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7590e9 No.21512074 [Last50 Posts]

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7590e9 No.21512078

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26355 >>21510708

>>21510730 Signs of terminal rent-free TDS

>>21510734 Communism is like diabetes

>>21510752 Court says 'Let's Go Brandon' can be censored by school

>>21510759 617,000 of the Biden / Harris illegal immigrants have criminal records

>>21510768 Influencers Coming Forward, Saying Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST on TikTok

>>21510781 Nancy Pelosi on "undocumented" migrants: "What I would like to do is move them to documented"

>>21510789 Not just will X be banned in Brazil but if you try using a VPN you can face fines up to $9,000 a day

>>21511075 Alexandre de Moraes orders the removal of VPN apps from the AppStore & PlayStore

>>21510800 Tim Walz's brother says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future"

>>21510830, >>21511026, >>21511044 Panic in DC

>>21510845, >>21510930 Rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse

>>21510989 Fatman Scoop Collapses on Stage, Video Shows Medical Staff Performing CPR

>>21511072 Alex Soros: Ending summer with my brother in Tirana has become a tradition @ediramaal

>>21511116 @BadlandsMedia_Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request from the DHS on Thursday, directing the Pentagon to provide the Secret Service with additional resources for the protection of presidential and vice presidential candidates during the 2024 election cycle.

>>21511160 Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino - Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C. Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

>>21511208 space launch status

>>21511521 Elon Musk @elonmusk: "We willl begin publishing the long list of @Alexandre’s crimes, along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke tomorrow."


>>21510935, >>21511018, >>21511590, >>21511565 Memes

>>21510708 Is this the most powerful trailer you've ever seen?

>>21511646, >>21511650 PROOF of crooked elections in GA and fraudulent results./ Ambrose King

>>21511653 DoD authorized Northcom to Plan Provide and execute operation to protect President and VP candidates through Inauguration day. They are assisting USSS.

>>21511657 Mexican drug lord who founded ultra-violent Zetas is released from US prison

>>21511661 Meet the Journalist (Xavier Poussard) Who EXPOSED Brigitte Macron

>>21511664 Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech

>>21511665 The United States government has paid out more than $5.22 billion to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or the VICP.

>>21511670 Soros-Funded Group Grooming Election Officials to Interfere in 2024 Election

>>21511681, >>21511683 'There's the money pot, which involves the exchange programs like the ones that Tim Walz was involved in'

>>21511697 Obama Being Black Didn’t Make Anything Better, Nor Will Kamala’s Color Improve America.

>>21511708, >>21511715, >>21511721, >>21511730 Most People Don't Realize They Are Being Slowly Brainwashed By Teachers

>>21511745 NSW MP charged with historical child sex offences quits parliament Member for Pittwater Rory Amon

>>21511799, >>21511802 The Navy on Friday fired the commander of a guided-missile destroyer that is part of an aircraft carrier strike group deployed in the Middle East to counter attacks on shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

>>21511816, >>21511930 Incredible. So very chilling to understand how corrupt the IC is………

>>21511881 School District Policy Allowing Staff To Hide Kids’ ‘Gender Identity’ Doesn’t Infringe On Parental Rights, Court Rules

>>21511897 Idaho Becomes FIRST State to Block Men From Entering Women's Spaces

>>21511925 The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )

>>21511959, >>21511963 ICYMI:

The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"PN1/2

>>21511989 Siemens CEO Jim Hagemann dreams of getting everyone on lab-grown meat

>>21512033 Trump intro RFKjr

>>21512034 Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland

>>21512041 Buttplug a bit behind

>>21512047 Court stops Pennsylvania counties from throwing out mail-in votes over incorrect envelope dates

>>21512051 The UK "smoking ban" outdoors has nothing to do with smoking or the NHS. It is a behavioural compliance mass psychology test

>>21512199 #26355

#26354 >>21509904

>>21510433 Transcript: Trump @ Moms For Liberty Summit

>>21510465 Scavino: Happening Now–President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C.

>>21510265 DJT: "Now everyone's watching and now we see she's defective - we don't need another defective person as President of the US"

>>21510274, >>21510327 President Trump explains the symptoms of TDS and the progression of the disease 🤣

>>21509975 DoD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns

>>21510136 Reagan movie is out today

>>21510140 Tim Walz’s brother, Jeff, hopes to get on stage at a Trump rally to expose his brother’s “poor character”

>>21510341, >>21510431 Loomer: Tim Walz’s brother Jeff responds to my report by condemning all of Walz’s ideology

>>21510194, >>21510325 Loomer scoop re: New York's lawfare on Trump

>>21510597 Army in NYC hotel evening working the front desk?

>>21510214 The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"

>>21510257 VPN is a helluva drug

>>21510323 You Won’t Believe Kamala Harris and Merrick Garland’s Latest Trick to Avoid Blame for Inflation

>>21510332 Bannon is the premier political strategist right now in this country and Joe Biden, Kamala Harris are silencing him

>>21510333 Anon opines on the chess moves

>>21510372 Taipei former mayor arrested in graft probe

>>21510449 'Pedophile' dies in car crash while being chased by cops in NYC hours after abducting and molesting girl, 9, from a supermarket

>>21510457, >>21510476 Nancy Pelosi just told Bill Maher that she plans to grant citizenship to every illegal immigrant and give them free housing

>>21510545 Alina Habba gives sneak peak of Trump Force One

>>21510630 LinkedIn Co-founder Reid Hoffman talks Democratic Party

>>21510683 #26354

#26353 >>21509140


>>21509790 WATCH - Join me LIVE in Washington, D.C. at the Moms for Liberty National Summit!

>>21509847 POTUS IS LIVE

- - - - - - - - GENERAL NEWS NOTES

>>21509183 Tim Walz townhall in 2017 explaining why he thinks 10 year olds should be able to choose their own gender.

>>21509191 Supreme Court unanimously upheld order BLOCKING illegal student loan cancellation scheme

>>21509196, >>21509208, >>21509216, >>21509218, >>21509242 TRUMP QUOTABLES end of rally quotes

>>21509207 @MichaelJLindell - FrankSpeech – Now a Publicly Traded Company! Ticker: INCTD

>>21509231, >>21509236 Judge Clears Former Police Officers Of Key Felony Charges In Breonna Taylor’s Death

>>21509238, >>21509253, >>21509259, >>21509267, >>21509293, >>21509300, >>21509310, >>21509314 Minnesota's Executive Orders Under Tim Walz

>>21509292 Gov. Jeff Landry Signs New EO Forcing Louisiana’s DMV to Share Non-Citizen Data with Secretary of State

>>21509296, >>21509336, >>21509449 Bald eagle comms - fighting for survival after bullet nearly split his beak in two

>>21509303 Haaretz: Iranian hackers stole classified Israeli information and published it on Telegram channels


>>21509325 Will pay a $10,000 bounty for a physical copy of Epstein's 1969 high school yearbook

>>21509381 Big Mike HOPE come back now! like our lives are depending on it

>>21509437 full video - Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476 Jordan B Peterson

>>21509578 @Livermore_Lab launched the first shot of Operation Argus #OnThisDay in 1958

>>21509587 First US sent F-16 Fighter Jet destroyed by frenly fire in Ukraine killing veteran pilot

>>21509598, >>21509620, >>21509654, >>21509698, >>21509762 Good to see this piece of Shit take a Taser straight to the ribs kek

>>21509606, >>21509616 PlaneFaggin'

>>21509611, >>21509629, >>21509631, >>21509672, >>21509684, >>21509714 Kamala Rally in Georgia yesterday supposedly

>>21509645 @TuckerCarlson - Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest 2hr vid

>>21509685 Venezuelan illegals have posed as Amazon workers in Colorado to violently break into homes and rob them


>>21509897 #26353

#26352 >>21508346

- - - - TRUMP RALLY NOTES - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21508407, >>21508444, >>21508462, >>21508477, >>21508677 LIVE LINKS - TRUMP RALLY TONIGHT AT JOHNSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA - AUGUST 30, 2024

>>21508450, >>21508653 Alina Habba "This Is Not A Game"

>>21508567 DanScavino - @realDonaldTrump arrives at John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport in Pennsylvania

>>21508713, >>21508718, >>21508724, >>21508735, >>21508739, >>21508741, >>21508754, >>21508766, >>21508786, >>21508839, >>21508842, >>21508843, >>21508844, >>21508850, >>21508855, >>21508857, >>21508874, >>21508879, >>21508887, >>21508895, >>21508902, >>21508910, >>21508914, >>21508916, >>21508925, >>21508943, >>21508959, >>21508971, >>21508978, >>21509007, >>21509038, >>21509039, >>21509099 PRESIDENT TRUMP QUOTABLES

- - - - GENERAL NEWS NOTES - - - - - - - - - -

>>21508399 Savannah, Georgia welcomed Kamala Harris today with shouts of "TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP"

>>21508405 @ScottPresler Two can play at this game.

>>21508406 RFK Jr Explains why people like You and Me Can NEVER Dream of Becoming the President, Governor, or Senator

>>21508424 Why is Kamala Harris so coddled? For all her shortcomings, Hillary Clinton didn’t act like this

>>21508439, >>21508719, >>21508791 WHO-UNICEF Vaccination Campaign in Gaza: Polio Eradication or Transition to Bio-Warfare?

>>21508434, >>21508461, >>21508468, >>21508473, >>21508492, >>21508500, >>21508519, >>21508529, >>21508543, >>21508561, >>21508605, >>21508731 Michael Jackson Remembered, Always

>>21508483, >>21508762 Female paedophile inmate accused of running a child abuse ring from behind bars at men's jaiL AUS.

>>21508494 Which US Industries Spend The Most On Lobbying?

>>21508497 Kamala Harris Promises To Put A Republican In Her Cabinet

>>21508501 Tucker - Trump’s Plan to Stop WWIII, CIA Coups, and Warning of the Next Financial Crisis

>>21508510 After Dumping 55% Of His Apple Stock, Warren Buffett Sells 5 BILLION In Bank Of America Stock

>>21508522, >>21508665 Donald Trumps New upcoming Book

>>21508540 U.S. State Dept. Accidentally Gave $239 Million to Taliban

>>21508542 Backpage.com founder Michael Lacey sentenced to 5 years, fined $3M in prostitution case

>>21508548, >>21508646 Gold Star mom sets record straight on Trump Arlington visit

>>21508550, >>21509109 Judge Bans X In Brazil For Refusing To Comply With Demands

>>21508560 California Senate Passes Law Banning Voter ID in Local Elections

>>21508581 @RealCandaceO went there - Brigitte Macron was born a man.

>>21508586 Brazil = anyone using VPN to access Elon Musk's Twitter/X is subject to fines up to $8,874 a day

>>21508617 Texas launches voter fraud tipline ahead of November election

>>21508639 Socialist International Endorsing Kamala Harris Is Very Telling

>>21508654 Venezuelan gang overrunning Aurora, CO just a figment of your ‘imagination’ says governor

>>21508658, >>21508771 It’s so good to see these Fake News traitors squirm.

>>21508675 FLOTUS Her memoir 'Melania' will be released on October 1

>>21508700 Zelensky dismissed the Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, after F16 crash

>>21508732 This year, Oprah donated $150 million to the Harris campaign

>>21508750 Germany Vows 'Knife Control' After ISIS Refugee Slashes Throats at Diversity Festival

>>21508878 RFK "we going to see a very different President Trump than we did in the first term"

>>21508932 @Jim_Jordan Jack Smith. Election interference.

>>21508940 Faked LinkedIn profile appears to be an attempt to backstop FIS approaches to US special operations forces

>>21508950 Federal prosecutors have formed a Grand Jury for their criminal investigation into Butler Event

>>21508957 Families, trans adults sue South Carolina to block state's gender-affirming care ban

>>21508962 DRILL BABY DRILL!! Seismic work to begin at gas fields shared by Trinidad and Venezuela

>>21509024 Pope Francis says Earth is 'sick' in new climate change warning

>>21509036 Jared Polis SCHUTZ yes he’s another one who now uses his mommy’s maiden name as his surname

>>21509050 watch free @9pm 'Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils'

>>21509125 #26352

Previously Collected

>>21508342 #26351

>>21505350 #26348, >>21506599 #26349, >>21507425 #26350

>>21502985 #26345, >>21503781 #26346, >>21504560 #26347

>>21500110 #26342, >>21501037 #26343, >>21502062 #26344

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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7590e9 No.21512083

File: 0aa05fa48b95c8f⋯.png (138.54 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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84922c No.21512091

File: 0c782c8495e0a6c⋯.gif (458.76 KB,800x450,16:9,0c782c8495e0a6c5272a29839b….gif)


thank you baker

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6007fb No.21512092

File: a152e700cea1eb7⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,400x480,5:6,a152e700cea1eb792140697fe2….mp4)

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0ebb30 No.21512097

File: 0cbf9ec0c383810⋯.jpg (123.09 KB,800x990,80:99,0cbf9ec0c38381024d8c12b816….jpg)

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10a96f No.21512099

File: 41a1f22a23f289b⋯.png (49.18 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

Why are niggers the way that they are?

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0ebb30 No.21512100

File: 0bac42ea1eaa39c⋯.jpeg (239.44 KB,720x1043,720:1043,0bac42ea1eaa39c62b90eab0c….jpeg)

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0ebb30 No.21512102

File: 1ebb2161f578916⋯.png (661.24 KB,880x642,440:321,1ebb2161f5789166296db806d9….png)

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a56a4c No.21512103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



we're doing acid

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0ebb30 No.21512105

File: 2e0581cf116ca0f⋯.png (1014.91 KB,853x900,853:900,2e0581cf116ca0f3db8eb31f9a….png)

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1df288 No.21512106

File: 43f618f52bbc6a2⋯.png (975.97 KB,1400x788,350:197,27204a05f921cdee13656719fd….png)

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0ebb30 No.21512108

File: 3bf6d3484c13e8f⋯.gif (1.72 MB,220x254,110:127,3bf6d3484c13e8fc4bc8afaeb0….gif)

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e497b4 No.21512114

File: ee0682d3d63caac⋯.gif (2 MB,360x264,15:11,IMG_8940.gif)

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257803 No.21512116

File: 3dbf9b570cff6cb⋯.png (1.14 MB,976x549,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fab66526fb57d92⋯.png (1.5 MB,706x1024,353:512,ClipboardImage.png)

Why Trump’s Arlington Debacle Is So Serious

The former president violated one of America’s most sacred places.

By Michael Powell

The section of Arlington National Cemetery that Donald Trump visited on Monday is both the liveliest and the most achingly sad part of the grand military graveyard, set aside for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Section 60, young widows can be seen using clippers and scissors to groom the grass around their husbands’ tombstones as lots of children run about.

Karen Meredith knows the saddest acre in America only too well. The California resident’s son, First Lieutenant Kenneth Ballard, was the fourth generation of her family to serve as an Army officer. He was killed in Najaf, Iraq, in 2004, and laid to rest in Section 60. She puts flowers on his gravesite every Memorial Day. “It’s not a number, not a headstone,” she told me. “He was my only child.”

The sections of Arlington holding Civil War and World War I dead have a lonely and austere beauty. Not Section 60, where the atmosphere is sanctified but not somber—too many kids, Meredith recalled from her visits to her son’s burial site. “We laugh, we pop champagne. I have met men who served under him, and they speak of him with such respect. And to think that this man”—she was referring to Trump—“came here and put his thumb up—”


Now, which of the 7 TRUMPET calls is this?

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2ddbf3 No.21512118

File: 0ab0fd71142974d⋯.png (3.49 MB,1936x1549,1936:1549,0ab0fd71142974de2957bd1776….png)



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0ebb30 No.21512119

File: 6c7f8d3136fb5f1⋯.webm (1.52 MB,1066x1630,533:815,6c7f8d3136fb5f1bd396b9213….webm)

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6a0d60 No.21512120

The Lame Awakening. Where evil goes unpunished and “I told you so” doesn’t exist.

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0ebb30 No.21512121

File: 55cfe66c414cc52⋯.jpg (49.15 KB,749x737,749:737,3UlhGKRGdWkQyaCCX.jpg)


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ca3e8c No.21512123


Cletus ….baby

Is that not across the board

Should be observing on the 7 the day

Just do every day ….cause you don't know when

Your last one is

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0ebb30 No.21512125

File: 20310fdf3acd649⋯.jpg (30.82 KB,438x664,219:332,3iitwd2R8VQvmEapq.jpg)

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0ebb30 No.21512126

File: f5587d5a37b4811⋯.jpg (78.4 KB,878x1121,878:1121,1hMlpN9bek0I1pBdIt.jpg)

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e497b4 No.21512127

File: e6801eab3f8a6db⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_2464.jpeg)




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0ebb30 No.21512129

File: ae3db88be9c33e8⋯.jpg (112.24 KB,1533x845,1533:845,1XHwNW53HTX7J9iwFq.jpg)

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ca3e8c No.21512130


Rule for whom

You …..others ….

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0ebb30 No.21512131

File: e86e06f5b6e5295⋯.png (222.14 KB,626x664,313:332,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ebb30 No.21512133

File: 187363f41dbe104⋯.png (143.72 KB,619x635,619:635,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3210c No.21512135

File: dbf9c0598113c61⋯.png (1.33 MB,1416x818,708:409,tc.PNG)

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0ebb30 No.21512136

File: 4ddea4beacfa711⋯.png (1.49 MB,1003x984,1003:984,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a7e7d No.21512142

File: 4a2f17feb78603a⋯.png (214.25 KB,978x712,489:356,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85a8669a648a250⋯.png (486.89 KB,979x1241,979:1241,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aba550cef7e264a⋯.png (935.11 KB,712x715,712:715,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa896b927e57626⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,1168x864,73:54,parakletos_its_behind_me.mp4)

File: b52679c80c6249a⋯.png (53.6 KB,421x297,421:297,ClipboardImage.png)


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2d248b No.21512143

File: b34e18e97796fce⋯.png (953.63 KB,950x1011,950:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca3e8c No.21512144


You have to submit to follow …or agree to their rules….to be impacted by them …so they own you ?…? Cletus …tell me it ain't so

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2d248b No.21512146

File: e8c9aebf281649c⋯.png (1.94 MB,1680x893,1680:893,ClipboardImage.png)

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a56a4c No.21512147

File: c5204e76ce1673d⋯.png (768.79 KB,1056x712,132:89,nopolicyorvision.png)

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787682 No.21512148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gold Star mom sets record straight on Trump Arlington visit, 'altercation' and photo op

Gold Star mother Kelly Barnett, who was present for Donald Trump's much talked about trip to Arlington National Cemetery, joins "Rob Schmitt Tonight" to react to reports that Trump's campaign staff had an "altercation" with cemetery officials.


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2d248b No.21512149

File: b79573c0cdad7b5⋯.png (1.01 MB,1221x623,1221:623,ClipboardImage.png)

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1df288 No.21512150

File: ba8cb4900232c25⋯.jpg (48.48 KB,691x361,691:361,Spunky_the_VP.jpg)

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2d248b No.21512152

File: baf7dbcd5f8909c⋯.png (1.46 MB,1787x1841,1787:1841,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bd3f1 No.21512153

You say, "Goodbye" and I say, "Henlo,

henlo, henlo"

I don't know why you say, "Goodbye", I say, "Henlo"

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c45d43 No.21512154

File: da79b8b632adc89⋯.png (1.01 MB,500x855,100:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 986dd4b3cc84438⋯.png (166.51 KB,865x892,865:892,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f8b3aecbf5e917⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,464x480,29:30,wwg1_wga_music_trump_rally….mp4)

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2d248b No.21512156

File: 334a7a8eaadd8e0⋯.png (146.4 KB,586x452,293:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4a67b No.21512157

File: 9b457c6588ffdfc⋯.jpg (76.01 KB,760x510,76:51,200623_chuck_schumer_se_41….jpg)

File: ea8f0713106ea36⋯.jpg (97.34 KB,1200x801,400:267,Kamala_Harris_and_husband_….jpg)

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2d248b No.21512158

File: ccec7189ee7804a⋯.png (7.27 KB,192x123,64:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a7e7d No.21512163

File: 5fe1048a59e5d9e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1060x1054,530:527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3064da0799afdeb⋯.png (584.43 KB,720x647,720:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65177c945a3ffee⋯.png (563.92 KB,1004x1086,502:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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c45d43 No.21512164

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)


>Look, I'm just a normal guy, who worked enough jobs to have social security in 3 yrs.


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2ddbf3 No.21512166

File: 74e55c26a0fcab1⋯.png (1.09 MB,1750x1073,1750:1073,ClipboardImage.png)

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5961ee No.21512167

File: cab8b4f778688eb⋯.jpeg (283.68 KB,1284x897,428:299,IMG_2706.jpeg)

File: 8f3d67fb01d67fa⋯.jpeg (298.64 KB,1284x766,642:383,IMG_2708.jpeg)

File: a6e0283b8372247⋯.jpeg (394.89 KB,1284x867,428:289,IMG_2709.jpeg)

(Chart:Nineteen US states, including New York, have shelled out in excess of $1 billion for the migrant crisis).

How the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year

Aug. 29, 2024, 6:02 a.m. ET.1/2

The migrant crisis is more costly than Americans realize. Last year, US taxpayers shelled out some $150 billion in government services and support to help the 20 million illegal migrants in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

And most of the cost is being borne by state and local governments.

In Massachusetts, Republican leaders say there’s a $1 billion hole in state coffers — and they’re accusing the Democrat-controlled government of quietly siphoning off tax dollars to deal with the migrant crisis.

On Tuesday, the state’s Republican Party filed a Freedom of Information Act request demanding Gov. Maura Healey release Massachusetts’ full migrant budget, and alleging that the true cost has been hidden from the public.

“The Healey-Driscoll Administration has shrouded nearly $1 billion spent in secrecy, leaving Massachusetts residents in the dark,” the party’s Amy Carnevale told Fox News.

“They have withheld critical information on 600 incidents involving police, fire and EMT. Blocking journalists at every turn, the administration has obstructed the flow of information to the public.”

FAIR estimates that in 2023 alone, the cost in state services for the illegal migrants and their children in the Bay State was closer to $3 billion.

In New York, the comptroller estimated that the migrant crisis will cost state taxpayers $4.3 billion through 2025, and New York City taxpayers $3 billion in fiscal year 2024 alone.

However, according to FAIR’s estimates, the estimated 1.45 million illegal migrants and children in the state already cost taxpayers nearly $10 billion in 2023.

While most states’ accounts of migrant expenses focus on emergency housing and aid,FAIR’s assessment factored in the full breadth of state services they draw on while in the US.

Services like education, medical expenses, law enforcement, legal costs and welfarewere prominent factors FAIR looked at in its study.

Those, coupled with the differences in tax revenue compared to expenses, helped contribute to the discrepancies between state reporting and the estimated true cost of hosting migrants.

FAIR also included the costs of US-born children of illegal immigrants — something many reports don’t factor in.

“As long as we keep allowing millions of people to come into the country illegally every year, it’s obviously going to continue to increase the costs,” FAIR spokesperson Ira Mehlman told The Post.

“This seems to be just sort of basic, common sense. If you were going to be bringing in lots and lots of people, many of them working off the books for very low wages, that there are going to be enormous social costs incurred,” he added.

And not a single state across the country has been spared — FAIR projected West Virginia spent the least, with costs to care for migrants and their children still totaling more than $33 million…


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1afe90 No.21512168

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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2ddbf3 No.21512169


>I took in a homeless man

>That man happened to change my life forever..

You found the backhole

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5961ee No.21512170

File: cab8b4f778688eb⋯.jpeg (283.68 KB,1284x897,428:299,IMG_2706.jpeg)

File: 8f3d67fb01d67fa⋯.jpeg (298.64 KB,1284x766,642:383,IMG_2708.jpeg)

File: 85480068eb26c3b⋯.jpeg (336.31 KB,1284x789,428:263,IMG_2707.jpeg)



But that’s just one of seven states that coughed up less than $100 million for the crisis.

Half of US states were estimated to have shelled out in excess of $100 million,while the bill for 19 reaches well over $1 billion.

California led the country with expenses of nearly $31 billion to take care of illegal immigrants and their children, according to FAIR’s study.

Texas followed at more than $13 billion; Florida clocked in at more than $8 billion; then New York and New Jersey.

The total outlay by American taxpayers was even higher, according to estimates from FAIR, at $182 billion.

However, illegal migrants do pay taxes — and FAIR estimated their contributions to local, state and federal treasuries came to about $32 billion.

However, that still left $150 billion in costs that American taxpayers were saddled with, FAIR estimated.

