the CIA’s botched Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, president Kennedy rejected the plan in March of 1962. A few months later, Kennedy denied the plan’s author, General Lyman Lemnitzer, a second term as the nation’s highest ranking military officer.
In November of 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
About the Film: Dark Legacy
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274354
Relying exclusively on government documents, statements from the best witnesses available, and the words from the mouths of the killers themselves, Dark Legacy produces a thoroughly substantiated criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a CIA supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. If we could present this evidence to a jury in Texas, he would pay with his life.
Part one presents the overwhelming mountain of evidence that President Kennedy was hit by bullets from the front and rear. Every witness in the Dallas emergency room attests, on camera, to the fact that a bullet from the right front blew a fist-sized whole in the back of the President’s head. The New York Times carried these statements on the day of the murder; and has covered them up ever since.
Part two presents the on-camera testimony of the witnesses who actually handled the President’s body, the FBI report, and the photographic evidence all proving unequivocally that the President’s body was stolen from the Secret Service and the wounds altered, before the body was delivered to Bethesda Naval hospital for the autopsy. Jackie Kennedy accompanied an empty casket on the plane flight home. Who had the power to do all this without attracting public attention? It’s a short list.
Part three presents the Nazi-connections of the Bush family, which prompted the FBI to seize their assets during WW II, as Nazi assets. It presents the suppressed fact that Watergate burglar and CIA operative E. Howard Hunt was found by a jury to have been in Dallas and involved in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy.
Hunt was a supervisor of the misguided CIA-led anti-Castro Cubans who broke into the Watergate. He is not only connected to Bush through Watergate; and through Bush’s father, Prescott; but five days after the assassination, the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, wrote a memo, titled “Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy” in which he named “George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency” as the supervisor of what Hoover himself called the “misguided anti-Castro Cuban” killers of the President. Bush has said he doesn’t remember the events of that day, but FBI documents place him in Dallas.
It is difficult to assess the stature and significance of someone who has been dead as long as John Kennedy. His killers have also been his detractors, actively desecrating his memory, as they did his body. The movie begins with a short presentation of some of his most powerful and important speeches; including a stunning speech to the UN in which Kennedy calls for the complete abolition of the military industrial complex. These same men the military industrial complex, ripped him from us, and the darkest features of our history since that time are all directly the result of his murder.
What will happen when the American people, and those of other Western nations, emerge from their cocoon of denial and face the reality that their rulers are among the worst criminals in human history?
Will the people follow their leaders’ example and lapse into lawless, psychopathic behavior? Will Western leaders “flee forward” by launching wars designed to conceal the bloody tracks linking them to past misdeeds? Or will the pathocracy be overthrown and replaced by something more humane?
On such questions hinges the future of humanity. Given the high stakes, you would have to be crazy not to help spread the truth, change the system, and save the planet.
From: Conspiracy Theories: Scavenging For Truth
Further Information:
Evidence of Revision is a 9 hour long documentary series whose purpose is to present the publicly unavailable and even suppressed historical audio, video, and film recordings largely unseen by the American public relating to the assassination of the Kennedy brothers.
It also details t he little known classified Black Ops actually used to intentionally create the massive war in Viet Nam, the CIA “mind control” programs and their involvement in the RFK assassination and the Jonestown massacre and other important truths of our post-modern time.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2274366
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 07:18:18 +0000 From: "NewsHawk Inc." Reply-To: jaq@saber.net Organization: NewsHawk Inc. X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Evidence-JFK Jr, Bessettes Murdered X-Priority: 1 (Highest) Status:
Evidence-JFK Jr, Bessettes Victims of Foul Play 8.2.99
Dear Recipients(s)-- Here is the complete series of NewsHawk's press releases, updates, bulletins and forwards on the JFK Jr. plane crash, as of Friday July 30, 1999.
Perhaps, in light of The Martha's Vineyard Times interview with Victor Pribanic, for example, who heard an AIRBORNE EXPLOSION at the time JFK Jr.'s plane "went missing", and the other eyewitnesses who both heard AND saw an explosion in the sky as explained below--you will for the sake of all take a non-prejudicial look at the package of information included herein on the GREAT NUMBER of unexplained factors regarding the tragic crash which SERIOUSLY conflict with what has up until now been saturating the mass media.
Especially noteworthy also is the fact that Catherine Crier of FOX-TV reported on The Crier Report that Kennedy had been set to meet with high-ranking Israeli and Mossad officials in his ongoing pursuit of further information for his ongoing expose of the Rabin assassination. George magazine had ALREADY published a 13 page article on the conspiracy behind RABIN'S murder involving Israeli Secret service (Shabak).
THE BIG POINT The one TREMENDOUSLY important fact is that Kennedy radioed the Martha's Vineyard airport at 9:39 PM; indicating his position, location and trajectory; indicating a smooth flight in every imaginable sense of the word; indicating a calm, collected and completely "in control" state of mind on his part and complete command of his craft. This vital fact is made note of in a UPI press report datelined July 17, Aquinnah, (Martha's Vineyard, Mass. The UPI article refers to both WCVB-TV Boston and ABC News (national) as having also reported this crucial information.
SECONDS LATER, according to radar returns this craft was plunging toward the ocean LIKE A ROCK; at the rate of 100 ft. per second. Again, this radio call was made AFTER the time investigators are now claiming Kennedy's flight was in serious trouble… according to their conveniently and "recently discovered" phony radar evidence. The UNQUESTIONABLE fact of the time of Kennedy's radio contact INVALIDATES COMPLETELY all such claims of distress being shown on radar by Kennedy's plane.
WCVB-TV Boston, ABC News and the July 17 UPI article all report this CRITICALLY IMPORTANT fact.
ALL MENTION of this CRITICALLY IMPORTANT radio contact as subsequently REMOVED from news accounts of the tragedy by SUNDAY MORNING, July 18.
It was not until July 19/20 that some "newly discovered" radar data supposedly showed Kennedy's plane executing unusual maneuvers and indicating definite signs of difficulties such as losing altitude… WELL BEFORE 9:39 PM.
Yet the TRUTH is Kennedy DID radio the airport at the time stated in the ORIGINAL news release from UPI. NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH HIS CRAFT OR HIS CAPABILITIES AS A PILOT AT THE TIME OF THIS CALL!!
Therefore this newly discovered radar "evidence" is clearly and provably false information proffered for malicious intent to implement a COVER-UP of the true facts concerning the cause of the crash.
MANY other points of evidence as brought up in our series of articles SUPPORT this most IMPORTANT fact. There was nothing wrong with his plane or his skills as a pilot, nothing to indicate trouble of any kind just seconds before the plane was BLOWN OUT OF THE SKY!!
PLEASE help in getting these tremendously important facts to the American public.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2274376>>2274414 >>2274536 >>2279067
Another, and one of the most important…CONNECTING Q DROPS TO R/JFK JR…that's what I've been posting mainly…if I had to boil it down….
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2274414
Yes that too, good call.
I'll check out what you've posted so far.
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2274424
Q was gone for 20 days from July 4th. Returned July 24th
Jonah was gone for 3 days in the belly of the whale
Q was gone for just nearly 3 weeks in the belly of the whale, one day from 21.
What else is 1 away from Q? R
And on the other side of Q is P
The killbox around Q is P and R …[ PQR ]
Did we ever find out what was P?
Lets assume Jonah is Q
“For as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be to this [‘evil and adulterous’] generation…The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgement with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold something greater than Jonah is here” (Luke 11:30-32, c.f. Matthew 12:39).
"and Behold Something greater than Jonah (Q) is here"
Q and R are always pointing to EXPAND
Save the best for last.
The best is after P and Q … R
▶ c61d5d (4) No.2274444>>2274588 >>2274775
This section is really turning in to a "cult" by simply ignoring the self-discrediting R did to himself.
He has suckered a few into letting him effectively use Q and /qresearch/. for his playground
The superlative phrases and liberal use of BOLD attempt to draw people away from other topics towards his. Only the comatose and brain-impaired seem to be gullible enough to accept some pretty weak theories.
Sawa one exchange where the seriously discussed it was an insurance scam but failed to make the next logical jump. If i was, he committed a crime, exposed upon his return.
Have they thought through the reactions of people who truly cared anwould feel betrayed by the death deception.
Example - How would you feel if your mother/father faked their death. left you mourning then just popped back to life.
Certainly would be some mixed emotions to say the least.
He could have just vanished and not caused the tangible anguish - it would simple be a mystery rather than a tragedy. I can think of multiple alternatives he could have chosen that wouldn't have caused so much anguish. to people he cared about.
LARP on R!!
PT Barnum opined about "suckers born every minute".
Logical thinking takes a back seat to "wishful thinking"
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2274482
Operation Q expands to R
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2274536
Like what I saw anon.
