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File: d43d634f605c0c6⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2112x1188, 16:9, 1st (1) (110).png)

ad274a No.2220744

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.




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Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215, >>>/qproofs/130

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Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 ---------------------------------------------------- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

ad274a No.2220749


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference


>>2219990 Kenya - Three arrested over trafficking of 21 underage Nepalese girls,>>2220048 More about Kenya's Human Trafficking Problem

>>2220014 Alabama Sheriff under investigation for allegedly hosting underage sex parties

>>2220019 Father of two Parkland Shooting Survivors Killed after Robbery, >>2220064 Robber returned after looting money to shoot Father one more time

>>2220031 Swampdrain? Top FBI Cybersecurity officials to leave the FBI, >>2220016, >>2220255,>>2220527

>>2220110 Thai woman sentenced to 10.5 years in prison in one of the largest human trafficking cases in Switzerland.

>>2220126 Prince Charles talking? Gives evidence at child sex abuse inquiry

>>2220131 POTUS tweets about Missouri boat accident: "May God be with you all!"

>>2220148 Scott Wallace, a liberal millionaire candidate running for Congress in Pennsylvania, gave millions to groups advocating for taxing families 'to the hilt' for 'irresponsible breeding' while promoti>>2220165 Germany - At least 200 billion euros in human trafficking

>>2220165 Germany - At least 200 billion euros in human trafficking

>>2220194 POTUS tweets about China, the EU and the manipulation of interest rates, >>2220270 raises eyebrow on the penalization the U.S. receives

>>2220206 Trump moves piece on FED

>>2220247 Dig on Lloyd Blankfein's Trail + The Rigged Market, >>2220364, >>2220443, >>2220483, >>2220488

>>2220267 China's Economy is not that solid as they make it seem

>>2220317 NK Slavery numbers surprisingly high in UK & Use

>>2220345 Pentagon: US-backed militias holding 600 (of which 40 are Russians) foreign fighters in custody from Syria War.

>>2220354 POTUS tweets on Farmers

>>2220411 Anons talks about farmers, >>2220509, >>2220541, >>2220568

>>2220471 James Gunn (pedophile) tries to defend himself on 4chan, outs himself & gets slaughtered by anon. Sauces:, >>2220487, >>2220496

>>2220606 Google owns Dunany, which will be the first trans-Atlantic cable solely owned by a non-telecom company

>>2220637 James Gunn's linked to Tony "No Deals For You" Podesta

>>2220737 #2799


>>2219877 Protection Intensifies: POTUS threatens tariffs on $500 billion of Chinese imports

>>2219817, >>2219827, >>2219860, >>2219860 Sessions pub's Cyber-Digital Task Force Report

>>2219816, >>2219870 Moar Kurt Cambpbell digg: 2011 Pentagon/Tom Nides/Huma/Cheryl/Mills

>>2219797 Singapore: Rachel Eng resigns from boards of Olam International & StarHub

>>2219791 Czech it: Rescue Services Director Resigns over Corruption Allegations

>>2219710, >>2219744, >>2219825 Twitter hires Nigerian (=China). Chinese IP/data grab?

>>2219739 @Jack's ban-hatchet report: 58 million accounts in 4Q 2017 alone

>>2219670 All your data are belong to spooks: Goog, FB, MS, & Twitter team up

>>2219582 Perv Round-up continues: MA's most wanted CP fugitive arrested

>>2219460, >>2219479 Resignations: Malay Bank of Islam CEO & Trustee for Univ. of Louisville

>>2219330 Could Qdrop re: reflected image off phone could signal other pics admissable?

>>2219342, >>2219585 Links to chase re: Marina Abramovich's Address. A "McCabe" surfaces

>>2219283 EO creates National Council for the American Worker: Job Training stressed

>>2219233, >>2219242, >>2219286, >>2219368, >>2219241, >>2219244, >>2219290, >>2219291, >>2219312, >>2219324, >>2219364, >>2219392, >>2219398, >>2219579 James Gunn Diggs

>>2219949 #2798


>>2219048, >>2219128, >>2219143 Disney Dir James Gunn Creepfest: Trending/twats del

>>2218955 Healing Our Lands: Connecting traffic of North & South Korea

>>2218742 Flashback: Podesta Emails, Did we ever digg Marina Abramovich's Address?

>>2218791 End the Fed?? What do our /pol/ cousins have to say about Trump's criticism?

>>2218711, >>2218688 Clockfag analysis

>>2218648, >>2218684 Passengers named "Kennedy" on Titanic and Lusitania. Coincidence?

>>2218536, >>2218563, >>2218672, >>2218688, >>2219090 Re Qdrop: Bunker Apple Yellow Sky

>>2218478 POTUS setting a trap? Will Trump Foundation suit frame Clinton Foundation?

>>2219347 #2797 (ob)

Previously Collected Notables

>>2217577 #2795, >>2218388 #2796

>>2216740 #2794, >>2215919 #2793, >>2215098 #2792

>>2218393 #2790-1 >>2212629 #2789, >>2211828 #2788,

>>2211036 #2787, >>2210292 #2786, >>2209545 #2785

>>2208706 #2784, >>2207911 #2783 , >>2207133 #2782

>>2206315 #2781, >>2205511 #2780 , >>2204726 #2779

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

ad274a No.2220750

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 – Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 – QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 — META

>>2193326 – General codefags

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>1606439 – Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 —– Qs Chess Game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 – Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 — Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 – Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 – Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 – A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 – The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2089271 – New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

ad274a No.2220752

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge, image archives, resignations, sex trafficing arrests,

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

== New Bakers Required == Read this ——–→ >>2172540

ad274a No.2220760

File: c75ebb706721bdd⋯.jpg (273.51 KB, 1224x935, 72:55, aa357854089925b5d93bed6be6….jpg)



73d43e No.2220776

alliance+bleidans+anons = undoing of the cabal

e6c000 No.2220780

File: 9c78d31e20cafee⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 656x500, 164:125, Lee_Harvey_Oswald_.jpg)

db1380 No.2220781

File: 42d3d3153164401⋯.png (614.16 KB, 633x633, 1:1, Rare Pepe Enhanced.png)

TY, Baker, very tasty bread!

0b94b1 No.2220783

notable - baker



a correction that the digger made:


37adae No.2220785

File: 33e499901ce84eb⋯.jpg (94.32 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, John-Podesta-and-UFOs.jpg)

b734ef No.2220787

File: bc93c39410449a3⋯.jpeg (57.24 KB, 648x960, 27:40, E0E2IOQ.jpeg)

Great work, Baker.

541042 No.2220789

Have Anons also been noticing the number of Bayer / Monsanto ads that have been running lately?


597448 No.2220793

File: c79a7740f46070a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 655 KB, 480x799, 480:799, ClipboardImage.png)

TY Baker

73d43e No.2220795


Pedosta isn't with us brah

96c486 No.2220796


Now I'm just sad for you.

536eca No.2220797

File: 5921fb52f94f99f⋯.jpeg (49.79 KB, 736x941, 736:941, ltyb04..jpeg)

efe525 No.2220798

File: 44faf4a46971019⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1087x749, 1087:749, BallsInOurCourt.png)

I keep thinking about what Poutine said at the big presser the other day. Since we know everyone's speaking in code nowadays, what if Vladka Putini meant something else by saying

"Now the ball is in your court"

Some of these codes these guys use are literal translations of idioms people say and don't understand. It's kinda cool to think someone is clearly speaking your native language and you don't understand anything they're saying.

Yeah, I know. I'm not stupid. The soccer ball was the important thing there. But you have to admit that lately, there's been a lot of balls in court in this country this year.

b411a5 No.2220799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e3b69b No.2220800

File: 7888a619c7e3bbd⋯.png (8.75 MB, 3715x2087, 3715:2087, HR990_Reps_Voting_Nay.png)

Ammo for voting out the Nay voters on:

H.Res. 990: Supporting the officers and personnel who carry out the important mission of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

<pic related

75b88b No.2220801


yes, even noticed the Amazon Prime pantry day deals were mostly monsanto products, monsanto was splattered all over amazon for prime day.

e64b34 No.2220802

File: 991950dfe6cc254⋯.png (693.47 KB, 1080x1376, 135:172, Screenshot_20180720-194453….png)

File: ef3b6b594fe1c5b⋯.png (225.46 KB, 1080x1186, 540:593, Screenshot_20180720-194121….png)


747884 No.2220803

File: f2e3e91f1db274f⋯.png (765.66 KB, 1521x852, 507:284, ClipboardImage.png)

first meme attempt. Version 2.0

ef3084 No.2220804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you have an opioid addicted friend or family,


We're all in this together

a5f2a5 No.2220805

File: 8f2f4de2c8f1621⋯.png (69.12 KB, 769x449, 769:449, downward 15.PNG)

Yesterday posted this >>2216302

Get online & 1st POTUS tweet I see is,

"downward trend for 15 years."

I hadn't applied the previous unlocked crumb from Many Times (today 04) tweet by POTUS to unlocked crumbs by POTUS in yesterdays speech /press conference which was why it was upside down. This way future is in the correct position on [28] now.

[00] [30] [15] [45]








851b0b No.2220806

To all the anti Trump maggots.

94cbcb No.2220807


>Have Anons also been noticing the number of Bayer / Monsanto ads that have been running lately?

Honestly I haven't, but I only turn on the tv for a couple of hours. Always catch Tucker (Erik Prince was on there last night btw), and Hannity.

Turning off the damn television is the best thing I've done since kicking facecrack.

2be10f No.2220808

File: 2e72955f75ec651⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 447x342, 149:114, bernie sign.jpg large.jpg)

Feds are going to take Bernie down. Make an example of him in front of his communist frens.


747884 No.2220809


remember pence was over there not long ago.. let me find sauce

2f369f No.2220810

>>2220778 (PB)

France Yates has written several books on the subject as well.

Looks like G Bruno got burned by the church for heresy and RC movement in Bohemia got derailed. Something went off track there.



3afff1 No.2220811


UK is pretty much a death sentence after what seems to be going on there of late.

80e8ad No.2220812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SebAsTiAN C - new 14 hours ago

46082b No.2220813

Anon brothers, stay on guard and keep vigilant.

Next week is Grand Climax, one of the biggest dates on the satanic calander.

If my hunch is correct, then "they" are gonna plot a MAJOR false flag for that date.

Keep watch for any suspicious chatter, craigslist ads, crisis actor ads, or odd talk from the media.

b411a5 No.2220814

File: 559856f803f9e8b⋯.jpg (201.51 KB, 1236x1562, 618:781, memo.jpg)

File: e62e88c539d02d4⋯.jpg (171.04 KB, 540x750, 18:25, obama.jpg)

File: 93c1b91dc2e772f⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 592x417, 592:417, Tiny_Trump_Butts.jpg)

747884 No.2220815



Pence was in ecuador


e64b34 No.2220816


Yes I know about it. Your kindself may sauce for Anon.

851b0b No.2220817

File: 97bc6d29be4f018⋯.png (84.45 KB, 480x716, 120:179, Screenshot_2018-07-19-15-0….png)

File: 97bc6d29be4f018⋯.png (84.45 KB, 480x716, 120:179, Screenshot_2018-07-19-15-0….png)

File: 8c5204bfb8493f5⋯.png (92.71 KB, 480x724, 120:181, Screenshot_2018-07-19-12-3….png)

9ebb50 No.2220818

>>2220699 (lb)

And for what?

This disaster of 10.000 years?

That is blasphemy

80e8ad No.2220819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New SebAsTiAN C

10m10 minutes ago

fabda8 No.2220820


"We're Bayer. We love you."

Fucking IG Farben rebranded. General public is aware of the Bayer and Monsanto M&A. "We're Bayer. We're here to fuck up your life."

36a4b7 No.2220821

File: 54c80b48d4457cc⋯.jpg (202.89 KB, 1043x1379, 149:197, Screenshot_20180720-151824….jpg)

File: ba9da2671c06d82⋯.jpg (517.72 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180720-152141….jpg)

Looking back at this Q drop. Literally. Read backwards from

>Shall we play a game?

Football handed to Trump

>Light to Dark

Lights turn off during Trump presser


Pic related

0b94b1 No.2220822


oh someone's feelings got hurt. Is there a reason why you think this dig is not a notable?

eb2161 No.2220823

File: 79cee68259b12c4⋯.jpg (670.26 KB, 1200x826, 600:413, safespace.jpg)

e64b34 No.2220824

File: d65fa883103dd48⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 797x498, 797:498, IMG_20180720_193932.jpg)

422ea7 No.2220825


Mr. Lydon said Mr. Trump is like a “political Sex Pistol” whose purpose is to rattle the status quo.

e3a86d No.2220827

>>2220626 lb

>And why is the MSM and Dems so fixated on Russia?

Because they pinned all of their hopes on using Russia collusion to get rid of Trump.

It is all they have.

cfee31 No.2220828

File: 81be703387f7180⋯.jpg (187.82 KB, 1440x1343, 1440:1343, IMG_20180720_102526.jpg)

Q isn't finished. Pic related.

24c207 No.2220829

File: 16cd4053a865fe5⋯.jpg (80 KB, 1047x1091, 1047:1091, 16cd4053a865fe5305c2a8d437….jpg)

TY Baker

0aeacd No.2220830

I have viewed the JFK Jr. thing as implausible and kind of a distraction, but I found this dig very interesting. Still not convinced, but it's got my imagination sparking a little.


Note: Apologies if this has already been posted, examined, debunked, etc. I try to stay current on all notables and other relevant posts here, but like many of you this is a very part-time job for me.

04fb94 No.2220831

File: ccf349b6ccd52e2⋯.jpg (90.82 KB, 800x600, 4:3, james-meredith.jpg)

Seems like a good man.

Hope he's part of The Plan….

Civil rights legend Meredith says he's on a mission from God

James Meredith is a civil rights legend who resists neatly defined narratives.

He integrated the University of Mississippi while braving mob violence in 1962 — yet he worked in the late 1980s for archconservative Sen. Jesse Helms, considered a foe by many in the civil rights movement.

Wounded by shotgun fire while marching for voting rights in 1966, Meredith also shuns the title of "civil rights icon," as if civil rights are different from other rights.

Now, at 85, Meredith could rest assured of a place in history. But he says he's on a new mission from God — to confront what he sees as society's "breakdown of moral character" by encouraging people to live by the Ten Commandments.

He says black people must lead the way for Christians of all races to have spiritual healing.

In June 1966, Meredith set out to prove a black man could walk through Mississippi without fear, aiming to trek from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson. On the second day, a white man shot and wounded him. Other civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr., arrived to continue the march.

Since the 1960s, Meredith has been in and out of the public eye. He's been married and raised children and involved himself in Republican politics. He's run a used car dealership and has spoken on college campuses.

Always independent, Meredith is an iconoclast who says things that can sound grating to people who otherwise see him favorably. For instance, he sharply criticizes a black mother who left her 6-year-old son in her car last year while she went into a Jackson grocery store at night; the car was stolen, the boy was killed and young black men were charged in the crime.

He also wades into the issue of police treatment of black people. He says people fail to discuss whether Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was stealing before he was shot to death by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014.


ad274a No.2220832


What does it mean, anon?

851b0b No.2220833

File: 7687385a75bc3cf⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 485x486, 485:486, 2edqy8~2.jpg)




Eat shit moron.

db1380 No.2220834

File: 5df1a4df54db788⋯.png (131.5 KB, 415x343, 415:343, Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at ….png)

File: 4ca0a4f2155df94⋯.png (124.93 KB, 797x624, 797:624, Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at ….png)


Stars including Elizabeth Hurley and Boy George have been seen with black eyes

Others who've been pictured with bruising include George W. Bush and the Pope

Conspiracy theorists have asked why so many celebrities have had black eyes

A bizarre conspiracy theory has emerged suggesting that celebrities seen sporting a black left eye are part of the Illuminati.


Former US President George W. Bush, along with the Pope, Prince Philip and Prince Andrew, have all also been photographed with black eyes.

According to some conspiracy theorists, the black left eye is part of a cult or 'Illuminati' high-level initiation ritual during which the pledger is said to be forced to 'eat pain' in a quest to become more powerful.

Author and internet radio show host Sherry Shriner - who wrote the book Interview With The Devil, in which she claimed to converse with Lucifer - has spoken of the link between these black eyes and 'soul scalping'.

According to Shriner, government leaders, people on TV with their own shows and hundreds of popular entertainers have sold their souls to Satan.

'You cannot be on TV now, without signing on the dotted line. The bizarre recurrence of facial bruises on Illuminati politicians and entertainers has resulted in speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called "soul scalping",' she said.

In conspiracy circles, this process is also known as a 'walk-in'. Some people believe the blackened eye is a result of soul scalping.

Meanwhile, celebrities have come up with various explanations for how they got their black eyes over the years.

However, conspiracy theorists believe the number of famous folk who fall prey to this particular injury seems startlingly high.

There are many theories, including the suggestion that the black left eye is part of a cult or 'Illuminati' high-level initiation ritual.

The bruised left eye has also been referred to as the 'Illuminati shiner', a mark given to those who have scaled their way to the top of the elite pyramid.

Some researchers suggest a link between the bearers of black eyes to the worship of the Egyptian sun god Horus, whose left eye was black and represented the moon and whose right eye was white and represented the sun.

The story goes that he lost his left eye in a fight with his brother Set. Could the bruising of the left eye be a nod to this perhaps?

In the past, it was believed that a black eye was the 'devil's mark', as noted in the 879 Freeman's Journal 'a black eye'.

However, many have been left wondering. In an article on America First Patriots, writer Noah Christopher questioned why so many politicians have black eyes.

He says: 'Sure, it's possible that a bunch of politicians just randomly started running into things and getting black eyes all around the same time.

'And sure, some like McCain have very rational explanations like medical treatment, but I find it fairly odd.'

Reddit users have also given their points of view, with one also suggesting it was 'bizarre' how many celebrities have black eyes.

One wrote: 'It is bizarre as hell how many of them have black eyes. I grew up fighting, a LOT, even some bar fights and have had maybe one black eye in my whole life and not nearly as bad as those.

'Just like a stripe under my eye. Chances are slim to have so many in political "high" places like that with one.'

PUBLISHED: 06:06 EDT, 20 July 2018 | UPDATED: 08:44 EDT, 20 July 2018


>soul scalping – new term for me

6b0714 No.2220835


Which date

d83388 No.2220836

File: 6cc913dfbbe14ec⋯.png (10.21 KB, 216x255, 72:85, COMFY AS FUCK.png)

Great job bakers and anon's.

Fuck you shills.

fabda8 No.2220837


And this is why Dems lose. They throw all of their rotten eggs in a rickety ass basket.

597448 No.2220838


It was, after all, in the UK that Enid Blyton wrote book series like

The Famous Five

And the Secret Seven

Where kids were always involved in espionage ops

Leading to the arrest of bad guys

And international criminals

75b88b No.2220839


How do you take out the Cabal?

Bottom to the Tippy Top

Well done Anon

80e8ad No.2220840

This anon is QFD shadowbanned on twatter

6ee226 No.2220841

File: d73da05ebfe7dcd⋯.jpg (292.27 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, WeTheP.jpg)

File: 5dbe0a58441f02b⋯.jpeg (347.35 KB, 1500x1515, 100:101, wethepeopl.jpeg)

File: 6ddb95666b1b1b6⋯.jpg (61.27 KB, 421x387, 421:387, PepeFlagWWG1WGA.jpg)

File: 1342e98f15c2628⋯.jpg (76.61 KB, 632x358, 316:179, TrumpTweets.jpg)

File: 5e4596c462a4623⋯.png (190.31 KB, 2255x3053, 2255:3053, We The People.png)

94cbcb No.2220842

Last bread I was talking about how I was treefagging and was studying the freemasons. Found this book name for the Hogg surname. Still digging..I don't have the book, but this group has the pages I might need.