“The argument that illegal aliens pay more in taxes than they use in services, it’s completely misleading,” Mehlman said.

The staggering costs to taxpayers have ballooned since about 2017, when the true price of illegal immigration was estimated to be about $116 billion, according to FAIR.

That means the cost to US taxpayers rose about $35 billion in just five years, FAIR found.

More than 1.3 million people were released into the US by Customs and Border Protection between March 2023 and July 2024 — not including the scores who slipped in undetected, known as “gotaways.”

“It’s an atrocity to spend taxpayer money to support and help people that don’t even have the lawful right to be here because the federal government has got policies in place that are allowing this to occur,” said Chris Clem, former Border Patrol chief of the Yuma sector in Arizona.

“This is another pull factor because all they have to do is get arrested, turn themselves in and get released. They are getting opportunities that you and I don’t get.”


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ca3e8c No.21512171


That's nice

Homeless guy is a nice touch

You took family court services ..classes

Know all the key words

Keep reading ..Cletus

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7590e9 No.21512174

File: 57eb2a04788de77⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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121d92 No.21512175


Why are you arguing with someone who'll never get it?

God saw what you did, and you were impacted.

Nuff said, leave it at that.

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2ddbf3 No.21512178

File: 1ca4f32764ea7f1⋯.png (435.83 KB,944x674,472:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca3e8c No.21512179


Division tactics are fucking lame …cletus

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e497b4 No.21512181


I took in a homeless fella too. His name is Kato. Went well at first but the little yellow demon turned on me. Now I gotta watch my 6 day and night. I guess he’s good training for staying frosty but I would never have anticipated this outcome.

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2ddbf3 No.21512182

File: 7fccfc2c6a2306a⋯.png (272.37 KB,709x646,709:646,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e49da No.21512183

File: 95d0fba531bbbf1⋯.jpg (104.78 KB,888x499,888:499,DoctorsThankingBaker.jpg)


TY Baker

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787682 No.21512186

File: be6204365e2d035⋯.png (2.86 KB,133x155,133:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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1afe90 No.21512187

File: df545ecdd3cbfa3⋯.jpeg (34.45 KB,526x700,263:350,O75pXUWcdPuD.jpeg)


He's going all in on the religious profundity this morning.

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8fea8d No.21512188


>few make it into heaven.

false story from compromised mythos

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121d92 No.21512192

File: 1c17b1934acd20b⋯.png (262.52 KB,404x456,101:114,GoatLaugh.png)

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c6af19 No.21512193

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9a7e7d No.21512196

File: 2859dee97087fbc⋯.png (264.71 KB,413x435,413:435,ClipboardImage.png)


>I had a spirit hit me and tell me to take in the first homeless person I found

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121d92 No.21512197


I've clothed, fed and taken in many homeless combat vets, got them on their feet, and moved on. I got back far more.

I did it because I understood them, and got much more in return.

It's not about explaining to others, it's showing them, while in that process, to change their opinions.

Anywho, you do you.

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1afe90 No.21512198


>Current status of ANTISEMITISM because the truth always leads to the Jews as scum of the Earth.

Never fails. You clowns put on an elaborate act to just express your hatred for a single ethnicity. You're a basic bitch MuhJoo, Parakeet. That's all you've ever been.

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ca3e8c No.21512201


When you use intelligence instead of emotional responses…you get a much better out come

Let it go ….karma is a bitch


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183503 No.21512203

File: ede01a20228d064⋯.png (94.65 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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8fea8d No.21512207

File: 00757b490ba5573⋯.jpg (82.11 KB,828x1000,207:250,00757b490ba5573f9fa86e9959….jpg)


>A shitload of arrogant people who think they have it all figured out, looking down their noses at their neighbors.

Sounds like every "Christian" anon has met, yep confirmed

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ca3e8c No.21512209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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116495 No.21512210

File: f65736659305687⋯.png (277.42 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_092521.png)

File: e6f8a947086be03⋯.png (640.44 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_092529.png)

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116495 No.21512212

File: 101ded7a5cd7495⋯.png (235.54 KB,766x1648,383:824,918_1_.png)

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140e86 No.21512213

File: 829bae159961736⋯.webp (27.1 KB,700x577,700:577,aXPvpng_700bwp.webp)

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c97a8c No.21512214

Rewatched white squall last night while fully nite shifted. Many many new connections. Thank you for one, and much love for all our brothers.

Note: learn to swim, and a white squall is nothing to fear! ❤️

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35f572 No.21512216

File: cb92187355a852c⋯.png (171.63 KB,477x378,53:42,nancy.png)

>>21512151 lb

> decades of corruption

> decayed Pelosi

Nothing would surprise

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c45d43 No.21512217

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e497b4 No.21512218

File: 0278c0b3a39e3af⋯.jpeg (90.07 KB,1000x666,500:333,IMG_2391.jpeg)


I was making a movie reference and thru humor spreading a cautionary note my Greek fren. Glad it worked for you.

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6007fb No.21512219

File: 994347b6591a897⋯.png (77.93 KB,549x477,61:53,ClipboardImage.png)



They don't seem to understand what Christ Like (Christian) means. They all became Bible Karens

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7590e9 No.21512220


updated dough



#26355 >>21510708

>>21510730 Signs of terminal rent-free TDS

>>21510734 Communism is like diabetes

>>21510752 Court says 'Let's Go Brandon' can be censored by school

>>21510759 617,000 of the Biden / Harris illegal immigrants have criminal records

>>21510768 Influencers Coming Forward, Saying Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST on TikTok

>>21510781 Nancy Pelosi on "undocumented" migrants: "What I would like to do is move them to documented"

>>21510789 Not just will X be banned in Brazil but if you try using a VPN you can face fines up to $9,000 a day

>>21511075 Alexandre de Moraes orders the removal of VPN apps from the AppStore & PlayStore

>>21510800 Tim Walz's brother says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future"

>>21510830, >>21511026, >>21511044 Panic in DC

>>21510845, >>21510930 Rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse

>>21510989 Fatman Scoop Collapses on Stage, Video Shows Medical Staff Performing CPR

>>21511072 Alex Soros: Ending summer with my brother in Tirana has become a tradition @ediramaal

>>21511116 @BadlandsMedia_Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request from the DHS on Thursday, directing the Pentagon to provide the Secret Service with additional resources for the protection of presidential and vice presidential candidates during the 2024 election cycle.

>>21511160 Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino - Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C. Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

>>21511208 space launch status

>>21511521 Elon Musk @elonmusk: "We willl begin publishing the long list of @Alexandre’s crimes, along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke tomorrow."


>>21510935, >>21511018, >>21511590, >>21511565 Memes

>>21510708 Is this the most powerful trailer you've ever seen?

>>21511646, >>21511650 PROOF of crooked elections in GA and fraudulent results./ Ambrose King

>>21511653 DoD authorized Northcom to Plan Provide and execute operation to protect President and VP candidates through Inauguration day. They are assisting USSS.

>>21511657 Mexican drug lord who founded ultra-violent Zetas is released from US prison

>>21511661 Meet the Journalist (Xavier Poussard) Who EXPOSED Brigitte Macron

>>21511664 Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech

>>21511665 The United States government has paid out more than $5.22 billion to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or the VICP.

>>21511670 Soros-Funded Group Grooming Election Officials to Interfere in 2024 Election

>>21511681, >>21511683 'There's the money pot, which involves the exchange programs like the ones that Tim Walz was involved in'

>>21511697 Obama Being Black Didn’t Make Anything Better, Nor Will Kamala’s Color Improve America.

>>21511708, >>21511715, >>21511721, >>21511730 Most People Don't Realize They Are Being Slowly Brainwashed By Teachers

>>21511745 NSW MP charged with historical child sex offences quits parliament Member for Pittwater Rory Amon

>>21511799, >>21511802 The Navy on Friday fired the commander of a guided-missile destroyer that is part of an aircraft carrier strike group deployed in the Middle East to counter attacks on shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

>>21511816, >>21511930 Incredible. So very chilling to understand how corrupt the IC is………

>>21511881 School District Policy Allowing Staff To Hide Kids’ ‘Gender Identity’ Doesn’t Infringe On Parental Rights, Court Rules

>>21511897 Idaho Becomes FIRST State to Block Men From Entering Women's Spaces

>>21511925 The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )

>>21511959, >>21511963 ICYMI:

The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"PN1/2

>>21511989 Siemens CEO Jim Hagemann dreams of getting everyone on lab-grown meat

>>21512033 Trump intro RFKjr

>>21512034 Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland

>>21512041 Buttplug a bit behind

>>21512047 Court stops Pennsylvania counties from throwing out mail-in votes over incorrect envelope dates

>>21512051 The UK "smoking ban" outdoors has nothing to do with smoking or the NHS. It is a behavioural compliance mass psychology test

>>21512199 #26355

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a56a4c No.21512221

File: 121a50babbf3110⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,aspectacle.mp4)

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140e86 No.21512222

File: 0b12a41e894e956⋯.webp (68.2 KB,1078x1348,539:674,66d21832e7459.webp)

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116495 No.21512223

File: 54e50b84ce5760c⋯.png (606.09 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_093117.png)

File: 78eeea74dbe054f⋯.png (43.86 KB,766x540,383:270,829_2_.png)

video timestamp :55

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ca3e8c No.21512224


Anon ….I already know …..I know where I am

Interwebs know all

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725350 No.21512225

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)





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b9e9cb No.21512226


Sounds like you're looking down on "Christians" Anon.

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1afe90 No.21512227

File: a671df1bed279c6⋯.jpg (192.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,gojira_pepe5.jpg)


KEK. There's a significant difference between unfairly banned speech and the compelled visibility shills rely on. Because that's really what the shills whine about when it comes to their posts being removed, compelled visibility and published in perpetuity. Their shit gets posted, it's not blacklisted at the server level, and then it gets removed by staff that have had enough of their shit over the years. Abusing free speech to whine about free speech, it's an Alinsky thing.

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b3210c No.21512228

File: 48e601e1ee67184⋯.png (795.94 KB,720x844,180:211,I_O_go.PNG)

File: c60985bf61db659⋯.png (884.2 KB,1054x622,527:311,go.PNG)






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116495 No.21512229

File: f652bb85f8b0296⋯.png (181.87 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_093344.png)

File: a37e69f353e31f1⋯.png (129.69 KB,766x1426,383:713,657.png)


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9a7e7d No.21512230

File: 323942facc86bd7⋯.png (420.08 KB,639x638,639:638,ClipboardImage.png)


Impersonation is the highest form of flattery

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a56a4c No.21512231

File: 91c5dc0f4c8d941⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,1280x720,16:9,ispeakliketheydo.mp4)

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8fea8d No.21512233


>Sounds like you're looking down on "Christians" Anon.

Only the bad "christians", and if you don't think there are any you are woefully ignorant of reality

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140e86 No.21512234

File: 5c16c6a5749d734⋯.webp (32.15 KB,959x757,959:757,66d1f5e14205a.webp)

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116495 No.21512235

File: fc9d3c2a692d15f⋯.png (159.03 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_093516.png)

File: 09a6838d9356f5d⋯.png (70.46 KB,766x896,383:448,652_1_.png)

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58e944 No.21512236

Ahhh, a beautiful morning in the greatest country in the world. Have we recaptured it from the commies and the immigrant hordes yet, or are we waiting for the problem to fix itself?

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5961ee No.21512237

File: 8a3e10344dcacd2⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,720x1280,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17250732398….mp4)

>>21511160 Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino - Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C. Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024PN

Video attached

Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C.Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024


Aug 31, 2024 · 2:26 AM UTC


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eaa8b5 No.21512238

File: 775af6573fdec6f⋯.png (280.66 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

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b9e9cb No.21512239


"Every" isn't limited to "only." But good try.

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116495 No.21512240

File: 6624c1480eaf4f2⋯.png (131.82 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_093652.png)

File: c8410d0c23b9aaf⋯.png (211.19 KB,766x2304,383:1152,1258_4_.png)

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284550 No.21512241


Give me one good reason why you would not vote for the most joy filled ticket ever??

Dump the Drumpf


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284550 No.21512242


Have you made a meme and cried about it yet??

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96bce4 No.21512244

File: cfa18ad0a7de6a1⋯.jpg (103.86 KB,867x960,289:320,ChemtrailGeoEngineering.jpg)

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eaa8b5 No.21512245

File: bffdb36ecbfadc3⋯.jpg (51.3 KB,500x500,1:1,PepeCoffeeShop.jpg)

Welllll, we're here shitposting about it, so we're doing our part to combat Communism

GM >>21512236

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0ebb30 No.21512246



You truncated what anon said, nice try

Every Christian anon has met

How would anon know they were "christian"?

Bible Karen

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1afe90 No.21512247


It's all they have these days is impersonation and fake to try and make it through their day now. They couldn't indoctrinate anyone with their division narrative here like they could elsewhere. They couldn't even gain any ground here with their division narrative, so they changed it to focus on the individuals here that stand in their way and they run all day long imitation routines. So, it's not always a form of flattery, it's also a form of deception. No one would believe who they were telling everyone was the problem that needed to be destroyed so now they're trying to tell everyone that one or two people posting regular memes and mouthing them off is the problem that needs to be destroyed. Same shit, different pile.

In the place that's to be the news now, all they're bringing to the table is fake and lies. That should be nowhere near the news imo.

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e497b4 No.21512249

File: 62bb617e8eadb7a⋯.png (181.84 KB,268x378,134:189,IMG_2211.png)


I did not know that (name meaning).

Honor conveyed in many names.


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e53648 No.21512250

File: 18600f3b4966629⋯.png (928.7 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 157f50a07b57a45⋯.png (560.04 KB,511x900,511:900,ClipboardImage.png)

There's a simple explanation for what's happening in the world right now if you'll let yourself accept it. It's a global Communist revolution.

The missing piece to accepting it is simply that Communism evolved to solve the problem of productive forces by incorporating fascism.

An additional piece of interest is that Communism also evolved through the various liberation movements, initiated as "anti-imperialism" by Lenin, to adapt to each region's unique context, mostly through the technology of cultural revolution. So they're the same but different.

The necessary ingredients for this, beyond Lenin, were Mao's Cultural Revolution, the adoption of Dengism in China after Mao (with the help of the US State Department under Kissinger), Herbert Marcuse's importation of American Maoism, and Paulo Freire's model of radicalization.

Each of those pieces requires quite a bit of telling. In addition, there's the United Nations, which has always been committed to a version of this same transformational project, while claiming to be more advanced than Marxism. I'm working on putting it all together now.


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1162a1 No.21512251

File: fe371f4a6aa6337⋯.png (743.29 KB,728x912,91:114,ClipboardImage.png)

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116495 No.21512252

File: c3a4eb5408bf938⋯.png (522.71 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_093834.png)

File: bffb20ae47c712e⋯.png (106.22 KB,766x1294,383:647,1247_2_.png)

File: 2e3d2edde83fac4⋯.png (39.74 KB,766x496,383:248,116.png)

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81c46e No.21512253

File: 3e62053f01959f8⋯.png (186.83 KB,317x400,317:400,2bc6b4ed26b241eee89c689740….png)



The right to practice religion is protected by the first amendment - It doesn't protect harassment which is what many of those bible thumpers do

Completely fine with you keeping you religion, to yourself

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eaa8b5 No.21512254

File: fd0c6026c8ea1ee⋯.jpeg (7.18 KB,294x172,147:86,ApuCoffeeZone.jpeg)

kek good morning >>21512242

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121d92 No.21512255

File: 659a319a8c73e4c⋯.jpg (152.42 KB,1011x632,1011:632,753a019245ab628f.jpg)

Choosing an energy within, is a choice.

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b9e9cb No.21512256

File: 24313dcf937d04a⋯.png (83.7 KB,1177x359,1177:359,Capture_2024_08_31_09_38_0….png)


Here is what you said and what you replied to. I understand the hypocrisy is lost on you both.

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b3210c No.21512257

File: 9d6d50d4db3887a⋯.png (369.14 KB,412x704,103:176,poc.PNG)


A bevy of leading Democrats lined up party’s national convention (https://nypost.com/2024/08/23/us-news/kamala-harris-caps-dnc-with-acceptance-speech-big-on-vibes-but-light-on-policy/) to kiss the ring of left-wing megadonor Alex Soros, who showed his dominion over the pols by adding the photographs to his growing gallery on social media.

The snaps are a veritable who’s who of the party’s establishment powerbrokers — and those anointed as “rising stars.”

Many of the photos appear to have been taken from an airy skybox at the United Center in Chicago — where the party’s most elite donors paid up to $5 million (https://nypost.com/2024/08/22/media/chris-cuomo-rips-pay-to-play-as-dnc-luxury-suites-go-for-5m/) to watch the action.  


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140e86 No.21512259

File: d2c7089223aada3⋯.webp (69.09 KB,719x780,719:780,66d1b2afc8895.webp)

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ca3e8c No.21512260


How many Bulls were you feeding ?

Cause that's a lot of bullshit your throwing


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777b42 No.21512261

File: 9277fcb1680bedd⋯.png (592.32 KB,640x467,640:467,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21511072 lb pn

A Florida man pled guilty Monday to participating in and covering up a bizarre scheme that wound up getting Edi Rama, now Albania’s prime minister, into one of U.S. President Barack Obama’s fundraising events in October 2012, weeks before Obama’s re-election.

Appearing in federal court in Newark, New Jersey, businessman William Argeros, 57, admitted to felony charges of aiding and abetting an illegal foreign political donation and making a false statement to a grand jury, court filings show.

Argeros gave $75,800 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2012 and subsequently donated $100,000 to the committee funding Obama’s re-inauguration in 2013, federal records show.


Argeros was listed as a member of the host committee for a fundraiser President Bill Clinton was to attend for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in December 2015, according to local press accounts. However, the event was postponed, according to the Easton, Pa. Express-News.

Spokespeople for Clinton’s campaign did not respond to requests for comment Monday.

the bethlehem PA, area? right in the neck of the woods of one Fetullah Gulen. Coincidence or simply proximity



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0ebb30 No.21512262


Anon has met good people that never pushed their religion

You are missing the point

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116495 No.21512263

File: 892fc4145cb9e3b⋯.png (538.15 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_094221.png)

File: c96ab37341cf8ed⋯.png (279.78 KB,766x2278,383:1139,920.png)

File: 0c37c2aa7a24ebb⋯.png (483.22 KB,766x874,383:437,2120_1_.png)

File: 5408a2b3704be4a⋯.png (231.77 KB,766x1816,383:908,133_2_.png)

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1afe90 No.21512264

File: 93d87eebfe26a9f⋯.png (808.49 KB,1080x604,270:151,93d87eebfe26a9ff523231a679….png)

KEK. It's the three ID's trying to have a serious discussion with the namefag. One of them using a word spammed a lot by VaticanClown as an insult; he's obviously trying and failing to blend in. Poor little buggers. They fail so hard.

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e53648 No.21512266

File: 7f6c062116c9cbb⋯.png (768.54 KB,530x667,530:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3e0329fa69f3f5⋯.png (628 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

This is what Kamala Harris voters did to a MAGA woman.. Is this the JOY that they're constantly preaching?

Yes, their "joy" is radical joy, which is a ecstatic religious mania based on the thrill of seizing and abusing power



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96bce4 No.21512267


Alex's head fits 2 times horizontally into the other man's face

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b9e9cb No.21512268


You missed the point. You're a judgmental hypocrite. Sorry you're unable to see that.

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e497b4 No.21512269


The homeless fella I took in unfortunately had relapsed with alcohol abuse. Got him back on track mostly, but it ain’t easy.

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140e86 No.21512270

File: d95db10ce383534⋯.webp (36.07 KB,774x699,258:233,66d222ab82d0d.webp)

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777b42 No.21512271


Did you get a "lie sanz" for this little yellow demon?

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b9e9cb No.21512272


You are free to not go.

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116495 No.21512274

File: 892fc4145cb9e3b⋯.png (538.15 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_094221.png)

File: b1e71c1a79df589⋯.png (65.11 KB,766x896,383:448,820_5_.png)

File: 7ad58a19e7c7b8e⋯.png (102.23 KB,766x1206,383:603,2020_4_.png)

correction 8:20


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140e86 No.21512276

File: dd8b40d3cc5571e⋯.webp (102.49 KB,896x1114,448:557,66d228111a178.webp)

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bb0ef3 No.21512278

OUTRAGEOUS! Pennsylvania Court Forces Counties to Validate Ballots Despite Missing or Incorrect Dates on Their Outer Return Envelopes

By Jim Hᴏft Aug. 31, 2024 7:30 am

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court has issued a 4-1 ruling that blocks the enforcement of a crucial law requiring election officials to reject mail-in ballots with missing or incorrect handwritten dates on their outer return envelopes.

The case, brought forward by a coalition of organizations including the Black Political Empowerment Project, the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania, and Common Cause Pennsylvania, challenged the legality of rejecting mail-in ballots solely based on the absence or inaccuracy of the handwritten date on the return envelope.

Judge Ellen Ceisler, writing for the court, said that the right to vote is a fundamental constitutional guarantee, and any restrictions placed upon this right must withstand strict scrutiny.

“The date on the outer mail-in ballot envelopes is not used to determine the timeliness of a ballot, a voter’s qualifications/eligibility to vote, or fraud. Therefore, the dating provisions serve no compelling government interest,” the court stated in its opinion.

“The refusal to count undated or incorrectly dated but timely mail ballots submitted by otherwise eligible voters because of meaningless and inconsequential paperwork errors violates the fundamental right to vote recognized in the free and equal elections clause.”

The ruling effectively nullifies the practice of disqualifying ballots due to these dating errors.

“Based on our reasoning set forth above, we declare that strict enforcement of the dating provisions to reject timely submitted but undated or incorrectly dated absentee and mail-in ballots is unconstitutional under the free and equal elections clause and enjoin their strict enforcement to prevent against further disenfranchisement.”

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has rightly condemned this decision as an example of “the worst kind of judicial activism.”

Claire Zunk, RNC Election Integrity Communications Director, emphasized that courts should not undermine election confidence and integrity by striking down laws designed to protect voters.

“Mail ballot safeguards help make sure votes are cast and counted properly for all legal voters,” Zunk said in a statement.

“The Pennsylvania Supreme Court and US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit have both upheld Pennsylvania’s dated ballot requirement. But Democrats have nevertheless continued their effort to strike down this law by filing yet another lawsuit.

“Today’s decision striking down the dated ballot requirement was an example of the worst kind of judicial activism. Courts should not undermine election confidence and integrity by striking down commonsense election laws enacted by the people’s representatives. We will continue to defend the law and Pennsylvania voters, and intend to appeal this decision immediately.”

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s recent announcement to expedite appeals for 2024 election cases leaves the RNC with just three days to file a notice of appeal.


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1afe90 No.21512280

File: 27dcb22005dd173⋯.jpg (196.58 KB,800x800,1:1,smokingstand2.jpg)

They're so pious. They take homeless people into their homes and then come to QResearch to blame every problem in the world on Jews. Today's attempt from them is a most delectable morsel of imbecility.

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e53648 No.21512281

File: 7b819acd7c83a9c⋯.png (401.41 KB,680x634,340:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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116495 No.21512283

File: 7b330aa33f77012⋯.png (214.86 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_094825.png)

File: 30db2a0b74c79e2⋯.png (52.88 KB,766x584,383:292,415_1_.png)

File: 42c35156515b027⋯.png (752.75 KB,766x1034,383:517,1615_2_.png)

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777b42 No.21512284


spherical yet pointy

reading this one may be lead to believe that Joe was up to something not necessarily the photogenic Barry 0…

President Obama joined a meeting today between Vice President Biden and Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama. The President, Vice President, and Prime Minister emphasized the importance of Albania's partnership with the United States. The President and Vice President expressed appreciation for the critical role Albania plays in advancing regional security and reaffirmed the importance of keeping the door open to Euro-Atlantic integration for stability in the Balkans.

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55a86b No.21512287


oh like you look down on the jews.

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eaa8b5 No.21512288


>>>21510708 Is this the most powerful trailer you've ever seen? ←-might not be the correct post

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bb0ef3 No.21512289

Two new murder cases filed against former Bangladesh PM

By Al Mayadeen English | Source: News websites Today 16:18

The charges against the former PM include murder, allegations of crimes against humanity, and alleged abductions.

Two new murder cases have been filed against Bangladesh's ousted Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her former cabinet for killing three people during July's violent student-led anti-quota demonstrations, according to media reports.

The cases were filed in Dhaka courts on Friday, bringing the total number of legal cases against Hasina to 84.

