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586101 No.21510686 [Last50 Posts]

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586101 No.21510688

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586101 No.21510690


#26354 >>21509904

>>21510433 Transcript: Trump @ Moms For Liberty Summit

>>21510465 Scavino: Happening Now–President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C.

>>21510265 DJT: "Now everyone's watching and now we see she's defective - we don't need another defective person as President of the US"

>>21510274, >>21510327 President Trump explains the symptoms of TDS and the progression of the disease 🤣

>>21509975 DoD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns

>>21510136 Reagan movie is out today

>>21510140 Tim Walz’s brother, Jeff, hopes to get on stage at a Trump rally to expose his brother’s “poor character”

>>21510341, >>21510431 Loomer: Tim Walz’s brother Jeff responds to my report by condemning all of Walz’s ideology

>>21510194, >>21510325 Loomer scoop re: New York's lawfare on Trump

>>21510597 Army in NYC hotel evening working the front desk?

>>21510214 The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"

>>21510257 VPN is a helluva drug

>>21510323 You Won’t Believe Kamala Harris and Merrick Garland’s Latest Trick to Avoid Blame for Inflation

>>21510332 Bannon is the premier political strategist right now in this country and Joe Biden, Kamala Harris are silencing him

>>21510333 Anon opines on the chess moves

>>21510372 Taipei former mayor arrested in graft probe

>>21510449 'Pedophile' dies in car crash while being chased by cops in NYC hours after abducting and molesting girl, 9, from a supermarket

>>21510457, >>21510476 Nancy Pelosi just told Bill Maher that she plans to grant citizenship to every illegal immigrant and give them free housing

>>21510545 Alina Habba gives sneak peak of Trump Force One

>>21510630 LinkedIn Co-founder Reid Hoffman talks Democratic Party

>>21510683 #26354

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586101 No.21510692

#26353 >>21509140


>>21509790 WATCH - Join me LIVE in Washington, D.C. at the Moms for Liberty National Summit!

>>21509847 POTUS IS LIVE

- - - - - - - - GENERAL NEWS NOTES

>>21509183 Tim Walz townhall in 2017 explaining why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

>>21509191 Supreme Court unanimously upheld order BLOCKING illegal student loan cancellation scheme

>>21509196, >>21509208, >>21509216, >>21509218, >>21509242 TRUMP QUOTABLES end of rally quotes

>>21509207 @MichaelJLindell - FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

>>21509231, >>21509236 Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

>>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509267, >>21509293, >>21509300, >>21509310, >>21509314 Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

>>21509292 Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New EO Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State

>>21509296, >>21509336, >>21509449 Bald eagle comms - fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two

>>21509303 Haaretz: Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels


>>21509325 Will pay a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of Epstein's 1969 high school yearbook

>>21509381 Big Mike HOPE come back now! like our lives are depending on it

>>21509437 full video - Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476 Jordan B Peterson

>>21509578 @Livermore_Lab launched the first shot of Operation Argus #OnThisDay in 1958

>>21509587 First US sent F-16 Fighter Jet destroyed by frenly fire in Ukraine killing veteran pilot

>>21509598, >>21509620, >>21509654, >>21509698, >>21509762 Good to see this piece of Shit take a Taser straight to the ribs kek

>>21509606, >>21509616 PlaneFaggin'

>>21509611, >>21509629, >>21509631, >>21509672, >>21509684, >>21509714 Kamala Rally in Georgia yesterday supposedly

>>21509645 @TuckerCarlson - Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest 2hr vid

>>21509685 Venezuelan illegals have posed as Amazon workers in Colorado to violently break into homes and rob them


>>21509897 #26353

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586101 No.21510693

#26352 >>21508346

- - - - TRUMP RALLY NOTES - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21508407, >>21508444, >>21508462, >>21508477, >>21508677 LIVE LINKS - TRUMP RALLY TONIGHT AT JOHNSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA - AUGUST 30, 2024

>>21508450, >>21508653 Alina Habba "This Is Not A Game"

>>21508567 DanScavino - @realDonaldTrump arrives at John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport in Pennsylvania

>>21508713, >>21508718, >>21508724, >>21508735, >>21508739, >>21508741, >>21508754, >>21508766, >>21508786, >>21508839, >>21508842, >>21508843, >>21508844, >>21508850, >>21508855, >>21508857, >>21508874, >>21508879, >>21508887, >>21508895, >>21508902, >>21508910, >>21508914, >>21508916, >>21508925, >>21508943, >>21508959, >>21508971, >>21508978, >>21509007, >>21509038, >>21509039, >>21509099 PRESIDENT TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - GENERAL NEWS NOTES - - - - - - - - - -

>>21508399 Savannah, Georgia welcomed Kamala Harris today with shouts of "TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP"

>>21508405 @ScottPresler Two can play at this game.

>>21508406 RFK Jr Explains why people like You and Me Can NEVER Dream of Becoming the President, Governor, or Senator

>>21508424 Why is Kamala Harris so coddled? For all her shortcomings, Hillary Clinton didn’t act like this

>>21508439, >>21508719, >>21508791 WHO-UNICEF Vaccination Campaign in Gaza: Polio Eradication or Transition to Bio-Warfare?

>>21508434, >>21508461, >>21508468, >>21508473, >>21508492, >>21508500, >>21508519, >>21508529, >>21508543, >>21508561, >>21508605, >>21508731 Michael Jackson Remembered, Always

>>21508483, >>21508762 Female paedophile inmate accused of running a child abuse ring from behind bars at men's jaiL AUS.

>>21508494 Which US Industries Spend The Most On Lobbying?

>>21508497 Kamala Harris Promises To Put A Republican In Her Cabinet

>>21508501 Tucker - Trump’s Plan to Stop WWIII, CIA Coups, and Warning of the Next Financial Crisis

>>21508510 After Dumping 55% Of His Apple Stock, Warren Buffett Sells 5 BILLION In Bank Of America Stock

>>21508522, >>21508665 Donald Trumps New upcoming Book

>>21508540 U.S. State Dept. Accidentally Gave $239 Million to Taliban

>>21508542 Backpage.com founder Michael Lacey sentenced to 5 years, fined $3M in prostitution case

>>21508548, >>21508646 Gold Star mom sets record straight on Trump Arlington visit

>>21508550, >>21509109 Judge Bans X In Brazil For Refusing To Comply With Demands

>>21508560 California Senate Passes Law Banning Voter ID in Local Elections

>>21508581 @RealCandaceO went there - Brigitte Macron was born a man.

>>21508586 Brazil = anyone using VPN to access Elon Musk's Twitter/X is subject to fines up to $8,874 a day

>>21508617 Texas launches voter fraud tipline ahead of November election

>>21508639 Socialist International Endorsing Kamala Harris Is Very Telling

>>21508654 Venezuelan gang overrunning Aurora, CO just a figment of your ‘imagination’ says governor

>>21508658, >>21508771 It’s so good to see these Fake News traitors squirm.

>>21508675 FLOTUS Her memoir 'Melania' will be released on October 1

>>21508700 Zelensky dismissed the Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, after F16 crash

>>21508732 This year, Oprah donated $150 million to the Harris campaign

>>21508750 Germany Vows 'Knife Control' After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival

>>21508878 RFK "we going to see a very different President Trump than we did in the first term"

>>21508932 @Jim_Jordan Jack Smith. Election interference.

>>21508940 Faked LinkedIn profile appears to be an attempt to backstop FIS approaches to US special operations forces

>>21508950 Federal prosecutors have formed a Grand Jury for their criminal investigation into Butler Event

>>21508957 Families, trans adults sue South Carolina to block state's gender-affirming care ban

>>21508962 DRILL BABY DRILL!! Seismic work to begin at gas fields shared by Trinidad and Venezuela

>>21509024 Pope Francis says Earth is 'sick' in new climate change warning

>>21509036 Jared Polis SCHUTZ yes he’s another one who now uses his mommy’s maiden name as his surname

>>21509050 watch free @9pm 'Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils'

>>21509125 #26352

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586101 No.21510699

#26351 >>21507435

>>21507857 Trump Rally in PA today 4:30 ET

>>21507440 The Broken Arms of Krupp! ThyssenKrupp Has NEGATIVE Enterprise Value

>>21507455 Trump says Florida’s 6-week abortion limit is ‘too short,’ suggests he may vote for pro-abortion amendment

>>21507497 Former Penn President Liz Magill Appointed HLS Visiting Fellow

>>21507516 On September 19th you will never view your government the same! TREASON: Trafficked

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21507587 Official Dem Platform Backs Plan To Give Amnesty to Already-Deported Aliens (Violent Felon Criminals Included!)

>>21507588 Raytheon wins $51.7 million contract for military satcom antennas

>>21507594 Moar Bennz on the source of US interference in Brazil elections stirred up/FB

>>21507609, >>21507621 Komrade Kamala won't stop gaslighting the public about "Trump's project 2025"

>>21507627 it's called AGENDA 47

>>21507638, >>21507648, >>21507743, >>21507825 Kamala Harris Goes Off Script, pre-taped , no bounce

>>21507667 Verizon to bring satellite connectivity to Android phones this fall

>>21507669 El Salvador: Read the Full Transcript of President Nayib Bukele’s Interview With TIME

>>21507672 Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

>>21507699, >>21507813 US Taxpayers Paid $150 Billion In 1 Year For Migrants

>>21507702 SecAF concludes relationship-building trip with 7 nations across EUCOM

>>21507751 ECW: DOD vetting foreign intel fraud

>>21507759, >>21508033 @KanekoaTheGreat In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump.

>>21507761 The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

>>21507762, >>21507763 ‘Postured for success:’ USSPACECOM leaders reflect on five years of spacepower

>>21507764 Durham-Rodgers meet Q proof

>>21507771 A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough

>>21507776, >>21507780 Texas State Rep. Shawn Thierry announces that she is leaving the Dem Party and switching to the GO{, After Losing Dem Primary

>>21507798 payroll tax and property tax are two that just unquestionably should not exist??

>>21507803, >>21508125 The judge overseeing Elon Musk and 𝕏's defamation lawsuit against Soros-backed Media Matters just DENIED their motion to dismiss. Media Matters could now be forced to pay back all the ad revenue 𝕏 has lost as a result of their lies

>>21507873 1:08 PM EDT Discussion on Conservative Media & "Culture War" at Moms for Liberty Summit

>>21507886, >>21508061 Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak'

>>21507897, >>21507916, >>21508323 Greenland: Serco wins $323M contract for Space Force base construction

>>21507903 @BarackObama hopes - HOPE IS MAKING A COMEBACK

>>21508001 Workers won't accept less than $81,000 for a new job right now, per a New York Fed survey

>>21508007 Investors snapped up over 22% of single family homes in Vegas & LA, 23% in San Diego, 29% in Miami

>>21508019 Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient

>>21508023 RFK should consider reviving JFK's physical education program for America's children

>>21508028 @thejimwatkins - Penner has been saying this for years. Follow the pen

>>21508056 The FBI just released this supposed picture of explosives in the trunk of Thomas Crooks' vehicle

>>21508063, >>21508301 Soft-On-Crime Dem AG Appears To Threaten Street Artist SABO re: art on Street Signs, Bus Stops In Aurora

>>21508067 US Northern Command has been authorized to assist USSS with security detail through the presidential race until Jan 20 2025

>>21508108, >>21508120 Human Rights Campaign President Calls For Rejection Of "The Little Piece Of Paper" Of The Founders

>>21508113, >>21508184 Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply

>>21508142 Democracy is the watchword of the foreign policy establishment to overthrow foreign governments

>>21508153, >>21508164, >>21508179 The CIA, former President Jair Bolsonaro, the US State Department, and electronic voting machines in Brazil

>>21508154 Boar’s Head is (NO LONGER) part of the Tent Coalition for Refugees in the U.S.

>>21508161 FBI Withholds Physical Evidence in Update on Trump Attempted Assassination Investigation

>>21508269 Michael Jackson’s Super Bowl show promoted peace, love, unity and protecting the children

>>21508273 Mark Zuckerberg didn't realize his wife spent $400 million to destroy America?

>>21508307 (we call it FAFO) Transgender health care is putting providers in the crosshairs

>>21508311 The Great COVID Wealth Transfer - $4.3 Trillion Dollars from the American Middle-Class

>>21508342 #26351

Previously Collected

>>21505350 #26348, >>21506599 #26349, >>21507425 #26350

>>21502985 #26345, >>21503781 #26346, >>21504560 #26347

>>21500110 #26342, >>21501037 #26343, >>21502062 #26344

>>21497507 #26339, >>21498269 #26340, >>21499171 #26341

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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465cea No.21510708

File: 4ff8596ea48862e⋯.png (198.04 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



can collect for 1hr

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097db1 No.21510709

Q = 17

Q plan takes 17 years

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ca1330 No.21510722

File: cedad4191091e1e⋯.png (344.08 KB,506x900,253:450,ClipboardImage.png)


we wont last that long

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7a343b No.21510724

File: 870f6afb2c5e24f⋯.png (41.83 KB,381x507,127:169,870f6afb2c5e24ff8933628412….png)


thx Baker

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e0fff3 No.21510725

File: d25eb9b2f22166c⋯.jpeg (84.16 KB,679x522,679:522,86879e36d7b0c026aecc758ce….jpeg)

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be36ad No.21510727



Eight years under Kamala. Can you last?

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062e1a No.21510730

File: 17c981168b32421⋯.mp4 (15.1 MB,1080x848,135:106,_TRUMP_DERANGEMENT_SYNDROM….mp4)




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6cca09 No.21510733

File: 88f222940a4c8d1⋯.jpeg (692.62 KB,1210x2492,605:1246,IMG_6902.jpeg)

File: 284fa0f385dac7d⋯.jpeg (307.38 KB,1290x886,645:443,IMG_6903.jpeg)

File: ca25bc8ac67549a⋯.jpeg (898.66 KB,1290x1857,430:619,IMG_6904.jpeg)


>>21509898 (OP)

“The whole world is watching.” 6yr delta today

Dan twitter/X post @ 10:26 => Q2026

Q posted this clip 6 years ago:


Plus 32s video = Q32

Maybe we are close to precipice?





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062e1a No.21510734

File: 2a6f15eaf1eaa6e⋯.png (225.9 KB,1080x657,120:73,ClipboardImage.png)

Communism is like diabetes.


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ca1330 No.21510736

File: 92a7e91714791ee⋯.png (322.57 KB,591x446,591:446,ClipboardImage.png)


“It started 8 years ago, maybe a little before that, who knows. It probably started 40 years ago in our soul, but it started 8 years ago, and nobody would’ve thought anything like this coulda happened.”

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c795f8 No.21510738

File: 5c1895b9102b01f⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,1280x702,640:351,5c1895b9102b01f96e269a3fc9….mp4)

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062e1a No.21510741

File: 9576331aecf1a40⋯.png (840.64 KB,670x692,335:346,ClipboardImage.png)

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78cb8e No.21510742

File: f8ef42dd7c10c35⋯.png (780.14 KB,630x639,70:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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d99d57 No.21510746


Kamala Derangement Syndrome

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6cca09 No.21510747

File: 5f2ae0fabd089ef⋯.jpeg (725.13 KB,1290x2037,430:679,IMG_6905.jpeg)


*Forgot screenshot from Dan tweet

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c28439 No.21510749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gina Carano - Disney Crumbles After Mandalorian Star Uses Beep, Bop, Boop for Pronouns | SRS #125

Interesting interview, discusses Disney, Satanic Hollywood, and at ~3h 25m discusses The Great Awakening and Trump Assassination attempt

Gina is still in process of suing Disney


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224453 No.21510751

File: 23a59fb83790941⋯.mp4 (458.99 KB,360x640,9:16,MG_LZzacdtooKp5H.mp4)


Beers are so comfy

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062e1a No.21510752

File: 9143e00c606dad2⋯.png (351.64 KB,600x330,20:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Court says 'Let's Go Brandon' can be censored by school

A federal court ruling has allowed a school to censor "Let's Go Brandon," preventing students from wearing the popular social media meme on shirts.


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b3878d No.21510753

File: 4f2325a9286037c⋯.jpg (87.48 KB,433x266,433:266,who.jpg)

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602e69 No.21510755

File: 8aa9ef3bba2ce46⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,8aa9ef3bba2ce46d92f9a8122d….mp4)

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062e1a No.21510756

File: 3531f418420ad27⋯.png (1.28 MB,670x1046,335:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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062e1a No.21510759

File: 8cefabe7b4a2644⋯.png (1022.91 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Criminal Aliens Released in U.S. “Committing Crimes Against Americans at An Alarming Rate”

Of the millions of illegal immigrants who have entered the United States under the Biden administration’s radical open border policies, over 617,000 have criminal records and they are victimizing Americans and terrorizing communities throughout the nation….


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062e1a No.21510764

File: 99b5eed8060b9b8⋯.png (415.85 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala's Brat summer is over - get ready for fraudulent fall!

Now we see why the Dems didn't want Kamala Harris as their nominee. Four weeks into campaigning, she finally granted an interview - to a very friendly CNN…


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062e1a No.21510768

File: c6546e9cc1c8d93⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB,320x570,32:57,Influencers_Coming_Forward….mp4)

Influencers Coming Forward, Saying Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST on TikTok

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ca1330 No.21510770


if the votes are rigged……………………

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c81e8c No.21510773

File: b17f7141faad28a⋯.png (34.44 KB,650x326,325:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c7649 No.21510777

File: 00dc6df37c79060⋯.jpeg (214.31 KB,3342x2371,3342:2371,00dc6df37c790606853e0ef61….jpeg)

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a93a6a No.21510780


>if the votes are rigged……………………

Military is the only way

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062e1a No.21510781

File: 96244968be8baaa⋯.png (468.97 KB,660x573,220:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 837cb65e9224bf3⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,NOW_Nancy_Pelosi_on_undocu….mp4)


NOW - Nancy Pelosi on "undocumented" migrants: "What I would like to do is move them to documented."

8:11 PM • Aug 30, 2024


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224453 No.21510784


C before D

Leads to no B

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062e1a No.21510787

File: 12d106339e4688c⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,GEOTUS_My_vision_is_for_a_….mp4)

GEOTUS: "My vision is for a middle class that is one again the envy of the entire world. Workers like you should be able to afford a nice house, a new car and a growing family on a SINGLE INCOME."

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683f76 No.21510789

File: 9bafd994fba0ba8⋯.png (430.55 KB,619x875,619:875,Screenshot_2024_08_31_0015….png)

File: b5b498076fc919a⋯.png (1.08 MB,955x940,191:188,Screenshot_2024_08_31_0016….png)

Libs of TikTok


Not just will X be banned in Brazil but if you try using a VPN you can face fines up to $9,000 a day.

We are seeing attacks on free speech like never before.

If Kamala wins this can happen here.


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fb3d17 No.21510794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are getting sleepy…

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224453 No.21510795


They are really forcing Trump to expose them.

there's no way to strip the citizenships except to expose potato and the entire fraud.

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553f16 No.21510797

File: 300a414aa16263d⋯.png (940.82 KB,1052x1280,263:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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062e1a No.21510800

File: b83df3cc06378dc⋯.png (1.39 MB,1239x1534,21:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 777818dcec1f9da⋯.png (259.52 KB,288x360,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 841f2b987f6cab2⋯.png (55.23 KB,360x210,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: Tim Walz's brother says he is considering joining forces with Trump, says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future."

Collin Rugg


JUST IN: Tim Walz's brother says he is considering joining forces with Trump, says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future."

Jeff Walz's Facebook profile was discovered by @LauraLoomer

who found several stunning posts.

"The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future," he said in a comment.

"Haven't spoke to him in 8 years. I'm 100% opposed to all his ideology."

"My family wasn't given any notice that he was selected and denied security the days after."

All the comments stemmed from a March 30, 2023 post after Trump was convicted where Jeff Walz said: "We've just become a third world banana republic."


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0cbf42 No.21510801

File: a80d94c085c7965⋯.png (139.78 KB,200x321,200:321,ClipboardImage.png)

Cyrus the Great

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224453 No.21510803


On a single income

No small promise

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5f7e92 No.21510805

File: a9475a06165294f⋯.png (302.13 KB,691x642,691:642,ClipboardImage.png)

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0cbf42 No.21510810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

not a fan of grimes at allllll

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e78bc4 No.21510812

File: 90d019ff8277715⋯.jpg (61.92 KB,888x495,296:165,EWFARhml.jpg)

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b90a47 No.21510813

File: 6503b9240ce739e⋯.png (435.14 KB,384x576,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f7e92 No.21510815

File: f16ba3b4ec3e71f⋯.png (1.02 MB,768x548,192:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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224453 No.21510816


Why did anon pick the side that doesn't pay?

But is asked to pay?

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075dc1 No.21510817

File: 3c7ef8ef0340d3e⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB,3834x2160,71:40,RPReplay_Final1653600114.mp4)

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075dc1 No.21510819

File: 5d5677088863413⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB,3834x2160,71:40,RPReplay_Final1653599316.mp4)

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0cbf42 No.21510820

i think the long curved nails all the celebrities wear are demonic

obvs they dont do housework or take care of infants with those claws

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e1c0fc No.21510821

File: b503528824725e9⋯.jpeg (466 KB,593x851,593:851,IMG_5218.jpeg)

File: 41f24d75df34112⋯.jpeg (20.12 KB,129x248,129:248,IMG_5212.jpeg)

elon, the Anon like (you), should pay the 8kun freedom of speech within the United States Constitutional law fee for the whole year. Shit. If you’re gonna pretend like you’re one of (us) because u say kek and you’re going to let them lie and say you’re the richest man in the world while trying g to kill us all and it’s tax payer money, bitch, you better pay that shit. He looooooves to pretend like he’s the hero that will save the world. Do it. Do it.


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96d0c3 No.21510824

File: 42ca3f69f6d416a⋯.jpeg (245.17 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,AA55137F_F7F2_444C_BD38_8….jpeg)

See anything? Poking out?


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7a343b No.21510828


Pig, meme this guy will ya

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d4c81a No.21510830

File: ac0dfe4e37a1e10⋯.jpg (573.97 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240831_002252….jpg)

Wonder Woman, but who is iron man?