Good posts.
I also remember that the last bread had a lot of really good posts about the Crown, about expanding our thinking in general, etc.
Lot of knowledge in that bread.
I wanna see if the other breads have the same.
Hopefully I have to energy for it tomorrow.
Till then I'm lurking.
I think we already have enough drops and directives to carry things from here.
▶ 26528a (4) No.2274566
Well, in the meantime enjoy this nice meme. I didn't make it.
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2274587
IN NO WAY AM I DOUBTING THE VERY REAL POSSIBILITY THAT JFK JR IS ALIVE, only if R is really him. disinfo is necessary.
My discernment strongly believes that jr is smart enough to know he'd be killed, but i'm just not feeling that he'd be the one posting here. I feel like he'd have important things to do, like raising his family and enjoying life like his father and uncle couldn't. And studying, writing manifestos, traveling the world, becoming a shao-lin master or some equally good shit.
posted this in the last bread:
on GMN's facebook, in photos, click the flaming R, in the comments (July 9th) someone asks "are you R" GMN replies "yes".
On July 16th at 12:16 am GMN posts this-
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2274588
Nothing is irrelevant anon
Nothing can totally slide Q at this point
Use logic
▶ e996cd (42) No.2274619
These are the ones from 7/22. An anon made this graphic.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2274629>>2274714 >>2274722
I linked to all the R posts since Sunday here. Reminder that R started posting 17 days after Q's silence! It can't be coincidence!
▶ 5cc3a9 (12) No.2274714
It'll be interesting to see if R stops now that Q started again.
In order to keep the community together.
We already have 'more than we need'™
What's the point of the R drops - I had to ask myself this.
What's the info for?
What are the hints for?
You guys have ideas?
Mine was that our simple goal is to spread the idea that JFK Jr. might still be alive, and the drops will help us prove this to skeptical people. The pictures help, the drops can be used to dig up info that will help, etc.
These breads are crazily slid by shills, so it's tough, but keeping this post in mind I think we can dig and create with a purpose.
I've noticed that even bringing up R on the Q general gets met with hostility. It's like an awakening within an awakening. Normies hate hearing about Q, and Q people hate hearing about R, and so on.
Anyways just think on it.
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2274722>>2274885
"Silence is Golden"
Notice & make connections between the number of days Q has been silent.
We will find the gold
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2274775
▶ 650ea6 (7) No.2274821>>2274830 >>2274914
Fon Du Loc is where N529JK landed today. Fon Du Loc Wisconsin is located at the Foot of Lake Winnebago.
The Winnebago were an American indian tribe that called themselves "Ho-Chunk" or "People with the Big Voice".
Winnebago translates also to "People of the Filthy Water".
That plane could have landed anywhere, but it lands HERE?
▶ 999547 (2) No.2274830
Alliance meeting…
▶ faf698 (38) No.2274854
Yup. All these sites have gone down. BUT I found all the pages at archive.org. Fucking fools these people are who try and hide this shit because (what Q says all the time!):
a) by knocking the sites off or taking them down they broadcast that they ARE important.
b) When they do this (taking the sites offline) they bring attention to the information (same as 'a' above but said differently)
c) See 'a' and 'b' above!
Makes people like me more determined to get this stuff out to the people.
These pages will be posted on my private (paid for) site TONIGHT later this morning and I will post the links when finished.
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2274856
The greatest threat to the Deep State now is the chance of R (JFK jr) going public
That would throw everything to hell and rally the remaining dems to potus
That's the deal with all the shills in the General threads along with muh R is dumb memes everywhere
Trying to divide the Q community by pushing - muh R is dumb
All the while pointing to the smart anons that R should be listened to
Filter shills by their level of closed logic.
Its their last chance to stop this anon freight train and it seems to be working against them
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2274885>>2275261
Not only have we entered the 20th YEAR of JFK JR in the [ ], (basically been "silent" this whole time, at least BEHIND THE SCENES) we NOW know WHAT makes this "silence"
Also interesting to note (from another anon) that it's been [20] DAYS OF SILENCE FROM Q -- so there is the DOUBLE MEANING…and having "silence" allowed US TO HEAR SOMETHING DIFFERENT…but complimentary.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2274889
▶ e996cd (42) No.2274892
▶ faf698 (38) No.2274896
Very cool! Will check the video out.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2274914>>2274990
ha, ha
▶ 650ea6 (7) No.2274990>>2275140 >>2279711
This might be worth a planefag following. What if whoever is flying the plane is communicating to us by where it flies over and lands?
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275113>>2275193
“I could see past present and future all at the same time.”
I think they figured it out.
Explains some weird timing happening lately.
Another thought.
Was the entire human history written in Adam?
Look at Revelation 12:17.
Testimony means witness and has the same root meaning as testicles. DNA?
In light of that, read the entire chapter Rev.12.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2275140
Again, mind boggling planning going into this reveal!
Must be quite an incredible feeling to know that the movements of your plane are being put under a microscope while you go about your business!
▶ faf698 (38) No.2275193>>2275566 >>2275625
Adam spelt backwards is Mada - Make America Dream Again.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275261>>2275573
7/16 was 19 years since plane crash.
Q posted July 4 and July 24.
How many days silent?
19 Days
Silence is golden
19 years
19 days silent
19 years silent
19 days silent
19 years silent
▶ e996cd (42) No.2275565>>2275643 >>2279195
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275566
Feels like we’re already dreaming. lol!
▶ e996cd (42) No.2275573>>2275766 >>2276186 >>2279195
You are on the right path, anon.
Think mirror.
▶ b11823 (5) No.2275615
scrolling down thru posts a bit of information on N529JK is revealed. mentions in 2014 the partnership still had 3 of the original owners...
▶ e996cd (42) No.2275625>>2275679 >>2275702 >>2275716 >>2275777 >>2275828 >>2279195
Again, think mirror anon.
Mirror the d.
The deeper we go, the more unbelievable it all becomes.
Fantasy land.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275643
18 = 6+
326 = 11/22
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2275679
Maab means “beautiful place of return”, a good place or person that we love and always return to. The Quran uses it to refer to Paradise, since it is the place that the good believers will return to after their death.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275702
Because I’m not scared to think at this point of course.
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2275716
Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: The first thing which Allah created was the Pen. He commanded it to write. It asked: What should I write? He said: Write the Decree (al-Qadr, the fate of all things). So it wrote what had happened and what was going to happen up to eternity.
▶ d84098 (6) No.2275732>>2275813
Just watched this video… Good fucking grief man. that was AMAZING. Where can I get more?
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275766
Rorr I’m knight
Spin the wheel.
“Oh, look who it landed on.”
“Draw lots.”
“What card did you draw 13?”
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275776
I have a feeling that ship is sinking as we speak.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2275777>>2275801
There are so many ways to look at this it becomes a bit too much at times. Mind gets overwhelmed.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275801
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275813
Thank you, will do.
Feeling the love creep back into our hearts.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275828>>2275861 >>2275900 >>2275906
By the way nice troll on May 30 news story.
Journalist faked death.
Proves how the news goes right over our heads.
Offfff course we’re not sheep.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275861
Coincidence # 85,000
May 30 to July 17 (N529JK goes up) = 48 Days
+ 7 Days To Q post on July 24 = a total of 55 days.
Nothing to see here
▶ e996cd (42) No.2275900>>2275912 >>2275920 >>2279195
I am not Q.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275906
As a matter of fact since 2010 I suspect the signs have been their the whole time. Our whole lives. Our eyes were simply closed to seeing it.
I get, “This is much bigger than we can imagine.”
Where are we?
Really where are we?
▶ faf698 (38) No.2275912>>2275929
Understood. Both of you have different writing styles.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275920
I’m suspicious you would have to clarify that.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2275929>>2275948 >>2275967 >>2276042 >>2279195
I am not JFK, Jr.
Dropped crumbs in R research provide proofs.
Find the proofs.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275948>>2275959 >>2275968
Then why would your first post as “R” speak as if JFK Jr. with a photo of him and Trump?
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2275959>>2275975
Did you post on 6/23 as R? 9:14:55
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2275967
>on GMN's facebook, in photos, click the flaming R, in the comments (July 9th) someone asks "are you R" GMN replies "yes".
▶ e996cd (42) No.2275968>>2276018 >>2279195
Disinformation is necessary.
Needed eyes on.
Need patriots to know the truth of what happened.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2275975>>2276072 >>2279195
Autists need to compile graphics.
▶ d84098 (6) No.2275985>>2276017
Lawfags…This is the source for that Killer video posted in this bread.
▶ 4f4715 (8) No.2276014>>2276094 >>2276806
The original R post had unique hash ID.