The 76-year-old leader is facing 70 murder charges, eight cases of alleged crimes against humanity and genocide, three charges for alleged abduction, and three other charges, the Daily Star newspaper reported.

Deep dive into the murder charges

Two of the three people killed during the protests on August 4 include Zulkar Hossain, 38, and Anjana, 28, members of Hasina's former opposition, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). The case was filed by the party's activist Matiur Rahman in Kishoreganj.

The case statement details leaders of the Awami League party attacking a procession of the student movement and BNP activists with firearms, batons, and sharp weapons.

Some BNP members sought refuge in the home of a district Awami League leader in the nearby Khormaptri area where they were confined by Hasina-led party supporters. Hossain and Anjana were killed by the activists who set them on fire.


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b3210c No.21512290

File: 217a99d167bb020⋯.png (127.72 KB,249x564,83:188,tt.PNG)


Two Tier Justice system

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140e86 No.21512291

File: e21953234a5ce58⋯.jpg (166.79 KB,700x1190,10:17,awyQb7R_700bwpfszzfz.jpg)

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116495 No.21512292

File: 892fc4145cb9e3b⋯.png (538.15 KB,720x1600,9:20,892fc4145cb9e3bf80cbcfdc6e….png)

File: 7ad58a19e7c7b8e⋯.png (102.23 KB,766x1206,383:603,7ad58a19e7c7b8e1db12bba73f….png)











August 30 2018 Q post 7 year Delta

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29d87d No.21512293

File: 3970a79bdcb0c8a⋯.png (1.07 MB,1472x828,16:9,dayswift.png)

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b3210c No.21512294

File: 6b7551457a1fdc1⋯.png (759.91 KB,792x574,396:287,gi.PNG)


Knowing is Half The Battle!

The People's Audit (https://the-peoples-audit.org/) can now monitor the vote by mail process to make sure mail in ballots are not being abused and everything reconciles with the final advertised vote counts.

We do this in 4 Ways:

1.) Address Verification - We verify the mailing address in every version of the mail ballot requests and make sure counties are updating the status to "Undeliverable."

2.) Voter Verification - We are still shocked to see voters with more than one mail ballot requests in multiple counties. As well as we see requests for voters that no longer exist or are currently inactive.

3.) Change Monitoring - EVERY SINGLE CHANGE IS DOCUMENTED. And we can check if requests are being added or removed at any time. We also continue to see address changes much like Red Belly Road.

4.) Reconciliation - We can now reconcile the advertised mail vote counts with what was requested for every county and state wide. Every vote must reconcile.

This should be a game changer for the upcoming general election

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b3210c No.21512295

File: 7c8d7c656b9c5d1⋯.png (160.72 KB,438x657,2:3,tm.PNG)


Here's a quick demo of our Vote By Mail Time Machine and Reporting.

The People's Audit (https://the-peoples-audit.org/) is committed to empowering the grass roots with all the tools to fully audit and reconcile their local and state elections.

We are not going to be able to move on until WE THE PEOPLE trust elections again.

And I firmly believe that fair and transparent elections are the best way to peacefully fix our country.

This would not have been possible without the generosity of contributors all over this great country. Thank you to all that have given and continue to support our work.

God Bless!

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e53648 No.21512296

File: 13243c6b6762578⋯.png (449.94 KB,679x589,679:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0909c9cd7cac4a7⋯.png (722.91 KB,544x680,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

This is what happens when clown fake news loses control of the narrative.

Pwoplw go from TDS to CURED.


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eaa8b5 No.21512298

File: 6bc0abdc38993ec⋯.png (245.89 KB,505x652,505:652,ClipboardImage.png)


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29d87d No.21512299

File: 5c3a773251e4083⋯.png (69.03 KB,255x255,1:1,Innuendo.png)


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518018 No.21512300

G’s us.

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b3210c No.21512301

File: 6325d128dc89d55⋯.png (103.9 KB,445x622,445:622,hq.PNG)


Have you ever seen a forecasting model that accounts for election fraud and largely discards polling, since none of that is right or consistent anymore?

Now you have - this article is free for all to read and serves as the foundation for my 2024 election forecasting BY COUNTY.

Please take a look and bookmark.

Thank you!


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116495 No.21512302

File: 5cdd3933d86e4c4⋯.png (33.23 KB,766x452,383:226,956_3_.png)

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e53648 No.21512304

File: 318d361bb561cc0⋯.png (528.27 KB,539x680,539:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3210c No.21512305

File: 6ce28ecf2783a3c⋯.png (1.73 MB,1470x895,294:179,xx.PNG)


Devin Nunes - We Are In The Investigation Phase, Justice Comes Next, Elections Were Rigged

X22 Report

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bb0ef3 No.21512306

The End of Free Speech and Beginning of Political Persecution in Brazil

By Gateway Hispanic Aug. 31, 2024 8:45 am

Dictatorship of the Robe: In Brazil, the judiciary is accused of repressing opponents. Freedom of speech has become so limited that even X, formerly Twitter, has left the largest country in South America. One of the most evident examples of censorship is being experienced by the Bolsonaro family, as Eduardo Bolsonaro denounced in Mexico.

During his speech at CPAC Mexico, Brazilian Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro condemned the restrictions on freedom of speech in his home country by the judiciary. He criticized how both he and his father, former President Jair Bolsonaro, have been targets of judicial censorship.

Electoral Court Censorship Affected Bolsonaro’s Campaign

The persecution is so intense that Brazil’s highest electoral body, the Superior Electoral Court, banned the use of images from the September 7th Independence Day demonstrations in Jair Bolsonaro’s electoral campaign. Millions of Brazilians took to the streets in the largest demonstrations in Brazil’s history, yet the «justice» system prohibits showcasing them. Isn’t democracy supposed to be the will of the people? In Brazil, that will is being silenced. Eduardo Bolsonaro claims this directly harmed his father’s electoral narrative. «My father couldn’t use it in his TV campaign,» he lamented.

«In Brazil, especially, all censorship comes from the judiciary,» he added.

He also mentioned that censorship has reached the audiovisual sector. Brazil’s «justice» system has silenced documentaries about the judicial proceedings against former President Bolsonaro. As a contrast to how the country’s reality has changed, it’s important to note that the production company Brasil Paralelo (whose name suggests there is an alternative nation to what the judiciary tries to impose) made a documentary about the 2018 election acts and the judicial controversies surrounding Jair Bolsonaro, and no judge said anything.

Brazil Suffers a Dictatorship of the Robe

But now, the control of the STF, Supreme Federal Court, is such that it even censors social networks. Eduardo Bolsonaro claims that this dictatorship of the robe not only represses freedom of expression but also has a clear political bias and even serves electoral purposes. On one hand, it harms the Bolsonaros (right-wing), while on the other, it benefits Lula Da Silva (left-wing).

It is not insignificant that most of the justices of the Supreme Federal Court were appointed by presidents from Lula’s party, the Workers’ Party, indicating their leftist leaning.

Even a Progressive Journalist Denounces Persecution Against the Bolsonaros

It’s worth noting that these accusations go beyond just Eduardo Bolsonaro. Even journalist Glenn Greenwald has exposed the censorship against the Bolsonaros. Greenwald, who resides in Brazil, married a man there, and they adopted two children, is an LGBT activist who now supports the conservative leaders. Additionally, Greenwald is openly anti-Zionist, while the Bolsonaros have shown support for Israel.

Despite being on opposite ends of the political spectrum, Greenwald has stood out as a defender of freedom of expression and denounces its censorship, regardless of its source. Since his late partner was Brazilian, Greenwald has lived in Brazil for years and is familiar with the local reality.

In fluent Portuguese, Greenwald denounced on X that someone was arrested based on a false accusation that even the media retracted, all without a trial. He then laments that these individuals were left to rot for months, hoping they would betray someone. He further claims that any journalist who tries to interview them about their unjust imprisonment is censored. This is Xandão, he declared.

Greenwald also noted in the same thread that he was one of the journalists censored for interviewing Lula in 2018. «After Folha obtained authorization, I also went. It was outrageous, but… at least Lula was convicted and arrested (affirmed by Xandão/STF). Filipe Martins wasn’t, but he was jailed for 6 months for lying, without a prior trial.»

For those unaware, Filipe Martins was one of Jair Bolsonaro’s closest advisors, serving as his consultant on international matters. He went from a high-ranking position to jail, all without due process. It’s worth recalling that Che Guevara said that due process was a «bourgeois fetish.» When the extreme left is in power, it often disregards the right to a defense.

> continue

> https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/end-free-speech-beginning-political-persecution-brazil/

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e53648 No.21512307

File: 3510a0e73d9f164⋯.png (226.65 KB,654x496,327:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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140e86 No.21512308

File: b7bd84f99321c73⋯.webp (40.63 KB,500x501,500:501,66d22cc110fc1.webp)

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5e8e3b No.21512309

File: f45d213e49e64b4⋯.jpg (144.66 KB,864x642,144:107,COVFEFE_WIN.jpg)

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35f572 No.21512310

File: 4c5e96e07ea4b64⋯.png (340.59 KB,442x810,221:405,gm.png)


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6b6f47 No.21512311

File: 18ebe4462d35e01⋯.png (1.13 MB,600x900,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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eaa8b5 No.21512312

File: 746cceb186670ab⋯.png (359.46 KB,680x385,136:77,ClipboardImage.png)


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116495 No.21512313

File: a37e69f353e31f1⋯.png (129.69 KB,766x1426,383:713,657.png)

File: f652bb85f8b0296⋯.png (181.87 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_093344.png)

File: a37e69f353e31f1⋯.png (129.69 KB,766x1426,383:713,657.png)

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96bce4 No.21512314

File: c25d934181ce587⋯.png (99.35 KB,1500x2229,500:743,BeautifulDianaRIP.png)


Today 27 years, on 31st of August 1997 agoPrincess Diana was killed!

RIP in peace beautiful Diana.

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96bce4 No.21512315

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7590e9 No.21512316


guud to see ya TDS memer


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ca3e8c No.21512317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1afe90 No.21512319

File: 33f372341b39192⋯.png (65.16 KB,235x141,5:3,33f372341b3919259acb8eef99….png)

The singing deep state hunchback: Filtered. Two letter acronym: Filtered. Religious slides: Filtered.

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b54786 No.21512320

File: 05f7d4d90993a9a⋯.jpeg (285.5 KB,1168x659,1168:659,IMG_2722.jpeg)

>>21511646, >>21511650 PROOF of crooked elections in GA and fraudulent results./ Ambrose KingPN

Ambrose King Wins His Case

(Without A Hearing)


Ambrose King, Jr. who is a cousin to MLK, lost his campaign for school board in the 2022 democrat primary in Tift County by only 2 votes. Because he saw irregularities in the election, he contacted Election Attorney Jake Evans for help, and Jake brought me in as his expert witness. This is the fourth case we’ve been in together, not counting my defense when I was a defendant in the Fair Fight v. True the Vote case, which we won.

Election cases are normally tough cases to win, but I am very pleased to report that for the first time, we have managed to win one without even the need for a hearing!

The evidence was so strong the county conceded, which I believe they should absolutely be commended for. Making a mistake is easy. But owning it, and then stepping up to correct the mistake takes genuine integrity.

One of the first issues we always check for in these cases are residency and districting problems because they are so common, and there were quite a few in this case. But what ultimately won us the case was the discovery of an entireapartment complex, with 133 voters in it, and all of those voters had been placed in School Board District 6 instead of District 1 on the voter rolls.

That error effectively disenfranchised those voters from casting ballots in the district they actually live in, and it wasn’t just the school board district either - the lines in Tift County for school board and county commission are the same.

Below is a link to a map if you’d like to see it. The red line is the polygon for school board district 1 from the Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Office, and the yellow line is the polygon from the county’s property tax records for the apartment complex.

There are two big takeaways from this: First, we Republicans just won a case for a Democrat, because election integrity is NOT a partisan issue- we all deserve fair elections no matter what party we support. Second, although people can talk all kinds of nonsense about election integrity issues, it is a lot harder to dispute legitimate issues in a courtroom.


Check out his substack all about voter fraud, solutions etc in GA and elsewhere. He was a defendant as well as, True the Vote previously

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bb0ef3 No.21512321

Google hits out at Trump’s Truth Social app

The tech giant accused the platform of failing to moderate user-generated content, including violent threats

Truth Social, the official social media app of former US President Donald Trump and his supporters, has been kept off Google’s Play Store over multiple serious violations of its rules, the tech behemoth told Axios on Tuesday.

Truth Social CEO and former California congressman Devin Nunes has publicly complained about Google allegedly dragging its feet to approve the app, wondering aloud what could be “taking so long” and telling users its inclusion on the Android app platform “is up to Google." However, Google argued through a spokesperson that Truth Social was at fault for the delay, because it still had to fix several outstanding “violations of standard policies.”

“Having effective systems for moderating user-generated content is a condition of our terms of service for any app to go live on Google Play,” the spokesperson explained, adding that Truth Social had written back “acknowledging our feedback and saying that they are working on addressing these issues.”

While Truth Social has 'sensitive content' banners that preempt some posts that may be considered offensive, Google apparently took issue with the platform’s refusal to remove threats of violence, even those expressed as a rhetorical device.

Truth Social’s rollout has been beset by financial and regulatory troubles, including an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission into the special purpose vehicle Digital World Acquisitions Corp that was set up to take the company public.

Trump was unceremoniously removed from all mainstream social media platforms in January 2021 after he was accused of inciting violence among his supporters following the January 6 Capitol riot. While he is considering a comeback electoral run in 2024, only Elon Musk – who appears to be backing out of his acquisition of Twitter – has suggested he would welcome the former president back onto the platform.


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eaa8b5 No.21512322

File: 684657e35edae6f⋯.png (85.02 KB,186x271,186:271,ClipboardImage.png)

WOW, tks for posting, I remember that night very very well.


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b03491 No.21512323

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


Filter announcement fag: filtered

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e7ebac No.21512324



The grammatical errors on the memes are purposeful

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e7ebac No.21512326


>27 years

I'm getting old

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6b6f47 No.21512327

File: dcb17d45af736c3⋯.png (1.12 MB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

August 31, 2024

IFN and the NGC 7771 Group

Galaxies of the NGC 7771 Group are featured in this intriguing skyscape. Some 200 million light-years distant toward the constellation Pegasus, NGC 7771 is the large, edge-on spiral near center, about 75,000 light-years across, with two smaller galaxies below it. Large spiral NGC 7769 is seen face-on to the right. Galaxies of the NGC 7771 group are interacting, making repeated close passages that will ultimately result in galaxy-galaxy mergers on a cosmic timescale. The interactions can be traced by distortions in the shape of the galaxies themselves and faint streams of stars created by their mutual gravitational tides. But a clear view of this galaxy group is difficult to come by as the deep image also reveals extensive clouds of foreground dust sweeping across the field of view. The dim, dusty galactic cirrus clouds are known as Integrated Flux Nebulae. The faint IFN reflect starlight from our own Milky Way Galaxy and lie only a few hundred light-years above the galactic plane.


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bffe9c No.21512328

>>21509050 pb

Any anons watch this last night?

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1afe90 No.21512329


Yeah, the clowns despise when people announce the filters. People might listen to that filter announcement.

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e58315 No.21512330

If you plan to be the change the world to make it better place.

The world will plan on changing you to not give a fuck about that change

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bb0ef3 No.21512331

Pushing back migrants is ‘a grave sin’ – Pope

29 Aug, 2024 14:45

The Mediterranean Sea has become a “cemetery,” the pontiff has said

Those who refuse to offer aid to migrants attempting to cross into Europe are committing “a grave sin,” Pope Francis has said.

Speaking at the regular papal audience on Wednesday, the head of the Roman Catholic Church drew attention to the fate of scores of migrants attempting to reach European shores, particularly via the Mediterranean route.

Referring to the Mediterranean Sea as Mare Nostrum – a label used by the ancient Romans – Francis argued that it should be “a place of communication between peoples and civilizations” but instead “has become a cemetery.”

The Pope said the thousands of deaths in the region were avoidable, denouncing those “who systematically work, using all means, to push back migrants.”

“And this, when done with conscience and responsibility, is a grave sin,” he warned, citing the Bible as saying “’You shall not wrong or oppress a foreigner.’”

He added that “God is there with [the migrants]” and “suffers with them” as they seek a path to salvation.

The pontiff argued that the West cannot help people by fortifying borders, but only by “expanding safe and regular pathways for migrants” and facilitating refuge for those fleeing from various calamities through a “global governance of migration based on justice, fraternity and solidarity.”

The Mediterranean is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous routes for migrants to reach the EU, with many fleeing Africa and the Middle East, particularly Syria and Libya, often relying on flimsy and overcrowded boats.

The route became notorious in 2015 in the midst of the EU migration crisis, and the trend continues to this day. According to the International Organization for Migration, more than 290,000 migrants and refugees were recorded arriving in Europe through the Mediterranean and Western African-Atlantic route in 2023, a 55% spike from 2022. At least 3,100 migrants died trying to cross the Mediterranean in 2023.

Italy, one of the main countries grappling with the crisis, has been particularly active in trying to control migration. In September 2023, the country’s right-wing government passed measures allowing authorities to detain migrants for up to 18 months, while approving the construction of new detention centers.


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c011e9 No.21512332

File: 796bafcb6161670⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,576x1024,9:16,anchorbaby_fake.mp4)

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81c46e No.21512333

File: 0aa01a85c480438⋯.jpg (52.3 KB,500x533,500:533,0aa01a85c480438b4d4ac5835b….jpg)

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5cf21e No.21512334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jimmy Sovile cover story?

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1afe90 No.21512336

File: d9d86e340b7d123⋯.gif (700.2 KB,480x270,16:9,d9d86e340b7d1234e730ee385a….gif)

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70241a No.21512337

>>21512151 LB



tfw your coup leader speaks

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55a86b No.21512338


well I am spiritually better than you. The talmud is shit but then so is the rest of the bible. The talmud is after all just rabinic interpretations of what they initially made up in the first place. If everything was fine you would not be the idiot you are.

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b03491 No.21512339

File: 4ebc7cf5ece0802⋯.jpg (51.33 KB,378x465,126:155,4ebc7cf5ece080259e476b3d97….jpg)


>People might listen to that filter announcement.

Saying the quiet part out loud.

Thanks for confirming that the whole reason for announcing the filter is an attempt at opinion shaping.

Thanks for playing.

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bb0ef3 No.21512340

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Resume Secret Illegal Alien Flights into the US Paid for by US Taxpayers – 347,959 Flown Into Texas and Florida So Far

By Jim Hoft Aug. 31, 2024 9:00 am

According to a Gateway Pundit June report, new CBP data, over 1 million illegal aliens have been allowed into the US through what the regime defines as “legal” means. The Biden-Kamala admin has used the CBP One App and the CHNV program to allow illegals entry into the US. These numbers are not included in the millions of illegals that have entered the US under Joe Biden’s watch.

According to the statistics, over 636,000 illegals used the CBP One App to get into the US at ports of entry.

Over 462,000 illegals were flown directly into the US under the CHNV Parole program.

These are simply other tactics the Biden regime uses to bring future Democrat voters into the United States, paid for by your tax dollars.

This week the Biden-Harris regime announced it was restarting the controversial tax-payer funded policy after a brief hiatus.

According to Rebecca Santana the regime-friendly AP:

The Department of Homeland Security had suspended the program earlier this month to investigate the concerns but indicated that an internal review found no widespread fraud among sponsors.

“Together with our existing rigorous vetting of potential beneficiaries seeking to travel to the United States, these new procedures for supporters have strengthened the integrity of these processes and will help protect against exploitation of beneficiaries,” the agency said.

The program launched in January 2023 and is a major piece of the Biden administration’s immigration policies that create or expand pathways for legal entry while restricting asylum for those who cross the border illegally.

Of course, this is a disgusing fluff piece by the AP. We all know there are no policies in place that restrict asylum for illegal aliens who walk into the US. They are all welcomed by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. There are NO deportations.

This is a purposeful program by Democrats to flood red states with illegal aliens – paid for by you the US taxpayer.

Joe Biden flew most of the illegal aliens in his secret migrant flight program to Florida and Texas – to punish the red states with a crushing amount of new illegal aliens.

Biden sent 90% of the illegals in the secret flight program to Florida and Texas.



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692844 No.21512341

File: 0882c49f52761bd⋯.jpg (88.79 KB,605x383,605:383,goodtimes.jpg)

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340af0 No.21512342

Stop trying to help

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1afe90 No.21512343

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)


>Thanks for confirming that the whole reason for announcing the filter is an attempt at opinion shaping.

You can frame it that way if you prefer, I look at it like a head's up to others. I'm not telling them what to think, I'm telling them what I think. You're the one trying to "tether" that to opinion shaping, not me. And I thought you filtered me, though guy?

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bb0ef3 No.21512344

New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

By Jim Hoft Aug. 31, 2024 8:00 am

Guest post by Larry Johnson at Sonar 21

A new development that merits attention. A complaint was filed on Friday before the U.S. District Court in Maryland presenting evidence that the USPS acted illegally in shipping at least one million mail-in ballots from a facility in Bethpage, New York to Pennsylvania on October 21, 2020. The suit was brought by attorney Brian Della Rocca, but the critical evidence was collected by two friends of mine — John Moynihan and Larry Doyle. Full disclosure, I have known John since 1998 and we were partners in BERG Associates, LLC. John, in my opinion, is one of the best financial and forensic investigators in the world. Hands down.

Here is the bottom-line — the truck driver, Jesse Morgan, picked up a container filled with 20 Gaylord boxes. There were mail-in ballots in each of the Gaylords. A Gaylord can hold from 50,000 up to 100,000 ballots. Do the math — Mr. Morgan was transporting at least one million mail-in ballots (already filled in with signatures on the envelopes). So, what you say? The mail-in ballots are First Class mail. Every piece of First Class mail is supposed to be imaged per USPS regulations. The facility where Morgan picked up the load of ballots is ONLY certified for handling packages and Express Mail. There is no legal justification to account for those ballots to have passed through that warehouse.

Let me give you the highlights of the complaint and John’s affidavit.



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55a86b No.21512345


filter my balls on your moms face. My big saggy wrinkled balls smacking against your moms face. filter that you stupid nigger.

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ab8027 No.21512346

File: b3d7c2eae309b14⋯.jpeg (105.67 KB,1351x1110,1351:1110,Make_America_American_Aga….jpeg)

Make America American Again


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55a86b No.21512348


make acronyms amazing almost.

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bb0ef3 No.21512349

Ukrainian defense chief visits Pentagon

Politico reported earlier that Rustem Umerov would try to persuade the US to lift its restrictions on long-range strikes against Russia

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov has met with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to discuss additional military aid. The visit came amid renewed requests by Kiev for Washington to lift its restrictions on the use of US-supplied weapons for long-range strikes deep inside Russia.

Earlier this week, Politico, citing anonymous sources, claimed that Umerov and Vladimir Zelensky’s chief of staff Andrey Yermak would attempt to persuade their American backers to change their minds.

On Friday, the Pentagon’s Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh announced that “Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III held bilateral talks with Ukrainian Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov today regarding Ukraine’s ongoing operations [and] security assistance priorities.”

The latter include air defense systems, artillery and armored vehicles needed to help Ukraine “build additional combat power.”

Another topic high on the officials’ agenda was the upcoming meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group on September 6. The gathering will see more than 50 of the countries which support Kiev congregate in Ramstein, Germany to deliberate over plans for more military supplies for Ukraine, in order to cover both its immediate and long-term needs.

Austin pledged to “continue to build on the strategic partnership between” the US and Ukraine, Singh concluded.

On Tuesday, Pentagon spokesman Major-General Patrick Ryder clarified that Washington’s “policy has not changed,” meaning that Ukraine is allowed to use US-supplied weapons to defend against cross-border attacks, but not for “deep strikes” into what the US recognizes as Russian territory.

Meanwhile, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Monday that Washington “will keep the conversations with the Ukrainians going [on the issue], but we are going to keep them private.”

That same day, Zelensky insisted that “there should be no restrictions on the range of weapons for Ukraine.”

Commenting on Kirby’s statement on Friday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova claimed that it indicated that “Ukraine has been given carte blanche for operations in Russian regions.”

“The administration of [US President] Joe Biden is obviously getting ready to make new concessions to Zelensky and give him a free hand to use virtually any type of American weapons, including [for attacks] deep into Russian territory,” the diplomat alleged, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

Her remarks echoed those made on Tuesday by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who insisted that the “West does not want to avoid escalation.”