Anyone read it and might have it for archive?

Hogg, Bruce; Freemasons and the Royal Society ed 2

541042 No.2220843


Exactly Anon.

b411a5 No.2220844

File: 10449322ba7bd8f⋯.jpg (139.04 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Donald_Trump_Military_Reco….jpg)

File: 3acfcd9010a0c4a⋯.jpg (115.73 KB, 1074x716, 3:2, hehehe.jpg)

File: e7440843c44e258⋯.jpg (93.51 KB, 786x619, 786:619, prettyprincess.jpg)

ef3084 No.2220845

File: 3c7019a0bbb05a8⋯.jpeg (8.62 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 870.jpeg)

File: 35d11c5769767d6⋯.jpeg (117.81 KB, 1024x657, 1024:657, glock19.jpeg)


Peace Through Strength

1) Glock 19. 9mm. 15+1 rounds. Ammo very common and cheap. Easy to take apart and clean.

2) Remington 870. 12 gauge. Home defense shotgun. You'll hit your target. 5+1 rounds. Cheap ammo. Easy to clean.

both affordable.


Use Your Rights.

587283 No.2220846

File: 24cefc5bd509424⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1493x2156, 1493:2156, GovtOfficialsSteppingDown_….jpg)

Short list of government officials stepping down.

30bbdd No.2220847


Scooby Doo


851b0b No.2220848

File: 7d1c9f5b6cb1007⋯.jpg (62.72 KB, 470x471, 470:471, 2e3bqk~2.jpg)

Civil rights legend John Lewis, Lewis hasn't done anything for civil rights in over 50 years so how is he a civil rights legend.

b411a5 No.2220849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1af7ee No.2220850

File: 97a452310f7f1d1⋯.jpeg (162.51 KB, 1440x961, 1440:961, 1532096239.jpeg)

1cf17b No.2220851


Also Q said we have not yet got to the human trafficking and sacrifice posts yet.


94cbcb No.2220852


Replying to myself to expand.

Found a David Pollock in the Bruce Hogg book, here's the page…

Hogg, Bruce; Freemasons and the Royal Society ed 2 ; Library and Museum of Freemasonry; January 2012; page 93

a97462 No.2220853

Previewing Secretary Pompeo's Remarks on Iran at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Questions and Answers


12831d No.2220854

File: 8ce61d61c8888bc⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 745x6357, 745:6357, Screenshot_2018-07-20 A Wa….jpg)

File: 5cb99c293b759e6⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 700x420, 5:3, Epoch10_GettyImages-839964….jpg)

Children have been pepper-sprayed at free speech protests attended by their parents. The elderly have been beaten nearly to death while walking to their cars, which perhaps sported a Trump sticker on the back.

All these Trump symbols are now invitations to physical attacks in public at worst, or, at the very least, being refused some kind of service. Three young African-American White House interns were holding their MAGA hats in their hands when their Uber driver arrived—and refused to accept them as passengers.


bf193a No.2220855


She is pretty.

30bbdd No.2220856




f82549 No.2220857


Oh shit. Is this real?

1eb5e9 No.2220858

File: 81287e4fa77faab⋯.png (382.15 KB, 644x566, 322:283, ClipboardImage.png)

8a3c05 No.2220859

89c1b3 No.2220860


This was in the notables yesterday. The "story" is about an admitted cocaine whore that is coming forward in a last ditch effort to harvest money from a man that got her high and fucked her (((27 years ago))) when she was a young woman drug addict at age 15.

27 years ago.

I clearly remember most young women in school were fucking guys in their 20s because they had money, drugs, alcohol, and cars.

I hope her testimony is discredited due to her admitted drug problem because this is pure bullshit.

c606e1 No.2220861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh #WalkAway story

fabda8 No.2220862


Also invest in reloading supplies, powder, bullets. Ammo is uber cheap when you load it yourself and can optimize the ammo for a specific purpose. I'd also suggest investing in a decent bolt rifle or a mid-to-long-range AR.

6b0714 No.2220863

File: ba1cf54ee389347⋯.png (927.7 KB, 1120x697, 1120:697, ba1cf54ee389347dad1d856e71….png)

46082b No.2220864


Grand Climax is on 7/27, next Friday.

04fb94 No.2220865

Didn't see this posted but is in the news this morning…

Terror Plot Foiled

A graduate of Berkeley High School in California, who reportedly told authorities he wanted to help ISIS kill 10,000 people in the San Francisco Bay Area, pleaded guilty to federal charges Wednesday, while his attorney claimed he was a victim of the “system.”

Amer Sinan Alhaggagi, 23, of Oakland, pleaded guilty to trying to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization, possession of device-making equipment and identity theft, said officials of the state’s Department of Justice.

Authorities arrested Alhaggagi in November 2016 after he bought clothes online with a phony credit card, but he was held so federal authorities could continue to investigate him, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Alhaggagi allegedly opened several Twitter and Facebook accounts in 2016 for ISIS supporters. He then allegedly told an undercover FBI agent that he wanted to kill 10,000 people in the Bay Area with bombs and rat-poison-laced cocaine, the Chronicle reported, citing court documents.


ef3084 No.2220866

File: 668999fd3aa62fa⋯.png (19.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 668999fd3aa62fabcf407ad7c6….png)


We're at war anon, Show your support, Stand up for what you believe in.

You get hurt or property damaged, especially on camera, you help the cause.

NEVER start violence.

9bcaac No.2220867

File: acd3273d6b635f6⋯.png (5.07 MB, 4336x3240, 542:405, moab ball theory enhanced ….png)

1eb5e9 No.2220868

File: e24d7dba1ae758d⋯.png (129.41 KB, 456x518, 228:259, ClipboardImage.png)

30bbdd No.2220869

File: 3631702afaf047c⋯.jpg (19.68 KB, 1080x230, 108:23, IMG_20180720_125738.jpg)

File: bab58de64b55003⋯.jpg (144.28 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, a4b3848-1.jpg)



6ee226 No.2220870

File: 1ec6d13c09d2d74⋯.jpg (329.06 KB, 1000x1044, 250:261, QCrumbDarkToLight2.jpg)

File: 5d385027bd5d263⋯.jpg (155.55 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbDarkToLight.jpg)

File: 1a4520672129fae⋯.jpg (258.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, BoomDarkToLight2.jpg)

File: bd8ac939efda3f4⋯.gif (182.47 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, DarkToLight25.gif)

File: 7a5de8adfcb837b⋯.jpg (174.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningDarkToLightT….jpg)



You said Light to Dark.

That's backwards.

The Light is taking over from the Dark.

Therefore what Q said – Dark to Light – is the correct symbolism.

In the conference room, the lights went out so they could be turned back on, to convey the Dark-to-Light symbolism.

It's Biblical too but I don't need to go into that at the moment.


12831d No.2220871


It's a real FAKE Q post.

832dee No.2220872

Anyone see this today? Remember Chance supported Kanye on POTUS but everyone freaked out. He was forced to walk it back a bit but now there's this.


e3a86d No.2220873


One reason I hesitate to buy fully into the thinking that JFK jr is still alive is because his wife AND HER sister would have to be in on the plan at some time.

Unless, it was an unplanned accident and he was the only survivor and it was then that he decided to stay dead.

How would you keep two other people quiet?

And then I read this little tidbit in Wikipedia and maybe all of them faking their deaths made sense.

(Carolyn Bessete-) Kennedy became more involved with charity work and often accompanied her husband to dinners at the White House (the couple were given a tour by President Bill Clinton in March 1998)



a0548c No.2220874


>(((sources say)))

Fake news.

851b0b No.2220875

File: 6cbe4a8411cbe37⋯.jpg (117.41 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 6cbe4a8411cbe37df12712db67….jpg)



Fraud, go eat dog shit.

4b41c7 No.2220876

File: 88be2ee51e29eda⋯.png (283.75 KB, 460x678, 230:339, humatittiestr.png)


b411a5 No.2220877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

trust the chicken

73d43e No.2220878

File: 6162ca30563b5d9⋯.png (10.52 KB, 463x192, 463:192, 5812152612.png)

File: 332d60c9b046ff7⋯.png (17.74 KB, 449x325, 449:325, matrix.png)


Not even close to finished.

Can you make the connections?

04fb94 No.2220879

File: f5350347cca82c4⋯.jpg (70.6 KB, 504x500, 126:125, conspiracy.jpg)

b65d98 No.2220880

>>2220754 (lb)

The Bavarian Illuminati was started as a competitor/alternative/improved version to the Freemasons in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt who got bored with it after about a decade and returned to the Catholic Church.


3f81ff No.2220881

Did the Uber guy (BrookeAnone) post anything last night after the second pic? I scrolled through breads while having coffee but didn't see anything. Genuinely curious.

597448 No.2220882

File: 761eac956b9e690⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.28 MB, 800x1195, 160:239, ClipboardImage.png)

8fcc7e No.2220883


I don't see any connection to the US in the screenshot. But evidence of cooperation/unification of N & S Koreas is good news. Plus if Russia has additional Pacific Ocean access it may reduce pressure for ports on its Western front.

Not that important, but the math on the gold doesn't seem to work. At today's spot price of $1230/ounce $133 billion gold value would be 3379 tons. ($1230*16*2000=$39,360,000/ton). Maximum cargo load Donskoi had previously carried was 1,625 long tons or 1,849 tons. https://www.revolvy.com/page/Russian-cruiser-Dmitrii-Donskoi Still a lot of gold possibly on the ship.

0c78c1 No.2220884

File: 32129061fda51fd⋯.jpg (25.82 KB, 800x600, 4:3, kek.jpg)

4f64f1 No.2220885

File: 9c0de9639efe89f⋯.mp4 (750.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Obama on immigration.mp4)

Obama explains his thoughts on illegal immigration

b734ef No.2220886

File: 676022c7de7a675⋯.png (52.89 KB, 598x295, 598:295, Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at ….png)

DJT retweeting like a madman at the moment.

This one's a new post.

af470d No.2220887

>>2220419 (lb)

Now would be the time for Assange to state directly that Seth Rich handed over the material and the DNC killed him.

547a36 No.2220888

File: e52d39a80d46c7a⋯.jpg (476.07 KB, 1080x1275, 72:85, Screenshot_20180720-073452….jpg)

fuk that!

when will this end? …

sometimes, I feel like The Plan is like watching paint dry … it must be 10x worse 4 the white hats.

b411a5 No.2220889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for the shorties that can help themselves

04fb94 No.2220890


and retweeting HRC clip

9ebb50 No.2220891


And the EU Army what?

135cca No.2220892

File: 189045833ef279c⋯.png (249.61 KB, 505x390, 101:78, screenshotAtUploadCC_15320….png)

Tony Schaffer is the guy that made the Video with the Q cup so I follow him.

He posted this about the latest FBI people that are 'resigning'

ef3084 No.2220893


AR's, starting out, are DIRT CHEAP and can be highly customized.

I'm mainly doing it so i know I can protect my self and my family. And too exercise my rights. And because guns are fun to shoot.

But if SHTF (I trust God and the plan and POTUS+team) reloading and a bolt gun will definitely be handy.

911d9a No.2220894

>>2220769 (pb)

Regarding placement of Semper Fidelis Baker.

Why not keep it prominent like I had it? I really did not intend the black squares, but I wanted it centered in the bread. As you can see by the US Marine in last bread noticing and commenting, it means a ton to them. Why not fully honor our military, and the good men and women protecting POTUS and implementing the plan

1eb5e9 No.2220895

File: 0cc2f5e67689db3⋯.png (110.42 KB, 542x619, 542:619, ClipboardImage.png)



f82549 No.2220896


Is that not the correct tripcode?

0aeacd No.2220897



Go to 3:30 in the YT vid. The dead ringer for JFK Jr. is sitting in very close proximity to a dead ringer for Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy.

12831d No.2220898


Get A life TyRoG

851b0b No.2220899

File: babac9161600dd8⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 530x333, 530:333, 2dm90q.jpg)

Trump is tweeting and tying up the news cycle.

30bbdd No.2220900

File: 6f410b650e1a220⋯.jpg (472.83 KB, 800x452, 200:113, Air_Force_One_on_the_groun….jpg)


Diz proovs I iz white hizzy inzider


b411a5 No.2220901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it is a strawman proxy fight of fire video

39a6e5 No.2220902


Yes. We staged them in order to fuel your larp.

a0548c No.2220903


Its speculation retard. There is NO PROOF ANY DEAL HAS BEEN MADE

73d43e No.2220904


Checked. Busy hands know no boredom.

ef3084 No.2220905


Trump has completely upended the status quo. For that alone i am glad he won. But for all the actually good he is doing, God bless that man.

2f369f No.2220906

File: 8e0a484cdb428f1⋯.jpg (62.86 KB, 675x900, 3:4, bayer-company-sells-heroin….jpg)

d6135c No.2220907

File: 2ddd389b2f787b5⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 1394884468-0.jpg)


immunity from what ? i doubt mule could give blanket immunity .

a5f2a5 No.2220908

File: 4c99631dd18e3b6⋯.png (20.77 KB, 483x303, 161:101, accelerated timeline.PNG)


If I'm understanding correctly, POTUS will confirm to us, we need to listen carefully when POTUS tweets & gives press conferences. In yesterdays speech POTUS said things are moving very fast, faster than anyone thought, very rapidly. Searched these keywords in Q posts to find crumbs unlocked, POTUS was I believe telling us the ACCELERATED TIMELINE key info. POTUS just tweeted again!

6ee226 No.2220909

File: ff68ba8fa1fbd39⋯.jpg (229.23 KB, 1298x894, 649:447, PayUpNATO.jpg)

File: 8277280b9c9dc79⋯.jpg (343.2 KB, 1066x1600, 533:800, NATOdeadbeatPayUp.jpg)

File: 08b17a8b6252c0a⋯.jpg (62.74 KB, 500x348, 125:87, PayUpDeadbeatNATO.jpg)

File: 1b18c363abf7dab⋯.jpg (113.18 KB, 952x536, 119:67, PayUpDeadbeatNATO2.jpg)

File: 6b43bce719a359c⋯.jpg (116.6 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PayUpDeadbeatNATO3.jpg)


Remember we can help POTUS by echoing / amplifying his messages with our tweets.

36a4b7 No.2220910


Whoops. My bad.

But I think this will lead to the RR firing.

922c7a No.2220911


I've been seeing many posts like this one. First thing comes to mind is I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in a fox hole with you pussies and secondly, do you really think the Podestas are going to walk? Really? Fucking trust the plan or GTFO.

ef3084 No.2220912


The british did to asia in the 19th and 20th century (Opium???) what our own country and china is doing to US now.

2bb5dc No.2220913

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

https://hooktube.com/watch?v= ex8PIWr5kTI

8fcc7e No.2220914


Clowns have a special list of all anons who will do anything for time with a Dcup or larger.

b411a5 No.2220915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

30bbdd No.2220916


Is there any proof that Hillary Clinton asked for a deal?


15f709 No.2220917

I know we're all a little disheartened because Q hasn't posted in 16 days, but WTF are we doing?

This is supposed to be Q RESEARCH BOARD, and we have 2 LARP threads in catalog? The R LARP thread is bumped up right underneath research general every time. We KNOW who runs these. We want Q to post, well when he posts and newfags come on the board to see it they're going to think "Oh, this is a board for SPECIAL POSTING ANONS, gee, I didn't know about Ranon or BLanon, can't wait to spread the word!"

"Sorry Q, you know we love you, but when you're gone we give your board space and validation to LARPS" Because it's not about guiding normies or doing research but about the tingly feelings you get when you read a cryptic post that might lead you to hidden information? THAT IS A SIGN THAT SOMETHING IS FAKE, Q IS NOT ABOUT THAT, Q IS ABOUT LOGICAL PROOFS AND CRITICAL THINKING. So why do we have threads about that here? At least label the threads for what they are.

8a3c05 No.2220918


Fucking trust the plan or GTFO.

b65d98 No.2220919


Ever see this vid? (black eyes are the point)


2f369f No.2220920


USMC has a place of special honor here.


9a4fac No.2220921

File: 7eb539d09df92f1⋯.jpg (110.44 KB, 536x500, 134:125, immunity.jpg)

Good morning, all.

1af7ee No.2220922

File: c34962f23f52e23⋯.jpeg (117.33 KB, 1440x840, 12:7, 1523743558.jpeg)

e7f1a2 No.2220923


it's bold font. no it's fake

851b0b No.2220924

File: 6a3da8d37e3c36d⋯.mp4 (13.94 MB, 608x1080, 76:135, Pepe_Bath.mp4)


God bless Mr Trump.

1eb5e9 No.2220925

File: 35f6a64166cafe7⋯.png (389.71 KB, 761x562, 761:562, ClipboardImage.png)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has defended recently adopted legislation that bars U.S. citizens from adopting Russian children.

In an interview aired in the Russian Far East, Lavrov said the law was a response to "numerous" reports of Russian adoptees being killed or abused.

"The United States is the only country from which we receive genuinely alarming reports about how many families treat our children," Lavrov said. "And I use the word 'many' intentionally."

READ: Grown Adoptee Offers Mountain Of Proof Against Adoption Ban

He said the number of cases of abuse is much greater than believed because adoptive parents change their children's Russian names, making it impossible for Moscow to track them.

541042 No.2220926


Only the "Q" is a bold digit, see top of every bread.

ce4b4d No.2220927


2nd time you've posted this EXACT thing

3rd time you've posted the podesta story

did you have a nice sleep , you predictable motherfucker?

define low energy

no you for you


747884 No.2220928



Did anyone EVER expect Mueller's probe or whatever the fuck it is to be the vehicle in which these bastards get nailed and strung up?


So why the freak out when what was never expected to happen doesnt happen…

Tighten those boot laces a little tighter boys.

bf193a No.2220929

File: 888b77bf7909ffe⋯.png (709.18 KB, 548x733, 548:733, 1526780590.png)

File: 70144aa9eff7917⋯.png (778.84 KB, 568x565, 568:565, 1531962909.png)


the deplorables are bizarre? Screen cap this story for the this didn't age well file.

36a4b7 No.2220930



Could that marry up with the mis-spoke would to wouldn't as a second confirm?

f82549 No.2220931


Ahh ok then, thanks for the information! Most appreciated.

6ee226 No.2220932

File: 1392e7614303d3f⋯.jpg (210.59 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningWakeUpAmeric….jpg)

File: 0f254aa99f706e4⋯.jpg (167.23 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningProtect5.jpg)

File: 672f4a25fab1544⋯.jpg (153.88 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningProtect3.jpg)

File: 826f848f0f6108c⋯.jpg (323.72 KB, 1024x515, 1024:515, GreatAwakeningProtect2.jpg)

File: ec5dcfd38ace14b⋯.jpg (191.61 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningProtect1.jpg)

e5da72 No.2220933

File: ed2ca357c3b130c⋯.png (44.6 KB, 583x284, 583:284, 911db1503869b75186dbb2bd96….png)

File: 813bf08f8327989⋯.jpg (28.97 KB, 595x309, 595:309, White Sguall.jpg)

File: ddccf2ae1c88657⋯.gif (243.76 KB, 532x414, 266:207, WS.gif)


It seems significant that this was caused by a microburst or "White Squall"!