Since then several opportunists have hopped in and pretended to be R.
Focus on the R post w black and white Trump picture.
Q will confirm or deny that R post.
Many Q posts pointing to that R post.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276017>>2276107 >>2279195
Law drop was misdirection.
Apologies, patriots.
Disinformation is necessary.
Message not meant for anons.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2276018
What happened seems like 2+2.
What do you mean “What happened.”
When and to whom?
You’re losing me here.
“Need” patriots to know?
Need to know what we are talking about here as in orientation.
How the fck does one “gather proofs” if you don’t know up from down?
You’re kidding right?
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2276042>>2276085
are you George Nasif?
▶ d84098 (6) No.2276058
More Lawfag stuff based on Admiralty law. This is worth your time Anons… I promise you.
▶ 4f4715 (8) No.2276064
I believe current R posting is an opportunist and not the JFK JR R who posted the resonating 1909 post.
There have been many excellent research outcomes. Don't give up because clowns, shills and larpers are muddying the water.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2276072>>2276115
Only problem with this is that one has to have a high level of discernment to do this - get all the R posts and compile graphics. Without a tripcode it becomes a difficult undertaking.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276085>>2276132 >>2279195
Q post 529:
"Hello George".
Future proves past.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2276094
Every time a new bread is baked and one posts into that bread your # tag will be different from when you posted in the prior bread. Makes for true anonymity but a pain in the ass to keep track of those who have posted good drops.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2276107>>2276125
If ever “Shoot yourself in the foot” was appropriate it’s now.
6/23 post disinformation
Law post disinformation
Gather proofs?
Why, so we can get all worked up and you tell us, “sorry, that was disinformation?”
Nothing about what you’ve said in the past hour is edible.
“You don’t know up from down, now go gather proofs.”
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2276115
Which ones are disinformation?
Good luck.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276125>>2276189 >>2279195
Where are the autists?
Crumbs being lost.
Search breads for crumbs.
Signature was left.
New eyes coming.
Proofs being lost.
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2276132>>2276153
MSM Lost Slave Grip
13 Jan 2018 - 9:16:59 PM
MSM coming - BIG WAY.
We see all.
We hear all.
CONSPIRACY push coming.
13 Jan 2018 - 8:59:16 PM
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276153>>2276174
Excellent work, anon.
Who is George Nasif?
▶ 4f4715 (8) No.2276173>>2276214 >>2280409
Current "R" does not have same voice or vibe as JFK JR R. Current R is trying to write like Q but is not Q. We will be beset by opportunists until Q confirms JFK JR who is then tripcoded.
If Q calls JFK JR R fake, we should save all the good research. Remember all the amazing evidence uncovered. Expect a magical outing, but that post not made by JFK JR if Q says fake.
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2276174
a singer and some sort of I.T. guy of Lebanese- American descent?
▶ 2efb80 (1) No.2276186
19 mirror = 91 = 9/11
▶ faf698 (38) No.2276189>>2276214
Its difficult to get anons to do something without giving them something like a tripcode and confirmation through POTUS tweets. The problem is many fold…
a) Clowns on here to distract (shills dipshits, etc)
b) You have no tripcode so if you post with just R signature so can others
c) You say that disinfo is necessary - that can work both ways. Clowns (shills, etc) can post legitimate looking crumbs by watching your writing style and copying. Makes our work that much harder to do.
d) That leads to being afraid(?) of getting taken for a ride (again, as has happened throughout our lives by those in positions of power/authority/respect, etc) or refusing to get taken for a ride.
Its a conundrum that a few of us are willing to deal with.
The younger anons may get very angry and frustrated at this though hence the shit posting.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276214>>2276333 >>2276364 >>2279195
JFK JR anon post written from perspective of Rothschilds.
Not Kennedys.
C_A disinfo.
Learn to read the MAP.
MAP points to R.
Do you believe in coincidences?
▶ aa309a (3) No.2276216>>2276243 >>2276268 >>2276302
Anons, Look at their ID. It's e996cd. Ctrl+F that ID and look at all their posts. Whoever is posting in here as R is a simple anon larping. Who knows about the original post, but think and look ath the identity of this poster.
Be the autists we know you are. Discern.
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2276243
damn, thank you, didn't know how to do that.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2276268
This is what I am talking about. Some fucking LARP doing this shit because he can. Thanks for pointing this out. Will ignore this one from now on.
▶ d84098 (6) No.2276295
more legal stuff… the ride never ends… This vid has stuff about occult symbolism and child sacrifice and the pope… Straight up out of Qanon posts. i dont know what to think but this may be the "Deeper" that Q is talking about.
▶ d84098 (6) No.2276302>>2276329 >>2276332
look at the little > in the upper right of their posts. You can then block them. Its easy and fun.
▶ aa309a (3) No.2276329>>2276352
You can. And you'll notice that blocking one ID blocks R, a critic of R, a person reminding everyone that R was hashed and revealed as a LARP, a person posting the same memes in the picture of the hashed R revealed as a LARP, a person mocking R believers, a person adding fire on the R posts, etc.
All one dude, who either doesn't know how the chans work and that we can clearly see it's all him. Or someone who's showing people here how gullible they are.
Either way. be careful who you follow, anons. At least do the minimal amount of making something pass the smell test.
▶ 071d40 (10) No.2276332
live and learn, thanQ
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2276333
No, I don’t believe in fckng coincidences.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276352>>2276373
This anon gets it.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2276364>>2276374
R is JFK Jr
R = E
RR = EE = 55
JFKJR = 55
There are 100 proofs in these 7 breads at least.
Lost count since April 3.
Do we believe in coincidences?
Uh, no, there are no coincidences.
What’s the police code for 10-98?
1 of a thousand bullseyes.
▶ aa309a (3) No.2276373>>2276379 >>2280467
Please play nice with your fellow anons, e9. Causing earnest people to stumble isn't helpful to our goals here.
But I do hope people are learning.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276374
It all makes sense now
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276379
Q is our only common goal, anon.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2276510>>2276587
Now that that fucker has been outed look how quiet it has become!
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276587
Watch it start back up again tomorrow like nothing happened.
As soon as they clock in for their shift.
This is a clown show, if you know what I mean.
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2276609>>2276627
Someone please compile all the R drops again! so much gold!!
Keep digging!!
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276627>>2276751
I got you, anon.
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2276751>>2277106
▶ c6c64d (14) No.2276806
▶ e996cd (42) No.2276973
TOP KEK I was able to get 8 breads out of you fuckers by being Ranon.
I didn't even try to hide it.
Be careful who you follow.
▶ faf698 (38) No.2277106
Yup. Just did the same thing when he responded to my 'quiet' post.
▶ e996cd (42) No.2277208>>2278586
Bet you feel pretty dumb.
Should have listened to the good anons who told you not to trust anyone without a tripcode.
▶ 400a9a (1) No.2277252
When referring to the Old Guard, such as Queen's men? Rogers Rangers, Mosby's Rangers, Scots Dragoon Guards (GREYS)…
If so, is that what is infiltrating our Geo-polotical atmosphere? spy networks acting as the deep states tenticals in each level of government
Abraham Lincoln - assassinated (One of plotters was one Mosby's men)
Andrew Johnson - Mass Pardons for grey coats
Ulysses S. Grant - Pardons people who plotted in the Assassination of Lincoln and grey coats or "Greys"
This looks like an infiltration plot from other countries, if true. Possibly starting as far back as Andrew Johnson?
I wonder, as POTUS was projected to have been rude (MSM Narrative) to the 90 something year old lady by stopping in front of her (normal because they pass together while inspecting the soldiers) and he actually looked at the guards. The media made it look like he was crazy and didn't know what he was doing but reality should kick in, he has done this before with other leaders and it is custom. He knew what he was doing as this is done all over the place for leaders of nations.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2277260
I told them many times that R was a LARP. But nobody is gonna listen here anyway.
▶ 945b95 (1) No.2277329
Fake Ranon. That was some funny stuff
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2277334
Maybe Nasif and R are the disinformation which is necessary for us to dig this JFK Jr route. Obviously there is enough here to be a valid lead.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2277629>>2279377
is the server the sea? If you drink water, do you have more than you know?
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2278215
Don't let this become EyeTheSpy 2.0. Make the connections if you see them but don't automatically gulp everything.
▶ ff0452 (1) No.2278491
Vincent fuchsa. = conquering purple. What colours were the clintons wearing on election night?
Royals wear purple also.>>2267106
▶ d0ede7 (1) No.2278586
You are the dumbass that has 42 post in R, you are the one who posts more here. The funny thing is that you might believe you are doing something important, while you only look stupid… Bye shillicia.