The minister warned that Kiev’s backers would be “playing with fire” if they were to allow Ukraine to use their weapons to conduct long-range strikes deep inside Russia.


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1afe90 No.21512350

File: 584887512100a28⋯.gif (241.88 KB,600x400,3:2,759876734.gif)

They seem a little angry now after announcing what I'm filtering.

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96bce4 No.21512351

File: e961fe88a37bf84⋯.jpg (374.49 KB,1077x901,1077:901,oldkek.jpg)

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e38c8b No.21512352


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b03491 No.21512353

File: e048d11553bec84⋯.jpg (27.83 KB,600x327,200:109,i_can_show_qtgy5d.jpg)


>I'm not telling them what to think, I'm telling them what I think.

And why would anyone care what you think?

>You're the one trying to "tether" that to opinion shaping, not me.

Because you want other anons to follow suit, as you stated before; as your reason why supposed clowns hate it so much…

>And I thought you filtered me, though guy?


I'm not a filterfag…

Real anons filter by scrolling by.

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9a7e7d No.21512354

File: b403ef9c112e81b⋯.png (1.23 MB,1290x1163,1290:1163,ClipboardImage.png)


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b03491 No.21512356

File: b7c05fe4f1a0770⋯.png (199.11 KB,425x392,425:392,lmao_pepe.png)



Don't flatter yourself. I'm only one anon.

>seem a little angry

Why do faggots like you always claim the other party is angry, when they are literally laughing at you? Kek.

>after announcing what I'm filtering.

You're a good boy, want a cookie? kek

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1afe90 No.21512358

File: e46be0a557a870c⋯.webm (633.38 KB,569x240,569:240,_.webm)


>I'm not a filterfag…

Then why did you say I was filtered.

>Real anons filter by scrolling by.

You're not the arbiter nor gatekeeper of what being a real anon is.

>And why would anyone care what you think?

You tell me, moran. You're the one that threw your shit over me announcing a filter and someone potentially taking that as advice.

>Because you want other anons to follow suit, as you stated before; as your reason why supposed clowns hate it so much…

No, I don't want that, you're the one saying that's what I want. I just announce the filter and look at how triggered you've become over that.

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55a86b No.21512360


why can not anons be both angry and having fun. But you are angry and emotional and using vulgar words that means you lost, droll.

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96bce4 No.21512361

File: e3e9f474b4ae576⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,426x232,213:116,InterviewDiana.mp4)



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777b42 No.21512362


Edi Rama and Recip Erdrogan

The moolah and then the coup

hence Biden going to Turkey to

smooth things over

because ? Gulen was a clown asset Recip during an election could go vamoose and this would keep Flynn from getting 15M frns for whisking away with FG and undoing whatever it was clowns were clowning

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bb0ef3 No.21512363

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Arkansas Election Officials Can’t Reject Online Voter Registration Signed with Electronic Signatures

By Jim Hᴏft Aug. 31, 2024 7:00 am

Obama-appointed Judge Timothy L. Brooks has opened the doors to potential voter fraud in Arkansas.

On Thursday, Judge Brooks ruled that election officials in Arkansas cannot reject online voter registration applications signed with digital or electronic signatures for the upcoming election, effectively overturning a common-sense measure that required a handwritten signature to ensure voter authenticity.

This ruling comes as a slap in the face of Arkansas’s legislative efforts, where state lawmakers approved an emergency rule mandating a “wet signature” for voter registration, Arkansas Times reported.

Arkansas Senate wrote in June:

The deadline to register to vote in the November 5 general election falls on Monday, October 7.

Keep in mind that county clerks may not accept voter registration forms signed digitally, unless they are submitted by certain state agencies.

The state Board of Election Commissioners has approved an emergency rule concerning digital signatures and it has been approved by the Executive Subcommittee of the Legislative Council.

Previously, some county clerks were accepting electronic signatures and some clerks were not. The emergency rule is meant to clarify that all 75 county clerks in Arkansas should only accept a “wet signature” on voter registration applications. That means it was signed with an ink pen.

In response to the emergency rule, advocacy groups have sued the Secretary of State and the Board of Election Commissioners in federal court. They contend that the rule amounts to voter suppression, and they argue that people can use electronic signatures to finalize financial statements, loan applications, mortgages, legal papers and various documents required by banks and corporations.

The attorney general issued an opinion in April that said “while an electronic signature or mark is generally valid under Arkansas law, the registration form must be created and distributed by the Secretary of State. A third-party organization cannot create and use a different form of its own to register voters.”

However, Judge Brooks, siding with far-left advocacy groups like Get Loud Arkansas (GLA) and Vote.org, decided to impose his will on the people of Arkansas by blocking this rule. In his decision, Brooks claimed that the “wet signature” requirement likely violates the Materiality Provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

“The Court then ORDERED from the Bench that Defendants, (and their respective agents, officers, employees, and successors, and all persons acting in concert with each or any of them) were PRELIMINARILY ENJOINED from enforcing the wet signature rule AND from rejecting or refusing to accept any voter registration application on the ground that it was signed with a digital or electronic signature,” Brooks said in its ruling.


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31f53a No.21512364

File: 3d783d1c6471fd5⋯.png (1.51 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Sperm_Whale_with_Brontosau….png)

Let's go!

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593c31 No.21512365

Arrest Warrant Sought Against Brad Raffensperger

(An edited version of this story is expected to appear next week in The Federalist)

MARK DAVIS AUG 16, 2024.1/2

In a May 2024 action reminiscent of the battle between “David and Goliath,”Cherokee County Georgia voter Tim Adderholdt asked the Magistrate Court in his county to issue a warrant for the arrest of one Bradford Jay Raffensperger,the Georgia Secretary of State. He has accused Raffensperger of three criminal offenses:“Violation of Oath by a Public Officer”, “False Statements and Writings”, and “Criminal Solicitation.”

Adderholdt’s claims stem from a May 2020 rulechange unanimously adopted by the State Election Board in response to the Covid pandemic.

It allowed counties to open and scan absentee ballots up to three weeks before the June 9, 2020 combinedPresidential Preference and State Primary, the State Primary Runoff, the November 2, 2020 General Election, and the January 5, 2021 US Senate Runoff.

Due to the pandemic, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp had declared a “Public Heath State of Emergency” on March 14, 2020, and called “for a special session of the General Assembly to convene at the State Capitol at 8 AM on Monday, March 16, 2020, to ratify this action through a joint resolution,” which the legislature approved.

Then in a move that remains controversial, Raffensperger announced on March 24, 2020 that he would be “mailing absentee ballot request forms to every Georgia voter,” putting the number at 6.9 million. Adderholdt characterized that as a “short sighted decision that created a staffing issue, and the SOS’s solution to their self-created staffing issue was to violate the law.”

During the May 18, 2020 State Election Board meeting, arguing in favor of the proposed rule change, Raffensperger’s General Counsel Ryan Germany told the Board:

“To give you some statistics, as of this morning, we have had 1,438,000 absentee ballot applications accepted. Out of that 1.4 million, 1.319 million of those absentee ballots have been mailed. The rest are, of course, in the process of being mailed. And out of those 1.3 that have been mailed, 1.25 million have already been delivered to Georgia voters. 360,173 ballots have already been accepted – been returned and accepted by county election officials. I think the last presidential preference primary, general primary, there was 36,000 total absentee vote by mail ballots cast in the entire election. So we’re already at well above that in orders of magnitude.”

Summarizing his argument Germany said, “So that leads me to this emergency rule we are considering. With this many absentee ballots coming in,if there is going to be a way to get results any time quickly after the election, we think we need to allow counties to start processing these absentee ballots early.”(which they didn't all, the cheating was so bad it took weeks)

He explained that “with the new system,you’re able to scan the ballot without tabulating it, similar to early voting.” He said, “We also modeled this rule after the existing early tabulation statute,”without citing any statutory or emergency authority for the board to pass such a rule in contradiction of existing state law.

After a brief discussion, Board Member Matt Mashburn moved that “the rules be adopted as published” and received a second by Board Member Anh Le. The rule then passed unanimously, and the meeting adjourned.

Adderholdt’s position is that the rule was illegally adopted by the board, which at the time was chaired by Raffensperger and comprised of four other members who are all attorneys. He cites OCGA 21-2-386 claiming thatfor a period of 97 years, from 1924 until the law was amended in March of 2021by the passage of SB202, the law required that:

The board of registrars or absentee ballot clerk shall keep safely, unopened, and stored in a manner that will prevent tampering and unauthorized access all official absentee ballots received from absentee electors prior to the closing of the polls.


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1afe90 No.21512366


>Don't flatter yourself. I'm only one anon.

You're not working alone, hence the "they."

>Why do faggots like you always claim the other party is angry, when they are literally laughing at you? Kek.

I never claimed you were angry, I claimed it seemed like you were angry. Comprehension much?

>You're a good boy, want a cookie? kek

So just indifferent deflection?

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777b42 No.21512367



a fzzy biscuit would likely fix that right up

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1afe90 No.21512368

File: f66b14e9e525ec3⋯.png (438.38 KB,520x480,13:12,all_the_traitors.png)

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b38d73 No.21512369

Other federal "departments" that should be dissolved:

Dept of Homeland Security - unnecessary

Transportation Safety Agency - useless

Seriously, other than Defense, and Health/Human Services what else is necessary?

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593c31 No.21512370



He also cites a June 26,1980 opinion of the Georgia Attorney General on the law which confirmed that stating:

This is in response to your recent request for my opinion on whether a board of registrars may open envelopes containing absentee ballots prior to the closing of the polls, in the interest of expediting the counting of absentee ballots.

In my opinion, the mandatory language of (the code section then in use) forecloses all discussion of the matter. The board of registrars must keep the envelopes safe and unopened until after the closing of the polls.

When I asked Adderholdtif the board had relied on some unspecified emergency powerwhen it adopted the rule, he saidif it did that has not yet been argued in any of the legal proceedings.

Those began in December of 2020 when he filed a complaint in the Superior Court in Cherokee County to prevent the county from opening and scanning ballots ahead of the January 2021 US Senate Runoff.

Following the election that court found that the county had “opened the ballots pursuant to State Election Board Emergency Rule 183-1-14-.09-.15” which “expired January 5, 2021”, but dismissed the suit stating the passage of SB 202 had rendered the “Plaintiff’s case moot.”

Armed with that finding of fact Adderholdt, who for over three years had represented himself, lodged his criminal complaint in Magistrate Court. When that court ruled that it “does not have jurisdictional authority to issue a declaratory judgement” and that it did not have the “authority to decide” the legality of the rule, Adderholdt retained criminal attorney and candidate for the Georgia House of Representatives Catherine Bernard to appeal the decision to the Cherokee Superior Court.

Whatever the outcome of Adderholdt’s case ultimately is, thecentral question here is whether Secretary Raffensperger, the State Election Board, and county boards of election violated the law during the 2020 election cycle.

Georgia voters deserve an answer to that question.We cannot assume that Brad Raffensperger is in his last term as Secretary of State because our state has no term limit for the office. In fact, Democrat Max Cleland held it from 1983 to 1996. So, if Raffensperger did break the law, and advised all 159 of our counties to do the same, we need to know that.

Towards that end, I turned to Georgia attorney Harry Macdougald for his thoughts on this issue. In an email, he pointed out thatthe emergency powers given to Governor Kemp during the Covid crisis did not extend to the Secretary of State or the State Election Board, and said:

“As a basic matter of administrative law, regulations may not contradict the statutes under which they are promulgated. The rule-making authority granted by O.C.G.A. § 21-2-31(2) requires that the rules be “consistent with law.”

The regulation for early opening and scanning of absentee ballots was plainly contrary to the statute governing the handling of absentee ballots and therefore clearly unlawful.”

When asked for comment, Mike Hassinger, Public Information Officer for the Secretary of State responded: “We can’t comment on any pending litigation or legal matters.”


This seems to explain how Raffensberger and Germany had planned the steal of 2020 from Trump very, very early on in 2020. Yes arrest RaffensbergerCovid was the excuse for all cheating.

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e7ebac No.21512371


Some of us will die waiting for the 2 weeks to end, my life isn't even defined by the stupid shit I do anymore.

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e38c8b No.21512372

File: bb53ba3f9e4b2c2⋯.png (3.13 MB,1084x1511,1084:1511,20240831_082730.png)

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b03491 No.21512373

File: 002ea5205ab73d4⋯.jpg (18.2 KB,255x253,255:253,01a089a537ddd365f3ce81f94f….jpg)


>Then why did you say I was filtered.

To fuck with you.

It worked.

>You're the one that threw your shit


>you're the one saying that's what I want.

And so did you, do you need a moment to re-phrase?


>You're not working alone, hence the "they."

Wat? Skizo-talk.

Are these "they" in the room with you right now?

>I never claimed you were angry, I claimed it seemed like you were angry.

Same-same but different.

>So just indifferent deflection?

Yes, no one cares who you filter.

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f1b91b No.21512374

Daily reminder

You guys are IDIOTS for hiding out here when you could be spreading the word on X.


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e7ebac No.21512375


> my life isn't even defined by the stupid shit I do anymore.

This stupid shit has no end in sight…


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3bdf97 No.21512376



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1afe90 No.21512377

File: 73f5eeb05b22014⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,300x300,1:1,smokingthinker2.jpg)


>Some of us will die waiting for the 2 weeks to end

That's why I focus on the moment and not the finish line. No guarantee I'll make it to the finish line so no point in even spending effort to daydream about potential finish line possibilities.

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96bce4 No.21512378


start growing flowers, food plants and trees, anon

and enjoy the cuteness and beauty that surrounds you

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777b42 No.21512379

File: 9c0cb3c1dd8b6ca⋯.png (656.8 KB,765x500,153:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7ebac No.21512380


>spreading the word on X.

What word? We're all banned, but what word?

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9501a5 No.21512381

The Marx/Mao party of Comrade Kam ila needs to simultaneously lower food prices for their poor voting block while pumping prices to justify lowering them.

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55a86b No.21512382


daily reminder x still censors people.

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e38c8b No.21512383

defined lives are controlled lives.

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e7ebac No.21512384


>start growing flowers, food plants and trees, anon

This shit again, touch grass anon, can't afford land in this land of the slaves.

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1afe90 No.21512385



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85e5d4 No.21512386

File: 7d58354ddef7e65⋯.jpeg (14.84 KB,186x255,62:85,1b52047e05417b4baa5bb2ce7….jpeg)


Spirit Asante

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6b6f47 No.21512388

File: e71a37b6204930a⋯.png (348.15 KB,1041x586,1041:586,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87491fde7762443⋯.png (1.37 MB,984x549,328:183,ClipboardImage.png)


NASA, ESA Missions Help Scientists Uncover How Solar Wind Gets Energy

Aug 30, 2024

Since the 1960s, astronomers have wondered how the Sun’s supersonic “solar wind,” a stream of energetic particles that flows out into the solar system, continues to receive energy once it leaves the Sun.

Now, thanks to a lucky lineup of a NASA and an ESA (European Space Agency)/NASA spacecraft both currently studying the Sun, they may have discovered the answer — knowledge that is a crucial piece of the puzzle to help scientists better forecast solar activity between the Sun and Earth.

A paper published in the Aug. 30, 2024, issue of the journal Science provides persuasive evidence that the fastest solar winds are powered by magnetic “switchbacks,” or large kinks in the magnetic field, near the Sun.

“Our study addresses a huge open question about how the solar wind is energized and helps us understand how the Sun affects its environment and, ultimately, the Earth,” said Yeimy Rivera, co-leader of the study and a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, part of Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian.

“If this process happens in our local star, it’s highly likely that this powers winds from other stars across the Milky Way galaxy and beyond and could have implications for the habitability of exoplanets.”

Previously, NASA’s Parker Solar Probe found that these switchbacks were common throughout the solar wind.

Parker, which became the first craft to enter the Sun's magnetic atmosphere in 2021, allowed scientists to determine that switchbacks become more distinct and more powerful close to the Sun.

Up to now, however, scientists lacked experimental evidence that this interesting phenomenon actually deposits enough energy to be important in the solar wind.

“About three years ago, I was giving a talk about how fascinating these waves are,” said co-author Mike Stevens, astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics.

“At the end, an astronomy professor stood up and said, ‘that's neat, but do they actually matter?’”

To answer this, the team of scientists had to use two different spacecraft.

Parker is built to fly through the Sun’s atmosphere, or “corona.” ESA's and NASA’s Solar Orbiter mission is also on an orbit that takes it relatively close to the Sun, and it measures solar wind at larger distances.


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6b6f47 No.21512389


The discovery was made possible because of a coincidental alignment in February 2022 that allowed both Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter to measure the same solar wind stream within two days of each other.

Solar Orbiter was almost halfway to the Sun while Parker was skirting the edge of the Sun's magnetic atmosphere. “We didn't initially realize that Parker and Solar Orbiter were measuring the same thing at all.

Parker saw this slower plasma near the Sun that was full of switchback waves, and then Solar Orbiter recorded a fast stream which had received heat and with very little wave activity,” said Samuel Badman, astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics and the other co-lead of the study.

“When we connected the two, that was a real eureka moment.”

Scientists have long known that energy is moved throughout the Sun‘s corona and the solar wind, at least in part, through what are known as "Alfvén waves.”

These waves transport energy through a plasma, the superheated state of matter that makes up the solar wind.

However, how much the Alfvén waves evolve and interact with the solar wind between the Sun and Earth couldn't be measured — until these two missions were sent closer to the Sun than ever before, at the same time.

Now, scientists can directly determine how much energy is stored in the magnetic and velocity fluctuations of these waves near the corona, and how much less energy is carried by the waves farther from the Sun.

The new research shows that the Alfvén waves in the form of switchbacks provide enough energy to account for the heating and acceleration documented in the faster stream of the solar wind as it flows away from the Sun.

“It took over half a century to confirm that Alfvenic wave acceleration and heating are important processes, and they happen in approximately the way we think they do,” said John Belcher, emeritus professor from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who co-discovered Alfvén waves in the solar wind but was not involved in this study.

In addition to helping scientists better forecast solar activity and space weather, such information helps us understand mysteries of the universe elsewhere and how Sun-like stars and stellar winds operate everywhere.

“This discovery is one of the key puzzle pieces to answer the 50-year-old question of how the solar wind is accelerated and heated in the innermost portions of the heliosphere, bringing us closer to closure to one of the main science objectives of the Parker Solar Probe mission,” said Adam Szabo, Parker Solar Probe mission science lead at NASA.


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c83657 No.21512390


The church/state was created by man,

Not man created for the church/state.

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96bce4 No.21512391


you can ask someone who has land and doesnt do anything with it to just let you a tiny piece to grow stuff on, there are so many good people or elder people, who need help in their garden etc…

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1afe90 No.21512392

File: 52d2e26f85d351a⋯.jpg (426.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,40k_raven_guard_primaris2.jpg)


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b189ec No.21512393


Why do people think this tranny who married the spawn of Satan is a good person?

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bb0ef3 No.21512394

‘Uncommitted’ Nightmare Haunts Harris as CNN Interview Further Fractures Democrat Base


Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris is facing a severe crisis with the pro-Palestinian wing of her party after she doubled down on her and President Joe Biden’s Israel policies in her CNN interview Thursday.

CNN’s Dana Bash pressed Harris on arms policy toward Israel on Thursday night. After Harris initially skirted a direct question about potentially withholding “some” arms to Israel, as the pro-Palestinian Uncommitted movement has been demanding for seven months, Bash did not let her off the hook. Following up on the same question, she drew a “No” from Harris when she asked if there would be any “change in policy in terms of arms and so forth” towards Israel, igniting a frenzy of condemnation from prominent pro-Palestinian figures, including Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

The response and the fallout underscore and worsen a massive problem for Harris, who has a fractured base heading into the home stretch of the election. These voters, more than half a million of whom protested the Biden-Harris administration with “uncommitted” votes in the Democratic primary, have threatened and continue to threaten to stay home in November, barring a radical change in policy or a cease-fire. The movement includes Arab Americans, Muslims, young voters, and far-left progressives.

Making the problem so severe for Harris is that the movement began in the ever-critical swing state of Michigan and spread to other key swing states like Wisconsin, places where the presidency is expected to be decided by a slim margin. Harris is on shaky ground, considering she still has not brought home her base at a point in the cycle where presidential candidates typically are focused on courting moderates.

Another aspect to contemplate is that if Harris does change course on this position, she runs the risk of looking that much more insincere to undecided voters on crucial issues. She has already waffled on a number of critical policy positions, including fracking, and polling shows the public views former President Donald Trump as the more genuine candidate by a wide margin. Regardless, the issue has festered so long that winning these voters back with words alone appears impossible. At this point, she needs a concrete stoppage in arms and a ceasefire, which are not on the horizon.

Harris said she is “unequivocal and unwavering in her support for Israel” before tip-toeing around any specifics about policy change and repeatedly declaring a cease-fire must be reached without offering a concrete plan on how to do so:

But let’s take a step back. October 7, 1200 people were massacred, many young people who are simply attending a music festival. Women were horribly raped. As I said then, I say today, Israel had a right, has a right to defend itself. We would. And how it does so matters. Far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed, and we have got to get a deal done. We were in Doha. We have to get a deal done. This war must end. We must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out. I’ve met with the families of the American hostages. Let’s get the hostages out. Let’s get the ceasefire done.

Bash persisted, “But no change in policy in terms of arms and so forth?”

“No, we have to get a deal done,” Harris said.

“I remain committed — since I’ve been on October 8 — to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution where Israel is secure and, in equal measure, the Palestinians have security, and self-determination, and dignity,” she went on to add.

Pro-Palestinian progressives panned Harris after the response, led by Tlaib, who is of Palestinian descent.

Prem Thakker, a reporter for Mehdi Hasan’s Zeteo News, shared the clip, writing, “To be clear: this is Kamala Harris saying she will disregard US & international law by sending weapons to a government committing human rights violations.”



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a73a50 No.21512395

File: fe2b3bae9a7230c⋯.png (925.11 KB,1500x600,5:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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7590e9 No.21512397


#26356 >>21512083

>>21512148, >>21512372 Gold Star mom sets record straight on Trump Arlington visit, 'altercation' and photo op

>>21512154 65 days to WINNING

>>21512167, >>21512170 ICYMI: How the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year

>>21512237 President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C.Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

>>21512250 Dengism/ Deng Xao Ping

>>21512257 kissing the Soros ring

>>21512270 Wuhan lab vials, save for 2020 erection For the keks!

>>21512278 Pennsylvania Court Forces Counties to Validate Ballots Despite Missing or Incorrect Dates on Their Outer Return Envelopes

>>21512289 Two new murder cases filed against former Bangladesh PM

>>21512294, >>21512295 The People's Audit can now monitor the vote by mail process to make sure mail in ballots are not being abused and everything reconciles with the final advertised vote counts.

>>21512298 Arab Americans abandoning Harris, Trump team pickin em up MI panic

>>21512301 Keshel: Have you ever seen a forecasting model that accounts for election fraud and largely discards polling, since none of that is right or consistent anymore?

>>21512306 The End of Free Speech and Beginning of Political Persecution in Brazil

>>21512314 Today 27 years, on 31st of August 1997 ago Princess Diana was killed

>>21512320 ICYMI: Ambrose King Wins His Case

>>21512327, >>21512388, >>21512389 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21512331 Pushing back migrants is ‘a grave sin’ – Pope

>>21512340 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Resume Secret Illegal Alien Flights into the US Paid for by US Taxpayers – 347,959 Flown Into Texas and Florida So Far

>>21512344 New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

>>21512349 Ukraine: Rustem Umerov would try to persuade the US to lift its restrictions on long-range strikes against Russia

>>21512363 Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Arkansas Election Officials Can’t Reject Online Voter Registration Signed with Electronic Signatures

>>21512365, >>21512370 Arrest Warrant Sought Against Brad Raffensperger, (An edited version of this story is expected to appear next week in The Federalist)

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96bce4 No.21512398


she didn't marry them

THEY married into her family

and took her hostage or similar

now go away please

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777b42 No.21512399


indeed they do


Elon is still a phag

big time

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691e7c No.21512400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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55a86b No.21512401


Trump wanted to bang her.

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eaa8b5 No.21512402

File: a1858698476e257⋯.png (259.67 KB,473x1203,473:1203,ClipboardImage.png)

>one of today's deltas


We will do our job to protect the vote.

Will you do yours?



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7590e9 No.21512403


>>21512294, >>21512295 The People's Audit can now monitor the vote by mail, make sure mail in ballots are not being abused, everything reconciles with the final advertised vote counts.