40d385 No.2220934


Trump has completely upended global politics - he tells the truth. Unheard of amongst politicians! That's why politicians the world over hate Trump - they're scared the people might get a taste for hearing the truth from their governors instead of lies masked as diplomacy.

93cb91 No.2220935

File: 97c43ebfa36c2c9⋯.png (112.92 KB, 384x222, 64:37, ClipboardImage.png)

Better hurry up if you want us to survive. Plenty of farms for sale this year.

This is how it works.

5 small farms go broke and go up for sale

those 5 famlies leave for the city to try to find work.

5 farms are purchased for pennies by one or two large farms and expand their operations.

This happened in the 70's and 80's.

Today the same thing is happening again. The 2 large farms have gone bust, took a small town bank or two with them and are going to collapse into a corporate owned farm. This devistates the local small town economy because the corporate operation doesn't purchase fuel fertilizer and seed from the local businesses, rather they have enough bulk demand to get it 'factory direct'.

The guy running the farm, doesn't own it. He gets a paycheck at the end of the day. This removes a lot of 'going the extra mile' that good farming practices require. The result will be higher priced food that is of lesser quality.

If you want that, continue the current way of doing things and you shall have it.

059c2e No.2220936


P9desta and the football are slides.

4b41c7 No.2220937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q team just letting momentum build, don't you hear the rising crescendo type tone in the background noise growing daily?

Play video at 2x speed

b411a5 No.2220938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

early narce/necrosadist conditioning flick

be621b No.2220939


Q has their own board.

this is not Q's board. this is OUR board.

gtfo with your concernfaggotry. who cares if there are LARP threads? anons are exploring every possible avenue, every possible line of thought. the sea denies no river. all theories are entertained.

anons are not here to discuss what YOU feel is appropriate.

747884 No.2220940

POTUS is retweeting himself and its rearranging his tweets. Is POTUS doing this on purpose? (the rearranging part)

ef3084 No.2220941

File: c44d884470d5e18⋯.jpg (4.84 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 4h9tv594hc83rh80xnr80t80tq.jpg)


God bless all our Patriots!

183ddf No.2220942

File: d0c711621b62fec⋯.png (723.33 KB, 1248x1248, 1:1, CF 07 delta.png)

File: b61198c715e88a9⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1614x1614, 1:1, CF horiz flip WEEK TO REME….png)

File: d25c95f5fceba6e⋯.png (926.56 KB, 1614x1614, 1:1, CF horiz flip ver flip BLA….png)

File: 6140c849c84e47c⋯.png (886.86 KB, 1248x1248, 1:1, CF vert flip DARK TO LIGHT.png)

so here is where im going with this.

4 booms

boom 1 was the :07 marker

the first flip was the original flip (of the qdrop) by autists

2 more flips, 4 total booms

:07 id top right flip

dark to light is top left flip (can show autists the dark to light during the :53 mark)

bottom right is week to remember (eagerlion18)

explains bottom left, where we are now, BLACKOUT IS NECESSARY

rough draft right now

1) top right - unlock map - :07

2) flip - bottom right - makes the gun autists did this when first dropped - WEEK TO REMEMBER

3) mirror - current window - BLACKOUT NECESSARY

4) mirror - top left - DARK TO LIGHT - is poven it occured during this marker at:53 lights were def out

1cf17b No.2220943

File: 8f253529fdae41d⋯.png (80.49 KB, 392x309, 392:309, Story on the left black ey….png)




Bizarre conspiracy theory suggests celebrities including the Pope and even ROYALS who have been snapped with black left eyes are in the secret ILLUMINATI society (and puts the bruises down to an 'initiation ritual')

Stars including Elizabeth Hurley and Boy George have been seen with black eyes

Others who've been pictured with bruising include George W. Bush and the Pope

Conspiracy theorists have asked why so many celebrities have had black eyes





View comments

A bizarre conspiracy theory has emerged suggesting that celebrities seen sporting a black left eye are part of the Illuminati.

Elizabeth Hurley, Boy George and Robert Downey Jnr are among the A-listers who have been photographed with bruising in the eye area in recent years.

Former US President George W. Bush, along with the Pope, Prince Philip and Prince Andrew, have all also been photographed with black eyes.

According to some conspiracy theorists, the black left eye is part of a cult or 'Illuminati' high-level initiation ritual during which the pledger is said to be forced to 'eat pain' in a quest to become more powerful.

Author and internet radio show host Sherry Shriner - who wrote the book Interview With The Devil, in which she claimed to converse with Lucifer - has spoken of the link between these black eyes and 'soul scalping'.

According to Shriner, government leaders, people on TV with their own shows and hundreds of popular entertainers have sold their souls to Satan.

'You cannot be on TV now, without signing on the dotted line. The bizarre recurrence of facial bruises on Illuminati politicians and entertainers has resulted in speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called "soul scalping",' she said.

Shriner, who died earlier this year, believed all the powerful people in the world have been soul scalped.

She said that this can one done in a number of ritualistic ways, all of which result in a 'possession', whereby the human soul is removed and the body taken over by the demonic entity.

In conspiracy circles, this process is also known as a 'walk-in'. Some people believe the blackened eye is a result of soul scalping.

Meanwhile, celebrities have come up with various explanations for how they got their black eyes over the years.

When actor Adam Sandler was asked by Jimmy Kimmel four years ago how he got his black eye, he joked a pregnant Drew Barrymore's unborn child had punched him.

In other interviews, the actor had claimed the bruising was the result of playing basketball.

Boy George claimed the shiner he sported at the Brit Awards in 2014 was 'fashion victim' make-up, while the David Bowie's black eye, seen in 2005, was described as being 'just for theatrics.'

Meanwhile, George W. Bush has been quizzed about his shiners each time he's been spotted with them.

He attributed the first one - in 1992 - to a rather over-zealous snowballing from his grandchildren, the second in 2004 to a fall off his bike, and, more recently, he claimed he'd been hit in the face by a microphone stand, when it swung around and whacked him during a speech.

The Pope was said to have hit his eye when riding through the streets of Cartagena, Columbia in the 'Pope-mobile' last year.

Several news reports stated that he had made a joke about the injury, saying that he'd been punched.

Conspiracy theorists have pointed out that even members of the royal family have been spotted with black eyes over the years.

Prince Philip was seen with one in both 2013, when a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said he had 'woken up with it', and in 2015.

Prince Andrew also sported a shiner when he attended the Countess Mountbatten of Burma's funeral in June 2017.

When asked at the time about the injury, a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: 'This is not something we would comment on.'

Other celebrities who have sported black eyes in the past include the former Democrat leader Harry Reid.

Ironically, US TV personality and gossip columnist Perez Hilton said his black eye was given to him by Polo Molina - the manager of the Black-Eyed Peas.

Cosmetic surgery can, of course, result in a temporary bruising around the eye area, so many are dismissed as being a result of this.

However, conspiracy theorists believe the number of famous folk who fall prey to this particular injury seems startlingly high.

There are many theories, including the suggestion that the black left eye is part of a cult or 'Illuminati' high-level initiation ritual.

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5971319/Conspiracy-theory-suggests-celebrities-snapped-black-left-eyes-ILLUMINATI.html

b411a5 No.2220944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i think podesta peanut is the catholic sword

851b0b No.2220945

File: a56c981d24d422c⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 2ebmhw~2.jpg)

Trump keeps his promises.

94cbcb No.2220946



I actually do, it's hard to get used to it tbh…but I am. Anyway, I've noticed that…and I see repeating digits when something is gonna habben. Just saying, that's my pattern now for a year.

234e3d No.2220947


You just "fked" a nice girl….

73d43e No.2220948



personal discernment, however, is crucial

b90046 No.2220949


Putin protecting his own citizens.

Wow, what a novel idea.

eb2161 No.2220950


i like that analogy also

like watching grass grow

or like old people fornicate

fabda8 No.2220951


Oh yeah I've been building ARs for years using stripped lowers, LPKs, and stripped uppers. I went and built a clone of a Mk12 SPR. ALMOST as accurate as a custom Remington 700 that cost a pretty penny. Leupold glass, Douglas barrel, Geisselle trigger, fuck even the charging handle ran me nearly 100 bucks. It's all of the extra shit that gets pricy. Free float handguard, optics like an EOTech or Aimpoint, muzzle device, etc. What I love is they're so customizable.

Bolt guns are just for accuracy. Hunting. I sometimes use them on coyotes, but usually an AR or black powder rifle will suffice. Reloading is just…it's a fuckin PITA with depriming the case, tumbling it, lubricating, then measuring powder (for a single stage press, rifles). I don't even do it now but I have the equipment to do so if I need to.

183ddf No.2220952


as you can see, still working, top left can be worked on (dark to light)

25c2f8 No.2220953


I have mine. Peace thru strength is as much a domestic idea as it is with other countries.

I prefer a shotgun with higher capacity. Mossberg 590.

15f709 No.2220954


This is Q's board you little bitch

2f369f No.2220955

File: e2578377b11d5fa⋯.png (75.31 KB, 1056x816, 22:17, e2578377b11d5fa8c2eb768e5f….png)

The podesta "immunity grant" is a shill topic.

The strategic reason explained again and again so that at this point only shills are asking.

Dig Meme Pray

04fb94 No.2220956

File: 58e6097cce43f34⋯.jpg (11.06 KB, 255x193, 255:193, pepe_sauce?.jpg)

ef3084 No.2220957

File: 89e13c5ef6818f4⋯.jpg (44.24 KB, 1024x659, 1024:659, DonApproves.jpg)


I stand corrected.

6ee226 No.2220958


The fakeQ poster typed Q's name (Q) and tripcode into the Name field and posted. As a result all of these characters come out boldface green. A real Q post will have only the Q bold, and the tripcode will appear in NON-BOLD green. Oldfags have custom javascript that provides instant recognition of authentic Q posts but you can train your eyes once you know what to look for.

b411a5 No.2220959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a5f2a5 No.2220960

File: 9e9845c8f54c3c8⋯.png (23.59 KB, 774x142, 387:71, I told you so 911am RT.PNG)


POTUS RT, "I told you so!" from yesterday's discussion! POTUS is TALKING TO US!!!

1eb5e9 No.2220961



1f31c1 No.2220962


I ain't buying this Hal Turner story

160 1TB thumb drives?

A No

be621b No.2220963



73d43e No.2220964


There exist people that reload .22s and have to watch how the casing is inserted so the hammer hits a non-dented spot

1cf17b No.2220965


It did auto spacing, sorry about that.

The bruised left eye has also been referred to as the 'Illuminati shiner', a mark given to those who have scaled their way to the top of the elite pyramid.

Some researchers suggest a link between the bearers of black eyes to the worship of the Egyptian sun god Horus, whose left eye was black and represented the moon and whose right eye was white and represented the sun.

The story goes that he lost his left eye in a fight with his brother Set. Could the bruising of the left eye be a nod to this perhaps?

In the past, it was believed that a black eye was the 'devil's mark', as noted in the 879 Freeman's Journal 'a black eye'.

However, many have been left wondering. In an article on America First Patriots, writer Noah Christopher questioned why so many politicians have black eyes.

He says: 'Sure, it's possible that a bunch of politicians just randomly started running into things and getting black eyes all around the same time.

'And sure, some like McCain have very rational explanations like medical treatment, but I find it fairly odd.'

Reddit users have also given their points of view, with one also suggesting it was 'bizarre' how many celebrities have black eyes.

One wrote: 'It is bizarre as hell how many of them have black eyes. I grew up fighting, a LOT, even some bar fights and have had maybe one black eye in my whole life and not nearly as bad as those.

'Just like a stripe under my eye. Chances are slim to have so many in political "high" places like that with one.'

183ddf No.2220966


double trips for double murderers

19c9b5 No.2220967


(((Glenn Greenwald)))

0f6ee0 No.2220968


tell me more about Prince please, anon. I never turn on the TV

b411a5 No.2220969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


old habits die hard

look a crisis actor

1eb5e9 No.2220970

File: 7cb04abb654bf87⋯.png (57.63 KB, 333x554, 333:554, ClipboardImage.png)

30bbdd No.2220971


This is not my board ANYONE can post here

ONLY I can post on /patriotsfight/

You stupid faggot


04fb94 No.2220972


No coincidences.

Very stable genius!

587283 No.2220973

File: f138df3d5459f5c⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 732x143, 732:143, PotusTweet.jpg)

e5da72 No.2220974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nixon, Rockefeller, IG Farben, and global control.



e1f604 No.2220975

File: dcb3c4d4870627f⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 255x211, 255:211, investigator pepe.jpg)

Is there a list of casualties from the Missouri boat accident yet?

OLDFAGS know this is the kind of stuff we dig.

There was at least one person from that accident ready to testify, or POTUS wouldn't have mentioned it.

d24c75 No.2220976

File: 82c138a9bc2ac95⋯.png (1.01 MB, 801x718, 801:718, 2018-07-20_10-43-24.png)

File: c694d8867d4a8cf⋯.png (508.33 KB, 500x545, 100:109, 2018-07-20_10-41-54.png)


Wake me at 50,000!


7fc9cc No.2220977

When did Mueller take Eric Prince's communication devices? was it soon before July 4th?


ce4b4d No.2220978


holy fucking RT storm batman , uses tweetdeck for sure

Jul 20, 2018 09:39:21 AM RT @realDonaldTrump: I told you so! The European Union just slapped a Five Billion Dollar fine on one of our great companies, Google. They… [Twitter for iPhone]

Jul 20, 2018 09:39:02 AM RT @realDonaldTrump: The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forw… [Twitter for iPhone]

Jul 20, 2018 09:35:59 AM RT @realDonaldTrump: Will the Dems and Fake News ever learn? This is classic! https://t.co/kSX3ROI4QG [Twitter for iPhone]

Jul 20, 2018 09:35:49 AM So important. Should have been done years ago! https://t.co/TFIqsaZWBt [Twitter for iPhone]

Jul 20, 2018 09:34:44 AM RT @Scavino45: “More Winning: American Jobless Claims Drop to Lowest Level Since 1969” https://t.co/eBGUs7GlSU [Twitter for iPhone]

Jul 20, 2018 09:34:11 AM RT @Scavino45: “Former Harvard law students praise Kavanaugh in letter” https://t.co/1ihzCwPToF [Twitter for iPhone]

Jul 20, 2018 09:33:57 AM RT @Scavino45: “Senate GOP breaks record on confirming Trump picks for key court” https://t.co/CB5Zsl5iSG [Twitter for iPhone]


f2d2df No.2220979

File: 498fec353cf0589⋯.jpg (39 KB, 540x653, 540:653, c841b17aa836b08b48ec7fc5d7….jpg)

File: 7bcd1daf87ec132⋯.jpg (65.81 KB, 1024x564, 256:141, ootpg34gieez.jpg)

This guy makes a moron look like a genius.

31ae60 No.2220980

File: 6e5f2a0710dbd90⋯.png (50.46 KB, 1123x664, 1123:664, 23feb EBS.png)

File: 18ddfb904b9f300⋯.jpg (71.88 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_20180720_163244.jpg)

Dutch clockworker here.

Sorry guise, gonna be a very complex one… again.

Not ready yet.


What you see is only 1/4.

Very interesting.

Everything is connected.

QC time jumps?

See screenshots.

Trust the Plan!


1af7ee No.2220981

File: e5f3838dbcf7aa3⋯.jpeg (105.98 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1525051549.jpeg)

b185d2 No.2220982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FISA MEMO UPDATE!!! The MEMO Is On Donald Trump Desk, To Make His Ultimate Decision

6ee226 No.2220983

File: 110a271b63341a0⋯.jpg (112.29 KB, 800x770, 80:77, BlackEyeClub123.jpg)

d2f409 No.2220984

Lurker here. And, I want to say, first: this is an amazing place. Come here every morning for my news, as it's a 'great aggregate' for all things informative. Yet, I had a thought. What if, you move to the 'next step' with your fact finding. What I mean is, become the media you want to see. Don't just keep it here and randomly on the twats. Why not start a twat of yer own, call it something innocuous like 'What I learned Today' and get it trending. You do have more than you know here, and Q taught you how to 'see' things from a different perspective. So, look at POTUS tweets. What's he talking about? Grain prices? Then dig on those, back him up with the proper links, and let people understand what he's saying. Show the msm that people can think creatively and get the job done without having to LIE about things. Let people see things they wouldn't find on their own. And, let this research board by your 'work station'. Some very talented wordsmiths on this board, and I've never seen so much creative thinking. The shills get on my nerves, too, but hey. They can't take criticism. And, neither can the dems. That's the problem. Give the normies what they can't/won't give themselves - another way to read the news.

That is all. And, thanks to everyone who keeps this place alive. This is real freedom, believe it or not. Spread the wealth.

4607e5 No.2220985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice anon, glad you have an inter'dest in such things :D

Be cautious with yates, IIRC she diminishes

his metaphysic substantially. Better to get the info

from the sauce if possible (video embed related).

Alot of anons don't like webster tarplay, but I

find his info on Venice and the migration of

the banking families from Rome -> Venice -> holland -> Engald

to be extremely helpful in piecing together the

vermin trail.

Oligarchy: The Cancer in Human History


The Venetian Conspiracy by Webster Tarpley



Bruno was a great man, but he was used in the

same way Luther was used. Just pawns in the

struggle of the ruleing families/vatican. It doesn't

diminish their works, just informs us as to why

their prominence was established over others.


9cc6f7 No.2220986

Fake Q is here.

Ignore the Shills

b411a5 No.2220987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

truth smells like a flowere

know your farts from your shit

ce4b4d No.2220988


i asked you to post there the other day cocksucker


94cbcb No.2220989



2119cb No.2220990

File: 7e684ee3cddd1a3⋯.png (159.52 KB, 1783x979, 1783:979, ClipboardImage.png)

Since no one cares.. page 22


4ca6ea No.2220991

File: 315afe5c44aca5a⋯.png (108.46 KB, 822x652, 411:326, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6cadbe6d3ee4e6⋯.png (183.44 KB, 651x1037, 651:1037, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3162113217111e4⋯.png (179.83 KB, 641x1049, 641:1049, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 208be0f3995096d⋯.png (137.67 KB, 661x771, 661:771, ClipboardImage.png)

Edmond Safra, investor/friend of Bill Browder

How did he manage to send $40 billion in cash to post-soviet Russia?

He had a small bank in New York, Republic National Bank.

Such a small bank couldn't have normally gotten $40B unless approven by higher powers. $40B was like 13% of cash in circulation in U.S. at that time… early-mid 90's

I bet both Safra and Browder have been front men for much richer people. That is modus operandi. Rothschilds learnt already over 200 yrs ago that they must use front men, or face possibly wrath of people and death threats.

Post-Soviet Russia had just about largest natural reserves in the whole world.

global cabal billionaires must have drooled on possibility to steal all that.

How to do it? well, create money out of thin air and buy it through front men.

Then after the ordeal how to clean up mess? ok, let's use the vacuum cleaner and fixer of the banking world… HSBC. Hide all problems in there…

Excellent book:


someone linked that some time ago…

1f31c1 No.2220992


The JFK jr thing is no more real than FE theory

a97462 No.2220993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Egypt: Kingmaker in a new Middle East

As a country facing crises of economy, security and status, Egypt is in need of a rapid return to domestic stability and leadership within the Arab World. Brokering an end to the Israel Palestinian conflict could bring the Egyptians back from the brink, to the forefront of a new Middle East. President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi may be just the man to do it; and ten percent of the Sinai Peninsula may be just the place for him to do so.

