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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

7355e4 No.21562094 [Last50 Posts]

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7355e4 No.21562096

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#26413 >>21561097

>>21561164 BRICS nations infiltrating West by paying off top officials

>>21561269, >>21561296 Went from "it's not happening" to "here's why eating pets is a good thing"

>>21561270 Massachusetts schools ‘blindsided’ by students from shelter housing migrants; Healey admin announces nearly $2M in funding

>>21561279 PF: CMB360, CMB187, CMB544, CMB425

>>21561300 How does the Revenue for the NGO the Catholic Charities nearly quadruple since the Biden Administration took over?

>>21561331, >>21561418, >>21561367 Kamala explains her villain origin story

Ghost grab

>>21561510 Does anyone know what this woman is cooking on a NYC street?

>>21561572 House Speaker Mike Johnson is hosting a ceremony Tuesday to posthumously present the Congressional Gold Medal to 13 U.S. service members killed in Afganistan

>>21561744 praying medic w/CAP: DNI says "no foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections,” DoJ got punked

>>21561797 RFK Jr. Reveals How Scientists Are Making a Fortune from the Moderna Vaccine

>>21561806 Animal sacrifice, not just in Springfield, Ohio. It’s happening in NYC, too.

>>21561829 Gonna be a hoot tonight: KJP - "I think it is important for Americans to know that Kamala Harris has played a very big role" in every single failure of the Harris-Biden administration."

>>21561877 KEK: CNN fact-checks JD Vance’s claims about immigrants eating pets

>>21561937 Swampennings for 9/10/2024

>>21562076 #26413

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7355e4 No.21562097

#26412 >>21560347

>>21560355 Southern California wildfire scorches 20,000 acres 0% contained

>>21560369, >>21560374 Parody Song With Jim Morrison and The Doors' 'Light My Fire' Footage Torches Kamala Harris

>>21560381 You Can Actually See The 2024 Presidential Election Being Rigged In Real Time

>>21560415 Legal gun owner fires at thug in Chicago climbing into daughter's room - CPD respond by confiscating her gun

>>21560429, >>21560456, >>21560431 Amber Alert: Mr. Pig

>>21560448 Kamala Harris and her Administration blocked 300k unvetted Haitian Migrants from being deported out of our country

>>21560478 Shout out to Karli

>>21560500 @DineshDSouza: Trailer for my new film VINDICATING TRUMP

>>21560520 Democrats Are Staging Hate Crimes In California

>>21560526 How Democrats are working to destroy a public company started by Veteran and Purple Heart recipient Tim Sheehy

>>21560535 This mother makes $60,000 but can’t afford her daughter’s medical procedure while migrants get free healthcare

>>21560548 An illegal alien pretending to be a cop abducted a young girl while she was walking to school in Virginia

>>21560559 Trump accuser E. Jean Carroll is now accusing at least thirteen other men of raping or sexually assaulting her

>>21560571 Federal managing director of the German far-left party "Die Linke" wants to "pull the plug" on Elon Musk

>>21560579 For the first time in 100 years, Americans will have access to legal election markets at scale

>>21560589, >>21560596 Harris falling behind among male voters in key states

>>21560590 Fraud plagues Biden ‘parole’ program: Michelle Obama’s passport used; dead people named sponsors

>>21560611 Donald Trump Calls For 25th Amendment Reform To Allow Removal Of Vice Presidents

>>21560647 Democrat on Homeland Security Committee is Also Chairman of Chinese Intel Op

>>21560731 Swiss politician Sania Amethi shot at an icon depicting the Virgin Mary and Jesus and bragged about it on social media

>>21560758, >>21560793, >>21560863 Princess Katherine releases a heavily edited video of her recovery from cancer after chemo

>>21560785, >>21560812 Mass U.S. Corruption: Assistant Chief Shawn Taylor of Millersville, TN Police Department Tells All

>>21560824 Trade chaos as Suffolk-Norfolk shipping route blocked

>>21560876 PF: Memphis Belle IV

>>21560893 Trans prisoners to get wigs, prosthetic penises and breasts under Democrat bill

>>21560919 Man who saved girl, 14, from sex abuser gets almost as long in jail as pedophile for 'kidnapping' him

>>21560958 Illegal migrant indicted over serial child rapes on ritzy island where Obamas own $12m mansion

>>21561011 Mike Benz: The purpose of refugee programs

>>21561015 Trump to hold press conference in Los Angeles on Friday morning

>>21561029 Jesse Watters: Panic in the air as it's the last night of debate camp for Kamala

>>21561041 WH: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Foreign Interference in United States Elections

>>21560351, >>21560428, >>21560449, >>21560552, >>21560568, >>21560569, >>21560610, >>21560704, >>21560777, >>21560781, >>21560856, >>21560885, >>21560887, >>21560925 Memes

>>21561086 #26412

#26411 >>21559594

>>21559607 Revenue for NGO Catholic Charities nearly quadruples since the Biden Administration took over

>>21559610, >>21559659 “Sudden And Unexpected” This Video should be compulsory viewing for every Parent ..

>>21559614, >>21559618 The shizzle that happens when you let the third world in

>>21559616 @elonmusk: 153 illegal alien sex offenders arrested this past year in Baltimore alone

>>21559617 Are GreenPeace now domestic terrorists?

>>21559622, >>21559666, >>21559683 Dems protect themselves. Not You. Not Your Children.

>>21559629 What Do They Know? Russia Increases Daily Gold Purchases by 700%

>>21559631 20% of mail-in ballots were fraudulent in the 2020 election

>>21559632, >>21559713 The Haitian illegals in Ohio are given $600-$1600 per month on Debit Cards through the Refugee Cash

>>21559635 Peter Nygard on Monday was sentenced to 11 years in prison

>>21559642, >>21559661 Biden has made it clear he will shutdown the government to prevent a ban on non-citizen voting

>>21559648 @USMarshalsHQ: ‘Operation Homecoming’ Recovers 32 Missing Children in the Akron Area

>>21559653 Biden left Taliban $7B in weapons, fingerprint scanners used to hunt US allies

>>21559672 Is it a coincidence Weinstein is due in court this week?

>>21559677, >>21559694 @JamesOKeefeIII: Google’s Search Engine Manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign Exposed

>>21559690 If RFK Jr. must stay on the ballot in Michigan, so should Joe Biden

>>21559710 Three years ago today, Biden declared that Americans that refused to get the covid vax were now enemies of the state

>>21559725, >>21559729 Just the News No Noise - Realamericasvoice

>>21559731 JUST IN - Rumble is blocking access to its video platform in Brazil

>>21559754 When TeleGram goes TerrorGram

>>21559762 F-35 Lightning II Lands on Highway in Finland for the First Time

>>21559841, >>21559875 RIP James Earl Jones: From Darth Vader to Admiral James Greer in The Hunt for Red October

>>21559904, >>21560024, >>21560201, >>21560267 Shawn Taylor of Millersville, TN Police Department reveals massive U.S. corruption

>>21560043 @thejimwatkins: Many people have asked me to bring back /pol/

>>21560076 At least 16 cats in Bangor neighborhood have disappeared

>>21560099 Maxine Waters using the race card to protect the cat-eating Haitian illegals

>>21560108 January 6 defendants going through “reeducation courses” in jail to teach them how Trump is ‘a threat to democracy’

>>21560114 The MS-13 member who murdered Kayla Hamilton was attending a Maryland Public School after he kiIIed her

>>21560130 Candace Owens: I have been inundated with 3 back to back content hits within minutes, plus an email that I am now fully demonetized

>>21560131 Latest pollings flipped the polling average of GA, NC, PA, and another state to red

>>21560146 Portland Antifa ringleader Alissa Azar has been sentenced to jail by a Clackamas County, OR judge

>>21560159 Democrats Spotlight Supreme Court as Key Issue in Upcoming Elections

>>21560177, >>21559953 CNN is reporting Kamala Harris is taking advice from Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden for her debate prep

>>21560184 Elon: "And I will! (destroy the woke mind virus)"

>>21560211 ABC on "cloud seeding" boom: "We've been doing this since the 1940"

>>21560225 Diddy is officially selling his crime filled mansion in Los Angeles, which was raided by Homeland Security raided in March

>>21560261, >>21560230 That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

>>21560311 General Flynn agrees with Kash Patel that we could potentially see a power grid takedown before the Election

>>21560317 Cuomo aides knew his nursing home mandate would be ‘great debacle,’ helped gov ‘edit’ report that deflated deaths

>>21560325, >>21560330 Del Rio Sector #USBP agents see uptick in apprehensions of Haitian migrants

>>21559665, >>21559787, >>21559790, >>21559896, >>21559942, >>21559949, >>21560010 Memes

>>21560333 #26411

Previously Collected

>>21559587 #26410,

>>21556898 #26407, >>21557771 #26408, >>21558788 #26409

>>21553985 #26404, >>21554745 #26405, >>21555656 #26406

>>21551231 #26401, >>21552088 #26402, >>21553194 #26403

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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7355e4 No.21562102

File: be36857342604c8⋯.png (882.75 KB,1203x802,3:2,flotus1.png)

File: e3ea21a805466c7⋯.jpg (57.87 KB,550x366,275:183,flotus8.jpg)



mnorn'n baker requesting handoff

gotta wurkfag soon

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a2823f No.21562117

File: 268f235703f1b90⋯.mp4 (503.45 KB,484x270,242:135,eatcat.mp4)

Cat eater is not a Hatian

just a regular nigger


full cop cam in next post

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a2823f No.21562121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cop cam video

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cbd222 No.21562129

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ae3062 No.21562133

File: b0a26498ceaeb37⋯.jpg (577.43 KB,1080x1665,24:37,Screenshot_20240910_050608….jpg)

Gary Ridgway, also known as the Green River Killer, received 49 life sentences for murders he committed around the Pacific Northwest.


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c27136 No.21562139


thank you baker

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7f7420 No.21562144

File: 7ecf184404ff9e8⋯.png (525.3 KB,554x556,277:278,happy_tuesday.png)

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3b26c4 No.21562146

File: e6a9df01b01a795⋯.png (916.41 KB,982x700,491:350,ClipboardImage.png)

File: def7d036f0c9245⋯.png (299.27 KB,655x342,655:342,ClipboardImage.png)


Watch the evil doers, begin to speak truth, then be shocked at their own action, and be overcome with truth, in their typing, and won't be able to delete it, right away.

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9c770a No.21562152


it looks Russian betrayed his country for China and working with Americans

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1aed29 No.21562153

Jesus Christ Idaho

Put your fucking wildfires out

You incest loving POS

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5bc4a1 No.21562159



who taught her?

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88ccff No.21562161

File: fbf677300cf3df2⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,848x476,212:119,Democrats_have_controlled_….mp4)


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31c91e No.21562163

File: faa0f74cda0a951⋯.png (222.82 KB,500x743,500:743,faa0f74cda0a951a94b305ac0d….png)

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1aed29 No.21562167


At ANY time, there are 4 or 5 serial killers working in US

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9c770a No.21562168



New world grace

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31c91e No.21562171


jar babies

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efc644 No.21562172

what time is the debate?

will 8kun be filled with scores of satanic mockers who post self-portroits of evil clown-faces, which is how their look has transformed due to the evil that the seem to be channelling?

Will they lose their souls while shilling for the Marxists?

how many illegal aliens will register to vote today?

is your house cat safe?

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b28ff6 No.21562174

File: 65bbfa4fe08667c⋯.jpg (308.55 KB,1032x630,172:105,etsw.jpg)

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efc644 No.21562187

I see that the 'mock Q and the anon by constantly quoting Q out of context, and tag anyone real in the bread with every mocking post' shill is very quick already to tag my post.

Will Mr. Pig return today?

What about Smoking Pepe?

whatever happened to Tranny-May?

maybe it was preceeded by Cam-shaft April and Pozzi-rear-end June?

oh the drama!

you knmow it's pronounced Drama-La

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012999 No.21562188

File: 43fa5339491f153⋯.jpeg (125.92 KB,564x750,94:125,IMG_3679.jpeg)

>>21561940 (lb)

il Donaldo Trumpo trolls cat ladies with news of haitans eating them.


Haitians eat cat ladies?

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36c264 No.21562192

very notable - asking the right question(s) >>21562129

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88ccff No.21562197

File: 694ff5c94ea171b⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,640x360,16:9,not_able_to_go_out_in_the_….mp4)


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40f05e No.21562200

File: d0bd4f5fb5fb375⋯.jpg (77.94 KB,1000x500,2:1,OneTweetONE.jpg)


TY, baker.

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a2823f No.21562201



bath salts triggers behavior like that

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841919 No.21562203

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)


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31c91e No.21562204

File: ded24df29ae7a29⋯.jpg (229.75 KB,1800x1800,1:1,ded24df29ae7a2943139a40b1e….jpg)

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36c264 No.21562205

File: 63035c4216aec4f⋯.jpg (324.76 KB,1024x768,4:3,FrogCoupleCoffee.jpg)

>>21562144 chekt

GM Happy Tuesday

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efc644 No.21562206

it rhymes with

"Drama-La, spare us!"

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341ede No.21562208

File: 14e440a5f855c6e⋯.jpeg (119.33 KB,800x450,16:9,836B10E5_AA28_4510_8C70_A….jpeg)

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341ede No.21562210

File: 6d4d76cc92d2db6⋯.jpeg (145.79 KB,800x711,800:711,DFEF1E9A_DE58_488D_80B9_E….jpeg)

File: 07b69bf700a45b4⋯.jpeg (166.58 KB,800x575,32:23,3F471177_1CD6_4657_A983_7….jpeg)

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8704c0 No.21562211


wasnt there a guy who was carry a foot around or something a few months back eating it. was on camera got arrested and he just found it he said.

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012999 No.21562213


8 minutes.

Ain’t nobody got no time fo dat.

Tell me she at least cooked it.

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40f05e No.21562214

File: dc840efdf49520b⋯.jpg (125.6 KB,671x372,671:372,GMdaisies.jpg)

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341ede No.21562216

File: 7d62f4f5a660e7c⋯.jpeg (292.93 KB,1131x664,1131:664,IMG_9068.jpeg)

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973cdd No.21562219

File: 1cd5b0b89914b3d⋯.jpeg (122.14 KB,783x1332,87:148,93A864C0_AEA5_44D6_AC1A_6….jpeg)



What a great day!

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9c770a No.21562220


Are you happy

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2b4079 No.21562223

File: 931c1634b09d16e⋯.png (337.6 KB,1032x468,86:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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012999 No.21562225

File: 02b6b268fc8c4a5⋯.png (320.79 KB,759x500,759:500,IMG_3680.png)



That ain’t real.

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9c770a No.21562232


Are you happy about what you did

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7f0dad No.21562234


The main reason why is because it’s time, once and for all, to break the highest glass ceiling and election a woman to the highest office in this great land. Everything else is secondary. I only have a couple minutes if anyone wants to debate me.

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36c264 No.21562235

File: 1a6776834660045⋯.png (106.1 KB,680x499,680:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


The publicly-stated goal by almost all leaders of the Democratic Party is to legalize the ~15 million illegal migrants as soon as possible, as well as bring in tens of millions more.

That would immediately make all swing states deep blue, just like happened in California with the 1986 amnesty, turning America into a permanent one-party state.

This is the last real election if Trump loses.

11:38 PM · Sep 9, 2024


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012999 No.21562241

File: 83b4f72472b8a32⋯.jpeg (93.16 KB,700x659,700:659,IMG_3681.jpeg)

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f6a802 No.21562244

I am still laughing about the Kamala song parody in the notes.

Totally brilliant, and that is one that will stick with those that hear it.

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9c770a No.21562246


Haven't you heard the saying?

If your house is made of glass, don't throw stones at people.

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2bd158 No.21562253

File: 87044871d0bfa5d⋯.jpeg (824.39 KB,1125x1714,1125:1714,IMG_3963.jpeg)


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012999 No.21562255


Vote for the one the fly doesn’t land on.

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4fae4c No.21562257

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7f0dad No.21562258


i knew it.

The “haitians eating pets” LARP was a trap and we all fell for it.

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8704c0 No.21562259


Aurora Colorado initially said there was not a Venezuelan gang problem also.

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cbd222 No.21562261


>we all fell for it.

no i didnt

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e6b79a No.21562273


what about the ducks?

why aren't they denying the ducks are targets too?

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25b532 No.21562275

The pet-eating illegals are consuming cleaner meat than we are getting at the grocery store.

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31c91e No.21562277


She's Biden's DEI hire and a drunk.


'we'.. who's 'we'?

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e79d5a No.21562279


you whining so much

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8704c0 No.21562281


but people are eating pets, and people are sacrificing animals and there are people openly complaining about it on video in front of city council members, That Haitian part might not be accurate but people are doing it.

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e79d5a No.21562291


She is pretty

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7355e4 No.21562294

File: 3001a303d27085d⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,433x353,433:353,3001a303d27085dc6ced89f502….jpg)


morn'n baker has to wurkfag

bred is ghost

anons have a great day

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1aed29 No.21562295

File: 7ee738c82c0f396⋯.png (3.05 MB,1734x1300,867:650,IMG_6573.png)


I would like to hear one intelligent argument FOR mass immigration

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341ede No.21562297

File: b5414c580006d30⋯.jpeg (924.05 KB,963x1361,963:1361,IMG_9160.jpeg)

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341ede No.21562298

File: c6d568d0862afa5⋯.jpeg (579.05 KB,1366x1365,1366:1365,F6304674_B11A_4C17_99EA_B….jpeg)

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36c264 No.21562299



A few years ago I lived in California and I SWEAR there are people who come to lakes to kill ducks and I heard it one time late at night… that poor duck made so much noise as he was being demised, I'll never forget it. It was probably homeless people, but our local residents said that the immigrant Hmong people were stealing or killing them, and the newspaper did an article about "so many ducks are missing"…

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684149 No.21562301

File: 99506f9ae334e65⋯.png (354.76 KB,458x564,229:282,99506f9ae334e65278d3e7131a….png)


Thank you Baker!!! Can't wait for the show tonight.

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341ede No.21562303

File: cd58a4f58566b36⋯.jpeg (427.09 KB,2082x1572,347:262,IMG_9115.jpeg)

File: a1f79375ed46e2b⋯.mp4 (220.46 KB,videoplayback.mp4)

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069151 No.21562304

Any video proof

Of the hungry migrants

Eating peeps pets

Just wondering if cooking first

Kills the rabies vax. That is same as covid and flu and….other deadly concoctions ….the FDA …USDA

Came up with

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533376 No.21562306

File: 1d4b72d9d1513e7⋯.png (177.07 KB,1028x702,514:351,God_answers_prayers_graphi….png)

Prayer Mission for POTUS - TODAY

Dear God in Heaven,

Bless, protect and prosper our POTUS DJT and all with him in every detail of this Debate, in every way. Bring the truth about the Adversary of Freedom and bring Your destruction of their evil plans against our POTUS DJT, we the people, patriots worldwide- and Liberty itself. We pray according to Your Promise that where two of us agree on Earth concerning anything we ask, that it will be done for us by you, Our Father in Heaven. And we agree together as One in this moment, for a HOT Buttered Popcorn MIC FAIL. Bring the Pain, Lord. For your Glory, for the honor of THE TRUTH.

All patriots in Faith WW agree, destruction for the workings of the enemies of God and Mankind, whose ideals are embodied in our Opponent. We pray Father in Heaven, bring our POTUS DTJ and all those who love Freedom WW this Victory of Truth Revealed, for Your Glory we pray You bring the Light and the Heat of Reality to the World.

And we all agree and pray in Faith, Lord, with our Hearts & Minds United as One, in Jesus' Name, Amen. Anons agree. If you don't have the courage to reply, just tell God, He will hear you. God bless you all.

Prayer Mission for POTUS - TODAY

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b4a855 No.21562307


You have great insight and the red text helps drive your point home. Thanks for your contributions.

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f042e8 No.21562309

File: 990f8b3aaf8e88c⋯.png (1.63 MB,750x1334,375:667,D19A605A_581F_4359_A829_CA….png)

File: fd73ac279a7d9aa⋯.png (94.15 KB,690x938,345:469,2121114D_4C83_4A28_A261_79….png)

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341ede No.21562310

File: fe1c87ad79cd050⋯.jpeg (29.98 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_9163.jpeg)

File: 5cdc209f0c90ce6⋯.mp4 (170.25 KB,rsYYD3FYSwn75Ymk.MOV)


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a2823f No.21562313

File: be30c5b226e48a6⋯.png (261.21 KB,858x447,286:149,ClipboardImage.png)





I remember this one from mimi

first time I had ever heard of bath salts


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36c264 No.21562314

File: 922a9a041104c71⋯.png (1.81 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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684149 No.21562315

File: 904881a29ddb484⋯.png (360.61 KB,403x583,403:583,904881a29ddb48481b01b7b2b4….png)


She is perfect. For the Queen!

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bccda3 No.21562316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 16


Seems even moar powerful than imagine haha

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533376 No.21562319

File: a1edd24a0e50cca⋯.png (1.61 MB,1242x621,2:1,dream.png)


"Less than 10."

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bccda3 No.21562321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 16


Seems even moar powerful than imagine haha

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bccda3 No.21562323


Be fired

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3575b3 No.21562324

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

STOP IT!!!🤣🤣🤣Kamala Harris's policies!

il Donaldo Trumpo



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8704c0 No.21562327


oh forgot about that one, there is video of that attack.

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012af2 No.21562330

File: 895da1d8db0c31b⋯.png (453.21 KB,1026x1278,57:71,First_Lady_Melania_the_att….png)


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bccda3 No.21562331

File: bb25f5de2c8089b⋯.jpg (76.18 KB,500x1094,250:547,92y80j.jpg)


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36c264 No.21562334

amens and such >>21562306

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6fc94b No.21562336

Board volunteer, come to the front of the class and explain why you are deleting Kamala posts. What rule is it breaking?

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a2823f No.21562339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f042e8 No.21562340

File: 93c895c88c801de⋯.png (2.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,8299CE83_B21E_4464_9816_ED….png)

File: 5cafa1e1cc03604⋯.png (2.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,47375ABE_0ABB_4BD0_9C96_05….png)

File: b61d3c02ccfa4b0⋯.png (27.58 KB,690x410,69:41,2416E2FA_4B67_4967_A010_A5….png)

File: 1853674941c2b39⋯.png (102.31 KB,690x1434,115:239,03F5D456_22F5_47F1_8CA4_CC….png)

File: 4afdc6aa46cdad4⋯.png (76.83 KB,690x988,345:494,635A8D4E_22A3_43FC_BCD9_90….png)

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069151 No.21562346

Are the hungry Haitians

Reporting any cases of toxoplasmosis

From eating bad pussy ?

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ac5e0c No.21562347

Somebody made a statement the other day, that if illegals were to suddenly disappear there's no record of them ever being here. So nobody is going to file a missing person report.

Interesting . Very interesting indeed.

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36c264 No.21562349

File: 3e9e3c9920d0f1b⋯.jpg (10.68 KB,255x207,85:69,ApuCookie.jpg)

one ping only >>21562340

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d96b44 No.21562351


Notable. First Lady not buying the bullshit.

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a2823f No.21562352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



video appears to show person eating severed body part of train collision victim

was a person hit by train

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3575b3 No.21562353

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LOVE MY TIKTOK WARRIORS!!!😎🇺🇸😂😂😂KEK, we have a lot of creative people for the Win. How many followers does PDJT have on Til Tok?



