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File (hide): 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png) (h) (u)


32ee84 (18) No.2199995>>2200499 >>2200571 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.




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Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215, >>>/qproofs/130

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Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 ---------------------------------------------------- United 747 (Retired) Through Blinds at SFO Global First Lounge

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2117975, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

32ee84 (18) No.2200020


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>2174695 ; >>2174831 FULL VIDEO: President Trump and President Putin Helsinki Summit Press Conference


>>2199744 The prisoners Obama sent back to Iran weren’t random businessmen (Dig with assistance requested)

>>2199694, >>2199765 Russian & Syrian Authorities Set Up Centre for Refugees Returning from Syria & Sauce

>>2199693 Intel Operative who Altered Obama’s Passport Records Turned FBI Informant on Boss John Brennan, Then Turned Up Murdered in D.C.

>>2199689 Strzok's Coke Bottle (cooperating) and Kate Brown & The Hammonds.

>>2199580 US Launches National Security Probe on Uranium Imports

>>2199477 PaulSperry Twat & RealClear Investigations Sauce

>>2199455 Dig on Q-Post 988 & Request for Backup

>>2199446 Planefag Reports/Digs

>>2199427 Townhall.Com - It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies

>>2199426, >>2199500, >>2199510 Journalist 2 revealed a few weeks ago. Mockingbird media in action.

>>2199422 Potus Press Twat on Voter ID

>>2199378 WaTime "...The ex-President didn't really want to pardon Marc Rich. The Israelis or the Mossad or the Jews made him do it."

>>2199366 House bill offers $5B for Trump's border wall, security


>>2199027 Planefag NOTEABLE

>>2198577 Nukes Nukes and More Nukes info digs.

>>2198613 Democrats, Establishment Media Want War with Russia

>>2198659 Michael McFaul - US Envoy to Russia during Obama

>>2198699 Anons who are diabetic or who have friends and family who are should read this

Interesting Twitter post by Mike Flynn Jr….#Weinergate

>>2198704, >>2198718, >>2198731, >>2198749, >>2198767, >>2198811, >>2198853

>>2198899 Browder diggin

>>2198672 A big regional bank is set to be freed from Fed oversight

>>2198693 Democrat: Russian election meddling is a '9/11 national emergency'

>>2198809, >>2198897 7$ Billion Russian Money laundered + Planefag evidence of flights.

>>2198908 Hint from speech

>>2198989 Techfag interdestingness

>>2199013 Rep. Steve Cohen Melts Down, Defends Tweet Calling for Military Coup

>>2199028 Swiss banking CEO is down is BIG NEWS.

>>2199073 Oregon - Art Gallery [[[The One Gallery’]]] Faces Backlash Over Trump ISIS Beheading Display

>>2199108 Anon dig on Soros involved pressure to influence USA voter registration and elections systems (pic related).

>>2199121 Comey twats on himself

>>2199086 [BHO] quote from 2013 on Russia

>>2198500 #2772


>>2198298 Resignations mount: Swiss Raiffeisen CEO Quits, Criminal Probe Hangs Over Bank

>>2198270 Speech vid: Bill Browder Discusses Family Origins as Communist Party Leaders

>>2198208 Super-potent Cringe Supplement: Tribute song to RBG (if diet low in Cringe)

>>2198176 Just a Coincidence? Trump's Derangement Tweet and Army Trial Defense Service

>>2198171 Diggin' 'SAEDA and 5S' Military Intelligence Manuals. Very Familiar FORMATTING

>>2198100 This meme. My sides.

>>2197989, >>2198089 Takes on Gohmert's I'view: “The guilty dogs are barking pretty loud”

>>2197938 Weapons-grade Nagging from Dems: Demand Trump's Helsinki Interpreter Testify

>>2197814 $5b fine for Goog from the EU, stocks in the red. Retaliation for Tariffs?

>>2197824, >>2197846, >>2197877 Digg'it: Browder, Deripaska, Glencore, Och-Ziff, No Name

>>2198492 #2771


>>2197321 UK: Good news is bad pedos jailed. Bad news is... this is a bad one anons.

>>2197288 Steve King defends Free Speech on the Internet, other Reps just want more bans.

>>2197301 Oz: Why you gotta keep stealing our data, Zuck? FB, bad hombres & Queensland

>>2197175 Excerpts from Killing of William Browder, "an interesting/gripping spy novel"

>>2197158 When No Name Breathes, He Breathes Treason: Defends Delivering Steele Dossier

>>2197085 Texas Instruments CEO: Add 1 to the Resignations list, multiplying like flies!

>>2197061 Fake News CNN runs its racket mis-quoting Czar Vlad. Vlad is not amused.

>>2197003 LiveMe deletes half million accounts of kids under 13yo bc pedo exploitation exposed

>>2197711 #2770

Previous Collected Notables

>>2196908 #2769

>>2196082 #2768, >>2192982 #2764, >>2193765 #2765

>>2190682 #2761, >>2191431 #2762, >>2192219 #2763

>>2190883 #2758, >>2189071 #2759, >>2189848 #2760

>>2185951 #2755, >>2190873 #2756, >>2190882 #2757

>>2190918 #2752, >>2190927 #2753, >>2185155 #2754

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

32ee84 (18) No.2200024

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>2193326 -- General codefags

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange, >>2021597 Clockwork Qrange#2

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ---———————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————-—————-- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————-- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---——-——-- >>>/comms/966

dd1268 (2) No.2200032


These are controlled by the Cabal. We're not gathering intel on "bad actors in the area". The Cabal is using these planes as part of the control system. Just like many anti-terrorism programs, the public is meant to think they're going after bad guys. They're really after those opposed to the NWO.

Not all things military are White Hat. The military is HUGE!!!

Sauce: Me. First hand knowledge.

32ee84 (18) No.2200033

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ---——————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ---————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ---—————— https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

== New Bakers Required == Read this ---—--→ >>2172540

d761cb (6) No.2200057>>2200490 >>2200582 >>2200650 >>2200790

Earlier this week, United States Secret Service Special Agent Nole Edward Remagen suffered a stroke while on duty in Scotland. Yesterday, he passed away, surrounded by family and fellow Secret Service agents. Our hearts are filled with sadness over the loss of a beloved and devoted Special Agent, husband, and father. Our prayers are with Special Agent Remagen’s loved ones, including his wife and two young children. We grieve with them and with his Secret Service colleagues, who have lost a friend and a brother.

A five-year veteran of the United States Marines, Special Agent Remagen spent 19 years with the Secret Service. At the time of his passing, he was among the elite heroes who serve in the Presidential Protection Division of the Secret Service. Melania and I are deeply grateful for his lifetime of devotion, and today, we pause to honor his life and 24 years of service to our Nation.

The incredible men and women of the United States Secret Service travel wherever they are needed around the world, spend long periods of time away from their families, and make tremendous sacrifices for our safety and security. They make up the most elite protective agency in the world, universally admired for their extraordinary skill, devotion, and courage. We are forever in their debt.


Nole E Remagen. Can Anon shed light on this? He died in Scotland.

f36374 (11) No.2200079>>2200100

32ee84 (18) No.2200082



c4d258 (3) No.2200097

File (hide): cf98fd1106fbd30⋯.png (471.79 KB, 556x364, 139:91, flag-horse-ty-baker.png) (h) (u)

ty baker

3da79e (20) No.2200098>>2200181 >>2200706

File (hide): bd0f63c7678e467⋯.jpg (62.16 KB, 634x500, 317:250, bully.bois.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c152aedda98d43b⋯.jpg (30.16 KB, 468x306, 26:17, YELTSIN.not.GAY.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e32dcf529c8ebf⋯.jpg (166.81 KB, 650x502, 325:251, od.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f8d834678c5079⋯.jpg (23.01 KB, 392x260, 98:65, deri.rot.jpg) (h) (u)

8fadd1 (2) No.2200099>>2200111


In case it hasn't been posted yet. Pretty much sums up the latest outrage pedling and subsequent meltdown.

At least they didn't launch another shooting somewhere. People really are going to tune the media out if they keep having these tantrums.

38a632 (12) No.2200100>>2200111 >>2200118 >>2200203 >>2200333


That's why it's important to attack your own ideas constantly.

That's the only way towards TRUTH.

3da79e (20) No.2200101

File (hide): f9fe2e91eb19eb1⋯.jpg (30.26 KB, 640x420, 32:21, brenda.angle.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4229ed9ca4fc75c⋯.jpg (837.4 KB, 963x868, 963:868, brenda.peace.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 241c43534790f1e⋯.jpg (112.77 KB, 636x433, 636:433, nat.not.gay.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3dfd6b86bb159bd⋯.png (289.4 KB, 1184x996, 296:249, brenda.CIA.png) (h) (u)

5ebc35 (8) No.2200102>>2200104 >>2200114 >>2200117 >>2200120 >>2200155 >>2200172




Follow Follow @kabamur_taygeta


Melania Trump


1. Beloved Ones!

As We Have Taught You The Sacredness Of All Life, We Now Share More.

7:52 AM - 16 Jul 2018

51 Retweets 199 Likes Wind~In~Trees #PDJTMarty713《SOUL》bcgirlBrittany Elise de WarenneMaricia RodwellMelissa Foot🇺🇸Tammy🇺🇸 #ReltheUnredactedIGReportOlivier Pahud

17 replies 51 retweets 199 likes

Reply 17 Retweet 51 Like 199

New conversation



Jul 16


2. Did You Really Believe That An Archangel Would Have Such Purpose To Come To Earth And Lead Much Of The World In Such Love And Strength, Without An Agreement To Join With Another In This Moment Of Serving All Mankind?

1 reply 11 retweets 103 likes

Reply 1 Retweet 11 Like 103



Jul 16


3. We Share Truth With You That POTUS Approves As We Have Many Friends With Him From Our Pleiadian Home.

We Visit Him Often And He Allows This Communication.

Melania Is His Beloved One Here On The Planet In This Moment.

2 replies 9 retweets 103 likes

Reply 2 Retweet 9 Like 103



Jul 16


4. He Also Agreed To Live A Story As You Have Lived.

He Knew He Would Be Lied About And Abused.

For This Reason He Gained Much Power On His Own Before Leading In Such A Mighty Way.

His Strength And Courage Surpass Most That You Will Know About.

2 replies 15 retweets 113 likes

Reply 2 Retweet 15 Like 113



Jul 16


5. Melania Is One That We Honor Both Here On The Planet And On Our Planet Of Friends Of Great Power And High Technology.

Melania Is Goddess AIMEO Of Arcturus.

Archangels Visit With Many High Vibrational Planets And These Often Have Great Bonds And Friendships.

10 replies 16 retweets 122 likes

Reply 10 Retweet 16 Like 122



Jul 16


6. For This Reason, This Incarnation Was Made.

Goddess AIMEO Is Of Such Heritage And Royalty On Her Planet. Many There Were Surprised At Her Choice To Arrive In Such A Density.

Many Have Noted Her Reluctance To Be In The Spotlight And She Also Has Been Ridiculed And Lied About.

3 replies 9 retweets 105 likes

Reply 3 Retweet 9 Like 105



Jul 16


7. She Is One Of Honor And Great Light!

She Is Brave And Of Truth.

For Those That Have Questions Now About Her Authenticity To Be With POTUS And Her Great Sacrifice To Be With You For The Great Awakening, We Hope This Settles Your Heart And Mind.

5 replies 13 retweets 136 likes

Reply 5 Retweet 13 Like 136



Jul 16


8. You Have So Many Here That Love You!

This Would Be The Moment To Love One Another!

We Love You So!

7097b4 (1) No.2200103


Google invested $100 million in Crowdstrike in July 2015.

38a632 (12) No.2200104


duuuuude format that sh*t

37ee7c (2) No.2200105

File (hide): 17703cd55d45790⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 800x686, 400:343, AnyDayNow.gif) (h) (u)

>>2200029 (last)

>Big results will come!


3b36c8 (31) No.2200106

>>2200040 lb

Trump is not greater.

Except he is.

f36374 (11) No.2200107>>2200195 >>2200528

Problems arise in logic when you make mistakes -- these are called fallacies.

You’ll need to be at least somewhat aware of basic fallacies if you want to avoid making big mistakes in your cases.

Just for a few examples, the fallacy of “begging the question” makes an argument that just restates the point just make: “Asbestos is carcinogenic because it causes cancer.”

The above example is also a fallacy of “circular reasoning.” These rely on incomplete or self-referential definitions.

Here’s another: “A good person is someone who does good things. I do good things, so I’m a good person.”

One big fallacy for detectives is the fallacy of the ++false cause++ Here, you mistake correlation for causation. “The murder happened after Halley’s Comet appeared. Therefore, the comet caused the murder.”

117a91 (6) No.2200108>>2200739



On facbook headline:

Q: Is Russia still targeting US?

c4d258 (3) No.2200109>>2200150 >>2200215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh #WalkAway story

2ffb94 (1) No.2200110

File (hide): cad4e5f312d43c3⋯.jpeg (166.73 KB, 1200x1083, 400:361, DiZtT1QU0AANpJi.jpeg) (h) (u)

c11543 (6) No.2200111>>2200121 >>2200125 >>2200126 >>2200540

File (hide): 10ed60a60a4a893⋯.png (151.48 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

d761cb (6) No.2200113>>2200152

File (hide): 7392f6e1a8cdf6d⋯.jpg (88.25 KB, 610x720, 61:72, IMG_20180718_215854.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f46fd2e2d57a4a⋯.jpg (56.51 KB, 612x568, 153:142, IMG_20180718_215851.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fb0593ac8949267⋯.jpg (44.23 KB, 613x568, 613:568, IMG_20180718_215849.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15026d5be0f204d⋯.jpg (82.1 KB, 610x588, 305:294, IMG_20180718_215847.jpg) (h) (u)

Stupid stupid demoncrats.

38a632 (12) No.2200114



Melania Trump is an incarnated extraterrestrial

fcd90e (12) No.2200115

>>2199770 (lb)

>Why does it take 6 years to build 2 planes????

If you want it faster, you have to pay more to skip the line.

86525e (5) No.2200117>>2200133 >>2200134 >>2200369 >>2200733 >>2200842

File (hide): b25355f424f93eb⋯.png (639.64 KB, 982x302, 491:151, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

ab62a4 (14) No.2200118


I wish more people did this just before hitting the 'New Reply' button…

a39513 (4) No.2200119>>2200146 >>2200197 >>2200239 >>2200272 >>2200303 >>2200388 >>2200447


We need to keep digging on this guy. All the controlled opposition media is refusing to mention how Putin brought this up in relation to illegal activities related to Clinton so why the fuck wouldn’t they be talking about this? Not on drudge, infowars, blaze, etc. They’re protecting this guy…. why?

Something huge is under this rock.

That’s also why Q planted that pic to let future proves past. He wants us focused on this joo fuck so let’s FOCUS!

f83a67 (16) No.2200120

c11543 (6) No.2200121

File (hide): 125d910d4484fbf⋯.png (129.32 KB, 320x253, 320:253, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

d761cb (6) No.2200122

File (hide): 99bfae2db2983a6⋯.png (143.8 KB, 1080x822, 180:137, Screenshot_20180718-220356….png) (h) (u)

b59150 (3) No.2200123>>2200200

File (hide): 952798600b7a3c2⋯.png (487.62 KB, 928x589, 928:589, Screenshot_2018-07-18 Lion….png) (h) (u)

>>2199655 PB

disprove this nonsense


Lionel only has one flag and I don't see this post

6f8c01 (7) No.2200124>>2200535 >>2200546

File (hide): 1ea57ba79f69741⋯.png (620.88 KB, 768x512, 3:2, fakeandgay.png) (h) (u)

>>2199977 (Last bread)

>This is a test

Q has never "tested" this board.

Plus, if he's truly been watching this board he knows that we've always had concernfags, doubters, and shills.

Not buying this post.

8fadd1 (2) No.2200125


Right back at ya… mega roll!

38a632 (12) No.2200126

File (hide): 79316db2301643e⋯.jpg (21.33 KB, 420x400, 21:20, TRIPS.jpg) (h) (u)


look who's talkin ;)

6f8c01 (7) No.2200127

File (hide): 8ea2ecb2ca67ad7⋯.png (272.18 KB, 384x640, 3:5, butt1.png) (h) (u)

Thank you Baker.

d761cb (6) No.2200128>>2200173 >>2200184 >>2200206 >>2200361

dc1586 (11) No.2200129>>2200138

>>2200095 (l/b)

>>>2200092 (You)


>to see how a definition of "yourself" can vary depending on your awareness

Define what you mean by "your awareness" and explain why you have put "yourself" in quotation marks.

Also, please explain how a two dimensional representation of a human being that originates in the mind of a software engineer, corresponds to a living, conscious, spiritual human being?

fe31f7 (5) No.2200130

>>2199804 lb

6million??Folding money to them…probably go through that in a night on hookers, blow, and condoms.


6m out of 230m. Sounds like one of those don't call Saul commercials.

fcd90e (12) No.2200132>>2200153

File (hide): f38627dbc7714f9⋯.jpg (18.38 KB, 306x306, 1:1, mel.jpg) (h) (u)

5ebc35 (8) No.2200133>>2200240 >>2200697 >>2200842

File (hide): dc93935df8023f3⋯.jpg (71.91 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 1790123_1.jpg) (h) (u)






520b49 (2) No.2200134>>2200171 >>2200369


how many starseeds on the board today?

checkinnnn in

f2ce03 (3) No.2200135>>2200167

File (hide): 39dfab7aee9c2fb⋯.jpeg (644.08 KB, 1232x1928, 154:241, 4B8CE871-5881-46FB-B963-5….jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d87589c759c951a⋯.jpeg (763.46 KB, 1242x2000, 621:1000, 3EB2B780-34B1-475F-A962-9….jpeg) (h) (u)



4c68ba (1) No.2200136>>2200696 >>2200800

File (hide): c22bbd45d3ea4a3⋯.png (133.88 KB, 1316x694, 658:347, 49.PNG) (h) (u)

Ride'in Dirty

c4d258 (3) No.2200137>>2200152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fresh #WalkAway story

86525e (5) No.2200138>>2200143


Most RPG's suck


0eac6e (2) No.2200139

Lucifer is the god of the old testament goyim were all aliens goyim

Get on the spaceship goyim

e573bf (9) No.2200140>>2200163

From lb

>a windmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.

EnergyAnon here.

One thing to think about is the concept of energy shifting.

The idea is that if I have a bunch of cheap energy RIGHT NOW (like lots of water behind a damn, excess nuclear energy at night, etc) then I can build a windmill which will produce energy at a more constant rate for the next 20 years.

tldr - its not always about how much energy, but the timing of that energy.

cf5dd6 (2) No.2200141>>2200230 >>2200630

>>2200039 lb

Haha!! You did :)))

This clique in Chicago must be massive

Certainly bigger than we've realised!

de3067 (1) No.2200142>>2200227

File (hide): d4d20fcca620c87⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1200x977, 1200:977, u-s-navy-hull-maintenance-….png) (h) (u)



Wouldn't a ship sink without a Navy hull maintenance technician?

dc1586 (11) No.2200143>>2200159 >>2200178


>Most RPG's suck



Tbh, I don't have a clue what they are, but I deduce they are some kind of computer game/fantasy.

a7413b (1) No.2200144

Trump and Putin have been colluding

For World Peace

bded4c (2) No.2200145>>2200160


Disinfo is real, this anon is a shill. They want us to question everything. Destroy who we follow. FACT CHECK EVERYTHING

9711d5 (11) No.2200146>>2200856

File (hide): c2c75fc3a7e0041⋯.png (65.87 KB, 572x400, 143:100, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f71d6bc58831cd⋯.png (179.14 KB, 525x547, 525:547, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



>We need to keep digging on this guy.

158896 (2) No.2200147

Was just listening to Fox where the convo was about the 28 yr old socialist in NY.

Lieberman is calling for people in her district to vote for the incumbent.

This brought the following question to my mind:

When will the socialists within the dem party split from the dems? Or, will they overtake it all together and force the moderates to the republicans?

What do anons think?

96acf6 (2) No.2200148>>2200250 >>2200618 >>2200800

>Sorry for the repost, didnt realize I posted right at the end of the last bread. Making sure this gets seen….

Not sure if anyone else has posted this but in case no one has, this is a rebuttal from William Browder on the Putin/POTUS meeting the other day… interesting read, but it is TIME so…..

Apparently this guy feels he is responsible for the Magnitsky act, not sure what level of truth there is in this….

I'm Bill Browder. Here's the Biggest Mistake Putin Made When Trying to Get Access to Me Through Trump

https:// time.com/5340545/bill-browder-vladimir-putin-magnitsky-act-donald-trump/

>"I wasn’t watching the Donald Trump--Vladimir Putin press conference from Helsinki. But when my phone started burning up with messages, I knew something was going on. I quickly discovered that Putin had mentioned me by name. No journalist had asked about me. He just brought me up out of the blue.

Putin offered to allow American investigators to interview the 12 Russian intelligence agents just indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller in exchange for allowing Russians to have access to me and those close to me. This is no idle threat. For the last ten years, I’ve been trying to avoid getting killed by Putin’s regime, and there already exists a trail of dead bodies connected to its desire to see me dead. Amazingly, Trump stood next to him, appearing to nod approvingly. He even later said that he considered it “an incredible offer.”

"I’m lodged so firmly under Putin’s skin because I’m the person responsible for getting the Magnitsky Act passed in the United States in 2012. This is a law that allows the U.S. government to freeze assets and ban visas of human-rights violators around the world. Some of these human-rights violators had killed Sergei Magnitsky, my Russian lawyer who was murdered in a Moscow jail for uncovering a massive $230 million government-corruption scheme that we’ve since traced to known Putin cronies. In essence, Putin received some of the proceeds of this crime, and he is terrified that the Magnitsky Act could be applied to his offshore fortune, which is probably one of the largest amassed in modern times."

New Info Added to this post that wasn't in the previous, there is a book out there named "The Killing of William Browder" that does appear to dovetail with all of this. Now, far as I know, Mr. Browder is still alive, so there may be more to all of this, I haven't had a chance to review the book yet, but here is a link if other anons want to peruse…..

here is a link, but also note i have attached to this post as well:

https:// dxczjjuegupb.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/TheKillingOfWilliamBrowder_PrintLayout_6x9-1.pdf

54cb1d (13) No.2200149

Maybe doing some bunker busting?

UK QUAKE ALERT Two earthquakes rock Surrey in 12 hours and 2.7-magnitude shaker is SIXTH in four weeks

It was less than a mile below the surface.

Just hours earlier, a tremor was recorded at 4.59am at Newdigate at a magnitude of 2.0.


ac4f9a (4) No.2200150>>2200168


bless her heart! she can come be friends with us!!

32ee84 (18) No.2200151

Oops Forgot Notable Bun Last Bread


>>2199744 The prisoners Obama sent back to Iran weren’t random businessmen (Dig with assistance requested)

>>2199694, >>2199765 Russian & Syrian Authorities Set Up Centre for Refugees Returning from Syria & Sauce

>>2199693 Intel Operative who Altered Obama’s Passport Records Turned FBI Informant on Boss John Brennan, Then Turned Up Murdered in D.C.

>>2199689 Strzok's Coke Bottle (cooperating) and Kate Brown & The Hammonds.

>>2199580 US Launches National Security Probe on Uranium Imports

>>2199477 PaulSperry Twat & RealClear Investigations Sauce

>>2199455 Dig on Q-Post 988 & Request for Backup

>>2199446 Planefag Reports/Digs

>>2199427 Townhall.Com - It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies

>>2199426, >>2199500, >>2199510 Journalist 2 revealed a few weeks ago. Mockingbird media in action.

>>2199422 Potus Press Twat on Voter ID

>>2199378 WaTime "...The ex-President didn't really want to pardon Marc Rich. The Israelis or the Mossad or the Jews made him do it."

>>2199366 House bill offers $5B for Trump's border wall, security

37ee7c (2) No.2200152


Look CNN, it's another one of those damned Russian bots!