Over the past year, together with several retired Israeli security experts, we have written about, and spoken of, the need to shift to a new paradigm to end the Israel Palestinian conflict and to move beyond the status quo. We have called for the establishment of a free, sovereign and independent Palestinian State in Gaza—with the addition of a territorial connection into a section of the northern, coastal area of the Sinai Peninsula.


62ee1d No.2220994







ef3084 No.2220995


Definitely, well said anon.

If MS-13 tries to break down your door or car jack/kidnap you, A glock or a shotgun will always be quicker than the police showing up.

The cabal doesn't want us to be able to defend ourselves anyway.

Why do you think the VA has been so horrendous for so many years?

Why do you think it's young men who are most affected by opioids and transgenderism.

It's about taking independence and strength away.

I''l stop ranting.

Invest In a Little Lead.

183ddf No.2220996

File: c93bf3ad81a1ee5⋯.png (926.23 KB, 1614x1614, 1:1, CF horiz flip ver flip BLA….png)


blackout ends 7/20 ?

Q drop 7/21?

fabda8 No.2220997


They reload 22 rimfire cartridges? I've never met anyone who's been able to do that.

6ee226 No.2220998


Also re: "higher ends of intelligence" →

1) people who are more intelligent

2) people at the top of the intelligence community, i.e. Military Intelligence

ca82c9 No.2220999

Just went to halfchan /pop/ cus it’s been awhile. I made 2 posts defending Q and on the third one, they detected that I was spam and won’t let me post. U ducking kidding me? No wonder all the media is sending them there for Q. Half the thread titles on pol were bashing Q.

These people are very desperate. Fun to watch the measures they will go to.

7fc9cc No.2221000

File: 7970b0e2245b768⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepepot.jpg)

587283 No.2221001



82b6e8 No.2221002

File: fc4418c5d9144a4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 5600x5096, 100:91, 75f4b02474fgb4r0g7fb0428v0….png)

Do not make it easy for "THEY"!

b411a5 No.2221003

File: f22889bb809f309⋯.png (608.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, gabbyepstein.png)

in a tophat race

it is important to secure the rabbit deal

and set snares

ca82c9 No.2221004


*halfchan /pol/ , not pop

059c2e No.2221005

94cbcb No.2221006


I'm about that life…muh cookies are comfy cookies :P Prefer eating it because the smoke slows me down a lot.

2119cb No.2221007

File: d34ae09b4af3bec⋯.png (143.54 KB, 1314x753, 438:251, ClipboardImage.png)

04fb94 No.2221008


i love fridays

0b94b1 No.2221009


Yeltsin's Russia was a shithole. Globalists and Oligarchs bled the country dry. We should dig on Boris Yeltsin and his cabal connections.

Huge mineral mines were sold to certain people for peanuts and turned them to billionaire's overnight.

917bdb No.2221010


How odd. I've never seen a post like this here before. Tell me, are you putting this here to give the stalking media something to use in their phony claim "Those 8chan crazies are violent"?

86e023 No.2221011

File: d2ab09d040efe52⋯.png (923.52 KB, 1102x1238, 551:619, Australia.png)

James Packer: Australia tycoon quits boards amid focus on health

Australian billionaire James Packer has quit 22 company directorships in recent weeks, in a retreat from business that began with his acknowledgement of mental health issues.


15f709 No.2221012



So when Q deleted /greatawakening/ then he had no board? You really are a dumb little bitch.

Q comes here to post. Newfags come here to see/reply to Q. Your larp shit is doing exactly what it is intended to do. COOPT THIS BOARD INTO A BOARD NOT DEDICATED TO Q BUT TO EVERY "SPECIAL" ANON THAT COMES ALONG.

And patriots aren't doing shit about it because "every avenue is worth exploring" No it's fucking not when it's a fucking LARP run by clowns

Clown attempts failed.

Expect bigger push.

GTFO you ETS FUCKS. We see you.

ef3084 No.2221013



It's safer than opioids that's for damn sure, but more than a few people smoke themselves retarded.

Weed is good if you can moderate, but i've met way to many people who couldn't.

95603e No.2221014


O glorious Prince of the heavenly host, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the fearful warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits.

Come thou to the assistance of men, whom Almighty God created immortal, making them in His own image and likeness and redeeming them at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.

Fight this day the battle of the Lord with the legions of holy Angels, even as of old thou didst fight against Lucifer, the leader of the proud spirits and all his rebel angels, who were powerless to stand against thee, neither was their place found any more in heaven.

And that apostate angel, transformed into an angel of darkness who still creeps about the earth to encompass our ruin, was cast headlong into the abyss together with his followers.

But behold, that first enemy of mankind, and a murderer from the beginning, has regained his confidence.

Changing himself into an angel of light, he goes about with the whole multitude of the wicked spirits to invade the earth and blot out the Name of God and of His Christ, to plunder, to slay and to consign to eternal damnation the souls that have been destined for a crown of everlasting life.

This wicked serpent, like an unclean torrent, pours into men of depraved minds and corrupt hearts the poison of his malice, the spirit of lying, impiety and blasphemy, and the deadly breath of impurity and every form of vice and iniquity.

These crafty enemies of mankind have filled to overflowing with gall and wormwood the Church, which is the Bride of the Lamb without spot; they have laid profane hands upon her most sacred treasures.

Make haste, therefore, O invincible Prince, to help the people of God against the inroads of the lost spirits and grant us the victory.


(indulg. By Leo XIII, 25 Sep. 1888]

7fc9cc No.2221015

File: 8a4e4839e3784a7⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 255x245, 51:49, pepeshotgun548axhsau.jpg)


go back

d83388 No.2221016

File: bf74743e5544ed9⋯.jpg (412.02 KB, 1606x1509, 1606:1509, can I kill them.jpg)

b411a5 No.2221017

File: f45d3625d3ed8e5⋯.jpg (86.99 KB, 640x623, 640:623, IMG_0132.JPG)

File: 9b1d7b86c8ef516⋯.jpg (116.07 KB, 868x960, 217:240, IMG_0148.JPG)

is that capt. Greene supporting my mental well being ty AA

587283 No.2221018


Mental health issues? Wonder where that is going.

747884 No.2221019

af470d No.2221020


Jeez you found that channel too? Was watching it this morning and was like wtf. Youtube seems to be pushing this channel in the recommended side bar.

1800ef No.2221022

File: 4d29ac48741f708⋯.png (18.74 KB, 454x414, 227:207, doorlater.png)


Also this.

"This door will be opened later"

I think there are other posts like this too so I think we have a lot more to come. Not finished yet. Although it could be a while before they come back I'll admit.

I normally hate trying to put dates onto things because it gets hopes up and then doesn't happen and it's a letdown - having said that I'm liking the July 27th theory. Not going to get my hopes up but it's an interesting theory.

24c207 No.2221023


>began with his acknowledgement of mental health issues.

Sounds like a pretext to hearing about some heinous crimes he's been involved in

917bdb No.2221024



b304ff No.2221025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peaceful multicultural societies don’t exist, Dutch FM says in explosive leaked speech

Minister Stef Blok: ‘Suriname is a failed state due to ethnic division’

Blok said that he was not aware of any multicultural country in the world in which people live together peacefully. "Give me an example, of a multi-ethnic or multicultural society, where the original population are still living as well. (…) And where there are peaceful community relations. I’m not aware of any."




CNN is late

b90046 No.2221026


aren't there many anons out there already doing this?

neonrevolt.com comes to mind, for one.

b411a5 No.2221027

File: 9c65e719f2c0c21⋯.jpg (63.63 KB, 615x941, 615:941, IMG_0159.JPG)

4b41c7 No.2221028

File: f3aa301ddcfe56d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 576.97 KB, 489x580, 489:580, hillboobs.PNG)


A lot of newfag Anons don't pick up on the subtle irony of my humatitties.png meme..

Do you?

If you do, great if not here's one 4 ya

06953f No.2221029

For those genuinely curious why Q is not posting

Think of the political blow back if he was active during "July, when the world learned the truth." They would say he spoon fed us the message and it would give them fodder to say it's all a political hit job. He must be quiet to minimize any such thing, and more importantly, we must deduce the truth of what's about to come out ourselves. We the people, reaching the truth organically, is the most critical thing, because THAT will set off the storm. Not Q, not Trump. When we see it, we must make noise, and that in turn will justify the government in pursuing justice and applying the law truthfully and honestly, which is EXACTLY what we want, and what the MSM will try to derail.


ee0b23 No.2221030


The name is /QResearch/.

If they want to research/talk about something/someone else they should make their own board…

62ee1d No.2221031


Moderation is KEY anon, Always & with everything

b411a5 No.2221032

File: 3e6337ef2f6b13f⋯.jpg (82.92 KB, 828x664, 207:166, IMG_0195.JPG)

trust cannibas

6ee226 No.2221033


Set up for mental health defense against pedo or sex abuse allegations? No inside info, just speculatin…

832dee No.2221035

Again, Chance the Rapper bought Chicagoist.com and Calls for Rahm Emmanuel's resignation.


04fb94 No.2221036



Sounds good on paper.

Fraid I'm gonna need some proof of action.



73d43e No.2221037


yep, there's even a small "survival" reloading kit in case SHTF.

ef3084 No.2221039

File: ffe75c1323c5c4e⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1155x868, 165:124, USA.png)



Let me be clear I'm not advocating violence.

I just thought anons here need to exercise their rights. And have some cheap options to defend them selves.


I am not advocating violence.

Do not engage in violence.

But know and learn how to defend yourselves.

Firearms are simply tools.

I am advocating your right to self-defense.

I am advocating for you to exercise your rights.

That is all frens!

94cbcb No.2221040


>Weed is good if you can moderate, but i've met way to many people who couldn't.

Lots of truth there. I use it to settle down at night. Once you're awake, it's hard to sleep. Even away from the boards I hear frequency rising, and see the digits repeating and get all antsy. Thank God for that PLANT!!!

b411a5 No.2221042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

25c2f8 No.2221043


They are feminizing us so we can't fight anymore.

bf193a No.2221044

File: d2cf4c798d3e810⋯.jpg (568.5 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1531322049.jpg)


Notables source 4chan, oldfags are cringey and cranky. Shitshow grinds on. WWG1WGA Patriots

b304ff No.2221045

File: 29987aa9159e037⋯.png (668.99 KB, 701x540, 701:540, StefBlok.png)


Here a pic of minister Stef Blok for your brainz.

8d18e1 No.2221046


lurk moar. in default theme real trips have a border and change color here. in the very least they are never bold text

587283 No.2221047


This guy might be the smartest one of the bunch with this defense. We should watch for a slew of mental health issues as copycat defense.

6ee226 No.2221048

File: 0e398548d777eb7⋯.jpg (151.63 KB, 645x794, 645:794, ChanceBlacksDontHaveToBeDe….jpg)

File: af3c2a56344b3a4⋯.jpg (106.29 KB, 733x554, 733:554, KW ChanceBrokeLib.jpg)

File: 40fd20892e425fe⋯.jpg (180.13 KB, 779x453, 779:453, ChanceRapperDems.jpg)

File: 3af2da281443d2f⋯.jpg (134.25 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ChanceRapper6.jpg)

File: bc134d2f35ed5b5⋯.jpg (174.05 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ChanceRapper4.jpg)

06bf25 No.2221049

>>2219742 lb

Could this be ref to T surviving assassination attempt in Scotland?

ad274a No.2221050

>>2220933 Weather Attack Patterns?

a5f2a5 No.2221051



POTUS TWEET RT pattern if I'm looking at this correctly 040101

POTUS is giving us the 411 INFO

cfee31 No.2221052

So, will ABC take any action on Whoopie? Of course not. Roseanne's show was cancelled but the view will live on.

73d43e No.2221053



Love includes defense against violence. But it never glorifies it, only as a last resort when diplomacy fails.

2f369f No.2221054


Thanks anon will check this out.

One part of my objective is the reunification of the severed branches of human inquiry.

d83388 No.2221056

File: 8343240a72f6425⋯.jpg (23.07 KB, 299x168, 299:168, Walkaway.jpg)

a0b6ca No.2221057


>One reason I hesitate to buy fully into the thinking that JFK jr is still alive is because his wife AND HER sister would have to be in on the plan at some time.

I'm not fully on board with the JFK Jr thing either, tho it would be AWESOME. However, if true, it may have been a condition or request of Carolyn to go along with the plan, to she could take her sister/best friend with her, if she was going to leave her whole life for that long.


6ee226 No.2221058



The push to recognize pedophilia as "just another unchangeable condition you're born with" is also related to trying to exercise this defense.

Yes these people are SICK, but not in a way that excuses the criminal conduct.

b411a5 No.2221059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8adf08 No.2221060


Notice its "popping" alot lately too? sometimes its makes me jump outta my seat

9ebb50 No.2221062



Nobody thought in a good future for the colonization of the New World

234e3d No.2221063

File: ceb90e6da56709a⋯.jpg (103.41 KB, 508x522, 254:261, Condor.jpg)

be621b No.2221064


how would you expand your thinking without exploring multiple avenues of theory and thought?

bf193a No.2221066

File: 72309faf396ab23⋯.jpg (102.86 KB, 917x487, 917:487, 1531078095.jpg)



94cbcb No.2221067


I'm going to say it…they're doing something to milk. I used to be able to drink it, not any longer..and it's weird because it happened kinda suddenly. Allergies can I suppose, or my body detecting something off.

Refuse to soymilk…I'll eat my cereal like Booger on Revenge of the Nerds…bier on top. Least I can make that myself.

547a36 No.2221068

File: 3a588e78217aada⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x1884, 90:157, Screenshot_20180720-075923….jpg)

woot woot..

ef3084 No.2221069


The bible states as much.

God is Pro-Self Defense.

9dc1cb No.2221070


That's the guy in Q's pic

25c2f8 No.2221071


Nobody is glorifying violence, everyone needs to understand that there is in fact a point you have to defend the republic in the face of total breakdown.

1f31c1 No.2221072


If they really get immunity it's Pitch Fork time at Mueller's office.

Trump should fire him it can't get any worse for DJT than it is already

541042 No.2221074



a97462 No.2221075

File: 3a4a0d122e201e4⋯.png (43.85 KB, 454x866, 227:433, Q779.PNG)


I think too..

The message is not ready, yet.

1cf17b No.2221076

File: 50f311cb033fdfd⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 500x551, 500:551, 2e8c2t.jpg)

File: da38f0769c9c373⋯.jpg (65.83 KB, 500x551, 500:551, 2e5gzs.jpg)

File: ae138a09246963d⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 500x551, 500:551, 2dx9c1.jpg)

File: 8299cd88667a0d2⋯.jpg (71.11 KB, 500x584, 125:146, 2dbbg1.jpg)

b411a5 No.2221077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dd2b18 No.2221078

File: 36a32c4d23aa84c⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 639x671, 639:671, DiZ5TuLVMAAO1ya.jpg)

24c207 No.2221079


people actually reload 22? For that price I can buy a thousand rounds

059c2e No.2221080



db5dec No.2221081

Be careful what you wish for.

Thoughts are creative.


As the World turns.

Trust the plan.


89c1b3 No.2221082


Spoken like a true pussy.

2f3558 No.2221083

File: 0ecb6c176f0220a⋯.png (5.9 MB, 2823x2117, 2823:2117, CREEPYjOE.png)

b185d2 No.2221084


I know…AFTER I posted I was like WTF? Click bait!

8647d2 No.2221085

Powell and POTUS starting in on the FED this week I’ve noticed….

I could not be any more estatic… I never thought these days would ever come.

People need to explicitly shown how they got screwed and how/why it’s main tool of control.

If you can keep everyone desperate for just a bit (or a lot more) you can compromise their morals and you will forever have a leverage position over them…. over society.

Fucking disgusting.

I’m going to buy some silver later.

1ec133 No.2221086

Why did the ffs stop

e5da72 No.2221087



b411a5 No.2221088

File: 94d89e0ed624158⋯.jpg (92.35 KB, 1075x1512, 1075:1512, IMG_0273.JPG)

1971cd No.2221089

File: 14bcdaea9b913fa⋯.jpeg (44.43 KB, 780x439, 780:439, noel-remagen.jpeg)

Was Secret Service Agent Nole Remagen 'Q'?

He was the one who died in Scotland last week. Hence no postings from Q going forward?

3babfc No.2221090


always cracks me up when AR fags say they “built” an AR, no, you assembled it from anparts

kit….you havent built shit.

234d81 No.2221091

File: 28305553bca31a6⋯.png (637.22 KB, 830x622, 415:311, 1532096234562.png)

Can we shut down MK Ultra and the Mockingbird Media yet?

ef3084 No.2221092


Gold and silver are at 6 month lows.

Just don't go blow your entire savings on it.

Anon last bread suggested 1-2% of your wealth, maximum

b411a5 No.2221093

File: 123ee2fa8e6322a⋯.jpg (110.28 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_0335.JPG)

File: 65a199b3332d649⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_0336.JPG)

File: 76b76029dcb57a9⋯.jpg (147.74 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0337.JPG)

Whom is Don Arnot

a97462 No.2221094


no different body-build

2f369f No.2221095

File: 18301166a89c098⋯.jpg (203.9 KB, 645x845, 129:169, eabd580f37d967694c333035f2….jpg)

File: 1aa89d1f6b9afc1⋯.jpg (186.21 KB, 3528x373, 3528:373, Kayfabe.JPG)

04fb94 No.2221096


school's out for summer

1af7ee No.2221097


Creepy Uncle Joe is such great meme material

62ee1d No.2221098

File: b2a32cb188aacb5⋯.jpg (76.81 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2edvuy.jpg)

8fcc7e No.2221099

Dan B.

The Mueller probe is a disgusting abomination of justice.Not only is Mueller ruthlessly trying to overturn the election but he’s desperately trying to cover up for the DOJ & the Clintons. Fire Mueller immediately & let’s move on from this national disgrace

af470d No.2221101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This was the first one I watched actually.

24c207 No.2221102

File: 82d648755eeee59⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 356x260, 89:65, 1523341765243.gif)


Hey you better go to all the PC forums and correct everyone who's ever claimed to build their own PC


ad274a No.2221103


That's something entirely different

ef3084 No.2221104


I believe the cabal hate AR's so much solely because they are cheap, and like the "early Ford's" of rifles.

Interchangeable parts and such.

547a36 No.2221105

File: 09c700bcaa4fda0⋯.png (63.87 KB, 792x700, 198:175, 09c700bcaa4fda0ca134c9be87….png)


u guys r fukn idiots who can't read & infer ur own biases.

RE-READ FUK FACE. All I said was it feels like 4ever. All I said was, it's probably harder for the white hats to be patient than us bcuz they have know the truth LONGER.

DID I SAY THEY WERE GOING TO GET FREE???? STOP having conversations in ur own heads dipshits

b411a5 No.2221107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

mueller gobbles black cock

b185d2 No.2221109


kek it into gear!

bf193a No.2221110

a97462 No.2221112



Stef Blok visited Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on 13 April in Moscow, in an effort to keep lines of communication open with Russia.

I believe he is informed there.

73d43e No.2221113

File: fcdaa6247474ec3⋯.jpg (145.33 KB, 697x539, 697:539, forceviolence.jpg)


Of course, but so many people fall into extremes it needs to be pointed out. On one hand you have people that hate any expression of force, and then you have people that hate any expression of Love. It's really important to find that balance within.

04fb94 No.2221114

File: ffd6a5b0d958292⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, guilfoylekimberly05162017g….jpg)

Kimberly Guilfoyle leaving Fox News to campaign with Donald Trump Jr.