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9501a5 No.21512404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b189ec No.21512405


Cool story

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691e7c No.21512406

File: 28cd4a46e9e4389⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,1987x3056,1987:3056,wallhaven_x62y93.jpg)


By the way pretty sure the Kai dude used to be Diddy.


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bffe9c No.21512407



>Biden sent 90% of the illegals in the secret flight program to Florida and Texas.

Easy enough to track. If I was Abbott or Desantis I would have the NG, State Police and buses waiting on the tarmac for these "white tails". Arrest the crew, impound the aircraft and transfer the illegal aliens from the plane to a waiting bus and send their asses right to Washington DC.

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9501a5 No.21512408

File: e37f1824c0cb7b0⋯.jpg (185.88 KB,774x407,774:407,James_Dean_and_Porsche_Spe….jpg)

File: 35335506696b8a6⋯.jpg (28.32 KB,440x330,4:3,James_dean3.jpg)

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e7ebac No.21512409


Seriously shove your touch grass sentiment up your stupid fucking ass. I know people with money and land, I don't want to fucking talk to anyone of them because this is fucking hell and the people with money are complicit or don't give a fuck.

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96bce4 No.21512410

File: c232fda5d9e22de⋯.png (766.19 KB,786x520,393:260,Bildschirm_foto_2024_08_30….png)

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35f572 No.21512411

File: 8ead46d5cc7c012⋯.png (368.97 KB,652x349,652:349,mussolini.png)


>Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Resume Secret Illegal Alien Flights into the US Paid for by US Taxpayers – 347,959 Flown Into Texas and Florida So Far

They don't read history?

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6b6f47 No.21512412

File: f2fdf599e138d64⋯.png (3.93 MB,1435x1283,1435:1283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96c34b5f685abf4⋯.png (998.24 KB,628x601,628:601,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 148a18d43638c89⋯.png (287.82 KB,575x444,575:444,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a14439e6c34bbe6⋯.png (173.96 KB,431x333,431:333,ClipboardImage.png)

Hubble Zooms into the Rosy Tendrils of Andromeda

Aug 30, 2024

Clusters of stars set the interstellar medium ablaze in the Andromeda Galaxy about 2.5 million light-years away. Also known as M31, Andromeda is the Milky Way’s closest major galaxy.

It measures approximately 152,000 light-years across and, with almost the same mass as our home galaxy, is headed for a collision with the Milky Way in 2-4 billion years.

In the meantime, Andromeda remains an object of study for many astronomers.

As a spiral galaxy, Andromeda’s winding arms are one of its most remarkable features.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope zoomed in to get a close look at one of its tendrils in the northeast, revealing swathes of ionized gas.

These regions — which are common in spiral and irregular galaxies — often indicate the presence of recent star formation.

The combination of stellar nurseries and supernovae create a dynamic environment that excites the surrounding hydrogen gas, flourishing it into a garden of star-studded roses.

Scientists probed Andromeda’s spiral arms using Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) to analyze the collection of stars buried in its cosmic bouquets.

With ACS and WFC3’s wide spectral coverage, Hubble could peer through the hedges of gas and observe a valuable sample of these stars.

The extent of the study spanned a vast range of stars, providing not just a clear view of Andromeda’s stellar history and diversity, but also more insight on stellar formation and evolution overall.

By examining these stars in our local cosmic neighborhood, scientists can better understand those within galaxies in the distant universe.


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96bce4 No.21512413


strange, i only know (mostly elder) people who dig in the dirt and grow their own food because they have no money at all otherwise

you must live in a parrallel world (or me), kek

just wanted to lift your spirits, nevermind

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777b42 No.21512414

Antony Blinken’s horrific stain on Albania and it’s all for George Soros


“I’ve never had a personal problem with George Soros. The problem is first he helped Albania to have civil society and I was thankful, but in a short time, it became crystal clear that he was creating a monastic model of civil society …

“The Soros group dictated everything. So we have now a justice system, totally controlled by the government … The heads of judiciary institutions, in violation of constitutional laws, are for the moment former Communist prosecutors.”

Berisha, a cardiologist who led the movement to topple Albania’s Communist dictatorship, served as the first non-Communist president of Albania from 1992 and later as its prime minister and opposition leader.


Matt Palumbo claims in his new book “The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros” that Blinken has family ties to Soros.

He points to the fact that the secretary of state’s father, Donald Blinken, the former US ambassador to Hungary, and his wife, Vera, funded the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at the Central European University in Budapest, which was founded and funded by Soros.

Palumbo also cites a Soros Foundations Network report from 2002 in which Donald Blinken is listed on the Board of Trustees for the university, with Soros as chairman.

After Antony Blinken was confirmed as secretary of state, Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet called it “great news for George Soros.”

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1afe90 No.21512415

File: f4dbbf6f0cd3ad2⋯.jpg (181.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,comfywookie3.jpg)

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777e0d No.21512418

File: 091ea823e346478⋯.jpeg (206.58 KB,1400x1400,1:1,D7C97057_0C8F_4F6C_8D92_D….jpeg)


My stupid libtard aunt just sent me this meme and told me to look at the latest polls (Kamala is ahead). How do I retort - WITHOUT sounding mad???

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178ca1 No.21512419


>This is fucking hell

Guy's not wrong. Is it too late to change our vote to nuclear fire?

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4ebdba No.21512420


We are all stuck in the fucking system.

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9501a5 No.21512421

File: bad0726b90ae396⋯.jpg (910.25 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240828_162323….jpg)

File: 1538e80b4cb8f44⋯.jpg (16.41 KB,202x270,101:135,9f9d37e7f16b8225.jpg)

File: cde869c119a4215⋯.jpg (26.78 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2391890594.jpg)

File: c232fda5d9e22de⋯.png (766.19 KB,786x520,393:260,c232fda5d9e22de093c5f7b0fc….png)

File: 7c766d95f3bf3a9⋯.jpg (315.71 KB,1924x1227,1924:1227,1_GettyImages_1155577038_4….jpg)



Black and Gold…

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5d9d3e No.21512422

File: 3559d38e5a489d4⋯.jpeg (90.61 KB,1024x684,256:171,3559d38e5a489d4be57ea5567….jpeg)


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96bce4 No.21512423


just tell her, you love her, no matter what

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4ebdba No.21512424


Block her.

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1afe90 No.21512425

File: 0b530975ea704d9⋯.jpg (207.52 KB,936x1205,936:1205,163720329_534e29.jpg)

I'm guessing that he wants to mimic so bad right now but he's currently engaged with other responsibilities this bread. It was the announcement of his presence with his unique method of spelling a certain word, the personalized "meme" he prefers was the other tell.

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1049d5 No.21512426

File: 87299ad88f69b73⋯.jpeg (321.32 KB,1193x750,1193:750,IMG_8317.jpeg)

File: b027f460b3cbc2a⋯.jpeg (310.02 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_8323.jpeg)

File: 8022cc03507db1b⋯.jpeg (227.43 KB,800x534,400:267,IMG_8322.jpeg)

File: 59607331aecdb85⋯.jpeg (439.36 KB,976x1024,61:64,IMG_8321.jpeg)

File: e90955c15ff8483⋯.jpeg (27.6 KB,359x218,359:218,IMG_8325.jpeg)

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1049d5 No.21512427

File: 4985d1df3d1d539⋯.jpeg (87.66 KB,681x710,681:710,IMG_8367.jpeg)

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96bce4 No.21512428

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1049d5 No.21512429

File: d11fb65f5d47d9f⋯.jpeg (160.91 KB,1231x455,1231:455,IMG_8319.jpeg)

File: 992c1a4d87b30f5⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1328x1591,1328:1591,IMG_8318.jpeg)

File: 795642636e20121⋯.jpeg (196.85 KB,773x1028,773:1028,IMG_8320.jpeg)

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6b6f47 No.21512431

File: f85d2da1623ccc4⋯.png (2.28 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Pieces of meteorite may have fallen in Spruce Pine area, NASA seeks information

Updated on August 30, 2024 12:28 pm

Officials with NASA are seeking information regarding the meteorite spotted across the High County during the overnight.

Lauri Miller, with the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at App State, tells WataugaOnline that NASA has reached out to their department and their information indicates that pieces of the meteorite last night may have fallen in and around the Spruce Pine area.

The Department has a meteorite specialist who can easily identify any rocks folks may find that they believe to be from the meteor.

If you are in the Spruce Pine area and believe there may be pieces on your property you can contact Anthony Love at loveab@appstate.edu or 828-262-6952


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1049d5 No.21512432

File: e0194aea04d0dc3⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,576x1024,9:16,8908019830905518438.mp4)

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8fea8d No.21512433

File: 606e2d658bf510f⋯.png (1.09 MB,1750x1070,175:107,ClipboardImage.png)


They all do

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beac86 No.21512434

File: 790858f488e18ab⋯.png (72.92 KB,877x1213,877:1213,Deep_State_14.png)

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1049d5 No.21512435

File: 6bb43a40784227e⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB,728x971,728:971,D0806459_53EB_473E_8FA8_B….JPEG)

File: f65341294c1fb16⋯.png (518.59 KB,720x540,4:3,BF6557B7_91FD_49AC_A9DC_8F….PNG)

File: add2ecfb70bf20f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1080x1440,3:4,325DB9D3_F4E3_4F91_8675_4D….PNG)

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777b42 No.21512436


Biden’s strange tolerance for Albania’s narcostate


What is in question, however, is why the Biden administration is tolerating the corruption of Albania’s current socialist government under Prime Minister Edi Rama. Compelling evidence suggests that Rama may be directly involved in a narcotrafficking alliance between Albanian mobsters and the Mexico-based Sinaloa cartel.

Formerly led by Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman (now in U.S. federal prison), the Sinaloa cartel is led by an alliance of El Chapo’s sons and Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada-Garcia. A report by Mexico’s El Universal newspaper earlier this month outlined how Albanian mafia elements are tied to the Sinaloa cartel. Referencing Mexican intelligence sources, El Universal documents how Albanian mobster brothers — Luftar, Arben, Fatos, and Ramiz Hysa — are laundering money for El Mayo via resorts in both Mexico and Albania. El Universal notes that one destination for the laundering effort is the Marina Bay resort on Albania’s Mediterranean coast, owned by Besnik Lulaj.

How does this relate to Rama?

In October 2020, offering photographic evidence, Albanian news outlet Dosja reported on a meeting between Mark Hauptmann, Dorian Ducka, and Rama at the prime minister’s office. Hauptmann is a former Bundestag lawmaker for Germany’s center-right CDU party. He resigned in 2021 after being linked to an Azerbaijani lobbying scandal. Ducka is a former Albanian energy minister-turned-fixer for Rama. The World Policy Conference lists him as Rama’s “external advisor on investments.” In 2016, Chinese state media featured Ducka’s favorable attitudes toward trade with Beijing. Interestingly, El Universal reports that the Hysa brothers’ activities include exports to China.

But here’s where things get really interesting.

As reported by Albania’s MCN news on Sept. 16, the October 2020 meeting at the prime minister’s office also included El Mayo money man Luftar Hysa and Besnik Lulaj. And as Pamfleti reported on Tuesday, not only was Hauptmann married at that resort, Lulaj’s construction company has received nearly $3.5 million in tenders from Rama’s government. Pamfleti further references incorporation records that indicate Lulaj and Hysa are hiding their partnership in a corporate cutout held by their respective sons.

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b9bc19 No.21512437


he regrets the shadow ban

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777b42 No.21512438


You weren't missing 5,000 pounds?

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1049d5 No.21512439

File: bc2eb5bc78d7cb6⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,_3489300033018504318.MP4)

File: c89e7b46c44ddcc⋯.jpeg (126.21 KB,673x800,673:800,Nancy_Pelosi_Star_Trek.JPEG)

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14dddb No.21512440


now that's fuckin useful–TY anon

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1afe90 No.21512442

File: 3f34ae7ed5cc937⋯.png (213.9 KB,373x495,373:495,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa5e53 No.21512443

File: 8833fcd9cb403fc⋯.jpg (46.93 KB,602x339,602:339,ODIN_Space_Kek.jpg)

File: 63eadd9a0ebb0c9⋯.png (696.81 KB,640x930,64:93,Rabbit_Ready_Bulletproof_C….png)



Earth Shaking BOOMS Inbound…


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3bdf97 No.21512444


Why you gotta lie?

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aa5e53 No.21512445

File: 9fcfd00cdd71745⋯.png (331.11 KB,847x541,847:541,9fcfd00cdd717457147fb0daf0….png)

File: c64fbbcd85a595b⋯.png (2.07 MB,1859x1014,11:6,Don_t_Worry_About_That_Lit….png)


This Meme's For You!



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bb0ef3 No.21512446

Alleged Child-Rapist Migrant Released by Biden-Harris Admin Arrested by Texas DPS

BOB PRICE29 Aug 2024

HOUSTON, Texas — Texas Department of Public Safety rangers and troopers arrested a 20-year-old Honduran national on a warrant for aggravated sexual assault of a child under the age of 14. The man, recently added to Texas’ 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants List, was released by the Biden-Harris administration in 2021 on an order of recognizance.

Following up on information gathered by DPS special agents assigned to the Texas Anti-Gang Taskforce in Houston, Texas Rangers and troopers arrested Jose Miguel Zelaya-Pence. The Honduran national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection in April 2021, according to DPS officials. “He was subsequently given an order of recognizance and released,” the statement reveals.

It was not until June 2024 that the Biden-Harris administration issued a final removal order for Zelaya-Pence. One month later, a warrant for his arrest was issued in Harris County, Texas, for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14, DPS officials reported.

DPS troopers and Texas Rangers arrested the Honduran national just days after he was added to the agency’s 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants list.

Breitbart Texas’s search of the Harris County District Clerk’s website did not reveal any additional information on this matter.

Texas DPS officials created the 10 Most Wanted Criminal Illegal Immigrants page in June, Breitbart Texas reported. Within days, DPS announced the arrest of a Mexican national wanted for a parole violation on a murder conviction.

Seven days later, law enforcement efforts led to the arrest of the man listed as number one on the most-wanted list. Police found the Mexican national in the Dallas-Fort Worth area after receiving tips from the community, Breitbart reported.

The report states that Victor Hugo Chox-Gonzalez was wanted for Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child, Indecency with a Child by Sexual Contact, and other crimes.

“When President Joe Biden took office, he dismantled every effective border policy his predecessor put into place,” Governor Abbott said in a written statement on June 5. “As a result, we have seen record high levels of illegal immigration, including dangerous criminals and terrorists who are a threat to the public safety of our state and our nation.”

Crimes allegedly committed by members of this list include:

Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child

Indecency with a Child by Sexual Contact

Assault of a Public Servant

Murder with a Deadly Weapon

Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child Under 14

Sexual Assault

Terroristic Threat

Burglary with Intent to Commit Another Felony

Attempt to Commit Smuggling of Persons for Pecuniary Benefit


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96bce4 No.21512447

File: cad5242e5800a86⋯.jpg (518.82 KB,750x1125,2:3,frauMerkel.jpg)


"Wir schaffen das" (English: "we can manage this"; "we can handle this"; or "we can do this") is a statement made by Angela Merkel, the then-Chancellor of Germany, during the 2015 European migrant crisis…


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14dddb No.21512448

File: f7402f0784f6180⋯.png (528.65 KB,1113x627,371:209,Mostly_Peaceful003.png)

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1df8b8 No.21512449

started in Camp Richie in the 1940s

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1afe90 No.21512450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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beac86 No.21512451


no he doesn't

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6b6f47 No.21512452

File: 0be7933788f488a⋯.png (126.26 KB,541x571,541:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dac8ecb9ba48d10⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,854x472,427:236,Meteor_over_North_Carolina.mp4)


Videos: Reports of meteor and loud boom overnight (videos)

August 30, 2024

A bright line shooting across the night sky and the sound of an explosion is what many are describing after a suspected meteor shot across the night sky early Friday morning.

Home security cameras recorded the fireball shooting across the Tennessee and North Carolina night sky around 1:15 a.m. on Friday morning.

Witness accounts show the fireball was first visible over eastern Tennesse before crossing into the skies over western North Carolina.

Appearing first as a dot streaking across the night sky, the light grows in intensity as the meteor appears to burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.

The bright light was followed a few moments later by an explosion-like sound.

Videos, like the one shared by Tim Ballisty on X, were one of many showing the meteor streaking across the night sky.

The flash of light from the meteor was so bright, it was detected by a weather satellite that normally scans the sky for lightning.

Without storms in the area, the satellite imagery is another piece of data supporting the light's source as a meteor.

This particular meteor appears to be unique, according to WCNC Weather Impact Chief Meteorologist Brad Panovich.

"How long it was visible, how slow it was, and the sonic boom… This usually means a larger size meteor," Panovich explained.

"Most meteors that are fast and faint are the size of a grain of sand. This was likely much, much larger."

This shallow approach angle means the meteor traveled lower and into more of Earth's atmosphere than a typical meteor, according to Panovich.

"It was visible longer due to the size and not completely burning up, which, along with the sonic boom, means fragments could have made it to the surface of the Earth," he said.

If that's the case, tiny pieces of the meteor may have reached Earth's surface, Panovich believes.

If so, they would be the size of small pebbles and detectable with a metal detector.

Any piece of a meteor that survives the atmosphere and reaches the Earth's surface would be called a meteorite.



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777b42 No.21512453


>Camp Richie

The Ritchie Boys consisted of approximately 20,000 servicemen, and 2,000 Women's Army Corps members, who were trained for U.S. Army Intelligence during WWII at the secret Camp Ritchie training facility. Most of the men sent to Camp Ritchie for training were assigned there because of fluency in German, French, Italian, Polish, or other languages needed by the US Army during WWII. They had been drafted into or volunteered to join the United States Army and when their ability to speak the language of an enemy was discovered were sent to Camp Ritchie on secret orders.

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b25b66 No.21512454

File: 37c034e2611bdb7⋯.png (5.17 MB,2320x1321,2320:1321,ClipboardImage.png)

Fredrick Brennan: Where is the 8chan Founder Now?


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f1b91b No.21512456


tf you talmbout

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1afe90 No.21512457

File: cad3b391f61796c⋯.png (431.62 KB,749x500,749:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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beac86 No.21512458


"I probably won't vote for her.

but thank you for the information"

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b03491 No.21512459

Some "anons" are here just "fight" the "shills™"

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f1b91b No.21512460

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eaa8b5 No.21512461

File: 0293988688ba792⋯.png (1.79 MB,1079x1344,1079:1344,ClipboardImage.png)

happy Caturday

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1df8b8 No.21512462


Had to do something with (((them))) post paperclip and osoaviakhim

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b03491 No.21512463

>>21512459 (me)

>…just to*…

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e497b4 No.21512464


Means test those who eat food.

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b09f58 No.21512465


What did they do, rip her earring sout?!

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e7ebac No.21512466


I know you're trying to "help", and I'm going to pretend you don't know what KEK really means. I can't raise my child in a society worth living in by myself or by growing some fucking vegetables. I understand the band-aid gets ripped off in 3 months one way or another.

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1afe90 No.21512467

File: fb0e7fc7d39480b⋯.webm (2.39 MB,427x240,427:240,duty.webm)


Not my primary goal, I'd rather meme, but I'm not shy to do battle in the sphere of ideas. If evil wants to pollute the sphere, then I will stand in its way if needed.

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bb0ef3 No.21512468

Mexico Hints U.S. Government Covering Up Kidnapping, Arrest of Drug Lord


Mexican authorities are insinuating that the U.S. government played a role in the alleged kidnapping of a top drug lord who was flown north of the border by his rivals and turned over to authorities. The allegations are part of an ongoing federal kidnapping and treason investigation undertaken by Mexican authorities following the arrest of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, one of the supreme leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel.

In a prepared statement by Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office, officials claim that Zambada’s kidnapping and subsequent arrest began two days prior with the release from a U.S. prison of Ovidio “El Raton” Guzman. “El Raton” is one of the sons of Sinaloa Cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. The FGR claims that Ovidio’s whereabouts remain unknown.


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b9ff83 No.21512469


Bro is a liar. 89734th time posting about "needing help from Anons" in refuting "aunt's" bullshit lies about Kamala winning. Its fishing with glow bait of demoralization worms.

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b09f58 No.21512470


He regrets he got caught.

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96bce4 No.21512471

>>21510989 lb

Fatman Scoop collapsed on stage

Fatman Scoop is dead now


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b09f58 No.21512472

File: 85048acab746ba1⋯.png (170.95 KB,293x485,293:485,85048acab746ba182ff608251d….png)


slide…you do this every few days usually on the weekend.

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7590e9 No.21512473


read that the Mexicans lost him and he turned up in US


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e497b4 No.21512474


You should probably head over and give her the “D”. She clearly wants it.

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e7ebac No.21512475


Yet, we're the ones in a prison.

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c2fe2f No.21512476


>How do I retort - WITHOUT sounding mad

Block usually works

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b03491 No.21512477

File: 70675f23db13dfd⋯.jpg (50.97 KB,640x621,640:621,70675f23db13dfda4f00d8444c….jpg)


>Not my primary goal

Reading through your (24) posts, it's nothing but "fighting" the "shill™" and random shitpost memes.


Possibly why you felt the need to reply.

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a56a4c No.21512478


Who Was Dodi Al Fayed's Mother?

Samira Khashoggi was part of the influential Saudi family.

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696528 No.21512479


I'm not in your prison, Anon. You only speak for you.

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97373e No.21512480


Division shit …touchy today. Awwww

Cletus …want a gold star

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fc7fa8 No.21512481

comfy saturday is comfy

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82075c No.21512482


Benito Mussolini and his his wife.

Who was the third person?

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e7ebac No.21512483


Where we go one…

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992de0 No.21512484

watched the candice owens macron video


she tells you to believe your own eyes then shows NO evidence

she TELLS you about the evidence SHE saw that convinced her but shows NONE onthe video

dont waste your time like i did

stupid weak effort at self promotion

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e97772 No.21512485

File: ffd00b7bdbdfb78⋯.png (1.04 MB,1196x1116,299:279,ClipboardImage.png)


Did Trump just hint when ‘The Plan’ started? 🤔

“It started 8 years ago, maybe a little before that, who knows. It probably started 40 years ago in our soul, but it started 8 years ago, and nobody would’ve thought anything like this coulda happened.”

40 years ago puts Kryptos back in play, can you imagine if the Q map contains the one-time-pad for Kryptos K4 as a marker? talk about provenance






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e7ebac No.21512486


Maybe you don't see your walls


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96bce4 No.21512487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anons asked in ob who Fatman Scoop was

it was this guy who may rest in peace, now

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5e8e3b No.21512488

File: 87a195cbd074c44⋯.jpg (161.82 KB,710x468,355:234,DELIVERED_PROMISE_2.jpg)

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b03491 No.21512489

>>21512477 (me)

Checking my own dubs, because that how big of an asshole I am.


And don't get me wrong, I'm not judging. I'm no better, at all.

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696528 No.21512490


You think everyone here follows your lead, Anon?

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6db6a3 No.21512491

File: 9da532292f45ac0⋯.png (74.06 KB,200x300,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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1afe90 No.21512492


And after reading through your posts, with that dumb fucking trademark shit in almost every post, as well as trying to make an issue out of post count because you have nothing else to make an issue out of, lets everyone know what you are.

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696528 No.21512493


My freedom comes from God. Your prison is yours.

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e7ebac No.21512495


I think we all still live in this world defined by traitors and classified documents, STILL

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e7ebac No.21512496


This shit again

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a73a50 No.21512497

File: 6456ca74d09d784⋯.png (77.48 KB,755x255,151:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7ebac No.21512498


Where's your Christian sword

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a56a4c No.21512500

File: 49737194972af84⋯.png (124.84 KB,816x1056,17:22,ClipboardImage.png)

Austin said the responsibility for such a significant decision “should rest with me.” Only two days earlier, the Pentagon announced that it had reached a plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and two other defendants – Walid Bin Attash, and Hawsawi – accused of plotting the attacks.

The memo, addressed to Susan Escallier, the convening authority for military commissions who runs the military courts at Guantanamo Bay, said the defense secretary would immediately withdraw her authority in the cases and “reserve such authority to (himself).”


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1afe90 No.21512501

File: 222f5388f757b90⋯.png (1.51 MB,1080x1312,135:164,ClipboardImage.png)

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68e71a No.21512502

File: a86e3314964770a⋯.png (888.13 KB,1921x1011,1921:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6ac0a4a2546232⋯.png (839.19 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

USAF KC-135 Stratotanker 59-1470. Squawking 7700 for about the last twenty minutes.