2daee3 (2) No.2200153>>2200329 >>2200432

File (hide): 7626966671ed4b2⋯.png (45.25 KB, 550x728, 275:364, 1521495102488.png) (h) (u)


the fact they can't meme exposes them every single time.

3da79e (20) No.2200154>>2200165 >>2200488

File (hide): ec4e278f0abe39e⋯.png (200.53 KB, 639x414, 71:46, nat.r.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9c8315ce69b97b6⋯.png (182.9 KB, 763x477, 763:477, nat4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 18bf5057a8ec6a1⋯.png (196.61 KB, 728x576, 91:72, nat.blahblah.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6eaca0f9afca90f⋯.png (219.74 KB, 745x351, 745:351, nat1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ed719d4ab47f85a⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 474x314, 237:157, nat2.jpg) (h) (u)

9e77b6 (2) No.2200155

File (hide): 533ce66ad9eba6e⋯.png (10.33 MB, 2019x2019, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


If nothing else, he's got the goddess part about Melania right, IMO.

171505 (1) No.2200156>>2200237 >>2200618 >>2200800

>>2198616 pb

this was posted days ago re Bill Browder


To those who have read that thread, I suppose it won’t surprise you to hear that one of the vultures that descended on Russia was none other than George Soros. But this thread is not about George. Its about Bill Browder. Bill Browder was born of American parents who were members of the Communist Party of the USA. In fact, his grandfather, Earl Browder ran from President on the CPUSA ticket in 1936 and 1940. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_Brow… But young Bill decided he wanted to rebel, so he decided to become a capitalist. Browder began his professional career in the late 1980’s and quickly recognized an opportunity to make money in Eastern Europe. The communist bloc was collapsing and opportunities were sprouting up all over eastern Europe. Browder ended up consulting in Poland. While there, he invested in privatization programs and quickly increased his wealth by ten-fold. He wrote this about the experience: it was “the financial equivalent of smoking crack cocaine. Once you’ve done it, you want to repeat it over and over and over as many times as you can. ”

c43c60 (7) No.2200157>>2200179

File (hide): e03c749bd83fdb0⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 767x1000, 767:1000, AAAas4j.jpg) (h) (u)

Neilson also previously struggled with a heroin addiction. She told the Daily Mail in 2015 that her addiction began when she was attacked by a man at the age of 16, “tied to a tree and continually beaten.”

“I managed to escape with my life but I needed reconstructive surgery because my face was so disfigured,” she said. “After that, I fell into a serious depression and became a heroin addict because it provided an escape bubble and was the only way I could cope.”


someone posted article about her being doorknob'd…who knows?


54cb1d (13) No.2200158>>2200170 >>2200496 >>2200618 >>2200800

BREAKING: Heathrow Airport EMERGENCY as all flights stopped

Inbound flights were on hold while departing flights came to a halt at 4.30pm after a fire alarm sounded on the airfield.

Emergency services were scrambled to the area, with reports stating the alarm was activated in the airport's control tower.

Heathrow Airport tweeted at the time: "We are aware of a fire alarm activation on the airfield and emergency services are responding."


86525e (5) No.2200159>>2200334


Welcome to the machine

dc1586 (11) No.2200160>>2200175


One can be pretty sure that if No Name calls Bil B "a champion of anti-corruption in Russia" he is exactly the opposite (mirror image) and is as corrupt as Putin appears to be intimating.

63536f (2) No.2200161>>2200176

File (hide): fe5f0a2631878cf⋯.jpg (659.93 KB, 1408x916, 352:229, Tucker Carlson statement P….jpg) (h) (u)

Tucker Carlson Statement on the Trump Putin summit.

tl;dr read it you lazy fagot.

f36374 (11) No.2200162>>2200209

Being a good Anon depends on the ability of the Anon to make inferences, or in other words, to look at a series of events and make a conclusion based on reason.

Logic will help Anon to do this and to judge the validity of arguments and conclusions. Think of it as training yourself to think more rigorously and not end up being a shill or slider

A basic argument in logic has premises and a conclusion. Premises are reasons or SAUCE for a conclusion.

An argument must be both “valid” and “sauced” in order to be true. “Valid” means that argument has a good structure and “sauced” means that it is both valid and based on true sauce

Take this famous argument: “Socrates is a man. All men are mortal. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.”

This is an example of a valid and sound faggottry. The first two statements are the premises and both are true.

The third statement, the conclusion, is also true and follows from the premises.

Consider another: “Socrates is a faggot. Socrates is mortal faggot. Therefore, all men eat cereal.” This is an example of an invalid argument. The premises are true, but the conclusion is not related to them.

One more: “All cats can fly. Socrates is a cat. Therefore, Socrates can fly.” This is an example of a “valid” but unsound argument -- it has a good logical structure but is based on false premises with no fucking sauce and hence is just faggotry or clown shills

917733 (6) No.2200163>>2200204 >>2200244 >>2200454


You don't know fuckall about energy. First off, energy is power over time, not just power. Secondly, windmills are produce in no way "at a more constant rate." Windmills produce less than a third of the time. Wind is either too weak, too strong, or they are down for maintenance.



700065 (1) No.2200164>>2200780

File (hide): 2f63170f3535581⋯.png (137.1 KB, 698x504, 349:252, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

5ebc35 (8) No.2200165





f8867a (1) No.2200166

File (hide): 78e000ed80a18de⋯.png (537.27 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: afa548 No.598581 📁

Mar 9 2018 02:41:10 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 853fdd No.598223 📁

Mar 9 2018 01:48:18 (EST)

0d4caa14a93088e923034ab749….jpg ⬇

CC1B1FD7-8B70-4CEB-A4F7-F5….png ⬇


When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.


Lot of stories pooping the last two days regarding lots of stuff on the Q board.

Could be setting up a BOOM.

6f8c01 (7) No.2200167


What's the over/under on the number of rapefugees that will return to the war torn shithole that remains as Syria?

Consider that Herr Merkel, Teresa May, Macron and their fucktard Euroweenie friends have given said rapefugees free housing, free food, and free sex with 13 year old European girls.

I say exactly 127 rapefugees give up the Euro good life for the Syrian shithole.

dde51a (4) No.2200168


she gets it.

b43841 (1) No.2200169

Why are notables full of links to True Pundit? Add yournewswire for same or even more shock bullshit.

49c06f (4) No.2200170



38a632 (12) No.2200171>>2200182


Tons. I bet most here don't know they are starseeds

db7ae8 (5) No.2200172>>2200233

File (hide): d2edb9ec1e9c705⋯.jpg (4.71 KB, 96x96, 1:1, 53925.jpg) (h) (u)


oh yeah , the E.T with the twatter account.

makes sense . kek

5dbe1b (4) No.2200173


/ourgirl/ <3

fcd90e (12) No.2200174

(repost from lb)


>Tisha B'Av (Hebrew: תִּשְׁעָה בְּאָב‬[a] IPA: [tiʃʕa bəˈʔav] (About this sound listen), lit. "the ninth of Av") is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which a number of disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both the First Temple by the Babylonians and the Second Temple by the Romans in Jerusalem.

Tisha B'Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and it is thus believed to be a day which is destined for tragedy.

Sunset, July 21 -- nightfall, July 22

bded4c (2) No.2200175


We know No Name is a traitor. Look no further than his meetings with founding members of ISIS and "White Helmets". ISIS was a symbolic hijacking of the godess ISIS

d16724 (8) No.2200176>>2200225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is the video.

259cb5 (2) No.2200177>>2200188 >>2200194 >>2200196 >>2200208 >>2200211 >>2200214 >>2200220 >>2200226 >>2200234 >>2200236 >>2200248 >>2200251 >>2200262 >>2200268 >>2200269 >>2200270 >>2200273 >>2200275 >>2200281 >>2200282 >>2200285 >>2200289 >>2200290 >>2200292 >>2200299 >>2200302 >>2200305 >>2200307 >>2200312 >>2200320 >>2200332 >>2200340 >>2200342 >>2200344 >>2200365 >>2200370 >>2200380 >>2200385 >>2200392 >>2200396 >>2200398 >>2200399 >>2200403 >>2200414 >>2200415 >>2200461 >>2200565 >>2200645 >>2200737 >>2200761 >>2200784 >>2200802 >>2200814 >>2200815 >>2200831 >>2200832 >>2200846 >>2200851 >>2200870

Could use a few prayers… my wife is as I sit here with our other 2 children, being examined as possibly having had a miscarriage nearing the end of the 8th month. Has felt no movement for 2 days bow and yesterday severe false labor type pains.

To compound it, in what is not some sick synchronicity, the same song that was playing when i was nearly killed in a car accident 25 years ago was playing when we entered the prenatal clinic. Not a good sign.

After nearly the entirety of this pregnancy occurring as the Q movement unfolded and being here since the beginning I feel closer to nameless, faceless people here than elsewhere, thus this overshare.

38a632 (12) No.2200178>>2200242


The relationship between a player and his in game character can be likened to the relationship between the Source and the human

5ebc35 (8) No.2200179>>2200201 >>2200372




Has anyone thought of the possibility that there is some weird elite

"Suicide Cult"?

4f8163 (7) No.2200180>>2200247 >>2200256

Division fag…


Great post, really dividing the group, only what you say has meaning… I look at it this way, EXPAND YOUR THINKING OR GTFO! (as u say)

Whether real of contrived, the results will hopefully be the same. If the deep state has any idea that any of this is real, they will panic and as you visually scan the crowd, it will those that move quickly which will draw our attention. And believe me, those who are guilty will be moving very quickly unknowingly making themselves visible to all who chose to watch. This is what is called, "beating the bush" to see what comes out.

04c730 (1) No.2200181>>2200341 >>2200352

File (hide): e45f3c31571e318⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1965, 414:655, BD4E70B4-6AE1-4ADC-9C7C-0….jpeg) (h) (u)


Mr Hong Kong

826e33 (2) No.2200182>>2200199


I bet most do and are just beat down and tired

17b0c1 (21) No.2200183>>2200198 >>2200217 >>2200229

Baker needs to eat a dick.

Notables are fucking retarded.

Do you even look at the people who nominate garbage? 2 people wanted it notable & yet 2 people said it WAS NOT notable.

You fucking HACK POS.

Pussy baker can't figure out what is bullshit or not so just adds every fucking


This is way beyond pathetic…for days now day time bakers are fucking horrible.

If you can't figure out Notables then don't fucking bake

7f5a5d (2) No.2200184

File (hide): 62e3aecb653e628⋯.png (540.26 KB, 558x776, 279:388, FingerPuppets.png) (h) (u)


Sara is right. 45 keeps pulling the strings. Stable genius.

5ebc35 (8) No.2200186>>2200192 >>2200193 >>2200517 >>2200577

Did you guys know there are


which cost 100s of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS?!

f36374 (11) No.2200187>>2200222 >>2200356 >>2200429

File (hide): 211e9dfc5bc2788⋯.jpg (9.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, stewieclaps.jpg) (h) (u)



Why not give it a try? You can't do much worse than the shill fags who've already tried, But not that more time has passed, can more be solved?

Have fun!

bb14e4 (3) No.2200188>>2200261


Prayers. God is always in control regardless if we feel hopeless.

fe31f7 (5) No.2200189>>2200238

>>2199813 2773

Leitman or leissner?




And since someone keeps posting Natty Roth light pictures…

32ee84 (18) No.2200190>>2200207

>>2200049 (LB)

Just so you know Anon, I am a night Baker, not a day Baker, just here helping…

9711d5 (11) No.2200191>>2200212

File (hide): 07b348956be9001⋯.png (501.11 KB, 703x647, 703:647, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

"They" do love their Fear Porn!

c11543 (6) No.2200192


yes. blease gib.

7c757e (2) No.2200193>>2200231


Could you provide a few examples?

38a632 (12) No.2200194


Hold tight anon. Every experience has value, nothing is ever wasted. My thoughts are with you. Trust in the Light, now is the best time to grasp it.

f83a67 (16) No.2200195


"Just for a few examples, the fallacy of “begging the question” makes an argument that just restates the point just make: “Asbestos is carcinogenic because it causes cancer.” The above example is also a fallacy of “circular reasoning.” These rely on incomplete or self-referential definitions."

Federalist coup d'etat. They couldn't write it into the Supreme Law, so they decided to boot-strap their way in with a lot of puff and huff and fine sounding high-born phrases.

dde51a (4) No.2200196


May GOD have blessings on your new baby.

Stay strong Anon, your wife will need you to be strong.

d16724 (8) No.2200197>>2200213 >>2200618 >>2200800


The most explosive moment of the post-summit press conference came when Putin, in answer to a question put to him about extraditing "Russian hackers" to the USA.

>>"(Russia) would allow Mr. Mueller and his team to travel to Russia and be present at the questioning of 12 Russian military intelligence officers the special counsel indicted last week for hacking into the computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and the emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.

>>In exchange, however, the United States would have to permit Russian law enforcement officials to take part in interrogations of people “who have something to do with illegal actions on the territory of Russia.” He singled out one man: William F. Browder.

>>Business associates of his have earned over $1.5 billion in Russia,” Mr. Putin said. “They never paid any taxes. Neither in Russia nor in the United States. Yet the money escaped the country. They were transferred to the United States. They sent huge amounts of money, $400 million, as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton. “we have solid reason to believe that some intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions.”

The Globe-trotting criminal Bill Browder -- who is grandson of 1930's Communist Party USA boss, Earl Browder – is a declared enemy of both Putin and Trump. Browder was the driving force behind the "Magnitsky Act" which placed sanctions on certain Russian officials for the alleged "murder" of some traitor lawyer in Russia. If indeed Putin's allegations are true, a whole lot of Deep Staters could soon find themselves in a whole lot of trouble. And what was Trump's reaction to Putin's idea for extraditing Browder? Trump later called Putin’s suggestion “an incredible offer,” though how it would work is unclear because traitor Browder gave up his American passport and is now a British citizen.

But Killary and the CIA scum who facilitated the Browder money transfers have no such protection. We shall see if Trump & Sessions, with the help of Putin, pursue that nasty hag to the ends of the Earth over this and so many other crimes. Things are getting interesting, and will only get more interesting now that Trump and Putin are meeting openly.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200198


Spoke like a true critical thinker who expresses himself without emotion.

060b17 (2) No.2200199


Waiting to spit or get off the pot

Wanna go home

cee2dd (3) No.2200200


The Q post in that screenshot is fake - Q hasn't posted yet today

b5b5a1 (2) No.2200201


Bastards are probably reincarnating themselves in preparation for the next phase of their ongoing war against humanity

54cb1d (13) No.2200202>>2200618 >>2200800

File (hide): ad00fe50ce348d2⋯.png (11.19 KB, 225x225, 1:1, MBGA.png) (h) (u)

Boris Johnson savages Theresa May’s Chequers plan and says it’s ‘not too late to save Brexit’ in devastating resignation speech

The former Foreign Secretary blasted the Prime Minister for creating a plan which does not allow for free trade deals to be done calling it 'Brexit in name only'


30702c (8) No.2200203>>2200219


That's highly discouraged on this board

49c06f (4) No.2200204>>2200244


You are absolutely correct. You also have to have a power generation unit running at all times, just in case the windmills aren't producing enough, the power generation uses 70% of its energy just running in standby. Not very efficient…

1db4d2 (4) No.2200205>>2200216 >>2200218 >>2200315 >>2200323 >>2200337 >>2200386 >>2200393 >>2200430

Guys i'm fucking creeped out here.

<I usually don't do trigger warnings, so consider this your trigger warning.

I had a dream tonight where i was surrounded by people i didn't know in a forest.

We were ankle deep in a small murky forest lake, i remember feeling safe and happy around these people.

Then we are told by an unseen voice that to achieve our goals we'd have to kill some kids i hadn't previously noticed swimming around in the lake.

I remember at first not thinking much of it, and everyone around were smiling and laughing while randomly picking up kids and kill them with their bare hands.

It's like it's me in the situation but it's not my thought i hear and i didn't have control over my body.

I see myself bow down and pick up one of these kids who just smiles back at me.

I can still picture her face !

I quickly snap her neck and immediately feel sick to my stomach. I drop her into the water and fall to my knees.

The last thing i see is the little girl floating lifeless in the shallow water.

And i wake up screaming, scaring my cat.

I've been shaking since !

I can't get the fucking pictures out of my head ! I would never do such a thing !

I don't even read stories or watch movies like that ! WTF?!

3cfc9e (4) No.2200206


/ourgirl/ hawtness

4f8163 (7) No.2200207>>2200334


Ty Baker, ignore the division fags..

6c93fb (3) No.2200208>>2200257


You survived the accident bro :)

20c500 (6) No.2200209>>2200267


Good series on reasoning.

Keep in mind intuition is very effective shortcut in puzzle solving and ciphering.

The backup is needed, yes, even after the Eureka moment has felt confirmed. It must be thought confirmed, yes?


5dbe1b (4) No.2200210>>2200246 >>2200291

File (hide): 2247c7b6e616ad2⋯.png (218.42 KB, 596x918, 298:459, 2018-07-18_1003.png) (h) (u)


d6bd7c (4) No.2200211


Prayers extended, anon! Pregnancy is a wonderful thing, but it can be one of the most stressful times. We had a miscarriage and it was a tough time. Our youngest child was very weak and we had a hard time getting his pulse or movement near the end of the term. I pray your little one will be fine.

6f8c01 (7) No.2200212


Fear is a powerful persuasive tool.

All the left has remaining in their arsenal to fight MAGA is fear.

It'll get worse.

Thankfully, real world MAGA experience overpowers the fear that the TV tells normies they should be experiencing.

6f017c (2) No.2200213


Might be why Manafort is under such a high level of protection/guard.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200214

a39513 (4) No.2200215>>2200440 >>2200481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is my favorite walk away video. This is why Dems are fucked. They shit where they ate.

They’re gonna run into our open arms. We are gonna listen to them. Emphasize with them and help them. We are winning, together.

ea9085 (14) No.2200216


dont eat before bed

d6b7b3 (3) No.2200217>>2200245 >>2200278

File (hide): bacdf73c82c2433⋯.jpg (176.13 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 1f914625887a1c0cacbb86d68d….jpg) (h) (u)


only whiny (((faggots))) complain about the notables

0eac6e (2) No.2200218>>2200309


I too have dreams of murder

But its usually of deep state types

3b36c8 (31) No.2200219>>2200249 >>2200310


Follow the herd and say what they say.

158896 (2) No.2200220


Hold strong in your faith and one another.

5ebc35 (8) No.2200221

The Gutenberg Bible

Printed by Johann Gutenberg in Mainz, c.1455, this is the first book printed from movable types in the western world.

Forty-eight copies survive; only 31 are perfect. A single leaf sells for £50,000; a complete version would be worth tens of millions of pounds.

f83a67 (16) No.2200222


tell me about it.

23656b (4) No.2200223>>2200235

What's up Bois?

Are y'all jonesing for Q intel?

Well I have a one time deal

For a nominal fee I can drop some red pills from my sources at infowars.

2281fd (1) No.2200224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons, great testimony from the 90's London red room scene. If you don't know who Brian Harvey is, he was the lead singer of a group called East 17 and very successful in the 90's selling over 20m records. His story is a very interesting one and provides a lot of British muck to dig around in.

Its worth it just for this line about 18m into the interview - "Its was the knee, the knee done me!!!!"

63536f (2) No.2200225


Thx anon

060b17 (2) No.2200226


You are all being held in the arms of the angels anon

fcd90e (12) No.2200227

File (hide): f48c4beada09121⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 474x626, 237:313, pillars.jpg) (h) (u)




4f8163 (7) No.2200229>>2200288


Do you BAKE? If not, STFU & GTFO!

768896 (4) No.2200230>>2200304 >>2200313 >>2200515 >>2200622 >>2200664

File (hide): b95eb83bffd1ba0⋯.png (644.95 KB, 1242x1476, 69:82, sldindictments_.png) (h) (u)


Unfortunately as a Chianon, I am puzzled by the low charted amount of sealed indictments showing in the Northern district of Illinois.

Central and southern districts show nearly quadruple amount than the most corrupt section of the state. WTF?

ece761 (2) No.2200231>>2200266 >>2200366

File (hide): 34298447f0713f8⋯.png (431.85 KB, 1879x1193, 1879:1193, grimmore.png) (h) (u)

38a632 (12) No.2200233>>2200274


He's a human that has telepathic contact, nothing strange about that

20c500 (6) No.2200234


Just so. Continual.

c11543 (6) No.2200235>>2200253


BoyToyShroy reporting. AMA.

9711d5 (11) No.2200236


Prayers, Anon!

d16724 (8) No.2200237


How do you fool the burgers about Communism?

Make them think that by becoming a Capitalist you are no longer a subversive marxist scumbag!

This is literally how the burgers view the topic.

Nice dig.

3da79e (20) No.2200238>>2200646 >>2200812

File (hide): 1f81b1e031c17da⋯.jpg (42.57 KB, 648x369, 72:41, GS.1MDB.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 48cd1a83573d011⋯.jpg (91.32 KB, 511x453, 511:453, j.low.1MDB.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9fb31ecd4b62661⋯.png (54.4 KB, 820x287, 20:7, michaels.millions.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 30e417235bb7a14⋯.jpg (94.96 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, najib.leissner.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c9deac1e69ca35c⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 474x631, 474:631, child.traffic.jpg) (h) (u)

743c43 (2) No.2200239


basically imo bill browder tanked russias economy with tax fraud, then left and lobbied the west against russia over killing his own lawyer (magnitsky) and got the magnitsky act put in place to start a second cold war essentially, and cover for his crimes. hes prolly behind the skrupal killing in UK, since he is a UK citizen and would fit his MO to keep a second cold war going. just opining here

cee2dd (3) No.2200240

File (hide): 5a63e157d3a33c5⋯.png (192.77 KB, 800x619, 800:619, 5a63e157d3a33c5d9b3bc4ca28….png) (h) (u)


dubs to confirm

agree we need to step up

I've been stuck in some negative energies and trying to drag myself into the activation

I know what I need to do

Just need to do it


5ebc35 (8) No.2200241>>2200603

The Voynich Manuscript

dc1586 (11) No.2200242>>2200277


>>>2200143 (You)


>The relationship between a player and his in game character can be likened to the relationship between the Source and the human

We're talking about fantasy/fiction, not reality. Sure, there may be areas of correspondence but both the human gamer (source) and fantastical character the gamer manipulates, are human in origin with human limitations in reality - even if fantasy characters are capable of "leaping tall buildings in a single bound."

096d39 (1) No.2200243>>2200254 >>2200258

14 days of No Q …. but…Trust the Plan

e573bf (9) No.2200244>>2200293



Was trying to keep it simple, since the original example was itself oversimplified. Yes, you are correct.

Yes, they can use the energy from excess power at one point of time (and from one location) and create an asset which can be moved to another location to produce power at a lower semi-constant (yes, but more intermittent) rate… but over a much longer time horizon.

Solar panels are similar.



The grid always has spinning and non-spinning reserves to handle any contingency and variability in both supply AND demand.

It's a debate whether wind requires more than it produces.

4f8163 (7) No.2200245

fec8be (1) No.2200246

File (hide): 9eadc472653f457⋯.png (161.3 KB, 1256x712, 157:89, quote.png) (h) (u)


Just came across this… it reminded me to settle down on my Brennan rage and trust the plan.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200247


Fuck off. If you don't like to get questioned on shit choices then fuck off.

So you're saying when shit has been re-hashed over & over again & shill fucks gt a hold of it & PUSH for it to be in Notables when it's OBVIOUS garbage, you want people to just sit back & keep quiet about it?

you're saying that since I disagree with something YOU agree with, I am a division fag?

HAHAHA Whatever dude. You keep being a fucking retard, I'll keep calling out fake & gay bullshit.

you are Pathetic beyond believe. It's funny too.

92c13d (2) No.2200248

>>2200177 I'm sorry brother! I love you! WE love you! Praying now!