0dd536 No.2221115

File: cf325b095e23fd2⋯.jpg (105.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, equal_cry.jpg)

789e2f No.2221116


Assuming this trip isn't compromised, how can we best respond and react to the Putin/Treason argument with our TDS liberal friends and family?

86e023 No.2221117

File: 1b69b4ded1e3d61⋯.png (985.69 KB, 1310x1000, 131:100, May.png)

Theresa May rejects the EU's Brexit backstop, saying it would create a border in the UK

Theresa May has given an important speech in Belfast this morning, referencing the contentious Brexit ‘backstop’ and the Irish border issue.


1bff28 No.2221118


WOrld Health Org just said sex addiction is a mental illness. Just sayin….

f9f3a4 No.2221119


Melania 2.0 Think she wants to be a first lady one day :) She's awake as fuck!

2c1caf No.2221120


And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!

597448 No.2221121


He may be right about tiny territories like Holland

But all the countries with large territories are multicultural

And they are reasonably peaceful as well.

62ee1d No.2221122

File: cfeeb650d7878b6⋯.jpg (87.7 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2edwb9.jpg)

b411a5 No.2221123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


356ab8 No.2221124

File: ef71e04efd7336d⋯.png (508.45 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_4126.PNG)

File: fd63f27e55467fd⋯.png (443.99 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_4127.PNG)

File: bdf20cf55c966b8⋯.png (451.54 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_4128.PNG)

Old but useful:

Robert Mueller Unmasked

By Representative Louie Gohmert

A 48 page dig into Mueller's duplicity.

Sample Pics related.

Cogently written, puts Mueller's behavior in context, dirty, dirty, dirty.

1cf17b No.2221125

File: f6846f93919354e⋯.png (343.24 KB, 326x910, 163:455, Kim leaving Fox news.png)

BREAKING: Kimberly Guilfoyle leaving Fox News and taking a job at Trump-backed super PAC America First - four months after she started dating Don Jr

Kimberly Guilfoyle, 49, is reportedly stepping down from her job hosting The Five on Fox News after joining the network in February 2006

Guilfoyle will reportedly take a job with the America First PAC, though it is unclear if this is a permanent move or just a leave of absence from Fox News

America First is a super PAC that back candidates who support the Trump-Pence agenda and employs Sean Spicer

Guilfoyle said in a recent interview that she believes Donald Trump Jr would be an incredible candidate, and that he 'is the base' for Republicans

Kimberly Guilfoyle is reportedly leaving her post at Fox News after over a decade with the network claims Gabriel Sherman.

The Vanity Fair writer posted the news to Twitter on Friday, writing: 'Per 3 sources briefed on matter, Don Jr’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle is leaving Fox News. More details TK.'

That was then followed by a post from John Santucci of ABC News that read: 'Sources familiar with plan tell me Kimberly Guilfoyle expected to take a role with America First - super PAC that supports Trump agenda.'

The news that Guilfoyle would be leaving Fox News and taking a job with America First come four months after she started dating Donald Trump Jr.

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5974837/Kimberly-Guilfoyle-leaving-Fox-News-taking-job-Trump-backed-super-PAC-America-First.html

86e023 No.2221126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Embedded video, if someone is interested.

d6135c No.2221127

File: 613d75c8c7c2541⋯.jpeg (18.72 KB, 255x230, 51:46, 71c1e659b56110fa21fa445af….jpeg)

1eb5e9 No.2221128

File: 426ab55e100b132⋯.png (346.31 KB, 884x618, 442:309, ClipboardImage.png)


My bad.


356ab8 No.2221129





1ec133 No.2221130

I would be worried about tony podesta if the shills were not spergung out along with the media thanks guys

5041f6 No.2221131

One of the BEST articles written lately about POTUS –

The World Explained: It's Simple - Everyone Is Smart… Except Trump

…It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.

…..At the end of the day, Donald Trump is over seventy years old. He has made many mistakes in his life. He still makes some. He is human. But Trump likewise has spent three score and a dozen years learning. He has seen some of his businesses go bankrupt, and he has learned from those experiences to be a billionaire and not let it happen again. No doubt that he has been fooled, outsmarted in years past. And he has learned from life.

He is a tough and smart negotiator. He sizes up his opponent, and he knows that the approach that works best for one is not the same as for another. It does not matter what he says publicly about his negotiating opponent. What matters is what results months later.

….What has Anderson Cooper achieved during that period? Jim Acosta or the editorial staffs of the New York Times and Washington Post? They have not even found the courage and strength to stand up to the coworkers and celebrities within their orbits who abuse sexually or psychologically or emotionally. They have no accomplishments to compare to his. Just their effete opinions, all echoing each other, all echoing, echoing, echoing. They gave us eight years of Nobel Peace Laureate Obama negotiating with the ISIS JV team, calming the rise of the oceans, and healing the planet.

We will take Trump negotiating with Putin any day.

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-19/world-explained-its-simple-everyone-smart-except-trump

2be10f No.2221132

File: ec4ba8bd0ddaf7f⋯.jpg (760.61 KB, 412x548, 103:137, NuQ.jpg)

af470d No.2221133



Something very fishy about that channel. Joined Feb 20, 2017. Seems to only have started uploading videos a week ago.

234e3d No.2221134

File: 988710a84e818e6⋯.png (285.91 KB, 660x375, 44:25, Round Robin.png)


FBI Round Robin UFO Document

"The Memo’s Context"

The memo is dated July 8, 1947, the date of the Roswell incident.

The Roswell incident was the end of a wave of UFO sightings across the world, including Europe, the UK and South America with a number of “flying saucers” having been spotted across America.

–This would explain why someone might know about their existence before Roswell–

The memo states San Diego as its origin. A number of the reported sightings happened in California, one of which was in San Diego on July 3, 1947 by two motor machinists.

547a36 No.2221135


they won't get immunity. If they do, it would mean Potus isn't in charge & the MI isn't in control - which I don't believe.

There is no way these two people will be free unless they die or fake their deaths. … and if they r free, this will be the least of our worries because it would have huge implications about so many other things

4f64f1 No.2221136

File: 89eb0ea10e5f0c3⋯.png (371.65 KB, 816x425, 48:25, dailycaller_com_2018_07_19….png)


c606e1 No.2221137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh meme - memewar 3

24c207 No.2221138


No cost if you can control yourself. most cant. i know YOU can though, every weed addict I know says they are in control and not addicted. It lowers IQ and causes permanent brain damage in teens. only medically benefits some adults.

2c1caf No.2221139

File: 5b3e838c04f3dde⋯.png (419.46 KB, 349x679, 349:679, gimp-2.10_2018-07-10_17-16….png)

8fcc7e No.2221140


Hope the #WALKAWAY movement does become a stampede.

Too many on the left are still brainwashed, too many proud to call themselves liberal without realizing the liberal ideas and ideals they cherish are no longer promoted by the Democrat party.

9ff90b No.2221141

File: 93af97a103e2a43⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 263x192, 263:192, ClamInShades.jpg)

Hey good work baker.

Thanks man.

547a36 No.2221142


fuk off

e8a193 No.2221143

7/30/18 will be a big day.

Mark my words!

024fe1 No.2221144

Surely, it is about time?

What is the Friday change in narrative?

ef3084 No.2221145

File: d41a47193fcad3f⋯.jpg (83.35 KB, 1587x1000, 1587:1000, 160920-donald-trump-jr-cr-….jpg)

>>2221125 - Kimberly Guilfoyle leaving Fox and taking a job at Trump-backed super PAC America First


Maybe Notable

Baker's Discretion

4cf19d No.2221146


ahahaha nice one

1773a8 No.2221148

File: ab7407b1750c44e⋯.jpg (6.85 KB, 249x202, 249:202, images.jpg)

62ee1d No.2221149


still parroting your brainwashing I see

789e2f No.2221150


Please post a confirmation on /patriotsfight.

547a36 No.2221151


that's kewl

24c207 No.2221152


Funny, every pothead has the exact same talking points

af470d No.2221153


>These visitors are human-like but much larger

Pretty much what ancient carvings (world wide) depict of the gods. Human like but larger. Annunaki perhaps.

1af7ee No.2221154

File: 147299708f6a555⋯.jpeg (132.88 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1532018523.jpeg)

86e023 No.2221155

File: b90f53f6a7ec9a4⋯.png (534.79 KB, 1524x846, 254:141, Truth27July.png)


I bet on 7/27/18.

8d18e1 No.2221156


left hand side was in context of actual browser error during a period when qanon.pub did not exist to count the posts. this is a very weak premise for a connection.

dd2b18 No.2221157


Even if he gets it, is not immunity for all his crimes. Read more about it concernfags.

From REX tw

But if DOJ decide not to use Podesta's testimony against Manafort (for example, they think they've got enough other evidence), the use immunity is useless for Podesta.

It DOES NOT protect Podesta for other crimes he may have committed for illegal lobbying or money laundering.

It does NOT protect indictments being brought against other individuals, who have been implicated in Podesta's work with Manafort.

As I said, it's a limited, not blanket immunity.


But it has sure helped to put Pedostas in the spotlight.

b411a5 No.2221158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ee0b23 No.2221159


Funny, every anti-weed fag has the exact same talking points

1800ef No.2221160

File: 78481a08af26fad⋯.jpg (14.17 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Ain'tclickin.jpg)



If the pdf is under 8MB you can upload it as an attachment

4607e5 No.2221161

File: ea23ecc1b79d9d6⋯.png (2.14 MB, 985x1295, 197:259, mass control.png)

File: 02d56ea4bb47874⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1311x985, 1311:985, mass control 2.png)


Historical or modern "severing"?

lookin for a download link/pdf

of "mass control: engineering human Consciousness"

only found "free account" donwload links.

If you can find this book, it will answer your

question about who's doing the severing in

modern history. Pretty alarming book.

9dc1cb No.2221162


Mhmmm..could be. At this point all tall balding men are a match. Lol.

dd4368 No.2221165


17 days darkness

d83388 No.2221166


Don't worry. Justice will be served. people will be so ashamed of being duped, that no words will help for a while. Poetic justice.

7f36ec No.2221167


kek, he said pot head…..

789e2f No.2221168


Looking forward to her final act.

4f64f1 No.2221169

File: 7e3d8f1b70d20bd⋯.png (11.47 KB, 621x111, 207:37, tsarizm_com_news_2018_07_1….png)


af470d No.2221170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

24c207 No.2221171


Im not anti weed, I'm just saying it doesn't cure shit

e03ae8 No.2221172


You think those people would be amazingly successful if they weren't smoking weed?

Hint: you know a bunch of fucking losers, who would be losers regardless of the drug they chose to pass the time with.

f1a0cb No.2221173


For what office is Jr. running?

8d18e1 No.2221174



62ee1d No.2221175

File: 6e76b81e074e246⋯.jpg (84.2 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 2edwwl.jpg)

e39475 No.2221176

From previous bread.

Seems Monsanto has a crack in its armor:

"A federal judge ruled Tuesday that expert witnesses can claim in court that Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer causes cancer. The decision, part of an individual plaintiff’s suit against the agricultural giant, makes it likely state judges across the country will hear thousands of separate cases, Reuters reported."



7f36ec No.2221177



3aa60b No.2221178


The problem with pot nowadays is that it's been so heavily tampered with that it's largely no longer healthy.

The psychoactive parts of it have been bumped up to ridiculous and unnatural degrees.

7f36ec No.2221179



1773a8 No.2221180

All pedos need to be exterminated. No exceptions.

525a24 No.2221181




24c207 No.2221182


Donald Trump doesn't smoke pot. Think of how much more successful he could be with destroyed brain cells and the munchies. Successful at skipping work to play video games, I mean.

e03ae8 No.2221184



Seriously it's like the all boomer request hour in here.

d83388 No.2221185


Blah blah blah….Trying to divide the smokers now….. really?

ce4b4d No.2221186

>>2221116 newfag


^^ go here

look at the difference between a name plus a trip code and a typed in name

also learn to follow ID's

you responded to two different faggots namefagging as Q [db5dec] [30bbdd]

Crtl+F is your friend

1af7ee No.2221187


All organic homegrown. It's a beautiful thing

ee0b23 No.2221189


I'm a so called "pothead" and you are naive…

b411a5 No.2221190

banal call center comments get free hot pockets

07ce37 No.2221191


You are very stupid

5041f6 No.2221192

Daily Mail today….going mainstream??

Bizarre conspiracy theory suggests celebrities including the Pope and even ROYALS who have been snapped with black left eyes are in the secret ILLUMINATI society (and puts the bruises down to an 'initiation ritual')

https:// www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5971319/Conspiracy-theory-suggests-celebrities-snapped-black-left-eyes-ILLUMINATI.html

555166 No.2221193


I don't know about that. I do know that their sources are used here, sometimes, though. I would say, it doesn't make any difference about that part. Be another MEDIA. Quote your sources, give them credit, and just bring it to the attention of others. Link to POTUS. Link to Crowley. Link to James Woods. For starters. You guys have more talent than you realize…just sayin'.>>2221026

922c7a No.2221195


Think it's bad now just wait till Monsanto releases their GMO strains.

829464 No.2221196


>For what office is Jr. running?

Don Jr is campaigning for Republicans running!

dd8679 No.2221197


syngenta CEO just resigned

2c1caf No.2221198

File: 264c18204303ccc⋯.png (1.03 MB, 582x785, 582:785, gimp-2.10_2018-07-04_09-42….png)


say wut?

19c9b5 No.2221200

File: 3495c0db3e46111⋯.jpg (118.76 KB, 843x1054, 843:1054, 35340591_488481854934828_2….jpg)


Nigga, you know the drill. Click that shit.

e03ae8 No.2221201


Is this what passed for an argument back in the 60s?

No wonder you fucked the country up.

12831d No.2221202


Get some low thc hemp flowers, high cbd is good for you.


a97462 No.2221203


# make oil of the entire plant, works wonderful

# eat the leaves in a salad

# the seeds are very nutricious

But what is most interesting >>

Hemp and the Decontamination of Radioactive Soil

Hemp and phytoremediation Hemp science is now advancing in leaps and bounds compared to the stagnation of the previous few decades. One significant area of research that is currently receiving particular attention is phytoremediation, or decontamination of soil—although the fact that hemp decontaminates soil has been known for some time.

Hemp and the Chernobyl Phytoremediation Project

For almost two decades, industrial hemp growing in the environs of the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Pripyat, Ukraine has been helping to reduce soil toxicity.

In 1990, just four years after the initial explosion, the Soviet administration of the time requested that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) assess the environmental situation. In the 30km exclusion zone surrounding Chernobyl, high concentrations of various toxic metals including lead, cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium were found in the soil, as well as in the tissues of plants and animals.

In response, it was decided that a concerted effort to reduce soil contamination through the use of beneficial plants would be undertaken. This process, known as phytoremediation, was implemented almost immediately.

b411a5 No.2221205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, B, A, select, start

8d18e1 No.2221206


is not a trip faggot is bold text

7f36ec No.2221207


Eat more Cannabis


789e2f No.2221208

File: 56618ad72d658ff⋯.png (18.2 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 1e507035b4764cb6c659bc3121….png)


Seriously, Q. You're gone for two weeks and shit falls apart. Please post on /patriotsfight to convince the board to get their shit together.

And if this is you, well done in Europe. All things considered, I'd say things were still on track re: Overton window.

62ee1d No.2221209


Dude too funny. Post a pot meme & the shills go on attack. ((They)) are a joke

3aa60b No.2221210

File: 381b5b3f6f148c1⋯.jpg (78.79 KB, 678x550, 339:275, Marijuana 01.JPG)

File: ebab5425565ede8⋯.jpg (162.49 KB, 1071x790, 1071:790, Marijuana 02.JPG)

File: 1cb40aeb82302bd⋯.jpg (89.88 KB, 696x699, 232:233, Marijuana 03.JPG)




I'm just telling the truth. I'm not saying Marijuana is evil, because I am not the judge of good or evil.

However, homegrown non-dispensary marijuana is much safer.

dd8679 No.2221211


thats not the konami, filthy millenial

d30cde No.2221212


His UK 'crimes' are nothing - he will probably get off for time served.

It's the risk of extradition to the US while he waits.

Trump's own lawyers have underscored Wikileaks rights to publish as free press.

It will be on Trump if they allow that travesty.

922c7a No.2221213



24c207 No.2221214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let me guess, you were going to come up with a better come back, but then you got high

bf193a No.2221216

File: 869d96e18f325bb⋯.jpg (873.64 KB, 2048x1467, 2048:1467, 1526187850.jpg)


Die of chemo then kys

7b8208 No.2221217


Makes sense to me. Also, 111 days from 7/21 is 11/9 and 11/9 mirrors to the 07 marker. 11/9 might be the BIG day for round-ups nationwide! Take the trash out the day before the big parade.

b411a5 No.2221218

File: b1cd5ac938443f4⋯.jpg (54.51 KB, 490x462, 35:33, beowolf.jpg)

smoke it if you got it

1af7ee No.2221219


That's pretty funny

789e2f No.2221220


Gentlemen, can anyone ID the mountains in the background?

356ab8 No.2221221

File: 66d2fc59b2b0d23⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 750x643, 750:643, IMG_4134.JPG)

Jobless claims - pic related.


8d18e1 No.2221222


paste the link in the resignation thread, not here,

d30cde No.2221223


>Bizarre conspiracy theory

That's how you know you are on the right track

829464 No.2221224

File: eb111162359b364⋯.png (36.41 KB, 511x311, 511:311, ClipboardImage.png)

1773a8 No.2221225

File: 35d55ac9bb373e2⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BOOMER USA.mp4)

the /qresearch/ intro/theme song

d83388 No.2221226

File: a76807b1489a6b5⋯.jpg (12.79 KB, 276x233, 276:233, kidding me.jpg)


Your replying to a known shill. What the fuck is the matter with you?

d24354 No.2221227

File: e6228142a7b9f13⋯.jpg (269.8 KB, 511x512, 511:512, Illuminati_shiner.jpg)

ad274a No.2221228


Wasn't Safra connected to Strzok/Soros in some way?

587283 No.2221229

67174c No.2221230


Thats fake Q

1378ed No.2221231

the LORD sent me two turtles this morning.

d83388 No.2221232


More blah blah.

d098d2 No.2221234

Diversity is our strength

8 injured after bus stabbing in Germany


07ce37 No.2221236


Home grown verses dispensary means nothing. There's nothing unsafe about marijuana. Higher levels of thc don't harm you. The worst thing you have to worry about is carbon from smoke inhalation.

Higher than is really hardly even consequential. You obviously don't know what you're talking about, and depends on muh news to tell you what to think about it.

Cannabis has killed zero people. Get over it.

8d18e1 No.2221237


its a shill, faggot, but you know that don't you…

f234be No.2221238

File: dc95fda67a992f3⋯.gif (3.46 MB, 432x324, 4:3, vape.gif)


It got tampered with in the 1970's

It's been successfully cross bred since.

It's all breeding and genetics at this point, no Frankenstein shit now unless you count miracle grow. I agree it is now potentially so potent as to be crippling. Can't just go about your everyday business baked like you used to…as easily. Unless you stick to the mota, but even those guys will get good genetics someday.

ad274a No.2221239

any anons on this new bread relating to missouri?


24c207 No.2221240


Go back and watch woodstock footage. Rich yuppy kids smoking weed and spreading STDs. Those are the democrats today. If you think everyone under 40 automatically thinks weed is cool, think again

789e2f No.2221241


The last I heard, the tripcode was still valid. Asking for confirmation. BTFO.

b1f419 No.2221242


The headline makes them sound like they are pussies running away from some massive, dark, demonic cyberthreat. Instead, they are part of the massive, demonic, threat and are still pussies.