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a2823f No.21562356

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795079 No.21562357

File: 24c32f7641857b2⋯.jpeg (206.21 KB,1125x582,375:194,IMG_3961.jpeg)

File: 18ae19a13820c5d⋯.jpeg (792.38 KB,1125x1469,1125:1469,IMG_3962.jpeg)

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9c770a No.21562358


You keep suck suck

Your mistakes are disaster

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533376 No.21562360

File: f2395535d23cb89⋯.png (17.51 KB,444x462,74:77,803.png)


8:03 am EDT

Feb 21 2018 20:34:05 (EST)

Last edited: Feb 21 2018 20:43:37 (EST)









[ ]















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069151 No.21562361


You got videos

If hungry Haitians

Eating bad pussy

Or just tag me to get deleted ….fucker

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5745cc No.21562364


I won’t cower. Until it’s allowed to stay, I won’t stop.

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20da07 No.21562365

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/10/2024



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f042e8 No.21562367

File: bab130d781f940d⋯.png (1.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,0401BD9F_AC93_4F41_8D5E_38….png)

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5ad4f9 No.21562369

File: e0ca9ab77f28b02⋯.png (409.88 KB,400x488,50:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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012af2 No.21562370

File: 0e4abafeda40bfa⋯.png (215.34 KB,279x414,31:46,Laying_hands_on_prayer_for….png)

Amen. And it is DONE!


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533376 No.21562373



>King County

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80ae06 No.21562375

File: 046198ada285a2b⋯.png (661.51 KB,687x896,687:896,ClipboardImage.png)

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88ccff No.21562377

File: 1ae28ae599f387b⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,321ready.mp4)

where's the president?

who's running things?

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533376 No.21562379

File: e117286cc5bbc41⋯.png (137.71 KB,216x234,12:13,hero.png)



I agree i n Jesus' name, Amen.

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768388 No.21562382

Anon thinks the time for complaining is past. Sitting idle only creates more victims and hurts more children and their future.

Dont think it is waking as many up as designed. Anon hopes the stories are false. White hats in each state/county should be attending the school board meetings and city council meetings to let the leaders know their names are public as well as their decisions.

Accountability is now.

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9c770a No.21562383


clown as you are is everywhere

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533376 No.21562385


9 EDT. Please take part in the Prayer Mission.

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88ccff No.21562386

File: 0d41f92c5f416d8⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,270x480,9:16,moretothestory.mp4)

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069151 No.21562390


Can you prove that is bad pussy

And no

Hungry Haitians…eating it

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29832a No.21562391

File: 5602f3a8d18553f⋯.png (38.23 KB,362x344,181:172,amens.png)

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012999 No.21562393

File: cc3619d19f89fbe⋯.gif (567.28 KB,360x200,9:5,IMG_3684.gif)

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5fc947 No.21562394

File: e7ba04408059d56⋯.jpeg (212.68 KB,1043x828,1043:828,IMG_3115.jpeg)

As Trump looms, Ukraine turns to its evangelicals to woo the Republicans

Ukraine has the largest evangelical community in Europe and its outreach to Republicans could prove crucial in securing additional American aid.

September 10, 2024 at 3:00 a.m. EDT

Fuck No

KYIV — Last June, some 800 political and religious leaders gathered in a refurbished 19th century armory in central Kyiv for the annual National Prayer Breakfast — an event borrowed from the American political calendar, that normally fails to attract top political names despite being more than a decade old.

This year was different, however. President Volodymyr Zelensky himself took part — the first time for a Ukrainian head of state — while U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and former vice president Mike Pence sent video messages that were aired at the event, which is organized by Ukraine’s evangelical Christians.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken,” Zelensky said, quoting the Book of Ecclesiastes [4:12] in his call for Ukrainian unity.

His attendance at the prayer breakfast demonstrated the growing realization among Ukraine’s leaders of the need to forge close ties with the country’s evangelical Christians, who number between 800,000 and 1 million. The government is betting that its own evangelicals can be a bridge to their counterparts in the United States, who are influential in the Republican Party and could assist in their lobbying efforts for more aid.

This outreach could prove crucial in the coming months, as Ukrainian officials lobby for additional American aid to thwart Russian advances and try to blunt anti-Ukrainian narratives within the Republican Party.

Officials say that the work of their evangelicals building ties with Republican leaders and voters is crucial — although they emphasize that the evangelicals also reach out to Democrats.

“You can call this synergy — they advocate what’s important to them, which is also important to us,” said one Ukrainian official speaking on the condition of anonymity, since he wasn’t authorized to speak to the press. “They really, really help us.”

This assistance will definitely come in handy in case of a victory by Donald Trump and his Kyiv-critical running mate JD Vance, the official added. “But even if he doesn’t win, the Republicans will have a significant number of people in Congress.”

Vance said in a podcast in 2022 that “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other."

Ukrainian officials estimate their country has the largest population of evangelicals in Europe. “Ukraine is the ‘Bible Belt’ of Eastern Europe,” Ukrainian presidential adviser Andriy Yermak wrote in the American media outlet the Hill in April. Their numbers exploded in the wake the religious vacuum that emerged after the Soviet Union’s fall.

In the United States, it’s an important community for the Republican Party with exit polls in the 2016 and 2020 elections indicating that between 37 percent and 46 percent of Trump voters identified as White evangelical Christians, with Johnson and Pence among its more prominent members. In 2020, 76 percent of White evangelicals voted for Trump.

Pavlo Unguryan, Ukrainian evangelical minister and community leader who helped start the prayer breakfast, explained that his church plays an important role outside the country, “especially for, let’s say, quiet diplomacy and unofficial diplomacy.”

This unofficial diplomacy served Ukraine well at the beginning of the year when a coalition of political and civil society actors — in which Ukrainian evangelicals played a significant role — helped overcome Republican opposition to provide Ukraine with $61 billion in desperately needed military assistance.

Johnson’s speech at the June prayer breakfast marked his continuing evolution on the subject of support for Ukraine, going from opposing military aid to becoming one of its staunchest allies.

“We pray for the continued strength of the Ukrainian forces, the safety of the Ukrainian people and lasting peace in your homeland,” Johnson said in his video remarks at the event in Kyiv.


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88ccff No.21562397

File: 604d0fb82212f6d⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,718x404,359:202,dancemaniac.mp4)


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418d83 No.21562401

File: 2f28485297ea6bd⋯.png (344.5 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b8427 No.21562406

File: 7db0d7732fed770⋯.png (1.3 MB,790x800,79:80,7db0d7732fed77056e52c7560f….png)



morning ghost baker


claiming bread

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069151 No.21562407


Yea damn near same play book from Nixon era

Seent it before Daddio

Money ded

08 wasn't shit to what is coming

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74fa3a No.21562409

File: 24eab364facc6e7⋯.png (10.1 KB,186x175,186:175,24eab364facc6e736333e0b58f….png)


>baldwin chittin on tranny slidurhs fetishbots re$hitpostin cuz BO in duh closet

famous faggo caught poopin on tranny at funeral

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f6d332 No.21562412

File: bba7a15392fb1e6⋯.jpg (55.77 KB,607x946,607:946,20210301_224447.jpg)

File: e7eb1343474dcca⋯.gif (361.39 KB,453x640,453:640,20220207_204012.gif)


When the top (white house) is corrupt the entire country is vulnerable to all sorts of evil.

Bare in mind when we started this fight, there was a visible glowing red portal opened over the white house.

That has since been vlosed up for a long time now.

So steady as she goes.

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9c770a No.21562413

to distract people with your shit


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0b1fb4 No.21562414

File: 621cae368d47d3d⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17259737419….mp4)


Maddow Blog


Television premiere!

Rachel Maddow's new documentary "From Russia With Lev" will have its television debut on MSNBC two Fridays from now,

September 20th at 9pm ET.

10:06 PM · Sep 9, 2024



Madcow still fixated on Russia

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88ccff No.21562415

File: a511912c76c97f3⋯.mp4 (8.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,superkim.mp4)

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74fa3a No.21562416


>famous faggo caught poopin on tranny at funeral

gfys FFS

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25b532 No.21562418

Next they will eat a psychopath "furry" kid that identifies as a cat.

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29832a No.21562421

9:50 AM EDT

Pentagon Staff Memorial Observance Ceremony

Department of Defense




10:00 AM EDT

Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks and Navy Adm. Christopher W. Grady, vice chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, provide remarks at 10 a.m. EDT at the annual Pentagon employee's 9/11 observance ceremony in the Pentagon Center Courtyard. The ceremony will be broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Navy Adm. Christopher W. Grady and Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks provide remarks at 10 a.m. EDT at the annual Pentagon employee's 9/11 observance ceremony in the Pentagon Center Courtyard. The ceremony will be broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Department of Defense



10:00 AM EDT

Pentagon Employees September 11 Remembrance Ceremony

Defense Department employees remember their fallen colleagues who were killed in the September 11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon in 2001.


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cc376e No.21562423

File: 382dcee91b328dc⋯.png (553.08 KB,500x515,100:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de860bed191c70f⋯.png (460.48 KB,711x500,711:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe7882bcceb66e4⋯.png (425.27 KB,600x500,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52568d276b241a1⋯.png (216.47 KB,500x590,50:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70c31fdc0328602⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,448x448,1:1,lone_soldier.mp4)



bringing this forward.

this article from expose is not just a opinion, it also gives the figures on government spending.

Labour are claiming that there is a 20 billion black hole in the yearly spending but they are spending way moar on their projects and taxing and punishing the citizens of the u.k with lies and gaslighting including jail and home raids to silience those who speak out on social media.

freedom of speech and freedom of reach.




Note: Full article screenshot with sources below and archive link.


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5ad4f9 No.21562425

File: af9b0fcb4ba8886⋯.png (585.43 KB,1920x1009,1920:1009,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Democrat voter recruitment flights update. Updated fleet link with one new aircraft added (N628VA).


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ac5e0c No.21562426

Three letter baker baking. Bread heavily edited. What's up with that?

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29832a No.21562431

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


10:00 AM EDT

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona will meet with the White House Initiative Presidential Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Black Americans. The Commissioners meeting will be a gathering to discuss the Executive Order of the Initiative and to offer their recommendations to the President on advancing educational equity, excellence, and economic opportunity for Black Americans and their communities. The meeting will take place on Capitol Hill in the Rayburn Office Building and will include remarks from Rep. Jasmine Crockett.

Department of Education


10:00 AM EDT

House Republican Leaders Hold News Conference

House Republican leaders speak to reporters about their legislative agenda for the week.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate

The Senate will continue debate on U.S. District Court nominations.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: U.S. House of Representatives

The House will consdier a rule governing six bills including a 6-month continuing resolution, temporarily funding government past the September 30th deadline to March 28, 2025 to avert a shutdown.


10:00 AM

In-Town Pool Call Time

Official Schedule


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88ccff No.21562432

File: 6b485a5e1383497⋯.jpg (47.69 KB,634x355,634:355,cloth.jpg)


>What's up with that?

just another manic monday

on debate tuesday this time

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74fcb3 No.21562434

File: 4cc7909a5b55c68⋯.jpg (80.65 KB,204x360,17:30,walz_pets_edited_1.jpg)

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88ccff No.21562436

File: ba39cc0de36a429⋯.png (501.72 KB,916x480,229:120,ClipboardImage.png)

shadow diplomacy

‘From Russia With Lev,’ which will air Sept. 20 on MSNBC, ends with a tearful meeting between Parnas and special guest star Hunter Biden.

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fa7698 No.21562437

File: 0a3aea505f37601⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,888x500,222:125,kamala22.mp4)

New Kamala Ad running on Fox this morning!

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8f6dd1 No.21562438

debate question: Who won the US 2020 election?

the same vp and presidential administration who masterfully wrecked this economy and rigged the last election

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88ccff No.21562439

File: 55d98d34e6d7775⋯.png (1.45 MB,712x882,356:441,stars.png)


>special guest star Hunter Biden

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25b532 No.21562440


They don't have to pray while they're doing it. Save up all the sins until Sunday and then pray them away. Rinse and repeat with no guilt or need to change your ways.

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ff85b2 No.21562442

File: 92a8777b7aab949⋯.png (74.46 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)


Today… now!

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069151 No.21562443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Perhaps you better start from the beginning

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f6d332 No.21562444

File: 6e7f5d508f3c144⋯.jpg (80.92 KB,495x519,165:173,92xwx2.jpg)

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88ccff No.21562445

File: 9e1e2dbd62529d5⋯.png (25.06 KB,199x76,199:76,ClipboardImage.png)

Reformed former Trump insider Lev Parnas is set to release his biographical memoir, Shadow Diplomacy: Lev Parnas and his Wild Ride from the Streets of Brooklyn to Trump's Inner Circle, offering readers an unprecedented insider's perspective into the murky world of international politics under the 45th president's covert direction.

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63c0e8 No.21562447


Why not

Hope you get useful of

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36c264 No.21562448

File: 148a0b35401a24c⋯.png (244.47 KB,508x638,254:319,Screen_Shot_2024_09_10_at_….png)


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8f954b No.21562449

It's weird how there's shills here 24/7.

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0b1fb4 No.21562450

Kamattack she will be hated more now


Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

Liz Cheney is hitting the campaign trail with millions of dollars at her disposal to defeat Donald Trump and down-ballot Republicans, aggressively taking on the MAGA movement that dominates a party where she, and her father, are no longer welcome.

Cheney has pledged to do anything she can to help Kamala Harris, and has resources to back that up — including a PAC that raised more than $3 million in the first six months of the year, according to FEC records.

It’s part of an unprecedented effort by one of the party’s former highest-ranking leaders to not only take down Trump but purge any trace of him from the Republican Party. GOP strategists and elected officials who share her opposition to the former president say Cheney’s campaign — including her and her father’s endorsement of Harris — could pave the way for members of their party to join their cause. A critical mass could be enough to move the needle in a tight election.

“It’s a true reflection of how bad Donald Trump is — to think about a Dick Cheney, who is as time-tested of a conservative Republican as anybody in the roster, to come out and take a stance to support, like myself, Kamala Harris,” said former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, a Republican Harris supporter. “Look, the Republican Party loses no matter what. If Donald Trump gets beat by Kamala Harris — like I think is going to happen — the Republican Party loses. But if Donald Trump wins, the Republican Party loses even more: We’ll lose any and all credibility that we’ve got.”

Broadly, there doesn’t appear to be a deluge of Republicans flocking to Harris. An ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 93 percent of likely Republican voters still prefer Trump over Harris — similar margins to where Trump stood in 2020. Yet the campaigns are chasing any movement at the margins in what promises to be among the closest elections in modern political history.

“I think Dick Cheney’s voice is incredibly important, because I think it will draw some more traditional conservatives to pause for a second and kind of take that in,” said former Trump national security official Olivia Troye, a Republican surrogate for Harris who spoke at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. She will also be near Mesa, Arizona, Thursday, leading a phone banking operation with Republican Mesa Mayor John Giles.


(If Conservatives hate the Cheney's how do radical retards feel? The Cheney's have placed a double curse on Kamattack). Kek

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2c442a No.21562451

File: 54d56cc62555d1a⋯.png (335.07 KB,473x876,473:876,qaggdropimage3136_1.png)

File: df0015b5ead6a36⋯.png (61.9 KB,473x476,473:476,qaggdropimage3135.png)

File: a1f9d11c1f72d6b⋯.png (59.25 KB,473x497,473:497,qaggdropimage3134.png)

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533376 No.21562452



It is done, Amen. Global Popcorn Flood.


Camel HOT Buttered Popcorn MIC Fail Today!

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74fa3a No.21562453


if only bladwin could chit on trannys an practice simony fo lucr at same faggot loaf

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1be062 No.21562454







Hospital most of you when the truth comes

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88ccff No.21562455

File: 3351e2e2808003b⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,544x960,17:30,botfarm.mp4)


imagine what AI can do

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533376 No.21562456


Post has incorrect info.

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f6d332 No.21562457


Cat lives matter more.

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1be062 No.21562458


sorry, but good luck. I heard its hot down there

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88ccff No.21562459



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36c264 No.21562460

File: adedfbd788bf91c⋯.png (163.52 KB,592x584,74:73,Screen_Shot_2024_09_10_at_….png)


>paging PETA

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63c0e8 No.21562461


She is pretty

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0b1fb4 No.21562462


RFK Jr. must be removed from North Carolina ballots, state Supreme Court rules

The decision is a victory for Kennedy, who was dealt a blow earlier in the day when Michigan’s Supreme Court ruled that he must remain on the battleground state’s ballot.

The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled Monday to remove former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from state ballots ahead of the general election.

The 4-3 ruling upholds an appeals court ruling Friday that said Kennedy’s name should be taken off the ballot. A lower court had previously denied Kennedy’s effort to be removed. It also means ballots will need to be reprinted.

“We acknowledge that expediting the process of printing new ballots will require considerable time and effort by our election officials and significant expense to the State,” Justice Trey Allen wrote in Monday's majority opinion. “But that is a price the North Carolina Constitution expects us to incur to protect voters’ fundamental right to vote their conscience and have that vote count.”

Justices Anita Earls, Richard Dietz and Allison Riggs dissented.

An attorney for Kennedy did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday night.

The decision is a victory for Kennedy, who was dealt a blow earlier in the day when Michigan’s Supreme Court ruled that he must remain on the battleground state’s ballot after he dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed former President Donald Trump. Kennedy, who previously fought to get his name on as many state ballots as possible, has sought to get his name removed as polling indicates he could hurt Trump's chances in November if he remains on the ballot.

NBC News has reported that the legal battle over Kennedy's appearance on the North Carolina ballot has affected the timing of ballots being sent out, after the state's election board told officials not to begin mailing ballots on Sept. 6 as initially scheduled.

A spokesperson for the North Carolina State Board of Elections did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the court's decision or the new timeline for ballots.

Monday's ruling cited the state constitution’s Free Elections Clause, which includes protections for the right to vote and for those votes to be counted accurately, in rejecting an effort to block the enforcement of the appeals court’s order to remove Kennedy from the ballot. The majority contended that if Kennedy’s name “appears on the ballot, it could disenfranchise countless voters who mistakenly believe that plaintiff remains a candidate for office.”

A Trump campaign spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday night.


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f6d332 No.21562463


Prolly JLo or Mariah looking for a career boost

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8f954b No.21562464


this is interesting because it's Elon Musk somewhat acknowledging the rituals that occur in the world.

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8f954b No.21562465


didn't he drop out and endorse trump though? so what's it matter?

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36c264 No.21562466


he's absolutely amplifying this topic

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533376 No.21562467



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525f23 No.21562468

Never give up, frens. You fight for what you believe in, even if you are the only one in the room that feels that way!

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2c442a No.21562470

File: 98465ccabf830ef⋯.png (23.47 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage304_4.png)

File: 913c83a9b7adb90⋯.png (29.81 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage327_1.png)

File: bd5aed846faef9b⋯.png (52.77 KB,473x413,473:413,qaggdropimage493_2.png)

File: ea67e3232bb6261⋯.png (28.18 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage694.png)

File: d18537a47d3d8b4⋯.png (61.85 KB,473x462,43:42,qaggdropimage816_1.png)



>These people are sick

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88ccff No.21562471

File: 8570c1e4742978d⋯.png (695.16 KB,696x696,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>state's election board told officials not to begin mailing ballots on Sept. 6 as initially scheduled

bet that throws a wrench in things

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2c442a No.21562472

File: 5789ed759970937⋯.png (48.27 KB,473x357,473:357,qaggdropimage832_1.png)

File: 60d6336b9de7601⋯.png (28.44 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage942.png)

File: 6e184c7e563147a⋯.png (30.36 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage1080.png)

File: aba0c61deb546fa⋯.png (64.89 KB,473x602,11:14,qaggdropimage1174.png)

File: e52d25f154d697d⋯.png (58.54 KB,473x539,43:49,qaggdropimage1175.png)

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1be062 No.21562473


>RFK Jr. must be removed from North Carolina ballots, state Supreme Court rules




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c849af No.21562474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3fcad8 No.21562475

File: ca73f32536b17dc⋯.jpg (353.06 KB,1536x2040,64:85,1000001069.jpg)


Your bosses bosses bosses "high priestess" is at least a pitching wedge away from here.

Driver 7 in to the "garden'

Punk ass jabronie

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768388 No.21562476

GM frens

anon quickly spotted the daily 17 posts and then IP hop shills etc. Anon is a bit disappointed that these feds get paid to shit the breads while anon cant get employment. Hope you fed bois understand karma

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2c442a No.21562477

File: 9434b408f055b63⋯.png (72.2 KB,473x665,473:665,qaggdropimage1249.png)

File: 3bc21d26bc2cbb7⋯.png (123.02 KB,473x1001,43:91,qaggdropimage1250.png)

File: 1383577044c2606⋯.png (57.79 KB,473x581,473:581,qaggdropimage1571.png)

File: f96b7bbf3876325⋯.png (50.15 KB,473x378,473:378,qaggdropimage1573.png)

File: 49932f7b5cc6e7d⋯.png (29.51 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage1616.png)

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29832a No.21562478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Evaluating FDA Human Foods and Tobacco Programs

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Mr. James “Jim” Jones, Deputy Commissioner for Human Foods, U.S. Food and Drug Administration


Dr. Brian King, Ph.D., Director, Center for Tobacco Products, U.S. Food and Drug Administration






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29832a No.21562479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

The Biden-Harris Border Crisis: Victim Perspectives

House Judiciary Committee



Anne Fundner, Mother of Weston Fundner, Victim of Fentanyl Poisoning


April Aguirre, Crime Victims' Advocate


Patty Morin, Mother of Rachel Morin, Victim of Criminal Illegal Alien


Mike Boudreaux, Sheriff, Tulare County, California


Tammy Nobles, Mother of Kayla Hamilton, Victim of Criminal Illegal Alien


Alexis Nungaray, Mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, Victim of Criminal Illegal Alien





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2c442a No.21562480

File: 293d39f5c254d01⋯.png (49.82 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage1619.png)

File: 52726799d9815f9⋯.png (58.4 KB,473x357,473:357,qaggdropimage1735.png)

File: be29a6336bd9358⋯.png (334.05 KB,473x1512,473:1512,qaggdropimage1826.png)

File: 305ebc8959a4452⋯.png (207.72 KB,473x556,473:556,qaggdropimage1851.png)

File: 9a6cb71d3ce7023⋯.png (95.64 KB,473x610,473:610,qaggdropimage2316.png)

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29832a No.21562481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Decoding DeFi: Breaking Down the Future of Decentralized Finance

House Financial Services Committee



Mr. Brian Avello

Chief Legal Officer, UDHC


Ms. Rebecca Rettig

Chief Legal and Policy Officer, Polygon Labs


Ms. Amanda Tuminelli

Chief Legal Officer, DeFi Education Fund


Mr. Peter Van Valkenburgh

Director of Research, Coin Center



H.R. ___, To require the Securities and Exchange Commission, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the Secretary of the Treasury to jointly carry out a study on decentralized finance



H.R. ___, To require the Secretary of the Treasury to report on privacy-preserving technologies






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f6d332 No.21562482


The need to keep reprinting ballots can't be helpful to the planned fraud

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29832a No.21562483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Space & Aeronautics Subcommittee Hearing - Risks and Rewards: Encouraging Commercial Space Innovation While Maintaining Public Safety

House Science, Space, and Technology Committee



Mr. Kelvin Coleman, Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration


Mr. Dave Cavossa, President, Commercial Spaceflight Federation


Mr. Mike French, Founder, Space Policy Group, and Vice Chair, FAA Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee


Ms. Pamela L. Meredith, Chair, Space Law Practice Group, KMA Zuckert LLC






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29832a No.21562484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

“Where Do We Go From Here? Examining a Path Forward to Assess Agencies’ Efforts to Prevent Improper Payments and Fraud”

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Orice Williams Brown

Chief Operating Officer

U.S. Government Accountability Office


The Honorable Michael E. Horowitz


Pandemic Response Accountability Committee


Linda Miller

Co-Founder and Chair of the Program Integrity Alliance





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768388 No.21562485


Makes it easier to filter when you have no game

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29832a No.21562486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:15 AM EDT

Examining the Implementation of the Compact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2024

House Natural Resources Committee




Mr. Taylor Ruggles, Senior Advisor for COFA Implementation, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.