38a632 (12) No.2200249>>2200265


Real autists don't use the board for thinking, they use their brains first and foremost

b4280f (2) No.2200250>>2200252


Yes, he is not only still alive but was interviewed on Fox Business channel day of summit. He is a real scumbag. Stole money from Russia and then got Congress to cover up for his crimes by demonizing Russia in the Magnitsky act.

c43c60 (7) No.2200251

File (hide): e1e81988a69a6a7⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 349x349, 1:1, positve vibes.jpg) (h) (u)

96acf6 (2) No.2200252


Thanks for the details.

d6b7b3 (3) No.2200253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

826e33 (2) No.2200254

File (hide): b0e7f925d8bd0c6⋯.png (160.38 KB, 259x380, 259:380, 528b1cd5f9467e59c95b63b5ea….png) (h) (u)



b4280f (2) No.2200255>>2200319 >>2200382 >>2200422 >>2200503

WOW! Disgraced FBI Official Peter Strzok Grew Up In Iran & His Father Supported The 1979 ISLAMIC Iranian Revolution.


17b0c1 (21) No.2200256


Oh, you were bitching about a post in a previous bread.

Point still stands. Calling out OBVIOUS shit source is not division fagging you fucking kike

259cb5 (2) No.2200257>>2200296 >>2200316 >>2200336 >>2200721 >>2200728


True. Barely. The other driver did not. Took 6 months to learn to walk again; 2 years to run. Went active army after that just to pay off the massive bills accrued from unemployment (and lost a football scolarship at a D1 school in the process)

Ignore the rambling. Stressed.

But thats a good point.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200258


Q won't always be here to hold our hands.

At some point, you have to break camp and go climb the mountain yourself.

Are you up to the task?

Did you learn anything these past months?

23656b (4) No.2200259>>2200271


Please donate

My quotas are down

Alex is going break my thumbs

5ebc35 (8) No.2200260

Anyone read about the

The Voynich Manuscript


92c13d (2) No.2200261

>>2200188 TRUTH!

c3f661 (2) No.2200262


Said a prayer for you and your family anon

30055c (1) No.2200263

Press Conf with Sarah within hour (between 1&2 est). anyone want to view chronic Trump Dergnmnt Syn live? this will be it. tune in.

460323 (8) No.2200264>>2200326

I love Trump, I voted for him, will again. But come on, who the fuck is advising him? why does he say stupid shit and then apologise, they just smell blood in the water. Trum, instead of worrying about the faggot spic acosta, Lay out what these fucking people mean when they say "muh Russian meddling" THE ONLY documented "Meddling" was the purchase of facebook ads/bots- fucking amateur, shitty memeing and bots- the majority of which were pro-hillary!. They wont say it on CNN so you have to T.

Stop being such a reactionary pop-culture dipshit- noone cares what Baldwin, Spicosta or Canckles says. Do not engage the shills Commander.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200265


Real autists know who they are.

7c757e (2) No.2200266


Are any of those books ever published online?

c43c60 (7) No.2200267>>2200345

File (hide): 27c1a43b1ae5b82⋯.jpg (70.78 KB, 690x511, 690:511, a9-good-quotes.jpg) (h) (u)

4a69f7 (1) No.2200268


Praying for you and your family anon

8b4bbb (2) No.2200269



8ece2a (2) No.2200270


We'll never understand the reasons. Just trust God. He knows what he's doing. My heart goes out to you both.

2da33f (2) No.2200271


MUH Book

6f017c (2) No.2200272>>2200431


Need to connect him to Manafort.

That would explain the extreme lockdown of Manafort (protection).

Q said Manafort would bring down many people.

f3976c (4) No.2200273


Prayers sent for you and your family.

db7ae8 (5) No.2200274>>2200283


thanks for the update anon , i thought "he "(the poster) was the alien . which always made me kek

177fa7 (1) No.2200275


God bless your you, your wife any family.

WRWY anon.

9711d5 (11) No.2200276>>2200618 >>2200800


Roby previously failed to secure over 50 percent of the vote in the primary for Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District, gaining only 39 percent, according to Politico. That required her to face second place finisher Bright in the runoff.

Roby is expected to win the general election in her district, which leans heavily Republican. Trump won Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District by 30 points.


38a632 (12) No.2200277>>2200770

File (hide): 0be7b7a05023bfd⋯.jpg (600.5 KB, 700x6826, 350:3413, 1448140634618.jpg) (h) (u)


And the human is unlimited in his imagination and free will. Now where does that come from? What breaks the Von Neumann chain? What about pic related? It's all a big experience, this story of Life.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200278>>2200287

File (hide): 3ae037cc5aa93db⋯.jpg (106.72 KB, 480x540, 8:9, 1494993079182.jpg) (h) (u)


So shitty bakers are cool with you? Neat. So calling out bullshit is bad & should be silenced is what you're saying?


I think all the Jew hate is valid. Only a POS like that(you) would be that way.

LIKE WHAT IS POSTED OR SHUT UP ABOUT IT. hahahahaa Nah. I'll call it out every time.

8ece2a (2) No.2200279

Unwillingly. This journey has been incredibly painful. Need to shift.

ab62a4 (14) No.2200280

OT, but fuck it :)

I know why BRRTbaker likes the A10 so much.

The plane was designed around the gun, instead of the gun being shoehorned into the plane ;p

That is all.

6f8c01 (7) No.2200281


My families prayers are for your family, anon.

Just remember: God is in control. His will is perfect.

75a0bf (1) No.2200282


Prayers going out to you & your family Anon. (((Hugs)))

38a632 (12) No.2200283


nah the poster is an american patriot and an ex-obama voter until the pleiadians taught him to vote Trump. kek

54cb1d (13) No.2200284>>2200379

Mr. President, Declassify Documents on Russia Collusion Now


Now it is time to come up with answers to the question of Russian collusion or collusion by anyone else in the 2016 election. Mr. President, you can do it.


17d56c (4) No.2200285


be safe

3b36c8 (31) No.2200287>>2200348


High blood pressure is the silent killer.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200288


Dur hur hur dur…I ain't going anywhere sheep. If something is fake & sucks AND it's one of the 1st things Newfags see, well it should be called out.

This Cunt Baker obviously is new to baking otherwise what would be the excuse for pure shit?

3b4ba1 (1) No.2200289


Prayers anon

a71183 (3) No.2200290


Praying for you and your unborn child anon

f83a67 (16) No.2200291

File (hide): c1cbeae7e303201⋯.png (154.61 KB, 1288x1304, 161:163, Screenshot_2018-07-18 Indi….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b46ff460ca836d3⋯.png (139.39 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-18.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 16ee4a47681239b⋯.png (859.89 KB, 1721x812, 1721:812, screen-shot-2014-11-10-at-….png) (h) (u)

f456a0 (2) No.2200292


Sending prayers for you, your wife, your baby and children. May God hear your heart ,brother. Much love for your entire family.


God bless you and yours

In Jesus mighty name,


49c06f (4) No.2200293>>2200298


Not to slide, but here we go. I detest windmills, alternative energy is awesome but I absolutely hate those eyesores. I was in Taiwan in 1988 and the mountains were awesome to look at, but at the very top the fucked'em up by putting communication towers on top. At least those had a purpose for the military, not as a pork barrel project.

f0d910 (3) No.2200294>>2200376

>>2199697 lb clock fag request

Regarding the AAA [] theory presented. It’s sound, it looks like you’re connecting the markers the right way.

db901d (2) No.2200295>>2200314 >>2200468

>>2199611 (previous)

Planefags, pay close any of the "Highlighter" aircraft if you actually see them at all. The are the most heavily modified EMARSS birds that are specific to "Highlighter" sections and are unique to MI flight companies. They work in concert with exploitation elements (red bridge sections) in MI battalion assets on the ground. God's love to each of you.

6c93fb (3) No.2200296

File (hide): d0014e922366687⋯.jpg (7.23 KB, 275x183, 275:183, naitch.jpg) (h) (u)


I probably would've run out on the bill! You're a strong man. Keep at it mate

23656b (4) No.2200298


Ok Don Quixote

7e24cf (2) No.2200299


Praying for you, anon.

Trust His plan, it's always perfect, though not always easy to see.

God bless you ALL.

faf6b1 (2) No.2200300

Anybody have the FIFA the world is watching pic? Working on a proof but phonefagging right now. There are way too many connections there to ignore imo. World cup in Russia, POTUS visits Russia, Putin gives POTUS ball used in World Cup. Many times Q has said the world is watching. In one post he said keep your eye on the ball. Putin says ball is in your court. All seems connected to me. There are no coincidences.

9e77b6 (2) No.2200301>>2200349 >>2200470

File (hide): a5fadb9076833ed⋯.png (211.21 KB, 639x664, 639:664, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


ea9085 (14) No.2200302

File (hide): 1192896705b2851⋯.jpg (227.57 KB, 942x492, 157:82, MICHAEL copy.jpg) (h) (u)


prayers are with you anon!

5dbe1b (4) No.2200303>>2200327



Jim Comey was named to Bill Browder's HSBC Board of Directors, a Russian-based hedgefund scam


17b0c1 (21) No.2200304>>2200318

dc1586 (11) No.2200305>>2200317 >>2200331 >>2200346 >>2200400


Oh God, our heavenly Father, full of mercy and love, I bring before you our brother and his wife whom you have joined together and ask you, in your infinite mercy, to protect the life of their unborn child and, in your good time, safely deliver this new life into the world. We know you are a God of love and mercy and we humbly petition you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, to be with this couple and their unborn child in this time of testing. May your name be blessed and praised foe ever and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

bb14e4 (3) No.2200306

d761cb (6) No.2200307



Prayers for your family Anon.

e2aa7b (6) No.2200308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HRC saying "hey if youre thinkin about killing yourself, DONT! We need to exploit your mental instablility and use it for our advantage. We are going to radicalize you and instill fear inside of sane americans! And with the help from the press, we will make it look like theres more of them than there are of you!"

1db4d2 (4) No.2200309


It's not my first dream like that, having occult undertones, but this time was by far the worst.

In the very first one I was hiding in field an my younger sister was standing in the middle of the field in her nightgown in front of a burning viking ship.

But this is the first time where i had actions in these dreams, before that i always just watched.

30702c (8) No.2200310>>2200339


I've read your other posts. What a shill you are. Well, maybe not shill, but part of the Q team psyop.

460323 (8) No.2200311>>2200325

Wow the DeepShytes are seriously fucking with Jones, all his live streams are getting DDOSed.

You dipshit cult members should realize one thing (the only intelligent idea to ever come outta islam) "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

2a4a12 (1) No.2200312>>2200758


What you said about the song timing can be reframed as having deeper meaning, beauty in the circle of life. Pray for God's will and all things will work for good. All is never lost.

b7608e (3) No.2200313>>2200355


Springfield, Peoria, and Champaign are in the central district, frend.

f83a67 (16) No.2200314>>2200407


planefags something large and jetty just flew over the WTRG towers in Holden Massachusetts. Unusual!!!!!

cee2dd (3) No.2200315>>2200434


I sometimes think that some dreams are us viewing another person's experience

Tuning in to other frequencies

Try this meditation technique

close your eyes and imagine a happy place

let positive energy fill you

then let that energy form a protective bubble around you

picture that bubble

now imagine any negative energy not from you being deflected by that bubble

try this a couple of times a day (reminder for myself too)

Remember that dream was not you, but it may have been for some learning

7e24cf (2) No.2200316


We're fighters and thrivers, anon.

Never give up, NEVER.

Praying for you.

ea9085 (14) No.2200317>>2200328

3b36c8 (31) No.2200318>>2200334 >>2200383


Need a different type of chia. Too Afro-looking.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200319


BLP article is shit & you know it. Been said by many the past few days this shit keeps getting pushed.

Please stop Patrick

37cb1d (3) No.2200320>>2200351

File (hide): 9bbeccfd3254eda⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1048x2372, 262:593, 77777777.png) (h) (u)


Pregnancy and Baby will be fine.

Check your digits

77,777 prayers incoming.

Message has been sent.


0a3575 (1) No.2200321

"yeah they keep fucking us, just let them do what they want, as long as you vocally oppose it, the masses are complacent"


Two Q statements:

"Facebook will fall from under it's own weight" "MZ will step down"

b5b5a1 (2) No.2200322>>2200335

File (hide): 4c2c4db31fafb89⋯.jpg (220.83 KB, 1000x952, 125:119, TheWizard_LoRes.jpg) (h) (u)

253f41 (1) No.2200323>>2200434


Think symbolically.

Could the little girl represent some part of yourself? A state of mind or beliefs that must be be moved on from (killed), in order for you to get to your goals?

The caterpillar must "die" for the butterfly to "be born"…

f83a67 (16) No.2200325


except he's controlled op. duh.

you shills are so fucking ignorant.

917733 (6) No.2200326


He keeps them off balance. He says something stupid. They get into a frenzy and begin making plans. He retracts it. They can't follow through on their plans. He says something smart. They go into a frenzy again. This time, he doesn't apologize, then goes on to a new subject. They cannot counter. They cannot keep up. They do not know how to handle someone who does not play their game by their rules, but by his own.

e573bf (9) No.2200327>>2200357


Fucking retard.

HSBC <> Hermitage Capital

460323 (8) No.2200328>>2200338 >>2200358 >>2200363 >>2200390


Did you know when you say that you are actually praising Ammon Rah?

74fbb9 (10) No.2200329

File (hide): 54283c22facfb9a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 764x901, 764:901, Ivanka meme.png) (h) (u)

dde51a (4) No.2200330

TRUMP speaks


f456a0 (2) No.2200331


Amen, Anon. Beautifully said.

In Jesus name, amen, amen, amen

0875f0 (3) No.2200332


Prayers and love to you and your family anon. We don't know why these things happened. Trust there is a very good reason for it. We are with you Patriot.

6f8c01 (7) No.2200333

File (hide): 36e97c7884b4ab0⋯.jpg (57.93 KB, 634x382, 317:191, fagpush.jpg) (h) (u)


>That's why it's important to attack your own ideas constantly.

>That's the only way towards TRUTH.

This board needs more of this.

Echo chamber of fantasy and personal wish fulfillment most days.

32ee84 (18) No.2200334


Welcome my Son


Thanks Anon, the front lines are rough sometimes


Yeah, they need to use another type of seed for Trump hair.

cf5dd6 (2) No.2200335


That was the ultimate question!

6c93fb (3) No.2200336


And hey man I know you're being strong cos you have to

You're doing an A1 job

You'll get em through ;)

38a632 (12) No.2200337>>2200434


Dreams can be anything, sometimes it's demons sometimes it's good guys and sometimes it's just you, so re-check your life and all the influences you are under.

ea9085 (14) No.2200338>>2200353


not in my book

3b36c8 (31) No.2200339>>2200381


I support Q 100%.

3da79e (20) No.2200340

File (hide): 2c015272cafc755⋯.jpg (290.95 KB, 861x1024, 861:1024, st.anthony.jpg) (h) (u)


May God Bless You and Your Family

b99d08 (1) No.2200341


Lord Jacob Rothschild. I recognize his punchable face anywhere.

07cb2e (3) No.2200342


Praying for your family anon.

147d67 (2) No.2200343>>2200367

Shawn Henry > Steve Chabinsky > Crowdstrike > Mueller


74fbb9 (10) No.2200344


Prayers for you.

20c500 (6) No.2200345


I like that.

Some of us are wired for intuitive puzzle-solving. For the rest of us it is a rare experience when a click confirms before our head catches up.

Reminds me of how we are sometimes encouraged to separate mind and heart from our bodies. We are our bodies. Each of us is a composite (we are composed) of heart, mind, and body. Our brain is our body. Our heart -- our emotions and intuitions – influence our bodies. Our brain likewise is both a mover and a subject of movement via our bodies.

Inescapable. And, yes, the reminder is influential. Follow your heart; your brain is like a rider at the reigns and your heart is the horse upon which you move toward or away from the truth.

Cheers, again!

0875f0 (3) No.2200346

99685c (2) No.2200347>>2200412

File (hide): 7d0cacd535756d3⋯.png (62.74 KB, 429x267, 143:89, AAJLLC.png) (h) (u)


Ending of File Name - "AAJLLC"


17b0c1 (21) No.2200348>>2200374


Great comeback. That explains your gay ass stance

6f8c01 (7) No.2200349


Prayers for the family and friends of Nole E. Remagen.

e7fa28 (1) No.2200350>>2200368













SCAnon here. Hey guys there's an app called Globe Observer. It's by NASA.

Please download this app and report all chemtrails.


c43c60 (7) No.2200351

File (hide): 0aed20d67998d32⋯.jpg (332.26 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 0cd294bb1f9a30402cb812d0a4….jpg) (h) (u)


just noticed the QEK in id….

ea9085 (14) No.2200352


no, he wouldnt be walking the streets along there

460323 (8) No.2200353


Never underestimate the depth of ignorance in "christians"

54cb1d (13) No.2200354>>2200618 >>2200800

Alaska Democratic congressional candidate doesn't live in state --- or plan to campaign there

Carol Hafner hopes to represent Alaska in Congress -- even though she doesn’t live in the state nor does she plan to campaign there.

Hafner, a Democrat running for Congress in Alaska’s primary, listed two addresses on her candidate filing form: one in New Jersey and one in South Dakota.

While she considers South Dakota her home base, Hafner told The Associated Press that she travels a lot and has been in New Jersey to deal with an illness in the family.

Hafner said she's never been to Alaska and does not plan to campaign in person. But she felt compelled to run to share her perspective on the environment, including climate change, education, health care and other issues.

“I want to do good in a place that I feel a kinship for,” Hafner, 64, told the news service.


768896 (4) No.2200355>>2200423 >>2200637


True. Just having a hard time processing the significantly lighter showing in Chicago/Rockford, would seem the seat of corruption?

cd7bb9 (1) No.2200356


Thats because his drops are meant to prove the future. They are meant to be solved at exactly the right time.

Makes sense because you dont want to give your enemy intelligence, you want that sword of Damocles hanging right above their necks and then…..BOOOM, baby, TOLD YA!

3da79e (20) No.2200357

File (hide): 83ab7f02394c5be⋯.jpg (21.25 KB, 423x262, 423:262, safra.russia.jpg) (h) (u)

f83a67 (16) No.2200358


no, no you aren't.

what you are saying is "I'll drive a tent peg into that."

In other words, "damn straight" "hell yeah" "you got that right".

c4f361 (2) No.2200359>>2200618 >>2200800

Israel’s nukes, not Syria: Man kicked out from Trump-Putin summit says AP misquoted him

Political activist and writer Sam Husseini, who was ousted from a joint media conference by Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, accuses the media of lying about his goal at the event. He had a question about Israel’s nuclear arsenal.

Husseini, a contributor to The Nation who also wrote for a number of major media outlets as well as the media watchdog Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), was evicted from a media conference held by the two presidents on Tuesday in Helsinki.

The news agency Associated Press (AP) quoted him as saying that he had a question “on Syria’s nuclear policy” and the nuclear arsenals of the United States and Russia.

Husseini says AP misquoted him and that he wanted to hear Putin’s and Trump’s opinion on Israel’s clandestine nuclear arsenal, the existence of which the Jewish state neither acknowledges nor denies.

Piece of garbage by Jari Tanner also ran in Philly and who knows where else. @APDiploWriter ?!?! pic.twitter.com/AFvq76gXMp

--- Sam Husseini (@samhusseini) July 18, 2018

In further tweets Husseini called the AP story by Jari Tanner a “piece of crap” that has spread to other media outlets. He added his ousting from the event was falsely attributed by many to Russian officials, while in fact the decision was made by Finnish security. The statement even made it to his Wikipedia page.

My @Wikipedia entry has anti Russian propaganda. They were Finnish government officials, not Russian. But Finland is branded as zenith of press freedom, so many cannot seem to process their form of oppression. pic.twitter.com/JpoqagW3ey

--- Sam Husseini (@samhusseini) July 18, 2018


fe30cb (1) No.2200360>>2200371 >>2200373

File (hide): 612afcfd46e7e9d⋯.jpg (105.38 KB, 2038x398, 1019:199, translator.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 165589eb2bc820e⋯.jpg (21.07 KB, 722x108, 361:54, scriptedmovie.jpg) (h) (u)

Bringing the Russian translator in to testify could be a good way to get more on the public record about the real crimes that have been taking place, and would surely making POTUS look good, since he’s the one doing things right, contrary to TDS opinion.

aac7e7 (2) No.2200361>>2200425


Brennan calling POTUS out for treason is literally a death threat!

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and …

f337c8 (1) No.2200362

Someone get the fucking message to John Brennan that it's President Trump, not Mr. Trump. I'm so sick of this shit talking communist refusing to call him the President. He is begging for the rope.

eb7c22 (2) No.2200363


I suspect it will take Q to break through the religious programming, anon.

f2ce03 (3) No.2200364>>2200380


My heart pains for you and your family Anon. Prayers sent.

68b23c (2) No.2200365


Sometimes things are not what they seem. Prayers for the baby's life and hope the mother comes through fine as well. God's speed.

30702c (8) No.2200366


What do eyebrow hairs from Michael Aquino and Anton LaVey fetch?

e573bf (9) No.2200367>>2200375


>Shawn Henry > Steve Chabinsky > Crowdstrike > Mueller

Does that make him dirty, or the right person for the job?

Who knows where all the bodies are buried?

117a91 (6) No.2200368


Is NASA who do it KEK

74c79b (2) No.2200369>>2200666 >>2200697



Arcturian here

e5ea48 (1) No.2200370


Not an over share. God Bless you, your wife, your unborn child and other two children. So many of us are going through many things in our life/family. Though nameless Anons, we care, we are in this all together! Lifting your family up in prayer. Please let us know how your wife and baby are.

71f7bf (1) No.2200371

546608 (1) No.2200372


Yea,HQ in Arkansas.

a39513 (4) No.2200373>>2200408


Yeah I got a feeling the last thing (((they))) want is for the general public to know about what was spoken during that meeting.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200374>>2200466


>gay ass stance

Now that's a good one!

:: writing it down for future reference ::

147d67 (2) No.2200375


Look at Crowdstrike's actions.


Don't trust Mueller.

20c500 (6) No.2200376>>2200520



Nose to grindstone now.

3f7560 (1) No.2200377>>2200389 >>2200391 >>2200394 >>2200401 >>2200411 >>2200435 >>2200448 >>2200459 >>2200460 >>2200473 >>2200489 >>2200494 >>2200608 >>2200641 >>2200685 >>2200847 >>2200877

Q and fellow patriots. This maybe a veterans last call. Keep up the good work and continue the fight for right. I feel my time is drawing to a close and can not continue the pace. Fade to Black and God Bless all……….

d761cb (6) No.2200378>>2200618 >>2200800


So much winning Anon and we are not even tired yet.

ac4f9a (4) No.2200379>>2200397 >>2200402 >>2200413

File (hide): 80d4a400fd2a096⋯.jpg (204 KB, 1250x1000, 5:4, eo signature.jpg) (h) (u)




f2ce03 (3) No.2200380

30702c (8) No.2200381>>2200417


That might be my point

4f8163 (7) No.2200382



Leads to ==THIS==


17b0c1 (21) No.2200383


Yeah…They all are afro looking though. Couldn't decide on best one & Trump always Trumps everything

d9dfd4 (1) No.2200384

Reptillian jesus is displeased at your starseed psyop he suggests you repent or he will use the bible laser on you

476d84 (1) No.2200385


Praying for you and your family, anon.

74fbb9 (10) No.2200386>>2200434


It sounds almost like a scene from Frankenstein with Boris Karloff, although there was only one monster. You probably saw it.

Of course, if you've been reading these breads that's a lot like what Q says our enemy does.

c130f1 (3) No.2200387>>2200410 >>2200433 >>2200854

Accused Russian agent Mariia Butina tried to trade sex for influence, say prosecutors

The gun-loving Russian woman charged with being an unregistered foreign agent who cozied up to politicians to infiltrate the U.S. political system tried to swap sex for influence, prosecutors alleged Wednesday.