31ae60 No.2221243


I think the only thing that's weak here is (((you))), clown.

Your attempts to derail are futile.


4ca6ea No.2221244


He has always been quiet when traveling with POTUS.

Same was when in Singapore, etc…

I bet he just hasn't restarted since the last POTUS trip in Europe, UK, Finland, …

1af7ee No.2221245

File: bd5528b3ea8af07⋯.jpeg (139.91 KB, 1440x771, 480:257, 1524186949.jpeg)

b734ef No.2221246

File: 4d6f51ab384fe6b⋯.png (16.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 80e2c3443ba792982fcbc028fb….png)


>replying to an obvious shill

>analysis division pic


b411a5 No.2221247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

indica ~ in da couch

d83388 No.2221248

File: 9ee0facdb38942d⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 620x348, 155:87, TRUST THE PLAN.jpg)


Fuck you

3aa60b No.2221249


It doesn't need to kill you to be harmful.


Pretty much.

Funny thing is, I'm not even telling people to stop smoking pot.

I'm telling them to start smoking better, safer pot.

So, it's interesting that they're attacking me.

Because they know I tell the truth.

Also, beware of anyone who tells you that LSD is good. It's not.

b411a5 No.2221250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ad79c5 No.2221251

File: f5877db7c09d618⋯.png (76.32 KB, 250x241, 250:241, ClipboardImage.png)

its a good idea to always think before you post

dd2b18 No.2221252


I'm a pharmaceutical chemist and studied this at depth, is true but like a lot of psychedelics, the "set and setting", and the way to intend it to work does matter, a lot.

Really helped me for my hardest times (the last 5 years), I stopped for now, you have to be careful tho, chronic use really makes you dependent and can affect your response times and memory. But compared to all the shit that is prescribed today is harmless.

All with moderation, anons, I would recommend meditation and a change of diet for better results.

7f36ec No.2221253

Cavuto got slammed. Poor baby.


789e2f No.2221254


I've been here since October. If you can show me where the tripcode has been compromised, I'd appreciated it.

98e289 No.2221255

File: 827b4b0ec5a84e6⋯.jpeg (78.61 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, E047AD4B-9790-409B-B02D-1….jpeg)

File: 41312f22f3fd9d1⋯.jpeg (75.62 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 6FCD572E-EC83-43F5-9154-F….jpeg)

File: c1c78236d965149⋯.jpeg (103.85 KB, 833x499, 833:499, C44D67A4-48AA-42EE-A9CD-0….jpeg)

File: eff5bd19b72ea85⋯.jpeg (103.33 KB, 833x499, 833:499, AF97443A-7702-459F-BDAE-5….jpeg)

File: 9ed49fac7d8ecbd⋯.jpeg (73.06 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 0B7FA0AE-74E2-429B-AD58-B….jpeg)

b411a5 No.2221256

File: c5db845ee0e59c7⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 636x458, 318:229, IMG_2166.JPG)

the seaorg fiasco wtf

bd5ab3 No.2221257

File: 299a39aa7b53077⋯.png (150.17 KB, 619x425, 619:425, autismweaponized.png)


Good advice, Why didn't you heed it?

ad79c5 No.2221258


>If you can show me where the tripcode has been compromised

no you haven't

536eca No.2221259

File: 4f02e5425baf4aa⋯.png (189.66 KB, 1172x1218, 586:609, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49c455563bc52b8⋯.gif (779.39 KB, 400x282, 200:141, facepalm.gif)


It's.. it's not a tripcode.. that's just someone writing it into the namebar.

Here's a nice little (and short) post history for you, to avoid any further confusion.


Ding ding ding. Really guys.

19c9b5 No.2221260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ce4b4d No.2221262


hand in your fucking badge


i wish i could physically rip it off your shirt

62ee1d No.2221264


LSD will allow you to make connections the MSM don't want you to connect, however its not for everyone

3ec1ca No.2221265

Hey Q-turds, when I had a shit this morning it looked like a Q. It also had a face that looked like Jesus. YOU DUMB BUNCH OF CUNTS!

d83388 No.2221266


I never said it wasn't.

d30cde No.2221267



Mental health is usually code for when they have some addiction - sex, drugs, booze, gambling, children…

c606e1 No.2221268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh #WalkAway story

789e2f No.2221269


Ian Fleming's children's novel, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, involved a family of kids disrupting a French counterfeiting ring.

ad79c5 No.2221270


I did, I saw a bunch of idiots thinking a namefag was Q

356ab8 No.2221271

File: 0151d39437d27ab⋯.jpg (116.01 KB, 990x658, 495:329, IMG_4133.JPG)

"I couldn't believe that I went there to have a conversation. I got thrown off the set, thrown out of the building, and as I walked away, she is yelling at me, get the F out of this building!" -Judge Jeanine

Wonder why?

2f3558 No.2221273

Off topic, but related to normalization of CP.

Just did a search for 'Top Russian Bikini Models' for meme material on DuckDuckGo (moderate).

Clicked images…not many models, but a lot of PEDO related stuff/kids/sybols etc.

Someone mentioned the same thing on 'Bing' search engine last week.

The Pedo agenda shit is being pushed…it's fucking everywhere!

ad79c5 No.2221274


I bet your 40 twatter followers think thats funny

d83388 No.2221275



I never said it was ** . <<should have been

12831d No.2221276



b1f419 No.2221277


Compared with alcohol it's a saint. Even the most powerful new strains don't put you in blackout, loss of motor function etc.. Not saying you should drive, but it's far from a tequila blackout where you are hearing about stupid shit you did for weeks. (college days of course). When it's legalized, you will see drunk driving accidents and deaths drop in half. Opioid deaths almost disappear, and who knows what will happen to cancer rates. My 2c.

d4c29b No.2221278


turtle soup for supper?

34c3e0 No.2221279

File: 7687385a75bc3cf⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 485x486, 485:486, 2edqy8~2.jpg)

File: 97bc6d29be4f018⋯.png (84.45 KB, 480x716, 120:179, Screenshot_2018-07-19-15-0….png)

f234be No.2221280

File: 3721a18fe6cb89f⋯.jpeg (466.91 KB, 1188x891, 4:3, trumpfinger.jpeg)


Sometimes you have to prune a plant to bring out it's best form.

6ee226 No.2221281


Lots and lots of evidence says otherwise.

2b5519 No.2221282

File: d7e3ac7c5485242⋯.jpg (115.81 KB, 1200x1350, 8:9, IMG_2035.JPG)

Nightcrew is bestcrew. Dayfag anons remind me of women.

b411a5 No.2221283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and since the has all been contested in nauseaum, i spite fame trully, so

86e023 No.2221284

File: f80d8c99a37102a⋯.png (65.63 KB, 926x460, 463:230, Eclipse.png)


It would be the perfect day.

Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27

The total phase of the "blood moon" eclipse of July 27 will last 1 hour and 43 minutes, during which Earth's natural satellite will turn a spectacular red or ruddy-brown color. From start to finish, the entire celestial event will last nearly 4 hours.


9ebb50 No.2221285


Waiting something good…

d83388 No.2221286


Nice pic. I like it.

356ab8 No.2221287


(((They))) thought she would win,

The normalization push won't have enough time to become palatable to lefties now. TG!

789e2f No.2221288


If you can't show me where the published tripcode was compromised, then I stick with protocol.

ad274a No.2221289


Common theme related to this in luring kids in are travelling circuses/caravans/tribes/travelling companies.

Anons, take notice!

9b672b No.2221290

UberDriverAnon here… a few days ago I had the honor of driving an Ex Navy Seal from the airport to visit his Air Force Pilot brother.

We had a nice conversation about Mad Dog Mattis. His brother actually flies the aircraft that transports Mattis around the world.

This Seal was a great guy and a true patriot. It was my honor to meet him. I thanked him for his service, and he said, "Oh, it was MY pleasure to serve."

3aa60b No.2221291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No. LSD creates a psychological barrier where the user is unable to psychologically interact outwardly with their environment while creating a psychological reflective barrier on the inside.

It lets things in, but doesn't let anything out, causing the user to continuously be 'assaulted' with the outside world and their own response. Feedback loop.

That's why LSD was used for MKUltra, Anon.

Because it's the perfect brainwashing tool because of how it works.

d6135c No.2221292

File: 126f8ea65be2e3a⋯.png (109.1 KB, 411x490, 411:490, 6b5hyn-001-1k4cBGS.png)


kys pussy faggot .

525a24 No.2221293

DAN COATS gotta go.

30385f No.2221294

File: 16387358c6ea7c3⋯.mp4 (774.15 KB, 800x422, 400:211, a98d1d8a8c57e92bc3e36f5241….mp4)


"Should the lights go out please know we are in control."

359e11 No.2221295

File: 7a2edf544963b74⋯.png (1.04 MB, 960x703, 960:703, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97ff6fc127984cf⋯.png (360.08 KB, 960x897, 320:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44fdbb8a069cd82⋯.png (134.03 KB, 488x373, 488:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f06f8e4a066248⋯.png (764.49 KB, 955x595, 191:119, ClipboardImage.png)

ad79c5 No.2221296

File: 05b3b2a14b07126⋯.png (150.58 KB, 561x480, 187:160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e8b92cba565e72⋯.png (22.54 KB, 366x198, 61:33, ClipboardImage.png)

Kurds (with our help from special forces) reached the iraqi border again, close to clearing the desert area from ISIS


562dc9 No.2221297

File: fb9c9ae2de9b6c5⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 378x251, 378:251, djijr.gif)


interesting divisionfag technique

eat a dick. gif related

86016b No.2221298


Yeah people talk about the potency being a bad thing like someone is forcing you to have a whole blunt every time.

Just have a wee puff of your vaporizer throughout the day, it's so great.

829464 No.2221299

File: fdb38e6f42d6178⋯.png (303.13 KB, 644x794, 322:397, ClipboardImage.png)


FBI’s National Security Branch Chief Abruptly Quits; Assistant Director Ghattas Described as McCabe’s “Right Hand Man” https://truepundit.com/fbis-national-security-branch-chief-abruptly-quits-assistant-director-ghattas-described-as-mccabes-right-hand-man/

6ee226 No.2221300


Say what kind is

> better, safer


d4c29b No.2221301




1378ed No.2221302

sin offering for the poor

34c3e0 No.2221303

File: 1e89f5eb1033986⋯.jpg (45.53 KB, 500x439, 500:439, 2edppp~3.jpg)


Wray is a jerk off.

19c9b5 No.2221304


And what else?

Come on. What do you see?

4f3479 No.2221305


That doesn't even make any sense. Also, it was experimented with in the MK ULTRA program but it did not elicit the type of response they wanted.

789e2f No.2221306

Can Baker/BO confirm tripcode? Or is it compromised?

8c844a No.2221307

File: 68116570079bcaa⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 577x449, 577:449, ZH-Assange.JPG)


Actually, I'm wondering if anybody thinks this might be the cover story for Assange finally coming out with everything he knows??? Is this the White Hats tipping us (and the Black Hats) off that it's coming soon?

917bdb No.2221308


I see and agree. I think we do need to make these clarifications often here though. We never know who is reading this board and how they may interpret what they find here. We do NOT want to give them fuel for their fires. Know what I mean anon?

318235 No.2221309


It's true. Night Crew IS Best Crew.

I just got on & WTF? Once again, Notables in the day time are a God damn novel of links

d4c29b No.2221310


It's also the brightest opposition of Mars in a Decade

ad79c5 No.2221311


>Can Baker

you should stop, you're making it worse for yourself anon

12831d No.2221312


Could you whip me a batch of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide? For research purposes.

911d9a No.2221313


I agree, will correct again if need be…

ca82c9 No.2221314

File: 4a1d6481a198bcf⋯.jpeg (559.82 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3E4208AA-1048-437D-A23B-6….jpeg)

File: fc65378f71e235e⋯.png (302.63 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 223AE1C8-757B-451D-89A2-3A….png)

Halfchan is censoring anyone for posting in Q’s defense. I made 2 Q related comments, then was censored for being spam?

I haven’t been to half chan in months but wtf? This explains why the msm keeps telling people Q is on 4ch. Anyone else getting this?

40e6cf No.2221315

Mor Gunn sauce


7bbd01 No.2221316

Jeanine Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg screamed "get the F out of this building" at me backstage at @TheView

Wow, let's start paraphrasing Whoopie "get the F off this channel" at all the lefties we don't want to listen to on Fox.

3aa60b No.2221317


Ultimately, anything with a lower THC potency.

Note that I'm not talking about CBD (hence why I noted the problems of the PSYCHOACTIVE portions).

The closer you get to the default, the better off you'll be when it comes to THC.

ce4b4d No.2221318


what tripcode?

it is a name you dense motherfucker

789e2f No.2221319


Apart from using a magical automobile as an ingenious plot device? The movie version dealt in child trafficking. What am I missing? It's been awhile since I read it.

e7f1a2 No.2221320


sauce ? I think not

86016b No.2221321


LSD is just a tool. You can use it for personal introspection, or you can use it in an evil Government mind control experiment. The choice is yours.

4edeee No.2221322

Question for Active Military Anons here- I am sure there are some!!

How many talk about what is happening? What has been said about Q- Im not looking for class info just curious what is talked being talked about?? Curious on how many Military Anon really know what is happening?

Also if you would shed some light on what happened and the feelings of the previous admin before the new Admin came in the clean things up??

Thanks for your service

37e01c No.2221323

Christ this bread is a shit show. I need Q before 27th. Out.

bf193a No.2221324

File: ebd90127e3c1654⋯.jpg (14.71 KB, 171x255, 57:85, 1530029705.jpg)

Enjoy the chemo then kys


917bdb No.2221325


Go back where? Oct 28, 2017?


1773a8 No.2221326


yeah but the kebab

dont you like kebab?

d83388 No.2221327



b1f419 No.2221328


Yeah, those little pens are awesome. People worry about the smoke but its like taking a small puff of 1 cig and done. I do less than 1 a day on average but man, I have never slept better when i do. Wake up feeling awesome.

2c1caf No.2221329


>The movie version dealt in child trafficking.

So does James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 2 gives a redemption arc to the trafficker.

829464 No.2221330


>Wray is a jerk off.

I don't give a fuck who he jerks off as long as he's clearing out the corrupt SOBs at the F_I!

dd4368 No.2221331


I'm holding at the 40,000 ft view. Things are happening globally

4f64f1 No.2221333

File: 63c23a6b4688791⋯.png (15.01 KB, 738x227, 738:227, slate_com_news-and-politic….png)

Slate’s Jamelle Bouie: Reporters on Mission to ‘Fracture Donald Trump’s Base’


a5f2a5 No.2221334


You got it! Share it, Be loud, WE are the voice.

a97462 No.2221335


Didn't receive Trump something when arrived in Helsinki and placed it in his pocket?

0dd536 No.2221336

File: 6fe42137ddf7c20⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x176, 255:176, tmmyb_hearditall.jpg)

82b6e8 No.2221337

File: 2ca6c694423d3e8⋯.png (862.94 KB, 6640x5160, 166:129, p2vubrviuvbevierue pvur3-8….png)

File: 26ecfb7518c8624⋯.png (646.54 KB, 6640x5160, 166:129, v2uvpvp2nvuvnr4uvpru94pv2.png)

Symoblism will be downfall

3fdef5 No.2221338

File: 4facb5f82d65e18⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 300x300, 1:1, vladimir-putin-9448807-1-4….jpg)

69a8f5 No.2221339

Chris Plant, conservative radio host, talking about

Julian assange, JA being given to UK authorities, what JA knows about SETH RICH, and why the Democrats don't want JA to talk to the US.

remember when conservative hosts were bullied into being silent about SETH RICH?

Strings are being cut, anons!!!

24fc75 No.2221340


I wonder how much Packer donated to the Clintons' foundation/mafia.

Charles Ortel has mentioned Australia often as having been behind a significant piece of the fraud pie.

My bet is that James Packer and Jeffrey Epstein are acquainted, too.

7bbd01 No.2221341


Midwest anons please fill me in–what "failed policies"?

2b5519 No.2221342


You might want to cut down on the soy oil, anon. Your estrogen is showing.

234e3d No.2221343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There're many ET races. Some look just like us.


d6135c No.2221344

File: 7e05a771b8d59d6⋯.png (621.91 KB, 813x807, 271:269, 5ygkaw-GhjtpJA.png)


like i said yesterday , the back up generators would have kicked in immediately .

you are correct this is a signal .

d4c29b No.2221346


FYI this eclipse will not be visible from the USA.

00f6fd No.2221347


enlisted are not read into the loop unless at very high levels.

b411a5 No.2221348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i would adore a japan hiatus till these stupid homo swine politics are sorted

3bbac1 No.2221349


If it was compromised, don't you think who had the code would have posted using it for negative purposes?

359e11 No.2221350

File: 250b81650ea8268⋯.png (87.04 KB, 635x307, 635:307, ClipboardImage.png)

Posting here to share 'Out There'

You folks are MAGA

86016b No.2221351

File: ade0a9f77323608⋯.mp4 (226.31 KB, 480x366, 80:61, giphy.mp4)


>So, it's interesting that they're attacking me.

>Because they know I tell the truth.

4fb113 No.2221352

File: bb511d34eefd94f⋯.png (974.34 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-20-11-4….png)


Awesome headline.

e39475 No.2221353


This is from a long time back but here is another take on why Trump would go after the Fed. The Fed is always looking for ways to fleece the American people. Eustace is kind of rambling, so starting at the 1:58 mark is the relevant part.


2c1caf No.2221354

File: 1b26ad75cd22981⋯.png (102.22 KB, 474x365, 474:365, 05aa762a-6769-3197-c4dc-ac….png)

917bdb No.2221356


STOP responding to the FAKE Q.

fa989a No.2221357

File: 8436f9a58d3771a⋯.jpg (252.53 KB, 1063x1500, 1063:1500, Spy Kids.jpg)


We're watching a movie.

b411a5 No.2221359

File: 021e0de6a3cbd94⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_2122.JPG)

look a crack head salamander lookes just like fagOTUS

025480 No.2221360

File: 597462f4d7daf7c⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1536x1814, 768:907, E03B7F37-CE54-4D30-B39B-1….jpeg)


Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?

Lawmakers must keep the American people informed of the current danger, writes a Republican congressman from Texas.

By Will Hurd

Mr. Hurd, a former C.I.A. officer, is a congressman from the 23rd District of Texas.

What’s in Will’s closet?

025480 No.2221361

File: 597462f4d7daf7c⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1536x1814, 768:907, E03B7F37-CE54-4D30-B39B-1….jpeg)


Trump Is Being Manipulated by Putin. What Should We Do?

Lawmakers must keep the American people informed of the current danger, writes a Republican congressman from Texas.

By Will Hurd

Mr. Hurd, a former C.I.A. officer, is a congressman from the 23rd District of Texas.

What’s in Will’s closet?

1cf17b No.2221363

File: d193e900a673c04⋯.png (141.5 KB, 375x360, 25:24, Pepe Q.png)

File: b887ebe0f56e2f3⋯.png (320.13 KB, 706x500, 353:250, Scooby Q.png)

0dd536 No.2221364

4f64f1 No.2221365

File: a2da1be920c7564⋯.png (39.51 KB, 908x278, 454:139, nationalinterest_org_featu….png)

Histrionic response to what was admittedly not the president’s finest hour does more damage to the credibility of the hysterical critics than president.