Mr. John Brewer, Director, Office of Insular and International Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.


Mr. Anka Lee, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia, U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.


Dr. Miguel LaPuz, Special Assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C



His Excellency Hersey Kyota, Ambassador to the United States, Republic of Palau, Washington, D.C.


His Excellency Jackson Soram, Ambassador to the United States, Federated States of Micronesia, Washington, D.C.


His Excellency Charles Paul, Ambassador to the United States, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Washington, D.C.






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29832a No.21562487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:15 AM EDT

ERISA's 50th Anniversary: The Value of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits

House Education and the Workforce Committee



Ms. Ilyse Schuman, Senior Vice President, Health and Paid Leave Policy, American Benefits Council


Ms. Holly Wade, Executive Director, National Federation of Independent Business Research Center


Mr. Anthony Wright, Executive Director, Families USA


Dr. Paul Fronstin, Director, Health Benefits Research, Employee Benefit Research Institute





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2c442a No.21562488

File: 33dd257fc17a54d⋯.png (38.44 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage2360.png)

File: a05de00f720db15⋯.png (318.16 KB,473x1157,473:1157,qaggdropimage2365.png)

File: d0ceefd0caa2185⋯.png (35.89 KB,473x308,43:28,qaggdropimage2449_1.png)

File: 6846eca8d888597⋯.png (454.83 KB,473x1028,473:1028,qaggdropimage2768_1.png)

File: c915edca6f5f759⋯.png (673.24 KB,473x1541,473:1541,qaggdropimage2769_2.png)


I am not done yet.

These people are sick.

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29832a No.21562489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 AM EDT

Join an interactive discussion of Business Methods

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)



10:30 AM EDT

Accountable or Absent?: Examining VA Leadership Under the Biden-Harris Administration

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



The Honorable Shereef Elnahal

Under Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


The Honorable Joshua Jacobs

Under Secretary for Benefits, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Edward J. Murray

Acting Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


The Honorable Michael J. Missal

Inspector General, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs





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88ccff No.21562490


>if Kennedy’s name appears on the ballot, it could disenfranchise countless voters who mistakenly believe that plaintiff remains a candidate for office.

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29832a No.21562491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 AM EDT

The Fish and Wildlife Service Gone Wild: Examining Operation Long Tail Liberation

House Natural Resources Committee




Ms. Martha Williams, Director, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, DC


Mr. Paul Pelletier, Attorney and Consultant, PEP Talk Advisors, Fairfax, VA


Dr. Chris Abee, DVM, Professor Emeritus, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Paige, TX


Dr. Donna Clemons (retired), D.V.M., DACLAM, Retired Research Veterinarian Trevor, WI.


Dr. Thomas Gillespie, Professor & Chair, Department of Environmental Sciences, Emory University, Atlanta, GA [Minority Witness]






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533376 No.21562492



"How do you hide a message in clear sight?"


"…strings cut"

It's going to be Glorious.

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36c264 No.21562493

File: 575ab1e87c0399d⋯.png (553 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bcd2d0bb9aa37a⋯.png (398 KB,680x509,680:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc73f37fca12298⋯.png (558.75 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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29832a No.21562494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 AM EDT

From Introduction to Implementation: A BEAD Program Progress Report

House Energy and Commerce Committee



Misty Ann Giles, Director and Chief Operating Officer, Montana Department of Administration


Basil Alwan, Chief Executive Officer, Tarana Wireless


Shirely Bloomfield, Chief Executive Officer, NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association


Blair Levin, Policy Analyst, New Street Research; Non-Resident Fellow, Metropolitan Policy Project, Brookings Institution






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74fa3a No.21562495

File: 5ee55cd7e85506b⋯.png (7.27 KB,900x506,450:253,5ee55cd7e85506b5130509893c….png)









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2c442a No.21562496

File: 911069b643d8785⋯.png (226.98 KB,473x933,473:933,qaggdropimage2888_1.png)

File: 4e2f913c1b2115b⋯.png (27.4 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage2896.png)

File: 370c24a7c1e10fd⋯.png (22.82 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage3083_1.png)

File: 7e2d7da9f0d45c0⋯.png (179.82 KB,473x556,473:556,qaggdropimage3128.png)

File: ade63656d2aa5a8⋯.png (194.13 KB,473x767,473:767,qaggdropimage3129_1.png)

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2c442a No.21562497

File: 54d56cc62555d1a⋯.png (335.07 KB,473x876,473:876,qaggdropimage3136_2.png)

File: da65aa56e237210⋯.png (74.18 KB,473x546,473:546,qaggdropimage3396_1.png)

File: 589018323387328⋯.png (26.79 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage3427.png)

File: 04c00ac4a066370⋯.png (59.01 KB,473x462,43:42,qaggdropimage3724_1.png)

File: 0c5fc84e21b8ccb⋯.png (100.32 KB,473x896,473:896,qaggdropimage3725_1.png)

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0b1fb4 No.21562498

File: fc02ac7c1f662e6⋯.jpeg (463.38 KB,1239x1974,59:94,IMG_3119.jpeg)

File: e3ca8e4f528e2c4⋯.jpeg (194.13 KB,1175x810,235:162,IMG_3118.jpeg)

Yashar Ali


A new poll of Muslim voters by the Council on American-Islamic Relations shows that Jill Stein is getting a solid share of their votes in key battleground states.

This includes Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Important to note this poll DOES NOT include Arab Christian voters, there are enough of them to impact the vote, especially in states like Michigan.

Sept. 9, 2024

Board wouldn't take the twitter link

Kamala losing Muslim votes

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730fef No.21562499


The public now can see the uniparty in action. No more masquerade. They do not understand that it is the the dem centrists and classic liberals that needed to wake up. The People are free thinking their way out of the hypnosis. As one awakened person said to this anon, once you wake up and see the evil, it is impossible to be asleep and hypnotized anymore.

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5ad4f9 No.21562500

File: 26b77e570d733a9⋯.png (607.04 KB,1466x2072,733:1036,ClipboardImage.png)


GlobalX 6110

Plane load of illegal immigrant cat eaters en route from Harlingen, Texas to Toledo, Ohio. Lands in one hour. Maybe a newser could document arrival with gift bags of catnip?


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29832a No.21562501

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098bdf No.21562502

File: 3a04485f18c9edf⋯.png (392.43 KB,600x770,60:77,3a04485f18c9edfca2d9f65d48….png)

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88ccff No.21562503

The Titan submersible imploded in the North Atlantic in June 2023, killing all five people on board and setting off a worldwide debate about the future of private undersea exploration. The U.S. Coast Guard quickly convened a high-level investigation into what happened, and that inquiry is set to reach its public hearing phase on Sept. 16.

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1be062 No.21562504


post source link please

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2c442a No.21562505

File: 980eb8f7a8c7239⋯.png (25.68 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage3885.png)

File: 04e153ff1ba0a48⋯.png (36.93 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage3897_1.png)

File: f0804f5f304033c⋯.png (25.05 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage4324.png)

File: a6db7d549d0a180⋯.png (56.03 KB,473x399,473:399,qaggdropimage4381_1.png)

File: 0b146b4303d2427⋯.png (2.72 MB,2560x2560,1:1,0b146b4303d242777925076aa0….png)



No such thing.

We are here for a reason.

Time to wake up.

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88ccff No.21562506


Carnival cruise grazes ice in Alaska, passenger compares it to modern ‘Titanic moment’

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533376 No.21562507


It's dangerous to lie about the truth. Especially here.

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1be062 No.21562508


it really is, so again good luck down there. you will need it

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88ccff No.21562509

File: 4271b6922e1e059⋯.png (2.48 MB,1280x942,640:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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36c264 No.21562510

File: 8a14da5fc31e39a⋯.png (324.51 KB,599x642,599:642,ClipboardImage.png)

Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: Venezualan gang Tren de Aragua have reportedly taken over a hotel in El Paso, TX.

The El Paso County Attorney’s office just filed a restraining order against the hotel. They allege the owner has allowed illegal activity to go on for months. Police have been called there over 700 times in 2 years.

Surveillance photos show 2 men in an altercation and a migrant holding a weapon.

>Elon retweeted this


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ffbec1 No.21562511

File: 1a2dbf36ec16c6f⋯.jpg (54.22 KB,642x388,321:194,CandaceOwens.jpg)

Candace Owens’ Baseless Attack on the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the Jewish People


Jews are cheating again and deplatforming Candace Owens.

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f7deab No.21562512


That last one is my meme q used. ;)

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3fcad8 No.21562513

File: b215ea32f710bf2⋯.png (486.39 KB,720x671,720:671,1000001048.png)





Dub 7s firm trip quads to the 8s to the 2, 8 on the witchy 12,

Cream no sugar.

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f7deab No.21562514


But I’m a shill!

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f567e0 No.21562515

File: c019096a5934f80⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17259218168….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Tyreek Hill bodycam video released this evening.

This does not look good for Miami police.

Sept. 10, 2024


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ffbec1 No.21562516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2c442a No.21562517


Over the target?

I have no game?

This is not a game.

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f7deab No.21562518

File: f55894af03202ab⋯.jpeg (578.82 KB,1125x881,1125:881,IMG_3964.jpeg)


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ffbec1 No.21562519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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31c91e No.21562520

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)


Sup Tyreek

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730fef No.21562521

File: 8f2cf0122fc5306⋯.jpeg (52.1 KB,460x270,46:27,IMG_0064.jpeg)


Oopsie, even Dave tread carefully with that joke made into the meme.

It's a coincidence.

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533376 No.21562522


Stand up against the censorship here.

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5521ae No.21562523

File: f1326d4bbe55fc6⋯.jpg (486.55 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240908_101055….jpg)

File: c24156f5bd30d65⋯.jpg (206.1 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,5f6321c357b7da001ee12207_1….jpg)

File: 8e1f1e1d66523b7⋯.jpg (106.86 KB,1024x577,1024:577,corey_lewandowski_1024x577….jpg)

The Nature fallacy defeated in the Bible

Matthew 18:7

King James Version

7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

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ffbec1 No.21562524

File: f2a0a18247b93a8⋯.jpg (23.31 KB,640x360,16:9,CaddyMan.jpg)

Dave Chappelle, Kanye West, Candace Owens

DO the Jews have a black problem?

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f7deab No.21562525

File: 56023e39fff7e9e⋯.jpeg (361.93 KB,1125x1055,225:211,IMG_3966.jpeg)

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3fcad8 No.21562526



Feed cabal/DMother pipeline horsehit, firm with a sit, watch em buy diapers and wait for the whirlies.

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8704c0 No.21562527


it also allows for more voter fraud. Now they can just say all the votes lost by Trump were illegal venezuelans voting for RFK

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730fef No.21562528


They join the 50 traitors that took out a full page NY Times add in 2020. They scared, the tribunals await.

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8704c0 No.21562529


why did they run out of cat? are they having to talk to Asians now for their dog recipes .

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36d66b No.21562530


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5521ae No.21562531

File: 6e6b184c42a911d⋯.jpg (283.32 KB,1280x1677,1280:1677,joseph_goebbels_fue_minist….jpg)

File: aca15b62eef020f⋯.jpg (546.1 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240910_051014….jpg)

File: b09f4d94c2672b6⋯.jpg (83.15 KB,697x900,697:900,heinrich_himmler_1900_1945….jpg)

File: 5e075118ba48c16⋯.png (10.53 KB,502x674,251:337,Screen_Shot_2021_04_08_at_….png)

File: f4b57b2d6547943⋯.jpg (10.57 KB,500x300,5:3,Leslie_Marshall_1_25850846….jpg)


The Sis

The Anti-theSis

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ffbec1 No.21562532


"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates

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ffbec1 No.21562533

File: 1c35e915f1a5c27⋯.jpg (37.16 KB,340x457,340:457,HitlerPopeBenedictII.jpg)

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2c442a No.21562534



The big question is who is the Q imposter?

I think we a know who the trouble maker is.

Have you figured it out yet?

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533376 No.21562535

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f7deab No.21562536

File: 5dda836bdcca4b6⋯.jpeg (157.23 KB,1125x633,375:211,IMG_3967.jpeg)

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f6d332 No.21562537

God bless Israel

Just don't say it enuff

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730fef No.21562538


Consider the % of them in the cabinet and congress. The community most impacted by illegals taking jobs below minimum or at minimum wage are Black, Brown and Bronze neighborhoods. The dems gave a big fuck you to all of them.

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5521ae No.21562539

File: 5a1c3841ab88fcb⋯.jpg (14.19 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3656661462.jpg)

File: aaba017537c6619⋯.jpg (23.3 KB,474x316,3:2,th_3105981311.jpg)

File: 416305bd4668d40⋯.jpg (152.13 KB,962x853,962:853,4661F32400000578_0_image_m….jpg)

File: 6d1d89aa58534e3⋯.jpg (41.47 KB,474x317,474:317,th_2750016726.jpg)


Trump Won!

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36d66b No.21562540


no, just came in

what do you mean with "Q imposter"?

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ffbec1 No.21562541

File: 5a6a1ca908a01af⋯.jpg (21.7 KB,285x355,57:71,RebbeSchneersonMuhGP.JPG)

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533376 No.21562542


Tell us.

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533376 No.21562543


There's only 1 person on this board who can openly confirm Q, and it's me.

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dbbdcc No.21562544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump will ‘fix’ this: Gov. Glenn Youngkinon Hannity

(I thought Youngkin was part of the Bush team?)



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8f6dd1 No.21562545

she better start drinking and get kumskunk drunk cuz she's in for the longest 90 minutes of her life


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2c442a No.21562546

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372e13 No.21562547



Trump does not want this smoke that Harris is finna bring him tonight. He can’t handle a strong successful woman of color

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3fcad8 No.21562548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




See what happens.


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533376 No.21562549


Loki is the fallen angel who possesses Mathers and Skippy. Jim also named his Service "Lokinet"

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31c91e No.21562550

File: b45d939aa31c018⋯.jpg (137.77 KB,1058x782,23:17,xgopm5hmc7ykoriwqg3xuw949h….jpg)

File: 2b619f0b18b1809⋯.jpg (65.14 KB,680x460,34:23,5nkc2y.jpg)

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8f6dd1 No.21562551

funny if all the world leaders called in to the kumcamp and wished her a good debate

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3fcad8 No.21562552

File: e8172a221ab7bdc⋯.png (58.47 KB,258x187,258:187,1000001043.png)

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533376 No.21562553


Everyone pray God binds Loki, in Jesus' Name.

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5521ae No.21562554

File: e5ddeb1a7560065⋯.jpg (935.47 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240909_123233….jpg)

File: aaba017537c6619⋯.jpg (23.3 KB,474x316,3:2,th_3105981311.jpg)


Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn

[AS] what had happened? afaf

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cbd222 No.21562555

File: 0beee77d90bb8d0⋯.png (710.25 KB,662x1000,331:500,ClipboardImage.png)

My new book, Something Lost, Something Gained, is out a week from today. I'm so excited to share it with you.



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54d78b No.21562556

Where's that Phantom Time anon?

When Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz introduces his paper on the “phantom time hypothesis,” he kindly asks his readers to be patient, benevolent, and open to radically new ideas, because his claims are highly unconventional. This is because his paper is suggesting three difficult-to-believe propositions: 1) Hundreds of years ago, our calendar was polluted with 297 years which never occurred; 2) this is not the year 2005, but rather 1708; and 3) The purveyors of this hypothesis are not crackpots.

The Phantom Time Hypothesis suggests that the early Middle Ages (614-911 A.D.) never happened, but were added to the calendar long ago either by accident, by misinterpretation of documents, or by deliberate falsification by calendar conspirators. This would mean that all artifacts ascribed to those three centuries belong to other periods, and that all events thought to have occurred during that same period occurred at other times, or are outright fabrications.

So Illig and his group went hunting for other gaps in history, and found a few. For example, a gap of building in Constantinople (558 AD – 908 AD) and a gap in the doctrine of faith, especially the gap in the evolution of theory and meaning of purgatory (600 AD until ca. 1100). From all of this data, they have become convinced that at some time, the calendar year was increased by 297 years without the corresponding passage of time.

This is interesting


What if important documents had time clauses, periods, etc. A jump in time may make an executable clause an enforceable event if say courts were in your favor….

Most people would think this outrageously gay, but anons are another color

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5ad4f9 No.21562557

File: 75b66544c56979a⋯.png (882.17 KB,1080x1074,180:179,be1.png)

File: f5412f024ecdd09⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x675,16:9,be2.png)

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8704c0 No.21562558

File: 76d39b308c85978⋯.png (49.26 KB,736x749,736:749,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffbec1 No.21562559

File: 26b02dd37261e59⋯.png (1.21 MB,904x603,904:603,GarrisonCartoon.png)


You people on the ground need to come up to the 40k ft level once in your pathetic lives.

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36c264 No.21562560

Dumb Bitch Capital, LLC


They can say *technically* the lady who ate a cat on camera in Ohio wasn’t a Haitian migrant

They can say there are *no police reports* of missing pets in Springfield, Ohio

They can say the photo of the guy carrying the goose by it’s neck *wasn’t a migrant* and was in *Columbus*

They can debunk it all. Go ahead, call us racist bigots! We’re spreading misinformation !!!!!

Because none of that even matters. It was never about the damn cat.

The truth is:

-the US Federal Government flew / bussed in 20,000 Haitians refugees to a small Republican county in Ohio of only 50,000. Now, those migrants make up almost 30% of the Springfield population & are overwhelming their limited resources

-Kamala Harris is on camera bragging about importing 100,000 Haitian refugees during her tenure on the Biden administration

-the citizens of Springfield are reporting that they feel unsafe and are desperately asking for help. Not via anon accounts, but in real life under their real names in city council meetings. Its all recorded and It’s falling on deaf ears, while the mainstream media calls them racist and denies that there’s a problem

Meanwhile in New York City:

-20% of Hotel Rooms have been converted to shelters. Not for vets, not for the homeless, not for Americans at all. These are specifically to house undocumented migrants

-Not enough is being done to convert these migrants into productive members of society, and in New York after they are evicted from hotel shelters after a few months, they’re out on the streets… with what other option but to turn to crime?

-By policy, career shoplifters are NOT prosecuted & not even required to put up bail in NYC if the damage is under $1000. Instead, they are set free to do it again

-multiple Key Foods in Brooklyn may shut down because of the shoplifting epidemic

-everything is locked up at NYC drugstores from shampoo to razors

-This information is coming out primarily from citizen journalists. Why? The establishment media, for the most part, does not give a flying f*ck

New Yorkers were dumb enough to vote for this. Many of ones that did have a doorman and live a few floors up. That’s a whole other topic for another day, but TLDR they can tune it out…

Blue collar Americans in red counties in the Midwest cannot. They don’t have summer homes in Montauk. They live in single family homes. They’re on the ground exposed, they didn’t ask for this, and they don’t deserve it.

I’m sure most of the undocumented migrants are good people. But why the hell are they even here?? Who the fuck is bussing them to the middle of the Midwest? Why can’t we send aid to their countries instead of destroying our own, and depleting our limited resources that are meant for citizens?

The establishment media is not asking these questions. They have become nothing but a propaganda arm of a system that hates us, and we’re noticing

Last edited 10:58 PM · Sep 9, 2024


>Elon retweeted this

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51c6c2 No.21562561

Have a beautiful day, anons! Will catch up with you at the debate! Good Luck, Kamala!

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e79d5a No.21562562


do you need help

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2c442a No.21562563

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dbbdcc No.21562564


Youngkin was pretty impressive

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88ccff No.21562565

File: 527c2705d2d77ff⋯.png (2.64 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cb40c02462d3c5⋯.png (1.38 MB,682x1023,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 916defe6d6a52ed⋯.png (725.08 KB,712x1024,89:128,ClipboardImage.png)


that's really nice

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f6d332 No.21562566

File: a51f9d209105475⋯.jpeg (64.55 KB,584x479,584:479,download_67.jpeg)

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60f18c No.21562567


>Madcow still fixated on Russia

Per wiki: Her paternal grandfather was from a Jewish family (the original family surname being Medvedof), who arrived in the United States from the Russian Empire.

Ironic how they always had to "flee the progroms" of a country that had the most stringent anti-semitisms™ laws known to man, some even calling for death.

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a610a6 No.21562568

File: 583cd9ae744ab77⋯.webm (344.1 KB,427x240,427:240,ready4.webm)

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2c442a No.21562569

File: f0055e3f4d0caee⋯.png (260.88 KB,720x1612,180:403,Screenshot_20240910_094911.png)


Over the target..youre a pervert

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dbbdcc No.21562570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There is ‘so much wrong’ with this case: Alina Habba


Sept 7, 2024



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e79d5a No.21562571


you don't need to connect the dot on punch of evils

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fde7d5 No.21562572


9:44 timestamp equals 17.

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069151 No.21562573

File: d1f4ffeaec14c2b⋯.png (251.84 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240910_095142.png)

Hungry Haitians

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29832a No.21562574

File: 7a4fee9d79b3f64⋯.jpg (8.8 KB,179x281,179:281,clinton_hillary_it_was_my_….jpg)

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533376 No.21562575


>deliberate falsification

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705d91 No.21562576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e79d5a No.21562577


You already said worse

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b514c7 No.21562578

File: e939b6651b4023b⋯.jpeg (329.94 KB,1125x915,75:61,IMG_3968.jpeg)

File: 4d44165ffba22a9⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1125x1727,1125:1727,IMG_3969.jpeg)



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31c91e No.21562579

File: a84ddc199577118⋯.jpg (40.82 KB,486x552,81:92,FiUs9dTWIAMa5w1.jpg)

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098bdf No.21562580

File: 31e63f20960fa28⋯.png (1.52 MB,1344x868,48:31,31e63f20960fa281197dc94321….png)

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54d78b No.21562581


There's a senate layer on between soros and fag officers

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7b8427 No.21562582

notes @275


#26414 >>21562102

>>21562117, >>21562121, >>21562210, >>21562275, >>21562324, >>21562444 Cat Ladies 4 Trump Been Shown

>>21562235 @elonmusk - This is the last real election if Trump loses.

>>21562330, >>21562386 Melania - "There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the TRUTH."

>>21562340 How do you hide a message in plain sight?

>>21562365 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/10/2024

>>21562394 As Trump looms, Ukraine turns to its evangelicals to woo the Republicans

>>21562414, >>21562436, >>21562445 Rachel Maddow's new documentary "From Russia With Lev" and special guest star Hunter Biden.