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5f2c83 No.21512503

File: 5269967077b6271⋯.png (649.47 KB,1080x997,1080:997,5269967077b62714f77e1b0491….png)

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b09f58 No.21512504

AgendaFreeTV is streaming live on YT right now..military is in the street..good camera view with sound. I tried to embed twice and couldn't get it to poast.

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777b42 No.21512505


Never let a crisis go to waste to infuse a little bit of "brain trust" into your homeland /sarc

The Rooskies did a paperclip too

Shit really is a banker's war and a racket

fucking den of vipers needs to go riki tik

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6b6f47 No.21512506

File: fc86d8c069a8515⋯.png (393.99 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Florida man sentenced for trying to defraud NASA’s space launch system

Updated: Aug 30, 2024 / 11:12 AM EDT

A Port Charlotte man was sentenced to federal prison for wire fraud related to NASA’s space launch system at the Kennedy Space Center, according to the Department of Justice.

Steven Lukens, 54, was the Chief Executive Officer of Gulf Altnantc International Supply, LLC, who entered a sub-contract with Company-1 to obtain materials for the space launch system.

The DOJ said these products were for supporting platforms for the Artemis mission and Orion, a spacecraft designed to take astronauts to the moon, and eventually Mars.

Lukens was assigned to provide parts intended to be used in hyperbolic systems, which are hazardous liquids that are extremely reactive, causing fires, explosions, and toxic human exposure.

However, he submitted forged quality control documents, providing NASA products that didn’t meet their rigorous standards and specifications under the contract.

Lukens submitted at least 190 fraudulent documents, including Certificates of Compliance, Pressure Testing certificates, and test reports.

“Ensuring the integrity of NASA’s component procurements and quality control is a top priority for the NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG),” Assistant Inspector General for Investigations Robert Steinau of NASA-OIG said.

“This case highlights the OIG’s dedication to collaborating with the U.S. Attorney’s Office to investigate and prosecute companies that defraud NASA.”

The DOJ sentenced Lukens to 21 months in federal prison after he entered a guilty plea on Feb. 20.

He was ordered to forfeit $271,024.35 for the fraudulent parts submitted to Company-1 and to pay $689,280.03 in restitution.


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b09f58 No.21512507

File: 99bc16ac1c2a287⋯.png (778.96 KB,680x680,1:1,99bc16ac1c2a28785ae9c01922….png)

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b03491 No.21512508


>with that dumb fucking trademark shit in almost every post

>fucking trademark

You mean, branding "shill" with the (TM)?

Every post? I did it twice? kek.

>trying to make an issue out of post count

I just pointed out that I read your posts. Kek. You're the one making an issue out of it.

>lets everyone know what you are

Who am I anon?

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96bce4 No.21512509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3ac683 No.21512510


Hm…40 years ago,('84) was a landslide victory for Reagan

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1afe90 No.21512511

File: 67403ea3c1387d2⋯.png (1.22 MB,1136x698,568:349,ClipboardImage.png)


French toast.

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b09f58 No.21512512

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b189ec No.21512513


That is a statue of Satan, of course it supports Kamala.

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dedd7f No.21512514

File: 9363f9d73948e59⋯.png (180.42 KB,698x917,698:917,ClipboardImage.png)

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58e944 No.21512515

File: c0f48f05bbbbc99⋯.jpeg (187.27 KB,1100x837,1100:837,IMG_3622.jpeg)

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777b42 No.21512516


soccer team

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b189ec No.21512517


The Regan years were good times for the globalist death cult. Their agenda advanced with ease.

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bb0ef3 No.21512518

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f06351 No.21512519


That is the one thing I don't like about Islam and Christians… they think they are the only path to God.

God is UNIVERSALLY bigger then a single religion. Many of Gods people have spread the message of God over time.

Me personally I love all of Gods people from Jesus to Budha… all have a bit of Gods message in them when you can look past the propaganda inserted by men.

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777b42 No.21512520


French Baked Beans

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e01c89 No.21512523




I see I touched a nerve pointing out the words in our founding documents?

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777b42 No.21512524

File: 36cc8d90b652f7d⋯.jpg (105.56 KB,700x400,7:4,religions_2_0.jpg)


lots of division going way, way back

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a56a4c No.21512525

File: a8464430c3df998⋯.png (530.41 KB,773x1029,773:1029,ClipboardImage.png)

Western foreign policy has been hypocritical in that it allowed for the rise of the Mujahideen in the Soviet War, but that Western media has since branded the Mujahideen "foreign fighters" or "terrorists".


36-page "nonviolence manifesto" written by KSM was declassified and released by the US government. The title is "Khalid Sheikh Mohammad's Statement to the Crusaders of the Military Commissions in Guantanamo." The document outlines 3 parts, but appears to be just the first section, describing "the path to happiness." The subject writes to his captors and appears interested in converting his wider audience to Islam. The notes contain eight books with three Western authors and penciled initials with the date 31 October 2013.


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218a10 No.21512526

File: ff4164b094acf07⋯.jpg (121.33 KB,692x775,692:775,ff4164b094acf07da2ffaaf30a….jpg)


thx baker

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1afe90 No.21512527

File: 52621f4e3f2c486⋯.png (282.44 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>French Baked Beans

The musical fruit

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777b42 No.21512528


burning and dumping gas to lighten up for touchdown

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b189ec No.21512529


I've seen better acting at junior high plays.

The camera man seemed very concerned.

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e01c89 No.21512530


Is it the called The Baptist Bill of Rights, Anon?

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d20a62 No.21512531

File: 98898f929bdf7e0⋯.jpg (876.54 KB,1488x1206,248:201,Symbolism.jpg)

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e02afc No.21512532


the one post 'touched a nerve'

the nerve!

seriously, this type who wants to 'cause emotion' when emotion is not needed is only here to try and hurt and sow discord.

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fc7fa8 No.21512533


you might enjoy this https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel03.html

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3dd9c2 No.21512534


If every religion is right, then every religion that claims to be the only religion is also right.

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5477b1 No.21512535



How many more times

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218a10 No.21512537

File: 92f2d63978eb596⋯.jpeg (73.09 KB,848x476,212:119,92f2d63978eb596d0b2c6d6c6….jpeg)

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3dd9c2 No.21512538


Look, a one post.

Clearly it gave me a new ID as I was continuing my conversation.

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f06351 No.21512539

File: d4cc577135ea2bf⋯.png (571.86 KB,837x471,279:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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a56a4c No.21512540


Gouraud went to the Tomb of Saladin, kicked it, and said:

"Awake, Saladin. We have returned. My presence here consecrates the victory of the Cross over the Crescent."


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116495 No.21512542

File: 687c884904043d4⋯.png (665.09 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_112618.png)

File: 335a715560cac2d⋯.jpeg (487.36 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWUZm2rXAAEmubN.jpeg)

File: 30c3a6056dda1c1⋯.png (168.84 KB,766x1908,383:954,272.png)

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d20a62 No.21512543

File: ab6b77c359b4c85⋯.jpg (839.88 KB,1488x1096,186:137,Symbolismwillbe.jpg)

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f06351 No.21512544


But his ass can take 2x the number of dicks.

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116495 No.21512545

File: a7ccde911a42be7⋯.png (466.82 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_112750.png)

File: 89f77d12aacada3⋯.png (158.33 KB,766x1734,383:867,1052_4_.png)

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c011e9 No.21512546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt | SRS #123


Erik Prince is an American entrepreneur, former U.S. Navy SEAL Officer and founder of the private military company Blackwater.

Returning as a guest and fan favorite on SRS, Erik joins Shawn for an in-depth exploration of the recent assassination attempt on

former President Donald J. Trump. Together, they delve into unresolved security and operational issues surrounding the tragic event,

speculating on how the situation might evolve as new information emerges. Leveraging their backgrounds, Shawn and Erik offer

distinctive perspectives rarely found in mainstream media coverage.

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218a10 No.21512547

File: 0e1c0dc208ea86c⋯.png (837.96 KB,634x800,317:400,0e1c0dc208ea86c360a95e415c….png)


is this why some people are up there with no way to get down?

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55a86b No.21512548


balanced approach. Wise. All have a bit of the message which is true, but then the rest is a fabricated lie or at best a unknowing mistranslated interpretation done maybe with the best of intentions. Problem is that is too generous based upon historical actions by these groups. There is a universal God perhaps but it is nothing that people are talking about down here.

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549fb5 No.21512549

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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f06351 No.21512550


When are they going to get Fauci and Bill Gates over this global mass murder bioweapon terrorist attack…? China owes trillions and trillions to the world at this point.

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218a10 No.21512551

File: 9944beafbb21a7f⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,480x876,40:73,9944beafbb21a7f180b6e753a9….mp4)


feelz it

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e02afc No.21512554




just curious what it was that you deluded 'touched a nerve' as there is no way to know by looking at ID's in the bread gone by.

how can you have a conversation when no one can ever be sure it is you?

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116495 No.21512555

File: ecfcc88b2f094d0⋯.png (588.16 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_112923.png)

steak & chicken for the dogs

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b03491 No.21512556

File: 65fc2fefb793d7c⋯.png (818.46 KB,1920x819,640:273,filterEveryone.png)

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a56a4c No.21512557


>steak & chicken for the dogs

what if they identify as vegan?

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1df8b8 No.21512558

File: d2f8f9d803eb4dd⋯.jpg (361.66 KB,768x917,768:917,2018_10_11_20_23_02.jpg)

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cc8f19 No.21512559

File: a25e89228aa3c67⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_6167.jpeg)

File: e1e8bc358ac09d1⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

File: b2c9a8092890312⋯.jpg (2.81 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

Maybe it’s me, but this looks like he’s wearing a mask

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f06351 No.21512560


Seems a lot happier after.

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967c54 No.21512561



Are you both claiming that the United States government grants you your right to be a free man with the freedom to speak, to worship, to defend yourselves, etc. because you dislike Baptists, Christians, Jews, and/or God? Or do you disagree with the declaration of rights being God given in Bill of Rights because you don't like Christians, etc? I am confused.

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116495 No.21512562

File: 30e369b80dd2d66⋯.png (553.01 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_113158.png)

File: b0c69b6961d9c3d⋯.png (183.82 KB,766x1860,383:930,1010_2_.png)

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fc7fa8 No.21512563

File: 4a0c2ed82065898⋯.jpeg (213.16 KB,1080x1730,108:173,IMG_9189.jpeg)


tbh I'm fine if that one gets knocked down.

the people who don't know what it is would likely flip out though. We will need a good edumacation for the people before making that decision

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257198 No.21512565

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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e7ebac No.21512566

They're just defuse/confuse bots because I'm angrily shit posting about how objectively fucking gay everything currently is…

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967c54 No.21512567


You are on an Anonymous board. Go to Facebook if you need to have a conversation with someone you know.

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30c599 No.21512569

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c2fe2f No.21512570

File: 9ef3692933f0592⋯.png (58.27 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Fredrick Brennan, Creator Of 8chan


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eaa8b5 No.21512571

gracias anon >>21512551

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967c54 No.21512572


Sure bro. I fucking disagreed with you so it must be a bot.

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84922c No.21512573

File: 340190ed83db666⋯.png (1.53 MB,1013x761,1013:761,340190ed83db6666aadd871f04….png)


may the good lord bless you and those you serve

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116495 No.21512574

File: f8dd50e334c74ba⋯.png (356.66 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_113351.png)

File: 562d20b9e85ad97⋯.jpg (17.47 KB,400x400,1:1,XT_pi3AN_400x400.jpg)

File: 815543aa19dbb3f⋯.png (974.41 KB,766x1796,383:898,901_9_.png)

File: 0e0b0afee335181⋯.jpeg (407.98 KB,1500x500,3:1,1500x500_3_.jpeg)

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d20a62 No.21512575


Read a Bible. Learn about the fallen world where shit happens. read about God's plan to save it.

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e7ebac No.21512576


The plan ends in 3 months

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1fcba4 No.21512577

The Presidential Transition Act

Following up on a post in a previous bread


the link provided didn't work.

Meanwhile found this on Wikipedia:

"There are no firm rules on how the GSA determines the president-elect. Typically, the GSA chief might make the decision after reliable news organizations have declared the winner or following a concession by the loser.[27] The GSA administrator's declaration releases about $9.9 million in transition funds for salary, support, and computer systems; allow transition officials to establish government email addresses and receive federal office space; and allow the transition team to start work with the Office of Government Ethics on required financial disclosure and conflict-of-interest forms for incoming nominees.[28]

"The actual transition phase begins immediately following the presidential election(barring any electoral disputes)when a sitting president is not re-elected or is concluding a second term."


"Despite most going smoothly, many have been bumpy and a few verged on catastrophic.[30]"


"Main article: Presidential transition of Joe Biden

"Incumbent president Donald Trump prematurely claimed victory in the 2020 presidential election on Election Day, November 3 and demanded all further vote counting cease.The president also alleged widespread fraud, corruption and other misconduct, and commenced multiple lawsuits in multiple states seeking a halt to counting, rejection of votes, preventing certification of results, besides other remedies.[45]Trump claimed that 2.7 million votes were "deleted" by the digital voting system used in some states, and said votes were switched from him to Joe Biden.Officials called the 2020 election the most secure in history and officials from all fifty states refuted claims of fraud.[46][47]"

"Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden became generally acknowledged as the president-elect on November 7, 2020.[48][49][50][51]The GSA Administrator, Emily Murphy, a Trump appointee, initially refused to issue the "ascertainment" letter declaring Biden the "apparent winner", on the basis that the election result was disputed.The declaration would mark the official start of the transition:withholding it denied the Biden transition team full funds, secure office space, and access to agencies.[23][24][25] (Following the 2016 presidential election, the acting GSA administrator issued the "ascertainment" letter the next day, on November 9, 2016.[40])Biden had also been denied daily classified national security briefings.[52]Further, the State Department denied access to communications from foreign leaders, leaving the Biden team to communicate through other unofficial channels.[53] According to CBS News, "In past transitions, the State Department has facilitated the logistics of the calls and provided translation services, possible talking points, and even taken notes".[54]

On November 23, Murphy issued the letter of ascertainment naming Biden as the "apparent winner", making funds available for him towards the transition, although Trump had still not conceded.[55] After pro-Trump protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, Trump offered a statement that "My focus now turns to a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power"==, although he continued to reiterate his false claims of widespread fraud and irregularities. President Trump did not attend Biden's inauguration, which made him the first president not to attend the inauguration of his elected successor since Andrew Johnson was absent from the first inauguration of Ulysses S. Grant in 1869. Vice President Mike Pence attended Biden's inauguration.[56][57]

Who played who on J6?

continued 1/2

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eaa8b5 No.21512578

File: 8a1a129c34c3143⋯.png (316.06 KB,416x900,104:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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1fcba4 No.21512579



electoral college reform 2022



They can't change the voting period once early voting starts unless something catastrophic happens. (WWIII, pandemic, or something new…)

"Under the law, states that select electors by popular vote can modify the period of voting only in the case of "extraordinary and catastrophic" events. The modification may occur only according to laws that were passed before the voting period."

VP/Senate President HARRIS can't attempt to change out electors — if she loses on 11/5. Boomerang - because they are cheaters and liars.

"The law clarifies that the vice president's role in the counting of the electoral votes is "solely ministerial,"

There is a whole bunch of text relating to the head of GSA determining who the apparent president elect is…. but in the event that GSA winds up with more than one (if more than one does not concede), then GSA releases transition funds, etc. to both until there is only one.

"The law allows multiple "apparent successful candidates" to receive federal presidential transition funds if more than one candidate has not conceded five days after the election. It provides guidelines for the administrator of the General Services Administration to determine when and to whom funds should be released."

Candidate HARRIS could take the route of not conceding….however, then there might be a repeat of the 2020 disputed election, where withholding the ascertainment letterdenied the Biden transition teamfull funds, secure office space, andaccess to agencies.(Following the 2016 presidential election, the acting GSA administrator issued the "ascertainment" letter the next day, on November 9, 2016.Biden had also been denied daily classified national security briefings.

As VP presumably Harris would still get those…. but her running mate?

The question is, is this Act retroactive to the 2020 election? Because once Trump, after J6, stated he was focused on the transition, the GSA may have stopped treating him as an "apparent successful candidate", and dropped the transition perks.


We've entered this 120 period. This section made me wonder what the real cost of GET TRUMP was; 32 million for Mueller investigation.


page 7



(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:

(1) The term ‘‘covered presidential transition period’’ means

each of the following:

(A) The 120-day period ending on January 20, 2001.

(B) The 120-day period ending on January 20, 2009.

(C) The 120-day period ending on January 20, 2017.

(2) The term ‘‘covered regulation’’ means a final ==significant

regulatory action promulgated by an Executive department.==

(3) The term ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ means any

regulatory action that is likely to result in a rule that may—

(A) have an annual effect on the economy of

==$100,000,000 or more or adversely affect in a material

way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity,

competition, jobs, the environment, public health or safety,

or State, local, or tribal governments or communities; ==

(B) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere

with an action taken or planned by another agency;

(C) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitle

ments, grants, user fees, or loan programs or the rights

and obligations of recipients thereof; or

(D)raise novel legal or policy issues.

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b03491 No.21512580

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,wtfPepe.png)


>The plan ends in 3 months

Do I need to get it renewed?

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967c54 No.21512581

File: 04daf7f26bb4405⋯.jpg (638.83 KB,1500x1200,5:4,Picsart_24_03_29_06_55_54_….jpg)


When were the Bill of Rights written? Was it before or after 1909? Are you in Communist China right now?

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1afe90 No.21512582

File: 3b284baf993cde8⋯.webm (1.85 MB,240x240,1:1,basil_poledouris_theology….webm)


Mornin', Swordy.

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e7ebac No.21512583

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eaa8b5 No.21512584

File: 9e7a883cb1eac3d⋯.png (481.75 KB,680x491,680:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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116495 No.21512586

File: 552d9ec5e569945⋯.png (504.6 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_113658.png)

File: 48ae2458a7a36e8⋯.png (37.73 KB,766x496,383:248,801.png)

File: c42853652ed0caf⋯.jpeg (56.82 KB,680x385,136:77,0Evll5uH.jpeg)

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55a86b No.21512587


I love when christian retards just say read the book. A book that is subject to debate and questions and can objectively be shown to have been manufactured. Not to mention the mass translation problems. But go ahead and read this questionable material until you become as conditioned as those who collectively nod their heads.

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121d92 No.21512588

File: b6ed966da90479a⋯.png (250.43 KB,480x360,4:3,RetardedExpert.png)


Yes, for you, I'd renew it.

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b09f58 No.21512589

File: 2ba6a12fa35c523⋯.jpeg (146.93 KB,1076x604,269:151,wpqwYzvs8cfurXmWFKPI_24_8….jpeg)

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7bdd10 No.21512590

File: f2b96f53ec6cb9a⋯.png (32.55 KB,994x243,994:243,ClipboardImage.png)

Country of Liars


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fc19e2 No.21512591


That isn't how life works. You don't arrive. Shit doesn't end. You don't finish the race. You don't find happiness. You don't live happily ever after. It is a long and difficult journey with constant challenges, difficulties, struggles, and triumphs. The election will not end the journey, but it might begin some.

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eaa8b5 No.21512592

File: 5002b331c13775c⋯.png (225.31 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Laura Loomer


President Trump just said he’s in favor of legalizing marijuana.


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1fcba4 No.21512593

File: 7c776c8a18be11f⋯.png (359.6 KB,1080x1942,540:971,ClipboardImage.png)

Is it normal for the military to provide USSS support during a presidential campaign?

DOD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News

But this is something totally different, Homeland Security called the (federal) DoD to assist the USSS. The Secretary of Defense directed the Commander of the US Northern Command…. but the article clears up that (since 1976) the DoD has a long history of providing support to USSSwhen askedto assist.


when was the last time the military was asked to assist?

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fc19e2 No.21512594



Inb4 the crying

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e7ebac No.21512596


>The election will not end the journey, but it might begin some

The trusting ends in 3 months one way or another, have you even talked to your neighbors?

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116495 No.21512597

File: a6b44b7c3fbf2d6⋯.jpg (53.05 KB,522x680,261:340,a6b44b7c3fbf2d6415dcccb045….jpg)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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b03491 No.21512598

File: 63fe1db196bfbc0⋯.png (1.09 MB,854x848,427:424,ClipboardImage.png)



>Laura Loomer

>Trump in favor of legalizing marijuana

Bet Laura hopes it can cure his face.

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e20a68 No.21512599

File: 72e50c71edc6157⋯.png (411.48 KB,739x373,739:373,ClipboardImage.png)


abc 123

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a73a50 No.21512600


>DOD Will Provide Homeland With Support During Presidential Campaigns

headline seems strange as well. why not say Homeland Security?

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777b42 No.21512601

File: 3d5c478f8fbbac5⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x541,1024:541,ClipboardImage.png)



cut some of that out…

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052431 No.21512602

Trump took out a loan and paid it all back and he's going to jail. The government has been taking loans out the federal reserve since 1913 and the US national debt is $3,274,273,240,384

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777b42 No.21512604



Adams Ribs?


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052431 No.21512605


anyone else see the word pedo in red

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71558d No.21512606


"the trusting"?

Anon, we are We The People. We do not get to blame anonymous posters on the internet for the state of our government. It is an "us" problem that will only be solved by the people through the channels that exist in our founding documents. All of our governing problems are the deviations therefrom. First, there must be knowledge of what is happening. That is what we received through Q, direction for self-discoveries. Q isn't going to save us.

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052431 No.21512607

File: 70e701d340c7fcb⋯.png (115.37 KB,474x248,237:124,ClipboardImage.png)

Fatman scoop is dead.

Died suddenly.

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6b6f47 No.21512608

File: 7dd8c5cf45c30fc⋯.png (1.11 MB,842x818,421:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29779f7ba04df4c⋯.png (1.33 MB,840x816,35:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b44ec7541d321f6⋯.png (172.64 KB,843x675,281:225,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Images Show Egypt's New Capital Under Construction

Aug 30, 2024 at 8:55 AM EDT

Egypt's historic capital, Cairo, is witnessing the end of an era.

After serving as the nation's political center since the 10th-century C.E., the city is set to hand over the reins to a newly constructed settlement in the desert, about 28 miles to its east.

The Egyptian government announced this strategic move in 2015, driven by the need to address Cairo's swelling population, traffic congestion and pollution.

New satellite images from NASA's Landsat missions have captured the rapid development of the yet-to-be-officially-named "New Administrative Capital," a megaproject that promises to reshape Egypt's future.

The new city will one day cover an area the size of Singapore and host more than 6 million residents.

The images, taken by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 in August 2017 and the OLI-2 on Landsat 9 in August 2024, show the city's transformation from a nascent construction site to a soon-to-be sprawling urban center.

In the earlier image, taken in 2017, traces of the new city are barely visible. However, by 2024, the expansion of the New Administrative Capital is unmistakable, with several significant landmarks clearly discernible.

Among these is the Green River Park, a 10-kilometer [6.4-mile] stretch of green space weaving through the arid landscape, featuring walking and cycling paths amid native Egyptian vegetation.

To the east of the park, a dense cluster of government ministry offices has taken shape, while the Ministry of Defense now occupies a massive facility known as The Octagon.

Southward lies a sprawling sports complex, home to Africa's second-largest stadium and numerous other facilities, as Egypt eyes a bid to host the Olympics in 2036.

As of March 2024, over 1,500 families had already relocated to the New Administrative Capital, with projections indicating that number could reach 10,000 by the end of the year.

Government ministries have begun operations in their new premises; the Parliament has convened in its state-of-the-art building, and several banks and businesses are set to move their headquarters to this modern hub.

The decision to build this new capital comes as Cairo's population continues to surge. Estimates in 2024 placed the city's population at over 22 million, with a density of more than 50,000 people per square mile—the 37th highest in the world.

This rapid growth, which has nearly tripled Cairo's population since 1984, has significantly altered the city's footprint, pushing development outward along the Nile River and into the desert plains.

Cairo's transformation has been closely monitored from space since 1965, with NASA's Gemini 5 mission documenting the city's early urban sprawl.

The more-recent Landsat images not only showcase the emergence of the New Administrative Capital but also highlight the extensive urban expansion in greater Cairo over the past four decades.

The growth is placing immense pressure on Egypt's resources, particularly the Nile River, which supports about 95 percent of the country's population.

With increasing demands from both domestic and agricultural sectors, studies have shown that Egypt may soon face a significant water deficit, potentially requiring the country to import more water than is supplied by the Nile by the end of the decade.