▶ 0a334f (1) No.2278631>>2278675
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The original R post was interesting and worth digging, but somehow things got focused on this guy, with "proofs" that he may be JFK Jr. being posted around on 8 chan, Twitter, and other websites, wasting time while discrediting and distracting from other research, IMHO. Does the VF guy in the video sound at all like JJ? No. Is riding around in the van doing interviews something JJ would do if he were alive? Seriously unlikely.
VF's arrest in 2012 is mentioned here: https://patch.com/pennsylvania/foresthills-regentsquare/forest-hills-police-arrest-pizza-hut-theft-suspect-qu11322f3016
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2278675>>2279973
It's already been established that this guy is not the same as the one at the rallies. Expand your thinking and read all the posts.
▶ b3d612 (5) No.2279067
from LB
>>2253534 Side by sides of the 2 Vincents, 2 CBK
>>2248795 >>2259185 Vincent Fusca Emmet Kelly Connection
>>2261773 Q proofs for Kelly and Plane OP
>>2251796 a complied list of notables
>>2252502 >>2252544 >>2252565 Anons expanded thinking
Not all are mine, so there may be some repeats with some other anons lists. (TY Baker!!)
If you agree that they are notable please add.
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2279123
I'm thinking that the woman standing next to Jr at the Ohio rally might be CBK's mom, not normies wife as I initially speculated
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279150
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279195
Confirming previous posts.
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2279219>>2279248
Nasif means Judge. This was a recent post on Nasif's twat page. Water is mentioned. Water is also mention as to where all our info is stored. watch the water says Q. Stream of thought but we need to dig.
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279248>>2279279 >>2279359 >>2279446
More intel can be dropped on twitter page.
Discussion here is monitored.
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2279279
I'm on it R but this is way outta my wheel house. I'm more of a spiritual fag, not a political/law/etc fag. Some help here anons
▶ b3d612 (5) No.2279359>>2279446
Think Twitter.
Those awake see.
Those asleep blind.
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2279377>>2279445
The whole story, Past present and future was found in someone’s DNA. (?) Jesus said, The life is in the blood.
“We have the server.”
“We have it all.”
We’re watching a movie.
What we see in the news is massive piles of metaphor.
See graphic
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2279445>>2279859
I was just talking to a friend about how the days feel shortened increasingly!
I mean If you can store data in water … from sea to shining sea, watch the water, etc …
the server is the sea and we have drunk the data we are 90% water hence "we have more than we know"
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279446>>2279458
George Nasif on twitter.
Hello, George.
Intel dropping there soon.
▶ 1efed3 (4) No.2279585>>2279633
go away now please. thank you :) dig pray meme. there is place for you. just not here
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2279625
July 25, 2018
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2279629
yes, it has aliens, yes, it sounded good
sorry, not going to actively participate in this anymore. no hard feelings
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2279633
Dis-info necessary?
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2279651
▶ 0e9299 (6) No.2279658
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279667>>2279684 >>2279693 >>2279700 >>2279701 >>2279877
Let's take it to twitter.
Black hats monitoring this board.
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2279684
Q just posted there is only Q
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2279700
Your time is over. Please proceed to Twatter or leave the board.
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2279701
Charles Moore, that would be enough, thank you
▶ fb3bfd (1) No.2279705>>2279782
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2279711>>2279736
I've sent out multiple requests for a PLANEFAG:
DEC 5TH Q DROPS contain 3 FLYS:
#FLYAL# - W(itness) P(rotection) Name
+FLY+ - R (JFK JR)
Need to see EXACTLY where this plane went on DEC 5th, 2017!
Look at X Drop for WITNESS PROTECTION CLUE (see graphic)
▶ 2e5bb3 (3) No.2279719>>2279740 >>2279754
you might want to copy all of this to a new board if you want to keep it. Q has affirmed there is no R, so if you want to keep investigating it, you will have to make a new board i think.
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279736>>2279813 >>2279881
George M Nasif on twitter can give more intel.
▶ e17763 (1) No.2279740>>2279791
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2279754>>2279791
yep, it's time to pack it up.
remember, truth is like a lion…
▶ 2e5bb3 (3) No.2279791>>2279906
i mean im open to all digs, but i think most anons want it gone…. the breads will be deleted soons
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2279813
Sooo happy that JFK JR (YOU) ARE ALIVE!!!!!
What an amazing JOURNEY….just think Anons….we're talking to JFK JR (under the radar - pun intended) while we can…cuz once this BREAKS, MILLIONS will be watching!!!
▶ 34f5ef (4) No.2279824
you failed again, deep state. We always knew this was just you goons in these threads talking to yourselves.
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279832>>2279854 >>2279881
BV's have allowed this bread to operate.
BV's know that
This is a legitimate source speaking to you.
Why do patriots want to shut down free speech?
Good information has been exposed here.
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2279854
Agreed good info has been exposed and it has led to some really great digs BUT not Q authorized
▶ 2dfc3e (27) No.2279859
I can agree.
In Genesis it says the spirit of God strive upon the waters…
Spirit = Breath
And with breath comes that which created all things. WORDS
Water = The Word
“We have the server”
“We have it ALL.”
The whole story
Past, present, and future.
From beginning to the (end?)
Release the video?
“Be careful what you ask for.” - Q
Where We Go One We Go All
▶ 34f5ef (4) No.2279877
black hats ARE this board
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2279881>>2279913
>George M Nasif
Dude. We get it already. You are R, I have seen your Twatter and your nonsense you spit around there, including doubting Q's authenticity ( I still have the link to the tweet + archive, so don't even dare to delete it) even though Q verifies his old tripcodes always. Q called you out. You are a LARP.
Whether or not good or bad info has been dug here. In fact, it was the work of the anons here and not yours. Respect them for what they did.
This is the end of the line. I am sorry.
▶ a8d798 (10) No.2279906
LARP+nuggets of truth.
Anyone fighting over this is not on anyone's side.
It was a nice run, though.
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279913>>2279929
Patriots will fight.
We will continue to drop our intel here as long as BV allows it.
All alphabet anons are valid.
Our message is too important to be lost.
▶ 2e5bb3 (3) No.2279929>>2279949
if you want success now 'R' you should stop signing your posts as "R". just drop what you have and let the information stand for itsself
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2279949>>2279963 >>2281818
Agreed. Just be an anon, not a movement
▶ d236ae (8) No.2279953
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279963>>2280041
Highest level of CLAS information needs to be discovered open source.
I am here to guide.
BV wills it.
▶ 31afe6 (2) No.2279973>>2280082
Thanks for putting in the Elvis sightings as requested!
I think you can all carry on from here. Either you trust the plan or you don't.
Let me be done with it.
favs from thread.
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2279983>>2280000 >>2280041
We will build our following.
We will drop our intel.
There will be two anons from 8ch.
BV wills it.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2279993>>2280001 >>2280041 >>2280111 >>2280928 >>2281445
Anon asked if real or fake? Q has used FAKE before…why not now?
R could be PART OF Q TEAM…which would make him LEGIT…if read that way, yes?
WE KNOW THERE ARE HELPER ANONS ON THIS BOARD…pointing to good intel…X is a perfect example. THEY ARE A PART OF Q TEAM…so yes, would still be CORRECT in terms of the recent Q DROP!
▶ 34f5ef (4) No.2280000>>2280015 >>2280025
Like all deep state ops, your M.O. is to double down when caught.
▶ d236ae (8) No.2280001>>2280085
▶ a237c8 (7) No.2280025
Those are some fine digits you have there.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2280041>>2280086
It's time to stop. You can continue dropping any valuable information as anon or you can leave this board. If this won't stop, I might as well try to contact BO directly. You can see this as censorship, but remember, after what Q said and after I saw how many people fall for Rlarp, I see it justified to have you banned if you keep annoying the real patriots here. Last warning.
Don't even try to make this fit your nonsense. Q was very specific on the question. You are free to leave the board.
▶ 31afe6 (2) No.2280082
in other words who had a hi rez image to upload in the first place? Who is photo-shopped into this image?
Rev? Got some explaining for us?
favs posts from thread.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2280085>>2280139 >>2280193
I'm a regular anon….been here since January….seen many HELPER ANONS on this board…R is another one….
Q has said "disinfo" is necessary….I'm staying OPEN to all possibilities until the THING BLOWS WIDE OPEN…
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2280086>>2280277 >>2280947
BO has condoned the thread since intel was first dropped in June.
BO and BVs have information that you do not.
Biggest intel drop in the history of the world
Will come from
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280111
there are only 17
▶ acc47b (8) No.2280116>>2280237 >>2280277
So 8ch not free speech after all. Me mad.
▶ d236ae (8) No.2280139
You go right ahead then just understand you are digging where you won't find anything. R is a LARP.
