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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

0999f0 No.2236746

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity–for in Truth lies Victory.




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Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215, >>>/qproofs/130

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Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 ————————————————— Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 ——————————— Who do you see?

>>2022584 —————————————————- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 ——————————— Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 —————————————————- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ———————————- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

0999f0 No.2236767


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference


>>2236320, >>2236333 PlaneFag Reports

>>2236288 Trump's grand Veterans Day military parade will feature 5,000 to 7,000 service members

>>2236392 Former ICE Chief: We've Arrested More Than 2,000 Sexual Predators

>>2236279 Paul Sperry Tweets on Released FISA Warrant

>>2236277 Newly Released FISA Docs Contradict Strzok’s Sworn Claims He Had Nothing to Do With Carter Page FISA Warrant

>>2236274 Rothschild Bank Broke Money Laundering Rules

>>2236260 /Pol/ Messages Regarding SNCTM

>>2236194 Hollywood Insider Dishing Dirt on Pol, Get Archived & Spread!!


>>2235631, >>2235664 Schumer knew evidence was fake and gay

>>2235502 POTUS/Putin meeting held in 'Hall of Mirrors' room

>>2235364 Olympic Committee Chairman Resigns

>>2235299, >>2235318, >>2235320, >>2235413 LA Possible Hostage Situation Information

>>2235285 PlaneFag Reports

>>2235270, >>2235327 Four FISA Judges information

>>2235252, >>2235404, >>2235506 More FISA digging

>>2235299 Biggy T tweets PM

>>2236370 #2818


>>2234468, >>2234582 Planefag Reports

>>2234471 PM Tweets Trump turns 13 into 17

>>2234635 POTUS endorses Brian Kemp for GOV of GA.


>>2234777 Weinshall $40,000,000 slush funds

>>2234800 Syrian migrant confronts ice with firearm illegal

>>2234805 C Page Noteables



>>2235057 This IS 100% connected to POTUS twitter today

>>2234896 Raymond J. Dearie was the judge that signed off on the warrant


>>2235104 Bob Sagat ,Dig on this faggot

>>2236344 #2817


>>2233733, >>2233787, >>2233826, >>2233867, >>2233886, >>2234167 Planefag Reports

>>2233699, >>2233712 STORM MOON FULL BUCK JULY 27

>>2233763 ClockFag connects and digs

>>2163922 MEMES 26 pile for Twat fodder .MEMBER.

>>2233776, >>2233795 Laredo TX events quick dig- (from last bread)

>>2233706 RESPONSE to: MSM Propaganda Protection of James Gunn

>>2234034 California: The Hopland-Lakeport base info

>>2234116 California Joins 14 States In Lawsuit Against Trump EPA

>>2233859 Pedos seek sanctuary in Israel.

>>2234125, >>2234188, >>2234160 DOJ releases Carter Page docs

>>2234170 Look at this.. Johnny Depp at comic con coded speech?!

>>2234283 Rosenstein signed the June 2017 FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page – recusal/firing/resignation soon?


>>2236331 #2816

Previously Collected Notables

>>2236323 #2815, >>2236272 #2814 , >>2236254 #2813

>>2229576 #2810, >>2230355 #2811, >>2231161 #2812

>>2228779 #2807, >>2231481 #2808, >>2228773 #2809 ob

>>2224725 #2804, >>2225680 #2805, >>2231015 #2806 ob

>>2224222 #2801, >>2229591 #2802 ob, >>2223942 #2803

>>2219949 #2798, >>2220737 #2799, >>2221519 #2800

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

0999f0 No.2236770

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 — META

>>2193326 – General codefags

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 – Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2089271 – New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

0999f0 No.2236774

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge, image archives, resignations, sex trafficing arrests,

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

== New Bakers Required == Read this ——–--> >>2172540

0999f0 No.2236782



a4f3bf No.2236803

File: 3de5232bb00655b⋯.png (206.24 KB, 800x490, 80:49, POTUS AND THE DOOR OF ALL ….png)

File: afa238290151b54⋯.png (337.04 KB, 2463x616, 2463:616, POTUS AND THE DOOR OF ALL ….png)

File: 257b01d0a1fea6f⋯.png (355.07 KB, 928x1264, 58:79, POTUS AND THE DOOR OF ALL ….png)

File: da0058ff9318629⋯.png (379.49 KB, 1328x1176, 166:147, POTUS AND THE DOOR OF ALL ….png)

File: 8b625f639884379⋯.png (1.23 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, POTUS AND THE DOOR OF ALL ….png)

9b9a02 No.2236823

Well done Anons.

Thos who are digging on FISA Keep going

Thos digging Scntm, Keep Going also

They all lead to the same destination

More names are also being dropped

A LOT of information being dropped tonight

333e3d No.2236843

File: ba9517552a1eb7e⋯.jpeg (93.38 KB, 600x433, 600:433, 7A93193E-4718-47E8-9C67-4….jpeg)

File: 89bd82595a50247⋯.jpeg (23.56 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 7C1F46DD-AD44-4D01-B293-6….jpeg)

File: e2f007e60b76a65⋯.jpeg (72.83 KB, 740x499, 740:499, 37B6BBA9-1961-4F26-80DB-2….jpeg)

File: ad6e3af66538a39⋯.jpeg (82.79 KB, 590x393, 590:393, D3759B3F-8077-4890-BF24-9….jpeg)

File: ad364c82a3cee3e⋯.jpeg (76.64 KB, 450x343, 450:343, CF759107-4D78-4845-BE36-6….jpeg)

da02c0 No.2236844

File: 866b5f37bcc5977⋯.png (373.96 KB, 791x496, 791:496, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96201fdb7ba18fc⋯.png (51.75 KB, 830x722, 415:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6989af79b6e373c⋯.png (42.46 KB, 847x503, 847:503, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e11971ca16c921⋯.png (12.28 KB, 814x109, 814:109, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Mark Meadows Calls For Carter Page FISA Docs to be Declassified, Unredacted


aea266 No.2236845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

on this day the birthday of robin williams, lets turn alittle attention to the time when Robin channel the frog spirit of kek to speak the truth against ABC network, which resulted in an MSM attack on his career which forced him to leave hollywood for a time.

(robin in an actual frog suit in the video)

7085fa No.2236846

File: a3959e6dad73576⋯.jpg (20.73 KB, 474x355, 474:355, bill maher.jpg)


It's connected alright. That's why the concern trolls are out in force.


ebb2bd No.2236847

File: 1e5ab8b59a18d57⋯.png (52.52 KB, 831x390, 277:130, tjmiller.png)

If anyone is digging on celebrity pedos, check out TJ Miller.















599b30 No.2236848

File: d9a5473a6a3683f⋯.png (481.09 KB, 1311x575, 57:25, HalfChan.png)


/Pol/ Messages Regarding SNCTM

The POL thread is up to 153 responses, as of now. The post that got this party started was this one (see pic).

d494a5 No.2236849

If Russia where to get wiped of the earth. what would NATO be? you guessed it. irrelevant .

193a38 No.2236850

>>2236830 pb

yeah they did lol really have to think everything through before doing anything like having a self-sufficient farm.

364496 No.2236851

File: b3a71a80768293d⋯.jpg (148.26 KB, 1024x796, 256:199, putin_trump_helsinki_tina_….jpg)


See those 3 dots on Putin's shoe? Looks like upside down pyramid which is the same anti illuminati symbol Trump always displays when he is sitting down in front of the media. What about Hillary's earring(s) it's illuminati pyramid but inside of it you can see what looks to be prison bars.

60ac30 No.2236852

>>2236556 lb

The SNCTM stuff is not a distraction. This might turn out to be the key to taking down the entire Illuminati in a legal way. Just like income tax evasion was used to take down the New York Mafia families.


He is not just talking about the hietarchy of the cabal, but also about the set of crimes of one individual. If we can convict and jail a BIG FISH because of involvement in raping a sex-trafficked child at a club, then the prosecution will go fast and save court resources for the many other criminals we need to take down. This will discredit the big fish and later, we can return with RICO money laundering charges, with treason charges. They won't be going anywhere when they are locked in a nice Federal prison.

501109 No.2236854

File: 09f5bb3005fd2f3⋯.png (705.51 KB, 1144x1299, 1144:1299, ClipboardImage.png)



c2259d No.2236855


Page doesn't exist. At least anymore.

5f56af No.2236856

Things are about to intensify, anons. Strap in.

Don't let them distract you.

66a327 No.2236857

File: cef973ddc10079e⋯.png (659.42 KB, 930x587, 930:587, Screenshot_425.png)

>>2236748 lb

Thinking Obama and


both have the same

headdress maker!

f2cd31 No.2236859


But I have to go to the bathroom!!

e743e5 No.2236860


filters on ready

d86811 No.2236861

File: f29e2f1dc0e83b6⋯.png (389.82 KB, 400x387, 400:387, qslap.png)

I know it's in bad taste.

I just don't give a fuck.

50a846 No.2236862


Roger. Thanks for the heads-up.

Query: Can you give a timeframe? (as in, do digger/memer anons need to stay up all night or can we get some sleep and expect action tomorrow)?


333e3d No.2236863

File: fd2fc73aeb94413⋯.jpeg (71.69 KB, 500x628, 125:157, B45E8D79-EDDB-42A8-80DD-1….jpeg)

File: 5ddf6ed70c9d943⋯.jpeg (77.54 KB, 500x628, 125:157, 0DD8AF6E-30F1-4FD6-A097-9….jpeg)

File: eaa6def62a55e2c⋯.jpeg (83.8 KB, 715x402, 715:402, C2087EDA-1149-48A1-8013-A….jpeg)

File: f2306c02c08cea9⋯.jpeg (126.98 KB, 740x499, 740:499, FE8CA2E5-C7BA-4467-92FC-C….jpeg)

File: 5313926e0fab33d⋯.jpeg (91.37 KB, 758x499, 758:499, 763DA6E3-C4A5-4072-BE07-C….jpeg)

74b1e2 No.2236864


>>2236833 (lb)

current halfchan tread:


39568b No.2236865

File: d14ed1ed002afd6⋯.png (151.67 KB, 794x413, 794:413, 4.png)

NXIVM - Nothing about being a sex cult in the news until the arrests….

SNCTM - Plentiful media coverage about the kink since Oct 2016 (height of Pizzagate)… This GLOWS of being a honeypot.

fc9763 No.2236866

File: a2fea3294a028d8⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 898x505, 898:505, pd2cvz2x13rx.jpg)

304a15 No.2236867


Thank you baker!!

Here's the corrected link to a notable in lb #2819:

>>2236288 ← incorrect link (but funny)

>>2236628 Trump's grand Veterans Day military parade will feature 5,000 to 7,000 service members



676c08 No.2236868

File: 606e2fb71f713c1⋯.png (31.9 KB, 450x336, 75:56, 37279880_819975258195057_8….png)

>>2236345 (lb)

>Oregon has alot of sick people.

Portland mostly, Some in Eugene, and Ashland.

Most of the state isn't. Pic is from the vote to remove sanctuary status. 66%- 44% Portland needs to fall into the Columbia, and be swept into ocean.

<pic related

56911c No.2236869

Notables are shit again, this s is incorrect and disrespectful

>>2236288 Trump's grand Veterans Day military parade will feature 5,000 to 7,000 service members

ebb2bd No.2236870

File: f854ed32dacf640⋯.png (69.65 KB, 828x471, 276:157, tjmiller2.png)



The tweet links are still working for me. Use the archive links if they go down.

dc4e10 No.2236871


Also, if you think that hawaian missle attack, was fake……

You need to dig more….

More and deeper.

Starting w/ UFO comunity.

That was real…..

Guess who prevented it???????????

a650c7 No.2236872


Who is buying these awesome ads BV?

It sure beats the cartoon ads

4cf5c0 No.2236873


now is the time to attack. if we dont, when we do will be ineffectual, if any affect at all. i stringly encourage to use wives. Strongly!

97d95b No.2236874

File: 9ae135786f0cbe8⋯.jpg (174.71 KB, 1440x1970, 144:197, _20180721_224111.JPG)

>>2236827 (lb/pb)

Got it. Thanks.

2b97bb No.2236875


Didnt he just get caught doing something?

I feel like Ive seen his name semi-recently

536336 No.2236876

File: fc84d58d88cab44⋯.png (580.04 KB, 690x661, 690:661, hill_muumuu.png)

ccabbd No.2236877

File: 9f24a1f85ea8d14⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 833x500, 833:500, hie.jpg)

cf2007 No.2236878

File: 0c40ba308ec4646⋯.png (50.77 KB, 800x911, 800:911, Screenshot_2018-07-21-22-1….png)

599b30 No.2236879

File: 512b8c275167cb0⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1848x2304, 77:96, polsnctm.jpg)

72e55f No.2236880

File: 3e7e7e9d187c912⋯.png (278.75 KB, 979x909, 979:909, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)


Holy MAGA!

This is Eyes Wide Shut type shenanigans!

46e03e No.2236881

File: e13f03394e3a680⋯.png (323.37 KB, 1109x670, 1109:670, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: a72ed903b953586⋯.png (396.12 KB, 1035x662, 1035:662, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 230d2d49b94ffe2⋯.png (520.82 KB, 1038x653, 1038:653, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 106081de909eb71⋯.png (118.62 KB, 1084x618, 542:309, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)



dc4e10 No.2236882


Guess why "we" are winning?????

Guess why clowns are so desperate???

Guess why they are that desperate and do all the shit?????????????

3e63c1 No.2236883

File: 5f4ff6b33c7082a⋯.png (734.95 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 93FAD49C-35EC-42C8-AF6C-2E….png)

Very very very interesting thread here

e2694e No.2236885

Take about half of Vancouver across the river with it.>>2236868

fc9763 No.2236886

File: f90b4c65b3596f4⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x220, 51:44, f90b4c65b3596f40da73486b39….jpg)


Good observation, anon.

dc4e10 No.2236887


They lost control, times ago, now it is only a metter of time, when people will wake up!!!!!!!!!!

1181bb No.2236888

File: 9958f8e7cb96f34⋯.jpg (817.34 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180721-230217….jpg)

File: 1ffc8f619587d16⋯.jpg (970.59 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180721-230246….jpg)

File: 09e9ddbd0bc52ca⋯.jpg (793.26 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180721-230300….jpg)

File: ad21974e9715b81⋯.jpg (671.35 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180721-230617….jpg)






76f69f No.2236889

File: b6a8fcbde665773⋯.pdf (2.19 MB, EN_RPW_Rothschild_Bank_AG_….pdf)


Accused of laundering money for 1MDB through an unnamed subsidiary.

Attached is the most recent annual report for Rothschild Bank AG, which should provide a clue.

4cf5c0 No.2236890

>>2236876 maybe nurse could be chelesea , with appropiate cation?

5b2121 No.2236892

Is it possible trader joes is blackhat code.

Trader Joes

'Traitor Joe'

Has biden been flipped?

ccabbd No.2236893

File: 571202f9f524b2f⋯.jpg (119.83 KB, 833x500, 833:500, sws.jpg)

4cf5c0 No.2236894


304a15 No.2236896

File: 2e7927168003b4e⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 600x583, 600:583, pantysnifferpepe.jpg)


Strapped in and ready sir

71bd08 No.2236897


Lawfags - is all of this…DNC/HRC campaign/DOJ/FBI/Brennan/Clapper/etc - textbook RICO?

Can they all be taken down as a single group?

a4f3bf No.2236898

File: 0e3d6fb68918aed⋯.png (44.49 KB, 359x244, 359:244, POTUS AND THE DOOR OF ALL ….png)



the pattern is simply just





Not specifically assigned to any date.

d4ea75 No.2236899


if USA stopped funding NATO what would it be…. you guessed it irrelevant

1db648 No.2236900

File: 402ff0b2d4667b6⋯.png (319.99 KB, 1224x813, 408:271, ClipboardImage.png)


Bill Maher is a lifetime member….


2b97bb No.2236901


Roger that. ready!


So who is the owner of it? Anybody dig it yet?

e743e5 No.2236902


almost filtered you with the sccnmthcmeheabcdefg shills.

Glad I didn't. Good info

right here.

>>2236746 Notable.

352243 No.2236903

File: 21eea8a1709aa53⋯.png (3.26 MB, 4024x2298, 2012:1149, plantssidebyside.png)

side by side on the plants

this shouldn't be news to anons, but its to be spread for normies

ask yourself: why haven't we got ANYTHING from WHAT was found during the ILLEGAL spying???

08d890 No.2236904


TJ Miller is already fucked for terrorist threats on a bus or train or something. it's very likely he's already taken care of

5f56af No.2236905


I can't give you a timeframe.

I'm here for the same reason you are.

But, if you're not as perceptive as some of us, I can tell you that over the next week and a half you're going to see something pretty big.

Just be ready to ignore people here.

c0036f No.2236906

bc1354 No.2236907


Dig bill maher’s Tweets

97d95b No.2236908

File: b1ef32dcbdf5012⋯.jpg (216.14 KB, 1723x1380, 1723:1380, _20180720_000443.JPG)

2b97bb No.2236909




Go go go! fight fight fight!

e743e5 No.2236912



Sometimes hearing hoof beats just mean a horse.

ff6e80 No.2236913

>>2236763 (pb)

> all depends on where you're living at and what you're doing and what you plan for.

Yes, you're quite right. It also depends on where you want to raise your children and what opportunities will be available. I know nothing about the Ozarks. But what I do know is land is what it's worth. Productive land, meaning land you might make a living off of, is simply not affordable unless you're willing to incur what amounts to multi generational debt. Sure, you can knock up a single family self sufficient garden in the woods for a while, but that will not sustain our republic. You will be part of the problem because you will be on welfare, food stamps, social security etc. Non starter.

4cf5c0 No.2236914

>>2236909 go go go fight fight fight! proud of you all!!

e2694e No.2236915


That get up looks an awful lot like a hospital gown.

Pray she doesn't turn around!

3dfa90 No.2236916

File: 8bb168de4a5bb54⋯.png (636.12 KB, 638x900, 319:450, FIGHT.png)

File: e5af5c2f158e771⋯.jpg (84.52 KB, 766x948, 383:474, JFK NSA Poster.jpg)

File: 8615b48ab64f902⋯.jpg (151.44 KB, 741x955, 741:955, Patriotic NSA.jpg)

50a846 No.2236917

File: 6ff4ea535b30ca9⋯.jpg (210.81 KB, 1490x576, 745:288, 165152 USN Gulfstream Norf….jpg)

File: e6bdab9889fe6f4⋯.jpg (231.29 KB, 1662x586, 831:293, 165152 USN Gulfstream Norf….jpg)

File: c42d4d005ba8fd7⋯.jpg (248.87 KB, 1646x561, 1646:561, 113104 USAF SOC HOUND96 Bo….jpg)

File: 7d6a4edfb67678b⋯.jpg (265.59 KB, 1821x586, 1821:586, 113104 HOUND96 Toledo-MA- ….jpg)

File: bbb2d2463e49575⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 848x486, 424:243, KekNightVision.jpg)

Planefag update.

Very little MIL action over CONUS (typical to have very little on weekend night).

Following 2 planes.

1,2. USN Gulfstream nocallsign departed Norfolk, VA heading W and is now over Illinois. Cruising at 450 kn, 40k'. Fast but if he was really in a hurry that plane could go faster.

3,4. USN SOC Wolfhound HOUND96 flew out of Toledo, OH and just landed at Boston Logan Airport. Sort of looked like a "get from point A to point B" flight rather than a surveillance mission, but you never know.

Planefag R7 shift ended.

abfba9 No.2236918

File: e48a254700de7cc⋯.png (127.66 KB, 662x621, 662:621, Twitter FISA Trending 1.PNG)

File: cebf08319876a45⋯.png (128.08 KB, 635x688, 635:688, Twitter FISA Trending 2.PNG)

File: d706867ebbc0723⋯.png (81.33 KB, 634x631, 634:631, Twitter Carter Page Trend….PNG)

Carter Page and FISA are trending on Twitter

Here are top comments for both #

The narrative is that Nunes is discredited and the FISA was appropriate

Likely will be the Sunday show talking points

ebb2bd No.2236919


Any sex club that gets this much mainstream coverage is going to be damn sure that they're following the law to the letter. Snctm is useful for red pilling about Satanic symbolism, but you're not going to find open pedophilia there.

9b9a02 No.2236920


Also Get caps of 37QQXkFA

He has just dropped a massive name bomb

33a1b1 No.2236921

File: 853d5738f62d048⋯.jpg (680.2 KB, 1688x1200, 211:150, Gina001.jpg)

4372bf No.2236922

Anons, I have an idea for a FISA twitter campaign but I need some feedback on if it's gay.

Op Goal: Show how corrupt the FISA system is in the funniest way possible


Your proctologist thinks the Yankees win the World Series this year #IsitaFISAFact?

72e55f No.2236923


Suggest as notable - dig more sauce

97d95b No.2236924


This is very nice

676c08 No.2236925

1802d0 No.2236926

File: 952ede10ddcaa93⋯.png (326.83 KB, 500x422, 250:211, ClipboardImage.png)

The path of the autist is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil divisionfags. Blessed are the Bakers, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the memers through the valley of the dankess. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost notables.


3e63c1 No.2236927



62f16c No.2236928

File: d469dfa707f4634⋯.jpeg (9.2 KB, 251x248, 251:248, laughingpepe.jpeg)

File: 25e96fb770a6e5e⋯.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 2000:1153, kikedamagecontrol.gif)


t. kike

ever since pedowood and russia summit came out, these (((bitches))) are at FULL throttle damage control mode.


FIGHT ON, PATRIOTS. Hunt these fucking subhuman pedos and msm liars down and EXPOSE their CRIMES for ALL to SEE.

PEDOWOOD threads, search this info dropper's post by ID:

G6jwxxBH on the first thread:


tuC6SaEw for second:


Look through notables on the HRC-DEM-blackhat russian angle. ROGUE russians plotting to bring down putin and trump while serving the (((globalist agenda))).




dc4e10 No.2236930

bush cock sucker, that needs to give the best medical , so he can face at least 1 year gitmo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

started tis shit, 187 kennedy, and cover-up. criminal and enslaved humanity.

Bush needs the BEST MEDICAL CARE!!!!!!!!!!

