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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,AGM.jpeg)

d9f015 No.21542258 [View All]

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701 posts and 453 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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08f3bb No.21543158

File: 04f87da2576d4db⋯.png (544.52 KB,680x527,40:31,not_going_to_plan_trump_de….png)

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946a5c No.21543159

File: ba64f89dc061bda⋯.png (307.42 KB,479x315,479:315,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10c11fcd3bf2bb6⋯.png (29.32 KB,730x143,730:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c9462ff8fc4da7⋯.png (125.95 KB,316x306,158:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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08f3bb No.21543161

File: 42af00cdc7cee6a⋯.jpg (165.8 KB,1892x1958,86:89,trumpepe.jpg)

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be65e2 No.21543162

File: 7de6b929ec0b151⋯.png (119.26 KB,1404x502,702:251,Sep_824.png)

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b2f2f8 No.21543164

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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248349 No.21543165


Imagine what the World would be like if suddenly all Jews became Christians.

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f765c8 No.21543168

File: ada2baa40b38313⋯.png (1007.51 KB,1080x1054,540:527,Screenshot_20240906_103146….png)

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08f3bb No.21543170

File: c8242b3d3d3dc02⋯.png (1.63 MB,1648x987,1648:987,trump_cat.png)

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cc5dc2 No.21543173


No he didn't lock her up but he did get the witch executed. Based on the number of body doubles and mask wearers the swamp is draining. The wall ; he put down about 500 miles. So you now have something to look forward to. There's your answer.

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946a5c No.21543174

File: ee17aecf3491c29⋯.png (280.34 KB,568x307,568:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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07e6f5 No.21543175

File: 3a52fa3ae0ebc9b⋯.gif (2 MB,499x499,1:1,tumblr_osao1nQ5jj1qg39ewo1….gif)

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da6899 No.21543176


"Yo mamma wears combat boots."

"Yo manna so big, she blocks out the sun."

"Yo mamma" been around a while

But same

Usually used cause lost argument

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da6899 No.21543178


cause commies be all funny n sheit when caught ina lie

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9021e6 No.21543179

Harford County Police Scanner: We have the shooter in custody [Joppatowne High School, Maryland]

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317026 No.21543180


Must be nice being delusional

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02146f No.21543181

File: 5fb18fdcbf06a3a⋯.png (568.99 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 755e4c9c2ebfe90⋯.png (7.34 MB,1486x2048,743:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b88027b0a6d9d4c⋯.png (1.31 MB,675x900,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce1ef45532c8ba6⋯.png (3.14 MB,1088x1757,1088:1757,ClipboardImage.png)

In case you're wondering why the fake news are quicky memory holing this.

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aba8b1 No.21543182



#26391 >>21542270


>>21542404, >>21542405 WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds a Press Conference at Trump Tower in NYC

>>21542447, >>21542476, >>21542480, >>21542502, >>21542513, >>21542524, >>21542589, >>21542602, >>21542605, >>21542614, >>21542641, >>21542695, >>21542721, >>21542785, >>21542804, >>21542813, >>21542829 TRUMP PRESSER Quotables


>>21543010 Law & Order aired Bergdorf Goodman rape scene 7 years before she made Trump allegation

- - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21542299, >>21542347, >>21542365 Joe Biden just admitted the 'Inflation Reduction Act' was never about inflation

>>21542387, >>21542494, >>21542559, >>21542668, >>21542730, >>21542818, >>21542846, >>21542872, >>21542902, >>21542973, >>21543116, >>21543118 NASA & Related Space News

>>21542408 mornin prayer - GOD bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever

>>21542423, >>21543121 swamp habbenings

>>21542462 Univision interview Kamala YOU HEAR HER FLIPPING THE PAGES of her script while she answers

>>21542471, >>21542478 RFKjr. encourages his supporters to "pull out all the stops" to get Trump elected.

>>21542692, >>21542999, >>21543023 August Jobs Report

>>21542806 LIVE: Trump Addresses the National Board of the Fraternal Order of Police in Charlotte, NC - 9/6/24

>>21542879 Goooood Morning Jim!

>>21542889 Scott Pressler werking on Pennsylvania voters to WIN

>>21542898 Huge Win - a NC appellate judge just stopped ballots from being sent out with RFK’s name on it

>>21542943 Karine Jean-Pierre and Julie Su Gaggle Aboard Air Force One

>>21542959 MUST WATCH - President Trump Gives Remarks at The Economic Club of New York FULL VIDEO

>>21542983 Guess Who Showed Up as Cops Were Arresting Fani Willis' Daughter

>>21543009 Social Security Administration is facing a massive technical meltdown

>>21543011 Tim Walz promoted and funded a research facility that partnered with China’s Wuhan lab

>>21543049 “This is a whole underground economy of children - it’s horrific”

>>21543061 Merchan postponed Trump’s Sep 18th sentencing until after the election, on November 26th

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1fc485 No.21543183

File: 3927edffdb8444d⋯.png (131.93 KB,1306x842,653:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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08f3bb No.21543185

File: 7c0d2f51d1d4bbf⋯.png (3.11 MB,2048x1364,512:341,trump_911.png)

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831fbd No.21543186


does the tranny issue supercede them wanting to take all of our guns away?