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2280193
Ok, there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of anons here now. Some of us should see where this R and all the alphabet anons go and keep digging. Ya never know where your digs might lead. Also, this board is less crowded and more interesting.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280199>>2280251 >>2280277 >>2280762
There is only Q
Q = R = Q
So this statement is true!
he did not say anything about R!
he did not deny he implied they are one
▶ 1146bd (12) No.2280237>>2280251 >>2280514 >>2280556
Make no mistake.
Ranon from 8ch will be known across the world.
This is just the beginning.
We have BV on our side.
Those who believe in me will go down in history as those who helped bring the world to freedom.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2280277
You are free to leave the board. So far, no one has abondened your free spech. Q has called R out. And we, anons, react to it. That's also free speech and my inherent right to do so. If the majority is actually in favor of deleting R breads, then so shall it be.
Did you know? I am the Easter Bunny. Also, bad attempt on b8ing.
Actually he did not. I am pretty sure, if R was somehow related or real, Q would be a lot more specific than that. If we talk about predicative logic, let me give you a lesson:
There is only Q.
In predicative logic (first-order logic):
Q = Q.
Not anything different. Or else, he could have said that Q is R and R is Q, which he did not. Thus, fail!
▶ acc47b (8) No.2280391>>2280529
R and Q deals with separate issues. R on JFK.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2280409
And Q didn't. They said: THERE IS ONLY Q.
Could have said FAKE. But didn't. Q drop could actually be CONFIRMING THAT R IS PART OF Q TEAM.
Too many Q drops pointing to it.
I'm still OPEN until all of this BLOWS WIDE OPEN. Time will tell.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280413>>2280438 >>2280460 >>2280529
mathematically impossible!
Q says one sentence that did not even answer the question (open for interpenetration)
Q wan'ts you R haters off of this and maybe he wan'ts us off this for now … maybe he wan'ts this to drop down low for the mean time …?
mathematically impossible!!!
I trust Q!
I believe R is Q and there is only Q cause they are the same!
Q wan'ts this to not blow up yet? fine by me!
the last boom it will be…
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2280438>>2280496
Stop it, Georgie. Changing IPs won't help you. ;)
▶ 5b2114 (1) No.2280452
If Q affirms R, then I'm in. Until then, I'm out.
▶ d236ae (8) No.2280460>>2280523 >>2280533
The seven stages of shill grief (when a plan falls apart)
1. SHOCK & DENIAL ==(You are here)==
6. RECONSTRUCTION & WORKING THROUGH (AKA that moment before the rope)
7. ACCEPTANCE & HOPE (AKA that moment just before the lever is pulled)
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2280467
LOL…I blocked that anon OUT in the beginning of the bread…looks like (since I can't see their LAME posts) they went from SHILLING to trying signing their posts with R…lol…
▶ 800e54 (7) No.2280487>>2280533
=Let's recap==:
Original post.
Original post admitted as larp by poster with (you) grab proof, mocks anons for believing him.
Follow up posts.
Follow up posts outed as larp by the simplest of investigation.
Follow up poster admits as larp, mocks anons for believing him.
Poster immediately hops IPs and begins larping again (people still following him for some reason).
Q posts "THERE IS ONLY Q" when asked if R is legit.
R larper continues, suggesting BO is cool with him.
BO shuts this down and bans R larper from main thread.
R larper continues, suggesting R is somehow still true, and that Twitter is more secure than the chans.
At this point, anyone still following R does not have the critical thinking asked of us here.
The laRper should be ashamed and frightened for what he's doing to actively subvert this movement against the leader of the free world and the overthrow of entrenched evil.
Q is aware of you. Want to continue poking the lion, mocking, and misleading anons?
You are not as anon as you think. None of us are.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280496
LOL your such a twat it's dumd
▶ 800e54 (7) No.2280514
BV shot you down explicitly. You are defeated. You had plausible deniability up until this morning.
But now Q is aware of you and has warned anons of you.
Want to keep poking him? Want to make the white hats your enemy?
That's on you.
I'd recommend going in peace, personally. But that's just me.
▶ 622b2c (1) No.2280515>>2280612 >>2280634
Why are you so worried about the possibility that JFK, Jr. is behind all of this?
Why are you so scared?
Nobody can disprove the possibilties posed here, and until someone does, we shall maintain our hope and we shall keep digging.
Remember, White Hat Anons, prior to the November 8, 2016, miracle, nobody ever, ever thought that "she" would lose.
So spare us your doubt, nay-saying, negativity, and ignorant bullshit.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280523>>2285441
dude I'm quite happy … this board was getting waaay too negative!
R is done for now (message seeded)
Q want's focus of this for now …
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280529>>2280563 >>2280649
I am not Q.
I am not JFK Jr.
Hello George.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2280533
Spot on, anon.
This. Even funnier is the point that people who knew that R was a LARP from right the moment the hashes were posted, they all acted like 'muh critical think. Now Q has finally clarified the case and all of a sudden that critical thinking is not so valuable anymore, eh?
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280548>>2280558 >>2280563
BV will not delete thread because he knows who I am.
BO will not delete thread because he knows who I am.
Anons do not know who I am (yet).
We must dig on the photograph.
Open source.
Biggest intel drop in the history of the world.
Sanctioned by BV.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2280556
and here is the problem…
>>Those who believe in me …
It was always about the movement, about liberty not about one man. ADIOS
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280558>>2280563
BV will not delete thread because he knows who I am.
BO will not delete thread because he knows who I am.
Anons do not know who I am (yet).
We must dig on the photograph.
Open source.
Biggest intel drop in the history of the world.
Sanctioned by BV.
▶ d236ae (8) No.2280559>>2280563 >>2280622
Alright guys time to bury this so people are not misguided any longer.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2280563
I am the Easter Bunny.
Thank you.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280612
▶ b77d6b (3) No.2280622
As a fellow anon to R anons
Let it go!
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280634>>2280698
I am not JFK Jr.
I am not working with JFK Jr.
C_A disinfo.
"George" has it.
▶ acc47b (8) No.2280649
You are not giving us anything with this. You had your chance. Hello, goodbye.
▶ bd38a6 (3) No.2280652>>2280689 >>2280724 >>2280956 >>2280965
Bumplocked. New threads will be deleted until this one is filled, further R threads will be bumplocked as well. Have a good day.
▶ 4f4715 (8) No.2280665>>2280920
The way the question was posed to Q was that R was a split in the movement, which was never true. Q responded by saying only Q. Q is a team. Q's posts pointed to JFK and JFK Jr.
Only question was if JFK JR was alive. If he is, he is part of the Q team and not a split in the movement.
So Q's answer does not preclude JFK Jr being a part of the team, whether from the astral or physical world.
We can let it go, remembering all the proofs, and Time Will Tell if JFK JR emerges as part of the Q team.
▶ 800e54 (7) No.2280689
Based BV <3
Very good on borders.
▶ acc47b (8) No.2280698
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280699>>2280741 >>2280940
first few R posts legit but no trip leaves it open to fake R posters and this was meant to happen so the orginal message got through and we make lots of connections then Q throws us and (((them))) off and this will come back when ready for now we wait!
JFKJR not dead …
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280724>>2280744
Why did BV turn on me.
We had an agreement to drop the intel.
We had a plan.
Keep trusting the plan, BV.
Don't stop the operation.
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280741
First R post was disinfo by C_A anon.
I am R.
I returned after 17 days of Q silence.
Do you believe in coincidences?
▶ bd38a6 (3) No.2280744>>2280778 >>2280956
Shekel for the good goy.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2280762
Could absolutely be a possibility….
And he could have….in fact, ANON ASKED FOR REAL OR FAKE….
Too many Q drops pointing to JFK JR/R…too many.
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280778
Fine, BV.
Just don't delete the thread.
Important information must be exposed.
MSM stories must come based on the contents of this thread.
Future proves past.
Ranon from 8ch will be known WW as the biggest intel drop in the history of the world.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280781
Q Just faked R's death for a second time! :D
▶ 800e54 (7) No.2280795>>2280827 >>2280834
You're fixing to unleash hell against yourself, anon. This is not the group you want to actively turn against you.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2280827>>2280897
so u have 3 laptops?
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280834>>2280891
I don't care if they turn against me.
I'll take one for the team.
My goal is to turn them against R.
▶ d84098 (6) No.2280838>>2280987
Heads up! Looks like we got our confirmation! It has been fun digging with you all and I REALLY learned a lot with the legal stuff. I still say, I learn more from red herrings and failure than I EVER do from being spoon fed answers… It has been an honor and a pleasure in this room and I hope to argue and shitpost with all of you again in the future! Than-Q for clarifying!
▶ acc47b (8) No.2280866>>2280887 >>2280894
Can anyone confirm the real R always did a "SEC TEST" before drops?
