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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

7355e4 No.21562094 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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701 posts and 543 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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112a08 No.21563039

File: 3b3f87c09a10e30⋯.jpg (18 KB,333x279,37:31,4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

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2305f5 No.21563040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.













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112a08 No.21563041

File: c903a3c483e1f22⋯.png (996.21 KB,797x515,797:515,6_000_breads.PNG)

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11c60e No.21563042

File: 0fbae2a6f56e9c9⋯.png (444.94 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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112a08 No.21563043

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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08e778 No.21563046


No. She helped cause it. Cares less.

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112a08 No.21563047

File: 9beeb928288e95a⋯.png (1.46 MB,1245x911,1245:911,9beeb928288e95a62cffc04155….png)

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11c60e No.21563048

File: 1d05c9beb3b0b96⋯.png (1.36 MB,1166x611,1166:611,ClipboardImage.png)

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282e98 No.21563049


Do you think a scary looking pedophile clown is what represents Night Shift?


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521eb8 No.21563051

File: fac7fad3c81302c⋯.jpg (128.51 KB,1110x1280,111:128,photo_2024_09_10_10_37_14.jpg)

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112a08 No.21563052

File: 65a4b789e6097e5⋯.png (523.26 KB,500x500,1:1,9C1B0116_C95D_4AF2_92CE_01….png)

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112a08 No.21563053

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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1e2a8b No.21563054

File: c0778d4980f6f03⋯.jpg (69.1 KB,578x389,578:389,ldrhrcbillclintonrock.jpg)



Quite the crappy double there

What Happened?

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112a08 No.21563056

File: 28b0e3e655d5092⋯.jpg (111.9 KB,658x500,329:250,27uiua.jpg)

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521eb8 No.21563057

File: 7a9635a9aed0b5b⋯.jpg (96.52 KB,1125x1112,1125:1112,photo_2024_09_10_10_35_15.jpg)

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112a08 No.21563058

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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112a08 No.21563059

File: 27d09774954c5d1⋯.jpg (107.56 KB,666x499,666:499,257ixt.jpg)

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3575b3 No.21563060


A.B.C. Will try to trick him up. Unless their network wants to look less biased, they'll try. But Kamala is an irritant to the public now.

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112a08 No.21563061

File: b3aea6cc4a57d5f⋯.jpg (196.92 KB,842x695,842:695,688e812bf40cbb1819d824b358….jpg)

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08e778 No.21563062


They grew up together. BFF's.

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8f6dd1 No.21563063


so does Military time – SO MUCH SACREDNESS


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112a08 No.21563064

File: 1393bc9f16597f9⋯.jpg (497.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,1393bc9f16597f9cfad594d2e4….jpg)

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11c60e No.21563066

File: 2cad9bad225097d⋯.png (319.88 KB,1241x798,1241:798,ClipboardImage.png)

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112a08 No.21563067

File: f592a616d8bf0dc⋯.png (239.12 KB,468x666,26:37,2018_09_07_14_29_45_copy.png)

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f75d03 No.21563069

File: 3993a48a9f651eb⋯.png (122.29 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_f_u.png)


>"Once again get Trump into the White House"

Uhhh, the Russia shit was debunked last time Racheal. But then again, the truth doesn't matter to you lying liberals.


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112a08 No.21563070

File: 3abaf283362ea41⋯.jpg (70.82 KB,856x619,856:619,6000.JPG)

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7b8427 No.21563072

File: b21e573301b15dd⋯.jpg (61.71 KB,522x478,261:239,b21e573301b15dde29e3d59eb0….jpg)



#26414 >>21562102

>>21562121, >>21562210, >>21562275, >>21562324, >>21562444, >>21562804, >>21562810 Cat Ladies 4 Trump Have Been Shown

>>21562235 @elonmusk - This is the last real election if Trump loses.

>>21562330, >>21562386 Melania - "There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the TRUTH."

>>21562340 How do you hide a message in plain sight?

>>21562365 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/10/2024

>>21562394 As Trump looms, Ukraine turns to its evangelicals to woo the Republicans

>>21562414, >>21562436, >>21562445 Rachel Maddow's new documentary "From Russia With Lev" and special guest star Hunter Biden.

>>21562421, >>21562478, >>21562481, >>21562483, >>21562484, >>21562486, >>21562487, >>21562489, >>21562491, >>21562494, >>21562716, >>21562747, >>21562754, >>21562772 Swamp Events

>>21562425, >>21562500, >>21562789, >>21562809 PF Gitmo Express & Daily Democrat voter recruitment and cat eater flights update

>>21562450, >>21562457 Why the ‘one-two punch’ of Liz and Dick Cheney backing Harris matters

>>21562460 @elonmusk PAGING @PETA…

>>21562462 RFK Jr. must be removed from North Carolina ballots, state Supreme Court rules

>>21562479 Biden Harris Border Crisis VICTIM PERSPECTIVES

>>21562510 Venezualan gang Tren de Aragua have reportedly taken over a hotel in El Paso, TX.