318235 No.2221366

File: 41fc17e3b7490e7⋯.png (192.28 KB, 498x516, 83:86, 41fc17e3b7490e783e2b4c5e03….png)

b411a5 No.2221367

File: fdcb29ccdef8121⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 320x500, 16:25, IMG_2123.JPG)


kinda like a movie about babay eating

aa9751 No.2221368


I feel like the guy in John Wick who has to keep asking "In English, please!"

19c9b5 No.2221369

File: 79b97a9779789ca⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 4500x3203, 4500:3203, networks_4500.jpg)

File: ecfc8950cb60f90⋯.jpg (538.04 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Infowar-Marrying the missi….jpg)

File: d1ac8c3ce14a3a3⋯.png (89.52 KB, 658x600, 329:300, Gannett web connections.png)

File: e5f97b1abce4089⋯.png (237.98 KB, 2601x1482, 867:494, Gannett Co web.png)

6ee226 No.2221371


I rememeber the old days. It WAS different then. Let the sunshine In.

d83388 No.2221372


Makes you wonder doesn't it. Was he a dumb fat fuck that didn't realize the shit he was in. or. Was he up to his ears in shit, knew the score and now is running to try and hide out somewhere?….The truth will be revealed with time.

3aa60b No.2221373

File: a26c5f3d3f6ded6⋯.jpg (161.13 KB, 732x480, 61:40, Hopefully This Helps.jpg)


Here is a picture to help.

And it was wildly successful at brainwashing.

But mostly for people that they wanted to commit violence or set up as lackies.

Because LSD brainwashing breaks the mind.

30385f No.2221374

4f64f1 No.2221375


>What’s in Will’s closet?


e544d1 No.2221376


halfchan is completely comped and has been for awhile now. I'd say over 75% of threads there are slide threads now and I've watched good threads get autosaged or outright deleted within minutes while trash ones stay up all day

b1f419 No.2221377


That's Mayhem from the commercials.

fa989a No.2221378


It's really depressing when you have to admonish a child who has obviously been groomed from grabbing you in private parts. :/

b411a5 No.2221379

File: 4148baac939ed14⋯.jpg (23.68 KB, 348x423, 116:141, IMG_2259.JPG)

was the force stron @homotus salamander

15cf01 No.2221380


that's because you can't post the same pic twice

597448 No.2221382


These people have not yet figured out

That everything written in that pee-pee dossier

And everything written in that book about Trump's White House

Was completely made up and total lies.

This is why they are so deranged

They have lost touch with reality

They really are stupid

bc8bcb No.2221383

File: 47f6b25358e55d7⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ClipboardImage.png)

WATCH: Maxine Waters' Supporters Burn American Flag, Chant 'Black Power' At Her Office

The Mail reports that Waters' supporters chanted: "This is not the American flag, this is their flag." They also chanted "black power" and "resist!"

Waters has been engulfed in controversy in recent weeks as she called for attacks against members of the Trump administration after several of them were harassed in public, saying, "Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere."


0ac33a No.2221384


Its a keyword they think its spam when you say reddit. Doubt its content censoring.

1af7ee No.2221385

File: 1f31649aa7e6b08⋯.jpeg (89.28 KB, 1020x764, 255:191, 1528742865.jpeg)

356ab8 No.2221386

File: 401ef0737d11f2c⋯.jpg (208.06 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, IMG_4139.JPG)


A knife-yielding madman wounded at least 14 people in a northern German city Friday, seriously injuring two in an unprovoked attack on a public bus, according to the Daily Mail.

The assault took place in Luebeck as the vehicle traveled to a coastal city for the weekend, with multiple sources saying the attacker was an Iranian man in his mid 30s.

“According to local newspaper Luebecker Nachrichten, he is in his 30s and has claimed to be from Iran,” writes the DM.

“Police spokesman Duerk Duerbrook said the attack took place in the Kuecknitz district of Luebeck. Authorities were still trying to determine the circumstances of the attack,” writes the Daily Mail. “According to local reports, witnesses say the bus was packed with passengers when a man dropped a ‘smoldering backpack’ and started attacking people.”

Police arrested the attacker on the scene after the bus driver slammed on the brakes and opened all doors so passengers could avoid the knifeman.

More information as it develops.

19c9b5 No.2221387

File: caaaad5782f1aa8⋯.png (776.63 KB, 1440x1079, 1440:1079, ElitistConnectionsWeb.png)

File: 1277a9ad201e980⋯.jpg (47.9 KB, 794x466, 397:233, Elite_Network.jpg)

b411a5 No.2221388

File: 113f1a52777e3ee⋯.jpg (38.42 KB, 384x384, 1:1, IMG_2258.JPG)

/pol/ for crack heads

917bdb No.2221389


The tripcode for REAL Q changes colors. Red, White, and Blue. Go here and let the page load completely and you will see what the REAL Q's tripcode looks like.


0dd536 No.2221390

File: 0161a62ac8a4661⋯.jpg (102.39 KB, 500x476, 125:119, english_mf.jpg)

31b695 No.2221391

File: 15cc3c1be867f0d⋯.png (173.58 KB, 347x244, 347:244, ClipboardImage.png)

no, not muh liquor license

315b98 No.2221392

File: 37a0fdb88c7454d⋯.jpg (383.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, NightBadge.jpg)


God's honest truth anon.

653822 No.2221393

File: 1639fc92b8eb8cd⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 797x420, 797:420, mjz3oiz1k3b11.jpg)

ece644 No.2221394

So… What has Podesta to do with the Trump Campain? Nothing… But his Brother has to do with…

Mueller takes one Investigation…

Huber another… Horowitz another… Wray? another…



So… we are here to jail Manafort????? Is that the reason Q is there???

This is one Domino! Not more!

Theorie why Q not postet? Because it isn´t time to Post!

He comes back? Yes! And if it only, to delete all Posts!

Please don´t cry every time like a libtard, when the Movie changes the narrative!

What makes a great movie?

The narrative!

Trust the Plan! Things happen arround the Planet!

And please… please… Stop to post Pictures from the Pakistani before you are shure he/she is it!

My stomache is hard! Really, but he turns arround, by the Lord of mustache!

Anon autist… you are making history and I go back to lurk moar!

WWG1WGA! German Anon!

1223cb No.2221395


actually very sad. halfchang /pol/ was extraordinarily potent at its peak. they still have a better handle on the power of free speech than this board does…

fd7bb4 No.2221397

File: fe3dab93c38a7eb⋯.jpeg (12.41 KB, 290x174, 5:3, relax.jpeg)


Do you have any supporting evidence for your theories?

4edeee No.2221398


But I am sure there are some that are here….reading….learning….telling others about this page and the habbenings. That is what I am curious about

15cf01 No.2221399


fuck that fat fuck. If I'm not mistaken, when Trump got elected, he said he was not going to run for reelection and now he is. He's all about DACA too. fat bastard.

3b60f9 No.2221400

FBI’s National Security Branch Chief Abruptly Quits; Assistant Director Ghattas Described as McCabe’s “Right Hand Man”


bc8bcb No.2221401

File: 64cc8ed0b2d9e4c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 968x681, 968:681, ClipboardImage.png)

b411a5 No.2221402

File: ac80e99d84c17cf⋯.jpg (78.48 KB, 700x700, 1:1, IMG_2121.JPG)


a crack head starring contest

587283 No.2221403


Putin said something to the effect that as a former KGB officer he was aware of how dossiers were made [up].

df5580 No.2221404

File: bab2fc4cf6966bb⋯.png (123.73 KB, 1323x316, 1323:316, d723472368467956794367.png)


Interesting choice of word in a recent CDAN post. Sounds like Pedowood getting close to being exposed.

8c844a No.2221406

File: a9d859453384e92⋯.jpg (17.56 KB, 545x95, 109:19, NYT.JPG)

When all else fails they always go back to the pussy-grabber playbook.

dbb8b1 No.2221408


The carpetbaggers are stirring up their slaves again.

a22f90 No.2221409

File: 4e84a1605a05a13⋯.png (142.69 KB, 449x380, 449:380, 4e84a1605a05a1324cff912aea….png)


more info:

5 to 8 planets are all on the same 'side' of the sun right now, depending on how you look at it.

moon is at apogee (sp?) - furthest away from earth.

earth is its furthest away from sun.

the moon passes by 5 planets this month starting from the 15th-ish - mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, some star named speica (sp?).

source: some astronomy dept in AU.

7a4d01 No.2221410



Not sure how many times Im gonna post the HATJ info. yall MF's wanna live in the bread and dont care to separate the wheat from the chaff.

anyone not following the HATJ case in KNOXVILLE is an uninformed patriot IMO.

Banking, Birth Certificates, Securities,




obscure blog with Q message: https:// terrancognito.blogspot.com/


From the Q group:

You ask who is Q? What is Q? is more complete.

Q is a team of “off planet” and earth-based men and women. The “SPACE FORCE” is no coincidence.

The Heliocentricity of the “planets” AKA “SPHERES” is fortuitous and allows for an amplification of energetics.

“NO THING IS WHAT IT SEEMS” is playing out in full force now.

Watch for the acceleration as “Q” returns. End."

https:// www.popularmechanics.com/space/solar-system/a22144634/pluto-aligns-with-the-rest-of-the-solar-system-for-the-first-time-in-nearly-a-century/

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AUXpnB065o&feature=youtu.be

747884 No.2221411


Has ANYTHING ever ever been proven to be correct that has come from cdan posts?

ad79c5 No.2221413



ca82c9 No.2221415


I didn’t post the same thing twice. Different text. I didn’t even attach an image.

b411a5 No.2221416

File: 8daab0622dedff1⋯.jpg (48 KB, 800x600, 4:3, IMG_2398.JPG)

832dee No.2221417


Interesting theory but Q says we'll be surprised when we learn who has been talking to us. A USSS agent wouldn't be that surprising.

33a5e6 No.2221418

File: 32d32885526a351⋯.jpg (199.38 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, gunn-control-1.jpg)

ca82c9 No.2221419


I never said reddit. What are u talki about?

d6135c No.2221420

File: 6d74751f1814554⋯.jpg (37.01 KB, 332x375, 332:375, pissing.jpg)

d30cde No.2221421


Everyone should be concerned by the number of 'former' CIA people entering the legislature.

The fifth column has already effectively taken over the 4th estate.

And, arguably, they've also had the executive branch since… JFK (except maybe Reagan).

They wont be happy until they have everything.

Possibly worse than USSR ever was.

562dc9 No.2221422

We need to have something done about this.

Why is it that former government employees like





are able to keep their security clearances, long after leaving government?

This needs to immediately end.

We finished one successful petition campaign yesterday.

care to try another?

29dfab No.2221423

File: 0bc3a397624bd65⋯.jpeg (652.4 KB, 1186x1213, 1186:1213, 37619205-A830-4827-887E-8….jpeg)

File: 9a4c7d1cd662581⋯.jpeg (363.58 KB, 1212x731, 1212:731, 24957948-AA60-4057-8077-3….jpeg)

What the hell is going on in Nebraska with their Amber Alert failures? Pretty disturbing when you factor Franklin Scandal into this.

e544d1 No.2221424


not just milk, literally almost everything. The major ingredients in most processed food corn, wheat, soy, etc are all massively gmo'd at this point. it's a black pill but i don't doubt they engineer foods to create the diseases they can then profit from treating

b411a5 No.2221426

File: bcd6816d6c66c60⋯.jpg (161.28 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_2264.JPG)

eats butts

smokes crack

dodges taxes

cia subplot fyi

98e289 No.2221427

File: f2aa2832d9bfddb⋯.jpeg (59.9 KB, 500x500, 1:1, BCFE45B4-3C98-4EA8-AD30-7….jpeg)

318235 No.2221428


Always chasing Rain……Bows…

97d400 No.2221429


I think your on the right track

3aa60b No.2221430

File: 1a96afdfa8815b6⋯.jpg (52.64 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 853af4f86a3d242b2500ec8407….jpg)


I should apologies to you and other anons.

I was hasty in saying that LSD is not good. I am not the judge of good or bad.

So, I apologies.

I suppose I should say that people should be really aware of how LSD actually works.

7c7218 No.2221431


>A former C.I.A. officer

I stopped wondering there

a5f2a5 No.2221432


I'm sorry, I skipped this one, what did you mean by mis-spoke? Was it in a Q post?

19c9b5 No.2221433

File: 02713d28ad3ba4b⋯.gif (33.68 KB, 546x565, 546:565, T_British_Royal_Family_bus….gif)

File: bbef0ae5af228d8⋯.jpg (237.2 KB, 1600x1113, 1600:1113, Howland Pedigree.jpg)

File: c492b34b48d7e6e⋯.jpg (132.71 KB, 992x820, 248:205, inter-alpha-group-of-banks.jpg)

File: 9dc54ab0033f986⋯.jpg (60.29 KB, 540x655, 108:131, World's five largest lando….jpg)

File: 9a318da93589c7f⋯.jpg (107.8 KB, 945x534, 315:178, d703ec03f0a35be5f6a7e2dacb….jpg)


Folks need to have a quick look at Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch.

00f6fd No.2221434


i can tell you that is indeed happening. those i'm in communication with agree with the plan and have informed me that a large number feel the same way.

bea917 No.2221435

prince philip has passed away

42ab6b No.2221436


MO fag here, I haven't seen it yet.

Table Rock Lake is just outside of Branson, MO. There is a lot of money around there, and many celebs keep multi-million dollar lake houses and expensive yachts on the lake. I know Brad Pitt and bunch of country stars all have house there. As you can imagine, many state and local politicians, big shot lawyers, and donors have houses there as well. It is right on the border of Arkansas too, so it's tempting to think it's Clinton Camarilla related. However, the duck boat that crashed was a tiny tourist boat for lower/middle class families. IMO, it was just a random tragedy, unless the passenger list ends up revealing interesting anomalies.

bc8bcb No.2221437

File: d4e41e5805c3c30⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1842x1036, 921:518, ClipboardImage.png)

New York Times Runs Profile Of Soros, Never Mentions He Invested $3 Million In The Times


8c844a No.2221438



Well, Enty did drop a few HW blinds well before it went mainstream.

4f64f1 No.2221439

File: 4e1958a39996119⋯.png (25.41 KB, 1041x136, 1041:136, www_theatlantic_com_politi….png)

The Atlantic reports that the IC is ready to go to war with POTUS


ad274a No.2221441

d30cde No.2221442


James Gunn of Disney fame got pulverized last night for his pedo tweets.

It's still blowing up…

f1a0cb No.2221443

For shits and giggles, let’s pretend that alcohol was illegal and weed was the drug of choice.

It’s Friday evening (pay day) and the bar is packed. Smoke so thick you can barely see the others sitting around your table.

Instead of “buying a round”, you spring for a fresh bowl for the hookah. Pink Floyd plays constantly on the juke box. The kitchen is slammed!

Everyone drives home going 7 MPH, and if there's a fender-bender, they simply hug it out.

Men arrive home happy and horny; end of spousal abuse.

Makes me think we legalized the wrong drug.

c94125 No.2221444


Yes she did! Drop 278 on 12/6! Q said they said (politely, I'm sure) NO

1e8db7 No.2221446


0ac33a No.2221447


Audible Kek Saved.

2c1caf No.2221448


An attorney covertly taped his client during a privileged communication, and is now leaking the fact that the recording was made publicly. Gotta call bullshit on that.

d4c29b No.2221449


>Liberals doorknob themselves en masse.

Seriously tho, this would never happen because Pence is swamp.

15cf01 No.2221450


hmmm dunno then. I haven't been over there since Q made the switch

b411a5 No.2221451

File: 320128524943a1e⋯.jpg (319.61 KB, 1406x1127, 1406:1127, IMG_2342.JPG)

24c207 No.2221452


lol LSD is totally a clown mind control drug

bd5ab3 No.2221453




86016b No.2221454


Gratefully accepted my sweet anon. Godspeed to ye.

318235 No.2221455


Yes. Too many to list.

He's been around since 2006.

You should read it. It's a bit annoying to find shit but just search for Revealed

eac794 No.2221456

File: 65a199b3332d649⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 65a199b3332d6498a46d99a748….jpg)


KEK!!!!!!! Will Rogers woke as fuck in 1932 and before!

ad79c5 No.2221457


looked it up, says fake rumor

0ac33a No.2221458


Not even in their jurisdiction. You should of seen the sniveling (((leftist))) promoting it on TV. Like get a job or something

b411a5 No.2221459

File: 1c3b1bcb9a0a962⋯.jpg (493.42 KB, 600x5298, 100:883, BTTF5313.jpg)

19c9b5 No.2221460


wore than swamp

he sodomizes little boys and strangles them

fd7bb4 No.2221462

File: af3383f8dff1979⋯.png (34.42 KB, 460x224, 115:56, Lester Grinspoon.png)

File: acfe0972bf68660⋯.png (102.42 KB, 460x432, 115:108, Carl Sagan.png)

File: 051615ad2268e41⋯.png (439.51 KB, 593x359, 593:359, ClipboardImage.png)


Professor Lester Grinspoon of Harvard University smoked A LOT of pot together with Carl Sagan….

b411a5 No.2221463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

359e11 No.2221465

File: a2e48f40e87445b⋯.png (440.21 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ba785a5de7611c⋯.png (378.54 KB, 613x717, 613:717, ClipboardImage.png)

1eb5e9 No.2221466

File: 01c4215e7d9a414⋯.png (32.43 KB, 816x188, 204:47, ClipboardImage.png)



eb2161 No.2221467

File: 74953ce70cd69c6⋯.jpg (386 KB, 1566x630, 87:35, monsanto.jpg)

File: 6aefd33c59b5494⋯.jpg (481.45 KB, 2364x670, 1182:335, treekilloff.jpg)

dbb8b1 No.2221469


There's no profit in happiness

a5f2a5 No.2221471

File: 82401c563549887⋯.png (179.72 KB, 502x577, 502:577, READY SET LISTEN.PNG)

09e946 No.2221472

No deals eh? No wonder you're not showing off these days, Q.

>inb4 muh trust the plan

can't wait for the midterms to find out which camp is full of shit

cause it's getting tiresome, frankly

I'm not enjoying that show where bad guys spend their time skating and taunting

at least get me a lawfag to explain how immunity deals are revoked

ad79c5 No.2221473

File: a0955b3448c7947⋯.gif (374.88 KB, 499x380, 499:380, sagan1.gif)

4f64f1 No.2221476

File: 4811fc10564e660⋯.png (371.89 KB, 605x611, 605:611, twitter_com_Q_ANONBaby_sta….png)


afd434 No.2221477

If nobody put this Crest and info of the Kennedys up yet …here you go, since I caught the name in the notables for the titanic and Lithuania


73d288 No.2221478


What really cracks me up is that Trump is accomplishing great things for this country, so if Putin is the true puppetmaster, I guess he's been trying to save America from itself?

39a6e5 No.2221479


you can't come in here dressed like that.

3e5e06 No.2221480

File: c5f980faa2df07e⋯.jpeg (50.92 KB, 500x631, 500:631, 98789cxkkvu96.jpeg)



357a7d No.2221481


Did not he get drunk and beat on the White House buzzer at like 3 am in morning wanting "some pizza"?

Probably wanted to split a snack with Bill Clinton. The kind of snack that might be in Kindergarten.

5d067b No.2221482


It means the last number is now [52] !!