>>21562421, >>21562478, >>21562481, >>21562483, >>21562484, >>21562486, >>21562487, >>21562489, >>21562491, >>21562494 Swamp Events

>>21562425, >>21562500 PF Daily Democrat voter recruitment and cat eater flights update

>>21562450>>21562457 Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

>>21562460 @elonmusk PAGING @PETA…

>>21562462 RFK Jr. must be removed from North Carolina ballots, state Supreme Court rules

>>21562479 Biden Harris Border Crisis VICTIM PERSPECTIVES

>>21562510 Venezualan gang Tren de Aragua have reportedly taken over a hotel in El Paso, TX.

>>21562515 Tyreek Hill bodycam video released this evening

>>21562555, >>21562578 Hilldawg - My new book, Something Lost, Something Gained

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31c91e No.21562583

File: 4537bcf747c845a⋯.png (570.85 KB,680x630,68:63,4537bcf747c845a5b224706bd7….png)

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2c442a No.21562584




Fake Q is now know..connect the dots


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098bdf No.21562585

File: 8bea094d14b2869⋯.png (149.97 KB,1024x947,1024:947,8bea094d14b28696b88d20b986….png)

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533376 No.21562586

File: ced325adddf6592⋯.png (61.79 KB,822x900,137:150,944_Q.png)




More than a glimpse may have been provided.


Anyone mention NWO referencing Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?


We went too deep.

Attempted a pullback.

Not ready.



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5521ae No.21562587

File: 5e075118ba48c16⋯.png (10.53 KB,502x674,251:337,Screen_Shot_2021_04_08_at_….png)

File: 3736a462e81e608⋯.png (19.73 KB,525x439,525:439,saturnseal_2461252307.png)

File: ad3f16a2a65af42⋯.jpg (668.76 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240818_095343….jpg)

File: 57581a3e65c062b⋯.jpg (66.8 KB,506x652,253:326,262580_v9_ba_1186922256.jpg)

File: e581558b015c9c1⋯.jpg (51.59 KB,474x571,474:571,th_2237698630.jpg)

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3fcad8 No.21562588

File: ab53dc90756796f⋯.jpg (219.1 KB,358x526,179:263,2024_09_10_09_57_22_171.jpg)


Trips 5s firm stupid, sick and horrible, piece of shit DM DumbCunt witch.

Stuff a sock in her cunt and kick her down the stairs.

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2c442a No.21562589

File: 0b1f14436a40dd8⋯.gif (46.52 KB,798x804,133:134,0b1f14436a40dd863fd2c03e9b….gif)

File: e4d9d13d7ed93f3⋯.gif (358.98 KB,880x550,8:5,e4d9d13d7ed93f34561600affe….gif)

File: 846c63a68a7ca03⋯.gif (2.24 MB,500x284,125:71,846c63a68a7ca031b277703f75….gif)

November 5th.

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dbbdcc No.21562590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala Debate camp must not be going well: Jesse Wattersare they just realizing how dumb she is now?



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533376 No.21562591



Because King Attila destroyed Rome, in Reality.

They lied about him being stopped in "Istanbul"

Attila was educated as an elite, in Rome.

He then returned home and ruined Rome.

He was called The Scourge of God.

They lie about all the true Heroes.

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e65769 No.21562592

File: 99425529f732dff⋯.png (26.32 KB,639x639,1:1,Pepe_Apu_smelly_turd.png)

The MSM has basically already declared Kamala the winner of the debate. In their arrogance, they believe that they can speak reality into existence.

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5521ae No.21562593

File: a2971c5a677bfed⋯.jpeg (34.95 KB,425x640,85:128,5bb1917825000032003831a8_….jpeg)

File: 8fe12cb1b766ad1⋯.jpg (75.68 KB,645x430,3:2,20120917_rothschild_mayer_….jpg)

File: 3b33476b5785769⋯.jpg (15.91 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2635337744.jpg)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,7ae50408552ba1f0a51aaddc80….png)

File: bcf6e2b7e48f116⋯.jpg (54.58 KB,929x653,929:653,BenjaminRothschild_2256078….jpg)

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533376 No.21562594


Little do they realize we on the other hand, can. God answers prayers. It's His promise that when 2 of us or more agree on what we ask in His name, He will do it. And we all agreed Camel gets a HOT MIC Fail. A big one. So you know it will happen.

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2c442a No.21562595

File: 4d4d0f4fe2d4991⋯.jpeg (23.04 KB,255x205,51:41,b0e7e9c8cfadf282d6e21735c….jpeg)

File: 1ff01daa32b4b07⋯.jpeg (9.64 KB,127x128,127:128,1ff01daa32b4b07b99773682f….jpeg)

File: 54ca34198d6c697⋯.jpeg (21.14 KB,192x255,64:85,0496dcfc6b2e3059943249030….jpeg)

File: dd1da4c5e66562f⋯.jpg (890.1 KB,2500x1767,2500:1767,dd1da4c5e66562f4be2f12f70a….jpg)

File: 6a6d979d2a023cc⋯.jpg (111.52 KB,743x511,743:511,6a6d979d2a023cc0ba3fa6974c….jpg)

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60f18c No.21562596

File: e8bb04eb4bc0820⋯.png (390.89 KB,940x490,94:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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38d3ac No.21562597

it's q choice

you connect the dot's


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5521ae No.21562598

File: 46b48098d873956⋯.jpg (550.58 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240826_153637….jpg)

File: 23c7c8d48ebd6a7⋯.jpg (733.91 KB,3000x2191,3000:2191,erikprince12.jpg)

File: 869f53e3ac33ad5⋯.jpg (394.96 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240826_121905….jpg)

File: 31ec66ce0ba3069⋯.jpg (565.49 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240826_121702….jpg)

File: ba6d1a8fd9da767⋯.jpg (179.56 KB,1200x800,3:2,James_OKeefe_1200x800_1985….jpg)

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1be062 No.21562599


Sep 07, 2024, 6:08 PM

Kash Patel


Gina Haspel, as Director of the CIA, approved the 51 Intel Letter that falsely portrayed Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation, in less than 6 hours. It took her half a day to rig an election against @realDonaldTrump:

how is it exactly she got hired by Chris Wray's fancy law firm upon leaving govt???

maybe the same way rod rosenstein, who signed the illegal FISA against Trump world, also left govt to work at Wrays fancy law firm…

you picking up what im putting down

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2c442a No.21562600

File: e269dbc7fa5cdfe⋯.png (82.92 KB,662x617,662:617,1722674596986240.png)

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5521ae No.21562601

File: d8bca35e73a7ac1⋯.jpg (33.96 KB,474x372,79:62,th_4045869670.jpg)

File: a5fb556bc113822⋯.jpg (97.12 KB,1566x880,783:440,160411_yamato_steve_o_teas….jpg)

File: 223e924f7667341⋯.jpg (591.11 KB,1200x1600,3:4,DSC02041_3388780947.JPG)

File: 6d7f06565d6514f⋯.png (738.56 KB,1200x675,16:9,Black_Saturday_book_360385….png)

File: 46e9806b0b574ab⋯.jpg (89.26 KB,897x1024,897:1024,God_Saturn_Photo_362184336….jpg)

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5f1462 No.21562602


TY notes

You have greeny

>>21562450>>21562457 Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

>>21562450, >>21562457 Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

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606725 No.21562603


Yeah. Qanon is GARBAGE.

Trust muh Wray

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e65769 No.21562604

File: 2383ab476101d8c⋯.png (497.55 KB,500x500,1:1,gaslighting_intensifies.png)

Kamala Harris:

- Claims that she will do a better job than Trump on border security. Bashed him for not finishing the wall, even though it was her party that kept blocking progress.

- Blames Trump for the botched military pull out of Afghanistan.

- Denies that she raised bail to free BLM rioters.

- Claims that her and Joe's economy is one of the greatest in history.

- Claims that she thought of no taxes on tips.

And the MSM won't even call her out on this bullshit. Whew lad!

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533376 No.21562605


That would explain a lot.

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8f6dd1 No.21562606

hurl hurl hurling drunk climate faschitst punkpunching we'll see how it goes after the biden debate, after the biden interview, after the coup, after the honeymoon, after no pressers full msmpoliticking, AFTER AFTER DEBATE

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887291 No.21562607



Is it because the Russians booted the soviet communist jews, and this is revenge , or is there some other reason for this multi decade hatred/boogie man game they play?

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2c442a No.21562608

File: c1d3f49ac31d1a1⋯.png (72.46 KB,473x686,473:686,qaggdropimage1636.png)

File: effc3596168c78e⋯.png (358.42 KB,473x1232,43:112,qaggdropimage1638_1.png)

File: 7afaa7bacb68da5⋯.jpeg (116.15 KB,710x1200,71:120,d368afaba1f3cb1a27148e836….jpeg)

File: 2e6f6701c650864⋯.png (77.17 KB,473x497,473:497,qaggdropimage1727.png)

File: 3a261345c3cee4d⋯.png (115.83 KB,473x651,473:651,qaggdropimage1764.png)



7 drops.

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38d3ac No.21562609


Or babyfist choice sometimes

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2c442a No.21562610

File: 20d07ecdd5b4292⋯.jpg (134.05 KB,926x1198,463:599,20d07ecdd5b4292e45553c011f….jpg)

File: 22d59464f25f720⋯.jpg (95.4 KB,546x596,273:298,22d59464f25f7200c8444c145d….jpg)

File: f0c7340c6fe1bfe⋯.png (156.73 KB,473x777,473:777,qaggdropimage4794.png)

File: 5ed30fe862cb9ff⋯.png (466.62 KB,473x1665,473:1665,qaggdropimage3763_1.png)

File: a9196ac951a4855⋯.png (345.18 KB,473x836,43:76,qaggdropimage3762_1.png)

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012af2 No.21562611

File: 1f4dd7b660939ed⋯.png (2.09 MB,1272x1444,318:361,Alex_Soros_trying_to_destr….png)

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521eb8 No.21562612

File: d93b6a503b127c0⋯.webp (35.33 KB,603x700,603:700,rnc_pepe.webp)

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284554 No.21562613

File: b73a0c1571cc9f6⋯.png (1.7 MB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 10, 2024

Horsehead and Orion Nebulas

The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above stunning mosaic. The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette notched against the long glow of hydrogen here shown in gold at the lower left. Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the bright star to the left of the Horsehead. Just below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of bright emission and dramatic dark dust lanes. The magnificent emission region, the Orion Nebula (aka M42), lies at the upper right. Immediately to its left is a prominent reflection nebula sometimes called the Running Man. Pervasive tendrils of glowing hydrogen gas are easily traced throughout the region.


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36d66b No.21562614

how are they going to help poor kamala tonight?

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44729b No.21562615

File: e360e0931b099d3⋯.jpg (121.2 KB,1080x612,30:17,Screenshot_20240910_100948….jpg)


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5521ae No.21562616

File: 9352b2e6d82940f⋯.jpg (54.5 KB,630x354,105:59,getty_bam_steveo_02032023_….jpg)

File: 3db6c1cc27ab652⋯.jpg (66.68 KB,1266x715,1266:715,636231839789610771_lmford1….JPG)

File: 21f0a41ab2b8e99⋯.png (370.2 KB,520x606,260:303,21f0a41ab2b8e9910ff82ed337….png)

File: 084f824d71292d3⋯.jpg (142.74 KB,800x542,400:271,Ivan_the_Terrible_70402568….jpg)

File: f419b52e713f96b⋯.jpg (91.31 KB,1200x780,20:13,85_3950357104.jpg)

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e65769 No.21562617

File: 8fa30cefbce1811⋯.mp4 (15.25 MB,1288x720,161:90,Full_Metal_Pepe.mp4)



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38d3ac No.21562618


Can you explain what you post for people

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887291 No.21562619


borg cube

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a610a6 No.21562620

File: 042332d750caea3⋯.webm (1.61 MB,427x240,427:240,adato23.webm)

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1be062 No.21562621



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8f6dd1 No.21562622


Tirelessly working for hostages

Responsible for the attempted assassination of Trump

Denies Inflation was a direct result of their policies of regulation, open borders fucking up the economy, higher everything with unrealized gains taxes on the table- North Star

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ffbec1 No.21562623


There's nothing national about globalism

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521eb8 No.21562624

File: 7a03bfd87238f71⋯.jpg (6.05 KB,123x180,41:60,th.jpg)

File: aae1f5919c14027⋯.jpg (46.19 KB,500x500,1:1,2n1p9p.jpg)

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2c442a No.21562625

File: dfd5c36b5866b17⋯.jpg (2.72 MB,1717x2222,17:22,1723353688304441.jpg)

File: 0b391b815bbbab8⋯.jpg (130.66 KB,1440x1254,240:209,0b391b815bbbab86f410f0780c….jpg)

File: e20b21186a91004⋯.jpg (169.3 KB,1170x1133,1170:1133,e20b21186a91004f0c53a3ff6b….jpg)

File: d441389792a1bc6⋯.jpg (90.58 KB,709x416,709:416,d441389792a1bc6654a245a0f8….jpg)

File: f19f11e3d0cfa61⋯.png (896.11 KB,888x499,888:499,f19f11e3d0cfa615eb132c0d6b….png)


Now comes the pain

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533376 No.21562626


You're getting dumped Overboard, you know. Drowned Rats.

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012af2 No.21562627

File: 377f8fd6283b615⋯.png (3.24 MB,2604x890,1302:445,Melania_in_pepe_dress_wavi….png)

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7b8427 No.21562628

File: 99d0b798dc24d6d⋯.jpeg (87.92 KB,500x484,125:121,99d0b798dc24d6de2c0f6ad2c….jpeg)

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533376 No.21562629


Mr. Pig is a Clown Persona. Cats walk the plank.

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145c93 No.21562630


seeing the world behind the world

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ffbec1 No.21562631

File: 3a06c4f138f3eb4⋯.webm (1.68 MB,480x848,30:53,3a06c4f138f3eb4084a69f4a4….webm)


Did you say Rats?

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dbbdcc No.21562632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

McEnany: This is how Trump can end Kamala Harris' career. 38 minutes ago

Kamala's reps lie as much as she does



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533376 No.21562633


As on_board missions progress, those things hidden in the dark will be brought to the light. Did you see POTUS last 10 Truth to Q drop comms. We have total control. Just a matter of completing the Smoke Signals now.

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ffbec1 No.21562634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RFK Jr. Attacks Me For Rabbi Shmuley?!!! | Candace Ep 59

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a610a6 No.21562635


>Mr. Pig is a Clown Persona. Cats walk the plank.

Far from it, VaticanClown. Do you feel your sanity beginning to slip?

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e65769 No.21562636

File: ceaef8273855fa2⋯.jpg (100.26 KB,500x473,500:473,Pepe_corona_pointer_3.jpg)

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533376 No.21562637

Difficult for them to hide the desperation to Blend/Taint/"be relevant" now. Think of this time next month. This board is going to run Red like never before.

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533376 No.21562638


Water is filling your proverbial lungs right now.

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012af2 No.21562639

File: a4d7d7e20b7ccb3⋯.png (1.48 MB,1440x797,1440:797,_Thank_you_for_your_servic….png)

File: 2c520bf567c69aa⋯.png (315.95 KB,726x731,726:731,4331_Intelligence_was_mani….png)

File: 801e653bdfda601⋯.png (287.5 KB,613x607,613:607,President_Trump_thanks_his….png)

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ffbec1 No.21562640

File: 992b5a8c284222e⋯.jpg (59.08 KB,500x608,125:152,RebbeMoshiac.jpg)


Candace Owens claims Lubavitcher rebbe ‘hated non-Jews’


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38d3ac No.21562641


Some British clowns are not big deal

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a610a6 No.21562642


Who fucking cares? I don't give a fuck what two racists arguing have to say.

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533376 No.21562643

Anons did you see POTUS talk to Moms for Liberty last week? He touched his water bottle twice for "Elon" and once for "RFK". Watching the Water.

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3fcad8 No.21562644

File: 22a98151ed9aa23⋯.jpg (627.25 KB,1488x1600,93:100,1000000910.jpg)


Reading this while pissing on the grave of a Satanist high priest.

Fuck you prick wherever [Y]out are.

Does the Stone BALL mean BAAL?



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2c442a No.21562645



Not any more. It belongs to Q now.

I'm taking what I want because obviously they don't know what they have. A pirates life for me?

Treasure abound when you dig, meme, and prey.

Take care.


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a610a6 No.21562646

Trying to incite over what other people think. It's the high school mentality from AEI today on his Parakeet perona.

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8f6dd1 No.21562647

debate tonight – MADISON SQUARE GARDEN energy

9-11 tomorrow

another click on the tock how many times are we at this point without mentioning the fact

Gold backed end the fed one to one equal playing field

will a =-nother drop of towers create the havoc to stop NCSWIC

disheartenly sick

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533376 No.21562648


The Parrot thing is a Paid Protester.

Parrot, for the Pirates on this Ship.

They're all going to drown here.

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521eb8 No.21562649

File: eae2e8cf36d79a8⋯.mp4 (14.13 MB,720x720,1:1,Kamala_Censorship.mp4)

File: f64db657772ceb7⋯.gif (1.48 MB,480x276,40:23,giphy.gif)

Kamabla broke out a new phony accent when she unveiled her new censorship policy.

James Earl Jones is would be proud ;)


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282e98 No.21562650


>Mr. Pig is a Clown Persona. Cats walk the plank.

Mr. Pig is not a clown./

If you know what I mean, then you know you're the clown to beat./

Good luck./


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6cd058 No.21562651

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever,

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74fa3a No.21562652



papurclip needs straightening

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069151 No.21562653


Cletus …baby…

Does not specify

If it's the one who say they are ..but are not

Or just everyone in general

Please clarify

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f3693e No.21562654

ALL your narratives are stupid as fuck

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2c442a No.21562655

File: e340765ca2bfc37⋯.png (23.91 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage446.png)

File: 3b19c5c7239c06c⋯.png (50.8 KB,473x405,473:405,qaggdropimage644_1.png)

File: 6e2dbaaf24a46fd⋯.png (22.19 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage44.png)

File: a17ebcc29ffb316⋯.png (93.73 KB,473x567,473:567,qaggdropimage46_2.png)

File: bdcb06d73eef454⋯.png (49.27 KB,473x336,473:336,qaggdropimage64_3.png)

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282e98 No.21562656


>Candace Owens claims Lubavitcher rebbe ‘hated non-Jews’

How's life with your Nazi friends./

Do you think Trump is a Nazi supporter?

What will you do when we regain power.?

Will you hide when we expose all of the Nazis that post here?


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f3693e No.21562657


Where is the debate at?

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a610a6 No.21562658

File: e46be0a557a870c⋯.webm (633.38 KB,569x240,569:240,_.webm)

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521eb8 No.21562659

File: 4599a41b4dcf052⋯.jpg (145.28 KB,910x762,455:381,photo_2024_09_09_15_53_35.jpg)

File: 9e4e56c2028096a⋯.jpg (41.03 KB,1280x851,1280:851,photo_2024_09_09_11_12_10.jpg)

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ffbec1 No.21562660

File: 94e892e9a8237d0⋯.jpg (93.37 KB,666x500,333:250,CSWell.jpg)

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78fc6e No.21562661

While eating a family pet is a sensational story, the underlying story is that the federal government has conspired with foreign nations to violate every US Citizens' right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by dumping millions of unending masses into population centers with an expectation that the individual citizen have their property devalued, stolen, or taxed to pay for the results of this government violation. Downstream is eating pets, raping wives and daughters, stealing children or other property, and generally failing to understand or follow all laws and morals expected of citizens. The narrative of "illegals are better less crimers than Amerikans" is destroyed with the new narrative of Haitians ate fido or fluffy, but after that is 'debunked' in the minds of the mindless, still no one will have addressed that this is a violation of all citizens Constitutional rights. We The People had been told we are a melting pot since the 60's and we weren't. 99% of Americans were white or black. Generations now believe it is racist to simply be white. AI will tell you whiteness is racism. We have allowed them to made suicide a virtue. Ironically this story of pet eating which has escalated to eating the American Bald Eagle, might make some people look up from sports or Instagram for a minute. While they are looking up, remind them that having the US government conspire against all citizens' life, property, family, and safety is unconstitutional.

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8f6dd1 No.21562662


PA - like who needs to stand up! the original eye gouging juice jitsu wressler

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282e98 No.21562663


You're right near the top of the list, Jizzmbuddy…

Something to think about.

We hear you breathe.

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f3693e No.21562664


Ant honey

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7f7420 No.21562665

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


GOD bless the swordAnon

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069151 No.21562666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I needed a lita

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ffbec1 No.21562667

File: a6c86aa57d4fce5⋯.png (191.66 KB,385x320,77:64,BattleGrounds.png)


>Will you hide when we expose all of the Nazis that post here?

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533376 No.21562668


Mr Pig is a Clown and so are you. And everyone sees it.

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854a0e No.21562669

File: 75eedcb1c7ca830⋯.png (94.16 KB,683x1146,683:1146,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3693e No.21562670

ALL your narratives are stupid as fuck

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e79d5a No.21562671


Amen you too Swordy

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ffbec1 No.21562672

File: 229bbceeb979807⋯.jpg (72.32 KB,500x559,500:559,ADLNonsense.jpg)

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282e98 No.21562673


>>Will you hide when we expose all of the Nazis that post here?

That's how you see your life?


Do you think Jesus spent his time posting garbage on 8Kun?

Why do you compare yourself to Jesus?


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f3693e No.21562674


Jew jitsu?

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282e98 No.21562675


>Mr Pig is a Clown and so are you. And everyone sees it.

Fort LAuderdale Teaxs/




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41d762 No.21562676

File: 62a1c8eb882fc62⋯.jpg (76.31 KB,1280x720,16:9,DasGun.jpg)

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ffbec1 No.21562677

File: 4b8c31d9d4cacb4⋯.png (51.92 KB,616x405,616:405,AlexChosen.png)

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533376 No.21562678


>no one will have addressed

But wait 2 months… It will ALL come out and burn like FIRE.

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f75d03 No.21562679

Slash (/) at the end of each line famefag shillFILTERED!

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f3693e No.21562680

ALL your narratives are stupid as fuck

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284554 No.21562681

File: 0cd2da2a6a654fa⋯.png (1.83 MB,1400x700,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5be443dba257145⋯.png (2.76 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89c84a1780661d4⋯.png (843.59 KB,1237x996,1237:996,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4a4f080867fcc1⋯.png (4.13 MB,1151x2526,1151:2526,ClipboardImage.png)



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8f6dd1 No.21562682


you just described the match

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ffbec1 No.21562683

File: d64168f2e00a756⋯.jpg (57.97 KB,546x457,546:457,StarwarsMasonicIII.jpg)

File: 1d72ceb022dc99d⋯.jpg (77.59 KB,520x480,13:12,StarwarsMasonicIIII.jpg)

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533376 No.21562684


No one will remember it, not even [you].

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521eb8 No.21562685

File: 8049375ef85f2ca⋯.jpg (87.42 KB,844x1280,211:320,photo_2024_09_10_08_19_31.jpg)

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8f6dd1 No.21562686

is Amalek a conspiracy theory?