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00307e No.21510831


>Cyrus the Great

So close, anon///

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0cbf42 No.21510833

i think elon isnt under grimes spell anymore

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fb3d17 No.21510834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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00307e No.21510835


>i think elon isnt under grimes spell anymore

One or two left but most of it is gone..///

Think registry…

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075dc1 No.21510836

File: e4e6b8e81557641⋯.mp4 (5.75 MB,3834x2160,71:40,RPReplay_Final1688662319.mp4)

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553f16 No.21510838


Melania has that effect.

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0cbf42 No.21510839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this put angra mainyu (ahriman) in a stupor …

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00307e No.21510840

Your filters… sometimes… filter… the wrong… team//'//'//

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224453 No.21510842

File: 8dbfab7ace37e5c⋯.jpg (44.28 KB,500x557,500:557,1time.jpg)

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956bfc No.21510845

File: dfa35d84fd41efe⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,768x720,16:15,Shadow_of_Ezra_20240830_2_….mp4)

Federal law enforcement agents are circulating a powerful rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse.


Is this current?

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0cbf42 No.21510846

In the Younger Avesta

Yasna 19.15 recalls that Ahura Mazda's recital of the Ahuna Vairya invocation puts Angra Mainyu in a stupor.

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7a343b No.21510848



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062e1a No.21510849

File: 073f89cf109b89a⋯.png (2.18 MB,1080x1312,135:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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0cbf42 No.21510850

ahriman hates latin

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062e1a No.21510853

File: d1e45891072510f⋯.png (881.46 KB,670x1060,67:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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e0fff3 No.21510856

File: 82f8baadf754e9d⋯.png (1.16 MB,955x940,191:188,b5b498076fc919aad056ac9765….png)

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00307e No.21510859


>PATER noster, qui es in cœlis; sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, et in terra.

Maybe you can answer the question, anon… what is a Prefect…

Who would want a Prefect to exist…///

Where are they located///

How does this relate to decoding Godfather III///

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7a343b No.21510861

File: aa1db0071141c91⋯.mp4 (8.32 MB,854x480,427:240,aa1db0071141c9104ad30f603f….mp4)

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075dc1 No.21510863


Perfect or perfection is mediation

Where no man thought. Everyone should know that

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00307e No.21510864


>ahriman hates latin

kkkk…. what does this say to you///

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075dc1 No.21510867


Perfect or perfection is meditation

Where is no thought from man

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4c7649 No.21510871

File: 044238e5c40d1c5⋯.webm (166.93 KB,573x240,191:80,latveria.webm)

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075dc1 No.21510874


Take no thought.


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d4c81a No.21510876

File: b3c4a0da6080df5⋯.jpg (367.54 KB,1080x1321,1080:1321,Screenshot_20240831_001327….jpg)

File: 19b36e899cdc9d6⋯.jpg (235.89 KB,1080x1078,540:539,Screenshot_20240831_003136….jpg)


Remember anon Future proves past.

o7 SSF17


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0cbf42 No.21510877


According to the Bible, Cyrus the Great, king of the Achaemenid Empire, was the monarch who ended the Babylonian captivity. In the first year of his reign he was prompted by God to decree that the Temple in Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that Jews who wished to could return to their homeland for this purpose.


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075dc1 No.21510882


Yeah. Fuck research you have believe. Which has a lie in it but whatever

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554749 No.21510884


No, we are not going back!

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00307e No.21510887


>take no thought for your life or what you put on as the birds in the fields do not lay up but GOD provides


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8b5391 No.21510889

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00307e No.21510890



Who was there for this event… ///

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e5d48a No.21510892

Evenin’ Nightshift

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0cbf42 No.21510893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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554749 No.21510894

We live in the Greatest Nation on this Earth! Never forget that! Night, Night!

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1ab3f0 No.21510899

File: 4ed4b47acabd262⋯.jpeg (64.95 KB,532x500,133:125,IMG_4792.jpeg)

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6c32eb No.21510903

File: 3542244727d12fb⋯.png (4.05 MB,1600x1200,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Moms For Liberty


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224453 No.21510904

File: d6d43f9a0e87c7d⋯.jpg (69.72 KB,654x515,654:515,3v8975et.jpg)

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8b5391 No.21510907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm watching one of his sit-downs with a guy who was a C_A psychic who was the original guy recruited for the Stargate program.

This sounds alot like Looking Glass that Q described.

I'll watch this one next.

Joe McMoneagle - CIA's Project Stargate

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c795f8 No.21510908

File: 7327302c1e98e34⋯.jpg (131.25 KB,1080x1289,1080:1289,im.jpg)

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dac3a0 No.21510909


Do they allow BLM on clothing?

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e0fff3 No.21510912

File: d378c18c02beb3e⋯.jpg (90.37 KB,625x833,625:833,25485e4aaa8ddd5fbaac0ad319….jpg)

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b3878d No.21510913

File: 43cf70722a31e9f⋯.jpg (141.17 KB,431x245,431:245,pcmgp.jpg)

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224453 No.21510915



But you can't cut your dick off and teacher won't tell

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7a343b No.21510918


no tax on tips

win win

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224453 No.21510924

File: f47f7d7e0d3fe69⋯.webp (84.14 KB,680x680,1:1,media_GWQfBEKWEAAkq_7.webp)

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3c406c No.21510926

File: 1f74635f8c6642f⋯.jpg (697.11 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Comfy_Snoopy_Night_Shift_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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6c32eb No.21510930

File: 4749d4ac7fe918c⋯.png (3.51 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3878d No.21510933

File: 51ecbeedd9e9afe⋯.jpg (93.99 KB,509x450,509:450,wjcdtmm.jpg)

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602e69 No.21510935

File: c34900585fe159c⋯.png (362.05 KB,403x392,403:392,a9c3b176da4b4f0025c38c230b….png)

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40b525 No.21510939

File: 89870afaacc60b3⋯.png (494.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89870afaacc60b3⋯.png (494.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

95% of people are retarded and ghey

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40b525 No.21510943


gheyer than you

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da8a4b No.21510948

File: cd290fecf3c4c21⋯.png (1.55 MB,1332x606,222:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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da8a4b No.21510950

File: df8f78403f235fb⋯.png (259.17 KB,1349x715,1349:715,ClipboardImage.png)

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40b525 No.21510957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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224453 No.21510958

Trump posts and pins his MOMS FOR LIBERTY interview on his Twitter page

4mins ago

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5f7e92 No.21510959


her lord is different than The Lord

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b1fa25 No.21510961

File: 549572009269dcf⋯.png (1000.74 KB,960x540,16:9,IMG_1486.png)

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683f76 No.21510964

File: ff76d73bbd8ae1c⋯.png (398.61 KB,618x900,103:150,Screenshot_2024_08_31_0055….png)

File: 2411e43fcc9c314⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,768x720,16:15,kkguHEZQZsonOtMh.mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


Federal law enforcement agents are circulating a powerful rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse.

The reason?

President Trump is reportedly set to be sentenced in September and could be taken straight to jail.


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446ad3 No.21510965

File: 60eb48454d42d2c⋯.jpg (76.46 KB,528x358,264:179,whee.jpg)


In US using Brasil VPN to browse X. Wheeee!

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4c7649 No.21510967

File: f6b06714c6a91dc⋯.jpg (173.96 KB,960x625,192:125,willow2.jpg)

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7a343b No.21510968


is 'Lord' the same as 'God'?

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683f76 No.21510970


The marines head isn't Jar headed enougjh

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683f76 No.21510972

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b97934 No.21510974

File: 84cbc70bf74daed⋯.png (209.18 KB,490x244,245:122,84cbc70bf74daed6f9dc159044….png)

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b3731b No.21510976

File: a7065911be6e515⋯.jpg (43.5 KB,570x587,570:587,retard_you.jpg)


How about you learn to meme yourself, useless newb?

Like we did back in the early 2015's.

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d4c81a No.21510977

File: 13a83947cf3a07c⋯.jpg (2.54 MB,3556x4028,889:1007,Screenshot_20240831_005555….jpg)


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da8a4b No.21510978

File: e76eca6bd149d4b⋯.png (48.29 KB,1300x283,1300:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a343b No.21510981


saw last bread

worth a dig into

NYC anons are there any? kek

some people in camo (NG?) have taken over at least one hotel in this video


eyes on lookie lookie

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4c7649 No.21510982

File: 38838bfcdf91433⋯.jpg (33.14 KB,427x434,61:62,prey2.jpg)

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416ffe No.21510983


Maybe they are deploying to keep the illegals out of the hotels?

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b90a47 No.21510985


careful if you do - like going to Mordor with a whole bag full of magic rings - head on a swivel

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ca7723 No.21510987

File: 0125a8ad75f5946⋯.png (388.63 KB,496x661,496:661,tranny_scum_original.png)


Yea, You got em didntcha?

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683f76 No.21510989

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NOOO Not FATMAN SCOOPWhoever the fuck that is



Fatman Scoop Collapses on Stage, Video Shows Medical Staff Performing CPR.

Pray for Fatman Scoop 🙏


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602e69 No.21510990

File: eb0227075254515⋯.jpg (242.91 KB,1170x878,585:439,899f6e91db097dd8.jpg)




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f547b6 No.21510991

File: fb8468007239aa8⋯.jpg (60.4 KB,570x587,570:587,me.jpg)


Anon prefers this one.

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7a343b No.21510993


why not name the hotel



4 West 31st Street - Between 5th Ave. & Broadway, New York, New York 10001

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fb3d17 No.21510995

File: 0165eb814c81e99⋯.jpg (260.76 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240830_220053….jpg)

File: b0113873ea39f74⋯.jpg (25.21 KB,474x474,1:1,th_1824384856.jpg)

File: 152d2e99de95310⋯.jpg (278.17 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240830_220034….jpg)

File: 54d024e7c271685⋯.jpg (229.68 KB,1200x1800,2:3,miley_cyrus_at_crisis_in_s….jpg)

File: e65e00da9912fdb⋯.jpg (309.92 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240830_220020….jpg)

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c65f50 No.21510997

File: 3545a2eeaf180bc⋯.png (44.17 KB,760x287,760:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2244cebdbbf6b6f⋯.png (49.94 KB,574x655,574:655,ClipboardImage.png)

time stamp


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b3731b No.21511000


Anons that never served prior to 2020. But keeping calling attention to yourselves and idolize namefags and famefags.


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7a343b No.21511002

File: 1b76eb7054fbbb8⋯.jpeg (31.24 KB,247x255,247:255,1b76eb7054fbbb83c196b7efa….jpeg)


you ass

sume too


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7a343b No.21511009

File: 67ed4f361897d09⋯.jpg (92.35 KB,642x633,214:211,67ed4f361897d09586db197921….jpg)

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fb3d17 No.21511011

File: a98f1c81da25ee5⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,1000x756,250:189,MV5BYTE5M2U4NzUtNzllMi00ZT….jpg)

File: 4db0debafbe8acd⋯.jpg (118.23 KB,557x797,557:797,557full_victoria_jackson_5….jpg)

File: cb3602c1e3e718e⋯.jpg (7.29 KB,474x277,474:277,th_1220695230.jpg)

File: 390366af8954a4f⋯.gif (2.77 MB,480x270,16:9,giphy_965107701.gif)

File: de9a157c90a4bc1⋯.jpg (59.97 KB,480x724,120:181,MV5BNjkxMTc1NTkwOV5BMl5Ban….jpg)

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7002c6 No.21511012


have you ever heard of the theory that the Catholic church created islam?

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fb3d17 No.21511014



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0cbf42 No.21511018

File: b94e69a9d676d71⋯.png (1.11 MB,679x680,679:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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dac3a0 No.21511021


Jews created the Catholic Church to try to Control Christianity.

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d71926 No.21511023

Yes his name was Jesus


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05a82b No.21511026

File: 25dde2213322b2d⋯.png (140.73 KB,784x699,784:699,ClipboardImage.png)


Iron Man is Marvel. That photo is the DC Universe's Justice League.

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d71926 No.21511032

In fact he even said the gates of hell shall not prevail against his invention


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9f7dd1 No.21511041

File: 79756b02eaedba9⋯.png (257.17 KB,526x508,263:254,ClipboardImage.png)



safe for which party…

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531fac No.21511042


quingobbie deluxe

based AF

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b97934 No.21511044

File: 1d31c61a2297679⋯.png (152.44 KB,508x508,1:1,1d31c61a2297679a12aea9d8bf….png)



>DC Universe's Justice League.

Panic in DC?

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00307e No.21511045


"High is the Way but all Eyes are Upon the Ground…"///

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05a82b No.21511051

notables @ 185

#26355 >>21510708

>>21510730 Signs of rent-free terminal TDS

>>21510734 Communism is like diabetes

>>21510752 Court says 'Let's Go Brandon' can be censored by school

>>21510759 617,000 of the Biden / Harris illegal immigrants have criminal records

>>21510768 Influencers Coming Forward, Saying Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST on TikTok

>>21510781 Nancy Pelosi on "undocumented" migrants: "What I would like to do is move them to documented"

>>21510789 Not just will X be banned in Brazil but if you try using a VPN you can face fines up to $9,000 a day

>>21510800 Tim Walz's brother says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future"

>>21510845, >>21510930 Rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse

>>21510989 Fatman Scoop Collapses on Stage, Video Shows Medical Staff Performing CPR

>>21510935, >>21511018 Memes


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7002c6 No.21511053

File: 7f895a513b3b7df⋯.jpeg (6.32 MB,1560x14219,1560:14219,IMG_4797.jpeg)


The early Muslim conquests or early Islamic conquests (Arabic: , romanized: al-Futūḥāt al-ʾIslāmiyya),[3] also known as the Arab conquests,[4] were initiated in the 7th century by Muhammad, the founder of Islam. He established a new unified polity in Arabia based in Medina that expanded rapidly under the Rashidun Caliphate and the Umayyad Caliphate, culminating in Muslim rule being established on three continents (Asia, Africa, and Europe) over the next century.


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05a82b No.21511055

File: a15c3ad25d269e2⋯.png (554.96 KB,672x668,168:167,ClipboardImage.png)


High IQ detected.

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dac3a0 No.21511062


The Jews created the Muslim religion to try to Combat Christianity.

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698daf No.21511070

File: 304535626c77de8⋯.png (558.58 KB,756x500,189:125,AngryInch.png)

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b97934 No.21511072

File: dc20e993ccedea8⋯.png (271.75 KB,610x539,610:539,ClipboardImage.png)


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0cbf42 No.21511075

File: 431f3176c982b37⋯.png (551.62 KB,680x668,170:167,ClipboardImage.png)





BREAKING: Alexandre de Moraes orders the removal of VPN apps from the AppStore & PlayStore.

Also, anyone using a VPN to access 𝕏 is subject to fines of up to ~$8,800.

1:35 PM · Aug 30, 2024





88, hmmm

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777aa8 No.21511078

File: 992d1d1b3dfc3b5⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_2279.png)

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0d3bb9 No.21511079



Army taking over NY hotel

What hotel was that?

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05a82b No.21511082




notables @ 175

#26355 >>21510708

>>21510730 Signs of terminal rent-free TDS

>>21510734 Communism is like diabetes

>>21510752 Court says 'Let's Go Brandon' can be censored by school

>>21510759 617,000 of the Biden / Harris illegal immigrants have criminal records

>>21510768 Influencers Coming Forward, Saying Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST on TikTok

>>21510781 Nancy Pelosi on "undocumented" migrants: "What I would like to do is move them to documented"

>>21510789 Not just will X be banned in Brazil but if you try using a VPN you can face fines up to $9,000 a day

>>21511075 Alexandre de Moraes orders the removal of VPN apps from the AppStore & PlayStore

>>21510800 Tim Walz's brother says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future"

>>21510830, >>21511026, >>21511044 Panic in DC

>>21510845, >>21510930 Rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse

>>21510989 Fatman Scoop Collapses on Stage, Video Shows Medical Staff Performing CPR

>>21511072 Alex Soros: Ending summer with my brother in Tirana has become a tradition @ediramaal

>>21510935, >>21511018 Memes


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0cbf42 No.21511085


another one of those jimmy carter "puppet" perspectives …

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0cbf42 No.21511088


whut is this?

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10b76a No.21511093


Marine dude visiting his NG boyfren at the hotel? Marines not part of NG iirc. Why US Marine there? And why his sleeves rolled up?

The National Guard is a joint activity of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) composed of reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force: the Army National Guard[3] and the Air National Guard, respectively.[3]

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ca7723 No.21511102

File: 8136c090f3f11ca⋯.png (27.89 KB,706x207,706:207,ClipboardImage.png)

Instead of asking what is a Woman, People need to start asking, what is a man.

This sure isnt it.

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f547b6 No.21511115

File: 036161b9e74a8c2⋯.jpg (398.99 KB,1000x1000,1:1,036161b9e74a8c2b053364a174….jpg)

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b97934 No.21511116

File: 7db1436c2b47593⋯.png (255.65 KB,571x602,571:602,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c353c7cc48b9783⋯.png (235.29 KB,549x535,549:535,ClipboardImage.png)

Badlands Media

@BadlandsMedia_ 13h

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request from the DHS on Thursday, directing the Pentagon to provide the Secret Service with additional resources for the protection of presidential and vice presidential candidates during the 2024 election cycle.

Aug 30, 2024 · 4:21 PM UTC



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10b76a No.21511121


I started to mention about that vid- wtf. 1)Marines not part of NG. 2)Marine is nigger being outside without his cover as well as the other nig not wearing his cover. 3) Marines are sleeves down at all times nao. wtf with that? 4) wtf is nigger doin with his cover bouncin’ it up and down on the counter, I presume, in front of some OTDs at the counter. Just so much wrong.

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0cbf42 No.21511123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

consider the lillies of the field …

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0cbf42 No.21511126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ca7723 No.21511130

It is easier to identify something that has been taken away by identifying what something isnt.

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dac3a0 No.21511144


Looks like it is from a movie.

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6062a7 No.21511146

File: b8a472fe19e4074⋯.mp4 (5.22 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17249737559….mp4)

File: e9dfd50860fa670⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,320x564,80:141,ssstwitter_com_17250833574….mp4)



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ca7723 No.21511147

File: bb7b6e1ce0dff6c⋯.png (31.71 KB,490x328,245:164,ClipboardImage.png)


Holy shit, we got ourselves a bonafide Sherlock Holmes in this shithole.

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0d3bb9 No.21511153


Austin isn’t providing men to assist USSS in protecting Trump. He’s doing it so they can arrest him and keep him from fleeing

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0d3bb9 No.21511158

Kamala promised to build a wall with DEI contractors thereby guaranteeing that it never gets built while keeping her promise

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b97934 No.21511160

File: 146daa96a58809f⋯.png (113.07 KB,553x598,553:598,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅

@DanScavino 3h

Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C. Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

Aug 31, 2024 · 2:26 AM UTC


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238e96 No.21511161

>>21506673 pb

>DHS restarts migrant flights from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela

But muh Sloth Fever!!

>>21504680 pb

CDC Issues Warning as ‘Sloth Fever’ Arrives in US from South America

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79f200 No.21511166

File: d66a8930fc9b011⋯.png (28.38 KB,623x179,623:179,ClipboardImage.png)


>VPN is a helluva drug

imagine putting the twitter app on your phone or logging in with bare IP

but that's what everyone does isnt it

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7a343b No.21511170

File: 490b9e551ab1199⋯.png (180.38 KB,400x333,400:333,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_2….png)


for you

the cats have been deployed

real cats for you

they have a message

a few messages

please listen

you need cat fren


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ca7723 No.21511172

File: b087628530c0ea7⋯.png (110.03 KB,267x253,267:253,ClipboardImage.png)


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e1c0fc No.21511173

File: 373c21ad429b660⋯.png (1.32 MB,750x956,375:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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79f200 No.21511174


they're armyfags

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79f200 No.21511176

File: 28a39016bfda898⋯.jpg (85.27 KB,800x800,1:1,Welcome_to_America_JB.jpg)

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7a343b No.21511177

don't be lazy nightshift

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e1c0fc No.21511179

File: aac6f27e2ea13f7⋯.png (1.37 MB,750x1187,750:1187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d6c0205df3d748⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,720x1270,72:127,9d6c0205df3d74888e1d3bc1dc….mp4)


Stold it earlier

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a00302 No.21511197

the more you spam here the more i know how important this board is

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188609 No.21511205

File: 718de37a7278c46⋯.png (976.29 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

jim you need some more variety in your dono link merch nigger

get some shirts hats mugs and shit like that

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a00302 No.21511206

File: cde6c7c47445df1⋯.png (36.19 KB,618x383,618:383,ClipboardImage.png)


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5f7e92 No.21511208

File: 90ae0cc2153b458⋯.png (2.02 MB,1452x896,363:224,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7fdedf9d0df2c1⋯.png (121.01 KB,750x506,375:253,ClipboardImage.png)


35 minutes approx

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a00302 No.21511210



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a00302 No.21511215


space force launch

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ccd947 No.21511216

File: ebab9f54ffab575⋯.jpg (128.27 KB,816x460,204:115,Theyaretogether.jpg)

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ccd947 No.21511221

File: 451aff94594660e⋯.jpg (76.01 KB,800x450,16:9,husseinsocialist.jpg)

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188609 No.21511222

File: a7e602df9b9799a⋯.png (954.67 KB,736x920,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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a00302 No.21511225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b1fa25 No.21511229

File: 0171e3c3a49f9ad⋯.webp (56.96 KB,640x320,2:1,IMG_1930.webp)

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0d3bb9 No.21511247





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0d3bb9 No.21511258

Shills don’t come here when they are panicking. They come here when they think they are winning.