>>21562515 Tyreek Hill bodycam video released this evening

>>21562555, >>21562578 Hilldawg - My new book, Something Lost, Something Gained

>>21562613, >>21562729, >>21562818, >>21562819, >>21562857, >>21562910 NASA & Space News

>>21562615 Keep The Cat Memes Flowing - MEME WAR NOW - MEME WAR NOW

>>21562830 RFK Jr - No matter what state you live in, VOTE TRUMP. A Trump victory is a Kennedy victory.

>>21562838, >>21562844 The most hate-filled propaganda campaign in human history. Take it personally.

>>21562852, >>21562856 Ohio—how did this horde of invaders end up there, and why?

>>21562864, >>21562888 Greg Palast Panic Piece "Vigilantes Inc: America’s Vote Suppression Hitmen"

>>21562987 TRUMP? You're soaking in it. Kamala studies up for duh bate.

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e79d5a No.21563074


What about Q board

he dropped outside his board

What made him do that?

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2c442a No.21563075

File: 6e91e67b4746abc⋯.png (68.89 KB,499x499,1:1,6e91e67b4746abcc79989fb47b….png)

File: 5c7156932f5a7ff⋯.png (255.59 KB,473x491,473:491,qaggdropimage4074.png)

File: 5ae5447530b13dd⋯.jpg (45.06 KB,609x602,87:86,5ae5447530b13dd06469c092fe….jpg)

File: 2928d68056ce4d6⋯.gif (1.96 MB,600x600,1:1,1721339500307805.gif)

File: 5ac6ffb6c939322⋯.jpg (48.77 KB,670x671,670:671,1721022235384050.jpg)





Check em

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112a08 No.21563076

File: 0791f3f49e99f2d⋯.png (994.93 KB,800x800,1:1,18363d043f6b48c34c1832ba41….png)

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08e778 No.21563077


>A.B.C. Will try to trick him up

No doubt they'll try. POTUS knows exactly how to handle those fucks.

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112a08 No.21563080

File: 77092faa3378b24⋯.jpg (93.92 KB,620x413,620:413,77092faa3378b24a8cc33f94ab….jpg)

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3575b3 No.21563081


I didn't comment on the video. No opinion one way or the other

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2c442a No.21563085

File: 3879316861877a4⋯.png (473.29 KB,720x621,80:69,Screenshot_20240902_175327….png)


You tell me.

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8f6dd1 No.21563087

13 died in unnecessary unmitigated circumstances – the fallen the honored. the misrepresented

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112a08 No.21563088

File: 382008e6dd67d00⋯.png (1.04 MB,1200x750,8:5,04254924_9183_4137_A12E_15….png)

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112a08 No.21563090

File: 4311798afb3d97f⋯.jpg (33.02 KB,800x551,800:551,1542243090.jpg)

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012af2 No.21563091

File: 90937834bcfec39⋯.png (6.34 MB,2880x1350,32:15,Trump_Boat_Parade_.png)

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0e83a1 No.21563093



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112a08 No.21563095

File: 2474a6eb5bb3660⋯.png (954.82 KB,1013x569,1013:569,1538891736530.png)

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112a08 No.21563096

File: d9fbf100b370c24⋯.png (134.46 KB,3000x3193,3000:3193,1541918970149.png)

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7b8427 No.21563097

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,898bd08754f2ced362fb14c650….jpg)

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112a08 No.21563098

File: 369470c9d3f832d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,348x480,29:40,98725491354951.JPG)

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7b8427 No.21563100

File: 35dea673a7d528e⋯.png (177.75 KB,255x255,1:1,35dea673a7d528eab948c47e2d….png)

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11c60e No.21563101

File: 3a0ec04bf5b478f⋯.png (43.51 KB,640x763,640:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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112a08 No.21563102

File: a3aed3ad3db58d2⋯.jpg (552.96 KB,1600x1066,800:533,a3aed3ad3db58d2cc747a79e2b….jpg)

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112a08 No.21563104

File: c5c2db4166d0a34⋯.jpg (117.92 KB,894x521,894:521,aliens.jpg)

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112a08 No.21563105

File: b18d44658e942de⋯.jpg (165.93 KB,998x760,499:380,band.jpg)

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7b8427 No.21563109

File: b138f375634d797⋯.png (292.45 KB,452x549,452:549,Big_Red_Pill_Edition.png)

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e79d5a No.21563126


Do re-investigation some said he forgot the password some said it got hacked

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