7a6c6a No.2221483

I DO NOT flush my toilet in the USA and pay federal taxes to subsidize a less expensive __ (fill in the USA export) for ____(fill in country of your choice). (FAIR TRADE)

So how about this idea:

1. Denounce American citizenship

2. Return to USA as illegal immigrant

3. REAP the rewards offered to illegals


c85adb No.2221484

File: e271c13f3143cf5⋯.jpeg (1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6D84B41C-98A2-4D8D-8974-A….jpeg)

d30cde No.2221485


>ready to go to war

Seems like its been hot for a while

They are just admitting it now

b411a5 No.2221486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9ebb50 No.2221487

File: 4bc571a078172c1⋯.jpg (7.96 KB, 320x213, 320:213, a49e8e92c76cece76d208d99b6….jpg)



318235 No.2221488

I Hope this is Jeff Zucker & I hope he gets taken down!

Blind Item #6

Look for this news executive to not return to his post when he says he will return. This is all posturing to make him and everything else about to go down, look good.


7c7218 No.2221489


Much like we need to do for the UK. Don't want to get nuked.

742264 No.2221490

File: 87af55544ba0171⋯.jpg (267.43 KB, 1919x1285, 1919:1285, Archives-046.jpg)

Hey guys, What ever came of the Vatican "key" research stuff? I think it was back in Feb. Lots of questions about all the secret shit hidden in the vaults there. Similar stuff in the Smithsonian as well. It was a thing here for a while then it just faded away. Maybe something to dive back into during the lull in the storm.

abc0f0 No.2221491


>Ready to go to war

They've been at war with him since the primaries. It's pretty openly been military intel vs. "civilian" intel for three years now.

24c207 No.2221492

File: 244a2ea98680721⋯.jpg (8.21 KB, 320x240, 4:3, mt.jpg)


After suffering from myelodysplasia for two years, and receiving three bone marrow transplants from his sister Cari, Sagan died of pneumonia at the age of 62, at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, in the early morning of December 20, 1996

Pot gives you cancer confirmed. See how you can prove things with anecdotal evidence? Reefer logic is fun!

34c3e0 No.2221493

File: 50db777331172bc⋯.png (120.78 KB, 640x617, 640:617, downloadfile-1.png)

Fire Dan Coats.

eb7842 No.2221494


WALMART HQ nearby in Bentonville, Arkansas.

e544d1 No.2221495


>Donald Trump Jr would be an incredible candidate, and that he 'is the base' for Republicans

I know a lot of people seem to like him but to me Don Jr just doesn't have the charisma necessary like Don does

318235 No.2221496

File: 1879cb3a643ef74⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 960x912, 20:19, 200f12c98279766bed648f9527….jpg)

fce40f No.2221497

File: 9ef01bd9589522e⋯.png (815.64 KB, 1663x927, 1663:927, Nunes used political donat….png)


They are doing everything they can to distract you from the truth!


4f64f1 No.2221498


as the midterms get closer, they will grow more bold until they are put down like the rabid dogs they are.

19c9b5 No.2221499

File: 406386b94c313c9⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 7200x5139, 800:571, world_govt2004.jpg)

File: 0d015aac7440b75⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 6037x5140, 6037:5140, world-governance-by-the-ro….jpg)

File: dafd5a987ac0547⋯.png (252.72 KB, 403x538, 403:538, Aborted babies 1.png)

33a5e6 No.2221500

File: 3d70fd9643c66af⋯.png (170.27 KB, 629x614, 629:614, Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at ….png)

File: c7d30c671e379ee⋯.png (231.6 KB, 624x720, 13:15, Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at ….png)

Dems are outsourcing their meme production



73d288 No.2221501


Agreed. Have any shitlibs answered for this? Why would rebuilding a strong America be in Putin's interest?

4edeee No.2221502


That is the best thing I heard all day!! Stay safe patriots!!

0dd536 No.2221503

File: 1ef49c8cd52209f⋯.jpg (79.63 KB, 713x478, 713:478, fetch.jpg)

It's gonna catch on sometime.

ad79c5 No.2221504


that'd suck

shes good on the Five

better replace her well

4d6cf5 No.2221505

ad79c5 No.2221506


gonna say.. probably not

97d400 No.2221507


Putin is ruining their liberal utopia unicorns and rainbows and he hates faggots

d4c29b No.2221508


Fuck! Why can't I ever meet women like this??

4d6cf5 No.2221509

Pompeo and Haley to speak to journalists


b411a5 No.2221510


get back on the sauce coats

3e5e06 No.2221511

File: 6ce7d82172ab10f⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 640x413, 640:413, MythologicalFire Bird Yell….jpg)

ok like wtf? (pic related)

Photographs of what appears to be a giant flaming-orange bird flying over a national park might initially be called a hoax. CGI or a camera anomaly … if the airspace it was spotted in wasn’t above the Grand Teton National Park which was closed at the time because of a mysterious crack … a crack that was less than ten miles from Yellowstone National Park, home of the largest supervolcano in North America which has been the center of hundreds of recent mini-earthquakes, unusual geyser activity and plenty of “nothing to worry about” comments from officials swamped with “should we be worried?” calls. And now a giant bird. Are you worried yet?

The photos (seen here) appeared in a video (seen here) uploaded by YouTube’s MrMBB333, who keeps an eye on seismic activities around the world. The bird segment starts at around the 2:00 minute mark and was reportedly taken from an unmanned webcam near Jenny Lake, a glacial lake in the Wyoming park. Both MrMBB333 and other sites showing the photos refer to it as a “fire” bird or “fiery bird” and naturally try to link it to the flaming Phoenix of Greek and Roman mythology.

https:// mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/07/giant-bird-reported-near-yellowstone-as-giant-crack-closes-grand-teton-park/

8c844a No.2221512

File: 27e00051a47bf60⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Mushmouth.jpg)


Jr will need to improve his public speaking abilities. He's got Mushmouth issues - it was particularly bad during that Great Falls speech.

e544d1 No.2221513


probably total lunar eclipse on that day. Dark to Light

ee0b23 No.2221515


My suggestion is to give them what they're asking for and send Occupy Democrats some memes.

f9a2d5 No.2221516

File: 08a6cc5cbe11865⋯.png (135.64 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_8373.PNG)


00f6fd No.2221517


just keep in mind that UCMJ keeps them from openly questioning and talking about things.

fd7bb4 No.2221518

File: 79922db2b8216c4⋯.png (179.99 KB, 480x270, 16:9, LesterGrinspoonHeader-480x….png)


Dr. Grinspoon is 90 and still blazes –– tell me marijuana isn't good for you :D

ad274a No.2221519


>>2220698 GANNETT - TEGNA - TANGENT dig, >>2220711 +Correction

>>2220778 Bavarian Illuminati, >>2220810 RC movement in Bohemia

>>2220789 Reminder: Bayer / Monsanto = The Devil Incarnate, >>2220974 Nixon, Rockefeller, IG Farben, and global control.

>>2220802 Rumour: Ecuador to hand of @assange to UK "In coming weeks or days"

>>2220805 POTUS Clock & Tweet, >>2220908 Using POTUS keywords & applying them to crumbs results in .., >>2220960, >>2221051

>>2220810 Anons dig on Old Banking families, >>2220985

>>2220813 Anon, stay on guard Friday 7/27 (Satanic Holiday), >>2220864, >>2221284 Also Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of 21st Century Occurs July 27

>>2220821 Anon looks back and rereads crumb

>>2220834 Marked By The Beast: The Left Eye of Horus, >>2220965, >>2220983

>>2220925 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in 2013 on child adoption to US under Obama: "numerous" reports of Russian adoptees being killed or abused." >>2221128 Sauce

>>2220933 Missouri boating accident caused by microburst or "White Squall"!, >>2220975 Is there a list of casualties from the Missouri boat accident yet?

>>2220942 Anons working on the Qlock, >>2220980, >>2220996, >>2220996, >>2221165

>>2220978 Friday Retweets Markers

>>2220984 .. so now what?

>>2220991 Edmond Safra, investor/friend of Bill Browder managed to send $40 billion cash to post-soviet Russia. How?

>>2221011 James Packer, Australia tycoon, quits jobs claiming "mental health issues", >>2221018, >>2221267, >>2221340

>>2221025 Stef Blok, Dutch Foreign Minister, calls Suriname a failed multicultural state. Ironically, he represents a government that promoted, and has for 30 years, the glory of multiculturalism

>>2221114 Kimberly Guilfoyle leaving Fox and taking a job at Trump-backed super PAC America First, >>2221125

>>2221176 Federal judge ruled that expert witnesses can claim in court that Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer causes cancer

>>2221234 Mu'hbballahb goes mad in Germany & stabs people on Bus. Reported injuris between 8-14, >>2221386

>>2221273 Anons, take notice

>>2221296 Kurds/US approaching from the Desert on ISIS strongholds

>>2221299 FBI Resignation name: Assistant Director Ghattas Described as McCabe’s “Right Hand Man”

>>2221315 James Gunn, Disney Director, has made crude Child Rape jokes

0dd536 No.2221520

File: 6ada8b96e0ecc76⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 486x489, 162:163, sam_diction.jpg)

29dfab No.2221521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9ef118 No.2221522


Q is a team, which includes Q…

Q, Q+, Q DELTA, & Q [auth478-24zgP]

7689e2 No.2221523

File: 2722b43481a36ce⋯.jpg (83.89 KB, 920x618, 460:309, willie nelson jimmy carter.jpg)

>>2220411 lb

>>the attack on our farmers started during the 80s.

farm aid started 1985.


at the time UN website had list of US agencies under UN mandate. dept of agriculture was one of those agencies. i will try to find screen shot.

willie and jimmy carter foto.

body language.

united nations land trusts for farmers

no coincidences.

UN stuff on willie website re land trusts until 2011 or so then removed.

willie tax troubles 1990. did he connect the dots?


if so he got over it.

remained deep state supporter.

huge dnc hrc fundraiser honeypot.

huge connection x willie and hrc.

ima thinkin smoke at this point.

7d289f No.2221524




45 posts


e5d9bc No.2221525


They killed my son.

3e5e06 No.2221526




3e0506 No.2221527


This will go nowhere beyond the media. No one in Congress wants an audit of their campaign spending.

34c3e0 No.2221528

File: d3503458924664a⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 500x425, 20:17, 2edzx3~2.jpg)


Anthony Weiner is that you?

c2475d No.2221529

File: 8fb9b74c25f7179⋯.png (884.26 KB, 1376x878, 688:439, Screen Shot 2018-07-20 at ….png)



b185d2 No.2221530

File: a43b77475d2b3e7⋯.png (16.69 KB, 224x255, 224:255, 5a9491fa07a6190b90573780be….png)

Mega Breaking! Top 3 FBI Cybersecurity Officials Resign Unexpectedly!


a282e7 No.2221531

File: 5d02c00c0dcdeda⋯.png (385.24 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Zuckerberg’s sister defends his comments on Holocaust deniers

July 20, 2018 | 11:25am

The sister of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who has denied that he defended the rights of Holocaust deniers, slammed such people’s “hateful, disgusting rhetoric” – but said banning them from social media “will not make them go away,” according to a report.

Randi Zuckerberg’s comments to CNNMoney came a day after her brother drew fire for telling tech news site Recode’s Kara Swisher that some Holocaust deniers “aren’t intentionally getting it wrong,” so Facebook would not delete their posts.

“As a leader in the Jewish community, and someone who has worked at the ground floor of social media, I felt a responsibility to weigh in,” she wrote.

Her brother earlier told Swisher that although Holocaust denial was “deeply offensive” it should not be removed from Facebook.

“At the end of the day, I don’t believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong,” he said. “I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong.”

Randi Zuckerberg, an early Facebook employee, said her brother “could have chosen his words differently,” but she praised him for “navigating this incredibly difficult new world where the notion of free speech is constantly changing.”

And she expressed regret that a social media platform that has connected Jewish groups and united people across the globe also can be used as a weapon against them.

“Unfortunately, when we give a voice to everyone, we give it to people who use that voice for good and to people who abuse that voice,” she wrote. “Organizations doing impactful work now have more powerful tools than ever before, yet the nasty dark underbelly that exists right beneath the surface has access to those exact same tools.”

But banning Holocaust deniers and others who spew hate and bigotry won’t make them go away, she said.

“While it can be appalling to see what some people say, I don’t think living in a sterile, Stepford-like online community where we simply press the delete button on the ugly reality of how people feel is helpful either,” she wrote.

“As much as I disagree with Holocaust deniers having a voice at all, the reality is that it is not currently considered a crime in the United States, and if we want our social networks to remove this hateful speech and follow the lead of many countries in Europe who denounce it as criminal, we need to expand the conversation more broadly and legislate at a national level,” she wrote.


https:// nypost.com/2018/07/20/mark-zuckerbergs-sister-defends-his-comments-on-holocaust-deniers/

318235 No.2221532


I wish! I would LOVE to go through all that stuff!

And at the Smithsonian.

I watch a Documentary a long time ago, I think it was about them, it was about some big place that stores old stuff. anyway, they said they have boxes & boxes of stuff from over 100 years old that they just haven't gotten to yet Because they don't have the manpower to.

bc8bcb No.2221533

are you fuckin' serious…?

FFS, Trump can't catch a fuckin' break.

New York Slimes

eb2161 No.2221534


the problem is the first 3 words…

people have been conditioned for so long

to ridicule conspiracy theory that most wont pay it no mind.

1223cb No.2221535


SO MANY valuable research paths have been abandoned and forgotten over the last few months its shocking and sad. check germanarchiveanons archives of previous breads to situate your research and work forward from there. this board is full of highly unorganized geniuses throwing their energy away

e22633 No.2221536


Saw that video. Spoopy shit.

525a24 No.2221537

File: 5b4b34670942e40⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 625x473, 625:473, gaf.jpg)

1773a8 No.2221539

File: 3be28732061a2e1⋯.jpg (31.1 KB, 954x499, 954:499, DiLpsm9VMAYWjsm.jpg)

3e5e06 No.2221540


fucker had 84 in a thread the other day. enuf is enuf.

359e11 No.2221541

File: cbfc2f00bd361b4⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1032x1032, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd1b2b940f4f64d⋯.png (497.01 KB, 872x526, 436:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78f41e415280404⋯.png (269.72 KB, 743x772, 743:772, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e816f92c702d48⋯.png (468.55 KB, 921x560, 921:560, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65fdcf160e5d559⋯.png (624.18 KB, 763x751, 763:751, ClipboardImage.png)

0efccb No.2221542

File: 2a11339cb7f71ce⋯.png (279.66 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-07-20-12-0….png)


d4c29b No.2221544

File: dc01c489e663d2e⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Startrek-BSoD.gif)


Poor ebot…

0b94b1 No.2221545


I read that he did. He was known in Russia as a drunk vodka lover who did a lot of shit to the country. During his time the globalists penetrated hard to Russia and the country plunged into poverty, human trafficking and prostitution. Also the industry founds its ways to hands of a handful of oligarchs who bought everything for peanuts and became billionaires, and the organized crime went on the rise. The usual "here is you new western democracy" shenanigans.

f1457e No.2221546

July 23 - 111 days from Nov 11th

1223cb No.2221547


this is a great opportunity to subvert dem efforts for memewarriors that have the extra time

d30cde No.2221548


Who cares… but how could that NOT be attorney client privilege?

31b695 No.2221550


Real and gay

6b0714 No.2221551


What do you anticipate for July 23?

df8b49 No.2221554


Isn't NYS a two-party state? If so, inadmissible. In fact, illegal.

f1457e No.2221555


The story unfolds

3e5e06 No.2221556

and wiretapping?

bd5ab3 No.2221557

File: 2d1b48711868615⋯.png (27.16 KB, 552x561, 184:187, grokoff.png)


And morons such as yourself persist in giving them (EWES)… smh…

4f3efb No.2221558


Monday is what I anticipate

a82175 No.2221559


Killed those digits.

I could cry….

Even the old version of the Trips only the Q was bold.

No one pays attention to details anymore WTF.

eb7842 No.2221561

Should be more info re sudden death of Noel Remagen…

Really a stroke?

Said in line of duty.

Prevented assassin attempt on Trump or Melania or Bolton?

Family there seems weird if in duty.

Faked death?

Perfect response of Q might be in order in this one.

6b0714 No.2221562

File: f9158884b32a9ab⋯.png (13.04 KB, 776x371, 776:371, ! ! ! Trips.png)

>The story unfolds


double trips say that it just may

b411a5 No.2221563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ce4b4d No.2221565

File: c32ce9c073620a1⋯.jpg (157.42 KB, 746x486, 373:243, vatican libraries - who kn….jpg)

58a794 No.2221566


Wasn't Melania a Playboy model? Would be hell of a KEK if the payment was to be made to his wife xD

1773a8 No.2221568

File: 12a21fa93bab4ca⋯.jpg (130 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 10093085.jpg)

12831d No.2221569


Mulestain will give him immunity to testify.

6b0714 No.2221570




ad79c5 No.2221571


go back to watching disinfowars

d83388 No.2221573



183ddf No.2221574

File: 231919b04c9a0dc⋯.jpeg (273.13 KB, 1485x1920, 99:128, jpb.jpeg)

d4c29b No.2221575


They still don't get it…. How does provindg that Trump gets Playboy-Quality Pussy Make him look bad?

587283 No.2221576

Watching the MSM's lame attempts to discredit POTUS is like watching a movie in which the good guy is advancing on the bad guy, and the bad guy is throwing anything he can get his hands on.

First he turns over the big cart to block the path.

Then he throws the hat stand.

Finally, he's left with nothing but a roll of toilet paper to throw (Cohen secretly taped Trump talking about payment to Playboy model).

d30cde No.2221577


RR transcript from Aspen


just reading now…

c8c328 No.2221579


Looks like Mt. Evans in Colorado. Can see it from DIA.

39a6e5 No.2221580

File: bb7831019845e9c⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, vampires.png)

318235 No.2221581



I would learn Latin if I could go down there & explore

691f8a No.2221582

"according to lawyers and others familiar with the recording."

muh leaks

525a24 No.2221583


He died in hospital in Scotland. Family probably traveled.

9b672b No.2221585

File: 2b9668dc1003c92⋯.png (24.79 KB, 460x251, 460:251, ClipboardImage.png)

efa459 No.2221586

File: 3c22d6f0ba2f3e4⋯.png (42.88 KB, 1110x437, 1110:437, Screenshot_2018-07-20 Mich….png)


8c844a No.2221587


In their minds they're trying to weaken his "churchie" base.

6b0714 No.2221588

File: 00d4726fe7165e1⋯.png (82.31 KB, 575x251, 575:251, ClipboardImage.png)

df8b49 No.2221589


It's obtained illegally. It can't be admitted regardless of any immunity deal. Trump had to consent to it being recorded. He can't just throw in some illegally obtained evidence, get immunity. Or it falls under attorney-client privilege, or both. Either way, inadmissible.

ad274a No.2221590

File: b69bf2b9e11f8fd⋯.jpg (999.55 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, b69bf2b9e11f8fdeced44b7577….jpg)

File: b656e76e48a4890⋯.jpg (77.53 KB, 500x667, 500:667, b656e76e48a489072ce9d611e3….jpg)

File: 584f974ac674e29⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 238x255, 14:15, b3074e80d9a313d24796ddb580….jpg)

nExt bread




5d973b No.2221592


doesn't say WHOSE payment. just payment. could be Cohen's payment.

fa989a No.2221593


>skunk scare

Your food has been tampered with more.

Use cannabis in moderation or not at all.

t. taking a break until fall, but eating Tylenol like candy because surprise, it was helping my arthritis.

7d289f No.2221595

File: ca59b02651a02f8⋯.jpg (26.33 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ewe-960077.jpg)

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