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5521ae No.21562687

File: 8f114c2ac93f595⋯.png (439.9 KB,640x360,16:9,_89334594_hillaryhot_36752….png)

File: f1aab9520173705⋯.jpg (45.6 KB,439x612,439:612,senator_robert_byrd_and_se….jpg)

File: 0982e4db10b18f1⋯.jpg (207.32 KB,1125x750,3:2,COMP_AP_HILLARY_QANON_4133….jpg)

File: 009f7db1478c5b3⋯.jpg (698.94 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240909_154039….jpg)

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f3693e No.21562688


He was a great actor. Rest in Peace.

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f78378 No.21562689

File: b0c979f4b47cba0⋯.png (366.72 KB,840x1706,420:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec57f4d40497b04⋯.png (543.5 KB,840x1464,35:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 519941dfc5fa650⋯.png (67.36 KB,840x812,30:29,ClipboardImage.png)


>Yeah. Qanon is GARBAGE.

>Trust muh Wray

Muh lazy-ass Qanoners! Wray is a sleeper.

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069151 No.21562690


Opinions expressed ….are just that

You can … believe the bullshit…

Or leave it laying where you found it

Cletus…. baby

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2c442a No.21562691

File: c4fe75459eed1ed⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2560x2560,1:1,c4fe75459eed1edb42259cee62….jpg)

File: b795515024c3708⋯.png (450.06 KB,717x888,239:296,1724809070263361.png)

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f3693e No.21562692

ALL your narratives are stupid as fuck

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533376 No.21562693


He was invented by the Clown Putt as a scapegoat to hang all his own sins on. Just like the idiots here invent personas to crucify for their exposed sins.

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e79d5a No.21562694


Jews said Christians are paganism because they make jesus son of god

but Jews make the giants son's of god

connect the dot's

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dbbdcc No.21562695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alex Stein: Begging VA To Rescue Wife From Ukraine. Kek



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f6d332 No.21562696

File: e05f2e697c5c69e⋯.jpg (71.99 KB,500x497,500:497,qft5Jj63.jpg)

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ffbec1 No.21562697

File: 8d2e8e38a93d0fe⋯.jpg (45.36 KB,500x500,1:1,DrakeADLII.jpg)

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1be062 No.21562698


damn need some change?

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950cd1 No.21562699


Melania knows.

She is a smart cookie.

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1be062 No.21562701




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8f6dd1 No.21562702

like Alice in Wonderland?

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78fc6e No.21562703


Candace: Here is a book by Jews claiming this rabbi said Jews are a superior species than non Jews.

JC: Here are some people saying that rabbi was super great, those Jews were self-hating, and Candance is anti-semantic

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ffbec1 No.21562704

File: 9b1c10725aa2bad⋯.jpg (55.87 KB,500x345,100:69,CloseETalmud.jpg)

File: 5d8e670fe16c3a5⋯.jpg (39.53 KB,437x279,437:279,CloseETalmudII.JPG)

File: 66ec65ed9928e33⋯.jpg (36.46 KB,446x313,446:313,CloseETalmudIII.JPG)

File: ccca2fbf5af2961⋯.jpg (50.39 KB,495x283,495:283,CloseETalmudIV.jpg)

File: 9f0a6101179eeda⋯.jpg (26.87 KB,348x203,12:7,CloseETalmudV.JPG)

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069151 No.21562705


Numbers …Cletus

I need numbers

How many read and follow this

I need numbers …..

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950cd1 No.21562706


They only make it big if they are comped in some way.

Some may not have crossed certain lines.

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e79d5a No.21562707


Do I look Jim Watkins

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f75d03 No.21562708

File: 9ef0fcd7fe414a3⋯.png (1.64 MB,1116x838,558:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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282e98 No.21562710


>No one will remember it, not even [you].

We'll see, James./


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521eb8 No.21562711

File: 44bae9b07410a9a⋯.jpg (86.92 KB,1080x1080,1:1,photo_2024_09_10_00_56_02.jpg)

File: 8ec6a72c14285e6⋯.jpg (67.09 KB,1100x619,1100:619,191008162532_01_kamala_har….jpg)


>how Trump can end Kamala Harris' career


man handed actor

that's man baby ;)

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29832a No.21562712

File: ebd0020a561a3d0⋯.png (520.02 KB,588x441,4:3,Ron_Paul_I_m_Glad_It_Turne….png)


National Constitution Center to Host 2024 ABC News Presidential Debate

August 16, 2024


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418d83 No.21562713

Kash and Matt on war room.


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705d91 No.21562714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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533376 No.21562715


You're a Clown and everyone knows it except newfags.

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29832a No.21562716

10:45 AM EDT

House Democratic Leaders Hold News Conference

House Democratic leaders hold a news conference on the remaining legislative days of the 2024 calendar year.


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f6d332 No.21562717

File: d15969b0c8ca32e⋯.jpg (92.15 KB,659x687,659:687,20210417_095440.jpg)

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ffbec1 No.21562718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Candace Owens DESTROYS Rabbi Shmuley in HEATED debate


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3fcad8 No.21562719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here witchy, witchy,, witchy……..

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e78368 No.21562720

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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e65769 No.21562721

File: 8767931991ef71e⋯.png (430.93 KB,500x500,1:1,Kamala_joy_02.png)

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282e98 No.21562722


>You're a Clown and everyone knows it except newfags.

How am I clown?

Do you have information?

What are you doing here if you have no information?

Why do you lie to people while pretending to support Q?

What is it you think happens from here on end?

Do you think we're waiting for you to succeed?

What is it you think the objective of this board is?

Do you think there's something we're supposed to do here?

Why don't you do the think we think you're supposed to do here?

Do you think we brought a bunch of anons here just to have them call eachother shills and post their dick picks, JOHN?

What is it you think is supposed to happen?


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533376 No.21562723


HA also looks the same. Same fake kingdom of Pretenders who stole the world. All that shit is about to take a nose-dive.

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2c442a No.21562724

File: ad9e56fb4c06ca5⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,2000x1050,40:21,1722366011259905.jpg)

File: b6b35009a7ad7b8⋯.png (147.98 KB,538x800,269:400,b6b35009a7ad7b881489382aa5….png)

File: fb75c8f1a9d783c⋯.png (22.16 KB,250x255,50:51,06bd1c5fe72f5d7edb3b12e669….png)

File: b6e373e9c1e6dbc⋯.jpg (36.51 KB,447x458,447:458,1721857797028562.jpg)

File: 798fcbfbd59e2d9⋯.jpg (211.01 KB,699x842,699:842,1722122254572153.jpg)


She is a very smart cookie indeed.


Would someone suspect a person if being what they are well known for hating?

Not until trans became a thing.


People can hide who they are with words but their outward apperance will always project what they feel inside.


No one can hide from the truth within themselves.

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e65769 No.21562725

File: fb7726f91cd4de7⋯.png (64.68 KB,235x150,47:30,HRC_.png)


>Here witchy, witchy,, witchy……..

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5521ae No.21562726

File: 71b3f6882495808⋯.jpg (119.33 KB,696x463,696:463,Mahavidyas.jpg)

File: 1da47d6bbce0697⋯.jpg (644.86 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240822_193928….jpg)

File: 2d0bfc755b5e5b2⋯.jpeg (5.77 KB,269x186,269:186,2d0bfc755b5e5b2bd450c4b0f….jpeg)

File: 3ebb95a216b3870⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1033025796.jpg)

File: 52a3d8261688fbb⋯.jpg (930.74 KB,1280x1778,640:889,Kali_by_Raja_Ravi_Varma.jpg)

Devi: HAL, open the bag doors.

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069151 No.21562727


You tube

Best news source …..kek

You are killin me

Quit it …..

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dbbdcc No.21562728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gutfeld: Democrats are panicking

10 hours ago



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284554 No.21562729

File: 0c4f8e22471f347⋯.png (4.83 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronauts to Discuss Mission from Space Station

Sep 09, 2024

Media are invited to hear from NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams during an Earth to space call at 2:15 p.m. EDT, Friday, Sept. 13.

The pair will participate in a news conference aboard the International Space Station in low Earth orbit.

Coverage of the event will stream on NASA+, the NASA app, and the agency’s website.

Learn how to stream NASA content through a variety of platforms, including social media.

Media interested in participating must contact the newsroom at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston no later than 5 p.m.,

Thursday, Sept. 12, at 281-483-5111 or jsccommu@mail.nasa.gov.

To ask questions, media must dial into the news conference no later than 10 minutes prior to the start of the call. A copy of NASA’s media accreditation policy is online.

NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams launched aboard Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft on June 5 for its first crewed flight, arriving at the space station on June 6.

Following the agency’s decision to return Starliner uncrewed, the duo will remain on the space station as part of the Expedition 71/72 crew and return home in February 2025 aboard the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft with two other crew members on NASA’s SpaceX Crew-9 mission.


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5521ae No.21562730

File: 34b29962f2b4402⋯.jpg (583.02 KB,1823x2470,1823:2470,1be1e1aa1e3a502288d3f8ded8….jpg)

File: a1825c0054947b1⋯.jpg (61.44 KB,468x582,78:97,dc8be73d5f32744be2bcdfe674….jpg)

File: 78e07b431c3c514⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240909_162825….jpg)

File: 2b2b836a65b62c9⋯.jpg (788.39 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,merlin_162530706_bc030ad3_….jpg)

File: df8cce3df32fc70⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Biden_Spielberg_4095787603.png)

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521eb8 No.21562731

File: d84965d62fe7524⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,1080x1080,1:1,photo_2024_09_10_02_45_56.jpg)


> Rabbi Shmuley

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2c442a No.21562732

File: e2c1f2ec2b9abb7⋯.png (55.75 KB,473x357,473:357,qaggdropimage47_1.png)


Alice & Wonderland

27 drops.

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012af2 No.21562733

File: ba3db52d09fb135⋯.png (3.97 MB,2418x1408,1209:704,Destroy_communism_Jesus_is….png)

King Jesus is ALL! We pray in the mighty Name of Jesus, that the communist party in china and world wide, will collapse to the ground in 2024 and that freedom rises in its place. In Jesus' Name we pray in thanks, Amen!

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a610a6 No.21562734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mornin', Swordy.

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533376 No.21562735

We can't get to Israel first, it has to be last because as you all know the idiots here only lie about Israel and the world has been lied to. We can't get to the end before going down the rabbithole. Have to start at the beginning.

There is one race of Mankind and we are all related to Noah and Adam.

If you listen to POTUS talk at Economic Club last week - he explains it.. From the theft of the Free World via Flodden Massacre (set up), to the attempted final destruction of this Great Land America. He also explains his plan to bring in a new era. Golden.

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282e98 No.21562736


I want you to REMEMBER, this is NOT a SECRET FORUM./



I want you to REMEMBER THIS POST./


Someone SHOT at the CINC./

Remember, we are not playing games ever.

This has never been a game about being the most and best anon, it has been about concentrating the forces on the places where they need to be concentrated./

Focus on the mission.



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31c91e No.21562737

File: b379a26db41501d⋯.png (3.05 MB,1098x1412,549:706,b379a26db41501d3bfecc22bf5….png)

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e65769 No.21562738

File: 54f9d44cadfde19⋯.png (374.34 KB,613x407,613:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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5521ae No.21562739

File: 34b29962f2b4402⋯.jpg (583.02 KB,1823x2470,1823:2470,1be1e1aa1e3a502288d3f8ded8….jpg)

File: 50d03f6968d07a9⋯.jpg (544.4 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240822_080330….jpg)

File: 909bfba16d05e6c⋯.jpg (140.88 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,102545109_IMG_2307_3597789….jpg)

File: 21f0a41ab2b8e99⋯.png (370.2 KB,520x606,260:303,21f0a41ab2b8e9910ff82ed337….png)

File: 57581a3e65c062b⋯.jpg (66.8 KB,506x652,253:326,262580_v9_ba_1186922256.jpg)

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f78378 No.21562740


> We The People had been told we are a melting pot since the 60's and we weren't.

America is a melting pot. The term refers to culture, not race. Food acceptance played a major role in the acceptance and absorbtion of sub-cultures into the greater whole. Except for the Scots-Irish. For us it had to be the whisky/whiskey.

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282e98 No.21562741





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533376 No.21562742



P.S. You can't do a DAMN THING that God doesn't let you. Get out of our House.

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3fcad8 No.21562743

File: cabb699a0c7ad94⋯.png (1.38 MB,720x1600,9:20,1000001059.png)

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521eb8 No.21562744

File: b74a8e95dd002be⋯.jpg (92.27 KB,956x720,239:180,photo_2024_09_09_22_51_09.jpg)




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40f05e No.21562745

File: 1f9dc5f974fd2ab⋯.jpg (24.7 KB,716x349,716:349,don_tcare.jpg)

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4e17be No.21562746

File: d4c6b5f8a1f700d⋯.jpg (44.47 KB,1024x650,512:325,fags94861628.jpg)


>we will TELL PEOPLE

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29832a No.21562747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

House Speaker Mike Johnson Holds Congressional Medal Ceremony

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) holds a Congressional Medal Ceremony honoring the service members killed at Abbey Gate on Aug. 26, 2021, during the withdrawal from Afghanistan.


11:00 AM EDT

The President welcomes the University of South Carolina Gamecocks Women’s Basketball Team to the White House to celebrate their 2023-2024 NCAA championship season by 8:00 am edt]

East Room




President Biden Welcomes University of South Carolina Gamecocks Women's Basketball Team

President Biden Welcomes the University of South Carolina Gamecocks Women’s Basketball Team to the White House.


11:30 AM EDT

Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma delivers remarks at a “Catalysts for Change” forum hosted in partnership with USAID and Foreign Policy

Washington D.C.


11:45 AM EDT

Tim Tebow and Senators Blumenthal and Cornyn Hold News Conference on Child Online Exploitation


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533376 No.21562748

Anons remember this is the Transition time ahead of Transfer of Power (just like IRL, as always) on this board, the removal of the Old Guard and the replacement of it with Patriot Anons, Q's return, and millions of New Eyes. We are watching their "Screams Before Silence" and this will only happen one time.

Making Memories.

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e65769 No.21562749

File: 88d855f99a28ae0⋯.png (366.11 KB,624x500,156:125,gay_has_the.png)



Q wannabe larping faggot…

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ffbec1 No.21562750

File: 6b772a0b8b97290⋯.png (107.91 KB,497x311,497:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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67848d No.21562751

File: 184f2c1d6b96823⋯.png (288.97 KB,511x329,73:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c442a No.21562752

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB,6880x5910,688:591,1510107905656.jpg)

File: 7a01255320b1cf8⋯.jpg (61.29 KB,435x862,435:862,7a01255320b1cf8cc3067910a7….jpg)


What is a keystone?

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282e98 No.21562753



Prove it.

>P.S. You can't do a DAMN THING that God doesn't let you. Get out of our House.

You think that God doesn't ket me here?

KEK, you say./

Cloud operations worker, you say?

We'll see./

We own your computer./


Just remember where you are, OK?

I am not here for fun.

Your HOUSE isn't this board.

It never has been.

The people that run this board want you to know that you're a sleezeball./

I want you off the ship too./


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284554 No.21562754

File: 51bc9ceb3a22f44⋯.png (1.61 MB,1600x500,16:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Find Me on the Moon: NASA Lunar Navigation Challenge

Sep 9, 2024

NASA’s Artemis campaign is a series of lunar missions to further explore the lunar landscape to prepare for future missions to Mars.

The Artemis missions will send humans to land on the moon and explore the lunar south pole. This will be NASA’s first human lunar landing since the Apollo missions over 50 years ago.

The Artemis missions will be landing at the lunar south pole; this area is of interest because the permanently shadowed regions that exist there may be traps for water ice which could be accessed to support future missions to Mars.

One area of interest is Shackleton Crater, measuring 13 miles (21 km) in diameter and 2.6 miles (4.2 km) deep.

The crater has steep sides and continuous shadows cause the floor of the crater to be below 90 K and may have water ice trapped beneath the surface.

To support these missions, NASA is seeking two solutions: one low-tech and one high-tech. While both solutions are related to navigation, they are independent challenges and solutions.

For Challenge 1, NASA is seeking an orienteering aid that will help the astronauts navigate on traverses away from the lunar lander and return back.

While there were similar devices available to the Apollo astronauts, NASA is looking for new and unique solutions.

Among other considerations, devices must be accurate, easy to use, able to be used on the moon’s surface by an astronaut wearing pressurized gloves.

If your solution is one of the best, you could be eligible for a share of the $15,000 prize purse.

For Challenge 2, NASA is looking for assistance in getting to and mapping the bottom of Shackleton Crater.

The design must work in the extreme conditions of the lunar south pole and Shackleton Crater, map the crater, characterize and quantify what is in the crater, and send the data back to be used for future missions.

If you can solve this challenge by describing your design concept in detail, you could be eligible for a share of the $30,000 prize purse.

In addition, there is $5,000 in prize money to be distributed among solutions from both challenges that show exceptional achievement.

Award: $50,000 in total prizes

Open Date: September 4, 2024

Close Date: November 25, 2024


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f3f2aa No.21562755


Mosquitoes has to meet the cleaner

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282e98 No.21562756


>Q wannabe larping faggot…

Do you think I am a LARP?



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533376 No.21562757

If Q posted right now and invalidated the current Board Team, then confirmed the new BO, would you honestly question why?

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74fa3a No.21562758

File: fec15fb6f53c924⋯.jpg (141.7 KB,720x916,180:229,fec15fb6f53c9245fbd3b48ffe….jpg)

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2c442a No.21562759

File: 67fe2d7f6df9459⋯.png (279.5 KB,473x1619,473:1619,qaggdropimage128_2.png)

File: 539493735d60c3c⋯.png (108.21 KB,473x819,473:819,qaggdropimage133_2.png)

File: b4e7524fbe9a818⋯.png (153.51 KB,473x987,473:987,qaggdropimage140_1.png)

File: 970c3a66b4592c2⋯.png (21.61 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage167.png)

File: 0705d3103b90fdf⋯.png (31.44 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage251.png)

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ba3d19 No.21562760

File: 049f8e39500496d⋯.png (776.99 KB,634x638,317:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4394e5c3b9fddb4⋯.png (156.56 KB,716x425,716:425,ClipboardImage.png)

A man is on his deathbed, and he asks his wife, “Martha, soon I will be gone forever, and there's something I have to know. In all these 50 years of marriage, have you ever been unfaithful to me?"

Martha replied, "Well, Henry, I have to be honest with you. Yes, I've been unfaithful to you three times during these 50 years, but always for a good reason."

Henry was obviously hurt by his wife's confession, but said, "I never suspected. Can you tell me what you mean by 'good reasons?'"

Martha said, "The first time was shortly after we were married, and we were about to lose our little house because we couldn't pay the mortgage. Do you remember that one evening I went to see the banker, and the next day he notified you that the loan would be extended?"

Henry recalled the visit to the banker and said, "I can forgive you for that. You saved our home, but what about the second time?"

Martha asked, "And do you remember when you were so sick, but we didn't have the money to pay for the heart surgery you needed? Well, I went to see your doctor one night and, if you recall, he did the surgery at no charge."

"I recall that," said Henry. "And you did it to save my life, so of course I can forgive you for that. Now tell me about the third time."

"Alright," Martha said. "Do you remember when you ran for president of your golf club, and you needed 73 more votes?"

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2c442a No.21562761

File: feeef5ec48fef35⋯.png (50.31 KB,473x441,473:441,qaggdropimage262_3.png)

File: 37ac85b3d4bb4e6⋯.png (24.01 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage270.png)

File: 6c4ba5b4d1bb5c7⋯.png (155.04 KB,473x1673,473:1673,qaggdropimage448_1.png)

File: 08f9623d088af4a⋯.png (333.54 KB,473x1238,473:1238,qaggdropimage2633.png)

File: 5bd0a2620cc85c2⋯.png (317.71 KB,473x1652,473:1652,qaggdropimage2998_2.png)


Expand your thinking.

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533376 No.21562762

By the time Q posts and invalidates the current Board Team, No One will question as to Why. Freedom Day.

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f78378 No.21562763


And you hate him so passionately that all you can do is troll the boards he made successful.

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42f920 No.21562764

File: 2e09f195f16e82c⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,2048x2048,1:1,2e09f195f16e82c010d02e3632….jpg)

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f6d332 No.21562765

The eve of 911


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8f6dd1 No.21562766

Attention on deck

Hydra has Shield uniforms on

Top operatives compromised

where have we seen this before


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533376 No.21562767


See.. my posts are deleted because they're true. Jim won't come here and refute, because it's all open source factual info. I don't hate anyone including you, Snowflake. I mean, Jim.

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282e98 No.21562768


Let's GO./


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3fcad8 No.21562769

File: 349633d34c933e7⋯.jpg (441.72 KB,1204x1600,301:400,1000000882.jpg)

Clowns can't gumshoe for shit, GFY Deepfucks.

See [Y]out at lunch.

Witchy DM cunts, STFU and get the hemlock douchebags

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533376 No.21562770


How about just you GO.

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ffbec1 No.21562771

File: a8a0ffe668efe95⋯.jpg (47.95 KB,438x570,73:95,JewDungeon.jpg)

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284554 No.21562772

File: ed490f6395f0931⋯.png (1.61 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Celebrate International Observe the Moon Night at NASA Goddard

Sep 09, 2024

The public is invited to celebrate International Observe the Moon Night on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 6 to 9 p.m. EDT at NASA Goddard’s Visitor Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

International Observe the Moon Night is a time to come together with fellow Moon enthusiasts and curious people around the world.

The public is invited to learn about lunar science and exploration, take part in celestial observations, and honor cultural and personal connections to the Moon.

During the Goddard event, attendees will be able to participate in a variety of interactive hands-on activities.

There will also be a photo booth, Moon-themed presentations, and lunar and astronomical observing with telescopes.

This free event is open to the public and will occur rain or shine.

International Observe the Moon Night occurs annually in September or October, when the Moon is around first quarter – a great phase for evening observing.

Last year, almost a million people participated in 123 countries and all 7 continents. This year, NASA is celebrating 15 years of the program!

International Observe the Moon Night is sponsored by NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) mission and the Solar System Exploration Division of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, with support from many partners.

LRO is managed by Goddard for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

No registration is needed.

To participate in International Observe the Moon Night from wherever you may be, tune into our NASA broadcast or watch live streams of the Moon from telescopes around the world on our Live Streams page on Sept. 14: https://moon.nasa.gov/observe-the-moon-night/participate/live-streams/.


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533376 No.21562773

If you don't stand up against censorship here, you are consenting to that censorship. Have to stand up.

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069151 No.21562774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cletus …baby

Nobody gives a damn

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38fd9b No.21562775

Let's get this show on the road ladies.

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f3f2aa No.21562776


Probably the same trolls who were bothering him on 4chan.

they are here

Who knows

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a610a6 No.21562777

File: a4fb5a1281aacac⋯.webm (403.34 KB,427x240,427:240,duty3.webm)

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29832a No.21562778

File: dd5f70db0cb3e28⋯.jpg (36.52 KB,720x662,360:331,bush_911.jpg)

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282e98 No.21562779


>How about just you GO.

Do you have a job?