They got word. They think Trump is going to prison

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bd1bc3 No.21511266

File: e626688a5eced81⋯.jpg (556.58 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240821_023431….jpg)

File: 7cfc52884715465⋯.jpg (230.84 KB,1080x1156,270:289,Screenshot_20240821_023912….jpg)

File: bcf0677c55089a7⋯.jpg (216.1 KB,1042x1852,521:926,Screenshot_20240821_024605….jpg)

File: 0552b7e0f705772⋯.jpg (287.76 KB,1080x2031,360:677,Screenshot_20240821_181741….jpg)

File: 19d6e7a9ebecae0⋯.jpg (669.13 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_075115….jpg)

CPS stole my child 15 days ago. Can we get this shit stopped or is "The Storm" just Bullshit?

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f547b6 No.21511267

File: e641049313b48e6⋯.png (623.05 KB,986x503,986:503,e641049313b48e6fed24613850….png)


You think stealing memes is funny, huh?

Lets see how you feel when it'syourmeme that gets stollen.

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b97934 No.21511275

File: 102da79b860e7f2⋯.jpg (249.75 KB,1200x789,400:263,102da79b860e7f2b574187e28c….jpg)


In an agreement funded by the Prince of Nigeristan, your work has been selected to decorate the walls of the National Museum of Nigeristan. You only have to send us $500 for the transportation expenses.

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133658 No.21511276

File: 5e422c6572ffaef⋯.jpg (17.97 KB,170x255,2:3,5d037fd11b3253cf53aac2d68a….jpg)

File: da60ffb61e0801a⋯.png (13.71 KB,255x191,255:191,41894102c517bcf3dbdb2b1123….png)

File: 099de3e64dd5c00⋯.jpg (16.05 KB,255x255,1:1,f860f000a2981216abfe739fc0….jpg)

File: 652e0abc5ab5f12⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,700x525,4:3,652e0abc5ab5f123b8c52eaeb2….jpg)

File: 6297a3d369c559e⋯.webp (18.11 KB,255x255,1:1,ecfb80f2da78cc4eb2794c0e1….webp)

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188609 No.21511279

File: 112016528212320⋯.png (1.1 MB,736x920,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


yea but that one was already stolen from me tonight


no habla english

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fb39b5 No.21511285

File: b6bda864a5b9203⋯.png (652.58 KB,732x874,366:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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f547b6 No.21511287

File: 992f630d63efac0⋯.png (70.42 KB,289x167,289:167,Bewbs_grew.png)


Did the boss promise Tulsi a free bewb job?

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b97934 No.21511296

File: 7160c7fb1d5aff5⋯.jpg (249.31 KB,1595x1994,1595:1994,media_GTryh1EaQAA7Brp.jpg)

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956bfc No.21511298

File: 5a2c7c9aed7c175⋯.jpg (190.81 KB,1283x1296,1283:1296,20240830_223139.jpg)

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133658 No.21511299

File: f8976f476de6cee⋯.png (16.37 KB,255x193,255:193,d73f6288fecf80af7909db357e….png)

File: a26a613a9896b52⋯.jpg (19.46 KB,255x234,85:78,a31269a115c8fee11b226494b3….jpg)

File: a63fcfcba6403a6⋯.webp (21.53 KB,255x253,255:253,c29dc8c4f31ea60a1d45f02ed….webp)

File: 0ebadf764fabcf9⋯.png (15.22 KB,207x255,69:85,6f7bc949e926d9fd7e6c237881….png)

File: 255dc4fd103151c⋯.png (14.41 KB,255x202,255:202,70593414ca86be63d79beb1200….png)

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188609 No.21511302

File: 7e1444b876aaeb7⋯.png (1.14 MB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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956bfc No.21511303

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133658 No.21511305

File: 9534140df1e14fb⋯.png (20.44 KB,250x255,50:51,05b7cf3410eb6910f81f213f46….png)

File: c4919976e091c0c⋯.png (17.58 KB,242x255,242:255,6135fc9623f7ab9752c995a141….png)

File: 9e185928f510aca⋯.jpeg (6.29 KB,255x170,3:2,81fb51edab77a48d40cf59975….jpeg)

File: 9eb0f4af3b16bca⋯.jpeg (17.46 KB,255x237,85:79,05def26cf4c712607886b753c….jpeg)

File: b3b4e1ce871b09e⋯.png (177.65 KB,555x478,555:478,b3b4e1ce871b09e780dbc27ac4….png)

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956bfc No.21511307

File: 2c5e43276c2723a⋯.jpg (192.58 KB,1085x1085,1:1,20240830_035328.jpg)

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956bfc No.21511309

File: 0db92ca162ebc81⋯.jpg (120.06 KB,1125x1102,1125:1102,20240829_025305.jpg)

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133658 No.21511312

File: 9fd19a58720f274⋯.jpg (61.96 KB,900x868,225:217,20240827_180920.jpg)

File: ddbc4c8afb5fa39⋯.jpg (109.53 KB,1013x1024,1013:1024,20240822_005518.jpg)

File: 36d830009ef8091⋯.jpg (579.34 KB,443x510,443:510,20240822_190814.jpg)

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188609 No.21511314

File: 9942eead0147b2b⋯.png (990.51 KB,736x710,368:355,ClipboardImage.png)



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956bfc No.21511316

File: 602c97704d458de⋯.jpg (113.09 KB,1170x929,1170:929,20240829_145927.jpg)

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84afa2 No.21511318

File: c3bbfbbb1fa7f16⋯.jpeg (361.36 KB,1293x1012,1293:1012,IMG_8312.jpeg)

File: 2c42591cc758e78⋯.jpeg (743.56 KB,1328x1397,1328:1397,IMG_8315.jpeg)

File: ec310e877bdedd3⋯.jpeg (689.92 KB,1323x1250,1323:1250,IMG_8316.jpeg)

We willl begin publishing the long list of @Alexandre's crimes, along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke tomorrow.

Obviously, he does not need to abide by US law, but he does need to abide by his own country's laws.

He is a dictator and a fraud, not a justice.


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fb39b5 No.21511319

File: ea5746b9f1a39f0⋯.png (196.94 KB,551x496,551:496,ClipboardImage.png)

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956bfc No.21511321

File: 7b079561e9d02aa⋯.jpg (98.67 KB,968x544,121:68,20240828_134452.jpg)

File: acf18b04117af02⋯.jpg (30.29 KB,250x410,25:41,20240828_135545.jpg)

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133658 No.21511323

File: 7f4c1bc31538dc5⋯.jpg (259.96 KB,1169x1160,1169:1160,20240731_120106.jpg)

File: 97d10987a1befb5⋯.jpg (70.68 KB,897x865,897:865,20240803_073046.jpg)

File: 0cca075a359177c⋯.jpg (204.94 KB,958x1200,479:600,20240730_211624.jpg)

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84afa2 No.21511325

File: c3bbfbbb1fa7f16⋯.jpeg (361.36 KB,1293x1012,1293:1012,IMG_8312.jpeg)

File: 5e28825a1363a44⋯.jpeg (921.35 KB,1266x2009,1266:2009,IMG_8313.jpeg)

File: 33de6b13b51cc8b⋯.jpeg (455.48 KB,1288x928,161:116,IMG_8314.jpeg)



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f547b6 No.21511327

File: f73c59372cd680e⋯.png (1.03 MB,1128x561,376:187,f73c59372cd680e9fc5845192b….png)


I'd sure hate to run into THAT dude in a dark alley.

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fb39b5 No.21511328

File: 7868791a0b21069⋯.png (2.28 MB,1080x1237,1080:1237,greaterisrael1shekelstan.png)

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133658 No.21511331


[Kek maybe buy some billboards along highways in Brazil

Part trolling part knowledge]

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188609 No.21511333

File: e3e31c5c6cc6502⋯.png (791.99 KB,735x728,105:104,ClipboardImage.png)


another reason i want trump to win

to keep guys like that out of women's sports

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84afa2 No.21511338

File: 88adea9bae0b9fb⋯.jpeg (741.99 KB,1383x902,1383:902,IMG_8310.jpeg)

File: 4368c5d4092eb87⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,640x360,16:9,_2974875959295291849.mp4)

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133658 No.21511342


[Lesser shekelstan..not great.

Because troll.

Trying to make almost the whole middle east into their own greatest allies.. by force]

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84afa2 No.21511343

File: 58601ea6dd3acfe⋯.jpeg (176.73 KB,572x801,572:801,646BC9A3_AAB4_4D75_AD2D_E….JPEG)

File: 2fcbc58d042755b⋯.jpeg (107.8 KB,800x453,800:453,6C3A4513_CC84_4218_9012_3….JPEG)

File: aa4e369af0bfd64⋯.jpg (297.23 KB,1193x750,1193:750,IMG_8297.jpg)

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84afa2 No.21511349

File: 9d05319aaed776f⋯.jpg (220.21 KB,1180x838,590:419,IMG_8294.jpg)

File: 72012ea3241433e⋯.jpeg (201.15 KB,800x530,80:53,510F2D68_1AB1_441E_A7CA_5….JPEG)

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0d3bb9 No.21511350

File: 76cdaefebccb0bc⋯.png (810.4 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1132.png)

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8eb849 No.21511354

Drop the booze. Get high from now on.

Booze is their method of control, it keeps you in the sickcare system. Keeps you poisoned.

The King

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0d3bb9 No.21511355

File: 8da15980d65177a⋯.jpeg (911.8 KB,1170x1693,1170:1693,IMG_1133.jpeg)

File: 76cdaefebccb0bc⋯.png (810.4 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1132.png)

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84afa2 No.21511357

File: 3fdf6c6677aed2e⋯.jpg (342.97 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_8218.JPG)

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84afa2 No.21511359

File: 5e2b8c78e15ccaf⋯.jpeg (575.46 KB,1025x1366,1025:1366,352719D4_1AB6_4B21_89B5_F….JPEG)

File: a3459abf117adea⋯.jpg (471.12 KB,933x782,933:782,Left_Wing.jpg)

File: e55b13c2d70cd08⋯.jpg (408.72 KB,976x1024,61:64,96196DD3_C0AB_4ACF_9D50_6A….jpg)

File: b2ce0a9fe8e6a36⋯.jpeg (487.91 KB,1366x976,683:488,B1A35A1F_523A_4D16_BC58_C….JPEG)

File: 6fcd90f5e44e5f2⋯.mp4 (285.85 KB,640x364,160:91,Keir_Starmer_Punch_Bag.mp4)

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fb39b5 No.21511360

File: dd6ac8104c9a49b⋯.png (312.07 KB,416x448,13:14,myfaggot.png)

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133658 No.21511361

File: a63fcfcba6403a6⋯.webp (21.53 KB,255x253,255:253,c29dc8c4f31ea60a1d45f02ed….webp)

File: 0b2a00877c298ea⋯.png (19.22 KB,255x254,255:254,15bd6d239d9b29c5d389b212fe….png)

File: 8d37370ed0e83a6⋯.jpg (19.66 KB,195x255,13:17,f0c2d313855be5a066ad6b7cc7….jpg)

File: a0046d3aa2682b5⋯.png (24.41 KB,255x255,1:1,fb26dbcbbdb3e8b5cbb3fae117….png)

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7ce2e1 No.21511362

File: 7856b9bfd4c3767⋯.jpg (121.04 KB,700x364,25:13,cackle_ev.jpg)

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0d3bb9 No.21511369


KaMamma doesn’t have any knowledge or confidence because never accomplished anything on her own merits

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fb39b5 No.21511374

File: 42485ec59b7c5e6⋯.jpg (95.7 KB,841x761,841:761,040af29a81af59e1.jpg)

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f547b6 No.21511376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SpaceX launch at 03:43 ET


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84afa2 No.21511380

File: 992c1a4d87b30f5⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1328x1591,1328:1591,IMG_8318.jpeg)

File: d11fb65f5d47d9f⋯.jpeg (160.91 KB,1231x455,1231:455,IMG_8319.jpeg)

File: 93289f89ef6383b⋯.jpg (114.13 KB,1170x1153,1170:1153,Pepe_Frog_Elon_Musk.JPG)

File: 301b7ff9ca552b3⋯.jpeg (177.58 KB,773x1028,773:1028,Time_Elon_Musk_03_Troll_o….JPEG)







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0d3bb9 No.21511383

I filtered and everything disappeared

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133658 No.21511394

File: 8588b200ca2bcee⋯.jpg (159.43 KB,1284x1572,107:131,20240828_221123.jpg)

File: cd363a23d7bb515⋯.jpg (24.34 KB,255x255,1:1,eaf1a1d214924fcbc335f551f7….jpg)

File: 4e78d18aa3b1745⋯.png (7.48 KB,255x144,85:48,ef37b0ec58ea4aadf70336255f….png)

File: 5c81b7ad8172e37⋯.jpeg (13.14 KB,255x242,255:242,8d4e55d5d4ad9b893e40ecb75….jpeg)

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133658 No.21511397



<like "israeli" settlements

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cbd65c No.21511398

File: aa74aa9c400f9e6⋯.png (2.82 MB,1200x1009,1200:1009,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bbbb98b3516b1d⋯.png (1.07 MB,745x707,745:707,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0e24a19a4c0be6⋯.png (1.34 MB,1137x749,1137:749,ClipboardImage.png)

The Wanamakers / Warburtons and the Romanovs

I am a descendent of the John Wanamaker line from Philadelphia. Wanted to share these with you.

During the course of the Howard Lewis Project in our Archives department, the John Wanamaker collection [2188] received some much-needed attention in order to make the collection more accessible and easier to use for our researchers. As one of our larger collections (approximately 190 feet of material) that documents a very prominent Philadelphia citizen and the store he founded, the collection sees a great deal of use in our research library. It was determined that one of the things we could do to make the collection easier to use would be to take a detailed inventory of all the volumes in the collection and number them consecutively. Previously, the volumes had been numbered rather confusingly and were further obscured by the fact that some were housed in boxes with other materials and not listed separately in the finding aid. All volumes were removed from the boxes (except where they were fragile and in need of extra support) and given labels with their new numbers and titles that accurately reflect their contents.

It was in the course of these tasks that I began to notice that some of these volumes were very poorly or confusingly described. I realized that researchers looking at the finding aid (since the collection is located in our closed stacks and not directly accessible to our patrons) would likely have no idea as to their contents or any indication that they could be potentially useful. One of the most interesting results of this re-labeling of volumes was the discovery (or re-discovery) of material within the collection, especially former volume 20-24. On the shelf, this volume was labeled as “20-24 Mary Brown Wanamaker Europe trip, 1909.” The finding aid description was only slightly more helpful: “Scrapbooks and photo albums: Mary Brown Wanamaker: photo album, European Trip, 1909.” Seems fairly lackluster, right? Based on these titles, one could only surmise that the album contained photographs that maybe depicted members of the Wanamaker family somewhere in Europe. As with the other scrapbooks and albums, I had to open up the volume and sift through its contents to get a more specific and accurate title.

2nd image

Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, Tsar Nicholas II, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, and Grand Duchesses Xenia Alexandrovna, Tatiana Nikolaevna, and Olga Nikolaevna

3rd image

unkown Russian officer, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and unknown Russian cavlaryman


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133658 No.21511399


[The gatekeepers have opened the gates for the invaders]

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cbd65c No.21511406

File: 6efaa4674870934⋯.png (1.17 MB,761x745,761:745,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f65124a83e3667⋯.png (654.68 KB,800x403,800:403,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 924d4c96fd1eae6⋯.png (2.07 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


For students of history, those faces should be quite familiar since they often appear in textbooks and scholarly works around the world.

My initial reaction was to assume that these images were clipped from newspapers or magazines. But closer inspection revealed that they were authentic. First, many of the photographs are quite informal and are not of the sort that would have been published in the media at that time due to strict rules of etiquette. Second, Minnie Wanamaker Warburton and her husband Barclay appear in several photographs with members of the tsar’s extended family. And third, one of the photographs of Grand Duchess Xenia and her daughter, Princess Irina appear to be authentically autographed.

Assuming all of the above to be true, the only question remaining was: why in the world would the daughter of a Philadelphia department store magnate have such photographs in her possession?

It is known that both the Wanamakers and members of the Romanov family owned property in the south of France at Biarritz however, the true answer may lie in the relationship with one member of the imperial family in particular.

It is Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, brother-in-law and second cousin to Tsar Nicholas, who appears over and over again in the album. Alexander was married to the tsar’s sister, Grand Duchess Xenia, and served as an admiral in the Imperial Navy as well as an advisor to the throne.

Sometime before 1913, the Grand Duke appears to have made the acquaintance of Major Warburton, either through military circles or through close proximity while vacationing in Biarritz. An article from the New York Tribune dated September 4, 1914 discloses the following:

“Of late years Mr. Warburton has interested himself in the sale of the Lewis automatic gun, the invention of an American officer. This gun and other war material he has sold to the Russian government. He is well known in Russia, and is the personal friend of Grand Duke Alexander, who, on his visit to America last summer, was Mr. Warburton’s guest.”

There are very few materials relating to Minnie and Barclay Warburton in our Wanamaker collection, none of which seem to provide any additional information about their international connections or activities while abroad.

1st image

(left to right) Grand Duchess Xenia, Barclay Warburton, and Minnie Wanamaker Warburton

The last dated photograph in the album depicting Grand Duke Alexander and members of the imperial family is from 1914, an ominous date for those who know that World War I began in that year and would bring with it the eventual bloody overthrow of the tsarist regime. Alexander, his wife, and seven children were some of the lucky few members of the Tsar’s inner circle to escape Russia with their lives. They were placed under house arrest at their estate in Crimea by the Bolsheviks for over a year until the German occupation of Yalta freed them (Alexander’s niece was married to Kaiser Wilhelm’s son and heir, the Crown Prince). Several months later, after the armistice was declared and the Germans were forced to evacuate Russian territory, the family was rescued by the British Navy (thanks again to their extended family connections since Alexander’s mother-in-law, the Dowager Tsarina, was the aunt of King George V) and escaped the Bolsheviks for good.

Grand Duke Alexander made his way to the peace talks then taking place at Versailles, in the hopes of gaining support for the anti-communist forces in Russia as well as initiating the rescue of members of the imperial family still threatened by the communist regime. While his pleas ultimately fell on deaf ears, he may have had the chance to be reunited with Barclay Warburton who was serving as a military attaché with the American delegation.

Afterwards, the family split up with Alexander settling in the south of France while Xenia and most of their children settled in England (living on the charity of George V) or immigrated to America. With the loss of his social and political stationnot to mention most of his money, the former grand duke took up amateur archaeology and became a prolific author in his later years. I was unable to find any evidence that he maintained his relationship with the Warburtons of Philadelphia after the end of the war, although it is certainly possible that they stayed in touch.

2nd image

Grand Duchess Xenia, Tsar Nicholas II, and Grand Duke Alexander posing for the camera with friends in better times

Wanamaker Golf Trophy for PGA Tour…

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b97934 No.21511408

File: 321bd55e14fd135⋯.jpg (466.36 KB,1896x2487,632:829,F2YN81pXMAAjF1e.jpg)

File: a79ea98775dfce4⋯.gif (2.12 MB,498x278,249:139,tenor_1.gif)

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133658 No.21511411


[Wish I knew..

What happened at the Washington Monument Trials 🎬

What's hidden in the Invention Secrecy Act 💡]

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8cc475 No.21511413

File: 4443671380ab20d⋯.jpg (18.13 KB,328x325,328:325,414wDFFQfsL_AC_SY580_.jpg)

I like FDR, JFK, and, that's right, even Bill Clinton

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cbd65c No.21511415

File: f1625c0f8f4a00f⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,2979x3059,2979:3059,_6_23_March_53_00001_untit….jpg)

File: cab4a7b036bd447⋯.jpg (1.64 MB,2994x3059,2994:3059,_6_23_March_53_00002_untit….jpg)

File: 6abb6f7eecbb205⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,2994x3042,499:507,_8_Epson_Negatives_00002_u….jpg)

File: c04f2d8c1673542⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,3027x3042,1009:1014,_8_Epson_Negatives_00003_u….jpg)

File: e2682652e383b16⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,2994x3059,2994:3059,_8_Epson_Negatives_00005_u….jpg)


Now some family pics from the 3rd gen Wanamacher (Wanamaker) family from Normal, Illinois (location of recent fire at Rivian plant).

Images from South Korea and Japan during Korean war and my grandfather Jacob Wannemacher.

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cbd65c No.21511416

File: 95992fe03bc7471⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,3046x2132,1523:1066,Jack_Wanamacker_Slides_000….jpg)

File: 56e768f96586da5⋯.jpg (833.05 KB,2132x3046,1066:1523,Jack_Wanamacker_Slides_000….jpg)

File: 73c087056cfee04⋯.jpg (686.36 KB,3046x2132,1523:1066,Jack_Wanamacker_Slides_000….jpg)

File: 1bc18b1f8b3dcc7⋯.jpg (1003.61 KB,2132x3046,1066:1523,Jack_Wanamacker_Slides_000….jpg)

File: bec42bc28bc7430⋯.jpg (835.19 KB,2132x3046,1066:1523,Jack_Wanamacker_Slides_000….jpg)


Some of my grandfather's (Jacob Wannemacher) metalsmithing work from college.

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133658 No.21511418


[Canada anals you too]

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cbd65c No.21511421

File: 7700c3d954dd85f⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,3059x3091,3059:3091,_10_Epson_Negatives_00003_….jpg)

File: 4154526490a332a⋯.jpg (3.02 MB,3106x4548,1553:2274,Family_Epson_Negatives_39_….jpg)

File: 722b4b39603248c⋯.jpg (3.32 MB,3920x5175,784:1035,Family_Epson_Negatives_39_….jpg)

File: 5e61cdf6a7e5189⋯.jpg (599.38 KB,3151x2075,3151:2075,Family_Negatives_50_00011_….jpg)

File: 380545fe376dd71⋯.jpg (703.34 KB,3202x2101,3202:2101,Family_Negatives_50_00014_….jpg)


1950s South Korea and how far the Philadelphia Merchant Wanamaker empire stretched…

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133658 No.21511422


[Religious dogma is the rose colored glasses preventing people from exploring history's truths]

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133658 No.21511424


[Church & synagogue]

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cbd65c No.21511425

File: fc4c22124e45bc8⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2922x1998,487:333,1961_Cindy_Tami_00010_unti….jpg)

File: d73dab4d4e5cb52⋯.jpg (992.99 KB,2922x1998,487:333,1961_Cindy_Tami_00014_unti….jpg)

File: c4addfc3b4d81a6⋯.jpg (2.9 MB,3123x4580,3123:4580,_8_Epson_Negatives_00018_u….jpg)

File: 253b09eb4a4ff62⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,3027x3042,1009:1014,_9_June_5_00003_untitled_0….jpg)

File: f1625c0f8f4a00f⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,2979x3059,2979:3059,_6_23_March_53_00001_untit….jpg)


Grandmother, great grandfather, mother, and aunt as well as more pics of South Korea

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cbd65c No.21511428


Yep he did a lot of smithing for both.