4cf5c0 No.2236931

EAM normal 22JUL2018 0047 ALLSTATIONS





BELLY FLOP 3 / 0 Zaes



REINVENT 2 / 0 Brad



REINVENT 2 / 0 Brad


REINVENT 2 / 0 Brad


REINVENT 0 / 0 Zaes

21JUL2018 2200

f4e33b No.2236932

abfba9 No.2236933

File: 52ffd00666d05ac⋯.png (44.6 KB, 655x373, 655:373, BSexton re Page 7-21-18.PNG)

File: 81cfae73d30561c⋯.png (42.83 KB, 654x448, 327:224, BSexton re Steele 7-21-18.PNG)

d91a7d No.2236934

File: abb5592abc5357f⋯.jpg (2.75 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, 1532184735022.jpg)

5beeda No.2236935

File: 180c0a93ddd390d⋯.png (63.62 KB, 259x138, 259:138, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

I know the last thing we need is more to dig on but this is clown college, they are responsible for filling the ranks, dis advantaged youth construction, energy allternitives home base


3dfa90 No.2236936

File: 804b9abbbaafeef⋯.jpg (315.56 KB, 749x1001, 107:143, 804b9abbbaafeef00d14e758c3….jpg)

File: 9732778e82aa263⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 800x751, 800:751, MF Medieval.jpg)

File: 427ee313af6e507⋯.png (425 KB, 800x800, 1:1, pepe-AW.png)

File: 9c58bbc85818d63⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 1200x1608, 50:67, The_Frog_with_the_Golden_H….jpg)

7ebf19 No.2236937

good evening night fag shift.

e743e5 No.2236938


Why more sauce?

The dipshits are just flooding the bread with already MSM-reported (in massive amounts) crap. It's an obvious distraction attempt and newfags are falling head over heels for it.

dc4e10 No.2236939


"If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched."

George H.W. Bush, cited in the June 1992 Sarah McFClendon Newsletter

62f16c No.2236940


God bless you, sirs.

FISA-russia (rogue).


We have fire watch anons. Let's keep it up.

d157b7 No.2236941

Anons, I've been here since the beginning (back when fungus would just shut up and bake) and that last bread brought out more panicked shills distracting people from looking into that sex club than any other. Was half expecting the muh dick guy or pelicans to come out.

Something to remember. They really don't want people examining their precious sex club. Now why would that be?

86ec6d No.2236942

Do you think the Potus calling attention to the LA Trader Joe's incident was really a message or receiving a message about a TRAITOR named JOE?

d30667 No.2236943


I went and checked again, Comey signed the first three so you are done. Good job.

333e3d No.2236944

File: cde696e537d0063⋯.jpeg (590.63 KB, 2500x1918, 1250:959, 473C7AAC-47D5-439D-B5B4-A….jpeg)

20593a No.2236946

File: 9372b5e4c46638e⋯.jpg (12.14 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 1979dd3bbf988e7e143e586a60….jpg)

File: ec62b81bf7284b2⋯.jpg (19.53 KB, 255x170, 3:2, enjoytheshow.jpg)


> 07/21/18 (Sat) 21:11:11

b65e46 No.2236947

File: 850299c5dcf86ec⋯.jpg (200.38 KB, 1192x2018, 596:1009, IMG_20180721_222054.jpg)

Randi Credico and Joe Fionda.

dc4e10 No.2236948



Noooo, dyin, best medical care!!!!!!!!!!!

50a846 No.2236949

File: a988817849f1846⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 480x360, 4:3, July2018TruthMonth.jpg)

File: 2d26d1e4fd6fee9⋯.jpg (320.19 KB, 1100x1056, 25:24, July2018TruthMonth2.jpg)

File: 1bec6e8731a7bd6⋯.jpg (151.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening730.jpg)

File: fa6676f854ca1ec⋯.jpg (239.04 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening731.jpg)

File: 1da6c142bf8a4b9⋯.jpg (258.8 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakening750.jpg)


>if you're not as perceptive as some of us

I'm tempted to say something really rude and demeaning in return but will bite my tongue. What if you were Q team giving us a heads-up? But you had nothing to add to what we already know.

Get some sleep, patriot.

2b97bb No.2236950


I was just about to reference this, nice.

ThanQ for bringing it over

everybody should read this so you understand exactly where we are going and what we are fighting against

af8214 No.2236951

yesterday we got a message from helpful anon saying be back in 7 hours

did they come back?

08b54e No.2236952

File: 1c2f2cdf63a4374⋯.jpg (28.33 KB, 474x474, 1:1, a5aa760418802bb735be39d6b0….jpg)


You can Anon on the toilet, brah.

c7ecb6 No.2236954

File: 75557a7687c9318⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1151x1720, 1151:1720, nxvim_snctm.jpg)

0cd051 No.2236955





Also speaks about a Bronfman from Canada (perhaps he got the idea from Jack) and much much more.



045b2f No.2236956

File: 2b8fe40e118e418⋯.jpg (110.96 KB, 1117x1075, 1117:1075, beekerandmeeker.jpg)

There is no rhyme or reason to anything on /pol/

21e4f2 No.2236957

File: 20fc19342812892⋯.jpg (18.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, muhdick.jpg)

7f78d6 No.2236958

File: f2ff8aedb080a89⋯.png (134.61 KB, 1160x590, 116:59, ClipboardImage.png)

"Today it's @Cernovich, but tomorrow it might be you & your family @verizon owned HuffPost continues to slander, smear & endanger conservatives & their families How dare the press pretend Mike is a white supremacist/Nazi when he helped protect my JEWISH family from death threats"

The brilliance of this situation is that like with the MS-13 media storm, they are now forced into defending and supporting pedophilia.

ccabbd No.2236959

File: caef1b927e09d03⋯.jpg (86.64 KB, 475x280, 95:56, you8.jpg)

dc4e10 No.2236960


no cross over bushes, criminal, all of you must pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

704e50 No.2236961

>>2236288 Trump's grand Veterans Day military parade will feature 5,000 to 7,000 service members

Notable blunder baker? (wrong link?)

7db147 No.2236962




So we have a tag team of shills/C_A niggers here on the board and they seem to be shit posting an awful lot when the subject of R comes up.

You know, it never, EVER, ceases to amaze me how you fucks give yourselves away whenever TRUTH hits either this board or places like, ummmm, https://jimstone.is (under his unhackanble IP for example? ;)

You give yourselves away by the velocity and volume of your attacks. And even when this is pointed out to you idiots you STILL can't help yourselves in doing this crap every time truth hits the internet'.

What is with you numbskulls??? Got some sort of TRUTH DERANGEMENT SYNDROME?

If you really cannot stop yourselves from attacking anyone who posts a truth drop, who is in control of you??? Ever wondered?

His name starts with an X.

What a bunch of fucking wankers and losers you all are.

d157b7 No.2236963


This. Don't listen to people trying to say it's a 'distraction' - keep digging!

3e63c1 No.2236964

File: 5f4ff6b33c7082a⋯.png (734.95 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 818B5704-F52E-46BD-A31A-09….png)

File: e59a18bc21eb587⋯.jpeg (310.07 KB, 1125x1805, 225:361, CDBA9B33-64B1-43F4-8F9A-3….jpeg)

File: 311c47021018f4b⋯.jpeg (318.23 KB, 1125x1730, 225:346, 29F44AC6-59F5-4873-84E1-A….jpeg)

File: 00d0896034dad0a⋯.jpeg (296.69 KB, 1125x1639, 1125:1639, 68BF9ABC-ADD7-4B23-A678-3….jpeg)

File: cf9b9d5e6426c92⋯.jpeg (362.56 KB, 1125x1980, 25:44, B028EA29-D202-443A-AF50-6….jpeg)

For those who don’t have twitter

Very interesting theory here

Link to Navigant story: https://www.navigant.com/insights/legal-technology-solutions/2018/fbi-taps-to-bring-down-hacker-clearinghouse

0999f0 No.2236965


Thanks, Are you the Anon that is going to charge me for editing my posts?

Part of the issue is that I am normally really strong with numbers, I never copypasta them, I just remember and type them in when I get to the text editor… As you can see I am pretty good at it most of the time :)

Thanks for helping!! The incorrect link was funny!!

21e4f2 No.2236966


A little early, but I served under Shitbag Clinton. I would love to be re-activated for 24 hours just so I can say that I served under a Patriot President…maybe just for parade day.

dc4e10 No.2236967


jews killed the best on earth , let us love the most murderer!!!!!!!!

af8214 No.2236968



was nearly your President

Dodged a bullet you did

bc5951 No.2236969


Ongoing thread still now, 11 tweets so far


46f58c No.2236970


The month the world discovered the truth.

Discovered - past tense - not discovers

7ebf19 No.2236971

File: 6986998baf0581a⋯.png (15.8 KB, 710x535, 142:107, ploversr.png)

Representation of Planck length over Schwartchild Radius.

That is the smallest length on X and the smallest Radius of mass and the amount and how it warps the axis.

Notice the huge difference and the way overpowering effect of Mass?

352243 No.2236972


back to your thread Rfaggot

muh JFK jr

86ec6d No.2236973


In last bread there was a document where two peopled signed and anon wanted to know who the person was who signed it. Well further down in bread there was a document that had about six signatures. So Rod Rosenstein was the answer to anons question as to who the other person was, based off of similarities in his number writing style. This all had to do with the release of FISA docs

1181bb No.2236974

File: d7734ae6378f17d⋯.jpg (746.03 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180721-230214….jpg)


Him apparently

Pic. Related

46e03e No.2236975



4cf5c0 No.2236976

File: c606e5ed215888f⋯.gif (5.5 MB, 600x600, 1:1, fingerprint-of-god-vortex-….gif)

f38b28 No.2236978

File: aa369929d8b6e63⋯.jpg (160.62 KB, 861x711, 287:237, 4 chan comms good.jpg)

7db147 No.2236979



One shill nigger rears his head!

f2cd31 No.2236980

File: bfdc25a7ef1c50f⋯.jpg (37.62 KB, 678x331, 678:331, OneLuckySonofaBitch.jpg)


Did he say strap in or strap on?

352243 No.2236982


why do you post here FEtard?

you have no understand of physics, as shown by your own words

the Planck length and Schwarzschild Radius (not fucking Schwartchild dumbass) are unrelated

kys FEtard

see you later

4bed5e No.2236983


Disgusting people! These people belong to O.T.O. also the Dorian Gray Society. (Most belong to both.)

If you go on to snctm website and go to Manifesto number 11 on the drop-down menu.

The last many months I’m a caterpillar in a cocoon, and every experience is bringing me closer to making my way out into the same world I was in before, but now with wings to take flight with a similar vision but a different perspective. The Masquerade on July 28th will be the embryo of a new philosophy grown to an infant that can be interacted with. This child will carry with it the wisdom of the last five years of its prior incarnation, but with a different purpose.

I could be wrong, but to me it looks like code for a 5 year old child on the menu for July 28th masquerade ball!

These people deserve the death penalty!

0999f0 No.2236984


It is called a transposition error in accounting Anon and they are almost always divisible by 3 (when adding columns of numbers).

I certainly intend no disrespect and it has been corrected.

cf2007 No.2236985

File: 5eac1b3ce23ca4b⋯.png (522.85 KB, 707x1032, 707:1032, Screenshot_2018-07-21-22-2….png)

scntm tagged in this

3e63c1 No.2236986

File: 275540dd204b0a0⋯.jpeg (290.66 KB, 1125x1810, 225:362, 1A7FB418-6B6A-425F-B4CB-F….jpeg)

Delaware shell companies


bd7a5e No.2236987


Born ready.

352243 No.2236988

File: a7d481bdc26a5ab⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 255x255, 1:1, brock.jpg)


kys Rfaggot

you syntax resembles AIM/SES shills


← that is you

ff6e80 No.2236989

File: 16f4908e17c3590⋯.jpg (626.1 KB, 787x610, 787:610, Hard Ass Rodeo.jpg)

]>>2236830 (lb)

>yeah, whatever….I'm still quite happy w/ my experience , but thanks for suffering needlessly so you can tell others how hard it is. I love when people like you always play the martyr and claim the superior role. Guess you took too big of a bite hey? bwahahaha

I'd love to hear what your experience is. Grand parents left you a little acreage? Or do you think your hundred square foot garden is self sufficiency?

I'm talking about taking BLM ground out of sagebrush and spending 50 years turning it into several million dollars worth of property and improved ground. A possible retirement and a little something to leave your kids. Fuck you and your infantile insults, see you at the rodeo. You'll be roping goats and if you have any children, which I doubt, they'll be riding pigs.

46e03e No.2236990

File: ee9659ed66004b5⋯.png (146.45 KB, 476x660, 119:165, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: b48b78f4585cf8c⋯.png (692.16 KB, 1181x689, 1181:689, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 31196ad7847af7e⋯.png (947.07 KB, 1111x652, 1111:652, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)




c15666 No.2236991

File: c9abeb70b26e485⋯.jpg (139.41 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, DSC02091.jpg)


You were saying faggot.

>What is the Disney Club?

33a1b1 No.2236993


Interesting… I'll post a Thread Reader pdf when he finishes.

3a7777 No.2236994

File: aff10fa63ae78cd⋯.png (25.96 KB, 1233x340, 1233:340, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: b22db6e2901b498⋯.png (29.62 KB, 1233x612, 137:68, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: 9c71d94130066d8⋯.png (20.9 KB, 1233x238, 1233:238, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: 9e6bd0e2e2c281d⋯.png (29.47 KB, 1233x289, 1233:289, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: f6c6e84e59fa9d5⋯.png (23.07 KB, 1233x238, 1233:238, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

Posts from namesanon on 4chan SNCTM thread

Part 1

bf0d65 No.2236995

File: 06330a9cad8052f⋯.png (514.04 KB, 759x412, 759:412, 2018-07-21_23-19-13.png)


Everything there sends a message?


62f16c No.2236996


Notice (((their))) syntaxes

"muh kys"

"muh joo shills"

"muh stupid thread"


We KNOW we tracked down one IP of these fucking (((shills))) originating to REUTERS in NYC, and that iranian angle with hollywood exposed iranian media as being actually owned and controlled by (((globalist))) conglomerate based in NYC.

bc5951 No.2236997


Now up to 16 tweets in the thread


3a7777 No.2236998

File: 1950014218e8624⋯.png (22.22 KB, 1233x221, 1233:221, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: 34f373f7002cd82⋯.png (25.29 KB, 1233x255, 411:85, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: e5e8d83678ce670⋯.png (13.43 KB, 1233x170, 1233:170, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: c361663c4396332⋯.png (18.84 KB, 1233x204, 411:68, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: cfd706cd9e01532⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1233x238, 1233:238, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)


Part 2

352243 No.2236999

File: 589f62432789d9f⋯.png (640.66 KB, 719x1634, 719:1634, ClipboardImage.png)

I really hate this commie faggot


next to HRC, I really want to see Huber take this guy down

7ebf19 No.2237000

File: e03786547eb8b1e⋯.jpg (47.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, sqrcircle90.jpg)


It is easy to figure stuff out on a 2d graph

I can make anything a right triangle and then figure the hypotenuse, bisect it and figure the quarter of the arc (then the bisects of that) of that radius. Basically that is the way to figure the deflection of mass on the 4D axis.

4bed5e No.2237001



Disgusting people! These people belong to OTO also the Dorian Gray Society. (Most belong to both.)

If you go on to snctm website and go to Manifesto number 11 on the drop-down menu.

The last many months I’m a caterpillar in a cocoon, and every experience is bringing me closer to making my way out into the same world I was in before, but now with wings to take flight with a similar vision but a different perspective. The Masquerade on July 28th will be the embryo of a new philosophy grown to an infant that can be interacted with. This child will carry with it the wisdom of the last five years of its prior incarnation, but with a different purpose.

I could be wrong, but to me it looks like code for a 5 year old child on the menu for July 28th masquerade ball!

These people deserve the death penalty!

dc4e10 No.2237002


This must be done w/ tcriminals, traitors, pedos.

While healty, take a car, neat them with chains, go with speed so all cann see , when half death, let in the desert so crows waith him dye, no water, when almost dead, take back, care him, make him good, and again., and again, and again.

19e534 No.2237003

File: d2f68c3e6fa1e1f⋯.jpg (246.44 KB, 1129x677, 1129:677, Enjoy The Show-Pepe.jpg)

3a7777 No.2237004

File: e64a2b5f34cf024⋯.png (16.51 KB, 1233x187, 1233:187, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: 404ab3ce96313ed⋯.png (22.21 KB, 1233x204, 411:68, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: 6504b36992775c3⋯.png (16.22 KB, 1233x187, 1233:187, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: a0f8243ad4b7bd1⋯.png (16.25 KB, 1233x187, 1233:187, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: a8c805e6b89671d⋯.png (14.8 KB, 1233x187, 1233:187, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)


Part 3

e743e5 No.2237005


don't really need a play-by-play anon

The initial report is appreciated, after that i'ts just kinda a slide (unintentional in this case :) )

cd1d6b No.2237006


Q and Potus has weaponized the autists on 8chan. How easy it now for a "Shill" to take advantage of our digging skills, to dig dirt up on someone that they have a vendetta on.

Before you call me a faggot, ya faggots….remember, we are not autists for hire. We serve a higher purpose. IF…the requests to dig on people and organizations fall within our mandate, then sure, I would entertain shinig light on the pedo freaks and abominations that occure in our presently accepted culture. Otherwise, the recent "drops" from Hwoodanon & BLanon could be tactical from the left.

Keep that in mind anons…. We are here to open the ficking can wide open till it stares the left and cabal in their faces. If it's legit, then there may be good to do. If its a distraction, you just got burnt…..

333e3d No.2237007


Pedo symbol pendant

3a7777 No.2237008

File: 9e9aebeb1f859ea⋯.png (29.36 KB, 1233x272, 1233:272, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: 213e35887e27bcd⋯.png (15.03 KB, 1233x204, 411:68, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)

File: c79192960a168a6⋯.png (26.42 KB, 1233x357, 411:119, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)


Part 4 (last)

bc5951 No.2237010


No one posted the link until I did

5beeda No.2237011


Gregory J. Burden This Guy clown Hypnotherapist I think this place is HQ for clowns not the College

21e4f2 No.2237012


Ah, yes..just like Jesus instructed us to do.

08d890 No.2237013


hmmm apparently Bob Anderson worked for Navigant and now the Chertoff group according to his linked In >https ://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-anderson-32002b123/

wonder if either company has clinton ties

210cb1 No.2237014

bc83b0 No.2237015

File: 87993544d2d215b⋯.jpg (199.86 KB, 800x580, 40:29, Interdasting.jpg)

644a1a No.2237016

File: dd882f1b1cd794e⋯.png (65.54 KB, 806x672, 403:336, snctm1.png)



cd2f13 No.2237017

File: 98f0f26ac57be7e⋯.jpeg (23.05 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 06B2F5E8-DA33-43E0-AA85-1….jpeg)


Damon Lawner - Founder of Snctm

e743e5 No.2237018



But I wasn't referring to your initial, just the follow up (up to 16 etc)

c7ecb6 No.2237019


Dirt is dirt.

Fuck off

abfba9 No.2237020

File: 83124a28993785a⋯.png (37.62 KB, 638x346, 319:173, SAdams and JWoods re @jack….PNG)

f2cd31 No.2237021


Give me a fucking break. I read the 1st post & FUCK HIM.

Don't give me that crybaby shit. Who the fuck is this guy?? He sat back quietly the past 30 years or however long he claims to be around that & did nothing.

But his 1st sentences are to judge & try to guilt /pol/?

FUCK YOU. That is ALL ON YOU PAL. Did you call the Police? FBI? Marshall's? ANYONE?

Gt fucked then.

ff6e80 No.2237022


Added Aaron Zebley to list.

86d620 No.2237023

File: b09484cae68071d⋯.png (1.1 MB, 2336x4026, 1168:2013, SNCTM.png)

As mentioned by HWoodAnon on 4chan, the term "SCNTM" was repeated.

A simple Google search produces a website which is shrouded in symbolism and in-your-face Eyes Wide Shut debauchery.

Link to a video on their website


What the fuck is this organization? Definitely deserves to be looked into.

da02c0 No.2237024

CAN anyone confirm this sauce??



fc9763 No.2237025

File: f18b3a9c72d4a13⋯.jpg (364.91 KB, 750x725, 30:29, f18b3a9c72d4a13b29e0934fac….jpg)


I surely started to got a strange feeling about all of this. Not a bad one, actually a good one, like a big F boom is comming that will redpill many. I might be wrong tho.

191f18 No.2237026

File: 5f53c43ea18c721⋯.jpg (190.52 KB, 1119x775, 1119:775, DEPP.jpg)


"Magic blooms only in rare souls. It is granted to those who live. Oh, what a world we would make for all of humanity. We who live for freedom, for truth, the moment has come to rise up and take our rightful place in the world.” ~ DEPP


3a7777 No.2237027

File: 338669832de5280⋯.png (7.3 KB, 852x136, 213:34, Screenshot_2018-07-21 pol….png)


Missed one >.>

Currently adding the names to a text document

86d620 No.2237028


Link to HWoodAnon's thread, which is already in the noteables.


352243 No.2237029


see: >>2236988

>syntax resembles AIM/SES shills

an anon pointed this out earlier and now I can tell everytime (((they))) post, definitely the same shills pushing the R crap as the other shill tactics

e743e5 No.2237030



meh your id changed. apologies :)

66a327 No.2237031

File: c7cbbe61f4543d3⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 340.49 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Suzana #LulaDaSilva #LulaL….mp4)

46e03e No.2237032

File: 5925c357de39d03⋯.png (586.8 KB, 1179x588, 393:196, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 87bf10cbd8a234a⋯.png (320.19 KB, 1058x639, 1058:639, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 5198f920bbbebbc⋯.png (836.62 KB, 895x638, 895:638, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 667127b9882ac73⋯.png (978.17 KB, 1023x650, 1023:650, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)


dc4e10 No.2237033


Shut the fk up

501109 No.2237034

File: 6dd1cddfd66ceaf⋯.png (452.98 KB, 1086x1093, 1086:1093, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dc8f48c6baa3c8⋯.png (189.45 KB, 945x887, 945:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecb94121c19b976⋯.png (696.88 KB, 953x529, 953:529, ClipboardImage.png)


Password protected areas / video



Another video


3e63c1 No.2237035


Thanks anon. I didn’t know it would be so long

536336 No.2237036


What is this

537c7a No.2237037


The movie blade used lots of symbolism including clubs that had no names but symbols, and affiliates who were tattooed with symbols on the backs of their necks.

21e4f2 No.2237038


Eat a few dicks.

4372bf No.2237039


>Your proctologist thinks the Yankees win the World Series this year #IsitaFISAFact?

The ghost of Joseph Smith told me my neighbor has sex with horses.


f38b28 No.2237040

File: 3929fe937036b94⋯.jpg (135.54 KB, 956x754, 478:377, Glimpse.jpg)

cd1d6b No.2237041

File: 17d1c914a443f81⋯.jpg (13.53 KB, 560x373, 560:373, Sillyfucking anon.jpg)

916325 No.2237042



Before the election he donated a Million $$ to OBama fund….prob got a free membership with that.