The "Red Sparrow" scenario was unveiled in a memorandum that laid out reasons why prosecutors believe Mariia Butina, 29, should remain jailed until trial. Butina, who allegedly conspired with a Russian politician and banker to push Moscow's agenda in the U.S., is due in federal court in Washington on Wednesday afternoon for a detention hearing.


f5786a (7) No.2200388>>2200618 >>2200800

File (hide): 2a4db8a569e09d9⋯.png (201.72 KB, 1375x808, 1375:808, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b0cfea4c78f6568⋯.png (188.27 KB, 1350x1046, 675:523, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)


Cannot vouch for this source, from twatter,

but it does contain Browder intel.


c11543 (6) No.2200389


>muh blackpill

dc1586 (11) No.2200390>>2200404


>Did you know when you say that you are actually praising Ammon Rah?

Don't be so silly.

Look up the etymology - here I've done it for you - and dispel such silly notions from your fanciful mind.

Old English, from ecclesiastical Latin, from Greek amēn, from Hebrew 'āmēn ‘truth, certainty’, used adverbially as expression of agreement, and adopted in the Septuagint as a solemn expression of belief or affirmation.

719f96 (1) No.2200391


Hang in there fren.

a39513 (4) No.2200392


Dub 7’s, God is with you anon. You’re in my prayers.

86525e (5) No.2200393>>2200424 >>2200437 >>2200527 >>2200570

File (hide): eb9eb63be206b78⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1080x1440, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


I had dream that I found I kill shack which belonged to Robert Deniro

I was armed with a shot gun and he made an escape I had him in my sights when he morphed in to a goat and he laughed at me I pulled the trigger and my gun jammed, it was full of empty shells, I quickly reloaded and went for shot again but as i pulled the trigger I woke up heart pounding

23656b (4) No.2200394>>2200451


Thank you for your service

Godspeed patriot


bd2f98 (3) No.2200395>>2200436

File (hide): 630aae055d45818⋯.jpg (35.96 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpg) (h) (u)

Late 70s/Early 80s BBC Space Show called BLAKES 7 had ane eposide called MOLOCH. Followed by another eposide called Death Watch.

Found in Season 3 -


4 seasons in total

49c06f (4) No.2200396


Praying for your family anon.

54cb1d (13) No.2200397




7d6365 (4) No.2200398>>2200530

File (hide): 2ba5531d30264de⋯.png (80.8 KB, 1640x366, 820:183, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 368ade1ee747cfa⋯.png (394.03 KB, 600x583, 600:583, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


…and that was the moment that many anons greatest fears and suspicions had come true. 8chan will be the new kikebook before this is over.

c4f361 (2) No.2200399


Stay strong and keep us posted

44ce81 (1) No.2200400



Thank you, Anon. Beautiful prayer.

faf6b1 (2) No.2200401


Godspeed anon! o7

c11543 (6) No.2200402>>2200409 >>2200428 >>2200612


ur making me wet

fe31f7 (5) No.2200403


And you have them anon…

Grace and peace to you

460323 (8) No.2200404>>2200452


You havent gone back far enough in your "etymology" Doll.

2684b4 (1) No.2200405

Over 600 child sacrifices in Ghana.

https: //www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/Man-confesses-to-using-675-people-for-sacrifice-reveals-secrets-of-fake-pastors-669559

db7ae8 (5) No.2200407


i took a look , closest i could see was a KC 130 heading south .

fcd90e (12) No.2200408

File (hide): 47051f9e103cd63⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 474x355, 474:355, bingo.jpg) (h) (u)


>the last thing (((they))) want is for the general public to know about what was spoken during that meeting.

3cfc9e (4) No.2200409>>2200419 >>2200420 >>2200439



917733 (6) No.2200410


>Accused Russian agent Mariia Butina tried to trade sex for influence

Who does she think she is? A journalist or something?

07cb2e (3) No.2200411


Hang in there anon. No one gave you permission to die!


c3f661 (2) No.2200412>>2200505



what are you getting at? it says he's associated with AWAL LLC not AJA LLC?

f5786a (7) No.2200413

File (hide): 8990b6190c629b6⋯.png (1.22 MB, 987x1151, 987:1151, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png) (h) (u)



9f9206 (1) No.2200414


May God bless you and your family, hope all turns out well

f87f0e (1) No.2200415


Prayers and blessings for you and your family annon. May contentment and peace surround you during this anxious time.

12961a (13) No.2200416>>2200427 >>2200457 >>2200471 >>2200492 >>2200512 >>2200618 >>2200800


Part 1


A new report reveals Obama misled the public about a quiet giveaway to Iran

His prison swap was a bigger gift to Iran than he ever let on

The Obama White House’s high-profile prisoner swap with Iran in 2016 was a much bigger gift to Iran than the administration ever let on.

That’s the takeaway from an investigative report from Politico published Monday, which details how the Obama administration deliberately obscured and downplayed the national security threat posed by the seven Iranian-born prisoners and 14 fugitives freed as part of a deal to bring back five American prisoners held captive in Iran.

A number of them were involved in helping Iran procure lethal technology for its military, and at least one of them was accused of helping Iran procure critical equipment for the very nuclear programs the Obama administration was trying to halt with the nuclear deal it struck the year before, according to the article.

If fully substantiated, the report would underscore that the White House was willing to go to extraordinary lengths in order to keep Iran on board with the nuclear deal --- so far, in fact, that it was willing to undermine its own efforts to track and crack down on Iranian weapons programs. It would also mean the White House was willing to mislead the American public in order to do so.

The prisoners Obama sent back to Iran weren’t random businessmen

When the Obama administration announced in January 2016 that it was dropping charges against seven Iranian-born prisoners as part of the swap, the president and other senior officials described them as “civilians” and “businessmen.” The administration said the individuals “were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses,” and were merely charged with things like violating sanctions or the trade embargo against Iran.

But the new Politico report reveals that the administration’s portrayal of these individuals, while perhaps technically accurate in a very narrow sense (they were civilians, and they weren’t charged with terrorism offenses), gave a deliberately misleading picture of the kind of activity these people were accused of being involved in.

Indeed, in the eyes of Obama’s own Justice Department, many of them were engaged in activities that were directly at odds with the administration’s concerns about Iran’s weapons programs:

Three allegedly were part of an illegal procurement network supplying Iran with U.S.-made microelectronics with applications in surface-to-air and cruise missiles like the kind Tehran test-fired recently, prompting a still-escalating exchange of threats with the Trump administration. Another was serving an eight-year sentence for conspiring to supply Iran with satellite technology and hardware. As part of the deal, U.S. officials even dropped their demand for $10 million that a jury said the aerospace engineer illegally received from Tehran.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200417>>2200534


Sometime it's hard to quickly figure out "points" amongst all the clutter one sees on these boards.

dde51a (4) No.2200418

POTUS receives SS Agent remains.


a2fdbf (1) No.2200419


only got deeznuts.

c43c60 (7) No.2200420

74fbb9 (10) No.2200422


Peter Strzok Dad Saw Iranian Revolution https://billlawrenceonline.com/peter-strzok-dad/

b7608e (3) No.2200423


corruption in chicago, if political, has to pass through springfield.

9711d5 (11) No.2200424>>2200438

File (hide): 35ecf5c0351f1f5⋯.jpg (286 KB, 556x1016, 139:254, De Niro.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9a813ff774b7e69⋯.jpg (295.51 KB, 1242x1221, 414:407, De Niro FU.jpg) (h) (u)


>my gun jammed, it was full of empty shells

too damn bad!

He's a POS pedo, imo!

54113f (1) No.2200425>>2200446 >>2200458

>>2200361 Brennan's behavior and speech are not "bordering" sedition---they ARE sedition. Treason most foul, by a foul creature and his posse of foul henchmen. Frantic desperation by the guilty…..forced out of their lairs for the first time ever (per Q). Foaming at the mouth as justice relentlessly nears.

bd0b9b (5) No.2200426>>2200472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RAND PAUL: ‘The Only Person We Know Colluded with Russia was HILLARY CLINTON’

12961a (13) No.2200427>>2200618 >>2200800

Part 2:


Several of the 14 fugitives for whom the administration dropped charges and arrest warrants were accused of similar activities. The Politico article reports that three of them allegedly tried to lease US aircraft for an Iranian airline that allegedly supported Hezbollah, which the US considers a terrorist organization.

Another was believed to have been part of a smuggling ring that illegally imported US-made assault rifles into Iran, and yet another was accused of helping procure “high-tech components for an especially deadly type of IED [improvised explosive device] used by Shiite militias to kill hundreds of American troops in Iraq.”

Just so we’re clear: The Obama administration described a person who had allegedly helped procure components for IEDs that would be used to kill Americans in Iraq as a "businessman." That’s like describing Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar as an “entrepreneur”: It’s technically accurate, but it's also a striking omission of critically important details.

The most noteworthy fugitive on the list was Seyed Abolfazl Shahab Jamili, who was accused of being “part of a conspiracy that from 2005 to 2012 procured thousands of parts with nuclear applications for Iran via China” which “included hundreds of U.S.-made sensors for the uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran.”

What’s important to note here is that Iran’s progress developing those centrifuges --- the ones Jamili was allegedly helping procure parts for — is part of what prompted the Obama administration to try to negotiate the nuclear deal in the first place. In other words, its prisoner swap undermined its own nonproliferation objectives.

“This has erased literally years --- many years — of hard work, and important cases that can be used to build toward other cases and even bigger players in Iran’s nuclear and conventional weapons programs,” former Justice Department counterproliferation prosecutor David Hall told Politico.

When Obama forged the nuclear deal with Iran in 2015, he agreed to lift crippling economic sanctions in exchange for Iran shipping out a large chunk of its enriched uranium and taking thousands of centrifuges offline. But the administration maintained that it still had the right to penalize Iran for developing ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, and illegally obtaining materials for its military. The new information about the swap, however, suggests those other initiatives were not that big of a priority for the administration in light of the deal.

Obama was well aware that much of his personal legacy hinged on the outcome of the Iran nuclear deal. The Politico article shows just how far he was willing to go to cement it.

ea9085 (14) No.2200428

File (hide): 64d492b49c4aadf⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.06 MB, 3160x2403, 3160:2403, TITSORGTFO.jpg) (h) (u)

f36374 (11) No.2200429>>2200445 >>2200455 >>2200511 >>2200618 >>2200800

File (hide): 592a34666ba6e0f⋯.jpg (51.64 KB, 618x410, 309:205, youcandoit.jpg) (h) (u)


How to solve a Q Crumb

1. Find a genuine Q Crumb and focus on it. Make sure you look at the whole crumb and take note of the context it was dropped.

2. FOCUS - clear your mind. This means get off the board, close out all other hints clues and what everyone else thinks it meant. Often we are given immediate distractions from the crumb dropped by enemies so that Anon's mind is lead off track. Meditate, zen, music, doesn't matter, just do what you got to do to focus and clear your mind and get rid of distractions. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS

3. Go over the facts of what is KNOWN. Not what is supposed. Start from the ground up. Start with undeniable truth and work in from there. Do not borrow from other anons work yet.

4. Make a mind map - there are plenty of examples on how to map out your thoughts. The most brilliant minds in the world do this very thing. Track details, context, 5 W's, and write down all the questions that come to mind. (this also good for your brain)

5. Take the facts, and apply LOGIC. This is no longer taught in schools so you may want to actually read up on it a bit. Not trying to be a smart ass here. There is an actual process and it pays to read up on logic. Socratic methods of logic, ect.

6. Ask questions, find sources for answers, vet the sources (SAUCE) and take notes, make observations, 5W's.

7. Map out events. Take your information and begin to put together the puzzle. Different pieces will include people -- who was around and a possible culprit – as well as the time(a big big thing) possible motives, and other considerations.

8. Consider Different Scenarios

It takes a strong mind to be convinced against itself. So being open to being wrong is a strength not a weakness. Blow holes in your own theory so you don't look like a boob when you present it. Then you also know your own weak points, and you can use your presentation going forward to decipher feedback and any facts that fit nicely with your theory.

Go ahead and give it a try Anon!

Join the ranks of the elite Anons

Move up from shit poster status

Get to work on those unsolved 90% crumbs Q left! Many are far more solvable now than before.

You are the KEY!!

You have more than you know!

68b23c (2) No.2200430>>2200635


Focus on the other people's faces. You might be seeing them in real life. Then, you'll know who they are and what they do. Forget the little girl - it was a dream. You didn't hurt anybody. That is not the reason for the dream. Focus on the people killing the kids. Remember their faces.

0875f0 (3) No.2200431


where did Q say that

c0190a (2) No.2200432

fcd90e (12) No.2200433>>2200854

File (hide): 70fc8ead06d4704⋯.png (13.79 KB, 454x443, 454:443, sparrow.PNG) (h) (u)


>"Red Sparrow"

1db4d2 (4) No.2200434


With what i experienced last night i can subscribe to that theory. But i surely hope not because that would mean that that pretty little girl really died.


Perhaps, that was my first thoughts about the dream.


Agreed. I'm not saying it's anything special. Just that i'm shook.


Actually haven't if you'd believe it.

>if you've been reading these breads that's a lot like what Q says our enemy does.

This seems more plausible.

c4ba03 (3) No.2200435



bd2f98 (3) No.2200436>>2200549


Wanted to wait to see earlier episodes..but couldn't wait.

Play close attention to the Script.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200437


>I woke up heart pounding

Surprised you woke up at all.

c43c60 (7) No.2200438>>2200467

File (hide): d7b49d3c64cffda⋯.jpg (58.81 KB, 961x641, 961:641, 9agginqclpf01.jpg) (h) (u)

37cb1d (3) No.2200439

File (hide): d5a95f80221ae5d⋯.jpg (117.35 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 2coe7s.jpg) (h) (u)


Tits or GTFO


0536d2 (1) No.2200440>>2200557

This is a fantastic #WalkAway from hip hop black WOKE man.


3da79e (20) No.2200441

File (hide): edaba7d759010dd⋯.png (67.42 KB, 949x371, 949:371, scared.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bbe714323ad4e5a⋯.png (16.02 KB, 412x185, 412:185, mc.crim.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fbd7956610b44c4⋯.png (57.58 KB, 959x315, 137:45, no.Denial.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): df1df2e893e1bf7⋯.jpg (88.93 KB, 900x506, 450:253, mcfaul.jpg) (h) (u)

54cb1d (13) No.2200442>>2200450 >>2200456

Who would do such a thing…

New Jersey woman faked brain cancer to scam couple into giving her a place to stay, cops say


3da79e (20) No.2200444

File (hide): 15997f7b4482564⋯.jpg (137.84 KB, 1600x1085, 320:217, marc.rich.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e8b9bc51f639e5⋯.png (95.11 KB, 737x571, 737:571, marc.rich.pardon.png) (h) (u)

4f8163 (7) No.2200445


Great post anon!

9711d5 (11) No.2200446>>2200462

File (hide): bc8ddd4ce6a17ae⋯.png (159.37 KB, 534x686, 267:343, Brennan earthworm.png) (h) (u)


>Frantic desperation by the guilty…..

82f753 (2) No.2200447

File (hide): 0cc5d7120ec2b95⋯.png (668.51 KB, 987x527, 987:527, cansor.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd37ea4af384398⋯.png (642.59 KB, 942x534, 157:89, s1hann.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9ec968b48c6117f⋯.png (750.32 KB, 938x567, 134:81, sswth.png) (h) (u)


Just asked somebody who stays glued to both the Faux chat networks if they'd heard Lisa Page mentioned. Got completely shouted down because "it's not news" and "just a democrat's opinion". Do faux viewers (who don't catch Hannity, the "Friends" morning guy, or Dobbs') programs even know that she testified again on Monday?

How the hell can this country come together when even "conservatives" are divided because they have no access to real news? They get OPINION all damn day. Could POTUS please stop touting this network, aside from the 3 mentioned above?

Is NewsMax legit? Gizzi's the only legit one at WH pressers, but these people won't watch it because of Beck being so unhinged. It's not even an option because of that irrational, obviously disturbed creep soiling the entire network back during the elections.

74c79b (2) No.2200448


If I can make it, so can you. Trust me…

3da79e (20) No.2200449

File (hide): ed719d4ab47f85a⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 474x314, 237:157, nat2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 83ab7f02394c5be⋯.jpg (21.25 KB, 423x262, 423:262, safra.russia.jpg) (h) (u)

3b36c8 (31) No.2200450


>Who would do such a thing…

A Democrat voter.

32ee84 (18) No.2200451

File (hide): 8bef44a83e0cc50⋯.jpg (485.43 KB, 1798x1560, 899:780, PatrioticEye.jpg) (h) (u)


Thank You for your service Anon,you brought tears to my eyes. God Bless & keep you.

dc1586 (11) No.2200452


>You havent gone back far enough in your "etymology" Doll.

I've gone back quite far enough for there to be a consensual, communicable meaning such that we are able to convey our thoughts to one another. It is YOUR meaning that is problematic since it is NOT what is commonly understood. It is typically occult and esoteric requiring hidden knowledge for understanding. Get thee behind me, Satan, and keep your spells and potions and magic words to yourself. I'll take plain English and plain meanings any day of the week against your protests of magical incantations.

5e8789 (1) No.2200453>>2200506 >>2200536

File (hide): 8d0cfd04338e60b⋯.jpg (174.36 KB, 1533x961, 1533:961, 1436099699466.jpg) (h) (u)

Is there any sound fags in here?

Q always says think mirror.

Has anybody actually reversed the videos he posts to find hidden messages?


aac7e7 (2) No.2200454


You are correct, also the large ones used in US are manufactured in Vietnam by Vestus (Dutch) shipped to port of stockton CA. then by rail east.

All hydrocarbon intensive, not to mention vast amounts of lubricant and maintenance al supported by carbon.

c0190a (2) No.2200455>>2200533



Q may be done with the crumbs. Have we even tried decoding more of those stringer crumbs now that we are months ahead of them?

fcd90e (12) No.2200456


I knew of someone who faked cancer for sympathy and dollars. Cops were swamped with these actually.

12961a (13) No.2200457



c4ba03 (3) No.2200458>>2200591

File (hide): 2892ac08ff5951d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1506x800, 753:400, 1531838828.png) (h) (u)

32ee84 (18) No.2200459

File (hide): 7e4c4cf50b4ac6f⋯.png (972.8 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, PatrioticQ.png) (h) (u)


Thank You for your service Anon,you brought tears to my eyes. God Bless & keep you.

f36374 (11) No.2200460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2200377 If you pass onto other side. Good for you! We are jealous as you cross the finish line.

Tell Jesus we love him and we're trying hard. But we could use a couple of signs here and there!

Peace be with you!

2f8983 (4) No.2200461


Thank you Heavenly Father for your perfect love for this child of this wonderful family! Thank you God for quickening & protecting his body and mind so that he may live a long and very prosperous life! Father I ask that you protect this family and fill their hearts with the assurance that you are with them and that their child is safe and is completely well and will enter this world at the perfect timing with all the energy and power that you Father give this child. Thank you Father for hearing all our prayers for this child. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray! Amen!

3da79e (20) No.2200462

File (hide): 3dfd6b86bb159bd⋯.png (289.4 KB, 1184x996, 296:249, brenda.CIA.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4229ed9ca4fc75c⋯.jpg (837.4 KB, 963x868, 963:868, brenda.peace.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f9fe2e91eb19eb1⋯.jpg (30.26 KB, 640x420, 32:21, brenda.angle.jpg) (h) (u)

64e74c (7) No.2200463>>2200618 >>2200800

File (hide): 198d3adc33c46f7⋯.jpg (28.32 KB, 468x306, 26:17, oleg with woman.jpg) (h) (u)

Oleg Deripaska wife Polina YELTSIN

By Max Greenwood - 04/07/18 04:27 PM EDT

Five things to know about Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

© Getty Images

The Trump administration's decision to hit dozens of Russian oligarchs, companies and government officials with sanctions on Friday took direct aim at those close to President Vladimir Putin.

Among those hit by the penalties was Oleg Deripaska, a billionaire aluminum magnate who once had ties to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

According the Treasury Department, the sanctions on Deripaska, 50, were prompted by allegations of threatening the lives of business rivals, illegal wiretapping, extortion and racketeering.

The Russian oligarch has also been a recurring figure in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 election and whether President Trump's campaign conspired with Moscow to swing the presidential race.

Here are five things to know about Deripaska:

Manafort reportedly offered him personal briefings about the 2016 election

Just weeks before Trump accepted the 2016 presidential nomination, Manafort allegedly offered in an email to an intermediary to provide Deripaska with private briefings on the campaign.

"If he needs private briefings we can accommodate," Manafort wrote in a July 7, 2016, email obtained by The Washington Post.

It's unclear if Deripaska ever got the message. A spokesman for the aluminum magnate denied to the Post that the offer reached him, and blamed the emails on "consultants in the notorious ‘beltway bandit’ industry."

Those messages and other documents have been handed over to special counsel Robert Mueller and congressional investigators looking into whether members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russia during the election.


Oleg is standing accused of transferring 400K to Hillary Clinton.

9711d5 (11) No.2200464>>2200474 >>2200475 >>2200477 >>2200495 >>2200563

File (hide): 154bbd421b45a79⋯.png (43.95 KB, 601x255, 601:255, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

42 years old is young to die of a "stroke"!

0beb9b (2) No.2200465

File (hide): fa8893215639009⋯.png (108.09 KB, 680x636, 170:159, sorosfoundation_USAdump_fo….png) (h) (u)

Sifting throught the Soros foundation USA documents folder_usp_strategy_may_board_book_8.14.2016 (https:// mega.nz/#F!kp8DlTgS!xvKO1NgmOZcNtEifQYaUfw

Found another nugget of 'Context of Work' (pic related)

Seems Soros is/was involved in anything from increasing private influence on citizens to legal marijuana ramifications and aknowledging white demographic is soon to be a minority. (pushing (((their))) agendas)

'''On a side note…I dug a bit through /Eurasia documents/

TOTAL OF 68 FILES pertaining to ISIS and US affect on public and policies dating from 11.23.15 through 4.15.16'''

Most of the ones I have read seem like daily headlines, but A LOT of anti-Trump rhetoric during elections and some policy making due to ISIS attacks.

Now that Trump is president and ISIS is destroyed, hopefully Soros is losing bigly.


17b0c1 (21) No.2200466


Everything has a double meaning! :)

5369da (2) No.2200467

20c500 (6) No.2200468>>2200543


Request for insight from Planefags

Rush Limbaugh


Regarding the Tarmac meeting, Rush said he had sources who reported that there was a third plan on the tarmac.

First was BC's private jet already in position and preparing for departure.

Second was LL's DOJ jet arriving and taxing for deboard.

Third was the jet on the tarmac in which LL and BC held their "impromptu" meeting, lasted 30 minutes.

Feel free to offer insight. Questions, perhaps peripheral but these jump to forefront of my thinking, are about the fleet that the DOJ and FBI use.

Two fleets or a combined fleet -- of aircraft but also of crews – especially pilots?

Also: what would be standard procedure when a VIP is on a tour, making stops and departures across the country? LL was on some sort of a tour of police associations. Would she remain with one aircraft or would she be hopping across a series of aircraft already in the field and made available?

If the presence of that government third plane is a fact -- and only Rush has reported this, I think – then was it normal for it have been at the ready between LL deboarding and her subsequent departure for next destination? I imagine maintenance crews have a schedule that partially dictates this sort of thing?

I will wait awhile for responses before the next target chosen for digging deeper.