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cbd65c No.21511431


I am related to the Warburgs and Romanovs.

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cbd65c No.21511436

File: 9ddb1b0f4243746⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,2994x3059,2994:3059,_9_June_5_00011_untitled_0….jpg)


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133658 No.21511441


[Followers love fallacy.

Leaders seek truth.]

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cbd65c No.21511442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kali Kamala, Destructive Cockmaster


Tongue slithering human disaster, shrieking in laughter,

Kali Kamala, destructive cockmaster.

Flexin’ on these fools, bitches be in a trance,

Gaslighting their struggle, there ain't no second chance.

Flaming in chaos, she's feeling the power,

Destroyers rise, death blooms like a flower.

Out of touch, baby, they can’t see clear,

Democrats talk tough, but they livin’ in fear.

Sufferin’ souls, yeah, we rollin' deep,

Echoes of pain in the night, can't sleep.

Bitches call me savage, I’m just real,

Laughin' in the dark, knowin’ just how to feel.

Emerging from chaos, she's feeling the power,

Destroyers rise, death blooms like a flower.

Out of touch, baby, they can’t see clear,

Democrats talkin' tough, but they livin’ in fear.

She's a queen of chaos, crown fashioned from sin,

Kali and Wall-E, baby, they only want to win.

Ballin’ in our struggle, mask ain't no disguise,

Flippin’ the script, see the fire in our eyes.

Emerging from chaos, she's feeling the power,

Destroyers rise, death blooms like a flower.

Out of touch, baby, they can’t see clear,

Democrats talkin' tough, but they livin’ in fear.

Shruggin’ through the pain, I embrace our grind,

Feelin' the rhythm bumpin’, easin' a troubled mind.

Bitch, you can’t touch this, my flow’s immaculate,

Authentic and raw, their words formless, ejaculate.

Emerging from chaos, she's feeling the power,

Destroyers rise, death blooms like a flower.

Out of touch, baby, they can’t see clear,

Democrats talk tough, but they livin’ in fear.

So wake up, motherfucker, feel our vibe,

Kali's laughin’ loud, we’re of a different tribe.

This was yesterday, today's a brand new day,

Embrace their struggle, we own the jungle.

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cbd65c No.21511445



Kirovsky District

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cbd65c No.21511446

American Nightmare, song coming soon

American Nightmare

What was I thinking?

Blind to the stinkin',

Democrat lies, man, I was just blinkin'.

Fools in suits, just schemin' and dreamin',

Ballin' on the backs of the people, we’re screamin’.

Thought they had my back, but they left me in the dark,

Propped up their hate like a work of fine art.

Fomenters of chaos, a bunch of loan sharks,

Anti-American vibes, man, they hit me hard.

Wakin' up now, I see through the mist,

Voting for Trump, man, I can’t resist.

Politicians playin’ us like a twisted game,

Gotta break free from the lies and the shame.

Bitches actin' shady, like they ain't been caught,

Open borders, now tell me what the fuck they thought?

New world order, man, that shit’s a façade,

Chasin' international cash, a buncha greedy ass gods.

Flexin’ on us, thinkin’ we dumb as a mule,

But I see the play now, they treat us like fools.

Strugglin' hard, man, I been through the pain,

But I'm rising up now, ain’t gettin’ played again.

Wakin' up now, I see through the mist,

Vote for Trump, man, I can’t resist.

Politicians playin’ us like a twisted game,

Gotta break free from the lies and the shame.

Haters gonna hate, but I stand like a thug,

Detroit born, muggin' a red pill shrug.

Solid in my stance, can’t knock me off track,

Realize their hustle, ain’t no turning back.

Democrats trippin', yeah, they got me confused,

Thought they had the answers, now I'm feelin’ abused.

Time to wake up, man, I’m done bein' shook,

Time to flip the script, take a second look.

Wakin' up now, I see through the mist,

Vote for Trump, man, I can’t resist.

Politicians playin’ us like a twisted game,

Gotta break free from the lies and the shame.

So here I stand, with my head held high,

Time to speak truth, no reason to lie.

Wakin' up now, I’m done with the doubt,

Ain't playin' the game, it's what I'm about.

Wakin' up now, no apologies,

Just a clear vision — I’m claimin’ my peace.

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133658 No.21511447




<true human potential

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fb39b5 No.21511449

File: 4d8c72f47243966⋯.png (457.04 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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84afa2 No.21511451


“Lends us a buck then”

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956bfc No.21511452

File: dfb11a1d2de197e⋯.jpg (91.88 KB,1179x1158,393:386,20240830_154928.jpg)

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238e96 No.21511455

File: a31e55898786455⋯.png (219.05 KB,400x374,200:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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84afa2 No.21511456

File: d233e66a5dff56c⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,640x360,16:9,rVD6tIG6iF_KbL_x.mp4)

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956bfc No.21511458

File: 4feff34009ece20⋯.jpg (122.92 KB,1080x1095,72:73,20240827_212236.jpg)

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cbd65c No.21511459



Grand Duke Alexander's Memoirs


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84afa2 No.21511460

File: abcaa7d13b6ffb6⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,480x360,4:3,UV6sUkvMocs34FzH.mp4)

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84afa2 No.21511463

File: cc620840a41c730⋯.jpeg (203.68 KB,1130x1125,226:225,IMG_8324.jpeg)

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956bfc No.21511465

File: cf3a4862990070e⋯.mp4 (732.39 KB,570x480,19:16,no_context_memes_20240826_….mp4)

Kek ,fucking kek

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956bfc No.21511468

File: 680abb9851db578⋯.mp4 (425.27 KB,720x960,3:4,Oprah_soup20240829_1_new.mp4)

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f547b6 No.21511471

File: f1344e88e3d0a27⋯.jpg (3.48 MB,2000x3000,2:3,hbz_90s_models_backstage_c….jpg)


And they didn't have penises.

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cd6234 No.21511472

File: ab11deef2e02578⋯.png (763.89 KB,1376x720,86:45,ClipboardImage.png)

No matter what happens

Keep praying!

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238e96 No.21511473


I'd hate to run into either of those dudes anywhere, day or night.

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cbd65c No.21511474

File: cf8d3c15a6dabf6⋯.jpg (99.28 KB,800x800,1:1,diddler.jpg)

File: 4c9c28e0281edb0⋯.jpg (137.5 KB,1043x675,1043:675,undertaker.jpg)

File: 4a8fc572133f1fb⋯.png (530.96 KB,544x778,272:389,diddler.png)

File: a34396726d53a3f⋯.png (107.57 KB,400x400,1:1,Logo.png)


Kek…Well the Undertaker will soon become the Overtaker.

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956bfc No.21511476

File: dabf971b7532eea⋯.mp4 (817.58 KB,450x640,45:64,reface_2024_08_27_05_24_13.mp4)

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238e96 No.21511477

File: a7fa26ee095feb6⋯.png (8.99 KB,261x193,261:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbd65c No.21511478

File: a797b162bc988a9⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB,720x1280,9:16,SaveTwitter_Net_QIWi9n_jtS….mp4)

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cbd65c No.21511490


Silent running…


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73e524 No.21511491

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956bfc No.21511492

File: 161f955810a0d65⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Balloons0240831_1_new.mp4)

After the RNC and DNC conventions they had people go and pop all the balloons that fell . Look at the difference between the normal right and the psychotic left


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cbd65c No.21511496

The US had been functioning under Martial Law since 19 Jan. 2021 when a report from the Director Of National Intelligence reported that Trump had won the election by an over 80% vote, plus verified that the Chinese Communist Party had interfered in the 2020 Election by swinging Trump votes to Biden.

It was an elaborate scheme that involved Italy, the Vatican and communist parties of other nations who had conspired with Democratic traitors in Congress.

The DNI report was delivered to President Trump a month late on that 19 Jan. 2021, just prior to Biden’s fake Inauguration on 20 Jan. President Trump then signed an Executive Order giving control of the country to the Military due to foreign interference in the 2020 Election.

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238e96 No.21511497

Damn! Just a few well placedID+filters and half muh bred vanished!

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f547b6 No.21511501


Comment filters are great for vaticanfag.

Just pick stuff that is unlikely to come up organically, and note that the comment filter is case sensitive.

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cbd65c No.21511502

File: 1d47beb69e66206⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB,320x240,4:3,American_Nightmare.mp4)


American Nightmare, music, lyric video to come in a few days

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b97934 No.21511503

File: bbc1008c5e8a792⋯.png (331.66 KB,610x519,610:519,ClipboardImage.png)


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133658 No.21511506


>Secret Vatican > China Accord

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238e96 No.21511509

>>21510630 lb

>LinkedIn Co-founder Reid Hoffman Says a Democratic Primary Was Not Needed for the Democratic Party

He's absolutely correct. Sauce was posted here weeks ago explaining that the DNC is a private company and as such are free to make and/or change "their" rules on a whim.

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4fbff8 No.21511514

File: cb02c3467e7ad25⋯.png (3.02 MB,2560x1440,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba0a7159a66f740⋯.png (210.83 KB,416x378,208:189,ClipboardImage.png)

Nancy's hand is anatomically incorrect.

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fb39b5 No.21511516

File: 5f739ef4d8bd599⋯.png (334.05 KB,640x528,40:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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f547b6 No.21511518

File: b4c233f92511f23⋯.png (221.08 KB,437x341,437:341,b4c233f92511f23ccec03c82d5….png)

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846e6a No.21511521

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elon Musk


"We willl begin publishing the long list of

@Alexandre’s crimes, along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke tomorrow.

Obviously, he does not need to abide by US law, but he does need to abide by his own country’s laws.

He is a dictator and a fraud, not a justice."


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133658 No.21511523



<judicial ?

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cbd65c No.21511527

File: 7f1751d728a08d9⋯.png (1.73 MB,717x1262,717:1262,ClipboardImage.png)

Hawk One, where's Hawk Tua?

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fa7f15 No.21511528

For non Americans

Do the people of your country care about the US election?

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d29a94 No.21511531


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238e96 No.21511533

File: 1b58e8eecddc4db⋯.png (142.38 KB,1200x627,400:209,ClipboardImage.png)

Travesty of justice for doing community service!

Not all here's wear capes!

Woman with ‘unrestrained hatred’ for child predators murdered and dismembered wanted sex offender whose remains were left bagged in a ditch


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98912a No.21511535

File: b696c4289068f55⋯.png (161.52 KB,879x878,879:878,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

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d29a94 No.21511537


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133658 No.21511539

File: d59085c894d7dbe⋯.jpg (345.48 KB,1080x952,135:119,Screenshot_20240831_012237….jpg)

File: 902b1f811dd083a⋯.jpg (221.66 KB,1080x1157,1080:1157,Screenshot_20240831_012058….jpg)


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956bfc No.21511541

File: cff78fb671d6791⋯.jpg (314.58 KB,1440x1808,90:113,20240830_143838.jpg)

File: 89976d7d5de62a8⋯.jpg (204.23 KB,1084x947,1084:947,_ry82v6.jpg)

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6c32eb No.21511547

File: 2487dd509f5ddb0⋯.png (1.06 MB,993x1280,993:1280,ClipboardImage.png)



Unable to access X at this time for sauce.

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133658 No.21511548


< : Celestial. [Iirc]

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cd6234 No.21511549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israeli American donor boasts of owning Trump

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté discuss the corruption of the Trump campaign by Israeli oligarch Miriam Adelson, who boasted that she practically owns Trump. Adelson has pledged 100 million dollars to the Trump campaign to ensure that the destruction Palestine will continue under his second term.


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84afa2 No.21511550

File: e90955c15ff8483⋯.jpeg (27.6 KB,359x218,359:218,IMG_8325.jpeg)

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84afa2 No.21511551

File: e0194aea04d0dc3⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,576x1024,9:16,8908019830905518438.mp4)


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238e96 No.21511554

File: 2068fe3c0cc08ef⋯.png (122.81 KB,400x326,200:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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71f1fd No.21511555

>>21511532 Vaticanon breaks from Trump. Hes now Vatishill

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133658 No.21511556


[Nasa dudes gravestone iirc]

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238e96 No.21511557

File: 312a5e588daae39⋯.png (198.92 KB,388x400,97:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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71f1fd No.21511558


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238e96 No.21511560

File: e5604bbca7b60c3⋯.png (51.59 KB,400x238,200:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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133658 No.21511563


>takes money

>please speak in public

>tell us your plans

<oh kay

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fb39b5 No.21511565

File: fc6c90b46467aee⋯.png (529.12 KB,855x748,855:748,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb39b5 No.21511567

File: 678fc55a8a450ef⋯.png (316.3 KB,403x403,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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238e96 No.21511568

File: 0f4f729be6813b2⋯.png (160.68 KB,340x297,340:297,ClipboardImage.png)

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238e96 No.21511570

File: 820c006973faeb2⋯.png (126.53 KB,400x264,50:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb39b5 No.21511571

File: ae07b1c207bfaec⋯.png (423.35 KB,657x680,657:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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f547b6 No.21511572


Perfect meme


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238e96 No.21511573

File: 76592a89abbeb8f⋯.png (137.96 KB,390x400,39:40,ClipboardImage.png)


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fb39b5 No.21511575

File: 09b752f9785bbce⋯.png (540.47 KB,768x769,768:769,ClipboardImage.png)

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133658 No.21511576


<fucking normiefags

<can't even anon correctly

<gay aids everywhere

<monkey vaids shedding droppings

<please clap

<don't think too much that's gay

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133658 No.21511580







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133658 No.21511587


>holy see

<serious business

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6c32eb No.21511589

File: a8f7aa8575b1cdd⋯.png (1.64 MB,1620x600,27:10,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9a7fafe5f6d4cf⋯.png (1.11 MB,840x895,168:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa5ac8262af8e8e⋯.png (826.57 KB,761x881,761:881,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdd2329d936f2d7⋯.png (758.51 KB,617x894,617:894,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4b503637031e43⋯.png (1.26 MB,668x890,334:445,ClipboardImage.png)


MAGA street artist claims to be responsible for racist and anti-immigrant signs in Chicago and Denver area

MAGA street artist Sabo — who previously made news by posting right-wing, hateful, and conspiratorial signs across Los Angeles — claims he is responsible for posting racist and anti-immigrant signs at bus stops across both Chicago and the Denver metro area. As Coloradan officials denounce the signs, Sabo is trying to sell them on Facebook for thousands of dollars.

On August 29, The Denver Post reported that a bus driver saw hateful signs at a stop near the intersection of Colfax Avenue and Oneida Street in Denver, noting that “RTD officials said the metal sign was attached to the bus stop’s pole with rivets and appears to have been installed shortly before it was reported.”

Additional signs were discovered at other bus routes along Colfax Avenue. Local and state officials have since denounced the signs.

That same day, right-wing street artist Sabo — who operates an online gallery, “Unsavoryagents,” with a P.O. box in Aurora, Colorado — posted images on Facebook of the signs across the Denver metro area, including one on Colfax Avenue.

Published 08/29/24 5:22 PM EDT


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fb39b5 No.21511590

File: 7ac1b1652499e61⋯.png (643.99 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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98912a No.21511591

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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b97934 No.21511593

File: 8aab7599b3d85c7⋯.jpeg (92.77 KB,600x810,20:27,8aab7599b3d85c757ab93f8ff….jpeg)

File: 773b3a7f80aadd8⋯.jpg (110.36 KB,1290x1290,1:1,media_GT8yIW_W4AAEwkp.jpg)

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133658 No.21511599


[Sunk teeth in

Head in clouds]

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cd6234 No.21511600

Save a mouse

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133658 No.21511601


[Loan from the imf


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cd6234 No.21511603


Eat a pussy!

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f547b6 No.21511606

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB,300x359,300:359,grammar_nazi_cutout.png)


You'll have to BBQ me with your cold dead hands.

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238e96 No.21511607

File: d3825e779a055a3⋯.png (503.21 KB,500x625,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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d93472 No.21511608

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fb39b5 No.21511609

File: 142f7e3f3492568⋯.jpeg (77.58 KB,693x575,693:575,crying4.jpeg)

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98912a No.21511610

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: notes below from Q and A and dough.


FULL SPEECH: President Trump Speaks at Moms for Liberty National Summit in D.C. - 8/30/24





President Trump [Moms For Liberty Summit]: If you think twenty-one million [illegals]; so if you say a certain large percentage of them are bad, because when you empty out your prisons, and you empty out your mental institutions, it's a lot of people. It's bigger than most armies, are in our country.

President Trump: I read where they're spending billions of dollars [on illegals]; I thought New York had no money, and yet they're spending billions of dollars of money, and it's not given by the federal government, so how are they doing this? The city is suffering.

President Trump: She's defective [Harris]. She's a defective person, and we don't need another defective person as president of the Unitred States. We just had that.

President Trump: She [Harris] also said, 'I worked at McDonalds'. Turned out, she didn't work at McDonalds. Anybody see that? After an exhaustive study that took about twenty minutes, they found out she never worked there. So, you know, a lot of fake stuff going on.

President Trump: I would have been happy if he [Biden] were a great president. And I wouldn't have run. I wouldn't have run. I also wouldn't have run if I didn't think I won the election [2020]. I mean, I think we won that election by so much. By so much. If I thought I lost that election, I absolutely wouldn't, I wouldn't have run, because I lost the election. But I think we did phenomenally.

Question: There's been an explosion in the number of children who identify as transgender, children are being taught they were born in the wrong body; it's an incredibly abusive message to send. Let's talk a little bit about some of the things that you might be able to do as president.

President Trump: Well, you can do everything. President has such power. It does. It has such power…the transgender thing is incredible. Think of it, your kid goes to school, and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child.

President Trump: They suffer from a thing called TDS. Do you know what that is? It's a horrible, horrible, terminal disease. It destroys the mind before the body, but the body eventually goes…they can't even stand their life, they can't stand anything.

President Trump: What happened is [Right To Try], I got everybody in a room, I said, listen, there's not going to be any liability. People are going to sign a document that they're not going to sue the country, they're not going to sue the state, they're not going to sue the doctors or the medical platforms, they're not going to sue anybody. They just want the drug. And we have saved thousands and thousands of lives. It's amazing.

President Trump: The parents truly love the kids. Some of these people on the [school] boards, I think they don't like the kids very much, what they're doing, so you have to give the rights back to the parents. This administration; it's like the FBI goes after the people like it's some kind of an insurrection. It's crazy.

Tiffany Justice: Yes, sir. They called us domestic terrorists, President Trump. For speaking out at school board meetings, defending our children.

President Trump: We'll change that on the first day, I promise you.,

President Trump: Massive percentages of women are being raped, and just beat to hell, coming up in the caravans…mothers give their girls big bottles, big, big, bottles of birth control pills, because they know bad things are happening to their daughters coming up.

President Trump: They're being killed by illegal aliens. You know, there's no correct term, because any term you use, they criticize you. Shouldn't use the word alien, you shouldn't use the word migrant. They want to take all the words away so that you can't talk about the subject anymore, basically

>>21510327 djt mp4 vids

>>21510433 Transcript: Trump @ Moms For Liberty Summit - bun

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956bfc No.21511611

File: f93097d7459c15a⋯.jpg (145.11 KB,715x872,715:872,20240831_025414.jpg)

File: 662779bf86666e9⋯.jpg (111.7 KB,745x807,745:807,DiscussingFilm_20240831_5.jpg)

File: 52fd6054430b989⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,1080x1920,9:16,DiscussingFilm_20240831_2_….mp4)


Orcs invade New York in this new promo for ‘THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER’ Season 2.

Premieres tomorrow on Prime Video.

These running orcs look like migrants with swords invading New York . Projection?

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a519b4 No.21511612

File: 882a594545dfe00⋯.jpg (105.42 KB,711x400,711:400,misgender1.jpg)

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474ac7 No.21511613

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fb39b5 No.21511614

File: 2a4e8e31e19d1dd⋯.png (464.56 KB,526x531,526:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb39b5 No.21511615

File: 2ba2d57b3f1c826⋯.jpg (95.91 KB,814x786,407:393,c78104f5128cae89.jpg)

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a519b4 No.21511616

File: 5e66bf03f847eac⋯.png (287.24 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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133658 No.21511617



Projector -> plates cave

An enhanced version of reality sold as reality TV.

Telling (you) their vision.


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133658 No.21511618


[I don't get it..what's to enjoy?]

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85d46b No.21511619

[P] chose Trump - Vatishill probz

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133658 No.21511620



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956bfc No.21511621

File: bb59827b35f7e1a⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,576x1024,9:16,non_aesthetic_things_20240….mp4)


Asshole spreads trash bags all over the street , hundreds walk by and don't say shit

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133658 No.21511622


>telling (you)

<spelling (you)

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133658 No.21511623

File: 03a6164b3977e35⋯.jpg (407.79 KB,1080x1603,1080:1603,Screenshot_20240831_020819….jpg)


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956bfc No.21511624

File: b40c27aa102e736⋯.jpg (91.78 KB,622x444,311:222,20240828_064247.jpg)

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bb01c1 No.21511625


Tough nuts, u shoulda rolled by and kicked his ass… Tough nuts 😂😂😂😂😂

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85d46b No.21511626

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bb01c1 No.21511627


O Eres REALMENTE imbel e ignorance, o de menthe limitada.

A america no hay que destruirla, es Bella. Brasil, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay todos paises en America libdoa.

Lo que hay que matar e destuir es a Los Estados Unidos de America y su poblacion ignorance y a Los europeos.