That said, it's a private club…unless they are using children, or trafficking unwilling women (or MKultra), then it's fully legal and fine.

c05b4e No.2237043

File: f0d9c74b2556953⋯.png (566.92 KB, 1012x749, 1012:749, dwight.png)

Has anyone ever sued Mark Phillips or Cathy O'Brien? Looks like their book is still for sale.


<or is this political pilpul?

4cbbb9 No.2237044

File: 49bc0ebdcf97270⋯.jpg (118.55 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Carter Page FBI FISA.jpg)

File: 4b51cf08481b5b6⋯.png (498.5 KB, 1312x946, 656:473, Carter Page interview with….png)


Carter Page was a 'plant', a Clown/F_I asset for years before they used him as an excuse for the FISA to spy on Trump and his campaign… AND you 3 letter fuckers still lost like a dog! lmfao

LOSERS never win!

Buckle up, treasonous bitches, your judgement day is coming!

7ebf19 No.2237046


personally I am so disgusted with all the BS, ie immunity deals, I have chosen go back to trying to figure out the universe.

304a15 No.2237047


Massive kudos to you for baking.

Thanks again.

676c08 No.2237048


Main page archive link (houseofkaya.com) I made a bit ago:


e2694e No.2237049

File: 33be3fe0aaf7b33⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 401x271, 401:271, chertoff.jpg)


Chertoff= pure motherfuckin' eeeevil. You gotta know Skeletor has ties to every cabal level.

I am absolutely serious when I say that guy needs to be dug on for days and days.

bc5951 No.2237050


The thread reader also update as the thread expands, so no need to wait for it to end.

I just updated the total for anons who looked at the screenshots and thought, "Is that it?? Weak!"

62f16c No.2237051


Notice how these (((scum))) also try to deflect from the jewish angle, tries to make (((___))) something other than what it is, etc.




MOSSAD tried to help harvey weinstein

russian jews and black hats

US jews and black hats and pawns

EU scum and jewish handlers



NWO families


Sassoon family

Thyssen family

ALL connected, ALL playing ALL angles.

Unknown families

find them

FL - Franklin Leonard

Leonardo di Caprio

Standard Hotel

Chateau Marmont

armenian angle

IRAN angle

CHINA human trafficking

Russia human trafficking





saudi/arab pedo rapists

paki rapists

UK parliament

US congress

South korea corruption

SE asia golden triangle drug running and kidnapping of girls

cuba - florida

JFK assassination and LANSKY - BROFMANN



dc4e10 No.2237052


You know that right hand soros's?

That beat women, rape, etc??????

Who you think that learned from????????????

Imagine soros.

0efaa5 No.2237053


The pieces fit! This is very good!

c05b4e No.2237054


ooooo…don't see his name pop up often. kek

abfba9 No.2237055


>>Dirt is dirt.

>>Fuck off

Shills/clowns speak life that to well meaning anons

cf2007 No.2237056

File: ff063934ae686ef⋯.png (545.11 KB, 691x979, 691:979, Screenshot_2018-07-21-22-3….png)

My last one on this. Interesting he says he's making grammys and tags illuminati as well as scntm

0767e7 No.2237057


Is it always the Jews?

833853 No.2237058

Many normies, and even some anons are feeling anxious about the pace of the Great Awakening. I am not. Their anxiety of course is coming from the looming midterms, and the possibility that the Dems could gain seats will impeach.

Personally, I truly think the feces Q told us about is about to hit the fan. I can feel it in my bones…but even without booms, videos, smoking guns, FISA warrants, big revelations and perp walks, POTUS is in great shape for November.

There are 5 big factors in play:

1. Trump is winning, and winning big. Economy, NK, regulations rollbacks, SCOTUS, tax relief, and it keeps getting better.

2. Trump Rallies. Any vulnerable R seat will benefit from Trump’s support, and he loves rallies. The Dems have Bernie and the commie chick from NY. The bully pulpit is strong with this one.

3. Trump has completely de-nutted the media. Example: despite non-stop screeching about Russia, and most recently the “Treason Summit”, the public doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Russia. (sauce: https://www.dailywire.com/news/33279/gallup-polls-show-americans-couldnt-care-less-joseph-curl)

4. Democratic Socialists - while the term Socialist is palatable, and even fashionable to millenneals, there are still millions of Americans who are extremely turned off by even the mention of the S word. The more Bernie and ugly commie chick get their faces out there, the better for the Republicans. Someone very smart once said “These people are really stupid.”

5. The leftist vitriol. Trump Derangement Syndrome is on display daily, and regular people are generally repulsed by it. Mad Max is garnering headlines, and while the hard left base loves here, the majority see her as stupid and unhinged. The #walkaway movement is real, and the 24/7 hate spewing is literally pushing moderate Democrats into Trump’s arms. Added bonus, the greater the vitriol, violence and threats of violence against Trump voters, the less likely Trump voters are to admit support to a stranger on the phone. It’s a dangerous world out there, and they left is unhinged. All this leads to the polls way underestimating Trump support. The Blue Wave isn’t even being discussed lately, and factor in the stealth Trump voters, it’s going to be a wipeout.

Point being, I want to see things unfold quickly simply because I want kids protected and the evil doers to face justice. I hate those fuckers, and every day they are allowed to walk free is one too many. But in purely political terms, we actually do have time to let the Plan unfold as fast or as slowly as POTUS and Q Team need it to.. We don’t need to worry about November. Not one iota.


5beeda No.2237059


FUCK THEY BUILT DUMBO!!!!! AND MOST OF DISNEYLAND are you guys even seeing this , C.I.A HQ

e743e5 No.2237060


Not news.

Even normies who listen to @dbongino knew this much in January.

352243 No.2237061

File: 7e8f969299f80d7⋯.png (250.29 KB, 914x411, 914:411, ClipboardImage.png)

anyone see this?

communism → socialism

meh its a start I guess

08d890 No.2237062


The founder of the Chertoff group who was part of the Bush Admin was staunching anti Trump and supported Clinton over Trump. Looks like Anderson much like Storzk's wife got a nice promotion following the events that unfolded

352243 No.2237063

File: 7a380efd6b8cd47⋯.png (331.77 KB, 640x1722, 320:861, ClipboardImage.png)


shit forgot link


599b30 No.2237064

File: 47c66ed0b733489⋯.png (18.54 KB, 1421x197, 1421:197, HollywoodLARP.png)

File: 22e8b14dfc52030⋯.png (10.19 KB, 809x153, 809:153, snctm password.png)


He is a fucking pussy, Anon. You're 100% correct. Just a few moments ago the motherfucking larp called "RENEGAGE" (aka HollywoodAnon) bailed out.

I was just the messenger. This LARP, HollywoodAnon, can go fuck himself, as far as I'm concerned.

Huge. Fucking. Waste. Of. Time.

P.S. Someone on the Half said that they cracked the password for the SNCTM website, so if anyone wants to give it a whirl, see the pic. . . .

644a1a No.2237065

File: 2623cb23d93e7a5⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 740x759, 740:759, houseofkeys1.JPG)


Here's similar site. https://houseofkaya.com/

08b54e No.2237066

File: c93f7472adefa1a⋯.png (19.42 KB, 555x255, 37:17, ClipboardImage.png)


MAP provides the KEY?

7515aa No.2237067


Chinese Style?

abfba9 No.2237068

File: 244dcd793ecc256⋯.png (40.46 KB, 650x334, 325:167, CRoss re FISA 7-21-18.PNG)


Counter to MSM Narrative

A bunch of liberal pundits and journos looking at the Carter Page docs and re-scrutinizing the Nunes memo while ignoring the main point that THE FBI RELIED HEAVILY ON AN UNVERIFIED DOSSIER TO GET 4 FISA WARRANTS

b2b563 No.2237069


checkout /pol on 4chan

there's a whole thread by this HWOODANON

dropping serious truth bombs.

he's legit.

people think it's eddie murphy.

a5f505 No.2237070


Map provides the key

Server == Key

0f00c9 No.2237071

archive anons

lets say i found an old post using germanarchiveanon

lets say the original post included a very hi res photo

i only get thumbnails on germanAA

if its back to march 2018, any leads on where orig pics might be?

86d620 No.2237072


What is this about?

a7242f No.2237073

File: 227ecb956a33f72⋯.png (296.32 KB, 489x580, 489:580, f3aa301ddcfe56d061d8413072….png)


Buck Sexton.

She's all yours.

3dfa90 No.2237074

File: 9677e44f764b483⋯.jpg (107.7 KB, 1185x787, 1185:787, TRUST.jpg)

File: 89d52b1d3a6a9ba⋯.jpeg (84.42 KB, 1242x826, 621:413, fireworks.jpeg)

66a327 No.2237075

File: f2e413b5157f826⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.5 MB, 867x862, 867:862, Screenshot_426.png)



71bd08 No.2237076


Chertoff/Kristol/Jake Sullivan/John Podesta/etc all on the board of the company that calls every Trump supporter a Russian bot (Hamilton 68).

Chertoff takes dirty to a whole new dimension.

4c5d0c No.2237077

File: efe3758bec1ee15⋯.jpg (18.32 KB, 540x378, 10:7, pepe_shills.jpg)


I keep trying to tell anons (and it goes nowhere) that San Antonio is one of the KEYS… a human trafficking HUB, Highest paid city manager in the United States (who was city manager in phoenix az before that) Julian Castro with presidential ambitions, corrupt as fuck city government where the city manager who makes more than the president of the united states (why?) has more power than the mayor or any other city entity. WTF, i have posted many articles about her, as many as i could find because she is hard to research.

Also Trump ran his campaign out of San Antonio. Maybe there is a reason for that….

352243 No.2237078

File: 5e7b247ad6851f5⋯.png (127.01 KB, 305x466, 305:466, ClipboardImage.png)


see: >>2237029

I've noticed

posted this earlier, you'd get a kick out of it (pic related)

f2cd31 No.2237079


Are they reading the same one? Or are they just parroting some dumb hooker who hasn't figured out how to read but she's too proud to admit it?

Because wtf. Or, or actually I think their problem is the concept of going back in your brain to remember what others testified and then bringing that back up front to compare dates.

That's not what they get paid for tho I guess

3e63c1 No.2237080


He’s still going!

0999f0 No.2237081


I do not believe that ever happened…

(back when fungus would just shut up and bake)

d86811 No.2237082

File: 8fc4a6eddc6f816⋯.png (229.91 KB, 407x523, 407:523, 1532227140512.png)

333e3d No.2237083

File: fa2f31865a50ecc⋯.jpeg (68.42 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 9D037F7B-7025-43DC-9E6A-F….jpeg)

File: d16d07d7ea2de18⋯.jpeg (95.42 KB, 714x483, 34:23, 1F68FF7F-4448-409A-A6C4-2….jpeg)

File: 92ef8ae7ba92838⋯.jpeg (122.83 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 4212FEE4-0DD1-4594-8675-A….jpeg)

File: ee0f2e8cf7f7f36⋯.jpeg (129.26 KB, 1086x499, 1086:499, 506F20F3-97ED-42CD-8A91-0….jpeg)

File: f727b27098b4875⋯.jpeg (126.22 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 8DF5BD79-5F10-4B67-8EE7-9….jpeg)

cd1d6b No.2237084



fc9763 No.2237085

File: 54729fe4cba601b⋯.jpeg (175.73 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 470c8c258e02bf35e15ec0340….jpeg)


Q and POTUS didn't weaponized shit, maybe some anons, but autists were already like this. They basically are "using autists services" (think Meme War I). Autist do what they do, you can't really control autists, because you can't really lie to them, or is really, really difficult. Pol is on this also now, not on Q, but against the pedos much more than Qresearch, they are the ones digging all the goods, not us.

c05b4e No.2237086

File: d95f15222848402⋯.png (794.73 KB, 761x568, 761:568, ClipboardImage.png)

4c5d0c No.2237087

File: 8f0a89f98005128⋯.png (144.33 KB, 2472x248, 309:31, Screen_Shot_2018-07-21_at_….png)


and forgot the pic cause im a dumbass

(you see why i need help now)

dc4e10 No.2237089


If that will make you happy….


I like cherries, never look out for worms, imagineI already did that.


46e03e No.2237090

File: eac9fcb1be31dc4⋯.png (139.02 KB, 574x539, 82:77, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 659ec691dc08a19⋯.png (332.29 KB, 485x449, 485:449, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)





352243 No.2237091

File: 1ee1a3ebcb68306⋯.png (114.79 KB, 734x477, 734:477, ClipboardImage.png)

started digging to see if I could find any "stars" that went to snctm, found this pretty quickly:

Gwyneth Paltrow


da02c0 No.2237092

File: 1a041a1db8e707a⋯.png (603.05 KB, 555x630, 37:42, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c6870d7773591a⋯.png (82.23 KB, 580x896, 145:224, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7af90b3f4580492⋯.png (603.92 KB, 582x738, 97:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e30ade13d61f50⋯.png (228.46 KB, 593x855, 593:855, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bac97bcf6dc93f8⋯.png (66.12 KB, 566x920, 283:460, ClipboardImage.png)


He rigs elections from Venezuela to Estonia

He rigs electronic voting machines owned by him, George Soros and Mitt Romney

He controls the Senior Executive Service (SES)

He steals trillions of dollars from inventors, Main Street and a rigged global stock market

His slogan should be Make America British Again


7f78d6 No.2237093

File: 06e7eafb94a6948⋯.png (774.21 KB, 884x666, 442:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Why can't we have some common sense fence/wall building done on the southern border? Surely a fence with multiple layers of concertina wire will deter all but the most determined illegals.

352243 No.2237094


sauce's link:


f4e33b No.2237095


Agree Anon

3a3e1e No.2237096


Never a single one of these shits pans out and yet you fucks still continue to pretend.

Makes me want to #walkaway from the dumb on this board,

ebb2bd No.2237097


Did you try running the thumbnails through Google Image Search?

74b1e2 No.2237098


then don't be fucking dirty

and enjoy the show…

7ebf19 No.2237099

File: 149fe9cb034304b⋯.png (5.75 KB, 256x255, 256:255, MinkScale.svg.png)

File: 97f773405f0ec1d⋯.png (8.29 KB, 250x247, 250:247, MinkScale3.svg.png)

Physics uses the Lorentz transformation to spin the axis around the Y axis ( well you can use it to spin it around any vector). I can do that any any good graphic program. They think it is 'huge' that they can show that Z is time dilated and X is length compressed - but that is just a Y spin.

46e03e No.2237100

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Symbols Anons…

602a87 No.2237101

Q wont be back for a LONG time. Thats ok. Im ready for the show to finally begin for the public/normies

af8214 No.2237102

File: 7a075ae4409e30e⋯.png (139.66 KB, 622x476, 311:238, ClipboardImage.png)

Triangular spacecraft


A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.

Images (8)



7f78d6 No.2237103

Schiff: Trump ‘Gravest Threat to Our Democracy’ I’ve Seen in My Life – ‘Quite Possible’ Russia Has Dirt on Him


It is also quite possible that Adam Schiff was involved in the murder and coverup of the manager of the Standard Hotel.

cd1d6b No.2237104


GOOD….let them. Q brought us here from /pol/ …half of us disfunctional, socially awkward autists came, the rest we picked up along the way. We've actually been given direction whether you accept it or fail to realize it.. now go drink some bleach like we used to back in the day…..just fucking kidding….drink peroxide, its better for you…KEK

4372bf No.2237105


Gary rhymes with Larry. Therefore, Gary knows Larry


179569 No.2237107


Its been posted here before I posted it and it got almost no pushback guess it depends on the day

ff6e80 No.2237108

File: d3db73b2fb55b83⋯.jpg (4.58 KB, 109x255, 109:255, Alien Gladiator.jpg)


Have you a repository of these drops? I'd love to see them all as they are some of the most insightful philosopic insights into why most of us are here.

I know a lot are back on /pol/, but I'd love to see them updated here as this is where the most sober survivors remain.

Of course, the crazy fun has left the house, sigh.

c05b4e No.2237109


>Point being, I want to see things unfold quickly simply because I want kids protected and the evil doers to face justice.


>I want to see things unfold quickly simply because I want kids protected and the evil doers to face justice. I hate those fuckers, and every day they are allowed to walk free is one too many. But in purely political terms, we actually do have time to let the Plan unfold as fast or as slowly as POTUS and Q Team need it to.. We don’t need to worry about November. Not one iota.

nominate this for new dough spice…right under Semper Fidelis

a5f505 No.2237110

abfba9 No.2237111

File: b655c0d4b57467d⋯.png (51.23 KB, 661x468, 661:468, OConner re Fisa 7-21-18.PNG)


FBI used the dossier…. News reports based on dossier…. and Harry Reid letter based on dossier. That's all the same "source" cited as 3 different sources. And that one source was unverified campaign oppo research.

97d95b No.2237112

File: 2d0e13b5f93f259⋯.jpg (216.58 KB, 1857x1317, 619:439, _20180721_234310.JPG)

File: 356d560c5e594b3⋯.jpg (272.89 KB, 1942x1335, 1942:1335, _20180721_234143.JPG)

File: 25db8d8ef99d8cd⋯.jpg (259.46 KB, 1879x1373, 1879:1373, _20180721_234157.JPG)


After the last year or so of news//digging … I can believe every word of this.


da02c0 No.2237113

File: 117868f8de40117⋯.png (63.76 KB, 588x810, 98:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 494adf4f240748c⋯.png (69.01 KB, 574x916, 287:458, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39988519231a415⋯.png (71.57 KB, 582x912, 97:152, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16d5ed77421a8c2⋯.png (64.35 KB, 576x909, 64:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a68ede6a4a2e157⋯.png (69.96 KB, 578x854, 289:427, ClipboardImage.png)


Cont. from images:

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, George Soros and Mitt Romney control over 90% of electronic voting machines in the U.S.

During the course of this research, it took an unexpected turn. Malloch-Brown does not hide his deep associations with globalist warlord George Soros—who does not appear bothered by comparisons of him to Satan (Financial Times, Sep. 28, 2004). [Update: This article was removed from public access soon after this article was posted. We are working to find a copy. Stay tuned.] Malloch-Brown also does not hide his ownership and control of the electronic voting machine Smartmatic.

Further digging discovered that the "OpTech" software engine inside Smartmatic was ordered by the Obama-Holder Justice Department to be deployed in all electronic voting machines used in the U.S. including Smartmatic, ES&S, Diebold, Sequoia, Dominion and Hart InterCivic.

While technology insiders have been warning about this corruption for years, it now appears to be reaching the consciousness of the general public, thankfully. See Citizens Can Prevent Election Fraud, American Intelligence Media (May 2, 2018).

The bottom line is this: Lord Malloch-Brown's globalist forces have hijacked the entire landscape of electronic voting machines, have weaponized them, and are poised to strike during the 2018 midterm elections.

Patriots across the country are now calling for a "back to the future" solution: (1) paper ballots, (2) inked thumbs and (3) bipartisan chain of custody. It really is that simple.

What follows is a one-page summary of the clarion call for scrapping these weaponized globalist-takeover voting systems.

501109 No.2237114

File: 7f861ae8bafdfa1⋯.png (804.49 KB, 1379x823, 1379:823, ClipboardImage.png)




Apparently there is also a Showtime show about SNCTM

Naked SNCTM - Season 1 Episode 5 -

The Walk of Shaman


fc9763 No.2237115

File: cf611c3d829bbef⋯.jpg (91.15 KB, 736x736, 1:1, cf611c3d829bbef3f72d705717….jpg)


Yes, is disgusting, but it gives outrage to the masses, a laser point to argue why X shouldn't be granted immunity (and read about this "deals" to not be a concerfag). This awakens more people to the bias of the media and injustice system. Don't lose faith anon, but a rest to think about things is always helpfull, I meditate regularly to clear my head and keep this shit, or it gets really into your nerves.

af8214 No.2237116


yeh was on twatter?

got me also

3a7777 No.2237118






Here are the names in text: https://pastebin.com/676BRcU2

Here are the posts: https://pastebin.com/aUwagrQU

a7242f No.2237119

anons - its 2340 and I have been asked to walk over to a neighbors house to drink beer etc.and red pill three guys from a local cover band…and a couple of females as well so I shall regulate myself.

free wheelin franklin going full maga tonight wish me luck geronimo

b2b563 No.2237120



Curious timing that James Gunn just pulled out as Director of Guardians 3…

This guy may be legit.

Something big may be about to drop regarding HWOOD.

ebb2bd No.2237121


The war has multiple fronts, Anon. The pedo tweets from celebrities might "old news" to us here on the chans, but the most of the country is still very much unaware of the type of sick culture that permeates Hollywood. Baby red pills are needed, too.

f38b28 No.2237122

File: 2bcb147f91ef763⋯.jpg (120.08 KB, 800x889, 800:889, 100 mil to 1.jpg)

File: 2c83f2a5afc3b64⋯.jpg (549.43 KB, 1744x1060, 436:265, PAIN 07212018_2.jpg)

File: 9bf0ca4149baecc⋯.jpg (303.5 KB, 1128x917, 1128:917, Brian Kemp.jpg)

File: ffcae7e179ed85e⋯.jpg (227.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Safety.jpg)

File: 314c78da6fbb6b4⋯.jpg (160.09 KB, 795x671, 795:671, Big fan.jpg)


Key unlocks doors, to get into snctm, you need

to apply and pay big, exclusive. Key lets you

in, must apply and be let in to get key. How

many other places need "key"? Maybe key is

server too, learn double meanings. More

than double?

7f78d6 No.2237123

File: 4beca2d3e3a18f4⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1328x1290, 664:645, ClipboardImage.png)

‘USA Today’ Drops Cheri Jacobus over Pedophilia Tweet

As Breitbart News reported Thursday morning, seemingly from out of nowhere, Jacobus launched an attack against Trump ally Michael Caputo and his children.

" are your daughters ugly like you? Or can Trump use them at the Epstein parties so they can survive when you're broke, bitter, along and in prison for treason?"

— Cheri Jacobus (@CheriJacobus) July 19, 2018


a4f3bf No.2237124


[00] [30] [15] [45]








f2cd31 No.2237125


Fucking Christ. You know what else it brought out? More dumb cunts than ever before saying that they have never seen so many shills panic like they did when whatever started posting.

Hey Grandpa, what else posted right at the same time as all of your gay fantasy stuff?

FISA warrant? OMG! but that's silly right? Why would shills want to stop people from looking into that? right? On a Qresearch board.

that would never happen. So post more sex stuff kay?