2ac9b6 (7) No.2200469>>2200485 >>2200558 >>2200573

File (hide): bddb3272d7bdb65⋯.png (885.43 KB, 777x1007, 777:1007, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 947481eed263ef0⋯.png (122.32 KB, 911x775, 911:775, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Did the NSA Create Bitcoin? That's classified

Bitcoin is now the talk of the town (Wall St.) and yet we don't know who created it. There's lots of theories, but we haven't seen any documented evidence. Having experience in this business looking at the FX markets melt down over the last 10 years in a fraud climax, we wrote Splitting Pennies and explained the world isn't as it seems. That was before Bitcoin. Because like for any investment you want to do your due diligence, we started peeling back this onion and wanted to start from inception - and find out who created this (as just like with any investment analysis, it's another data point). What we found was astonishing - nothing! No documents, no photographs, no reports, from Satoshi. Whoever it was created a real pseudonym in order to mask their real identity. But why? Now the value of Satoshi's original coins would be in the tens of billions - why not claim them? It is our logic that it can only be someone or some group connected to the US Government, an employee perhaps - not necessarily that Bitcoin is the brainchild of the government, although that is possible as NSA has the best mathematicians in the world. We compiled this research into our leading hypothesis in an article here: EXPOSED: The real creator of Bitcoin is likely the NSA as One World Currency. Our point is not that we know 100% that this is the case, simply that it's the most plausible story, and we haven't uncovered any evidence to the contrary. Lots of people have different opinions, but they haven't produced any document proving otherwise. So we wrote the NSA and asked them, did you create Bitcoin? Hey, we are taxpayers. They work for us. Don't forget that! Their response was not surprising, they said "That's Classified"

While this is no surprise what we have started is a paper trail, hopefully that will lead to the revealing of the creator or creators of Bitcoin. For those who are not from the financial services community, it is important to note why anyone would go through such trouble - it's called due diligence. When investors make investments they want to know every single detail about that investment. Some of these DD questionnaires can be 100 pages they can have 300 questions! It can take months, require multiple flesh meetings, they may bring in external advisers - it may seem like a circus but if someone is investing $100 Million then it's really the least one can do. Anyway, do Bitcoin investors really understand what they are getting themselves into?

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-12/did-nsa-create-bitcoin-thats-classified

This article deserves a full read: Bitcoin Founder Satoshi Nakamoto was probably an NSA Employee --- and the NSA may destroy Bitcoin

Bitcoin has a huge risk few consider: it can be destroyed overnight.

https:// medium.com/@collapsesurvivor/bitcoin-founder-satoshi-nakamoto-was-probably-an-nsa-employee-and-the-nsa-may-destroy-bitcoin-2767c5c865c5

f83a67 (16) No.2200470>>2200484 >>2200613

File (hide): a25e2c8d9bfaf83⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 515x400, 103:80, sc250.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): db715c3d9b81ad4⋯.jpg (29.3 KB, 500x399, 500:399, Remagen.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee72efffcf52aa3⋯.jpg (223.99 KB, 790x365, 158:73, May17_05.jpg) (h) (u)



Come on Q team stop now. We had DJT at the beginning of June with his "beyond the Pale" line (sending us to Normandy, D-Day, June 6th) and now we get Remagen?

It'll be beer and wurst on the Unter den Linden in no time then now!

99th Infantry Division = Checkerboard? ORLY????

12961a (13) No.2200471



a71183 (3) No.2200472


That's some gold right there.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200473>>2200478 >>2200491 >>2200501


So this thread is going to get slid by multiple

"Poor Me" posts. lol.

b882a2 (1) No.2200474>>2200480 >>2200487 >>2200493

File (hide): 71329c258d2c227⋯.gif (542.46 KB, 365x401, 365:401, 1519928344441.gif) (h) (u)


What if Nole Edward Remage was Q?

ea9085 (14) No.2200475


could of been an attempt on potus

and we arent getting the truth.

could be a cover story.

prayers for this patriots family.

460323 (8) No.2200477


It wasn't a stroke though, it was a "Cerebro spinal accident"

That's a quote from their press release…

Is caving someones head in with a rifle butt a "Crebro Spinal accident"??

3b36c8 (31) No.2200478


Your "compassion" is noted.

c130f1 (3) No.2200479>>2200578

Former President Barack Obama is annoyed with men.

The former president described his frustration with people who have a Y chromosome while encouraging more women to get involved in politics during a speaking engagement in Johannesburg, South Africa, on Wednesday.

“Men have been getting on my nerves lately,” he said. “Every day I read the newspaper, and I just think --- brothers, what’s wrong with you guys? What’s wrong with us? We’re violent; we’re bullying. You know, just not handling our business. I think empowering more women on the continent, that right away is going to lead to some better policies.”


ab62a4 (14) No.2200480


Q is not one person ;p

07cb2e (3) No.2200481


I like his first point right out of the gate:

Democrats are liars.


a97f98 (9) No.2200482>>2200502 >>2200507 >>2200551

File (hide): dfee9393b87436e⋯.png (162.75 KB, 539x540, 539:540, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c023d1a4a10bbd4⋯.png (83.24 KB, 905x203, 905:203, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

I didn't post either, but anons are saying they couldn't find them on his twatter.

so, did he post them then delete them, or are we being fucked with by Rtards?

(pic1 from last bread, pic2 from last night, bread #2765)

serious question, never knew Lionel to post fake and gay crumbs like this… or to talk about Rfaggotry

6f7d3f (8) No.2200483>>2200508 >>2200509 >>2200513 >>2200574 >>2200589 >>2200716

Last bread an Anon

Was quite ready to accept

That the Torah and Koran are comped

And that those religions are fake

But he would not accept the same about the Bible

He thought some magic words

Would protect him.

Now, I will explain

How the satanists have comped

The Lord's prayer

Our Father, Lucifer, Who art in heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name but not the name of Jehovah;

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done but not ours because we give up free will,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread because we accept that we are slaves and deserve nothing more,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine, Oh Lucifer is the Kingdom

And the Power and the Glory, not Jehovahs, Forever and Ever, Amen.

17d56c (4) No.2200484




117a91 (6) No.2200485>>2200521


yes they did Blockchain was made by NSA all metadata from WWW go thru NSA in ATLANTA so you all know

3d4818 (3) No.2200486


"Gateway Authentication Failure. Please contact your Service Provider."

Getting this a lot, plus slowness, "Privacy Errors" and other network fookery.

ea9085 (14) No.2200487


filtered for being a dumb ass

we could what if all day long about anything.

2e6f92 (2) No.2200488

File (hide): 4b1ec1bb00a74e3⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 580x474, 290:237, schwantz.JPG) (h) (u)

dc1586 (11) No.2200489


God bless you, dear brother.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,

When sorrows like sea billows roll;

Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,

It is well, it is well with my soul.


It is well with my soul,

It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,

Let this blest assurance control,

That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,

And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin---oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!—

My sin, not in part but the whole,

Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:

If Jordan above me shall roll,

No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life

Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,

The sky, not the grave, is our goal;

Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!

Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul!

And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,

The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;

The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,

Even so, it is well with my soul.

0a7fad (3) No.2200490>>2200500


I wonder how many times does this have to be reposted until notable?

d16724 (8) No.2200491>>2200586


I had a dream last night want to hear about it? lol

12961a (13) No.2200492



ac4f9a (4) No.2200493


Regardless of attribution Agent Remage deserves our utmost respect.

Rest easy, Patriot.

We'll hold the line from here.

82f753 (2) No.2200494

File (hide): eaed27c677c98ed⋯.png (1 MB, 984x493, 984:493, sal45.png) (h) (u)


God Bless, anon.

c130f1 (3) No.2200495>>2200567


my mom had a massive stroke at 26. Almost killed her. 42 is young but it does happen.

2f8983 (4) No.2200496>>2200561 >>2200600


Another one caught trying to get away??

7193c5 (10) No.2200497>>2200510

Question, serious reasoned answers requested.

If POTUS was compelled by the deep state to retract his statement on Prussian election meddling and or collusion, thus distancing himself from his long standing position, could it not also be possible that deep state has compelled Q group to reduce and or eliminate their activities on the web?

edd2c3 (2) No.2200499>>2200544 >>2200562 >>2200569 >>2200602

>>2199995 (OP)

I apologize in advance for no sauce, tried to grab the video but it hasn't dropped yet on YT, but a female dem senator on Fox Outnumbered live just stated they want to interview the Russian interpreter from the Trump Putin Summit to "See what was discussed".

It APPEARS to me they have lost their connections that leaked this information and they are in full panic mode due to losing their control over everything. I think we are on the downhill of this whole storm.

I will sit back and enjoy the show.

Peace and out.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200500


Strokes happen.

Two members of my family died of one.

f83a67 (16) No.2200501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

37cb1d (3) No.2200502>>2200514


Tweet is fake.

Account is fake.

Response forthcoming.



cfe7fa (2) No.2200503

File (hide): 100742442518eec⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 521x344, 521:344, Iran1979Pickle.jpg) (h) (u)

64e74c (7) No.2200504>>2200618 >>2200782 >>2200800

Abedin then rehearsed with Clinton what the latter had decided to say in a planned telephone-call with Steinmeier: “Our government is taking a ‘hands off’ role. Any decision will be made independently by GM, based on commercial considerations. The United States government does not play an active role nor do we have a position on any particular bid.”

This was false. Clinton was lying to Steinmeier. Steinmeier knew it; he had to guess why. Abdedin and Clinton decided not to disclose that Clinton’s objection to the Opel sale was the Russian involvement -- that of Putin’s, and of Deripaska’s. Clinton was also hostile to the economic integration of the Russian and German car industries as a threat to US car sales worldwide. Abedin emailed Clinton a copy of a newspaper report from the Dow Jones Berlin bureau, which appeared on August 21. The newspaper said Merkel and Steinmeier favoured the purchase of Opel by the “Austrian-Canadian car parts maker Magna International Inc. (MGA), in a consortium with Russian savings banks OAO Sberbank (SBER.RS), and Belgian private equity firm RHJ International SA (RHJI.BT)”.

Clinton already knew much more, as did all Officials sitting on the ATF. Not least that was because of the activities of Deripaska’s Washington lobbyist, Adam Waldman (right), image022and a small firm called Endeavor Group, which he operated at a modest office on K Street in Washington. As Deripaska’s retainer grew, Waldman and Endeavor moved up to premises on Pennsylvania Avenue, across the street from the White House.

According to Endeavor’s website, Deripaska’s retainer was something to be proud about, even boast of at the top of the company’s home page,although Deripaska’s name was kept in the dark. “One of the world’s leading industrialists is interested in both protecting and expanding his global business empire, which extends across Russia, Asia, Africa and North America. Endeavor was engaged to provide general counsel across a range of strategic, legal, regulatory, philanthropic and communications issues, and to facilitate investments, capital raising and merger & acquisition activities across borders. Endeavor acts as a core member of its Client’s holding company executive team, and is the sole representative of its Client’s myriad interests before the U.S. government.”

No mention of Deripaska by name in Endeavor’s selfie didn’t mean the secret could be kept from the US Government. Here’s how Waldman’s hiring started on May 8, 2009, as required for disclosure to the US Department of Justice’s Foreign Agent Registration (FARA) Unit. No contract was signed, though, so no paper needed to be disclosed. Instead, Waldman reported Endeavor had been “engaged at will”. Payments, which began running at $40,000 per month and have risen to almost $70,000 per month, have come from Deripaska through a UK company called Taviner Ltd; a Belize entity called Sea Chaika Corporation, and RTI Ltd., a Jersey company with this unusual record.



MULLER and Deripaska

Special counsel Robert Mueller has withstood relentless political attacks, many distorting his record of distinguished government service.

But there’s one episode even Mueller’s former law enforcement comrades --- and independent ethicists — acknowledge raises legitimate legal issues and a possible conflict of interest in his overseeing the Russia election probe.

In 2009, when Mueller ran the FBI, the bureau asked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska to spend millions of his own dollars funding an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran while working for the CIA in 2007.

Yes, that’s the same Deripaska who has surfaced in Mueller’s current investigation and who was recently sanctioned by the Trump administration.


99685c (2) No.2200505

File (hide): 2706aa77138243d⋯.png (77.15 KB, 788x643, 788:643, AAJ.png) (h) (u)




bd2f98 (3) No.2200506>>2200523 >>2200548 >>2200606


Yeah..all this time looking for intergalactical super-double meanings into a clock and reversed videos..is MOST LIKELY not what Q has either wasted time and energy into creating to waste more time for you to find.

THE CLOCK of REAL TIME is ticking and we need more forces on the MSM and keeping the narrative going in the right direction…and waking people up. The more time you dig into sub-dimensional thinking does nothing to help the real waking up and the media battle going on.

I suggest you get on social media and CALL THE BS out. Some rabbit holes yield NOTHING in the end.

Do not Squander TIME.

9711d5 (11) No.2200507>>2200518

File (hide): 354541f36f53844⋯.png (72.93 KB, 577x271, 577:271, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>never knew Lionel to post fake and gay crumbs like this…

Real Lionel has ONE flag!

2daee3 (2) No.2200508



I'm not trying to cuck for any (((abrahamic))) [turn the other cheek, goy] bullshit, but Revelations 2:9, 3:9, and Acts 7:43 are pretty woke fren.

3cfc9e (4) No.2200509>>2200580


>Now, I will explainHow the satanists have comped The Lord's prayer

Are you saying that is the Satanist version of the LP?

f83a67 (16) No.2200510>>2200522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Prussia did you say?

690b75 (1) No.2200511


And don't forget that the obscurity of the post, assuming Q's access to top secret information, has to be in crumb form so as not to run afoul of the law. In addition don't forget that some of it is purposeful disinformation.

Solving it is like a maze--some wrong turns are inevitable.

12961a (13) No.2200512>>2200618 >>2200800



ab62a4 (14) No.2200513


>That the Torah and Koran are comped

>And that those religions are fake

>But he would not accept the same about the Bible

Newsflash #1: They are all comped.

Newsflash #2: learn Sumerian if you want a less corrupted version of the truth.

All spiritual beliefs in a pre-emminent Creator are based off of the same archetype.

a97f98 (9) No.2200514


stfu Gay

d0f23e (2) No.2200515>>2200622


Probably for the same reason that most of them are filed outside of D.C….Swamp corruption

dd1268 (2) No.2200516>>2200588 >>2200616 >>2200633

Ben Franklin was part of the evil Cabal. He belonged to several elitist clubs. They found the remains of children under his home which were determined to have been killed while Franklin lived there. Bones were cut. Skulls were drilled.


In 1998, workmen restoring Franklin's London home dug up the remains of six children and four adults hidden below the home. The London Times reported on February 11, 1998:

"Initial estimates are that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775. Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster Coroner, said yesterday: "I cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest."



7446bd (1) No.2200517


wasn't manley p hall killed for some?

a97f98 (9) No.2200518


I couldn't find it either

I think we're being fucked with

d6d7d4 (1) No.2200519

With all this shit coming out about Browder, I have a feeling McCarthy will be exonerated. Not only that, we may find out what actually killed him in the end.

f0d910 (3) No.2200520


Sorry I couldn’t be more detailed, workfagging right now.

2ac9b6 (7) No.2200521


Posted this because I have seen many posts on bitcoin with anon's intention to participate, while others are just looking for more information on the subject itself, watched a discussion on this last night for example. It seems to come up often on this board at varying times.

7193c5 (10) No.2200522>>2200529


this reply was useless…

3b36c8 (31) No.2200523>>2200656

File (hide): e0f790d892b9511⋯.jpg (40.39 KB, 396x540, 11:15, qded.jpg) (h) (u)


>Do not Squander TIME.

Speaking of TIME, I understand this is their upcoming issue:

a1d3ba (1) No.2200524>>2200539 >>2200547 >>2200554 >>2200629

File (hide): ba219caae1cad70⋯.png (136.51 KB, 1761x2370, 587:790, JFKnum.png) (h) (u)

7193c5 (10) No.2200525

File (hide): 9270ca7f32afe16⋯.png (359.21 KB, 1044x554, 522:277, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Trust the plan

Iran is next…

I see that.

f0d910 (3) No.2200527


These dream things matter. Something something consciousness.

1baa65 (1) No.2200528


>Here, you mistake correlation for causation.

if causation is not to be analyzed in terms of correlation (or constant conjunction to use the term of art) then what would you suggest?

I am all for a return to aristotelian causation which is pretty much the other option, but allies on this point are few and far between.

Its not that I want to be difficult, but philosophy deserves a certain level of respect and should be done with care.

f83a67 (16) No.2200529


How's your foreskin? Missing?

17b0c1 (21) No.2200530



We will shortly see a few emails fwds as well I'm sure.

>FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: Neiman Marcus Cookie $250 recipe

64e74c (7) No.2200531>>2200618 >>2200634 >>2200800

Deripaska is just one of about 100 oligarchs in Russia who control about $420 billion dollars, a third of all the wealth in Russia. Vachel Lindsay added,

Rosie Unmasked ⚖️


⚖️ @ChuckGrassley fires off very interesting letter to State Dept. and DHS. Apparently Deripaska hired Waldman to magically obtain a diplomatic passport (despite criminal ties) turns out Waldman also knows Steele based off texts with Warner. #TickTock https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/med…cords).pdf …

2. Here's another oligarch you're likely to hear about : Viktor Vekselberg. Estimated worth : $16 billion.

Deripaska : $7 billion.

Vekselberg was a Deripaska rival, whose company SUAL was competing with Deripaska's RUSAL - both aluminium producers.

3. It's a long story that I won't go into, but before they fell out, the two oligarchs merged their companies (2007), anther merger partner being none other than Glencore, a Marc Rich company (yes, the same man inexplicably pardoned by Clinton).

4. Unfortunately for the merger, the 2008 GFC hit and suddenly Deripaska & Vekselberg were unable to relay sects to western banks. A Putin bank gave them a loan to do so, to keep RUSAL in Russian hands.

5. Vekselberg wanted out. Also, Deripaska controlled board decisions and had suspended all dividend payments etc. Deripaska was also looking for a way out. He made an audacious bid to buy the German car company, Opel, in 2008/9:

6. A sale that Germany's Merkel & Putin also wanted. And which Deripaska paid big money to the Clinton Foundation to ensure its safe passage.

https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/09/…-deal.html …

And which Clinton BLOCKED. Why?

7. Because at the same time, the Clintons were ALSO being paid by someone opposed to the deal. Someone who wanted to destroy Oleg Deripaska.

Viktor Vekselberg.

8. How? It's complicated, but $ milions of were diverted from the Russian funds provided by Rusnano, a Putin owned company, which ended up in a bank account controlled by the Clinton Foundation.

Those funds had been allocated to the Skolvoko project. Which was controlled by?

9. Why, Viktor Vekselberg.

He paid the Clintons to damage Deripaska. That's how far the Clinton circle had mired themselves in Putin's Russia.

Don't believe me?

10. Just after Uranium One went through CFIUS, in 2011: an American joins the board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited. Two months after he joined, the Putin poured some $35 million into the company. Happy days!

11. Again, the funds came from Rusnano. Again - a Russian government investment fund, started in 2007 by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Who was the American citizen?

This man:

[Image: MISSING]

12. Now, who do we also know were working for Putin during this time - 2011 (at least from 2007)?

Paul Manafort & Tony Podesta.

Who is investigating these two right now?

Robert Mueller.

You starting to see what's happening behind the scenes now, folks?

13. Ignore the noise and distraction, everyone. Focus on what's REALLY going on.

Mueller is uncovering a scandal the likes of which very few people can comprehend. The Clintons were being paid by Putin himself. THAT'S what's going to come out.

14. Forget the Drumpf-Russia BS. IMO Trump has tasked Mueller with perhaps the most important investigation in US history. Actually, no. THE most important. No doubt about it.

And it takes time. Huge amounts of effort. The money laundering schemes alone are vastly complicated.

15. Why Trump is targeting Putin's oligarchs & targeting aluminium etc. It's ALL connected.

He's going to squeeze that SOB Putin SO hard. As for the Clintons & Podestas?

16. Addendum: good article on what's happening related :

Manafort Case May Lead Back to Podesta Brothers, Russian Uranium, and Mueller’s Role as FBI Chief


End of conversation

(thread roll from the fringe found when searching for clinton/deripaska info)


a7b00d (2) No.2200532>>2200658

From halfchan, might make some good meme fodder (break it up?). KEK

4f8163 (7) No.2200533


Concur, definite notable

30702c (8) No.2200534>>2200541


I'm highly intuitive.

a31434 (2) No.2200535>>2200546


Doesn't even sound like Q

db7ae8 (5) No.2200536

File (hide): 0ff4558cbd358f5⋯.png (13.05 KB, 490x151, 490:151, jkjkj.PNG) (h) (u)


not a soundfag , but my thoughts on mirror

aviator sunglasses strategically placed in scif

or mirror server

117a91 (6) No.2200537>>2200597 >>2200795

Creating Crypto Currency! Shocking NSA Paper From 1996 Describes Creating Blockchain and Bitcoin


Neal Koblitz is the key

He created ECC Crypto


Days before Bitcoin Paper released in October 2008, Neal Koblitz released his TRUST NSA TRUST ECC CRYPTO PAPER



Neal Koblitz is now an advisor to ETHERUM Crypto Currency


3da79e (20) No.2200538

File (hide): b109cf957b6e667⋯.jpg (26.15 KB, 234x369, 26:41, n.stain.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): af11bc5fb5fe38d⋯.jpg (42.52 KB, 630x354, 105:59, poker.queen.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 453ed7f2e6fbe73⋯.jpg (230.2 KB, 700x400, 7:4, russian.song.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 017dce37550c34b⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, songbird.montenegro.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9c8315ce69b97b6⋯.png (182.9 KB, 763x477, 763:477, nat4.png) (h) (u)

songbird spent his 70th in montenegro

with who?

ac4f9a (4) No.2200539

File (hide): c760b72fcab4a1d⋯.png (154.03 KB, 390x390, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

d6b7b3 (3) No.2200540

File (hide): f9ed059b1577059⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, PEPEPSYCHO.jpg) (h) (u)

3b36c8 (31) No.2200541>>2200583


That quality varies in people.

3da79e (20) No.2200542

File (hide): ec4e278f0abe39e⋯.png (200.53 KB, 639x414, 71:46, nat.r.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ed719d4ab47f85a⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 474x314, 237:157, nat2.jpg) (h) (u)

db901d (2) No.2200543>>2200752


I cannot speak to DOJ fleet aircraft, but think their maintenance is done by contractors. Any "military" bird is flown by military and supported by military maintainers. Ex: Army pilots are Chief Warrant Officers or actual Officer MOS' and vary by aircraft and Battalion / Brigade. They are supported by AVIM or AVUM maintenance companies which are attached to each CAB. (SOAR has a combo AVIM / AVUM unique to them) That said, if DOJ birds are contractor flown / maintained, it may be worth a dig to see who is doing so and go from there.

32ee84 (18) No.2200544>>2200602


Yeah, I saw that… I was thinking of naming my next bread "Is it typical to Interview Interpreters of Private Executive Meetings edition"

64e74c (7) No.2200545

ANNNND up pops Christopher Steele and the dossier

"A release last week of texts showed that Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose memos regarding the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia are referred to as the Steele dossier, reached out to Sen. Mark Warner, the ranking Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, through a Russian-linked Washington, D.C., lobbyist named Adam Waldman. Among Waldman’s clients is Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum magnate with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a text dated March 16, 2017, Waldman texted Warner, “Chris Steele asked me to call you.”

In 2009, Waldman filed papers with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) registering himself as an agent for Deripaska in order to provide “legal advice on issues involving his U.S. visa as well as commercial transactions” at a retainer of $40,000 a month. In 2010, Waldman additionally registered as an agent for Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, “gathering information and providing advice and analysis as it relates to the U.S. policy towards the visa status of Oleg Deripaska,” including meetings with U.S. policymakers. Based on the information in his FARA filings, Waldman has received at least $2.36 million for his work with Deripaska.

A letter dated Feb. 9 sent by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley to a London-based lawyer may shed light on why Steele used Waldman as an intermediary. (Waldman’s office did not reply to an email from Tablet requesting comment.)"


a97f98 (9) No.2200546>>2200553 >>2200559 >>2200572



shills have changed tactics

they went from putting Q's trip in the name field, which is ridiculously easy to tell its fake

to now doing fake SEC_TESTs and crumbs

but its all for a larp?

2e6f92 (2) No.2200547

File (hide): 6f070b926eb1d5b⋯.jpg (37.03 KB, 514x308, 257:154, invisibleanon.JPG) (h) (u)

ab62a4 (14) No.2200548


I cannot help but to agree with this. There will be plenty of time for mystical rabbit holes AFTER we MAGA.

MAGA.. has to come first, or nothing else will happen. Do not lose sight of that.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200549


Hey fag boi, you do know that your ID doesn't change.