The images, taken by the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8 in August 2017 and the OLI-2 on Landsat 9 in August 2024, show the city's transformation from a nascent construction site to a soon-to-be sprawling urban center.

In the earlier image, taken in 2017, traces of the new city are barely visible.

However, by 2024, the expansion of the New Administrative Capital is unmistakable, with several significant landmarks clearly discernible.

Among these is the Green River Park, a 10-kilometer [6.4-mile] stretch of green space weaving through the arid landscape, featuring walking and cycling paths amid native Egyptian vegetation.


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76f342 No.21512609


Not all 'Anons' are authentic

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f06351 No.21512610


Lets BULLDOZE those Vatican walls then you stupid fuck.

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88f9f8 No.21512611


Anyone with a name like that, I’m glad.

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e02afc No.21512612


the feature of conversation is really only available when one does not IP hop.

you're need to be a board-jerk and tell everyone how you 'touched a nerve' triggered me, which is what you like to do right?, to respond and quary you about how anyone would know what it were that you may have posted that had such an effect.

and then all you do is act like you're the a gatekeeper andt ell me to go away, when you are the one trying to 'touch' others on their 'nerves' to cause harm or distress.

but that's just delusion, on your part.

it's interesting how you persist with badgering me but refuse to answer my simple question:

what was it that you thought touched a nerve?

how can I know if it were fair or foul if I can't know what it were?

so from my point of view you badger people and are a 'board jerk', and I merely wanted to give you a chance to show me how I am wrong about you, and that maybe you are in fact righteous in your efforts and not merely shillist, and jerkish.

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777b42 No.21512613


that anon mentions it…sure

it looks like OEOI

which is jibberish

unless we get Jack and Elvis to do the heiroglyphic translation

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f06351 No.21512614


Paid to sell communism… as if she would especially go out and but a T-shirt with some other motherfuckers name on it.

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116495 No.21512615

File: a1f187ab428f36b⋯.png (583.73 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_114650.png)

File: 70244de66cf007c⋯.png (233.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_114753.png)

File: 6d1c6098e001a1c⋯.png (358.45 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_114807.png)

File: 49d5ccfe05663e7⋯.png (239.2 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_114814.png)

File: a0763ae073181dd⋯.png (92.23 KB,766x760,383:380,619_3_.png)

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116495 No.21512616

File: a1f187ab428f36b⋯.png (583.73 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_114650.png)

File: 70244de66cf007c⋯.png (233.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_114753.png)

File: c7ac7df1647423e⋯.png (29.08 KB,766x408,383:204,1819_4_.png)

File: a6b086fa49488ec⋯.jpeg (73.17 KB,680x513,680:513,_jTo4irF.jpeg)

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777b42 No.21512617


gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion

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052431 No.21512618

File: 57d437af44d2f52⋯.png (1.1 MB,900x759,300:253,ClipboardImage.png)

the original statue of liberty face.

Look familiar?

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dedd7f No.21512619

File: 4cdee37a53a9579⋯.png (117.05 KB,504x497,72:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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9501a5 No.21512620

Wherever cigs are allowed, so is the herb. Don't make me make common sense on you. You might call someone

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052431 No.21512621



You ready for this?


Office of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion

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218a10 No.21512623


problem reaction solution is an easy sell to the sheeple

they blame Merica, the flag, old outdated constructs of free men that no longer apply to them - they think

add Godlessness and here we are

You are ruled by God's Law or man's law.

The choice be yours.

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777b42 No.21512624


what better way to get people in govt together than to blackmail 'em by some perversions in a temple saying do this and you'll get power fortune and fame

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310e47 No.21512625

File: b3caab8b100b8d2⋯.jpg (823.69 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Birds_Singing_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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55a86b No.21512626


what gods law?

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9501a5 No.21512627

File: dec9e42165a2c07⋯.jpg (14.13 KB,474x301,474:301,th_2002134562.jpg)

File: 7a538b6ed91080d⋯.jpg (10.79 KB,474x267,158:89,th_2000340012.jpg)


And let's not use batf terms on it. IT'S A CLASS OF IT'S OWN, INTELECTUALLY LAZY JERKS

Step into my office

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6b6f47 No.21512628

File: 9eb714e31dbcf5e⋯.png (452.54 KB,800x530,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA G-IV plane will carry next-generation science instrument

August 30, 2024

In June 2024, a new tail number swept the sky above NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California.

Pilots conducted flights of a Gulfstream IV (G-IV) to evaluate its handling characteristics and to familiarize pilots with it before it begins structural modifications.

The research plane is joining the center's fleet serving NASA's Airborne Science program.

The G-IV will carry the Next Generation Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR-NG), which sends and receives microwave signals to collect information about Earth's topographic features and how they change over time.

The goal for the team at NASA Armstrong is to modify the G-IV to accommodate three radars simultaneously.

"The AIRSAR-NG will be composed of three different Synthetic Aperture Radar antennas in one instrument to provide new insight into Earth's surface more efficiently," said Yunling Lou, principal investigator for the instrument at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

"The capabilities of this new instrument will facilitate new techniques, such as three-dimensional imaging, that will be useful for future space-borne missions."

With those and other modifications being made, the G-IV will also be able to accommodate an increased load of science instruments, which could enable NASA to support more dynamic airborne science missions.

"This aircraft will aid Armstrong in continuing our long history of supporting airborne science for the agency and maintain the expertise in conducting successful science missions for years to come," said Franzeska Becker, the G-IV project manager at NASA Armstrong.

Transferred in February from NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, the G-IV will undergo additional modifications overseen by NASA Armstrong's team.

Their goal is to enrich the agency's airborne science program by outfitting the aircraft to function as a more capable and versatile research platform.

The knowledge and expertise of professionals at NASA centers like Armstrong (G-IV, ER-2, C-20) and Langley (777, G-III) will help enable the agency to produce a well-defined and airworthy platform for science instruments and airborne science missions.


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218a10 No.21512629

File: 9e363450e8ca0e7⋯.png (599.24 KB,992x654,496:327,9e363450e8ca0e76e7e01b4671….png)

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5b2aca No.21512630


According to your ID, I wasn't talking to you. Also, you aren't from America so you don't need to worry about discussions on our founding documents.

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03cc72 No.21512631


the bush sr illegal immigrant amnesty pops up too

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7590e9 No.21512632


nik'd it

very noice


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218a10 No.21512633

god law is man law

God's Law.

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1afe90 No.21512634

File: 932ccb8c3a2afdd⋯.gif (3.4 MB,1010x740,101:74,932ccb8c3a2afddda906bb7cbb….gif)


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9501a5 No.21512635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Died from the herb….. no one ever!

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5f2f68 No.21512636

File: 4354c6d0a01c463⋯.png (447.99 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: b1ebb36c039a461⋯.png (670.92 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7b8fb3d841215e2⋯.png (356.1 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

Greetings Anons!

Looks like the ones here for the religious "arguments" decided after getting exposed as they polluted Graveyard Shifts (oh yeah, plural) the bosses made the decision to try Day Shift. They had tried last night, but called out again and vanished. Enjoy the pics, the religious "arguments" come from the "operators. Same bunch

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9f6875 No.21512638

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

- Stockholm Syndrome - Neil Oliver

sauce… https://old.bitchute.com/video/u7tk8mBHTmS6/

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2e2c65 No.21512639

Q Team:

It now makes sense why the eastern neighbor built a second shed, which is illegal according to zoning laws, at the angle that he did. With a elongated pvc pipe, he can use that shed's roof angle to help hold the pipe in place to target our roof's vent for our waste line. I am sure he still needs a second person at least to help guide the pipe until he a can mark the tube and shed as they have a perfect view from their bedroom window in that corner. That is probably how they put orange insulation foam into that line before. Remember, check the cyanide plant and see how the center top was cut and only a smaller area to the south wasn't cut, which is much closer and easier to cut, as they can only make so much at a time. This person is a cowardly murderer that needs to be stopped asap one way or another.

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652426 No.21512640

File: a1e98cd2d5da82f⋯.png (1.35 MB,1190x1672,595:836,Capture_2024_08_31_11_59_2….png)

File: ddc641215cd4761⋯.png (946.92 KB,1195x1662,1195:1662,Capture_2024_08_31_12_02_1….png)




Jeffrey Epstein's bizarre blue-striped building on private island raised alarm

The building was supposed to be a music pavilion. But the actual structure bears little resemblance to the plans that were submitted to agency officials.

Aug. 1, 2019, 4:43 AM EDT

By Rich Schapiro

The bizarre blue-striped building on Jeffrey Epstein's private Caribbean island was supposed to be a music pavilion with a strikingly different design, according to permit records viewed by NBC News.

The building, shaped like a giant box and initially topped with a gold dome, has fueled rampant speculation and online conspiracy theories.

Drawings supplied by Epstein's architects to the U.S. Virgin Islands agency that oversees coastal development show that it was designed to be a haven for music: an octagonal 3,500-square-foot pavilion housing a grand piano.

But questions remain over whether it was built according to the plans that were submitted to the Department of Planning and Natural Resources.

Those 2010 plans, which were part of a permit application that raised concerns inside the agency, included drawings of a building that looks almost nothing like the structure that was built…

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55a86b No.21512641


is this not a war about ideology. If there is supposed to be no division then it only serves to reason that people will call out peoples beliefs.

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5f2c83 No.21512643

File: 6402637e7893343⋯.png (403.16 KB,835x652,835:652,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa55d544bb30127⋯.mp4 (388.73 KB,480x270,16:9,LOVING_THE_WEEKEND.mp4)



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9501a5 No.21512645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6b6f47 No.21512649

File: 1d5371d947c075d⋯.png (583.21 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s Solar Sail Mission Is Finally Flying After Deployment Glitch

August 30, 2024

Despite a failed first attempt, NASA deployed its pioneering solar sail system, which will harness energy from the Sun to propel itself forward through space.

The Advanced Composite Solar Sail System is now fully deployed after NASA succeeded in extending the mission’s experimental booms on Thursday at 1:33 p.m. ET, the space agency announced.

NASA teams will begin testing the new form of space travel, initiating different maneuvers to see how well the sail fares in orbit.

NASA’s solar sail mission launched in April to test new materials and deployable structures for a propulsion system that runs on photons from the Sun.

A few months after its launch, the mission’s sail became stuck when an onboard power monitor detected higher-than-expected motor currents, pausing the unfurling process.

The mission teams were successful on their second attempt to deploy the solar sail, fully unfurling it to stretch across 860 square feet (80 square meters), or about as large as half a tennis court.

The sail needs to be large enough to generate sufficient thrust, while also being at a high enough orbit to gain altitude and overcome atmospheric drag using the subtle force of sunlight on the sail.

NASA’s solar sail orbits Earth at approximately twice the altitude of the International Space Station.

With the solar sail fully deployed, it may be visible to observers from Earth.

Using four cameras on board the spacecraft, NASA captured panoramic views of the unfurling process, which will be available on September 4.

Over the next few weeks, NASA engineers will test the maneuvering capabilities of the spacecraft, raising and lowering its orbit using only the pressure of sunlight acting on the sail.

The mission’s initial flight phase is designed to last for two months.

“Raising and lowering the orbit of the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System spacecraft will provide valuable information that may help guide future concepts of operations and designs for solar sail-equipped science and exploration missions,” NASA wrote in its update.

NASA’s solar sail mission is meant to test new materials and deployable structures for the experimental propulsion systems, including new composite booms that are used to unfurl the sail.

The composite booms are made from a polymer material; they’re lightweight while still being stiff and resistant to bending and warping when exposed to different temperatures.

They work the same way as a sailboat’s boom, except they are designed to catch the propulsive power of sunlight rather than wind.

NASA is hoping this new form of low-cost space travel can grant it more access to different destinations across the solar system, although solar sails are limited by the durability of the materials and spacecraft electronic systems.

Solar sails harness energy produced by light from the Sun, using it to propel spacecraft forward.

As the photons hit the spacecraft’s sails, it causes small bursts of momentum that propel it farther away from the star.

We’ll be watching closely as this tiny cubesat, and this interesting new concept, takes its important first baby steps in space.


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140e86 No.21512650

File: 955f6c7414f888f⋯.webm (4.19 MB,460x424,115:106,aPA942g_460svvp9.webm)

This vid calls Harris a "human penis pump"

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a73a50 No.21512652

File: 39693bd1cb991f5⋯.png (204.38 KB,881x405,881:405,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kryptos K4


Actor Jim Caviezel states that Q stands for Question?

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e0c5b6 No.21512654




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140e86 No.21512655

File: c71956c59636819⋯.webp (38.66 KB,700x472,175:118,66d195b8d28d2.webp)

VS shill is back

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2e2c65 No.21512657


Q Team:

I have to go out, need surveillance on this clown, as he is out an about in his back yard, as Fri and Sat are their ritual days. I will deal with him soon, they were warned.

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fc7fa8 No.21512660


I'm not claimin nothin anon'

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a56a4c No.21512661

During interrogations, Pavel Durov "pulled out his trump card and said that he had opened an official channel of communication with the French General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) in the fight against terrorism, with a hotline and a special email address. The exchange of information through this channel allegedly prevented several terrorist attacks."

The billionaire added that France had begun to “unlawfully” send requests through this channel on topics not related to terrorism, which is why they went unanswered.

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0e5a0a No.21512662

File: f44012421d837b8⋯.jpg (156.11 KB,898x631,898:631,1_1.jpg)

All PB

>>21507555 Wes Moore and the Bronze Star He Claimed but Never Received, there is no record showing that he ever received a Bronze Star

>>21508019 Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient

Think Divine Nine.

Alpha Phi Alpha - The Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Congratulates Brother Wes Moore on Historic Maryland Gubernatorial Election Win

Brother Moore First African American Governor-Elect of Maryland

November 9, 2022


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70241a No.21512663


Lefties grabbed by the pussy dance Off!!

nurses takes the L

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6dea52 No.21512664

Why is this place a political rag. Where’s all the alien disclosure stuff at? Reptilians? DUMBs?

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7590e9 No.21512665

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e0c5b6 No.21512666

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)



<▶ Anonymous  Just now 419077 No.21512656

Go to bed aei.

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1fcba4 No.21512668

File: f781bc84c36624a⋯.png (194.56 KB,456x422,228:211,ClipboardImage.png)

No marines or navy in the national guard?

Naval militias

Main article: Naval militias in the United States

Although there are no Naval or Marine Corps components of the National Guard of the United States, there is a Naval Militia authorized under federal law.10 U.S.C. § 8901. Like the soldiers and airmen in the National Guard of the United States, members of the Naval Militia are authorized federal appointments or enlistments at the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy.10 U.S.C. § 7852.To receive federal funding and equipment, a state naval militia must be composed of at least 95% of Navy, Coast Guard, or Marine Corps Reservists. As such, some states maintain such units. Some states also maintain naval components of their State Defense Force.Recently, Alaska, California, New Jersey,New York, South Carolina, Texas and Ohio have had or currently maintain naval militias. Other states have laws authorizing them but do not currently have them organized. To receive federal funding, as is the case in the National Guard, a state must meet specific requirements such as having a set percentage of its members in the federal reserves.10 U.S.C. § 7851.


The Naval Militia consists of the Naval Militia of the States, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.


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e0c5b6 No.21512669

POOF ~ laffin

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c9664b No.21512670

File: f5e8dcff6f7c7e9⋯.png (437.17 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f51617 No.21512672


Laws are a form of control and many many many bad laws exist. It’s not hard to get yourself into state legislatures to make shitty laws.

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ae58d5 No.21512673



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06d255 No.21512675


Is 2024 still too early for that?

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fdd28a No.21512677


8kun = politics for nearly dead boomers

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116495 No.21512681

File: e6f1bad8575a836⋯.png (124.8 KB,766x1382,383:691,1153_2_.png)

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1132b5 No.21512683


Is Trump saving those kids or gifting them?

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3da213 No.21512684


I was about to drop a meme, but realized I don't have my NAS in my back pocket.

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ae58d5 No.21512687


It's Q Research, Anon. Not the History channel.

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5f2f68 No.21512689

File: 9cf9c76b7a3732d⋯.png (307.82 KB,748x612,11:9,9cf9c76b7a3732dbb69adca2f1….png)


Have you forgotten the part where shills are tasked to waste bread in anyway possible to bury the good stuff?

Tons of muh joo, then BVs started deleting the crap. "Muh Freemasons" get a turn. Their favorite is starting arguments with bait or having "arguments" between themselves. The MAGA Patriot (insert suffix) became the AI Warfare but has faded out since anons have made fun of them and hurt their feels

Ah, reminds of an earlier time when somebody forgot to twirl the vpn

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4edd14 No.21512690


Why did you remove his post? That’s censorship.

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a56a4c No.21512691



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b3ffc8 No.21512693


Qresearch is a political rag? Set this place on fire then.

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552c06 No.21512695

>>21512559 I watched this. He was raising Mattis above Trump on a moral high ground. Caused me to wonder if there isn't possibly an attempt to split loyalty in the military. There has been recent firings of DC Army Generals and a Commander in the Navy. Cohen has not been around in many years, why now?

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5f2f68 No.21512697


Cries of "muh censorship" are also frequently heard

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2a580a No.21512698

Why are you guys removing peoples posts?

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55a86b No.21512699


have you forgotten that none of this fucking matters till it does and that even if there is a slide the entire concept of wasting bread is stupid considering those in control still need this place up so if they want to get paid they will make a new bread. Not like in the old days where a bread where Q posted could take 30 min to fill.

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98ee39 No.21512701


I think a civil war may still be necessary.

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6b6f47 No.21512702

File: d25397c9c85ffa4⋯.png (201.24 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3f22604cd3b33a⋯.png (345.47 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

'Catastrophic' SpaceX Starship explosion tore a hole in the atmosphere last year in 1st-of-its-kind event, Russian scientists reveal

August 30, 2024

The high-altitude explosion of one of SpaceX's supersized Starship rockets last year temporarily ripped a hole in the upper atmosphere, a new study from Russian scientists shows.

It is the first time this type of atmospheric disturbance has been created by a human-caused explosion, the researchers say.

On Nov. 18, 2023, SpaceX launched its superheavy Starship rocket — the largest and most powerful rocket ever built — for the second time ever from SpaceX's Starbase test and manufacturing facility in Boca Chica, Texas.

Around 4 minutes after liftoff, the rocket's first stage — the large, lower part that contains the main engines — detached from the upper part of the rocket as planned but unexpectedly exploded shortly afterward, before it could land back on Earth.

Then, another 4 minutes later, the rest of the rocket blew up in a larger "rapid unscheduled disassembly" around 93 miles (150 kilometers) above the ground, when a fire started as the rocket vented liquid oxygen.

The company's founder and CEO Elon Musk later said that the rocket would have made it to orbit if it had been carrying a proper payload.

In the new study, published Aug. 26 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, researchers revealed that the second explosion temporarily created a large hole in the ionosphere — the part of the atmosphere between 50 and 400 miles (80 and 650 kilometers) above Earth's surface where gases have been ionized, or stripped of electrons, and turned into plasma.

"Usually, such holes are formed as a result of chemical processes in the ionosphere due to interaction with engine fuel," study lead author Yury Yasyukevich, an ionosphere physicist at the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP), said in a translated article from the Russian state media site TASS.

This is the first known time that an ionospheric hole has been created by a "catastrophic phenomena" such as a human-made explosion, he added.

Multiple satellites and international ground-based stations observed the disturbance, which lasted for 30 to 40 minutes before the affected part of the ionosphere fully recovered, the researchers wrote.

The peak size of the hole remains unclear. Human-caused ionospheric holes are nothing new.

Scientists have long known that chemicals in rocket fuel, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, can react with ionized oxygen atoms, causing them to temporarily recombine — or turn back into regular oxygen atoms — leaving a gap, or hole, in the plasma sea within the ionosphere.

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rockets are particularly prone to creating ionospheric holes, either during the separation of the rockets' first and second stages shortly after launch or when the rockets dump their fuel during reentry.

When the atoms within these holes reionize and turn back into plasma, they release red aurora-like light, creating bright, blood-red light shows in the night sky that astronomers have dubbed SpaceX auroras.

But in this case, the ionospheric hole was created "due to the shock wave generated by the Starship explosion," which temporarily scattered the free electrons within the ionosphere, essentially stripping the plasma of its normal properties, the researchers wrote.

Any of the rocket's fuel not immediately burned up in the explosion "might have reinforced the depletion and extended its duration," they added — but it was not the primary cause of the hole.

As a result, there was no aurora-like light show once the plasma returned.

The researchers said that the effects of ionospheric holes are poorly understood and require further research but added that novel ionospheric phenomena like this provide a rare chance to learn more about the plasma-filled region of our upper atmosphere.

"Analyzing the data and understanding their nature, we understand more deeply the structure of the ionosphere, [and] the nature of the phenomena that occur in it," Yasyukevich told TASS.

This was the second time one of SpaceX's 400-foot-tall (120 meters) rockets exploded in as many flight tests.

In the first test, on April 20 last year, the first starship was given a self-destruct code around 4 minutes after lifting off when it entered into an uncontrolled spin around 18 miles (29 km) above the ground.

On this occasion, chunks of debris from the destroyed rocket rained down on Earth, triggering a federal investigation and leading to a lawsuit from environmental groups.


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ae58d5 No.21512703


You could leave if politics are too hard. You will find alien and other stories told by random people on the history channel or you can subscribe to gaia, I hear they do the crystal believer stuff too.

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46cf48 No.21512704

File: 8df168591eeb451⋯.png (92.89 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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7590e9 No.21512707




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68e71a No.21512709




Full text

Baker Notable

The French publication Libération reveals some details of the arrest and initial interrogations of Telegram founder Pavel Durov.

"When Durov was taken into custody at the premises of the French National Customs Office for Combating Fraud, he, according to a source close to the investigation, showed a willingness to cooperate, handing over his mobile phone and even the access code," the newspaper reported.

At the same time, the publication admits that he was prepared for such a turn of events and “did not appear worried” during his arrest.

During interrogations, Pavel Durov "pulled out his trump card and said that he had opened an official channel of communication with the French General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) in the fight against terrorism, with a hotline and a special email address. The exchange of information through this channel allegedly prevented several terrorist attacks."

The billionaire added that France had begun to “unlawfully” send requests through this channel on topics not related to terrorism, which is why they went unanswered.

According to a source close to the investigation, Durov also claims that DGSI agents visited him in Dubai. But he refused to disclose the nature of the visit because it could be a state secret.

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6fafbb No.21512710


Honestly, politics is more fake than UFOs, Aliens, and Reptilians combined. How many times did you vote for a communist corrupt leader?

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9501a5 No.21512711

File: b7e753e868c7d77⋯.png (693.52 KB,1426x632,713:316,Screen_Shot_2021_01_29_at_….png)

File: 0165eb814c81e99⋯.jpg (260.76 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240830_220053….jpg)

File: 152d2e99de95310⋯.jpg (278.17 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240830_220034….jpg)

File: e65e00da9912fdb⋯.jpg (309.92 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240830_220020….jpg)



Incentivise enforcement, yep.

Here's to the toleration of necessary evils in the public space, and to the necessary evil of public administration (deep state shit) of the common area

T. Paine and I will see the haters, now

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0f2383 No.21512712

File: 4c2e29b986a719f⋯.png (274.33 KB,1368x882,76:49,Polis_Schutz.png)


(Jared Polis Schutz was clearly chosen young by the DS, why? What DS connections are his parents hiding? Schutz is a German name, just like Warren Wilhelm Jr was a German name. Polis is German and Walloon; de Blasio is Italian.)

"Polis [Schutz] co-founded American Information Systems (AIS), Inc., while still in college. AIS was an internet access provider and was sold in 1998. In 1996, he co-founded a free electronic greeting card website, bluemountain.com, which was sold to Excite@Home in 1999 for $430 million in stock and $350 million in cash.

"In February 1998, Polis [Schutz] founded ProFlowers, an online florist, in La Jolla, California. In December of that year, economist Arthur Laffer began advising Polis and joined ProFlowers as a Director. ProFlowers, later renamed Provide Commerce, Inc., went public on NASDAQ as PRVD on December 17, 2003. In 2005, Provide Commerce was acquired by media conglomerate Liberty Media Corporation for $477 million.

"Polis and other investors founded TechStars in Boulder, Colorado, in 2006.

During his tenure in Congress, Polis was among its wealthiest members; his net worth was estimated at over $300 million."



Ties to https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21508344.html#21509036

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1a017b No.21512713


Welcome to 8kun

Please spoil that image next time.