7ebf19 No.2237126

File: 7acadbba58eb571⋯.png (19.96 KB, 320x352, 10:11, 320px-MassPropertiesss.svg.png)


Well I don't endorse aliens but the geometry of force over Schwartzchild Radius may be valid.

abfba9 No.2237127

File: 5d196ff6cdd874e⋯.png (131.19 KB, 652x599, 652:599, BYork re FISA 7-21-18.PNG)

7db147 No.2237128



Another shill has outed him/herself. This one is using intellectual reasoning to say that I am a shill.

Anyone who takes the time to look into the R posts will be rewarded by some great insights into what is going on in the world.

One thing to do, is ignore those that say 'don't look into this' or 'ignore that because he is shill posting'.

Think for yourselves anons.

ebb2bd No.2237129


Nice red pill for distribution.


b1e267 No.2237130

This moment of great importance is happening because a small group of people believe so strongly in it, and with such conviction, that it has no choice but to become reality.

With faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains.


537c7a No.2237131


Be careful, those bongo playing peaceful hippies will flip out hard on you.

ebb2bd No.2237132

File: 7eb4e1b5ce234a5⋯.png (272.91 KB, 1864x692, 466:173, prayer.png)

0dd0f8 No.2237133

File: c322259c00da4e8⋯.png (60.56 KB, 660x840, 11:14, 1.PNG)

File: e6b674602ce1478⋯.png (58.88 KB, 679x862, 679:862, 2.PNG)

File: 81f88863b59a0e7⋯.png (56.36 KB, 658x861, 94:123, 3.PNG)

File: d0ed18b13ccaf88⋯.png (19.17 KB, 664x326, 332:163, 4.PNG)

Dig on John Perry Barlow- the man was a prophet..

33a1b1 No.2237134

File: a7898e1db9d207f⋯.jpg (388.88 KB, 1200x516, 100:43, weOweIt02.jpg)

86d620 No.2237135

Vimeo embed. Click thumbnail to play.



46e03e No.2237136


There is a transformation underway, revealed only to those ready for the abundant gifts to be bestowed. It’s been over five years in the making, a delving into darkness to finally breakthrough into the light. We have cleared the path for a group experience of evolved, spiritualized eroticism that no other club in the world can offer. Snctm members-only private club and House of Kaya present a (r)evolutionary experience worthy of ancient souls, modern day royalty, and exceptional seekers of earthly delights. We christened it Harlottes Surrealist Masquerade, and our premiere gathering is moments away. On July 28th, 2018 a seismic shift takes place. The echoes of our celebration shall reverberate out into the universe, spreading a message of love deep into the cosmos. With indebted gratitude to those helping us rise again like a phoenix from the flames, who remained loyal to Snctm and our mission, we offer this evening of wonder to you. Blessings, Snctm🗝

e03e51 No.2237137

File: e0eebfcf268b7ad⋯.jpg (167.61 KB, 1242x1204, 621:602, unnamed-30.jpg)


wtf is this houseofkaya?

7c5250 No.2237138

File: da09f80e402b336⋯.png (801.41 KB, 1288x4448, 161:556, boring.png)

File: abb5592abc5357f⋯.jpg (2.75 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, boring2.jpg)

all lb muh snctvm slide



refried pizza, shady origin, tasteless crumbs, no sauce, double the free slides sprinkle - made in tucson?




have a pic lazies











i see shit spreads overbread.. they like animal soulless sex, have satanic logo and are legal old news >>2236971

TLDR provided here thx >>2237064 + >>2237096

c1f066 No.2237139

File: 22bbf441580aac7⋯.png (135.39 KB, 502x425, 502:425, Faith.PNG)

7ebf19 No.2237140

File: dbfd7baf77b6254⋯.png (1.28 MB, 866x838, 433:419, lenstomandelbrot.png)

dc4e10 No.2237141

when you think, that gorillabama, had a slp, about kenya.

Let me tell you that, that was the first step, in he's new future, already calculated.

af8214 No.2237142

Widespread allegations that the military is working behind the scenes to swing Pakistan’s election this week in favour of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan are threatening to sully what is only the country’s second democratic transition of power.


556cc4 No.2237143


She obvs didn't get the cabal memo about trying to "normalise" pedophilia… That fucking cunt deserves to rot in jail with the rest of the rock spiders!

4cbbb9 No.2237144


no shit, sherlock

215c75 No.2237145


No. It was a big deal. Do you know how many people are in a Trader Joe's on a Saturday? A lot.

So, no surprise that he would know about it and comment on it.

1db648 No.2237146


Bill Maher is a lifetime member

9b9a02 No.2237147

File: 096539ded28e50e⋯.png (15.78 KB, 1342x219, 1342:219, reenga.png)



0a7655 No.2237148

File: daf74d3b25afc82⋯.png (347.24 KB, 800x443, 800:443, daf74d3b25afc822639a6786df….png)

>he name "dead cat bounce" is based on the notion that even a dead cat will bounce if it falls far enough and fast enough.



26 Jun 2018 - 8:10:09 PM

Desperate agencies do stupid things.

Dead cat bounce.

You may have the site but we have the source.


Panic is good.

Panic is right.

July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.


f2cd31 No.2237149


FUCK ME. I didn't even put the two together.


Do you think all the Joe's that are Traitors around DC got a little nervous?

d486cf No.2237150

Take care and rest.


May Jesus love and protect you :)

536336 No.2237151

File: ea9ac2370c15865⋯.jpeg (76.18 KB, 741x452, 741:452, clockwork-orange-eyes.jpeg)

File: 3acf3a299de4943⋯.jpeg (123.79 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, goldencalf.jpeg)

File: 11c7ebc94d85cab⋯.jpeg (76.72 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, frogsfall.jpeg)

d30667 No.2237152

File: 037b215a0ac8cf2⋯.jpg (407.24 KB, 673x894, 673:894, glowing clown deep dream.jpg)

49c86f No.2237153


I think this is a high level shill. 4chan was digging and exposing celebrities and then a guy comes on and begs for folks to dig on SNCTM and foreign trafficking.

Meanwhile, every pedowood actor is scrubbing their social media accounts.

Congratulations, you've played yourself…

af8214 No.2237154

The UN has been sending alleged war criminals to act as peacekeepers in conflict zones, a confidential report claims.

The document, seen by the Observer, and sent to the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations last month, claims that senior Sri Lankan officers accused of war crimes have been deployed to UN operations in Mali, Lebanon, Darfur and South Sudan.


333e3d No.2237155

File: 44be47d7405bb3f⋯.jpeg (110.12 KB, 720x477, 80:53, ADF345E8-9E6E-4DF1-8A53-1….jpeg)

File: fddb6b953c6afb5⋯.jpeg (33.43 KB, 255x208, 255:208, 412A324D-081C-49E1-9B89-0….jpeg)

File: 3e01a7676e74837⋯.jpeg (51.92 KB, 311x295, 311:295, 4110FAF5-945F-4C04-A299-9….jpeg)

File: 781b1df961580cd⋯.jpeg (96.18 KB, 764x535, 764:535, 4E08EE3B-B667-450F-8CD4-4….jpeg)

File: d853f0726657808⋯.jpeg (57.53 KB, 377x422, 377:422, FFDE54D8-D5C2-4C33-AAE0-9….jpeg)

dc4e10 No.2237156


while you, well, not all, think this is a waste of time, well……….

This is actually the proof that things are going the right direction.

1ST dance wit hommies

2nd-slip a shit

3rd buy a house

4th can i stay here?

cf2007 No.2237157

They're all a buncha debauched, disgusting degenerates. We know that. They have a sex club. Are we surprised? Unless they are harming children, I truly just don't care what they do with their perverted selves.

ebb2bd No.2237158


Is this soft disclosure?

Source: https://twitter.com/SpaceCorpsUS/status/1020397601190006784

7ebf19 No.2237160

File: 086bdc7b9ffa966⋯.png (4.54 KB, 220x150, 22:15, 220px-Torsion_along_a_geod….png)


personally i think I am making more progress in unwinding our existence that draining the swamp.

Picture is a representation of a tensor (wave) that Einstein used to deflect axis due to mass.

af8214 No.2237161


yeh i was thinking that

just came out of the blue

08b54e No.2237162

File: 72c4029e25cba4a⋯.png (74.92 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57caedca072e0ac⋯.png (22.58 KB, 801x270, 89:30, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51c02ad710e8780⋯.png (621.04 KB, 800x780, 40:39, ClipboardImage.png)

The crazy witch is right…



f38b28 No.2237163

File: 3d3a785d6864103⋯.jpg (196.38 KB, 814x494, 407:247, daily callar trudeau syria….jpg)

File: 719ec5dd43bdb2b⋯.jpg (436.85 KB, 1348x935, 1348:935, yournewswire 07022108_2.jpg)

File: dde76793b224988⋯.jpg (430.27 KB, 1061x915, 1061:915, Trump Tweet 07212018_2.jpg)

File: 47f379856ff4b0e⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 620x360, 31:18, hand on heart.jpg)

File: 4ce2dfbc9fc239d⋯.jpg (176.51 KB, 1066x1006, 533:503, Your fav President.jpg)

307af4 No.2237164

File: e909c51804df4c9⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1438x912, 719:456, EP Oh.png)


352243 No.2237165



its the wiki, but this has been not so classified for a while


215c75 No.2237166


The left is so hate filled they cannot contain themselves. All logic has left the party.

dc4e10 No.2237167


5th - introduce michael to the comunity.

and all dance @ the fire when see their fast man became a woman.

3e63c1 No.2237168

File: ba2bdde37a6c091⋯.jpeg (249.33 KB, 1108x1671, 1108:1671, F181B986-7342-48ED-828D-E….jpeg)

Anyone done any Bryan Paarman digs?

Name doesn’t sound familiar

62f16c No.2237169

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 480x449, 480:449, pepeflood.jpg)


>Think for yourselves anons.

What did Q say?



FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7f78d6 No.2237170

File: 8797b313f5ebdf8⋯.png (68.16 KB, 1156x198, 578:99, ClipboardImage.png)

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_Jul 20

Last night on MSNBC, Sally Yates gave Rod Rosenstein the Deep State Seal of Approval: He's doing "a very good job."

3a7777 No.2237171

File: 31197e968d1ea1a⋯.png (143.99 KB, 512x827, 512:827, Screenshot_2018-07-21 Unit….png)

cd2f13 No.2237172

File: c5578161acc0af2⋯.png (1.35 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 2D602DF2-02E9-4486-9A62-4C….png)

More digging on Snctum….lots of rich and famous members….Gyennth Paltrow and her GOOP involved

Why the Founder of Hollywood's Most Elite Sex Club Is So Damn Unhappy https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/sex/a49636/snctm-sex-club-founder/ via @Esquire

cf2007 No.2237173


just no fun without Q.

9d592e No.2237174

File: 239871e98339a3d⋯.jpg (210.44 KB, 640x810, 64:81, IMG_591.jpg)

b65e46 No.2237175

[Special Agent Michael Gaeta]

Does it fit as the name who signed off on FISA app? He spoke with Victoria Nuland at State early on about the dossier when they were first briefed about it at State. He was an FBI agent that worked in the Rome office.

0a7655 No.2237176

>July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

did this already happen?

f2cd31 No.2237177

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)

46e03e No.2237178

File: 5eeab923cc22232⋯.jpeg (186.76 KB, 1242x1157, 1242:1157, unnamed-47.jpeg)

File: b47f257fb8337cd⋯.png (378.66 KB, 930x587, 930:587, cef973ddc10079eb9c7eab1b18….png)

File: 2288f4070d99ce6⋯.jpeg (44.01 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_0889.jpeg)

333e3d No.2237179

File: 41312f22f3fd9d1⋯.jpeg (75.62 KB, 666x500, 333:250, B023B101-D9AB-4A41-A9F4-2….jpeg)

File: 9ed49fac7d8ecbd⋯.jpeg (73.06 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1CC6AC6F-981E-4DB1-9EF0-7….jpeg)

File: c1c78236d965149⋯.jpeg (103.85 KB, 833x499, 833:499, 0CF9F7BF-F846-45FC-A814-5….jpeg)

File: eff5bd19b72ea85⋯.jpeg (103.33 KB, 833x499, 833:499, 44C55E02-8638-4D6A-BB06-4….jpeg)

File: f2306c02c08cea9⋯.jpeg (126.98 KB, 740x499, 740:499, 454662C1-9D29-44A0-B77E-6….jpeg)

ebb2bd No.2237180

File: 0422426a3401fbd⋯.jpg (105.78 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Glowing.jpg)


If you were here since the beginning, then you would know they DDoS the board into uselessness whenever something good drops.

Use logic, Anon. Snctm is covered by the mainstream media and has a fucking TV show–anyone willingly inviting attention like that isn't going to have open pedophilia.

045b2f No.2237181

/pol/ has a Trump thread..but they hate Trump…

abfba9 No.2237182

File: 3f4c74d8099e4e3⋯.png (596.04 KB, 639x885, 213:295, Wired Sources American Fla….PNG)

==Q you should see this if you haven't already=

Anons, this is pretty bad

TDS lunatic goes well, TDS because a woman has an American flag on her porch


33a1b1 No.2237183


Love it!

49c86f No.2237184


Re-read (OP). This guy is a shill.

Muh tears

Muh struggles

I command you to dig in this area when you effectively ruined Gunn's career!

The left can't MEME. WTF is even that picture he posted?

Stop digging for a wild gooses and drive the knife in deeper…

20593a No.2237185

File: 26dd3d88045e2d0⋯.png (24.51 KB, 444x533, 444:533, Screenshot-2018-7-21 Q.png)


>….remember, we are not autists for hire.



I work for POTUS / Q'

They say dig, I dig.

All this other shit is fine but what is it really gonna contribute? Plans in motion…Q said the hard part is over. Enjoy the show

bf0d65 No.2237186

File: 3fb25033609d69c⋯.png (313.7 KB, 594x441, 66:49, 2018-07-21_23-52-40.png)


Does anyanon recall Biden telling Obama in 2007/2008 he would accept running as VP but he had to be included in ALL important meetings and decisions?

Do you think he could tell the world 8 years of some really interesting stuff if he did flip?


b1e267 No.2237187

aea266 No.2237188


this has been an issue ive had with the archives as well, never could find a solution, it seems the original images are not backed up anywhere, just the thumbnails

its really sad tbh

a6e284 No.2237189


Any sauce that this is a .gov controlled twitter account?

352243 No.2237190

File: 000844ac80b25a1⋯.png (53.89 KB, 429x348, 143:116, ClipboardImage.png)


(not full crumb)

4bed5e No.2237191

This Bitch is one of Their photographers.

Herwebsite is haarbergphoto.com

Her Twitter account:


Have fun trolling this one!

62f16c No.2237192





EVERY media medium is comp'd.

Notice how anime/movies are openly glorifying RAPE and GANG RAPE?

sex slaves?




FUCK these paki/arab/iranian/jew/bloodline/pedo SCUM.


536336 No.2237193


Could be this …


Snctm as distraction ?

Sex club is sex club

4372bf No.2237194


My Mother In Law is the reincarnation of Satan according to an anonymous blog post.


f65b19 No.2237195


I'm not fond of the whole halfchan vs infinitychan vibe that sometimes exists here. 4ch/pol/ is lengendary. 8ch is legendary. Shitposts/Shills/GlowNiggers can be found at both.

When 4ch/pol/ has an intriguing thread I'm in. Who knows, this could be the next FBIAnon level drop happening in real time. Worth tracking.

602a87 No.2237196

When the truth bombs start getting delivered, the evidence and delivery better be so overwhelming even the libtards are forced to accept it

045b2f No.2237197

File: d7639b282e15cda⋯.png (115.48 KB, 1830x259, 1830:259, ClipboardImage.png)

cb1903 No.2237198

File: ea65b8cacf2f60e⋯.png (55.28 KB, 808x620, 202:155, 0franksFranks1.png)

File: 39754c25d4d5b36⋯.png (49.5 KB, 786x401, 786:401, 0Screenshot from 2018-07-1….png)

File: da9f2816970cafb⋯.png (162.05 KB, 1158x497, 1158:497, 1bistroedition.PNG)

File: 6129ea648d6e827⋯.png (48.07 KB, 743x205, 743:205, 2bistroweirdcoincidence.PNG)

File: 8bec70efd64b7f3⋯.png (20.11 KB, 563x395, 563:395, 3bistrocloudflare.PNG)

Anons, the bistro and franks franks got memory holed. Here's a recap. Pizzagate fags discovered Josephs Bistro and Franks Franks summer 2017. https:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/133943795/

Lots of Bistro research was also done on voat pizzagate. https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2002875

While Voat is researching the Bistro they get DDOSed.

Jump to a few weeks ago and Q Research rediscovers Josephs Bistro. Q research starts researching the Bistro and then the board grinds to a crawl. Talk about cloudfare hosting causing Q research lag and coincidentally hourscenter, where Josephs Bistro, is found is hosted on cloudflare. At that point Josephs still had 23000+ locs on hourscenter and same with franks franks.

Now both are down to 1 location. Then I notice a local Bistro address is up for sale. Coincidence? You can still find some of the addresses in cache form but not for long and most are gone.

b65e46 No.2237199

Q, pop in pls. I have some questions!

4bed5e No.2237200


This Bitch is one of Their photographers.

Herwebsite is haarbergphoto.com

Her Twitter account:


Have fun trolling this one!

af8214 No.2237201


Its in production

Look up

its already lying!!!!

602a87 No.2237202


Haha how glorious it will be when Carter Page is exposed as a democrat plant to set Trump up

9d592e No.2237203

File: 7391e5a28e05230⋯.jpg (378.45 KB, 1280x835, 256:167, IMG_577.jpg)

dc4e10 No.2237204


All this will become normal, soon.

So I sugest you take some bananas, till then they will moist enough so you will not broke tv.

abfba9 No.2237205



This is a good idea to get trending on Twitter

33a1b1 No.2237206


That is true, until the end. Page will flip, on his handlers, not Trump.

7ebf19 No.2237207

is the Eisenstein Tensor at 90 degrees to the space-time as it should be or is a trajectory along the deviation of space time along the Reinmann Surface used to define the bend in space-time.

352243 No.2237209

File: 0ec181d581efea2⋯.png (136.39 KB, 362x341, 362:341, ClipboardImage.png)

1181bb No.2237210


Fuck that! I'm not signing into shit!!

3e63c1 No.2237211

Link to Rex’s thread

Some really amazing info on here


ccabbd No.2237212

File: 8233cf692f1cf22⋯.jpg (108.47 KB, 744x500, 186:125, MISS.jpg)

62f16c No.2237213


Also don't forget the TURK angle. Nor the india - china - south/north korea and JAPAN yakuza human trafficking.

Fucking TURK ROACH from half-chan posting nigga dick bullshit and whoring itself to GLOBALIST interests.

Fucking COMP'd mods (Q team knows who they are)


jap owner of 4ch comp'd.

Anyone got a line to 2ch and other east asia boards?


EXPOSE THE TRUTH behind these SCUM world wide.

Find them, expose them.

179569 No.2237214

So what happens if everything is dropped andvthe liberals and neocons dont care

fc9763 No.2237215


What is the direction, anon?

Do you know it?

What of all Q gave us is misinfo?

What is the truth?

7f78d6 No.2237216

File: bf2021754306cae⋯.png (73.77 KB, 1172x200, 293:50, ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Cernovich Verified account @Cernovich

21m21 minutes ago

Sociopaths only respect power. Far too many journalists are psychopaths who will do whatever they get away with. They hate me because they can’t prey on me as they do others.

676c08 No.2237217

File: 15607ef5c91c32c⋯.png (434.54 KB, 996x1781, 996:1781, ClipboardImage.png)

House of Kaya Manifesto 11 (constant popup on website pushing this)

Note the wording that is highlighted.

<pic related

3e63c1 No.2237218


This definitely needs to be a twitter storm

3a7777 No.2237219



Twitter looks to be unofficial but that patent is real

46e03e No.2237220

File: 0bb22f579562533⋯.png (223.26 KB, 382x684, 191:342, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 021edc88196c1aa⋯.png (383.75 KB, 387x699, 129:233, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 7f70413c9a14a69⋯.png (335.88 KB, 363x689, 363:689, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

b2b563 No.2237221




seen alot about FBIAnon can anyone post the thread or the link or greenpage pleaseee?!

da02c0 No.2237222

File: 3554d36c1d3e094⋯.png (330.42 KB, 851x302, 851:302, ClipboardImage.png)


1db648 No.2237223

File: c9d5af49aed81b7⋯.png (303.48 KB, 985x750, 197:150, ClipboardImage.png)


Eyes Wide Shut in LA: Inside the "exclusive" hedonistic sex parties of the rich and debauched

At a swanky party in a Beverly Hills, Calif., mansion last Saturday, I spot (((Bill Maher))) in a sea of beautiful young women and make my approach.

"Are you a Leo?" I ask the host of HBO's "Real Time," while eyeing a lion pendant around his neck.

"No, they make me wear this stupid thing because I'm a member," he replies, stroking the back of his date, a pretty younger woman in a short black leather dress.

Around us, a mostly female crowd of models, young professionals, actresses and assistants strut about in couture lingerie, much to the delight of older male guests in tuxedos. One 20-something blonde crawls on the carpeted floor wearing red lace and a face mask with a leather pig snout and ears. Other pretty young things wear metallic pasties and black badges that read "Eat me" or "Touch me" on their décolletage, while holding silver platters of bite-size brownies and parfaits. A man who calls himself the "Bunnyman" and wears a black leather mask and rabbit ears demonstrates various Japanese bondage techniques on an aroused woman sitting upright in a plush, gold-painted chair.

We're at Snctm, an exclusive monthly sex party held in Los Angeles and occasionally New York, where the rich, powerful and pleasure-seeking indulge their kinkiest fantasies.


500e4e No.2237224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Skip to 9:30

Watch the Water

9f5bda No.2237225


not at all shocking.

didn't work

abfba9 No.2237226


We don't do Infowars here

304a15 No.2237227

File: e9e636832d3ac7f⋯.jpg (355.34 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, theytried___.jpg)

af8214 No.2237228

File: bb9c1a70f0a9769⋯.png (21.54 KB, 416x540, 104:135, ClipboardImage.png)


Your not going to believe the name on here

** John Q **

307af4 No.2237229


Cya in re-education camp. Thats what!

0114fa No.2237230


His instagram:


Snctm video - https://vimeo.com/248224307

https://houseofkaya.com/ - Kaya (a close person to him)

From the manifesto - https://www.snctm.com/manifesto/

16a762 No.2237231


Says the disinformation agent who disavowed pizzagate. Cerno is scum.

af8214 No.2237232



4372bf No.2237233


Thanks, I've been trying to at least get someone to tell me whether yay/gay. Any suggestions? Here are my other ones:





b65e46 No.2237234

Come on Q! I want to play the game that is not a game! Let's play!