▶ 800e54 (7) No.2280887
There has never been a real R. Every stage of R posts has been outed by anons and bv/bo, and now Q.
▶ acc47b (8) No.2280891
You are the C_A.
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280894>>2280926 >>2280931 >>2280973
Can confirm.
Did one this morning.
▶ 800e54 (7) No.2280897
Not sure what you're implying there, anon.
▶ 4f4715 (8) No.2280919>>2281031
In the past, if something was fake or a larp, Q always typed "FAKE." Not so this time. I think his answer indicates there is no split in the movement.
In any case, if JFK JR does emerge physically alive on earth as part of the Q Team, none of us will be surprised.
I have posted since the beginning that the only R post that might be 'real' was the black and white Trump & JFK JR post. All the rest of the R posts were larpers. I didn't think that R post could be real because it had too many grammatical errors, but then I read that JFK JR didn't do well in school, so I thought maybe.
In any case I am content to drop this and won't be surprised if indeed JFK JR shows up as part of the Q Team. Q's posts most definitely point many times to JFK and JFK JR.
I hope somebody with good computer skills copies all the R threads just in case we get a surprise down the timeline. Lots of excellent research went on.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2280920
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280926>>2280954
IPs had to be changed.
BV didn't like exposure of the information that he was condoning this board.
We went too deep.
Attempting pullback by locking the thread for a short time.
As long as thread is not deleted we can trust the plan.
▶ f550bf (8) No.2280928>>2281044 >>2281045
Study the Q statement.
Words can deceive.
Disinformation is real.
If we’re honest we admit we don’t know up from down right now.
Buckle up
▶ a237c8 (7) No.2280931>>2280973
Can confirm?
Did one this morning?
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2280940
▶ c28734 (3) No.2280947>>2280996
BO retitled your first thread 'Discussion on the R larp'.
BO condoned your right to free speech by allowing it to remain.
We condemn your lies to us.
You've poisoned your own well. Over and over. Get out.
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280954
Board /rresearch/
Thread R research general on Q research general
Message spreading quickly.
Check twitter/YT analytics on Ranon.
Ranon from 8ch.
Coming soon to a theater near you.
▶ 1d44ad (18) No.2280956
▶ 32cd0d (1) No.2280965
What does that mean?
▶ a237c8 (7) No.2280973>>2281032
Now, I can not deny or confirm that you are who I think you are.
But here is the history of your hash.
What say you NOW, contrarian?
IP had to be changed, eh?
So why are you deliberately trying to sow discord between those who believe in R and those who do not, eh? EH?
Light steps now, my friend.
▶ b3d612 (5) No.2280987
agreed anon!
if we are REALLY gonna go there (like most of us have on here)
Red herrings, Disinfo all is a part of the whole- the TRUTH.
I love you all anons.
This was fun and informative- even if we got suckered.
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2280996>>2281018 >>2281240
Make no mistake.
BV continues to allow me my right to free speech on this board.
Soon we will be bigger than Q.
Ranon on YT.
Ranon on twitter.
See for yourself.
You can be part of our movement or against us.
BV will not delete this board.
Too important to origins of R movement.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2281004>>2281045 >>2281082 >>2281770
Anyone can be R
This was Q's intention
To get is seeded / digging / proving
To get the thought in the mind
then to throw off all the haters
and silence is golden
boom will happen later
IMHO only a few R posts have been Q team
no trip!
This is important the choice to believe will be yours!
Q kept it uncertain for a reason! just like what he has just done now! LOL look over here/there/behind you….
The heat is off of JJ the more mudy the water is and Q wants this (lol JJ funny mystery boy!)
▶ c28734 (3) No.2281018
>soon we will be bigger than Q
Please note that here you admit your intent to undermine and split the Q movement
I've been right about this being an expertly run CIA psyop all along then?
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2281031
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281032>>2281054 >>2281655
IP had to be changed.
I went too deep.
BV made a correction.
Not time to expose BV coordination.
▶ 4f4715 (8) No.2281034>>2281099
Everybody notice how Q dealt with this?
Kindly, politely, succinctly.
He did not curse, condemn, bemoan, belittle --
Q as always was a gentleman and addressed this in a clear kind manner.
If only all anons behaved like Q.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2281044
I'm with you anon….
All Good!
▶ b3d612 (5) No.2281045
agreed anons!
What a ride!!
▶ bd38a6 (3) No.2281054>>2281083
Expose away I could use a good chuckle.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2281082
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281083>>2281099 >>2281143 >>2281199 >>2281219 >>2283824 >>2284605
Message is not ready yet for anons.
BV and R preparing message.
As long as this thread is not deleted, know that the stage is being set.
Watch Ranon on twitter.
Watch Ranon on YT.
Watch Ranon on MSM.
▶ f550bf (8) No.2281092>>2281273
This is not about any individual.
It’s about every human being that ever lived.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Define all.
WWG1WGA is much deeper than we realize right now.
Define expand.
▶ c28734 (3) No.2281099>>2281132 >>2281140
Q knows who this R-lying faggot is, and if really a threat then will take him out without a sound.
We only have words. We will use them.
there is no R. There is only Q
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2281132
>there is no R.
putting words in Q's mouth
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281140
As long as this thread exists, R exists.
BV wills it.
What does he know that you do not?
▶ 800e54 (7) No.2281143
"Uhhhh, pay no attention to the man behind the cuRtain!"
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2281185
Q+ signed sometimes
so there is only Q is kind of a Redundant statement to assume that at least 'some' of the time R has not spoken as part of the Q team …
this current whiny R (d5ad02) is shiny right now
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281195
Many believers still here.
Many autists still digging on R.
Message spreading WW.
Look at the numbers.
Those still digging in this thread know that the message is valid.
Will you join us?
Or get left behind.
It's almost time to take the world stage.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2281199>>2281220 >>2281230 >>2281275
d5ad02 - totally illegitimate…so OBVIOUS…goes against everything Q STANDS FOR…
1146bd - DITTO ABOVE
Many others just putting an R at the end….to discredit.
We shall see…in due time anons!!!
▶ d236ae (8) No.2281219>>2281244
Your message was never ready, just like CTA's "proof" keeps getting delayed. You all failed and there is only Q. You are free to leave the board now. You failed miserably, you can at least return back to your normal life.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2281220
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281230>>2281353
First post was C_A disinfo.
Operators pulled the graphic to prove it.
Legal post was C_A disinfo.
Trying to mislead patriots on maritime law.
True R returned 17 days after Q went silent.
Not a coincidence.
▶ a237c8 (7) No.2281240>>2282947
'Bigger than Q', 'part of or against'.
I will not delete this thread, 'tis not the way I do things.
No matter how hard you try to get it shut down in the main bread by posting about your great concern.
I do not have to agree with anyone to defend their possibility to say their piece. That includes whomeverTheFuck decides to be R at any time and you, if you will remember.
Tell me, if all manner of disturbing imagery, personal insults, threats and attempts at coercion does not get removed - why do you think any opinion or idea should be?
Why are you trying to flaunt the possibility of a BV being in contact with you? Should a potentially 'real' R not keep it a secret for opsec? Please.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
We will not shut it down. For anyone except blatant spam (and even that gets through from time to time).
Does anyone truly think Anons are fragile creatures incapable of thinking for themselves? Oh, wait. I do know some that might!
Anons are not weak. Anons are BRAVE, STRONG, ANALYZING people who do not turn back at the first smell of danger or division or anything else that might be thrown our way.
Actions > Words.
You are correct, the stage is being set.
We will see who is who at the curtain call, my friend. Or maybe not.
We'll see, that the end of things.
Where we go One, we go ALL
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2281242>>2281264
Q did say:
There is only Q
Q did not say:
There was only Q
is == current tense!
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281244>>2281365
Look at YT.
Look at FB.
Look at twitter.
Look at true patriots digging on R in this thread.
Ranon movement is still growing.
8ch origination with help of BV.
Q can't stop it.
▶ 87e636 (3) No.2281264>>2281313
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2281273
Thanks for the reminder "helper anon"…
A legit one^^^ is easy to spot!
▶ 4f4715 (8) No.2281275>>2281319
Agreed. It has to stop for now because without Q confirmation and a tripcode, it is full of clowns, shills, opportunists, and idiots.
It isn't time yet for such a massive bombshell, if true, to go public. However, the research confirmed that Q points many times to JFK and JFK JR. For those of us who watched the funeral, the horses' footsteps, the long long long grave march, on black and white TVs, who learned at age 3 that the world was a deadly disappointing horrific place, this research had meaning. We who watched our parents' life ebb that day, are vested in the truth. We who watched our little brother salute, remember.
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2281283
▶ b0d008 (19) No.2281313
No mate, are you called SAGE because you get stuffed up chicken butts?