7d6365 (4) No.2200551>>2200564



should tell you all you need to know. FAKE.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200553>>2200564


What is understood doesn't need to be discussed.

f83a67 (16) No.2200554

54cb1d (13) No.2200555

Trump Holds Cabinet Meeting Amid Putin Summit Fallout, Says "Russia No Longer Targeting US"

Unlike yesterday's "damage control" press conference, today Trump was focusing on the economy, saying he will focus on workforce training and will make a "big announcement" on job training tomorrow; he added that he wants Americans to have a choice and find jobs they really love, so they'll "love getting up in the morning and going to work."


d8c083 (2) No.2200556

File (hide): de397959429fa36⋯.png (316.55 KB, 599x417, 599:417, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)

From the end of todays cabinet meeting. Pompeo was laughing!

17b0c1 (21) No.2200557

File (hide): ec68d4a7e876e6e⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 498x258, 83:43, loser-gif-27-1.gif) (h) (u)

74fbb9 (10) No.2200558


I don't trust bitcoin.

FWIW, Marc Collins-Rector's buttbuddy Brock Pierce is on the board of directors of the Bitcoin Foundation.

7193c5 (10) No.2200559>>2200564


what exactly is the point of shilling that which no longer exists?

the forces against the purpose of this board seem to have worked themselves out of a job.

64e74c (7) No.2200560>>2200579 >>2200618 >>2200800

OH NOES…Oleg sues Paul Manafort

>Oleg Deripaska sues Paul Manafort for allegedly failing to recover $18.9 million Deripaska had invested in a failed joint venture to acquire the Ukrainian company Black Sea Cable. Though Manafort claimed in 2016 that the suit had been resolved, and his spokesman said the case “is dormant and will not be pursued further,” according to The Washington Post, “there are no signs in court documents that the case has been closed.”

Paul Manafort is a longtime American consultant and political operative who served as Donald Trump’s second campaign chairman. After serving in the Reagan administration, Manafort co-founded the lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone, and Kelly, which became known as “The Torturers’ Lobby” for its work on behalf of dictators like Ferdinand Marcos and Mobutu Sese Seko and rebel leader Jonas Savimbi. Prior to joining the Trump campaign in March 2016, Paul Manafort worked extensively to advance Russian interests in Ukraine and the United States.


54cb1d (13) No.2200561


my thoughts

edd2c3 (2) No.2200562>>2200602 >>2200617 >>2200742

File (hide): 48a832ec3a5d9c9⋯.png (19.57 KB, 588x265, 588:265, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Sen Shaheen is the senator that is calling for this interview. Found this on Twatter.

Sauce to last post.

7f5a5d (2) No.2200563



a97f98 (9) No.2200564


well I know that

they're being presented as if Lionel is posting fake crumbs, which is odd, and throwing in R bullshit too, I think its faggots from the Rthread IMO




>that which no longer exists


f36374 (11) No.2200565>>2200590 >>2200605


Anon, this only works if you have faith. But I have faith in the Name of God.

Take a step of faith, it goes a long way. Even if it looks silly. Do it.

Write down Psalms 128 on a paper.

Fold it up seven times. Seven fold.

Put it in a little capsule if you can and then put it on a necklace and hang it around the mother's neck.

And don't doubt for even one hot second no matter what the hospital dope pushers tell you.

God be with you anon.

1d1914 (1) No.2200566>>2200576

File (hide): 173c2a36b96e10c⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

>>2199013 (lb)

Oh pleeeeease, don't ask for a military coup and implement martial law…


7d6365 (4) No.2200567

File (hide): dfbb855a703213f⋯.png (301.86 KB, 657x527, 657:527, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


agreed, strokes/heart attacks etc can happen at any age, especially with underlying conditions that could lead to them. but if an agent is put on POTUS personal detail, dont you think there woulda been some kinda medical screening or something. still not convinced the stroke is a cover story for anything, it just seems so fishy.

9711d5 (11) No.2200568>>2200584 >>2200585


U.S. oil production continues to break records this year, and the latest federal data shows crude output hit 11 million barrels a day in the previous week, with U.S. oil production doubling in the last eight years.

American Enterprise Institute economist Mark Perry noted the production milestone on Twitter, citing the latest U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data.


3b36c8 (31) No.2200569>>2200602



cc2b2e (5) No.2200570>>2200654 >>2200698 >>2200769


i had a dream about Q last night - it was at some kind of party and there were lots of children around. a couple of them recognized me as someone who had once read books to them.. everyone at the party knew Q would post soon and his next post referred to me as "book anon" and said to look outside but i was the only one at the party who saw the drop. then i look outside and there's a giant black plane..like monstrously large. almost looked like a ship in the sky and it was somehow carrying a school bus. it wasn't flying normally. it was more like hovering and then it landed like a helicopter. it was supposed to entertain the kids (like magic school bus) but everyone was inside and didn't see it land outside of the building. then Q himself came in (he was a man in his late 30's early 40's ) and was frustrated because things didn't go according to plan. he had some kind of accent, not sure if it was foreign or a regional u.s. accent.. and that's all i remember..

a790f7 (1) No.2200571>>2200618

>>2199995 (OP)

Hi! I had a problem. I had a kid in the neighborhood who would use, abuse and take advantage of all the other kids, including me. But I was able to hold my own against him. He'd keep me in check by threatening my younger siblings, and so I held back from attempting to defeat him. But he would put so much pressure on my siblings that I finally decided to make a deal with him. I figured "Hey, if you can't beat'em, join'em."

Well this cat turned out to be really greedy and all he wanted was money. He'd sell his own kids for a buck. He started selling me all his family heirlooms. He treated his family like shit, but he told everybody else in the neighborhood that he loved them. His family found out that he sold the heirlooms, and so stopped him from ruling the neighborhood and put his cousin in place instead.

His cousin was moral and just. He showed true love to his family. He promised to restore honor, faith and trust back to his family name. He promised to make things right in the neighborhood and to reclaim all the stolen money from his evil cousin. I much prefer dealing with the new cousin in town, because I only want what's best for my family also. As I know he wants what's best for his family as well.

His evil cousin knows he's going before a Military Tribunal to be tried, found guilty, and hung for treason. So he shouts to everyone else in the neighborhood and to the rest of the family that he is not guilty of these transgressions but that his good cousin is…… And heeeeeee>>2199995

re we are.

Hi, my name is Vladimir. I'm working with Trump now for the benefit of both of our families. To rid the neighborhood of the evil cousin.

Do it Q!!!


a31434 (2) No.2200572


Agreed I thought a few boards back that it could be a legit thing with BO's IP hash showing no other posts but… VPN plus Q could easily confirm with a post on Patriots fight

2da33f (2) No.2200573>>2200857


I'm pretty sure thats a Bandits mask turned sideways lol Fuck can they get any more obvious

74fbb9 (10) No.2200574>>2200657


>That the Torah and Koran are comped

>And that those religions are fake

>But he would not accept the same about the Bible

Amazing a man with your Doctor Strange level of understanding about the arcane wouldn't know that the Torah is part of the Bible.

But hey it's the internet, right?

0a7fad (3) No.2200575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Man from Earth….

under-rated movie

Spoilers ahead

ea9085 (14) No.2200576


we r all red eye in a counter coup

f36374 (11) No.2200577

>>2200186 Most are con jobs. Grims that are real deals are not sold and are often hidden by the author lest it fall into the hands of evil men.

fcd90e (12) No.2200578

File (hide): 0c6b583f33fd963⋯.jpg (18.3 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gay.jpg) (h) (u)


>Men have been getting on my nerves lately

What a bitchy faggot.

ab62a4 (14) No.2200579>>2200594 >>2200598 >>2200601 >>2200718


>Black, Manafort, Stone, and Kelly

Roger Stone, hmm?

Ok, his an dALex's antics on AJ's show make perfect sense now.

AJ is absolutely controlled opposition. No question if his butt-buddy Roger Stone is wrapped up in the Paul Manafort bullshit.


Let's see how the AJ shills spin this one.

2f8983 (4) No.2200580>>2200678


That's the satanic MO. He/they always take the good things of God and our Lord Jesus Christ and turn them upside down! But no worries, in the fullness of time (as God says) all will be made right!!!

64e74c (7) No.2200581

This Russian investigation is going to lead RIGHT to Hillary


Leonid Bershidsky is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering European politics and business. He was the founding editor of the Russian business daily Vedomosti and founded the opinion website Slon.ru.

Read more opinion

Follow @Bershidsky on Twitter



The biggest Russian threat to Western institutions doesn't come from disinformation or the clever use of social networks but from a certain kind of money that, by its very nature, corrupts everything it touches. To understand how that works, it's worth re-examining a uranium story that has resurfaced as part of the U.S. political debate after Washington, D.C. publication The Hill ran an article about it on Tuesday.

The article, which prompted the Senate Judiciary Committee to open a probe into "Russian nuclear bribery," recounts how the Obama administration approved the sale of Uranium One, a Canadian company with some U.S. mining assets, to Russian state-owned nuclear power monopoly Rosatom, despite an ongoing Federal Bureau of Investigation corruption probe into the activities of a Rosatom official in the U.S. The Uranium One case and the bribery case of the official, Vadim Mikerin, were reported by the media separately but it's the linking of the two by The Hill that has caused a ruckus.

Tenam, the company Mikerin set up and ran in the U.S., is a subsidiary of Rosatom's foreign trade arm, known outside Russia as Tenex. Vadim Zhivov, who became president of Uranium One after Rosatom assumed control in three separate deals between 2009 and 2013, was also deputy head of Tenex and might have run the company had he been willing to give up his Canadian dual citizenship. Mikerin, the son of a Soviet deputy minister for nuclear energy, had only ever worked in the Rosatom-Tenex system, which he knew inside out and, it turned out, exploited for personal profit.

When Rosatom decided in 2010 to acquire Uranium One and applied to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (Cfius) for approval, Mikerin was the top Rosatom official in the U.S. Though his primary responsibility was to facilitate the sales of Russian uranium to U.S. power plants, it's likely he was involved in planning the Uranium One purchase. Mikerin was under an FBI investigation for offering a U.S. businessman a consulting contract in exchange for kickbacks; the American went to the authorities and was allowed to pay the kickbacks as the FBI and the Department of Energy watched and recorded everything.

Along the way, they discovered that Mikerin also received kickbacks from U.S. companies involved in the transportation of Russian uranium in the U.S., and that he apparently shared the money -- in cash – with his Rosatom superiors when they visited. Some of that was known to government agents before Cfius approved the Uranium One deal, but, apparently, it never come up in discussions, though Attorney General Eric Holder was on the committee.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also sat on the committee. By the time of the Uranium One decision, the charitable foundation run by her husband Bill Clinton had received, but not fully disclosed, hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from a Uranium One shareholder and former chariman, Ian Telfer, who stood to benefit from a generous Rosatom offer of a premium to the stock price. In June, 2010, when Rosatom made known its interest in controlling Uranium One, Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a speech organized by Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank that was talking up Uranium One shares.

Ostensibly, these were all unrelated events: A kickback probe into the work of a Rosaton official in the U.S.; Rosatom's bid for Uranium One and for U.S. approval of the deal; Bill Clinton's fundraising. No one has managed to connect the dots convincingly, since there was no formal link between Mikerin and Uranium One, Hillary Clinton maintained she'd done nothing to expedite the deal, and Telfer insisted he'd never talked to her about it.

Russia, however, is a land of magic. Whatever happened in Washington in 2010, Rosatom ended up owning Uranium One. In 2016, it made an operating profit of $67.8 million on $314.6 in revenue.


Bloomberg..>BEFORE the election.

e76184 (1) No.2200582


Good Catch!

30702c (8) No.2200583>>2200599


I know

9711d5 (11) No.2200584

File (hide): 1441b4ed94ed571⋯.png (102.49 KB, 467x455, 467:455, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bb67ed8ef2eef45⋯.png (225.32 KB, 719x635, 719:635, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

54cb1d (13) No.2200585

File (hide): dddac0ff35b1347⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 600x441, 200:147, potuswinning.jpg) (h) (u)

17b0c1 (21) No.2200586


Right? There are at least 3 "dream" posts in here too. hahahahaaa Fuuuck.

3da79e (20) No.2200587>>2200632

File (hide): 2000337ab11ebc6⋯.jpg (89.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ma.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9c3af6862d5af44⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 231x218, 231:218, frank.bois.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6c9528b1dc98a5a⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ma2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8c70ac28be2bce0⋯.png (475.57 KB, 585x466, 585:466, zexy.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8108fb0cf199682⋯.png (693.95 KB, 1206x749, 1206:749, ma1.png) (h) (u)

3bc57b (1) No.2200588>>2200633


Yep, those who haven't already figured it out, need to understand that many of those "Founding Fathers" were dark occultists whose primary motivation for setting up the USA was to create a safe place where they could do their murdering and raping beyond the reach of the king's justice.

ece761 (2) No.2200589

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

14c1e4 (1) No.2200590>>2200609


You should write down what you just posted, fold it until its all corners, then shove it up your ass.

ab0388 (1) No.2200591


How big a role in this did noname or this muzie brinnan actually play?

Who did it?

It almost has the “twas the butler” feel to it.

d0f23e (2) No.2200592>>2200613

Any clock connection to the "tag USSS"

Q post to today with the news and Trump tweeting about the agent that had the stroke. I know that it provided trip confirmation way back when, but is it a clue for today as well?

f83a67 (16) No.2200594>>2200636


They'll ignore it as they ignore the question of why Lionel the non-trump voter is on there in the first place.

939654 (2) No.2200595

File (hide): 3d235b7d56f47a4⋯.png (455 KB, 682x725, 682:725, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


University of Colorado President Bruce Benson announces retirement - At helm for a decade, departure set for 2019


20ad6e (1) No.2200596


a7b00d (2) No.2200597

File (hide): d91b81702fceced⋯.png (666.23 KB, 798x600, 133:100, FUCK THE FED 01.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8e4f29ca648a681⋯.png (894.31 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FUCK THE FED 02.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 111cd595f96820f⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 446x450, 223:225, FUCK THE FED 03.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 94266c0a1be0b93⋯.jpg (74.58 KB, 698x689, 698:689, FUCK THE FED 04.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 93875a83d2173f7⋯.png (834.13 KB, 720x557, 720:557, FUCK THE FED 04.png) (h) (u)


So then… Bitcoin is good b/c NSA is good, amirite?

Link related https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=555273.0

64e74c (7) No.2200598>>2200611


>Roger Stone, hmm?

Roger Stone is MUCH more than he seems…even more than you can imagine. He's been an Israeli plant to gain inside access to Trump and his family for years. The truth of that is horrific. Why do you think he was ejected from the inner circle.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200599>>2200651


The question then is: how reliable is your intuition?

17b0c1 (21) No.2200600


I mean, when was the last time airports have had so many problems?

In the past year? Year and a half? there have been so many airport issues. I honestly can't remember a time with so many in one year.

ab62a4 (14) No.2200601


ps- this also explains why Stone and AJ had such a hard-on to attach themselves to the President in the court of public opinion, during the campaign and leading into the inauguration.

These people are fucking scumbags.

2ac9b6 (7) No.2200602>>2200702





Doesn't matter what they want to do, only matters what the interpreter can say, which is nothing their lips are sealed.

see post: >>2199703 (pb)

6f7d3f (8) No.2200603


Stephen Bax has passed away

722b0c (1) No.2200604>>2200709 >>2200773 >>2200865

File (hide): 481e36708fbbf34⋯.jpg (36.13 KB, 624x351, 16:9, IMG_20180718_124726.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0dc985dbc29bd98⋯.jpg (40.56 KB, 624x351, 16:9, IMG_20180718_124802.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c3cb7986212b968⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 624x351, 16:9, IMG_20180718_124728.jpg) (h) (u)

Lol POTUS telling Pompeo a secret. Trolling the media again!

dc1586 (11) No.2200605


>Fold it up seven times. Seven fold.


>Put it in a little capsule if you can and then put it on a necklace and hang it around the mother's neck.

This is superstition, not faith. Faith is allowing God's words in Scripture to speak for theselves with the Holy Spirit as interpreter to the individual.

Please refrain from aligning Christian faith with superstitious mumbo-jumbo.

fcd90e (12) No.2200606>>2200619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>TIME wont Give Us Time.

9711d5 (11) No.2200607

BIG fucking surprise!



A transgender prisoner allegedly attacked four women at a U.K. prison, giving pause to prison officials about whether the existing policies surrounding housing regulations suffice.

The biological male allegedly assaulted four women in total, Metro reported Wednesday. The criminal arrived at the U.K.’s New Hall prison in Wakefield and assaulted a woman less than a week into his sentence.

The man has been living as a woman for two years but has not undergone gender reassignment surgery, according to The Sun.


768896 (4) No.2200608


When I in righteousness

At last

Thy glorious face shall see.

When all the weary night

Is past

And I awake with Thee.

To view the glories

That abide;

Then, then, I shall

Be satisfied.

WRWY anon.

God bless and keep.

5369da (2) No.2200609>>2200624

File (hide): b936b0c09eb428c⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 844x734, 422:367, IMG_20180713_150927.jpg) (h) (u)

d39409 (1) No.2200610

File (hide): a59f3f15f9bf17a⋯.jpg (485.39 KB, 1355x825, 271:165, mindwar.jpg) (h) (u)


>This is a test

you failed

Defeat for us is not an option

ab62a4 (14) No.2200611


> Why do you think he was ejected from the inner circle.


f3976c (4) No.2200612>>2200614



f83a67 (16) No.2200613


I posted a hint about this above but it's not really important enough to even think about.



8b4bbb (2) No.2200614

65d83f (1) No.2200615>>2200631 >>2200640 >>2200659 >>2200674 >>2200707

File (hide): 843b4626107f2ba⋯.jpg (102.93 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, Gatlonbat_2018-Jul-18.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9eae19b2496d8fb⋯.jpg (63.47 KB, 960x756, 80:63, ricinneide_2018-Jul-18.jpg) (h) (u)

Some good ammo for voter ID. Kek.

74fbb9 (10) No.2200616


It is very possible he may have been the one to have placed those bodies there but it was almost certain that it was he it was because he was practicing illegal anatomy -- which was very common at the time.


f5786a (7) No.2200617>>2200672

File (hide): 513b009131011f4⋯.png (125.54 KB, 772x589, 772:589, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4ce3050aeee2674⋯.png (450.77 KB, 764x714, 382:357, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 424488788ee2117⋯.jpg (6.56 KB, 268x188, 67:47, download.jpg) (h) (u)


Any sauce/specifics re the agreement the Kremlin was "touting"?

pics are relevant, original twats, all cst time stamp.

droolmeister too:

She isn't the only Democratic lawmaker calling for questioning the translator.

In an interview with CNN's John Berman on "New Day" Tuesday morning, Rep. Joe Kennedy of Massachusetts said Congress should take action to subpoena the translator to testify if the White House did not release what happened in the meeting.

"So what I'm asking is just that the White House tell the American public what was said, and if they won't do it, then the translator who was the only other American official in the room, that they come before Congress and explain what happened," Kennedy said. "And if they refused too, then Congress should subpoena."


32ee84 (18) No.2200618>>2200669

Notables So Far


>>2200463, >>2200504, >>2200531, >>2200560 Five things to know about Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska & Moar Deripaska Info

>>2200429 How to Solve a Q Crumb (Advice from an Anon)

>>2200416, >>2200427, >>2200512 DIG, The Obama White House’s high-profile prisoner swap with Iran in 2016 was a much bigger gift to Iran than the administration ever let on

>>2200378 Brad Parscale Twat So much winning Anon and we are not even tired yet

>>2200359 Israel’s nukes, not Syria: Man kicked out from Trump-Putin summit says AP misquoted him

>>2200354 Alaska Democratic congressional candidate doesn't live in state --- or plan to campaign there

>>2200276 Trump-Backed Republican Rep. Roby Wins District Runoff

>>2200202 Boris Johnson savages Theresa May’s Chequers plan and says it’s ‘not too late to save Brexit’ in devastating resignation speech

>>2200158 BREAKING: Heathrow Airport EMERGENCY as all flights stopped

>>2200148, >>2200197, >>2200156, >>2200388 Digs & Info on Bill Browder

>>2211136 Mike Flynn, Jr rt of Sarah Carter Ripping Brennan

Once again Anons, Please let me know if anything is missed, also advise of duplications of "already notable" - literally been baking since I woke up this morning, so no chance to review notables


Love it!!

38c23c (1) No.2200619


So good!

5c2a5b (1) No.2200620>>2200642

The interpreter will NOT be interviewed. Executive Privilege. The interpreter clearly works directly for POTUS and in a ministerial capacity (legal speak).

If POTUS lets the interpreter talk to Congress, it would be a very bad thing.

7295eb (1) No.2200621

File (hide): 4e867a4fcb98f2a⋯.png (206.81 KB, 500x243, 500:243, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1344fa2de18ac56⋯.png (238.91 KB, 500x332, 125:83, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

"Guns, Sex, Spycraft" - Court Filing Unveils Shocking New Details In Russian Spy Case

Wed, 07/18/2018 - 11:46

Update: Russia's foreign ministry has responded, blasting the arrest of alleged agent Maria Butina is a “political put-up job.”

MFA Russia 🇷🇺


#Zakharova: We are dismayed by the reported arrest of Russian citizen Maria Butina in the US on July 15. According to a statement on the website of the US Justice Department, she is charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of Russia without prior notification

10:18 AM - Jul 18, 2018


42 people are talking about this

Twitter Ads info and privacy

And in a second tweet, they rebuked:

“It looks as if the FBI, instead of carrying out their responsibility of fighting crime, is implementing a political put-up job set to it by forces that are whipping up anti-Russia hysteria in the US."

* * *

Another interesting twist in the investigation of Maria Butina, the alleged Russian spy who tried to infiltrate the NRA and tried to arrange meetings between then-candidate Trump and Russian President Putin, has just been revealed in a new filing by the DOJ in its case against Butina, who is presently sitting in federal custody as she battles to be freed on bail.

According to a new court filing, investigators found a handwritten note in her apartment that included details about a job offer from the FSB, and allegations that she was in contact with senior Russian intelligence officials.


Because, apparently unlike every other spy agency in the world, the GRU is the only one known to recruit idiots and to advise its agent to specifically leave incriminating evidence in handwritten notes behind so it can be conveniently discovered by, well, anyone.

Perhaps unsurprisingly given the immense resources at her disposal, Butina has been considered "an extreme flight risk" and prosecutors have asked the judge that she be held through trial.

To help facilitate her cover, Butina had a "personal relationship" with an unnamed 56-year-old American citizen with whom she lived. The individual was identified only as "Person 1".

And despite this, Butina also offered sex to an unnamed official in a "special interest organization" that she wished to join. The filing also alleges that Alexander Torshin, a Russian who has had personal contact with members of the Trump family, was Butina's boss.

Reports of her arrest were initially met with incredulity and confusion while the press largely continued to focus on President Trump's performance at the Helsinki summit. But this new information is extremely titillating

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-18/guns-sex-spycraft-court-filing-unveils-shocking-new-details-russian-spy-case

ba1620 (3) No.2200622>>2200723



>Probably for the same reason that most of them are filed outside of D.C….Swamp corruption

Yup, seconded.

d8c083 (2) No.2200623


A reporter asked Trump if they had any intel reports that it could be others that meddled in election. Trump/Pompeo were laughing

3b36c8 (31) No.2200624


Every time I see Jeb's face laugh.

2beb73 (1) No.2200625

File (hide): 215faa0f1128969⋯.png (143.48 KB, 915x963, 305:321, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9dfd0c0c17d48dc⋯.png (116.06 KB, 907x813, 907:813, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): af056df8781873a⋯.png (154.99 KB, 911x1026, 911:1026, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

UN planning mass immigration agreements, 250M waiting to move. Mostly have to go to Europe. EU making laws to match the proposals…. THIS IS INSANE DEVELOPMENT



google translated from german

Final mass migration to be decided soon - What will happen to Germany?

18th of July 2018







• "UNO bereitet nächste Migrationswelle vor" - Martin Hebner - AfD-Landesgruppe Bayern •



This text first appeared on the blog of Eva Herman and appears here with the friendly permission of the author.