7ebf19 No.2237235


jury is still out LOL

aea266 No.2237236

File: 5f134f5b925ff88⋯.jpeg (12.03 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 5f134f5b925ff88aa1baeab79….jpeg)

602a87 No.2237237

Roseanne's Iran Deal Uranium One twat got taken down

536336 No.2237238



bd7a5e No.2237239


Tiny little bobby D

ccabbd No.2237240

File: d80227c46cbac8a⋯.jpg (95.06 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 1j2y1w.jpg)

2b97bb No.2237241


I pulled out some of the big names I recognize

Cartoon Network and Adult swim

Guillermo Del Toro

David Lynch (Who Trump also tweeted about)

Wes Anderson

Darren Aronofsky

Adrien Brody

Martin Scorcese

Jeremy Irons

Natalie Portman

Harrison ford

ee8aaa No.2237242


Excellent anon.

5f56af No.2237243


They're only words, anon. Don't forget that no one is here to hold your hand.

Some aren't as good at seeing things than others, but that's why we have graphic/meme anons, spreadsheet anons, twitter fags, you name it. Just because someone isn't as good at one thing doesn't mean they can't be good at something else.

Carry yourself better, anon. You're showing signs of low self-esteem. Those of us that invest meaningful amounts of time here aren't here to talk down to you, but we do have a certain way of interacting. If you can't understand that, most would suggest you lurk moar and comment less.

Maybe we shouldn't have been passive-aggressive with each other, but that was your choice.

Don't forget, anon, some of us call those on the outside "normies" for a reason.

af8214 No.2237244

File: 7e85776ac791a73⋯.png (74.88 KB, 1137x628, 1137:628, ClipboardImage.png)


Full body teleportation system


A pulsed gravitational wave wormhole generator system that teleports a human being through hyperspace from one location to another.

a6e284 No.2237245


>its already lying!!!!


abfba9 No.2237246

File: 6b9a49414dc9e35⋯.png (32.04 KB, 621x309, 207:103, Cernovich fuck the plan 6-….PNG)


"Fuck the plan"

Mike Cernovich

fc9763 No.2237248


I don't know if you are the same anon I replied before, have you read The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe? Maybe you'll find it interesting.


7f78d6 No.2237249

File: a5af65209b8d809⋯.png (93.22 KB, 1156x298, 578:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Mollie @MZHemingway 4h4 hours ago

"So it looks like Either Trump associate Carter Page is the most brilliant and amazing spy who ever walked the earth or our powerful government Intel agencies violated his civil liberties and surveilled him for a year in order to go after their political opponents."

af8214 No.2237250

File: f73d27d399ebe17⋯.png (64 KB, 1161x627, 387:209, ClipboardImage.png)


Photon spacecraft


A spacecraft propulsion system utilizing photon particles to create negative energy over the hull in order to generate a lift force on the hull.

08b54e No.2237251

File: 2916fd899984da4⋯.png (77.42 KB, 800x586, 400:293, ClipboardImage.png)


Could be…

66a327 No.2237252

File: 812ef727b67cf45⋯.png (207.69 KB, 410x406, 205:203, Screenshot_427.png)


CNBC working with Trump?

2b97bb No.2237253


I sauced this earlier too

And then the lights went out and he was gone

Weird shit

4bed5e No.2237254


This Bitch is one of Their photographers.

Her website is haarbergphoto.com

Her Twitter account:


Have fun trolling this one!

307af4 No.2237255

File: 826d9292ffa84dd⋯.png (10.9 KB, 255x162, 85:54, blah.png)

f2cd31 No.2237256


So this shit has been know about since at least January.

Why all the drama AND CAPS & urgency right at the moment the FISA Warrant dropped?

Huh. Weird.

1db648 No.2237257


Hahaha Cernobitch what a bitter loser….

af8214 No.2237258

File: 8faba542db8f438⋯.png (91.01 KB, 1230x675, 82:45, ClipboardImage.png)


Walking through walls training system


This invention is a training system which enables a human being to acquire sufficient hyperspace energy in order to pull the body out of dimension so that the person can walk through solid objects such as wooden doors.

5f56af No.2237259




Tesla tech

John G Trump

John "Q"

John "Tritor"

All coming together?

676c08 No.2237260

File: 5277166d98edd38⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1881x1550, 1881:1550, ClipboardImage.png)


<pic related

0a7655 No.2237261



4 Apr 2018 - 12:52:00 PM

It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


Massive intel sweep.

Manafort was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Who was arrested?

Non US.

Trace background.

Open source.

Carter Page was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

Flynn is safe.

Define 'witness'.

Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

Russia Russia Russia?

Real or fake?



Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?

MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'

No investigation into WL receipt of information?

No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?

No pull down of NSA metadata period?

Nothing transferred across web?

Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?

No 'direct' investigation into CS?

FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?

HUSSEIN block?

HUSSEIN control?


Awan attached?


Cheatin' Obama.

Trust the plan.



0999f0 No.2237262

Notable Bun 2819


>>2236320, >>2236333 PlaneFag Reports

>2236628 Trump's grand Veterans Day military parade will feature 5,000 to 7,000 service members

>>2236392 Former ICE Chief: We've Arrested More Than 2,000 Sexual Predators

>>2236279 Paul Sperry Tweets on Released FISA Warrant

>>2236277 Newly Released FISA Docs Contradict Strzok’s Sworn Claims He Had Nothing to Do With Carter Page FISA Warrant

>>2236274 Rothschild Bank Broke Money Laundering Rules

>>2236194 Hollywood Insider Dishing Dirt on Pol, Get Archived & Spread!!

01eab3 No.2237263

File: accc438c275ff97⋯.png (19.94 KB, 548x199, 548:199, bobsaget.png)



Bob Saget (Danny Tanners) tweeted something creepy to Dave Coulier (Uncle Joey).

Weren't these two known for being extra creepy on the set of Full House around the children and the Olsen twins????????



abfba9 No.2237264


I think they are great and we should work on that and memes as well

537c7a No.2237265


Just ball up the anger, don't do anything, just ball that anger into a tighter smaller ball, when the time comes, release the energy.

7f78d6 No.2237266


>We don't do Infowars here

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally

af8214 No.2237267



no idea what there are so put them all together


7ebf19 No.2237268

File: c8fc26119f24499⋯.png (13.45 KB, 800x800, 1:1, square.png)

File: 23f52d292984164⋯.jpg (6.59 KB, 225x225, 1:1, r5.jpg)


Try to meme this?

I suggest you try - It is your universe figure it out define it - use it.

d86811 No.2237269

The jew run HWood Pedo cult is starting to unravel. Kikes are going to go completely fucking ballistic, because they know that ehen the goy learn about all the children they rape and murder, there will be no place on earth for them to hide.

0114fa No.2237270


Some more:


Employee ^


^ A client?

f3d080 No.2237271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2236260 (prev)

We have this unsourced bullshit "insider" making notables but the actual digs on celeb pedo tweets from James Gunn and Patton Oswald can't make notables?

Look at this fucking R SHIT. This is being PUSHED by YT. Q=R push is happening on social media, right under our very noses, and BV condones this LARP shit! PATRIOTS, FIGHT THIS SHIT!

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: b3cfa0 No.1725084 📁

Jun 12 2018 23:41:17 (EST)

MSM attacks.

[Round 2]

MOSSAD attempts failed.

Clown attempts failed.

Expect bigger push.

FBI (4) open investigations.

8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).






FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)

FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]

FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]

Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.

Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).


They are losing control.








500e4e No.2237272


It’s a signal but for what I don’t know

abfba9 No.2237273



But he has had his lackeys, whom he is likely paying, hit the board hard right now and last night

b49708 No.2237274

Message to "Paris"

Time has come.

[we are opposed to cunning and deceit]

b65e46 No.2237275


He just started work at InfoWars FYI.

0114fa No.2237276


So much weird shit on his tagged photos.


0a7655 No.2237277

The dossier is the first piece of evidence cited in the FISA application section laying out the allegations that Page coordinated with Russian government officials on election-related “influence activities.”


08b54e No.2237279

File: 0a5ff2465b46eba⋯.png (2.76 MB, 4024x7877, 4024:7877, FBIanon.png)

File: 313a828b8a3abe7⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1249x4302, 1249:4302, FBIanon2.png)

0999f0 No.2237280

So Where are the Digs on the FISA Warant?

ccabbd No.2237281


>extra creepy

179569 No.2237282


Who the fuck cares if they dig on R what are you hitler the sheer amount of shilling against r makes me wonddr

f2cd31 No.2237283


Did they have subtitles or were people actually able to understand him?

7529ca No.2237284

File: 41c71f0a8cffe36⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, twobutts.png)

Thank you Baker.

bc33f8 No.2237285

haven't seen it posted anywhere..another possible perv

actor anthony anderson under investigation by lapd


0999f0 No.2237286

Notable Bun #2819


>>2236320, >>2236333 PlaneFag Reports

>>2236628 Trump's grand Veterans Day military parade will feature 5,000 to 7,000 service members

>>2236392 Former ICE Chief: We've Arrested More Than 2,000 Sexual Predators

>>2236279 Paul Sperry Tweets on Released FISA Warrant

>>2236277 Newly Released FISA Docs Contradict Strzok’s Sworn Claims He Had Nothing to Do With Carter Page FISA Warrant

>>2236274 Rothschild Bank Broke Money Laundering Rules

>>2236194 Hollywood Insider Dishing Dirt on Pol, Get Archived & Spread!!

08d890 No.2237287


we need to figure out whats on those papers as he taps them right after

7aaf5c No.2237288

File: 72434848c834355⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 776x540, 194:135, hrc mumu.jpg)

Saw this and thought about how anytime "they" wear clothes that are sure to get news coverage, they are likely sending messages to others in the cabal. HRC’s back brace with lots of scarves (at the same time quite a few were using scarves to exit) has now changed to a bizarre hospital gown monstrosity that was obviously going to generate coverage. If we can find hi-resolution images, there are probably other messages in the jewelry, etc.

599b30 No.2237289


Anon, next time you post a photograph like this one, please remember to upload an electron microscope for us to use to view the pic

Thank you.

352243 No.2237290



what the fuck…

having a thread for the Rlarp is one thing, but equating Q and Rlarp is another

5f56af No.2237291


I still think Unit 8200 had something to do with LV. What other plane crashes have been really suspicious.

Take the russian flight where that one prostitute died for example.

0f582b No.2237292


He looks like he's aged 10 years in less than one year. You might surmise that he's under a lot of pressure from something.

9f98ea No.2237293

File: f18c8b6aed9051e⋯.png (781.86 KB, 1020x557, 1020:557, barmckbrd.png)

File: a10781fe8b82c2f⋯.png (403.87 KB, 966x557, 966:557, niprites.png)

500e4e No.2237294

abfba9 No.2237295

File: 0872a4971147ea1⋯.png (388.77 KB, 664x768, 83:96, DoD 7-21-18 9 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 179735c752f95ad⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1179x782, 1179:782, DoD 7-21-18 9 pm PDT pic.PNG)

Taking it all in

#Marine scans the water

7529ca No.2237296


They must be on your SSD, seeing how you've done all that digging ….

f3d080 No.2237297


Who the fuck cares if social media pushes Q as R?

Who the fuck cares if the message is coopted?

Who the fuck cares if normies think Q is R?

Why the fuck do we have this board if the purity of the messenger is not important?


789993 No.2237298

File: 8088a527da48daa⋯.jpg (481.24 KB, 900x509, 900:509, HAITI-CLINTON-SCANDAL-01.jpg)

b59657 No.2237299

File: 2db5579c1003775⋯.png (712.06 KB, 500x836, 125:209, trust-sessions-lotr.png)

File: 9072a487feaafa0⋯.png (469.59 KB, 624x356, 156:89, hlhl;hadlkhfalk.png)

File: 9c9f0d3bc1b4862⋯.png (516.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, scumbag-liar-strzok.png)

File: 763ad98a63cac6d⋯.png (222.52 KB, 448x330, 224:165, fuck-sessions.png)

Sessions made a really bonehead decision to recuse himself. He alone is responsible for all the damage that's been caused. Pay up Jeff.

7ebf19 No.2237300

File: 0ba95ed5484a9b7⋯.png (4.7 KB, 180x193, 180:193, 180px-Euler's_formula.svg.png)


This is basic actually.

Photon is wave pattern of mass.

Energy of mass that deviates space - time.

Place all the tensors of each photon in one direction and it warps space- time and creates a usable force.

4372bf No.2237301







62f16c No.2237302

File: 68bb8b1dd7638e9⋯.jpg (12.64 KB, 200x200, 1:1, burningpepe.jpg)







Connected to russian black hats (via chechnya and others) and US pedo politicians (johnny podesta the fixer) and street gangs





SE asia:

Vietnam, phillipines, laos, cambodia, MALAYSIA (coincidence isis bullshit is flaring up there now?)

LEB gangs in AUS

MS-13 and street gangs in US



MUZZY BROTHERHOOD and smugglers/'directors' in US


66a327 No.2237303

File: e6a90248b40cb36⋯.png (808.29 KB, 929x479, 929:479, Screenshot_428.png)

Seriously? FFS!

af8214 No.2237304


>John G Trump

he knew about the tech and passed it to DJT?

dont get tritor

1db648 No.2237305


They probably have juicy blackmail on him :D

76f69f No.2237306

File: dfa8ee0b760818d⋯.png (22.53 KB, 937x265, 937:265, www_law_cornell_edu_uscode….png)

Anybody who signed off on the FISA is fucked

fc9763 No.2237307

File: 4d72fcd08380d9c⋯.jpg (120.02 KB, 960x679, 960:679, 525913_10150751078514455_7….jpg)


Supercharging the chakras?

46f58c No.2237308

Gun confiscation law in ILlinois.


abfba9 No.2237309

File: 8cd7c19452da688⋯.png (939.61 KB, 1118x827, 1118:827, Cernovich with Alex Jones.PNG)


He's worked with Infowars for a LONG time

Going on a couple years now

f3d080 No.2237310


MUH DICK comes right on Q after R is called out.

Realize who the fuck we're dealing with here anons.

644a1a No.2237311



bunch of photos tagged snctm

a6e284 No.2237312


Dibs on the frog.

676c08 No.2237313

File: 941fd990a446e9f⋯.png (116.7 KB, 948x536, 237:134, ClipboardImage.png)


Tweet referenced?

<pic related

bc33f8 No.2237314


Notable seconded

"Watch the water" signal made during CNBC interview with POTUS

599b30 No.2237315


Ain't gonna lie. All these re-posts of Q's comms sure do make me miss the little buggah. . . .

1db648 No.2237316


Remember you have to be blackmailable to join the team….

46e03e No.2237317

File: ac21557e81dadc7⋯.png (541.54 KB, 1025x654, 1025:654, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 98be5370cfc4dc8⋯.png (546.24 KB, 903x667, 903:667, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 3ba263b254b71ea⋯.png (534.23 KB, 1027x493, 1027:493, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)


0999f0 No.2237318


SNCTM appears to be an exclusive Swingers group… I am sure they are creeps & sexual deviants, but not seeing much else…

Whole bread has been wasted on them here…

5f56af No.2237319


The assertion is that Trump is John Tritor and is using the name as an alias and utilizing the tech that was found and given to him by his uncle

Go and search for John Tritor. This isn't the place to fill you in.

f2cd31 No.2237320


OMG you are so God damn retarded that I can't stop laughing at you lol

602a87 No.2237322

Do Khazarian Mafia and White Dragon Society have beef with each other? Or do they co-exist?

f65b19 No.2237323


Everything sure is lined up.

The next step that shows this is serious is when a name even bigger HW goes down. Then it's domino time.

There are actually a lot of dominoes lined up everywhere right now.

What a show.

c974f0 No.2237324



St. Clair; John Quincy; (San Juan, PR)

Correspondence Address:







Family ID:


Appl. No.:



December 20, 2004

9f407e No.2237325


Looks like Husseins purple getup.

dbff6b No.2237326

TJ Miller bomb threat

https:// thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/382483-comedian-tj-miller-arrested-at-laguardia-accused-bomb-threat

f3d080 No.2237327


It's a fucking shill push, that it's tied to a "special drop" anon should be your first fucking clue.

5c5448 No.2237328

File: 010d3f0124f456e⋯.png (361.41 KB, 492x349, 492:349, ClipboardImage.png)

c2259d No.2237329


The PR group makes me think of all the CEOs that have resigned.

4372bf No.2237330


Imagine if one of the Q posters has utterly rockin ass and tits.

That'll fuck with your head.

7515aa No.2237331


Do you have some guide for to study that level of hyperdimensional physics??

60ac30 No.2237332

File: 6731451db65f9ba⋯.png (510.21 KB, 430x724, 215:362, ClipboardImage.png)


Blessed be.

fc9763 No.2237333

676c08 No.2237334


Tweet referenced? (Corrected N <> M)

BO/BV/ Delete >>2237313 please

<pic related

333e3d No.2237335

File: 3180df6d5b425fb⋯.jpeg (116.83 KB, 672x500, 168:125, 63392C70-3F38-44EC-93B4-B….jpeg)

File: 58a704412408e82⋯.jpeg (113.91 KB, 852x562, 426:281, B0956AF6-4C88-41F6-8611-8….jpeg)

File: ff99a64a9a3855e⋯.jpeg (84.83 KB, 350x451, 350:451, 1DE5BC48-C470-4EFF-90EA-2….jpeg)

File: 0cf9fc02a3e3365⋯.jpeg (150.4 KB, 1362x1024, 681:512, E3FCF0F7-C754-4EA6-90CD-1….jpeg)

File: cde696e537d0063⋯.jpeg (590.63 KB, 2500x1918, 1250:959, D18FC871-A5C4-40D7-8C34-F….jpeg)

fb377a No.2237336

check out the symbols on this demon whore from SNCTM https:// www. instagram.com/onna_skai/

08b54e No.2237337

File: a9e4070012572cb⋯.png (458.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, A1.png)


Eiffel Tower Paris or Aphrodite's Paris?

d30667 No.2237338


>John Tritor

You mean Titor?

62f16c No.2237339

File: 121f6d63deb768b⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepeonfire.jpg)


> 352243



We see right through ALL your (((BULLSHIT))), you fucking shill scum.

We will find you lower level piece of shits and rip you apart from head to toe with not a meat remaining.

Q TEAM knows who (((you))) are. We know who (((you))) are.

Time to pay the piper, you fucking subhuman SCUM.

676c08 No.2237340

File: b793145702a5df9⋯.png (116.96 KB, 948x536, 237:134, ClipboardImage.png)

352243 No.2237341


>Realize who the fuck we're dealing with here anons.

is that a joke?

muh dick is here legitimately all day, harmless shitposter of memes with that purple/yellow font

why the fuck are you all such glowing newfags?

bc33f8 No.2237342

File: c870c156faf1eff⋯.png (48.11 KB, 2208x176, 138:11, Screen Shot 2018-07-22 at ….png)


searched for ODD..

this came up.. one document does it all??

5f56af No.2237343


chill with the damage control, anon

let it play out so we can see where it goes. you're jumping to conclusions

Or maybe you aren't and are actually digging and can correct me. Are you? If not don't bother responding and wasting more bread.

af8214 No.2237344


>John Tritor

It was in the year 2000, on November 2, that a man calling himself John Titor logged onto an obscure internet discussion board and posted this message:

Quote Greetings. I am a time traveller from the year 2036. I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975.

“My ‘time’ machine is a stationary mass, temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. The unit is powered by two top-spin dual-positive singularities that produce a standard off-set Tipler sinu


b65e46 No.2237345

File: 0743ddf90b34f17⋯.jpg (25.7 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 1420227110210.jpg)

>there are so many newfags here<

Just read da crumbs pls!

5f56af No.2237346


Yes… lol

97d95b No.2237347

File: 5214078abbe6dc5⋯.jpg (117.97 KB, 1869x1051, 1869:1051, _20180722_001144.JPG)

File: fc07f7ddc0b1055⋯.jpg (174.53 KB, 1859x1302, 1859:1302, _20180722_001131.JPG)

File: ec9db6f2e08c0f1⋯.jpg (172.63 KB, 1947x1326, 649:442, _20180722_001119.JPG)

File: 0960228d20228f2⋯.jpg (253.25 KB, 1933x1325, 1933:1325, _20180722_001107.JPG)

2b97bb No.2237348




Could this be the Phoenix Lights from 97?

352243 No.2237349



I was talking to you in the beginning of the bread

ffs dude

b49708 No.2237350


Private com to person not place…

She knows who she is.

7529ca No.2237351


>Anybody who signed off on the FISA is fucked

Not until somebody actually enforces the law, they aren't.

Presently, the asshole in charge of enforcing this particular law is the same asshole who broke the law.

So, how fast can we expect justice from the fox watching the hen house?

Why would Sessions recuse himself knowing so that Rosencunt can enforce the law against himself?

This is no 5D chess. This is Sessions actively enabling the fucking biggest swamp rat alive.

This is a fucking joke.

333e3d No.2237352

File: 158e6da5062f8f9⋯.jpeg (208.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, B4487E7B-5EAA-47AF-9B91-0….jpeg)

File: f649cc1991e7121⋯.jpeg (76.35 KB, 740x499, 740:499, A3FA81C5-FCE3-473B-A203-5….jpeg)

File: 20a98de129e1332⋯.jpeg (36.08 KB, 350x183, 350:183, 1D68818B-D952-4149-8D36-A….jpeg)

File: 4a0ea4b48313ad7⋯.jpeg (126.92 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 3C7534F8-3010-47DC-A2AB-E….jpeg)

File: 827b4b0ec5a84e6⋯.jpeg (78.61 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, B1EC80D0-4040-4F73-931B-9….jpeg)

5f56af No.2237353


yes, but again this is not the place

I was making the connection for anons that would know and hoping that would prompt some connections to be made

185eab No.2237354



62f16c No.2237355



Keep talking, (((bitch))). We will find you.

3dfa90 No.2237356

File: 479dcd93cb7d09e⋯.png (3.55 MB, 2000x1988, 500:497, Macro Ant.png)

003917 No.2237357

File: 59b7f047eaae46a⋯.png (131.93 KB, 612x792, 17:22, Signed.png)

Carter Page FISA Application - For Dummiers

Application in italics:

“This application is made by [Redacted] a Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI whose official duties at FBI HQ include supervision of the FBI’s investigation of [CARTER PAGE} based upon information officially furnished to [REDACTED]”

A supervisory special agent is a specific job within the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It gives them with the responsibility of leading teams of special agents in investigations. It requires them to report directly to managing and executive special agents.