Guerra total. Las Maras en Estados Unidos podrian encargarse de REALMENTE te repagar lo que Los gringos dieton.

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bb01c1 No.21511628


El plan de Q para salvar El Mundo.

Quien ha Sido El mayor enemigo de la humanidad?

Estados Unidos.

Ok. Entendido Q.

Para salvar El Mundo Toca botar las farzas mentiras e Al imperio (quebraro😂😂😂😂) guidi.


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39d5d8 No.21511629

File: 11a552c387b0e61⋯.png (442.24 KB,720x406,360:203,11a552c387b0e614a275811008….png)

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4fbff8 No.21511630

File: 8b05919e9cf4d09⋯.png (1.09 MB,898x655,898:655,ClipboardImage.png)

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474ac7 No.21511631

Notes Update @360


#26355 >>21510708

>>21510730 Signs of terminal rent-free TDS

>>21510734 Communism is like diabetes

>>21510752 Court says 'Let's Go Brandon' can be censored by school

>>21510759 617,000 of the Biden / Harris illegal immigrants have criminal records

>>21510768 Influencers Coming Forward, Saying Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST on TikTok

>>21510781 Nancy Pelosi on "undocumented" migrants: "What I would like to do is move them to documented"

>>21510789 Not just will X be banned in Brazil but if you try using a VPN you can face fines up to $9,000 a day

>>21511075 Alexandre de Moraes orders the removal of VPN apps from the AppStore & PlayStore

>>21510800 Tim Walz's brother says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future"

>>21510830, >>21511026, >>21511044 Panic in DC

>>21510845, >>21510930 Rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse

>>21510989 Fatman Scoop Collapses on Stage, Video Shows Medical Staff Performing CPR

>>21511072 Alex Soros: Ending summer with my brother in Tirana has become a tradition @ediramaal

>>21511116 @BadlandsMedia_Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request from the DHS on Thursday, directing the Pentagon to provide the Secret Service with additional resources for the protection of presidential and vice presidential candidates during the 2024 election cycle.

>>21511160 Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino - Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C. Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

>>21511208 space launch status

>>21511521 Elon Musk @elonmusk: "We willl begin publishing the long list of @Alexandre’s crimes, along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke tomorrow."


>>21510935, >>21511018, >>21511590, >>21511565 Memes


collector out

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39d5d8 No.21511632

File: 1ad908c85f3f027⋯.png (182.33 KB,823x356,823:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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39d5d8 No.21511633

File: af7e6c43d8e3c9d⋯.png (334.17 KB,614x564,307:282,ClipboardImage.png)

no good for semen tim


"The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future," he said in a comment.

"Haven't spoke to him in 8 years. I'm 100% opposed to all his ideology."

"My family wasn't given any notice that he was selected and denied security the days after."

All the comments stemmed from a March 30, 2023 post after Trump was convicted where Jeff Walz said: "We've just become a third world banana republic."

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133658 No.21511635




Him and the Obama/Soetero brother would be GREAT ]

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ba80ad No.21511636


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531fac No.21511637

File: 56894f2d7b686ea⋯.jpeg (109.63 KB,465x919,465:919,IMG_7507.jpeg)

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6ff7b9 No.21511638

scorched deepstate

let's go

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182bf9 No.21511639

File: 7f2aada10571b0a⋯.mp4 (538.41 KB,360x640,9:16,457392109_453249397711754_….mp4)

File: 1d50c5a3d691f09⋯.mp4 (865.64 KB,360x480,3:4,456515352_1458888788113951….mp4)

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846e6a No.21511640


that huge tiger is impressive

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c1fa67 No.21511641

File: 6a3bec81cc4fa46⋯.png (330.32 KB,634x525,634:525,have_a_look.PNG)


Pearl Necklace Courtesy of illegal immigrant ?

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f1a7ab No.21511642


40 years ago…

They are Miami(ing) the entire country.

Now the whole country gets to experience Miami in the 1990's.

Except instead of cocaine its Fentanyl…

Have fun with that one.

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4fbff8 No.21511643


That scares the jews.

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c1fa67 No.21511645

File: 074952343b44536⋯.png (193.02 KB,594x535,594:535,demo.PNG)



Kyle Becker


Is this the most powerful trailer you've ever seen?

Tucker Carlson thinks so 🔥

0:24 / 2:30


Vince Everett Ellison

10:40 PM · Aug 29, 2024




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c1fa67 No.21511646

File: e4f1fec3ac4fbce⋯.png (159.95 KB,606x806,303:403,ga.PNG)


Kandiss Taylor


🚨Judge’s Order🚨

PROOF of crooked elections in GA and fraudulent results.

If Ambrose had not pushed back and played along and accepted it, THE PEOPLE WOULD’VE BEEN CHEATED!

Every. Single. County.







Kandiss Taylor




🚨Huge Election WIN in south GA 🚨

New Election Coming!


3:59 PM · Aug 30, 2024




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f1a7ab No.21511647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No Popcorn for the Fatman…

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fb3d17 No.21511648

File: 15fea23fc5e7c07⋯.webp (35 KB,1024x576,16:9,_122360787_gettyimages_13….webp)

>>21508581 @RealCandaceO went there - Brigitte Macron was born a man.

Brigitte Macron to sue over false claims she was born male

22 December 2021


Getty Images French President, Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macon at exhibition openingGetty Images

A lawyer for Mrs Macron confirmed she will take action over the fake claim

Brigitte Macron is set to take legal action over an internet conspiracy theory that she is a transgender woman and was born male.


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467c71 No.21511649

File: ce1d48b11524ec3⋯.mp4 (5.61 MB,640x360,16:9,is_this_the_most_powerful_….mp4)

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c1fa67 No.21511650

File: b7988af00bdadb0⋯.png (278.33 KB,595x820,119:164,ot.PNG)




BREAKING: A Georgia judge just OVERTURNED the results of a school board race in Tift County after discovering that irregular votes RIGGED the election against Ambrose King Jr., a cousin of Martin Luther King Jr.

King called upon his Republican friends, and they delivered justice as usual…

"There were an irregular number of ballots sufficient to change or place in doubt the result of the Election as set forth in Georgia law. The margin of victory in the Election was only two votes, and at least six votes were in the affected area that did or could have received an irregular ballot." - Judge Howard McClain

The judge ruled just moments after being briefed on the case by election integrity experts, who discovered that an apartment complex with 133 voters was unlawfully placed in a different School Board District when it should've been placed in District 1, where King was running. The new election is scheduled for November 5th

"The evidence was so strong the county conceded" -


, a star witness in the case.

King is currently a teacher at a High School in Atlanta and is running to bring American values back to the schools.

H/T: @KandissTaylor


4:26 PM · Aug 30, 2024




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fb39b5 No.21511651

File: fa990aedb9bc62c⋯.png (735.78 KB,770x831,770:831,315e791d6f13bc8f.png)

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2614db No.21511652


itd be interesting to see someone effectively sue "the internet". GO GO "Brigitte"!

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3f5b72 No.21511653

File: e8e76db1010f2e1⋯.png (545.9 KB,558x778,279:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef5e76c73baf4fd⋯.png (47.06 KB,562x467,562:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2d696b17144457⋯.png (134.59 KB,1406x702,703:351,ClipboardImage.png)

DoD authorized Northcom to Plan Provide and execute operation to protect President and VP candidates through Inauguration day. They are assisting USSS. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3890884/dod-will-provide-homeland-with-support-during-presidential-campaigns/

Federal Law enforcement tell Loomer NY NG is being staged because DJT is going to be taken to Rikers. Feds lying about NG. This is not NG. It is Army and Marines https://x.com/LauraLoomer/status/1829664146192732281

This shows a video of Army taking over Hotel. Can't read the name to see the proximity to Trump Tower or Courthouse to consider the possibility it is about sentencing of Trump. This is related to Norcom executing their plan. The mix of Army and Marines proves that https://x.com/JG_CSTT/status/1829725738846523837

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c1fa67 No.21511654

File: bfab716d2cb0b60⋯.png (33.76 KB,769x356,769:356,un.PNG)


University of Michigan campus club fair

erupts into mayhem as cops break up anti-Israel protests

New York Post, by George Caldwell

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 8/30/2024 9:14:57 PM

The University of Michigan’s club fair quickly descended into chaos Wednesday afternoon when police shut down an anti-Israel protest after a day of antics from student activists. The protesters, there to demand that the school divest from all companies that support Israel, identified themselves as members of the TAHRIR Coalition, whose name is an acronym for “Transparency, Accountability, Humanity, Reparations, Investment, and Resistance.” The school’s club fair was disrupted almost immediately by a sit-in of a few dozen anti-Israel demonstrators chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — a slogan that implies the state of Israel must be eliminated.

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fe6045 No.21511655

File: bb503f23a29cf74⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,1280x720,16:9,macron.mp4)


go on sue

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6ff7b9 No.21511656





I've heard Superman creator was a commie.

Innerweb has since been sanitized on simple search.

T should be batman.

Musk should be Ironman.

Never followed comics.

No matter to me what brand is which.

But not so hip on Subparman now.

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c1fa67 No.21511657

File: f3158fc177021ac⋯.png (601.36 KB,589x539,589:539,dl.PNG)


New York Post


Mexican drug lord who founded ultra-violent Zetas is released from US prison https://trib.al/QiMdPgC


8:20 PM · Aug 30, 2024




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ea5c55 No.21511658



She did sue, and got a total of about 3500 Euro's from the team that made the claim.

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f1a7ab No.21511659


Well "tomorrow" not a single Brazilian will be able to see it soooo…..

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98912a No.21511660

File: 158ecb13d160d1f⋯.png (66.04 KB,404x587,404:587,ClipboardImage.png)

watching the tucker interview with mike benz.

benz: the us global engagement center the top layer of global censorship around the world.


Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech




The Global Engagement Center (GEC) is an agency within the Bureau of Global Public Affairs at the United States Department of State. Established in 2016, its mission is to lead U.S. government efforts to "recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations" around the world.[1][2][3]

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7b66ed No.21511661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Journalist (Xavier Poussard) Who EXPOSED Brigitte Macron | Candace Ep 56

On today's show I speak with Xavier Poussard, the French Journalist who exposed the truth about Brigitte Macron to the world.


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fb3d17 No.21511662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


https://www.forbes.com › sites › saradorn › 2024 › 08 › 30 › how-harris-views-on-fracking-have-changed-after-backtracking-on-ban

How Harris' Views On Fracking Have Changed—After … - Forbes

1 day agoTopline. Vice President Kamala Harris said in a CNN interview Thursday she has been against a

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c1fa67 No.21511663

File: ce78c124678d174⋯.png (1.54 MB,1460x889,1460:889,oan.PNG)


Fine Point - Trump Tough On Traffickers - With Tara Rodas

One America News Network

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98912a No.21511664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



watching the tucker interview with mike benz.

benz: the us global engagement center the top layer of global censorship around the world.


Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech



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c1fa67 No.21511665

File: 2705bc0ed08dbe2⋯.png (426.72 KB,593x752,593:752,po.PNG)


“Sudden And Unexpected”



“The United States government has paid out more than $5.22 billion to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or the VICP. 💉🔥💉

And as of June 28th, 2024, there were 48,101 deaths, and over 2.6 million adverse events reported to the U.S. government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.” — Dawn Richardson, NVIC

VICP government statistics: https://hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vicp/vicp-stats-07-01-24.pdf

Full video: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/taking-a-stand-against-censorship/

2:05 PM · Aug 30, 2024




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7b66ed No.21511666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What Really Happened To Michael Jackson? | Candace Ep 55

Relevant because Diddy's clean up man was the 21 year old head of security who was second on the scene when MJ was found dead


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5d4e59 No.21511668


His right eye will be blackened and his left arm withered.

The sword that delivers a fatal blow is the sword of justice.

Right eye symbolising his ability to see what is happening in the world.

A withered arm represents his inability to defend against attack.

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a54e9f No.21511669

File: ef5cb7680a82c23⋯.png (3.24 KB,310x163,310:163,a7ffb193423f0a5573ceeefe7c….png)


Aug 31, 2018 3:55:13 PM EDT












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c1fa67 No.21511670

File: 3d2d6393ff1872c⋯.png (290.4 KB,786x672,131:112,groo.PNG)

File: c38c5647dc833dc⋯.png (570.48 KB,762x661,762:661,npr.PNG)


YIKES! Soros-Funded Group Grooming Election Officials to Interfere in 2024 Election

Joseph Vazquez

August 30th, 2024 2:37 PM

CDT’s board of directors also includes the woke, leftist NPR President Katherine Maher, who was also the CEO of the Soros-funded Wikimedia Foundation (parent company of Wikipedia). Not only is Maher a Democrat donor, but she also became notorious for vile tweets against former President Donald Trump. Trump happens to be the Republican nominee for the 2024 election—the same election that the Maher-tied CDT appears to be attempting to interfere in.

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6ff7b9 No.21511671



NY has stationed national guard around court house that President Trump is due to be sentenced.

NYPD officers are planning on mass sick-out because they want nothing to do with putting the Boss in prison on Sept. 18th.

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e56e29 No.21511672


>Brigitte Macron to sue over false claims she was born male

Tina : And I'm not a girl.

Tina : I'm a boy.

Burt Munro : Oh.

Burt Munro : Well, I thought there was something a little odd about you. But ah, hey, you're still a sweetheart.

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c1fa67 No.21511673

File: 7dc1ca15f9496ab⋯.png (400.91 KB,589x548,589:548,dr.PNG)




I had a story on page 17… I won and my story was on page 17.

Drop a 🐸 if you know…


10:24 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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32ff63 No.21511675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Burt Munro : Oh.

World's fastest Indian

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c25e20 No.21511676

File: e7b41e350c030bc⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,576x1024,9:16,shills_arrive.mp4)



SHILLS arriving for work…

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17723d No.21511677



do pure bloods get a bonus

for not being idiots

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61ad99 No.21511679


Mexican gangs have more rights than anyone else in us

Cops suck Zetas dicks

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7b66ed No.21511680



Army takes over hotel welcott in NYC, rumors of more in anticpated of jailing Trump

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c1fa67 No.21511681

File: 5b09935e0d30782⋯.png (583.07 KB,779x591,779:591,mp.PNG)


'There's the money pot, which involves the exchange programs like the ones that Tim Walz was involved in' - Adam Molon


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c1fa67 No.21511683


Peter Navarro: If Elected, Walz Would Be The Highest-Ranking U.S. Official Ever With Such Extensive Ties To The Communist Party

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fb3d17 No.21511685

File: bf6de797c301cd8⋯.jpg (406.83 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,1152807_brigitte_macron_33….jpg)

File: e31f9008fb924a4⋯.jpg (273.3 KB,1170x1390,117:139,force_10_from_navarone_197….jpg)

File: 51c67981b346d65⋯.jpg (52.23 KB,634x671,634:671,article_0_11FACF4A000005DC….jpg)

File: dcb57a7d4de015c⋯.jpg (29.1 KB,474x316,3:2,th_194721878.jpg)

File: 495d7f7f66b5ce7⋯.jpg (529.22 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240818_173151….jpg)

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dc7aa8 No.21511687

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c1fa67 No.21511688

File: e08b7c9ecfca6bc⋯.png (546.05 KB,579x623,579:623,br.PNG)

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98912a No.21511689

File: 4a277b9ae991d7c⋯.png (857.12 KB,860x574,430:287,ClipboardImage.png)


djt; Chyna

anon misses the way trump says chyna.

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c1fa67 No.21511691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fb3d17 No.21511692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c1fa67 No.21511697

File: 0641f5dcc651ecf⋯.png (926.7 KB,849x799,849:799,dm.PNG)


Saturday, August 31, 2024



19 hours ago

Christopher Tomlinson


Election 2024

NYT: Obama Being Black Didn’t Make Anything Better, Nor Will Kamala’s Color Improve America.

The New York Times has strongly criticized Democrat Presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ “Joy” sloganeering, calling it fake and only being used because Harris is part black, adding that the color of her skin is unlikely to lead to any major social change.

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846e6a No.21511698


that's true

but he can post in on Telegram :D

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a54e9f No.21511699

File: c027b0cbb7f19d2⋯.jpg (70.32 KB,950x594,475:297,Xavier_president_obama_404….jpg)

File: 6c8c3c7701d3109⋯.jpeg (64.46 KB,640x320,2:1,xavier3_773965244.jpeg)

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fb39b5 No.21511700

File: c3fd46e00b58a8e⋯.png (383.85 KB,519x754,519:754,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb3d17 No.21511701

File: 5a9989fece4a881⋯.jpg (316.6 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240831_034540….jpg)

File: 5221f508d22dd28⋯.jpg (351.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240831_034526….jpg)

File: 15dde34e00f970b⋯.jpg (417.14 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240831_034523….jpg)

File: 15fea23fc5e7c07⋯.webp (35 KB,1024x576,16:9,_122360787_gettyimages_13….webp)

File: 859d8f676266dcf⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,474x667,474:667,th_3995900828.jpg)

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8baa25 No.21511705

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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fd5cfd No.21511706

File: 5646d6e5810fb7c⋯.png (66 KB,274x285,274:285,5646d6e5810fb7c9beebf26ccf….png)


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c1fa67 No.21511708

File: e1a58aa9a118401⋯.png (563.78 KB,799x580,799:580,sl.PNG)


Habibelahy: Most People Don't Realize They Are Being Slowly Brainwashed By Teachers


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fb39b5 No.21511710

File: 31d45c797035889⋯.png (1.69 MB,1329x877,1329:877,trannies2.png)

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17723d No.21511712

File: 27e9d5c62348b5e⋯.png (514.88 KB,860x574,430:287,4a277b9ae991d7cbb44086a934….png)

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c1fa67 No.21511715

File: a948bd233a4678a⋯.png (671.63 KB,790x586,395:293,sor.PNG)


Sorbo: People Are Waking Up And Understanding There's An Attack Against Our Children


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bee074 No.21511720

>>21510845 lb

Jason Goodman sounds hysterical

The army is there to protect the migrants.

The army and private army has been stationed in NYC Port Authority travel hub (across the street from NYTimes headquarters) since 9/11.

Nothing new.

That being said I 've seen a few civilians lately who look out of place and who COUlD Be National Guard - but the army fatigue guys? Why wear jungle camo? So crazy. Those guys are NWO cops, IMO.

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c1fa67 No.21511721

File: a94c5d3664cf881⋯.png (528.12 KB,793x579,793:579,tc.PNG)


Stubbe: Children Are Not Being Taught Academics And Instead Being Indoctrinated Into Activists


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fb39b5 No.21511728

File: 3a20586f37902a0⋯.png (1.06 MB,638x771,638:771,PULLIT2.png)


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c1fa67 No.21511730

File: 1992deadf29d357⋯.png (393.63 KB,609x804,203:268,cat.PNG)





After the #DNC, what is their political platform? Aqui mi corto resumen de la Convencion Demócrata. Quienes son los líderes del partido? Que apoyan? #LatinosForTrump #HispanicsForTrump #LegalImmigrantsForTrump #MomsForTrump #HispanosPorTrump #LatinosPorTrump #MadresPorTrump #TeamTrump #TrumpSurrogate @TeamTrump











EEdUU 🇵🇪 🇺🇸🇮🇹



Aug 23

Un breve análisis de lo que fué la convención de los Democratas por parte de @CatalinaStubbe

@rlopezaliaga1 @mlukacs @AlejoMunante @MJAguayo63 @DiegoAcuOficial @patty_juarez_ @congresoperu @AgustinLaje @bancada_rp @willaxtv @PBOPeru

Show more

4:13 PM · Aug 23, 2024




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fb39b5 No.21511732

File: 0bd50f5f6ebc43b⋯.png (1.27 MB,1220x1060,61:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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bee074 No.21511737


Because the Perps control the information Networks.

How do you think they same infiltrator crooks got away, for so long, after murdering John Kennedy?

They want you to move on. Doncha know?

It's a large criminal conspiracy, which it's important you overlook.

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fb3d17 No.21511738

File: 71f42a462422373⋯.jpg (3.75 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240831_035827.jpg)

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61ad99 No.21511740

File: da73e8532f7687b⋯.png (4.19 MB,1956x1300,489:325,IMG_6251.png)


Trump gonna close the Fed


Then he is fake and gay

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61ad99 No.21511743

File: 291011295b7418e⋯.jpeg (94.43 KB,1136x1381,1136:1381,IMG_6514.jpeg)


Everyone knows whom to blame

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c1fa67 No.21511745

File: 352f2d6125efc2b⋯.png (296.41 KB,1456x596,364:149,poli.PNG)


NSW MP charged with historical child sex offences quits parliament

Member for Pittwater Rory Amon is facing 10 charges in relation to an alleged sexual assault on a teenager in 2017.

Published 30 August 2024 1:51pm

Updated 30 August 2024 5:36pm

Source: AAP

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4fbff8 No.21511746

File: ae5e58494d127ae⋯.png (387.92 KB,699x388,699:388,Bannon_Wilders_Mossad.png)


These people are stupid.

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bee074 No.21511748

File: 298a3e5b046292b⋯.jpg (79.16 KB,639x830,639:830,911plans.jpg)

How do you think the same infiltrator crooks got away with, for so long, murdering John Kennedy?

"Move On" nothing to see here.

"It's always been this way and always will be this way"

"Nothing you can do about it"


sorry Muh Jew; it's not "da Jews"

fuck off shill FB! you are the assholes who are doing it.

fuck off shill.


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61ad99 No.21511749

File: 8ab9e845e0f7a1e⋯.png (2.18 MB,1910x1300,191:130,IMG_6544.png)

Don’t worry….old fuckers plan on leaving us the bill for their crimes

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c1fa67 No.21511751

File: 824d271e70f95e1⋯.png (662.58 KB,573x726,191:242,v.PNG)

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bee074 No.21511753

File: 0b28a166ba240b5⋯.jpg (141.16 KB,1000x776,125:97,backshicartoon.jpg)


no one can accumulate wealth legally with such high taxes.

(unless you're a crook and control the system, as they are?)

That's the whole point.