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00e78f No.21543188

File: 1b070e063139c3b⋯.jpg (334.14 KB,732x449,732:449,1BE_a_Baker_They_Said.jpg)


noice notes bakes

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b7c169 No.21543190




Judge Delays Trump’s Sentencing Until Nov. 26, After Election Day

The decision by Justice Juan M. Merchan means voters will be left in the dark about whether the former president will face time behind bars.


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ff91d5 No.21543191

File: 0e95b8be864340b⋯.png (2.49 MB,750x1334,375:667,F26B7A86_FDEB_461A_8852_8C….png)

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aba8b1 No.21543192

File: 51c0683210e8098⋯.jpg (85.36 KB,640x640,1:1,51c0683210e8098d6faa949bcc….jpg)

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b7c169 No.21543193

File: 7bfecd5c00cb963⋯.png (868.89 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_nytimes_com_1….png)

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aba8b1 No.21543194

File: daa4a6196242ea2⋯.png (243.23 KB,341x379,341:379,daa4a6196242ea2592580d4f96….png)

File: a85d299efec150c⋯.jpg (238.35 KB,507x665,507:665,a85d299efec150c00dd67ac38b….jpg)

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5a2aef No.21543195

File: 9a8a63850816d35⋯.png (617.46 KB,849x987,283:329,fauxhlines24_2.png)

File: dc53a816250fa7f⋯.png (634.22 KB,968x983,968:983,hanPerj24.png)



There's a great saying going around: "We can not hate the media enough". That most dangerous of all machines is what gives the "dems", the UniParty, the power and protection.

The day thay are all exposed and dealt with will be the best day. (faux is most "popular", therefore most dangerous.)

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aba8b1 No.21543200

File: 7f6f5082c727419⋯.png (4.85 MB,2560x2560,1:1,7f6f5082c727419239d8868d17….png)

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aba8b1 No.21543202

File: 161ed923b4b2f0f⋯.png (395.07 KB,434x512,217:256,Screenshot_2024_04_28_at_1….png)

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02146f No.21543204

Another school shooting? Harford County, Maryland


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06524e No.21543205

Ask yourself this question.

Am I running from [them] or are [they] hiding from me?

Tick tock

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9cddf2 No.21543207

File: 1e87d90a47adc95⋯.png (837.29 KB,1770x1823,1770:1823,urscaredshitless.png)


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261f77 No.21543208

File: b5ed47b10c8874d⋯.gif (227.84 KB,220x220,1:1,b5ed47b10c8874d7ce165b0c78….gif)

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8870b8 No.21543209

ping 🏓

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050ec0 No.21543212


seeing this shit everywhere they flipped the switch on the bot farms Trump pushed Ivermectin

and other supplements

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203ace No.21543213

File: 338f6873e55fb17⋯.png (124.12 KB,854x317,854:317,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_1….png)

File: 67c7be731b8cc11⋯.png (657.4 KB,865x746,865:746,Screenshot_2024_09_05_at_0….png)

"Models". Grandma Sayarath might be the Queen Bee Kingpin.

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aba8b1 No.21543216

File: 92a0e08be25ed1a⋯.jpg (122.46 KB,802x798,401:399,92a0e08be25ed1a81bb97d438f….jpg)

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8870b8 No.21543218


Anons are fearless.

Anons run from no one.

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aba8b1 No.21543219

File: f3a49f3b8b21b51⋯.png (147.94 KB,500x500,1:1,removebg_preview.png)

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9cddf2 No.21543220

File: dba4bcde7403cf9⋯.png (121.06 KB,776x315,776:315,ClipboardImage.png)

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aba8b1 No.21543222

File: 55289c0108ab82b⋯.jpg (42.39 KB,880x880,1:1,lepain.jpg)

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db8593 No.21543223


goin' for two birds w/ one stone?

low on stones?

or stone throwers?

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aba8b1 No.21543224

File: b30176c1c8f8ccd⋯.jpg (80.57 KB,1080x628,270:157,2d2a5c2295a2516b3cad0a04cd….jpg)

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9cddf2 No.21543228

File: 1e87d90a47adc95⋯.png (837.29 KB,1770x1823,1770:1823,urscaredshitless.png)





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aa5143 No.21543232

File: 227c6bf5458e144⋯.jpeg (122.04 KB,640x480,4:3,8B5C98D4_80B5_4622_A6FD_B….jpeg)

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db8593 No.21543235


shitty AI

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aba8b1 No.21543237

File: 344eac881e5fb02⋯.png (1.02 MB,2560x2560,1:1,344eac881e5fb02020b961cf8c….png)

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9cddf2 No.21543238

File: 9af5f209a5c85d5⋯.png (134.67 KB,900x431,900:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4e59d900aceab9⋯.png (127.61 KB,835x446,835:446,ClipboardImage.png)



Approaching 100 deletes in this bread.


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aba8b1 No.21543241

File: f5f3f7f3e6e16f0⋯.jpg (737.21 KB,2560x2560,1:1,f5f3f7f3e6e16f0eedbc3e319f….jpg)

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aba8b1 No.21543243

File: fdc8becff0cf4c0⋯.png (2.2 MB,2560x2560,1:1,fdc8becff0cf4c00bb21a4a945….png)

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