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281319>>2281419 >>2281489
True patriot.
Look there, or [here] for more details.
Make sure you subscribe.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2281353
You're not it Bud. "Returning" in 17 days as the true R….wow….that was hard.
And now for the filter button….
▶ d236ae (8) No.2281365>>2281396
I have looked at YT, they allow you to grow while censoring Q.
I have looked at FB, they allow you to grow while censoring Q.
I have looked at Twitter, they allow you to grow while censoring Q.
True patriots misguided by a lie.
Red Herring placed by black hats.
Q doesn't need to stop it, the truth will blot out your deception.
I too can type like Q if I really wanted to, but that makes me sound a LARP also unless what I say comes true.
But that is okay because,
There is only Q
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281396
Red herring.
MSM coverage of R coming soon to a theater near you.
▶ 73ad29 (2) No.2281419>>2281460
hey R, creator of QAnonProofs.com here
any chance you can give a shoutout to my site, or ask Q to post it.
I plan to start making a R Proofs section.
anyways hope you're having a nice day wherever you are!
history in the making!
cause I'm a believeR
▶ f550bf (8) No.2281443>>2281694
1 Peter 2:24
2:24 = 144 minutes
DNA = Qan
▶ 4afd9c (5) No.2281445>>2281481 >>2281683
Make no mistake - we each decide our consent. Meaning - speaking only for myself: I am not 'following' anyone. I've know ma lot of this information for years, some only months. I'm betting that there are many coming to R page as the same. Didn't Q state 'to believe in yourself'
I totally agree - Q didn't say fake.
Let's look at exactly what was 'written'.
There is only Q.
The is no negation in this statement. In context, in this debate, this response clarifies that the question was not answered.
Now - does 'R's' response on this page mean I have to go to twitter? Oh boy…..
▶ d5ad02 (21) No.2281460
True patriot.
Rproofs.com not necessary.
MSM will provide narrative.
Future proves past.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2281481
Exactly!! Going to Twitter when Q points us to go to Twitter…he has on several drops (put in the links) and there is reference to it in terms of generality (via another Q drop)….but I believe it will be VERY CLEAR…WHERE AND WHEN…
Going over to start another movement APART from Q, naaahh….never fall for that one!
▶ 4afd9c (5) No.2281489
It's understandable that an outlet needs to be there, but this person is well….I guess he'll have to do…
▶ 4afd9c (5) No.2281655
You made statements and 'WE' started to dig and got deep.
▶ 7bac75 (1) No.2281683>>2281730
I don't know why this R thread is even still here. Q was clear. Delete this distraction please.
▶ f550bf (8) No.2281694
“You are watching a movie.” - Qan
“We have the server.” - Qan
“We have it all.” - Qan
Fake news subconsciously preparing us for REVELATION (White Squall).
Server is a metaphor for DNA (Qan) [information] they looked for and found.
And the gospels were prophetic clues given by the prophets where to look.
“In the reading of the prophets this one thing is to be observed…They speak of things to come as if the were now past.” - Introduction to Isaiah, 1560 Geneva Bible
“The Truth is behind you.” - Qan
“Give us your blood.”
Now you know.
They were searching.
The message Qan is delivering is not what we think is being said. Words can deceive us.
Like prophecy, Revelation. Words trick us into having tunnel vision.
“…..cannot bear them now.” - Jesus
“The Truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.” - Qan
Qan:1776 approaches
▶ 87e636 (3) No.2281730
Let him post in futility till he gets tired of it. It's more disheartening to them.
▶ 4afd9c (5) No.2281770>>2282076
What happened to WWG1WGA we all matter.
In my life I'm known with the - letter 'G' weird yes. But I will not reveal my full online name. The clowns know who I am. I will never assume to post as such under any circumstance other than this one post.
R - IMHO, you are bringing a higher level of debate here and it shows; please carry on.
▶ 650ea6 (7) No.2281818
That is why many are here. It's not about the person or about validating the existence of a letter. Let Q be Q. Those at qresearch help and dig the way they were meant too. R legal is the TRUTH. We can keep chasing our tails or you can follow your intuition to what brought you here. The rest is ego and FEAR trying to kill what you feel on this board. So many ways to get lost. TRUST YOURSELF. WWG1WGA!
▶ 10cf12 (7) No.2281922
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2282076
"G" you kNow you sound faMiliar
▶ b3d612 (5) No.2282191
Q just reference JFK and secret society speech
The Time is Now.
Patriots, Anons, Autists, Superheros, et al PRAY.
▶ 0e9299 (6) No.2282248>>2282323 >>2282414 >>2282421 >>2282783
at a POTUS rally, faggot protestors ARE TOLD TO GTFO AND DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE, they still have their rights, BUT THEY NEED TO GTFO
▶ 10cf12 (7) No.2282287
Q uses R proof graphic.
"The time is now." - Q
Timing of R posts coincidence?
BV&R setting the stage for BIG DROP.
I'd watch R research general that day.
▶ 650ea6 (7) No.2282323>>2282917
▶ f550bf (8) No.2282414
ROT-13 code cipher
Subtract 13 letters and what does it reveal?
DNA = ?
You’re in the right place pal.
▶ 10cf12 (7) No.2282421>>2282917
BV works with R.
BV validates R.
BV will not delete thread.
▶ 4f4715 (8) No.2282544
Q and POTUS concentrating on JFK again, right now.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2282783>>2282917
▶ 0e9299 (6) No.2282917>>2283018
you got banned because you're a larp faggot
▶ 73ad29 (2) No.2282947
The disinfo is so heavy, it's like moving through a heavy fog/ smoke grenade.
I can not tell who is beside me, only if they are moving in my direction or away from.
Please be safe BV, whether you are military asset or just a normal anon doing his part,
Thank you for everything you are doing and God bless.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2282951
Very interesting…keep an eye on the plane….
▶ 10cf12 (7) No.2282955>>2284719
Excellent work, patriot.
Don't forget to post all digs to George Nasif for intel that cannot be dropped on 8ch.
▶ b11823 (5) No.2283009
there is an air show going on in Oshkosh this week as well…
▶ f550bf (8) No.2283018
“Ok.” - No Digest
▶ 10cf12 (7) No.2283169
Q uses R proof graphic.
"The time is now." - Q
Check timestamp of R posts right before Q JFK prayer drop.
B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 Q drop references R's previous AF1 id in R research general.
BV&R setting the stage for BIG DROP.
I'd watch R research general that day.
Check timestamp.
Compare to Q R proof drop.
Stage is being set.
R research general.
Thanks, BV.
▶ f3776b (3) No.2283266>>2283346
>Q comes back
>Q said there is only Q
>Q used "We" earlier
>We know Q is a team
>Anons Question was bad
>Clowns in America memers or real "ClAniggers"?
>Faggots here to troll after Q
>If they troll just as hard
>Confirms R "Theory"
>Keep digging
Speaking in the format of Q:
Use logic
Think retards
Why continue?
How much bread so far?
Only limited to info that Q shares?
No reason to stop
Everything is connected
Commonsense Anon
▶ 10cf12 (7) No.2283346
R research general for R drops.
Q research general for Q drops.
It is possible to find R through Q crumbs.
Hidden intel for true autists.
BV knows.
Will make sure comms stay open.
Stay tuned.
▶ dd108e (9) No.2283723
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2283824>>2283840
YT twitter and the MSM all get their R stuff from US… What is there to watch?
▶ dd108e (9) No.2283840
Subscribe to my channel.
▶ 9b7d00 (2) No.2283972>>2284024 >>2284032 >>2284044
NOT JFK Plane He had one and sold it. Here are his two planes.
▶ dd108e (9) No.2284024>>2284159
Don't forget to cross post digs to George Nasif on twitter.
He can provide further intel.
CLAS highest aviation intel cannot be dropped on 8ch.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2284032>>2284107
You're incorrect. That IS his first plane and he dedicated the TAIL NUMBER TO HIS FATHER…
YOU obviously have not been here from the start or seen the research tying Q drops to THAT EXACT PLANE.
But, thanks for trying…
We'll continue here as we see fit.
▶ 9b7d00 (2) No.2284044>>2284101 >>2284107
Now..is this the one that was used to "go down" Which plane was which?
Funny…he also traveled ALWAYS with his dog. Who had the dog after? Why was the dog not reported on the plane? Third plane?
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2284101
All of it (besides the THIRD PLANE angle) has been dug…in prior breads which are no longer in the NOTABLES…
Sorry, my energy is ZAPPED…
(I'm actually going through every bread and pulling out my work -- focused mostly on Q drops that tie to JFK JR and the subsequent "digs" that resulted from those – and doing screen saves.)