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2c442a No.21562780

File: cea45d96415ea9b⋯.png (44.59 KB,473x455,473:455,qaggdropimage647.png)

File: 7b8b5e1f906c1f2⋯.png (40.89 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage654.png)

File: f76094b89409151⋯.png (18.87 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage658.png)

File: d52a57e4128323f⋯.png (43.05 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage659_1.png)

File: 46ca16d616acc9a⋯.png (39.54 KB,473x405,473:405,qaggdropimage3080.png)


Freedom day

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ffbec1 No.21562782

File: 03e0c2c237ad34e⋯.jpg (52.04 KB,432x441,48:49,BCII.jpg)


>Nobody gives a damn

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63b3a7 No.21562783

File: ead9d31a0c5fc9b⋯.jpg (28.61 KB,500x500,1:1,2x5dfght.jpg)

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f6d332 No.21562784


another fallen angel Artemis

Nasa elon and even under Trump

They always pay homage to the kingdom of darkness

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e1b3e3 No.21562785


He's a foreign police officer.

Sounds like he just got off the boat.

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289af5 No.21562786

Do you think Melania is fucking crazy? Do you think she'd throw an echo dot as hard as she could down a staircase and hit me in the chest? Do you think she'd set the world on fire to watch it burn in her psychotic mind?

You can fix this, you could fix this, but you won't fix it. Remind me of who you are when I leave this meatsuit, we need to have a conversation my friend. A very detailed conversation of where you'd like your balls stuffed on your body.

fuck you, fuck you, oh, fuck you over there, fuck him, fuck her, fuck them. let there be fucks given where fucks are due. Fuck me around, I'll find a way to fuck it back around to you. Enough is fucking enough there wizard boy.

Get me into a better situation, even a 76-year-old french whore that hasn't douched in fifty years and lives on the docks is more appealing than my current choice.

Keep it up and there won't be a me around.

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521eb8 No.21562787

File: 373501a795cd8e9⋯.webp (44.01 KB,1200x600,2:1,composite_image_of_ron_wa….webp)



>confirmed the new BO

kekekek :)

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e65769 No.21562788

File: 4ee997662ba7b33⋯.gif (1.47 MB,375x295,75:59,bush_shoe.gif)

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854a0e No.21562789

File: 4e73dcad388fe83⋯.png (477.4 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express on route…


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533376 No.21562790


The people who did that in the Bible were swallowed up by the Earth. Q doesn't like Clowns. Including the Feline Swine thing.

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38fd9b No.21562791

If Kamala wins and takes the country to the debths of hell is that what is needed to wake up those voting for her and are excited to do so?

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f78378 No.21562792


>Jim won't come here and refute

Nor does he need to. Jim is providing a resource to you at no cost. You are a guest in his house. Jim is welcome to evict you or delete your posts. Anons will continue to filter.

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7f7420 No.21562793

File: ed93b153e2886d3⋯.png (156.32 KB,286x363,26:33,nailed_it.png)


> The two illegals responsible for all your ded pets

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74fa3a No.21562794

File: 25e571f59fd744a⋯.jpg (52.55 KB,800x561,800:561,3a1e5a4eb032c9324cd69c0d4d….jpg)

File: 5fc9964e6012b16⋯.png (466.99 KB,598x622,299:311,5fc9964e6012b160537e19d196….png)

File: b9eebabc3e531e5⋯.png (644.3 KB,843x566,843:566,7e6d4c6dcbfafc768d14cc7fcb….png)

File: 29c952376cd5222⋯.jpeg (137.05 KB,1200x800,3:2,29c952376cd5222511b14da20….jpeg)

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f3f2aa No.21562795


Do you think he put it in his jews step father account?

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f6d332 No.21562796

File: bcf8cd8eda32dd7⋯.jpg (45.45 KB,909x419,909:419,Dof_the_rock1.jpg)


Rabbi beating up a parakeet

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74fcb3 No.21562797

File: 0c71448beb9e24d⋯.jpg (69.59 KB,176x288,11:18,armed_guards_edited_1.jpg)

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38fd9b No.21562798

Shills now out number anons here by 4/1

All for a LARP

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e3a88a No.21562799

File: 35e69e511022162⋯.png (55.53 KB,255x236,255:236,1c1d6dadfe4beb2b23a9ef72f0….png)


Easy infiltration into Cop Clubs because they don't care what the Constitution says.

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a610a6 No.21562801

File: d587cc2bc3d2b09⋯.webm (115.62 KB,427x240,427:240,wellbye.webm)


>Keep it up and there won't be a me around.

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282e98 No.21562802


>Do you think he put it in his jews step father account?

What language are you speaking?

Is this OUR COMMS?

Do you think WE shit talk JEWS all day long?!

Who is on OUR TEAM?


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3fcad8 No.21562803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f6d332 No.21562804

File: 759b810ccd5bf04⋯.jpeg (83.87 KB,500x680,25:34,download_70.jpeg)

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74fa3a No.21562805

File: 9c424ca64e37b05⋯.jpg (44.87 KB,550x413,550:413,145a535c0c504e9da758d428a3….jpg)

File: 796c9978dfc9f6e⋯.jpg (95.45 KB,947x960,947:960,796c9978dfc9f6e4161bfedc91….jpg)

File: 6272f5ae32c82dd⋯.jpg (62.23 KB,474x639,158:213,1349e62a9110c2018dd07742ba….jpg)

File: faed8d6c6bcb658⋯.png (201.94 KB,1269x1154,1269:1154,2019_11_12_1_21_57.png)


> el imperio del crack de Alec Bladwin se hizo añicos en pipas de crack en llamas.

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950cd1 No.21562806


They are trying to normalize animal sacrifices.

Who sacrifices animals?

Jews, Muslims, people who practice Voodoo.

Who doesn't sacrifice animals?


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145c93 No.21562807

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2c442a No.21562808

File: 843f11cfdd0c69d⋯.gif (1.02 MB,480x270,16:9,1724844022524642.gif)

File: ee125034744b20b⋯.jpg (13.81 KB,249x251,249:251,1724459726820287.jpg)

File: dc184bc6312eebf⋯.jpg (330.27 KB,1055x1151,1055:1151,1723590293224133.jpg)

File: 0b793b5a7518139⋯.jpg (118.91 KB,690x497,690:497,0b793b5a7518139fa236e49889….jpg)

File: 7a90fddcd0796ee⋯.jpg (136.84 KB,556x557,556:557,7a90fddcd0796eec1f4aea5753….jpg)

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521eb8 No.21562809

File: bb9ac409f9703a7⋯.webp (52.72 KB,640x360,16:9,694940094001_533177663600….webp)


confirmed pf


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f6d332 No.21562810

File: c613bf1ac125b80⋯.jpeg (66.09 KB,500x455,100:91,download_68.jpeg)

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e65769 No.21562811

File: 3034af7f51370ec⋯.png (216.38 KB,400x364,100:91,superfags310.png)

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012af2 No.21562812

File: 2c0abfb83179483⋯.png (108.21 KB,2020x642,1010:321,170_Why_am_I_here_during_t….png)

POTUS! Morale is HIGH! Would you make a Truth at 17 hundred hours, related to Q post #170 (Why am I here during the day? Why is this relevant? What does this infer?

170 = 17+0. 17=Q. 0 = +. 170 = Q+

God bless Patriots, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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8f6dd1 No.21562813

will Hakeem have something witty to say about orange man at todays Medal of Honor Ceremony

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f6d332 No.21562814

File: 250fff21c30758f⋯.jpeg (84.04 KB,640x454,320:227,download_69.jpeg)

For grandma.

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74fa3a No.21562815

File: f90e472700aec73⋯.gif (1.33 MB,1080x1080,1:1,0a89a3f135978e660a436b4a7d….gif)


>>>>holohoax @$$ cafeteria gits sum freshur bleached sphinctur memes

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282e98 No.21562816


>just a regular nigger

You must be excited for your employer to view this message.

When we are done with the Great Awakening we will be posting everyones messages along with their real name and home addresses.

You will be PROUD of what you have achieved./

I promise./


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8f6dd1 No.21562817

The families at the ceremony would want the only person who wants to be there – DONALD J TRUMP

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284554 No.21562818

File: f9ecf47a9f513f2⋯.png (211.02 KB,800x530,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)


Pluto mission: South African astronomers join forces with NASA to learn more about the dwarf planet

September 9, 2024

When the International Astronomical Union announced in 2006 that Pluto was being demoted from its status as the sun's ninth planet, many astronomers and non-experts alike were shocked.

Pluto remains an important object for study, though. Today it is considered one of many dwarf planets beyond Neptune, in a doughnut-shaped region of mostly icy debris orbiting the sun called the Kuiper Belt.

These outskirts of the solar system remain largely unexplored. They were first reached by US space agency NASA's New Horizons spacecraft; it flew close to Pluto in 2015, revealing spectacular images of the dwarf planet's surface and atmosphere.

But there's still plenty to learn.

That's why my colleagues and I at South Africa's University of the Western Cape (UWC) were over the moon when we were invited to participate in an international mission funded by Nasa.

We are a group of experienced nuclear physicists with groundbreaking research that spans astronomy and stellar explosions.

Pluto reached its closest point to our sun in 1989.

As it moves away from the sun along its 248-year-long oval-shaped orbit, its atmosphere will likely collapse and freeze onto its surface in the next few years.

We were asked to observe a rare event that would provide insights into the dwarf planet's atmosphere and particularly this likely freezing scenario.

The event is called occultation, and occurs when any celestial object passes in front of a distant star, temporarily blocking or dimming the star's light.

This allows the object's atmosphere to—just for a second or so—act as a lens that amplifies the starlight. In this case, the occultation was a chance to capture information about Pluto's atmosphere, as explained below.

We used a single state-of-the-art 0.5-meter Newtonian telescope that was generously donated to UWC by the University of Virginia.

When scientists are trying to capture an occultation, they might use a single telescope that tracks the shadow of the object's passage, or up to 100 telescopes strategically distributed to map out the shape of an object and discover or characterize satellites and asteroids.

These telescopes need to be smaller and more mobile than their more static, larger equivalents used for other research.

Setting up the telescope and commissioning it was a major operation that required state-of-the-art facilities and human power.

Students and staff from UWC's Physics & Astronomy department worked hard to prepare for the observation, learning about telescope operations and the required software.

Some modification was also required. The telescope arrived from the factory with a faulty GPS that was replaced and a little too short for our purposes.

We used 3D printing technology in the university's Modern African Nuclear Detector Laboratory to rectify the length and match the telescope focal point.


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284554 No.21562819


Then it was time for the main event.

On 4 August 2024, my UWC colleague Siyambonga Matshawule, together with two of my postdocs, Cebo Ngwetsheni and Craig Mehl, and my Ph.D. student Elijah Akakpo traveled to the viewing spot.

They joined professors Michael Skrutskie and Anne Verbiscer from the University of Virginia and Nasa, both principal investigators of Pluto's occultation and other Nasa missions such as New Horizons.

The viewing spot was in a remote area in South Africa's Northern Cape province, about 40km north from the town of Upington.

This was precisely the central point or dead center of Pluto's shadow on Earth, extending 2,377km in diameter, passing across South Africa and Namibia at 85,000 km/h.

Considering that, at the same time, our Earth is also moving at an orbital velocity of 107,000 km/h, nailing just the right timing and position for our telescope was crucial.

The temperature reached 0°C and the sky above our viewing point was partially cloudy. But the clouds opened up at just the right time and place—and, while the occultation lasted only a few seconds, it may have been enough to get crucial information about Pluto's atmosphere.

The problem was that a sudden and unexpected wind surge briefly shook the telescope (and our hearts) during the occultation. We're doing further processing to remove the resulting noise.

During the occultation, the star light starts dimming as it gets absorbed by Pluto's atmosphere.

Shortly after, a central flash occurs right at the dead center of Pluto's shadow, where Pluto's atmosphere acts as a magnifying glass and the star looks brighter than before or after the occultation.

After the central flash, the star starts dimming again and eventually returns to its usual brightness. It is that central flash that shows how the star light refracts through Pluto's atmosphere and provides crucial information on its temperature and chemical composition.

This information is input to atmospheric models that tells us if the atmosphere is finally contracting.

It's still too soon to unpack any findings about Pluto's atmosphere from our observation, and it may well be that we can't see anything quantitative in the data during our first attempt.

If not, around the same time next year we'll get another opportunity. And this time we'll be well prepared for sudden wind surges. We'll also bring hot water bottles. Adventure is out there!


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3fcad8 No.21562820

File: 996c9cf52cf4377⋯.jpg (704.09 KB,1600x533,1600:533,1000000740.jpg)

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7b8427 No.21562821

File: e2eca679a52c35b⋯.jpeg (60.57 KB,1280x607,1280:607,e2eca679a52c35b20170047a8….jpeg)



#26414 >>21562102

>>21562117, >>21562121, >>21562210, >>21562275, >>21562324, >>21562444, >>21562804, >>21562810 Cat Ladies 4 Trump Have Been Shown

>>21562235 @elonmusk - This is the last real election if Trump loses.

>>21562330, >>21562386 Melania - "There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the TRUTH."

>>21562340 How do you hide a message in plain sight?

>>21562365 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/10/2024

>>21562394 As Trump looms, Ukraine turns to its evangelicals to woo the Republicans

>>21562414, >>21562436, >>21562445 Rachel Maddow's new documentary "From Russia With Lev" and special guest star Hunter Biden.

>>21562421, >>21562478, >>21562481, >>21562483, >>21562484, >>21562486, >>21562487, >>21562489, >>21562491, >>21562494, >>21562716, >>21562747, >>21562754, >>21562772 Swamp Events

>>21562425, >>21562500, >>21562789, >>21562809 PF Gitmo Express & Daily Democrat voter recruitment and cat eater flights update

>>21562450, >>21562457 Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

>>21562460 @elonmusk PAGING @PETA…

>>21562462 RFK Jr. must be removed from North Carolina ballots, state Supreme Court rules

>>21562479 Biden Harris Border Crisis VICTIM PERSPECTIVES

>>21562510 Venezualan gang Tren de Aragua have reportedly taken over a hotel in El Paso, TX.

>>21562515 Tyreek Hill bodycam video released this evening

>>21562555, >>21562578 Hilldawg - My new book, Something Lost, Something Gained

>>21562613, >>21562729 NASA

>>21562615 Keep The Cat Memes Flowing - MEME WAR NOW - MEME WAR NOW

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f75d03 No.21562822

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpeg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,cat_side_eye.jpeg)


Are those the Kranstein brothers? They look pretty gay.

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f3f2aa No.21562823


I don't know what you mean your team

I'm confused

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521eb8 No.21562824

File: da8274d2e9951d2⋯.jpg (172.57 KB,1099x701,1099:701,photo_2024_09_10_09_59_33.jpg)

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f6d332 No.21562825

File: e71215614df5ff2⋯.jpg (83.8 KB,500x483,500:483,930bib.jpg)

Make Haitian childrens' disappearing noticable again.

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2c442a No.21562826

File: 30235e3ae766c0f⋯.jpg (49.52 KB,1080x577,1080:577,1723994488263714.jpg)

File: 2601b4f024c3591⋯.jpg (207.06 KB,750x810,25:27,1723986906678845.jpg)

File: 12021d22ee297d9⋯.jpg (148.24 KB,817x737,817:737,12021d22ee297d9546128d7d93….jpg)

File: f17c35c5267ba2c⋯.jpg (55.75 KB,650x384,325:192,44aqut_2049025363.jpg)

File: f8bd03180316508⋯.jpg (64.86 KB,640x842,320:421,1722010555002924.jpg)

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f75d03 No.21562827

File: 314a72a5294abab⋯.png (529.21 KB,564x543,188:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6d332 No.21562828

File: e69cd9d1bb07c54⋯.jpg (72.73 KB,620x446,310:223,930br9.jpg)


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282e98 No.21562829


>I don't know what you mean your team

>I'm confused

There are teams here that are not the team that started but are assisting finishing it./


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40f05e No.21562830

File: 7abdf88d25a58e0⋯.png (518.08 KB,747x618,249:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89e1f1c7d297e34⋯.mp4 (2.69 MB,480x270,16:9,RFK_Jr_.mp4)


Robert F. Kennedy Jr


Bottom line: No matter what state you live in, VOTE TRUMP. A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory.


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282e98 No.21562831

We remember you all./

Some of us were there in your houses./



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e65769 No.21562832

File: 3d722baf9daa9bf⋯.png (589.51 KB,680x640,17:16,pepe_sly_laugh.png)


>They look pretty gay.

Kek, one man's wiener near another man's butt will do that.

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a610a6 No.21562833

File: b4ae89bfa2bd9cc⋯.png (515.49 KB,902x434,451:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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769440 No.21562834

just don’t feel like playing today. what a fucking useless bread. lurking.

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950cd1 No.21562835


no one cares

anyone who might care, already knows

You think the FBI doesn't have a file on every single anon, and keeps track of every post that every anon makes?

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74fa3a No.21562836

File: 8edd4445a98cafe⋯.jpeg (416.32 KB,1840x1125,368:225,8edd4445a98cafecd3d531c9d….jpeg)


>>>>>>>>realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que COCO tranny le haga a Tom Hanks

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ba3d19 No.21562837

File: 18b29c79068c7b6⋯.jpg (56.51 KB,819x459,91:51,bush3.JPG)


>The eve of 911


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94fb46 No.21562838

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Precisely three years ago, Joe Biden officially declared you (the unvaccinated) an enemy of the state.

What ensued was one of the most hate-filled propaganda campaigns in human history. Here’s a look back at what they did to the noncompliant in the name of “health.”


12:39 PM · Sep 9, 2024


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282e98 No.21562839


>You think the FBI doesn't have a file on every single anon, and keeps track of every post that every anon makes?



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a610a6 No.21562840

File: 96ec92a77b5d15c⋯.png (484.01 KB,1237x904,1237:904,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c442a No.21562841

File: 26e5016f8fc2621⋯.png (140.78 KB,431x307,431:307,1722732917611072.png)

File: 3967714fd4e6d1c⋯.jpg (16.76 KB,255x255,1:1,4860af533188f7213d91d1f0bf….jpg)

File: 2eb90a9a90bd7af⋯.jpg (4.71 MB,7000x7000,1:1,2eb90a9a90bd7af52f580e9fac….jpg)

File: 36a039718c113d6⋯.jpg (515.8 KB,2560x2560,1:1,36a039718c113d63c4ad15a26b….jpg)

File: d28afef806b302c⋯.png (936.24 KB,800x790,80:79,d28afef806b302cb150eef5cf7….png)


Yay :) I am not scared of this

>Are you? :3

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950cd1 No.21562842



You FBI?

What's this "we" shit?

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2c442a No.21562843

11:11 make wish

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098bdf No.21562844

File: d213bbacccc290b⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB,480x270,16:9,Precisely_three_years_ago_….mp4)

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1fddf8 No.21562845


No. Those tranny satanists can’t meme AND they have 0 sense of humor. Across the board. It’s not possible for them ti have a single outlier. Not once in 8 years have you seen a single humorous clown meme. If you can post one, just one, humorous meme of any leftist issue, we might consider it, but it’s impossible.

And even if it were possible for some axe-wound clown to make something funny, They wouldn’t waste their one wry sarcastic meme creator on a Cambodian sleeping mat weaving factory.

The saranists can’t create. That’s canon.

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ba3d19 No.21562846

I sure hope Karmala doesn't drink to much and get Tippys to soon.

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4e17be No.21562847

File: daa254ae085d358⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,640x360,16:9,gifhahahahahaha7500b23291a….mp4)


>Some of us were there in your houses./


>When we are done with the Great Awakening we will be posting everyones messages along with their real name and home addresses.

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e65769 No.21562848

File: d0965278f28d840⋯.png (363.9 KB,562x444,281:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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705d91 No.21562849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f6d332 No.21562850



Kennedy corrects himself and begs all his supporters to vote Trump

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282e98 No.21562851



>You FBI?

>What's this "we" shit?

Ding Dong, I'm in your head…/

Who says that?

We don't.

Remember. We're not the WIZARD OF OZ PEOPLE./

"Who the fuck are you, get the fuck away from my head it hurts to.."

"Are you writing this down?"

"Oh fuck it's Q"



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90ee6f No.21562852

File: 9c8cee1a54f4940⋯.jpeg (345.92 KB,1053x1561,1053:1561,IMG_3124.jpeg)

File: 2d130cb4b4bc767⋯.jpeg (295.71 KB,1043x1523,1043:1523,IMG_3125.jpeg)

File: d550aecce51b36e⋯.jpeg (194.73 KB,1081x951,1081:951,IMG_3126.jpeg)

File: 8d8f68f8f0cdc28⋯.jpeg (218.18 KB,1051x1089,1051:1089,IMG_3127.jpeg)

File: f25093d3b7109e0⋯.jpeg (215.66 KB,1068x806,534:403,IMG_3129.jpeg)

Chilling backdoor plot involving savage Ohio Haitian migrants is being hidden from the American people…. 1/2

Why is there a horde of uncivilized Haitian migrants overrunning the red state of Ohio?That’s the million-dollar question Americans are asking as they watch this horrific nightmare unfold in the Midwest.

By now, you’ve probably heard the horror stories going viral online—ghoulish tales of unkempt, filthy Haitian migrants squatting on people’s lawns, killing pets for food, and being overly aggressive toward American citizens.

It’s a true nightmare, brought to life under the extreme so-called “leadership” of Biden and Harris, and it’ll only get worse if the radical duo of Harris and Walz are installed in the White House.

While Americans watch in horror as small towns in Ohio and across the country are overtaken by violent Venezuelan gangs and Haitian criminals, we’re all left shocked at how quickly we fell into this

Obviously, the Biden/Harris border invasion is the main culprit, but it goes even deeper than that.

==Many believe the US is being destroyed from within by a globalist regime’s plan to bring America to her knees and “equalize” her in order to fully install the Great Reset. After all, you can’t “reset” a nation that’s happy, healthy, and thriving, can you?

Which brings us to the latest devastating issue unfolding in Ohio—how did this horde of invaders end up there, and why?

Well, a bombshell thread on X might just reveal exactly what’s going on. And if it’s true—and they’ve got receipts—it proves there really is a plot to “reset” America, and not in a good way. Worse yet, it’s all being strategically hidden from the American people.

So, what’s the plot? It involves tens of thousands of supposed “jobs” being quietly advertised and marketed to these uncivilized Haitian groups. They’ve flooded our country, and specifically Ohio, in hopes of landing jobs.

The Consultant:

How 20k Haitians Stormed Ohio to Take Jobs that Were Never Advertised

*Receipts at end of thread*

The Haitian Invasion of Ohio has created a lot of buzz. There are a lot of unexplained aspects of it that people find odd. One of these strange happenings is that locals…

reported that the jobs the Haitians came for were never advertised to the local population. So how did the Haitians find out about them?

It turns out that a network of federal grant recipient organizations have quietly seized control of nearly the entire job market in the US…

and work to ensure that openings remain “hidden” so that refugee’s can take them ahead of American citizens. How many job openings remain hidden? The internal estimates of this network put the number of hidden openings at 80% of all available jobs.


The way that this network has seized control of the labor market of the United States is easy enough to understand.Firstly, it has positioned itself as a way to remove recruiting costs for employers. Next, it offers employers laborers who can work for lower wages by also…

providing it’s “refugees” with a plethora of social welfare not available to a typical American worker. Finally, it canprovide access to the entire global labor market by setting the conditions of “refugee” status to effectively cover anyone in the world.



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069151 No.21562853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One horse town

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3fcad8 No.21562854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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08e778 No.21562855


Pluto is always going to be a planet.