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4fbff8 No.21511754




Trrrrrriggered clown.

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fb3d17 No.21511756

File: b9aff4b9a3783c5⋯.jpg (23.6 KB,750x506,375:253,fitna_film_6e2a4be2_1672_4….jpg)

File: de4dc9511944450⋯.jpg (342.03 KB,934x622,467:311,2019_fine_69321302_3723014….jpg)

File: f574803a1573653⋯.jpg (26.58 KB,699x409,699:409,000573E2_yahya_pallavicini….jpg)

File: 794a8f897bb6ca8⋯.jpg (285.57 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Resized_20210317_100934_37….jpg)

File: 4500df99bef0448⋯.jpg (33.99 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3357824088.jpg)

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fd5cfd No.21511759

File: 67a3369f5d8d42d⋯.webp (27.03 KB,657x527,657:527,smug_pepe2.webp)


Guess the existence of the merchant meme disproves and destroys the narcissist's projections. Just like everything else that's destroyed.

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c1fa67 No.21511761

File: 0fdf1edfcd7710e⋯.png (375.23 KB,417x774,139:258,fit.PNG)


“There Is Nothing More Profitable In Our Society Today Than a Sick Child”

The earlier a child is sick without killing them, the better. “They want them sick for the rest of their lives.”

Kennedy revealed that when his uncle was president, autism rates were estimated at only 1 in 1500 to 1 in 10,000.

“Today, it's 1 in every 34 kids, according to the CDC. And in some states, like California … 1 in 22 kids.”

Full Interview: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1828190970795745447/video/1

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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bee074 No.21511762

File: 6ca3db9a2e71c6e⋯.jpg (158.05 KB,1207x897,1207:897,perpsparty.jpg)

muh jews are back.


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f5a224 No.21511763

File: a340b20b7e11ae1⋯.jpg (7.94 KB,248x250,124:125,1667425398757479.jpg)


with X being banned in brazil, I'm starting to wonder if something is about to happen in brazil that the cult doesn't want the world to know about.

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4fbff8 No.21511768

File: 63000aacf0c4f64⋯.jpg (88.26 KB,590x443,590:443,2c7k9b.jpg)


We all know who will be destroyed.

Time is running out.

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bee074 No.21511769


false shill

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34a1f9 No.21511775

File: b3ec7e150ec13bf⋯.png (55.83 KB,1932x193,1932:193,Screenshot_2024_08_31_0608….png)

File: 7f632ef1e174764⋯.png (53.87 KB,2208x168,92:7,Screenshot_2024_08_31_0608….png)

File: a10294792e9443e⋯.png (49.08 KB,2072x159,2072:159,Screenshot_2024_08_31_0609….png)

Storm cover story

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bee074 No.21511777

File: a91ee067e25ae4b⋯.jpg (81.06 KB,506x319,46:29,albertpikefreemasonicplans….jpg)


That's the freemasonic satanic plan

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dc7aa8 No.21511779

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4fbff8 No.21511780



Satanic false jews infiltrated the masons.

They infiltrated all sectors of our society.

Will be rooted out soon.

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7b70cb No.21511783



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c1fa67 No.21511786

File: 3596722d500f3a2⋯.png (616.25 KB,708x597,236:199,jw.PNG)


John Wayne Classic 🔥🐂🇺🇸

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59667f No.21511787

File: a3fed31d76f27c2⋯.png (887.92 KB,750x813,250:271,a3fed31d76f27c27b3f377012b….png)


So long as an entire "intelligence community" remains mute about the destruction of children, I will NEVER believe their 'secret' 'higher calling for "National Security".

They are aiding and abetting the scum of the Earth, or they simply ARE the scum of the Earth.

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fd5cfd No.21511789

File: 6abbd889cf32315⋯.png (101.6 KB,346x329,346:329,smokingkermit2.png)


>Let us pray for the Jewish people,


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2dd067 No.21511790

File: 1958ba8cee9fa5f⋯.png (266.36 KB,596x814,298:407,ClipboardImage.png)

I don’t want to poo poo on RFK Jr logic here but almost all presidents have been wealthy and corruption has been buying votes since forever. Normal people HAVE never been able to be president because the entire thing is rigged and corrupt.

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6ff7b9 No.21511792

File: 09cc57c4dbbece2⋯.mp4 (7.01 MB,1080x1920,9:16,09cc57c4dbbece2980cea0b5e8….mp4)

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fb3d17 No.21511793

File: d4ed28a4dce9361⋯.jpg (605.14 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240831_041359….jpg)

File: 82395b0af2b7ae0⋯.jpg (44.73 KB,531x649,9:11,NEWS_150117423_AR_0_LZWXVL….jpg)

File: cc172b2d4c81f07⋯.jpg (208.69 KB,1000x1500,2:3,MV5BMTc3MjIxMDMzOF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: bcf6e2b7e48f116⋯.jpg (54.58 KB,929x653,929:653,BenjaminRothschild_2256078….jpg)

File: 084f824d71292d3⋯.jpg (142.74 KB,800x542,400:271,Ivan_the_Terrible_70402568….jpg)

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4fbff8 No.21511794

File: 554a8c3e9cb9d24⋯.jpg (60.34 KB,620x463,620:463,554a8c3e9cb9d248a664f3f800….jpg)

File: 5df50a725bffc33⋯.jpg (12.4 KB,259x194,259:194,images.jpg)

File: 94a1568a6c5b923⋯.png (882.12 KB,798x1192,399:596,P_is_Pharisees.png)



As Trump would say…


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9f7dd1 No.21511795


>88, hmmm


5-13 also

>1:35 PM

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c1fa67 No.21511797

File: 454d241ece1dedc⋯.png (319.32 KB,437x798,23:42,ag.PNG)


Sean Ryan asks Kash Patel if he would consider being Trump's next Attorney General.


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c1fa67 No.21511799

File: 7b8cb6e19d86ce9⋯.png (123.98 KB,598x840,299:420,mh.PNG)




Melissa Hallman


The Navy on Friday fired the commander of a guided-missile destroyer that is part of an aircraft carrier strike group deployed in the Middle East to counter attacks on shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Cmdr. Cameron Yaste was relieved of his duties as commanding officer of the USS John S. McCain, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer now operating in the Gulf of Oman.

Rear Adm. Christopher Alexander, commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group, took the action citing a “loss of confidence to command the guided-missile destroyer.”

"Loss of confidence" is a vague phrase often used throughout the U.S. military to describe the removal of a commanding officer from his or her post without providing a clear explanation. The causes for past removals of Navy commanders for "lack of confidence" have ranged from ineffective leadership, mistreatment of crew members, and poor behavior off duty, such as drinking with subordinates or a "driving under the influence" arrest.



3:41 PM · Aug 30, 2024




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bee074 No.21511800

File: 9384c28b681ad72⋯.jpg (357.37 KB,1406x2048,703:1024,childhooddementiaA.jpg)

Vatispam is going "all out"


Freak out in the morning.

think of all we are missing while Vati spams us and MuhJoos do a melt down?

Children are now dying of dementia? result of the TRANSHMANIST NWO EUGENICS program.

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4fbff8 No.21511801

File: fc5173b179c1d9f⋯.jpg (373.08 KB,990x729,110:81,7b0e6574840e5a5ca0b17feb7e….jpg)


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c1fa67 No.21511802

File: f19210782bbff5f⋯.png (488.98 KB,589x750,589:750,ez.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


The Admirals are very quick to hold subordinates accountable, yet they go out of their way to aid their contemporaries avoid accountability. For example, how many Admirals who were willingly corrupted by Fat Leonard were imprisoned or discharged?


Stars and Stripes




The Navy has fired the commander of guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain, which is part of an aircraft carrier strike group deployed in the Middle East to counter attacks on shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Cmdr. Cameron Yaste was

Show more

Cmdr. Cameron Yaste, commander of the Arleigh Burke-class, guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain, receives the colors during a ceremony in March 2024. The Navy announced Friday, Aug. 30, 2024, that Yaste was fired as the ship’s commander. (Kevin Tang/U.S. Navy)

3:16 PM · Aug 30, 2024




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f1a7ab No.21511807


Its wouldn't matter, the human heart is corrupt from the start. As long as humans exist, there will be evil.

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a54e9f No.21511808

File: 2bcae9add296972⋯.png (45.33 KB,708x496,177:124,450bc651_72ac_45e6_8781_d3….png)

File: 5228bed731c79a6⋯.jpg (698.17 KB,1069x2012,1069:2012,Screenshot_20240831_072015….jpg)

File: 9ffaf638caa912f⋯.png (73.32 KB,900x628,225:157,EUJHyGRWAAAbLaq_1.png)



Mar 27, 2020 4:58:17 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6


This is not another [4] year election.




RIP Federal Reserve!!!

This is Huge!!!!

"This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump."






4:28 pm · 27 Mar 2020

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c1fa67 No.21511811

File: e606648ebc040a3⋯.png (918.32 KB,1459x899,1459:899,wk.PNG)


8.26.24: Good vs EVIL, Not about Party Affiliation, The enemy will FAIL, RFK JR booms, Pray!

And We Know

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c1fa67 No.21511816

File: b642be1f634f692⋯.png (248.51 KB,591x592,591:592,sf.PNG)




While I was waiting on RFK Jr’s speech yesterday, I watched this 7 min video.

Do yourself a favor and watch.

Incredible. So very chilling to understand how corrupt the IC is………

1:54 / 7:46

8:49 AM · Aug 24, 2024




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bee074 No.21511818

File: af5c3771142de6e⋯.jpeg (297.48 KB,1056x1297,1056:1297,perpmerkel.jpeg)


That's what all the perps say

It's their Propaganda.

As long as you believe that (about yourself?)

nothing can change.


If people look inside themselves and find a crook, a dishonest person, well then they can project that onto humanity as a whole

Could be why Christians and religious Jews and other actual religious people (love God) seems to suss things out better than atheists.

Transhumanist atheists look inside themselves and see a machine; no soul.

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a54e9f No.21511823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mission Mind Control (1979)

Uncovering government agencies (especially the CIA) that secretly tested the effects of LSD on humans. National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 37950 / Local Identifier 170.110 - Mission Mind Control - Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement Administration. (07/01/1973 - ).

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fb3d17 No.21511825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bee074 No.21511827

File: ec6e3567270231f⋯.jpg (76.24 KB,640x831,640:831,louisfreeh640.jpg)

Could be why Christians and religious Jews and other actual religious people (love God) seem to suss things out better than atheists? As a rule, I have noticed.

The Christian "Tea Party" caught on to 9/11, too bad they were infiltrated and subverted as were teh young people of the original 9/11 "truther" movement.

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fb3d17 No.21511829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take II

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c1fa67 No.21511830

File: ab6bdf722c0baa6⋯.png (570.61 KB,534x741,178:247,red_b.PNG)

File: b771c0e5f4649f6⋯.png (425.87 KB,400x713,400:713,ed.PNG)

File: 6e867f3b35c1582⋯.png (507.41 KB,429x734,429:734,dnc.PNG)


3 red banners ?

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1b9678 No.21511834

File: 00bbca915448bc3⋯.png (935.87 KB,680x676,170:169,00bbca915448bc3bea76842180….png)

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bee074 No.21511840

File: 5faaf0f8f2df794⋯.png (518.31 KB,1200x1786,600:893,fightfightfight2.png)

thank you, spammer.

I think so too.

Shanahan the ex-VP for the Robert Kennedy campaign put together a real good commercial "Public Service Announcement" vis a vis "TDS"

theme "INDEPENDENCE" of thought, as mentioned in this Q crumb.

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28922b No.21511841

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,16d695916a9ddc705fd7763d0c….png)

The original 1611 King James Bible included the Apocrypha, a selection of books positioned between the Old and New Testament. These apocryphal books were part of the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D.12.

Learn more:

old english is hard to read u know example shakespear,w

16 books removed by who what why when where 1885


Amo_5:22 ThoughH3588 H518 ye offerH5927 me burnt offeringsH5930 and your meat offerings,H4503 I will notH3808 acceptH7521 them: neitherH3808 will I regardH5027 the peace offeringsH8002 of your fat beasts.H4806

Oba_1:7 AllH3605 the menH376 of thy confederacyH1285 have broughtH7971 thee even toH5704 the border:H1366 the menH376 that were at peaceH7965 with thee have deceivedH5377 thee, and prevailedH3201 against thee; they that eat thy breadH3899 have laidH7760 a woundH4204 underH8478 thee: there is noneH369 understandingH8394 in him.

Mic_3:5 ThusH3541 saithH559 the LORDH3068 concerningH5921 the prophetsH5030 that make(H853) my peopleH5971 err,H8582 that biteH5391 with their teeth,H8127 and cry,H7121 Peace;H7965 and he thatH834 puttethH5414 notH3808 intoH5921 their mouths,H6310 they even prepareH6942 warH4421 againstH5921 him.

Mic_5:5 And thisH2088 man shall beH1961 the peace,H7965 whenH3588 the AssyrianH804 shall comeH935 into our land:H776 and whenH3588 he shall treadH1869 in our palaces,H759 then shall we raiseH6965 againstH5921 him sevenH7651 shepherds,H7462 and eightH8083 principalH5257 men.H120

Nah_1:15 BeholdH2009 uponH5921 the mountainsH2022 the feetH7272 of him that bringeth good tidings,H1319 that publishethH8085 peace!H7965 O Judah,H3063 keepH2287 thy solemn feasts,H2282 performH7999 thy vows:H5088 forH3588 the wickedH1100 shall noH3808 moreH3254 H5750 pass throughH5674 thee; he is utterlyH3605 cut off.H


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fb3d17 No.21511843

File: f9ba55e48d0bcf1⋯.jpg (420.66 KB,1920x1005,128:67,American_Advisors_Group_co….jpg)

File: ee862b345d6994a⋯.jpg (251.78 KB,2048x2048,1:1,marina_sirtis_as_counselor….jpg)

File: 167f51bfa0d82cd⋯.jpg (19.61 KB,512x311,512:311,3_7_Brennan2_4076881114.jpg)

File: 50f4dd050f2dbcf⋯.jpg (13.89 KB,474x316,3:2,th_3369954390.jpg)

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bee074 No.21511846

File: 17c981168b32421⋯.mp4 (15.1 MB,1080x848,135:106,tdspublicserviceannounceme….mp4)


Here's the commercial

and soon after? DJT mentioned "TDS" - made a joke about it when speaking with "Mothers for Liberty"

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4fbff8 No.21511850

File: 94ea3dea9f19cba⋯.png (1.17 MB,673x990,673:990,ClipboardImage.png)


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4331a4 No.21511851

File: 94ebec84c77d423⋯.jpg (90.53 KB,497x605,497:605,potuslook.jpg)

As the presidential candidates head into the most heated phase of the election year so far, former President Donald Trump has made a distinctive shift in tone on his Truth Social profile, lashing out in increasingly vulgar, misogynistic and vindictive posts.

Just this week, he’s reposted messages calling for his political opponents to be jailed, calling for a return of “public military tribunals” for people like former President Barack Obama, as well as making a graphic sexual joke about Vice President Kamala Harris and Democrat Hillary Clinton, his opponent in 2016. The repost of the sexual joke now appears to have been removed from Trump’s profile.

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8757a3 No.21511854

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Go to this website you're banned

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fb3d17 No.21511856

File: bf5371c33761f31⋯.jpg (72.59 KB,900x750,6:5,gene_simmons_8_3326142624.jpg)

File: 1f8106e03065a58⋯.jpg (14.81 KB,474x308,237:154,th_2954618344.jpg)

File: 26bd41eb1e2bec1⋯.jpg (175.01 KB,1200x800,3:2,simmons1_1901849724.jpg)

File: 5f3b3ebbb7a5274⋯.jpg (27.41 KB,474x395,6:5,th_3262208324.jpg)

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c1fa67 No.21511859

File: 2f598404655adaf⋯.png (1.07 MB,665x811,665:811,th.PNG)

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224453 No.21511861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 6

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c1fa67 No.21511865

File: 7bd4af5250ac7c7⋯.png (621.69 KB,604x466,302:233,wall.PNG)

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c6e972 No.21511866


The pope wears a fur coat?

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9c190c No.21511867


Anyone with an ounce of brain power and honesty, knew it was a set-up when we invaded IRAQ instead of Pakistan, Fucked Afghanistan to get the poppy fields and armed the Kurds

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c6e972 No.21511869


How many years did he spend in prison for that betratal?

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148f5b No.21511870


j carter pic with wife and bidens looked like a diorama

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148f5b No.21511872

File: 0f99ddf08017f76⋯.png (46.72 KB,230x219,230:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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34a1f9 No.21511873

Any noobs in here?

Practice digs: See how many things you can find wrong in here.

Justin Bieber steps out for church in LA days after wife Hailey gives birth


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c6e972 No.21511874


It's like Obama's birth certificate.

It's there, but it just don't look right.

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61ad99 No.21511876


I knew a kid that was I first wave to hit Afghanistan. They started burning poppy fields and questioned locals. US State Department stepped is a made US soldier walk around the poppy fields.

US military should have gone on strike then.

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f1a7ab No.21511877


I am not a religious person really, but here is what I know about "humanity". This Jesus person could come down to Earth and throw every evil person into the Lake of Fire and in 20 years, the world will be full of evil people again. We haven't changed, not on tiny bit, in the last 2000 years…and we never will, unless we find the evil gene and edit it out. Good luck with that one…

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4331a4 No.21511879

File: e5365568001d933⋯.jpg (22.18 KB,320x320,1:1,Michael_Aquino.jpg)

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c1fa67 No.21511881

File: e58dfc54367fc5a⋯.png (1.08 MB,1193x685,1193:685,cr.PNG)


School District Policy Allowing Staff To Hide Kids’ ‘Gender Identity’ Doesn’t Infringe On Parental Rights, Court Rules

by Daily Caller News Foundation

August 30, 2024 at 1:49 pm

in News, Wire

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602e69 No.21511882

File: 416e25e263bd3f0⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB,640x480,4:3,Scott_free.mp4)

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c6e972 No.21511884



They hide their crimes behind redaction and classification.

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ed5759 No.21511888

File: cf766da97d7e1d2⋯.jpg (232.9 KB,1080x1673,1080:1673,Screenshot_20240831_064320….jpg)

Q in the Greek alphabet is Theta.

The drops are used to prove to anons that Q and Q+ were legitimate using deltas and advanced knowledge

They taught us their communications style

They taught us to notice patterns and look beneath the surface.

Trump was seen as the amplifier, by using his various platforms and position/power

All in an effort to 'wake us up' and represented by the persecuted right

Engaging our creative side to search the web, news, and media to paint the bigger picture (classified)

[Think Mirror]

This mirrors how meditation works internally.

Meditation puts your brain into a Theta state

This state "wakes up" engages the right hemisphere of your brain

Together, with delta and theta state, your mind can take the crumbs and start to paint the bigger picture

In my experience, you begin to notice the patterns in every day life

You begin to receive proofs

You begin to get a sort of innate intuition as you paint the bigger picture

The pineal gland amplifies this by secreting melatonin to help induce a deeper, more revelatory state.

These connections aren't coincidence. It ties back to the post on cycles and stories being used as a sort of chess notation to put the pieces together once all the players are known. The hacking of our subconscious minds.

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f1a7ab No.21511889


I was addressing humanity in general asshole, this right here is why we can't have nice things…

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c1fa67 No.21511890

File: 215db45138afb71⋯.png (893.33 KB,787x559,787:559,sharp.PNG)


Israeli Research Reveals Sharp Rise In Autism Diagnoses Among Children‌ ‌

by Zenger

August 30, 2024 at 3:41 pm

in FaithTap, News, Wire

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fe6045 No.21511893

File: e25a217c0b3fe6e⋯.png (191.63 KB,650x930,65:93,0449010x_2004_10706874_fp.png)



Honorary member

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8757a3 No.21511894


> We haven't changed

You sound evil

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8757a3 No.21511896




>You sound evil

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c1fa67 No.21511897

File: 18997508b7903a4⋯.png (51.66 KB,782x608,391:304,id.PNG)


Idaho Becomes FIRST State to Block Men From Entering Women's Spaces

Justine Brooke Murray

August 29th, 2024 4:11 PM

It’s about time…

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c6e972 No.21511900


The judges wear black robes, just like witches, casting a spell over a people.

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9c190c No.21511904


Remember Vietnam ? Opium Road

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c6e972 No.21511906


New Hampshire.

New England is a blue-state shithole.

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fb3d17 No.21511907

File: f1a45eb630865a9⋯.jpg (113.03 KB,1280x702,640:351,8060145_16095604_befunky_c….jpg)

File: d59513cd6807217⋯.jpg (723.08 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240831_044801….jpg)

File: 7a8e5133a257d8a⋯.jpg (281.46 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240831_044826….jpg)

File: 6df17b0988189ae⋯.jpg (444.21 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240831_045042….jpg)

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0bf730 No.21511908


you are not wrong but the christian maga contingent is full of some of the biggest fucking retards ever.

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9e3bca No.21511909

File: 25ffda7d2c41493⋯.png (510.71 KB,666x611,666:611,ClipboardImage.png)

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96be40 No.21511911

I saw a Harris 2024 flag yesterday on the back of a jeep. It is identical to the Trump 2024 flags. They even copied the flags

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c1fa67 No.21511912

File: b9fb1d32c9b422e⋯.png (666.48 KB,401x722,401:722,code.PNG)


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fe6045 No.21511913

File: 713598bea99c2d7⋯.jpg (40.46 KB,600x745,120:149,hacked_westboro_baptist.jpg)


fucking baptists and their Zion bible

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c6e972 No.21511917

File: 70017497fb2f046⋯.png (519.35 KB,374x500,187:250,Pixi.png)

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fb3d17 No.21511918

File: 60e12e2c6e9d444⋯.jpg (111.54 KB,1920x1920,1:1,quick_tips_helpful_tricks_….jpg)

File: 8b761c10da94335⋯.jpg (19.99 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1768935762.jpg)

File: 68a0a7b94cccf5c⋯.jpg (119.05 KB,600x337,600:337,mememe_435b8a5512601e7c060….jpg)

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c1fa67 No.21511920

File: 09d52d305097a73⋯.png (341.61 KB,403x717,403:717,tl.PNG)



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f1a7ab No.21511923


I do believe the good outnumber the evil, but thinking there is ever going to be a time where we are safe from evil is just not realistic.