PTSD is a real thing.

Thank You

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1afe90 No.21512714

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,almost_there.png)

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fb9fb2 No.21512715


Welcome to 8kun: where comped bakers remove anything that hurts their feelings.

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680fc5 No.21512716


Where are you? I can't tell. Tell me more about how all our efforts are futile so I can try to place the accent.

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2573ef No.21512717



We are Doomed unless (you) pay more in Taxes…

Just Sayin

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68e71a No.21512718

File: fdaaf0333a2e41c⋯.png (377.08 KB,454x1302,227:651,ClipboardImage.png)

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7590e9 No.21512719


plastics n such

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00d660 No.21512720


She is still a man

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adc37a No.21512721


Vote harder. Surely you’ll fix things by voting for Obama again. Common sense comes here to die.

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c45d43 No.21512722

File: 9c739b6ca70680b⋯.png (477.7 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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1afe90 No.21512723


Odd how you can never tell the difference between 8kun and a board on 8kun called QResearch.

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116495 No.21512724

File: d59ffe6560588aa⋯.png (363.45 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_122408.png)

File: c3ea66ce68ceaad⋯.png (1.19 MB,766x1834,383:917,1202.png)

File: fdbe1c1bb4634f0⋯.jpeg (55.69 KB,1024x512,2:1,GWUnxUsXkAAj5p5.jpeg)

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eaa8b5 No.21512725

File: 10b153dacb40c34⋯.png (213.62 KB,508x653,508:653,ClipboardImage.png)


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cb47fa No.21512726

File: 51858a674533e70⋯.png (355.02 KB,529x544,529:544,Capture.PNG)


Explosive ordnance disposal technicians traveled to Himeko-Jima to execute an explosive ordnance exploitation range in preparation for Outlaw Wrath 24.

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Samantha Rodriguez 📸


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9501a5 No.21512727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




License and proof of insurance, copper!

State employee orientation film

So, why do you want to work here? afaf

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7590e9 No.21512728

File: 6ea397da4249951⋯.png (594.16 KB,720x540,4:3,6ea397da42499518aa6295fca5….png)


just the spam ma'm


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5f2f68 No.21512729


Pestilence will reappear until the murder hornets are well enough to travel

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680fc5 No.21512730


Oh now we shouldn't vote (for Trump) and efforts to American politics should be dropped in favor of discussing made up stories about aliens? Did Kamala hire you directly or did they contract with your government?

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366a6a No.21512731



8kun:free speech board

Qresearch: faggot communist Nazi boomer censoring retards that probably voted for Bush or Clinton cause they had no idea that politics is comped and corrupt.

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5f2f68 No.21512732


If I had a full SOLO cup of beer for every time shills whined about "muh censorship" I could through a great kegger

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463537 No.21512733


Voting is how we got here. Did you vote for Bush or Clinton?

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463537 No.21512734


1st Amendment

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eaa8b5 No.21512735

File: 21c381fdff0cc2a⋯.png (342.15 KB,594x588,99:98,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon Musk


Reid is terrified of Trump winning and prosecuted for being one of Epstein’s top clients

7:48 PM · Aug 30, 2024

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652c77 No.21512736


That’s not true. I just saw an Epstein Trump meme removed.

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9501a5 No.21512737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tryouts, soon

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116495 No.21512739

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bd4504 No.21512741


You want all of us to not vote for Trump? Are you saying you want all the Americans on this board to not vote at all because voting only destroys our country? Is that your official narrative? Can you please advise what country you are posting from?

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1afe90 No.21512742

File: 69da74c9fbe86e0⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,716x540,179:135,boomer2.jpg)


The IP hop really sold the believability of your position.

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5f2f68 No.21512743

The fact where the same plays keep being made after all these years instead of making it harder for the bosses to throw the minions under the bus to cover their escapes just shows the lack of intelligence in the shills

General Research #23139' >>18851346

Not going to work anymore. The cycles are becoming clearer. Gore and cp to test the defenses, then cycle through tons of muh joo, then racist/white supremacy, then some slide like "RRN is legit" and then when the garbage gets tossed, scream "muh censorship"

Bitch about BO and BVs and the truly retarded among you bitch about bakers deleting stuff all you want, not going to work, not going to change anything.

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652c77 No.21512744


Voting is how we got here. Sovereignty is the only way.

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116495 No.21512746


imagine a world where POTUS x posts are irrelevant.

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652c77 No.21512747


How’d voting for Trump in 2020 go? White hats don’t even respect your vote. Kek.

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116495 No.21512750

153:uid vs. a handful

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4b2708 No.21512753


Just to clarify, you are saying Americans should not vote?

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9501a5 No.21512754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Step into HR for inquiries

Brotherhood, suck it!

Candy ass union faggots are DUNZO!

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a73a50 No.21512757

File: 4831c082da74513⋯.png (145.94 KB,814x639,814:639,ClipboardImage.png)

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9473ca No.21512759

File: c3e3f723bc49d88⋯.png (217.48 KB,524x319,524:319,ClipboardImage.png)


>all have a bit of Gods message in them

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c45d43 No.21512761

File: 383ebadb2cc8599⋯.png (295.56 KB,422x612,211:306,ClipboardImage.png)


that is a spicey post by elon.

it is the truth thou

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116495 No.21512765

File: 9eef002158f2c3a⋯.png (399.55 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_123630.png)

File: 6742d565c5547ee⋯.png (642.05 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240831_123639.png)

File: 101ded7a5cd7495⋯.png (235.54 KB,766x1648,383:824,918_2_.png)

File: 420649242cbc1c1⋯.png (268.29 KB,766x2834,383:1417,2118.png)

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cb47fa No.21512768

File: 51e376f93f44941⋯.png (134.96 KB,393x704,393:704,Capture.PNG)

Given the political stakes….



follow ProPublica’s lead and release the full, unedited video interview and transcript with Harris and Walz?

It’s about transparency, adding new reporting to the public discussion and journalists standing behind their final interview edit.


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b9e9cb No.21512769


I note you refuse to say we shouldn't vote while trying to convince us not to vote. Is there a reason for that?

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e64314 No.21512775

File: 5e422c6572ffaef⋯.jpg (17.97 KB,170x255,2:3,5d037fd11b3253cf53aac2d68a….jpg)

File: 9eec0d72f01c54b⋯.webp (24.46 KB,388x480,97:120,9eec0d72f01c54bb9a29d220e….webp)

File: 08f771195ad4dfe⋯.png (14.15 KB,255x204,5:4,0291867d14d13b68dc2511e584….png)

File: 099de3e64dd5c00⋯.jpg (16.05 KB,255x255,1:1,f860f000a2981216abfe739fc0….jpg)

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83b94b No.21512781


Two nights ago, a blue volumetric flash came from the tenets window, the one who drives the red car, onto the dog. We have seen these blue flashes a few times coming straight through the house even though windows are heavily covered. I have seen this red car following me before, and one day he actually hit my cart with some type of energy weapon that actually moved it as if it was kicked from a good distance. When I analyze the angle from his window, in order that he stays concealed, it is no surprise why the dog wakes up in the middle of the night with a near death experience even though he is not choking. They are trying to hit my wife, and she once experienced what I have a few times before, a severe cramp unlike any you can imagine. If these pulses ever hit your heart there is no way anyone can survive it. Eyes on, I am about to break and will visit them all for their iniquities and will have to fight their protectors too.

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9501a5 No.21512783

File: a97900c96deb842⋯.jpg (20.16 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_2776635721.jpg)

File: 9d05802e6680671⋯.png (864.08 KB,573x680,573:680,9d05802e6680671dc414790242….png)

File: 1c37d81a63c0609⋯.jpg (75.18 KB,500x672,125:168,1c37d81a63c060996ce716af03….jpg)

File: 95b8fef0cc1b044⋯.jpg (707.58 KB,2560x1693,2560:1693,Pelosi_with_parents_and_JF….jpg)

File: e1d31d6b84e77cb⋯.jpeg (36.11 KB,700x466,350:233,pope_francis_nancy_pelosi….jpeg)


MAGA is coming, punk.

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ee2ce7 No.21512785

They Live

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9473ca No.21512787

File: f7db0bb892f74ab⋯.png (352.16 KB,647x518,647:518,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac820e8dc719a4f⋯.png (416.72 KB,653x513,653:513,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4b294320cbd9e9⋯.png (390.63 KB,674x519,674:519,ClipboardImage.png)


Stop being a parrot and learn something.


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70241a No.21512790


unless approved by the kammunist ministry

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5f2f68 No.21512792


And anons' hunger for bread is used as a weapon. Waste bread and bury goodies far into the memory hole of the archives.

Since arguments are their favorite bread-wasting things I shall grab some more coffee and let you talk to the hand from this point

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9501a5 No.21512793

File: 55cb12cfb1c31d5⋯.jpg (23.63 KB,474x336,79:56,th_3842657634.jpg)

File: f2b80ebd11b88e6⋯.jpg (46.92 KB,474x348,79:58,th_2435187658.jpg)

File: de4dc9511944450⋯.jpg (342.03 KB,934x622,467:311,2019_fine_69321302_3723014….jpg)

File: 4500df99bef0448⋯.jpg (33.99 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3357824088.jpg)

File: e98555bbf1e6648⋯.jpg (560.02 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240830_182208….jpg)

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140e86 No.21512794

File: 1f3d0fc08dd3a3b⋯.webp (35.27 KB,1009x1099,1009:1099,66d2869d8e9dc.webp)

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7590e9 No.21512795



Last Callwill baker in 10 min

#26356 >>21512083

>>21512148, >>21512372 Gold Star mom sets record straight on Trump Arlington visit, 'altercation' and photo op

>>21512154 65 days to WINNING

>>21512167, >>21512170 ICYMI: How the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year

>>21512237 President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C.Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

>>21512250 Dengism/ Deng Xao Ping

>>21512257 kissing the Soros ring

>>21512270 Wuhan lab vials, save for 2020 erection For the keks!

>>21512278 Pennsylvania Court Forces Counties to Validate Ballots Despite Missing or Incorrect Dates on Their Outer Return Envelopes

>>21512289 Two new murder cases filed against former Bangladesh PM

>>21512294, >>21512295 The People's Audit can now monitor the vote by mail, make sure mail in ballots are not being abused, everything reconciles with the final advertised vote counts.

>>21512298 Arab Americans abandoning Harris, Trump team pickin em up MI panic

>>21512301 Keshel: Have you ever seen a forecasting model that accounts for election fraud and largely discards polling, since none of that is right or consistent anymore?

>>21512306 The End of Free Speech and Beginning of Political Persecution in Brazil

>>21512314 Today 27 years, on 31st of August 1997 ago Princess Diana was killed

>>21512320 ICYMI: Ambrose King Wins His Case

>>21512327, >>21512388, >>21512389, >>21512412, >>21512608, >>21512649, >>21512702 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21512331, >>21512610 Pushing back migrants is ‘a grave sin’ – Pope

>>21512340 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Resume Secret Illegal Alien Flights into the US Paid for by US Taxpayers – 347,959 Flown Into Texas and Florida So Far

>>21512344 New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

>>21512349 Ukraine: Rustem Umerov would try to persuade the US to lift its restrictions on long-range strikes against Russia

>>21512363 Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Arkansas Election Officials Can’t Reject Online Voter Registration Signed with Electronic Signatures

>>21512365, >>21512370 Arrest Warrant Sought Against Brad Raffensperger, (An edited version of this story is expected to appear next week in The Federalist)

>>21512394 ‘Uncommitted’ Nightmare Haunts Harris as CNN Interview Further Fractures Democrat Base

>>21512414, >>21512436 2022 Antony Blinken’s horrific stain on Albania and it’s all for George Soros

>>21512431, >>21512452 Pieces of meteorite may have fallen in Spruce Pine area, NASA seeks information

>>21512446 Alleged Child-Rapist Migrant Released by Biden-Harris Admin Arrested by Texas DPS

>>21512468, >>21512473 Mexico Hints U.S. Government Covering Up Kidnapping, Arrest of Drug Lord

>>21512485 “It started 8 years ago, maybe a little before that, who knows. It probably started 40 years ago in our soul, but it started 8 years ago, and nobody would’ve thought anything like this coulda happened.”

>>21512500 Austin said the responsibility for such a significant decision “should rest with me.”/plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

>>21512502 PF USAF KC-135 Stratotanker 59-1470. Squawking 7700 for about the last twenty minutes.

>>21512506 Florida man sentenced for trying to defraud NASA’s space launch system

>>21512525 Western foreign policy has been hypocritical in that it allowed for the rise of the Mujahideen in the Soviet War, but that Western media has since branded the Mujahideen "foreign fighters" or "terrorists".

>>21512546 Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21512577, >>21512579 The Presidential Transition Act

>>21512592 Trump OK with states decision on pots

>>21512628 NASA G-IV plane will carry next-generation science instrument

>>21512643 LOVING THE WEEKEND!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

>>21512661, >>21512691, >>21512709 Pavel Durov "pulled out his trump card, said he had opened an official channel of communication with the French General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI)

>>21512668 Naval militias in the United States

>>21512726 @1stMAW_Marines WE LIKE THINGS THAT GO BOOM! 💣

>>21512768 @C__Herridge Will @CNN follow ProPublica’s lead and release the full, unedited video interview and transcript with Harris and Walz?

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0e82f4 No.21512796


O Dio T

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681aea No.21512798

File: 23f871fea7255ac⋯.png (1.91 MB,903x739,903:739,Screenshot_13528_.png)

File: 0f2c1e3b389ff7f⋯.png (4.87 MB,1785x952,15:8,capture_899_02012023_22380….png)


such fun


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436f21 No.21512800

File: 142dd7f80d56ffa⋯.png (12.07 MB,4096x2732,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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9501a5 No.21512803

File: 31168762a3e65bd⋯.jpg (104.56 KB,1100x619,1100:619,210114204226_metropolitan_….jpg)

File: fbb8e327c3f3836⋯.jpg (21.37 KB,474x316,3:2,th_3288880650.jpg)

File: 55eddf5558d7dc2⋯.png (242.31 KB,480x291,160:97,Griffin_968285803.png)

File: 55cb12cfb1c31d5⋯.jpg (23.63 KB,474x336,79:56,th_3842657634.jpg)

File: 32bf2e4449c8675⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,474x702,79:117,th_185234376.jpg)


Treason sucks

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1df8b8 No.21512804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

681aea No.21512805

File: 7b3392a24f68a19⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,482x662,241:331,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

File: 51d1577c04bdc61⋯.jpeg (73.98 KB,604x340,151:85,51d1577c04bdc618bd715e7d0….jpeg)

File: 15266ae677baa25⋯.gif (914.14 KB,500x332,125:83,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….gif)

File: 807ad8c7d57e1aa⋯.png (711.17 KB,585x414,65:46,capture_023_25092022_12052….png)

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116495 No.21512806

File: 1ffd0a96aaaf1a2⋯.jpg (222.11 KB,1160x773,1160:773,1ffd0a96aaaf1a24cebbf0be49….jpg)

File: fdbe1c1bb4634f0⋯.jpeg (55.69 KB,1024x512,2:1,GWUnxUsXkAAj5p5.jpeg)

File: 0be9d112562e994⋯.png (121.17 KB,766x1332,383:666,803_6_.png)

File: 96e95680c1012b3⋯.jpeg (167.05 KB,1024x1024,1:1,96e95680c1012b3ee8523f39e….jpeg)

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,075f1976c86ed150c800baeaba….jpg)


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747a60 No.21512807

File: c9a91f7ac74c22a⋯.png (368.69 KB,624x365,624:365,quotes_founding_fathers_62….png)

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

– John Adams

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9501a5 No.21512808

File: c8de0f8bf79e9dc⋯.jpg (39.13 KB,474x266,237:133,th_593665812.jpg)

File: 653142a858552b6⋯.jpg (38.53 KB,474x316,3:2,th_2743065656.jpg)

File: 206d2766d4fce47⋯.jpg (28.63 KB,474x266,237:133,th_4010521590.jpg)

File: 452582581ece3f9⋯.jpg (18.11 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3050220310.jpg)

File: 60a8845a54b1c20⋯.jpg (152.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,mb5ut_qR4e_small_Venezuela….jpg)

Finals. Who makes the team, big dog? afa, cough cough, friend

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cb47fa No.21512809

"[They] can’t allow an election.

Their pre-filled out ballots that bear either Biden’s or RFK’s names can’t make an appearance."

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5dbc13 No.21512812

Howdy anons

Looking for a video,

Can't really remember any context except it was a white guy bragging about birth rates and behind them on the wall was a paper tracking the declining white birth rates

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725350 No.21512813

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)






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9501a5 No.21512814

File: 2970ecbf3b09587⋯.jpg (62.81 KB,960x720,4:3,Lucas_Tomlinson_3_38432622….jpg)

Literally, he's the news now, faggots!

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0a2dd2 No.21512815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a Good Day

by Chris Mason


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fea676 No.21512816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>durh govt is subsidizing pooor people gittin sum faggot tranny nuremburging brainwashin

>>>>>>>>drumpf larp fraud victums gittin bidet juuus'd can now git sum brainwashin reperations cuz faggo tranny whaaaaa four moar years

>>>>>>>$500/month per hogg available to qualify an faggot tranny whaaaa four years brainwashin its not MOObamaHO this time butt prol is

>>>>>>is yur hogg drunk on bidet an drumpf tarded lik cannedDUH bordur whaaaa, git sum $500/month hogg credit for alles uber heimat grosse weider mit schiessekampf schwulles schwartze coupon auf berlinurs

>>>>>kanst du beliebur diese schiessekampf, $500/month hoggfliesch credit mit schwulles schwartzes und alec bladwin brainwashing church crack problem with jfk nuremberging fascebuuk gas chamburs for four moar years

>>>>frappe colonic jungun und gpa too mit $500/month hoggfliesche coupon mit nuremburging schwarte schwulles crack problems cry bout alec baldwin larps drumpf with russel brand

>>>the govt will pay juuuu to let faggyniggtrannys chitpost in yur mind for four years

>>$500/month per hoggfliesche und gittin schwartze schwulles tranny chitpostin facistly in juwur malebox nuremburging baldwin cry lik a bitch prol

>mergency schwartze schwulles tranny chipostin nuremburging paperclip hoggfliesche coupon mit frappe colonics fuhr gpa und jungun ist $500/hogg/month

Der Hoggfliesche-Gutschein wird mit einer Gehirnwäsche für Neger-Schwuchtel-Transen geliefert, um die Darmspülung für Opa und die Jungen zu unterstützen

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7590e9 No.21512818


#26356 >>21512083

>>21512148, >>21512372 Gold Star mom sets record straight on Trump Arlington visit, 'altercation' and photo op

>>21512154 65 days to WINNING

>>21512167, >>21512170 ICYMI: How the migrant crisis drained $150 billion from taxpayers in a single year

>>21512237 President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C.Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

>>21512250 Dengism/ Deng Xao Ping

>>21512257 kissing the Soros ring

>>21512270 Wuhan lab vials, save for 2020 erection For the keks!

>>21512278 Pennsylvania Court Forces Counties to Validate Ballots Despite Missing or Incorrect Dates on Their Outer Return Envelopes

>>21512289 Two new murder cases filed against former Bangladesh PM

>>21512294, >>21512295 The People's Audit can now monitor the vote by mail, make sure mail in ballots are not being abused, everything reconciles with the final advertised vote counts.

>>21512298 Arab Americans abandoning Harris, Trump team pickin em up MI panic

>>21512301 Keshel: Have you ever seen a forecasting model that accounts for election fraud and largely discards polling, since none of that is right or consistent anymore?

>>21512306 The End of Free Speech and Beginning of Political Persecution in Brazil

>>21512314 Today 27 years, on 31st of August 1997 ago Princess Diana was killed

>>21512320 ICYMI: Ambrose King Wins His Case

>>21512327, >>21512388, >>21512389, >>21512412, >>21512608, >>21512649, >>21512702 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21512331, >>21512610 Pushing back migrants is ‘a grave sin’ – Pope

>>21512340 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Resume Secret Illegal Alien Flights into the US Paid for by US Taxpayers – 347,959 Flown Into Texas and Florida So Far

>>21512344 New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election

>>21512349 Ukraine: Rustem Umerov would try to persuade the US to lift its restrictions on long-range strikes against Russia

>>21512363 Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Arkansas Election Officials Can’t Reject Online Voter Registration Signed with Electronic Signatures

>>21512365, >>21512370 Arrest Warrant Sought Against Brad Raffensperger, (An edited version of this story is expected to appear next week in The Federalist)

>>21512394 ‘Uncommitted’ Nightmare Haunts Harris as CNN Interview Further Fractures Democrat Base

>>21512414, >>21512436 2022 Antony Blinken’s horrific stain on Albania and it’s all for George Soros

>>21512431, >>21512452 Pieces of meteorite may have fallen in Spruce Pine area, NASA seeks information

>>21512446 Alleged Child-Rapist Migrant Released by Biden-Harris Admin Arrested by Texas DPS

>>21512468, >>21512473 Mexico Hints U.S. Government Covering Up Kidnapping, Arrest of Drug Lord

>>21512485 “It started 8 years ago, maybe a little before that, who knows. It probably started 40 years ago in our soul, but it started 8 years ago, and nobody would’ve thought anything like this coulda happened.”

>>21512500 Austin said the responsibility for such a significant decision “should rest with me.”/plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

>>21512502 PF USAF KC-135 Stratotanker 59-1470. Squawking 7700 for about the last twenty minutes.

>>21512506 Florida man sentenced for trying to defraud NASA’s space launch system

>>21512525 Western foreign policy has been hypocritical in that it allowed for the rise of the Mujahideen in the Soviet War, but that Western media has since branded the Mujahideen "foreign fighters" or "terrorists".

>>21512546 Erik Prince - Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

>>21512577, >>21512579 The Presidential Transition Act

>>21512592 Trump OK with states decision on pots

>>21512628 NASA G-IV plane will carry next-generation science instrument

>>21512643 LOVING THE WEEKEND!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

>>21512661, >>21512691, >>21512709 Pavel Durov "pulled out his trump card, said he had opened an official channel of communication with the French General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI)

>>21512668 Naval militias in the United States

>>21512726 @1stMAW_Marines WE LIKE THINGS THAT GO BOOM! 💣

>>21512768 @C__Herridge Will @CNN follow ProPublica’s lead and release the full, unedited video interview and transcript with Harris and Walz?


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97d333 No.21512819


sure, here it is.


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725350 No.21512820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3f7b18 No.21512823

File: 384eae4c095a329⋯.jpg (330.17 KB,1390x1200,139:120,NewYear.jpg)


This is going to be awesome

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c2edf1 No.21512824

Trump will need to be seen as separated from the arrests.

What better way to do so if he's "safe in jail"?

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116495 No.21512825

File: ec6cfa166dec025⋯.png (502.26 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240830_185823.png)

File: 7c34d99f1109d57⋯.png (109.62 KB,766x1200,383:600,522_5_.png)

File: ea067f996a02d15⋯.jpeg (1.89 MB,1800x1200,3:2,GWQnkv8XIAA723p.jpeg)

File: d2fb6dd9053b02e⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB,1800x1200,3:2,GWQnlqsWgAAp0ah.jpeg)

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5657c1 No.21512826

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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5f2f68 No.21512827

File: 24b9a4f78132095⋯.jpg (9.85 KB,225x255,15:17,24b9a4f78132095348bc29c241….jpg)

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5657c1 No.21512828

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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5657c1 No.21512829

File: 479c19a45a91e4b⋯.png (979.17 KB,1012x615,1012:615,CL.PNG)

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5657c1 No.21512831

File: 0d9aae0e7b3887f⋯.jpg (397.69 KB,606x655,606:655,Comfy_with_Three_Frens_and….jpg)

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5657c1 No.21512832

File: 0210cf65037519c⋯.jpg (78.53 KB,850x588,425:294,da87d6fg789ad6f6f7b.jpg)

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5657c1 No.21512833

File: d904b446b17b52d⋯.jpg (589.69 KB,1323x888,441:296,DigDayNight9.jpg)

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5657c1 No.21512834

File: 7620e0b9340b15a⋯.jpg (139.52 KB,897x574,897:574,DayNightTeamAutist.jpg)

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7590e9 No.21512835





Migrate, clean n locked

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5657c1 No.21512836

File: 22c227e40888586⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,500x690,50:69,durp.jpg)

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8499cc No.21512837

File: 56631ea4ecead04⋯.gif (1.24 MB,324x274,162:137,newhere.gif)

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