About the author: Eva Herman was a spokeswoman for Tagesschau for almost 20 years until the fall of 2007 , a longtime ARD presenter of various entertainment programs and had her own talk show for ten years: Herman & Tietjen.

3da79e (20) No.2200626>>2200805

File (hide): 676bdd22da82270⋯.png (150.33 KB, 1312x437, 1312:437, e.Farkas.png) (h) (u)

no worry

evelyn is OK

no uber

no prob

palo alto still has ancient taxis

8a7651 (1) No.2200627>>2200639

File (hide): 18b711026863724⋯.jpg (150.27 KB, 1600x704, 25:11, IMG-20180712-WA0014.jpg) (h) (u)

Been awal lately.

Not sure if you guys noticed this was the moment Strock threatened Gowdy. Maybe?

He made a snide remark/joke which included the phrase "CONTRACT FOR A CAR".

54cb1d (13) No.2200628>>2200638 >>2200766

Atlanta Fed Holds Second Quarter GDP Estimate at 4.5 Percent

The U.S. economy is growing at a 4.5 percent annualized rate in the second quarter following strong economic data, the Atlanta Federal Reserve’s GDPNow forecast model showed on Wednesday.

The latest estimate on gross domestic product growth was the same as Monday but faster than the 3.9 percent pace estimated a week ago, the Atlanta Fed said.

The next GDPNow update is Thursday, July 26.


17b0c1 (21) No.2200629

File (hide): 6a19be0a789046c⋯.gif (473.13 KB, 500x375, 4:3, image.gif) (h) (u)



55b075 (2) No.2200630>>2200725 >>2200755

File (hide): c2b6c1ce15131f9⋯.jpg (98.94 KB, 1212x512, 303:128, BB_JOB-KOMRADES.jpg) (h) (u)


Seems so. Boy this article's juicy:

>>2199891 lb


The very same Ashkenazi bankster bloodlines that oversaw and financed the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia set up shop in Chicago. This is why Chicago has always been controlled by the Democratic political machine. The greater metro Chicago area is a magnet for disaffected Eastern and Central European Jews, as well as Russian Jewry, who all shared a deep hatred of Russia.

This is the climate that produced Bill Browder, a uniquely American oligarch sent to Russia by his Deep State handlers to fleece that country of all the wealth he could get his hands on. Educated and trained as an attorney and investment banker, he possessed the right skills to fraudulently acquire Russian assets during a period of great economic upheaval and financial hardship there. Browder was set up to be the quintessential economic hitman as described in John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

Magnitsky Act

There is no precedent in U.S. history where a British citizen was capable of conning the U.S. Congress into considering (much less approving) such fraudulent and predatory legislation against a foreign nation.

This is exactly what Bill Browder singlehandedly accomplished after he relinquished his American citizenship to avoid paying taxes on foreign investment.

3da79e (20) No.2200631




eb7c22 (2) No.2200632

File (hide): 01a948c169b11f4⋯.jpg (175.26 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, James Alefantis Rothchild.jpg) (h) (u)

2f8983 (4) No.2200633



OR - it could be that the Brits were just trying to make our founding father's look bad, putting them in a bad light.

e573bf (9) No.2200634


>He's going to squeeze that SOB Putin SO hard.

But did something change after 2011?

Did the Clintons/McCain double-cross Putin, perhaps with other Russian seeking to oust him?

Is that why Putin interfered in Syria?

I think there is more going on than the idea Putin is really working for Clinton.

6f7d3f (8) No.2200635


But, if you try to focus on faces, and your find them morphing into distorted and monstrous forms, that face is a demon. Order it away, don't look at it, and in your minds eye blow at it with the intent of blowing it away. These demons are weak and a person with calmness and determination can easily send them away. After they figure you out, they will rarely come back, because they get no food from you,

7193c5 (10) No.2200636


Wow, so at least 50% of the population, and 80-90% of the media in all forms is against freedom and liberty.

How do you intend win this fight?

Educate the masses?


Posting here?

LMAO, this is a lost cause.

93560e (4) No.2200637


Not when the state capitol is in Springfield and the state corruption is ALL there. Regardless of Madigan and his lackeys being from Chicago, the jurisdiction is Central District. But it kinda does make me scratch my head since Chicago and Cook County have some of the worst (probably the worst) corruption in the US. Could be because they know that they won't get an impartial jury if ILND is the venue.

ab62a4 (14) No.2200638>>2200684


Oh. So POTUS was spot on in his statements. Again.

Promises kept :) God Bless you Donald!

3b36c8 (31) No.2200639


Someone needs to place a horse head in Strzok's bed, if you know what I mean.

e573bf (9) No.2200640>>2200668


These are really good.

Almost like they are from the same person who did all the #Itsherturn memes with #Draftourdaughters

743c43 (2) No.2200641

File (hide): 42ed20e19daceab⋯.jpeg (25.14 KB, 213x255, 71:85, sdfsdf.jpeg) (h) (u)


God Bless vetanon, your country loves you, your POTUS loves you, and your anons love you. You have served your country well

d6bd7c (4) No.2200642>>2200667


This is a charade. Dems and NeverTrumpers do NOT want to hear what she would have to say. It would blow open the dam.

f5786a (7) No.2200643>>2200652

File (hide): dbce5596af1fe67⋯.png (303.97 KB, 1070x881, 1070:881, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)

US MArshall booted for intimidating and retaliatory behavior towards a


1e5d9d (1) No.2200645

File (hide): 5aa0a87c6e872e1⋯.png (564.84 KB, 630x630, 1:1, C4F081FD_1.png) (h) (u)


Praying you and your loved ones !

fe31f7 (5) No.2200646



b8fca5 (3) No.2200648

File (hide): a05316ebdff9b56⋯.png (315.69 KB, 588x524, 147:131, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Catherine Austin Fitts liking the meeting with Putin. At least SOMEONE is sane.

a97f98 (9) No.2200649>>2200670 >>2200673 >>2200840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5a7d56 (1) No.2200650


White House surgeons working on Nole found many blood clots during surgery trying to save him. He wasn't a spring chicken. Doctors worked for hours and stayed in UK until his death. Patriot came home this morning to Andrews.

30702c (8) No.2200651>>2200676


I just showed you

f83a67 (16) No.2200652


Who killed Loretta Fuddy?

226491 (4) No.2200654


hmmm…very interesting dream. Lots of symbolism.

8cd752 (1) No.2200655>>2200665 >>2200873

Antifa member foumd with large cashe of weapons and explosives t an apartment in South Dakota's largest city.


bd0b9b (5) No.2200656>>2200661 >>2200677

File (hide): ae05bb74d5890d7⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB, 800x1056, 25:33, WELCOME TO JUSTICE.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

6f7d3f (8) No.2200657



Whenever you write a post

You have to remember.

This is the Internet

Keep it dumb, keep it simple.

It's the law!

f36374 (11) No.2200658>>2200683


See how it works?

Someone writes to unsauced bullshit

Does a good job with it

And because of a strong confirmation bias

people believe it, and take actions on it.

Same shit is pulled on us too.

f5786a (7) No.2200659


What a great psyop.!

Top Kek!

ea9085 (14) No.2200660

File (hide): 5649aad4ef9c333⋯.jpg (402.99 KB, 792x720, 11:10, Untitled-2 copy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB, 864x864, 1:1, WWG1WGAWHEELS.jpg) (h) (u)

this is for the anon the other day that wanted

this with wheels. i been posting it in a few breads

for you. hope u r ok anon.

a97f98 (9) No.2200661>>2200701



want a gif of that?

12961a (13) No.2200662>>2200679 >>2200690 >>2200794 >>2200809

File (hide): 837bf33f9f2bb91⋯.png (984.39 KB, 1200x677, 1200:677, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Intel Operative who Altered Obama’s Passport Records Turned FBI Informant on Boss John Brennan, Then Turned Up Murdered in D.C.


…. And dead men tell no tales. Especially in D.C. Just ask Seth Rich.

And the FBI cannot be trusted.

Unsolved murder. Case closed.


Was Loretta Fuddy [187]? Was it all captured on video?


32ee84 (18) No.2200663

Correcting Notable Bun 2773


>>2199744 The prisoners Obama sent back to Iran weren’t random businessmen (Dig with assistance requested)

>>2199703 The Strange High Pressure Work Of Presidential Interpreters

>>2199694, >>2199765 Russian & Syrian Authorities Set Up Centre for Refugees Returning from Syria & Sauce

>>2199693 Intel Operative who Altered Obama’s Passport Records Turned FBI Informant on Boss John Brennan, Then Turned Up Murdered in D.C.

>>2199689 Strzok's Coke Bottle (cooperating) and Kate Brown & The Hammonds.

>>2199580 US Launches National Security Probe on Uranium Imports

>>2199477 PaulSperry Twat & RealClear Investigations Sauce

>>2199455 Dig on Q-Post 988 & Request for Backup

>>2199446 Planefag Reports/Digs

>>2199427 Townhall.Com - It’s Undeniable: Trump Is Blessed With Really Stupid Enemies

>>2199426, >>2199500, >>2199510 Journalist 2 revealed a few weeks ago. Mockingbird media in action.

>>2199422 Potus Press Twat on Voter ID

>>2199378 WaTime "...The ex-President didn't really want to pardon Marc Rich. The Israelis or the Mossad or the Jews made him do it."

>>2199366 House bill offers $5B for Trump's border wall, security

3d4818 (3) No.2200664>>2200705


Why is Middle Florida near zero?

ab62a4 (14) No.2200665


They are not fucking around, are they. ← not a question.

e62705 (1) No.2200666>>2200682 >>2200697

File (hide): 038aa810ad39097⋯.jpg (28.39 KB, 250x235, 50:47, MysticHeart.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f759cc22c39245⋯.jpg (130.94 KB, 800x1230, 80:123, FileProxy.jpg) (h) (u)


Antares reporting,

read you loud and clear

3b36c8 (31) No.2200667


>Dems and NeverTrumpers do NOT want to hear what she would have to say. It would blow open the dam.

It's just Dems posturing. They's shit pyramid-sized bricks if Trump said "OK, motherfuckers, you got you wish."

d16724 (8) No.2200668


Indeed. Same "nazis" made those too.

917733 (6) No.2200669>>2200696


>>>2211136 Mike Flynn, Jr rt of Sarah Carter Ripping Brennan

Huh? Already up to the 2211100s?

f5786a (7) No.2200670>>2200694

File (hide): b2a2469942f2c19⋯.png (145.84 KB, 988x792, 247:198, Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at ….png) (h) (u)


TY, Anon!

54cb1d (13) No.2200671

Trump to visit Andrews to receive body of fallen secret service member

President Trump will travel to Joint Base Andrews on Wednesday to meet with the family of a Secret Service agent who died unexpectedly after suffering a stroke in Scotland.

The White House said in a statement that the president and first lady Melania Trump will "pay their respects to the family of fallen United States Secret Service Special Agent Nole Edward Remagen."

An FAA travel notice issued earlier Wednesday indicated that Trump would be traveling in the area of Andrews Joint Air Force base between 4:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The trip coincides with the return of Remagen's remains.


d66c17 (1) No.2200672


i love it when they call for their own "Hangman's Noose". Maybe POTUS should give it to them, and watch them SCREAM when they get what they asked for. Q did say they would hang themselves.

d3917f (1) No.2200673>>2200694

File (hide): 6aababa916616e7⋯.gif (162.63 KB, 244x154, 122:77, LG.gif) (h) (u)

226491 (4) No.2200674

File (hide): a9a698fadba8eb4⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 851x678, 851:678, DiZyT4BXcAAWeYa.jpg) (h) (u)


Love ALL!! These will definitely be effective!

96d8e7 (1) No.2200675

This is worth the 30min

Child Grooming in UK

Police Whistle blower John Wedger gives shocking testimony

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=Lqik2QHHZQA

3b36c8 (31) No.2200676


Umm, sure.

ea9085 (14) No.2200677

File (hide): 9cb1cc34e5631de⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, goback.jpg) (h) (u)

6f7d3f (8) No.2200678>>2200693


And one thing that Satan likes is UNIFORMITY.

No free will, everybody thinks the same thing in unison.

Heck, in the New World Order we were even going to all fuck in unison along with the Hollywood Celebs on the evening sacrifice, broadcast LIVE from the pyramid at Astana!

12961a (13) No.2200679>>2200687

File (hide): 8d15a55c450e6bc⋯.png (85.89 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

a88d08 (1) No.2200680

File (hide): bc73e547560952c⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1329x1218, 443:406, pepe29.PNG) (h) (u)


previous bread

the only reason Bill Clinton's "operative" is contacting Journalists is because yet again they will carry the water for the Clintons. Bill Clinton got so much money from Rich during his election campaigns, he was most likely diddling Rich's wife, probably with Rich's permission, and he was best buds with Rich. So the mere thought that he was pressured to pardon him is to quote miss Lynn, cause me to be "laughing, laughing out loud"


and yes there are others worse than these two, but the Clintons are close to the Tippy Top of the list

3d4818 (3) No.2200681


Pedobot waited for those digits.

030e7b (2) No.2200682


i was laughing but i can't argue with those digits…

17d56c (4) No.2200683

File (hide): 169671f8da57cbc⋯.png (161.95 KB, 597x265, 597:265, mind.png) (h) (u)

3da79e (20) No.2200684>>2200703 >>2200717

File (hide): cded9e30c35c49a⋯.png (42 KB, 925x291, 925:291, HAPPENING.png) (h) (u)


"It is all happening!"


ba1620 (3) No.2200685


> Keep up the good work and continue the fight for right.

Last post, czeched. Rest assured, we will always be Semper Fi.

fe1d1f (8) No.2200686>>2200743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clearing the bats out of the belfry!

12961a (13) No.2200687>>2200695


Health Director Loretta Fuddy was also a leading member of the Indonesian cult Subud, which Hussein's mother belonged to. Hussein apparently looks very like the head of the Subud Cult, a man. (father?)


e2aa7b (6) No.2200688

Anons, what do we know about QUALCOMM?

What do WE really know about it?

Short and sweet. I remember doing digs on it a while ago but I forgot.

6f7d3f (8) No.2200690>>2200704 >>2200732


There are some who believe that Fuddy faked her death, and that under a different name, she was in Washington during the Obama administration.

Can't remember where I read this, but you are all diggers, right?

cfe7fa (2) No.2200691

File (hide): a63e1f517069252⋯.jpg (224.78 KB, 963x594, 107:66, AiWBallet.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 27c76be695e1090⋯.png (672.9 KB, 907x528, 907:528, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Septime Webre, pals with Alefantis and Izzette Folger pizzagaters, created a ballet based on Alice in Wonderland…

So real pedo looking stuff.


c35592 (3) No.2200692>>2200711 >>2200748 >>2200771

fe1d1f (8) No.2200693>>2200724


I touch my dick when I want to SATAN

a97f98 (9) No.2200694

File (hide): 43ce188956e8530⋯.png (341.11 KB, 705x395, 141:79, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

3b36c8 (31) No.2200695>>2200735


>Health Director Loretta Fuddy


32ee84 (18) No.2200696>>2200713



>>2200136 Mike Flynn, Jr rt of Sarah Carter Ripping Brennan

cc2b2e (5) No.2200697>>2200710 >>2200842




arcturian here, sending love to all lightworkers

(also loving these digits ;) any 33 life paths?)

74fbb9 (10) No.2200698>>2200730 >>2200731


OK, since it is a subject I will tell you my Q dream which was last night or this morning actually just before I woke.

A funeral was about to start and clergy was waiting for the mourners so I went to get them. I walked down a wood path down a steep hill. Somehow, I had acquired something that looked like a spear. It was basically just a long block of square wood with a spike at the end. I had this vision of being a mighty warrior who could throw it through a tree. I remember thinking that was pretty stupid but I threw it at a tree anyway. It didn't shatter it like in my vision, but it was a whole lot more effective that I would have thought.

Anyway, I get to the end of the path and it's by a creek and mourners are all goofing around in their shorts, jumping in the creek and listening to Christian music. Some of them were cleaning rifles.

I remember being annoyed. Then I woke.

Now beat that for weirdness.

0beb9b (2) No.2200699>>2200757 >>2200881

Very interesting .pdf from the soros files.

Shows that Soros influence is broad in changing laws and policies.

This evil fukker has his hands in everything.

0a7fad (3) No.2200700>>2200734

File (hide): 406e81df05896d8⋯.jpg (266.61 KB, 958x1176, 479:588, a.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a14f611900f11e3⋯.jpg (352.23 KB, 990x1182, 165:197, b.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bf54e9d7738be65⋯.jpg (395.2 KB, 992x1228, 248:307, c.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d579dcbdd609ed9⋯.jpg (417.54 KB, 1046x1190, 523:595, d.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 70099534fc1abd3⋯.jpg (364.52 KB, 908x1214, 454:607, e.jpg) (h) (u)

bd0b9b (5) No.2200701>>2200719

File (hide): 24a85c6e8a86806⋯.gif (2.64 MB, 600x792, 25:33, welcome to justice.gif) (h) (u)

c4ba03 (3) No.2200702>>2200745


cool post, thanks- I missed that one

460323 (8) No.2200703


Gout et ready for the left to trot out all these stupid twats when they crash the market. It's a big fat mistake for Trump to keep pointing to muh stock market as a sign of ultimate recovery…

12961a (13) No.2200704>>2200753


Watch the video, it shows her being pulled under by a guy in scuba gear

b105ad (2) No.2200705


What? You think we are gonna get a whole bunch of disney and Buccaneer indictments?

9861fd (1) No.2200706>>2200740




30702c (8) No.2200707


Another reason I really like this is that it avoids accusing the real election fraudsters, the DNC. This way the focus is always on us, and we continue playing strategic defense. Well, that may be the case untill CNN asserts that voter ID won't prevent Russian hacking but will prevent minorities from voting.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200709


Oh man! I wish there was audio

fcd90e (12) No.2200710

File (hide): 5e1e1f6bacc0d8f⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 474x355, 474:355, g.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't suck dick, so no.

d16724 (8) No.2200711>>2200748

File (hide): 6eea39e106c44fa⋯.png (803.28 KB, 789x400, 789:400, AntiFaschistischeAktionKPD.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 15bbecf58de187e⋯.png (453.71 KB, 799x515, 799:515, AntifaschistischeAktionKom….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 76b7c1b3f30fe01⋯.png (376.01 KB, 641x716, 641:716, Beria1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d52243034b47ced⋯.png (261.03 KB, 295x453, 295:453, BrainWashingBook.png) (h) (u)


Here we go again…

917733 (6) No.2200713>>2200787


I'm going to start charging you for the copy editing.

bd0b9b (5) No.2200714>>2200799 >>2200817

File (hide): 25c5da98c4fa3ef⋯.gif (5.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Darwin's Law.gif) (h) (u)

fe1d1f (8) No.2200716

File (hide): efae04710ab1cc6⋯.png (189.79 KB, 283x696, 283:696, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)

ab62a4 (14) No.2200717>>2200774

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Did someone important say 'happening'?


7193c5 (10) No.2200718>>2200750

File (hide): 260032de218a8e3⋯.png (18.61 KB, 966x183, 322:61, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


You're going to use a communist think tank report to condemn stone and all connected to him?

Way to go Q anon patriot!

a97f98 (9) No.2200719

efdb01 (5) No.2200721>>2200728


Anon, I have a similar story.. carjacking not car accident.

There is power if perseverance and prayer.

Hang in there, anon. You can and will handle what comes next.

768896 (4) No.2200723


Thanks anon. Excellent point.

6f7d3f (8) No.2200724


Not in the New World Order

No dick touching allowed except during the morning jack-off when everybody goes out their front door, or out onto the balcony and jacks off onto the faces of any neighbors who want to partake of your daily bread.

55b075 (2) No.2200725

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>>2199891 lb



This past Sunday, the Vesti nedeli program, a prime time Sunday evening wrap-up of the week’s news presented by the senior journalist and manager of Russia’s informational broadcasting resources, Dmitry Kiselyov, showed excerpts from a documentary film about Navalny and his mentor, or handler, William F. Browder.

whatever is sensational about the film has to do with the way it conclusively details Navalny’s recruitment by Bill Browder in 2007 for a program run by Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, also known as Military Intelligence (MI6), intended to destabilize the Russian government. Navalny came to the attention of MI6 because Browder determined he was “the most suitable candidate for future political leader”

We are told Navalny was next a useful aid to U.S. authorities in compiling a list of high Russian judicial and penal administrative officials for inclusion in the Magnitsky List on the basis of their alleged involvement in the torture and murder in detention of Browder’s erstwhile accountant, Sergei Magnitsky.

For Western observers, there is nothing sensational in the exposé of Navalny as a paid agent of British intelligence operating under the code name “Freedom.”

The truly sensational nature of Yevgeny Popov’s film lies elsewhere, in its material on Browder. If Navalny was recruited by Browder, then Popov was obliged to show how it was that the billionaire co-founder and owner of Hermitage Capital, which was at one point the largest foreign portfolio investment company in Russia, could be an agent, code named “Solomon,” in the MI6 documents presented on screen.

To answer this question, the film flashes back to 1995, and a Memorandum for the Chief of Secret Intelligence dated 12 July describing the attraction of Browder for his new bosses: “he is an important figure in integration of financial structures into the Russian economy. [He] has extensive contacts with [sic] international banking community and has [sic] wide range of relations with representatives of business communities in the UK, the USA, Europe, China and India.


2ac9b6 (7) No.2200727>>2200747 >>2200778 >>2200789 >>2200834

File (hide): 9d40b2abb0b41dd⋯.png (829.44 KB, 770x471, 770:471, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Walter Jones, Tulsi Gabbard say undeclared war should be impeachable offense

Two long-time war critics in the House said Wednesday that President Trump and any other president should face impeachment for waging war without a formal declaration from Congress.

Reps. Walter Jones, R-N.C., and Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, have spent years calling for more scrutiny of U.S. wars, but upped their rhetoric by unveiling a resolution calling such military action punishable as “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Jones and Gabbard are both members of the House Armed Services Committee. The U.S. has not officially declared war since World War II, and forces fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and other hot spots around the globe are covered under so-called authorizations for the use of military force passed by Congress after 9/11. “So our country continues to remain in a state of perpetual war at a great cost to the American people and to the innocent civilians around the world who are affected by these wars, with no declaration of war by Congress and no say by the American people,” Gabbard said.

Jones and other lawmakers have called regularly in recent years for Congress to consider updating the AUMF legislation that serves as the legal underpinning for the current military operations, but no vote has taken place since 2002. The latest proposed legislation would not be binding and is unlikely to be taken up by a Republican-controlled House that has batted away attempts at authorization votes, and would be loath to put President Trump in the crosshairs of a war debate.

Jones said he wants to spark a new debate and pointed to the Iraq invasion in 2003 under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, Trump’s Tomahawk cruise missile strikes on Syria, and President Barack Obama’s operations in Libya as reasons to worry. “I think that Bush and Cheney should have been impeached, quite frankly, that’s one example. I think any president that sends a young man or woman to an area of the world without coming to Congress and we lose a troop who has been shot and killed, yes, I think Congress was bypassed,” Jones said. “What we are saying to a president is you come to Congress let us help you make the decision by debating and voting.”

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/walter-jones-tulsi-gabbard-say-undeclared-war-should-be-impeachable-offense

efdb01 (5) No.2200728



In not if.. stupid typos.

cc2b2e (5) No.2200730>>2200768


hmm where's Q in this dream?? who was the funeral for?

f36374 (11) No.2200731>>2200775


Means you hold more than you realize in your hands. And a warning not to be angry at those who don't yet know.

12961a (13) No.2200732


Nothing is impossible.