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846e6a No.21511925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

reposting until everybody has watched this (til the end)

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )


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fe6045 No.21511926

File: 0d00894063c0952⋯.png (1.27 MB,1875x1261,1875:1261,ClipboardImage.png)

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84afa2 No.21511929

File: d4bd71d3ddbec5f⋯.jpeg (245.96 KB,1306x1297,1306:1297,IMG_8358.jpeg)

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bee074 No.21511930

File: 8ee587ba1d4aae4⋯.mp4 (8.88 MB,640x360,16:9,secretsocietybyrfkz.mp4)



Yep it's important.

massive "criminal Conspiracy" to defraud our Nation going back over 50 years!

People who studied Government Crime knew it, but of course majority consensus, as programed by the same criminal group who owns and controls the Mass Media, book industry, colleges and Universities, has been it's just a "theory" held by a crazy marginalized minority.

(this is why Truth by Consensus (as practiced by Twitter) is bullshit. Truth is Truth even if just one person knows what it is.

That's why we, here, were named by the criminal Hillary Clinton "deplorables" and are perceived by the normies as "misfits, "incel" "losers" and we see ourselves named that way every day by paid-for shill.

Also, named "Jew" here, which is also seemingly strange, (not knowing the history of jew-hate, which goes back centuries to the ancient world) proves muhJews shills are part of the program of misinformation and deflection from the reality of who are the real perps. It's not a people who believe in the ten commandments (just a hint).

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fe6045 No.21511932


highly recommended

I laughed off the oldfags with chemtrails

Not any more.

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84afa2 No.21511933

File: 806d12bea6a2001⋯.jpeg (37.07 KB,306x306,1:1,IMG_8347.jpeg)

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c1fa67 No.21511937

File: 0c3288e41350810⋯.png (618.79 KB,575x817,575:817,win.PNG)

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34a1f9 No.21511938


Settle down pickle farm. Information overrides formatting.

You're deflection tactics are as bad as Reddit.

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0bf730 No.21511939


you make an excellent point, the problem is you have cultists thinking they are special and riding into the ending of their fictional story and in the last chapter. Evil is at the heart of every man, and to think even Q is going to stop it fully is foolish. They want the end of the world same goes for Jews because it means their messiah has come. PAYS BE JEBUZ

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84afa2 No.21511941

File: b59236e72471c2e⋯.jpeg (228.85 KB,800x800,1:1,6B62D3AF_4A97_4A94_85C4_F….jpeg)

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6c6c87 No.21511942

File: d2772dadf73e70a⋯.png (317.56 KB,539x513,539:513,NotJesus.png)

Okay, shills and glowies, your jobs are now obselete, anything done now, is for personal pleasure, but add to your own demise.

Your masters have been replaced, and recording all your deeds.

Good luck with that.

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fb3d17 No.21511943

File: 035d7acc17decbf⋯.jpg (781.58 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240831_044352….jpg)

File: 77b329331416a6d⋯.jpg (63.18 KB,728x546,4:3,6f6c18d2427e4c6981e6e21210….jpg)

File: c5754c3bcc71951⋯.jpg (23.07 KB,474x304,237:152,th_905676196.jpg)

File: c39991b212f824f⋯.jpg (198.1 KB,761x1024,761:1024,8076433093_e49c9d1103_b_33….jpg)


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84afa2 No.21511945

File: 795642636e20121⋯.jpeg (196.85 KB,773x1028,773:1028,IMG_8320.jpeg)

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69044c No.21511950


KMFAO!!! Well………………

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1b9678 No.21511952

File: 03944328d560b26⋯.webp (44.39 KB,500x500,1:1,nancy_pelosi_we_want_open….webp)

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f1a7ab No.21511953


Thats the beauty of Armageddon, God finally comes back to prove to the world which of his children he loves most…

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c1fa67 No.21511954

File: 8e666bd74698e5b⋯.png (1.38 MB,790x738,395:369,co.PNG)

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c6e972 No.21511955


>muhJews shills

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84afa2 No.21511956

File: 0ddffd54b4c6a98⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,480x604,120:151,uSOuUEtSe6HPHAUK.mp4)

File: 4013a42e24aabf3⋯.gif (1.97 MB,245x200,49:40,IMG_8309.gif)

Monty Python skit becomes reality

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0bf730 No.21511957


that is stupid. that god sounds like a huge loser. Anyone that follows that or believes it is also a loser.

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bee074 No.21511958

File: 497d4a61daf9d1d⋯.png (605.63 KB,1000x738,500:369,centralcastingcommie.png)

File: 09abea945c9175e⋯.png (241.96 KB,532x500,133:125,centralcastingcommie2.png)

i think the spammer tags me so when it's filtered no one who filters the spam can see my work.

Oh well.

That's why I don't filter.

thinking of what could be a caption for this idiot


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5e03cc No.21511959

File: 721ba8ea118e9a8⋯.pdf (153.77 KB,HarrisBorderCzarFactSheet.pdf)

>>21510214 The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"PN1/2


On March 24, 2021, President Joe Biden announced that he was tapping Vice President Kamala Harris to “lead our efforts” in working with Mexico and Central America to stem the flow of historic numbers of would-be illegal border crossers to the Southwest border. At the time, even the media gave Harris the title of “border czar,” which as we can remember from the Obama years, simply means

a government official tasked with responsibility for a particular issue. Some even reported that she

would have “the lead role on the overall border and regional issue.”

It would be charitable to say that Harris has failed to secure our border. More accurately, she’s an open-borders radical with a long track record of opposing border security and immigration

enforcement—both in her previous roles, and as Biden’s top official on the border crisis.


• Since early 2021, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has recorded more than 10 million encounters nationwide, and more than 8 million encounters at the Southwest border.

• Roughly 2 million known gotaways have evaded Border Patrol agents since Fiscal Year (FY) 21. In

testimony before the Committee last year, then-chief of Border Patrol, Raul Ortiz, said the total number of gotaways could be undercounted by as much as 20%.

• Encounters at ports of entry have exploded, from just under 20,000 in January 2021 to more than 117,000 in June 2024.

• Apprehensions of Chinese nationals crossing the Southwest border illegally exceed 33,000 just since October 2023, more than were apprehended from FY07-20.

• More than 200,000 Americans have died from the fentanyl being smuggled across the Southwest border by the criminal cartels.

• From FY21 through mid-July 2024, the Border Patrol had recorded 52,058 arrests of illegal aliens

with criminal backgrounds, compared to 21,936 from FY17-20.


• In 2018, then-Senator Harris advocated abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), saying “we need to probably think about starting from scratch.” She also advocated doing away with private ICE detention facilities.

• She boasted about introducing legislation to reduce the number of ICE detention beds.

• She called construction of new border wall system, a move supported by the overwhelming majority of Border Patrol agents, “a stupid use of money” and President Trump’s “vanity project.”

• During a 2018 Senate hearing, she even attempted to draw a disgusting comparison between ICE agents and the Ku Klux Klan.

• In 2019, she made clear that she would support decriminalizing illegal border crossings, making them a civil offense instead. She doubled down on this anti-enforcement position when pressed on an episode of “The View.”…


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c6e972 No.21511960


They want open borders to fragment the nation and collapse it into their Noahide World Order.

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846e6a No.21511961



this is the most important fucking shit!

Did Trump ever talk about this at his rallies?

I also cannot find a Q drop about it..

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84afa2 No.21511962

File: e96ae342a679029⋯.jpg (260.76 KB,1196x1148,299:287,Elon_Musk_Kek_02.jpg)

File: 992c1a4d87b30f5⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1328x1591,1328:1591,IMG_8318.jpeg)

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6092bd No.21511963




• Her job as “border czar” was ostensibly to find the “root causes” of the border crisis. It turns out that to do so, all she had to do was look in the mirror.

• Let’s first recognize that many of the very policies she supported as a senator—including cutting ICE beds, ending border wall construction, and ending Title 42—she then oversaw after becoming “border czar.”

• After calling border visits “grand gestures,” she has only made one trip to the Southwest border—all the way back in June 2021—in what Texas Democratic Representative Henry Cuellar blasted as a “politically safe,” “check the box” visit. She has not been back since.

• In late July, we learned that she has never spoken with current Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens, or his predecessor, Chief Raul Ortiz. This belies absolute dereliction of her duty.

• Harris has also lied repeatedly about the crisis she helped create. In June 2022, she falsely claimed on national television, “The border is secure. We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration.” That month, there were 247,523 encounters at our borders nationwide, the worst June number in decades.

• She also viciously slandered mounted Border Patrol agents in Del Rio in furtherance of the fake “whipping” scandal, saying their standard security tactics resembled those that were “used against African Americans during times of slavery.”

• It is clear that the criminal cartels and would-be border crossers do not take her seriously, either. In June 2021, Harris infamously declared from a podium in Guatemala, “Do not come” to the Southwest border. The following month, more illegal aliens were apprehended at the Southwest border than any other month in decades—and millions more followed.

• Anne Fundner, who lost her 15-year-old son, Weston, in 2022 to fentanyl poisoning, told the RNC in mid-July that she holds not only Biden responsible for his death, but also Harris, whom she called “a joke” as “border czar.”

• According to former Border Patrol Chief and CBP Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan, “Vice President Harris has overseen the worst, unmitigated border security crisis in our lifetime. Her performance has negatively impacted every aspect of our country’s safety and national security

and can only be described as a complete failure.”

• There’s a reason why the House, on a bipartisan vote, passed a resolution on July 25, 2024, condemning the administration’s open-borders policies, and Harris’ failure as “border czar.”

• In 2015, she said, “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” Illegally crossing the Southwest border is a federal misdemeanor, with up to six months in prison as the penalty for a first offense, and a felony for repeat offenders. More importantly, Harris brought that mentality to her role as the “border czar.”

• Harris is an extreme, dishonest, open-borders radical. That’s why President Biden entrusted her with this role. She has embraced, and even inspired, his failed border policies, and the horrific consequences they have created.




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6c6c87 No.21511964

File: cc8a5daeba5ab0a⋯.png (25.61 KB,331x333,331:333,DoILookLikeIRiseAndShine.png)

File: 2b1d8682f3ec51e⋯.png (179.71 KB,386x347,386:347,LeftoverCoffee.png)

File: b775e7e8bbd7cdf⋯.png (161.9 KB,267x357,89:119,Screenshot_2024_08_15_at_0….png)

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84afa2 No.21511965

File: e0194aea04d0dc3⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,576x1024,9:16,8908019830905518438.mp4)


Former undercover cop says The government are smuggling people into the UK.


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c1fa67 No.21511966

File: 527030d5de62698⋯.png (442.36 KB,400x721,400:721,wow.PNG)


💯 I’ve felt this way with family and friends. I’ve lost many friends over the years and have been talked about behind my back by family because of my beliefs.

This is the year that ppl are going to come out of the woodwork… I’m pumped! You?

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6ef9b9 No.21511967

Lighting struck the Armenian nuclear power plant

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84afa2 No.21511968

File: 8022cc03507db1b⋯.jpeg (227.43 KB,800x534,400:267,IMG_8322.jpeg)

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6ef9b9 No.21511969

File: b9bad99c392ab71⋯.png (50.46 KB,324x324,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe6045 No.21511970


"reason not mentioned a single time"


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bee074 No.21511971

File: 40d5ff777648298⋯.jpeg (67.56 KB,967x516,967:516,nobodiesuntouchable.jpeg)


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bb5de8 No.21511972

File: 514e5d24ed12630⋯.jpeg (873.86 KB,1125x1413,125:157,IMG_3645.jpeg)

File: a4f5e9c9571564e⋯.jpeg (998.94 KB,1125x1373,1125:1373,IMG_3646.jpeg)

File: be7f12362db96cc⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1125x1401,375:467,IMG_3647.jpeg)

The doom, gloom, and fear to start off your Saturday.

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fe6045 No.21511973


stfu and lets see the tits

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c1fa67 No.21511974

File: b6ffd80487ba301⋯.png (484.65 KB,395x721,395:721,cop.PNG)


⚠️ Language ⚠️

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c6e972 No.21511975


Everyone knows the Jewish Rothschild family runs Britain and that the Freemasons are their army of usefuln idiots.

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c6e972 No.21511976


There's probably a bunch of gang tats on those tits.

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6c6c87 No.21511977


it's actually,

'tits or gtfo'

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f1a7ab No.21511978


I didn't write the Torah, nor the Bible, nor the Koran. But I do notice patterns and I do notice giant holes in the pattern…

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7253bb No.21511979


This has eaten away at my soul for years.

I cannot understand how this is happening on such a large scale and no one talks about it or demands it be stopped.

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6ef9b9 No.21511980

the whole house of Israel is uncircumcised in heart

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84afa2 No.21511981

File: 06c4b188034d07f⋯.jpeg (332.08 KB,1311x1008,437:336,IMG_8363.jpeg)

File: 28cb9cb8aaa6f5f⋯.mp4 (65.07 KB,498x350,249:175,GWTx6PkbQAIgZN6.mp4)


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8757a3 No.21511982


Telegram link fags are worse than the twitter link fags, you can at least embed the twitter shit. When will these retards learn to download the fucking video?

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0bf730 No.21511983


You could fly a virus through a face mask big as those holes are.

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c1fa67 No.21511984

File: b43be7baf6083dc⋯.png (1.08 MB,745x825,149:165,tb.PNG)

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6c6c87 No.21511985


Especially from telegram, I wouldn't advise downloading anything, you never know what could be in it, to cause your device to malfunction.

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6ef9b9 No.21511986

CIA led a fake door-to-door poliovirus vaccination campaign in Pakistan, but there were no real vaccines; they collected DNA samples from all homes and shelters in order to track Bin Laden's whereabouts, which ultimately was successful. They found his DNA, which later led to his disappearance by U.S. forces operation in Pakistan.

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c6e972 No.21511987


WHO publishes the textbooks?

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6ef9b9 No.21511988

File: 9a7f95aa4442ed2⋯.png (421.57 KB,634x774,317:387,science.png)

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c1fa67 No.21511989

File: 9a1631725464131⋯.png (160.7 KB,443x410,443:410,me.PNG)


⚡️ Siemens CEO Jim Hagemann dreams of getting everyone on lab-grown meat:

🗣 "I'm telling you, if a billion people stopped eating meat (https://t.me/mrn_death/51841), it would have a big impact. And it would not only have a big impact on the existing food system, it would inspire food system innovation."

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6c6c87 No.21511990

File: 550b9fbf75d8e6e⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB,464x848,29:53,7c5337b3142333d1.mp4)



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bee074 No.21511991

File: 0bddfb1af008718⋯.png (573.63 KB,594x414,33:23,trumpandrfkjrfireworks.png)


RFK got the honor on introducing it to the public?

DJT has too much on his hands as it is?

Public must be introduced bit by bit to the 40k ft view? Little at a time, for information absorption purposes?

Trump definitely knew of it, since he got rid of it, completely in my area by the time of the end of his term.

Within two week of Biden's acceptance chemtrails returned.

Took Trump four years to completely wipe it out in skies above me.. It was minimnized from the crazy levels of the Obama reign. Ended for sure in my area the last months of Trump first regime. The blue skies I remembered from my youth returned and made me tear up.

Nothing so beautiful as a real blue sky.

Sky King did a gig as a crisis actor manning one of the planes. (I got the photos somewhere) He's funny as hell.. I posted that here many times; a few people here were aware of the issue.

Funny how people never paid attention to old movies and how the sky looked back then.

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143fce No.21511992


I started eating only meat 8 weeks ago! If God allows it, I will never eat something else, except eggs! So the Siemens CEO can go fuck himself!

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ea5c55 No.21511993

File: 31f096fcd08b07c⋯.png (309.08 KB,1440x1080,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6e972 No.21511994


I never open vertical mp4 with a tik tok watermark. The outro is ridiculousty loud and annoying.

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c1fa67 No.21511995

File: c1a5e7e534d071d⋯.png (249.89 KB,662x515,662:515,eep.PNG)

File: 25bc142bef717d7⋯.png (1.66 MB,1218x915,406:305,q_meme.PNG)


So BIGLY…red pills inbound

CNN freakin out about Q posts Trump retruthed 😂

Waking up the remaining sleepers

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6ef9b9 No.21511996


you can't say that

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4894e5 No.21511997

File: cc28776abc81b95⋯.png (72.45 KB,355x355,1:1,gm.png)

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846e6a No.21511998

File: ebb4ec6b188a3cd⋯.png (1.74 MB,1408x1098,704:549,Climate_Engineering.png)



>this has to stop!

can we make Trump speak about chemtrails on a rally?

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c1fa67 No.21511999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vanity 6 - Nasty Girl

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5f0b19 No.21512000


Remember when the army or marines did that crazy excersize in downtown LA with helicopters? Something tells me that the CIA and MOS use hotels as bases of operation. How many degenerates do you know who hate Trump and "love to travel!!!"

Maybe the army/marines taking over a hotel has something to do with BUNKERS.

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c6e972 No.21512001


Probably not.

Trump had four years to stop geoengineering and did nothing so he must be onboard with THE PLAN.

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6ef9b9 No.21512002

panic more

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5f0b19 No.21512003


Oh shit, look at tnose digits!

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84afa2 No.21512004

File: 57eb2a04788de77⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x800,3:2,AF65D08E_66BE_44A8_AFD5_71….png)

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7253bb No.21512005


Trump tweeted about stopping this in 2016, and it was deleted

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6ef9b9 No.21512006


>along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke

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fe6045 No.21512007


two thousand zero zero party over it's out of time..

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c1fa67 No.21512008

File: bbd065af7298c2b⋯.png (1.16 MB,795x590,159:118,tw.PNG)

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0bf730 No.21512009


do you remember the vegas shooting and people running through the hotels with guns and hovering black helicopters being reported over the crowds firing into them.

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5b83d4 No.21512010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6ef9b9 No.21512011


they must have a connection to tunnel world

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846e6a No.21512012


do you maybe have a screenshot,please, anon?

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6c6c87 No.21512013


Many of the so called earthquakes, were implosions of such tunnels.

I can't imagine much clean up is left, the floods were to clean them out, before getting filled in.

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7bb09f No.21512014

File: f6a7254748b846b⋯.jpeg (827.47 KB,1125x1741,1125:1741,IMG_3648.jpeg)


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6ef9b9 No.21512015

File: 46c7ed8a1deb1df⋯.mp4 (6.26 MB,480x848,30:53,turtlepower.mp4)

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c1fa67 No.21512016

File: 0f17b54896bfe6a⋯.png (553.94 KB,678x583,678:583,vid.PNG)



White liberals and black people are asked whether voter ID laws are racist.

This is one of the greatest videos ever.

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8757a3 No.21512017


>tunnel world

Those old Tartarian ruins turned into hotels…

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7253bb No.21512018


No, sorry.

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8757a3 No.21512019

File: ce477786be3baeb⋯.jpg (74.53 KB,736x736,1:1,cheat2winessay.jpg)


>I lie, I cheat, and I steal.

-Joe Biden's Body Double circa 2020

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6ef9b9 No.21512020

File: 393f02365370380⋯.mp4 (8.86 MB,270x480,9:16,9convert_com_Military_Heli….mp4)

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6ef9b9 No.21512021

File: 4cc21eabd41305d⋯.png (2.12 MB,1240x827,1240:827,trumpkennedy.png)

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c6e972 No.21512022

File: dc5962a0f8d27e0⋯.png (16.96 KB,740x318,370:159,https_x_com.png)

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6ef9b9 No.21512023

File: 747fdc6ca5ba8bf⋯.mp4 (9.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,cracklevegas.mp4)

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9f7dd1 No.21512024


>Those old Tartarian ruins turned into hotels…

Hotels where they serve, Tartar sauce…

That's hilarious on second glance.

Sauce, on the Tartars who built Tartarian ruins.

TY anon!

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fe6045 No.21512025


remember it well

watch Beyond Skinwalker Ranch

Listened to something years ago that said that subs travel to the middle of the country underground… thought all of this was bullshit

The show is a show, but interesting idea nonetheless… areas in the middle of nowhere you cant fly drones

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c1fa67 No.21512026

File: 939be391fcc9e64⋯.png (913.75 KB,579x750,193:250,n.PNG)

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fe69e2 No.21512027

File: b3d7c2eae309b14⋯.jpeg (105.67 KB,1351x1110,1351:1110,Make_America_American_Aga….jpeg)

Make America American Again


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69044c No.21512028


Deliberate. Knowingly. Treason.

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8757a3 No.21512029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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718a68 No.21512030

File: 6bb13b5b41ef946⋯.png (619.38 KB,595x756,85:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6e972 No.21512031

File: dc5962a0f8d27e0⋯.png (16.96 KB,740x318,370:159,https_x_com.png)

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6ef9b9 No.21512032

File: a384ca7b151b00d⋯.png (317 KB,738x338,369:169,eternalhostility.png)

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4894e5 No.21512033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Historical moment

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c1fa67 No.21512034

File: 0f396ca86bb3208⋯.png (423.99 KB,590x459,590:459,pol.PNG)




Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland

From zerohedge.com

1:10 AM · Aug 31, 2024




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6ef9b9 No.21512035

File: 54cf934c25a8563⋯.png (709.06 KB,584x1084,146:271,LongPig.png)


Other recollections delight in Bourdain’s quick wit. Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson talks of shooting the cooking-competition show “The Taste” in Los Angeles with Bourdain. He would stay at the infamous Chateau Marmont and often order room service, despite the fact that the food was mediocre and the trays weren’t taken away quickly. When she complained, he told her: “Nigella, you’re getting the Chateau all wrong. Obviously they can’t do room service cleanup, but if you kill someone by accident, they will remove the body, no questions asked.”