(STRZOK / JIM JORDAN) -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syn9X9-X1uM

Information provided officially - "Through proper channels” According to STRZOK  “Documents were received by the FBI from a different source in the initial batch in mid-September (2016) -[ Christopher Steele ]

“The FBI received material from Bruce Orr” 

Through these channels:

Glen Simpson - Corn / Simpson  [Founder of Fusion GPS] =>

Nellie Orr - Fusion GPS =>

Bruce Orr - Department of Justice Employee (Nellie Orr’s husband)


Rybiki - James "Jim" Rybicki is an American federal government official who formerly worked

in the United States Department of Justice and  Federal Bureau of Investigation

Baker -  James Baker, a top FBI lawyer and confidante of former FBI director James Comey,

resigned his position with the bureau on May 4, 2018.

Page - Lisa Page - former FBI lawyer and advisor to Andrew Mccabe

Mafa - FBI employee (Office of General Counsel)

Priestep - Bill Priestap is the FBI Asst. Director in charge of all counterintelligence operations

McCabe - Andrew Mccabe - was Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation -


Application in italics:

The status of the target (CP) was determined in or about October 2016 from information provided by the U.S. Department of State.  [John Kerry] 

“ The DNI Director of National Intelligence) [James Clapper] commented that this influence included providing money to particular candidates or providing disinformation”

“The FBI believes that the Russian Government’s efforts are being coordinated with Page and perhaps other individuals associated with candidate #1’s campaign [Trump]

“Source #1 [Christopher Steele] has been a source of the FBI. Source #1 has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings and the FBI assess Source #1 has been compensated by the FBI and the FBI is unaware of any derogatory information pertaining to Source #1”

Source #1, who now owns a foreign business/financial intelligence firm, was approached by an identified U.S. PERSON, [ MARC ELIAS- CLINTON LAWYER] who indicated to Source #1 that a U.S. BASED LAW FIRM [PERKINS COIE] had hired the identified U.S. PERSON to conduct research regarding [TRUMP]’s ties to Russia.

Washington Post OCT 24 2017 -

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

Unknown Republican Client Donor is Robert Mercer.

“The FBI’s intelligence goals are set forth by the CERTIFICATION OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OFFICIAL [JAMES COMEY] contained herein”

SALLY QUILLIAN YATES - Deputy Attorney General of the United States Oct -2016

ROSEMARY M. COLLYER -Judge, United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

Oct - 2016


MICHAEL W. MOSMAN - Judge, United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

JAN- 2017


DANA J. BOENTE - Acting Attorney General of the United States Apr-2017


ANNE C. CONWAY - Judge, United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

Apr -2017


ANDREW G. MCCABE - Deputy Director FBI - Jun 2017

ROD J. ROSENSTEIN - Deputy Attorney General of the United States June 2017

ATTORNEY - U.S Department of Justice BLACK REDACTED Jun -2017

RAYMOND J. DEARIE - Judge, United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

Jun 2017

f3d080 No.2237358


You'll defend your shareblue LARPS to the death you cocksucking shill. We're here for Q and we have a "special" place for all your "special" anons.

7ebf19 No.2237359


My only guide is Pythagorean. I reduce it all to 2D to understand it. I understand that the 4D hypersphere (hopf) is the pattern that works in physics 4D and try and bring it back down to 3 or 2 D so I can graph it and figure it out.

dc4e10 No.2237360

File: 57e3ee449b8cefc⋯.jpg (67.17 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, bush2.JPG)

File: 79703ec85f1f148⋯.jpg (118.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Garry2.jpg)

I must admit that, I saw some TED talks, that I LOVED, and considered that show a smart one….

I saw 3,4 about psuchology, some times ago, and formed a very good impresion about that.

Now sawing an de student talking about pedo, a "thing" that we must admit, made me wanna puke, and w/ big efforts I stopped the vomit.

But, and now cames tha hammer that made me puke, was a news from a US school, that is starting to have an after-hours satanism education.

Why is that, morons????????

Do you admit that all evil comes from you, and your impasibility to shit like this???






62f16c No.2237361


mistake on the 9b9a02, should be 352243.

862c45 No.2237362

File: 85928947d33824a⋯.jpg (121.15 KB, 615x920, 123:184, Lacy.jpg)


789993 No.2237363

File: 94bad277045551a⋯.jpg (45.54 KB, 502x366, 251:183, trump-hillary-haiti.jpg)

20593a No.2237364





3e63c1 No.2237365

File: f6dad40947fbed2⋯.jpeg (257.28 KB, 1125x1221, 375:407, 9BD149F9-F72D-475F-AF79-0….jpeg)

POTUS says expose them

Republicans need to put their big kid panties on and do some damage ffs

1db648 No.2237366

File: 1da12b85e5e6048⋯.png (13.73 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 6b306ae3532915decc1a7d8433….png)


Every time Q's gone for long periods we always end up researching SNCTM KEk

af8214 No.2237367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

536336 No.2237368

File: eb3bfe56d39300f⋯.png (62.17 KB, 924x95, 924:95, 001.png)

File: e417cce84475468⋯.png (121.98 KB, 1215x112, 1215:112, 002.png)

File: 28ba69d6f6320d2⋯.png (50.22 KB, 1193x54, 1193:54, 003.png)

File: a4a7d5e0618349a⋯.png (31.28 KB, 1165x33, 1165:33, 004.png)

62f16c No.2237369


Best know who you mouth off to, you fucking whore.

We will see all of you fucking scum dead and in the pit before this is over.

Tick tock, nigger.

f2cd31 No.2237370

File: 46965295d9fc363⋯.png (299.88 KB, 808x592, 101:74, bde740cbef91d7248275aa0635….png)

File: 8f4d414b004be7e⋯.png (573.75 KB, 740x1067, 740:1067, Conartistsfamefags.png)

7ebf19 No.2237371


my approach is not alien sorry it geometry.


3241ea No.2237372


Half of that sounds nuts. Need sauce

464bba No.2237373

>>2235998 {pb}

Baker <3

I think this post is


Simply because the last page shows that 'officially' all the stuff in the document is pretense: Page's 'file' has documented evidence of an in-depth FBI investigation, but since no charges surfaced directly from these documents, which is evidence for our purposes as well, we can surmise that the release of these documents is so far in the past, the FBI cleared it for release. It's merely a crumb at this point.

The point is: Everyone reading into this FBI drop[or anything for this purpose] needs to realize how far ahead the process is, in terms of progress, compared to our 'realization' of what they know. There is SO much more we don't know about all this.

All we can do is sit back and watch in wait. I know we're all cats with wiggle butt on everything that surfaces, but there's nothing to pounce on until we catch up on intel.

Trust, it seems, is all we have anymore. Just remember who you and what you care about before making any decisions.

352243 No.2237374

File: a9976e5327dbc64⋯.png (356 KB, 500x495, 100:99, ClipboardImage.png)



your faggotry is legendary!

333e3d No.2237376

File: dee951f60b2fa7c⋯.png (575.04 KB, 962x566, 481:283, 4D97D775-3757-433F-84FB-A2….png)

File: 016b739e4e37090⋯.png (954.37 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 2942B3EE-5C93-4532-AD6E-30….png)

File: b74302e4c1fe481⋯.png (1.21 MB, 970x712, 485:356, 892A2745-E9EF-4D16-A391-5E….png)

File: 0591840f37fec49⋯.jpeg (48.98 KB, 472x316, 118:79, 844C5167-F14F-4F04-89EC-B….jpeg)

File: 06b3ca67d0cbb12⋯.jpeg (121.57 KB, 1362x1024, 681:512, 5EE5A8B0-67E1-4173-913F-5….jpeg)

46e03e No.2237377

File: f0021fd74cdcda8⋯.png (764.68 KB, 769x684, 769:684, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)


500e4e No.2237378

File: b18b35df04ed2d7⋯.jpeg (125.93 KB, 1242x255, 414:85, 8F474B88-5A45-4F2A-80F8-C….jpeg)


A stretch but definitely ODD (YOU)

4cbbb9 No.2237379

Liberal 9th Circuit surprises with pro-2nd Amendment decision blocking California ammo ban Second Amendment activists were given a surprise boost this week when the liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals backed a lower court’s decision to suspend California’s ban on the possession of large magazines.

Activists, supported by the National Rifle Association, have argued that the state's ban on ownership of magazines holding 10 bullets or more is unconstitutional. They won a preliminary injunction by a San Diego district court last year, and a three-judge panel on the Ninth Circuit backed that injunction Tuesday.

The court found that the district court did not abuse its discretion in granting the injunction or by concluding that magazines fall within the scope of the Second Amendment. www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/07/20/liberal-9th-circuit-surprises-with-pro-2nd-amendment-decision-blocking-california-ammo-ban.html

08b54e No.2237380


Noted. o7

3a7777 No.2237381

File: c04ad43009105be⋯.png (36.83 KB, 1069x357, 1069:357, Screenshot_2018-07-22 US20….png)


Here are some of the other patents mentioned in that patent

7ebf19 No.2237382


or immunity deals

so disgusted.

0efaa5 No.2237383

File: dd6be09f18c9eed⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 471x489, 157:163, Them.JPG)

d30667 No.2237384

File: cbf8ef15000681f⋯.png (69.48 KB, 1017x739, 1017:739, fisa judge oct 2016.png)


Have a Rosemary

abfba9 No.2237385



Anons re read these

66a327 No.2237386

File: 8fda63384bcc56c⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Suzana #LulaDaSilva #LulaL….mp4)


The Brazilian connection.


62f16c No.2237387


The building in question is?

352243 No.2237388


any thoughts on why only some are redacted?

not already reported in leaks to the MSM?

f2cd31 No.2237389


He one of the biggest faggots around. If I had a overly obese gay seal, I'd post that.

Thernovich is a Trap fucking scumbag who is a deep state yes man. He does whatever they tell him to do. He's a fucking Monkey. His wife is a stupid cunt too. Probably a Trap as well. Since he's big into them

0114fa No.2237390

So we have a worker? or a client:


Rob Piper.

602a87 No.2237391

Is Netanyahu high up in the Khazarian mafia?

333e3d No.2237393

File: 3a768af57bea4a6⋯.jpeg (21.59 KB, 239x211, 239:211, E33AC53B-E15E-4511-934D-8….jpeg)

File: ce8238bb0b5e748⋯.jpeg (53.42 KB, 400x337, 400:337, 892955E4-FE2C-41EE-8B68-0….jpeg)

File: b948654fd6519b6⋯.jpeg (47.07 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 4681125A-10FF-4AB6-8CED-0….jpeg)

File: 241c83a8e780368⋯.jpeg (35.78 KB, 480x360, 4:3, D9DB1D21-52C4-469A-B610-1….jpeg)

File: 72f4e3c208aa6ca⋯.jpeg (117.08 KB, 888x499, 888:499, CFA5442C-D7C8-4861-9001-6….jpeg)

2b97bb No.2237394


His name has come up again and again.

Makes jokes like James Gunn

5f28e1 No.2237395


Q is not R.

The one R post however has led to excellent digging.

When Q comes back, let him post what he thinks of the R digging.

It is Q who has brought much attention to JFK and JFK Jr.

The info brought to light is good.

60ac30 No.2237396


Standard Hotel is also pretty open about what it does, yet when people dug a bit they found an order for enough hydrochloric acid to clean a swimming pool for ten years, which coincidentally is very effective in dissolving a teenage sex slave into goo that can flush own the drains with all the water available from the rooftop pool.

Just because they make some stuff public doesn't mean there is no criminal activity. Look up what a limited hangout is.

f3d080 No.2237398


first MUH DICK post in a 500 post thread come one second after RLARP is called out. The same shit happened last night, shills went fucking bonkers. Not a coincidence


It's already playing out. Search is Q Jfk Jr on YT and #ranon on twitter and see how it's fucking playing out for the normies and MSM.

599b30 No.2237399


Thanks, Anon, and KEK on your pic and caption!

Glad to know someone gets my sciencefag sense of sarcasm.

b59657 No.2237400

File: 0703efcf91ec34d⋯.png (303.69 KB, 440x333, 440:333, asdklhlkhfalh.png)

File: 06affcf7a85e91e⋯.png (713.21 KB, 648x500, 162:125, h;jhlhlkh.png)

File: 760a560264f01c2⋯.png (392.38 KB, 592x500, 148:125, Dirtbag-Strzok-Spy.png)

File: 6d8e125ce8cc66d⋯.png (295.67 KB, 471x379, 471:379, zorro-says-fuck-sessions.png)

Someone get the message to Sessions that he shouldn't have recused himself. He is responsible for Rosenstein and Mueller's brutal tactics. Millions have been spent. Pay up Jeff.

14bb12 No.2237401

The Space Force tweet/Patent shit is a slide…took me 20 seconds to confirm that wasn't the official Space Force Twitter account

ce4a20 No.2237402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons this is major intel info right here and I wonder how many have really grasped the magnitude of what Pieczenik is saying. Most anons here prolly haven’t looked at it as it is from AJ channel but this interview is a goldmine. This fuking guy is the mouth piece of the Deep State, the “good side” as he himself put it. Listen to him!!!

1. @ 5:04 – “We then got Yeltsin…” Who is the “We” Pieczenik is referring to? Himself and the Deep State, keep listening.

2. @ 5:10 – “…I went over to Russia…” Who went over to Russia? Pieczenik!! For what purpose? Keep listening.

3. @ 5:12 – What does he say to the KGB? (On an aside, look who meddled in Russia’s electoral process), Putin was selected and installed to lead Russia!! Installed by whom? Keep listening anons the MOABs are plentiful in this fukin piece.

4. @ 5:38 – BOOM!!!!!!!!!!! “…many of us who were involved in the DEEP STATE” and he figgered he’d said too much and mumbled something @ 5:45 then corrected himself. “…not the one that destroys the presidency but maintains the republic…” WHAT?!?!

Confirmation that the Deep State is at war with Itself!!! You and I - fuckin Pawns In The Game! It’s a game. Enjoy the show! There are anons in here that are working for both sides of the DS, do expect them to reply to this post to minimize any waking up too much to this.

5. @ 6.06 – in case we didn’t get it the first time, he again explains “we had to maintain someone who had a very strong hand,” referring to Putin and the Deep State installing him in office! He again says @ 16:00, that Putin was “selected” in so many words. By whom?? DS.

6. @ 7:05 – our biggest hackers are, drum roll please… “China and Israel”!!!!!!!! “The Israelis know more about us than we know about them!” I am starting to wonder if all this Israel bashing isn’t a LARP and the real devils are right here in the Clowns In America, the Deep State and those “Intelligence Agencies” that we don’t know anything about. Keep listening. This is very enlightening anons.

7. Then the second MOAB starting @ 8:09, “…We have 17 different intelligence organizations (Remember the debate with HRC?) none of which were named, none of which I’m going to go into…!” WHAT?!?!?! Are you kidding me? The Clowns are not even that important as those 17 unnamed INTELLIGENCE organizations!!!! Antartica anyone???????

I think it is about time we realize that it is not Israel is for last, but Uncle Sam is for last. Q are you going to name those 17 Intelligence organizations? If not, you are just fucking with our head and we don’t fucking care to have our heads fuck with.

Anons, fuck this shit. I’m pissed off. Piecznik was picked to be the mouthpiece of the DS, the supposed “good side” of the DS that wants to “maintain the republic”. I’d say this could be disinfo except we have another source. We know the 17 intelligence agencies exist because leaky mouth HRC mentioned it during a debate. The same one where she said it takes 4mins to launch a nuke after pressing the button.

I am so fuckin’ pissed I can’t see straight. WHAT ARE THE 17 INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES NAMES? I’m going to end here before I really get nasty. But suffice it to say, how the fuck are we supposed to figure shit out if the most important information is still being kept from us?

We are fucked. And btw, Q talked about being gone for good after the lights go out. Didn’t those lights dimmed the fuck out the other day when POTUS was talking? Maybe I’m wrong but we’ll see.

@ 9:13 – “Trump is concerned about president Xi maintaining his power.” WHAT!?!?! That commie in power for life? and Putin in power for how long now? No change in gov’t!? AND POTUS WANTS THIS!?!?!?! Wtf is up with that?

@12:30 – Pieczenik happily admit to being instrumental in the take down of the Soviet Union, (Who meddled again?).

How many of you anons remember Merkel being from a Christian family in East Germany? The father a Lutheran minister!!! Well Pieczenik was feeling very generous, he let us know that they were “PLACED” there and why @ 19:55 and guess what else. She and Putin go waaaay back so there, they’re old friends.

Didn’t Trump say his mother was Scottish, when he was in the UK recently? Well Pieczenik begs to differ @ 23:00 Trump’s father was German and his mother was Swedish. Wtf to believe. Not Swedish & Scottish. Nope. Swedish!

And now comes another MOAB @ 23:40 about Libya and WHY the influx of migrants into Europe! They fucked with the Bear one too many times over and payback is a bitch. Who woulda thunk!

Ok fine, I’m going now. I’ll quit here. Still fucking pissed…

304a15 No.2237403


Guatemala's been decimated by the cabal.

First Lady of Guatemala just visited our southern border.

First Lady of Guatemala visits Tucson Sector Border Patrol

Release Date: July 17, 2018

TUCSON, Ariz. – First Lady of Guatemala Patricia Marroquin Argueta de Morales spent Monday and Tuesday with Tucson Sector Border Patrol where she was briefed on border security operations in Southern Arizona.

The first lady’s visit was part of a five-day trip to learn about illegal immigration. She saw first-hand, the process apprehended juveniles go through after illegally entering the United States.

The first lady toured the U.S. border region of Nogales, Arizona. She saw portions of Tucson Sector’s infrastructure and the harsh terrain immigrants are being smuggled through.

She also said Guatemala will work side-by-side with the U.S. Border Patrol to inform people in the most vulnerable areas of Guatemala about the risks of crossing into the U.S. illegally; noting that children in particular are extremely vulnerable to exploitation by criminal organizations and environmental threats.


e8532b No.2237404

"Truth Was Irrelevant" WSJ Asks: Was Brennan's Action The Real "Treason"?

The Wall Street Journal continues to counter the liberal mainstream media's Trump Derangement Syndrome, dropping uncomfortable truth-bombs and refusing to back off its intense pressure to get to the truth and hold those responsible, accountable (in a forum that is hard for the establishment to shrug off as 'Alt-Right' or 'Nazi' or be 'punished' by search- and social-media-giants).

And once again Kimberley Strassel - who by now has become the focus of social media attacks for her truth-seeking reporting - does it again this morning, as she points out - after his 'treasonous' outbursts, that Obama's CIA Director John Brennan acknowledges that it was him egging on the FBI's probe of Trump and Russia.

Via The Wall Street Journal,

The Trump-Russia sleuthers have been back in the news, again giving Americans cause to doubt their claims of nonpartisanship. Last week it was Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Peter Strzok testifying to Congress that he harbored no bias against a president he still describes as “horrible” and “disgusting.” This week it was former FBI Director Jim Comey tweet-lecturing Americans on their duty to vote Democratic in November.

But the man who deserves a belated bit of scrutiny is former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan. He’s accused President Trump of “venality, moral turpitude and political corruption,” and berated GOP investigations of the FBI. This week he claimed on Twitter that Mr. Trump’s press conference in Helsinki was “nothing short of treasonous.” This is rough stuff, even for an Obama partisan.

That’s what Mr. Brennan is—a partisan—and it is why his role in the 2016 scandal is in some ways more concerning than the FBI’s. Mr. Comey stands accused of flouting the rules, breaking the chain of command, abusing investigatory powers. Yet it seems far likelier that the FBI’s Trump investigation was a function of arrogance and overconfidence than some partisan plot. No such case can be made for Mr. Brennan. Before his nomination as CIA director, he served as a close Obama adviser. And the record shows he went on to use his position—as head of the most powerful spy agency in the world—to assist Hillary Clinton’s campaign (and keep his job).

Mr. Brennan has taken credit for launching the Trump investigation. At a House Intelligence Committee hearing in May 2017, he explained that he became “aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons.” The CIA can’t investigate U.S. citizens, but he made sure that “every information and bit of intelligence” was “shared with the bureau,” meaning the FBI. This information, he said, “served as the basis for the FBI investigation.” My sources suggest Mr. Brennan was overstating his initial role, but either way, by his own testimony, he was an Obama-Clinton partisan was pushing information to the FBI and pressuring it to act.

More notable, Mr. Brennan then took the lead on shaping the narrative that Russia was interfering in the election specifically to help Mr. Trump - which quickly evolved into the Trump-collusion narrative. Team Clinton was eager to make the claim, especially in light of the Democratic National Committee server hack. Numerous reports show Mr. Brennan aggressively pushing the same line internally. Their problem was that as of July 2016 even then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn’t buy it. He publicly refused to say who was responsible for the hack, or ascribe motivation. Mr. Brennan also couldn’t get the FBI to sign on to the view; the bureau continued to believe Russian cyberattacks were aimed at disrupting the U.S. political system generally, not aiding Mr. Trump.

The CIA director couldn’t himself go public with his Clinton spin—he lacked the support of the intelligence community and had to be careful not to be seen interfering in U.S. politics. So what to do? He called Harry Reid. In a late August briefing, he told the Senate minority leader that Russia was trying to help Mr. Trump win the election, and that Trump advisers might be colluding with Russia. (Two years later, no public evidence has emerged to support such a claim.)

But the truth was irrelevant. On cue, within a few days of the briefing, Mr. Reid wrote a letter to Mr. Comey, which of course immediately became public. “The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount,” wrote Mr. Reid, going on to float Team Clinton’s Russians-are-helping-Trump theory. Mr. Reid publicly divulged at least one of the allegations contained in the infamous Steele dossier, insisting that the FBI use “every resource available to investigate this matter.”



a7a05b No.2237405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OMG! I just went to their web site. These people are sick. This can't be real, can it?

https:// www.snctm.com/press/

7ebf19 No.2237406



of course you must isolate the mass set if you are going to move it from one point in 4D to another without linear transformation.

602a87 No.2237407

…Should the lights go out please know that we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

God bless - I must go for good at this point.' Q

66a327 No.2237408

File: 9d78ec94b92df89⋯.png (916.31 KB, 616x784, 11:14, Screenshot_429.png)

97d95b No.2237410




Good list. traitors need the light shining on them to become sanitized

39568b No.2237411

File: 3ae2e8ee52655e7⋯.jpg (87.99 KB, 793x462, 793:462, 2.JPG)

P = Payseur

Per the Council on Foreign Relations report 1979-1980, all of the members of the CFR are Payseur owned companies.