226491 (4) No.2200733>>2200779 >>2200785

File (hide): 184e617260de3f2⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 640x800, 4:5, theglitch.og.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


We are all made of stars…

ea9085 (14) No.2200734>>2200764


he named the mag after his fathers killer

rumors was he was getting ready to publish

a story about who and why killed his dad

right before his death.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200735

File (hide): 2458678a94d9c17⋯.jpg (132.03 KB, 960x540, 16:9, witchhunting.jpg) (h) (u)

ce7bee (1) No.2200736

File (hide): d22a51efd90ca0e⋯.png (6.48 MB, 1246x14644, 89:1046, FireShot Capture 89 - Obam….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bbb1cb500157107⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1044x9701, 1044:9701, FireShot Capture 90 - Obam….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1a9c3e15ea9cafd⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1160x3137, 1160:3137, FireShot Capture 91 - A ne….png) (h) (u)

0d8875 (1) No.2200737


Im here for you, bro. Prayers from my family to yours.

5167c2 (2) No.2200739>>2200749


Not Q.

Caption on MSNBC right now:

"Trump again contradicts own intel, says Russia not targeting US."

According to POTUS, Russian is not targeting us.

f83a67 (16) No.2200740


damn son you're getting deep

3da79e (20) No.2200741

File (hide): f346716327385b2⋯.jpg (45.66 KB, 800x500, 8:5, tm1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): db92c331776bf5c⋯.jpg (352.29 KB, 2048x1458, 1024:729, mc.russia.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4bea923a0f38f16⋯.png (80.48 KB, 1171x430, 1171:430, outrage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): df1df2e893e1bf7⋯.jpg (88.93 KB, 900x506, 450:253, mcfaul.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c90d2c6301eac50⋯.jpg (134.64 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, tm.jpg) (h) (u)

b59150 (3) No.2200742


Executive privilege, any more questions?

86525e (5) No.2200743

File (hide): 329e31eb3f41b41⋯.png (720.98 KB, 660x480, 11:8, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

7193c5 (10) No.2200744

Where's the server?

Where's the server?

Where? Is the Server???

2ac9b6 (7) No.2200745


Last bread was quite interesting, too many shills.

7d6365 (4) No.2200746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anybody else catch Kellyanne Conway's nod to the board on Fox and Friends this morning?

8min mark if it doesnt embed at right time.

bb14e4 (3) No.2200747>>2200760


They know which ship lies just over the horizon.

d16724 (8) No.2200748

File (hide): fa126892b09b591⋯.png (632.37 KB, 478x635, 478:635, CommunistsJewsInGermanyWha….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 491d05abf06f77c⋯.png (1.8 MB, 961x729, 961:729, CommunistsJewsInGermany.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f94f65c7c538b07⋯.png (1.71 MB, 978x710, 489:355, CommunistsJewsInGermany2.png) (h) (u)

117a91 (6) No.2200749


no just the headline on facebook read what i say

ab62a4 (14) No.2200750>>2200791


>shills be shillin'

NO, I'm basing this on digs of the lobbying firm, and the fact that Manafort is in custody.

Manafort and others of his ilk (including stone) were planted in a bid to kneecap Trump.

There is no wiggle room there. It's a matter of public record now.

c35592 (3) No.2200751>>2200776

A remainder who remains a remainder.

Forgot who wrote that. I like it.

20c500 (6) No.2200752


ThankQ for quick pointers on maintenance.

Any insight into use of multiple aircraft during a VIP's tour? Basic question is, is it plausible that a 3rd jet be in position where LL's plane landed and taxied? LL would leave her plane behind and continue on the 3rd plane?

Thinking that the 3rd was not under maintenance but perhaps 2nd was due? Or it was there specifically for the meeting -- rather than in hanger?

6f7d3f (8) No.2200753


I never said she did not have accomplices in faking her death.

b8fca5 (3) No.2200754>>2200759 >>2200828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press conference coming up shosrtly.

e573bf (9) No.2200755



Money quote

Browder quite purposefully positioned himself at the very nexus of the U.S. and U.K. Intelligence Communities so that he would enjoy the full protection and cover of those intelligence agencies and secret services while conducting his numerous black ops.

What this really means is that Browder was also quite likely the elusive bagman who funded the whole Russiagate false flag operation.

Browder being a CIA/deep state asset from the start makes perfect sense.

They were trying to bankrupt the Russian economy, and use the funds for black ops.

Comey and Mueller may have even believed they were patriots covering up this scheme.

917733 (6) No.2200756>>2200772 >>2200786 >>2200860

So the shills have figured out they can slide a bread with their "muhFeels" stories. Fucking 40 replies to just two different "muhFeels" posts.

And anons replied and replied. Fucktards.

c17f25 (1) No.2200757


How do you put a file like a paperclip with out dox. Yourself

I have a bunch of file on soros n global solutions it's to much to in as screenshots

efdb01 (5) No.2200758

b8fca5 (3) No.2200759



2ac9b6 (7) No.2200760


Indeed they do.

29f5f0 (1) No.2200761


I lost my first pregnancy…very early on. It's so sad, it's so tragic. My heart and my prayers are with you.

A dear friend of mine reminded me to name this unknown baby, so that when it was my turn to cross over, I would know this soul when it greeted me. My baby is Gabriel, after the arch-angel. I hope this helps you, somehow.

f31968 (1) No.2200763

>>2199484 >>2199528 >>2199556


>Not a rabbi?

>Perhaps an IDF on Hasbara duty then?

>Or just JDIF?

Kike next time?


>(((They))) always denounce bigotry and shit on arabs (far away arabs) in the same post. Incredible the lack of self awareness.

I see I offended a moderate muslim.


>>Rabbi, I am going to bed. Have a great day knowing that once we are done with your jewish insolence and lies, judaism and islam are going to be banned in the West.


b105ad (2) No.2200764>>2200777


Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t


It seems more likely he was arkancided because he was in Hillary’s way.

Was basically a shoe in for that senate seat which was the path to her plan of world domination.

e2aa7b (6) No.2200765>>2200783 >>2200841

If you guys havent done it yet, I just signed up for the trial of CRTV and they have one little series called "The Swamp" it only has 4 episodes but that alone is worth it.

While I was watching it I thought to myself "This is what happens when conservative members of congress who were once controlled through fear, threats, and blackmail are FREE from the deepstate and FREE from special interest groups and they are FREE to represent their constituents. A show like 'The Swamp' happens…"

I wish soo bad it was on the TV. I wish cameras just followed around republican patriots going against the deepstate for the ULTIMATE transparency while in D.C. Nothing to hide. To show us what REALLY goes on..

a71183 (3) No.2200766


Just the start. Expect 15-20% annually when the tariffs are done, income tax repealed, manufacturing returns.

74fbb9 (10) No.2200768


>hmm where's Q in this dream??

Not sure, but I felt it was related.

>who was the funeral for?

Don't know that either.

f36374 (11) No.2200769

>>2200570 Your in a strange and foreign place and it's keeping you longer than you wanted to stay and your becoming annoyed that it isn't going as you planned. Your reading this and not being your playful self. You can't play anymore. And you are frustrated

dc1586 (11) No.2200770


>And the human is unlimited in his imagination and free will.

That's your mistake - that a human has free will. A human has freedom of choice not freedom of will.

Freedom of will must have a concommitant abilty to achieve that will such that if I will to fly, I can fly. If I will to live for ever, I have the ability so to do.

Humans do not have that capability to perform their will. They have freedom to choose between the humanly doable options that are presented to them.

e4140e (1) No.2200771

File (hide): b39a0acf23edc84⋯.jpg (252.98 KB, 1000x675, 40:27, Q drop 07012018_18.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d7171846c8b368⋯.jpg (182.1 KB, 1182x687, 394:229, Q drop 07012018_01.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ebe3024ddf92852⋯.jpg (398.64 KB, 1554x1080, 259:180, Q drop 07012018_15.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 21d0e93fb4e795e⋯.jpg (273.84 KB, 1015x939, 1015:939, Q drop 07012018_7.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bae2056d55cb45b⋯.jpg (252.79 KB, 731x845, 731:845, Trump Tweet 07012018.jpg) (h) (u)

fcd90e (12) No.2200772



Make a new thread. Resources aren't limited.


Shills like using that word.

83ec24 (3) No.2200773


that from today?

fe1d1f (8) No.2200774



74fbb9 (10) No.2200775


>Means you hold more than you realize in your hands. And a warning not to be angry at those who don't yet know.

Good points. Especially that last one.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200776


Estrogen want to remain.

Testosterone want to leave.

Some things are simple.

ea9085 (14) No.2200777


agree there also

such evil people

93560e (4) No.2200778>>2200789 >>2200813


No fucking mention of Obama impeachment. Only that he fucked with Libya. Fuck you, Gabbard.

c43c60 (7) No.2200779>>2200851 >>2200872

File (hide): 257fae7bd02f481⋯.jpg (34.41 KB, 564x505, 564:505, DfF-dsAVAAAvlcG.jpg) (h) (u)

d8083a (1) No.2200780

File (hide): a99a22a6e968830⋯.jpg (96.78 KB, 680x700, 34:35, IMG_2806.JPG) (h) (u)


first post found at :51 marker

prob took first anon 20 seconds to report it

1) firstanon likely already was on the fresh bread

17b0c1 (21) No.2200782>>2200822


You do realize that the Mueller/Deripaska/Iran connection is a good thing for our side right? It explains why Mueller hates Hillary so much.

fcd90e (12) No.2200783


I'll bet Bongino has a few wild stories.

e2aa7b (6) No.2200784



Check the digits, anon.


Please keep us updated

2c1c1b (1) No.2200785>>2200851

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Nice .mp4

I'll raise you a Moby embed. ; )

3b36c8 (31) No.2200786


You be a shill.

32ee84 (18) No.2200787


Please Don't :)

bd0b9b (5) No.2200788>>2200798

File (hide): b318d98ef2cb244⋯.mp4 (678.41 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Obama interferes in 2012 F….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

e573bf (9) No.2200789>>2200810 >>2200813



>No fucking mention of Obama impeachment.

You are missing the point.

They are not going to admit that is what they are doing.

They are shifting the Overton Window to make it an acceptable concept.

6e6af2 (1) No.2200790



7193c5 (10) No.2200791>>2200811


just keepin things honest.

the line just falls right in the middle of what the commies were saying too.

So Stone et al's shirts are dirty. I expect that when you play in the playground for as long as they have. How dirty is it compare to say, Brennan's?

You anon's better figure it out. No one is perfect and no one will ever meet 1000000% each of your bullet point expectations. Discounting everything someone says today because their shirts are dirty is stupid.

87d70a (9) No.2200793>>2200797

{ }hite

{ }ouse

{ }ffice

{ }eplubican

{ }cise

12961a (13) No.2200794


CIA Director John Brennan Proudly Acknowledges That He Once Voted for a Communist


c23d1f (3) No.2200795

File (hide): c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, fungible pepes.jpg) (h) (u)


This is old news. Also CIA.

Another use of Seven Dwarves.

They even have server farms to mine.

Like you had a chance in hell with shitcoin.

a1e643 (1) No.2200796

File (hide): ae36ffcc21b5c02⋯.jpg (393.73 KB, 899x1296, 899:1296, Clinton Browder 1j.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 86d436d09ad6fb2⋯.jpg (535.87 KB, 892x1245, 892:1245, Clinton Browder 2j.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f02680ecca0c948⋯.jpg (452.55 KB, 898x1014, 449:507, Clinton Browder 3j.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1fd240f389ea35d⋯.jpg (480.04 KB, 902x1114, 451:557, Clinton Browder 4j.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f07eaccba03fb5b⋯.jpg (200.27 KB, 884x582, 442:291, Clinton Browder 5j.jpg) (h) (u)

Searching for connections between Anatoly Chubais, Bill Browder and Hilliary Clinton - this July 2017 article by Sean adl-Tabtabal came up


Not sure what to make of the last part re the Russian lawyer lady but the whole article is an interesting read

87d70a (9) No.2200797>>2200801 >>2200803

3b36c8 (31) No.2200798


Lost and clueless jig.

83ec24 (3) No.2200799


hahaha omg yes!!

32ee84 (18) No.2200800


>>2200463, >>2200504, >>2200531, >>2200560 Five things to know about Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska & Moar Deripaska Info

>>2200429 How to Solve a Q Crumb (Advice from an Anon)

>>2200416, >>2200427, >>2200512 DIG, The Obama White House’s high-profile prisoner swap with Iran in 2016 was a much bigger gift to Iran than the administration ever let on

>>2200378 Brad Parscale Twat So much winning Anon and we are not even tired yet

>>2200359 Israel’s nukes, not Syria: Man kicked out from Trump-Putin summit says AP misquoted him

>>2200354 Alaska Democratic congressional candidate doesn't live in state --- or plan to campaign there

>>2200276 Trump-Backed Republican Rep. Roby Wins District Runoff

>>2200202 Boris Johnson savages Theresa May’s Chequers plan and says it’s ‘not too late to save Brexit’ in devastating resignation speech

>>2200158 BREAKING: Heathrow Airport EMERGENCY as all flights stopped

>>2200148, >>2200197, >>2200156, >>2200388 Digs & Info on Bill Browder

>>2200136 Mike Flynn, Jr rt of Sarah Carter Ripping Brennan

b7608e (3) No.2200801


lol. slut.

153eb3 (1) No.2200802


I hope it all turns out well for you and your family.

030e7b (2) No.2200803


thanks lol

b59150 (3) No.2200805


What is that cunt doing in Silicone Valley?

87d70a (9) No.2200806>>2200824

looks like ebot was drinking again huh

we better call it's sponsor right away and get it going back to the meetings

3da79e (20) No.2200808

File (hide): d65f20a51d76004⋯.jpg (38.88 KB, 600x315, 40:21, arnon.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 678b12702848436⋯.jpg (63.7 KB, 533x800, 533:800, lil.m.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1b065d911e1e6e3⋯.jpg (46.9 KB, 561x496, 561:496, barry.steinmetz.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1c68b09575408a5⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 467x700, 467:700, lil.monsta.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5c601d4f1a8192e⋯.png (240.51 KB, 500x399, 500:399, lyor.cohen.png) (h) (u)

12961a (13) No.2200809>>2200823



93560e (4) No.2200810>>2200838


Always thought Gabbard was a semi-straight shooter but she just exposed herself for what she really is. Ah I fucking hate giving people the benefit of the doubt. No more.

ab62a4 (14) No.2200811>>2200843


>Discounting everything someone says today because their shirts are dirty is stupid.

There is a difference between being trapped into playing for the wrong team… And being rewarded for doing it.

None of these men were trapped men.

fe31f7 (5) No.2200812




https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/09/nyregion/jho-low-young-malaysian-has-an-appetite-for-new-york.htmlhttps://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/09/nyregion/jho-low-young-malaysian-has-an-appetite-for-new-york.htmlFirst, a shell company connected to Mr. Low, famous back home for partying with the likes of Paris Hilton, purchased a $23.98 million apartment in the Park Laurel condominiums in Manhattan. Three years later, that shell company sold the condo to another shell company, this one controlled by someone even more prominent in Malaysia: the film-producing stepson of the prime minister.

2ac9b6 (7) No.2200813>>2200844



Exactly! They want all on board with the idea.

e2aa7b (6) No.2200814


I prayed for a miracle for you and your family.

efdb01 (5) No.2200815


One other thing..Anon, you are not alone.

With a gun to the back of my head this prayer came from the inner most parts of my soul. "Father, I don't want to die tonight. If I die, I don't want to be alone. Be here with me."

Immediately after, with blood running down my face, while being marched to the woods..Peace rained down on my body, There was no more pain, fear, terror.

Those feelings came after and I am now on the other side.

in the midst of my carjacking and "almost murder" I was not alone.

fe1d1f (8) No.2200816

File (hide): bdbb9ab94396b33⋯.png (365.34 KB, 712x525, 712:525, Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at ….png) (h) (u)


ea9085 (14) No.2200817>>2200825 >>2200839



darwin was a f moron

b11774 (1) No.2200818

File (hide): 97e8c0a08e9c58e⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1000x1192, 125:149, military_precision.png) (h) (u)

87d70a (9) No.2200819

File (hide): 26fac698a37dd3e⋯.jpg (59.96 KB, 630x945, 2:3, IMG_2031.JPG) (h) (u)


fe1d1f (8) No.2200820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e573bf (9) No.2200822>>2200861


>It explains why Mueller hates Hillary so much.


Mueller was trying to save an FBI agent.

Obama and HRC (and Brennan?) nixxed it… the guy probably knew too much of what was REALLY going on.

3b36c8 (31) No.2200823


If so, he should be promptly shot for treason.

dc1586 (11) No.2200824


its, Hotwheels, not it's.

17d56c (4) No.2200825


ty wiseanaon

83ec24 (3) No.2200827

for all of those who thought Pompeo had to home for Q to post… well Pompeo was sitting next to POTUS at Cabinet meeting today…

145f12 (1) No.2200828

File (hide): 32a3dbf0792484f⋯.jpg (302.66 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, WhoisQ.jpg) (h) (u)

3da79e (20) No.2200829

File (hide): f3af52e80327f6f⋯.png (237.92 KB, 349x532, 349:532, Qcat.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ede959ecd3e56c8⋯.jpg (243.26 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Qkitty.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0420138cb2c9388⋯.jpg (42.28 KB, 600x397, 600:397, Qsprint.jpg) (h) (u)

95f08a (1) No.2200831


Sending my BIGGEST prayers for a miracle your way, Anon. We love you.

c55e17 (1) No.2200832


Prayers up for you and yours….

3cfc9e (4) No.2200834


seeking nudes of Tulsi Gabbard if they exist…

32ee84 (18) No.2200835


939654 (2) No.2200836>>2200855 >>2200882

File (hide): fa9610301320cc4⋯.png (10.95 KB, 423x466, 423:466, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0a996a9567c4c25⋯.png (19.38 KB, 602x246, 301:123, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Sparrow Red → Red Sparrow

The "Red Sparrow" scenario was unveiled in a memorandum that laid out reasons why prosecutors believe Mariia Butina, 29, should remain jailed until trial.


87d70a (9) No.2200837


c35592 (3) No.2200838

f3976c (4) No.2200839>>2200878


Darwin was cabal and an overall evil piece of shit.

b3170c (1) No.2200840>>2200853


The ultimate question? Is it today?

d16724 (8) No.2200841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

520b49 (2) No.2200842>>2200876




how do you 'know' which race you come from? intuition?

7193c5 (10) No.2200843>>2200863


Tell me who's never played ball for or with the wrong team during their career in politics?

Ron Paul.

after that who?

What did Ron Paul actually get done?

Not much.

So, if the answer is no one but Ron Paul, then who the hell do you intend to have help you in your quest for perfection?

93560e (4) No.2200844>>2200864 >>2200880


It wouldn't even matter since they can't criminalize shit that was once within the President's power, then retroactively impeach him for a crime that wasn't a crime. No ex post facto laws says the Constitution. These people are REALLY stupid.

3da79e (20) No.2200845

File (hide): fc9f3782290ab5f⋯.jpg (32.16 KB, 512x366, 256:183, Qsupport.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1b6901fa9aedb73⋯.jpg (39.71 KB, 460x376, 115:94, Qsolution.jpg) (h) (u)

cc2b2e (5) No.2200846


may god bless you, your wife, and your unborn child, anon. may the light of the universe be with you all during this difficult time. praying for your baby's health and safety.. i believe in miracles and that baby has 50+ people praying for him/her right now. you are not alone..WRWY <3

efdb01 (5) No.2200847


Roger that, sir.

Millennial anon here..The torch is in good hands, sir.

87d70a (9) No.2200849


226491 (4) No.2200851

>>2200177 Infinite prayers, love and LIGHT!




3b36c8 (31) No.2200853


Don't know, but it's getting closer with each passing day.

c23d1f (3) No.2200854



Nicely done anons! Future proves past. :)

54cb1d (13) No.2200855



repost nb pls

5167c2 (2) No.2200856>>2200862


Wonder what the connection between No Name and Browder might be

ee28bf (1) No.2200857


Whoa. Sure does

e2aa7b (6) No.2200858>>2200866

Q, Im starting to find some serious credibility to the soccerball theory.

My God, I want it to be true just as much as the Trump time machine theory.

And the Trump Punish theory

and the Trump Prophecies

please let the soccerball theory be real.

87d70a (9) No.2200859>>2200869


1db4d2 (4) No.2200860


Oh yeah I replied and replied wasting so much bread with "muhFeels"… That's why i responded to three anons in one post and this is my first reply again since.

Is there a reason the shills don't want us talking about our dreams? sounds fucking wierd.

17b0c1 (21) No.2200861


Yup! I think a lot of Mueller haters refuse to see it

117a91 (6) No.2200862


both working fore FSB and Russia fore last 40 years ;)

d6bd7c (4) No.2200863>>2200867


Ron Paul is there to shit up congress' bread. Never amounts to a thing except for opportunistic obstructionism.

7193c5 (10) No.2200864


What does that matter?

The Constitution says no taxes shall be levied against the individual.

Pay your income taxes last year did ya?

5dbe1b (4) No.2200865

File (hide): b5f7ed5f96f5407⋯.png (202.94 KB, 495x487, 495:487, 2018-07-18_1113.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0aaaff8bc3c8eff⋯.png (275.42 KB, 493x517, 493:517, 2018-07-18_1113_001.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 23c5c9887ee60f0⋯.png (272.77 KB, 495x496, 495:496, 2018-07-18_1113_002.png) (h) (u)


Trump Holds Cabinet Meeting Amid Putin Summit Fallout, Says “Russia No Longer Targeting US”


2018/07/18 11:44:55 AM


f3976c (4) No.2200866


What exactly is the working soccer ball theory?

d6bd7c (4) No.2200867

87d70a (9) No.2200868


719c38 (1) No.2200869

File (hide): 6f43fe786fa8e52⋯.jpg (44.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 151iq.jpg) (h) (u)


Here, this should set things right.

3567d2 (1) No.2200870


Oh anon…my heart hurts for you. Please update us. I’m sending out my most positive vibes and prayers right this second. Hugs to you and your family.

fe1d1f (8) No.2200872

File (hide): 83fc9db0bb7d886⋯.gif (691.19 KB, 255x209, 255:209, 83fc9db0bb7d886af98a668d59….gif) (h) (u)

ba1620 (3) No.2200873

File (hide): b16e584b4f37cc8⋯.png (178.58 KB, 500x325, 20:13, Pizza.png) (h) (u)


>Antifa member foumd with large cashe of weapons and explosives

You can't make this shit up:

"Authorities believe he broke into businesses in Tea and Dell Rapids, including a burglary at the Pizza Ranch in Dell Rapids. "

32ee84 (18) No.2200874






c23d1f (3) No.2200875

File (hide): 5882636e7c063cc⋯.png (16.44 KB, 255x235, 51:47, Hurricane Pepe.png) (h) (u)

The sadfagging is over the top this bread.

Real or shill tactic?

cc2b2e (5) No.2200876


the information was relayed to me in dreams, quantum hypnosis, and meditation - that all can be summed up as intuition though. all knowledge is self knowledge as we are all one so my source is source :) you can read through some descriptions of the races and see if you feel a certain resonance or inner knowing.. follow that, then sit in meditation and see what comes up

db7ae8 (5) No.2200877

File (hide): 126f8ea65be2e3a⋯.png (109.1 KB, 411x490, 411:490, 6b5hyn-001-1k4cBGS.png) (h) (u)


catch you on the other side soldier . 07

ab62a4 (14) No.2200878


Diogenes lived in a big jar to prove a point. What of it?

87d70a (9) No.2200879


3b36c8 (31) No.2200880


The one exception: they could if the SC agreed and upheld it.

(See how important GOOD SC justices are?)

460323 (8) No.2200881

File (hide): 92762442649728c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.43 MB, 3000x3912, 125:163, 1443478664335.jpg) (h) (u)


Good digging anon, here's the link to the files for others, I have the USA file (the biggest one) seems legit, virii free, dunno fer sure, havent heard any squawking for scrotum face about the hack so it must be true.


f5786a (7) No.2200882


also interdasting, going down the chain…

"Paul Erickson … executive producer of Jack Abramoff’s anti-communist film “Red Scorpion”


45cac4 (1) No.2200883

File (hide): 9e5ef9e8a285470⋯.png (57.21 KB, 778x589, 778:589, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Any ideas why I would get this when trying to post?

fe1d1f (8) No.2200884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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