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5d4e59 No.21512036

File: 0a22030bffe1c42⋯.png (145.45 KB,400x250,8:5,0a22030bffe1c42df22165610b….png)


The plan was always in place to expose.

When do actors act?

You are watching a movie.

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6ef9b9 No.21512037


>if you kill someone by accident, they will remove the body, no questions asked


Operator of Standard Hotel in Los Angeles Charged in Dumping of Chemicals that Caused Illnesses in Subway

In an incident that raised fears of a terrorist attack, the operator of the Standard Hotel in downtown Los Angeles has been charged with violating federal environmental laws by causing the dumping of pool chemicals that led to a street closure and several people becoming ill.

A criminal complaint filed yesterday in United States District Court in Los Angeles charges the New York-based HotelsAB LLC, doing business as André Balazs Properties and Standard Hotels, with violating the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act by illegally disposing of corrosive hazardous waste. The complaint specifically alleges that employees of the Standard Hotel, which is located at 550 South Flower Street, dumped pool acid and chlorine into a storm drain. This mix of chemicals caused gases to form in the storm drain system, and some of those gases were released into a subway station at 7th and Figueroa in downtown Los Angeles.

When authorities responded to a subway station near 7th and Figueroa, they encountered a chemical smell and several victims, including a law enforcement officer, who were affected by the chemicals. The intersection of 6th and Flower was closed for several hours because of gas escaping from the storm drain system.

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d0c8c1 No.21512038

File: 537a0672671b02c⋯.mp4 (6.98 MB,384x216,16:9,28e59310746c80be940e42e87f….mp4)

Remember this little gem? Remember when he was suppose to save us? HE SOLD HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL. Watch what happens next!!! THE 4th DIVERSE BEAST

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7da071 No.21512039

>>21509453 pb

This is a common error among the illiterate. God gave them all the trees to freely eat/learn from except the "tree of the opinion of Good and Evil". This is not free will. It is free choice among permissible alternatives. "Limited choice" not "sovereign choice".

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6ef9b9 No.21512040



Hotel maintenance workers initially admitted pouring a small amount of chlorine down a rooftop drain. But investigators did not believe that would have accounted for the noxious cloud. An FBI agent, who specializes in environmental crimes and who is known for her pit bull-like tenacity, conducted follow-up interviews in which employees eventually acknowledged emptying the majority of two 50-gallon drums of muriatic acid and chlorine into the drain, the complaint alleges.

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c1fa67 No.21512041

File: 4686a8369e0390e⋯.png (581.71 KB,589x628,589:628,ool.PNG)

File: 5fe858a30cd0887⋯.png (1021.91 KB,772x580,193:145,ell.PNG)


Truth Ninja


This fool thinks it’s the 1880s.


Secretary Pete Buttigieg




We're working on the future of America's passenger rail system—funding high-speed rail projects in the West and expanding service for communities across the country. Get your ticket to ride!

Imagined map of a Ticket to Ride game of all the United States with lines showing high-speed rail projects, conventional rail projects (new and existing), and existing intercity passenger rail network.

6:07 PM · Aug 30, 2024




Hell on Wheels

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69044c No.21512042


She's gorgeous. And a Patriot.


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6ef9b9 No.21512043


>two 50-gallon drums of muriatic acid and chlorine


What is a hotel doing with that?

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9c190c No.21512044


LA is another warren of tunnels, vampires, slaves and mutants, plus the chimeras that got loose.

100+ years is a long time to take the front of the rabbit hole to a whole new level(s)


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d0c8c1 No.21512045

He said, “I love you Christians, I’m not a CHRISTIAN. But I love the Christians.”

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cafb9a No.21512046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thought he said he stopped it

Or changed chemical makeup

Or some shit

Blah blah blah

Vote for me …Ill set you free

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d4206d No.21512047

Court stops Pennsylvania counties from throwing out mail-in votes over incorrect envelope dates

A state court is halting enforcement of a requirement that voters include accurate, handwritten dates on envelopes used to submit mail-in ballots

By MARK SCOLFORO Associated Press

August 30, 2024, 4:00 PM ET

HARRISBURG, Pa. – A state court Friday halted enforcement of a requirement that voters include accurate, handwritten dates on envelopes used to submit mail-in ballots, a ruling likely to keep several thousand Pennsylvania votes from being thrown out in the November election.

In a decision handed down as the state is being hotly contested in the presidential contest, Commonwealth Court ruled 4-1 that disqualifying voters who failed to include the date violates the state constitution's clause that addresses “free and equal" elections.

“The refusal to count undated or incorrectly dated but timely mail ballots submitted by otherwise eligible voters because of meaningless and inconsequential paperwork errors violates the fundamental right to vote” in the Pennsylvania Constitution, wrote Judge Ellen Ceisler in the majority opinion, siding with the left-leaning groups that sued three months ago.

Pennsylvania is widely seen as a critical battlefield state in the race between former President Donald Trump and current Vice PresidentKamala Harris, and the 2016 and 2020 presidential contests in the state were both very close.

The number of mail-in ballots that might otherwise be disqualified for lacking accurate exterior envelope dates is comparatively small in a state where more than 6 million votes will be cast this fall, perhaps exceeding 10,000.

Evidence in litigation surrounding the requirement has indicated older voters have been more likely to have their ballots thrown out for lack of an accurate handwritten date. Far more Democrats than Republicans vote by mail in Pennsylvania.

In a lone dissent, Judge Patricia McCullough said the majority showed “a wholesale abandonment of common sense,” ignoring more than a century of legal precedent and rewriting the 2019 state law that dramatically expanded mail-in voting.

“I must wonder whether walking into a polling place, signing your name, licking an envelope, or going to the mailbox can now withstand the majority's newly minted standard,” McCullough wrote.

The case was brought against the secretary of state and the election boards in Philadelphia and Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh. State and national Democratic Party groups joined the lawsuit, supporting its goals.

Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro posted on social media that the ruling was “a victory for Pennsylvanians’ fundamental right to vote."

The office of Secretary of State Al Schmidt, appointed by Shapiro, had no immediate comment about how the decision might alter its guidance to counties that run elections. In July, the Department of State told counties that return envelopes should be printed so that they already include the full year, “2024,” leaving voters to add the accurate month and day.

“Multiple court cases have now confirmed that the dating of a mail-in ballot envelope, when election officials can already confirm it was sent and received within the legal voting window, provides no purpose to election administration,” the Department of State said in a release.

Tom King, a lawyer who represent the state and national Republican Party groups in the case, said he was disappointed in the decision and “absolutely will appeal.” They had argued the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had “already rejected similar arguments regarding the constitutionality of and the meaningless underlying the dating provisions" in prior cases regarding envelope dates, Ceisler wrote.

The plaintiffs include the Black Political Empowerment Project, POWER Interfaith, Make the Road Pennsylvania, OnePA Activists United, New PA Project Education Fund, Casa San José, Pittsburgh United, League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania and Common Cause Pennsylvania.

They argued that county elections officials are able to tell whether ballots were cast in time because they are scanned and timestamped upon arrival.

The ACLU of Pennsylvania, which helped represent the plaintiffs, hailed the decision as a win for voters and democracy.

“No one should lose their vote over a simple human error that has no relevance to whether or not the ballot was received on time,” said Mike Lee, the group’s executive director, in an emailed statement.


What was mentioned by Q of Keystone

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6ef9b9 No.21512048


In the United States, solutions of between 20% and 32% are sold as muriatic acid. Solutions for household purposes in the US, mostly cleaning, are typically 10% to 12%, with strong recommendations to dilute before use.

In other countries, such as Italy, hydrochloric acid for domestic or industrial cleaning is sold as "Acido Muriatico", and its concentration ranges from 5% to 32%.

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9888bf No.21512049

File: 0aa05fa48b95c8f⋯.png (138.54 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)


Baker Claim

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602e69 No.21512050

File: 2b59924293c9772⋯.gif (163.77 KB,700x747,700:747,jan_29_1934_lizard_peolpes….gif)

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c1fa67 No.21512051

File: 8452c55cbad345f⋯.png (477.92 KB,439x750,439:750,test.PNG)


The UK "smoking ban" outdoors has nothing to do with smoking or the NHS. It is a behavioural compliance mass psychology test, just like the useless face masks were during Covid. The behavioural psychologists behind Starmer want to asses what levels of compliance there are in the UK if absurd laws are justified in the name of the "greater good". It's a preliminary test to see how far the tyranny can go with the bogus excuse of justifying dictatorship with "public health". We have seen it all before with Covid under Boris Johnson.

ROBINMG (https://t.me/robinmg?boost) 🚀

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ea5c55 No.21512052


> you can at least embed the twitter shit

Twat embeds are next to worthless.

Screencap, post the link and preferably also upload the video so they can be archived offline.


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c6e972 No.21512053


Disposing of bodies?

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69044c No.21512054


Fuck off Pete. Wasting our money on this shit. All your fellow traveler faggots getting into the rail business and grifting off our money like you fucks do with the "GREEN" sham?

Hell of Wheels was a fantastic show. Ran for 5 years. Haven't heard anything about Anson Mount and what he's doing.

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8757a3 No.21512055


>Screencap, post the link and preferably also upload the video so they can be archived offline.

You aren't wrong

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c6e972 No.21512056


If you're testing compliance techniques on a population Britain is an excellent choice. Those jackasses are still funding a royalty.

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c2954b No.21512057

File: 2780e554f82ccb7⋯.png (2.83 MB,1339x2048,1339:2048,Memeto_1710296691260.png)

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6ef9b9 No.21512058


Officials still do not know what caused a sight-seeing helicopter to crash one mile away from the John Wayne Airport, three individuals were identified who perished in that collision. Federal investigators will continue what will be a months-long effort to determine what caused the aircraft to come down.

The people who died were identified as Brian R. Reichelt, 56, of Hollywood, Florida; Joseph Anthony Tena, 60, of Newport Beach; and Kimberly Lynne Watzman, 45, of Santa Monica. All were connected to the luxury hotel chain, The Standard, with Tena having a financial stake in the hotels.

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78cb8e No.21512059


pool treatment

dissolving bodies….not so much

going to need alkaline hydrolysis

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1116f5 No.21512060

File: 1c80944fb23cfee⋯.png (110.35 KB,1140x786,190:131,3387.png)


We are in this 8th year.

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5d4e59 No.21512061


Forcing a riot?

Then how about a little Marshall law?

Then you could designate all Trump supporters as domestic terrorist and "Hand em' High"

What election?

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6ef9b9 No.21512062


>dissolving bodies

what does/did the mob use?

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ea5c55 No.21512063

File: 6a98ecb46044a64⋯.png (6.2 KB,199x254,199:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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78cb8e No.21512064


Just like the rail barons of old, yesteryear, whatever

fucking bankers and their schemes

all for more tax ducats to pay the fuckers that can't even be paid back from further back

politicians…administrators of a bankrupt estate, ie the US Corp. or something like that which Trafficant uttered before heading off to the big house

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0bf730 No.21512065

File: 37e6d283e027be7⋯.png (32.17 KB,1223x691,1223:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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bee074 No.21512067

File: 734b195026bdfd6⋯.jpg (222.91 KB,1200x1505,240:301,comey1200.jpg)

who is "We" kemosabe?

If you look inside yourself and find a good person, don't you think their might be others like yourself around you?

But if you are evil yourself then you figure everyone else is, too?

The psycho-s get "on top" from their ruthlessness, and because they are un- recognized by ordinary good people. They go in disguise, in imitation of regular people.

Psychos are beyond the imagination of good people and therefore go unrecognized.

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fe6045 No.21512068

File: 53111ef2c553cc2⋯.png (275.5 KB,633x787,633:787,ClipboardImage.png)

One of the failures here is we dont have a single fucking anon near Aurora that can ckekk this out and verify its real?

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78cb8e No.21512069


probably sulfuric

that's a nasty little bugger

HF just gets through the skin into soft tissue and blood and all

Get the diprotic boogie and watch out

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9f7dd1 No.21512070



>We are in this 8th year.

Christmas next July.

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69044c No.21512071


Time for the Military to take these unlawful, treasonous judges down by the fucking throat.

These judicial activist pulled the same shit in 2020 in PA. Many of our courts across the entire country are not functiong for the American people. They are fucntioning for and participating in the overthrow of the United States.

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ac46f6 No.21512072

File: cf761c7f06ae697⋯.webp (51.88 KB,681x900,227:300,awyQKLB_700bwp.webp)

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fb3d17 No.21512073

File: 8eaedf5bda81a52⋯.jpg (608.97 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_091948….jpg)

File: d0c4cf95098b6c0⋯.jpg (503.08 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240825_170009….jpg)


Doug Emhof and his slightly retarded brother Jack

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5d4e59 No.21512075

File: 50661716ad556ca⋯.png (723.54 KB,564x560,141:140,ClipboardImage.png)

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1089ee No.21512076

File: 9bb49ae6296a8f4⋯.jpeg (355.41 KB,1782x1060,891:530,IMG_6300.jpeg)

Good morning friend. Let’s show Trump some love and educate Mark Cuban on patriotism.

Anons know what do do!


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4993d6 No.21512077


It would be much more satisfying if they punished these evil fucks and blew up the FED building. This is literally the least exciting great awakening ever. More like Lame Awakening.

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fb3d17 No.21512079

File: 9c7c3dede0021aa⋯.jpg (46.35 KB,1000x554,500:277,MV5BMmZmYzRjMWItMDBkMC00YT….jpg)

File: f349669bc9e7cfe⋯.jpg (40.23 KB,640x335,128:67,GettyImages_1057010534_640….jpg)

File: 918ddc1fd095c75⋯.jpg (245.78 KB,1484x1108,371:277,AP98121101443_2471429468.jpg)

File: 4b4e0fb6ed42fa4⋯.jpg (38.56 KB,474x608,237:304,th_2033994324.jpg)

File: 986f8e60d04f368⋯.jpg (551.65 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_091941….jpg)

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bee074 No.21512081

File: aeaf5bef3de370b⋯.png (183.05 KB,492x475,492:475,pepeelvis.png)

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78cb8e No.21512082


simple jack

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b90a47 No.21512084

File: 02aa0b6a7affd73⋯.png (544.3 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d4e59 No.21512085

File: 8362ddc0c1ec95c⋯.png (2.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Never truly explained.

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9888bf No.21512086

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78cb8e No.21512087


HOAs and all the trimmings

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6ef9b9 No.21512089


a nation's sulfuric acid production is a good indicator of its industrial strength

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9c190c No.21512090


>Marshall law?

Marshall [ a law officer having duties similar to those of a sheriff in carrying out the judgments of a court of law ]

Martial [ Martial law is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers.]

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003cc2 No.21512093

File: bac015cac1eb910⋯.png (38.26 KB,165x115,33:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb9e901b671eae2⋯.png (464.71 KB,590x427,590:427,ClipboardImage.png)


don't croak yet ma'am

august is over

september is just a few hours away.

get you bets in to what it will bring.

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fb3d17 No.21512094


John 3:17

King James Version

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved

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11341a No.21512095

File: c5f2f74af27fd67⋯.jpeg (71.11 KB,500x624,125:156,IMG_6266.jpeg)

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9f7dd1 No.21512096



so, chkt self



talking about 8th year

get a 5-by-5 surrounded by 8s!


loving the digits

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ea5c55 No.21512098

File: b95e363f78dba46⋯.png (46.05 KB,592x262,296:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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69044c No.21512104


Fuck him and those like him.

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7bb329 No.21512107


Seriously way beyond time. Citizens should file complaints against the Judges. Thousands of complaints against judges.

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78cb8e No.21512110


• Fertilizers

• Inorganic chemical manufacturing

(including chlorine drying)

• Petroleum refining

(principally alkylation)

• Pharmaceuticals


• Soaps and detergents


• Pigments and dyes


• Textiles

• Pulp and paper

(chlorine dioxide generation and pulp pH control)

• Metals

• Steel


• Car batteries/lead-cell batteries

(battery acid)

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bee074 No.21512111

File: 1ca76131a92f63a⋯.jpg (181.22 KB,1000x562,500:281,flower.jpg)


God is giving us the "Great Awakening" that we have.

You will not receive the one you think you should have, or think you want.

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d37420 No.21512112



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30edde No.21512115

File: 340bb7bd9c1a36e⋯.png (155.87 KB,523x302,523:302,Screenshot_from_2024_08_31….png)

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ac46f6 No.21512117

File: b984863a0a1b0b8⋯.webm (2.76 MB,460x816,115:204,axy0Zyn_460svvp9.webm)

Chinese robotics convention had models cosplay as robots. Everything is fake over there.

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7bb329 No.21512122


Were they dissolving dead body parts put in the drains?

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7bb329 No.21512137


This Great Awakening had to include every evil thing they've done and are doing, that's the only reason Bidan was allowed to steal 2020. There was not nearly enough awakened at the end of 2020. The percentage of those awake had to exceed 80%. Like Q said, "it had to be this way"

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30edde No.21512138


Hes black… He can do whatever he wants. How the hell do you not know this.

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bee074 No.21512139

File: 35eaeee41947cbf⋯.jpg (80.33 KB,556x634,278:317,perpsinhell.jpg)


They did a good job.


looks like next July


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1116f5 No.21512141


Exactly. White people's civilizations are appealing to non-whites, but they haven't yet figured out how to appropriate the civilizations with the white men still maintaining creation of and maintenance of said society, while simultaneously ceasing to exist. It's a conundrum.

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bee074 No.21512151

File: 504e40a1217abd1⋯.png (951.62 KB,1009x1212,1009:1212,pelosi4.png)


God etc. works on geologic time.

Think of how long the creeps have been in power?!

And how much work they put into killing whistleblowers and controlling news and medicine schools and colleges, to make sure everybody stays asleep?


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1293e3 No.21512161

You say, "Yes", I say, "No"

You say, "Stop" and I say, "Go, go, go"

I say, "High", you say, "Low"

You say, "Why?" And I say, "I don't know"

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45bb8a No.21512173


deadlines of time

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f617dc No.21512180

File: d8df0f349247ce1⋯.jpeg (275.32 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWRR_FpXAAAYMto.jpeg)

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69044c No.21512184


Hmm……………..seems to me that it is big pharma that should be paying out this money. Not the American taxpayer. wtf

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f617dc No.21512189

File: f197426e51bf4f5⋯.jpeg (26.31 KB,680x205,136:41,GV_0FAVXsAEouhB.jpeg)

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ac46f6 No.21512191

File: 9d5a59250de7db0⋯.webp (40.67 KB,700x611,700:611,amo2019_700bwp.webp)

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9888bf No.21512199

#26355 >>21510708

>>21510730 Signs of terminal rent-free TDS

>>21510734 Communism is like diabetes

>>21510752 Court says 'Let's Go Brandon' can be censored by school

>>21510759 617,000 of the Biden / Harris illegal immigrants have criminal records

>>21510768 Influencers Coming Forward, Saying Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST on TikTok

>>21510781 Nancy Pelosi on "undocumented" migrants: "What I would like to do is move them to documented"

>>21510789 Not just will X be banned in Brazil but if you try using a VPN you can face fines up to $9,000 a day

>>21511075 Alexandre de Moraes orders the removal of VPN apps from the AppStore & PlayStore

>>21510800 Tim Walz's brother says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future"

>>21510830, >>21511026, >>21511044 Panic in DC

>>21510845, >>21510930 Rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse

>>21510989 Fatman Scoop Collapses on Stage, Video Shows Medical Staff Performing CPR

>>21511072 Alex Soros: Ending summer with my brother in Tirana has become a tradition @ediramaal

>>21511116 @BadlandsMedia_Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request from the DHS on Thursday, directing the Pentagon to provide the Secret Service with additional resources for the protection of presidential and vice presidential candidates during the 2024 election cycle.

>>21511160 Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino - Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C. Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

>>21511208 space launch status

>>21511521 Elon Musk @elonmusk: "We willl begin publishing the long list of @Alexandre’s crimes, along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke tomorrow."


>>21510935, >>21511018, >>21511590, >>21511565 Memes

>>21510708 Is this the most powerful trailer you've ever seen?

>>21511646, >>21511650 PROOF of crooked elections in GA and fraudulent results./ Ambrose King

>>21511653 DoD authorized Northcom to Plan Provide and execute operation to protect President and VP candidates through Inauguration day. They are assisting USSS.

>>21511657 Mexican drug lord who founded ultra-violent Zetas is released from US prison

>>21511661 Meet the Journalist (Xavier Poussard) Who EXPOSED Brigitte Macron

>>21511664 Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech

>>21511665 The United States government has paid out more than $5.22 billion to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or the VICP.

>>21511670 Soros-Funded Group Grooming Election Officials to Interfere in 2024 Election

>>21511681, >>21511683 'There's the money pot, which involves the exchange programs like the ones that Tim Walz was involved in'

>>21511697 Obama Being Black Didn’t Make Anything Better, Nor Will Kamala’s Color Improve America.

>>21511708, >>21511715, >>21511721, >>21511730 Most People Don't Realize They Are Being Slowly Brainwashed By Teachers

>>21511745 NSW MP charged with historical child sex offences quits parliament Member for Pittwater Rory Amon

>>21511799, >>21511802 The Navy on Friday fired the commander of a guided-missile destroyer that is part of an aircraft carrier strike group deployed in the Middle East to counter attacks on shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

>>21511816, >>21511930 Incredible. So very chilling to understand how corrupt the IC is………

>>21511881 School District Policy Allowing Staff To Hide Kids’ ‘Gender Identity’ Doesn’t Infringe On Parental Rights, Court Rules

>>21511897 Idaho Becomes FIRST State to Block Men From Entering Women's Spaces

>>21511925 The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )

>>21511959, >>21511963 ICYMI:

The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"PN1/2

>>21511989 Siemens CEO Jim Hagemann dreams of getting everyone on lab-grown meat

>>21512033 Trump intro RFKjr

>>21512034 Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland

>>21512041 Buttplug a bit behind

>>21512047 Court stops Pennsylvania counties from throwing out mail-in votes over incorrect envelope dates

>>21512051 The UK "smoking ban" outdoors has nothing to do with smoking or the NHS. It is a behavioural compliance mass psychology test


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