352243 No.2237412


stfu newfag, lurk moar


would you admit its a bit to far to equate Q and R? imo its too far

7f78d6 No.2237413


Have we ever made more progress on the digging with lyin' Adam Schiff and the Standard Hotel?

602a87 No.2237414


Shill posting bullshit for months now, and not ONE SINGLE person has fallen for it. Lol

789993 No.2237416

File: 79632e4db3fd323⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 324x324, 1:1, democrat_rat_bumper_sticke….jpg)

5f56af No.2237417

Never forget, anons, (trust me, this is an important lesson) there's a vast difference between someone who advocates something and tries to spread it and someone who actively tries to stifle interest and investment in something.

Learning for yourself is important.

a6e284 No.2237418


'muh dick' is NOT harmless.

bc33f8 No.2237419


i believe it, anon.. repost your articles.. i haven't seen anything about her

0a7655 No.2237420

File: bd3b46487fa3d2c⋯.jpg (368.84 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, 1532215472332.jpg)



18 Jan 2018 - 6:16:41 PM

What [19] people are currently meeting in a 'safe' room [heavily guarded]?

Why did everyone leave their phones/all other electronic devices in Room 239?

Why does it take the information going PUBLIC before JUSTICE is served?




[8] FIRED.


Possible SUICIDES.

++ / + TICK TOCK.




14 Jun 2018 - 10:28:13 AM


[[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others.

What evidence to support?


[[RR]] @ WH.

Why was Rachel Brand removed?

Critical thinking.


Page 63 - signed by James Comey (FBI)

Page 65 - signed by Sally Yates (DoJ)

Page 83 - signed by Rosemary Collyer (FISC judge)

date is in October 2016

Page 159 - signed by James Comey

Page 161 - signed by Sally Yates

Page 181 - signed by Michael Mosman (FISC judge)

date is in January 2017

Page 269 - signed by James Comey

Page 271 - signed by Dana Boente (DoJ)

Page 291 - signed by Anne Conway (FISC judge)

date is in April 2017

Page 389 - signed by Andrew McCabe (FBI)

Page 391 - signed by Rod Rosenstein (DoJ)

Page 412 - signed by Raymond Dearie (FISC judge)

date is in June 2017

0efaa5 No.2237421

File: 7fdcdcd1be26a5f⋯.jpg (78.67 KB, 781x522, 781:522, 6.JPG)

File: dd6be09f18c9eed⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 471x489, 157:163, Them.JPG)


The crowd of people.

af8214 No.2237422

crazy stuff here


DONALD Trump is thought to be legendary time traveller John Titor – and now conspiracy theorists believe there is photographic evidence.


333e3d No.2237423

File: 103025d9ea5153e⋯.jpeg (82.71 KB, 500x666, 250:333, A5424581-D56B-4B96-AC22-3….jpeg)

File: d4b85a39f40fcf9⋯.jpeg (102.08 KB, 500x637, 500:637, 27FF624A-9927-42BC-983D-9….jpeg)

File: 43c30952b858edf⋯.jpeg (38.56 KB, 480x377, 480:377, B084BD05-9B42-460D-B35C-9….jpeg)

File: 80282c42daa70cf⋯.jpeg (97.58 KB, 500x637, 500:637, 54D1DA89-64B8-4838-BD4B-F….jpeg)

File: 016826d94de236b⋯.jpeg (42.48 KB, 480x377, 480:377, F3EDFF30-3D25-4673-8E4D-3….jpeg)

307af4 No.2237424


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZIXpg7DVkUo" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

352243 No.2237425


anon, the idiot thought the bakers were banning him for months

barely even notice him at all

003917 No.2237426


Page 389 McCabe Signs

Page 390 Attorney Redacted Signs

Lisa Page=> Attorney and Advisor to McCabe

33a1b1 No.2237427

File: 1b04b69c82b5fde⋯.png (25.29 KB, 459x269, 459:269, ClipboardImage.png)


full drop.

602a87 No.2237428

File: 732a6dfb47ea609⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 246x205, 6:5, images.jpg)

d30667 No.2237429

File: 8945010a17b9b01⋯.png (211.5 KB, 1073x797, 1073:797, Screenshot_2018-07-22 Unit….png)


DNI is 1 plus these

bc33f8 No.2237430


i was one of the people pushing for gunn, black, and oswald tweets to be in notables.. i also posted some of the 4chan screen shots

both are notable in my opinion

and neither have anything to do with R..

da02c0 No.2237431

File: 581b25a4d79473a⋯.png (431.9 KB, 1487x498, 1487:498, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b24ecdc8984676⋯.png (306.09 KB, 1514x867, 1514:867, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0240145edf82a7⋯.png (428.41 KB, 1508x803, 1508:803, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 418052b38f52aed⋯.png (104.26 KB, 1503x440, 1503:440, ClipboardImage.png)

The US Democratic Party is Communist–David Horowitz


dc4e10 No.2237432


Wait, let me make some shills happy.

NSA too.

along w/ them.

Military in the first place.

Experiments on EBE1, cover up, meetings w/ ET under their protection.

On thei bases.

With ultra secret program.

Naval, too, see , Bill Cooper,

Police too, 197 Cooper.

Air force too, keeping these secretes.


12de31 No.2237433


Covered in gold.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:pD23hqrn Wed 22 Nov 2017 16:28:01 No.150512900


Iran Deal.

Why is this relevant?

Re-read drops re: NK / Iran.

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Which couple was photographed covered in gold?

The public release was a mistake.

Who released the picture?

Who has all the information?

(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold?

What does this represent?




7ebf19 No.2237434


is this a copy or finding the picture on the net?

602a87 No.2237435


You think he was referring to something way back then? I feel like it could go either way

0999f0 No.2237436


Not understanding… End of bread no time to figure out…

Please explain or give copypasta for notable…

676c08 No.2237437


From day one we called Biden "Insurance".

b65e46 No.2237438

File: 6956b6649459a48⋯.jpeg (2.84 KB, 168x168, 1:1, download.jpeg)

File: 1cd4cd239060782⋯.png (477.95 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180721-231719.png)


They've been telling us all that the operation started in July WHEN THEY REALLY STARTED IT IN MARCH!

191f18 No.2237439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Did they have subtitles or were people actually able to understand him?

see for yourself

7529ca No.2237440


>immunity deals

but but but muh no deals …. Fucking scumbags sell out their country, we supposedly "have everything", and all we see is immunity deals for fucking traitors.

Oh, did I mention that not one fucking scumbag is even close facing justice or otherwise paying for their fuckery?


abfba9 No.2237441


OH my

So was the old man in the pic Brennan?

We went back and forth on that

b59657 No.2237442

File: 9c9f0d3bc1b4862⋯.png (516.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, scumbag-liar-strzok.png)

File: 1de99a45bd871f4⋯.jpg (232.9 KB, 1000x668, 250:167, 1de99a45bd871f4875c87a9160….jpg)

File: 508004590f78301⋯.png (436.01 KB, 666x500, 333:250, hlh;lh;lh'l'.png)

File: 3e25ea38f59fa10⋯.png (375.71 KB, 750x500, 3:2, kl;hajhjdljh.png)


Sessions has harmed Trump more than anyone else. Boy…what a mistake he's been.

dc4e10 No.2237443


criminals in the world, are………….???????????????????

352243 No.2237444


we've been over this again and again:


003917 No.2237445


EDIT "Jonathon Moffa"- FBI employee (Office of General Counsel)

0999f0 No.2237446

Notables So Far

>>2237404 "Truth Was Irrelevant" WSJ Asks: Was Brennan's Action The Real "Treason"?

>>2237357 FISA Warrant "Players"

>>2237224 Trump Video "Watch the Water" Reference at 9:30

>>2236934 Hollywood Anon Visits /pol/ compilation of posts

>>2237092, >>2237113 Digs on Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (The Queens privy Council)

>>2236917 Planefag Updates

Please feel free to comment or suggest - sorry for the late post, trying to sift through the shit….

307af4 No.2237447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

464bba No.2237449



I'll repost next bread

f2cd31 No.2237450


Getting buried ignored then lit on fire while the culprit dances around the flames.

7c5250 No.2237451

File: 74fd5f3c5bf51a2⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 522x312, 87:52, 11.jpg)

File: efb74d07c27170f⋯.jpg (96.65 KB, 736x520, 92:65, 12.jpg)

File: 9a8bb21fab53f44⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 181x279, 181:279, read on it first.jpg)





this is notable cultsex lurkers

picbook too

>>2237138 (me)

meant to tag >>2236074 lb instead of >>2236971 here

333e3d No.2237452

File: c65b85e031b1257⋯.jpeg (104.23 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 12654399-B973-4740-8EE8-9….jpeg)

File: 1e953a8adf503e1⋯.jpeg (59.09 KB, 466x471, 466:471, 1F8EAC39-9C74-4B75-85FC-B….jpeg)

File: c03776c14f9afc7⋯.jpeg (102.75 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 99625BE4-945D-413C-A53B-D….jpeg)

File: bae24b7a4d1d566⋯.jpeg (106.82 KB, 506x500, 253:250, 925AB112-BF82-45D5-8E01-8….jpeg)

File: 8b8524e4cea9eb1⋯.jpeg (62.64 KB, 512x378, 256:189, 6177AB45-358B-461B-A967-6….jpeg)

ce4a20 No.2237454


Anon, you opened your mouth before listening to the fukin vid. Pieczenik named this one so IT IS NOT ONE OF THE 17, 16 NOW WITH THE 7TH FLOOR GONE, THAT HE WILL NOT NAME!!!!


7ebf19 No.2237455


what is why I went back to figuring out our universe through geometry. From space time deviation, to mass, to fractal and chaos

5f28e1 No.2237457


I have posted several times that Q is not R and R is not Q, and all the reasons why.

Q is not R.

The digging will eventually show this plainly.

Q will also post that he is not R.

However digging on R yields good info.

11802d No.2237458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I Love our Military!

4bed5e No.2237459



Check out: Orsoya photography she is one of there main photographers.

She also has a Twitter account.

One of her clients was stupid enough to tweet her phone number on Orsoya's page. ( Check her last tweet)424-278-9456

Her name is Coco and obviously is a member. and most likely belongs to O.T.O.

b37ab6 No.2237460

File: ef616f9ea0ae390⋯.jpg (206.34 KB, 964x778, 482:389, 180721JW_FisaDocs.jpg)

From the link:

"These documents are heavily redacted but seem to confirm the FBI and DOJ misled the courts in withholding the material information that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC were behind the “intelligence” used to persuade the courts to approve the FISA warrants that targeted the Trump team. Given this corruption, President Trump should intervene and declassify the heavily redacted material."

Entire article in the related pic.

Sorry if it's been posted already. Just came across the article myself.


676c08 No.2237461

File: 3614b5521373181⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1918x1076, 959:538, ClipboardImage.png)

bc33f8 No.2237462


wtf kind of "seismic shift" is taking place on july 28th… these people are fucking sick.

0999f0 No.2237463


Perfect, Thanks

72e55f No.2237464

File: df99b3c9b9522f8⋯.jpg (4.44 KB, 139x186, 139:186, download.jpg)

File: 852fc34a075526e⋯.jpg (103.82 KB, 1000x650, 20:13, 1532185502016.jpg)

File: eae23371e0d30d1⋯.jpg (313.12 KB, 805x1024, 805:1024, 1532185408726.jpg)


Lost the sauce on who he is…

60c28a No.2237465

File: 86ad3ac1cb0d330⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 255x165, 17:11, 86ad3ac1cb0d330cebedc929fa….jpg)

File: 840cbaca57ac312⋯.jpg (85.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 011898581_prevstill.jpg)

File: bc3fd71bff12ff5⋯.jpg (43.81 KB, 600x400, 3:2, images.duckduckgo.jpg)


Nice dubz, anon. I don't know why everyone is stuck on the very legal SNCTM crap when we already have dug it last year and found it to be legal.

This is some real revelation here. P = Payseur is what we've been seeking for months and months. We always knew that P would be hard to find.


>>2237411 Payseur owns Council on Foreign Relations since 1921

57914a No.2237466

File: c98a89690eee8fb⋯.jpg (43.8 KB, 700x703, 700:703, FB_IMG_1532233182771.jpg)

What if we encouraged Q team and Trump to do something like this….It could serve many purposes. You can do many things in the dark, the liberals would have no argument against it, it would help the Earth, and then when you turn the lights back on you could then do you "big reveal".

30 mins is all it would take. 30 mins offline, and then emergency broadcast the message in all forms of media.

The message would have to be huge. It would have to be indisputable, it would have to be shocking, so shocking it may rock peoples worlds.

From dark to light….

cca00c No.2237468



Q, whoever you are…

We know we can make it without you

But we miss you, we miss the excitement

And the energy it brings when you show up

We eagerly await your return

For all, it brings purpose

For a lot, it brings Hope

Don’t deny us HOPE!

11:11 I see this everywhere constantly/daily

Discernment was gifted from the Father

I know it has meaning

We await your return, your guidance

Don’t fail us now




1dbc86 No.2237469

File: ade8132ee1be985⋯.png (5.82 KB, 300x100, 3:1, download.png)


need to change the original we are Q from the inauguration to we are the storm

dda6c8 No.2237470

File: 315ba53021c4f79⋯.png (66.78 KB, 926x472, 463:236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 723bc119415187c⋯.png (629.85 KB, 1199x922, 1199:922, ClipboardImage.png)

Public learned today.


What must be finished?

Why still employed?


LP released after…..

PS will be released after…..

Just because something isn’t public doesn’t mean….

[DOJ texts / emails]


C_A down [19] this year alone.

When will records be unsealed?



Attack POTUS Foundation (acting NY AG (told)).


CF Foundation [Nightmare Awake] [slush fund / children].

Claim: Politcal attack re: case against POTUS.


POTUS & Russia.


HRC Hussein etc & Russia.

Claim: Political attack re: case against POTUS.



0eb218 No.2237471

WTF Anons?

Q said "no outside comms", so why are the elite 8chan anons of q research digging half chans sloppy seconds? Are there no more Q crumbs to re-read?

51708f No.2237472

WTF is this on zuckerborg's neck? Is it where they sewed his head on? Is he in front of a green screen and they've shopped his head into this backyard scene? Does zuckerborg even exist at all? https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxFQDjS_BVo

3e63c1 No.2237473


There is a big eclipse the 27th. Maybe they howl at the moon or some goofy shit like that

003917 No.2237474


And Who did the redacting is more important. Conflict of interest?

ce4a20 No.2237475


I forgot to hail the baker

fukin so notable

Confirmation the Deep State at war with itself/16 now Intelligence Organization unnamed.

0999f0 No.2237476


Were there some this bread that I missed? Please give me infor in time to get in bread

3241ea No.2237477


There ya go. Always the same weird satanic sex club, masks, etc.

82ea89 No.2237478

>>2237433 To be covered in gold is to die. It is a method of murder. Your pores cannot breathe.

12de31 No.2237479


I like how he drew DWS holding the smoking gun.

333e3d No.2237480

File: 952fbb2dd99a01f⋯.jpeg (106.69 KB, 813x389, 813:389, A40ABA27-5F44-4E11-BEF5-3….jpeg)

File: 3d9a98fc18ad855⋯.jpeg (94.78 KB, 700x401, 700:401, 727C0ECE-D5F9-4CA1-A2AF-D….jpeg)

File: e2ed6f5a0b20383⋯.jpeg (66.52 KB, 500x333, 500:333, C5461E04-6EB3-40DE-8DEA-E….jpeg)

File: d0049074a5c6d5a⋯.jpeg (135.34 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 85243B0F-F5D5-4FC3-87AE-8….jpeg)

File: cb88986a0220a76⋯.jpeg (105.25 KB, 749x500, 749:500, CAEB5C6B-C7C2-4F5C-940C-2….jpeg)

5f56af No.2237481



33a1b1 No.2237482

File: ba69dd06eefaa8b⋯.jpg (469.87 KB, 1200x871, 1200:871, sheepNoMore.jpg)


I think he was referring to things happening then, and events that have still not happened. I think the team underestimated [their] reaction to the early drops. That is why things are taking longer than originally planed for.

fc9763 No.2237483



Indeed, those C_A fuckers have ruined it since the 50's, they turned it into the shithole it's today, that's why I'm here. I hate those bastards that support illegal immigration, and the media is also controled by Soros and (((they))) are trying to take down our president. Funny thing is that I observed the same pattern here in our elections a year before Trump was elected, that got me into geopolitics. I have all my faith in this, anons, I've lost many friends, including my best friend that was even tortured by those MS13 bastards.

My grandfather served in the USS Destroyer and I have always listened to him and all his stories, that's why I've always been woke. I could not thank Trump enough for this, and also you anons.

God bless you.

19ddfd No.2237484


They won't be delivered here by Q

You seem to want it all wrapped up in a bow to deliver to the world.

Why does he need us to do that?

Why no just give to Fox News, Breitbart or any number of credibly and highly visible resources.

We were invited guest that trashed the house and threw parties everyday and ignored answers to the question he posed.

Not all were intended to be solvable, but most were.

Lack of self-discipline led to daily barrage of pet theories on a wide range of topics. No focus on the elements he TOLD us he was persuing.

Juvenile complaints about "doing something right now", people with personal priorities they demand to be addresses, all kind of pet theories about things that fascinate a few. and lots of entertaining, funny graphics (memes) that will never be seen outside of the archives.

At this point I would actually be surprised if he came back since thsi board has collectively behaved by unruly children with no focus, and no discipline.

The rare, smaller group of serious people are thwarted and post pushed out off sight for the next series of "novelty: scientific and historical topics based on sheer imagination of the posters.

The commonly rearrange recorded history and science to fit their novel theories.

This board like most primitive societies has all but destroyed the purpose for which is exists - qresearch.

Why should he bother?

Although self-important people think they ARE Q, fierce warriors, fighting evil, remember that no wars were won by armchair generals.

More Q information is being spread now by Twitter, You tube , and hundreds of alt-media outlet. We here are consumers, no producers - fans in the stands, but no players or even coaches.

I see reference to July 31 as some magic day when we will receive "all" the information, I suspect they haven't been following much of what is happening in the real world by writers and analysts informing the public.

The board has taken itself out of the loop (not counting those that have external sites, twitter, youtube etc. Those with some outside reach are doing what was expected - spreading the word and explaining thing.

Next to none of that inside the this board, as it would be wasted here.

Those people are out in the world of normies, communicating with them in their language, and need to be persuasive. credible, and "polite"

That is in pretty short supply here.

Q would be justified to treat us as he did Corsi, Jones, Defango et al.

He just ignored them, forgot they existed and went on with his assigned role and tasks.

That was an appropriate way to say good bye to them.

Elvis may have left the building

aea266 No.2237485


>official Space Force Twitter account

>muh @jack!

who do you think hands out those blue checkmarks? really think they would hand them out to the space force right now?

even potus schedule cant manage to get jack to hand one out even Q verified potusschedule

bc33f8 No.2237486


you're absolutely right.. i'm pissed i fell for it

16a762 No.2237487

File: 97c385fc4304c2f⋯.png (220.48 KB, 808x629, 808:629, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: f692c8d43627507⋯.png (220.69 KB, 807x624, 269:208, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)


Some headlines from Jan-Mar 2016: Trump v. Clinton

Obviously, they knew he was a threat (probably prior to then, but def. during that timeframe)

352243 No.2237488


please tell some of the anons over at the Rthread then

they come here claiming JFK jr = R = Q = a prophet or someshit

Q says: Do not glorify us.

you guys shouldn't to R, and too many anons from that thread do, and come here and act like faggots

dc4e10 No.2237489


When a small country, had a veto in NATO, and was prepared to open UFO talks, guess what happened w/ that country?????



NSA, CIA, BUT WHY??????????


352243 No.2237490




4e2f39 No.2237492

File: dd89128fa4820ab⋯.jpg (339.73 KB, 1600x1035, 320:207, spacehorse.jpg)


so fucking awesome i cant wait to see one

dda6c8 No.2237493


her magic sucks

49c86f No.2237494

I don't know why people keep saying Q is going to post tonight. 17 days of darkness (if that's the case) ends TODAY. Meaning, he would post tomorrow. See you fags tomorrow for next Q post. :P

46e03e No.2237495

File: 0a519d34b58e9ec⋯.png (442.02 KB, 1028x658, 514:329, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 967255a305ad604⋯.png (723.59 KB, 955x662, 955:662, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: f443218522ac5d0⋯.png (130.81 KB, 1154x720, 577:360, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 7c2fb936185e014⋯.png (126.58 KB, 1158x686, 579:343, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 3b617ca63a8d15d⋯.png (515.58 KB, 1224x670, 612:335, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

Michelle Dayan is Kaya's Mom

676c08 No.2237496


Interesting that the top paper appears to be notes and the bottom appears to be a printed picture.

Might be worth hunting.

b37ab6 No.2237497


Or we could just all become democrats. They're always in the dark, anyway.

003917 No.2237498


We the people need to deliver the information.

602a87 No.2237499

f2cd31 No.2237500




It is funny though because that guy is a PIG.

acc358 No.2237501

File: 9bebd9328576f03⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1394x1394, 1:1, 20180721_212907.png)

File: 379c4db54c40351⋯.png (481.09 KB, 685x663, 685:663, 1532233699045.png)

1dbc86 No.2237502


info drops dont only come from Q the come from all ANONS …welcome to the STORM

304a15 No.2237503

File: 82af870a213afb8⋯.jpg (80.25 KB, 888x500, 222:125, demcommies.jpg)

d30667 No.2237504


You need sleep.

0999f0 No.2237505

Last Call for Notables

>>2237438 Operation Crossfire Hurricane Unofficially Started 4 Months Prior to Official Operation??

>>2237411 Payseur owns Council on Foreign Relations since 1921

>>2237404 "Truth Was Irrelevant" WSJ Asks: Was Brennan's Action The Real "Treason"?

>>2237402 Confirmation the Deep State at war with itself/16 now Intelligence Organization unnamed.

>>2237357 FISA Warrant "Players"

>>2237224 Trump Video "Watch the Water" Reference at 9:30

>>2236934 Hollywood Anon Visits /pol/ compilation of posts

>>2237092, >>2237113 Digs on Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (The Queens privy Council)

>>2236917 Planefag Updates

60ac30 No.2237506


So, why are these all 5 letter names.

Is it significant that they all end in M?

I hope we all know the Illuminati symbolism

of MM, or WW, or MW or, WM

In NXIVM all the letters were Roman numerals

If you read them like this

IVXIVM where N becomes IV

But SNCTM doesn't work the same

There is S IVC T M leaving ST as non numerals

Does this mean something?