▶ dd108e (9) No.2284107>>2284159 >>2284218
Risk approaching information at highest levels of classification.
This board being analyzed and monitored in RT.
Hello George.
▶ 2ca06b (5) No.2284159>>2284256
>George Nasif
who is George Nasif?
can you drop a hint/clue?
▶ 2ca06b (5) No.2284218>>2284241 >>2284256
>George Nasif
https:// twitter.com/GeorgeMNasif/media?lang=en
this guy perhaps? what's so special about him
▶ f52c70 (14) No.2284225
George Nasif changed his Twat pic from R to "his" face. Did some searching but can't find other pics of him other than old stuff. Somethings fishy about all of this.
▶ 2ca06b (5) No.2284241
is this real?
screenshots of him and the alleged server
https:// twitter.com/georgemnasif/status/1018256787986776064
R you George?
▶ dd108e (9) No.2284256>>2284431 >>2284860
Highest level of intel to drop in the history of the world.
We have the server.
JFK birthday 5/29.
Q post #529.
"Hello George".
All roads lead to Nasif.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2284431>>2284523
Yes…my digging that connected the dots:
That's why ALL OF THIS is causing mass confusion…
▶ dd108e (9) No.2284523>>2284860 >>2284958
No confusion.
Good decode.
Nasif on twitter.
Open comms.
Intel drop.
We have the server.
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2284533>>2284769
Funny how after being outed now he answers questions and posts more than one or twice.. I been participating since the begining of R. And now that hes losing steam he got shit to say. Damage control is a bitch huh? Im a literalist and Q said "there is only Q" that means no other than his trip to me VERIFIED. Now this nasif guy saying he has the server. When Q said "we have the server". Twating to POTUS that he has it. This smells familliar.. Whats that smell? Oh yeah bullshit!!
▶ acc47b (8) No.2284605>>2284650
Looking forward to your "do-not-miss" message.
▶ dd108e (9) No.2284650>>2284766 >>2284860
Stay tuned.
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2284675>>2285561
If R wants more than blind faith from the anons he should have Q drop some clarity on his response.
Z Kek
▶ acc47b (8) No.2284719>>2284842
Can't be dropped on 8ch? You are not the original R.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2284766
Angel is one of US…been here on the R board.
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2284769
EXACTLY. Can you say DespeRate?
R is focused on R
Q is focused on others
R claims biggest intel drop ever is coming
Anons already know this (duh!)
R says to stay tuned
Anons already know this (duh!)
R is posting like a madman
Q is in control and calm
R says nothing new and R attempts to makes disciple to himself.
As for JFK Jr, there is something there. Is he alive? I have no idea. Was it the START for Trump to *seriously* consider running for President? Yes, it seems like it.
For henceforth I shall call R 'despeRate'
Adios despeRate
▶ dd108e (9) No.2284842>>2284860 >>2284943 >>2284974
Future proves past.
▶ 2ca06b (5) No.2284860>>2284915 >>2284940
CIA Project Bluebird?
BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE included a great deal of work on the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers and the Manchurian Candidate
Does this mean we are going to see the truth of JFK's real killers?
A secret network of programmed killers?
Even deeper and more secretive than CIA?
R what do you know about D6? Is D6 real?
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2284915>>2284983
killers real.
programmed to kill.
anons safe.
biggest bird droppings in history.
CIA = CI6 = C + I = D6
Goes deeper than you know, she said.
▶ dd108e (9) No.2284940>>2285085
Excellent work, patriot.
Make sure to cross post all digs with George Nasif on twitter.
Intel drops not available on 8ch.
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2284943
Nice nothingburger screenshot… This is getting to be an exercise in futility.
▶ 2ea588 (46) No.2284958>>2285019
"WE" certainly doesn't sound like an "R" solo thing…
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2284974
Future proves past.
past proves future.
think critically.
not redundant.
see the smudge in that image?
It's an ET
ET are also grey
my hair is grey = this info went over your head
comms good
rodger roger melinda bill gates
foundation = clinton
biggest bird droppings ever coming soon
PS: ya'll get the picture? ignoRe it
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2284983
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2285019
well DUH he's copying Q
WE don't need his disinfo ;-)
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2285022>>2285238 >>2285550
Sure lets all put our digs on twatter where everyone can see our handles. This defeats being ANON.. ITS A TRAP!
▶ 2ca06b (5) No.2285085>>2285499
Intel drops being dropped on Twitter (from appearingly random person) to avoid attacks on 8ch?
Is this "George Nasif" acc going to release the server there or something bigger?
This board is quite silent. Either shills are being put on hold to watch or…?
▶ 0e9299 (6) No.2285119>>2285499
LEAVE AS A DEFEATED ARMY WHILE YOU STILL CAN (taking your shill posts and bullshit to a new board)
OR BE SLAUGHTERED ON THE BATTLE FIELD (BO deleting your faggot shill threads
▶ f550bf (8) No.2285238>>2285499 >>2285599
Hey genius, you still think your anonymous after what Q has told us? lol!
What did you think Q meant by “We have it all?”
Define no secrets. (R)
Why do you think Q came to 8chan?
What kind of sick garbage is on 8chan?
You think 8chan is some righteous haven?
It’s a SWAMP.
Now what do you think “We have it all means?”
Show one person’s hideous crimes to the world show all right?
Where We Go One We Go All
Sinking in?
▶ f3776b (3) No.2285441>>2285451
This makes the most sense for me. IMO, I think Q is drawing attention away from here so people can just dig. No harm in digging but I can see people being too deep into R and focusing on Q.
Still, don't stop digging.
▶ 34ed31 (2) No.2285446>>2285556
Good Evening Anons and R
Don't have time to read the entire bread, so asking a question. Today (or yesterday) a Qtuber mentioned the N529JK plane was seen near Fon Du Lac, WI. Has there been discussion of this?
▶ f3776b (3) No.2285451
into R and NOT focusing on Q
▶ 44dcf5 (28) No.2285499
and that's a BOOM y'all
Anons…THEY already have it ALL and…
nobody needs to DROP SOMETHING NEW to Q - THEY HAVE IT ALL (and the HRC servers)
the NSA has been collecting all of our data for YEARS
Were Hillary's 30K emails ever missing? No, never. THINK. NSA and CISCO router backdoors = control and full monitoring of the internet is old school. THEY ALREADY HAVE IT.
It's a matter of parsing the petabytes+ of data to find the right stuff/email/docs and so on.
Intel CPU backdoors SPECTRE and MELTDOWN decrypt all data before the CPU processes it = data packets are sent to NSA.
They have it ALL. This is why the cabal is pissing in their pants. This is why Obummer will be dragged before the TV cameras and stammering and stuttering he'll hardly be able to speak when explain why he's a total loser/criminal.
My 'outsiders' take on Q is what Q has has posted WAS ALREADY a DONE DEAL. for example NK was a done deal by the time we learned about it here. Recently when Trump was in NK I'm guessing they are already working on the next stages of the plan. meanwhile the press is focused on the past. ALSO realize the NK government has to play a reverse psyop game with their population - while trying to not descending into a civil war or revolution. It's a battle for the mind folks. Normies don't think this way and they choose not to prognosticate, rather they might be more interested in making a BUCK or picking lint from their belly buttons (really it can go either way). It takes people who can 'see ahead' and draw a predictive conclusion. Q is dropping things they want us to know for us to put together. R is a show off, copy cat and despeRate.
▶ 0e9299 (6) No.2285550
no get a new board shill
no one wants you here besides your fellow shills and your shill larp
▶ 0e9299 (6) No.2285556
▶ 34ed31 (2) No.2285561>>2285627
Whether or not R is a LARP or JFK JR, there is no way that Q would confirm it on a board that is known to be watched by the swamp creatures. Disinformation is necessary.
Look at all the positive results we have had digging on JFK JR. So whether it is R that is posting or a shill pretending to be R, we anons have produced some good research either way.
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2285599
Nice twist…. Now kiss you own ass while your back there.
▶ 7a80df (15) No.2285627
Q would never have us out ourselves on social media…. Let that sink in.
▶ a237c8 (7) No.2313706>>2313740
I am the Shadow. I am the Light.
Who are You?
▶ a237c8 (7) No.2313740>>2313776
I am the beginning. I am the end.
Never One, Without the Other.
Never One, Without the Other.
Is this what we wanted?
But it hurts..
I know.
▶ a237c8 (7) No.2313776
Ultimate Freedom, Ultimate Responsibility.
Two sides to a Coin.
As it has always been.
But Not, necessarily, what Will Be.
Together, we are the Scales of Justice.
Fear not the Night, for the Reaper wields not his scythe to frighten,
But to protect those souls who wander in the darkness.
The scythe is the wand is the key is I.
I am Will.