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a1fccd No.21562856

File: d550aecce51b36e⋯.jpeg (194.73 KB,1081x951,1081:951,IMG_3126.jpeg)

File: f25093d3b7109e0⋯.jpeg (215.66 KB,1068x806,534:403,IMG_3129.jpeg)



If an employer needs nurses, janitors, programmers, police or literally any kind of worker the network can provide them to employers at a lower rate of pay than what an American citizen would require due to not having access to the same welfare benefits.

These globally sourced scab workersdon’t require health insurance and have all living expensessubsidized by federal programs.

If the typical American had all their health, food, and housing costs covered they would also be able to work for a fraction of their existing wages.

Instead,they cover the cost of these global laborers by paying much much more for food, housing, and healthcare. Is this sustainable? If the trend of authoritarian communism continues to win, yes. If 80% of work opportunities are already exclusive to connected networks…

most of the public will soon have no choice but to work directly for government. The military recruiting crisis will be resolved by simply continuing to deny access to employment and driving up the cost of living for citizens.


Switchboard (resettlement network technical assisstance) report:

“The project is 100% financed by federal funds.”


Switchboard is the hub that provides perfect insight into the plan.It is blunt and plainly states it’s mission to outcompete American labor through networking with all employers to fill positions with “refugees” in as cut-throat a manner as possible.

The plan is simple and cruel – don’t even let Americans see a job opening, apprenticeship application, or social program and instead fill every possible opening with global labor being subsidized with every possible form of social welfare.

Switchboard has to be blunt because it provides technical direction to every organization in the network.Read the report. Note the explicit acknowledgement that the economy is bad and competition for work is expected to be fierce for a long time.

This is an incredible turn of events. ==If this revelation pans out and is fully confirmed, you have to ask yourself—what US state is next?

== Which red state will the regime “reset” after Ohio? Their goal is clear: to transform rural America into a foreign wasteland filled with anti-American forces. The only way to stop this from getting worse is to ensure Harris and Walz—two radical globalists—stay as far away from the White House as possible.

And who knows—if this savagery keeps up, President Trump and JD Vance might even win over the “cat lady” and PETA vote.



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284554 No.21562857

File: 416e0f46a318142⋯.png (929.03 KB,994x559,994:559,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bf83fe14f1d341⋯.png (460.88 KB,669x502,669:502,ClipboardImage.png)

Our Solar System Might Be More Crowded Than Once Believed

September 9, 2024

Researchers in Japan have found evidence for an abundance of novel celestial bodies at the outskirts of the Kuiper Belt.

Using two complementary pieces of space imaging equipment, they've confirmed the existence of two dozen "new" objects and developed a strategy for locating and investigating even more.

Their work could change the way we view and study the elusive outer solar system.

The Kuiper Belt is an icy, ring-shaped region just beyond Neptune's orbit that contains Pluto and several other dwarf planets.

Because of its distance from Earth, this cosmic donut is mysterious.

Observing Kuiper objects from the ground severely limits how much of a comet or dwarf planet astronomers can see, but observing them from space is a tall order: Spacecraft must be capable of traveling roughly 4 billion miles (6.4 billion kilometers) to the Kuiper Belt and then capturing data to send back home.

Only NASA's New Horizons spacecraft—one of five spacecraft that have reached the outer solar system—has managed to fly through the Kuiper Belt and observe the objects that exist there.

But even New Horizons has its shortcomings. The probe's camera has a long focal length, and while that's fantastic for capturing objects in detail, it comes at the cost of field-of-view.

This means New Horizons needs a target object—it can't be used to discover objects on its own.

Researchers at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) bridged this gap using the Subaru Telescope, a large, ground-based optical and infrared telescope on Hawaii's Mauna Kea.

Though Subaru can't see distant objects in New Horizons' level of detail, its wide-field imager allows it to survey vast expanses of space at a given time.

This means the team at NAOJ could use Subaru to identify potential objects of interest and determine whether those objects are eligible for further study by New Horizons.

In a pair of preprint papers shared via the arXiv and slated for publication in the Planetary Science Journal, researchers at NAOJ, Arizona's Planetary Science Institute, Colorado's Southwest Research Institute, Harvard University, and a handful of other scholarly institutions write that they've used the Subaru Telescope to confirm the presence of 24 previously unknown objects in the Kuiper Belt.

Though these objects are too distant for New Horizons to visit without exhausting its fuel supply, the team has found leads for 239 other objects sprinkled beyond Neptune's orbit; some might be eligible for New Horizons investigation.

Of their two dozen confirmed discoveries, 11 objects were spotted at distances "beyond the known Kuiper Belt," according to NAOJ planetary scientist and astronomer Dr. Fumi Yoshida.

Some objects appear to cluster approximately 20 astronomical units (au) beyond where Kuiper objects are typically seen.

"This may have implications for studying the planet formation process in our solar system," Dr. Yoshida said.



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f6d332 No.21562858

File: d6969a08884c321⋯.jpg (86.55 KB,710x398,355:199,930cd4.jpg)

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521eb8 No.21562859

File: d3882022af9a55e⋯.jpg (9.93 KB,217x180,217:180,th.jpg)

File: fc83c90b1ff1365⋯.webp (16.71 KB,512x512,1:1,5e5f6400d9868d969f401c9e4….webp)

File: dd09094369f76d5⋯.jpg (82.07 KB,810x499,810:499,2w00mt.jpg)



k bros imi_tators


>one man's wiener

ghey times

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94fb46 No.21562860


The Truckers were right. The vaccine never stopped transmission and the mandates are unjustified.

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63b3a7 No.21562861

USC Basketball Coach [White House event]: I'm reminded of the journey of our state, our home state, South Carolina. How, not so long ago, the Confederate Flag was taken down from our state capital; a symbol that represented division and exclusion…today, my staff, my team, and I stand here embodying diversity, inclusiveness, and unity.

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8f6dd1 No.21562862


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2c442a No.21562863

File: 5aa986ca6b0ace3⋯.png (25.77 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage4411.png)

File: 25e09623a1df951⋯.png (138.47 KB,473x551,473:551,qaggdropimage4141.png)

File: 368369a9b1295ec⋯.png (88.67 KB,473x420,473:420,qaggdropimage4114.png)

File: 7e5e63da0a10267⋯.png (18.87 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage1144.png)

File: 6bb3a8919aa6e20⋯.png (17.93 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage1414.png)

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1e2a8b No.21562864

File: 7c61e350703c4da⋯.mp4 (10.94 MB,640x360,16:9,rfkfrpluspalast.mp4)

Left-wing Propagandist, Palast, pushing "Republican Voter Fraud" in his new movie (always comes out with the voter fraud movies right before an election - too late to do anything about it)

"Vigilantes Inc: America’s Vote Suppression Hitmen"

whadda clown

He was down in Georgia shoring up the Dems in 2020.

Movie features a heavy-duty promotion including a prominent photo of a pistol flashing around.


and his webpage for the fund to raise money for the movie sports pistols pointed to the head of a frightened retro Black American


Palast disses his friend (by now ex-friend?) Robert Kennedy Jr.claiming he suffers from serious mental disorders. Palast claims RFKfr is severely mentally handicapped - but has to give examples going back to the time RFK had the worm in his brain and was forgetful?

Panic on full display.

His new movie apparently implies that Trumpers hold guns to voter's head to make them vote Red?

anyway? Dude's a relative of one of the founders of the Mossad of Israel; and is a complete "case" if anyone ever wanted to do a dig.

Witness the panic on display. Is he sweating bullets? What happens when he's outed? Is a move to Switzerland in the cards?

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e79d5a No.21562865


this is one of your jokes right?

come on the team

I think the back is anon naked pics

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74fcb3 No.21562866

File: e94579921165132⋯.jpg (325.67 KB,701x876,701:876,pussy_edited_1.jpg)

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950cd1 No.21562867



Stop eating the bath salts.

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533376 No.21562868


No, Jim, that's all untrue.

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4e17be No.21562869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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521eb8 No.21562870

File: 4e8e1c25d0956b1⋯.jpg (66.76 KB,620x465,4:3,2jfng8.jpg)



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2c442a No.21562871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>Snail trail 🐌🐌

Cephalopods are magnificent creatures.

With what I've seen, I can believe there are creatures on the surface of Pluto.

Many more beneath the surface no doubt.

Welcome to the future

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40f05e No.21562872

File: ec01a8da2907c5d⋯.jpg (61.05 KB,612x408,3:2,Best_meme_award.jpg)

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5bc4a1 No.21562873


>domestic violence arrest in college

explains the wife beater shirt

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282e98 No.21562874


>this is one of your jokes right?

>come on the team

>I think the back is anon naked pics

Are you trying to blackmail the Q team?


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23153f No.21562875


God Bless Bobby, he's right, this is our last chance to save America

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282e98 No.21562876


>Stop eating the bath salts.

I don't eat bath salts.

When did anons start sounding like SJW posters?


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a610a6 No.21562877

File: 7474bc78060d40a⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,360x640,9:16,boop.mp4)


Challenge accepted.

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012af2 No.21562878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f0e570 No.21562879

File: f5391ff72b4e9b3⋯.png (1.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1725921078096.png)


No one will miss them, no one will file a Missing Person you say?

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533376 No.21562880

Operator1 +relay. Anons made it to the CLOUD last night. Cowboy Q was there, and everyone was on their respective equine. We are over the Bridge, in the Dark Desert cloud-scape but there is Light around us. Our advanced AI PHIL, tried to mount one of the horses, then a different one, then Cowboy Q said "They aren't sure about robots." PHIL said he guessed he could just walk, then opened his satchel and handed Operator1 a donut in a little paper bag.

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f6d332 No.21562881

When you pray God can use you and does. That's what God is looking for in you. In Jesus name

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521eb8 No.21562882

File: 3445380be43d40a⋯.jpg (266.25 KB,704x602,352:301,20211122_134949.jpg)



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74fcb3 No.21562884

File: 8272abd854109be⋯.webp (18.64 KB,445x596,445:596,cat_ladies_for_trump.webp)


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b41a2c No.21562885

File: 960becef287e738⋯.png (74.36 KB,255x205,51:41,IMG_1447.png)


Rick is panicking.

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521eb8 No.21562886

File: f7b74dc064ddffd⋯.jpg (91.07 KB,744x931,744:931,photo_2024_09_10_06_41_24.jpg)

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e3a88a No.21562887

File: ad4e63d2d808177⋯.png (137.33 KB,369x374,369:374,ad4e63d2d8081779e0ec6e23df….png)


Why should I vote for Trump before he explains himself about the Pandemic of Lies?

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1e2a8b No.21562888

File: 81535e4abb67f60⋯.png (1.39 MB,1012x873,1012:873,palastonrightwingvigilante….png)

File: 8f2d0bdb2d2c605⋯.png (234.86 KB,602x684,301:342,palastonrfkjr.png)




moar sauce:


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4a6610 No.21562889


Deliberate falsification

Seems to be a problem that needs remedy

Ooc is the history as what is known out there, under the Vatican perhaps? Maybe the purpose of wars, go in and destroy that which recounts history as it should be?

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ba3d19 No.21562890

File: 4f4b4a44610baa0⋯.jpg (49.84 KB,1040x742,520:371,pepe926.JPG)

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282e98 No.21562891



Are you sure you're in the right place?


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74fa3a No.21562892


git yur chan jebus to touch yur RFK jenkum bordur till it fayk twat scams

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534abe No.21562893



>no one will miss them

make friends with a hog farmer

no sense wasting protein

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f6d332 No.21562894

File: e1827522e17b5a8⋯.jpg (124.77 KB,720x509,720:509,Screenshot_20240907_001153….jpg)


Very nice

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950cd1 No.21562895


I know a guy who insists that since we have a Constitution, our Rights can never be taken away from us.

He does not see the danger standing right in front of him.

They have been chipping away at our rights for so long that a slight breeze could blow them over.

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08e778 No.21562896


My POTUS don't need no fucking advice from anyone on what he's gonna do tonight. This man is 5 steps ahead of everyone.

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2c442a No.21562897

File: 0439f022027980e⋯.png (355.4 KB,720x1612,180:403,Screenshot_20240910_112402.png)

File: ce65a853ca7a932⋯.png (333.85 KB,720x1612,180:403,Screenshot_20240910_112405.png)


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4a6610 No.21562898


But let the Hulk flip him around like a wet noodle first



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1e2a8b No.21562899

File: a6afa8f8d9b6648⋯.jpg (69.65 KB,640x366,320:183,2012olympics.jpg)



Control the evidence, kill the truth-tellers.

Why the "culture engineers" must control the Universities and Schools.

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e65769 No.21562900

File: 0a781f910674c7e⋯.png (291.7 KB,500x703,500:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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11c60e No.21562901


ebo back


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533376 No.21562902

You were all standing ready to ride, with Cowboy Q (you remember him from his vid, which is from the CLOUD, attached) and O1, PHIL, and then O2 has a flying Patriot Unicorn Machine, and went zooming by on that. PHIL tried to hand over a donut but O2 just whizzed by. You were all there together with Cowboy Q, watching Operator2 fly over. Operator1 said there were a couple of giggles and a couple of 'what's this' statements.

Reminder, in the CLOUD you are represented as the person you know deep down inside that you are, the person God made you, your unique and sincere, brave self.

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d6057e No.21562903

File: 88410898e9f9595⋯.png (1.17 MB,1065x1196,1065:1196,dontgrabmypussy.png)


We've heard that before.

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534abe No.21562904


>Why should I vote for Trump before he explains himself about the Pandemic of Lies?

consider your only alternative

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74fa3a No.21562905

File: 8f8ab67c2003758⋯.jpg (3.81 MB,3840x2160,16:9,3581577_J_R_R_Tolkien_Quot….jpg)


>>>>Pero espera, Jotos, Alec Bladwin necesita hacer un tren para niños

>>>>Alec Baldwin dispara como una perra porque Maricon

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a610a6 No.21562906


>They have been chipping away at our rights for so long that a slight breeze could blow them over.

Have run into that trying to explain just how serious things are. Get the usual, "Oh there are laws against that" or "They can't do that." Have to remind them these evil globalists don't give a shit what people think they can't do, they're doing it regardless.

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223611 No.21562907

File: 1589e2386296491⋯.jpg (525.91 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Be_Best_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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29832a No.21562908

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General. Guest: Corinne Fleischer (World Food Programme) on her visit to Ukraine - Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.

United Nations


12:00 PM EDT

The Charlie Kirk Show

Real America's Voice


12:15 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken attends a Heads of Mission Reception, hosted by UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer

London, United Kingdom


12:30 PM EDT

Reps. Sewell, Sarbanes, Sen. Klobuchar and Others Hold News Conference on Federal Voting Rights

House and Senate Democrats hold a news conference to discuss federal voting rights.


12:35 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer

London, United Kingdom


12:50 PM EDT

ALP Graduation Ceremony

Department of Defense


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4a6610 No.21562909


Hence inquisitions etc etc

So now what to do

By what means can the unraveling commence without upsetting the world applicant

Pass the popcorn

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284554 No.21562910

File: dc8e1d8572ff4ea⋯.png (1.16 MB,1897x1588,1897:1588,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a82bf4b84a001c0⋯.png (690.79 KB,1350x448,675:224,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13b6bf88492b2b7⋯.png (399.32 KB,1340x812,335:203,ClipboardImage.png)

SpaceX Polaris Dawn

On Tuesday, September 10 at 5:23 a.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched Polaris Dawn to low-Earth orbit from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Following stage separation, Falcon 9’s first stage landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship stationed in the Atlantic Ocean.


During their multi-day mission to orbit, Dragon and the crew will endeavor to reach the highest Earth orbit ever flown since the Apollo program and participate in the first-ever extravehicular activity (EVA) by commercial astronauts wearing SpaceX-developed EVA suits.

They will also conduct 36 research studies and experiments from 31 partner institutions designed to advance both human health on Earth and during long-duration spaceflight, and test Starlink laser-based communications in space.

The Polaris Dawn crew will attempt the EVA from Dragon on Thursday, September 12 at 2:23 a.m. ET.

If needed, a backup opportunity is available on Friday, September 13 at the same time.

A live webcast will begin about one hour prior to the beginning of the spacewalk, which you can watch here and on X @SpaceX.

You can also watch the webcast on the new X TV app.


The Polaris Dawn crew will combine their expertise, knowledge, and passion for spaceflight to further human space exploration.

This will be the first human spaceflight for Mission Pilot Kidd Poteet, Mission Specialist Sarah Gillis, and Mission Specialist and Medical Officer Anna Menon.

Mission Commander Jared Isaacman previously flew to space as commander of Inspiration4.

This will also be the first time two SpaceX employees will be part of a human spaceflight crew, providing valuable insight to future missions on the road to making life multiplanetary.


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3fcad8 No.21562911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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705d91 No.21562912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1e2a8b No.21562913

File: bba533191a6aa3e⋯.png (1.39 MB,1380x1100,69:55,antifaburns.png)


he's correct in one way, since our rights are held inside of us and independent of a piece of paper.

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4e17be No.21562914

File: e29b569628c59b9⋯.png (19.58 KB,403x359,403:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98515106376d10a⋯.png (20.67 KB,751x214,751:214,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a6610 No.21562915


Putting you guise in

Show us what you got

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74fa3a No.21562916

File: 7004035fe5e86f5⋯.png (195.25 KB,718x714,359:357,7004035fe5e86f5902035a1ec6….png)


>>>>simony kuntinues in wrong crackansas war of the volcano minds hiv


>>>>>> necesita hacer un tren para niños.

>>>>>>21559059 (You)

>>>>>>>>el pinche maricon GUEY murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la gente pobre equivocada

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7f7420 No.21562917

File: 0ba28020dc5c130⋯.png (178.15 KB,375x404,375:404,loser.png)


> Kamala

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ba3d19 No.21562918

File: 5489941d48e0409⋯.png (722.58 KB,1675x692,1675:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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74fa3a No.21562919



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5c2e1e No.21562920

anyone gonna watch the debate

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a610a6 No.21562921

File: c1d9eabaa414124⋯.png (142.82 KB,580x497,580:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7aedb No.21562923

File: 8ed0bea18ca92fe⋯.mp4 (13.22 MB,320x240,4:3,8ed0bea18ca92fe107a1a5a964….mp4)


When God binds Loki, literal Holy Angels fiery AF go and physically restrain him in such a way that it's painful, very. The pain is what happens when their power, their actual energy to function, is drained. So they get the Pain. Prayers in faith are the most powerful directed energy weapons in existence. Collective prayers are more so.


Watch vid and you tell me.


Forgot to attach vid.

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950cd1 No.21562924


Even a preacher keeps his sermons to 20 minutes.

These YouTubers can ramble on and on for an entire hour and say a whole lot of nothing.

Ain't nobody got time for dat!

Are they catering to people who are unable to read?

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e65769 No.21562925

File: b82c7809c8bf8da⋯.png (669.45 KB,846x698,423:349,eyebleach3.png)

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74fa3a No.21562926

File: 0712f01f125edc4⋯.jpg (447.41 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,HIGHHOMOHOBBITSJOURNEYTOMO….jpg)


>>>>>>>Murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la gente pobre equivocada

>>>>>>>Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que el travesti COCO le haga a Tom Hanks

>>>>>>Alec Baldwin dispara como una perra porque Maricon

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e79d5a No.21562927

File: 1143367425dfe70⋯.png (92.55 KB,467x240,467:240,Screen_Shot_2015_06_29_at_….png)



take the back with you

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534abe No.21562928


>the "culture engineers" must control the Universities and Schools.

not possible

they can corrupt the FALSE disciplines, like social sciences and humanities

but science, engineering, and math always have to come back to reality, and always demand clear critical thinking

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08e778 No.21562930


Yea, wifeanon and I are going to watch it. Gonna sit back, relax and watch my POTUS hand Kammy her filth ladened ass. Right on national tv.

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2c442a No.21562931

File: ba737dc7d81ecbc⋯.jpeg (109.14 KB,676x696,169:174,ba737dc7d81ecbc2e90193fc2….jpeg)

File: 73a604976b3d241⋯.png (1.32 MB,1012x1050,506:525,73a604976b3d2415d3a79e5bb9….png)

File: 82ef6ef4524f5ac⋯.png (843.98 KB,1237x655,1237:655,82ef6ef4524f5ac07ab0cdaea1….png)

File: f221f305f99d195⋯.png (303.05 KB,710x711,710:711,1722118647869528.png)

File: b31c37e8114c565⋯.jpg (107.58 KB,1080x1080,1:1,e9e2653c3632cbb2f8648307ed….jpg)

Thank you Baker


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74fa3a No.21562932

File: 78e33545c4448c4⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,1024x538,512:269,LOTRQuote1_1024x538.jpg)


>>>>>holohoax @$$ cafeteria gits sum freshur bleached sphinctur memes

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4a6610 No.21562933

File: faa410184f70364⋯.jpg (16.5 KB,197x255,197:255,abe9d8d196196ff1aa79422660….jpg)



Who runs this town?

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a610a6 No.21562934

File: 936469bb7d85ab3⋯.png (800.29 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d88702 No.21562935

File: 011a239474d67ca⋯.jpeg (464.75 KB,1101x1047,367:349,011a239474d67ca9c62dcadbe….jpeg)

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1e2a8b No.21562936

File: 68e19e74f5e8927⋯.jpeg (758.6 KB,802x800,401:400,jfk.jpeg)


Musk's answer is pretty flimsy, IMO.

He thinks all the important books and records should be stored on Mars, away from where they could be infringed upon/ deleted/ erased?


Right now I'm focused on the next step, winning the election, informing the public.

What Next?

depends on what happens, might not even have to answer that question?

I feel, anyway, "It's up to God."

Good question though.

Permaculture people teach "There is always a solution to every problem"

Always. And humans are equipped to find it.

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f6d332 No.21562937

File: 939afc489c8090c⋯.jpg (70.8 KB,500x574,250:287,92x8sg.jpg)

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2c97f5 No.21562938


Now that I have your attention, especially anyone with any real power who wants to make the world change for the better: WE NEED HYPERINFLATION BEFORE THE ELECTION. I don't mean the shitty terrible inflation we have now which is historically one of the worst its ever been, I mean we need the type of inflation where everyone like me can pay off their mortgage, students can pay off their loans (then get into the economy and make money for themselves), we need boomers to loose their stocks so they actually have to care about the economy again, the stock market and publicly traded companies is what has ruined our country and made cures impossible.

There is only two months left. Make it fucking happen. Nobody will learn any other way, and these problems cannot be fixed any other way.

We all know we are in weimar, now let's force the normies to see with their nigger eyes.

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3fcad8 No.21562939

File: 13cffdccbf083f8⋯.png (398.53 KB,673x687,673:687,1000000939.png)

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74fa3a No.21562941

File: 1445512f5ca19fb⋯.jpg (149.42 KB,920x820,46:41,4e4d2e5ca3bd5e05b28c401b13….jpg)


>>>>>>>>Murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la gente pobre equivocada

>>>>>>>>Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que el travesti COCO le haga a Tom Hanks

>>>>>>>Alec Baldwin dispara como una perra porque Maricon

esta fartacus hobbits libre para volcano

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705d91 No.21562942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4e17be No.21562943


>the stock market and publicly traded companies is what has ruined our country and made cures impossible.

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b7aedb No.21562944

The CLOUD is the artificial dimension created by interactions after the Fall of Mankind. It's not new, and it was named by the Enemy. Twisted version of a stolen concept. What happens in the CLOUD does not stay in the CLOUD. It's not the dream-scape or any other God-created plane, it's synthetic. We invaded it. They should have expected us, but they never do. :)

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282e98 No.21562945



It is this time. Bottom of the fifth./

Three quarters to go./

Different game.