Both names are Latin words

Nexium and Sanctum

Sanctum means a shrine or inner place

Nexium is not a word but a very similar word exists

Nexum is a debt bondage contract. A way to avoid full slavery when you owe money by contracting to bonage which is a form of partial slavery.

Why the choice of Latin?

Is there a masonic lodge or a ritual magic lodge

That uses Latin in its rituals?

c3de1a No.2237507

File: dc6277030e506eb⋯.jpg (307.28 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Gunn and Huston.jpg)

File: b3183ce1e1d1f20⋯.jpg (278.12 KB, 582x403, 582:403, Guardians of the Day Care ….jpg)

File: c1f9631c0e40a6f⋯.png (417.35 KB, 697x369, 17:9, screenshot-vimeo.com-2018-….png)

File: b0f6b81a5ff71bd⋯.png (429.53 KB, 795x349, 795:349, screenshot-vimeo.com-2018-….png)

File: ab59917979c464c⋯.png (399.83 KB, 657x363, 219:121, screenshot-vimeo.com-2018-….png)

I wonder if James Gunn's name is in one of those 40,000 sealed indictments. Remember anon's, Q said those that protest the loudest have the most to lose. Oh; and anon's, James Gunn has protested so very very very loudly hasn't he?

So now it's time to look into the company he keeps.

Here's a real good buddy of Jimmy boys. Registered sex offender,Floyd Huston Huddleston, founder and CEO of the New Starship Foundation LLC, was arrested on March 24, 2018. Stemming from incidents reported in 2013, a five-year FBI investigation lead to the arrest on felony charges for three counts relating to: 1) contacting a minor with intent to commit a felony act (§288.3(a)), 2) hiring or employing a minor to perform sexual acts for production of child porn (§311.4(a)), and 3) possessing pornography produced with the use of a person under 18 (§311.11(a)). Huddlestons bail set at $750,000.

Like James Gunn, Huddleston has been removed from participating in a planned panel at the upcoming San Diego Comic Con 2018 convention. Whether Huddleston will be present is unknown.

Here's a glimpse into the strange world of James Gunn. This is very creepy with James Gunn at a Bachelor party back in May 2018. Is this type of behavior normal for Hollywood? Maybe it's a NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) slumber party. This is a video they made on Vimeo called "In Dreams". I wonder if they were fantasizing about children? Time to look into his associations and the people in these photos. I'll bet you that they all deleted a shit load of Tweet's the past few days and made their Twitter accounts PRIVATE!!!!!


Go get em ANON'S

1957bb No.2237508


Should the lights go out, do not panic, we are in control.

Remember the lights going out? And what happened. Everyone waited and the lights came back on and POTUS didn't react.

333e3d No.2237509

File: 7e8f862703d1a8c⋯.jpeg (93.21 KB, 739x500, 739:500, 83C5239E-232A-4B38-B9A1-9….jpeg)

File: 158304e1ebf5e53⋯.jpeg (17.96 KB, 255x138, 85:46, 1431E6CB-C475-4AF8-B2D2-7….jpeg)

File: ef492307ca6baa0⋯.jpeg (138.76 KB, 500x976, 125:244, 1F2C155C-0A20-4664-B571-3….jpeg)

File: 140ecbb3bae0dfb⋯.jpeg (89.57 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 07B22405-E458-452F-94E8-4….jpeg)

File: ae3ec442878fb72⋯.jpeg (29.55 KB, 306x240, 51:40, 52E79B93-9E45-480C-A59C-F….jpeg)

536336 No.2237510

File: e37377744710980⋯.png (124.88 KB, 976x208, 61:13, sandbox.png)


Wow what does "occult sandbox" refer to here?

602a87 No.2237511

would the Pope be a member of the Knights Of Malta?

e2694e No.2237512



7ebf19 No.2237513

Interesting video - kinda too surfer for me.


08b54e No.2237514



Agreed. Bigly.

191f18 No.2237515

File: 8954f57a6be29be⋯.jpg (625.72 KB, 2000x1315, 400:263, the trump effect.jpg)


>CNBC working with Trump?


>It’s a signal but for what I don’t know


602a87 No.2237516


Yes and POTUS's little comment he made about the lights going out almost felt and seemed pre-rehearsed as if he knew it would happen and already had the quip to give

62f16c No.2237517


This needs reminding.

Baker, notable

Reminder: The US Democratic Party is Communist–David Horowitz

352243 No.2237518

File: ab925367dbadff7⋯.png (444.5 KB, 750x738, 125:123, ClipboardImage.png)



always skeptical of infowars now, but since an anon and the baker thought its notables, no objections

0114fa No.2237519


The hotel:


5f28e1 No.2237520


They are simply excited at all the proofs and connections they are finding. It will all work out in the end. They are uncovering very important info that ties in with Q. They will soon realize Q is not JFK Jr. Q will clear this up. And he will be kind about it.

a7a05b No.2237521


Damon Lawner, Check out this report.



16a762 No.2237522

File: 70a2f401f132369⋯.png (198.36 KB, 654x652, 327:326, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)


Date of Email: 2015-04-23



7ebf19 No.2237523


This dude is real CERN

333e3d No.2237525

File: d3cb9387e1a68a5⋯.jpeg (88.39 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2192C684-9E80-4DDD-903A-3….jpeg)

File: 2b1edadb7082eca⋯.jpeg (42.35 KB, 384x310, 192:155, E5CC3346-DE80-42C6-B3B1-2….jpeg)

File: a80e0dd23bd2ff4⋯.jpeg (94.82 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 2CBB7ABD-F4CE-4ABC-83A5-4….jpeg)

File: 41f5dde9a2c21ec⋯.jpeg (67.01 KB, 480x532, 120:133, 34F36C2B-113D-4AC9-8340-6….jpeg)

File: 213929adbb779cd⋯.jpeg (54.74 KB, 600x471, 200:157, EC61CBC9-FCCD-4BDC-921E-C….jpeg)

a9c842 No.2237526

File: 5d22f17a8afe8a7⋯.jpg (4.47 KB, 283x178, 283:178, Huber1.jpg)


This has to put someone behind bars!

f2cd31 No.2237527


Did she give you Herpes? Frankly, at this point in time, that's on you. EVERYONE knows she has the Herp.

dda6c8 No.2237528

File: 81fba9c49f7dc09⋯.png (424.45 KB, 747x422, 747:422, ClipboardImage.png)

003917 No.2237530

File: 6e5733474e0aec0⋯.png (818.77 KB, 1008x612, 28:17, PVS.png)

602a87 No.2237531

July is the month the world found out the truth. Well… 10 more days

0999f0 No.2237532

I didn't read it all, to see it was tied to infowars - maybe subject to removal after further review

bc33f8 No.2237533


100% agreed anon. but in our defense, we've been under daily attack. (((they))) learned how to talk like us, post like us, and effectively divide us

the real people, real anons here are committed to doing the work and don't jump to attack each other. it's the clowns and shills that do that and push us. we tried.. i just think our jobs here are evolving and no body is getting the message

NEWS unlocks MAP.. we already have everything.. no more digging.. instead we need to look at current events and use Q's drops to decode/analyze them in context of everything we've already learned. i've been saying for weeks the biggest priority of everyone who is awake and aware collectively - regardless of what /qresearch's "goals" are - is to AWAKEN the masses.. not just an anon, an autist etc.. but as a human being, as american citizens.. we need to focus and unite under that cause and it just hasn't happened - due in no small part to the successful attacks by shills and clowns..

66a327 No.2237534

File: f5a159040b9da78⋯.png (803.84 KB, 932x599, 932:599, Screenshot_430.png)

File: 650f4178945a1d5⋯.png (927.09 KB, 925x592, 25:16, Screenshot_431.png)



347f80 No.2237535


You seem to be concerned about concernfags.

Are you a concernfag yourself then?

Are you concerned about yourself?

Why are you concerned about yourself?

3241ea No.2237536


It's like the rubber band holding everything together is getting stretched tighter and tighter

7ebf19 No.2237537

This Dude is REAL -Quantum Shit


304a15 No.2237538

File: 666e231f1f77a56⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 630x630, 1:1, MGGA.jpg)

352243 No.2237539





will be effective for midterms

it'd be good to have them LOCKED AND LOADED

a9c842 No.2237540


If US and Russia became friends what would NATO be? you guessed again.

7529ca No.2237541

File: edf246ef38ed4da⋯.jpg (99.17 KB, 425x282, 425:282, gullible.jpg)


>July is the month the world found out the truth.

97d95b No.2237543



fukken saved those dates and names!

62f16c No.2237545


>(((they))) learned how to talk like us, post like us, and effectively divide us

This is important. It's very hands-on now to even sucker in experienced autists.

More (((they))) talk, more we will find.

[KILL] - Q team.

602a87 No.2237546

File: d40b5fb92b408e6⋯.jpg (9.43 KB, 270x187, 270:187, images (1).jpg)

333e3d No.2237547

File: d0ca3867f2e62a2⋯.jpeg (133.69 KB, 1066x500, 533:250, F4104C3C-9349-4836-B50E-7….jpeg)

File: 0ee8e37739e85a1⋯.jpeg (92.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 57888561-196A-494D-B954-D….jpeg)

File: ff206be2c6329fc⋯.jpeg (82.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BE0EAA7D-C38E-4F3D-A143-9….jpeg)

File: 8986cdb4978e23b⋯.jpeg (88.4 KB, 500x500, 1:1, A1FEB5F4-A96D-4D8B-91A6-4….jpeg)

File: a3a509f829e36c9⋯.jpeg (92.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 79D3B861-234E-443A-A632-5….jpeg)

602a87 No.2237548


Free beer tomorrow

7515aa No.2237549



dc4e10 No.2237550


Do you think that a shill, will come from Romania, w/ non-sense, to fight against researchers like you, with fake shit , and protecting clowns??????????????

You will see everything but truth!!!!!!!!!!

a6e284 No.2237551

File: 25fa20a31f37a44⋯.png (174.82 KB, 556x468, 139:117, Selection_318.png)



She is the gift that keeps on giving!

Nice synchronicity anons.

19d701 No.2237552

671/169 …

f65b19 No.2237553

File: 899b606594c67ac⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 354x497, 354:497, Q1484.JPG)


>even Q verified potusschedule

You know… even though Muh POTUS_ScheduleFags are the most obnoxious douches on here…

and mentioned is more accurate a description than verified…

I have to admit this Q drop is a bit intriguing.

c7ecb6 No.2237554


Girl on her back looks an awful lot like Paris Hilton

0999f0 No.2237555


>>2237438 Operation Crossfire Hurricane Unofficially Started 4 Months Prior to Official Operation??

>>2237431The US Democratic Party is Communist–David Horowitz

>>2237411 Payseur owns Council on Foreign Relations since 1921

>>2237404 "Truth Was Irrelevant" WSJ Asks: Was Brennan's Action The Real "Treason"?

>>2237402 Confirmation the Deep State at war with itself/16 now Intelligence Organization unnamed.

>>2237357 FISA Warrant "Players"

>>2237224 Trump Video "Watch the Water" Reference at 9:30

>>2236934 Hollywood Anon Visits /pol/ compilation of posts

>>2237092, >>2237113 Digs on Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (The Queens privy Council)

>>2236917 Planefag Updates

a7a05b No.2237556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take a look at this video also.

347f80 No.2237557


11:11:11 (11)

536336 No.2237558



Do you know if they use initials AV similarly? just curious

ccabbd No.2237559


maybe a reveal will be at the freedom parade?

af8214 No.2237562


I see a panda?

3a7777 No.2237564


That timestamp wtf

0999f0 No.2237565


4c5d0c No.2237566


article was scrubbed

acc358 No.2237567

File: 426994cda520488⋯.png (785.17 KB, 1803x1395, 601:465, 1532234340605.png)

b49708 No.2237568


She turns the night into day.

She is the light.

She comes from the five…

She has the answers to a large portion of these questions.

[we are opposed to cunning and deceit]

Message not for Hilton.

Have I made it clear to you?

347f80 No.2237569


Also number of posts = 11

0114fa No.2237570



I was checking the phone number for houseofkaya.com

610 S Main St

Los Angeles, California 90014

Get Directions

ccabbd No.2237571

File: 66c1a50a28af484⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, trump_students2.jpg)

d4621e No.2237572



broken link


>>2237431 The US Democratic Party is Communist–David Horowitz

4c5d0c No.2237574

File: 10b3eb6d7c8e4c8⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 720x917, 720:917, The Mystery Deepens | Phoe….jpg)

File: 065e6d87db9d5d5⋯.jpg (147.34 KB, 720x917, 720:917, The Mystery Deepens | Phoe….jpg)

File: f19be67e4b63a4c⋯.jpg (143.36 KB, 720x917, 720:917, The Mystery Deepens | Phoe….jpg)

File: 67b944d7ec58f63⋯.jpg (128.13 KB, 720x917, 720:917, The Mystery Deepens | Phoe….jpg)

File: 2d255a0ba3ea4fd⋯.jpg (121.79 KB, 720x917, 720:917, The Mystery Deepens | Phoe….jpg)


sorry here is the screen captures but it is quite interesting

33a1b1 No.2237576

File: 379b6ea26f662c9⋯.png (52.99 KB, 631x354, 631:354, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63e10d2c319940a⋯.pdf (286.28 KB, _imperatorrex__10208672087….pdf)

I Think Rex is done…

"BOMBSHELL from the Page/Strzok texts"

Thread as PDF.

7ebf19 No.2237577


holly Fuck

at 8 min

Holly fuck

drop Qigs particle that warps

Holly Fuck.


fc9763 No.2237579

File: bc53580245d2626⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 8f4057f0687fe25000ddf37966….jpg)



0999f0 No.2237580

Notable Bun


>>2237438 Operation Crossfire Hurricane Unofficially Started 4 Months Prior to Official Operation??

>>2237431 The US Democratic Party is Communist–David Horowitz

>>2237411 Payseur owns Council on Foreign Relations since 1921

>>2237404 "Truth Was Irrelevant" WSJ Asks: Was Brennan's Action The Real "Treason"?

>>2237402 Confirmation the Deep State at war with itself/16 now Intelligence Organization unnamed.

>>2237357 FISA Warrant "Players"

>>2237224 Trump Video "Watch the Water" Reference at 9:30

>>2236934 Hollywood Anon Visits /pol/ compilation of posts

>>2237092, >>2237113 Digs on Lord Mark Malloch-Brown (The Queens privy Council)

>>2236917 Planefag Updates

dc4e10 No.2237581


I was hacked, banned, gagged, even now SOME know what i type.

You think I care???????????



602a87 No.2237582

Whats up with the NK petroleum smuggling?!

c5c6a4 No.2237583


>Any sex club that gets this much mainstream coverage is going to be damn sure that they're following the law to the letter. Snctm is useful for red pilling about Satanic symbolism, but you're not going to find open pedophilia there.

Finally a reasonable person.

Dig all you want.

But maybe do it in another thread.

This is just the latest slide topic.

347f80 No.2237584


Just realized there are two pepes.. Always thought that was a tumor on his face…

f65b19 No.2237585


When the shit starts hitting the fan after the truth damn explodes the Mockingbirds will go last-gasp nuclear.

They will go full Antifa with the STOP DICTATOR DRUMPF campaign.

We can help POTUS out by having this building mountain of tweets where he's continually called upon them to do the right thing.

A nice BULLSHIT HE WARNED THEIR ASSES right back in their face.

Plus, all the cool memes that go along with that KEK

1957bb No.2237586


Also why all that has not occurred should be stored offline. When it all implodes be there to explain why because the deep state is prepared. They have Google, FB, Twitter and whatever else plus billions of $$. When the lights go out, don't panic. Just say, "that was weird" well, something like that. LOL

3b4788 No.2237587

File: ab513bbb4fcdf60⋯.jpg (93.47 KB, 1723x180, 1723:180, goldleaf.JPG)

994581 No.2237588

File: 7f45b1017f4406b⋯.png (449.41 KB, 608x478, 304:239, BRJ.PNG)

aea266 No.2237589

File: 7a088d7faa4e27c⋯.jpg (93.31 KB, 625x468, 625:468, 5f7.jpg)


>POTUS_ScheduleFags are the most obnoxious douches on here

704e50 No.2237591

Anyone seen Ebot?

I'm worried about him.

12de31 No.2237592


It's symbolic of being anointed by the Sun deity.

11802d No.2237595

Been watching since before most of you have ever


7f78d6 No.2237596

File: 70536442a693a31⋯.png (949.74 KB, 1164x884, 291:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a51535b4218582a⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1790x1040, 179:104, ClipboardImage.png)

Are Standard Hotel, Obama, Schiff and Soros Connected?

Recently David Hogg shared a gun-control flyer, financed by the Standard Hotel chain:


f65b19 No.2237597


Killer job. That takes the legend to the next level.

994581 No.2237598


He's on a date with Rosie from the Jetsons tonight : )

7ebf19 No.2237599

Holly fuck at 12 he rotates it into 4D

and you tell me they already don't know this fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


74b1e2 No.2237600


or maybe the old guard is die'n off..

and the young bloods are lazy and stupid..

7f78d6 No.2237602

A lot of people on twitter asking lyin Adam Schiff about the Standard Hotel

dc4e10 No.2237603



536336 No.2237604

File: eb3bfe56d39300f⋯.png (62.17 KB, 924x95, 924:95, 001.png)

On twat if you include "filter:verified" in the search, you only get verified accounts

ccabbd No.2237605

File: 4b657561e350b78⋯.jpg (18.26 KB, 245x275, 49:55, ebot.jpg)

fc9763 No.2237606

File: 21cfa6574af3d6d⋯.jpg (70.98 KB, 424x750, 212:375, Tumblr_ms7eaebAsy1qbuhrdo1….jpg)

e07119 No.2237607

File: eab5dc5be0cce6c⋯.png (227.18 KB, 602x665, 86:95, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: ff98e41939d3358⋯.png (198.67 KB, 1173x772, 1173:772, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 6ba75af722d6db7⋯.png (188.94 KB, 1105x730, 221:146, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

File: 832a5b6c139b408⋯.png (113.53 KB, 736x410, 368:205, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)

Some digs on the SNCTM site the hollywood insider on https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/179615080/this-place-and-hwood-ruined-me-man-it-really-has#p179615080 posted. He says that SNCTM is a front for cp and trafficking. AND Bill Mayer is a member there. That would explain his Trump hate.

704e50 No.2237608


I hope he stays away from Bender this time. Last hangover he admitted to being human.

df5458 No.2237609

File: f8a2bb1b21abcb9⋯.jpg (253.79 KB, 657x917, 657:917, screenshot-nypost.com-2018….jpg)

dc4e10 No.2237610



0efaa5 No.2237611

File: 32442ad358ed02a⋯.png (643.41 KB, 1207x460, 1207:460, ClipboardImage.png)


General Flynn Changing his background

to American Bald Eagle,

who is facing his

Arrows of War

General Flynn Knows we are heading in to

the Storm

cfdfe9 No.2237612

Qrs+ I'm at your beckon call…

dc4e10 No.2237613



af8214 No.2237614

File: 72884ebfee5e53b⋯.png (457.16 KB, 621x622, 621:622, ClipboardImage.png)

random digging

7ff37d No.2237616


No such thing as immunity in Military Tribunals, so while this can happen in the civilian court system, there is nothing stopping the military from going a head and doing their due diligence.

b2b563 No.2237617


She turns the night into day.

She is the light.

She comes from the five…

She has the answers to a large portion of these questions.

[we are opposed to cunning and deceit]

Message not for Hilton.

Have I made it clear to you?

ummm who dis?

82ea89 No.2237618

>>2237587 UCLA professor killed in BDSM mummification ritual with a top Hollywood wheeler and dealer.


"Stairs located on the side of the house go down to the basement doorway," reads a report filed by Coroner Investigator Jerry McKibben, who visited the scene. "The basement is outfitted as a BDSM-style dungeon. The room is equipped with padded floor tiles, a St. Andrews cross, a ladder back chair, a padded examination table and a metal cage. Racks on the walls contain numerous floggers, paddles, crops, canes, leather masks and hoods and ropes are noted in the room. A cabinet of fetish accessories are noted in the room. Numerous eye hooks are observed on the ceiling and ceiling beams for suspension and bondage."

For nearly three decades, Skip Chasey, one of Hollywood's top dealmakers, led a delicate balancing act of an existence. One Sunday last November, it all came tumbling down around him.

That something tragic had occurred became known to his many friends the following morning, when on Nov. 20, 2017, Chasey posted a troubling Facebook message: "I've just experienced a traumatic loss that necessitates my having to withdraw from the madding crowd and grieve for a while," he wrote. "I'll be back, I promise you, but for now I must tend to myself and a few others as well."

af8214 No.2237619


now i see Justice

71bd08 No.2237621


Can Military prosecute RICO?

7ebf19 No.2237622

File: 666c835474699f3⋯.png (201.08 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, 6dpart.png)

6D particle physics.

85fd79 No.2237624



HTML/Oct/Hex Decoder. This tool will attempt to revert any type of encoding (including Hex, html, Oct, etc). Very useful for webmasters trying to identify what a specific code is doing (from WordPress…

e07119 No.2237626

File: aa8665795c278cb⋯.png (57.59 KB, 1046x281, 1046:281, Screen Shot 2018-07-21 at ….png)


Oh and they take blood oaths too

003917 No.2237627

File: 6003fd592cf2eb3⋯.jpeg (9.27 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Unknown.jpeg)

56911c No.2237628

File: fef58f88aca64e2⋯.jpeg (148.64 KB, 600x600, 1:1, B55BD6B2-B721-4870-8F4C-9….jpeg)

304a15 No.2237629


If true, this makes me happy

08b54e No.2237631

File: 16daa5ee7227c36⋯.png (391.35 KB, 3000x1750, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a16d132789c6076⋯.png (93.3 KB, 315x300, 21:20, ClipboardImage.png)

ccabbd No.2237632

File: a4f419549fce236⋯.jpg (91.9 KB, 700x500, 7:5, dt.jpg)


>Things are about to intensify, anons. Strap in.


>Don't let them distract you.

e0dd4a No.2237633


Some good info there! Snctm!

Some sick shit!

f65b19 No.2237634


You think the little guy is in for repairs? Hope he pulls through.

7ff37d No.2237635


As far as I know they can prosecute anything they feel is detrimental to national security.

0999f0 No.2237636






7ebf19 No.2237637

even CERN and particle physics know it is all FUCKING GEOMETRY!!!!!!!!!!

ce4a20 No.2237639


Peace to you anon

0efaa5 No.2237641


Damn Straight Anon.

Fight of fury!

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