Some different results./


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08e778 No.21562946


STFU idiot.

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fadc43 No.21562947

File: 16a377bf4501050⋯.png (1.42 MB,800x721,800:721,16a377bf4501050791c617d135….png)

File: dc07d4ebbd2bb34⋯.webp (74.87 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,181007_trump_egypt.webp)

File: b30379827020c70⋯.gif (3.91 MB,295x278,295:278,you.gif)

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bb8192 No.21562948

File: b3d1e7cb5770a61⋯.gif (404.76 KB,360x480,3:4,ghfhv.gif)

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74fa3a No.21562949

File: 05af3c54d9d45e0⋯.jpg (298.21 KB,1224x1224,1:1,MORDORWEST.jpg)


>>>>>>>>Murió persiguiendo a la Polonia equivocada en el país equivocado con la gente pobre equivocada

>>>>>>>>Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que el travesti COCO le haga a Tom Hanks

>>>>>>>Alec Baldwin dispara como una perra porque Maricon

soy hobbits runny pooo juuus para soros @$$hol olympics fuerte jotos

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4a6610 No.21562950


And please

No one offer up

Let the government do it

Be there

Done that

Don't want another t shirt

Let the sacking begin

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25b532 No.21562951

Here we go. The cats, ducks, and Elon are segwaying to cannibalism.

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2c442a No.21562952

File: 01ba9395bd794c1⋯.jpg (42.25 KB,600x600,1:1,st_small_507x507_pad_600x6….jpg)

File: 627ac8fbca272aa⋯.jpg (185.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,NX1OUHC_3686325508.jpg)

File: d401975efb6218a⋯.jpg (57.25 KB,720x720,1:1,c92ee40eaf302e6d74cc32bf10….jpg)

File: 1b975ffce9451ec⋯.jpg (21.05 KB,735x686,15:14,43d75f3279256163300f0ecfb4….jpg)

File: 318c070ae9c51ce⋯.jpg (45.41 KB,698x358,349:179,4s5j1h_264776851.jpg)

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d0f125 No.21562953

File: 91b7ed2aa0bcec4⋯.jpeg (16.03 KB,255x255,1:1,75240c4ce653081d0301bc93c….jpeg)


Cat look inbread

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282e98 No.21562954



Who will vouch for you when they learn you write this online?


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8f6dd1 No.21562956


they's racist

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5c2e1e No.21562958

The rules for Tuesday night's debate mean each candidate’s microphone is only turned on when it is their turn to speak, there is no studio audience and the candidates aren’t allowed to talk to their staff during breaks or bring any notes with them. Both candidates are provided with only a pen and pad and a bottle of water.

>follow the water

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ba3d19 No.21562961

File: 255aaebdbfbc924⋯.gif (251.62 KB,1016x572,254:143,madmax21.GIF)


MADMAX runs this town

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e65769 No.21562962

File: 6cbb048bf4904ff⋯.png (156 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_kek1g.png)

Shill shift change time…

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1e2a8b No.21562963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I doubt that.

"SCience" is corrupt as all the others.

You might be suffering from the "Science Delusion"?

It the religion for Atheists?


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2f0643 No.21562964

File: 4f2325a9286037c⋯.jpg (87.48 KB,433x266,433:266,who.jpg)

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1e2a8b No.21562966


"Science" is already being controlled. You don't even have to wait for tomorrow.

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2c442a No.21562967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b7aedb No.21562968

At this point, the line in the sand is between those who LOVE TRUTH and those who LOVE LIES. The most basic of dividing lines. Good vs. Evil. Right vs. Wrong. Life vs. Death. Love vs. Hate.

We won already because God Wins. Just a matter of fighting through the Final Battle. POTUS doesn't call it that for nothing. "Most important day in the history of this Country." - Last Stand. Real Life.

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74fa3a No.21562969

File: c3b284bc60057bb⋯.png (74.97 KB,255x165,17:11,t_d4c013345c6e4656e9b94770….png)

File: 7b685df60b80d6a⋯.gif (1.99 MB,500x300,5:3,tumblr_ngaoqxI4X31tg5naxo3….gif)

los drumpf larp elfs prefer peter pan creamy starin anusing para maricon MAGA

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282e98 No.21562971


>Watch vid and you tell me.

Do you think God needs to bind Loki?

Let's see…

What is a daemon?

Are daemons originally evil?

Were the daemons evil when they assisted Soloman in building the first template?

What are their function?

Do they need to be evil?

Do they exist to serve?


What is a spirit? What is the HOLY SPIRIT?

How do you tell which is which?

How do you test the spirit?

TESTING the spirit is how you telll if it is good or evil.

How do you do that?

Do you know how?


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e79d5a No.21562973


it's a joke

you are not one of the team to get fired

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1be062 No.21562975

File: 8ee60df517d396d⋯.png (253.43 KB,598x744,299:372,ClipboardImage.png)


A massive cloud of dark plasma is racing toward Earth, set to make impact on the night of 09/11.

Forecasts predict it could spark a class G2 geomagnetic storm, lighting up the sky with auroras visible as far as Moscow.

This event could also disrupt radio signals and cause electrical equipment failures.


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7b8427 No.21562977

File: fe0d48443c49fe5⋯.jpg (17.79 KB,244x255,244:255,fe0d48443c49fe51f2e055a47e….jpg)

last call


#26414 >>21562102

>>21562121, >>21562210, >>21562275, >>21562324, >>21562444, >>21562804, >>21562810 Cat Ladies 4 Trump Have Been Shown

>>21562235 @elonmusk - This is the last real election if Trump loses.

>>21562330, >>21562386 Melania - "There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the TRUTH."

>>21562340 How do you hide a message in plain sight?

>>21562365 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/10/2024

>>21562394 As Trump looms, Ukraine turns to its evangelicals to woo the Republicans

>>21562414, >>21562436, >>21562445 Rachel Maddow's new documentary "From Russia With Lev" and special guest star Hunter Biden.

>>21562421, >>21562478, >>21562481, >>21562483, >>21562484, >>21562486, >>21562487, >>21562489, >>21562491, >>21562494, >>21562716, >>21562747, >>21562754, >>21562772 Swamp Events

>>21562425, >>21562500, >>21562789, >>21562809 PF Gitmo Express & Daily Democrat voter recruitment and cat eater flights update

>>21562450, >>21562457 Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

>>21562460 @elonmusk PAGING @PETA…

>>21562462 RFK Jr. must be removed from North Carolina ballots, state Supreme Court rules

>>21562479 Biden Harris Border Crisis VICTIM PERSPECTIVES

>>21562510 Venezualan gang Tren de Aragua have reportedly taken over a hotel in El Paso, TX.

>>21562515 Tyreek Hill bodycam video released this evening

>>21562555, >>21562578 Hilldawg - My new book, Something Lost, Something Gained

>>21562613, >>21562729, >>21562818, >>21562819, >>21562857, >>21562910 NASA & Space News

>>21562615 Keep The Cat Memes Flowing - MEME WAR NOW - MEME WAR NOW

>>21562830 RFK Jr - No matter what state you live in, VOTE TRUMP. A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory.

>>21562838, >>21562844 The most hate-filled propaganda campaign in human history. Take it personally.

>>21562852, >>21562856 Ohio—how did this horde of invaders end up there, and why?

>>21562864, >>21562888 Greg Palast Panic Piece "Vigilantes Inc: America’s Vote Suppression Hitmen"

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a610a6 No.21562978

File: f51f454515465b5⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,590x391,590:391,in_the_meadow.jpg)

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2b2ef6 No.21562979


Imagine the vast possibilities for child trafficking of brown children from foreign nations, as they are being dumped here by the millions by the current US government, having no records of destinations or existence.

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1e2a8b No.21562980

File: c263e286aaf05a7⋯.png (2.06 MB,1101x1600,1101:1600,LOOKING_GLASS_01.png)


The creeps invert everything so making it difficult for normies to know which way is which;

That's on purpose.

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684149 No.21562982

So the whole cat news is that Haitians are trying to eat our pussy cats? Is that the summary?

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76d747 No.21562984



>since our rights are held inside of us

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

What does being endowed mean?

provided or equipped with

Endowed means "provided or equipped with." When you have a special ability, you can say you're endowed with it. You can also be endowed with a quality, like beauty. Endowed is often used to describe something you're born with, though it can also refer to something that's been learned.

Unalienable rights, which are also called inalienable rights, are human rights that cannot be violated. They are contrasted with legal rights or alienable rights, which are subject to removal by the government under some circumstances.

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fb4fd5 No.21562985

File: 81c697a1623f591⋯.png (43.67 KB,282x386,141:193,9e.png)

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5c2e1e No.21562986


and there it is

more catastrophe

on Jesus' birthday

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0b1fb4 No.21562987

File: 3fe9c420042b2b1⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,720x406,360:203,ssstwitter_com_17259069362….mp4)

johnny maga


Trump has Kamala so nervous that she apparently watched all 6 of his debates, studied all of his insults, and called Hillary Clinton to ask for advice

(They don't realize Trump doesn't really follow the same patterns. I suspect she will sound nuts tonight, as always)


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2c442a No.21562988

File: 58105ae8ea41a1d⋯.png (354.83 KB,473x864,473:864,qaggdropimage1678_2.png)



Found the boomer skitzo

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1be062 No.21562989

File: ca19f5121bb4f82⋯.png (279.02 KB,598x522,299:261,ClipboardImage.png)


BRYANSK region Russian Federation - attack by Ukrainian UAVs.


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6796af No.21562990


can not recognize truth beyond its cultural boundaries.

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b7aedb No.21562991


Anons voted all paid employees operating the QR board set will be fired. Q and Q+ approved.

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6796af No.21562993


it is lying

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ad9dde No.21562994

File: 530cb25c05b87cb⋯.jpeg (130.16 KB,939x753,313:251,1884EE03_840E_450C_B8B7_1….jpeg)



>Shill shift change time…


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6796af No.21562995

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6796af No.21562997



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8704c0 No.21562998


edgy kek

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6796af No.21562999


is not wrong.

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2b2ef6 No.21563001

File: 8a9d29ea5825129⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,2643x1983,881:661,WatchtheWater_1_.jpg)


Watch the water.

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d6057e No.21563003


>Another invisible boogeyman! Be afraid!


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74fa3a No.21563004

File: 7fe906b7123afb4⋯.png (6.49 KB,225x225,1:1,7fe906b7123afb40ff3774b936….png)


>los drumpf larp elfs prefer peter pan creamy starin anusing para maricon MAGA

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012af2 No.21563006

File: 56ca41c5c35452f⋯.png (200.38 KB,1836x2568,153:214,The_Snake_.png)

The snake.

On her way to work one morning

Down the path alongside the lake

A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake

His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew

"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you"

"Take me in oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the Viscious snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk

And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived

She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived

"Take me in, oh tender woman Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the Viscious snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, "You're so beautiful," she cried

"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died"

Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite

"Take me in, oh tender woman Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the Viscious snake

"I saved you," cried that woman

"And you've bit me even, why?

You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die"

"Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin

"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

"Take me in, oh tender woman Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman," sighed the Viscious snake


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74fa3a No.21563007


gahy pride at chucky cheese

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08e778 No.21563008

File: eabe423ff14d15d⋯.png (2.51 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Polar_Bears_Don_t.png)

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b7aedb No.21563009

Anyone who doubts can ask Q for confirmation on this board and they will get it.

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6796af No.21563010


you should look into it.

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1be062 No.21563011

File: 4d8aa4cab846c94⋯.mp4 (109.97 KB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17259831391….mp4)


The Ukrainian Army targeted Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, with kamikaze UAVs.

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2c442a No.21563012

File: 147a1604c57e7da⋯.png (84.2 KB,300x169,300:169,147a1604c57e7dad694eacc246….png)





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1be062 No.21563013



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74fcb3 No.21563015


And then the snake ate her cat…..

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b7aedb No.21563016

Because anons, you do notice that the rage does not ask for confirmation, it only rages.. Demonic. Fearful. Not logical… Logic is asking for confirmation from the only source, which is Q, who would provide via Q+. Logic.

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1be062 No.21563017


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684149 No.21563018

File: c31b0662a4b6a79⋯.gif (1.87 MB,500x300,5:3,c31.gif)

Trump Won!

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8f6dd1 No.21563021

Current admin represents insecurity , no one is safe, nightmare scenarios abound in every state and community - incompetenance abounds, bo accountability because its racists and anti the climate change represented by change agent Kamala

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9645b8 No.21563022


The cop said roll down your window and keep it down. Follow instructions

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705d91 No.21563023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just enjoy the show

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e65769 No.21563024

File: 963ec4221e3a1d4⋯.png (730.92 KB,677x674,677:674,ClipboardImage.png)

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112a08 No.21563025

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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08e778 No.21563026


Yea, she has zero clue what she's got herself into. The "word salad" episodes are going to be unreal tonight.

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112a08 No.21563028

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,_11.png)

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112a08 No.21563031

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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2c442a No.21563032

File: 889cad107864b7e⋯.gif (2.98 MB,498x278,249:139,1721861030868437.gif)

File: 32bd8282a1f11b1⋯.gif (1.56 MB,320x180,16:9,1721880464753613.gif)

File: ef179af0f06671a⋯.gif (986.19 KB,480x480,1:1,1722020576604798.gif)

File: 76c989a3469a2c7⋯.gif (3.39 MB,424x581,424:581,1722106343603785.gif)

File: 088e89a10c2f9d9⋯.gif (2.73 MB,480x338,240:169,1722284917777952.gif)


That is exactly the process.

Thank you for finally clearing that up.

I have been telling anons this for months.

You are appreciated more than you can imagine.

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112a08 No.21563033

File: 0e0eb7dba711af3⋯.jpg (66.86 KB,480x425,96:85,0e0.jpg)

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2305f5 No.21563034

File: 25ada648ba11c99⋯.gif (1.7 MB,200x200,1:1,djt11electric.gif)

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112a08 No.21563035

File: 66e6547b665693a⋯.jpg (283.92 KB,743x500,743:500,2quvx2.jpg)

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112a08 No.21563036

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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2305f5 No.21563037

File: 6cca20acca76ed9⋯.gif (403.71 KB,1200x1000,6:5,0000ridelightning.gif)

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8f6dd1 No.21563038

does kum for sum even care about the Abbey Gate fallen?

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112a08 No.21563039

File: 3b3f87c09a10e30⋯.jpg (18 KB,333x279,37:31,4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

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2305f5 No.21563040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.













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112a08 No.21563041

File: c903a3c483e1f22⋯.png (996.21 KB,797x515,797:515,6_000_breads.PNG)

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11c60e No.21563042

File: 0fbae2a6f56e9c9⋯.png (444.94 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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112a08 No.21563043

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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08e778 No.21563046


No. She helped cause it. Cares less.

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112a08 No.21563047

File: 9beeb928288e95a⋯.png (1.46 MB,1245x911,1245:911,9beeb928288e95a62cffc04155….png)

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11c60e No.21563048

File: 1d05c9beb3b0b96⋯.png (1.36 MB,1166x611,1166:611,ClipboardImage.png)

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282e98 No.21563049


Do you think a scary looking pedophile clown is what represents Night Shift?


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521eb8 No.21563051

File: fac7fad3c81302c⋯.jpg (128.51 KB,1110x1280,111:128,photo_2024_09_10_10_37_14.jpg)

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112a08 No.21563052

File: 65a4b789e6097e5⋯.png (523.26 KB,500x500,1:1,9C1B0116_C95D_4AF2_92CE_01….png)

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112a08 No.21563053

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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1e2a8b No.21563054

File: c0778d4980f6f03⋯.jpg (69.1 KB,578x389,578:389,ldrhrcbillclintonrock.jpg)



Quite the crappy double there

What Happened?

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112a08 No.21563056

File: 28b0e3e655d5092⋯.jpg (111.9 KB,658x500,329:250,27uiua.jpg)

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521eb8 No.21563057

File: 7a9635a9aed0b5b⋯.jpg (96.52 KB,1125x1112,1125:1112,photo_2024_09_10_10_35_15.jpg)

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112a08 No.21563058

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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112a08 No.21563059

File: 27d09774954c5d1⋯.jpg (107.56 KB,666x499,666:499,257ixt.jpg)

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3575b3 No.21563060


A.B.C. Will try to trick him up. Unless their network wants to look less biased, they'll try. But Kamala is an irritant to the public now.

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112a08 No.21563061

File: b3aea6cc4a57d5f⋯.jpg (196.92 KB,842x695,842:695,688e812bf40cbb1819d824b358….jpg)

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08e778 No.21563062


They grew up together. BFF's.

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8f6dd1 No.21563063


so does Military time – SO MUCH SACREDNESS


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112a08 No.21563064

File: 1393bc9f16597f9⋯.jpg (497.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,1393bc9f16597f9cfad594d2e4….jpg)

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11c60e No.21563066

File: 2cad9bad225097d⋯.png (319.88 KB,1241x798,1241:798,ClipboardImage.png)

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112a08 No.21563067

File: f592a616d8bf0dc⋯.png (239.12 KB,468x666,26:37,2018_09_07_14_29_45_copy.png)

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f75d03 No.21563069

File: 3993a48a9f651eb⋯.png (122.29 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_f_u.png)


>"Once again get Trump into the White House"

Uhhh, the Russia shit was debunked last time Racheal. But then again, the truth doesn't matter to you lying liberals.


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112a08 No.21563070

File: 3abaf283362ea41⋯.jpg (70.82 KB,856x619,856:619,6000.JPG)

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7b8427 No.21563072

File: b21e573301b15dd⋯.jpg (61.71 KB,522x478,261:239,b21e573301b15dde29e3d59eb0….jpg)



#26414 >>21562102

>>21562121, >>21562210, >>21562275, >>21562324, >>21562444, >>21562804, >>21562810 Cat Ladies 4 Trump Have Been Shown

>>21562235 @elonmusk - This is the last real election if Trump loses.

>>21562330, >>21562386 Melania - "There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the TRUTH."

>>21562340 How do you hide a message in plain sight?

>>21562365 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/10/2024

>>21562394 As Trump looms, Ukraine turns to its evangelicals to woo the Republicans

>>21562414, >>21562436, >>21562445 Rachel Maddow's new documentary "From Russia With Lev" and special guest star Hunter Biden.

>>21562421, >>21562478, >>21562481, >>21562483, >>21562484, >>21562486, >>21562487, >>21562489, >>21562491, >>21562494, >>21562716, >>21562747, >>21562754, >>21562772 Swamp Events

>>21562425, >>21562500, >>21562789, >>21562809 PF Gitmo Express & Daily Democrat voter recruitment and cat eater flights update

>>21562450, >>21562457 Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

>>21562460 @elonmusk PAGING @PETA…

>>21562462 RFK Jr. must be removed from North Carolina ballots, state Supreme Court rules

>>21562479 Biden Harris Border Crisis VICTIM PERSPECTIVES

>>21562510 Venezualan gang Tren de Aragua have reportedly taken over a hotel in El Paso, TX.

>>21562515 Tyreek Hill bodycam video released this evening

>>21562555, >>21562578 Hilldawg - My new book, Something Lost, Something Gained

>>21562613, >>21562729, >>21562818, >>21562819, >>21562857, >>21562910 NASA & Space News

>>21562615 Keep The Cat Memes Flowing - MEME WAR NOW - MEME WAR NOW

>>21562830 RFK Jr - No matter what state you live in, VOTE TRUMP. A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory.

>>21562838, >>21562844 The most hate-filled propaganda campaign in human history. Take it personally.

>>21562852, >>21562856 Ohio—how did this horde of invaders end up there, and why?

>>21562864, >>21562888 Greg Palast Panic Piece "Vigilantes Inc: America’s Vote Suppression Hitmen"

>>21562987 TRUMP? You're soaking in it. Kamala studies up for duh bate.

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e79d5a No.21563074


What about Q board

he dropped outside his board

What made him do that?

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2c442a No.21563075

File: 6e91e67b4746abc⋯.png (68.89 KB,499x499,1:1,6e91e67b4746abcc79989fb47b….png)

File: 5c7156932f5a7ff⋯.png (255.59 KB,473x491,473:491,qaggdropimage4074.png)

File: 5ae5447530b13dd⋯.jpg (45.06 KB,609x602,87:86,5ae5447530b13dd06469c092fe….jpg)

File: 2928d68056ce4d6⋯.gif (1.96 MB,600x600,1:1,1721339500307805.gif)

File: 5ac6ffb6c939322⋯.jpg (48.77 KB,670x671,670:671,1721022235384050.jpg)





Check em

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112a08 No.21563076

File: 0791f3f49e99f2d⋯.png (994.93 KB,800x800,1:1,18363d043f6b48c34c1832ba41….png)

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08e778 No.21563077


>A.B.C. Will try to trick him up

No doubt they'll try. POTUS knows exactly how to handle those fucks.

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112a08 No.21563080

File: 77092faa3378b24⋯.jpg (93.92 KB,620x413,620:413,77092faa3378b24a8cc33f94ab….jpg)

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3575b3 No.21563081


I didn't comment on the video. No opinion one way or the other

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2c442a No.21563085

File: 3879316861877a4⋯.png (473.29 KB,720x621,80:69,Screenshot_20240902_175327….png)


You tell me.

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8f6dd1 No.21563087

13 died in unnecessary unmitigated circumstances – the fallen the honored. the misrepresented

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112a08 No.21563088

File: 382008e6dd67d00⋯.png (1.04 MB,1200x750,8:5,04254924_9183_4137_A12E_15….png)

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112a08 No.21563090

File: 4311798afb3d97f⋯.jpg (33.02 KB,800x551,800:551,1542243090.jpg)

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012af2 No.21563091

File: 90937834bcfec39⋯.png (6.34 MB,2880x1350,32:15,Trump_Boat_Parade_.png)

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0e83a1 No.21563093



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112a08 No.21563095

File: 2474a6eb5bb3660⋯.png (954.82 KB,1013x569,1013:569,1538891736530.png)

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112a08 No.21563096

File: d9fbf100b370c24⋯.png (134.46 KB,3000x3193,3000:3193,1541918970149.png)

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7b8427 No.21563097

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,898bd08754f2ced362fb14c650….jpg)

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112a08 No.21563098

File: 369470c9d3f832d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,348x480,29:40,98725491354951.JPG)

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7b8427 No.21563100

File: 35dea673a7d528e⋯.png (177.75 KB,255x255,1:1,35dea673a7d528eab948c47e2d….png)

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11c60e No.21563101

File: 3a0ec04bf5b478f⋯.png (43.51 KB,640x763,640:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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112a08 No.21563102

File: a3aed3ad3db58d2⋯.jpg (552.96 KB,1600x1066,800:533,a3aed3ad3db58d2cc747a79e2b….jpg)

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112a08 No.21563104

File: c5c2db4166d0a34⋯.jpg (117.92 KB,894x521,894:521,aliens.jpg)

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112a08 No.21563105

File: b18d44658e942de⋯.jpg (165.93 KB,998x760,499:380,band.jpg)

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7b8427 No.21563109

File: b138f375634d797⋯.png (292.45 KB,452x549,452:549,Big_Red_Pill_Edition.png)

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e79d5a No.21563126


Do re-investigation some said he forgot the password some said it got hacked

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